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Opinion Essays – Step-by-Step Instructions

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How to Write an Opinion Essay


What makes an opinion essay truly compelling? Why do some essays resonate while others fall flat? The art of opinion writing is not just about sharing your thoughts; it is about persuading, informing, and engaging your readers. Today, we will learn all about crafting an impactful opinion essay.

So, how do you transform your opinions into powerful words that leave a lasting impression? Let us dive in and discover the keys to success in opinion writing.

What Is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay is a written work where an author expresses their viewpoint on a particular topic or issue. Unlike other essays that primarily rely on factual information and objective analysis, an opinion essay is inherently subjective, emphasizing the writer's beliefs, feelings, and perspectives.

Opinion essays are prevalent in various contexts, from academic assignments and journalism to blogs and editorials. They serve as a platform for individuals to express themselves, share their unique perspectives, and contribute to meaningful discussions on various subjects.

What Kind of Student Faces an Opinion Essay?

Let us explore the characteristics and educational contexts where opinion essays are commonly encountered:

1. High School Students:

High school students are frequently introduced to opinion essays as part of their English or language arts curriculum. These essay help students develop fundamental writing skills and the ability to express their viewpoints coherently. Opinion essays at this level often revolve around personal experiences, literary analysis, or current events, fostering critical thinking and communication skills.

2. College and University Students:

College and university students encounter opinion essays across various disciplines, from humanities and social sciences to natural sciences and engineering. In college, opinion essays become more sophisticated, requiring students to delve into scholarly research, cite academic sources, and formulate well-supported arguments. These essays are instrumental in promoting research skills, academic writing proficiency, and the ability to synthesize complex information.

3. Graduates and Postgraduates:

Graduate and postgraduate students frequently engage in opinion essays as part of their coursework and research activities. At this level, opinion essays may take the form of thesis proposals, research position papers, or responses to academic debates. These essays serve as essential paraphrasing tool for contributing to the scholarly discourse within their fields.

4. Law Students:

Law students encounter opinion essays in the form of legal memoranda, case briefs, or persuasive arguments. These essays hone their legal writing and argumentative essay topics skills.

In the legal profession, constructing well-reasoned opinions is vital, as lawyers often need to advocate for their clients' positions.

5. Journalism and Communication Students:

Students pursuing journalism or communication degrees frequently write opinion pieces, such as editorials and op-eds. Opinion essays in this context train students to effectively convey their thoughts to a broader audience while adhering to ethical and journalistic standards.

6. Political Science and Philosophy Students:

Political science or philosophy students delve into opinion essays as they explore complex political ideologies, ethical dilemmas, and philosophical debates. Opinion essays in these disciplines require students to analyze and critically evaluate different perspectives, fostering a deep understanding of complex issues.

7. MBA and Business Students:

MBA and business students encounter opinion essays in business ethics, strategic management, and decision-making courses. These essays sharpen their ability to make informed, ethical business judgments and communicate their rationale effectively.

8. ESL and Non-Native English Speakers:

Students learning English as a second language (ESL) or non-native English speakers may face opinion essays to enhance their language proficiency. Opinion essays help ESL students develop language skills while expressing their thoughts on diverse essay topics .

What Are the Requirements of an Opinion Essay?

Here are the key elements that should be present in an opinion essay:

1. Clear and Concise Thesis Statement:

Every opinion essay should start with a well-defined thesis statement. This statement is the heart of your essay, succinctly summarizing your main argument or viewpoint. It should be placed in the introduction, typically towards the end of that section.

 2. Introduction:

  • The introduction serves as the opening of your essay, capturing the reader's attention and providing essential context for the topic.
  • Begin with a compelling hook, which can be a thought-provoking question, an interesting fact, a relevant quote, or a brief anecdote.
  • Clearly present your thesis statement, outlining your opinion on the issue.
  • Provide a brief overview of the points you intend to discuss in the essay's body, setting the reader's expectations.

3. Well-Structured Body Paragraphs:

  • The body of your opinion essay should consist of several well-organized paragraphs, each dedicated to a specific aspect or supporting point related to your thesis.
  • Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence directly connecting to your thesis statement.
  • Offer substantial evidence, examples, statistics, or personal experiences to support your viewpoint. Ensure the evidence is relevant and convincing.
  • Maintain a logical flow between paragraphs, using transitional words and phrases to guide the reader seamlessly through your arguments.

4. Acknowledgment of Counterarguments:

  • A robust opinion essay acknowledges opposing viewpoints or counterarguments. This demonstrates your ability to consider alternative perspectives and strengthens your own argument.
  • Counterarguments can be addressed within the body paragraphs or in a dedicated paragraph where you present, discuss, and ultimately refute opposing views.

5. Conclusion:

  • The conclusion should serve as the closing of your essay, summarizing your thesis statement and the main points presented in the body.
  • However, avoid mere repetition of the introduction. Instead, offer a broader perspective, leaving the reader with something to contemplate, such as a thought-provoking idea, a call to action, or a suggestion for further exploration.
  • Conclude your essay with a sense of closure, ensuring your final words leave a lasting impression.

6. Evidence and Examples:

Support your opinion with credible evidence, such as research findings, assignment expert opinions, or real-life examples. This lends credibility to your argument and makes it more persuasive.

7. Proper Citation:

If your essay includes external sources or references, ensure proper citation following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Correct citation is essential to maintain academic integrity and prevent plagiarism.

8. Editing and Proofreading:

  • Before finalizing your opinion essay, perform a thorough edit and proofread. Check for grammar and spelling errors, as well as clarity and coherence.
  • Consider seeking peer, instructor, or professional editor feedback to ensure your essay is polished and error-free.

Opinion Essay Topics

Here are ten broad subject areas for opinion essay topics

1. Technology:

  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment
  • Is Social Media Beneficial or Harmful for Society?
  • The Ethics of Data Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Should Technology Be Used in Education More Extensively?
  • Is Online Learning as Effective as Traditional Education?
  • The Role of Technology in Solving Environmental Issues
  • Are Smartphones a Necessity or a Distraction in Daily Life?
  • The Pros and Cons of Video Games for Children
  • Is Technology Making Us More or Less Connected to Each Other?
  • The Future of Work in a World Dominated by Automation

2. Education:

  • Standardized Testing: Does It Accurately Measure Student Abilities?
  • The Impact of Homeschooling on Children's Development
  • Should Schools Implement Uniform Dress Codes?
  • The Role of Arts Education in Academic Curriculum
  • Are College Degrees Still Worth the Investment?
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Education
  • Should Schools Teach Financial Literacy as a Mandatory Subject?
  • The Influence of Teachers on Students' Success
  • Does Homework Enhance or Impede Learning?
  • The Importance of Inclusive Education for Special Needs Students

3. Environment:

  • The Responsibility of Individuals in Combating Climate Change
  • Should Plastic Bags and Bottles Be Banned to Reduce Pollution?
  • The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity
  • Renewable Energy Sources vs. Fossil Fuels: Which is Better?
  • Should Governments Implement Carbon Tax to Reduce Emissions?
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Scientific Research
  • Is Sustainable Living Achievable for Everyone?
  • The Role of Urban Planning in Creating Eco-Friendly Cities
  • Are Electric Vehicles the Future of Transportation?
  • The Effectiveness of Recycling Programs in Reducing Waste

4. Politics and Government:

  • The Importance of Voting in a Democracy
  • Is Political Correctness Beneficial or Restrictive to Free Speech?
  • Should Term Limits Be Imposed on Elected Officials?
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Political Opinions
  • Universal Healthcare vs. Private Healthcare: Pros and Cons
  • The Impact of Immigration Policies on Society
  • Should Affirmative Action Still Be Implemented?
  • Is Political Polarization a Threat to Democracy?
  • The Influence of Lobbying and Special Interest Groups on Politics
  • Should the Voting Age Be Lowered or Raised?

5. Health and Wellness:

  • The Pros and Cons of a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet
  • The Impact of Fast Food on Public Health
  • Should Vaccination Be Mandatory for All Children?
  • The Benefits and Risks of Legalizing Marijuana
  • The Role of Mental Health Education in Schools
  • Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right?
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Designer Babies
  • The Impact of Stress on Physical and Mental Health
  • Is Alternative Medicine a Valid Alternative to Conventional Medicine?
  • The Influence of Advertising on Unhealthy Eating Habits

6. Social Issues:

  • The Role of Social Media in Promoting Body Image Issues
  • The Impact of Income Inequality on Society
  • Is Capital Punishment Ethical or Inhumane?
  • The Importance of Gender Equality in the Workplace
  • Should Animal Testing Be Banned for Cosmetic Products?
  • The Ethics of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • The Influence of Celebrity Culture on Young People
  • Is Online Bullying a Serious Threat to Mental Health?
  • The Role of Government in Combating Homelessness

7. Economics:

  • The Effects of Inflation on Consumer Purchasing Power
  • Is Globalization Beneficial or Harmful to Developing Countries?
  • The Impact of Minimum Wage Laws on Employment
  • The Role of Cryptocurrency in Modern Finance
  • Should Governments Provide Universal Basic Income?
  • The Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • The Pros and Cons of Trade Tariffs
  • Is Economic Growth Sustainable in the Long Term?
  • The Influence of Consumerism on Environmental Degradation
  • The Role of Government Regulation in Preventing Financial Crises

8. Science and Technology Ethics:

  • The Ethical Implications of Human Gene Editing
  • Should Artificial Intelligence Have Legal Rights?
  • The Use of Facial Recognition Technology: Privacy vs. Security
  • The Dangers and Benefits of Biotechnology Advancements
  • The Ethics of Cloning Animals for Human Consumption
  • Is Privacy Invasion Justified in the Name of National Security?
  • The Impact of 3D Printing on Intellectual Property Rights
  • Should Autonomous Weapons Be Banned?
  • The Ethical Considerations of Using CRISPR for Genetic Enhancement
  • Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost and Environmental Impact?

9. Culture and Society:

  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Young People's Behavior
  • Should Cultural Appropriation Be Condemned or Celebrated?
  • The Importance of Preserving Indigenous Languages and Cultures
  • The Role of Music in Shaping Social and Political Movements
  • Should Museums Return Stolen Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin?
  • The Impact of Reality TV Shows on Society's Perception of Reality
  • Is Online Dating a Positive or Negative Trend in Modern Relationships?
  • The Ethics of Cultural Tourism and Its Impact on Local Communities
  • Should Schools Teach More Diverse History and Literature?
  • The Role of Literature and Art in Promoting Social Change

10. Ethics and Morality:

  • The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide for Terminal Patients
  • Is Lying Ever Justified in Moral Dilemmas?
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Personal Morality
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights: Should Animals Have Legal Personhood?
  • Is Forgiveness a Virtue or a Weakness?
  • The Moral Implications of Cloning Humans
  • The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence
  • Should Government Surveillance Be Permitted for National Security?
  • The Role of Free Will in Determining Moral Responsibility
  • Is It Ethical to Experiment on Animals for Scientific Research?

Opinion Essay Structure

Here is a breakdown of the essential elements:

1. Introduction:

  • Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing hook, such as a question, fact, quote, or anecdote, to engage the reader's interest.
  • Thesis Statement:  Present your clear and concise thesis statement. This statement is the foundation of your essay and encapsulates your main argument or opinion on the topic.
  • Preview:  Offer a brief overview of the main points or arguments you will discuss in the body of the essay. This sets the reader's expectations.

2. Body Paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentences: Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates directly to your thesis statement.
  • Supporting Evidence: Provide evidence, examples, statistics, or expert opinions that support each argument. Ensure that the evidence is relevant and compelling.
  • Transition Sentences: Use transitional words and phrases to guide the reader smoothly from one point to the next. This creates coherence and logical flow.
  • Counterarguments:  Address opposing viewpoints within the body of your essay, demonstrating your ability to evaluate different perspectives critically. This adds depth and persuasiveness to your argument.

3. Conclusion:

  • Restate Thesis: Restate your thesis statement and summarize your main argument.
  • Summarize Main Points: Summarize the key points or arguments you've presented in the essay's body.
  • Broaden Perspective: Move beyond mere repetition of the introduction. Offer a broader perspective on the topic, leaving the reader with something to contemplate, such as the significance of your opinion or a call to action.
  • Closing Thoughts: End with a thought-provoking closing thought, question, or statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Opinion Essay Examples

Here is an example for you -

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of our lives in today's digital age. While it offers various benefits, like staying connected with friends and accessing information, its influence on mental health has been a growing concern. This essay explores the impact of social media on mental well-being, arguing that while it has some advantages, it can also have detrimental effects.


The introduction provides a clear thesis statement: "This essay argues that social media has both positive and negative impacts on mental health." It engages the reader's interest with a hook, such as a startling statistic about social media usage or a relevant quote.

Body Paragraphs:

The body of the essay is divided into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the argument:

Positive Aspects:  This paragraph discusses the positive impact of social media, such as fostering connections, providing support networks, and raising awareness of mental health issues. It includes examples and statistics to support these points.

Negative Aspects:  Here, the essay delves into the negative effects of social media, including cyberbullying, social comparison, and addiction. Real-life examples and studies are cited to illustrate these harmful consequences.

Counterarguments: To address opposing viewpoints, the essay checker acknowledges that some studies suggest a limited negative impact of social media. However, it refutes these arguments with counter-studies and expert opinions, emphasizing the overall negative trend.


The conclusion restates the thesis and summarizes the main points from the body paragraphs. It provides a balanced perspective by acknowledging the positive and negative aspects of social media's impact on mental health. The essay ends with a thought-provoking statement, encouraging the reader to consider their own relationship with social media and its effects on their well-being.

Additional Considerations:

The essay's clear topic sentences, evidence, and transitions between paragraphs maintain coherence. The essay follows a formal tone, uses proper grammar and citations, and avoids jargon. It provides a comprehensive overview of the topic while presenting a well-structured argument that engages the reader and encourages critical thinking.

Crafting top-notch and perfect opinion essay writing is not just about expressing your viewpoint; it is about constructing a persuasive and well-structured argument. You can effectively communicate your opinions by adhering to the fundamental elements of a clear thesis statement, an engaging introduction, well-supported body paragraphs, and a thought-provoking conclusion.

Remember to acknowledge opposing viewpoints, use evidence judiciously, and maintain a formal tone. Opinion essays are a powerful platform for sharing your thoughts, contributing to meaningful discussions, and refining your writing and critical thinking skills. You can craft opinion essays that resonate and persuade effectively with the right structure and approach.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. what is the key to a successful opinion essay.

The key to a successful opinion essay is a clear and compelling thesis statement that presents your main argument. Support your viewpoint with relevant evidence, maintain a logical structure, and acknowledge opposing perspectives.

Q2. How can I make my introduction engaging?

Start with a captivating hook, like a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact. Clearly state your thesis statement, and briefly preview the main points you will discuss.

Q3. What role do counterarguments play in an opinion essay?

Counterarguments demonstrate your critical thinking skills and strengthen your argument by addressing opposing viewpoints. You can acknowledge counterarguments within your essay and then refute them.

Q4. How can I ensure my opinion essay is well-structured?

Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs focusing on specific points, and a conclusion summarizing your argument. Use transitional words for coherence.

Q5. Should I include personal experiences in my opinion essay?

Yes, personal experiences can enhance your essay's authenticity. However, ensure they are relevant to your argument and used as supporting evidence, not as the sole basis of your viewpoint.

Q6. How can I find credible evidence for my opinion essay?

Utilize reputable sources like academic journals, books, and expert opinions. Ensure your sources are recent and authoritative to bolster the credibility of your argument.

Q7. What is the difference between an opinion and a persuasive essay?

While both aim to persuade, an opinion essay primarily expresses your viewpoint. A persuasive essay focuses on convincing the reader to adopt your perspective through strong argumentation.

Q8. How can I maintain a formal tone in my opinion essay?

Avoid overly casual language and slang. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and follow the conventions of academic writing, such as citing sources correctly.

Q9. Can I use personal anecdotes in my conclusion?

Yes, personal anecdotes can be effective in the conclusion to leave a lasting impression. Relate your personal experience back to your thesis or the broader implications of your opinion.

Q10. What is the most important aspect of revising my opinion essay?

The most crucial revision aspect is ensuring your essay is clear and well-organized. Check for logical flow between paragraphs, and edit for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write an Opinion Essay + Examples

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write an Opinion Essay + Examples

A personal opinion essay is an essential part of an educational process. Wherever you study, you will surely come across this kind of work. And if you’re stuck with finding ideas, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will learn all the intricacies of writing and get some good opinion essay topics.

Let’s start!

🤔 What Is an Opinion Essay?

🖊️ how to write an opinion essay.

  • 🔗 Linkers and Transition Words

💡 Opinion Essay Ideas

👨‍🎓 opinion essay examples.

An opinion essay is a type of work that involves the expression of one’s own opinion, which has become the product of processing facts and arguments. However, this does not mean there should be no argumentation in the essay. It will be a big plus if you have a couple of examples from your own life or the lives of historical figures, illustrating some facts in your stock. Writing an opinion essay requires the author to clearly state his thoughts on any occasion, without excessive water and long reasoning.

Among other things, it should be remembered that, technically, an opinion essay is a formal type of work that many graduates write at the end of their studies. And this means it has its structure and specific writing rules that must be adhered to. To fully understand the meaning of this type of work, try reading a couple of our free essay samples .

🎯 The Purpose of an Opinion Essay

An opinion essay is an excellent tool for teaching students how to express their position correctly. And also to test the depth of their knowledge and thinking. An opinion essay can help you to boost your skills:

  • Ability to convey your thoughts . Regardless of the topic of the essay, the teacher wants to see that his wards, leaving the educational institution, will be independent individuals. Therefore, the student needs to show the ability to convey their thoughts on any occasion.
  • Competent writing skills . Even in the modern world, writing skills do not lose their relevance. This type of work allows you to form it as efficiently as possible. So if you want to impress your boss, remember to pay attention to grammar and punctuation.
  • Topic knowledge . Unfortunately, there is no error-free way to test a student’s ability. However, opinion essays allow the teacher to examine everyone and ensure that the topic has been mastered. This is especially true for subjects such as history and literature.

And, of course, you should understand that the purpose of any text is to be read. So just be creative, and you will have a fantastic essay!

Features of opinion essay.

🗝️ Key Features of an Opinion Essay

Like any other type of writing, an opinion essay has characteristics that make it unique. And, of course, to compose a competent text, you need to know about them.

  • Focus on the author’s clear and well-reasoned subjective opinion . All proofs, as well as the conclusion, are based on it.
  • Logical-based structure . Moreover, it entirely depends on the intentions of the writer.
  • Examples and arguments come primarily from personal experience . However, an author may use history and social life quotes and examples of literary heroes to prove their position.
  • Speech instruments used . As an author, you will benefit significantly from using a variety of speech constructs . They can help you influence other people. Connecting constructs and clear speech will keep the reader interested and get the most out of the reader.

You just need to get used to all the features to get a little practice. You will succeed!

⚖️ Argumentative, Opinion or Persuasive Essay: the Difference

Before proceeding directly to writing the text, it is worth learning one more important thing. Even towards the end of high school, many people confuse opinion and persuasive essays. These papers look similar.

To help you distinguish the argumentative, opinion, and persuasive essays, we prepare a table of comparisons where you can easily indicate the difference between these papers:

Criteria Opinion Essay Persuasive Essay Argumentative Essay
Purpose To provide the author’s opinion To convince audience To prove a point
General technique To explain an opinion and provide arguments supporting this point of view Opinions and supporting arguments aimed to convince the audience why this point of view is right Credible evidence must support and prove the author’s arguments validity
Point of view First-person First-person and second-person Third-person
Support Author’s opinion and feelings Author’s opinion and feelings Facts, data, evidence, expert quotes

Now let’s move on to which sections the essay consists of and how it should be written. You can safely use this information as a synopsis when completing the assignment.

So, the first one!

📃 Opinion Essay Format

As mentioned earlier, a specific opinion essay structure must be followed. Therefore, before you prepare writing, make up a small outline, which will contain all the components of the text and your ideas for their content. So, how to start an opinion essay?

Opinion essay introduction.

Opinion Essay Introduction

Of course, any text starts with a short opening. This section should summarize the essence of the problem you are writing about. The main task of the introduction is to entice the audience and familiarize them with the paper’s main topic. Therefore, by the first paragraph, a person will build an impression of your talents.

Moreover, remember that the introduction should be catchy. How to write a hook for an opinion essay? In simple words, this is a proposal that should interest the reader and draw his attention. It should be subject-related and relatively accurate. All you have to do is show the reader that the topic of the essay will be critical and even touch it.

Let’s take a look at some opinion essay introduction examples from our authors, in which you can see all the listed components:

  • As Ronald Reagan said in one of his speeches, everyone who advocates abortion has been born. The topic of abortion is very controversial, and people still cannot come to a standard solution. That is why, in this abortion opinion essay, I will try to sort out my thoughts and answer whether abortion is a panacea or a hidden evil.
  • Global warming is a global problem. As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez aptly put it, we cannot sit back while our planet is on fire. But can one person influence the fate of all humanity? I think so, and in this essay, I will try to explain my position

Of course, these examples are conditional, and you can change them as you need to achieve a quality result.

Opinion Essay: Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the final sentence of an introduction . It is an integral part of the entire text. And if your essay will be evaluated, then the absence of the thesis will significantly underestimate the point. So how do you write the last sentence competently so that the reader will like it?

At its core, in the thesis, you should summarize everything that you indicated in the introduction and, in a nutshell, make it clear what will be discussed. You are expected to state your position on the issue clearly. And then, the entire text should be directed precisely to reinforce your words.

For example, take this essay topic: “ Is globalization a positive phenomenon? ” In this case, a good thesis would be “ In my opinion, globalization has many more advantages than disadvantages. ”

See how one small phrase can dramatically improve your overall performance score. Therefore, pay due attention to it!

Opinion essay body paragraphs.

Opinion Essay: Body Paragraphs

Finally, you come to the main body of your essay, namely the argumentation. The body paragraphs of an opinion essay are aimed at correctly explaining the author’s position to the audience. Here you are expected to have good arguments and examples that will become your assistants in proving your case.

Body paragraphs have two parts: an argument and an example supporting what you said. For example, you might say that the lack of responsibility for actions leads to the corruption of the mind and soul. And as an explanation to these words, briefly support your statement with the story of the protagonist of the novel by Jack London, “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”

Moreover, no one limits the number of these same arguments, and often it depends on the maximum volume of the text itself. The standard case is two good arguments, supported by examples from life or literature. Then you can be sure that the reader will correctly understand your idea.

Opinion essay conclusion.

🔗 Linkers and Transitional Words for Opinion Essay

Connecting structures are an invisible companion for the reader throughout the entire essay. They are also called linkers or transitional words . At their core, these two concepts mean the exact phrases. Their task is to make the text more readable and smoothly translate the reader from one idea to another. Moreover, all these constructions are divided into subgroups depending on their purpose. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of good transition words for an opinion essay:

  • In my opinion…
  • It is clear that…, etc.
  • It is widely known that…
  • It is a well-known fact that…
  • Research has shown that…
  • There are definitely…
  • It is a fact that…, etc.

There are also brilliant linkers for opinion essays on these themes:

  • In spite of…
  • However, etc.
  • To conclude…
  • In conclusion…, etc.

Using these constructions, you will significantly increase the consistency of your text and help the reader to perceive it better.

How to write an opinion essay.

Now that you have a basic understanding of writing an essay, let’s look at some good opinion essay topics. Feel free to use them for your creative work and get good points.

💡 30 Opinion Essay Prompts

So, our team has selected 30 excellent opinion essay topics for you. Look for what resonates in your soul and get to work!

  • Opinion essay: success in life depends on being successful at school. Many of us were assured that it is impossible to reach heights without a good performance at school. What do you think about it?
  • Mobile phone addiction is the scourge of the 21st century. Give arguments from your life and tell about personal experiences.
  • Opinion essay about GMO : pros and cons. For many, this topic remains a secret. It’s time to dispel all inaccuracies and find out the whole truth.
  • Should university study be free? What is your position?
  • Opinion essay about technologies in our life . What impact do they have?
  • Compulsory vaccination : pros and cons. If you have any personal experience with this topic, feel free to share it.
  • Opinion on abortion essay: do people have the right to choose?
  • US neutrality in World War II : what would have gone differently?
  • Opinion essay about video games. Is it an addiction or just leisure ? What do you think?
  • Does the motivation from famous people have an effect, or is it a dummy? Do you have an opinion on this matter?
  • Essay opinion on junk food : how dangerous it is. Everyone was warned that junk food and junk food kill the body, but maybe it’s all about the quantity?
  • Parenting is the foundation of a child’s success. Do you think that the parents are responsible for the future education and work of their child?
  • Opinion essay: buy nothing day or Black Friday sales. What do you choose and why?
  • The advantages of living in a metropolis and a small town . Which would you choose?
  • Essay: opinion about global warming . Do you think this is a real threat, or is it just a panic among people?
  • Homemade food or dining out in restaurants? What do you and your family prefer?
  • Social media impact opinion essay. Billions of people spend their time on social media. What consequences can this have for humanity?
  • Consequences of increasing the budget for road construction. How will this affect our cities?
  • Opinion essay: television promotes violence through broadcasting abusive behavior. Do you agree with this thesis?
  • Humanity is destroying the ecosystem and making the earth uninhabitable. What arguments can be for and against?
  • Opinion essay about homework : is this system outdated? How do you feel about this from a student’s point of view?
  • Artists and internet bloggers make vast amounts of money. Do you support this?
  • Opinion essay about racism in modern life. What are the dangers of this behavior? Tell us about your personal experience or give an example from the community’s life.
  • Some people dream of changing their place of residence. Do you think that moving to another country will help you in self-realization?
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  • People prefer online communication over live communication. How do you feel about this trend?
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These themes are ideal for getting good results.

Now let’s look at some small sample essays from our authors. You can see all the listed components and highlight some interesting ideas for yourself!

Climate change opinion essay, truth or fiction? (250 words)

Climate change has been heading the news for decades. Almost everyone is puzzled by this problem in the modern world, but is there any reason to believe that this is just exaggerated media panic? I think not, and in this essay, I will try to explain my position. The first thing worth paying attention to is the changes that we can see every day. But nature is changing, and this is noticeable with the naked eye. For example, you can look at how the temperature regime has changed over the past decades. In my region, real winter began in the last days of November. Then the temperature dropped to zero, and there was already snow outside the window. However, I would be thrilled to see snowfall this year, at least at Christmas. This raises questions about the veracity of statements from the media and various organizations. You should also look at the publicly available facts. International organizations conduct ongoing research, which clearly shows that the climate is changing, and it is difficult to fix it. One of the most respected teams, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), regularly issues climate change reports. And in them, you can see what reasons for this and what it can lead to. This is excellent and detailed work that deserves everyone’s attention. In summary, we can say that climate change can be seen with the naked eye. This problem affects all people on the planet, and to ignore it is to expose yourself to great danger. Humanity is destroying our world, and can we deny it?

Opinion on death penalty essay, is it moral? (300 words)

Many international treaties have long banned the death penalty, but this does not prevent several countries from regularly using it against criminals. I think this is a terrible practice that has no place in our civilized world. The argument for this may be the simple idea that every creature has a right to life. And this right cannot be taken away under any condition because you can take a dangerous path by creating an incident. One Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov spoke very accurately about this: “The existence of the institution of the death penalty dehumanizes society. I spoke out and am opposed to the death penalty also because this punishment provides for the presence of a constantly terrible apparatus of executors, the whole institution of the death penalty ”. I fully support his words because there is no reason not to kill the second after killing once. It should also be understood that people sentenced to death are not always, in fact, guilty. There is a miscarriage of justice, and no one can be insured against it. The most resonant was the story from 1949. Timothy Evans was hanged on charges of murdering his pregnant wife and two-year-old daughter. Four years later, it wasn’t until serial killer John Christie, who had testified in court against Evans, confessed to the murder. He was hanged, and Timothy Evans was posthumously rehabilitated. The Timothy Evans case is one of the most remarkable stories in the death penalty dispute. To summarize, I can say that there are many reasons for the absolute ban on the death penalty in the world. This is not only inhuman but can lead to unnecessary deaths. Fighting crime in this way, the people who defend the law themselves break it.

Opinion essay on smoking: should the state intervene? (300 words)

Smoking is a global problem. Experts predict that in the coming decades, the number of smokers will reach one billion people worldwide. In my opinion, governments should take strict measures to limit nicotine use among the population. Firstly, smoking poses enormous hardships for addicts. All this can increase the number of cancer patients and people suffering from heart and lung diseases. At the same time, it can be tough to give up cigarettes on your own. We all understand that nicotine in quantities that a person receives from cigarettes is not characteristic of the body. Therefore, our body can react in an extraordinary way to its appearance. An example may well be my family, suffering from heart problems for several generations. All men, from my great-grandfather to my father, visit doctors all the time. And they all have one reason – excessive smoking. At the same time, they cannot quit smoking on their own due to a banal addiction. Secondly, smokers can damage the health of other people nearby. It is a well-known fact that secondhand smoke is no less harmful than the regular use of nicotine. And unfortunately, non-smokers, in most cases, have no choice. You can see it yourself in everyday life. People who are forced to breathe smoke while sitting at bus stops or in public places simply cannot do anything about it. The only way to help them is to introduce more and more restrictions from the state. So, in conclusion, we can say that smoking is not only a problem for the person addicted to cigarettes. Everyone suffers from this, from his family to strangers around him. Unfortunately, these difficulties cannot be resolved on their own. But is the state and society doing enough to help people with addiction?

❓ What Are the Characteristics of an Opinion?

The opinion is an entirely subjective position formed due to the influence of certain factors on the mind. It can be characterized as a personal judgment, point of view, and not an exact fact. However, an opinion can be valid only if it is supported by actual knowledge. Otherwise, it can be called more of a guess.

❓ How Many Paragraphs is an Opinion Essay?

The standard structure consists of four main parts: an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Nevertheless, if it is not specified in the assignment, it can deviate slightly from such a system. It is pretty standard practice to write three or more body paragraphs. Conversely, if one section fully covers the topic, then the need for other explanations may disappear.

❓ What Is the Structure of an Opinion Essay?

An essay structure is a precise sequence of your thoughts, which will help the reader to understand the topic better. The standard system consists of an introduction, two arguments, and a conclusion. In addition, there are less visible components like a hook, thesis statement, and linkers words. You can expand the structure by adding more argument parts. However, the sequence must remain the same.

❓ What Is a Supported Opinion Essay?

An essay based on a person’s personal opinion implies a clear statement of the author’s thoughts on a specific topic. However, to show understanding of the problem, one should rely on facts, research, or examples from life. A supported opinion essay is precisely when the author’s opinion is based on objective factors.

📎 References

  • Basic Essay Structure. Port. Ac
  • An opinion essay. British Council
  • How to Write an Opinion Based Essay. UCT Language Centre
  • Recognizing Transitions. MPC.Edu
  • Writing Your Paper: Transitions. EWU.Edu
  • Transition Sentences. The College of Saint Rose
  • Writing Effective Conclusions. Richmond University
  • Conclusion – How to write an essay. University of Newcastle
  • Writing a thesis statement. IELTS Buddy
  • CCSS Argument versus Opinion Writing
  • Essay Structure. Harvard College Writing Centre
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How to Write an Opinion Essay

  • Posted 18 July 2018
  • By StudySaurus
  • Under Essay Writing

An opinion essay is an opportunity to express your feelings on an issue or topic you feel passionately about. You can make your argument even stronger by substantiating your opinions with logical arguments and credible evidence.

Steps in Writing an Opinion Paper or Essay

Careful planning and thorough research of the issue will help you formulate your opinion and successfully complete the assignment.

  • Choose an issue to write about . Research local, national or international news stories in order to find inspiration for your writing project. Be sure to choose a topic that has at least two opposing viewpoints, as this will give you the most substance for your assignment. Avoid choosing a topic that most everyone agrees upon.
  • Decide what side of the argument you are on. Make a list of the reasons why you have the opinion you do. If you do not know why you are siding with a particular group, you may have problems supporting your opinion within the body of your essay.
  • Research the opposing opinions of the topic in order to gain a well-rounded understanding of the issue. Create a list of primary arguments or key points that you disagree about.
  • Write the introduction of your paper. In this section, introduce the topic with a neutral and professional attitude so that the reader may gain an understanding of the issue. After you have covered the topic, introduce the viewpoint you will be taking throughout the body of the paper. Typically, the introduction of an opinion paper is one to two pages.
  • Write the body of the paper. This is the portion of the paper where you make your stance shown and express why you have the opinion you do. Begin discussing your opinion and support your ideas with credible sources, being sure to cite any references you use. Present the major facts and arguments of the issue. In order to strengthen your position as a writer, address the viewpoints of the opposing side. Do so respectfully in order to show your credibility as a writer. This section is usually two to five pages long, but may vary, depending on the assignment.
  • Write the conclusion by wrapping up your ideas. Reiterate your viewpoint of the issue. This portion of the paper is merely for concluding the assignment. Adding additional or new information is not advised. The conclusion should be the shortest part of your paper.
  • Compile your bibliography according to the required style guide. List any resources you consulted during your project, even if you did not cite them within the body of your paper.

1) Conduct Research on a Controversial Topic

Choose a subject you feel strongly about that’s debatable or controversial. Social, school or local issues are ideal topic choices. Read a variety of credible perspectives to expand your understanding of the debate. Avoid simply reading sources that support your own opinions. If your position changes in light of your research, that’s OK. Take notes on ideas, facts and statistics that you can use to support your argument. Also take notes on others’ perspectives to include in your essay to provide contrast.

2) Write the Introduction to Your Opinion Essay

Write an introduction that asserts a serious and logical stance on your topic and explains why it’s important. The introduction should end with a thesis statement that clearly states your opinion and why you feel the way you do. For example, if you are arguing against animal testing, you could reason that it is inhumane, that other research methods are available and that animals are too physiologically different from humans to yield relevant results.

3) Write Body Paragraphs to Develop Your Opinion

In the body of your essay, write one paragraph about each reason for your opinion. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that states the point you will discuss. Include quotes, examples, anecdotes or lines of argument from your research to support each point, and explain how each piece of evidence contributes to your position. Then write at least two paragraphs in which you respond to views that differ from your own. Summarize each opposing view and provide reasoning or evidence that shows why it is untrue, problematic or contrary to your perspective. For example, if an opponent states that animal research is regulated to protect animals, explain why the regulations are insufficient and illustrate how they continue to suffer.

4) Write a Strong Conclusion and Bibliography

By the time you get to your conclusion, your argument is complete. Summarize by restating the importance of the topic, reviewing the essence of your argument and leaving your reader with a final thought or question. Include a bibliography in the appropriate format for your assignment.

Tips on Writing an Opinion Paper

Opinion essays state a clear opinion and then back it up with facts taken from reliable sources. Once writers become successful in the forum of opinion essays, they can use their abilities to persuade and make readers think about their own viewpoints. Writers can seek out tips to ensure they are creating a quality opinion paper that will inspire intellectual discussion.

To successfully write an opinion piece, writers must first start with a quality introduction section. In the introduction, writers must bring up the topic they intend to discuss and make it clear where they stand on the issue. Writers must then provide readers with multiple paragraphs that support the central argument of the paper. In these paragraphs, writers should use facts to convince the reader that their point makes more sense than the arguments made by opposing forces. Once the middle portion of the essay is completed, writers should use a conclusion to drive their point home. This is done by reiterating points previously made in the paper and finding a new way to make the reader view the topic at hand. If writers follow this pattern of organization, they can introduce their opinion, support it thoroughly, and then solidify it at the end.

Writers can use different methods to more effectively persuade a reader during their opinion paper. First off, it is best to address readers directly and make sure all opinions are clearly understood from an outside perspective. Writers can also use quotations from respected sources as a method to convince readers of their point. Statistics are also a good way to convince readers of opinions, as they can be used when they support a viewpoint. To maintain credibility with the reader, writers should also eliminate any personal stories or information and make sure that all facts presented are cited properly.

Make sure that any sources used to write an opinion paper are highly reliable. If possible, try to use sources that are widely known to be accurate and credible. Readers are more likely to identify with a writer’s opinion if they recognize that reputed sources agree with what is being presented. All sources that are used should be included in the paper’s reference section and no liberties should be taken with the information given by the sources.

Always cite all of the sources you used in a bibliography. If you do not, you run the risk of plagiarism, which is a serious offense at any institution of learning. Keep your paper formal. Just because you are expressing your opinion does not mean you should stray from good writing habits. Avoid contractions, colloquial expressions, generalizations and emotive vocabulary.

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Sometimes you can be asked questions like “Is technology needed for human development?”, “Do you feel students need to wear uniforms?”, or maybe something along the lines of “Do you agree that the music industry has become largely toxic?” All these questions can be answered on paper through an opinion essay. Students and writers widely use this type of writing to express their own views on the specifically stated topic. If you are looking for ways to do the same, well then, you’ve come to the right place! Below we will give all the necessary details to help you structure and craft your opinion essay both with quality and ease.

What Is an Opinion Essay: Key Characteristics and Structure

An opinion essay is a type of writing where you share your viewpoint on a particular topic. Unlike other essays that require multiple perspectives or even facts, opinion writing focuses on what you think and why. Your goal is to convince the reader to agree with your outlook (or at least to consider it closely) by presenting strong arguments and supporting them with examples.

In an opinion essay, you express a clearly formed opinion backed by research, logic, and sometimes anecdotal evidence. It’s your chance to articulate a position and demonstrate both what you think and why you think it. Being able to express an opinion effectively is an important skill, especially in today’s world where opinions are everywhere, like on social media. It also allows you to identify opinions that are well-supported versus those that aren’t. You’ll often find opinion essays in the Op-Ed sections of newspapers, where writers share their views on various topics. These essays can influence public beliefs and spark important discussions. 

How To Write An Opinion Essay

The structure of an opinion essay typically follows the five-paragraph format. Start with an introduction that includes a hook to grab the reader’s attention and a thesis statement that clearly presents your opinion. In the body, each paragraph should cover a separate reason supporting your thesis, backed up with evidence or examples. Finally, the conclusion summarizes your main points and restates your thesis in a fresh way to reinforce your argument. This structure helps keep your essay organized and your arguments clear, making it easier for your readers to follow and be persuaded by your point of view.

What All Opinion Essays Need to Include

All opinion essays, regardless of the topic, share some key characteristics that make them effective and persuasive. First and foremost, your essay must have a clear opinion or thesis. This is the main point you want to make and it should be evident right from the start. Whether you formed your opinion quickly or have been considering it for a while, it has to have a clear start to guide the reader through your argument.

Novelty is another important aspect. A strong opinion essay brings something new to the table. This could mean presenting a viewpoint that challenges mainstream ideas or supporting a widely held belief with fresh, interesting research. Adding a unique perspective or new information keeps your essay engaging and relevant.

You should choose a semiformal tone for your writing. While it’s easy to slip into a conversational style, especially when discussing personal opinions, keeping a balanced, semiformal tone lends your writing more credibility. Using such a writing style you can be sure that your essay is taken seriously yet doesn’t sound too stiff or too casual. You can be sure that your text sounds perfect by using our essay editing services .

Aside from that, avoid ambiguity. Your opinion should be clear and well-defined (from the beginning to the very end). If you aren’t sure about your stance, your reader won’t be either. Make it clear to yourself what you think and why you think it before you start writing. This clarity will help you stay focused and avoid rambling.

Finally, support your opinion with strong evidence and clear reasoning. Simply stating “I think” isn’t enough. You need to back up your viewpoint with facts, examples, and logical arguments. This strengthens your case and shows that your perspective is well-considered and credible.

How To Write An Opinion Essay

How to Write Opinion Essay

We have finally moved to the main part of our guide – writing an opinion essay. Before sitting down and typing out your thoughts, you need to do some preparation. 

Start with brainstorming . If you don’t have a specific question you need to answer or a prompt, think about all the topics you are passionate about and your possible response. Suppose you are given a prompt about the benefits of video games in education, consider both the positive and negative aspects before forming your opinion. Now, as we move that out of the way, we can begin structuring our document.

Next, move on to research. This is where you form your opinion by gathering data and asking yourself why you believe what you do. Look for supporting evidence from reliable sources, such as academic articles, books, and credible websites. For example, if you believe video games enhance learning, find studies or expert opinions that back this claim. Don’t forget to explore counterarguments to present a balanced view and strengthen your essay.

Now, to the writing part.

  • Create an outline. Follow the five-paragraph essay structure, but adjust the number of paragraphs as needed. An outline helps organize your thoughts and ensures each paragraph logically follows the next.
  • Begin drafting. Write a rough draft without worrying about perfection. Include all your research and quotes, citing sources as you go. For instance, if you’re arguing that homework should be banned, include quotes from studies showing its negative impact on student health.
  • Review and revise . Read your essay out loud to check for logical flow. All evidence must support your thesis and your opinion should stay clear throughout. You can reorganize paragraphs to improve clarity if your essay feels a bit disjointed.
  • Proofread your essay.   Look for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation issues. Use tools like AcademicHelp Grammar Checker or ask someone else to review your work. A well-proofread essay is polished and professional, making a stronger impact on your readers.

How to Start Off an Opinion Essay: Examples of Great Introductions

As was mentioned above, an introduction is an important and inseparable part of an opinion piece. It needs to be attention-grabbing yet clearly state the topic and key thesis. As such, the structure of an introduction is a hook, a clear presentation of the topic, and a thesis statement that outlines your opinion. Here are some effective strategies and examples of how you can start your opinion essay.

Use a Surprising Statistic . A startling fact can immediately draw your reader in and set the stage for your argument.

How to Write Opinion Essay

Give an Unpopular Opinion . Stating a controversial or unconventional viewpoint can pique curiosity and invite readers to consider a different perspective.

How to Write Opinion Essay

Ask a Rhetorical Question. Engaging your audience with a thought-provoking question can stimulate interest and reflection

How to Start Off an Opinion Essay: Examples of Great Introductions

Share a Life Experience/Anecdote. A brief, personal story can make your essay relatable and memorable

How to Start Off an Opinion Essay: Examples of Great Introductions

Incorporating these elements, you can craft a strong introduction that sets the tone for the rest of your essay and makes your readers eager to read more.

You may think that opinion essays are easy. After all, all you have to do there is state your point of view. Yet, it is important to do it properly. You need to present compelling evidence and present relevant and logical arguments as to why you think that way. That’s why structure is so important for the writing process. It will allow you to build a rational narrative, that will be clear and easy to follow for your readers. After all the main point of writing such an essay is to make others consider your perspective and maybe even make them change their mind. 

How do you start an opinion essay?

When starting an opinion essay you need to focus on grabbing your reader’s attention and setting the stage for your argument. Begin with a hook, like a surprising fact, a question, or a quote that relates to your topic. Then, introduce your topic and clearly state your thesis, which is your main point or opinion on the subject. This will set the tone and direction for the rest of your essay.

What are the 3 parts of opinion writing?

Opinion writing typically has three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. In the introduction, you present your topic and thesis statement. The body is where you provide reasons and examples to support your opinion, with each reason in its own paragraph. The conclusion wraps up your essay by summarizing your main points and freshly restating your thesis.

What is the correct structure to write an opinion essay?

The correct structure for an opinion essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Start with an engaging introduction stating the overall topic and main thesis. Then, write body paragraphs, each focusing on one reason supporting your opinion and including evidence or examples. Finish with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis.

Can I use I in an opinion essay?

Yes, you can use “I” in an opinion essay. In fact, it’s often encouraged because an opinion essay is about expressing your personal views. Using “I” makes your writing more personal and direct, helping to state your perspective clearly.

What not to write in an opinion essay?

In an opinion essay, avoid being overly biased or emotional. Stick to presenting clear, logical arguments backed by evidence. Don’t ignore opposing viewpoints entirely. On the contrary, acknowledging them can strengthen your essay even further. Also, avoid using slang or overly casual language, and don’t make unsupported claims or generalizations.

What is the most important part of an opinion essay?

The most important part of an opinion essay is your thesis statement. This is where you put down your main opinion on the topic. A strong thesis gives your essay direction and helps readers understand your viewpoint. Each part of your essay should support and reinforce this central idea.

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ways to start a opinion essay

How to Write an Opinion Essay

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An opinion essay stands as a potent tool for expressing personal viewpoints, beliefs, and perspectives on various subjects. Unlike other forms of essays , that heavily rely on facts and evidence, an opinion essay invites writers to showcase their unique thoughts and emotions on a given topic. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to write an opinion essay. We will offer invaluable insights and practical tips to help you navigate this expressive form of writing.

What is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay is a literary form that allows writers to articulate their personal stance on a particular issue. An opinion essay encourages the author to convey their beliefs and support them with reasoning and evidence. The core objective is to persuade readers to adopt the author's perspective or, at the very least, to consider it thoughtfully.

How to Write an Opinion Essay in 5 Steps

1. Develop a Clear Thesis Statement Crafting a robust thesis statement is paramount to the success of your opinion essay. This should encapsulate your main argument and provide a roadmap for your readers. Decide whether or not you agree with your given question and put together a list of two or three compelling reasons bolstering your stance.

As you contemplate your position, delve deeper into each reason. Think about data, statistics, or anecdotes that you could use not only to substantiate your viewpoint but also to lend credibility to your argument.

2. Plan Your Structure Organise your thoughts and arguments logically by structuring your essay appropriately. Start with an engaging introduction that introduces the topic and presents your thesis statement. Follow this with well-organised body paragraphs, each dedicated to a specific point supporting your thesis. Finally, conclude your essay with a succinct summary of your main arguments and a powerful restatement of your thesis.

3. Provide Strong Supporting Evidence While an opinion essay is inherently subjective, it is essential to bolster your arguments with relevant evidence. This may include real-life examples, statistics, expert opinions, or historical references. The more compelling your evidence, the more persuasive your essay becomes.

4. Address Counterarguments Anticipate and address potential counterarguments to strengthen your position. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the topic and adds credibility to your essay. Refute counterarguments with well-reasoned responses, reinforcing the robustness of your perspective.

5. Craft a Compelling Conclusion End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarises your key points and reiterates your thesis. Leave a lasting impression on your readers by offering a thought-provoking insight, a call to action, or a compelling final thought that reinforces the significance of your viewpoint.

Opinion Essay Writing Tips

1. Clarity is Key Ensure your writing is clear and concise. Use straightforward language and avoid unnecessary jargon. A well-articulated opinion essay is easily understood and resonates with a broader audience.

2. Stay Focused Maintain a clear focus on your chosen topic. Avoid veering off into unrelated tangents, as this can dilute the impact of your arguments. A focused essay is more persuasive and engaging.

3. Embrace Your Voice An opinion essay is your chance to showcase your unique voice and perspective. Don't shy away from injecting personality into your writing. A strong, authentic voice resonates with readers and makes your essay memorable.

4. Revise and Edit Take the time to revise and edit your essay meticulously . Check for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence. A polished essay demonstrates your commitment to delivering a high-quality piece of writing.

The Importance of Persuasive Writing

Mastering the art of opinion essay writing is a skill that opens doors to effective communication and persuasion. By choosing compelling topics, crafting a clear thesis, providing strong evidence, and addressing counterarguments, you can create an essay that not only expresses your opinions but also captivates and convinces your audience. Remember, the key lies in embracing your unique voice, staying focused, and refining your writing through careful revision.

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Learn how to write an opinion essay with this guide from our top writers

Updated 12 Jun 2024

how to write opinion essay

Opinion essays can become your favorite essay type if you know how to approach them. It seems your job is to share and defend your opinion — what can be easier? Well, there are quite some tricks: structure your thoughts coherently and support your opinion with credible sources, which requires time and effort. 

In this article, we’ve collected all the useful information you need to know on how to write an opinion essay and start crafting your own opinion essays like a pro. Learn how to write an opinion paper and overcome all of the challenges associated with the writing. If you practice enough, improve your skills, absorb necessary knowledge, and use guidance, you'll cultivate critical thinking, form well-reasoned arguments, and learn to communicate your viewpoints effectively. 

Opinion essays: where to start? 

What is an opinion essay? An opinion essay is a form of writing where the author expresses their personal views on a specific topic, backed by reasons and examples. It typically starts with an introduction of the topic and the author's viewpoint, followed by body paragraphs that provide supporting arguments. The essay concludes with a summary of the points made and a reinforcement of the author's opinion, often encouraging the reader to consider this perspective. Your goal, unlike a persuasive essay , is only to get the reader to see things from your point of view or at least to understand where you're coming from. Opinion essay writing has some clear distinctions from other essay types — check the table below.

Expressing the author's individual perspective and intending to convince the reader.

Provides information, explains a topic, or describes a process.

Paints a vivid picture or conveys sensory details about a subject.

Tells a story, often based on personal experiences.

A debatable opinion that presents the writer's stance.

An informative hypothesis that summarizes the topic.

May have a thesis, but it primarily describes a subject.

Typically, it revolves around a particular subject or event.

Relies on arguments, examples, and professional evidence to support the initial opinion.

Presents facts and data related to the topic.

Uses sensory language and imagery to create a sensory experience.

Incorporates personal stories and storytelling.

Often employs a persuasive and argumentative tone.

Typically maintains an informative and neutral tone.

Emphasizes vivid and expressive language.

Reflects the author's voice and emotions.

Typically follows a standardized structure.

Generally, it uses an introduction, several body paragraphs for explanation, and a conclusion.

Organized to create a vivid portrayal of the subject, often with a structured pattern.

Typically, it includes an introduction, plot development, character development, climax, and resolution.

Acknowledges and addresses opposing viewpoints or counterarguments.

Focuses on presenting facts rather than refuting counterarguments.

Rarely involves counterarguments.

Primarily focuses on storytelling and personal experiences.

Utilizes rhetorical devices, persuasive language, and emotional appeals.

Emphasizes clarity, objectivity, and information dissemination.

Prioritizes vivid and sensory language to create a mental image.

Often features dialogue, character development, and a narrative voice.

If you’re struggling with creating an essay, you can always reach our writing service by saying,  write me an essay — we’ll get right on it. 

Opinion essay: how to write a structure? 

Remember to build a good structure if you need to write an opinion essay that holds value. This way, your readers will say ‘thank you’ and will be able to get the most out of your paper. 


  • Intrigue: Begin with a quote, a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a relevant anecdote. Your job now is to make ‘I want to keep this reading’ pop up in your readers’ heads. 
  • Background information : Immerse readers in the topic by providing some context.
  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your opinion or stance on the topic. It is the main idea of your essay you will need to support. 

Body Paragraphs

  • Personal connection: Introduce your personal connection or experience that led to your opinion. Connect your personal narrative to the broader topic of the essay.
  • Emotionally resonant language: Infuse emotion into your opinion paragraph with emotionally resonant language to create a connection with the reader.
  • Incorporate Personal Reflection: Weave personal reflection into the essay's body. Connect your personal reflections back to the main argument.
  • Analogies and Metaphors: Enhance your opinion paper with analogies or metaphors to vividly convey complex ideas. Use these literary devices to clarify and engage the reader.
  • Addressing the Why : Explore the reasons behind your opinion. Explain the motivations or underlying principles that contribute to your perspective.

Counterargument and Rebuttal

  • Counterargument : Address a potential counterargument to your thesis. Acknowledge opposing views to show that you've considered different perspectives, and explain why you disagree. 
  • Rebuttal : Present counterarguments and provide evidence and reasoning to refute or weaken them. While this part is optional, it strengthens your overall argument.
  • Restate Thesis: When you don’t know how to end an opinion essay, present a summary by restating your thesis in a way that brings everything together. 
  • Closing Remarks: Provide a final thought, call to action, or implication related to your opinion.
  • Closure : Work on leaving a lasting impression on the reader in your conclusion. 

Here’s a brief opinion essay template :

I. Introduction

II. Body Paragraphs

III. Counterargument and Rebuttal (Optional)

IV. Conclusion

How to write opinion paper: comprehensive guide 

Let's break down the process of writing an opinion essay into several key steps.

Step 1: Start with the topic.

Writing an opinion paper starts with choosing a topic you feel strongly about or are genuinely interested in. Your passion for the subject will enhance the persuasiveness of your essay. Consider issues that are relevant, timely, and have two or more contrasting viewpoints to create a compelling argument. If you’re struggling to develop a relevant topic, research opinion essay topics to get fresh ideas and break free from your informational bubble. 

Step 2: Find relevant information.

Before you start writing, gather information to support your opinion. Research sources, expand your vocabulary, and collect data, examples, or quotes that add weight to your argument. Make sure to understand not only your viewpoint but also the viewpoints of others. You will find lots of value in using them further in your paper. 

Step 3: Develop your central argument.

Writing opinion essays always involves crafting a concise thesis statement. Think of the key ideas you want to translate. You can start by brainstorming ideas, writing various ideas that cross your mind, and then choosing the most relevant one. Consider the significance and relevance of your opinion to the audience and aim for a statement that sparks interest and invites discussion. 

Step 4: Structure your thoughts.

One relevant technique for crafting an opinion essay outline is the "Zoom In, Zoom Out" method. Begin by presenting a broad overview of your topic and stating your main opinion in the introduction. As you move into the body paragraphs, "zoom in" on specific details and supporting evidence for each aspect of your argument. Remember to use transition words and sentences to create a smooth flow between paragraphs and dive deep into the intricacies to provide a comprehensive understanding. 

Then, in the concluding section, "zoom-out" again to re-emphasize the broader significance of your opinion and its implications. This technique allows you to balance depth and breadth in presenting your argument, providing a nuanced perspective while ensuring the reader sees the bigger picture of your opinion.

Step 5: Polish your paper.

Once you've completed the initial draft, take time to revise and refine your essay. Check for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Make sure you’ve used tools to persuade the reader by sharing your thoughts and offering some legitimate arguments. If possible, seek peer and mentor feedback, or get  essay help .

Do's in an opinion essay

✅Make sure your thesis statement articulates your stance. This statement should be concise and placed in the introduction.

✅Paint a colorful picture with words to evoke emotions and make your opinion come alive.

✅Organize your essay logically and coherently to boost the reader’s understanding. 

✅If possible, integrate multimedia elements like relevant images, videos, or infographics to add a dynamic layer to your essay and enhance your points creatively.

✅Make the beginning engaging. Consider using questions or interesting facts to make your essay more compelling.

✅Check for grammar and spelling errors, ensure clarity, and refine your writing for coherence.

Don'ts in an opinion essay

⛔Don't leave your reader guessing about your stance. Be explicit and avoid vague language that may lead to confusion.

⛔Don't rely solely on emotional appeals without supporting them with rational arguments and evidence. While emotions can enhance your essay, a solid foundation of facts is essential.

⛔Don't dismiss or ignore counterarguments. Acknowledge them and demonstrate why your opinion is more valid through evidence and reasoning.

⛔Don't repeat the same ideas or phrases excessively. Repetition can make your essay tedious and may weaken your argument.

⛔Don't share biased opinions without backing them up with evidence. Even though it's an opinion essay, your opinions should be well-founded.

⛔Don't rush through the introduction and conclusion. These sections are crucial and should be carefully crafted to make a strong first impression and lasting impact.

⛔Don't introduce new ideas in the conclusion. 

Final thoughts

Approaching crafting an opinion essay requires thoughtful consideration and strategic execution. Embrace the challenge as an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. If you encounter difficulties, see them as stepping stones to improvement. 

Don't hesitate to take breaks when needed, allowing yourself time to reflect and recharge. Also, be open to feedback; constructive criticism can significantly enhance the quality of your essay. Stay open to explore different perspectives, making the writing experience informative and enjoyable. Pay for an essay if you need professional support or feel stuck. 

The art of writing an opinion essay lies in the meticulous balance of conviction, evidence, and clarity. Stay true to your authentic voice and approach each revision as an opportunity for refinement. With these considerations in mind, your opinion essay can be a powerful and persuasive piece of writing.

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Written by Steven Robinson

Steven Robinson is an academic writing expert with a degree in English literature. His expertise, patient approach, and support empower students to express ideas clearly. On EduBirdie's blog, he provides valuable writing guides on essays, research papers, and other intriguing topics. Enjoys chess in free time.

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Opinion Essay

Caleb S.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Write an Effective Opinion Essay

17 min read

Published on: Feb 28, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

opinion essay

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Are you looking to express your opinion in a clear and convincing way? Crafting an effective opinion essay is the key to making your thoughts heard.

With this simple guide, you can easily do just that.

Here, we'll take you step-by-step through the process of writing a compelling opinion essay. So you can be confident when putting your thoughts into words.

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What Exactly is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay is a piece of writing that presents and defends an opinion or viewpoint on a particular topic. To make your argument convincing, you must back it up with facts, evidence, and logical reasoning.

What Makes an Opinion Essay Different from Other Types of Essays?

Opinion essays differ from other types of essays, such as argumentative or persuasive essays. It requires the writer to express their own opinion on a given topic.

Here's a table that compares the three types of essays:

Share personal viewpoint on a topicBased on personal experience or knowledge

States an opinion without necessarily arguing for it

Does not require evidence or research
Convince the reader of a particular viewPresents a claim or argument with evidence

Refutes opposing views

Uses formal language and logic
Influence the reader's behavior or beliefAppeals to emotions or values

Uses rhetorical devices such as pathos and ethos

Presents evidence to support the argument

How to Structure an Opinion Essay?

When crafting an opinion essay, it’s important to follow a specific essay structure. The basic opinion essay structure is as follows:

  • Introduction: An opinion essay introduction should introduce the topic and provide a clear statement of the author’s opinion. It should also include any background information necessary to understand the argument.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should present a point or argument in favor of the writer’s opinion. It would be followed by evidence or examples to support it. Counter-arguments against the opinion can also be presented and discussed in this section. Although, they should not detract from the main points being made.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points and arguments made throughout the essay. Also, restate the author’s opinion in a clear, concise way. It may also point out any potential implications of accepting or rejecting their viewpoint.

Struggling to write an opinion essay? Check out this video for some helpful pointers!

Opinion Essay Outline

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing that presents an argument or point of view on a particular topic. An outline will help organize your thoughts and provide structure for your essay.

Here is an example of what an outline for a great essay might look like:

A. Introduce the topic and provide a brief description of the issue
B. Provide a debatable thesis statement

A. State and explain your first point of view
B. Provide evidence to support your opinion
C. Explain how this evidence supports your opinion

A. State and explain your second point of view
B. Provide evidence to support your opinion
C. Explain how this evidence supports your opinion

A. State and explain a third point of view
B. Provide evidence to support your opinion
C. Explain how this evidence supports your opinion

A. Summarize the main points of the essay
B. Restate your thesis statement
C. Provide a final thought or call to action (optional)

Here is another example for opinion essay ielts - structure:

Introduce the topic and state your opinion
Provide some background information to give context to the reader
Thesis statement: Clearly state your main argument

Topic sentence: Introduce the first reason why you hold this opinion
Supporting details: Provide evidence and examples to support your argument
Counterargument: Address a possible counterargument and explain why it is not valid
Concluding sentence: Summarize the main points of the paragraph

Topic sentence: Introduce the second reason why you hold this opinion
Supporting details: Provide evidence and examples to support your argument
Counterargument: Address a possible counterargument and explain why it is not valid
Concluding sentence: Summarize the main points of the paragraph

Topic sentence: Introduce the third reason why you hold this opinion (if applicable)
Supporting details: Provide evidence and examples to support your argument
Counterargument: Address a possible counterargument and explain why it is not valid
Concluding sentence: Summarize the main points of the paragraph

Present a counterargument against your opinion
Acknowledge the validity of the counterargument
Refute the counterargument with evidence and explanation
Concluding sentence: Restate your thesis and summarize your argument

Summarize the main points of the essay
Restate your thesis statement in a new way
Provide a final thought or call to action

By following this basic outline, you can ensure that your opinion essay will be well-structured and organized.

What to Include in an Opinion Essay

To craft a compelling opinion essay, it is important to include the following elements:

Logical Reasoning: Use logical reasoning to connect your evidence to your opinion. Clearly explain how the evidence supports your viewpoint and address any potential counterarguments. Ensure that your reasoning is clear, coherent, and easy for the reader to follow.

Personal Reflection: Share your personal experiences or observations that have influenced your opinion. This adds depth and authenticity to your essay and helps the reader understand the perspective from which you're approaching the topic.

Counter Arguments: Anticipate and address counterarguments to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the issue. Present counterarguments objectively and refute them with well-reasoned responses. This shows that you have considered alternative viewpoints and strengthens your position.

Clear Structure: Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a single point or supporting argument. Use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and provide smooth transitions between ideas.

Use of Persuasive Techniques: Employ persuasive techniques such as rhetorical questions, analogies, or emotional appeals to engage and persuade your readers. However, be cautious not to rely solely on emotional appeals without logical reasoning.

Proper Citations: If you use external sources or references, ensure proper citations and adhere to the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA). This demonstrates integrity and strengthens the credibility of your essay.

What not To Include

While writing an opinion essay, it is important to be mindful of certain elements that should be avoided. Here are some things you should not include in an opinion essay:

Personal Bias: Avoid basing your arguments solely on personal beliefs or biases. Instead, support your opinion with objective evidence and logical reasoning.

Emotional Appeals without Reasoning: While it is acceptable to evoke emotions in your readers, do not rely solely on emotional appeals without providing solid reasoning and evidence. Emotions should supplement your arguments, not substitute for them.

Sweeping Generalizations: Avoid making broad generalizations without sufficient evidence or support. Ensure that your claims are backed by credible sources and specific examples.

Lack of Counterarguments: Failing to acknowledge or address opposing viewpoints weakens your essay. Engage with counterarguments and provide counter-evidence to demonstrate your ability to consider different perspectives.

Informal Language: Maintain a formal tone throughout your essay. Avoid slang, colloquialisms, or overly casual language. Use appropriate academic language and vocabulary.

How to Write an Opinion Essay?

Writing an opinion essay requires careful organization and evidence in order to make your point convincingly.

Here are the necessary steps to write an opinion essay:

Choose a Topic

The first step is to decide on a topic that appeals to you and that you can research easily. Make sure you are familiar with the subject matter. It would help you to write about it from an informed perspective.

Organize Your Thoughts

Before beginning to write, take some time to organize your thoughts and opinions on the topic. Jot down notes or draw diagrams to visualize how each of your points relates to the main argument.

Find Evidence to Support Your Point of View

After you have taken the time to organize your thoughts, it is important to find evidence that supports your opinion. Research reputable sources and collect quotes, facts, or other information relevant to each point you are making.

Write Essay Conclusion

End with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and reiterates your main argument. Give a final thought about your chosen topic. Keep in mind how it has impacted you and how it could be used to make a difference.

Be sure to reference the evidence that you have gathered throughout your essay as well.

Finally, proofread and edit your work for clarity and accuracy. Reviewing what you have written can help ensure that everything flows logically. Check grammar, punctuation, and spelling while you’re at it!

Do's and Don't of Writing an Opinion Essay 

When it comes to writing an opinion essay, there are certain guidelines that should be followed.

Here are some essential do’s and don’ts of writing an opinion essay:

  • Evidence: In order to make a convincing argument, your essay should include evidence that supports your point of view.
  • Relevant facts and statistics: Use facts and statistics from reliable sources to back up your arguments.
  • Logical flow: Make sure the points you are making logically follow one another in a clear and cohesive manner.
  • Counter-arguments: Address any counter-arguments against your opinion by providing evidence that disproves them.
  • Clear conclusion: The conclusion should restate your opinion clearly. It summarizes the main points made throughout the essay.
  • Unsupportive evidence: Make sure to avoid any irrelevant evidence in your essay that isn’t valid. Do not make claims that you cannot back up with facts or examples.
  • Unrelated information: Stick to the topic at hand and avoid introducing any irrelevant ideas or tangents into your essay.
  • Too much opinion: Although an opinion essay is based on personal beliefs, it should still be supported by evidence-based arguments.
  • Weak conclusion: Avoid summarizing the main points without restating your opinion or taking a stand on the issue you are discussing.
  • Poor grammar and punctuation: Make sure to review your work for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes before submitting it.

Examples of Opinion Essays

An opinion essay can be written on any topic that has two or more sides to it.

Here are these opinion essay examples:

Learn how to write with these potential opinion essay examples:

Opinion Essay PDF Example

Opinion 3 Paragraph Essay Example

Short Opinion Essay Examples PDF

Opinion Essay IELTS Example

Opinion Essay IELTS Band 9 Example

Opinion Essay About Internet Example

Opinion Essay Topics 5th Grade

5-paragraph Opinion Essay Examples

Abortion Opinion Essay Example

Climate Change Opinion Essay Example

Opinion Essay Topics

Looking for opinion essay topics? Opinion essays are a great way to express your beliefs and thoughts on various subjects.

Here are some topics to consider when writing an opinion essay:

  • Social media sites create more harm than good, Agree or Disagree?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Is animal testing necessary?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Are video games beneficial or harmful to children’s development?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Are beauty pageants beneficial to society?
  • Is it important to consume organic foods?
  • Should nuclear energy be used in place of fossil fuels?
  • What are the positive and negative effects of technology on our lives?

Here are some more opinion essays topics - IELTS:

  • Should governments ban smoking in public places?
  • Should the government fund space exploration?
  • Should students be required to wear school uniforms?
  • Is social media a positive or negative influence on society?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?

If you're looking for advice on expressing your beliefs in an opinion essay without sounding too "preachy". Read this blog for more useful tips!

Opinion Essay Template

Check out the opinion essay template below to help you get started:

Transition Words for an Opinion Essay

Transition words are an essential part of any opinion essay. These words help to link your ideas and provide a logical flow for your paper.

Here are some examples of opinion essay phrases :

  • In my opinion
  • On the whole
  • I strongly believe
  • Besides that
  • To conclude
  • For this reason
  • Most importantly
  • Nevertheless
  • Accordingly
  • As a result
  • In conclusion
  • Without doubt
  • Likewise/similarly
  • On the contrary

Using transition words effectively can help make your opinion essay easier to read and understand.

Tips for Writing an Effective Opinion Essay

Writing an effective opinion essay requires good research skills and an understanding of how to present your argument clearly.

Here are some tips to help you get started.

  • Research: Before writing an opinion essay it is important to do research. Familiarize yourself with different arguments surrounding the topic.
  • Organizing Your Thoughts: Take some time to think about your main points and organize them into a logical order.
  • Gathering Evidence: Find evidence or examples to support each of your points. 
  • Structuring Your Work: Organize the evidence into a clear and logical structure. Make sure each body paragraph is focused on one main point and develops this idea in detail. 
  • Writing the Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the topic and state your opinion clearly. 
  • Writing the Conclusion: Summarize the main points made throughout the essay and restate your opinion. 

Need help with structuring your essay conclusion? Check out this Read and learn how to write an impactful conclusion for any essay!

Follow these tips to make sure your opinion paper is well-written, organized, and persuasive!

To wrap it all up,

Writing an opinion essay is a great way to express your thoughts and opinions on any given topic. With some research, organization, and structure, you can easily convey your point of view. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can write an effective opinion essay and make a strong argument.

Do you need help with essay writing? We provide essay writing help online for your academic writing needs. Our team of professionals ensures that every essay is written to perfection and meets the highest academic standards.

You can also trust our essay writer  to deliver quality papers to you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 parts of the opinion paragraph.

The 3 parts of the opinion paragraph includes:

  • Introduction: It should provide the reader with an overview.
  • Body Paragraphs: The paragraphs should present information to support your arguments.
  • Conclusion: It should summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement.

What are some examples of opinion writing?

Examples of opinion writing include opinion articles, persuasive essays, editorial pieces, and reviews.

Caleb S. (Literature, Marketing)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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ways to start a opinion essay

How to Write an Opinion Essay: Examples, Structure, & Tips

An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing which presents the author’s point of view on a particular subject supported by reasoning and examples . The opposing viewpoint is also suggested, but it is followed by arguments that show its inconsistency. Take a look at the guide prepared by Custom-writing experts to learn how to write a perfect opinion essay!

  • 🔤 Opinion Essay Basics
  • 📑 Essay Structure

🖊️ Opinion Essay Format

  • 💬 How to Start an Opinion Essay
  • ✅ Dos and Don’ts

👌 Opinion Essay Examples

  • 💡 Essay Tips

🏁 Concluding Remarks

🔗 references, 🔤 writing an opinion essay: basics.

You may be wondering: How do I write an opinion essay? How is it different from a persuasive, an argumentative, or a pros and cons essay ?

It’s simple: When you write an argumentative or persuasive essay , you should provide counterpoints and describe the essay topic from different perspectives. In an opinion paper, you don’t have to focus on the advantages and disadvantages in comparison. Instead, focus only on your opinion about the issue .

What Is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay, sometimes called “argumentative” or “persuasive,” presents the author’s perception of a subject and supporting arguments. It is written in a standard essay format. In such essays, authors usually try to persuade readers that their opinion is correct.

You may say: “I’m afraid to take a stand,” or “I don’t know what to say.” Relax. There’s nothing to worry about if your arguments are based on well-researched data. Speaking about opinion essay topics, some students find it difficult enough to choose the perfect one. But it’s not so hard: Think about something that engages you and that you feel strongly about.

Do you still have no clues about what to write? Check our 100 free ideas for an argumentative or persuasive essay and choose the topic that you have a strong opinion on. Then pick up a few reasons supporting your point of view and gather the facts that you’ll use as evidence.

📑 Opinion Essay Structure

The next step is to write an opinion essay outline . First of all, it will help you to overcome the fear of the blank page. Second, you’ll have a broken-down list of ideas and an organized place for your random thoughts. This will help you write an assignment faster.

Here’s an example of an opinion paper outline:

  • An introduction . Write a thesis statement and the reasons that support your opinion. Give your readers a hook to engage them with the topic
  • The main body . Break it into several paragraphs where you provide arguments and supporting examples, statements, and facts.
  • A conclusion . When ending a paper, restate the main thesis and summarize the central points of the essay.

Develop an outline while you’re researching the topic and place the pieces of evidence where they make the most sense. You don’t have to write the whole assignment at a time. Just put stand-alone examples and facts in the places where they should go.

A well-prepared outline for an opinion essay is almost 70 percent of the work. All you’ll need to do is simply join your arguments by bridging the language.

Now that you’re familiar with the basic opinion essay structure, let’s see how exactly you should format each part of your paper.

Opinion Essay Introduction

Start your writing with a hook sentence that grabs the reader’s interest. You can use a surprising fact, a provocative question, or a relevant quote as a hook.

Have you ever stopped to consider the impact that social media has on our lives and society as a whole?

Then, provide background information and a thesis statement. It should present your opinion on the topic and the main arguments that support your point of view.

The rise of social media platforms has had detrimental effects on teenagers’ mental health due to increased feelings of loneliness, heightened levels of anxiety, and the negative impact on self-esteem.

Opinion Essay Body

In the body paragraphs, you need to explain your arguments and provide evidence to support them. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the point you are discussing.

The constant exposure to idealized and unrealistic images on social media platforms can contribute to insecurities and anxiety among teenagers, affecting their mental well-being.

Then, provide specific examples, facts, or statistics to support your reason. You may also include personal experiences or anecdotes to make your points more convincing.

According to The Mental Health Foundation’s survey in 2019, four in ten teenagers (40%) admitted that posts on social media had caused them to worry about body image. This statistic highlights the concerning impact of social media on teenagers’ mental well-being.

Opinion Essay Conclusion

The last paragraph of your opinion essay is the conclusion. Here, you restate your thesis and summarize the main points from the body paragraphs.

Social media platforms have negatively impacted teenagers’ mental well-being through the feelings of isolation, increased depression levels, and detrimental effects on the body image.

  • Finally, you should end with a strong and memorable closing statement or a call to action. This will help you leave a lasting impression on the reader.

If all people work together raising awareness and advocating for change, we will eventually build a healthier online environment.

Opinion Essay Format

Correct formattion is another essential aspect of essay writing. Here are helpful guidelines you can use:

  • Stick to a readable 12-point font, such as Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Set 1-inch margins on all sides of the document.
  • Double-space the entire essay, including the title and headings.
  • Properly cite any sources used in your essay according to your required citation style (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.)

If you are unsure about any specific formatting requirements for your opinion essay, we recommend consulting your school’s writing guidelines or asking your professor for clarification.

💬 How to Start an Opinion Essay – 30 Ideas

When it comes to opinion writing, a lot of students can’t explain their point of view. This shows a lack of critical thinking skills and leads to low grades. Even the perfect opinion essay format won’t save the situation in this case.

If you need a quick fix for your assignment, check our list of transition words and phrases to help you start putting your opinions:

  • As far as I am concerned, …
  • I am (not) convinced that …
  • In my opinion/view …
  • My opinion is that …
  • I (firmly)believe that …
  • I (definitely) feel/think that …
  • I am inclined to believe that …
  • Personally, I believe that…
  • It is clear that…
  • It seems to me that…
  • In my mind…
  • As I see it…
  • My principal reason is…
  • Another reason is…
  • It is widely known that…
  • It could be argued that…
  • The well-known fact is…
  • Research has shown that…
  • For instance/for example…
  • This suggests that…
  • It would seem that…
  • This proves that…
  • This supports the …
  • Even though / Although…
  • In contrast…
  • Despite the fact that…
  • In spite of…
  • In order to…
  • In conclusion…

And don’t forget to use nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, or make your own phrases.

✅ Opinion Essay Rules

Writing an opinion essay may seem challenging, but if you keep the following dos and don’ts in mind, you will easily craft a compelling and well-structured essay. Check out the opinion essay rules we’ve collected for you below.

This image shows opinion essay rules.

Opinion Essay Dos

  • Use formal style. When writing an opinion essay, you should use a formal style, avoiding slang and colloquial language. It means using proper grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary suitable for an academic setting.
  • Choose a side on the issue. You should take a clear stance on a particular topic in your essay. For instance, if the prompt is “Should school uniforms be mandatory?” you would need to choose whether you are for or against the idea and prove your position.
  • Arrange your supporting points in emphatic order. Start with the weakest argument and end with the strongest. It will help to persuade the reader and leave a lasting impression.
  • Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence . This way, your readers will understand the point you are trying to make from the very beginning.
  • Provide support for your arguments. It is essential to back up your opinions with evidence, examples, and reasoning. You can include statistics, research findings, or expert opinions.
  • Stay on topic. It is crucial to remain focused on the main issue or question throughout your paper. Be careful not to go off on a tangent or discuss irrelevant topics that do not directly support your argument.
  • Use a diplomatic and professional tone. It means avoiding personal attacks, derogatory language, or overly emotional statements. Instead, present your ideas and respond to opposing viewpoints calmly and respectfully.

Opinion Essay Don’ts

  • Don’t use informal language. Avoid using colloquial expressions, slang, jargon, or contractions. Instead, use formal language and non-abbreviated word forms.
  • Don’t use emotive vocabulary. Emotive vocabulary includes words that provoke strong emotions or bias, such as “amazing,” “horrible,” or “disgusting.” In an opinion essay, it’s essential to use neutral language.
  • Don’t overgeneralize. Avoid making broad statements that assume something is true for everyone or everything. Instead, be specific.
  • Don’t use sources without proper referencing. When including information from other sources in your opinion essay, it’s crucial to provide appropriate citations and references. This way, you’ll show that you have done a thorough research and give credit to the original author.
  • Don’t rely on personal examples. While personal anecdotes can sometimes strengthen an argument, it’s important not to rely solely on them. Instead, try to use different types of evidence, including statistics, expert opinions, and studies.
  • Don’t address your readers. Directly addressing the reader by using “you” is considered informal and should be avoided in an opinion essay. Instead, it’s better to present the arguments and evidence without involving the reader directly.

Do you want to better understand what an opinion essay is? You are welcome to use our opinion essay examples! Reading them will help you gain an insight into this form of academic writing.

Opinion Essay Example #1

The USA is a multinational and multicultural country that is advanced in many areas, including healthcare, medicine, and science in general. However, some of the experiments, such as the syphilis studies discussed in this paper, show that the country is still in the process of overcoming intolerance, racial segregation, and social inequality. Talking about these studies aloud brings the question of research ethics to the forefront. In particular, people who participated in those scientific experiments were misled and misinformed about their health. The research group observed how the participants suffered from the disease’s symptoms until death (Brandt, 24). There are a number of diseases and conditions that have not been researched enough. The experience gained during the studies in Tuskegee and Guatemala should be used to eliminate the possibility of unethical conduct and ensure transparency in all the activities.

Opinion Essay Example #2

To confront cyberbullying effectively, it is vital to know how to identify what it is and spread this awareness among the children who may unwarily become participants. The tendency to raise this issue in the scientific and public spheres has positive dynamics. As there is legal protection for cyberbullying victims in the USA, it is vital to detect harassment cases. For this purpose, parents and teachers should cooperate to create trustworthy relationships so the child can ask for help from adults. That is why a high level of emotional support from parents and peers is necessary to combat bullying before it has occurred.

Opinion Essay Topics

  • Your personal view on money and expenditures.
  • Analyze your attitude towards obesity as a public health problem.
  • Give your opinion on the importance of container deposit legislation.
  • What do you think of different belief systems? 
  • Discuss your point of view on The Scream by Edvard Munch.
  • Describe your opinion on the climate change issue.
  • What do you think of the media’s influence on people’s views ?
  • Your opinion on the film Argo directed by Affleck .
  • Express your opinion on diets and weight loss programs.
  • Analyze the impact of war on society and present your opinion.
  • Present your opinion on the question of gay marriage.  
  • Describe your attitude towards gender stereotypes.
  • Do you support the Biblical point of view on divorce?  
  • Explain what you think about racism in employment.
  • Discuss your attitude to photography. 
  • Describe what love is, in your opinion.  
  • Give your opinion on genetic engineering.
  • Analyze the necessity of vaccination for public school students and present your opinion.
  • Express your views on the death penalty.
  • Discuss your views on aging changes .
  • Do you like the music of a Classical Era?
  • Is it ethical to use animals in research, in your opinion?
  • Do you think the government should increase the minimum wage?
  • Explain whether you agree that soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world.
  • Do you think the Internet plays an important role in your life?
  • Describe your point of view on the controversial topic of human cloning .
  • Present your opinion on tattoos as a form of art.  
  • What does the ideal social meeting place look like?
  • How do you think bullies should be punished?
  • Do you support the opinion that celebrities should be positive role models ?
  • Is remote work more convenient than working in an office?  
  • Describe your attitude towards social networks .
  • What is justice, in your opinion?  
  • Give your opinion on American football.  
  • What do you think about classical music? 
  • Is the government monitoring its citizens justified by safety concerns?  
  • Explain what you think about steroid use in competitive sports.
  • Discuss the necessity to ban violent computer games .
  • Your personal opinion on using cell phones while driving.  
  • Do you think the government should interfere with the contents of TV shows ?
  • Express your opinion on net neutrality.  
  • Describe your views on online dating.  
  • Is protectionism necessary for saving a country’s economy? 
  • What do you think of a vegan lifestyle?
  • Present your attitude towards physician-assisted suicide.
  • Do you support the opinion that college athletes should be paid ?
  • Your point of view on cigarette smoking and suggestion to ban it.
  • Explain whether you think that public colleges and universities should be tuition-free.
  • How do you understand responsibility?
  • Express your opinion on canceling grades at schools .

💡 Opinion Essay Tips for an A+ Paper

Want to make your essay truly outstanding? Follow the pro tips below:

  • Read the question carefully. Take time to fully understand what you are asked to write about. It will help you stay on topic and ensure your essay addresses it effectively.
  • Plan your ideas before you start writing. Before beginning the writing process, take time to brainstorm and outline your ideas. Then, evaluate and select the strongest arguments or points to include in your essay.
  • Show an understanding of both sides of the argument. Acknowledging different perspectives demonstrates a well-rounded view and can strengthen your position by addressing counterarguments.
  • Make use of linking words and phrases. Transitions such as “however,” “in addition,” and “on the other hand” help create a smooth flow between paragraphs and make your essay easier to read. Our transition words generator can assist you with it.
  • Don’t introduce any new ideas in the conclusion. In the last paragraph, summarize your main points and restate your thesis without bringing up new information that wasn’t discussed in the body of your essay.

Thank you for reading! Our free tips will help you get through any kind of essay. Still, if you’re stuck with your essay, you can always count on professional writers’ tips and recommendations!

With the help of the tips above, you’ll be able to create the most unbelievable papers in a blink of an eye. Now that you know the secrets of professional writers, try writing your opinion essay!

The final piece of advice : Don’t forget to proofread your paper. Revise your content, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, etc. Make sure that your essay answers the main question. Check if the evidence you provided is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Essay Structure | – Harvard College Writing Center
  • An opinion essay | Writing – Advanced C1 | British Council
  • 5 Tips for Writing an Opinion Essay – ThoughtCo
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Thanks a lot. This was helpful

thank you alot this really helped me

I hope this is gonna help me with my opinion essay

Thanks for the help. Really needed it for my opinion essay due tomorrow. -_-

Thanks for the help keep the good work gentlemen

This was great it really helped out.Thanks.

How to Begin an Essay: 13 Engaging Strategies

ThoughtCo / Hugo Lin

  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

An effective introductory paragraph both informs and motivates. It lets readers know what your essay is about and it encourages them to keep reading.

There are countless ways to begin an essay effectively. As a start, here are 13 introductory strategies accompanied by examples from a wide range of professional writers.

State Your Thesis Briefly and Directly

But avoid making your thesis a bald announcement, such as "This essay is about...". 

"It is time, at last, to speak the truth about Thanksgiving, and the truth is this. Thanksgiving is really not such a terrific holiday...." (Michael J. Arlen, "Ode to Thanksgiving." The Camera Age: Essays on Television . Penguin, 1982)

Pose a Question Related to Your Subject

Follow up the question with an answer, or an invitation for your readers to answer the question.

"What is the charm of necklaces? Why would anyone put something extra around their neck and then invest it with special significance? A necklace doesn't afford warmth in cold weather, like a scarf, or protection in combat, like chain mail; it only decorates. We might say, it borrows meaning from what it surrounds and sets off, the head with its supremely important material contents, and the face, that register of the soul. When photographers discuss the way in which a photograph reduces the reality it represents, they mention not only the passage from three dimensions to two, but also the selection of a point de vue that favors the top of the body rather than the bottom, and the front rather than the back. The face is the jewel in the crown of the body, and so we give it a setting." (Emily R. Grosholz, "On Necklaces." Prairie Schooner , Summer 2007)

State an Interesting Fact About Your Subject

" The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine falcon mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If you cannot buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was imagined, constructed, and then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee-up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to tell somebody goodbye...." (David James Duncan, "Cherish This Ecstasy." The Sun , July 2008)

Present Your Thesis as a Recent Discovery or Revelation

"I've finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people." (Suzanne Britt Jordan, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People." Show and Tell . Morning Owl Press, 1983)

Briefly Describe the Primary Setting of Your Essay

"It was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. A sickly light, like yellow tinfoil, was slanting over the high walls into the jail yard. We were waiting outside the condemned cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars, like small animal cages. Each cell measured about ten feet by ten and was quite bare within except for a plank bed and a pot of drinking water. In some of them brown silent men were squatting at the inner bars, with their blankets draped round them. These were the condemned men, due to be hanged within the next week or two." (George Orwell, "A Hanging," 1931)

Recount an Incident That Dramatizes Your Subject

"One October afternoon three years ago while I was visiting my parents, my mother made a request I dreaded and longed to fulfill. She had just poured me a cup of Earl Grey from her Japanese iron teapot, shaped like a little pumpkin; outside, two cardinals splashed in the birdbath in the weak Connecticut sunlight. Her white hair was gathered at the nape of her neck, and her voice was low. “Please help me get Jeff’s pacemaker turned off,” she said, using my father’s first name. I nodded, and my heart knocked." (Katy Butler, "What Broke My Father's Heart." The New York Times Magazine , June 18, 2010)

Use the Narrative Strategy of Delay

The narrative strategy of delay allows you to put off identifying your subject just long enough to pique your readers' interest without frustrating them. 

"They woof. Though I have photographed them before, I have never heard them speak, for they are mostly silent birds. Lacking a syrinx, the avian equivalent of the human larynx, they are incapable of song. According to field guides the only sounds they make are grunts and hisses, though the Hawk Conservancy in the United Kingdom reports that adults may utter a croaking coo and that young black vultures, when annoyed, emit a kind of immature snarl...." (Lee Zacharias, "Buzzards." Southern Humanities Review , 2007)

Use the Historical Present Tense

An effective method of beginning an essay is to use historical present tense to relate an incident from the past as if it were happening now. 

"Ben and I are sitting side by side in the very back of his mother’s station wagon. We face glowing white headlights of cars following us, our sneakers pressed against the back hatch door. This is our joy—his and mine—to sit turned away from our moms and dads in this place that feels like a secret, as though they are not even in the car with us. They have just taken us out to dinner, and now we are driving home. Years from this evening, I won’t actually be sure that this boy sitting beside me is named Ben. But that doesn’t matter tonight. What I know for certain right now is that I love him, and I need to tell him this fact before we return to our separate houses, next door to each other. We are both five." (Ryan Van Meter, "First." The Gettysburg Review , Winter 2008)

Briefly Describe a Process That Leads Into Your Subject

"I like to take my time when I pronounce someone dead. The bare-minimum requirement is one minute with a stethoscope pressed to someone’s chest, listening for a sound that is not there; with my fingers bearing down on the side of someone’s neck, feeling for an absent pulse; with a flashlight beamed into someone’s fixed and dilated pupils, waiting for the constriction that will not come. If I’m in a hurry, I can do all of these in sixty seconds, but when I have the time, I like to take a minute with each task." (Jane Churchon, "The Dead Book." The Sun , February 2009)

Reveal a Secret or Make a Candid Observation

"I spy on my patients. Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? So I stand in doorways of hospital rooms and gaze. Oh, it is not all that furtive an act. Those in bed need only look up to discover me. But they never do." ( Richard Selzer , "The Discus Thrower." Confessions of a Knife . Simon & Schuster, 1979)

Open with a Riddle, Joke, or Humorous Quotation

You can use a riddle , joke, or humorous quotation to reveal something about your subject. 

" Q: What did Eve say to Adam on being expelled from the Garden of Eden? A: 'I think we're in a time of transition.' The irony of this joke is not lost as we begin a new century and anxieties about social change seem rife. The implication of this message, covering the first of many periods of transition, is that change is normal; there is, in fact, no era or society in which change is not a permanent feature of the social landscape...." (Betty G. Farrell, Family: The Making of an Idea, an Institution, and a Controversy in American Culture . Westview Press, 1999)

Offer a Contrast Between Past and Present

"As a child, I was made to look out the window of a moving car and appreciate the beautiful scenery, with the result that now I don't care much for nature. I prefer parks, ones with radios going chuckawaka chuckawaka and the delicious whiff of bratwurst and cigarette smoke." (Garrison Keillor, "Walking Down The Canyon." Time , July 31, 2000)

Offer a Contrast Between Image and Reality

A compelling essay can begin with a contrast between a common misconception and the opposing truth. 

"They aren’t what most people think they are. Human eyes, touted as ethereal objects by poets and novelists throughout history, are nothing more than white spheres, somewhat larger than your average marble, covered by a leather-like tissue known as sclera and filled with nature’s facsimile of Jell-O. Your beloved’s eyes may pierce your heart, but in all likelihood they closely resemble the eyes of every other person on the planet. At least I hope they do, for otherwise he or she suffers from severe myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or worse...." (John Gamel, "The Elegant Eye." Alaska Quarterly Review , 2009)

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ways to start a opinion essay

Opinion Essay Topics - Choose the Best

ways to start a opinion essay

Want to flex your writing muscles and share your thoughts on the world? Look no further than the opinion essay! This powerful tool lets you get insights into a topic, analyze its complexities, and ultimately persuade the reader to see things your way. 

But before you produce brilliant arguments, the first hurdle is choosing a compelling theme. This guide will equip you with different opinion writing prompts, sparking your creativity and propelling you towards a thought-provoking composition. For students looking for an instant fix, our argumentative essay writing services are available around the clock.

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Let our writers refine your topic or even create a 100% new essay today!

The List of Opinion Essay Topics

An opinion essay is a platform for you to share your beliefs on a specific topic. You'll clearly state your position and convince the reader why it's valid. Don’t forget to back up your arguments with evidence like facts, statistics, or personal anecdotes to make a strong case.

signs of good opinion essay topics

Best Opinion Essay Topics for 2024

  • Standardized Testing vs. Practical Skills: Which Should Schools Prioritize?
  • Boon or Bane? The Impact of Social Media on Society in 2024.
  • The Four-Day Workweek: A Productivity Booster or Recipe for Chaos?
  • College Education in 2024: Is the High Cost Still Worth the Investment?
  • Striking a Balance: Privacy vs. Security in the Digital Age.
  • Friend or Foe? The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Humanity.
  • Should We Aim for the Stars? Space Exploration as a Top Global Priority.
  • The Rise of Remote Work: A Boon for Flexibility or a Blow to Collaboration?
  • Bridging Cultures: Travel and Exchange in a Globalized World.
  • Beyond Electric Cars: The Future of Sustainable Transportation.
  • Vaccination for Athletes: Protecting Public Health or Individual Rights?
  • The Ethics of Gene Editing: A Powerful Tool with Uncertain Consequences.
  • Fast Fashion's Dark Side: Convenience or Environmental Disaster?
  • Shaping Society: The Influence of Social Media Influencers.
  • Protecting Our Planet's Treasures: Endangered Species Conservation in 2024.
  • Online Learning vs. Traditional Classrooms: Can Virtual Education Deliver?
  • Quiet Quitting: Employee Disengagement or a Healthy Work-Life Balance?
  • The Metaverse: Utopian Dream or Dystopian Nightmare?
  • Citizen Journalism: Holding Institutions Accountable in the Digital Age.
  • Financial Literacy in the Digital Age: Equipping Ourselves for Success.

Opinion Writing Prompts 1st Grade

  • Recess: Sunshine and Swings or More Learning Time?
  • Playground Pals: One Best Friend or Lots of Playmates?
  • Lunchbox Surprise: Yummy Sandwiches or Delicious Dips?
  • Nap Time: Snooze Away or More Play Time?
  • Art Attack: Crayons Rule or Markers are the Best?
  • Story Time: Funny Books or Fairytale Fun?
  • Show and Tell: Your Favorite Toy or a Special Snack?
  • Rainy Day Activities: Puzzles and Games or Reading Adventures?
  • Gym Class: Jumping and Climbing or Ball Games All the Way?
  • Music Time: Singing Along or Learning Instruments?
  • Pets in Class: Cuddly Critters or Classroom Chaos?
  • School Bus vs. Walking to School: Fun Ride or Fresh Air Fun?
  • Backpack Buddies: Lighter Load or All Your Treasures?
  • Playground Rules: More Freedom or Keeping Everyone Safe?
  • School Supplies: Fancy Pencils or Plain Ones Work Just Fine?
  • Field Trip Fun: A Visit to the Zoo or Exploring a Museum?
  • Classroom Celebrations: Birthday Parties or Special Events?
  • After-School Activities: Playing Outside or Creative Classes?
  • School Shows: Dancing and Singing or Acting Out a Story?
  • Pajama Day or Dress Up Day: Which is More Fun?

Opinion Writing Prompts 2nd Grade

  • Standardized Testing: A Necessary Benchmark or Pressure Cooker for Students?
  • Social Media Detox: A Break for Mental Well-being or Missing Out on Connection?
  • School Uniforms: Promoting Equality or Stifling Individuality?
  • Climate Change Action: Individual Responsibility or Collective Effort?
  • Renewable Energy: The Answer to Our Energy Needs or Just a Dream?
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Powerful Tool or a Threat to Traditional Learning?
  • E-Sports: A Legitimate Competitive Sport or Just a Video Game Obsession?
  • Space Exploration: A Luxurious Pursuit or a Necessary Investment in Humanity's Future?
  • The Gig Economy: Flexibility and Freedom or Job Insecurity and a Lack of Benefits?
  • Online Privacy: Striking a Balance Between Convenience and Personal Data Protection
  • Teenagers and Social Activism: A Force for Change or Naive Idealism?
  • Should College be Free? Examining the Costs and Benefits of Higher Education
  • The Rise of Streaming Services: The End of Traditional Television or a New Era of Entertainment?
  • Sleep for Teenagers: Early Bedtimes or Sacrificing Sleep for Extra Activities?
  • The Four-Day Workweek: A Recipe for Productivity or a Shortcut to Laziness?
  • The Future of Transportation: Self-Driving Cars or Sustainable Public Transportation Systems?
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): A Threat to Nature's Balance or a Solution to World Hunger?
  • The Influence of Social Media Influencers: Positive Role Models or Promoters of Unrealistic Standards?
  • The Value of Volunteering: Making a Difference or Just Checking a Box?
  • Virtual Reality: An Immersive Learning Tool or a Gateway to Escapism?

Opinion Writing Prompts 3rd Grade

  • Milk Mustache Mania: White Milk or Chocolate Milk for the Win?
  • Math Manipulatives: Counting with Colorful Blocks or Working with Numbers on Your Own?
  • Classroom Decorations: Bright and Cheery or Cool and Calming?
  • Lunchtime Choices: Leftovers from Home or Hot Lunch Mystery?
  • Playground Equipment: The Thrill of the Seesaw or Building Castles in the Sandbox?
  • Book Reports: Creating a Bookmark or Writing a Mini-Review?
  • Field Trip Frenzy: Exploring a Farm or Visiting a Children's Museum?
  • Show and Tell Treasures: Your Favorite Stuffed Animal or a Special Family Keepsake?
  • Art Attack: Messy Finger Painting or Neat and Detailed Pictures?
  • Music Time: Learning New Songs or Playing Instruments Together?
  • Rainy Day Activities: Building with Building Blocks or Reading Cozy Books Under a Blanket?
  • Gym Class: The Fun of Teamwork Games or Free Play on the Equipment?
  • School Supplies: Fancy Glittery Pens or Reliable Old Pencils?
  • Extracurricular Activities: Learning a New Language or Joining the Coding Club?
  • School Breaks: Snowy Day Adventures or Sunny Spring Break Fun?
  • Classroom Jobs: Cleaning the Whiteboard or Watering the Classroom Plants?
  • Class Presentations: Sharing a Fun Fact Presentation or Acting Out a Historical Event?
  • School Lunch: Choosing Nutritious Fruits and Veggies or Bringing a Sweet Dessert?
  • Movie Night at School: A Classic Kids' Movie or a Nature Documentary?
  • Library Time: Borrowing a Mystery Book or Choosing a Funny Comic Strip?

Opinion Writing Prompts 4th Grade

  • Should Recess Be Longer Than Math Class?
  • Is Pizza The Best Birthday Party Food?
  • Pencils Or Pens: Which Are Better For Schoolwork?
  • Weekend Homework: Helpful Or A Waste Of Time?
  • Should Schools Have Uniforms?
  • Field Trips: The Best Part Of School Or Just A Break?
  • More Recess Games Or More Free Time At Recess?
  • Are Tests The Best Way To Show What You Know?
  • Should Kids Get To Choose Their Own Classroom Seats?
  • Bikes Or Scooters: The Coolest Way To Get Around?
  • Is Technology Making Homework Easier Or Harder?
  • Should Classrooms Have More Decorations Or Be Kept Plain?
  • More Group Projects Or More Individual Work In School?
  • Is Learning A New Language A Waste Of Time?
  • Should Schools Have Vending Machines With Healthy Snacks?
  • Should There Be More Recess For Younger Grades?
  • Is Reading For Fun More Important Than Reading Textbooks?
  • Should Schools Focus On Learning New Things Or Practicing Old Skills?
  • Are Museums Boring Or Exciting Places To Visit?
  • Is Having A Best Friend Overrated?

Opinion Essay Topics for Students

  • Homework Deadline Dilemma: Should Schools Set Stricter Deadlines?
  • The Great Debate: Textbooks or Tablets in the Classroom?
  • Unplugging for Success: Should Schools Ban Phones During the Day?
  • Standardizing Learning: Are Standardized Tests a Fair Measure of Student Ability?
  • The Power of Choice: Should Students Have More Control Over Their Coursework?
  • The Art of Learning: Should Arts Education Be Mandatory in Schools?
  • The Value of Sleep: Should Schools Start Later to Allow for More Sleep?
  • The Power of Play: Is Recess Essential for Student Learning?
  • Classroom Classics: Should Traditional Teaching Methods Make a Comeback?
  • The Global Classroom: Should Schools Offer More International Exchange Programs?
  • Learning Through Service: Should Community Service Be a Graduation Requirement?
  • The Great Cafeteria Conundrum: Should Schools Offer More Healthy Food Options?
  • Dress for Success (or Comfort?): Should Schools Have Dress Codes?
  • Mentorship: Should Schools Implement Mentorship Programs?
  • Beyond the Classroom Walls: Should Schools Offer More After-School Activities?
  • The Great Debate: Should Students Be Allowed to Use Calculators in Math Class?
  • The Power of Playful Learning: Should Schools Incorporate More Games into the Curriculum?
  • The Value of Failure: Should Schools Encourage Students to Embrace Mistakes?
  • The Homework Dilemma: Should Schools Assign Less Homework?
  • The Power of Choice: Should Students Be Able to Choose Their Electives?

Good Opinion Essay Topics

  • School Uniforms: Boon Or Bane?
  • Should Homework Be Abolished?
  • The Four-Day Workweek: A Recipe For Success?
  • Fast Fashion: Friend Or Foe Of The Environment?
  • Travel Broadens The Mind: Agree Or Disagree?
  • Should Art Be Mandatory In Schools?
  • Technology In The Classroom: A Helpful Distraction?
  • Learning A Second Language: Essential Or Extra?
  • Gap Year: Time For Exploration Or Time-Wasting?
  • Volunteer Work: Building Character Or Resume Padding?
  • Social Media: Connecting Or Isolating?
  • Reality TV: Entertainment Or Empty Calories?
  • Online Learning: A Viable Alternative To Traditional Classrooms?
  • The Importance Of Sleep In A Busy World.
  • Should Professional Athletes Be Paid More Than Teachers?
  • The Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana: A Positive Step?
  • Universal Basic Income: A Solution To Poverty?
  • Living In A Big City Vs. A Small Town: What's Your Pick?
  • The Benefits Of Taking A Break From Technology.
  • Preserving Historical Landmarks: A Necessity Or A Waste Of Resources?

Easy Opinion Essay Topics

  • Recycling of Plastic: Zero or Hero?
  • Zoos: Ethical Entertainment or Animal Captivity?
  • Single-use Plastics: A Ban or Better Solutions?
  • Standardized Testing: Does it Measure Up?
  • Space Exploration: A Luxury or Investment in the Future?
  • News Bias: Does it Cloud Our Judgment?
  • Public Transportation: A Green Dream or Logistical Nightmare?
  • The Sharing Economy: Boon or Bubble?
  • Should College Be Free?
  • Online Shopping: Convenience or Killer of Main Street?
  • All-nighters for Studying: Effective or Destructive?
  • Curfews for Teenagers: Wise Restriction or Unnecessary Control?
  • The Rise of Citizen Journalism: Trustworthy Source or Wild West of Information?
  • Robots in the Workplace: Job Creators or Job Takers?
  • Video Games: Mindless Entertainment or Educational Tool?
  • Dress Codes at Work: Empowering or Encroaching?
  • Energy Drinks: A Pick-Me-Up or Health Hazard?
  • Pet Ownership: Responsibility or Indulgence?
  • Beauty Standards on Social Media: A Realistic Goal or Unhealthy Pressure?
  • Cash vs. Cashless: A Digital Divide or Progress?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

  • Government Funding for the Arts: Necessary Investment or Frivolous Spending?
  • Public Shaming on Social Media: Effective Deterrent or Mob Mentality?
  • Gun Control: A Path to Safety or Infringement on Rights?
  • Nationalized Healthcare: A Universal Right or Recipe for Bureaucracy?
  • Term Limits for Politicians: Preventing Stagnation or Weakening Experience?
  • The Rise of Social Media Influencers: Role Models or Misguided Celebrities?
  • Renewable Energy Sources: The Key to Sustainability or Overhyped Solution?
  • Privatization of Public Services: Efficiency Boost or Public Disadvantage?
  • Foreign Aid: Helping Struggling Nations or Enabling Dependence?
  • Surveillance for Public Safety: A Necessary Evil or Threat to Privacy?
  • Standardized Beauty Contests: Celebrating Diversity or Promoting Stereotypes?
  • College Athletes and Compensation: Amateurs or Professionals Deserving Pay?
  • The Gig Economy: Flexibility and Freedom or Job Insecurity and Exploitation?
  • The Death Penalty: Justice Served or Flawed System?
  • Hate Speech Laws: Protecting Vulnerable Groups or Stifling Free Speech?
  • Climate Change Activism: Necessary Disruption or Public Nuisance?
  • Universal Basic Income: A Hand Up or Disincentive to Work?
  • Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Compassionate Choice or Slippery Slope?
  • Tax Breaks for the Wealthy: Trickle-Down Economics or Unfair Advantage?
  • Online Censorship: Protecting Morality or Stifling Political Expression?

Environment Opinion Writing Prompts

  • Paper or Plastic? Picking the Eco-Friendly Option.
  • Can Technology Solve Our Environmental Problems?
  • Meatless Mondays: A Fad or Sustainable Future?
  • Bottled Water: Convenience or Environmental Culprit?
  • Reforestation Efforts: Planting a Greener Tomorrow?
  • Ecotourism: Friend or Foe to Fragile Ecosystems?
  • Light Pollution: Dimming the Stars, Harming Wildlife.
  • Should National Parks Have Limited Access?
  • Disposable Culture: Convenience or Catastrophe?
  • From Fast Fashion to Sustainable Style.
  • Composting: Turning Kitchen Scraps into Gold.
  • Banning Single-Use Plastics: A Step in the Right Direction?
  • Public Transportation: The Key to a Greener Commute?
  • Can We Have Clean Energy Without Sacrificing Jobs?
  • Individual Action vs. Systemic Change: What Matters More?
  • The Rise of Veganism: A Dietary Shift for the Planet?
  • Sustainable Packaging: Can We Innovate Our Way Out of Waste?
  • Rewilding Deserted Lands: Restoring Balance for Nature.
  • Ocean Acidification: A Silent Threat to Marine Life.
  • Can We Hold Corporations Accountable for Environmental Damage?

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

  • Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: Balancing Quality Care with Staffing Shortages.
  • Standardized Language in Nursing Communication.
  • Telehealth: A Valuable Tool or Threat to Traditional Patient Interaction?
  • Advocacy in Nursing: Motivating Patients to Make Informed Decisions.
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of End-of-Life Care.
  • Nurse Burnout: Strategies for Promoting Wellbeing in a Demanding Field.
  • Art Therapy: Integrating Creativity into Patient Care.
  • Cultural Competency in Nursing: Providing Care that Respects Diversity.
  • The Rise of Specialization in Nursing: Pros and Cons for Patient Care.
  • The Future of Nursing Education: Preparing for a Changing Healthcare Landscape.
  • The Role of Nurses in Public Health Education and Disease Prevention.
  • Mental Health Nursing: Addressing the Growing Need for Specialized Care.
  • Nurses as Leaders: Taking the Initiative in Improving Healthcare Systems.
  • Collaboration Between Nurses and Physicians.
  • Technology in Nursing: Automation or Human Connection?
  • The Role of Nurses in Pain Management: A Balancing Act.
  • Ethical Considerations of Social Media Use in the Nursing Profession.
  • Nurse Residency Programs: Providing New Graduates with the Support They Need.
  • The Global Shortage of Nurses: Strategies for Addressing a Worldwide Issue.
  • Work-Life Balance for Nurses: Maintaining Personal Wellbeing While Providing Care.

Education Opinion Essay Topics

  • Play-Based Learning: Essential for Early Childhood or Time Waster?
  • Standardizing Curriculums: One Size Fits All or Stifling Innovation?
  • The Value of Vocational Training: A Path to Success or Underrated Option?
  • Student Loan Debt: Crippling Burden or Investment in the Future?
  • The Role of Standardized Testing: Measuring Progress or Hindering Learning?
  • The Merits of Single-Sex Education: Fostering Focus or Limiting Opportunities?
  • Financial Literacy in Schools: Equipping Students for Life.
  • Blended Learning: Combining the Best of Both Worlds or Dilution of Quality?
  • The Value of a Gap Year: Time for Personal Growth or Delaying the Inevitable?
  • The Pressure to Achieve: Fostering Excellence or Breeding Anxiety?
  • Should Grades Be Abolished? Rethinking Student Evaluation.
  • The Rise of Online Learning: A Flexible Future or Threat to Traditional Education?
  • Art & Music Education: Enriching Lives or Frivolous Extras?
  • Should Schools Focus on STEM Subjects? Balancing Skills for the Future.
  • Teacher Training: Investing in Quality Educators.
  • The Debate Over Charter Schools: Fostering Innovation or Exacerbating Inequality?
  • Uniforms in Schools: Promoting Equality or Stifling Individuality?
  • The Role of Technology in the Classroom: Boon or Distraction?
  • Reducing Class Sizes: A Recipe for Improved Learning or Budgetary Strain?
  • Social-Emotional Learning: Equipping Students for Life Beyond Academics.

Literature Topics for an Opinion Essay

  • Censorship in Literature: Protecting Morality or Stifling Creativity?
  • Classics in a Modern World: Timeless Treasures or Outdated Relics?
  • Should Literature Be "Realistic" or Embrace Fantasy?
  • The Value of Unreliable Narrators: Adding Depth or Deceiving Readers?
  • Happy Endings: A Requirement for a Satisfying Story or Overused Cliché?
  • The Role of Technology in Literature: Friend or Foe to Traditional Storytelling?
  • The Moral Compass of Literature: Should Stories Teach Lessons?
  • Adaptations: Capturing the Magic or Missing the Mark?
  • The Power of Poetry: A Lost Art or Enduring Form?
  • Are Cliffhangers a Cheap Trick or an Effective Storytelling Device?
  • The Value of Diverse Voices in Literature: Expanding Horizons or Catering to Trends?
  • The Importance of Setting in Literature: Creating Atmosphere or Just Backdrop?
  • Should Authors Reveal Their Endings? The Mystery of Authorial Intent.
  • First-Person vs. Third-Person Narration: Intimacy or Objectivity?
  • Open Endings: Sparking Imagination or Leaving Readers Frustrated?
  • Humor in Literature: A Tool for Lightheartedness or Social Commentary?
  • Science Fiction: Predicting the Future or Escapist Fantasy?
  • The Allure of Dystopian Literature: A Warning or a Downer?
  • The Value of Retellings: Fresh Takes on Familiar Tales or Unnecessary Repetition?
  • Ambiguity in Literature: Room for Interpretation or Lack of Clarity?

Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

  • Social Media: Building Connections or Feeding Insecurities?
  • Multitasking: Myth of Productivity or Recipe for Mistakes?
  • Sleep Deprivation: A Badge of Honor or Road to Ruin?
  • Positive Thinking: Overhyped Solution or Effective Strategy?
  • Introverts vs. Extroverts: A Spectrum, Not a Duality.
  • The Rise of Tiger Parenting: Pushing Children to Succeed or Stifling Potential?
  • Power Naps: A Quick Fix for Energy or Disruption to Sleep Cycles?
  • Video Games: A Waste of Time or Cognitive Training Ground?
  • The Placebo Effect: Mind Over Matter or All in the Head?
  • Lie Detection: Can We Truly Know When Someone's Lying?
  • The Bystander Effect: Why Do People Stand By in Emergencies?
  • Social Media Detox: A Necessary Escape or Overreaction?
  • The Healing Power of Laughter: Fact or Fiction?
  • Can We Learn to Be Happy? The Pursuit of Happiness in Psychology.
  • Daydreaming: A Sign of Boredom or Spark of Creativity?
  • The Impact of Music on Mood and Motivation.
  • The Science of First Impressions: Lasting Impact or Superficial Judgment?
  • The Power of Forgiveness: Letting Go for Your Own Wellbeing.
  • Can Technology Help Us Overcome Phobias?
  • The Nature vs. Nurture Debate: A Complex Interplay.

How to Select an Opinion Essay Topic

The right topic for your opinion essay sets the stage for your argument and ensures you have a clear focus. Here's a breakdown of key factors to consider when selecting your topic:

Factor 🌟 Description 📖 Example 💡
Interest & Knowledge Pick a topic you're genuinely interested in and have some knowledge about. This will make researching and writing more engaging. You're passionate about environmental issues. Consider an opinion essay on "The effectiveness of plastic bag bans in reducing pollution."
Clear & Arguable Your topic should have a clear stance you can argue. Avoid topics with universally agreed-upon answers. "Video games are fun" doesn't allow for argument. Instead, try "Video games promote violence in children" or "Video games can enhance cognitive skills."
Research Availability Ensure you have access to credible sources to support your arguments. A highly specialized topic might be difficult to research with limited resources.
Relevance & Significance Is your topic relevant to a wider audience or current events? An opinion on your favorite fast-food chain might be less interesting than one on the ethical sourcing of meat in the industry.

If you want more tips on how to write an opinion essay , please visit this guide.

With a well-chosen topic, your opinion essay has the potential to not only express your views but also spark conversation and even influence change. Remember, a captivating topic is the foundation for a first-class essay, so take your time, explore your interests, and don't be afraid to tackle a subject you feel passionate about! If you need help, hire a cheap essay writer on our website in just a few clicks.

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What Is An Example In Opinion Writing?

What is a good topic to write an opinion essay on, how do i choose an opinion topic.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

ways to start a opinion essay

  • An opinion essay. (2024, June 1). LearnEnglish.
  • Harrison, S. (2023, August 2). How to Write an Opinion Based Essay - UCT English Language Centre. UCT English Language Centre.
  • Opinion Essays - The Boston Globe. (n.d.).

Best Persuasive Speech Topics: 210 Engaging Ideas

10 English Phrases to Express Your Opinion in an Essay

This is a guest post by  Sam Pealing.  Make sure to visit his website for more academic English help!

I admire international students. Seriously.  If you’re a non-native English speaker doing a degree or doctorate in English, then I take my hat off to you.

I get a lot of questions about writing essays, and I’ve taught hundreds of students how to write effective essays (which get good grades).  One of the most common mistakes that I see is a lack of opinion.

Most of the time, students describe a situation, but they don’t give their opinion or stance. This can really damage your grade because lecturers are always looking for ‘critical thinking’. If you don’t give your opinion in your essays, your lecturers can’t see your critical thinking.

To put it simply: If you don’t put your opinion or stance in an essay, then you’ll probably lose marks.

In this article, you’ll learn 10 effective phrases that you can use to give your opinion in your essay.  I’ve also created a free lesson pack which will help you to practice the phrases in this article. CLICK HERE to download it.

Introducing the Phrases

If you’re looking for a quick fix for your essay, these phrases should help you to start putting your own opinions in your essays.

But, before you rush over to your essays to start putting these phrases in, there’s something you need to know.

If you’re writing an academic essay, you will need to support your opinions with strong evidence . This is especially true if you are using some of the stronger phrases.

This evidence can be a journal article, a lecture, a textbook, or something else which is a trustworthy source of information.

In a more informal essay, like one in an IELTS or TOEFL language test, you don’t need to support your answers with strong evidence. Your experiences or opinions will be enough.

Quick note : I know! You’re ready to see the phrases.

This won’t take long and it’s really important.

1. For these phrases to be really effective, you’ll need to review your grammar. Shayna has some great videos on her Espresso English Youtube channel .

I recommend these:

  • Subject/Verb agreement
  • Formal and Informal English
  • Correcting Grammar Mistakes

2. If you want to know the structure of a good essay paragraph, check my post here .

10 English Phrases to Express Your Opinion in an Essay Espresso English

Informal English Phrases

These phrases are suitable for language tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. In an academic essay, these phrases will probably be too informal because they are too personal.

“In my opinion, + [your sentence]”

  • In my opinion , a good education is more important than a good car.

“I believe that + [your sentence]”

  • I believe that schools should encourage students to walk or cycle to school rather than drive.

“In my mind, + [your sentence]”

  • “ In my mind , no-one should have to pay for medical care.”

More Formal Academic Phrases With ‘That’

These phrases are more suitable for academic essays. If you are unsure whether you should use an informal phrase or an academic phrase, use an academic one. If you think your writing might be informal, read this post to learn more.

The patterns here are quite straightforward. Just add your sentence after ‘that’.

“It would seem that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you support your opinion with evidence.

  • “ It would seem that children learn best when they are feeling comfortable.”

“It could be argued that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you want to challenge an existing opinion.

  • “ It could be argued that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks in this situation.”

“This suggests that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you don’t want to fully commit to an opinion. You’re giving yourself some distance.

  • “ The evidence suggests that people who speak more than one language have more job opportunities.”

“This proves that + [your sentence]”

Use this when you are confident with your opinion. This phrase is quite strong*

  • “ This proves that the best way to lose weight is through a controlled diet and a good exercise program.”

“This supports the idea that + [your sentence]”

Use this one when you are supporting an opinion that you have already made.

  • “ This new research supports the idea that successful English learners look for opportunities to use English.”

Other Ways to Express Opinion

“although [idea you disagree with], [idea you agree with]”.

Use this when you want make your opinion seem balanced.

  • “ Although reports suggest that cigarettes could help people to lose weight, there are too many serious health problems associated with smoking.”

Note: The ‘ although’ pattern is very effective because it shows two sides of the argument. In the example, I support the idea that smoking is bad for your health –BUT- I recognise that it could have some benefits.

Structure your ‘ although’ sentence like this: Although, [weaker argument you disagree with], [stronger argument you agree with].

Using Adverbs, Adjectives and Nouns

You can use adjectives to show your opinion.

  • “This research was poorly conducted with a lack of control .”

The adjective and nouns in the example are negative . You can get some good ideas from this video on Extreme Adjectives . Note: try not to use any emotional adjectives .

Make Your Own Phrases!

Of course, these phrases aren’t the only ones that you can use! You can find more – or – you can create your own by combining different patterns.

Here’s an example of #7, #9 and #10 used together.

“Although it is difficult for older adults to learn a second language, an important study by Smith (2014) proved that the elderly can successfully learn new languages.”

What Should You Do Now?

So now you should have a better idea of how to include more opinions in your essays. But that’s not all; there are probably some new words here that you don’t know.

So here’s what you should do:

  • Choose three of the opinion expressions and phrases that you want to try.
  • Practice writing sentences using them (if you don’t have a topic, try this: should students do homework? You can see examples of this in the lesson pack )
  • Get the Lesson Pack for this lesson (which contains the vocabulary and the phrases from this lesson) CLICK HERE to download it .

Learn more:

  • Basic English phrases
  • Intermediate English phrases
  • Advanced English phrases

About Sam Pealing

Sam Pealing is an English language coach who specialises in two important areas: 1. helping you to get great grades at university, and 2. helping you to become an effective and confident English user. If you’re feeling frustrated or confused with English, Sam has created the perfect email course for you! You can join his course here –or- you can read more by him on English For Study .

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10 English Phrases to Express Your Opinion in an Essay Espresso English

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

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  • Knowledge Base
  • How to write an essay introduction | 4 steps & examples

How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on February 4, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A good introduction paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay . It sets up your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

The main goals of an introduction are to:

  • Catch your reader’s attention.
  • Give background on your topic.
  • Present your thesis statement —the central point of your essay.

This introduction example is taken from our interactive essay example on the history of Braille.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

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Table of contents

Step 1: hook your reader, step 2: give background information, step 3: present your thesis statement, step 4: map your essay’s structure, step 5: check and revise, more examples of essay introductions, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so spend some time on writing an effective hook.

Avoid long, dense sentences—start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

The hook should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of the topic you’re writing about and why it’s interesting. Avoid overly broad claims or plain statements of fact.

Examples: Writing a good hook

Take a look at these examples of weak hooks and learn how to improve them.

  • Braille was an extremely important invention.
  • The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

The first sentence is a dry fact; the second sentence is more interesting, making a bold claim about exactly  why the topic is important.

  • The internet is defined as “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities.”
  • The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education.

Avoid using a dictionary definition as your hook, especially if it’s an obvious term that everyone knows. The improved example here is still broad, but it gives us a much clearer sense of what the essay will be about.

  • Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein is a famous book from the nineteenth century.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific advancement.

Instead of just stating a fact that the reader already knows, the improved hook here tells us about the mainstream interpretation of the book, implying that this essay will offer a different interpretation.

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Next, give your reader the context they need to understand your topic and argument. Depending on the subject of your essay, this might include:

  • Historical, geographical, or social context
  • An outline of the debate you’re addressing
  • A summary of relevant theories or research about the topic
  • Definitions of key terms

The information here should be broad but clearly focused and relevant to your argument. Don’t give too much detail—you can mention points that you will return to later, but save your evidence and interpretation for the main body of the essay.

How much space you need for background depends on your topic and the scope of your essay. In our Braille example, we take a few sentences to introduce the topic and sketch the social context that the essay will address:

Now it’s time to narrow your focus and show exactly what you want to say about the topic. This is your thesis statement —a sentence or two that sums up your overall argument.

This is the most important part of your introduction. A  good thesis isn’t just a statement of fact, but a claim that requires evidence and explanation.

The goal is to clearly convey your own position in a debate or your central point about a topic.

Particularly in longer essays, it’s helpful to end the introduction by signposting what will be covered in each part. Keep it concise and give your reader a clear sense of the direction your argument will take.

As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more.

For this reason, it’s often a good idea to wait until later in the writing process before you write the introduction paragraph—it can even be the very last thing you write.

When you’ve finished writing the essay body and conclusion , you should return to the introduction and check that it matches the content of the essay.

It’s especially important to make sure your thesis statement accurately represents what you do in the essay. If your argument has gone in a different direction than planned, tweak your thesis statement to match what you actually say.

To polish your writing, you can use something like a paraphrasing tool .

You can use the checklist below to make sure your introduction does everything it’s supposed to.

Checklist: Essay introduction

My first sentence is engaging and relevant.

I have introduced the topic with necessary background information.

I have defined any important terms.

My thesis statement clearly presents my main point or argument.

Everything in the introduction is relevant to the main body of the essay.

You have a strong introduction - now make sure the rest of your essay is just as good.

  • Argumentative
  • Literary analysis

This introduction to an argumentative essay sets up the debate about the internet and education, and then clearly states the position the essay will argue for.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

This introduction to a short expository essay leads into the topic (the invention of the printing press) and states the main point the essay will explain (the effect of this invention on European society).

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

This introduction to a literary analysis essay , about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein , starts by describing a simplistic popular view of the story, and then states how the author will give a more complex analysis of the text’s literary devices.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale. Arguably the first science fiction novel, its plot can be read as a warning about the dangers of scientific advancement unrestrained by ethical considerations. In this reading, and in popular culture representations of the character as a “mad scientist”, Victor Frankenstein represents the callous, arrogant ambition of modern science. However, far from providing a stable image of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to gradually transform our impression of Frankenstein, portraying him in an increasingly negative light as the novel goes on. While he initially appears to be a naive but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative Frankenstein begins to resemble—even in his own telling—the thoughtlessly cruel figure the creature represents him as.

If you want to know more about AI tools , college essays , or fallacies make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

  • Ad hominem fallacy
  • Post hoc fallacy
  • Appeal to authority fallacy
  • False cause fallacy
  • Sunk cost fallacy

College essays

  • Choosing Essay Topic
  • Write a College Essay
  • Write a Diversity Essay
  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

 (AI) Tools

  • Grammar Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Text Summarizer
  • AI Detector
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction . It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting.

To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences. Try to start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

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How To Write Better Essays: 5 Outside-the-Box Techniques + Writing Tips

How To Write Better Essays: 5 Outside-the-Box Techniques + Writing Tips

Table of contents

ways to start a opinion essay

Brinda Gulati

Stuck on a B, chasing that A+? We've all been there. 

I have two degrees in Creative Writing from the University of Warwick with First Class Honors. From 2013 to 2014, I also studied English Literature at the National University of Singapore. 

Translation: I’ve written a lot of academic essays.

Some good. Some inspired. And others, plain lousy.

After a few Bs and the occasional C, I cracked the code on writing good essays. An average academic essay answers a question; but an essay that gets an A+ solves a problem — whether through discussion, analysis, definition, comparison, or evaluation. 

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through how to write better essays. You’ll learn how to construct bullet-proof arguments with five unique thinking techniques, cut the fluff, and discover F.O.C.U.S. to improve your essay writing skills. 

Because essays don’t have to be boring. And writing them doesn’t have to either. 

What Makes A Good Essay?

What is “good” writing? The answer is subjective. For example, I loved reading My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh, but to some, it might be drivel. 

Nonetheless, many examples of good writing share some core qualities. 

There are five overarching qualities of good essay writing : flow, organization, clarity, unity, and specificity. 

I’ve made a fun little acronym to help you remember them better: F.O.C.U.S.™️

F low: Does the writing flow smoothly from one point to the next? 

O rganization: Have you structured your essay with a clear beginning, middle, and end?  

C larity: Is the writing clear, error-free, and unambiguous? 

U nity: Are all the elements of your writing supporting the central thesis?

S pecificity: Have you provided specific details, examples, and evidence to justify your main points? 

A Fellow at The European Graduate School, and my most cherished mentor, Dr. Jeremy Fernando , has perhaps read, written, and graded thousands of academic essays over the years. 

His advice?  

“You’re asking the reader to go on an explorative journey with you; the least you should do is ensure the trip you’re taking them on is the same as the advertised one.”

5 Creative Thinking Techniques For Writing Better Essays

The thing is, good essay writing doesn’t start at — or even as — writing . 

There’s reading, re-reading, pre-writing, revising, then actually writing, editing, and then writing some more.

As with most persuasive arguments , you need frameworks: points of reference, mental models, and structured approaches to guide your decision making.  

That's exactly what we have here. 

1. Try Reverse Outlining

A reverse outline is just what it sounds like: a process that distills a paper down to its bare essentials, leaving only the key points and topic sentences. The result? A clear, bullet-point blueprint of the paper's structure, whether it's your own work or someone else's.

Key Benefits: 

✅Creates an X-ray of a paper's structure to identify its central arguments and assess its logical flow.

✅Helps you actively engage with someone else’s work to deepen your understanding of the material.

✅Reveals structural issues in your own essay, such as missing or misplaced points, redundancies, or weak arguments.

How To Create A Reverse Outline:

This is a two-step, and perhaps infinitely repeatable process.

Take a blank page and draw a line straight down the middle.

  • In the left-hand margin, write down the keywords for each paragraph in your essay. Stick to the main points. Be brief. 
  • In the right-hand margin, write down how the keyword or topic supports the main argument. Again, don't sit down to write Bonfire of the Vanities . Make it concise . The goal is to persuasively explain your arguments in a few words.

2. Practice The Lotus Blossom Technique

In this structured brainstorming exercise, you plant your main problem in the center box of a 3x3 grid. Then, you’ll fill the surrounding boxes with related themes to expand your thinking. The method was developed by Yasuo Matsumura at Clover Management Research in Japan.

Key Benefits:

✅ A fun, novel alternative to traditional mind-mapping and spider-diagramming.  

✅Helps you visualize your essay slowly unfolding from its core. (Like a lotus, basically.)

✅I like how it's creative and thorough at the same time. An equal combination of freedom and structure.

Illustration of the technique. The core problem of "self-doubt re: next job" and different colored boxes for related ideas.

How To Practice The Lotus Blossom Technique:

  • Put your problem/essay question in the center square.
  • Fill in the surrounding eight boxes with ideas related to the problem. At this point, you don’t need to elaborate. 
  • Now, flesh out each of your eight ideas. Or, as with the lotus flower image — add another row of petals. 

64 boxes showing the Lotus Blossom Techniques with "core problem" in the middle and colored boxes from A to E.

When all your boxes are filled in, you'll have 64 ideas for one essay argument. As far as starting-off points go, this one’s hard to beat. 

Pro Tip : Did you know that dim light is a creative stimulant? Go dark. Light some candles.

3. Build A Toulmin Argument Model

According to philosopher Stephen E. Toulmin, arguments are broken down into six key components: claim, grounds, warrant, qualifier, rebuttal, and backing. 

There are three essential parts to every argument: the claim, the grounds, and the warrant.

  • The claim is the main argument you want to prove to your audience. 
  • The grounds of an argument are the evidence and facts that support it.
  • The warrant is the assumption which links a claim to its grounds, whether implied or explicitly stated.

✅Craft persuasive arguments through an in-depth analysis that closely examines each part of your essay.

✅Analyzing an argument from its components can help clarify its logic.

✅The rebuttal component encourages you to anticipate and address counterarguments. The more perspectives you consider, the more well-rounded your argument will be.

How To Build A Toulmin Argument Model:

Let’s take a published paper — “ Coffee and Health: A Review of Recent Human Research ” by Jane V. Higdon and Balz Frei — and break it down using the Toulmin model. 

Get Wordtune for free > Get Wordtune for free >
  • Claim: Consuming moderate amounts of coffee (3-4 cups a day with 300-400 mg of caffeine) has few health risks and some health benefits. Nevertheless, caffeine may be more harmful to pregnant women, children, adolescents, and the elderly.
  • Grounds: According to epidemiological studies, coffee may prevent diabetes type 2, Parkinson's disease, and liver disease. 
  • Warrant: Studies suggest that coffee consumption in moderation may have some health benefits and poses minimal health risks.
  • Backing : A number of well-designed prospective cohort studies with large sample sizes are cited as supporting evidence. 
  • Qualifier: This study applies specifically to healthy adults who consume moderate amounts of filtered coffee. Optimal intake hasn’t been defined. 
  • Rebuttal: Some may be more sensitive to negative effects. Further research is needed.

I don’t know about you, but I often get convinced of my own arguments when writing essays, and then it’s hard for me to consider other perspectives.

So, if you want a sparring buddy, here’s how Wordtune can help you with counterarguments:

First, I’ve copy-pasted our claim from above 👇🏼

Wordtune's workspace showing how to generate a counterargument with AI based on the claim above.

Next, click on the little purple sparkle icon and choose “Counterargument” from the drop-down menu. 

Wordtune's generated text highlighted in purple and an arrow pointing to the research's source with a blue tick.

Lo and behold! Not only does Wordtune provide accurate contextual suggestions for a convincing opposing opinion, it goes one step further and cites a clickable source for the research .

Nothing short of time-saving magic , if you ask me.

4. Ask The Five Whys

You need to ask “why” five times to get to the root of any problem. That’s what the inventor of the method, and founder of Toyota Industries, Sakichi Toyoda, believed. 

✅The approach identifies the real problem, not just its surface symptoms. 

✅It’s an easy-to-do and straightforward process that gets to the heart of your essay question.

✅Use this approach in combination with the Toulmin Model to build a killer essay argument.

Asking The Five Whys:

Let’s look at a sample essay question and drill down to its core.

ways to start a opinion essay

When you have the core of the problem in your palm, you can then start thinking of solutions. Perhaps finding more cost-effective ways to train and support teachers. Or exploring alternative funding options, such as grants and partnerships with local businesses.

5. Experiment With The Ben Franklin Exercise

Franklin wasn’t always a prodigious scholar. While working at a print shop, he reverse engineered the prose from the British magazine, The Spectator , to learn how to write better without a tutor. 

He took detailed notes at a sentence level, contemplated them for some time, and then re-created the sentences without looking at the originals.

In fact, research from MIT shows that it's “not just the study of tiny details that accelerates learning; the act of assembling those details yourself is what makes the difference.” This is called constructionist learning. 

✅Improve your essay writing by studying works of skilled authors through practiced imitation.

✅Organizing your notes from memory will help you construct a solid structure for your essay, and evaluate any gaps in logic and flow.

✅Actively deconstructing and constructing the material allows you to engage deeply with it, and therefore, write better essays.

How I Use The Ben Franklin Exercise:

One of my favorite passages in Literature — as clichéd as may it be — is from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club . 

Excerpt from Goodreads of a passage from Fight Club with red underlines at a sentence level.

  • Note how “strongest” and “smartest” are alliterative words, creating a sense of rhythm right in the first sentence.
  • The imagery of banality — pumping gas, waiting tables, etc. is at once, vivid and relatable, moving and unmoving.
  • The phrase “midddle children of the history man” places the narrative in a broader, more relevant context.
  • Notice how the “g” is capitalized for the first mention of war and depression, but then it switches to a small “g” for the same words in the next sentence.
  • The repetition of “very very pissed off” is much more effective than simply saving “livid.”

Similarly, start by taking a paragraph from an essay you like. Make sentence-level notes and rewrite its essence without looking at it. 

My Top Tips To Write A Good Essay

1. write lousy first drafts.

You heard me. Write as if your keyboard doesn’t have keys for punctuation. Write as if no one is ever going to read your essay. The goal is to eliminate self-censorship . When you first start writing down your main points, don’t assume the role of a self-editor. 

TRY THIS : Open a blank page, set a timer for two and a half minutes, and type until the bell goes off. Take a break. Repeat. Don’t re-read what you’ve typed. 

Forget proper spelling. Forget good grammar. Those polishes are all for later, when you have something to polish. 

This is freewriting. 

And it’s wildly effective in getting you to stop thinking about deadlines, blinking cursors, and that A+. My highest-scoring essays have all begun with messy, unstructured, poorly-worded first drafts. 

2. Read Other Essays Like A Writer

Think of your favorite book. What makes you call it your favorite? Or a series you’ve watched recently. ( Behind Her Eyes is especially good.) What compels you to see it all the way through? The same principle applies to good essay writing. Have you read an essay in your research that hooked you? Or a friend’s work you wish you could put your name to? 

Read like a writer — become a proactive participant in examining why the writing works. Instead of passively drawing stars next to important observations, ask yourself, “ Why do I like these passages? What are they doing? And how are they doing it?” (Use the Ben Franklin Exercise here.)

Take apart the essay you’re reading like a forensic pathologist doing an autopsy. 

3. Start With An Outline

Speaking of autopsies, a good essay has good bones. Once you’ve disgorged your ideas on the page, start arranging them under headers. 

Google Docs' drop-down menu screenshot of formatting headers for the blog being written.

This blog too, was born in the Notes app on my phone. But if you’re taking the reader with you somewhere, you should know where you’re headed too. 

Pro Tip : Keep two working documents for your essay. One where you dump all the links, sources, and keywords. The other is where you work on your final draft for submission.

4. Cut The Fluff

The deadline’s in a few hours and you’re scrambling to hit minimum word count . Long, winding sentences with gratuitous adjectives you’ve just looked up in the thesaurus to sound more cerebral, erudite, scholarly.

I get it. I’ve done it. And those essays have bellyflopped. Professors know when you’re trying to game them.

Here’s an actual sentence from one of my essays I wrote in 2017:

“Ibsen’s realist drama, and in particular, A Doll’s House , is replete with the problems that chapter and verse modern life – the patriarchal model of the family, money and debt, and the performance of gender.”

And much to my embarrassment, this is the scathing comment from my then-professor: 

“This makes no sense.”

Essay sentence highlighted on the left, with a comment from Nicholas Collins on the right from 2017.

Let’s rework this sentence to make sense using Wordtune (a clever AI helper I wish I had during my university days):

“The patriarchal family model, money and debt, and gendered performance are all apparent in Ibsen's realist drama, especially A Doll's House .”

Wordtune's workspace showing how to cut the fluff with AI with the example from the essay above.

Much more sensible. 

5. Get Feedback, Edit, And Revise

I can’t emphasize this enough — don’t submit your first draft! Have someone else read it, perhaps a friend in the same class or even from a different major. Look at their eyebrows to see which sections make them frown in confusion. 

Ask them to red-pen sentences and logical gaps. And then —- edit, edit edit! 

Sleep on it. Let the essay stew in the back of your mind for a full night, and come back to it with fresh eyes.

Start (Pre-)Writing Better Essays

The ability to write persuasively will serve you well no matter what stage of your life you are in: high school, university scholar, or a professional trying to get ahead. After all, the human mind is hardwired for storytelling.

Remember, the key is to F.O.C.U.S.

Whether you’re crawling or speeding towards a deadline, bag that A+ with a smart AI assistant like Wordtune !

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  • American business should not empower a criminal, says Reid Hoffman

No rational CEO would want a capricious strongman in the White House, argues the entrepreneur

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W OULD NEW YORK be a global financial capital, or even a prosperous city, if markets had no basis for trusting the transactions that happen there? Obviously not.

Businesses and investors rely on a robust legal system—especially courts of law and impartial, fact-based trials by jury—to enforce contracts and punish fraud. That’s why, in the past decade alone, New York City prosecutors have brought thousands of felony charges for falsifying business records. It’s a crime because it strikes at American prosperity.

For American business, the rule of law is essential. It is the soil in which commerce can take root and grow. Without this stable, predictable, rules-based environment, New York, and America, would not have become the hubs of innovation, investment, profit and progress that they are.

Unfortunately, many American business leaders have recently developed a kind of myopia, miscalculating what politics, and which political leaders, will truly support their long-term success. Perhaps this stems from their having lived their entire lives in a stable legal regime that they now take for granted. But a robust, reliable legal system is not a given. It is a necessity we can ill afford to live without. We trade it away at our peril.

Which makes it all the more lamentable that a growing number of America’s corporate and financial leaders are opening their wallets for Donald Trump.

Of course, few of these leaders would do actual business with Mr Trump. Even fewer would trust him to pay his bills. Long before the Electoral College made him president in 2016, Mr Trump was known as a liar and grifter who would browbeat vendors and debtors. More recently, American courts—including two unanimous juries—have found him to have engaged in sexual assault, defamation, fraud (including misuse of charitable funds) and—by a unanimous Colorado Supreme Court—insurrection.

So why are so many of my business-leader peers writing cheques to give nearly unchecked power to a man with whom they wouldn’t sign a condominium contract? There are a few explanations.

Some kid themselves, or pretend, that Mr Trump can be normal and controlled. Never mind the striking refusal by his former vice-president, Mike Pence, to endorse him as the Republican nominee. Or the stinging words of John Kelly, Mr Trump’s longest-serving chief of staff, who has called him “a person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our constitution, and the rule of law”. Dozens of other former Trump officials, military leaders and campaign operatives echo this analysis.

Others of Mr Trump’s business-class supporters claim that President Joe Biden is somehow more dangerous than the convicted felon and pathological liar. The laziest cite the actions of far-left figures who play no role in Mr Biden’s administration. Relatively more serious critics mention disagreeable Democratic economic policies. When they manage to get specific with their criticisms, I sometimes agree. But if economics is their metric, it seems not just irrational but deeply irresponsible for them to ignore some clear financial truths. Under Mr Biden America has hit record after record: in stockmarkets, oil and gas production, employment and more. And its GDP growth is the envy of most of the world’s economies.

Sadly, the true motives of some in Mr Trump’s camp are even uglier. He and his ideological allies have been quite explicit: upon regaining power, they intend to corrupt the legal system to use the state against political opponents. Some American elites support this autocratic agenda because in such a Trumpist regime they expect to be the new oligarchs. Others fear that opposing Mr Trump will bring retaliation, so seek safety by pledging loyalty.

Most conventionally, of course, there is the simple siren promise of a second Trump term’s lower corporate-tax rates and softer regulatory enforcement. But it’s all penny-wise at best, when stacked against the likelihood of, say, Justice, State and Defence Departments purged and restaffed with MAGA cronies, loyal not to the USA but to DJT .

There is a historical pattern to the collapse of the rule of law in advanced countries: it happens when powerful groups naively judge that a strongman will stay contained. Today’s pro-Trump business elites are making the same crucial mistake as any other influential group choosing to empower an autocrat. To paraphrase Tim Snyder, a Yale historian: “He is not your strongman—he is his own strongman.”

Mr Trump’s felony convictions in the Stormy Daniels election-interference case, and the subsequent Republican attack on the American judicial system, have clarified this election’s epochal stakes: the systemic rule of law versus the capricious rule of a strongman.

America’s rules-based system, with its stability and continuity, has delivered enormous gains to the country—and to humanity. America saw its first peaceful transfer of political power in 1801. This proud tradition went unbroken until the Capitol attack of January 6th 2021. And the man who broke with it, a criminal, is dead-set on scuttling the system that really did make America great.

When the courts go against him, as they so often have, Mr Trump claims—just like every other “wrongly” convicted felon—that the system is rigged. Meanwhile his lawyers have argued at the Supreme Court that as president he should be permitted any use of state violence. And Mr Trump’s party is now committed to delegitimising, rejecting and attacking juries, courts, elections and any other mechanisms that might hold the leader legally or electorally accountable. The danger speaks for itself.

In short, the rule of law is on the line in this election. Americans who prize respect for the law, stability and prosperity—including even business leaders who might value the last of these most highly—should take Mr Trump literally and seriously, and do everything they can to prevent his return to the White House. ■

Reid Hoffman is a tech entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and co-founder of LinkedIn. He provided third-party financial support for E. Jean Carroll’s civil lawsuits, which led to two unanimous guilty verdicts against Donald Trump.

By Invitation June 8th 2024

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Opinion | Remarkably few digital news subscribers pay full price

Of those who pay for news online (itself a low fraction of readers), at least 60% pay less than the full price.

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For today’s lead item, I turn it over to my colleague, Rick Edmonds, Poynter’s media business analyst.

Add another to the long list of financial challenges for U.S. media outlets in 2024: Of those who pay for digital news (itself a low fraction), at least 60% pay less than full price.

The finding comes in a first-time measure in the annual Digital News Report, released today, from the respected Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University.

Here are the details:

  • In the U.S., the researchers found a median monthly cost of $16, just under $200 a year.
  • Surveying 480 users, they found that 31% paid that or more, 60% paid less than the median, and another 10% said that they didn’t know. Those who paid $1 or less a month made up 7% of the total.

The Reuters report is international in scope, and the deep discounting is not unique to the U.S. Figures in the United Kingdom are similar. But Scandinavian countries had a much higher percentage of full pay, led by Norway, where only 38% get a discount and the median price is a good deal higher at more than $25 a month.

Why is there so much discounting and what could be done to encourage subscribers to pay more?

From a publication’s point of view, discounting makes sense for several reasons. Even a modest number following through to full pay is a net addition to paid audience numbers, more likely to accept full pay than those asked to from the start.

Those with cheap subscriptions may read less than more committed customers, but they add to pageview totals, still prized by advertisers. One additional digital customer costs next to nothing to serve. Also, the outlet at least captures an email address to which it can send newsletters and solicitations.

But there is an important downside, emerging this year. Canceled subscriptions jump with attempted conversions to full pay. Those on the rate for a year or two may decide they don’t read enough to justify the expenditure.

Consultant Peter Doucette told me that new subscriptions are still being added in 2024, but an uptick in drops is driving flat or declining audience numbers.

Plus it continues to be true as both Reuters and Pew Research have documented that little more than 20% are unwilling to pay for news at all and don’t see a scenario where they will.

The Reuters report summarizes the challenge and offers recommendations this way:

Not every publisher can expect to make reader revenue work, in large part because much of the public basically does not believe news is worth paying for, and continues to have access to plenty of free options from both commercial, non-profit, and in some countries, public service providers. But for others, building digital subscriptions based on distinctive content is the main hope for a sustainable future. Discounting is an important part of persuading new customers to sample the product but publishers will hope that over time, once the habit is created, they can increase prices. It is likely to be a long and difficult road with few winners and many casualties along the way.

Past Reuters reports have made headlines with findings of a lack of trust in news media (especially in the United States) and news avoidance by more than a third of adults because many find journalism polarizing or depressing.

Several years ago, I asked Rasmus Kleis Nielsen, director of the Institute , whether it was fair to call its projects, always meticulously researched and well-written, a downer. He said that he would prefer a characterization of “realism” and argued those in the trenches need awareness of the trends in play more than mere optimism and encouragement. (Nielsen is leaving Reuters this fall for a professorship at the University of Copenhagen.)

For all the issues identified, this year’s edition ends on a constructive note:

Some kind of platform reset is underway with more emphasis on keeping traffic within their environments and with greater focus on formats proven to drive engagement, such as video. Many newer platforms with younger user bases are far less centred on text and links than incumbent platforms, with content shaped by a multitude of (sometimes hugely popular) creators rather than by established publishers. In some cases, news is being excluded or downgraded because technology companies think it causes more trouble than it is worth. Traffic from social media and search is likely to become more unpredictable over time, but getting off the algorithmic treadmill won’t be easy. While some media companies continue to perform well in this challenging environment, many others are struggling to convince people that their news is worth paying attention to, let alone paying for. Interest in the news has been falling, the proportion avoiding it has increased, trust remains low, and many consumers are feeling increasingly overwhelmed and confused by the amount of news. Artificial intelligence may make this situation worse, by creating a flood of low-quality content and synthetic media of dubious provenance. But these shifts also offer a measure of hope that some publishers can establish a stronger position. If news brands are able to show that their journalism is built on accuracy, fairness, and transparency — and that humans remain in control — audiences are more likely to respond positively. Re-engaging audiences will also require publishers to rethink some of the ways that journalism has been practised in the past; to find ways to be more accessible without dumbing down; to report the world as it is whilst also giving hope; to give people different perspectives without turning it into an argument. In a world of superabundant content, success is also likely to be rooted in standing out from the crowd, to be a destination for something that the algorithm and the AI can’t provide while remaining discoverable via many different platforms. Do all that and there is at least a possibility that more people, including some younger ones, will increasingly value and trust news brands once again.

Thanks to Rick for today’s lead item. Now onto the rest of today’s newsletter …

Posting more bad news

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(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Another day, another terrible story involving Washington Post publisher and CEO Will Lewis.

The New York Times’ Justin Scheck and Jo Becker report that Lewis and incoming Post editor Robert Winnett “used fraudulently obtained phone and company records in newspaper articles” when both worked in London. This was according to someone who the Times said was a former colleague, a published account of a private investigator and an analysis of newspaper archives.

Scheck and Becker wrote that Lewis assigned one of the articles in 2004 when he was business editor of The Sunday Times and another article was written by Winnett. The Times wrote, “The use of deception, hacking and fraud is at the heart of a long-running British newspaper scandal, one that toppled a major tabloid in 2010 and led to years of lawsuits by celebrities who said that reporters improperly obtained their personal documents and voice mail messages.”

All along, Lewis has said that his only involvement with the phone-hacking scandal was to look into it after it became public. “But,” the Times wrote, “a former Sunday Times reporter said on Friday that Mr. Lewis had personally assigned him to write an article in 2004 using phone records that the reporter understood to have been obtained through hacking.”

A second article from 2002 had Winnett’s byline and a private investigator who worked for The Sunday Times, according to The New York Times, “later publicly acknowledged using deception to land the materials.”

There’s more.

The New York Times reported that their review of Lewis’ career “also raised new questions about his decision in 2009, as editor of The Daily Telegraph in Britain, to pay more than 100,000 pounds for information from a source. Paying for information is prohibited in most American newsrooms.”

The Times wrote, “In a meeting with Post journalists in November, Mr. Lewis defended the payments, saying that the money had been put into an escrow account to protect a source. But the consultant who brokered the deal said in a recent interview that there had been no escrow account and that he had doled out the money to sources himself.”

This is just the latest in two weeks’ worth of awful attention the Post is receiving following executive editor Sally Buzbee leaving the paper. Lewis replaced Buzbee with Winnett and another one of Lewis’ former colleagues, Matt Murray.

Politico Playbook’s Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza and Rachael Bade report that the latest Times story has lowered morale even more inside the Post, and raised more questions about Lewis’ leadership. They report that one high-profile Post staffer texted them, “I have asked my friends and family to stop sending me links to stories about Will Lewis. Every scoop is worse than the last. I can’t focus on my work when each headline heightens what’s beginning to feel like an existential crisis.”

Another Post reporter told Politico Playbook, “People are like, ‘Do we really want to work here anymore?’ People are freaked out. They, for the first time or in a long time, are considering exiting. I don’t think people want to be there if this is what it’s going to be like.”

After each one of those stories, the same question comes up: Can Lewis survive as publisher? In the end, that will be up to owner Jeff Bezos, who hasn’t said anything publicly or internally at the Post.

A Post reporter told Politico Playbook, “Bezos has been a very good owner of The Post up until this point. And now we have a sort of a moment. … Can you really stick with this guy who is doing all of this? If Jeff is sticking with him, then, like, what can you do? You have to make your own decisions.”

Here’s more on everything from NPR’s David Folkenflik, including additional reporting: “New Washington Post chiefs can’t shake their past in London.”

Veteran media reporter Brian Stelter tweeted that senior Post staffers got together Sunday night for a party to celebrate Buzbee. Gee, think they will have any tea to spill?

Stelter also tweeted , “Another Wash Post tidbit: Will Lewis was going to fly to France for this week’s Cannes Lions ad festival, but he’s no longer attending, for obvious reasons.”

Oh, and then The Washington Post dropped this story Sunday night from Isaac Stanley-Becker, Sarah Ellison, Greg Miller and Aaron C. Davis about Winnett: “Incoming Post editor tied to self-described ‘thief’ who claimed role in his reporting.”

I’m sure there will be more on this as the week goes on. Yikes, what a mess at the Post.

Let’s debate

The first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump is fast approaching. It’s set for June 27 and will be televised on CNN.

CNN will share its feed so that other cable and broadcast networks can air the debate, but it comes with plenty of conditions, according to the Los Angeles Times’ Stephen Battaglio .

For instance, any network that shows the debate must display the CNN “bug” — meaning CNN’s logo. The other networks can include their own logos, but they can’t block out CNN’s. CNN also is requiring other networks, both in coverage and in promos for the event, to call it the “CNN Presidential Debate Simulcast” and use artwork provided by CNN.

Battaglio wrote, “As of Friday, rival network executives said they were pushing back on some of CNN’s requirements. Some networks may choose not to promote the simulcast on their air if they are forced to mention CNN every time.”

Hey, the way I see it, CNN landed the debate and is producing the entire thing, including providing the moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. They can require whatever they want from the other networks, which don’t have to simulcast the debate if they don’t like CNN’s demands.

Meanwhile, rules for the debate have been announced, as well.

The debate will be 90 minutes long with two commercial breaks. Candidates cannot meet with staff at any point, even during the breaks. Both candidates must stand behind their podiums, and will not be allowed to have any prewritten notes. They will be given a pen and paper, and water.

If it’s not a candidate’s turn to speak, their microphone will be muted. There will be no audience.

What about RFK Jr.?

Will Robert Kennedy Jr. qualify for the debate?

According to CNN , “All participating debaters must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency and receive at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters that meet CNN’s standards for reporting.”

Those polls include CNN, ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, Marquette University Law School, Monmouth University, NBC News, The New York Times/Siena College, NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College, Quinnipiac University, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.

CNN wrote, “Kennedy has received at least 15% in three qualifying polls so far and is currently on the ballot in six states, making him currently eligible for 89 Electoral College votes.”

That’s far short of the 270 Kennedy needs, so it’s unlikely he will meet the debate’s qualifications.

Is this the end?

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NBA broadcaster and Hall of Famer basketball star Charles Barkley, in 2022. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

Charles Barkley, arguably the greatest NBA (and sports) analyst of all time, says next season will be his last as a broadcaster. But does he mean it?

Let’s review. Barkley is an analyst on TNT’s “Inside the NBA,” long considered the gold standard of sports studio shows. There’s a good chance that TNT’s owner, Warner Bros. Discovery, will lose NBA television rights when its current contract expires after next season. The new rights deals should be announced soon, and are expected to go to ESPN/ABC, NBC and Amazon Prime. There has been much speculation that the “Inside the NBA” crew, which includes analysts Kenny Smith and Shaquille O’Neal and host Ernie Johnson, could get wooed by another network should WBD lose rights.

But during an appearance from the NBA Finals on NBA TV on Friday night, Barkley said, “I ain’t going nowhere other than TNT. But I have made the decision myself that, no matter what happens, next year is going to be my last year on television.”

Barkley, 61, seemed genuine, and also seemed to realize that he was making a grand statement. He has talked about not wanting to broadcast forever. But he also has talked about retirement before.

If Warner Bros. Discovery’s chances of landing a new TV deal with the NBA can somehow rise from the ashes, maybe Barkley would keep going with his “Inside the NBA” pals.

The Athletic’s Andrew Marchand wrote that perhaps ESPN/ABC could make Barkley an offer he simply could not refuse. Marchand wrote, “A sweetheart deal for Barkley to do the opening night of the regular season and then the playoffs would be a win-win for everyone. Barkley would not have to work as hard and would continue to make millions while gracing the ESPN studio shows, lifting them up during the biggest games of the season, including the finals.”

Marchand added, “It is also hard to see Barkley go because — what is he going to do? The man is a talker. He cuts through because he is the same on the air as he is off and treats his former best friend Michael Jordan just as he would you or I. That is the secret sauce of Barkley — there is sincerity without a filter. He will seemingly talk whenever to whomever and whatever.”

Media tidbits

  • Politico’s Michael Schaffer with “The Disappearing Tucker Carlson.”
  • Catching up on this from last week. Washington Post sports columnist Jerry Brewer with “The Media’s Role in Fracturing Sports.”
  • Front Office Sports’ A.J. Perez with “Pro Football Focus’s Dysfunction Comes at the Worst Possible Time.”
  • The New York Times’ Madison Malone Kircher and Callie Holtermann with “What Really Happened Inside Miss USA?”
  • The Wall Street Journal’s Katherine Blunt with “The Influencer Is a Young Teenage Girl. The Audience Is 92% Adult Men.”

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Guest Essay

Men Fear Me, Society Shames Me, and I Love My Life

A photo illustration of a woman on a beach facing a sunset. The sun’s reflected light is seen through her silhouette.

By Glynnis MacNicol

Ms. MacNicol is a writer, a podcast host and the author of the forthcoming memoir “I’m Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself.”

I was once told that the challenge of making successful feminist porn is that the thing women desire most is freedom.

If that’s the case, one might consider my life over the past few years to be extremely pornographic — even without all the actual sex that occurred. It definitely has the makings of a fantasy, if we allowed for fantasies starring single, childless women on the brink of turning 50.

It’s not just in enjoying my age that I’m defying expectations. It’s that I’ve exempted myself from the central things we’re told give a woman’s life meaning — partnership and parenting. I’ve discovered that despite all the warnings, I regret none of those choices.

Indeed, I am enjoying them immensely. Instead of my prospects diminishing, as nearly every message that gets sent my way promises they will — fewer relationships, less excitement, less sex, less visibility — I find them widening. The world is more available to me than it’s ever been.

Saying so should not be radical in 2024, and yet, somehow it feels that way. We live in a world whose power structures continue to benefit from women staying in place. In fact, we’re currently experiencing the latest backlash against the meager feminist gains of the past half-century. My story — and those of the other women in similar shoes — shows that there are other, fulfilling ways to live.

It is disconcerting to enjoy oneself so much when there is so much to assure you to expect the opposite, just as it is strange to feel so good against a backdrop of so much terribleness in the world. But with age (hopefully) comes clarity.

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  1. How to Write an Opinion Essay: Structure, Examples

    Opinion essay introduction. Address the audience directly, and state the subject matter. Reference a speech, poem, book, or play. Include the author's name and date of publication in brackets. Thesis. 1 or 2 sentences to make up a short description. 1 or 2 summarizing sentences of the entire paper.

  2. How to Write an Opinion Essay (With Tips and Examples)

    1. Introduction: Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing hook, such as a question, fact, quote, or anecdote, to engage the reader's interest. Thesis Statement: Present your clear and concise thesis statement. This statement is the foundation of your essay and encapsulates your main argument or opinion on the topic.

  3. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write an Opinion Essay + Examples

    An essay based on a person's personal opinion implies a clear statement of the author's thoughts on a specific topic. However, to show understanding of the problem, one should rely on facts, research, or examples from life. A supported opinion essay is precisely when the author's opinion is based on objective factors.

  4. How to Write an Opinion Essay: Tips, Steps & Outline

    3) Write Body Paragraphs to Develop Your Opinion. In the body of your essay, write one paragraph about each reason for your opinion. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that states the point you will discuss. Include quotes, examples, anecdotes or lines of argument from your research to support each point, and explain how each piece of ...

  5. How to Write an Opinion Essay (With Tips and Examples)

    4. Include your thesis statement. As you're writing an opinion essay, it's essential to use the researched information to create your thesis and support your argument, rather than simply quoting information from other sources. Your thesis comprises your position or claim on the selected topic and indicates to the reader what your essay is about.

  6. How To Write An Opinion Essay: What Is It & How To Start

    The structure of an opinion essay typically follows the five-paragraph format. Start with an introduction that includes a hook to grab the reader's attention and a thesis statement that clearly presents your opinion. In the body, each paragraph should cover a separate reason supporting your thesis, backed up with evidence or examples.

  7. How to Write an Opinion Essay in 5 Steps

    Opinion Essay Writing Tips. 1. Clarity is Key. Ensure your writing is clear and concise. Use straightforward language and avoid unnecessary jargon. A well-articulated opinion essay is easily understood and resonates with a broader audience. 2. Stay Focused. Maintain a clear focus on your chosen topic.

  8. How to Write an Opinion Essay: Easy Guide

    Step 2: Find relevant information. Before you start writing, gather information to support your opinion. Research sources, expand your vocabulary, and collect data, examples, or quotes that add weight to your argument. Make sure to understand not only your viewpoint but also the viewpoints of others.

  9. How to Write an Argumentative Essay

    Make a claim. Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim. Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim) Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives. The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays.

  10. Writing an Engaging Opinion Essay: Examples & Tips

    Writing an opinion essay is a great way to express your thoughts and opinions on any given topic. With some research, organization, and structure, you can easily convey your point of view. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can write an effective opinion essay and make a strong argument.

  11. How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

    Learn what elements every argumentative essay should include and how to structure it depending on your audience in this easy step-by-step guide. When you're writing a persuasive essay, you need more than just an opinion to make your voice heard. Even the strongest stance won't be compelling if it's not structured properly and reinforced ...

  12. Writing an opinion essay

    Organise your text. An opinion essay has three parts: Introduction; Arguments or reasons that support your view. Conclusion; Introduction. Paragraph 1. Introduce the topic and give your opinion. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement or question. It can be a good idea to use a question to grab the reader's attention. Check the ...

  13. How to Write a Convincing Opinion Essay

    Knowing how to write an opinion essay is easy when you follow some simple step-by-step instructions with examples.

  14. How to Write an Opinion Essay: Examples, Structure, & Tips

    Use formal style. When writing an opinion essay, you should use a formal style, avoiding slang and colloquial language. It means using proper grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary suitable for an academic setting. Choose a side on the issue. You should take a clear stance on a particular topic in your essay.

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    Use the Historical Present Tense. An effective method of beginning an essay is to use historical present tense to relate an incident from the past as if it were happening now. "Ben and I are sitting side by side in the very back of his mother's station wagon.

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    The List of Opinion Essay Topics. An opinion essay is a platform for you to share your beliefs on a specific topic. You'll clearly state your position and convince the reader why it's valid. Don't forget to back up your arguments with evidence like facts, statistics, or personal anecdotes to make a strong case.

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    This won't take long and it's really important. 1. For these phrases to be really effective, you'll need to review your grammar. Shayna has some great videos on her Espresso English Youtube channel. I recommend these: Subject/Verb agreement. Formal and Informal English.

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