metu thesis database

Before you start working on your thesis, it is practical to look at theses written in previous years. What topics have been well-covered? What are some of the most important pieces of literature? What do the theses written with the guidance of a specific advisor look like? These and similar questions are easily answered by the archived thesis collection of METU.

If your question more directly concerns format requirements, your first option should be to consult our Student Requirement System . The 2 nd Annex contains information on the thesis requirements. In terms of referencing, we now follow the current (7 th ) standard of APA. You can find more help with this at  our CooSpace Scene .

What you can and can’t do with archived theses:

  • Find inspiration
  • Find a place to start collecting literature
  • Take a better look at accepted variations in formatting (Be aware that the requirements may have changed over the years! Make sure what you follow is recent.)

You can’t

  • Copy or save all or part of the thesis. You can’t make a reproduction of any kind, nor can you publish all or part of another person’s thesis anywhere
  • Use another person’s thesis as literature for yours. METU will not accept anything below the qualification level of a postgraduate (PhD) dissertation

Where can you find our archived theses?

A few exceptional theses are exhibited as printed copies in our Central Library, and you may use these to see what formatting has been accepted in theses graded excellent. However, these theses are heavily restricted both in terms of topic and language, the majority being in Hungarian. 

To make your life easier, we also have an online thesis repository . This includes the theses written and successfully defended in previous years. Be aware that grades are not included, and any thesis at or over a passing grade is stored. This means that the university and the library accept no liability for the quality of the contents or formatting beyond it having been acceptable at the time. 

If you are looking for a list of exceptional theses from our database, we have a table for this in CooSpace . Keep in mind that formatting and referencing rules change over time, the more recent theses you look at, the better.

If you follow the link to our repository , you will reach the following page.

metu thesis database

You may search using any and all search fields, as well as use the year slider to narrow your results. Other field types can also be selected, including full-text search.

When you click “Search,” a list of results appears (see below). The facets on the side can be used to filter (refine) your search. You can also click on the keywords below individual results to see more theses that use this keyword.

metu thesis database

You can read the metadata (such as author, advisor, major, etc.) and, if available, abstract of a thesis even without logging in. The full text is available only after you have logged in.

To do so, click on the Login option at the top of the page. Use your usual METU username and password to log in .

ATTENTION!  If others also use the computer or smart device you log in on, don’t allow your browser to remember your login details. The person whose login was used will be held responsible for any misuse of the theses, even if someone else used their login details.

After logging in, you can read the full text of the theses whether you are accessing from home or from a computer at the university.

metu thesis database

ATTENTION!  If others also use the computer or smart device you’re on, always log out after reading theses.

metu thesis database

There are two possible reasons for the full text being inaccessible even after logging in.

  • The thesis is confidential and only its metadata are included in the repository;
  • The thesis is old or was uploaded wrong into our previous system, and we don’t have the digitised text anymore.

These data will remain in the system for archival reasons, as we try to record the existence of every thesis written by former students. If the full text is not available, the module offering the full-text and abstract will not appear. This is an example of what that looks like:

metu thesis database

We wish you a productive time with your reading and research!

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Welcome to Middle East Technical University Library subject guide for International Relations. This guide was created for assiting your researches in this area. 

Please don't forget, the guide is still work in progress and I strongly appreciate your comments and suggestions.

Contact me  [email protected]

How to Use This Guide?

This guide is created for giving you some startpoints for your research in International Relations  area. 

About International Relations  Tab,   has the general information about International Relations .

Access Books Tab,   has four sub-tabs including print books, e-books, free e-books and forms. Print books, will help you with catalog search and there is  also a tutorial about it. You can find Library New-arrivals Section, aswell. E-books sub-tab includes informations about e-book and e-book databases. Free e-books, will help you to find free online resources for fulltext e-books. And Forms has various forms for METU Library services.

Access Journals Tab,   will help you to find articles via e-journals and online databases. There is also two sub-tabs under here. Under Print Journals, there is a whole list of METU Library print journals about International Relations . Print journals search engine ready to use. E-Journals includes links to online databases and e-journals. It is also possible to use METUnique Search. 

Access Reference Tab,  will help you to find reference resources and tools for writing a paper. There are also some print reference materials, aswell.

Access Dissertations Tab , has a whole list of METU Thesis in International Relations  area. You can also search ProQuest database and retrieve the open-access thesis. 

Access Web Sites Tab,  will inform you which sites are lead in the fields of International Relations . 

Open Access Tab,  is giving the general idea of open access. There are two sub-tabs explaining benefits of open-access and author rights. 


What is international relations.

The discipline that studies interactions between and among states, and more broadly, the workings of the international  system as a whole. It can be conceived of either as a multidisciplinary field, gathering together the international  aspects of politics, economics, history, law, and sociology, or as a meta‐discipline, focusing on the systemic structures and patterns of interaction of the human species taken as a whole. The discipline acquired its own identity after the First World War. Its principal branches additional to theory include  international  political economy,  international  organization, foreign policy‐making, strategic (or security) studies, and, more arguably, peace research. If area studies is added to these, the label  international  studies becomes more appropriate. When spelled wholly in lower case, the term refers to the totality of interactions within the  international  system. The emphasis is often on  relations  between states, though other collective actors such as multinational corporations, transnational interest groups, and  international  organizations also play an important role.

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Thesis Procedures

METU Thesis Supervisor Assignment System

Thesis supervisors must be members of METU. Professors from other universities can be co-supervisors for METU theses.

Master's students have to assign their supervisors at the end of their first semester. PhD students have to assign their supervisors at the end of their second semester. Their interactive course registrations will be approved by their supervisors following that semester.

You can assign your co-supervisor through the same system. If the name of the co-supervisor is not on the list in the mentioned system, you can email [email protected] by providing us with the necessary information about the co-supervisor you want to assign, including the title, institution, and email address. 

A thesis supervisor must have supervised at least one master's thesis in order to be able to supervise a PhD dissertation.

Jury Assignment

In line with the decision of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) taken on 25.12.2014 and YÖK's official letter sent on 15.01.2015:

  • Juries for the master theses

must be formed by three professors, and at least one of the jury members must not be a METU member. According to the METU Rules and Regulations Governing Graduate Studies , if the co-supervisor is a member of the jury, then the jury must be formed by five professors.

  • Juries for comprehensive exams and PhD dissertations

must be formed by five professors, including the advisor and two professors who are not a member of METU.

  • Associate Members for the Jury

There must be two associate members for the jury. One of those must be a METU member, and the other must be out of METU.

Juries are assigned by the decision of the board of the related graduate school (GS).  The thesis jury appointment form needs to be sent latest one month before the meeting date of the committee. Jury Assignment Form YÖK Thesis Data Input and Publication Permit Form: (YÖK Tez Veri Girişi ve Yayımlama İzin Formu):  First register at   and then fill in the Thesis Data Input Online Form. You do not have to bring the hard copy of the document. Please keep in mind that GSSS cannot submit your thesis/dissertation to the YÖK system if you do not complete this process.

All studies conducted by Middle East Technical University and/or carried out by METU staff/students and requiring the gathering of information from human participants are subject to an examination by the METU Human Research Ethics Committee. For more information regarding the steps you need to take please click here .

Thesis Defence

After the thesis defence, the Thesis Defense Report ( Tez Sınavı Tutanak Formu (TSTF)) must be prepared. Departments must send this report to the GSSS within three business days . If a student fails or a correction is given, a jury report must be added to this document. This document must not be given to students.

Following the juries:


TSTF is sent to the GSSS by the department.

Student completes thesis submission procedure (see the following section) within the one-month period following the defense.

When all the procedures are completed, TSTF is sent to the Regsitrar's Office by the GSSS.


Juries can give an extension for correction for three months for Master's students and for six months for PhD students.

TSTF and Jury Report signed by all jury members is sent to the GSSS within three business days.

TSTF and Jury Report are sent to the Registrar's Office by the GSSS with the approval of the Graduate School.

Students have to be registered for each and every semester during this extension.

At the end of the extension, students defend their theses/dissertations before the same jury.

TSTF  and  Jury Report  signed by all jury members is sent to the GSSS within three business days.

TSTF  and  Jury Report   are sent to the Registrar's Office by the GSSS with the approval of the Graduate School.

Registrar's Office dismiss the student.

Grade section of the TSTF must be filled out by the Jury.

Thesis Submission

All graduate students must follow the instructions below to complete the thesis submission procedures within one month at most after their thesis defense.

Thesis Manual Template (It is a suggestion) Reference Management Tool Signature Page Format Check List

Prepare your thesis according to the rules specified in the Thesis Manual.

The signature page of the thesis must be format-checked before collecting the professors' signatures. The full text of your thesis does not have to be ready for the format check of the signature page; you can get it checked separately. Since the signature page is checked by comparing it with the TSTF, the Graduate School must receive the TSTF before the page is checked. For the format check, please send the page (.pdf) to [email protected] .

After you pass your thesis defence successfully, send the .pdf of your thesis, including the complete Turkish Summary reviewed in line with the suggestions of the jury, to [email protected] for the format check. It is important to include the word "FORMAT" in the header of emails sent for format checking. GSSS will complete your format check in five business days and return the document to the student for revisions.

Following the format check, collect all the signatures (in blue ink) except that of the Director of the Graduate School and get your thesis bound. All copies are to be submitted to the Thesis Office (Room 442) for the last signature (Working days until 16.00) of the Director. This process might take approximately one week . For queries about the status of your thesis, you may send an e-mail to [email protected] .

You must prepare at most 6 and at least 3 copies of your thesis. One of these copies is to be submitted to the METU Library. No copies are submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences. For information about the procedure of Thesis Submission to the Library, please click here .

The thesis title and thesis summary must be changed with the final version, which was approved by the thesis jury, on OIBS 71. The department should change OIBS 71 status of the student to "not approve" to enable the student to update thesis information. 

Theses/Dissertations can be secured by the decision of the board of the GSSS, which will follow the application of the advisor and the approval of the department, for not more than six months. To this end, petitions of advisors and students must be submitted to the related department, and these petitions must be sent to the GSSS by the department. The defense date and the reason for the request must be defined clearly in those petitions. Please keep in mind that the board decision process might take up to two weeks.

  • While submitting your thesis copies to the Thesis Office:
  • You are expected also to submit the first page of the "Turnitin Similarity Index" report. This page must be signed by the Thesis Advisor with his/her title, name and surname on it. Similarity index may be at most 20%.
  • Please do not forget to sign plagiarism (iii) page.

While your thesis copies are at the Thesis Office waiting to be signed, you are expected to prepare the following documents:

Updating yök thesis data input and publication permit form: (yök tez veri girişi ve yayımlama i̇zin formu).

The students who are successful in the thesis exam update the thesis information that they have previously entered into the Thesis Automation System.

Save the full .pdf version of your thesis. The name of this .pdf document must only be the reference number provided to you by YÖK in the Thesis Data Input and Publication Permission Form. Send this document by e-mail to [email protected] . Please write "Referans No - MS/MA/PhD - Name Surname" in the subject part of the e-mail. Signature page must not be signed in this document. Please keep in mind that personel information (Signatures, citizenship ID numbers, phone number, email adress, adress, birth place, birth date, ORCID, personal photogrpahs) must be covered (unseen) in the document that is sent to be uploaded to the YÖK Ulusal Tez Merkezi . Your CV and Ethical Permission Page are not exemptions.

METU Library E-Thesis Submission Form:

METU Library Thesis Submission Guide

Video Assistant

Following the completion of the signature procedure:

Receive signed copies of your thesis from the Graduate School and submit a signed copy to the Library. 

Your graduation procedures will be initiated when the Library sent the necessary information to GSSS and .pdf document of your thesis, that was accepted after the format check, reached to the  [email protected] address.

According to the decision of the Executive Board of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) taken on 13.05.2020, all graduate students of thesis programs and all academics must have an " Open Researcher and Contributor ID - ORCID " number and should register all of their publications. Please open an account in the address and register your publications.

GSSS reviews your documents when you submitted E-Thesis Submission Form and .pdf document of your thesis that was accepted after the format check. After this control, your TSTF will be directed to Registrar's Office  with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. Registrar's Office reviews your documents and, if you fullfiled the graduation requirements, accepts your documents. This process can take a couple of days.

Only Registrar's Office is responsible for your graduation. GSSS cannot give documents regarding your graduation process.

For more information please see:

  • Graduate Program Coordinators of the Registrar's Office

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Graduate School of Informatics

Thesis submission, thesis submission:, before the defending the thesis:.

The students who are going to defend their thesis need to deliver their thesis copies (one spiral bound copy for each committee member and pdf version for check of format) and committee assignment form to our institute one month before the thesis defense date. They should get their reviewed thesis copies back 15 days after the delivery of the forms and the thesis copies. Our institute is not responsible for the mistakes which could arise by any modifications made after the review process.

Contact Info

You can get into contact with the relevant person for your department from the Contact  page for requesting a review of the thesis copy or the delivery of the documents mentioned above to the institute. As a summary: One copy of thesis should be submitted to the institute. After defending the thesis: Students, who successfully defend their thesis, should make the corrections offered by the institute and deliver a minimum of 5 copies of bound copies of their thesis within one month after the date of thesis defense (All the fields in the signature page should be signed except the institute director). Note on “A minimum of 5 thesis copies”: 5 copies are requested for the institute, the department, thesis advisor, the library and for the students themselves. In the case of a co-advisor, a minimum number of six copies should be submitted. Students can get additional copies for themselves. After institute director signs the thesis, one copy of the thesis should be submitted to the library after required steps mentioned below are completed. A thesis submission form should be obtained from the library.

Thesis Submission Procedure for METU Library

Note on library submission: Before submitting a printed copy of your thesis to the library you should fill electronic thesis submission form from any place inside the campus in order to make your thesis available in electronic media. 

Thesis Submission Guide

Library Thesis Submission Video

You should also fill the Thesis Photocopy Permission Form before submission of a printed copy of the thesis to the library. ( Click to download the form ) As a summary: After the upload of the thesis to electronic media and filling of the thesis photocopy permission form you should submit one printed copy of the thesis to the library and bring the thesis submission form obtained from the library to the institute . Thesis Submission Procedure for METU Library    ·    Points to be considered in preparing CD copy of the thesis for submission to YÖK (Higher Council of Education) : ?)

  • Full text of the thesis will be prepared as one pdf document. Links available in pdf preparation web page can be used for converting word documents to pdf documents.
  • Prepared pdf documents should be the same as the copy of the thesis approved by the Institute or the Dean's Office. As any modifications on the thesis cannot be made by Higher Council of Education; author has the full responsibility for the digital thesis to be the same with the original copy. Adequate enumeration of the pages and identical placement of all the elements found in the main text of the thesis such as figures, graphs and tables should be provided by the author.
  • Documents should be un-compressed and without any password protection.
  • When naming the documents, Turkish characters should be avoided.
  • When naming the documents, related content information should be added after the full name of the author eg. Name_Surname_thesis.pdf
  • Thesis supplements in text format or prepared via photocopy should be found in the pdf document containing the full text of the thesis. In order to do this, documents will be converted to pdf format using scanners or digital photocopy machines.
  • Mixed theses: If the thesis does not only contain text file but involves additional image, map, computer programs, audio/video recordings this case should be stated in "Thesis Entry Form” declaring all the document names. Preferred formats for images, video recordings and audio recordings are given below. If any other program is used this should be contained in the CD with the thesis in an available format to the readers with required license.

Preferred Formats: i-Image Formats Image documents should be prepared using one of the formats given below:

  • TIFF (.tiff)
  • JPEG (.jpeg)

ii-Video Formats

  • MPEG (.mpg)
  • Quick Time – Apple (.mov)
  • Audio Video Interleaved – Microsoft (.avi)

iii-Audio Formats

  • MIDI (.midi)

  Filling the Thesis Entry Form  ( ?)

“Thesis Entry Form” ( ) should be filled and saved on the computer by the author, it should be printed out, signed and sent with the thesis after its Reference No is recorded. Form is designed to provide the transfer of the information filled by the author to a transient table associated with Thesis Database. As the filling of the document is completed and “Save” button is clicked, a printable form containing a “Reference No” generated by the system is created. If, incorrect data entry was performed by any means there is the possibility to return and make corrections before printing the form.  In data entry checks carried out in Thesis Center “Reference No” of the form accurately filled and sent by the author will be considered. If any suitable option cannot be found for Department, Division or Discipline, these lines might be left blank.  The principle adopted by Higher Council of Education is that all the theses should be available to the researchers without any restrictions unless there are reasonable grounds (patent application, publication process).  Concern for copying of the thesis cannot be accepted as a ground for restricting the thesis to become accessible. “Publication Delay” option found in Thesis Entry Form should be marked, considering these explanations.

Submission of the bounded thesis to the Institute for Graduation Process

1. Thesis Entry Form to be filled from webpage. 2. One copy of CD named by reference number from Thesis Entry Form taken from YÖK system. 3. Three copies of bounded thesis.

Registration Withdrawal

After students submit their theses and the required documents, they need to perform Registration Withdrawal from  address.  

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metu thesis database

ODTU Library, DUMLUPINAR Blv. No:1 Universiteler Mah. 06800 Ankara/TURKIYE Phone: +90 312 210 27 80 Fax: +90 312 210 27 78 e-mail: [email protected]

  • Thesis Writing Process
  • Thesis Submission Process
  • Thesis Archive

Last Updated:

You can prepare your theses using any of the templates below;

  • Thesis Template (Word/.docx)
  • Thesis Template (Latex)

General rules have been applied in the above templates. You can review the following links for detailed rules;

  • Thesis Writing Rules
  • Thesis Control Form

The final version of your thesis in terms of format and appearance should be as follows;

  • Thesis Template (pdf)
  • Sample Pages

Resources you can use in the thesis writing process;

  • Reference Management Tool


Personal information such as place of birth, date of birth, marital status, phone number and e-mail should not be included in the CV as it creates problems in terms of KVKK. When writing your resume, be careful not to write this information.

Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Dumlupınar Bulvarı No: 1, 06800, Çankaya/Ankara, Türkiye

Using the Library

  • Teaching & publication support
  • Ask a Librarian

A-Z Databases

Find the best library databases for your research., the library provides access to these e-resources for current uva students, faculty, and staff, but it is  subject to licenses and terms  of their contracts. among other prohibitions, systematic/excessive downloading can result in suspension of access for the entire campus. we appreciate your diligence. .

  • 434-924-3021
  • [email protected]
  • UVA Alderman Library P.O. Box 400113 160 McCormick Road Charlottesville, VA 22904

About the Library

  • Staff Directory
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  • Library Use Policies
  • Off-Grounds Access
  • ITS Computing Accounts
  • Accessibility Services
  • Emergency Information
  • UVA Privacy Policy
  • Tracking Opt-out

Other Sites

  • Cavalier Advantage
  • Library Staff Site

metu thesis database


  1. Metu Thesis Template

    metu thesis database

  2. METU Thesis Anatomy and Museums

    metu thesis database

  3. (PDF) METU interoperable database system

    metu thesis database

  4. METU_Thesis_Presentation by Gül Yücel on Prezi

    metu thesis database

  5. Master Thesis Presentation at METU

    metu thesis database

  6. Display Page of Thesis Record in CSIR e-Thesis Database

    metu thesis database


  1. Thesis Database: How to access full text thesis ?

  2. How to use Menu Editor in Visual Basic

  3. Introduction to Bioinformatics

  4. How to delineate a Watershed in ArcGIS using DEM

  5. 🎓 Thesis Display: Showcasing Student Excellence

  6. 23


  1. METU Theses Collection Search

    In September 2003, the METU Library Theses and Dissertations Archives was established and since that time students have been submitting their theses in both print and Adobe portable document format (PDF). ODTÜ Kütüphanesi, Üniversiteler Mah. Dumlupınar Blv. No:1 06800 Ankara/TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 312 210 27 79,80 Faks: +90 312 210 27 78 E ...

  2. Theses

    Theses and Dissertations written at METU • Print Theses; A copy of theses and dissertations written by METU students is stored in the Library. • E-Theses; ODTÜ Library theses and dissertations archive established in september 2003, since than students are submitting their master theses and doctorate dissertations in both printed and Adobe Portable Document Format(pdf).

  3. E-Theses

    In the Middle East Technical University Library Electronic Thesis Archive, electronic copies of master's and doctoral theses conducted since September 2003 are available. ... Theses Done in the World The Dissertations & Theses. Database produced by ProQuest can access the full texts of theses made in international universities, especially those ...

  4. Databases

    Dumlupınar Blv. No:1 06800 Ankara/TÜRKİYE Tel: +90 312 210 27 79,80 Faks: +90 312 210 27 78 E-posta: [email protected].

  5. Thesis Submission Guide

    Thesis Submission Guide. This guide includes the steps and explanations you need to follow in order to upload your Master or PhD thesis to OpenMETU ( and deliver the hard copy to the Library. According to the Article 40 of the Higher Education Law No: 2547, "Graduate theses are open to electronic access by the National Thesis ...

  6. History: Theses & Dissertations

    METU Thesis Collection. ODTÜ Library theses and dissertations archive established in september 2003, since than students are submitting their master theses and doctorate dissertations in both printed and Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf). Printed theses can be searched from the Thesis Catalog, and electronic theses can be searched on METU ...

  7. Thesis

    Use another person's thesis as literature for yours. METU will not accept anything below the qualification level of a postgraduate (PhD) dissertation; ... If you are looking for a list of exceptional theses from our database, we have a table for this in CooSpace. Keep in mind that formatting and referencing rules change over time, the more ...

  8. METU Library

    Search METU Library for books and dissertations, journals etc. Advanced Search. Get Help. Ask a Librarian Feedback & Suggestion. Announcements ... Trial Databases . more >> Quick Links: Debt Payment. Suggest a Book. Mon-Fri: Sat-Sun: 08.45-22.00: 10.00-22.00: Reserve Hall will serve 24/7. About Us

  9. METU Library E-Theses index

    METU Library E-Theses index. MySQL ile veri baglantisi kurulamiyor! Founded in 1956, METU (Middle East Technical University) is a state University that has the objective of training Turkish and foreign students in scientific, technical and professional fields of study, and of utilizing these studies in the field of pure and applied research for ...

  10. Thesis Archive

    Thesis Archive. 22/01/2021 - 11:09. Türkçe. This project was started to provide web access to theses and dissertations that have been completed at the Middle East Technical University since April 2003. In September 2003, the METU Library Theses and Dissertations Archives was established and since that time students have been submitting their ...


    Z. Show Only Databases by Subject / Type. **METU members can access to the electronic resources off campus by applying the steps as explained on Remote Access. Academic Search Ultimate. More Info. ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) More Info. ACS Publications (American Chemical Society) - Current issues and archive.


    the Middle East Technical University (METU), including METU Northern Cyprus Campus, and are applied consistently to all theses conducted in all graduate programs at METU. ... All theses must be prepared electronically by using an appropriate word processor and drawing software. It is also required to submit an electronic copy of every thesis to the

  13. Business Administration

    E-Journals includes links to online databases and e-journals. It is also possible to use METUnique Search. Access Reference Tab, will help you to find reference resources and tools for writing a paper. There are also some print reference materials, aswell. Access Dissertations Tab, has a whole list of METU Thesis in Business Administration area ...

  14. International Relations

    Access Dissertations Tab, has a whole list of METU Thesis in International Relations area. You can also search ProQuest database and retrieve the open-access thesis. Access Web Sites Tab, will inform you which sites are lead in the fields of International Relations. Open Access Tab, is giving the general idea of open access. There are two sub ...

  15. Thesis

    Thesis of Department of Chemistry - Middle East Technical University. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Üniversiteler Mah., 06800, Ankara; [email protected] +90 312 210 3203; Department. Message From The Chair; ... Thesis. Our department has been established in 1960 with a quite limited academic staff core having a wide scientific vision. The ...

  16. Thesis Procedures

    For queries about the status of your thesis, you may send an e-mail to [email protected]. You must prepare at most 6 and at least 3 copies of your thesis. One of these copies is to be submitted to the METU Library. No copies are submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences.

  17. Thesis Submission

    Thesis Submission Procedure for METU Library · Points to be considered in preparing CD copy of the thesis for submission to YÖK (Higher ... Form is designed to provide the transfer of the information filled by the author to a transient table associated with Thesis Database. As the filling of the document is completed and "Save" button is ...

  18. ODTÜ Library

    ODTU Library, DUMLUPINAR Blv. No:1 Universiteler Mah. 06800 Ankara/TURKIYE Phone: +90 312 210 27 80 Fax: +90 312 210 27 78 e-mail:[email protected] Powered by Sierra

  19. PDF Data Mining for Rule Discovery in Relational Databases a Thesis ...

    in relational databases for data mining tasks including classification, regression and association rule discovery. Some of them require modification of existing tables in database by adding columns to be used by the algorithm. Some of them require creation of new tables in database for storing temporary information needed by the algorithm.

  20. PDF Development of A Database Management System for Small and Medium ...


  21. PDF Integration of Metu-snp Databases Via Rdf for Pi-snp Web the Graduate

    Approval of the thesis: INTEGRATION OF METU-SNP DATABASES VIA RDF FOR PI-SNP WEB SERVICE submitted by CEYHUN GEDIKO˙ GLU˘ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Department of Health Informatics , Bioinformatics Pro-gram, Middle East Technical University by, NAZ˙IFE BAYKAL

  22. Thesis Writing Process

    The final version of your thesis in terms of format and appearance should be as follows; Resources you can use in the thesis writing process; NOTE: CV (ONLY FOR DOCTORAL THESIS) Personal information such as place of birth, date of birth, marital status, phone number and e-mail should not be included in the CV as it creates problems in terms of ...

  23. METU Thesis Anatomy and Museums

    METU Thesis Anatomy and Museums - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. This thesis examines the relationship between architecture and the human body through the concept of anatomical display. It analyzes spaces for anatomical display, methods for visualizing and displaying anatomical objects, and the anatomical structure of the human body.

  24. A-Z Databases

    A-Z Databases Find the best library databases for your research. The Library provides access to these e-resources for current UVA students, faculty, and staff, but it is subject to licenses and terms of their contracts. Among other prohibitions, systematic/excessive downloading can result in suspension of access for the entire campus.

  25. Articles / Databases

    This database is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to present day. OpenDissertations Contains almost 100,000 citations, and is an open access resource providing electronic access to full page images of citations from the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by ...