1. Homework Strategies For Kids With Adhd Autism Paing Coach Penny Williams

    how to help my autistic child with homework

  2. How do I help my child with autism to write homework independently

    how to help my autistic child with homework

  3. Creating an Autism-Friendly Homeschooling Routine

    how to help my autistic child with homework

  4. Autism And Doing Homework

    how to help my autistic child with homework

  5. 10 Ways to Help Autistic child LIKE Homework » Autism Help Studio

    how to help my autistic child with homework

  6. Creating an Autism-Friendly Homeschooling Routine

    how to help my autistic child with homework



  2. Teaching basic level addition to autistic kid

  3. How can I help my Autistic child be authentic to themselves and take part in the world around them?

  4. How to teach mental Math's skills at home to an autistic kid


  1. Homework Strategies for Children on the Autism Spectrum

    Here are some strategies we've used to help our son's homework time become less of a battle and more of an engaging learning experience. 1. Make a "to-do" list: My son, as with most kids with autism, loves routine and predictability. Before we sit down to do homework, I come up with a list of tasks that I think my son can tackle in one ...

  2. Homework

    Homework - a guide for parents and carers Learn about some of the possible reasons why your child might have difficulty with their homework and some strategies you can use to help your child finish their homework.

  3. Make Homework Easier For Children With Autism: Effective Homework

    Establishing a Homework Routine. Creating a consistent homework routine is essential for children with autism. Establishing a designated time and place for homework helps provide structure and predictability. Ensure that the environment is free from distractions and clutter, allowing the child to focus on the task at hand.

  4. Homework

    Autistic children and young people might have difficulties with their homework. There are many reasons for this and there are things you can do to help.

  5. Strategies to Help Children on the Autism Spectrum with Homework

    Many parents think their children should do homework as soon as they get home from school, but this might not be the best time for your child. Children—particularly those with autism—often need time to decompress and unwind after school.

  6. Autistic Child Refuses To Do Anything? Here's How to Help

    Learn how to support an autistic child who refuses to do anything and help them participate in daily and school activities.

  7. Finding Success With Homework

    Get into a routine and have a set time to do homework with your child. Consider visuals to support your homework. Timers can help, too! Minimize distractions for you both. Turn off the TV, put away the tablets and phones to maximize focus. Keep a homework basket or bin for any supplies you need. My own kids have a bin with pencils, markers ...

  8. 10 Ways to Help Autistic child LIKE Homework

    So your child is in school. And your child gets homework. Or you might be homeschooling AND you are trying to find other ways to get your child into some independent learning. This post is for Autistic and Non Autistic children, as well as parents. Some Background Info… I am an Autistic mother to...

  9. These Strategies Can Help Motivate Children on the Autism Spectrum

    As an autistic advocate who has raised a son on the spectrum and works as an autism consultant, I get asked lots of questions about motivation — specifically how to motivate a child or teen on the autism spectrum. This lack of apparent motivation relates to almost anything that isn't a preferred activity, such as self-care, homework, social activities or trying anything new. Here's what ...

  10. How to Support Autistic Kids with Their Homework

    Explore actionable steps to make homework time productive for an autistic child. From motivation to routine. ABA therapy brings academic success closer.

  11. Homework Tool Kit

    Homework skills are necessary for students to master. They teach self-sufficiency, responsibility, and how to follow directions. Despite these benefits, parents find themselves dealing with their children's apathy and disinterest in homework. When that child also has autism, parents can find additional challenges including attention deficits, tantrums or difficulties with organization. This ...

  12. How to Help Your Autistic Child Learn at Home

    Wondering how to help your autistic child learn in class and at home? From practical strategies to books and the best online resources, here you'll find ways to help your autistic child work towards a happy learning journey! We know as parents it is natural to worry that your autistic child's learning might be in jeopardy.

  13. School-Work Problems in Children on the Autism Spectrum

    School-Work Problems in Children on the Autism Spectrum "My 10-year-old son, TJ, is in the 5th grade and has high functioning autism. Every night we get into arguments over schoolwork that causes him to have huge temper tantrum.

  14. Homework strategies for kids with ADHD, autism

    Homework is a parenting struggle for the majority of us raising kids with ADHD and/or high-functioning autism. It's personally the most dreaded time of the day. There are some rules and strategies to implement to make it a bit better {thank goodness!}.

  15. My ASD Child: Resolving "Homework Battles" with Children on the Autism

    Resolving "Homework Battles" with Children on the Autism Spectrum "Getting my son to do his homework has become a nightly battle. We are at the point of arguing constantly, which clearly is making a bad problem worse. Is there a way I can help him understand the importance of education and to develop some interest in following through with schoolwork?"

  16. How Parents Can Manage Autism Spectrum and Homework Issues

    Homework Help Is on the Way! A child with a disorder on the autism spectrum and homework issues seem to go hand in hand. After all, homework is not something most children enjoy, and many kids with autism or Asperger's disorder find it especially difficult to finish assignments at home. Getting homework accomplished with minimal problems is as simple as following the following tips.

  17. Top 5 Ways to Help Your Child with Autism with Focus ...

    Incorporate movement and exercise into his day. By encouraging your child to move around, especially before an in-seat task, you are respecting his needs. All children need movement to help them focus, but your child with autism needs it even more. Encourage exercises like jumping jacks, bouncing on a trampoline, running in place, push-ups, sit ...

  18. How to support your autistic child at home

    Wondering how to support an autistic child at home? Learn some ways to adapt their environment and nurture their emotional health.

  19. 10 ways a parent can help their autistic child

    10 ways a parent can help their autistic child. This is a post by Kimberlee Rutan McCafferty, mother to two sons on the autism spectrum and an Autism Family Partner at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). Kim is also the author of a blog about her two children with autism. It seems impossible, but somehow you've crossed ...

  20. 7 ways to make homework easier for students with autism

    For educators and parents working with neurodivergent children, here are some strategies to implement when assisting them with homework Homework can be challenging for all children, but for students with autism, it can be challenging. It is common for children with autism to have difficulties with executive functioning abilities, including planning, organization, and prioritization.

  21. 10 Ways to Prepare Your Autistic Child for College

    Katelyn Decker, an autistic adult, offers advice to help your child on the autism spectrum who is starting college / university.

  22. My ASD Child: Aspergers Children and Homework Problems

    Aspergers Children and Homework Problems A major cause of agony for Aspergers (high functioning autistic) students, their parents and educators is the unsatisfactory completion of homework. These children often have an emotional reaction to the mere thought of having to start their homework - and have difficulty completing assigned tasks. There may be two explanations for this: (1) their ...

  23. 5 Tips to Boost your Child with Autism's Concentration

    Autistic kids struggle to concentrate on things that don't interest them. Here are 5 practical tips to help improve your special child's concentration.

  24. How To Advocate Successfully At School For Your Child With Autism

    You want what's best for your child with autism, but you're not a teacher or a speech and language pathologist. How do you get the school's special education team to listen to your ideas?

  25. School homework: This is how you can help your children

    A quiet and organized space for your children to get their homework done is one thing parents can do now to help ensure your child has a successful school year.

  26. Q: "How Do I Support My Child with ADHD During Our Divorce?"

    Parenting through divorce is extra challenging when a neurodivergent child exhibits behavioral changes like lying and acting out. Learn how to support your child with ADHD during a separation.

  27. How to Spend Time to Maximize Happiness

    Key points. How we spend our time impacts happiness. Some activities make us happier than others. Simply knowing this can help you prioritize your resources and plan accordingly.

  28. My Wife Isn't 'Just' a Stepmom to My Son; She's His Other Mom

    The writer's wife has been a stepmom in her son's life since he was 6. She helps with parenting duties, and her son now sees her as his third parent.