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The Kievan period

The muscovite period, the emergence of modern russian culture.

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Queen Elizabeth II addresses at opening of Parliament. (Date unknown on photo, but may be 1958, the first time the opening of Parliament was filmed.)

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The development of Russian culture

Russia’s unique and vibrant culture developed, as did the country itself, from a complicated interplay of native Slavic cultural material and borrowings from a wide variety of foreign cultures . In the Kievan period ( c. 10th–13th century), the borrowings were primarily from Eastern Orthodox Byzantine culture. During the Muscovite period ( c. 14th–17th century), the Slavic and Byzantine cultural substrates were enriched and modified by Asiatic influences carried by the Mongol hordes. Finally, in the modern period (since the 18th century), the cultural heritage of western Europe was added to the Russian melting pot.


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Although many traces of the Slavic culture that existed in the territories of Kievan Rus survived beyond its Christianization (which occurred, according to The Russian Primary Chronicle , in 988), the cultural system that organized the lives of the early Slavs is far from being understood. From the 10th century, however, enough material has survived to provide a reasonably accurate portrait of Old Russian cultural life. High culture in Kievan Rus was primarily ecclesiastical . Literacy was not widespread, and artistic composition was undertaken almost exclusively by monks. The earliest circulated literary works were translations from Greek into Old Church Slavonic (a South Slavic dialect that was, in this period, close enough to Old Russian to be understandable). By the 11th century, however, monks were producing original works (on Byzantine models), primarily hagiographies , historical chronicles, and homilies. At least one great secular work was produced as well: the epic The Song of Igor’s Campaign , which dates from the late 12th century and describes a failed military expedition against the neighbouring Polovtsy . Evidence also exists (primarily in the form of church records of suppression) of a thriving popular culture based on pre-Christian traditions centring on harvest, marriage, birth, and death rituals. The most important aspects of Kievan culture for the development of modern Russian culture, however, were not literary or folkloric but rather artistic and architectural. The early Slavic rulers expressed their religious piety and displayed their wealth through the construction of stone churches, at first in Byzantine style (such as the 11th-century Cathedral of St. Sophia, which still stands in Kiev , Ukraine) and later in a distinctive Russian style (best preserved today in churches in and around the city of Vladimir , east of Moscow). The interiors of many of these churches were ornately decorated with frescoes and icons.

The Mongol (Tatar) invasions of the early 13th century decimated Kievan Rus. By the time Russian political and cultural life began to recover in the 14th century, a new centre had arisen: Muscovy (Moscow). Continuity with Kiev was provided by the Orthodox church, which had acted as a beacon of national life during the period of Tatar domination and continued to play the central role in Russian culture into the 17th century. As a result, Russian cultural development in the Muscovite period was quite different from that of western Europe, which at this time was experiencing the secularization of society and the rediscovery of the classical cultural heritage that characterized the Renaissance . At first the literary genres employed by Muscovite writers were the same as those that had dominated in Kiev. The most remarkable literary monuments of the Muscovite period, however, are unlike anything that came before. The correspondence between Tsar Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) and Andrey Mikhaylovich, Prince Kurbsky during the 1560s and ’70s is particularly noteworthy. Kurbsky, a former general in Ivan’s army, defected to Poland , whence he sent a letter critical of the tsar’s regime. Ivan’s diatribes in response are both wonderful expressions of outraged pride and literary tours de force that combine the highest style of Muscovite hagiographic writing with pithy and vulgar attacks on his enemy. Similarly vigorous in style is the first full-scale autobiography in Russian literature , Avvakum Petrovich ’s The Life of the Archpriest Avvakum, by Himself ( c. 1672–75).

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As in the Kievan period, however, the most significant cultural achievements of Muscovy were in the visual arts and architecture rather than in literature. The Moscow school of icon painting produced great masters, among them Dionisy and Andrey Rublyov (whose Old Testament Trinity , now in Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery , is among the most revered icons ever painted). Russian architects continued to design and build impressive churches, including the celebrated Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed on Moscow’s Red Square . Built to commemorate the Russian capture of Kazar, the Tatar capital, St. Basil’s is a perfect example of the confluence of Byzantine and Asiatic cultural streams that characterizes Muscovite culture.

The gradual turn of Russia toward western Europe that began in the 17th century led to an almost total reorientation of Russian interests during the reign of Peter I (1682–1725). Although Peter (known as Peter the Great) was not particularly interested in cultural questions, the influx of Western ideas (which accompanied the technology Peter found so attractive) and the weakening of the Orthodox church led to a cultural renaissance during the reigns of his successors. In the late 1730s poets Mikhail Lomonosov and Vasily Trediakovsky carried out reforms as far-reaching as those of Peter. Adapting German syllabotonic versification to Russian, they developed the system of “classical” metres that prevails in Russian poetry to this day. In the 1740s, in imitation of French Neoclassicism , Aleksandr Sumarokov wrote the first Russian stage tragedies. In the course of the century, Russian writers assimilated all the European genres; although much of their work was derivative, the comedies of Denis Fonvizin and the powerful, solemn odes of Gavrila Derzhavin were original and have remained part of the active Russian cultural heritage. Prose fiction made its appearance at the end of the century in the works of the sentimentalist Nikolay Karamzin . By the beginning of the 19th century, after a 75-year European cultural apprenticeship, Russia had developed a flexible secular literary language, had a command of modern Western literary forms, and was ready to produce fully original cultural work.

  • Russian Culture, Customs, and Traditions

Russian folk art and crafts at a market.

The Russian state covers nearly about 6,612,100 square miles and is home to more than 144.5 million people. The culture of the Russian people developed over the nation's history that spans more than a millennium and was influenced by various cultures over the years including the Western European culture.

Food and Drink

Russian cooking incorporates influences from various international culinary traditions such as Eastern and Central Asian traditions and Siberian traditions. A variety of ingredients are used in Russian cuisine including pork, mushrooms, and honey. Soup and porridge are essential staples of the Russian cooking tradition with cabbage soup being the first course for most families regardless of their social standing. Alcohol is an integral part of Russian culture with the country being well renowned for producing high-quality vodka.

Arts and Literature

Russians express their artistic talents through a variety of mediums such as architecture and paintings. Byzantium architectural designs profoundly influenced how Russian architects designed their buildings until the fall of the Byzantine Empire. In the years following the collapse of the empire, new architectural styles such as the neoclassical style and Constructivism were the major influences for Russian architects. Russia has also produced some of the world's most famous painters, for example, Ivan Argunov who was famous for his portraits and Ivan Shishkin who was one of the leaders behind Russian Realism. The history of Russian literature can be traced back to the 10th century. Leo Tolstoy, Mikhail Lermontov, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky are some of the titans who have dominated Russian literature.

Music and Dance

Russians have always valued their musical traditions and have preserved some of their oldest musical instruments such as the Gusli which is more than 1,000 years old. Though Russia developed classical music late into its history, the genre has become one of the most distinct in the country. Some of the world's greatest classical musicians were Russian with notable examples being David Oistrakh and Anna Netrebko. Ballet is one of the most popular dance styles in Russia though initially, ballet was only for the amusement of the elite particularly under the reign of Empress Anna. In the 1740's Sergey Diaghilev, a central figure in the Russian ballet scene established the first ballet company. Russian ballet dancers are some of the most well-known in the world due to their extensive training mainly using the Vaganova method.

Sports and Leisure

The Russian people play a wide array of games both for recreation and professionally. Russia was particularly prosperous in the Olympic Games when it was part of the larger Soviet republic. Larisa Latynina was one of the most successful Soviet athletes and the country has won 18 medals half of which were gold. Russians have also dominated in chess with some of their standout players being Garry Kasparov and Evgeny Alekseev both of whom are international grandmasters. Russians have also dominated in ice hockey despite the game being introduced to the country in the Soviet era. In tennis, Russian-born Maria Sharapova has reached the pinnacle of the sport being ranked world number one on a couple of occasions.

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Russian Culture: Facts, Customs & Traditions

Russian culture has a long and rich cultural history, steeped in literature, ballet, painting and classical music. While outsiders may see the country as drab, Russia has a very visual cultural past, from its colorful folk costumes to its ornate religious symbols. Here is a brief overview of Russian customs and traditions.

The Homeland

Russian culture places a high value on the homeland and on family, according to Talia Wagner, a marriage and family therapist with a specialty in cultural dynamics. "The Soviet rule left its impression on the culture, creating a fundamental fear and mistrust of those outside the family, extended family and other close familial connections," she told Live Science. The Communist Party ruled Russia and neighboring territories for more than 70 years, uniting them into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The Soviet Union broke up in 1991. 

"The challenges families faced under communism left individuals highly dependent on family support, which oftentimes required the combining of resources to survive," Wagner continued. "This created a culture that highly values extended family and maintaining close friendships." 

When many people think of Russia, they think of vast, frozen tundra. That's not all there is to the country's geography. There are plains, taigas, steppes, plains and mountains. [ Russia from Above: A Glimpse at a Vast Landscape ]

For example, in 2017 the Russian volcano called Kambalny erupted after nearly 250 years of dormancy. The eruption was a surprise and the plume of smoke could be seen from space.

"Nothing pointed to a possible eruption of the Kambalny," Olga Girina, head of KVERT, told Russian news agency TASS, according to Russia Beyond the Headlines . "It is a pure surprise for us. We continue the monitoring and will analyze possible threats as data come in."

Another amazing feature of Russia's geography is Lake Baikal. It is the world's largest lake and holds 20 percent of the world’s supply of fresh water . It is also the world's oldest lake. 

"Lake Baikal is the oldest lake in the world. It is home to approximately 1,700 to 1,800 endemic plant and animal species," said Jennifer Castner of Pacific Environment 's Russia program. 

Population and ethnic makeup

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of territory, with a total area of 6,601,668 square miles (17,098,242 square kilometers). By comparison, the United States comprises 3,794,100 square miles (9,826,675 square km).

According to 2016 data by The World Bank , the population of Russia is more than 144,000,000, a decline since its peak of 148,689,000 in 1992.

Russia is home to at least 190 ethnic groups, according to the BBC . The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports that 77.7 percent of Russians are of Russian descent. The rest of the population consists of 3.7 percent Tatar, 1.4 percent Ukrainian, 1.1 percent Bashkir, 1 percent Chuvash, 1 percent Chechen and 10.2 percent other, while 3.9 percent are unspecified.

While Russian is the official language, many Russians also speak English as a second language. More than 100 minority languages are spoken in Russia today, according to the BBC . The most popular is Dolgang, spoken by more than 5.3 percent of the country's population, according to the CIA. Other minority languages include Tartar, Ukrainian, Chuvash, Bashir, Mordvin and Chechen. Although these minority populations account for a small percentage of the overall Russian population, these languages are prominent in regional areas.

"Religion has always been a primary component of Russian life, even during times of oppression," Wagner said.

There are nearly 5,000 registered religious associations in Russia. More than half follow the Russian Orthodox Church, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation . Islam is the second largest religion; about 10 percent to 15 percent of Russians practice Islam, according to the CIA World Factbook. 

"The third most popular religion in Russia after Christianity and Islam is Tengrism, a form of pagan, animistic and shamanic religion," said Christina de Rossi, an anthropologist at Barnet and Southgate College in London. Tengrism originates from the Turk and Mongol populations of Central Asia and has enjoyed a revival in parts of Russia as it is seen as part of a certain Central Asian ethnic identity by some regional independence movements.  

Arts, literature and architecture

Ballet is a popular notable art form coming out of Russia. Founded in 1776, the Bolshoi Ballet is a classical ballet company based at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and known throughout the world. The Mariinsky Ballet in Saint Petersburg is another famous ballet company in Russia.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a 19th-century Russian composer, is world renowned for "Swan Lake" and the "1812 Overture," among other pieces. There are several museums, including his childhood home, showcasing his personal belongings and musical artifacts.

Russian literature has also had a worldwide impact, with writers such as Leon Tolstoy ("Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace") and Fyodor Dostoevsky ("Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov") still being read around the world.

Russian nesting dolls are well-known symbols of the country. These sets of dolls, known as matrioshka dolls, consist of a wooden figure that can be pulled apart to reveal another smaller version of the same image inside, and so on, often with six or more dolls nested inside one another. The painting of each doll, which can be extremely elaborate, usually symbolizes a Russian peasant girl in traditional costume.

Colorfully painted onion domes first appeared during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, according to Lonely Planet . They are commonplace in Russian architecture and are predominant atop church structures. It has been speculated that they represent burning candles or vaults to heaven and often appear in groups of three representing the Holy Trinity. 

The onion-shaped domes of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow are emblematic of Russian architecture.

Russian food and drink

One of the most well-known traditional Russian foods that may seem strange to an outsider is borshch, also spelled borscht. This is a beet soup that is full of vegetables and meat and is typically served with a dollop of sour cream, a staple of many Russian dishes.

Pirozhkis are small baked buns that can be filled with potatoes, meat, cabbage or cheese. (They should not be confused with pierogis, which are Polish dumplings, boiled and then fried and stuffed with meat, cheese, potatoes or sauerkraut.)

Caviar, or ikra, traditionally made from the eggs of sturgeon found in the Black Sea or Caspian Sea, is often served on dark, crusty bread or with blini, which are similar to pancakes or crepes. Blini are also served rolled up with a variety of fillings, ranging from jam to cheese and onions, or even chocolate syrup.

Vodka is a popular alcoholic drink traditionally made from the distillation of fermented potatoes. Beer and tea are also widely consumed.

Folklore & holidays

Russia has a rich tradition of folk tales that derive from a number of Slavic myths and traditions, according to de Rossi. Russian folk characters are very colorful, and they also betray ancient pagan roots: for example, the Baba Yaga is a witch-like old woman who lives in the forest in a house that rests on chicken legs and is surrounded by skulls and bones. Another tale tells of the Fire Bird, an enchanted creature with fiery plumage that is very difficult to catch, therefore its capture or that of one of its feathers is often the challenge facing the hero.

Both the Baba Yaga and the Fire Bird can either be good or bad, terrifying or benevolent, and they can bestow favorable or hostile enchantments, de Rossi said. Above all, they must never be antagonized! 

Some Russians observe Christmas on Jan. 7 as a public holiday, according to the Julian calendar used by the Russian Orthodox Church , while others celebrate on Dec. 25. 

Russia Day is celebrated on June 12. This marks the day in 1990 that the Russian parliament formally declared Russian sovereignty from the USSR, according to the School of Russian and Asian Studies . Initially, it was named Russian Independence Day, but was renamed to Russia Day, a name offered by Boris Yeltsin, in 2002.

Additional resources

  • Mariinsky Ballet Website
  • The Canopy over the Holy Sepulchre: On the Origin of Onion-Shaped Domes
  • Passport to Trade: Business Meeting Protocol and Etiquette in Russia

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A Look at Russian Culture

Published by Nicholas Walters Modified over 5 years ago

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Russia, Moscow: Society, Culture, Geography (Presentation Slides)

Seminar at Taiwan National University (NTU), Department of Geography. Taipei, Taiwan, China. 27 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20128.33287

27 Pages Posted: 14 Mar 2019 Last revised: 20 Dec 2019

Polina Lemenkova

Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna

Date Written: May 10, 2013

This presentation gives a brief introduction to the Russia and Moscow, its capital. It describes the most important facts concerning culture, geography, cuisine, achievements in science and technologies and architecture. Specifically, it briefly describes achievements in space and polar exploration, shows beauty of various architectural styles in Moscow, demonstrates some examples of the Russian cuisine, arts (ballets, music). Presented at the local seminar at National Taiwan University, Taipei, China. The aim was to introduce Russian culture and geography to the students. The presentation shows and informs about some important facts on the Russian Federation and its capital, Moscow.

Keywords: Russia, Social Geography, Culture Studies, Russian Studies, Moscow City, Russian Federation

JEL Classification: Z3, Z30, Z32, Z39

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This 37 slide Russia PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of Russia's history, geography, government, economy, and culture.

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Russian Culture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Russian Culture

Russian and american leisure will be compared. ... photographs of russian lifestyle, it is easier to stay focused. providing a russian dish also makes ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • By Josh Sammons
  • This unit is designed for 7th grade students in regular classrooms.
  • Students have prior knowledge of Russias geography, therefore they understand how climate and environment play a role in culture.
  • SS.7.2.1- Identify and explain the different forms of government in various world regions.
  • SS.7.2.4- Debate the importance of limited government and the rule of law.
  • SS.7.4.15- Identify the worlds climatic regions and the ways in which they influence lifestyle.
  • SS.7.4.21- Define culture in a geographic context (e.g., isolation, core area, movement).
  • SS.7.5.7- Explain what happens when people from different
  • regions interact.
  • Powerpoint presentations
  • Access to internet
  • Eating utensils
  • Photographs
  • http//www.geographia.com/russia/
  • http//www.einnews.com/russia/
  • http//www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ rs.html
  • http//www.goehner.com/russinfo.htm
  • This unit will be covered in five days. The lessons are outlined as follows
  • An overview of the unit will be given
  • I will be discussing the topics that will be discussed in the unit, but not in detail.
  • This will be the shortest instruction day.
  • Students will observe a Powerpoint presentation of the functioning of Russias government.
  • After the presentation, students can ask questions.
  • Students will be given an assignment to research Russias government online.
  • At the end of class, an outline of the next days lesson will be given
  • A presentation will be given on Russias diet.
  • Students will eat borsch soup. By eating this, they will better understand how children in another country stay nourished by eating simple portions of food.
  • There will be a discussion on the students reactions to eating the soup, and they will compare American food to Russian food.
  • A Powerpoint presentation on leisure will be given.
  • Russian and American leisure will be compared. They will realize how technology has hardly influenced leisure activities there.
  • An internet assignment will be given to research popular sports in Russia.
  • Photographs of living conditions will be viewed.
  • Students will see how simple luxuries such as clean water are scarce.
  • Overall, they will realize how underdeveloped Russia is.
  • A 1-2 page out of class assignment comparing the United States and Russia will be given.
  • By providing photographs of Russian lifestyle, it is easier to stay focused.
  • Providing a Russian dish also makes the unit more interesting.
  • Allowing students to discuss what they observed forces students to be more engaged.
  • Grades will be given on the out of class assignment.
  • Class participation will also be a factor in the final grade. (Were they involved? Did they ask questions?)
  • Classroom behavior will be a part of the final grade as well. (Were they disruptive?)

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russian culture


Oct 03, 2014

100 likes | 1.3k Views

RUSSIAN CULTURE. By Kristopher Kastor. RUSSIAN CUISINE. Borch is made of meat or chicken broth. Russian pancakes are made from apples and pancakes. CLOTHING. Russia home socks are socks that you wear at home. Russian holiday. There is Russian New Years and Easter. Russian Religion.

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Presentation Transcript

RUSSIAN CULTURE By Kristopher Kastor

RUSSIAN CUISINE Borch is made of meat or chicken broth. Russian pancakes are made from apples and pancakes.

CLOTHING Russia home socks are socks that you wear at home.

Russian holiday There is Russian New Years and Easter

Russian Religion Russian religion can be Orthodox Church.

Russian Alphebet A – G a b c d e f g , H – N h I j k l m n.

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Mostra de Venise : colère en Ukraine après la présentation du film "Russians at war", dénoncé comme de la "propagande russe"

presentation about russian culture

Des personnalités politiques et culturelles ukrainiennes ont exprimé leur colère vendredi après la présentation au festival du film de Venise du documentaire d'une réalisatrice russo-canadienne donnant la parole à des soldats russes, dénoncé comme de la "propagande russe" , ce dont cette dernière se défend.

Dans un message publié sur les réseaux sociaux, le chef de l'administration présidentielle ukrainienne Andriï Iermak a jugé "honteuse" la projection de ce qui est, selon lui, un "film de propagande" . Il a estimé que les "personnalités de la culture russe" n'avaient pas le droit de "travailler dans le monde civilisé".

"Menacée de poursuites pénales en Russie"

Il s'agit d'un "documentaire anti-guerre, et (...) il a fallu prendre de grands risques pour le réaliser" , a réagi Anastasia Trofimova dans un communiqué transmis à l'AFP. "L'insinuation selon laquelle il s'agirait d'une propagande orchestrée par la Russie est absurde, sachant que je suis menacée de poursuites pénales en Russie".

Daria Zarivna, activiste ukrainienne et conseillère d'Andriï Iermak, a estimé que le film cherchait à "justifier" les actions de l'armée russe et accusé Anastasia Trofimova de "passer sous silence les crimes de guerre" qui sont imputés aux forces de Moscou en Ukraine.

"Je condamne sans ambiguïté l'invasion de l'Ukraine par l'armée russe et reconnais la légitimité des enquêtes lancées par la Cour pénale internationale sur les crimes commis en Ukraine" , a répondu la réalisatrice. "Je comprends également la souffrance et la colère que ce thème peut déclencher chez celles et ceux qui ont à souffrir de la guerre".

Dans un entretien à l'AFP, elle avait affirmé être allée "seule" sur le front et avoir "juste demandé aux soldats si (elle) pouvai(t) filmer leurs histoires."

"Un exemple parfait de pure propagande russe"

D'après un journaliste de l'AFP ayant vu le film, ceux que l'on voit à l'écran semblent avoir perdu le sens de leur participation à ce conflit. Manquant d'équipement, ils bricolent eux-mêmes leurs armes, recourant à du matériel datant de l'ère soviétique. Enchaînant cigarettes et verres d'alcool, ils essayent de noyer leur désarroi face aux blessures ou à la mort de leurs camarades.

La productrice ukrainienne Daria Bassel, qui dit avoir visionné le film à Venise, y a vu un "exemple parfait de pure propagande russe" dans lequel les soldats reprennent l'argumentaire du Kremlin pour justifier l'invasion.

La cinéaste ukrainienne Iryna Tsilyk a, elle, critiqué les organisateurs de la Mostra pour avoir présenté "quelque chose qui sent si mauvais".

Selon son site internet, Anastasia Trofimova a réalisé précédemment plusieurs documentaires en Syrie, Irak, Congo notamment diffusés par la chaîne étatique russe RT, sanctionnée dans l'Union européenne et aux Etats-Unis.

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