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How to Start a Photography Business in 2024

Want to learn how to start a photography business in 2024? This in-depth guide will teach you all you need to know to become a professional photographer!

Learn | Photography Guides | By Mark Condon

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Want to learn how to start a photography business in 2024? This in-depth guide will teach you all you need to know!

I’ve run a wedding photography business since 2014 and learnt a lot as a professional photographer and business owner.

Starting a photography business allows you to make money using a skill you already enjoy, but it’s important to have a solid plan and realistic goals.

There’s no doubt that photography is a great career – you can earn a good living, make your own hours and travel to exotic places.

Best of all, you’ll make people happy. Whether you’re capturing priceless moments for families or nailing the client’s brief, photos are a precious commodity.

Is photography a good career? Definitely! It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

Now it’s your turn to learn how to start a photography business.

Table of Contents

How do I Start a Small Photography Business?

Reduce risks with a home-based photography business.


Not many professional photographers go from zero to renting a studio – most start off with a home-based photography business, where costs can be kept to a minimum.

As a small business owner, keeping costs low should be a priority, and running your photography business from home is highly recommended.

At this stage when you don’t even have a business plan, all you need is a place in your home from which to work – some private ‘office space’. If you’re using a laptop, you don’t even need a desk!

If you need to meet clients to book work (e.g. for wedding photography), you can do as I did and meet them in a local cafe – clients don’t expect to come to your home, even if you list your home address as your business address.

Decide what types of photography services you’ll offer


Credit: Szabo Viktor

What type of photography is most profitable? You can build a successful photography business by shooting commercial/advertising, event (weddings, corporate, etc), family (maternity, etc), freelance or stock photography.

However, it’s much harder to start earning money as a commercial photographer than, say, as an event photographer.

Also, while stock photography is a good passive source of income , freelance photography allows you to cast a wider net.

When starting your own photography business, it’s important to balance your passion for a specific genre with realistic goals.

Consider whether there’s a market for a particular type of photography in your area, for example.

I chose to focus on wedding photography since there’s a big market for wedding photographers where I live. I also thought shooting weddings would be fun and exciting, and I could also offer mini sessions , pre-wedding shoots and other related services.

You may want to offer several photography services under one unique photography business name , but I recommend focusing on just one genre to become a ‘specialist’.

You need to be the go-to photographer for a certain genre of photography – not the person who shoots everything since this can appear a little amateurish.

That said, there’s always the option to become a professional freelance photographer to offer a selection of different services.

Develop a basic photography business plan


Credit: Galymzhan Abdugalimov

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of creating a photography business is to know how to actually start.

A photography business plan is the first logical step to setting up a strong base camp that will allow you to build up your business without feeling overwhelmed.

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What goes into your plan may vary, but at a minimum, you may want to include:

  • Executive summary: You can start your photography business plan with an executive summary that defines what your general objectives are as well as your key factors of success.
  • Company overview: Do an outline of the organizational structure of your business according to the terms of the area you are in. Will you be the sole proprietor? Will it be a limited liability company? What will be the business structure? Do you need business licenses? Will you have a business partner? What type of business will you run?
  • Products & services overview: It’s important to create a detailed description of the products, services and prices you’ll be offering. This will help you to better navigate the many different client requests that might show up.
  • Audience analysis: Understand who your target audience is and what channels will be most effective to reach them.
  • Competitive analysis (market research): Have a look at the competition operating in your market locally, identify their strengths and in what ways you can differentiate yourself from them.
  • Operations plan: Think about operations – what are the day-to-day logistics of running your photography business?
  • Financial analysis: Make an effort to be financially savvy – this is very important! Create a financial plan to be in full control of all the nuances of your business cash flow. It’s likewise helpful to establish early on what your equipment requirements are and how much profit you expect to make.
  • Timeline: Establish a timeline with clear milestones so you can track your progress and set goals that are increasingly more realistic and adapted to your situation. Think of it as a photography business roadmap to get you to where you want to be.

I should mention that it’s not worth getting too hung up on having every aspect of your photography business planned out in detail.

There are bits you simply won’t know yet and that’s OK! Do your best with it and don’t let writing a business plan become a block that prevents you from moving forward.

Once you have a basic business plan on paper, it’s time to get into the fun part – bringing it to life!

Find the Right Photography Business Structure

One boring-but-important topic when researching how to start a photography business is the subject of business structure.

In the USA, there are 6 main business types of legal structure to consider for your business: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), S Corp. and C Corp.

Sole proprietorships or sole traders are most common for small home-based businesses. They’re the easiest to manage and easiest to handle in terms of taxes since it’s usually just you involved in the running of everything.

You may also consider going into a photography business with a partner, which is actually similar to a sole proprietorship in terms of liability and taxes.

Each person is responsible for their own side of the business and all profits are split based on the percentages you decide. Of course, you also need to consider that all expenses and liabilities are also split between both partners.

If you want to protect your personal assets, many photography businesses opt for an LLC structure (Limited Liability Company). An LLC or S Corp provides one level of tax and also a layer of protection from personal liability.

At this point, it’s worth mentioning that deciding on a business structure should usually involve some legal advice, or at least, a lot of research on your part to decide what’s most relevant for you.

A quick note on business licenses – in most jurisdictions in the United States, no professional license is needed to run or operate a photography business. However, not all States are the same.

To know for sure whether your locality requires you to get a business license for photography, it’s best to call your local licensing board or city hall.

In addition to a business license, you should also start researching whether you need to use photography contracts or model releases for your line of work.

Putting in the groundwork now will set you up for success without any legal headaches.

Choose a photography business name & branding

Photography name and branding

Credit: Brad Neathery

Once you’ve decided what your speciality will be and the structure of your business, it’s time to think about your photography business name and branding.

This is what will differentiate you from the competition. It’s also important because of first impressions: when people see your branding, it can instantly give them an idea of what you do and what your style is.

With that in mind, consider the look and feel of your logo and typeface. Is it something quirky and creative, clean and modern, vintage classic…?

As for names, you might choose to name your photography business after yourself (e.g. “Bob Smith Photography”) or you could get creative and have it reflect what you do (e.g. “Maternal Memoirs” for maternity photography, or “Bedroom Eyes” for boudoir – I’m just making these up on the spot here but you get the idea!).

Don’t neglect to choose a unique or catchy slogan or tagline for your photography business .

The most important thing with branding is to be consistent. That bears repeating, so I’ll say it again: Consistency is key!

You want your brand message to be reflected across your website, business cards, social media accounts , and all materials you deliver to clients including final photo packages, invoices, etc.

  • What is branding for photographers?

Register a domain and create a photography website


It goes without saying that pretty much all successful photographers in 2024 have an online presence. That’s why the next step in starting a photography business is to create a photography website .

Your website should showcase your best work and give people an idea of who you are and how you work.

While there are plenty of free web hosting solutions out there, it’s worth investing a small amount to register your own domain name.

This not only looks more professional, but it’ll also help you rank in Google searches (just ensure your domain name reflects your business name).

From there, you’ll need to build your photography business website and connect your domain name to it.

Now, if your web design skills are non-existent, don’t worry: there are plenty of solutions out there that can make life ridiculously easy.

One of the best options is to use a content management system (CMS) like Wordpress – you can download elegant-looking, customisable themes (for example, Flothemes make some great ones) so the design and layout aspects are all there for you.

With a few clicks of the mouse, you can adapt a pre-made template to include your own branding and start getting your website out to potential clients.

Invest in professional photography equipment & software


At this point, you’re probably wondering: What kind of camera do most professional photographers use?

While there’s no one correct answer as to what is a ‘professional camera’, by and large, most pros use full-frame DSLR or mirrorless cameras.

However, some do absolutely fine by using APS-C sensor cameras, particularly if high ISO low-light performance isn’t required. (Full-frame sensor cameras are better at this, among other things.)

DSLRs are still an industry standard, but are somewhat of a dying breed – mirrorless cameras offer better features and more recent technology, although the number of native lenses still dwindles in comparison to those on offer for DSLRs.

You can see more of the differences between mirrorless and DSLRs here , but suffice to say, you won’t go wrong with either.

As for the question, what camera should I buy to start a photography business? Initially, it’s whatever you can afford, but once you start making a better income, you should always upgrade your equipment in line with what you need to complete your job efficiently.

For example, wedding photographers need cameras with excellent autofocus and high ISO capabilities, whereas a portrait photographer may not need either of these things.

There’s always the option of renting equipment when you first start out – get yourself a good all-round camera, then if any job comes around that’s out of its comfort range, hire something to suit.

The same goes for camera lenses, of which there are a plethora of options . Again, depending on the type of photography services you’ll offer, you can choose between a wide range of telephoto and primes at various price points.

Most pros can get by with an affordable and fast 50mm lens (nifty-fifty), so you can start your lens collection from there. Remember that buying used camera lenses is also a great option.

As for software, this is another area you’ll need to invest in in order to grow your own photography business.

Many photography business owners start out bare-bones with a mixture of Google Sheets for keeping track of expenses and clients’ information and Google Calendar. You’ll soon outgrow these, through.

When you start making money, you’ll also need some kind of accounting software to keep track of all the figures.

It’s wise to pay for premium photographer software early on as it can really help save you time and headaches in the long run.

At a bare minimum, you’ll need photo editing software (we recommend Adobe Lightroom ), client/studio management software , and an online gallery to deliver your photos to your clients.

You can also consider an all-in-one business management tool such as  Bonsai  to help you manage your photography projects more efficiently. They offer features like invoicing, proposals, contracts, time & task tracking, client CRM and more.

All features are integrated to work seamlessly together and you can automate the entire customer relationship journey – from the proposal, and e-signing contracts to invoicing and tax season. On top of that, Bonsai offers hundreds of free templates for proposals, contracts, invoices, and more.

If you’re not shooting high volumes, you can get by with a photo editing software that doesn’t lock you into a subscription, as Adobe Lightroom does – fortunately, there are several great alternatives .

If you’re wondering how to start a photography business with no money, it may well be tough due to the requirements to invest in all the things mentioned above.

If you have good friends or family, perhaps they can lend you the gear until you’ve done enough jobs to earn the money to buy or rent your own.

It’s also possible to find free software that helps to manage your own business, albeit with some limitations.

Take out photography business insurance

We can’t talk about how to start a photography business without covering some more of the boring-but-important stuff, like… insurance!

Yep, it’s not the most fun thing to have to research and organise, but trust me – if something goes wrong, you’ll be glad you took out insurance.

There are various types of insurance your photography business might need, depending on what kind of work you do.

First and most obvious is your precious equipment. Some insurers offer specific camera insurance or photography plans designed to cover gear and studio fittings.

Note that while your regular home contents insurance may cover loss or damage to your gear, it will only be applicable if the damage occurs at home and not while you’re shooting on location. That’s why it’s worth looking into some specific cover.

On top of that, consider taking out some public liability insurance.

Despite our best efforts, sometimes things go wrong while we’re out shooting. Let’s say you’re photographing a wedding and a guest trips over your tripod, breaking their leg and taking out the entire wedding cake in the process – liability insurance will cover the damages.

If you plan on hiring any extra staff, you’ll also want to look at taking out employers’ liability insurance. This is to cover you if an employee gets sick or injured on the job.

Lastly, some photographers choose to take out professional indemnity insurance as well.

Imagine a client accuses you of some negligence and claims they lost some income due to your actions.

(For example, if you photographed a corporate event but lost your memory cards and couldn’t deliver the images. Indemnity insurance would cover any legal and other costs.)

Insurance needs vary depending on where you are in the world and what your business model is, so take this as a rough guide and do speak to your insurer about what plans are best suited to your needs.

Learn how to market your photography business


On to the next step of learning how to start a photography business: I bet you’re keen to start raking in the customers (and the cash!).

If you’re asking, “How do I get clients for my photography fast?” , the answer is  marketing. 

Unlike advertising, marketing can be done for free (or very cheaply), but it takes a little work.

One marketing strategy you can use is to network with other photographers. But wait, you say, aren’t they the competition? Not necessarily!

Another photographer might get a request for a job that doesn’t fit their style or speciality, but does fit yours – and they can refer the client on to you. These referrals are a great way to generate business, so make sure you nurture your relationships with other photographers.

Meeting other photographers is also a great way to learn. You can find out how they generate new business and meet prospective clients, and learn about which marketing strategies work best for them.

You can easily network with other photographers online through photography groups, or in person at your local photography club .

Marketing via social media is obviously another big one. It’s worth using platforms like Instagram to showcase your photography work and interact with your target audience.

To succeed on Instagram in 2024, you need to be creating entertaining Instagram Stories and posting fresh content regularly, as well as interacting with your followers and other accounts.

Online marketing for photographers is a huge topic, but at a bare minimum, make sure you learn the basics of SEO , how to write interesting blog content and how to attract new business via Facebook ads.

(If you want to become a wedding photographer, check out More Brides where I reveal all the marketing secrets that helped me quickly grow my business.)

Once you do get a few clients, make it as easy as possible for them to recommend you. Word of mouth referrals are one of the best ways to net in new clients, and that’s true of any type of business!

If your clients are happy with your work, ask them to leave you positive reviews online, tag you on social media, and recommend you to their friends.

Also, create an email mailing list where you can keep existing and potential clients up to date with your work and aware of any special offers you might be running. Remember to ask for permission and give people an option to opt-out or unsubscribe.

Let’s not forget that nondigital marketing methods also exist. Don’t underestimate the power of business cards,  flyers and other physical marketing materials for distributing around your neighbourhood or pinning to the local notice board.

For example, if you’re a food photographer you might drop round to local restaurants and hand them a brochure or card.

Or if you want to get a foot in the door as a real estate photographer, you might do a letterbox drop to all your local estate agents.

Whether online or offline, find out where your target market hangs out and go there to introduce yourself.

Invest in photography business education

When you’re just learning how to start a photography business, it’s important to grasp the basics. Then, as your business grows, your knowledge of how to run it has to expand as well.

That’s where it can be worth investing in your photography business education. By investing, I’m talking about time as well as money.

In fact, sometimes time is all you need to invest thanks to the copious amounts of free resources online.

Some areas you might choose to study, whether via a free or paid course or workshop:

  • Understanding the full commercial photography workflow, from client briefs through to delivering the final product.
  • Pricing structures and how to charge for your services.
  • Business administration includes registering your business, filing taxes, etc.
  • Best practices for dealing with clients.
  • How to market and grow your business.

Your best bet is to determine where your knowledge gaps are, then start looking for ways to fill them.

And, of course, you should continue your photography education as well.

The best professional photographers are those who are always open to learning new things and developing their skills in every aspect of the art, whether it’s compositional techniques, lighting, post-processing and retouching, or something else.

Fortunately, a lot of free photography courses are available right here on Shotkit!

Start thinking about passive income for photographers


Passive income is basically regular earnings that take little-to-no regular effort to maintain. In other words, you set up the income source and money kinda just rolls in while you sleep. Pretty sweet, huh?

So, how do photographers make passive income?

The most obvious is through stock photography. With stock photography sites , you can upload images and get a commission every time someone downloads one (normally, they’re used for commercial or editorial purposes).

The reality of the stock photography world is that thanks to digital photography, it’s highly saturated. So be aware that it takes some dedication and a high volume of photos to make a decent passive income.

That’s not to say it can’t be worth it – just that you should approach it realistically.

There are other potential passive income streams. You can sell digital products such as Lightroom presets or online courses and ebooks.

Or, you could use a print-on-demand service to offer products printed with your photographs .

If you write a photography blog, perhaps you want to start writing reviews of camera gear and link to sites like Amazon and B&HPhoto to earn a commission as an affiliate.

There are also platforms like Patreon that allow you to charge for content that you provide to your followers.

Think outside the box and see what passive income ideas you can come up with – it’s an excellent way to grow your revenue and ensure you have some income even in times of seasonal fluctuations.

Money and Photography Business FAQs

When researching how to start a photography business, you’ll likely have a ton of questions regarding money – how much it costs to start and run the photography business and how much you can expect to earn as a professional photographer .

We’ve answered all the most common queries below – feel free to leave a comment if you want to ask something specific.

  • How much money does it take to start a photography business?

It depends on what you’re shooting and how much equipment you need, but a good starting point is around US$10,000. That’s to cover basic camera gear, software, insurance and business registration fees.

  • How can I start a photography business with no money?

If you already have some basic camera gear and an internet connection, then you can start a photography business by simply getting out and shooting! Find clients using free marketing strategies and build up from there, reinvesting your earnings until you can buy adequate insurance, better gear, etc.

  • How much money do professional photographers make?

According to, the average photographer salary in the US is $43,114. However, photographer salaries vary greatly depending on country/location, experience level, education level and genre.

  • How much money does a photographer make per hour, a week, a month? states that the average wage for a photographer in the US is around $18.22 per hour; however, that figure ranges from as low as $10.36 per hour for someone starting out to $32.04 or more for an experienced shooter. ZipRecruiter pegs the monthly average salary at $3,592. Again, location is another big factor in how much you can expect to earn.

  • How much should I charge as a beginner photographer?

For a beginner, you’re probably looking at an hourly rate of US$25-$50 (or equivalent in your currency), or between $10 and $25 per image. Think about the time and expenses of the work for you and factor that into what you charge.

Final Words

I hope you found this guide to how to start a photography business useful. Moreover, I hope it genuinely inspired you to get out there and do it!

As I’ve found, starting your own photography business and being your own boss is incredibly rewarding. Yes, there are some challenges ahead, but I assure you, there’s nothing that you can’t overcome with a little perseverance!

So what do you think? Are you ready to take the leap?

If you have any other questions about how to start a photography business, please leave them below and I’ll do my best to answer.

Also, if you have your own tips or want to share your experiences with venturing into the business world, do add them as well – simply leave a comment below.


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Mark Condon

Mark Condon is a British wedding photographer and editor of Shotkit. When he’s not taking photos or reviewing the latest camera gear and software, Mark can be found cycling around the northern rivers.


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how to create a wedding photography business plan


Table of contents, 1. summarise your services and products, 2. describe your target market, 3. analyse your competitors, 4. conduct a swot analysis, 5. outline your marketing plan, 6. outline your operations plan, 7. work out your finances, 8. set goals and create systems, 9. write an executive summary.

Photography business plan template for services and products section

What is your main photography service?

List any other photography services your offer, how do your photography services complement each other, describe the products you provide to clients.

Photography business plan template - target market section

Sum up your ideal client in one sentence

What are the top 3 desires you can help with, what are the top 3 pain points you can help with, what will connect you and your ideal client, 3. analyse your competitors.

Photography business plan template - competitor analysis section

List 2 or 3 of your closest competitors

Describe their services and products, who are they appealing to, what is their price point and position, what are they doing well, what could they be doing better, write 3-5 adjective to describe their brand, 4. conduct a swot analysis.

Photography business plan - SWOT analysis section

Make a list of your strengths

Acknowledge your weaknesses, where are the opportunities, are there any potential threats, 5. outline your marketing plan.

Photography business plan template - marketing plan section

What makes your business stand out?

Write your elevator pitch, write your big, bold statement (tagline), define your brand personality and tone of voice, what content are you going to create, which social media platform will you use and how, will you do any face-to-face marketing, will you seek publicity for your business, how will you generate and nurture leads, how will you create loyalty and encourage referrals, 6. outline your operations plan.

Photography business plan template - operations plan section

Describe the enquiry and conversion process

Describe the booking and onboarding process, describe the shoot or wedding process, describe the post-shoot/wedding process, describe the product sales process, describe the order fulfilment process, describe the process beyond order fulfilment, 7. work out the finances.

Photography business plan template - finance plan section

Summarise your CODB and salary aims

Where are you positioned in terms of price, which pricing model is right for you, 8. set goals and create systems.

Photography business plan template - goal setting and action plan section

Decide on your financial goal

Map out your systems, what needs to happen for your systems to work, 9. create an executive summary.

Photography business plan template - executive summary section

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The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Wedding Photography Business

toronto- wedding-photography-business-

Wedding photography is a specialized art form that captures the magic and beauty of a couple's special day. In this course, we will explore the fundamental principles of wedding photography, including the importance of lighting, composition, and storytelling. You will learn how to create stunning images that will be cherished for a lifetime.

We will also cover essential equipment and techniques for capturing the perfect shot, as well as tips for working with clients to ensure their vision is brought to life. Whether you are a beginner looking to break into the wedding photography industry or an experienced photographer wanting to enhance your skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed

Let's go over the following::

Understanding the principles of wedding photography

Exploring key techniques for capturing stunning images

Tips for working with clients to bring their vision to life

How to Become a Wedding Photographer

As one of the top wedding photographers in my region, having the right equipment is crucial to capturing those special moments on the big day. One of the most important pieces of equipment is a high-quality camera that can handle low light situations and fast-moving subjects. Investing in a full-frame DSLR/Mirrorless camera with a variety of lenses will allow you to capture a range of shots with different perspectives and focal lengths.

In addition to a camera and lenses, having a reliable tripod is essential for stabilizing your shots and ensuring sharp images. A tripod will also help you to frame your shots more accurately and to capture long exposure effects such as light trails. Other important equipment includes extra batteries, memory cards, and a camera bag to keep everything organized and protected while you're on the go.

Lastly, don't forget about lighting equipment such as external flashes and reflectors to help you control the light and create the desired mood for your photos. A good knowledge of how to use your equipment effectively is just as important as having the right gear, so don't be afraid to experiment and practice with your equipment before the big day.

Invest in a high-quality camera and lenses

Use a reliable tripod for stability

Carry extra batteries, memory cards, and a camera bag

Consider lighting equipment such as external flashes and reflectors

Practice and experiment with your equipment to master its usage

Setting Up Your Wedding Photography Business

When starting your own wedding photography business, it is important to lay a solid foundation to ensure your success. The first step is to create a business plan that outlines your goals, target market, pricing structure, and marketing strategies. This will help you stay organized and focused as you build your brand.

Next, you'll need to invest in high-quality photography equipment, including a professional camera, lenses, lighting equipment, and editing software. It's also essential to build a strong portfolio to showcase your work and attract potential clients. Consider offering your services for free or at a discounted rate to build your portfolio and gain valuable experience.

Networking is key in the wedding photography industry, so be sure to connect with other vendors, such as wedding planners, florists, and venues. Building relationships with these professionals can lead to referrals and collaborations, helping you grow your business. Lastly, don't forget to establish a strong online presence through a professional website and social media channels to reach a wider audience and attract more clients.

Create a detailed business plan outlining your goals, target market, pricing, and marketing strategies

Invest in high-quality photography equipment and build a strong portfolio to showcase your work

Network with other wedding vendors and establish a strong online presence to attract clients

Mastering the Art of Wedding Photography:


One of the most important aspects of being a wedding photographer in Toronto is the ability to capture genuine emotions and fleeting moments. You need to become an expert in capturing these emotional moments that tell a unique story of each couple's special day. Let's go over some key techniques and strategies for capturing raw emotions and intimate moments during a wedding shoot.

First and foremost, it is crucial to establish a connection with the couple and their guests to create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. This connection allows the photographer to capture authentic emotions and candid moments as they naturally unfold.. Let's go over some methods to build rapport with your clients and create a positive environment that encourages genuine expressions and interactions.

Additionally, understanding the importance of composition, lighting, and timing is essential for capturing emotions and moments effectively.

Let's go over some practical tips on how to frame your shots, use natural light to your advantage, and anticipate emotional moments before they happen. By mastering these key elements, you will be able to create stunning and emotional wedding photos that will be cherished by your clients for years to come.


Establishing a connection with the couple and their guests

Utilizing composition, lighting, and timing to tell a story

Capturing genuine emotions and intimate moments through photography

Posing Techniques for Couples

When photographing couples, it is essential to create natural and authentic poses that capture their love and connection. It's essentail to learn a variety of posing techniques that will help you guide couples in creating beautiful and romantic images. From traditional poses to candid moments, you will discover how to make your couples feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera.


One important aspect of posing couples is to ensure that their bodies are positioned in a flattering way. You will learn how to use angles, placement, and body language to create visually appealing compositions.

Additionally, you will explore different ways to emphasize the connection between the couple, whether through gentle touches, eye contact, or playful interactions. By mastering these posing techniques, you will be able to create stunning and memorable images for your clients.

Create natural and authentic poses that capture the love and connection between couples

Use angles, placement, and body language to create visually appealing compositions

Emphasize the connection between the couple through gentle touches, eye contact, and playful interactions

Dealing with Low Light Situations

As a wedding photographer, you will often encounter low light situations that can be challenging to work with. However, with the right techniques and equipment, you can still capture stunning photos. In this lesson, we will discuss how to effectively deal with low light situations and produce high-quality images for your clients.


One of the key strategies for handling low light is to adjust your camera settings accordingly. This includes increasing your ISO, widening your aperture, and slowing down your shutter speed. Additionally, using external lighting sources such as flash or LED panels can help illuminate your subjects and create a more well-lit environment. Understanding how to balance these settings and light sources is crucial for achieving optimal results in wedding reception venues

Mastering the art of post-processing can greatly enhance your low light photographs. Learning how to effectively use editing software such as Lightroom or Photoshop can help you adjust exposure levels, reduce noise, and enhance details in your images. By combining technical knowledge with creative editing skills, you can elevate your low light photography and deliver exceptional results to your clients.

Adjust camera settings: ISO, aperture, shutter speed

Utilize external lighting sources: flash, LED panels

Master post-processing techniques: exposure adjustment, noise reduction, detail enhancement

Editing and Post-Processing Techniques

It is crucial to understand how to enhance and perfect your images after the shoot. Whether you are looking to adjust colors, exposure, or retouch imperfections, mastering these techniques will take your work to the next level.

There are various software tools and applications commonly used in the industry, such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. You will learn how to create a consistent editing style that reflects your brand as a wedding photographer. Additionally, there are some advanced techniques for editing large batches of wedding photos efficiently, saving you time and streamlining your workflow. One of these is the "sync" setting in Adobe Lightroom

Understand the fundamentals of editing and post-processing for wedding photography

Learn how to use software tools like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop effectively

Develop a consistent editing style that showcases your unique brand as a wedding photographer

Building Your Wedding Photography Brand:

Having a strong online presence is essential for any wedding photographer looking to attract potential clients and showcase their work. In this lesson, we will explore the importance of establishing a strong online presence and discuss strategies for building and maintaining it.


First and foremost, having a professional website is key to establishing your online presence. Your website should showcase your portfolio, provide information about your services, and include contact information for potential clients to reach out to you. Additionally, creating a wedding blog to share valuable content related to photography can help drive traffic to your website and improve your search engine optimization.

Social media is another powerful tool for building your online presence. Utilize platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to share your work, engage with followers, and connect with other vendors in the wedding industry. Consistent and high-quality content is key to attracting followers and potential clients to your social media accounts.

Establish a professional website showcasing your portfolio and services

Create a blog to share valuable content related to wedding photography

Utilize social media platforms to share your work and engage with followers

Post consistent and high-quality content to attract followers and potential client s

Marketing Strategies for Wedding Photographers

Developing effective marketing strategies is essential for wedding photographers to attract new clients, increase brand visibility, and grow their business.

Try displaying knowledge outside of photography in regards to weddings. One example would be to offer insights about wedding venue's in your city.

Discussing he importance of creating a strong online presence through a professional website and active social media profiles. By showcasing your portfolio, client testimonials, and behind-the-scenes content, you can engage potential clients and build credibility as a trusted wedding photographer . Additionally, we will explore the power of search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.

The benefits of networking with other wedding vendors, attending bridal shows, and collaborating with wedding planners to establish valuable partnerships is vital. By offering referral incentives and creating mutually beneficial relationships, you can expand your reach and tap into new client pools. Lastly, we will touch upon the importance of creating compelling advertising campaigns and leveraging targeted digital marketing strategies to reach your ideal clients effectively.

Build a professional website and active social media presence

Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to improve online visibility

Network with wedding vendors and establish partnerships

Create compelling advertising campaigns and implement digital marketing strategies

Building Relationships with Clients

Establishing and maintaining good relationships with clients is essential for the success of your business. Building trust and rapport with clients will not only result in repeat business and referrals, but it will also lead to positive reviews and testimonials.


It is important to create a positive and memorable experience for your clients throughout the entire process, from the initial inquiry to delivering the final product.

To build strong relationships with clients, communication is key. Be sure to actively listen to your clients' needs and concerns, and be transparent in your pricing and policies. Keeping your clients informed and engaged throughout the photography process will help them feel valued and appreciated. Additionally, going above and beyond to exceed their expectations will leave a lasting impression and solidify your relationship with them.

In addition to communication, it is important to show empathy and understanding towards your clients. Planning a wedding can be a stressful time for couples, and having a compassionate and supportive photographer can make a world of difference. Take the time to get to know your clients on a personal level and show genuine interest in their love story. By building a strong connection with your clients, you will not only capture beautiful candid moments but also create lasting memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Establish trust and rapport with clients

Communicate effectively and be transparent

Show empathy and understanding towards clients

Go above and beyond to exceed expectations

Create a positive and memorable experience

Pricing Your Wedding Photography Business:

Setting the right pricing for your photography services is crucial in order to attract clients and make a profit. After all, trying to find an affordable wedding photographer in Toronto is sometimes hard to do. When determining your pricing strategy, consider factors such as your skill level, experience, equipment costs, and the overall value you provide to clients. It's important to strike a balance between offering competitive prices and ensuring that you are being adequately compensated for your time and expertise.

One approach to pricing your services is to create different packages that cater to different budgets and needs. For example, you could offer a basic wedding package that includes just the photography services, a mid-tier package that includes additional services such as prints or albums, and a premium package that includes extras like a second photographer or a longer coverage time. By offering different options, you can appeal to a wider range of clients and maximize your earning potential.

Remember that pricing is not set in stone and it's okay to adjust your rates as needed. Keep an eye on market trends, evaluate your competition, and regularly review your pricing strategy to ensure that you are staying competitive and profitable. Don't be afraid to experiment with different pricing models and seek feedback from clients to ensure that you are offering the best value for your services.

Consider factors such as skill level, experience, and equipment costs when setting prices.

Create different packages to cater to different budgets and needs.

Regularly review and adjust your pricing strategy based on market trends and client feedback.

Expanding Your Services - Engagements, Bridal Portraits, etc.


It is important to expand your services beyond just photographing the wedding day. Offering engagement sessions to couples can help build a stronger relationship with your clients and provide them with beautiful images to cherish before the big day. Engagement sessions also give you the opportunity to showcase your creativity and style in a more relaxed setting.

Bridal portraits are another service to consider adding to your photography packages. Taking portraits of the bride before the wedding day allows you to capture her beauty and excitement in a more intimate setting. Bridal portraits are also a great way to experiment with different poses and lighting techniques without the time constraints of the wedding day.

Additionally, offering services such as boudoir sessions or day-after sessions can set you apart from other wedding photographers in Toronto. Boudoir sessions can make brides feel confident and empowered, while day-after sessions capture the emotions and joy of the newlywed couple once the wedding day excitement has passed. By expanding your services, you can attract a wider range of clients and increase your revenue streams.

Offer engagement sessions to build stronger client relationships.

Add bridal portraits to capture the bride's beauty in a more intimate setting.

Consider offering boudoir sessions and day-after sessions to set yourself apart from the competition.

Managing Workflow and Client Expectations

It is essential to have efficient workflow management to ensure the success of your projects. It's important to maintain a structured workflow to deliver high-quality photos and meet client expectations. Strategize for effectively managing client demands and ensuring clear communication throughout the process.

One key aspect of managing workflow is creating a timeline and checklist for each project. By outlining the steps involved in photography sessions, editing, and final delivery, you can stay organized and on track to meet deadlines.

Additionally, setting realistic expectations with clients from the beginning will help prevent misunderstandings and ensure a smooth process from start to finish. Clear communication is key to managing client expectations and building trust in your services.

By implementing efficient workflow management techniques and prioritizing clear communication with clients, you can establish a strong foundation for success as a Wedding Photographer.

By setting realistic expectations, creating a structured workflow, and staying organized, you can deliver exceptional photos that exceed client expectations and build a strong reputation in the industry.

Create a timeline and checklist for each project

Set realistic expectations with clients from the beginning

Prioritize clear communication throughout the process

Answering Common Questions from Aspiring Wedding Photographers

Aspiring wedding photographers often have a lot of questions about the industry and how to break into it successfully. One common question is about building a strong portfolio. It's important to showcase a variety of styles and techniques in your portfolio to attract different types of clients. Make sure to highlight your best work and keep your portfolio up to date with your latest projects.

Another common question is about pricing and packages. Setting your prices can be challenging, but it's important to consider your experience level, equipment costs, and the time you'll spend shooting and editing photos. Research what other wedding photographers in your area are charging and create packages that cater to different budgets and needs. It's also a good idea to include a contract with your pricing to protect yourself and your clients.

Lastly, many aspiring wedding photographers wonder how to market themselves and attract clients. Building a strong online presence through social media, a website, and online portfolios can help you reach a wider audience. Networking with other wedding vendors, attending bridal shows, and offering special promotions can also help you attract clients and grow your business.

Build a diverse portfolio to attract different clients

Consider pricing based on experience, equipment costs, and time spent

Market yourself through online presence, networking, and promotion

Wrapping Up and Moving Forward in Your Wedding Photography Journey

Always try to continue to grow and evolve as a wedding photographer. By reflecting on your past work and setting goals for the future, you can ensure that you stay inspired and motivated in your photography journey.

Remember, becoming a successful wedding photographer is a continual process of learning and improvement.


Stay curious, stay passionate, and never stop pushing yourself to experiment and try new things. With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve great success in this rewarding and fulfilling profession. I hope this Ultimate Guide to starting a wedding photography business helped shed some valuable insight for you!

Wrap up current projects with professionalism

Reflect on past work and set goals for the future

Continually learn and push yourself to grow as a wedding photographer

Lucas is one of Toronto best wedding photographers with 10 years of industry experience and hundreds of weddings in his portfolio.


  • Toronto Wedding Photography

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How To Start A Photography Business In Four Steps

Julia Rittenberg

Updated: Jul 18, 2024, 8:46pm

How To Start A Photography Business In Four Steps

Table of Contents

Before you begin: set up a business entity, steps to starting a photography business, bottom line, frequently asked questions.

Everybody wants great photographs of important days or everyday memories. If you have a basic understanding of photography and want to expand your skills, starting a photography business could be the perfect way to develop your creative skill set and launch a profitable hustle. Read our simple guide on how to start a photography business so you can develop your creative skill set while making a side income or launching a full-time career.

Define Your Business Entity

When starting a photography business, you’ll want to determine how large you want to start out and how to scale. If you’re initially going to be your only employee, you can start out a sole proprietorship or LLC . This is ideal if you want to start as a side hustle and see if you can grow from there.

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If you want to immediately hire employees such as other photographers, web designers or marketing professionals, you may consider registering your business as an LLC or S-corp . Both are good options but have different tax implications.

Register Your Business Name

When you pick a name for your business, you might need both a business name and a trade name (or a DBA; “doing business as…”). Before picking a name, you’ll have to make sure that the name you want to use isn’t taken. If the business name is going to be something other than your legal name, you’ll want to still pick something simple and easily recognizable.

Step 1. Purchase the Right Equipment

In order to set yourself up as a competitor in the photography industry, you’ll need the best equipment possible. A professional studio will need not just a camera, but also lights, reflectors and backgrounds. Wedding photographers or nature photographers will need to invest in very high-quality cameras and accessories due to the more spontaneous nature of their subjects.

A top-notch camera can cost several thousand dollars, while individual lenses can cost up to $1,000 depending on their niche use. You’ll also need memory cards and potentially external backup drives to safely store images, which can easily cost about $100 each. Making a list of everything you need and pricing them out is important to get started.

In addition to the camera, you’ll need to purchase a license for photo editing software. Adobe Photoshop is the most well-known, so that’s what most people start with. You’ll also need a computer with high bandwidth and storage space because photo files can be quite large. Being able to store, edit and process all of these photographs is important for sending them to clients.

If you’re a film photographer, you’ll need a whole other set of equipment, including access to a darkroom. Before going on a spending spree, research the materials you will need and price out what will best suit your needs for the initial stages of growth for your business.

Step 2. Consider Your Niche

At the same time as you purchase your equipment, you’ll want to figure out your niche. If you’re offering a full-service photography studio, it’s still necessary to know who your ideal client is. If you want to take headshots exclusively, you’ll need to set up your space and equipment in a way that serves that niche.

High-quality wedding photographers are also always in high demand. If you’re marketing to engaged couples, it would be a good idea to reach out to well-established wedding services brands like Zola or The Knot and apply to be featured on their vendor lists. Follow the companies that serve the audiences you want to capture.

There are many talented photographers, but you can create an edge in your photography business by providing services that other businesses might not. For example, if you’re running a headshot studio, it would be a good idea to partner with a makeup artist who can provide touch-ups to your clients getting their portraits done.

Step 3. Conduct Market Research

Before you start taking on clients, determine your rates and how to charge customers. If you want to charge hourly, make sure you’re being compensated fairly for your time. Offering flat rates is good for customers as well; you can offer a variety of packages to clients so they’ll know exactly what they’re getting and you’ll know exactly what work is expected of you.

To know your competition in the photography business space, you have to research their offerings and see what’s missing. Filling a gap in the market is always a possibility for new businesses. If you’re very talented at editing or have a great studio space compared to other photographers, or even specialize in action shots, you can choose to charge a premium for these services.

Photography businesses should also set rates for when customers request additional edits. Your time is at a premium, especially with photo editing because it takes a long time, and you should make it clear to customers that they should respect the time and attention you devote to this creative work.

Step 4. Establish an Online Presence

Before anyone hires you, they’re going to want to see examples of your work. Use a portfolio website builder to showcase the images that best display your skills and make sure your contact information and prices are clearly displayed. Photography is obviously a visual industry, so having a professional website is crucial to give potential clients a positive impression before you ever even meet.

If you want to allow clients to contact you through the website, make sure you find a compatible customer relationship management (CRM) software that will make it easy to stay in touch with them through each step of the process. Some are also compatible with digital invoicing software that will help ensure you get paid on time.

Photography businesses can have a high startup cost, but if you have a strong vision and a unique niche, it’s a great place to nurture both creativity and business skills. Being the owner of a photography business can also be really rewarding because you might end up photographing the best day of someone’s life. If you’re working on headshots, that could also create a big change or success for your client. Nature photographers also capture some of the most beautiful moments in the world. Even with all of the startup costs, a photography business creates and memorializes priceless moments.

Do I need an LLC for my photography business?

It depends on how large you want your business to be, but it may be a good idea to form an LLC . This prevents disgruntled clients from being able to sue you for personal assets, and you can claim all of your photography equipment as business expenses on your taxes.

Do you need a license to be a photographer?

No, you do not. If you’re taking photos in private businesses, you’ll likely need their permission or an agreement of some kind. However, these are easy to put in place with a simple phone call.

How much does it cost to start a photography business?

Between business registration, computer equipment, software, cameras, lenses, backdrops and more, the startup costs for a photography business can add up quickly. While the total budget will vary depending on your unique situation, you should expect to spend at least $10,000 to get started.

Do I need to specialize in a certain type of photography?

While you can provide general photography and not specialize in a specific type or style of photography, becoming a specialist will help get your name out better and provide word-of-mouth opportunities from previous clients. There are several photography services that you can provide, including wedding photography, portrait photography, fashion photography, business photography, sports photography, wildlife photography, food photography, boudoir photography, photojournalism, travel photography and fine art photography. Specializing in one or more of these styles can help get your name out to the general public faster and also result in larger paydays if you have good skills.

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Julia is a writer in New York and started covering tech and business during the pandemic. She also covers books and the publishing industry.

Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of directors of two non-profit organizations seeking to revitalize her former railroad town. Prior to joining the team at Forbes Advisor, Cassie was a content operations manager and copywriting manager.


How To Start a Wedding Photography Business: 10 Keys To Success

how to start a business

Starting your own wedding photography business can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s also important to understand the process involved in order to make sure you are successful. In this article, we will outline 10 key steps that you need to take in order to get your business off the ground and running.

10 Steps to Launching a New Wedding Photography Business

1. choose your type of wedding photography business.

The first step in launching a wedding photography business is to identify the type of wedding photography business you want to launch. You might choose from the following types among others: 

-A full-service wedding photography business provides comprehensive services to clients, from engagement photos to the wedding day itself.

-A partial-service wedding photography business offers basic services, such as shooting the ceremony and reception, or just the reception.

-An a la carte wedding photography business allows customers to pick and choose the specific services they desire.

Learn more about the types of wedding photography businesses .

2. Name Your Wedding Photography Business

Give your wedding photography business an identity so people will think of it as a well-known and respected brand. You can take the name of your wedding photography business from your industry, focus on a geographical location, or use your own name among other options.

The main goal for naming your wedding photography business is to make it sound appealing and trustworthy so that people will want to use your services. 

3. Determine Your Wedding Photography Business Model

There are several possible types of business models for a wedding photography business including:

  • Sole proprietorship : You are the only owner and operator of the business.
  • Partnership : You co-own the business with one or more other individuals.
  • Corporation : The business is a separate legal entity from you as an individual.

No matter which model you choose, make sure that it aligns with your business goals and the services you offer.

4. Choose a Legal Form for Your Business

By incorporating your wedding photography business, you will limit your liability. You can incorporate as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a C Corporation (C-Corp), or an S Corporation (S-Corp). Or you can operate as a sole proprietorship.

The business structure you choose for your wedding photography business will determine the amount of taxes you pay and which state or federal tax forms you need to file.

Read our article comparing the most common wedding photography business structures .

5. Write a Wedding Photography Business Plan

All wedding photography business owners should develop a business plan. 

A business plan is a document that outlines the goals, strategies, and operations of a business. It can be used to secure funding from investors or lenders, as well as to guide the day-to-day operations of the business. The business plan should include information on the company’s products or services, market analysis, financial projections, and management team among other things.

Read our article about how to write a wedding photography business plan .

6. Apply for the Necessary Permits and Licenses

There may be required licenses and permits you need to obtain before launching your wedding photography business.

For example, you may need to obtain a sales tax permit if you plan on selling physical products. Also, you may need a business license if your city or state requires one.

You must also register your wedding photography business as a legal entity with the state where you plan to do business. You can simply file an online form through your Secretary of State website.

Registering with the federal government is also essential so you can properly pay taxes for your business. You will also need an Employer Identification Number (EIN), which you can apply for at the IRS website, if you plan to hire employees.

Read our article about obtaining the proper wedding photography business licenses .

7. Determine Your Budget & Apply for Funding as Needed

In developing your wedding photography business plan, you will figure out how much funding you need to start and grow your business.

If you have your own funds to invest in your wedding photography business, you may consider taking advantage of that. In addition to your personal funds, other forms of potential funding for your wedding photography business include traditional bank loans, SBA loans, credit cards, angel investors and family and friends.

Read our article about the costs associated with starting a wedding photography business to help you determine if funding is needed. 

8. Get the Technology & Software Needed to Run Your Business Efficiently

When you start your wedding photography business, it’s essential to have the right technology in place to maximize efficiency. You definitely need a computer with Internet access, and accounting software for tracking expenses and revenues. 

You may also want to invest in software specifically for wedding photographers , which can help with everything from booking clients to managing your workflow. 

Read our article about the technology and software you need to run a wedding photography business .

9. Market Your Wedding Photography Business to Potential Clients

Before you start selling your services , you have to let the world know you exist. The first step is to create a website so people can learn more about your services and how they benefit them.

After you launch your website, start promoting it through social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Also consider networking with other people in the wedding photography industry through social media and blogs so they can help share your business. 

You also need to start gathering the materials needed to execute on your promotions strategy, which is your strategy for attracting new customers. Wedding photography businesses should consider the following promotional strategies for which you should start getting prepared: 

– Creating an email list of potential clients and sending out periodic newsletters

– Offering discounts or special promotions to new customers

– Sponsoring local wedding fairs or other events related to weddings

– Becoming a member of the Better Business Bureau or other professional organizations

Read our article about how to market your wedding photography business for more tips.

10. Get New Clients & Grow Your Business

When you promote your services , you’ll start to get interest from potential clients . 

Make sure you’re ready to serve these clients . Also, be sure to establish systems to ensure consistency and reduce costs. And be sure to find and train the right people to help you grow your wedding photography business.

Read our article about how to effectively grow your wedding photography business to learn more.

Starting a Wedding Photography Business FAQs

Why start a wedding photography business.

There are many reasons to start a wedding photography business. As a photographer, you may be drawn to the creative aspects of capturing the most cherished memories of people, or you may see it as a way to make a great living doing something you love. Others may view it as an opportunity to build a legacy that can be passed down from one generation to the next. Whatever your motivation, starting a wedding photography business can be a very rewarding experience.

What is Needed to Start a Successful Wedding Photography Business?

To start a successful wedding photography business, you need more than just a passion for taking pictures. You also need to be able to market your services, build a strong brand, manage your finances and run your business efficiently.

How Can I Start a Wedding Photography Business From Home?

The best way to start a wedding photography business from home is to invest in the right technology and software. This will allow you to manage your business more efficiently and free up time to focus on other aspects of your business, like marketing and promotions.

How Can I Start a Wedding Photography Business Online?

The best way to start a wedding photography business online is to create a website and promote your services through social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You should also consider networking with other people in the wedding photography industry through social media and blogs .

What are Some Tips for Starting a Wedding Photography Business?

Some tips for starting a wedding photography business include:

- Invest in the right technology and software so you can manage your business more efficiently.

- Create a website and promote your services through social media channels.

- Network with other people in the wedding photography industry.

- Offer discounts or special promotions to new customers.

- Sponsor local wedding fairs or other events related to weddings.

- Become a member of the Better Business Bureau or other professional organizations.

Where Can I Find a Simple Checklist for Starting a Wedding Photography Business?

A simple checklist to use when starting a wedding photography business is as follows:

  • Choose Your Type of Wedding Photography Firm : This should be based on what you are best at and how much experience you have. Remember to keep your interests, skills, and experience in mind at all times.
  • Name Your Wedding Photography Business : This should be done with care, as your brand is important for attracting the right customers. A simple, memorable name will go a long way.
  • Choose a Legal Form for Your Business : Whether you choose to become a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, corporation or another option will depend on your business. Ensure that you are aware of all the implications of each type.
  • Determine Your Wedding Photography Business Model : Determine how your business will make money. Will you sell products, services, or a combination of both?
  • Write a Wedding Photography Business Plan : Your business plan will also help you determine what your start-up costs will be and will provide a roadmap with which you can launch and grow .
  • Apply for the Necessary Permits and Licenses : In most locations you will be required to apply for a business license and/or permits before you can begin operations.
  • Determine Your Budget & Apply for Funding as Needed : You will need to know how much money you have to spend on all of your business-related expenses before opening any doors. If needed, apply for a small business loan or other funding options.
  • Get the Technology & Software Needed to Run Your Business Efficiently : You need to have the right tools in place to succeed. Implement software that will help you manage your time, contacts, and business operations in general.
  • Market Your Wedding Photography Business to Potential Clients : A solid marketing plan will be crucial to your success. It should focus on attracting the right customers so that you can provide them with the services they truly need. 
  • Get Clients & Grow Your Business : Once you have a solid marketing plan, it's time to actively pursue and secure those who could benefit the most from your services . 

If you’re looking to start a wedding photography business, these tips will give you a good foundation from which to work. Market yourself effectively and provide excellent customer service so that you can stand out from the competition. And always continue learning and growing so that you can keep up with the latest trends in the industry. With these things in mind, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful wedding photography business.

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how to create a wedding photography business plan

How To Start a Photography Business in 10 Steps (2024)

Turn your passion for photos into a business. Read this guide on how to start a photography business today.

a camera suspended in the air with a green background: how to start a photography business

Photography doesn’t have to be a mere hobby. Professional photographers are needed in fields such as journalism, real estate marketing, and travel reporting. If you have a passion for photography and an appetite to start your own business , it’s worth exploring how to merge the two.

It’s a profitable business opportunity for those with the skills. ZipRecruiter reports that freelance photographers earn more than $111,000 per year on average, with photography consultants and instructors earning more. 

Starting a photography business is within your reach. With the right approach, you can draft a business plan , manage startup costs, and start sharing your creative photography services with the world. Here are tips for getting started.

How to start a photography business in 10 steps

Starting a business requires effort and discipline, no matter what field you pursue. You don’t need a formal business education, just a clear plan and determination. Here are the 10 steps that can help you get a photography business up and running:

1. Determine your photography niche

Start your journey with a photography business plan geared toward a target market . Whether you see yourself as an on-set photographer in the film industry or a school photographer traveling from campus to campus, you’ll want to focus on where you fit. You can use a free business plan template to guide your way through the process.

A side-view of a photographer taking pictures in nature.

Kaitlin Koleda, a photographer with more than 15 years of experience , explains how specializing in a niche helps you hone your skills and expertise in one area of photography. 

“A clear niche helps in developing a strong brand identity. It enables you to create targeted marketing strategies that speak directly to your ideal clients,” she says. 

“The photography market is saturated, there’s no hiding from it. Having a niche or two helps you stand out from the competition as a go-to specialist. You can build your portfolio and showcase your work so potential clients can envision what you can do for them.”

Read more: How To Find Your Niche in 6 Steps

2. Conduct market research

Once you’ve found your photography niche, it’s time to study the competition and the pool of potential customers. This means diving into market research and market analysis , which may involve third-party reports and industry publications. Analyzing competitors will help you define a unique selling proposition (USP) that makes you stand out.

Free competitor research template

Find a strategic angle to achieve success, uncover your product-market fit, and stand out from the competition with our free template.

3. Choose a business name

The best business names offer clues about your products and services. They may also communicate your style or price point. For instance, Red Lobster and Nobu both serve seafood, but the names convey a very different customer experience—one unpretentious and the other elegant. The same applies to photography business names. 

A photo studio called Actor’s Home Base clearly serves a different client base than Jerry’s Party Pix. Shopify’s business name generator can aid your quest to find the perfect name for your photography business.

Image of Shopify’s Business Name Generator in action

4. Legally establish your business

Determine your business structure.

Once you’re ready to establish your business in your state, consider whether you would like to legally establish your business as a limited liability company ( LLC ) or a corporation . Setting up a corporation protects your personal assets (like your home and car) from debt or lawsuits. You may also choose a less formal structure called a sole proprietorship , which doesn’t offer these protections.

In all cases, your state will have specific rules for registering the business, obtaining a business license, collecting and remitting sales tax, and periodically reporting business information. 

Note that, to run your photography business legally, you may not have to collect sales tax on your services, but you might on any retail items you sell, such as photo books or digital images. Shopify offers start-up guides for establishing a business in many states, and these can provide further guidance.

Set up a business account

After you decide on a business structure, you’ll want to get an employer identification number (EIN). It’s free and can be used to open up a business bank account, file your tax returns, and get any licenses. Apply for an EIN on the IRS website .

With your EIN, you can open a business bank account. You want to keep your personal and business finances separate, which simplifies accounting and tax filing. 

5. Choose the right equipment

One might think that you just need a camera and you’re ready. But to start a photography business, you need some more professional equipment to produce quality shoots. 

A white backdrop on stands is against the back wall with a soft light box in front of it.

The right equipment depends on your niche (wedding, portrait, commercial), but there are some core pieces that are useful everywhere.

  • Camera: A high-quality DSLR or mirrorless camera is ideal for a new business. These cameras are reliable and versatile. Look for features like a full-frame sensor, good low-light performance, and autofocus. 
  • Lenses: You’ll want a variety of lenses to capture different moments. Typically, a wide-angle lens for landscapes and architecture, a fast prime lens for portraits and low light, and a telephoto lens for distant subjects.
  • External lighting: Depending on your situation, you’ll need more control over lighting. Consider softboxes, umbrellas, or continuous lights for studio or location lighting. 
  • Memory cards: Guarantee you have enough storage for shoots with high-capacity memory cards. You may also want an external hard drive or cloud storage to back up projects and maintain large files. 
  • Editing software: Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom are industry standards for photo editing and organization.

Additional accessories, like camera bags and extra batteries, are also helpful to make your job easier. There are more items like filters and reflectors, but it’s wise to start with the essentials and gradually invest in more equipment as your business grows. 

6. Create a business website and post your work

Having a strong photography portfolio can help you attract new clients. To keep up with the competition, create a portfolio website that showcases your best work, along with the breadth of what you can do. 

If you’re on a budget, you can start with a free portfolio website , or use social media platforms such as Instagram or VSCO to showcase your photography. 

Jackie Jean’s photography website homepage

7. Market and advertise your business

You can market your business in many ways, from online ads to social media campaigns to word-of-mouth referrals. Here are some examples to follow:

Grow a social media presence

Becoming popular on social media takes consistency. You have to post content regularly on your pages that reflects your style. To start, post only your best work that aligns with your services. This helps attract engaged followers and eventually, the right customers. For example, Jackie Jean does a lot of portrait photography, so her Instagram is full of photos like the one below.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jackie Jean (@jackiejeanphotography)

Even though you’re a photographer, you’re not limited to just posting photos. Share Reels or TikToks of behind-the-scenes content—how you set up shots, your editing process, the challenges you face. This humanizes your brand and makes your social media a place of education and inspiration. 

Be sure to always respond to comments and interact with your followers. A simple response makes people feel seen, and can help build a community around your brand. 

Develop a strong brand identity

As you promote your brand, develop elements such as your branding design , logo , brand voice , and brand storytelling . When these elements are consistent, they help potential clients draw subconscious associations between your marketing materials and your business.

Experiment with advertising

One easy way to drive traffic to your website is by running ads on Google. You can target ads to reach people looking for your services in your local area.

For example, if you are a wedding photographer near Asheville, North Carolina, you can run Search Ads for the keyword “wedding photographers in asheville nc” or “best wedding photographer asheville.” 

You’ll have to pay, but, as you can see below, you can show up right at the top of the page when people search for the keyword.

Search engine results page for user query wedding photographers in asheville nc

8. Build a network of clients

A business is only as strong as its client base. Your biggest job is to meet or exceed customer expectations. This leads to repeat business and new client referrals . 

You can do this by operating with the utmost professionalism whenever you pitch your services, create client contracts, show up to take photos, or deliver your final images. If your clients appear satisfied, ask for referrals and online reviews. 

9. Create contracts and plans for clients

Starting a photography business is more than just taking photos and making them look good. It also includes the legal and financial aspects of starting a business, like contracts and pricing plans.

Before launching, decide on the packages you’ll provide for services. For example, your wedding photography package could offer:

  • 8 hours of coverage on the wedding day
  • Engagement shoot
  • 300 edited digital photos
  • Online gallery for sharing with friends and family
  • Option to purchase prints

Regardless of your niche, you’ll want to include the basics, like number of edited photos, hours of coverage, and services like prints or digital photo albums. Pricing is important to get right as a photographer, and customizing plans is common.

Garrett Maney, owner of Just A Soul Photography explains that it’s important to understand your market and client’s needs to price events accurately. 

“Too many photographers underprice their a la carte package options because they have not considered the time and effort that is needed to fulfill the client’s vision and create the perfect ambiance. Additionally, photographers must factor in overhead (e.g., the purchase of materials and transportation) and post-event editing and delivery processes, which can be time consuming,” says Garrett. 

When a client orders a package on your website, the next step is sending them a contract that highlights the details and expectations of the project. At a minimum, you want to include:

  • Parties involved: Clearly state the names of the photographer (or photography business) and the client.
  • Services provided: Detail the specific services you’ll be offering, including the type of photography, hours of coverage, number of photos, and delivery format.
  • Pricing and payment terms: Outline your prices, any required deposit, payment schedules, and acceptable payment methods.
  • Cancellation and rescheduling policies: Include terms for cancellation by either party, rescheduling policies, and any fees involved.
  • Rights and usage: Clarify copyright ownership, usage rights for both parties, and any restrictions on image use.
  • Deliverables and timeline: Specify what the client will receive (e.g., digital files, prints) and the expected timeline for delivery.

Take the above package. In your contract, you could add this clause to cover the deliverables above: Client will receive 300 professionally edited digital photos within 8 weeks of the wedding date. Photos will be delivered via an online gallery with the option to download and share .

10. Decide where to sell your photographs

Now that you’ve got your contracts and equipment ready, it’s time to choose your revenue sources, which is just fancy talk for how you’ll make money. 

The first avenue has been covered extensively so far: offering services. But you can also sell photos online to diversify your revenue stream. 

Some popular channels include:

  • Stock photography websites: Sites like Shutterstock and Getty Images let you sell to a vast audience without managing a website. But you’ll have to pay various fees, depending on the site. 
  • Your own website: A website gives you full control over your branding and presentation. It also lets you sell directly to your audience. Platforms like Shopify allow you you set up an ecommerce store where you can showcase your designs and sell products online. 
  • Print-on-demand products. Prints aren’t the only thing you can sell in your photography business. Partner up with a service like Printful to sell your photos on hats, totes, mugs, shirts, and other merchandise—no dealing with inventory or shipping.

Some photographers use a mix of the above channels to maximize sales and exposure. At the end of the day, it’s up to you and the type of business you want to run.

Types of photography businesses

There are lots of different ways to jumpstart a photography career. Explore the following types to find a photography niche that is both artistically fulfilling and financially rewarding:

  • Wedding photography. Wedding photographers cover ceremonies and receptions. They may also work with couples at other points, taking engagement and rehearsal dinner photos.
  • Portrait photography. Portrait photographers can snap their subjects in a studio (think family portraits) or on-site (think school or workplace photos). Some specialize in one type of portraiture (such as actors’ headshots), while others take on a broad array of projects.
  • Real estate photography. These photographers work on behalf of real estate agents, landlords, and sellers. They produce marketing photos that entice someone to buy or rent a property.
  • Photojournalism. A photojournalist, or news photographer, covers current events, including breaking news and sports. They specialize in candid shots taken with little notice.
  • Food photography. A food photographer may work for a food manufacturer or a restaurant. They may also work in journalism alongside a food critic. They specialize in capturing portraits of food and drink, including both raw ingredients and plated meals.
  • Travel photography. Travel photographers journey to destinations around the world and capture scenes on behalf of hotels, magazines, airlines, and other industry clients.
  • Nature photography. A nature photographer takes shots of animals, landscapes, and other elements of the natural world. They may work for magazines, travel companies, and real estate businesses.
  • Stock photography. A stock photographer creates a photography portfolio that users can license. Depending on the photographer’s specialties, a stock portfolio can include landscapes, portraits, solitary objects, food, and more.

What costs are involved in starting a photography business?

Like any small business owner, a photography entrepreneur can expect a number of expenses as they launch their enterprise. Plan to absorb the following business expenses:

Photography equipment

Clients expect professional photographers to provide all of their own equipment. A high-quality DSLR camera costs roughly $700, plus $300 or more for a lens, and prices go up from there. Many professional cameras cost several thousand dollars. Other expenses can include tripods, flashes, cases, and accessory lenses.

Photo editing software

Some of today’s leading software is sold on a subscription basis. Adobe, maker of Photoshop and Lightroom, offers subscriptions that range from $20 to $55 per month. Photographers on a particularly tight budget may choose to start off with software that comes preinstalled on some computers, such as Apple’s Photos app. 

Legal documents

Depending on your business structure , you may need to enlist a lawyer or use a legal services site to properly establish your photography business in your state. Lawyers typically charge several hundred dollars per hour, although legal services sites tend to charge a small fraction of that.

Business licenses

You may need a business license to operate in your area. The fees and requirements vary by region, so consult your local government resources. Shopify’s start-up guides can also help you navigate these requirements.

Selling photos online requires a well-designed website that functions as a way to offer your services to prospective clients. Your marketing materials will center around a photo portfolio that highlights your best work. Many small business owners start with a tiny marketing budget, which you can increase as your photography business grows.

Pros and cons of starting a photography business

A photography career comes with many rewarding upsides, along with challenges.

The pros of a photography business

Many photography business owners have a passion for taking pictures. Whether you view photography as a side business or a full-time job, you can get paid to do what you love. 

Your photo career can lead to travel opportunities, professional and personal networking, and behind-the-scenes access to exciting industries. You’ll also be able to claim photography equipment, software, and startup costs as business expenses on your taxes.

The cons of a photography business

Photography work often means you can’t count on a stable routine. 

You might go weeks without paid work, and then later have to turn down jobs because you’re already booked. If you’re a wedding photographer or event photographer, you’ll often work nights and weekends. In some cases, you will work for clients who don’t share your artistic vision.

Starting a photography business FAQ

Do i need an llc for my photography business.

You do not need to own an LLC to operate a photography business. Although starting an LLC does offer tax benefits and liability protection, you can also do business as a corporation (with similar benefits but more upkeep) or as a sole proprietor (with fewer benefits but minimal paperwork).

Do you need credentials to be a photographer?

You may need credentials for certain types of photography, particularly photojournalism, which can require access to restricted areas. Other photography niches require no special credentials or certifications, but as a small business owner, you may need business licenses and tax certifications.

Should I specialize in a certain type of photography?

Many photographers specialize in one type of photography because it helps them focus their marketing and networking efforts. Others find fulfillment in bouncing between different photography niches. In some cases, you may have to venture into different areas. For instance, school photographers may be busy during the fall but need other income in the spring, depending on school photo schedules.

Is a photography business profitable?

A photography business can be profitable if you build a broad client base, invest wisely in your equipment, and work efficiently when planning shoots and editing images. You may have to charge lower prices to break into a market, but your rates—and profits—can go up as your photography business grows

What are some mistakes to avoid when starting a photography business?

Be open to new opportunities when you’re starting out. For instance, a job snapping ID photos at an office might lead you to meet someone who wants professional portraits of their family. Avoid getting caught with inadequate gear on a shoot; make sure you have a backup for any piece of equipment that might fail, and that your camera has the necessary capabilities. To avoid spending too much on high-spec gear, ask friends and colleagues for gear recommendations. Read reviews and make prudent purchases as you scale up your business.

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How to Run a Photography Business (Complete Guide)

how to create a wedding photography business plan

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This article explores how to run a photography business. Becoming a professional photographer isn’t easy, and the prospect of running a business can seem daunting. But with the right knowledge and application, you can turn a photography hobby into a career.

There are many things you need to think about when running a photography business. There are essential laws and legal paperwork you need to be aware of, as well as marketing and client-sourcing techniques. 

While that might sound complicated, we’re here to help. This article breaks down the process of starting a photography business with handy tutorials packed with vital information. Once you’ve finished, you’ll have the confidence to run a photography business. 

Middle-aged photographer holding a Canon camera to his face

How to Run a Photography Business

When you imagine being a professional photographer, your thoughts are probably dominated by fancy cameras and glamorous photo shoots. These elements do play a part, of course, but professional photographers also have to deal with the less glamorous side of running a business.

You are no longer just a person with a camera. You now have to think of yourself as a professional—as a brand. That means you have to take everything from client correspondence to financial transactions seriously. 

Booking studio space and models has to become like second nature to you. You’ll also need to know how to write and complete every type of contract and release form.

Revenue has to be one of your main concerns, as that’s how you put bread on the table. Making money with photography isn’t easy, but there are ways you can diversify your income streams so you always have money flowing in. 

We start the article by looking at the basics of becoming a professional photographer. Then we cover marketing and social media strategies to help you get ahead of the competition. We also have everything you need to know about the legal paperwork for photography businesses. 

Each section has a link to a full-length article on the topic, so remember to click to learn more. 

Becoming a Professional Photographer

Becoming a photographer takes hard work and dedication. Mastering the basics of exposure, depth of field, and light is essential when starting out. Practice as much as possible to improve your skills.

Find your photography niche based on what you enjoy and the types of photography that provide an income. Carefully invest in the right equipment for your niche. Build a strong portfolio that showcases your abilities as a professional photographer in your chosen area.

Share your work online to establish your brand and get exposure. Get organized and always behave professionally to build trust and a solid reputation. Be proactive in finding work and seeking out opportunities in your local area. Always ask for compensation for your services, whether it’s financial payment or credit and exposure.

To learn more about how to become a photographer , we have an in-depth guide that covers everything you need to know.

Is It Easy?

Being a photographer isn’t always easy. It can be a competitive field, with many amateurs willing to work for low pay or even for free. This makes it hard to charge what you’re worth and can lead to getting ripped off.

The pay can be inconsistent, especially when you’re just starting out. You may have to spend a lot of time away from home for jobs. And you’ll encounter demanding clients who expect perfection, even when it’s not realistic.

Photography also requires investing in expensive gear to get professional results. You may find yourself shooting the same subjects repeatedly to specialize in a niche. And post-processing can be a boring but necessary part of the job. Despite the challenges, many photographers find the rewards worth it.

Being a photographer has its difficulties, but it can also be a fulfilling career for those who are passionate about it.

A person taking a selfie in a car mirror with a nifty fifty lens

Prep for Your First Shoot

Preparing for your first client photo shoot is important. Create a mood board to share ideas with your client and make sure you’re on the same page. Visit the shooting location ahead of time to check for potential issues like harsh sunlight or crowds.

Bring backup gear in case of technical problems. Rent or borrow extra cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment. Hire an assistant to help with tasks like holding reflectors and changing lenses.

The day before the shoot, finalize your equipment checklist, clean your gear, charge batteries, and look up directions. On the day of the shoot, arrive early to set up and test your lighting. Have model releases and contracts signed upfront. Being prepared will help you focus on creativity during the shoot.

If you’d like to learn more about how to prepare for a photo shoot , we have a detailed guide in this link.

photo shoot

Successful Client Sessions

Planning your photo shoot is key to success. Make a list of ideas and discuss them with your model beforehand. Pack carefully and don’t forget important gear like lenses or batteries.

Embrace the location in your portraits, but keep the focus on your model. Blur the background if needed to avoid distractions. Take a variety of shots, including wide, medium, and close-ups. Have your model look in different directions, not just at the camera.

Control the lighting to set the mood. Use flash or reflectors to soften the light and make your model look their best. Communicate with your model to help them relax and pose naturally. Listen to their ideas and try them out.

Having a successful client photo shoot  takes practice, but these tips will help you capture stunning portraits.


Studio Photography Basics

Setting up a photography studio doesn’t have to be complicated. You can start with just a background and stand. If you have plenty of window light, you can achieve professional results even in a small space.

As you earn more, consider buying artificial lights. Begin with one light and modifier, then grow your kit as needed for more complex lighting setups. Take your time getting used to the equipment.

Before you know it, you’ll have a full-size studio that can handle all your photography needs.

If you want to learn more about studio photography , we have a detailed guide that covers everything from equipment to lighting techniques.

studio photography

Responding to Requests

As a photographer, you may receive requests for free photography. While it can be flattering to get attention, it’s important to remember that your time and skills are valuable. Before agreeing to work for free, consider the costs and benefits.

There are some situations where offering a free photo shoot can be beneficial, such as when building your portfolio or getting credit from a well-known publication.

However, in most cases, it’s best to politely decline requests for free photography. Explain that you appreciate their interest but cannot allow your photos to be used without payment due to the costs associated with taking and editing them.

If the requester is still interested, provide them with your reasonable licensing rates. The price per photo will depend on factors such as the size of the image, the publication’s circulation, and the duration of use.

By conducting yourself professionally and knowing your worth, you can successfully navigate requests for free photography.

Click this link to learn more about responding to requests for free photography .

respond to requests for free photography

Starting Your Photography Business

Starting a photography business requires careful planning. Create a business plan that outlines your structure, target market, finances, and long-term vision. Consider diversifying your income streams with photo shoots, classes, and online courses.

Choose a business structure like a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. This determines the paperwork you’ll need to file. Pick a memorable name for your business that reflects your long-term goals.

Build a marketing plan based on your target clients. Use social media, blogs, or community events to reach them. Focus on building relationships and making your clients happy.

Growing a successful photography business takes time and hard work, so be patient and stay committed to your goals.

If you’d like to learn more about starting a photography business , we have a detailed guide with all the essential info.

What You Need

Starting a photography business requires some essential equipment. A full-frame camera like the Canon EOS RP is a good entry point for serious photographers.

Lenses are just as important as the camera. A couple of good-quality, fast lenses will give you the sharp, high-quality imagery that you need as a professional. Prime lenses tend to be sharper than zoom lenses.

Other important equipment includes a sturdy tripod, memory cards, a card reader, extra batteries and charger, lens filters, lens hoods, backup drives, a color calibrator, a color checker, a grey card, a reflector kit, and possibly a lighting kit with modifiers and stands.

Check out our full article if you’d like to learn more about what you need to start a photography business .

what do i need to start a photography business

Writing a Business Plan

A photography business plan is a road map to success. It outlines your goals and how you’ll achieve them. Your plan should include an executive summary, a description of your services, your target market, and marketing strategies.

Assess your competition and find what makes you unique. Develop a timeline and consider your operations strategy. Plan your financials for the first three years, including expenses like gear, software, and marketing.

A photography business plan is key to a successful photography career. It helps you prepare and set goals. Start working on yours today, and you’ll be ahead of most photographers who don’t have a plan.

photography business plan

Running a photography business can be expensive. There are many costs to consider, such as liability insurance, web hosting, backup drives, memory cards, batteries, software subscriptions, and more. These expenses add up quickly and can make it challenging to turn a profit.

It’s important to understand the cost of doing business (CODB) before setting your prices. Your CODB is the total amount it costs you to run your business, including all monthly and annual expenses. Anything you make over that amount is your profit.

When determining your rates, consider your living expenses and savings goals in addition to your CODB. Price yourself high enough to pay your overhead, turn a profit, and put some aside for slower periods or gear upgrades.

By understanding your cost of doing business , you can set prices that reflect your value and ensure the sustainability of your business.

photography cost of doing business

Finding a Studio

Finding a cheap photography studio rental is possible, even on a limited budget. Consider unusual locations like classrooms, museums, or rec centers that rent out space by the hour or day. Airbnb listings can also work well, and some are even dedicated studio spaces.

Talking to a realtor about empty retail or office spaces available for temporary rental is another option. You can also use the client’s home or office if it’s suitable for the shoot. Joining a studio co-op allows you to share the cost of a dedicated space with other photographers.

Creating a studio in your own home is a popular choice for many photographers starting out. Finally, taking the studio outdoors can work for certain types of shoots and even boost creativity.

To learn more about photography studio rental , check out our in-depth guide.

photography studio rental

A photography shot list is a great way to stay organized during a photo shoot. It’s essentially a checklist of the images you want to capture. Shot lists can be simple written notes or more advanced, like sketches or storyboard-style illustrations.

Using a shot list opens up communication between you and your client. It helps manage expectations and acts as proof of what was agreed upon. A shot list also makes the most of your time by keeping you focused on the shots you need.

To create a shot list, consult with your client about their needs and expectations. Write down all the shots that come to mind, then narrow it down.

Break your list into sections like must-haves, detail shots, and wide shots. When shooting, keep your shot list handy on your phone for quick reference.

Photography shot lists are a valuable tool for efficiently capturing all the important images. Check out our full article for setting up a complete shot list.

photography shot list

A photography logo is the first thing potential clients see, so it’s important to create one that represents your brand. Using an acronym of your business name can keep your logo compact and recognizable. A signature or script text adds a personal touch and is unique to you.

Simplicity is key—a bold font makes a statement about your professionalism. Incorporating photography imagery like a camera or film roll clarifies that you’re a photographer. Using your initials to create a symbol—like turning them into a tripod—is creative and memorable.

Your logo should show your photography style and niche, whether it’s analog, landscape, or wedding photography. A simple illustration style with a hand-drawn feel can also give your logo a distinct look.

Creating photography logo ideas can be tricky, but with a little inspiration, you can create the perfect one for your business.

photography logo ideas

Business Card Designs

Photography business cards are an essential tool for networking and showcasing your unique style. They allow you to quickly share your contact information and give potential clients a glimpse of your work.

When designing your photography business card, include your name, email address, website, and any relevant social media accounts. You can also add a QR code that links to your online portfolio or website.

To make your business card stand out, consider using unique materials like transparent or metallic paper, or opt for an unusual shape or size. Including a small print of one of your photos is another great way to showcase your skills and style.

If you’re interested in learning more about photography business cards , there are many creative designs and ideas to explore in our full-length article.

photography business card

Cliche Name Game

Naming your photography business can be a challenge. When you’re feeling stuck, take a break and try our fun photography name generator for inspiration.

The generator combines a positive adjective, something pretty or colorful, and a funny way of saying photo or photography. The results may sound cheesy, but they can shake up your creative energy and lead to unexpected ideas.

Remember, the best business names are easy to remember and give customers a sense of what you do. If you specialize in a certain niche, consider including that in your name.

For more tips on naming your photography business, read our photography name generator article.

photography name generator

The Legal Side of Starting a Business

To start a photography business legally, you need to understand the laws in your country. Copyright laws protect your photos, giving you ownership and control. However, you may need a release form to use photos with recognizable people or private property for commercial purposes.

It’s important to have the right legal paperwork. Photography contracts protect both you and your client by setting clear expectations. You may also need a photography license, depending on your location.

A photo licensing agreement outlines how a client can use your images. Photo release forms grant permission to use an image and are essential for photographing people or property.

Take a deeper dive into the laws and legalities of running a photography business in our detailed article. 

Must-Know Photography Laws

Photographers must understand copyright law if they want to protect their work correctly. Copyright is automatically applied to photographs at the moment of creation, giving the photographer ownership and control over the image. This means the photographer can reproduce, sell, and use the photo however they wish.

However, there are some restrictions when photographing people or private property. In the U.S., a photographer needs a release form to use someone’s likeness commercially.

There are some exceptions for photojournalism and fine art. But in general, you can’t do whatever you want with a photo of someone without their permission.

It’s important for photographers to know their rights and responsibilities when it comes to copyright law. Understanding concepts like commercial use, fair use, release forms, and the difference between public and private property is essential.

By educating themselves on photography laws , photographers can avoid legal issues and protect their creative work.

photography laws

Photo Licensing Agreement

A photo licensing agreement is a contract that grants specific usage rights to a client or collaborator.

The agreement outlines how the image can be used, such as in print or online, the number of people who will see it, and for how long. This protects you as the creator of the image and helps avoid misunderstandings with clients.

Clients may not understand why they need a licensing agreement. They might think they own the images and can use them however they want. In this case, you’ll need to educate them on the transaction and how it works.

The licensing agreement should be specific about the end use of the image and the brand’s visibility. High-profile businesses should have different terms and prices than small local businesses.

Click on this link if you’d like to learn more about photo licensing agreements .

photo licensing agreement

Photo Release Form

A photo release form is a contract between the photographer and the subject that grants permission to use the image. It’s required in the U.S. to use someone’s likeness commercially. The form can include limits on usage and an expiration date.

There are different types of photo release forms. Model release forms are for photographing people, while property release forms cover buildings and objects. Print release forms give clients permission to make prints. Minor release forms are signed by a parent or guardian for subjects under 18.

You need a photo release form if the subject is recognizable and the photo will be used commercially or for advertising.

To learn more about photo release forms , including free templates you can use, check out our in-depth guide.

photo release form

Model Release Form

A model release form is a legal contract between a photographer and the subject they photograph. It’s one of the most important documents for photographers, as it protects both parties and prevents future complications or lawsuits.

The form outlines the rights of the photographer, client, and model regarding the use of the images.

Model release forms are essential for commercial photography, where the photos may be used for promotion or sales. However, the specific requirements vary depending on the country, state, and intended use of the images.

It’s crucial to research local laws and regulations to ensure your model release form covers all necessary aspects.

To make the process easier, consider using a template rather than creating your own from scratch. A well-written model release form should include the subject’s personal information, a witness signature, and clear terms regarding the usage rights of the images.

Read all about model release forms in our educational article.

model release form

Marketing for Photographers

Marketing is a top priority for any professional photographer who wants to succeed. Building a professional website has never been easier or more affordable. And social media can help boost your online profile and make your work more visible. Sending your photos to magazines is another great way to get more eyes on your work.

To learn more about marketing for photographers , including SEO, sales, and more, this article is a helpful resource with in-depth information on these topics.

Easy Marketing Strategies

As a freelance photographer, you won’t have a dedicated marketing team to promote you and your work. That’s why having a basic understanding of professional marketing is so important. 

Ask for referrals from friends, family, and clients. Make sure you have a professional website with a portfolio and testimonials ready. Producing great photos encourages people to recommend you and your services to others.

Create targeted social media ad campaigns to attract your ideal audience. Use eye-catching images, and behind-the-scenes videos or before-and-after comparisons can go viral.

Attend local business networking events to build relationships. Bring business cards and flyers, and be prepared to briefly introduce yourself. Look for real estate agents or brokers who may need your services.

Real estate photography marketing involves a variety of strategies to reach potential clients and showcase your work. By implementing these tips consistently, you can grow your business and attract more customers in your local market.

real estate photography marketing

Getting Noticed

To get your photography noticed, make sure your images are high-quality and visually interesting. Experiment with creative photo projects and share them on photography websites to showcase your skills.

Running a photography blog is a great way to build your online presence and attract more viewers to your work.

Entering photography contests can help you gain recognition, but be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully. Getting your photos published in magazines or newspapers, both online and locally, can attract potential clients.

Joining photography forums and social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allows you to reach a wide audience.

Uploading your work to photo-sharing platforms like Flickr, 500px, and Behance can provide exposure and networking opportunities. If you have compelling images, you may even gain new clients.

Learn more about getting your photography noticed with our helpful guide.

get your photography noticed

Attracting Clients

Identifying your ideal client is key to targeting the right audience for your photography business. Research your target market’s media consumption habits to focus your marketing efforts on the most relevant platforms. This will save you time and money.

Attract more clients by launching targeted social media campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You can also host an open photo shoot to show potential clients what it’s like to work with you. It’s a great opportunity to network and showcase your talent.

Create a quarterly email campaign featuring your latest work to remind your clients of your services. Offer special promotions and loyalty programs to attract new clients and retain existing ones. Incentivize people to refer you, but be careful not to cheapen your brand.

If you’re looking to get photography clients , consider joining freelancing websites or volunteering to photograph events in your local community.

get photography clients

Writing a Website Bio

Writing a photographer bio for your website is an important task. Your bio introduces potential clients to the person behind the camera, adding depth and personality to your online presence. Keep your bio simple and concise, using clear language that’s easy to understand.

Your bio should reflect your unique personality as a photographer. If you have a fun and lighthearted style, feel free to inject some humor into your writing. However, if you’re a serious professional, stick to the facts and avoid forcing jokes where they don’t fit naturally.

Include relevant information about your photography career, such as notable commissions, awards, or achievements. A photo of yourself can also add a nice personal touch.

By crafting a well-written bio that showcases your skills and personality, you’ll create a strong first impression for potential clients visiting your website.

We have more valuable information about writing a photographer bio in this blog post.

photographer bio

Website Builders

Finding the best website builder for photographers is essential to start your business. Every photographer needs their own website as a portfolio, storefront, and business hub. The more professional your website, the more success you’ll have as a photographer.

Wix is the best website builder for photographers. It’s a well-priced website builder anyone can use. Wix is a no-code platform with drag-and-drop design tools, so you don’t need web design experience. There are thousands of design options to develop your own branding.

If you’d like to see more of the best website builders for photographers , our list has all the top options.

website builder for photographers

SEO is important for photographers to drive traffic to their website and attract more clients. Search engines like Google index and rank web pages based on relevance to a user’s search query. Optimizing your website and online presence can help you appear higher in search results.

To improve your photography website’s SEO, make sure your site is mobile-friendly and contains relevant keywords. Blogging regularly with high-quality content keeps your site fresh.

Getting backlinks from other reputable websites and maintaining an active social media presence also boosts your search rankings.

Setting up a free Google Business listing allows you to appear in local search results and on Google Maps. Use Google Analytics to track your website traffic and learn more about your visitors.

SEO takes sustained effort, but it’s worth it to generate more organic traffic and grow your photography business.

SEO for photographers is important for any photographer with a website or blog, so click the link to find out more. 

seo for photographers

Social Media for Photographers

Social media is a powerful tool for photographers to showcase their work and attract clients. Instagram and Facebook are two of the most popular platforms. To get the most out of them, it’s important to post high-quality photos consistently and engage with your followers.

On Instagram, use relevant hashtags to make your photos easier to find. Write engaging captions that tell a story or provide context for your images. Interact with other accounts in your niche to build a community around your work.

For Facebook, create a dedicated photography page separate from your personal profile. Share your best photos and include links to your website or portfolio. Encourage fans to like and share your page to expand your reach.

By building a strong presence on social media, you can grow your photography business and connect with potential clients.

To learn more about social media for photographers , our in-depth guide covers everything you need to know.

Creating a Facebook photography page is a great way to showcase your work and build a community of fans. To get the most out of your page, select the right category when registering.

Listing yourself as a website rather than a public figure has advantages, such as being able to reach more than 10,000 fans.

Fill in the About section with information about who you are and what you do. This will help your page show up in Google searches.

Choose a profile picture that best represents your photography business, and use the cover photo to advertise your services or display your best work.

Share your portfolio on your Facebook photography page, but be selective. Only post your best images, as the album is only as strong as its weakest photo.

Watermark your photos to protect them from theft, but keep the watermark small and unobtrusive. Post regularly to keep your fans engaged, and add a call-to-action button to direct them to your website.

By following these tips, you can create an effective Facebook photography page that showcases your work and attracts new clients.

facebook photography page

Instagram is probably the best social media platform for photographers. It allows you to showcase your best work, generate a following, and attract new clients and collaborators. 

Use Instagram as a social media diary to look more approachable. Post behind-the-scenes shots that your audience can relate to. Choose a username and fill out your bio so people can find you.

Find accounts important in your field for reposts and targeted campaigns. Use niche hashtags with under 250,000 posts to make your photos stand out. Be consistent with your posts to gain relevant followers.

Reply to all comments to broaden your Instagram network. Use your visibility to reach out to brands for photography opportunities. Keep your captions simple to hold people’s attention.

Building and maintaining a popular Instagram photography account takes time and effort, but it can lead to lots of business opportunities.

become instagram famous

Writing Captions

Writing great captions for Instagram can make a big difference in how your photos are received. A clever or funny caption adds to the photo’s impact. Keep the caption informative but catchy, and explain the story behind the image.

Write in a conversational tone using present tense, as if talking to a friend. The caption’s style should fit the platform, and consider character limits. On Instagram, captions under 125 characters are the most readable.

Identify key people in the photo, and consider using a relevant quote or song lyrics. The caption should add value and not just state the obvious. Captions that create involvement and engage viewers often work best on social media.

Captions for Instagram take some thought, but the right one enhances your photo’s message. With practice, you’ll find it easy to write the best captions for your images.

captions for instagram

Using Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get your photos seen by more people on Instagram. Using the right hashtags can help you reach a wider audience and gain more exposure for your work.

It’s important to use specific, niche hashtags rather than broad, popular ones. Your photos will get lost in the sea of content if you use hashtags with millions of posts. Instead, find hashtags that are relevant to your photography style and have an active, engaged community.

You can also create your own unique hashtags to stand out from the crowd. This allows you to build a community around your brand and feature your followers’ photos.

By using a mix of popular and niche hashtags, as well as your own branded hashtags, you can maximize your reach and engagement on Instagram with photography hashtags .

photography hashtags

Profitable Photography Careers

If you’re looking for profitable photography careers, there are several options to consider. Stock photography is a great way to make money from your images. Capture photos that are in demand and submit them to stock agencies to create a steady income stream.

Travel photography is another option. You can sell your photos to magazines, newspapers, tour operators, and travel companies. Wedding photography can also be very profitable, especially during the summer months.

Other photography careers include commercial photography, editorial photography, product photography, photojournalism, fitness photography, and real estate photography. With hard work and dedication, you can turn your passion for photography into a successful career.

Check out the full article on photography careers to see which is best for your business model.

Stock Photography

Taking stock photos that sell requires capturing high-quality images that are in demand. Research current trends and plan your shoots around popular concepts like business, lifestyle, and outdoor activities. Use a shot list to ensure you capture all the angles and scenarios you need.

Edit your files and choose only the best images to sell. Add relevant keywords and descriptions so potential buyers can find them. You can sell your stock photos through agencies or market them yourself.

Learn more about how to take stock photos with our in-depth tutorial.

Three people in an office having an argument

Travel Photography

Travel photography jobs can be an exciting and rewarding career path for those with a passion for photography and adventure. To succeed, you’ll need exceptional photography skills that set your work apart from the billions of travel photos uploaded daily.

Business skills are equally important, as you’ll need to market yourself effectively to find work.

Travel photography jobs can be physically demanding, requiring long hikes with heavy gear and the ability to handle challenging weather conditions. You may also face irregular sleep schedules and spend a lot of time alone or with strangers.

If you’re serious about pursuing travel photography jobs, having a strong online presence is essential. A professional website showcasing your portfolio, a blog to share your work and experiences, and active social media accounts can help you get noticed.

With hard work, diverse income streams like print sales, stock licensing, writing, and teaching, and a willingness to get creative, you can turn your love for travel and photography into a successful career.

Read our full post on travel photography jobs to start making money from your next adventure.

travel photography jobs

Commercial Photography

Commercial photography covers a wide range of niches, from fashion and product photos to food and architectural images. To succeed, you need to keep your network active, maintain a professional attitude, and ensure you’re shooting with the best gear.

Stay on top of the latest photography trends and develop your own distinct style to stand out. Be creative in your approach while still meeting the client’s needs.

Avoid rookie mistakes by continuing to learn and improve your skills. Build a strong portfolio showcasing your best work in different styles.

Always carry business cards and gather recommendations to attract new clients. When working with a client, communicate clearly to understand their requirements, provide an accurate quote, and discuss usage rights.

Commercial photography can be very rewarding if you’re willing to work hard. It can also be one of the most lucrative areas of professional photography, so it’s definitely worth considering.


Product Photography

Product photography is a broad field with many different specialties. From 360-degree shots to flat lays, there’s a type of product photography for every product and style.

Some popular types include Amazon product photography, which requires a white background and specific composition. Photographing artwork, clothing, furniture, and jewelry each has its own unique challenges and techniques to master.

Lifestyle product photography shows items in real-life scenarios to help customers imagine using the products themselves. Other niches like makeup, nail, and beer photography are growing in popularity for advertising and promotion.

To learn more about the various types of product photography , check out our detailed blog post.

types of product photography

Magazine Photographer

Becoming a magazine photographer takes hard work and dedication. Choose a specialty to stand out from other photographers. Ask friends to pose for practice shoots to get comfortable with your camera.

You don’t need expensive gear when starting out. Even entry-level mirrorless cameras with a prime lens are enough to create magazine-worthy images. Build a strong portfolio with at least 10 of your best photos that showcase your unique style.

Promote your work on Instagram to increase your reach. Study the photographs in magazines you want to work with to understand their style. Contact editors to introduce yourself and share your portfolio. To become a magazine photographer, you need to create work that is truly unique.

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a magazine photographer , we have a detailed guide that covers everything you need to know.

become a magazine photographer


Photography internships offer students valuable work experience and a chance to fast-track their careers. Interning with a professional photographer or studio while studying can help you network and gain practical skills that you can’t get in the classroom.

During an internship, you’ll apply what you’ve learned to real-world situations and gain insight into the business side of photography. You may assist with lighting setups, post on social media, or help stylists on set.

The amount of hands-on shooting experience varies depending on the photographer and their niche.

Internships are a great way to evaluate your career goals and find gaps in your knowledge. While they may not lead to immediate employment, they can open doors for future opportunities.

To learn more about photography internships , including how to find one and what to expect, follow the link to the full article. 

photography internship

How to Make Money as a Photographer

Transforming your photography hobby into a career takes effort, but there are many ways to make money with your skills. Finding reliable income streams is key to becoming a professional photographer.

You can sell your services as a photographer or sell the photos you create. Selling landscape photos, stock photography, and doing real estate photography are some of the best ways to get started. You can also sell prints online, offer Lightroom presets, or even turn your images into NFTs.

To be successful, research what subjects are in demand and plan your photo shoots around popular concepts. Build a strong portfolio of your best work to attract clients. If you’re passionate about photography and willing to put in the effort, you can turn it into a rewarding career.

To learn more about how to make money with photography , read the full article for helpful tips and strategies.

Sell Prints

Selling photography prints online is a great way to make extra money from your work. There are many platforms to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Squarespace is a popular website builder that works well on all devices. It’s easy to use but not made just for photographers.

Fine Art America is one of the biggest places to sell prints online. They let you sell more than just prints, like pillows and phone cases. But there is a lot of competition on the site.

Etsy is well-known for selling art and handmade items. It has over 30 million buyers. You are in charge of printing and shipping the prints yourself. If you want full control, selling prints on your own website is a good choice.

Plugins like Envira or platforms like Photoshelter, Format, Zenfolio, and SmugMug make it easy to sell prints from your site.

To sell photography prints with the most success, try using a mix of different platforms and methods.

sell photography prints

Pricing Prints

Selling photography prints can be a great way to make money from your images. To get started, decide if you want to focus solely on selling prints or if you’ll also work as a photographer for specific clients.

Research what types of photos sell well as prints, such as beautiful landscapes, iconic cityscapes, and wildlife.

Choose only your best images to print. They should be technically perfect and have the most “value” to potential buyers. Consider various papers, sizes, finishes, and materials for your prints, but keep costs in mind.

Factor in all expenses like printing, shipping, VAT, and credit card fees. Then add a percentage markup for profit, but make sure the price is still reasonable. If a print doesn’t sell, you may need to reduce the price or accept that it might take a while.

Learn how to price photography prints by reading our in-depth article.

price photography prints

Real Estate Photography

Getting paid to take pictures of houses is a great way to turn your love of photography into a career. To get started, research your local market to find out what real estate photography jobs cost in your area.

You’ll also need to decide if you want to work with interior designers or real estate agents.

Create a basic website with sample images and your contact info. Plan out your real estate photography process, including a rate sheet, contract, delivery method, and how to wrap up a project.

Connecting with potential clients is key, so attend in-person social events, spread the word to family and friends, and use social media to showcase your work.

To get paid to take pictures of houses , focus on improving your skills and building a client list. With solid research, an efficient workflow, and visibility online and in person, you’ll soon have a steady flow of photo shoots.

get paid to take pictures of houses

Sell Lightroom Presets

Adobe Lightroom presets are a quick way to edit photos and achieve a specific look. If you have a knack for photo editing, you can create and sell your own Lightroom presets. Start by editing your photos to create a unique style that others will want to use.

Package your presets and price them competitively. Look at other preset packs to find a general price range, then price yours on the high side. You can always offer discounts or have a sale later.

Market your presets on social media platforms like Instagram. Post before and after photos to show the difference your presets can make. Emphasize how easy they are to use. Busy professional photographers will pay for quality presets that save them time.

Check out our full tutorial on how to sell Lightroom presets by clicking this link.

sell lightroom presets

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How to Start a Wedding Photography Business

There are few things more important to a bride and groom than their wedding photos. Each photo takes them back to that special day surrounded by all their loved ones. The wedding photographer is an integral part of the process, there to capture the little moments the couple was too busy to enjoy at the time. Many couples also hire their wedding photographer for the events leading up to that special day, such as the engagement photos and engagement party.

You may also be interested in additional side hustle ideas .

Ready to turn your business idea into a reality? We recommend forming an LLC as it is the most affordable way to protect your personal assets. You can do this yourself or with our trusted partner for a small fee. Northwest ($29 + State Fees) DIY: How to Start an LLC

Wedding Photography Business Image

Start a wedding photography business by following these 10 steps:

  • Plan your Wedding Photography Business
  • Form your Wedding Photography Business into a Legal Entity
  • Register your Wedding Photography Business for Taxes
  • Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card
  • Set up Accounting for your Wedding Photography Business
  • Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Wedding Photography Business
  • Get Wedding Photography Business Insurance
  • Define your Wedding Photography Business Brand
  • Create your Wedding Photography Business Website
  • Set up your Business Phone System

We have put together this simple guide to starting your wedding photography business. These steps will ensure that your new business is well planned out, registered properly and legally compliant.

Exploring your options? Check out other small business ideas .

STEP 1: Plan your business

A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. It will help you map out the specifics of your business and discover some unknowns. A few important topics to consider are:

What will you name your business?

  • What are the startup and ongoing costs?
  • Who is your target market?

How much can you charge customers?

Luckily we have done a lot of this research for you.

Choosing the right name is important and challenging. If you don’t already have a name in mind, visit our How to Name a Business guide or get help brainstorming a name with our Wedding Photography Business Name Generator

If you operate a sole proprietorship , you might want to operate under a business name other than your own name. Visit our DBA guide to learn more.

When registering a business name , we recommend researching your business name by checking:

  • Your state's business records
  • Federal and state trademark records
  • Social media platforms
  • Web domain availability .

It's very important to secure your domain name before someone else does.

Find a Domain Now

Powered by, what are the costs involved in opening a wedding photography business.

Before getting started, you will need to purchase and familiarize yourself with all necessary camera equipment. Keep in mind that it is always recommended to have a backup of most items with you at all times.

You will need to budget for the following items (with approximate prices):

  • Camera - $2,000 each x 2 = $4,000
  • Various lens sizes - $3,500
  • Flash - $330 each x 2 = $660
  • Miscellaneous equipment - camera bags, memory cards, reflectors, light stands, flash triggers - $500-$1500
  • Computer and editing software - $1,800

Additionally, you will need to have a well thought-out, attractive website built, develop a marketing plan, and lease an office/studio space. When budgeting for your wedding photography business, you should have a minimum of $14,000-$18,000 of capital set aside.

What are the ongoing expenses for a wedding photography business?

In addition to your standard overhead expenses that come with leasing an office space, wedding photographers should budget for the following ongoing costs:

  • Website hosting and maintenance - $100 - $1,500 per year
  • Accounting software and services - $300 annually
  • Editing software - $180 annually
  • Business insurance - approximately $700 annually
  • Product samples - $200 - $1000 annually
  • Marketing materials
  • Association fees
  • Payroll and taxes
  • Workers Compensation

Who is the target market?

Your primary focus will be on engaged couples, seeking a photographer for their special day. This will often require you to attend multiple photo shoots, creating a photographic timeline of the engagement. For this reason, many wedding photographers are able to expand their services to include more than just wedding events.

How does a wedding photography business make money?

Your business will generate revenue from each service you provide. This includes: photo shoot(s), album creating, photo printing (includes editing), and meetings. Some offer their services as a package, while others charge a fee-for-service.

Wedding photographers charge anywhere from $2,500 to $10,000, depending upon the specifics of the package and the experience of the photographer. Packages include a set amount of time, generally eight hours, while additional time is charged at an hourly rate.

How much profit can a wedding photography business make?

Once you have signed enough clients to pay off all your equipment, you will start to see a real profit in your business. If you charge $2,500 per wedding and shoot two weddings per month, you have generated a revenue of $5,000 per month. Staffing additional photographers will help generate additional revenue and increase your business’ profit.   

How can you make your business more profitable?

To ensure a more profitable business, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Offer additional services and goods, such as framing and accessories
  • Have a team of photographers, each that have different specialties
  • Offer your services at events
  • Consider taking family photos as one of the services you offer
  • Host photography webinars and community classes

Want a more guided approach? Access TRUiC's free Small Business Startup Guide - a step-by-step course for turning your business idea into reality. Get started today!

STEP 2: Form a legal entity

One crucial aspect that cannot be overlooked when starting your wedding photography business is the importance of establishing a solid business foundation. While sole proprietorships and partnerships are the most common entity types for small businesses, they're a far less stable and advantageous option than LLCs.

This is because unincorporated business structures (i.e., sole proprietorships and partnerships) expose you as an owner to personal liability for your business's debts and legal actions, while LLCs protect you by keeping your personal assets separate from your business's liabilities.

In practice, this means that if your wedding photography business were to face a lawsuit or incur any debts, your savings, home, and other personal assets could not be used to cover these costs. On top of this, forming your business as an LLC also helps it to appear more legitimate and trustworthy.

More than 84% of our readers opt to collaborate with a professional LLC formation service to kickstart their venture. We've negotiated a tailored discount for our readers, bringing the total down to just $29.

Form Your LLC Now

Note: If you're interested in more information before getting started, we recommend having a look at our state-specific How to Start an LLC guide (DIY) or our in-depth Best LLC Services review (for those opting for a professional service).

STEP 3: Register for taxes

You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.

In order to register for taxes you will need to apply for an EIN. It's really easy and free!

You can acquire your EIN through the IRS website . If you would like to learn more about EINs, read our article, What is an EIN?

There are specific state taxes that might apply to your business. Learn more about state sales tax and franchise taxes in our state sales tax guides.

STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card

Using dedicated business banking and credit accounts is essential for personal asset protection.

When your personal and business accounts are mixed, your personal assets (your home, car, and other valuables) are at risk in the event your business is sued. In business law, this is referred to as piercing your corporate veil .

Open a business bank account

Besides being a requirement when applying for business loans, opening a business bank account:

  • Separates your personal assets from your company's assets, which is necessary for personal asset protection.
  • Makes accounting and tax filing easier.

Recommended: Read our Best Banks for Small Business review to find the best national bank or credit union.

Get a business credit card

Getting a business credit card helps you:

  • Separate personal and business expenses by putting your business' expenses all in one place.
  • Build your company's credit history , which can be useful to raise money later on.

Recommended: Apply for an easy approval business credit card from BILL and build your business credit quickly.

STEP 5: Set up business accounting

Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.

Make LLC accounting easy with our LLC Expenses Cheat Sheet.

STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses

Failure to acquire necessary permits and licenses can result in hefty fines, or even cause your business to be shut down.

State & Local Business Licensing Requirements

Certain state permits and licenses may be needed to operate a wedding photography business. Learn more about licensing requirements in your state by visiting SBA’s reference to state licenses and permits .

Most businesses are required to collect sales tax on the goods or services they provide. To learn more about how sales tax will affect your business, read our article, Sales Tax for Small Businesses .

Services Contract

Wedding photographers should require clients to sign a services agreement before starting a new project.  This agreement should clarify client expectations and minimize risk of legal disputes by setting out payment terms and conditions, service level expectations, and intellectual property ownership. Here is an example of one such services agreement.

Certificate of Occupancy

A wedding photography business sometimes has office space. Businesses operating out of a physical location typically require a Certificate of Occupancy (CO).  A CO confirms that all building codes, zoning laws and government regulations have been met.

  • If you plan to lease a location :
  • It is generally the landlord’s responsibility to obtain a CO.
  • Before leasing, confirm that your landlord has or can obtain a valid CO that is applicable to a wedding photography business.
  • After a major renovation, a new CO often needs to be issued. If your place of business will be renovated before opening, it is recommended to include language in your lease agreement stating that lease payments will not commence until a valid CO is issued.
  • If you plan to purchase or build a location :
  • You will be responsible for obtaining a valid CO from a local government authority.
  • Review all building codes and zoning requirements for your business’ location to ensure your wedding photography business will be in compliance and able to obtain a CO.

STEP 7: Get business insurance

Just as with licenses and permits, your business needs insurance in order to operate safely and lawfully. Business Insurance protects your company’s financial wellbeing in the event of a covered loss.

There are several types of insurance policies created for different types of businesses with different risks. If you’re unsure of the types of risks that your business may face, begin with General Liability Insurance . This is the most common coverage that small businesses need, so it’s a great place to start for your business.

Another notable insurance policy that many businesses need is Workers’ Compensation Insurance . If your business will have employees, it’s a good chance that your state will require you to carry Workers' Compensation Coverage.

FInd out what types of insurance your Wedding Photography Business needs and how much it will cost you by reading our guide Business Insurance for Wedding Photography Business.

STEP 8: Define your brand

Your brand is what your company stands for, as well as how your business is perceived by the public. A strong brand will help your business stand out from competitors.

If you aren't feeling confident about designing your small business logo, then check out our Design Guides for Beginners , we'll give you helpful tips and advice for creating the best unique logo for your business.

Recommended : Get a logo using Truic's free logo Generator no email or sign up required, or use a Premium Logo Maker .

If you already have a logo, you can also add it to a QR code with our Free QR Code Generator . Choose from 13 QR code types to create a code for your business cards and publications, or to help spread awareness for your new website.

How to promote & market a wedding photography business

In this industry, word of mouth referrals are your most powerful marketing tool. While some consumers will answer an ad in the newspaper, most are more apt to seek out recommendations within the community. Once you have completed the required services for a client, follow up with them and get feedback. If they’re satisfied, tell them about your referral program. Many customers have no idea how much of an impact this can have on your business.

Referrals don’t have to come from just past clients. Network within the community, developing relationships with cake makers, wedding planners, and venues. Offer a finders fee of 10-20% per client and always refer new clients to them whenever possible.

Social media sites such as Instagram are also a great way to gain exposure for your photography. Additionally, there are a number of business listing websites you could sign up for. Before partnering with one that charges a hefty fee, research their reputation and check how many views they get per month. Once you have met their guidelines, International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers will allow you to apply for a membership. If accepted, you will gain access to several resources, including an online “best wedding photographer” locator.

How to keep customers coming back

Consistently stellar customer service is critical to your business’ survival. Weddings can be stressful times. Make sure you answer your client’s questions in a timely manner and keep in contact with them throughout the experience. If the wedding couple’s customer service experience is subpar, it will not matter how much they love their photos, they will tell their friends about every struggle.   

STEP 9: Create your business website

After defining your brand and creating your logo the next step is to create a website for your business .

While creating a website is an essential step, some may fear that it’s out of their reach because they don’t have any website-building experience. While this may have been a reasonable fear back in 2015, web technology has seen huge advancements in the past few years that makes the lives of small business owners much simpler.

Here are the main reasons why you shouldn’t delay building your website:

  • All legitimate businesses have websites - full stop. The size or industry of your business does not matter when it comes to getting your business online.
  • Social media accounts like Facebook pages or LinkedIn business profiles are not a replacement for a business website that you own.
  • Website builder tools like the GoDaddy Website Builder have made creating a basic website extremely simple. You don’t need to hire a web developer or designer to create a website that you can be proud of.

Recommended : Get started today using our recommended website builder or check out our review of the Best Website Builders .

Other popular website builders are: WordPress , WIX , Weebly , Squarespace , and Shopify .

STEP 10: Set up your business phone system

Getting a phone set up for your business is one of the best ways to help keep your personal life and business life separate and private. That’s not the only benefit; it also helps you make your business more automated, gives your business legitimacy, and makes it easier for potential customers to find and contact you.

There are many services available to entrepreneurs who want to set up a business phone system. We’ve reviewed the top companies and rated them based on price, features, and ease of use. Check out our review of the Best Business Phone Systems 2023 to find the best phone service for your small business.

Recommended Business Phone Service: is our top choice for small business phone numbers because of all the features it offers for small businesses and it's fair pricing.

Is this Business Right For You?

Individuals who have gained firsthand experience in the photography profession and are confident enough in their skills to venture out on their own will realize the greatest success in this business.

Want to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur?

Take our Entrepreneurship Quiz to find out!

Entrepreneurship Quiz

What happens during a typical day at a wedding photography business?

If you are considering opening your own wedding photography business, clearly define your professional goals and vision, both for the company and as an individual. Do you prefer to hire a staff of photographers or will you be out in the field, capturing those perfect moments? How active of a role do you plan to take in the day-to-day tasks?

Most of the events you shoot will take place on the weekends, leaving you the weekdays to attend meetings and handle office duties. While each day will vary, they will include the following tasks:

  • Meeting with potential clients to discuss their needs, the services you offer, and pricing. Once hired, you will often have at least one more meeting, where you will further discuss their vision for the wedding and additional photo shoots.
  • If you are not familiar with the wedding site, visit the establishment to get a feel for lighting and identify ideal areas for shots.
  • Prep for photo shoots
  • Travel to each location
  • Edit photos
  • Meet with your client to share their photos and identify which ones they would like to order
  • Send images off for printing and wedding book creation
  • Routine maintenance on photography equipment
  • Educate yourself on the latest photography trends
  • Attend networking events in the community
  • Develop and maintain your marketing strategy
  • Delegate responsibilities to your admin and team of photographers

For some artists, it’s difficult to maintain a balance between their creative tasks and administrative duties. If this balance is something you struggle with, consider employing someone to take on the responsibilities that disengage you.

What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful wedding photography business?

The ability to capture great images is critical to the survival of your company. Individuals planning on entering this field are encouraged to spend at least a year working as an assistant wedding photographer. Working under various photographers with different styles and specialties would also enhance your skill set. This experience will help you: define your style as a photographer, build your confidence, assemble a portfolio, and develop a personal style when it comes to communicating with your clients. To further advance your skills, the Weddings and Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) hosts several annual conferences across the world.

Between networking, meetings, and photo shoots, a majority of your time will be spent with people. Therefore, strong interpersonal and communication skills are also important.

The service you are providing is an art. Artists are in a continuous state of improvement, ready and willing to learn the latest technique or accept constructive criticism. This should stand true for every aspect of your business. If photo editing is not your strong suit, consider taking a seminar and spending time working with the various software systems. Watch online tutorials and subscribe to photography magazines and online blogs.  

As mentioned, some artists struggle with maintaining a balance between their art and the business aspect of their company. If you do not possess strong business acumen, consider taking a course at your local college or hiring someone to manage those duties. When friends and family come to you asking for a discount, remind yourself this is a business and you are here to make a living.

What is the growth potential for a wedding photography business?

This industry realized a higher rate of growth than most, over the last five years. Forecasts up to the year 2021 indicate an expected annual growth rate of 3%. These patterns express the maturity of the industry and ability to grow, with high market demand, regardless of the health of the economy.

Your business’ growth will, ultimately, be defined by the effort you put into building it, as well as the demand in your area. Before opening your business, research the photographers in your area. What are their specialties? How does your style stand out from the competition? If you have a team of photographers, what makes their style unique?  

TRUiC's YouTube Channel

For fun informative videos about starting a business visit the TRUiC YouTube Channel or subscribe to view later.

Take the Next Step

Find a business mentor.

One of the greatest resources an entrepreneur can have is quality mentorship. As you start planning your business, connect with a free business resource near you to get the help you need.

Having a support network in place to turn to during tough times is a major factor of success for new business owners.

Learn from other business owners

Want to learn more about starting a business from entrepreneurs themselves? Visit Startup Savant’s startup founder series to gain entrepreneurial insights, lessons, and advice from founders themselves.

Resources to Help Women in Business

There are many resources out there specifically for women entrepreneurs. We’ve gathered necessary and useful information to help you succeed both professionally and personally:

If you’re a woman looking for some guidance in entrepreneurship, check out this great new series Women in Business created by the women of our partner Startup Savant.

What are some insider tips for jump starting a wedding photography business?

Professional wedding photographers offer the following advice:

  • Always have backups of your cameras and flashes, at the very least.
  • To have consistently great pictures and minimize editing time, get into the habit of shooting in manual mode.
  • Remember that this is a business that requires you to wear many hats.
  • Keep in mind that, in most places, the wedding photography business is seasonal. Get creative with different ways you can offer the public your services during the off-season.
  • Ask your clients a lot of questions. This is how you get a feel for what they are looking for out of their wedding photos.

How and when to build a team

Even if you decide to start your business as a solo photographer, you will need at least one assistant. Many photographers hire an apprentice or intern, who works at a reduced rate (or for free) in exchange for school credit or professional experience. Just make sure each team member is skilled at communicating with clients and that they maintain an air of professionalism that properly represents your business.   

Useful Links

Industry opportunities.

  • International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers
  • Weddings and Portrait Photographers International

Real World Examples

  • Melissa Elaine Photography
  • Kuperberg Photography
  • The Brenizers

Further Reading

  • How to start a wedding photography business
  • Wedding photography tips
  • Things I wish I’d known before starting my photography business Part I
  • Things I wish I’d known before starting my photography business Part II

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ShootDotEdit: Wedding Photographer Post Production and Color Correction

How to Start a Photography Business: A Wedding Photographer’s Guide

How to Start a Photography Business: A Wedding Photographer’s Guide

From building the foundation and setting up a business plan to planning for the long run, besides the excitement and passion for the craft, there are a lot of other things that you may have to pay attention to when you plan to start a wedding photography business. Whether you are thinking of starting as a wedding photographer or planning for some rebranding, this ‘how to start a photography business’ guide could be helpful for both. So if you look forward to creating a better action plan and make sure you follow through, let us help you out!

Building the Foundation

1. setting up business goals.

Infographic stating define goals and ask fundamental questions before you set up business

To build a stronger foundation and have a clear sense of direction, it’s important to start by asking yourself some fundamental questions. What is your business about? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to achieve it? By when do you want to achieve it? What are your products/services? Who is your ideal client? All these questions need to be thought about and clearly answered before starting the journey of setting up a photography business. Setting business goals is the stepping stone to a long-term vision. So set up some clearly defined goals such as the number of photo shoots you want to do, the type of sessions you wish to photograph, etc.

2. Choosing a Photography Niche

The field of photography is diverse. You could be the jack of all trades, but it’s good practice to start by building your photography brand around a specific niche. And if you wish to expand into other aspects as well, you can always add them later and modify your marketing strategies accordingly. But for starters, you could decide on a wedding photography niche you have the most experience in.

3. Figure Out Your Ideal Client

Infographic stating build your marketing strategies around your ideal client persona in your selected niche

Once you have settled on a niche, start your research on your ideal client. You could form a persona based on location, demographics, cost, and interests, who is most likely to book your services, or who you would think your services are most suitable for. Once you have got this right, you will be able to better market your services by building your marketing strategies as per this ideal client persona.

4. Market Evaluation

Along with a better understanding of your target audience, you also need to have a thorough understanding of the market. The in-depth analysis of the market you are going to operate in will help you be mindful of the needs and requirements of the people from a photography business standpoint. Moreover, it also enables you to recognize what you can do better to beat the competition and stand out from the rest. Setting up your business on the basis of a better market evaluation helps you form a strong business foundation.

Suggested Read: The Importance Of Implementing Business Processes In Wedding Photography: Featuring Infinite Loop Photography

Setting up a Business Plan

1. naming your business.

Infographic stating think outside the box, make it memorable and keep it short

Many things come into play when it comes to setting up a business plan. The first and most important being – naming and registering your business. This process can be fun when you are casually talking about naming your business, but we understand that when it comes to deciding on a name to register as your brand name, it can be nerve-wracking. So here’s what you could do. 

  • Think out of the box! Even though a generic name can be a safe option, it’s hardly memorable.
  • If you are considering naming your business over your name (one of the most used options by many photographers), instead of including your entire name in the brand name, try including first name + Photography, first name + middle name + photography, first name + last name + photography.
  • Avoid naming your brand over a specific trend, as it might get tricky for your business when that trend is outdated.
  • Likewise, naming your brand over a specific location can also lead to a similar problem. First, it might restrict your reach to a larger audience. Second, it binds you to a specific location, and if, in the future, you end up shifting to another place, the name can be a disadvantage.
  • Mistakes can happen, and even though what might seem like a great name option at first might not work later. So when that happens, don’t be afraid to start afresh and rebrand.

2. Getting your Business Name Trademarked

Infographic stating check availability for your chosen business name, register it, then get it trademarked

Getting your business name trademarked is one of the crucial steps of starting a photography business. Once you have decided on a name, the first thing you should do is check if it’s available for use (i.e., if someone else has not taken it yet) and if not, then get it registered. If you are wondering how to do that, here’s what you can do –

  • Visit The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website and then check out the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database.
  • Then run a search for your chosen business name. If the name is available, you can start with the trademarking process by paying a fee and following the further steps.
  • Once you have done that, you will obtain your trademark application.

3. Working From Home or a Studio?

Once you have registered a business name, you have to set up an office space. And so the question arises about your working space – whether you want to work from home or separate studio space? Different wedding photographers have different preferences, and so there is no right or wrong answer. Therefore, it is essential to figure out what works best for you depending on space availability, ease of client reach, business expansion, etc. 

4. Business Structure

The ‘how to start a photography business’ checklist will be incomplete if we miss out on this point. It is important to work out what kind of business structure you will follow. Will your photography brand be registered as a sole proprietor, an LLC, or a corporation? And to get a better understanding of what these terms mean and, more importantly, what they can mean for your business, it is best to seek professional counsel. Here’s a basic idea of what these terms stand for.

5. Business Licenses

Infographic stating professionals need business licenses to operate in certain areas

In the U.S., professional wedding photographers are required to have a business license to operate at certain locations. To get a better understanding of what kind of license your business might require or if it is even required, you need to check with your state licensing board and local city hall.

6. Finding An Accountant Or Lawyer

Finding an accountant (CPA) and/or lawyer is another crucial aspect of setting up your photography business. You can begin by going to your local Chamber of Commerce or local Bar Association. Another option can be to ask for referrals from other wedding professionals and business owners. Once you have a few suggestions, meet up with them one-on-one to discuss the needs and requirements of your business. Hiring an accountant and/or lawyer is a key decision, so you must take your time to consider your options carefully.

7. Getting Business Liability Insurance

Getting business liability insurance is a no-brainer. It is an absolute must. When you are running a business, there are many things that you have put at stake, and so, it only makes sense to be prepared for if/when things get tricky. There could be times when you don’t have the control to avoid, stop or rectify some mishaps. Having insurance protects your business in times of such unforeseen circumstances.

Moreover, apart from business insurance, it is essential to get equipment insurance as well. Photography gear is expensive, and you should protect it not just because of that but also because it’s your livelihood. To apply for an equipment insurance policy, you will have to list down all the gear you have, their replacement cost, and the serial number of the gear. This is something that will save you a lot of trouble if there’s a case of theft or loss.

Related Read: Wedding Photography Liability Insurance Explained

8. The Wedding Contract

Infographic stating protect your business with legal contracts and the help of an attorney

Just as business liability insurance, having a legally binding contract is equally important. A contract is set upon a written agreement and is enforceable by law, and helps you protect your business. The first thing to keep in mind while setting up a wedding contract is to have an attorney look at it – don’t write it yourself until, of course, you also happen to be a barred attorney.

There are many things that should be clearly stated in your contract, but a good place to start would be to mention the cancellation policy and late-payment policy. Discuss these parameters with your attorney and set up a policy that works best for you, given your business location, plan, and other essential aspects. In addition to that, also include clear expectation guidelines regarding turnaround time and everything else. Moreover, also include a copyright clause and model release. To get a better understanding of wedding photography contracts, you can refer to this blog .

How to Prepare Your Finances

1. preparing your finances.

Preparing your personal and business finances before you even start your photography business is crucial. A good practice is to make a monthly personal finances spreadsheet and also take a look at your bank statements for the past year. You might think it sounds extensive and might ask yourself, “Is it really necessary?” The answer is if you are serious about planning your finances, then YES! 

This will also give you a better understanding of what kind of salary you are supposed to draw. It shouldn’t be a random number, it has to be well thought. After adding all your personal yearly expenses, the number you get indicates your annual expenses, excluding taxes – this is the amount of money you are spending. You now have to think about a number – keeping in mind your tax bracket – that you need to be making in a year to support this annual expense amount (excluding taxes). This number can be your estimated/targeted yearly salary. Remember, this is not the amount/number for your business’ annual cash flow, it is the amount you need to make as a photographer. 

2. Business Fundings & Buying Photography Gear

Infographic stating know when to buy and rent camera and other essential gear for your business

Understand that reaching to a point of running a successful photography business is not a race. You can get there, but getting there takes time. When you are setting up a photography business, having cameras and other essential photography gear are non-negotiables. However, you don’t need to have the best of everything to get started. What you do need is something that’s good enough. Something that you can work with while not burning a hole in your pocket. Another great practice is to know when to buy and when to rent.

Instead of going all-in at once (of course, unless you can), you can choose to move slow and save. This could mean keeping a day job that helps you save better for your photography venture, or it could mean starting a year late while saving from a full-time job. You could also opt to take a loan. But whatever path you choose, remember, it is important to have a clear picture of the start-up cost and how you are going to fund it.

3. Setting Up Bank Accounts

It is crucial to have a clear dividing line between your business and personal finances. All your business income should be directly paid to your business account. Also, get a debit card and credit card in the name of that account to pay for your business expenses. You should also set a fixed amount for the monthly draw that will be transferred to your personal account as salary.

Creating Your Price List 

Infographic stating research, study, and analyze the market to design your price lists and custom packages

Figuring out a pricing model is one of the fundamental steps of starting a wedding photography business. Therefore, it is crucial that you do it right. Before you get started, it is important to know what you want to sell (i.e., wedding coverage, boudoir, engagement sessions, elopements, etc.) and how you want to sell it (packages or Ă  la carte). Different things work for different photographers and different locations. So it helps to study your market and, at the same time, study your competition, and analyze and then work on a pricing model. One of the most popular go-to options is to have a different set of packages along with a modified package version to meet the best of both worlds.

Related Read: How To Price Your Wedding Photography Packages

Set Up a Website & Online Portfolio

Once you have covered all the legal and financial aspects of starting a business, setting up a website and having an online portfolio to display to your clients also helps. Setting up a website means setting up a virtual address for your business. Taking your business online can not only help you advertise effectively but also expand your reach beyond borders. There are many website builders available using which you can easily set up your website and get started.

Further Read: Marketing Tips For Right Now

Now that you have a better understanding of how to start a photography business, we hope you keep at it and reach great heights! And in the process, whenever need be, reach out to professionals in various roles – be it accounting, legal, or marketing, to make well-thought decisions.

At ShootDotEdit , we love bringing you resourceful tips such as these to help scale up your wedding photography business. Another way we do that is by taking care of the editing for you. To learn more about how we can help, take a look at our pricing plans .

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How to Grow Your Wedding Photography Business - Best 17 Tips

Gurpreet Singh - Author

For photographers, there is no business more profitable than a wedding photography business. If you are a wedding photographer looking to expand your avenues and make your business more profitable then you are in exactly the right place!

Becoming a professional wedding photographer is not easy and comes with its share of challenges. With lots of competition and demanding clients who shop around, starting out with your professional wedding photography business can seem like an uphill climb.

The good news is that the wedding industry is growing fast thanks to a strong economy and higher disposable incomes. The U.S. wedding industry clocked close to $72 billion in revenue in 2016.

With the average wedding costing around $33,391 according to a recent study , starting your professional wedding photography business is a great idea. 

Wedding photography

You would, however, still need a smart strategy and lots of persistence to establish yourself as a professional wedding photographer. Here is an list of  top wedding website templates  for your use. 

Here are our top 17 tips on how you can start and grow your professional wedding photography business:

1. understanding the ins and outs of wedding photography business.

The first thing you should do as a professional wedding photographer is to understand the wedding photography business. You start that by finding out all about wedding photographers operating in your local area, the kind of clients they are targeting and the pricing, they are offering. Here are stunning  small business website templates  designed for your use. 

You can get most of this information by studying their portfolio websites. Most wedding photographers showcase galleries of the weddings they have shot, the services/wedding photography packages they offer and the wedding photography pricing they charge.

Figure out how you can differentiate yourself from the competitors in your local area. The millions dollar question is - What will be your USP? It could be your pricing, your style of photography or the way you package your wedding photography services. Check this step-by-step guide about photo packages with tips and pricing.

Professional wedding photographer

2. Start with your inner circle.

Having your family or friends hiring and telling you your photography is great is not reason enough to go out on your own full time. You can only know the 'right time' when people in your immediate close circle, family, and friends start referring your services to outsiders. That’s a sign of trust and that your skill set has matured. Once you start getting references on a consistent basis, then is the time to evaluate your progress. It also might be the time, when you should take your next step in becoming a professional wedding photographer.

Starting out our wedding photography business part-time can be a great option so that you can continue getting the money from your full-time job. You will need to build up confidence take the final plunge and become a full-time, professional wedding photographer.

3. Take on wedding photography assignments for free to start with.

Getting the first, bonafide client to hire and pay you as a professional wedding photographer is going to take a ton of background work and preparation. Start putting together your portfolio by taking up free wedding photography assignments. Make sure that the weddings you pick to shoot for free are premium affairs so that you can get high-quality portfolio images from them.

4. Be smart about your pricing and stay on top of your expenses.

Running a successful wedding photography business is all about balancing your expenses and pricing to make sure that you are always profitable. Many times wedding photographers end up with an unsustainable business due to miscalculating how much expenses they are going to incur and underquoting to win the business.

Make sure you add up all your expenses - fixed as well as incidental expenses. This includes everything from equipment, rentals, gas, insurance, set materials, to assistants and processing time. 

Then you need to figure out the pricing for your wedding photography services. You need to start with a realistic target of how much you wish to make in a year. This will help you plan accordingly by dividing the number of assignments, days or hours you expect to earn over the next year.

Always be aware of this equation:  Expenses + Profit = Pricing

To be a professional wedding photographer, you need to realize your worth and know how much to charge for your services. If you are still confused about how much you should charge, compare your rates with the local photographers in the market. Competitive pricing is a safe way to venture out. You will get a better idea of the going rate once you get the groove of things. A word of advice, don’t be 'the cheap wedding photographer.' Be a consummate professional, and you want to be able to be taken seriously and compete in the market. 

Figure out your pricing range and keep your rate card ready . Sometimes you have to show flexibility to close the deal. Make sure you understand how low can you go with your pricing while still making a reasonable profit.

Check out this comprehensive photography pricing guide on how to price your photography.

Also, see this article on wedding photography pricing .

5. Create a brand for your wedding photography business

Creating a brand for your wedding photography business is an essential step to stand out and get recognition as a professional wedding photographer. Your brand includes your photography business name , your logo, and all the visual elements you use ( fonts , colors) Keep the key elements of your brand identity consistent throughout your, business cards, brochures, sales material, and website. Make sure that your brand identity exudes professionalism and feels premium to evoke trust amongst your clients.

6. Create a great wedding portfolio website.

Being a professional wedding photographer, one of the most important things that you cannot neglect is having a good wedding portfolio website. For a creative professional, not having a website today pretty much means next to no business. Sharing your best images on your website makes it easy for the potential clients to view your wedding photography business work. Making it easy for the site visitors to contact you is very important. Keep your wedding portfolio website simple, fresh and concise. No one has the time to deal with complicated websites. 

In case you are just starting out as a professional wedding photographer, you should check out these wedding photography portfolios , before building one for yourself.

Pixpa can help you build and manage a wedding portfolio website easily. Get started for free .

Wedding portfolio website

7. Take care of the legal stuff.

Another critical thing to keep in mind is to protect yourself. Contracts and agreements are essential both for you and your clients. Clearing listing down the exact nature of services and deliverables you would provide to the client, and the pricing you will charge in a contract will save unnecessary confusion and bitterness at the end of the project. The contract should make it clear to both parties on what is included and what is not included in the scope of work. Clients often demand more time or need extra deliverables (prints, albums, etc.). Make sure that you list down the prices for any extras in the contract as well.

8. Streamline your workflow with a client-proofing platform.

Using an online client proofing tool to share online client galleries that will help you streamline your workflow. Clients will appreciate the ability to view, share and give feedback on the images you have shot for them, quickly, efficiently, and easily through a client-proofing gallery.

You can also deliver your files digitally to clients hence cutting down hassles and time. Happy clients will become your evangelists and a source of repeat business.

Pixpa offers both portfolio websites and client proofing in a single, seamless platform.

Tip: Consider outsourcing the editing and post-processing of the wedding photos you shoot. This would speed up your workflows and free up your time. There are plenty of great wedding photo editing services like Fix The Photo available that are cost effective and deliver great results.

9. Share your wedding shoot experiences on your blog.

Writing may not be every photographer’s cup of tea, but this helps in a big way. With your blogs, you make your wedding photography portfolio richer and increase your chances of being discovered by couples looking for wedding photographers on Google and other search engines. We recently published a post describing how vital blogs are for a photographer’s portfolio website. The other point is to create a brand of yourself which conveys your style of photography.

Speaking of SEO, also remember to optimize your portfolio website for local SEO as it helps you get discovered on search engine queries made within your local region.  See this great article on SEO for Photographers .

If you are not comfortable writing blogs, you can always have picture dominated photo blogs giving glimpses of your work, but then again do not forget to optimize your wedding photographs for SEO.

SEO for wedding photographers

10. List your wedding photography business on ‘Wedding Marketplaces’

Wedding marketplaces are often the first choice of brides-to-be to reach out to while planning their weddings. From florists to DJs to caterers to officiants, one finds most of the quintessential wedding services at these marketplaces. To keep you away from the hustle to find these marketplaces, we have listed the most prominent ones below.

Prominent wedding marketplaces in the US

  • Wedding Wire
  • Style Me Pretty
  • Martha Stewart Weddings
  • Carats and Cake

Most of these wedding planning websites have over tens of thousands of to-be-brides visiting them, and thousands of wedding photographers listed, which makes it highly competitive to be seen by brides-to-be or couples. Reviews of your work on these websites by past clients can help you stand out from other photographers. Listing a wedding photography business is free on most of the wedding planning websites, but these marketplaces also offer advertising options in one form or the other.

For example, WeddingWire provides an advertising option to promote your wedding photography business across its network of wedding related websites.  Style Me Pretty’s advertising comes in the form of a premium membership program called ‘Little Black Book’ membership.

Also, these marketplaces have a large community where you can respond to queries from brides that can benefit your wedding photography business. Make sure that you are active in the communities of the wedding marketplaces, answering questions posted by to-be-brides and couples about wedding photography.

11. Get your work featured in wedding magazines and blogs.

There are a lot of wedding magazines and blogs that feature some of the finest professionals in the industry. Whether it’s designer bridal gown or a wedding venue, these magazines always have an assortment of choices for brides to choose from. Moreover, wedding magazines are a fundamental means for fashion designers, makeup artists, photographers, and other professionals in the wedding industry to discover trends.

How to get published in wedding magazines?

The magazines mentioned above are some of the most reputed publications in the industry, that means getting published is not going to be easy.

Write to an editor

Editors are, firstly, challenging to get hold of, and impressing them with your work is the second difficult thing to do. In most cases, you would find email addresses of editors in the magazine which you can use to approach them. However, keep in mind editors are busy people, and you might not get lucky the first time. In such cases following up would be a good idea. Also, make sure that you write to an editor with something valuable to share with the brides. For instance, as a wedding photographer, you can share tips on ‘how to prepare for a pre-wedding shoot.’ It increases your chances of getting published sooner, instead of writing and waiting to hear from the editor.

Advertise in wedding magazines and blogs

Advertising in wedding magazines, though expensive, can be a great way to promote your wedding photography business. 

In addition to the blogs of the wedding planning websites listed above, a few famous wedding magazines with a national and international appeal that you can approach are:

  • Inside Weddings  
  • The Knot magazine
  • Premier Bride
  • Wedding Style
  • Bridal Guide

The magazines listed above have online versions (blogs) too with an equally impressive appeal. If you have an active blog or even a portfolio website, a referring link from a blog could increase the traffic on your website along with a bump in the search engine rankings of your portfolio website.

Further, it’s a much better idea to local wedding magazines publish about you. While getting featured in a magazine of national repute can substantially promote your wedding photography, being featured in a local magazine or an advertisement in it will help to acquire clients locally.

12. Use social media actively and creatively.

Not just for photographers, social media is an integral part of marketing for most creative professionals. That also shows that it’s very competitive out there. So how should wedding photographers use their skills to outshine others? Just posting a picture daily won’t do. 

13. Build your social network

Networking is essential to starting a business. People are the secret to any business. Build your network; connect with people online and offline. Encourage and reward people who refer new business to you. Your supporters, fans, and champions will only help you increase your business. Appreciate them.

14. Seek testimonials from couples

In addition to this always remember to ask the couple for testimonials on their wedding photos posted on their social media. This can have a huge impact on social media marketing efforts of a photographer.

15. Collaborate with photographers from a different genre

Another way of using social media to increase exposure for a wedding photographer is to collaborate with other photographers from a different genre. One of the common ways for wedding photographers is to work along with boudoir photographers , as the two are available for weddings. As cliched as it may sound, ask them to tag you in all the behind-the-scenes pictures.

Different photography genres

16. Leverage your vendor network

As a wedding photographer, you would always be collaborating with wedding venues, decorators, florists, and wedding bands as they are also an essential part of any wedding. Sharing a good relationship with them can substantially help in growing your wedding photography business. 

Some of the ways you can reach out to vendors are:

Proactively ask vendors to put in a word for you with their clients:   Vendors understand how vital it is to have clients to sustain a business. So do not shy from asking them to put in a word for you.

Leave a sample album with vendors:   Provide your vendors with a sample album of your work, for times when they are vouching for you. This can be helpful to gain clients’ confidence and reduce the conversion time.

Take pictures of vendors while working together at a wedding:   Offer vendors to have their pictures taken by you at a wedding. This gesture can strengthen your relationship with vendors which can play out very well when it comes to marketing your wedding photography business.

Wedding photography business

17. Keep learning and growing

There is no end to learning as the photography business and marketing rules keep evolving. Read books, watch tutorials, take classes, workshops, and seminars, which will help you be better at your work one small step at a time.

We recommend the Wedding Photography Training System by SLR Lounge for great wedding photography education.

Check out this article on tips to improve your wedding photography


These nine tips on how to become a successful wedding photographer will help you through the journey as a photographer. Improve your marketing with better techniques and efficient workflows and let your photography skills flourish around you to build a successful business in photography.

And lastly, have faith in yourself. All the best for starting out your professional wedding photography business!


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how to create a wedding photography business plan

How to Start a Wedding Photography Business

Mark collins.

  • November 21, 2023

Entering the world of wedding photography can be an exciting journey. It’s not just about capturing once-in-a-lifetime moments but also about understanding the nuances of a highly specialized industry. For anyone pondering how to start a wedding photography business, comprehending the key aspects of the wedding photography industry is critical.

The significance of understanding these aspects cannot be understated. Wedding photography is more than just having a good eye for the camera; it’s about creating a business that reflects creativity, professionalism, and consistency. With that in mind, this article sets the stage for an in-depth, step-by-step guide to help you start your own wedding photography business .

Know About Wedding Photography Business

Understanding the wedding photography industry.

The wedding photography industry is a thriving one, emanating from the simple fact that weddings are a timeless tradition, and people always want high-quality photographs to commemorate their special day. The market, however, is quite competitive. It’s crucial to understand the industry and its trends to distinguish oneself.

In terms of market demand, wedding photography services are continuously sought-after. Many couples allocate a significant portion of their wedding budget to photography, valuing the lasting memories captured in pictures. Depending on the region, the style of photography, and the photographer’s experience, the cost can vary significantly, thus offering ample opportunities for new entrants to find their niche.

As for the trends, the wedding photography business is no longer confined to traditional posed photographs. The industry is constantly evolving with changing preferences and expectations of couples. Today, there’s a rising demand for candid shots, destination wedding photography, and pre-wedding shoots.

Additionally, the use of drones for aerial photography and videography has also gained popularity. Understanding these trends and adapting to them can set you apart from the competition and cater to your potential clients’ changing demands.

Key Skills and Qualities

When transitioning into the vibrant field of wedding photography, it’s essential to recognize the key skills and qualities that successful wedding photographers possess. These attributes go beyond technical photography skills. They encapsulate a range of personal and interpersonal skills that reflect the unique demands of wedding photography.

Creativity is undoubtedly at the heart of any artistic profession, and wedding photography is no exception. Each wedding is a unique event, requiring the photographer’s fresh perspective and innovative approach. Visualizing and capturing moments in a way that tells a story while aligning with the couple’s vision takes a creative mind.

Attention to detail is another pivotal trait. From capturing the intricate details of the wedding dress to ensuring the right lighting for each shot, precision makes a world of difference in the final product. In the fast-paced environment of a wedding, noticing and capturing these minor details can transform an ordinary photo into a masterpiece.

Interpersonal skills are also crucial in the wedding photography business. A wedding photographer interacts with various people, including the couple, their families, and other vendors.

Effective communication skills and a pleasant demeanor can help understand the client’s expectations, reduce potential misunderstandings, and ensure a smooth workflow. Moreover, a photographer with strong interpersonal skills can help put subjects at ease, resulting in more natural and candid shots.

Equipment and Technology

Essential photography equipment.

Embarking on a wedding photography business requires an investment in crucial equipment. Primarily, a high-quality DSLR or mirrorless camera is the foundation of your toolkit. These cameras provide excellent image quality, interchangeable lenses, and full user control over photographic settings.

You’ll need a variety of lenses – wide-angle lenses for group and scenic shots, telephoto lenses for candid close-ups, and a fast lens for low-light environments like churches or reception venues. Also, invest in a sturdy tripod for stability and for shots where you need to be hands-free.

Additional essentials include multiple memory cards with high storage capacity, extra batteries, and a reliable camera bag for transportation. Good quality lighting equipment, like flash guns and reflectors, is equally important to manage different lighting situations.

The Role of Technology in Modern Wedding Photography

Technology has substantially transformed the wedding photography landscape, adding new dimensions to capturing and preserving special moments. Advanced camera features such as high ISO capabilities, image stabilization, and burst mode make it easier to capture high-quality images in various conditions.

Post-production software, like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, has revolutionized the editing process, allowing photographers to refine images and achieve a specific aesthetic. Online platforms for showcasing work, interacting with clients, and receiving bookings have also become essential.

Moreover, technology has expanded the realm of possibility in wedding photography. Techniques like aerial drone photography and 360-degree photography are becoming more widespread, offering unique perspectives and immersive experiences.

By staying updated with these technological advancements, a wedding photographer can provide a broader range of services and stand out in a competitive market.

Step-By-Step Guide To Wedding Photography Business

Education and training.

The endeavor to become a professional wedding photographer often begins with formal education and training programs. While it’s true that a degree in photography is not a mandatory requirement, a structured educational program can provide a solid foundation in understanding the technical aspects of photography, including lighting, composition, and editing. Various institutions offer diploma courses, certificate programs, and even degree courses in photography.

Furthermore, specialized training programs or workshops focused on wedding photography can be highly beneficial. These programs offer insights into the specifics of wedding photography, such as managing clients, dealing with the unique challenges of a wedding environment, and understanding the business aspects of the profession.

In addition to formal education, continuous learning and skill development are indispensable in the ever-evolving field of wedding photography. Techniques, trends, and technology are continuously advancing, and the successful wedding photographer is one who evolves along with them. This continuous learning can be facilitated through online courses, photography forums, and professional networks. Consistent practice photography and experimentation also play a pivotal role in honing your skills and developing your unique style.

Building a Portfolio

Strategies for creating an impressive and diverse portfolio.

Building a compelling portfolio is a crucial step in starting a wedding photography business. It serves as a visual resume, demonstrating your skills, style, and versatility to potential clients. Initially, you might not have a wide array of wedding photos to showcase, but various strategies can help you create an impressive and diverse portfolio.

One effective strategy is to assist professional wedding photographers. This gives you direct experience in the field, and you can request permission to use the images you capture for your portfolio. Another approach is to offer free or discounted services to friends, family, or acquaintances who are getting married. This not only helps you gain practical experience but also aids in building your initial portfolio.

Consider also staging a mock wedding shoot with volunteers to create specific shots not yet in your portfolio. This allows you to demonstrate your ability to capture a variety of moments, from the exchange of vows to the first dance.

Showcasing Various Styles and Types of Wedding Photography

Your portfolio should reflect the diverse styles and types of wedding photography to attract a broad range of clients. Include traditional posed photos, candid shots, detailed images (like close-ups of the rings or floral arrangements), and image sequences that tell a story.

Showcase your ability to capture different moods and settings , from formal church weddings to relaxed beach ceremonies. If you have experience with trending techniques like drone photography or black-and-white images, be sure to include examples in your portfolio.

Remember, your portfolio is a reflection of your brand. It should not only exhibit your technical skills but also your creative vision and unique style. Keep it updated with your best work and ensure it’s easily accessible to potential clients, whether on a professional website or a social media platform. An impressive and diverse portfolio can be a decisive factor for couples when choosing their wedding photographer.

Legal and Business Considerations

Understanding legal requirements for a wedding photography business.

Entering the realm of wedding photography involves navigating various legal considerations. Firstly, you need to ensure that you have the necessary permissions and licenses to operate a photography business in your area. The requirements vary regionally, so conduct thorough research or consult with a legal expert in your locality.

It’s also paramount to consider issues related to copyright and image usage. As a wedding photographer, you need to have a clear understanding of who owns the rights to the photos you capture. Typically, the photographer retains the copyright, but usage rights can be negotiated with clients. Ensuring this is stipulated in a photography contract will protect your interests.

Moreover, it’s wise to consider getting liability insurance for your business. This will cover you in case something goes wrong during a shoot, such as equipment damage or accidental injury. It’s worth noting that some venues may require proof of insurance before allowing you to shoot on the premises.

Setting Up a Business Structure and Obtaining Necessary Permits

As you transition from photography enthusiast to business owner, it’s important to establish a clear business structure. Whether you operate as a sole proprietor, a limited liability company (LLC) , or a corporation affects your financial liability, tax obligations, and other legal aspects. Consult with a legal or business advisor to determine the most suitable structure for your wedding photography business.

Once you’ve determined your business structure, you’ll need to obtain any necessary business permits or licenses. The requirements will vary depending on your location and business structure, so research your local regulations or consult with an expert.

As part of setting up your business, consider creating a business plan. This should outline your target market, business objectives, marketing strategy, pricing structure, and financial projections. A well-thought-out business plan can serve as a roadmap for your business and help you stay focused on your goals.

Marketing and Branding

Developing a brand identity for the wedding photography business.

Creating a strong brand identity is a fundamental step in setting up a successful wedding photography business. This involves defining your unique style, values, and message, all of which make your business identifiable and attractive to potential clients.

Begin by identifying what sets your services apart from others. Is it your unique editing style? Your ability to capture candid moments? Or perhaps your specialty in themed weddings? Articulate this in a compelling and concise manner to form your branding statement.

The visual elements of your brand, including logo, color scheme, and photography style, should be consistent across all platforms. This consistency aids in making your brand easily recognizable and memorable. Remember, your brand is more than just your logo or tagline – it represents the total experience clients have with your business.

Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies to Reach Potential Clients

Marketing strategies are essential tools to reach out to potential clients and communicate your brand value. These can range from traditional marketing methods like business cards and brochures to digital marketing tactics such as SEO, social media marketing, and email marketing.

Creating a professional, visually appealing website is an effective marketing asset. It serves as an online portfolio and a platform for clients to discover and contact you. Optimize your website for search engines (SEO) to increase its visibility in search results. You can also start a blog on your website, sharing useful content related to weddings and photography, which can establish your authority in the field and attract more visitors.

Leveraging social media platforms, particularly Instagram and Pinterest, which are visual-centric, can significantly boost your exposure. Share your best work, behind-the-scenes images, and client testimonials. Engage with your followers, respond to comments, and use appropriate hashtags to enhance your visibility.

Consider partnering with other wedding vendors like event planners, decorators, and caterers. They can refer clients to you, and you can do the same for them, creating a beneficial network.

Remember, successful marketing requires understanding your target audience and their needs. Continuously fine-tuning your marketing strategies based on feedback and performance can significantly improve their effectiveness over time.

Client Relationship Management

Establishing good communication practices with clients.

Good communication is key to establishing a strong relationship with your clients. As a wedding photographer, you are not merely providing a service but also creating a memorable experience for couples.

Your communication should start from the very first interaction and continue even after the wedding. Make sure you are clear, polite, and professional in all your communications. Use various channels like emails, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings to discuss their expectations, wedding details, and your services.

It’s crucial to listen attentively and show empathy for the client’s concerns and ideas. Keep the clients informed about your work process, schedules, and any changes that might occur. Good communication ensures that you and your clients are on the same page, reducing the chances of misunderstandings or conflicts.

Managing Client Expectations and Building Long-term Relationships

Managing client expectations right from the beginning is vital for client satisfaction. During initial consultations, be clear about what your services include and exclude, the pricing structure, and the expected timelines.

Show your clients your portfolio to give them a realistic idea of your style and what they can expect from you. Encourage clients to express their own ideas and preferences, but also be honest in discussing what is feasible and what isn’t.

After the wedding, follow up with your clients. Share the photographs in a timely manner and ask for their feedback. Remember, a satisfied client is more likely to refer you to others, so strive to exceed their expectations.

The relationship doesn’t have to end after the wedding. Maintain contact by sending holiday greetings or offering anniversary shoots. This way, you are building a long-term relationship that could lead to more business opportunities in the future.

Pricing and Packages

Determining pricing structures and packages for services.

Establishing your pricing for wedding photography services can be challenging, but it is crucial for the financial health of your business. Start by understanding your costs, including equipment, insurance, marketing, travel, and your time.

This will give you a base from which to calculate your charges. It’s also important to research the market and understand what competitors are charging. This will help you gauge a fair price for your services within your specific market.

Package pricing can be an effective strategy that allows clients to choose from different options based on their needs and budget. Each package could include different services such as engagement shoots, wedding day coverage, a photo album, digital files, etc. Remember to clearly specify what each package includes and any extra costs for additional services or products.

Balancing Competitive Pricing with the Value Offered

While competitive pricing can attract clients, it’s imperative not to undervalue your services. Pricing should reflect the quality of your work, your experience, and the unique value you offer.

It’s not always about being the cheapest; often, clients are willing to pay more for a better experience or superior quality. If you offer unique services or have specialized skills that set you apart from the competition, these should be reflected in your prices.

Show prospective clients the value you provide for the price. This can be done through sharing impressive portfolio images and client testimonials or explaining the work involved in editing and post-production, which they might not be aware of. Striking a balance between competitive pricing and the value offered is key to a sustainable and profitable wedding photography business.

Workflow and Time Management

Developing an efficient workflow for wedding shoots.

Creating a streamlined workflow is crucial in managing a successful wedding photography business. This process begins with the initial client consultations, where you discuss their expectations, the event’s details, and your services.

To ensure smooth operations on the wedding day, scout the venue ahead of time to identify optimal shooting locations and understand the lighting conditions. Prepare a shot list that outlines the key moments you need to capture and create a schedule that includes time for posed portraits, candid shots, and detailed images.

On the big day, arrive early to set up your equipment and take some pre-ceremony shots. Throughout the event, follow your shot list and schedule but remain flexible to capture unexpected moments.

After the wedding, back up your images immediately to prevent loss. Post-production, including sorting, editing, and delivering images, should follow a structured process to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Remember, an efficient workflow not only allows you to deliver your services effectively but also reduces stress and enhances your clients’ overall experience.

Managing Time Effectively During Events and Post-Production

Time management is key to executing a successful wedding shoot and delivering on your promises to clients. It starts with the planning phase, where you should allocate enough time for each part of the wedding – from getting ready photos and the ceremony itself to the reception. During the wedding, stick to your schedule, but be adaptable, as things may not always go as planned.

In post-production, set a realistic timeline for editing and delivering the final images. Use efficient editing tools and techniques to speed up your post-production work. Consider outsourcing tasks such as basic editing or album design if it frees up your time for more important duties.

Effective time management requires discipline, planning, and good communication with your clients. By managing your time well, you can ensure a satisfying outcome for your clients and a more balanced workload for you.

Starting a wedding photography business involves numerous steps, each equally important and interconnected. From mastering the technical aspects of photography and developing a unique brand identity to implementing effective marketing strategies and managing client relationships, each step requires careful planning and strategic execution.

Pricing your services appropriately and managing your time effectively are also crucial elements for the success of your business. Remember, establishing a business is not a one-time task but a journey of continuous learning and improvement. Keep refining your skills, stay abreast of industry trends, and always strive to exceed client expectations.

Most importantly, embark on this exciting journey with confidence and dedication. The path may be challenging, but with your passion for photography and commitment to your business, you’re well-equipped to overcome any obstacles and build a successful wedding photography business.

Don’t let the complexities deter you. Instead, let them inspire you to create a business that not only showcases your artistic abilities but also adds joy and value to people’s lives.

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How To Start A Wedding Photography Business (Great Guide)

Trafft Team

  • March 3, 2023
  • For Photographers

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Starting a wedding photography business can be challenging. Clients tend to look for the cheapest option among existing wedding photographers.

This, added to the competitiveness of the wedding photography market, can seem overwhelming. However, if you are willing to work hard to fulfill your wedding photography career goal, you will find success.

Where can you find reliable guidance to get your new business off the ground? If you’re a professional photographer planning to start a wedding photography business, this is the guide for you.

This article will explain the steps needed to make a success of your wedding photography business. It will also highlight the importance of focusing on both the business side of your career and creating beautiful photos.

Understanding The Wedding Photography Business

When starting out the first thing you need to acquire is an understanding of the wedding photography business.

Most professional wedding photographers began as a freelancer who got paid to shoot wedding photos . Then, as time passed they began to realize that they are running a photography business .

They were confident in their photography skills but may have struggled with the business side of things.

Invest the time to get as much information as possible about local wedding photographers. Find out what type of clients they target, their prices, and the packages they offer.

Most wedding photographers have online galleries that showcase their:

  • Previous Works
  • Wedding photography packages and services offered
  • Prices for each wedding photography package, etc.

Use these portfolio websites to gather the information you need. Then find your unique selling proposition (USP). Determine how you can set yourself apart from the wedding photographers in your locale. This could include your:

  • Photography style
  • Or your wedding photography packages and services, etc.

Gaining Experience As A New Wedding Photographer

Gaining Experience As A New Wedding Photographer

Here are some tips you can use to gain experience and build your portfolio. These ideas are useful even if you’ve never done a wedding day photoshoot.

Second Shooting For A Wedding

Working as a second shooter helps one to learn the ins and outs of the wedding photography business while building a portfolio.

Shooting a wedding with an experienced wedding photographer will give you exposure as well as on-the-job training.

When working as a second shooter, be sure to ask for permission to use the photos on your portfolio website.

Engagement Photo Sessions

Engagement sessions are an opportunity for you to sharpen your posing and lighting skills. As a beginner, try including an engagement session with each wedding.

This makes your photography business stand out and helps you sharpen your posing skills before the wedding day.

Start With Your Family And Friends

Ask family and friends to hire you and to give genuine feedback. Be careful not to dive into wedding photography full-time based on feedback from your inner circle.

A good indication of the right time is when those in your inner circle confidently start to refer your services to outsiders .

Work As A Part-Time Wedding Photographer

Don’t hastily quit your full time without first working as a part-time wedding photographer to build up your:

  • And demand for your wedding photography business

Once you can earn enough to make the transition to full-time professional wedding photography, go for it!

Expenses Related To Starting A Wedding Photography Business

The expenses associated with being a wedding photographer vary based on whether you’re starting out or trying to grow your business.

The minimal expenses for starting a new wedding photography business range from the cost of your gear to your spaghetti number. Here is a list of expenses to consider:

  • Registering your business
  • Accounting Services
  • Photography Business Insurance
  • Invoicing Service
  • Photography Contracts

Register As A Legal Wedding Photography Business And Get Insured

Register As A Legal Wedding Photography Business And Get Insured

Registering your wedding photography business helps you deal with certain legal liabilities. For example, registering as a legal entity protects you from personal liability if your business is sued .

The most popular business structure types to choose from include:

  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Corporation

Hire an attorney- if you can- to ensure the registration is done properly. Before starting to operate you will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes. To register for taxes, apply for an EIN .

Be sure to get liability insurance protection for your business. Shop around for insurance carriers who offer small business coverage.

An option is to seek insurance from the PPA (Professional Photographers of America) if you are a member.

This step may seem unnecessary at the beginning, but it empowers you to keep operating regardless of unexpected incidents, such as:

  • A client getting injured in your wedding or engagement shoot and decides to sue your business
  • Photography equipment gets damaged or stolen  

Bookkeeping can seem challenging at first but with practice, you’ll realize it’s quite easy to do. There are three ways to approach accounting.

Do It Yourself Using Microsoft Excel

Search online for a bookkeeping template to keep track of sales vs expenditures. This may be the more cost-effective option at the start of your wedding photography business.

Do It Yourself Using A Paid Accounting Program

There are many accounting software options to choose from, such as QuickBooks . These have a lot of features that make business accounting a simple process.

Hire An Accountant

If you’re willing to pay for your business’s accounting, hire a certified public accountant (CPA).

Your bookkeeping system is one aspect of accounting but the other aspect includes keeping proof of your sales and purchases.

Store all receipts and invoices in chronological order to make them easy to find. This is easier if you make a lot of online purchases. Your receipts will be stored digitally, making them less likely to be misplaced and easier to recover.

Invest In Your Wedding Photography Gear

Invest In Your Wedding Photography Gear

Make a long-term investment in your wedding photography business by purchasing reliable equipment. You’ll need a camera and two or three lenses.

There is no need to buy the latest, most expensive camera when your business is young. Start with a $200 50mm f/1.8 crop sensor camera, a macro lens, a basic zoom lens, a flash, and a computer that can handle editing software.

As your photography business grows, buy a high-end 24-70mm f/2.8 zoom full-frame camera, and a transmitter for off-camera flash.

Buy backup pieces for your essential gear to prevent malfunctioned or damaged gear from stopping the wedding shoot. Purchase small accessories like:

  • A flash diffuser
  • A comfortable bag to transport your gear
  • An affordable camera cover for when it rains
  • Comfortable dress shoes

You’ll need a good computer and editing software from the start of your wedding photography business. Be sure to get a backup storage system like an external hard drive to store your client galleries.

Editing software such as Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom is a must. Your computer should have ample:

  • RAM for running programs
  • And good storage for your clients’ photos

Build Your Wedding Photography Business Brand

Establishing your brand helps your wedding photography business stand out. This is a vital step to your being recognized as a professional wedding photographer.

Identify Your Unique Style

Two photographers can shoot the same wedding with different results if they’ve defined their styles. So, strive to be different and sell this difference.

Identifying your wedding photography style is the first step to defining your brand. What makes your wedding photography works unique?

Do you lean more toward fashion-inspired posing? Do you prefer capturing fun candid moments? Or do your finished photos show natural golden lighting or dramatic flash?

List three words that best define your style, such as:

  • Elegant Emotive

Choose A Wedding Photography Business Name

Choose A Wedding Photography Business Name

Your business name should be short and memorable. You can name your business after yourself, for example, Jane Doe Photography.

You could choose some other name that you feel best represents your brand. Using your name personalizes your service and makes you sound more accessible.

Whether you use a formal business name or your name, ensure that it represents your photography service and you as an individual. Before making your final decision, verify if ‘ ‘ is available.

Design A Memorable Logo

Your wedding photography business logo can be simple or complex, based on what you like. The best logos are often made from simple, nicely designed text. Feel free to experiment until you find a logo that suits you.

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Getting Your First Paying Client

Professional wedding photographers know what it was like trying to get that first paying client. If you find yourself with a new $3,000 camera but no work for months, don’t sit around feeling discouraged.

Instead, use this time to attend to the marketing strategy of your wedding photography business. Marketing is not as hard as it sounds. Here are some low-budget marketing ideas for new wedding photographers.

Free Social Media Marketing

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Create social media content for a maximum of two social platforms. Instagram is best suited for photographers. Establishing a social media following does much to grow for your business and help you get clients.

Partner With Non- Competing Vendors

Partnerships with other wedding vendors are a great way for both businesses to benefit. For example, wedding photographers and shops that cater to brides could agree to refer their clients to each other.

Contact non-competing businesses that cater to engaged couples and offer to do a stylized shoot with them. These include:

  • Bridal boutiques
  • Wedding planning agencies  

Word Of Mouth Marketing

Referrals are powerful new business-creating tools. Ask family and friends to pass your photography business cards along. Attract clients using photo editing services or by creating a referral program.

For example, refer a friend and get one free photo edit, free print, or a discounted rate for an anniversary shoot.

Email Marketing And Quality Customer Service

Email Marketing And Quality Customer Service

Image source: Jonathan Connolly Photography

Collect client emails and build a list. Send out special offers and other information to return and potential clients.

Weddings are stressful events so provide consistent stellar customer service. Be sure to answer your clients’ questions in a timely, patient, and respectful manner.

Stay in touch with them throughout the experience. This will motivate customers to refer your business to their friends for their wedding day.

Setting Up Your Wedding Photography Business Website

A website is an important part of any business . For a wedding photographer, a website is a space where potential clients:

  • Discover you
  • View your previous works
  • Book sessions, etc.

If you’re doing content marketing , SEO, and social media correctly the first point of contact for potential clients will be your website.

Be sure to build a quality website as potential clients will judge your photography services based on what they see on your website.

Here are the main reasons why you should set up your website early in your wedding photography career:

Legitimate Businesses Have Websites

Regardless of the size of your business, owning a website will tell clients that your service is legitimate and professional.

Social Media Does Not Replace An Online Presence

Websites Act As Online Galleries

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are not replacements for a business website. A website increases a professional photographer’s influx of new business.

Interested Clients Can Find Your Contact Details

Your website serves as a link between you and potential clients. Keep the contact info on your wedding portfolio website updated. Make it easy for customers to reach you. No one likes to deal with complicated websites.

Websites Act As Online Galleries

As you gain experience shooting weddings, create a gallery for your photos on the website. Upload a collection of your best images and videos.

Be sure to use content that best represents the quality of your work, style, and skills. Keep your portfolio website fresh.

Get Legal Protection

Get Legal Protection

Protect your business using contracts and written agreements. An attorney can guide you with the development of your contract. Contracts are important in helping clients know what to expect.

They also protect the photographer when a client deviates from stated guidelines. The more formalized your business is, the more professional you will appear. Create contracts that specify what you are offering each client.

Here are some essential tips to keep in mind when creating a wedding photography contract:

  • Specify what the client will be getting in their chosen package
  • State the location of the wedding
  • Specify how many hours you are booked for and added fees/rates for extra hours
  • Specify the agreed payment method and deposit amount
  • Outline the cancellation policy and fees associated with
  • An Artistic release
  • Model release
  • State the price for any extra work or deliverables (prints, album, etc.)

Ensure both parties understand what is included and what is not included in the contract. This is imperative because 99% of the time clients will demand more time and/ or deliverables.

Create A Financial Plan And Set Yearly Goals

How many other wedding photographers operate in your location? What are their average prices like? How does your photography style differ from theirs?

Answer these questions to gain more insight into your prospective market, then draft a financial plan . Identify your projected yearly expenses. This includes the cost of:

  • Website fees
  • Marketing costs, etc.

Then identify what you’d like to earn per month. For example, shooting two weddings per month at $2,500 per wedding will mean revenue of $5,000 per month.

Keep in mind that if you shoot a nine-hour wedding, you’ll need to spend twice that time editing the photos . Also, factor in the pre-shoot time you’ll spend working with the client.

Use this information of expenses vs income to decide how much to charge so that your business can profit.

Of course, you won’t be able to charge as much as a photographer with many years of experience. However, be careful not to set your prices too low as this may cause clients to see your photo services as cheap (low quality).

A wedding photographer can charge between $2,500 and $10,000 based on the client’s desires and the photographer’s level of experience.

Wedding photography packages have a fixed amount of time. This generally lasts for eight hours with an hourly rate for any time above that.

Once you have generated enough business to pay off your equipment, you’ll start to enjoy the profits of your business.

A great way to increase the number of weddings you can shoot per month and generate more revenue is to hire photographers.

FAQs about the wedding photography business

1. how much do wedding photographers typically charge.

Several variables, including the photographer’s experience, location, and services offered, can dramatically affect the cost of hiring a wedding photographer. For a full day of wedding photography, couples should budget between $2,500 and $5,000, but prices might vary based on the reputation of the photographer, the number of hours of coverage needed, and the kind of products included in the package.

2. How far in advance should I book a wedding photographer?

Couples are advised to reserve their wedding photographer as soon as the date and location are set. In order to guarantee availability, it’s vital to start the search early. Many photographers will book up a year or more in advance.

3. What is included in a wedding photography package?

Depending on the photographer, a wedding photography package may or may not include specific hours of coverage, a set number of edited shots, and access to an internet gallery where the photos can be viewed and shared. Also, some photographers might offer engagement sessions, albums, and prints.

4. How many photos can I expect to receive from my wedding photographer?

The number of images a couple can anticipate from their wedding photographer will vary depending on a number of variables, including the duration of coverage, the number of locations, and the photographic style. For each hour of coverage, couples may anticipate receiving 50 to 100 edited photos on average.

5. Will my wedding photographer have backup equipment?

It’s crucial for wedding photographers to have backup gear in case something breaks. The majority of seasoned wedding photographers keep spare cameras, lenses, and memory cards on standby to ensure they can keep taking pictures in case of an issue.

6. What is the typical turnaround time for receiving wedding photos?

Depending on the photographer, the turnaround time for wedding photos will vary, but in general, couples can anticipate receiving their photos 4 to 8 weeks following the ceremony. For an additional cost, certain photographers could offer rush services.

7. Can I request specific poses or shots for my wedding photos?

Absolutely! It’s crucial to let your wedding photographer know your preferences so they can get the photos you value the most. A shot list or questionnaire is often used by photographers to assist direct the process and make sure no crucial details are overlooked.

8. Will my wedding photographer retain the rights to my photos?

Although most wedding photography contracts include a license that permits the couple to use the photos for personal use, copyright law gives photographers the exclusive right to use and reproduce their images. This indicates that while the couple may print, distribute, and show the pictures, the photographer still owns them and has the right to use them in advertising.

9. How many photographers will be present at my wedding?

Depending on the photographer and the package selected, there may be one or many photographers at a wedding. While some photographers choose to work alone, others might bring a second photographer or assistant to aid in the coverage.

10. What should I look for when choosing a wedding photographer?

Style, experience, and personality are all crucial considerations when selecting a wedding photographer. Check through their work to see if their aesthetic aligns with your own, read reviews and client endorsements, and make sure you are at ease with the photographer’s professionalism and communication skills. You may also learn more about someone’s personality and whether or not you get along with them by meeting them in person or via video chat.

Ending thoughts on how to start a wedding photography business

Starting a wedding photography business can seem overwhelming. But, as the saying goes ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day ,’ so don’t be discouraged. Keep using the tips in this article to become a successful wedding photographer.

Gradually build up your business and remain patient and focused. Keep improving your marketing efforts to pull in new business.

As you gain experience and continue to hone your skills , adjust your prices to reflect your professional growth .

If you enjoyed reading this article on how to start a wedding photography business, you should also read this one about how to get your photography noticed.

We also wrote articles about similar subjects like  how to get more photography clients ,  becoming an event photographer ,  how to become a licensed photographer , appointment scheduling for real estate agents , photography studio management software,   how to get your photography noticed,   real estate photography marketing  and  photography mood board .

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How to Start  Successful Photography Business via Unsplash

How to Start a Photography Business: 6 Helpful Steps

If you’re thinking about starting a photography business, you’ve probably got a lot of questions.

Is it worth the work? What are the pros and cons? How much money can you make? What equipment do you need? Should you specialize in a particular type of photography? How can you get clients?

There’s a lot to consider.

Still, if you love taking photographs and you’re willing to put in the work, it’s possible to earn a good living from your passion. As  Walt Disney once said , “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

In this article, we’ll run through how to start a photography business step-by-step.

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Photography Business

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Hobbies and businesses are two very different things.

So, before you turn your passion into a livelihood, take a moment to consider the pros and cons of starting a photography business.

5 Pros of Starting a Photography Business

1. make money from your passion.

The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius once said , “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

If you decide to start a photography business, you’ll have the opportunity to spend a lot of your time doing the thing you love: taking photographs.

2. Find Meaning in Your Work

Photographers are hired to capture and preserve special moments forever. Whether the subject is nature, family portraits, weddings, or etc, photographers can find much meaning in their work.

3. Meet New People

Whether you meet people at weddings, in your portrait studio, or on location taking wildlife pictures, photography can be a great way to meet lots of new and interesting people. Most cities even have active groups, who meet regularly to socialize.

4. Flexibility

Running a photography business can provide a lot of flexibility to you and your family. Unlike a traditional nine-to-five, you’re in complete control of your schedule. This makes it easier to prioritize childcare, vacations, and time with those you love.

5. Travel Opportunities

Do you love to travel and experience new places? Many photographers make travel a regular part of their work. Simply book clients in locations you’d like to visit.

5 Cons of Starting a Photography Business

Photography Business Equipment via Unsplash

1. Expensive Equipment Costs

Depending on how much equipment you already have, it can be expensive to purchase everything you need to start a photography business.

2. Fickle Customers

Some customers can be difficult or draining. Also, some events can be stressful and bring out the worst in people. For example, if you decide to photograph weddings, you may come across the occasional “bridezilla.”

3. Unsociable Working Hours

Many photography shoots happen outside of normal working hours during the evenings and weekends. This can make it challenging to spend time with friends and family who work or go to school during the week.

4. Inconsistent Income

As with any small business, income isn’t always consistent, and it can take time to build a regular flow of work. When starting, you’ll likely experience surges and dips in your income. 

5. You Could Spoil Your Passion

As mentioned above, hobbies and businesses differ in many ways. Turning your hobby into a business can take the fun and spontaneity out of it, and photography could end up feeling like boring, tedious work.

9 Photography Business Ideas

The most successful photographers specialize in a particular type of photography. Why? In short, specialists are most sought after than generalists.

Think about it: If you’re getting married, would you rather hire a general photographer or someone who specializes in weddings?

So, before you start your photography business, take some time to decide what type of photography business you want to run.

To help, here’s a list of nine common photography business ideas.

1. Wedding Photography Business

Wedding photographers are needed to help capture and preserve every couple’s big day.

wedding photography via unsplash

2. Portrait Photography Business

Families, actors, models, and business people all need a portrait photographer from time-to-time.

3. Real Estate Photography Business

Realtors, property managers, homeowners, hotels, and even Airbnb hosts all need stunning photos to help them market their properties.

4. Travel Photography Business

Travel photographers provide stunning photographs to countries, cities, magazines, blogs, hotels, and tourist attractions. These photographs can be used for entertainment or promotional purposes.

5. Event Photography Business

Event photographers are needed for birthday parties, graduations, business events, and religious celebrations.

6. Food Photography Business

Restaurants, food brands, and advertising agencies often use specialist food photographers to showcase their products or menu items.

7. Fashion Photography Business

Designers, magazines, and runway events all need fashion photographers to capture and promote the latest styles and creations.

8. Sports Photography Business

Sports photographers specialize in capturing the excitement, action, and drama of sports events.

9. Product Photography Business

Businesses selling products need presentable photos to use for marketing and sales.

How to Start a Photography Business?

Now, you’re probably wondering:

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Photography Business?

Before you start a photography business, it helps to have a rough idea of how much getting set up will cost – especially as professional photography equipment isn’t cheap.

So, how much does it cost to start a photography business? 

Well, Jamie Swanson , a wedding photographer in Wisconsin, USA, calculated the total costs of starting two different types of photography businesses. Here’s what she found:

  • Total costs of starting a portrait photography business: $8,524 – $12,319
  • Total costs of starting a wedding photography business: $13,182 – $16,977

She summarized by saying, “For less than $10,000, you can start a portrait photography business and for less than $15,000, you can start a wedding photography business.”

Okay, but what exactly do you need all of this money for?

What Do I Need to Start a Photography Business?

If you’ve been an amateur photographer for a while, you may already have most of the equipment you need.

Still, you should consider whether the quality of your equipment is high enough to produce work that you can confidently charge for.

What’s more, you’ll likely need to purchase some additional equipment and services to run your photography business. 

Here’s a list of everything you may need to start a photography business.

Photography Equipment

Let’s start by running through the gear you’ll need when setting up a photography business.

1. Professional Camera

Of course, the most important piece of equipment you’ll need is a professional-grade camera. Before you purchase a camera, make sure to do plenty of research on the best make and model for your type of photography.

Photography Camera via Unsplash

2. Backup Camera

As a professional photographer, it’s always good practice to have a high-quality backup camera. That way, if you’re ever mid-shoot and something goes wrong with your camera, you can continue the shoot. 

Just imagine if you were hired to photograph a wedding and your camera broke during the vowels!

Every photographer needs a set of professional lenses to capture their subjects. Again, make sure to research the types of lenses most suitable for your style of photography.

Tripods are a vital piece of equipment for all photographers. Not only do they help keep your camera steady, but they also allow you to take many photos of a subject without altering your frame.

5. Camera Bag

Professional-grade cameras and lenses aren’t cheap, so be sure to protect them from damage with a dedicated camera bag. These bags also make it easier to organize and access your gear while out on a shoot.

6. Lighting

Great photographs require great lighting. Although natural lighting is often best, you’ll need to get some lighting equipment or reflectors to help you take great photos when there’s not enough sunlight. 

7. Backdrops

If you plan on starting a portrait photography business, you’ll need to create or purchase some backdrops.

Depending on the type of photographs you plan to take, you may want to source some props. For example, if you’re an events photographer, you could gather some party props like oversized glasses and silly hats.

9. Reliable Car or Van

As a professional photographer, your livelihood will depend on your ability to provide a quality service to clients. In other words, turning up late – or not at all – because your car broke down is very bad for business. Make sure that you have reliable transportation for you and your gear.

10. Studio Space

Depending on the type of photographs you plan to take, you may need to purchase or rent some studio space. Alternatively, you could create a small studio in your home.

11. Computer

You’ll need a reliable computer to market your business, edit photos, and manage your photo files.

12. Editing Software

You’ll also need some professional photo editing software like Photoshop and Lightroom to fine-tune your photographs.

If you use a desktop computer with a large screen for photo editing, you may also want to invest in a laptop to edit on-the-go.

14. External Hard Drive

High-quality digital photos can take up a lot of hard drive space on your computer – and this can slow your computer down. Instead, invest in an external hard drive to store your photo files.

15. Photo Printer

If you plan on offering prints to your clients, you may want to consider investing in a photo printer. Alternatively, you could locate a local printing service to use whenever you need to print photos for clients.

16. Smartphone with a Quality Camera

Although you’ll need to use your professional-grade camera for shoots, you can use your smartphone to capture behind-the-scenes content for social media. You can use this content to promote your photography business.

17. Mobile Photography Apps

You may also want to download some photo editing apps to polish your smartphone photos before you share them online. Check out Snapseed , Lightroom CC , Scratch Photos , and Photoshop Express (picture below).

Adobe Photoshop Express App

Marketing Tools

Now that you’ve got your gear sorted let’s take a look at some of the tools you’ll need to market your photography business.

18. Website and Online Portfolio

You’ll need a professional website that presents your services and showcases your previous work. (More on this later.)

19. Social Media Channels

It can help to be active on social media platforms like Facebook , Instagram , Pinterest , and LinkedIn . You can use these channels to promote your work and network with potential clients.

20. Business Cards

Business cards are a tried-and-true form of personal marketing. Always keep a few with you and share them with new contacts at events and shoots. To create yours, check out services like Vistaprint , Office Depot , and Staples.

Operational Tools

Now, let’s take a look at some tools to manage your business operations.

21. Payment System

As a business, you’ll need an efficient way to collect payments from clients. Ideally, this system would allow you to take payments online, over the phone, and in person.

A cost-effective and straightforward way to do this is to use Shopify's Point of Sale system . 

Shopify is a complete commerce solution that you can use to build your website, manage your business, and take payments.

22. Business License

You may need to register your business with your local or state government. Make sure to look into the requirements for photography businesses in your area.

23. Insurance

Accidents happen. You may wish to purchase business or equipment insurance to help protect you if things go wrong.

24. Accounting Software

When you become self-employed, you’ll need to keep track of your finances and submit tax returns. You may want to consider using an accounting program to help, such as Freshbooks , Quickbooks , or Xero .

25. Client Contracts

Whenever you get a new client or project, it’s good practice to have the other party sign a contract. This helps to protect you if things go wrong and clarifies to both parties what’s expected from the arrangement. You could purchase contract templates or hire a local lawyer to create contracts for you.

26. PPA Membership

You may wish to become a member of the Professional Photographers of America . This is an organization that provides resources, advice, and education to professional photographers. 

How Much Do Photographers Charge?

If you’re wondering how to start a photography business, you’re probably also wondering, “how much do photographers charge?”

Although there’s no fixed answer to this question, we can explore some averages to get a general idea.

According to the business platform Fash , professional photographers often charge between $100 and $250 USD per hour. This typically works out as $25 to $100 per final edited photograph.

It’s important to note that how much a photographer earns is mostly dependent on their level of skill, experience, and the type of photography they’re doing. Check out the image below to learn more.

Fash How Much Do Photographers Charge Per Hour in USD

What’s more, average day rates for photography services range from $300 to $500 for birthday parties and $1,000 to $3,000 for weddings.

Also, remember that this is what photographers charge – it isn’t what photographers make.

Although a photographer may charge $200 per hour, they need to subtract the cost of administration, travel, marketing, equipment, and editing time. Once they’ve taken these additional costs into account, their take-home pay will be less.

How to Name Your Photography Business

When naming your photography business, there are two basic options available:

  • Use your name and simply call you business, “Jane Smith Photography” or “Jane Smith Wedding Photography.”
  • Create a new brand name for your photography services, like “Luxe Photography” or “Luxe Wedding Photography.”

If you chose option number one, you’re all set.

However, if you choose option two, there are a few things to consider. To start, you need to choose a name that fits the type of photography business you’re starting.

For example, “Happily Ever After Photography” will work nicely if you're photographing weddings. But it might not work so well if you’re shooting corporate business conferences.

To help brainstorm ideas, check out Shopify’s business name generator .

Next, you need to make sure that your business name isn’t already trademarked. In the US, to get started with this process, perform a TESS trademark search on the USPTO website using the “basic word mark search” function.

It’s also worth searching Google to see if another business is already using the name or using a similar name that could be confused, like “Happily Ever After Videography .”

If you find someone else using the name, it’s best to avoid it and find something original.

How to Brand Your Photography Business

Before you can start marketing your photography business, you’ll need to create your brand visuals.

This means choosing a visual style, colors, and fonts. You can use these visuals on your website, social media channels, business card, and any other marketing materials you create. 

It also helps to create a professional logo. You can do this for free with Hatchful .

It took just a few minutes to create the logo below. And as you can see from the image, Hatchful provides ready-made branding images optimized for social media.

Branded Photography Business with Hatchful

How to Market Your Photography Business

Now comes the most important part of starting a photography business: landing clients. To do this, you need to market your services.

But before you start marketing your photography business, it helps to have a portfolio of work to showcase your skills. And the easiest way to display your photography portfolio is by building a professional website. 

You can do this with a service like Shopify . This service has tons of website themes built specifically for art and photography businesses.

To learn more about building your photography website, check out our guide, How to Make a Website.

Once you have an online portfolio, you can start marketing your photography business.

Begin by posting on social media and reaching out to people in your network to ask if they know anyone who may be interested in your services. It’s not uncommon for a photographer's first few clients to be people they know.

Also, make sure that you always have some business cards in your bag to give to people you meet.

Once you’ve done these steps, start networking in Facebook groups related to your target market. For example, if you’re a wedding photographer in New York, you might want to join New York Weddings .

You could also attend trade shows and events in your target market. For example, if you’re a pet photographer you could find many potential clients at dog shows.

Summary: How to Start a Photography Business

If you’re wondering how to start a photography business, here are some steps you can take:

  • Weigh the pros and cons
  • Specialize in a particular type of photography, such as weddings, fashion, or portraits
  • Figure out how much it will cost you to get started
  • Gather your equipment, like cameras, lenses, and editing software
  • Get your business in order with a payment system, business license, insurance, and contracts
  • Work out your pricing model
  • Choose a name for your photography business
  • Create a logo, and brand your business
  • Start marketing your business

Turning your hobby into your livelihood can be very rewarding. Good luck!

Want to Learn More

  • How to Take Amazing Product Photos with a Smartphone
  • Professional Photography For My Dropshipping Store? [Video]
  • 15 Product Photography Tips That'll Make You Money
  • 20 Passive Income Ideas That'll Make You Monet While You Sleep

FAQs on How to Start a Photography Business

How much money does it take to start a photography business.

Many photographers budget at least $5,000 to get started, but the actual figure depends on what type of business you are planning to start.

Portrait photography incurs lower starting costs than wedding photography, for example. How much you need also depends on your marketing budget, equipment, and what your long-term business goals are. 

How can I start a photography business with no money?

Here are some ways to start a photography business with no money:

  • Don't buy equipment, rent it instead
  • Learn the basics of photography from free courses and videos available online
  • Brush up on your skills by practicing with friends and family
  • Invest some time into building your business website instead of outsourcing it to others

How do I start my photography career?

The main camera aside, you'll also need equipment like a backup camera, lenses, a tripod, a camera bag, proper lighting, backdrops, props, a computer or laptop, and editing software.

You may also require marketing and operational tools if you're starting your own photography business.

bergreen photography logo

How to Start a Wedding Photography Business in 5 Simple Steps

Today we’re talking about how to start a wedding photography business. If you wait for the perfect business plan or for your photography skills to be at an expert level, you’ll never get anywhere. The best way to start is to get started and then worry about growth and fine-tuning.

Below are 5 Simple Steps to get yourself in the right mindset for starting a wedding photography business. Keep reading or check out the YouTube video version as well as some other relevant videos posted below. You’ll also love these unexpected business tips.

I have been a professional wedding photographer for over a decade and building a successful wedding photography business takes dedication and diligence. Hopefully, the tips I share will give you the skills and confidence to start your own wedding photography business. When we became wedding photographers, we soaked up knowledge from other more experienced wedding photographers so now we’re passing it on to you!

*Updated post!

1. Make it official

Decide to be a professional photographer.

Most wedding photographers seem to struggle with feeling like they’re professional. How many weddings would you say you need to shoot to start a wedding photography business and put your business name out there? If you want the truth, it doesn’t matter, what matters is deciding to start wherever you are.

That’s why the first step in how to start a wedding photography business is to make it official. Decide that you’re going to do it. That’s the first step, the decision.

Once you decide to start your own business there are a few ways to make it official. You can choose a business name, file a DBA, put up a wedding photography business website (I like wordpress , but squarespace is a fast and easy option), and open a business bank account so you can be sure to pay your state and federal taxes. Set up a business email ( g-mail is our favorite and we use a lot of their features!)You can even change your profiles on all of your social media accounts to really make it official.

see and welcome opportunities

The key here is this:

Once you decide, you start seeing opportunities everywhere. It’s just like once you decide to buy a blue truck you see blue trucks everywhere. What you focus on grows, the grass is greener where you water it, or whatever your favorite way of saying that is! You’ll start to run into other business owners willing to share their tips and trips.

You want to start a wedding photography business? Start! Start with the camera you have and start with the time that you have. Just start.

I promise you’ll have time to perfect your wedding photography equipment and learn how to shoot more than just natural light. You can gradually upgrade from one to two or three lenses and then add in some dramatic flash. Start with a low-pressure engagement shoot or as a second shooter for an experienced photographer if you want, but just start.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

2. Find clients

Once you make it official that you’re starting a wedding photography business, the ball starts rolling. You change your status or tell your friends and suddenly you find out that you know someone that needs a wedding photographer. Boom, your first client.

Now what? How do you find potential clients?

To be a wedding photographer, you need to take wedding photos and gain experience shooting weddings. To start a wedding photography business, you need to get paid for taking wedding photos. This might mean $500 or $5000 and in the beginning, it doesn’t matter.

market research

It’s helpful to see what local wedding photographers are doing and what they are charging because it will show you what your local market is like. If one wedding photographer seems to be charging significantly more than another, see if you can figure out why. Market research is a great first step to finding clients for your new wedding photography business and making sure you’re charging the right prices.

Many wedding photographers will take their market research and simply do what other photographers are doing. Instead, you’ll want to develop your photography style and set yourself apart. Potential clients want to know why they should hire you.

Some photographers will have a package that includes eight hours or more while others charge an hourly rate. Most of the time these days a wedding photography package includes editing and an online gallery so many couples expect that. You’ll also want to see if you can figure out where engaged couples are hanging out so you can determine how to market to them.

identifying your ideal clients

Our first wedding clients were friends or people we knew from work and I think they paid us $300. It was a win-win for all of us. It wasn’t going to allow us to quit our day jobs but it allowed us to pay for a website. And our friends didn’t get award-winning photos but they got photographers that worked really hard for them for a really good price.

If you can’t find clients, it’s a good strategy to work as a second shooter or ask some friends to model for you. It’s great to go to styled shoots or even plan your own stylized shoot that targets your ideal kind of work. But why not make a little money along the way to start building the business side of things too? The end goal is a profitable business after all.

You’ll want to slowly define and refine your target market. That means figuring out what types of weddings or elopements you want to photograph and for what types of clients. The better your wedding photography business brand and client experience, the better your referral program. Our best clients come from our best past clients.

marketing to potential clients

The best part about a wedding photography business is that you can raise your prices every year and not worry about losing clients because ideally, you’re getting new clients every year anyway! Luckily in the days of digital marketing, there are a ton of low-budget marketing ideas to start filling out your marketing plan: word of mouth, blogging, email marketing, and posting on social media are just a few.

Having great work will be a part of your marketing strategy too but don’t become too obsessed with creating the perfect portfolio. Your portfolio will evolve anyway as you grow as a photographer. Don’t worry about finding the perfect clients in the beginning, that too will come with time. Again, engagement shoots are a great way to get your feet wet.

We’re talking about starting. So start!

Here are some simple wedding photography marketing steps!

how to create a wedding photography business plan

3. Take pictures

I’ve read a lot of advice over the years about building a business and becoming a photographer. There are no magic bullets, there is no secret sauce, there is no short cut. There’s just doing the work.

Want to build a photography business? Take pictures. Want to be a better photographer? Take pictures. Take more pictures, do the work, put in the time and the effort.

If you continue to take pictures, you’ll get better and you’ll find your style. If you take pictures, you’ll have pictures to put on a website or on social media. It’s so easy to get distracted by comparing your pictures to everyone else and learning everyone’s strategies for how to do a back flip.

Remember that we’re starting a business. We’re not snapping our fingers and having a full-blown business dropped in our laps.

We’re starting.

And we’re building.

Download our free guidebook: Build Your Life . Building a life and creative business you love.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

4. Learn photography

You take pictures and then you learn. The best way to learn is to take pictures. The second best way to learn is to learn.

Find someone willing to teach and willing to share, we have a ton of content on our log like these easy camera settings . Discover free resources like those on CreativeLive or that good old fashion thing called the Library (gasp) that has free books. (Check out our recommended reading list .)

It’s also useful to learn wedding photography specifically. Learn what makes good wedding photography. That might mean what is popular or what appeals to you or what your clients want. It might mean portraiture, photojournalism, detail photos, or something else like how to use your wedding camera settings .

Make a pinterest board or an inspiration folder where you curate photos that you like and admire. What sets them apart? What makes them good? Study photography and feel free to imitate it even at first. Your unique style and creativity will grow and develop as you learn more.

We also have some YouTube videos, here’s one to get you started:

how to create a wedding photography business plan

5. Learn business

In addition to photography, learn about business. Learn about marketing and accounting and making a budget. Learn about pricing and selling.

Here’s the good news, the process is the same as above when we talking about learning photography. Find someone willing to teach, discover free resources, and consume everything you can.

Don’t agree with everything right away. There’s a lot of advice out there where people give you their road map. Your road map is going to be different. The way you build your business will impact the type of clients you attract. I can tell you what I think is most important about business, but you need to discover what’s most important to you.

aspects of the business to learn

Running a business costs money, keep your start up costs low to keep the pressure low. Then add expenses as your business grows and you start to generate revenue. Be sure to catch up on marketing and accounting in your slow season or better yet add another income stream when you’re not busy with weddings.

Calculate your ongoing expenses and put together a budget. Look at your target market and estimate the prices you would like to be charging. Some easy math will help you calculate how much business you need to drum up to make a living and set yearly goals.

If you want to be able to go full-time, you’ll need the data to prove that your business can survive. You won’t get paid by the hour for a lot of what you do but everything you do can be seen as a long-term investment in yourself.

business tools

For those of you that want information on setting up the business stuff, here are some tools we love:

  • Tave : Client Management software for sending quotes, invoices, and tracking income.
  • Trello : To-do list, collaboration, blog calendar, this app helps us stay organized and productive.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

how to start a wedding photography business in 5 simple steps:

I hope you enjoyed this post on starting a wedding photography business. Whether you’re just taking that brave step to call yourself a wedding photographer of you’ve been doing wedding photography for a few years, I wish you luck. But more important than luck, I wish you hard work that pays off.

  • Make it official and you’ll start seeing opportunities everywhere.
  • Find clients
  • Take pictures
  • Learn photography
  • Learn business

Want to do deeper? Stay tuned for our next post on Wedding Photography Tips for Beginners!

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to join our newsletter below to keep up with fresh content, let us know what you want to hear, and get our free Build Your Life e-guide .

more resources

I can wait for your to start your wedding photography business! It’s incredible to have a window into people’s lives on such a big day. One of the main reasons I love photography is witnessing and telling the love stories.

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We are Marc and Brenda Bergreen, a husband and wife photography team specializing in outdoor weddings and other adventures. Capturing people in nature and the mountain lifestyle is a passion that became a dream that became a life.

We don’t link to a lot of things but when there are books or gear we love we’ll share it and links to Amazon are affiliate links.

Based in Evergreen, CO we travel throughout the state as Colorado adventure wedding photographers . We also frequently travel to California and other wedding destinations to document love and adventure in a variety of memorable settings. Don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can help! Be sure to follow us ( weddings instagram  &  adventures instagram ) and/or like us ( facebook ) to stay tuned.

In the meantime, remember to…

love adventurously bergreen photography

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How to create a photographer business plan

  • Nirit Braun

How to create a photographer business plan

When starting a business in the photography world, having a solid business plan is like capturing that perfect shot. It's essential for bringing your vision into focus and paints a clear picture of your path to success. In this blog, we'll uncover the core elements of a photographer business plan. Keep reading for step-by-step tips on how to develop your own solid plan.

Ready to get your business off the ground? Start building a website with Wix .

Why create a business plan for a photography business?

A photographer business plan is a structured document that outlines the goals, strategies, and operational details of your photography business . It offers a range of benefits, including:

Attracting funds: Whether it's cash from investors or a loan from a bank, your business plan is your ticket to funding. It shows you've done your homework—you know your market, your competition and how to turn a profit. When you paint this clear picture, investors are more likely to bet on your photography business and increase your odds of raising money for your business .

Focusing on the right resources : Your detailed plan helps you figure out exactly what you need to get your photography business off the ground. From camera gear to lighting, editing software to studio space, and even the team members like assistants (see how to create a virtual assistant business plan ) or makeup artists, it leaves no stone unturned. This ensures your operations run smoothly without missing a beat.

Moving strategically: Your plan is your strategic compass. It helps you define your target audience, your niche and what makes your photography special. Armed with this knowledge, you can create marketing magic that resonates with your ideal clients, boosting your chances of booking and retaining customers.

Taming the unexpected: Photography isn't all about picture-perfect moments; sometimes, you face challenges. Your business plan helps you spot potential hurdles by analyzing the market and doing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) assessment. This foresight lets you put risk management strategies in place, ensuring your business can weather any storm.

Operating smoothly : With your business plan as your trusty guide, you'll have a clear path for day-to-day operations. It spells out workflows, processes, and timelines, making everything run like a well-oiled camera. Efficient operations lead to happy clients and great word-of-mouth referrals.

How to create a photographer business plan: 6 key components

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

The executive summary is a concise overview of your entire photography business plan. It provides readers with a snapshot of your business, highlighting its key aspects and value proposition. While this section appears at the beginning of the plan, it's often written after the rest of the plan is complete to ensure that all essential elements are included.

To write a clear executive summary for your photography business, focus on the following components:

Introduce your business, including your niche, style and the type of clients you plan to target.

Highlight what sets your photography services apart from competitors. This could include your artistic approach, quality of work, exceptional customer service or unique offerings and your unique selling proposition.

Briefly describe your ideal clients, including their demographics and preferences. Explain how you plan to reach and attract them.

Outline your short-term and long-term business goals. This could include targets for client bookings, revenue and market share.

Provide a snapshot of your financial projections, including startup costs, expected revenue and profitability timeline.

02. Business and domain names

Naming your business is a crucial step in building brand awareness and trust. A strong name should resonate with your target audience and convey the essence of your services. When brainstorming names, consider using a business name generator for inspiration. Ensure that the chosen name is unique, easy to remember and reflects your photography style.

Once you finalize your company name, it's essential to secure a matching domain name for your business website . A domain name that aligns with your company name helps establish a consistent online presence. Use a domain name registrar to check the availability of your chosen name and consider these best practices:

Keep it short and simple

Include keywords where possible

Avoid hyphens and numbers

You can also look to this compilation of photography business name ideas for inspiration.

Once you’ve landed on a small business name , follow the steps for registering your business .

03. Market analysis and research

Incorporating a thorough market analysis into your business plan helps you understand the competitive landscape and craft a more effective business strategy. Research your target market's preferences, demographics and behaviors. Study your competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This analysis guides your pricing strategy, service offerings and marketing tactics.

By conducting a SWOT analysis, you can identify internal and external factors that could impact your business. This information informs your marketing approach, allowing you to leverage strengths and capitalize on opportunities while mitigating weaknesses and threats.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan outlines the practical aspects of running your photography business. This section includes details such as your business location, premises (if you have a studio), equipment and staffing needs. Define the workflow of a typical photography session, from client inquiry to final product delivery. Specify the equipment you'll use, whether it's cameras, lenses, lighting or editing software.

If you plan to have a physical studio, detail its layout and design to create a welcoming and conducive environment for your clients. Address staffing needs, whether you intend to work solo or hire assistants, makeup artists or administrative staff.

05. Marketing and advertising plan

In your business plan, outline your marketing and advertising strategies to effectively promote your photography business. Tailor your approach to your target audience. For instance, if you're focusing on wedding photography, social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest can be powerful tools. If you're specializing in corporate headshots, LinkedIn may be more relevant.

Detail your branding, including your logo, color palette and overall visual identity. Lay out your content marketing strategy, which might involve blogging about photography tips, sharing behind-the-scenes stories or showcasing client success stories. Additionally, plan your paid advertising efforts, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, to reach potential clients directly.

Use Wix’s logo maker to get some photography logo ideas for your business.

06. Financial plan

The financial plan is a cornerstone of your photographer business plan. It outlines how your business will be funded initially and how you project it will reach profitability. This section includes:

A list of expenses required to launch your business, including equipment purchases, studio setup, marketing materials, cost to start an LLC if relevant and legal fees.

Revenue projections to estimate your expected income based on your pricing strategy and the number of sessions you anticipate booking.

Include ongoing costs and operating expenses like equipment maintenance, rent, utilities, marketing expenses and insurance.

Provide a forecast of your revenue and expenses over the next few years as well as profit and loss projections. These projections help you understand when your business is likely to become profitable.

Detail where your startup capital is coming from and your funding sources, whether it's personal savings, loans or investments.

Determine the point at which your total revenue matches your total expenses, indicating when your business starts making a profit. This is known as break-even analysis.

Estimate your monthly cash inflow and outflow to ensure you have sufficient funds to cover expenses at all times.

steps to developing a business plan

Photography business plan example 1: UrbanLens Photography

Part 1: executive summary.

UrbanLens Photography is a creative photography studio specializing in urban lifestyle and portrait photography. Our unique blend of artistic vision and technical expertise allows us to capture authentic moments that resonate with our clients. We target young professionals and couples seeking vibrant and modern photography that reflects their dynamic personalities.

Our goal is to establish UrbanLens Photography as a leading name in urban photography within the next three years. With a commitment to exceptional customer service and innovative visual storytelling, we aim to achieve a 15% market share in our target region. Our financial projections indicate steady revenue growth, with profitability expected within the first year.

Part 2: company and domain names

After careful consideration, we have chosen "UrbanLens Photography" as our company name. This name reflects our focus on urban environments and our lens' ability to capture the essence of these settings. We have secured the domain name "" to align with our company name and provide a memorable online presence for our clients.

Part 3: market analysis and research

Through comprehensive market research, we have identified a growing demand for urban lifestyle photography among young professionals. Our target audience values creativity, diversity and authenticity in their visual content. By conducting a SWOT analysis, we recognize opportunities to leverage our strengths in capturing urban dynamics while mitigating potential weaknesses by continually refining our technical skills.

Part 4: operations plan

UrbanLens Photography will operate as a mobile studio, allowing us to capture urban moments in various locations. Our team will consist of the photographer, an assistant for larger projects and a part-time administrative support. For editing and post-production, we will use professional-grade software to enhance the quality of our images.

Part 5: marketing and advertising plan

Our marketing strategy focuses on creating an engaging online presence through social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. We will showcase our unique style through a captivating portfolio, behind-the-scenes glimpses and client testimonials. Additionally, we will run targeted online ads to reach potential clients in our target demographic.

Part 6: financial plan

Startup costs

Camera equipment: $8,000

Studio setup and props: $2,500

Marketing materials: $1,000

Legal fees and permits: $500

Website development: $1,200

Initial operating expenses: $2,000

Funding sources

Personal savings: $6,000

Small business loan: $8,000

Revenue projections

Year 1: $40,000

Year 2: $60,000

Year 3: $80,000

Break-even analysis

Expected break-even point within the first year.

Photography business plan example 2: NatureCapture Photography

NatureCapture Photography is a specialized photography business focusing on landscape, wildlife and nature photography. With a deep appreciation for the natural world, our goal is to capture the breathtaking beauty of landscapes and wildlife, sharing these moments with individuals who share our passion for nature.

We aim to establish NatureCapture Photography as a recognized name in the nature photography industry within three years. By providing unique and captivating images that evoke emotion and connection, we strive to achieve steady growth and profitability, expanding our reach to a global audience.

We've selected "NatureCapture Photography" as our company name to reflect our dedication to capturing the essence of the natural world. Our corresponding domain name, "," aligns seamlessly with our brand identity and facilitates an online platform for clients to explore our portfolio.

Thorough market research has revealed a niche audience of nature enthusiasts, travelers and conservationists who value visual storytelling of natural landscapes and wildlife. By conducting a SWOT analysis, we've identified opportunities to collaborate with eco-tourism companies and contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

NatureCapture Photography will operate as a mobile studio, allowing us to explore various natural environments and capture stunning landscapes. Our equipment will include specialized lenses for wildlife photography and drones for aerial shots. Our operations will be streamlined to ensure efficient photo editing and prompt client delivery.

Part 5: Marketing and advertising plan

Our marketing strategy focuses on engaging with our target audience through social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. We will curate a visually captivating portfolio, share educational content about the locations and species we capture, and collaborate with nature-focused organizations for joint promotional efforts.

Part 6: Financial plan

Camera equipment and lenses: $10,000

Drone and accessories: $2,500

Editing software and tools: $1,200

Marketing materials: $800

Initial operating expenses: $1,500

Personal savings: $7,000

Crowdfunding campaign: $4,000

Year 1: $30,000

Year 2: $50,000

Year 3: $70,000

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How to start a photography business

how to create a wedding photography business plan

November 29, 2021


Starting a photography business takes a lot more than some skill with the camera (although that is a significant part of it). To be successful, you’ll also need to tap into your entrepreneurial spirit and embrace the business side of the industry. If you’re thinking of turning your passion for photography into a side hustle or full-time gig, you’re in the right place. Read on for a complete breakdown of how to start your own photography business, including the pros and cons of being a small business owner, what you’ll need to get started, and how to create your photography business plan.

Pros and cons of starting a photography business

Turning your love of photography into a full-time (or even part-time) business is a big decision. There’s a pretty significant difference between doing something because you love it and relying on your passion to pay the bills and put food on the table. So, you may want to consider the pros and cons of going from hobby photographer to professional photographer before you make the leap.

Pros of starting your own photography business

  • Turn your passion into your dream job. When you start doing professional photography, you get the chance to escape a day job that may not be fulfilling and actually make money doing what you love.
  • Be your own boss. Part of being a business photographer means that you get to call all the shots. This gives you the freedom that you may be missing in your nine-to-five job.
  • Meet new people and gain new experiences. As a photographer, you’ll get the chance to meet all sorts of people and photograph different events and locations. If you like variety, you can set up your business so that no two days are ever the same.
  • Be a part of the magic. Depending on which type of photography you do, you may get the opportunity to capture some of the most special memories in a person’s life, such as weddings and a parent’s first moments with their newborn. As you embark on this journey, you may wonder, “how long does it take to get an LLC approved?” The process can vary depending on the state you’re in, ranging from a few days to a few weeks, but having an LLC can provide legal protection and added credibility to your photography business. Moreover, understanding the LLC cost associated with this process which is also different depending on the state is essential for planning and budgeting effectively.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Cons of starting your own photography business

  • It’s more than just photography. When you run a small business, you’re also responsible for marketing, administration, accounting, and other tasks. You’ll need to spend a lot of time researching how to start your own photography business, including your target market’s pricing, packaging, and branding practices.
  • There’s less stability. When you’re working for yourself, you won’t have as stable an income as you’d have in a regular full-time job. You may even need to work two jobs while you build up your photography business. Plus, you’ll be in charge of finding your own health insurance and retirement savings accounts.
  • You may need to work unconventional hours. If you’re an event photographer, you’ll probably have to work a lot of nights and weekends. This can make it difficult to spend time with friends and family that go to school or work more traditional nine-to-five jobs.
  • Impostor syndrome is real. When you’re first starting out, it can take a while to build up confidence in your skills as a photographer and business owner. While you’re getting used to things, you may find it difficult or awkward to market yourself and charge professional rates.
  • You turn your passion into work. As a professional photographer, you have to take photos whether you feel inspired or not. When you’re photographing and editing all day for your clients, you may find you have less time and motivation to work on personal photography projects. What’s more, if you’re not sure how to market “you as a brand” online, it can be intimidating to know where to start .

If running a successful photography business was simple and easy, every amateur photographer would do it. However, if this is what you really want to do, you shouldn’t be scared off by a little hard work. You can go far in making your dreams a reality if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.

What do you need to start?

To start your own professional photography business, you’ll need more than just a good camera. Your exact needs will depend on the type of photography that you specialize in, but some general photography must-haves include:

  • A camera, back-up camera, and lenses that can capture high-quality photos. Before you buy, make sure that you research which photography equipment is best for the types of pictures you’ll be taking.
  • Memory cards and an external hard drive to store your photos.
  • A tripod, flashes, and lighting equipment.
  • A bag to carry your photography equipment in while you’re on the job.
  • Photo editing software, such as Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, or Picsart.
  • A computer or laptop to edit your photos on.
  • Backdrops and props. Depending on which type of photography you do, you may also need a studio space or home photography studio .
  • A photo printer and quality photo paper (if you’re planning on selling prints of your pictures).

In addition to photography equipment, you’ll also need some general business supplies. These can include:

  • A photography website and online portfolio. To increase website traffic , you should look into buying a unique domain name and research best practices for search engine optimization (SEO) for your site.
  • Business cards and brochures.
  • Professional social media accounts, such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.
  • Any business licenses and insurance policies you need to operate a photography business in your state.
  • Accounting software and payment systems.
  • A business bank account and possibly a business credit card.
  • Client contracts (you should be able to find templates online).

Elements of a good photography business plan

If you’re really serious about being a business owner, you’ll want to do everything you can to ensure the success of your new venture. This includes researching your industry and target market to create a plan for your business. Elements that you should have in your photography business plan are:

  • Your business name and business type (you’ll probably be a sole proprietor or limited liability corporation when you’re first starting out).
  • An executive summary that includes a description of your photography services, business idea, and mission statement.
  • A detailed description of your company, including your business goals, the products and services that you intend to sell, and your potential clients.
  • An analysis of your market and your competitors. This should include industry demand trends, pricing practices, a summary of local businesses you’ll be competing with, and a description of how your business will stand out from the rest of the pack.
  • A description of your costs, including startup costs, marketing materials, and operational costs that you’ll incur while running your business.
  • A marketing plan that describes your business branding , how you’ll find new clients, and how you’ll market your products and services to your target audience.
  • A financial projection of your expected expenses and revenue during the first year of business.

Doing the research you need to create your business plan can give you valuable insight into how to start your own photography business. Even if you never end up showing this document to someone else, it will still give you the direction you need to operate a successful photography business. Furthermore, if you want to start a photography business, you should consider a membership platform . It streamlines operations, from contract to communication, ensuring growth and retention.

8 ideas for your photography business

A key part of starting your own photography business is putting together ideas for photographs and deciding which type of photography you want to go into. Most successful photographers specialize in one area because it makes it easier to find clients and book jobs (think about it – you’re not going to hire a real estate photographer to take pictures at your wedding.)

This is a big decision because different types of photography will have different startup costs, business hours, and target audiences. To help you brainstorm, here are a few ideas for specialized photography businesses:

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Edit your professional photography with Picsart

Now that you’re familiar with the basics of how to start your own photography business, let’s get into how you can edit professional-quality photos using Picsart:

In the app:

1) Open the Picsart app and tap the purple plus sign (+) at the bottom of the screen to upload one of your photos.

2) Tap Tools and Crop in the bottom toolbar to crop any non-essential parts from the image. You can also click Resize to edit the size of your photo. When you’re finished, tap Apply in the top right corner.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

3) Tap Adjust in the Tools menu to adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, highlights, shadows, and temperature of the image. Then, click Apply.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

4) Select Effects to add a filter to your photo. Tap on your filter a second time to edit how it’s applied to the image. (Pro Tip: Create your own custom presets and save them as a Picsart replay to easily apply the same edits to every photo in a series.)

5) After you’re finished editing your photo, tap Next on the top right of your screen to save and share your creation.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

In the web browser:

1) Open the Picsart photo editor and select a size for your image.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

2) In the left-hand toolbar, select Uploads to select the image you want to edit. If you need to, click Fit in the toolbar to adjust the size of your image.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

3) A toolbar will pop up above the photo. Click Adjust to alter the brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, highlights, shadows, and temperature of the image.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

4) Click on Effects in the left-hand toolbar to add a filter to your photo.

5) After you’re finished editing your photo, tap Export on the top right of your screen to save and share your image.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Create at the Speed of Culture

Picsart is a photo and video editing platform and creative community. A top 20 most downloaded app worldwide with over 150 million monthly active users, its AI-powered tools enable creators of all levels to design, edit, draw, and share content anywhere. The platform has amassed one of the largest open-source content collections in the world, including photos, stickers, backgrounds, templates, and more. Used by consumers, marketers, content creators and businesses , Picsart tools fulfill both personal and professional design needs. Picsart has collaborated with major artists and brands like BLACKPINK, Taylor Swift, Lizzo, Ariana Grande, Warner Bros. Entertainment, iHeartMedia, Condé Nast, and more. Download the app or start editing on web today, and upgrade to Gold for premium perks!

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How to start a photography business from scratch

Amy Wilder Community Manager

Aug 5, 2024

As a passionate photographer, you probably have dreams of setting up your own photography business, where you capture stunning shots and share your ideal client’s special memories. But before diving into your photography career, you need to lay the groundwork.

This step-by-step guide covers the photography business basics – from necessary camera gear to marketing strategies, with tips to help you market your business and manage expenses. By the end, you’ll have the tools to turn your passion into a thriving photography business.

Laying the groundwork: registering your photography business and creating a business plan

To get your photography business off the ground, the first thing you need to do is to make it legit. Registering your business establishes you as an official business owner and allows you to open business bank accounts, obtain proper insurance, and handle other administrative tasks.

Choosing a business structure

The business structure you choose depends on your needs and goals. As a sole proprietor , you have minimal paperwork but are personally liable for business debts. An LLC protects you from personal liability, but involves more paperwork and requires annual filings. For larger operations, a corporation may make sense. Consult with a lawyer to determine what’s right for your vision.

Crafting your business plan

A solid business plan is essential for any new business owner. In it, you should outline your business model , identify your ideal clients , and plan effective marketing strategies. Map out the type of photography you want to focus on, estimate your business expenses, and set financial goals. Review and revise your plan regularly as your business evolves.

Setting your rates

Do some research on other professional photographers who operate in your area and offer similar services. Find out how much they charge for different types of photography sessions, to give you a benchmark. You’ll want to charge less if you are just beginning your photography career, but make sure you price high enough to cover your operating costs. 

Defining your niche: choosing a photography specialty

Choosing a photography specialty is one of the most important steps in starting a photography business. Do you want to be a wedding photographer, focus on family portraits, or maybe pursue commercial work? As a new business owner, it’s best to focus on one type of photography so you can build your skills and perfect your craft.

Wedding photography, for example, requires tons of experience to master. Portraits require strong interpersonal skills, so that you can quickly build a relationship with your subjects. Think about what subjects or events excite you most as an artist. You might want to explore different options and see what ignites your passion. 

Equipping yourself: must-haves for starting a photography business

To start a photography business, you’ll need professional equipment. Invest in a high-quality DSLR or mirrorless camera, ideally with a full-frame sensor, and a selection of versatile lenses. For portraits, a 50mm or 85mm prime lens is ideal. For weddings, a 24-70mm or 70-200mm zoom allows you to capture groups and details. Don’t forget extra batteries, memory cards, a flash, and a sturdy tripod.

Building your portfolio: tips for budding photographers

As a new photography business owner, building a stunning portfolio is key to landing your ideal clients and jumpstarting your photography career. Here are some tips to build a portfolio that will have potential clients lining up.

Focus on one type of photography 

Don’t try to be all things to all people, at least not when you’re first starting out. Decide on the type of photography you want to specialize in, like wedding, portrait, or product photography. This will allow you to hone your skills and build a cohesive portfolio in that style.

Invest in good equipment

Having high quality equipment is essential for professional photographers. Save up to invest in a great camera, multiple lenses, lighting equipment, and plenty of memory cards. Your equipment is the foundation for building an impressive portfolio.

Practice and experiment

Take lots of photos to improve your technique and skill. Try different angles, poses, lighting, and editing styles. Get friends and family to pose for you. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it. Review and edit your photos to see what’s working and what you can improve.

Select the best for your portfolio 

Once you’ve practiced and are creating photos you’re really proud of, choose 15-30 of your very best photos that showcase your style and talent. Organize them in a simple but elegant way on your website, and update them regularly as you take on new clients and your skills improve.

Encourage subjects with discounted shots

As a new photography business owner, start by offering discounted or free shoots. This is a good way to attract trial customers for photos that you can put in your portfolio.

Attracting clients: marketing and networking strategies for photography businesses

As a new photography business owner, your success depends on finding your ideal clients and attracting them to your services. Here are some key marketing strategies to get your photography career off the ground.

Build an appealing website 

In today’s digital age, the first place potential clients will look for a photographer is online. Build a professional website to showcase your work and the types of photography you offer. Include details about your photography services, packages and rates.

Nurture a strong online presence

Establish profiles on social media platforms like Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram and post regularly to increase visibility. Engaging with your followers and potential clients is a great way to market your business.

Promote your portfolio 

As a new business owner, your portfolio is your best marketing tool. One of the best ways to attract new clients as a photography business owner is to build an impressive portfolio of your work. 

Work with other small business owners

Consider teaming up with other vendors like wedding planners to gain business opportunities. Use social media and your website to feature photos from these sessions to garner more interest from potential clients. 

Encourage reviews and referrals

Reach out to past clients for reviews and testimonials to strengthen your credibility. Satisfied clients provide referrals to help you win new business, so provide top-notch service and stunning images. 

Network and make personal connections 

Attend industry events to connect with fellow photography business owners, wedding planners, and venues. Word-of-mouth referrals and recommendations from other trusted vendors are an excellent way to find new clients. 

Get your new photography business off to a flying start

While starting a photography business takes dedication, if you go in with a step by step plan, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a professional photographer in no time. Keep learning, improving your craft and providing outstanding service to your clients. With hard work and persistence, you can turn your passion for photography into a thriving business.

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Casting the Magic of Love into Everlasting Memories

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Home » Blog » Modern photography trends for your wedding clients.

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Modern photography trends for your wedding clients.

wedding couple posing together at sunset

The wedding photography industry has undergone a significant change over the past few years, moving away from traditional and staged snapshots and embracing candid yet more innovative techniques to capture a couple’s special day. 

As wedding photographers , it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest trends to provide our clients with the best possible service and ensure their wedding memories are preserved in a way that reflects their unique style, vision, and personal preferences. 

Take a look at the modern wedding photography trends that industry experts suggest and that your clients might ask you about. 

1. Drone wedding Photography of couple in field

1. Drone photography 

Drone photography, also known as aerial photography, has been gaining significant attention these days, allowing photographers to capture breathtaking views of the venue, group shots, and candid moments from above. Moreover, the flexibility of drones can help you document the entire event without any obstruction, showcasing the magnificence of the celebration and enhancing the overall visuals in ways that ground-based lenses simply cannot.

2. Blurry movement wedding portrait

2. Blurry movements

Blurry movements, unlike stiff and traditional posed shots, emphasize the fluidity and spontaneity of moments, making photos more candid and genuine. By using techniques such as slow shutter speeds, you can capture wedding images that portray the movement of dancing, the rush of a hug, or the swirl of a bride’s dress. This trend not only adds a sense of motion but also makes your clients feel as if they’re reliving the moment whenever they look at the photos. 

3. Double Exposure wedding Photography portrait

3. Double-exposure photography

This creative photography technique involves layering two images together in one frame. By blending scenes, such as the couple’s portrait, with a beautiful landscape or important details from the wedding decor, you can create a visually compelling image that goes beyond traditional wedding photography styles. However, the double exposure technique requires technical mastery, as the effect can be overused or oversaturated, which could damage the photo’s quality. 

4. True color editing photo of bride with bouquet

4. True color editing

Enough of the heavy color grading and intensive corrections. An increasing number of clients appreciate true-to-color photos due to their ability to provide a more accurate representation of their special day, creating memories that look as vivid and true-to-life years later as they did in the moment. This modern wedding photography trend maintains natural hues, ensuring that skin tones appear realistic, flowers and decor retain their intended colors, and the overall mood of the event is accurately preserved.

5. Animated Gif wedding portrait

5. Animated GIFs  

GIFs are short sequences of images or video clips that create a looping animation, often lasting just a few seconds. This format can be used to highlight key moments from the wedding, such as the first dance, the married couple’s kiss, or the cutting of the wedding cake. Additionally, animated GIFs are easy to share on social media platforms and via email, making them a convenient choice for your tech-savvy clients and their guests.

Remember, your clients are not just looking for a photographer; they’re looking for a creative companion who can help them preserve their most cherished moments for years to come. By embracing the modern wedding photography trends discussed above, as well as drawing wedding inspiration from other resources, you’ll be able to offer them a unique and unforgettable experience, from the moment they book you until the final image is delivered.

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Amanda W

Amanda is the Content Marketing Specialist at Zenfolio and the Owner/Photographer of Wild Orchard Studios photography. A BFA graduate from Maine College of Art and Design and professional Portrait, Family, and Branding photographer for nearly 20 years, she thoroughly enjoys drawing from her experiences to guide new photographers as they are starting out. Amanda lives in the wilds of Maine with her husband and two imaginative daughters. If there’s such a thing as too much dark chocolate, she hasn’t heard about it.

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A Complete Guide to Wedding Photography Prices

We asked several experts to break down the costs associated with their services.

how to create a wedding photography business plan

Photo by Andrea Camarena

In This Article

The key to successfully planning a wedding lies in the details, as wedding planning requires couples to meticulously map out party elements that are unique to them and their love story. However, most of these details aren't fully admired on the big day since weddings tend to fly by in the blink of an eye. But after months of organizing your seating chart , shopping for day-of looks, and taste-testing cake flavors, among other components, the last thing you want is to not remember the hard work you put into making your special day, well, special. That's where wedding photography comes in: Once you’ve walked down the aisle, said "I do," and danced the night away with friends and family, your photos will serve as a physical reminder of all the elements that made your ceremony and reception memorable. They will also capture the details you may have otherwise missed while you were focused on marrying the love of your life. Meaning, hiring the right wedding photographer is a crucial part of the planning process.

But how much do wedding photographers cost? Is there an average amount someone should spend to get the best photos post-wedding ? What percentage of a couple's wedding budget should be allotted to photography? If any of these questions have popped into your mind, you're in luck, as we have all the answers you need. Here, we asked the experts to break down the finances in our complete guide to wedding photography prices.

Meet the Expert

  • Jenny Fu is a wedding photographer in New York with over a decade of experience. She is also the owner of Jenny Fu Studio .
  • KT Merry is a global luxury destination wedding and editorial photographer and the founder of her eponymous business. 
  • Kate Ryan is the owner of Gold Leaf Event Design & Production , a luxury destination event planning and design firm with offices in Aspen, Colorado, and New York City. She’s been planning weddings (and working with photographers!) for 13 years.
  • Tom Keene is the owner and primary photographer of LAdigitalPhoto , which is located in Pasadena, California.

Photo by Adovasio Studio

The Average Cost of a Wedding Photographer

The cost of a wedding photographer depends on a variety of factors, such as the location and the vendor’s experience level. That being said, average pricing falls around $2,500 to $4,000—though wedding photographer costs can range anywhere from $1,000 to $50,000 and higher in the United States.

This then begs the question, "How do wedding photographers like to be paid?" While payment schedules vary among photographers, most choose a two- or three-payment system. In a two-payment system, the first payment is the deposit (due with the signed contract ), and the second payment is the remaining balance (due 30 days before the wedding). In a three-payment system, the last payment is split into two separate payments, and clients typically pay one installment before the wedding and one when the final images are ready to go.

The Top Factors That Affect Wedding Photography Prices

Here, the experts share some of the biggest contributors that often influence wedding photography prices. 

The Location

Region is one element that can increase or decrease the total price of wedding photography. For instance, New York City photographer Jenny Fu of Jenny Fu Studio explains that wedding photography costs around $8,000 to $10,000 in Manhattan, whereas pricing tends to be lower in non-metropolitan areas. “Photographers in cities, like New York City , often charge more to cover living costs and their business,” she explains. So if you’re tying the knot outside of a costly city, like in the Midwest, expect prices to be lower.

The Photographer's Expertise

In addition to the region, the experience level of the photographer plays a large role in determining overall package prices. According to Fu, hiring someone with years of experience under their belt means you can trust that your pro will be able to capture the best shots in any lighting and weather conditions, and skillfully catch fleeting moments like your parents’ reactions when you walk down the aisle. Since Fu has over a decade of experience shooting weddings, her packages range from $15,000 to $25,000. 

KT Merry is a destination wedding photographer who also has a decade of experience in the industry. Not to mention, she’s a luxury photographer and has a roster of celebrity clients, all of which affect the amount she charges. With her expertise and clientele, her services begin at $50,000, though she is able to adjust costs to suit her client's needs and preferences. 

More experienced photographers have usually mastered the art of editing and usually own state-of-the-art equipment, so planner Kate Ryan of Gold Leaf Event Design & Production adds that these two elements also affect their price tags.

The Amount of Time the Vendor Works

Some photographers charge their clients based on how long they are hired to snap shots at the wedding. For instance, photographer Tom Keene of LAdigitalPhoto in Southern California provides an average rate of $1,500 for six hours of coverage and around $2,000 for eight hours. In general, the longer your vendor works your event, the more money you’ll need to pay them.

The Demand of the Photographer

Since Saturdays are the most popular time of the week to say “I do,” wedding photography will cost a lot more money if you’re throwing a weekend function versus one on a weekday . This should come as no surprise, though: Since photographers are in high demand over the weekend, the price of their services will reflect that. (While Fu charges at least $15,000 for her minimum package, a weekday elopement is around $5,000 to $10,000.)

Photo by Magi Fisher

How Wedding Photographers Create Their Package Rates

Wedding photographers usually offer robust photography packages at varying rates. For Fu, specifically, a minimum package will typically cost $15,000 for eight hours of photography coverage, two shooters, digital images, and a bespoke linen box with 15 fine art matted prints. Those who want more of Fu’s services get all of the above, plus 10 to 12 hours of coverage, multiple photographers, an heirloom wedding album, an engagement session , and rehearsal dinner coverage (the cost of these additional services is up to $25,000). But no matter the package that the couple selects, she will always deliver 600 to 800 fully edited images.

Merry also creates custom proposal packages depending on her clients’ vision and wants—but regardless of the type of package, she offers every one of her couples an experienced team of shooters—including her husband, Chad—digital images, and printed proofs in a custom box. If one of her clients desires additional coverage, Merry charges any extra time at a flat hourly rate. She also gives couples the option of adding a custom album at a later point.

Since Keene charges by the hour, from two to 12 hours, he doesn’t offer well-defined packages. That being said, each of his clients typically receives edited, high-resolution photos less than 10 days after the wedding and a five-to-seven-minute video set to music. For coverage that extends beyond eight hours, Keene will also provide an engagement session. Some optional charges for couples are a wedding photo album and a second shooter.

How to Find an Affordable Wedding Photographer

To choose the right person for the job—one you can afford—Fu advises researching photographers within your budget and then exploring their portfolios, making note of which styles resonate with you. Merry further suggests booking the best photographer in your price range and then deciding whether or not you want to splurge on the extras. “If they need to wait for some of the bells and whistles until after the wedding, they can always add it down the line,” Merry adds. “It’s pretty much impossible to go back and make the photographs better after the fact.”

All this to say, never book a photographer you can't afford—especially since there are tons of talented professionals available at varying price points. Plus, since these vendors typically offer an array of packages at different costs, spending above your means isn't necessary. Another tip? Avoid trying to negotiate the price. According to Fu, having an open conversation about your budget is an important part of the initial consultation, as that'll help you land on the right person, at the right price, without having to to try and bargain a new rate.

Tipping your photographer isn’t a requirement and photographers don’t expect a tip. However, giving your vendor extra cash is a considerate gesture that goes a long way with your vendor.

Photography and videography typically account for about 15 percent of a couple’s overall budget. 

The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Photography

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