1. The Importance of Literature Review in Scientific Research Writing

    literature review relevance of

  2. Writing THE Literature Review

    literature review relevance of

  3. Review of literature on research relevance in SE

    literature review relevance of

  4. Sample of Research Literature Review

    literature review relevance of

  5. Importance of Literature Review & Writing Tips

    literature review relevance of

  6. How to write a literature review FAST

    literature review relevance of


  1. 3_session2 Importance of literature review, types of literature review, Reference management tool

  2. What is Literature Review?

  3. 7

  4. Literature Review Trick1

  5. How To Write a Literature Review For a Research Paper

  6. How to Do a Good Literature Review for Research Paper and Thesis


  1. How to Write a Literature Review

    A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources on a specific topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge, allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research that you can later apply to your paper, thesis, or dissertation topic. There are five key steps to writing a literature review: Search for ...

  2. Why is it important to do a literature review in research?

    "A substantive, thorough, sophisticated literature review is a precondition for doing substantive, thorough, sophisticated research". Boote and Baile 2005 . Authors of manuscripts treat writing a literature review as a routine work or a mere formality. But a seasoned one knows the purpose and importance of a well-written literature review.

  3. Literature review as a research methodology: An ...

    This is why the literature review as a research method is more relevant than ever. Traditional literature reviews often lack thoroughness and rigor and are conducted ad hoc, rather than following a specific methodology. Therefore, questions can be raised about the quality and trustworthiness of these types of reviews.

  4. Importance of a Good Literature Review

    A literature review is not only a summary of key sources, but has an organizational pattern which combines both summary and synthesis, often within specific conceptual categories.A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information in a way that informs how you are planning to investigate a research problem.

  5. What is the Purpose of a Literature Review?

    A literature review is a critical summary and evaluation of the existing research (e.g., academic journal articles and books) on a specific topic. It is typically included as a separate section or chapter of a research paper or dissertation, serving as a contextual framework for a study. ... This helps further demonstrate the relevance of your ...

  6. Literature Review: The What, Why and How-to Guide

    Example: Predictors and Outcomes of U.S. Quality Maternity Leave: A Review and Conceptual Framework: 10.1177/08948453211037398 ; Systematic review: "The authors of a systematic review use a specific procedure to search the research literature, select the studies to include in their review, and critically evaluate the studies they find." (p. 139).

  7. What is a Literature Review?

    A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources on a specific topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge, allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. There are five key steps to writing a literature review: Search for relevant literature. Evaluate sources. Identify themes, debates and gaps.

  8. What Is A Literature Review?

    The word "literature review" can refer to two related things that are part of the broader literature review process. The first is the task of reviewing the literature - i.e. sourcing and reading through the existing research relating to your research topic. The second is the actual chapter that you write up in your dissertation, thesis or ...

  9. Conducting a Literature Review: Why Do A Literature Review?

    Literature review is approached as a process of engaging with the discourse of scholarly communities that will help graduate researchers refine, define, and express their own scholarly vision and voice. This orientation on research as an exploratory practice, rather than merely a series of predetermined steps in a systematic method, allows the ...

  10. Writing an effective literature review

    If you approach your paper as a contribution to an ongoing scholarly conversation, [ 2] then your literature review should summarize just the aspects of that conversation that are required to situate your conversational turn as informed and relevant. Third, the key to relevance is to point to a gap in what is known.

  11. What is a literature review?

    A literature or narrative review is a comprehensive review and analysis of the published literature on a specific topic or research question. The literature that is reviewed contains: books, articles, academic articles, conference proceedings, association papers, and dissertations. It contains the most pertinent studies and points to important ...

  12. Writing a literature review

    Writing a literature review requires a range of skills to gather, sort, evaluate and summarise peer-reviewed published data into a relevant and informative unbiased narrative. Digital access to research papers, academic texts, review articles, reference databases and public data sets are all sources of information that are available to enrich ...

  13. What is a Literature Review? How to Write It (with Examples)

    A literature review is a critical analysis and synthesis of existing research on a particular topic. It provides an overview of the current state of knowledge, identifies gaps, and highlights key findings in the literature. 1 The purpose of a literature review is to situate your own research within the context of existing scholarship ...

  14. What is a Literature Review?

    A literature review is a review and synthesis of existing research on a topic or research question. A literature review is meant to analyze the scholarly literature, make connections across writings and identify strengths, weaknesses, trends, and missing conversations. A literature review should address different aspects of a topic as it ...

  15. PDF What is a Literature Review?

    The importance of the literature review is directly related to its aims and purpose. Nursing and allied health disciplines contain a vast amount of ever increasing lit-erature and research that is important to the ongoing development of practice. The literature review is an aid to gathering and synthesising that information. The pur-

  16. Guidance on Conducting a Systematic Literature Review

    Literature review is an essential feature of academic research. Fundamentally, knowledge advancement must be built on prior existing work. To push the knowledge frontier, we must know where the frontier is. By reviewing relevant literature, we understand the breadth and depth of the existing body of work and identify gaps to explore.

  17. Approaching literature review for academic purposes: The Literature

    A sophisticated literature review (LR) can result in a robust dissertation/thesis by scrutinizing the main problem examined by the academic study; anticipating research hypotheses, methods and results; and maintaining the interest of the audience in how the dissertation/thesis will provide solutions for the current gaps in a particular field.

  18. 5. The Literature Review

    A literature review surveys prior research published in books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by so doing, provides a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated.

  19. What is a Literature Review?

    A literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic. The literature review surveys scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to a particular area of research. The review should enumerate, describe, summarize, objectively evaluate and clarify this previous research. It should give a theoretical base for the ...

  20. Steps in Conducting a Literature Review

    A literature review is an integrated analysis-- not just a summary-- of scholarly writings and other relevant evidence related directly to your research question.That is, it represents a synthesis of the evidence that provides background information on your topic and shows a association between the evidence and your research question.

  21. The Literature Review: A Foundation for High-Quality Medical Education

    Purpose and Importance of the Literature Review. An understanding of the current literature is critical for all phases of a research study. Lingard 9 recently invoked the "journal-as-conversation" metaphor as a way of understanding how one's research fits into the larger medical education conversation. As she described it: "Imagine yourself joining a conversation at a social event.

  22. Literature Review

    A literature review is a comprehensive and critical analysis of the existing literature on a particular topic or research question. It involves identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing relevant literature, including scholarly articles, books, and other sources, to provide a summary and critical assessment of what is known about the topic.

  23. What are Literature Reviews?

    Some of the common types of literature review are detailed below. Common Types of Literature Reviews 1 Narrative (Literature) Review. A broad term referring to reviews with a wide scope and non-standardized methodology; ... policy or management importance; Seeks to identify research gaps, identify key concepts and characteristics of the ...

  24. Creativity-Fostering Teacher Behaviors in Higher Education: A

    A systematic literature review requires a rigorous and structured qualitative research approach that results in reliable and validated conclusions, ... we screened the full texts of the 603 remaining articles and discussed their relevance for this review through five iterative rounds, using the same inclusion/exclusion criteria. Third, we ...

  25. The good, the bad, and the ugly: how counterfeiting is ...

    The literature review methodology received different terms in the literature (Whittemore and Knafl 2005).Webster & Watson recommended a structured approach that focuses on the main journals and academic databases, which can speed up the identification of relevant papers.This research uses a descriptive approach (Durach, Kembro, e Wieland, 2015), based on gaps, themes, research agendas, framed ...

  26. Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Literature Review

    When searching the literature for pertinent papers and reviews, the usual rules apply: be thorough, use different keywords and database sources (e.g., DBLP, Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings, JSTOR Search, Medline, Scopus, Web of Science), and. look at who has cited past relevant papers and book chapters.

  27. Climate change and heat stress resilient outdoor workers: findings from

    Global warming has led to an increase in the number and intensity of extreme heat events, posing a significant threat to the health and safety of workers, especially those working outdoors, as they often have limited access to cooling strategies. The present systematic literature review (a) summarizes the current knowledge on the impacts of climate change on outdoor workers, (b) provides ...

  28. Wisdom-based Buddhist-derived meditation practices for prosocial

    Objectives The objective of this evaluative systematic review was to analyse the impact of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) that incorporate Buddhist wisdom practices on prosocial behaviour, and provide insights into their underlying mechanism, potential benefits, and applications. Method A systematic literature search was conducted using three electronic databases up until 1 December 2023.

  29. Computation

    A systematic review of the literature produced between 2013 and July 2023 on factors, prediction algorithms, and explainability methods to predict the risk of traffic accidents was carried out. Factors were categorized into five domains, and the most commonly used predictive algorithms and explainability methods were determined.