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Transcript: Horrid Henry: The Movie

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Down with the boys! Girls rule! Girls are cool! Down with the boys! Girls rule! Girls are cool! Down with the boys! Singing Soraya. Sour Susan. - Guess who? - Me! And Moody Margaret, my number one enemy. Be honest, no, don't! - You were going too fast. - No, I wasn't. - You were way too slow. - I don't care! What's wrong with you? But I'm deputy head. This isn't some kind of game. This is a sophisticated club and it's my club and I can do what I like. I'm deputy head as I've already said. Shouldn't be just like... Aagh! Enemy attack! Na-na-na-na-na! Mission accomplished! I hate you, Henry! Henry! Homework, now! No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! Oh, hi, I'm Henry, and this is my world. - First off, my Dad. - Henry! He says the same thing to me every day. Get up those stairs right now and do your homework or there'll be no more television for a week. - Heard it before. - A month. - Oh, come on! - A year. No way! Then there's my wormy little brother, Peter, and his annoying cello. Hey, Peter. It's not bad... for a smelly nappy baby. And then Mum says: Don't be horrid, Henry! So then I go to my room and do my homework. Only joking. Why'd I want to do my homework? I'm way too busy. Wha-ha! Rocking out! Some day I'm gonna be a rock star. # Got no time for homework # Too busy being me # Singing Zero Zombies # Eating beans for tea # Down with wormy worms # That's what I decree # I'm the king around here # The all-time majesty # They say that I am horrid # But little do they know # I'm really, really horrid # And that's the way it goes # I'm a hero, I'm a pirate # Touching close with cool # A Tyrannosaurus Rex coming straight at you # Come on # Wanna croon it, croon it, croon it # I just wanna do it # I just wanna croon it # Too cool, too cool, for school # No no no no no # I'm nobody's fool # Too cool for school Henry! Henry! Henry! I said, get up. I'm getting up, Mum. Get up and get dressed! I'm getting dressed, Mum. Right. That's it. You're going to make us all late. I'm not gonna make us all late, Mum. I've re-stocked the loo rolls, cleaned my toothbrush holder, dusted under the bath and now I'm going to polish my shoes. That's a good boy, Peter. Henry? Go away, worm! Aah! Mum! And don't forget your homework! Henry! Shoo, Fluffy! Ooh, there it is. Oh, no! Come on, Henry, get your coat on. It's time for school! Hi! Hey, guys, wait for me! Peter! Look, those are Peter's little friends. They love school and I really, really hate school. Anyway, here goes. Eugh! That's Ralph. Better known as Rude Ralph. And that's Aerobic Al. Brainy Brian. And Beefy Bert. - I dunno. I dunno! With miends like these, school's not all bad. Together, we are the Purple Hand Gang. Brian, I need a note. I haven't got my homework. - So what's new, Henry? - OK. Quiet in the classroom. Settle down. Order in the classroom. - Margaret? - Here, Miss. Susan? Yeah? Oh. Here, Miss Battle-Axe. - Ralph? - Here, Miss. - Al? - Here, Miss. - Bert? - Uh... I dunno. Brian? Here, Miss. William? Oh, Weepy William. Here, Miss. Linda? Or Lazy Linda. Here, Miss. Henry? Horrid Henry. Here, Miss. Late mark. Right, get out your homework. Oh, please, Miss. What is it, Henry? I haven't got my homework, Miss. Why am I not surprised, Henry? Oh, I've got a note, Miss. "Dear Miss B. The cat ate Henry's homework again. Bad cat. Signed, Henry's mum. " Something tells me your mother did not write this note, Henry. What do you mean, Miss Battle-Axe? And something tells me you did not write this note, either, Henry. How do you spell homework? H-O-M-E... Ooh, that's very good, Henry. The next little bit might be a bit harder, seeing as you've never done any. How do you spell work? W... ...E... R-K? No, no, no, no. W-O-R-K. That is how you spell work. And that's why I know you did not write this note, Henry. Because work is spelt correctly in this note and I know you'd never be able to spell it correctly. Ah. Enter! Boudicca, I just wanted to remind you the school inspectors will be here again today and we don't want any more... unpleasantness. Of course not, Miss Oddbod. (sighs of relief) Thank you, Boudicca. Now... where was I? Oh, yes. Detention. Single detention for failing to do your homework. Double detention for failing to bring in your homework. And triple detention for getting somebody else to write this note on your behalf about your homework. - But... - Silence! H-O-M-E W-O-R-K. Homework. Now... is there anybody else who failed to bring in their homework? Good. # It's not easy being me # Wash your face and brush your hair # Nag, nag, nag it's just not fair # I'm Horrid Henry # So tell me school # Cannot rule # When I'm king I'll do my thing # And then my life would be so sweet # I'm Horrid Henry # Na na na # Na na nay # The Purple Hand Gang rules OK # It's not easy being me # I'm Horrid Henry # Na na na, it's not fair # Na na nay, I wasn't there # Why do I get blamed for everything # Cos I'm Horrid Henry? # Na na na # Na na nay # The Purple Hand Gang rules OK # It's not easy being me... Two secs, guys, I'll let you in. (hums to hersel) Yes? The school inspectors are here to see you, Miss Oddbod. Thank you, Sidmouth. OK. Without practice, we won't be ready for the talent contest. - But we've no instruments. - Who needs instruments? Come on, Henry, let's rock. Go Zero Zombies! Yeah! Actually... no. I haven't got any music. Allow me... ...Lord High Majesty of the Purple Hand Gang. Yeah! One, two, three, four. Here at Ashton Primary, we have nothing to hide. # Gonna be a big star # See my name in lights # Gonna play my guitar Erm... # But my homework is waiting for me # There's no escape and no TV # Why does homework always get you down, down, down? # Gonna be a rock star # We don't need to go to school # Gonna be a rock star Absolutely nothing to hide. # Just you wait and see # Cos the boy on that stage will be me Yeah! (sings quietly to himsel Just what do you think you're doing? Erm... ...practising for the talent contest, Miss Oddbod. I see. And are you practising trying to get this school closed down, too? Erm... And get down from there right now, you... horrid boy. Miss Oddbod doesn't believe in rock stars. But I know the Zero Zombies can win the talent contest. Oh! Missed, bogey brain! Huh? - Hey, Margaret. - Huh? - Check this out. Please! That'll never hit me. Ordinarily she'd be right. But I have a plan. It's called Flick the Bogey. Carefully worked out with military precision, and resulting in a devastating airburst attack. (screams). Henry! I'll get you, Henry! Aagh! Aagh! Mum! Homework, Henry. It's just not fair, Fang. Homework should be climbing trees, building forts and playing with mates. This is my best mate. Fang. He can climb steep walls. He can walk on the ceiling like Spider-hamster. He can jump. He can exercise. He has bionic teeth. And... he can sing! When I'm king, parents shall do all the homework. # When I'm king, yeah, when I'm king # The sun will come out and the birds will sing # When I'm king, yeah, when I'm king # The sun will come out and the birds will sing # When I'm king, yeah, when I'm king # I'll be able to do anything # When I'm king You're supposed to be doing your homework, Henry. Yeah, I am doing my homework, worm. Rockstar's homework. - Mum! - Don't just go tell on me, you know! - Yes, I do. - Yeah, why? Henry's not doing his homework! Henry! Why do you have to be so perfect, Peter? Aagh! Help! Aaaaaaagh! I am sick and tired... Yes, Dad? Ah, you're... doing your homework. Yeah. I'm doing physics. Right. Good. Bye, then. Yeah. Physics has given me some great ideas for gooing Moody Margaret. Ha-ha. OK, just a little bit tighter. Easy, easy, easy, easy. Come on, it's OK, it's OK. OK. Oh, gosh. OK. Erm... tie this tight. Ha! Try that for size, slug features. Yeah, slug features. Henry! Yes, Miss Battle-Axe? - Teachers first. - Oh, of course, Miss Battle-Axe. Allow me. He-e-e-e-enry! Oh, why is it always me? We simply cannot allow this sort of behaviour to continue. The inspectors have made it very clear that this school is under serious threat of closure. There's only one course of action. But, Cynthia... ...I'm the backbone of the school. - You cannot let this happen to me. - She can and she will. - Ooh. - I'll handle this myself, thank you. Boudicca... ...you and I have worked too long and too hard to see this school closed. The inspectors have commented on a total lack of discipline... There's no lack of discipline in my classroom. ...out of control pupils... My pupils are certainly not out of control. ...and a dismal homework record. That horrid boy. I was never able to teach him anything. I've been told I have to make an example of somebody. So I'm afraid... You can go home now. What? You what, Miss Battle-Axe? You heard me, Margaret. You can all go home early. Yes! And following our exclusive report exclusively reporting on declining... - Hey, Mum. - You're home early, boys. Can I have one? Miss Battle-Axe let us go early. Awesome. TV. Ashton Primary School's longest-serving teacher, Miss Battle-Axe, has been sacked. Miss Battle-Axe... has been... sacked? Ah, Miss Battle-Axe. Can you give us a statement? I'll be back, Henry, you horrid boy. Mr Vic Van Wrinkle, the headmaster of Brickhouse School, Hey, Ralph, wait up! The exclusive and very expensive school, commented, saying, "It's a sad and sorry state of affairs when a school cannot keep its own pupils in order." Well, looks like my little plan is working. It won't be long before the parents of all those children will be paying me lots of money for them to come here. Brickhouse School. Because... there won't be an Ashton Primary School for them to go to anymore. Now... ...let's see if we can make this boy Henry even more horrid, shall we? Shall we? Come on. Do it! Someone's here to see you, Miss Oddbod. It's er... ...about Miss Battle-Axe's old job. How strange. We haven't advertised it yet. - Show them in, Sidmouth. - Right. I understand you have an opening for a very fine teacher. Which I am, Jimmy. I'm sorry, what did you say your name was? Erm... Beowulf. Beowulf Battering-Ram. Ha-ha. Oh, Boudicca. You do know I can't offer you your old job back. Oh, please, Miss Oddbod! Well... er... ...we'll keep your details on file and let you know. Sidmouth? Could you show this... gentleman out, please? This way, sir. Whoa! I'll be back. Oh, dear. Mow, then, boys and girls, Miss Battle-Axe's class will be joining us today, so we'll have to squeeze in together, OK? Bunch up a bit in the background. Quickly, please. Settle down, everybody, as quick as you can, in your seats. Right. Does anyone want to tell me anything before we have our singsong? Yes, Peter? Yesterday, I put a red crayon in the yellow crayon box, Miss Lovely. Oh. - And I took it out again, Miss Lovely. - OK. And I wiped it clean with a cloth, Miss Lovely. And I put it in the red crayon box, Miss Lovely. Well, how lovely is that? You really are my best boys. fMR. Ugh. Peter and his friends make me sick. Eugh! Now, boys and girls, today in class we're going to learn all about France. To start with, we're going to sing a song called Frere Jacques. Can anyone tell me what Frere Jacques means? Me! - Got any sweets, Henry? Er... yeah. Henry, can you tell me what Frere Jacques means? Yeah, nose pickers! All right. Settle down, everybody. Thank you. That's lovely, Henry. Now, then, shall we all sing together? # Frere Jacques, # Frere Jacques, # Dormez-vous? Got any more Frere Jacques in there, dingbat dodo? Hey, what you doing? That's mine. I only want to look at it. Give it back, Moody Margaret! Ooh-ee stressy! # Frere Jacques, Stop. Right, that's it. You asked for it! Hey, that's not my gross goo. Oooh! Nice one, bogey brain. - Yeah. Nice one, Henry. - It wasn't me. Oooh! Move. She's banned the Zero Zombies, Henry. What? We've been taken off the list? Ha! Oh, Henry, not going to be a pop star after all? - Get used to it. - Yeah, get used to it. Hey, check it out. It's called walking the magnetic moggy. Yeah, magnetic moggy. You're not in the talent contest any more, Henry. What you gonna do now, Henry? - I dunno. - Er... er... Oh, get off the table. Hello, Ruby. Rich Aunt Ruby and stuck-up Steve. My favourite cousin. Not. Did someone say, Polly put the kettle on? Prissy Polly and Vomiting Vera. Could life get any better? - I'll put the kettle on, Polly. - Mum... - Henry. - Yeah, what? Tell Peter the tea's ready and wash your hands. Oh, come on. I hear Ashton Primary School's closing down. Well, it does seem as though they're losing a lot of teachers. Think about sending the boys to Brickhouse. But isn't Brickhouse very expensive? Well, yes. That's the whole point, really. But they do produce the most clever boys. # You're 2 cool 4 school # Wanna win some money # 2 cool 4 school # Be nobody's fool # 2 cool 4 school # Then maybe, just maybe # You're 2 cool 4 school This is one of my most favourite TV shows ever. I watch it every week and nothing can stop me. Mummy, Henry insists on watching 2 Cool 4 School and I want to watch Business For Boys. I must have said please 52 million times and he won't budge. You see? Clever and charming. In order to open a building society account... This is not fair. This is my house. I should be allowed to watch what I want on TV. When I'm king, I'll force stuck-up Steve... I am not stuck-up, I'm posh. ...to watch every single episode of To Cool for School three billion times! No-o-o-o-o-o! There's a try-out day coming up in Brickhouse. Why don't you take a look? We'll think about it, Ruby. I promise. I'm not going to that mouldy old Brickhouse. Ha! Think they'd have a horrid boy like you? Shut up! Do you know how stuck-up you sound? Oh, sorry. Not again. It doesn't matter. Don't be silly. Ooh, I am starving. Anything left for me? Ah. O- o-oh. Ugh... Er... Ooh. Eugh-yuk. What? Bed, Henry. Now. Hello. Ashton 5-8-6. Oh, how lovely to hear from you, Great Aunt Greta. Great Aunt Greta? She thinks I'm a girl. Yes, yes. Henrietta is fine. See? Well, yes, it does seem as though Ashton Primary School is in trouble. Oh. Oh. Right. OK. Goodbye, then. Bad news? No. Rather good news, actually. Great Aunt Greta heard about Ashton Primary, so she's booked Peter in for the Brickhouse try-out day. We can't afford to send the boys there. She says she'll pay for him to go. Oh. What about Henry? Great Aunt Greta has something else in mind for Henry to try out. No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! So spirited, just like in my day. Go Giddiantus! - They're all girls! - That's right, dear. Lots of curls. I found this in my attic. It's yours now, Henrietta. Just what I always wanted. Om you go, Henrietta, and show them what you're made of. Agh! Eugh! It's a boy! Yuk. Shall we put it out of its misery? Later, loser. - Enter at your peril, boy. - Yeah, watch out. Stuck in a girls' school. Could life get any worse? I said we would be late and now we are late. We're always late and it's always your fault. But, sweetness... Don't you sweetness me. Just give me my stuff. Oh, sorry, my precious. At least there won't be any smelly boys... Oh, great! What's he doing? Well... bird brain. I asked you a question. Erm... my Great Aunt Greta thinks I'm a girl. That figures. Just don't expect me to sit next to you, toad breath. Oh, my goodness. They know there's a boy here. What? What did you say? I can't hear you. I think they're after you. Run away! Huh? Miss Battle-Axe? Oh, Henry, you horrid boy. Margaret? Margaret? Margaret? Margaret? Is this your idea of a joke? Ssh. Don't even think about laughing. Why is there a boy? Get the boy. Get the boy! Quickly! Run! Yes, of course, school inspectors, I've got all your money. Must go now. Have to welcome new pupils from Ashton Primary. Welcome one, welcome all. OK, here we are. Right. Ready to go, then, Peter? Yes, Dad. It looks... very big, though. Don't worry. You'll be OK once you get in there. OK. Miss Lovely! Peter. What a lovely surprise. What are you doing here, Miss Lovely? I've come to see the headmaster. - About getting a job here? - Well, yes. That would be oh, so lovely. I'm having a try-out day today. Well, how lovely is that? Shall we, Peter? Bye, then. Welcome to Brickhouse School. Here at Brickhouse, we pride ourselves on tradition and accomplishment. And we also encourage every child to make a contribution to the glory of our school. Yah, we do. Get Down # Whoa ah oh # I can't slow down, slow down, slow down # You're making my heart stop beating # Please don't let me down # Don't let me down # So let's stop pretending # And drop the small talk now # Whoa ah oh # Can we get down, get down, get down # And drop the small talk # Whoa ah oh # I can't slow down, slow down, slow down # You're making my heart stop beating # Please don't let me down # Don't let me down # So let's stop pretending # And drop the small talk now Thank you. Thank you. Right. Peter. Why don't you show us what you can do? Come along. Come along, don't be shy. Good boy. Sing something, Peter. Something lovely. # Frere Jacques # Frere Jacques # Dormez-vous # Dormez-vous... How dare you show up here? # Sonnez les matines # Ding dang dong # Ding dang dong Close the door! Finished, Peter? No, there's another verse. # Frre Jacques # Frre Jacques # Mama's callin', Mama's callin' # Come a-home to Nashville, come a-home to Nashville # Yee hi yay # Yee hi yay ...Ashton closes down with the worst school report ever - the rest of your money. It's perfectly simple. I've explained it to you a hundred times. A series of disasters occurs at the school. The authorities give it such a low rating Miss Oddbod will have to close it down. Ah, Miss Lovely. # Frere Jacques # Frere Jacques # Where are you? # Where are you? # Bedtime is for babies # Bedtime is for babies # Get up now # Get up now # Jack my brother, Jack my brother # Do you sleep? Do you sleep? # For it is the morning, for it is the morning # 'Tis my song, 'tis my song # Oh, oh, oh # Oh Bravo! Well, well, Peter, you seem to have impressed us all. Is it time to go now, Miss Lovely? Miss Lovely and I will have a chat while you tour the school. Your Good As Gold book, Peter. My Good As Gold book? - Take care of it, Peter. - I will, Miss Lovely. Aaaaagh! I am never, ever going to that school, even if my dad pays double for them to have me. I mean... Er... Henry. You can let go of my hand now. Eugh! Things were getting really serious. It was time for an emergency meeting of the Purple Hand Gang. Why have we got to save the school? What are we gonna do, Henry? If our school closes down, we're all in trouble. I thought you'd be happy if the school closed. Normally I would be. Very happy. Exactly. Cos Ashton Primary's mega-horrible. I dunno. Miss Oddbod confiscates everything in sight. And Soggy Sid always makes you do - Yeah, he does. - When it's snowing. You're missing the point. The Demon Dinner lady confiscates our snacks. I know! So why do you wanna save it, then, Henry? Because... ...because... ...because... it's not Brickhouse or Our Lady Giddiantus. And that means, it's ours. Yeah, it's ours. It may be all the things you said and way more, too, but it's our school and we can't let anyone take that away from us. He's right. Remember our school motto? Ad... Ad solum esperanto. Ad solum esperanto! So how are we gonna save the school, Henry? Er... Oh, I dunno. You are such a dingbat, Henry. What's she doing here? To help you come up with a plan to save the school. I thought we were supposed to be coming up with a plan to get back into the talent contest, Henry. Yeah, we were. Eureka! That's it! - That's what, Henry? - That's it! The talent contest. You know what? Here's what we're gonna do. We'll get back into the talent contest, we win it, and then we'll be famous! What? So famous that they can't close the school down? Well, it might just work. And no-one has to go to that Brickhouse. Or Our Lady Giddiantus. So we just have to win the talent contest? That's right. But you're not in the talent contest, Henry. You leave that bit to me, Lord High Majesty ofthe Purple Hand Gang. Yeah. Go Zero Zombies! - All clear, Brian. - Oh, good. Good luck, Brian. Thank you. Brian's in. Amazing. In we go. That's it. Show your tickets. Sid? - Oh, no. - What's wrong? It's Soggy Sid! What's he doing here? He's here to make sure the Zero Zombies don't get sneaked in. I can't believe you peanut brains didn't think of that. What we gonna do now? Do I have to think of everything? I dunno. Hey! Oh, yeah, that's Vicious Vicky, Sour Susan's sister. - Sorry. Vicky does that sometimes. - She bit me. In you go. - Where are they? - They're just coming. Lfthey don't win... Ah, Margaret. Nice to see you supporting local talent. Yes, sir. - Here to see Zero Zombies, are we? - Never heard of them, sir. Go on, in you go. Miss Battle-Axe? Oh, Henry, you horrid boy. Ah, Giddiantus girls. Looking forward to the show? Yes, sir. I dunno. Oi! Oi! Come back here! Where are you? # Like Robson wants Jerome # I want you # Yeah, I want you... I... must... Let me through! Aagh! Over here. You're 6.2 seconds late. Lucky it's only that, then. I know you're down here. Right. Hello, sir. Ah. Hello, there, Brian. What are you doing in here? I'm waiting to go on stage, sir. One of the Zero Zombies, are you? Never heard of them, sir. I'm here to do my... snake-charming act. Oh... Would you like to see my snake, sir? Er... No... No, thank you. I've just er... ...something to... Actually... ...on second thoughts... maybe I will. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Excuse me. Here, I know you. You're one of them Killer Boy Rats unless I'm mistaken. You're not mistaken. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking? Er... Sidmouth Soggington, at your service, sir. The pleasure's all mine. I'm one of your biggest fans. - It's just amazing. - Really? Really. Yeah. I was actually looking for the washroom. Of course. Allow me, sir. This way, if you please. I'll be back. Wait for me! Er... actually... er, yes, just up here. I'm a bit of a singer myself. I have a CD. Could I play it to you? Guys, come out. That was close. I can't believe we were in the same room as Ed Banger. I know. I can't believe Soggy Sid is a fan of the Killer Boy Rats. Almost enough to put me off for life. Time to let the snakes out. # Rock down # Everybody rock the place # Rock down # Rock down # Everybody rock the place - He's seriously good. - I know. # Everybody rock the place # Rock down # Rock down All right, girls, you're on next. Er... hi. In your own time, girls. Well, get on with it, bogey brain! All right, all right. One... two... three... four. # Gonna be a big star # See my name in lights # Gonna play my guitar # Gonna play all night # Gonna go to town # My friends and me # Driving in a big car # Back in time for tea # But my homework is waiting for me # There's no escape and no TV # Why does homework always get you down, down, down? # Gonna be a rock star # We don't need to go to school # Gonna be a rock star # We'll be living by the swimming pool # Gonna be a rock star... Right, let's see what you've really got in that box, eh, son? Of course, sir. It's empty. Oh, no! It's empty! My snakes have escaped! Did someone say snakes? I hate snakes! Don't panic! #... we'll be good to go # Zero Zombies beat... Zero Zombies? # We're gonna jam all night # We'll be getting on down # To the morning light # We'll be fooling around # But with my homework I'm stuck here again # I should be on the stage, gonna entertain # Why does homework always get you down, down, down? Right, you lot. Off the stage now! # Never need to go to school # Gonna be a rock star # We won't be nobody's fool # Gonna be a rock star # Just you wait and see... I've got Miss Lovely's notebook. Look! - Go, Vicious Vicky. - Yeah, go, Vicious Vicky. You are in big trouble! Oh, no, get off me! Help! No! Oh, no! Mercy! #... rock stars We're gonna save the school! # We're gonna be rock stars # We will be nobody's fool # Gonna be rock stars # Just you wait and see # The boy on the stage that can be me Ha-ha! You! I hope you're pleased with yourself! Come in, Henry. Yes, School Inspector. I understand perfectly, thank you. Miss Oddbod. We won! So, Henry, you won the Ashton talent contest. - Yes, Miss Oddbod. - And you disobeyed my orders, running rings around Mr Soggington. Y- Yes, Miss Oddbod. Mr Soggington has now been removed from the school with a very sore bottom. Uh. But none ofthat matters now, Henry. Do you know why? Yes, because we won the contest and we'll be so famous, the school won't close down. No, Henry. It doesn't matter how famous you become, this school will still close down. But... I don't want the school to get... closed down. Well, you should have thought ofthat before you began all this... ...all this horridness. It's too late now, Henry. Just get out. Yes, Miss Oddbod. I never thought I'd say this but... ...I am gonna miss Ashton Primary. "Purple Hand Gang Fort now. Signed friends. " Huh? What's going on, worm? What's she doing here? Dark forces are at work, Henry. Peter has valuable information. We've got to act fast, Henry. There's no time to lose. Anyone have a clue what they're talking about? When I was at Brickhouse with Miss Lovely... What? Miss Lovely was at Brickhouse? Stay with it, beetle brain. It gets worse. - She discovered something terrible. - Terrible. And what was that terrible thing, Peter? They didn't polish their marbles or tidy up their tea cosies? I don't wanna know. I'm going back to my nice warm bed. Wait. Listen. Miss Lovely discovered that Vic Van Wrinkle... The evil headmaster of Brickhouse. ...is paying the school inspectors lots of money to make sure Ashton Primary gets closed down. Why would they do that? So everyone will have to pay him lots of money for their kids to go to Brickhouse instead. Do I have to join up all the dots round here? How do you know all this? Miss Lovely wrote it down in her notebook. Look. Maybe we should tell a grown-up about this. No. Miss Lovely said we shouldn't. Listen. I have to get real evidence. Tell no-one, till I've found out more. What are we gonna do? I'll tell you what you're going to do, Henry. - Have a biscuit. - What? You're so weird. - Just open the tin, you mutant mango! - All right, all right. It's for you, Henry. Yeah, I can see that. It's already been opened. Course it has. Otherwise how would I know what it says? "The Terrible Teacher challenges you, Horrid Henry, to prove that you are 2 Cool 4 School. " But I didn't ask to be on 2 Cool 4 School. Well, you're going to be on - Tomorrow? - And you'll win the big cash prize. The big cash prize? Is there an echo in here? You're going to win the big cash prize, so you can give all the money to Miss Oddbod, so she can give all the money to the school inspectors, so they can say, thank you, and then they can go away - far, far away. But why would I do that? So Ashton Primary doesn't have to get closed down. Come on, Henry, keep up. Can't we get the money from somewhere else? - It's impossible to win 2 Cool 4 School. - Henry. We're from Ashton Primary School. We don't know the meaning of the word... impossible. Thanks, worm. And what will you two be doing while I'm off winning 2 Cool 4 School? I'm going to Brickhouse to make sure Miss Lovely's all right. Oh, yeah. Miss Lovely. Almost forgot about her. Well, don't almost forget to win No-o-o-o-o-o-o! # 2 Cool 4 School theme music Starting with camera one. # Oh, win some money # 2 Cool 4 School # You're nobody's fool # 2 Cool 4 School # And maybe, just maybe # You're 2 Cool 4 School # Wanna win some money # 2 Cool 4 School # You're nobody's fool # 2 Cool 4 School # Maybe, just maybe # You're 2 Cool 4 School Welcome to... If you're 2 Cool 4 School... You're... Nobody's fool! Now, please put your hands together... ...for today's specially invited guest! L- i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-it's... ...Henry! Tell me, how cool is... Henry? Oh, he's cool. Margaret, think Henry's gonna make it through? Ah. He'd better, otherwise he's going to be mashed up into tiny little pieces and fed to my piranha fish, OK? Yes, brave words, there, from Henry's friends. And enemies. But he's gonna do it on his own now. How horrid do you think it's gonna be tonight, Henry? Very horrid. Can I go home now, please? Aw! How sweet. He wants to go home. Well, you can't! Not until he proves he's... Ooh, look at that. Our Henry on TV. Who'd have thought it? I still don't understand how this is going to save the school. Ssh! Don't worry, Mummy dearest. No-one ever wins on 2 Cool 4 School. Henry, any idea who this week's Terrible Teacher might be? Ooh. Well, we can give you a clue. It's someone who knows you very well. Who knows your stre-e-e-engths. And weaknesses. Henry has always had three problems. Homework, homework and homework. - That sounds like... - Your mission today... ...is to get your homework... ...in on time. Homework... ...in... on time? Right, Henry, let's play... Hey... This way, kid. OK, guys, you're on in 3, 2, 1. Ooh! Huh! Yeuh! Ahhhh! Time for you to do your homework, Henry. If you used the excuse, the cat ate your homework, ...how many times did you use the excuse that you lost it down the back of the sofa? Hmm? Erm... but... that question doesn't make any sense. Precisely. We still need an answer, Henry. Too many? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's the right answer! Go get your homework, Henry. I think I can see it! I got it! Next question, Henry. Which one of these is not a nutritious snack? A bowl of worms. Eugh! A bowl of spiders. Or an Ashton Primary... hot... school... dinner? Stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew... ...stew. Vegetable stew. Eugh! You've got 30 seconds to get through the steaming stew pot, Henry. Starting now! Come on, Henry, you can do it. Henry can eat a vegetable, can't he, Vera-wera? Henry's never eaten a vegetable. I can't do this. Eugh! Oh, that looks disgusting, Henry. F- fif-fifteen seconds, Henry. I could eat three bowlfuls, Henry. Ten seconds, Henry! Ooh! Aagh! Fang! Five seconds, Henry. Four... three... You'd better hop out. Aaagh! How did he do that? He did it. Henry did it. He actually ate... a vegetable. Go, Henry! Right, Henry. Complete this phrase. - Now you see it... - Now you don't. Is the right answer! Which means it's time for... ...the Bog... of... ...Do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-om! - Agh! - Agh! And remember, Henry, there's only one way out of the Bog of Doom! Bye, Henry. Goodbye. Goodbye, Henry. Oh, it stinks! Yuk! Huh? "Pull to exit. " There's Miss Lovely. Yes! Whoa! Huh? Whoa! Hello, Peter. Come on in, boys. We've been waiting for you. Whoa! Come on, Henry. Oh, nice one, Henry. Yeah, nice one, Henry. Yeah. Told you no-one ever wins on this show. Loser-r-r-r-r! Whoa-ho-ah! What are you gonna do now, Henry? Henry! Try walking the magnetic moggy! Yes! Aagh! What does that horrid boy think he's doing? That horrid boy is my big brother. And he's saving the school, if you really want to know. Is he now? How exactly is he going to do that? - Boy at the end? - He'll win the cash prize. - Next. - So he can give it to Miss Oddbod. So she can pay the school inspectors not to close our school. Oh. Hmm. What clever children you all are. But not nearly clever enough. Even if that horrid boy does win the cash prize, it will be too late. What do you mean, Mr Van Wrinkle? What I mean, my lovely Miss Lovely, is that even as we speak, Miss Oddbod is signing the papers that will close Ashton Primary forever. Oh, yes. Forever. Forever. Forever. Would you kindly turn that racket down? Yes, Miss Oddbod. So, Henry... ...one last homework question and you could be on your way to meet the Terrible Teacher and win the big cash prize! Where does Miss Oddbod keep the key to the Confiscation Cupboard? Oh, how I wish I could call Miss Oddbod to tell her that you're all OK. Quiet! Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate? The goldfish bowl. Oh-h-h-h-h-h! Is the right answer! Go on, Henry. Open it. Yes, Henry, this is the Terrible Teacher's Confiscation Cupboard. See anything you like? Yeah. I like all of it. Cor, a Super Slimy Slammer. Oh, and the mightiest, Mighty Magnet! All of this... could be yours. It could? All of it. But only if you give up the chance to go to the Terrible Teacher's Office. OK. Hang on. What about the big cash prize? Oh. Oh, yes. You also have to give up the chance to win the big cash prize. Come on, boy. Let greed get the better of you. Have to hurry you, Henry. Don't do it, Henry. I'll give you all the pocket money in the world if you don't do it. I can't believe you just said that. No, I can't do it. Are you sure, Henry? Hmm? Yeah. I'm sure. That boy is stupid as well as horrid. Oh. Congratulations, Henry. The big cash prize is within your reach. And now... it's time for you to meet... Terrible Teacher. Hello? Mr... er... Vic? Would you mind running through your fiendishly clever plan for us again? With pleasure. It's all about greed at the end of the day. The school inspectors are greedy but I, Vic Van Wrinkle, am even more greedy. OF course it was my brilliant idea to set up Brickhouse School and then to close down all the other schools round here so that everyone would pay me lots and lots of money to come here. Hello? Hello? Oh, dear, I seem to have run out of ink. Would you get me some more? Hello? You'll find it in the cupboard across the hall. Thank you. Hello, Police? This is Ashton Primary School... Hello? Hello? Miss Battle-Axe, is that you? Yes, it is, Henry. You're the Terrible Teacher? You invited me on 2 Cool 4 School? Yes, indeed. And it's time you were taught a lesson. Yes, Miss Battle-Axe. Oh... Not so fast, Henry. Now, where's your homework? Oh... Here, Miss Battle-Axe. Well... ...it seems you have done your homework, Henry. Wait. There seems to be a subject missing. What's that, Miss Battle-Axe? Spelling. Spelling? Yes, Henry. Just one word. - "Homework. " - Homework? Yes. How do you spell "homework", Henry? Erm... Come on, Henry. H... O... Come on, Henry. I dunno. ...erm... I am waiting. ...M... E... All those spelling tests. All those weeks, months, years, trying to teach you something. All that work, Henry. Now how do you spell work? W... E... ...er... W... ...E... W... O... ...O... Oh, Henry. Huh? Oh, Henry. Oh. Oh, Henry. Oh. W- O-R-K. Homework. H- O-M-E... ...W- O-R-K. That's how you spell homework, Miss Battle-Axe. Oh... well done, Henry! I knew you could do it! He did it! He won! Yes! Well, well. Not so horrid after all. Looks like we've got company. Sorry I can't stay to say hello. Missing you already. Aagh! Oh, dear. Whatever happened? I tied his shoelaces together, Miss Lovely. You horrid boy! Yes, yes, yes. Oh, for goodness sake! Congratulations, Henry. You're only the second contestant ever to win 2 Cool 4 School. Second? I thought no-one had ever won Well, somebody did, a long, long time ago. It was you. You won 2 Cool 4 School a long, long time ago? Oh, wow. Come on, no time for a love fest. We've got a school to save. Miss Battle-Axe. No, no, wait. Come back! Oh, no, don't worry. She's with me. Unfortunately. Hold up, snot face. I won that money, after all. Yeah, I bet we'll never hear the end of it. "Look at me, I can spell homework. " Big deal. Henry! You did it, Henry! You won 2 Cool 4 School! Don't get too excited, worm. Oh, shush. Call yourselves school inspectors? The only thing you'll be inspecting is a prison cell! Oh, children. Does that mean Ashton Primary is not gonna get closed down? No. Happily for all of us, I think, it's not. Thanks to our lovely Miss Lovely. And your brave little brother, Peter. Yeah. Super worm. Might I ask why you two are here? - Oh... - Well... They came to bring you this, Miss Oddbod. It's the money Henry won on 2 Cool 4 School. We thought you could bribe the school inspectors to go away. Did you now? What a very kind and clever thought. - Thank you. - Thank you. But I don't need this money now so I'm going to give it back to you. It's really yours. She gave it to me. Run along. I'll see you bright and early on Monday morning for another happy day at Ashton Primary. - Bye, Miss Oddbod. - Bye. - Thank you, Miss Oddbod. - See you on Monday. Hey, not so fast, slug snot. What we gonna do with that money? We, my beetle-brained friend, will have the party of a lifetime. Sounds cool. Deal. Turtle toad. Biscuit bonce. Slime bucket. Cockroach fart. - Henry? Silence, worm! Grrrrrr! You horrid children. Special Brew # I love you, yes, I do, # Cos I know that you love me too # I love you, yes I do, # Gonna spend all my money on you # Every day when I say # That I'm not gonna take any more... ...shoelaces together, then he fell out the window. - That's funny. - What? Have you seen Henry? Come on, Henry, you're missing your own party. Yeah, I'm just finishing my homework. Homework? Yeah. Horrid homework. Everybody Dance # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Music never lets you down # Puts a smile on your face any time, any place # Dancing helps relieve the pain # Soothes your mind, makes you happy again # Listen to those dancing feet # Close your eyes and let go # But it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands # Everybody dance # Clap your hands, clap your hands Introducing the one and only... ...Horrid Henry! # Got no time for homework # Too busy being me # Singing Zero Zombies # Eating beans for tea # Down with wormy worms # That's what I decree # I'm the king around here # The all-time Majesty # They say that I am horrid # But little do they know # I'm really, really horrid # And that's the way it goes # I'm a hero, I'm a pirate # Touching close with cool # A Tyrannosaurus Rex # Coming straight at you Come on! # Wanna croon it, croon it, croon it # I just wanna do it, I just wanna croon it # Too cool, too cool for school # I'm the one and only # The original # Too cool, too cool for school # A total living legend # The king of them all # Mum and Dad are always nagging # Always tell me what to do # "Don't be horrid" is what they say # "Get up and go to school" # The best boys are so perfect # In every single way # Moody Margaret's such a beetle bonce # She bugs me every day # Not fair, not to me # There is no equal # You'll go a long way if you wanna find a sequel # Don't wanna go to sleep # I wanna play all day # Move it, groove it, goo it # That's what I say # Wanna croon it, croon it, croon it # I just wanna do it, I just wanna croon it. # Too cool, too cool for school # I'm the one and only # The original # Too cool, too cool for school # A total living legend # The king of them all # Too cool, too cool for school # I'm the one and only # The original # Too cool, too cool for school # Na na na na na # I'm nobody's fool # When I'm tucked up in my bed # And I'm dreaming in my head # Nobody can stop me # It's like I'm really free # Free from girly girls # Free from boys with curls # Free from bogey teachers # Who only wanna preach ya # Too cool, too cool for school # I hate homework! # Too cool, too cool for school Aaaaaaaagh! # Too cool, too cool for school # I'm the one and only # The original # Too cool, too cool for school # A total living legend # The king of them all # Too cool, too cool for school # I'm the one and only # The original # Too cool, too cool for school # Na na na na na # I'm nobody's fool # Na na na-na na Come on. # Too cool for school # The clock ticks, I'm feeling sick # End of another day # Smells like poo covered in goo # Nothing worse than school # There'll be sob scenes # Now we're on our way # Nothing you can say will make us wanna stay # But when I get home # All Mum does is moan # Cause it's a horrid homework day # It's not fair, it's just not fair # Those horrid homework days # It's not fair, it's just not fair # I'm in a horrid homework haze # I'm in a horrid homework haze # What I really wanna do # Is cover Peter all in goo # Battle pirates with my friends, play gross games right to the end # Fly a spaceship out of sight # Eat crisps and chocolate through the night # Crawl through a jungle, bounce on my bed # Climb a tree, stand on my head # Everyone knows it's just not fair # But no-one seems to really care # Battle-Axe, Oddbod, Soggy Sid # What do they know about being a kid? # It's not fair, it's just not fair # Those horrid homework days # It's not fair, it's just not fair # I'm in a horrid homework haze # It's not fair, it's just not fair # Those horrid homework days # It's not fair, it's just not fair # I'm in a horrid homework haze # It's not fair, it's just not fair # Those horrid homework days # It's not fair, it's just not fair # I'm in a horrid homework haze # I'm in a horrid homework haze

  • 1 Horrid Henry
  • 3 Perfect Peter

Solving Procrastination

but my homework is waiting for me

Homework Procrastination: Why You Procrastinate on Homework and How to Stop

Homework procrastination involves unnecessarily postponing working on homework assignments. For example, if a student delays starting a homework assignment until right before its deadline for no good reason, even though it would have been better for them to start earlier, that student is engaging in homework procrastination.

Homework procrastination can take various forms, from wasting hours trying to bring yourself to start writing an essay, to putting off an important project until the end of the semester. This is a problem not only because it can harm your performance at school, and therefore cause you to receive lower grades , but also because it can cause you to suffer from various other issues , such as frustration, anxiety, and stress .

If you often procrastinate when it comes to doing homework, know that you’re not alone. Procrastination is a common problem among students ; in terms of statistics, studies show that approximately 80%–95% of college students engage in procrastination to some degree, approximately 75% consider themselves to be procrastinators, and approximately 50% say that they procrastinate in a consistent and problematic manner.

Fortunately, however, there are some things that you can do to solve this problem, as you will see in the following article. Specifically, you will first see an explanation about why students procrastinate on their homework, so you can understand your own behavior better. Then, you will see what you can do in order to stop procrastinating on your homework, so you can start getting them done on time.

Why you procrastinate on homework

You procrastinate on homework because issues such as exhaustion and anxiety outweigh your self-control and motivation. These issues include personal factors, like fear and perfectionism, and situational factors, like distractions and unclear instructions.

Specifically, when you need to get homework done, you rely primarily on your self-control in order to get yourself to do it. Furthermore, your self-control is sometimes supported by your motivation, which helps you complete your homework on time.

However, in some cases, you suffer from issues that interfere with or oppose your self-control and motivation, such as exhaustion and anxiety . When these issues are stronger than your self-control and motivation, you end up procrastinating, until you reach a point where the balance between them shifts in your favor, or until it’s too late.

This explains why you might end up procrastinating on your homework even when you have the necessary motivation and you truly wish that you could just get started. This also explains why you might end up procrastinating on your homework until right before deadlines , when the increased motivation, often in the form of stressful pressure, finally pushes you to get to work.

Accordingly, common reasons for procrastinating on homework include the following :

  • Abstract goals , in terms of being vague about how and when you intend to do the homework.
  • Feeling overwhelmed , often while being unsure of how to complete the homework.
  • Perfectionism , in the form of refusing to create work that has any flaws.
  • Fear of failure , often because of concerns over how such failure might reflect on you.
  • Anxiety , often in light of potential negative feedback.
  • Task aversion , especially in cases where you find the homework boring or unpleasant.
  • Lack of motivation , often as a result of feeling disconnected from your future self or having rewards that are far in the future.
  • Physical or mental exhaustion , often due to a combination of reasons, such as a high academic workload and associated stress .
  • Resentment , generally toward the homework, toward its source, or toward something related, such as a parent pushing you to do well in a subject that you’re not interested in.
  • Sensation seeking , generally in the form of enjoying working on things right before the deadline, when there’s intense time pressure.
  • Problematic work environment , generally as a result of having many distractions or temptations around.
  • Lack of sufficient communication from instructors, for example when it comes to not having clear directions and due dates for a certain class project.

In addition, other issues can also make you more likely to procrastinate on your homework. For example:

  • Problematic behaviors like self-handicapping , which involves procrastinating so that if you fail you can blame your failure on procrastination rather than your abilities, and self-sabotaging , which involves procrastinating as a result of a tendency to sabotage your progress.
  • Personality traits like distractibility and impulsivity .
  • Underlying issues like lack of sleep , ADHD , and depression .

Finally, note that some of these issues can lead to problematic procrastination cycles . For example, this can happen if you’re anxious about your homework, so you procrastinate on it, which makes you even more anxious about your homework due to the added negative emotions that you now associate with it (e.g., guilt and shame), which in turn makes you more likely to keep procrastinating on your homework in the future.

Understanding why you procrastinate on your homework can help you learn how to overcome your procrastination. However, while understanding why you procrastinate can be helpful, in many cases you can reduce your procrastination even without figuring this out. As such, if you find that you’re struggling with this step, don’t worry, and don’t get stuck; simply move on to the next step, which involves trying out various anti-procrastination techniques, until you find the ones that work best for you.

How to stop procrastinating on homework

To stop procrastinating on your homework right now , you should identify the smallest possible thing you can do to make progress on it, and then modify your environment to make it as likely as possible that you will do it.

For example, if you need to write a paper for a university course, the smallest possible step that you can take toward finishing it might be opening the relevant document on your computer, and writing just a single opening line, even if it’s poorly phrased initially. Once you realize that this is all you need to do, you can start modifying your work environment to help yourself achieve that, for example by going to a room with no distractions, leaving your phone outside, and turning on airplane mode on your laptop to disable your access to online distractions .

There are many other anti-procrastination techniques that can help you stop procrastinating on your homework. You don’t need to use all of these techniques, since some won’t be relevant in your case, and since you will generally need only a few of them in order to make significant progress toward overcoming your procrastination. As such, try skimming through this list, and finding the techniques that you think will work best for you.

Improve your planning:

  • Set concrete goals for yourself. For example, instead of a vague goal, such as “finish my psychology paper over the weekend”, set a concrete goal, such as “start writing an outline for the psychology paper on Thursday at 5 pm in the library, right after I finish the last class for the week”).
  • Break your homework into small and manageable steps. For example, if you need to write a research paper, you can start with steps such as “(1) brainstorm three potential topics, (2) figure out which topic I like best, and (3) find five relevant sources”. If the project that you’re dealing with is large and will therefore require a large number of steps, don’t worry about outlining the whole thing from the start; simply identify the first few steps that you need to take, and add new ones as you go along, to avoid feeling overwhelmed or getting stuck.
  • Set a series of milestones and deadlines for yourself. This will help you be accountable and plan ahead, and can also motivate you and give you a rewarding feeling of continuous progress.
  • Identify your productivity cycles. Different people are more productive at different times, based on factors such as whether it’s morning, noon, or evening. To reduce procrastination, you should take your personal productivity patterns into account, and schedule your homework for times when you’re most likely to be able to actually work on it.

Improve your environment:

  • Change your environment to make it easier for you to focus. For example, if you know that you work best when there are no distracting noises, go somewhere quiet, or put on some noise-blocking headphones.
  • Change your environment to make it easier for yourself to get started. For example, if you know that you will need to write an essay tomorrow after you wake up, then leave the document open on your computer before you go to bed.
  • Change your environment to make it harder for yourself to procrastinate. For example, if you tend to procrastinate by browsing apps on your phone , leave your phone outside the room where you plan to work.

Change your approach:

  • Start with a tiny step. For example, if you need to write an essay, help yourself get started by committing to only write a single sentence at first. This can help you push yourself to get started on homework, and often, once you do so, you’ll find it easy to keep going.
  • Start with the best or worst part first. Some people find that starting with the most enjoyable or easiest part of an assignment helps them get going, while others find that getting the worst part out of the way first helps them avoid procrastinating over time. Use either approach if you feel that it works for you.
  • Add a time delay before you procrastinate. If you can’t avoid procrastinating entirely, try committing to having a time delay before you indulge your impulse to do so. For example, this can involve counting to 10 before you’re allowed to open a new tab on the social media website that you usually use to procrastinate.
  • Use the Pomodoro technique. This involves alternating between scheduled periods of work and rest. For example, you can work on your homework for 25-minute long stretches, with 5-minute breaks in between, and a longer 30-minute break after every 4 work sets that you complete.

Increase your motivation:

  • Make doing the homework feel more rewarding. For example, you can gamify your work, by marking down streaks of days on which you’ve managed to make sufficient progress on your assignments, and potentially also give yourself some reward once you reach a sufficiently long streak.
  • Make doing the homework feel more enjoyable. For example, you can do your homework in a pleasant location, while listening to energizing music.
  • Visualize your future self. For example, you can visualize yourself being able to relax after you finish working, visualize yourself being rewarded for getting a good grade in a course, or visualize yourself having to handle the issues associated with not finishing your homework on time.
  • Focus on your goals instead of your assignments. Instead of focusing on the fact that you have an aversion to your homework, for whatever reason, try focusing on your end goals for completing the homework, such as getting a good grade in an important class so you can have a better application for grad school.

Change your mindset:

  • Give yourself permission to make mistakes, and accept the fact that your work won’t be perfect, especially at first. This can be helpful, for example, when it comes to assignments that involve writing, where you can give yourself permission to write a bad first draft, and then edit it afterward.
  • Address your fears. If you’re procrastinating because you’re afraid of something, try to identify your fears and resolve them. For example, if you’re afraid that your writing won’t be good enough, you can say to yourself that your goal is to just start by getting something written down, and that you can always improve it later.
  • Develop self-compassion.   Self-compassion can help reduce your procrastination, as well as various issues that are associated with it, such as stress. It consists of three components that you should develop: self-kindness , which involves being nice to yourself, common humanity , which involves recognizing that everyone experiences challenges, and mindfulness , which involves accepting your emotions in a non-judgmental manner.
  • Develop self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief in your ability to carry out the actions that you need to achieve your goals, and it can help you reduce your procrastination. To develop self-efficacy, try to identify the various strategies that you can use to finish your homework, and think about your ability to execute those strategies successfully.

When deciding which approach to use in order to overcome your procrastination , keep in mind that anti-procrastination techniques are especially effective when they’re tailored to the specific causes of your procrastination. For example, if you procrastinate because you set abstract goals for yourself, you should focus on setting concrete goals instead. Similarly, if you procrastinate because of available distractions, you should remove those distractions from your study environment, or go work somewhere else instead.

In addition, note that if you suffer from an underlying issue that leads to procrastination, such as lack of sleep , depression , or ADHD , you will likely need to resolve that issue, using professional help if necessary, if you want to successfully overcome your procrastination.

Finally, keep in mind that most people need more than one technique in order to overcome their procrastination , and that different techniques work better for different people in different circumstances. Accordingly, don’t expect a single technique to solve all your problems, and don’t feel that if some technique works well for others then it will necessarily also work well for you. Instead, try out the various techniques that are available to you, until you figure out which ones work best for you, in your particular situation.

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11 ways to ease the homework nightmare if you are a teenager with ADHD

11 ways to ease the homework nightmare if you are a teen with ADHD

Dr Sabina Dosani, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Clinical Partner in London, offers 11 effective ways you can improve your organizational skills, get on top of all that paper and become a homework boss.

Many teenagers with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder)  have difficulty with homework because they often have shorter attention spans, experience restlessness and poor concentration. Follow these tips and you may learn some skills that will help you develop a homework strategy that still leaves time to relax and do fun things.

Use a homework book

By the book

Use a homework book. Minds are great for having ideas, but less good for storing information. There’s no need to rely on your mind to remember what homework you have, and when it is due in. A homework book is much better for that. Use your homework book to keep lists of things to do. Don't make lists on scraps of paper or you may end up losing them or forgetting about them. Get into the habit of completing a list of things to do each evening for what you want to accomplish the next day. Learning to do these two things will ease the stress caused by constantly worrying you have forgotten something.

Before leaving school

Set a reminder in a phone to go off before you leave school. Use this prompt to make sure you have everything you need to complete your homework packed in your bag. If there was something you weren’t sure about, now’s the time to check.

Clear the decks

Clear the decks

Set up an area in your room that is just for doing homework. It’s hard to get anything done if you spend lots of time trying to find things on your desk. Clear the homework space at the end of every session and keep pens, pencils, calculators and other stationery bits and pieces in a drawer. This way you won’t end up using your homework time to get organised. Turn off social media and your phone when doing homework. This will help protect you against being distracted.  There are several apps you can use to help keep you focused on the task at hand – such as ‘Forest’.

Wired for success

Get a wire tray. At the end of every day, empty your school bag, pockets, inside pocket, back pocket, sports bag and pencil case of every loose bit of paper into the wire basket. Take out the pieces of paper one at a time and ask yourself what you need to do with it. Chances are you will either need to file it, bin it or act on it. If you need to act on it, you need to decide if you need to do something there and then, or if you need to do that later. If you have something you need to do but you don’t need to do it there and then, put the date you plan to do it in your homework book and store the piece of paper somewhere safe – perhaps in a ‘come back to’ file.

Making light work of it

Making light work of it

Aim to get all your homework done early in the evening when you are still feeling fresh – better still if it is the summer and there is still daylight.  You might not want to sit straight back down to work, but getting your homework finished early enough to allow you some hours of rest, is a great habit to get into. There is also good evidence suggesting that the same homework takes longer in the small hours.

Hit the hard stuff

Do your hardest homework or your least favourite subject first. Once it’s out of the way, you’ll feel better. Saving dreaded homework for later often means you’re more likely to dawdle with your other homework and put it off.  Plan to take a five minute break every half hour and then get back to work. Again, a time management technique like Pomodoro can really help you keep to time.

Cue cards

Use small index cards to record key facts when you are revising for exams. Making these little cards will help you break information down into small chunks, which are easier to take in and remember. The great thing about these cards is that they are portable. Take them around with you and have a look at them whenever you are waiting for someone.

Chunk it up

If you have big projects or coursework, it can feel very daunting and many people are tempted to put those off. The best thing to do for those bigger projects, is to break them down into small chunks and make a timetable for completing each item. Keep your timetable on the wall of your homework area so every day you can see and tick off your target.

Great mates

Great mates

Befriend some boffins and keep a list of their numbers in your homework area. If you get stuck or your attention keeps wandering, call or text someone who might be able to help you but be careful of getting distracted and remember how great it feels to get all your homework done, so you have the rest of your night or weekend to yourself.

Reward yourself

Agree some privileges with your parents as a reward for sticking to the homework strategy. Examples of privileges might be going to the cinema, extra time on the internet, inviting a friend for a sleepover, or credit for your phone.

Weekly locker clearance

Weekly locker clearance

Clean out your school locker and bag every Friday. Get into the habit of bringing home all loose papers in your locker each Friday. When you get home you can sort through to see what you need and organise the papers. Having a clean locker will help you to stay organised and be prepared.

but my homework is waiting for me

Questions I frequently get asked by teenagers:

Q: I’ve been working hard to get this stuff in place, but my mum still insists on checking my homework every night. She picks around at it and is really bossy about me changing things. Surely the teachers want to see my homework, not hers. How do I get her to back off?

A: It’s probably the last thing you want to hear, but your mum has your interests at heart and wants you to do well. Some mums find it hard to stay out of homework, especially when they’ve been involved in it for years. You might have to do some compromising. Put a deal to her. If your marks improve consistently over the next half term, she agrees to leave you to homework unaided. I think you make a good point about teachers wanting to see your work. When you’re feeling calm, tell her you appreciate her help, but that you want your work marked, not hers. Try to keep her in the loop by asking for her help with revision for tests, and celebrate your homework achievements with her, acknowledging her input.

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Dr Sabina Dosani is a highly experienced Consultant Psychiatrist currently working for the Anna Freud Centre looking after Children and Adolescents. She has a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery as well as being a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists . Dr Dosani also has a certificate in Systemic Practice (Family Therapy).

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53 advisories in effect for 23 regions in the area

Waiting for fema check here’s how to get help, fema says you may need to contact health and human services.

Amy Davis , Investigative Reporter

Andrea Slaydon , Senior Investigative and Special Projects Producer

We’ve heard from many of you who are still waiting for your FEMA checks after Hurricane Beryl left behind damage in our area. FEMA first said it would take up to 10 days for someone to get their funds but many say they are still waiting.

I got approved for FEMA reimbursement where’s my check?

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According to FEMA, applicants can expect to receive a letter within 10 days of explaining FEMA’s eligibility decision. If you are eligible, you may receive a U.S. Treasury check or direct deposit within about 10 days of the inspector’s visit.

RELATED: Why FEMA may have denied your request for help after Hurricane Beryl

If you are applying for a grant, the funds may be issued seven to 10 days after your application. However, for larger scale disasters such as Hurricane Beryl, it can take one to two months to receive reimbursement for eligible lodging expenses after receipts are submitted.

  • Go online to disasterassistance.gov .
  • Download the FEMA App for mobile devices.
  • Call the FEMA helpline at 800-621-3362 between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. CT. Help is available in most languages.

But many of you are telling us it’s not that easy and you are still waiting for your money

KPRC 2′s Faith Braverman experienced similar issues while trying to get answers about missing FEMA money. After hours of calling and emailing multiple agencies, a representative with FEMA Region 6 sent the following:

We are committed to ensuring all disaster survivors receive every dollar of disaster assistance for which they are eligible and continue to help them in their recovery process. To date, FEMA has approved $558.8 million in financial help for Texans for Hurricane Beryl.

Other Needs Assistance (ONA) payments are being paid by the State of Texas Department of Health and Human Services (TX HHSC). This includes Serious Needs Assistance, which is a one-time $750 payment to help individuals pay for essential items like food, water, baby formula, breast feeding supplies, medication and other emergency supplies. In this joint operation, the State processes ONA using the same eligibility requirements as FEMA, and the payments are disbursed by TX HHSC. If survivors have any inquiries about Other Needs Assistance funds, they can call the State of Texas Department of Health and Human Services (TX HHSC) helpline at 1-800-582-5233.

FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers

The FEMA website says: FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) are accessible facilities and mobile offices you can visit to learn more about FEMA and other disaster assistance programs. You may also visit to ask questions about your case. DRCs are set up in convenient areas after a disaster to make them easier to find.

Here is the map to search for a FEMA center near you.

A DRC may be able to help you:

  • Apply for assistance. You may also Apply for FEMA Assistance online or Apply/Check your status by phone 1-800-621-3362.
  • Learn more about disaster assistance programs.
  • Learn the status of your FEMA application.
  • Understand any letters you get from FEMA.
  • Find housing and rental assistance information.
  • Get answers to questions or resolve problems.
  • Get referrals to agencies that may offer other assistance.
  • Learn about Small Business Administration (SBA) programs

Texas Health and Human Services also released a statement in regards to the FEMA checks:

HHSC is working diligently to distribute funds to FEMA approved disaster survivors. While we are answering calls as quickly and efficiently as we can, wait times are longer than usual as our staff handles the increased volume of calls.

To date, HHSC has distributed $450 million in Other Needs Assistance (ONA) funds to disaster survivors in the Houston area in connection with Hurricane Beryl. Limitations of our claims processing system, that have since been resolved, created a significant delay in funds being distributed. In addition, HHSC sent $10 million to the Comptroller for processing by the close of business Monday. The Comptroller distributes money via direct deposit or by mailed check.

HHSC is also working to expand the capacity to our hotline. We are adding new staff to handle the additional calls. However, FEMA requires agents to have a fingerprint background check, which is causing additional delays in expanding the hotline. In the meantime, FEMA has agreed to answer HHSC inquiries on their hotline while we expand our hotline capacity.

HHSC has deployed ONA personnel to staff six FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) in Harris and Montgomery counties. Applicants visiting these locations can ask staff questions about their case. The DRCs are located at:

  • Denver Harbor Multi-Service Center, 6402 Market St., Houston, TX 77020
  • Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, 6719 W. Montgomery Road, Houston, TX 77091
  • SpringSpirit, 8526 Pitner Road, Houston, TX 77080
  • Felix Baldree Building, 13828 Corpus Christi St., Houston, TX 77015
  • Thomas A. Glazier Senior Education Center, 16600 Pine Forest Lane, Houston, TX 77084
  • 16401 1st St., Splendora, TX

Please view the FEMA Disaster Recovery Center Locator for more information.

KPRC 2 is committed to getting more answers and will update this article as information becomes available. Let us know if you are dealing with FEMA check issues. Just post in the comments below.

Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Passionate consumer advocate, mom of 3, addicted to coffee, hairspray and pastries.

Andrea Slaydon

Award-winning TV producer and content creator. My goal as a journalist is to help people. Faith and family motivate me. Running keeps me sane.


10 Powerful Tips to Complete Your Homework on Time

Nerd Voices

Are you struggling to complete your homework? Perhaps you have difficulty balancing schoolwork, home duties, and studies. Many teachers believe that homework is an essential part of life.

However, I think most students would disagree. Procrastination can be the biggest reason we don’t do our homework and thinking if somebody could “ do my homework for me .“

but my homework is waiting for me

These tips will help keep you on track and ensure you submit your assignments on time.

Tasks that appear difficult or repetitive at first glance are often ignored. It is the hardest part about doing homework. This can be overcome by simply taking out the assignment and placing it on the table.

This will help you get one step closer to completing the task.

2. A dedicated study area

You need an area that is specifically designed for each job. This is the main reason freelancers don’t get as much work done when they sleep on their beds. I’ve been there. You should have a place that is organized and allows you to do your homework.

3. Avoid distractions

Digital technology allows us to quickly access huge amounts of information. However, it also presents the challenge of increased distractions. It can distract you from your studies by constantly checking your email and getting notifications on your social media accounts. Apps that encourage concentration such as StayFocusd are a good choice. Turn off your phone and pay attention to the assignment.

4. Time Management

Each week, set aside some time to do your homework. This should be done when you feel alert. This time should be used each day to complete any outstanding assignments. Prioritize by starting with the most urgent tasks.

5. Start with the Toughest Assignment

Everyone has their own preferences. Sometimes, you just can’t wait for the assignment to begin, while other times, it might make you sick. The hardest assignment should be completed first. Once you are done, the next tasks will be much easier.

6. Reduce It

Sometimes, a task you love can feel overwhelming. You may avoid finding the right information because of this dread. Start with an outline if you are writing an essay. Divide the report into manageable pieces and work through each one, step-by-step.

7. Take a break

You need to recharge your brain and body just as you would when you study. Most people can only concentrate for 45 minutes. Plan the time you will work, taking breaks as needed.

You will be working on the assignment for 45 mins. After each interval, you’ll take breaks of 10 minutes. During breaks, you can do anything.

8. Set up a reward system

A reward system can motivate you to continue doing what you’re doing. You can take longer breaks after working for two hours without any regular breaks. You could also watch one more episode of your favorite show. You don’t need to get a huge reward; you could just receive a piece of your favorite candy.

9. Multitasking is not a good idea

Experts from legit essay writing services advise handling each task individually. You will be less productive if you do too many things at once. You will also spend more time working on one job than you would normally need.

10. Get help

You can do the school work on your own. If necessary, seek out tutors, friends, family members, and peers to help you. Students feel more confident and self-esteem when they hand in assignments they are proud of.

Consider getting a study buddy. You can keep them updated about missed work and they could be a useful resource to aid you in your studies.

Don’t be late with your homework or find it difficult to begin your assignments. Instead, follow the tips above.

Do You Want to Know More?

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Here at Nerdbot we are always looking for fresh takes on anything people love with a focus on television, comics, movies, animation, video games and more. If you feel passionate about something or love to be the person to get the word of nerd out to the public, we want to hear from you!

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Homeward Bound

Homeward bound lyrics.

How to Format Lyrics:

  • Type out all lyrics, even repeating song parts like the chorus
  • Lyrics should be broken down into individual lines
  • Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc.
  • Use italics ( <i>lyric</i> ) and bold ( <b>lyric</b> ) to distinguish between different vocalists in the same song part
  • If you don’t understand a lyric, use [?]

To learn more, check out our transcription guide or visit our transcribers forum

Once the recording of Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. had been completed, Paul Simon travelled to England to explore the London folk scene. While there, he met Kathy Chitty (the same Kathy from “Kathy’s Song” and “America” ), who later became his girlfriend. After a performance in Liverpool and while waiting for the train to London, he wrote about how he missed her and his home.

“Homeward Bound” was the follow-up single to “The Sound of Silence” and proved successful, peaking at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, and remaining on the charts for 12 weeks.

There are no definite statements as to where the song was written, and critics have argued over it, but the Widnes railway station displays a plaque on the wall of the Liverpool-bound waiting room claiming it as the place where it happened. It has been stolen from time to time .

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the song and explore its deeper meaning

[“Homeward Bound”] was written in Liverpool when I was traveling. What I like about that is that it has a very clear memory of Liverpool station and the streets of Liverpool and the club I played at and me at age 22. It’s like a snapshot, a photograph of a long time ago. I like that about it but I don’t like the song that much. First of all, it’s not an original title. That’s one of the main problems with it. It’s been around forever. No, the early songs I can’t say I really like them. But there’s something naive and sweet-natured and I must say I like that about it. They’re not angry. And that means that I wasn’t angry or unhappy. And that’s my memory of that time: it was just about idyllic. It was just the best time of my life, I think, up until recently, these last five years or so, six years… This has been the best time of my life. But before that, I would say that that was. – Paul Simon in a 1990 interview with SongTalk.

but my homework is waiting for me

  • 1. Bleecker Street
  • 2. The Sound of Silence
  • 3. The Sun is Burning
  • 4. Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.
  • 5. He Was My Brother
  • 8. Benedictus
  • 9. Somewhere They Can’t Find Me
  • 10. We’ve Got a Groovy Thing Goin’
  • 11. Leaves That Are Green
  • 12. Richard Cory
  • 13. I Am a Rock
  • 14. The Sound of Silence (Single Version)
  • 15. Homeward Bound
  • 16. Blues Run the Game
  • 17. Kathy’s Song
  • 18. April Come She Will
  • 19. Flowers Never Bend with The Rainfall
  • 20. Patterns
  • 22. The Dangling Conversation
  • 23. Scarborough Fair/Canticle
  • 24. The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)
  • 25. For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
  • 26. 7 O’Clock News/Silent Night
  • 27. A Hazy Shade of Winter
  • 28. At the Zoo
  • 29. A Poem on the Underground Wall (Live)
  • 30. Red Rubber Ball (Live)
  • 31. Blessed (Live)
  • 32. Anji (Live)
  • 33. A Church Is Burning
  • 34. Fakin’ It
  • 35. Save the Life of My Child
  • 36. America
  • 37. You Don’t Know Where Your Interest Lies
  • 38. Punky’s Dilemma
  • 39. Comfort and Joy
  • 40. Star Carol
  • 41. Mrs. Robinson
  • 43. Overs (Live)
  • 44. A Most Peculiar Man (Live)
  • 45. Bye, Bye Love (Live)
  • 46. The Boxer
  • 47. Baby Driver
  • 48. Why Don’t You Write Me
  • 49. Feuilles-O
  • 50. Keep the Customer Satisfied
  • 51. So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright
  • 52. Song for the Asking
  • 53. Cecilia
  • 54. El Condor Pasa (If I Could)
  • 55. Bridge Over Troubled Water
  • 56. The Only Living Boy in New York
  • 57. Hey, Schoolgirl/Black Slacks (Live)
  • 58. That Silver-Haired Daddy of Mine (Live)
  • 59. My Little Town

Genius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge

but my homework is waiting for me

but my homework is waiting for me

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7 excuses for why my homework is late, sometimes, we all need a little extra time. here are some excuses to help you achieve it..

7 Excuses For Why My Homework Is Late

We've all done it or, at least, most of us have. We've gotten a little behind in school due to social obligations, work, or a new season of a favorite show getting added to Netflix . Luckily, an extension on homework is a thing that is easily achieved for most college students. Here are some good excuses that I, and people who I know, have used while turning in an assignment late.

1. I was sick .

Was I really sick? Maybe I was. Was it actually a hangover ? It's more likely. Either way, this is the easiest excuse to use, but use it sparingly or people will start to think that you have a serious medical problem.

2. The "Run Away Just As Class Is Starting" Emergency

Wait until the professor is walking through the door to remember that the assignment was due today. Glance at your phone to see "the emergency." Run towards the door frantically apologizing, because you have an emergency. Go home, do the assignment, and send it in an email explaining your emergency.

3. The Email Didn't Attach

Send an email saying, "I have attached the assignment," and then don't attach it. This should give you an extra couple of hours to finish the assignment depending on how often your professor checks their email.

4. The Computer Crashed

"I saved the assignment on my computer and then it crashed and I had to start all over. Can I have a couple of extra days?" This is something that's probably not even a lie. Sometimes, the computer really does crash and you stay up until 4:00 a.m. rewriting an entire paper.

5. My (Insert Pet Here) Had to Go to the Vet

Poor (insert pet name) is (insert old animal age) and isn't doing very well. He/she has (insert old animal ailments). We were scared that he/she was going to be put down. Luckily he/she is OK, but I couldn't get any work done because I was so worried.

6. The Creative Story

This is the use of a crazy made-up story that kind-of-maybe makes sense in your head and that your professor might actually buy. You can only use a creative story once per professor because there's no way that someone would be gullible enough to buy something that dumb twice.

Example: "I was in the car with my boyfriend last night. He has one of those foldable card tables on top of a giant speaker in the back of his SUV and he slammed on his breaks really hard to avoid a puppy in the middle of the road. The table slid and hit me in the back of the head. I'm pretty sure that it gave me a concussion because I couldn't think straight for the entire night."

7. The Crazy Story

The "Wow, that really happened?" story that's absolutely believable to anyone who's abnormally trusting. This is something that you probably won't get away with and should only use as a last resort.

Example: "My house got broken into and I had to fight the burglar off with my bare hands. In the end, he only got away with my computer, all of my textbooks, and the homework sitting on my desk."

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Epic creation myths: norse origins unveiled, what happened in the beginning, and how the heavens were set in motion..

Now, I have the everlasting joy of explaining the Norse creation myth. To be honest, it can be a bit kooky, so talking about it is always fun. The entire cosmos is included in this creation myth, not just the earth but the sun and the moon as well. This will be a short retelling, a summary of the creation myth, somewhat like I did with Hermod's ride to Hel.

The Norse cosmos began with two worlds, Niflheim and Muspellheim. These two worlds, the worlds of primordial cold and fire , were separated by a great fissure called Ginnungagap. The waters from the well Hvergelmir, at the center of Niflheim, by many rivers flowed into Ginnungagap and "when those rivers, which are called Elivagar, came so far from their source, the poisonous flow hardened like a slag of cinders running from a furnace, and became ice. ...Then layer by layer, the ice grew within Ginnungagap" (Byock 13). The northernmost regions of the gap filled with hoar frost and rime, but the southernmost were "the regions bordering on Muspell [and] were warm and bright" (Byock 13). Where the cold of Niflheim's ice and the warmth of Muspellheim's fire met in Ginnungagap the ice thawed, and "there was a quickening in these flowing drops and life sprang up" (Byock 14). From the ice came Ymir, known as Aurgelmir by the giants, the origin of all frost giants. As the wise giant Vafthruthnir says, "'down from Elivagar did venom drop, / And waxed till a giant it was; / And thence arose our giants' race, / And thus so fierce are we found'" (Bellows 76-77).

25 Throwback Songs You Forgot About

But you know you still know every word..

We all scroll through the radio stations in the car every once in a while, whether its because we lost signal to our favorite one or we are just bored with the same ol' songs every day. You know when you're going through and you hear a song where you're just like "I forgot this existed!" and before you know it, you're singing every word? Yeah, me too. Like, 95% of the time. If you're like me and LOVE some good throwback music, here's a list of songs from every genre that have gotten lost in time, but never truly forgotten.

1. "Big Pimpin'" - Jay-Z ft. UGK

Jay-Z gives us a ballad about, you guessed it, pimpin' big in NYC. Jay-Z's rhymes paired with that catchy beat is just bound to get stuck in your head for the rest of the night.

2. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

If you say that you don't know any of the words to this song, you're the worst kind of person... a liar. This classic has left stamps of its lyrics on 99% of the population, and has a forever spot in my soul.

3. "Lose Yourself" - Eminem

This song always leaves me feeling like I could sign a record deal and launch my career as a rap/hip-hop legend... and craving spaghetti.

4. "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) - Toby Keith

A ballad for the ages that brings the overly patriotic American badass out of all of us.

5. "Drop It Like It's Hot" - Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell Williams


6. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day

This song makes me want to walk down a lonely road, preferably a dark one, and reflect on all of my life choices. Nevertheless, it's still a fantastic song.

7. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" - Panic! At The Disco

If your friends don't "chime in" by screaming the chorus at the top of their lungs in the car with you, it's time to leave them there and find new friends. Also, did anyone ever tell the groom what his bride has been up to?

8. "Semi-Charmed Life" - Third Eye Blind

A life anthem for all of us. Third Eye Blind has recently released another album. My inner child is tingling.

9. "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix A Lot

Nicki Minaj sampled this in her song "Anaconda" in 2014. Take a minute to realize that some people have heard that, but not the REAL jam that the sample came from. Now, cry.

10. "Get Low" - Lil Jon ft. Ying Yang Twinz

The real question is which version is better: Lil Jon's or Sandra Bullock's?

11. "Check Yes Or No" - George Strait

You don't have to be a country lover to know this song. My hardcore rocker/screamo friend even knows the chorus. Don't try and tell me you don't. I don't like liars.

12. "Ride Wit Me" - Nelly

"Ayyyyye, must be the monaaayyy!" - frequently screamed lyric

13. "Pony" - Ginuwine

Even though I can't hear this song without seeing Channing Tatum's half naked body in my mind, it's still one of my favorite songs to hear. Instant day brightener when I hear that funky beat at the beginning.

14. "Cleanin' Out My Closet" - Eminem

As sad as these lyrics are, Eminem really hit this one out of the park.

15. "Gangstas Paradise" - Coolio

10/10 would recommend listening to Weird Al's parody of this song.

16. "It Was A Good Day" - Ice Cube

The first time I heard this may have been on Grand Theft Auto, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a great song.

17. "What's Your Fantasy" - Ludacris

Another song that I knew most of the lyrics to that I probably shouldn't have at a young age.

18. "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" - Backstreet Boys

They really were back, and we all wish they had stayed.

19. "Misery Business" - Paramore

I can't tell if I want to be Hayley Williams or be ON Hayley Williams. I'd be okay with either. #girlcrush

20. "Steal My Sunshine" - Len

This feel good song makes me want to rip open a popsicle and ride my bicycle around town.

21. "Fly" - Sugar Ray

As repetitive as this is, this song will never get old.

22. "Song 2" - Blur

23. "buddy holly" - weezer.

Weezer may have hated this song, but we are glad they recorded it.

24. "No Rain" - Blind Melon

Maybe it's just me who is obsessed with this song, but if you haven't heard it, I highly recommend.

25. "99 Problems" - Jay-Z

I have 99 problems, and this playlist solves all of them.

27 Hidden Joys

Appreciation for some of life's most discredited pleasures..

Life is full of many wonderful pleasures that many of us, like myself, often forget about. And it's important to recognize that even on bad days, good things still happen. Focusing on these positive aspects of our day-to-day lives can really change a person's perspective. So in thinking about the little things that make so many of us happy , I've here's a list of some of the best things that often go unrecognized and deserve more appreciation:

1. Sun showers

3. tight hugs, 4. discovering new foods you like., 5. laying in bed after a long day., 6. and being completely relaxed, 7. "this reminded me of you", 8. breakfast foods, 9. over-sized clothes, 10. contagious laughs, 11. car rides with that one person, 12. random (i miss you/ i love you) texts, 13. the city at night, 14. surprises, 15. blanket cocoons, 16. good hair days, 17. really good coffee, 18. days where you're in a good mood naturally and for no particular reason, 19. conquering a fear, 20. when they give you a lot of guac at chipotle, 21. being so comfortable with someone that you can literally talk about anything, 22. home-cooked meals, 23. tattoo stories, 24. leaves changing color in fall, 25. butterflies in your stomach, 26. peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, 27. when you can't stop laughing, cool off with these 8 beers.

Summer is hot and humid, and it's almost like summer was made specifically to drink the refreshing, cold, crisp wonderful, delicious, nutritious nectar of the gods. Which is none other than beer; wonderful cold beer. With summer playing peek-a-boo around the corner while we finish up this semester, it's time to discuss the only important part of summer. And if you haven't already guessed, it's beer. There are few things I take more seriously than my beer, in order are: sports ... and beer. Here are my favorite summer brews:

Coors Light Summer Brew:

This summer shandy begins this list, it's a mix of lemon, lime and orange. While this is by no means a craft beer, it still has it place as a refreshing summer brew to enjoy.

Leinenkugel Summer Shandy

Solid choice for any summer get together, great taste with a hint of citrus.

Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat

Distinctly reminds me of Fruity Pebbles, but nonetheless is a wonderful summer beer.

Want to know more about beer?

Summertime is the perfect time for beer, and that's why International Beer Day is on August 2nd. Our community has you covered with more stories about beer, including:

  • The Benefits of Drinking Beer : Let us count the ways. There are more than you might think.
  • Delicious Beer Substitutes : Is beer not typically your thing? Try one of these instead.
  • Unique Beer Flavors to Try : Whether it's hard apple cider or the tase of wild blueberries, these are great options.
  • If College Majors Were Beers : Business, sports medicine, design – there's a beer for every major.

Sam Adams Summer Ale

Sam Adams is known for their traditional Boston Lager, but their Summer Ale is damn good.

Hell or High Watermelon

Made with real watermelon, not much is more summer-esque than juicy watermelon in July.

Blue Moon Summer Honey

I love me some Blue Moon, so the summer brew is a no-brainer on this list.

LandShark Lager

Fun fact: LandShark is owned by Anheuser-Busch, and is more commonly know as the signature drink of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville.

Obviously Corona had to take the number one spot. To me, there's nothing more refreshing than a cold Corona with lime on a hot summer day.

So whether you're on a sandy beach, a fishing boat, or at a pool, just remember what our dear friend Jack Nicholson said, "Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world."

Drink responsibly and never drink and drive.

7 Reasons SoCal Rocks!

75 degrees and sunny, plus, no humidity. I mean do I really need to say more?

SoCal summers are the best summers by far, and honestly, no argument is needed. But, if you aren't sure why SoCal summers are the best, here are 7 reasons why!

Perfect Weather

You'll get an effortless tan.

Being outside is inevitable when the weather is this nice, so slap on some low SPF and enjoy the perfect weather as you become a bronzed beach babe!

You can exercise with a view

Who said working on your summer bod has to stop when summer starts? In SoCal there are hundreds of gorgeous hiking trails in the mountains or on the cliffs overlooking the beach, so maintaining your summer bod is easy on the eyes and a lot less of a drag!

You don't have to worry about bug bites

The likelihood of you getting bit by a bug is slim, so you don't have to worry about smelling like bug spray whenever you want to go outside.

In n Out all day, every day

No explanation needed.

We have outdoor concerts

At the county fair or on the beach, summertime means outdoor concerts with good music and great friends.

We live where people vacation

We're lucky enough to live in paradise and we don't take that for granted. We take advantage of our sunsets on the beach and backyard staycation without spending a pretty penny on visiting somewhere that isn't nearly as perfect as SoCal. We're pretty spoiled.

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but my homework is waiting for me


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Should You Get Another Covid Shot Now?

The virus is spreading, but new vaccines coming this fall could offer better protection. We asked experts about the right time for a booster.

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A person draws a dose of vaccine from a vial.

By Dani Blum

Patients keep asking Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, the same question: Is it time to get another Covid shot?

The virus is circulating at high levels across the country. That might suggest it’s prime time for another dose of protection. But updated vaccines that target newer variants of the virus are expected to arrive this fall.

Experts said the right time for your next Covid shot will depend on your health status and what you’re hoping to get from the vaccines.

If you’re trying to get the most protection against the leading variants:

Doctors say that many people may want to wait for the updated vaccines, which have been retooled to better protect against the current dominant strains of the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that everyone ages 6 months or older receive an updated shot when they become available.

An upcoming vaccine from the biotechnology company Novavax will target JN.1, a coronavirus variant that accounted for the bulk of cases in the United States this winter. The Pfizer and Moderna shots coming this fall will target KP.2, a newer offshoot of JN.1 that’s been circulating this summer. The variants responsible for the largest share of cases in the United States right now, KP.3 and KP.3.1.1, are closely related to KP.2 and JN.1.

The vaccines that are currently available, by contrast, target older Omicron variants that fizzled out as JN.1 took hold this past winter .

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I streamed with Logitech's Mevo Core camera and it almost beat my $3,600 Canon


ZDNET's key takeaways

  • Logitech's  Mevo Core has a micro 4/3 image sensor that outperforms typical webcams in low light and resolution.
  • Wireless connectivity offers flexible placement and setup for your live streams.
  • The Mevo Core is fairly pricey at $999, with no lens included, but features like multi-cam support for creative live streams utilizing camera switching make it worth the money.

Logitech has been a premier leader in the  webcam market  for years. This is in large part because the company continues to strategically redefine what a great webcam should be and how it should present you as the on-camera star. 

Also: One of the best vlogging cameras I've tested is a Canon shaped like a flip phone

Whether improving image sensor tech and optics or smart acquisitions , the company has made my job reviewing the latest cameras and photo gear a little more exciting than it already is. Case in point: Logitech just launched the Mevo Core 4K Wireless streaming camera , and it's one of the most interesting gadgets I've tested in a while.

The tech specs

Getting the tech specs out of the way, there are only a few things that truly matter when it comes to webcams: the image sensor, frame rate, and resolution. 

The Mevo Core can record video at 4K resolution, while streaming video tops out at 1080p. Both resolutions offer a frame rate of 30 frames per second (fps), which is pretty standard for capturing or streaming content to platforms like Twitch and YouTube. 

Also:  The best vlogging cameras of 2024

The kicker about this camera is the image sensor. This isn't your tiny smartphone or webcam image sensor. The Mevo Core utilizes a Micro 4/3 image sensor (MFT), which is roughly three times the size of typical webcams and smartphone sensors, leading to better low-light performance. 

But, there's more regarding the image sensor and camera. If you have a MFT lens, you can use it with the Mevo Core. Any MFT lens is compatible with the Mevo Core, but Logitech states it has a few "certified" MFT lenses from Panasonic Lumix, Olympus, and Sigma. More on that momentarily. 

How does it look and feel?

During  Office Hours with my creator community , I showed off the build quality of the Mevo Core. I was pleasantly surprised when I unboxed this camera. The Mevo Core is a solid 1.5lbs (700g) with a 23Wh lithium-ion battery in a boxy form factor of 3.5in x 3.5in x 3.25in (90mm x 90mm x 82.4mm). The material is plastic, but not "cheap." When holding the Mevo Core in your hands, you can really feel the quality of it. 

Logitech Mevo Core streaming camera on a tripod mount

What are the features?

The fascinating, boxy build of the Mevo Core is one of the reasons creators will be interested in this camera. Along each side, you'll find a ¼-20 mount (four total), which is perfect for tripod mounting plates, monitors, external microphones, and any other tools a creator will use to capture video. Yes, the Mevo Core has an internal microphone, but an internal mic on a camera should be your last resort when recording audio.

Also: DJI's latest wireless microphones solve one of my biggest problems with audio recording

The Mevo Core has an HDMI port and two USB-C ports, but it is also capable of Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth. This capability is handy as it allows you to manage the camera with the Mevo Multicam mobile app on your iOS or Android device. The app makes changing camera zoom, focus, and exposure settings quick and easy. It also touts having an AI Auto-Director to allow streamers and content creators with multiple Mevo Core cameras to switch views and camera angles for more compelling video for their audience. 

Regarding the previous mention of MFT lenses to be used with the Mevo Core, here's the list of "certified" MFT lenses as mentioned by Logitech. 

Olympus 14-42mm EZ

Powered Zoom

Lumix 14-42mm PZ

Powered Zoom

Lumix 45-175mm PZ

Powered Zoom

Sigma 16mm



The image quality on the Mevo Core is outstanding. This is not your average webcam. With the Micro 4/3 image sensor, you can expect better performance in low light, but the performance in great (controlled) lighting, such as in my home studio, will really blow you away. In my simple comparison, I was pleasantly surprised by the image quality as I attached the Lumix 45-175mm f/4 zoom lens to the Mevo Core next to my Canon R5 C and its 24-105mm f/4 L lens. 

The Mevo Core (left) next to the Canon R5 C (right).

Granted, this test can't be considered "fair," but it's a good way to see how the Micro 4/3 sensor and quality glass (lens) will stack up against a full-frame sensor on a powerhouse of a camera. See for yourself below. The image isn't bad at all. I will note that in my existing lighting, I noticed that at ISO 1600 the Mevo Core image noise was more apparent. The R5 C is set to ISO 1600 with next to no noise. Therefore, I set the Mevo Core to ISO 800 and increased the exposure to better match the exposure brightness of the Canon.

ZDNET's buying advice

The Logitech Mevo Core is available now for $999, and believe me when I say it brings a heck of a lot of value based on my testing. Who should buy the Mevo Core? The seasoned creator with an established history and workflow should buy this device if they're looking to upgrade their existing set. Due to pricing, it's harder for me to recommend the Mevo Core to newer creators and streamers, especially if you're on a budget. 

Also: This Android camera app alternative is better than what you're using

I'm excited to try the camera out more, but there's one thing I know for sure: creators will not stand for inconveniences or workarounds when it comes to changing cameras in their setup. Let's see if further integration of the Mevo Core into my studio set will be as seamless as I hope.

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I wait for Vs I'm waiting for

A friend of mine, who's a ESL intermediate student, wrote in a letter "I wait for your answer" and I found it very weird. I know it's wrong but I can't explain what is exactly wrong. I would have said "I'm waiting for your answer".

So my question is, why is it wrong? Thanks!

  • present-continuous
  • present-simple

ColleenV's user avatar

  • 3 Idiomatically, I wait for your answer is simply a non-starter (native speakers simply don't say that). But I am waiting for your answer would almost never occur except in contexts where you were (usually, rudely ) demanding an immediate response in a conversation. In written communications the standard form is I await your answer (no preposition, and note that it would normally be ...your response/reply anyway). –  FumbleFingers Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 13:43

2 Answers 2

The verb wait is a dynamic verb which is also known as action verb or activity verb and it is opposite of stative verb .

One of the biggest differences between the Simple Present tense and Present Progressive (Continuous) for a dynamic verb is the former has a habitual aspect and the latter expresses incomplete action or state in progress at a specific time .

For example, let's contrast "I run" with "I am running". The former has a habitual (repetition) aspect and could be an answer to a question, "what kind of (physical) exercise do you do". "I run" means I run habitually to stay healthy. However, the latter means I am running now which is still in progress but we expect the action to finish soon and it could be an answer to "What are you doing (now)?". There is a huge difference.

Going back to your question, "I wait for your answer" can't express your progressive action you are performing at this moment. Nobody waits for an answer habitually or repeatedly. It happens only from time to time and doesn't happen on a regular basis. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use "I am waiting for your answer".

Present tense also has other aspects and it can mean a future action when you use the verbs like leave, start and depart, etc. For further information, please read the linked Wikipedia article.

It's wrong because that would state it as a permanent action. (You don't actually wait you whole life for an answer.) For instance, I wait for your arrival every day.

It's a temporary action, that's why you need the continuous form.

Schwale's user avatar

  • I don't think using a Simple Present means a permanent action. –  user24743 Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 12:04
  • @Rathony Then what is the present simple used for? –  Schwale Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 12:05
  • Mainly habitual (Do you smoke? Yes I do) and historical aspects. Sometimes future aspect, too if you use the verb like start, leave, departs, etc. –  user24743 Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 12:06
  • 1 @Rathony "Permanent" is not incorrect, but it is understood with reference to the discourse context. Participants in any discourse assume a present "era" which may be longer or shorter, depending on the topic; in present-day English, the simple present is used with present reference for states or repeated events which are not expected to end within that present era. Claire always aces her exams is not understood as a "habit" or as an "eternal" fact, but as a situation which is expected to endure as long as Claire is still in school. –  StoneyB on hiatus Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 12:27
  • @StoneyB I was writing my answer to this question. I understand your point. But when you say, "I smoke", I don't think it is appropriate to say it is a permanent action. Habitual or repetition would be more appropriate than permanent. –  user24743 Commented Feb 13, 2016 at 12:35

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but my homework is waiting for me

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after finishing/once I finish

  • Thread starter flamboyant lad
  • Start date Apr 13, 2015

flamboyant lad

flamboyant lad

Senior member.

  • Apr 13, 2015

A father to his daughter: You're grounded. You're not going anywhere. 1. The daughter: But mum says I can go out after finishing my homework. 2.The daughter: But mum says I can go out once I finish my homework. Which of the preceding sentences is correct?  


Hello, It seems to me that the first one is correct, whereas the second one should be used in Present Perfect.  

MateuszMoś said: Hello, It seems to me that the first one is correct, whereas the second one should be used in Present Perfect. Click to expand...

Kirill V.

Moderator Emeritus

flamboyant lad said: Is he right? Click to expand...

I doubt because "once" here is a subordinate conjunction & it means "as soon as". Do you still believe he is right?  

flamboyant lad said: I doubt because "once" here is a subordinate conjunction & it means "as soon as". Do you still believe he is right? Click to expand...

Which one will be correct if I change the conjunction "once" to "when"? e.g. 1. The daughter: But mum says I can go out when I finish my homework. or, 2.The daughter: But mum says I can go out when I've finished my homework.  

I've read it on some site that "The Simple Present is often used instead of will... in Subordinate Clauses that refer to the future." The daughter: Mum says I can go out once I finish my homework. Mum says(principal clause) That I can go out(subordinate clause) Once I finish my homework[subordinate clause(refer to the future)] It's clear that she hasn't done her homework yet & probably she will be able to do it in near future. So the talked about rule(the Simple Present is often used instead of will... in Subordinate Clauses that refer to the future) says that we can use simple present here. Is the conclusion right?  

Isn't the phrase "once I finish" in the OP's sentence in the present subjunctive?  

flamboyant lad said: I've read it on some site that "The Simple Present is often used instead of will... in Subordinate Clauses that refer to the future." [...] Is the conclusion right? Click to expand...
  • Apr 14, 2015

I'm in traffic right now, I'll call you once I reach/have reached home. Which tense should I use here?  


flamboyant lad said: I'm in traffic right now, I'll call you once I reach/have reached home. Which tense should I use here? Click to expand...

Once we are home, we can rest. Is the preceding sentence grammatically correct? Can we say it in the present perfect tense?  



  • Apr 15, 2015

"... can't go out until you have finished your homework." - until it has happened... "... can go out after you have finished your homework." - after it has happened... "... can go out as soon as you finish your homework." - as soon as it happens... "... can go out when your homework is finished." - when it is done...  

1. The daughter: But mum says I can go out once I finish my homework. or, 2.The daughter: But mum says I can go out once I've finished my homework. So do you agree that both are idiomatic & grammatically correct?  


flamboyant lad said: A father to his daughter: You're grounded. You're not going anywhere. 1. The daughter: But mum says I can go out after finishing my homework. 2.The daughter: But mum says I can go out once I finish my homework. Which of the preceding sentences is correct? Click to expand...
flamboyant lad said: Which one will be correct if I change the conjunction "once" to "when"? e.g. 1. The daughter: But mum says I can go out when I finish my homework. or, 2.The daughter: But mum says I can go out when I've finished my homework. Click to expand...

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But what about my homework folder. Wait dont check it

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