Jonas's Friend
11/12 (book); 18 (film)
Brown (Movie)

Asher is a character in The Giver . He is known to be silly but good-natured and playful, never intending to hurt anybody. He is Jonas ' best friend, having a great sense of humor. 

  • 1 Personality
  • 2.1.1 The Giver
  • 2.2 The Giver (2014)
  • 3 Job Assignment
  • 5.1 Film Screenshots


Asher is very energetic, clumsy, careless, and imprecise with words, but cheerful and good-humored, but this results in him being hard to work with. He is a bit excitable sometimes which results in him speaking too fast and imprecisely, like when he was a three, and mixed up snack with the word "smack", receiving many blows of the " discipline wand " on his hand and legs. This resulted in a silent Asher for a while, but after a while he learned and began to talk with greater precision. Asher is usually late for school, and uses multiple excuses to explain this. On the other hand he is described by most as fun to be around.

The Giver Quartet

The giver (2014).

In The Giver (2014) , Asher is portrayed by Cameron Monaghan , and the character's age is changed from 12 to 18. Asher's assignment is Drone Pilot instead of recreation director, which was never mentioned in the book. Asher helps Jonas with his escape, though in the book Jonas did everything on his own.

Job Assignment

Asher was assigned the job of Assistant Recreational Director in the book, and assigned Pilot in the movie. He was the fourth one to receive his job assignment as his birth number is #4, meaning that he was the fourth child born in his year out of 50 children.

Asher has a father, a mother and a baby sister called Phillipa , who Asher's family gained when Asher became an Eleven. Phillipa is a One in the book, although not much is said about her.

Film Screenshots

Screenshot 2023-03-19 203014

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Chapters 7-9 Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 summary.

At each yearly ceremony, the children are arranged by the numbers they received at birth. Jonas is number 19, so he is one of the older children in the group of 50. Birth numbers are seldom used after children receive names. However, birth order matters at the Ceremony of Twelve. Children receive assignments in the order they were born.

The Chief Elder, a community leader elected every 10 years, makes the first speech at the Ceremony of Twelve. She also announces the job assignments. The Chief Elder begins her speech by commenting on the hallmarks of childhood, discussing the impending responsibilities of adulthood, and reflecting on the importance of assignments. She notes that the assignment of jobs is a rare instance when the community acknowledges differences. Prior to receiving assignments, the children are focused on minimizing differences. They are urged to standardize their behavior, to fit in.

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What is Asher's assignment?

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When Asher is assigned as the Assistant Director of Recreation. It will be his job to develop games and oversee playing. Jonas thinks the assignment is perfect, because it is wha for Asher because it's something he does naturally.

"I worry a little about Asher's Assignment," Jonas confessed. "Asher's such fun. But he doesn't really have any serious interests. He makes a game out of everything."

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What Is Asher’S Assignment In The Giver?

  • By Robert Donovan
  • Updated On August 30, 2023

In the utopian society depicted in Lois Lowry’s novel, The Giver, everyone is assigned a specific role and purpose. Each individual’s assignment shapes their identity and contributes to the functioning of the community as a whole.

Asher, one of the central characters in the story, receives a unique assignment that sets him apart from his peers. This article explores Asher’s role in this carefully controlled society and delves into the significance of his assignment.

Asher’s assignment holds a special place within the community, evoking curiosity and intrigue among its members. As you delve deeper into Asher’s journey, you will witness his challenges and personal growth as he navigates through an unfamiliar path. His assignment not only reveals hidden truths about the society but also raises thought-provoking questions about conformity and individuality.

Prepare to embark on a compelling exploration of Asher’s assignment in The Giver – an examination that will leave you contemplating the complexities of societal structures and our own individual roles within them.

The Role of Assignments in the Community

Asher’s unique assignment, the significance of asher’s assignment, asher’s challenges and growth, the climactic moment when asher’s assignment is revealed, the role asher plays in the story’s resolution.

You’ll soon learn about the important role of assignments in the community and how they shape the lives of its members.

Assignments in The Giver play a crucial role in maintaining order and control within the community. Each member is assigned a specific job at the age of twelve that matches their skills and interests, ensuring efficiency and productivity.

However, this system also limits individual freedom and stifles creativity, raising questions about the true purpose of these assignments.

Immerse yourself in the world of creativity as Asher becomes the color-bringer, infusing life into a monochromatic society.

Asher’s assignment is unique and significant. He’s responsible for injecting vibrant hues into the lives of his fellow citizens. Through artistry and imagination, he breaks through the constraints of conformity.

Asher’s role challenges the community’s strict control over emotions and individuality, offering a glimmer of hope for freedom and self-expression.

Step into a world where colors burst forth like fireworks, illuminating the once dull canvas of existence and awakening the dormant spirits yearning for liberation. Asher’s assignment in The Giver is to be the Assistant Director of Recreation. This seemingly simple role holds great significance as it allows him to bring joy and happiness to the community through games and activities. Through his assignment, Asher becomes a symbol of the power of playfulness and its ability to transform lives.

Pros Cons
Brings joy Can be seen as frivolous
Fosters community spirit Lacks intellectual stimulation
Promotes creativity May distract from more important tasks
Encourages active lifestyles Limits personal growth

By analyzing both sides, we can appreciate the depth and complexity of Asher’s seemingly trivial assignment. While it may not seem as profound as Jonas’ role as Receiver or Fiona’s nurturing duties, Asher’s contribution should not be underestimated. His unique assignment serves as a reminder that even in a seemingly perfect society, every role has its own value and purpose.

Although facing challenges and experiencing personal growth may not initially be apparent in Asher’s role as Assistant Director of Recreation, his journey reveals the transformative power of navigating unfamiliar territory.

In this assignment, Asher encounters several obstacles that force him to question his beliefs and confront difficult decisions. These challenges include dealing with non-conformist individuals, questioning the strict rules of the community, and ultimately realizing the importance of individuality in a controlled society.

The Reveal and Resolution of Asher’s Assignment

In the climactic moment of the story, Asher’s assignment is finally revealed to him and the readers. This revelation serves as a turning point for both Asher’s character development and the overall resolution of the story.

As we delve deeper into the role Asher plays in the story’s resolution, it becomes evident that his presence and actions are crucial in challenging societal norms and bringing about change.

Finally, the moment arrives when Asher’s assignment is unveiled, leaving readers on the edge of their seats. The anticipation builds as his name is called, and the Chief Elder announces that he’ll become the Assistant Director of Recreation. This revelation shocks both Asher and the audience, as it seems to be a mismatch for his playful nature. However, this unexpected assignment adds depth to Asher’s character and raises questions about the rigid conformity in their society.

  • Sub-list 1:nnThe Chief Elder’s choice challenges societal norms.

The unconventional assignment highlights the theme of individuality.

  • Sub-list 2:nnAsher’s reaction reveals his internal conflict.

Readers are left wondering how he’ll adapt to his new role.

Now, let’s delve into the role Asher plays in the story’s resolution. As a close friend of Jonas, Asher’s assignment becomes significant as it showcases the rigid and oppressive nature of their society.

By being assigned as the Assistant Director of Recreation, Asher inadvertently contributes to maintaining the illusion of conformity and control. However, his lack of critical thinking skills also highlights the limitations imposed on individuality and creativity within their community.

In conclusion, Asher’s assignment in ‘The Giver’ serves as a catalyst for his personal growth and development. While initially seen as unconventional and challenging, it ultimately allows him to discover his true passion and purpose within the community.

Through this unique assignment, Asher is able to challenge societal norms and expectations, providing insightful commentary on the limitations of conformity.

Overall, Asher’s journey highlights the importance of individuality and self-discovery in a world that often prioritizes sameness. His story reminds us of the power of embracing our differences and pursuing our passions, even when they may seem out of place or anachronistic.

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What does Asher do in his assignment In The Giver?

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Asher's assignment was Assistant Director of Recreations. Found in chapter 7 page 56. ( in the first paragraph)

Alfonso Mills ∙

In the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Asher's assignment is to become the Assistant Director of Recreation. He is responsible for organizing and leading recreational activities in the community.

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    The Giver (2014) In The Giver (2014), Asher is portrayed by Cameron Monaghan, and the character's age is changed from 12 to 18. Asher's assignment is Drone Pilot instead of recreation director, which was never mentioned in the book. Asher helps Jonas with his escape, though in the book Jonas did everything on his own.

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  6. The Giver Chapters 7-9 Summary & Analysis

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. ... When it is time to reveal Asher's assignment, the Chief Elder shares an ...

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  8. What is Asher's assignment?

    Answers 1. When Asher is assigned as the Assistant Director of Recreation. It will be his job to develop games and oversee playing. Jonas thinks the assignment is perfect, because it is wha for Asher because it's something he does naturally. "I worry a little about Asher's Assignment," Jonas confessed. "Asher's such fun.

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  10. What Is Asher'S Assignment In The Giver?

    In the utopian society depicted in Lois Lowry's novel, The Giver, everyone is assigned a specific role and purpose. Each individual's assignment shapes their identity and contributes to the functioning of the community as a whole. Asher, one of the central characters in the story, receives a unique assignment that sets him apart from his peers.

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  12. What assignment did Asher get in The Giver?

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