200+ Hilarious Homework Puns to Make Studying More Fun

homework puns

Are you drowning in a sea of assignments, feeling like the pun-ishment never ends? 📚 It’s time to turn your study frown upside down with a collection of the most side-splitting, giggle-inducing homework puns that the internet has to offer! Whether you’re a student looking to decompress after a long day of equations or a parent seeking to lighten the mood during homework hour, these quips are a class act all on their own. So, sharpen your pencils and your wit, as we present over 200 hilarious homework puns designed to make your studying session a whole lot more fun. Prep yourself for some high-grade laughter, because these clever jests have all the answers for a chuckle-filled study break—no additional research needed! Get ready to laugh until it’s time to hit the books again with these a-dork-able homework puns. Study hard, laugh harder!

Grade-A Giggles: Top Homework Puns (Editors Pick)

1. I tried to do my homework, but it was pointless; it didn’t work out. 2. Why don’t we ever tell secrets on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears. 3. I asked my math homework for its number, but it said it had too many problems. 4. Why was the student’s report card wet? Because it was below C level! 5. Doing my homework is like a trip to the dentist, I always brace myself. 6. I’d tell you a chemistry joke but I know I wouldn’t get a reaction. 7. My homework brings all the nerds to the yard, and they’re like, “It wasn’t that hard.” 8. Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point? 9. Algebra homework is too linear… it’s always straight to the point. 10. Do you need a pencil? Nevermind, there’s no point. 11. History homework is a thing of the past. 12. What did one math book say to the other math book? “Boy, do we have problems.” 13. No matter how much you push the envelope, it’s still stationery. 14. School can be electrifying – especially during a current event. 15. My sister said she’d help me with my homework, but she ran away with it and claimed it was “sibling rivalry.” 16. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems. 17. When does a joke become a ‘dad joke’? When the punchline becomes apparent. 18. My homework is like a juicy steak – rarely done. 19. What’s the best place to grow flowers in school? In kindergarden. 20. Homework is a foodie’s least favorite meal because you can’t digest it.

“Home ‘Work’ Wits: One-liner Puns to Procrastinate With”

1. I had my homework all done but then my dog claimed it was too ruff. 2. My geometry homework is a square; it’s always right at every angle. 3. I would do my homework, but I can’t until I find an acute pencil. 4. Homework time is always a little sketchy, especially in art class. 5. I thought about doing my homework, but then I decided it was too much of a stretch. 6. I have a phobia of overly complicated math; it’s called “calculustrophobia.” 7. Why was school easier for pirates? Because they were always on the C. 8. My teacher’s superpower is telepathy, she always knows when I haven’t done my homework. 9. What do you call a well-done homework? A rare phenomenon. 10. What’s a teacher’s favorite nation? Expla-nation, especially when homework is missing! 11. Why are English teachers bad at math? Because they always find X to be an unknown character. 12. If you copy your friend’s homework, you might end up with clone work errors. 13. I was going to do my science homework, but I heard it’s all just a bunch of theories. 14. Why are ghosts bad at lying? Because you can see right through them, especially when they say they did their homework. 15. They say doing homework on Sundays is a sin; that’s why I do mine on Monday… to keep it holy. 16. Homework is a drama queen; it loves to make a scene. 17. My computer crashed while I was doing homework, or as I like to call it, “digital fatigue.” 18. I don’t join homework parties; I heard they’re too “sheet.” 19. Math homework is like a foreign movie; without the right subtitles, none of it makes any sense. 20. Doing homework is like yoga, it’s all about finding balance between sleep and deadlines.

Homework Chuckles: Q&A Pundemonium

1. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.

2. What’s the best place to do your homework? At the study “bee” because that’s where all the “buzz” is!

3. What do you call a well-organized student’s homework? “Assignment”al order!

4. Why did the student eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.

5. How does the moon do its homework? It phases it in!

6. Why was the equal sign so humble? Because it knew it wasn’t less than or greater than anyone else.

7. What do you get when you cross a calculator with a dog? A best friend you can count on.

8. Why did the student bring a ladder to school? To reach the high expectations.

9. Why did the pencil break up with the paper? It just couldn’t deal with its tearable attitude.

10. How did the textbook get to school? By taking the “scholar” ship.

11. What’s a math teacher’s favorite type of tree? Geometry.

12. Why can’t you trust an atom with your homework? Because they make up everything!

13. How can you make time fly? Throw a clock out the window during history class!

14. Why did homework get a medal? For being outstanding in its “field” of study.

15. Why don’t you do arithmetic in the jungle? Because if you add 4+4 you get ate (eight)!

16. What does a homework assignment shout at a concert? “Do your math to the beat!”

17. Why are obtuse angles so depressed? Because they’re never right.

18. What did the gym coach say to the math book? “I see you’ve got some problems to “workout”.”

19. Why was the homework like an old library book? Because it was due.

20. How did the homework get a job? It submitted a strong application of itself.

Pencil It In: Double Entendre Homework Wisecracks

1. I’m quite divided on my math homework; it’s going to multiply my problems. 2. Doing homework on the weekend? That’s just not write. 3. I tried to do my homework, but my printer had a paper jam – it was spreading itself too thin. 4. My geometry homework is a pain in all the right angles. 5. Finishing this essay is a paragraph-raphrasing experience. 6. This book report is bound to be interesting – it has a strong spine. 7. The past, present, and future walked into my history homework – it’s about time. 8. Homework on gravitational pull has me feeling down. 9. My chemistry homework is sodium funny, I slapped my neon that one. 10. Doing algebra homework is where I draw the line. 11. History homework is old news, but I’ll conquer it anyway. 12. My literature homework is notably novel. 13. Physics homework is a matter of force and motion – I’m just trying to push through. 14. Music homework really struck a chord with me today. 15. The English assignment was a play on words – talk about dramatic irony. 16. My biology homework is celling me short; it’s got a life of its own. 17. This economics homework is taxing, but I’m not losing interest. 18. My art homework paints a pretty picture, but it’s not quite picture perfect. 19. I’ve got to figure out these math problems before they subtract from my sleep. 20. Reading Shakespeare for homework? It’s much ado about noting.

“Lesson in Laughter: Homework Punditry”

1. Homework is a work in progress – it never stays a home run. 2. Keep calm and curry on with your algebra; it’s all about finding the right spice to the equation. 3. Don’t be obtuse with your geometry homework; it’s pointless without the right angle. 4. When it comes to homework, I always go the extra smile – it’s less painful than going the extra mile. 5. I told my homework to chill out, but it just froze up. 6. I’ve really bonded with chemistry homework, we have great chemistry. 7. When homework has you stressed, just take a paws and reflect on your doggone good effort. 8. I have so many essays to write, I guess you could say I have no more room for era’s. 9. Homework is like going to the gym – it’s a workout for your brain. 10. My math homework is like a fine wine, it gets better with time…and time is what I need to solve it. 11. History homework is a blast from the past, but I struggle to make it presentable. 12. I’ve got to be on the right wavelength with my physics homework, otherwise, it just hertz. 13. Like a good magician, I always make my homework disappear – usually just before class. 14. I was so confident about my homework that I claimed I did it with my eyes closed, but that was just a blanket statement. 15. I tried to sweeten the deal with my geometry homework, but no matter the angle, it just wasn’t pie appealing. 16. If homework was a crime, I’d have a perfect alibi-bra; I was busy reading. 17. I told my homework it didn’t add up, and it took that as a plus. 18. My assignment was to write about the wind, so I blew it away. 19. When I’m underwater with homework, it’s difficult to find the current solution. 20. I tried to cross streams with my science homework, but it only resulted in a chain reaction of confusion.

“Flunk and Roll: Punny Homework Witticisms”

1. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity for homework; it’s impossible to put down. 2. I asked my math homework what it was doing, and it said it was just plotting something. 3. My computer science homework was stressful, but I finally got my bits together. 4. History homework is old news, but I still have to write about it. 5. Homework in space is great; even my mistakes are astronomical. 6. Geometry homework is a bit pointless, until you come around to the right angle. 7. I’m doing homework on electric appliances, but I’m struggling to generate interest. 8. I was going to do my homework on herbivores, but I didn’t find it very amoosing. 9. English homework may not be a tea party, but at least there’s always a strong plot. 10. I finished my homework on time travel, but it’s all in the future tense. 11. My music homework hits a high note, but it’s a lot to conduct. 12. Biology homework can be tough; just thinking about it cells my brain. 13. My homework on wind power is a breeze if you don’t blow it. 14. Fish biology homework is fin-tastic, but sometimes I flounder. 15. Got homework on adhesives? Stick with it, even if it feels like a sticky situation. 16. I had some chemistry homework, but I didn’t react well to it. 17. Doing homework on the solar system really revolves around the sun subjects. 18. I did my homework on boats, it was a bit of a row-ing success. 19. I finished my homework on Greek mythology; it was a Herculean task. 20. Homework on food science is interesting, but it can be a recipe for disaster.

“Assignment Amusement: Punny Homework Monikers”

1. “Copernicus called. He said your projects are so great, they’re the center of the classroom universe!” 2. “I heard Marie Curie was absolutely radiant on her science report!” 3. “How does Mo Salah take his tests? He always strikes the right answers!” 4. “Isaac Newton was a hit in physics class. His theories had an absolute gravitational pull!” 5. “Homer’s poetry essay was epic. He truly lived up to his name!” 6. “I saw Jane Austen reading her book report. She had no Pride or Prejudice, just perfect prose.” 7. “Leonardo da Vinci’s art project was so good, it drew a Mona Lisa smile from the teacher!” 8. “Oprah Winfrey’s book report was so good, everyone in class got a copy!” 9. “Geoffrey Chaucer’s tales from his summer vacation were Canterbury approved.” 10. “Bob Dylan’s music homework was a hit – he clearly knows The Times They Are A-Changin’.” 11. “Margaret Atwood’s essay was so great, it won the book report games.” 12. “It’s rumored that Tony Stark’s tech presentation was absolutely iron-clad.” 13. “Johnny Cash must have done well on his math test because he kept singing about ‘A Boy Named Sum’.” 14. “Agatha Christie’s mystery novel review was so captivating it was criminal!” 15. “Dwayne Johnson’s geology homework truly rocked.” 16. “Serena Williams aced her physical education homework.” 17. “Albert Einstein’s math homework relative-ly outperformed everyone else’s.” 18. “Charles Dickens’ history essay on poverty was so good it deserved an ‘Oliver Twist’ of acclaim.” 19. “Tiger Woods’ ecology project clearly showed he knows the woods.” 20. “J.K. Rowling’s literature analysis was so magical, it could open the Chamber of Secrets.”

“Flipping Funnies: Homework Spoonerisms That’ll Have You in Stitches”

1. Quizard of Woz 2. Crate and Crunch 3. Maction in Frath 4. Whiff on Sighting 5. Spig and Panky 6. Swath Matistics 7. Less in Progress 8. Look at my Homing Bork 9. Blunder and Mightning 10. Painful Moof 11. Thicker to Pinking 12. Numbled Jumbers 13. Mish the Marker 14. Groper Nouns 15. Beastly Ledtime 16. Lazy and Searning 17. Cristory in Hinth 18. Ed’s Asy 19. Mubble Troth 20. Failing the Sinal

“Swift Homework Witticisms: Pun-ditry in Action”

1. “I finished my math assignment,” said Tom sum-marily. 2. “I’ve written my essay on Shakespeare,” said Tom playfully. 3. “This geometry problem is making me think in circles,” Tom said pointlessly. 4. “I’m struggling with my chemistry homework,” said Tom reactively. 5. “I can’t stop doing calligraphy assignments,” said Tom, in a flowing manner. 6. “I’m conducting a physics experiment,” Tom said with potential. 7. “I should be able to spell,” said Tom, characteristically. 8. “I never miss a history lesson,” said Tom, prehistorically. 9. “I must solve this puzzle before recess,” said Tom, perplexed. 10. “I keep getting distracted from my homework,” Tom said, unfocused. 11. “This literature analysis is making me see patterns,” said Tom, metaphorically. 12. “I found the misspelled word,” Tom said correctly. 13. “My vocabulary homework is a breeze,” Tom said articulately. 14. “I’ll never understand this algebra problem,” said Tom, equationally. 15. “I memorized the whole periodic table,” said Tom, elementally. 16. “I’m predicting a 100% score on my statistics homework,” said Tom, probabilistically. 17. “I always use a ruler for my geometry homework,” said Tom, straightly. 18. “I wrote my thesis on palindromes,” said Tom, levelly. 19. “I’ve mastered the art of French grammar,” said Tom, conjugally. 20. “I’ll have to hand in my computer science homework late,” Tom said, programmatically.

“Work It Out: Oxy-MORON-ic Homework Chuckles”

1. “I’m clearly confused by this homework assignment.” 2. “You could say I’m awfully good at procrastinating on my essays.” 3. “This math problem is simply complex.” 4. “I have a definite maybe about my answer to question three.” 5. “Join the student club for active loafers—homework avoiders unite!” 6. “I’m honestly deceptive when it comes to my homework deadlines.” 7. “I’m seriously joking about finishing my project early.” 8. “That new homework policy is agreeably awful.” 9. “I guess I’ll start my homework at a later earlier time.” 10. “I’m studying with a deafening silence in the library.” 11. “This quiet noise in the study hall is making concentrating a breeze.” 12. “Accidentally on purpose forgot my homework at home.” 13. “I’m hopelessly optimistic about acing this test without studying.” 14. “Doing homework is leisurely work for me.” 15. “This assignment might be considered funnily boring.” 16. “I’m taking an open secret approach to my math homework.” 17. “Everybody is uniquely cliché when it comes to dog-eating-homework excuses.” 18. “I’m passively aggressive when reminded about my overdue assignments.” 19. “I’m studying in a state of peaceful chaos right now.” 20. “The homework routine is an expected surprise every evening.”

Nested Nerdiness: Homework Puns on Loop

1. Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had too many problems, which it always counted on solving. 2. Speaking of problems, when it solved one, there was always another “sum” around the corner. 3. And every time it thought it was adding value, it just ended up with more division. 4. This division made it feel like a fraction of its former self, always trying to reduce to its simplest form. 5. Not to mention the pressure to be in ‘shape’—it had to be well-rounded in geometry yet sharp in algebra. 6. It felt like its whole life was just a series of functions, constantly seeking its true identity. 7. Each function was a new transformation, leaving it to reflect on its past mistakes. 8. But whenever it tried to coordinate a better life, it just ended up in another plane of existence. 9. It dreamed of a balanced equation, but life kept throwing it exponents, escalating its problems. 10. The exponents made it exponentially stressed—after all, its powers were limited. 11. It tried to approach its tasks with positivity, but negatives were always being subtracted from its happiness. 12. And if it tried to go for a higher degree, it merely ended up going in circles… radians, specifically. 13. Those circles led it to the point of no return; oh, it felt so irrational, like pi without end. 14. Indeed, finding its perimeter of peace was always just out of reach, a constant cycle of circumference. 15. It wanted to find its parallel, but life was never that straight or fair – just full of angles and twists. 16. Surely, it could find an angle to solve its issues, but instead, it kept going off on tangents. 17. It longed to be a prime example of success, but felt constantly divided by its peers. 18. And each division just left it with remainders of regret, feeling like an odd number out. 19. It would try to even things out, but by then, it was a complex number intertwined with imaginary solutions. 20. In the end, it realized life was just a sequence of patterns, an infinite series of variables and constants, and homework was merely its constant variable.

Mastering “Pun”-ctuality: Assignments with a Twist

1. Homework is a dish best served correct. 2. Don’t count your Tutors before they grade. 3. A home(work) is where the heart is. 4. No rest for the studious. 5. No pains, no grades. 6. The pen is mightier than the report card. 7. When the going gets tough, the tough get homework. 8. You can lead a student to homework, but you can’t make them think. 9. Don’t judge a book report by its cover. 10. Homework wasn’t built in a day. 11. It’s all fun and games until someone loses a pen. 12. Practice makes perfect, but nobody’s perfect, so why do homework? 13. Better late than never to start that essay. 14. You can’t teach an old dog new math. 15. A little learning is a dangerous thing. So is a lot of homework. 16. Actions speak louder than report cards. 17. Too many cooks spoil the math problem. 18. An essay a day keeps the F’s away. 19. The road to A’s is paved with failed quizzes. 20. Out of the classroom and into the fryer.

In conclusion, we hope these giggles have rebooted your brain and added a pinch of playfulness to your study sessions. Remember, homework doesn’t always have to be a bore; with a little bit of humor, it can be a whole lot more. So the next time you’re stuck solving for ‘x’ or knee-deep in historical dates, crack a pun and let the laughter make learning lighter.

Don’t let the pun stop here! If your funny bone is still itching for more wordplay wizardry, we’ve got a veritable treasure trove of puns on our website that are sure to crack you up. Dive into our collection and let the pun-derful times roll!

We’re thrilled you chose to tickle your humorous side with us today. A massive thank you for hanging around pun-doras box. Keep smiling, studying, and, most importantly, punning—it’s just how we roll here. Until next time, keep those pun-wheels turning!

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funny jokes about homework

Homework Jokes

Why did the boy eat his homework? Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake. What did the fishing rod say to the boat? Canoe help me with my homework? Why can't you do your calculus homework on a Friday night? Because you can't drink and derive. Why don't you do arithmetic homework in the jungle? Because if you add 4+4 you get ate. What did the dog say to his classmate? "Can I copy your homework, I ate mine." What did the cheerleader say when she was given more homework? Bring It On. What do you call a man who can do a years worth of homework in two weeks? Billy Madison. Why don't fish need to do homework? Because they're always swimming in schools. What did the teacher ask her class? Who let the homework-eating dogs out! Why do people do homework? Because it doesn't know how to do it itself. Why can't you do homework faster than Rachael Leigh Cook? Because "She's All That". Knock Knock Who's there? Dewey! Dewey who? Dewey really have homework on the first day? Knock Knock Who's there? Howl. Howl who? Howl we finish our homework on time? Knock Knock Who's there? Canoe! Canoe who? Canoe help me with my home work. Knock Knock Who's There? Honeydew! Honeydew who? Honeydew your homework before you go outside. My homework brings all the Asians to the yard, and they're like, "It wasn't that hard." I would do my math homework, but I've already got my own problems. I was a thirty something frat boy and I never had homework, but that was at my "Old School". If school isn't a place to sleep then home isn't a place to study. I wanted to turn in my bartending homework, but I was absinthe. Biology Teacher: "Students, what does the chiken give you?" Student(s): Eggs and Meat! Teacher: "Great! What dose the pig give you?" Student(s): Bacon! Teacher: "Excellent! Now what does the fat cow give you?" Student(s): HOMEWORK!! SCHOOL: 2 + 2 = 4. HOMEWORK: 2 + 4 + 2 = 8. EXAM: Matthew has 4 apples, his train is 7 minutes early, calculate the sun's mass. What do pigs give you? Pork. What do goats give you? Cheese. What do cows give you? Homework. Teacher says to little Mary, "I want you draw a picture of a house" Little Mary says "That must be my HOMEwork" Human Body The teacher asks, "Flora, what part of the human body increases ten times when excited?" Flora blushes and says, "That's disgusting, I won't even answer that question." The teacher calls on Johnny: "What part of the human body increases ten times when excited?" "That's easy," says Johnny. "It's the pupil of the eye." "Very good, Johnny," responds the teacher. "That's correct." She then turns to Flora and says, "First, you didn't do your homework. Second, you have a dirty mind. And third, you're in for a BIG disappointment." Bad Student One day I went into school all puzzled and said to my teacher "Miss will i get into trouble for something i havent done ?" She said "No why" I said " Because I havent done my homework. Pick Up Lines I wish I was your calculus homework, because then I'd be hard and you'd be doing me on your desk. If you were my homework Id do you all over my desk Is your name homework? 'Cause I'm not doing you, but I should be.

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Beano Comic

Homework Jokes

Weā€™re sorry. this joke list was supposed to be twice as long but our dog ate half of it. honest if you hate homework as much as we do, then this list of hilarious homework jokes is for you.

So if youā€™re reading these jokes instead of doing your Maths homework then you might need some more to stop you doing your History homework too. Try these 20 Delicious Pi Jokes for Maths Fans! or even these 16 History Jokes Which Are Older Than Your Pants . If you are reading this and youā€™re a teacher, donā€™t worry. The Beano doesnā€™t just laugh at the mere idea of homework. We also have some educational (yet funny) fact pages too. Check out our 30 Amazing Facts About Space and the Universe to marvel at our brainy writing skills!

Whatā€™s Hermione Grangerā€™s favourite homework?

funny jokes about homework

My teacher sayā€™s I didnā€™t do my Ancient Roman homework?

Thatā€™s his story!

funny jokes about homework

My science teacher is always saying I havenā€™t done my homework!

We just lack chemistry!

funny jokes about homework

I ripped up my homework.

It was tearable.

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Why didnā€™t the kid do their cooking homework?

They didn't have enough thyme!

funny jokes about homework

Little Brother: I am learning about numbers for homework!

Big Brother: What are the odds?

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My teachers told me off for something I didnā€™t do!

My homework.

funny jokes about homework

Kid: Dad, can you help me with my homework? Dad: No, son. It just wouldn't be right.

Kid: I know, but will you try it anyway?

A dad gives his adult son a playful headlock

My teacherā€™s the bestā€¦

She puts kisses all over my homework!

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Why did Vladamir Putin finish his homework so fast?

Because he was Russian.

Russia flag

Father: When Winston Churchill was your age he did homework by candlelight.

Son: When Winston Churchill was your age he was Prime Minister!

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I got a paper cut from my Statistics homework.

What are the odds?

A teacher points at a student

Teacher: Where is your homework?

Clever Kid: I lost it fighting someone who said you werenā€™t the best teacher in school!

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They teacher left a note on my homework but signed it with the wrong nameā€¦

I think they're mass-grading as someone else!

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Why was the girlā€™s A+ homework covered in feathers?

Sheā€™d hired a mathmachicken!

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For my art homework I had to write about Salvadore Dali...

I tried, but my pen turned into a giraffe and my desk melted.

A dog with some spilled paints

Kid: My dog ate my homeworkā€¦ Teacher: It was a computer science assignment!

Kid: He took quite a few bytes!

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Teacher: Did your Dad help you with your homework?

Kid: No, he did it all by himself!

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My friend asked to use my fingers to help him with his Maths homeworkā€¦

He should stop counting on me!

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My homework was to cook something. I said I'd bake dog biscuits! No idea how too butā€¦

Thereā€™s a great excuse when i don't hand in my homework.

A big fluffy dog

Why was the algebra homework so sad?

It had a lot of problems!

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What did they sandwich say when they forgot their homework?

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What did the bacon do after school?

Their ham-work!

funny jokes about homework

Why did the student eat their homework?Ā 

Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake!

funny jokes about homework

What happened when the tomato fell behind on his homework?

He had to ketchup!

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Why did the boy eat his homework?

funny jokes about homework

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Do it do it now.

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Reset your password

Enter your email address or username and weā€™ll send you a link to reset your password

Check your inbox

An email with a link to reset your password was sent to the email address associated with your account

Provide email

Please enter your email to complete registration

Activate to continue

Your account isn't active yet. We've emailed you an activation link. Please check your inbox and click the link to activate your account

0, text: error" style="display: none;">

0, text: success" style="display: none;">

  • Relationships

The Bored Panda iOS app is live! Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here .

  • Partnership
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