Essay Sample on Why I Want to Be A Nurse

Nursing is a rewarding and challenging career that has the power to make a real difference in people’s lives. Whether your motivation is to help others, attain financial freedom, or both, writing a “Why I Want To Be A Nurse” essay is an excellent opportunity to express your passion and commitment to the field.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might want to become a nurse and provide you with helpful tips and inspiration for writing a powerful and persuasive essay .

Why I Want to Be A Nurse (Free Essay Sample)

Nursing is a career that offers a unique combination of hands-on care and emotional support to those in need. There are many reasons why someone might choose to become a nurse, including:

The Empathy and Altruism of Nursing

I have a strong desire to help people and hope to become a nurse. I think nursing is the best way for me to make a difference in other people’s lives because it combines my natural empathy and desire to help people. Nursing gives me a chance to positively touch people’s lives, which has always attracted me to the thought of doing so.

I saw the beneficial effects that nurses may have on people’s life as a child. I have always been moved by the kindness and concern they have for their patients. The small gestures of kindness, like holding a patient’s hand or speaking encouraging words, have always touched me. I think nurses have a special power to change people’s lives and leave a lasting impression, and I want to contribute to that.

Additionally, I think that becoming a nurse is a great and selfless job. To provide for their patients and ensure they are secure and comfortable, nurses put their own needs on hold. I absolutely respect this kind of dedication to helping others, and I aim to exhibit it in my own nursing career.

The Economic Benefits of Nursing

The financial stability that comes with being a nurse is one of the reasons I wish to pursue this career. Nursing is a field that is in high demand, which translates to a wealth of job opportunities and competitive salaries.  This profession offers the chance for a stable income, which makes it a good choice for people who want to secure their financial future.

Nursing not only gives economic freedom but also a flexible work schedule that promotes a healthy work-life balance. Many nurses can choose to work part-time or in a variety of places, such as clinics, hospitals, and schools..

A Love for the Science and Art of Nursing

To succeed in the unique field of nursing, one must have both artistic talent and scientific knowledge. This mix is what initially drew me to the thought of becoming a nurse. The human body and its mechanisms have always captivated me, and I enjoy learning about the science that underpins healthcare. But nursing requires more than just a scientific knowledge of the body. It also requires an artistic understanding of the patient and their needs.. Nursing is a demanding and fulfilling job since it combines science and art, which is why I’m drawn to it.

I saw as a child the effect nurses had on patients and their families. Their compassion and understanding have motivated me to seek a profession in nursing because they frequently offer comfort and help in the hardest of situations. My enthusiasm for the science and art of nursing will undoubtedly help me to have a good influence on other people’s lives. I want to work as a nurse and improve the lives of the people I take care of, whether it be by giving medication, educating patients, or just being a reassuring presence.

Continuous Professional Development in Nursing

I think the nursing industry is dynamic and always changing, which gives people a lot of chances to learn and grow. I would have the chance to continuously advance my knowledge and abilities in this sector if I choose to become a nurse. In turn, this would enable me to better care for my patients and stay abreast of professional developments.

There are several different nursing specialties available as well. There are many options, including critical care, pediatrics, gerontology, and surgical nursing. Because of the variety of disciplines available, nurses have the chance to develop their interests and find their niche. 

I am certain that a career in nursing will provide me the chance to pursue my passion for healthcare while also allowing me to grow professionally.

Nursing is a fulfilling and noble career that offers a mix of hands-on care, emotional support, and professional growth. I am inspired by the positive impact nurses have on patients and their families and aim to offer my own empathy and compassion. The nursing industry is constantly changing, providing ample opportunities for growth and job prospects with financial stability. The ultimate reward in a nursing career is the satisfaction of making a difference in people’s lives.

Tips for Writing A Compelling Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Now that you understand the reasons why someone might want to become a nurse, it’s time to learn how to write a compelling essay. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get started:

Create an Outline

Before you start writing, it’s important to identify the main points you’ll discuss in your essay. This will help you stay organized and make your essay easier to read.

Start with an Attention-grabbing Introduction

Your introduction is your chance to make a good first impression and engage the reader. Start with a hook that captures the reader’s attention, such as a surprising statistic or personal story .

Be Specific and Personal

Rather than making general statements about why you want to become a nurse, be specific and personal. Share your own experiences, motivations, and passions, and explain why nursing is the right career choice for you.

Highlight your Skills and Qualifications

Nursing is a demanding and complex profession that requires a wide range of skills and qualifications. Be sure to highlight your relevant skills, such as compassion, communication, and problem-solving, and explain how they make you a good fit for the nursing field.

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How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay as a BSN Nursing Student

Picture of Jermaine Huey

  • November 29, 2023

Welcome to, your go-to resource for expert information and guidance on writing nursing essays. In this article, we will provide you, as a BSN nursing student , with a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay. Reflective essays are a personal reflection on your experiences in the nursing profession, and we are here to help you navigate this writing challenge.

As a busy nursing student, we understand that you may have limited time to spare. That’s where comes in, empowering you to excel in your BSN program by providing expert guidance on different writing and comprehension challenges you may face. Let’s dive into the world of nursing reflective essays and discover how you can effectively express your thoughts and insights.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflective essays allow nursing students to reflect on their experiences and personal growth in the profession.
  • A nursing reflective essay is different from a personal statement, focusing on self-reflection rather than academic achievements.
  • Key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident, personal reflections, vivid details, and actions taken.
  • The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear thesis statement.
  • The body paragraphs should delve into the writer’s reflections and emotions with specific examples and anecdotes.

What Is a Reflective Essay in Nursing?

A reflective essay in nursing is a powerful tool that allows nursing students to analyze their experiences, emotions, and actions related to their nursing practice. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, critical thinking, and personal growth. Reflective writing can help nurses develop a deeper understanding of their own practice, improve patient care, and enhance their professional development.

Reflective essays in nursing differ from personal statements in that they focus on specific experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development. These essays require the writer to critically reflect on their actions, emotions, and thoughts, and identify ways to improve their practice. By examining their experiences and applying reflective frameworks, nursing students can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing , it is important to follow a structured approach. This includes describing the incident or experience, analyzing personal thoughts and feelings, exploring the actions taken, and reflecting on the outcomes and implications. By structuring the essay effectively, nursing students can communicate their reflections in a clear and organized manner.

Key Takeaways:
– Reflective essays in nursing allow nursing students to analyze their experiences and emotions in relation to their practice.
– These essays focus on specific incidents or experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development.
– When writing a , it is important to follow a structured approach to effectively communicate reflections.

Key Elements to Include in a Nursing Reflective Essay

When writing a nursing reflective essay, it is important to include key elements that will make your essay comprehensive and impactful. These elements will help you convey your thoughts and experiences clearly, allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding of your reflections on nursing practice.

Inciting Incident or Event

The first key element to include in your nursing reflective essay is the inciting incident or event. This is the moment or experience that triggered your reflection and made a significant impact on your practice. It could be a challenging patient encounter, an ethical dilemma, or a personal realization. By describing this event in detail, you set the stage for your reflective journey.

Personal Reflections

Your nursing reflective essay should also include personal reflections on the experience. This is where you delve into your thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to the inciting incident. Reflect on how the event made you feel, what you learned from it, and how it has influenced your growth as a nursing professional. Be honest and vulnerable in your reflections, as this will allow the reader to connect with your experience on a deeper level.

Vivid Setting and Descriptive Details

To create a vivid and engaging narrative, include specific details that paint a picture of the setting and the people involved. Describe the physical environment, the interactions between healthcare professionals and patients, and any other relevant details that contribute to the overall context of the experience. This will help the reader visualize the situation and understand the complexities of the event.

Actions Taken

Finally, it is important to describe the actions you took in response to the inciting incident. Discuss how you applied your nursing knowledge and skills to address the challenges or opportunities presented by the event. Reflect on the effectiveness of your actions and whether there were any areas for improvement. This demonstrates your ability to critically analyze your own practice and make informed decisions.

By including these key elements in your nursing reflective essay, you can create a comprehensive and impactful piece of writing that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Write the Introduction of a Nursing Reflective Essay

The introduction of a nursing reflective essay plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for the entire essay. It should provide a concise overview of the main points that will be discussed and create a sense of curiosity and engagement. Here are some tips to help you write an effective introduction for your nursing reflective essay:

  • Start with an intriguing opening line: Begin your introduction with a captivating statement or anecdote that relates to the topic of your essay. This will grab the reader’s attention and make them eager to continue reading.
  • Provide context and background information: Give a brief overview of the event or experience that you will be reflecting on in your essay. This will help the reader understand the context and significance of your reflections.
  • Present a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main purpose of your essay and the specific points or themes that you will be exploring. This will give the reader a preview of what to expect in the body of the essay.

By following these tips, you can craft an introduction that captivates the reader and sets the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay.

“As I walked into the busy hospital ward on my first day of clinical rotation, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Little did I know that this experience would become a pivotal moment in my nursing journey, shaping my understanding of empathy, communication, and patient-centered care. In this reflective essay, I will delve into the details of this encounter and explore the personal and professional growth that resulted from it.”

With an attention-grabbing opening, providing context, and presenting a clear thesis statement, your introduction will set the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay that captures the reader’s attention and lays the foundation for your reflections.

Nursing Reflection Essay Tips and Examples

Writing a nursing reflective essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. Here are some tips to help you craft an impactful and meaningful reflection essay as a BSN nursing student . Additionally, we will provide examples to illustrate how these tips can be applied.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay:

  • Start by choosing a specific experience or event that had a significant impact on your nursing practice. This could be a challenging patient encounter, a critical incident, or a personal realization that transformed your perspective.
  • Reflect on the experience and consider how it affected your emotions, thoughts, and actions. What did you learn from the experience? How has it shaped your growth as a nursing professional?
  • Focus on the key aspects of the experience that were particularly impactful or meaningful to you. Avoid including unnecessary details or deviating from the main message of your reflection.
  • Use specific examples, anecdotes, or patient scenarios to support your reflections. This will make your essay more engaging and relatable to the reader.
  • Consider the ethical implications of the experience and reflect on how it has influenced your approach to patient care and decision-making.
  • End your essay with a reflection on the implications of your learning for future nursing practice. How will you apply the lessons learned to provide better care and improve patient outcomes?

Now, let’s take a look at two examples of nursing reflective essays to further illustrate these tips:

“During my clinical rotation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), I encountered a complex patient case that challenged my critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities. The patient was a middle-aged woman who had undergone a complicated surgery and experienced numerous post-operative complications. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration within the healthcare team and the significance of advocating for the patient’s best interests…”
“One of the most significant experiences during my nursing education was my time spent in the pediatric oncology unit. Witnessing the resilience and bravery of children facing life-threatening illnesses had a profound impact on my perspective as a nurse. It taught me the importance of providing holistic care, not only addressing physical needs but also supporting emotional well-being and promoting a positive environment for healing…”

These examples demonstrate how personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights can be incorporated to create a compelling nursing reflective essay. Remember to structure your essay in a clear and organized manner, ensuring that your reflections flow logically and coherently.

Key Elements Example 1 Example 2
Inciting Incident Complex patient case in the ICU Experience in pediatric oncology unit
Reflections Importance of collaboration and advocacy Focusing on holistic care and emotional well-being
Specific Details Complications post-surgery Resilience of children facing life-threatening illnesses
Professional Insights Importance of critical thinking and decision-making Promoting positive healing environment

By following these tips and utilizing examples, you can create a compelling nursing reflective essay that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Conclude a Nursing Reflective Essay

The conclusion of a nursing reflective essay serves as the final reflection on the writer’s growth and learning from the experience. It is an essential part of the essay that summarizes the main points discussed and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. The reflective essay conclusion should bring closure to the essay by restating the thesis statement and highlighting the key takeaways from the essay.

To write a strong and impactful conclusion, start by restating the thesis statement in a clear and concise manner. This reminds the reader of the main focus of the essay and reinforces its significance. Next, summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs, highlighting the most important insights and reflections. This helps to reinforce the main ideas and ensures that they are not overlooked in the final reflection.

In addition to summarizing the main points, a thought-provoking statement or future outlook can be included to provide a sense of closure and leave the reader with something to ponder. This can be a reflection on how the experience has influenced the writer’s future practice or a call to action for continued personal and professional growth. By ending the essay on a strong and meaningful note, the conclusion enhances the overall impact of the nursing reflective essay.

A well-crafted conclusion is essential for a nursing reflective essay as it reinforces the main ideas, leaves a lasting impression on the reader, and provides a sense of closure. By following these tips, nursing students can create a powerful and impactful conclusion that enhances the overall effectiveness of their reflective essays.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful tips and strategies to guide nursing students in their essay writing process:

  • Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, reflect on your experiences, and write and revise your essay. Starting early will help you avoid last-minute stress and allow for a more thoughtful and polished essay.
  • Conduct thorough self-reflection: Before you begin writing, take the time to reflect on your experiences and emotions related to your nursing practice. Consider how these experiences have shaped your growth and development as a nurse, and what lessons you have learned along the way.
  • Organize your thoughts and ideas: Create an outline or a rough structure for your essay to ensure a logical flow of ideas. Group similar thoughts and reflections together to create cohesive paragraphs, and use headings or subheadings to further organize your essay.
  • Seek feedback: Share your essay with trusted peers or instructors and ask for their feedback. They can offer valuable insights, provide constructive criticism, and help you refine your essay to make it stronger and more impactful.

Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the technical aspects of your essay:

  • Grammar and spelling: Proofread your essay carefully to ensure it is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Use grammar and spell-check tools, and consider asking someone else to review your essay for a fresh perspective.
  • Coherent writing style: Use clear and concise language to convey your thoughts and reflections. Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms, and focus on communicating your ideas effectively.
  • Formatting guidelines: Follow any formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution. Pay attention to font style, size, spacing, and citation style if required.

By following these tips and strategies, nursing students can approach their reflective essay writing with confidence and produce compelling and insightful essays that showcase their growth and development in the nursing profession.

Reflective Tools and Models for Nursing Reflective Essays

Reflective tools and models can provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. These tools help organize thoughts and experiences, allowing for a more comprehensive and meaningful reflection. By utilizing reflection models , nursing students can enhance their reflective writing skills and deepen their understanding of their own growth and development as healthcare professionals.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model

“Reflective practice is both an art and a science that requires ongoing commitment and practice.” – Gibbs

Gibbs’ Reflective Model is a widely used reflection framework in nursing. It consists of six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. This model encourages a structured approach to reflection, allowing the writer to systematically explore their thoughts and emotions, analyze the situation, and identify areas for improvement or further development.

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model

“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” – Dewey

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model focuses on the importance of reflection as a tool for learning and growth. It emphasizes the need to actively engage with experiences, thoughts, and emotions, and to critically evaluate them in order to gain deeper insights and understanding. This model encourages nursing students to think analytically and develop a continuous learning mindset.

Kolb Reflective Model

“Knowledge results from the combination of grasping experience and transforming it.” – Kolb

The Kolb Reflective Model is based on the concept of experiential learning. It consists of four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This model encourages nursing students to engage in a cyclical process of learning, where they actively participate in experiences, reflect on them, conceptualize their insights, and apply their learning in real-life situations.

Schön Reflective Model

“Reflection-in-action is the heart of the learning process.” – Schön

Schön Reflective Model emphasizes the importance of reflection in the midst of action. It focuses on the ability to think and adapt in real-time, making decisions based on professional knowledge and experiences. This model encourages nursing students to develop a reflective mindset that allows them to learn and grow while actively engaging in their practice.

Name Key Concepts Stages
Gibbs’ Reflective Model Structured reflection, comprehensive analysis Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion, Action Plan
Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model Active engagement, critical evaluation Experience, Reflection, Interpretation, Evaluation
Kolb Reflective Model Experiential learning, application of knowledge Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, Active Experimentation
Schön Reflective Model Reflection-in-action, adaptability Reflection-in-Action, Reflection-on-Action

Benefits of Reflective Writing in Nursing

Reflective writing plays a crucial role in nursing practice, offering numerous benefits for nursing students and professionals alike. By engaging in reflective writing, nurses can enhance their self-awareness, develop their critical thinking skills, and gain a deeper understanding of patient experiences. This section will explore the advantages of reflective writing in nursing and its significance in healthcare.

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Reflective writing fosters self-reflection, allowing nurses to examine their thoughts, emotions, and actions in various clinical situations. Through this process, they gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This heightened self-awareness enables nurses to provide more effective and compassionate patient care, fostering a patient-centered approach.

Improved Critical Thinking

Reflective writing encourages nurses to think critically about their experiences and the impact of their actions. It requires them to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of their decision-making and problem-solving skills. By reflecting on past experiences, nurses can identify areas where they can enhance their clinical practice and make informed decisions based on evidence and best practices.

Increased Empathy and Understanding

Through reflective writing, nurses develop a deeper empathy and understanding of patient experiences. By reflecting on their interactions with patients, nurses can recognize the emotions, fears, and challenges faced by individuals in their care. This increased empathy enables nurses to provide more holistic and patient-centered care, improving the overall healthcare experience for patients.

Continuous Professional Development

Reflective writing is an essential tool for nurses’ continuous professional development. It allows them to document their growth, learning, and achievements throughout their nursing career. By regularly engaging in reflective writing, nurses can identify areas for further development, set goals for improvement, and ensure they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

Overall, reflective writing in nursing is a powerful tool that empowers nurses to enhance their self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and empathy. By engaging in this practice, nurses can continuously improve their clinical practice, provide high-quality patient care, and contribute to the ongoing development of the nursing profession.

Nursing Reflective Essay Examples

Looking for inspiration for your nursing reflective essay? Here are some examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth in the nursing profession.

Topic Key Reflections
Providing End-of-Life Care The writer reflects on their emotions, challenges, and personal growth while caring for terminally ill patients. They explore the importance of empathy, communication, and self-care in delivering compassionate end-of-life care.
Topic Key Reflections
Leadership in Nursing The writer reflects on their experiences as a nurse leader, discussing effective leadership strategies, challenges faced, and the impact of their leadership style on the nursing team and patient outcomes.
Topic Key Reflections
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas The writer reflects on a challenging ethical dilemma encountered in their nursing practice. They explore the ethical principles involved, their decision-making process, and the lessons learned from navigating complex ethical situations.

These examples demonstrate how nursing reflective essays can provide valuable insights into personal experiences, reflections, and professional growth. They serve as excellent references to help nursing students develop their own reflective writing skills and gain a deeper understanding of the nursing profession.

Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application

A nursing reflective essay can be a powerful tool for nursing school applications. It allows applicants to showcase their self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and passion for the nursing profession. When writing a nursing reflective essay for a nursing school application, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.

Reflect on your passion for nursing

Start by reflecting on what drew you to the nursing profession and why you are passionate about it. Consider your personal experiences, such as volunteering or shadowing healthcare professionals, and how they have shaped your desire to become a nurse. Highlight your commitment to providing compassionate and quality patient care.

Share personal experiences in healthcare settings

Provide specific examples of your experiences in healthcare settings, such as clinical rotations or internships. Reflect on the challenges you faced, the lessons you learned, and how those experiences have impacted your growth and development as a future nurse. Discuss any significant interactions with patients, healthcare teams, or mentors that have shaped your understanding of the nursing profession.

Align with the nursing school’s values and mission

Research the nursing school’s values, mission, and educational philosophy. Ensure that your reflective essay aligns with these principles and demonstrates your commitment to the school’s mission. Use the nursing school’s prompts or essay questions as a guide to structure your essay and address the specific criteria they are looking for in applicants.

By following these tips, you can write a compelling nursing reflective essay that effectively conveys your passion for nursing, showcases your experiences, and aligns with the nursing school’s values. Remember to proofread your essay carefully for grammar and spelling errors and seek feedback from mentors or trusted individuals in the nursing profession to ensure your essay is clear, concise, and impactful.

Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application Tips
Reflect on your passion for nursing
Share personal experiences in healthcare settings
Align with the nursing school’s values and mission

(Table) Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a transformative experience for BSN nursing students. It allows them to gain valuable insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have provided expert information and guidance on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay.

By understanding the purpose of a reflective essay and the key elements to include, nursing students can effectively showcase their personal experiences and reflections. Incorporating reflection models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model or Kolb Reflective Model can also provide structure and depth to their essays.

At, we are dedicated to empowering busy nurses and providing them with the tools they need to excel in their BSN programs. Whether it’s writing a reflective essay or any other writing challenge, we are here to support and guide nursing students towards success.

What is a nursing reflective essay?

A nursing reflective essay is a personal essay where the writer reflects on their own experiences and how those experiences have shaped their growth and development in the nursing profession.

How is a reflective essay in nursing different from a personal statement?

While a reflective essay in nursing focuses on the writer’s personal experiences and reflections, a personal statement is more of a formal document that highlights the writer’s qualifications, achievements, and future goals in the nursing profession.

What are the key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay?

The key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident or event, personal reflections on the experience, specific details to create a vivid setting, and a description of the actions taken by the writer. It is important to avoid including academic details and excessive focus on emotions.

How should I write the introduction of a nursing reflective essay?

To write an engaging and informative introduction for a nursing reflective essay, you can grab the reader’s attention with an intriguing opening line, provide context and background information, and present a clear thesis statement. Focus on the specific event or experience that will be the main focus of the essay.

How should I structure the body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay?

The body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay should have a clear structure. Use the first paragraph to present the thesis statement and provide background information on the event. Use subsequent paragraphs to explore your reflections, emotions, and actions taken. Use specific examples and anecdotes to make the essay more engaging.

How should I conclude a nursing reflective essay?

To write a strong conclusion for a nursing reflective essay, you can summarize the main points discussed in the essay, provide a final reflection on your growth and learning from the experience, restate the thesis statement, and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or future outlook.

What are some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay?

Some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay include starting early, conducting thorough self-reflection, organizing your thoughts and ideas, and seeking feedback from peers or instructors. Pay attention to proper grammar and spelling, coherent writing style, and adhere to any formatting guidelines provided.

How can reflective tools and models help with nursing reflective essays?

Reflective tools and models provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. Models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model, Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model, Kolb Reflective Model, and Schön Reflective Model can be used as frameworks for organizing thoughts and experiences in a nursing reflective essay.

What are the benefits of reflective writing in nursing?

Reflective writing in nursing offers benefits such as enhanced self-awareness, improved critical thinking skills, increased empathy and understanding of patient experiences, and continuous professional development. It promotes lifelong learning and helps improve patient care.

Where can I find nursing reflective essay examples?

You can find nursing reflective essay examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth. These examples incorporate personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights into nursing practice. They demonstrate the diversity of topics and experiences that can be explored in nursing reflective essays.

How can I write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications?

To write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications, reflect on your passion for nursing, personal experiences in healthcare settings, and future goals in the nursing profession. Address specific prompts and align the content with the nursing school’s values and mission.

How can writing a nursing reflective essay benefit BSN nursing students?

Writing a nursing reflective essay allows BSN nursing students to gain insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. It helps improve critical thinking skills, self-awareness, and understanding of patient experiences. It also promotes continuous professional development.

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Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Applying for nursing school is an exciting step towards a rewarding career helping others. The nursing school essay, also known as a personal statement, is a critical part of the application. This is your chance to showcase your passion for the nursing profession and explain why you want to become a nurse.

This guide will show you exactly what admission committees are looking for in a strong nursing school application essay. Let’s walk through how to plan, write, and polish your “why I want to be a nurse” personal statement so it stands out from the competition.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

Writing a compelling nursing school essay requires advanced planning and preparation. Follow these tips to create an effective personal statement:

Plan Your Nurse Essay

The first step is to carefully conceptualize your nursing school admissions essay. Jot down some notes answering these key questions:

  • Why do you want to go into nursing?
  • What personal experiences or traits draw you to the field of nursing?
  • How have you demonstrated commitment to caring for others?
  • What are your academic and professional qualifications for nursing?

From here, you can start mapping out a logical flow of key points to cover in your nursing school application essay.

Show an Emotional Connection to the Profession

Admission committees want to see that you have genuine passion and empathy for the nursing career choice. Dedicate part of your personal statement to describing your intrinsic motivations and positive impacts for desiring to become a nurse.

Avoid cliché reasons like “I want to help people.” Instead, get specific by sharing a personal anecdote that emotionally moved you towards nursing.

Here’s an example of how you could open your nursing school entrance essay by highlighting a meaningful patient-care interaction:

“Holding Mrs. Wilson’s trembling hand, I watched her fearful eyes relax as I reassured her that the medical team would take excellent care of her. At that moment, providing empathetic comfort to calm her nerves despite the clinical chaos around us, I knew deep down that nursing was my calling.”

This introduction immediately establishes an emotional pull towards the human side of healthcare. From here, explain how this or similar experiences instilled a drive in you to become a nurse.

Show That You Care

Much of nursing is providing compassionate, person-centered care. Therefore, your “why I want to be a nurse” essay should emphasize your ability to be caring, empathetic, patient, and comforting to others.

Share examples that showcase your natural inclination for caregiving:

“Volunteering at the Red Cross shelter after the wildfires by comforting displaced families demonstrated my patience and attentiveness to those suffering. Even as some evacuees grew frustrated by the chaos, I calmly reassured them that we would do everything possible to assist with their recoveries and ensure they felt cared for.”

This example highlights key soft skills needed in nursing as a career, like compassion, active listening, the desire to help, and providing a calming presence under pressure.

Share Your Aspirations

A strong application essay will also articulate your goals and vision for contributing to the nursing field. What are you hoping to achieve through a career in nursing?

Here is an example of discussing aspirations in a nursing school personal statement:

“My long-term aspiration is to become a nurse leader by earning an advanced degree and management experience. I aim to leverage my organizational, communication and critical thinking skills to mentor junior staff, improve operational workflows, and advocate for policies that enhance quality of care. In nursing, I’ve found my true calling – to provide critical care, and help others by being a source of compassion and driving excellence in healthcare delivery.”

This type of self-motivated, forward-looking vision demonstrates maturity, strong goals, and natural leadership qualities.

Describe Your Nursing Skills and Qualifications

Finally, your nursing school entrance essay should summarize the skills; profession offers, and experience that makes you an excellent candidate for the nursing program. Highlight relevant strengths like:

  • Academic achievements (science/healthcare courses, GPA, etc.)
  • Extracurricular activities (volunteering, internships, etc.)
  • Relevant work experience (patient care roles like CNA, medical assistant, etc.)
  • Other transferable skills (communication, leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, etc.)

For example:

“My passion for science, healthcare experience as a CNA, and volunteering at a community health fair have prepared me to thrive in the intellectually stimulating and collaborative nursing curriculum. I bring dedication, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic as demonstrated by my 3.8 GPA studying Biology at the University of Michigan.”

With application essays, it’s all about showcasing why you would make an outstanding addition to the nursing program, making a difference through your qualifications and intangible traits.

How Do You Write an Introduction to a Nurse Essay?

Now that you’ve brainstormed content ideas, it’s time to turn them into a polished personal statement. Here are some tips for crafting an attention-grabbing introduction to your nursing school essay:

Hook the Reader with a Personal Story

One of the most engaging ways to start writing your essay is by recounting a brief personal story that illuminates your drive to become a nurse. This can immediately immerse the reader in your intrinsic motivations.

For example , you could open with an anecdote describing a meaningful instance of care and comfort you provided to someone in need:

“Tears streamed down Mrs. Hernandez’s face as she told me about losing her husband to cancer last year. As a hospice volunteer, I held her hand, listening intently to her painful story of grief and loss…”

This type of vivid introduction pulls the reader into the narrative straight away. From here, you can continue sharing details about the scenario and its influence on your desire to pursue nursing.

Illustrate the Human Impact of Nursing

Another compelling way to begin your nursing personal statement is by painting a picture of nursing’s profound impact on patients and their families. This highlights your understanding of the profession’s vital role.

For instance:

“Looking a trembling new mother in the eyes as she first held her newborn, relieved knowing both were safe and healthy after a complicated delivery – that is the human difference nurses make each and every day.”

This type of introduction emphasizes nursing’s profound emotional impact on patients during vulnerable yet joyful moments. It activates the reader’s empathy by bringing them into the vivid scene while showing your own insight into the medical field.

Articulate Passion for Helping Others

Finally, you can start your nursing application essay by asserting your resounding passion for caring for others. This clear expression allows you to succinctly introduce central values like empathy and compassion.

“Ever since I was a young volunteer candy striper in my local hospital, I’ve held an unwavering passion for helping those suffering through the profound act of nursing. I was born to care for others.”

This authoritative opening clearly states your emotional connection to nursing in a compelling yet concise way. You can then build on this assertion of passion through personal examples and further explanation.

No matter how you start your nursing school essay, the introduction should vividly showcase your motivation and why you chose nursing. Set the tone early with your authorship and emotion.

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay Examples 

Now let’s analyze some complete sample nursing personal statements for inspiration on crafting your own:

Why I Want to Be a Nurse at a Hospital: Essay

Essay on why i want to be a nurse assistant, 1000-word essay on why i want to be a nurse, essay on why i want to be a nurse, why i want to be a nurse: argumentative essay, mental health nursing personal statement, why i want to be a pediatrics nurse, why i want to be a nurse practitioner essay, writing a why i want to become a nurse essay.

To craft a standout nursing school application essay, prospective students should engage the reader with an emotional opening that illuminates their calling to the profession, whether through a compelling personal anecdote or vivid imagery expressing the profound impact of nursing. 

The conclusion should be resolved by painting an inspiring vision of how the writer’s skills, values, and determination will be channeled into excellence as a nursing student and future registered nurse, making an empathetic difference in patients’ lives.

With focused, mature writing that radiates passion and preparedness, a “why I want to become a registered nurse” personal statement can stand out amidst the competition as a window into a promising applicant’s commitment to this vital healthcare profession.

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Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay: Unveiling the 4 Biggest Success Tips for Nurses

Reflective practice is a cornerstone of the nursing profession, empowering nurses to enhance their skills, knowledge, and personal development. Nursing reflective essays serve as a powerful tool for nurses to explore their experiences, emotions, and thoughts surrounding specific incidents or situations encountered in their practice. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of reflective essays in nursing, understand the reflective process, highlight the benefits of self-reflection for professional growth, and provide valuable tips for writing an impactful nursing reflective essay.

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1. Understanding Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is a deliberate process that involves critically examining one’s experiences, actions, and responses in various clinical scenarios. It is a cyclical journey that incorporates observation, analysis, and evaluation to gain insights into personal strengths and areas for improvement. Reflective essays provide nurses with a structured platform to document and assess these experiences, enabling them to identify patterns, evaluate their performance, and enhance their practice.

By engaging in reflective practice, nurses are encouraged to think deeply about their actions, decisions, and the impact they have on patient care. It allows them to question their assumptions, biases, and preconceptions, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities of healthcare delivery. Reflective practice promotes an ongoing process of learning and growth, ensuring that nurses continually strive for excellence in their profession.

2. The Reflective Process

A. description:.

In this initial stage of the reflective process, nurses provide a detailed account of the event or incident they wish to reflect upon. They describe the context, setting, and individuals involved, ensuring a clear understanding of the situation. This description sets the foundation for a thorough reflection.

b. Feelings and Thoughts:

Nurses delve into their emotional and cognitive responses to the event, expressing their initial feelings, thoughts, and reactions. They consider how their emotions may have influenced their actions and decision-making during the incident. This introspection allows nurses to recognize their own biases and explore alternative perspectives.

c. Evaluation:

This stage involves an objective evaluation of the event, considering the outcome, patient outcomes, and the nurse’s own performance. Nurses analyze their actions, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. They reflect on their communication skills, technical proficiency, and adherence to professional standards. This evaluation helps nurses acknowledge their achievements and recognize areas where further development is required.

d. Analysis:

Nurses engage in critical analysis of the event, seeking underlying factors, patterns, and relevant literature or guidelines. They explore the impact of personal beliefs, values, and ethical considerations on their decision-making. They may reference research, best practices, or theoretical frameworks to gain a broader understanding of the situation and identify potential areas for improvement.

e. Conclusion:

In this final stage, nurses summarize their learnings from the reflective process. They outline the key insights gained, identify changes in their understanding or practice, and explore strategies for future improvement. This conclusion serves as a roadmap for personal and professional growth, providing a clear direction for further development and enhancement of nursing practice.

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3. Benefits of Nursing Reflective Essays

A. enhancing critical thinking:.

Reflective essays foster critical thinking skills by encouraging nurses to question their actions, assumptions, and the evidence behind their decisions. This process promotes a deeper understanding of the complexities of patient care and encourages evidence-based practice. Nurses develop the ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives and make informed decisions that prioritize patient safety and well-being.

b. Personal Development:

Nursing reflective essays promote self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. Nurses gain a deeper understanding of their own values, beliefs, and biases, which allows them to provide more compassionate and patient-centered care. By reflecting on their experiences, nurses can identify their strengths and weaknesses, reflect on their interpersonal skills, and enhance their ability to empathize and connect with patients and their families.

c. Professional Growth:

Nursing reflective essays provide nurses with a platform to reflect on their professional development, identifying areas for improvement and formulating strategies for advancement. Through self-reflection, nurses can assess their competence in various aspects of nursing practice, such as clinical skills, leadership abilities, and communication. They can set goals for ongoing learning and development, ensuring they keep pace with evolving healthcare practices, technologies, and research.

d. Improved Patient Care:

By engaging in reflective practice, nurses can improve the quality of care provided to their patients. Nursjng reflective essays enable them to identify and rectify errors, enhance communication and teamwork, and ensure patient safety and satisfaction. Nurses gain valuable insights into their own performance, allowing them to make necessary adjustments to their practice to deliver optimal patient outcomes. Reflective practice encourages a proactive approach to addressing challenges and continuously improving the care provided.

4. Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay

A. select an appropriate incident:.

Choose an incident or situation that had a significant impact on your practice or personal growth. It should be relevant, recent, and conducive to deep reflection. Consider incidents that challenged your assumptions, presented ethical dilemmas, or highlighted areas for improvement.

b. Use a Structured Approach:

Follow a reflective framework, such as the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle or the Johns Model of Reflection , to guide your nursing reflective essay. This structure will help ensure a comprehensive and organized reflection. Start by describing the incident, explore your feelings and thoughts, evaluate your actions, analyze the situation, and conclude with key learnings and action points.

c. Be Honest and Self-Critical:

Reflect on your actions and decisions with honesty and self-criticism. It is essential to acknowledge any mistakes or areas where you could have performed better. Nursing reflective essays are not meant to place blame but rather to promote growth and improvement. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and explore strategies to build on them.

d. Connect Theory and Practice:

When researching your nursing reflective essay, explore relevant theories, guidelines, or evidence-based practices that relate to the incident. Consider how these resources could have influenced your actions or outcomes. Integrating theoretical knowledge with practical experience enhances your understanding and enables you to make informed decisions in future situations.

e. Focus on Learning and Growth:

Emphasize the lessons learned from the nursing reflective essay writing process. Identify specific actions or changes you will implement in your future practice to enhance your skills and improve patient care. Nursing reflective essays should demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning and improvement. Share your plans for continuing professional development, such as attending relevant workshops, seeking mentorship, or engaging in further education.

Nursing reflective essays offer a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and professional growth. By engaging in the reflective process, nurses can gain insights into their actions, emotions, and thoughts, leading to improved critical thinking, personal development, and ultimately, enhanced patient care.

Embracing reflective practice allows nurses to continually evolve and adapt to the ever-changing healthcare landscape, ensuring the provision of high-quality, patient-centered nursing care. Through reflective essays, nurses can unlock their potential, foster empathy and compassion, and become lifelong learners committed to continuous improvement.

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At Nursing Research Help , we understand the challenges and demands that nursing students face in their academic journey. That’s why we are here to provide comprehensive assignment help services tailored specifically for nursing students. Our team of experienced and qualified professionals is equipped with in-depth knowledge of nursing principles, practices, and theories, ensuring that we deliver top-notch assistance for your assignments. Whether you need help with a nursing reflective essay, case studies, psychology assignments , research papers, or any other academic tasks, our experts are ready to provide you with the support you need.

We offer timely delivery, original and well-researched content, and a commitment to meeting your specific requirements. With our assignment help services, you can focus on honing your practical skills and gaining hands-on experience, knowing that your academic assignments are in capable hands. Trust us to help you achieve academic success and excel in your nursing studies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in your nursing assignments.

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nursing benefits essay

What is Beneficence in Nursing?

What is beneficence in nursing, what are examples of beneficence for nurses, why is beneficence important in nursing, beneficence vs nonmaleficence in nursing, how do nurses use beneficence.

What is Beneficence in Nursing?

Beneficence is one of the seven ethical principles that form the basis of the American Nurses Association (ANA) nursing code of ethics (the Code). 

Beneficence, or doing what’s best for the patient, may potentially conflict with the principle of  autonomy in nursing , which upholds the patient's right to make decisions about their own care. 

When these principles conflict with each other, nurses must use clinical judgment to determine what is in the best interests of the patient. In each case, the nurse must act in a manner that promotes respect for human dignity and upholds the patient's rights.

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Beneficence is one of the  four main ethical principles of nursing , along with autonomy, justice, and non-maleficence.

The principle of beneficence means that nurses should act in the best interests of their patients. This includes providing care that is likely to improve the patient's health, avoiding actions that could harm the patient, and respecting the patient's choices about the care they receive.

In practice, the principle of beneficence requires nurses to balance the potential benefits and risks of any proposed treatment. 

For example, a beneficial course of action might involve some risk of harm, such as pain and scarring from a surgical wound to remove a ruptured appendix. However, the overall expected outcome should still be positive and outweigh any risks (the patient should recover from the appendectomy and hopefully be able to avoid sepsis or hemorrhage from the ruptured appendix).

One way that nurses can show beneficence is by providing high-quality patient care. This includes everything from preventive care to necessary treatments and follow-up care. 

Nurses can also show beneficence by respecting the autonomy of their patients and respecting their wishes regarding their care. 

Finally, nurses can show beneficence by advocating for their patients, both within the healthcare system and in the larger community. 

Other examples of beneficence in nursing would include:

Providing patients with emotional support

Ensuring patients’ medical needs are met

Educating patients about healthy lifestyle choices

Coordinating patient care with other healthcare providers

It’s important that a nurse demonstrate beneficence for a number of reasons. 

1. First of all, nurses are required to uphold all seven ethical principles of the nursing code of ethics. If a nurse is found to have breached this ethical principle, they may face disciplinary action by the board of nursing they’re registered with. This may include suspension or loss of their license to practice nursing.

2. Also, nurses who demonstrate beneficence in their practice show that their patient’s best interests are their top priority. As a result, a nurse is able to build a therapeutic relationship of trust with their patients. 

3. In addition, patients also have a higher level of satisfaction with the nursing care they receive when they believe the nurse is acting in their best interests.

>> Related: What is Veracity in Nursing?

Beneficence and nonmaleficence are two important ethical principles that guide nurses in their decision-making. They can be thought of as two sides of the same coin.

Beneficence in nursing refers to the duty to do good, or to promote the well-being of patients. 

Nonmaleficence, on the other hand, is the principle of doing no harm to patients.

As noted earlier, these two principles are often in conflict with each other, as nurses must balance the need to do good with the risk of causing harm. In many cases, beneficence will take precedence over nonmaleficence, as the potential good that can be achieved is thought to outweigh the potential for harm to the patient.

However, there are also cases where, as a nurse, the principle of nonmaleficence will take precedence, such as when there is a high risk of causing serious harm to a patient without any potential for benefit. 

Ultimately, it is up to the nurse to weigh the risks and benefits in each individual case, discuss these with the patient, and then make a decision based on what they believe is best for the patient.

Nurses practice the principle of beneficence every day in their nursing practice with patients. That’s because everything a nurse does is done with the intent of doing what’s best to meet the needs of each patient they care for and providing each patient with the highest quality of nursing care possible. 

The ethical principle of beneficence requires that nurses act in ways that promote their patients’ well-being. This includes providing care that is likely to result in positive outcomes (beneficence) and avoiding actions that could cause harm (nonmaleficence).

In order to make decisions that are in the best interests of their patients, nurses need to have a thorough understanding of both the risks and benefits of different courses of action and be able to communicate this to patients. This is important to ensure that patients and families understand the potential risks and benefits of specific nursing and medical care so they’re able to make informed decisions about the healthcare they want to receive.

Beneficence in nursing is the foundational ethical principle that the other six ethical principles are built upon. It’s the duty of nurses to do good for their patients while also respecting patient dignity and autonomy. It also includes the idea of taking action to prevent or remove harm. By applying the principle of beneficence to their practice, nurses can help ensure that all people receive safe and beneficial healthcare.

Leona Werezak

Leona Werezak BSN, MN, RN is the Director of Business Development at NCLEX Education. She began her nursing career in a small rural hospital in northern Canada where she worked as a new staff nurse doing everything from helping deliver babies to medevacing critically ill patients. Learning much from her patients and colleagues at the bedside for 15 years, she also taught in baccalaureate nursing programs for almost 20 years as a nursing adjunct faculty member (yes! Some of those years she did both!). As a freelance writer online, she writes content for nursing schools and colleges, healthcare and medical businesses, as well as various nursing sites.

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits Essay

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The evolution of the nursing profession introduces various demands of the time that oblige the healthcare professionals to receive more complex preparation and obtain an education degree. To become a nurse, a person may choose to study at a diploma program, get an associate degree in nursing (ADN), or Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree (Butts and Rich, 2017). Today nursing requires higher qualifications, like those that a BSN degree can provide, to make the nurses more competent, ready to make decisions, apply the evidence-based practice, and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams.

Taking care of people was one of the first functions of humans. The history of nursing as a profession began in the nineteenth century. Nightingale was among the first women to prove that females could be excellent educated nurses (Butts and Rich, 2017). At those times, no specific training nursing programs existed, the work conditions were unsatisfactory, it was not a respectable profession, and the policymakers did not consider that the field required any particular improvements. However, now the situation is different because nurses have multiple education options, this profession is more prestigious, the hospital environments are improved, and the approach to caring became more patient-oriented. Besides, today the scope of practice increased, making the nurses responsible for health promotion, protection, restoration, and rehabilitation (Butts and Rich, 2017). These changes contribute to increased nurses’ accountability, which requires specific preparation to guarantee sufficient qualification.

Although some practice competencies of an associate and baccalaureate education are similar, they differ in many cases. Both these levels allow the nurses to focus on the care of individuals, work under the supervision of doctors, and communicate with patients (Ghaffari, 2017). Simultaneously, their functions and knowledge appropriate for their profession differ. ADN nurses are responsible for more straightforward tasks like recording patients’ symptoms, assisting doctors, and communicating with the patients. On the other hand, BSN nurses are skilled in more sophisticated procedures like managing the other nurses, providing more complex care, educating the staff, and engaging in research (Ghaffari, 2017). When nurses obtain a baccalaureate degree, the scope of their practice becomes more complex. Mainly, they qualify for leadership positions, can be promoted to public health nursing, and are competent to teach and lead studies in healthcare.

ADN and BSN nurses would approach clinical situations differently. The example of identifying the disease and interrogation about the symptoms of a patient, providing contradictory facts and speaking poor English can be used. This case would help to determine how the approaches of these specialists would differ. Mainly, the decision-making process of the ADN nurses would take more time and effort. They would have to consult their colleagues because they would consider that their theoretical background is not sufficient. Besides, they might depend on the opinion of managers and expect that the colleagues might help in this challenging situation. BSN‐prepared nurses, on the contrary, would persistently continue the identification of the relevant symptoms and perform the additional tests to make an appropriate decision. These nurses would apply their knowledge in nursing research and understand the cultural and social issues that might have influenced the patient.

Evidence-based practice plays a significant role in the ability of nurses to provide high-quality and effective care. Evidence-based practice is applying the findings of the studies focusing on the practical outcomes of the specific medical procedures and approaches. It allows the nurses to avoid mistakes and problems that the other healthcare professionals have already identified and improved. Since BSN nurses have more academic hours observing the nursing research and analyzing the evidence of different studies, they might benefit significantly from this practice (Ellis, 2019). Consequently, baccalaureate education supports applying this approach, allowing the nurses to gain a deeper knowledge of the practical analyses.

Since healthcare problems of people increase and the quality of the healthcare system improves, the nurses have to interact with the other professionals to observe the patient’s situation in the complex. This communication is based on mutual cooperation, the application of digital technologies to exchange information, and finding common solutions. This approach contributes to effective patient outcomes because it helps to consider all the possibilities and identify all the details to observe the patients’ health as a complex system. In particular, it allows finding the causes of diseases that could be invisible to some of the specialists.

To follow the modern demands of the profession, the nurses can obtain a BSN degree, allowing them to expand their competencies, become independent in the decision-making process, apply the evidence-based practice, and become an interdisciplinary teams’ part. The functions of the nurses changed over time, making them more responsible and increasing their scope of practice. Although nurses may choose between ADN and BSN degrees, the latter provides more opportunities because it better educates healthcare specialists. BSN-prepared nurses can make decisions independently based on their knowledge of various theoretical and evidence-based studies. In addition, they can improve the patients’ outcomes by uniting their efforts with the other healthcare professionals.

Butts, J., & Rich, K. (2017). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice . Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing . Learning Matters.

Ghaffari, M. (2017). Preparing Nurses for Community Health Care: A Comparative Study of the ADN and BSN Programs. International Journal , 5 (2), 32-45.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 25). Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits.

"Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits." IvyPanda , 25 July 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits'. 25 July.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits." July 25, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits." July 25, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree and Benefits." July 25, 2022.

Nursing Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Nursing Essay Examples That Will Help You Write a Stellar Paper

Published on: May 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

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Many nursing students struggle with writing effective nursing essays, which are an essential part of their education and professional development.

Poor essay writing skills can lead to low grades and an inability to effectively communicate important information.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to writing nursing essays with examples and tips for effective writing. Whether you are a nursing student or a professional looking to improve your writing skills, this blog has something for you. 

By following the tips and examples provided, you can write compelling nursing essays that showcase your dedication to the field.

Let’s get started.

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What is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a type of academic writing that aims to explore a particular topic related to nursing. It also presents a clear and concise argument or viewpoint supported by evidence. 

Nursing essays can take many forms, including:

  • Descriptive essays
  • Reflective essays
  • Analytical essays
  • Persuasive essays

What is the Importance of the Nursing Essay?

Nursing essays are important for several reasons. First, they help nursing students develop critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze and evaluate information.

Second, they help students develop research skills by requiring them to locate and use credible sources to support their arguments. 

Third, nursing essays help students develop communication skills by requiring them to present their ideas clearly and concisely in writing. Finally, nursing essays are important for nursing education because they prepare students for the types of writing.

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To help students better understand how to write nursing essays, it can be helpful to review examples.

Below are some examples of nursing essays.

Nursing School Essay Examples

College Nursing Essay Examples

Graduate Nursing Essay Examples

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Nursing Essay Conclusion Examples

Nursing Essay Examples of Different Fields

Nursing is a diverse field with many different specialties and areas of focus. As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. 

Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays:

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples

Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples

Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples

Leadership In Nursing And Healthcare Professionals - Essay Examples

Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nursing Professionals And Pharmacists

If you're seeking additional examples of nursing essays, you're in luck! 

Below are some more examples that can help you gain a better understanding of nursing essays:

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Working In A Team And Collaboration In Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Essay

Writing a nursing essay can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience.

Here are the key steps involved in writing a nursing essay:

Understanding the Topic and Question

The first step in writing a nursing essay is to carefully read and understand the topic and question. 

This will help you determine what information you need to research and include in your essay. Make sure you understand any key terms or concepts related to the topic. Consider different perspectives or viewpoints that may be relevant.

Researching the Topic

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic and question, it's time to research. 

Start by gathering information from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, and government websites. 

Consider both primary and secondary sources, and make sure to take detailed notes as you read.

Organizing and Outlining the Essay

Once you have completed your research, it's time to organize your ideas and create an outline for your essay. 

Start by identifying the main points or arguments you want to make, and then organize them into a logical order that flows well. 

Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Writing the Essay

With your outline in place, it's time to start writing your essay. Make sure to follow your outline closely, and use clear and concise language that effectively communicates your ideas. 

Use evidence from your research to support your arguments, and cite your sources appropriately.

Editing and Revising the Essay

Once you have completed a first draft of your essay, take some time to edit and revise it. Look for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation, and make sure your essay is well-organized and flows well. 

Consider asking a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide feedback.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

When writing a nursing essay, there are several key elements that you should include. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and purpose of your essay. It should also include a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or point of view.

  • Background Information

Provide some background information on the topic to help the reader better understand the context of your essay. This can include relevant statistics, historical information, or other contextual details.

  • Evidence and Examples

Use evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments and demonstrate your knowledge of the topic. Make sure to cite your sources appropriately and use a variety of sources to strengthen your argument.

  • Analysis and Evaluation

Provide analysis and evaluation of the evidence and examples you've presented. This can include discussing strengths and weaknesses, comparing and contrasting different viewpoints, or offering your own perspective on the topic.

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. It should also offer some final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action.

Nursing Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing a topic for your nursing essay can be challenging, but there are many areas in the field that you can explore. Here are some nursing essay topic ideas to consider:

  • The role of technology in nursing practice
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare delivery
  • Nursing leadership and management in healthcare organizations
  • Ethical issues in nursing practice
  • The importance of patient-centered care in nursing practice
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care
  • The role of nursing in promoting public health
  • Nursing education and the importance of lifelong learning
  • The impact of nursing shortages on healthcare delivery
  • The importance of communication in nursing practice

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can also explore other topics related to nursing that interest you or align with your academic or professional goals. 

Remember to choose a topic that is relevant, interesting, and feasible to research and write about.

Tips for Writing an Effective Nursing Essay

Writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write an effective nursing essay:

  • Writing Concisely and Clearly

Nursing essays should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. Use simple language and short sentences to help ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

  • Stating a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and located at the end of your introduction.

  • Using Proper Citation and Referencing

Citing and referencing your sources is crucial in any academic writing, including nursing essays. Make sure to use proper citation and referencing styles, such as APA or MLA. Include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay.

  • Seeking Feedback and Revising

Before submitting your nursing essay, seek feedback from peers, professors, or writing tutors. Use their feedback to revise and improve your essay. Make sure that it is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your point of view.

By following these tips, you can write a nursing essay that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in the field.

In conclusion, writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. 

To showcase your knowledge in the field of nursing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the topic at hand. When writing your nursing essay, be sure to include relevant examples, incorporate current research, and use proper citation and referencing. 

And remember , seeking feedback and revising your essay is key to ensuring that it effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

If you need help with your nursing essay or any other type of academic writing, consider using our AI essay writer . 

Our nursing essay writing service can provide personalized support to help you succeed in your academic goals.

So, why wait? Contact us to get college essay writing help today! 

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100+ strong persuasive nursing essay topics ideas [+outline], dr. wilson mn.

  • August 11, 2022
  • Essay Topics and Ideas , Nursing

Nursing essays can be extremely persuasive. They can help nurses advocate for their patients and care for them in the best way possible. Below are Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics to get you started.

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What You'll Learn

Strong Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

There are many persuasive nursing essay topic ideas to choose from. Here are some of the most Strong Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics ones:

  • How effective nursing care can prevent chronic illness .
  • The importance of teamwork in nursing care .
  • How nurses can provide emotional support to their patients .
  • The benefits of breastfeeding for infants and mothers .
  • The importance of sleep for both infants and adults.
  • The different types of pain that nurses must be able to manage.
  • Why proper nutrition is so important for nursing patients .
  • The role of nurses in managing acute health conditions.
  • How nurses can help patients adjust to life after a hospital stay.
  • The importance of preventive health measures for nurses and their patients. .
  • How nurses can promote healthy eating habits among their patients..
  • The impact of stress on nursing care. .
  • The impact of technology on nursing care. .
  • The challenges that new nurse staffing policies may pose..
  • The Relationship between Nursing and Healthcare
  • The Importance of Nursing in a Healthy Population
  • The Effect of Nursing on Patient Recovery Time
  • The Role of Nursing in Preventing Infections
  • Nursing and the Environment
  • The Importance of Nursing Leadership in Healthcare Organizations

Current Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

Topics that could be covered in Current Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics include but are not limited to:

  • The Effect of Education and Training on Nurses’ Role in Healthcare Settings
  • The Impact of Technology on Nursing Practice
  • Perspectives on Nursing Ethics and Professionalism
  • Caregiving Dynamics in the Context of Aging and Illness
  • Role of Nursing in Palliative Medicine
  • Achieving Best Patient outcomes through Nurse-led Interventions
  • Issues Related to Global Health Challenges and How Nurses Can Address Them
  • Promoting Safe Practices in Healthcare Settings through Collaborative Efforts with other Staff Members
  • Advocating for Change: A Look at How Nurses Can Impact Changes in their Communities and Society as a Whole
  • Advocating for Improved Patient Care
  • The importance of nursing in society.
  • The role of nursing in providing health care .
  • The benefits of nursing education .
  • The challenges of nursing practice .
  • The impact of nursing on patient outcomes .
  • Nursing ethics and standards of practice .
  • Nursing leadership roles and responsibilities.
  • Nursing research and scholarship in the field of nursing.
  • Critical thinking skills for nurses in the clinical setting.
  • Evidence-based approaches to nursing care .

Good Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

Persuasive nursing essays can explore a variety of topics depending on the instructor’s preference and course requirement. Below are good persuasive nursing essay topics that may be of interest to you.

  • Nursing interventions for common conditions in the elderly population.
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric patients with special needs or healthcare concerns..
  • Nursing interventions for critically ill patients. .
  • emiatic resuscitation techniques for nurses..
  • Advanced cardiac life support for nurses. .
  • Care of the hospitalized patient: assessment and planning stages
  • How to improve patient safety .
  • The role of nurses in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  • The impact of technology on nursing .
  • Ethics in nursing practice .
  • The future of nursing education .
  • Nursing leadership skills.
  • Nursing care of the elderly and disabled patients .
  • Impact of health care reform on nursing practice .
  • Role of nurses in disaster preparedness and response programs.
  • Care of acutely ill patients in hospitals.
  • Infant and child nurses: roles and responsibilities.
  • Nursing knowledge assessment tools for improving learning outcomes for nurses
  • The following are twenty persuasive Nursing Essay Topic ideas to write about:
  • The importance of nursing care

Unique Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics

There are many unique persuasive nursing essay topics to choose from, and the options are always changing. Today, persuasive nursing essay topics may include:

  • The changing landscape of nursing
  • The impact of technology on nursing
  • The importance of teamwork in nursing
  • The challenges of nursing today
  • The importance of diversity in nursing
  • The power of empathy in nursing
  • Nursing as an art form
  • Nursing as a humanitarian profession
  • Nursing as a career pathway
  • Nursing as an essential component of health care reform
  • Nursing as a global community responsibility
  • Nursing as a life-saving profession
  • Nursing and aging: challenges and opportunities
  • Nurses and nutrition: exploring connections and implications
  • Nurses and chronic illness: balancing treatments and lifestyle changes
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric patients: from diagnosis to home care settings
  • Navigating the nurse practitioner role: creating successful practices for collaborative

Persuasive Nursing Essay Topic ideas

Below is a list of recent and current persuasive writing topics that nurses may find useful.

When considering persuasive writing topics , nurses may want to consider exploring the following:

  • Nursing is a profession that is constantly in demand. It is one of the most versatile fields, and it offers many opportunities for personal growth and development .
  • The following are Persuasive Nursing Essay Topics to write about:The benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and baby.
  • The benefits of complementary feeding for the mother and baby.
  • The importance of physical activity during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The importance of early identification and treatment of postnatal depression.
  • Here are  Capstone Project Ideas for Nursing Leadership [50 Topics]
  • The benefits of incorporating a healthy diet into pregnant and breastfeeding women’s lives.
  • How music can play an important role in childbirth preparation and postnatal recovery.
  • The impact that stress has on pregnant women and their babies.
  • How sleep deprivation can affect both the mother and her baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • How genetic factors can influence a woman’s ability to breastfeed successfully.
  • The importance of providing emotional support to mothers during childbirth and post-birth recovery periods.
  • The importance of establishing a close relationship with a lactation consultant while pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • What factors can influence a woman’s decision to formula feed her baby instead of breastfeed?
  • Exploring the different ways that medications can be used to help promote lactation in mothers who are not breastfeeding or unable to breastfeed satisfactorily
  • Care of Patients with Special Need
  • Breastfeeding and Womb-Feeding
  • Pain Management in Nursing Homes
  • Infection Control in Nursing Homes
  • Bereavement Nursing
  • Diabetes Management in Nursing Homes
  • Geriatric Pharmacology
  • Geriatric Asthma Management
  • Coping with Change in the Aging Population
  • Hospice and Palliative Care Services for the Elderly
  • Nutrition in the Elderly
  • Respite Care: A Time of Renewal for Families caring for a loved one at home
  • Transition Planning for Family Caregivers
  • Coping with Illness and Disability
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in Healthcare Settings
  • Nurse Practitioner Leadership Development
  • Innovative Approaches to Clinical Practice
  • Enhancing Quality of Life through Cancer Care

Persuasive Nursing Essay Outline

Nursing essays can be extremely persuasive. Below are persuasive nursing essay topic ideas to get you started.

Find out more on  How to write DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter ,  How to write a DNP Capstone Project Literature Review ,  How to write a DNP capstone project chapter 1 – Introduction , and  DNP Capstone project Abstract Examples [Outline & How-to]

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nursing benefits essay

How I Use Technology to Enhance My Nursing Practice

nursing benefits essay

We have interviewed a nurse who has been working in one of the New York clinics for 5 years. Here is her success story and answers to all the questions you may be interested in. 'As a nurse, technology has become an integral part of my daily practice. From improving patient care to streamlining administrative tasks, technological advancements have significantly enhanced the way I perform my duties. Here’s a detailed look at how technology impacts nursing, addresses the common question of whether nurses can be replaced by technology, and highlights recent trends and advancements in the field.

How Does Technology Affect Nursing

If you ever wondered how to become a nurse practitioner I will tell you that today is much easier than it was few years ago due to the rise of technologies.

Improved Patient Care

Technologies like Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and Electronic Medication Management Systems (EMMS) are game-changers in nursing practice. EHRs provide real-time access to patient data, ensuring that all healthcare providers have up-to-date information. This reduces errors , streamlines documentation, and enhances communication among the healthcare team​​.

Efficiency and Time Management

Automated IV pumps, smart beds, and portable diagnostic devices have greatly improved efficiency in nursing. These technologies handle routine tasks, allowing nurses to focus on more critical aspects of patient care. For example, smart beds monitor patient movement and vitals, reducing the risk of falls and other injuries​​.

Telehealth and Remote Monitoring

The rise of telehealth has expanded healthcare access, especially for patients in remote or underserved areas. Telehealth platforms facilitate virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring, ensuring continuous care without the need for physical visits. This is particularly beneficial for managing chronic conditions and reducing hospital readmissions ​​​​.

Patient Safety and Error Reduction

Technologies such as barcoded medication administration and smart infusion pumps minimize the risk of medication errors. These systems ensure accurate dosing and administration, which is crucial in critical care settings. Furthermore, automated alerts and reminders help in maintaining patient safety and adherence to treatment protocols​.

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Can Nurses Be Replaced By Technology

While technology has significantly improved nursing practice, it cannot replace the essential human touch that nurses provide. Nursing is a compassionate profession that relies heavily on interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. According to a survey , 82% of nurses agree that technology positively impacts patient care but emphasize that human interaction remains irreplaceable​.

Robotic assistance and AI can handle repetitive tasks, but they lack the ability to understand and respond to the emotional and psychological needs of patients. For instance, comforting a patient, providing emotional support, and understanding non-verbal cues are aspects of care that technology cannot replicate. Therefore, technology should be seen as a tool to enhance nursing practice, not replace it.

Recent Trends and Advancements in Nursing Careers

Trend/Technology 🔥 Description 📄
Health Informatics 💻 Health informatics is becoming a mainstream specialization, utilizing data from IT systems to improve patient care. Informatics nurses play a crucial role in managing and analyzing health data, leading to better decision-making and patient outcomes.
Portable Diagnostic Devices 🩺 Portable devices like handheld EKGs and ultrasound machines allow nurses to perform diagnostic tests quickly and efficiently. These devices are particularly useful in home health settings and for patients with mobility issues.
Wearable Technology ⌚ Wearable devices continuously monitor patients' vital signs and transmit data to healthcare providers in real-time. This technology is vital for managing chronic diseases and ensuring timely medical interventions.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics 🤖 AI applications in nursing include predictive analytics for patient outcomes and robotic assistance for routine tasks. These technologies enhance efficiency and accuracy in patient care, allowing nurses to focus more on direct patient interactions.
Telehealth Expansion 🌐 The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telehealth services, which continue to be integral in providing accessible care. Telehealth enables remote consultations, follow-ups, and chronic disease management, ensuring continuity of care regardless of location.
Bilingual Nurses 🌍 With the increasing diversity of the U.S. population, bilingual nurses, particularly those fluent in Spanish, are becoming more valuable. This skill helps in providing better care and communication with a broader patient base.
Specialization in Nursing 🏅 More nurses are choosing to specialize in fields such as family health, psychiatry, and critical care. Specialization allows nurses to command higher salaries and meet the growing demand for advanced nursing skills.
Holistic Care 🌿 There is a growing focus on holistic care, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental aspects of a patient's well-being. Holistic nursing practices are shown to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.
Mobile Device Usage 📱 The use of mobile devices among bedside nurses has increased dramatically, enhancing communication, documentation, and access to information. This trend is expected to continue, further integrating technology into everyday nursing practice.
Health Informatics 💻 The field of health informatics is growing, utilizing data to create more collaborative environments between patients and healthcare providers. Informatics nurses are crucial in managing this data to improve care quality and efficiency.

What is Virtual Simulation

As a nurse, I've seen firsthand how virtual simulation is transforming nursing education. This innovative tool provides a realistic, immersive training experience that allows nursing students to practice and refine their skills in a safe, controlled environment. Here’s how virtual simulation is enhancing my practice and the broader field of nursing education.

Virtual simulation in nursing education involves using advanced computer software to create realistic clinical scenarios. These simulations range from simple tasks like administering medication to complex patient interactions and emergency responses. The goal is to mimic real-life clinical environments as closely as possible, providing students with hands-on experience without the risk of harming actual patients.

Benefits of Virtual Simulation in Nursing Education

Benefit 🌟 Description 📄
Enhanced Learning Experience 🎓 Virtual simulation offers an interactive and engaging learning experience. I've found that being able to practice clinical skills repeatedly until I achieve proficiency is crucial. According to a study by the National League for Nursing, students who participated in virtual simulations showed significant improvement in their critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills.
Safe Learning Environment 🏥 One of the primary advantages of virtual simulation is the ability to learn and make mistakes in a risk-free environment. This is particularly important in healthcare education, where errors in a real clinical setting can have serious consequences. Virtual simulations allow me to experiment and learn from my mistakes without endangering patients.
Accessibility and Flexibility 🌐 Virtual simulations can be accessed from anywhere, making them an ideal solution for remote learning. This flexibility was especially beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic when physical access to clinical sites was limited. Institutions like Western Governors University have integrated virtual simulation into their nursing programs to ensure continuous, uninterrupted training for their students.
Standardized Training 📚 Virtual simulation ensures that all students receive a consistent level of training. In traditional clinical settings, the variability of patient cases and instructor availability can lead to discrepancies in learning experiences. Virtual simulations standardize the training process, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to practice a wide range of scenarios.
Immediate Feedback and Assessment 📝 Many virtual simulation platforms provide instant feedback and detailed performance assessments. This immediate feedback helps me identify areas for improvement and allows instructors to tailor their teaching strategies to address specific needs. Studies have shown that timely feedback is crucial for effective learning and skill development.

Implementing Virtual Simulation in Nursing Curricula

Integrating virtual simulation into nursing curricula requires careful planning and investment. Here’s how it can be done successfully:

Selecting the Right Platform ‍

Choosing a reliable and comprehensive virtual simulation platform is critical. Platforms like Shadow Health, Laerdal, and SimX offer a wide range of scenarios and features designed specifically for nursing education. These platforms often include interactive patient cases, real-time feedback, and detailed analytics to track student performance.

Training Faculty and Students ‍

Effective use of virtual simulation technology requires proper training for both faculty and students. Faculty members need to be proficient in using the simulation software and integrating it into their teaching methods. Students should receive orientation sessions to familiarize them with the technology and its applications in their coursework.

Incorporating Simulations into the Curriculum ‍

Virtual simulations should be strategically incorporated into the nursing curriculum to complement traditional learning methods. This can include using simulations for initial skill acquisition, reinforcing theoretical concepts, and assessing student competence. Integrating simulations with other educational tools, such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), can further enhance the learning experience.

Evaluating Outcomes ‍

Continuous evaluation is essential to measure the effectiveness of virtual simulations in achieving educational goals. This involves collecting data on student performance, feedback from instructors, and outcomes in clinical practice. Institutions should use this data to refine their simulation programs and ensure they meet the evolving needs of nursing education.

Challenges and Future Directions

While virtual simulation offers numerous benefits, there are also challenges to consider. The initial cost of simulation technology can be high, and institutions must allocate resources for ongoing maintenance and updates. Additionally, there is a learning curve associated with adopting new technologies, which may require additional support for faculty and students.

Looking ahead, the future of virtual simulation in nursing education is promising. Advances in technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, are expected to further enhance the realism and effectiveness of simulations. AI-driven simulations can adapt to individual student needs, providing personalized learning experiences that are tailored to their skill levels and learning styles.

Moreover, the integration of VR and AR technologies is set to revolutionize the way nursing students interact with simulations. These immersive technologies can create highly realistic, 3D environments that allow students to practice complex procedures and patient interactions in a more engaging and effective manner. In case you need to write an essay on nursing research topics , our experts are ready to help with this anytime.

The integration of technology in nursing practice has brought numerous benefits, from improving patient care and safety to enhancing efficiency and reducing errors. However, it is essential to balance these technological advancements with the irreplaceable human touch that defines nursing. By staying updated on the latest trends and integrating these tools into daily practice, nurses can continue to provide exceptional care in an evolving healthcare landscape.

For more detailed insights on the duration of nursing programs, check out how long is nursing school .

By embracing new technology in nursing as it emerges, caregivers can work more effectively to deliver the best patient care. It also plays a crucial role in easing the challenges nurses face regularly, reducing nurse fatigue, and increasing the overall quality of care.

Explore more on how technology is changing the face of nursing and the future trends in nursing careers .'

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How Is Information Technology Used in Nursing?

What is the use of virtual simulation in nursing, what is a disadvantage of technology in nursing practice.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • American Nurses Association. (2024). How Nursing Technology Is Enhancing Patient Care. -  
  • (2024). How Technology Has Changed The Role Of Nursing. -  
  • Western Governors University. (2024). Seven Nursing Technologies Transforming Patient Care. -  
  • Carson-Newman University. (2024). 24 Nursing Trends We Expect to See in 2024. -

How to Pass the NCLEX with the Best Tips


Here’s What the Court’s Chevron Ruling Could Mean in Everyday Terms

The decision is expected to prompt a rush of litigation challenging regulations across the entire federal government, from food safety to the environment.

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Gray columns and a white flag on the front of a the Environmental Protection Agency building.

By Coral Davenport ,  Christina Jewett ,  Alan Rappeport ,  Margot Sanger-Katz ,  Noam Scheiber and Noah Weiland

  • June 28, 2024

The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to limit the broad regulatory authority of federal agencies could lead to the elimination or weakening of thousands of rules on the environment, health care, worker protection, food and drug safety, telecommunications, the financial sector and more.

The decision is a major victory in a decades-long campaign by conservative activists to shrink the power of the federal government, limiting the reach and authority of what those activists call “the administrative state.”

The court’s opinion could make it easier for opponents of federal regulations to challenge them in court, prompting a rush of new litigation, while also injecting uncertainty into businesses and industries.

“If Americans are worried about their drinking water, their health, their retirement account, discrimination on the job, if they fly on a plane, drive a car, if they go outside and breathe the air — all of these day-to-day activities are run through a massive universe of federal agency regulations,” said Lisa Heinzerling, an expert in administrative law at Georgetown University. “And this decision now means that more of those regulations could be struck down by the courts.”

The decision effectively ends a legal precedent known as “Chevron deference,” after a 1984 Supreme Court ruling. That decision held that when Congress passes a law that lacks specificity, courts must give wide leeway to decisions made by the federal agencies charged with implementing that law. The theory was that scientists, economists and other specialists at the agencies have more expertise than judges in determining regulations and that the executive branch is also more accountable to voters.

Since then, thousands of legal decisions have relied on the Chevron doctrine when challenges have been made to regulations stemming from laws like the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act, the 1970 Clean Air Act , the 2010 Affordable Care Act and others.

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Writing Tips for Nursing School Students

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  • Nursing School Writing Types
  • Writing a Nursing Essay
  • Citations Guide
  • Common Writing Mistakes
  • Writing Resources

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Young African-American female sitting and working on her laptop in a coffee shop during the day.

Writing is an essential skill nurses should achieve proficiency in early in their career. It is a crucial part of the profession, as nurses need to be able to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals.

While verbal communication also plays a vital role in nursing, being able to write well builds the nurse’s ability to provide better care.

Being able to accurately detail a patient’s personal history, symptoms, and diagnosis allows for the execution of a precise treatment plan that is clearly communicated to all parties involved, both professional and personal.

From registered nurses to clinical nurses and beyond, being able to communicate effectively and efficiently is a critical soft skill that will help nurses in any role increase their ability to treat their patients.

This guide provides an overview of the types of writing nurses will experience throughout their educational training. Utilize the following tips and tricks to help strengthen your writing skills, which will ultimately help in the development of transferable career skills .

Types of Writing Nurses Will Do in School

Personal statements for nursing school.

Nursing schools want candidates who meet academic and professional requirements. They also want a candidate who demonstrates a sincere passion for patient care and individual connections. You should always craft a personal statement, even when the application doesn’t explicitly require one. Personal statements allow you to describe your goals, characteristics, credentials, volunteer work, and meaningful life experiences. A well-crafted essay can help you stand out among other qualified applicants. And, as with any piece of writing, you must take the time to revise.

In your personal statement, you should portray yourself as determined and empathetic, with characteristics, goals, work ethic, and healthcare philosophy that align with a program’s values. Some nursing schools ask for a general personal statement, while others require a specific prompt. Colleges commonly ask students to describe a hardship they overcame, a difficult task they accomplished, or a professional goal they hope to achieve through the program. Many schools also ask students to detail previous experiences in healthcare. You may decide to write about how you connect with patients or how you provide practical and emotional support to loved ones.

You will also encounter writing prompts during examinations, including standardized tests like the GRE or MCAT, nursing school entrance exams , and course-specific evaluations. You may also take exams to get state licensure or professional certification. In most of these instances, you will need to write one or several long-form essays. Proper planning is key. Though you won’t know what specific prompt the test will require, you can expect certain common topics. You can search online or use study guides to determine which prompts usually appear on each test.

On test day, you should begin by creating an outline that lists three main points in response to the prompt. Using these points, work backwards to write a central thesis to guide the essay’s structure. Review what you’ve written to ensure that the essay actually responds to the prompt at hand. Be sure to leave time to correct spelling, grammar, and stylistic errors.

Research Papers

Like essays, research papers follow a long-form structure. Unlike an essay, which heavily relies on the writer’s point of view, a research paper presents an in-depth investigation of a topic using data, expert opinions, and insights. While an essay evaluates general critical thinking and writing skills, a research paper tests your knowledge, research skills, and original contributions. Research papers also allow you to prove you understand what has been argued and discovered about a topic. Research papers, especially at the graduate and doctoral levels, require independent research and analyses. These papers sometimes take months or years to complete.

To write a successful research paper, you should pick a topic relevant to your interests and the nursing field. Possibilities include elderly care challenges, patient safety and ethics, mental health treatment and regulations in the U.S., and nursing shortages and possible solutions. Whatever your choice, you must plan accordingly. Advanced papers such as dissertations may require funding or help from professors. Research papers often consist of the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. You should keep this general structure in mind as you prepare notes and outlines.

How Do You Write a Nursing Essay?

In nursing school, essay writing includes academic papers, personal narratives, and professional compositions. You should become familiar with each of the five major forms below. There are many similarities between these essay types, such as an overarching thesis and a supportive, logical structure. You should support claims with factual, statistical, anecdotal, and rhetorical evidence. However, each form requires distinct skills to achieve specific results.


Cause and effect, citations guide for nursing students.

Citations allow readers to know where information came from. By citing sources, you avoid plagiarizing or stealing another person’s ideas, research, language, and analyses. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is one of the most egregious errors one can make. Consequences for plagiarism include automatic course failure, disciplinary actions from the university, and even legal repercussions. You should take special care to ensure you properly cite sources.

American Psychological Association (APA) Style

APA is the most commonly used style among natural scientists, social scientists, educators, and nurses. Like other citation styles, APA emphasizes clarity of font style, font size, spacing, and paragraph structure. APA citations focus on publication date, and in most cases, the date comes right after the author’s name. This order makes the style particularly useful for scientists, who value new research and updates on current findings. For more information on APA style, visit this official website .

(Author and year of publication, page number) “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process” (Foucault, 1977, p. 9).

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

CMS (also known as CMOS or, simply, Chicago) features two citation systems, the notes and bibliography, and the author and date. This style is used primarily by historians, who place high importance on a text’s origin. The notes and bibliography include a superscript number with a corresponding footnote or endnote. Scientific professionals use the author and date citation, a generic parenthetical system with similarities to other citation styles. The CMS official website provides additional information, including changes to citation systems in the current edition.

“Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process”. 1 1. Michel Foucault, trans. Alan Sheridan, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (New York: Pantheon Books, 1977), 9.

(Author and year of publication, page number) “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process” (Foucault 1977, 9).

Modern Language Association (MLA) Format

MLA format traces its history to 1951 when it was first published as a thin booklet. Today, MLA is the primary format used by academics and professionals in humanities, English, literature, media studies, and cultural studies. To adapt to the rapid growth of new mediums over the past few decades, MLA updates its citation system. Visit the MLA Style Center for in-depth information on new guidelines and ongoing changes. In general, in text citations consist of author and page number, or just page number if the author’s name appears in the text.

(Author and page number) “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process” (Foucault 9).

Associated Press (AP) Style

Published in 1952, the original AP Stylebook was marketed to journalists and other professionals related to the Associated Press. AP now stands as the go-to style for professionals in business, public relations, media, mass communications, and journalism. AP style prioritizes brevity and accuracy. The style includes specific guidelines regarding technological terms, titles, locations, and abbreviations and acronyms. Unlike the previous styles, AP does not use parenthetical or in-text citations. Rather, writers cite sources directly in the prose. For more information, including style-checking tools and quizzes, visit the Associated Press Stylebook .

In the book, “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison,” first published in English in 1977, philosopher Michel Foucault argues that “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process”.

Which Style Should Nursing Students Use?

Because nurses rely on scientific terms and information, professionals in the field usually use APA style. Regardless of the purpose and specific genre of your text, you should always strive for concise, objective, and evidenced-based writing. You can expect to learn APA style as soon as you enroll in a major course. However, you should also prepare to learn other styles as part of your academic training. For example, freshman composition classes tend to focus on MLA guidelines.

Common Writing Mistakes Students Make

Active vs. passive voice.

Active and passive voice represent two different ways to present the same piece of information. Active voice focuses on the subject performing an action. For example, the dog bites the boy. This format creates clear, concise, and engaging writing. Using active voice, nurses might write, I administered patient care at 11:00. Passive voice, on the other hand, focuses on the object of the sentence or the action being performed. For example, the boy was bitten by the dog. A passive sentence is usually one that contains the verb “to be.” Using passive voice, you might write, patient care was administered at 11:00.

Professionals in the sciences often use passive voice in their writing to create an objective tone and authorial distance. Passive voice can prioritize specific terms, actions, evidence, or research over the writer’s presence. Additionally, nurses use passive voice because it is usually clear that the reported thoughts, actions, and opinions come from them. However, you must also learn how to use active voice.


There are 14 punctuation marks in the English language, each with multiple and sometimes overlapping uses. Additionally, certain punctuation marks only make sense in highly specific and nuanced grammatical instances. To master punctuation, you must learn through practice, particularly by revising your own writing.

For example, colons and semicolons are often used interchangeably, when they actually serve distinct purposes. Generally used before itemized lists, colons stand in for the phrases “here is what I mean” or “that is to say.” For example, I am bringing three things to the picnic: applesauce, napkins, and lemonade. Semicolons separate two independent clauses connected through topic or meaning. For example, It was below zero; Ricardo wondered if he would freeze to death. Comma splices, which create run on sentences, are another common mistake. You can identify a comma splice by learning the differences between an independent and dependent clause.

Grammar refers to the rules of a particular language system. Grammar determines how users can structure words and form sentences with coherent meaning. Aspects include syntax (the arrangement of words to convey their mutual relations in a sentence) and semantics (how individual words and word groups are understood). Unless you major in writing, literature, etymology, or another related field, you generally won’t examine English grammar deeply. Through years of cognitive development and practice, native users implicitly understand how to effectively employ the language.

Distinct grammatical systems exist for each language and, sometimes, even within a single language. For example, African American Vernacular English uses different syntactic rules than General American English. You should learn grammatical terms and definitions. Common errors include subject/verb agreement, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, and vague or incorrect pronoun usage. Hasty writers can also misuse phonetically similar words (your/you’re, its/it’s, and there/their/they’re).

Writing Resources for Nursing Students

Apa style central, reviewed by:.

Portrait of Shrilekha Deshaies, MSN, RN

Shrilekha Deshaies, MSN, RN

Shri Deshaies is a nurse educator with over 20 years of experience teaching in hospital, nursing school, and community settings. Deshaies’ clinical area of expertise is critical care nursing and she is a certified critical care nurse. She has worked in various surgical ICUs throughout her career, including cardiovascular, trauma, and neurosurgery.

Shri Deshaies is a paid member of our Healthcare Review Partner Network. Learn more about our review partners here .

Page last reviewed November 30, 2021

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

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Election latest: Starmer incredulous over latest Tory attack line

Sir Keir Starmer has said he "can hardly believe" how the Conservative election campaign has pivoted towards attacking him for spending time with his family, having revealed he doesn't work after 6pm on Fridays and hopes to keep it up if he becomes prime minister.

Tuesday 2 July 2024 11:53, UK

  • General Election 2024

Election week

  • Starmer 'can hardly believe' latest Tory attack line
  • Minister latest to hit out at Labour leader's 6pm Friday finishes
  • Royal Mail points finger of blame over postal vote delays
  • PM delivers? Sunak starts day with 5am Ocado trip
  • Explained:  Why 'supermajority' warnings don't add up
  • Sky News Daily:  Five things main parties aren't talking about
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler

Expert analysis

  • Rob Powell:  PM's talking like Labour's already won
  • Ed Conway:  The science and security of the exit poll
  • Matthew Thompson:  What's a good result for the Lib Dems?

Election essentials

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  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:  Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
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It's 12pm - time for your afternoon general election update as we enter the very final stretch of a fiery, six-week campaign.

Here's everything you need to know so far today:

  • The Conservatives have kept up their attacks on  Sir Keir Starmer  over suggestions he would keep up his commitment to not working after 6pm on Fridays should he become PM;
  • Health minister Maria Caulfield told Sky News "it is slightly concerning" that the Labour leader would take this approach;
  • Sir Keir - who keeps Friday nights free to spend time with his wife and children - has hit back, claiming the attack is evidence of a "desperation" from the Conservatives which is "bordering on hysterical".
  • Both Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir are busy on the campaign trail today, in a last ditch effort to convince voters to back their parties on Thursday;
  • And the government is "urgently" investigating delays to postal ballots being delivered, after postal affairs minister Kevin Hollinrake criticised Royal Mail for apparently failing to deliver some votes in time.
  • Stephen Flynn , the SNP's Westminster leader, today criticised the "complete and utter shambles" of these delays, claiming it "disenfranchises" people in Scotland who have gone on holiday (schools have already broken up there);
  • Sir Ed Davey , the leader of the Liberal Democrats, is back on the campaign trail in the South East, knocking down Conservative blue dominoes in yet another stunt;
  • And a second Reform UK candidate - Georgie David - has announced her decision to suspend her campaign because of "racism and misogyny" in the party - and back the Conservatives.

Stick with us for live updates throughout the day.

By Faye Brown , political reporter

Kemi Badenoch and Suella Braverman have denied being associated with website domains purporting to be for future leadership bids.

It comes as a source close to Penny Mordaunt told Sky News she kept her domain active from the 2022 contests "for the same reason you'd keep a spare tire in the boot" - and not to mount a challenge against the PM.

With Rishi Sunak widely expected to lose the election on Thursday, there has been mounting speculation about what direction the Conservatives will head in and who could take command.

While Northern Ireland minister Steve Baker has been open about fancying his chances, other senior Tories are keeping their cards close to their chests.

More on one of the day's top stories now - namely reports that some postal votes have not yet arrived at the homes of voters. 

Royal Mail officials have said they "remain confident" that those postal votes that were received on time will be delivered before polling day, adding there is "no backlog".

The Post Office minister said earlier she is urgently investigating delays to people receiving their postal votes.

A Royal Mail spokesperson said: "We have no backlog of postal votes and, whilst we are not complacent, we remain confident that postal votes handed to us on time will be delivered prior to polling day."

It suggested that "stakeholders" involved in "printing and administering" the postal votes could be to blame. 

"Where specific concerns have been raised, we have investigated, and confirmed ballot packs are being delivered as soon as they arrive in our network.

"We would welcome a review into the timetable for future elections with all stakeholders to ensure that the system for printing and administering postal votes before they are handed to Royal Mail works as smoothly as possible."

Sir Keir Starmer has said Tory attacks on his desire to spend Friday evenings with his family were a sign of "increasing desperation bordering on hysterical". 

The father-of-two said he would continue to have "protected time for the kids" at the end of the week if he were to take over the top job on 5 July.

The Conservatives have tried to make hay with the comments, with an attack on social media saying: "Keir Starmer has said he'd clock off work at 6pm if he became prime minister.

"You deserve better than a part-time prime minister. The only way to prevent this is to vote Conservative on Thursday."

Starmer 'can hardly believe' Tory attack line

Asked about the Tory criticism, Sir Keir said: "This is just increasingly desperate stuff. 

"I actually can hardly believe that 48 hours before an election, the Conservative Party has got nothing positive to say as they go into this."

Sir Keir said they were in a "negative, desperate loop".

He added: "My family is really important to me, as they will be to every single person watching this. And I just think it's increasing desperation bordering on hysterical."

The Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is now asked about reports that some postal votes have not yet arrived at the homes of voters. 

"I am concerned about the postal ballots because it is really important in this election that every single person has the ability to vote - and I hope vote for change," he says in response. 

"I think it's on all of us on a sort of non-party political basis to say we must do everything we collectively can to ensure that those ballot papers get to people and they can fill them in and have the vote to which they are entitled so that the country can move forward with the change that I hope will be delivered at this election."

Sir Keir Starmer is now taking questions from the media, including from our political correspondent Serena Barker-Singh .

She asks about the cost of living crisis, which has eased because Europe is still reliant on Russian gas imports - with UK companies still facilitating the trade through insurance and ownership.

Would Sir Keir toughen sanctions to clamp down on this?

The Labour leader says the UK needs to have a "clear framework in place when it comes to trade".

He adds: "But what I would say you started with energy. 

"One of the reasons that we've paid such high prices in energy is because we're over reliant on the international market.

"That is precisely why we want to start the work on day one, setting up Great British Energy, a home-grown renewable energy company, because that will give us lower bills for good, because we control it. 

"It will give us independence and security, because whatever happens in Ukraine and Russia will not impact in the way that it has done."

You can read more on how British firms help to keep Russian gas flowing into Europe from our economics and data editor Ed Conway here:

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is also busy on the campaign trail today, addressing those gathered at a rally in Nottingham.

Less than 48 hours before polls open, Sir Keir hails his party for running a "positive campaign... all about change".

"What a contrast to the increasingly desperate, negative campaign that the Tories are running," he says. 

"They have literally got nothing to say to the electorate."

In contrast, the Labour leader says: "We have got plenty to say.

"This campaign is about change, it is about turning the page and rebuilding our country."

Sir Keir says if you don't vote Labour on Thursday, we could end up "on Friday morning with five more years" of the Conservatives.

"Have you seen anything in their campaign that suggests they have changed?"

He adds that "every single vote counts", stressing that some constituencies will go down to "a few hundred votes" either side on election night.

"People want change, but change will only happen if you vote for it."

Still in Oxfordshire, the prime minister is now taking questions from the audience. 

One woman says she's waited three years for an autism and ADHD diagnosis for her son and eventually ended up going private anyway. 

She asks how the prime minister can tackle the waiting lists and support those with diagnoses. 

Rishi Sunak says he's introduced a scheme that allows people to access the private sector via the NHS if the wait times are too long. 

"What I tell the NHS is: 'Look, if there's a private provider that can do whatever it might be, whether it's an assessment or a hip replacement, and they can do it at the same tariff rate, then people should be able to choose where to get their treatment and get it done there'," he says. 

He says this "because I don't have any ideological disagreement with the private sector", in an apparent stab at Sir Keir Starmer, adding that is one of the differences between the Conservatives and Labour. 

He then references the "pharmacy first" policy which should also help cut GP waits, before adding that six million NHS referrals were not carried out during the pandemic, slowing wait times further. 

"We're now starting to see waiting lists come down," he says. 

As for why he can be trusted, the prime minister repeats that he was right when warning of the dangers Liz Truss posed, and "that's why you can trust me now when I'm warning you about the dangers of what Labour would do if they were in power". 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in Oxfordshire today, where he is taking questions from staff at a warehouse.

Ahead of the Q&A, he addresses those gathered. 

As he has throughout his campaigning, Mr Sunak admits that the Tories haven't got everything right in the past, but this election is about the future.

He repeats his attacks on Labour and says the Conservatives will continue to cut taxes if re-elected. 

"There is an important choice, and a vote for the Conservatives... is a vote to lower your taxes and continue the progress [we've made]," he says. 

"Don't sleepwalk into something you haven't thought properly about... every vote matters, you can make the difference."

We're just two days away from the election now. 

Georgie David, who was the Reform candidate for West Ham and Beckton, has confirmed her decision to suspend her campaign - and back the Conservatives.

She said she is "in no doubt that the party and its senior leadership are not racist", but said the "vast majority of candidates are indeed racist, misogynistic and bigoted".

Ms David added: "I do not wish to be directly associated with people who hold such views that are so vastly opposing to my own and what I stand for.

"I also have been significantly frustrated and dismayed by the failure of the Reform Party’s leadership to tackle this issue in any meaningful way, and their attempts to instead try to brush it under the carpet or cry foul play.

"As such, I have now suspended my campaign with Reform, and I an endorsing the Conservative Party – I would encourage all of my fellow patriots to do the same."

It comes two days after Reform's candidate in Erewash also  defected to the Conservatives over racism concerns .

The other candidates in West Ham and Beckton are:

  • James Edward Asser - Labour
  • Lois Austin - Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
  • Emily Bigland - Liberal Democrats
  • Rob Callender - Green Party
  • Sophia Naqvi -  Newham Independents Party
  • Holly Alice Ramsey - Conservative and Unionist Party
  • Kayode Shedowo - Christian Peoples Alliance

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nursing benefits essay

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Using AI to manage minimum income benefits and unemployment assistance

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  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Future of work
  • AI and work

nursing benefits essay

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While means-tested benefits such as minimum income benefits (MIB) and unemployment assistance (UA) are an essential safety net for low-income people and the unemployed, incomplete take-up is the rule rather than the exception. Building on desk research, open-ended surveys and semi-structured interviews, this paper investigates the opportunities and risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) for managing these means-tested benefits. This ranges from providing information to individuals, through determining eligibility based on pre-determined statutory criteria and identifying undue payments, to notifying individuals about their eligibility status. One of the key opportunities of using AI for these purposes is that this may improve the timeliness and take-up of MIB and UA. However, it may also lead to systematically biased eligibility assessments or increase inequalities, amongst others. Finally, the paper explores potential policy directions to help countries seize AI’s opportunities while addressing its risks, when using it for MIB or UA management.

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