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Dissertation Editing Fees of 7 Academic Editors

By Hiten Vyas

dissertation editing fees

If you’ve just completed a dissertation as a part of your Master’s degree, or a thesis as a part of your PhD program, well done.

You’re almost there!

Before submitting your dissertation or thesis for assessment, don’t forget to edit and proofread it properly.

By doing this, you develop a perception in the eyes of the assessors that they are about to read a high quality document.

Of course, the content needs to be top-notch. However, having a dissertation that is presented professionally will do wonders in encouraging the assessors to want to hold and read the culmination of your research.

If you’ve got a skill for editing and proofreading, then go ahead and do these on your dissertation.

However, there’s nothing like having a second pair of eyes, preferably the eyes of someone who doesn’t know you and your work, to look over it.

This is where professional academic editors can help.

Of course, such individuals are offering a service for which there will be a charge.

If you’re wondering about dissertation editing fees, then we’ve listed 7 freelance academic editors below and given an idea of how much they charge for editing theses and dissertations.

Do note these rates are indicative, and you will always get a proper quote after you’ve interacted with an editor, and provided him or her with more information about your dissertation and editing needs.

Remember, before you hire a dissertation editor, be sure to double check his or her credentials, and always request a small sample edit of your work before making any commitment. Also, find an editor that has experience in any style guidelines you’re using, and find someone you can connect with who will do the best job possible for your dissertation.

In addition, double check with your faculty or department on any guidance they have on hiring an external editor and whether you’re permitted to do so.

Let’s get onto the 7 academic editors and their rates.

1. Allison Van Deventer

Alison Van Denter has been editing for the past 15 years in various roles, including as an editor for elementary textbooks. An experienced writing instructor and coach, she’s been freelancing since 2015 and is a member of Editorial Freelancers Association . Allison holds a BA in English and French from Stanford University and an MA and PhD in Comparative Literature from UCLA. She has significant experience in working with graduate students on dissertations, theses, journal articles, grant applications, and applications for fellowships.

Based in Boston, Allison offers copyediting for correctness and consistency, stylistic editing for polishing the lines in documents, and developmental editing for the development of concepts and the structure of your work. Take a look at this page for more details on what is included in the three main types of editing Allison offers.

Allison’s dissertation editing rates

Before deciding whether to hire Allison, she can provide you with a sample edit (of 200 words), a quote and a free phone consultation to discuss your project. To give you an idea of her rates, her standard fee is $40 per hour and $35 per hour if you’re a fulltime student. Take a look at her ‘Rates’ page for more information.

2. Susan Murray

Susan Murray specializes in offering copyediting and development editing services to graduate students, academic staff and PhD students ensuring adherence to styles such as MLA, Chicago and APA. An editor of dissertations and theses in humanities, Susan has edited hundreds of academic pieces of work including books, and also transforming dissertations into books. She has an impressive client list including organizations such as Louisiana State University Press, University of Virginia Press, University Press of Kentucky, University Press of Florida, NYU Press, and Fordham University Press, among a number of others.

If you would like to get a free editing quote, you need to send in your dissertation as a Microsoft Word document, and describe the editing services you require, along with other important information such as required style guides (e.g. APA), any guides required by your university, and your deadlines. You also need to provide your name, email address and the University or college you are studying at. After receiving your dissertation and other required information, Susan will send you a quote that will factor in how much work is involved, the page count of your document and the type of editing services you requested. Take a look at this page for further information on the process involved and use this contact form to get a quote from Susan.

dissertation editing services prices

Susan’s dissertation editing rates

A holder of a Bachelor’s degree in German from the University of New Hampshire and a Master’s degree in English Literature from the University of New Hampshire, Susan’s dissertation editing rates for copyediting are $48 per hour, whatever the editing requirements. In effect, if Susan was to copyedit your dissertation, the bill you receive would be based upon the number of hours she would work on your project. Her fees for development editing of dissertations is $72 per hour; this higher fee reflects the nature of such editing as it looks at the structure of your document and reorganizes it considerably more compared to copyediting.

3. Kathleen Kline

Kathleen Kline has developed specialist skills in academic editing, writing, and teaching over the past 30 years. Owner of Kathleen Kline & Associates, which she started in 1986 and through which she offers academic editing services, she is also Director of The Writing Center at the Wright Institute School of Professional Psychology, which is in Berkeley, California; this organization offers workshops and talks both live in the San Francisco Bay Area and through remote means.

Author of the book entitled Confessions of a Dissertation Editor: Practical Guidance and Real-Life Stories , her editing process starts by reviewing your document and doing a sample edit, spending 1-2 hours doing so. The fee for this sample edit is $150.00. If you decide to hire her for the editing of the whole of your dissertation, this cost would be subsumed within the total editing costs for your project. At this stage, you would also get an idea of Kathleen’s editing work and she would also gain a better idea of how long it would take to edit your whole document. Her fees are based mostly on minutes per page (mmp). After sending you back the sample edit, Kathleen then would send you a proposed contract to consider.

Kathleen’s dissertation editing costs

Her dissertation and thesis standard rates are at $85 per hour. She also has set dissertation fees for Argosy students; these rates are $650 for a dissertation 100 pages long that consists of ensuring your document adheres to APA and of proofreading, and $150 for a 100 page dissertation that requires a light review of a document that doesn’t need any further revisions. Do take a look at this page for more information on the special rates, for further details on Kathleen’s standard rates and also the editing process she uses.

4. Liz Hunter

Based just outside of Edinburgh, Liz Hunter specializes in editing and proofreading theses and academic books in the arts, humanities and social sciences fields. With a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, she is also a member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders and follows the code of conduct of this organization. She has also been trained in copyediting, on-screen editing and proofreading. Liz is particularly experienced in working with students working on academic documents for whom English is a second language.

Liz’s thesis editing prices

Liz’s rates are usually £10 per thousand words, but the exact amount is dependent on the level of editing you need. The areas Liz can help you out with editing your thesis or dissertation, are checking for spelling, grammar, punctuation, typos and correct use of language. She can also make certain that your citations, footnotes and references have been arranged properly, highlight where you may want to recheck for consistency and also pick out areas of your document that are not clear, and share tips on making improvements. To get a proper estimate of the cost of your project, contact Liz with information on the length of your dissertation, its deadline and a sample from the document.

5. Alison Platt

Alison Platt is a freelance researcher and editor with over two decades worth of experience of conducting, managing and requesting social research and editing research reports and corporate documents. She is also experienced in editing dissertations and theses for students and journal articles for academics. When it comes to editing, Alison is able to offer light editing, which can consist of a small amount of restructuring and redrafting to help improve the clarity of your work and checking of facts and names. She can also do heavy editing which involves significant restructuring and redrafting.

Alison’s dissertation editing fees

Alison’s indicative fees for standard editing (mainly text that is continuous, written in non-technical language and is about a topic that isn’t specialist) are £12 per 1000 words for light editing, and £12 per 1000 words for heavy editing. If your dissertation doesn’t meet requirements for standard editing, then Alison will be able to give a custom quote based upon a sample you provide and the work that would be required to edit it. Do take a look at this page for further information, and contact details and a contact form can be found here .

6. Dr Lisa Lines

Dr Lisa Lines heads up Capstone Editing and in addition to being an author and historian, is a leading academic editor in Australia. With two PhDs (one in History and the other in Creative Writing), Dr Lines’s experience includes the editing of academic documents in their thousands, which also consists of editing in excess of 300 theses. She has an extensive academic background with experience of lecturing across all of the major universities in South Australia. At the University of South Australia she has trained students in Advanced Editing and Publishing and Advanced Technical Writing.

When it comes to editing theses, Dr Lines and her team at Capstone Editing can offer professional copyediting that meets standards for global publication and required guidelines for appropriate style, language and referencing.

Dr Lines’s dissertation editing services fees

Capstone Editing has a useful price calculator available at its website. As of writing this post, using the calculator, the editing cost of a 20,000 words document with a turnaround time of 7 days was priced at $733.50; this price is in Australian Dollars. You can access the calculator here and enter the word count of your thesis to get a quote and further details about exactly what you get in the editing service.

7. Hugh Jackson

Based in Lewes, Hugh Jackson is a professional editor who has edited PhD theses, journal articles and around 200 books, along with other types of varied content of different sizes, ranging from blog posts to large academic books written by multiple academic books. An editor who can edit both in American and British English, Hugh works with clients across the world. His professional background and qualifications are in social science and law, and his academic editing experience has consisted mainly of working with students and academics on theses, research proposals, essays, and journal articles. He is able to work according to any style guidelines. A particular strength of Hugh’s is his ability to check that references and citations have been used correctly.

Hugh’s fees for editing theses and dissertations

Hugh’s approach to charging fees is to charge by the word, rather than charging by the hour and his current rates for copyediting for the first 2000 words is £25 per thousand words, and then £18 per thousand words for the next 3000 words, £15 per thousand words for the subsequent 5000 words, £12 per thousand for the next 20,000 words and then £6 per thousand words for the rest of the words in your document. Do take a look at his ‘Fees’ page for further information.

Are you an academic editor who edits dissertations and theses? Please introduce yourself in the comments box below!

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://writingtipsoasis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/hv1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Hiten Vyas is the Founder and Managing Editor of Writing Tips Oasis .[/author_info] [/author]

The Expert Editor

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How much does dissertation editing cost.


One of the choices when writing a dissertation is whether or not to hire a dissertation editor. You may know fellow students or friends who have used editing services before and recommended them to you.

Not all students do this, but many choose to.

Here are some of the reasons students give for hiring a dissertation editor:

  • Although they feel confident about their dissertation topic and their research, they do not feel as confident in their academic writing
  • The time limits involved in working on a dissertation make it difficult to also concentrate on the quality of the writing
  • They value the skills of a professional in this area
  • They are still uncomfortable with some of the conventions of academic writing, referencing and formatting
  • Why not submit your work in the best possible condition?

Let us imagine that you have decided to take the plunge and use a professional editing service. As with any purchase, one of the questions most of us ask is – what does it cost?

Students, in particular, often have limited financial resources, so cost is important. As writing a dissertation is not something we do very often, nor something that everyone does, it is not something that most of us cannot clearly place a price value on.

This article provides you with a guide to understanding what dissertation editing can cost, and what services you may receive for your money.

As with many purchases today, we’ll compare the online prices. However, it also a good idea to check with your university writing center or any student support center to see if they offer or recommend any editing services.

Before jumping into looking at the costs of dissertation editing, the first point to be clear about is that dissertation editing and its costs differ from other forms of editing.

Who are you?

Editors and editing companies work with a range of clients – students and academics (professors), authors , and a very wide range of business and professional clients, from blue-chip companies to YouTube entrepreneurs.

They also typically charge different rates for each group, as the writing content differs, which in turn creates diverse editing needs. So, when you begin to search for the cost of editing your dissertation, make sure that you are searching for the right type of editing and editor: dissertation or thesis editing, or academic editing.

Academic editing can be more expensive than more general editing as it is more specialized. An editor cannot check out your citations unless she is familiar with the specific system, right?

Your work will be helped by an editor who has specific knowledge of both your subject area and the writing conventions of that discipline. Even the use of language within your field may differ from others. You may also feel more comfortable working with an editor who has specialized knowledge in your content area. Particularly, if you are seeking editing help to go beyond proofreading , and into improving your writing, an editor who understands your discipline may be a wise choice.

Many academic editing services provide such a service and employ a range of discipline specialists to edit differ subject matters. This is not limited to the higher cost editing providers. Many of the more economically priced services provide specialized editors too.

However, it is probably generally true to say that the higher-priced services employ editors with higher levels of qualification and experience. Whether or not that is necessary or worth the extra cost is a question you need to answer yourself.

So, what does it cost?

Like many services, there are a huge range of offerings and prices available. Some services focus on affordability, others on speed, others again on their academic credentials.

As a starting point, the table below provides a range of editing costs for dissertations of different lengths, with the editing completed in a turnaround time of 7-days. The price ranges given are based on online price quotations from 10 of the more popular online editing services across the spectrum of pricing and services available at the time of writing.

Dissertation length10,000 words50,000 words
Cost range (in USD)$205 - $1100$882 - $4620

As you can see, there is a very wide range of prices.

So, how do you decide? Begin by looking at the services provided and the likely quality of that service, and try to match this with your budget and editing requirements.

What services do you need?

When thinking about getting your dissertation ready for submission, which of the following do you think you will need:

  • Are you looking for someone to correct grammatical inaccuracies in your work (sometimes called proofreading )?
  • Are you looking for someone to correct grammatical inaccuracies in your work, and improve on your writing (sometimes called editing)?
  • Are you looking for someone to correct grammatical inaccuracies in your work, and improve on your writing using a deep knowledge of your content and discipline, and be available to discuss the edits with you, and make re-edits based on this discussion (sometimes called advanced editing)?

As you can imagine, the workload of the editor will be quite different depending on whether they are asked to perform proofreading, editing, or advanced editing. They also may need a greater degree of knowledge or experience for certain tasks. Unsurprisingly, the cost can differ greatly as a result of the increased or more specialized work requirements .

Global English Editing, for example, has two levels of services with different pricing.

GEE dissertation editing servicesCost for 10,000 word dissertation editing (USD)

At the other end of the scale, Elsevier’s Author Services provides two different levels of service for PhD thesis editing for the prices given below.

Elsevier’s Author ServicesCost for 12001 word PhD thesis editing (USD)
PhD editing$500
PhD editing plus$1390

These two companies are not mentioned as recommendations per se but are rather given here as examples of how, at both lower and higher cost ranges, editors provide different levels of service to the client for different price tags. What this means is that it is alongside the consideration of choosing a specific company or editor , thought also needs to be given the type of editing package a dissertation requires.

Not all editors use the terms proofreading, editing, advanced editing or premium editing in the same way. So, it is important that customers confirm the details of what each company, editor or editing package provides.

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What is your timeframe?

This is important to think about and should be considered earlier rather than later. Firstly, the more time you have, the more thought you can give to choosing an editing company or editor, to shopping around to find the right service for you.

Turnaround time can have an impact on price. As students are often working hard on their dissertations right up until the deadline for submission, this has created a situation where there is a market for editing completed within a very short space of time.

You will see many companies offering pricing for 24-hour, 48-hour, 72-hour and one-week turnaround times. There are even companies offering 3-hour editing services, though obviously not for something as long as a dissertation!

The shorter turnaround times come with a higher price tag. As an example, one popular economically priced company, Scribendi, charges the following rates for editing a 10,000 word dissertation: 316.77 USD for a one-week turnaround, 329.16 for a 72-hour turnaround, and 349.47 for a 48-hour turnaround.

Although some editing companies will accept very short turnaround times, it is wise to allocate a minimum of at least a week, preferably longer, for dissertation editing. Most companies and editors will not be able to manage documents of typical dissertation length in a few days.

Allocating a longer timeframe also means that you will not need to pay a time-based premium for the editing work. If you are paying for a ‘premium’ editing service, you should also allow time for re-editing if it is a service offered with your editing contract.

Not all companies following this approach, so it will be important to check this specifically when confirming price with an editor. Global English Editing, for example, does not charge extra for short turnaround times, allowing you to request a short time frame without paying a higher fee.

Understanding the pricing systems

Unfortunately, it is not initially easy to compare the prices and services of editors and companies. The manner in which they present the costs of their services varies widely: fixed costs per word, per page, per hour, lower costs as word count increases, quotations given after submission of writing and more!

Let’s take a look at some of the main pricing systems.

Per word, per page, per 10000 words

Seeing dissertation costs listed in these different ways is not unusual. However, there is actually not much difference between these three systems.

You are being charged a certain cost based on the length of your work, which in the case of a dissertation, is typically quite long! It is quite easy to work out the cost of editing your work . Many company websites provide an easy to use calculator so that you can work out the total cost.

One cost factor to remember to inquire about is whether or not there is a discount provided for longer work. It is not unusual for some editing companies to change a certain rate, for example for the first 10,000 words, and then lower rates for writing beyond this length. In some cases, this can be a significant reduction, meaning the overall cost will not be as expensive as you might imagine when you see the price for the first 10000 words.

A per hour cost is more commonly offered by individual editors than companies. The logic of this approach is that the amount and difficulty of editing varies across the writing of individuals. By working on a fixed hourly cost, the editor can ensure that they get paid for their efforts, whatever writing project they are working on.

From a costing perspective, the possible downside to choosing this option is that it may not be possible to know what the exact cost of editing your dissertation will be until completion (unless it is an editor who agrees to a fixed number of hours from the outset).

The editor may give an estimate of the number of hours required, or some may offer to do a small section of editing work for you as a paid sample before you commit to asking them to edit your full dissertation. This would give you an idea of the type of editing they will do for you. It may also allow you to roughly estimate the total cost of the editing process from the work done during the sample contract time.

Remember that a price comparison alone does not tell the whole story – it needs to be accompanied by an understanding of the editing services provided.

Why are some prices quite high?

Alongside employing highly qualified editors and editing all aspects of your writing, many of the more expensive editing options include the option for re-editing (in some cases, unlimited re-editing).

This means that you have the chance to work with the editor, to read through their feedback and editing, to ask questions, and make further requests. If you feel this would be valuable for you, it could be one reason to look at the more ‘premium’ editing packages as against the more standard options.

Are there any cheaper options?

Yes, there may be. You may find students at your university who provide editing services, or online freelancers who offer their services at lower rates. As there are now no global boundaries to finding an editor, individuals in countries with lower living costs can often offer their services at significantly lower rates.

Online freelancing websites such as Upwork and Fiverr can connect you with freelance editors globally. A quick search will show a huge range in the costs of editing services – some very cheap and some very expensive!

However, if you do choose to use a freelance editor, remember to pay attention to their portfolio of work and any customer feedback that is available.

With a larger editing company, you can have a good degree of confidence that they will provide a good level of service, as this is necessary for them to continue to do business. While a freelancer can of course provide a quality service, the client has a greater degree of responsibility in choosing the ‘right’ freelance editor.

As you can see, there are many easily accessible editing companies and individual editors that can cater to a variety of budgets. Editing today is thankfully not only an option for wealthy students but has become more affordable.

Hopefully, this article has given you a good place from which to make some decisions about your dissertation.

Good luck on your road to submission!

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  • 1 Editing & Proofreading Within 7 Days
  • 2 Editing & Proofreading Within 3 Days
  • 3 Editing & Proofreading Within 24 Hours
  • 4 We recommend
  • 5 After Editing Is Before Printing!
  • 6 Customer Reviews
  • 7 Any Questions?
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Editing & Proofreading Within 7 Days

What's included.


Optimisation of expression

Stylistic revision

Editing & Proofreading Within 3 Days

Editing & proofreading within 24 hours, price examples.

proofreading prices thesis

Price example for a Bachelor’s thesis with 8,000 words:

7 days $0.017 $136
3 days $0.026 $206
24 hours $0.034 $272

proofreading prices research_paper

Price example for a research paper with 3,000 words:

7 days $0.017 $51
3 days $0.026 $78
24 hours $0.034 $102

editing costs phd

Price example for a PhD with 9,000 words:

7 days $0.017 $153
3 days $0.026 $234
24 hours $0.034 $306

editing costs thesis2

Price example for a Master’s thesis with 12,000 words:

7 days $0.017 $192
3 days $0.026 $312
24 hours $0.034 $408

editing costs dissertation

Price example for a dissertation with 15,000 words:

7 days $0.017 $240
3 days $0.026 $390
24 hours $0.034 $510

We recommend

Before the proofreading & editing process, we highly recommend you to run your academic paper through a plagiarism check to avoid any serious consequences that might affect your grade.

After Editing Is Before Printing!

Ordered today. Delivered tomorrow.

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Customer Reviews

Scribbr prides itself on a vast number of satisfied customers who have benefited from their proofreading services. Thus, they offer 24/7 support, ready to answer any questions at any time.

editing costs rogvi olavson review

Worth every penny!

The comments and suggested changes were incredibly good, easy to understand and well argued. I chose the proofreading, structure check, and clarity check and it did not disappoint. I will definitely use this service again in the future. Highly recommended!

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editing costs sarah review

Extremely professional and timely

Extremely professional and timely! Regis did an amazing job bringing my admission essay to life. It went from overly wordy and unclear to very professional and concise. If I don’t get into my desired program, it won’t be because of my essay.

proofreading prices marcin review

Thank you very much for proofreading…

Thank you very much for proofreading and suggestions. I wholeheartedly recommend the Scribbr service to everyone.

proofreading prices tess review

He provided clear and detailed…

He provided clear and detailed feedback, has an eye for language and clarity and even proofread sections I did not pay for.

Any Questions?

How much does the proofreading and editing service cost.

Choosing a proofreading and editing company that offers transparency and reliable pricing for your academic work is vital. Ideally, the cost should be predetermined before the proofreading and editing process to avoid any unexpected additional fees.

We assure students of affordable pricing when they opt for our proofreading services. Our pricing model is straightforward: it’s based on the word count of your document and the editing duration you select (options include 24 hours, 3 days, or 7 days). For instance, if you allow the proofreaders 7 days to work on your paper, the rate is set at $0.017 per word. This transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what to expect financially without any surprises.

What are the benefits of proofreading & editing services?

If you submit your academic paper to our online proofreading and editing services now, you will get the following benefits:

  • Professional proofreading & editing
  • Spell check
  • Punctuation correction
  • Flawless grammar
  • Academic language
  • Coherence for readability
  • Native speaker proofreaders (e.g., English or French)
  • Guaranteed meeting of deadlines
  • Cost-effective prices for students
  • Pick proofreading& editing duration (7 days, 3 days, 24 hours)

These accompany other benefits when you choose our professional proofreading & editing service for your thesis or dissertation.

How fast can the proofreading & editing service process my document?

Choose between 24 h, 3 days, or 7 days of processing time based on your time schedule of meeting deadlines and how much you would like to spend. Don’t worry, we will make sure that you will receive your proofread and edited document at your selected time.

The shorter the processing time for proofreading your paper, the more expensive it will be. Therefore, it is strongly advised to plan the proofreading & editing process of your academic work as soon as possible so you can benefit from a thoroughly proofread paper at a lower cost: To the proofreading & editing request

Are proofreading and editing services for thesis papers allowed?

Our proofreading and editing partner is a highly respected service provider, renowned for being a leading choice in proofreading and editing theses and dissertations for numerous years. We can confidently state that utilizing proofreading and editing services is completely permissible.

It’s important to distinguish that while proofreading and editing services are allowed, the actual writing or ghostwriting of parts or an entire academic thesis, and then submitting this work under a different name, is strictly forbidden. Engaging in such practices can result in severe consequences. Editing and proofreading are considered legitimate aids in refining your work, ensuring adherence to academic standards without compromising the originality and integrity of your own writing.

Does the proofreader and editor check the bibliography of the thesis?

Proofreading and editing services primarily focus on refining the writing of your thesis or academic paper. As such, our standard dissertation and thesis proofreading and editing service does not automatically include a detailed examination of bibliographies, citations, or references. However, recognizing the importance of these elements, we offer you the option to add specific checks to address these areas when customizing your proofreading and editing package. If you wish to have your bibliography in-depth reviewed, proofread, and edited, you can select the citation check option. This addition ensures that your references are thoroughly and accurately handled, aligning with your overall proofreading and editing needs.

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"I am very happy that I found Editor World, and I believe I will continue to be pleased with the fantastic editing services in the future."  -Saki, Lancaster, United Kingdom

How Much Does Dissertation Editing Cost?

The price you pay for dissertation editing services can vary greatly depending on who you hire, but you can expect to pay at least  $0.02 per word . Given the average PhD dissertation word count of 80,000 words , the cost for professional editing is about $1,650 or higher  (U.S. dollars). The cost for comprehensive editing of an 80,000-word dissertation at Scribbr is $2,665 with a 1-week turnaround. PaperTrue charges $2,800 for dissertation editing with a 10-day turnaround, and the price is $1,820 with a 30-day turnaround. The price for editing an 80,000-word dissertation is $2,483 at Scribendi, with a 2-week turnaround. When you need fast, high-quality dissertation editing and proofreading services, the PhD editors at Editor World are here to help (our price for editing a dissertation with 80,000 words is $1,680. To view a list of top dissertation editing services available online, see our summary of 10 dissertation editing services . Some dissertation editors charge a set fee to edit a dissertation, while others set the price based on page count or word count. The cost to edit a dissertation also depends on the type of editing the editor provides. If you are in the early stages of writing your dissertation, more involved editing, known as rewriting or substantive editing , may be needed. Because this type of editing is more involved, it will be more expensive. In this stage, the editor may need to work more closely with you, such as meeting regularly to discuss areas that require improvement and reworking the chapters.

In later stages of the dissertation writing process, you may need a round of copyediting, where the editor focuses on clarity, readability, grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation. After you defend and finalize your dissertation, a round of proofreading will help you eliminate any minor errors remaining in the document. This ensures that your final dissertation is as error-free and professional as possible. The cost of proofreading your dissertation will be lower than the price for editing. The price paid for editing your dissertation can increase if the editor has extensive experience with dissertation editing. The length of the time the editor is given to edit your dissertation, or the turnaround time, also impacts the price. A rush editing service, one that gives the editor very little time to edit the dissertation, will have a higher fee.

Dissertation editors may also charge lower per-word or per-page rates for longer projects, so if you are submitting your dissertation for editing chapter-by-chapter you may pay a higher price than if you submit the complete dissertation at one time. However, having the dissertation edited as you work on each chapter can be less intimidating because you only need to revise one section at a time. Considering your work style can help you decide whether to submit your dissertation for editing as you complete each chapter or to wait and submit the full dissertation for editing at one time.

As with any service you purchase, you need to obtain as much information as possible about your dissertation editor before submitting payment. This includes previous client feedback on the editor's performance with dissertations, the full cost to edit your dissertation, and the deadline for receiving your edited dissertation. It is also imperative that you provide detailed instructions for your editor so he or she can best meet your needs. When you're ready to publish journal articles based on your dissertation, review our list of academic writing dos and don'ts . 

About Editor World's Dissertation Editing Services

As of April 2023, Editor World’s  cost to edit  a 80,000-word dissertation is $1,680. Some editors offer a discount of up to 20%, which would reduce the  dissertation editing  cost to $1,344. Our dissertation editing services help you focus on the content of your dissertation while we perfect your words, increasing your chances of successfully completing your dissertation and doctorate. Editor World is also available for rewriting and paraphrasing ,  academic editing ,  dissertation editing , thesis proofreading , and so much more!

10 Best Dissertation Editing Services

Photo of author

| Candace Osmond

Photo of author

Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

A dissertation is likely to be the most challenging piece of work a postgraduate student has to complete. It definitely makes me grateful that my uni days are far behind me. A dissertation needs to be organized, coherent, and error-free for the researcher to clearly present their findings.

Perfect your writing with the help of our list of the best dissertation editing services to hire. These awesome companies can increase your chances of getting published in scholarly journals and improve your research career. Cool, right?

What is the Best Dissertation Editing Service?

The best dissertation editing service knows the type of service your dissertation needs. If your paper centers on Social Science, the editors should be knowledgeable about the subject and its concepts. Otherwise, they won’t give meaningful feedback and suggestions for revision.

The best editing service should also have many years of experience. If you’re hiring a freelancer, find out how long they’ve been editing. Ask for a sample edit to check if they are suitable for your writing project. In my opinion, a sample edit is one of the best solutions to find out if you’re a good match.

Their rates also determine their services. The best dissertation editing service can edit your paper at a reasonable price. They should have a fixed pricing model based on your deadline and word count.

What Does a Dissertation Editor Do?

A dissertation editor is an editor that works with seasoned writers to improve their dissertations. They should be experts in research projects, format, university standards, and the specific topic.

Dissertation editors read, critique, and edit dissertations as other editors do with various documents. But dissertation editors need to pay extra attention to the subject matter, its concepts, and how they relate to the research findings.

These experts have a huge role in the numerous revisions and iterations these papers go through. The paper’s strength will dictate whether the student will be given the title Ph.D.

How Can I Edit My Dissertation?

I mean, yes, you can, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The best way to edit your dissertation is to hire an editor. An experienced editor will instantly spot the strengths and weaknesses of your work. They will correct all your mistakes at every level, from typos to structural flaws.

As a writer, your job is to edit while writing the paper. Start your dissertation with an awareness that you will have to revise, cite sources, and proofread. Doing so will help you take notes on which parts of the paper require careful writing.

While writing, try to figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Do you need help forming grammatically correct sentences? Perhaps you need a refresher on the subject matter you’re writing about. Gather resources that will help you overcome these issues.

Finally, learn the writing standards of your university when it comes to dissertations. Should you use APA, MLA, or Chicago Style for citations? Check if there’s a template provided for your paper before submission.

How Do I Find a Thesis Editor?

Several thesis or dissertation editors market themselves on the internet. You’ll find freelancers on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer. But it’s much better to hire editors from reputable companies like TrueEditors, ProofreadingPal, and Scribendi.

Make sure the dissertation editor can address all your writing needs. If you need help with your syntax, word choice, and format, a copy editor might help. However, if you need help with the overall content flow, a specialized editor will help you.

How Much Does Thesis Editing Cost?

The price for dissertation editing varies based on the company you’re working with. These services usually have pricing calculators that customize their rates according to the turnaround time and word count.

Editor World estimates the average cost for dissertation editing services is $0.02 per word. Since dissertations usually have 10,000 to 50,000 words, the price can reach up to $1000.

How Much Does It Cost to Proofread a Dissertation?

According to Editor World, the average cost for general dissertation proofreading is $0.017 per word. That means a 50,000-word dissertation of a doctoral student may cost up to $850.

Proofreading involves correcting mechanical errors like misspellings, grammar mistakes, and formatting issues. The process is usually the same for all documents, whether dissertation, creative writing, or business.

dissertation editing cost per page

If you want to save money, try hiring an all-in-one editor and proofreader for your dissertation. You may also look for experienced freelancers with more affordable rates. Just make sure to ask for editing samples before hiring them, trust me.

Top 10 Online Dissertation Editing Services

After researching and reading up on testimonials, I definitely think this list has your best options. So, take a moment, read through, and see which one will work for your dissertation editing needs.


True Editors

TrueEditors provides the dissertation editing help you need through their academic editing services. The trusted company can perform several levels of editing and specialized editing for the academic writer.

Online editing dissertations may include in-depth feedback about your arguments and logical gaps. Students can also receive suggestions about their documents’ ambiguities and lack of cohesion.

But if you only need basic grammar and sentence structure checks, TrueEditors can also help you. Other services they offer include referencing, writing style guides, and layout. I definitely think this is a great all-in-one service provider.

Their pricing starts at #39 for a 1000-word paper delivered in 24 hours.


Write Smartly

Regardless of your academic background, WriteSmartly has the best human editors that provide thesis editing services. The editing team can edit and proofread your academic writing pieces at a reasonable price.

The customer reviews for WriteSmartly are high, and I can see why. Their edits are clean, accurate, and logical. Aside from correcting your English language errors, they can also fix your flow, structure, and style guides.

The cost of a 1000-word text for editing and proofreading services with a turnaround time of 2 hours is $37.

Scribendi 4

Scribendi is one of the most popular companies that offer expert editing for your academic article. While they are not known for literary editing, the company has a vast experience in business, educational, and legal documents.

Scribendi’s technical accuracy is incomparable. Even writers whose second language is English will sound as fluent as native English speakers in their professional writing.

Proofreading dissertations usually come after the English editing process. Scribendi’s thesis editor will check your document for inconsistencies, flow issues, and structural problems. Then, they will look for bad grammar or formatting.

A 1,000-word document with a delivery time of 24 hours costs $40 at Scribendi. That’s a great value, if you ask me.

Wordy 3

Wordy has several expert editors who offer a wide range of editing services. Their proficient editors can perform UK-based editing and promise to create great content.

They can help you with your dissertation, essay, business presentation, and email.

The company does elite editing because of its extensive knowledge of standard grammar rules. In fact, the professional editing service features 56 subject fields in which they are experts. They can process 11 major file formats and cut 30% off your writing time.

Wordy has reasonable prices based on a time-sensitive pricing model. A 1,000-word academic document with a 24-hour delivery costs $40. Again, another great value.

Editage 2 1

I just cannot doubt the positive reviews on Editage . This reliable editing service can edit your academic documents regardless of your academic discipline. You can count on this UK-based company if you’re a Ph.D. student looking for standard dissertation editing.

The team’s experienced editors can help you with professional school essays, books, and letters. They will pair you with the most suitable dissertation editor with expertise in your field. Perhaps they also have the necessary software for editing your writing mistakes.

Editage will not make unnecessary edits to your work, such as removing your original voice or changing all passive voice sentences into active ones.

A 1000-word academic document only costs $30.

Enago 1

Enago has Ph.D./Master’s qualified native English-speaking editors who won’t let a single error slide on your dissertation. The company offers various options for editing, such as basic English editing, publication support packs, and translation.

The online dissertation editing service ensures technical accuracy and an in-depth subject review. They can perform an array of editing for scientific research, social science, and even business editing at a high delivery speed.

Enago can also assist you with non-fiction writing and personal documents. However, they thrive more in academic articles. Plus, their prices are pretty high.

The average price for a 5,000-word paper with a 21-day deadline is $840.

Kibin 1

Kibin is known for its essay writing and creative writing editing services. But they can also do editing services for dissertations. The company offers several choices for editing, including student editing, admissions editing, and business editing.

Kibin is one of the editing platforms you can trust when proofreading documents. They will lighten your load by automatically correcting errors and providing expert feedback on your work.

Their rates start at $40 for a 24-hour delivery time of a 1000-word essay.


Proofreading Pal

Despite the plethora of companies offering Ph.D. editing services, ProofreadingPal remains competitive in the market. This company is unique because it offers a two-person editing service to provide two fresh pairs of eyes on your document.

They can perform editing for authors of books, non-fiction, and research articles. They can also help students with basic assignments and admission essays.

ProofreadingPal has a transparent pricing policy. A document submitted in 24 hours may cost between $30 and $100, depending on the word count.

Wordvice 2

Whether you need scholarship editing services or online dissertation services, Wordvice is the best company. Their editors can do proficient editing by improving your tone, style, and flow. They also provide comments and feedback for revision.

All you have to do is submit your dissertation for editing and make your payment based on their fixed prices. A 1000-word scholarly paper costs $80 for a 24-hour delivery time.

Wordvice does not offer content writing services. Don’t expect them to write a whole essay or thesis proposal for you.



Last on the list is Elite Editing. This company can give you quick editing and proofreading services without compromising quality. They are an Australian company that caters to all types of scholarly content, from admission essays to dissertations.

Elite Editing’s editors have extensive work experience at major magazine companies and universities. Some have worked in Fortune 500 but still offer affordable services.

A 1000-word essay with a 24-hour delivery time costs AUS130.

Seek Dissertation Editing Help

A document as critical as a dissertation requires professional editing services. Fortunately, many companies can perform high-quality editing without costing an arm and leg.

Choose from my list of the best dissertation editing services to fix your arguments, flow, and overall structure. These affordable services have experienced editors who are experts in diverse fields of study.

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Embark on our proofreading and editing course.

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Dissertation Editing Services: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re unsure about the quality of your dissertation writing, it’s best to get it reviewed by an expert editor. But you may have lots of questions about how this works. Do you need professional dissertation editing services? What process do they follow? What are the best dissertation proofreading services and how can you choose the right one for yourself?

In this article, we’ve answered all these questions and more. From checks to find out if a company is legit to your expected dissertation editing costs, we’ve covered it all. So without further ado, let’s get into it.  

What Are Dissertation Editing Services?

Dissertation editing services are professional services that help students refine their dissertations before submitting them. Companies that provide these services for students and researchers are also called “dissertation editing services”. Depending on the type of review, they check your thesis for coherence, clarity, syntax, grammar, and word choice.

While understanding professional editing services for dissertations, you may wonder how they work. These companies employ hundreds of academic editors from diverse fields. They use advanced software and a skilled team to assign each dissertation to an expert from the field. This way, you don’t have to waste your time hunting for a dissertation editor and you still get expert feedback.

But are dissertation proofreading and editing services really that important? Could you do without them?

Why Choose Dissertation Editing Services?

You should choose dissertation editing services because your dissertation is the most important academic text you’ll ever work on. It’s your responsibility to ensure that it’s written and formatted as perfectly as possible, and you will lose marks if there are errors in the document!

Plus, your dissertation is your original contribution to your field of study. It has to be the best reflection of your research, or it’ll undermine all your hard work. Due diligence in editing and proofreading your dissertation elevates its quality and conveys your sincerity to your work.

But why not edit your dissertation yourself? Well, there are several disadvantages of self-editing. There are even more advantages of dissertation editing services. So, what do dissertation editing services offer?

Dissertation editing services:

  • Catch the most minute errors you’ll likely miss, even with several reviews.
  • Improve the clarity and coherence of your writing.
  • Ensure accuracy in research methods, argument logic, and use of technical terms.
  • Offer expert feedback to improve your document further.
  • Elevate the overall impact and quality of your dissertation, helping you score higher.

But how does this process work? A dissertation is a lengthy document, so dissertation proofreading services take a layered approach.

Dissertation Editing Process

The dissertation editing process moves from macro-level edits to micro-level edits. So, document-spanning issues such as coherence and argument clarity are considered first. More specific issues such as grammar and spelling mistakes are fixed at the end to avoid repeated work. 

Depending on the scope of the editing step and the issues looked at, there are four major types of editing. They’re undertaken in a specific order, but various services may offer them in different formats.

Types of Dissertation Editing

The four types of dissertation editing are substantive or developmental editing, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. Does your dissertation need all four steps? Let’s take a look.

1. Substantive Editing

Substantive editing, also known as content editing or developmental editing, focuses on the content of your dissertation. It improves the structure and flow of the entire document, examining its clarity and coherence. 

A substantive editor:

  • Examines the logical development of your argument.
  • Ensures that your writing is clear and has a smooth flow.
  • Checks the validity of your methodology and data points.
  • Removes any ambiguous, redundant, or repetitive sections.
  • Ensures that your dissertation aligns with your research objectives.

The substantive editor will leave comments on the document, highlighting problematic areas and suggesting improvements. Since you’re the writer, you decide which comments to work on and which ones to ignore, if any. 

2. Line Editing

Line editing is a line-by-line edit that improves the clarity, flow, and effectiveness of your academic sentences. This is a more stylistic review, focusing on meaning, tone, and word choice than grammar or punctuation. So if you want to ensure that your dissertation is engaging, coherent, and well-written, you need a line editor.

A line editor checks your dissertation for the following:

  • Clear expression of the intended meaning
  • Word choice and sentence structure
  • Smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs
  • Consistency in tone and style
  • Pacing (sentence length, density of data, etc.)
  • Overt language errors (not the main focus)

This step is crucial for ESL students and researchers as well as anyone who’s unsure of their writing abilities. However, providers of dissertation editing services often combine line editing with copy editing, since both these steps address overlapping concerns.

3. Copy Editing

Copy editing for a dissertation is a meticulous process that focuses on the mechanical aspects of writing such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In its pure form, copy editing doesn’t pay much attention to stylistic or technical aspects of your writing. So, a copy editor will fix the language errors in a sentence but not inconsistencies in writing style or pacing.

Just because dissertation copy editing is mechanical doesn’t mean it has a narrow scope, though. A copy editor checks not only writing but also graphic elements, formatting style, and referencing. A copy editor undertakes the following tasks:

  • Correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence construction.
  • Ensuring proper sentence structure with subject-verb agreement.
  • Making the text clear and readable.
  • Checking the use of technical terms, abbreviations, and acronyms.
  • Reviewing the labeling, formatting, relevance, and overall fitness of tables, figures, and images.
  • Ensuring that the dissertation follows the prescribed style guidelines (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Reviewing in-text citations and entries on the reference list; cross-checking them for accuracy and missing details.
  • Checking for overall consistency in the document (formatting, word choice, and style).
  • Undertaking a basic review of the page layout.

As you can see, a copy editor plays a crucial role in removing several kinds of errors from your dissertation. Compared to this, a line editor’s review seems smaller in scope. So, most dissertation copy editing service providers combine it with line editing. They correct language errors and add comments for stylistic improvements.

4. Proofreading

Dissertation proofreading is the final review that highlights any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. It looks only for surface-level mistakes, such as typographical or language-related errors. So, it’s like copy editing in a sense but with a smaller scope.

Proofreading removes any lingering errors that may distract readers or undermine your hard work. It may seem like a minor step, but it’s an essential quality check and your last defense against any superficial errors. You should proofread your dissertation once all other editing steps are complete to avoid rework.

Proofreading highlights the following errors in your dissertation:

  • Spelling mistakes and typos
  • Punctuation errors
  • Any obvious grammar errors
  • Incorrect abbreviations and acronyms
  • Errors in labeling or formatting tables and figures
  • Referencing errors
  • Problems with page formatting (such as improper margins and missing headers)

Since a dissertation proofreader has to catch such minute errors, proofreading is a painstaking and detail-oriented task. Dissertation proofreading services hire trained experts to undertake this step, saving you time and effort.

What Is Dissertation Referencing?

Dissertation referencing is the process of adding references to your dissertation. While researching, you’re bound to use information from a variety of sources, all of which you must credit in your thesis. Whether you follow the MLA style or APA format, you must add and correctly format your in-text citations and reference list entries.

Professional dissertation editors and proofreaders don’t usually undertake this step for you. They may fix one or two incorrect or missing citations, but they don’t write your reference list for you. If any APA dissertation editing services undertake this task, they may charge an additional price.

What Is Dissertation Formatting?

Dissertation formatting is the process of formatting your pages and text according to the style guidelines prescribed by your university. This is usually the MLA format for humanities students, APA format for STEM students, and Chicago style for students of business and history. Incorrect formatting in your dissertation may result in a lower score.

Like referencing, an editor does not undertake dissertation formatting for you unless as a separate task. Some companies do offer dissertation referencing and formatting services in addition to editing and proofreading.

Choosing an Editing Service: What to Look For

Now that you know what dissertation editing is, why it’s important, and how it works, it’s time to find out how to choose an editing service. There are several dissertation review services out there, old and new. Older firms have experience but are often more expensive, while newer companies are more affordable but aren’t well-known. So what signs should you look for?

1. Reviews and Recommendations

Personal recommendations from your peers or seniors are the best method when choosing an editing service. If a company has worked for them, it probably understands the requirements of your subject or university. Some universities also have tie-ups with doctoral dissertation editing services, so you should check if yours has one.

The next step is to check the company’s online reviews. Even a quick look at the reviews will give you a good idea of a company’s strengths and weaknesses. You can then make a more informed choice based on these testimonials.

Shortlist a few editing services from this initial check and refine that list as you find out more about them.

2. A Helpful but Realistic Support Team

All good editing firms have a support team that communicates your requirements to the editing team. The support staff also helps you place your order and guides you through the editing process. Ideally, the person communicating with you should be friendly, confident, and knowledgeable, but not pushy.

If you’re being rushed into placing an order or being offered dubious discounts, you should proceed with caution. So, make sure that the support team knows what they’re doing and can be relied upon. You should also remember to be very clear about your requirements and priorities in your document. This will help them target those issues in your dissertation and you won’t have to ask for any revisions.

3. Transparency and Confidentiality

Dissertation editing services must be transparent about their editing process and measures to ensure document confidentiality. At the end of your first call with the company, you should have clarity about the people who will work on your document and the process they’ll follow. If you can’t be sure of this, ask the support team for clarification. If you don’t get a satisfying answer, it’s probably best to avoid working with that particular service.

Another important aspect of dissertation editing is confidentiality. Almost all editing services have their editors sign NDAs at the time of joining, so you shouldn’t worry about that. One thing to look for, however, is the security measures the company undertakes to protect your document from outside threats. This includes 192-bit or 256-bit encryption methods, which are popularly used by dissertation editing companies.

4. Free Work Sample

Always ask for a sample edit. Editing companies don’t usually offer a sample edit unless you approach them with a major document. Since a dissertation qualifies as such, any firm worth its name should be good to offer you a one-page or 300-word free edit.

This sample edit will tell you a lot about a company’s work ethic, quality of edits, and professionalism. If you’ve shortlisted a few companies, the sample edit is probably the most reliable metric to base your final decision on. However, company policies keep changing and some established firms may have stopped offering sample edits. In this case, you’ll have to decide based on the three factors listed above.

5. A Good Offer

The final consideration is one for your pocket. Getting dissertation editing help can get expensive, and most companies understand the financial constraints on students. So, you’re likely to find big discounts during the dissertation season. If waiting that long isn’t an option for you, don’t hesitate to ask the support staff!

Once you have a quote from a few companies, compare their pros and cons and you’ll be able to choose the best dissertation editing service for you.

Be sure to enquire about the company’s revision policy. If you’re unhappy with the edit, you should be able to receive a partial or full refund. Most editing services offer one or two free revisions, so make sure to use those and get the best version of your document!

Now that we know how to choose a dissertation editing service, what are some well-known firms that fit the bill? Let’s take a look.

The Top Dissertation Editing Services of 2024

Of the many premium dissertation editing services out there, some stand out as the best of the best. In this list, we’ve considered quality of services, pricing, turnaround time, and editorial team. So, here are the best dissertation editing services of 2024:

An established name in academic editing, Scribbr is particularly popular among college students due to its online tools and resources. Their expertise and experience don’t come cheap, but you can rest assured that your dissertation will be well-edited. The best thing is that you can ask them to focus on certain aspects of your document.

If you know that your writing isn’t clear or that your structure needs to be refined, you can opt for the relevant checks. These come with a hike in price but may be helpful for those who have received targeted feedback from professors before. After all, structure, cohesion, and clarity are important factors that affect your overall grade.

Scribbr can return your edited dissertation in 12 hours to 7 days. At around $835 for a 15,000-word dissertation, however, dissertation editing with Scribbr will cost you a pretty penny.

2. Cambridge Proofreading

Cambridge Proofreading has been offering dissertation editing services for over 11 years. They employ more than 300 academic editors, all of whom are native speakers from the US and UK. Their system deletes all documents after 15 days of closing an order, which helps keep your dissertation confidential.

Cambridge Proofreading has expertise in editing dissertations from diverse fields, from astrophysics to philosophy. Recently they’ve also launched a service where they humanize AI-generated text. This is an additional boost for many students, helping them get more work done in less time.

Their dissertation editing process is fairly straightforward, but they stand out in terms of pricing. They charge dissertation editing rates of $28.90 per 1,000 words for a 24-hour delivery and $25.90 per 1,000 words for a 48-hour delivery. In terms of both the cost and turnaround time, this is excellent!

3. Scribendi

Scribendi was established in 1997, making it one of the oldest top dissertation editing companies. They have a separate approach to ESL writers, paying more attention to those documents. With 287 editors working at the firm, they should be able to pair you with an expert from your field.

Sribendi has ISO certification and prioritizes customer satisfaction. They can deliver your document in as little time as four hours! This isn’t feasible for longer documents like dissertations, however. For example, they can deliver a 15,000-word dissertation in 48 hours to 7 days. Their price range for this is $558–$615, putting them on the slightly expensive side of things.

You can use their dissertation editing service to refine not only complete theses but also dissertation and thesis proposals.

4. TrueEditors

Although a relatively newer company, TrueEditors is a robust and affordable dissertation editing service. They have more than 155 academic experts onboard from a diverse range of academic disciplines. The best thing is that their edit also includes dissertation referencing, dissertation formatting, and a plagiarism check!

TrueEditors offers five prices depending on the time duration. They can deliver your edited dissertation in 48 hours, but the price will be higher. If you opt for a delivery time of ten days, however, the price will be much lower.

Aside from editing and proofreading a dissertation, TrueEditors also offers:

  • Paraphrasing & Rewriting
  • Content Writing
  • Translation

These additional services are especially useful to ESL students, who may struggle to express their ideas as eloquently in English.

Enago employs highly qualified editors and proofreaders to work on your dissertation. They offer dissertation editing services in two packages: Thesis Essentials and Thesis Pro. The Thesis Essentials package is limited to grammar, punctuation, academic style,  and expert commentary. You can get thesis formatting, reference formatting, plagiarism check, and one revision with this package as add-ons.

The Thesis Pro package includes everything in Essentials but adds a clarity check, structure check, and advanced commentary. Reference formatting and one revision round are free with this package. If you’re not sure about editing with Enago, you can get their sample edit of 200 words. They only offer this if your dissertation is over 10,000 words.

This overview of the best dissertation editing services must have given you an idea about the process and pricing. But let’s take a closer look at the average dissertation proofreading cost.

How Much Does it Cost to Edit a Dissertation?

It can cost between $400–$850 to edit a dissertation of 15,000 words. However, the cost of dissertation editing varies based on document length, complexity, and your requirements. Undergraduate and master’s dissertations, for instance, will be about 8,000–15,000 words long. PhD dissertations, on the other hand, can reach about 80,000–100,000 words in length, which hikes up the price dramatically.

Similarly, a specialized structure and quality check is likely to add a few hundred dollars to the editing cost. If you want the editing service to handle referencing and formatting on top of that, the cost will increase. The cost of dissertation editing is directly proportional to the amount of work the editor undertakes.

It’s always best to edit and proofread your dissertation a few times yourself and get an initial review from your instructor. You can then look for PhD dissertation editing services based on their feedback. If you know exactly what you need an editor to do, you’ll have to pay only for the essentials.

How Can I Get a Dissertation Editing Quote?

You can get a dissertation editing quote by visiting a company’s website. Most online dissertation editing services have their pricing readily available on their web pages. You can simply type the word count of your dissertation and get a tentative figure. Some companies ask you to upload your dissertation before offering a quote.

If you’d like to know more about a company and their style of work, you can reach out to their support team. These days, most companies have chatbots on their website and you can use them to get in touch with the team. This is a better way to get a quote since you can tell them your requirements and obtain a much better offer.

Can I Get a Discount on Dissertation Editing Services?

Yes, you can definitely get a discount on dissertation editing services. Almost every editing company will offer you a 5% to 10% discount on your first order. Some also have student discounts of up to 15%. Plus, most companies have offers going on throughout the year, such as Black Friday, Holiday Season, and Easter discounts.

If you’ve been working on your dissertation in advance, you’re likely to have a document ready when one of the big offers comes around. If you’re in a time crunch, though, you’ll probably have to make do with a 10% discount.

How Long Does it Take to Proofread a Dissertation?

It may take anywhere from 12 hours to 7 days to proofread a dissertation. If you pay for a premium dissertation editing service, they may even deliver the proofread document in a few hours! But less turnaround time usually means more expensive services. So, the time it takes to proofread a dissertation largely depends on your editing budget!

Do Dissertation Editing Services Offer Error-Free Dissertations?

Yes, dissertation editing services offer error-free dissertations—that’s their purpose! This doesn’t mean that no error can bypass an editor; such a claim would be impossible to live up to. However, dissertation editing and proofreading services undertake several reviews to find and remove as many errors as they can. This, in turn, almost always leaves your document completely error-free!

Is it Safe to Send a Dissertation for Editing Services?

Yes, it’s completely safe to send a dissertation to editing services! It is not only academically ethical but expected that you get your dissertation professionally edited. Editing companies undertake several measures to protect your document, from encryption methods to NDAs. Rest assured, your dissertation is safe in your editors’ hands!

What Types of Documents Can You Use Dissertation Editing Services For?

You can use dissertation editing services for complete theses and dissertations as well as partial drafts. Some services also consider thesis and dissertation proposals under dissertation editing services.

Who Will Be Editing My Dissertation?

An editor with expertise in your subject who matches your editing requirements will edit your dissertation. Since dissertation editing services are legally obligated to protect the identities of their editors, you can’t interact with them firsthand. You can, however, request the support staff to pair you up with a specific type of editor.

-Isabell S.


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How Much Does Editing Cost?


Surprisingly affordable, high-quality editing 

When you're ready for a fresh pair of eyes to look at your work, you’ll be faced with many choices. A good edit can do wonders for the success of your work, so it’s important to choose wisely. Although price is an important element in this decision, it's often complicated by the diversity and complexity of the services offered.

How much editing costs often depends on the length of the document you want edited, the category of your work, and how quickly you want it completed. Some editing companies also offer different levels of service, so this adds another layer to the cost of editing. Although editing may seem like an expensive service, it's surprisingly affordable at Scribendi.com.

What Kind of Document Is It?

Some editing services charge the same fee regardless of the type of document submitted, whether it is a high school student's essay, a safety manual, or a scientific article. Several companies break down their services according to document type, but their pricing schemes are not always transparent.

Scribendi.com offers specialized editing for several types of documents, including services for undergraduate and graduate students, businesspeople, and translators. If English is not your first language, don't worry! Scribendi.com has services specifically for documents written by individuals who have English as a Second Language (ESL).

How Much Does Editing Cost If I'm a Student?

Many online editing services focus only on scholarly manuscripts or student work. For example, an editing company specializing in student editing may charge $40 for a 1,000-word document from a high school student with a 14-day turnaround to $164 for a PhD student with a 24-hour turnaround. At Scribendi.com, a student essay costs $20 for a one-week turnaround and a dissertation excerpt costs about $25—prices that are much more reasonable and affordable, especially for students.

How Much Does Editing Cost If I'm a Scholar?

For academic editing for publication in scholarly journals, scholars may turn to specialty companies associated with academic presses. Such services can cost anywhere from $285 to $458 for a 1,000-word document, which is simply out of reach for many scholars. Scribendi.com charges between $20 and $56 for these services, depending on turnaround time.

How Much Does Editing Cost If English Is Not My First Language?

A few editing services—particularly those for scholars—provide English language assistance alongside more general editing. Services from academic presses can cost between $285 and $400 for 1,000 words. They also have longer turnaround times—generally between five and six days. Fortunately, editing documents for non-native English speakers is one of Scribendi.com's specialties, and our prices are much more manageable. Competitive with other companies, Scribendi.com's ESL Editing service ranges in price from roughly $23 to $42 for 1,000 words in 24 hours.

How Much Does Editing Cost If I Need It Done Quickly? Will It Cost Less If I Can Wait?

The price of editing can vary depending on how quickly you want your document back, and a faster turnaround time will cost more money than a shorter one. A $20 project over 15 business days will cost $80 with a five-day turnaround time.

If you're in a hurry, Scribendi.com offers quick turnaround times for several of its services. For Academic Editing, a speedy return will cost $55 for 1,000 words. If you have more time, Scribendi.com will return that same document to you within a week for $20. So, the next time you need a document edited, regardless of your occupation or level of English proficiency, go to Scribendi.com .

Image source: Fabian Blank/Unsplash.com

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Have a large project or need ongoing support?

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Editing Plans That Scale With Your Content

We offer a full range of proofreading and editing plans, from pay as you go for single documents to managed services with a dedicated editorial desk.

Pay As You Go

World-class editors for ad-hoc content.

per 1,000 words

Guaranteed return times

Submission via Proofed platform

24/7 Editor availability

Major style guides (e.g., APA, Chicago)

Business Lite

A dedicated editorial desk for ongoing content.

of editing per month

Everything in Pay As You Go, plus:

Custom style guides

Curated editing team

Dedicated Project/Editorial Manager

Managed Services

A fully-managed and supported editorial desk for high-volume content.

Everything in Business Lite, plus:

Custom services

Custom submission workflows

White-glove onboarding

Work in any CMS

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“The Proofed team is always professional, courteous, and helpful. They are a pleasure to work with and a vital part of our team’s workflows” 

Hilary Carter

SVP of Research and Communications, Linux Foundation

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“Proofed is an indispensable part of our content production process and they have helped our team learn to write better”

Director of Design, Emeritus

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“Maintaining the highest quality and standard would be impossible without external support from Proofed”

Luke Westergreen-Thorne

Co-CEO, Grantify

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First, we’ll have a short introductory call to learn more about your content editing needs and goals. You can ask any questions, and we’ll talk you through our editing services and process.

We’ll kick off a pilot (which usually lasts a month) so you can try our content editing and we can learn your style guide and refine our service based on your needs.

Your project manager will fully onboard your team (usually via Slack) and, based on your pilot, curate an editing team that seamlessly integrates into your content production pipeline.

Editing & Refinement

We’ll support your team by editing your content and continuously refining our service – and your style guide – based on your feedback. We will scale with your content and production cycle, allowing your team to focus on strategy and content creation.

How Does It Work?

Can i try your editing services.

Absolutely. We start with a one-month pilot to understand your content and needs and set you up on the best plan. You pay only for the editing services you use, so if we’re not the perfect fit, you can walk away, no strings attached.

Schedule a call with us today to find out more.

What kind of editing do you do?

While we’re able to provide classic proofreading, copy editing, line editing, and developmental editing, we like to assess your content during the pilot and design a tailored service based on your style guide and exact editing needs.

Do you provide fact-checking or other additional services?

Yes. We can provide a fact-checking service (which is popular with clients publishing AI-generated content).

We also offer formatting and a range of other editorial services and can work in third-party applications and content management systems. We pride ourselves on being nimble, so don’t hesitate to ask if there’s something you think we can help with.

Can you edit AI-generated content?

We are experts at editing AI-generated content ; many of our clients have transitioned to creating content via AI.

We’ve also established our own AI content editing guidelines, spearheaded conversations about how to ensure SEO best practice and ethical standards, and partnered with Hypotenuse.ai to offer seamless AI content generation and human editing – helping our customers rapidly scale their content creation.

What about SEO? Does Proofed accomodate this during editing?

Yes, we can edit to specific SEO requirements, and we have editors who specialize in SEO content. We are experts at ensuring that content is edited in line with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines and regularly edit to incorporate keywords in a natural and conversational way.

Who are Proofed editors?

Our editors are all qualified and trained via Knowadays, which provides the industry-leading professional editing course .

We recruit only the top graduates, and most of our 1,000+ editors have additional qualifications, providing a depth of experience across all industries and content types. So if you have a specific content request, we can provide an editor qualified in that field. Just let us know.

What if my content is seasonal?

We support lots of clients with seasonal content and can structure a plan with this in mind, ensuring that you pay only for the editing services you need.

Can I have the same editor again if I liked their work?

Yes, our Business Lite and Managed Services plans benefit from having a dedicated editing team that will learn your style guide(s) inside out and develop a deep understanding of your team’s tone, brand voice, and unique editing needs – ensuring thoroughly consistent content.

What if I have a high volume of content?

The sky is the limit! Some of our clients submit dozens of content pieces a month while others submit thousands, and we specialize in editing content at scale, so you’re in great hands.

I’ve got more questions; who can I speak to?

Schedule a call with us today, and a member of our friendly team will be happy to answer your questions and discuss your unique editing needs. You can also drop us an email at [email protected] .

Looking for the perfect partner?

See how our expert editors can help your business reach its aims with clear, concise writing.

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Scribbr's proofreading rates

Scribbr’s proofreading services are priced transparently and affordably. Your proofreading rate depends on your word count, selection of services, and turnaround time.

  • Proofreading & Editing

Calculate your rate

For proofreading and editing a PhD thesis we charge slightly more as editing takes more time.

Choose additional editing services

Our editors improve your structure and ensure your thesis is well organised.

  • Highlights repetition and redundancy
  • Improves titles and headings
  • Checks the organisation of chapters and paragraphs
  • Checks whether every section supports the main goal and contains the right information

Our editors help make sure your text is clear and logical.

  • Highlights contradictions
  • Comments on the logic of your arguments
  • Feedback on the presentation of ideas and concepts

Customers rate our proofreading service excellent!

I use this for referencing my level 3….

I use this for reference for my level 3 work and it was very helpful.

Le prix est peut-être un peu élevé mais…

Le prix est peut-être un peu élevé mais au regard de la pertinence du rapport détaillé, pas vraiment finalement. Le service client est impeccable. Je recommande les yeux fermés.

Perfect! Dze correcties een aanbevelingen waren uiterst goed. Dank voor dit voortreffelijk werk!

De feedback die je krijgt

De feedback die je krijgt, zorgt ervoor dat je verslag in kwaliteit verbeterd en zorgt voor een beter resultaat

The editor provided me a lot of…

The editor provided me a lot of constructive comments and helped me improving my writing to be more concise.

Easy to use

Scribbr is easy to use when doing citations.

easy to create

I appreciate the help in assisting a student in creating a correct reference and the ease of putting in information and receiving a cite instantly.

Love this website

Love this website. It has saved my life when it comes to citations. My citations are spotless and I get good grades always.

Hervorragender Lektorat-Service: Scribbr übertrifft alle Erwartungen

Ich bin absolut begeistert von dem Lektorat-Service von Scribbr! Meine Masterarbeit wurde professionell und gründlich korrigiert, was die Qualität meiner Arbeit erheblich verbessert hat. Die Korrektoren waren äußerst aufmerksam und haben mir wertvolles Feedback gegeben. Der gesamte Prozess war unkompliziert und effizient. Ich kann Scribbr jedem empfehlen, der seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten auf ein neues Niveau heben möchte.

Excellent, easy to use, and formatted perfectly with all my papers, memos, and presentations.

really useful

Scribbr bietet super Lösungen für…

Scribbr bietet super Lösungen für Studenten, selbst schon das kostenfreie Angebot ist eine große Hilfe.

Scribbr is niet alleen zeer…

Scribbr is niet alleen zeer professioneel, maar is ook gericht naar studenten van allerlei categorieën. De site is duidelijk, maar eenvoudig voor de gebruiker en heeft een team vol kennis en ervaringen die klaar staan om een student onder druk te helpen. Bedankt!

Oustanding precise feedback by Doug

Doug provided very precise feedback especially with respect to APA formating and citation referencing. His assistance signifanctly raised the level of my dissertation paper.

Fair und vertrauenswürdig

Seit meiner Bachelorarbeit 2016 bin ich bei Scribbr und greife seitdem immer wieder auf die Unterstützung zurück. Was mir damals als Studentin wichtig war: Sie sind fair und vertrauenswürdig. Einmal wurde mir sogar nachts durch einen englischen Support geholfen. Jetzt haben sie mich durch meine gesamte Ausbildung durchbegleitet und ich brauche ihre Hilfe manchmal noch immer. Vielen Dank für die jahrelange Unterstützung :)

Topservice binnen 24 uur

Ik heb mijn afstudeeronderzoek laten nakijken door Scribbr. Ik had gekozen voor de diensten taalcontrole, structuurcontrole en controle op de rode draad, en had verzocht dit binnen 24 uur uit te voeren. Keurig op tijd ontving ik meldingen dat editors waren geselecteerd, en ik werd op de hoogte gehouden van hun voortgang. Gezien mijn 40 pagina's koos Scribbr ervoor het document te verdelen over twee editors. Beide hadden hun deel voor de deadline nagekeken en voorzien van feedback en toelichting in de opmerkingen. Ik ben vooral erg tevreden over de taalcontrole. Toen ik nog een vraag had over de structuur en rode draad, nam ik contact op met de klantenservice. Zij reageerden vriendelijk en snel en gaven duidelijke uitleg. Het was erg prettig dat ze zo snel te bereiken waren. Kortom, ik ben zeer tevreden over de diensten van Scribbr en zou het zeker aan anderen aanbevelen.

Super Arbeit

Super Arbeit! Alles nachvollziehbar, begründet und gleich angepasst. Hatte sehr wenig Aufwand bei der Nachbearbeitung.

Very professional and helpful

Die Korrektur ging schnell und war sehr…

Die Korrektur ging schnell und war sehr hilfreich. Die Kommentare haben zusätzlich als Gedankenstützen gedient und einem die Möglichkeit gegeben die Arbeit anders zu betrachten.

1000 mal besser als KI!

Es ist unglaublich! Ich habe meine Masterarbeit morgens um 9:00 Uhr abgeschickt und hatte bereits um 11:30 Uhr eine kurze Korrektur der ersten 2000 Wörter. Mein Lektor war stets mit mir in Kontakt. Nach sieben Tagen bekam ich meine Arbeit korrigiert zurück. Es gab ein unglaublich langes und hilfreiches Feedback. Im Text hat mein Lektor hilfreiche Kommentare hinterlassen. Im Nachhinein konnte ich weiterhin Fragen zu meiner Arbeit stellen. Ja, es kostet etwas, ABER man hat KEIN KI!!! Da sitzt ein Mensch und liest die Arbeit und denkt sich in das unbekannte Thema hinein! Das ist jeden Cent wert!!! Vielen lieben Dank für eure Hilfe!!!

dissertation editing cost per page

Easily select and deselect pages

To make the process as smooth as possible, simply upload your whole document and select only the pages that you want us to proofread and edit.

You’ll only be charged for the number of words on the pages you selected. To save you some money, we will automatically deselect your table of contents and reference list!

Additional Proofreading & Editing Services

Structure check.

Your editor improves the overall organisation of your document. Are the headings clear and do they fit well with the content of each paragraph? Does every section contain the right information?

In addition to direct changes and comments, our editors use checklists for the abstract, introduction, discussion and conclusion.

The Structure Check starts at £0.0055 per word.

Discover the Structure Check

Clarity Check

Your editor reads your thesis as a normal reader would. Does the story make sense? Is it clear and logical? A fresh pair of eyes can notice things you tend to overlook yourself.

Using checklists our editors will check for contradictions, a logical order of sections, and the clarity of your arguments, concepts and ideas.

The Clarity Check starts at £0.0055 per word.

Discover the Clarity Check

Citation Editing

Our citation experts check your reference list, in-text citations and footnote citations to make sure you consistently follow the guidelines of your citation style.

We are experts in APA Style, but we can help you with almost all citation styles. The citation expert also checks your in-text citations against your reference list to make sure they match.

Citation Editing costs £2.00 per source.

Discover Citation Editing

Let's take your writing to the next level!

Ask our team.

Want to contact us directly? No problem. We are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

Our support team is here to help you daily via chat, WhatsApp, email, or phone between 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. CET.

Our APA experts default to APA 7 for editing and formatting. For the Citation Editing Service you are able to choose between APA 6 and 7.

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 24 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Yes, you can upload your document in sections.

We try our best to ensure that the same editor checks all the different sections of your document. When you upload a new file, our system recognizes you as a returning customer, and we immediately contact the editor who helped you before.

However, we cannot guarantee that the same editor will be available. Your chances are higher if

  • You send us your text as soon as possible and
  • You can be flexible about the deadline.

Please note that the shorter your deadline is, the lower the chance that your previous editor is not available.

If your previous editor isn’t available, then we will inform you immediately and look for another qualified editor. Fear not! Every Scribbr editor follows the  Scribbr Improvement Model  and will deliver high-quality work.

Yes, our editors also work during the weekends and holidays.

Because we have many editors available, we can check your document 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, all year round.

If you choose a 72 hour deadline and upload your document on a Thursday evening, you’ll have your thesis back by Sunday evening!

Yes! Our editors are all native speakers, and they have lots of experience editing texts written by ESL students. They will make sure your grammar is perfect and point out any sentences that are difficult to understand. They’ll also notice your most common mistakes, and give you personal feedback to improve your writing in English.

Every Scribbr order comes with our award-winning Proofreading & Editing service , which combines two important stages of the revision process.

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add a Structure Check or Clarity Check to your order. With these building blocks, you can customize the kind of feedback you receive.

You might be familiar with a different set of editing terms. To help you understand what you can expect at Scribbr, we created this table:

Types of editing Available at Scribbr?

This is the “proofreading” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing.

This is the “editing” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with proofreading.

Select the Structure Check and Clarity Check to receive a comprehensive edit equivalent to a line edit.

This kind of editing involves heavy rewriting and restructuring. Our editors cannot help with this.

View an example

When you place an order, you can specify your field of study and we’ll match you with an editor who has familiarity with this area.

However, our editors are language specialists, not academic experts in your field. Your editor’s job is not to comment on the content of your dissertation, but to improve your language and help you express your ideas as clearly and fluently as possible.

This means that your editor will understand your text well enough to give feedback on its clarity, logic and structure, but not on the accuracy or originality of its content.

Good academic writing should be understandable to a non-expert reader, and we believe that academic editing is a discipline in itself. The research, ideas and arguments are all yours – we’re here to make sure they shine!

After your document has been edited, you will receive an email with a link to download the document.

The editor has made changes to your document using ‘Track Changes’ in Word. This means that you only have to accept or ignore the changes that are made in the text one by one.

It is also possible to accept all changes at once. However, we strongly advise you not to do so for the following reasons:

  • You can learn a lot by looking at the mistakes you made.
  • The editors don’t only change the text – they also place comments when sentences or sometimes even entire paragraphs are unclear. You should read through these comments and take into account your editor’s tips and suggestions.
  • With a final read-through, you can make sure you’re 100% happy with your text before you submit!

You choose the turnaround time when ordering. We can return your dissertation within 24 hours , 3 days or 1 week . These timescales include weekends and holidays. As soon as you’ve paid, the deadline is set, and we guarantee to meet it! We’ll notify you by text and email when your editor has completed the job.

Very large orders might not be possible to complete in 24 hours. On average, our editors can complete around 13,000 words in a day while maintaining our high quality standards. If your order is longer than this and urgent, contact us to discuss possibilities.

Always leave yourself enough time to check through the document and accept the changes before your submission deadline.

Scribbr is specialised in editing study related documents. We check:

  • Graduation projects
  • Dissertations
  • Admissions essays
  • College essays
  • Application essays
  • Personal statements
  • Process reports
  • Reflections
  • Internship reports
  • Academic papers
  • Research proposals
  • Prospectuses

Calculate the costs

The fastest turnaround time is 24 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Om Proofreading logo (it links to the homepage), which has a yellow, seven-petal lotus flower on a blue background.

How Much Does Proofreading Cost? (Freelancer vs. Company)

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dissertation editing cost per page

If you need a proofreader to polish your prose, you may wonder how much proofreading costs and why the rates vary. As a trained proofreader, I can help you identify reasonable proofreading costs and understand the factors that cause base rates to increase.

On average, proofreading costs 1–3 cents per word if you hire a freelance proofreader and 3–6 cents per word if you hire an online proofreading service. However, you will need to pay more if you have a tight turnaround time, a technical document, or a poorly written text.

Let’s see how much proofreading costs depending on whether you hire a freelancer or a business. We’ll also discover why fees vary considerably and how to get the most value for your money.

Table of Contents

How Much Does Proofreading Cost?

Before we begin, it’s important to understand the distinction between proofreading and editing. Editing comes before proofreading , and editing is much more expensive.

Briefly, proofreading involves identifying and fixing errors and inconsistencies in five principal areas: grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and formatting.

I penned a post about proofreading if you’d like to know more about what occurs during this critical step in the editorial process.

As mentioned, proofreading typically costs between 1–6 cents ($0.01–$0.06) per word, although rates can be higher depending on variables we’ll soon consider.

Some freelance proofreaders charge by the hour or page, but most charge by the word.

Online proofreading services charge by the word.

Later, we’ll see the cost of proofreading if you pay a freelancer by the hour, but for comparison’s sake, let’s focus on the price per word for now.

We’ll look at how much it would cost to proofread 1,000 words at various rates.

But first, let’s get an idea of how many pages we’re talking about with specific word counts.

In the publishing industry, one page equals 250 words .

Number of Pages according to Word Count


Okay, now let’s see what you’d need to pay for proofreading a 1,000-word document at various rates.

Cost to Proofread a 1,000-Word Document Based on Different Rates


Next, let’s find out how much it would cost to proofread texts of various word counts at a fixed rate.

Since most freelance proofreaders charge toward the lower end of the price range mentioned, we’ll see how much it would cost for documents with various word counts at $0.01 and $0.02 per word.

Cost to Proofread Various Word Counts at $0.01 per Word


Cost to Proofread Various Word Counts at $0.02 per Word


Finally, let’s see how much it would cost to proofread your document if you hired an online proofreading company, and they charged $0.04 per word.

Cost to Proofread Various Word Counts at $0.04 per Word


Now, let’s figure out why proofreading rates fluctuate so darn much!

Factors that Affect Average Proofreading Rates

The following factors can influence the base rate charged for proofreading:

  • turnaround time
  • type of document
  • quality of writing
  • training and experience of proofreader

The Turnaround Time for Your Document

The turnaround time (TAT) for your text is the factor that usually causes the most significant price changes.

If you have a tight TAT, expect to pay a premium.

While freelance proofreaders charge more for a fast TAT, online proofreading companies charge an exorbitant fee. Be ready for sticker shock!

Let’s see an example of how much TATs influence the price you pay for proofreading services if you hire an online company.

Here’s an example of a few TATs offered by Proofreading Pal—a reputable online proofreading business.

Proofreading Pal’s Price for 1,000 Words according to TAT

7 days$0.027$27
24 hours$0.044$44
90 minutes$0.149$149

If you need your text back in 90 minutes, you’ll pay over five times as much as you would if you needed it back in seven days. What a whopping difference!

Also, if you hire a freelancer, you may need to pay more if they’re required to work on the weekend or on a holiday to get your document back by the deadline. However, this typically isn’t a factor with online proofreading services.

The Type of Document You Need Proofread

Another element to consider is the genre of your writing. Some kinds of texts are more straightforward to proofread than others. For example, it’s easier to polish a children’s book than a master’s thesis on language acquisition.

Also, business documents generally command a higher rate than most other types of writing.

But what genres command the highest proofreading rates?

Medical documents and those in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) field are usually the most expensive genres to proofread due to the knowledge required to work with them.

You’ll pay a higher rate whenever the proofreader needs specialized knowledge.

The Quality of Writing within Your Text

I’ve proofread nearly error-free documents and ones riddled with blunders.

It takes much more time to proofread writing filled with mistakes than to tidy up a relatively clean text.

Most freelance proofreaders will want to see the document they’ll be working on before establishing a price. This way, they can charge a fair fee that factors in how long they’ll need to spend getting your text into tip-top shape.

Also, if your writing contains errors beyond the scope of what proofreading fixes, the proofreader will probably recommend you have your text copyedited or even edited.

The Training and Experience of the Proofreader You Hire

If you hire a freelancer, you’ll find considerable variation between proofreaders’ experience levels, quality of training, and educational backgrounds.

These differences are why average rates vary significantly from one freelancer to the next.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Freelance Proofreader?


As we’ve seen, costs differ between freelancers, but most trained proofreaders charge $0.01–$0.03 per word, with most proofreaders sticking to the lower end of this range.

Proofreaders on Freelance Platforms Tend to Charge Low Fees

Although exceptions exist, proofreaders working on freelance marketplaces (e.g., Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer) tend to charge less than those who own their own proofreading business.

If you’re looking for the most inexpensive services available, you can find them on a freelance platform called Fiverr.

You can discover proofreaders on Fiverr who charge incredibly low prices, but you may be disappointed with the quality of their work. It’s a safer bet to search the platform for someone who charges a rate within the usual range and has been highly rated by previous clients.

Upwork is another popular platform for finding proofreaders.

I wrote an article about finding affordable, high-quality proofreading services on Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer. This article explains how these platforms work and shows you how to select a good proofreader based on the platform.

Proofreaders with Their Own Company Tend to Charge More

Although great proofreaders can be found on freelance platforms, some of the best proofreaders with the highest level of training have their own businesses.

dissertation editing cost per page

These proofreaders usually charge higher fees than those on freelance marketplaces.

Their websites explain what they offer, and most provide information about fees. Also, the sites usually display client testimonials that highlight their skills.

You can find these proofreaders by searching on Google and by looking through member directories of respected editorial organizations, like the ones I’ll mention soon.

How Do Freelance Proofreaders Determine Their Rates?

Freelance proofreaders establish prices by looking at the rates recommended by well-established proofreading and editing organizations worldwide. Here are three of the most reputable associations:

  • The Chartered Institute for Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), based in the UK
  • The Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA), based in the US
  • The Association of Freelance Editors, Proofreaders and Indexers (AFEPI), based in Ireland

All these associations have recommendations for hourly rates, so we’ll look at those first. Then, we’ll glance at a chart published by the EFA that includes price-per-word rates.

How Much Does Proofreading Cost per Hour?

Here are the minimum hourly rates suggested for professional proofreaders who have received formal training and have at least some experience.

Recommended Minimum Hourly Proofreading Rates

Editorial OrganizationMinimum Recommended Rate (per Hour)
Editorial Freelancers Association $35*
The Chartered Institute for Editing and Proofreading$38**
The Association of Freelance Editors, Proofreaders and Indexers$35**

I wrote an article about how much time proofreading takes and the factors that influence a proofreader’s speed if you’d like to know more.

How Much Does Proofreading Cost per Word?

As we’ve seen, freelance proofreaders who’ve received adequate training ordinarily charge $0.01–$0.03 per word.

However, we know rates fluctuate for a variety of reasons. Here’s a chart from the EFA that will give you an idea of how much proofreading costs per word.

Again, it’s important to note that the EFA hasn’t recommended these rates; they’re based on a 2023 survey given to EFA members.

However, the rates align with those put out by the CIEP and AFEPI.

2024 Median   Proofreading Rates from the EFA

Type of Text Per Word Per Hour Per Page
Academic, humanities (student) 2.0¢–4.0¢ $40.00–$50.00 $5.00–$10.00 7.0–10.0
Academic, humanities (faculty, publication) 2.0¢–3.4¢ $40.00–$50.00 $5.00–$8.53 7.0–10.0
Academic, STEM (student) 3.0¢–5.0¢ $42.50–$55.00 $7.50–$12.50 6.0–10.0
Academic, STEM (faculty, publication) 3.0¢–5.0¢ $40.00–$50.00 $7.50–$12.50 6.0–10.0
Academic, other 2.0¢–4.1¢ $41.50–$55.00 $5.00–$10.25 6.0–10.5
2.0¢–4.0¢ $45.00–$57.50 $5.00–$10.00 7.0–10.0
Fiction 1.2¢–2.0¢ $35.00–$45.00 $3.00–$5.00 8.0–14.0
Graphic novels 1.5¢–2.8¢ $35.00–$40.00 $3.75–$6.88 9.5–17.5
Legal 2.0¢–3.8¢ $40.00–$51.00 $5.00–$9.38 6.0–10.0
Medical 5.0¢–5.0¢ $45.00–$60.00 $12.50–$12.50 6.0–10.0
Medicolegal n/a–n/a $37.50–$65.00 n/a–n/a n/a–n/a
Memoirs 2.0¢–2.5¢ $35.00–$47.50 $5.00–$6.25 8.0–12.0
Nonfiction 2.0¢–3.0¢ $40.00–$50.00 $5.00–$7.50 7.0–11.0
Technical 2.5¢–4.0¢ $45.00–$57.00 $6.25–$10.00 6.0–10.0
Other 2.0¢–3.3¢ $36.00–$51.00 $5.00–$8.28 6.5–10.0

Source: The Editorial Freelancers Association

The chart above makes it easy to see how much rates vary based on the type of document (business, medical, etc.).

How Much Does Proofreading Cost per Page?

Occasionally, proofreaders like to charge by the page. As mentioned, this isn’t as popular as charging by the word or hour.

But let’s take a brief look at charging by the page based on different rates, in case you’re curious.

Cost per Page according to Different Rates


How to Get Your Money’s Worth with a Freelance Proofreader

If you hire a proofreader from a freelance platform, the ratings they’ve received from previous clients are the best indicators of their future performance. But remember that those ratings are relative to the price they charge for services.

As we know, we get what we pay for.

You can also look at a proofreader’s profile to learn more about their background and training. Ideally, you want to hire someone who has received training from a reputable business or editorial organization.

I talk about credible companies and organizations in my post about how to hire a proofreader if you’d like to learn more.

Finally, if you have a lengthy text (e.g., book manuscript, screenplay), you can ask the proofreader for a sample edit.

Most proofreaders charge for this edit, which involves polishing a small section of writing from the middle of your document.

The sample edit has a dual purpose: it enables you to see if you’ll be satisfied with the proofreader’s work, and it allows the proofreader to determine how much work your writing needs so they can establish a fair price.

How Much Do Online Proofreading Services Cost?

The word

Online services differ in what they provide in their “proofreading” service, so make sure to read the service description to know exactly what you’re paying for.

Many companies offer a combination of editing and proofreading for one price.

However, some companies let you pay for proofreading and editing separately.

On average, proofreading businesses charge 3–6 cents per word.

Let’s see a few examples of prices from online proofreading services based on 12-hour and 48-hour TATs.

Online Proofreading Company Rates (per Word) Based on TAT

$0.049 (10 hours)$0.034
N/A$0.03 (72 hours)

I was curious about the highest rate you could pay using one of the four services above, so I researched it. The highest price comes from Proofreading Pal since they offer a lightning-fast 30–60-minute TAT.

And how much does it cost if you want your document back from Proofreading Pal in an hour or less? The rate is $0.21 per word. That means you’d pay $52.50 per 250-word page. Yes, that’s a very pretty penny!

Proofreading Pal offers Superman-like speed, but they’re not miracle workers. 😉 Their 30–60-minute TAT is available only if you have a text of 800 words or fewer.

Proofreading businesses that provide tight TATs establish word limits to ensure they have enough time to polish your writing to a high standard.

How to Get the Most Value from a Proofreading Company

I think we can conclude from that last point that getting your text to the proofreading company ASAP is the best way to obtain optimal value for your money.

A magnifying glass propped up against the word

Also, many companies offer a free sample edit, so be sure to take advantage of it.

Finally, to get the best value, you need to know how these companies stack up against one another. But that research would take countless hours, and it’s probably not your idea of fun.

No worries! I’ve researched over 70 proofreading and editing companies and put together articles based on what you’re looking for. 😊

If you’re looking for speed , I authored an article about the fastest proofreading and editing businesses .

If you have an academic document , I published a post about the top academic proofreading services .

Finally, if you have a book manuscript , I created content about the best services to whip your book manuscript into shape .

Choosing a Freelance Proofreader vs. a Proofreading Business

Now we’ll go over the pros and cons of hiring a freelance proofreader vs. a proofreading company so you can see which option best meets your needs.

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Freelance Proofreader

Pros of hiring a freelance proofreader.

  • much less expensive than services from an online proofreading company
  • having a fast turnaround time will cost more (but not too much more)
  • easier to develop an ongoing business relationship with a freelancer

Cons of Hiring a Freelance Proofreader

  • the quality of work varies from one freelancer to the next
  • you’ll have to wait longer to get a price quote
  • you may not have recourse if you’re unsatisfied with their work

Top-Notch Takeaway

Hire a freelance proofreader if price is your primary concern and you’re willing to spend a little time finding a qualified and responsible freelancer.

Pros and Cons of Hiring an Online Proofreading Company

Pros of hiring an online proofreading company.

  • high quality is almost guaranteed due to strict vetting of proofreaders
  • many companies offer instantaneous price quotes
  • greater possibility of recourse if you’re not satisfied

Cons of Hiring an Online Proofreading Company

  • much more expensive than hiring a freelancer
  • you have to pay high premiums for tight turnaround times
  • difficult to develop a business relationship with an individual proofreader

Use a proofreading company if you don’t have time to find a qualified proofreader and are willing to pay considerably more to guarantee top-quality results.

I hope this article has given you a clear picture of how much proofreading costs depending on whether you hire a freelancer or an online proofreading service. And, hopefully, it has helped to unravel the mystery of why proofreading rates vary.

Best wishes to you!

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” – J.M. Barrie

dissertation editing cost per page

Lindsay Babcock

Lindsay is the creator of Om Proofreading. She has a BA in psychology and earned a certificate in proofreading by passing the final exam in Proofread Anywhere’s general proofreading course. She shares what she’s learning in the field and through research to inform and inspire her readers.

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How Much Does A Dissertation Cost?

Published by Alvin Nicolas at April 18th, 2024 , Revised On April 23, 2024

Are you thinking about purchasing a dissertation and want to know how much it will cost? This blog is your answer. Dissertation writing is a difficult task for many students, and many tend to take help from professional dissertation writing services for the purpose. 

Factors Influencing The Cost Of Dissertations

Here are the factors that might affect the price of the dissertation. 

Academic Level

The academic level at which a dissertation is being undertaken significantly impacts its cost. Dissertations at the undergraduate level tend to be less complex and shorter compared to those at the graduate or doctoral level . As complexity increases, so does the amount of research required, the depth of analysis, and the overall time investment. 

Doctoral dissertations, for instance, often involve original research, extensive literature reviews , and complex theoretical frameworks, driving up the cost due to the expertise and effort required to produce high-quality work.

Research Scope

The scope of research and the chosen methodology plays a crucial role in determining the cost of a dissertation. A broader research scope that requires gathering data from various sources or conducting extensive fieldwork will naturally incur higher costs compared to a narrower, more focused study. 

Additionally, the complexity of the chosen research methodology, such as qualitative or quantitative analysis, experimental design, or case studies, can influence the cost due to the specialised skills and resources needed to implement them effectively.

The timeframe within which a dissertation needs to be completed can impact its cost. Rush orders or tight deadlines often require additional resources and expedited services, leading to higher costs. Conversely, a longer timeframe allows for more flexibility and may result in lower overall expenses. Planning ahead and giving ample time for each stage of the dissertation process can help minimise costs associated with urgency.

Professional Assistance Vs Self-Writing

Deciding whether to seek professional assistance or to undertake the dissertation independently also affects the overall cost. Hiring a professional academic writer, editor, or consultant can expedite the process, ensure quality, and alleviate some of the burdens associated with extensive research and writing. 

However, professional services come at a price, and the cost will vary depending on the level of expertise and the scope of assistance required. On the other hand, self-writing may save money but can be time-consuming and may require additional resources for skill development and research.

Additional Services (Editing, Formatting, etc.)

Beyond the research and writing process, additional services such as editing, formatting, and proofreading can contribute to the overall cost of a dissertation. While these services are often optional, they are essential for ensuring clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic standards. 

The cost of these services varies depending on the provider, the level of editing required, and the length and complexity of the dissertation. Opting for professional assistance in these areas can enhance the quality of the final document but should be budgeted for accordingly.

Average Cost Range Across Disciplines

The cost also varies across disciplines. Following is the breakdown of different disciplines. 

Humanities and Social Sciences

Dissertations in the humanities and social sciences typically involve extensive literature reviews, critical analysis, and qualitative research methods. The cost range for dissertations in these fields varies depending on factors such as the complexity of the topic, the amount of primary and secondary research required, and the level of academic writing expertise needed. 

On average, students can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 for professional assistance with their dissertations in humanities and social sciences.

STEM Fields

In the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, dissertations often involve empirical research, data analysis, and experimentation. The cost range for dissertations in STEM disciplines tends to be higher compared to other fields due to the specialised skills and technical expertise required. 

Additionally, the need for specialised software, laboratory equipment, and access to scientific journals may further contribute to the overall cost. 

On average, students may need to budget between $2,000 to $10,000 for professional assistance with their STEM dissertations.

Business & Management

Dissertations in business and management fields typically involve a combination of theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and practical applications. The cost range for dissertations in business and management can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the research questions, the size and scope of the data set, and the need for specialised statistical analysis .  

Professional assistance with dissertations in business and management may range from $1,500 to $8,000 on average.

Law Studies

Dissertations in law and legal studies often require in-depth legal research, case analysis, and interpretation of statutes and regulations. The cost range for dissertations in this field can be influenced by factors such as the complexity of the legal issues involved, the volume of legal literature to be reviewed, and the need for expert legal analysis. 

Due to the specialised nature of legal research and writing, professional assistance with dissertations in law and legal studies may range from $2,000 to $12,000 on average.

Dissertations in medicine and healthcare typically involve clinical research, data collection, and analysis of medical data. The cost range for dissertations in these fields can be higher due to the need for access to medical databases, personalised statistical analysis software, and potentially expensive medical equipment or laboratory facilities. 

Moreover, the ethical considerations and regulatory requirements in medical research can also contribute to the overall cost. 

On average, students may need to allocate between $3,000 to $15,000 for professional assistance with their dissertations in medicine and healthcare.

Breakdown Of Expenses

Here is a breakdown of expenses. 

Research Material

  • Books and Journals: Purchasing or accessing academic books, journals , and other relevant publications is essential for conducting thorough literature reviews and supporting research arguments. Costs can vary depending on the availability of materials and whether access is gained through subscriptions or individual purchases.
  • Online Databases: Subscriptions to online databases and academic libraries provide access to a vast array of scholarly articles, research papers , and databases necessary for conducting comprehensive research. These subscriptions often come with associated fees, either paid by individuals or through institutional memberships.
  • Document Delivery Services: In cases where specific articles or documents are not readily available through institutional subscriptions, document delivery services may be required to obtain copies. These services may charge per document or offer subscription-based access.

Data Collection & Analysis Tools

  • Survey Software: If primary data collection methods such as surveys or questionnaires are used, the cost of survey software platforms or tools must be considered. These tools often offer features for designing surveys, collecting responses, and analysing data.
  • Statistical Software: In disciplines that require statistical analysis, personalised software such as SPSS, SAS, or R may be necessary. Licensing fees for these software packages can vary depending on the level of access and additional features required.
  • Laboratory Equipment: In STEM fields and healthcare research, the cost of laboratory equipment, consumables, and facilities rental may constitute a significant portion of the expenses. This includes equipment for experiments, sample analysis, and data collection.

Hire an Expert Writer

Proposal and dissertation orders completed by our expert writers are

  • Formally drafted in academic style
  • Plagiarism free
  • 100% Confidential
  • Never Resold
  • Include unlimited free revisions
  • Completed to match exact client requirements

Professional Writing Services

  • Writing Consultation: Engaging the services of a professional academic writer or consultant can assist with various aspects of the dissertation writing process, including topic selection, research design, and drafting of chapters. Fees for writing consultation services may be charged hourly or on a project basis.
  • Ghostwriting: Some students opt for ghostwriting services, where professional writers create the dissertation on behalf of the student. Ghostwriting fees typically vary based on the length, complexity, and urgency of the project.

Editing & Proofreading

  • Copy Editing: Copy editing services focus on improving the clarity, coherence, and consistency of the dissertation’s language and structure. Fees for copy editing are usually calculated based on the length of the document or the number of words.
  • Proofreading: Proofreading services involve checking the dissertation for grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and typographical errors. Proofreading fees may also be based on the length of the document or the number of pages.

Formatting & Printing Costs

  • Dissertation Formatting: Ensuring that the dissertation adheres to the required formatting guidelines set by the academic institution or publishing standards is crucial. Professional formatting services may be employed to ensure compliance with formatting requirements, which may include margins, font styles, and citation styles.
  • Printing and Binding: If physical copies of the dissertation are required, expenses related to printing, binding, and delivery must be considered. The cost may vary depending on factors such as the number of copies, paper quality, and binding options chosen. Additionally, postage or courier fees for delivering printed copies may apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to do a dissertation.

The cost of completing a dissertation varies widely depending on factors such as research materials, data collection methods, software or tools needed, and any travel expenses. However, typical expenses might range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, covering research materials, printing, binding, and other related costs.

How much does it cost to pay someone to do your dissertation?

Paying someone to complete a dissertation can vary significantly based on factors like complexity, length, and urgency. On average, hiring a professional writer or service for a dissertation could range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Prices may also differ based on academic level and specific requirements.

Is 2 months enough to write a dissertation?

Writing a dissertation in two months is feasible, but challenging. Success depends on factors such as research readiness, time management, and project scope. Adequate planning, consistent work, and focus are crucial. However, for many, a longer timeframe may offer a more realistic opportunity to produce quality academic work.

Can I pay for someone to write my dissertation?

Yes, it’s possible to pay someone to write your dissertation. Many academic writing services and freelance writers offer this service. ResearchProspect is a credible writing service that can help you achieve the grades you wish for. 

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  • APA editing services

Personalized editing with human expertise

Revisions within 12 hours, 100% happiness or a refund or re-edit.


APA Proofreading & Editing

Get your paper back, free of language errors and inconsistencies.

An experienced  editor  gives feedback on consistency, tone, and bias-free language, and directly improves things like:

  • Spelling and grammar
  • Punctuation and abbreviations
  • Capitalization
  • Sentence structure

You can rest assured that, when using our APA Editing Service , your text follows APA standards and the conventions of your field.

⏰ Deadline Within 12 hours
📄 APA guidelines Language, paper format, and citations
⭐️ Rating based on 13,309 reviews

Add-on services

Customize your apa editing package to get the help you need, apa citation editing, apa paper formatting, structure check, clarity check.

ensures your in-text citations and references are correctly formatted according to APA style and cross-checked.

Your citation expert will:

  • Format your reference page (margins, indents, spacing)
  • Edit citations and references to your APA style requirements
  • Provide feedback on incomplete citations and references
  • Cross-check citations with references for inconsistencies

Citation Editing costs $2.75 per source and can be purchased separately or in combination with Proofreading & Editing .

Note that this service can also be purchased standalone.

dissertation editing cost per page

Ensures a professional look for your document that meets your formatting requirements.

Your formatting expert will ensure consistency for the following:

  • Margins, spacing, and indentation
  • Body text and headings
  • Page numbers
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Explanatory footnotes

Choose our Paper Formatting service for a professional finish or our APA Editing Service for the most up-to-date APA formatting.

dissertation editing cost per page

Ensures sections and chapters are structured and focused and your writing is free of redundancies.

  • Through in-text feedback, your editor will help:
  • Organize and focus individual chapters and sections
  • Eliminate repetitive and redundant information
  • Perfect transitions between sentences and paragraphs
  • Align titles and headings with the section’s content

You’ll also receive a personalized Structure Check Report meant to help you identify missing elements in each chapter or section and prioritize improvements.

dissertation editing cost per page

Ensures ideas are presented clearly, your arguments are consistent, and your audience can follow along.

Through in-text comments and checklists, your editor will:

  • Make sure your text tells a clear and logical story
  • Check that you’ve clearly presented concepts, ideas, and key terms
  • Make sure your key takeaways and conclusions are front and center
  • Highlight contradictions within the text
  • Ensure you’re keeping your audience’s needs in mind

dissertation editing cost per page

Get matched with the perfect APA editor - and editing team

When you submit your document to Scribbr, you can rest assured that only the most qualified APA editors and citation and paper formatting experts will work on it.

All our 800+ editors have passed the challenging Scribbr Academy, which has a passing rate of only 2%. We handpick your editor based on several criteria, including editing style, field of study, and document type.

In addition, all of our APA citation and paper formatting experts have completed extensive courses and edit more than 100 citations and format more than 500 pages a week!

Emily - editor

editor emily profile picture

I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering and a master's in psychology and am pursuing a PhD in neuroscience.

Janice - editor

I have a PhD in German studies, an MS in library science, and extensive experience teaching undergraduate students.

Kathrin - formatting expert

dissertation editing cost per page

I have a bachelor's degree in psychology and am currently pursuing a master's degree in health & medical psychology. I specialize in APA citation editing and paper formatting.

Callum - editor

editor callum profile picture

I am an ESL teacher and academic editor with a research background in the humanities, arts, and culture.

Richa - editor

editor richa profile picture

I have a doctorate in biology and studied a range of life science subjects. I specialize in editing academic texts.

Luuk - formatting expert

dissertation editing cost per page

I studied European studies and always followed APA style for my papers. I specialize in APA citation editing and paper formatting.

Maximize your paper's potential with APA editing

Same day delivery

This deadline works automatically for the following document sizes:

  • 3 hours: less than 3,000 words
  • 6 hours: less than 6,000 words
  • 12 hours: less than 12,000 words

Select your currency

Fantastic service!!

“Excellent review of a paper that was deciding my grade. I appreciate both the edits and the feedback to increase my knowledge of correct APA formatting and accurate citations. I needed the paper returned quickly, and the team worked hard to make sure I had what I needed. I just got my grade back, A+. I would 100% use this service again, it was worth every penny!!!!!!”

How it works

Stay in control throughout the paper editing process, upload any time.

Upload your document and easily select the pages that need editing. Next, choose your turnaround time and services and explain your situation and needs to the editor.

Stay in the loop

After placing your order you can keep track of our progress. From finding your perfect editor to potential hand-overs to formatting or citation experts.

Revise and submit

You’ll receive back your document with tracked changes and feedback as well as a personal letter from your editor. The last step is submitting your work with confidence!

Scribbr & academic integrity

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our proofreading service, our AI writing tools ( plagiarism checker , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer,  Citation Generator ) as well as our free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Your questions, answered.

Our APA experts default to APA 7 for editing and formatting. For the Citation Editing Service you are able to choose between APA 6 and 7.

The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • PhD dissertations
  • Research proposals
  • Personal statements
  • Admission essays
  • Motivation letters
  • Reflection papers
  • Journal articles
  • Capstone projects

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 12 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Your editor is on stand-by and ready to start editing your paper.

Get in touch, with real people.

We answer your questions quickly and personally from 9:00 to 23:00 CET

Support team - Nina

Knowledge Base

Finishing your paper with scribbr’s top-rated guides, how to write your paper in apa style, how to cite in apa format, how to format your paper in apa style.

Research paper

How to Write Academic Paragraphs


  1. Dissertation editing cost for Master's and Ph.D.

    dissertation editing cost per page

  2. How much does dissertation editing cost?

    dissertation editing cost per page

  3. How Much Does Dissertation Editing Cost?

    dissertation editing cost per page

  4. How Much Does an Editor Cost? What to Expect for Pro Services

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  5. How much does Dissertation Editing Cost?

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  6. Dissertation editing cost for Master's and Ph.D.

    dissertation editing cost per page



  2. Why Dissertation & Thesis Writing Services Are A TERRIBLE Idea 🚨

  3. How to Price Your Video Editing Service as a Freelancer (Full Guide)

  4. Dissertation Writing 101: Why You Have To Let Go #shorts

  5. Book Publishers' Costing Calculator

  6. Thesis and Dissertation Proofreading Tips


  1. Scribbr's Proofreading Rates

    If you choose our Paper Formatting service, we will generate a table of contents and a list of tables and figures. We'll also add page numbers for you. This service costs an additional $1.95 per page per item. You can also have your citations checked for consistency. The Citation Editing Service costs $2.75 per source.

  2. Dissertation Editing Fees of 7 Academic Editors

    Kathleen's dissertation editing costs. Her dissertation and thesis standard rates are at $85 per hour. ... are £12 per 1000 words for light editing, and £12 per 1000 words for heavy editing. If your dissertation doesn't meet requirements for standard editing, then Alison will be able to give a custom quote based upon a sample you provide ...

  3. How much does dissertation editing cost?

    Cost for 10,000 word dissertation editing (USD) Editing. $265. Proofreading. $212. At the other end of the scale, Elsevier's Author Services provides two different levels of service for PhD thesis editing for the prices given below. Elsevier's Author Services. Cost for 12001 word PhD thesis editing (USD) PhD editing.

  4. English Editing & Proofreading Rates per Word

    Our editing and proofreading prices are calculated based on your document's word count and the turnaround time you choose. Our proofreading rates are $0.023 to $0.044 for standard editing, or around $23 to $44 for 1000 words. Enter your document details into the price calculator at the top of the page or see our per-word editing rates below.

  5. How Much Does Dissertation Proofreading Cost?

    The cost to proofread a PhD dissertation with 75,000 words at Scribbr is $2,500, with the document returned in 1 week. The cost at Scribendi is $2,328 (editing completed within 2 weeks). The cost at Editor World is $1,575 (2-week turnaround). At some companies, dissertation proofreading services cost less per word or per page when you submit ...

  6. Scribbr's Dissertation Editing Services

    Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. A perfect PhD within 1 week. 📄 Texts. Dissertations. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 13,278 reviews.

  7. Proofreading Prices & Editing Costs ~ Overview

    24 hours. $0.034. $272. Price example for a research paper with 3,000 words: Processing time. Proofreading & editing cost. Price for 3,000 words. 7 days. $0.017.

  8. Dissertation Editing Service

    Our dedicated Dissertation Editing service ensures top-notch editing, style refinement, and adherence to guidelines, enhancing the professionalism of your academic writing. With a focus on swift turnaround times, meet your trusted partner for the best dissertation editing services. Order Now or Get a Free Sample. Home.

  9. How much does dissertation editing cost in 2024?

    Scribbr, for instance, provides comprehensive editing for an 80,000-word dissertation at $2,665, while PaperTrue offers options ranging from $1,820 to $2,800 based on turnaround time. Scribendi, another player in the field, sets its price at $2,483 for a two-week turnaround. 2. Navigating the Stages of Dissertation Editing.

  10. Proofreading Rates

    Rates for proofreading vary widely depending on a variety of factors (e.g., experience, difficulty), but rough median rates are indicated in the table below for proofreaders who work independently and those who work with established platforms. Style of work. Median rate per hour. Working with a platform. $20-$28. Independent freelancer. $36 ...

  11. Dissertation Editing Cost

    The price you pay for dissertation editing services can vary greatly depending on who you hire, but you can expect to pay at least $0.02 per word.Given the average PhD dissertation word count of 80,000 words, the cost for professional editing is about $1,650 or higher (U.S. dollars). The cost for comprehensive editing of an 80,000-word dissertation at Scribbr is $2,665 with a 1-week turnaround.

  12. PhD Proofreading and Editing Services

    PhD Editing Services. As part of our service, your specialist PhD editor can help you: Perfect your punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Maintain an academic tone and vocabulary in your writing. Check that documents are clear and well structured. Make sure your referencing is correct. Improve your writing style via helpful feedback.

  13. 10 Best Dissertation Editing Services

    Editor World estimates the average cost for dissertation editing services is $0.02 per word. Since dissertations usually have 10,000 to 50,000 words, the price can reach up to $1000. ... the average cost for general dissertation proofreading is $0.017 per word. That means a 50,000-word dissertation of a doctoral student may cost up to $850 ...

  14. Dissertation Editing Services: Everything You Need to Know

    Their dissertation editing process is fairly straightforward, but they stand out in terms of pricing. They charge dissertation editing rates of $28.90 per 1,000 words for a 24-hour delivery and $25.90 per 1,000 words for a 48-hour delivery. In terms of both the cost and turnaround time, this is excellent! 3. Scribendi

  15. How Much Does Editing Cost?

    A $20 project over 15 business days will cost $80 with a five-day turnaround time. If you're in a hurry, Scribendi.com offers quick turnaround times for several of its services. For Academic Editing, a speedy return will cost $55 for 1,000 words. If you have more time, Scribendi.com will return that same document to you within a week for $20.

  16. Academic Proofreading & Editing Services

    Overuse of passive voice. Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. Same day delivery. 📄 Texts. Papers, essays, dissertations, manuscripts. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 13,246 reviews.

  17. Prices

    Financial Services. Grant Proposals. Legal Documents. Contact Us. [email protected]. +1-888-851-8179. Proofreading, editing, and formatting prices. Find out how much your document will cost. Get instant quotes for proofreading and editing.

  18. Scribbr's Proofreading Rates

    I asked them to edit/review my dissertation's chapter 1. I was pairs with a doctoral chair who advises phd students. Fingers crossed it helps! ... Citation Editing costs £2.00 per source. Discover Citation Editing. Let's take your writing to the next level! Upload document How it works Questions?

  19. How Much Does Proofreading Cost? (Freelancer vs. Company)

    As mentioned, proofreading typically costs between 1-6 cents ($0.01-$0.06) per word, although rates can be higher depending on variables we'll soon consider. Some freelance proofreaders charge by the hour or page, but most charge by the word. Online proofreading services charge by the word.

  20. Professional Editing and Proofreading Services Within 12 Hours

    Overuse of passive voice. Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. Within 3 hours. 📄 Texts. Papers, essays, reports, manuscripts. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 13,269 reviews.

  21. How much does professional proofreading cost?

    Most proofreading companies charge per word or page, while freelancers sometimes charge an hourly rate. For proofreading alone, which involves only basic corrections of typos and formatting mistakes, you might pay as little as $0.01 per word, but in many cases, your text will also require some level of editing, which costs slightly more.

  22. How Much Does A Dissertation Cost?

    Additionally, the need for specialised software, laboratory equipment, and access to scientific journals may further contribute to the overall cost. On average, students may need to budget between $2,000 to $10,000 for professional assistance with their STEM dissertations.

  23. APA Proofreading & Editing Services

    Capitalization. Sentence structure. You can rest assured that, when using our APA Editing Service, your text follows APA standards and the conventions of your field. ⏰ Deadline. Within 12 hours. 📄 APA guidelines. Language, paper format, and citations. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 13,260 reviews.