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29 Best Nintendo Switch Puzzle Games To Exercise The Brain

Put on your thinking caps!

#29 Mario vs Donkey Kong

#28 super mario rpg, #27 hogwarts legacy, #26 pikmin 4, #25 unpacking, #24 far changing tides, #23 the gardens between, #22 the room series, #21 gorogoa, #20 bridge constructor portal, #19 unravel two, #18 the trine series, #17 baba is you, #16 the talos principle, #15 snipperclips: cut it out, together, #14 relicta, #12 little nightmares 2, #11 captain toad: treasure tracker, #10 12 minutes, #8 world of goo, #7 return of the obra dinn, #6 keep talking and nobody explodes, #5 the sexy brutale, #4 portal series, #3 puyo puyo tetris, #2 thimbleweed park, #1 tetris 99.

nintendo problem solving games

If you’ve been enjoying the Nintendo Switch, you’ll know that there are all sorts of genres for you to play on the system in great number. And if you like puzzles? Yeah, they got hat in droves as these games will show you.

nintendo problem solving games

Platform: Switch Release Date: February 16, 2024

If you never got the chance to play  Mario vs Donkey Kong  on the Nintendo DS, you’re in luck, as the game has been remade for the Nintendo Switch!

The game will put you in over 100 levels filled with challenges, all so you can get back the Mini-Mario toys that Donkey Kong has stolen! But it won’t be as easy as simply finding all the toys. You’ll need to work your way through various challenges to reach them, and then, you’ll need to get them to safety! Sometimes, you’ll even need to guide whole scores of Mini-Marios to the exit!

With new levels and challenges, now is the perfect time to jump in!

nintendo problem solving games

Platform: November 17, 2023 Release Date: Switch

You might not think that  Super Mario RPG  is a “puzzle game,” and it’s not in the overall, but there are puzzles in the world to solve.

Not to mention, you have to worry about the “puzzles” that await you in combat! The game will maintain its classic turn-based combat but will also feature plenty of challenges within it that’ll test your timing and skill in figuring out how to exploit the enemies within!

So, while it may be an RPG, that doesn’t mean you can’t put your puzzle brain to the test by playing it! After all, it’s a remake of a classic title. What’s not to love?

nintendo problem solving games

Platform: PC PS5 XSX|S – February 10, 2023 | PS4 Xbox One – May 05, 2023 Release Date: Switch November 14, 2023

Steam | PlayStation | Xbox | Nintendo

Many people would say that the most important thing about being a witch or wizard is being able to use powerful spells and curses. But the wise ones among you will state that it’s about how you use those spells and whether you can use them to your advantage in multiple scenarios.

As you travel throughout the world of Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll have to face trials, not dangerous in nature but puzzling. So think like the educated student you are and use spells to move objects or erase obstacles from your path.

The more puzzles you solve, the further you’ll get to explore!

nintendo problem solving games

Platform: Switch Release Date: July 21, 2023

It’s easy to picture the Pikmin as just tools to use or beings to throw at foes to get them out of your way. But as  Pikmin 4  reminds you, you’ll need to use them and other entities wisely if you wish to get around the alien world you’ve crash landed upon.

At first, you’ll be restricted to certain areas, and you’ll need to use the Pikmin to open new paths, collect “treasures” to fix your ship, and fight off against familiar figures in Dandori battles to rescue your lost squad mates.

So don’t think of Pikmin as expendable. Instead, think of them as your most useful tool for getting out alive!


As the name suggests, this unique puzzle game tasks players with helping to unpack a person’s belongings after a move. Beginning in 1997, Unpacking follows the same person across several moves and many different years. From childhood to college to relationships, players will gain clues about the person’s life and experiences by looking at their belongings. Play casually to enjoy the story or search for all the hidden achievements for an added challenge.

nintendo problem solving games

A sequel of sorts to Far Lone Sails , Far Changing Tides puts you on a large boat, where a young man is trying to sail it in order to get to a new place for him to live in a world that has been nearly flooded.

The puzzles here lie in both the world around you, as you’ll need to activate certain things to open paths to get your boat through, as well as your ship itself. Dive deep into the vessel to figure out what it is all about, how to operate it correctly, and more.

It’s you and your ship against the world, and you’ll find that this adventure will take you to highs and lows while also giving you a unique atmospheric experience.

nintendo problem solving games

For a more lighthearted adventure, you might want to try out The Gardens Between . Because this single player title puts you in a story that focuses on “time, memory and friendship.”

You play as Arina and Frendt, two friends who fall into a “dream world”, and that world just so happens to be filled with relics from their time together as friends. Now, you’ll control the two friends and work together to solve puzzles to figure out more about their friendship, what they really mean to one another, and more.

It’s a very unique title that delves deep into its narrative, so you might just want to play it to see where the “bittersweet” story goes…and ends.

nintendo problem solving games

The Room Series is for those who like a deep approach to their puzzle titles while also twisting the perceptions of what those games can be. Because in the game, and the many that follow, you’ll be a person locked in a room, or dimensional space, and you’ll be left with nothing but puzzle boxes and clues as to what you need to do.

With each puzzle you solve, your “world” grows a little bigger, but then again, so does the mystery. You’ll learn about various sciences and dark practices and wonder how it’ll all going to end. More than likely…you won’t be able to guess…

With multiple games in the series, you’ll be able to try them on Switch and have plenty to do for a while.

nintendo problem solving games

There has long been an argument about whether “games are art”, and the answer is very obviously, “yes”. But if you want a game that very much proves that feeling, you need to look no further than Gorogoa .

Because in this game, you’ll be solving puzzles within a very special narrative, the twist is that these puzzles are tied to illustrations (thousands of them) that were made by a singular man: Jason Roberts. How you use these illustrations/art pieces will depend on the puzzle and what you’re trying to do.

The visual style here is truly unique, as is how you use it all gameplay-wise. So if you want a truly visual yet deep puzzle experience, here you go!

nintendo problem solving games

Combining elements from both the Portal universe and the Bridge Constructor series, Bridge Constructor Portal is an engineering puzzle game. As the name implies, players must construct bridges to transport trucks around Aperture Laboratories. Any bridge that withstands one truck passing over it will solve the challenge, but for a higher rating, all the trucks in the convoy must successfully cross. In addition, the cost of building each bridge is calculated, and players are challenged to keep their costs as low as possible.

nintendo problem solving games

After a shipwreck, two Yarnys (creatures whose bodies are made of wound-up yarn) connect their loose yarn ends. This binds the two together and creates a magical spark, which the players must chase. Using the yarn of their characters to climb, swing, and pull objects, players solve puzzles across the game’s island setting while uncovering a surprisingly dark story about children fleeing from abusive adults.

nintendo problem solving games

Set in a fantasy world, the Trine games focuses on a set of heroes who use an object known as the Trine in order to solve puzzles and fight evil. All so that they can save the kingdom they’re in.

The twist here is that unlike typical fantasy games, the combat and other elements are all tied to physics based puzzles. Each of the main characters for examples have skills that will affect things in a way that can solve puzzles or send objects at enemies to bust them up.

Because of the freedom and the skills of your characters, there are multiple ways to solve puzzles in the series. Plus, since there are 4 different games in the series, that’s a lot of puzzles to go and solve.

nintendo problem solving games

As an evil man once said, “True power is warping reality around you,” and that is a perfect lead-in to the title Baba Is You . Because in this game, every level you play you can change the rules of the game and the reality you play in.

That’s because the “rules” are displayed in blocks, if you change them, everything changes with it. And that means that anything and everything can happen depending on how you want to play things.

Plus, with 200+ levels for you to “bend the rules in”, that’s a lot of potential and possibility for chaos! In the fun way, of course.

So jump into Baba Is You and see just how you can change the world!

nintendo problem solving games

Sometimes the best puzzle games are the ones that make you ask the questions of all that is going on. In The Talos Principle , you are an entity in a world of ancient ruins…but also modern technology. The one who built you put you on a “mission” to solve over 120 puzzles scattered throughout the place.

But the question becomes…will you do it as your master wants? Or, will you try and solve the puzzles to learn more about yourself and then seek a way to escape?

The Talos Principle has a deep and twisting story that will ask a lot of big questions, all the while having you enjoy the puzzle-solving experience.

nintendo problem solving games

In this co-op puzzle game, players will snip and clip the paper bodies of their co-op partners to create different shapes to solve puzzles (for example, cutting a pointed shape to pop balloons). The game’s World mode allows one or two players, while the Blitz and Party modes allow up to four players. Party mode features puzzle challenges designed for more players. Blitz mode ups the ante with snipping deathmatches alongside games like basketball and hockey.

nintendo problem solving games

In this M-rated, first-person puzzle game, players will use magnetism and gravity to solve physics-based challenges. After being stranded on a moon base, a top-level physicist searches for her daughter while also confronting the truth behind her own research. Players can simply solve the puzzles or take their time exploring, fleshing out the story of this 22nd-century world and perhaps changing the destiny of humanity itself.

nintendo problem solving games

Arguably one of the best puzzle games ever made, Fez puts you in the role of Gomez, who is a 2D creature…that all of a sudden gets “revealed” the third dimension. Curious about what is going on, Gomez sets out on a journey to figure out the truth, leading to a large puzzle adventure you’ll enjoy.

Unlike many on this list, Fez doesn’t need “over the top” or even ‘super realistic” graphics to get things done. The visual style is simple for a reason, and it lends to the deep world that the game is trying to portray in its own way.

Trust me, the game is deeper than you realize, and so if you haven’t check this game out yet…you should.

nintendo problem solving games

There are some rather dark titles on this list as you’ve seen so far, and Little Nightmares 2 is another example of that.

In this sequel, you’ll play as Mono, who ends up in a nightmare world full of distortions and monsters. The reason for this is a signal tower, and it’s up to you and another named Six to reach the tower and figure out what is going on.

You’ll have to get the two characters to work together to not just solve puzzles, but fight off the various creatures that inhabit the dark and mysterious areas you’ll travel to.

This is definitely a title for those who prefer a very spooky element to their games. So try out Little Nightmares 2 is that fits your style.

nintendo problem solving games

It took us a while, but here indeed is a 1st-party puzzle game. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was first released on the Wii U, but ported to the Switch (like so many games before it…and after it…) so that more people could try it out. And you should absolutely do so.

You’ll play as…who else? Captain Toad! And in each level you’ll need to use all the camera angles and perspectives to figure out how to get from one spot to the next, get all the treasure, and avoid enemies and traps!

You can even play in co-op to have someone help you out with those enemies! It’s a lighthearted and simple title, but at times…isn’t that what we really need?

nintendo problem solving games

This top-down game boasts the voice talents of James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley, and Willem Dafoe. A husband and wife are celebrating the news that she is expecting their first child when a man claiming to be a cop arrives at the apartment. The man accuses the wife of murdering her father, and in the ensuing struggle, both the husband and wife are killed. The husband then wakes up moments before the man’s arrival. As the husband, players must use the time loop to save their wife and determine the truth about the death of the wife’s father.

nintendo problem solving games

It’s honestly hard to describe a game like Inside without diving deep into spoilers, so I’ll try and keep it light.

In this game, from the creative team of PlayDead, who made the equally dark and praised title Limbo , you’ll find yourself as a young boy who is drawn to a certain building where a “dark project” is being done.

What exactly is going on here? That’s for you to figure out in this narrative-driven puzzle title. You’ll have to make it through the confines of the building, solve puzzles, avoid detection, and learn the truth. But as these games like to show…sometimes it’s best if the truth…isn’t revealed at all.

nintendo problem solving games

Here’s another classic that was eventually brought over to the Switch. World of Goo puts you in control of living glob entities that you can both get and then place in order to build various things. Like what? Bridges, buildings, slingshots, and more. As long as you have the right structure, and amount of goo, you can make it.

Why do you need to do it? Because the game’s levels are all meant to do something specific, and you have to get your goo creatures to build the right kind of structure to complete the task.

It might sound simple, but it’s not. Each level is special, and can even have dangers for your goo creatures. So use them wisely, and get to the next challenge!

Return of the Obra Dinn

In 1803, the Obra Dinn set sail around the Cape of Good Hope with 60 people on board, but the ship never arrived at its destination. Five years later, it has mysteriously washed up at the port with all its passengers and crew either dead or missing. In this “1-bit” gorgeously-stylized, first-person game, players assume the role of an investigator and search the ship to try to determine what happened to the Obra Dinn . They are aided by the Memento Mortem, a device that lets them go back in time to witness a person’s final moments.

nintendo problem solving games

In this multiplayer puzzle game, communication is key. While one player (the Defuser) attempts to disarm a bomb, the others (the Experts) must read the instruction manual and convey the proper procedures for doing so. Neither party can see the other’s screen, so players are forced to rely on each other to disarm the bomb as a team. And if the bomb’s timer reaches zero, everyone explodes.

nintendo problem solving games

A party in a mansion has gone horribly wrong. All the party-goers are dead except for Lafcadio Boone, a preacher. Boone is stuck in a time loop, reliving the party over and over again, looking for a way to prevent the deaths of the party goers. In this single-player puzzle game, players must explore the mansion, gain new abilities, and decipher how to save the party guests. Along the way, they’ll uncover the truth about the guests, Boone, and the party itself.

nintendo problem solving games

…so, who wants some cake?

The Portal Series is indeed on Switch, and Switch players are lucky to have this title as it’s one of the most important puzzle franchises ever made.

In it, you are stuck in Aperture Labs, and an evil robotic entity known as GLaDOS is “guiding you” through the place in order to complete various tests. You won’t have a weapon in the game to help you though, all you have…is your portal gun.

The puzzles, creativity, and feel of this series is S-tier in every way, and that’s part of what makes it so great to play over and over again. And now that you can play it on the go…you have even more reason to try it out on Switch.

nintendo problem solving games

I’ll admit that I’m a little bias with this game because it’s something I found really fun even though I didn’t know what Puyo Puyo was.

Basically, this game is a fusion of two worlds of puzzle games complete with adorable and hilarious characters that interact with one another to try and save the universe! And naturally, you’ll save it by playing Puyo or Tetris against other characters and even against one another.

There’s a lot of depth in this game believe it or not, and that makes it all the more enjoyable to play not just the story modes, but all the other game modes.

There’s two games in the series on Switch, so don’t miss out!

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Developed by Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick, this point-n-click puzzle game is a spiritual successor to Maniac Mansion and The Secret of Monkey Island . A pair of FBI agents arrive in the town of Thimbleweed Park to investigate a murder, but not all is as it seems in Thimbleweed Park. Using commands like “pick up” and “talk to,” players navigate the town while collecting evidence and interviewing suspects to uncover the truth behind the murder and the town itself.

nintendo problem solving games

There are a lot of reasons why I’m putting Tetris 99 on top despite it not being a “typical puzzle game”. But in point of fact, Tetris as a whole IS a puzzle game. You’re trying to fit the pieces together (like a puzzle) in order to get points and keep going.

In Tetris 99 , the difficulty is ramped up because you’re going to be facing off against 98 other players who are trying to not just beat you, but bury you in Tetris blocks.

So you’ll have to play fast AND play smart so you can trip them up before they do it to you, as well as get out of any sticky situations you find yourself in.

Do well enough, and you’ll be No.1!

About Todd Black

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  • Console Gaming
  • Nintendo Switch

The 16 Best Puzzle Games on Nintendo Switch, Ranked

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As a hybrid gaming console, the Nintendo Switch is perfect for pretty much every type of video game—especially puzzle games, when played in handheld mode.

If you've ever had a Game Boy, you know how many hours you can sink into a game like Tetris when you're on the couch, in the car, or wherever else. But there are hundreds of puzzle games of varying quality available for the Nintendo Switch!

So, which ones are worth your time? If you aren't sure where to start, here are my picks for the best Nintendo Switch puzzle games that are pretty great and worth checking out.

16. Watermelon Party

nintendo problem solving games

Watermelon Party is a pretty simple game, but it's also pretty cheap—significantly so if you can grab it on sale—and it's fun to break out every so often as a quick filler game between bigger ones.

The goal is to be the first to pick up all your watermelon slices, which you do by placing tiles on the ground. Your character will automatically move along the path you set, so the trick is to build the most effective road as quickly as you can.

It's definitely not your typical puzzle game, but that uniqueness helps set this one apart and make it worth trying.

15. Pack Master

nintendo problem solving games

You know how packing luggage into a case can feel like a puzzle? That's basically what Pack Master is, except this game is a lot more relaxing than shoving actual clothes and gadgets into a carry-on!

Every level in Pack Master is basically a set of objects of varying sizes and shapes, along with a case where they need to be fitted into. You'll need to rotate the objects and place them with precision if you want to get them all inside properly.

The solo mode is very relaxing and a great way to kill time—especially in handheld mode—but the versus mode is also fun as you rush to pack your case before anyone else can.

14. Tumblestone

nintendo problem solving games

Tumblestone is an action-puzzle game that's perfect for when you want a simple game that exercises both problem-solving skills and dexterity challenges. The quicker you are, the bigger the advantage!

In Tumblestone , each level is a set of colored blocks and your goal is to clear the blocks by removing one at a time. The catch? You can only pick from the blocks closest to you, and you always have to clear three of the same colored blocks at a time.

The campaign mode is a full-on take-your-time puzzle challenge, but the endless mode and versus mode both have you racing to see how quickly you can clear everything.

13. Lumines Remastered

nintendo problem solving games

The PlayStation Portable didn't make much of a dent in the sales of Nintendo's handhelds, but it did have its share of fantastic games, one of which was the mesmerizing Lumines .

This remastered take on that game is every bit as addictive as the original title was, and it's a must-play for Switch owners even remotely interested in puzzle games.

It's just a shame that there is no online multiplayer to let you face off with other players from around the globe.

12. Slayaway Camp: Butcher's Cut

nintendo problem solving games

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if you tried to make a puzzle game out of a slasher horror movie franchise?

Slayaway Camp: Butcher's Cut is the answer to that question. While it starts relatively stacked in favor of the player character, Skullface, you'll eventually face tougher levels that feature SWAT teams and other challenges to your reign of terror.

nintendo problem solving games

11. Art of Balance

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Art of Balance is a physics-based puzzle game where you're given a set of strangely-shaped pieces and tasked with stacking them in such a way that they don't topple over.

Of course, the game becomes deeper in later levels, especially when other types of objects are introduced—such as glass blocks that can only withstand a certain amount of weight on top—which force you to think on multiple levels for a solution.

While Art of Balance is a fine game for solo play, it shines with friends. You can play it cooperatively (taking turns placing blocks) or competitively (in a race to see who can finish first).


nintendo problem solving games

The titular characters in BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! can create boxes, hence their names. You, in turn, use these boxes to make your way around whatever obstacles the game throws at you.

Of course, it's never actually this simple. It's what you do with the boxes that matters, and this is where the complexity lies.

nintendo problem solving games

9. Puyo Puyo Tetris 2

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As the name implies, Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 is a mash-up of the gameplay styles of the Puyo Puyo and Tetris franchises. You can play either game standalone, but the modes that combine them both are the reason to play this game or its sequel.

nintendo problem solving games

Pode is a brilliant, lovely, artistic, soft experience that's ultimately about two strangers—an orb of fire and a block of stone—who fall in love and must work together to navigate puzzle-laden levels.

On top of the solid puzzle gameplay, Pode stands out for its ambience and environmental storytelling that makes for a relaxing puzzle experience. You don't need much action-dexterity and you don't need to be a genius. You just need to work together!

nintendo problem solving games

7. Mr. Driller DrillLand

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At it's core, the gameplay of Mr. Driller DrillLand is simple: drill downward through colored blocks, line up color combos, and make sure none of the falling blocks from above land on you.

That said, the balance of tension and action make this one of the more gripping puzzle games you'll find. This is a great one for puzzle fans looking for some twitch action.

6. What the Golf?

nintendo problem solving games

What the Golf? originally debuted on Apple Arcade, one of the few games that made the service feel worthwhile.

On the Switch the game is just as fun, and it doesn't feel like a mobile game carelessly ported to the Switch, it feels like this was the target system for the game all along.

nintendo problem solving games

5. Tricky Towers

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Take Tetris , but take away the part where the blocks always align perfectly, and that's Tricky Towers in a nutshell. Building taller and taller towers in this game feels like a combination of Tetris and a 2D Jenga , and it's just as fun as that sounds.

4. Death Squared

nintendo problem solving games

Death Squared is a phenomenal cooperative puzzle game where players take on the roles of four different colored cubes, navigating through levels where each player can only interact with certain objects.

This means everyone needs to work together to solve the puzzle of each level, all while dodging and overcoming hazards (especially in the later levels). The 3D stage geometry leads to some really interesting solutions that force you to think outside the box.

While Death Squared is best played with friends, you can play it solo. It's a different experience, but still a solid one worth having.

3. Puzzle Bobble Everybubble!

nintendo problem solving games

Puzzle Bobble is far from the only old-school puzzle game on the Nintendo Switch, but a list of puzzle games wouldn't be complete without a bubble shooter like this one.

You know this game: you shoot bubbles and cluster them together to pop them, which drops everything that was clinging to them. The whole experience is surprisingly relaxing and satisfying.

Modern gamers will want to opt for Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! , a remake that takes the original gameplay and wraps it up in a co-op adventure that supports up to four players.

And when you're done with the story mode, you can keep playing in multiplayer mode, from 1v1 up to 2v2.

2. Picross S8

nintendo problem solving games

Nintendo handhelds and Picross have a long history together, and there are already plenty of games of this kind on the Nintendo Switch.

You can pick up and play any one of them and have fun, but this is the latest entry in the series, so it's as good a place to start as any other game in the series.

nintendo problem solving games

1. Tetris 99

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Here's an idea: take Tetris and make it a battle royale. That may sound pretty terrible on paper, but for some reason it works...

...and the cherry on top is the fact that this game is free as long as you subscribe to Nintendo's Switch Online service.

There are optional paid add-ons, but you can have plenty of fun without paying an extra dime.

nintendo problem solving games

Top 20 best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch

Top 20 best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch

Updated by Jupiter Hadley on July 1st, 2024  - swapped 1 game. We have made a list of the top 20 best Switch puzzle games that you can get right now on the popular handheld console!

But, first things first, we need to answer this question: What exactly is considered to be a puzzle? It seems like the term 'puzzle game', is used to describe titles from different genres. From first-person adventures to platformers, simulations, and  Switch board games . The list goes on and on.

Well, the truth is, that puzzle games make up a very broad category, and they include various subgenres. So, in order to avoid getting too technical about this, let's just consider any title that has some puzzle-solving as a core mechanic to be a puzzler.

nintendo problem solving games

Picking the top 20 Switch puzzle games was harder than you think

1 animal well.


Animal Well is a single player, rouge like that is absolutely packed with puzzles. The world itself is dark, full of secrets, and you'll need to explore and collect items to figure out what you need to do next. When it comes to creatures in this strange, under ground cavern, you will not know at first if they are friendly or not. Finding items is most of the gameplay, but you'll also need to figure out the best way to use them!

If you are looking for a challenging puzzle game with hidden puzzles and tons of content, this is a fantastic option!

2 Return of the Obra Dinn


Return of the Obra Dinn is a first-person adventure that blends mystery and puzzle elements together. Take on the role of an insurance investigator who's working for the East India Company. Your objective is to figure out what in the world happened to the merchant ship Obra Dinn that suddenly drifted into London's port, five years after it was declared lost at sea. Use a mysterious pocket watch to turn back time and view each person's last moments.

Return of the Obra Dinn features an utterly unique art style that looks both retro and fresh, it uses a black-and-white "dithering" technique to create high-resolution visuals using one bit per pixel. Don't underestimate it though, because Return of the Obra Dinn is visually gorgeous.

3 Good Job!


Good Job! is an action Switch puzzle game that supports up to 2 players and offline gameplay. If you want to climb the corporate ladder, you better be prepared to do whatever it takes! Your job duties will vary from fixing the office's internet connection to cleaning up the weird goo. With every puzzle you solve, you come one step closer to the executive suite!

Every puzzle is a hilarious exercise in "just how much chaos can I cause." Why carefully water the plants when you can flood the office? Why wheel the copier into a new room when you can risk lives by constructing a catapult with zero regard for doors, walls, and basic safety? It's brilliant, laugh-out-loud fun matched by a cartoony art style and slapstick humour.

4 Untitled Goose Game


Untitled Goose Game is another puzzle game for Switch that supports up to two players co-op in offline gameplay. You play as a loose goose that is about to bring chaos to a whole town. Steal hats, set up pranks, honk a lot, and do pretty much anything that you can to be super annoying and ruin everyone's day.

Following the quest objectives is only part of the fun. Sure, you can steal slippers, trap a terrified kid in a phone booth and drop garden tools in the pond ("rake in the lake" is our favourite quest objective ever) but part of the fun here is in experimentation and generally being horrible. It's great in single-player, but couch co-op makes puzzle-solving and chaos-worshipping even better. Therefore, we highly recommend you try this funny gameplay together with a friend. All hail the honk.

5 Catherine: Full Body


Vincent's love life is... complicated... to say the least. On top of that, he's starting to have weird nightmares that force him to climb for his life. Catherine: Full Body is a mature action-adventure puzzle with an intriguing storyline and challenging puzzles. Gorgeously animated in anime style, you'll alternate between daytime segments where you'll navigate Vincent's relationships with various girlfriends, and nightmare segments climbing a tower made of blocks that must be arranged to facilitate your escape.

Aside from the great story, daytime segments also allow you to purchase drinks which will help in the nightmare segments... but have too many drinks, and you'll make your escape that much harder. If you're looking for a more mature puzzler, this is for you.


INSIDE is an award-winning puzzle platformer by Playdead. It is known for its art style, a combination of dark visuals and audio that creates a cold, dystopian world. In its 2.5D monochromatic environment, you control a young boy without a name who has to solve a series of puzzles in order to stay alive. This clearly isn't the one for younger audiences.

INSIDE is atmospherically heavy and creepy, leaving the story open to your own interpretation as you sneak through its haunting halls and otherworldly environments. If you liked Playdead's previous game, Limbo , you'll love this.

7 Little Nightmares 2


Little Nightmares 2 is a single-player, 2.5D puzzle platformer. The story precedes the events of the original Little Nightmares. You play as Mono, a boy who's trapped in a distorted world, caused by a humming transmission coming from a tower far away. A girl named Six will be his guide as he sets out to explore the Signal Tower and uncover its secrets.

It's atmospheric, grotesque, and foreboding at every turn. A game with such a cute art style shouldn't be this scary, should it? If you are up for a horror adventure that has a lot of mind-bugging puzzles, Little Nightmares 2 is a must-try. If you have already played it, and looking for something similar, here we have a list of the best mobile games like Little Nightmares .

8 The Talos Principle


The Talos Principle is a single-player, puzzle adventure. You play as a robot, tasked by its creator to solve a series of increasingly complex puzzles in an ancient-looking world. Here you will find 120+ puzzles with different levels of complexity, so it actually might take quite a while to beat the game.

It's best to go into The Talos Principle knowing as little as possible about its story and its world, but excellent puzzle-solving experience, combined with a unique storyline, make this title a must-have for the fans of the genre. It'll stay with you for a long time after the final credits roll. Sounds interesting, right? To learn more about this exciting title, feel free to read our The Talos Principle review .

9 Machinarium


There are all sorts of Switch puzzle games. Block-based puzzlers, platformers, first-person, strategy, and the list goes on. Machinarium is a single-player, point-and-click adventure puzzler that was originally released for PC back in 2009. Prepare to solve a series of puzzles and brain-teasers.

The story follows Josef, a little robot who's trying to get back to the city and reconnect with his girlfriend after he was dumped in a scrapyard. Games are often criticised for being too "brown," but Machinarium has a unique, sketch-like art style and brown-toned colour wash that only adds to the impression of a cold, surreal robotic world. In case you want to know more about the title, feel free to read our Machinarium review for some additional information.

10 Human: Fall Flat


Human: Fall Flat is an excellent puzzle game with lots of challenging puzzles and entertaining gameplay. You will have to complete levels full of various obstacles, find items and figure out how to use them properly in order to beat the level. The very first task here is to learn how to control your character because it is pretty complicated.

Human: Fall Flat also has a multiplayer mode, therefore, we recommend you play it with friends because solving puzzles together with someone is even more exciting here than in any other similar title. It is definitely worth your attention, but if you are still having doubts about it, feel free to read our Human: Fall Flat review to learn more about this exciting game.

11 Snipperclips - Cut it out, together!


Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! is a unique action-puzzle game. If you are looking for a title to play with friends or family, then you should give this one a try. Snip and Clip must cut each other up in order to overcome tricky obstacles and match the outlined shapes. Or just for fun. Too tall? Take a little off the top. Even though the puzzles are easy at the start, they get increasingly more complex as you progress.

It's surprisingly pretty, too, with the characters reacting to each snip and cut with joy and laughter. If you have enough controllers, you can even play with four people on the one Switch, making this a fun, light-hearted party title. If you're not convinced yet, and looking to learn even more about it, we have a Snipperclips review !

12 Human Resource Machine


Another type of Switch puzzle game that blends strategy and simulation elements together is Human Resource Machine, a delight for 'expert' nerds. At every level, you have to program little office workers, to automate a task given to you by your boss. If you succeed, and you make your boss happy, well, you get promoted to the next stage.

At the start of the HRM, you can only use 2 commands to program your workers, but as you advance new commands become available, making it more complex. You don't need to know programming, either. You'll be automating the workplace in no time! An exciting title, isn't it?


Gorogoa is a narrative-driven puzzle game. Arrange and combine a series of beautifully illustrated panels in order to solve the puzzles. It may be short and might only take you less than two hours to complete. But, its absolutely amazing art style and unique gameplay make for a great gaming experience. It is a cute story about a young boy that makes you relax and enjoy the adventure.

What makes this more impressive is that it was created by one person, developer Jason Roberts, hand-drawn and written over a period of six years. Without a doubt, such efforts truly deserve admiration, and the title itself is so beautiful you cannot just skip it. If you want to know our detailed opinion about it, make sure to read our Gorogoa review , where we explain in detail why this puzzler is a masterpiece.

14 The Gardens Between


The Gardens Between is a single-player puzzle adventure about two friends reliving their fond memories together. The game's time manipulation mechanics offer an interesting take on the indie puzzle genre, allowing you to reassemble parts of the environment that were previously impossible. It is a pretty short title, you can complete it in a few hours.

The island environments are bursting with detail, too; from flood-soaked rocks to falling autumnal leaves, the visuals are vibrant, beautiful, and storybook-like. With simple controls and a calm, ambient soundtrack, this is a world you'll love to get lost in.

15 Tetris 99


How do you make Tetris even better? You make it super competitive.

In this version of Tetris, you are not just competing against yourself, but you go up against 98 other players. That's right, it's Tetris meets Fortnite. Who knew the puzzle genre could work as a battle royale? You take part in large-scale online battles and defeat your opponents one by one in order to be the last player standing!

On top of being very entertaining, it's also totally free for Nintendo Switch Online members, making it a fantastic reason to join the service (in addition to everything else it offers, of course). If that was not enough to convince you to try the game, feel free to read our Tetris 99 review , and after that, destroy your opponents on Tetris battlefield!

16 Death Squared


Most puzzle games are single-player, but not Death Squared. This is a co-op puzzler, and even though it can be played solo, it was clearly made to be played by a group of people. Each player takes control of a robot, which they need to guide to a colour-coded goal. But, there's a catch. The path is full of deadly traps and hazards. For a team to survive, close observation and communication are key.

This is great to play at parties, but just don't blame us if you lose a few friendships or relationships along the way. Also, we're totally not advocating for sabotaging your friends. You won't clear the level that way... but it'll be really, really funny. And before you move to the next game on the list, make sure to check out our Death Squared review for more detailed information.

17 World of Goo


World of Goo is a physics-based puzzler where the player must use balls of goo to create bridges and various other large structures, in order to help other goo balls reach the endpoint of each stage.

You will have to overcome not only gravity but also various types of terrain. The challenge is to use as few balls as possible each time. Its strange, surreal levels and quirky designs just make this one even better. Indeed, the level design here is pretty interesting and unique, and on top of that, World of Goo has a simple but, at the same time, beautiful art style. Throughout the game, you will find many new goo balls that have various abilities that you should use wisely to beat the level. For detailed info, check out our review for World of Goo .

18 Super Bomberman R 2


Older players remember Super Bomberman as one of the first battle royale games, even before the genre existed officially. It was just known as a PVP game. Well, many years later, you can rejoice, as Bomberman 2 is out!

The essence of the game is rather simple, you have a limited ring where you need to blow up all other players in order to win. The gameplay is incredibly frenetic, as each player needs to destroy as many obstacles as possible and collect as many boosts as possible before going into a fight with another player. It's a combo between puzzle solving and quick reflexes, and it's fun as hell! Bomberman 2 brought a new Castle mode, where a player will have to defend his treasure against the rest of the team. We still think that the original gameplay is much more fun, as it will bring so much laughter.

19 Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker


Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is an enhanced port of the action-puzzle game that was released for the Nintendo Wii U originally, and then ported to Nintendo Switch. Toad has never quite been the star of his own game quite like this. Take control of Toad and try to safely navigate through various obstacles to reach the endpoint of each level, rotating the levels to reveal hidden paths and avoid enemies. Even better, this port includes additional extra levels, and it also supports multiplayer gameplay.

We have a pretty detailed Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker review for those who want to learn more about the title.

20 Lumines Remastered


Lumines Remastered might initially look like a Tetris clone, but make no mistake: this title is its own addictive beast. Lumines has you dropping square blocks consisting of four smaller blocks and (often) two different colours. Match as many colours as possible before the timeline bar sweeps across the screen from left to right. When the bar touches your matched blocks, the combination will be counted and you'll be awarded your score. Then, rinse and repeat.

It's simple to explain, but fiendishly addictive in its execution. Couple that with the game's sleek design, colourful visuals, and pumping electronic tunes by Mondo Grosso, Lumines is hard to put down. When the song changes, the stage changes. You'll be returning to this one again, and again, tapping your foot to the rhythm of the bass.

Mihail Katsoris

14 Best Educational Games for Nintendo Switch

Header 14 Best Educational Games for Nintendo Switch

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As we all know, education is not exclusive to the classroom. We spend our lives learning new skills and acquiring more information until we gather enough wisdom to be as intelligent as the smartest people on the plane — Mom and Dad.

Gone are the days when video games were seen as corrupting our youth; now, they can teach us valuable math, sports, problem-solving and social skills. No other console promotes these types of games more than the Nintendo Switch . With their bright, colorful, fun releases, they have given us games that educate and entertain.

It’s crucial that screen time is used productively; that’s why these games are perfect for players of all ages. Most of the time, players don’t even realize they are learning.

For this guide, I wanted to hand-pick Nintendo Switch games that focus on various subjects so that you can find one that:

Interests the player, so they can immediately engage and develop their skills.
Will help teach them skills they may have found hard to grasp in the classroom.
They will want to play repeatedly.

So whatever educational game you’re looking for, you should be able to find it here.

The Top 3 Educational Games for Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch Sports - Nintendo Switch

Those are my top three picks, but check out the rest of the list to find the perfect educational game for yourself or as a gift.

1. Best for Creativity: Minecraft

If you like your creativity mixed in with some action, we have the perfect educational game for you. Minecraft became an instant hit when it was released in 2011 and has solidified itself as a classic in the gaming world. Combining fun characters and vast worlds to build and explore, Minecraft’s longevity, creativity and educational value know no bounds.

Recommended age:  

What We Love:

❤️ You can build pretty much anything you want ❤️ You have to protect your environment from enemies ❤️ Building your own community with other players

What We Don’t Love:

💔 Building can take a while to get used to

💡 If you love Minecraft but want to cut down on screen time, check out our guide to the

2. Best for Problem-Solving: Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain

When it comes to problem-solving, I believe it’s a lot more fun to battle against others, brain vs. brain. With this academic accolade, up to four players can pit their brain power against each other, testing memory, math and motor skills in various games involving speed and accuracy. 

Developing and training memory skills are essential in childhood as they lead to other skills they will learn. Studies have shown that a good memory takes you back to previous experiences and allows kids to retain information such as language, follow directions, learn routines and solve problems. It also has a big part in developing imaginative play. 

❤️ Each player can set their own difficulty level  ❤️ You can test yourself against scores from other players around the world ❤️ The use of split-screen mode when connected to a monitor

💔 It’s more fun in multiplayer mode than solo play

3. Best for Sports Education: Nintendo Switch Sports

Following on from the success of Wii Sports , Switch Sports features new games and some of the classics of its predecessor. Grow your skills while staying active as you play Soccer, Volleyball, Bowling, Tennis, Badminton, Chambara and (my favorite) Golf. You navigate your character by swinging, kicking, spiking and putting your way to victory and maybe, if you’re successful, take those skills to the field in real life.

Taking part in sporting activities is not solely about fitness and fun; it can also promote academic success in children . Team sports can teach social skills, teamwork, discipline and leadership capabilities.

❤️ You can play against people at home or across the world online  ❤️ Includes a leg strap for soccer ❤️ Adjust the difficulty as your skills develop

💔 You need plenty of room to play

💡 If you want to immerse yourself in the sports further, try this

4. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Not all education is about arithmetic and spelling; humans must also learn about the community. One of the best games to promote social skills on the Switch is Animal Crossing, which focuses on building your home, decorating it and creating a community with other players. You can fish, hunt for fossils and plant your own garden, but most importantly, you must learn how to exist peacefully in your society.

Recommended age:

There are plenty of activities in Animal Crossing that promote social-emotional learning that can develop skills such as personal responsibility, decision-making, generosity, money management and altruism — all critical life skills that, when taught at a young age, can benefit a person significantly.

❤️ The colors and animations are very child friendly ❤️ There is a vast land to explore ❤️ The seasons change over time

💔 Can become addictive, so you may need to limit screen time

💡 When screen time is over, bring your new community to life with this

5. My Friend Peppa Pig Complete Edition

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed at home, but this little Peppa Piggy has taken the world by storm with books, movies, theme parks and now, her very own video game. A new friend has come to play with Peppa, a character you have created. Explore the landscape, tidy up the home and sing songs with your new best friend as you learn and play.

Peppa Pig is bright, colorful, fun, and offers great educational value to younger kids. Peppa, as a character, is kind, thoughtful, polite and friendly, teaching social-emotional learning like learning to share, giving thanks, compassion and making new friends.

❤️ It’s fun to see your creation interact with Peppa ❤️ It’s incredibly bright and colorful ❤️ Learn new activities and songs

💔 It is more story than gameplay

💡 If you’ve got a Peppa Pig fanatic on your hands, check out our buying guide of the

6. Super Mario Maker 2

Have you ever imagined designing your very own video game? With Super Mario Maker 2 you can start by making custom Mario levels of your design. You can choose which blocks go where, add enemies to your liking and plot out brand new courses for Mario to navigate through.

We all know how important creativity is in a child’s development. Dr. Sandra Russ , a creativity and play expert, described creativity as “the ability to come up with original ideas; to put ideas or images or experiences together in new ways.” Super Mario Maker 2 promotes creativity and helps build valuable STEM skills as kids better understand basic video game coding .

❤️ You can choose which era in the Mario Saga you want to design ❤️ Learn which designs work and which don’t ❤️ The possibilities are endless

💔 It takes a lot of patience to design a level

💡 After screen time, don’t let the creativity stop with our list of the

7. My Universe – Pet Clinic: Cats & Dogs

Another important lesson is how to look after those around us, including our pets. This game allows you to run your own pet clinic, where you must learn how to care for animals and nurse them back to health. First comes the diagnosis; when you know what is wrong with each animal, you can treat them to make them better.

Although much is still to be learned about the educational values of simulation games, studies have shown that these types of games off great real-world experiences for children in a risk-free environment. Pet Clinic, in particular, teaches kids valuable lessons in compassion and empathy and developing their business skills.

❤️ Make a diagnosis by solving the puzzle of their symptoms ❤️ As you progress, you can upgrade your clinic ❤️ Treatments include; x-rays, bandages and preparing medicine

💔 You need a good grasp of reading to play

8. Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

What better way to spend some downtime than to play a classic game with your friends/family? This release includes 51 classic games all in one place for you to develop your problem-solving and strategy skills and learn that important lesson; how to win and lose graciously. Including Chess, Checkers, Dominos, Darts, Bowling, Backgammon and solitaire, there is tons of fun to be had.

Problem-solving games such as these are a great tool in a child’s education. They encourage critical thinking, promote collaboration and competitiveness and provide opportunities to apply concepts they’ve already learned and learn new ones.

❤️ It’s ideal for long journeys ❤️ You can connect several Switchs’ together for multiplayer games ❤️ You can change difficulty settings

💔 You have to learn the rules for 51 games

💡 If you like playing board games, check out our buying guide to the

9. Dr. Kawashima’s Brain Training

If there’s any game in this list that exemplifies the expansion of your brain, it’s this. Test your existing skills and grow your brain power with this set of classic and new exercises. You can play alone or train with friends or family in the same room or online.

It may sound obvious, but studies show that brain training games can play a major role in improving cognitive functions in both children and adults. Benefits from these types of games can include; improved memory and recognition, increased attention span and enhanced cognition.

❤️ You can use the touchscreen or the controllers ❤️ It comes with a stylus  ❤️ Improves your memory

💔 If you’ve played the DS version, you may already know most of the puzzles

10. Snipper Clips Plus: Cut it out Together!

Snipper Clips Plus is pretty out there when it comes to solving puzzles in video games, but that’s what makes it so fun. Most of the time, you don’t realize that you are developing your problem-solving skills when playing. You don’t win “Family Game of the Year” at the 21st Annual D.I.C.E. Awards for being boring.

The benefits of these types of games are well-studied, and evidence shows how much of an asset they can be to our educational growth and development. As well as improving motor skills and promoting creativity, recent studies have shown that kids who play puzzle-solving video games show higher brain activity associated with memory and attention.

❤️ The main characters are adorable ❤️ Up to four players for co-op play ❤️ Each level is a different challenge

💔 The harder puzzles can get frustrating to solve

11. Game Builder Garage

Computer programming may seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be with Game Builder Garage. Take your first steps into a new world by building your own video game using the step-by-step lessons. Not only will you learn new skills, but you can also let your imagination run wild with different designs.

No matter how you feel about computers, they’re here to stay, so learning coding early can have enormous benefits to a child’s development. The University of Texas states that learning coding at a young age can boost problem-solving skills, advance computational thinking and digital literacy, encourage persistence and improve confidence and communication skills.

❤️ You can test your skills between each lesson ❤️ You can share your games with others online  ❤️ You can play games created by others

💔 You need plenty of patience

💡 Designing your own game can take time and battery life so make sure you don’t get caught out with

12. Professor Rubik’s Brain Fitness

The Rubik’s cube has puzzled us for 50 years, flipping the colors around to make them match up. With this brain fitness video game, you test your speed, memory and logic skills in its twelve mini-games involving the famous cube.

The Rubik’s Cube is the ultimate brain teaser, but sticking with it (and not throwing it out the window in frustration) can lead to great benefits in our development. Enhancing problem-solving skills is the most obvious asset, but it also boosts cognitive power, improves memory, enhances brain-hand-eye coordination and instills confidence.

❤️ It tracks your activity to show your progress  ❤️ The difficulty heightens as you progress ❤️ It’s challenging and stimulating

💔 It encourages you to play everyday

💡 If you want to try solving a Rubik’s Cube IRL. Check out our review of the smart

13. Taiko No Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun! Bundle

They say music is the food of love, but it’s also food for your brain. This Drum ‘n’ Fun bundle keeps your mind active by memorizing patterns and following rhythms to over seventy iconic video game songs. Playing video games that involve rhythm and music can be an excellent way for kids to dance, sing and have fun, but they can also promote some key developmental skills.

The prestigious Kaufman Music Center in New York states that music training can strengthen a child’s decision-making network, encourage the ability to take instructions and improve focus and concentration.

❤️ Connect your Switch consoles together for multiplayer mode ❤️ Play as characters from the Nintendo universe like Kirby and Splatoon 2’s Squid ❤️ The drum is a fun accessory

💔 Banging the drum can be loud

14. Colors Live

One of my favorite classes in school was Art, so I had to include this colorful, creative title in our list. Colors Live lets your imagination run free with realistic painting and design. It features a pressure-sensitive painting to give it a real-life feel and lets you record your process to see how it all came together.

Art and creativity are an integral part of our social and emotional development . As well as the satisfaction and pride you get from creating something, it allows us to share our perspectives and learn to express ourselves. What makes art so special is that it can be used as an expression of our imaginations and feelings or as a fun activity to enjoy as a group.

❤️ Complete challenges to advance your skill ❤️ You can display your work online for all to see  ❤️ Comes with a Sonar Pen to draw and paint with

💔 The lessons are more for beginners

💡 Take Colors Live outdoors to paint the world with this

Frequently Asked Questions About Educational Games for Nintendo Switch

🤔 are educational switch games good for kids’ development.

Simple answer. Yes.

Video games are a fantastic way to carry on a child’s education outside the classroom. As we see it, they will want to play video games anyway, so why not sneak in some lessons to screen time while they do?

Nintendo has an MO of releasing bright, colorful, fun games for all the family, making their latest handheld console, the Switch, the ideal platform to bring educational games into the hands of younger players.

With so many titles on offer, the key is to find a suitable game that kids will engage with to get the most out of the lessons they’re learning while having fun.

🤔 How can video games contribute to kids’ education?  

Gaming has become a huge part of our society, and while some games are mindless fun, others can stimulate and expand key learning skills in a child’s development. 

Don’t just take my word for it; check out the results of this study into Children’s Motivations for Video Game Play in the Context of Normal Development from Harvard student Cheryl K. Olson.

The right educational video game can:

  • Teach problem-solving skills
  • Inspire interest in history and culture
  • Develop social and competition skills
  • Encourage exercise
  • Spark creativity

So… What Educational Game Should I Get?

The great thing about kids is that they all have various interests, but sometimes they find it hard to engage with anything other than what they enjoy. The surefire way to find the right game is to discover their interests and what kind of games they enjoy playing.

If they’re big into sports, then Nintendo Switch Sports is the obvious choice. If they are a budding artist, you can’t go wrong with Colors Live . And for the academics out there, you can nurture their thirst for problem-solving with Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain .

If you’ve seen a Switch game that I haven’t included in this list and you think it should be, PLEASE send me a message so I can update and include it.

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Ranking The Best Puzzle Games On Nintendo Switch

Home > Games > Ranking The Best Puzzle Games On Nintendo Switch

  • Seb Santabarbara
  • Updated: January 2, 2023

nintendo problem solving games

Get ready to work those little grey cells as we check out the best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch!

Sometimes, there’s nothing better than kicking back with a puzzle game and patting yourself on the back for completing a really hard challenge.

Who am I kidding; I live for this stuff. It’s why I’ve always been obsessed with the best Zelda games , after all.

Now that the DS is no longer in production, the Switch is the perfect handheld for players to get their puzzle fix on the go.

And when you’re back home, you can continue the action on your TV.

From famous series that dropped on the DS through to new and exciting titles to the Switch, here’s 10 of the best puzzle games in 2022 for you to work your brain muscles and give yourself a better IQ.

That last sentence isn’t guaranteed, but it sounds pretty convincing, right?

Table of Contents

1. Gorogoa (2017)

Gorogoa Nintendol Switch OLED Best Puzzle Games On Nintendo Switch

We’ve puzzled our way to Number 1, and Gorogoa is officially the best puzzle game for the Nintendo Switch!

Seriously, this game is beautiful. That word isn’t used enough to describe video games, but it’s well and truly meant here.

All the artwork in this title is hand drawn by an artist called Jason Roberts. It’s truly unique and utterly original, combining tricky puzzles that will make your brain hurt with stunning visuals that will fill you with wonder.

What a review, eh!

Gorogoa gameplay

Just look at those stills above! It’s like flicking through an actual picture book, utilising incredible illustrations to drive the narrative forward and keep the action flowing.

I think as a fan of fantasy novels with a huge imagination swimming around my massive head, this game appeals to me on so many levels.

Puzzles galore with a wholly original way of looking at a computer game, all perfectly packaged on the Nintendo Switch.

What more could a person want?

2. The Gardens Between (2018)

The Gardens Between best nintendo switch puzzle games

The Gardens Between takes the 2nd spot in our list of the best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch!

Looking and feeling like a cross between Brothers and The Curse Of Monkey Island, this game sees two characters moving through beautiful garden islands.

The weird thing about this game that makes it instantly shoot to second place, however, is the fact that the players don’t control the characters.

They manipulate time!

The Gardens between gameplay

I love the direction of this game and how different it is from others in the genre. It’s both a testament to the power of friendship and also a game that makes you think about the effects that time has on all of us.

Mess with memories Harry Potter-style and contend with worlds where time flows in all directions.

Each puzzle you solve contributes to an interesting and immersive plot line that will have you well and truly hooked. It’s a game with many levels and branches, one that’s a true work of art.

3. World Of Goo (2017)

The World of Goo Nintendo Switch OLED - Best Puzzle Games On Nintendo Switch

World of Goo might not have received a physical release on the Wii, but you can grab a copy of it for the Switch and stick it on your shelf with pride.

This is one of the most addictive games I’ve ever played. It’s like one of those iPhone games that did the rounds back in the day like Flappy Bird or Cut the Rope, except it’s actually stood the test of time.

And the best but is that it’s not only cleverly made but also really eye-catching too!

World of Goo Gameplay

Some of the best Indie games on Switch are just as good as the main titles from the major developers, and while World of Goo isn’t ever going to beat BotW in good looks, it’s definitely a title that everyone needs to play.

So what is all the fuss about?

Well, players need to build blob structures over chasms and create towers to reach heights. You need to head to the goo pipe at one point in the level so your little guys can escape.

The fewer blobs you use, the more points you get. If you need a game to keep your brain healthy, then give this one a go!

4. Tetris Effect: Connected (2021)

Tetris Effect: Connected on Seb's Nintendo Switch OLED

Tetris Effect: Connected reimagines Tetris in a whole new way. Gone are the blocky visuals of the NES days (though it’s still about blocks) or the slow-building wonders of the N64 title.

If you’ve ever played Lumines or Rez, then it won’t come as a surprise to know that the same developers made this game.

With epic tunes and special effects, it’s like Tetris fell into a rave and never wanted to come out!

Tetris Effect Gameplay

The iconic tumbling puzzler now feels like an audio-visual sensory experience that messes with and enriches the mind in equal measure.

Everything moves in time with how you’re playing, making all the stages wholly unique every time you play.

It’s Tetris at the core with tonnes of bells and whistles, a nice change for anyone looking to up their game from the DMG days.

5. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (2018)

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker game case cover art

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker takes the 5th spot in this list of the best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch!

It’s the first game where Toad has been put in the limelight and not as a supporting character, and he makes a real good job of it too!

Searching for treasure, this little ‘fun-guy’ works his way through a Yoshi’s story-style comic book while solving treasure and uncovering gold.

Exploration and puzzle-solving are perfectly combined in this game. Find collectables, defeat enemies, and find the golden star normally saved for Mario to collect.

That backpack of Toads has a lot of exciting weapons and items in it too; he’s not messing about!

The Wii U made this game look super swish, but it’s even more impressive on the Switch. Kicking back with my OLED Switch while collecting mushrooms and dodging bad guys never fails to make me smile.

Does Toad eating mushrooms make him a cannibal? Is he eating his own family members?

6. Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy (2019)

Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy on Sebs's Nintendo Switch

Professor Layton is one of the best detectives of our time. But when he goes missing in Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy, his daughter has to solve the mystery of his disappearance.

Don’t worry though; Katrielle is just as sharp as her dad and more than capable of cracking the case.

Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy gameplay

If you miss the days of clicking for puzzle coins on the DS, then playing this game in handheld mode will definitely scratch your puzzle itch.

Or, see all the action on the big screen with the Switch docked and use the Joycon motion controls to help uncover clues and complete puzzles.

This looks and feels like Professor Layton 2.0. If you enjoyed the Curious Village, then this mind-bending puzzlefest will keep you smiling for days on end.

7. Sushi Striker: The Way Of The Sushido (2018)

Sushi Striker: The Way Of The Sushido on Seb's NIntendo Switch OLED

Sushi Striker: The Way Of The Sushido takes the 7th spot on our list of the best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch!

Any game that has the tagline ‘Eat to Defeat’ is always going to be a winner in my book. That’s even more so when Sushi is involved too.

Control a character with an appetite as big as their bravery as you defend your land from an evil empire.

Oh, and it takes place in a time period called ‘The Sushi Struggles’… how cool is that!

Sushi Striker: The Way Of The Sushido gameplay

If you’ve ever played the mini games in Mario Party, then you’ll be all over this plate-matching game.

I know I’m used to eating sushi, but it’s also used as a weapon here.

Maybe the fish is a little off?

Build the biggest plate stack and finish off your opponent in true Sushido-style!

8. Mr. Driller: DrillLand (2020)

Mr. Driller: DrillLand gameplay best Nintendo Switch Puzzle games on Seb's Nintendo Switch OLED

Want to travel to a secret amusement park under the ground? Mr. Driller: DrillLand can take you there in a heartbeat!

With 5 attractions to drill your way through, there’s plenty for Mr Driller fans to sink their teeth into in this game.

And of course, there are tough bosses to beat along the way too. Because no attraction is complete without a gnarly enemy to destroy!

Mr. Driller: DrillLand gameplay

This is the very first Mr Driller game on the console too. This is one of the games that I usually only play handheld too; I don’t know why, but it feels like a feet-up, close-up type of game to me!

Play with up to four friends once you do get off the sofa and dock your Switch, or just dig to your heart’s content in the Easy mode.

That’s definitely the best thing to do on a lazy Sunday.

9. Snipperclips Plus (2017)

Snipperclips Plus on Sebs Nintendo Switch OLED

Snipperclips Plus is one of the niftiest games on the planet. It’s so simple to play and a real cute title to have a bash at with a friend or partner.

But don’t be fooled by its colourful graphics. This is a real tough cookie to crack at times and requires a lot of brain power.

It’s also easy to just be super annoying destroy your partner’s little character… which I’ve done a lot!

Snipper Clips Plus gameplay

The main premise behind Snipperclips is working together to reach a certain goal or make a specific shape.

You’ll need to carefully snip your partners character in the right way, often combining together to create weird and wacky shaped or push objects towards a goal.

If you’re looking for a game that isn’t high-octane and easy to play no matter what your gaming level, then give Snipperclips Plus a go!

10. Art Of Balance (2018)

Art of Balance On Sebs Nintendo Switch OLED

Art Of Balance finished off our list of the best puzzle games on Nintendo Switch, bringing 200 levels of addictive goodness to Nintendo’s handheld hero.

A game where you build a stack of shapes might not sound that addictive, but trust me… it is!

Any fans of the tension created while playing Wario Ware on the GameCube will instantly connect with this. Watch out for shapes breaking and some pieces even reversing gravity!

Art of Balance gameplay

Online play is a nice touch in this game, but the local split screen will always be my favourite. Nothing says stress like having your friends poking and goading you while trying to stack objects.

If it wasn’t for the tranquil sounds of this game and amazing music, then I think I might have pulled my beard out a long time ago.

This is one that people of any gaming ability can play easily. Practice makes perfect, and you will find it incredibly tough to put down!

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7 Educational Nintendo Switch Games That Kids Will Love

These video games encourage children to think critically, strategically, and creatively.

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Parents / Alli Waataja

Gaming has become a huge part of 21st-century life. The world of esports is continuously growing, with many gamers proving successful in turning their long-time passion for virtual competition into flourishing careers and sources of income . Though it can be easy to chalk children's gaming up to something that's lighthearted and only for playtime, there are potential benefits to gaming , and almost any video game will force players to think strategically and activate their problem-solving skills. If you're looking for a Nintendo Switch game for your child that incorporates more traditionally educational components, we've rounded up some of the best options.

While there may be something new to learn from any video game, some admittedly have a more overt educational purpose than others. They can help players develop new skills, interests, and knowledge that can prove useful outside of gameplay.

There are Nintendo Switch games like Game Builder Garage designed to teach players about programming, and also multiplayer brain teaser games like Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain that allow players to competitively flex their logical thinking skills among friends and family. And don't underestimate the educational power of role-playing games (RPGs). There are plenty of RPGs for the Nintendo Switch that will teach players about lifestyles that are different from their own and provide facts about different environments throughout the game. Some RPGs may also require players to manage virtual, in-game money, as well as perform other tasks that rely on everyday math skills.

Nintendo Game Builder Garage

Playing video games is fun, but learning how to make video games is fun too. Game Builder Garage has two modes: Interactive Lessons and Free Programming. In the Interactive Lessons mode, your child will follow fun, interactive lessons and learn about game design from the perspective of Nintendo game-makers. The lessons will walk your child through building seven different games (via highly visual and easy-to-follow directions), allowing them to see what the gamer sees on screen and the programmer sees behind the scenes throughout each stage of the creation process. Free Programming mode allows them to apply their new knowledge from the lesson and create games of their own. ESBR Game Rating : Everyone.

Nintendo Big Brain Academy: Brain vs. Brain

This is a brain teaser game that has a multiplayer and a single-player mode. The single-player mode allows your child to practice brain teasers by themselves, while the multiplayer mode challenges friends and family to see who can correctly solve the puzzle fastest. One of the best things about this game is that you can set individual difficulty levels for the players. You can set the game to an easier mode for a young child and a more difficult model for an adult. That means people of all ages can play together and the game will be fair, making it a great game for families to learn new things together. ESBR: Everyone.

Nintendo Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics allows you to play different board games, card games, and other traditional types of games virtually. As they master each game, your child will become well-versed in the strategies and principles behind them. The video game includes games popular to an array of different cultures and countries, making it a great way to combine cultural exploration, strategic thinking skills, and a fun gaming experience. Some of the games available to play are Chess, Shogi, Hanafuda, Chinese Checkers, and Hare and Hounds. ESBR: Everyone.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the most popular games for the Nintendo Switch. In the game, your child will create and design their own island. As they explore the island, they'll learn about different aspects of the world through the different challenges offered in the gameplay. For instance, your child can discover insects, fish, and fossils (all of which have a real-world basis), and bring them to the island's museum. When they donate the items, the owl in charge of the museum will teach them about what they brought. Your child will also have to work to distinguish between real and counterfeit pieces when curating the museum's art gallery, so there are opportunities to learn about works of art too. ESBR: Everyone.

Nintendo Labo Variety Kit

If you have a kiddo who is always creating and building something, or want to encourage them to do so, you'll want to consider Nintendo Labo Variety Kit . The kit includes five IRL, tangible cardboard toys that your child will need to construct: two remote-control cars, a fishing rod, a house, a motorbike, and a piano. Rather than following a set of paper instructions, the game will walk your child through the process of building a functional version of each toy. Once the building process is finished, real-life and virtual worlds collide as the cardboard creations are incorporated into gameplay , with each toy having its own place to hold the Nintendo Switch and its Joy-Cons. For instance, the Switch will sit above the keys on the piano, and when you press on the cardboard keys, the Switch will make music. Your child essentially helps design components for the game, making this kit great for tying STEM concepts and creative thinking into playtime. There's also a Nintendo Labo Vehicle Drive Kit , Robot Kit , and VR Kit . ESRB: Everyone 10+.

Super Mario Maker 2

Courtesy of Amazon

This is another game that allows your child to take on the role of game creator, though with a Super Mario-focus. Super Mario Maker 2 will have your kiddo creating side-scrolling platformers (in the traditional Super Mario style) featuring none other than Mario himself. With all the items available to use during the game-creation process, such as those classic coins, Super Leafs, and Fire Flowers, and all the different gaming concepts available for your child to tinker with, it's a great game for players to explore their own imagination. Your child can play the games they make, but they can also take on the challenge of the ready-to-play courses available in single-player Story Mode. ESBR: Everyone.

Nintendo Pikmin 3 Deluxe

Pikmin 3 Deluxe is a strategy and puzzle game with charming visuals. The game follows three explorers from a starving home planet who land on planet PNF-404 in hopes of finding food. In the game, your child will lead plant-like creatures called Pikmin, who will help the explorers combat enemies, explore the planet, and find food. Your child will have to work with their team of Pikmin and think creatively if they hope to overcome the obstacles they'll face on planet PNF-404. The game also offers a Story and Mission mode that allows your kiddo to play with friends, which further adds to the game's collaborative nature, teaching lessons in teamwork. ESRB: Everyone 10+.

Sarah Toscano is a writer and current Henry Luce Foundation fellow. When not writing or working on her fellowship, some of Toscano's hobbies include longboarding, watching anime, playing video games, and eating new desserts.

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The puzzle genre has become popular on the Nintendo Switch, with massive hits like the Untitled Goose Game and Donut County keeping players busy solving entertaining levels. Switch owners who want to test their skills and try out a puzzle game don’t have to spend a single penny as there are quite a few of them available on the eShop for free.

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Out of over 70 free-to-play and free-to-start titles to choose from, there are seven free puzzle games that players can download at any time. Some of these games have great mechanics, complex puzzles, and entertaining levels that make them worth checking out.

Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade

An image featuring 3 foxes and falling barrels in Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade.

Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade is a bunny-flinging puzzle game where players have to figure out the best ways to demolish structures and crush foxes in each level. The physics-based demolition game has over 150 levels, designed to become increasingly complex as the player progresses.

Angry Bunnies is a funny game for the Switch , but it’s an obvious revamp of the more popular and humorous Angry Birds games. It doesn’t really add anything new to the formula as it mostly just replaces birds and pigs with bunnies and foxes. The puzzles aren’t too challenging to figure out, and the bunnies’ special abilities do little to add excitement to the gameplay. It might be fun for players who have never tried anything from the genre before, but the game's uninspired levels are a pale imitation of the original, which is also free to download on any smartphone.

Lost Lands: Dark Overlord

An image of an empty front yard at night in the Nintnendo Switch game Lost Lands.

After Susan takes a phone call and turns away from her son for a split second, Jimmy is suddenly pulled into a mysterious portal, which closes before his mother could reach him. Lost Lands: Dark Overlord follows Susan through this magical dark world, where she must solve puzzles and look for clues to figure out how to get her son back.

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The game has beautiful hand-drawn visuals, which is pleasantly surprising for a free title. Its soundtrack adds to the magical atmosphere of the hidden world. The puzzles aren’t too exciting, as they’re nothing players haven’t seen before. For instance, there are puzzles where players have to turn over tiles to match images and others that require them to light up bulbs to form constellations. On the other hand, the clue-finding aspect is fun, as there are a ton of overstuffed rooms for players to sift through. It’s worth checking out for players who want an easy puzzle game with stunning visuals.

Gems Of War

An image of columns of gems and 8 character profiles on both sides of the screen in Gems of War..

Gems of War is a fun puzzle game on the Switch that tasks players with matching gems and skulls to power their characters and defeat their enemies. It incorporates RPG elements, as players have to level up troops and equip them with armor and weapons, while also discovering new attacks and spells along the way. There are also various quests, guild activities, fight modes, and events for players to enjoy.

Gems of War is an interesting take on the genre, as it combines all the fun elements of RPGs but combines them with puzzles. It requires players to be strategic about using their mana, as it’s easy to run out of it after enough matches against other skilled players. The biggest issue with this game is that it’s extremely difficult to level up characters without buying better gear or upgrading abilities through microtransactions. If players are willing to grind for hours to gain a few ingots in the game, Gems of War can be a rewarding experience with a good number of quests and other entertaining activities to do.

A screenshot of multiple hexagons with numbers in the middle in the Switch game Hexceed.

Hexceed is a challenging but also relaxing Switch game that puts a spin on the classic title it’s based on ( Minesweeper ). Instead of a dull gray grid, it features creatively designed levels filled with hexagons for players to uncover. Like the classic game, each hexagon will reveal how many dangers are hidden around, allowing players to strategize about their next move.

The game has some fun level designs, with one of them even made to look like a map. Hexceed doesn’t try to innovate on Minesweeper ’s core elements, but it does improve them by making the gameplay more exciting through brilliant design. The pastel color palette and relaxing soundtrack are an added bonus.

An image showing triangles, circles, and squares in the Nintendo Switch game Color Zen.

The most relaxing game that’s free on the eShop is undoubtedly Color Zen . The objective given to the player is simple – just keep combining shapes with the same color until only one fills the screen. The level designs become increasingly complex, eventually forcing the player to strategize (at least a little bit) to clear each one.

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Even on the hardest levels, this game never becomes frustrating. It’s almost impossible to get annoyed when there’s a meditative soundtrack and relaxing sound effects that accompany every move. The simplicity of the shapes and the overall gameplay make it a charming game for players who want to relax for a few hours.

A screenshot of gameplay with descending blocks in the Nintendo Switch game Tetris 99.

Nintendo’s Tetris 99 is another  classic game made with better graphics with a multiplayer twist. Just like its name suggests, players are pitted against 98 other users in a thrilling Tetris battle that ends with only one winner. During the battle royale-style matches, players can send out Garbage Blocks to opponents, which will slightly obscure their screen.

Having 99 Tetris games all at once is an ambitious concept for a game, but it works amazingly well. Players have to be strategic not just about their own game, but about who to target next. The excitement and tension are only intensified as more and more players are knocked out. It’s also ridiculously difficult to win against so many other players, but the thrill of trying makes it worth playing over and over again.

Pokémon Café Mix

A Pokémon monster laughs with a female cafe employee in the Nintendo Switch game Pokémon Cafe Mix.

Pokémon Café Mix is a feel-good game that tasks players with running a café with an adorable staff. Familiar Pokémon like Charmander and Togepi help the player churn out tasty-looking treats like Eevee cakes and Diglett sandwiches. The more puzzles players complete, the more food and drinks they can serve – the café can even be expanded to attract more customers.

One of the most thrilling parts of the game is the Pokémon customers that come to dine in the café. Minccino can just walk in and order decaf – if it’s good enough, he might even join the staff! The actual puzzles aren’t difficult at all, as it’s easy enough to link Pokémon faces together to clear the levels. This isn’t surprising, as the playful art style and relaxed café environment suggest that the game isn’t mean to be hard. It’s a fun and easy puzzle game for players who aren't really looking for anything challenging.

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  • Nintendo Switch


The 10 Best Educational Switch Games

Em Stonham

Em is an RPG fanatic from the UK with a love for all things cute, witchy, and spooky. Their favorite games include World of Warcraft, Animal Crossing, and Pokémon.

nintendo problem solving games

Video games might not be everyone’s first thought when it comes to educational tools, but they can be a great way to help people learn about new concepts and push themselves.

They’re not just for kids, either.

If you’re looking to learn about a new topic or concept, picking up an educational game could be a great move, especially if you’re someone who’s no longer in the education system.

To help you sort through the massive amount of games available on the Nintendo Switch store, I’ve handpicked the 10 best educational Switch games for you to download and try today. I’ve picked a wide range, to suit multiple age groups and subjects.

Game Builder Garage

game builder garage

If you have any younger family members that are looking to get into game development and coding, this is a fantastic game to pick up for them.

Game Builder Garage is a brilliant addition to the world of educational games on the Switch. In this game, you can work your way through a handful of lessons to make structured games and projects, or play through in a free play mode to make your own projects.

This is a game that’s geared towards younger players, so it’s great to see that it’s been made accessible and easy to engage with. There’s clear and consistent guidance throughout the lessons, a log to help keep people on track, and no penalties for making any mistakes.

It’s also very colorful and visually engaging.

Game Builder Garage plays well on the Switch, with a pleasant user interface and decent controls. There’s the option to use a USB mouse and keyboard, too. There are no performance issues to note, and the audio pairs well with the visual style.

While some elements of this game could have done with a little fleshing out (like the ability to browse other people’s creations or change the theme of your game drastically), this is still a superb entry into the world of game development.

It’s unique, fun, and a great way to help younger gamers learn a new skill.

Big Brain Academy: Brain vs Brain

big brain academy

Big Brain Academy: Brain vs Brain is a fun game with an educational theme that’s suitable for players of all experience levels and ages.

This game offers both a single player and a multiplayer mode, with single player consisting of 5 different disciplines to train your brain in. Each discipline has a series of mini games, and you can progress through them in ascending difficulty using the league system in the game.

The single player mode is a lot of fun and genuinely challenging in places, but multiplayer mode is where this game truly shines.

There’s a great local multiplayer option for up to four players at a time, making for an excellent quiz-style party game , and an online mode where you can go against the ghost data of other players from around the world.

This game is a budget-friendly gem and it offers plenty of value for money. It might not be the most complex educational game on the Nintendo Switch, but it certainly is interesting and there’s a handful of accessibility tools to make it suitable for players of all levels.



If you’re working on learning a language at the moment, Trancelation is a fun game that could be a great supporting tool for your studies. It’s not the most complex language learning game or app on the market, but it is a great way to brush up on basic vocabulary and sentences.

This game has an arcade style of play where you have to match up words from your chosen languages and complete objectives like matching a few words successfully in a row. It’s a dazzling, neon-soaked game, complete with techno music in the background.

There are modes available in Trancelation, including some wicked challenge modes. The game is simple to pick up, and it plays well on the Nintendo Switch too. The music is fun and matches the neon vibe nicely, and I could not find any issues to report.

While you’re almost certainly not going to learn a new language just by playing Trancelation alone, you may be able to boost your skills and get in some practice in a new, exciting way by checking it out. It’s a fun and unique language tool, and it stands out from lots of the other educational games on the Nintendo Switch.

While True: Learn ()

cat coding game

As noted in the introduction, educational games on the Switch aren’t just for kids.

‘While True: Learn ()’ is one of the most interesting puzzle games on the Switch , and it’s also one of the most effective tools for helping people to learn about coding.

The general premise in this game is that you’re a fairly mediocre programmer with a cat who happens to be a programming genius. Your character sets out on an adventure to translate cat-speak into English, and the game unfolds from there.

The story is very entertaining and it’s packed full of great coding puzzles to solve. They ramp up in difficulty steadily, giving you a chance to learn the mechanics in time but still pushing you to try your best and develop your skills.

There are a few technical quirks in this game when it comes to screen size and lag, but there’s nothing game-breaking. The game looks good and combines entertainment with education nicely.

If you can look past a few hiccups with regards to performance, you’re sure to get a lot out of this game. It’s creative and offers a lot of intriguing content.

body quest

This game is an educational, science-themed title aimed at helping younger players learn more about the human body. It’s simplistic and easy to pick up, and packed full of content to help young people expand their knowledge in a fun and laid back way.

In BodyQuest, you play as a medical team trying to combat an evil virus that has stolen a nanobot and infected one of your patients. You’ll need to shrink down to the same size and pursue the virus in order to save the patient. The game gets you to chase the virus, while doing quizzes throughout the body in order to repair each part.

The gameplay and quiz elements are well balanced, making for a fun and educational experience. The quiz difficulty ramps up steadily and fairly, and the controls are easy to get to grips with. It looks great on the Switch, and there are no performance issues to report.

Something that I was not happy to see in this game was a spelling mistake in one of the quizzes. It’s a small thing for sure, but disappointing nonetheless.

BodyQuest is a fun, informative game for kids that helps to break down topics like the nervous system and human anatomy in digestible chunks. It has a decent amount of content in it, including collectibles to hunt down, and it’s worth having a look at.

7 Billion Humans

7 billion humans

7 Billion Humans is a game that’s ideal for gamers who are looking to learn more about coding. In a similar fashion to While True: Learn (), this game uses an interesting story and aesthetic to help people learn more about coding basics.

The general premise here is that you’re an office manager working with robots and data cubes. You’ll have to use coding exercises and techniques to solve the puzzles and carry out office tasks, using your robotic colleagues as vessels for your programming genius. There are over 60 puzzles to work through, each ascending in difficulty.

The writing here is fantastic, and it’s admirable to see how the developers have managed to remove a lot of the frustration from learning a new skill without losing any of the challenge. The controls work without a hitch on the Switch and the overall art style looks amazing too.

7 Billion Humans is a brilliant addition to the roster of educational games on the Nintendo Switch and I highly recommend checking out. It’s an approachable and enjoyable title, packed full of equal measures education and entertainment.

Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia


Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia is a beautiful game that helps to teach people about different kinds of plants and creatures in the world. It’s more of an interactive tool than a game admittedly, but it’s absolutely worth including on this list for the value and style alone.

In this game, you control a watercolor mouse as she explores the world around her. You’ll be able to check out different areas of the world and learn about the different plants and fauna that you come across as you go by accessing their Encyclopedia entries.

The art style for this game is stunning and it feels right at home on the Nintendo Switch. The game itself plays well, with no performance issues to note. The mechanics are very simple to pick up, and they work with both the touchscreen and regular controls.

Little Mouse’s Encyclopedia is a great educational Switch game for younger players to look through with an older sibling or parent. There aren’t too many gameplay elements to it, but it’s educational and has plenty of content to keep people busy.

math land

MathLand is a simple, colorful platformer game with an isometric style that aims to help younger gamers get to grips with math.

In MathLand, you’ll need to work your way through colorful platformer levels and collect telescopes to be able to progress to later stages. Collecting telescopes is simply a case of solving math problems, which are all scaled appropriately to suit the player’s age.

MathLand has a very child-friendly aesthetic and it looks decent on the Switch. It plays well, with no technical issues to note.

The controls and user interface are simple, although much younger players may struggle a little with the isometric style of play instead of a standard 2D platformer.

If you’re on the hunt for a Switch game to teach younger people in your life about math and how to solve problems, MathLand could be the perfect pick for you. It may not be the most enthralling for older gamers but the simplistic setup and scaled difficulty for the problems makes this one of the best educational games on the Switch.

Scribblenauts Mega Pack


Searching for an educational Switch game to help with problem solving and spelling? Scribblenauts Mega Pack combines two great games (Scribblenauts Unlimited and Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure) and offers up one handy collection.

Both Scribblenauts games are puzzle games which follow the character Maxwell and his magical notebook. His sister, Lily, has an equally magical globe and tags along for a lot of the adventures. Players will need to help Maxwell and Lily solve various puzzles using the notebook to scribble things into existence and the globe to travel.

There’s not just one solution for a puzzle in Scribblenauts, either. The game encourages you to try out different strategies for the puzzles, and pushes you to solve problems creatively. There is a hint system in place for younger players if they get stuck, though.

Visually, this game is a gem. The cartoonish art style is charming and fits the console well, and there are no performance issues to note. The controls are easy enough to pick up and there’s touchscreen support in place.

This game offers great value for money and it’s a great way for younger gamers to improve their spelling and problem solving skills without feeling like they’re under too much pressure.

Letter Quest Remastered

letter quest

Letter Quest Remastered is a combination of an educational spelling themed game and a fun, fantasy oriented RPG. It’s a unique addition to the world of educational games on the Nintendo Switch, and it’s worth checking out.

In this game, players will need to battle opponents and traverse dungeons, using their spelling skills to deal damage to their foes. It’s a fun and whimsical take on a spelling game, and there’s plenty of variety to the levels and enemies on offer. There’s multiple game modes to work through too, offering plenty of content to tackle.

The game looks great on the Switch, and you can pick between two different soundtracks to use during the game too. There are no technical issues or quirks to note, other than a few minor issues with button sensitivity. Nothing game breaking, but worth noting regardless.

Letter Quest Remastered is a stylish addition to the educational genre on the Switch, and it’s suitable for learners of all ages and skill levels too.

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Best Video Games About Problem Solving | TheReviewGeek Recommends

There are a lot of video games out there and in this age of mobile and home-based gaming, the choices have never been greater.

So how do you cut through the noise and find the “Best of” for any chosen topic? Well, we’re here to help celebrate and shine a spotlight on some of the latest, greatest and unforgettable games through the years.

For our ongoing series of articles depicting the best video games, our attention this time turns to games with a focus on problem-solving. From thought-provoking adventures to lighthearted action-puzzle games, there’s a good choice to whet your appetite.

Of course, if we’ve missed any of your favorites, feel free to comment below and we’ll get them added on!

Professor Layton

While many puzzle games aim for a simple formula like Tetris and Puyo Puyo, others lean toward telling a constructive narrative. The Professor Layton franchise does that with its take on the point-and-click adventure genre through its well-written story beats, characters, and glorious setting.

Professor Layton follows the adventures of Professor Hershel Layton and his partner Luke as they help solve many mysteries regarding missing family heirlooms, murder, and time travel. It’s safe to say that these two are always on their toes regarding case requests. Considering Professor Layton’s excellent detective skills, they have nothing to fear.

Phoenix Wright of the Ace Attorney franchise inspired the idea and concept behind Professor Layton’s gameplay and character. The gameplay utilizes the Nintendo DS’s touch screen to a tea, as players must interact with Professor Layton’s setting, characters, and puzzles.

Some puzzles players encounter are logic, math problems, and maze-based. However, the game offers a memo pad that allows players to work out issues that may be too bothersome to complete in one’s head. Puzzles grant players points that help them progress through the story.

The Professor Layton franchise is remarkable for people looking for a brain-teasing challenge and a good time.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a visual novel adventure game held in high regard by many fans. While some may not agree that it fully replicates the life of a real-life lawyer, the trials, interrogation, and puzzle components are what makes this franchise a grand one.

There have been many games in the Ace Attorney franchise, some with new protagonists. However, the protagonist many people attach this franchise to is Phoenix Wright. Starting as novice defense attorneys, players must help Phoenix thoroughly investigate surroundings for clues. Then they find themselves in the courtroom where it’s their job to either defend or go against the person being held accountable for the crime.

This is where the game’s incredible puzzle-solving mechanics come into play. Essentially, players interrogate witnesses and their attorneys for fallacies and contradictions by picking apart their claims in court. They also have to answer specific questions the judge may have about one of the five particular cases.

The gameplay is simple but requires the player to think carefully before making their argument. Thankfully, the game includes ways to scroll through previous statements to help them identify the fallacy in their opponents’ claims. The characters also have great enthusiasm in their reactions to trials, especially the convicted individual in the said case.

If you’re looking for a visual novel experience that’ll make you use your max brainpower, be sure to purchase any of the Ace Attorney games.

Despite creating violent-oriented franchises like Left 4 Dead and Half-Life, Valve aren’t afraid to tackle new territory. Portal and its sequel Portal 2 have a limited campaign which bothered most at first. However, others have looked past its short story duration and uncovered a game filled with originality, distinct gameplay, and a dark plot.

The Portal franchise follows Chell, who must create portals to solve an AI named GLaDOS’s many puzzles. Mastering the game’s physics is important as players must create portals in a specific way to progress through the game. Momentum, preservation, and redirection are the three elements players must know before diving into this game.

Chell’s vulnerability is at an all-time high, making matters difficult. If she lands on a surface from a high enough distance, she’ll receive damage upon impact. The game also includes various machinery to amp up the challenge via turrets, bouncing energy balls and toxic substances. Players don’t have access to a visible health bar either.

Lastly, the game features well-written characters, and slowly drip feeds hints toward its inevitable conclusion as the player progresses. Valve made GLaDOS’ personality shine in the game, even though it’s a robot that taunts players constantly. It surprisingly never gets stale as the jokes only get funnier.

If you’re looking for a puzzle game with enthusiasm, originality, and mystery, Portal is the one for you.

Baba Is You

While some puzzle games have precise and easy-to-follow gameplay, there are rarely any that allow you to bend the rules. Baba is You is an indie puzzle game that wants its players to break the rules of puzzle-solving.

Baba Is You entails players controlling the animal-like being, Baba, who must solve several word puzzles to reach specified checkpoints. Each level presents players with word blocks they can interact with and manipulate to their heart’s content. While some will leave players with fewer roadblocks in their path, others may give them an experience they hadn’t expected.

Some of these experiences include transforming Baba and her world’s organisms into different objects. You can also change your end goal into something completely different. The game spans 200 uniquely designed levels that encourage players to devise critical ways to manipulate the game’s roadblocks to their liking.

While the title doesn’t offer the most jaw-dropping graphics, it does deliver outstanding puzzles designed to help boost your critical thinking skills.

Famicom Detective Club

The old Famicom Detective Club games have been resurrected on Nintendo Switch as a mystery visual novel. While it didn’t sell as well as Nintendo’s blockbuster franchises, it offers worthwhile cases and interactivity.

The Famicom Detective Club games play like every ordinary visual, but the fascinating aspect of the game is that it used to be a Super Nintendo exclusive in Japan. A component that makes the Famicom Detective Club remakes better than the original is the astonishing voice acting, clever overarching mysteries, and beautiful character sprites and CGs.

Only the first two entries were remade and finally brought to the west. Both games center around a young detective protagonist who must solve two cases involving death. The Missing Heir delves into Kiku Ayashiro’s death, a woman who had inherited her family’s plot. The second game, The Girl Who Stands Behind, discusses the demise of a high school student named Yoko Kojima.

While the gameplay isn’t as interactive as Ace Attorney and others that came out after it, the remakes helped revitalize the world for a newer audience. Unlike most visual novels, the Famicom Detective Club remake contains cinematic cutscenes and superb voice acting. There’s also a subtle yet unique dungeon crawling minigame near the end that helps it stand out from others, including Ace Attorney.

Despite Famicom Detective Club being a niche gem, it’s a puzzle-solving adventur1e game that players shouldn’t skip out on.

Unfortunately, some indie games don’t reach mainstream levels of success. When they do, the reception is either overwhelmingly positive or negative, with many praising it or declaring the game is overhyped. While it spawned millions of “suspicious memes,” Among Us delivers in its addictive gameplay and player interactivity.

While it doesn’t have a deep narrative to accompany its world, Among Us’s simply-designed characters and world serve their purpose well. How players participate and interact with Among Us is where its fun aspect kicks into overdrive since the game requires you to think and manipulate your way to victory.

Among Us allows the player to control one of many crewmates who must complete simple tasks while onboard a ship. However, one or two players take on the role of imposters, deadly hybrid beasts that aim to annihilate every crewmate onboard without being ratted out.

To call out these phonies, players must signal a meeting, where all the players unite to discuss discovered dead bodies or to declare who they believe is an imposter. Often, people make statements that are difficult to confirm or deny, which is where the puzzle-solving comes into play.

While it may not sound like it, the game will make players stress over wrong decisions, further encouraging them to keep their eyes peeled. If you’re a fan of the old murder mystery tropes often depicted in a train-ride setting, then Among Us has you covered.

Human Fall Flat

Portal was a platform puzzle game with a dark storyline and intriguing mechanics, but many may prefer something more lighthearted. Human Fall Flat is a puzzle platformer indie game whose goal is to make your whole friend group or family giggle and smile.

Players can take control of this world’s interpretation of humans and must solve quirky and fun-filled puzzles. While the puzzles start simple, the difficulty rises as you progress further into the game. These difficult puzzles will require some brainpower despite appearing heartwarming and cute.

Players manipulate their human arms to carry and place crates in specific locations to solve these puzzles. Other puzzles include pressing switches or needing to walk backward while onboard a fast-moving vehicle. Therefore, it’s best to expect many failures along the way, but at least you’ll end up with a good chuckle out of it.

As for the characters themselves, players can customize them to their heart’s content. You can make your character look like a dog or one of those driving test dummies. The game also allows you to build puzzles yourself to play alongside friends on a comfortable couch and online co-op play.

While the game doesn’t have a highly sophisticated narrative, the gameplay and wacky shenanigans you’ll end up in make Human Fall Flat a worthwhile purchase.

Catherine: Full Body

The multiple branch trope often finds a home in many story-centric video games like visual novels. These branching paths help players immerse themselves in the world and its characters. While it isn’t a visual novel, Catherine: Full Body contains 13 different endings in a game where problem-solving is your goal.

Catherine: Full Body is a re-release of the original PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Catherine game. Players take on the role of Vincent, a doubtful protagonist who must overcome his romantic struggles. This concerns two females named Catherine, yet one starts with a K. To do so, players must help Vincent settle his quarrels by completing the game’s dating sim and action-platforming elements.

There’s no definitive answer to the dating sim components since it’s up to the player’s decision regarding Vincent’s choices. The players’ choices in the game will lock them into specific endings, including Vincent’s reactions to said scenarios. This allows the game’s storyline to thrive with different outcomes, thus giving players a reason to revisit the title to witness Vincent’s other chosen fates.

As for its action-platforming components, which play out like Tetris to a degree. These puzzles occur in Vincent’s nightmares he’ll endure after each day. Players must help Vincent swiftly climb a tall tower whose goal is to have him crumble. These towers start slow but get inherently fast in time, and several hazards come into play only to make matters worse.

While the game sounds like a breeze, it’ll have your brain wearing with its incredibly fast puzzles and difficult life-oriented choices.

Puzzle-platformers can come in many shapes, but Braid aimed to change things with its time manipulation game mechanic. A premise similar to Super Mario Bros. Braid requires players to rescue a princess while traversing many worlds, each with its puzzles.

Braid allows players to enact different actions regarding time manipulation, involving rewinding events to move immovable objects and discovering parallel realities. Every time players complete a puzzle, they’ll receive something new and intriguing about Braid’s world.

Braid’s other fascinating aspect is that players cannot die or technically lose. As a result, Braid’s puzzles challenged gamers to use every ounce of their wit to progress. Some worlds will have players searching for puzzle pieces while others require them to manipulate time or create entrances to different realities.

Moreover, the game delivers a unique experience with its fresh gameplay and mechanics that could ultimately improve a gamer’s thinking capabilities. Therefore, Braid wishes to encourage and increase anyone’s thinking capabilities under the presentation of a time manipulating puzzle game.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Although it took many years for the mushroom-headed toddler to get a game series, the wait was well worth it. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is an action platformer that started as a minigame for the Wii U’s Super Mario 3D World game. It later received an enhanced port via the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS.

This game’s story contains three chapters. The first chapter has players controlling Toad to save Toadette from Wingo, a villainous bird. The next chapter goes in the opposite direction while the endgame features a boss fight with Wingo and later Draggadon, a royal dragon. While the story is a bit convoluted, the gameplay and puzzles are imaginative and fun.

You guide Toad or Toadette through various distinct platform puzzles. Some feature conveyor belts, stairs, and the Mario Bros. franchise’s iconic enemies. Players have no access to jumping and will lose if Toad or Toadette receive damage at any point.

Fear not, as Toad regains health by finding mushrooms. Also, he can defend himself with his trusty Super Pickax and turnip pulling abilities from Super Mario Bros. 2. As for level design, each puzzle feels uniquely designed for each world. The extra content in the Nintendo Switch and 3DS versions also make it more worth the money.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a great game to kickstart younger fans’ dive into the puzzle genre of video games.

So, there we have it, our pick for the best games through the years about problem-solving!

What do you think of our picks? Do you agree? Are there any notable omissions? Let us know in the comments below!

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Educational/easy games that don't require reading

Hello! My toddler (5M) received a Nintendo Switch as a gift.

What educational/easy games are appropriate for someone who cannot read? I’ve searched online, and I see Big Brain Academy as a recommended one, but I’m curious if this community knows of any lesser known good picks. Thank you!

I like that he plays Nintendo Sports, as it keeps him active, and it doesn’t require reading. (I help him with the tutorials, but then he can play).

I know Mario Kart 8 Deluxe probably also does not require reading, but I want to delay any games where he would sit inactive on the couch, UNLESS it’s a more educational game.

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The best puzzle games to play right now

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by Oli Welsh , Nicole Carpenter , Ana Diaz , Maddy Myers , Zoë Hannah , and Polygon Staff

Grindstone characters looking lovingly at a Nintendo Switch

It’s no understatement to say puzzles form the backbone of video games as a medium of entertainment.

For me, it started with games like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past , in which dungeons contained numerous mysteries that pushed me to consider, and then reconsider, how I used Link’s vast arsenal of tools to accomplish a task like, say, opening a secret door to a room. And while several adventure games make problem-solving a key aspect of exploring, just plain old puzzles also have played a large role in the history of video games.

It could be the picture book-esque stylings of point-and-click games like Goragoa or the mind-bending worlds of Cocoon , developers continue to shower fans of games with all kinds of brainteasers. Even in the past two years, I’ve seen word games — still puzzles! — take on a new level of widespread popularity through the breakout success of games like the New York Times’ Wordle and now Connections .

There are truly too many puzzle games to choose from. If we really wanted to get philosophical, we could extend this designation to the vast majority of games. So we here at Polygon decided to start by writing up some of our personal favorite puzzle games. From classic match games like Puyo Puyo to the deviously clever visual puns of Baba Is You , here are Polygon’s favorite puzzle games. — Ana Diaz

Our latest updated added Arranger.

Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure

A scene in the main town square of Arranger shows Jemma in a grid with potted plants, bread, and NPCs in it.

Where to play: Android, iOS, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC

Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure is one of those puzzle games that changes the way you think about all puzzle games — rather than simply shuffling around the grid, you can also loop yourself around to the other side of each row and column, forcing you to get accustomed to a brand new mechanic from the jump. Your movements also impact static items and non-player characters, including the enemies you destroy by configuring weapons to push into them with your next move.

Add the impeccable and appropriately percussive soundtrack by Argentinian composer Tomás Batista and the compelling story told in stunning comic-book-like illustrations and you have one of our favorite puzzle games of 2024 so far. Best of all, the levels are a mix of challenging, rewarding, and relaxing — you can always skip a level if you’re too stuck — making even a few minutes of Arranger between meetings rewarding. —Zoë Hannah

Baba Is You

An image of the game Baba Is You. There are moveable blocks of text that say “open” and “push.” Baba stands in front of a door with a key.

Where to play: Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC

Baba Is You is a word game and an environmental puzzle game, but not in the way that either of those genre terms typically get used.

In this game, the words you select change the environment around you and the entire conditions of the game itself — almost like you’re the level designer. The top-down, 2D game starts simply enough, giving you rules in the form of text on the screen like “Baba is you” (you control a little sprite named Baba), “rock is push” (if you run up against a rock, it’ll move), and “flag is win” (touch the flag to complete the level). But each of those pieces of text can be moved around on screen to spell out different commands, thereby changing the entire world. Pushing these pieces of text to instead make them say “rock is you” turns the rock into a playable character, while Baba simply stands there motionless.

That might not sound too complicated, until the game introduces a ton more objects and actions, thereby allowing you to feel like even more of a galaxy-brained genius upon figuring out how to reorder them in your favor. Like the best puzzle games, Baba Is You will make you feel both smart and stupid constantly — but mostly smart, because you’ll be training your brain to think in ways that are entirely new. — Maddy Myers

Baba is You

The case of the golden idol.

A murder occurs in The Case of the Golden Idol, involving spontaneous combustion

Where to play: Nintendo Switch, Windows PC

Much like Return of the Obra Dinn (more on that in a sec), the real work of playing The Case of the Golden Idol doesn’t involve anything you do on screen — it happens in your head as you sort through the clues the game has provided.

In this game, it’s not just one event that you need to unravel, but a whole series of mysterious and fantastical murders to solve, one by one. The killings take place over the course of several years, each of them related in some way to a magical object with extraordinary and lethal powers (the titular Golden Idol). Like Obra Dinn , all you get are glimpses of each murder, but not a whole cutscene — just an unsettling, looping animation of the victim’s final moments. As the omnipresent investigator, you can sort through the character’s pockets and explore the victim’s surroundings, which will allow you to put together clues and make an accusation — in the form of a written logbook that has predetermined phrases for you to select.

In that way, Golden Idol involves some process of elimination, since there are only ever so many words that you can put into your logbook to describe the murder’s events, but those words might not make any sense to you until you’ve fully processed the scene and the clues. Again, this is a game that unfolds in your head and not on screen — because once you know whodunit, selecting the words that describe the solution is a total breeze. This is a game that will have you wishing you could erase your memory and play it again. Luckily, there’s some fantastic DLC for it and a sequel on the way. — MM

A little beetle character looks up in a green glowing room at another bug with tendrils touching an orb in Cocoon

Where to play: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X

It’s difficult to communicate the terms of a puzzle without using a single line of dialogue or piece of text, yet that’s precisely what Cocoon does throughout its short (four-to-five-hour) but monumentally impressive run time. You play as a cute little bug exploring a series of strange sci-fi worlds using mysterious, glowing orbs to transport yourself to and fro. Environmental hazards abound, but the path beyond each of them always turns out to be head-slappingly simple, requiring you to just look at the minimal tools at your disposal and using them to your advantage. The pulsing synth soundtrack will accelerate in a hopeful direction whenever you get closer to solving a puzzle, which helps. The only frustrating part is that Cocoon still has boss battles in between its oodles of environmental puzzles, and these are fine but not nearly as fun as, well, the puzzles. That’s why you’re here, after all. — MM


Connections puzzle on top of a purple background

Where to play: NY Times Games

Sometimes you want a gorgeously rendered puzzle game that you can sink hours into on your PC or your console. And other times, you want “grid on phone.”

“Grid on phone” is having a moment in the puzzle genre — trivia games like the Immaculate Grid or Vulture’s Cinematrix have captured the hearts of nerds of all stripes. But for my money [ Ed. note: Those games are all free] the New York Times’ daily Connections is the most complete and satisfying version of “grid on phone.”

Each day, players are presented with a four-by-four grid of words. The goal is to find four groups of four connected words: Maybe they rhyme, or have to do with a connected topic, or can all use the same prefix or suffix. Some are harder than others — in each set of four groups, typically two are pretty easy and two are pretty difficult — and Connections editor Wyna Liu is quite skilled at tricking you into thinking you’ve found a group where one doesn’t exist. That level of difficulty is what makes Connections challenging and fun, and when you manage to guess the most difficult group of the day first, it’s a great feeling. — Pete Volk

Ice Cave level of Grindstone on Nintendo Switch

Where to play: iOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One

Capybara Games’ Grindstone is one of my go-to games if I’m just traveling with my iPad. You play as an ogre-like miner who slays monsters and collects items called grindstones. To collect these stones and complete each level, you’ll chart a path through a corral of monsters by connecting creatures of the same color. If you slay more than 10 monsters in one turn, you’ll be rewarded with a shiny grindstone that allows you to continue your chain attack with a differently colored monster.

Grindstone is polished down to the most minute details. The developers honed in on a strong sense of style that leans into colorful, cartoony art and quirky character design. Even small actions, like slicing through monsters, feels oh-so satisfying as your little ogre grunts and rips through all the little creeps.

I also personally like that you can play through the campaign and upgrade your character. So while it’s a puzzle game, the game does have a progression element where you power up your little miner. What’s more is that this part of the game also introduced certain strategy elements, so you might need to plan out what items and upgrades you’ll want depending on the specific challenge of each level. — AD

Lumines Remastered

A Tetris-like grid in Lumines, with a face behind the grid.

Where to play: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One

Have you ever loved a game that you absolutely suck at? That’s me with Lumines Remastered . On its face, this game has a rather simple premise that will feel comfortable to fans of other falling-block games, but it never fails to kick my ass.

In the main mode, you work with a generously wide board that’s 16 blocks long and 10 high. As you play, a two-by-two square composed of smaller blocks falls from the top of the screen. Each of these squares has its own combination of two different colors of blocks. For example, the first level has a silver-and-orange theme, so one square might have three orange blocks, and then one silver block in the upper right corner. You clear the board by arranging these smaller squares so that the smaller blocks of the same color stack to form other square and rectangular shapes. You lose the game once the blocks stack up and surpass the height of the board.

Lumines Remastered feels great to play and has a great sense of style to boot. The game has a rhythmic pace to it because the squares and rectangles of the same color don’t clear until a cursor aligned with the beat passes over them. I personally think fans of Tetris Effect will love it for its pulsing electronic beats and dazzling visual effects. I might not always get as far as I want, but I’ll always come back for more. — AD

A game board from Peggle, with bowling pins in the background

Where to play: Android, iOS, PlayStation 3, Windows PC, Xbox 360

Peggle was released in 2007 and it’s still one of the best puzzle games of all time. A mix of Japanese gambling arcade game pachinko, pinball machines, and centuries-old billiards game Bagatelle, Peggle is played by launching a ball from the top of the screen to bounce around and clear a board full of pegs. It’s a mix of luck and strategy in deciding where to aim the ball to maximize the amount of pegs that are lit up or cleared. It’s pure serotonin when you make huge combos or clear the board — set to an epic rendition of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, particularly “Ode to Joy.”

I remember playing Peggle on Xbox Live Arcade, but it’s now available on basically all platforms. PopCap eventually released Peggle Nights and Peggle 2 , plus Peggle Blast for mobile devices, among others. From its major success, Peggle has almost become a genre: There’s roguelike Peglin , dungeon crawler Roundguard , and role-playing game Beast Breaker , if you’re looking to spice up the original gameplay. — Nicole Carpenter

Peggle Deluxe

Cover art for Picross S for Nintendo Switch

Where to play: Nintendo Switch

Nonograms like Picross are a tried-and-true puzzle format. In Picross games, you fill in boxes on a grid to reveal a picture by using numbered hints assigned to each line. My personal favorite version of it is Sega’s: the Picross S games for Nintendo Switch. Sega released the first Picross S in 2017 and has released more than eight different versions of it since. (I played Picross S4 and 5 , and enjoyed those ones specifically.)

Picross games have a laid-back feel that’s notably less frantic than some of the other options on this list. You can learn the basics in minutes and kick back once you do. I personally appreciate how the Picross S series feels great to play in a digital format since it gives you all the notation tools you need to succeed.

Picross would make the perfect match for the sudoku-inclined. I’d also venture to say that its laid-back gameplay and almost pen-and-paper feel would make it a great next step for any fans of word games wanting to try something new. It is the perfect game to play on a lazy Sunday morning as you drink a giant cup of coffee. —AD

Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On!

A field of cute horses race around the track in Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On!

Where to play: iOS, Nintendo Switch

One of my favorites puzzle game genres is “improbable mashup of solitaire with something else” (see the entry for Regency Solitaire in this list), and you don’t get more improbable than Pokémon developer Game Freak’s collision of frantic, high-speed card-clearing with a surprisingly deep and tactical horse-racing sim. Originally appearing on Nintendo 3DS, Pocket Card Jockey is now available in a remake for iOS (via Apple Arcade) and Nintendo Switch. The game involves clearing hands of cards very quickly against the clock to determine your success in various phases of the horse race, but there’s a load of other stuff going on too, including managing your horse’s positioning on the track, its levels of energy and stamina, and so on. There’s even an involved and lengthy career mode where breeding and stable management comes into play. Super cute and accessible on the surface, Pocket Card Jockey is a deep, hypnotic, and exciting mashup of sports and puzzle game under the surface. —Oli Welsh

Pokémon Puzzle League

Two players go head to head in Pokémon Puzzle League

Where to play: Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack

When I’m hanging out with family around the holidays, there’s always one game that comes out. It’s not a sleepy-eyed Mario Kart or anything like that, no — we just love to play Pokémon Puzzle League .

Originally released on Nintendo 64 in 2000, we now enjoy the game by playing it via the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack subscription . The game is basically Tetris Attack (also known as Panel de Pon ) with a Pokémon skin. You navigate a one-by-two cursor that flips the blocks from one spot to another. So if you have a red “fire-type” block sitting to the left of a blue “water-type” block, it will swap their spots so the blue one is on the left and red is on the right. Then, you just try to match up lines of three of the same color or more. When you get into it, the game can take on a dizzyingly fast pace that can hook you in for hours.

With a soundtrack that contains cutesy versions of classic tracks like “ Pokémon World ” and crunchy animated visuals from the early era of the franchise, it will tickle any longtime fans of the series. However, it still holds up as a great puzzle game and is a joy to play in local co-op with the non-Pokémon lovers in my life. —AD

Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership (individual, one year)

Puyo puyo tetris.

A screenshot of a flat playing field in Puyo Puyo Tetris

Where to play: Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One

If there is one game on this list that has an uncanny ability to leave me and my friends red-eyed and wondering how it’s already 3:00 a.m., it’s Puyo Puyo Tetris .

The game combines Puyo Puyo — the beloved color-matching game from Sega — and Tetris , the classic falling-block game with tetrominoes. It’s kind of a matter of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and Tetris certainly doesn’t need any fixing. Puyo Puyo Tetris (and its accompanying sequel) have long been my couch co-op Tetris game of choice.

While the game does have single-player content, I’ve only ever played it with others. In a match, each person gets to choose between playing with the Puyo Puyo mode or Tetris mode. You can play with up to four people at once, and clearing lines on the board in the Tetris version or matching colors in the Puyo Puyo version sends attacks that fill up your competitors’ boards with gray blocks or Puyos.

Puyo Puyo Tetris blends the two classics excellently, even if my groups tend to skew toward the Tetris side of things. I’ve had friends jump in with Puyo and it provides a new kind of challenge as a Tetris player. The one drawback? Some might find the voice-over of its cartoon characters a tad annoying, but even their grating nature can be endearing in its own way, especially if you’re one to shout into the late hours of the night. — AD

Puzzle & Dragons Story

A board in Puzzle & Dragons Story, with a dragon in the background and a match puzzle to solve

Where to play: iOS

Puzzle & Dragons Story is an Apple Arcade game that combines creature battling and match-3 systems. The classic tile-matching gameplay is where you’ll be attacking the monsters you’re fighting — what you match determines how hard you hit, what element is boosted, or when you heal. It’s one of those games that looks easy, but there’s a lot of strategy involved when you get into the depths.

The franchise has been around since 2012 in several different forms on mobile, but Puzzle & Dragons Story is the latest release, removing the microtransactions from the game — one of the big things the game has been criticized for in the past. Between the dungeons, Puzzle & Dragons Story is filled out with a dramatic narrative that’s easy to consume in small bites, making this one of my top games for whenever I’ve got a spare moment. — NC

Puzzle & Dragons Story

Regency solitaire.

An oval card layout in front of a painting of a dawn meadow with stags in Regency Solitaire 2

For soothing, smooth-brain puzzling in the true casual-gaming tradition, you can’t do better than this elegant solitaire variant with a Jane Austen-inspired storyline. In 2015’s Regency Solitaire and its 2024 sequel you play Bella, a social-climbing debutante whose pursuit of the perfect marital match is punctuated by lots of attractively arranged tableaux of cards to clear by clicking on them. And the clicking feels great — developer Grey Alien Games is a master of this sort of thing, so the crisp sound effects and light arcade-style scoring systems are perfectly tuned to keep you pleasantly engaged, but not too excited. The Austen pastiche is pretty funny, too. There’s not much to choose between the first and second games, but Regency Solitaire 2 looks better on modern displays, and is a tad more refined. (The original is available on Switch and PC; Regency Solitaire 2 is on PC only.) — OW

Regency Solitaire 2

Return of the obra dinn.

Return of the Obra Dinn - looking at a corpse on the deck

The vessel Obra Dinn left port with 60 souls aboard and returned with none alive. It’s your job to deduce what happened to each member of its crew and how they met their fate. You’re given a crew manifest, some sketches, and a pocket watch. Using this device next to a corpse or other points of interest presents you with a snapshot of how the incident occurred and a bit of dialogue, allowing you to piece together events as you explore more of the ship.

The first handful of deductions are relatively simple, but as you cross names off your list, evidence becomes increasingly obscure, forcing you to fill in the blanks by cross-referencing new information as it becomes available. You have an unlimited amount of time to come to your conclusions before departing, but the Obra Dinn isn’t a particularly hospitable place. From the moment you step aboard, the eerie silence is punctuated only by your footsteps and the groaning of the vessel against the increasingly restless tide. Even with the knowledge that I could leave at any time, I found myself occasionally jumping at shadows and wondering if I wasn’t joined by some spectral passenger.

The first-person perspective might throw someone that’s unfamiliar with the genre, but the simple control scheme and leisurely pace ensure that it remains accessible for anyone looking for a puzzle game that offers an honestly unique experience. — Alice Jovanée

Several fruit surround a honeydew melon in Suika Game

Suika Game was one of my most-played games last year, and will likely be in the running in 2024, too. Even with so many hours logged, I’m not good at Suika Game , and I’m not sure I ever will be . And yet, I keep playing — the fruit-merging game has its hooks deep in me. It’s, again, one of those deceptively simple games: Just combine two of the same fruit and keep fruits from spilling out of the box? Easy, right? No! This is like Tetris if it had bounce physics, so you also have to worry about fruits shooting themselves out of the box with a weird bounce. Though I get frustrated, I keep coming back because it is a compelling mix of skill and luck — but likely mostly luck. You can only play Suika Game on Nintendo Switch in the United States right now, but there’s hope for it coming to mobile. — NC

The Witness

The Witness - sandstone and boathouse

Where to play: Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, Xbox One

If you want to go on a philosophical journey into the heart of puzzles as an art form — and who doesn’t? — there is perhaps only one game that can take you there: The Witness , the abstract, first-person puzzle adventure that was designer Jonathan Blow’s follow-up to Braid . In a way it recalls Myst ; you wander around a strange, idyllic, deserted island, solving puzzles to unlock new areas. But in The Witness , absolutely all the puzzles, which you access via panels in the game world, are 2D maze puzzles, variations on an original design of Blow’s. Through countless permutations, Blow builds upon this simple puzzle concept, turning it into a language in its own right and a dialogue with the player — like Bach turning a simple melody into the Goldberg Variations. It’s one of the most rigorous and challenging explorations of game design ever, and an essential experience for the true puzzle connoisseur. — OW

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13 (Secretly) Educational Video Games That Kids Will Actually Like

Yes, it's possible for video games to be fun and educational.

nintendo problem solving games

  • She received the Renau Writing Scholarship in 2016 from the University of Louisville's communication department.

Child playing a video game with headphones on

Games are a great way to keep kids entertained. It's an added bonus if they're educational. 

Video games have come a long way from the Super Mario Bros. games of the '80s and '90s -- and I'm not just talking about graphics. Developers have gotten super creative at sneaking in educational lessons where kids would least expect them. And one of the best ways to learn is when you're having fun .

In addition, an ongoing study published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open says that kids who play video games daily show improved cognitive skills in comparison with kids who don't play at all. 

Check out our list of mobile apps, PC and video games that can educate and entertain your kids.

What your kids will learn: creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, reading, math and more

Minecraft characters on a mountain

Minecraft is available on multiple platforms.

World-building game Minecraft lets players explore, gather resources, craft tools and engage in some mild combat. The game has different modes -- survival, creative, adventure, spectator and multiplayer -- so players have flexibility in how they approach it. 

Creative freedom and self-direction isn't all that the game lends its players, according to iD Tech . Minecraft teaches teamwork and the motivation to improve reading and math skills. To get better at the game, parents told iD Tech that their kids started reading about biomes and calculating rations for adventures, dividing supplies and how many minutes until "night" in the game. Minecraft's educational benefits have also been packaged for the classroom . 

You can play the game on PC, mobile, console, Amazon Fire and Oculus. 

nintendo problem solving games

The Oregon Trail

What your kids will learn: historical events, critical thinking, problem-solving skills and more

Oregon Trail home screen

Are you tough enough to survive blizzards, disease and snake bites in the retro "Oregon Trail" game?

The Oregon Trail came onto the scene in the '70s and has gone through quite a few changes since then. My 10-year-old self spent many an afternoon trying to get my digital wagon 2,000 miles west to safety. Before you start the trip, you pick a job (each has its own unique benefits), name your companions and purchase supplies. 

Recent updates to the game let you trade, upgrade your wagon and buy food and medicine to increase your group's chances of survival. Along the trip, your group encounters illness, obstructive rivers, highway bandits, food constraints and other complications of the time. Though the situations are a bit dramatic, players learn fast about pre-planning and making choices with the long term in mind.

I played (and described above) the 5th edition of the game, which you can order on Amazon. If you want a newer mobile experience, you can try The Oregon Trail: American Settler for iOS or The Oregon Trail from Gameloft on Apple Arcade .

nintendo problem solving games

What your kids will learn:  vocabulary

Wordscapes gameplay

Wordscapes is a fun brainteaser game

Fans of Words with Friends and Scrabble (the app or the board game) may be drawn to Wordscapes, which allows kids to learn new words and practice logic skills. You get unlimited tries to solve crossword-style puzzles using only a handful of letters (with few free hints). The app challenges you on some levels by prohibiting three-letter words and offering daily puzzles that challenge you to guess all the words in a certain order. Wordscapes has a built-in dictionary that makes it easy for kids to add to their vocabularies. You can play on Android and iOS . 

The Little Big Planet series

What your kids will learn: logic, spatial orientation skills, design and problem solving

Little Big Planet

The Little Big Planet series.

This spunky little game follows the adventures of Sackboy and his friends. The first two games are mostly platform-jumping and avoiding obstacles to make it to the next level. Players can also create their own levels, customize characters or build complex contraptions in a level. Finally, players have the option to share their creations in the PlayStation Network.

The first game, Little Big Planet, was released in 2008  and the creators have released several entries since. Little Big Planet 3 is the newest installment , which introduced three new characters: Toggle, Swoop and Oddsock. The games are available on PSP, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3. You can also check out Little Big Planet Karting and the free Run Sackboy! Run app on Android and iOS .

nintendo problem solving games

Portal series

What your kids will learn:  logic, problem-solving, physics, math, science and spatial skills

Portal 2

Even though this mind-bending puzzle game has been out since 2012, it still feels fresh and inventive. 

Portal is along the lines of Little Big Planet, but it's a bit more mature. The first Portal got a Teen rating for the inclusion of some bloodstains, but Portal 2 is rated E. The games might be a bit scary or difficult for players under 9 , Common Sense Media suggests.

Portal places players in a secret research facility who is led through a series of dangerous tests by a humorously narcissistic AI called GLaDOS. The puzzles are solved by creating an entry portal in a wall, creating an exit portal somewhere else and walking through. Players advance by learning how to manipulate physics and spatial constraints. Just try not to fall forever. Portal and Portal 2 are available on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. 

nintendo problem solving games

Kerbal Space Program

What your kids will learn : physics, the solar system, mathematics and basic aerospace engineering

Kerbal Space Program

Kerbal Space Program is a lot more than just cute aliens. 

Your kids don't have to play in a cardboard box in the yard if they want to be an astronaut. This rocket simulation game focuses on a space program for an alien race called the Kerbals. When you start a game, you'll be tasked with building a rocket that either works or doesn't work, based on " realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics ." Once you get your Kerbals into space, you can explore the solar system, build bases and construct space stations. The game got a lot of attention from NASA and the B612 Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to planetary science and planetary defense. 

The game has three modes -- Science, Career and Sandbox. Science mode lets players unlock new tech and advance the Kerbals; Career mode has players oversee every aspect of the Kerbal's space program; and Sandbox mode is more freeform play. Kerbal Space Program and its expansions -- Breaking Ground and Making History -- are available for PC and console.

nintendo problem solving games

What your kids will learn: trigonometry in its basest form, angles and critical thinking

Eloh gameplay

Eloh is such an addicting, yet satisfying game.

This app is another example of teaching your kids without them knowing they're being taught. Eloh is a visually beautiful musical puzzle game that teases your brain without stressing you out. Each level features island spirits that you can move. Once you get them into the right spot, tap the red speaker and music will start. The goal is to bounce the "sound waves" off the spirits and hit the spiral icon. It's kind of like banking a shot in billiards. 

The levels get progressively more challenging, but there's no timer, ads or in-app purchases. The app costs $3 to download on Android or iOS . 

What your kids will learn: logic, patterns, data analysis and problem-solving skills


Zoombinis was a game I frequently played after school growing up.

If you grew up in the '90s, you might remember this game. Zoombinis kept me busy many an afternoon. In the game, you must guide the little blue critters out of the evil Bloats' clutches and home to Zoombiniville. Each of the 12 levels such as Allergic Cliffs, Stone Cold Caves and Pizza Pass get progressively more challenging, with kids using logic and pattern identification to win. Play on iOS , Android or PC. 

nintendo problem solving games

Where on Google Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

What your kids will learn: geography, the locations of historic events and other geographical facts.

Camern Sandiego gameplay

Carmen Sandiego is globe-trotting on Google Maps. 

Google Earth and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Carmen Sandiego games -- The Crown Jewels Caper , The Tutankhamun's Mask Caper and The Keys to the Kremlin -- offer something new while paying homage to the original franchise. Players use the magnifying glass to interview witnesses in different cities and gather clues, learning about geography and history along the way. When you think you've figured out the next step, click the airplane icon to fly to the next city and continue unraveling the mystery. You can play on web browser , Android or iOS . 

Nancy Drew Interactive Mysteries

What your kids will learn:  historical events and important figures, critical thinking, foreign cultures, languages and customs, problem-solving skills and more

Nancy Drew The Silent Spy

The Nancy Drew interactive mystery series is probably my favorite game franchise of all time. 

I will shamelessly say that I have played these games since they started making them in 1998 . Some are based on Nancy Drew books (The Secret of the Old Clock game, for instance, is based on the first four books in the series) while others are original mysteries. 

The point-and-click games let you play as Nancy, solving a mystery as the amateur detective would. Whether you play as a junior or senior detective, you'll question suspects, solve puzzles, discover clues and find your way out of multiple sticky situations to catch the culprit. 

The beauty of these games is that they teach kids without them knowing it. At 9 years old, I knew a ridiculous amount about the Mayan civilization after playing Secret of the Scarlet Hand, as well as the key players in the French Revolution after playing Treasure in the Royal Tower. There are 33 games to date for PC, mobile and certain gaming consoles.

nintendo problem solving games

Democracy series

What your kids will learn:  multiple layers of government functions like parties, funding, taxes, elections, policy changes, political capital, budgets, debts and more. In addition, they'll learn about compromise, cause and effect, strategy and conflict resolution.

Democracy 3 game

Can you run a country? 

Has your kid ever wanted to be in politics? Now they can try their hand at it with the Democracy game series. In this government simulation game, you play as the president or prime minister of a democratic government and alter policies in the areas of tax, economy, welfare, foreign policy, transport, law and order and public services. The catch, like in real life, is that each policy affects other factors like voter happiness, crime rates and air quality, for example. Players also have to deal with situations like homelessness or protests and make decisions accordingly. 

You can play Democracy, Democracy 2, Democracy 3 and Democracy 4 on PC.

nintendo problem solving games

National Geographic Challenge

What your kids will learn: historical figures and events, geography and more

National Geographic Challenge gameplay

Trivia fans, anyone?

The National Geographic Challenge is a quiz game that lives up to the "challenge" part of its name. There's no shortage of questions that range from easy to hard and are divided into regions -- North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Australia. Start a game for up to four players and choose an avatar. You can try to answer 40, 60 or 80 of the game's timed questions. The games are complemented by impressive photography and video from the National Geographic archive.

The National Geographic Challenge will test kids' knowledge with questions like: In what year did Madagascar gain independence from France? In which country does the River Niger reach the sea? The game is available on Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3. 

nintendo problem solving games

World Rescue

What your kids will learn: geography, conservation and sustainability, global problems, healthy living and activism

World Rescue logo

World Rescue is one of the games offered by the institute. 

World Rescue was developed by ZU Digital with the help of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Think of it as a 21st century Captain Planet, minus the superpowers. The game's levels are set in Kenya, Norway, Brazil, India and China. There, you'll help five heroes solve problems like displacement, disease, deforestation, drought and pollution, giving kids lessons on real-world issues. You can play World Rescue on Android or iOS . 

For more, check out our list of the best video games to play in 2021 ,  best online games to play with friends  and  seven great kid-friendly gifts that aren't video games .

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Nintendo of Canada is hiring now – Nintendo Experience Specialists

Calling nintendo fans.

Nintendo of Canada is hiring for Nintendo Experience Specialists in Ontario and British Columbia. Apply now if you want to help create smiles!

See the job openings here for more details:

British Columbia – Surrey

Ontario – Brampton

Ontario – Mississauga

Ontario – Ajax

Ontario – Toronto

Nintendo Experience Specialists (NES) are responsible for visiting various retail outlets, as well as providing support for in-person events. This field support position will be responsible for interacting with consumers and retail staff at their assigned locations on a variable schedule during peak shopping hours (weekdays, weekends, evenings, key promotional periods, and holidays). NES will also provide support with consumer-facing events to provide sales assist, on-going product demonstration, training, and education on Nintendo products. The NES’ overall goal is to generate demand for Nintendo products and facilitate activations, ultimately putting smiles on the faces of everyone we interact with.


Attend scheduled shifts with specified equipment and prepared to perform priorities including consumer facing events, product demonstration, and retail merchandising

Perform set up and tear down of Nintendo equipment at consumer-facing events

Represent Nintendo in a professional manner

Maintain general awareness of Nintendo products, news, and events

Submit feedback via Consumer Insight surveys and shift surveys via Natural Insight as part of site visits as required

Maintain assigned Nintendo Switch equipment including all updates, downloads and other content

Raise concerns and questions with your assigned Area Lead

Conduct other tasks and responsibilities as assigned


Ability to effectively share knowledge during product demonstrations with a wide range of consumers in an engaging manner

Consistent team player mentality and comfortable collaborating with others

Maintaining a professional attitude when representing Nintendo at in-person events and retail spaces

Attention to detail and accuracy when conducting assigned tasks

Outgoing, enthusiastic, and energetic personality when approaching customers of all ages at in-person events and retail spaces

Strong initiative and adaptability when problem solving within a fast-paced environment


1-3 years of related customer service experience

Ability to travel between assigned in-person events and retail outlets

Previous experience working with kids and families

General interest and knowledge of current and upcoming video games


Post-Secondary School Education (preferred)


Ability to climb ladders and lift heavy loads (up to 30 pounds)

Overtime periods, weekend and holiday work

Valid drivers license, clean driving record and proof of insurance

Must have access to a smart phone, minimal data, high speed internet and adequate storage space

$24.03 CAD / hour

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I Get The Sense That You’re Pretty Smart, So You’ll Understand Why You Need To Buy These 40 Problem-Solving Products

From tackling painful sunburns to extending the life of an open container of guacamole, these products are here to help.

Samantha Wieder

BuzzFeed Staff

1. An under-eye brightener that's gone super viral super quick and FOR GOOD REASON! This awesome stuff contains hyaluronic acid and shea butter to nourish and brighten the area under your eyes. Your new holy grail for concealing dark circles hath arrived! 

Close-up of a person with eye brightener on their left eye and without it on the right

The color adaptive formula is designed so one of two shades will work on any skin tone. 

Promising review: "Took years off my eyes! This product is so reasonably priced. I came across a TikTok promoting this and decided to take a chance since the price was super reasonable. My eyes looked brighter in a good way, and the concealer worked so well that I felt I looked younger. I got compliments from friends asking what I did differently with my makeup. I recommend it." — Placeholder

Get it from Amazon for $6 (available in two shades). 

2. Compound W One Step Pads  for applying to plantar warts — they look like bandages, but they're working hard to remove those stubborn little guys.

Close-up of a person's foot showing multiple plantar warts. The warts are circular, raised, and bumpy

Promising review: "This stuff works! I'd never had a wart in my life! At first, I thought it was a small callus, but as months went by, it was getting larger. I started to google and realized I had a plantar wart on my thumb! So I got the Freeze Off and thought, 'This has to work!' Nope! I tried the Freeze Off three times, and nothing! I then realized the same thing was happening on my other thumb: a small callus. I knew that the wart had spread! Now I was desperate to get rid of them and knew I had waited too long! Bought the invisible strips, and it removed my small wart in four days and my big wart in eight!! I couldn't believe it. I left strips on for two days, then pulled back the dead skin with a cuticle clipper and reapplied! My bigger wart was a little tougher to remove, and I had irritated my skin trying to cut it out, so I left it alone for a few days before reapplying a strip, and by the second 48-hour treatment, it was gone! I thought my skin would be damaged, but it looks like nothing was ever there!" — Audrey N.

Get 14 pads from Amazon for $7.49+  (available in two styles).

3. A Guac-Lock — a brilliant container to store leftover guacamole because that creamy green goodness is too delicious to toss out before you've gotten the chance to eat all of it. 

A container of guacamole with a label reading

Promising review: "Rarely do I buy something that delivers 100% of what they claim it will. I'm happy to report that this completely lived up to my expectations. Truth be told, it works even better than I expected it to. I made a batch of guac a week ago. Two or three times during the week, I unlocked it, dipped a chip or two, and then re-locked it. After a week, the guacamole is as fresh as if I made it this morning. I typically make a batch of guac each week and use it as a snack or as a spread on sandwiches. I also typically throw out one-third of the batch because it spoils before we can eat it. Not anymore. I estimate the food I'm not wasting will actually pay for the Guac-Lock in about a month. " — mhogan

Get it on Amazon for $23.74 .

4. An electric brush cleaner because your cosmetic brushes are filled with built-up powders and creams, which means...they need to be periodically cleaned. This baby allows you to wash and dry them in less than a minute, all without scrubbing. 

before and after of reviewer's dirty brushes turned clean

Promising review: "Holy cow, this thing is amazing!!! I’d been looking at brush cleaners for a while but thought they couldn’t be everything they claimed. I was wrong! This brush cleaner cleans brushes instantly and then dries them, too. It took me less than 10 minutes to wash and dry all my brushes, whereas it used to take me 45 minutes to wash them by hand and then a full day to get them dry. This machine dries them so well that they can be used immediately, and it keeps the integrity of the brush. I give it at least 10/5 stars!!!" — Ziasophia

Get it from Amazon for  $17.99 (available in two colors). 

5. Water storing crystals  to prevent over- and underwatering your plants. Like Goldilocks, they prefer their water consumption level to be just right.

model sprinkles white powder on soil

Promising review : "I have deck rail flower boxes, and they get full sun most of the day. I filled in the drain holes to hold more water and added these to the soil. Both made a huge difference in the quality of life for the plants. They were and still are gorgeous, even if I couldn't water every day. I do have to admit I used more per planter than the recommended amount." — Pattijwr

Get it from Amazon for $12.35  (also available as a two-pack).

6. A silicone dishwasher net  for preventing small items inside your machine such as plastic cups and baby dishes from flying around.  

open top rack of dishwasher with net keeping stuff in place

Promising review: "I love this dishwasher netting. It’s perfect for all of my plastic containers that otherwise would flip over and fill up with dirty dishwater. It’s very flexible and can stretch in all directions and has convenient hooks to hold the netting in place. Very happy with my purchase." — JB

Get it from Amazon for $16.99 .

7. A laundry stain remover to make quick work of tough stains — both fresh and set-in. Just spray, blot, and launder! This is great if you're a parent to a small human or animal or if you just happen to be a naturally messy eater. #same

A white dress with berry stains all over it

Promising review: "I have three young kids who like to get messy and usually spill things on themselves — this spray is a miracle worker! I haven’t found a stain this stuff can’t get out! I’ve even had stains that weren’t new come out with this spray!  I wish they had a bigger bottle option, but for now, this works. Not a huge fan of the smell, but it’s not a huge deal because it gets washed anyway." — Heather & Kresten

Get it from Amazon for $9.99 . 

8. A garbage guard for getting rid of insects and preventing infestations from buggies who seem to think your garbage can is the perfect spot to host their gatherings. 

Black garbage guard on the inside of a white trash can

Promising review: "I ordered this product because every spring and summer, we have problems with flies and maggots in the garbage can. The device has been on my garbage can lid for a few days now. It survived the weekly trash pickup. As for whether or not this device works, let me tell you: NO FLIES, NO MAGGOTS!!! This product works well. Just be careful when applying the adhesive strip." — Simone Kale

Get it from Amazon for $9.84 .

9. An aftercare oil that may help reduce the appearance of keloids, bumps, and scars associated with new and old piercings. 

reviewer's ear with a keloid bump on their piercing

Note: This product is not an overnight miracle. Apply this 2–3 times a day; be patient, and you may start to see the results.

Talk to your doctor before attempting to treat your keloid on your own, and learn more about keloids from  Cleveland Clinic .

Promising review: "This product is amazing! Truly a miracle product. I had an AWFUL keloid forming near my nose piercing about six weeks after getting it done, and it was getting bigger and more irritated by the day; nothing was helping. I bought this and started using it, and in less than two weeks, my huge keloid was completely gone!   I was definitely skeptical and a little nervous when it didn't seem to be getting noticeably smaller after a week, but then, the second week, it started totally disappearing,  so give it some time to work if your bump is on the larger side. If you remain patient and apply it twice a day, it should do the trick!" — Jordan Caprigno

Get it from Amazon for $12.85  (also available in multipacks).

10. A handy dandy case you can use to test your batteries and make sure they're still good as well as keep them nice and tidy in one spot. 

a reviewer photo of the organizer filled with different kinds of batteries

This batteries organizer holds 93 total batteries, including 45 AA, 25 AAA, four 9-volt, eight C, six D, and five flat. 

Promising review: " Saw this bad boy in a TikTok video on things you can't live without from Amazon. I agree! I was always misplacing batteries somewhere in the house or buying too many of a certain size of battery without even needing them and then running out of others. This hangs in my kitchen, and  it even comes with a great battery tester,  so as you find those misplaced batteries, you can throw them away if they are dead! This item holds a multitude of different size batteries!" — Barbara Edwards

Get it from Amazon for $21.86 (available in three colors). 

11. A litter box attractant powder that is a must-have if your sweet little kitten will use the bathroom anywhere BUT their litter box. 

kitten sitting in a litter box

Promising review: "This product works! We took in a kitten several months back, and she would use the litter box sometimes, but also was at least once a day peeing on my bed and pooping on the floor beside my bed. I found this, bought it, and on the first night of sprinkling it in her litter box, she used it from there on out. Even with litter changes, I’d still use some, just in case. She’s not peed or pooped anywhere else since ." — Jessica Benjamin

Get it from Amazon for $9.93  (also available in a pack of three). 

12. A  roll-up dish drying rack  anyone with a kitchen on the smaller side (especially when it comes to counter space) is gonna be so thankful exists because now you don't need to contemplate if you have enough room to squeeze a whole drying rack between your coffeemaker and air fryer. 

A metal grated dish drying rack with black rubber edges over a sink

Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and I'm so glad I did! I hate having things on my counters that don't belong. I have a dishwasher, but I have some things (like most everyone) that aren't dishwasher-safe. I love that I can just roll this out and dry my dishes over the sink. The fact that air is able to get to all sides allows dishes like cups and bowls to actually get dry. Prior to this, I was using a drying mat next to my sink, but I always had to towel dry items that had been sitting out and 'drying' them for hours. Even my husband is impressed. He has told me multiple times it was such a good buy!" — Sheri

Get it from Amazon for $9.89  (available in eight sizes).

13. A genius  sandwich bread dispenser  reviewers say helps keep loaves of sandwich bread  fresher longer  (think: weeks) because it's time we finally put an end to that annoying moment of discovering green spots a few days after grocery shopping and having to throw away half the loaf. 

An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

Buddeez is a family-owned small biz based in Missouri that sells home goods!

Promising review:  "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for.  I live alone and I don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale.  I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer that would keep the bread from getting crushed by the pressure.  This dispenser solved all of my problems.  Thank you!" — DRMcQuaig

Get it from Amazon for   $16.49  (available in two colors and three other styles).

14. A patio crack weeder tool if your unkempt driveway/patio is something you're constantly finding yourself apologizing for when you have guests visiting. This thing makes it easy to pull those little suckers. Now, you'll be able to accept compliments on how clean and polished it looks instead!

Before and after view of a sidewalk, one side dirty and the other cleaned, with flower pots on the sides

Promising review: " I've been searching for something to remove the weeds for a while and came across this amazing tool. Since I refuse to use chemicals in my yard, I've been left with scraped knuckles every time I attempt to remove weeds. The weeds have grown so tightly in the concrete cracks that I pretty much gave up; even weed-whacking it didn't help much. Yes, you do have to use a little bit of effort, but the end result was so worth it!" — Shelley Arakaki

Get it from Amazon for $19.90 .

15. Plus, a handy dandy Grampa's Weeder so you can easily pluck up those unsightly plants from your lawn without having to bend, pull, or kneel. 

Grampa's Weeder is a family-owned small biz that sells tools to make weeding easier!

Promising review: " I saw this tool used on TikTok, so we decided to try it out. It works really well — it is not difficult to get to the root of the weed and is fairly simple to use, as well.  We would recommend this tool to anyone who finds it difficult to do the crouching required to pull weeds." — Mary  

Get it from Amazon for $39.99 .

16. A set of silicone luggage wheel covers that'll not only help protect your suitcase wheels when wheeling it through some potentially rough ground/bad weather conditions, but can also help minimize the noise level as well. Not to mention, they come in some really fun colors, so if nothing else, they'll just look really neat! 

close up of purple luggage wheel protectors

Promising review: "Functions as advertised. Easy to install. Quality looks good, but only time will tell. The best feature is that they make your luggage stand out. Recommended!" — Jon Padilla

Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $9.99 (available in eight colors).

17. An adorable cushion backpack so your little one who is new to the whole crawling/walking thing and is very much susceptible to taking tumbles and falls has some head protection, and you can have some peace of mind. 

reviewer's baby wearing the elephant backpack cushion

Promising review: "This has saved my baby from hitting his head on the floor so many times. He is so determined to walk, and even when we are holding his hand or walking with him, he can get wild and go down (parents out there, you know what I mean!). Anyway, this is probably the MVP of all our baby stuff. We call it his 'backpack' and anytime someone is watching him, everyone always asks, 'Where’s his backpack???' because they know its powers of padding protection. This sort of helped him when he was learning to sit, but has been an essential item for him as he’s learning to walk! The only thing I wish is that the strap across the chest could be tighter." — Michelle H. Nguyen

Get it from Amazon for $19.99+  (also available in 10 styles).

18. An adorable little fish that happens to be a very easy and effective humidifier tank cleaner because you can't get the most out of your device if it's contaminated with slime and bacteria.

the blue plastic fish filled white white balls that sanitize the water

The brand says the fish will continuously clean for about 30 days so it's recommended to change it every month! 

Promising review: "Just drop this in your humidifier, and it keeps the water pretty darn mildew- and mold-free. Super easy to use, no smell, and safe. I have already repurchased and given a few to other people as well." — Kristine

Get it from Amazon for $5.41 .

19. A magnetic laundry pad to instantly transform the top of your washer/dryer into an ironing board. If you're someone who is lucky enough to live in an apartment with in-unit laundry but you're tight on space everywhere else, this thing is a MUST. 

a reviewer photo of the magnetic ironing mat on a dryer

Promising review: "If you're like me and living in a space that doesn't have a ton of room, let alone space for a big old ironing board, this is the perfect solution. This mat easily sticks with the magnets to the top of the dryer. It's a great space-saving solution. If you're looking to minimize, this is what you want!" — JD

Get it from Amazon for $12.37+  (available in two sizes).

20. A pill crusher that'll quickly become a favorite product in your household if you or your loved one can't stand the thought of taking a pill whole or if your pets or kiddos can only take their medication if it's crushed up and hidden inside their food. 

Reviewer image of blue pill cutter and storage unit

Promising review: "I can't swallow pills (effects of GERD), so pill-crushing has been a mess and a pain. This little gadget is quick, easy, and keeps the process tidy. Made of sturdy plastic, it's lightweight and compact and does the job beautifully! Highly recommend!" — Stephanie

Get it from Amazon for  $9.31 .

21. A set of  acne patches  you can apply over a popped whitehead. Simply put the patch over a zit, let it sit overnight or throughout the day, peel it off, and watch it take all the pore-clogging gunk with it. 

reviewer's hand holding a few loaded acne patches

I suffer from hormonal acne — it's just something that I have come to terms with and will have to deal with for many more years to come, and while it's not fun, these acne patches make it sooo much easier. When I have a pimple about to come to a head, I pop one of these babies on it before bed and then peel it off along with all the gunk it pulls out. It definitely helps speed up the process, and they're gentle on my sensitive skin!

Promising review: "These patches are the only reliable way to shrink an existing pimple. I always get pimples that swell up but won't come to a head. I've tried all the lotions, creams, salves, hot compresses, etc. Nothing worked on existing pimples. But these patches take the swelling right down. For really bad ones, it sometimes takes a couple of days of wearing the patches, but it will go away (much faster than the one to two weeks it always takes if I just do nothing). Plus, the patch keeps you from touching or picking at it.” — snowmentality

Get 72 stickers from Amazon for $21.54  (also available in a pack of 36 ).

Read our  Hero Cosmetics Mighty Patch review !

22. A  butt acne-clearing lotion  because, yes, acne on the derriere *is* a thing, and if you're reading this thinking you were alone in this struggle, we're here to remind you, you're not. Enter this product, made with pure plant extracts like Australian tea oil, to help target the root of this annoyance on your booty and help kick it in the ~behind~.

a reviewer photo of their skin with many blemishes

Promising review: "I've battled painful acne on my rear end for years, and no dermatologist, cream, scrub, antibiotics, or ointment has ever been able to keep it under control. I bought this cream on a whim based solely on the reviews, and I'm so glad I did! After just one week of treatment, the acne was gone! No more painful days sitting at my desk or nights wondering if sitting on the couch too long was going to make my butt sweaty and cause another breakout. It's been almost two months, and just following the recommendations on the bottle, the acne hasn't returned. The scars from previous breakouts are even starting to fade. This cream is amazing, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. You won't regret this purchase." — deirdreD

Get it from Amazon for $24.99 . 

23. An  oil solidifier powder  that works like this: Simply sprinkle it over hot oil (do it dramatically like you're a fairy godmother and it's magic dust), let it solidify, and then safely get rid of the now hardened leftover oil in the pot/pan. 

reviewer photo of bag of fryaway

Plus!!!! This product is made from 100% plant-derived fats, so you'll feel good about it!  FryAway  is a woman-owned small biz that makes this super smart cooking oil solidifier!

Promising review: "Honestly, I didn’t know if this would work. Waiting for it to cool down made me nervous, but once it was at room temperature, it was solid. It popped out of the fryer so nicely. Worth every penny." — Emma

Get it from Amazon for $9.99 .

24. An  aloe and coconut oil after-sun soothing cream  to hydrate sun-exposed skin and leave it feeling refreshed, moisturized, and itch-free after burning.

On the left, a reviewer's back looking red from sunburn, and on the right, the same reviewer's back looking less red after using the sun soother

Promising review:  "I burn very easily, so I try to stay out of the sun or wear tons of sunblock. On those days when I still manage to get burned, this has been the absolute best for pain relief. I’ve used it for years. Instead of trying to drive around to see which store carries it, Amazon has made it easy. I’ve tried other things that are too greasy, sticky, or just don’t work. This stuff relieves the pain, smells nice, and it turns to tan rather quickly, skipping the peeling part.  I swear by this stuff. " — Danielle K. Schmidt

Get it from Amazon for  $13.50 .

25. A  portable carpet and upholstery cleaner  that boasts strong spray and suction, so cleaning stubborn stains will feel effortless. Messes left behind by pets or small children shouldn't mean permanently ruined carpets, furniture, or car interiors.

reviewer image of the green portable cleaner

Each cleaner comes with a trial size of  Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula , which is also available on Amazon for  $12.99 !

Promising review: "I love my green machine. A big game changer  for cleaning up messes on furniture. I don’t even need to add soap most of the time. Just the pressure of the water and vacuum works for most messes. Worth the money. Highly recommend." — Amy

Get it from Amazon for  $123.59 .  

26. A  portable digital luggage scale  because the year is 2024, and it's time we put an end to that gut-wrenching moment the airline counter tells you your suitcase is a few pounds over the weight limit. Being forced to transfer your things from your suitcase into your carry-on in the middle of the terminal for everyone to see is dreadful.  

reviewer holding the silver and black luggage scale, attached the the top of a suitcase

I simply do not need the entire JetBlue terminal judging me for being so indecisive that I felt the need to pack my entire closet into my suitcase.   

Promising review: "This luggage scale is so handy and is great for weighing your luggage. I was a little concerned before I got it because I wasn't sure how accurate it would be. When I used it when I went on vacation, it was dead-on to what the airport said, so I highly recommend this. Plus, it’s easy to pack in your bags." — Teresa Daniels

Get it from Amazon for $11.98+  (available in seven colors and a two-pack).

27. A garbage disposal foaming cleaner that'll tackle built-up grime and those nasty smells you gag at every time you're near your kitchen sink. It's truly so...disgusting. The biodegradable packet cleans sidewalls, blades, under the splashguard, and other hidden areas.

They come in pre-measured drop-in packets and are recommended to use about once a week!

Promising review:  "It seems counterintuitive to put a little packet down your garbage disposal to clean it, but this does actually seem to work, at least for getting out weird smells that baking soda and vinegar don't really touch.  I scrub the sink down first, especially around the garbage disposal area, rinse it down, and then just follow the directions on the package.  I have used it with single, large-size sinks and with double sinks — only difference is that the double sink will have blue cleaning foam rise up the drain, which you rinse away when the disposal sounds clear again. I have tried the foaming cleaner in a can, but unfortunately, it stopped coming out of the can about 10% of the way through. Went back to this tried-and-true." — KS

Get four packets from Amazon for  $3.73 .

28. A pet hair remover  you simply swipe over surfaces covered in hair from your furry bestie. It saves more time (and is a heck of a lot easier) than fussing around with a vacuum and lint rollers!

reviewer before and after photo of a chair covered in fur and no longer covered in fur after using the pet hair roller

Promising review: "Where has this been all my cat-loving life? Sticky rollers work fine for clothes, but this is the only product that has ever COMPLETELY removed all the cat hair from my bed. I have a long-haired, 20-pound tabby, and if you run your hands up his back a few times and fling the hair everywhere, it looks like it's snowing — he never stops shedding no matter what I do. After using the ChomChom, I can put on a black dress and roll around on my bed and not get a single hair on me. It's absolutely amazing. Everyone is getting one for Christmas, even if they don't have a pet. I don't care; it's THAT good." — DH

Get it from Amazon for $24.99  (available in two colors).

29. A pair of  Nippies  — reviewer-loved pasties that boast ample coverage and actually stay in place. A true game changer.

Five hands holding silicone pasties matching diverse skin tones, labeled from Creme to Espresso

Promising review: "I’ve tried so many nipple covers over the years, and these are just in a league of their own! They stick and don’t move (sweat, clothes, moisturizer, etc. — nothing budges them), but then they peel off so easily. It’s magic. They are completely seamless, and my husband (without prompting) said they looked like a second skin. I’ve got quite 'triangular' boobs, and they completely mold to the shape and look like I just have no nipples lol. Only when I’m suuuuuper cold does any level of nipple start to show through, and even then, it’s minimal. They’re more pricey than others I’ve bought before but so worth it. The others were one and done — these have held up through several wears and are still in perfect condition. Will repurchase them as soon as they wear out, without a doubt! No more bras! " — Alison

BuzzFeed editor  Natalie Brown  swears by these pasties! Check out her  Nippies review  to learn more.

Get a set from Amazon for  $26.50 (available in five shades and two sizes: one that fits cups A–C and one that fits cups D+).

30. A  tonsil stone removal kit  to assist in seamlessly saying goodbye to those little annoyances hiding out in the back of your throat. It's gonna be so gross seeing them come out, but oh so satisfying!

the kit and all the tools included

If you suspect you have  tonsil stones  (also called tonsilloliths), talk to your dentist or doctor! They can perform a physical exam or imaging scan and deliver a diagnosis.

These also come with an LED light to get right to the source of the problem.

Promising review: "I'm in my early 30s and just started getting tonsil stones. Until a few months ago, I never even knew what these things were! Anyway, I've been struggling with cotton buds to fully remove the stones, but I couldn't get rid of them, and they would just come back within the week. I received this and OMFG...best investment ever. No struggle holding my phone as a flashlight while awkwardly poking myself in front of my badly lit bathroom mirror. I sat comfortably at my vanity, used one hand, and removed the whole stone in less than a minute. Why did I not know this was a thing? Why have I been struggling? Get it! Stop struggling, suffering, and awkwardly dealing with this ridiculous condition...trust me." — Wren

Get it from Amazon for $8.90+ (available in two colors and a multipack).

31. A  wrapping paper cutter  because try as you might, evenly cutting through wrapping paper is a constant losing battle. Well, not anymore! Not only does this help with uneven edges you get from scissors, but this is easy to grip and may be simpler to use if you have arthritis or another condition that affects dexterity and mobility. 

Two hands sliding the cutter over a roll; the paper is perfectly cut where it comes off the roll

Little Elf   is a small biz that sells gift-wrapping accessories.

Promising review: "I was so excited to try this, and it  actually works ! I am terrible at cutting straight, and this product was incredible. It cut straight across a long roll in no time." — TOOdamnFRANK

Get a pack of two on Amazon for $13.99 .

32. A  veggie chopper  for those who wanna cook homemade meals but are so daunted by the thought of prepping the ingredients, they're already ordering Seamless a fourth night in a row.

Fullstar vegetable chopper with various blades and attachments, showcasing sliced vegetables and a diced onion in the chopper

Fullstar  is a small biz that specializes in super useful kitchen gadgets! 

Promising review:  "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food, and it has a generous container. " — Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $22.99+  (available in three colors and four sizes).

33. An  under-appliance microfiber duster  because let's be real — how often do you actually clean underneath your oven and fridge? If you even own anything for cleaning that space. This is gonna make it simple to reach into those crevices and keep it tidy where you can't see. 

a reviewer photo of the red duster next to a pile of dust and random objects retrieved from under an appliance

Promising review: "I use this under all my appliances and it works great. It fits under my fridge, freezer, range, washer, and dryer, and then I just vacuum it off and done! I also use it on my wooden blinds — just slant them all down and run this over them and poof — clean. Works great!" — CM

34. Sweat-absorbing bra liners  for those who get as sweaty during their morning commute as they would have if they went to the gym before work. We get the struggle and we're here to help.

a reviewer smiling while wearing a bra with one of the liners and holding another liner

Promising review: "This is one of those things that I wish I'd found years earlier. I've suffered from mortifying stress-induced under-boob sweat for most of my adult life. Also, I'm a lifelong Seattle girl who gets upset when it's warmer than 65 degrees outside. So when I stumbled upon this product, I was curious enough to buy a small pack. And yes, I've come back for MORE! For real, I won't put on a bra without one of these liners now. It absorbs all the moisture from heat and stress. And because it's a really soft bamboo/cotton mix, my skin is finally not feeling tortured under there! To the makers of this ingenious life-changing product: thank you, thank you, thank you! Sincerely, all the grateful ta-tas you've helped to care for." — Niko

Get a three-pack from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in women's sizes M–XXL and several color combos). 

35. A  liquid drain clog dissolver  to help save the day from showers, sinks, and toilets clogged from hair, toilet paper, soap scum, or anything else. It's a lot better than having to explain to your house guests that the toilet may or may not flush before they use it.

Person holding a bottle of Green Gobbler Drain Clog Dissolver in a kitchen

Promising review:  "I tried this product as a plumber told me it would not harm your pipes. My toilet was clogged, and I poured it in and let it sit overnight, and voilà; today, it was cleared. I have used many products over the years, and this one guarantees that it works, and it really did." — Jill Goodman

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $23.68 .

36. A shaking alarm clock ideal for those who need a real jolt to get them out of bed in the morning, don't like waking up to the sound of music or annoying ringtones, or have hearing loss and need a solution that doesn't rely on sounds to alert them when it's time to rise and shiiiine.

A white retro style ringing alarm clock with a digital round face displayng the time

A lot of reviewers who don't rely on sound to wake them up also swear by the "shaking" alarm, which you can set on its own without volume! 

Promising review: "This was bought for a young friend who had taken a new job with very early hours. She was getting in trouble at her new job because she had difficulty waking up to her alarm so very early in the morning. She has stated this alarm clock would 'wake the dead!' The clincher, though, is the earthquake that occurs under her pillow when the very loud alarm goes off! This alarm clock has fixed her problem and trained her to wake up very early each morning. She hasn't been late (from oversleeping, anyway) since she received this clock. Another plus is the terrific retro look and turquoise color of the clock. I recommend this for anyone who has difficulty waking to a regular alarm clock. It is an outstanding product! Thank you!" — Lisa Engle

Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in four colors). 

37. A bug bite suction tool to help get rid of itchy bites. Because walking around with bumpy bites and the need to itch them 24/7 is never fun. Kinda rude that little buggies get to munch on our skin and blood, and we have to deal with the consequences afterward.

Reviewer's photo of a bug bite, before and after using the Bug Bite Thing

This works by suctioning up insect venom, saliva, and other irritants under the skin, which in turn prevents your body from producing a reaction to said irritant. You can also use it to treat bites from bees, wasps, biting flies, no-see-ums, chiggers, and sea lice.  Bug Bite Thing  is a family-owned small biz!

Promising review: “You need this! I am a magnet for bites of all kinds and carry topical and medicines with me at all times – so I figured this would be a good product to see if it really works. I used this little tool (3x per the instructions) and documented it with photos.  Immediately after using it, [my bite] stopped itching! And less than 24 hours later, the bump/bite was gone!  There is a very faint red mark from using the thing, but it is a small price to pay, IMO.  Bottom line: it’s awesome. I’m carrying it with me everywhere! ” — Rebecca  

Get it from Amazon for $9.95+  (available in one-, two-, or three-packs and in three colors).

38. A wedge pillow for filling in an awkward gap between your mattress and headboard. Ahhhh, a more comfy night of sleep now awaits!

the white triangular wedge pillow on a reviewer's bed

Promising review: "I've had trouble with my pillows always slipping down between my bed and the wall. Not anymore. This is a great product to have. I don't have a backboard, but it really doesn't matter as it stays firmly in place. It fits my full-size bed perfectly, and the way I got it set up is just as shown. It helps lift my pillow slightly, and this adds some support to a floppy pillow. Now, it may not be for everyone, but I like this bed wedge a lot. It was worth buying." — Jeff Brown Jr.

Get it from Amazon for $31.62+ (available in five sizes).

39. A shoe stretcher  that's great to have on hand for those times you re-discover an old pair of shoes in your closet you want to start wearing again but are now a tad too tight or worse...when you buy a new pair and then realize they're actually quite snug.

wedge being stretched out

Promising review: "I’m an adult with a tiny foot. Shoes size 3–5 will fit in length generally but are often too narrow. This device has made comfort possible without distorting the shape of my shoes. This also makes it possible to get to the broken-in stage quicker." — Natalie

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $19.99  (available in sizes three sizes and in four colors).

40. A narrow ice cube tray for making ice that'll actually fit inside your water bottle. Cold water stans rise!!!

a reviewer photo of the three ice cube trays with covers on in green, orange, and blue

Promising review: "These stick ice cubes are fantastic for bottled water! Really like that they have lids = no spilling on the way to the freezer (or picking up odd tastes inside the freezer). And the ice is easy to remove without much breakage." — Diana H.

Get it from Amazon for $8.99  (available with or without covers). 

Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.

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