R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

4.3 beamer presentation.

To create a Beamer presentation from R Markdown, you specify the beamer_presentation output format in the YAML metadata of your document. You can create a slide show broken up into sections by using the # and ## heading tags (you can also create a new slide without a header using a horizontal rule ( --- ). For example, here is a simple slide show (see Figure 4.3 for two sample slides):

Two sample slides in a Beamer presentation.

FIGURE 4.3: Two sample slides in a Beamer presentation.

Within R Markdown documents that generate PDF output, you can use raw LaTeX and even define LaTeX macros. See Pandoc’s manual for details.

4.3.1 Themes

You can specify Beamer themes using the theme , colortheme , and fonttheme options. For example:

Figure 4.4 shows two sample slides of the AnnArbor theme in the above example. You can find a list of possible themes and color themes at https://hartwork.org/beamer-theme-matrix/ .

Two sample slides with the AnnArbor theme in Beamer.

FIGURE 4.4: Two sample slides with the AnnArbor theme in Beamer.

4.3.2 Slide level

The slide_level option defines the heading level that defines individual slides. By default, this is the highest header level in the hierarchy that is followed immediately by content, and not another header, somewhere in the document. This default can be overridden by specifying an explicit slide_level :

4.3.3 Other features

Refer to Section 3.1 for the documentation of other features of Beamer presentations, including table of contents (Section 3.1.1 ), figure options (Section 3.1.5 ), appearance and style (Section 3.1.4 ), data frame printing (Section 3.1.6 ), Markdown extensions (Section ), header and before/after body inclusions (Section ), custom templates (Section ), Pandoc arguments (Section ), and shared options (Section 3.1.11 ).

Beamer presentations have a few features in common with ioslides presentations in Section 4.1 and PDF documents in Section 3.3 . For incremental bullets, see Section 4.1.2 . For how to keep the intermediate LaTeX output file, see Section .

How to create presentations with Beamer

Business presentation

Vector Open Stock. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Beamer is a LaTeX package for generating presentation slide decks. One of its nicest features is that it can take advantage of LaTeX's powerful typesetting system and all the other packages in its ecosystem. For example, I often use LaTeX's listings package in Beamer presentations that include code.

Starting a presentation

To begin a Beamer document, enter:

As you would with any other LaTeX document, add any packages you want to use. For example, to use the listings package, enter:

Place all content inside the document environment:

Beamer documents are usually a sequence of frame environments. Frames that contain code should be marked fragile :

Begin your frames with a title:

Testing your code before you present it

One of the worst feelings in the world is giving a talk and realizing, as you walk through the code, that there is a glaring bug in it—maybe a misspelled keyword or an unclosed brace.

The solution is to test code that is presented. In most presentation environments, this means creating a separate file, writing tests, then copying and pasting.

However, with Beamer, there is a better way. Imagine you have a file named do_stuff.py that contains code. You can write tests for the do_stuff.py code in a second file, which you call test_do_stuff.py , and can exercise it with, say, pytest . However, most of the lines in do_stuff.py lack pedagogic value, like defining helper functions.

To simplify things for your audience, you can import just the lines you want to talk about into the frame in your presentation :

Since you will be talking through those lines (from 8 to 15), you don't need any other content on the slide. Close the frame:

On the next slide, you want to show a usage example for the do_stuff() function you just presented:

You use the same file, but this time you show the lines that call the function. Finally, close the document:

Assuming you have an appropriate Python file in do_stuff.py , this will produce a short two-slide presentation.

Beamer also supports necessary features such as progressive revelation, showing only one bullet at a time to prevent the audience from being distracted by reading ahead.": \pause inside a list will divide bullets into pages:

Creating handouts

My favorite feature in Beamer is that you can set it to ignore everything outside a frame with \documentclass[ignorenonframetext]{beamer} . When I prepare a presentation, I leave off the top (where the document class is declared) and auto-generate two versions of it: one with Beamer that ignores all text outside any frame, which I use for my presentation, and one with a header like:

which generates a handout—a PDF that has all the frames and all the text between them.

When a conference organizer asks me to publish my slides, I include the original slide deck as a reference, but the main thing I like people to have is the handout, which has all the explanatory text that I don't want to include on the slide deck itself.

When creating presentation slides, people often wonder whether it's better to optimize their materials for the presentation or for people who want to read them afterward. Fortunately, Beamer provides the best of both worlds.

Moshe sitting down, head slightly to the side. His t-shirt has Guardians of the Galaxy silhoutes against a background of sound visualization bars.

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Presentations with Beamer

To create a Beamer presentation from R Markdown you specify the beamer_presentation output format in the front-matter of your document. You can create a slide show broken up into sections by using the # and ## heading tags (you can also create a new slide without a header using a horizontal rule ( ---- ). For example here’s a simple slide show:

Within R Markdown documents that generate PDF output you can use raw LaTeX and even define LaTeX macros. See the documentation on Raw TeX for details.

Incremental Bullets

You can render bullets incrementally by adding the incremental option:

If you want to render bullets incrementally for some slides but not others you can use this syntax:

You can specify Beamer themes using the theme , colortheme , and fonttheme options:

Table of Contents

The toc option specifies that a table of contents should be included at the beginning of the presentation (only level 1 headers will be included in the table of contents). For example:

Slide Level

The slide_level option defines the heading level that defines individual slides. By default this is the highest header level in the hierarchy that is followed immediately by content, and not another header, somewhere in the document. This default can be overridden by specifying an explicit slide_level :

Figure Options

There are a number of options that affect the output of figures within Beamer presentations:

fig_width and fig_height can be used to control the default figure width and height (6 x 4.5 is used by default)

fig_crop controls whether the the pdfcrop utility (if available) is automatically applied to pdf figures (this is true by default).

fig_caption controls whether figures are rendered with captions (this is true by default).

dev controls the graphics device used to render figures (defaults to pdf)

For example:

Data Frame Printing

You can enhance the default display of data frames via the df_print option. Valid values include:

Option Description
default Call the generic method
kable Use the function.
tibble Use the function.

Syntax Highlighting

The highlight option specifies the syntax highlighting style. Supported styles include “default”, “tango”, “pygments”, “kate”, “monochrome”, “espresso”, “zenburn”, and “haddock” (specify null to prevent syntax highlighting):

Advanced Customization

Keeping intermediate tex.

R Markdown documents are converted to PDF by first converting to a TeX file and then calling the LaTeX engine to convert to PDF. By default this TeX file is removed, however if you want to keep it (e.g. for an article submission) you can specify the keep_tex option. For example:

You can do more advanced customization of PDF output by including additional LaTeX directives and/or content or by replacing the core pandoc template entirely. To include content in the document header or before/after the document body you use the includes option as follows:

Custom Templates

You can also replace the underlying pandoc template using the template option:

Consult the documentation on pandoc templates for additional details on templates. You can also study the default Beamer template as an example.

Markdown Extensions

By default R Markdown is defined as all pandoc markdown extensions with the following tweaks for backward compatibility with the markdown package:

You can enable or disable markdown extensions using the md_extensions option (you preface an option with - to disable and + to enable it). For example:

The above would disable the autolink_bare_uris extension and enable the hard_line_breaks extension.

For more on available markdown extensions see the pandoc markdown specification .

Pandoc Arguments

If there are pandoc features you want to use that lack equivilants in the YAML options described above you can still use them by passing custom pandoc_args . For example:

Documentation on all available pandoc arguments can be found in the pandoc user guide .

Shared Options

If you want to specify a set of default options to be shared by multiple documents within a directory you can include a file named _output.yaml within the directory. Note that no YAML delimeters or enclosing output object are used in this file. For example:


All documents located in the same directory as _output.yaml will inherit it’s options. Options defined explicitly within documents will override those specified in the shared options file.

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Convert to a Beamer presentation

Format for converting from R Markdown to a Beamer presentation.

TRUE to include a table of contents in the output (only level 1 headers will be included in the table of contents).

The heading level which defines individual slides. By default this is the highest header level in the hierarchy that is followed immediately by content, and not another header, somewhere in the document. This default can be overridden by specifying an explicit slide_level .

TRUE to number section headings

TRUE to render slide bullets incrementally. Note that if you want to reverse the default incremental behavior for an individual bullet you can precede it with > . For example: > - Bullet Text . See more in Pandoc's Manual

Default width (in inches) for figures

Default height (in inches) for figures

Whether to crop PDF figures with the command pdfcrop . This requires the tools pdfcrop and ghostscript to be installed. By default, fig_crop = TRUE if these two tools are available.

TRUE to render figures with captions

Graphics device to use for figure output (defaults to pdf)

Method to be used for printing data frames. Valid values include "default", "kable", "tibble", and "paged". The "default" method uses a corresponding S3 method of print , typically print.data.frame . The "kable" method uses the knitr::kable function. The "tibble" method uses the tibble package to print a summary of the data frame. The "paged" method creates a paginated HTML table (note that this method is only valid for formats that produce HTML). In addition to the named methods you can also pass an arbitrary function to be used for printing data frames. You can disable the df_print behavior entirely by setting the option rmarkdown.df_print to FALSE . See Data frame printing section in bookdown book for examples.

Beamer theme (e.g. "AnnArbor").

Beamer color theme (e.g. "dolphin").

Beamer font theme (e.g. "structurebold").

Syntax highlighting style passed to Pandoc.

Supported built-in styles include "default", "tango", "pygments", "kate", "monochrome", "espresso", "zenburn", "haddock", and "breezedark".

Two custom styles are also included, "arrow", an accessible color scheme, and "rstudio", which mimics the default IDE theme. Alternatively, supply a path to a .theme file to use a custom Pandoc style . Note that custom theme requires Pandoc 2.0+.

Pass NULL to prevent syntax highlighting.

Pandoc template to use for rendering. Pass "default" to use the rmarkdown package default template; pass NULL to use pandoc's built-in template; pass a path to use a custom template that you've created. See the documentation on pandoc online documentation for details on creating custom templates.

Keep the intermediate tex file used in the conversion to PDF. Note that this argument does not control whether to keep the auxiliary files (e.g., .aux ) generated by LaTeX when compiling .tex to .pdf . To keep these files, you may set options(tinytex.clean = FALSE) .

Keep the markdown file generated by knitting.

LaTeX engine for producing PDF output. Options are "pdflatex", "lualatex", "xelatex" and "tectonic".

The LaTeX package to process citations, natbib or biblatex . Use default if neither package is to be used, which means citations will be processed via the command pandoc-citeproc .

Whether to generate a full LaTeX document ( TRUE ) or just the body of a LaTeX document ( FALSE ). Note the LaTeX document is an intermediate file unless keep_tex = TRUE .

Named list of additional content to include within the document (typically created using the includes function).

Markdown extensions to be added or removed from the default definition of R Markdown. See the rmarkdown_format for additional details.

Additional command line options to pass to pandoc

A LaTeX dependency latex_dependency() , a list of LaTeX dependencies, a character vector of LaTeX package names (e.g. c("framed", "hyperref") ), or a named list of LaTeX package options with the names being package names (e.g. list(hyperef = c("unicode=true", "breaklinks=true"), lmodern = NULL) ). It can be used to add custom LaTeX packages to the .tex header.

R Markdown output format to pass to render()

See the online documentation for additional details on using the beamer_presentation format.

Creating Beamer output from R Markdown requires that LaTeX be installed.

R Markdown documents can have optional metadata that is used to generate a document header that includes the title, author, and date. For more details see the documentation on R Markdown metadata .

R Markdown documents also support citations. You can find more information on the markdown syntax for citations in the Bibliographies and Citations article in the online documentation.

LaTeX Beamer

LaTeX Beamer introduction / Quick-start guide

' src=

Create structured presentations in LaTeX containing a title page, table of contents, lists, figures, tables, blocks, and much more!

  • 1. Minimal code
  • 2. Title page
  • 4. Table of contents (Outline)
  • 5. Unordered and ordered lists

6. Tables and Figures

  • 7. Multicolumn frame
  • 9. Hyperlinks and buttons

1. Minimal code of a LaTeX presentation

The minimal code of a LaTeX presentation includes: 1) loading the beamer class package, 2) choosing a default presentation theme and a frame.

Here is an example:

  • Like every LaTeX document, we should specify document class which corresponds to ’beamer’.
  • The Beamer class comes with several slide themes which can be used to change the color and layout of the slides. We will use the default theme throughout this guide. I will do a lesson on themes later in the detailed tutorial , but the theme is not our concern at the moment.
  • To create a slide, we use the frame environment and put details inside it. In this example, it is just a one line of text!

Compiling this code yields to a basic slide:

beamer presentation html

Let’s try now to create a simple title page.

2. Creating a simple title page

To create a title page, the first thing to do is to add the title and subtitle of the presentation , the name of the author , the institute and the date . After that, we create a frame environment and we use \titlepage to print the provided details.

Here is a simple example:

Compiling this code yields:

beamer presentation html

3. Add a logo in Beamer

Adding a logo to beamer presentations can be done easily using the \logo{Text} command. Between braces, we can add text or an image using \includegraphics[options]{ImageName} command .

Here is an illustrative example:

Add image logo to beamer presentations

For more details about adding and positioning a logo in Beamer, check this lesson !

4. Presentation Outline

– table of contents command.

The \ tableofcontents command creates the table of contents as it did in LaTeX. The table automatically gets updated with the addition or removal of sections and subsections. We have to create a frame environment and we add the command in question .

– Hide subsections

This command will display all sections and subsection(if any) in the table of contents . To display only sections titles’ we add the option [hideallsubsections] in squared brackets to the \tableofcontents command as follows:

– Recurring table of contents

It is also possible to create a recurring table of contents before every section. This highlights the current section and fades out the rest. This feature is used to remind the audience of where we are in the presentation. This can be done with the help of \AtBeginSection command and specifying [currentsection] in the \tableofcontents command. Please go through the example below for better understanding:

5. Lists in beamer

Let’s discuss these environments in detail:

– Itemize environment

Itemize is used to create unordered lists . Under this environment, the obtained list will have bullet points . Check the following code:

which yields the following:

beamer presentation html

There are various templates in beamer to change this itemized list appearance. The command \setbeamertemplate is used on itemize items to change the shape of item markers.

  • \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[default] : the default item marker is a triangle.
  • \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle] : sets the item marker to a small filled circle.
  • \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[square] : sets the item marker to a small filled square.
  • \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle] : sets the item marker to a ball shape.

beamer presentation html

– Enumerate environment

This environment is used to create an ordered list . By default, before each item increasing Arabic numbers followed by a dot are printed (eg. “ 1. ” and “ 2. ”).

beamer presentation html

Similar to itemize items, we can change the enumerate style by placing numbers inside different shapes using \setbeamertemplate and instead of itemize items we use enumerate items :

  • \setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[circle] : place the number inside a small filled circle.
  • \setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[square] : place the number inside a small filled square.
  • \setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[circle] : place the number inside a ball shape.

The list looks like the following:

beamer presentation html

– Description environment

The description environment is used to define terms or to explain acronyms. We provide terms as an argument to the \item command using squared bracket.

Compiling this piece of code yields:

beamer presentation html

Tables and figures are created pretty much the same way as it is in LaTeX. Check the following code:

Compiling this code with the minimal code of a LaTeX presentation presented above yields:

beamer presentation html

Figures can be included in a beamer presentation using the figure environment. The image can be simply inserted using the \includegraphics command, since beamer already includes the graphicx package in it. The size and the label of the image can be set using the scale option and \caption command respectively.

7. Creating columns in beamer

Columns can be created in beamer using the environment named columns . Inside this environment, you can either place several column environments , each of which creates a new column, or use the \column command to create new columns.

Under the columns environment, the column environment is to be entered along with column width to text width ratio specified in curly brackets. This ratio is generally taken as 0.5. However, it can be customized as per the requirements, check this example:

beamer presentation html

8. Blocks in beamer

Information can be displayed in the form of blocks using block environment. These blocks can be of three types :

  • alert block.
  • example block.
  • and theorem block.

– Standard block

The standard block is used for general text in presentations. It has a blue color and can be created as follows:

beamer presentation html

– Alert block

The purpose of the alert block is to stand out and draw attention towards the content. This block is used to display warning or prohibitions. The default color of this block is red . To display an alert block the code can be written as:

– Example block

This block is used to highlight examples as the name suggests and it can also be used to highlight definitions. The default color of this block is green and it can be created as follows:

– Theorem Block

The theorem block is used to display mathematical equations , theorems , corollary and proofs . The color of this block is blue . Here is an example:

beamer presentation html

9. Hyperlinks and Buttons

To create jumps from one slide to another slide in our talk, we can add hyperlinks to our presentation . When the hyperlink is clicked it jumps the presentation to the target slide. This can be achieved in beamer by following these steps:

  • Tag the frame that we want to link to by adding \label{targetFrame} or \hypertarget commands.
  • Create a hyperlink text using the command: \hyperlink{targetFrame}{click here}
  • If you would like to create a button style , put “click here” inside the command \hyperlink{contents}{\beamerbutton{click here}}

beamer presentation html

We reached the end of this quick guide to LaTeX presentations. If you would like to go into details, check the beamer free course !

Beamer Options

Beamer is a LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides. To learn more about Beamer see https://ctan.org/pkg/beamer .

See the Beamer format user guide for more details on creating Beamer output with Quarto.

Title & Author

Document title

Identifies the subtitle of the document.

Document date

Author or authors of the document

Author affiliations for the presentation.

Summary of document

The contents of an acknowledgments footnote after the document title.

Order for document when included in a website automatic sidebar menu.

Format Options

Theme name, theme scss file, or a mix of both.

Use the specified engine when producing PDF output. If the engine is not in your PATH, the full path of the engine may be specified here. If this option is not specified, Quarto uses the following defaults depending on the output format in use:

: (other options: , , , ) : : (other options: , , ; see for a good introduction to PDF generation from HTML/CSS.) : :

Use the given string as a command-line argument to the pdf-engine. For example, to use a persistent directory foo for latexmk’s auxiliary files, use . Note that no check for duplicate options is done.

Use the given strings passed as a array as command-line arguments to the pdf-engine. This is an alternative to for passing multiple options.

Add an extra Beamer option using .

The aspect ratio for this presentation.

The logo image.

The image for the title slide.

Controls navigation symbols for the presentation ( , , , or )

Whether to enable title pages for new sections.

The Beamer color theme for this presentation.

The Beamer font theme for this presentation.

The Beamer inner theme for this presentation.

The Beamer outer theme for this presentation.

Options passed to LaTeX Beamer themes.

A semver version range describing the supported quarto versions for this document or project.


: Require at least quarto version 1.1 : Require any quarto versions whose major version number is 1

Table of Contents

Include an automatically generated table of contents (or, in the case of , , , , , , or , an instruction to create one) in the output document.

Note that if you are producing a PDF via , the table of contents will appear at the beginning of the document, before the title. If you would prefer it to be at the end of the document, use the option .

The title used for the table of contents.

Print a list of figures in the document.

Print a list of tables in the document.

Number section headings rendered output. By default, sections are not numbered. Sections with class will never be numbered, even if is specified.

By default, all headings in your document create a numbered section. You customize numbering depth using the option.

For example, to only number sections immediately below the chapter level, use this:

number-depth: 1

Offset for section headings in output (offsets are 0 by default) The first number is added to the section number for top-level headings, the second for second-level headings, and so on. So, for example, if you want the first top-level heading in your document to be numbered “6”, specify . If your document starts with a level-2 heading which you want to be numbered “1.5”, specify . Implies

Shift heading levels by a positive or negative integer. For example, with , level 2 headings become level 1 headings, and level 3 headings become level 2 headings. Headings cannot have a level less than 1, so a heading that would be shifted below level 1 becomes a regular paragraph. Exception: with a shift of -N, a level-N heading at the beginning of the document replaces the metadata title.

Treat top-level headings as the given division type ( , , , or ). The hierarchy order is part, chapter, then section; all headings are shifted such that the top-level heading becomes the specified type.

The default behavior is to determine the best division type via heuristics: unless other conditions apply, is chosen. When the variable is set to , , or (unless the option is specified), is implied as the setting for this option. If is the output format, specifying either or will cause top-level headings to become , while second-level headings remain as their default type.

Make list items in slide shows display incrementally (one by one). The default is for lists to be displayed all at once.

Specifies that headings with the specified level create slides. Headings above this level in the hierarchy are used to divide the slide show into sections; headings below this level create subheads within a slide. Valid values are 0-6. If a slide level of 0 is specified, slides will not be split automatically on headings, and horizontal rules must be used to indicate slide boundaries. If a slide level is not specified explicitly, the slide level will be set automatically based on the contents of the document

For HTML output, sets the CSS on the HTML element.

For LaTeX output, the main font family for use with or . Takes the name of any system font, using the package.

For ConTeXt output, the main font family. Use the name of any system font. See for more information.

For HTML output, sets the CSS font-family property on code elements.

For PowerPoint output, sets the font used for code.

For LaTeX output, the monospace font family for use with or : take the name of any system font, using the package.

For ConTeXt output, the monspace font family. Use the name of any system font. See for more information.

For HTML output, sets the base CSS property.

For LaTeX and ConTeXt output, sets the font size for the document body text.

Allows font encoding to be specified through package.

See for addition information on font encoding.

Font package to use when compiling a PDf with the .

See for a summary of font options available.

For groff ( ) files, the font family for example, or .

Options for the package used as .

For example, to use the Libertine font with proportional lowercase (old-style) figures through the package:

fontfamily: libertinus fontfamilyoptions: - osf - p

The sans serif font family for use with or . Takes the name of any system font, using the package.

The math font family for use with or . Takes the name of any system font, using the package.

The CJK main font family for use with or using the package.

The main font options for use with or allowing any options available through .

For example, to use the version of Palatino with lowercase figures:

mainfont: TeX Gyre Pagella mainfontoptions: - Numbers=Lowercase - Numbers=Proportional

The sans serif font options for use with or allowing any options available through .

The monospace font options for use with or allowing any options available through .

The math font options for use with or allowing any options available through .

The CJK font options for use with or allowing any options available through .

Options to pass to the package.

For HTML output sets the CSS property on the html element, which is preferred to be unitless.

For LaTeX output, adjusts line spacing using the package, e.g. 1.25, 1.5.

For HTML output, sets the CSS property on all links.

For LaTeX output, The color used for internal links using color options allowed by , including the , , and lists.

For ConTeXt output, sets the color for both external links and links within the document.

The color used for external links using color options allowed by , including the , , and lists.

The color used for citation links using color options allowed by , including the , , and lists.

The color used for linked URLs using color options allowed by , including the , , and lists.

The color used for links in the Table of Contents using color options allowed by , including the , , and lists.

Add color to link text, automatically enabled if any of , , , , or are set.

Where to place figure and table captions ( , , or )

Where to place figure captions ( , , or )

Where to place table captions ( , , or )

The document class.

For LaTeX/PDF output, the options set for the document class.

For HTML output using KaTeX, you can render display math equations flush left using

Control the for the document.

The paper size for the document.

Properties of the grid system used to layout Quarto HTML pages.

For HTML output, sets the property on the Body element.

For LaTeX output, sets the left margin if is not used (otherwise overrides this value)

For ConTeXt output, sets the left margin if is not used, otherwise overrides these.

For sets the left page margin.

For HTML output, sets the property on the Body element.

For LaTeX output, sets the right margin if is not used (otherwise overrides this value)

For ConTeXt output, sets the right margin if is not used, otherwise overrides these.

For sets the right page margin.

For HTML output, sets the property on the Body element.

For LaTeX output, sets the top margin if is not used (otherwise overrides this value)

For ConTeXt output, sets the top margin if is not used, otherwise overrides these.

For sets the top page margin.

For HTML output, sets the property on the Body element.

For LaTeX output, sets the bottom margin if is not used (otherwise overrides this value)

For ConTeXt output, sets the bottom margin if is not used, otherwise overrides these.

For sets the bottom page margin.

Options for the package. For example:

geometry: - top=30mm - left=20mm - heightrounded

Options for the package. For example:

hyperrefoptions: - linktoc=all - pdfwindowui - pdfpagemode=FullScreen

To customize link colors, please see the .

Whether to use document class settings for indentation. If the document class settings are not used, the default LaTeX template removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs

For groff ( ) documents, the paragraph indent, for example, .

Make and (fourth- and fifth-level headings, or fifth- and sixth-level with book classes) free-standing rather than run-in; requires further formatting to distinguish from (third- or fourth-level headings). Instead of using this option, can adjust headings more extensively:

header-includes: | \RedeclareSectionCommand[ beforeskip=-10pt plus -2pt minus -1pt, afterskip=1sp plus -1sp minus 1sp, font=\normalfont\itshape]{paragraph} \RedeclareSectionCommand[ beforeskip=-10pt plus -2pt minus -1pt, afterskip=1sp plus -1sp minus 1sp, font=\normalfont\scshape, indent=0pt]{subparagraph}

Include line numbers in code block output ( or ).

For revealjs output only, you can also specify a string to highlight specific lines (and/or animate between sets of highlighted lines).

: first shows , then first shows no numbering, then 5, then lines 5-10 and 12

The style to use when displaying code annotations. Set this value to false to hide code annotations.

Specifies to apply a left border on code blocks. Provide a hex color to specify that the border is enabled as well as the color of the border.

Specifies to apply a background color on code blocks. Provide a hex color to specify that the background color is enabled as well as the color of the background.

Specifies the coloring style to be used in highlighted source code.

Instead of a name, a JSON file with extension may be supplied. This will be parsed as a KDE syntax highlighting theme and (if valid) used as the highlighting style.

KDE language syntax definition files (XML)

Use the package for LaTeX code blocks. The package does not support multi-byte encoding for source code. To handle UTF-8 you would need to use a custom template. This issue is fully documented here:

Specify classes to use for all indented code blocks

Execution options should be specified within the execute key. For example:

Evaluate code cells (if just echos the code into output).

(default): evaluate code cell : don’t evaluate code cell : A list of positive or negative line numbers to selectively include or exclude lines (explicit inclusion/excusion of lines is available only when using the knitr engine)

Include cell source code in rendered output.

(default in most formats): include source code in output (default in presentation formats like , , and ): do not include source code in output : in addition to echoing, include the cell delimiter as part of the output. : A list of positive or negative line numbers to selectively include or exclude lines (explicit inclusion/excusion of lines is available only when using the knitr engine)

Include the results of executing the code in the output. Possible values:

: Include results. : Do not include results. : Treat output as raw markdown with no enclosing containers.

Include warnings in rendered output.

Include errors in the output (note that this implies that errors executing code will not halt processing of the document).

Catch all for preventing any output (code or results) from being included in output.

Cache results of computations (using the for R documents, and for Jupyter documents).

Note that cache invalidation is triggered by changes in chunk source code (or other cache attributes you’ve defined).

: Cache results : Do not cache results : Force a refresh of the cache even if has not been otherwise invalidated.

Control the re-use of previous computational output when rendering.

: Never recompute previously generated computational output during a global project render (default): Recompute previously generated computational output : Re-compute previously generated computational output only in case their source file changes

Figure horizontal alignment ( , , , or )

LaTeX environment for figure output

LaTeX figure position arrangement to be used in .

Computational figure output that is accompanied by the code that produced it is given a default value of (so that the code and figure are not inordinately separated).

If is , then we don’t use any figure position specifier, which is sometimes necessary with custom figure environments (such as ).

Where to place figure captions ( , , or )

Default width for figures generated by Matplotlib or R graphics.

Note that with the Jupyter engine, this option has no effect when provided at the cell level; it can only be provided with document or project metadata.

Default height for figures generated by Matplotlib or R graphics.

Note that with the Jupyter engine, this option has no effect when provided at the cell level; it can only be provided with document or project metadata.

Default format for figures generated by Matplotlib or R graphics ( , , , , or )

Default DPI for figures generated by Matplotlib or R graphics.

Note that with the Jupyter engine, this option has no effect when provided at the cell level; it can only be provided with document or project metadata.

The aspect ratio of the plot, i.e., the ratio of height/width. When is specified, the height of a plot (the option ) is calculated from .

The option is only available within the knitr engine.

Apply explicit table column widths for markdown grid tables and pipe tables that are more than characters wide (72 by default).

Some formats (e.g. HTML) do an excellent job automatically sizing table columns and so don’t benefit much from column width specifications. Other formats (e.g. LaTeX) require table column sizes in order to correctly flow longer cell content (this is a major reason why tables > 72 columns wide are assigned explicit widths by Pandoc).

This can be specified as:

: Apply markdown table column widths except when there is a hyperlink in the table (which tends to throw off automatic calculation of column widths based on the markdown text width of cells). ( is the default for HTML output formats)

: Always apply markdown table widths ( is the default for all non-HTML formats)

: Never apply markdown table widths.

): Array of explicit width percentages.

Where to place table captions ( , , or )

Method used to print tables in Knitr engine documents:

: Use the default S3 method for the data frame. : Markdown table using the function. : Plain text table using the package. : HTML table with paging for row and column overflow.

The default printing method is .

Document bibliography (BibTeX or CSL). May be a single file or a list of files

Citation Style Language file to use for formatting references.

Method used to format citations ( , , or ).

Turn on built-in citation processing. To use this feature, you will need to have a document containing citations and a source of bibliographic data: either an external bibliography file or a list of in the document’s YAML metadata. You can optionally also include a citation style file.

A list of options for BibLaTeX.

One or more options to provide for when generating a bibliography.

The bibliography style to use (e.g.  ) when using or .

The bibliography title to use when using or .

Controls whether to output bibliography configuration for or when cite method is not .

JSON file containing abbreviations of journals that should be used in formatted bibliographies when is specified. The format of the file can be illustrated with an example:

{ "default": { "container-title": { "Lloyd's Law Reports": "Lloyd's Rep", "Estates Gazette": "EG", "Scots Law Times": "SLT" } } }

If true, citations will be hyperlinked to the corresponding bibliography entries (for author-date and numerical styles only). Defaults to false.

If true, DOIs, PMCIDs, PMID, and URLs in bibliographies will be rendered as hyperlinks. (If an entry contains a DOI, PMCID, PMID, or URL, but none of these fields are rendered by the style, then the title, or in the absence of a title the whole entry, will be hyperlinked.) Defaults to true.

If true (the default for note styles), Quarto (via Pandoc) will put footnote references or superscripted numerical citations after following punctuation. For example, if the source contains ., the result will look like , with the note moved after the period and the space collapsed.

If false, the space will still be collapsed, but the footnote will not be moved after the punctuation. The option may also be used in numerical styles that use superscripts for citation numbers (but for these styles the default is not to move the citation).

Causes links to be printed as footnotes.

Configuration for crossref labels and prefixes.

Citation information for the document itself specified as YAML in the document front matter.

For more on supported options, see .

Identifies the main language of the document using IETF language tags (following the standard), such as or . The tool can look up or verify these tags.

This affects most formats, and controls hyphenation in PDF output when using LaTeX (through and ) or ConTeXt.

YAML file containing custom language translations

The base script direction for the document ( or ).

For bidirectional documents, native pandoc s and s with the attribute can be used to override the base direction in some output formats. This may not always be necessary if the final renderer (e.g. the browser, when generating HTML) supports the [Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm].

When using LaTeX for bidirectional documents, only the engine is fully supported (use ).

Include contents at the beginning of the document body (e.g. after the tag in HTML, or the command in LaTeX).

A string value or an object with key “file” indicates a filename whose contents are to be included

An object with key “text” indicates textual content to be included

Include content at the end of the document body immediately after the markdown content. While it will be included before the closing tag in HTML and the command in LaTeX, this option refers to the end of the markdown content.

A string value or an object with key “file” indicates a filename whose contents are to be included

An object with key “text” indicates textual content to be included

Include contents at the end of the header. This can be used, for example, to include special CSS or JavaScript in HTML documents.

A string value or an object with key “file” indicates a filename whose contents are to be included

An object with key “text” indicates textual content to be included

Read metadata from the supplied YAML (or JSON) files. This option can be used with every input format, but string scalars in the YAML file will always be parsed as Markdown. Generally, the input will be handled the same as in YAML metadata blocks. Values in files specified later in the list will be preferred over those specified earlier. Metadata values specified inside the document, or by using , overwrite values specified with this option.

List of keywords to be included in the document metadata.

The document subject

Sets the title metadata for the document

Sets the author metadata for the document

Sets the date metadata for the document

Format to read from. Extensions can be individually enabled or disabled by appending +EXTENSION or -EXTENSION to the format name (e.g. markdown+emoji).

Output file to write to

Extension to use for generated output file

Use the specified file as a custom template for the generated document.

Include the specified files as partials accessible to the template for the generated content.

Specify executables or Lua scripts to be used as a filter transforming the pandoc AST after the input is parsed and before the output is written.

Specify Lua scripts that implement shortcode handlers

Keep the markdown file generated by executing code

Keep the notebook file generated from executing code.

Filters to pre-process ipynb files before rendering to markdown

Specify which nodes should be run interactively (displaying output from expressions)

If true, use the “notebook_connected” plotly renderer, which downloads its dependencies from a CDN and requires an internet connection to view.

Keep the intermediate tex file used during render.

Extract images and other media contained in or linked from the source document to the path DIR, creating it if necessary, and adjust the images references in the document so they point to the extracted files. Media are downloaded, read from the file system, or extracted from a binary container (e.g. docx), as needed. The original file paths are used if they are relative paths not containing … Otherwise filenames are constructed from the SHA1 hash of the contents.

List of paths to search for images and other resources.

Specify a default extension to use when image paths/URLs have no extension. This allows you to use the same source for formats that require different kinds of images. Currently this option only affects the Markdown and LaTeX readers.

Specifies a custom abbreviations file, with abbreviations one to a line. This list is used when reading Markdown input: strings found in this list will be followed by a nonbreaking space, and the period will not produce sentence-ending space in formats like LaTeX. The strings may not contain spaces.

Specify the default dpi (dots per inch) value for conversion from pixels to inch/ centimeters and vice versa. (Technically, the correct term would be ppi: pixels per inch.) The default is . When images contain information about dpi internally, the encoded value is used instead of the default specified by this option.

If , do not process tables in HTML input.

If , attempt to use to convert SVG images to PDF.

Use Quarto’s built-in PDF rendering wrapper (includes support for automatically installing missing LaTeX packages)

Enable/disable automatic LaTeX package installation

Minimum number of compilation passes.

Maximum number of compilation passes.

Clean intermediates after compilation.

Program to use for .

Array of command line options for .

Array of command line options for .

Output directory for intermediates and PDF.

Set to to prevent an installation of TinyTex from being used to compile PDF documents.

Array of paths LaTeX should search for inputs.

Text Output

Use only ASCII characters in output. Currently supported for XML and HTML formats (which use entities instead of UTF-8 when this option is selected), CommonMark, gfm, and Markdown (which use entities), roff ms (which use hexadecimal escapes), and to a limited degree LaTeX (which uses standard commands for accented characters when possible). roff man output uses ASCII by default.

Support via Liberapay

Writing Beamer presentations in org-mode

1. introduction.

Beamer is a LaTeX package for writing presentations. This documents presents a simple introduction to preparing beamer presentations using org-mode in Emacs.

This documents assumes that the reader is already acquainted with org-mode itself and with exporting org-mode documents to LaTeX. There are tutorials and references available for both org-mode itself, for LaTeX exporting , and for Beamer exporting . The document also assumes that the reader understands the notation for Emacs keybindings .

2. First steps

2.1. the export template.

Starting with an empty file called presentation.org 1 , say, the first step is to insert the default org export template ( C-c C-e # with the default keybindings). This will generate something that looks like this (some specific entries will vary):

In this default template, you will want to modify, at the very least, the title, as I have done, as this will be used as the title of your presentation. It will often be useful to modify some of the LaTeX export options, most commonly the toc option for generating a table of contents. For this document, and the associated sample presentation , I have left all options as they are by default according to the template.

2.2. Beamer specific settings

As well as the general options provided by the template, there are Beamer specific options. The following options are what I use:

The first line enables the Beamer specific commands for org-mode (more on this below); the next two tell the LaTeX exporter to use the Beamer class and to use the larger font settings 2 .

2.3. Outline levels for frames (slides)

The following line specifies how org headlines translate to the Beamer document structure.

A Beamer presentation consists of a series of slides, called frames in Beamer. If the option shown above has a value of 1, each top level headline will be translated into a frame. Beamer, however, also makes use of LaTeX sectioning to group frames. If this appeals, setting the option to a value of 2 tells org to export second level headlines as frames with top level headlines translating to sections.

2.4. Column view for slide and block customisation

The final line that is useful to specify to set up the presentation is

The purposes of this line is to specify the format for the special interface that org-mode provides to control the layout of individual slides. More on this below.

Once all of the above has been set up, you are ready to write your presentation.

3. The slides

Each slide, or frame in Beamer terminology, consists of a title and the content. The title will be derived from the outline headline text and the content will simply be the content that follows that headline. A few example slides are presented below. These will only cover the basic needs; for more complex examples and possible customisations, I refer you to the detailed manual .

3.1. A simple slide

The simplest slide will consist of a title and some text. For instance,

defines a new section, Introduction , which has a slide with title A simple slide and a three item list. The result of this with the settings defined above, mostly default settings, will generate a slide that looks like this:


3.2. A more complex slide using blocks

Beamer has the concept of block, a set of text that is logically together but apart from the rest of the text that may be in a slide. How blocks are presented will depend on the Beamer theme used ( customisation in general and choosing the theme specifically are described below).

There are many types of blocks. The following

creates a slide that has a title (the headline text), a couple of sentences in paragraph format and then a theorem block (in which I prove that org increases productivity). The theorem proof is a list of points followed a bit of LaTeX code at the end to draw a fancy end of proof symbol right adjusted.

You will see that there is an org properties drawer that tells org that the text under this headline is a block and it also specifies the type of block. You do not have to enter this text directly yourself; org-mode has a special beamer sub-mode which provides an easy to use method for specifying block types (and columns as well, as we shall see in the next section ).

To specify the type of block, you can type C-c C-b 3 . This brings up a keyboard driven menu in which you type a single letter to select the option you wish to apply to this headline. For the above example, I typed C-c C-b t . The options selected in this manner are also shown as tags on the headline. However, note that the tag is for display only and has no direct effect on the presentation. You cannot change the behaviour by changing the tag; it is the property that controls the behaviour.

3.3. Slides with columns

The previous section introduced the special access keys ( C-c C-b ) for defining blocks. This same interface allows you to define columns. A headline, as the text that follows it, can be in a block, in a column, or both simutaneously. The | option will define a column. The following

defines a two column slide. As the text in the slide says, the left column is a list and the right one is an image. The left column's headline text is ignored. The column on the right however is placed with an example block (whose appearance will depend on the Beamer theme).

The columns also have widths. By default, these widths are the proportion of the page width to use so I have specified 40% for the left column and 60% for the right one.

The image in the right column is inserted simply by specifying a link to the image file with no descriptive text. I have added an attribute to the image (see the #+ATTR_LATEX line above) to tell LaTeX to scale the image to the full width of the column ( \textwidth ).

3.4. Using Babel

One of my main uses for Beamer is the preparation of slides for teaching. I happen to teach Octave to engineering students. Org provides the Babel framework for embedding code within org files. For teaching, this is an excellent tool for presenting codes and the results of evaluating those codes.

For instance, the following code:

will generate a slide with two blocks and a pause between the display of each of the two blocks:


4. Customisation

Org has a very large number of customisable aspects. Although daunting at first, most options have defaults that are suitable for most people using org initially. The same applies to the Beamer export support. However, there are some options which many will soon wish to change.

4.1. Beamer theme

Beamer has a large number of themes and I simply refer the reader to the manual or the Web to find what themes are available and what they look like. When you have chosen a theme, you can tell org to use it by inserting some direct LaTeX code into the preamble of the document, the material that comes before the first headline. For instance, adding this line

to the preamble after the beamer font size option described above will produce a presentation that looks very different from the default (with no other changes required!):


4.2. Table of contents

The default toc:t option generated by the export template command ( C-c C-e # ) indicates that a table of contents will be generated. This will create a slide immediately after the title slide which will have the list of sections in the beamer document. Please note that if you want this type of functionality, you will have to specify the BEAMER-FRAME-LEVEL to be 2 instead of 1 as indicated above .

Furthermore, if you have decided to use sections, it is possible to have Beamer automatically place a table of contents slide before the start of each section with the new section highlighted. This is achieved by inserting the following LaTeX code, again in the preamble:

4.3. Column view for slide and block customisation

In an early section of this document , I described a magical incantation! This incantation defines the format for viewing org property information in column mode. This mode allows you to easily adjust the values of the properties for any headline in your document. This image shows the type of information you can see at a glance in this mode:


We can see the various blocks that have been defined as well as any columns (implicit by the presence of a column width). By moving to any of these column entries displayed, values can be added, deleted or changed easily. Please read the full org Beamer manual for details.

A previously created example presentation is available.

I am a firm believer in using the largest font possible to encourage less text on slides. This is obviously a personal view.

org-beamer-mode must be turned on for this keybinding to be available.

Documentation from the orgmode.org/worg/ website (either in its HTML format or in its Org format) is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 or later. The code examples and css stylesheets are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.

The HTML Presentation Framework

Created by Hakim El Hattab and contributors

beamer presentation html

Hello There

reveal.js enables you to create beautiful interactive slide decks using HTML. This presentation will show you examples of what it can do.

Vertical Slides

Slides can be nested inside of each other.

Use the Space key to navigate through all slides.

Down arrow

Basement Level 1

Nested slides are useful for adding additional detail underneath a high level horizontal slide.

Basement Level 2

That's it, time to go back up.

Up arrow

Not a coder? Not a problem. There's a fully-featured visual editor for authoring these, try it out at https://slides.com .

Pretty Code

Code syntax highlighting courtesy of highlight.js .

Even Prettier Animations

Point of view.

Press ESC to enter the slide overview.

Hold down the alt key ( ctrl in Linux) and click on any element to zoom towards it using zoom.js . Click again to zoom back out.

(NOTE: Use ctrl + click in Linux.)


Automatically animate matching elements across slides with Auto-Animate .

Touch Optimized

Presentations look great on touch devices, like mobile phones and tablets. Simply swipe through your slides.

Add the r-fit-text class to auto-size text

Hit the next arrow...

... to step through ...

... a fragmented slide.

Fragment Styles

There's different types of fragments, like:

fade-right, up, down, left



Highlight red blue green

Transition Styles

You can select from different transitions, like: None - Fade - Slide - Convex - Concave - Zoom

Slide Backgrounds

Set data-background="#dddddd" on a slide to change the background color. All CSS color formats are supported.

Image Backgrounds

Tiled backgrounds, video backgrounds, ... and gifs, background transitions.

Different background transitions are available via the backgroundTransition option. This one's called "zoom".

You can override background transitions per-slide.

Iframe Backgrounds

Since reveal.js runs on the web, you can easily embed other web content. Try interacting with the page in the background.

Marvelous List

  • No order here

Fantastic Ordered List

  • One is smaller than...
  • Two is smaller than...

Tabular Tables


Clever Quotes

These guys come in two forms, inline: The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from and block:

“For years there has been a theory that millions of monkeys typing at random on millions of typewriters would reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. The Internet has proven this theory to be untrue.”

Intergalactic Interconnections

You can link between slides internally, like this .

Speaker View

There's a speaker view . It includes a timer, preview of the upcoming slide as well as your speaker notes.

Press the S key to try it out.

Export to PDF

Presentations can be exported to PDF , here's an example:

Global State

Set data-state="something" on a slide and "something" will be added as a class to the document element when the slide is open. This lets you apply broader style changes, like switching the page background.

State Events

Additionally custom events can be triggered on a per slide basis by binding to the data-state name.

Take a Moment

Press B or . on your keyboard to pause the presentation. This is helpful when you're on stage and want to take distracting slides off the screen.

  • Right-to-left support
  • Extensive JavaScript API
  • Auto-progression
  • Parallax backgrounds
  • Custom keyboard bindings

- Try the online editor - Source code & documentation

Create Stunning Presentations on the Web

reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free.

Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your presentation. Change styles with CSS, include an external web page using an <iframe> or add your own custom behavior using our JavaScript API .

The framework comes with a broad range of features including nested slides , Markdown support , Auto-Animate , PDF export , speaker notes , LaTeX support and syntax highlighted code .

Ready to Get Started?

It only takes a minute to get set up. Learn how to create your first presentation in the installation instructions !

Online Editor

If you want the benefits of reveal.js without having to write HTML or Markdown try https://slides.com . It's a fully-featured visual editor and platform for reveal.js, by the same creator.

Supporting reveal.js

This project was started and is maintained by @hakimel with the help of many contributions from the community . The best way to support the project is to become a paying member of Slides.com —the reveal.js presentation platform that Hakim is building.

beamer presentation html

Slides.com — the reveal.js presentation editor.

Become a reveal.js pro in the official video course.

Stack Exchange Network

Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

Q&A for work

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search.

Include a HTML file in a LaTeX-beamer presentation

I have a HTML file available at this URL :


And I'd like to put it into my beamer presentation. I don't want it to be static like a .png or .jpg picture, I want, during my presentation (and in my pdf, as you've understood) to be able to hover datas and see all the features of the html document : I want this functionnality to work when I have my mouse on the graph:

beamer presentation html

  • 1 You can put a link in your presentation that link to the website and open it in your preferred browser –  samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 15:07
  • PDF is not HTML. You may model this with PDF layers and buttons. –  AlexG Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 15:08
  • @samcarter Thank you for your comment samcarter, I will consider this option if there is no other better possibility. Indeed, I'd have to exit full screen of my beamer, leave my pdf etc. that wouldn't be as good as having the html file within my pdf –  JKHA Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 15:09
  • @J.Khamphousone You don't have to exit your full screen beamer just because you open a link (at least not with the pdf viewers I know) –  samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 15:11
  • @samcarter which pdf viewer do you use ? Mine won't let me access an URL without exiting full screen. I use Preview in OSX. –  JKHA Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 15:24


Include a static image as preview which is linked to the website

samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz's user avatar

  • That is a possibility even if it wasn't what I firstly wanted, I'll use it if noone finds better :) –  JKHA Commented Sep 11, 2018 at 15:46

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What Shane Beamer said about South Carolina football’s first preseason scrimmage

South Carolina football held a scrimmage at Williams-Brice Stadium on Saturday for the first time this preseason. While the scrimmage was closed and the score was not released, it’s clear the defense won the day.

Beamer said the offense had a number of self-inflicted mistakes “that will lose football games,” citing drops,. holding penalties and more.

When asked later who scored touchdowns for the Gamecocks , Beamer responded, “not many.”

In reality, freshman tight end Michael Smith caught a score and freshman running back Matthew Fuller scored in a specific goal-line period. Smith — who arrived on campus this summer — “is gonna play a lot for us this year,” Beamer said.

Beamer noted that mistakes just kept points off the board. Close to field-goal range on one drive, Beamer said, a few negative plays pushed the Gamecocks’ offense out of field-goal range. On another drive, South Carolina missed a kick.

Which led Beamer to note that he has not been pleased with the kicking competition this preseason.

They’ve “been very inconsistent,” he said. “I don’t think we’re any closer to having a starter at that position.”

South Carolina started the scrimmage at midday, Beamer said, in part because the Gamecocks will play LSU and Alabama at Noon. USC will scrimmage again next Saturday. The season opener is Aug. 31 against Old Dominion.

Scrimmage absences

At least eight Gamecocks did not participate in Saturday’s scrimmage for various injury-related issues: OL Markee Anderson, EDGE Elijah Davis, OL Jakai Moore, TE Reid Mikeska, RB Rocket Sanders, RB Juju McDowell, WR Vandrevius Jacobs and LB Bam Martin-Scott.

Beamer said none of the injuries are serious and he expects everyone will be at practice Sunday.

McDowell, Jacobs and Anderson were all seen working to the side with trainers at Friday’s practice. Martin-Scott this week said he’s been dealing with a hamstring injury.

Cornerback battle

Sophomore corner Judge Collier has taken the majority of the snaps at the first-team spot opposite senior O’Donnell Fortune, Beamer said, though that doesn’t mean he’ll start vs. Old Dominion.

Beamer said all three CBs who are competing — Collier, Vicari Swain and Emory Floyd — will play in games.

Part  I  Getting Started

This part helps you getting started. It starts with an explanation of how to install the class. Hopefully, this will be very simple, with a bit of luck the whole class is already correctly installed! You will also find an explanation of special things you should consider when using certain other packages.

Next, a short tutorial is given that explains most of the features that you’ll need in a typical presentation. Following the tutorial you will find a “possible workflow” for creating a presentation. Following this workflow may help you avoid problems later on.

This part includes a guidelines sections. Following these guidelines can help you create good presentations (no guarantees, though). This guideline section is kept as general as possible; most of what is said in that section applies to presentations in general, independent of whether they have been created using beamer or not.

At the end of this part you will find a summary of the solutions templates that come with beamer . You can use solutions templates to kick-start the creation of your presentation.

Mostly Sunny

Eric Carmen and the Raspberries receive Music Keynote to the City during a special presentation at the Rock Hall

  • Updated: Aug. 08, 2024, 7:52 p.m.
  • | Published: Aug. 08, 2024, 6:06 p.m.

Eric Carmen and the Raspberries awarded Music Keynote to the City at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Musuem.

From left: Cleveland City Councilman Brian Kazy, Amy Carmen, widow of Eric Carmen, Raspberries' drummer Jim Bonfanti, Heather Adams daughter of bassist Dave Smalley, band manager Al Kaston and Rock Hall CEO and president Gregg Harris celebrate Eric Carmen and the Raspberries at the Rock Hall on August 8, 2024. (Photo by Janet Macoska/Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Used with written permission. One-time use only for coverage of Aug. 8 2024, Rock Hall event) Janet Macoska

  • Malcolm X Abram, cleveland.com

CLEVELAND, Ohio - It was a celebratory and emotional afternoon at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on Thursday as family, friends and fans of Eric Carmen and the Raspberries were on hand as the late singer-songwriter and his band were awarded the City of Cleveland’s second annual Music Keynote to the City by City Councilman Brian Kazy.

Kazy also officially declared Sunday, August 11, to be Eric Carmen Day in Cleveland. Carmen, who died at 74 in March, would have been 75 on Sunday. To coincide with the celebratory weekend, Arista, Carmen’s former label, released a new digital compilation, “And Now, Eric Carmen: The Arista Collection,” featuring 25 tracks, including demos, rare recordings, and live tracks, as well as two unreleased songs from the “Tonight You’re Mine” sessions. The collection can be streamed or purchased at ericcarmen.com .

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  • Olympics 2024

U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Scores Victory at the Paris Olympics With Thrilling Gold Medal Win

Brazil v United States: Gold Medal Match: Women's Football - Olympic Games Paris 2024: Day 15

T he United States Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT), revived by a fresh-faced coaching staff and a roster of young, dynamic players positioned to keep the squad at the top of the table for the next decade or more, won the Olympic gold medal on Saturday at Parc des Princes, defeating Brazil in the final 1-0. Team USA, which hadn’t won an Olympic gold medal since 2012, in London , and was bounced from last year’s World Cup in the round-of-16, the earliest-ever exit for an American team, returns to its familiar position as the team-to-beat.

After a scoreless first half in which Brazil attacked early and often, with an attempt at goal two minutes in and a fantastic chance in stoppage time that U.S. keeper Alyssa Naeher kept out of the net, Mallory Swanson put the U.S. on the scoreboard with a barely-defended run up the left side, off an assist from Korbin Albert. That invigorated the U.S. women, who followed with a couple more crowd-pleasing runs that were blocked by Brazilian defenders

In stoppage time, Naeher made a nifty one-handed stop to preserve the victory.

Emma Hayes, the Brit who won seven titles with Chelsea F.C. in the Women’s Super’s League and was tapped by U.S. soccer officials late last year to retool the USWNT—she joined after leading Chelsea in May to yet another championship—led the team to gold in her first global competition as head coach. Hayes made several key moves. First and foremost, she restored the players’ confidence in the team’s tactical approach. “The learning that we're obtaining in the meetings, the field, everything that we're taking in, I think that's probably the coolest thing for me,” U.S. captain Lindsey Horan said before the Olympics. “To see players really thinking and really asking questions and getting challenged, that's what we need.”

Hayes made the difficult decision to leave U.S. legend Alex Morgan off the Olympic roster. But that choice allowed Hayes to add a trio of lethal ball-strikers— Swanson, 26, Sophia Smith, 24, and Trinity Rodman, 22— to shoulder the scoring load. This group, nicknamed “Triple Trouble” by former USWNT player Christen Press, and “The Triple Express” by a U.S. fan interviewed by a very loud Parc des Princes emcee before the game, has rewarded Hayes’ faith. They have scored 10 of the USWNT’s 12 Olympic goals. Rodman curled a beautiful strike into the top left corner of the goal in extra time, against Japan, in the quarterfinal. Smith scored late against Germany in the semi final to give the United States a 1-0 victory and Swanson scored the gold-medal winning goal.

“I’ve got a job to do,” Hayes told TIME before the Olympics, discussing the social media outcry in some circles for her omission of Morgan. “My job is everybody's hobby. So everybody's entitled to an opinion, but at the end of the day, I'm the person who is charged with the responsibility of leading this team. And if I'm going to do that to the best of my ability, then I have to know how to shut out the noise. That's something I'm comfortable doing.” 

American soccer supporters turned out in droves in Paris, as expected, wearing red-white-and-blue Rodman, Smith, Horan, and Naomi Girma shirts—Girma, 24, played in every minute of the Olympics tournament, serving notice that she’s one of the best defensive players in the world. Noticeably absent were Morgan and Megan Rapinoe jerseys. The USWNT has turned the page. The team’s in golden hands.

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  • Get Our Paris Olympics Newsletter in Your Inbox

Write to Sean Gregory / Paris at [email protected]

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How to embed HTML page with javascript code in Beamer LaTeX?

How to embed HTML page with javascript code (precisely D3 library with some hover over capabilities) in Beamer LaTeX?

Idea is to have a slide with HTML page embedded and during presentation I am able to hover over certain elements, i.e. it's not just a screenshot but I am able to have javascript features also.

Lars Kotthoff's user avatar

  • AFAIK you can't do that. –  Lars Kotthoff Commented May 21, 2014 at 16:42
  • so the only way is to "make" a movie of what I want to show and embed it (after I made some google research on this, its the only solution coming up)? –  aza07 Commented May 21, 2014 at 16:52
  • 2 Yes, or make your slides in HTML instead of LaTeX. –  Lars Kotthoff Commented May 21, 2014 at 17:00

2 Answers 2

One option is to :

  • keep the HTML page with javascript as is,
  • convert the rest of your Beamer latex presentation to pdf, and the pdf in-turn to HTML
  • link the two together.

pdf2htmlEX is a great tool for converting pdfs to html, retaining all the style and formatting. It seems to work well on slides created using Beamer.

Neha Karanjkar's user avatar

http://manuels.github.io/texlive.js/ will get your goal accomplished. You will need to convert your LaTeX to javascript and run it all in a browser together in a javascript module.

This way it will end up being more portable as a mini-web app as opposed to just using Beamer LaTeX.

At this point you ca introduce a library like D3, Greensock,jQuery or a even a javascript powered canvas module.

AlphaG33k's user avatar

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beamer presentation html

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Beamer is a powerful and flexible LaTeX class to create great looking presentations. This article outlines the basis steps to making a Beamer slideshow: creating the title page, adding a logo, highlighting important points, making a table of contents and adding effects to the slideshow.

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2.1 The title page
  • 2.2 Creating a table of contents
  • 2.3 Adding effects to a presentation
  • 3 Highlighting important sentences/words
  • 4.1.1 Berkeley theme
  • 4.1.2 Copenhagen theme
  • 4.1.3 Using a colortheme
  • 4.2.1 Font sizes
  • 4.2.2 Font types
  • 4.3 Columns
  • 5 Reference guide
  • 6 Further reading


A minimal working example of a simple beamer presentation is provided below.

 Open this beamer document in Overleaf


After compilation, a two-page PDF file will be produced. The first page is the titlepage, and the second one contains sample content.

The first statement in the document declares this is a Beamer slideshow: \documentclass{beamer}

The first command after the preamble, \frame{\titlepage} , generates the title page. This page may contain information about the author, institution, event, logo, and so on. See the title page section for a more complete example.

The frame environment creates the second slide, the self-descriptive command \frametitle{Sample frame title} is optional.

It is worth noting that in beamer the basic container is a frame . A frame is not exactly equivalent to a slide, one frame may contain more than one slides. For example, a frame with several bullet points can be set up to produce a new slide to reveal each consecutive bullet point.

Beamer main features

The Beamer class offers some useful features to bring your presentation to life and make it more attractive. The most important ones are listed below.

The title page

There are some more options for the title page than the ones presented in the introduction . The next example is a complete one, most of the commands are optional.


 Open an example of the beamer package in Overleaf

The distribution of each element in the title page depends on the theme, see the Themes subsection for more information. Here is a description of each command:

Creating a table of contents

Usually when you have a long presentation, it's convenient to divide it into sections or even subsections. In this case, you can add a table of contents at the beginning of the document. Here is an example:


As you see, is simple. Inside the frame environment you set the title and add the command \titlepage .

It's also possible to put the table of contents at the beginning of each section and highlight the title of the current section. Just add the code below to the preamble of your L a T e X document:


If you use \AtBeginSubsection[] instead of \AtBeginSection[] , the table of contents will appear at the beginning of each subsection.

Adding effects to a presentation

In the introduction , we saw a simple slide using the \begin{frame} \end{frame} delimiters. It was mentioned that a frame is not equivalent to a slide , and the next example will illustrate why, by adding some effects to the slideshow. In this example, the PDF file produced will contain 4 slides—this is intended to provide a visual effect in the presentation.

 Open this frame in Overleaf (using \usetheme{Madrid} )

In the code there's a list, declared by the \begin{itemize} \end{itemize} commands, and next to each item is a number enclosed in two special characters: < > . This will determine in which slide the element will appear, if you append a - at the end of the number, the item will be shown in that and the subsequent slides of the current frame , otherwise it will appear only in that slide. Check the animation for a better understanding of this.

These effects can be applied to any type of text, not only to the itemize environment. There's a second command whose behaviour is similar, but it's simpler since you don't have to specify the slides where the text will be unveiled.

This code will generate three slides to add a visual effect to the presentation. \pause will prevent the text below this point and above the next \pause declaration to appear in the current slide.

Highlighting important sentences/words

In a presentation is a good practice to highlight the important points to make it easier for your audience to identify the main topic.


If you want to highlight a word or a phrase within a paragraph, the command \alert{} will change the style of the word inside the braces. The way the enclosed text will look depends on the theme you are using.

To highlight a paragraph with concepts, definitions, theorems or examples, the best option is to put it inside a box. There are three types of box, and it's up to you to decide which one better fits in your presentation:

Customizing your presentation

There are some aspects of a Beamer presentation that can be easily customized. For instance, you can set different themes, colours and change the default text layout into a two-column format.

Themes and colorthemes

It's really easy to use a different theme in your slideshow. For example, the Madrid theme (most of the slideshows in this article use this theme) is set by adding the following command to the preamble:


Below are two more examples.

Berkeley theme

You can  open this LaTeX code in Overleaf to explore the Berkeley theme.


Copenhagen theme

You can  open this LaTeX code in Overleaf to explore the Copenhagen theme.


Using a colortheme

A theme can be combined with a colortheme to change the colour used for different elements.

You must put the \usecolortheme statement below the \usetheme command. You can  open this LaTeX code in Overleaf to explore the Madrid theme with the beaver colortheme. For various options, check out the table of screenshots of different themes and colorthemes in the Reference guide below.

You can change several parameters about the fonts. Here we will mention how to resize them and change the type of font used.

The font size, here 17pt , can be passed as a parameter to the beamer class at the beginning of the document preamble: \documentclass[17pt]{beamer} . Below is an example showing the result of using the 17pt font-size option:


Available font sizes are 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt, 20pt. Default font size is 11pt (which corresponds to 22pt at the full screen mode).

To change the font types in your beamer presentation there are two ways, either you use a font theme or import directly a font from your system. Let's begin with a font theme:

 Open a beamer document using these settings in Overleaf

The \usefonttheme{} is self-descriptive. The available themes are: structurebold, structurebolditalic, structuresmallcapsserif, structureitalicsserif, serif and default.

You can also import font families installed in your system.

The command \usepackage{bookman} imports the bookman family font to be used in the presentation. The available fonts depend on your L a T e X installation, the most common are: mathptmx, helvet, avat, bookman, chancery, charter, culer, mathtime, mathptm, newcent, palatino, and pifont.

Sometimes the information in a presentation looks better in a two-column format. In such cases use the columns environment:

After the frame and frametitle declarations start a new columns environment delimited by the \begin{columns} \end{columns} . You can declare each column's width with the \column{0.5\textwidth} code, a lower number will shrink the width size.

Reference guide

Below is a table with screenshots of the title page and a normal slide in Beamer using different combinations of themes (rows) and colorthemes (columns). To have a complete list of themes and colorthemes see the further reading section for references.

default beaver beetle seahorse wolverine

Further reading

For more information, see the full package documentation here . The following resources may also be useful:

  • Bold, italics and underlining
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Text alignment
  • Font typefaces
  • Inserting Images
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Lengths in LaTeX
  • International language support
  • TikZ package
  • Beamer User's Guide - The beamer class
  • Documentation Home
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

Overleaf guides

  • Creating a document in Overleaf
  • Uploading a project
  • Copying a project
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Using the Overleaf project menu
  • Including images in Overleaf
  • Exporting your work from Overleaf
  • Working offline in Overleaf
  • Using Track Changes in Overleaf
  • Using bibliographies in Overleaf
  • Sharing your work with others
  • Using the History feature
  • Debugging Compilation timeout errors
  • How-to guides
  • Guide to Overleaf’s premium features

LaTeX Basics

  • Creating your first LaTeX document
  • Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
  • Paragraphs and new lines


  • Mathematical expressions
  • Subscripts and superscripts
  • Brackets and Parentheses
  • Fractions and Binomials
  • Aligning equations
  • Spacing in math mode
  • Integrals, sums and limits
  • Display style in math mode
  • List of Greek letters and math symbols
  • Mathematical fonts
  • Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf

Figures and tables

  • Positioning Images and Tables
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX

References and Citations

  • Bibliography management with bibtex
  • Bibliography management with natbib
  • Bibliography management with biblatex
  • Bibtex bibliography styles
  • Natbib bibliography styles
  • Natbib citation styles
  • Biblatex bibliography styles
  • Biblatex citation styles
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using babel and fontspec
  • Quotations and quotation marks

Document structure

  • Sections and chapters
  • Table of contents
  • Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
  • Nomenclatures
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Lengths in L a T e X
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Line breaks and blank spaces
  • Page size and margins
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • Multiple columns
  • Code listing
  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • Margin notes
  • Supporting modern fonts with X Ǝ L a T e X


  • Environments

Field specific

  • Theorems and proofs
  • Chemistry formulae
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Molecular orbital diagrams
  • Chess notation
  • Knitting patterns
  • CircuiTikz package
  • Pgfplots package
  • Typesetting exams in LaTeX
  • Attribute Value Matrices

Class files

  • Understanding packages and class files
  • List of packages and class files
  • Writing your own package
  • Writing your own class

Advanced TeX/LaTeX

  • In-depth technical articles on TeX/LaTeX

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Fact Checking Trump’s Mar-a-Lago News Conference

The former president took questions from reporters for more than hour. We examined his claims, attacks and policy positions.

By The New York Times

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beamer presentation html

Former President Donald J. Trump held an hourlong news conference with reporters on Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, during which he attacked Vice President Kamala Harris, his general election opponent, criticized the Biden administration’s policies and boasted of the crowd size at his rallies. We took a closer look at many of his claims.

Linda Qiu

Trump claims his Jan. 6 rally crowd rivaled the 1963 March on Washington. Estimates say otherwise.

“If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech. And you look at ours, same real estate, same everything, same number of people. If not, we had more.” — Former President Donald J. Trump

This lacks evidence.

Mr. Trump was talking about the crowds gathered for his speech on Jan. 6, 2021, and for the “I Have a Dream” speech the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered during the March on Washington in 1963. While it is difficult to gauge exact crowd sizes, estimates counter Mr. Trump’s claim that the numbers gathered were comparable. Dr. King’s speech drew an estimated 250,000 people . The House Select Committee responsible for investigating the events of Jan. 6 estimated that Mr. Trump’s speech drew 53,000 people.

“She wants to take away your guns.”

— Former President Donald J. Trump

Ms. Harris, in 2019, said she supports a gun buyback program for assault weapons, not all guns. Her campaign told The New York Times recently that she no longer supports a buyback program.


Peter Baker

Peter Baker

“They take the strategic national reserves. They’re virtually empty now. We have never had it this low.”

This is exaggerated..

President Biden has indeed tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to mitigate gasoline price increases , drawing it down by about 40 percent from when he took office, and it is currently at the lowest level since the 1980s. But it still has 375 million barrels in it now , which is not “virtually empty” nor is it at the lowest level ever.

“The vast majority of the country does support me.”

Mr. Trump never won a majority of the popular vote in either of the elections he ran in and never had the approval of a majority of Americans in a single day of Gallup polling during his presidency. An average of polls by FiveThirtyEight.com shows that he is viewed favorably by just 43 percent of Americans today and has the same level of support in a matchup against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Alan Rappeport

Alan Rappeport

“They’re going to destroy Social Security.”

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have pledged not to make any cuts to America’s social safety net programs. Mr. Trump suggested this year that he was open to scaling back the programs when he said there was “a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting.” He later walked back those comments and pledged to protect the programs. But if changes to the programs are not made, the programs’ benefits will automatically be reduced eventually. Government reports released earlier this year projected that the Social Security and disability insurance programs, if combined, would not have enough money to pay all of their obligations in 2035. Medicare will be unable to pay all its hospital bills starting in 2036.

Coral Davenport

Coral Davenport

“Everybody is going to be forced to buy an electric car.”

While the Biden administration has enacted regulations designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032, the rules do not require consumers to buy electric vehicles.

“Our tax cuts, which are the biggest in history.”

The $1.5 trillion tax cut, enacted in December 2017, ranks below at least half a dozen others by several metrics. The 1981 tax cut enacted under President Ronald Reagan is the largest as a percentage of the economy and by its reduction to federal revenue. The 2012 cut enacted under President Barack Obama amounted to the largest cut in inflation-adjusted dollars: $321 billion a year.

“They’re drilling now because they had to go back because gasoline was going up to seven, eight, nine dollars a barrel. The day after the election, if they won, you’re going to have fuel prices go through the roof.”

The price of gasoline reached a low of $1.98 per gallon in April 2020, when Mr. Trump was president, chiefly as a result of the drop in driving in the first months of the Covid pandemic. It rose to a peak of $5 per gallon in June 2022, but has since steadily dropped to $3.60 per gallon in July 2024. The United States has steadily increased its oil production over the last decade, becoming the world’s largest producer of oil in 2018, a status it still holds today .

“If you go back and check your records for 18 months, I had a talk with Abdul. Abdul was the leader of the Taliban still is, but had a strong talk with him. For 18 months. Not one American soldier was shot at or killed, but not even shot at 18 months.”

Mr. Trump spoke with a leader of the Taliban in March 2020. In the 18 months that followed, from April 2020 to October 2021, 13 soldiers died in hostile action in Afghanistan.

“Democrats are really the radical ones on this, because they’re allowed to do abortion on the eighth and ninth month, and even after birth.”

No state has passed a law allowing for the execution of a baby after it is born, which is infanticide. Moreover, abortions later in pregnancy are very rare: In 2021, less than 1 percent of abortions happened after 21 weeks’ gestation, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report based on data from state and other health agencies. More than 90 percent of abortions happened within 13 weeks of gestation.


  1. GitHub

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  2. Beamer Presentation Template

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  3. [Solved] Include a HTML file in a LaTeX-beamer

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  4. Beamer Templates

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  5. How to Create Beautiful Beamer Slides with Emacs

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  6. Rmarkdown beamer presentation template

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  1. Beamer Manual

    This HTML version of the documentation is maintained by Siyu Wu, and is produced with the help of the lwarp package. Editors of the Beamer documentation: Till Tantau , Joseph Wright , Vedran Miletić. \frametitle{There Is No Largest Prime Number} \framesubtitle{The proof uses \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.} \begin{theorem} There is no largest ...

  2. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 1 ...

    This five-part series of articles uses a combination of video and textual descriptions to teach the basics of creating a presentation using the LaTeX beamer package. These tutorials were first published on the original ShareLateX blog site during August 2013; consequently, today's editor interface (Overleaf) has changed considerably due to the ...

  3. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 3 ...

    The beamer "go to" button, the beamer "skip" button and the beamer "return" button: This concludes our second discussion on adding content to our presentation. In the next post we'll look at animating our presentations. All articles in this series. Part 1: Getting Started; Part 2: Lists, Columns, Pictures, Descriptions and Tables

  4. 4.3 Beamer presentation

    4.3 Beamer presentation. To create a Beamer presentation from R Markdown, you specify the beamer_presentation output format in the YAML metadata of your document. You can create a slide show broken up into sections by using the # and ## heading tags (you can also create a new slide without a header using a horizontal rule (---).For example, here is a simple slide show (see Figure 4.3 for two ...

  5. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 4)—Overlay

    This concludes our discussion on animating our presentation. In the next, and final, post of this series we'll look at the different themes available in beamer and we'll look at printing handouts. All articles in this series. Part 1: Getting Started; Part 2: Lists, Columns, Pictures, Descriptions and Tables; Part 3: Blocks, Code, Hyperlinks and ...

  6. Mastering R presentations

    In this talk, we are going to explain how to do presentations in different output formats using one of the easiest and most exhaustive statistical software, R. Now, it is possible create Beamer, PowerPoint, or HTML presentations, including R code, \ (\LaTeX\) equations, graphics, or interactive content. After the tutorial, you will be able to ...

  7. How to create presentations with Beamer

    Starting a presentation. To begin a Beamer document, enter: \documentclass{beamer} As you would with any other LaTeX document, add any packages you want to use. For example, to use the listings package, enter: \usepackage{listings} Place all content inside the document environment: \begin{document} Beamer documents are usually a sequence of ...

  8. Building a Presentation

    Building a Presentation. This part contains an explanation of all the commands that are used to create presentations. It starts with a section treating the commands and environments used to create frames, the basic building blocks of presentations. Next, the creation of overlays is explained. The following three sections concern commands and ...

  9. Presentations with Beamer

    To create a Beamer presentation from R Markdown you specify the beamer_presentation output format in the front-matter of your document. You can create a slide show broken up into sections by using the # and ## heading tags (you can also create a new slide without a header using a horizontal rule ( ---- ). For example here's a simple slide show:

  10. Guidelines for Creating Presentations

    When you start to create a presentation, the very first thing you should worry about is the amount of time you have for your presentation. Depending on the occasion, this can be anything between 2 minutes and two hours. • A simple rule for the number of frames is that you should have at most one frame per minute.

  11. Themes

    Changing the Way Things Look 15 Themes 15.1 Five Flavors of Themes ¶. Themes make it easy to change the appearance of a presentation. The beamer class uses five different kinds of themes: Presentation Themes. Conceptually, a presentation theme dictates for every single detail of a presentation what it looks like.

  12. PDF Fun with Beamer

    It supports functionality for making PDF slides complete with colors, overlays, environments, themes, transitions, etc. Adds a couple new features to the commands you've been working with. As you probably guessed, this presentation was made using the Beamer class. \documentclass[pdf] {beamer} \mode<presentation>{} %% preamble \title{The title ...

  13. Beamer

    Overview. You can create Beamer (LaTeX/PDF) presentations using the beamer format. Beamer presentations support core presentation features like incremental content and 2-column layouts, and also provide facilities for customizing column layout, specifying frame attributes, and using Beamer themes. By default, the Beamer format has echo: false ...

  14. Convert to a Beamer presentation

    The "paged" method creates a paginated HTML table (note that this method is only valid for formats that produce HTML). In addition to the named methods you can also pass an arbitrary function to be used for printing data frames. ... See the online documentation for additional details on using the beamer_presentation format. Creating Beamer ...

  15. LaTeX Beamer introduction / Quick-start guide

    The minimal code of a LaTeX presentation includes: 1) loading the beamer class package, 2) choosing a default presentation theme and a frame. Here is an example: Copy to clipboard. % Quick start guide. \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{default} \begin{document} \begin{frame} This is your first presentation!

  16. Beamer Options

    Controls navigation symbols for the presentation (empty, frame, vertical, or horizontal) section-titles: Whether to enable title pages for new sections. colortheme: The Beamer color theme for this presentation. fonttheme: The Beamer font theme for this presentation. innertheme: The Beamer inner theme for this presentation. outertheme

  17. Writing Beamer presentations in org-mode

    Beamer is a LaTeX package for writing presentations. This documents presents a simple introduction to preparing beamer presentations using org-mode in Emacs. This documents assumes that the reader is already acquainted with org-mode itself and with exporting org-mode documents to LaTeX. There are tutorials and references available for both org-mode itself, for LaTeX exporting, and for Beamer ...

  18. The HTML presentation framework

    Create Stunning Presentations on the Web. reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free. Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies. That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your ...

  19. Include a HTML file in a LaTeX-beamer presentation

    And I'd like to put it into my beamer presentation. I don't want it to be static like a .png or .jpg picture, I want, during my presentation (and in my pdf, as you've understood) to be able to hover datas and see all the features of the html document : I want this functionnality to work when I have my mouse on the graph:

  20. What Shane Beamer said about South Carolina football's first preseason

    Beamer noted that mistakes just kept points off the board. Close to field-goal range on one drive, Beamer said, a few negative plays pushed the Gamecocks' offense out of field-goal range. On ...

  21. Getting Started

    Part I Getting Started. This part helps you getting started. It starts with an explanation of how to install the class. Hopefully, this will be very simple, with a bit of luck the whole class is already correctly installed! You will also find an explanation of special things you should consider when using certain other packages.

  22. Scams Stop Here: A Presentation for Older Adults

    Scams Stop Here: A Presentation for Older Adults - Signal Mountain. August 6, 2024, from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT. Event. August 6, 2024 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT Location. Ascension Living Alexian Village 437 Alexian Way Signal Mountain, TN 37377. Contact. [email protected].

  23. Eric Carmen and the Raspberries receive Music Keynote to the City

    Eric Carmen and the Raspberries were given Cleveland's second Music Keynote To The City at a ceremony on Thursday, Aug. 8, at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.

  24. U.S. Women's Soccer Team Wins Gold Medal at Paris Olympics

    Lindsey Horan of Team USA dribbles the ball against Brazil in the second half during the Women's Gold Medal match at the Paris Summer Olympics on Aug. 10, 2024.

  25. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 5 ...

    There are lots of different predefined presentation themes available for us to use. Here are a few of them. This is the Bergen theme:. This is the Madrid theme:. There are also themes that include navigation bars, for example the Antibes theme:. We could also use a theme that includes a table of contents sidebar, like the Hannover theme:. The Singapore theme is one that includes what beamer ...

  26. How to embed HTML page with javascript code in Beamer LaTeX?

    3. One option is to : keep the HTML page with javascript as is, convert the rest of your Beamer latex presentation to pdf, and the pdf in-turn to HTML. link the two together. pdf2htmlEX is a great tool for converting pdfs to html, retaining all the style and formatting. It seems to work well on slides created using Beamer.

  27. India: Amendments to direct tax measures

    The Finance Minister has proposed amendments to the direct tax measures in the Finance (No. 2) Bill, 2024. Read TaxNewsFlash. The proposed amendments relate to:

  28. Beamer

    Beamer is a powerful and flexible LaTeX class to create great looking presentations. This article outlines the basis steps to making a Beamer slideshow: creating the title page, adding a logo, highlighting important points, making a table of contents and adding effects to the slideshow.

  29. Harris meeting with VP vetting team for presentations on finalists

    Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to meet with her vetting team today for a series of in-depth presentations on each of the finalists to be her running mate, according to a source familiar ...

  30. Fact Checking Trump's Mar-a-Lago News Conference

    Former President Donald J. Trump held an hourlong news conference with reporters on Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, during which he attacked Vice President Kamala Harris, his general ...