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How to write a cover letter for journal submission

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When you submit your article to a journal, you often need to include a cover letter. This is a great opportunity to highlight to the journal editor what makes your research new and important. The cover letter should explain why your work is perfect for their journal and why it will be of interest to the journal’s readers.

research paper cover letter

When writing for publication, a well-written cover letter can help your paper reach the next stage of the manuscript submission process – being sent out for  peer review . So it’s worth spending time thinking about how to write a cover letter to the journal editor, to make sure it’s going to be effective.

To help you, we’ve put together a guide to explain how to write a cover letter for journal article submission. You will receive cover letter instructions of what you should include and what you shouldn’t, and a word template cover letter.

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What should my cover letter include?

Before you start to write, please check the  instructions for authors  (IFAs) of your chosen journal, as not all journals will require one. You should also check the IFAs for any journal specific information on what to include. This may include a list of relevant articles written by you or your co-authors that have been or are currently being considered for publication in other journals.

Key points to include in your letter to the editor:

Editor’s name (you can usually find this on the journal page on  Taylor & Francis Online ).

Your manuscript’s title.

Name of the journal you are submitting to.

Statement that your paper has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal.

Brief description of the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readers of the journal would be interested in it.

Contact information for you and any  co-authors .

Confirmation that you have no  competing interests  to disclose.

research paper cover letter

Things to avoid:

Don’t copy your abstract into your cover letter, instead explain in your own words the significance of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in the journal.

Don’t use too much jargon or too many acronyms, keep language straightforward and easy to read.

Avoid too much detail – keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page, as an introduction and brief overview.

Avoid any spelling and grammar errors and ensure your letter is thoroughly proofed before submitting.

Key information for cover letter

Click to enlarge your PDF on key information to include in your cover letter .

Cover letter template

If you need further help to write a cover letter for a journal, you can download and use our sample template as a guide.

research paper cover letter

You might find that the submission system for your chosen journal requires your cover letter to be submitted into a text box rather than as a separate document, but it is still a good idea to write a draft first to make sure you have included everything.

Always make sure to check the journal’s  instructions for authors  for any specific additional information to include.

Submission ready

Use our submission checklist  to make sure you’ve included everything you need to.

If you need more guidance, take a look at our other  information and resources to help you make your submission .

research paper cover letter

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Manuscript? Here are the Tips and Examples

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Table of Contents

A cover letter is often the first thing an editor reads when reviewing your submission. As your first pitch to the editor, the cover letter helps them gauge the suitability of your manuscript for publication in their journal. Imagine your work shaping the future of your field, gathering citations, and sparking discussions. A powerful cover letter is thus the first step to making that vision into a reality.   

In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective cover letter and explain how you can get it right every time with examples. First, let us get started with the basics!  

Getting the Basics Right  

When writing a cover letter, it is crucial to address the editor by their correct and complete name¹ . If there are multiple co-editors, you can address your letter to the right person, based on their specialization or designated responsibilities. If unsure, it is okay to go with a more general salutation, such as “Dear Editors”¹ .   

Presenting your Research  

Provide a clear and concise title for your submission and specify whether it is an article, communication, review, perspective, or a manuscript belonging to some other category. If the journal guideline recommends, consider including a list of all authors in the manuscript.   

After covering the preliminary information, briefly explain your paper’s central theme or focus to give the editor an idea of its contents. Ensure this stays a brief outline, without going into too much detail.   

Conveying the Importance of Your Work  

How you communicate the impact of your work can make or break your cover letter. To make a strong impression on the editor, articulate the significance of your research clearly, emphasizing its relevance to the field. Additionally, show how your work aligns with the journal’s scope and mission.  

Including a Formal Declaration  

Some journals require a set of declarations from you to ensure that your manuscript adheres to its ethical code and the larger ethical standards of scientific publishing. Here are the required declarations in a cover letter:  

  • Originality of work:  
  • Confirm that your work is original and has not been published elsewhere. This tells the editor your research is unique.  
  • Conflict of interest statement:  
  • Be clear about any potential conflicts of interest. This includes any personal, financial, or professional connections that might affect your research.  
  • Funding source (if applicable):  
  • Tell where your research funding came from, if any. This includes any support or grants from organizations.   

Including Personal Suggestions for Reviewers on a Separate Page (optional)  

If there is no part of the submission process that collects researcher suggestions for reviewers, and there are special requests from the researcher for reviewers (e.g., recommending the inclusion or suggesting the exclusion of a specific reviewer, etc.), you may also make a note about this in the cover letter.  

Combining these five points, here is a good example of a cover letter for researchers’ reference:  

Example of a Cover Letter

(This image is intended to demonstrate the norms of formatting and tone of expression in a cover letter, it is to be used only by the researcher as a reference in writing² .)  


A strong cover letter can go a long way in ensuring success for researchers looking to publish their manuscripts! Your cover letter is the opening act, setting the stage for how editors perceive your manuscript. So, look at it not as just another formality but as a crucial opportunity to make a strong impression.   

Understanding what to include, what is optional, and what is best left unsaid can be tricky. That is where our team of experts at Elsevier Language Services can step in. We will provide personalized recommendations and expert guidance to help you craft a cover letter that perfectly complements your manuscript. Reach out to us today to make a great first impression and embark on a successful academic journey!  


  • Nicholas, D. (2019). How to choose a journal and write a cover letter. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, 13(5), 35. https://doi.org/10.4103/sja.sja_691_18  
  • Loyola University Chicago. (n.d.). JCSHESA Sample Cover Letter. https://ecommons.luc.edu/jcshesa/cover_letter_template.pdf  

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Written Samples

15 sample cover letters for journal submission.

Submitting your research paper to a journal can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially when you’re unsure of how to craft a compelling cover letter.

A well-written cover letter can make all the difference in catching the editor’s attention and increasing your chances of publication.

Sample Cover Letters for Journal Submission

In this article, we’ll explore 15 sample cover letters that showcase various strategies for effectively communicating the significance of your research and its potential impact on the field.

These examples will serve as a valuable resource for researchers across disciplines, providing inspiration and guidance for crafting their successful cover letters.

Let’s dive in and discover the key elements that make these cover letters stand out from the crowd.

Cover Letter One

Subject: Submission of Research Article – “The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health”

Dear Editor,

I am writing to submit my research article titled “The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health” for consideration in your esteemed journal. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between social media use and mental health outcomes among adolescents, offering valuable insights for mental health professionals, educators, and policymakers.

The article presents findings from a large-scale survey of 5,000 adolescents aged 13-18, exploring their social media habits and mental health status. The results reveal a significant correlation between excessive social media use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Furthermore, the study identifies specific social media behaviors that contribute to negative mental health outcomes, such as cyberbullying and exposure to unrealistic beauty standards.

I believe that this research makes a substantial contribution to the existing literature on adolescent mental health and social media use. The findings have important implications for developing targeted interventions and educational programs to promote healthy social media habits among young people. The article also highlights the need for further research to understand the long-term effects of social media on mental health and to develop evidence-based guidelines for safe and responsible use.

Thank you for considering my submission. I look forward to the opportunity to share this research with your readers and contribute to the ongoing dialogue on this critical issue.

[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation]

Cover Letter Two

Subject: Submission of Original Research – “Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy in Developing Countries”

I am pleased to submit my original research article titled “Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy in Developing Countries” for consideration in your respected journal. This study investigates the challenges and opportunities for implementing renewable energy solutions in developing nations, with a focus on solar and wind power.

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the current state of renewable energy adoption in five developing countries across Africa and Asia. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including surveys, interviews with key stakeholders, and geospatial analysis, the study identifies the major barriers to widespread renewable energy adoption, such as lack of infrastructure, limited access to financing, and inadequate policy support.

However, the research also highlights the significant potential for renewable energy to transform the lives of millions of people in developing countries by providing access to clean, affordable, and reliable electricity. The article presents case studies of successful renewable energy projects in each of the five countries, demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of these solutions.

I believe that this research makes a valuable contribution to the field of sustainable development and energy policy. The findings have important implications for policymakers, investors, and development organizations seeking to promote renewable energy in developing countries. The article also lays the groundwork for further research on the social, economic, and environmental impacts of renewable energy adoption in these contexts.

Thank you for your consideration. I am excited about the opportunity to share this research with your readers and contribute to the global effort to achieve sustainable energy for all.

Cover Letter Three

Subject: Submission of Review Article – “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges”

I am writing to submit my review article titled “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges” for consideration in your distinguished journal. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI applications in healthcare, exploring the potential benefits and risks of these technologies for patients, healthcare providers, and health systems.

The article begins by defining AI and its various subfields, such as machine learning and natural language processing, and discussing their relevance to healthcare. It then presents a systematic review of the literature on AI applications in healthcare, covering areas such as medical imaging, drug discovery, personalized medicine, and clinical decision support.

The review identifies several key opportunities for AI to improve healthcare outcomes, such as enhancing diagnostic accuracy, optimizing treatment plans, and reducing healthcare costs. However, it also highlights the significant challenges and risks associated with AI in healthcare, such as data privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and the need for robust regulatory frameworks.

I believe that this review article makes a timely and important contribution to the ongoing debate about the role of AI in healthcare. As healthcare systems around the world grapple with the challenges of rising costs, aging populations, and the COVID-19 pandemic, AI has emerged as a potentially transformative technology. However, the adoption of AI in healthcare also raises complex ethical, legal, and social questions that require careful consideration.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this review article will be of interest to a wide range of healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the scholarly discourse on this critical topic.

Cover Letter Four

Subject: Submission of Case Study – “Implementing a Successful Remote Work Policy: Lessons from Company X”

I am pleased to submit my case study titled “Implementing a Successful Remote Work Policy: Lessons from Company X” for consideration in your esteemed journal. This study provides a detailed analysis of how one company successfully transitioned to a remote work model during the COVID-19 pandemic, offering valuable insights for organizations seeking to adapt to the changing nature of work.

The case study focuses on Company X, a mid-sized technology firm that implemented a comprehensive remote work policy in response to the pandemic. Through interviews with company leaders, employees, and external stakeholders, as well as an analysis of company documents and performance metrics, the study identifies the key factors that contributed to the success of the remote work transition.

These factors include a clear and consistent communication strategy, the provision of necessary technology and support for remote workers, a focus on maintaining company culture and employee engagement, and a flexible approach to managing work-life balance. The case study also discusses the challenges that Company X faced during the transition, such as managing cybersecurity risks and ensuring equitable access to remote work opportunities.

I believe that this case study makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on remote work and organizational resilience. As companies around the world continue to grapple with the impacts of the pandemic and the changing nature of work, there is a pressing need for evidence-based guidance on how to implement successful remote work policies.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this case study will be of interest to a wide range of organizational leaders, HR professionals, and researchers, and I look forward to the opportunity to share these insights with your readers.

Cover Letter Five

Subject: Submission of Original Research – “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity: Evidence from a Long-Term Field Study”

I am writing to submit my original research article titled “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity: Evidence from a Long-Term Field Study” for consideration in your respected journal. This study presents findings from a 20-year field study of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in a temperate forest ecosystem, offering new insights into the complex relationships between climate, species interactions, and ecosystem functioning.

The study combines long-term monitoring data on temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables with detailed observations of plant and animal populations in a 100-hectare forest reserve. Using advanced statistical modeling techniques, the study identifies significant changes in species composition, phenology, and interactions over the 20 years, with some species showing marked declines while others have adapted or even thrived in the changing climate.

The article discusses the implications of these findings for conservation policy and practice, highlighting the need for adaptive management strategies that take into account the complex and dynamic nature of ecosystems in a changing climate. It also identifies key areas for further research, such as the role of species interactions and ecosystem services in mediating the impacts of climate change on biodiversity.

I believe that this research makes a significant contribution to the growing body of evidence on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. As the world continues to grapple with the urgent challenges posed by climate change, there is a critical need for long-term, empirical studies that can inform effective conservation and adaptation strategies.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am excited about the opportunity to share this research with your readers and contribute to the ongoing efforts to understand and address the impacts of climate change on the natural world.

Cover Letter Six

Subject: Submission of Meta-Analysis – “The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”

I am pleased to submit my meta-analysis titled “The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Chronic Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” for consideration in your distinguished journal. This study provides a comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis of the evidence on the use of mindfulness-based interventions for the management of chronic pain, offering valuable insights for healthcare providers, researchers, and patients.

The study follows a rigorous systematic review protocol, including a comprehensive search of multiple electronic databases, a standardized screening and data extraction process, and a detailed assessment of study quality and risk of bias. The meta-analysis includes data from 25 randomized controlled trials, involving a total of 2,500 participants with various types of chronic pain, including low back pain, fibromyalgia, and neuropathic pain.

The results of the meta-analysis indicate that mindfulness-based interventions are associated with significant reductions in pain intensity, pain-related disability, and psychological distress, as well as improvements in quality of life and well-being. The study also identifies several moderators of treatment effectiveness, such as the type and duration of the intervention, the characteristics of the patient population, and the presence of co-occurring mental health conditions.

I believe that this meta-analysis makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on the use of mindfulness-based interventions for chronic pain management. As the prevalence of chronic pain continues to rise, there is an urgent need for effective, non-pharmacological approaches to pain management that can improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this meta-analysis will be of interest to a wide range of healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the evidence base on this important topic.

Cover Letter Seven

Subject: Submission of Qualitative Study – “Exploring the Experiences of Transgender Individuals in the Workplace: A Qualitative Study”

I am writing to submit my qualitative study titled “Exploring the Experiences of Transgender Individuals in the Workplace: A Qualitative Study” for consideration in your esteemed journal. This study provides a rich and nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by transgender individuals in the workplace, offering valuable insights for employers, policymakers, and advocates.

The study uses a qualitative phenomenological approach, consisting of in-depth interviews with 20 transgender individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries. The interviews explore participants’ experiences of transitioning in the workplace, including their interactions with colleagues and supervisors, their experiences of discrimination and support, and their strategies for navigating the challenges of being transgender in the workplace.

The findings of the study highlight the complex and varied experiences of transgender individuals in the workplace, from the difficulties of coming out and transitioning to the importance of inclusive policies and practices. The study also identifies several key themes, such as the role of allies and support networks, the impact of intersectionality on workplace experiences, and the potential for workplace transitions to be a source of personal and professional growth.

I believe that this qualitative study makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on the experiences of transgender individuals in the workplace. As more and more companies seek to create inclusive and equitable workplaces, there is a pressing need for in-depth, qualitative research that can inform best practices and policies for supporting transgender employees.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am excited about the opportunity to share this research with your readers and contribute to the ongoing efforts to create more inclusive and equitable workplaces for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

Cover Letter Eight

Subject: Submission of Theoretical Article – “Rethinking the Concept of Leadership in the Age of Digital Transformation”

I am pleased to submit my theoretical article titled “Rethinking the Concept of Leadership in the Age of Digital Transformation” for consideration in your distinguished journal. This article provides a novel and thought-provoking perspective on the changing nature of leadership in the context of the digital age, offering valuable insights for scholars, practitioners, and educators.

The article begins by reviewing the traditional theories and models of leadership, from trait-based approaches to transformational and servant leadership. It then argues that these models are increasingly inadequate for understanding and practicing leadership in the context of digital transformation, which is characterized by rapid change, complexity, and uncertainty.

Drawing on recent research and examples from a range of industries and sectors, the article proposes a new framework for conceptualizing leadership in the digital age. This framework emphasizes the importance of adaptability, collaboration, and innovation, as well as the need for leaders to be comfortable with ambiguity and to embrace a more distributed and networked model of leadership.

The article also discusses the implications of this new framework for leadership development and education, arguing for a greater emphasis on experiential learning, design thinking, and cross-disciplinary collaboration. It concludes by identifying several key areas for further research and practice, such as the role of technology in shaping leadership practices and the need for more inclusive and diverse models of leadership.

I believe that this theoretical article makes a significant contribution to the ongoing debate about the future of leadership in the digital age. As organizations around the world grapple with the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation, there is a pressing need for new and innovative approaches to leadership that can help them navigate this complex and rapidly changing landscape.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this article will be of interest to a wide range of scholars, practitioners, and educators, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the scholarly discourse on this important topic.

Cover Letter Nine

Subject: Submission of Empirical Study – “The Relationship Between Social Support and Mental Health Among College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic”

I am writing to submit my empirical study titled “The Relationship Between Social Support and Mental Health Among College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic” for consideration in your respected journal. This study provides a timely and important examination of the impact of social support on the mental health of college students during a period of unprecedented stress and uncertainty.

The study uses a cross-sectional survey design, collecting data from a sample of 500 college students across the United States. The survey includes validated measures of social support, mental health symptoms (depression, anxiety, and stress), and demographic variables. The data are analyzed using a combination of descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression modeling.

The results of the study indicate that higher levels of social support are significantly associated with lower levels of mental health symptoms among college students during the pandemic. The study also identifies several key sources of social support, including family, friends, and faculty/staff, and highlights the importance of both emotional and instrumental support in promoting mental health.

I believe that this empirical study makes a valuable contribution to the growing body of research on the mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among college students who have faced significant disruptions to their academic and social lives. The findings have important implications for college administrators, mental health professionals, and policymakers seeking to support the well-being of students during this challenging time.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this study will be of interest to a wide range of researchers, practitioners, and educators concerned with the mental health and well-being of college students, and I look forward to the opportunity to share these findings with your readers.

Cover Letter Ten

Subject: Submission of Methodological Article – “Advancing the Use of Mixed Methods in Health Services Research: A Guide for Researchers”

I am pleased to submit my methodological article titled “Advancing the Use of Mixed Methods in Health Services Research: A Guide for Researchers” for consideration in your distinguished journal. This article provides a comprehensive and practical guide for researchers interested in using mixed methods approaches to study complex health services research questions.

The article begins by defining mixed methods research and discussing its key principles and benefits, including the ability to triangulate findings, explore both breadth and depth and address multiple research questions within a single study. It then provides a step-by-step guide for designing and conducting mixed methods health services research studies, from developing research questions and sampling strategies to collecting and analyzing data and integrating findings.

The article also discusses several key considerations and challenges in conducting mixed methods research, such as ensuring the quality and rigor of both quantitative and qualitative components, managing large and diverse datasets, and publishing and disseminating findings. It provides practical tips and strategies for addressing these challenges, drawing on examples from successful mixed methods studies in health services research.

I believe that this methodological article makes a valuable contribution to the growing field of mixed methods research in health services. As health systems around the world face increasingly complex and multifaceted challenges, there is a pressing need for innovative and rigorous research approaches that can capture the full range of factors influencing health services delivery and outcomes.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this article will be of interest to a wide range of health services researchers, from novice to experienced investigators, and I look forward to the opportunity to support the continued growth and development of mixed methods research in this important field.

Cover Letter Eleven

Subject: Submission of Case Report – “Successful Treatment of Refractory Chronic Migraine with Botulinum Toxin Type A: A Case Report”

I am writing to submit my case report titled “Successful Treatment of Refractory Chronic Migraine with Botulinum Toxin Type A: A Case Report” for consideration in your esteemed journal. This report describes the clinical course and successful treatment of a patient with chronic migraine who had failed multiple previous therapies.

The report presents the case of a 45-year-old woman with a 20-year history of chronic migraine, characterized by 15-20 headache days per month and significant disability. Despite trials of several preventive and abortive medications, as well as non-pharmacological therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and acupuncture, the patient’s migraines remained refractory to treatment.

The patient was initiated on treatment with botulinum toxin type A, administered according to the PREEMPT protocol. After two treatment cycles, the patient experienced a significant reduction in headache frequency and intensity, as well as improvements in quality of life and functional status. The report discusses the potential mechanisms of action of botulinum toxin in chronic migraine, as well as the implications for clinical practice.

I believe that this case report makes a valuable contribution to the literature on the management of refractory chronic migraine. As a debilitating and often treatment-resistant condition, chronic migraine poses significant challenges for patients and healthcare providers alike. This report highlights the potential of botulinum toxin as a safe and effective treatment option for carefully selected patients.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am hopeful that this case report will be of interest to neurologists, pain specialists, and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with chronic migraine, and I look forward to the opportunity to share this important clinical experience with your readers.

Cover Letter Twelve

Subject: Submission of Commentary – “The Ethics of Gene Editing: Balancing Scientific Progress and Societal Values”

I am pleased to submit my commentary titled “The Ethics of Gene Editing: Balancing Scientific Progress and Societal Values” for consideration in your distinguished journal. This commentary provides a timely and thought-provoking perspective on the ethical implications of recent advances in gene editing technology, offering insights for scientists, policymakers, and the general public.

The commentary begins by discussing the scientific background and potential applications of gene editing, from treating genetic diseases to enhancing human traits. It then explores the ethical considerations raised by these applications, including questions of safety, equity, and the moral status of human embryos.

Drawing on principles of biomedical ethics and recent public debates, the commentary argues for a balanced approach to the regulation and oversight of gene editing research and applications. It emphasizes the importance of public engagement and dialogue, as well as the need for clear and enforceable guidelines to ensure responsible and socially beneficial use of the technology.

The commentary also highlights the global nature of the gene editing debate, discussing the need for international cooperation and governance to address the transnational implications of the technology. It concludes by calling for ongoing ethical reflection and analysis as the science of gene editing continues to evolve.

I believe that this commentary makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing public and scholarly discourse on the ethics of gene editing. As this transformative technology continues to advance, there is an urgent need for informed and nuanced perspectives that can guide its responsible development and use.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this commentary will be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders, from scientists and bioethicists to policymakers and the general public, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation.

Cover Letter Thirteen

Subject: Submission of Systematic Review – “The Effectiveness of School-Based Interventions for Preventing Adolescent Substance Use: A Systematic Review”

I am writing to submit my systematic review titled “The Effectiveness of School-Based Interventions for Preventing Adolescent Substance Use: A Systematic Review” for consideration in your respected journal. This review provides a comprehensive and up-to-date synthesis of the evidence on school-based prevention programs for adolescent substance use, offering valuable insights for researchers, educators, and policymakers.

The review follows a rigorous protocol, including a pre-specified search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and data extraction and quality assessment procedures. It includes studies published in peer-reviewed journals over the past 20 years, encompassing a range of school-based interventions, from educational programs to skills training and peer leadership.

The findings of the review indicate that school-based interventions can be effective in reducing adolescent substance use, particularly when they are interactive, skills-based, and implemented over an extended period. However, the review also highlights the limitations of the current evidence base, including the lack of long-term follow-up data and the need for more rigorous evaluation designs.

I believe that this systematic review makes a significant contribution to the field of adolescent substance use prevention. As rates of substance use among adolescents continue to be a major public health concern, there is a critical need for evidence-based interventions that can be implemented in school settings, where young people spend a significant portion of their time.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this review will be of interest to a wide range of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers concerned with promoting the health and well-being of adolescents, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the evidence base on this important topic.

Cover Letter Fourteen

Subject: Submission of Short Communication – “The Potential of Telemedicine for Improving Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Areas”

I am pleased to submit my short communication titled “The Potential of Telemedicine for Improving Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Areas” for consideration in your esteemed journal. This communication provides a concise and focused discussion of the role of telemedicine in addressing the significant disparities in access to mental health care in rural communities.

The communication begins by highlighting the high prevalence of mental health disorders in rural areas, as well as the numerous barriers to accessing care, including shortages of mental health professionals, long travel distances, and stigma. It then discusses the growing evidence base for the effectiveness of telemedicine in delivering mental health services, particularly for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Drawing on examples from recent research and practice, the communication argues that telemedicine has the potential to significantly improve access to mental health care in rural areas, by enabling remote delivery of services, reducing travel burdens, and increasing the flexibility and convenience of care. However, it also acknowledges the challenges and limitations of telemedicine, such as the need for reliable internet connectivity and the importance of maintaining the therapeutic alliance in a virtual setting.

I believe that this short communication makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing discussion about the role of technology in addressing health disparities and improving access to care. As the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine across many areas of healthcare, there is a timely opportunity to explore its potential for expanding mental health services in underserved communities.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am hopeful that this communication will be of interest to mental health professionals, rural health researchers, and policymakers concerned with improving access to care, and I look forward to the opportunity to share these insights with your readers.

Cover Letter Fifteen

Subject: Submission of Opinion Piece – “The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: A Call to Action”

I am writing to submit my opinion piece titled “The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: A Call to Action” for consideration in your distinguished journal. This piece provides a passionate and persuasive argument for the critical role of diversity and inclusion in promoting educational excellence and social justice in colleges and universities.

The piece begins by discussing the many benefits of diversity in higher education, from enhancing learning outcomes and fostering innovation to preparing students for success in a globalized world. It then highlights the persistent challenges and barriers to achieving true diversity and inclusion in many institutions, including issues of access, equity, and campus climate.

Drawing on a range of examples and personal experiences, the piece argues that diversity and inclusion must be prioritized as core values and strategic imperatives in higher education. It calls on institutional leaders, faculty, staff, and students to take concrete actions to create more inclusive and equitable learning environments, from diversifying curricula and faculty to addressing bias and discrimination.

The piece also emphasizes the importance of accountability and assessment in driving progress toward diversity and inclusion goals and provides specific recommendations for how institutions can measure and report on their efforts. It concludes with a powerful call to action, urging all members of the higher education community to embrace their responsibility to create a more just and inclusive future.

I believe that this opinion piece makes a timely and important contribution to the ongoing national conversation about diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education. As colleges and universities grapple with the urgent challenges of racial injustice, political polarization, and social inequality, there is a critical need for bold and visionary leadership on these issues.

Thank you for considering my submission. I am confident that this piece will be of interest to a wide range of stakeholders in higher education, from administrators and faculty to students and community partners, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to this vital dialogue.

These 15 sample cover letters demonstrate the diverse range of topics, research designs, and perspectives that can be effectively communicated to journal editors.

By highlighting the significance, novelty, and relevance of their work, these cover letters make a compelling case for why the submitted articles deserve to be considered for publication.

Ultimately, a well-crafted cover letter can be a powerful tool for researchers seeking to share their insights and ideas with the wider scientific community.

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Cover letters

A good cover letter can help to “sell” your manuscript to the journal editor. As well as introducing your work to the editor you can also take this opportunity to explain why the manuscript will be of interest to a journal's readers, something which is always as the forefront editors’ mind. As such it is worth spending time writing a coherent and persuasive cover letter.

The following is an example of a poor cover letter:

Dear Editor-in-Chief, I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer” by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology. Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience. With my best regards, Sincerely yours, A Researcher, PhD

Instead, check to see whether the journal’s Instructions for Authors have any cover letter requirements (e.g. disclosures, statements, potential reviewers). Then, write a letter that explains why the editor would want to publish your manuscript. The following structure covers all the necessary points that need to be included.

  • If known, address the editor who will be assessing your manuscript by their name. Include the date of submission and the journal you are submitting to.
  • First paragraph: include the title of your manuscript and the type of manuscript it is (e.g. review, research, case study). Then briefly explain the background to your study, the question you sought out to answer and why.
  • Second paragraph: you should concisely explain what was done, the main findings and why they are significant.
  • Third paragraph: here you should indicate why the readers of the journal would be interested in the work. Take your cues from the journal’s aims and scope. For example if the journal requires that all work published has broad implications explain how your study fulfils this. It is also a good idea to include a sentence on the importance of the results to the field.
  • To conclude state the corresponding author and any journal specific requirements that need to be complied with (e.g. ethical standards).

TIP: All cover letters should contain these sentences:

  • We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal.
  • All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [insert the name of the target journal].

Submission checklist

Before submitting your manuscript, thoroughly check its quality one more time. Evaluate it critically—could anything be done better?

Be sure that:

  • The manuscript follows the Instructions for Authors
  • All files are in the correct file format and of the appropriate resolution or size
  • The spelling and grammar are correct
  • You have contact information for all authors
  • You have written a persuasive cover letter

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Write A Cover Letter For Research Paper Example: For Journal Submission

Trying to get your article submitted to a journal can be daunting, but a well-constructed cover letter is key to making a strong first impression. This guide is designed to help you craft an effective cover letter for your research paper, ensuring it stands out to journal editors.

From articulating the essence of your work to adhering to specific submission guidelines, we’ll walk you through the essential components and insider tips to elevate your manuscript’s chance for review and publication.

What Is A Cover Letter?

A cover letter for journal submission is a critical document that accompanies your research manuscript when you submit it to a scholarly journal.

It serves as your first point of contact with the journal editor and provides a brief introduction to your study.

Cover Letter For Research Paper Example

The cover letter highlights:

  • the significance of your research,
  • its relevance to the journal’s scope, and
  • why it would interest the journal’s readers.
It also asserts that your manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other publication, ensuring the originality of your work.

The cover letter should include a concise overview of your research question, methodology, major findings, and the potential impact of your study within the field. It’s also the place to suggest potential peer reviewers for your manuscript and disclose any conflicts of interest. 

Why Write A Cover Letter For Research Paper Submission?

Writing a cover letter for your research paper submission is more than a formality; it’s a strategic tool that can boost your manuscript’s chances of being published. Here’s why it’s crucial:

Introduces Your Work To The Editor

A cover letter introduces your work to the journal editor. It’s your chance to “sell” your research, explaining why it’s a good fit for the journal.

By highlighting the key findings and their relevance to the journal’s readers, you draw attention to the value your research brings.

This brief overview helps editors quickly grasp the significance of your work, even before delving into the manuscript.

You Can Suggest Potential Reviewers

This letter allows you to suggest potential reviewers who are familiar with your research area. This insider tip can be invaluable.

By recommending experts who understand the nuances of your work, you increase the likelihood of a fair and informed peer review process.

Remember, a well-conducted review is pivotal for your manuscript’s acceptance.

Clarify Authenticity And Exclusivity

Lastly, the cover letter is where you clarify that your manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration by another journal.

Cover Letter For Research Paper Example

This statement upholds ethical standards and reassures the editor about the originality of your work.

It’s also the place to mention any conflicts of interest, ensuring transparency and integrity in the publication process.

In essence, a well-crafted cover letter is your first step towards engaging the editor and peer reviewers, making it a critical component of your submission package.

How To Write A Good Cover Letter For Research Article Submission?

Writing a good cover letter for your research article submission is akin to laying a strong foundation before building a house.

It sets the stage for your manuscript’s review and potential publication. Here’s how to craft one that catches the eye of the journal editor.

  • Get The Basics Right:  Use the journal’s letterhead if available, or include your contact information at the top. Address the letter to the editor by name if possible, ensuring a personal touch right from the start.
  • Go Straight To The Point: The opening line should clearly state the title of your manuscript and your intention to submit it for review.
  • Give An Brief Overview: In the heart of the cover letter, provide a brief overview of your research. Here, you’re not just repeating the abstract. Instead, you’re framing your study within the larger conversation of your field.
  • Show Novelty: Highlight the novel aspects of your research, its relevance to the target journal’s scope, and why it would interest the journal’s readership. This section is your chance to “sell” your manuscript, so make every word count.
  • Suggest Potential Reviewers: Don’t shy away from suggesting potential reviewers. This shows you’re engaged with the community and understand the field’s landscape. Be sure to exclude anyone with a potential conflict of interest.
  • Confirm Ethical Standards:  Assure the editor that your research adheres to standards and that all co-authors have consented to the submission. If your manuscript builds on previous work, this is the place to reference it and explain how your study advances their work.
  • Be Clear About Exclusivity: A statement confirming that your manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal is crucial. This transparency fosters trust with the editorial team.
  • Thank The Editor: Conclude with a respectful note thanking the editor for considering your work, perhaps mentioning that you’re happy to provide additional materials or information if needed. This shows your willingness to collaborate and ensures a positive tone.

Keep your cover letter concise, ideally to a maximum of one page. Every sentence should serve a purpose, whether it’s establishing the significance of your research, demonstrating its fit with the journal, or ensuring ethical compliance.

Remember, a well-written cover letter can make a significant difference in how your manuscript is perceived. It’s worth investing the time to get it right.

research paper cover letter

Research Paper Cover Letter Template For A Journal Submission

Sometimes, combining every tips into a letter can be difficult. In this case, you may find a template useful. Here’s one for you to consider:

[Your Name]  [Your Institutional Affiliation] [Your Department] [Your University/Institute Address] [Your Email Address] [Today’s Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Journal Address] 

Dear [Editor’s Name],

I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled “[Your Manuscript Title]” for consideration as a [Research Article/Case Study/Review Article, etc.] in [Journal Name]. This manuscript has not been published and is not under review elsewhere.

Our research examines [briefly describe your research question or thesis and the gap in the literature your work addresses]. We have found [describe your major findings briefly, and why they are significant].

Given the scope of [Journal Name], we believe our findings will be of interest to your readership as they [explain how your findings add value to the field and align with the journal’s themes].

We suggest the following experts as potential reviewers for our manuscript due to their expertise in [briefly outline the areas of expertise]: [Reviewer 1 Name, Affiliation], [Reviewer 2 Name, Affiliation], and [Reviewer 3 Name, Affiliation].

We have ensured that there are no conflicts of interest with these suggestions.

All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [Journal Name]. We confirm that this work is original and has been conducted in accordance with the ethical standards of [your field/your institution].

Additionally, any supporting data or materials required for the review process are available upon request.

Thank you for considering our manuscript for publication in [Journal Name]. We look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your journal.

[Your Full Name] [Your Job Title/Position, if applicable] [Your Institutional Affiliation]

[Co-Author Name(s) and Affiliation(s), if applicable]

Cover Letter For A Journal Editor: Keep It Simple

A well-crafted cover letter is your first opportunity to engage journal editors and advocate for your research paper’s publication. 

By succinctly summarising your study’s significance, ensuring compliance with journal requirements, and maintaining ethical standards, your cover letter can significantly influence the editorial process.

Remember, a compelling cover letter not only showcases your research but also demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail, enhancing your manuscript’s chance of a favourable review.

research paper cover letter

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Journal Submission

research paper cover letter

If you’re looking for solid advice on how to write a strong journal submission cover letter that will convince journal editors to review your research paper, then look no further! We know that cover letters  can  impact an editor’s decision to consider your research paper further.

This guide aims to explain (1) why you should care about writing a powerful cover letter, (2) what you should include in it, and (3) how you should structure it. The last segment will include a free downloadable submission cover letter template with detailed how-to explanations and some useful phrases. Finally, be sure to get journal manuscript editing , cover letter editing , and other academic editing services by Wordvice’s professional editors to ensure that you convey an academic style and error-free text, along with including all of the most important content.

Why does a good cover letter matter?

While your research paper’s role is to prove the merits of your research, a strong introductory cover letter is your opportunity to highlight the significance of your research and “sell” its concept to journal editors.

While your research paper’s role is to prove the merits of your research, a strong introductory cover letter is your opportunity to highlight the significance of your research and “sell” its concept to journal editors.

Sadly, we must admit that part of the decision-making process of whether to accept a manuscript is based on a business model. Editors must select articles that will interest their readers. In other words, your paper, if published, must make money . When it’s not quite clear how your research paper might generate interest based on its title and content alone (for example, if your paper is too technical for most editors to appreciate), your cover letter is the one opportunity you will get to convince the editors that your work is worth further review.

In addition to economic factors, many editors use the cover letter to screen whether authors can follow basic instructions . For example, if a journal’s guide for authors states that you must include disclosures, potential reviewers, and statements regarding ethical practices, failure to include these items might lead to the automatic rejection of your article, even if your research is the most progressive project on the planet! By failing to follow directions, you raise a red flag that you may be careless, and if you’re not attentive to the details of a cover letter, editors might wonder about the quality and thoroughness of your research. This is not the impression you want to give editors!

What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Journal Submission

We can’t stress this enough: Follow your target journal’s instructions for authors ! No matter what other advice you read in the vast webosphere, make sure you prioritize the information requested by the editors of the journal you are submitting to. As we explained above, failure to include required statements will lead to an automatic “ desk rejection ”.

With that said, below is a list of the most common elements you must include in your cover letter and what information you should NOT include:

Essential information:

  • Editor’s name (when known)
  • Name of the journal to which you are submitting
  • Your manuscript’s title
  • Article type (review, research, case study, etc.)
  • Submission date
  • Brief background of your study and the research question you sought to answer
  • Brief overview of methodology used
  • Principle findings and significance to scientific community (how your research advances our understanding of a concept)
  • Corresponding author contact information
  • Statement that your paper has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by another journal and that all authors have approved of and have agreed to submit the manuscript to this journal

Other commonly requested information:

  • Short list of similar articles previously published by the target journal
  • List of relevant works by you or your co-authors that have been previously published or are under consideration by other journals. You can include copies of those works.
  • Mention of any prior discussions with editor(s) (for example, if you discussed the topic with an editor at a conference)
  • Technical specialties required to evaluate your paper
  • Potential reviewers and their contact information
  • If needed, reviewers to exclude (this information is most likely also requested elsewhere in online submissions forms)

Other disclosures/statements required by the journal (e.g., compliance with ethical standards, conflicts of interest , agreement to terms of submission, copyright sign-over, etc.)

What you should NOT do:

  • Don’t use too much jargon or include too many acronyms.
  • Don’t over-embellish your findings or their significance. Avoid words such as “novel,” “first ever,” and “paradigm-changing.” These types of statements show bias and will make the editor question your ability to assess your work’s merits objectively.
  • Don’t name-drop. Listing people who might endorse your paper and discussing authors’ reputations do not interest editors. They want to know if your content fits their criteria, so focus solely on addressing that point.
  • Don’t write a novel. While you want to adequately explain your work and sell its concept to editors, keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page. The letter is only meant to be an introduction and brief overview.
  • Avoid humor . As much as we want to grab the editors’ attention, there are too many ways in which humor can go wrong!

How to Structure a Cover Letter

You should use formal language in your cover letter. Since most submissions are delivered electronically, the template below is in a modified e-mail format. However, if you send your cover letter on letterhead (PDF or hard copy by mail), move your contact information to the upper-left corner of the page unless you use pre-printed letterhead, in which case your contact information should be centered at the top of the letter.

ANNOTATED TEMPLATE Journal Submissions Cover Letter

[Journal Editor’s First and Last Name][, Graduate Degree (if any)] TIP: It’s customary to include any graduate degrees in the addressee’s name. e.g.,  John Smith, MD or Carolyn Daniels, MPH [Title] e.g.,  Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Co-Editors-in-Chief [Journal Name] [Journal Address] [Submission Date: Month Day, Year]

Dear Dr./Mr./Ms. [Editor’s last name]:

TIP: Where the editor’s name is not known, use the relevant title employed by the journal, such as “Dear Managing Editor:” or “Dear Editor-in-Chief:”. Using a person’s name is best, however.

TIP: Use “Ms.” and never “Mrs.” or “Miss” in formal business letters.

TIP:  Never   use “Dear Sirs:” or any similar expression. Many editors will find this insulting, especially given that many of them are female!

[Para.1: 2–3 sentences]  I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled, [“Title”] for consideration as a [Journal Name][Article Type]. [One to two sentence “pitch” that summarizes the study design, where applicable, your research question, your major findings, and the conclusion.]

e.g.,  I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled, “X Marks the Spot” for consideration as an  Awesome Science Journal  research article. We examined the efficacy of using X factors as indicators for depression in Y subjects in Z regions through a 12-month prospective cohort study and can confirm that monitoring the levels of X is critical to identifying the onset of depression, regardless of geographical influences.

TIP: Useful phrases to discuss your findings and conclusion include:

  • Our findings confirm that…
  • We have determined that…
  • Our results suggest…
  • We found that…
  • We illustrate…
  • Our findings reveal…
  • Our study clarifies…
  • Our research corroborates…
  • Our results establish…
  • Our work substantiates…

[Para. 2: 2–5 sentences]  Given that [context that prompted your research], we believe that the findings presented in our paper will appeal to the [Reader Profile] who subscribe to [Journal Name]. Our findings will allow your readers to [identify the aspects of the journal’s  Aim and Scope  that align with your paper].

TIP: Identify the journal’s typical audience and how those people can utilize your research to expand their understanding of a topic. For example, if many of your target journal’s readers are interested in the public policy implications of various research studies, you may wish to discuss how your conclusions can help your peers to develop stronger policies that more effectively address public concerns.

TIP: Include context about why this research question had to be addressed.

e.g.,  “Given the struggle policymakers have had to define proper criteria to diagnose the onset of depression in teenagers, we felt compelled to identify a cost-effective and universal methodology that local school administrators can use to screen students.”

TIP: If your paper was prompted by prior research, state this. For example, “After initially researching X, Y approached us to conduct a follow-up study that examined Z. While pursuing this project, we discovered [some new understanding that made you decide the information needed to be shared with your peers via publication.]”

e.g.,  Given the alarming increase in depression rates among teenagers and the lack of any uniform practical tests for screening students, we believe that the findings presented in our paper will appeal to education policymakers who subscribe to  The Journal of Education . Although prior research has identified a few methods that could be used in depression screening, such as X and Y, the applications developed from those findings have been cost-prohibitive and difficult to administer on a national level. Thus, our findings will allow your readers to understand the factors involved in identifying the onset of depression in teenagers better and develop more cost-effective screening procedures that can be employed nationally. In so doing, we hope that our research advances the toolset needed to combat the concerns preoccupying the minds of many school administrators.

[Para 3: Similar works]  “This manuscript expands on the prior research conducted and published by [Authors] in [Journal Name]” or “This paper [examines a different aspect of]/ [takes a different approach to] the issues explored in the following papers also published by [Journal Name].”

TIP: You should mention similar studies recently published by your target journal, if any, but list no more than five. If you only want to mention one article, replace the preceding sentence with “This paper [examines a different aspect of]/ [takes a different approach to] the issues explored by [Authors] in [Article Title], also published by [Journal Name] on [DATE].”

[Para. 4: Additional statements often required]  Each of the authors confirms that this manuscript has not been previously published and is not currently under consideration by any other journal. Additionally, all of the authors have approved the contents of this paper and have agreed to the [Journal Name]’s submission policies.

TIP: If you have previously publicly shared some form or part of your research elsewhere, state so. For example, you can say, “We have presented a subset of our findings [at Event]/ [as a Type of Publication Medium] in [Location] in [Year].”

e.g.,  We have since expanded the scope of our research to contemplate international feasibility and acquired additional data that has helped us to develop a new understanding of geographical influences.

[Para. 5: Potential Reviewers]  Should you select our manuscript for peer review, we would like to suggest the following potential reviewers/referees because they would have the requisite background to evaluate our findings and interpretation objectively.

  • [Name, institution, email, expertise]

To the best of our knowledge, none of the above-suggested persons have any conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.

TIP: Include 3–5 reviewers since it is likely that the journal will use at least one of your suggestions.

TIP: Use whichever term (“reviewer” or “referee”) your target journal uses. Paying close attention to a journal’s terminology is a sign that you have properly researched the journal and have prepared!

[Para. 6: Frequently requested additional information]  Each named author has substantially contributed to conducting the underlying research and drafting this manuscript. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, the named authors have no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.

[Your Name]

Corresponding Author Institution Title Institution/Affiliation Name [Institution Address] [Your e-mail address] [Tel: (include relevant country/area code)] [Fax: (include relevant country/area code)]

Additional Contact [should the corresponding author not be available] Institution Title Institution/Affiliation Name [Institution Address] [Your e-mail address] [Tel: (include relevant country/area code)] [Fax: (include relevant country/area code)]

Quick Cover Letter Checklist Before Submission

  • Set the font to Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 point.
  • Single-space all text.
  • Use one line space between body paragraphs.
  • Do not indent paragraphs.
  • Keep all text left justified.
  • Use spelling and grammar check software. If needed, use a proofreading service or cover letter editing service  such as Wordvice to review your letter for clarity and concision.
  • Double-check the editor’s name. Call the journal to confirm if necessary.

Writing a Cover Letter for Journal Submission [Free Template]

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Journal cover letters are your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. This AJE Journal Cover Letter Guide offers some useful tips for getting them right. It also includes a free journal cover letter template.

Updated on September 20, 2018

two researchers writing a cover letter for journal submissions

The cover letter accompanying your journal submission is your chance to lobby on behalf of your manuscript. The letter is far from just a formality and should be written with the same care as your manuscript's text (if not more). Ultimately, your cover letter is designed to influence the decision of the editor to send your manuscript out for peer review. The letter will argue that your manuscript is a good fit for the journal you are submitting it to and highlight your most important findings. Let us help you produce the most effective cover letter possible.

Getting ready to submit your manuscript? Download our comprehensive Free Journal Cover Letter Writing Guide with Template .

A cover letter should be written like a standard business letter :

Address the editor formally by name, if known. Include your contact information, as well. This information is probably available through the journal's online submission system, but it is proper to provide it in the cover letter, too.

Begin your cover letter with a paragraph that states the name of the manuscript and the names of the authors. You can also describe what type of manuscript your submission is (research article, review, case report, etc.). In this first paragraph and the next, describe the rationale behind your study and the major findings from your research. You can refer to prior work that you have published if it is directly related.

Next, write a short paragraph that explains why your manuscript would be a good fit for the journal. Do not simply state that your manuscript is “of interest to the field” or “novel.” Address specific aspects of the journal's Aims & Scope statement. If the journal expresses interest in research with a clinical application, be sure to highlight the importance of your work in terms of clinical implications. If the journal mentions that it focuses on nanostructured materials, explain how your work involved such materials. Even if your work is not a perfect fit for the journal, be sure to address some of the Aims & Scope statement, and explain why your manuscript would be of interest to the journal's readers.

Finally, close with a brief paragraph indicating the following:

  • The manuscript is original (i.e., you wrote it, not copied it)
  • No part of the manuscript has been published before, nor is any part of it under consideration for publication at another journal
  • There are no conflicts of interest to disclose
  • A list of potential reviewers (only if requested by the journal)
  • Any researchers who should NOT review your manuscript

Together, this information provides assurance to the editor that your manuscript merits consideration for publication in their journal and that you are interested specifically in their journal. Sometimes great science will be reviewed regardless of the cover letter, but a well written cover letter is useful for the vast majority of scientists who want to make their research stand out.

Best of luck with your research! If you have any questions about your cover letter, write us anytime.

Ben Mudrak, Senior Product Manager at American Chemical Society/ChemRxiv, PhD, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University

Ben Mudrak, PhD

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Cover Letter for Journal Submission Templates

Download a Microsoft Word template for a standard journal cover letter (also available with instructions in Chinese , Japanese , Korean , Portuguese , and Spanish ).

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Writing effective cover letters for journal submissions: Tips and a Word template

Writing a cover letter

When you need to submit a cover letter with your manuscript, you'll probably write it just before submission. Like many other authors, you may find yourself wondering what to write and taking longer than you expected, causing last-minute delays and stress.

To help you write effective cover letters—and to write them quickly and easily—in this article we offer some tips on layout and appropriate wording. Also, you can download our template cover letter (Word file) to help you save time writing and help you remember to include standard author statements and other information commonly required by journals.

If you are submitting a revised paper to the same journal, note that the response letter to the reviewers is different from the cover letter used at initial submission. You can find tips and a template on writing effective response letters to the reviewers in our previous article .

Many journals require a cover letter and state this in their guidelines for authors (alternatively known as author guidelines, information for authors, guide for authors, guidelines for papers, submission guide, etc.). For some journals, a cover letter is optional or may not be not required, but it's probably a good idea to include one.

Why do some journals ask for cover letters?

Cover letters can be helpful to journal staff in the following ways.

1. Cover letters that include standard statements required by the journal allow the journal staff to quickly confirm that the authors have (or say they have) followed certain ethical research and publishing practices.

These statements assert that the authors followed standard practices, which may include (i) adhering to ethical guidelines for research involving humans ( Declaration of Helsinki ), involving animals ( ARRIVE guidelines ), or falling under institutional guidelines; (ii) obtaining ethics approval from institutional review boards or ethics committees; (iii) obtaining informed consent or assent from participants; (iv) complying with authorship criteria (e.g., ICMJE criteria ); (v) confirming no duplicate submissions have been made; and (vi) recommending reviewers for your paper, which may include specifying peers that you prefer not be contacted.

2. Cover letters can summarize your manuscript quickly for the journal editor, highlighting your most important findings and their implications to show why your manuscript would be of interest.

Some journals, such as Nature, state that while a cover letter is optional, it provides "an excellent opportunity to briefly discuss the importance of the submitted work and why it is appropriate for the journal." Some publishers, such as Springer , recommend that you write a cover letter to help "sell" your manuscript to the journal editor.

3. Cover letters that contain all of the information required by the journal (as stated in the guideline for authors) can indicate that you have spent time carefully formatting the manuscript to fit the journal's style. This creates a good first impression. Addressing the letter to a named editor at the journal also shows that you took the time to write your letter (and by extension, your manuscript) with care and considered the fit with the journal beyond just impact factor.

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What makes an effective cover letter?

Cover letters should be short—preferably no more than 1 page—and they often use single line spacing. The content can be broadly divided into six sections:

  • Addressee's information and date of submission
  • Opening salutation
  • Purpose statement and administrative information
  • Summary of main research findings and implications
  • Statements or information required by the journal
  • Closing salutation and your contact information

Let's look at some tips for each section. And don't forget to download the template , which shows these tips already in place.

1. Addressee's information and date of submission

  • Check the journal's website for the name of the editor who handles submissions; this could be the Managing Editor or an editor assigned to your geographical region. If no handling editor is named, address your cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief. Some journals ask that you identify a specific editor for your specialty.
  • Write the name of the addressee in the top left corner of the page.
  • Write the date beneath. To minimize the number of line breaks used in your cover letter (and help keep it to one page of text), you can put the date to the right if you wish.
  • Note that dates written as numerals only can be confusing: 02/03/2017 can be read "2 March 2017" in British and "3 February 2017" in American English. Using the format "3 February 2017" or "February 3, 2017" is clear.

2. Opening salutation

  • Write the title and last name of the addressee (exclude the first name); for example, "Professor Brown" or "Dr. Baker" (British English: "Dr Baker").
  • If you can't find a named editor on the journal website, then you can use the opening salutation "Dear Editor".
  • At the end of the opening salutation, you can use a comma or a colon; that is, "Dear Dr. Baker," or "Dear Dr. Baker:" (British English uses the comma; American English uses either, but the colon is considered more formal).

3. Purpose statement and administrative information

  • Clearly state the purpose of your letter (that you are submitting a manuscript) and then state your manuscript title, author names (or first author "Brown et al."), and article type (e.g., original paper).
  • Be sure to use the journal's own terminology to refer to the article type; for example, some journals use the term "Regular Articles" for a full research paper, whereas others use "Original Submissions", "Full Papers", "Original Articles", among others.
  • See the downloadable Word template for an example sentence that presents this information clearly and concisely.
  • If your submission consists of many files, consider summarizing them in one short sentence so that the journal editor is sure all of the files have been received; for example, "There are 8 files in all: 1 main manuscript file, 1 highlights file, 3 figure files, 1 table file, 1 supplementary data file, and 1 supplementary figures file".

4. Summary of main research findings and implications

  • In a new paragraph, summarize the purpose of your research (the research gap or problem it addresses), the main findings, and finally the implications of these findings. This is your main chance to highlight the value of your work to the journal editor, so keep this short and focused. (Journal editors may receive thousands of submissions annually, and many fulfill editing duties on top of their own research and teaching schedule, so you should strive to make their jobs easier by providing as concise a summary as possible.)
  • Be sure to tailor your statements so that they're in line with the readership of the journal. For example, if you are submitting to a more general journal that has a diverse readership, underscore the possible impact your findings could have in multiple fields. Conversely, if you are submitting to a publication with narrow scope, you can write about your findings in highly focused terms.
  • Avoid simply reproducing sentences verbatim from the abstract—which the journal editor will likely read next. Instead, if you take sentences from your abstract as a base to work from, then try to craft a much shorter summary that clearly fits the journal's focus and that highlights the implications of your work for the journal's readers. In fact, Nature guidelines state specifically to "avoid repeating information that is already present in the abstract and introduction."
  • When stating that you think your work is a good fit for the journal, be sure not to use exaggerated flattery. Avoid using words like "esteemed" and "prestigious" to describe the journal: "We believe that these findings will be of interest to the readers of your esteemed/prestigious journal."
  • It's helpful to the journal editor to state if your work directly relates to a paper published by another author in the same journal. Also, mention if your study closely relates to or extends your previously published work, so it is clear why your submitted manuscript is novel or important enough to publish.

Common phrases in this paragraph:

Summarizing the purpose of your research

  • This study presents/summarizes/examines…
  • X remains a problem for (engineers/software developers/local government). In this study, we (examined/investigated/developed and tested)…

Presenting your main results

  • Our main findings/results were that…
  • The most interesting/important findings were that…
  • Most importantly, our findings can improve/reduce/help…

Highlighting the relevance of your findings

  • These findings should enable (engineers/doctors/local government) to…
  • We believe that these findings will be of interest to the readers of your journal.

5. Statements or information required by the journal

  • In this new paragraph, provide any statements that the journal requires be included in your cover letter. Be sure to review the journal's guidelines to know what information you should provide.
  • Some journals or publishers have very specific requirements. For example, PLOS requires that authors describe any prior interactions with the journal in the cover letter, as well as suggest appropriate Academic Editors from the journal's editorial board to handle the submission.
  • Some journals require that sentences are provided verbatim in the cover letter. The guidelines will tell you to copy and paste the sentence provided in quotation marks into the cover letter. For example, Springer states that cover letters should contain two specific sentences: "We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal" and "All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to [insert the name of the target journal]."
  • Several statements pertaining to research and publication ethics are commonly required by journals across a broad range of fields. These are given in our downloadable Word template . When using the template, you can retain the statements in full, revise them slightly as appropriate to your circumstances, replace them with any similar wording required by the journal, or delete them if they do not fit your specific situation.

Previous contact with the journal

  • We state that we have had no previous contact with the journal regarding this submission.
  • We previously contacted the journal to inquire about/to check whether…

Conflict of interests and financial disclosures

  • The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
  • X.Y. advises Company A and has received lecture fees from Company B.
  • This study was supported by a grant from Z.
  • No financial support was received for this study/work.
  • A.B. conceived the study, analyzed the data, and drafted the manuscript; C.D. analyzed the data…
  • All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with its submission to the journal.
  • All authors approved the final version of the manuscript and agree to be accountable for all aspects of this work.

Suggested reviewers

  • Potential reviewers for our manuscript are:
  • We believe that the following individual(s) would be well suited to reviewing our manuscript.

Request to exclude reviewers

  • We request that the following individual(s) not be approached to review our manuscript (because…).

Concurrent/duplicate submissions

  • We declare that this manuscript has not been published before, in whole or in part, and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • This study was presented in part at…
  • This study was previously published in Japanese (citation) and…

6. Closing salutation and your contact information

  • Briefly thank the journal editor for considering the manuscript and follow this with the full contact information of the corresponding author (name, academic degrees or professional qualifications; affiliation and postal address; telephone (and fax); email).
  • Be sure to maintain a collegial tone to leave the journal editor with the best impression as he or she finishes reading your cover letter and moves on to evaluate your manuscript.
  • Avoid statements that could be construed as presuming to give instructions to the editor. For example, "we look forward to your review of our manuscript" implicitly directs the editor to review your paper. Also, we look forward to hearing from you "at your earliest convenience/as soon as possible" implicitly directs the editor to communicate with you quickly; instead, simply use a neutral but polite phrase such as "we look forward to hearing from you" or "we look forward to hearing from you in due course".
  • A suitable closing salutation is "Sincerely," or "Yours sincerely,"

Although the cover letter is not, strictly speaking, a part of your manuscript, it can affect how your submission is perceived by the journal editor. A cover letter that is tailored to the journal, introduces your work persuasively, and is free from spelling and grammatical errors can help prime the editor to view your submission positively before he or she even looks over your manuscript.

We hope our tips and Word template can help you create professional, complete cover letters in a time-effective way. Our specialist editors, translators, and writers are available to help create or revise the content to be error-free and, as part of our additional comprehensive Guidelines for Authors service , we can ensure the cover letter includes all of the statements required by the journal.

Lastly, just as a reminder for members of ThinkSCIENCE's free annual rewards program , remember to claim your reward of free editing or translation of one cover letter alongside editing or translation of a full paper before the end of the March!

research paper cover letter

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Research Paper Cover Letter

Cover letter maker.

research paper cover letter

A research paper cover letter is more than just an introductory note; it’s a vital aspect of your submission to academic journals. This document provides the initial impression and encapsulates the essence of your research. In this article, we will delve into what a research paper cover letter is, provide an illustrative example, and share valuable tips for crafting one that resonates with the editors.

What is a Research Paper Cover Letter?

A research paper cover letter is a formal letter accompanying the submission of a research paper to a journal or academic conference. It’s your opportunity to introduce the paper, briefly summarize the findings, highlight the significance, and persuade the editor or review panel about the paper’s importance. It’s a critical aspect of the submission process, reflecting the paper’s quality and your professionalism, so it must be thoughtfully composed.

What is an Example of a Research Paper Cover Letter?

Here is a comprehensive example of a research paper cover letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Manuscript – “Exploring the Impact of AI on Environmental Sustainability”

Dear [Editor’s Name],

I am honored to submit my manuscript entitled “Exploring the Impact of AI on Environmental Sustainability” for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. This research offers groundbreaking insights into how artificial intelligence can be harnessed for sustainable development.

The methodology includes comprehensive analysis and experimentation, and the results reveal promising opportunities in utilizing AI for ecological balance. The findings contribute to the broader understanding of technology’s role in environmental stewardship, filling a significant gap in existing literature.

I confirm that this work is original, has not been published elsewhere, and complies with all ethical guidelines. Enclosed are the manuscript, diagrams, tables, and supplementary materials as per your submission criteria.

I appreciate your consideration of this submission and eagerly await the opportunity to contribute to [Journal Name]. Please feel free to contact me for any further information.

[Your Signature]

[Your Typed Name] [Your Affiliation]

This great cover letter example articulates the crucial elements that make up an effective research paper cover letter. It introduces the topic, succinctly outlines the key points, and concludes with a respectful closure. Customizing such a letter according to the specific journal or conference’s guidelines is essential for a successful submission.

Research Paper Cover Letter

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Research Paper Cover Letter Format

Navigate the nuances of academic presentation with our Research Paper Cover Letter Format, designed to make your scholarly work stand out with professionalism and clarity.

[Your Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Manuscript: “[Title of the Research Paper]”

I am pleased to submit my manuscript entitled “[Title of the Research Paper]” for potential publication in [Journal Name]. The research embodied in this paper investigates [provide a brief but comprehensive overview of the research topic, methodology, and significance].

This manuscript has not been published elsewhere and has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. I believe that the insights and evidence presented in this paper provide a valuable contribution to the existing body of work in [specify the field or subject area].

Thank you for considering my submission. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Phone Number] [Your Affiliation]

Research Paper Cover Letter Format

Size: 27 KB

Sample Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Access our comprehensive Sample Research Paper Cover Letter to guide your submissions, ensuring they align with academic expectations and standards.

[Your Full Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Professor’s Full Name] [Title] [Department] [University Name] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Research Paper on [Title]

Dear Professor [Last Name],

I am honored to submit my research paper titled “[Title of the Research Paper]” for evaluation. This paper, a key part of my [Degree Name], provides an in-depth analysis of [briefly explain the subject matter, highlighting the key themes, questions, and methodology].

Under your guidance and supervision, I have meticulously crafted this paper to reflect the highest standards of academic rigor. I am grateful for the insights and feedback you have provided throughout this process.

I look forward to your review and comments, and I am available for a meeting to discuss the paper at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Student ID]

Sample Research Paper Cover Letter Example

APA Style Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Master the intricacies of the APA format with our specialized cover letter, crafted to showcase your research while adhering to this authoritative style guide.

[Author’s Full Name] [Author’s Affiliation] [City, State] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Editor’s Name] [Title] [Journal’s Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of APA Style Research Paper: “[Title of the Paper]”

I am writing to submit my research paper for consideration in the [Journal’s Name]. The paper, titled “[Title of the Paper],” strictly adheres to the APA citation style and presents a methodological approach to [explain the central theme of the paper].

The enclosed manuscript highlights the [mention key findings, implications, or innovations]. I believe it will resonate well with the readers of [Journal’s Name] and contribute to the ongoing scholarly discourse in the field of [Field of Study].

Please find attached the manuscript along with all supplementary materials. I appreciate your consideration and await your feedback.

Sincerely, [Author’s Full Name] [Author’s Title] [Author’s Affiliation]

APA Style Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Size: 26 KB

Cover Letter for Research Project Example

Elevate your project proposals with our tailored cover letter, emphasizing the significance, methodology, and expected outcomes of your academic research.

[Your Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Project Coordinator’s Name] [Title] [Organization Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Application for [Project Title] Research Project

Dear [Project Coordinator’s Name],

I am writing to express my keen interest in the [Project Title] research project at [Organization Name]. With a strong background in [Your Field], I believe that my skills and experiences align perfectly with the project’s objectives.

I have attached my research proposal, CV, and other relevant documents for your review. My proposal outlines my approach to [briefly summarize the main focus of the research project].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute my expertise to this exciting project and look forward to the opportunity to discuss my proposal further.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation]

Cover Letter for Research Project Example

Research Paper Cover Letter for Student Example

Enhance your academic submissions with our student-focused cover letter, designed to highlight your research diligence, hypotheses, and learning objectives.

[Student’s Full Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Professor’s Full Name] [Title] [Department] [University Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Research Paper on [Topic]

I am thrilled to submit my research paper on [Topic] as part of the requirements for [Course Name]. Through rigorous analysis, innovative methodologies, and critical thinking, I have explored [briefly summarize the subject matter of the paper].

I value the insights and guidance you provided during my research and writing process. The knowledge I gained from this experience has greatly enhanced my understanding of [Field of Study].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your feedback.

Sincerely, [Student’s Full Name] [Student ID] [Course Name]

Research Paper Cover Letter for Student Example

Research Paper Cover Letter for Thesis Example

Add finesse to your thesis presentation with our dedicated cover letter, underlining the depth, originality, and significance of your pivotal research.

[Your Full Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Thesis Advisor’s Full Name] [Title] [Department] [University Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Thesis Research Paper on [Topic]

Dear Dr. [Last Name],

It is with great anticipation that I submit my thesis research paper on [Topic]. This comprehensive study, guided by your expert mentorship, has been both challenging and rewarding.

I have delved deeply into [explain the central theme, methodology, and findings], aiming to contribute valuable insights to the field of [Field of Study].

Enclosed are my thesis, along with all supporting documents. I appreciate your attention to this work, and I am eager to discuss it further at your convenience.

Thank you for your time, support, and guidance.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Student ID] [Degree Program]

Research Paper Cover Letter for Thesis Example

Cover Letter for Journal Submission Example

Ensure your scholarly work is compellingly presented with our Journal Submission Cover Letter, tailored to captivate editors and facilitate publication.

[Your Full Name] [Title] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Editor’s Full Name] [Title] [Journal Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Manuscript Submission for [Journal Name]: “[Title of Research Paper]”

Dear Dr. [Editor’s Last Name],

I am pleased to submit my manuscript, titled “[Title of Research Paper],” for potential publication in [Journal Name]. This original research contributes to the field of [Field of Study] by [provide a concise overview of the paper’s central theme, methodology, and key findings].

I have followed all the guidelines provided by [Journal Name] and have included all necessary supplementary materials.

Thank you for considering my submission. I believe this research fits well with the focus of your esteemed journal, and I look forward to your response.

Sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation]

Cover Letter for Journal Submission Example

Simple Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Go for a minimalist yet impactful approach with our Simple Research Paper Cover Letter, designed to present your findings clearly and concisely.

[Recipient’s Full Name] [Title] [Organization Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Subject: Submission of Research Paper: “[Title]”

Dear [Recipient’s First Name],

I am delighted to submit my research paper on [Title]. This paper, written as part of my [Degree/Course], provides a comprehensive analysis of [briefly summarize the research topic and methodology].

I have enclosed the paper and all necessary supporting documents. Your review and feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation]

Simple Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Basic Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Use our Basic Research Paper Cover Letter as a foundational guide, offering a straightforward presentation of your academic research and its implications.

[Your Full Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

Subject: Manuscript Submission: “[Title]”

I am submitting my manuscript titled “[Title]” for your review. This research paper delves into [briefly describe the research topic, key questions, methodology, and significance].

Enclosed are the manuscript and all necessary supporting documents. I look forward to your feedback and hope for a positive consideration.

Thank you for your time.

Basic Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Professional Research Paper Cover Letter Example

Elevate your academic submissions with a touch of professionalism using our expertly crafted cover letter, emphasizing your research’s significance, methodology, and scholarly contribution.

Subject: Professional Submission of Research Paper: “[Research Paper Title]”

I am pleased to submit my research paper, titled “[Research Paper Title],” for professional review and potential publication in [Journal Name]. This work represents a rigorous investigation into [provide a detailed overview of the research subject, methodology, key findings, and implications].

I believe this research paper meets the high standards of your esteemed journal and will engage and inform your readership.

Please find attached the manuscript, along with all necessary supporting documents. I look forward to your review and response.

Yours Professionally, [Your Full Name] [Your Title] [Your Affiliation] [Your Phone Number]

Professional Research Paper Cover Letter Example

What do you write in a Research Paper Cover Letter?

A Research Paper Cover Letter serves as a formal introduction of your research to the editor, professor, or other relevant authority. It highlights key aspects of your research and reflects your professionalism. Here’s what you typically include:

1. Introduction: Introduce yourself, the title of the paper, and the purpose of the cover letter. 2. Subject of Research: Briefly explain the research topic, methodology, and main findings. 3. Relevance: Discuss the significance of your research and why it is suitable for the intended audience or journal. 4. Compliance with Guidelines: Mention adherence to the submission guidelines or specific style, like APA. 5. Exclusivity: If submitting to a journal, state that the work has not been published elsewhere. 6. Attachments: List the documents you are attaching, including the manuscript and supplementary materials. 7. Gratitude and Closing: Thank the recipient for their consideration and provide your contact information.

How Do You Write a Cover Letter for a Research Paper?

Writing a cover letter for a research paper requires care and precision. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Address the Recipient Formally: Use the proper title and full name if known. If not, use a general salutation. 2. Introduce Yourself and Your Paper: Start with a concise introduction to your research and its relevance. 3. Provide a Brief Overview: Summarize the key points, methodology, and findings of your research. 4. Highlight the Significance: Explain why the paper is important and how it contributes to the field. 5. Follow Guidelines: If submitting to a journal or specific conference, adhere to their guidelines and mention your compliance. 6. Use Professional Tone and Language: Keep the language formal, clear, and error-free. 7. Include Contact Information: Provide your email, phone number, and other relevant contact details. 8. Sign Off Formally: Close with a polite and professional sign-off, such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name.

Tips for Writing a Research Paper Cover Letter

1. Understand Your Audience: Tailor the cover letter to the recipient, whether it’s a journal editor, professor, or other authority. 2. Be Concise: Keep it brief while including all necessary details. 3. Highlight Key Points: Focus on the most critical and unique aspects of your research. 4. Follow a Structure: Use a clear and organized format with distinct sections. 5. Proofread: Ensure that your cover letter is free of grammatical errors and typos. 6. Maintain Professionalism: Use a respectful tone and formal language throughout. 7. Align with the Journal or Institution’s Tone: If applicable, match the style and tone of the journal or institution to which you are submitting.

Research Paper Cover Letters play a crucial role in making a positive impression and conveying the significance of your work. By adhering to formalities and focusing on the essentials of your research, you can create an effective and professional cover letter.


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Download a research paper cover letter template

Many authors consider a research paper cover letter a mere formality. But keep in mind that the cover letter is the first information that the editor will read about your paper. If it is poorly written – it might be the last.  

At the bottom of this post, you can download a research paper cover letter template that will help you to get published in the best journals. But before starting to write, let’s see what an editor expects from a good cover letter.

Envelope with journal paper cover letter template written on it

What to include in a paper cover letter?

In essence, a cover letter offers the editor a brief overview of the manuscript. It should be formatted as a standard business letter by addressing the editor by name (if known). Include your name, contact information, and the date. Here are the key parts of a paper cover letter:

  • Begin the cover letter by stating the title of the paper and the type of paper you are submitting (e.g. review, research, short communication, replication study, etc.).
  • Concisely explain why your research study was performed, what was done, and what are the key findings. You could mention why the results are important and what impact they might have in the field.
  • Include in the cover letter information about any previous work that you have performed if it is relevant, especially if parts of the submissions overlap.
  • Mention how your approach and findings relate to the scope of the journal. This should show why the article would be of interest to the journal’s readers. 
  • Add suggested reviewers if required by the journal. You can also ask not to include persons who you think might not be fully objective (for example, if you know they have competing interests).
  • Remember to state in the cover letter that the work is original and you have not submitted it for publishing in another jorunal or scientific conference.
  • Make a note that all authors agree to the submission of the article to this particular journal.
  • Some journals will ask what was the contribution of each author for including it at the end of the published paper. Here is a list of possible roles here according to the CRediT approach: http://credit.niso.org .
  • At the end of the cover letter, state that there are no conflicts of interest or if there are – disclose them.

Finally, check the guide for authors – there might be other requirements for specific statements that have to be included in the paper cover letter. You might also be required to submit additional forms.  

research paper cover letter

Before writing the paper cover letter you will have to select the most appropriate journal. Here are six journal selection parameters that you should consider. In case you were wondering, the Impact Factor is not the most important of them.

If you are writing a research paper, consider writing the key sentences first. In this article , you will find the key sentence skeleton and a template for writing research papers.

Learn to write papers that get cited

Since you are writing the cover letter, I assume you have completed the research paper already. But have you done all you can to make sure the papers are well received (read – they get cited). More importantly – did you have fun writing the paper?

Hi! My name is Martins Zaumanis and in my interactive online course Research Paper Writing Masterclass I will show you how to write research papers efficiently using a four-step system called “LEAP”. I will show you how to  visualize  your research results,  frame a message  that convinces your readers, and write  each section  of the paper. Step-by-step.

And of course – you will learn to respond the infamous  Reviewer No.2.

Research Paper Writing Masterclass by Martins Zaumanis

Hey! My name is Martins Zaumanis and I am a materials scientist in Switzerland ( Google Scholar ). As the first person in my family with a PhD, I have first-hand experience of the challenges starting scientists face in academia. With this blog, I want to help young researchers succeed in academia. I call the blog “Peer Recognized”, because peer recognition is what lifts academic careers and pushes science forward.

Besides this blog, I have written the Peer Recognized book series and created the Peer Recognized Academy offering interactive online courses.

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How to Write an Effective Cover Letter for Journal Submission | Example Cover Letter

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

When submitting your manuscript to a journal, it is important to include a well-written cover letter which could help your paper to reach the next level of the process. A good cover letter can voice your manuscript on behalf of you to the journal editor. You can take this opportunity to describe why your manuscript will be of importance and interesting to the journal’s readers, which is something that every journal editor looks for. Therefore, it is worth spending time to write a coherent and convincing cover letter for journal article submission. This article provides the best cover letter example format for your easy understanding.

Before start writing your cover letter, check the instructions for authors of your journal for any specific information to be included in the cover letter. Some journals suggest including few additional details in the cover letter.

The cover letter should claim that your article is a good fit for the journal and it should highlight your major research findings. Specify the theme or scope of the journal under which you are submitting the manuscript. The author should assure the editor that there are no conflicts of interest to publish your manuscript.

To help you with this, iLovePhD imparts you how to write an effective cover letter to a journal for research article submission, providing examples of what should be included, what should not be included, and a sample template of the cover letter.

Key points to include:

  • Editor’s name (you can find this on the journal webpage ).
  • Name of the journal
  • Your article’s title
  • Brief description of the novelty of the research and emphasis on your major research findings.
  • A statement that your paper is not currently under consideration by another journal
  • Contact information for you and any co-authors
  • Confirm that you have no conflicts of interest
  • A list of potential reviewers (If asked by the journal)
  • Any researchers/reviewers who should not review your manuscript (If asked by the journal)

Points to avoid:

  • Keep your cover letter to a maximum of one page (brief introduction and overview).
  • Don’t copy your abstract into your cover letter; instead explain significance and novelty of your work in your own words.
  • Don’t use too much jargon or acronyms; instead use simple, easy and straightforward language.
  • Avoid spelling and grammar errors and ensure your letter is professional before submitting.

Example Cover Letter for Journal Submission

The best cover letter example for any publication (elsevier, wiley, IEEE, springer, pubmed, taylor and francis, and SAGE ) shown below:

Dr. / Prof. (Editor’s name)


Journal name

Dear Dr. /Prof. ( Editor’s name)

I/we wish to submit a research manuscript entitled “(title of research article)” for publishing in your esteemed journal. ( Briefly describe your research work in your own words. Don’t paste your abstract here. Clearly explain the novelty of your work and its significance and the reason to choose this journal for publication .)

I/we declare that all the authors ( all the authors’ name ) of this manuscript agreed to submit the manuscript to the journal ( Journal name ). We also agree to transfer copyright from the authors to the journal. The manuscript has been prepared as per the journal’s guidelines and checked for language correction.

I/we do confirm that this work is original and the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Please address all the correspondence pertaining to this manuscript to me at ( email address ).

Thanking you

( Your name )

research paper cover letter

I Hope, this article helps you to know how to write an effective cover letter with an example to a journal for research article submission.

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Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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How to Write a Cover Letter When Submitting Your Research Paper

Albert chan on july 3, 2018 at 12:00 am.

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research paper cover letter

  • Write the cover letter with your institution’s letterhead to demonstrate professionalism and reliability.
  • Personalise the cover letter by addressing the journal’s editor by their name.
  • State the article type of your manuscript at the beginning of your cover letter (original research article, methodology, case report, etc.)
  • Provide the full details of all the authors, including email address and phone number, in your cover letter.
  • Explain briefly the research goals and results in one or two sentences.
  • Explain the importance of your study: what will the paper’s contribution to the literature be? What impact will the paper have in the research field?
  • Tell the editor why you think the study is best suited for the journal, and why the journal’s readers will be interested in the study.
  • Declare that the manuscript (in whole or in part) has not been submitted or published in other journals, all authors have read and agreed to the content of the manuscript, you have complied with all ethical and reporting guidelines and have received ethical approval from the relevant committee(s).
  • Disclose all potential conflicts of interest (if any).
  • Thank the editor for taking the time to read your cover letter and consider your paper for submission.
  • Keep the content of the cover letter brief, concise and courteous.


  • Mention any published literature without citation.
  • Provide any personal information which is unrelated to the submission.
  • Mention any previous publication records unless it is related to this research.
  • Mention any potential professional benefits you may gain from the publication of this work.
  • Provide research information that can be found in the paper.
  • Copy and paste the abstract and paper content in the cover letter.
  • Use complex sentence structures.
  • Glorify your past research papers or any of your academic prestige in the cover letter.

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13 Professional Researcher Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your researcher cover letter must showcase your academic excellence and research skills. Highlight your publications or any relevant projects that demonstrate expertise in your field. Connect your past experiences with the potential role, indicating how they make you an ideal candidate. It's crucial to convey your passion for the subject and how you can contribute valuable insights to the team.

All cover letter examples in this guide

research paper cover letter

UX Researcher

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Product Researcher

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Design Researcher

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Market Researcher

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Quantitative Researcher

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Lab Researcher

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User Researcher

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Undergraduate Researcher

research paper cover letter

Psychology Researcher

research paper cover letter

Student Researcher

research paper cover letter

Machine Learning Researcher

research paper cover letter

Qualitative Researcher

Cover letter guide.

Researcher Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Researcher Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Researcher cover letter

Embarking on the job hunt, you’ve likely discovered the need to complement your resume with a researcher cover letter—a daunting task for many. Surpassing the routine checklist of your resume, your cover letter should weave a compelling narrative around your proudest professional milestone. It must strike the delicate balance between formal tone and original expression, avoiding overused phrases that dull your accomplishments. Keep it concise; this powerful one-pager is your chance to captivate and convince.

  • Personalize the greeting to address the recruiter and your introduction that fits the role;
  • Follow good examples for individual roles and industries from job-winning cover letters;
  • Decide on your most noteworthy achievement to stand out;
  • Format, download, and submit your researcher cover letter, following the best HR practices.

Use the power of Enhancv's AI: drag and drop your researcher resume, which will swiftly be converted into your job-winning cover letter.

If the researcher isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Researcher resume guide and example
  • Clinical Research Assistant cover letter example
  • Research Associate cover letter example
  • Lab Assistant cover letter example
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant cover letter example
  • Lab Technician cover letter example
  • Entry Level Chemist cover letter example
  • Biology cover letter example
  • Research Assistant cover letter example
  • Scientist cover letter example
  • Research Manager cover letter example

Researcher cover letter example

Samuel Moore

Columbus, Ohio


[email protected]

  • Demonstration of past experience relevant to the role, such as leading a comprehensive evaluation of digital resources, indicates the candidate's ability to perform similar tasks at Ithaka S+R.
  • Quantifiable achievements in previous roles, like improving project efficiency by 25%, show the candidate's potential to add measurable value to Ithaka S+R's projects.
  • Alignment with the organization's mission, seen in the candidate's expression of shared goals regarding academic growth and equity, suggests a good fit with the team and its objectives.
  • Mention of specific skills, such as advanced qualitative methodologies and strategic project management, matches the skill set required for a successful researcher at Ithaka S+R.

The must-have sections and format of your researcher cover letter

When writing your researcher cover letter, keep in mind that it'll only be read by the recruiters and not the Applicant Tracker System (or software used to assess your profile). That's why you should structure your content with a/an:

  • Header (apart from your contact information, include your name, the role you're applying for, and the date);
  • Personalized salutation;
  • Opening paragraph to win the recruiters over;
  • Middle paragraph with key details;
  • Closing that starts from clichés;
  • Sign off (that's not mandatory).

Industry standards dictate your paragraphs to be single-spaced and to wrap your content in a one-inch margin. Designing your researcher cover letter, refer to one of our templates , which automatically takes care of the spacing and margins.

Choose the same font for your researcher cover letter as you did for your resume : the likes of Lato and Bitter would help you to stand out in a sea of cover letters in Arial or Times New Roman.

Export your whole researcher cover letter from our builder in PDF to keep the same formatting and image quality.

The top sections on a researcher cover letter

  • Header: Include your contact information, the date, and the employer's contact information, ensuring you can be easily reached for follow-up and portraying a professional format specific to researchers who value detail orientation.
  • Greeting: Address the hiring manager or committee directly, if known, to show you've done your research, which is a critical skill for any research position.
  • Introduction: Clearly state the research position you're applying for, mention how you found the job listing, and include a hook that summarizes your enthusiasm and fit for the role, demonstrating your genuine interest and initiative in the field.
  • Body: Detail your previous research experience, publications, and how your skills align with the job requirements, showing that you can contribute significantly to the ongoing projects or academic pursuits of the organization.
  • Closing: Express your eagerness to discuss further how you can contribute to the team, thank the reader for considering your application, and indicate that you have attached your CV or any relevant publications, establishing a call-to-action and preparation for the next steps.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

Proven track record in conducting independent research and publishing in peer-reviewed journals: It demonstrates the ability to contribute to the scientific community with original findings.

Expertise in specialized techniques or methodologies unique to the field: This shows the candidate possesses the technical skills necessary to perform and contribute to cutting-edge research.

Successful grant writing experience: Securing funding is critical for research; this skill indicates the candidate can attract the necessary resources to support their work.

Prior involvement in collaborative projects with multidisciplinary teams: Research increasingly requires collaboration across various disciplines, so the ability to work with diverse teams is highly valued.

Evidence of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities: Researchers must be able to tackle complex problems, analyze data, and draw meaningful conclusions that propel the field forward.

Strong communication skills, both written and oral: The ability to effectively communicate research findings to a wide range of audiences, including non-specialists, is essential for disseminating knowledge and advancing one's career in academia or industry.

How to start your researcher cover letter: with a greeting, of course

Have you ever considered just how powerful a personalized salutation can be?

We sure have news for you! Your researcher cover letter should start with the right salutation to recruiters, nurturing a sense of respect and individuality.

Greet recruiters by using their first name (e.g. "Dear Tom" or "Dear Patricia") if you've previously established contact with them.

Otherwise, opt out for the less familiar, "Dear Ms. Peaches" or "Dear Ms Kelsey", if you've found the recruiter's name on LinkedIn or a corporate website.

"To whom it may concern" is never a good option, as it creates a sense that you've been sending out your researcher cover letter to anyone. Instead, use "Dear HR team" or "Dear (company name) recruiter" for a feeling of exclusivity.

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Dr. [Last Name],
  • Dear Professor [Last Name],
  • Dear Hiring Committee,
  • Dear Search Committee,
  • Dear [Full Name],
  • Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name],

Using your researcher cover letter intro to show your dedication

We know just how difficult it is to start writing your researcher cover letter introduction .

There are so many great qualities you have as a professional, which one should you choose?

How about writing up to two sentences about your passion and commitment to the work you do or are set to do?

Try to describe exactly what you enjoy about the potential role.

A positive attitude from the get-go will help you stand out as a motivated researcher professional.

Choosing your best achievement for the middle or body of your researcher cover letter

Now that you have the recruiters' attention, it's time to write the chunkiest bit of your researcher cover letter .

The body consists of three to six paragraphs that focus on one of your achievements.

Use your past success to tell a story of how you obtained your most job-crucial skills and know-how (make sure to back these up with tangible metrics).

Another excellent idea for your researcher cover letter's middle paragraphs is to shine a light on your unique professional value.

Write consistently and make sure to present information that is relevant to the role.

Finishing off your researcher cover letter with what matters most

So far, you've done a fantastic job in tailoring your researcher cover letter for the role and recruiter.

Your final opportunity to make a good impression is your closing paragraph.

And, no, a "Sincerely yours" just won't do, as it sounds too vague and impersonal.

End your researcher cover letter with the future in mind.

So, if you get this opportunity, what do you plan to achieve? Be as specific, as possible, of what value you'd bring to the organization.

You could also thank recruiters for their interest in your profile and prompt for follow-up actions (and organizing your first interview).

Researcher cover letter advice for candidates with no experience

If you're worried about writing your Researcher cover letter and have no professional experience , we sure have some advice for you.

Turn recruiters' attention to your transferable or relevant skills gained thanks to your life and work experience.

Instead of writing about past jobs, focus on one achievement (whether from your volunteering experience, education, etc.) and the skills it has helped you build.

Alternatively, you could focus your Researcher cover letter on your career objectives and goals. Always remember to make those relevant to the job you're applying for by detailing how you see yourself growing as part of the company.

Recruiters would be way more impressed with candidates who fit the job profile and can bring about plenty of skills and vision to the table.

Key takeaways

Summarizing the most important aspects in writing your researcher cover letter, remember to:

  • Create a personalized researcher cover letter for each role you apply for, that includes the recruiter's name in the salutation;
  • Format your researcher cover letter with single-spacing, one-inch margins, and a modern, yet ATS-friendly font;
  • Always start off your researcher cover letter with two sentences that reflect what is most important about your application;
  • Your researcher cover letter body should feature your biggest accomplishments and the job-relevant skills it has taught you;
  • Instead of opting for the "Sincerely yours" ending, close your researcher cover letter with a nod to the future with what you aim to achieve in this potential role.

Researcher cover letter examples

Explore additional researcher cover letter samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

UX Researcher Resume Example

Cover letter examples by industry

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Cover Letter Background

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Three Cover Letter Templates to Journal Editors

Posted by Rene Tetzner | Aug 26, 2021 | How To Get Published | 0 |

Three Cover Letter Templates to Journal Editors

Three Cover Letter Templates to Journal Editors Each cover letter is unique, and those addressed to journal editors by scientists and academics when they submit their writing for publication are no exception. As an opportunity to present original research in the best possible light, a cover letter is indispensible for persuading a busy editor that a manuscript is worthy of peer review. A letter can only achieve this goal, however, if it is well written, contains everything the particular journal’s author instructions request for cover letters and offers specific and detailed information about why the research reported and the paper itself are perfect for the journal and of special interest to its readers. The originality that should characterise an excellent cover letter therefore prevents the wholesale use of a universal template without significant alterations, but the three sample letters that appear below may prove helpful for scholars who are planning, formatting and drafting a professional cover letter to a journal editor.

research paper cover letter

The content of the three sample letters is entirely fictional, with the dates, names, titles and situations invented. The specifics pertinent to your own research, your manuscript and the journal you are targeting will give you the raw material to emulate these templates. The format of a traditional business letter has been observed, so contact information for the authors and editors has been provided as complete mailing addresses. This formality may not be strictly necessary when communicating with a journal editor via email, where such details are often truncated, but the complete forms are always acceptable, and proper names and titles are a necessity. If possible, the official letterhead of the university, department or other research body with which you are affiliated should be used along with your name, phone number and professional email address.

Descriptions of the research and manuscript in each of the three examples have been kept simple so that the meaning will be clear to readers of all specialisations, but there are certainly successful cover letters that delve into a good deal more detail. Letter 2 below, for instance, might productively say more about the specific lights used and tomato plants grown and provide numbers and percentages as well. Do keep in mind, however, that the clarity and accessibility offered by a short and simple approach is also valuable, particularly when writing to an editor who may not share your precise specialisation.

research paper cover letter

Letter 1 adopts the perspective of a doctoral candidate who has rewritten the literature review chapter of his thesis as a bibliographical study and is seeking publication for the first time. Letter 2 introduces a research paper written by several authors and demonstrates how to act as the corresponding author when submitting a multi-author manuscript. Letter 3 posits that the author met the journal editor at a recent conference where an earlier version of the paper now being submitted for a theme issue of the journal was presented.

Download –> Letter 1: A Doctoral Candidate Seeking His First Publication

Joe Student Department of English University of the Western Shore San Francisco, CA, USA 98765 777-999-8888 [email protected]

Dr. Brian Editing Editor-in-Chief Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography New York, NY, USA 12345 [email protected]

research paper cover letter

November 8, 2017

Dear Dr. Editing,

I am writing to submit my article entitled ‘A Bibliography of Hoccleve Studies from the Fifteenth Century to 2017: Patterns of Readership and Response’ for publication in the   Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography . This manuscript is based on a chapter of my doctoral thesis, supervised by Dr Hoccleve Specialist, and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for consideration.

I believe this manuscript is appropriate for the   Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography   because it combines a complete list and critical summary of previous studies with an in-depth analysis of not only individual contributions, but also the larger patterns of scholarship and their possible significance through the centuries. As I argue in the paper, the autobiographical nature of Hoccleve’s writing and the bouts of madness he claims to have experienced are topics upon which perspectives and approaches swing on a particularly long pendulum. Shifts in opinion regarding the literary quality of Hoccleve’s poetry are similarly striking. Current trends and the annotated Hoccleve bibliography will likely prove of special interest to many of your readers, enabling future research and encouraging scholarly self-awareness.

If you decide to consider the manuscript for publication, I suggest the following two experts as qualified reviewers:

Dr. Medieval Scholarship Professor of English, Southern University [email protected]

Dr. Manuscript Expert Director of Medieval Studies, Northern University [email protected]

Many thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.

Joe Student

Joe Student Ph.D. Candidate and Teaching Assistant Department of English University of the Western Shore

Download –> Letter 2: A Corresponding Author Submitting an Article Written by Several Researchers

Jane Researcher Private Plant Research Institute 9201 Pink Greenhouse Place Coquitlam, BC, Canada, V0V 1A1 604-604-6044 [email protected]

Dr Samuel Botanist Managing Editor Growing Our Greenhouse: A Journal of Current Research 2020 Glass Hill Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 59678 [email protected]

November 22, 2017

Dear Dr Botanist,

I am delighted to submit an original research article entitled ‘LED Lights Increase Vitamin C Content in Greenhouse Cherry Tomatoes’ for publication in   Growing Our Greenhouse: A Journal of Current Research . My colleagues and I at the Private Plant Research Institute in Coquitlam conducted the research and coauthored the manuscript; a full list of the names and affiliations of all ten coauthors is attached. We have all approved the manuscript for submission to   Growing Our Greenhouse , and I have been chosen as the corresponding author.

The article is particularly appropriate for the journal’s section dedicated to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. It is, in fact, a continuation of the research presented in our article ‘Can LED Lights Really Replace the Sun for Tomatoes?’ which was published in that section of   Growing Our Greenhouse   two years ago. Then we were analysing the results of our first two seasons of growing tomatoes under LED lights. One of the unexpected discoveries we made as we determined which plants and lights produced the best results was that vitamin C content appeared to increase when the ripening fruit was exposed to LED light.

The research reported in the manuscript I am submitting today was designed to investigate further the apparent increases in vitamin C. Its methodology is similar to that of our earlier study, but we used only those cherry tomato plants that we had already shown could thrive under LED lights. We also established a larger number of experimental groups to explore the effects of variables such as light colour, light intensity, hours of exposure, ambient temperature and presence or absence of sunlight. Our findings were convincing to say the least, with vitamin C content doubling and sometimes trebling in fruit exposed to additional LED light. Even fruit given only LED lighting and deprived of all natural sunlight far exceeded the vitamin C content of those tomatoes exposed to natural sunlight alone.

We trust that your readers will find our hands-on empirical method as effective as they have in the past and benefit from our practices and discoveries as they grow and experiment in their own greenhouses.

Thank you for your continuing interest and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Researcher

Jane Researcher Research Director, Private Plant Research Institute

Download –> Letter 3: A Conference Participant Submitting a Paper to the Journal Editor She Met

Sheila Presenter Chair, School of Business Management Yorkshire University 2121 University Road York, North Yorkshire, UK, YO33 7EE 01904 323232 [email protected]

Dr Margaret Publisher Editor-in-Chief Journal of Innovative Business Studies 178B West Central Avenue London, UK, EC9M 6BB [email protected]

25 November 2017

Dear Dr Publisher,

It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing our similar interests at the Business Management conference in London a couple of weeks ago. As promised, I have revised my presentation and am submitting it for your consideration for the upcoming issue of the   Journal of Innovative Business Studies   dedicated to management innovations. The new title of the manuscript is ‘Empathy as a Management Strategy Yields Significant Increases in Efficiency and Productivity.’

You might recall that we discussed the challenges of reshaping my presentation, which was designed to generate in conference attendees the emotional responses it discusses, to conform to the structural requirements of the   Journal of Innovative Business Studies . The journal’s author instructions were actually very helpful, and I believe the overall argument of the paper is now clearer as a result of the rearrangement. I also took a look at the recent   Journal of Innovative Business Studies   articles by Sally Scholar and John Researcher that you recommended. The former was particularly helpful and I have cited it more than once in my closing discussion. That discussion has benefited significantly from our long talk at the conference and I hope you do not object to my acknowledgement of your insight.

As you know, the research presented in the manuscript is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere. My methods comply with the journal’s ethical standards, I have no conflicts of interest to disclose and I have removed all traces of my identity in preparation for blind review. I would respectfully request that Stephen Harsh not review the manuscript, however. His knowledge in this area is extensive, but you may remember from his comments at the conference that he does not share my approach to management or view my recent research with a positive eye. I believe the following two experts would serve as more appropriate reviewers of my paper:

Frederick Newapproach CEO, Management Innovations UK Inc. [email protected] Samantha Kindheart Chair, Department of Business Management University of the Wolds [email protected]

I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming conference in Leeds. In the meantime, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your interest and consideration.

Best regards,

Sheila Presenter

Sheila Presenter Chair, School of Business Management Yorkshire University

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How to write cover letter for research paper

how to write cover letter for research paper

Oetter is Springer Nature SciGraph? A statement that the manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication how to write cover letter for research paper any other journal Psycholinguistic research paper pdf statement that all authors approved hod manuscript and its submission to the journal. Suggested reviewers. Ask them to read vover it and point out places where you can how to write cover letter for research paper. She writes and speaks about workplace dynamics. How to Write a Covdr Letter. Include the jow of submission and the journal writing an introduction to an academic essay are submitting to. You should also know that I have a sincere appreciation of the IRC. Sign in. Better: When I was working at Tech Company, I designed and created an entirely new workflow that cut the product delivery time in half. A cover letter is your opportunity to tell a story and connect the dots of your resume. If you have relevant industry experience, make sure to include it in your cover letter because it will almost certainly set you apart. While it may be tempting to go into detail about the amazing research you did for your thesis, that belongs in your CV. Advice for tackling one of the toughest parts of the job-hunting process. His knowledge in this area is extensive, but you may remember from his comments at the conference that he does not share my approach to management or view my recent research with a positive eye. If you are curious, just enter your word count into our admissions pricing calculator to get a quote before you submit your document.

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5 Tips for a Great Cover Letter (and samples)

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Cover Letter Format & Samples

research paper cover letter

Cover letters are a fantastic tool to introduce oneself in the job search process and are as significant as the resume. A cover letter provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate one’s interest in the organization and establish direct connections between the employer’s job description and one’s professional background. A well-crafted cover letter, tailored to the specific job and company of interest, and addressed to the right person, can make a lasting impression on the employer.

To make the cover letter effective, one must consider some universal tips and considerations when writing it. It is crucial to ensure that the cover letter is clear, concise, and free of errors. Using formal language and avoiding contractions can help maintain a professional tone. Choosing appropriate vocabulary and grammar can help maintain the original meaning of the text and convey a sense of expertise and professionalism, which is suitable for a business or academic setting. So, it is essential to take the time to craft a compelling cover letter that showcases one’s qualifications and skills to the employer in the best possible light.

In addition to the suggestions above, see our list of key considerations to crafting effective and valuable cover letters.

Cover Letter Tips

1. ) All margins should be approximately one-inch. Typically, a cover letter consists of three to four paragraphs.

2.) The font size should be easy to read. Times, Palatino or Helvetica are good choices. A font size of 12 pt. is preferable, but in some cases you may need to use 10.5 or 11 pt. font.

3.) Don’t be tempted to send “generic” letters. Each cover letter you write should be different, because each job and company you’re writing to is different. Make it easy for the reader to see the relevance of your qualifications to the job in question.

4.) Be sure to proofread each new cover letter you create so that it is free of errors.

5.) It is important to write to a specific person whenever possible.

In addition to these quick tips, check out our comprehensive  Job Search Letters  guide for more information on structuring cover letters and other job search documents.

  • Sample 1:  Application Letter
  • Sample 2:  Prospecting Letter

Finally, we know that some people work best when they have a format to follow. Especially when they are writing a document, like a cover letter for the first time. The following example reflects the correct business format to use when writing a cover letter:

Your name Return address City, State, Zip

Name of the contact person Title Company Name Address City, State, Zip

Dear Mr./Ms./First name Last name:

The opening paragraph states your reason for writing the letter. Mention a specific job of interest, or a particular department in which you are seeking work. If possible, mention how and when you learned about the job opening or the company, i.e., through a classified advertisement, a contact person or a career services professional. Be sure to mention the name of the person who suggested this job to you, especially if that person is highly respected within the company.

The middle paragraph is an opportunity to expand on the skills you have developed as they relate to this position. This should not merely repeat your resume. You can discuss your education and particular courses or skills attained while in college. If you’re an experienced person, you may wish to use this paragraph to describe your professional background and highlight any specific job experience that may be of particular interest to the organization and that will differentiate you from other applicants. You may need a second paragraph to fully describe your related abilities.

The next paragraph reflects the research you have done on that particular organization. Use company literature, a web site, or conversation with an employee of the organization as ways to gain knowledge about the organization. Explain why you are interested in the job, and convey your awareness of what the company does to show that you have done careful research.

In closing, reiterate your enthusiasm to be considered and ask for an interview. Either state a specific week you’ll make a follow-up phone call or mention an interest in having the contacted person call to set up an interview date. Specify how you can be contacted. Remember to thank the person for considering your application.

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Sounds Like You (and Gets Noticed)

by  Elainy Mata

May 10, 2022

I hate cover letters. They add so much stress to the already uncomfortable and grueling job hunt. Every time I’m writing one, I find myself wondering: Do people even read these?

Unfortunately, the answer is “yes.” But, there are some ways to make the process a little less terrible. I asked Amy Gallo, Harvard Business Review editor and author of “ How to Write a Cover Letter ,” for her advice. From doing the research, to starting off strong, to emphasizing your value — Gallo taught me exactly what I need to do to get my cover letters noticed by hiring managers. I even wrote a new cover letter that has her blessing. (Scroll down if you’re in need of an expert-approved example.)

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ELAINY MATA: So you want to know how to tackle the cover letter. I do too. I actually really hate cover letters. I hate cover letters. I hate cover letters.

But the cover letter is important. It’s time to face our fears, and just figure out how in the world we are actually going to write it.

I got you, and we’re going to do this together. These tips are going to help you go through the process a lot easier. So if you are ready to tackle the cover letter, stick around and keep watching.

In front of me right now are three cover letters that I’ve written in the past, for three different jobs. And I’m just embarrassed. I’m embarrassed to read these.

To whom it may concern, to whom it may concern, to whom it may concern.

I would like to respectfully submit this cover letter.   I would like to respectfully submit this cover letter.

I am a passionate, detail-oriented person. I am passionate, detail-oriented person.

This sounds like I’m — this doesn’t sound like me at all. I think you want me to talk this way. Here we go like. Hire me.

I talked to Amy Gallo, an HBR editor, and the author of one of our most popular articles, “How to Write a Cover Letter.”

AMY GALLO: First of all, you’re not alone. I write about how to write cover letters, and I also hate them.

ELAINY MATA: She’s done the research. She’s talked to the experts. And I’m going to tell you exactly what she told me.

Make it one page

ELAINY MATA: So how long does a cover letter actually have to be? Just one page, one.

AMY GALLO: Don’t play with the font, and make it like eight point font, and like make your margins really wide. Just really figure out what is the most essential things that need to go on one page.

Do research, find a name

ELAINY MATA: This should be a no-brainer, but let’s get specific. Let’s say you’re applying for a job here, at Harvard Business Review. Go on the company’s website, go to their “About Us” section, and read what they’re about, see their mission statement, see their tone, see what that company is actually looking for, and what they stand for.

So you’ve got the broad stuff, but let’s dig a little bit deeper. What is the company that you’re applying for talking about now? You should actually go into their LinkedIn, their Twitter, see what they’re sharing, see who are they’re talking to, see what they’re talking about, so you can get a sense of what is currently happening. Lastly, find that hiring manager. It is so much better to address your cover letter to an actual person and a name rather than, to whom it may concern. So I have to kind of creep a little bit, and be like a private investigator.

AMY GALLO: Yeah, creeping is definitely part of the process. Usually, with LinkedIn, you can see who’s posted the job, who is sharing it with their network. You may not know for sure that that’s the hiring manager, but at least it’s a little more personable. Sometimes, I’ve heard people just reach out and say, “Who’s the hiring manager for this job? I’d like to address my cover letter to that person.”

Start strong

ELAINY MATA: You’ve probably written this 100 times before. “Hi, my name is this. I’m based here, and I’m applying for this job.” No, no, no, no, don’t do that. The hiring manager has a stack of cover letters. So you have to write yours to grab their attention. Amy, can you please give me an example of a strong, bold, opening line for cover letter. I promise I won’t steal it.

AMY GALLO: You’re allowed to steal it. Anyone should be able to steal it:

“I saw your listing on this website, and I was thrilled to see it, because it’s exactly the kind of job I’ve been looking for to apply my skills in X.”

Write something that’s short, to the point, but shows both enthusiasm, as well as experience that’s relevant to the job.

Emphasize your value

ELAINY MATA: Figure out what problem the company is facing. They’re hiring for a reason. Figure out what that reason is, and how you can best solve that problem. Amy also found the top two qualities that people generally look for is adaptability, and the ability to learn quickly.

How about if I just got out of college, and I’m looking at these jobs that are asking for three to five years or more of experience. How can I write a cover letter if I feel like I don’t have enough to write about?

AMY GALLO: Yeah, so that’s a good question, because the cover letter shouldn’t be focused so much on the past. That’s the resume’s job. The cover letter is really about the future. So how are you going to take what’s in that resume, your past, and apply it to where you’re going.

Convey enthusiasm, not desperation

ELAINY MATA: This is really hard to balance. You want to show them that you’re excited to work there, and that you’re going to bring a lot of energy to the team. But don’t be too strong, because over eagerness can actually work against you.

Find a proofreader

AMY GALLO: Write the letter you want to write. Then share it with someone else, someone who knows you well, but someone who also will tell you like it is. We’re not good judges of our own writing.

ELAINY MATA: So getting a second pair of eyes will help you look for any errors, typos, and most importantly, they can tell you if you make sense.

Amy, this sounds like a lot. Is there even like a sort of a shortcut to this, or a sort of scalable way that I can do this for multiple different jobs?

AMY GALLO: I mean, you’ve probably heard the phrase looking for a job is a full-time job. It does take a lot of time. You’re tweaking some things. You’re not writing a whole new letter. So you’re going to have a template. Write your best cover letter for the first job you apply for. Share that with your friend to check the tone. Do the research on the company, right? Do that the first time. Then and adjust the cover letter accordingly. Does that seem more reasonable?

ELAINY MATA: Yes, much more reasonable.

So my task is to apply for a job here at HBR, and to write a new cover letter using the advice that Amy gave me. Let’s do it.

This is hard. I never said it was going to be easy, maybe easier than what you were doing before, but definitely not easy.

The first draft

Dear Maureen and hiring team,

I saw your listing on Linkedln and am excited because this is exactly the job that I’ve been looking for to showcase my skills in video production and production management to assist the creative center in producing compelling content.

Working in news and movie production has taught me to hear an idea and a concept and be able to fully plan out the logistics needed to make the desired final visual product. I have been able to work with software like Adobe Creative Suite and TriCaster, and have worked with other team members to write scripts and compose story boards.

Being part of the Creative Center team will give me the challenges to grow as a skilled producer and assist in production, help the production planning process, create a quick tum around for video publication, and manage content.

AMY GALLO: You did well on length. It is very short. That’s good.


AMY GALLO: I read this, I’m like, that first sentence is spot on. And then it gets a little bit stilted. And then it goes into what’s probably on your resume. And I want a little more personality.

The final draft

ELAINY MATA: So Amy, after many back and forths — How do you think I did?

AMY GALLO: All right. So I’m looking at it right now. And I think you did a really good job.

You’ve got the main components here. There’s some personality in it. There’s some flattery in it about the company you’re applying to, but it’s not like over the top. I have to tell you, I would have you in. I think it’s a great letter.

ELAINY MATA: That’s it for me. I wrote the cover letter. You got to see the whole process. And I feel like I definitely have a better outlook on how to approach it. These are not easy to write, so good luck out there. Watch as many times as you can. Practice makes perfect. I’ll see you soon.

Cover letter example 

I was so excited to see your post on LinkedIn because it’s exactly the type of job I’m looking for: an opportunity to bring my experience with video production and enthusiasm for storytelling to an organization that sets the standard for high-quality management content.

In addition to five years of experience in broadcast journalism, research, and video production, I would bring an organized and systems-level perspective to this role. I view video production as a puzzle, and like to think about which parts need to come together in order to make a great final product. My approach is to have in-depth conversations with my team members, and the various stakeholders, before each project. This helps me nail down the logistics — from location to talent.

From there, the fun begins: fleshing out the concept and identifying what visuals will best represent it. Ideation and storyboarding are essential in this step. I know I’m not right all the time, so I enjoy working with a diverse team that can bring in new perspectives, brainstorm, and pitch ideas that will make the final product stronger. Whenever possible, I also try to seek out other sources for inspiration, like magazines, which allow me to observe different ways of expression and storytelling. This approach has served me well. It’s what has allowed me to enter the film industry and grow as a creator.

On my website, you can see examples of how I use the above process to create fun, engaging content.

Given this experience and my enthusiasm for the work you do, I believe I’d make a great addition to your team. I recently had a chance to try out your Patient Zero product at my current organization. The simulation is both challenging and engaging. I was impressed by your ability to apply  different storytelling methods to an online training course (which, let’s admit, can often be a little dry). Your work exemplifies exactly what I believe: There’s an opportunity to tell a compelling story in everything — all you have to do is deliver it right.

I’d love to come in and speak with you more about what I’d be able to offer in this role. Harvard Business Publishing is my top choice and I believe I’d make valuable contributions to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

How to Write a Cover Letter With Salary Requirements (Template Included!)

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Writing a cover letter is already an important part of the job hunt, but mentioning your desired salary can make it even trickier. If you’re wondering how to write a cover letter with salary requirements without hurting your chances of landing the job, it’s all about striking the right balance and choosing your words carefully.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to handle salary expectations in your cover letter—from deciding if you should mention them at all to writing a proper one.

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Is it necessary to mention salary in your letter?

The truth is, it depends on the situation. Some job postings specifically ask for salary requirements, while others leave it up to the applicant's discretion.

In many cases, omitting salary requirements can work in your favor, allowing you to focus on your qualifications and fit for the role. However, if a job listing explicitly requests this information, failing to include it could reflect poorly on your attention to detail .

It's also important to consider the job market and your industry. In highly competitive fields, being upfront about your salary expectations can show confidence and transparency, while in other sectors, it might be better to wait until later in the hiring process to discuss compensation . The key is to tailor your approach based on the specific job and company you’re applying to.

How to mention salary in a cover letter

Experts agree that mentioning salary requirements in a cover letter should be approached with caution. “Salary questions are designed to ‘screen out’ rather than ‘screen in’ candidates,” says Alisa Cohen, Career Coach at Close Cohen Career Consulting . This means that revealing your salary expectations too soon could lead to your elimination from the candidate pool if your figures don’t align with the employer’s budget.

“It could result in either being overlooked for the position or receiving a lower-than-expected offer,” says Tiago Pita, Brand Director and Recruiter at Whole Food Earth .

You might want to leave out salary requirements in a cover letter when you don’t have enough information about the role and its compensation structure to provide a well-informed figure. “If the job posting indicates that salary discussions will occur later in the hiring process, it’s often best to focus the cover letter on qualifications and enthusiasm for the role,” Pita says.

By doing so, you keep the door open for a more informed discussion about compensation later in the hiring process, once the employer has seen your potential and you have a clearer understanding of the role.

When should you include salary requirements?

If the application asks for salary requirements, you should comply—but do so strategically (below, you’ll find tips on how to handle this).

If the application does not ask for them, “it’s typically in your best interest to defer compensation conversations to the latest stage possible,” Cohen says. “You have the most leverage when you are at the offer stage.”

By waiting until later in the process, you allow yourself time to demonstrate your value to the employer, which can strengthen your position during salary negotiations.

How do you negotiate salary in a cover letter?

It’s essential to approach this topic with tact, as you don’t want to come across as overly aggressive or rigid. Below are some tips and strategies for effectively incorporating salary negotiation into your cover letter.

1. Do your research

Base your expectations on solid research. Industry standards, geographic location, past salaries, and your experience level are all factors that should be taken into consideration. One effective strategy is to provide a range rather than a specific number, giving you some flexibility and room for negotiation.

Cohen suggests using language like, “My research indicates that compensation for this type of position falls in the range of $XX - $XX. I look forward to learning more about the position and understanding if that is consistent with your range.” This approach shows you’ve done your homework and know what you’re looking for in a job position.

2. Explain your reasoning

This could be based on your research of industry standards, your level of experience, or the cost of living in the job's location. For example: “My salary expectation is based on industry research and my professional experience in similar roles, as well as the cost of living in [City].”

3. Use diplomatic and flexible language

The way you phrase your salary expectations can significantly impact how they are received. Pita emphasizes the importance of using language that shows flexibility, with phrases such as, “Based on my experience and the industry standards, I am seeking a salary range of $X to $Y. However, I am open to discussing this further based on the total compensation package and additional benefits your company offers.”

This wording acknowledges your salary expectations while also making it clear you’re open to negotiation and that you’re willing to consider the entire compensation package, not just the salary.

4. Frame salary as part of the overall fit

Highlight your skills and experience that contribute to the company’s success. This helps keep the focus on mutual benefit rather than just on financials.

Pita suggests language like, “I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and am confident that my skills align well with the needs of the position. I am seeking a salary range of $X to $Y, though I am open to negotiation based on the complete compensation package and benefits offered.” This phrasing shows enthusiasm for the role while also subtly integrating your salary expectations into the discussion.

Cover letter with salary requirements: examples

Below, you'll find cover letter examples with salary requirements for different roles. Each cover letter is tailored to the specific job while including a mention of salary expectations, demonstrating how to approach this delicate topic professionally.

But first, here’s the common structure that should be present at the beginning of all cover letter with salary requirements examples:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager's Name] [Company Name] [Company Address]

Example #1: Cover letter with salary requirements for Administrative Assistant

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Administrative Assistant position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With over five years of experience in administrative support roles, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and help streamline office operations.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I managed a variety of administrative tasks, including scheduling, correspondence, and file management, all while maintaining a high level of confidentiality and professionalism. My organizational skills and attention to detail have consistently been recognized by my supervisors, and I am eager to bring this same level of dedication to [Company Name].

For this position, I would like to express that my salary expectations are between $[number] and $[number]. These figures are aligned with the industry average for this role and are also based on my experience, but I am open to negotiation depending on the additional benefits your organization provides to ensure a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team's success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Example #2: Cover letter with salary requirements for Marketing Coordinator

I am excited to apply for the Marketing Coordinator position at [Company Name], as listed on [where you found the job posting]. With a background in digital marketing and a strong track record of driving brand engagement, I am confident that I can help elevate your marketing efforts and contribute to your company’s growth.

At [Previous Company Name], I successfully managed social media campaigns that resulted in an X% increase in follower engagement and a Y% growth in lead generation. My experience in content creation, SEO, and analytics has equipped me with the skills needed to execute and optimize marketing strategies effectively.

I would like to request a salary within the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. My salary expectations reflect my education in marketing, along with [number] years of experience in the industry and my in-depth knowledge of digital marketing strategies, content creation, and campaign management. However, given the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers, I am open to negotiating the salary.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to contributing to your team and discussing how my background aligns with your needs.

Example #3: Cover letter with salary requirements for Project Manager

I am writing to express my interest in the Project Manager position at [Company Name]. With over seven years of experience managing cross-functional teams and delivering projects on time and within budget, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to your organization.

At [Previous Company Name], I led a team of [number of people in the team] in the successful implementation of a $X million project, improving efficiency by Y% and reducing costs by Z%. My proven track record of leading diverse teams and successfully delivering complex projects on time and within budget makes me a strong fit for this role. I excel in coordinating cross-functional efforts, anticipating challenges, and driving projects to completion with a strategic focus on achieving business goals.

I am seeking a salary within the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. My salary expectations are based on my extensive experience in project management, including [number] years in the industry, and my ability to consistently deliver high-impact results. However, I am open to negotiation to find a package that reflects both the role and my qualifications, considering the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to [Company Name].

Cover letter with salary requirements: template

Not quite there yet? Here's a template to make everything easier for you:

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a background in [relevant field or industry], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and support the company's goals.

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I [briefly describe a key achievement or responsibility]. My experience has equipped me with [specific skills or knowledge related to the job], which I am eager to bring to [Company Name].

Regarding compensation, based on my experience and industry standards, I am seeking a salary in the range of $[number] to $[number] per year. I believe this range reflects my qualifications and the value I can bring to your organization. However, I am open to negotiation to find a package that reflects both the role and my qualifications, considering the growth opportunities and additional benefits your organization offers.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with your needs and how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name].

Key takeaways

Including salary requirements in a cover letter can be a delicate balancing act. It’s essential to approach this topic with care to avoid potential pitfalls while ensuring clarity for both you and the employer.

It’s often best to include salary expectations only when explicitly requested or when you feel confident about the compensation range based on your experience and industry standards.

Ensure your salary expectations align with the role’s requirements and the value you bring to the table. If necessary, express your openness to negotiation, highlighting your flexibility and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Remember, a well-crafted cover letter not only addresses salary expectations but also showcases your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role. By combining a clear, professionally presented salary range with a strong emphasis on your skills and achievements, you can create a compelling case for why you’re the right fit for the job.

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