conservation of natural resources essay in 100 words

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✍️Essay on Natural Resources: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words 


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  • Nov 2, 2023

Essay on Natural Resources

Wondering about how the resources provided by our planet Earth are depleting? Well, that’s true. We have come to the stage where we should start working towards saving our planet. We humans have used our resources in a humongous quantity. Therefore, it’s time we start working towards saving our planet for our future generations. Today we will provide you with a few samples of essay on natural resources which will help you write on this topic easily. 

conservation of natural resources essay in 100 words

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are Natural Resources?
  • 2 Types of Natural Resources
  • 3 Essay on Natural Resources in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay on Natural Resources in 150 Words
  • 5 Essay on Natural Resources in 200 Words

What are Natural Resources?

Natural Resources are resources which are present in nature independent of human actions. 

These are the resources that are created naturally by the environment, without any help from humans. Soil, stone, sunlight, air, plants, animals, fossil fuels, etc. are all natural resources.

In simple language, natural resources are naturally occurring materials which are useful to humankind. They can also be useful in a variety of ways such as in technological, economic or social contexts. These resources include building, clothing materials, food, water, fertilisers and geothermal energy. Natural resources were traditionally within the purview of the natural sciences.

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Types of Natural Resources

Speaking of the type of natural resources, there are mainly two types of natural resources. These include Renewable and Non-renewable resources. 

Renewable Resources: These are those resources which are endlessly available to humans for several uses. These resources are trees, wind, and water.

Non-Renewable Resources: These resources are available to humans in infinite quantities as they are not renewable and their supply may eventually run out. Minerals and fossil fuels are a few examples.

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Essay on Natural Resources in 100 Words

Natural resources are parts of the natural world that are useful to humans. Renewable resources are those that can be swiftly replenished, these include soil, water, and air., Non-renewable resources are those that need time to recover, such as minerals, oil, natural gas, etc. 

One should note that the survival of all life on Earth depends on natural resources. However, the usage of natural resources in excess use can cause ecosystem disruption. Many nations are taking action these days to protect their natural resources. Natural resources shouldn’t be used for purposes outside our needs. In order to preserve non-renewable resources, we should utilise renewable resources more frequently than non-renewable ones.

Essay on Natural Resources in 150 Words

The organic aspects of nature that contribute to our way of life are known as natural resources. For survival, we rely on natural resources. Natural resources include things like air, water, soil, minerals, crops, etc. Resources like minerals, oil, and other resources are found in non-living organisms and take eons to regenerate. 

The distribution of natural resources is not even. Resources like these are also the primary driver of international trade relations for many nations. However, with time, these natural resources have now been overused by the human mankind beyond their limits. 

However, the unrestricted exploitation of natural resources is a challenge for all nations these days. To control this, a lot of nations are emphasising garbage recycling and employing more renewable resources than non-renewable ones. 

Sustainable development is the use of natural resources for current requirements without wasting them while keeping an eye on the future. It refers to the wise use of natural resources without sacrificing what coming generations will need.

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Essay on Natural Resources in 200 Words

Natural resources are materials found in the environment that humans use to survive.  From the very start, humans have been dependent on these resources. While some of these resources can be restored more rapidly than others, some require more time. Resources like sunlight, water, air, and other renewable resources are readily available and have higher recovery rates than consumption rates.

On the other hand, the formation and processing of non-renewable resources, such as minerals, oil, and natural gas, take a long time. Even the usage rate of these non-renewable resources is higher as compared to the renewable resources. While some natural resources are used immediately, others must first undergo processing.

Even while renewable resources are available in huge quantities, they should also be used responsibly. Both renewable and non-renewable resources require time to be created and processed. Therefore, it is very important for humans to use these resources in a limited quantity and leave some for future generations.

With time, humans are using these resources excessively. With the ever-increasing population, humans have already created a huge impact on the environment. To begin, humans are continuously polluting the air, water and noise. Buildings are being constructed on more land. The land is becoming less valuable in this way. Humans are soon becoming the biggest reason behind depleting natural resources, such as land, water, and air. 

Therefore, we mustn’t undervalue these resources. The moment has come for us to recognise the importance of using these resources sustainably.

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Natural Resources are substances which are naturally obtained from nature. Here are the 5 natural resources: Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Sand, Gems, and Metals.

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished or regenerated at a rate comparable to the rate at which they are consumed or harvested. For example: Solar energy, Wind energy, Biomass, Geothermal energy, etc.

Conserving and saving natural resources is essential for sustainable development and the preservation of the environment. Here are some easy tips to save natural resources: Implementing the 3Rs in daily life; Adopting energy-efficient practices such as using energy-saving appliances; Reducing water wastage by fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and practising mindful water usage in daily activities, etc.

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The ecosystem, the land ethics, survival of humanity, works cited.

In his book, A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold explores conservation of natural resources. Leopold is trying to get across a salient message of conserving the natural resources particularly the sustainable use of land. In the first twelve chapters of the book, Leopold describes how seasons and living things affect the environment; middle chapters deal with his expedition observations of the environment while the last chapters deal with land sustainability.

He brings the concept of land ethics as the sustainable use of land because to him, “a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise” (Leopold 269). The land ethics involve all ecological factors that are necessary to perpetuate the life of living organisms sustainably in all generations. Conservation of natural resources is still relevant in the current world as envisaged by Aldo Leopold in his book, A Sandy County Almanac .

To make the reader understand the concept of environment and necessity to conserve it, Leopold describes seasonal variation in terms of months through environmental changes, which occur throughout the year. The descriptions take the reader into a deep thought in a bid to understand the complex environmental changes and factors that affect it.

The wide descriptions and expeditions make him realize the importance of conserving environment and he convincingly advises the Americans to conserve the environment. He unravels the intricate link between man and environment as he argues that, “conservation is a state of harmony between men and land” (Leopold 271).

The harmonious coexistence of living things in the environment signifies healthy living for the present and coming generation. He further argues human freedom and health depends on the availability of safe environment where plants can vigorously grow and animals enjoy their fruits. These recommendations are still valid and relevant in the current society.

Aldo Leopold ideas form the basis of modern ecological studies. What raises much of his concern about the environment is the way people seemed to act in utter ignorance as they constantly destroy environment. In his efforts, he seeks to educate people on the dangers of destroying the natural resources without considering the future generation. He wants to “change the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it” (Leopold 75).

Due to the current pressing issues of the environment such as global warming, changing rainfall patterns, rising sea levels, emerging diseases and diminishing species, the whole world has come to the realization of the need to conserve natural resources for the benefit of humanity. World bodies such the United Nations are putting measures that will mitigate impending calamities due to destruction of the environment. These current efforts reflect the work of Aldo Leopold, in his book, A Sandy County Almanac .

For the current and the forthcoming generation to survive, conservation of natural resources for sustainability is quite urgent. Conceived that the natural resources are essential component for the survival of humanity in this world, Aldo Leopold goes ahead to highlight the effects of seasons and wanton destructive activities.

He observes that people ironically love the environment because if they love it, “…certainly not the soil, which we are sending helter-skelter down the river, certainly not the waters, which we assume have no function except to turn turbines, float barges, and carry off sewage, …” (Leopold 267).

Failing to appreciate the importance of natural resources and the deliberate destruction of the environment costs the modern world immense resources as it tries to remedy and mitigate the looming disasters and calamities emerging from poor environmental use. Aldo recommendations concerning the need to conserve environment are valid, and will still stand the test of time.

The land ethics sum up conservation of all natural resources for sustainable development and the benefit to humanity. Since there is a natural competition in an ecosystem, humanity has defied all odds, acting in an unnatural manner to destroy helpless species of plants and animals in order to satisfy its needs.

This is very evident in the modern world where urgent economic benefits override long-term environmental benefits. When Aldo takes ample time to describe his expeditions and seasons throughout the year, he implies to give an in-depth view of the wanton destruction of the environment is order to convince people to see the need of land ethics.

He argues that, “land ethics changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to the plain member of it … implies respect for his fellow members, and also for the community as such” (Leopold 75). Land ethics involves respecting the natural existence of environment and striving for its sustainable utilization and preservation.

Modern environmental exploitation due to economic urgency at the expense of the invaluable environmental conservation is self-defeating because eventually, consequences of environmental degradation are very grave. Moreover, the resulting disasters and calamities will demand more resources in the mitigation process.

Leopold argues that, “…one basic weakness in a conservation system based on wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value” (276). For example, songbirds seem to have no economic value, but their absence in the environment has profound effects since insect population would tremendously increase and become a nuisance to the humanity as in the case that happened in Wisconsin.

Currently, world’s governments have shifted from conserving environment for urgent economic benefits and have acknowledged conservation of the environment for aesthetic and sustainable development. Comparative studies on the current ecological studies and the work of Aldo Leopold show significant positive correlation meaning that his work is applicable in conservation of natural resources in the modern world.

The environmentmakes the basic source of human survival, thus its conservation does not only assure the future generation of better lives but also gives hope to the perpetuation of humanity. Consequently, environment conservation should not focus only on urgent economic goals, but must consider the need of sustainability for posterity.

Failure to conserve environment, even slightest negligence would have a magnified effects to the humanity. “Each substitution of a tame plant or animal for a wild one, or an artificial waterway for a natural one, is accompanied by a readjustment in the circulating system of the land” (Leopold 197).

Environmental adjustments are very subtle for they happen slowly leading to tragic results. Ironically, people do not seek to mitigate impeding disasters; on the contrary, they love lamenting after the disaster strikes despite the fact that they could point out the impeding disaster resulting from their reckless habits. This is the scenario surrounding the wanton environmental destruction perpetuated by humanity.

The recommendations in the A Sand County Almanac are invaluable in the modern society, which is grappling with environmental issues such as global warming, species extinction, rising sea levels, emerging diseases, droughts amongst other regional issues.

For humankinds to survive in this world, environmental conservation is essential, and every individual should play an active role in conserving the environment. “The ordinary citizen today assumes that science knows what makes the community clock tick; the scientist is equally sure that he does not, for he knows that the biotic mechanism is so complex that its workings may never be fully understood…”(Leopold 268).

Due to the complexity of the ecological interactions and subtle effects of the environmental on humankind, concerted efforts are necessary in order to mitigate environmental disasters and calamities. Proper implementation of the recommendations in the A Sand County Almanac in the current world would lead to remarkable conservation of environment for sustainability and posterity.

A Sand County Almanac is a book outlining an in-depth view of the issues regarding environment in a bid to enhance its conservation. Though human beings dominate the environment, they fail to realize the intricacies of the ecosystem because of their economic pursuits. Aldo Leopold criticizes environmental scientists who claim to conserve the environment yet they only exploit the economical benefits of the same.

In the major theme of land ethics, Aldo observes that, the conservation and sustainable use of environmental resources would enhance the current and the generation to come. Therefore, Aldo Leopold arguments and recommendations are very relevant in the modern world, as they form the basis of ecological studies.

Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac . New York: Ballantine Books, 1970. Print

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IvyPanda. (2018, August 14). Conservation of Natural Resources.

"Conservation of Natural Resources." IvyPanda , 14 Aug. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Conservation of Natural Resources'. 14 August.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Conservation of Natural Resources." August 14, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Conservation of Natural Resources." August 14, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Conservation of Natural Resources." August 14, 2018.

Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources

conservation of natural resources essay in 100 words

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources

Conservation of natural resources refers to the responsible use and management of the earth’s resources to ensure their availability for future generations. Natural resources include water, land, forests, minerals, and wildlife, among others.

The depletion of natural resources is a major concern in today’s world as a result of increasing population growth and industrialization. The overuse and misuse of natural resources leads to their degradation and depletion, resulting in environmental problems such as deforestation, soil erosion, and pollution.

To conserve natural resources, it is important to adopt sustainable practices and policies. This involves reducing waste and maximizing the efficient use of resources, such as recycling, reducing the use of single-use plastics, and conserving energy. In addition, protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, can be established to conserve critical ecosystems and species.

Governments also play a crucial role in conserving natural resources by implementing policies and regulations that promote sustainable resource use. For example, they can establish penalties for illegal logging and fishing, and provide incentives for companies to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Individuals can also contribute to the conservation of natural resources by making simple lifestyle changes, such as reducing their carbon footprint, using public transportation, and eating a plant-based diet.

In conclusion, the conservation of natural resources is essential for the long-term health and well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. By adopting sustainable practices and policies, we can ensure that these resources are available for future generations to enjoy.

Long Essay On Conservation Of Natural Resources

Natural resources are essential to our world’s ecosystems, but they are often taken for granted. In this blog article, we’ll explore the importance of natural resource conservation and how it can help us protect our environment for future generations. We’ll also discuss some of the ways that individuals, businesses, and governments can work together to conserve natural resources and preserve our planet’s health.

Introduction to Natural Resources

Natural resources are vital to our everyday lives. We rely on them for everything from the food we eat and the water we drink, to the air we breathe and the energy we use. But these resources are finite, which means they’re not endless and they’re not replaceable.

That’s why it’s so important that we conserve natural resources, so that we can protect them for future generations. Conservation means using these resources wisely, so that we don’t deplete them or damage them beyond repair.

There are many ways to conserve natural resources. One is to use renewable resources instead of non-renewable ones. Renewable resources are those that can be replenished, such as solar and wind power. Non-renewable resources are those that cannot be replaced once they’re gone, such as fossil fuels.

Another way to conserve natural resources is to reuse or recycle them whenever possible. This reduces waste and helps to prolong the life of these valuable resources.

We all need to do our part to conserve natural resources. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference in the world around us.

Types of Natural Resources

There are many different types of natural resources that we need to be aware of in order to conserve them. Here are some of the most important types of natural resources:

Water: Water is one of the most essential natural resources for all life on earth. We need water for drinking, cooking, bathing, irrigating crops, and generating electricity. Unfortunately, water is also one of the natural resources that is under the most stress from human activity. Pollution, climate change, and over-use are all putting pressure on our water supplies. It’s important to conserving water by using it wisely and not wasting it.

Forests: Forests provide us with many vital services including clean air and water, wood for construction and paper products, and habitat for wildlife. They also help to regulate the climate by storing carbon dioxide. Deforestation is a major problem around the world as trees are cleared for agriculture, development, and other uses. This can lead to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. It’s important to try to protect forests through conservation efforts like reforestation and sustainable forestry practices.

Wildlife: Wildlife includes all plant and animal species that exist in their natural environment. Many wildlife species are in decline due to habitat loss, hunting, pollution, and other threats. This can lead to a loss of biodiversity and an imbalance in ecosystems. It’s important to conserving wildlife by protecting their habitats, reducing pollution,

Conservation of Natural Resources

The world is facing an unprecedented global crisis in terms of the depletion of natural resources. The problem is compounded by the fact that the world’s population is growing at an alarming rate, and the demand for natural resources is increasing.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the depletion of natural resources, including: over-exploitation, pollution, deforestation, and climate change.

Over-exploitation refers to the excessive use of natural resources beyond what is necessary or sustainable. This can happen when resources are extracted at a faster rate than they can be replenished. For example, overfishing can lead to the depletion of fish stocks, and over-grazing can lead to desertification.

Pollution is another major factor that contributes to the depletion of natural resources. Pollutants can contaminate water supplies, making them unsuitable for human consumption or agriculture. They can also pollute the air, making it difficult for people to breathe. Deforestation is another major problem that contributes to resource depletion. Trees play a vital role in ecosystems, providing habitats for animals and helping to regulate the climate. When forests are cleared for agriculture or other development projects, this can have a devastating impact on local ecosystems and wildlife.

Climate change is also having a significant impact on natural resources. As temperatures rise and weather patterns become more extreme, this can cause droughts, floods, and other disasters that destroy crops and disrupt food supplies. It can also lead to soil erosion, which can damage the long-term productivity of agricultural land.

The best way to conserve natural resources is to reduce our reliance on them. This means using resources more efficiently and looking for alternative sources of energy and materials. Governments also need to take action to protect natural habitats, reduce pollution, and promote sustainable development. For example, they can introduce incentives for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, or impose regulations that limit the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere.

Benefits of Conservation

There are many benefits to conserving natural resources. For one, it can help to preserve the environment and the habitats of various plants and animals. Additionally, conservation can help to prevent soil erosion and water pollution. Finally, by conserving natural resources, we can help to ensure that future generations will have access to these resources.

Strategies for Conservation

There are many ways to conserve natural resources, but it is important to tailor these strategies to the specific resource being conserved. For example, water conservation strategies will be different from strategies for conserving forests. Here are some general tips:

-Use resources wisely: This means using them only when necessary and not wasting them.

-Reduce consumption: Try to use less of the resource overall. This could mean using less water at home or driving less.

-Increase efficiency: Use technology and other methods to make sure you are getting the most out of the resources you do use. For example, using more energy-efficient appliances or planting trees to provide shade and reduce cooling costs.

-Recycle and reuse: One way to reduce consumption is to recycle or reuse materials instead of discarding them.

In conclusion, natural resources are essential for the survival of all living beings on Earth. Therefore, it is important to conserve them so that they can be utilized in a sustainable manner and not depleted. The conservation of natural resources will help us maintain a healthy environment as well as provide us with various benefits such as economic growth and improved quality of life. This can only be achieved if we take proactive measures to protect these valuable resources now and in the future.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

The resources that are given to us by nature and are not man-made are termed as Natural Resources. It is human nature that we do not understand the value of things that we get for free. Similarly, we do not much care for the natural resources as they are provided to us without any cost. We should feel blessed to have these precious resources available to us without spending a single penny. And we should care for and save them so that the upcoming generation would also take its benefits. Today we will discuss the importance and the need to save natural resources.

Short and Long Conservation of Natural Resources Essays in English

Here, I’m presenting long and short essays on the Conservation of Natural Resources in different word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 Words and 500 – 600 words including important FAQs. This topic is of extreme use for students of classes 1 to 12 and higher classes also. The language is kept easy so that every student can understand these essays easily.

Also Read: Essay on Conservation of Water

Conservation of Natural Resources Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Air, water, minerals, soil, etc are natural resources.

2) Natural resources are limited on the Earth.

3) They can take billions of years to form again.

4) They can be renewable resources or non-renewable resources.

5) Humans are hugely dependent on natural resources for their survival.

6) Increasing pollution, population, etc are damaging natural resources.

7) Conserving natural resources is essential for sustaining life on the Earth.

8) We should conserve natural resources for our future generations.

9) By using natural resources sustainably we must conserve them.

10) Planting trees, saving water, using bio-fuels, etc habits can help in conservation.

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Short Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources (200-250 Words)

Nature gives us many things. The resources that are provided by nature without the interference of mankind are termed as natural resources. In all spheres, humans are either directly or indirectly dependent on natural resources for their living. They also support the balance of the ecosystem.

However, they are plenty to feed our needs but today they are depleting at a fast pace. The major reason behind this is humans. Due to the growing population, urbanization, technological boom, etc the world is facing a lack of natural resources.

Natural resources are of two types, renewable and non-renewable. The resources that can be formed or replenished after a certain period are termed as renewable resources. For example, solar, energy, bio-fuel, etc. However, the resources that are difficult to regenerate or may take several years to form are termed as non-renewable resources. For example, fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, etc.

If we want to live a happy life on the Earth, we should conserve natural resources. We can conserve these resources by using renewable resources instead of non-renewable ones. Planting trees will be a great help. Saving water, power, etc can also help in saving natural resources. Therefore, to give a happy life to the future generations as we are enjoying, we need to conserve natural resources.

Long Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources (500 – 600 Words)


Today humans are exploiting natural resources for their profit. Due to this the present quantity on Earth is reducing at a fast pace. After a few years, humans will suffer a great loss because this will take long years to form again. Therefore, using natural resources sustainably will be a good choice for a better today and happy tomorrow.

Natural Resources and their Types

Natural resources are the resources that are given by the nature. It is formed without the intervention of humans. However, they can take billions of years to form. Natural resources support survival on the Earth and are either used directly or indirectly by living organisms. For several years humans are taking benefit of natural resources.

Based on formation, natural resources are divided as renewable resources and non-renewable resources. The natural resources that can be replenished or renewed are termed as renewable resources. Sun, air, water, soil, etc are some examples of renewable resources. The resources that cannot be renewed or are limited on this Earth are termed as non-renewable resources. Coal, petroleum, natural gases, oil, etc are some non-renewable resources.

Why is it important to Conserve Natural Resources?

Everything in the atmosphere has a role to play, if anything gets exhausted the entire balance will be affected. If we will not conserve natural resources, the ecosystem will get harmed. Humans are directly or indirectly dependent on natural resources for their survival. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, everything comes from natural resources. Other than this, we need timber, rubber, gum, paper, furniture, medicines, etc that are available only due to natural resources.

The comfortable life that we are living today due to transportation, energy, etc involves natural resources. But today, due to human activities like pollution, these resources are getting damaged. Another issue is the increasing population which also increases human needs and desires. Now the conservation of natural resources became a subject of serious concern. Therefore, we can say that it is nearly impossible to live a healthy life on Earth without natural resources.

How to Conserve Natural Resources

As we know the importance of natural resources, conserving them is vital. There are many simple steps through which we can conserve natural resources. They are:

  • Planting trees: Planting trees have so many advantages. They not only help in purifying the air, giving us more oxygen but also help in conserving natural resources.
  • Say no to fossil fuels: Fossil fuels are limited on this earth, also they take millions of years to form. However, they also pollute the environment. Therefore, it will be better to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
  • Save water: Saving water is a good alternative to saving nature. Water can be saved in many ways. A small contribution from everyone can help to save water and resources.
  • Switch to biofuels: It will be better to switch to biofuels and bio-gas as they are also environmentally friendly. They are also renewable.

Nature has blessed us with a variety of precious resources which we must protect and conserve. The rate at which we are using our natural resources today will not leave much for future generations. The future generation is going to face lots of problems. However, imagining a life without these resources is terrifying. Therefore conservation of natural resources is the need of time.

I hope the above provided essays on Conservation of Natural Resources will be helpful in understanding the need to conserve Natural Resources. So, let’s come together and contribute our part to building a better tomorrow.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Conservation of Natural Resources

Ans. Russia, the United States, China, etc have more natural resources.

Ans. Today, the most precious natural resource is water.

Ans. Fossil fuels are mostly consumed in the world.

Ans. Petroleum is called liquid gold due to its high commercial value.

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Essay on Conservation of Nature

Students are often asked to write an essay on Conservation of Nature in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Conservation of Nature

Understanding nature conservation.

Nature conservation involves preserving Earth’s natural resources. These resources include water, air, soil, plants, and animals. We conserve nature to ensure future generations can enjoy it.

Why Conserve Nature?

Conserving nature is essential because it provides us with food, water, and air. It also helps maintain biodiversity, which is vital for a healthy ecosystem.

How to Conserve Nature?

There are many ways to conserve nature. We can recycle, reduce waste, plant trees, and protect wildlife. Everyone can contribute to nature conservation.

250 Words Essay on Conservation of Nature


Nature, the life-support system of our planet, is an intricate web of interconnected elements, all of which are vital for the sustenance of life. However, human activities have been causing severe damage to this complex system, necessitating urgent actions for its conservation.

The Need for Nature Conservation

Strategies for conservation.

Conservation strategies can be bifurcated into in-situ and ex-situ methods. In-situ conservation involves preserving habitats, ecosystems, and natural areas, maintaining biodiversity within their natural environments. Ex-situ conservation, on the other hand, includes actions such as creating seed banks, botanical gardens, and zoos for species preservation.

Role of Individuals

Individuals play a crucial role in nature conservation. Simple actions like reducing waste, recycling, and reusing can make a significant impact. Additionally, supporting and participating in local conservation efforts can help maintain biodiversity.

Conservation of nature is a collective responsibility. It is an urgent call to action for all stakeholders, from governments and corporations to individuals, to protect our planet. Through concerted efforts, we can ensure the survival and prosperity of all life forms on Earth.

500 Words Essay on Conservation of Nature

Nature, in its broadest sense, is the physical world and life in its entirety. It encompasses the complex interplay of living organisms, the environment, and the ecosystems that support them. However, the relentless pursuit of human progress has led to significant degradation of natural resources. Conservation of nature, therefore, is not just a necessity, but an imperative for the survival of future generations.

The Importance of Nature Conservation

Nature offers us a plethora of resources, many of which are indispensable for our survival. It provides us with air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, and raw materials for our industries. However, the reckless exploitation of these resources has led to their depletion. Natural habitats are being destroyed, species are becoming extinct, and climate change is becoming a grave reality. Conserving nature is thus crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems and ensuring the sustainability of our resources.

Methods of Nature Conservation

The role of technology in nature conservation.

In this digital era, technology plays a significant role in nature conservation. Satellite imagery and remote sensing technologies are being used to monitor deforestation and habitat destruction. Drones are being deployed for wildlife tracking and anti-poaching efforts. Moreover, data analytics and artificial intelligence are being utilized to predict environmental changes and devise effective conservation strategies.

Human Responsibility and Nature Conservation

While technology and policies play a pivotal role, the onus of nature conservation ultimately lies on individuals. Adopting sustainable practices, reducing waste, and promoting renewable energy are some ways in which we can contribute. Education and awareness about the importance of nature conservation are also essential to foster a collective sense of responsibility towards our environment.

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  • Conservation of Nature Essay


Essay on Conservation of Nature

Conservation of Nature is one of the most important essays writing topics for students of all classes. The need for conservation of nature and various measures for conservation of natural resources are included in the academic syllabus for almost all classes. Our subject matter experts at Vedantu have prepared an informative essay on the topic of Conservation of Nature, which will act as a guideline for the practice purpose of kids and students. The essay is written in an easy-to-understand manner, so as to help the kids to learn and remember the important points for writing this essay. 

Essay 1: Nature is a blessing 

Nature is the source of energy, source of light, source of oxygen, and in turn, source of life. We are nothing without nature and its components. With an increase in human growth and science, we tend to focus on everything but nature. Building bridges, cities, buildings are not only development but also a setback for nature because all we end up doing is cutting off trees, erasing the environment, and creating a ruckus for nature.

Nature has been providing us with everything, be it water, rain, sunlight, oxygen, shelter, or whatnot. In short, nature is the solution to almost all problems. All we need to do is prevent the human race from obliterating to further obliterate nature. The process of doing this is generally known as conservation. We need to conserve nature, we need to conserve life.

Conserving nature is one way of storing something fruitful for our future self, or the future generation. It is like investing money in a bank, which in turn lets you have more than what you invested eventually. 

To conserve nature would be equal to conversing with the human race. We need to start thinking about it. It might seem like a small or negligent topic to talk about but honestly, nature is getting worse with every passing day and we have to start preserving it today.

There is not much needed to conserve nature. We don't have to give in our everything or leave other things to achieve this one goal, no. All we have to do is take small steps, every day. Small steps like trying to save even one ounce of water each day, or trying to plant at least one plant from your side, or trying to lessen air pollution from your side. Nature doesn't ask much from us.

To achieve this goal, we also need to know to have knowledge about a few other things such as our natural resources. Natural resources are classified into two groups, named, Renewable and Non-RenewableNon Renewable resources. 

Renewable resources are those resources that can be recharged, such as solar panels, geothermal, and so on. On the other hand, Non-renewable petrol renewable resources are the ones that cannot be recharged such as fuels, patrol, and so on. We need to let renewable resources overpower non-renewable resources.

The other thing is being aware of the 3Rs technique, i.e., Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. If we pledge to follow these small rules and live by them, we can achieve a lot more than just nature's conservation.  

With an increase in human growth and science, we tend to focus on everything but not nature. Nature is the source of energy, source of light, source of oxygen, and in turn, source of life. We are nothing without nature and its components. Humans are constantly Building bridges, cities, buildings are not only development but also a setback for nature because all we end up doing is cutting off trees, erasing the environment, and creating a ruckus for nature. When we do something to conserve and protect nature, nature will give tremendous benefits for the survival of human beings on Earth. 

Essay 2: Conservation of Nature

‘In every walk in nature, one receives far more than he seeks.’ Nature is the best surprise gift received from God. Nature has blessed us with a variety of things like water, food, shelter, rain, sunlight, oxygen, and countless other things. These things assist humans in the betterment of their lives. Life is unpredictable and it's very difficult to tackle adverse situations, in such times nature is the solution to all the problems. Conservation is having a straightforward meaning of preservation and protection. 

Conserving nature is just similar to adding or keeping cash in the pocket. Nature is the best friend of a human. Have you ever heard of naturotherapy techniques to cure the patient? Patients are advised to take or spend some time in the native place of animals. There they can keep themselves calm and comfortable so that they feel relaxed at the time of surgeries. Many of the medicines have their ingredients collected directly from the forest. 

Have you ever thought about the amount of water we waste in a day? A great amount of water is wasted in our daily chores which could be helpful at the time of droughts. Also, keeping the water clean by not throwing any garbage in it, is the best way to conserve nature. Things made up of plastic should not be thrown off into water bodies as it never decomposes. 

Natural resources can be classified into two categories which are renewable and nonrenewable. Renewable natural resources are those which can be replenished, like solar, wind, geothermal while on the other hand non-renewable are those which cannot be replenished easily over a short span of time. Non-renewable resources like fuels, petrol, and carbon are available in significant quantities. Renewable natural resources are available in good and significant quantities but their proper and effective use can vanish the utilization of non-renewable natural resources. Such as, electricity can be generated with the help of wind or water. Solar cars can reduce the use of petrol cars. This helps in keeping our earth an evergreen place to live. The conversion of one energy form into another is the best possible way to stop the consumption of non-renewable resources and to start making the best use of renewable energy. 

Urbanization increases the rate of the population on concrete homes and decreases the reserves of natural utilities. 

Nature has a lot to give, but there must be a proper way to store and reuse it. the 3R technique (Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse) proves the best method for conservation purposes. It states first try to reduce the use, or recycle the material or reuse it for other purposes. Many NGOs are spreading awareness among the people regarding this, but in the end, it's up to the self to take an initiative to make a change. As far as possible avoiding the use of non-renewable resources is the best possible way to maintain the reserves. Even keeping the water potable is a way of conservation. We have to start it someday, so why is that someday not today? Taking a step towards conserving nature is just like taking the step to success.

Final Thoughts

In your essay on Conservation of Nature, you should emphasize the need to conserve natural resources and the measures that can be taken for conservation. In the introduction paragraph, you may write about the gifts of nature and how nature actively supports the survival of living beings. For the body of your essay, you may write one or two paragraphs, stating the types of natural resources and how they are beneficial to humans. Also, write about the overuse of natural resources, leading to a faster rate of depletion than they can be replenished. In the concluding paragraph, write about the measures that can be taken to conserve natural resources. You can refer to the essay on this topic available on Vedantu to get a better idea.


FAQs on Conservation of Nature Essay

1. What are the main points to be written in an essay on the Conservation of Nature?

An essay on Conservation of Nature has to be informative and the points in it have to be relevant to most of the readers. The below-given questions will help you frame your essay on the Conservation of Nature.

What are the gifts of nature to living beings?

How does nature help us in rejuvenation?

What are the benefits drawn from natural resources, in our daily lives?

Is there any medicinal benefit that can be derived from nature?

How many types of natural resources are there? What are they?

How can we conserve renewable natural resources?

How can we save our nature from pollution?

What is the 3R technique?

2. How to write an essay on Conservation of Nature?

In your essay on Conservation of Nature you should emphasize the need to conserve natural resources and the measures that can be taken for conservation. In the introduction paragraph, you may write about the gifts of nature and how nature actively supports the survival of living beings. For the body of your essay, you may write one or two paragraphs, stating the types of natural resources and how they are beneficial to humans. Also, write about the overuse of natural resources, leading to a faster rate of depletion than they can be replenished. In the concluding paragraph, write about the measures that can be taken to conserve natural resources. You can refer to the essay on this topic available on Vedantu to get a better idea.

3. What is the 3R principle?

The 3R’s stand for ‘reduce’, ‘reuse’, and ‘recycle’, it is more often referred to as the three R’s of sustainability. The objective of these three R’s is conserving natural resources by cutting down their waste. Recycling and reusing manufacturing wastes and raw materials are meant to reduce the wastage of resources and the energy derived from these resources.

4. Is it important to write about the 3R principle in the essay on Conservation of Nature?

Yes, it is important to write about the 3R principle in your essay on the Conservation of Nature. It is one of the most effective measures to conserve natural resources and is being practiced all over the world. This will make your essay even more informative from the readers’ perspective.

5. Why is the conservation of nature necessary?

The conservation of nature is important because without nature there won’t be life possible on our planet. Nature gives us the necessary value to live our life. It provides us food to eat, eater to drink, and air to breathe. Nature has been providing us with everything, be it water, rain, sunlight, oxygen, shelter, or whatnot. In short, nature is the solution to almost all problems. Also, it provides us with a shelter to live in, and those valuable things that help us to live a good life. 

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Conservation of Forest Essay

Forests are integral to the environment—they provide us with air, water and food; they help protect against floods and other natural disasters. But forests are also under threat—from illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and deforestation. We must take steps to conserve our forests if we hope to avoid the consequences of their destruction. Here are a few sample essays on ‘conservation of forest’.

100 Words Essay On Forest Conservation

200 words essay on forest conservation, 500 words essay on forest conservation, factors responsible deforestation.

Conservation of Forest Essay

Forests are one of the most important natural resources on the planet. They provide us with food, fuel, and shelter, as well as many other products that we use in our everyday lives. Forests also play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate and maintaining biodiversity. Despite all of these benefits, forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate. According to the World Wildlife Fund, forest cover has decreased from 30% of the world’s land surface in 1950 to just 6% today. The main cause of this loss is deforestation, which is often done to clear land for agriculture or other development projects.

The loss of forests has serious consequences for both people and the environment. For example, forests help regulate global temperatures by absorbing carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) from the atmosphere. As more forests are lost, there is less vegetation to absorb this gas, leading to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels and a corresponding rise in global temperatures. This climate change can have devastating effects on ecosystems and human societies around the world.

Many species find their natural home in the forest. This habitat must be protected because it provides animals with a safe haven where they can find food, water, and shelter while avoiding danger. Additionally, woods support a stable temperature and give food to animals that dwell in them or rely on them for survival.

There are many different species on the planet, and it is our duty to protect them. While some animals are endangered and in risk of extinction, others require conservation. The planet will be better off the more we can do to help these animals. It is essential to conserve our species and the environment because the Earth's resources are running out. Many individuals are ignorant of the several advantages of wildlife conservation for society. It also aids the environment by lowering pollution and safeguarding endangered species.

Forests are essential for the sustenance of life on this planet. They provide us with air and water, remove carbon dioxide, shield us from natural calamities, and shelter a large number of our wild creatures. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing from the planet. We will lose them forever if we do nothing now.

Climate change is both a cause and a result of the ongoing degradation of our forests. This damages the habitat of many plant and animal species that are unable to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The ecosystem must be protected for future generations, and we must all do our share to protect it.

There are various factors responsible for the destruction of forests. Some of the important factors are as follows:

Population Pressure | Population growth is one of the important factors responsible for the destruction of forests. With the increase in population, there is an increasing demand for forest resources like timber, fuelwood, etc. This has led to the large-scale cutting of trees and the destruction of forests.

Agricultural expansion | Agricultural expansion is another major factor responsible for the destruction of forests. In order to expand agricultural land, people clear forests and convert them into fields. This leads to large-scale deforestation and loss of forests.

Grazing | Grazing is one of the important reasons for the degradation of forests. When livestock graze in a forested area, they damage vegetation and soil structure, leading to soil erosion and loss of fertility. This eventually leads to the loss of forest cover.

Mining | Mining is another major factor responsible for forest destruction. Mining activities lead to deforestation as well as soil and water pollution, which damages the environment and destroys forests.

Industrialization | Industrialization is another significant factor that contributes to Forest destruction. The establishment of industries requires a large amount of land, which results in deforestation. Additionally, industries release harmful pollutants into the air and water, which pollute the environment and destroy forests

How We Can Help

It is essential that we take steps to protect our remaining forests and prevent further deforestation. Here is how we can protect our forests—

One way to do this is through forest conservation, which is the practice of protecting forested areas and managing them in a sustainable way. Conservation efforts can include creating protected areas, such as national parks, or working with local communities to promote sustainable forestry practices.

One of the most important ways we can conserve forests is by using less paper. We can do this by recycling the paper we use, using both sides of the paper when we print or copy, and avoiding excessive printing.

In addition to using less paper, we can also help conserve forests by using products made from recycled paper or from sustainably grown trees. When we buy products made from recycled paper, we are helping to create a market for this type of paper, which encourages manufacturers to use more recycled content. Similarly, when we choose products made from sustainably grown trees, we are supporting forestry practices that help protect our forests.

Finally, we can also help conserve forests simply by enjoying them. Getting out into nature and appreciating the beauty of the forest helps us to value these ecosystems and motivates us to work towards their protection.

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Natural Resources Essay | Essay on Natural Resources for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Natural Resources Essay: Our survival has always wholly depended on the natural resources of the Earth. The natural resources are the blessing of Mother Nature that has provided us with abundant elements to make our life comfortable and prosperous. Natural resources are all those things that are readily present in the environment like air, water, sunlight, wood, coal, etc. Most of these natural resources are present on Earth’s surface (or reach Earth’s surface like sunlight). Still, some natural resources are also hidden below the Earth’s surface, which we have eventually reached and used to benefit us.

To help students regarding essay writing on the topic ‘Natural Resources’, we have provided samples for long and short essays on the theme. Additionally, we have offered ten points about the subject matter that will help the students in framing the essay and act as guidelines.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Natural Resources for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a short essay on Natural Resources for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; we are also providing a long essay sample for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Along with the essays, ten pointers on the topic are also being given by us so that students can use them as a reference while structuring their essays.

Long Essay on Natural Resources 500 words in English

Human life is unimaginable without natural resources, and it is precise because of these resources that any form of life sustained on this planet with comfort. Natural resources are anything and everything obtained from nature and used by us, starting from elemental air, water, and sunlight to even organic elements like fossil fuels, minerals, timber, etc.

Natural resources that are obtained from living organisms or are eventually formed because of living organisms are called Biotic elements, like forests, birds, animals, fishes, or other marine organisms, fossil fuels (because they are formed because of the decay of organic materials), etc. Natural resources that refer to the non-living elements of nature are called Abiotic resources. Examples of abiotic resources are sunlight, wind, tide, soil, minerals, etc.

Natural elements are present everywhere around the world but not equally distributed. Humans have learned efficient ways in which they can use the natural resources present in their region for their benefit. Like in India, a variety of soil and humid weather has allowed the prosperous growth of agriculture. The areas of the country that are surrounded by sea eventually developed advanced skills in fishing.

Some examples of how we use our natural resources are, using of water for drinking and production of hydro-electric power, sunlight is necessary for plant growth and also providing us heat and vitamins, plants are our primary source of oxygen and food, coal is used for electricity production and as a fuel for vehicles, etc.

With trade and commerce came globalization, and now we are dynamically evolving to find ways in which we can modify methods of using natural resources to create products to serve us better. But we have to remember that not all resources are unlimitedly present in our ecosystem. If we are not careful about the consumption of these resources, then they will eventually exhaust, then we might not have an alternative to survive without those.

The resources like solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass are called renewable resources because they are present abundantly in the world and are self-replenishing in nature. And the resources like fossil fuels, iron, freshwater, coal, nuclear elements, etc. that took million years for the formation and can eventually perish (cannot be reproduced) are called non-renewable resources.

Hence, it is essential to preserve resources so that they can be present in the future for us and our succeeding generation’s use and benefit. Everyone needs to know natural resources because our survival depends on those. We also need to educate and make people aware of the hazardous effect of the absence of these resources. We should preach and practice the ways of Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources .

Essay on Natural Resources

Short Essay on Natural Resources 150 words in English

Natural resources are the blessings of nature to its children, living beings that have not only made our survival possible but also made our life comfortable and nourished. Some examples of natural resources are sunlight, air, timber, coal, plants, food, animals, water, natural gases, etc. The natural resources can be classified as Biotic (forest, animals, birds, fish, fossil fuels, etc.) and Abiotic or Non-living (water, minerals, air, soil, sunlight, etc.) resources.

Even though many natural resources are present in the environment in abundance, some resources can ultimately perish. These are called Renewable and Non-Renewable resources, respectively. Hence, we should be careful about our non-renewable natural resources so that they do not exhaust.

We can obtain this by differentiating our necessities from luxuries and spend natural resources in a calculated manner. It is our responsibility as the responsible citizens of this planet to be concerned about the conservation of these natural resources and contribute to the cause by doing our part in saving. we will soonly update Natural Resources Essay in Hindi, Urdu, Kannada and Marathi.

10 Lines on Natural Resources Essay in English

  • With the increase in population, there is a higher demand for natural resources.
  • Economically richer countries tend to spend or waste more natural resources than the poorer countries.
  • With industrialization, the demand for natural resources has skyrocketed the charts from comparing them to the time before.
  • Recycling of one-ton paper can save almost 4000kW of energy, 17 trees, and 2 barrels of oil.
  • The three Rs that help save natural resources are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
  • The energy developed from renewable resources is the fastest-growing energy source, and it is estimated that by 2040 the renewable energy will generate an equal amount of energy as to coal and natural gas.
  • Using renewable resources responsibly can reduce the emission of several greenhouse gases that are typically released from fossil fuel.
  • Despite being covered by 70% of water, the Earth is less than 1% of the water that is consumable and available for human use.
  • The production of renewable energy from wind, sunlight, geothermal heat, waves, etc. does not require the use of much freshwater.
  • It is estimated that the global water demand for manufacturing from 2000 to 2050 is to increase by 40%.

FAQ’s on Natural Resources Essay

Question 1. Why is it necessary to conserve our natural resources?

Answer: Natural resources are the primary source of our daily needs. Reckless use of natural resources will eventually exhaust them, and this will affect us and harm more to our future generation. For the sake of us and our environment, we need to understand and implement the ways of conservation of natural resources.

Question 2. What are the types of natural resources present in our environment?

Answer: There are two types of natural resources present in the environment; they are Non-renewable and Renewable resources.

Question 3. Can animals be considered as natural resources?

Answer: Yes, animals are considered as natural resources. Animals are the kind of biological natural resources.

Question 4. Is gold a natural resource?

Answer: Yes, gold is also a natural resource and is classified as a mineral. Minerals like metals are known as abiotic natural resources.

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Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources [500+ Words Essay]

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources: Humans largely exploit naturally occurring resources like air, water, sunlight, coal, fossil fuels and petroleum reserves for their selfish needs. The overuse and misuse of natural resources have led to their steady decline and caused global depletion. Only some of these resources could be renewed naturally. It takes millions of years for natural resources to form on earth. We must conserve them for preserving biodiversity and sustaining lives in an eco-friendly atmosphere.

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

Below we have provided Conservation of Natural Resources Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

“If conservation of natural resources goes wrong, nothing else will go right.” -M. S. Swaminathan

Natural resources are components of the earth, such as air, water, sunlight, iron ore, petroleum, atmosphere, etc. They are the assets of the planet that are formed without any human interference. They are broadly of 2 types; Renewable and Non-Renewable resources. Renewable resources are the resources which get replenished even after continuous and abundant usage. They can be used repeatedly and are replaced naturally. The time frame for replenishment is also quite low. Examples of renewable resources include oxygen, solar energy, freshwater, etc. Non-renewable resources are also known as finite resources. They take a long time to replenish and cannot keep up with the pace for its demand. Examples of non-renewable resources include coal, oil, gold, iron, etc.

Why Conserve Natural Resources?

All living organisms, especially humans, depend immensely on natural resources for their survival. An average person in Asia consumes about 14 kgs of natural resources per day. Natural resources provide us with food to eat. They give us vegetables, fish, nuts, medicines and drinking water. The utensils like spoons, forks and knives that are required to eat are also made from the raw materials that these natural resources provide. All our transportation vehicles, including cars, trains and aeroplanes, make use of natural resources not only in their physical structures but also need resources to run on.

All the stone, wood, plastic and metal that is required to build houses and roads also comes from these natural resources. Due to various reasons, these limited natural resources have been exploited and face the risk of depletion. Environmental pollution is a major threat to natural resources. The chemicals discharged from factories seep into the soil and water, thus harming its properties and making it unfit for use. The untreated discharge also poses a great danger to aquatic life. The rapid increase in the human population is the single most significant reason why natural resources fall short.

The demand for them has drastically increased. Because of more people to feed and house, more land is required for cultivation and housing. This forces the need to cut down forests for urbanisation and agricultural activities. Due to various human activities, there is a great deal of climate change that has taken place. Excessive flooding, severe droughts, punishing forest fires, etc. are responsible for the extinction and vulnerability of many types of flora and fauna.

Ways to Conserve Natural Resources

Conservation of natural resources implies using limited resources judicially and economically, saving species from the verge of extinction, restoring habitats and protecting biological diversity. Following are some ways that can be followed to conserve them-:

  • Instead of using fossil fuels for energy, try switching over to alternatives. Make use of wind energy and solar energy. They are cheaper and also renewable. They do not destruct the ozone layer, unlike the burning of coal, charcoal, etc.
  • Planting trees serve multiple benefits. They help to prevent soil erosion by holding it in its roots. Trees also help in the conservation of wildlife as they pose as homes to numerous species of insects, animals and birds.
  • Water conservation is another crucial step that we all can take up at an individual level. Make sure that the taps in your bathrooms and kitchens are closed when not in use and always check for any leaks. Taking shorter showers is also advisable. Reusing water is another technique that everyone at home can follow. For example, the water that you use to wash vegetables and fruits can be used to wash your car.
  • It is of utmost importance to treat industrial and human waste before discharging them into water bodies. They should be treated so that the harmful chemical elements in them are reduced.
  • The untreated discharge of factories and sewage plants causes water pollution , which poses a threat not only to human life but to aquatic life as well.

The activity of hunting or poaching is responsible for the extinction of many exotic species. Hunters sell animal skin and teeth in the black market and earn huge revenues. The government should formulate stricter policies and regulations to curb this unholy practice. One other way of reducing our dependence on finite fossil fuels such as petroleum and diesel is by purchasing hybrid cars. Hybrid cars run on electricity and do not require the use of non-renewable resources that further pollute the environment.

Essay on Conservation of Biodiversity for Students and Children

500+ words essay on conservation of biodiversity.

Conservation of biodiversity is vital for maintaining the Earth’s environment and sustaining life on the planet. There are a number of ways in which the richness of biodiversity helps in maintaining the ecological system. Conservation of biodiversity is important for the survival of living beings on Earth. Hence, a lot of emphases is being given on the conservation of biodiversity these days.

essay on conservation of biodiversity

The Extinction in Biodiversity

Due to human activities, numerous varieties of animals go extinct each year. Western Black Rhinoceros, Dodo, Tasmanian tiger, Golden Toad, Woolly Mammoth, Caribbean Monk Seal, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, and Japanese Sea Lion are some of the species of animals that have gone extinct.

Lemur, Mountain Gorilla, Vaquita, Sea Turtles, Amur Leopard, and Tiger are some of the species that are on the verge of extinction. Apart from these many species of plants and trees including Lepidodendron, Araucaria Mirabilis, Wood Cycad and Kokia Cookie have gone extinct and many species are endangered.

Need to Conserve Biodiversity

Earth is a beautiful planet which has given us many things which occur naturally. Natural resources, rivers, valleys , oceans, different species of animals and beautiful varieties of plants and trees are among some of these.

In today’s world, we are busy developing our surroundings and spoiling our beautiful environment. Today, we have exploited most of the things that were available abundantly in nature. Thus, there arises a need to conserve these natural things. Among other things, there is a serious need for the conservation of biodiversity.

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Importance of Conservation of Biodiversity

Conservation of biodiversity is important for many reasons. Here are some of the main reasons to conserve biodiversity:

  • Process of Food Chain: Different species of animals and plants serve as the source of food for other animals and living organisms. Thus, conserving biodiversity help to keep the food chain among the living organisms.
  • Nutritional Needs: The decline in the variety of plants and animals would mean the decline in the variety of food we eat. So, this is likely to result in nutritional deficiencies.
  • Cleaner Air: Plants and trees have a greater ability to purify the air and keep the atmosphere clean. As there is a decrease in the number and types of trees and plants, it impacts the quality of air in a negative way.
  • Better Cultivation of Crops:   Fertility of soil is maintained by many insects, organisms and microorganisms work on different levels. So we have to maintain the level of microorganism which is better for the cultivation of crops.
  • For Medical Reason s: For making different medicines many species of trees and plants are used so as to cure various diseases.

Methods to Conserve Biodiversity

Methods that can help in the conservation of biodiversity are

  • Control Population: The greater the population the higher the needs which would result in further exploitation of flora and fauna and decline in biodiversity. For the conservation of biodiversity, we have to control the human population and allow other species of plants and animals to replenish on our planet.
  • Control Pollution: The changing climate, deteriorating air quality and the growing amount of pollution on land and water bodies are leading to different types of diseases in many. It is essential to reduce the activities leading to pollution so as to conserve biodiversity.
  • Reduce Deforestation: Due to deforestation, there is the loss of habitat. Due to this reason, wild animals are unable to survive in the new environment and die.
  • Avoid Wastage: We need to understand that natural resources are not only essential for us but are also vital for the survival of other species. We must thus utilize only as much as we require them so that these remain available in abundance in nature for future use.
  • Spread Awareness: Apart from this, one of the best methods to conserve biodiversity is by spreading awareness. The government can do so at a bigger level. While we can spread awareness by word of mouth and through social media.

Conservation of biodiversity is of utmost importance. We must all make efforts to conserve biodiversity rather than contributing towards its declination. Thus, the richness of biodiversity is essential for the survival of living beings on Earth.

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Essay on Natural Resources for Children and Students

iit-jee, neet, foundation

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Natural resources are commonly referred to the resources that are a gift of nature. They are produced naturally without the intervention of human beings. Sunlight, water, soil and air are some of the examples of natural resources. These are available in abundance in nature. However, there are various other natural resources also that are not found as easily. These include minerals and fossil fuels. Here are essays on natural resources of varying word lengths to help you with the same in your exam. You can select any natural resources essay as per your need:

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Long and Short Essay on Natural Resources in English

Natural resources essay – 1 (200 words).

Natural resources are the resources that are available naturally on our planet. We do not require any human intervention to derive them. These resources are essential for the survival of living beings. While some of the natural resources such as air, water and sunlight are used directly; others serve as raw material to produce various items of necessity.

Many of the natural resources are present in abundance and are renewable. This means that these can be recycled and reused. However, there are many others that are non-renewable or take thousands of years to replenish. Many natural resources are depleting fast. This is owing to several reasons. One of the main reasons is the growth in population. The consumption of natural resources is on an increase continually owing to the rapid population growth.

Deforestation is another cause for the depletion of natural resources. Land is being used for urbanization. This has led to the loss of wildlife and trees. The raw material derived from them is thus decreasing by the day. The growing pollution is affecting the water bodies negatively. The coming generations may have to face scarcity of water that was once available in abundance.

It is high time we humans must stop wasting the natural resources and use them wisely.

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Natural Resources Essay – 2 (300 words)


Natural resources are the resources that are made available by nature. Man does not have to work to derive these resources. Some of the examples of natural resources include water, air, sunlight, wood, minerals and natural gases. While many of the natural resources are available abundantly in nature others take time to form and are not available as freely.

Types of Natural Resources

While the characteristics and use of each natural resource is different from the other, these have broadly been classified in two categories. These are the renewable natural resources and non-renewable natural resources. Here is a look at these in detail:

  • Renewable Natural Resources : Renewable natural resources, as the name suggests are the ones that can be renewed naturally and used over and over again. Water, solar energy, wood, biomass, air and soil fall under this category. While many of these resources such as water, air and sunlight is easily renewable it takes time to renew natural resources such as wood and soil. Renewable resources are further categorized into organic and non-organic.

When renewable resources are derived from living things like animals and plants these are termed as organic renewable resources. When renewable resources are derived from non-living things, they are termed as inorganic renewable resources.

  • Non-Renewable Natural Resources : These are the resources that cannot be renewed or recycled or take a very long time to form again. Coal, oil, minerals and natural gases are examples of non renewable natural resources. While these form naturally without any human intervention, non-renewable natural resources such as minerals may take thousands of years to form. These are also divided into two categories – Organic and Non-organic.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from living organisms are called organic natural resources. One of the examples of this can be fossil fuel.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from non-living things such as wind, minerals, land and soil are known as inorganic natural resources.

Natural resources, especially the non-renewable resources, must be used wisely so that these are not depleted from nature.

Natural Resources Essay – 3 (400 words)

Natural Resources are the resources that have been available in nature since the beginning of the time. These resources make life possible on earth. Life on our planet would not have been possible without natural resources such as air, sunlight and water. Other natural resources are also as important and have become an integral part of our life.

Natural Resources Employed to Different Uses

While natural resources fulfil the basic necessities of man and other living beings on earth, they also form the basis for deriving various things. These things make life easier and comfortable. Today, man cannot imagine his life without most of these. Here is a look at the various ways in which natural resources are used:

  • Sunlight : It is used to generate solar power which is used in various appliances. Sunlight also enables the process of photosynthesis.
  • Air : Air is used to generate wind energy. Wind mills are employed to generate the same. It is used for various purposes such as grinding grains and pumping water.
  • Water : Water is used to generate hydroelectric energy. It is also used for various cleaning tasks and cooking.
  • Minerals : Minerals are used for generating several items that are used in our day to day lives. Wires, aluminium cans and parts of automobiles are among some of the things that are made with different kinds of minerals. Minerals such as gold and silver are used to craft jewellery.
  • Natural gases : These are used to generate electricity. These are also used in the kitchen for the purpose of heating.
  • Coal : This is another natural resource which is used for the purpose of generating electricity.
  • Plants : Plants offer a number of natural resources such as wood, fruits and vegetables. While fruits and vegetables are essential to keep the living beings alive, wood is used to manufacture various pieces of furniture, paper and other products.
  • Animals : Animals also provide numerous natural resources. They provide milk which is used to produce curd, cheese, butter and many other dairy products. Animal fur and skin are also used to derive various clothing items and other things of necessity. Woollen sweaters and caps, leather belts and bags, silk saris and bed linens are among some of the things made with the natural resources derived from animals.

Thus, natural resources are not only useful in their raw form but are also useful when they are employed to generate other stuff. Man has certainly made use of these resources in the best possible ways to make life better.

Natural Resources Essay – 4 (500 words)

Natural resources are a gift of the nature. These are consumed by the living organisms directly as well as indirectly. Direct consumption of natural resources implies using these resources in their pure form. The best examples of these can be sunlight and oxygen. Indirect consumption of natural resources means using them by modifying them or by generating other goods and services with their help. For instance, minerals, wood and many other natural resources are crafted into different materials before putting them to use.

Uses of Different Natural Resources

Natural Resources offer several uses. Without these, life would not be possible on earth. As per a survey, the developed countries use greater amount of natural resources compared to under-developed countries. Here is how these are used for various purposes:

Natural resources produced by animals are the kind of natural resources that are much in demand. This is because they provide us food which is essential for the survival of the living beings. Animals are tamed and reared to fetch organic natural resources from them. Milk and other dairy products that provide essential nutrients to the living beings are derived from animals. Fossil fuels derived from animal wastes are also employed for various tasks such as heating, running vehicles and generating electricity. Animal fur and skin is used for manufacturing clothes, bags, shoes, belts and other such items.

Plants provide us with fruits and vegetables that are essential for the survival of the living beings. Various medicines for curing different illnesses are also produced from these natural resources. Plants also provide us oxygen and absorb the harmful and toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This functions naturally without any human interaction. Besides, plant waste also contributes in producing fossil fuels which are used in various ways.

Apart from this, trees provide wood that is used for various purposes such as constructing houses, crafting furniture, making paper and producing various other big and small things that we cannot do without.

  • Minerals and Metals

Metals and minerals are also used for different purposes. All of these have their unique properties and are useful in their own way. Some of the uses of minerals and metals include creating batteries, manufacturing medical equipments, manufacturing automobile parts, crafting jewellery, constructing buildings and manufacturing utensils. These resources are limited and fall under the non-renewable natural resources category.

  • Sunlight, Air and Water

The importance and use of these natural resources is known to all. These are available in abundance in the atmosphere and are used directly in their pure unadulterated form by the living beings. These are also modified and used to run various processes. Fortunately, these are renewable natural resources and are replenished and replaced easily.

We consume a good amount of natural resources on a daily basis knowingly or unknowingly. While some of these are abundantly available in the atmosphere, most of these are fast depleting from earth. It is essential to use the natural resources wisely and stop any kind of wastage to ensure that these are available for our coming generations too. The government of every country must keep a check on the consumption of these resources and take measures to reduce wastage.

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Natural Resources Essay – 5 (600 words)

Natural Resources are bliss for the mankind as well as other living organisms. These form an essential part of our lives. In fact, life on earth wouldn’t be possible without most of these natural resources.

Distribution of Natural Resources

Natural resources are distributed unevenly on Earth. Different parts of the planet are rich in different kinds of natural resources. While some places receive abundance of sunlight others remain devoid of the same for most part of the year. Similarly, while certain places have numerous water bodies others have rich mineral fields. There are many factors that influence uneven distribution of natural resources. Climate and land type are among the main factors.

Countries that boast of rich reserves of natural resources include China, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States of America, Canada and Brazil. Here is a look at the natural resources these countries are rich in:

Russia ranks number one when it comes to natural resources. The country boasts of abundance of timber, oil, natural gas, coal and gold. One of the main reasons of its economic growth is export of these valuable natural resources.

China has a rich reserve of coal, timber and various metals. It supplies these resources to various parts of the world.

Iraq is known to have a whopping 9% of the total world’s oil deposits. Besides oil, it is also rich in phosphate rock.

The country is rich in natural resources such as natural gas, iron and oil. It ranks six worldwide when it comes to oil reserves. It exports oil to many countries around the world.

  • Saudi Arabia

The country encompasses the fifth largest natural gas reserve. Timber is also found in abundance in Saudi Arabia.

  • United States

The United States comes on the second position when it comes to the availability of natural resources. It is known for its coal, natural gas and oil reserves and gold and copper deposits.

Canada comes on number four when it comes to the availability of natural resources. It is known for its oil deposits. It supplies oil to various countries worldwide. It is also known for its uranium, phosphate and natural gas reserves and timber production.

Brazil is the world’s second largest iron producer. It also generates a good amount of timber which is supplied to various countries worldwide. Besides, Brazil is known for its deposits of uranium and gold.

Similarly, different regions grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables and export them to other places. Same is the case with animals. All kinds of animals are not available everywhere. The raw materials they produce are thus exchanged between countries.

Impact of Uneven Distribution of Natural Resources

This uneven distribution of natural resources gives way to international trades which promotes businesses and boasts the economic growth of various countries around the world. However, it also has a downside to it. It has led to power play among the countries. Countries that have higher deposits of oil, natural gases, minerals and other natural resources control and exploit those that have fewer resources. Due to this the rich and developed countries are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

While natural resources are essential for us so much so that our life on earth is not possible without the existence of these resources, human beings are using these without any inhibition. They do not realise the fact that most of these resources are non-renewable and many others take thousands of years to renew. We must use natural resources wisely and avoid any kind of wastage to help our future generations enjoy the kind of comfort and luxury we enjoy.

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    December 20, 2020 by Sandeep. Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources: Humans largely exploit naturally occurring resources like air, water, sunlight, coal, fossil fuels and petroleum reserves for their selfish needs. The overuse and misuse of natural resources have led to their steady decline and caused global depletion.

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    Renewable Natural Resources - These are those natural resources that are present in abundance and also renew easily. These include sunlight, water, air, soil, biomass, and wood. But among them, some resources take time to renew like the wood and soil. In addition, they are derived from living things as well as non-living things.

  21. Essay on Conservation of Nature for Children and Students

    Conservation of nature refers to the conservation of all those resources that formed naturally without any kind of help from the human beings. These include water, air, sunlight, land, forests, minerals, plants as well as animals. Together, all these natural resources make life worth living on Earth.

  22. Essay on Conservation of Biodiversity for Student

    500+ Words Essay on Conservation of Biodiversity. ... Natural resources, rivers, valleys, oceans, different species of animals and beautiful varieties of plants and trees are among some of these. In today's world, we are busy developing our surroundings and spoiling our beautiful environment. Today, we have exploited most of the things that ...

  23. Essay on Natural Resources for Children and Students

    Natural Resources Essay - 2 (300 words) Introduction. Natural resources are the resources that are made available by nature. Man does not have to work to derive these resources. Some of the examples of natural resources include water, air, sunlight, wood, minerals and natural gases.