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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

October 4, 2019 by Sastry CBSE

Topics and Sub Topics in Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena:

15 Some Natural Phenomena
15.1 Lightning
15.2 Charging by Rubbing
15.3 Types of Charges and Their Interaction
15.4 Transfer of Charge
15.5 The Story of Lightning
15.6 Lightning Safety
15.7 Earthquakes

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Science NCERT Textbook Questions

Select the correct option in Questions 1 and 2. Question 1. Which of the following cannot be changed easily by friction? (a) A plastic scale (b) A copper rod (c) An inflated balloon (d) A woollen cloth Answer: (b) A copper rod

Question 2. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod (a) and the cloth both acquire a positive charge. (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge. (c) and the cloth both acquire a negative charge. (d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge Answer: (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

Question 3. Write T against true and F against false in the following statements. (a) Like charges attract each other. (b) A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw. (c) Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning. (d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance. Answer: (a) False (b) True (c) False (d) False

Question 4. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winters. Explain. Answer: The electric discharge takes place between the body and the sweater due to friction. At the time of electric discharge some energy is released. In this case energy is released in the form of crackling sound.

Question 5. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand. Human body is a conductor of electricity. When a charged body is touched with hand, our body conducts its charges to the earth. Hence, by this way charged body loses its charge.

Question 6. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage? Solution: The destructive energy of an earthquake is measured on a scale called the Richter Scale. Yes, it would be recorded by seismograph because this scale has the readings from 1 to 10. No it is not likely to cause much damage as earthquakes of magnitude higher than 5 is considered destructive in nature.

Question 7. Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning. (i) Do not use TV or cable phone during lightning. (ii) Stay indoor or under covered area. (iii) Don’t take bath during lightning.

Question 8. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon? Answer: A charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon because both carry same type of charges. On the other hand, an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon as they have opposite charges. We know that same charges repel and opposite charges attract each other.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Q9

Question 10. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike. Answer: Kashmir, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Question 11. Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself? Answer: We will take the following precautions to protect ourselves: (i) Move to open space. Find a clean spot away from buildings, trees and overhead power lines. Drop to the ground. (ii) If we are in a car or a bus, will not come out. Drive slowly to a clear spot and remain in it till the earthquake stops.

Question 12. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? Explain. Answer: No, it is not advisable to carry an umbrella at all. Its metallic objects are more prone to lightning stroke. So an umbrella increases the risk.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Science NCERT Intext Activities Solved

Activity 1 (NCERT Textbook, Page 185) Jake a used ballpen refill and rub it vigorously with a piece of polythene. Bring it close to small pieces of paper. Take care not to touch the rubbed end of the refill with your hand or with a metallic object. Repeat the activity with small pieces of dry leaf, husk and mustard seeds. Record your observations. Solution: When we rub ballpen refill with polythene, it acquires a small electric charge. On bringing the charged ballpen refill close to small pieces of paper, the bits of paper are attracted to it. A charged plastic refill can attract bits of paper.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Activity 2

  • It brings destruction of buildings, dams, railway tracks, roads, etc.
  • There is an outbreak of fire due to breaking of electrical power or gas lines.
  • It ruptures groundwater pipe disrupting the water supply system.
  • Landslides and tsunami occurs respectively in hilly and coastal areas.
  • There is bursting of sewer pipes releasing sewage water.
  • Communication is completely cut off and the areas gets 5 disconnected from the rest of the world.
  • An earthquake also causes floods.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Activity 6

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – 1 Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1. Why do two charge bodies attract or repel ? [NCT2008] Answer: When the two bodies have the same charges, they repel each other and when the two bodies have different charges they attract each other.

Question 2. Write the one name of method by which object can be charged. [NCT2008] Answer: Object can be charged by conduction.

Question 3. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction ? [NCERT]

  • A plastic scale.
  • A copper rod.
  • An inflated balloon.
  • A woollen cloth.

Answer: A copper rod.

Question 4. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod [NCERT]

  • and the cloth both acquire positive charge.
  • becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.
  • and the cloth both acquire negative charge.
  • becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge

Answer: becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

Question 5. Tick T for true and F for false in the following statements : [NCERT]

  • Like charges attract each other. (T/F)
  • A charged glass rod attract a charged plastic straw. (T/F)
  • Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning. (T/F)
  • Earthquakes can be predicated in advance. (T/F)

Question 6. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winters. Explain. [NCERT] Answer: This crackling sound is heared because due to friction between the hair and sweater the sweater gets charged.

Question 7. What is meant by earthing ? Answer: The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is called earthing.

Question 8. When does a body become discharged ? Answer: When a body looses its charges, it is said to be discharged.

Question 9. What is an earthquake ? [NCT 2011] Answer: An earthquake is a sudden shaking or trembling of the earth.

Question 10. What causes an earthquake ? Answer: The tremors of the earthquake are caused by the disturbance deep down inside the uppermost layer of the earth called crust.

Question 11. What are seismic waves ? Answer: The tremors produce waves on the surface of earth known as seismic waves.

Question 12. Give the other name for weak zones. Answer: Seismic or fault zones.

Question 13. Is the Electric Eel really electric ? Answer: Yes, the Electric Eel found in South America emits electric discharge.

Question 14. How does the Electric Eel use the electric discharge ? Answer: Electric Eel uses electric discharges to give shock to its prey, discourage enemies and send signal to other Eels.

Question 15. Name the scientist who first established the relationship between lightning and spark. Answer: In 1752, Benjamin Franklin, an American scientist, established that lightning and spark from amber were the same thing.

Question 16. Why did it take 2000 years to establish the similarity between lightning and spark ? Answer: It took 2000 years because scientific discoveries are a result of hard work by many people.

Question 17. What type of charge is present on the earth ? Answer: The earth has both positive and negative charges.

Question 18. What is meant by a ‘discharged’ body ? Answer: The body from which the charge has been earthed loses the charge on it. Such a body is known as a ‘discharged’ body.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – 2 Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand. [NCERT] Answer: When we touch a charged body with our hand, the body is earthed. This causes the charges flow to the earth and the body looses the charge.

Question 2. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike. [NCERT] Answer: Three states in India where earthquakes can occur are Gujarat, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir.

Question 3. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella ? Explain. [NCERT] Answer: No, I would not carry an umbrella. The charges produced during a thunderstrom can flow through the umbrella and harm us.

Question 4. When a charged plastic straw is brought near a charged plastic straw, there is repulsion between them. What type of charge exists between them ? Answer: The charge on both the plastic straw are same, since like charges repel each other.

Question 5. When a charged balloon is brought near a charged refill, there is attraction between the two. What type of charge exists between the two ? Answer: The charge on the balloon and a refill are different, because unlike charges attract each other.

Question 6. Why is the charging by rubbing known as static electricity ? Answer: Charging by rubbing is known as static electricity because the charges do not move.

Question 7. Give the difference between static electricity and electric current ? Answer: In static electricity, the charges do not move. In electric current, there is flow of charges.

Question 8. When is lightning seen ? Answer: When the negative charges from the clouds and the positive charges on the ground meet huge amount of energy is produced as bright light and sound. This is seen as lightning.

Question 9. Is the car safe during thunderstorm ? Answer: Yes, the car is safe during thunderstorm with windows and doors of the vehicle shut.

Question 10. Can we use telephone during a thunderstorm ? Answer: No, it is not safe to use a telephone during thunderstorm, as lightning can strike through telephone cords.

Question 11. Do the car tyres protect us from lightning ? Answer: No, the car tyres do not protect us from lightning, but the metal case of the car protects us.

Question 12. Choose the correct option : A charged plastic comb (B) is brought near another similar charged and suspended plastic comb (A). Then comb A

  • remains unaffected
  • moves towards comb B
  • moves away from comb B
  • starts oscillating

Answer: moves away from comb B.

Question 13. During lightning we have an electric discharge

  • only between two opposite charged clouds
  • only between a charged cloud and the ground
  • either between two oppositely charged clouds or a charged cloud and ground.
  • neither between two oppositely charged clouds nor between a charged cloud and ground.

Answer: either between two oppositely charged clouds or a charged cloud and ground.

Question 14. What is the effect of

  • a charged object
  • an uncharged object on small bits of paper ?
  • a charged object will attract bits of paper.
  • an uncharged object will have no effect on bits of paper.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – 3 Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph ? Is it likely to cause much damage ? [NCERT] Answer: The destructive energy of the earthquake can be measured on the Richter scale. Yes, an earthquake measuring 3 would be recorded by the seismograph. This earthquake would not cause much damage.

Question 2. Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning. [NCT 2011, NCERT] Answer: We can protect ourselves from lightning by

  • switching off and disconnecting all heavy electrical appliances.
  • Not bathing under running tap water.
  • Not standing near metallic poles.

Question 3. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon ? [NCERT] Answer: A charged balloon has the same charge as another charged balloon, so there is repulsion between them because like charges repel each other. On the other hand, an uncharged body always attracts a charged body. Therefore, an uncharged balloon is attracted by a charged balloon.

Question 4. Apart from disturbance inside the earth, what are the other reasons of earthquake ? Answer: Earthquakes can also occur due to underground nuclear explosion, or when a volcano erupts, or when a meteor hits the earth.

Question 5. What are weak zones ? Answer: Since earthquakes are caused by the movements of plates, the boundaries of the plates are weak zones where earthquakes are most likely to occur.

Question 6. What useful changes are caused by earthquakes ? Answer: Earthquakes can also cause new islands, coral breaches and fresh water springs to emerge due to upheaval.

Question 7. Name the weak zones in India ? Answer: The weak zones in India are Kashmir, Western and Central Himalayas, the whole of North¬East, Rann ofKutch, Rajasthan and the Indo-Gangetic Plane. Some areas of South India also fall in the danger zone.

Question 8. Explain the working of seismograph. Answer: The seismograph consists of a vibrating rod which starts vibrating when tremors occur. A pen is attached to the vibrating rod that records the seismic waves on a paper which moves under it.

Question 9. In highly seismic areas, which material should be used for construction of houses ? Answer: In highly seismic areas, the use of mud or timber is better than any heavy construction material. The roofs should be made as light as possible so that if the house falls, it does not cause much damage.

Question 10. To make the house quake safe, what precautions should be taken ? Answer: To make the house quake safe, it is better if the cupboards and shelves are fixed to the walls, so that they donot fall easily. Clocks, photo-frames, water heaters should be hung carefully.

Question 11. How are positive and negative charges produced during a thunderstorm ? Answer: Clouds are very small droplets of water in the form of vapour. A patch of cloud develops an electric charge on it by friction. The upper layers of cloud get positively charged and the lower layers of cloud get negatively charged.

Question 12. How is electric discharge fatal for human beings ? Answer: The process of electric discharge can occur between two clouds, between clouds and the earth, even between the clouds and the human body. Such lightning strokes can be fatal.

Question 13. A glass rod is rubbed against a silk cloth and an ebonite rod is rubbed against a piece of flannel. List the pairs which have

  • dissimilar charges on them.
  • Glass rod and flannel (similar charge i.e., positive); Silk and ebonite (both negative)
  • Glass rod and ebonite rod.

Question 14. A charged drinking plastic straw is brought near another similar suspended straw that is

  • also similarly charged ‘
  • uncharged. Explain what would happen in each case and why?
  • The suspended straw is repelled from it because of similar charge.
  • The uncharged plastic straw is attracted towards it because the charged object applies a force on it.

Question 15. Is it important to have a good contact between the lower end of lightning conductor and the earth ? If so, why ? Answer: It is important to have a good contact between the lower end of lightning conductor and earth so that the lightning charged flow deep down into the earth and not through the structure.

Question 16. When and where major earthquakes have taken place in India ? Answer: On 26th January 2001 in Bhuj and on 8th October 2005 in Uri and Tangdhar major earthquakes had taken place.

Question 17. A charged object is found to lose its charges when touched by hand. Explain why ? Answer: A charged object loses its charges when touched by hand because the charges flow to the earth through the human body. This is known as earthing.

Question 18. Is lightning useful ? How ? Answer: Lightning is useful in many ways :

  • Lightning is effective in the formation of ozone in nature.
  • Lightning played an important role in the origin and evoluation of life on earth.
  • Due to high discharge of electric charge through air nitrogen contributes with oxygen to form nitrate oxide and nitrogen dioxide gases.

Question 19. What is Tsunami ? Explain. Answer: Tsunami is a Japanese name for tidal waves. They are large waves that are generated when the sea floor is deformed by seismic activity. A Tsunami can be 10 to 20 metres high when it hits the shore and a series of waves come at short intervals.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 3 Marks Q20

Question 21. Why the gold leaves in an electroscope :

  • diverge when touched charge glass rod.
  • fold back when touched with hands.
  • fold back when touched with a charged ebonite rod ?
  • Gold leaves diverge when touched with a charged glass rod because they both acquire similar charge.
  • Gold leaves fold back when touched with hands because the charged is ‘earthed’.
  • When touched with charged ebonite rod, the charges are neutralized, so the leaves fold back.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 3 Marks Q22

  • What will you observe in Figure-I ?
  • What will you observe in Figure-II ?
  • What conclusion will you draw ?
  • In the figure-I the thermocole ball will be attracted to the glass rod.
  • In the figure-II the thermocole ball will be repelled due to similar charge.
  • The conclusion we draw is that attraction between two bodies is not a sure test of the presence of charge on a body. Repulsion is a sure that of charge on a body.

Question 23. Is it true that a charged object always attracts an uncharged object but it may or may not attract another charged object ? Answer: Yes, an uncharged object is always attracted by a charged object. It will only attract another charged object, if the charge on it is opposite. If the charge on the other body is same, there will be repulsion.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – 5 Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1. Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself ? [NCERT] Answer: If you are outdoors and an earthquake strikes, we should some precautions take to protect ourself:

  • Leave your building and more to open areas.
  • Keep away from high rise buildings.
  • Keep away from trees,, signboards, electric poles.
  • If you are in a vehicle, remain inside it.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 5 Marks Q2

Question 3. What steps should be taken to protect yourself in case of an earthquake, if you are at home ? Answer: If you are at home :

  • Do not stand near windows.
  • Lie in bed.
  • Do not stand near heavy objects that may fall on you.
  • Stay under a table till the earthquake stops.

Question 4. During a thunderstorm which places are safe ? Answer: During a thunderstorm, a house or building is the safest place. If you are travelling by car or by bus, you are safe inside with windows and doors of the vehicle shut.

Question 5. During a thunderstorm, which places are unsafe if you are outside ? Answer: If you are outside :

  • Open vehicles, like motor bike, tractor are not safe.
  • Carrying umbrella is not a good idea.
  • Stay away from poles or other metal objects.
  • Do not lie on the ground.

Question 6. If your friend is struck by lightning, how will you help him ? Answer: A lightning victim carries no electrical charge and cannot electrocute us. You can give first aid by performing mouth to mouth breathing.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena 5 Marks Q7

Question 8.

  • Why do dry hair stand on when combed with a plastic comb ?
  • What kind of charge is acquired by ebonite when rubbed with fur ?
  • What kind of charge is acquired by fur when it is rubbed over ebonite ?
  • What type of charge is borne on clouds facing the earth ?
  • Is dry air a conductor or an insulator ?
  • Dry hair stand when combed with a plastic comb because they get charged.
  • When rubbed with fur ebonite gets a negative charge.
  • When fur is rubbe^ with ebonite, fur acquires positive charge.
  • Normally, the layers of cloud facing the earth get negatively charged.
  • Dry air is a bad conductor (or insulator) of electricity.

Question 9.

  • Name the agency responsible for making quake proof houses ?
  • What are seismic zones ?
  • Give some suggestions how the houses should be made in seismic zones.
  • The technique to develop quake proof houses has been developed by Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee.
  • The seismic zones are those areas which are prone to earthquakes. They are the areas lying on the boundaries of the plates.
  • (i) The houses in seismic zones should be symmetrical. (ii) The foundation of the building should be deep. (iii) Roofs should be of light material and the fixtures should be light.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – MCQs

Question 1. Like charges when brought near each other then they (a) repel (b) attract (c) sometimes attract and sometimes repel (d) have no effect Answer: (a)

Question 2. A device used to test the charge on an object is called (a) ammeter (b) electroscope (c) seismograph (d) none of these Answer: (b)

Question 3. A major earthquake occurred on 8th October 2005 in (a) Gujarat (b) Delhi (c) Haryana (d) North Kashmir Answer: (d)

Question 4. A sudden shaking of the earth lasting for a very short time is known as □ (a) lightning (b) thunder (c) earthquake (d) Tsunami Answer: (c)

Question 5. A major Tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean on (a) 26th December 2001 (b) 26th December 2002 (c) 26th December 2003 (d) 26th December 2004 Answer: (d)

Question 6. Instrument used to find the source of seismic waves is known as (a) seismometer (b) voltammeter (c) galvanometer (d) ammeter Answer: (a)

Question 7. Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude of (a) lightning (b) charges (c) earthquake (d) rainfall Answer: (c)

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Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 12 - Some Natural Phenomena

  • Class 8 Important Question
  • Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena


CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions -Some Natural Phenomena - Free PDF Download

Everyone must have heard about natural phenomena. These are nothing but incidents that occur naturally like earthquakes, lightning, floods, etc. Class 8, chapter 12, Some Natural Phenomena also deals with all the naturally occurring incidents in the world. Besides, Vedantu has curated Class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena important questions set, so that students will find it easier to prepare during exams.

Along with the question set, all the solutions are also provided, which can help you score remarkably.

Vedantu also provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. You can download Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Study Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 12 – Some Natural Phenomena

Multiple Choice Questions: (1 Marks)

1. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?

a. A Copper Rod

b. A Plastic Scale

c. A Woollen Cloth 

d. An Inflated Balloon

Ans: a. A Copper Rod Cannot be Charged Easily by Friction

2. Which one of the following produces?

d. Fructose

Ans : b. Amber Produces

3. The charge acquired by a glass rod when it is rubbed with silk is ___________.

a. Negative

b. Positive

d. Remains Uncharged

Ans : b. Positive Charge is Acquired by a Glass Rod When it is Rubbed with Silk

4. The shaking of the earth is called ________.

c. Earthquake

d. Thundershock

Ans : c. Earthquake is the Shaking of the Earth

5. Interaction of charges is called ________.

a. Lightning 

b. Electrical Discharge

c. Earthing

d. Electricity

Ans : a. Lightning is Interaction of Charges

6. The like charges

a. Repel Each Other

b. Attract Each Other

c. No Interaction Takes Place

d. Charge Each Other

Ans : a. Repel Each Other

Short Answer Questions: (2 Marks)

7. What is an electroscope?

Ans: A device for detecting and determining the presence of electric charges by means of electrostatic attraction and repulsion is called an electroscope.

8. Define earthing.

Ans: The process of transferring charge from a charged object to the earth is called earthing.

9. What is the main purpose of providing earthing in buildings?

Ans: There may be an accidental or unattended leakage of electric current in buildings.Also during monsoons, there are chances of a live wire coming in contact with the building wall. In such cases, earthing helps to divert the path of the current to earth in order to protect us from getting an electric shock. Therefore, the main purpose of providing earthing in buildings is to protect ourselves from electrical shocks due to any leakage of electrical current .

10. Why does a plastic comb rubbed with dry hair attract tiny pieces of paper?

Ans : Plastic comb gets electrically charged due to rubbing & therefore it attracts tiny pieces of paper which are neutral, as a charged body can attract an uncharged body .

11. What do you mean by lightning conductor?

Ans : Lightning conductor is a device used to protect tall buildings from the damaging effects of lightning. It runs from the top to the bottom, along the outer wall or any other object of the building, which is to be protected. If lightning strikes the building or any other objects, then the lightning conductor provides an easy and direct path for the lightning bolt to pass to the ground without affecting them .

12. What are tectonic plates?

Ans: The  lithosphere of the Earth is fragmented into many pieces. Each fragment is called a plate, also called a tectonic plate. These plates are in continuous motion i.e. they float over hot magma.

13. What are the uses of an electroscope?

Ans: An electroscope can be used for the following purposes:

a. To detect & measure the charge on a body.

b. To determine the nature of charge on a body.

 14. What causes an earthquake?

Ans: The tectonic plates are in continual motion, when they brush past each other a plate goes under another because of collision, and that causes a disturbance in earth’s crust, this disturbance shows up as an earthquake on the surface of earth. Volcanic eruptions can also be a cause of tremors over the earth’s surface.

15. How is an earthquake measured?

Ans: The power of an earthquake is measured in terms of a magnitude on a scale called the Richter scale. Really destructive earthquakes have magnitudes higher than 7 on the Richter scale.

16. What is a seismograph?

Ans: Earthquakes  produce waves on the surface of the earth. These are called seismic waves. These waves are recorded by an instrument called the seismograph.

17. What are fault zones?

Ans : Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates, the boundaries of these  plates are the weak zones where earthquakes are more likely to occur. These weak zones are also known as seismic or fault zones.

18. Why a copper rod cannot be charged by friction, if held by hand?

Ans: Copper is a conducting item, and the electric charge created on its surface by rubbing with another substance. flows through our  fingers and body into the soil, while it is left uncharged.

19. Draw the diagram of an instrument, which can be used to detect the charge on a

Instrument for Detect the Charge

Instrument for Detect the Charge

Long Answer Questions: (5 Marks)

20. Explain the process of occurrence of lightning.

Ans: During the development of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upward while the water droplets move downward. These vigorous movements cause separation of charges. The positive charges are collected near the upper edges of the clouds while the negative charges accumulate near the lower edges. There is accumulation of positive charges near the ground also. When the magnitude of the accumulated charges becomes very large, the air which is normally a poor conductor of electricity, is no longer able to resist their flow. Negative and positive charges meet, producing streaks of bright light and sound. We see streaks as lightning. This process is called an electric discharge. The process of electric discharge can occur between two or more clouds, or between clouds and the earth.

21. Explain the precautions to be taken during a lightning or thunderstorm .

Ans: Precautions to be taken during a lightning or thunderstorm are:

a. We have to  find a safe place indoors:  Outdoor places are not safe during lightning and thunderstorms. A house or a building is a safe place. If we are travelling by car or by bus, we are safe inside with windows and doors of the vehicle shut.

b. Carrying an umbrella is not at all a good idea during thunderstorms. If in a forest, take shelter under shorter trees. If no shelter is available and we are in an open field, stay far away from all trees. Stay away from poles or other metal objects.

c. We should not lie on the ground. Instead, squat low on the ground. Placing  hands on knees with  head between the hands. This position will make us the smallest target to be struck.

d. Inside the house, lightning can strike telephone cords, electrical wires and metal pipes. During a thunderstorm contact with these should be avoided. It is safer to use mobile phones and cordless phones. However, it is not wise to call up a person who is receiving your phone through a wired phone.

e. Bathing should be avoided during thunderstorms to avoid contact with running water.

f. Electrical appliances like computers, TVs, etc., should be unplugged. Electrical lights can remain on. They do not cause any harm.

22. State the precautions to be taken during an earthquake.

Ans: Precautions to be taken during an earthquake are:

If you are at home:

a. Take shelter under a table and stay there till the shaking stops.

b. Stay away from tall and heavy objects that may fall on you.

c. If you are in bed, do not get up. Protect your head with a pillow.

If you are outdoors :

a. Find a clear spot, away from buildings, trees and overhead power lines. 

b. If you are in a car or a bus, do not come out. Ask the driver to drive slowly to a clear spot. Do not come out till the tremors stop.

Important Questions Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Some Natural Phenomena

Class 8 Science ch 12 important question and answers set is available in PDF that too at free of cost. Refer to this material to get familiar with the vital questions you can expect during exams. You can either study online or download the file on your desktop, laptop or tablet.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Important Questions Overview

Important questions on Some Natural Phenomena class 8 PDF includes three sections – multiple choice questions, short questions and long questions. Here, you can take a glimpse of each of the sections present in the PDF file.

Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions: Multiple Choice Questions

There are six multiple choice problems in the first section of important questions for class 8 Science chapter 12. You are provided with four options, out of which is one correct. Although the right answers are provided below each of the questions, still it is recommended for you to solve the questions first and then tally the answers. Some of MCQ examples are provided below:

1) What is the shaking of earth known as?

(a) tsunami (b) earthquake (c) volcano (d) thunderstorm

2) When charges interact, they are termed as?

(a) earthing (b) electrical discharge (c) electricity (d) lightning

3) What is the primary cause of lightning?

(a) Wind movement  

(b) Accumulation and discharge of electrical energy 

(c) Earth's rotation 

(d) Volcanic activity 

Answer: (b) Accumulation and discharge of electrical energy

4) How should one behave during an earthquake for safety?

  (a) Run outside immediately  

  (b) Stand near windows  

  (c) Drop to the ground, take cover, and hold on  

  (d) Climb to higher ground

Answer: (c) Drop to the ground, take cover, and hold on.

5) What is the purpose of thunderstorms in nature?

 (a) Cooling the atmosphere  

 (b) Generating wind  

 (c) Maintaining atmospheric pressure  

 (d) Causing rainfall

Answer: (d) Causing rainfall

6) During a thunderstorm, what precautions should be taken to stay safe indoors?

 (a) Use electrical appliances  

 (b) Stay near windows  

 (c) Seek shelter away from windows  

 (d) Go to the terrace

Answer: (c) Seek shelter away from windows.

Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions: Short Answer Questions

The second segment in class 8 Science Some Natural Phenomena important questions PDF contains 12 short answer type questions. Out of the 12, only 1 question is diagram related, and the rest is subjective. You will find direct questions which demand you to write to the point and precise answers. Plus, the solutions provided will help you know what to write for these kinds of questions.

Be thorough with the topics of an earthquake, its causes, tectonic plates, lightning conductor, uses of electroscope, seismograph etc. to write accurate answers.

Class 8 Science Chapter 12 Important Questions: Long Answer Questions

The final part includes three long answer type questions. First, you are asked to explain the occurrence of lightning. The second problem is about the precautions one must undertake during thunderstorm or lightning, and the last question is about the safety measures at the time of earthquake. Although writing the answers may seem easy, but without thorough preparation, it will be challenging.

Therefore, make sure to download ch 12 class 8 Science important questions PDF offered by Vedantu and ace your exams.

What are the Benefits of Important Questions from Vedantu for Class 8 Science Chapter 12 - Some Natural Phenomena

Focus on key topics for efficient studying.

Prepares students for exams and reduces anxiety.

Reinforces understanding of fundamental concepts.

Teaches effective time management.

Enables self-assessment and progress tracking.

Strategic approach for higher scores.

Covers a wide range of topics for comprehensive understanding.

Supports exam preparation and boosts confidence.

Some Natural Phenomena is an integral part of Class 8 Science and plays a crucial role from an examination perspective. The important questions for Class 8 Science, as discussed by NCERT, cover a wide range of topics within the subject. They also provide a concise guide to critical points and details related to the topic.

A solid understanding of each section of Class 8 Science is fundamental as it forms the basis for higher-level studies. However, this section primarily focuses on important questions within the context of Class 8 Science.


FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 12 - Some Natural Phenomena

1. What is the curriculum of class 8 Science?

Ans: There are 18 units in class 8 Science book and the names are Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe, Crop Production and Management, Materials: Metals and Non-metals, Combustion and Flame, Reaching the Age of Adolescence, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Cell Structure and Function, Friction, Force and Pressure, Light, Pollution of Air and Water, Some Natural Phenomena, Stars and the Solar System, Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Sound, Coal and Petroleum and Reproduction in Animals.

2. What measures should one take during an earthquake?

Ans: If you are at home at the time of an earthquake, please make sure to stay under a table until the tremors stop entirely. Plus, be away from tall constructions and buildings as they hold a high chance of falling. Also, if you are sleeping or lying in bed, use a pillow to protect your head.

Similarly, if you are outside your home, reach an open area or field away from trees, buildings, etc. Furthermore, if you are travelling, stay inside the car or any other vehicle and allow the driver to reach a safe spot. Apart from that, it is also advisable to make simple constructions, such that they are quake free.

3. What causes lightning?

Ans: When electric discharge occurs between earth and clouds, or simply between clouds, you see lightning. Along with cloud formation, friction also occurs between the water droplets in atmosphere. As a result, friction helps to charge to particles present in the environment. In the clouds, positive charges stay at top, and negative charges accumulate at the bottom of the same. When these charges increase, the negatively charged particles move towards ground and produce a streak of electrical discharge, known as lightning.

4. How can I prepare for Chapter 12 for the Class 8th Science exam?

Ans: Good preparation includes a thorough understanding of the chapter, learning, and being able to answer all varieties of questions accurately. Chapter 12: Some Natural Phenomena of Class 8 Science briefs the students about natural calamities and phenomena that we should be aware of along with the preventive measures for each of them. Study the chapter with determination, learn the important diagrams, solve the questions from your textbooks, and use revision notes to be exam-ready.

5. What are the measures that can save us from lightning?

Ans: There are several ways to keep ourselves protected from lightning, as explained in Chapter 12 of Class 8th Science. Some of them are:

Stay in a covered area: You should stay inside a building or vehicle in case of lightning.

Do not touch any electricity conductors: There is a high chance of being at the end of an electric shock if you get in contact with any electricity conductor like wires, metal pipes, or water around the time of lightning.

6. List the topics covered in Chapter 12: Some Natural Phenomena of Class 8th Science.

Ans: ‘Some Natural Phenomena’, Chapter 12 of Class 8th Science covers concepts such as lightning, charging by rubbing, types of charges and their interaction, types of charge, the story of lightning, lightning safety, and earthquakes. Students must practice all the diagrams and learn the theory well to solve the given questions for the chapter. It is essential to revise the chapter from time to time for effective learning. This way you will remember the concepts better.

7. Why can copper not be charged easily with friction?

Ans: Materials that do not conduct electricity can be charged effortlessly with friction. Copper is an efficient conductor hence, friction cannot be used to charge it easily. Chapter 12 of Class 8th Science explains more of such experiments undercharging by rubbing. This is a fun way to learn the concepts that seem troublesome at first. You can get important questions by Vedantu ( ) free of cost to revise the chapter before the examination.

8. How do Important Questions help for Chapter 12 of Class 8th Science?

Ans: Solving the important questions is the best method to revise the chapter effectively. The PDF provides you with handy questions that cover all the crucial concepts and diagrams in the chapter. These questions are designed by subject experts by looking at the various paper patterns followed through the years and are trustworthy. Therefore, the students must take the time to solve the important questions for each chapter before the examinations.

Chapterwise Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Science

Cbse study materials.

  • CBSE- Some Natural Phenomena
  • Sample Questions

Some Natural Phenomena-Sample Questions

  • Chapter 1 - Cell Structure and Functions
  • Chapter 2 - Chemical Effects of Electrical Current
  • Chapter 3 - Coal and Petroleum
  • Chapter 4 - Combustion and Flame
  • Chapter 5 - Crop Production and Management
  • Chapter 6 - Force and Pressure
  • Chapter 7 - Friction
  • Chapter 8 - Light
  • Chapter 9 - Microorganisms - Friend and Foe
  • Chapter 10 - Pollution of Air and Water
  • Chapter 11 - Reaching the age of Adolescence
  • Chapter 12 - Reproduction in Animals
  • Chapter 13 - Some Natural Phenomena
  • Chapter 14 - Stars and the Solar System
  • Chapter 15 - Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
  • Chapter 16 - Conservation of Plants and Animals
  • Chapter 17 - Materials-metals and non-metals
  • Chapter 18 - Sound

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Chapter Notes - Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 8 pages
Long Answer Question - Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 7 pages
NCERT Textbook: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 15 pages
NCERT Solutions: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 6 pages
PPT: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 20 pages
Short & Long Answer Question: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 14 pages
Quick Revision: Some Natural Phenomena Video | 05:29 min
What is an Earthquake? Video | 03:31 min
What causes an Earthquake? Video | 03:36 min
Working of a Seismograph Video | 01:05 min
Mindmap: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 1 page
Short Notes - Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 3 pages
What Causes Thunder and Lightning? Video | 05:38 min
Static Electricity Video | 04:55 min
How do Lightning Conductors Work? Video | 01:19 min
Solved Questions and Answers - Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 2 pages
Static Electricity vs Current Electricity Video | 07:19 min
NCERT Summary: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 1 page
Some Natural Phenomena Video | 20 cards
Case Study Based Questions: Some Natural Phenomena Doc | 2 pages

NCERT Textbook of Some Natural Phenomena - Science Class 8 | Free PDF

NCERT Textbook: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 15 pages

NCERT Solutions of Some Natural Phenomena - Science Class 8

NCERT Solutions: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 6 pages

Videos for Some Natural Phenomena - Science Class 8 | Class 8

Quick Revision: Some Natural Phenomena Video 05:29 min
What is an Earthquake? Video 03:31 min
What causes an Earthquake? Video 03:36 min
Working of a Seismograph Video 01:05 min
What Causes Thunder and Lightning? Video 05:38 min
Static Electricity Video 04:55 min
How do Lightning Conductors Work? Video 01:19 min
Static Electricity vs Current Electricity Video 07:19 min

Notes for Some Natural Phenomena - Science Class 8

Chapter Notes - Some Natural Phenomena Doc 8 pages
Long Answer Question - Some Natural Phenomena Doc 7 pages
PPT: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 20 pages
Short & Long Answer Question: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 14 pages
Mindmap: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 1 pages
Short Notes - Some Natural Phenomena Doc 3 pages
Solved Questions and Answers - Some Natural Phenomena Doc 2 pages
NCERT Summary: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 1 pages
Case Study Based Questions: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 2 pages

Online Test for Some Natural Phenomena - Science Class 8

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Frequently asked questions on Class 8 Preparation

  • What are the questions asked in Class 8 examinations? As per the CBSE exam pattern for Class 8 2021, the type of questions asked in the examination are Very Short Answer (VSA) type, Short Answer(SA) type, and Long Answer (LA) type. There will be CBSE internal marks for Class 8 2022 of 20 marks for both the terms.

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Class 8 Science Case Study Question and Answer: CBSE / NCERT Board Class 8 Science Case Study Question prepared by expert Science Teacher. Students can learn Case Based Question / Paragraph Type Question for NCERT Class 8 Science.

There are total 18 chapter Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

, Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Materials: Metals and Non-Metals, Coal and Petroleum, Combustion and Flame, Conservation of Plants and Animals, Cell – Structure and Functions, Reproduction in Animals, Reaching the Age of Adolescence, Force and Pressure, Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Some Natural Phenomena, Light, Stars and the Solar System, Pollution of Air and Water

For any problem during learning any Case or any doubts please comment us. We are always ready to help You.

CBSE Class 8 Science Case Study Question

  • Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management Case Study Question
  • Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Case Study Question
  • Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Case Study Question
  • Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals Case Study Question
  • Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum Case Study Question
  • Chapter 6 Combustion and Flame Case Study Question
  • Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals Case Study Question
  • Chapter 8 Cell – Structure and Functions Case Study Question
  • Chapter 9 Reproduction in Animals Case Study Question
  • Chapter 10 Reaching the Age of Adolescence Case Study Question
  • Chapter 11 Force and Pressure Case Study Question
  • Chapter 12 Friction Case Study Question
  • Chapter 13 Sound Case Study Question
  • Chapter 14 Chemical Effects of Electric Current Case Study Question
  • Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena Case Study Question
  • Chapter 16 Light Case Study Question
  • Chapter 17 Stars and the Solar System Case Study Question
  • Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water Case Study Question

What is Case Study Question?

Ans. At case Study there will one paragraph and on the basis of that concept some question will made. Students have to solve that question.

How many marks will have at case based question?

Most of time 5 questions will made from each case. There will 1 or 2 marks for each question.

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case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena are given below. Here we have provided the best and error-free answers to all the exercise questions that will strengthen your foundation in science. Solving NCERT questions will assist you in grasping the content in the Crop Production and Management chapter in a better way.

In these solutions, we have answered all the intext and exercise questions provided in NCERT class 8 science textbook.  NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena provided in this article are strictly based on the CBSE syllabus and curriculum. Students can easily download these solutions in PDF format for free or can read them online.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions

Exercise Questions

Question 1: Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?

(a) A plastic scale (b) A copper rod (c) An inflated balloon (d) A woollen cloth

Answer: (b) A copper rod

Explanation: Only non-conducting materials can be easily charged by friction. Copper is a highly conducting materials. Therefore, a copper rod cannot be charged easily by friction.

Question 2: When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod

(a) and the cloth both acquire positive charge. (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge. (c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge. (d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.

Answer: (b) The rod becomes positively charged, while the cloth has a negative charge.

Explanation: When two objects are rubbed against each other, they acquire opposite charges. By the law of convention, it is known that the rod acquires the positive charge and the cloth is acquiring the negative charge.

Question 3: Write T against true and F against false in the following statements.

(a) Like charges attract each other. (T / F)

(b) A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw. (T / F)

(c) Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning. (T/F)

(d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance. (T / F)

Answer: (a) False

Like charges repel each other and unlike charges that attract each other.

A charged plastic straw has a negative charge on its surface while the glass rod has positive charges on its surface. Unlike charges attract each other so, they both attract each other.

During a lightning, the lightning conductor conducts all the atmospheric charges to the Earth directly, leaving the building safe. Hence, lightning conductors protect a building from lightning.

Even though the earthquake causes are known, there are no instruments that are invented to detect them in advance. Therefore earthquakes cannot be predicted in advance.

Question 4: Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winters. Explain.

Answer: The electric discharge takes place between the body and the sweater due to friction. At the time of electric discharge some energy is released. In this case, energy is released in the form of crackling sound.

Question 5: Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

Answer: Human body is a good conductor of electricity. A charged body loses its charge when we touch it with hand because the charges get transferred through our body to the earth. This phenomenon is known as electric discharge.

Question 6: Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?

Answer: The destructive energy of an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale. This scale has readings from 1 to 10.

The reading of magnitude 3 on the Richter scale would be recorded by a seismograph.

If the Richter scale gives a reading of magnitude 3, then the earthquake is not likely to cause much damage. Generally, an earthquake of magnitudes higher than 5 is considered destructive in nature.

Question 7: Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Answer: Protective measures against lightning are as follows:

(i) Stay in a completely closed place. If you are moving in a car, then remain there until the lightning is over. Close the windows of the car immediately.

(ii) Do not touch any electrical wires, telephone cables, metal pipes, etc.

(iii) Do not bath in running water. This may cause an electric shock.

Question 8: Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon?

Answer: Two charged balloons have similar charges on the surfaces. Since like charges repel each other, that’s why one charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon. When an uncharged balloon is brought near a charged one, the uncharged balloon acquires some opposite charge. Since unlike charges attract each other, therefore a charged balloon attracts an uncharged one.

Question 9: Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.

Answer: An electroscope can be used to detect whether a body is charged or not. The following figure shows a simple electroscope.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena image 1

It consists of a metal rod. At one end of the rod, two leaves of aluminium foil are fixed and at the other end, there is a metal disc. The leaves of aluminium foil are placed inside a conical flask and the flask is corked to isolate the leaves from air.

When the metal disc is touched with a charged body, the aluminium strips move away from each other. This happens because some of the charges of the body are transferred to the strips through the metal rod. This method of charging a body is called charging by conduction. The nature of charges on both the leaves and the charged body is similar. Hence, both the leaves of the aluminium foil will move away from each other. If the body was not charged, then the leaves of the foil would remain as they were before. They would not repel each other.

Question 10: List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

Answer: Three states in India are Gujrat, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh.

In India, the areas most threatened are Kashmir, Western and Central Himalayas, the whole of North-East, Rann of Kutch, Rajasthan and the Indo-Gangetic Plane. Some areas of South India also fall in the danger zone.

Question 11: Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself?

Answer: During the earthquake, I would take the following precaution:

  • I would try to find a clear spot, away from buildings, trees and overhead power lines. Drop to the ground.
  • If I am in a car or a bus, do not come out. Ask the driver to drive slowly to a clear spot. I will not come out till the tremors stop.

Question 12: The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? Explain.

Answer: No. We should not carry an umbrella in a thunderstorm. During thunderstorms, which are accompanied by lightning, electric discharge from the clouds can travel through the metallic rod of the umbrella. This may give an electric shock to the person who is carrying it. Hence, it is not safe to carry an umbrella during lightning.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – A Brief Discussion

CBSE Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions Chapter 15 helps students to clear their doubts and to score good marks in the board exam. All the questions are solved by experts with a detailed explanation that will help students complete their assignments & homework. Having a good grasp over CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science will further help the students in their preparation for board exams and other competitive exams such as NTSE, Olympiad, etc.

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Chapter 15 Class 8 - Some Natural Phenomena

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Get NCERT Solutions, Notes and Practice Questions for Chapter 15 Class 8 Science - Some Natural Phenomena. At Teachoo, we first explain the concepts and then all the related questions of the concept... from easy to difficult.

In this chapter, we will learn

  • What are Electric Charges
  • What are Static Electric Charges
  • Producing Electric Charges by rubbing - their symbols and if they attract or repel
  • Do all objects get charged by rubbing?
  • How does Transfer of Charge happen
  • What is earthing
  • How does lightning occur?
  • How do we protect ourselves from lightning ?
  • What is a Lightning Conductor
  • What is an Earthquake ?
  • What causes Earthquake ?
  • What are fault zones ?
  • How do we measure Earthquakes ?
  • What is Richter scale ?
  • How do we protect ourselves against Earthquakes ?

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NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Here, we have provided NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15. Students can view these NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 before exams for better understanding of the chapter.

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June 13, 2024

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15

Table of Contents

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15:  Chapter 15 of NCERT Solutions for Science Class 8 Here are some examples of natural phenomena for the benefit of the students. The solutions to the questions in the textbook are included in this solution, along with additional questions and their answers, sample problems, worksheets, practice questions, and helpful hints.

These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 cover topics such as types of charges, characteristics of charged elements, the electroscope and its applications, lightning and thunder concepts, earthquakes and their measurement, earthquake prediction, awareness of areas at risk from earthquakes, and safety measures to be taken in the event of a natural disaster like an earthquake.

Solutions can assist students in resolving their questions and gaining an engaging understanding of the material. Students can use these solutions to assist them respond to the most frequently asked questions on the CBSE Class 8 final exam. Expert teachers have created the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science for this chapter to aid students in comprehending the material.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Overview

When used in combination with the textbooks, the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – Some Natural Phenomena offers comprehensive solutions to all of the chapter’s questions, making it an invaluable tool for test preparation.

Students acquire knowledge about the scientific causes, explanations, and safety precautions for natural phenomena including thunderstorms, earthquakes, and lightning by exploring these fascinating events. With the help of these NCERT Solutions, you can have a comprehensive understanding without consulting other books.

Here we have provided some of the topics covered in this chapter –

  • Charging by Rubbing
  • Types of Charges and Their Interaction
  • Transfer of Charge
  • The Story of Lightning
  • Lightning Safety
  • Earthquakes

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 PDF

Here we have provided NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 for the ease of students so that they can just download the pdf and use it easily without the internet. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 will help students understand the chapter better.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15

Here we have provided NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 for the ease of students so that they can prepare better for their exams.

Select the correct option in Questions 1 and 2.

1. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?

(a) A plastic scale

(b) A copper rod

(c) An inflated balloon

(d) A woolen cloth.

The answer is (b) A copper rod.

Friction charges only non-conducting materials readily. Copper is a very conductive substance. Thus, friction cannot readily charge a copper rod.

2. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth, the rod

(a) and the cloth both acquire a positive charge.

(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

(c) and the cloth both acquire a negative charge.

(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.

The answer is (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

Two items that are rubbed against one another pick up opposing charges. Conventional law states that the fabric takes on a negative charge while the rod gains a positive charge.

3. Write T against true and F against false in the following statements.

(a) Like charges attract each other. (T/F)

(b) A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw. (T/F)

(c) Lightning conductors cannot protect a building from lightning. (T/F)

(d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance. (T/F)

a) False: Similar charges repel one another, but unlike charges attract one another.

b) True: The glass rod has a positive charge on its surface, whereas the charged plastic straw has a negative charge. They are attracted to each other because unlike charges attract one another.

c) False: A lightning conductor directly transfers atmospheric charges to the earth when lightning strikes. As a result, lightning cannot harm the building.

d) False – Although the causes of the earthquake are understood, no devices have been developed to identify them beforehand. Earthquakes can therefore not be forecast in advance.

4. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winter. Explain.

The friction between the woolen jumper and the body causes it to become charged when we remove it. There is a crackling sound as a result.

5. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

When we touch the earth, the charges are carried through our bodies to the soil, whereupon the conductor loses its charge. We call this phenomenon electric discharge.

6. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?

The Richter scale is used to quantify an earthquake’s destructive force. The scale displays a number between 1 and 10.

A seismograph would register an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.

Damage from a scale of 3 magnitude would be minimal. A five-magnitude earthquake is regarded as destructive.

7. Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

There are several strategies to shield ourselves against lightning.

(i) Stay in a confined space at all times. If you’re in a car, keep the windows closed and stay there until the lightning passes.

(ii) Avoid coming into contact with any electrical, phone, or metal pipes.

(iii) You should never take a bath in running water since this could shock you.

8. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon, whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon.

The balloons are rejected because of the same kind of surface charge. A charged balloon obtains charges that are opposite to those of an uncharged balloon when it is brought close to an uncharged balloon through the induction of charges. The charged balloon attracts the uncharged balloon because dissimilar charges attract each other.

9. Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument that can be used to detect a charged body.

Instrument to detect charged body

It is made up of a metal rod with a metal disc at one end and two aluminum foil leaves attached to one end. To keep the leaves safe from the ambient air, they are stored within a conical flask that has been corked.

The aluminum leaves separate from one another when a charged body makes contact with the metal disc because the metal rod conducts some of the charges that are transferred to the aluminum leaves. We refer to this procedure as charging via conduction. Aluminum leaves repel each other because the charges on the leaves and the charged body are of the same sort. They would be drawn to one another if the bodies were not charged.

10. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

Gujarat, Assam, and Jammu & Kashmir are the three states where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

11. Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precautions would you take to protect yourself?

When an earthquake occurs, you should take the following safety measures:

(a) Locate an open field, keeping all structures, trees, electric wires, and poles at a distance.

(a) If you are driving, pull into an open field and stay inside the vehicle.

12. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? Explain.

No, it’s not advisable to use an umbrella when it’s thunder storming. Lightning is present during the thunderstorm, and the charges from the cloud may transfer to the umbrella’s metal rod, shocking the person holding it. Thus, it is not advisable to use an umbrella when lightning is present.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15

  • Concept Clarity : NCERT solutions provide clear explanations and solutions to all the questions, ensuring that students grasp the concepts thoroughly.
  • Exam Preparation : By solving NCERT questions, students get a good grasp of the important topics and types of questions that may appear in exams.
  • Enhanced Understanding : Detailed explanations provided in the solutions help students understand the underlying principles and mechanisms behind various natural phenomena.
  • Self-Assessment : Students can assess their understanding by solving the questions and comparing their answers with the solutions provided. It helps in identifying areas that need more focus and practice.
  • Improved Performance : Regular practice using NCERT solutions can enhance students’ confidence and performance in exams as they become familiar with the question patterns and concepts.
  • Supplementary Learning : The solutions often provide additional information and insights beyond the textbook, enriching students’ knowledge base.

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 FAQs

Some Natural Phenomena.

Natural phenomena can be defined as a naturally occurring process that occurs without any human input. Examples of natural phenomena include weather, gravity, fog, thunder, tides, erosion, biological processes and oscillation etc.

Examples include sunrise, weather, fog, thunder, tornadoes; biological processes, decomposition, germination; physical processes, wave propagation, erosion; tidal flow, and natural disasters such as electromagnetic pulses, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and earthquakes.

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Some Natural Phenomena CBSE Class 8 Science Revision Notes Chapter 15

A Natural Phenomenon is anything that occurs on its own in nature without any kind of human intervention.

For example, the weather of a place, fog, storms, winds, tides, volcanic eruptions and cyclones all can be categorized as natural phenomena.

Some natural phenomena can be destructive such as cyclones, thunderstorms, lightning and earthquakes.

However, there are some ways with which we can protect and prepare ourselves from these natural disasters.

Figure 1 Examples of Natural Phenomenon

Figure 1 Examples of Natural Phenomenon

Lightning is an electric discharge or an electric spark that occurs in nature on a major scale. It is caused by the accumulation of charges in the clouds.

It can be deadly and cause the destruction of life and property.

In ancient times people were unaware of the cause of lightning and hence they were scared of it. Nowadays, scientists have evolved some precautions that can help us prepare and protect ourselves from this natural phenomenon.

Figure 2 Lightning

Figure 2 Lightning

The sparks that Greeks knew about

The Greeks were already aware of the electric charges from 600 BC. They knew that when Amber (a type of resin or synthetic polymer) and fur are rubbed together, then amber can attract light objects like hair.

Similarly, woollen clothes or polyester clothes also attract hair and can produce a little spark or crackling sound when they are taken off from the body. This is because of electric charges.

Benjamin Franklin was an American scientist who in 1752 discovered and proved that lightning and spark produced from these clothes are all same things.

What are electric charges?

Figure 3 Electric Charges

We know that every atom comprises of subatomic particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons.

All these particles share a common property that they carry electric charges.

Electrons have a negative charge on them while protons have a positive charge.

We know that atoms carry a balanced charge however these charges may sometimes become out of order.

An object will be called electrically neutral if it is carrying a balanced proportion of positive and negative charges.

An object is called a charged object if there is an imbalance of electrons and protons in it.

Charging by rubbing

When we rub two objects with each other they get charged due to a transfer of electrons between them.

For example, if we rub a rubber balloon with animal fur, the balloon is made up of rubber attracts the electrons from the animal fur.

This results in rubber having an excess of electrons while fur having a shortage of electrons.

In the same way, if we rub a plastic comb with dry hair the comb acquires some charge.

Types of charges and their interaction

Figure 4 Charged objects

Figure 4 Charged objects

We know that charged objects may have a shortage or excess of electrons.

Objects having an excess of electrons are called negatively charged while an object having a shortage of electrons are called positively charged.

For instance, when a glass rod is rubbed with silk cloth it becomes positively charged while the silk cloth becomes negatively charged.

These charged objects are now capable of attracting other charged and uncharged objects.

Objects having the same kind of charges repel each other while objects with different kind of charges attract each other.

Figure 5 Interaction between Charges

Figure 5 Interaction between Charges

What is an electrostatic force?

The force of attraction or repulsion experienced by charged objects is called electrostatic force. 

Figure 6 Electrostatic Force

Figure 6 Electrostatic Force

What is a static electric charge?

Static charge or static electricity is an electric charge which does not move. Static charges are a result when two objects are rubbed with each other. When two surfaces come in contact with each other repeatedly it results in the transfer of electrons from one material to another. The strength of an electric charge depends upon different factors such as:

The temperature and humidity

Properties of the surface such as its material

Figure 7 Static Charges when woollen sweater and balloon are rubbed together

In opposite to static charge, there is an electric current. The electric current results when the charges flow or move from one point to another. This electric current results in glowing of bulb or working of all the electrical appliances.

Figure 8 Electric Current

Figure 8 Electric Current

Transfer of charges

Charges can transfer from one object to another with the help of conduction and induction:

Conduction : when a charged object comes in contact with a conductor it results in the transfer of charges through the conductor.

Figure 9 Charging by Conduction

Figure 9 Charging by Conduction

Induction : When a charged object is brought near a neutral object, it results in shifting in the position of the electrons in the other object.

Figure 10 Charging by Induction

Figure 10 Charging by Induction

The process of induction does not involve any physical contact between the charged and uncharged object while the process of conduction requires a physical contact between them.

How the transfer of electric charges leads to conservation of charge?

The net charge on a neutral object is zero. However, when an object receives some electrons from another object, the net negative charge on the first object is equal to the net positive charge of the second object. In this way, charges are conserved during transfer of charges. 

Figure 11 (a) Amber and Cloth both have net zero charge (b) Amber and Cloth are rubbed together (C) Amber and Cloth together have net zero charge

Figure 11 (a) Amber and Cloth both have net zero charge (b) Amber and Cloth are rubbed together (C) Amber and Cloth together have net zero charge

What is an electroscope?

It is a device which can test if an object is charged or not. Abraham Bennet developed a gold leaf electroscope in 1787.

Structure of an electroscope

Generally, gold and silver are used to construct an electroscope because they are good conductors of electricity. Otherwise, copper and aluminium can also be used.

It consists of a glass jar having a vertical brass rod.

The rod is inserted into the jar through the cork.

The brass rod has a brass disc or horizontal rod attached to it.

From the other end, two leaves of gold are suspended.

Figure 12 Electroscope

Figure 12 Electroscope

Working of an electroscope

When a charged object touches the brass disc, electric charges get transferred from the brass rod to the gold leaves. As a result, the gold leaves move away from each other depicting the presence of charges.

Figure 13 Working of an electroscope

Discharging and Earthing

When a charged object loses its charges it is said to be discharged.

When a charged object transfers its charges to the earth it is called earthing. Generally, every building is provided with earthing to protect it from electrical shocks due to leakage of electric current.

Figure 14 How Earthing Protects us form Shock

Figure 14 How Earthing Protects us form Shock

Figure 15 How Can we get a Shock Without Earthing

Figure 15 How Can we get a Shock Without Earthing

Story of Lightning

Figure 16 Lightning

Figure 16 Lightning

During a thunderstorm, the hot air moves upwards while the raindrops fall downloads.

This leads to a separation of charges in the atmosphere.

As a result, negative charges get accumulated in the lower ages of the clouds while positive charges accumulate at the upper edges.

The ground is accumulated with a positive charge all over.

These charges begin to multiply due to the increase in winds and rainfall.

Although the air is a poor conductor of electricity due to heavy charges it is unable to restrict the electric flow after some time.

The negative charges and positive charges meet which results in the production of electric sparks in the form of a streak of light accompanied by a sound.

The streak is called lightning and the whole phenomenon is called electric discharge. This electric discharge can occur between two or more clouds.

Why does lightning strikes tall buildings easily?

We know that lightning occurs as a streak of charges that fall toward the ground. Tall buildings and tall trees can easily conduct the charge towards the ground. The air gap between these buildings and lightning is short hence they are more susceptible to lightning. That does not mean that short objects would not be affected by lightning. 

Lightning safety

One should not stay at an open place during lightning and thunderstorm. Hence as soon as we hear any alert about lightning or thunderstorm, we should rush to a safe place such as a house or a building. If somebody is there in a car or bus, they should stay inside and keep all the doors and windows closed. One should read inside the safe place until the storm lasts.

Do's and don'ts for lightning safety

Outdoor safety.

One should not stay in an open place such as an open vehicle like a motorbike, tractor, or open fields, elevated places, or tall trees.

One should not carry an umbrella during the storm.

If a person is around a forest they should hide under short trees.

One should not get near to any poles on metal objects.

One should squat low on the ground instead of laying down.

Figure 17 Lightning Safety

Figure 17 Lightning Safety

Indoor Safety

Lightning is an electric discharge hence one should stay away from electrical wires telephone, cables and metal pipes during a thunderstorm.

One may use a cordless phone or a mobile phone in an emergency.

One should not come in contact with the running water hence one should avoid bathing.

One should unplug all the electrical appliances in the house, for example TV, computers or music systems. Electrical lights do not cause any harm and hence can be kept on.

Figure 18 Lightning Safety

Figure 18 Lightning Safety

Using a lightning conductor

In order to protect buildings from lightning, a lightning conductor device is used.

When the building is being constructed a metallic rod having height more than the building is placed in the walls of the building.

One end of the rod is in the air while the other end is buried inside the Earth.

This rod is a conductor and hence during lightning it allows the flow of electric charges to the ground.

Figure 19 Lightning Conductor

Figure 19 Lightning Conductor

Working of a lightning conductor

The lightning conductor rod consists of pointed ends which are made up of copper wire.

These copper wires are brought down along the building and are attached to a metallic plate in the ground.

If lightning hits the building the copper wires carry these charges quickly to the ground.


Some natural phenomena such as thunderstorms and cyclones can be predicted by meteorologists. However, there are certain natural phenomena that are uncertain and cannot be predicted accurately. One of them is an earthquake.

Earthquake is a natural phenomenon that occurs as shaking or trembling of the Earth's surface.

It occurs or lasts for a very short span of time.

The main cause of earthquake is disturbances inside the crust of the earth.

Deep inside the earth, earthquakes occur all the time however they are not noticeable on the earth’s surface. Sometimes major earthquakes occur on the earth surface which can be destructive.

Earthquakes can lead to:

Loss of life

Loss of property such as buildings, dams and bridges

Figure 20 Destruction due to Earthquake

Figure 20 Destruction due to Earthquake

Cause of an earthquake

Earth’s surface is divided into several layers the crust, mantle, inner core and outer core.

Figure 21 Layers of Earth Surface

Figure 21 Layers of Earth Surface

The outermost layer of the Earth is divided into several plates. These plates are always moving.

As they move past each other or collide, disturbances are caused in the earth's crust. These disturbances are called earthquakes or tremors.

Figure 22 Plates on Earth's Surface

Figure 22 Plates on Earth's Surface

Figure 23 Movement of India's Earth Plates

Figure 23 Movement of India's Earth Plates

Other causes of an earthquake can be:

Volcanic eruptions

When a meteor hits the Earth surface

The nuclear explosion under the Earth surface

Although the causes of an earthquake are clear the scientists cannot predict when the earthquake would occur.

What are seismic zones?

The movement of plates causes an earthquake. Hence the earthquakes are most likely to occur on their boundaries. The areas that lie on the boundaries of these plates are called weak zones, seismic zones or fault zones.

Figure 24 Seismic Zones in India

Figure 24 Seismic Zones in India

What is the Richter scale?

A scale which is used to determine the magnitude or strength of an earthquake is called the Richter scale.

Destructive earthquakes have a Richter scale magnitude of more than 7.

A Richter scale is not a linear scale, that is, a magnitude of Richter scale 6 does not imply that it is one and a half times more destructive than an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.

It rather means that an earthquake of a magnitude of 6 is 100 times more powerful than an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.

Figure 25 Richter Scale and its interpretation

What are seismic waves?

The earthquakes produce waves on the earth surface which are called seismic waves. These waves travel in all the directions on the Earth's surface.

What is Focus of an earthquake?

The focus of an earthquake is a point inside the earth’s surface where the earthquake originates. It is also called hypocenter.

What is an Epicentre?

The epicentre is a region on the earth’s surface that lies just above the focus of the earthquake is called epicentre. The earthquake does not originate from the epicentre.

Figure 26 Map of Earthquake

Figure 26 Map of Earthquake

What is a seismograph?

A seismograph is an instrument which can record the seismic waves.

It contains a metal rod or a pendulum which can vibrate as the earthquake occurs.

The metal rod is attached to a pen which records the waves on the paper.

Scientists study these waves and then construct a map of the earthquake.

This also helps them in determining the power of the earthquake.

Figure 27 Seismograph

Figure 27 Seismograph

Protection against an Earthquake

The buildings located in the seismic zones should be constructed in a way that they can handle major tremors. The following measures should be taken by people to make the houses of buildings quake-safe:

People should always consult architects and engineers before constructing a new building.

The roofs of the building should be kept light.

Timber or mud should be used in the construction of buildings rather than heavy materials.

The shelf and cupboard should be fixed to the walls so that they do not fall off easily.

Things such as photo frames, geysers, clocks and other wall hangings should be placed in a place that does not harm anybody if they fall off.

Buildings should have firefighting equipment as earthquakes may cause fires.

Figure 28 How buildings can be made Quake-Safe

Figure 28 How buildings can be made Quake-Safe

How can people protect themselves from an earthquake?

Indoors safety measures.

One should hide under a table until the earthquake stops.

One should not stay close to heavy and tall objects.

If one is in bed they should cover their head with a pillow instead of getting up.

Outdoor safety measures

One should find a place which has no tall buildings around or even trees.

If a person is inside a car or a bus they should drive slowly to a clear place and be inside until the earthquake stops.

Figure 29 Protection against an Earthquake

Figure 29 Protection against an Earthquake

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Important Questions Class 8 Science Chapter 15 – Some Natural Phenomena

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The fifteenth chapter of the Class 8th CBSE Science curriculum is about ‘Some Natural Phenomena’. This chapter discusses various events that occur in our nature. Key topics covered in this chapter are: 

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  • Charging by rubbing
  • Different types of charges, their Interaction, and how the transfer of charge happens
  • Lightning safety
  • Earthquakes and their impact
  • Protection against earthquakes

Science is a theoretical subject that requires both studying and practical implementation. At Extramarks, we understand the value of practising important questions to gain mastery in Science. We have created different study resources such as NCERT solutions, chapter-wise notes, CBSE revision notes , etc. to help students with their studies. Students can refer to our question bank Important Questions Class 8 Science Chapter 15 which has been curated by picking questions from various sources such as NCERT textbooks, NCERT exemplar books, other Science reference books, CBSE past years’ question papers, etc. The step-by-step explanations are given for each question help students to revise the chapter fully while solving these questions.  Students can register on the Extramarks website to access our question bank Important Questions Class 8 Science Chapter 15.

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4 Chapter 4
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10 Chapter 10
11 Chapter 11
12 Chapter 12
13 Chapter 13
14 Chapter 14
15 Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena
16 Chapter 16
17 Chapter 17
18 Chapter 18

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Important Questions with Solutions

Science in secondary school becomes extensive with chapters from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students should have a strong grip on the subject as Class 8, 9, 10 will  form the basics  for Class 11 and Class 12 Science. 

One of the key elements to studying Science properly is to practise a lot of questions. Students can confidently rely on our Extramarks question bank Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Important Questions which has been collated by Science faculty members after analysing all past papers and textbook questions. It’s a comprehensive suite of questions which covers the entire Chapter 15. 

Below are a few questions and answers from our question bank of Science Class 8 Chapter 15 Important Questions.

Question 1. What is an electroscope?

Answer 1. An electroscope is a device for detecting and determining the presence of electric charges using electrostatic attraction and repulsion.

Question 2. Define earthing.

Answer 2. The process of transferring the charge from a charged object to the ground or earth is called earthing.

Question 3. What is the primary purpose of providing earthing in buildings?

Answer 3. There may be an accidental leakage of electric current in the buildings. Besides, during monsoons, a live wire can come in contact with the building wall. In such cases, earthing helps divert the current’s path to earth to protect us from an electric shock. Therefore, the primary purpose of providing earthing in buildings is to protect ourselves from electrical shocks due to any electrical current leakage.

Question 4. What happens when a plastic comb rubbed with dry hair attracts small pieces of paper? Explain.

Answer 4. A plastic comb gets electrically charged due to rubbing, & therefore, it attracts small pieces of paper that are neutral, as a charged body can attract an uncharged body.

Question 5. What causes an earthquake?

Answer 5. The tectonic plates are in continuous motion. When they brush with each other, a plate goes under another because of collision, and that causes a disturbance in the earth’s crust. This disturbance is shown up as an earthquake on the earth’s surface. Volcanic eruptions are also a cause of tremors on the earth’s surface.

Question .6. How is an earthquake measured?

Answer 6. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured in terms of a magnitude on a scale known as the Richter scale. Destructive earthquakes have an intensity higher than 7 on the Richter scale.

Question 7. What is a seismograph?

Answer 7. An earthquake produces some waves on the surface of the earth. These waves are called Seismic Waves. These waves are recorded by a device known as the seismograph.

Question 8. What are fault zones?

Answer 8. The movement of tectonic plates causes earthquakes. The boundaries of these plates are the vulnerable zones where earthquakes are more likely to occur. These vulnerable zones are also known as seismic or fault zones.

Question 9. Why can a copper rod not be charged by friction if held by hand?

Answer 9. Copper is a conducting metal, and the electric charge is created on its surface by rubbing with another substance. It flows through our fingers and body into the soil while left uncharged.

Question 10. If a glass rod is rubbed against a silk cloth, the rod

(a) and the cloth both acquire a positive charge.

(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth acquires a negative charge.

(c) and the cloth both get a negative charge.

(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth gets a positive charge.

Answer 10. The answer is (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

Explanation-  When two objects are rubbed, they generate opposite charges. According to the law of convention, it is known that the rod acquires a positive charge(+) and the cloth acquires a negative charge(-).

Question 11. Write T for true and F for false in the following statements-

(a) Like charges attract each other. (T/F)

(b) A charged glass rod gets attracted to a charged plastic straw. (T/F)

(c) Lightning conductors cannot protect a building from lightning. (T/F)

(d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance. (T/F)

Answer 11. a) False- Unlike charges attract each other while the like charges repel each other.

  • b) True- A charged plastic straw has a negative charge on its surface, while the glass rod has positive charges on its surface. Unlike charges that attract each other, they both attract each other.
  • c) False – When lightning occurs, the atmospheric charges are transferred to the earth directly by a lightning conductor. Therefore the building is protected from lightning.
  • d) False- Even though the earthquake’s causes are known, there are no instruments that are invented to detect them in advance. Therefore earthquakes cannot be predicted in advance.

Question 12. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while wearing a sweater during winter. Explain.

Answer 12. When we take out the sweater, the woollen sweater gets charged due to friction between the sweater and the body. This results in a crackling sound.

Question 13. Why does a charged body lose its charge when we touch it with our hand? Explain.

Answer 13. The charges get conducted to the earth by our body when we touch them, and the conductor loses its charge. This phenomenon is known as electric discharge.

Question 14. What is the name of the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured? An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would a seismograph record it? Is it likely to cause a lot of damage?

Answer 14. The Richter scale is a device used to measure an earthquake’s destructive energy. The scale has a reading range from 1 to 10. A seismograph would record an earthquake measuring 3. The magnitude of a scale up to 3 would not be considered destructive and does not cause much damage. An Earthquake of magnitude 5 is deemed harmful to nature.

Question 15. Suggest three safety measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Answer 15. There are various ways to protect ourselves from lightning are-

(i) Always remain in a closed place; if you are in a car, stay there until the lightning is over and keep all the windows closed.

(ii) Never touch electrical wires, telephone cables or metal pipes.

(iii) Do not bathe in running water; this may cause an electric shock.

Question 16. Why is a charged balloon repelled by another charged balloon, whereas another charged balloon attracts an uncharged balloon?

Answer 16. The surface charge of the balloons is similar; hence, they get repelled. When a charged balloon is kept close to an uncharged balloon due to the induction of charges, it acquires charges which are opposite to that of a charged balloon. As those charges attract each other, the uncharged balloon gets attracted by the charged balloon.

Question 17. Suppose you are out of your home, and an earthquake occurs. What precautions are to be taken to protect from an earthquake?

Answer 17. The following precautions should be taken when the earthquake strikes-

(a) Find an open field and stay away from buildings, trees, electric wires and poles.

(b) If you are driving a car, then go to an open field and do not come out of your car.

Question 18. The weather forecasting department has predicted that a thunderstorm will likely occur on a day. Suppose you are going out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? 

Answer 18. No, it is not safe. One should not carry an umbrella when it is a thunderstorm. The thunderstorm occurs along with lightning, and the charges might travel from the cloud to the metal rod of the umbrella and might cause you to have an electric shock if you are carrying it.

 Question 19. Electric current has to be passed from one body to another. For this purpose, the bodies must be joined-

(a) cotton thread.

(b) plastic string.

(c) copper wire

(d) rubber band

Answer 19. The answer is (c) copper wire

Explanation- Copper is a good conductor of electricity. Plastic, rubber and cotton are insulators of electricity.

Question 20. The movement of the earth’s plates causes-

(a) cyclones

(b) lightning

(c) earthquakes

(d) thunderstorms

Answer 20. The answer is (c) earthquakes

Explanation- Earthquakes occur when the earth’s plates brush past one another. Earthquakes can cause damage to buildings and dams.

Question 21. State whether the following statements are True or False-

(a) Earthquakes occur all time all over the world.

(b) The earth’s outer layer plates are always in continuous motion.

(c) Earthquakes on the earth can also be caused by the eruption of a volcano.

(d) The electric discharge process cannot occur between cloud and the earth.

(e) Bathing outside should be avoided during a thunderstorm.

  • False- The process of electric current discharge occurs between the clouds and the earth.

Question 22. Is it possible to predict the occurrence of an earthquake?

Answer 22. No, it is impossible to predict the occurrence of an earthquake.

Question 23. What will happen if a charged straw is brought close to another uncharged straw?

Answer 23. The two straws will attract each other

Question 24. Explain how lightning takes place.

Answer 24. During the formation of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upwards while the water drops move downwards. These vigorous movements of air currents cause the separation of charges. The positive charges accumulate near the upper part of the clouds, and the negative charges get near the lower regions. There is an accumulation of positive charge near the ground as well. When the intensity of the accumulated charges becomes large, the air cannot resist the charge flow. As a result, negative & positive charges meet, creating a streak of bright light and sound called lightning and thunder.

Question 25. Mention three safety measures that you will take to protect yourself if an earthquake strikes when you are inside the house.

  • Take the shelter under a table and stay there till the shaking stops.
  • Stay away from the tall and heavy objects that can fall on you.
  • If you are in lying in bed, do not get up. Protect your head with a pillow.

Question 26. Explain why a wireless telephone is safer than a landline telephone during lightning.

Answer 26. Lightening is a process of electrical discharge. During lightning, electric charge can pass through landline telephone wires which can be dangerous. So, it is comparatively safer to use a wireless phone in place of a landline telephone during Lightning.

Question 27. What precautions would you take when lightning occurs?

  • Stay away from open vehicles, like motorcycles, tractors, construction machinery, etc.
  • Do not take shelter in the open fields, tall trees, parks and high places.
  • Do not carry an umbrella when lightning strikes.
  • Stay away from poles and other metal objects.
  • Squat down on the ground. Put your hands on your knees and your head between the hands.

Question 28. If the metal clip used in an electroscope is changed by an ebonite rod and a charged body is brought in touch with it, will there be any effect on the aluminium strips? Explain.

Answer 28. If a metal clip used in the electroscope is changed by an ebonite rod, and when a charged body is kept in touch with it, aluminium strips will show no repulsion. No charge gets transferred to the ebonite rod as it is a bad conductor of electricity.

Question 29. State any two precautions people living in seismic zones should observe to protect against earthquakes.

  • The buildings in these zones should be made so that they can withstand earthquakes. Modern building technology is making it possible.
  • Mud and timber should be used instead of heavy construction materials. The roof should be kept as light as possible.
  • The cupboards and shelves should be fixed to the walls, so they do not fall easily.

Question 30. What happens when two moving plates of the earth’s crust collide head-on?

Answer 30. When two tectonic plates collide head-on, they push each other up and form mountains. This process created the Himalayas and other great mountain ranges.

Question 31. Why does a charged body loses its charge when we touch it with our hand?

Answer 31. The process of transfer of a charge from a charged body to the earth is called Earthing.

Question 32. Explain how you will charge a ballpoint pen refill by the method of friction.

Answer 32. To charge a ballpoint pen refill, rub it with a wool cloth. It becomes negatively charged.

Question 33. Explain the process of occurrence of lightning.

Answer 33. During a thunderstorm, the air current moves upwards and the water drops move downwards. These movements cause the separation of charges. The positive charge is collected near the upper edges of the clouds, while the negative charge accumulates near the lower edge. There is an accumulation of positive charge near the ground also. When the magnitude of the accumulated charge becomes very large, the air, which is usually a poor conductor of electricity, can no longer resist its flow. Positive and negative charges meet, producing streaks of bright light and sound. We see streaks as lightning. This process is called an electric discharge. The electric discharge method can occur between two or more clouds or between clouds and the earth.

Question 34. Explain the precautions to be taken during lightning or thunderstorms.

Answer 34. Precautions to be taken during lightning or thunderstorms are-

  • to find a safe place indoors- Outdoor places are not safe during Lightning or thunderstorms. A house or building is a safe place. If we travel by car or bus, we are safe inside with the windows and doors of the vehicle closed.
  • Carrying an umbrella is not a good idea during thunderstorms. If you are in a forest, take shelter under shorter trees, not tall ones. If no shelter is available, stay far away from all trees. Stay away from poles or any other metal objects.
  • We should not lie directly on the ground. Instead, squat low on the ground. Place hands on your knees with your head in between your hands. Such a position will make us the smallest target to be affected.
  • Lightning can strike telephone cords, electrical wires and metal pipes inside the house. During a thunderstorm, contact with these must be avoided. It is safer to use mobiles and cordless phones. However, it is not good to call a person who is receiving your phone through a wired phone.
  • Bathing outside should be avoided during thunderstorms to avoid contact with running water.
  • Electrical appliances like computers, television, etc., should be unplugged. Electrical lights can remain on. They do not cause any harm.

Question 35. What are the precautions to be taken during an earthquake?

Answer 35. The following precautions to be taken during an earthquake are-

If you are at home-

  • Take shelter under a table and be there until the shaking stops.
  • Stay away from all the tall and heavy objects because they may fall on you.
  • If you are in a bed, do not get up. Protect your head with a cushion or pillow.

If you are outdoors-

  • Find a clear place, away from buildings, trees and overhead electric lines. 
  • If you travel in a car or a bus, do not come out. Ask the driver to drive slowly to a safe place. Do not come out till the tremors stop.

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Q.1 Mention two causes of earthquakes other than movements of tectonic plates?

Tremors due to nuclear explosion and volcanic activities, may cause earthquakes.

Q.2 What are the zones, where the earthquakes are likely to occur on the earth crust called?

The weak zones where earthquakes are more likely to occur are called seismic or fault zones.

Q.3 What is Tsunami?

Large earthquakes that occur under oceans causes huge waves, which are called Tsunami.

Q.4 What happens, when an ebonite rod rubbed with wool is brought near a positively charged glass rod?

When an ebonite rod is rubbed with wool, negative charges are transferred from the wool to an ebonite rod and the wool is left with the positive charges. Thus, an ebonite rod becomes negatively charged while wool becomes positively charged. So, there must be an attraction between the negatively charged ebonite rod and the positively charged glass rod as unlike charges attract each other.

Q.5 Which scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake?

Intensity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale.

Q.6 What is an electroscope?

An electroscope is a device which is used to detect, measure and find the nature of the charge on a body.

Q.7 What is lightning?

The electric discharge between clouds and the earth or between different clouds causes lightning.

Q.8 During the lightning, flash appears first than thunder while both are coming from the same place, why?

Flash appears first than thunder while both are coming from the same place, because the speed of light (speed of light is 3.0 X 10 8 m/s) is much more than the speed of sound (speed of sound in air at 20 o C is approximately 343 m/s).

Q.9 List two places in India which are most threatened by earthquake.

Two places in India which are most threatened by earthquake are: 1. Kashmir 2. Rann of kutch.

Q.10 What happens when an ebonite rod is rubbed with wool?

When an ebonite rod is rubbed with wool, negative charges are transferred from the wool to an ebonite rod and the wool is left with the positive charges. Thus, an ebonite rod becomes negatively charged while wool becomes positively charged.

Q.11 What is the nature of the charges generated due to rubbing?

Charges generated due to rubbing are static in nature as they cannot move by themselves.

Q.12 What is meant by ‘electrification by friction’?

When two bodies are rubbed against each other, frictional force arises between two bodies and equal and opposite charges are aquired by them. Thus, the method of charging the bodies by the friction is known as electrification by friction.

Q.13 State the methods of charging an uncharged body.

An uncharged body can be charged by

1. Friction or rubbing 2. Conduction 3. Induction.

Q.14 Mention two hazards caused by earthquake.

Two hazards caused by earthquake are :- 1. Tsunamis. 2. Landslides.

Q.15 What is seismograph?

Tremors or vibrations caused by the earthquakes which travel in the form of waves within the earth or along the earth’s surface, are called seismic waves. Seismograph is an instrument which records these waves.

Q.16 What are tectonic plates?

The earth’s lithosphere is fragmented into many pieces. Each fragment is called a plate, also called tectonic plate. These plates are in continuous motion i.e. they float over hot magma.

Q.17 What is a lightning conductor?

Lightning conductor is a device used to protect buildings from the damaging effects of lightning. It runs from the top to the bottom, along the outer wall of the buildings or any other object, which is to be protected. If lightning strikes the buildings or any other objects, then the lightning conductor provides an easy and direct path for the lighning bolt to pass to the ground without effecting them.

Q.18 What is earthing?

Q.19 Explain the process of an electric discharge?

Q.20 What is a thunderstorm? How is it produced?

A thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder. It is produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, usually producing gusty winds, heavy rain and sometimes hail.

Q.21 What is an earthquake?

An earthquake is a sudden shaking or trembling of the earth. They can cause immense damage to buildings, bridges, dams and people. It results in the severe loss of life and property.

Q.22 What causes an earthquake? Which scale is used to measure an intensity of an earthquake?

The earth’s lithosphere is fragmented into many pieces. Each fragment is called a plate, also called a tectonic plate. These plates are in continuous motion i.e. they float over hot magma. When a plate goes under another due to collision or they brush past one another, then the disturbance is caused in the earth’s crust which is felt as earthquake on the surface of earth. The intensity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale.

Q.23 Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Three measures to protect ourselves from lightning are :- 1. In outdoors, stay away from anything that can conduct electricity like electric poles or metal objects.

2. In indoors, unplug electrical appliances like televisions, computers, etc.

3. In indoors, use mobile phones or cordless phones instead of wired phone.

Q.24 Draw the diagram of an instrument, which can be used to detect the charge on a body. How it can be charged through conduction?

An electroscope is used to detect the charge on a body. A plastic comp is taken and it is rubbed on hair. Now, the plastic comb gets charged. The comb is touched with the electroscope plate. The static charges which are developed on the comb travels down the conducting wire and reach the two leaves of aluminium foil. Similar charges are acquired by both the leaves and as a result, they repel each other. Thus, the method of charging an uncharged body by bringing another charged body directly in contact is called charging by conduction. Hence, by this way, an electroscope can be charged through conduction.

Q.25 Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself?

The following precautions should be taken :- 1. Find a clear spot, away from buildings, trees, poles and electric poles, signboards and overhead power lines and drop to the ground. 2. Do not use elevators if they are available at some place outside your house. 3. If you are in a car or a bus, do not come out and drive slowly to a clear spot. Stay inside a car till the tremors stop.

Q.26 Suppose you are at your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself?

The precautions that should be taken are :-

1. Take shelter under a table and stay there only, till the shaking stops. 2. Stay away from the objects which are tall and heavy, that may fall on you. 3. If you are on bed, do not get up and remain there only and protect your head with pillow.

Q.27 What is earthing? Why earthing is provided in buildings?

The process of transferring of charge from a charged object to the earth is called earthing. Earthing is provided in buildings to protect them from electrical shocks due to any leakage of electrical current. For our safety, most of the electrical appliances and the mains of the house are connected to earth, so that we can be prevented from getting an electric shock.

Q.28 Explain briefly the process of lightning.

During the development of thunderstorm, air currents move in the upward direction and the water droplets move in the downward direction. These movements causes the seperation of charges. Usually, the negative charges accumulate at the lower part of the clouds and the positive charges are accumulated at its upper part. The positive charges are also accumulated at the ground also. When the accumulation of charges becomes large, a high potential difference is set up between lower part of clouds and earth, which is sufficient to break the insulation of air. As a result, negative and positive charges meet, producing streaks of bright light and sound. These streaks of bright light is called lightning.

Q.29 We can easily charge non-metals like rubber, woollen clothes, plastics, etc. whereas we cannot charge a copper rod by rubbing easily. Why?

Q.30 State the charge (positive or negative) produced by friction in each of following pairs :-

(i) Fur and plastic rod. (ii) Wool and an ebonite rod. (iii) Glass rod and silk. (iv) Fur and rubber rod. (v) Fur and the glass rod.

(i) Fur – positive and plastic rod – negative (ii) Wool – positive and an ebonite rod – negative (iii) Glass rod – positive and silk – negative (iv) Fur – positive and rubber rod – negative (v) Fur- positive and glass rod – negative

Q.31 What are the causes of earthquake? Explain how it causes damage to human life and property.

Causes of earthquake are as follows :- 1. Disturbances deep inside the earth’s crust. 2. The movement of plates, whose boundaries are the weak zones called fault zones. 3. Nuclear explosion and volcanic activities

Earthquake can cause immense damage to buildings, bridges, dams and people. There can be a great loss to life and property. The earthquakes can cause floods, landslides, tremor and tsunamis. Tsunami Tsunami is a sea wave of local or distant origin that results from large-scale seafloor displacements associated with large earthquakes, major submarine slides, or exploding volcanic islands. Tremor Tremors are caused when an underground nuclear explosions is carried out, or a meteor strikes the earth, or a volcano erupts. The tremors produce waves on the surface of the earth. These are called seismic waves. An instrument called seismograph is used to record these waves.

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Important questions for class 8 science, chapter 1 - crop production and management.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

Chapter 2 - Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

Chapter 3 - synthetic fibres and plastics, chapter 4 - materials: metals and non metals, chapter 5 - coal and petroleum, chapter 6 - combustion and flame, chapter 7 - conservation of plants and animals, chapter 8 - cell - structure and functions, chapter 9 - reproduction in animals notes, chapter 10 - reaching the age of adolescence, chapter 11 - force and pressure, chapter 12 - friction, chapter 13 - sound, chapter 14 - chemical effects of electric current, chapter 16 - light, chapter 17 - stars and the solar system, chapter 18 - pollution of air and water, faqs (frequently asked questions), 1. where can a student find important questions class 8 science chapter 15.

Students can register with Extramarks and gain access to Important Questions Class 8 Science Chapter 15. These important questions cover every nook and corner of the entire chapter. Made by subject experts, these questions and their solutions are entirely authentic and exclusive. And help students achieve better grades in the examinations.

2. How can you prepare for Science in order to score good marks?

Students will have to regularly study and revise to have a good base in Science. Below are few of the suggested tips:

  • Read the entire chapter from the NCERT textbook thoroughly.
  • Practice questions related to it.
  • Revise all the topics given in the syllabus from time to time.
  • Practice all the problems and solutions in the in-text, do the end-text exercises and browse through the summary.
  • Attempt mock tests to get a good command of the various topics and get an excellent score.

3. How many important chapters are there in Class 8 Science?

The subject of Science is essential to create a strong base for Class 8 and further higher studies, and every chapter plays a vital role. The important chapters covered in Science for Class 8 include the following-

  • Crop production and Management.
  • Microorganisms: Friend or Foe.
  • Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
  • Materials: Metals and Non-Metals.
  • Coal and Petroleum.
  • Combustion and Flame.
  • Conservation of Plants and Animals.
  • Cell – Structure and Functions.
  • Reproduction in Animals.
  • Reaching the Age of Adolescence.
  • Force and Pressure.
  • Chemical Effects of Electric Current.
  • Some Natural Phenomena.
  • Stars and The Solar System.
  • Pollution of Air and Water.

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Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15

September 7, 2020 by Prasanna

In this page, we are providing Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15 pdf download. NCERT Extra Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.

Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Extra Questions and Answers Some Natural Phenomena

Extra Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena with Answers Solutions

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1. What are the two natural calamities? Answer:

  • Lightning and
  • Earthquake.

Question 2. Name other natural calamities except lightning and earthquake. Answer: Winds, storms and cyclones.

Question 3. Name the two types of charges. Answer:

  • Positive; and

Question 4. Mention the interactions of two types of charges. Answer: Like charges repel each other while unlike charges attract each other.

Question 5. Name the device used to protect buildings from lightning. Answer: Lightning conductor.

Question 6. In which direction does the shock waves produced by an earthquake travel? Answer: Both on the surface and inside the earth.

Question 7. What happens when two clouds with unlike charges approach each other? Answer: Lightning strikes

Question 8. Who discovered the static electricity or lightning in clouds and when? Answer: Benjamin Franklin in 1752.

Question 9. What actually causes lightning? Answer: Lightning is caused by the accumulation of charges in the clouds.

Question 10. What happens when amber is rubbed with fur? Answer: It develops the capacity to attract light objects.

Question 11. What is static electricity? Answer: The electrical charge reproduced by rubbing two objects is called static electricity.

Question 12. What happens when a glass rod and silk cloth are rubbed with each other? Answer: The glass rod gets positively charged and silk cloth negatively charged.

Question 13. What is lightning? Answer: Lightning is&an electric spark on huge scale.

Question 14. What are weak zones called? Answer: Seismic or fault zones.

Question 15. How are most earthquakes caused? Answer: Most earthquakes are caused by the movement of earth’s plates.

Question 16. What is a plate? Answer: Each fragment of the outermost layer of the earth is called plate.

Question 17. What is the uppermost layer of the earth called? Answer: Crust

Question 18. How is an earthquake caused? Answer: It is caused by a disturbance deep inside the earth’s crust.

Question 19. What are seismic waves? Answer: Waves produced on the Earth’s surface because of tremors.

Question 20. When and where a major tsunami took place in India? Answer: It occurred in the Indian ocean on 26th December 2004.

Question 21. What are the natural calamities caused by earthquakes? Answer: Earthquakes can cause floods, landslides and tsunamis.

Question 22. Which kind of material is used to transfer charges from one body to another? Answer: Metal conductor

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1. What is lightning? What causes lightning? Answer: Lightning is also an electric spark, but on a huge scale. It is caused by the accumulation of charges in the clouds.

Question 2. What is an electric charge? What are charged objects? Answer: When a plastic refill is rubbed with polythene it acquires a small electric charge. Similarly when a plastic comb is rubbed with dry hair, it acquires a small charge. These objects are called charged objects.

Question 3. What is static charge? How does it differ from electric current? ‘ Answer: The electric charges generated by rubbing are called static charges. The static charges do not move while charges move in electric current.

Question 4. What do you mean by electric discharge? How does it occurs? Answer: When the negative and positive charges meet, streaks of bright light and sound are produced. This process is called electrical discharge. For example, electric discharge occurring between two or more clouds or between clouds and earth.

Question 5. What is earthing? What is the application of earthing? Answer: The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is called earthing. It is provided in buildings to protect from electrical shocks due to any leakage of electrical current.

Question 6. How does electric discharge occur in clouds? Answer: At the time of thunder negative charges are accumulated near the clouds and positive charges near the ground. When these charges meet, electric discharge takes place between the ground and clouds. In this process, a large amount of energy is released.

Question 7. What is lightning conductor? Where is it fixed? Answer: Lightning conductor is a device which is used to protect buildings from the danger of lightning. It is fixed at the top of the building.

Question 8. What is an earthquake? How is it caused? Answer: Sudden shaking and trembling of earth is called an earthquake. It is caused mostly due to the movement of earth’s plates inside the crust.

Question 9. What are fault zones? Name the fault zones in India. Answer: Since earthquakes are caused by the movement of plates, the boundaries of the plates are weak zones where earthquakes are more likely to occur. The weak zones are also known as seismic or fault zones. In India the most threatened areas or fault zones are Kashmir, Western and Central Himalayas, the Indo-Gangetic Plain, Rann of Kutch, etc.

Question 10. How can tremors be caused? Tremors on the earth can also be caused when a volcano erupts, or a meteor hits the earth, or an underground nuclear explosion is carried out.

Question 11. What are seismic waves? How are these waves recorded? Answer: The tremors produce waves on the surface of the earth. These are called seismic waves. These waves are recorded by an instrument called the seismograph.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1. What is lightning? How does lightning strike? Answer: Lightning is an electric spark, but on a huge scale. It is caused by the accumulation of charges in the clouds. When two clouds carrying opposite charges come very close to each other, the charges flow with great speed from one cloud to another through the air between them. Consequently, a very bright spark is produced.

The spark caused due to the transfer of electric charge between two clouds causes lightning. It can occur when electric charges flow from one part of a cloud to another or from a cloud to the ground. Lightning is accompanied by large amounts of electric charges and very high temperatures. The huge amount of heat produced makes the air expand very suddenly what causes vibration to occur, resulting in a loud sound called thunder.

Question 2. Explain the process of electric discharge. Answer: During the development of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upward while the water droplets move downward. These vigorous movements cause separation of charges. By a process, the positive charges collect near the upper edges of the clouds and the negative charges accumulate near the lower 1 edges. There is accumulation of positive near the ground also.

When the magnitude of the accumulated charges becomes very large, the air which is normally a poor conductor of electricity, is no longer able to resist their flow. Finally negative and positive charges meet, producing streaks of bright light and sound called lightning and thunderstorm respectively. This process is known as electric discharge. This can occurs between two or more clouds, or between clouds and the earth.

Question 3. What safety measures should be taken during lightning and thunderstorm? Answer: The following safety measures are advisable to be adopted to protect from lightning and thunderstorm:

  • No open place is safe. A house or a building is a safe place. If travelling by car or by bus, it is safe to stay inside with windows and doors of the vehicle shut.
  • If we are outside, the following things are important to be kept in mind:

(a) Open vehicles, like motorbikes, tractors, construction machinery, fields, tall trees, shelters in parks, elevated places do not protect us from lightning strikes. (b) Carrying an umbrella is not at all a good idea during thunderstorms. (c) If no shelter is available and we are in an open field, we should keep away from all trees. We should stay away from poles or other metal objects. We should not lie on the ground. Sitting in a pose as given in the Fig. 15.8 is advisable.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15 1

  • If we are inside the house, we should take care as advised further: Lightning can strike telephone cords, electrical wires and metal pipes. During a thunderstorm, contact with these should be avoided. It is safer to use mobile phones and cordless phones. However, it is not wise to call up a person with a wired phone. Bathing should be avoided. Electrical appliances should be unplugged.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15 2

Question 6. What are the measures we should adopt to protect against an earthquake? Answer: We know that earthquakes cannot be predicted. It is, therefore, important that we should take necessary precautions to protect ourselves all the time as given below:

  • In seismic zones it is advisable to make the structure of the buildings simple so that it is ‘Quake Safe’. Modern building technology can make it possible.
  • In highly seismic areas, the use of mud or timber is better than using heavy construction materials.
  • Since some buildings may catch fire, it is necessary that all buildings, especially tall buildings, have fire fighting equipment in working order.
  • If we are at home, we should take shelter under a table and stay there till the shaking stops. We should stay away from tall and heavy objects that may fall on us. If we are in bed, we should protect our head with a pillow.
  • If we are at outdoors, we should find a clear spot, away from buildings, trees and overhead power lines and drop to the ground. If travelling in a car or a bus, do not come out and drive slowly to a clear spot.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions HOTS

Question 1. If aluminium strips of an electroscope are replaced by plastic strips and a charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip. What will happen? Answer: The plastic strips will show repulsion. Charges from the charge body will be transfer from the metal rod to the plastic strips. As a result, similar charges will develop on the plastic strips and repulsion will occur.

Question 2. If a charged plastic straw is brought near another uncharged plastic straw, what will happen? Answer: They will attract each other due to presence of unlike charges on them.

Question 3. During construction of a building, the lightning conductor was a little shorter and cannot be buried in the ground. Would the lightning conductor be still effective? Explain. Answer: No, it will not be effective. Since lightning conductor was not connected properly to the earth, therefore, the charge will not pass through to the earth.

Question 4. If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning could occur? Explain. Answer: If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity then charge separation will not take place and hence lightning will not occur.

Question 5. The strips of an electroscope diverge when a charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip. What will happen to the strips if we gently touch the metal clip with hands? Answer: The strips will collapse due to discharging of the charges through our hand.

Question 6. On a dry day why do you get a slight shock on touching the screen of a television or computer monitor (with picture tube)? Answer: Electric charges accumulated on the screen of television or computer monitor get discharge through our body. Thus, we get a slight shock.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Value Based (VBQs)

Question 1. Ms Neena, Science teacher of class VIII, taught children how to protect themselves and what to do during an earthquake. She even performed an earthquake drill in school for better understanding in children. Children enjoyed this drill and learned a lot from this. (a) What to do during an earthquake if you are stuck indoor? (b) What causes earthquakes? (c) How you must keep yourself ready for an earthquake? (d) What values of Ms Neena is shown here? Answer: (a) The following must be done if someone had stuck indoor:

  • Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls.
  • Stay away from anything that could fall such as lightning fixtures or furnitures.
  • Get under a sturdy table/desk, hold it firmly and cover your head.
  • Stay calm and do not panic. Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.

(b) Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake.

(c) We must keep ourself ready for an earthquake by:

  • Having proper knowledge about do’s and don’ts during an earthquake.
  • Keeping a disaster kit ready in the time of need.
  • Helping needy and injured person after an earthquake.

(d) Ms Neena has future vision, scientific temperament, intelligent, compassionate, caring, dedicated, etc.

NCERT Solutions

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15 PDF are solved by experts and will guide students in the right direction. Students can get how to tackle different questions easily by solving the Extra Questions for Class 8 Science Question bank on a regular basis.

Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Extra Questions and Answers Some Natural Phenomena

Extra Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena with Answers

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1. What happens when a charged balloon is brought close to another charged balloon? Answer: They repel each other.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15

Question 2. Why does a charged eraser when brought close to another charged rubber, repel each other? Answer: Because similar charges repel each other.

Question 3. What happens when a charged eraser is brought close to charged balloon and why? Answer: They would attract each other because opposite charges attract.

Question 4. Why does a charged glass rod attract a charged plastic straw? Give reason. Answer: There are two opposite charges, therefore, they attract each other.

Question 5. Are metals good conductors? Answer: Yes, all metals are good conductors.

Question 6. Why do paper strips receive the same charge from the charged refill through the metallic needle? Answer: Because metals are good conductor of electricity. So, it contributes same charge to the paper strips through the metallic needle.

Question 7. What happens when person touches the metallic wire of an electro¬scope after charging of foil strips ? Give reasons for your answer. Answer: When a person touches the metallic wire of an electroscope after charging its foil strips; the foil strips collapse. It happens so because the foil strips lose charge to the earth through human body which is a good conductor of electricity.

Question 8. Is carrying umbrella during thunderstorm advisable? Why? Answer: No, carrying umbrella during the thunderstorm is not advisable, because lightning may strike on the person carrying the umbrella due to its pointed rod.

Question 9. If one is in the forest, where should he take shelter during thunderstorm? Answer: The person should take shelter under the shortest trees around him.

Question 10. During thunderstorm, which phone, should be used mobile phone, cordless phone or landline ? Answer: It is safe to use mobile phones and cordless phones.

Question 11. Should one take bath during thunderstorm ? Answer: Bathing should be avoided during thunderstorm to avoid contact with running water. .

Question 12. What would you do with T.V., computers, etc. during thunderstorm ? Answer: These should not be played, instead these should be unplugged.

Question 13. What parts of human body are damaged by lightning ? Answer: Damage to nervous system, burn injuries, loss of hearing or sight, short-term memory loss, broken bones, etc., can occur due to lightning.

Question 14. Can you predict the occurrence of earthquake ? Answer: No, prediction of earthquake is not possible.

Question 15. When did the last major earthquake take place in India and where ? Answer: The last major earthquake in India occurred on 8th of October 2005 in Uri and Tangdhar towns of north Kashmir.

Question 16. Is Richter a linear scale ? Answer: No, Richter scale is not a linear scale.

Question 17. What is responsible for sparks in the sky ? Answer: Electricity is responsible for this phenomenon.

Question 18. Which phenomenon is yet to be predicted? Answer: It is an earthquake.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Short Answer Type 1

Question 1. What was known to ancient Greeks about amber? Answer: The ancient Greeks knew as early as 600 BC that amber (a kind of resin), when rubbed with fur, attracted light objects such as hairs, twigs, etc.

Question 2. If amber is rubbed for long enough, what happens as per Greeks ? Answer: As per Greeks when amber is rubbed for long enough, it could even generate a spark.

Question 3. What happens when a plastic scale is rubbed on dry hair? Why? Answer: If plastic scale is rubbed on dry hair, the scale can attract very small pieces of paper because the scale develops charge on rubbing.

Question 4. What happens when a plastic refill is rubbed with polythene ? Answer: When a plastic refill is rubbed with polythene, it acquires a small electric charge (negative).

Question 5. How many types of charges are there ? What happens between two like charges and between two unlike charges if brought closer ? Answer: There are two types of charges – positive charges and negative charges. When two like charges are brought closer, they repel each other. When two unlike charges are brought closer to one another, they attract each other.

Question 6. What type of charges are there on plastic straw and glass rod ? Answer: There is a negative charge on the plastic straw and is positive charge on glass rod. That is why, they attract one another.

Question 7. What name is given to the electrical charge generated by rubbing ? Answer: The electrical charge generated by rubbing is called static electricity because these charges do not move.

Question 8. What name is given to the electricity generated when charges move ? Answer: When the charges move from one conducting body to another, they generate electricity called current electricity.

Question 9. What is meant by the term earthing? What is its advantage? Answer: The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth is known as earthing. It is provided iri the electrical wiring in buildings to protect people from electrical shock due to any leakage of the electric current.

Question 10. What happens during the development of a thunderstorm ? Answer: During the development of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upward while the v water droplets move downward. This vigorous movements cause separation of charges.

Question 11. Which is the safest place during the lightning and thunderstorms ? Answer: A house or building is the safest place. If someone is travelling by a car or by bus, he/she is safe inside with windows and doors of the vehicle shut.

Question 12. What are the destruction caused by the natural phenomena like thunderstorm, cyclone and lightning? Can these phenomena be predicted? Answer: These natural phenomena can cause large scale destruction of human life and property. Yes, these phenomena, fortunately, : can be predicted to some extent. The weather department can warn about a thunderstorm developing in some areas.

Question 13. What is an earthquake? How does it take place? Answer: An earthquake is a sudden shaking or trembling of the earth. It is caused by a disturbance deep inside the earth’s crust.

Question 14. What are seismic waves? Name the instrument that records these waves. Answer: The waves produced on the surface of the earth by tremors are called the seismic waves. These waves are recorded by an instrument called the Seismograph.

Question 15. How is the power of an earthquake expressed ? What is the magnitude of destructive earthquake on this scale? Answer: The power of an earthquake is expressed in terms of magnitude on a scale called Richter scale. On this scale, the destructive earthquakes have magnitudes higher than 7.

Question 16. Which areas in India are prone to earthquake? Answer: In India, Kashmir, western and Central Himalayas, the whole of North-East, Rann of Kachchh, Rajasthan and Indo-Gangetic, Plain are prone to earthquake. Some areas of south India also fall in the danger zone.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Short Answer Type 2

Question 1. If an earthquake is of magnitude in this scale. Would it cause much damage? Answer: No, it will not cause much damage. Destructive energy of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale. The earthquake measuring 7 or more on Richter scale can cause severe damage to life and property.

Question 2. What are the safety measures against lightning? Answer: During thunderstorm and lightning, no place outside is safe. That is why hearing a thunder we should rush to a safer place.

A house or a building is the safest place. If anybody is travelling by a car or bus, he/ she is safe inside with windows and doors of the vehicle shut.

Question 3. Describe the meaning, use and construction of lightning conductor. Answer: Lightning conductor is a device used to protect tall building from the effect of lightning. Construction: A metallic rod taller than the height of the building, is installed in the walls of the building during its construction. One end of the rod is kept out in the air and the other is fixed in the ground. Use: Lightning rod provides easy route for transfer of electric discharge to the ground. Precaution: It should not be touched during a thunderstorm.

Question 4. If a thunderstorm occurs, what should you do ? Answer: If a thunderstorm occurs, there is always a possibility of lightning and cyclone accompanying it. So, it is better for us to take measures to protect ourselves from the damage caused by these events. Inside the house one should avoid using telephone, television, etc.

Bathing should be avoided during the thunderstorm to avoid contact with running water. Electrical appliances should be plugged off. If someone is outside, he/she should take shelter under shorter tree. When someone is in the open field, he/she should stay away from tall tree, electric poles, etc.

Question 5. What are the damages caused by the earthquake? Name the place where some major earthquake occurred recently. Answer: Earthquake is a natural phenomenon, which we are not yet able to predict. It can cause damage to human life and property on a large scale. The earthquake can cause floods, landslides and tsunami.

The last major earthquake which occurred in India was on 8th October 2005 in Uri and Tangdhar towns of North Kashmir. Before that a major earthquake occurred on 26th January 2001 in Bhuj district of Gujarat.

Question 6. What is weak zone or fault zone? Name some of these zones in India. Answer: Since earthquakes are caused by the movements of plates, the boundaries of the plates are the weak zones of fault zone, where earthquakes are more likely to occur. In India, the areas most threatened are Kashmir, Western and Central Himalayas, the whole of North-East, Rann of Kachchh, Rajasthan and the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Some areas of South India also fall in the danger zone.

Question 7. What is a Richter scale? Is it linear? What are the magnitudes of earthquakes that can cause severe damage to life and properties? Answer: The power of an earthquake is expressed in terms of magnitudes on a scale called Richter scale. This scale is not linear. The earthquake of magnitude 7 or more is destructive and can cause severe damage to life and property.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1. What are the suggestions that can be followed to protect buildings against earthquakes? Answer: Given below are the suggestions that can be followed to protect buildings against earthquakes :

  • The buildings should be so designed that they become ‘Quake Safe’. For this purpose, qualified architects and structural engineers should be consulted.
  • In highly seismic areas, the use of mud or timber is better than using heavy construction material. Roofs should be kept as light as possible. In case the structure falls, the damage will not be heavy.
  • Cupboards and shelves should be fixed to the walls, so that they do not fall easily.
  • Since some buildings may catch fire due to an earthquake, it is necessary that all buildings, especially tall buildings, have fire fighting equipment in working order.

Question 2. What steps should be taken for protection if an earthquake strikes ? Answer: In the event that an earthquake does strike, the following steps should be taken for protection: (A) At home:

  • One should take shelter under a table and stay there till shaking stops.
  • One should stay away from windows.
  • One should stay away from tall and heavy objects that may fall on him/her.
  • If anybody is in bed, he/she should not get up but protect his/her head with a pillow.

(B) Outdoors :

  • One should find out a clear spot away from buildings, trees and overhead powerlines and drop to the ground.
  • If anybody is in a car or a bus, he/she should not come out. Instead the driver should be asked to drive slowly to a clear spot and should not come out till the tremors stop.

Question 3. What are the causes of earthquakes? Describe the major cause. Answer: Causes of earthquakes: (i) Movement of the earth’s plates (major cause): The outermost layer of the earth is not in one piece. It is fragmented. Each fragment is called a plate. These plates are in continued motion. The boundaries of the plates are the weak zones, where earthquakes are more likely to occur due to sliding of one plate over or below the other. The weak zones are also known as seismic or fault zones. (ii) Volcanic eruption. (iii) Underground nuclear explosion. (iv) When earth is hit by a meteor.

Question 4. Describe some of the precautions which are intended to safeguard people’s life and property against lightning. Answer: Precautions which are intended to safeguard people’s life and property against lightning are: A. Outside

  • Use of open vehicles like motorcycle, tractor etc. should be avoided.
  • Do not carry umbrella during thunderstorm.
  • If in a forest, take shelter under shorter trees.
  • If no shelter is available, we should stay far from tall trees, poles or other metal object. We should squat low to the ground.

B. Inside the house

  • During a thunderstorm, we should, avoid contact with telephone cords, electrical wires and metal pipes.
  • Bathing should be avoided during thunderstorms to avoid contact with running water.
  • Electrical appliances like computer, T.V., A.C., etc. should be unplugged. Electrical lights remaining on do not cause any harm.

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  • NCERT Solutions
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  • NCERT 8 Science
  • Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Ncert solutions class 8 science chapter 15 – free pdf download.

* According to the CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, this chapter has been renumbered as Chapter 11.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena are provided here for the benefit of the students. This Solution has answers to the questions in the textbook, together with extra questions, their answers, exemplary problems, worksheets, practice questions as well as tips and tricks. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 provided here have questions on kinds of charges, properties of charged elements, the electroscope and its uses, concepts of lightning and thunder, earthquake and its measurement, prediction of the earthquake, knowledge of area threatened by an earthquake, along with precautions to take during a natural disaster like an earthquake.

Solutions can help students to clear their doubts and understand the concepts in an interactive way. These solutions can help students to answer the most common questions in CBSE Class 8 final examination. The  NCERT Solutions  for Class 8 Science for this chapter are prepared by expert teachers to help the students understand the topic effectively.


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Access Answers of Science NCERT Class 8 Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

Exercise Questions

Select the correct option in Questions 1 and 2.

1. Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?

(a) A plastic scale

(b) A copper rod

(c) An inflated balloon

(d) A woollen cloth.

The answer is (b) A copper rod.


Only non-conducting materials can be easily charged by friction. Copper is a highly conducting material. Therefore, a copper rod cannot be charged easily by friction.

2. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth, the rod

(a) and the cloth both acquire a positive charge.

(b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

(c) and the cloth both acquire a negative charge.

(d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.

The answer is (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

When two objects are rubbed against each other, they acquire opposite charges. By the law of convention, it is known that the rod acquires the positive charge, and the cloth acquires the negative charge.

3. Write T against true and F against false in the following statements.

(a) Like charges attract each other. (T/F)

(b) A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw. (T/F)

(c) Lightning conductors cannot protect a building from lightning. (T/F)

(d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance. (T/F)

a) False – Unlike charges attract each other, while the like charges repel each other.

b) True – A charged plastic straw has a negative charge on its surface, while the glass rod has a positive charge on its surface. Unlike charges attract each other, so they both attract each other.

c) False – When lightning occurs, the atmospheric charges are transferred to the earth directly by a lightning conductor. Therefore, the building is protected from lightning.

d) False – Even though the earthquake’s causes are known, there are no instruments that are invented to detect them in advance. Therefore, earthquakes cannot be predicted in advance.

4. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winter. Explain.

When we take out the sweater, the woollen sweater gets charged due to friction between the sweater and the body. This results in a crackling sound.

5. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

The charges get conducted to the earth through our body when we touch it, and the conductor loses its charge. This phenomenon is known as electric discharge.

6. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph? Is it likely to cause much damage?

Richter scale is used to measure the destructive energy of an earthquake. The scale has a reading from 1 to 10.

An earthquake measuring 3 would be recorded by a seismograph.

The magnitude of scale 3 would not cause much damage. An earthquake of magnitude 5 is considered destructive in nature.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

7. Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Various ways to protect ourselves from lightning are

(i) Always remain in a closed place, and if you are in a car, stay there until the lightning is over and keep the windows closed.

(ii) Never touch any electrical wires, telephone cables or metal pipes.

(iii) Never bathe in running water; this may cause electric shock.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

8. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon, whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon.

The surface charge on the balloons is of the same nature; hence, they get repelled. When a charged balloon is brought near an uncharged balloon due to the induction of charges, it acquires charges which are opposite in nature to that of a charged balloon. As unlike charges attract each other, the uncharged balloon gets attracted by the charged balloon.

9. Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.

Instrument to detect charged body

It consists of a metal rod on which two leaves of aluminium foil are fixed to one end and a metal disc at the other end. The leaves are kept inside a conical flask, and it is corked to isolate them from the atmospheric air.

When a charged body comes in contact with the metal disc, the aluminium leaves move away from each other because some charges get transferred to aluminium leaves through the metal rod. This process is called charging by conduction. The charges on the leaves and the charged body are of the same in nature, and thus, the leaves of aluminium repel each other. If the body is not charged then they would attract each other.

10. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

Gujarat, Assam and Jammu & Kashmir are the three states where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

11. Suppose you are outside your home, and an earthquake strikes. What precautions would you take to protect yourself?

The following precautions should be taken when an earthquake strikes:

(a) Find and go to an open field and stay away from buildings, trees, electric wire and poles.

(b) If you are in a car, then drive to an open field and do not come out of your car.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

12. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella? Explain.

No, one should not carry an umbrella during a thunderstorm. The thunderstorm is accompanied by lightning, and the charges might travel from the cloud to the metal rod on the umbrella and might cause an electric shock to the person carrying it. So, it is not safe to carry an umbrella during lightning.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

Subtopics of NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

15.1 Lightning
15.2 Charging by Rubbing
15.3 Types of Charges and Their Interaction
15.4 Transfer of Charge
15.5 The Story of Lightning
15.6 Lightning Safety
15.7 Earthquakes

Students can also download the NCERT Class 8 Science Solutions  and access them according to their own convenience. CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena gives them knowledge of natural phenomena like lightning, earthquakes, etc. They shed light on the causes and effects of these natural phenomena. It is very important for the students to learn the safety measures to be taken to avoid accidents of lightning and earthquake.

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case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

Thanku byju’s

Thanks byjus for answers

Thank you byjus for the notes it was so useful 🙂👍

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case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

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In Class 8, students learn about Some Natural Phenomena in their Science NCERT textbook . This chapter covers important topics related to natural events that occur around us, such as lightning, earthquakes, and volcanoes. The NCERT Solutions for this chapter provide detailed answers to the questions asked in the textbook.

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Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 PDF contains the solutions to all the questions, including the ones in the exercises. These solutions help students understand the concepts better and prepare for their exams. The chapter also includes a question-answer section that covers the key points discussed in the chapter.

For those looking for the Class 8 Science Chapter Some Natural Phenomena Question Answer , the NCERT Solutions are a great resource. These solutions are designed to help students learn the subject matter more effectively and score well in their exams.

Class 8 Some Natural Phenomena chapter is an important part of the Class 8 Science Syllabus . It helps students understand the scientific principles behind natural phenomena and how to stay safe during such events. The NCERT Solutions for this chapter are available online and can be accessed by students and teachers alike.

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Questions and Answers PDF

Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 chapter in the Science textbook covers exciting topics like lightning, earthquakes, and volcanoes. The NCERT Solutions for class 8 this chapter provide detailed answers to all the questions asked in the textbook. This PDF is a valuable resource for Class 8 students to understand these natural phenomena better.

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Chapter 15 science – Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Questions and Answers

1.Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction ? [ ]

a) A plastic scale

b) A copper rod

c) An inflated balloon

d) A woollen cloth

Ans. b) copper rod

2.When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth the rod [ ]

a) and the cloth both acquire positive charge.

b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge.

c) and the cloth both acquire negative charge.

d) becomes negatively charged while the cloth has a positive charge.

Ans. b) the rod becomes positively charged, while the cloth has a negative charge.

3.Write T against true and F against false in the following statements.

a) Like charges attract each other.

b) A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw.

c) Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning.

d) Earthquakes can be predicted in advance.

4. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winter. Explain.

Ans. When a sweater is taken off, the woollen sweater gets charged because of the friction between the sweater and the body. Hence, one can hear a crakling sound during the given process.

5. Explain why a charged body loses its charge if we touch it with our hand.

Ans. When we touch a charged object, our body conducts its charge to the earth. That is why a charged body loses its charge, if we touch it with our hand. This phenomenon is known as electric discharge.

6. Name the scale on which the destructive energy of an earthquake is measured. An earthquake measures 3 on this scale. Would it be recorded by a seismograph ? Is it likely to cause much damage ?

Ans. The destructive energy of an earthquake is measured by the Richter scale. This scale has the readings from 1 to 10.

The reading of magnitude 3 on the Richter scale would be recorded by a seismo graph.

If the Richter scale gives a reading of magnitude 3, then the earthquake is not likely to cause much damage. Generally, earthquake of magnitudes higher than 5 is considered destructive in nature.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

7. Suggest three measures to protect ourselves from lightning.

Ans. Protective measures against lightning are as follows :

i) Stay or go indoors. If you hear thunder, donot go outside unless absolutely necessary.

ii) Stay away from anything that could conduct electricity.

iii) Donot touch any electric wires, telephone cables, metal pipes etc.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

8. Explain why a charged balloon is repelled by another charged balloon whereas an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon ?

Ans. The nature of charges present on the surface of charged balloons are similar. Since like charges repel each other, two charged balloons repel each other. When a charged body is brought near an uncharged body, the uncharged body acquires charges on its surface caused by the induction of charges. The charges are of opposite nature in relation to the charged body. Since unlike charges attract each other, a charged body always attracts an uncharged body. Hence, an uncharged balloon is attracted by another charged balloon.

9. Describe with the help of a diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body.

Ans. An electroscope can be used to detect whether a body is charged or not. The following figure shows a simple electroscope.

case study questions on some natural phenomena class 8

It consists of a metal rod. At one end of the rod, two leaves of aluminium foil are fixed and at the other end, there is a metal disc. The leaves of aluminimum foil are placed inside a jar and the the jar is corked to isolate the leaves from air.

When the metal disc is touched with a charged body, aluminium strips moves away from each other. This happens because some of the charges of the body are transferred to the strips through the metal rod. This method of charging a body is called Charging by conduction. The nature of charges on both the leaves and the charged body are similar. Hence, both the leaves of the aluminium foil will move away from each other. If the body was not charged, then the leaves of the foil would remain as they were before. They would not repel each other.

10. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.

Ans. The three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike are Jammu and Kashmir, Gujrat, and Assam.

11. Suppose you are outside your home and an earthquake strikes. What precaution would you take to protect yourself ?

Ans. Some of the precautions are as follows :

i) Try to find an open field away from tall buildings, installations, tall trees, and electric wires and poles.

ii) If travelling in a bus or a car, then do not come out when an earthquake strikes. Ask the driver to drive in an open field.

12. The weather department has predicted that a thunderstorm is likely to occur on a certain day. Suppose you have to go out on that day. Would you carry an umbrella ? Explain.

Ans. No. We should not carry an umbrella in a thunderstorm. During thunderstoms, which are accompanied with lightning, electric discharge from the clouds can travel through the metallic rod of the umbrella. This may give an electric shock to the person who is carrying it . Hence, it is not safe to carry an umbrella during lightning.

13. Boojho’s mother told to hims that earth is balanceds on the horn of a bull and when the bull shifts it to the other horn an earth quake takes place how could it be true ?

Ans. In ancient times people did not know the true cause of earthquakes. Their ideas were therefore expressed in mythical stories such as the one told by Boojho’s grand mother.

14. What could cause a disturbance inside the earth ?

Ans. We know that the termors are caused by the disturbance deep downs inside the upper most layer of the earth called the crust. The outermost layers of the earth is not in one piece. It is fragmented each pragment is called a plate these plates are in continuals motion a plate goes under another due to collision they cause disturbance in the earth’s crsut.

15. If scientists know so much about earthquakes can they also predict when and where the next one will strike ?

Ans. We know for sure what causes an earthquake it is not yet possible to predic when and where the next earthquake might occur.

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Chapter 15 – Some Natural Phenomena NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

The solution to many natural phenomena such as lightning, earthquakes, charge by rubbing, and so on can be found in the fifteenth chapter of NCERT solutions for class 8 Science . Students can gain a comprehensive knowledge of these ideas with the help of this NCERT solution .

This chapter has a total of seven sub-topics, including a description of several natural spectacles. The cause, effects, qualities, and magnitude of lightning, as well as the functions of the electroscope, are all covered. Candidates can quickly grasp a topic by using practical examples and visual representations.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 are a must-have study resource for class eight students. Its use of plain and basic language aids applicants in grasping any material more quickly. This NCERT solution is accessible for free download on the internet.

Topic-Wise Discussion in NCERT Class 8 Science Chapter 15

There are seven sections in the chapter on various natural phenomena in Class 8. Here’s a quick rundown of each of them:

  • Thunderstorms

The Ch 15 Science Class 8 begins with a talk of lightning after a general introduction. It explains what lightning is and how people interpret it in modern times versus ancient times. It also invites students to create their own experience to learn about the relationship between electric charge and lightning.

  • Rubbing Charging

This sub-topic in Class 8 Science Chapter 15 discusses how an electric charge is created when two objects are rubbed together. It employs an activity to encourage pupils to comprehend this natural occurrence. They will be able to experience it first hand and gain a deeper understanding of the issue as a result of this exercise.

  • Charge Types and Their Interaction

The discussion of charges is taken a step further in this topic. Students will learn how two comparable charges are not attracted to each other in this sub-topic of NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 15. Candidates can participate in two exercises at home to better comprehend this idea. Students can utilize two inflated balloons and rub them with a woolen cloth in one experiment. When they’re done, they’ll notice that neither of them is coming together.

  • Charge Transfer

This section of the NCERT answer for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 demonstrates how metals can transport charge. Students can learn more about this topic by using a paperclip, an empty ball pen refill, and two pieces of aluminium foil in the activity described here. They also learn about electroscopes, which are devices that are used to determine if an object is solid or not.

  • Lightning’s Story

Class 8 Science Chapter 15 NCERT Solutions Some Natural Phenomena goes on to explain the concept of lightning and its history. Research has proven how positive and negative charges present in clouds produce this phenomenon, despite the fact that it has yet to be fully understood. The air currents rise higher before a thunderstorm, while the water droplets move downward. The currents are separated by it. Lightning or an electric discharge occurs when the concentration of these charges reaches a critical level.

  • Lightning Protection

Students learn about the important safety precautions during thunderstorms and lightning in this portion of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter Some Natural Phenomena . It includes safe places to go in such instances, as well as what to do and what not to do. This section goes into greater detail on light conductors and their usefulness in building security.

  • Seismic activity

A detailed study of earthquakes is included in the last sub-topic of these NCERT answers for Class 8 Science Ch 15 . It’s a complex and unpredictably unpredictable natural occurrence. Earthquakes, on the other hand, maybe forecast to a degree with contemporary technology. The definition and causes of an earthquake are then explained, as well as how to be safe during this natural occurrence.

4 Reasons to Study NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter Some Natural Phenomena

As previously stated, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 provides students with assistance and helps their preparations. Apart from that, there are four compelling reasons to choose this study material:

  • It follows the CBSE-developed curriculum. As a result, the solutions offered by this solution follow the CBSE pattern. It will assist pupils in preparing for exams.
  • Furthermore, the use of simple language assists pupils in quickly comprehending even the most difficult themes.
  • The in-depth explanations assist applicants in grasping the fundamentals of any topic and gathering relevant information.
  • The usage of real-life examples in Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 NCERT makes it easier for students to connect with any topic.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 provide assistance to students and help them enhance their grades. This study material is available for free on the internet. It is available for immediate download from INFINITY LEARN, one of India’s major e-learning sites. In addition, INFINITY LEARN provides live sessions for students to clear their doubts.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 FAQs

What are the main topics covered in chapter 15 some natural phenomena.

The main topics covered in this chapter include lightning, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The chapter discusses the causes, effects, and safety measures related to these natural phenomena.

Where can I find the NCERT Solutions for this chapter?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena are available online on various education portals and websites, including the official NCERT website and platforms like

How do the NCERT Solutions help in understanding this chapter?

The NCERT Solutions provide detailed, step-by-step explanations for all the questions given in the textbook. They help students understand the concepts better, prepare for exams, and score well in assessments.

What type of questions are asked in this chapter?

The questions in this chapter cover a range of topics, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions. The NCERT Solutions provide answers to all these question types.

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You can gain a number of advantages by solving the Class 8 Question Bank for Some Natural Phenomena during your study time. Some of these advantages are given below in detail. 

  • With the help of the Class 8 Some Natural Phenomena Question Bank, you can choose the topic you want to practice first. You can also choose the difficulty level depending on your needs. 
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The Question Bank on Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 helps you to check the study areas that require more attention and practice than others. It would help you to gain confidence when you check your correct answers. 

How can you do the self-assessment?

First, you need to select your goal whether you want to improve your speed or conceptual knowledge of the topic. Then, choose a relevant question from the Class 8 Some Natural Phenomena Question Bank and solve it by yourself, and then check if you are able to reach your goal or not. 

Practice and revision with the help of the Class 8 Question Bank for Some Natural Phenomena

If you use the Question Bank on Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 as a revision paper or practice it regularly on a daily basis in your study schedule then, you will get a good result in the end and can improve your problem-solving skills. 

How can you prepare for it?

The best you can do is to put a timer while solving the Class 8 Some Natural Phenomena Question Bank, to observe the exam timing. You can allocate solving one question paper as a practice every day to improve yourself in the study. 

To create a personalized Class 8 Question Bank for Some Natural Phenomena

 The questions in the Question Bank on Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 are to make sure that all students get the idea of easy, medium, and tough questions. Even different formats of questions are also given to cover all parts of the chapter effectively. 

How can you create your own Question Bank?

You can easily create the Class 8 Some Natural Phenomena Question Bank by taking the question from your textbooks, reference books, and other study materials. You can prepare them based on difficulty level and types of questions they are weak in. 

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Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena



                  Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

              Class: VIII

                                               Exemplar Solutions


An electroscope is a device which is used to find if an object is

(a) charged                        (c) free of cracks

(b) magnetic                       (d) hot

Answer 1 (a)

Electric current is to be passed from one body to another. For this purpose the two bodies must be joined by

(a) cotton thread                 (c) copper wire

 (b) plastic string                 (d) rubber band

Answer 2 (c)

The movement of the earth’s plates causes

 (a) cyclones      (c) earthquakes

 (b) lightning                        (d) thunderstorms

Answer 3 (c)

Two charged objects are brought close to each other. Choose the most appropriate statement from the following options:

(a) they may attract

(b) they may repel

(c) they may attract or repel depending on the type of charges they carry

(d) there will be no effect

Answer 4 (c)

Which of the following is not likely to cause Tsunami?

(a) A major nuclear explosion under sea

 (b) Earthquake

(c) Volcanic eruption

 (d) Lightning

Answer 5 (d)

The earth’s plate responsible for causing earthquakes is

(a) the crust of the earth

(b) the mantle of the earth

(c) the inner core of the earth

(d) the outer core of the earth

Answer 6 (a)

Consider the list of terms given below:

  • Seismic Zone (iii) Mantle
  • Fault Zone                  (iv) Inner Core

The boundaries of the earth’s plate are known as

(a) (i) & (ii)          (c) (iii) & (iv)

(b) (i) & (iii)         (d) (ii), (iii) & (iv)

Answer 7 (a)

The outermost layer of earth is called

(a) mantle           (c) crust

(b) outer core      (d) inner core

Answer 8 (c)

 Major earthquakes are less likely to occur in

(a) North East India                           (c) Rann of Kutch

 (b) Rajasthan         (d) Orissa

Answer 9 (d)

Question 10

Consider the list of terms given below

  • Tsunami (iii) Floods
  • Landslide (iv) Lightning

Earthquakes can cause

(a) (i), (ii) & (iii)         (c) (ii), (iii) & (iv)

(b) (ii) & (iv)              (d) (iii) & (iv)

Answer  10 (a)


Question 11

State whether the following are True or False.

(a) Earthquakes occur all the time all over the world.

(b) The plates of the outermost layer of the earth are always in continuous motion.

(c) Tremors on the earth can also be caused by the eruption of a volcano.

(d) The process of electric discharge cannot occur between clouds and the earth.

(e) Bathing outdoors should be avoided during thunderstorm.

(a) True (b) True (c) True (d) False (e) True

Question 12

Is it possible to predict the occurrence of an earthquake?

Question 13

If a charged plastic straw is brought near another uncharged plastic straw, what will happen?

The two will attract each other.

Question 14

The aluminium strips in an electroscope as shown in fig. 15.1 are replaced by plastic strips and a charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip. What will happen?

exemplar science class 8 chapter 15

No divergence of strips will take place.

Question 15

Plastic straws A and B are rubbed with dry cotton cloth. What will happen if they are brought near each other?

They will repel each other.


Question 16

During the construction of a building the lightning conductor was left hanging in the air by mistake. Would the lightning conductor be still effective? Explain.

No, it will not be effective. Since lightning conductor was not connected properly to the earth, therefore, the charge will not pass through to the earth.

Question 17

If air and cloud were good conductors of electricity, do you think lightning could occur? Explain.

No, it will not occur. The charge separation cannot take place in conductors. Therefore charges will not accumulate on clouds and so lightning cannot take place.

Question 18

Identify the lightning conductor and the copper plate in Fig. 15.2.

exemplar science class 8 chapter 15

A is the lightning conductor and B is the copper plate.

Question 19

If the materials used for constructing a building were good conductors, do you think lightning will strike the building. Will the lightning conductor be still required to be installed in the building?

No. There is no need to install lightning conductor in the building

Question 20

You might have observed on a dry day that when you touch the screen of a television or computer monitor (with picture tube), you get a slight shock. Why does it happen?

Electric charge gets accumulated on the screen. On touching the screen the charge discharges through our body. Thus, we get a slight shock.

Question 21

Explain how does lightning conductor protects a building from getting struck by lightning.

Lightning conductor does not allow the charge to accumulate on a building as it conducts the charge to the earth, protecting building from being struck by lightning.

Question 22

In an electroscope if a negatively charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip, the strips of the electroscope diverge. If now another charged object carrying equal amount of prositive charge is brought in contact with the clip, what will happen?

If a positively charged object is brought in contact with the clip of an electroscope, the negative charge given earlier will be neutralised and the strips will collapse.

Question 23

The strips of an electroscope diverge when a charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip. Now the clip is touched gently by our hand. What will happen to the strips? Explain.

The charge that was in the electroscope strips will get discharged through our hand. The strips will come back to the original state.


Question 24

Explain how lightning takes place?

During the development of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upwards while the water droplets move downwards. These vigorous movements of air currents cause separation of charges. The positive charges collect near the upper edges of the clouds and the negative charges accumulate near the lower edges. There is accumulation of positive charges near the ground also. When the magnitude of the accumulated charges become large, the air cannot resist their flow. As a result negative and positive charges meet producing a streak of bright light and sound, called lightning.

Question 25

 Mention three precautions that you will take to protect yourself if earthquake strikes when you are inside the house.

  • Take shelter under a table and stay there till the shaking stops.
  • Stay away from tall and heavy objects that may fall on you.
  • If you are in bed, do not get up. Protect your head with a pillow.

 (If a child gives any other reasonable precautions, it should be accepted)

Question 26

Explain why it is safer to use a wireless telephone instead of a landline telephone during lightning.

Lightning is an electrical discharge. During lightning atmospheric electric charge may discharge through landline telephone wires and may become dangerous. Therefore it is safer to use a wireless telephone instead of a landline telephone during lightning.

Question 27

What precautions would you take if lightning occurs while you are outside the house?

  • Stay away from poles or other metallic objects.
  • Stay away from tall trees.
  • Stay away from open vehicles like motorbikes, tractors, construction machinery etc. (If a child gives any other reasonable precautions, it should be accepted)

Question 28

 If the metal clip used in the electroscope is replaced by an ebonite rod and a charged body is brought in contact with it, will there be any effect on the aluminium strips? Explain.

The aluminium strips will not show any repulsion. The charged body will not transfer any charge to the ebonite rod as ebonite rod is an insulator. As a result there will be no charge on the aluminium strips and no repulsion will occur.

Other Chapters

  • Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
  • Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
  • Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
  • Chapter 4: Materials - Metals and Non- Metals
  • Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum
  • Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame
  • Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
  • Chapter 8: Cell - Structure and Functions
  • Chapter 9: Cell - Reproduction in Animals
  • Chapter 10: Cell – Reaching the age of Adolescence
  • Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
  • Chapter 12: Friction
  • Chapter 13: Sound
  • Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
  • Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System
  • Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water

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  1. Revision Notes Class 8 Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

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  2. MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena with Answers

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  3. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Notes Science Chapter 15

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  4. Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

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  5. SOLUTION: Some Natural Phenomena Class 8

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  6. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Worksheet

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  1. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Science Extra Questions and ...

    Answer: Earthquake is caused by a disturbance deep inside the earth's crust. Question 20: Name the scientist who showed that lightning and the spark from your clothes are essentially the same phenomena. Answer: In 1752 Benjamin Franklin, an American scientist, showed that lightning and the spark from your clothes are essentially the same ...

  2. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions Science Chapter 15

    The huge amount of heat produced makes the air expand very suddenly what causes vibration to occur, resulting in a loud sound called thunder. Question 2. Explain the process of electric discharge. During the development of a thunderstorm, the air currents move upward while the water droplets move downward.

  3. Case Study Based Questions: Some Natural Phenomena

    The "Case Study Based Questions: Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 8 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics.

  4. Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

    CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 15 MCQ Type Questions. 1. In which scale is the power of an earthquake expressed? 2. ______ takes place during lightning. 3 . Tsunami is ____. Students can access Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 - Some Natural Phenomena here and prepare for their exams more effectively.

  5. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

    Answer: (b) becomes positively charged while the cloth has a negative charge. Question 3. Write T against true and F against false in the following statements. (a) Like charges attract each other. (b) A charged glass rod attracts a charged plastic straw. (c) Lightning conductor cannot protect a building from lightning.

  6. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Important Questions and Answers

    Define lightning conductor. Answer: The device which is used to protect the buildings from the effect of lightning. 26. Name some natural phenomenon which can be predicted to some extent. Answer: Thunderstorm, lightning and cyclones. 27. Name a natural phenomenon which cannot be predicted yet now. Answer: Earthquake. 28.

  7. Important Questions for CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 15

    Ans: 'Some Natural Phenomena', Chapter 15 of Class 8th Science covers concepts such as lightning, charging by rubbing, types of charges and their interaction, types of charge, the story of lightning, lightning safety, and earthquakes. Students must practice all the diagrams and learn the theory well to solve the given questions for the chapter.

  8. CBSE 8, Science, CBSE- Some Natural Phenomena, Sample Questions

    Download a PDF of free latest Sample questions with solutions for Class 8, Science, CBSE- Some Natural Phenomena . All types of questions are solved for all topics. You can also get complete NCERT solutions and Sample papers.

  9. Some Natural Phenomena

    The questions are neatly arranged in a proper manner for the student's convenience. It is advised to solve all the short and long questions of that chapter Practicing extra questions will give a clarity about the concept of that Some Natural Phenomena. Short & Long Answer Question: Some Natural Phenomena Doc 14 pages.

  10. Class 8 Science Case Study Question

    CBSE Class 8 Science Case Study Question. Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management Case Study Question. Chapter 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Case Study Question. Chapter 3 Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Case Study Question. Chapter 4 Materials: Metals and Non-Metals Case Study Question.

  11. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

    Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions. Exercise Questions. Question 1: Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction? (a) A plastic scale. (b) A copper rod. (c) An inflated balloon. (d) A woollen cloth. Answer: (b) A copper rod. Explanation: Only non-conducting materials can be easily charged by friction.

  12. Chapter 15 Class 8

    Get NCERT Solutions, Notes and Practice Questions for Chapter 15 Class 8 Science - Some Natural Phenomena. At Teachoo, we first explain the concepts and then all the related questions of the concept... from easy to difficult.In this chapter, we will learnWhat areElectric ChargesWhat areStaticElectri.

  13. Some Natural Phenomena Chapter 15 Class 8 Notes

    The Class 8 Science Chapter 15 discusses natural phenomena: lightning and earthquakes, and the measures to be taken to minimize the destruction caused by these phenomena. Let us take a look at some important points discussed in the chapter.

  14. NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

    When used in combination with the textbooks, the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 - Some Natural Phenomena offers comprehensive solutions to all of the chapter's questions, making it an invaluable tool for test preparation. Students acquire knowledge about the scientific causes, explanations, and safety precautions for natural ...

  15. Some Natural Phenomena CBSE Class 8 Science Notes

    Some Natural Phenomena CBSE Class 8 Science Revision Notes Chapter 15. A Natural Phenomenon is anything that occurs on its own in nature without any kind of human intervention. For example, the weather of a place, fog, storms, winds, tides, volcanic eruptions and cyclones all can be categorized as natural phenomena.

  16. Important Questions Class 8 Science Chapter 15

    Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Important Questions with Solutions. Science in secondary school becomes extensive with chapters from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students should have a strong grip on the subject as Class 8, 9, 10 will form the basics for Class 11 and Class 12 Science.

  17. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science

    Question 4. Mention the interactions of two types of charges. Answer: Like charges repel each other while unlike charges attract each other. Question 5. Name the device used to protect buildings from lightning. Answer: Lightning conductor. Question 6.

  18. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science

    October 13, 2020 / By Prasanna. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 15 PDF are solved by experts and will guide students in the right direction. Students can get how to tackle different questions easily by solving the Extra Questions for Class 8 Science Question bank on a regular basis.

  19. NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

    NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science Chapter 15 - Free PDF Download *According to the CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, this chapter has been renumbered as Chapter 11. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena are provided here for the benefit of the students. This Solution has answers to the questions in the textbook, together with extra questions, their answers, exemplary ...

  20. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 15 Some Natural Phenomena

    Chapter 15 - Some Natural Phenomena NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science. The solution to many natural phenomena such as lightning, earthquakes, charge by rubbing, and so on can be found in the fifteenth chapter of NCERT solutions for class 8 Science. Students can gain a comprehensive knowledge of these ideas with the help of this NCERT solution.

  21. Question Bank On Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 PDF Download

    Further, you will find the drop-down menu and have to tap on the 'Question Bank' to proceed further. In some time, a new page will open and you need to select the class '8th' from others. Then, you could see the list of the subjects available and choose the 'Science' Subject. Now, you will find the PDF file of the Class 8 Some ...

  22. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Extra Questions

    This Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Chapter 12 Extra Questions is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail. Also Read. Notes. Some Natural Phenomena Class 8 Notes; Assignments

  23. Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

    Answer 1 (a) Question 2. Electric current is to be passed from one body to another. For this purpose the two bodies must be joined by. (a) cotton thread (c) copper wire. (b) plastic string (d) rubber band. Answer 2 (c) Question 3. The movement of the earth's plates causes.