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In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

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In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

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George Lamb in In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment (2017)

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In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment Reviews

  • 1 hr 30 mins
  • Documentary, Tech & Gaming
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Three people, a social-media addict, a trainee nurse who is clsoe to her family and a lifestyle blogger, detach themselves from the modern world to experience life without TV, phones, the internet and any form of human interaction. Presenter George Lamb also takes up the challenge.

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In Solitary: The Anti-social Experiment (2017)-''This gruelling, psychological 'anti-social' experiment challenges three members of the public to spend five days in solitary confinement''

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In Solitary: the Anti-Social Experiment (Ch.5)


scorpionatthepc wrote: » It was on channel 5 but yes I found it interesting to watch even though they only really concentrated on the first few days. Was a bit disappointed in the first person who quit.
ABCZYX wrote: » I thought it was really interesting to watch. I do think, however, that it would have been better to have the programme running for five consecutive days. This was what I thought we were going to get until a few days ago. Because it was only one show, it felt a bit rushed seeing the last couple of days go so quickly after there being quite a bit of focus on the first 24 hours.
Bowdon wrote: » I just watched this on catch-up and though the idea was good I thought the experiment was administered poorly. Only 2 of the participants did 5 days, yet the newcomers were let out at the same time, so they never did the full 5 days. I thought Lloyds face was familiar. He was on Judge Rinder for pranking his uncle. Why didn't one of them take a clock or a watch in with them?
theid wrote: » I demand a follow-on programme to see if it has made the slightest difference!


DonaldFunk wrote: » I would like to see a version of these experiments with people allowed to fully use their phones, tablets and kindles. I think that would be interesting. I can imagine folk being fine at first but after a few days just curled up in bed watching endless hours of YouTube, etc.


linfran wrote: » I assume they were being fed regularly, 3 times a day perhaps. That alone would give them an idea of whether it was breakfast or supper time and more so if you had mapped out an enormous wall chart divided into days and time slots.


tgabber wrote: » linfran wrote: » I assume they were being fed regularly, 3 times a day perhaps. That alone would give them an idea of whether it was breakfast or supper time and more so if you had mapped out an enormous wall chart divided into days and time slots.


Celebs In Solitary

Celebs In Solitary

Channel 5

Celebs In Solitary is a celebrity edition of In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment on Channel 5, in which Anthea Turner, Professor Green, Eddie Hall, and Shazia Mirza attempt to spend five days in solitary confinement. Presented by George Lamb.

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in solitary the anti social experiment

Korean Revolutionary Kim San on Moral Courage in the Face of Imperialist Violence

“to rise above oppression is the glory of man; to submit is his shame.”.

My whole life has been a series of failures, and the history of my country has been a history of failure. I have had only one victory—over myself. This one small victory, however, is enough to give me confidence to go on. Fortunately, the tragedy and defeat I have experienced have not broken but rather strengthened me. I have few illusions left, but I have not lost faith in men and in the ability of men to create history. Who shall know the will of history? Only the oppressed, who must overthrow force in order to live. Only the undefeated in defeat, who have lost everything to gain a whole new world in the last battle.

Oppression is pain, and pain is consciousness. Consciousness means movement. Millions of men must die and tens of millions must suffer before humanity can be born again. I accept this objective fact. The sight of blood and death and of stupidity and failure no longer obstructs my vision of the future.

The tradition of human history is democratic, and this tradition is the equal birthright given to all men. But some do not claim this birthright, and others steal it from them. Water can drown or save a man. Human society today is not a village pond but an angry flood. One must learn to swim. From the age of fourteen to this moment I have never left the water. I have given myself up many times, but I am not yet destroyed.

I have learned that there is only one important thing—to keep one’s class relation with the masses, for the will of the mass is the will of history. This is not easy, for the mass is deep and dark and does not speak with a single voice until it is already in action. You must listen for whispers and the eloquence of silence. Individuals and groups shout loudly; it is easy to be confused by them. But the truth is told in a very small voice, not by shouting. When the masses hear the small voice, they reach for their guns. The mere urgent whisper of an old village woman is enough. True leadership has keen ears and a guarded mouth. To follow the mass will is the only way to lead to victory.

For the individual to struggle against superior power is only futile tragedy. One must organize equal force against force, and if this cannot be mobilized, action must wait and not engage in adventurism. Parties and groups and large bodies of men make many stupid mistakes leading to disaster, and I have participated in many such blunders, but mistakes are an inevitable part of leadership. You may see this mistake, but until you can win the following of the majority you have no right to leadership. To be in advance of your time does not qualify you for leadership but only for propaganda work and criticism. Lenin was the greatest democratic mass leader of our day because he followed the masses and pushed them. He did not pull them along by a string.

Yet the minority must be protected, for it is the initial instrument of change, the child and father of the majority. To stifle it is only to breed a monster. And it is the duty of every man to fight for his belief. To be false to himself is to be false to his class, his party, and his revolutionary duty. There is no place for cowardice in revolutionary leadership. No man has the right to leadership who has not strong beliefs and confidence in his own judgment. Moral courage is the essence of the revolutionary ethic.

When a revolutionary submits to being deprived of his right to exercise freedom of opinion, he is failing in his duty. And no mind is free which oppresses others. Monoliths are not built of broken stones and the weakest quality clay. They can be made only of living men and strong minds, and no mortar can hold them together except the cement of free association. Without this democracy even the feeblest clay will one day turn to dynamite. A keystone is not an arch. Without support from both right and left, it will collapse. When voluntary following turns to fearful obedience, disintegration begins.

It is not easy to be morally brave in a political party; it is easier to follow, and to shirk responsibility. To be alone on a mountaintop is pleasant; to be alone among comrades is to be lonely indeed.

The quality of moral strength, however, lies not in stubborn stupidity but in the ability to change with changing conditions. The growth of the human mind seems to be limited. At a certain point it remains static and can no longer reach out and grasp new realities but softens into a childish nostalgia for some October long past. “Old Bolsheviks” would do well to be interred gloriously with their Lenins before the next generation trims their stubborn whiskers in derision.

One must accept the vote of a given majority—but whether that majority is right or wrong, that is another question. A Lenin may be right and the whole party wrong. But when a solitary Lenin happens to be right it is because he represents the majority will of the masses, not because he is an infallible individual personally. And when the party is wrong, it is wrong because it no longer represents the mass majority under it. Where democratic expression exists, the problem of leadership is easy. Where it is suppressed, it is dangerous and difficult. A true democratic mass vote cannot make a wrong decision; the problem is how to realize this vote. The line between right and wrong is a fluid one.

In times of rapid historical change, what is right one day may be wrong within a week. The mercurial changes within a mass movement are proof of the correctness of mass judgment, for they truly reflect change, which is the essence of truth. Truth is relative, not absolute; dialectical, not mechanical. The swing from Right to Left and back again is in itself a process of reaching a correct evaluation. And that swing is also in itself a factor producing change. Men learn and reach correct judgments only by experience. To test a certain line of action is not to make a mistake but to take the first step toward discovering the correct line.

If that test proves a certain line to be wrong, the test itself was correct, was an experiment in search of correctness, and therefore necessary. There are no controlled conditions in the great laboratory of social science. You cannot throw away a test tube and start again with the same given elements. There is only one test tube, and its compound changes qualitatively and quantitatively as you watch. Everything you do or fail to do goes into that mixture and can never be retrieved.

I have not always reasoned in this way. Until 1932 I sat like a judge, mercilessly condemning “mistakes” and beating recalcitrants into line like a drill sergeant. When I saw men killed and movements broken because of stupid leadership and stupid following, a fury possessed me. I could not forgive. When Han and another Korean party leader were on trial in Shanghai in 1928, I did not care whether they were spies and traitors, but I felt earnestly that they deserved any punishment for their objective criminal stupidity in having a party organization so weak that the Japanese could arrest a thousand men in a few days.

I was an idealist. I judged the actions of men by their intelligence. Now I know that a man is composed of many things besides a brain. A revolutionary leader does not work with human skulls, to be lined up Right or Left. He works with the material of human life, with all its animal and vegetable characteristics, with all its variable and imponderable attributes. He works with the human spirit, so hard to crush, and with the human body, so easily destroyed. Often the body must be destroyed to waken and free the spirit of others. The execution of one man like Li Dazhao or Peng Pai may mean the awakening of a million.

For myself, I no longer condemn a man by asking what is good or what is bad, what is right or what is wrong, what is correct or what is mistaken. I ask what is value and what is waste, what is necessary and what is futile, what is important and what is secondary. Through many years of heartache and tears, I have learned that “mistakes” are necessary and therefore good. They are an integral part of the development of men and of the process of social change. Men are not so foolish as to believe in words; they learn wisdom only by experiment. This is their safeguard and their right. He knows not what is true who learns not what is false. The textbook of Marxism and Leninism is written not in ink but in blood and suffering. To lead men to death and failure is easy; to lead men to victory is hard.

Tragedy is a part of human life. To rise above oppression is the glory of man; to submit is his shame. To me it is tragic to see millions of men blindly give up their lives in imperialist wars. That is waste. It is tragic to see them utilized to oppress each other. That is stupidity. It is not tragic for men to die consciously fighting for liberty and for the things they believe in. That is glorious and splendid. Death is not good or bad. It is either futile or necessary. To be killed fighting voluntarily for a purpose in which you believe is to die happy. I have seen so much waste of human life, so much futile sacrifice ending in failure, that it has not been easy for me to reach a philosophical justification for this. But one thing I always remember—the revolutionaries died happy in their sacrifice; they did not know it was futile.

One man’s happiness is another man’s sorrow. I claim no right to it.

Nearly all the friends and comrades of my youth are dead, hundreds of them: nationalist, Christian, anarchist, terrorist, communist. But they are alive to me. Where their graves should be, no one ever cared. On the battlefields and execution grounds, on the streets of city and village, their warm revolutionary blood flowed proudly into the soil of Korea, Manchuria, Siberia, Japan, and China. They failed in the immediate thing, but history keeps a fine accounting. A man’s name and his brief dream may be buried with his bones, but nothing that he has ever done or failed to do is lost in the final balance of forces.

This is his immortality, his glory or his shame. Not even he himself can change this objective fact, for he is history. Nothing can rob a man of his place in the movement of history. Nothing can grant him escape. His only individual decision is whether to move forward or backward, whether to fight or submit, whether to create value or destroy it, whether to be strong or weak.


in solitary the anti social experiment

From Song of Arirang: The Story of A Korean Revolutionary in China by Kim San and Nym Wales (translator). Edited by George O. Totten III and Dongyoun Hwang. Copyright © 2024. Available from Kaya Press. Featured image: Nym Wales

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  3. Watch: In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment (Trailer)

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  4. Inside an isolation pod

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  6. What's on TV tonight? Shows on Monday 28 August

    in solitary the anti social experiment


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  3. ►Solitary Experiments ► Game Over

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  5. I Spent 7 Days In Solitary Confinement

  6. "Choices in Solitude: What Would You Bring?🤣😂


  1. Trailer

    How long could you go it alone? #InSolitary: The Anti-Social Experiment comes to Channel 5 on Monday 28th August at 9pm.Subscribe to Channel 5 for more: http...

  2. Inside an isolation pod

    Take a 360 tour inside one of the In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment isolation pods.George Lamb and three volunteers will each be challenged to spend fi...

  3. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment is a Channel 5 entertainment format that tests whether or not three members of the public can withstand being in solitary confinement for up to 5 days. George Lamb hosts and also participates. Go to Channel 5 Site >. Casting.

  4. Reality starts to hit Charmayne

    Charmayne is a 28-year-old trainee nurse from Worcester, who relies on her family for everything and has never been alone before. A few hours in to life in s...

  5. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    Find out how to watch In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment. Stream In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment, watch trailers, see the cast, and more at TV Guide

  6. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    Little things can become big things quite quickly in solitary, and George Lamb is feeling powerless.

  7. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    In Solitary: The... In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment | Monday 9pm | Channel 5 | George Lamb and three volunteers each take on the challenge of spending five days in solitary. But how long can they stand being alone?

  8. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    How long could you go it alone? In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment comes to Channel 5 on Monday 28th August at 9pm.

  9. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment (TV Movie 2017)

    In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment (TV Movie 2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.

  10. ‎In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment • Film + cast

    In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment. Details; Language

  11. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment (TV Movie 2017)

    In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment: Directed by Jeff Wilkinson. With Charmayne Bazley-John, Sarah r Docherty, Lucie Kerley, George Lamb. This gruelling, psychological 'anti-social' experiment challenges three members of the public to spend five days in solitary confinement, asking one of the most relevant questions of our time: in a world where we have never been more connected, when was ...

  12. Official Trailer

    Channel 5 Site: https://bit.ly/InSolitaryStellify Media---https://www.facebook.com/StellifyMedia/https://www.twitter.com/StellifyMedia/https://www.instagram....

  13. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment Reviews

    Check out the exclusive TV Guide movie review and see our movie rating for In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

  14. In Solitary: The Anti Social Experiment (2017)

    It's an "experiment", not a simulation. It probably wasn't meant to represent what real solitary confinement feels like. It can still be a valuable experiment, if you look at it from the perspective of "even with stimulating items and the knowledge that you'll be released in an emergency/after 5 days, it is pretty bad.

  15. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment. User Score. What's your Vibe? Login to use TMDB's new rating system. Welcome to Vibes, TMDB's new rating system! For more information, visit the contribution bible. Overview. We don't have an overview translated in English. Help us expand our database by adding one.

  16. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    In a world where we have never been more connected, when was the last time you were completely alone?

  17. In Solitary: The Anti-social Experiment (2017)-''This gruelling

    In Solitary: The Anti-social Experiment (2017)-''This gruelling, psychological 'anti-social' experiment challenges three members of the public to spend five days in solitary confinement'' Share Add a Comment. ... Solitary would be like 5 days without anyone noticing you, nobody to reach out to or distract yourself at all. ...

  18. In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment

    © 2010-2024 trakt, inc. All rights reserved. Hand crafted around the world.

  19. George Lamb in solitary

    If George is going to survive five days in solitary, he's going to need to accept his new environment.In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment, Monday 28th Au...

  20. In Solitary: the Anti-Social Experiment (Ch.5)

    To be fair, the replacement for Charmayne seemed to be on the same (first) day and she was close to being pulled off the experiment towards the end. Taking a clock in would defeat the sense of disorientation! They purposefully were not supposed to know if it was day or night. theid Posts: 6,039. Forum Member.

  21. Celebs In Solitary

    Celebs In Solitary is a celebrity edition of In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment on Channel 5, in which Anthea Turner, Professor Green, Eddie Hall, and Shazia Mirza attempt to spend five days in solitary confinement. Presented by George Lamb. Go to Channel 5 Site >

  22. Part 1: In Solitary The Anti-Social Experiment Aug 28, 2017

    Part 1: In Solitary The Anti-Social Experiment Aug 28, 2017. DiamondD. Follow Like Favorite Share. ... Report. 7 years ago; This grueling, psychological 'anti-social' experiment challenges three members of the public to spend five days in solitary confinement. Show less. Recommended. 15:51. I. Up next. I Spent 50 Hours In Solitary Confinement ...

  23. Location tour

    George Lamb gives us a 360 tour of the location for In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment, coming to Channel 5 on Monday 28th August at 9pm.George and each...

  24. Korean Revolutionary Kim San on Moral Courage in the Face of

    Through many years of heartache and tears, I have learned that "mistakes" are necessary and therefore good. They are an integral part of the development of men and of the process of social change. Men are not so foolish as to believe in words; they learn wisdom only by experiment. This is their safeguard and their right.