
Caps Business Studies 10

Caps bs 10 term 3 week 7 – 9 business plan, topic – business plan.

A business plan (including a financial analysis) that can be implemented (financial viability business plan)

• Business plans (including financial analysis) based on identifiedbusiness opportunities

— Analysis of environmental factors — Components of the Business Plan — Cover page and index (includes name of business) — Executive summary — Description of the business

o The long-term objective, mission and vision of the business o The structure of the business (ownership) o The product/service o Legal requirements of business, e.g. license

— SWOT analysis — Marketing plan o Market research; o Marketing mix, the 7 Ps: price, product, promotion, place, people, physical environment and process

— Competition

Business Plan - Grade 10

WELCOME to Business Studies Lesson WebQuest by Ms. Herbert .

When you are unsure of where to begin, writing a business plan can seem overwhelming. Imagine you have a fantastic concept for a service or a company, but you're unsure... How can I inform others about it? How can I raise the funds necessary to launch my new company? Will people enjoy it and want to purchase from me? Do you find me credible? You can launch your own business if you have the necessary knowledge. A successful entrepreneur is autonomous, self-assured, tenacious, persistent, creative, quick on their feet, and technologically savvy. You leave far too many things up to chance when you don't have a business plan.

Click on the link and Listen to the video presented by Ms.Herbert  :  https://1drv.ms/v/s!And1uJ6CX6l9iFvN_hg-k_YRRPGh?e=YKDTaf

Our mission as educators is to develop thriving, competent individuals, which is where your task comes in.     

As you complete this task : think of the following questions:

Why is a business plan necessary ? What is the purpose of a business plan ?  

This lesson is intended for the business class in grade 10. You should complete this WebQuest by creating a business plan using the template provided to examine each aspect of the enterprise you ought to create after reading all the resources made available to you to learn more about the topic. The goal of this lesson is to push the students to develop a deeper grasp of business plans and the elements that go into creating and using them in the real world. This WebQuest encourages creativity and is designed to make pupils think outside the box. This task, which you must complete on your own, will count for 25% of your term mark.

 The learner will have one main task to accomplish at the conclusion of the session, which is a business plan they have produced for any firm they intend to establish utilizing the components that are provided.

The students should use this WebQuest at the completion of the lesson or task to be able to:

  • Outline the components of a business plan
  • Analyse the components of a business plan
  • Draw up a business plan
  • focus on the specific steps necessary for them to make business ideas succeed and help them to achieve short-term and long-term objectives when wanting to start a business.
  • Outline the components of a business plan.
  • Outline aspects that must be included in the executive summary.
  • Formulate the vision/mission statements and goals of the envisaged business.
  •  Outline/Mention different types of legal requirements of a business.
  •  Compile a SWOT analysis for the envisaged business.

To accomplish the task, you will need a computer or laptop, Microsoft Word, and internet access in order to obtain the data you need to construct the business plan.

Examples of a specialized company you want to establish ( you may use something else ) Dog walking, deliveries, cleaning, event planning, confectionery shops, retail stores, hair salons, etc. are just a few examples.

Business plan template- https://1drv.ms/w/s!AnLMlYv01OD4jHuNPd0QP5uJxWAd?e=DEDQNP


                                          " a big business starts small" .

To construct your business plan , adhere to the three procedures given:

Read the notes that follow first in order to gain better understanding of the different parts utilized in a business plan and how they are described. You can use these notes to help you start your business plan once you have specified the good or service you propose to provide in order to establish your particular business. Gather ideas for your company plan after deciding on the venture you want to establish.

To find the notes you need, click the link to see an explanation of each component listed below  ( link provided under step 1 )

•           Cover page

•           Index Page

•           Executive summary

•           Description

•           Swot analysis

•           Marketing plan

•           Operational plan

•           Management plan

•           Financial Plan

•           Additional documents

Business plan notes- https://1drv.ms/w/s!AnLMlYv01OD4jHlEhdHiL1EXhYlL?e=YBW0hK

Find the resources on how to develop your business plan and the YouTube videos that are associated. These will help you learn more about how to write a business plan and how you might feel about starting a business in the future. These are the  URLs of the YouTube videos  provided as a  guideline for when you ought to develop your business strategy .






The task can be completed over the course of three periods over 3 consecutive days , with 30 minutes granted in class for working on it and having questions answered. The assignment, for which you need to provide the following template with which you will construct your business plan, is due on September 1.

Day 1 ( period 2 ) : May Complete : Cover page , Index Page , Executive Summary

Day 2 ( period 5) : May Complete : Description , SWOT analysis , Marketing Plan

Day 3 ( Period 3) : May Complete : Operational Plan , Management Plan & Additional Documents

NOTE : You won't need to finish all of these steps in class; instead, use it as a draft that you could complete in class while asking questions in class. This is a guide on how to draft your work in the allocated 30 minutes , thereafter you can complete your task in your free time before the 1st September 2022.

These are Additional Resources that are  Extremely  helpful to helping you prepare  a business plan :




Tips you could make use of before starting on your task :

  Possible questions to ask yourself after deciding on the venture you want to establish

  •  What are the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed?
  •  Why would you choose this particular business activity?
  •  What sort of business structure would you have, sole proprietor, partnership, company, or corporation? And why?
  • Why did you choose this business?
  •  Where will it be located?
  •  How will I run this business?

Your business plan will be evaluated according to the following  criteria :

Student Name:     ________________________________________















Attractiveness & Organization

The business plan has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information.

The business plan has attractive formatting and well-organized information.

The business plan has well-organized information.

The business plans and organization of material are confusing to the reader.


Writing - Organization

Each section in the business plan has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Almost all sections of the business plan have a clear beginning, middle and end.

Most sections of the business plan have a clear beginning, middle and end.

Less than half of the sections of the business plan have a clear beginning, middle and end.


Spelling & Proofreading

No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the business plan.

No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the business plan.

No more than 3 spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the business plan.

Several spelling errors in the business plan.


Content - Accuracy

All facts in the business plan are accurate.

99-90% of the facts in the business plan are accurate.

89-80% of the facts in the business plan are accurate.

Fewer than 80% of the facts in the business plan are accurate.





Thank you to all who have taken your time to successfully completed you task on creating their own business plan. You have gained understanding of the numerous elements required to begin a business plan and have used the notes and other sources to create your own business plan. I hope you'll keep using this strategy when the time comes to launch your own company . You need to now be well-versed in the process of writing a business strategy . Keep in mind to put the knowledge you gained throughout the session to use and carry it with you.

DO NOT forget to fill out the word document business plan template with all pertinent information .

Additionally, you must submit the following reflection google form for teacher record purposes :

  link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9T9oPSl65MkBJ5klZtMivX8XZwCGUYJL_8i597KnSfgFDlg/viewform?usp=pp_url

Think about the future - how will you implement your idea for the business? Do you want to start this business "for real"? How will you go about it? 

The world needs innovative and creative new businesses to meet everyone's needs -- yours may be just what everyone is looking for!  Go for it!

NB: Print your business plan template and complete the google form then turn them in to Ms. Herbert by September 30th 2022.

Below Introduction :

Image: https://dryuc24b85zbr.cloudfront.net/tes/resources/11336407/image?width=500&height=500&version=1493912207944

Video : Done By Ms. Herbert

 Below Task :

Image : 2 https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthumbs.dreamstime.com%2Fz%2Fbusiness-plan-management-mind-map-strategy-concept-60051331.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dreamstime.com%2Fphotos-images%2Fbusiness-plan.html&tbnid=U0jVBRO2LPq4AM&vet=12ahUKEwiq4pKAoeD5AhUHdRoKHQpyA-UQMygBegUIARDmAQ..i&docid=yJpfnAjJ42d9qM&w=1300&h=957&q=business%20plan%20image&ved=2ahUKEwiq4pKAoeD5AhUHdRoKHQpyA-UQMygBegUIARDmAQ

Image 3 : https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftoppng.com%2Fuploads%2Fpreview%2Fthumbs-up-smile-emoji-11549849019efiqkos3oe.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftoppng.com%2Ffree-image%2Fthumbs-up-smile-emoji-PNG-free-PNG-Images_85855&tbnid=a5dHm-gk35watM&vet=12ahUKEwjDsqKxvOL5AhUL1BoKHZ5CCT8QMygLegUIARCAAg..i&docid=mH30RF-nR1N1zM&w=840&h=859&q=emojis%20images%20thumbs%20up&ved=2ahUKEwjDsqKxvOL5AhUL1BoKHZ5CCT8QMygLegUIARCAAg

Business Plan template : Created  By Ms. Herbert  

                                        Link : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AnLMlYv01OD4jHuNPd0QP5uJxWAd?e=DEDQNP

Below Process :

Image 4 : https://www.123rf.com/photo_27078157_the-step-by-step-process.html

Business Plan Notes : Western Cape Business Studies Environments Core Notes .

                                    Link : https://1drv.ms/w/s!AnLMlYv01OD4jHlEhdHiL1EXhYlL?e=YBW0hK

URLS for YouTube videos links : https://youtu.be/QoAOzMTLP5s

Additional resources links : https://www.wix.com/blog/2019/11/business-plan-template-step-by-step-guide/

Below Evaluation :

Rubric : http://zunal.com/tasks.php?w=122390

Below Conclusion :

Google form  : done by Ms. Herbert

Image 5 : https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2F4f%2F2d%2F5b%2F4f2d5b6a62259538720160e3985cf7af.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F15481192439875885%2F&tbnid=QrUCCY9JWOqWHM&vet=12ahUKEwil7-f9vOL5AhUG0xoKHT4gDPoQMygBegUIARDFAQ..i&docid=x0o9Notp0EagUM&w=479&h=304&q=emojis%20very%20good&ved=2ahUKEwil7-f9vOL5AhUG0xoKHT4gDPoQMygBegUIARDFAQ

Below Teachers Page : 

Image 6 :  https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wixstatic.com%2Fmedia%2F84b8d8_162114bda8b24cfc904e7b602c9d6000~mv2.png%2Fv1%2Ffit%2Fw_1000%252Ch_900%252Cal_c%252Cq_80%2Ffile.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessagility.net.au%2Fpost%2Fthe-top-5-benefits-of-having-a-business-plan&tbnid=JMzmTV-oRV7ZdM&vet=12ahUKEwiCl_fQ-OP5AhVMpBoKHcYuDGUQMygBegUIARDjAQ..i&docid=IZu9W497yYvbMM&w=1000&h=692&q=business%20plan%20%20image&ved=2ahUKEwiCl_fQ-OP5AhVMpBoKHcYuDGUQMygBegUIARDjAQ

  WebQuest Composed by Ms. Herbert - Business Plan ( Business Studies Grade 10)

Teachers encourage students to work alone or collaboratively at their own pace and have fun while learning. As a result, using this WebQuest with your students can help them gain more in-depth knowledge on a particular topic they are studying and instill a greater feeling of its importance.

If you need to generate your own content on a lesson topic for your students, here are some ideas for information to consider including:

  • INTRODUCTION - This lesson was originally created to give Business Studies Grade 10 students the chance to actively engage in studying the subject material that will be used to design their own business plan as an assignment. The WebQuest’s focus should be on this section. Students are prepared for the goal of the activity and given the "hook" in the introduction, which serves to pique their interest. You may add video snippets, role-playing exercises, and other motivational materials.
  • TASK : The task is a formal statement of what the students are expected to have completed by the end of the WebQuest. The objective of this particular WebQuest was for students to develop their own company plans using the pertinent information they had learned. The lesson's objectives, the task's directions, and the materials required to execute the task can all be included in the task section.
  • Process: It primarily provides as a summary of what will occur during the WebQuest and what problem or task the students are expected to complete during the process. Below Process in this WebQuest it covers the procedures that must be followed in order to complete the assignment, as well as the necessary materials (such as notes, photos, and YouTube videos). To help students complete their task, you can provide them with additional pertinent information and advice during the process section.
  • Evaluation : The evaluation tool quantifies exactly what knowledge and skills students need in order to complete the task. This could take the shape of a rubric, grading checklist, or any other format that allows for the evaluation of the students' work.
  • Conclusion : The conclusion provides the chance to reflect on the lesson, to facilitate generalization of the learning, to extend what was learnt, or some combination of these. The conclusion of this web quest takes the shape of student reflection on the lesson. Any additional summary or criticism is welcome in the end.

More information may be found on the Teacher's Page section of the WebQuest for any teacher who would want to use the same WebQuest in their own classroom. For teachers who want to teach the same subject or other specific content, this website is helpful in providing the information needed for lesson preparation. “A successful WebQuest should also be very visually appealing, simple to use, relevant to the pupils, and include a built-in evaluation system.”

For more information – Email [email protected] ( Ms. Herbert ) for WebQuest lessons.

with Nonjabulo Tshabalala

  • Book an Online Lesson
  • Breakdown of Subtopics and Exam Scope
  • Paper 1 – Business Studies – Topics and Core Notes
  • Paper 2 – Business Studies – Topics and Core Notes
  • Study Guides / Workbooks – Business Studies
  • Grade 12 Past Exam Papers
  • Grade 10 & 11 Past Exam Papers
  • Business Legislation · RSA
  • (CAPS) Policy Documents
  • Shop Resources

Grade 10 Annual Teaching Plan | Business Studies

Title Image for Business Studies, Grade 10 Annual Teaching Plan

Here is the summary of the Business Studies Grade 10 Annual Teaching Plan, from the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) . You will know which topics to teach, or learn, and when. That’s the great thing about the Business Studies CAPS, it is a very concise document that provides you with all the vital information you need.

It gives you a description of what learners are expected to study each term. As a part of that, the year plan below, gives an outline of topics to cover per week. It gives you an understanding of the pace that you need to keep.

You will also see that CAPS aligned Business Studies textbooks are designed to go along with this year plan. If you want a more detailed description of each term’s content, you will find it in the policy document.

Table of Contents

Copy of Grade 10 Annual Teaching Plan

To download this teaching plan, simply right-click and save the image.

Business Studies, Grade 10 Annual (Year) Teaching Plan

Other Links That You Will Find Helpful

FET Phase Business Studies is designed help South African learners truly understand Business Studies and pass the subject with ease. At the moment, the content is focused on preparing matric learners for their, final, NSC examinations.

Visit the following links for some helpful Grade 12 Business Studies resources.

  • Grade 12 Past Exam Papers and Memos
  • Grade 12 Exam Practice Questions
  • Business Legislation – South Africa
  • Business Studies Main Topics and Sub-Topics

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Gr 10 Business Studies_Business Environments

The resource booklet includes content covered in Gr 10. Main Topic: Business Environments

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