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EXPERIMENT NO. : 1 AIM : To Measure Displacement using LVDT

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Introduction to Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)

Join our engineering community sign-in with:, looking for a succinct intro to lvdts this article will explain lvdt basics, including structure, circuit, transfer function, linear range, sensitivity, and more..

The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is an electromechanical transducer that senses the mechanical displacement of a core and produces a proportional AC voltage at the output. High resolution (infinite in theory), high linearity (0.5% or better), high sensitivity and zero mechanical friction are some of the important features of the LVDT devices.

In this article, we’ll look at the structure and working principles of LVDTs. We’ll also examine three important parameters of these sensors: linear range, linearity error, and sensitivity.  

Structure of an LVDT

Figure 1 shows the cutaway view and circuit model of a basic LVDT. It consists of one primary winding coupled to two secondary windings through a movable core. As the magnetically permeable core moves, the magnetic coupling between the primary and each of the secondary windings changes accordingly. This produces position-dependent voltage signals across the two windings that can be used to determine the position of an object.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 1(a). Cutaway view of an LVDT. Image courtesy of Honeywell

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 1(b). Circuit model of an LVDT

The two secondary windings are series-opposed meaning that they are connected in series but wound in opposite directions. The core, typically through a non-ferromagnetic rod, attaches to the object whose movement is being measured and the coil assembly is typically fixed to a stationary form. 

How Does It Work?

Figure 2 shows how a perfectly centered core ideally produces a zero output. The input is excited by an AC voltage of appropriate frequency (V EXC ). Since the two secondaries are wound symmetrically on the two sides of the primary coil, a centered core leads to equal magnetic coupling from the primary to the two secondaries. With the secondary windings being series-opposed, equal voltages with opposite polarities will be induced across the two secondaries (V s1  = -V s2 ). Hence, the voltages of the two windings will cancel out and we’ll have an overall output of zero (V out  = 0). 

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 2. LVDT with a perfectly centered core

When the core is displaced upward as shown in Figure 3, the coupling between the primary and the first secondary becomes stronger. This leads to a larger AC voltage across the first secondary compared to the second secondary (|V s1 | > |V s2 |) and a non-zero output (V out ). Note that the output is in phase with V s1 but its amplitude is relatively smaller.

With the example depicted in Figure 3, the output should be ideally in-phase with V EXC when the core experiences an upward displacement.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 3. LVDT with the core moved upward

The typical waveforms for the downward displacement of the core is shown in Figure 4.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 4. LVDT with the core moved downward

In this case, the magnetic coupling between the primary and the second secondary increases leading to |V s2 | > |V s1 |. As you can see, we’ll have a non-zero V out that is ideally 180° out-of-phase with respect to the excitation voltage.

Transfer Function

Figure 5 shows the transfer function of a typical LVDT. The x-axis is the core displacement from the center. The y-axis is the amplitude of the output AC voltage.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 5. Image courtesy of Ramón Pallás-Areny and John G. Webster,  Sensors and Signal Conditioning

At the origin (x = 0), the output is ideally zero. As the core is moved off center in either direction, the amplitude of the output increases linearly with the core displacement. Note that measuring only the amplitude of the output, we cannot determine whether the core is displaced to the left or to the right. We need to know both the amplitude and phase of the output. 

Linear Range

As shown in Figure 5, an LVDT exhibits a linear transfer function only over a limited range of the core displacement. This is specified as the linear range of the LVDT.

Why does the device stop having a linear relationship beyond this range?

We can imagine that, when the core displacement from the null position goes beyond a certain value, the magnetic flux that gets to couple to the core from the primary winding reduces. This, consequently, leads to a reduction in the voltage that appears across the corresponding secondary winding. The maximum distance that the core can travel from its null position while having a linear transfer function is referred to as the full-scale displacement. 

Broad ranges of LVDTs are available covering displacement ranges as little as ±100 μm to ±25 cm. LVDTs capable of measuring larger ranges also find use in laboratory, industrial and submersible environments.

Linearity Error

The plot of the LVDT output versus the core displacement is not a perfect straight line even in the linear range. The output can slightly deviate from the straight line constructed to have the best fit to the output data.

One mechanism that can lead to non-linearity in the nominal linear range of the device is saturation of the magnetic material. This can produce the 3rd harmonic component even when the core is at the null position. This harmonic can be suppressed by applying a low-pass filter to the LVDT output.

The maximum deviation of the LVDT output from the expected straight line fit is considered as the linearity error. Linearity error is typically expressed as a +/-  percentage of the full-range output. For example, the E-100 LVDT from Measurement Specialties, Inc., has a maximum linearity error of ±0.5% of full-scale range.


Sensitivity or transfer ratio allows us to relate the output voltage to the core displacement. To determine the sensitivity, we energize the primary at the recommended drive level ( 3 V RMS for E-100 LVDT ) and move the core off the null position by the full-scale displacement. Now, we measure the voltages across the two secondary windings to find the overall output voltage (V out ). Substituting these values in the following equation, we can find the LVDT sensitivity:

\[Sensitivity = \frac{V_{out}}{V_{Primary} \times (Core~Displacement)}\]

Sensitivity is usually specified in terms of millivolt output per Volt of excitation per thousandths of an inch core displacement (mV/V/mil). For example, the sensitivity of the E-100 is 2.4 mV/V/mil. Having sensitivity, we can determine the required gain of the signal conditioning circuitry.

An LVDT is an electromechanical transducer that can be used to sense the mechanical displacement of an object. High resolution (infinite in theory), high linearity (0.5% or better), high sensitivity and zero mechanical friction are some of the important features of the LVDT devices. 

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lvdt experiment conclusion

fig 3 waveforms are flipped (magenta and yellow).

  • D Dr. Steve Arar May 17, 2021 Considering the dot convention in transformers, Vs1 should be ideally in-phase with the excitation voltage and Vs2 should be 180 degrees out of phase with respect to Vexc. This is true over the entire stroke of the LVDT. The output is the sum of these two voltages and takes the polarity of the larger one. Like. Reply

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Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)

The LVDT stands for Linear Variable Differential Transformer. It converts the Linear motion into an electrical signal using an inductive transducer. Due to its superior sensitivity and accuracy over other inductive transducers, the LVDT is extensively used in many different fields. For measuring linear distance, the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a precise and trustworthy tool. Today, LVDTs are used in computerized manufacturing, robotics, avionics, and machine tools, combining research facilities, high-level analysis, and analysis to detect damage caused by massive rock deformation or other movements in the subgrade of old buildings or structures. physical structure. One try. This method is used to try to detect failure in concrete slopes and warn or correct the condition. One of the special problems with historical buildings is that they can easily be damaged by small deformations in the long run.

Table of Content

What is LVDT?

Types of lvdt, construction of lvdt.

  • Working principle of LVDT
  • Characteristics of LVDT Graph
  • Advantages and Disadvantages OF LVDT

Applications of LVDT

LVDT stands for Linear variable differential transformer. It is one of the major types of Inductive transducers. LVDTs are considered the most accurate inductive sensors that measure displacement according to the polarity and magnitude of the net induced electromotive force (EMF) and are therefore also known as linear variable displacement sensors.


Simple LVDT Diagram

Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs) can be of many types based on their construction, size, and specific applications. Here are some common types:-

  • AC LVDT : The AC LVDT is the most common and most used type of LVDT which operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction (EMI) with AC as an input. AC LVDTs are widely used for displacement measurement in various industrial applications.
  • DC LVDT : This type of LVDT operates with a DC (direct current) input. These types of LVDTs are used in limited applications where a DC power source is more convenient.
  • Miniature LVDT : This type of LVDT is small in size as the name suggests miniature and its stroke length is small but highly precise. There is Subminiature LVDTs also even smaller in size and best for limited-space applications.

There can be many more LVDTs based on the requirement of the application like High-Temperature LVDTs, Digital LVDTs, or Heavy-Duty High-Frequency Response LVDTs.


LVDT in the null position

The transformer and LVDT share a similar construction. It consists of one primary winding(P) and two secondary windings (S1 & S2). The primary and secondary windings are bounded by a hollow cylinder, known as the former. The primary winding is at the center and the secondary windings are present on both sides of the primary winding at an equal distance from the center. Both the secondary windings have an equal no. of terms and they are linked with each other in series opposition, i.e. they are wounded in opposite directions, but are connected in series with each other.

The entire coil assembly remains stationary during distance measurement. The moving part of the LVDT is an arm made of magnetic material.

Working Principle of LVDT

The working of LVDT is based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, which states that “the electrical power in the network induction circuit is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux in the circuit.”

As the primary winding of LVDT is connected to the AC power supply, The alternating magnetic field is produced in the primary winding, which results in the induced EMF of secondary windings.

Let’s assume that the induced voltages in the secondary windings S1 & S2 are E1 & E2 respectively. Now according tousing the rate of change of magnetic flux i.e. dΦ/dt is directly proportional to the magnitude of induced EMF i.e E1 and E2.

The total output voltage Eo in the circuit is given by Eo = E1-E2

Depending on the position of the core some cases arise:

Case 1: When The Core is Moving Towards S1

When the core of LVDT moves towards the second winding S1 then the flux linkage S will be more as compared to S2. The EMF induced in S1 will be more than the EMF of S2. Hence E1 is greater than E & net differential voltage Eo(E1-E2) will be +ve. The means output voltage Vo will be in phase with input AC voltage.

Case 2 : When the core is positioned at its null position

When the core is at a null position then the flux generated in both the secondary windings will be the same. The induced EMF E1 & E2, and both the windings will be the same. Hence the net differential output voltage Eo will be 0. It shows 0 displacement of the core.

Case 3 : When The Core Moving Towards S2

When the core of LVDT moves towards secondary winding S2 then the flux linkage with S2 will be more than S1. It means the EMF induced in S2 will be more than the induced EMF of S1


LVDT in displacement

Hence E2 is greater than E1 & net differential voltage Eo (E1-E2) will be negative. It means the output voltage will be out of phase input AC voltage.

Output of LVDT

  • The output of a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is an AC voltage that is proportional to the displacement or position of its core.
  • A zero-differential output voltage is produced when the core is in the center, or null position, where the induced voltages in the two secondary coils are equal. The induced voltages in the secondary coils become unequal as the core moves away from the null position, and the differential output voltage increases proportionately.

So in a nutshell we can conclude that the output of an LVDT is an AC voltage and the magnitude and other measurements of this output voltage provide insightful information about the direction and amount of displacement which is later inspected and fixed if any problem is detected.

Uses of LVDT

Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDT) are mainly used for work or motion or movement in many industries and research, they are also used in medicine and patient monitoring similarly in many applications because of its ability of unique features and advantages. It offers high precision and accuracy as it has non-coated sensors it can also vary with measurement ranges like the miniature or subminiature LVDTs are suitable for applications with extremely limited space or where fine-scale displacement measurements are necessary. its versatile nature, Long term stability, and reliability are what make it useful and make it a preferred choice for displacement and position sensing in numerous applications.

Characteristics of LVDT


Show the displacement vs output voltage graph for movement in the right and left direction

Display the displacement versus output voltage graph for both left and right movement and how the output voltage varies with linear displacement.

The LVDT is an electromechanical device that generates an AC voltage output in direct proportion to the ferromagnetic core and relative displacement of the transformer . The ability of LVDT sensors to function in harsh environments with high levels of vibration and shock is a crucial feature.

LVDT Specifications

As we can understand the Linear Variable Differential Transformer’s (LVDT) specifications can change based on the model and the requirements of the application. some common specifications of the LVDTs are:

  • Sensitivity
  • Electrical Output
  • Temperature Range etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of LVDT

Given Below are the Advantages and Disadvantages of LVDT:

Advantages of LVDT

  • High output: For minute variations in the magnetic core position, LVDTs provide a high output.
  • Low hysteresis: LVDTs are highly repeatable due to their extremely low hysteresis.
  • Low electrical noise: Because LVDTs have sensing coils with low impedance, they can produce extremely low electrical noise levels.
  • Less power Consumption: LVDT’s consume less power as compared to other Transducer’s

Disadvantages of LVDT

  • Since LVDT is an inductive transducer it is sensitive to the stray magnetic field, hence an extra setup is required to protect from stray magnetic field.
  • As LVDT is an electromagnetic device, it is also affected by vibrations and temperature.
  • It is mostly used in industries in the field of Automation, Aircraft, Turbines, Satellite, Hydraulics etc.
  • LVDT is used to measure physical quantity such as force, tension, pressure weight, etc. here LVDT is used as a secondary transducer.
  • LVDT plays important role in geotechnical Instrumentations, as it is used for Monitoring Ground Movements, Landslides and Structural Stability
  • LVDT plays an important role in the marine and offshore industry by Monitoring the Movements and Positions of ships and Underwater Structures.
  • LVDT Plays an important role in Power Generation as it monitors the Critical Components in turbines and generators.

So… in a nutshell, we can conclude that the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is a positional transducer that is widely used for many industrial as well as scientific applications. The model of LVDT is similar to the transformer. It is very precise and stable. The LVDT is more heavy-duty and strong because of its solid and simple design, which removes many possibilities of physical contact between the coils and core. The LVDT is very useful for applications that require accurate position sensing because of its highly linear and sensitive nature despite having a very simple structure. When all things are taken into account, the LVDT is a good option for industries like manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace where precise measurements are essential for flawless control and operation and LVDTs are highly repeatable due to their extremely low hysteresis etc benefits are there.

Solved Examples on LVDT

1. An AC LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is characterized by the following parameters: Input = 6.3 V, Output = 3.2 V, and a range of ±0.5 inches. Determine the following:

  • Calculate the output voltage concerning core position for a core movement ranging from 0.45 inches to -0.30 inches.
  • Find the output voltage when the core is positioned at -0.25 inches from the center.
Given that a 0.5-inch core displacement results in an output voltage of 3.2 V, a 0.45-inch core movement can be calculated as (0.45 * 3.2) / 0.5 = 2.88 V. Similarly, for a -0.30-inch core movement, the output voltage is determined as (-0.30 * -3.2) / (-0.5) = -1.92 V. To find the output voltage for a -0.25-inch core movement, the calculation is (-0.25 * -3.2) / (-0.5) = -1.6 V.


1. how it is used for monitoring cracks.

The Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) sensors, can be used in the monitoring of cracks, for instance, in historical caverns in Israel by Hatzor et al .

2. Can LVDT be programmed?

Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs) are analog sensors that produce an output voltage based on the linear displacement of their core. Unlike digital devices, LVDTs themselves are not programmable in the traditional sense. They don’t have embedded processors or memory that allows for user programming.

3. Can an LVDT be used in environments with high levels of vibration and electromagnetic interference (EMI)?

Yes, LVDTs are often chosen for applications in harsh environments with high levels of vibration and EMI.

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In this experiment the maximum displacement that can be measured and given to LVDT core is : ±10 mm. i.e. 10 mm to the right or to the left from the mean position. Mean position is 10 mm.

  • Switch ON the LVDT trainer by clicking on green 'Power' button.
  • Make micrometer to read 10 mm i.e. rotate thimble till 0 of the circular scale coincides with 10 of main scale. This can be done by clicking on plus sign on 'Rotate Gauge' button. (Ex:- for positive core displacement or to move the LVDT core towards left side click on plus sign on 'Rotate Gauge' button and similerly to move the core to right side click on minus sign on 'Rotate Gauge' button.)
  • Display (Displacement (mm) box in trainer) will indicate 0. This is the position when core is at centre i.e equal flux linking to both the secondary
  • Click on 'Table' at the bottom of the page to see the observation table and click on 'Add to Table' button to fill the observation table.
  • Again click on plus sign of 'Rotate Gauge' button to display 2 mm displacement and repeat step 3 each time after +2 mm displacement change . Continue untill display indicates +10 mm. After taking observation of +10 mm displacement, come back to the mean position again (displacement in micrometer 10 mm or display will show 0 mm) by clicking on minus sign on 'Rotate Gauge' button. Click on 'Add to Table' button again to tabulate this 0 mm displacement.
  • Now click on minus sign on 'Rotate Gauge' button to display -2 mm displacement, click on 'Add to Table' button to tabulate the data. Repeat step 3 each time after -2 mm displacement change . Continue untill display indicates -10 mm.
  • Click on 'Plot' button. The 'Output Voltage (|E 0 |) vs. Core displacement (mm)' plot will be shown. Hover the cursor on the plot, one camera icon will be visible in the top right corner above the plot section. Click on that camera icon to download the plot.
  • Click on 'Clear' button to erase the observation data and plot. Click on 'Table' button to hide the observation table.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Sl No. Displacement Indicated by Micrometer(mm) Core displacement (mm) Output voltage (|E |)(mV)


LVDT : Linear Variable Displacement Transformer

January 26, 2020 By WatElectronics

Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a sensor module implemented to transform the input vibrations or mechanical motion into variable electric signals, electrical current, and voltage. Nowadays, with an increased number of sensor devices that are ready to accept the input signal and convert into the required form of energy, several factors such as precision, utilization at its utmost level, and percentage of accuracy play a crucial part in selection procedures. This article provides a brief overview of LVDT, circuit diagram, operating principle, and the principle behind the conversion of magnetic flux into displacement.

Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)

Linear Variable Differential Transformer, also known as an inductive transformer, is defined as a process used for measuring displacement in instrumentation systems. The performance of sensory units drives the accuracy of the overall system.



The generic LVDT symbol is shown in Fig.1. An LVDT transducer or LVDT is a miniature transformer having an armature core and a shaft that is free to move in a linear axis. It encompasses two symmetrical secondary coils with an equal number of turns on one primary wounded across the armature core. The secondary coils are connected in series to measure the sum of output voltage and derive the displacement in the test specimen. Movement of the shaft due to induced magnetic flux generates voltage and determines the displacement of the specimen.

LVDT Construction

In general, the structure of LVDT is similar to the inductive transformer. It comprises two sets of solenoid coils, namely primary and secondary coil lined end-to-end, covering the core. The primary coil is connected to the input AC power supply and placed at the center of the core. The secondary coil consists of two secondary windings, which are at the top and bottom of the base, with an equal number of turns wounded on a hollow cylinder. The overall behavior is evaluated in terms of linearity and robustness.

Working Principle

The core phenomenon of LVDT is mutual induction generated between primary and secondary windings. The mutually coupled circuit concept derives the input and output characteristics of LVDT. The output responses captured across secondary windings will be in the form of voltage metrics and are measured using the net induced voltage across the secondary terminals.

LVDT  Working Theory (Principle)

This section provides in-depth analysis of LVDT and its operation behavior through a cylindrical core material.

At the initial stage, the cross-sectional area and dimension of the cylindrical core are measured across the core terminals. Assuming the initial parameters, theoretical analysis is used to calculate the area and moment of inertia of the core module.

A dynamic and soft iron core is placed inside the hollow cylindrical core. The position of core is measured and noted down as a null position (standard value). The LVDT system is energized by applying the excitation voltage across primary windings. Coupling voltage across the circuit is varied through the movable core, which in turn changes the flux and voltage across the secondary terminals.

The to-and-fro movement of the coil inside the outer core generates variable coupling, and the output voltage decreases based on direction (either negative or positive). The overall operating procedures are divided into three cases based on shaft movement induced EMF, and position.

LVDT Experiment and Calibrations

Assumptions and specifications.

Several abbreviations are considered to define the working procedure of LVDT and they are as follows,

E V =Voltage across the primary winding

E V1 =EMF induced across secondary winding S_1

E V2 =EMF induced across secondary winding S_2

E o =Output EMF

Typical LVDT Characteristics

Case 1: Null Position



Fig. 2 illustrates the working procedure of LVDT at zero or null axial position. During this condition, the shaft is precisely placed at the midway of secondary windings S1and S2, which gives rise to equal flux generation and induced voltage across the secondary terminal, respectively. This position is also known as a null position.

The differentiation amongst output magnitude and output phase sequence with respect to input signal derives core movement and displacement.

The shaft placed at the null or neutral position signifies that the voltage induced across series-connected secondary windings are equal and inversely proportional to the net output voltage.

E V1 = E V2  ———(1)

E o =E V1 – E V2 =0 V———(2)

Case 2: Maximum Right Position

As shown in the following figure, when the shaft is moved towards the right side, more force is generated across S2, conversely minimum across S1.



Therefore, the induced Voltage E2 is significantly higher than E1. The equation for the resultant differential voltages are as follows,

E o =E V2 -E V1 ———(3)

Case 3: Maximum Left Position

The below figure depicts that the shaft is more inclined towards the left side, which in turn generates high flux across S1 and induced a voltage across E1 while decreasing E2. The equation for the same is,

E o =E V1 -E V2 ———(4)



The resultant output of LVDT can be measured in terms of voltage, current, or frequency. This circuit can also be designed using microcontroller enabled circuits such as Arduino , PIC microcontroller, and so on.

LVDT Graph and Measurements

The following figures showcase the graphical representation of LVDT shaft variations and their effect in terms of the magnitude of differential AC output from a null position and DC output from electronics.



The maximum shaft displacement value from the core position is dependent on the amplitude of the primary excitation voltage and sensitivity factor. The shaft remains at the null location until a referenced primary excitation voltage is given to the primary winding of the coil. As shown in Fig, 6, the phase shift or DC output polarity defines the shaft position for the null point. It also represents the output linearity property of the LVDT module.



LVDT Sensors: It is categorized on the basis of output stage voltage parameters or a relative output current; evaluate the coil frequency as a function position or in frequency-based devices.

1). Captive Armatures : These procedures are generally used to measure long working displacement ranges. Captive alignment empowers users with low friction assemblies that avoid misalignment and ensure high reliability.

2). Unguided Armatures: Infinite resolution quality enabled unguided armature provides a no-wear design and facilitates design engineers with an unlimited resolution of measured data. This module is interfaced externally with the test specimen to be measured. It is flexible, and the user needs to guide the armature without any the interrelation between the edges.

3). Force Extended Armatures: In this mechanism, external support such as pneumatic force, spring mechanism, or electrical motors to dynamically propel armature to its utmost possible level. It is usually in slow-moving applications. This procedure eradicates the connection or interface between the test specimen and armature

LVDT advantages are discussed below.

Nowadays, with an increased requirement of measurement units, LVDT is interfaced in the main circuit or used as an external source to measure the displacement of the object. The major advantages of leveraging LVDT circuit are as follows,

1). Smoother in operation, easy to measure and interface, and wide range displacement measurement with a range of 1.25mm to 250 mm.

2). The output value is highly sensitive and can be easily measured through the available voltage measurement devices. It reduces the requirement of the amplifier to filter or increase the output band range. The sensitivity range of the typical LVDT sensor is recorded at 40V/mm.

3). Minimal hysteresis loss that in-turn increases the reliability and offers excellent operating conditions.

4). Friction loss is approximately zero or considered as negligible due to the operation of the core is carried out inside the hollow former. This process yields actual output value with a high precision range.

5). It is capable of withstanding high wear and tear functionalities, especially during scenarios where the core is loaded with a spring or the system is under rugged operation.

6). LVDT is operated at a minimal power consumption of a range of 1w.

7). The output is obtained in terms of an electrical signal. Since most of the system input is dependent on the electrical signal, the output can be directly fed to other circuits, which reduces the requirement of other conversational elements.

8). The absence of friction enables faster dynamic response and high-core movement capability.

Disadvantages or Limitations

The limitations of LVDT are discussed below

1). Since LVDT works on the principle of the inductive transducer, a stray magnetic field is generated around the circuit. There is a requirement of an additional circuit to overcome the stray magnetic field.

2). Vibrations and temperature variations inside the electromagnetic device further inhibit the performance of the system.


The applications of LVDT include the following

1). LVDT sensors are majorly used in a myriad range of industries to measure the tension of spring, weight, displacement, and pressure, to name a few. The input factors achieved in the form of physical parameters are initially converted into displacement, followed by a corresponding electrical voltage signal.

2). It is deployed in industries to extract positive feedback from servomechanism.

3). It is used in machinery measurement tools, Aircraft industry, hydraulics, Satellite, and Industrial Automation.

4). LVDT signal conditioner/conditioning is used to monitor and control the output waveform of the circuit.

5). The typical applications of LVDT sensors are as follows,

  • Testing the strength of soil : The core of the material is engineered, softened, and manufactured using high permeability iron-nickel based alloy. Extension rod material is designed using nonmagnetic stainless steel. The voltage variation is observed during the external rod movement inside the material, which in turn generates an output pulse corresponding to displacement.
  • Medical Field (Pill-making Machine) : A hybrid operating mechanism of variable pitch secondary windings with a computer-controlled winding machine reduces the overall package length to stroke ratio, minimizes human error in measuring pill weight and thickness, and provides high accuracy in determining the eventual weight of medicinal powder.
  • Automated Product Inspection Machine : Flat-panel displays eventually replaced the present PC and laptop monitors with high definition display systems. Small-package LVDT’s are utilized to undergo quality tests and a final check of flat-panel display dimensions.
  • Aerospace : It is used to monitor flight controls, pilot control, and wheel steering mechanism.
  • Robotic Cleaner : LVDT is used in leak detection systems for continuous monitoring of the fluid level. Especially systems that are submerged in nonconductive and noncorrosive fluids at ambient pressure conditions.
  • Robotic Manipulator : It is used as a core part of joystick control based heavy equipment robotics.

Please refer to this link to know more about Transformer MCQ’s .

With many such applications, Linear Variable Differential Transformer  is driving the futuristic displacement and measurement units in numerous business spaces. The emerging-market sectors, such as power generation, water management, and structural safety, will be likely to implement LVDT to enhance the performance and operating principles of the overall system. Furthermore, disruption of power electronic modules enables easy calibration process in LVDT and boosts the production of distance measuring instruments such as magnetostrictive transducers.


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Measurement of Displacement using LVDT

To use a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) for Displacement Measurement.

Apparatus Required

S.No Name Quantity
1 L.V.D.T training kit 1
2 L.V.D.T Sensor 1
3 C.R.O 1
4 Micro meter 1


L.V.D.T. stands for Linear Variable Differential Transformer .It is basically a mutual inductance type transducer with variable coupling between the primary and the two secondary coils. It is equivalent to E pick- off in its operation except the reluctance of the magnetic path is mostly due to the air path. It consist of a primary coil, uniformly wound over a certain length of transducer and two identical secondary coils systematically wound on either side of the primary coil and away from the center . The iron core is free to move inside the coil in either direction from null position. When the primary coil is excited by an A.C supply the induced EME of the secondary are equal to each other with the case lying in null position. The two secondaries are connected in series, but in phase opposition so that the resultant output voltage is zero. Displacement of the core in either direction from the null point results in output voltage proportional to displacement but have opposite polarity. The output voltage as read by an A.C. RMS voltmeter and is observed that

Diagram of LVDT


Observation Table:

S.No Actual value Measured value %error= (av-mv)/av*100


  • To get the good performance from the tutor you take to maintain room temperature.
  • To check the power source it should be 230 volt + 10%, 50 Hz to avoid over voltage hazardous.
  • To get best performance you take to put the instrument at dust proof and humidity free environment.
  • Do not try to open the instrument or repair it contact manufacture in case of any fault/difficulty.

Viva-Voice Questions and Answers

  • What is the full form of LVDT?
  • What is the Principal of LVDT?
  • What is the Advantages & Disadvantages of LVDT?
  • What is the application of LVDT?

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Instrumentation & Measurement Lab Experiment list

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  • 2 Experiment to Study the CRO Operation vs Functionality
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The Modelling and Design of a Linear Variable Differential Transformer

  • Regular Paper
  • Published: 17 December 2021
  • Volume 23 , pages 153–162, ( 2022 )

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lvdt experiment conclusion

  • Young-Soo Yang 1 &
  • Kang-Yul Bae 2  

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3 Citations

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In the design and improvement of an LVDT, theoretical analysis or numerical analysis can facilitate optimal design for the sensor performance by effectively and quickly predicting the measurement range and the sensitivity with the changes of design and process variables. In this study, analysis models of the LVDT were proposed through theoretical analysis and the finite element method (FEM), and the effects of design and process variables on the sensitivity and linear region of the LVDT according to the core motion were analyzed by the proposed models. The theoretical model for the relation between the output voltage and the change in core position, including the position before entering and after passing the secondary coil, was developed by deriving the change in the mutual inductance of the primary and secondary coils. Meanwhile, the core, coil, magnetic shell, electric circuit, and core movement of the LVDT were constructed as a three-dimensional model for the FEM to obtain the voltage output using a commercial analysis program. The results of the LVDT output characteristics analyzed by the theoretical and the finite element models were mutually verified. By the verified models, a series of the analyses of the LVDT were performed with changes in the supply voltage, core size, number of primary and secondary turns, distance between coils, coil length, initial core position, and permeabilities of core and magnetic shell. The effects of those variables on the sensitivity and linear region of the LVDT could then be revealed.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National University, 77 Yongbong-ro, Gwangju, 61186, Republic of Korea

Young-Soo Yang

Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, 33 Dongjin-ro, Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, 52725, Republic of Korea

Kang-Yul Bae

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About this article

Yang, YS., Bae, KY. The Modelling and Design of a Linear Variable Differential Transformer. Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf. 23 , 153–162 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12541-021-00612-z

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Received : 28 June 2021

Revised : 04 October 2021

Accepted : 01 December 2021

Published : 17 December 2021

Issue Date : February 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12541-021-00612-z

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Position & Displacement Measurement with LVDTs

This white paper describes LVDTs and explains how they work. It also details the requirements for measuring LVDTs, and the signal conditioning required for the measurement. Finally, we’ll talk about how you can use the PXI Displacement Input Module to measure AC LVDT input channels.

What is Linear Displacement Measurement

Linear variable differential transformers (lvdts), lvdt measurement, signal conditioning for lvdts, pxi for lvdt measurements.

Linear displacement is movement in one direction along a single axis. A position or linear displacement sensor is a device whose output signal represents the distance an object has traveled from a reference point. A displacement measurement also indicates the direction of motion (See Figure 1).

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 1. Linear Displacement Measurement

A linear displacement typically has units of millimeters (mm) or inches (in.) and a negative or positive direction associated with it.

Linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) are used to measure displacement. LVDTs operate on the principle of a transformer. As shown in Figure 2, an LVDT consists of a coil assembly and a core. The coil assembly is typically mounted to a stationary form, while the core is secured to the object whose position is being measured. The coil assembly consists of three coils of wire wound on the hollow form. A core of permeable material can slide freely through the center of the form. The inner coil is the primary, which is excited by an AC source as shown. Magnetic flux produced by the primary is coupled to the two secondary coils, inducing an AC voltage in each coil.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 2. General LVDT Assembly

The main advantage of the LVDT transducer over other types of displacement transducer is the high degree of robustness. Because there is no physical contact across the sensing element, there is no wear in the sensing element. Because the device relies on the coupling of magnetic flux, an LVDT can have infinite resolution. Therefore the smallest fraction of movement can be detected by suitable signal conditioning hardware, and the resolution of the transducer is solely determined by the resolution of the data acquisition system.

An LVDT measures displacement by associating a specific signal value for any given position of the core. This association of a signal value to a position occurs through electromagnetic coupling of an AC excitation signal on the primary winding to the core and back to the secondary windings. The position of the core determines how tightly the signal of the primary coil is coupled to each of the secondary coils. The two secondary coils are series-opposed, which means wound in series but in opposite directions. This results in the two signals on each secondary being 180 deg out of phase. Therefore phase of the output signal determines direction and its amplitude, distance. Figure 3 depicts a cross-sectional view of an LVDT. The core causes the magnetic field generated by the primary winding to be coupled to the secondaries. When the core is centered perfectly between both secondaries and the primary, as shown, the voltage induced in each secondary is equal in amplitude and 180 deg out of phase. Thus the LVDT output (for the series-opposed connection shown in this case) is zero because the voltages cancel each other.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 3. Cross-Sectional View of LVDT Core and Windings

Displacing the core to the left (Figure 4) causes the first secondary to be more strongly coupled to the primary than the second secondary. The resulting higher voltage of the first secondary in relation to the second secondary causes an output voltage that is in phase with the primary voltage.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 4. Coupling to First Secondary Caused by Associated Core Displacement

Likewise, displacing the core to the right causes the second secondary to be more strongly coupled to the primary than the first secondary. The greater voltage of the second secondary causes an output voltage to be out of phase with the primary voltage.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 5. Coupling to Second Secondary Caused by Associated Core Displacement

To summarize, “The LVDT closely models an ideal zeroth-order displacement sensor structure at low frequency, where the output is a direct and linear function of the input. It is a variable-reluctance device, where a primary center coil establishes a magnetic flux that is coupled through a center core (mobile armature) to a symmetrically wound secondary coil on either side of the primary. Thus, by measurement of the voltage amplitude and phase, one can determine the extent of the core motion and the direction, that is, the displacement.”[1] Figure 6 shows the linearity of the device within a range of core displacement. Note that the output is not linear as the core travels near the boundaries of its range. This is because less magnetic flux is coupled to the core from the primary. However, because LVDTs have excellent repeatability, nonlinearity near the boundaries of the range of the device can be predicted by a table or polynomial curve-fitting function, thus extending the range of the device.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 6. Proportionally Linear LVDT Response to Core Displacement

Because the output of an LVDT is an AC waveform, it has no polarity. The magnitude of the output of an LVDT increases regardless of the direction of movement from the electrical zero position. In order to know in which half of the device the center of the core is located, one must consider the phase of the output as well as the magnitude as compared to the AC excitation source on the primary winding. The output phase is compared with the excitation phase and it can be either in or out of phase with the excitation source, depending upon which half of the coil the center of the core is in. The signal conditioning electronics must combine information on the phase of the output with information on the magnitude of the output, so the user can know the direction the core has moved as well as how far from the electrical zero position it has moved. LVDT signal conditioners generate a sinusoidal signal as an excitation source for the primary coil. “This signal is typically between 50 Hz and 25 kHz. The carrier frequency is generally selected to be at least 10 times greater than the highest expected frequency of the core motion.”[1] The signal conditioning circuitry synchronously demodulates the secondary output signal with the same primary excitation source. The resulting DC voltage is proportional to core displacement. The polarity of the DC voltage indicates whether the displacement is toward or away from the first secondary (displacement left or right). Figure 7 shows a practical detection scheme, typically provided as a single integrated circuit (IC) manufactured specifically for LVDTs. The system contains a signal generator for the primary, a phase-sensitive detector (PSD) and amplifier/filter circuitry.

lvdt experiment conclusion

Figure 7. Sophisticated Phase-Sensitive LVDT Signal Conditioning Circuit

Broad ranges of LVDTs are available with linear ranges from at least ±50 cm down to ±1 mm. The time response is dependent on the equipment to which the core is connected. The units of an LVDT measurement are typically in mV/V/mm or mV/V/in. This indicates that for every volt of stimulation applied to the LVDT there is a definite feedback in mV per unit distance. A carefully manufactured LVDT can provide an output linear within ±0.25% over a range of core motion, with very fine resolution. The resolution is limited primarily by the ability of signal conditioning hardware to measure voltage changes.

The NI PXI Displacement Input Module provides signal conditioning for AC LVDT, AC RVDT, resolver, and synchro measurements. Using this module as part of your PXI system , you can easily perform 4-, 5-, and 6-wire AC LVDT and RVDT measurements.

High Accuracy Ratiometric Measurements

The NI PXI Displacement Input Module incorporate an analog design that removes the measurement dependence on the accuracy of the excitation voltage. The excitation voltage is continuously sensed by precision circuitry on the modules and used to drive the reference input of the ADC. Using this implementation, the module returns data as a ratio of the displacement sensor output voltage and the excitation voltage. This method continuously and automatically corrects for errors in the accuracy of the excitation voltage.

Multiple Operation Modes to Match Performance with Requirements

Buffered Mode for normal operating and high throughput applications is ideal because the module samples at the requested hardware sampling rate and efficiently returns data to the user in software. Buffered mode is optimized for measurement performance, but at the expense of higher latency due to the inherent filter day of the delta-sigma ADC. Hardware-Timed Single Point (HWTSP) Mode is optimized for low-latency data transfer. This allows for greater control of the rate at which data is returned to the controller. HWTSP mode is ideal when loop timing is critical, like closed-loop control and real-time applications. Four on-board timing engines allow for different timing, triggering, and sample modes simultaneously across the same module on a per-channel basis. This allows for a diverse set of sensors without the need for additional measurement hardware.

Programming Support for Popular Languages

The PXI Displacement Input Module includes the NI-DAQmx driver and configuration utility that simplify configuration and measurements. NI-DAQmx supports NI programming environments as well as Python, ANSI C, C#.NET, and MathWorks MATLAB® software.

[1] sensorland.com, “How sensors work - LVDT displacement transducer”, http://www.sensorland.com/HowPage006.html (current December 2002). ACT- [2] Techkor, Inc., “ An Introduction to Linear Variable Differential Transformer”, http://www.globalspec.com/Goto/GotoWebPage?gotoUrl=/ACTTechkor/ref/TB31/TechkorTB31.html&gotoType=TechArticle&VID=245&CategoryID=1136 (current December 2002). [3] eFunda.com, “eFunda: Theory of Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)”, http://www.efunda.com/designstandards/sensors/lvdt/lvdt_theory.cfm?search_string=lvdt (current December 2002). [4] Johnson, Curtis D, “Displacement, Location, or Position Sensors” Process Control Instrumentation Technology , Prentice Hall PTB. [5] National Instruments, “Getting Started with SCXI”, Part Number 320515F-01, July 2000. [6] RDP Electronics, “Linear Variable Differential Transformer Principle of Operation”, http://www.rdpe.com/displacement/lvdt/lvdt-principles.htm (current December 2002).

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Home > Control > Sensors > LVDT: Linear Variable Differential Transformer – Inductive Sensors

LVDT: Linear Variable Differential Transformer – Inductive Sensors

Linear variable differential transformer (lvdt) – inductive sensors.

Table of Contents

Inductive sensors are the type of sensor used to calculate position or speed. Mostly all inductive sensors work based on transformer principle and alternating electrical currents. These sensors makes use of current that gets induced by the magnetic field, which helps them to detect nearby metal objects. An inductive sensor consists of a coil which is usually an inductor. The coil helps to generate magnetic field of high frequency. When a metal object is brought near the magnetic field, there will be a current flow in the object. The generated current creates a new magnetic field which opposes the original field. Finally the net effect is the change of inductance in the inductive sensor. The concept of magnetic coupling between different coils is the basis for all types’ inductive sensors.

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Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT):

Introduction to LVDT:

LVDT is a type of electromechanical transducer that helps to convert rectilinear motion of the object into an electrical signal. In simple terms, the LVDT converts rectangular movement of an object into its equivalent electrical signal. Hence LVDT is used to calculate displacement. LVDT is AC controlled, so there is no electronics component inside it and they work at very low temperature. When it converts mechanical motion into electrical signal, it gives the phase and amplitude information of the device also. The entire operation of LVDT works on electromagnetic coupling otherwise called as Mutual Induction concepts.

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Construction of LVDT:

LVDT has basically few main components namely transformer, core and coil assembly. The transformer (core) consists of three wire wound coils fixed in a hollow space. Two primary and one secondary coil are present. Primary coil will be attached between two secondary coils. They are symmetrical and winded in series connections but in opposite direction. The core is made of a material that’s magnetically permeable and it can move freely inside the transformer. The range of AC excitation voltage applied is 5 to 12 V with an operating frequency of 50 to 400 Hz

LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer - Inductive Sensor

Working of LVDT:

LVDT works on the principle of mutual induction. The entire working is divided into three cases depending upon the position of iron core.

Working of LVDT

P is the primary winding that is energized with AC source. S 1 and S 2 are the secondary windings

Case 1: When the core moves towards S 1 , the secondary coil on that end becomes strongly coupled to the core. So, E 1 is the induced voltage of that secondary coil S 1 is higher than the induced voltage E 2 of another secondary coil S 2 . Hence the differential voltage would be E 1 – E 2 , which will describe the amount of displacement of the core. In this case, E 1 of the secondary coil is in phase with primary voltage, so this indicates the direction of the movement.

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Case 2: when core is moved to another side of the transformer, the induced voltage E 2 of the secondary coil will be out of phase with primary voltage. Since it is out of phase, the movement of the core will be in opposite direction.

Case 3: When the core is in the null position, midway between S 1 and S 2 , equal flux will be developed to both of the secondary winding. Hence, voltages E 1 and E 2 induced on S 1 and S 2 will also be equal to each other. So, there will be no displacement.

Operation of LVDT

The below shown is the characteristics graph of LVDT. LVDT has a direct and linear function for specific range of measurement with respect to the input. The graph shows the non-linearity function of LVDT after sometime when core exceeds the range of operation. Polynomial function can be used to rectify the nonlinearity function.

Linearity-and nonlinearity-of-LVDT

Though we tell LVDT does not have electronics inside it, there can be external electronics called as signal conditioner. This includes oscillator used to generate signal, a demodulator, amplifier and low pass filter which helps to convert AC output voltage into DC signal. In few designs, signal conditioning units are inside LVDT called as DC LVDT.

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LVDT Specifications:

  • (0.025 to 0.20 + % or 0.025 to 0.20 – %) Full Scale
  • (0.20 to 0.50 + % or 0.20 to 0.50 – %) Full Scale
  • (0.50 to 0.90 + % or 0.50 to 0.90 – %) Full Scale
  • (0.90 to + % or 0.90 to – %) Full Scale and up
  • 90 to ± % Full Scale & Up
  • Operating Temperature:

> -32ºF, (-32-32ºF), (32 -175ºF), (175-257ºF), 257ºF & up

  • Range of Measurement:

± 0.25 mm to ± 750 mm.

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LVDT Advantages and Disadvantages:

  • LVDT has a very high output and it does not need any extension.
  • LVDT shows a very less and small hysteresis
  • Power consumed by LVDT is very low upto 1W
  • It does not have any frictional losses
  • The range of measurement in LVDT ranges from 1.25mm to 250mm
  • Temperature variation and vibrations affects the performance of LVDT

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LVDT Applications:

  • LVDT is used to measure weight, force, pressure and displacement
  • LVDT can act as primary and secondary transducer. For example in pressure measurement when Bourdon tube acts as primary transducers, it helps to convert pressure into linear displacement. After which LVDT converts the displacement into an electrical signal . After calibration of the display, the electrical signal gives the reading of fluid pressure.
  • These are also used in industrial automation , aircraft & satellites, hydraulic, turbine,

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About the Author: Vidya.M

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Difference Between Active Transducer and Passive Transducer


Measurement of Linear Displacement using LVDT.

Experiment No.: 06

Name of Experiment: –

Apparatus Required: –

Sl. No.NameSpecificationQuantity
1Displacement Indicator19.99 mm range, 200mv output, maximum indication 1999.1 no.
2LVDT with screw gauge+-1 mm1 no.
3Mili Voltmeter(0-100) mV1 no.
4Connecting WirePVC Insulated copperAs per required.

Circuit Diagram/Block Diagram: –

lvdt experiment conclusion

Theory: –

Displacement due to pressure, force change in liquid level etc. can be measured using different types of analog or digital transducer as discussed below: –

a. Potentiometric resistance type transducer: –

This is a wire wound potentiometric which may be used as transducer for converting mechanical displacement to an electrical output. This may be linear or angular type. The motion of the object changes the effective resistance and hence the output voltage between common and sliding contact or resistive transducer is directly proportional to the displacement of the object. If displacement with respect to some references (initial) position has to be measured then arrangements are made to set initial zero by two potentiometer are used in parallel; one as initial position transducer and other as displacement transducer. The potential difference between two variable points on the potentiometric resistance transducer in proportional to displacement with respect to initial position.

b. Inductive type transducer:

In this type of transducer magnetic characteristics of an electrical circuit changes due to motion of the object is used to generate an analog electrical output. This can be classified into two types:

(i) Self generating type:

In which a voltage is generated in the transducer, because of relative motion of a conductor and magnetic field. Electrodynamic, electromagnetic and eddy current types of transducer belong to this category.

(ii) Non-self generating or external power source type transducer-:

In this an external source is needed to energize a coil/coils, the inductance of which would change due to motion of the object. The following type of transducer belong to this category: Attachment type inductance transducer, air gap type, Linear voltage differential transformer (LVDT) type and magneto strictive type transducer.

c. Capacitive type transducer:

This is a displacement sensitive transducer. Due to motion, there is a change in the capacitive between two parallel plates; one of them is stationary and other movable. Suitable high sensitive op-amp amplifier circuit is use to measure change in capacitance with respect to a reference capacitor. These transducers are highly sensitive, and can be used to measure displacement in microns.


An LVDT is non self generating type inductive transducer often used to measure force, pressure, or position figure M2-1 shows the basic structure of an LVDT. It consists of three wires wound coils on same former with a movable iron core. An ac excitation signal of 1 to 20 KHz is applied to the primary. The two secondary’s connected in phase opposite usually positioned on either side of primary gives a zero output voltage if movable core has been positioned in middle. If the core is centered then the induced voltages in secondary are equal and they cancel, so there is no output voltage. If the core is moved off center, coupling will be stronger to one secondary coil so that coil will produce a greater output voltage. The result will be a output voltage. The phase relationship between the output signal and input signal is an indication of the direction. of the core movement from center position. The amplitude of the output is linearly proportional to the core displacement from the center or zero position. An LVDT can be used directly in this form to measure displacement and position. If we add a spring so that a force is required to move the core, then the voltage output of the LVDT is proportional to the force applied to the core. In this form LVDT can be used in load cell for an electronic scale. Likewise, if an spring and core is attached to a diaphragm in a threaded housing, the output from LVDT will be proportional to the pressure exerted on the diaphragm. Like this can think of many applications of LVDT in different situations.


The digital displacement indicator uses spring loaded LVDT as transducer, which can be connected to the socket provided at the back of the instrument. The specific range of different LVDT such as +/-1mm, +/-5mm, +/-10mm & +/-20mm, can be selected with help of the RANGE SELECT SWITCH. The 3.5 digit/digital output displays the displacement in mm; but it has to be calibrated for a particular LVDT. For this purpose two variable resistor provided in front panel marked as ZERO ADJUST & CALIBRATE. The zero adjust potentiometer makes the display zero when LVDT core is in center position (both secondary have equal induced emf) and calibrate potentiometer is adjusted after giving full scale displacement to the LVDT core. There is an analog output available at back of the displacement indicator for X-Y recorder. The circuit configuration is shown in fig. M2-1.

Procedures: –

  • Connect the mili-volt meter and LVDT to the displacement indicator.
  • Adjust and calibrate the displacement indicator (In LVDT keep both the scale of screw gauge at 5mm, consider it as zero output as both the secondary coil of LVDT are producing same voltage).
  • Calculate the screw gauge displacement for calibration of displacement indicator as per below formula:

Total displacement= [Horizontal scale distance + (Least count*Vertical scale distance)]

Least Count = (Pitch factor/Total division in circular scale)

Pitch factor= (1mm displacement in horizontal scale/ Number of revolution taken in circular scale for 1mm displacement in horizontal scale).

4. Take the readings as per observation table.

Observation Table: –

Sl. No.Screw gauge reading in mmDigital Display of displacement in mmAnalog Output Voltage in mili-volt

Plot the analog output and digital output with respect to the screw gauge reading assuming it as standard displacement.

Conclusion: –

To be written by student.

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lvdt experiment conclusion

LVDT – Diagram, working, Characteristics, Advantages, Application

What is LVDT 

Table of Contents


Principle of lvdt:.

LVDT works under the principle of mutual induction, and the displacement which is a non-electrical energy is converted into electrical energy. And the way how the energy is getting converted is described in the working of LVDT in a detailed manner.

The most widely used variable-inductance displacement transducer in Industry is a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT). It is a passive type sensor. It is an electro-mechanical device designed to produce an AC voltage output proportional to the relative displacement of the transformer and the ferromagnetic core. The physical construction of a typical LVDT consists of a movable core of magnetic material and three coils comprising the static transformer shown in Figure 1.26. One of the three coils is the primary coil or excitation coil and the other two are secondary coils or pick-up coils. An AC current (typically 1 kHz) is passed through the primary coil and an AC voltage is induced in secondary coils. The magnetic core inside the coil winding assembly provides the magnetic flux path linking the primary and secondary coils.

Other Linear Measurement : 

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When the magnetic core is at the centre position or null position, the output voltages are being equal and opposite in polarity and, therefore, the output voltage is zero. The Null Position of an LVDT is extremely stable and repeatable. When the magnetic core is displaced from the Null Position, a certain number of coil windings are affected by the proximity of the sliding core and thus, an electromagnetic imbalance occurs. This imbalance generates a differential AC output voltage across the secondary coil which is linearly proportional to the direction and magnitude of the displacement.

Specification of LVDT : 

1 Measurement Range 0-50 mm 2 Accuracy ± 1% of the FSR 3 Linearity ±2% of the total range 4 Operating Temperature -20 to 1200C 5 Supply Voltage 5 V 6 Sensitivity 27mV/V

Characteristics of LVDT & its significance

Characteristics of LVDT


As the core is moved in one direction from the null position, the differential voltage i.e. the difference of the two secondary voltages will increase while maintaining an in-phase relationship with the voltage from the input source. In the other direction from the null position, the differential voltage will also increase, but will be 1800 out of phase with the voltage from the source The output voltage of an LVDT is a linear function of core displacement within a limited range of motion says about 5mm from the null position. Fig shows the variation of output voltage against displacement for various positions of the core. The curve is practically linear for small displacements. Beyond this range of displacement, the curve starts to deviate from a straight line.

Applications of LVDT sensors

  • Measurement of spool position in a wide range of servo valve applications
  • To provide displacement feedback for hydraulic cylinders
  • To control weight and thickness of medicinal products viz. tablets or pills
  • For automatic inspection of final dimensions of products being packed for dispatch
  • To measure distance between the approaching metals during Friction welding process
  • To continuously monitor fluid level as part of leak detection system
  • To detect the number of currency bills dispensed by an ATM

Advantages of LVDT Sensor 

(i) It is relatively low cost due to its popularity (ii) It is solid and robust capable of working in a wide variety of environments (iii) There is no friction resistance since the iron core does not contact the transformer coils thereby resulting in an infinite (very long) service life (iv) High signal to noise ratio and low output impedance can be obtained (v) It has negligible hysteresis (vi) It has short response time, only limited by the inertia of the iron core and the rise time of the amplifiers (vii) There is no permanent damage to the LVDT if measurements exceed the designed range (viii) It can operate over a temperature range of-265°C to 600°C (ix) It is has high sensitivity up to 40 V/mm (x) It has less power consumption (less than 1 IF)

Disadvantages of LVDT Sensor : 

(i) The performance of these sensors is likely affected by vibration etc (ii) Relatively large displacements are required for appreciable output (iii) It is not suitable for fast dynamic measurements because of mass of the core (iv) It is inherently low in power output (v) It is sensitive to stray magnetic fields but the shielding is not possible.

Some Questions and Answers : 

Explain with neat sketch working principle of LVDT.

The LVDT transformer consists of a single primary winding P1 and two secondary windings S1 and S2, wound on a cylindrical former. The secondary windings have an equal number of turns and are identically placed on either side of the primary winding. The primary winding is connected to an alternating current source.

LVDT Digram

A movable soft iron core is placed inside the former. The displacement to be measured is applied to an arm attached to the soft iron core. In practice, the core is made of Ni-Fe alloy which is slotted longitudinally to reduce eddy current losses. When the core is in its normal (null) position, equal voltages are induced in the two secondary windings. Accordingly, output voltage ES1 of the secondary winding S1 is more than ES2, the output voltage of secondary winding S2. The magnitude of voltage is thus ES1- ES2 and the output voltage is in phase with ES1, the output voltage of secondary winding S1. Similarly, if a core is moved to the of null position, then the flux linking with winding S2 becomes larger than that with winding S1. This results in ES2 becoming larger than Es1. The output voltage in this case is E0 = ES2- ES1 and is in phase with ES2; i.e., the output voltage of secondary winding S2.

The amount of voltage change in either of secondary windings is proportional to the amount of movement of the core. Hence, we have an indication of the amount of linear motion. By nothing which voltage output is increasing or decreasing, we can determine the direction of motion. In other words, any physical displacement of the core causes the voltage of one secondary winding to increase while simultaneously reducing the voltage in the other secondary winding. The difference of two voltages appears across the two output terminals of the transducer and gives a measure of the physical position of the core and hence, the displacement. As the core is moved in one direction from the null position, the differential voltage i.e., the difference of two secondary voltages, will increase while maintaining an in-phase relationship with the voltage from the input source.

In the other direction from the null position, the differential voltage will also increase, but will be 1800 out of phase with the voltage from the source. By comparing the magnitudes and phase of the output (differential) voltage with that of the source, the amount and direction of the movement of the core and hence, of displacement, may be determined.

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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EXPERIMENT NO.: 1 AIM:-Measurement of displacement using LVDT

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lvdt experiment conclusion

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What is a Linear Variable Differential Transformer?

An LVDT is an electromechanical device used to convert mechanical motion or vibrations, specifically rectilinear motion, into a variable electrical current, voltage or electric signals, and the reverse. Actuating mechanisms used primarily for automatic control systems or as mechanical motion sensors in measurement technologies. The classification of electromechanical transducers includes conversion principles or types of output signals.

  • Electromagnetic
  • Magnetoelectric
  • Electrostatic
  • Analog and discrete output
  • Static and dynamic qualities
  • Sensitivity or transfer ratio - E=Δy / Δx or Δy is the change in output quantity y when input quantity x is changed by Δx
  • Output signal—range of operating frequency
  • Static error of conversion or of the signal
  • Types of LVDTs

LVDT Sensors - determine whether you need to measure a relative current: C-in, AC-out, DC-in, DC-out; or measuring resonant frequencies of coils as a function of coil position, frequency based devices.

LD400:Miniature DC Output Displacement Transducers with Acetal Bearings

Captive Armatures: These mechanisms are better for long working ranges. Captive armatures help prevent misalignment because they are guided and restrained by low friction assemblies. Unguided Armatures: Infinite resolution qualities, the unguided armature mechanism is a no-wear design that doesn’t restrict the resolution of measured data. This mechanism type is attached to the specimen to be measured, fitting loosely in the tube, requiring the body of the LVDT to be supported separately.

Force-Extended Armatures: Use internal spring mechanisms, pneumatic force, or electric motors to push the armature continuously to its fullest extension possible. Force-extended armatures are used in LVDT’s for slow moving applications. These mechanisms require no connection between the specimen and armature. Linear Variable Displacement Transducers are commonly used in modern machining tools, avionics, robotics, and computerized or motion control, Automation manufacturing. The selection of an applicable type of LVDT can be considered using the following specifications:

Linearity: Maximum deviation from direct proportion between distance measured and output distance over measuring range. > 0.025 ± % Full Scale 0.025 - 0.20 ± % Full Scale 0.20 - 0.50 ± % Full Scale 0.50 - 0.90 ± % Full Scale 0.90 - ± % Full Scale & Up

Operating Temperatures: > -32ºF, -32 to 32ºF, 32 to 175ºF, 175 to 257ºF, 257ºF and up. Range of temperature within which the device must accurately operate.

Measurement Ranges: 0.02", 0.02 to 0.32", 0.32 to 4.0", 4.0 to 20.0", ±20.0" (range of measurement or maximum distance measured)

Accuracy: Describes percentage of deviation from the actual/real value of measurement data.

Output: Voltage, Current, or Frequency

Interface: Serial—Standard digital output protocol (serial) like RS232, or Parallel—Standard digital output protocol (parallel) like IEEE488.

LVDT Type: Current Balance AC/AC, or DC/DC, or Frequency Based

Displacement: A linear variable displacement transducer, or LVDT, is an electrical transducer used in measuring linear position. Linear displacement is the movement of an object in one direction along a single axis. Measuring displacement indicates the direction of motion. The output signal of the linear displacement sensor is the measurement of the distance an object has traveled in units of millimeters (mm), or inches (in.), and can have a negative or positive value.Precision manufactured LVDT displacement transducers are mounted on most modern product lines for automatic gaging in sorting, “go-no go” applications, and quality operations. Construction of hardened steel shafts, O-ring seals, and titanium push rods optimize precision function in most industrial conditions. Utilizing hybrid IC modules provide linear mV/V/mm or mV/V/inch output to interface with standard DC input meters, industrial controllers, recorders, and data interfaces. LVDT’s are engineered and designed to accommodate many industry applications:

LD500:LVDT Precision DC Gaging Transducers for Quality Control or Automation Tooling

  • General Purpose
  • Flush Diaphragm
  • Heavy Duty/Industrial
  • Hazardous Location
  • PC Board Mountable
  • High Accuracy
  • Submersible
  • Customized for Special Purposes
  • Basic LVDT Diagrams

Principle of Rotary Variable Differential Transformer

Description of the oscillator

Description of the demodulator.

LD320:High Accuracy AC LVDT Displacement Sensors

Innovations and Applications for the linear transducer

LD320:High Accuracy AC LVDT Displacement Sensors

LVDT Rig is Better For Tensile Test Measurements

  • the extensometer has to be set up for each sample and tends to restrict access to it.
  • if the sample is tested to breaking point, the sudden shock can damage the transducer.

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Principle of Rotary Variable Differential Transformer

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Other applications.

Aircraft: The majority of aerospace/aircraft applications use miniature or sub-miniature position transducers. They are cable-actuated displacement sensing mechanisms. OMEGA can develop precision products for applications in commercial aircraft, space, aviation and environmental systems for space habitats. Products are mounted to a fixed position, the displacement cable is attached to a moving object like landing gear or an aileron. The cable retracts and extracts when movement occurs. Depending on signal conditioning, and mounting system, the electrical output will indicate various rates, angles, lengths, and motions.

Satellites: Consider the applications in satellite technology and related areas, in addition to satellite production, position transducers are needed for space vehicles, cargo aircraft, military fighters, drones, experimental aircraft, missiles, nuclear reactors, flight simulators, or high speed railways.

  • Innovations and Applications

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Experimenting extraction from unstructured data with Apache Camel and LangChain4j

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This blog is based on experiments done about extracting structured data into its structured counterpart. More precisely, in this post, we’ll give directions about how to convert a conversation transcript into a Java object.


Reading articles like this over the net, it seems that folks have a lot of unstructured data at the disposal while not being able to take advantage on it. So probably, in the future we might expect to deal more and more with unstructured data extraction in integration flow.

From there, I started to experiment about ways to write such routes with Apache Camel. In this article, I don’t come up with full packaged examples but still can share some directions that could help one to start. Precisely, we’ll use the LangChain4j high level API in conjunction with camel bean binding capabilities.

So, let’s start from the beginning.

Serve the model from a local container

Throughout this article, we’ll stress the importance of JSON to achieve unstructured data extraction with LangChain4j. And it starts here by choosing a model that has knowledge about JSON.

Let’s run a codellama model from a container locally:

Set up the LangChain4j chat model

In order to request the served model from our Camel application, we need to setup the chat model based on LangChain4j instructions .

Mainly, we add the langchain4j-ollama dependency:

Then create a chat model:

See how we lower the temperature to 0.0 in order to reduce the variability of the LLM answers. Another key aspect, is that we configure the model to output JSON only which greatly reduces the problem space.

Define the extraction service

LangChain4j offers some examples about how to declare data extraction service with the high level API.

When extracting POJOs, we need to define the expected structure as a class like below:

See how we could mix different sort of information that LangChain4j will stuff from the JSON output produced by the served model.

Then, we define the extraction service contract:

As we return a custom POJO, LangChain4j will automatically instruct the LLM to produce a valid JSON according to the needed schema. Notice how we are able to complement LangChain4j instructions with the @UserMessage annotation where we define the expected customerBirthday date format.

As a last step, we create the extraction service and bind it to the registry:

Invoke the extraction service from a route

As the extractionService is present in the registry, we are now able to use bean binding as show in this example:

That way, Camel is able to inject any textual incoming body as the first parameter of the extractFromText method. The returned CustomPojo could now be used in the route. Here, we pretty print the CustomPojo instance with a home defined prettyPrintCustomPojo bean.

Let’s send a conversation transcript to the route

The goodness with Camel is that conversation transcript could originate from a lot of systems given the high number of components available.

So, let’s send a conversation transcript into the route:

Reading the whole discussion, we could realize that we have a few challenges at hand.

One of those challenges is that the customer name is spread in different parts of the text. This is what is called the co-reference problem in the data extraction research field. Worse than that, the customer gives a wrong name at first, and then correct it later on. So, we really need semantic capabilities here to unravel the situation.

Let’s process this conversation, after more or less 20 seconds on my local machine, I’m provided with the result below:

I would say it looks pretty decent:

  • The customer satisfaction was successfully detected has positive
  • The customer name was corrected as needed
  • The challenges around the date format were addressed and we have a valid LocalDate object
  • The summary is quite relevant

At the end of the day, we were able to convert an unstructured conversation transcript into a structured POJO.

The process under the hood contains multiple steps:

  • Camel receives the conversation transcript as a String
  • Camel bean invokes the extractFromText method passing the conversation as first parameter
  • LangChain4j injects the conversation into the LLM prompt via the @V("text") annotation and {{text}} placeholder
  • LangChain4j completes the prompt with the JSON schema automatically generated from the CustomPojo class
  • The codellama model served from the container returns a JSON text strictly complying to the JSON schema as instructed by the prompt
  • LangChain4j maps the provided JSON output into a CustomPojo instance
  • Camel bean is now able to pretty print the CustomPojo instance helped with the prettyPrintCustomPojo bean

From there, a complete field of new experiments could be opened, like injecting Camel headers in the prompt, testing the extraction accuracy with a large data set, validating the setup differences across Camel runtimes and so on. At least, now, I hope we have a few clues to start with unstructured data extraction in our integrations.


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    Title of Experiment : 9 measurement using LVDT andpressure measurement using Strain gauge. Name of the candidate : SURAJ HONDAPPANAVAR. Register Number : RA. ... The most widely used inductive transducer to translate the linear motion into electrical signals isthe linear variable differential transformer (LVDT). The basic construction of LVDT ...

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  3. Introduction to Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)

    The linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is an electromechanical transducer that senses the mechanical displacement of a core and produces a proportional AC voltage at the output. High resolution (infinite in theory), high linearity (0.5% or better), high sensitivity and zero mechanical friction are some of the important features of ...

  4. PDF Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs)

    • An LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is an electromechanical transducer that converts object into a corresponding electrical signal. Submicron motions are resolvable. • Many phenomena produce, or can be used to produce, length changes which in turn can be measured and converted into a measurement of the

  5. LVDT

    LVDT Plays an important role in Power Generation as it monitors the Critical Components in turbines and generators. Conclusion. So… in a nutshell, we can conclude that the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is a positional transducer that is widely used for many industrial as well as scientific applications.

  6. Linear Variable Differential Transformer or LVDT

    Linear Variable Differential Transformer. Then the LVDT is a passive inductive transducer that requires an external source of power to operate. It uses coils and an alternating magnetic field to produce an analogue output voltage making it a variable inductive transducer.Thus the "linear variable differential transformer" measures distance along a linear axis.

  7. Measurement of Displacement using LVDT

    In this experiment the maximum displacement that can be measured and given to LVDT core is : ±10 mm. i.e. 10 mm to the right or to the left from the mean position. Mean position is 10 mm. Switch ON the LVDT trainer by clicking on green 'Power' button. Make micrometer to read 10 mm i.e. rotate thimble till 0 of the circular scale coincides with ...

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    Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) sensors are the type of devices that are widely used in industry to measure displacement or linear position, due to their precision, reliability ...

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    Advantages of LVDT Sensor. (i) It is relatively low cost due to its popularity. (ii) It is solid and robust capable of working in a wide variety of environments. (iii) There is no friction resistance since the iron core does not contact the transformer coils thereby resulting in an infinite (very long) service life.

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    Experiment No. 9 a) Date : 21/12/ Displacement measurement using Linear Variable Differential Transformer. Aim: To measure the displacement and to determine the characteristics of LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer). Apparatus required: LVDT, Digital displacement indicator, Calibration jig (with micrometre).

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    LVDT has a soft iron core which slides within the hollow transformer & therefore affects magnetic coupling between the primary and two secondaries. The displacement to be measured is applied at its arm attached to soft iron core. When core is in normal position (null), equal voltages are induced in the two secondaries.

  22. How LVDTs Work

    The LVDT sensor converts the linear (or rectilinear / straight-line) movement of the object the LVDT is coupled to, into a variable corresponding electrical signal proportional to that movement. That movement can be from as little as 0-0.5mm up to 0-1000mm in laboratory, industrial and submersible environments. See our full range of LVDTs here.

  23. What is a LVDT Sensor?

    An LVDT is an electromechanical device used to convert mechanical motion or vibrations, specifically rectilinear motion, into a variable electrical current, voltage or electric signals, and the reverse. Actuating mechanisms used primarily for automatic control systems or as mechanical motion sensors in measurement technologies.

  24. Experimenting extraction from unstructured data with Apache Camel and

    Conclusion. At the end of the day, we were able to convert an unstructured conversation transcript into a structured POJO. The process under the hood contains multiple steps: Camel receives the conversation transcript as a String; Camel bean invokes the extractFromText method passing the conversation as first parameter