Consulting Cover Letter: a comprehensive guide

  • Understanding Consulting Cover Letters
  • Practicalities of Writing Your Cover Letter
  • Section-by-Section Breakdown
  • Quality Control

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A stellar cover letter is going to be a basic pre-requisite if you want to land a top-tier consulting job at the likes of the MBB’s, Kearney, LEK, Deloitte etc.

More than half of consulting candidates are rejected based on their applications alone , before they ever make it to interview. This means that, for all the emphasis on case interview prep, your resume and cover letter, together with networking , are the single greatest determinant as to whether you land your dream MBB job or not .

Candidates typically have some realisation of the importance of applications, but make the mistake of devoting all their time to the resume alone as they assume it is the "important one". They assume that the accompanying cover letters are always fairly generic and/or are merely a formality that don't actually get read.

However, the idea that your cover letter is any less important than your resume is a hugely damaging misconception.

In fact, speaking to consultants currently involved with recruitment at MBB firms, we are told that cover letters have been becoming more and more important recently. This is for a couple of reasons:

  • More and more resumes are coming in basically perfect (the proliferation of material like our excellent free resume guide has a part to play here). This means that cover letters are increasingly being focussed on as a way to differentiate top candidates.
  • Cover letters are more indicative of your soft skills and personal fit with the office culture than a resume. Since firms are having particular difficulty finding candidates with the right social skills (especially post-Covid), cover letters become more and more salient in the filtering process.

To up the ante even more, add to this the fact that applications are increasingly read by AI tools as well. Whilst a human reader working in a hurry and skimming a document in a hurry might have simply missed an error, you can be sure the computer will pick up on any mistakes you make.

So, how do you get things right?

Putting together a decent consulting cover letter can be tricky and will probably take longer than you think. The demands are different and quite a bit more rigorous than for cover letters you might have written for other industries.

Luckily though, the strict demands on consulting cover letters mean that there is an equally strict set of rules to follow when writing them - as long as you follow these and put the time in to do things properly, you can reliably turn out an excellent document.

This guide will help you understand what it is recruiters want to see in a good cover letter and take you through the steps to draft your best possible offering. To make things as clear as possible, we discuss a template cover letter section-by-section.

Help is at hand!

Writing applications can be pretty daunting, especially with a dream job on the line.

Before we dive into all the complex nitty-gritty of how to turn out your cover letter, we should let you know that we have an editing service where a 5+ year experienced MBB consultant helps you draft your best possible resume and/or cover letter. You can read more here:

Explore Professional Editing

This isn't obligatory, but is a great option for those who feel overwhelmed and want some help to get things right, as well as for those who want the inside track in terms of optimising something that is already close to the mark.

This application editing can also be done as part of a broader mentoring package, where that same experienced mentor helps you through the whole consulting selection process, from networking, through to case interview prep. You can find out more here:

Learn More About Comprehensive Mentoring

1. Understanding Consulting Cover Letters

Close-up of cogwheels illustrating our detailed understanding of consulting cover letters.

To write a good one we will first need to understand the demands it must meet. That is to say, we need to understand the function of the cover letter and precisely how it will be assessed.

Let's start by going through some important points:

1.1. Function of a Consulting Cover Letter

The basic function of a consulting cover letter is to tell recruiters three things:

  • Why you are worth employing
  • Why consulting is a perfect fit for you
  • Why you are interested in the target firm in particular

As we will see later, a standard management consulting cover letter is broken down into three paragraphs, addressing each of these issues more-or-less separately.

In many ways, the demands of your cover letter sit between your resume ) and your fit interview (which you will be invited to only if your resume and cover letter make the cut).

A consulting cover letter helps demonstrate the same skillset as your resume and you will effectively be selecting a few of the key points from your resume to amplify in the cover letter.

However, the objective of this document is not simply restating the facts on your resume, but rather creating a persuasive link between your personal story and the job you are applying for. In effect, the main purpose of your cover letter is to show that you are a great fit for the job you are applying for across the board. As such, you need to convey your personality and your motivation to do the job - things that are not readily assessed via your resume alone.

These are exactly the qualities that are also assessed in your fit interview. Indeed, just as with the Additional Information section of your resume, the information in your cover letter is very likely to form the basis of questions in your fit interview - where your personality and motivation are assessed again. Thus, just as with the Additional Information section of your resume, when you are drafting your cover letter you should be keeping half an eye on how you would be able to work the items you select into compelling fit interview answers.

All this means that our article on the fit interview is especially worth a read as you get started on cover letter writing!

1.2. Motivation

Consulting is a tough life and the average consulting recruit only stays in the industry for around two years - which means that many of those applicants who are lucky enough to land jobs will have left within 12 months.

Beyond this, many of those entering consulting only ever intend to stay for a couple of years before bailing out into roles in private equity or internal strategy, becoming a start-up founder, or any of the other typical roles where consulting experience will enhance their career chances.

This constant loss of talent is a big problem for consulting firms, who don't want employees to disappear as soon as they have accrued the training and experience required to be genuinely useful to the company. In effect, firms want to ensure they get a positive return on investment on training you.

As such, recruiters will be trying to identify candidates who are genuinely in it for the long haul - who want to make partner someday and who have the necessary motivation to push them through the years of long hours and tight deadlines en route.

Of course, we realise that you the reader might well be one of the candidates who only really plan to stick with consulting for two years before parachuting out into another industry. Realistically, this is a perfectly sensible career trajectory and we're certainly not going to tell you not to do so.

However , if this is the case, your application and subsequent interview are really not the time to discuss it. If you have ever had any inkling that you might consider sticking around and making a long-term career in consulting, then this is the inclination to channel during the selection process.

We return to discuss your rationale for entering consulting in our section-by-section breakdown of the letter itself.

1.3. A Test in Itself

Art installation of telephones illustrating how your cover letter conveys information to consulting recruiters.

Your target firm uses your cover letter to learn more about you in a couple of ways. Obviously, they receive all the information you communicate explicitly - all the achievements and experience and positive character traits you tell them about. However, your cover letter is also used by the target firm as an implicit (but very real) test of your writing skills and other qualities. It is important to realise this dual function and keep it in mind during drafting.

At a basic level, using correct, industry standard formatting etc shows that you have the professionalism and diligence to find out and follow the rules. As we will discuss later, writing a letter specific to the firm you are applying to also demonstrates your commitment to that employer.

More directly, though, your cover letter is used by consulting firms as a test of your writing skills. Writing consulting cover letters is not an easy business - if it were, you wouldn't be reading this guide! Composing a good cover letter requires you to assemble a body of information, synthesise it and present it in a compelling form.

Importantly, this is a set of skills - summarising complex information into compelling prose and extracting key points in data - that consultants use every day. Your cover letter is one of the main ways firms check for your competence here.

Similarly, readers will be very interested in your ability to use your cover letter to market yourself. In effect, consultants must constantly sell themselves, their firm, and their recommendations to clients. Indeed, this is becoming a larger and larger part of the job as more of the analytic side of consulting work is automated. As such, the ability to communicate persuasively is a key management consulting skill.

1.4. The Reader

With any piece of writing, the first thing you need to consider is who the intended reader is. This is especially important for consulting cover letters.

During the application screen, as well as filtering by AI tools and HR staff, your cover letter will be placed with one or two hundred others and passed to a junior consultant (often a recent alum from your university) to assess. Generally, this will be piled on top of that consultant's normal workload and often they will end up with very little time to get through this mound of applications. As such, your reader will be tired, possibly slightly grumpy and in a hurry - probably only skimming what you have written.

Keep this reader in mind at all times and write in a way that makes their life easier. This means making everything as clear, easy to read and precise as possible!


Hand about to write on a blank piece of paper, illustrating you beginning to write your cover letter

So, we have a good idea of the basic job of a cover letter needs to do, what ground it needs to cover, and how it will be assessed. Now it's time to get down to business and actually get the thing written!

To this end, we'll look at a few practical points about how to meet the requirements mentioned above, before focusing one-by-one on the five main segments of a management consulting cover letter.


Sheep in pens, illustrating the importance of conforming to standard formatting rules for a consulting cover letter.

Just as with your resume, formatting a consulting cover letter is really not the time to embrace your creative side. Failing to stick to the standard rules of formatting risks being rejected immediately, without your letter even being read.

The tired junior consultant tasked with plowing through a pile of cover letters is unlikely to be in the mood for a strange font or weird layout and will simply send your application directly to the bin.

As noted above, standard formatting shows that you are professional enough to take the application seriously and that you have bothered to find out what is expected from your cover letter. The best way to understand how you should format this document is simply to take a look at our examples below, which are formatted in a standard "safe" manner.

In particular, though, you should make sure your letter conforms to the following basic standard:

  • Standard typeface at a normal size
  • No longer than one printable page
  • Normal size margins etc - no extreme formatting to pack more words on the page!
  • Name, contact information, and date at the top, in the manner of a traditional letter - you can include a postal address if you like, but an email address is perfectly sufficient nowadays - and will save space
  • Standard structure explained below - opening, three main paragraphs, closing

2.2. Content - Being Unique!

Peacock with spread tail, illustrating the importance of a unique cover letter to impress recruiters.

You might have to keep the format strictly in line with everyone else, but it is absolutely crucial that the actual content of your letter is unique!

Always remember that your cover letter will be part of a stack of 1-200 deep. The content needs to really impress the reader if you are going to stand out from the pack and earn yourself an invitation to interview.

To achieve this, you are going to have to draw on your most impressive achievements and experiences and then portray them in the best possible fashion, to really make your reader pause and take note, rather than toss your letter towards the bin with the others.

Content that is unusual is also helpful in making your application memorable and might prompt interview questions where you can be well prepared to shine. During an application process with so many competitors, it pays to have something unique to you - a USP - to differentiate you from your peers.

However, this will only add value if it is relevant to management consulting!

In our discussion below on how to introduce yourself and your abilities, we'll discuss how you can emphasize your personal "spikes" - which help make your cover letter more unique.

2.3. Be Specific!

Your letter needs not only to be unique, but also highly specific .

Many candidates think that they can save a bit of time by just writing a one really "good" cover letter and using that for all their applications without any modifications. This might be true (or almost true) of a good resume. However, if you think that the cover letter you wrote for McKinsey will be able to be used without any changes to for Bain and BCG as well, we can tell you now that that letter wasn't good enough to get you a job with any of those firms!

As noted previously, a major function of your cover letter is to gauge your motivation to stick with the company if you are lucky enough to be hired. Your recruiter wants to make sure that you are genuinely keen to work for their specific firm for the foreseeable future. Any suggestion that your cover letter is just a generic chunk of text sent out to everyone in scattergun fashion obviously makes this idea pretty difficult to maintain - and will see your application heading towards that bin in short order.

To avoid this, then, take the time to write a separate letter for each firm you apply to. In these letters, you should include content that is specific to your particular target firm. What is more, this specific content should not be something generic or some kind of empty platitude.

If the best you can come up with is an obvious truth - or even worse, a common misconception - you will betray only a very shallow level of engagement, and will only succeed in vexing your reader.

Instead, you should be able to make specific remarks which show genuine insight. This will clearly demonstrate both your commitment to and knowledge of the firm.

These points will be particularly relevant to the section of the cover letter where you explain your decision to apply to your target firm, and we will pick up this discussion again later in this guide. However, there is room for material specific to your target firm in all sections of your cover letter.

3. Section-by-Section Breakdown

Disassembled smartphone illustrating our breakdown of the cover letter writing process.

Let's go through the different sections of a standard management consulting cover letter one-by-one.

We will give examples as to how you might approach each section - however, it is imperative that you don't simply copy from specimens that we or anyone else have written. The examples here are only a guide as to how you should approach the different elements of a cover letter, not components to be lifted as-is.

Your own cover letter needs to stand out from a very strong field. Think about it - how can you possibly stand out by copying others? Beyond this, though, any hint that you are just copying from another source will see your whole application rejected immediately.

On a similar note here, we strongly advise against using an AI chatbot like ChatGPT to write your cover letter. Aside from that tool not knowing enough about your own life experiences, interests etc to say something with the correct degree of specificity, you run the risk of sending in a cover with the same writing style - or possibly even the same turns of phrase - as everyone else who did the same thing. Indeed, recruiters across many industries are already getting used to spotting AI-generated applications .

As we noted earlier, there are three main questions your cover letter must answer - why you, why consulting and why that firm in particular. The three main paragraphs of your cover letter will answer these three questions in sequence.

Provided you are careful to link everything together properly, there is actually some flexibility to vary the ordering of these paragraphs. You will always introduce yourself first, of course, but you can then state why you are interested in the specific firm before you explain what drew you to consulting, or deal with these in the reverse order.

In the interests of simplicity here, though, we will just deal with why-consulting-in-general first, followed by why-that-firm-in-particular.

The following examples are taken from an entry-level cover letter from an applicant to Bain London - and the detailed content is obviously tailored to that office.

In contrast to the relative ease with which a resume can be repurposed, you will have to significantly change the specifics of your cover letter as you apply for different offices and firms. Obviously, our candidate below can't just send this off to Bain New York without changing quite a lot of content. Similarly, this won't work as a cover letter for the London offices of McKinsey, BCG or Deloitte a wholesale rewrite.

With all this said, what is crucial is that the overall structure and format is maintained. This will be the case whether you are a recent graduate, Ph.D. or MBA. Even experienced hire cover letters will maintain the same fundamental format - though there will be (even) more expectation on the quality of the content.


The opening to your cover letter is very straightforward and is pretty much impossible to mess up if you follow basic rules.

First, you should record your name, email address, and the date of sending. You can include a postal address if you like, though this is no longer a strict requirement and takes up a lot of space. Your first sentence should state the specific position to which you are applying at the relevant office and firm.

The only issue that should give you any cause for concern here is to Whom the letter is addressed. Where possible, you should be addressing the letter to a named person - usually the recruiting manager of the office to which you are applying. However, where you cannot find a name to address your cover letter to, it is perfectly acceptable to begin "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam".

Jane Wu [email protected] 05/05/2019

Dear Ms Douglas,

I am writing to apply for the Associate Consultant position at Bain and Company's London office.

3.2. Introducing Yourself

After this brief opening, proceed straight to introducing yourself. Don't be shy - this is not the time for understatement or modesty! Top consulting firms are looking for exceptional individuals. Here, you need to leave the reader in no doubt that you are just such an exceptional individual!

To do this, looking at all the information you assembled for your resume, ideally, you should recount the three most impressive achievements in your life so far.

Of course, do this with an eye to achievements that are particularly relevant to consulting (your golf handicap might be good, but nobody in the workplace cares). Also, realise that the things we are most proud of personally might not actually be the ones that are most impressive to others (your golfing probably isn't great anyway). Try to look at your resume as if you are reading one from someone else. Alternatively, ask a friend what stands out to them.

It's your resume's job to paint a balanced picture of you as a well-rounded candidate with all the skills required to excel in consulting. However, in your cover letter, it can be beneficial to emphasise one or two particular strong suits, where you are exceptionally gifted. These are what consultants call "spikes". What recruiters are really looking for is well-rounded, generally capable candidates with a few "spikes" that might be especially useful.

I have recently graduated from the University of Cambridge with a first-class BA/MSci in Physics. At Cambridge, I was consistently near the top of my year academically and won a number of competitive scholarships and prizes; including the award for the best final year research project. During my third year, I was selected as the best of a very large field of applicants to take part in a prestigious summer research project at MIT. I was also elected as a Student Representative for two consecutive years.

3.3. Why Consulting is a Good Fit

Your job here is to provide a strong narrative demonstrating why consulting is a good fit for you and why it makes sense at this point in your career as a natural progression from what you have done before.

This is much the same as what is required from your answers in any subsequent fit interviews you receive. As such, our article on the fit interview , as well as our more comprehensive fit interview course and/or lessons in the MCC Academy , are highly relevant here.

Now, as we noted above, it is important to remember that there are some reasons to get into consulting that your target firm will be happy to hear about and others that will very definitely not impress.

We're not here to judge your reasons, whatever they are, for wanting a consulting job. However, there are certain reasons that you should probably not highlight if you would like to actually get that job.

Some candidates are not sure what career they actually want yet and think consulting would make a good first step, exposing them to different industries and keeping their options open for the future. The worry, from a firm's point of view, is that these individuals will not be sufficiently motivated to actually stick with consulting when they come up against the stress and high workload that come with the job.

Alternatively, some applicants are fully intent, right from the start, on bailing out into another industry after two years - when a sufficiently long stint in consulting has given them transferable skills and boosted their opportunities elsewhere.

Many candidates actually state these kinds of intentions - though they will certainly not be hired! As we noted above, firms want to retain staff and are looking for candidates who are committed to consulting for the long term.

3.3.1. Proving You Know What You are Getting Into

Given how many recruits drop out, firms want to be sure that you know exactly what you are getting into when you apply . When you explain why you have decided that consulting is a great fit for you, you obviously need it to be clear that you are doing so with a real understanding of what the job entails.

Ideally, you will have done an internship in consulting or a closely related industry. Alternatively, you might be moving sideways from a parallel sector, such as finance or tech, having worked alongside consultants in past roles and observed what they do first hand. In either such case, it is clear that you understand the demands of the job.

However, many of you will fall into neither of these camps and won't yet have any first hand experience of the consulting world. If this describes you, be aware that there is a particular onus on you to demonstrate that you know what is required of a working consultant - and that you have what it takes to meet those requirements.

Don't dismay, though, as this is definitely possible - it just requires a bit more thought from you. Really, you are limited to a strategy of identifying key consulting skills and showing that you have already had significant past experience (and ideally achievements) demonstrating that you are capable and comfortable in these areas - and, importantly, that you enjoy this kind of work!

This is similar in principle to some of what you should have already done in bullet point form in your resume. Our resume guide is useful here in listing the relevant consulting skills and giving examples that demonstrate them. However, your cover letter differs from the resume here in that the focus will be less on technical skills and more on personal character. You also can't be so schematic as in your resume, but must weave everything into a compelling narrative that leaves your reader in no doubt that you are well suited to, and prepared for, the job.

3.3.2. Finding Things to Say

Some candidates feel the need to embroider their accounts when they explain why they want to be a consultant. Maybe they genuinely think that the only reason they have chosen consulting is for the high salary and exit opportunities. Since they can't include either of these (as discussed below), they then cobble together an insincere-sounding road-to-Damascus story about how they had an epiphany that they should work at BCG or Bain.

However, introspection on the reasons that informed your own decision making can actually be a great source of material here. You might not be able to explicitly state them just now, but there are probably better reasons than you think for your choices.

Think about what exactly it was that led you to believe that you could do a consulting job and why have chosen to apply to jobs in that sector, rather than going into something else. If you want to be totally pragmatic, remember - it's a lot easier to answer interview questions on something approximating the truth than a tissue of lies!

I believe that I would be particularly well suited to the Associate Consultant position as consulting would provide real intellectual challenges, but placed within contexts allowing me to make use of my strong interpersonal skills. As a student representative, I instigated "Student Week" in the Physics department. This was a week where time was given over so that students could organise their own conferences and workshops. In order to make this initiative a success, I faced two main challenges: creating a committed team and getting the academic staff's support. I began by offering all students a stake in shaping the week and created teams in charge of all aspects of an organisation, delegating responsibilities to team leaders. Most of all, this experience taught me how to motivate people, leveraging their potential impact and the rewards to be gained from positive results. In the end, the teams were able to invite an outstanding line-up of speakers. Presenting the week as a chance to promote the school in the media enabled us to gain the final approval of academic staff. Understanding the perspectives of multiple stakeholders and identifying what they really cared about enabled me to transform an ambitious plan into reality. I loved this experience and would look forward to employing a similar skillset as an Associate Consultant.

3.4. Why that Firm?

Now finally, you need to show that you are committed to the particular firm to which you are applying . This is a crucial part of demonstrating your motivation as well as a way of showing your diligence in doing your research before applying. Needing to address why you want to work at your target firm in particular is why you fundamentally can't just re-use the same letter for all your consulting applications.

So, how should you do this?

In practice, there are three main ways to generate firm-specific content:

3.4.1. Contacts and networking

Whilst you might not have seen consultants at work first hand, there is nothing to prevent you from meeting them at career fairs, networking events, and the like.

You can also reach out to consultants in your target office via LinkedIn and potentially even schedule calls with them. You can do this from anywhere in the world. An experienced consultant can also guide you in this process within one of our mentoring programmes

The very best cover letters will grow out of substantial networking with current or former employees from your target firm - ideally from the specific office to which you are applying.

The individuals you speak to might be in a position to recommend you to recruiters. Otherwise, though, they will definitely be very well placed to tell you what is really unique about the company in general or your target office in particular. This is a surefire way for you to be able to make your cover letter specific in a way that actually rings true to those who read it.#

Also, don't be afraid to drop in the names of your contacts where they are relevant (and where this is appropriate, of course). The recruiter might know the people in question and they will lend credence to your application.

3.4.2. Reading

Of course, this kind of networking will not always be feasible, and certainly not at short notice. If you don't have access to anyone who has worked for your target firm, you should be able to get access to some of their output in the form of reports and similar material. Being able to comment on these demonstrates your enthusiasm to work at the target firm, as well as your diligence and intelligence. Indeed, mentioning report authors is a good way to shoehorn in the names of company employees whom you have not actually met in real life.

3.4.3. Observations

Of course, you would ideally be able to write about the first hand experience of working alongside consultants at a company that was a client of your target firm. Otherwise, if you have done your research, you will be able to discuss a successful project in which you have not been involved, but have taken a particular interest (possibly in an industry in which you have experience). This should convey genuine interest and, at the very least, shows you really have done your homework.

An example of how to approach this paragraph is as follows:

Bain specifically appeals to me for a few reasons. At a more personal level, all of the individuals I have spoken to who have worked at Bain have loved their jobs and seemed like people I would relish working with. Recently, I spoke to Sarah McKinney and Benedict Philips from the London office at a networking event. Both were very helpful and encouraging of my application. In particular, I was very excited to be able to talk to Sarah about Bain's recent work with capacitor technology firm NuCell. This was a project I had become aware of via my physics background and was very impressed with the sophisticated but wonderfully elegant solutions that Bain implemented. This was a significant influence in my decision to move towards consulting in general and Bain in particular.

3.5. Closing You Cover Letter

As with the opening, it is easy to get your cover letter's closing right simply by following a few standard rules.

Closing a consulting cover letter really just follows the same rules as a standard formal letter. Note that technically the form of your sign off depends on whether the letter was addressed to a named recipient or not. If you did manage to address your cover letter to a specific individual at the target firm, you should sign off your letter "Yours Sincerely". However, if you addressed the letter "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom it May Concern", then you should sign off "Yours faithfully".

Not everyone will pick up on this, but some certainly will!

I very much hope that I can be considered for an interview. If you have any questions about my application or would like to know more, please do not hesitate to be in contact by email or on +44 7933023234. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, Jane Wu

3.6. An Aside - Blurring Boundaries

Image of circuit board with complex connections, echoing blurred boundaries between cover letter sections.

For the sake of clarity, we have given quite a schematic picture of how a cover letter is structured. In practice, the separation between the content of the three main paragraphs is often not quite as clear as has been shown so far.

This is something to bear in mind as you are writing. Certainly, it is not a problem that the content of the three main paragraphs somewhat bleed into one another. Indeed, it might well be that the optimal version of your letter gives you more bang for your buck in including points with more than one positive function.

For example, you might make mention of people or reports from your specific target firm in explaining why you chose to enter consulting in general. Simultaneously you will likely be able to include some impressive achievements, relevant to your initial description of yourself, in that same explanation as to why consulting was for you.

4. Quality Control

Mentor helping student edit, illustrating the importance of quality feedback when proofing your cover letter.

By now, you should have a completed document in front of you. However, this doesn't mean that you're finished!

Just as with the resume, quality control should be taken very seriously when you are writing your cover letter, and will almost certainly take longer than did writing your initial draft.

First, you should make sure you have followed all the rules we set out for formatting and structuring a consulting cover letter. This is the easy bit, after all, and you shouldn't be making mistakes here when it's something you can easily control for yourself.

The following checklist is useful to make sure that the major elements are in order. Thus, you must make sure that any management consulting cover letter:

  • Does not exceed one page
  • Is formatted sensibly
  • Contains no spelling mistakes (double check names of the company, position, HR manager and your contact information)
  • Mentions skills that are relevant to the job
  • Has relevant examples to back up those skills
  • Reinforces skills that are not adequately explained in your resume
  • Explains how your skill set relates to the job you are applying for
  • Is tailored to the target firm

Of course, to hammer the point home, it should go without saying that spelling, punctuation, and grammar should be perfect throughout - especially these days, where AIs will be reading applications thoroughly, besides harried humans skimming them.

In particular, though, you should triple-check spelling around the opening where you list your own contact information and state the name of the target firm and specific role. Imagine making the cut to for interview only to have your invitation dispatched to the wrong email address!

You wouldn't believe how many candidates we see making mistakes here - indeed, outside consulting, the former Graduate Recruitment Manager at City law firm Mayer Brown found that 20% of applicants got the firm’s name wrong. If so many high-end, detail-oriented lawyers can make that kind of mistake, so can you - check!

4.2. Feedback

As with any important piece of writing, you will want another set of eyes on your cover letter. However, a consulting cover letter is not quite the same as for a more "normal" job, and there is only so much that your classmate, your buddy or your mum is going to be able to tell you . These people might be able to help you with spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but not a great deal else.

If you have access to a careers adviser, they will certainly be more knowledgeable and be able to give you more specific feedback. That said, the very particular demands of consulting and how cover letters are assessed means there is no real replacement for someone with actual consulting experience .

As always though, real consultants are incredibly busy people and their time has a high price tag. You might be lucky enough to have access to a consultant who will help you out - perhaps a friend or relative or maybe one of your networking contacts who likes you enough to take the time to look at your application.

However, for those who aren't so lucky, there are still ways to get top quality feedback. MyConsultingCoach offers cover letter review and feedback , both alone on its own and in a package with resume review.

With this service, a deeply experienced MBB consultant mentor, with a minimum of five years at McKinsey, Bain or BCG, will provide the kind of granular, nuanced feedback you simply can't find elsewhere. You can read more here:

Explore Application Review

You can also have the same kind of 5+ year experienced MBB consultant do this kind of editing for you as part of a wider personal mentoring programme. Find out more here:

Mentoring Programmes

Of course, none of these services are strictly necessary, and this guide is here to help everyone. However, professional editing will help you close the gap with your competitors who have the advantage of pre-existing inside contacts.

4.3. Iterate

It is easy to become attached to what you have written. Especially after pouring time and energy into a document, constructive criticism can end up being taken personally and ignored. However, if you actually want to get a job in consulting, you need to swallow your pride and be prepared to make substantial changes if they are advised .

Once you have re-drafted the document, you need to cycle through the same stages of quality control again, always making sure that everything is formatted correctly with no typos and then getting decent feedback on what you have produced. To get the whole thing just right will likely take at least a couple of these iterations. Indeed, this is precisely why MyConsultingCoach's review packages all include three rounds of feedback as standard .

Finally, then, you will have completed your cover letter and be ready to submit your application. You can give yourself a pat on the back for getting everything so far done. However, you still have a lot more work ahead of you if you are serious about making it into consulting!

Man on mountain top over clouds, showing that applying is just the first step to a consulting job.

If you are interested in getting an interview at the likes of the MBBs, Kearney, LEK, Deloitte, or any high-end consulting firm, it is absolutely crucial that your cover letter is the very best that it can be .

To this end, we have given a detailed guide on how to optimise a cover letter, breaking down all the relevant sections. Examples were provided from a sample cover letter for a Bain London application, though it was explained that you should never simply copy from such example cover letters.

We encourage you to read further - starting with our resume guide - and to consider editing from one of our ex-MBB consultant coaches. However, what we have given you here is a very good starting point for you to carve out a great draft cover letter.

If you have followed this guide and ideally found someone to provide decent feedback, you should have every chance of being invited to interview. However, nobody is going to do well if they prepare for a consulting interview the way they would for a more "normal" job.

Management consulting interviews are a very different beast to what you might be accustomed to elsewhere. Suffice to say, though, that a large volume of preparation is both necessary to so well and explicitly expected by the firms themselves . Putting together your consulting resume or cover letter might have seemed arduous or time-consuming, but what was just the tip of the iceberg!

In particular, you will need to learn how to solve case studies. You can start with our intro to case interviews , which links to other useful resources.

It's important to learn to tackle case studies the right way if you want to perform in the more demanding interviews at higher-end firms. The old-fashioned frameworks you will often find promoted online can be dysfunctional in more complex case studies. By contrast, we recommend the slightly more demanding, but much more capable, from-first-principles method used in real consulting work. You can find out more in the followng video:

To make your preparation as effective and time efficient as possible MyConsultingCoach has developed a comprehensive consulting interview prep course . This teaches everything you need to give your best possible showing in an interview. Included are all the mental maths, business and finance theory and logical principles needed not only to solve cases but to do so in a way that will impress the interviewer - the way a real consultant would . Also included is a set of lessons on how to address "fit" questions about your character and motivation to enter consulting.

Find out about our resume editing services

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Consultant Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

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Navigating the competitive world of consulting job applications? You're not alone in feeling the weight of first impressions. 

You see, with dozens of applicants vying for the same role, it's easy to get lost in the pile. 

The trick to standing out? A powerful cover letter tailored just for consultants. 

The good news? We've got you covered. Dive into our comprehensive guide on crafting that perfect consultant cover letter for 2024. 

Here's what we're going to cover:

  • An Inspiring Cover Letter Example
  • 5 Steps to Writing a Great Consulting Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Consultants

Ready to up your cover letter game and make a lasting impression? Let's dive in! 

Consulting Cover Letter Example

Consultant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Consulting Cover Letter

Now that you've seen what a great cover letter looks like, you're all set to write your own . 

Ready to get started and craft that winning consulting cover letter? 

Let's do it!

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

When crafting your consulting cover letter, begin with your contact details placed neatly in the header, just like on your resume .

Here's what to include:

  • Full Name. Always place your first and last name at the top of the page.
  • Professional Title. Ensure your professional title matches the specific consulting position you're seeking. E.g. if you’re applying for the role of “management consultant,” that should be your exact title, and not, for example, “consultant” or “business consultant.”
  • Email Address. Opt for a professional and straightforward email address, such as a combination of your first and last name. 
  • Phone Number. Include your phone number and make sure it’s typo-free.
  • Location. Typically, your city and state will suffice. In case you’re looking for a relocation, make sure to mention that.
  • Relevant Links. Optionally, you can include links to relevant websites or social media profiles. E.g. personal website, LinkedIn profile, etc.

Now, let's move on to the hiring manager's information:

  • Company Name. Clearly state the company to which you're applying.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. If possible, find the name of the hiring manager for the department you're interested in. Check the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn page for this information.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. If you identify the hiring manager for the specific job posting, and they hold a departmental leadership role, use that title instead of "Hiring Manager."
  • Location. Provide the city and state or country, especially if the company operates globally. Optionally, include the exact company address for precision.

With these elements in place, your consulting cover letter will be poised for success. 

Want more examples of what an ideal cover letter looks like? Check out our article with 21+ other cover letter examples .

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you've included all the relevant contact details , it's time to address your consulting cover letter to the person who will be reading it.

Avoid the generic "To Whom It May Concern" whenever possible.

The way you address your cover letter can make a positive impression on the hiring manager— if you get it right.

So, start with a bit of research. Go through the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profiles to identify the hiring manager for the consulting department you're interested in. 

Next, address them formally. Using Ms. or Mr. followed by their last name is a good practice. However, if you're unsure about their gender or marital status, using their full name works just as well. For example:

  • Dear Mr. Anderson,
  • Dear Taylor Anderson,

If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, then simply addressing them as “Dear Hiring Manager,” also works.

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers typically spend about seven seconds reviewing a candidate's application before deciding whether to continue reading.

So, making a strong first impression with your consulting cover letter is essential.

Your opening paragraph should introduce yourself and express your genuine interest in the consulting role.

Depending on your experience level, you can also begin your cover letter with a noteworthy achievement or highlight the skills that align with the role's requirements.

However, keep this paragraph concise. The goal is to spark the hiring manager's curiosity and encourage them to read the rest of your consultant cover letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your cover letter is where you really sell your application and convince the hiring manager that you’re a great fit for the job.

Avoid the temptation to simply rehash your consultant resume - the hiring manager already read through that.

Rather, use the body of your cover letter to talk about:

  • Your top achievements (in detail). Provide specific examples of significant accomplishments in your consulting career. Explain the challenges you faced, your role in resolving them, and the measurable outcomes or impact of your work.
  • Past industry experience. Discuss the industries you've worked in and the depth of your experience within those sectors. Highlight any specialized knowledge or insights you've gained that can benefit the employer.
  • Your top skills (that make you a great fit for the role). Showcase the skills that directly align with the consulting role you're applying for. Whether it's data analysis, project management, client relationship-building, or any other skill, provide concrete examples of how you've used these skills effectively to achieve results in previous consulting engagements.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

After you’ve written your body section, the first thing you need to do is write a conclusion for your cover letter .

The conclusion is your opportunity to confidently reiterate why you're the perfect fit for the role. It goes something like this:

In conclusion, my extensive experience in the field of consulting, coupled with my proven track record of delivering successful projects and driving positive outcomes for clients, makes me an ideal candidate for this consulting role at MadeUpCompanyX.

Then, after your wrap-up, it's time for a call to action. Encourage the hiring manager to take that next step, whether it's discussing your application further or setting up an interview.

For example: 

I am eager to discuss in more detail how my skills and background can contribute to the success of your projects or clients at MadeUpCompanyX.

Last but not least, maintain a professional tone as you sign off. Choose an appropriate signature line, followed by your full name.

And finally, if you're looking for alternatives to the commonly used "Best regards," consider these options:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully yours,
  • Thank you for your consideration.

consultant cover letter structure

10 Essential Consulting Cover Letter Tips

Finally, once you’re done with your cover letter, review our top cover letter tips to take your consulting cover letter from “good” to “great:”

  • Research the Company: Understand the firm's values, culture, and projects. This will allow you to tailor your letter specifically to the company and demonstrate your genuine interest in becoming a part of their team.
  • Start Strong: Begin with a compelling opening that grabs the reader's attention. Mention a recent company accomplishment and tie it to your excitement about the consultancy role.
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Focus on past experiences that align with the consultancy role you're applying for. Discuss specific projects, the challenges you've faced, and the results you achieved.
  • Show Problem-Solving Abilities: Consulting is all about solving client problems. Provide examples of how you've approached complex issues in the past and the strategies you employed to resolve them.
  • Quantify Achievements: Use numbers wherever possible. Instead of saying "I helped increase sales," mention "I contributed to a 20% increase in sales over a 12-month period."
  • Demonstrate Soft Skills: While technical and analytical skills are crucial, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and adaptability are also highly valued in consulting. Use anecdotes or examples to highlight these.
  • Keep it Concise: Hiring managers often skim cover letters due to the volume they receive. Aim for a concise, one-page letter that gets straight to the point while effectively showcasing your value.
  • Customize for Each Application: Avoid using a generic cover letter for all applications. Each company and role may have unique requirements or values, so take the time to customize your letter for each position.
  • End with a Call to Action: Conclude your letter by expressing your eagerness for an interview. You might say something like, "I am excited about the opportunity to discuss how my expertise aligns with the needs of your team and would appreciate the chance to meet in person."
  • Proofread: Errors can make a poor impression and suggest a lack of attention to detail. Before sending, proofread your cover letter multiple times, or even consider having a colleague or professional review it.

consulting cover letter examples

Key Takeaways

Hopefully, this article taught you all you need to know in order to create an impressive consultant cover letter.

Before you go, here’s a quick summary of everything we’ve covered so far:

  • Always tailor your cover letter to the specific company and role, ensuring you address the hiring manager by name whenever possible.
  • The initial paragraphs should pique the reader's interest, highlighting alignment with the company's values and your enthusiasm for the role.
  • Use the cover letter's body to elaborate on unique achievements and experiences not just reiterated from your resume.
  • End your letter by confidently summarizing your suitability for the position and encouraging further discussion or an interview.
  • Proofread meticulously, maintain brevity, and customize your approach for each application to stand out in the competitive consulting industry.

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Consulting cover letter guide (for McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

Consulting cover letter

Today we’re going to explain everything you need to know about writing consulting cover letters.

We’ll start by reviewing an example cover letter that got interview invitations from ALL the MBB firms (McKinsey, BCG, and Bain). 

And then we’ll explain exactly how you should write your own cover letter to land consulting interviews. Here’s a full list of the topics in this guide:

  • Example cover letter

How to write your consulting cover letter

Consulting cover letter tips.

  • The skills consulting firms look for

Consulting cover letter screening process

  • Get help with your cover letter

Let’s get to it! 

Click here for a consulting letter/resume review with an ex-MBB consultant

Example cover letter (which got interviews at mckinsey, bcg, and bain).

Below is an anonymised cover letter from a candidate who got interviews at McKinsey, BCG and Bain. So you can trust that this template works.

The image here highlights the different sections of the cover letter, but we’ll dive deeper into the text later, and you can also get a downloadable copy below.

Consulting cover letter example

Free download of the consulting cover letter example, here. 

In the next section, we’ll go step-by-step through each part of the cover letter and explain how to go about writing it. But before we dive in, please note the following points about the above template:

  • A lot of people use this template. Get inspiration from it, but every sentence in your letter should be written from scratch.
  • This cover letter might sound impressive. It's one of the best ones we’ve seen. But even if you have not achieved as much as this person, you can still get an interview.

With that said, let’s dig into the cover letter writing process!

As a starting point, this video provides a nice overview of the full writing process for a consulting cover letter. 

Now let’s break things down further.

1. Introduction

Example - Introduction

Mary Taylor - [email protected]


Dear Sir / Madam,

I would like to apply for an Associate position at McKinsey in London.

This section is a formality. It should simply state the following information:

  • Your name and email address. You can replace your email address with a postal address although those are not commonly used anymore.
  • The date on which you are sending your letter
  • The position, company, and office to which you are applying

Keep it short and sweet.

2. Why you? 

Example - Why you?

I started working as an Analyst at Big Finance in New York in September 2020 and was quickly promoted to Associate in a year and a half instead of the average four years. While at Big Finance, I advised a broad range of clients who constantly gave me positive feedback and regularly asked to work with me again. Before joining Big Finance, I graduated as the top student of my MEng in Chemical Engineering at Prestigious University in the UK. While studying, I received two competitive scholarships and awards. In addition, I developed my leadership skills as the President of the Prestigious University Consulting Club. High energy was essential to lead a team of 5 managing the club and growing the number of members by 20%.

This is your "GOLD MEDALS" section. It is the first section of your cover letter and therefore the most important one.

It should state the TOP 3 achievements of your life to date that are relevant to consulting. These achievements should be as unique and as memorable as possible. When your reviewer reads them they should think "Wow, that's impressive. I want to know more about this person."

To write this section you need to step back and ask yourself "What are the most impressive things I've done with my life so far?" This is not an easy question to answer. 

In our experience discussing this with a close friend can help. It's sometimes easier for them to quickly point out the impressive things you have done as they are an external observer.

In addition, notice how achievements are QUANTIFIED in the example above. Saying you have been promoted "in a year and a half instead of the average four years" is much more powerful than saying you have been promoted "quickly." You should quantify your achievements whenever possible.

This section is your chance to grab the reader's attention. If there's nothing impressive in it, they will stop reading and just scan the paragraphs. So don't miss your opportunity!

3. Why consulting?

Example - Why consulting?

There are several reasons why I want to pursue a consulting career. To start with, I know I will enjoy being a strategy consultant because I have already worked in a strategy team in the past. This was in summer 2019 when I was a Strategy Intern at Big Grocery Retailer in London. In addition, I think consulting is a unique opportunity to comprehensively learn about business management by working on a variety of company situations. Over the past two years, I have started building my business skills while advising clients on financial matters at Big Finance. I now look forward to learning more about companies’ management at McKinsey. Finally, I want to work in consulting because I truly enjoy interacting with clients. Throughout my work experiences I have built a successful track record of developing and maintaining relationships with clients including, for instance, the senior strategy team at Big Grocery Retailer.

Once you have convinced your reviewer that you have impressive achievements under your belt they'll be thinking: "Ok, this person is impressive. But do they REALLY want to be a consultant? Or are they just applying because they're not sure what to do with their career."

The third section of your letter should therefore answer the  "Why consulting?" question . But here is the thing about this question: There are some reasons to go into consulting that you should tell your reviewer about. And some reasons that you should really keep to yourself.

For instance, one of the mistakes candidates commonly make in their cover letter is to write something along the lines of "I'd like to spend 2 or 3 years in consulting to learn more about business in general and then decide what I want to do." This is a HUGE mistake. 

Consulting firms want to hire FUTURE PARTNERS. Not employees who will stay for a couple of years. You can watch the video below for more details about this.

The best approach for your "Why consulting?" section is to write about past experiences that really show you know what you are getting into. The perfect situation is if you have done an internship in consulting or in corporate strategy and have enjoyed it. If that's the case, this is the perfect section to write about it.

But even if you haven't done related internships, there are plenty of angles you can use to connect your past experiences to what you will do as a consultant. For instance:

  • You might have enjoyed working with clients when you were in M&A or in Sales
  • You might have enjoyed structuring and solving tough problems as an engineer

You should use these experiences to say that "working with clients" or "solving tough problems" is something you KNOW you enjoy doing; and you look forward to spending more time doing this as a consultant.

When they read this section, your reviewer should think: "Ok, this person is impressive AND they know what they are getting into."

4. Why McKinsey / BCG / Bain / Other?

Example - Why McKinsey?

McKinsey appeals to me for three reasons. To start with, the different people from the company I have met and worked with all told me they had truly enjoyed their time there. For the past two years, I have worked for Michael Smith, a former Engagement Manager from the London office, who now works for Big Finance. Additionally, I regularly read McKinsey’s reports on financial services and think the insights delivered by Sarah James and others in the Finance practice are truly superior to that of other consultancies. By joining McKinsey, I therefore think I would have an opportunity to work with and learn from the best consultants in the industry. Finally, the fact that McKinsey was selected by Finance Supercorp to shape its digital strategy also played an important role in my decision to apply. This was a first-of-its-kind contract in finance and it shows that while at McKinsey I could get the opportunity to work on truly unique projects.

If you have managed to convince your reviewer that you have an impressive background and that you really want to be a consultant, you have a VERY HIGH chance of getting an interview. 

The only question that's left for you to answer is: " Why McKinsey  / Why BCG? / Why Bain? "

Top consulting firms  have a lot in common. In most regions, they cover the same industries and work for similar clients. They also pay similar salaries, and the career path is more or less the same from firm to firm. So what should you write about in this section?

In our experience, the most efficient way to set yourself apart in this section is to write about three specific elements:

When you write "I've met with Michael Smith," or "I've read report X," or "I've heard about project Y," you are making an argument that's SPECIFIC enough for your reviewer to think: "Ok they've done their homework."

If you stay too GENERIC, your argument will be much less credible. For instance, writing something like "While at McKinsey, I'll be exposed to a broad range of industries which I'm excited about" is a weak argument because you could swap McKinsey for BCG or Bain in that sentence.

In fact, this is the ultimate test. If you can swap McKinsey with another name in your "Why McKinsey?" section you are not being specific enough. You need to work on your paragraph again and mention SPECIFIC people, reports, or projects that you find interesting.

5. Conclusion

Example - Conclusion

For all these reasons, I am very enthusiastic about the chance to work at McKinsey. I am available for an interview at any time and look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mary Taylor

The last section of the cover letter is a formality again. It should include the following elements:

  • A sentence or two saying that you are enthusiastic and available for interviews at any time
  • Your final signature

So how do you make it easy for your reviewer to put your cover letter on the "Accept" pile? We have put together the 10 tips below to make sure you can achieve this and avoid common mistakes.

Consulting cover letter tips

Tip #1 Don't use a template letter

Writing cover letters is painful. But trust us, reading hundreds of them can be at least as painful. That's why you should make every effort to make your letter interesting and genuine. 

It's ok to get inspiration from templates such as the one we provide in this guide. But every sentence in your letter should be written from scratch.

Tip #2 Keep it to one page

One of the unwritten rules of consulting cover letters is that they should not be longer than one page. The trick to achieve this is to only select the MOST RELEVANT experiences from your  resume  and to summarise them. 

The points you decide to highlight should clearly demonstrate that you would make a great consultant.

Tip #3 Standard format and font

It's tempting to use an eye-catching font and format. But that's actually a bad idea. You only risk your interviewer thinking: "I've never seen this font, it looks really weird. Who is this person?" Your cover letter should stand out because of its content, NOT because of its format.

Tip #4 Not the time to be shy

Your cover letter is not the time to be shy. If you went to Harvard and have three Olympic medals, now is the time to say it! Most of us don't, and that's fine. But the point is that you should really push yourself to bring your most impressive accomplishments forward.

Tip #5 Network, network, network

This might sound surprising, but a big part of the cover letter is  how much networking you have done . Having networked with people from the firm you are applying for pays dividends for multiple reasons. 

First, they might recommend you to the HR team. But most importantly, these people will give you insight into what makes their firm UNIQUE. Then you can quote what you've heard in your cover letter (and name drop the person you heard it from) to show that you really understand the firm you are applying for.

Tip #6 Read, read, read

Unfortunately, networking is not always easy or possible. In these cases, your second best option is to read as much as you can on the firms you are applying for. You should read about the firm's projects, reports, and partners and find pieces of information you are really interested in. 

For instance, if you did your master thesis on electric vehicles, try to find who works in this area at the firm and what they have to say about it. And then mention what you have found in your cover letter.

Tip #7 One letter per firm

One question we often get is: "Should I write one letter per firm?" The answer is YES. But it's not as hard as it might sound. 

Every cover letter needs to answer three questions: Why you? Why consulting? And why this firm? The only paragraph you will need to change in every letter is the one about "Why this firm?" For each firm, you will have to do the networking and reading mentioned above.

Tip #8 Start writing early

Writing an outstanding cover letter is VERY HARD. Most candidates underestimate how much time it takes and start this process too late. You'll need to take a step back and reflect on everything you have done to date to highlight your most relevant experiences. 

This takes multiple iterations. Start early.

Tip #9 Get feedback

In our experience, great candidates all look for feedback and iterate on their cover letter until it's truly as good as it can get. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it.

It’s best to get feedback from peers or consultants. These people will be able to point out which parts of your letter they don't get or don't find impactful enough. If you’d like to have an expert review your cover letter, check out our team of  ex-consultant coaches .

Tip #10 Proofread multiple times

Finally, you should check and double check your letter for typos and grammar mistakes - multiple times. A cover letter is (not so secretly) a writing test and you should really treat it like one.

What consulting firms look for

To get multiple interviews at  top consulting firms , it’s extremely important to understand what those firms are actually looking for. 

The good news is that most of the leading consultancies are looking for basically the same skills. 

To illustrate this point, here’s what  McKinsey  and  Bain  say that they’re looking for in candidates, along with our own translation of what they mean:

What consulting firms look for

There are also a few unofficial items that consulting firms will look for on your resume, and you can read about those in our  consulting resume guide .

Next, let’s talk about the typical cover letter screening process.

Screening process

Now let's talk about HOW your cover letter will be handled once you send it. Here's how it works.

Your application will be sent to a JUNIOR CONSULTANT who recently graduated from your University. They will score your documents based on a grid provided by the HR team. 

Consultants usually have to score 200 to 400 applications in about 2 weeks. And this is sometimes on TOP of their normal project. It's not uncommon for them to leave the job to the last minute and to have to do it on a Friday night just before the deadline.

Why is this important? The point we are trying to make is your application is part of 100 other applications. And the person who will review it will be tired by the time they get to your cover letter. If they don't understand something, they won't Google it. It's your job to make their job easy.

Why consultancies ask for a cover letter

There are two main reasons why consulting firms ask for cover letters.

First, partners bill several thousand dollars per day to their clients. The opportunity cost of interviewing you is HUGE for the firm. Put yourself in the shoes of a consultancy for a second. What are the top 3 questions you want to answer before investing money in interviewing a candidate?

  • Have they demonstrated the skills needed to be a consultant?
  • Do they know what consulting is and what they are getting into?
  • Are they genuinely interested in working for our firm?

If you don't answer these three questions in a structured and impactful way, your chances of getting past the screening process are very low. This is why every cover letter should be structured as follows:

  • Why consulting?
  • Why this firm?

The second reason consulting firms ask for a cover letter is to test your writing skills. Consultants write all the time: emails, PowerPoints, Word documents, etc. They spend about 50% of their day writing. And a lot of the time their job is to summarise very large quantities of information in a succinct way.

This is exactly what you have to do in your cover letter. You have to a) look back on all your past experiences, b) select the relevant experiences to convince the reviewer that you are the right person for the job and c) summarise all these experiences in a way that's easy to read and digest.

Cover letters are a disguised writing test. Candidates who end up getting invited for interviews recognise this early on. Making a good impression on paper is way harder than making a good impression in person.

Are many candidates ready to invest HOURS in writing the perfect cover letter? No. That's the whole point. That's how you can set yourself apart. If you spend enough time making sure that your letter is as impactful as it can be, you stand very high chances of getting invited for interviews.

Another reason that it can help to have a cover letter is to explain anything on your resume that may look unusual to a reviewer, such as a time gap or a non-traditional background for consulting. 

Whatever your unique situation is, if you’re not confident in how your cover letter looks today, then we can help you. 

Get an Ex-MBB consultant to review your cover letter

The guide above, in addition to our guide on  consulting resumes , should go a long way in helping you craft documents that will get you interviews. 

But if you still feel you need additional help, we have a team of ex-MBB recruiters and interviewers who would be happy to provide feedback on your cover letter.

You’ll get feedback on how to immediately improve your cover letter, including what experience to focus on, how to optimise your phrasing, formatting, etc.

Start by browsing profiles for available coaches.

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Woman in suit working on a tablet

6 Consulting Cover Letter Examples

Consultants excel at identifying problems and strategizing effective solutions, using their expertise to guide businesses towards success. Similarly, your cover letter is your strategic tool to identify your unique skills and propose how they can be the solution to a company's needs. In this guide, we'll explore top-notch Consulting cover letter examples to help you craft a persuasive narrative that showcases your problem-solving prowess.

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Cover Letter Examples

Cover letter guidelines, consulting cover letter example, management consulting cover letter example, consulting manager cover letter example, technology consulting cover letter example, consulting intern cover letter example, deloitte consulting cover letter example, environmental consultant cover letter example, management consultant cover letter example, how to format a consulting cover letter, cover letter header, what to focus on with your cover letter header:, cover letter header examples for consulting, cover letter greeting, get your cover letter greeting right:, cover letter greeting examples for consulting, cover letter introduction, what to focus on with your cover letter intro:, cover letter intro examples for consulting, cover letter body, what to focus on with your cover letter body:, cover letter body examples for consulting, cover letter closing, what to focus on with your cover letter closing:, cover letter closing paragraph examples for consulting, pair your cover letter with a foundational resume, cover letter writing tips for consultings, highlight relevant skills and experiences, customize your cover letter, showcase your problem-solving abilities, be concise and clear, end with a strong call to action, cover letter mistakes to avoid as a consulting, generic cover letters, too much focus on academics, ignoring soft skills, lengthy cover letters, spelling and grammar mistakes, cover letter faqs for consultings.

The best way to start a Consulting cover letter is by addressing the hiring manager directly, if their name is known. If not, use a professional salutation like "Dear Hiring Manager". Then, introduce yourself and briefly mention your current role or professional status. Immediately express your interest in the specific consulting position and the company, demonstrating your knowledge about the firm. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the role. It's also beneficial to mention a mutual connection or a notable achievement that aligns with the job requirements, to grab the reader's attention.

Consultants should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the role and their belief in their ability to contribute positively to the company. This should be followed by a professional closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," and their name. It's also important to express gratitude for the reader's time and consideration. For example, "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills and experiences to your team and am confident that I can contribute to your company's success. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this opportunity further. Sincerely, [Your Name]." This ending reiterates interest, shows confidence, expresses gratitude, and opens the door for further communication, leaving a positive impression.

A cover letter for consulting should ideally be one page long. This length is sufficient to concisely present your qualifications, experiences, and interest in the role without overwhelming the reader. Consulting firms value clear and efficient communication, so it's essential to keep your cover letter concise and to the point. Too much information can be seen as inability to prioritize key points and can make the letter difficult to read. Therefore, aim for 3-4 paragraphs that cover your interest in the firm, your relevant experience, and how you could contribute to the company.

Writing a cover letter with no experience in consulting can seem challenging, but it's all about showcasing your transferable skills, demonstrating your passion for the industry, and highlighting your potential to learn and grow. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Research the Company**: Understand the company's values, culture, and what they look for in a consultant. This will help you tailor your cover letter to their specific needs and expectations. 2. **Start with a Strong Opening**: Your opening paragraph should grab the reader's attention. Mention the role you're applying for, where you found it, and briefly state why you're interested in it. 3. **Highlight Transferable Skills**: Even if you don't have direct experience, you likely have skills that are relevant to consulting. These could include problem-solving, analytical thinking, communication, project management, or teamwork. Use specific examples to demonstrate these skills. 4. **Show Your Passion**: Consulting firms want to hire people who are genuinely interested in the industry. Show your enthusiasm by discussing relevant books you've read, podcasts you listen to, or any industry-related events you've attended. 5. **Demonstrate Your Ability to Learn**: Consulting is a field that requires continuous learning. Highlight any instances where you've had to quickly learn new skills or adapt to new situations. 6. **Close Strongly**: In your closing paragraph, reiterate your interest in the role and the company. Also, mention your eagerness to contribute to the company's success. 7. **Proofread**: Make sure your cover letter is free of spelling and grammatical errors. This shows your attention to detail, a crucial skill in consulting. Remember, your cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression. Make it count by showing that you're motivated, capable, and ready to become a valuable member of their team.

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Consulting Cover Letter: What You Actually Need to Know

The key to effective cover-letters is story-telling. Most people write cover letters like resumes, with cold, hard facts, and that’s the problem.

Cover letters are much more effective if they contain stories capturing the burning spirits of candidates. In this article, I’ll tell you how to install such stories seamlessly into your consulting cover letters, and land a case interview yourself.

Consulting cover letters – The basics

What are cover letters for.

Cover letters are documents accompanying resumes, to provide further insights into the qualities and motivations of a candidate, as well as portray who he/she is as a person .

In consulting cover letters, there are three essential qualities you must always display:

  • Leadership skills:  the ability to influence people’s decisions.
  • Achieving mindset : the continuous, relentless push for the best results.
  • Analytical problem-solving:  the ability to solve problems in a structured, methodical manner.

Regarding motivations, there are two questions you need to answer:

  • “Why consulting?”:  Do you really understand the consulting world, and how it fits with your long-term plans? Is there something unique in the consulting track to explain your choice?
  • “Why this firm?”:  Out of all the consulting firms, why ours? There should be something uniquely attractive about this firm to you, isn’t there?

And last but not least, don’t forget to show that you have an interesting personality that fits with the firm’s culture.

Cover letters vs Resumes – What’s the difference?

Because so many candidates confuse between the two, then end up writing boring cover letters resembling “paragraph versions” of their resumes, I feed the need to differentiate.

There are four marked differences:

Cover letters go deep, resumes go wide

In cover letters, you should select one or a few most notable achievements, and describe them in detail to reflect your three defining aspects (values, competencies, motivations).

This stands in contrast with resumes, where you cram as many relevant achievements as possible into the space of one or two A4 pages.

Cover letters are “soft” stories, resumes are “hard” bullet lists

The content format of cover letters is much less defined, leaving room for a lot of creativity, unlike resumes which are almost always bullet lists of cold, hard facts.

Your goal as the candidate is to fully utilize that loosely-defined format and make your cover letter as attractive and memorable as possible.

Cover letters describe personality, resumes do not

A crucial role of the cover letter is to portray who you are as a person. Resumes don’t do that, they focus on your achievements.

Your personality does not only come directly through the contents, but also reflected in the style of the letter – so take time to make your cover letter more attractive, and you’ll make a better impression with the screener.

Cover letters touch on future plans, resume concerns mostly the past

In cover letters, you have to answer the motivation questions (why consulting, why this firm). In resumes, that aspect is barely mentioned.

The most credible answers to those questions connect the job with your future plans – as such, the cover letter is not confined to the past like resumes.

Understanding your audience

The vibe inside the screening room.

Busy, tiring, and boring – that’s the vibe inside the screening room.”

Picture this in your mind:

A junior consultant is in the office on a Friday night, going through hundreds of applications. He has to do this as a form of goodwill for the company, on top of his ongoing project.

Everyone’s application looks the same, following one set format; a somewhat extraordinary resume catches his attention, so he checks the cover letter to see if there’s anything interesting, only to be disappointed because the letter is an exact recital of the resume.

If you want to grab the screener’s attention and make memorable impressions, you have to break that negative vibe, using an unordinary cover letter.

Most cover letters are just listings of achievement and cliched motivation statements – they feel like unoriginal walls-of-text that offer nothing new – and that’s the exact reason why many screeners don’t like cover letters. Write an exciting story instead – the screener will love it.

Why they read your cover letter

There are two main reasons why the screener reads your consulting cover letter:

  • He wants to know more about your motivations and personality because your resume is both impressive and interesting/unordinary at the same time.
  • He wants to clarify some ambiguous points in your resume – this happens if you appear highly competent, but your writing is not clear enough.

In both cases, there’s no excuse to repeat your resume in a paragraph format and disappoint the screener. You have all the reasons in the world to present an attractive, detailed, focused narrative – tell a story and get your interview.

Both the background and the purpose of cover-letter-screening suggest that an innovative story-telling approach is much more beneficial than the common, formulaic, overly-formal cover letters.

Such an approach will definitely make your cover letter stand out from the heap of some 200 other applications. It helps you grab the screener’s attention, and impress him in a memorable way.

Additionally, it makes reading the cover letter easier and more enjoyable. The screener is already tired, so there’s no point in making his life harder.

Whatever the reason, as the cover letter is opened AFTER the resume, the implication is that you need to perfect your consulting resume first!

If you haven’t read it, here’s an A-to-Z guide to writing the perfect consulting resume , from a former McKinsey consultant and resume screener!

Consulting cover letter – Step-by-step guide

All these elements must be presented in a coherent storyline and concise language.

Keep in mind this is a consulting cover letter – as such, your story should be backed up by impactful, specific, verifiable results.

To write impressive, fact-based stories that demonstrate all three necessary aspects of the candidate, I advise you to follow these four steps:

Step 1 – Self-reflect for storylines

Search your memory for events, experiences, ideas… that can serve as a basic storyline – the backbone of your cover letter. For each storyline, consider the following six criteria :

  • Uniqueness: The base story should be something unique to you. If it’s something common or universal, you won’t have the screener’s attention.
  • Attractiveness: Your story should be attractive and entertaining – only then can you trigger the screener’s curiosity. Usually, it’s something “big” and impactful, but not controversial
  • Positiveness: The story should have a positive “vibe” to it. If it’s something sad or negative, don’t include it in your cover letter.
  • Qualities: All three consulting qualities (leadership, achieving, analytical problem-solving) should be illustrated in your story. Otherwise, consider that story irrelevant.
  • Motivations: Your story should at least help explain why you’re applying, if not providing direct answers to that question. Firms don’t like to hire candidates without clear motivations.
  • Personality: Make sure you exhibit a likable personality. On the other hand, if that story suggests negative traits (pessimism, short temper, cynicism, etc.) you have to modify it.

Let’s see if these storylines of my own could match the requirements:

“I escaped from a near-death experience during a paragliding session using my gliding skills.”

This is not something you hear every day, and near-death stories are often quite attractive, so you have those two boxes checked; and for now, there’s no sign of “bad” personality traits.

However, it’s a near-death experience, so it does have a negative vibe. Additionally, it shows neither consulting qualities nor relevant motivations.

=> This story only meets 3 out of 6 criteria. Out!

“I founded an entertainment business which attracted lots of attention, but ultimately failed.”

Not everyone is a startup entrepreneur, so this story does meet the “uniqueness” criterion. It’s relatively easy to draw attention with startup stories, and it’s easy to explain a consulting career choice from a former entrepreneur perspective, too. No negative personality trait is visible.

While being a business owner suggests some leadership and problem-solving experience, as well as an achieving mindset, a failure story like this might raise some questions on the “qualities” aspect; it also creates a negative vibe.

=> Overall, 4.5 to 5 out of 6. Not really the best storyline for a consulting cover letter, but usable with some modifications.

“I broke McKinsey’s code of conduct, convinced a client to pay their long-overdue service fees, and was celebrated for it.”

Is there anyone who doesn’t like those “breaking rules” stories? I’m quite confident this experience is quite unique and attractive. Because this is actual consulting work, it’s undoubtedly easy to point out all the important consulting qualities, as well as to provide a basis for my motivations.

However, this “breaking the rules” story may suggest rebellious tendencies, so if I’m going to use it I’ll again need some modifications.

=> This story scores 5.5 / 6. Quite good but I do need to be careful with it.

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Step 2 - Add and classify details

Rack your memory and jot down everything related to your storyline; don’t worry about having too many details, you will be trimming the story later.

Pay special attention to the details best illustrating relevant qualities , motivations , and personality , because you will need to emphasize them.

Step 3 – Structure and enhance

Arrange the details of your story in a logical, intuitive structure; the most common method is:

1. Describe a notable, relevant experience using the problem-action-result structure to impress the interviewer with your qualities first.

2. Try to link it up with the present/future parts of your story (ideas, philosophies, plans) to explain your motivations.

Trim all non-essential and technical details, they do nothing but confuse the reader and bore them to death. Your story should be told in a way even your grandmother can understand.

Then, arrange and enhance the remaining details so that the story feels more dramatic, i.e the uniqueness and difficulty of the problem should be emphasized.

On a related note, consultants dislike lengthy cover letters – in fact, one A4 page is the maximum length – so there’s one more reason to start trimming.

Step 4 – Amplify consulting features

First, make all three key consulting traits stand out from your story – leadership, achieving mindset, and analytical problem-solving.

Then, make subtle references to consulting work using the industry’s terminology and concepts. Most screeners, being consultants themselves, will subconsciously appreciate this. However, avoid buzzwords and slangs found on the Internet, or you’ll appear superficial and unprofessional.

Consulting cover letter – Tips

To write the best cover letter, you must thoroughly understand the industry, its major firms, and even the very office you’re applying into.

To achieve such an understanding, there is quite a bit of research to do – and here are three tips for you to ease that process!

Tip 1: Networking

Successful networking goes a long way in the consulting recruitment process and in cover letters.

Firstly, management consulting firms are relatively publicity-shy, so having a connection within these firms allow you to gain very specific and authentic insights about the firm, the job, as well as the consulting world in general, helping you make better choices and deliver more convincing reasons.

Secondly, you may earn a referral ! The screening stage is harsh – it’s where most candidates are filtered out, both in absolute and proportional terms – and referrals help a great deal with that.

Remember to show your networking efforts by mentioning the names of consultants at the office you’re applying into, as well as their projects. The screener will know you really do care about the job, and you’ve done your homework.

Tip 2: Read consulting news

The websites of major consulting firms all have countless articles on current affairs as well as their own projects – read them frequently and regularly .

For one thing, those articles will deepen your understanding of management consultants and their work, helping you make better choices and explain them more effectively to the screener.

Additionally, reading consulting articles regularly will help you know more about the specific projects of each firm, which you can bring up in cover letters.

Tip 3: Build “cheat sheets”

A few ready-to-use “cheat sheets” containing all the important details on the consulting industry and major firms will significantly ease the writing process.

I recommend making three different groups of sheets – one for the consulting world in general, one for the firms, and the last one about the specific offices you’re applying into.

Be implicit and “smooth” when using these sheets. Make sure to sound as natural and seamless as possible when mentioning your references; avoid putting them at the focus of your sentences, but to use them as supplements to the main idea (e.g: I was awed by the network of experts supporting our project with McKinsey back in 2016).

Consulting cover letter – Visual format

Consulting cover letters are not the place for creative, colorful designs. Format your letters in a conservative, text-dense, black-and-white fashion – that’s how actual consultants do it.

One A4 page is the maximum length for consulting cover letters.

Inside the busy screening room, nobody has the time and energy to read a two-page worth of story, no matter how attractive it is.

If your cover letter exceeds that maximum length, trim away the less important details and shorten your expressions; you can also tweak your font size, spacing, and margins to squeeze the most content into one page.

Use formal, conservative fonts, such as Times New Roman, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, etc.

Keep your font size at 10-12. Larger text tends to feel somewhat “messy”, and they’re space-consuming. Smaller text, on the other hand, feels difficult and tiring to read.

Additionally, the typeface in your cover letter should match that on the resume.

Spacing, margins, and alignment

Use spacings of 1.15 between lines and 1.50-2.00 between paragraphs. Consulting cover letters are quite text-dense, so it’s important to use these white spaces to ease the visual strain.

Always align your text on the left side. Left-aligning is the standard in the United States, where most major consulting firms are based; additionally, left-aligning keeps the horizontal spacing between words even, unlike justified where that spacing varies considerably between each line.

All four margins should be equal at 1 inch. That should keep your letter neat and tidy while maximizing the amount of text on one page.

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Other reminders

If you know who’s screening, address them by name. Otherwise, generic salutations are fine.

I’ve come across pages claiming it’s no longer acceptable to write generic salutations (“ To whom it may concern ”); however, in consulting firms where the screening process is assigned to junior consultants on an availability basis, you don’t always know who’s reading your letter, so such salutations are okay.

On the other hand, if you happen to be applying into a small, new office, and your networking efforts are successful, you may know your screener. In that case, refer them by name for a greater impact.

Replacement test

If you can replace the industry and the firm in your letter with something similar and it still makes sense, your tailoring is not enough.

Your motivations should be based on unique and defining descriptions – for example, McKinsey having the largest support network for consultants, or Bain being the frattiest among MBB consulting firms.

Non-unique reasons, such as “prestigious brand name” or “interesting projects” can apply to basically every major consulting firm out there, so they’re not strong bases for your choices.

Maintain formality

Use formal language throughout, and keep standard your heading and salutation.

Show your uniqueness and creativity only through the main content sections. Other “procedural” parts of the cover letter should always remain formulaic – see the sample section.

The language in the main paragraph should also remain formal, i.e no slang, no contraction, no overuse of exclamations.

Avoid short-term motivations

Don’t say you’re in for a 2-year learning experience, or your application will be heading for the bin very, very quickly.

It’s costly to turn fresh graduates into effective consultants, so firms don’t want candidates who will bail out just after they’ve become useful. They want people who will stay in the firm for as long as they can – they want future partners.

You might include long-term plans concerning other industries, but don’t give the impression that you’re bailing out in a few years. If that’s your plan, don’t even mention it.

Proofread and edit

Writing cover letters should be a long process of continuous proofreading, feedback, and editing.

It’s best to find a former/working consultant or at least someone who’s knowledgeable about the industry to help you out. Consulting cover letters differ from normal ones quite considerably, so generic guidelines won’t be of much use.

It’s also very helpful to allow intervals of at least a few days between writing and proofreading sessions; you will find it easier to spot errors if you proofread with a “fresh” mind.

Try to avoid format, spelling, and grammar mistakes at all costs. In consulting cover letters, such mistakes are much less tolerated.

Cover letter file format

Always send your cover letters in the PDF format (most screeners expect you to do so).

This file format will make sure your cover letter appears the same on every computer, and it minimizes the damage that may occur in the file transfer process (by contrast, DOC files are vulnerable to numerous errors).

Depending on the computer, PDFs may look cleaner than DOCs – one possible bonus point for appearance.

Still not sure whether your cover letter is good enough? Book a meeting with former consultants. Our coaches will show you how to make your resume stand out among thousands of candidates. 

Cover letter example

Now that you’ve learned the secrets to the best story-telling cover letter, let’s have a little exercise and help the First President write one to McKinsey, shall we?

(The content in this sample letter is largely fictional for illustration purposes)

George Washington [email protected] Mount Vernon Plantation, Fairfax County, Virginia, U.S.A July 4, 1789

To whom it may concern,

My purpose in life is to liberate the American people and lead them to prosperity. The revolution of the Thirteen Colonies was up against the largest military force in the world – the British Empire – at a four-to-one disadvantage – few if any country had come up against such odds victoriously. And that was the situation I was in, as the leader of the revolution.

Under my lead, the revolutionaries mobilized internal support from 2.4 million soon-to-be American citizens and external support from allies in France. This support allowed us to remain operational even after severe defeats, which would otherwise put an end to the revolution. After six years, the Colonies came out victorious and was recognized as the new United States of America. War is over, so my new task is to steer the newfound States towards economic prosperity – and consulting experience at McKinsey will help a great deal with that.

I happen to also run a plantation business – Mount Vernon by name – which was McKinsey’s client during our expansion project in 1785. I was extremely impressed by the highly structured and data-based approach that McKinsey consultants took to deliver their solutions, and even more impressed by the incredible network of experts that was backing our project.

Through Ms. E.M – the Engagement Manager for our project from McKinsey’s DC Office – I came to be aware of the firm’s expertise in the public sector – which was recognized as being the overall best among major consulting firms.

And for that reason, I realized a consultant position at McKinsey DC will give me invaluable exposure in the public sector, both from its projects and its vicinity to the country’s capital.

I will be looking forward to speaking with you in person, about how I can put my experience as a former head-of-state and an entrepreneur to work at McKinsey.

Sincerely yours, George Washington

Scoring in the McKinsey PSG/Digital Assessment

The scoring mechanism in the McKinsey Digital Assessment

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Consulting Cover Letter

Consulting Cover Letter: a step-by-step guide (2024)

With a great CV, your consulting cover letter can open the door to scoring an interview and, ultimately, getting a job in consulting.

But it’s not that easy: less than 30% of applicants receive a call for an interview.

Thus, in this article, I’ll show how to write a persuasive and customized cover letter to move your job application to the top of the pile .

In particular, I’ll show you the exact steps you need to take to write a consulting cover letter that:

  • Set you apart from the crowd
  • Express your motivation to join the firm you are applying to

But first, let me introduce you to Paul.

Paul is a recent graduate from a business school in France.

He did two internships (one in Marketing and one in Finance).

Paul used the tips from this article to learn how to write a cover letter for a consulting job and landed job interviews in ALL the consulting firms he applied to . 

At the end of this article, you’ll see Paul’s consulting cover letters for McKinsey, the Boston Consulting Group, Bain & Company, and Deloitte.

Also, you’ll find a consulting cover letter template to help you craft your consulting cover letters. 

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Get the latest data about salaries in consulting, what is a cover letter.

Along with your resume, a cover letter is an important part of your consulting job application.

It is intended to provide a more in-depth introduction, enhancing the information in the resume or CV, outlining pertinent qualifications, and showcasing some of your most noteworthy achievements.

A strong cover letter convinces the employer that your skills align with their requirements and demonstrates the following:

  • Justifications for your qualifications for the job.
  • An explanation of why you want to work as a consultant.
  • Justifications for why you would be a good fit for their particular company.
  • Your capacity for producing engaging, clear, and concise writing.

A strong cover letter should ultimately focus on “why should we hire you” and “what’s in it for us.”.

And for that reason, it’s worthwhile to take the time to write a strong cover letter .

What recruiters want

The consulting recruiting process is costly for top consulting firms. 

Do the math:

Multiply the time spent by a management consultant giving interviews by their fees.

You’d get an insanely high number.

Therefore, management consulting firms want to invite only candidates with a serious chance of making it.

To do so, they use two selection criteria. 

Consulting cover letter - what recruiters want

Selection criteria 1: do you have the right consulting skills?

ALL consulting firms essentially look for these 4 skills when screening your application documents (resume and consulting cover letter):

  • Problem-solving : As a Consultant, you will be essentially a problem-solver. Thus, Consulting firms will assess the range of problems you had to solve and the impact you had.
  • Leadership abilities : As a Consultant, you must get things done while working with others. Thus, Consulting firms will assess your ability to work in teams and create a climate where people are motivated to do their best.
  • Personal impact : As a Consultant, you will need to gain the support and commitment of others. Thus, Consulting firms will assess your ability to develop relationships with people and influence someone to act upon your recommendation.
  • Drive : As a Consultant, you will work on new consulting projects every 3x months. Thus, Consulting firms will assess how comfortable you are with new situations and your ability to perform outside your comfort zone.

Consulting skills: what mckinsey is looking for

Selection criteria 2: are you a good fit?

A career in consulting is not for everyone.

It’s demanding. 

And it can sometimes be stressful.

Therefore, management consulting firms want to assess your motivation to pursue a career in consulting.

And more specifically, a career in consulting in their firm.

To do so, they’ll assess if you’ve done your homework.

For instance, do you understand what consultants do?

And do you understand what makes them different from other management consulting firms?  

Related articles :

Your answer to the question Tell me about yourself must be consistent with the information on your resume.

Check this article explaining how to craft a superior answer to the question “ Tell me about yourself .” 

Also, read this article to learn more about the recruiting process at McKinsey.

Besides, I’ve written articles about the recruiting process at Boston Consulting Group and Bain & Company .

How to write a consulting cover letter: your step-by-step guide

Good consulting cover letters tend to follow a tried-and-trusted format. 

One that’s set up in a way that lets you show off your accomplishments and what are your motivations to join this consulting firm in particular .

If you’re worried about sticking to the same format as everyone else somehow stopping you from standing out, don’t.

It’s what you say (or don’t say) that counts. 

Let’s break down how your cover should look.

Consulting cover letter - the different sections of a management consulting cover letter

Step 1: Add the header (mandatory)

To begin with, start your cover letter with the following information:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Date of sending

In addition, you can include the company’s name and address to which you’re applying.

Paul's McKinsey cover letter: Header

Step 2: include the greetings (mandatory)

The greeting needs to display the right level of respect and professionalism.

If you have a name for the contact person, use it.

If you don’t know the contact person’s name, you can begin your cover letter with “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Do your best to find out to whom you’re writing to.

Look at the company website or LinkedIn page to see if you can track down the hiring manager’s name. 

Or  take the initiative to call the company.

Someone on the other end of the phone might be happy to tell you who does the hiring.

Step 3: write the opening paragraph (mandatory)

If you were to meet a hiring manager in person, you wouldn’t just throw your resume in their face and walk away, would you?

I’d like you’d offer a handshake and tell them who you are first.

This paragraph  is like a good handshake.

You want your first paragraph to be strong, succinct and make a great first impression .

In your opening paragraph , start strong:  show enthusiasm and show you want to come in there and make a contribution .

Hook the reader early with a first paragraph that makes them want to read.

You can use these guiding questions to craft the first paragraph of your cover letter .

  • Which position are you applying to ? Consultant in the BCG Munich office 
  • What are your personal qualities? Results-driven and eager to learn. 
  • Who are you? What are your past and present experiences? A final-year student at HEC Paris who completed two internships in the Banking and Technology sectors
  • What is your most impressive achievement? Experience in working with C-level management teams  

Paul's McKinsey cover letter: Opening Paragraph

This is an important cover letter tip: 

Mention the position you’re applying to (Business Analyst, Senior Consultant, Associate, etc.)

Step 4: explain why you are a good candidate (mandatory)

Your management consulting cover letter must say why you’re the right person for the job. 

This is one of the most important consulting cover letter tips.

To do so,  you must  highlight the specific skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate for consulting .

For instance, here is how Paul has highlighted his skills in his consulting cover letter.

How Paul has highlighted his skills in his consulting cover letter

Here are the four steps followed by Paul to show off his skills in his cover letter :

  • Step 4.1: List your most impressive achievements and write a great resume.
  • Step 4.2: Select three skills you want to emphasize.
  • Step 4.3: Select three achievements that best illustrate how you used those three skills.
  • Step 4.4: Highlight these three achievements in your cover letter. But don’t repeat your resume word by word; show your personality instead.

Step 4.1: List Your Most Impressive Achievements And Write A Great Resume

In the “Consulting resume: 11 steps to get interviews in 2023”   article, you have the exact steps you need to take to:

  • List your most impressive achievements
  • Summarize these achievements into compelling action statements in your resume
  • Format your resume with a ready-to-use template
  • Get inspired with (literally) hundreds of examples
  • And much more…

So, start your cover letter… by writing your consulting resume !

Step 4.2: Select The 3 Skills You Want To Emphasize In Your Consulting Cover Letter

Choose the three skills you want to emphasize in your cover letter . 

For instance :

  • Problem-solving : how you used your analytical and quantitative skills to solve a problem and had an impact
  • Leadership skills : how you got something done while working with someone or a group of people
  • Personal impact : how you influenced people to act upon your recommendations

Another cover letter tip:

Do NOT put three achievements in your cover letter that illustrate the same skills twice or thrice.  

If you do so, you will undermine your profile…

And lose an opportunity to show that you are a well-rounded professional .

Step 4.3: Select The 3 Achievements That Best Illustrate How You Used Those Skills

You now must have a great list of achievements and an outstanding resume. 

Now, it’s time to select which achievements you will highlight in your cover letter.

To do so, select which achievements best illustrate your experience in three chosen skills . 

To do so, choose three achievements you feel are your strong suits to focus on.

For instance, you can ask yourself :

  • Which achievements are you most proud of?
  • Where did you have the biggest impact?
  • Which achievements were the most challenging?

Step 4.4: Highlight These 3 Achievements In Your Cover Letter. But Do NOT Repeat Your CV Word-By-Word; Show Your Personality Instead

Finally, highlight these three achievements in your cover letter. 

However,  your cover letter shouldn’t just rehash your resume . 

In other words, do not repeat your word-by-word resume.

Because this will give a weak impression.

Instead, use  the letter to tell a brief story , such as “my toughest sale” or “my biggest technical challenge,” and show your personality . 

That’s  how you will stand out from the rest .

It will make a HUGE difference if you show your personality when highlighting your achievements in your cover letter.

The secret to showing your personality is to tell the readers WHY these achievements matter to YOU .

For instance:

  • WHY this achievement was important for you
  • WHY this achievement, in particular, was challenging
  • Why did you enjoy this achievement 
  • WHY this achievement left a positive (or negative) mark on you 

Do you see the pattern here?

To make it personal, explain WHY a particular achievement is important for YOU .

There are four  reasons why a particular achievement can be  important for you : 

  • You had to manage (or you were part of a team managing) something critical for your company. In other words, you had a huge impact.
  • The situation you had to handle was very challenging : you had to deal with a tight schedule, you had few resources to reach your objectives, you were in the middle of stakeholders who were not aligned, etc. In other words, it was tough ! Think of these long hours spent at the office 🙂
  • You had to do something for the first time : present something in front of the leadership team for the first time, face a specific problem for the first time, have to handle a crisis for the first time, have to manage a team for the first time, etc. In other words, you learned a lot. 
  • Or a combination of these 3 things : critical x challenging x first time (I can imagine how stressful it was!!)

So, to conclude, when describing your achievements in your cover letter, make sure to cover these four critical elements:

  • The problem you had to solve
  • How you solve this problem (your action)
  • The outcome (the results of your action)
  • Why was this achievement important for you

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Step 5: explain why you want to join this firm (mandatory)

A well-written cover letter highlights your credentials for a job and proves your desire to work for this company in particular. 

The golden rule of applying to a job is showing interest in the firm you apply to . 

Explaining your motivation to join a company is what is most important for recruiters, according to a recent survey of 200 recruiters.

Importance of expressing your motivation and interest in your cover letter

Why is explaining your motivations to join this specific firm so important?

Think of it from the consulting firm’s perspective: they want to hire someone who will positively impact the firm and its customers and someone who is a good fit.

The hiring process is very costly and time-consuming. 

Therefore, they don’t want to hire someone who will leave the company after 12 months .

Being specific when you express your motivations to join a consultancy is key.

It won’t impress the readers if you give general reasons that can be applied to other consultancies. 

Even worse,  it shows that you haven’t done your homework and haven’t done any research about the company .

Thus, do not write, “I want to work for McKinsey because it’s the market leader” or “I want to join the Boston Consulting Group because I’ll be able to work with smart people.” 

Note:  I’ll show you how to use these two (good) reasons yet sound specific . 

So, now let’s see  how to express your motivation to join this firm in particular . 

To begin with, let’s see what Paul wrote in his McKinsey cover letter.

Paul's McKinsey Cover Letter

Paul gave two reasons why he is interested in joining McKinsey & Company. 

Each of his reasons follows this formula :

how to answer why this firm in particular

Step 5.1: Start By Giving A Reason Why You Want To Join This Company

You want to join a top consulting firm for many good reasons .

So if you are asking yourself, “Why McKinsey?”, “Why BCG?”, “Why Bain?”, “Why Deloitte?”, Why Accenture?” or “Why any other firms,” you should consider the following reasons :

  • The company’s culture : you think you’ll be a good fit with the company’s culture. For instance, the culture of excellence at McKinsey. Or the collaborative culture at Bain & Company. Another example: the diversity of profiles promoted by the Boston Consulting Group
  • Its reputation : you want to work for a company recognized as a global market leader, such as McKinsey & Company. Or do you want to join a well-known advisor in a specific geography like Bain & Company in the Middle East?
  • The company’s specialization : you can have a special interest in a topic or an industry and join a firm with expertise in that topic or industry. For instance, Simon Kucher & Partners for pricing, or Bain & Company for Private Equity. Or maybe McKinsey is the only consulting firm working with public entities in your region 
  • Smart colleagues : you want to be inspired and work with people inside and outside the firm who will challenge your work and how you think. For instance, McKinsey is obsessed with working mainly at the CEO level
  • The company’s size : you want to join a new (or a small) office and be part of the teams that will help develop that office. Or the office can be well established, but you want to join a newly created practice and want to help develop it
  • The company’s international footprint : you want to have the opportunity to work in an international environment or to be relocated to an office abroad in a couple of years. For instance, some consulting firms have international staffing rules, whereas others offer only local staffing opportunities
  • The career progression opportunity : you want to join a company that invests a significant amount each year to train their consultants. For instance, Bain is known to put a high value on training their employees

So, think of “Why do you want to work for this company?” or “What attracts you to work for this company?” and check which reasons make sense.

However,  if your cover letter mentions some of the previous reasons without any more explanations, your answer will sound very generic  (and weak).

For instance, if you write, “I want to work for a prestigious company and be surrounded by smart colleagues,” this can be applied to most consulting firms. 

That’s  why you need to add evidence that you know what you are discussing .

In other words, you must show that you did your homework and researched the company. 

That’s step 5.2.

Step 5.2: Then, Back-Up Your Reason With A Persuasive Source Of Information

To make your answer convincing, you must back up your reason with a good source of information.

Thus, you will show the readers that you are not applying to this firm for random but thoughtful reasons. 

To do so, there are three persuasive sources of information that you should consider::

  • Consultants who work at the company you are applying to . Your interviewer wants to know if you have done your homework and have talked to anyone from the office you are applying to, or at least from the firm in general. In other words, networking is super important.
  • Reports produced by the company, such as the McKinsey Quarterly or the BCG Insight. Tell them you read and found interesting a report or an article about a topic you like.
  • Alumni with whom you have worked with . If you had the opportunity to work with alumni from the firm you are applying to, mention it. This shows that you have an idea of what working there looks like.

To conclude, back up the reasons why you want to join a company with one of these sources of information, and you’ll show the readers that you researched the company and thus demonstrate real interest .

Step 5.3: Finally, Explain Why This Reason Is Important For You

Now, it’s time to make it personal. 

As for your skills  (read again writing tip 6, “Show your personality in your cover letter” if necessary),  explain why this particular reason is important for you .

For instance, you can explain why working for a global market leader such as McKinsey is important:

You are excited by the opportunity to work on impactful projects. 

Another example:

You can explain why the focus of Bain & Company on having an impact is important for you: you need to have tangible results from your work.

Step 5.4: Repeat The Previous Steps 1 Or 2 Times

Try to give a minimum of 2 (and a maximum of 3) reasons why you want to join a particular firm.

Therefore, repeat the previous steps 1 or 2 times.

Step 6: say why you want to pursue a career in consulting (optional)

This section is optional. 

90% of the time, your management consulting cover letter should NOT include this section .

If you need to include this section, keep it short. 

My recommendation is a maximum of 3 or 4 lines.

And to do so, the process is simple.

First, select one or two reasons you want to pursue a career in consulting.

Here are some examples of reasons to pursue a career in consulting:  

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Second, explain why this reason is important for you .

For instance, why is having an impact important for you?

Or why is working in an environment with a strong learning curve important for you?

Again, keep your answers concise.

Step 7: end with a call to action (mandatory)

This is your call to action.

Thank the readers for their time, and let them know you’re excited to be interviewed.

I would welcome the chance to discuss further your expectations and how my analytical, leadership, and communication skills can bring value to McKinsey.

Always be polite and respectful in your close.

Let them know how eager you are to be interviewed, but never make demands.

Paul's McKinsey Cover Letter: Signature

Step 8: add your consulting cover letter signature

Sign off your letter with a “Best” or “Best regards” (remember to include a comma), followed by your name.

You can use other phrases like “Yours sincerely,” “Kind regards,” or “Best wishes,” but “Best” or “Best regards” are the safest options.

Step 9: proofread and check typos

Now it’s time to polish your consulting cover letter to ensure it stands out.

Like your resume,  your cover letter is one of the few things in your life that needs to be perfect .

Thus, you must put the same attention to detail in your cover letter as Consultants do with their slide deck presentations.

In other words, perfection is the minimum standard your cover letter must pass to keep it out of the rejection pile.

Pay close attention to the following areas to make your cover letter bulletproof.

Imagine finding out that your application — the one you spent hours working on — was dismissed because of a few small spelling or grammar errors. 

That would be tough to take.

But it happens.

Hiring managers must review hundreds of resumes and cover letters.

And typos are one of the easiest ways to narrow applicants down . 

So, double or triple-check your cover letter.

When you’ve done that, have someone else read over it.

#2: Formatting Errors

Large blocks of text are hard work on the eyes, especially on a screen. 

Therefore, keep sentences short and limit paragraphs to three or four sentences.

Moreover, I recommend using bullet points when describing your most critical skills and achievements . 

Another thing to remember is that your cover letter and resume will be read together, so the two should be consistent in how they look. 

Thus, match the style of your cover letter to your consulting resume .

To help you, I have put a cover letter template at the end of this article.

In addition, you can find a resume template in this article .

#3: Any Trace of Copy And Paste

The  “I am writing to apply for the role of  [job]  at  [company] ”  example from a previous cover letter is classic copy-and-paste.

Anything non-specific or generic immediately has the hiring manager wondering how many other people you’ve tried to impress with your robotic writing . 

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use copy-and-paste templates.

It just means you shouldn’t make it obvious that you do.

#4: Too Many Words

According to a survey by Saddleback College, almost 70% of employers want a cover letter to be less than one page.

24% say that the shorter, the better.

Generally, your consulting cover letter should be less than 500 words and fit on a single page . 

Let me repeat because it’s important:

Your consulting cover letter must be on one page.

#5: File Name And Type

First, use the PDF format when submitting your cover letter to a consulting firm unless otherwise specified by the company or recruiter.

Besides, when assigning a file name to your cover letter, include your first and last name along with the name of the company you’re applying to in the name of the file, like “Sébastien Ritter Cover Letter McKinsey.”

Step 10: get your cover letter reviewed by an expert

To ensure your consulting cover letter is error-free, share it (with this article 😉) with your friends and ask for feedback.

But do not ask all your friends.

Instead, focus on these three people: a grammar champion, an HR person (preferably in the consulting industry, but non-consulting HR is fine, too), and a Consultant.

Step 11: complement your cover letter with a great CV

I recommend focusing your time and energy on your consulting resume before writing your cover letter. 

Because recruiters say they spend a maximum of 60 seconds deciding whether a candidate should be invited for an interview, they probably start by figuring out whether you have the skillset and education required for the job.

And that’s the purpose of the resume .

For instance, I recommend spending 80% of your time writing your CV and 20% writing your cover letter.  

Check this article that will help you craft your CV .

You’ll find a step-by-step guide, templates, and examples to help you craft a perfect consulting resume. 

My best consulting cover letter tips

In 2023, I analyzed 147 management consulting cover letters . 

As a result, here are my 7 best cover letter tips. 

And here is the best part:

You’ll also learn the most common mistakes to avoid at all costs. 

Consulting cover letter tip 1: Personalize your letter for each firm

Never send a generic cover letter.

This implies that you must create a new one for each firm.

Consulting cover letter tip 2: Simplify your letter

Clarify and condense your message.

Using complicated words and sentences would almost certainly fail to convey your intentions to the company, and the person reading the letter probably won’t bother with the rest of your application.

Consulting cover letter tip 3: Be specific when needed

Make sure to quantify your accomplishments.

For instance, elaborate on your marketing expertise in your cover letter by stating that you increased revenue to $10,000 while bringing in 200 more clients monthly.

Having specific personal information can help you stand out from other applicants.

Consulting cover letter tip 4: Omit unnecessary details

Let’s state the obvious:

You don’t need to mention your graphic design experience.

Personal information like accomplishments in leisure activities, interests, and hobbies are best left out.

Consulting cover letter tip 5: Show Your Value

When applying for consulting positions, it’s a common error for candidates to focus only on their individual accomplishments.

Cover letters with many “me memes” are frequently read by recruiters.

This means that rather than emphasizing how they can contribute to the company (and eventually become partners), many applicants concentrate on how they will personally benefit from the position in question.

In your cover letter, highlight how your skills will help the company.

Consulting cover letter tip 6: Remember that spelling counts

Grammar and spelling mistakes can indicate that you neglected to proofread your own letter.

Additionally, be consistent—do not represent a dash with “—” in one location and “–” in another.

Consulting cover letter tip 7: Give Yourself Time to Write a Quality Letter

A strong consulting cover letter takes time to write, just like consulting resumes do.

It’s important to consider your accomplishments and what sets you apart from others if you want to be successful.

Think twice before assuming you can create a quality cover letter in a single evening.

It necessitates numerous revisions, careful rereading, and prompt feedback.

Additionally, you must ensure that the cover letter complements your resume flawlessly and elaborates on your impressive abilities and experiences.

Four consulting cover letter examples

In the next 4 sections, you can find sample cover letters for McKinsey, BCG, and Bain & Company.

McKinsey cover letter (Undergraduate)

Now, you can see a first consulting cover letter sample.

That’s the McKinsey cover letter used by Paul. 

Please note that this Junior Consultant cover letter (or a cover letter for the Associate Consultant position) can also work for other positions. 

Paul's McKinsey Cover Letter

BCG cover letter (experienced hire)

Here is now a BCG cover letter from an experienced hire.  

BCG cover letter (experienced hire)

Bain cover letter (Undergraduate)

Here is now a Bain & Company cover letter from an undergraduate student.  

Bain cover letter (Undergraduate)

Bonus: McKinsey cover letter from FirmLearning

Here is another McKinsey cover letter example from the YouTube channel Firm learning:

Do you want more consulting cover letter samples?

Then sign up for our free training !

In this free training, you’ll find consulting cover letter samples and tips on acing your consulting interviews at top management consulting firms.

And you’ll improve your problem-solving skills!

Consulting cover letter templates

Do not reinvent the wheel.

Thus, you can download free consulting cover letter Word or PDF templates to fasten the writing process .

These detailed templates will help you correctly outline your management consulting cover letter.

You can use these templates to apply to any top-tier consulting firms, including the following:

  • Bain & Company
  • Oliver Wyman
  • Roland Berger
  • Deloitte Monitor
  • Strategy&
  • E&Y Parthenon
  • And many more.

If you need help writing your resume, these templates will help you.

Here is the Word template .

And here is the PDF template .

Besides, check this article to download consulting resume templates and examples.

Frequently asked questions

How long should a cover letter be.

Aim at 2–4 paragraphs within one page.

Do I need a cover letter?

I ALWAYS recommend adding a cover letter to your application .

Because a well-written cover letter will always distinguish your application.

If a resume shows your  Skills and Accomplishments, a consulting cover letter must show your Personality and Motivation.

In other words, a great cover letter is your chance to say something about yourself that you can not put in your resume.

And for securing your dream consulting job, any advantage you can gain over other candidates to land an interview is worth taking.

A good consulting cover letter is one such advantage.

This article helps showcase your personality and motivation in your consulting cover letter.

Also, here is what recruiters say will get an application rejected (source: ):

Cause Of Rejection: no cover letter

Not submitting a consulting cover letter is a risk of rejection . 

How to organize your consulting cover letter sections?

Short answer: the order of the sections does not matter much.

For instance, you can organize your management consulting cover letter like this:

  • Why consulting

Or you can organize the sections of your management cover letter differently. 

There is no one-size-fits-all management consulting cover letter winning order.

Consulting cover letter: final words

I hope you found this new guide to writing a persuasive, customized cover letter for consulting jobs helpful. 

Now I’d like to hear what you have to say:

Which tip from today’s post was the most helpful for you?

Is it how to show your personality?

Or maybe it is how to express your motivation for a particular firm.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

P.S. Are you looking for help?

If you want a team of experts by your side throughout the entire consulting recruitment process, check if we would be a good fit by clicking here .

Besides, check our clients’ success stories .

We’ve helped hundreds of candidates get offers at top consulting firms around the globe. 

The best part?

Those candidates had various backgrounds: MBAs, Engineers, PhDs, experienced professionals, etc.


18 thoughts on “Consulting Cover Letter: a step-by-step guide (2024)”

Pingback: All About The McKinsey Recruitment Process - Career in Consulting

cover letter experienced hire consulting

The only useful and structured cover letter writing article on the whole internet!

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Happy that you enjoyed the article, Anthony 🙂

Pingback: What Does A Management Consultant Do? - Career in Consulting

Pingback: All About The BCG Recruitment Process - Career in Consulting

cover letter experienced hire consulting

I didnt realise how much i need this article, till i read it . Truly helpful , Thanks Sebastien 🙂

Thanks! glad you found it helpful!

Pingback: All About Bain Recruitment Process - Career in Consulting

Pingback: How to answer “Why McKinsey?”, “Why BCG?”, or “ Why Bain?” questions - Career in Consulting

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Brilliant brilliant work, Sebastien! Thank you very much. The best I have come across so far.

Thank you very much Samuel!

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Wow, this paragraph is pleasant, my sister is analyzing such things, so I am going to inform her.

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Great article to read, all the tips are great….

Thanks! I’m glad you like it

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Ththank you very much for the article which was very interesting, just like the one about the CV!

However, I was wondering if following this structure in 3 adjectives and form could not be penalizing since many people have already followed your article?

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Hi Thomas. Thank you for your comment, and I’m glad you’ve liked this article! Regarding your question, besides the structure described in this article, the content (the reasons why you are interested in a firm and why these reasons are important for you) will make your CL unique. Hope this helps, Sébastien

cover letter experienced hire consulting

I never write comments like this on the internet but felt compelled to express my gratitude. This, and the resume writing article, are the most thoughtful and helpful guides I have ever read on this topic. Although I am a teacher in England (not an American consultant!) I found all the advice to be completely transferrable and have done a major overhaul on my CV. Thank you for being so clear and thorough in your advice – I have shared it with my colleagues and will continue to spread the word to anyone who needs CV writing advice in any profession.

Thank you Emily for the nice comment

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StandOut CV

Consulting cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Are you in need of a consulting cover letter that is going to make you stand out from the competition?

We understand that you offer your sought-after advice and expertise for living, so this time, let us be the ones to impart our advice to you.

Check out our comprehensive writing guide below, along with our consulting cover letter examples to inspire you and help you with your application.

CV templates 

Consulting cover letter example 1

Consulting cover letter 1

Build your CV now 

Consulting cover letter example 2

Consulting cover letter 2

Consulting cover letter example 3

Consulting cover letter 3

The example cover letters here should give you a good general idea on how your Consulting cover letter should be formatted and written.

The rest of this guide gives more specific guidance on how to create your own cover letter in this format, and even includes some templates you can copy and paste.

How to write a Consulting cover letter

A simple step-by-step guide to writing your very own winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

Type the content of your cover letter directly into the email you are sending, or if you are applying via a job board, directly into their messaging system.

The reason for doing this it to ensure that your cover letter gets seen instantly and you can start connecting with the recruiter as soon as they open your message.

If you attach your cover letter as a separate document, the recipient will have to open up the document, which will slow the process down, or make them less likely to even open your cover letter – which could mean your application gets skipped over.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To kick your cover letter off, start with a friendly greeting to build rapport with the recruiter instantly.

Your greeting should be personable but professional. Not too casual, but not too formal either

Go with something like…

  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid old-fashioned greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very formal companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you have opened the cover letter with a warm greeting, you need to explain which role you are interested in.

Sometimes a recruitment consultant could be managing over 10 vacancies, so it’s crucial to pinpoint exactly which one you are interested in.

Highlight the department/area if possible and look for any reference numbers you can quote.

These are some examples you can add..

  • I am interested in applying for the role of *Consulting position* with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 40f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for an IT project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The main purpose of your cover letter is to excite recruiters and make them eager to open your CV. And you achieve this by quickly demonstrating your suitability to the job you are applying for.

Take a look at the job adverts you are applying for, and make note of the most important skills being asked for.

Then, when you write your cover letter, make your suitability the focal point.

Explain how you meet the candidate requirements fully, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider your application.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

It is best to keep your cover letter brief if you want to ensure you hold the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers. A lengthy cover letter will probably not get read in full, so keep yours to around 3-6 sentences and save the real detail for your CV.

Remember the purpose of your cover letter is to quickly get recruiters to notice you and encourage them to open your CV, so it only needs to include the highlights of your experience.

Sign off professionally

To round of your cover letter, add a professional signature to the bottom, giving recruiters your vital contact information.

This not only gives various means of contacting you, it also looks really professional and shows that you know how to communicate in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Gerald Baker Senior Accountant 07887500404 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application email, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Consulting cover letter

So, what type of information should you write about in your Consulting cover letter?

The specifics will obviously depend on your profession and the jobs you are applying to, but these are the key areas you should be covering.

  • Your industry experience – Tell recruiters the types of companies you have been working for and the roles you have held in the past.
  • Your qualifications – Highlight your most important relevant qualifications to show employers you are qualified to do the roles you are applying for.
  • The impact you have made – Demonstrate the positive impact you have made for employers in previous jobs. Have you saved money? Improved processes? Made customers happy?
  • Your reasons for moving – Employers will want to know why you are leaving your current/previous role, so provide them with a brief explanation here.
  • Your availability – When will you be able to start a new job ? Check your current contract to find out your notice period if you are in a position already.

Consulting cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Consulting cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

As a seasoned geologist with 13 years of experience working for reputable consultancy firms, ATCOM and GE, I am excited to apply for the Environmental Consultant position at GF Consulting.

Throughout my career, I have successfully managed a junior team at GE Consultants and provided comprehensive environmental solutions for various public sector and commercial clients, including the NHS, Lloyds Bank, and the Civil Service. I have coordinated EIAs for diverse projects, such as transport, energy, and flood management, ensuring compliance with UK and EU legislation. One notable achievement was my successful delivery of a £600k land management project for a Council run leisure centre, leading to subsequent contracts worth £1.5million per annum. Additionally, my research on water conservation technology resulted in an 88% reduction in water wastage for a commercial client, surpassing national targets.

I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to further discuss my qualifications and potential contributions to GF Consulting’s vision. Thank you for considering my application.

Kind regards,

Elanor Gasson ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

I am excited to apply for the Business Consultant position at Nexus where my diverse skill set and 8 years of experience in managing complex projects, mentoring teams, and driving strategic and operational improvements can contribute to your esteemed financial services clientele.

As a Mathematics graduate with an MBA from King’s College London, I am adept at developing data driven solutions and process improvements, delivering measurable results. At Arcadia Business Solutions, I successfully designed a risk management framework for a leading investment bank, reducing operational risk by 15% and enhancing compliance. Additionally, my strategic planning outreach initiative for a financial services firm led to the identification of new business opportunities and a 10% revenue increase over three years. Moreover, my role as a Business Analyst at Monzo provided me with valuable experience in delivering business insights through data analysis and Agile methodologies with I could bring to this role.

I am eager to discuss my potential contributions to Nexus’ continued success. I am available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you for considering my application.

Stephan Menaux ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

I hope you’re well.

I am writing to apply for the IT Consultant position at Sideline Solutions where my extensive 22+ year career and expertise in server management make me a great fit for the role.

Throughout my tenure at Spire Consultancy, I have successfully consulted with clients in the retail and ecommerce industries, delivering timely and effective solutions. My implementation of remote assessments has reduced average downtime by 15%, garnering excellent feedback from satisfied clients. Moreover, my expertise in SQL Server queries and data processing would allow me to complete complex analysis of diverse data formats, including CSV and XML. As a Technical Consultant at Manson IT Ltd, I managed large technical accounts and resolved escalated IT issues for public and private sector clients, improving support efficiency by conducting monthly product updates seminars and effectively managing IT consumables stock.

I am eager to discuss how my technical acumen and outstanding customer service can benefit the team at Sideline Solutions. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Gabriel Obu ¦ 07777777777 ¦ [email protected]

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a Consulting job, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

Ultimate guide to experienced hire recruiting for consulting

How to source opportunities, apply and prep for interviews at mbb as an experienced hire.

, ex-Google, ex-BCG, Founder at RocketBlocks
Published: April 8, 2021

Experienced hire context | Finding opportunities | Applying to opportunities | The interview process

Experienced hire recruitment can be a murky, confusing environment. Compared to campus recruits, experienced hires experience much more irregular processes, weird timelines, and unclear standards.

In this post we try to make sense of this process for you, walking through what an experienced hire is, how they fit into a consulting firm, what firms are looking for and why experienced professionals are recruited, and the step-by-step process necessary to get the job offer.

Experienced hire recruiting process for consulting for firms like McKinsey, BCG and Bain.

The most basic distinction is the delta from the usual suspects in consulting recruitment: on-campus undergraduates and MBA students. In essence, experienced hires are anyone in the recruitment pipeline that are not campus recruits and are already in the workforce.

Typically, experienced hires have 2 to 4+ years of experience working in an industry job, but they could also have over a decade of relevant experience if hired into the top level of a firm.

How do experienced hires fit into a firm? (Top)

Experienced hires play a variety of roles at firms, but this can be broadly broken down into generalist and niche/specialized roles.

An experienced hire recruited as a generalist fits into a consulting team just like a homegrown, campus recruit. They play a variety of roles in a team and are staffed flexibly into projects that tackle different industries or functions. These hires generally come from industry roles or, in some cases, from other consulting firms.

In some cases, especially for firms with emerging practice areas, experienced hires are used to fill expertise gaps that strengthen their offering. You might have 4+ years of banking analytics experience and, thus, fit perfectly into a brand new team that tackles those sorts of projects. You might be a subject matter expert (SME) on medium-scale technology acquisitions that could give a smaller due-diligence consultancy some muscle in their proposals.

The most obvious contemporary example is the massive push towards digital offerings in consulting. These teams require a TON of diversified expertise, from data scientists to user-experience designers to IT specialists. Especially in the larger consulting firms, core consulting staff do not have these skills. These firms acquire this expertise through acquisitions and recruiting experienced industry hires with relevant experience.

If you want to learn more about digital offerings in consulting, check out these RocketBlocks profiles on BCG Platinion , BCG Gamma , Bain Vector , McKinsey Digital , and McKinsey Analytics .

"Deloitte has been rapidly expanding their Analytics and Digital offerings. I was recruited into my role there because of my technical expertise, which was sorely needed on the team." - Senior Consultant (SQL/Python) at Deloitte

How do they fit into the org structure?

Depending on their level of experience and expertise, experienced hires can fall anywhere in a consulting firm's org chart. Seasoned industry professionals could be brought in as managers. Extremely seasoned professionals that have deep industry connections, like in the case of poaching a company's COO, could enter a consulting firm as a Partner (this is really rare, though).

More commonly, experienced hires come in at more junior roles. Industry hires with 2-4 years of experience usually slot into Consultant/Associate roles, giving them the chance to build their consulting tool kit and more effectively prepare for management positions. In some cases, usually for recruits that are just on the edge of being ready for management, these hires are given special titles like "Senior Consultant" and have a faster track for promotion.

Professionals hired at the Analyst level usually have less than 2 years of experience. These recruits typically either missed the bus on consulting recruitment in their senior year, are unsatisfied with their current role, or are looking for a new challenge. In our conversations with people in this situation, experienced hires at the Analyst level are treated almost identically to campus hires once they're at the firm.

"I was working in wealth management at a large bank and it didn't quite fit what I wanted in my early career. I was able to take advantage of my school's career services, where BCG recruited on campus, to give consulting recruitment a shot. I'm now considered a part of that year's class of Associates." - Associate, BCG

The biggest delta here from campus recruitment is that firms are typically looking for meaningful work experience and/or specific expertise, whether that be technical or otherwise. Besides that, most of the evaluation criteria are very similar. They want impressive, accomplished, and ambitious people.

Generally, firms are looking for the following:

  • Academic excellence : Recruiting teams want to see that you've attended top tier schools and/or had very good grades. While this becomes less important the farther removed you are from your graduation year, it's still an easy indicator of talent for recruiting teams.
  • Strong work experience : Firms want to see that you have thrived in your current role, ideally at a top tier company, and can demonstrate that you've made a significant impact while you've been there. Great indicators of this are strong performance reviews, early promotions, and specific examples of significant impact like leading a team or achieving a key milestone.
  • Specific domain expertise : As we've mentioned, firms are usually looking for people who can supplement an existing practice area or fill expertise gaps that they're looking to bulk up on (e.g., digital offerings).

Finding opportunities (Top)

Finding a campus recruiting opportunity is extremely easy: show up on campus in the fall and drop your resume off at the resume drop box for your firm of choice. "On-cycle" recruitment is extremely standardized, happening at the same time every year with little to no variation (besides maybe logistics, as we saw this past year due to the impact of COVID-19).

Experienced hire opportunities are more erratic. While certain firms, like Big 4 companies , always have open positions that you can apply to, smaller firms and MBB usually don't. You have to be on the lookout for recruitment drives at growing offices or open positions in specialized roles and be diligent with your networking.

"I found my opportunity at BCG through a lot of networking. I happened to have a friend at the firm who pointed me towards a recruitment effort, and submitted an application online as soon as I could." - Newly minted Consultant, BCG

For this purpose, LinkedIn is your best friend. One strategy that we found was common was following your target firms and their employees, especially recruiters, on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on open opportunities.

"I followed a number of firms and recruiters from my target offices and after a while, I started to see a few posts about an experienced hire recruiting effort at Bain. I jumped on the opportunity immediately. I don't think I would've known as quickly if I wasn't leveraging LinkedIn." - New Associate Consultant, Bain and Company

Using LinkedIn to connect with current employees and build awareness of your interest is also valuable and can help you figure out what type of role would be good for you.

"For a few months I had been setting up virtual coffee chats with consultants from my target offices and used those to get connections with people higher up in the food chain. I ended up getting a message from a manager I had spoken with about an opening in her team asking me if I was interested in submitting an application." - Analytics Consultant, Deloitte

Your other best bet is to look out for events either specifically for experienced hires or applicable diversity groups. Attending experienced hire open houses both demonstrate your interest in the role and give insight into that firm's process and what they're looking for. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) networks at different firms also put on events open to interested candidates that can give you more visibility. Groups like Pride@BCG and Womxn at Bain (WAB) host networking events for interested professionals and events like McKinsey's Diversity Connect specifically target those in under-represented minority groups.

The bottom line here is that finding a role is a mix of casting a wide net, being diligent about your networking, and taking advantage of a firm's outreach efforts. You can't shine in an interview without first finding an open position!

Got experienced hire interviews?

cover letter experienced hire consulting

As a former pro athlete, the approach you take to casing—breaking casing down into its fundamentals and providing a huge library of resources to drill those foundational skills—really resonated with me. The fact that I was able to earn an offer from BCG as an experienced hire in such an unusual and competitive year is largely attributable to having Rocketblocks in my back pocket -- Sarah Alexander, Professional Tri-athlete, BCG

Submitting your application (Top)

When submitting an application, experienced hires need to take a slightly different angle than the usual campus recruit. Your story isn't just about "Why consulting?" It's "Why consulting after doing X job?"

Your resume should be crafted to describe your impact at your current company, highlight your significant accomplishments, and showcase how your skill set fits in well with the needs of your target firm.

Your cover letter will also take a different tact. Telling the "why consulting now" story can be difficult to articulate. Take time to make sure you've crafted a compelling story and use the insights from your networking as the basis of your discussion.

Just like campus recruiting, though, the most important part of this process is getting your resume and cover letter actually seen by the right people.

Getting a referral

Getting a referral is a crucial step that can be a huge advantage in terms of getting your foot in the door for an interview. It's basically someone within the firm "going to bat" for you to highlight your profile and get your application in front of decision-makers.

Firms usually have either an informal or formal process for referrals:

  • Informal process : An informal process usually involves someone within the firm forwarding your resume to the recruiting team while endorsing your qualifications for the open position.
  • Formal process : A formal process usually involves an internal form submission where someone highlights your name, or something like a special link sent to you to resubmit your application to a preferred pool of applications.

Whatever the process is at your target firm, getting a referral should be a high priority, especially for experienced hires. The majority of successful experienced hires we spoke to said they had a referral from a connection within their target office .

"I applied online but also asked a connection within the office to refer me and check in on my application. I think this was a huge help towards getting my first round interview." - Newly minted Associate, BCG

Leverage the network you created when finding opportunities and attending firm open houses to find people who would be willing to take this step for you. The worst outcome is they say no, but the best outcome could be the difference between a rejection email and a first round interview invite.

The interview process (Top)

The timeline.

Most experienced hires experience a similar process to campus recruits but during a much different time of the year. Experienced hire recruiting can happen at any time of the year, not just during the fall.

Because these interview processes occur "off cycle" they can sometimes last longer than what you typically expect given the length of the on-campus process. We've heard reports of processes taking anywhere from 1 month to a year and a half, though that last example was due to disruptions from COVID-19. What you can typically expect is a bit more lengthy process, typically 2-3 months of interviews, before receiving an offer decision.

Interviews structure

The typical process is not significantly different from a campus hire. An experienced hire we spoke to at BCG had a phone screen, a first round interview with two fit and case portions, and a final round of the same format. That's exactly the same as the on-cycle process. The fit and case portions are also almost identical to the campus process, except in the case of specialized hires.

But this typical process can go haywire. We've heard reports of experienced hires getting up to five interviews! We've also heard reports of more rounds of interviews than is typical, and receiving more in-depth fit questions relating to previous work.

In the case of experienced hires recruited for a niche skill set, the interviews will likely involve some sort of evaluation or discussion of that skill, which is hard to prepare for in the traditional sense of consulting interview prep.

Interview preparation

Lucky for you, the cases administered in experienced hire interviews are usually very similar to the ones given to the typical campus recruit. We at RocketBlocks have free guides that walk you through what a case interview is and how to approach preparation . There are tons of other free resources out there, too, to get you up to speed and ready to crush your cases.

💡 Shameless plug: Our consulting interview prep can help build your skills

We recommend a three pronged approach:

  • Use the best materials out there: Watching high quality example cases , getting your hands on great sample cases directly from your target firms, and using instructional MBA casebooks like this one from Darden is the best way to prepare. High quality materials in, high quality performance out!
  • Drill the atomic case skills: Cases can be broken down into a set of defined skills . Understanding what these are and targeting them helps you in the same way soccer drills help professional soccer players. They don't just play a bunch of games and hope to get better. They play a game, identify weak points, drill those weak points, and then come back a much better player.
  • Practice live, mock interviews: For both cases and fit questions, live practice is the best way for you to get ready for your interviews. Whether it be with a paid expert, a current/former consultant, or a peer, these sessions are the best way to build your casing "muscle memory" and figure out your weak points.

Read this next:

  • Consulting Getting Started Guide
  • Full cases from RocketBlocks
  • Consulting career path, compensation and responsibilities
  • Partner compensation at MBB
  • Applying from a non-target school
  • Switching from PhD into consulting
  • Recruiting: office selection considerations
  • Consulting internships at MBB
  • Consulting re-application
  • Consulting exit opportunities
  • Associate Consultant salaries
  • Consulting cover letter
  • Consulting international recruiting
  • Consulting resume
  • McKinsey consultant salary

See all RocketBlocks posts .

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McKinsey Experienced Hire: Transitioning into Consulting

  • Last Updated January, 2022

Former McKinsey Senior Associate. MBChB University of Nairobi. MBA, UCLA Anderson School of Business.

The Value of Experienced Hires In Consulting

Will you enjoy working for a consulting firm, the experienced professional perspective, characteristics that make you a good (or bad) fit as a consulting experienced hire, a personal perspective.

The McKinsey Experienced Hire Interview Process

Is Management Consulting for You?

Help with Your Consulting Application

Is the field of management consulting for you.

Interested in transitioning into a career in consulting as an experienced professional? Well, I have good news and great news for you. 

The good news is, you are not the only one. Many people apply to McKinsey as experienced hires. The great news is that McKinsey is actively recruiting and extending offers to experienced professionals at different levels of the consulting ladder in all their global offices.

In this article we’ll discuss:

  • The value of experienced hires in consulting from the perspective of the consulting firms, experienced professionals, and my own perspective,
  • How to decide whether you’ll be good at management consulting,
  • How to tell if you’ll enjoy the work,
  • What the McKinsey experienced hire interview process looks like, and
  • How to prepare for the experienced hire interview process.

The Consulting Firm Perspective

Consulting firms are looking to grow their ranks with experienced professionals. Why? 

Because their clients want the functional and industry expertise they can bring to the table to solve their toughest problems. Clients are increasingly seeking experts over generalists. 

It’s easier for a consultant to build trust with a new client if they are perceived as a peer. For example, a life sciences client developing a commercialization strategy for a new drug will have trouble entrusting a million-dollar project to a team with no technical experts. Clients want consultants who can:

  • Speak the language of the industry, 
  • Understand who the players are and where their organization fits in, and
  • Are familiar with industry trends. 

Only once this legitimacy test is passed do they ask for the strategy and operational value add. In the past, consultants built this legitimacy by specializing in an area as they worked their way up the ranks. Today, more people are bringing this expertise to the consulting firm from industry experience.

For a consulting firm, knowledge depth is king. In order for a firm to position its consultants as industry and functional leaders, investment in learning and thought leadership plays a key role. For example, McKinsey invests in McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) as its business and economic research arm. MGI publishes reports that provide a fact base for public, private, and social sector leaders to make informed decisions. Experienced professionals provide expert insight on these external-facing reports and facilitate sector-specific internal training programs for specific engagements.

Additionally, experienced professionals have the network to bring in future clients for the consulting firm. Having worked in industry, the experienced professional has built relationships within their organizations and in the industry more broadly that can be cultivated into client engagements.

Consulting firms are looking for experienced hires. So, whether your background is technology, engineering, operations, implementation, marketing, or something else entirely, this is a great time to explore a move to the consulting industry.

What drives experienced professionals to a management consulting career? Though there are a number of personal reasons to make this particular career switch, including travel, friendships with colleagues, mentorship opportunities, and continuous learning.

I will highlight 3 common reasons:

1.     Desire to Strategically Steer Corporations, Governments, & Other Organizations

You have progressed upwards and you are a mid-career professional. You know all the nuts and bolts that go into your job. Within your role and across the industry more broadly, you constantly see opportunities for doing things in a “better way.” Most importantly, you are ready to roll up your sleeves and figure out how to execute these improvements. 

Those are signs of a budding strategist.

How to do things a “better way” is what keeps the leadership up at night. Top-down influence is a tenet at McKinsey. The firm will not work in an engagement that is not supported by the highest leadership of the organization. At that level, leadership is concerned about making the right decisions to position their organization in an industry to achieve its goals over the long run. 

Seeking to generate a large impact and “do more” is choosing the growth path, which is a reason experienced professionals choose to transition into consulting.

2.     Accelerated Post Consulting Career Progression

“Develop, excite and retain” exceptional people has been a tenet of McKinsey since its founding. The company spends substantial resources training its consultants on how to solve problems.  This consulting tool kit consists of:

  • analytical thinking,
  • powerful storytelling,
  • persuasive communication, and
  • client management.

This training prepares all consultants for leadership positions. It is for this reason that consulting is seen as a route to the C-suite. 

Dominic Barton, McKinsey Global Managing Partner Emeritus, calls McKinsey a “Leadership factory.” Some well-known CEOs with backgrounds in consulting include: Susan Wojcicki (YouTube), Eric Baker (Stubhub and Viagogo), Margo Georgiadis (Mattel), and Martin Roper (Boston Beer Company). 

Government leaders include Bobby Jindal (55th Governor of Louisiana) and Mitt Romney (United States senator from Utah). Other common high-level careers for ex-consultants include entrepreneurship, private equity, and venture capital.

Management consulting offers experienced professionals a unique skill set and the brand value to propel their career advancement.

3.      Sizeable Compensation Package

To attract talent from top MBA programs and to retain this talent in a demanding and fast-paced environment, top consulting firms offer attractive compensation packages. Of all the issues consultants complain about (e.g., long hours, demanding clients), compensation is hardly ever on the list. 

The compensation package includes a base salary and bonus tied to individual performance (up to 20%). As an experienced professional, the entry-level into consulting is usually at McKinsey’s senior associate level or higher (or equivalent in another firm). At McKinsey, a senior associate’s compensation (salary + bonus) is estimated at $230,000. 

Occasionally, a senior executive in a highly sought-after field receives a “straight to partner” offer which includes a base salary of up to $1,000,000 and a performance bonus of 25%-30%.

Though compensation is for socio-cultural reasons understated by experienced professionals as a motivator, it isn’t a detractor either.

To find out more about the benefits of consulting, see MCO’s article on What Is Consulting?  

Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

The first time I heard of McKinsey & Co., or consulting more broadly, was in a newspaper article. A national airline was experiencing significant operational and financial challenges and share prices were plummeting. McKinsey & Co., was contracted to assemble their best team on the subject and deliver a turnaround restructuring and transformation. The restructuring and transformation were tied to their pay. 

No results, no pay. I was captivated.

Fast forward 2 years later, I joined McKinsey after 5 years working as a medical doctor, providing clinical care to patients I served, and performing managerial responsibilities at the hospitals I worked in. That’s right, I had no business background at all. I found several other folks in McKinsey who came from non-traditional backgrounds such as non-profit, academia, and even military service. 

To make the transition to consulting without a business background, you must be willing to do the extra work to build your business and problem-solving knowledge. Part of my case preparation was done in the hospital, between rounds and on quiet nights in the doctor’s room. The learning curve can be quite steep, but with the extra work and focussed determination, it can be accomplished. 

The main reason I wanted to become a McKinsey experienced hire was my desire to strategically steer the healthcare industry onto a path that could generate a large positive impact for all stakeholders. Big and ambitious goals are the mainstay of management consultants.

With an ambitious goal set, I began the work preparing for the transition. Let’s go through the key transition questions facing experienced hires:

  • Is the field of management consulting for you?
  • How to tell if you’re a good fit for management consulting.
  • What does the McKinsey experienced hire interview process look like?

The best way to approach this question is to understand the expertise-based and values-based requirements of management consulting.

Expertise: Can You Establish an Area of Expertise or “Niche?”

Management consulting requires the experienced professional to bring the full range of their knowledge and capabilities to clients. The management consultant must be able to :

  • Contribute expertise valued by others within the firm and externally . Within each engagement, the consultant contributes to problem-solving sessions with insights based on their experience as well as those sought with rigor and efficiency through primary and secondary research, data analysis, and synthesis.
  • Tailor approaches and knowledge to client needs . This can involve working for competitors, suppliers, customer groups at different times and bringing different points of view that are consistently neutral/unbiased. 
  • Accept changes to their recommendations based on input from both senior and junior team members. Consultants work in teams to provide the best solution for the client. There is little room for “that would never work” and instead emphasis is on “what needs to be true for that to work?” 
  • Build client capabilities. Client training is needed to ensure client teams can successfully implement recommendations and sustain impact once the consultant team leaves the engagement.

Values: Are You Ready to Uphold Firm Values ?

McKinsey has a values-driven culture. This is emphasized at every opportunity, including a day set aside for the entire global firm to reflect on the firm values and re-energize on their execution in day-to-day interactions. McKinsey’s values include putting the client ahead of the firm and maintaining standards for client service.

To uphold the firm’s values, you’ll be expected to:

  • Partner selflessly with colleagues in delivering a dual mission to the firm and the client. All engagements are conducted by teams. As a team player, the consultant encourages others in strengths-based ways to elevate team performance and health while inspiring a broad followership.
  • Establish enduring trust-based relationships as a client counselor . Consultants act as a source of direction and empowerment, mobilize people to act, and communicate effectively with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Create opportunities to broaden client impact. This can be done through building client capabilities in tactical as well as strategic ways. Client learning is built into engagements. A consultant might lead training on a functional or industry topic. As an experienced professional, there is an expectation that you will take initiative aligned with your strengths and passion to bring value to the internal team and the client.

Consulting clients are as diverse as the problems their organizations face, so it is imperative that the experienced professional has an appetite for constant change. Typically, client engagements last 3-4 months, though this varies. This means you need to be ready to move to a new client site with new problems every 3-4 months. 

On every project, you’ll start from a low knowledge base. As milestones are delivered over time, you go through a knowledge spike, synthesizing large amounts of information and making recommendations. By the time the engagement is coming to an end, you’ll feel like an industry expert. But then it is time to move on to the next project.

Experienced professionals are used to seeing activities executed and results measured over years. This is rarely the case in consulting.

Characteristics that Make You a Good Fit:

  • You are excited by a constantly changing work environment. Every 3-4 months means a new client, in a new city, with new problems to work on.
  • You do your best work in a team setting . Engagements typically involve 4-5 smart and hard-working internal team members working closely to deliver high-quality end products.
  • You are motivated by solving difficult strategic problems. Clients only work with consultants on the problems that are too big a lift to perform on their own. Solving these problems requires deep research, analytical frameworks, and creative recommendations.

 Characteristics that Make You a Poor Fit:

  • You derive satisfaction from owning the end-product and executing on strategy. After the engagement, implementation is carried out by the client teams and they own the “win.”
  • You work best where there is a clear hierarchy based on years of experience. Your first managers may be younger than you. Their experience will be in consulting with several engagements on their belt. In problem-solving sessions, the best answer can come from any level and there is no expectation that the most senior colleagues get the final say.
  • You do not like to travel for work. Though the Covid-19 pandemic has brought into question whether the weekly travel to the client site is really the mainstay of client engagement, it is likely that some travel will remain a part of the consulting experience.

The McKinsey Experienced Hire Interview Process 

The McKinsey experienced hire recruiting process takes months to complete and requires a significant investment in understanding the industry, the position, and preparing for your interview.

Before you apply:

  • Read about consulting as an experienced hire. McKinsey’s website provides live interviews with and perspectives from experienced hires. Take some time and read about their experience both in the firm and in the interview process.
  • Identify the right role for you. Like with most employers, you are required to search for the job that you believe is a fit for you and submit your application. The job descriptions provided on the firm website should be your ultimate guide. However, experienced professionals can be unclear on which titles fit them the best. (See the table in the next section.)
  • Ready your resume. Ensure your experiences clearly describe the tasks you carried out, your professional accomplishments, and your ability to work in a team. Read MCO’s article on how to create a Consulting Resume for tips.
  •   Reach out to folks in the different firms you are interested in. Learning about other experienced professionals’ perspectives on their organization and the interview process can help you prepare your application documents.

Consulting Roles at McKinsey

Each consulting firm has its own titles. These are specific to McKinsey.

AnalystTypically, is straight out of college with 0-3 years work experienceNot a fit
AssociateTypically, 4-5 years work experience or Post-MBA or other graduate studiesFit for emerging experienced hires
Senior AssociateRequires deep industry expertiseGreat fit for experienced hires with 5 – 7 years industry work experience
Engagement ManagerRequires previous consulting project or engagement manager experienceFit for experienced professionals with a consulting background that includes manager experience
Associate PartnerRequires previous consulting associate partner experienceFit for experienced professionals with a consulting background that includes Associate Partner experience
PartnerStraight to partner is where the firm head-hunts senior executives with no experience in consulting from various industriesGreat fit for experienced hires with >10 years industry experience and unique accomplishments and career trajectory
Functional rolesThese are non-consultant roles and include People & HR, Accountant, AnalyticsCan be a fit for experience hires interested in supporting client service teams

Steps in the McKinsey Experienced Hire Recruiting Process

There are several steps in the McKinsey experienced hire recruiting process:

  • Application,
  • Pre-screening tests,
  • The HR interview,
  • The McKinsey MAC coaching session,
  • Round 1 Interviews,
  • Final round interviews.

I’ll provide an overview of the consulting positions at McKinsey and then outline each step.

Pre-screening Tests

Once your application is accepted, you may be invited to take a pre-screening test. McKinsey has implemented a new game-based pre-screening test that most North American offices now use. Some offices still use an older, timed basic math and logic test. This is sometimes called the PST test. It is sent over to you via a link from the recruiter with instructions to follow.

The game-based pre-screening test gives you a high-level understanding of what a consulting engagement looks like by walking you through the various stages. The math-based test ensures you have the math and logic skills needed to succeed in consulting.

For a crash course on math, see MCO’s Consulting Math article.

HR Screening Call 

The recruiter will stay in close communication with you and invite you to a screening call. During this call, more information about the McKinsey experienced hire role is shared to make sure you feel confident in your understanding of the role. There will also be an opportunity to discuss your experience and ask questions.

The recruiter will conclude the call with a breakdown of the next steps in the interview process and direct you to firm resources you can use to prepare for the upcoming case interviews. Typically, these are limited and external resources such as our McKinsey case coaching provide extra support in the preparation.

Round 1 McKinsey Experience Hire Interviews

These 2-3 interviews are often carried out by Engagement Managers or Associate Partners. They are looking for your skills as well as fit. Top on their minds is, “Can I work with this person on my team?”

The interview is broken down into 3 parts:

  •   Case interview : A hypothetical client problem is presented to you with a problem statement posed at the end. The goal of this part of the interview is to understand how you structure a large, ambiguous problem: to identify its key levers, understand the implications of emerging information, and use the facts in the case to draw insights and make conclusions. Experienced professionals have most likely not come across case interviews before and extensive preparation is required for them. For an overview, see the MCO Guide to Case Interview Prep .
  • Behavioral interview or Personal Experience Interview (PEI): Questions that typically begin with, “Tell me about a time you…” are asked in this part of the interview. The interviewer will be looking to learn about your previous experience where you have shown leadership, entrepreneurial drive, and integrity. Experienced professionals have an advantage here as they usually have a myriad of professional accomplishments and experiences to select from. The trick is selecting and practicing the right ones.
  • Your questions: You now have the opportunity to interview McKinsey. This is a good opportunity to learn more about the firm beyond what you have heard up to this point.

Round 2 McKinsey Experienced Hire Interviews:

These 2-3 interviews are carried out by the firm Partners. They are looking for skills and career trajectory. Top of their minds is, “Can this person find a meaningful career here?”

The interview’s 3 parts are the same as in Round 1.

Less than a week after Round 2 interviews, candidates receive a feedback call from one of the interviewers letting them know if they were successful. Successful candidates expect to receive a written offer in the weeks that follow. 

Applying to McKinsey as an experienced hire candidate is a long process. It requires a good bit of work as you’ll need to learn about the firm, the consulting industry, and how to do well in a case interview. It’s not something to dive into without a great deal of thought, but can provide a gateway to an exciting new career.

In this article, we’ve covered:

  • Why consulting firms are hiring experienced professionals,
  • How to decide whether you’ll enjoy working in consulting, and
  • What the McKinsey experienced hire recruiting process looks like.

About the Author

Dr. Wambui Waiganjo is an Associate Director at Rakuten-Medical Inc. in San Diego California, where she focuses on Corporate Strategy and Business Development. She worked as a Medical Doctor, then transitioned to a strategy role at McKinsey & Co. where she led cross functional engagements across a variety of industries. Wambui brings 9+ years’ progressive work experience on a wide range of topics and industries in various countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the USA.

Wambui received her MBA from UCLA Anderson School of Management, focusing on finance and marketing, with a master’s thesis on developing a strategy for using data science (AI, Machine Learning and real-world evidence) in the drug development life cycle as a competitive advantage for a biopharma company.

Still have questions?

If you have more questions about the transitioning to the consulting industry as a McKinsey experienced hire, leave them in the comments below. One of My Consulting Offer’s recruiters will answer them.

Other people prepping for McKinsey experienced hire interviews found the following pages helpful:

  • Consulting Cover Letters , and
  • The McKinsey Personal Experience Interview .

Thanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on transitioning to consulting as a McKinsey experienced hire. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 85% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how L.J. was able to get his offer from McKinsey.

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cover letter experienced hire consulting

cover letter experienced hire consulting

Experienced Consultant Cover Letter

I'm an experienced tier 2 consultant (2.25 years), trying to move into MBB. I've networked quite a bit and outperformed at my current position, that I believe I have a high chance of securing an interview. The last cover letter I wrote was in college, where I emphasized my interest in consulting. I'm writing my present cover letter to address the quaetion ' Why M/B/B?,' but I'd like to get any tips or pointers from the community on the experienced consultant cover letter. Please feel free to share any tips. Thank you.

Overview of answers

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  • Date descending

In terms of the structure I would use the following (in paragraphs):

  • Intro of who you are
  • Why you (several reasons)
  • Why "The Company" (Usually 3 reasons)

In terms of the content:

Why you is about your career path and extracurricular activities. Depending on your experiences either start from the first or from the last role (the later you are in your career the more sense it is to start with last one). You can mention a couple of your unique selling point and structure your lifepath around it. Add memorable projects or experience with high impact / cool brands / etc. that will stay in the memory of the reader.

Why "The Company" question can include the following arguments:

  • Brand / positioning / market share in the region
  • More clients / projects / expertise in the industry you are interested in
  • More well-known stories of success in your city
  • Your friends working there
  • Your interactions with the other consultants before the interview
  • Your prior experience of working with the Firm on a client side
  • Office traditions
  • Work experience with firm alumni

Hi, I too joined consulting as an experienced hire. As usual in cover letter you'll have to cover the classical :

- introduce yourself - why you - why consulting and specifically the firm your appliying for

The key for you is to insist on the latter topic. Since this is not your first job, we expect you to have a more mature vision of your carreer and you need to explain why you decide to make this move now, how your past experience is relevant, and how you project yourslef in this new environment.

Hope this helps

Best Benjamin

Overall, the message doesn't change too much - and cover letter will be much less important than your CV - and if you manage to secure interviews through networking, your Cover Letter may never even be read at all. However, you should still have your reasons for switching very clear, as you may then be challenged during actual interviews for why you want to switch.

A couple specific comments on the Cover letter:

  • Your "why consulting" points should be more informed based on your actual experience in the industry
  • Your "why firm" section needs to be strong - really focus on what M/B/B offers that fits your ambition and goals. You should not focus on "why not my current firm"

Every year, big 3 consulting firms McKinsey, BCG, and Bain (MBB) receive a million applications and reject more than 80% of them even before interviews. CV and cover letters are your only chance to impress recruiters.

In such tight games with competitors from HBS, Wharton, Sloan, etc., you must be exceptional in every way possible, even to the smallest details. The resume is important, but Cover Letter is another weapon you absolutely need to utilize.

I recommend that you can get your free management consulting cover letter template here that actually works at MConsultingPrep!

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cover letter experienced hire consulting

There are multiple parts of a cover letter but for the purposes of this article, I am going to focus on an approach for writing the body of your cover letter. The body of your letter should typically be between one and three paragraphs. To write the body, or middle part of your letter, review the recruiters’ wish list, better known as the job qualifications and skills requirements. Now, think of yourself as being on trial and needing to provide evidence. After reviewing the required skills, explain how you have what they need. Let’s take one example.

The employer needs a candidate with excellent communication skills. Now think of yourself as being on trial and needing to provide evidence that you have excellent communication skills. Here is an example of a claim backed up by evidence:

By working with clients in one-on-one settings, training new hires, and presenting at national case competitions, I continue to strengthen my communication, interpersonal, and public speaking skills.

You may dedicate one paragraph to each required skill or weave all the skills you want to mention into one paragraph. Be sure to match paragraphs with skills the employer needs. You should not go on about your communication skills when the employer needs someone with strong analytical skills. Give your audience what it wants. That means tailoring, and tailoring messages takes time.

Employers spend time and money to advertise a position. Employers think through and communicate to potential applicants what they want and need in the candidate. You do not have to possess every skill or requirement on the employer’s wish list. Just like Santa Claus does not bring you everything on your wish list, employers rarely find a candidate that is a 100% match.

Let’s say I want to hire someone with problem solving skills. I could hire someone with a degree in math, philosophy or English. Each candidate should explain to me how they solve problems. One candidate will use numbers, another will use logic, and the other will use writing to work through problems. If I need a problem solver, the method of problem solving is less important to me than the skill of exceptional problem solving.

Cover letters highlight skills. Your resume lists what you have accomplished or your results. The cover letter is where you explain how you will use what you have already done, to transition or take on the challenge of a new role.

For example, your resume may indicate that you: “ Reduced lead time by 25% in one quarter by implementing a tactical performance scorecard for the company’s three largest suppliers. ”

What skills did you further develop or enhance during that project? Time-management? Attention-to-detail? Analytical skills? Those skills that you highlight in a cover letter distinguish the cover letter from the resume.

How much time you spend on your cover letter depends on how varied the roles are for which you are applying. It is helpful to keep all of your paragraphs in a master cover letter document so you can handpick skills to accentuate based on previous letters you have drafted.

Networking Tip

How formal the culture is at the company you are applying to will also help you determine how you write your cover letter. Networking with alumni in the company pays off when you need to learn about the company culture and work environment.

Consider who you are writing to – an HR generalist or the functional expert? If you are writing to an HR generalist, refrain from getting overly technical. If you are writing to a functional expert, show off your technical know-how.

Remember, your resume gets a recruiter’s attention. Your cover letter gets you invited to interview.

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Cover letters: 4 tips to help you win the job

cover letter experienced hire consulting

The internet has changed the way people apply for jobs in the television news business. No longer do candidates send news directors VHS tapes or DVDs of work examples via the postal service, instead they forward links to YouTube accounts. No longer do applicants go to the library to research TV stations, instead they search station web pages and peruse LinkedIn profiles.

Still, there are some tried and true elements to landing a TV news job that are timeless. One of the sometimes overlooked elements is the cover letter.

Dan Roseheim gives tips on what cover letters get his attention.

KPIX TV News Director Dan Rosenheim admits, when he’s looking to hire a reporter at his CBS station in San Francisco, the cover letter isn’t his most important criterion. “There are basically three dimensions that I look at in a candidate,” Rosenheim said. “One is their work record and resume, the second is the interview and the third is references.”

Still the cover letter does have value as a professional presentation tool. “A lot of stuff comes in unsolicited at times when I’m not necessarily looking,” Rosenheim said. “And that, in particular, is where a cover letter has an opportunity to pique my interest.”

Here are four tips Rosenheim suggests to make sure the cover letter helps win the job and doesn’t just end up tossed onto the “better luck next time” pile.

1. Don’t oversell. Candidates can say whatever they want in the cover letter, but don’t think the news director isn’t going to find out the truth, eventually. By reading the resume or calling the references, it’s not that hard to discover an applicant was a production assistant writing for the morning show and not the producer writing for the morning show.

Rosenheim recounts a recent experience he had with a candidate who oversold: “I got an application from somebody the other day who said, ‘I am a great reporter, I’ll make a difference for you. I’ve worked in Los Angeles, New York, for the network.’ And I looked [at the resume] and all those jobs were internships and apprenticeships. But from reading the cover letter it made it sound that they’d been the lead reporter at those stations.”

Rest assured, news directors who feel they’re being subjected to a bait and switch will move on to the next applicant.

This even applies to students looking for that first job. “Be transparent, be straightforward, be truthful,” Rosenheim said. “Don’t pretend you can do more.”

He suggests something like this: “My experience as an intern has given me invaluable experience that I now want to use as an entry-level reporter. Going to school in Professor Perez’s class has provided me with a great academic grounding and now it’s time for me to get my feet wet in the real world. And I’d love an entry level job where I could do some reporting.”

2. Be authentic. It’s only natural for applicants to lay it on a little heavy in the cover letter, pointing out why they are the right choice and everyone else isn’t. In fact, that’s kind of the point, right? A cover letter is designed to get the news director to pick the person who wrote it. But Rosenheim says self-promotion can go too far.

“The cover letter is an opportunity to get my attention, but it’s very tricky, because if it’s at all gimmicky or self-serving, it has the opposite effect,” Rosenheim said.

The KPIX news director is in search of authenticity. “You don’t get authenticity when somebody says: ‘You really want to hire me.’ I get letters that say, ‘You will be so happy that you hired me. I make news directors happy everywhere I go.’ Come on.”

Instead, Rosenheim prefers a more hard-nosed approach that avoids – let’s call it what it is – BSing the news director: “I’m an experienced journalist with a track record of breaking stories and I’d love to bring that to your station. I love San Francisco and I admire KPIX. You’re a place I’d really like to work.”

3. Be direct and get to the point. Rosenheim makes a connection between writing in the newsroom and writing the cover letter – the styles are similar.

“Most of what we write [for the newscast] is expository, it’s direct, it’s straightforward, it’s not fiction,” Rosenheim said. The same goes for the cover letter. “You want it to be short, but, just as when we promote a news story, we look for a nugget. Think of the sell. What’s your strength? What are you selling?”

Someone who can get to the point in the cover letter is also showing an ability to write a clear, tight 20-second voice over.

So what is the point of the cover letter? That’s Tip 4.

4. Give examples. All employers want to know what the candidate sitting across the table brings to the table. What is that person going to add to the enterprise? It may be the ability to cover all kinds of stories. Or perhaps she’s an expert in aviation, applying for a job in Houston covering the Johnson Space Center. Maybe he’s the ultimate number cruncher who can do government budget stories better than anyone else. Whatever it is, highlight it in the cover letter.

“Short, sweet and to the point,” Rosenheim said. For example: “I’m really good at coming up with original stories, here are three I’ve done in the last six months – bullet, bullet, bullet.”

Let the cover letter direct the news director’s attention toward what the candidate adds to the newsroom.

To be clear, the cover letter is not going to convince a news director to hire someone to fill a TV reporting position if the resume reel is unpolished (blue video and poor grammar) and the work history listed in the resume isn’t appropriate (trying to jump from, say, Macon to Manhattan). Still, job applicants should remember cover letters are another opportunity to persuade and to demonstrate the skills and expertise that might land the job.

“Why should I hire you and not someone else?” is the essential question Rosenheim asks himself when he’s got a job opening. “Some of it may be I like the way you look on tape,” he said. “But the cover letter is your opportunity to say ‘I can get you scoops,’ ‘I’m a self-starter,’ ‘I have great story ideas.’ That’s something I look for.”

Simon Perez is an assistant professor in the Broadcast and Digital Journalism Department at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. Before teaching, he spent 25 years reporting for newspapers, magazines and TV stations across the United States and in Spain. In the summers of 2012, 2014 and 2015 he returned to his former job as reporter for KPIX TV in San Francisco. He has chronicled his newsroom experiences and the lessons he hopes to bring back to the classroom at .

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We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

Sap fico consultant resume, saint petersburg, fl.

  • Over all 13+ Yrs of IT Experience and 8+ years of SAP FICO Consultant Experience and as a Sr Accountant experience for over 5+ years.
  • Involved in 3 Full Life Cycle implementations, 1 Rollout and provided extensive hyper care support.
  • Extensive hands on experience in Configuration of GL/New GL, AP - Accounts Payable, AR-Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, Banking. Worked on bank formats MT940, BAI2 etc.
  • Hands on experience in Controlling areas - Cost Element Accounting, Cost Center Accounting (CCA), Profit Center Accounting (PCA), Internal Orders (IO).
  • Good exposure to Order to Cash (OTC) and Procurement to Pay (PTP) process, Logistics Invoice Verification (LIV) and experience in integration of FI-MM and FI-SD
  • Experienced in configuring Lockbox, Electronic Bank Statements (EBS), EDI Interface and IDOC Process.
  • Provided extensive support in End to End testing activities, such as Integration testing, Manual Regression testing, unit testing, performance testing.
  • Involved in Cutover Activities and Data Conversion using Migration tools like LSMW and BDC.
  • Good Exposure in Validations, Substitutions, and BADI’S.
  • Good knowledge in configuring integration between SAP and Third-Party System using BAPI’S and ALE/IDOC.
  • Proficient in developing SAP Query Reports
  • Involved in handling Tickets, Incidents, Problem records, Change Management and Change Control Requests. Prepared Test scripts and involved in Unit/System/Integration/Regression Testing and provided UAT support to the business team.
  • Well experienced in drafting the End User Manuals and delivered End User trainings.
  • Good working Knowledge in Testing tools HP Quality Center (HPQC) and Ticketing tools Remedy and Service-now.
  • Involved in Fit/Gap Analysis and Prepared good number of Functional Specification Documents (RICEFW’s).
  • Ability to interact effectively with clients, understanding to client expectation and provide end-to-end solutions to the business requirements.
  • Good Management skills, Documentation skills and quick to comprehend new technologies.
  • Exceptional presentation, written & verbal communication and problem-solving skills. Self-motivated and has proven ability to work in both independent and team environments.


General Ledger: Chart of Accounts, Account Groups, GL Master Records, Field Status Groups, Posting Keys, Automatic Account Determination, Sales/Use Tax, Number Ranges, Document Types, Tolerance Groups.

New GL: Document Splitting, Parallel Accounting, Parallel ledgers, Segment reporting.

Accounts Payable: Vendor Groups, Vendor Master Data, House Banks, Bank Accounts, Check Lots, Reason Codes, Automatic Payments, Recurring Entries, Invoices, Credit Memos, AP Information System, Integration with MM.

Accounts Receivable: Customer Groups, Customer Master Data, Billing, Payment Terms, Interest Calculation, Incoming Payments, Dunning, AR Information System, Account Systems, Credit Management, Dunning, Closing Operations, Sales Order and Integration with SD.

Cash Management and Bank Accounting: Inbound/outbound process House Banks, Manual & Electronic Bank Statement, Lockbox Processing, electronic funds transfer and Bank statement processing, Bank reconciliation and Cash journal.

Asset Accounting: Configuring Asset Master Data, Asset Classes, Chart of Depreciation, Unplanned Depreciation, Depreciation Areas, Depreciation Posting, Acquisition and Retirement of Assets, Assets under Construction and Capitalization of Assets.

Cost Element/Cost Center Accounting: Configuring and customizing the Cost Elements, Costing Sheets, Reconciliation Ledgers, Standard Hierarchy, Cost Centers, Activity Types, Statistical Key Figures, Master Data Groups, Assessments, Distributions and Reposting, Allocation Cycle and Segment.

Profit Center Accounting: Configuring and customizing the Basic Settings, Maintaining Profit Center Hierarchy, Assignments, CO-Objects to Profit Centers, Distribution and Assessment of Costs, Planning and Development of Reports.

Internal Order: Create Internal Order, Order Type, Settlement and Disbursement of Cost through Assessment Cycle, maintain Settlement RuleIntegration of FI/CO, SD (VKOA) and MM (OBYC). TECHNICAL SKILLS


Operating systems: Window 95/98/XP, Server 2000/2003, Unix, RDBMS, MS-SQL Server, MS Access 2000

Project Utilities: MS Project, ASAP, Access, Visio, Infopak

Testing Tools: Mercury Test Director, Quality Center and Solman (Solution Manager)

SAP R/3 Tools: LSMW, Report Painter, Report writer


SAP FICO Consultant

Confidential, Saint Petersburg, FL


  • Handling day to day queries/incidents related to FICO - FI-GL, AR, AP, FIXED ASSETS, PCA and Internal orders. Designing and preparation of Functional specifications for various Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements and Forms (RICEF’s).
  • Responsible for complete integration of MM-FI and SD-FI
  • Configured all settings for AR and AP including the Automatic Payment program, Dunning.
  • Customized and configured Cash management including Bank statements, payment program, Payment advises.
  • Designed the Generic Non-PO Invoice Postings Interface for Purchase to pay division so that Vendors can submit the Invoices electronically.
  • Worked exclusively on payment methods like ACH processing and check runs.
  • Supported in solving the issues related to the automatic payment program, EBS, check management, open item clearing and down payments.
  • FI-SD integration: Assigned revenue accounts, deferred revenue accounts, freight accounts, and tax and discount accounts in SD account determination.
  • As a functional consultant, provided IDOC types and extension details and coordinated with ABAP team. Implemented the exchange of customer required data that was not available in SAP delivered IDOCs.
  • Preparing the unit test scripts for all the custom developments and interfaces, perform unit test and assign the same to QA testing.
  • Trained business users on various business processes of treasury like EBS and Lockbox processing, running payment run and recurring entries for periodic transactions.
  • Extracting and providing standard and custom table data outside of the standard reports on ad hoc basis.
  • Responsible for monitoring (critical) interfaces and background jobs.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

  • Created new company codes for the countries Mexico & Canada and Rolled out SAP FICO solutions.
  • Configured all the basic settings as per the Global template, Created Tax codes, Number ranges, Payment output files, EBS, LOCKBOX, EDI settings, Cost center Hierarchy, Cost centers and Cutover activity.
  • Customized and Configured General Ledger Account Groups, G/L Accounts, Chart of Accounts, Tolerance Groups & retained earnings account in New GL.
  • Configured Electronic bank statement and familiar with new EBS and Lockbox.
  • Worked on extensive customization for Asset Accounting and coordinated with SharePoint team to setup a connection between one-gate and ECC to process asset transactions from SharePoint.
  • Developed and tested a customized vendor master design which includes web dynpro forms, workflows, enhancements, interfaces. Worked with MDM (Microsoft Master Mata Management) team in designing an interface through PI/PO. Designed a mapping for data transfer between ECC and MDM.
  • Experienced in KOFAX invoice processing and involved in custom program design in ECC for monitoring invoices coming through KOFAX.
  • Developed SAP query for Withholding tax from BSIK and LIFNR table -open item information.
  • Worked on customized AUC settlement process.
  • Managing on-site & off-shore teams.
  • Involved in Unit Testing, provided the User training and UAT support, Cutover activities and post go-live support.
  • Executing Data Manager packages for weekly reports from flat files and BW.
  • Good experience in configuration of leading and non-leading ledgers.
  • Extensively involved in preparation of test data, writing test scripts and execution of test scripts.
  • Played a key role in System integration testing for finance and reporting of test results to management by creating defects in application life cycle management (HP QC/ ALM)
  • Good understanding of payment process and expert in tracing the payment issues.
  • Involved in post go live support for finance and led a team of 6 members.
  • Familiar with "Service now" ticketing tool.
  • Involved in reporting activities with respect to team productivity and ticket resolution.


  • Customized (client specific) New General Ledger Accounting to perform parallel accounting, Document splitting, allocation, Accounts Receivables.
  • Configured house banks, bank accounts, GL structure, posting rules for automatic assignment and automatic payment program (APP) configuration by Bank Chain Functionality.
  • Involved in configuring Business Partners and Inter-Company transactions.
  • Configured Lock Box accounts that are referenced in customer master records using BAI2 format and used invoices as a part of remittance information.
  • Prepared test plans, test cases, test scenarios and executed all phases of Testing.
  • Worked on Bank related accounting SAP configuration, experience in setting up incoming payments, Lockbox configuration, Automatic Outgoing payments bank reconciliation process including Electronic Bank Configuration (EBS) like MT940, BAI2 formats etc. also Manual Bank Statement (MBS) processing.
  • Configured and Tested DME set up for company to upload XML file onto respective banks.
  • Worked on Interpretation Algorithm and Search String functionality.
  • Performed Treasury operational functions such as cash management, cash forecasting, interest rate monitoring and capital funding and financial derivative analysis.
  • Involved in the review of internal controls, risk management, regulatory compliance and reporting functions.
  • Conducted Integration testing for P2P and OTC processes.
  • Streamlined posting of Inter-Company Code Transactions and Dunning Processing that includes from Creation of Dunning Proposals to Print.
  • Maintained configuration in CCA, PCA, IO and COPA areas of the CO module.
  • Designed and developed custom reports in CCA, PCA and COPA for Management Reporting.
  • Used HPQC to develop test scripts and to Raise, Assign, Modify, Clear Defects.
  • Apart from normal production support activities, also worked on Streamline testing, system integration testing and regression testing.
  • Involved in New GL project implementation along with testing and support.
  • Worked on End to End plan, scheduling and configuration of General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Account Receivable.
  • Defined leading and non-leading ledgers, defined different segments for segment reporting
  • Configured document splitting characteristics for finance and controlling both,
  • Classified G/L accounts for document splitting.
  • Defined and assigned different accounting principles to ledger groups
  • Worked on Info Pack to create Training materials and successfully trained Users.
  • Worked on importing data from legacy systems toSAP via Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW.
  • Handled issues related to GL, AR, AP, AA, CO-PC, IO, CCA, PCA, and Project Systems, etc. As part of the Production Support Team worked closely with Technical and Functional consultants of other modules to resolve the issues as per priorities. Analyzed FICO related trouble tickets, discussed with the Business Users, determined the root causes and resolved them in timely manner.
  • Interacted with client's business process team; collected business requirements, created functional specifications.
  • Involved in decision-making for the screen layout of Master Records including General Ledger, Vendor Master Record and Customer Master Record.
  • Customized Operating Chart of Accounts, Group Chart of Accounts & Country Chart of Accounts.
  • Created different G/L accounts centrally and at company code level, like expenses, revenue, cash, asset and liability.
  • Configured vendor account groups & assigned number ranges to vendor groups.
  • Maintained Vendor Group Field Status for General Data, Company Code Data & Purchasing Data which reflected on the Vendor Master Records.
  • Customized the Payment Program to in corporate Company Code Data, Paying Company Code Data, Country Payment Methods, Company Code Payment Methods, and House Banks etc.
  • Configured House Banks, Bank Accounts, Bank Account G/L Structure, Check Lots, Void Reason codes etc.
  • Worked with ABAP people to create different z-reports.
  • Configured Depreciation areas, Defined Asset Classes, created Screen layout rules, created financial statement version for Asset Reports.
  • Configured Integration of Assets with General Ledger, created different type of Depreciation terms, created Screen layout for depreciation areas, created depreciation area for different currencies, Special depreciation.
  • Defined and configured different depreciation keys. Configured Screen layout for Asset Master Data, created asset classes for Group Assets, created Allocation structures and settlement profiles.
  • Configured Electronic bank statement and Lockbox.

Sr. Accountant


  • Manage Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivables processes
  • Preparation of Aging Analysis every quarter which is presented to top management.
  • Reconciliation of bank accounts and high-risk general ledger accounts
  • Analyzed and process monthly A/P accruals
  • Prepare regular monthly/quarterly journal entries as part of the closing process and Inter-company reconciliation
  • Supported Fixed Assets team in capitalization, retirement and transfer of assets.
  • Assisted in month end closing of fixed asset module

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cover letter experienced hire consulting


  1. Consulting Cover Letter Samples and Writing Tips

    cover letter experienced hire consulting

  2. Experienced Consultant Cover Letter

    cover letter experienced hire consulting

  3. Consulting Cover Letter—Examples & Ready-To-Use Templates

    cover letter experienced hire consulting

  4. Consulting Cover Letter Template

    cover letter experienced hire consulting

  5. Consulting Cover Letter

    cover letter experienced hire consulting

  6. Consulting Cover Letter: Ultimate Guide

    cover letter experienced hire consulting


  1. Consulting Cover Letter: Ultimate Guide

    Depending on your background, your cover letter should sound different. Here are some additional example consulting cover letters whether you are recruiting as an undergraduate student, MBA student, or experienced hire. Undergrad Cover Letter Sample . firstname lastname Address Line 1 Address Line 2 (000) 111-2222 [email protected] [date]

  2. Write a Management Consulting Cover Letter that Land Interviews

    Why Is This Experienced Hire Consulting Cover Letter Sample Effective? This management consulting cover letter sample focuses on the key characteristics Bain seeks when hiring consultants, as discussed on their career page: Problem-solving skills (addressed in Passion for Results and Lasting Impact.) The ability to lead (addressed in all 3 ...

  3. Consulting Cover Letter Guide

    Consulting Cover Letter Guide: comprehensive, step-by-step instructions with examples and free templates to help you land an interview at a top firm! ... Even experienced hire cover letters will maintain the same fundamental format - though there will be (even) more expectation on the quality of the content. 3.1. OPENING YOUR CONSULTING COVER ...

  4. Consultant Cover Letter Example (w/ Templates & Tips for 2024)

    Top ↑ Consulting Cover Letter Example 5 Steps for the Perfect Consulting Cover Letter #1. Put Contact Information in the Header #2. Address the Hiring Manager #3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement #4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details #5. Wrap It Up and Sign It 10 Essential Consulting Cover Letter Tips Key Takeaways.

  5. Consulting cover letter guide (for McKinsey, BCG, Bain, etc.)

    Below is an anonymised cover letter from a candidate who got interviews at McKinsey, BCG and Bain. So you can trust that this template works. The image here highlights the different sections of the cover letter, but we'll dive deeper into the text later, and you can also get a downloadable copy below. Free download of the consulting cover ...

  6. Consulting Cover Letter: Expert Guide, Examples & Template

    Pick a cover letter template here. 3. Introduce Yourself and Identify the Job to Which You're Applying. You want to make sure the first paragraph of your consulting cover letter s hows what the hiring manager reads is actually relevant to them. Here's the first step: address the hiring manager by name in your greeting.

  7. Consulting Cover Letter Examples (For All Consultant Jobs)

    Check out this cover letter for consulting positions example: When XYZ Partnership received the Baldrige Award in 2017, I knew I wanted to work for you. The award shows your vision for leadership and your commitment to employee development. The growth I would experience as a consultant in your firm would...

  8. Consulting Cover Letter Example (+Skills List)

    Jan 2, 2020. Hiring Manager's Name 341 Company Address Palo Alto, California 94301 (xxx) xxx-xxxx [email protected]. Dear [Hiring Manager's Name], I am writing to apply for the consultant position at [Company Name - e.g., Bain] that I discovered while attending the Curious about Consulting networking event in Boston last week.

  9. 6+ Consulting Cover Letter Examples (with In-Depth Guidance)

    6 Consulting Cover Letter Examples. Consultants excel at identifying problems and strategizing effective solutions, using their expertise to guide businesses towards success. Similarly, your cover letter is your strategic tool to identify your unique skills and propose how they can be the solution to a company's needs.

  10. Consulting Cover Letter—Examples & Ready-To-Use Templates

    You need a better sense of what makes a consulting cover letter so great. Let's read two consulting cover letter examples to find that out. 1. Consulting Cover Letter Examples. Let's see how Chris, a consultant with some years of relevant professional experience, crafts a great sample consulting cover letter. Chris is applying for a ...

  11. Consulting Cover Letter: What You Actually Need to Know

    In consulting cover letters, there are three essential qualities you must always display: Leadership skills: the ability to influence people's decisions. Achieving mindset: the continuous, relentless push for the best results. Analytical problem-solving: the ability to solve problems in a structured, methodical manner.

  12. BCG Cover Letter: Our Step-by-Step Guide + Examples

    Tailor Your BCG Cover Letter to What BCG is Looking for. Step 1: Find out who to address your cover letter to at BCG. It may differ between offices, depending on size, but you can usually find the key recruiting contact on the career page or by searching on LinkedIn. It may be a recruiter who handles recruiting for your university across ...

  13. Consulting Cover Letter: a step-by-step guide (2024)

    Step 8: add your consulting cover letter signature. Sign off your letter with a "Best" or "Best regards" (remember to include a comma), followed by your name. You can use other phrases like "Yours sincerely," "Kind regards," or "Best wishes," but "Best" or "Best regards" are the safest options.

  14. BCG Cover Letter: Your Guide to Success

    Candidates should aim to provide a concise, customized cover letter for each major consulting firm application, and it should be tailored to your experience to showcase your unique story. ... try to communicate the impact of your research experience in layman terms. Experienced Hire: Emphasize relevant job roles, especially anything with ...

  15. here's a real-life example of a fantastic cover letter

    Here's the letter, with identifying details changed. Dear Hiring Manager, It's with great enthusiasm that I am applying to be your next Intergalactic Service Intern. I know that my background and expertise would serve the Mars Agency well and leave a lasting impression in your client management department. I've worked in some level of ...

  16. 3 Consulting cover letter examples [Get noticed]

    Consulting cover letter example 3. CV templates. The example cover letters here should give you a good general idea on how your Consulting cover letter should be formatted and written. The rest of this guide gives more specific guidance on how to create your own cover letter in this format, and even includes some templates you can copy and paste.

  17. Ultimate guide to experienced hire recruiting for consulting

    The most basic distinction is the delta from the usual suspects in consulting recruitment: on-campus undergraduates and MBA students. In essence, experienced hires are anyone in the recruitment pipeline that are not campus recruits and are already in the workforce. Typically, experienced hires have 2 to 4+ years of experience working in an ...

  18. McKinsey Experienced Hire: Transitioning into Consulting

    As an experienced professional, the entry-level into consulting is usually at McKinsey's senior associate level or higher (or equivalent in another firm). At McKinsey, a senior associate's compensation (salary + bonus) is estimated at $230,000. Occasionally, a senior executive in a highly sought-after field receives a "straight to partner ...

  19. Experienced Consultant Cover Letter

    Experienced Consultant Cover Letter. I'm an experienced tier 2 consultant (2.25 years), trying to move into MBB. I've networked quite a bit and outperformed at my current position, that I believe I have a high chance of securing an interview. The last cover letter I wrote was in college, where I emphasized my interest in consulting.

  20. How to Plead Your Case to Recruiters: Defend Your Skills with a Winning

    Let's say I want to hire someone with problem solving skills. I could hire someone with a degree in math, philosophy or English. Each candidate should explain to me how they solve problems. One candidate will use numbers, another will use logic, and the other will use writing to work through problems. ... Cover letters highlight skills. Your ...

  21. Cover letters: 4 tips to help you win the job

    Here are four tips Rosenheim suggests to make sure the cover letter helps win the job and doesn't just end up tossed onto the "better luck next time" pile. 1. Don't oversell. Candidates ...

  22. 96 Technology consultant jobs in Saint Petersburg, FL

    If your resume does not clearly reflect this experience, please highlight it within the cover letter section. Customer Interaction Experience: Brings 2 to 5 years of professional experience in roles that involve significant customer interaction, such as customer service, project management, sales, or technical support.

  23. SAP FICO Consultant Resume Saint Petersburg, FL

    Saint Petersburg, FL. Hire Now. SUMMARY. Over all 13+ Yrs of IT Experience and 8+ years of SAP FICO Consultant Experience and as a Sr Accountant experience for over 5+ years. Involved in 3 Full Life Cycle implementations, 1 Rollout and provided extensive hyper care support. Extensive hands on experience in Configuration of GL/New GL, AP ...

  24. Hire the best Python Consultants in Saint Petersburg, RU

    Russia ». Saint Petersburg. $69/hr. Nikita P. Python Consultant. 5.0/5. (7 jobs) My name is Nikita. I am a senior full stack developer and devops engineer. My expertise covers - backend web development using Python/Django, Golang, RoR and Node js. - frontend development using React.js/Angular/Vue.js. - MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL.