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Animated educational video maker for stellar videos

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Elevate the learning process of your students with an interactive educational video. Use our online educational video maker to craft instructional videos, send teacher messages, engage students with video assignments, or promote your school. Even if this is your first video creation experience, the combination of customizable video templates and intuitive editing tools allow you to have an engaging animation ready in no time.

Educational video maker with customizable templates

factory of 3d animations

Factory of 3D Animations

Educational Video Toolkit

Educational Video Toolkit

3D Explainer Video Toolkit

3D Explainer Video Toolkit

Explainer Video Toolkit

Explainer Video Toolkit

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Online Education Promotion

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Advanced Online Educational Platform

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Online Educational Website Promotion

Educational Platform Introduction

Educational Platform Introduction

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E-Learning Platform Promotion

Explore All Templates

How to make animated educational videos online?

Pick an educational video template.

Start making your animation by going through the template library of our educational video maker and selecting your favorite one. Each template offers hundreds of scenes separated by categories such as classroom environment, different subjects, text animations , and more.

step image

Personalize your animation

Design a compelling educational animation by customizing the scenes to match them with your project purpose. Use the flexible editing tools of our animated educational video maker to modify the text, alter style and colors, upload your media, and pick a dynamic transition. Move to the 'Music' section and add a background tune or a voiceover. You can then finalize the editing by adding your school logo using the watermark feature.

Export and share your video

Go to the “Preview” section to see the final version of your educational video. Ensure that there are no more changes to be made in your animation. Once the video is final, export it in your preferred quality. Then, instantly share the video to digital platforms, or download it to your device.

step image

Create, edit, and download stunning educational videos in a blink!

How can an online educational video maker benefit you.

Effortless creation process

You don’t have to be a video editing pro to create five-star videos for your school or educational project. Renderforest educational video maker simplifies the process of creating educational animations down to several clicks. Make the best of the flexible cloud-based editing tools to have an attractive video ready in no time.

All-purpose video templates

A large selection of editable templates allows you to create different types of videos while maintaining the same visual style, or adapt it to your needs. From whiteboard educational videos to 3D explainers and beyond, you can use an animated educational video maker to create captivating instructional videos for any purpose in one place.

Availability and security

Access your video projects anytime and from any device. Create, edit, and export videos on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone — all you need is an internet connection. Choose the audience of your video by setting it to private, or share the video via a custom link, to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your video.


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I’m having so much fun creating my educational animation videos with Renderforest’s drag and drop features with its extensive library of templates and music library! My videos look amazing!

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It's such an easy way to get my physics lessons out there to people in an easily-digestible way. Congrats on such an innovative and educational product!

I just loved the website! It was very easy to use and create my video, with hints and a modern layout. Moreover, the price was good and fair, and they reply very fast when needed. I recommend it!

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How to Make Animated Educational Videos and Presentations?

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Ultimate guide to creating educational animated videos

Clemmy Ralph

Pupil attention spans have dropped since COVID-19 and the younger generation now struggle to focus on one thing for more than 10 minutes , which makes capturing and holding their attention pretty hard. So, how do you keep students engaged? With video! Animations are absorbed 60,000x faster than text, and they improve the amount of knowledge your audience retains by 15%.

To start harnessing the power of video in your classroom, read on to discover our tips and advice on using video for learning, regardless of whether you're an animation newbie or a seasoned video pro.

1. What today’s students are looking for 2. Why animation is such an effective teaching tool - the research 3. How video benefits educators 4. 4 effective ways to use animated video for teaching 5. How to create your own educational animated videos 6. Video tips and tricks from educators

What today's students are looking for

From elementary school to college, today’s students are part of a new generation with life experiences and expectations that set them apart from those before. While this does mean students aren’t as receptive to traditional teaching methods, there’s lots of opportunities to explore new digital teaching tools.

So who is Generation Z? According to the Pew Research Center , they were born between 1997 and 2012 and they have a number of key traits that impact the classroom. 

They’re true digital natives

While millennials were introduced to technology relatively early on in their lives, Gen Z don’t know life without it. Since social media and Google have been at their fingertips, students are used to instant information and teaching themselves anything they want to know with YouTube.

With that in mind, students often expect instant results from teachers and find it much easier to learn from video than they do books. While this shift might take a bit of adjustment, it’s a great opportunity for teachers and students to develop their video skills.

They value flexibility and control over their learning

The boundaries between the classroom and life outside are blurring, so much so that Gen Z expect a similar level of control and freedom in education as they have at home. This doesn’t mean teachers’ influence is diminished, it’s just about meeting different learning styles and offering students the chance to learn however and wherever they want.

Blended learning is a great way to start breaking down the ‘one-size-fits-all’ model by combining in-class and out-of-class learning to suit more students and help them feel empowered.

Attention spans are shorter

Generation Z is so accustomed to multitasking and taking in short bursts of information on social media, focusing on longer pieces of information can be a challenge. According to Darla Rothman , pupil attention spans are only 7-10 minutes long which can make it tricky to keep students engaged for a full hour lesson. To work around this, use short interactive activities and videos to break lessons down into smaller chunks, focusing on different skills to keep students engaged.

While these traits do create new challenges for teachers, there’s a key theme running through each of them: video. Video and animations can support the changing needs of modern students, helping them feel empowered and motivated. But don’t just take our word for it, let’s look at the research.

Why animation is such an effective teaching tool - the research

The truth is, there’s so much research that confirms the power of animation for education, we could never cover it all. But there are a couple of key studies that stand out to us and prove just how effective animations are for learning.

Educational psychologist Richard Lowe found that animations help both children and adults learn and remember information because of two factors: 1) How they affect us. 2) How they help us process things.

Animations affect us in four key ways:

  • They tap into our instinct to pay attention to moving things. Evolution taught us to track moving animals and scenes for our survival and those instincts are hard to shake even now without sabre tooth tigers!
  • They appeal to two of our strongest memory sensors - vision and sound . Our experience of the world is perceived 83% with sight and 11% with hearing, making up 94%, with smell, touch and taste way behind with just 6%.
  • The novelty factor intrigues us and holds our attention.
  • They’re fun and can include humor that lifts our mood and makes us more attentive.

Animations help us process information because:

  • We store words and images in different parts of our memory, meaning we have multiple copies of the information to call on.
  • Visual cues in animations can help learners focus on specific pieces of information more easily.
  • We can process visual information over 60,000 times faster than text and infer a lot more meaning. Just think, one minute of video is equivalent to 1.8 million words! Making animations very effective at explaining complex topics in a short amount of time.

Dr. Wiseman recorded a video of himself talking about a topic and then created an animated version of the same information. He invited two groups of people to watch one video or the other and tested how much of the content each group remembered. The results were incredible! Participants who watched the animation remembered 15% more of the information than those who watched the talking head version.

Dr. Richard Wiseman quote animation video for education

Alongside Lowe’s findings, another explanation for these results is that animations make it easy to meet the three best practice criteria for designing and creating successful learning videos:

Signalling: on-screen imagery and graphics that direct the learner’s attention and highlight the specific information that needs to be processed.

Segmenting: dividing information into bite-size chunks in the video which makes it easier for learners to digest.

Matching modality: using images, text and audio to target multiple information reception channels simultaneously. This reduces overload for any one channel and increases overall retention.

Signalling segmenting matching modality video animation for education VideoScribe highlight images

How video benefits educators

Some of the main advantages of video for teachers are:

Raised hand VideoScribe highlight image

More engaged class

There’s no better feeling than seeing your students enjoying your lessons and actively participating and that’s the power video has. When you’re introducing new fun elements into class like animations, they make teaching easier and more enjoyable.

Save time creating lesson resources

Circle lock VideoScribe highlight image

One of the best things about animation is it’s versatility. Where you might normally create lots of different worksheets, PowerPoints or documents to suit different learning styles, video can support all types of learners in one. Plus, once you’ve created a video, it’s super easy to switch out text or add extra sections to take it to the next level. Without having to start from scratch which saves a lot of time and energy!

The video can be replayed as many times as needed

Lastly, instead of explaining the same principle multiple times, students who want to work through the content multiple times or at a slower pace can rewind, pause and rewatch videos as many times as needed. Freeing more of your time up to support other students with more complex questions or needs.

4 ways to use animated videos for effective teaching

So, we know that educational animations can benefit both students and teachers, but how do you adopt them into your class? It’s no exaggeration to say the options are limitless. The beauty of video is that it’s so flexible and you can create animations of any length, on any topic and to achieve any objective from boosting grades to encouraging class participation.

But to get you started, we’ll be sharing four of our favorite ways to use animated videos in and out of the classroom.

Flipped classroom

Let’s kick things off with a very popular choice, flipped learning. A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to new content at home and then discuss or work through 4 ways to use animated videos for effective teaching it at school. Teachers recognized that students often have more trouble processing information and completing work than they do when being introduced to a new topic.

With that in mind, flipped classrooms give students more valuable time with teachers to work through obstacles and deepen their understanding of the topic. While new concepts can be introduced at home, often with video.

Some great ways to use videos in flipped learning include:

  • Asking students to watch a video at home and then having a discussion about the key concepts in class.
  • Sharing a video that explains practical activities or experiments you’ll be doing in the next class so they can prepare.
  • Giving students a problem in video form that they need to solve in class to get them thinking about solutions.

Introducing new concepts

Videos are great for easing students into new modules, content or ideas because they allow you to break the information down more. Presenting it in bite-sized chunks that are much easier to absorb since they suit more learning styles from auditory and visual to kinesthetic.

Just remember to keep these animations short and sweet and only focus on the essential information to hold students’ attention.

Solidifying knowledge and revision

Videos are also fantastic tools for recapping learning. They allow you to highlight the essential information that students need to know when heading into exam season or working on projects.

Plus, this style of revision really suits Gen Z since they can be watched wherever and whenever giving students an element of control over the process. They can also be replayed, paused and sped up as much as needed to suit the individual student.

Student assignments

Lastly, don’t forget that your students not only benefit from watching and engaging with video content, but also from creating it. By working through the steps to design and make their own animations they’ll learn key digital skills that are demanded in today’s workplaces.

This added challenge can also make working on assignments more interesting and rewarding for students, offering a creative alternative to written papers.

Animation video for education uses VideoScribe highlight images

How to create your own educational animated videos

By now we hope you’re fully convinced of the benefits of animated video and the only question left to answer is “how can I create my own?”. Which is why we’re going to show you how in five easy steps.

The first step is to really think about what information you want to share and why. Without a clear purpose for your video it’s difficult to say whether it’s been a success or not. Try setting objectives like ‘this video will enable students to accurately explain the process of photosynthesis’.

With that goal in mind, it’s much easier to determine what content has to be in the video and what can be cut. This will leave you with a more streamlined and effective video that delivers on your objectives without losing student attention. This is also the time to decide where and when your video will be used. Will you send it to students to watch at home? Or will you talk through the information as it plays in class? Your answer will determine whether you need to write a script and record a voice-over or not.

To help you stay on track, we recommend writing this information down or using our pre-made video planning template. You can download it for free here .

If you plan for this video to be watched outside of class then you’ll probably want to add a voice-over so you can talk students through the information. To record the best voice-over, you need to start with a script.

The easiest way to write your script is to collect together all the information you need to share. Picture each point laid out on a table in front of you. Now imagine drawing a line with your finger to connect each point in the right order. This will give you the skeleton of your script and determine the flow.

From here, it’s all about polishing the details and putting the content in language that’s suitable for your students i.e. without overly complex words, simple sentences and a friendly tone. Don’t forget that the length of your script will also determine the length of your video so cut extra content out to shorten it if needed.

Once you’ve got a full first draft, take the time to read it out loud, ideally to a colleague or student to check for any errors or opportunities for improvement.


Now’s the fun part - it’s time to get creative. Your vision will start to come to life as you storyboard. Now you might be thinking “hang on, I’m no filmmaker, why do I need a storyboard?”. The answer is that all videos benefit from storyboarding, whether it’s a one minute animation about anatomy or a feature length film.

Storyboarding is the process of planning out each scene in a video. It gives you the time and space to think creatively and spot any potential problems, gaps or opportunities before you invest time making your animation.

Start by deciding on the layout for your video. This will depend on your topic and the message you want to convey but it could be a mind map, process or collage. 

Once you’ve got a structure in mind, simply chunk up your script or content into sections and plan out what imagery you’ll need for each. You can use images from the VideoScribe library or your own graphics. Remember, storyboards don’t have to be complex or fancy, you can map your scenes out on a piece of paper, or use our pre-made editable storyboard template .

Record voice-over

If you’re adding voice-over to your video, now’s the time to record it before you start animating. Your voice-over will act as your guide for adding images, text and more to ensure the timing is spot on.

Again, don’t be fooled into thinking you need a professional recording booth to get a great quality voice-over. It’s easy to set up your own little recording space from your home or school with these tips:

  • Find a quiet space and reduce background noise by checking any air conditioning units are turned off and open windows are closed.
  • Reduce echo in larger spaces by putting soft furnishings like blankets or pillows around your recording area and especially on hard floors.
  • Warm up your voice by reading your script a couple of times and sit up straight to improve your breathing and make your voice clearer.
  • Smile while you talk to make your voice sound more friendly.
  • Use good quality headphones to listen back to your takes and make sure everything sounds okay.

You can learn more about the tips and tools to record a perfect voice-over in our guide, alongside our recording checklist.

Audio VideoScribe image

One of the easiest and quickest ways to create a video is by using one of our animated templates. These are professionally designed videos in a number of different designs and styles to suit your content. We’ve done all the hard work so you don’t have to. Simply edit the details to make them your own!

You can browse our full range of templates here . But we’ve shared one of our favorite templates below 👇

Graphs and charts

If your lesson material includes important data or statistics, animated graphs and charts can help to bring them to life. As the graphic builds you can guide your students through the information, ensuring they understand the meaning behind the data, not just the numbers.

Charts graphs VideoScribe highlight images

Visual metaphors

Hare and tortoise metaphor VideoScribe image

When you’re creating an educational video it can be really tempting to add a lot of text, especially if the topic is complex. But as we know, Gen Z responds best to visuals and excess text is likely to switch them off, not on. But there’s a way to work around this. Visual metaphors are combinations of images that help you explain concepts in terms your students already understand.

For instance if you want to explain that one route is slower but will deliver a better result than another, why not use images of a tortoise and a hare. Most students understand the fable with the message of ‘slow and steady wins the race’ and they can connect this meaning with the information much faster with visuals than text.

The good news is, we have a whole range of concepts and metaphors images to pick from too!

Animation techniques

As we mentioned earlier on in this guide, one of the main benefits of animation for education is that you can reinforce your message with visual cues. This could be done with arrows, lines and circles to draw the eye to the key information. But you can also experiment with different animation techniques.

Using the ‘morph’ option in VideoScribe you can easily turn one image into another, create the illusion of an image moving across the screen or make a graphic rotate. With these options in your toolkit you can keep students’ attention for longer while reinforcing your message. Learn how to achieve these effects here .

Arrows diagrams VideoScribe highlight images

Now it’s time for the best part - seeing your students’ reactions! Once your animation is finished, you have lots of sharing options, here are a few of them:

In class - the simplest and easiest option is to hit play on your finished video and either let your voiceover take the stage or talk through your video as it plays.

In email - for remote learners, email is often the best way to share educational content. You can easily share the link to your video, or create a GIF with the title scene to entice your students in. Learn how here.

On LMS - if you share resources and information with students via a learning management system, you’ll often have the option of uploading videos. This is a great place to store your animations if you students will head there if they have questions or want to revisit any of the content.

On YouTube - lastly, sharing your videos on YouTube can be an awesome option. Not only can your students benefit from the information, but by making your animations public, other students around the world have the chance to benefit too.

Just like that you’ve created and shared animated video content that suits multiple learning styles and supports Gen Z students. All while reducing the time it takes you to create new educational resources that can be repurposed multiple times. We’ll call that a win-win!

Video tips and tricks from educators

If you’re looking for extra tips and tricks to create animations your students will love, here are some final words of wisdom from three educators and VideoScribe users.

Christian Weaver The Law in 60 Seconds text

Make the animations WORK FOR YOU. If you need to explain a tricky concept then go for it! Don’t try and oversimplify it. Have faith that the combination of your voice and animations will make the concept easier to understand.”

Natalie Cole English and Drama Teacher

“The best advice I would give for making effective educational videos is that practice makes perfect and to just give it a go. It can be quite daunting and fiddly at first but you get used to it with time.

If there’s a fear of creating voice-overs (I disliked it at first because I don’t like the sound of my own voice), maybe focus on text-only videos with music and then build yourself up to record voice-overs.”

Melissa Kaye Corbett Grammar Songs

You have to provide learning opportunities, make connections, and give them a part to play within the experience to engage them within the video and audio being presented to them. They shouldn’t just be ‘watching’ your video, they should be immersed within the educational experience you’re providing for them.”

...and that’s a wrap! To get started creating your own animated videos and put the tips and tricks in this guide to practice, start a free 7-day trial of VideoScribe (no credit card needed). If you like what you see, get your own VideoScribe subscription for less by using our exclusive educator and student discounts.

We hope you found this guide useful and go on to create awesome animated videos to dazzle your students and colleagues!


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Make educational videos that engage and inform

how to make animated videos for education

Explore Vimeo Create's educational video templates

How to create free online teaching videos, choose an instructional video template.

Make animated educational videos, online teaching videos, and free instructional videos in minutes with Vimeo Create's library of professionally designed instructional video templates.

Select from our unlimited stock library

Upload your own images, graphics, or video clips, or choose clips and images from Vimeo's unlimited stock library.

Edit your educational video

Vimeo's free educational video editor lets you easily customize layouts, colors, and fonts, add captions, and more to create learning videos that engage and entertain.

Save and share your free instructional videos

Save your educational video, then publish directly to social media from Vimeo Create or upload it to the platform of your choice.

Using Vimeo Create has definitely saved me a lot of time and energy. Now I feel like I can be more creative with the overall framework of the videos.
Vimeo Create offers a preloaded suite of easy-to-use tools. We created dynamic video content in minutes without the time suck or high price tag you would expect.
We are big fans of Vimeo Create. We don't have the time or money to outsource videos, so being able to create them quickly and beautifully was a game-changer for us!

how to make animated videos for education

Create online teaching videos that engage your students

Creating educational content that’s both informative and engaging can be challenging. These expert tips and best practices will help you design and create learning videos that boost engagement and information retention.

Break longer educational videos into shorter segments

If your instructional video content is 20 minutes to several hours or more in length, consider breaking it up into short educational videos between one and six minutes long. It’s easy to create educational videos of any length free with Vimeo Create. Whether you need to break longer instructional content into short educational videos, create an education intro video, or make animated educational videos, Vimeo’s video editor for education makes creating videos for students simple with instructional video templates and easy to use editing features for customized, polished video lessons.

Create learning videos with an objective in mind

Before creating educational content, you should define your goals and identify the learning objectives students should achieve. You can use animated educational videos to introduce new concepts, reinforce previously introduced ideas, or to review a course model or unit. Make the objective clear to students at the beginning of the video. Explore Vimeo’s library of instructional video templates to get started with a professionally designed template that meets your needs.

Reinforce learning and enhance engagement with interactive content

Vimeo’s instructional video maker makes it easy to create online teaching videos that keep students engaged to boost information retention. Use Vimeo’s video editor for education to add captions and text to instructional videos and link to interactive content such as quizzes, discussion posts, or other activities students can complete to reinforce their mastery of the concepts. Vimeo Create is an excellent student video maker, too, so get your students engaged in the material by challenging them to create videos on course topics or concepts with Vimeo’s free video maker for school projects.

Create your first online teaching video today

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Explore plans and see all that Vimeo can help you accomplish. Start a free trial, or get started with our free plan.

Everything you need to make, manage, and share brilliant videos

Quickly create, edit, and share content regardless of your budget or expertise.

Stream and host for hundreds of thousands of viewers at 4k, 8k HDR, and with Dolby Vision.

Customize your video player, manage security permissions, and find content quickly.

Automatically create chapters, apply your brand kit, and optimize for SEO.

Education video frequently asked questions

How long should educational videos be.

The ideal length for education intro videos is one to three minutes, while big picture overviews of a topic should be between two and five minutes long. Deeper dives into a topic typically range between five and 15 minutes, while full learning modules or documentaries often exceed 15 minutes.

What makes a good educational video?

A good educational video is concise, focused on a single learning objective, concept, or task. The best instructional videos clearly communicate the learning objectives to students or viewers at the beginning and have a clear ending, and make use of visual aids while not overwhelming the viewer with extraneous graphics.

How do you make an educational video?

When creating educational content, first create a storyboard or outline of your instructional materials. If you have a lot of instructional content, break it into logical chunks for short educational videos. With Vimeo's educational video maker software, you can quickly and easily customize the layout , colors , and fonts for your desired aesthetic.

Why should I make an animated educational video?

Make animated educational videos rather than relying on static slides that contain a significant amount of text. Animated educational videos have more visual interest, and the flow helps to capture the attention of learners and keep their attention longer. With Vimeo Create, you can make educational videos free, with no design or video editing experience required.

how to make animated videos for education

How to Make Educational Videos

how to make animated videos for education

Turn your texts, PPTs, PDFs or URLs to video - in minutes.

how to make animated videos for education

In a world where education is more accessible than ever, who wants to make educational videos that are just another boring brick in the mental wall?

If anything, you want videos that BOOM! through that wall and stick in your learners' minds forever.

But the more you think about how to make educational videos that stand out, the more intimidating it feels. And because you're investing all sorts of resources into making educational video content, the last thing you want is to end up putting your audience to sleep

The good news is that this post will help you quickly create educational videos that turn your audience into focused learners who listen, remember, and utilize what you teach. 

So, get ready to dive into a mega post packed full of resources that will make educational videos fun for you to create AND exciting for your audience to watch.

🔎 Fair warning, this is a detailed post. Use the navigation to your left to jump to the most relevant sections. Or read from the top down to get the full explanation of making educational videos with:

  • Types of educational videos you can create.
  • Educational video software that works best for your needs.
  • A 6-step educational video creation process for you to follow.
  • 4 brain-friendly production hacks for creating engaging educational videos that will make an impact.

What are educational videos?

An educational video educates people on any topic or skill using information transfer and retention techniques.

Educational videos of all types are incredibly popular. Check out this graph with the 10 most popular videos watched online. 👇

While education takes the 7th spot, tutorial videos, product review videos, and even video live streams can count as educational videos.

Why are educational videos important?

People have learned from boring text manuals and PowerPoint slides for much too long. Now, they turn to video lessons and seek effective educational videos when they need:

  • Clarification or explanations: How-to videos teach you how to do a specific task. On the other hand, instructional videos or even an explainer step-by-step guide are more likely to detail how a procedure or concept works (e.g., how Blockchain works). 
  • Demonstration : Video tutorials teach viewers how to perform specific actions, often via screen recordings or live demos.
  • Educational context-setting stories : Documentary or scenario-based videos teach you about a topic through real-life stories from the past.
  • External expertise: Lecture videos are live events where subject matter experts share their knowledge.

The internet is a gushing firehose of educational content — the e-learning market has nearly doubled in the past decade!

5 common types of educational videos

You can make your own educational video content using a wide range of video-making techniques:

1. Presenter-led video narration , with an on-screen instructor that guides the audience on the topic they teach.

2. Live demonstration , with an instructor doing a live demonstration of the subject they teach while filmed from different angles.

3. 2D vector animation , with animated cartoony characters acting in a simplistic story that teaches or educates the viewer.

4. Whiteboard animation , with 2D drawings that simulate an artist drawing the scenes you discuss in the video.

5. Motion graphics and slideshow presentation , with simple text and graphic animations that support the teaching rather than demonstrate it.

Software for making the best educational videos

1. synthesia.

Synthesia is an AI-powered video maker . It comes with AI video presenters that look like real humans talking in various languages, and includes readymade video templates. You just select a language, educational video template, and presenter, fill in the placeholders with visuals — stock images, your images, video clips, or screen recordings — and you have a video to download in full HD resolution in the MP4 video format.

Here’s a walkthrough of creating videos in Synthesia:

Maryville University wanted to transition to a faster, more flexible video creation tool. They used Synthesia to create 85+ online course videos in under 8 months, with 35% time savings. In the words of Gabrielle Young, Executive Director, Strategic Marketing and Communications, “Synthesia allows us to produce all of our content in-house, eliminating previous delays. The team is very responsive and immediately addresses any feedback we have.”

2. ScreenRec

With ScreenRec, recording educational videos by sharing your screen and narrating what you perform is easy. It can even record your webcam so you show your face in the video. This is a basic solution, and if you're making professional-grade videos, you’ll want to check out other options as well.

3. OBS Studio

OBS Studio is great if you regularly perform lectures, live presentations, or webinars that you want to make more engaging. It supports live streaming on Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook Live, capturing and broadcasting from webcams, microphones, desktop screens, and media files. OBS Studio can also record tutorials, webinars, and content that requires screen capture.

Movavi can help you turn any dusted slide deck or existing lengthy video into evergreen, short, easy-to-access engaging videos. It comes with plenty of tools to edit and jazz up your recorded lectures — trimming and splitting, transitions, annotations, callouts, text overlays, and audio editing. And overall, it's a good tool to quickly create educational videos from materials you already have.

5. Adobe After Effects 

Adobe After Effects creates stunning visual effects and motion graphics that make any video stand out. Professional video editors love its range of features that allow them to manipulate visual elements and refine a video with features such as masking, keying, tracking, and advanced compositing techniques. And if you have some time to spare, you might enjoy experimenting with how to make animated videos with it.

Echo360 is a more advanced, dedicated educational platform with interactive features. It makes recording videos easy for teachers, allowing their students to watch what they share anytime, anywhere. Other than its video-making tools, the focus is more on video management features such as adding interactive elements, allowing student comments, and managing access to a larger audience.

7. PlayPosit

PlayPosit makes creating educational videos with interactions more accessible. It facilitates a series of “interactions,” letting you add quizzes, open-ended questions, branching scenarios, and activities for learners that you can place on different online platforms. Plus, you can create interactive lessons from YouTube videos or other online videos containing relevant content for your audience.

8. Explain Everything

Explain Everything is a versatile software with many visual effects for making videos. It acts like an in-cloud whiteboard that you can access from a PC or your mobile, and you can quickly craft engaging lessons to share with your learners.

9. Powtoon 

Powtoon offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of customizable templates, characters, and visual elements you can easily animate. It's intuitive to use and puts so much power into your hands that it truly makes creating animated educational videos simpler, less intimidating, and more enjoyable.

10. Adobe Captivate 

Adobe Captivate is a robust e-learning authoring tool you can use for interactive content, assessments, and adaptive learning. It supports screen recording for making engaging interactive videos and software simulations or demonstrations. While it may not be easy to use as a beginner, it can do amazing things if you're willing to learn it.

The 7-step process of how to make an educational video

An all-in-one video maker like Synthesia with built-in media and video templates library is the simplest solution from all these options.

Here’s a 7-step outline of how to use such software to make an educational video.

How to make an educational video

An all-in-one video maker like Synthesia with built-in media and a library of video templates is the simplest solution from all these options.

Here's a 7-step outline of how to use such software to make an instructional video.

1. Start with a plan

Cognitive researchers and authors of the cognitive theory of multimedia learning , Mayer and Moreno, made it clear that to support learning with video, one must be intentional about the design to reduce extraneous processing and manage the essential processing of information (Mayer and Moreno, 2003; Mayer, 2008) 

How to get clear on who you're educating

It's a great idea to write down some notes on who your video is going to help. First, identify who you're teaching , and their current knowledge level and professional background. Next, understand their reasons for watching —whether for problem-solving, skill enhancement, or personal interest. This insight shapes the complexity and focus of your content. Finally, pinpoint what new information or skills they need from your video. Tailoring content to your audience’s specific learning objectives ensures your video is both engaging and informative, making it more effective in achieving its educational goals.

How to set your video's structural and learning objectives

Choose a video structure that best conveys your content. A common structure in educational videos is to introduce the reason why they're learning this topic, explain how to complete the task, and then demonstrate how to complete that task.

At this stage, it's also a good idea to choose what video creation technique you'll be using. The technique can have a huge impact on your tools and budget. For example, you could use any of the following techniques:

  • AI presenter-led videos
  • Live demonstration or screen recordings
  • 2D or whiteboard animations
  • A live video with actors and props

No matter what structure or technique you use, you should always consider the learning objective when planning a video. Ask yourself what you want your audience to walk away knowing, thinking, or feeling at the end of the video, and make sure you prioritize that objective in the following steps.

2. Write a script

Your script outlines what your video will show, in each scene, in terms of visuals and narration. It can give you more clarity and help you enhance engagement without going over the desired video length.

When someone reads your script, they should be able to picture the future video in their head based exclusively on what the script details.

Use this step-by-step guide to write your video script draft. You'll get expert tips and a template you can customize right away.

3. Gather your visual content

Go through each visual outlined in the script to determine if you'll take it from a stock media library or if you'll film it yourself:

  • Browse online libraries like Shutterstock or Pixabay. Find your visuals, download them, and save them in folders for easy access when you have to import media into your video maker.
  • Do the screen recording with your chosen recorder if your video requires a demonstration on your computer screen.
  • Create your own images and footage by filming in a studio or a different location if your video requires creating visuals from scratch.

4. Record or generate the voice over

There are three key ways to get narration for your video: 

  • Hire a professional voice actor. 
  • Record your own voice-over (might require extra recording equipment).
  • Use built-in AI text-to-speech to generate a professional-sounding acting voice.

Each option has pros and cons. While there isn't a single right tool to use, the choice should come down to the resources you have at hand. If you're low on time and budget or need an enthusiastic tone you can't exactly reproduce yourself, text-to-speech is the best option. Here's how you can use it to generate video voiceovers in seconds:

5. Edit your video

Use the video editing functions to make every element look flawless and fall at the right place in your video:

  • Trim and arrange images and video clips.
  • Add visual effects or motion graphics from the software's library.
  • Remove background noises or adjust audio levels.
  • Add background music or audio effects if you want.
  • Add captions and overlays and make a video transcript available.
  • Check color contrasts and font size to make it more accessible .
  • Add branding elements like a logo or tagline.

6. Share your video online

And you're done! Your video is ready to share with stakeholders for feedback or directly with your audience.  

Remember, most video editing software also provides a link you can embed on a website or share online. This can be particularly useful because it automatically collects video analytics on your video, such as views and watch time. 

To maximize your potential reach and ROI , consider sharing videos on three or more of the following channels:

  • Popular video-sharing platforms like YouTube and Vimeo
  • Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
  • Educational websites, your company or school's websites, or even blogs relevant to your topic
  • Professional networks like LinkedIn
  • Dedicated online learning platforms like Teachable 
  • Online or offline communities where your target audience is likely to be active

IU International University of Applied Sciences leverages synthetic videos for various use cases. They’re teaching 100,000 students with videos generated with the AI video maker Synthesia and have created over 100 such courses. Felix Schiessl, their Senior Innovation Manager, particularly values Synthesia’s flexibility — “Imagine if something changed in the curriculum. Then we'd have to re-record everything. If we save that time, we can create more courses and learning content.”

What makes a good educational video?

A good educational video takes more than the right tool. It needs to work hard to be engaging. That’s because the human brain impulsively seeks novelty, and we’re rewarded for our curiosity with dopamine . Video creators can use this natural reward system to create more engaging content and, as a result, improve learning speed and retention.

But making things novel isn’t always a ticket to engagement. The brain also rewards us for finding shortcuts and speeding up learning. Some call it laziness, but it's an evolutionary tactic to preserve energy. 

“Lazy” is efficient. To be engaging, your video also needs to teach concepts efficiently. 

Below are a few tips on making educational videos that are engaging and efficient to watch.

1. Keep it short

Want to create content that people remember? Know that the brain processes information and retains it better if chunked into manageable, logically-organized segments. 

In one of the largest studies of its time,* scientists found that chunking longer training material into single-concept videos of 6 minutes or less was more effective in engaging learners. 

When you create educational videos, reduce the cognitive load. Break down complex information into smaller, bite-sized videos, and your audience will feel less overwhelmed, more capable of staying focused, and more confident they can watch it all and learn from it.

*Guo, P., Kim, J., & Rubin, R. How Video Production Affects Student Engagement: An Empirical Study of MOOC Videos, 2014.

2. Use emotion and stories

Emotions enhance memory formation and information recall, easing the learning process.

Consider using relatable scenarios and characters when planning for effective educational videos. These will increase student engagement, so try to tell stories or give examples the viewer can easily understand and connect with to stir positive emotions in their brains.

3. Pair narration with the right visuals

According to the cognitive theory of multimedia learning , the mind uses two separate channels — auditory and visual — to process information, each with limited capacity as to how much information it can hold and for how long. This is why “ multimedia content that doesn’t directly contribute to learning can overload and exceed the processing capacity of the cognitive system, known as cognitive overload ” (Sweller, 1988).

Avoid cognitive overload by combining visuals and narration smartly, especially to reinforce the key points in your educational video. Instead of visually representing the entire narration and tiring your audience, only pick the most important information and pair it with supporting visuals.

4. Use spaced repetition

Repetition over time helps reinforce long-term memory.

Research shows that when students learn through spaced repetition, studying at specific intervals over time, they outperform 67% of those who learn by mass repetition, repeatedly reviewing information within a very short time.

Keep your educational video content focused on one big idea with small but effective supporting facts. Repeat and reinforce key concepts throughout the video, strategically spacing them out. And always engage viewers in a recap before you make your call to action.

Make an educational video in under 30 minutes

The right tools will get you far. And educational video production can be straightforward, especially with AI-powered software in your back pocket.

If you want to create videos with AI and make your own educational video content in the next five minutes, try Synthesia's free AI video maker .

Bolton College decided to try AI video production. That try led to creating over 400 videos for their online libraries with 80% time savings in video production processes. In the words of Aftab Hussain, ILT & LRC Team Manager at Bolton College, “If you're a busy teacher and don't have the time or skills to work with many different video creation tools, Synthesia is for you. It combines everything into a single platform.”

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how to make animated videos for education


Step-by-step Guide: How to Make Animated Educational Videos for YouTube

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Making animated educational videos for YouTube can be a powerful way to educate and engage your audience. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating animated educational videos on Animaker. Animaker is a popular DIY video-making platform that allows you to create engaging and effective videos.

Key Takeaways:

  • Creating animated educational videos on YouTube can effectively teach and captivate your audience.
  • Animaker is a user-friendly DIY video-making platform that allows you to easily create animated educational videos .
  • Familiarize yourself with the Animaker dashboard and interface to efficiently navigate the platform.
  • Start by creating your first scene, adding characters, backgrounds, text, properties, and voice-over.
  • Use multiple scenes to build your video and effectively tell your story or explain your topic.

Now that you have a brief overview, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of creating animated educational videos on Animaker.

Getting Started with Animaker

Before diving into the creation process, it’s important to create an account on Animaker and familiarize yourself with its user-friendly interface. Animaker is a DIY video-making platform that allows you to create animated educational videos with ease. To get started, follow these simple steps:

  • Visit the Animaker website and sign up for an account. You can choose from various subscription plans, including a free version with limited features.
  • Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be redirected to Animaker’s dashboard. Take a few moments to explore the different options and features available. Familiarize yourself with the layout and navigation of the platform.
  • Start by selecting a video template or creating a new project from scratch. Animaker offers a wide range of pre-made templates to choose from, making it easier for beginners to get started.
  • Customize your video by adding text, characters, backgrounds, and other elements. Animaker provides a library of assets that you can use to bring your video to life. Simply drag and drop the elements onto the canvas and arrange them as desired.
  • Once you’ve finished creating your video, you can preview it to see how it looks and make any necessary adjustments. Animaker also allows you to add voice-overs, sound effects, and music tracks to enhance your video.
  • When you’re satisfied with the final result, you can download your animated educational video in various formats, including MP4 and GIF.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating captivating animated educational videos with Animaker. Remember to experiment with different features and techniques to make your videos engaging and educational.

Key Features Benefits
Drag-and-drop interface Easy and intuitive video creation process
Library of assets Wide variety of characters, backgrounds, and props to choose from
Customizable templates Quick and easy video creation for beginners
Voice-over and music integration Enhance your videos with professional audio elements

In conclusion, creating animated educational videos with Animaker is an accessible and enjoyable process. By familiarizing yourself with the platform’s interface and using its features effectively, you can produce engaging and informative videos that captivate and educate your audience.

Creating Your First Scene

Once you are comfortable with Animaker’s interface, it’s time to create your first animated scene. This scene will set the foundation for your educational video. To begin, follow these steps:

  • Add a character: Choose from a variety of pre-designed characters or customize your own. This will be the main character of your scene.
  • Select a background: Pick a suitable background that complements your educational content. It could be a classroom setting, a laboratory, or any relevant environment.
  • Add text: Use the text feature to introduce the topic or provide key information. Keep it concise and clear to engage your audience.
  • Enhance with properties: Animaker offers properties like props, objects, and icons to make your scene more visually appealing. Use them strategically to support your educational message.
  • Voice-over: Record or upload a voice-over to provide narration or explanations for your scene. A clear and engaging voice can enhance the learning experience.
  • Control the duration: Adjust the timing of each element in the scene to ensure it flows smoothly. This will help maintain your audience’s attention and deliver your message effectively.

Remember, the first scene is crucial in capturing your viewer’s attention and setting the tone for the rest of your video. Make it engaging and visually appealing to hook your audience from the start.

Once your first scene is complete, you can move on to building the rest of your video by adding, deleting, or duplicating scenes. This allows you to continue telling your story, explaining your topic, and keeping your viewers engaged.

Example Table: Scene Structure

Scene Content Duration
Scene 1 Introduction 10 seconds
Scene 2 Main Topic 30 seconds
Scene 3 Explanation 1 20 seconds
Scene 4 Explanation 2 20 seconds

By organizing your video into scenes and maintaining a logical flow, you can effectively deliver your educational content and keep your viewers engaged throughout the video. Don’t forget to incorporate appropriate transition effects and music tracks to enhance the overall viewing experience.

Now that you have created your first scene and understand how to build your video, it’s time to move on to the next step—enhancing your video with transition effects and music. Stay tuned for the next section of our step-by-step guide on making animated educational videos for YouTube.

Building Your Video with Scenes

To create a cohesive and engaging educational video, it’s important to build your content by adding, deleting, and duplicating scenes that effectively convey your message. In Animaker, you have the flexibility to customize each scene and control its duration to ensure your video flows seamlessly.

Start by adding your first scene, where you can introduce your topic or set the stage for your educational content. Choose a character, background, and text that align with your message. You can also add properties and voice-over to make the scene more dynamic and interactive.

As you progress, feel free to add, delete, or duplicate scenes based on the complexity of your educational video. Use each scene to further explain your topic or tell your story in a visually engaging way. The ability to create multiple scenes allows you to break down complex concepts into smaller, more digestible segments.

Key Tips: Benefits:
Use visual cues to guide your audience’s attention. – Keeps viewers engaged
– Highlights important information
Ensure replayability by including interactive elements. – Encourages audience interaction
– Reinforces learning
Apply easy learning techniques such as storytelling and mnemonics. – Makes complex concepts more understandable
– Facilitates knowledge retention

Remember, storytelling is at the heart of effective educational videos. By carefully planning and structuring your scenes, you can create a narrative that captivates your audience and ensures they retain the information you’re presenting.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats

Applying this quote to your educational video, you can use scenes to build intrigue, inspire curiosity, and ignite a passion for learning in your viewers. Each scene should serve a purpose, moving the narrative forward and leaving your audience eager for more.

Step Action
1 Add your first scene and introduce your topic.
2 Use subsequent scenes to explain key concepts or provide examples.
3 Transition between scenes smoothly to maintain flow.
4 Conclude your video with a final scene that summarizes the main points.

By following these steps and leveraging the power of scenes in Animaker, you can create engaging and impactful educational videos that resonate with your audience and foster a love for learning.

Enhancing Your Video with Transition Effects and Music

Transition effects and music tracks can significantly enhance the overall quality and impact of your animated educational video. In this section, we will explore how to add these elements effectively. By incorporating well-chosen transition effects, you can smoothly transition between scenes and maintain the viewer’s attention. Additionally, carefully selected music tracks can create the desired atmosphere and further engage your audience throughout the video.

Adding Transition Effects

To add transition effects, navigate to the scene timeline in Animaker. Click on the transition icon between scenes and choose the desired effect from the library. Experiment with different effects to find the ones that best suit the tone and message of your video. Keep in mind that using too many transitions can be distracting, so aim for a seamless flow between scenes.

Consider using fade-ins, fade-outs, or wipes to create smooth transitions. These effects can help create a professional and polished look for your animated video. Avoid overly flashy or complicated transitions that can detract from the content itself.

Choosing the Right Music

The right music can set the mood, evoke emotions, and enhance the overall viewing experience of your animated educational video. Animaker provides a wide range of royalty-free music tracks to choose from. When selecting music, consider the tone, tempo, and genre that align with your video’s theme. Upbeat and energetic music can add excitement, while soft and soothing melodies can create a calm and focused atmosphere.

Ensure that the music you choose complements the content of your video and does not overpower or distract from the narration or visuals. Make sure the volume of the music is balanced with the voice-over and other audio elements. Animaker allows you to adjust the volume of the music track to achieve the desired effect.

Transition Effects Music
Fade-in Upbeat and energetic
Fade-out Soft and soothing
Wipe Motivational and inspiring

By incorporating well-executed transition effects and carefully selected music, you can take your animated educational videos to the next level. These elements can enhance the flow, engage the viewer, and make your content more memorable. Remember to experiment and find the right balance that aligns with your video’s message and educational goals.

Previewing and Downloading Your Final Video

Before sharing your animated educational video with the world, it’s crucial to preview it to ensure everything is in place. Here, we will show you how to preview and download your video from Animaker.

Once you have finished creating your animated educational video using Animaker, it’s time to take a closer look at your masterpiece. Previewing your video allows you to review the visuals, animations, transitions, and overall flow to ensure it meets your expectations.

To preview your video in Animaker, simply click on the “Preview” button located at the top of the screen. This will open a new window where you can watch your video in its entirety. Pay close attention to details such as timing, text alignment, and audio quality. If you spot any errors or areas for improvement, you can go back to the editing screen by clicking on the “Edit” button.

Once you are satisfied with the final version of your animated educational video, it’s time to download it. Animaker offers various download options, such as HD, SD, or GIF formats. Choose the format that best suits your needs and click on the “Download” button. Animaker will then process your video and provide you with a download link. Save the video to your desired location and you are ready to share it with your audience on YouTube.

Previewing and downloading your final video ensures that you have a high-quality product ready to be shared with your intended audience. Take the time to carefully review and make any necessary adjustments to ensure your video is engaging, informative, and visually appealing.

Best Practices for Engaging Educational Videos

Engaging your audience through educational videos requires implementing various strategies that make learning fun and interactive. In this section, we will share some best practices to help you create captivating videos.

1. Use Visual Cues: Visual cues such as animations, graphics, and diagrams can help simplify complex concepts and make them more understandable for your viewers. Use visuals to support your explanations and enhance the visual appeal of your video.

2. Replayability: Make your videos easily rewatchable by incorporating interactive elements such as quizzes, challenges, or interactive annotations. By encouraging viewers to revisit your video, you increase the chances of knowledge retention and reinforce key concepts.

3. Easy Learning Techniques: Break down your content into easily digestible chunks and use storytelling techniques to make your video more engaging. Consider using mnemonic devices, analogies, and real-life examples to make complex topics relatable and memorable.

Creating Engaging Educational Videos

When creating educational videos, remember to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Be Concise: Keep your videos concise and focused, avoiding unnecessary tangents. Stick to the main points and deliver your content in a clear and organized manner.
  • Maximize Visual Appeal: Use appealing visuals, vibrant colors, and eye-catching animations to capture and retain your viewers’ attention.
  • Provide Clear Narration: Use clear and articulate narration to effectively communicate your ideas. Speak at a steady pace, enunciate your words, and use appropriate intonation to maintain engagement.

By applying these best practices and incorporating creative elements into your educational videos, you can create compelling content that educates and entertains your audience.

Tips for Making Educational Videos Summary
Use visual cues Visuals help simplify concepts
Implement replayability Interactive elements encourage knowledge retention
Apply easy learning techniques Use storytelling and relatable examples
Be concise Stick to the main points and avoid tangents
Maximize visual appeal Use vibrant visuals and animations
Provide clear narration Speak clearly and articulate your words

Planning, Scripting, and Storyboarding

Before diving into the creation process, it’s essential to lay the groundwork by planning, scripting, and storyboarding your educational video. These steps will ensure a clear and organized flow of information. By carefully planning your content, you can effectively communicate your message and engage your audience from start to finish.

1. Planning

The planning stage is where you define the objectives of your video and identify your target audience. Consider what key concepts you want to convey and how you can present them in an engaging and informative way. Take the time to research your topic thoroughly and gather any necessary reference materials. This will help you structure your video and ensure your content is accurate and relevant.

2. Scripting

Once you have a clear plan, it’s time to write a script for your video. The script will serve as the foundation for your animated educational video, guiding the visuals and narration. Structure your script in a way that flows smoothly, incorporating a logical sequence of information. Keep your language concise and easy to understand, using simple and accessible terms that your target audience will appreciate.

3. Storyboarding

Storyboards are visual representations of each scene in your video, allowing you to plan the composition, camera angles, and animations. Sketch out each scene, considering the visual elements and actions that will bring your script to life. This step is crucial for ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing video. Storyboards also give you an opportunity to make changes and adjustments before moving into the animation phase.

By following these steps of planning, scripting, and storyboarding, you will have a solid foundation for your animated educational video. This groundwork will save you time and effort during the creation process and ultimately result in a more effective and engaging video.

Choosing the Right Animation Style

The animation style you choose for your educational video plays a crucial role in shaping the overall impact and accessibility of your content. This section will help you make an informed decision. With a wide variety of animation styles available, it’s important to select one that aligns with your educational objectives and engages your target audience effectively.

1. 2D Animation: This animation style is popular for educational videos due to its simplicity and versatility. It uses two-dimensional graphics to create characters and scenes, making it easy to convey complex concepts in a visually engaging manner. Whether you opt for traditional hand-drawn animation or digital techniques, 2D animation offers a range of possibilities for capturing your audience’s attention.

2. 3D Animation: Utilizing three-dimensional graphics, this animation style provides a lifelike and immersive learning experience. 3D animation is particularly effective for subjects that require a high level of detail or involve showcasing intricate processes. It allows you to explore complex topics in depth, making it ideal for scientific or technical educational videos.

3. Whiteboard Animation: This style simulates the process of drawing on a whiteboard, engaging viewers through hand-drawn illustrations and animations. It creates a sense of connection and authenticity, making whiteboard animation a popular choice for educational content. This style is especially effective when explaining step-by-step processes or breaking down complex concepts into comprehensible visuals.

Animation Style Advantages Best Suited For
2D Animation Simple, versatile, effective for conveying concepts General educational videos, abstract concepts
3D Animation Realistic, detailed, immersive learning experience Scientific, technical, or complex topics
Whiteboard Animation Engaging, authentic, step-by-step explanations Process-based explanations, instructional videos

Ultimately, the right animation style depends on your educational goals and the preferences of your target audience. Consider the subject matter, complexity of the content, and desired level of engagement when choosing your animation style. By selecting the most suitable style, you can enhance the impact of your educational videos and effectively communicate your message to learners.

Animating Your Video

Animating your educational video is where it truly comes to life. In this section, we will explore techniques to ensure smooth transitions, engaging animations, and visually appealing visuals.

One important aspect of animation is creating smooth transitions between scenes. This can be achieved by using seamless transitions or fade effects. By smoothly transitioning from one scene to another, you can maintain the flow of your video and keep your viewers engaged.

Another technique to consider is adding engaging animations to your video. Animaker offers a wide range of animation effects that can be applied to your characters, objects, and text. These animations can help emphasize important points, add visual interest, and make your video more dynamic.

Visual appeal is also crucial when it comes to educational videos. You want your video to be visually appealing and easy to follow. Utilize Animaker’s features to add vibrant colors, eye-catching graphics, and visually appealing backgrounds. This will help captivate your audience and make your educational video more enjoyable to watch.

Key Points Benefits
Smooth transitions Maintains flow and engagement
Engaging animations Emphasizes important points and adds visual interest
Visual appeal Captivates the audience and enhances enjoyment

Tips for Smooth Transitions

  • Use seamless transitions or fade effects between scenes
  • Keep the pace of your transitions consistent throughout the video
  • Ensure each transition is purposeful and contributes to the overall flow of the video

Creating Engaging Animations

  • Apply animation effects to characters, objects, and text
  • Use animations to emphasize important points or add visual interest
  • Experiment with different animation effects to find the ones that best suit your content

Enhancing Visual Appeal

  • Choose vibrant colors that complement your content
  • Add eye-catching graphics and visually appealing backgrounds
  • Ensure the visuals align with the overall theme and message of your video

By implementing these tips and techniques, you can create animated educational videos that are engaging, visually appealing, and effective in delivering your message to your audience.

Reviewing and Fine-tuning

Reviewing and fine-tuning your educational video is a crucial step to ensure it delivers the intended message and engages your audience effectively. Here, we will discuss the importance of this process and how to execute it.

Once you have completed the initial creation of your animated educational video, it is essential to review it with a critical eye. Start by watching the video from start to finish, paying attention to the flow of information, clarity of visuals, and overall impact. Take note of any areas that need improvement or adjustments.

As you review your video, gather feedback from others, such as colleagues or trusted individuals, to gain different perspectives. Their insights can shed light on aspects that may have been overlooked or need further refinement. Consider their feedback objectively and make necessary edits to enhance the overall quality of the video.

In addition to gathering feedback, fine-tuning your video involves making technical adjustments. This includes checking for any audio or visual inconsistencies, ensuring proper timing and synchronization, and refining transitions between scenes. Pay attention to details such as font size and style, color scheme, and the overall aesthetic appeal.

Table: Checklist for Reviewing and Fine-tuning

Aspect Actions
Flow of Information Check if the content is presented in a logical and coherent manner.
Visual Clarity Ensure that the visuals are clear, easy to understand, and visually appealing.
Content Impact Assess if the video effectively conveys the intended message and engages the audience.
Feedback Solicit feedback from others and consider their suggestions for improvement.
Technical Quality Inspect audio and visual components for any inconsistencies or issues.
Transitions and Aesthetics Refine scene transitions, font styles, and color schemes for a polished look.

By reviewing and fine-tuning your educational video, you can ensure that it is of the highest quality and effectively achieves its purpose. Take the time to execute this crucial step, making necessary edits and improvements to create a compelling and engaging final product.

Creating animated educational videos for YouTube is a powerful tool for educating and engaging your audience. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing the best practices discussed, you can create impactful videos that make a difference.

Starting with the basics, sign up for Animaker and get familiar with its user-friendly dashboard and interface. From there, you can dive into creating your first scene, adding characters, backgrounds, text, and even voice-over to bring your video to life. Don’t forget to control the duration of each scene to keep your video concise and engaging.

As you build your video, add, delete, or duplicate scenes to tell a compelling story or explain your topic effectively. Enhance the flow and atmosphere of your video by incorporating transition effects and carefully selected music tracks. Make sure to preview your video in Animaker to ensure a seamless viewing experience before downloading the final version.

To create truly impactful educational videos, remember to keep them visually appealing and engaging. Use visual cues, replayability, and easy learning techniques to capture your audience’s attention and deliver knowledge effectively. Planning, scripting, storyboarding, choosing the appropriate animation style, animating, and reviewing are all crucial steps in creating high-quality animated educational videos.

With this step-by-step guide and the best practices at your fingertips, you’re well-equipped to create educational videos that inspire and resonate with your audience. Start making a difference today by leveraging the power of animated educational videos on YouTube.

How can I create animated educational videos for YouTube?

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to make animated educational videos using Animaker, a DIY video-making platform.

What is Animaker?

Animaker is a popular DIY video-making platform that allows you to create animated videos with ease.

How do I get started with Animaker?

Simply create an account on Animaker and familiarize yourself with its dashboard and interface to get started.

What is the process of creating my first scene?

Add characters, backgrounds, text, properties, and voice-over to bring your scene to life in Animaker. Control the duration to fit your desired timeframe.

How do I build my video with scenes?

Add, delete, or duplicate scenes as needed to tell your story or explain your topic effectively.

How can I enhance my video with transition effects and music?

Add transition effects and music tracks to enhance the flow and atmosphere of your animated educational video.

How do I preview and download my final video?

Preview your video in Animaker to ensure everything looks and sounds as desired, then download the final version for publishing.

What are some best practices for engaging educational videos?

Use visual cues, replayability, and easy learning techniques to make your educational videos highly engaging and effective.

Why is planning, scripting, and storyboarding important?

These steps contribute to the overall success of your animated educational video by ensuring a well-structured and organized content.

How do I choose the right animation style for my video?

Consider the topic and audience of your educational video when choosing the appropriate animation style.

What tips can help me animate my video effectively?

Follow tips and techniques for creating smooth transitions, adding engaging animations, and maximizing the visual appeal of your content.

Why is reviewing and fine-tuning important?

Reviewing and fine-tuning your animated educational video ensures it meets the desired quality standards and is ready for publishing.

About   Creative Island Team

This article was written by Creative Island's founder Filipe Bastos. Beyond being the owner of the studio, Filipe has a background in philosophy and psychology, and loves reading and writing about anything related to human nature. He brings his unique perspective and insights to the work he does, including creating engaging and effective animated explainer videos for startups and small businesses.

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Say goodbye to dull and generic videos!

Let's work together to create an animation that will bring your story to life in a memorable and impactful way!

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how to make animated videos for education

Dowload the Book

Download our free 59-page eBook, and unlock the power of engaging, cost-effective animated videos for your marketing strategy.

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Free Download

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Animated educational video maker software for schools and students

Open the door to creating, collaborating and communicating visually with videoscribe.

Whether you’re a teacher or student, VideoScribe empowers you to create educational videos, and impressive animated videos in minutes. Perfect for sharing in the classroom, online, with parents, colleagues and beyond. 

With desktop and browser options, VideoScribe flexes to suit you. Use our  quick-start templates  to create a polished animation on the go - or sit down with a coffee and blank canvas. The choice is yours! 

Get started for free or claim your educator and student discount to unlock all features. VideoScribe really is the ideal video editing software for students.

Our VideoScribe Super-Educators

VideoScribe for education is an incredibly powerful tool. But don't just take our word for it - see how our customers are using VideoScribe to create engaging animated videos for their students, audiences and more...

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"I was really impressed with  the tutorials that come along with VideoScribe  and these were all I needed to create the videos - it was the perfect option."

Christian Weaver, Lawyer and VideoScribe Customer

how to make animated videos for education

"VideoScribe enables us to produce engaging content for online learning and communication of key messages. The software is easy to use."

Education Authority of Northern Ireland, VideoScribe Customers

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

"After researching various animation softwares, VideoScribe seemed right for me. It’s quick and easy to use and allows me to produce high-quality videos."

Ms Cole, Teacher and VideoScribe Customer

Are you a teacher or student?

We offer discounts on our annual subscriptions to help students and teachers create great presentations . Contact our Sales Team with your educational institution email to claim your VideoScribe educational discount.

What's the most common learning type for students?

Use VideoScribe to engage your  kinesthetic learners . With only 5% of people learning best through reading and writing, it's easy for you to incorporate visual methods of teaching into your lesson.

Save time with ready-made educational video templates

Access our library of professional-quality educational templates for every topic. From science and math to literature and history, we’ve got you covered.

As a video editing software for teachers, you just drag and drop to customize your chosen design and hit publish to share in presentations, online or in class. It’s as easy as that - from template to finished video in under 5 minutes! 

Science Class

How animated educational videos supercharge learning outcomes

Adding animated videos to your toolkit it a great way to supercharge learning outcomes for your students. Plus with VideoScribe, you gain access to a range of templates which makes it a great video editor for education videos.

‱ Boost knowledge retention by over 15%

‱ Increase class participation and engagement 

‱ Improve test scores 

‱ Support all learning styles: visual, auditory, kinaesthetic

‱ Flexible to deliver in-person, remote and hybrid learning

In four simple ways you can supercharge learning with video: it's been proven to increase knowledge retention, it suits all learning styles, video boosts class participation, and visuals are processed in a much faster way. Learn more about how animated video can supercharge your classroom  here .

Get inspired by success stories from educators like you

how to make animated videos for education

How the University of Utrecht boost staff and student satisfaction with VideoScribe

how to make animated videos for education

How Ms Cole helps students learn in a style and pace that suits them with VideoScribe

how to make animated videos for education

How one educator created the best educational animated video of 2021

How to make your own animated video in 3 quick steps

Step 1: Sign up for your free VideoScribe trial 

With no credit card details needed, you can start experimenting with VideoScribe in a couple of clicks.  Sign up here .

P.S. To unlock unlimited features and videos claim your exclusive educator and student discount. Contact us here .

Step 2: Pick a video template that’s right for you

Browse our template library and click to open the style that catches your eye. 

Step 3: Make it your own!

Just click to edit text, images, colors and fonts. Or drag and drop elements to customize the layout. Then hit publish to watch your animation come to life!

Unlock limitless creativity with premium features, discounted for teachers and students

how to make animated videos for education

Create video resources for lessons , assignments , communication and student collaboration in minutes with VideoScribe. VideoScribe paid plans include:

- Full access to thousands of premium images

- Download your creations as HD MP4s, GIFs, PowerPoint presentations and more

- Remove our logo watermark and add your own

- Choose from a diverse range of drawing hands, pens, erasers & more

- Add your own photos, images and GIFs to customize your videos

Some of our education customers

Standford University

Everything you need to get started

how to make animated videos for education

Video lesson plans and ideas

how to make animated videos for education

The ultimate guide to creating killer educational videos

how to make animated videos for education

Complete animated video kit for back to school

Frequently asked questions, how do i get my teacher or student discount on videoscribe.

We offer discounts on our annual subscriptions to help students and teachers create great animations. Contact our Sales Team with your educational institution email to claim your VideoScribe educational discount.

How long is the VideoScribe free trial?

You’ll have 7 days to experiment and play with VideoScribe . We don’t take any card details in advance so there’s no need to worry about being billed when this time expires!

Can I share editable video projects with other teachers or students?

Yes! With VideoScribe for desktop, it’s easy to download video projects and share them with colleagues or students for them to edit.

I want to create multiple VideoScribe accounts for my school or students - how do I do that?

Creating a VideoScribe multi-user account for your school is a great way to get maximum value and benefit from our tools. To get started, please contact our team here .

Do I have to download software onto my computer?

We have desktop and browser versions of VideoScribe so you can download VideoScribe onto your computer or access it from your favorite browser.

Ready to get started?

Quickly create educational videos that engage your audience.

Trusted by 9+ million people and over 10,000 companies

Ready to make your very own teaching videos? Use Biteable to create engaging educational video content in no time flat.

How to make educational videos in just a few clicks.

Start your free Biteable trial .

Choose an educational video template that fits your goals.

Customize the template with your choice of text, photos, and video clips.

Make it your own by adding a voice over, recording your screen, or recording a new video clip from directly in the app.

Download your educational video or share it anywhere with a single, trackable link...

how to make animated videos for education

Haily shows you how to make engaging educational videos.

Getting started

The ultimate educational video maker.

So, why educational videos? We’re glad you asked. Studies show the human brain processes visual information  60,000 times faster  than plain text. Your audience has a much better chance of understanding and retaining information if it’s shared with them through a visual medium like a video. Do your students a favor and become a teacher-video-maker today!

Engage your audience with beautiful teaching videos

No matter who you’re trying to educate — small children, high school students, or professional colleagues — Biteable allows you to craft beautiful teaching videos that will truly engage them.

We have a huge library of animation, footage, and effects waiting to be used, and our in-house design team is constantly adding more. Whatever the subject, Biteable has what you need to educate effectively.

Make educational videos (that get attention!) in less time

We get it. You don’t have the time or energy to learn video editing. That’s why we do the hard work for you. With Biteable, all you have to do to make educational videos is select the right template, customize the text, and voilà!

Just think of Biteable as your magic wand, faithfully abracadabra-ing time back into your life.

Keep your money in your pocket

Video creation used to be expensive. And let’s face it, that put it out of reach for most educators.

Not anymore. You no longer need to hire a professional or purchase expensive tools when making educational videos. Use Biteable to craft them instead.  Start with a free trial , then choose the plan that best fits your budget.

(Just be forewarned: once you start making educational videos, it’s hard to stop!)

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Make educational videos that connect with your audience

Who are you trying to reach with your educational video? Grade school kids or high school students? Maybe you’re  crafting training content  for new hires at your company. We have templates made specifically for each of these purposes.

Spice it up with colors, effects, and music

Biteable is the simplest video-making software you’ll ever use. After you’ve chosen one of our stunning templates and added your key points, you can spice up your video with additional video scenes, custom colors, effects, and music. And the best part? All these tasty engagement-enhancers can be added with a single click.

Build your videos from the ground up

On the off-chance our template library doesn’t have what you’re looking for, or you already have a super-specific idea in mind, Biteable also allows you to make completely custom educational videos.

Upload your own images, video footage, and music, then simply drag and drop to arrange it in your video timeline. Don’t want to mess with uploading? No problem. Use Biteable’s  Record  feature to record a new video clip from within the app. While you’re at it, record your screen or add a voice over. It’s easy and intuitive.

“Biteable just makes your videos look amazing.”

  • Mikael, Content Creator

Make a stunning video for your charity in minutes

See the difference video makes for yourself with a week’s worth of free videos for your business.

Fine-tune your educational videos

The best educational videos are the ones that focus on a single point. Don’t drown your viewers in a sea of information, they’ll tune out quicker than you can say ‘Jack Robinson’. Instead, stick to one topic and provide examples to hammer your point home.

Keep your tone of voice conversational

Remember what we said earlier? Videos aid the learning process because they engage viewers and help them retain important information. A top engagement technique is to use conversational language. Write your educational video text the same way you speak and your students will connect with your lessons on a much deeper level.

Include an enticing call-to-action

A call-to-action (CTA) is marketing-speak for a statement that encourages viewers to perform a specific action. In the case of your educational videos, conclude each one with a CTA that encourages students to either learn more about the topic or to put the information into practice.

Use  Biteable’s CTA tool  to add a clickable call-to-action button at the end of your video.

How to make educational video content with Biteable

Are you ready to make your own educational video content?  Biteable  is the right tool for the job. Make teaching videos in no time with the world’s simplest instructional video maker.

Gain access to hundreds of customizable templates, video scenes, and unique animations. Add your own content, choose from over 1.8 million stock images and video clips, or record new footage from directly within the app. You can even record your screen or add a voice over with the click of a button. It’s that easy.

With Biteable, creating standout educational videos has never been easier.

Further reading

All the info you need to make stellar educational videos.

If you’re ready to learn more about crafting engaging educational videos, take a look at the Biteable blog. We’ve worked hard to deliver actionable insights you can use to boost the effectiveness of your videos.

Hand selecting one of several video play options on a digital interface.

Video announcements: how to make yours stand out

A stylized illustration of a desk with scattered polaroid photos, a cup of coffee, and a pencil, showcasing some of the best sites for free images.

The 34 best sites for free images and pictures

A graphic illustrating video editing elements, featuring a clapboard, play button, and image icons on a blue background.

Mastering the art of video creation: Tips & tricks

Make a masterpiece in minutes. join the 9m+ people who love biteable.

how to make animated videos for education

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For Teams & Organizations

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For Partners

  • Our Partners
  • Integrations
  • Video Automation
  • Developer API
  • WordPress Plugin
  • Affiliate Program

For Individual Use

  • Moovly Studio

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Enterprise Solutions

  • Moovly for Enterprise
  • Corporate Video Creation Platform
  • Employee Generated Videos
  • API and Customizations
  • Enterprise Plans


  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Internal Communication
  • Learning & Development
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Talent Acquisition

Industry Sectors

  • Automotive Industry
  • Business Consulting
  • News Industry
  • Real Estate
  • Travel Industry

Downloadable guides

  • Human Resources Videos
  • Learning & Development Videos
  • Internal Communications Videos
  • Enterprise Videos Playbook

Moovly for agencies

Moovly as your dynamic video technology partner

Video Makers

  • Bulk Video Maker
  • E-Commerce Video Maker
  • Amazon Video Maker
  • BigCommerce Video Maker
  • Shopify Video Maker
  • News Video Maker
  • Recruitment Video Maker
  • AI (GPT) video generation
  • Developers API
  • Zapier Integration

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Including subscriptions for individual use, teams or organizations

  • Individual Subscriptions
  • Education Plans

Automator Pricing

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Create your own video lessons, explainers or tutorials

Whether you’re a teacher, student or education staff member, Moovly is a powerful tool for you to create educational video content yourself. No need to be an expert!

A versatile, customizable education platform for academic video creation

Easily create academic videos.

Whether you’re a student, faculty or other professional in higher education, Moovly is a powerful tool for you to create educational video content yourself. No need to be an expert!

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Easily create educational videos

Explain educational topics with video, create your own flipped classroom videos or engage your students with video assignments. No need to be a video expert to create content with Moovly!

Easily create communication videos

Whether you’re a principal, librarian or other school staff member, you have internal and external audiences to communicate to. If you can manage tools like PowerPoint, you can create your own communication videos with Moovly!

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K12 Students

Easily create video assignments

Create your own videos for projects, assignments, lessons or presentations, without being a video expert.

  • K12 students

Easily create academic video content

Whether you’re a student, faculty or other professional in higher education, Moovly is a powerful tool for you to create educational videos yourself. Convert your slides to animated lessons, mix your voice or webcam recordings with visuals and make attractive video content! No need to be an expert!

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What They Say

how to make animated videos for education

Great tool for even non-tech guys. I love the “Hands”-feature to design the video like a explainity. The simplicity of the usage is awesome.

Leon G. Student

how to make animated videos for education

Moovly is a very nice way to create interactive tools used in the classroom. I like the easy-to-use interface which allows you to make a video in a reasonable amount of time, even for non media-specialized people. 

Olivier S. Teacher

how to make animated videos for education

Moovly is easy to use and has many possibilities to make a really good video.

Evelien K. School teacher

Get started with moovly.

Capture the attention of and communicate with your workforce.

Uses for Moovly

  • Announcement video
  • Automotive video
  • Business video
  • Business consulting video
  • Branded video
  • Corporate video
  • Custom video
  • Explainer video
  • Facebook video ads
  • Government video
  • Healthcare video
  • Hobby video
  • Instagram video ads
  • Internal Comms video
  • Learning & Development video
  • Marketing video
  • Personal video
  • Product video
  • Professional video
  • Promo video
  • Real Estate video
  • Talent Acquisition video
  • Teaching video
  • Training video
  • Travel video
  • Tutorial video
  • Services video
  • Student video
  • Video ads video
  • Youtube video ads

Helpful links

  • Video automator
  • Wordpress plugin
  • AI GPT video creation
  • AI Subtitles
  • AI text-to-Speech
  • AI text-to-video
  • Color Remover
  • Media libraries
  • Screen Recorder
  • Translation
  • Voice Recorder
  • Webcam Recorder
  • Education plans
  • Subscription plans
  • Affiliate program
  • Moovly Community
  • Partner with us
  • Studio features
  • User gallery
  • User reviews
  • Events calendar

Moovly alternate

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Animaker AI is live on Product Hunt now. Show us some love!

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The Future of Video Making Starts Here.

A breakthrough AI-Powered platform to create Animation and Live-Action videos for non-designers & professionals from early-stage startups to seasoned Fortune 500 companies.

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Awards galore.

Animaker was voted as the No.1 Best Design Product of the World.

Why Animaker?

Meet the World’s most complete Animation & Video Making Tool

Effortless Creation Powered by Animaker AI

Armed with AI powered tools, any person can now create a studio quality animated video in an instant.

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Super Powerful Character Builder

Take it for a spin and build billions of unique characters for your brand.

Take it for a spin and build the perfect character for your brand videos.

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World’s largest asset and animation library

100M+ Stock media, 70K+ icons, and 30K+ music tracks & stickers to fuel your creativity.

1000s of Unique Video Templates

Pick from 1000s of templates! Use them to create videos in under 5 minutes!

25+ Video Editing Tools & Features

From basic video editing features like trimming and cropping to complex features like video effects controller & green screen editor, Animaker has got it all.

Who is it for?

World class video creation tool for everyone

  • Marketing & Sales
  • Internal Comms

Everyone Else


L&D Course Creators

Create animated videos that enhances course engagement by simplifying complex concepts, and transforms courses into dynamic, visually compelling learning experiences.


Human Resources

Make super appealing onboarding, orientation, and compliance videos in a jiffy! You don’t need to depend on professional video creators anymore.


Marketers and Sales Professionals

Make videos that make an impact both internally and externally. Create engaging video content to entice your followers and clients!


Internal Communications

Effective communication is essential for an empowering company culture. Guide your colleagues effectively with a well-crafted animated video!


Be it a birthday wish, a wedding invite, or even a personal resume, Animaker has got you covered! Create anything you want, just the way you want!

Top-notch Products for

Top-notch products for top-notch creators.

Dive deep into Animaker’s ecosystem of Products designed for every type of creator


Breakthrough AI-powered platform to create studio- quality Animation and Live videos.


Edit your raw footage into publish-ready videos in a click. Create highlights, short videos, and more.


Break presentation stereotypes with an Avatar- powered Presentation Maker!


Create Videos using Text within seconds with the help of a patented AI platform.


Generate subtitles in a click with Animaker’s AI-powered Subtitle Generator!


First-of-a-kind AI-Powered Emailer to send flawless Outbound Video Emails.


Create unique designs in minutes with our online graphic design software.


Convert any text into ultra- realistic voiceovers using an AI-based Neural TTS Engine.

For A Good Reason

Our users love us for a good reason.


Laurence Chung

Global brand manager.

At GSK, we wanted to use animated videos for a plethora of different use cases. From marketing to L&D, animated videos helped us communicate easily and effectively. We have created over 2000+ videos using Animaker & saved $1.4 Million dollars.

Videos created so far

$1.4 million, cost saved for the server.


Martin Miller

Instructional designer.

Since training videos are always content-heavy, presenting them in an interesting way has always been a challenge. That’s when I came across Animaker. With its animated icons, charts, graphs, and characters, video creation is a dream now!

training videos created

Less time on video creations.


Stephen A. Gruner

Video marketer.

We were really blown away by Animaker’s character builder. I could literally build an animated version of any person I can imagine. With this customized video, we’re able to 2X our sales conversion.

Sales Conversions

Less time on video creation.


Rachel Hunter McCoy

I think one of Animaker’s best benefits is their super useful support. They responded very promptly whenever I tackled an issue or had a question. I never had to wait too long.

onboarding/relations videos

Employee activity videos, all the security you will ever need.


Frequently Asked Questions

Animaker is an online video-making platform that can help beginners, professionals, and everyone else create animated and live-action videos in a matter of minutes.

Sign up with a free account on animaker.com , and that’s it. You can now use this awesome platform to create super cool videos.

There are different pricing plans (Free, Basic, Starter, Pro) available on Animaker. Check out the pricing page to know more about each plan.

Yes, there is a free-forever plan for Animaker available. You can signup for this plan via animaker.com . To enjoy other premium features, you can upgrade your subscription. Check out the pricing page to learn more about the different pricing plans available.

We are in the process of building such a common plan to give access to Animaker’s suite of products. Kindly contact our support team for more details.

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how to make animated videos for education

8 Best Free Education Animation Software for Teachers to Create Animated Learning Videos

  • May 24, 2023
  • Animated Educational Videos , Education Animation Software , Educational Video

As technology continues to advance, teachers are finding new ways to engage their students in the classroom. One of the most effective ways to do this is through animated learning videos. These videos can help students understand complex concepts in a fun and interactive way. In this article, we will explore the 8 best free education animation software for teachers to create animated educational videos .

Top 8 Free Education Animation Software Options

1. mango whiteboard animation maker.

Developed by Mango Animate, Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker is also well-known as Mango WM among its loyal users. It is an education animation software program that allows teachers to create animated videos quickly and easily. With its user-friendly interface and easy-to-use features, you are able to create engaging videos that explain complex concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

education animation software, animated learning video

To see some of its features that help you make high-quality animated educational videos.

  • Hand-drawing Feature: This is a built-in and distinctive feature of Mango WM. You can choose from a variety of hand types to create the effect of drawing as if by hand. This feature helps you create illustrations and animate your ideas in a more personalized way, making your animated video more authentic and personalized.
  • Animated Characters : This education animation software offers a library of animated characters that can be added to your whiteboard animations. These characters can be customized with different poses, expressions, and movements to create a more dynamic animation. You can make full use of them to capture students’ attention and achieve good teaching results.
  • Multiple Export Formats : Mango WM allows you to export animated learning videos in multiple formats, including MP4, AVI, WMV, and GIF. You are free to share the video via different platforms like chat groups. Students can play the video and learn by themselves.

Start Creating Whiteboard Animation Videos Easily

Vyond is a powerful education animation software program that offers a wide range of features and tools that allow educators to create professional-quality animated videos quickly and easily. A variety of pre-made templates, the drag-and-drop interface, a library of characters and animations, a range of collaboration tools, and more are all useful tools to help you create animated educational videos. The collaboration tools let educators work together on video projects, making it an excellent choice for team-based projects.

The next education animation software is Powtoon. It allows teachers to create animated educational videos quickly and easily, even with no prior animation experience. You can choose from a variety of pre-made templates or create your own custom designs to fit your specific needs. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add text, images, and animations to your videos, allowing you to create engaging and interactive content that will keep your students interested and motivated. A library of pre-made characters and animations will help bring your lessons to life.

Moovly is a cloud-based education animation software program that enables teachers to create animated videos for learning purposes. It offers an easy-to-use interface that allows you to create engaging and interactive content that helps to reinforce learning concepts. Moovly provides you with access to a vast library of templates, images, and sounds that they can use to create professional-looking videos. You can use this software to transform complex ideas and concepts into animations and videos that are easy to understand. Additionally, it allows you to add voiceovers, making it possible to create multimedia content that caters to multiple learning styles.

Toonly is an ideal education animation software program for teachers who want to create visually appealing and informative videos to help their students learn. The software offers a wide range of templates, images, and audio tracks that can be used to create customized videos that cater to different learning styles. Animated videos can help to break down difficult topics into simple, easy-to-understand concepts. By visualizing ideas and concepts, Toonly makes it easier for learners to grasp new information and remember it long-term. Whether you’re teaching math, science, history, or any other subject, Toonly makes it easy to create animated learning videos that are both informative and entertaining.

6. Renderforest

Next up is the cloud-based educational animation software Renderforest, which means that videos can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. This makes it an ideal tool for creating e-learning courses and tutorials that students can access online. Renderforest offers a range of tools and features that allow you to create customized videos that cater to different learning styles. Whether you’re teaching a complex topic or a simple concept, it can help you to create animated videos that make learning fun and interactive. You are able to add voiceovers and subtitles to their videos, making it easier for learners to understand and follow along.

7. Biteable

Biteable is an ideal tool for teachers who want to create instructional videos that students can watch at their own pace. The education animation software offers customizable templates that can be tailored to suit different learning objectives and target audiences. With Biteable, you can create animated learning videos that reinforce learning concepts, help students review critical information, and provide overviews of important topics. The drag-and-drop interface enables you to create captivating visuals, helping learners understand concepts better. You can also incorporate audio files into videos to explain complex topics in a concise and easy-to-understand manner.

8. Animatron

Animatron is an education animation software program that enables educators to create high-quality animated videos for educational purposes. With its easy-to-use interface, Animatron allows you to create animated educational videos without any technical expertise. This education animation software helps make lessons more visually engaging, reinforcing learning concepts and making them more accessible to students. Animatron’s cloud-based platform means that you can collaborate simultaneously on the same project with other teachers, regardless of location.

In conclusion, the use of animated learning videos is becoming increasingly popular in the education sector. It is an effective way to engage students, make concepts more accessible, and reinforce learning objectives. The availability of free education animation software has made it even easier for teachers to create professional-quality videos that supplement traditional teaching methods. Whether you’re a teacher, educator, or student, with the advent of different animation software available, creating animated learning videos has never been easier. You can try to quickly create an engaging, interactive whiteboard video by using Mango Whiteboard Animation Maker.

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The Golden Rules of Marketing

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Pro Tips for Creating Powerful Educational Videos


Information tells a story, find that narrative

The best video content tells stories that connect with the viewer. Focus on what part of your content/text are most important to your communication and put the script together.


Find the best tools to assist your videomaking

A uniquely perfect set of tools that optimize your videomaking exists! While Steve can be your perfect online educational video maker, find the best tools for scripting and social media scheduling too, to make your videos work for you and not the other way around!


Keep the length suited to audience and platform

While the thumb rule is to keep your videos short so the audience find it easy to focus, take into account the standard video length on the platforms where you want to post your videos and attention spans of your audience.


Keep the video focused on a specific topic

Trying to do too much in a single video often results in a chaotic, confusing, or overwhelming video that quickly loses viewers. Define objectives while planning your content. And, if there is more ground to cover, consider making multiple videos.

Related Resources

How to make an Animated Educational Video for Children with AI

How to make an Animated Educational Video for Children with AI

How to make a Branded Educational Video Series with AI

How to make a Branded Educational Video Series with AI

Three Educational Video Content Types To Create and The Role of AI

Three Educational Video Content Types To Create and The Role of AI

Frequently Asked Questions

Are educational videos effective?

Several studies show that over 95% of viewers remember information from videos when compared to 10% in case of text. It is also found that visuals communication is exponentially more effective and faster to process. So, to really connect and make an impact with your audience, educational videos are a great medium.

How do you make an AI educational video?

Create a login in Steve.AI with your email id, and log in to our dashboard. Select Script to live video category. Choose Education video. Simply click on create video. Customize your design and download it instantly. This is arguably the best way to make educational videos while saving time, efforts, resources while also ensuring high-quality video output.

What skills do I need to make educational videos?

All you need to make educational videos is the script for the video that you want to make. The rest of the video creation is taken care of by Steve.AI, you creative assistant!

How to make Animated educational video?

Animation is a time-consuming process. For simple videos, you can leverage the power of AI to turn your ideas into animated videos with Steve.AI, an animated educational video maker. Just enter the script, choose characters and animated video comes alive!


how to make animated videos for education

Top Tips for Animation Educational Content Creation

  • Published: August 14, 2024
  • By: Yellowbrick

Are you passionate about animation and education? Becoming an Educational Content Creator for Animation could be your perfect career path!

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the exciting world of animation education, the skills required to excel in this role, and the top opportunities available in the industry.

The Role of an Educational Content Creator for Animation

As an Educational Content Creator for Animation, your primary goal is to develop engaging and informative content that educates aspiring animators and helps them hone their skills. This role requires a unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and a passion for teaching.

Whether you are creating tutorials, online courses, blog posts, or video content, your aim is to inspire and empower the next generation of animators.

Success in this Role

To succeed as an Educational Content Creator for Animation, you must have a deep understanding of the animation industry and the latest trends and technologies. Stay updated on industry news, attend conferences and workshops, and network with professionals to expand your knowledge and stay ahead of the curve.

Additionally, honing your own animation skills will not only enhance your credibility but also enable you to create more impactful educational content.

Key Skills for Success

One of the key skills required for this role is the ability to communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. As an Educational Content Creator, you will be translating technical information into digestible content that is easy for learners to understand.

Strong writing and storytelling skills are essential, as well as proficiency in multimedia tools and platforms for creating interactive and engaging educational materials.

Creativity in Education

In addition to technical skills, creativity plays a crucial role in developing compelling educational content. Think outside the box and experiment with different formats and styles to make your content stand out.

Incorporate visual elements, interactive quizzes, and real-world examples to make learning fun and engaging. Remember, the goal is not just to impart knowledge but to inspire and motivate learners on their animation journey.

Yellowbrick Courses and Programs

Yellowbrick offers a range of online courses and programs that can help you enhance your skills and knowledge in animation education. From courses on character design and storytelling to workshops on industry trends and best practices, Yellowbrick provides valuable resources for aspiring Educational Content Creators in the animation industry.

Top Opportunities in the Industry

The animation industry offers a wide range of opportunities for educational content creators, each allowing you to leverage your expertise and creativity to shape the future of animation. Here’s a closer look at some of the top roles you can pursue:

  • Animation Instructor: As an Animation Instructor, you’ll have the chance to teach aspiring animators the technical skills and artistic techniques required to succeed in the industry. Whether in a classroom or online setting, you’ll play a vital role in nurturing the next generation of talent.
  • Curriculum Developer: Curriculum Developers design comprehensive educational programs that cover all aspects of animation, from fundamental principles to advanced techniques. Your work will ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges of the industry.
  • Content Writer: As a Content Writer, you’ll create written materials such as tutorials, articles, and guides that help learners understand animation concepts and software. Your ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner will make learning more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Video Producer: Video Producers in the educational sector create instructional videos that demonstrate animation techniques, software usage, and best practices. These videos serve as valuable resources for students and professionals alike, offering visual learning experiences that complement traditional teaching methods.
  • Online Course Creator: Online Course Creators develop comprehensive e-learning courses that cover various aspects of animation. By offering flexible and accessible learning options, you can reach a global audience and empower individuals to learn animation at their own pace.
  • Workshop Facilitator: Workshop Facilitators lead hands-on training sessions and workshops, providing participants with practical experience in animation. These interactive sessions allow learners to apply their knowledge in real-time, fostering a deeper understanding of animation techniques.
  • Educational Consultant: As an Educational Consultant, you’ll work with schools, institutions, and businesses to develop and implement animation education programs. Your expertise will help shape the curriculum and ensure that it meets industry standards and student needs.
  • Content Strategist: Content Strategists develop and manage content plans that align with educational goals and audience needs. In the context of animation education, you’ll curate and organize content that supports learners’ journeys from novices to professionals.
  • Social Media Manager: Social Media Managers promote educational content through various social platforms, engaging with the animation community and building a following. By sharing valuable insights, tips, and resources, you’ll help raise awareness of educational opportunities and inspire aspiring animators.
  • Industry Blogger: As an Industry Blogger, you’ll write about trends, challenges, and opportunities in the animation field. Your blog can become a go-to resource for animators seeking guidance, inspiration, and updates on the latest industry developments.

By exploring these diverse opportunities and honing your skills as an Educational Content Creator for Animation, you can make a meaningful impact on the next generation of animators and contribute to the growth and innovation of the animation industry. Stay passionate, stay creative, and never stop learning – the world of animation education is full of exciting possibilities!

Key Takeaways:

  • Becoming an Educational Content Creator for Animation requires a unique blend of creativity, technical expertise, and a passion for teaching.
  • Stay updated on industry trends and technologies to create impactful educational content that inspires and empowers aspiring animators.
  • Communication skills, creativity, and proficiency in multimedia tools are essential for developing engaging educational materials in animation.
  • Explore various opportunities in the industry, such as animation instructor, curriculum developer, content writer, and more, to make a meaningful impact.
  • Consider enhancing your skills and knowledge through online courses and programs offered by Yellowbrick.

To further advance your career as an Educational Content Creator for Animation, consider enrolling in the “ NYU Animation Industry Essentials ” online course and certificate program offered by Yellowbrick. This comprehensive program will provide you with valuable insights and practical skills to excel in the dynamic world of animation education.

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How to Create Engaging Whiteboard Animation and Whiteboard Video

Andrew Herkert

August 5th, 2024

Whiteboard Video

Whiteboard animation videos or whiteboard video simplifies complex ideas through carefully – crafted illustration and stop-motion drawing. They capture viewer attention and enhance information retention . This guide covers everything from their benefits to the tools and steps for creating your own.

Key Takeaways:

Whiteboard videos simplify complex concepts, making them engaging and memorable for viewers.

The best whiteboard videos are made by specialized agencies such as TruScribe.

Whiteboard Videos are hugely effective for teaching complex subjects in a simple way

DIY tools we will name below can be used for rudimentary animations, when your budget does not allow for a professional agency like TruScribe to support.

Following best practices, such as detailed storyboarding and clear audio, ensures your content resonates with your audience.

Always consult a whiteboard video specialist when you are looking for corporate or professional communications.

Understanding Whiteboard Video

An image depicting the concept of whiteboard animation video which is a hand drawing a complicated topic on a whiteboard.

Whiteboard video are a unique type of explainer video that uses the narrative framework of a whiteboard and markers to tell a story or explain a concept.

These videos involve real-time drawings, where static images are sketched out as the video progresses, often accompanied by a voice-over narration.

The primary purpose of a whiteboard animation video is to break down complex ideas into digestible chunks, making them easier for viewers to understand and retain.

From explaining intricate scientific theories to marketing new products, whiteboard video is a versatile medium that can be employed across various fields.

Whiteboard video are particularly effective in education, where they support visual learning by clarifying complex topics and making information more accessible.

Abstract concepts become engaging visual stories in whiteboard video, helping viewers effortlessly grasp essential information.

Benefits of Using Whiteboard Video

An illustration of the benefits of using whiteboard animation videos.

One of the standout benefits of whiteboard animation videos is their ability to capture and retain viewer attention.

The dynamic combination of visual storytelling and narration makes these videos memorable, which is crucial in today’s content-saturated world. Engaged viewers are more likely to remember the presented information, leading to higher retention rates.

Whiteboard videos are also incredibly effective at simplifying complex concepts. Breaking down information into visual segments helps build trust and emotional connections with the audience, often leading to higher conversion rates.

For instance, Google successfully used the medium to explain the features of G Suite for Education, significantly enhancing engagement among teachers and students.

In addition to educational benefits, whiteboard explainer videos are powerful marketing tools. They can lead to increased sales and social media shares, as their engaging nature encourages viewers to share the content with others. Whiteboard Video is a key to success.

Companies like Wand Education have used whiteboard animations to effectively display their services, demonstrating significant benefits such as time-saving for teachers.

The adaptability of whiteboard as a medium across different industries is another advantage. They can be produced quickly and economically, making them a preferred choice for businesses looking to create impactful marketing videos without a hefty budget.

Whether you are in education, healthcare, technology, or any other field, whiteboard animation videos can be tailored to meet your specific needs and objectives.

Different Styles of Whiteboard Animation and Whiteboard Video

An illustration showing different styles of whiteboard animation technology.

Whiteboard videos come in various styles, each with its own unique appeal. The traditional hand-drawn style involves an artist drawing on a dry erase whiteboard with marker or pen, creating quick line drawings that evolve into a cohesive story. This method is often appreciated for its authenticity and the personal touch it brings to the production. It is also more engaging due to the human element.

On the other hand, digital whiteboard animations replicate the traditional style using digital tools and illustrations. These animations often combine hand-drawn elements with digital assets, allowing for greater flexibility in post-production. This hybrid approach can be particularly useful when integrating complex visuals or animated characters into the story.

Another popular style is the fully digital whiteboard, which employs software to create vibrant and humorous animations. These animated whiteboard videos are ideal for shorter clips and can be highly engaging, making them perfect for social media and marketing purposes. Each style offers different advantages, so choosing the right one depends on your project’s goals and audience.

Tools for Creating Whiteboard Animation Videos

An illustration of process used for creating whiteboard animation videos.

Creating whiteboard explainer video has never been easier, thanks to a variety of whiteboard animation software available today. Popular DIY tools like VideoScribe, Animaker, and Renderforest provide user-friendly interfaces and a wealth of features to help you create animated videos and bring your animated character videos to life using a whiteboard video maker.

The right DIY software can make a significant difference in the quality and effectiveness of your whiteboard video, so it’s important to choose one that fits your specific needs. Always remember to consult with an expert agency like TruScribe if you are using whiteboard explainer video in a professional setting.

VideoScribe: Features and Benefits

VideoScribe is a leading software for creating whiteboard animation videos, known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. This feature makes it accessible for users of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced animators. With VideoScribe, you can easily customize your animations through various options, enhancing your creative control and allowing you to produce engaging and unique videos.

One of the standout features of VideoScribe is its extensive library of over 5,000 images available in its free plan, offering a diverse selection for your animations. Whether you are creating an educational video or a marketing explainer, VideoScribe provides the tools to make your vision a reality.

Animaker: Why It’s Popular

Animaker is another popular choice for DIY, thanks to its user-friendly drag-and-drop option. This feature simplifies the video creation process, allowing users to focus on creativity without getting bogged down by technical details. Animaker supports the creation of whiteboard videos with a variety of animated characters and charts, providing numerous customization options to suit different needs.

These user-friendly features have contributed to Animaker’s popularity, making it a go-to tool for individuals and businesses looking to create engaging whiteboard animation videos. Whether you are an educator, marketer, or content creator, Animaker offers the tools and flexibility to produce high-quality animations.

Renderforest: Versatility in Templates

Renderforest is a DIY whiteboard explainer video maker which stands out for its versatility in templates, providing users with cloud-based tools to create engaging whiteboard animations quickly and easily. With Renderforest, you can select colors, scene types, and transitions, and even upload your artwork or voiceover to customize your video.

The platform offers ready-made scenes and pre-made stories that can be edited to fit your ideas, making it accessible for anyone looking to produce high-quality animations without design skills. Renderforest’s ease of use and extensive customization options make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to create unique and compelling whiteboard animations.

Step-by-Step Process to Create a Whiteboard Explainer Video

Creating a whiteboard animation video involves several steps, from planning and scripting to recording voice -overs and post-production. Following a streamlined process can help ensure that your video is both engaging and effective.

Let’s break down the key steps involved in bringing your whiteboard animation to life.

Planning Your Video

The first and arguably most important step in creating a whiteboard animation video is planning. A well-crafted script is crucial, as it dictates the success of the entire video. When scripting, it’s essential to keep the message concise and focused, avoiding excessive details that may dilute the main idea. Identifying your target audience early on will help tailor the message to their interests and ensure that your video resonates with them.

Once the script is in place, creating a storyboard is the next step. A storyboard serves as a visual outline that helps organize the narrative flow and timing of the video. Deciding on the imagery for each part of the voice-over ensures that the visuals and audio complement each other, enhancing the video’s overall quality.

Creating Visuals and Storyboards

Creating the visuals for your whiteboard animation is where your story truly comes to life. When planning drawings, consider how each image will work together to tell the story. Plan one symbol or illustration for each sentence in your script to effectively pair visuals with your narrative. This approach ensures that the visuals support and enhance the message rather than distract from it.

Proper camera positioning is also critical in capturing the whiteboard animation effectively. Ensure that the camera is positioned above the drawing surface to capture the full scope of the visuals. Consistency in visual style, including color palette and drawing technique, is key to producing a polished final product. This consistency helps create a cohesive look and feel throughout the video, making it more engaging for viewers.

Using a consistent visual style and planning your drawings carefully can significantly enhance the impact of your whiteboard animation. Paying attention to these details helps create a visually appealing and effective video that captivates your audience.

Recording Voice-Over and Adding Audio

Recording a clear and expressive voice-over is essential to match the tone of your whiteboard animation and ensure viewer engagement. Setting up a dedicated recording space can significantly improve the quality of the voice-over, as it reduces background noise and distractions. Using a quiet environment and a quality microphone can further enhance the clarity of the recording.

In addition to the voice-over, integrating sound effects and background music can enhance the viewer’s experience. These audio elements should be carefully selected to complement the visuals and narration, creating a cohesive and engaging final product.

Post-Production and Editing

The final step in creating a whiteboard animation video is post-production and editing. This stage involves syncing the audio with the visuals, adding suitable background music, and making final adjustments to the video. Adding text overlays and other finishing touches can enhance the overall quality of the video before sharing it with your audience.

Layer Masks

Layer masks can be utilized during editing to correct drawing errors or create smooth transitions between visuals, ensuring a polished final product. Attention to these details produces a high-quality whiteboard animation video that effectively communicates your message and engages your audience.

Best Practices for Effective Storyboards

An illustration of best practices for effective whiteboard animation videos.

To create effective whiteboard animation videos, it’s essential to follow best practices that enhance storytelling and audience engagement. Whiteboard animation significantly enhances storytelling by providing a visual representation of the message. Different styles, like watercolor or sketch-style animations, convey emotion and effectively engage audiences.

Mixed media whiteboard animations, which combine live video footage with illustrations, can further enhance viewer engagement by adding a dynamic element to the animated videos. Keeping the animation minimalistic with simple illustrations and a limited color palette can also make the message clear and concise.

Creating detailed storyboards helps align visuals with each segment of the voice-over, ensuring that the animation effectively supports the narrative. Additionally, incorporating motion and background music can enhance interactivity, making the video more engaging for viewers.

Case Studies: Successful Whiteboard Animation Videos

Successful whiteboard animation videos offer valuable insights into effective practices and their benefits. For example, Video Explainers has crafted tailored whiteboard explainer videos for clients such as Ascent Cloud and LoadSpring Solutions, demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of this medium. These videos have helped businesses communicate complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way.

Major brands like Google, Adidas, and Pepsi have chosen Animaker for their DIY whiteboard animation needs, showcasing the tool’s popularity and effectiveness in creating engaging content. The MedVector whiteboard animation video is another notable example, having raised over 3.5 million dollars, highlighting the financial success that can be achieved through well-crafted animated content.

Case studies like these provide valuable lessons and inspiration, demonstrating how whiteboard animation videos can be used effectively across different industries and for various purposes.

Established in 2010, and having served over 1000 B2B clients TruScribe is a top-ranked agency known for simplifying complex concepts and engaging audiences. By breaking down information into visual segments, our videos make it easier for viewers to understand and retain information. The adaptability of the mode across different industries and their quick, economical production make them a preferred choice for many businesses and educators.

Whether you are explaining a new product, educating students, or sharing a story, TruScribe whiteboard video offers a unique and effective way to communicate your message. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can create engaging and impactful whiteboard animations that captivate your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is whiteboard video.

A TruScribe video is a captivating explainer that brings concepts to life through real-time drawings on a whiteboard. It’s a powerful tool to simplify complex ideas and engage your audience effectively!

Why are these videos effective?

TruScribe videos are effective because they break down complex ideas into simple visuals, making them easier to understand and remember. This engagement boosts viewer retention and encourages sharing, ultimately leading to higher conversions.

What styles of these videos are there?

Embrace the creativity of whiteboard animation with styles like traditional hand-drawn, sleek digital animations, and dynamic hybrids that mix both. Discover the one that speaks to your vision!

Which DIY tools are best for creating such videos?

VideoScribe, Animaker, and Renderforest are excellent choices for creating whiteboard animation videos, each offering unique features that can bring your ideas to life. Choose one that best fits your vision and start animating today. Get in touch with professionals like TruScribe when you need to take it up a notch!

What are some best practices for creating these videos?

To create impactful illustrated videos in this style, focus on a clear script, detailed storyboards, and a consistent visual style.

Engaging illustrations and background music will captivate your audience and elevate your message.

Get in touch with the team at TruScribe today: https://truscribe.com/contact/ We will be happy to advise you in all things animated whiteboard videos.

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3ds Max

Autodesk 3ds Max: Create massive worlds and high-quality designs

3D modeling and animation software 

Image courtesy of Anthony Pitts

What is 3ds Max?

Autodesk 3ds Max professional 3D modeling, rendering, and animation software enables you to create expansive worlds and premium designs.

Breathe life into environments and landscapes with robust modeling tools.

Create finely detailed designs and props with intuitive texturing and shading tools.

Iterate and produce professional-grade renders with full artistic control.

See system requirements

Video: 3ds Max overview

3ds Max overview (video: 4:48 min.)

Underwater plane crash

Dream Garden Shed, rendered in 3ds Max. Image courtesy of Ewelina Lekka

Crabs traversing through the sand at a beach resort

Stylistic render of crabs in the sand, created in 3ds Max. Image courtesy of Kirill Gilyazov

Grotto with columns and mermaid statues

3D painting of underwater scenery, created in 3ds Max. Image courtesy of Marie Henry

A flooded alleyway with ivy growing over fire escapes

Digital image of an overgrown flooded alleyway, created in 3ds Max. Image courtesy of Timothy Lee

how to make animated videos for education

Flying on a Trabant, rendered in 3ds Max. Image courtesy of Vince Gåspår

Photorealistic rendering of a garden shed in a grove of trees

Why use 3ds Max?

Boost creativity.

Fuel your imagination with artist-friendly creative workflows.

Increase automation

Reduce repetitive, time-consuming tasks with time-saving tools.

Improve collaboration

Seamlessly share data with integrated open standards.

What you can do with 3ds Max

Japanese temple scene at sunset

Image courtesy of Saga Alayyoubi

Create realistic 3D designs with powerful tools

Whether you’re building expansive gaming worlds or visualizing intricate architectural designs, 3ds Max has the modeling toolset you need to bring your 3D assets to life.

Stylized horse head bust

Image courtesy of J-KANG

Produce high-quality renders

From light mixing to color correction, the built-in Arnold renderer provides a rich experience and handles your most complex characters, scenes, and effects.

A futuristic steampunk character standing on top of rubble

“During [SteelRising's] production, the animation team relied on 3ds Max to create its custom rigs and animations.”

—Arthur Munoz, Senior Game Animator and Rigger, Spiders Games

Various cars and trucks racing through desert in Mexico

“Almost all of the content you see in [Forza Horizon 5] has been create[d] inside 3ds Max.”

—Dan Wulczynski, Lead Technical Artist, Playground Games

Render of Dodge Charger car drifting through streets

“Full CGI has many advantages. 
 We can choose any light, atmosphere, and 
 location we want.”

— Jakub Vlček, CEO, Punctum Images

Render of a building made with AutoCAD and 3ds Max

“[With] 3ds Max and AutoCAD, I bridged the gap [between] abstract creativity and 
 tangible projects.”

— Sara Moheimani, 3D Artist

See 3ds Max in action

VFX featuring 18th century boats crashing into bridge tower

Relive the past using VFX

3D generalist Thomas Berg breaks down VFX scenes from his work on Olav and two war documentaries.

3ds Max UI shot demonstrating glTF material customization

Embrace open standards

Discover how support for glTF allows users to open, create, and edit large amounts of 3D data with ease.

Cities and statues simulated using 3ds Max and TyFlow

Create simulations

Edstudios details how to import geometry and particle simulations from 3ds Max and TyFlow to Omniverse Create.

When to choose 3ds Max or Maya

3ds Max and Maya are used by creative studios around the world for animation, modeling, visual effects, and rendering.

3ds Max resources

M&e youtube channel.

Watch talks from industry experts, discover new tools and workflows, and much more.

3ds Max forum

Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore popular 3ds Max topics.

3ds Max blog

Read 3ds Max news and stories from animation, VFX, and games studios.

Media & Entertainment Collection offers more

Create breathtaking scenes and characters for film, TV, and games.

Media and Entertainment Collection

Media and Entertainment Collection

Enjoy all the creative tools you need to build a powerful, scalable 3D animation pipeline for complex simulations, effects, and rendering.

Media & Entertainment Collection includes:




Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is 3ds max used for.

3ds Max is used to model, animate, and render detailed 3D characters, photorealistic designs, and complex scenes for film and TV, games, and design visualization projects.

Who uses 3ds Max?

3ds Max is used by 3D modelers, animators, and lighting artists for game development, film and TV productions, and design visualization projects.

Autodesk 3ds Max vs. Autodesk Maya

Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Maya are used by creative studios around the world for animation, modeling, visual effects, and rendering. Learn when to choose 3ds Max and when to choose Maya .

Which operating system does Autodesk 3ds Max run on?

Autodesk 3ds Max runs on MicrosoftÂź WindowsÂź 11 and Windows 10. See 3ds Max system requirements for details.

How do I download 3ds Max?

Autodesk provides download and install instructions  for individuals  and  administrators . Your available downloads appear in  Autodesk Account . Find your product, select a version, platform, language, and download method. For more information, visit the  Autodesk Support .

Can I install 3ds Max on multiple computers?

With a subscription to Autodesk 3ds Max software, you can install it on up to three computers or other devices. However, only the named user can sign in and use that software on a single computer at any given time. Please refer to the  Software License Agreement  for more information.

How do I convert my Autodesk 3ds Max free trial to a paid subscription?

Launch your trial software and click Subscribe Now on the trial screen or buy Autodesk 3ds Max here . When buying your subscription, enter the same email address and password combination you used to sign in to your trial. Learn more about  converting a trial to a paid subscription.

How much does a 3ds Max subscription cost?

. If you have infrequent users and are interested in a pay-as-you-go option, please visit  Autodesk Flex page to learn more.

Do you offer subscriptions for students, educators, and educational institutions?

Students and teachers  at qualified academic institutions worldwide are eligible for free access to Autodesk software for one-year through the Autodesk Education Community .

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  1. Animated educational videos and how to create them

    Follow these steps to create an awesome animated educational video and make learning fun and effortless for the audience! Step 1 - Create an Account. Step 2 - Exploring the Animaker Dashboard and Interface. Step 3 - Creating the first scene.

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  4. How to make educational videos

    1. Choose your flow. Start with an idea or start with a text. Renderforest offers two easy-to-follow flows for creating educational videos: "Turn your ideas into videos" and "Turn your texts into videos.". In the idea-to-video flow, you can input your idea to receive a customizable outline.

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    4. 4 effective ways to use animated video for teaching 5. How to create your own educational animated videos 6. Video tips and tricks from educators. What today's students are looking for. From elementary school to college, today's students are part of a new generation with life experiences and expectations that set them apart from those before.

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    It's easy to create educational videos of any length free with Vimeo Create. Whether you need to break longer instructional content into short educational videos, create an education intro video, or make animated educational videos, Vimeo's video editor for education makes creating videos for students simple with instructional video ...

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    Ask yourself what you want your audience to walk away knowing, thinking, or feeling at the end of the video, and make sure you prioritize that objective in the following steps. 2. Write a script. Your script outlines what your video will show, in each scene, in terms of visuals and narration.

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  14. Educational Video Maker

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  16. Moovly for Education

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  17. Animaker, Make Animated Videos with AI for Free

    Animaker was voted as the No.1 Best Design Product of the World. create a studio quality animated video in an instant. Pick from 1000s of templates! Use them to create videos in under 5 minutes! From basic video editing features like trimming and cropping to complex features. like video effects controller & green screen editor, Animaker has got ...

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    Whether you are creating an educational video or a marketing explainer, VideoScribe provides the tools to make your vision a reality. Animaker: Why It's Popular ... To create effective whiteboard animation videos, it's essential to follow best practices that enhance storytelling and audience engagement. Whiteboard animation significantly ...

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