Machine translation and its evaluation: a study

  • Published: 19 February 2023
  • Volume 56 , pages 10137–10226, ( 2023 )

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thesis on machine translation

  • Subrota Kumar Mondal   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Haoxi Zhang 1 ,
  • H. M. Dipu Kabir 2 ,
  • Kan Ni 1 &
  • Hong-Ning Dai 3  

1628 Accesses

9 Citations

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Machine translation (namely MT) has been one of the most popular fields in computational linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As one of the most promising approaches, MT can potentially break the language barrier of people from all over the world. Despite a number of studies in MT, there are few studies in summarizing and comparing MT methods. To this end, in this paper, we principally focus on presenting the two mainstream MT schemes: statistical machine translation (SMT) and neural machine translation (NMT), including their basic rationales and developments. Meanwhile, the detailed translation models are also presented, such as the word-based model, syntax-based model, and phrase-based model in statistical machine translation. Similarly, approaches in NMT, such as the recurrent neural network-based, attention mechanism-based, and transformer-based models are presented. Last but not least, the evaluation approaches also play an important role in helping developers to improve their methods better in MT. The prevailing machine translation evaluation methodologies are also presented in this article.

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Apertium .

GramTrans .

Google AI Blog .

Microsoft Translator Blog .

Moses .

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OpenNMT .

Google Translate .

Europarl Datasets .

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Machine translation

  • Natural Language Processing

Rule-based Machine Translation

Corpus-based Machine Translation

  • Statistical machine translation

Example-based Machine Translation

Hybrid Machine Translation

  • Neural machine translation


Word-based Machine Translation

Syntax-based Machine Translation

Phrase-based Machine Translation

Context-Free Grammar

Synchronous Context-Free Grammar

Inversion Transduction Grammar

Translation Edit Rat

Human-targeted Translation Edit Rat

Multi-reference TER

Google’s Neural Machine Translation



Neural Network

Convolutional Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Network

Transformer Neural Network

Gate Recurrent Unit

Long-Short Term Memory

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers

Low-Resource Language

High-Resource Language

Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Bilingual Evaluation Understudy

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit ORdering

Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation

Open Machine Translation Evaluation

Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer

ACL (2022) ACL 2014 NINTH WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL MACHINE TRANSLATION. Available at . Accessed 05 Apr 2022


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The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their quality reviews and suggestions. This work was supported in part by The Science and Technology Development Fund of Macao, Macao SAR, China under Grant 0033/2022/ITP and in part by The Faculty Research Grant Projects of Macau University of Science and Technology, Macao SAR, China under Grant FRG-22-020-FI.

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School of Computer Science and Engineering, Macau University of Science and Technology, Taipa, 999078, Macao, China

Subrota Kumar Mondal, Haoxi Zhang & Kan Ni

Deakin University, Geelong, Australia

H. M. Dipu Kabir

The Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

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Mondal, S.K., Zhang, H., Kabir, H.M.D. et al. Machine translation and its evaluation: a study. Artif Intell Rev 56 , 10137–10226 (2023).

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Published : 19 February 2023

Issue Date : September 2023


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A Survey on the Application of Online Machine Translation in Thesis Writing by English Majors

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We present a Chinese-English Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system based on dependency tree mappings. We use a state-of-the-art dependency parser to parse the English translation of the Penn Chinese Treebank to make it bilingual and then learn a ...

Chinese-Japanese Machine Translation Exploiting Chinese Characters

The Chinese and Japanese languages share Chinese characters. Since the Chinese characters in Japanese originated from ancient China, many common Chinese characters exist between these two languages. Since Chinese characters contain significant semantic ...


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Thang Luong's thesis on Neural Machine Translation


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Thang luong's thesis on neural machine translation.

This repository contains the latest version of my thesis .

Motivated by my advisor (Chris Manning)'s suggestion on extreme openness , I started sharing my thesis writing since day 1. While it is not yet clear how useful it is (smile), you can at least find all of the edits made by my advisor, page by page here . Thanks Chris!

Code, data, and models described in this thesis can be found at our Stanford NMT Project Page .

To save your reading time, let me highlight sections that I have put effort in writing beside my published papers:

  • Chapter 7 - Conclusion : this will give you a big picture of what I have achieved in my dissertation and how it influences subsequent work.
  • Chapter 6 - NMT future (especially section 6.3 - Future Outlook ): this is where I highlight potential research directions and speculate on the future.

Additionally, one can also read:

  • Chapter 2 - Background : this section, I hope, will be useful for any reader who wants to implement NMT by hand like me where I give details on things like derivations for LSTM gradients.
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction : I hope to enlighten readers with the history of MT from the 17th century until now.


Thanks Gabor Angeli for sharing the thesis setup!

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AI machine translation tools must be taught cultural differences too

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The ‘No Language Left Behind’ project has scaled machine translation to 200 of the world’s 7,000 or so languages ( Nature; 2024 ). But to successfully preserve or revitalize minority languages, the scope of large-language-model (LLM) training needs to be broadened.

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Candice Miller, in a white summer dress, poses for a portrait with her husband, Brandon Miller, in a light blue shirt. Both are holding wine glasses.

How an Instagram-Perfect Life in the Hamptons Ended in Tragedy

Candice and Brandon Miller showed the public a world of glittering parties and vacations. The money to sustain it did not exist.

Candice and Brandon Miller. In photographs shared online, their lives were full of parties and luxurious vacations. Credit... Joe Schildhorn/, via Shutterstock

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Katherine Rosman

By Katherine Rosman

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In the modern Gilded Age of New York, where Instagram is awash in unrestrained displays of wealth, Brandon and Candice Miller were royalty.

At their 10th wedding anniversary “Midsummer Night’s Dream” party, they celebrated with a few dozen friends in the backyard of their 5,500-square-foot vacation home in the Hamptons.

Beautiful women in gowns watched with their handsome husbands as the couple renewed their vows near a swimming pool strewn with peonies and rose petals beneath a canopy of lights.

It was a grand public display of their perfect life and marriage. Ms. Miller told a lifestyle blogger who wrote about the party that her husband’s speech “made me cry by the end with his authentic, raw emotion and romantic words.”

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The Midsummer Night party was in 2019. Five years later, the glamorous image that Ms. Miller cultivated and promoted has disappeared, replaced with heartbreak, anger and a mountain of once-secret debt.

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New 2024-2025 faculty

Angie bautista-chavez      .

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science 

As a scholar of American politics, Angie Bautista-Chavez examines the politics of migration, borders, bureaucracy, race, and citizenship. She is interested in the dynamic interplay between states and racialized migrants—at one level, how Latinx immigrants are regulated by and contend with the American state, and at another level, how the United States has expanded its regulatory reach beyond its borders. She is committed to creating more inclusive systems of knowledge production, as indicated by her research, teaching, and mentorship record. 

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Assistant Professor, Department of Economics 

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Gira Bhabha     

Associate Research Professor, Department of Biology 

Gira Bhabha’s research focuses on the structural mechanisms and cell biology of microbes and their interactions with hosts. The lab uses integrative approaches including X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, optical microscopy, biochemistry, microbiology, and cell biology techniques, to uncover the unique biology of eukaryotic and prokaryotic pathogens. 

Alessandra Corsi

Research Professor, William H. Miller III Department of Physics and Astronomy 

Alessandra Corsi’s research focuses on multi-messenger time-domain astronomy, with emphasis on relativistic radio transients and gravitational wave physics. She has vast experience with observations of astrophysical transients and follow-up of gravitational wave (GW) events and works on detection algorithms for GW data.  

Ross Doppelt

Senior Lecturer and Program Coordinator, Applied Economics (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Ross Doppelt teaches in the applied economics program, based out of the Washington, D.C., campus. As a macroeconomist, his primary research interests are labor markets and time series, and he has experience teaching classes in macro, micro, and econometrics. Doppelt has a PhD from New York University and a BA from the University of Chicago, both in economics. 

Damian Ekiert

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Brahim El Guabli

Brahim El Guabli  

Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Thought and Literature 

Brahim El Guabli is an interdisciplinary scholar who teaches a variety of topics in Tamazghan and Middle Eastern literatures from the lens of environmentalism, indigeneity, and multilingualism. His work engages issues of race and racism, deserts and Saharanism, joint authorship practices, translation and transitional justice, Jews in Amazigh and Arabic cultural production, and revitalization of Indigenous cultures. 

Harris Feinsod

Harris Feinsod

Research Professor, Department of English 

Harris Feinsod is a literary and cultural historian of the United States, Latin America, and the Atlantic world. He is the author of a literary history, The Poetry of the Americas: from Good Neighbors to Countercultures , and the co-translator of Oliverio Girondo’s Decals: Complete Early Poems . His recent academic essays and public writings focus especially on port cities, and on maritime labor, environment, and culture under conditions of globalization. 

Kandyce Fernandez

Kandyce Fernandez   

Senior Lecturer, Non-Profit Management (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Kandyce Fernandez’s expertise in the nonprofit sector includes philanthropy and foundations, advocacy and the policy process, civic health and engagement and program evaluation. Her research addresses the interactions that take place among communities and organizations across sectors, with a focus on civic health in the nonprofit sector. 

Lauren Fusilier

Senior Lecturer, University Writing Program  

Lauren Fusilier’s research interests include digital and multimodal pedagogy, the intersection of digital literacies and new media campus resources, and issues of institutional equity and accessibility, especially as they impact non-dominant student populations.  

Andrew Gallup

Andrew Gallup 

Teaching Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences 

Andrew Gallup’s research areas include the evolution and functional significance of yawning, sports and athletics in evolutionary perspective, and threat detection and group vigilance. He teaches courses in behavioral biology and provides advising and research mentoring to undergraduate students. 

Maia Gil’Adí  

Assistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures 

Maia Gil’Adí’s work takes up speculative fiction as a site for theorizing Latinx identity across national and ethnic borders and shows the vital role of historical trauma in its formation. Arguing against reparative modes of reading, she analyzes how literary portrayals of violence, destruction, and pain paradoxically elicit pleasurable affective and aesthetic experiences. Examining novels by established Latinx authors such as Junot Díaz and Cristina García as well as multiethnic writers such as Colson Whitehead and Sesshu Foster, Gil’Adí challenges definitions of what constitutes Latinx literature and notions of the speculative by dismantling generic boundaries and entrenched definitions of race, ethnicity, and nationhood. 

Nune Grigoryan

Senior Lecturer and Program Coordinator, Communication (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Nune Grigoryan’s research is focused on the intersection of media and democracy. Her scholarly work includes studies of media ethics and digital media use for political participation, as well as social media use for political dissent and political campaigns. 

Christopher Grobe

Associate Research Professor, Department of English 

Christopher Grobe specializes in the entanglement of literature, performance, media, and technology in U.S. culture. Understanding “performance” as both a mode of artistic practice and a source of social knowledge, he has studied such topics as the history of “confessional performance” in American culture, the theatricality of U.S. electoral politics, and the role artists play in constructing new technologies (from the telegraph to AI) and in determining their cultural significance.     

David Guggenheim

Lecturer, Program Coordinator, Academic Advisor, Environmental Programs (Advanced Academic Programs) 

David Guggenheim is a marine scientist, conservation policy specialist, educator, award-winning author, ocean explorer and manned submersible pilot. He has worked in Cuba for more than 20 years, leading collaborative education, research and conservation efforts focused on coral reef ecosystems. 

John Hale

Research Professor, Department of Cognitive Science 

John Hale’s expertise lies in computational linguistics. His research centers on language comprehension, asking questions such as how are we able to understand one another, just by hearing a sequence of words? He uses cognitive modeling, analyzing the human mind/brain via computer simulation.  

Simon D. Halliday

  • Associate Research Professor and Associate Director at the Center for Economy and Society, SNF Agora Institute 
  • Faculty affiliate of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University (2023-2025) 

Simon Halliday conducts research in behavioral and experimental economics, with a focus on social preferences (reciprocity and social norms) and institutions (ratings, punishment, communication). He also does economics education, and he has co-authored (with Samuel Bowles) an intermediate-level microeconomics textbook: Microeconomics: Competition, Conflict, and Coordination (OUP, 2022). Halliday is also the co-leader of the enCOREage Project. In a new textbook for introductory economics students, Understanding the Economy , the enCOREage team will introduce content that draws students in because it addresses societal problems that students care about while building employability skills, belonging, and inclusion into the curriculum. 

Yuan He

Research Professor, Departments of Biophysics and Biology 

Yuan He is interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms by which large, multi-subunit complexes engage in DNA-centric processes. His research uses cryo-electron microscopy and other biophysical and biochemical approaches.  

William Huang

William Y. C. Huang

Assistant Professor, Department of Biophysics  

William Huang is broadly interested in biochemical reactions at the cell membrane, especially those involved in signal transduction. The research combines optical methods and kinetic modeling to analyze biochemically reconstituted systems and living cells. The integrated approach has enabled the invention of extensive imaging-based membrane assays, oftentimes revealing unexpected dynamic characteristics unique to membrane signaling configurations. 

Paul Johnson  

Associate Research Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures 

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Sujung Kim

Sujung Kim  

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology 

Sujung Kim’s research focuses on the transnational interactions of Buddhist practices in East Asia by engaging a variety of networks that connect people, places, and praxis in the Buddhist world. After her first monograph, Shinra Myojin and Buddhist Networks of the East Asian “Mediterranean” (University of Hawaii Press, 2019), she is currently working on her second monograph, Korean Magical Medicine: Buddhist Healing Talismans in Choson Korea (under advance contract with the University of Hawai’i Press). 

Chris Kromphardt

Chris Kromphardt  

Lecturer, Assistant Program Director, Data Analytics and Policy (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Chris Kromphardt’s research focuses on how citizens view the performance and legitimacy of judicial institutions, how judicial institutions make decisions, and the design and evaluation of experiential learning activities. He has taught courses on public policy, research methods and research design, constitutional law, and American politics. 

Jason Ludden 

Jason Ludden’s research interests include rhetoric of science, environmental communication, composition pedagogy, and creative writing. His work focuses on the role of experts in public policy discourse, and he has examined how forest management discourse shapes public perception of environmental issues.  

Diego Luis

Diego Luis     

Rohrbaugh Family Assistant Professor, Department of History 

Diego Luis is a historian of Latin America specializing in the connections between Mexico and the Philippines during the Manila galleon period (1565-1815). His work focuses on the global scope of the early modern Spanish empire by examining the movement of people across the Pacific Ocean and how that movement transformed societies at both the eastern and western termini of the galleon trade. 

Julie K. Lundquist    

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Wind Energy, Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Mechanical Engineering (Whiting School of Engineering) 

Julie Lundquist uses observational and computational approaches to understand the atmospheric boundary layer, with an emphasis on atmosphere-wind energy interactions. Her research engages in both the atmospheric influences on wind energy production as well as the atmospheric consequences of wind energy deployment.

Vikash Morar

Lecturer, Biotechnology (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Vikash Morar has a background in research in clinical diagnostics, cellular neuroscience, and machine learning. His interest in learning as an abstraction brought him toward pedagogy, where he has extensively trained and worked to improve student outcomes in the classroom.

Marcelo Nogueira  

Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Marcelo Nogueira’s research focuses on modern and contemporary Latin American poetry, popular music, and visual culture, with a special emphasis on Brazil. Drawing on literary history, media theory, sound studies, and ethnomusicology, he investigates the Latin American avant-gardes, Brazilian modernism, concrete poetry, and the art of songwriting. He earned his PhD in Romance Studies from Duke University in 2022. 

Danielle Norcini

Danielle Norcini  

Assistant Professor, William H. Miller III Department of Physics and Astronomy 

Danielle Norcini’s research interests are in particle physics and cosmology. Her main focus is building detectors to discover dark matter and measure neutrinos. Currently, her group is developing single-electron sensors called skipper CCDs to make precision measurements of particle interactions at very low energy thresholds.

Grace Panetti   

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry 

Grace Panetti investigates challenges at the interface of photochemistry and inorganic chemistry. She uses inorganic synthesis coupled with photophysical techniques like transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate these new systems.

Mladen Petkov

Mladen Petkov     

Lecturer, Communication (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Mladen Petkov is interested in journalistic roles and practices, media freedom, disinformation, and Artificial Intelligence. He has several years of newsroom experience in the United States and Bulgaria. 

Allison Pugh

Allison Pugh  

Research Professor, Department of Sociology 

Allison Pugh’s research speaks to central concerns in the sociology of gender, investigating how people forge connections and find meaning and dignity at work and at home. Her work uses qualitative methods to investigate how gender, race, and class inequalities affect the way people negotiate dignity and connection amidst socioeconomic trends such as rationalization, insecurity, and commodification.

Lakshmi Rajkumar

Lakshmi Rajkumar   

Senior Lecturer, Program Coordinator, Lab Manager, Biotechnology (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Lakshmi Rajkumar is an alumni of Johns Hopkins University’s M.S. in Biotechnology program specializing in microbiology. She has contributed to cancer research at the University of Maryland’s Translational Core Lab and has worked in the industry as a food microbiologist.

Margaret Renwick    

Associate Research Professor, Department of Cognitive Science 

Margaret Renwick’s research incorporates variation into models of spoken language to answer questions about the nature of phonological contrast, the origins and realization of phonological patterns, regional accents of U.S. English, and linguistic change across generations.

Mona Khadem Sameni 

Senior Lecturer and Program Coordinator, Applied Economics (Advanced Academic Programs)  

Mona Khadem Sameni’s research focuses on health economics, health policy, healthcare systems, and labor economics. She has done studies on global disparities in the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems, the application of AI in healthcare worldwide, and the regulation of AI. 

Hale Sirin 

  • Assistant Research Professor, Alexander Grass Humanities Institute – Center for Digital Humanities 
  • Affiliated faculty, Center for Languages and Speech Processing

Hale Sirin’s research and teaching bring together computational and critical methods to explore questions about narrative, language, and translation across historic and modern languages. She teaches courses on computational methods in the humanities and narrative theory. Sirin’s work has appeared in numerous venues including the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations and has been published in technical conferences including the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Sarah Sowden  

Lecturer, Computational Biology (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Sarah Sowden has expertise in data science, research administration, and the ethical and legal implications of data practices. She lectures in bioinformatics and individualized genomics and health.  

Frederick Tan

Frederick Tan 

Assistant Research Professor, Biology 

Frederick Tan researches mechanisms to effectively train and support diverse populations in genomic data science. He focuses on strategies that increase persistence among undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. Through collaborative educational programs, he aims to build inclusive communities that advance research using the latest genomic technologies.

Heiko ter Haseborg  

Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures 

Heiko ter Haseborg’s research interests include curriculum design, curriculum evaluation, assessment, world language pedagogy, teacher, and learner role in language education, second language acquisition, and metacognition.   

Karina A. Vado 

Senior Lecturer, Medicine, Science, and the Humanities Program 

Karina Vado’s research lies at the intersections of Latinx and Latin American literary and cultural studies, science and technology studies, and science fiction studies. She is currently working on her first book project, Latinx DNA: Race, Latinidad, and Gene(ome ). In it, she interrogates scientized representations of Latinx identity across multiple cultural forms—popular science writing, music, speculative memoirs, documentary film, and visual art—and considers the vexed de- and re-codings of Latinidad that these “texts” forward or foreclose. 

Jasmina Wiemann

Jasmina Wiemann

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences 

Jasmina Wiemann’s research develops new chemical methods and instrument components that comparatively probe biologically and geologically informative patterns in the macromolecular composition of modern and fossil organismal tissues to characterize past, present, and predictable future interactions between life and its changing environments and translates these insights into bio-inspired climate solutions.

Frances Wu

Senior Lecturer, Organizational Leadership (Advanced Academic Programs) 

Frances Wu’s research focuses on cross-cultural leadership for global challenges and community-engaged pedagogies for leadership education. She has been awarded research grants on leadership for sustainability in business education in Singapore, higher education innovations in the U.S., and change processes for joint-venture universities between the U.S. and other countries.


  1. (PDF) A Review on Machine Translation Approaches

    thesis on machine translation

  2. PPT

    thesis on machine translation

  3. Machine Translation and Translation Theory (English) Hardcover Book

    thesis on machine translation

  4. (PDF) The Feasibility of Chinese–English Machine Translation Applied to

    thesis on machine translation

  5. (PDF) An Overall Perspective of Machine Translation with its

    thesis on machine translation

  6. 6 steps for successful machine translation

    thesis on machine translation


  1. PDF Machine Translationness: a Concept for Machine Translation ...

    Machine translationness (MTness) is the linguistic phenomena that make machine trans-lations distinguishable from human translations. This thesis intends to present MT-ness as a research object and suggests an MT evaluation method based on determining whether the translation is machine-like instead of determining its human-likeness as in

  2. Machine translation and its evaluation: a study

    Machine translation (namely MT) has been one of the most popular fields in computational linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As one of the most promising approaches, MT can potentially break the language barrier of people from all over the world. Despite a number of studies in MT, there are few studies in summarizing and comparing MT ...

  3. PDF Machine Translation with Transformers

    translation approach. Neural machine translation is the art of using arti cial neu-ral networks (ANN) models to learn a statistical model for machine translation. The phrase-based translation systems (e.g. Marcu and Wong (2002), Koehn et al. (2003), Setiawan et al. (2005)) require the pipeline of specialized components such as language model ...

  4. A scientometric study of three decades of machine translation research

    1. Introduction. Machine translation (MT), a subfield of computational linguistics, is defined by the European Association of Machine Translation as any type of automated translation from one natural language to another (European Association of Machine Translation, Citation n.d.).It is a form of language processing technology that enables the automatic translation of text and speech from one ...

  5. (PDF) The Effectiveness of Machine Translation

    The. Effectiveness of. Machine. Translation. Saleh M. Al-Salman. Abu Dhabi University. Vol, 5, 2000. Abstract: Insofar as machine translation is based on computerized natural. language processing ...

  6. PDF Interactive and Adaptive Neural Machine Translation

    NEURAL MACHINE TRANSLATION by Rebecca Knowles A dissertation submitted to The Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the ... My undergraduate mathematics thesis was advised by Lynne Butler, who always set high expectations for me and backed them up with good advice and guidance. Nathan Sanders advised my linguistics thesis

  7. (PDF) The Machine Translation of Literature: Implications for

    Machine translation (MT) has been recently experiencing an upsurge in popularity within the realm of second language (L2) and foreign language (FL) education.This paper aims to present the ...

  8. Multimodal machine translation through visuals and speech

    Multimodal machine translation involves drawing information from more than one modality, based on the assumption that the additional modalities will contain useful alternative views of the input data. The most prominent tasks in this area are spoken language translation, image-guided translation, and video-guided translation, which exploit ...

  9. PDF On the correctness of machine translation: A machine translation

    ore detail in Koponen and Salmi (2012).3.1 Correctness analysisFigure 1 shows the overall correctness evaluat. on of the raw machine translations and the post-edited versions. In the raw MT state (left column of Figure 1), only six of the 120 sentences (5%) were evaluated as fully correct, and a further 24 sentences (20%) were eval.

  10. PDF Machine Translation for Professional Translators

    Machine Translation for Professional Translators. ZurichOpenRepositoryand Archive UniversityofZurich MainLibrary Strickhofstrasse39 CH-8057Zurich Year: 2020. Machine Translation for Professional Translators.

  11. Towards efficient universal neural machine translation

    Machine translation (MT) aims to overcome such barriers by automatically transforming information from one language to another. With the rapid development of deep neural networks, neural machine translation (NMT) - especially Transformer - has achieved great success in recent years, delivering state-of-the-art and even near human ...

  12. PDF From Feature to Paradigm: Deep Learning in Machine Translation

    In such a context, Machine Translation (MT), which is the task of automatically translating a text from a source language into a target language, is gaining more and more relevance. Both industry and academy are strongly investigating in the eld which is progressing at an incredible speed.

  13. Machine translation and its evaluation: a study

    Machine translation (namely MT) has been one of the most popular fields in computational linguistics and Artificial Intelligence (AI). As one of the most promising approaches, MT can potentially break the language barrier of people from all over the world. Despite a number of studies in MT, there are few studies in summarizing and comparing MT methods. To this end, in this paper, we ...


    field of Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) over the past two decades, the translation quality has not yet been satisfactory; at the same time, SMT systems become increasing complex with many different components built separately, rendering it extremely difficult to make further advancement. Recently, Neural Machine Translation (NMT ...

  15. PDF Master Thesis Using Machine Learning Methods for Evaluating the ...

    sifying sentences as automated translation and professional translation. The research is based on a database containing 22;327 sentences and 32 translation evaluation attributes, which are used for optimizations of five different machine learning approaches. An op-timization process consisting of 795;000 evaluations shows a prediction accuracy ...

  16. Comparing Machine Translation and Human Translation: A Case Study

    Comparing Machine Translation and Human Translation: A Case Study. November 2017. DOI: 10.26615/978-954-452-042-7_003. Conference: RANLP 2017 - Workshop on Human-Informed Translation and ...


    translation system. e machine suggests future translations based on previous interactions. v. For example, if the user has typed part of a translation for a given input sentence, PTM can proposeacompletion. WealsoshowhowPTMcanself-correctitsmodelviaincremental machine learning.

  18. Simulating the Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages by

    written—are left with no way to effectively benefit from machine translation. As a step toward better translation processors for low-resource languages, this thesis examined the possibility of machine translation between high resource languages and low resource languages through an analysis of different machine learning techniques, and ultimately

  19. Neural Machine Translation

    NEURAL MACHINE TRANSLATION. Senior Thesis by. Quinn Lanners. Dr. Thomas Laurent, Thesis Director Neural Machine Translation is the primary algorithm used in industry to perform machine translation. This state-of-the-art algorithm is an application of deep learning in which massive datasets of translated sentences are used to train a model ...

  20. A Survey on the Application of Online Machine Translation in Thesis

    The advantages and limitations of online machine translation tools as an aid in thesis writing, the impact of their use on the quality of the thesis, as well as the views of English majors on their use were analyzed, thus providing enlightenment for all stakeholders involved in the completion of graduation thesis including students, teachers ...

  21. Dissertations / Theses: 'Machine translating'

    In this thesis a prototype machine translation system is presented. This system is designed to translate English text into a gloss based representation of South African Sign Language (SASL). In order to perform the machine translation, a transfer based approach was taken. English text is parsed into an intermediate representation.

  22. PDF Attention-based Neural Machine Translation from English-Wolaytta

    nslation system for English-Wolaytta using attention mechanism. The English-Wolaytta machine translation system has been trained on parallel corpus covering the religious, and frequently used s. ntences or phrases which can be used in day to day communication. A total of 27351 parallel English-Wolaytta sentences wer.

  23. The Impacts and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Translation Tool

    From early rule-based systems to advanced Neural Machine Translation (NMT), these technologies have enhanced translation quality but still highlight the indispensable role of human translators in ...

  24. Thang Luong's thesis on Neural Machine Translation

    Thang Luong's Thesis on Neural Machine Translation. This repository contains the latest version of my thesis. Motivated by my advisor (Chris Manning)'s suggestion on extreme openness, I started sharing my thesis writing since day 1. While it is not yet clear how useful it is (smile), you can at least find all of the edits made by my advisor ...

  25. AI machine translation tools must be taught cultural ...

    Physics solves a training problem for artificial neural networks. News & Views 07 AUG 24. These AI firms publish the world's most highly cited work. News 01 AUG 24. Cheap light sources could ...

  26. How an Instagram-Perfect Life in the Hamptons Ended in Tragedy

    It all culminated in the kind of envy-inducing images anticipated by the roughly 80,000 followers of "Mama and Tata," Ms. Miller's popular Instagram feed, which featured a near-constant ...

  27. New 2024-2025 faculty

    His recent academic essays and public writings focus especially on port cities, and on maritime labor, environment, and culture under conditions of globalization. ... and performance in his research. His writing on race, gender, translation, and popular culture also places pre-modern Iberia into conversation with urgent contemporary debates ...