Drugs - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Drugs, encompassing a wide spectrum from life-saving medications to illicit substances, present a complex societal challenge. Essays could explore the pharmacological, sociological, and economic aspects of drug use and misuse, delving into the mechanisms of action, the therapeutic benefits, and the potential for abuse. The discourse might extend to the examination of drug policies, discussing the merits and drawbacks of various regulatory frameworks, such as prohibition, decriminalization, and legalization. Discussions could also focus on the societal and health impacts of drug misuse, exploring the challenges in prevention, treatment, and harm reduction. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis could include a discussion on the global drug trade, the ethical considerations surrounding drug development and access, and the ongoing research aimed at better understanding the complex interplay of factors influencing drug use and its manifold implications on individuals and society. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Drugs you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Truth about Drugs – Illegal Drugs

A close amount of 280 million people consume illegal drugs. The most commonly used illegal drug is marijuana or weed. According to the United Nations 2008 World Drug Report close to 3.9% of the earth's population between the ages of 15 and 64 abuse marijuana. Many teenagers and adults abuse drugs everyday. According to many sources a lot of people who let drugs control their lives have turned their life around and made a successful life. While others are still […]

Most Drugs and Medicated Substances Can be Beneficial

People do misuse drugs and medications. Drug abuse occurs when an individual excessively exploits a drug or medication outside of its original function, which could result in harm to the user, their families, and even their community (Huffman & Dowdell, 2015). Abusing drugs can cause hazardous consequences that will affect a person from a biological, psychological, and social standpoint. Fortunately, drug abuse can be prevented and treated. The Foundation Recovery Network (2018) expresses that drug abuse and drug addiction are […]

Drug Addictions

Drug addictions are something that many people in America face. A lot of families today face a person who is a drug addict or an alcoholic and this is breaking up families. People can help people addicted to drugs by providing community support, education,and teaching drug addicts how to deal with stress after overcoming addiction. Community and support groups are a great ways and opportunities for recovering addicts to be able to meet and befriend people who are also going […]

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The Negative Impacts of the War on Drugs

 Attention-getter: According to the Center for American Progress, 63,600 people died of a drug overdose in 2016 (Pearl). There is a serious drug problem in America. Reason to listen: With an election coming up in a couple weeks, and more on the national level in the coming years, people can choose to vote for politicians devoted to undoing many years of wrong doing. Thesis Statement: The War on Drugs has been a failure. For decades it has unfairly imprisoned people […]

Performance-Enhancing Drugs: the War on Drugs

Many people look up to athletes, making them their role models in lots of ways. Athletes have the skills, speed, strength, and glory that people admire. What many supporters do not know is that there is a possibility that the traits which make their favorite athletes great, could be a result of the use of steroids. If a majority of athletes use already take steroids, should performance-enhancing drugs be accepted in sports? This essay explains why many athletes decide to […]

What are some Solutions to Drug Abuse?

Nowadays, many people have thought that drugs are viable solution for personal problems or any other situations that affect the life of a person, but eventually, if a person reads the words drugs, it becomes a real problem in the current society. Therefore, there are factors that expose the drugs as an issue in the society. How can we understand this point? First, the abuse of different substances and drugs are one of the most common situations that teenagers and […]

The History of Drugs and the War on Drugs

A drug is a substance which has physiological effects when administered to the body. Drugs come in various shapes and forms such as lozenges, tablets, aerosols, and syrups to name a few. There are five ways a drug can be administered into the body. The routes of administration are oral, sublingual, rectal, topical, and parenteral (intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous.) There are seven drug types and each come with different effects and risks. They are stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, dissociatives, opioids, inhalants, […]

The Global War on Drugs

The War on Drugs started in June 1971 when US president Richard Nixon announced drug abuse to be 'public's big enemy' and raised federal funding for drug-control agencies and drug treatment efforts.The War on Drugs is a term used to refer to a government-led initiative that aims to stop illegal drug use, distribution and trade according to the article written by A&E. (A&E) In this short essay I will be discussing many points that deal with the war on drugs […]

Teenage Drug Abuse

There is a major concern about the teenage drug use today. Within the ages 15 through 24, fifty percent of deaths (from homicides, accidents, suicides) involve drugs. The two common reasons why teens use drugs are anxiety and depression. Factors like peer pressure, desire to escape, curiosity, emotional struggles, and stress may also lead to the consumption of drugs or alcohol. Teens are more likely to abuse drugs than adults because the part of their brain used for judgment and […]

Rethinking the Drugs Policy

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (2017) reported that the United States requests $27.8 billion on prevention, treatment, domestic law enforcement, interdiction and international operation to addressing the drug problem. Furthermore about $9.2 billion Federal resources are directly related to support domestic law enforcement efforts. The legalization of drug as a policy option for curtailing drug abuse is increasingly worth serious consideration. In addition, drug prohibition’s limited capability could lead to severe adverse effect regardless of how harmful the […]

Legalization or War on Drugs

 Drug preclusion channels over $140 billion per year into the criminal black market. Its disallowance drove respectable organizations into organised crimes or bankrupt by and large, which prepared for mobsters to make millions through the underground market. Also, by Legalizing drugs cultivation tremendous assets spent by governments executing or detaining individuals is reduced. This could help disarm countries and stop the harm done to families whose members are murdered or detained for moving, developing and disseminating drugs and its items. […]

Poverty and Drug Abuse Addiction

One popular stereotype associated with drug use is that it is rampant among the poor. However, this is not entirely true since insufficient money linked with the poor cannot probably sustain drug use. The link between the two factors is multifaceted, and the connectedness of poverty is complex. Poverty entails unstable family and interpersonal associations, low-skilled jobs and low status, high arrest degrees, illegitimacy, school dropping out, deprived physical health, high mental conditions, and high mortality rates. Such factors resemble […]

The War on Drugs in the Sports Industry

On April 13th, 2018, the National Basketball Association suspended Washington Wizards’ player Jodie Meeks. Meeks tested positive for Ipamorelin and growth-hormone-releasing peptide-2. Both of these substances are banned by the NBA. In the past year, five NBA players have been suspended for violating the league’s anti-drug policy. The NBA has a very specific policy applying to drugs and any violation of this results in the immediate suspension of the respective player if some type of banned substance is found in […]

The War on Drugs and its Impact on the United States

Illegal drugs have been a very prevalent issue in the United States for decades, with almost no clear solution to stop the spreading and use of them. With the epidemic of opium currently ravaging the U.S, it all stemmed from a colossal failure in the 1980s: The War on Drugs. While the intent of the War on Drugs was to stop the spreading of illegal drugs, it managed to become more negative for America than it was originally intended. The […]

War on Drugs | History

Abstract The War on Drugs, or prohibition of illicit substance abuse, has been a long and grueling legislative approach that has changed the rhetoric and the foundation of our American ideals regarding substance abuse. As currently defined, illicit substance use encompasses the “cultivation, distribution, and possession of many intoxicating substances that are intended solely for recreational use” (Durrant & Thakker, 2003; Sacco, 2014). Through Karger and Stoesz (2018) four-pronged model, it is important to note the societal turmoil that was […]

War on Drugs Among Teens

In 2003, Danielson, Overholser, and Butt undertook a study on the larger discipline of teenage depression and the use of drugs. The study was aimed at evaluating whether or not levels of depression differ in the adolescents who had shown attempts to commit suicide and those who had not as influenced by their use of alcohol. From the clinical perspectives, the researchers appreciated that alcohol use among adolescents could significantly influence levels of depression. The higher the level of alcohol […]

Background on Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has been around for as long as the world has been created. Drug abuse dates back to the early 5000 B.C. when the Sumerians used opium, suggested by the fact that they have an ideogram for it which has been translated as HUL, meaning joy or rejoicing (Lindesmith, 2008). It then occurred often later on because indigenous South Americans chewed on coca leaves in the rainforest as a type of ritual, giving them stimulation and energy. Since then, […]

The Plant of Joy: War on Drugs

In 2016, doctors and health care providers in the United States wrote a total of more than 214 million prescriptions for opioid medications. This comes down to a rate of 66.5 prescriptions for every 100 people. The number of opioid prescriptions has quadrupled since 1999. As of today, more than 130 people die per day from opioid-related drug overdoses per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website. There are more deaths from opioids than the number of deaths […]

Drug Abuse: War on Drugs

Drug abuse has been happening over so many years and it’s bad for our community. A drug isn't a good thing to mess with it understandable if its used for reasonable reasons but more than needed is drug abuse. Some people disagree with this and opposed to other side drugs are good for our community. Many people coming back from the war will be addicted to drugs and alcohol due to the massage amount of drugs that is given to […]

War on Drugs Philippines – Operation Double Barrel

As of June 30, 2016, President Duterte of the Philippines has given orders allowing the state-sanctioned murder of over 20,000 individuals allegedly involved in the drug trade. The whole situation is shockingly gruesome. Police invade homes and arrest individuals, people ruthlessly shot and left in the slums. More often than not the killers remain anonymous as hardly any security exists at the place of killings. Extrajudicial killings have happened every day since his election, and they are justified in the […]

Pharmacology: the Successful Approach of Prodrugs in Drug Optimization

Prodrugs are inactive precursors of an active drug, designed to activate post-administration with the main purpose of improving the pharmacokinetic properties of the parent drug. Prodrugs have achieved success for a long time. For example, sulfasalazine, one of the earliest prodrugs, reaches the colon and is metabolized by bacteria into two active metabolites: sulfapyridine and salicylic acid (5-ASA). Sulfasalazine was approved for use in the USA in 1950 and is still considered the first-line treatment in autoimmune conditions such as […]

Drug Testing

For every student who complains that drug testing is an invasion of his or hers privacy we can show you a hundred parents who have lost their children to drugs. With drug testing students get a safe place where they can learn. Even the teachers are better off with this, because with less drugs schools are much safer. Should High School students or even college students be routinely tested for drug use? Before you answer think about this as a […]

Positive Effect of War on Drugs: Impact of Marijuana Legalization

Introduction to the War on Drugs The war on drugs is a very real battle in the United States. Drugs tear apart jobs, lives, and families, but how harmful is a joint or two of Marijuana? Is this a war that is truly worth fighting for? According to drugpolicy.org (2018), there were over 1,572,579 arrests for drug violations in 2016 alone. This is an incredible number, which implicates the amount of time, effort, workforce, and money the United States puts […]

War on Drugs: America’s Longstanding Relationship with Substance Abuse

In America, there are many factors that influence how we as a society interpret the world around us and what may unequivocally or indirectly impact our everyday behaviors and cognitive processes. We do not merely live day by day free from any conflict or mitigating circumstances; instead we are surrounded by a host of issues that shape the world in which we live in. There is often a blurred line between political and social issues in America, as issues seem […]

The Significance of Public Health: the War on Drugs

When the notion of the “War on Drugs” was first instituted to rid the United States of illegal drug use, many thought it would bring an end to drugs and reduce criminal activity, but that wasn’t the case as the fight to end drug use failed to meet its goal. It impacted many people in the process, specifically public health. According to the American Journal of Public Health, the common effects of drugs before the campaign began were about 30,000 […]

War on Drugs is a Struggle to Survive

I was taught that tobacco was bad. My father died from an overdose. I never met my dad but I never understood why someone would be a drug addict. I never knew how they could do it to themselves, their friends, their family. I would always think a addict was somebody who was selfish and weak. A person who just wanted to party and didn’t care about anyone or anything .I used to think that an addict deserved what had […]

Drug Abuse – Destructive Pattern

Drug abuse is the destructive pattern of using substances that leads to uncounted problems and diseases in the human body. It is a physical and psychological term which takes dependence on human activities. Drugs create bad effects on human life like anxiety, impaired social relations, depression, hopelessness, rejection etc. Impaired social relations and suicide are considered the worst consequences of addiction. The drugs have negative consequences on one's life. If the addicts were able to see the reality of their […]

The Presidential Legacy of the War on Drugs: a Historical Perspective

For several decades, the United States has incorporated the War on Drugs, a strategic initiative consisting of military intervention, foreign military aid, and prohibition, into its domestic and foreign policy in an attempt to curb the illicit drug trade. This essay traces the development of this intricate and frequently contentious policy from its official inception during the Nixon administration to the present day, analyzing the contributions of several U.S. presidents in shaping and furthering it. 1971 marked the inauguration of […]

Drug Abuse in the United States

Drug abuse in the United States has long been a topical issue and persists even today. Many different reasons make people get addicted as well as different levels to which people get dependent on drugs. Opioid use and abuse may start out of curiosity while others take them as prescribed medication for treatment but in the long run, they get addicted. In the United States, many people label Opioid addiction as a health problem rather than drug addiction. The reason […]

Effects of Drug Abuse on Families

Abstract In the USA, the family units have emerged to much complicated. Families continue to evolve ranging from the extended, nuclear and up to the single parenting family setups. Others are the stepfamilies, multigenerational and the foster types of families. Thus, abuse by a member of the family of substances may result in differences based on the formation of the family itself. This paper presents a discussion on the issues of treatment that may emerge within the various structures of […]

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Drugs Essay Examples

Brain and behavior: why drugs are bad.

Why drugs are bad essay" - in this paper I will share arguments why they are really harmful for our body and brain at all. The brain is a very complex organ in our body. We use it for everything thinking, eating, and everything else....

Analysis of the Relationship Between Drugs and Crime

This is relationship between drugs and crime essay in which I will evaluate the theories that have been developed to explain drug-crime connection. Throughout this essay, it will discuss and evaluate the theories that have been developed to explain the connection between drug use and...

The Alarming Rise of Teenage Drug Abuse

Teenage drug abuse has become a growing concern in today's society, with detrimental consequences for both individuals and communities. This essay aims to explore the causes of teenage drug abuse, its consequences on physical and mental health, academic performance, and social relationships, and propose potential...

Understanding Why Drugs Are Bad

Drug abuse is a pervasive issue that affects individuals, families, and communities worldwide. While some drugs serve essential medical purposes, their misuse and abuse can have devastating consequences. This essay explores the multifaceted reasons why drugs are considered bad for individuals and society, addressing the...

Exploring the Perils of Adolescent Substance Abuse

In this work “Teenage Drug Abuse Essays” we will talk about a relevant topic in our day - teenage drug abuse. Substance abuse is very common amongst teenagers nowadays and is an unfortunate issue that many families go through. “Substance abuse is a major issue...

Social and Economic Issue of Illegal Drugs and Its Impact

Illegal drugs are a significant problem that affects individuals, families, communities, and entire nations. The use and distribution of illegal drugs have negative consequences that are analysed in this essay as they pose a threat to public health, safety, and economic stability. Here are some...

Drugs Or Drug Policies: Where is the Root of Crime

The question concerning whether drugs cause crime or if drug policies cause crime is one which has been discussed at length, however no real conclusion has been reached. In “Relationship between drugs and crime” essay there is an attempt to find out the right answer...

Say No to Drugs: the Problem of Marijuana Abuse

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, marijuana is one of the most used drugs in the United States after alcohol. The drug is most common among the younger population and is very controversial when deciding if it’s good for you or not. Many...

The LSD Experience and Its Effects on the Brain

LSD or acid is viewed as one of the most prominent drugs amongst hippies, ravers, and artists. By older individuals, this drug is deemed dangerous and harmful, yet it is has been tested amongst patients and results give them a different outlook on life. As...

The Kye Elements of Australian and Portuguese Drug Policies

Drugs are produced and used in countries all over the world. In many of these countries, namely Australia and Portugal, they attract a significant amount of political and social interest. The vast difference between these countries though, are the drug laws that are enforced. The...

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