Show Contact Information on Your Resume - How-To & Examples

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The contact information is the single most important section on your resume.

Because even if you’re the most qualified person in the world, it’s not going to matter much if the hiring manager can’t contact you!

Jokes aside, sure, contact information isn’t that hard to mess up. But then again, if you do, you mess up your whole application.

Sounds scary, right?

Well, in this guide, we’re going to teach you everything there is to know about the contact information section on your resume.

  • What to include in your contact information section
  • If you should mention your location
  • How to include your phone number and email (the right way)
  • When to include your LinkedIn profile
  • Other social profiles you can mention
  • What NOT to include in your resume contact information section

Ready to get started?

What to Include in Your Contact Information Section

contact information on resume

Before we dive into the details of the contact information, let’s first talk about the contents of the section.

Here’s what you’d include in the contact information of your resume:

Contact Information:

  • First Name, Last Name: e.g. ‘Robert Johnson’
  • Phone Number: e.g. ‘004 412 2019’
  • Email Address: e.g. ‘[email protected]
  • Location: e.g. ‘Copenhagen, Denmark’

Optional Information:

  • Professional Title: e.g. ‘Digital Marketing Specialist’
  • LinkedIn URL: e.g. ‘
  • Social media: e.g. GitHub, StackOverflow, Medium, Quora, etc. Whichever is more relevant to you.
  • Date of Birth - Unless it’s specifically required (e.g. job that requires you to be 21+), the HR manager doesn’t need to know how old you are. It’s not an important factor for decision-making and can lead to discrimination based on age.
  • Unprofessional Email Address - Do: ‘[email protected]’ Don’t: ‘[email protected]

Now, let’s talk about best practices when it comes to resume contact information .

We’re going to walk you through all the sections and teach you how to get them right, starting with your name.

There’s a LOT more to creating a good resume than getting your contact information section right.

Want to learn everything there is to know about the process? Check out our guide on how to write a resume !

How to Start With Your Name

Your name should be pretty obvious stuff, right?

Maybe, but it’s still a good idea to go over some of the best practices.

To keep things simple, you’ll want to use the exact same name that you use on all your social media profiles (aka, your full name).

And under it, you should give your professional title.

name contact section resume

This should always mirror the position you’re applying for.

Let’s say you’re applying for a digital marketing job, but your resume says you’re a ‘ Junior Data Scientist ’.

Whoever picks up your resume will probably get confused and think it’s in the wrong pile.

It’s also important to use the same terms as in the job description. If they’re looking for a C++ developers, that’s what you should use as a title. Some of the titles you SHOULDN’T use are:

  • Software engineer (unless that’s the job title)
  • Programming Samurai

Are you a recent university graduate with limited work experience? You can still use the desired job title as your resume title.

If relevant, also feel free to mention any professional acronyms under your belt here.

  • Robert Eric Johnson, PhD
  • Computer Engineering Specialist
  • Dr. Robert (Eric) Johnson (Computer Engineering Specialist).

All clear? Good!

Now, let’s move on to the next part of your contact information section.

Should You Mention Your Location?

Are you located in the area? Or will the company have to sponsor your relocation package?

This is the main question behind whether or not to include your location in the section.

When hiring, most recruiters are looking for people that live in their area. And unless the position is hard to fill, they will NOT be willing to sponsor your relocation.

So, to keep things simple, all you have to do is mention your city name and the country here.

address in resume contact section

There is, however, no need to mention your neighborhood or exact address. The HR won’t drop by for a coffee in their downtime.

  • Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark, Ny Carlsberg Vej 82

Now, you might be thinking, then why do so many resume examples that I see on the web keep mentioning their exact addresses? 

Well, that’s because this was the norm back in the day when email wasn’t the universal communication method.

Back then, they’d have to get in touch with you through good old snail mail.

Today, your email will work just fine. 

Now, you’re probably wondering, if I’m already moving to the new city or country and DON’T need a relocation package, should I include my location?

Nope, do this instead: 

Mention where and when you’re relocating.

For example: “Relocating to New York, NY in Spring 2021” 

Phone Number and Email

Your phone number and email are the two most common contact methods hiring managers look for. 

You should always double, or even triple-check, that they’re correct.

To keep things simple, stick to a professional email (and NOT the wacky email you made in middle school).

Something along the lines of ‘[email protected]’ (or the other way around), works best.

As for your phone number , make sure to include a regional code as well.

Also, make sure you’re NOT using your current work email or phone number !

The HR manager won’t like that, as it will make you look unloyal and unprofessional.

It’s as simple as that.

Once you get your contacts down though, do take a minute to read everything out loud . 

Even a simple one-letter typo can cost you the job. So, better safe than sorry!

When to Include LinkedIn?

Now, what about your LinkedIn profile? Should you include it?

Here’s the short answer:

If you have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile , you almost always include it on your resume.

Most, if not all, recruiters are already on LinkedIn, and they’re going to give your profile a link. 

Who knows, maybe they’ll find a mutual acquaintance who can vouch for your professionalism and skill-set?

Though, there are some things you should consider when deciding whether to include your LinkedIn profile or not.

First, is the content there consistent with your resume?

If you have some discrepancies, the HR manager might think you’re lying about something.

Secondly, is your LinkedIn up-to-date with your resume?

Always make sure to update both with any new job positions, certifications, or publications.

If you think it’s relevant to your job and will help your chances, feel free to include it.

Now, if the answer to both questions above is yes , feel free to add LinkedIn in your contact information .

  • Not confident with your LinkedIn profile? Check out our guide on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to complement your resume to see how you can use the platform to your advantage.

Other Social Profiles

That’s great and all, but what about your other social media profiles ? Should you include them too?

Well, it depends.

As a rule of thumb, if the social profile is relevant to your job, you should include them.

Let’s take a look at a few to see when you might want to do so.

Instagram or Twitter

Let’s say you’re applying for a job as a community manager or an influencer .

In that case, you could support your application by including your Twitter or Instagram profiles in your contact info.

If you have a lot of followers on either of the platforms, this could tell the recruiter that you know how to manage a community or gain a following on social media, which might be valuable for a social media manager position.

Though, if it’s a personal profile and you often make personal posts discussing politics or other controversial topics , you might want to keep the link far far away from your resume.

Quora covers a lot of business topics and many subject-authorities hang out there.

If you’re an expert on a topic that’s relevant to your job and have a solid reputation on Quora, you might want to link to it on your resume.

StackOverflow or GitHub

Are you a developer, a coder, or a computer scientist?

A link to your active StackOverflow or GitHub profile can boost your resume and be a great way to show off your projects.

Be it a website, a mobile app, or something else, a link to the above platforms can be a great addition to your resume.

Relevant for freelancers , writers , bloggers , and entrepreneurs .

If you have an active profile, it can help show off your writing skills and personality before even getting to the interview.

Website or personal blog

Finally, if you’re a writer , or an expert in your field with some online presence, adding a link to your blog or website on your resume can be a great move.

This can be really useful to show your knowledge, and to position yourself as an expert in your field.

Though, you should use your discretion and only include a link if you think it’s going to be relevant .

If it’s a personal blog where you discuss the latest news and post your controversial opinions, you should definitely keep it off your resume.

Anything else

Got an account or you’re active on any other social media platform?

Even if it’s for your personal hobbies (e.g. photography account on Flickr), you should include it only if you think it might help your application process.

Speaking of hobbies, did you know that adding a couple to your resume can boost your application?

Check out our full guide on 40+ hobbies and interests to put on a resume to learn how they can boost your CV!

What NOT to Include in Your Resume Contact Information Section

Until now, we’ve been mostly talking about everything you should include in your contact information section.

But is there anything you might want to exclude?

Yes, quite a few things, actually.

Let’s take a look:

Current job email address

You don’t want your current boss to find out you’re looking for a new job, do you? Especially while using your work email.

This is also bad practice because it shows unprofessionalism and the new hiring manager reading your resume might not be comfortable contacting you on your current work email .

Current job phone number

Likewise, you should not use your current work phone number in your contact information.

Even if your current employer knows you’re looking for a new job, your new potential employer might not appreciate the gesture and think you’re going behind your employer’s back.

Better to stick to your personal phone number.

Date of birth

The HR manager doesn’t care about wishing you a happy birthday.

Include your date of birth only if it is specifically requested in the job ad (e.g. for a bartender position where you have to be 21+).

Your age could play against your interest and lead to ageism. Better to keep it off completely.

Unprofessional email address

As mentioned above, do not include an email address you created ages ago in school.

Show some professionalism, and stick to [email protected] (if that’s unavailable, use [email protected] or some other variations).

Your exact address

Very few businesses use mailing services nowadays to communicate with new hires.

Just listing your phone number and email is good enough, you shouldn’t expect a “Congrats You’re Hired!” mail delivered by post!

Key Takeaways

To recap, your contact information section is an important part of your resume.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind to get this section right:

  • Make sure you’re listing the following must-include information: first name, last name, phone number, email address, and location. Meanwhile, the following information is optional: professional title, LinkedIn URL, social media profile(s) and will depend on your background if it’s going to be relevant.
  • To keep things simple, you’ll want to use your full name in your contact info, and under it, write your professional title (if unsure, simply write what the job ad says).
  • For your phone number and email, stick to keeping things professional and use your personal email and phone number (i.e. not your current work contacts).
  • Wondering about including your LinkedIn profile? If it’s up-to-date, optimized, and consistent with your resume, then go for it. If not, make sure it looks good and is updated first.
  • Finally, is there anything you should NOT include on your resume? Yes, quite a few. Feel free to skip out on: Current job email address or phone number, your date of birth, an unprofessional email address, your home address.

All done with the contact information section on your resume?

Awesome! Be sure to also follow our career blog for all the latest actionable tips and tricks on how to improve your resume and ace that job interview!

Recommended reading:

  • Best Resume Formats [3+ Professional Templates]
  • 22+ Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews [Best Answers]
  • How to Write a Cover Letter in 8 Easy Steps

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How to List Contact Information on Your Resume in 2024

Learn how to format contact information on your resume and what information to share with the hiring manager.

Ed Moss

Including the correct contact information on your resume is essential.

In this guide, we will be talking all about how to list contact information on your resume to ensure employers know how to get in touch.

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job


Where Should Contact Information be on a Resume?

The first step to correctly listing contact information on your resume is figuring out where to put it.

Ideally, you should list your contact info directly below your name.

This basic info should include:

  • Your permanent mailing address
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number

You do not necessarily need to include all this information.

The key is to include at least two different methods for contacting you.

For instance, sometimes a mailing address may not be necessary if the job is remote.

Most employers are likely to communicate via phone or email, so the address is not always needed.

It comes down to the context of the job you are applying to!

Here is an example of how to format your basic contact information:

First Name, Last Name Mailing Address (when needed) Professional Email Address Phone Number

Notice how this example lists the name in a larger and bolded font. It is crucial to make sure your name stands out from the other information, as you want it to be memorable to the hiring manager.

When formatting your basic contact info, make sure the alignment of the text is consistent.

           John Doe ‍ 123 Mulberry Street [email protected] (234) 567-8900

Why It’s Wrong: This example centers the name while the contact information aligns to the left. This can be visually distracting and disrupt the flow of the resume.

John Doe 123 Mulberry Street [email protected] (234) 567-8900

You want to always try to keep a consistent type of alignment throughout your resume!             

Psst…need extra help with formatting ? Check out our guide on How to Choose the Correct Resume Format.

Should I List My Full Address?

Listing a mailing address is a point of confusion for many job seekers these days.

The truth is that listing a full mailing address is not always necessary.

Including this piece of information depends on the context of the job.

For instance, if the job is remote then the hiring manager will likely not expect to see the address of the applicant.

Comparatively, an in-person job looking for local candidates will want to know your address and location!

Here is a quick breakdown of reasons to include an address:

  • ‍ Time Zones: If you are in a different time zone than the employer, it can be helpful to make note of the time difference. This way there will not be any miscommunication about interview times. ‍
  • Local Tax: Local income taxes vary from location to location. Including your address can keep potential employers up to date on what tax regulations they should be following.   ‍
  • Relocation: Many employers are willing to help candidates relocate for certain positions. Including your address is a good way to signal that you may need to relocate. ‍
  • Local Expertise: Depending on the job, the employer may desire a candidate with knowledge of the local area. If you live in or near the location of the employer, listing your address helps highlight your local expertise.

Pro Tip: When Should You Not Include Your Address?

In some cases, including your address may be detrimental to your chances of landing an interview.

If a job is in a different location from your own and you are not sure how the employer handles relocation, omitting the address may be best.

This way, the employer will look over the entirety of your resume without disregarding it due to the location!

The point here is not to be dishonest but to withhold location information until you progress further into the hiring process.

Formatting Example: When writing your address on your resume, be sure to break it up into separate lines.

Jane Smith 109 N Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennesse, 37405

Why It’s Wrong: This example lists the entire address on one line. This can end up looking significantly longer than the other lines of contact information, disrupting the visual flow. It can also end up appearing jumbled and hard to read.

Jane Smith 109 N Avenue Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37405

Using two separate lines helps to keep the contact information visually appealing.

Sales Manager

How to Add My Name & Professional Title?

Let’s talk for a moment about your name.

When listing your name on a resume, it is important to keep consistency in mind.

For instance, let’s say you use a nickname on a day-to-day basis.

It may be tempting to include this nickname to establish a sense of familiarity with the employer.

However, it is generally recommended to avoid nicknames when possible.

There is a lot of documentation involved in the hiring process. Providing an employer with a non-legal name can confuse and complicate this process.

Pro Tip: If you have a preferred nickname, tell the hiring manager during the interview process! This will keep your contact information straightforward. Plus,  it will give you a chance to speak directly to the employer regarding name preferences.

As for your professional title, keep an eye out in job descriptions for specific requests asking for a professional title.

If not requested, you will need to decide for yourself if a professional title will help your resume.

Including a title can help you to briefly describe your area of expertise and professional brand.

When writing your professional title, keep it short and concise. Place the title directly below your name and before the contact information.

Jessica Johnson Freelance Graphic Designer with experience with several major clients.

Why It’s Wrong: The professional title is not the place to expand upon your positions. Leave the descriptions for the work experience section. And don’t forget to check out our guide on How to Describe Work Experience on a Resume !

Jessica Johnson Freelance Graphic Designer

Tips for Adding Your Email to a Resume

The email that you include on a resume is important.

In fact, your email username can be one of the first points of judgment of your professionalism!

If you are fresh out of college, you may still be using your university email.

While this is not entirely detrimental, it can indicate inexperience to an employer.

Likewise, if you are proving a personal email it may not sound as professional as you need it to.

For example, your personal email may contain nicknames or words that are not appropriate to share on a job application.

[email protected]

Why It’s Wrong: Unless you are a baker promoting your baked goods, avoid including personal interests in your username. Any words included beyond your name should relate directly to your profession or area of expertise.

[email protected]

Luckily, if you lack a professional-sounding email it is easy enough to create a new one!

Pro Tip : If you do not have a Gmail account, now may be the time to make one! Many employers use the Google Suite to collaborate and communicate. Using a Gmail account relays to employers that you are familiar with the platform!

Tips for Adding Your Phone Number to a Resume

In years past, job applicants may have listed multiple phone numbers on their resumes.

The typical set of numbers seen on older resumes include the home number, work number, and fax number.

Nowadays, employers are likely to expect a single phone number on a resume. Specifically, your cellphone number.

When including your phone number, it is important to be mindful of the location of your employer.

Though you may know your area code by heart, your employer may not have any idea what it could be!

The key is to always include your complete phone number when listing it on a resume.

Additionally, if you are applying for a job in a different country you need to consider your country dialing code.

For instance, the dialing code for the U.S. is +1. This would make your phone number appear as:

+1 (123) 456-7890

As with the area code, it is important to not assume employers in different countries automatically know your country’s dialing code.

If you happen to not have a cellphone or landline, be sure to include alternative forms of contact such as your email and mailing address.

Middle School Teacher

Should I Add My LinkedIn or Social Media Information?

Social media can be a powerful tool during a job search.

However, you need to be cautious of how your online presence portrays you.

Platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook all have a lot of potential for showcasing your work.

The catch is that employers may look at your social media and disapprove of your online conduct.

When sharing your social media accounts, it is important to only share accounts that have been designed for professional use.

For instance, a photographer may have built an online portfolio through Instagram.

This would be excellent for them to include on their resume.

Pro Tip: If you haven’t already, start optimizing your LinkedIn profile!

LinkedIn is arguably the most important social media to share on your resume.

The platform is specifically designed for professional use to help job seekers and employers connect.

Including your LinkedIn on a resume shows employers you are conscious of your professional online presence.

Plus, it shows that you are tech-savvy!

Still not quite sure how to include social media on your resume? Take a look at our free Resume Examples to see how to properly include social media links!

If I Have a Website, Should I Add it to My Resume?

Do you have a professional website that showcases your work and provides testimonials?

If so, including this website on your resume can be super important!

When considering whether or not to include your website on a resume, keep in mind the following considerations:

  • ‍ Is it Relevant? Having a website is great, but including it on a resume depends on if the content is relevant to the job you are applying for. For instance, including a sample website you created in college and have not updated since may not be ideal. ‍
  • Is the URL Optimized? Let’s say you created a website using Wix. It is important to create a custom URL, rather than opting for the provided URL ending in “” Having a custom domain gives a greater sense of professionalism! ‍
  • Does it Provide Additional Information? If you are including a website on a resume, it is important to check that the website provides extra value or information. If it includes all the same details as your resume or portfolio, it may be best to avoid it.

Clinic Coordinator

What Should Not be Included in My Contact Information?

We’ve covered what should be included in your contact information.

Now we will discuss what you should avoid!

The number-one, most important thing to remove from your resume is incorrect contact info.

You may have created your resume several years ago and continuously updated it as you grew your professional experience.

Chances are, some of your original contact information has changed!

Changes to contact info can result from:

  • Moving to a new address
  • Changing emails
  • Changing phone numbers

It is of the utmost importance to double-check your contact information every single time you update your resume.

Not only is incorrect information unprofessional, but it can potentially inhibit an employer from getting in touch with you!

Other information to exclude are:

  • More than one phone number, email, or address
  • Your date of birth
  • A fax number
  • A photo of yourself – note: this point depends on your location. In Europe, including a photo of yourself is more standard.

Final Takeaways

Including the proper contact information on your resume is incredibly important.

It is crucial to ensure your information is correct on every resume you submit.

After all, this is how the employer will be getting in touch with you!

Here are 5 key takeaways to remember in regards to your resume contact info:

  • Include at least two points of contact (such as a phone number, email, or mailing address)
  • Always include your area code when writing your phone number on a resume
  • Be mindful of how location and revealing your address may affect your chances of landing an interview
  • Use an email address that has a professional sounding username
  • Optimize your LinkedIn to be included on your resume

If you are struggling with the entire resume writing process, check out our guide on How to Write the Perfect Resume!

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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How To Put Contact Information on Your Resume + Examples

Andrew Stoner

What Needs To Be Included

Optional information you should consider including, what should not be included.

While highlighting your skills and experience is the main goal of your resume, equally important is the inclusion of clear and accurate contact information. The contact section of your resume is a gateway for hiring managers to contact you for further consideration. In this guide, we’ll explore key elements you should include in your contact information, optional details that can enhance your resume, and what you should avoid to ensure you only stand out for the right reasons.

You should always include contact information on your resume to ensure potential employers can easily contact you. These basic details are vital for effective communication throughout the hiring process. In the following sections, we’ll explore the key elements you must incorporate into your resume’s contact information section, such as your name, phone number, email address, and location. Let’s take a look at these elements in greater detail and discuss how to present them effectively on your resume.

Your name should be the attention-grabbing focal point of your resume. This text is usually the most prominent element on the page, so keep that in mind when filling out the rest of the document. Use your first and last names and include any relevant professional titles, such as Ph.D. or RN. Display your name at the top of your resume using a simple and professional font. Hiring managers should be able to read and remember your name easily, so avoid fancy or overly decorative fonts that may hinder readability.

Personal phone number and email address

As the primary form of communication in our world, your personal phone number and email address are the most critical pieces of contact information on your resume besides your name. Employers should be able to reach you seamlessly, so make it easy for them by providing accurate and professional information.

Personal Phone Number: Always give a reliable phone number and ensure you have access to it. Check your voicemail inbox and clean it out if it’s full. You don’t want to miss an opportunity because a potential employer couldn’t message you.

Professional Email Address: Before you add your email address to your resume, be sure it sounds professional. Opt for a simple format using your first and last name. A professional email address shows that you take your job search seriously.

Including your location on a resume is the best way for employers to understand your proximity to the job opportunity. However, there’s no need to disclose your full mailing or residential address. You only need to include your city, state, and zip code.

By giving your general location, employers can quickly assess whether you’re within a reasonable commuting distance or if relocation would be necessary. This allows them to make logistical considerations early in the hiring process and evaluate your suitability for the role based on geography.

Depending on your professional background and the jobs you’re applying for, including additional contact information on your resume can be beneficial. Whether it be LinkedIn profiles or artistic portfolios, these details enable hiring managers to understand your professional background better. This extra info can give you an edge in a competitive job market. You can demonstrate your expertise, creativity, and credibility outside of what you’ve already included in your resume. However, keep in mind that it may not always be appropriate to share this information.

Links to social media profiles

Consider including links to relevant social media profiles on your resume if your employment situation and industry call for it. For example, LinkedIn is a valuable platform for professional networking and showcasing your qualifications. By including a link to your LinkedIn profile, potential employers can gain insight into your professional background, connections, and endorsements. Especially for certain roles like social media managers, including links to platforms such as Twitter or Instagram will demonstrate your expertise in content creation and managing an online presence.

Personal websites and professional portfolios

For individuals working in creative fields, it’s often a requirement to include links to personal websites and professional portfolios. This additional information provides a platform to showcase your creative work, projects, and accomplishments. A personal website is a centralized hub, allowing potential employers to deeply explore your artwork, blog, or other relevant content. Professional portfolios, whether in visual arts, writing, or design, offer tangible examples of your skills and expertise. You can present a dynamic and visual example of your capabilities, enabling employers to assess your creative prowess and suitability for the role.

It’s important to know that disclosing certain contact information on a resume can be inappropriate and should be avoided. Do not include social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, or any other form of government-issued identification. Similarly, it’s unnecessary to discuss personal information like marital status or gender, as these details are irrelevant to one’s professional qualifications. While providing contact information like a professional email address and phone number is essential, sharing sensitive information should be avoided to maintain privacy and professionalism. Let’s talk about what you definitely should not include on your resume.

Date of birth

Disclosing your date of birth is generally considered inappropriate and unnecessary during the hiring process. Unfortunately, ageism is a real problem affecting both younger and older job seekers. It’s true that revealing your age can lead to age discrimination and bias from potential employers, so we recommend you leave your birthdate off your resume. Hiring decisions should be based on your qualifications, skills, and experience rather than age. By excluding your age, you can ensure unbiased consideration and allow hiring managers to focus solely on your capabilities and suitability for the job.

Work phone number or email address

It’s best practice not to include your work phone number or email address on your resume. Maintaining confidentiality is vital if you’re currently employed until you’ve secured a new position. Revealing your work contact details could potentially alert your employer to your job search too soon if a hiring manager chooses to contact them. Even if you’re not concerned about your current employer finding out about your plan to leave, using your work contact information on your resume may be perceived as unprofessional. As a general rule, it’s always best to provide personal contact information separate from your current workplace.

Andrew Stoner

Executive Resume Writer and Career Coach

Andrew Stoner is an executive career coach and resume writer with 17 years of experience as a hiring manager and operations leader at two Fortune 500 Financial Services companies, and as the career services director at two major university business schools.

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Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

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In This Guide:

What to be wary of when providing your resume contact data.

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You have followed our steps for a stand-out resume . You have made it perfect. But nobody calls you.

Did you double-check your contact details for errors? Did you actually put them in your resume?

Resume contact information is something you shouldn’t neglect. This section is crucial for the Hiring Manager, no matter if they would read your resume or not.

So this really makes you think:

How do I make a resume header that appeals to the Recruiters?  Where should I include my contact information? Is every piece of contact information so important after all?

Take a look at our Resume Examples where we explore over 500 resume headers and stay with us to learn how to make the best use of the contact info.

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)


What contact information to include?

Your contact information is the first thing that comes up in your CV. Making it perfect would give you a step forward toward your dream job.

It’s simple:

  • Provide a name;
  • Give your contact details – city and state, phone number, email;
  • Link to a personal profile or portfolio;
  • Set the tone of your resume.

Let’s go through every bit of it and make your contact resume information flawless.

We all know that it is important to put our name first. But how to make it stand out?

Hint: increase the font size.

You should know that almost every recruiter runs a background check on you. They could search your profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media depending on your profession.

They could read your blog posts if you have any or take a deeper dive into your interests.

Having this in mind, we suggest you use your legal name .

For example, if you are recently married, better put your maiden name, especially if you haven’t changed it yet on the Internet.

You don’t want to disappoint the Hiring Manager by not letting them find information about you. This could cost you your dream job.

Worried about what they could find?

Take a look at our recruiter check quiz .

If you have a preferred name or a nickname by which you go, write it in brackets. That’s especially important for people in the art industry.

It’s okay to put your real job title here.

But, why not go the extra mile?

Here’s what we suggest instead: show in a dozen words or less how your experience is related to the position you are applying for.

Replace the job title with a description that shows the best of you.

Remember, be creative and most importantly be yourself.

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

André’s job title gives insight into his current career path and the considerable career change he made. He intrigues the Recruiter with just one sentence.

Catchy job title in the contact information is the best way to get the attention of the Hiring Manager and throw in a fact about you as early as possible.

Phone number

Recruiters will most likely need a way to reach out to you directly.

  • To set up an in-person interview
  • To ask for references
  • To conduct an over-the-phone interview
  • To eliminate any misunderstandings

So, make sure to include a mobile number that you can always answer. And, do not use a work number under any circumstances.

Even if your current employer knows that you are looking for a job, it is highly unprofessional.

If you apply to jobs outside of where you live, better include your country code. The Hiring Manager will appreciate that because it saves them time.

Make a voicemail and check it often. State your name clearly to ensure the Hiring Manager they are calling the right person. Better avoid telling jokes and keep it professional. You never know what kind of person is calling you.

Suitable formats for writing your phone number are:

  • 123-456-7890 and (123) 456-7890;

It is crucial to have a professional email.

We all have email addresses from our teenage years, which are similar to “ [email protected] ” or “ [email protected] ”.

Do you think it suits a grown professional with expertise and a desire for development?

Then don’t use your old email.

Make a professional email address with your first and last name.

Where are you based is important to recruiters.

However, it is not about writing your street and house number, but about telling them in which city you are living (most of the time).

First off, if the position is onsite in New York and you are living in Philadelphia, this job is not really suitable for you.

Both you and the Recruiter know that.

However, if you are willing to relocate or you are moving to another city, tell the Hiring Manager.

What’s more, if you are applying for a remote position, including the city and state will make it easier for the recruiter to know which time zone you’re in.

More questions emerged?

We have answered in-depth in our Address on Resume article.

And, here’s a classic example:

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

Simple and on point.

No need for fancy ways to write your address. Make it easy for the recruiter to understand where you are from, without going into too much detail.

Springboard links

Sadly, when it comes to springboard links, many people underestimate them.

However, they are one of the most important and powerful parts of your header.

A springboard link pointing to the right place can help you get the interview.

LinkedIn profile, portfolio, or a personal blog, you name it – all of those resources provide extra details about the work you do and give a greater scope of your professional activity.

Keep in mind to update the information in the link you insert. It should be consistent with your resume. This way you will ensure there are no misunderstandings and confusion.

Enhancv Contact Information on Resume: What To Add To Your Contact Info (5+ Examples)

Louis is a marketing expert and he inserted a link to his personal blog in the resume. Now, he can demonstrate his skills in practice.

If you are an art person, everything which casts you in a better light is welcomed. It could be your most treasured projects, or your latest work – the best way to start or update your portfolio.

This is still kind of a controversial topic.

The best thing we can guide you on is to do your own research .

Check the country’s law and the company’s policies. It could turn out that it is forbidden to put a photo on your resume.

However, if it’s allowed, remember to make it professional. Don’t use photos from bars, concerts, restaurants, and any other leisure activities.

Also, make sure you’re the only one in the photo. How can the recruiter guess who you are, if you used a selfie with your three besties?

Alas, make sure it’s not a selfie . Use a professional headshot in business attire. For more info, check our article about photos on resumes here.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

In certain countries you can’t give some of your personal info, remember that.

Don’t include your marital status, social security number, nationality, or spiritual beliefs in any case.

In fact, in some countries, it is illegal for an employer to ask for these personal details.

It’s also a red flag if a recruiter asked you to say how old you are, whether you have, or plan to have kids. You’d do better to conclude the job application process with this company as soon as possible.

With the Enhancv resume builder , you can craft a resume that blows all other applicants out of the water. From design options to bullet and section suggestions and content writing tips, we’re here to help you land your dream job!

Enhancv How to Put LinkedIn On Your Resume

You nailed the resume contact information and you’re ready for the next challenge.

Name, number, email, address information… Writing them now is a piece of cake.

You go and get the dream job of your life.

But don’t forget the rest of your resume. Don’t send just contact information!

We hope that this article showed you insights for the perfect contact info on your resume. Anything that we miss? Let us know in the comments below.

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How to include contact information on your resume [the guide].

Dayana Aleksandrova

Create a Resume in Minutes & Get More Job Interviews

Table of Contents

Key resume contact information.

  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Common Mistakes

Have you ever frantically refreshed your email waiting for that job offer only to realize you gave them the wrong address? That's the price you pay for messing up your resume contact details.

Your resume contact details may seem like the easiest thing in the world to write, but it can be very tricky. You have to update this information regularly, as well as have it absolutely professional, easy to find and in order. We will show you how to include contact information on a resume and never miss a callback.

in this guide, we will teach you:

  • What contact information to put on your resume
  • Where to put it and how to format
  • We will show you common mistakes and teach you how to avoid them
  • Bonus tips on social media presence

Let’s get right into it.

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# key-resume-contact-information

What is the must-have information in your contact section? The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

These are the top 3 basics.

While it may be tempting to use a nickname, it’s best to put your exact name as it appears on your passport.

Stay away from names that deviate too much from your given name.

Don’t put “Lola Smith” on your resume if your name is “Angela Smith.”

Make the recruiter’s life easier. By listing your name as it appears in your passport, the hiring manager will be sure that you’re the exact person they want and if there are problems reaching you via phone or email, they can always cross-reference your LinkedIn profile.

# email-address

Email address.

The key takeaway when it comes to email is that you should always use a professional address. Make sure to create an account using your first and last name, perhaps adding a number if your choice is already taken.

Go for a professional-sounding email.

Double-check that you spell out your email address correctly. It would be a nightmare to be sitting at home wondering why you’re not being contacted by any recruiter, only to find out that you messed up a letter or a dot in your email.

Whatever you choose, make sure not to use your current work email. Imagine how awkward it would be to get an email from a recruiter pop up on your work screen where colleagues and your boss could see it. That’s a recipe for disaster.

You can go for a mainstream email domain, or you can use your college email address. For example, if you graduated from Harvard, Yale or another Ivy League school, feel free to use your alumni email.

# phone-number PHONE NUMBER

While people use phones less and less to speak and more like portable computers, there’s a big chance that the recruiter calls you. If that were to happen, you need to make sure that you have an updated phone number in the resume contact information section. In fact, you'll see that most successful resume templates include a phone number.

Using the phone is actually the fastest way to get an invite for a second interview and receive the good news if they decide to hire you. This is why it’s best to put down your cell phone number.

Very few people use a landline nowadays. Even if the recruiter were to call your home phone, would you be there to answer? List the number that they would actually be able to use.

Remember that your resume doesn’t allow for any fluff. Every piece of information you list has to serve a purpose - the purpose of getting you the job. So don’t just put a phone on there to have it; include a number you answer promptly.

Include the area code for your state or country code if you’re applying from abroad.

make my resume contact number

The physical address is still worth listing on your resume though. It shows the hiring manager whether you already live in the company area or whether you’d need to relocate. This is an important question which would eventually come up in the interview conversation, so both you and the hiring manager have to be prepared.

There are companies which are more than happy to offer extra compensation for relocation, but there are some who prefer to hire applicants who already live in the area.

In some cases, the job may need a local in which case showing that you know the area well is a plus (think a tour guide or a sales rep).

If you don’t like to waste too much precious space on your address, it’s ok to list your city, state and zip code, dropping the street name and number.

123 Spring Street, floor 2, apartment 3, Allston , MA 02134.

After all, the recruiter would want to know your state of residence, not whether you live on the second floor of a townhouse downtown or share an apartment with four people in Chinatown.

# common-mistakes

Common mistakes.

Though the resume contact section may seem simple and straightforward, there are some common mistakes that applicants make.

The worst offenders are:

  • Using a name that’s too far from their official ( e.g . Lola vs Angela)
  • Listing an unprofessional email address ( [email protected] )
  • Listing your current work email
  • Including an old or unused phone number
  • Not including the country/ area code in phone number

Use this checklist as a guide to what to avoid.

# bonus-tips

Now that we’ve covered the basics of resume contact information let’s look at some bonus tips that will help the recruiter reach you in a minute.


Social media has become increasingly prevalent. Everyone nowadays is on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more. In fact, not having a Facebook page has become the same as not existing in the “real” world.

You can use social media strategically to create a complete application profile. The major social media networks to include on your resume are LinkedIn and Twitter. Why?

LinkedIn has established itself as the largest and most detailed platform for professional summaries. Your personal page is a resume within itself. It includes your photo to add a personal touch, lists your contact information, experience, education, skills, and endorsements.

It’s very important to be present on LinkedIn , especially if you’re applying for a position in marketing, sales, or PR. It’s great to create a profile as early as possible, which is why college career centers recommend that juniors and seniors join the platform.

LinkedIn is a great way to catch the attention of the recruiter and the company. Instead of just looking knowledgeable on your profile picture, comment, like and share the content posted by the company you want to work at.

Engage meaningfully with their posts and feel free to send an invite to connect to the recruiter. If you think that this is too forward, don’t worry. Connecting with the recruiter shows that you are serious about the job.

Here are some tips on creating a good LinkedIn presence:

  • Create a personal link with your first and last name ( e.g .
  • Update your contact information (email, phone)
  • Add your relevant experience with details
  • Add your education - school and degree
  • Include hobbies and interests relevant to your industry
  • Include accomplishments and awards
  • List skills and certifications
  • Ask your contacts for endorsements
  • Have a professional and friendly photo

If you’d like to get noticed further on LinkedIn , write posts and share them with your audience. Let’s say that you’re applying for a job in transportation. Write an opinion piece of self-driving cars and share it on LinkedIn .

Having an inactive profile won’t get you very far. Showcase your skills on the platform and add it to your resume contact section for the recruiter to see.

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Twitter is another popular social media platform to be on. It helps you keep up to date with trends and the latest news. Thanks to its 140-character posts, it lets you share updates extremely fast and engage with others.

Here are the basics of Twitter to follow:

  • Choose a professional handle ( e.g . @ johnsmithsays or @ jsmith72 )
  • Share updates relevant to the job you’re applying for
  • Have a casual yet professional photo
  • Don’t post anything controversial (political and religious opinions might lead to misunderstandings)
  • Follow the company you’re applying to and the recruiter

Just like LinkedIn , Twitter allows you to engage with the content posted by the company you’re interested in, so go for it.

make my resume contact number

Facebook & other platforms

When it comes to Facebook, the recruiter may look you up, but it’s not necessary for you to list your page in the resume contact information. After all, some social media is allowed to remain private.

Whether you want to add your Facebook page or not is entirely up to you. If you post great content related to the company you’re applying for, make your profile public and go for it.

If you prefer to watch cat videos and talk to your friends, keep your Facebook private. Just make sure not to have an embarrassing party photo as your profile picture.

Other platforms that dominate the social space at the moment are Instagram , YouTube, Snapchat , and Pinterest . It’s not necessary to add any of those to your contact section unless you’re applying for a videographer job and you’ve got a great YouTube channel.

You can add these accounts only as an enhancement to your overall profile, but don’t worry too much about them. If you do list them, make sure to have a consistent and good handle. Use your first and last name or something related to your hobbies, like “@ johnsmithtravels ” or “ johnsmithsays .”

Your social media handles will go at the top of your resume along with the rest of your contact details. Your LinkedIn URL will be the longest, while your Twitter handle will only take a few characters.

The resume contact information is a key aspect of your application and is present in all successful resume templates . While it should be short and to the point, you need to make sure that all the details are accurate and impeccable. Use your first and last legal name.

Don’t confuse the recruiter and lose a job over a wrong email and phone number. Make sure to list your up-to-date email, phone, and address.

Feel free to include your social media accounts, especially LinkedIn and Twitter. Create a personalized link and a good handle. Engage with the company on these platforms to get noticed.

Always make sure to have consistent information across the board. Use your correct name and stick to a stream of updates, posts, and news you share. You’ll get bonus points if you post great content tailored to the industry you’re applying for.

Make sure to have a professional and friendly photo on your social media accounts. While most companies prefer not to ask for photos on your resume, it’s good to put a face to the name, especially if you read dozens of resumes every day.

make my resume contact number

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Writing a Phone Number on a Resume: Best Practices for 2024

make my resume contact number

As a job seeker, your resume is your primary tool in your pursuit of your dream job. One crucial element that shouldn’t be overlooked is the inclusion of your phone number. The reason why? You want to make it as easy as possible for the hiring manager to contact you.

In this article, we will dive into the significance of adding your phone number to your resume, and provide you with some best practices and tips to make sure you do it right. Whether you’re updating your resume, planning to change careers or just starting on your job search, this article can provide valuable insights to increase your chances of landing your desired job.

So, let’s begin by discussing the importance of writing a phone number on a resume.

Types of Phone Numbers to Include

When it comes to writing your phone number on your resume, there are several different types of phone numbers that you should consider including. Depending on your situation, you may want to include one or more of the following:

Cell Phone Number

Including your cell phone number on your resume is a must. This is the number that you are most likely to be reached on, and it’s the number that you probably carry around with you all the time. Make sure that your cell phone number is prominently displayed at the top of your resume so that it’s easy for potential employers to find.

Home Phone Number

While it’s less common to include a home phone number on a resume these days, it can still be a good idea in certain situations. If you have a landline phone and you always answer it, including your home phone number can show potential employers that you are reliable and easy to reach.

make my resume contact number

Work Phone Number

If you have a work phone number that you can be reached on during the day, you may want to include this on your resume as well. This is especially important if you are currently employed and don’t want potential employers calling you at work. Make sure to only include your work phone number if it is appropriate to do so.

Finally, you may also want to include a fax number on your resume. While fax machines are becoming less common these days, some employers still prefer to receive resumes and other documents via fax. If you have a fax number that you can be reached on, including it on your resume can show that you are professional and prepared.

In general, it’s a good idea to include as many phone numbers as possible on your resume so that potential employers can reach you in whatever way is most convenient for them. Just make sure that you only include phone numbers that you actually want people to call you on, and that you are always available to answer those calls. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your phone number is presented in the best possible way on your resume.

Formatting Phone Numbers on a Resume

Your resume is your first chance to make a strong impression on a potential employer. It’s important to pay attention to every detail, including how you format your phone number. Here are some best practices for formatting phone numbers on your resume:

Navigating Parentheses and Dashes

When it comes to formatting phone numbers, parentheses and dashes are often used to group numbers or separate different parts of the number. For example, you might see a phone number written as (555) 123-4567.

Here are some tips for using parentheses and dashes:

  • Use parentheses to group the area code, like this: (555) 123-4567
  • Use dashes to separate the different parts of the phone number, like this: 555-123-4567
  • Avoid using dots or slashes to separate phone number parts
  • If your phone number requires an extension, place it after the main number with a comma, like this: 555-123-4567, ext. 1234

Using Country Codes and Area Codes

If you are applying for a job outside of your current location, it’s important to include the country code and area code in your phone number. This helps ensure that the employer can reach you without any confusion or difficulty.

Here are some tips for using country codes and area codes:

  • Include the country code in parentheses before the area code, like this: +1 (555) 123-4567
  • If you are applying for a job within your country but outside of your area code, consider including the area code to avoid any confusion, like this: (555) 123-4567

Capitalization of Phone Numbers

When it comes to capitalization of phone numbers, there are varying opinions. Some experts say that phone numbers should be written in all caps, while others say that they should be written in sentence case (capitalizing only the first letter of the first word). Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and consistency.

Here are some tips for capitalizing phone numbers:

  • If you choose to capitalize phone numbers, be consistent throughout your entire resume
  • Sentence case (capitalizing only the first letter of the first word) is a common and acceptable option for capitalizing phone numbers
  • All caps may be difficult to read, so consider using sentence case for ease of reading

By following these best practices for formatting phone numbers on your resume, you can ensure that potential employers can easily reach you and that you make a strong first impression. When it comes to crafting a professional resume, each component plays a critical role in conveying a candidate’s skills, qualifications, and experience. One element that often goes overlooked is the placement of a phone number. The position, font, and consistency of the phone number on the resume can affect recruiters and employers’ perception of the candidate.

Location on the Resume The location of the phone number on the resume should be easily visible and accessible to the reader. Typically, job seekers write their phone number at the top of the resume, alongside their name and email. This placement makes it easier for the recruiter or employer to find quickly.

make my resume contact number

Before adding the phone number, make sure to include a professional email address. Recruiters often use email to communicate with candidates, so ensure the email address is appropriate for the workplace. Avoid using nicknames, abbreviations, or personal email addresses that are not work-appropriate.

Size and Font The font should be uniform throughout the resume, including the phone number. A clear and easy-to-read font ensures that recruiters can easily recognize the phone number. Use a font size between 10 and 12 points to ensure that the phone number stands out without being too large or too small. The goal is to make the resume professional and easy to read.

Consistency and Professionalism Another crucial aspect of writing a phone number on a resume is consistency. Make sure the phone number is consistent throughout the resume. Use the same format for every phone number, such as (123) 456-7890, regardless of where it appears on the resume. Consistency showcases professionalism and attention to detail, two highly-sought traits in potential employees.

When writing a phone number on a resume, keep these tips in mind to ensure the document is polished, professional, and effective. By placing the phone number in a visible location, using a clear and consistent font, and ensuring consistency, job seekers can help themselves stand out to potential employers. Remember that even small details on a resume can make a big difference in the hiring process, so it’s essential to take the time to get everything right.

Dos and Don’ts for Writing a Phone Number on a Resume

When it comes to creating a resume, it’s crucial to include your contact information, including your phone number. However, if you don’t consider the best practices on how to write your phone number, it might affect your chances of landing a job interview. In this section, we’ll be discussing the Dos and Don’ts of writing a phone number on a resume.

Ensuring Accuracy

The first thing you should always ensure when adding your phone number to a resume is its accuracy. Typos or incorrect digits in your contact information can be missed by employers or screening software, and this might result in a missed opportunity. Be sure to double-check your phone number to make sure it’s correct before submitting your resume. If possible, have another person go through your resume to check if all your phone number details are correct.

Providing Clarity

Another essential best practice when it comes to writing a phone number on your resume is providing clarity. Keep in mind that hiring managers may potentially receive hundreds of resumes, and you don’t want to leave them guessing how to reach you. When formatting your phone number, consider separating the digits into groups, such as (555) 123-4567, which is much easier to read than 555-123-4567. Also, make sure your phone number is easy to find by placing it prominently in your contact information section, with your name and email.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Finally, it’s important to be conscious of common mistakes that you might make when writing your phone number on your resume. One common mistake job seekers make is including multiple phone numbers. To avoid confusion, stick to providing only one cell number, which is your primary, and ensure that it’s the one listed first in your contact details.

Additionally, avoid using your work phone number, or any number that isn’t exclusively yours. Employers may try to reach you outside of work hours, and you want to make sure that you’re easily reachable on your personal phone. Lastly, avoid adding irrelevant information to your phone number, such as parentheses, or dashes that don’t help distinguish between the digits in a unique manner.

Including a phone number on your resume is essential, but it’s equally crucial to do it correctly. By ensuring accuracy, providing clarity, and avoiding common mistakes, you can make it easier for employers to contact you and increase your chances of landing your dream job. When it comes to creating a comprehensive and effective resume, it is important to not only communicate your experience and qualifications accurately but to also include all available means of contact information. In addition to your primary phone number, there are several other avenues through which potential employers may reach out to you. Here are the other types of contact information that you should include in your resume:

Email Address

An email address is a must-have for any job seeker. It is a quick and easy way for prospective employers to follow up on your application and arrange an interview. The email address you provide should be professional and easy to remember. Ideally, it should include your name or a variation of it, and not a vague or vague-sounding alias. It is also important to check your inbox regularly when you are job hunting. Missing an email about a potential job opportunity could be detrimental to your job search.

Social Media Handles

These days, it is not uncommon for employers to research a candidate’s social media profiles to gather more information about their personality and character. Therefore, it is essential to include your social media handles on your resume. This gives employers an opportunity to see how you interact with others online and learn more about you as a candidate. However, it’s important that you keep your social media profiles clean and professional. Avoid posting any controversial or offensive content that could harm your chances of being hired.

Mailing Address

While most employers will reach out to you over the phone, email, or social media, it is still important to include your mailing address in your resume. This is because some companies prefer to send formal letters or confirmation documents by mail rather than via electronic means. Your mailing address should be located at the top of your resume, just below your name and contact information.

When including your mailing address, it is important to provide a complete address. This includes your street address, apartment or suite number, city, state, and zip code. Avoid providing vague descriptions such as ‘Near the Main Post Office’ or listing only your city and state. Providing a complete address ensures that the employer has all the information they need to reach you.

Including your email address, social media handles, and mailing address in your resume is essential to give You can use these channels to keep in touch with potential employers and position yourself as a top candidate for the job. Remember to keep all information professional and relevant to the job you are pursuing, and keep an eye on your inbox and other communication channels regularly throughout your job search.

Incorporating Phone Number on a Cover Letter

When it comes to job applications, a well-crafted cover letter is just as important as a well-written resume. A cover letter highlights your skills and experiences, and convinces hiring managers that you are the right candidate for the job. But have you ever wondered what role your phone number plays in your cover letter?

Incorporating your phone number on your cover letter is essential because it allows the employer to contact you easily. However, many job seekers overlook the importance of consistency in including their contact information.

Importance of Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to including your contact information. You need to ensure that your phone number is presented in the same format throughout your cover letter and resume. Inconsistency, such as listing a different phone number or using a different format, can confuse hiring managers and create the impression that you lack attention to detail.

In addition, consistency in presenting your phone number can signal your professionalism and make a positive impression on recruiters. You want to present yourself as a reliable and organized candidate, and a consistent presentation of your contact information can help you achieve this goal.

Best Practices for Including Contact Information

When including your phone number on your cover letter, follow these best practices:

1. Format phone number properly

Always ensure that you format your phone number correctly. Include the area code, use parentheses around the area code, and separate the number using dashes. The format should be (XXX) – XXX – XXXX.

2. Use a professional voicemail greeting

When recruiters call you, they expect a professional voicemail greeting. Make sure you set up a voicemail greeting that includes your name and invites the caller to leave a message. Avoid using informal voicemail greetings and music.

3. Use a reliable phone number

Choose a reliable phone number to include on your cover letter. Avoid using the phone number of your current employer or a generic phone number. It’s better to use a personal phone number that you can access at any time.

4. Avoid using a non-local phone number

If you are relocating, it’s important to use a local phone number. You want to avoid using a non-local phone number that causes hiring managers to question your availability for the job. You can use the phone number of a local friend or family member if necessary.

Incorporating your phone number in your cover letter is essential when applying for jobs. Consistency in presenting your contact information and following best practices can make a positive impression on hiring managers and increase your chances of getting hired.

Sample Resumes with Proper Phone Number Formatting

As a job seeker, one of the most important things you need to ensure is that potential employers can easily get in touch with you. To achieve this, you need to include your phone number in your resume. However, simply adding your phone number is not enough. You need to ensure that it is formatted correctly to enhance your chances of landing your dream job.

Here are some best practices for formatting your phone number on a resume:

Use the Right Format

When including your phone number, use the format that is standard in your country. For instance, in the United States, the standard format is (555) 555-5555. In the United Kingdom, the format is 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3.

Include the Right Country Code

If you’re applying for a job in a different country, ensure that you include the correct country code. This will make it easier for potential employers to reach you. For instance, if you’re in the US but applying for a job in Canada, you will need to include the Canadian country code (+1) before your phone number.

Don’t Use Symbols

Avoid using symbols such as hyphens, periods, or slashes when formatting your phone number on your resume. Instead, use spaces to separate the digits. This makes your phone number easier to read and more professional.

Include Your Area Code

It’s important to include your area code to help potential employers determine where you’re located. Remember to include this even if you’re applying for a remote position.

Double Check for Accuracy

Before submitting your resume, ensure that you have double-checked your phone number for accuracy. A simple typo could prevent potential employers from reaching you. Furthermore, ensure that the number you provide is one that you can easily be reached at.

Now that you know the best practices for formatting your phone number on a resume, here are some sample resumes to guide you:

Resume Sample 1

Name:  John Doe

Phone:  (555) 555-5555

Email:   [email protected]

Resume Sample 2

Name:  Jane Doe

Phone:  0118 999 881 999 119 725 3

Resume Sample 3

Name:  Michael Johnson

Phone:  +1 (555) 555-5555

By following these best practices, your phone number will be formatted correctly in your resume, making it easier for potential employers to reach you.

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The Best Way to List Contact Information on Your Resume (+ Examples)

Kat Boogaard

3 key takeaways

  • Which contact information to include on your resume
  • How to format your contact details correctly
  • How Teal's Resume Builder can help you pull together a polished and accurate resume

Compared to combing through your professional and personal details or figuring out how to format a resume , listing your contact information on your resume seems like the easy part.

You just jot down your contact info—like your name and professional email address—in the contact information section of your resume and call it a day, right? Sure, that’s the gist. But while it might sound straightforward, your contact section isn’t a throwaway. Much like the rest of your resume, it deserves some attention to confirm you’re sharing these important details in a way that’s accurate, organized, easy for hiring managers, and a positive reflection of you. 

Ready to optimize the contact section of your resume? This article covers everything job seekers need to know about adding contact details to your resume.

Why is contact information important on a resume?

While it might seem basic, your contact information section contains some of the most important information of your resume: your name and the best ways for hiring managers or recruiters to get in touch. 

A well-organized and intuitive resume contact section is helpful in your job search because it: 

  • Makes it easy for potential employers to reach out and update you on the hiring process
  • Provides your full name so employers can look for you online (which most recruiters will do )
  • Clarifies your current location, which is important for location-specific roles
  • Reinforces your professional brand as a polished, detail-oriented candidate

This seemingly unassuming and inconsequential section holds more power than you’d think in your job search.

What contact information should you include on your resume?

Here’s the question you inevitably have next: What counts as contact information? What should you include on your resume?

At a minimum, here are the professional details you need to list on your resume:

Your first and last name

This should be the very first thing on your resume, listed at the top in big, bold letters. If you’re curious about whether to include a middle name or your preferred name, here are the quick answers:

  • Include your middle name only if that’s what you go by (for example, “Mary Ann”)
  • Include your preferred name as your only name or in quotations or parentheses. Example: Elizabeth (Betsy) Scott

Note: You’ll find more details about each of those circumstances in the FAQ section at the bottom. 

Your email address

List an email address that potential employers can use to reach out to you. Make sure it’s a professional email address (now is not the time to use the funny one you set up in college) and is one that you check frequently so that you don’t miss any updates or outreach.

Do: [email protected]
Don’t: [email protected]

(No offense, AOL.)

There’s some debate over whether or not to hyperlink your email address on your resume. While there’s not a hard and fast rule here, the safest option is to not add a clickable link.

Your phone number

Most employers will use your phone number to get in touch, with a surprising amount using text messages to communicate with job applicants. List your personal cell phone number (you don’t want potential employers calling your current employer) including the area code. If you’re from the U.S. and applying for a job in another country, add the +1 U.S. dial code before your area code.

Your location

Compared to everything else, figuring out how to write addresses on your resume is the trickiest part. Should you include your full mailing address? Or is it risky and unnecessary to list your home address?

Recommended contact information for resume

The general recommendation is to include your city and state (for example, New York, NY), as employers need that information when considering you for location-specific positions. 

There’s no reason to include your full mailing address on your resume. If employers need your mailing address at some point in the process, they will ask.

Your street address shares exactly where you live, and you probably don’t want that level of identifying information floating around, increasing your risk of identity theft. So, stick with your city and state on your resume and share your mailing address later in the process, or directly within a secure application.

Those are the must-have contact details. However, there are other optional pieces of contact information you can include as well.

Optional contact information for resume

Your linkedin url.

‍ Especially if you have a common name, including the URL to your LinkedIn profile, ensures a hiring manager finds the right person when they look.  Pro Tip: Make sure to clean up your link before listing it (for example, rather than You can easily make that adjustment by viewing your profile page and clicking the pencil icon next to “Public profile & URL” on the right side.

Your professional title

‍ Including a professional title with your contact information makes it immediately clear to employers what you do and what role you’re targeting. This doesn’t necessarily need to be your most recent job title. If you’re searching for an email marketing role, then include a resume title like “Email Marketing Professional” with your name and contact info.

Additional social media accounts

‍ If you work in a field like marketing where social media is relevant, including your social media links or handles gives employers more opportunities to learn about you and your expertise.

Your professional website

‍ If you have an online portfolio or personal website, including a link to that with your personal info can give the HR manager more information and help you stand out from the many job seekers that are likely applying for that role.

Preferred name

You could also include your preferred name, middle name or initial, or any professional credentials you’ve achieved.

What not to include in your contact information section

While there are plenty of things you need to include, there’s also some information that you absolutely should not list in this section (or anywhere else on your document):

A fax number

‍ Faxes aren’t necessary or common during the hiring process (or in general).

Multiple email addresses or phone numbers

‍ This is a good way to confuse recruiters about which one to use to reach you.

Sensitive information like your social security number

‍ Much like listing your address, this can increase your chances of identity theft. Never include this in your resume.

How to list contact information on resumes

Now that you know what to include, where should you put it? All of the contact information on resumes goes in a specific resume section called the resume header. This is the topmost section of your document, where most recruiters will look for your important details. 

Here are a few resume formatting tips to keep in mind as you lay out your resume header:

  • Make your name the biggest and boldest text on your document so it stands out from everything else.
  • Separate your contact info with bullets, separate lines, or other dividers so the information doesn’t run together.
  • Include your target professional title, either in your header or directly underneath.

Listing your contact information is even easier when you use Teal's resume creator . Enter your details into the “contact information” section and then use the checkboxes to select which contact information should appear on your resume.

Within the “design” section, you can click through the different templates to find the best resume format for you and adjust how your resume header appears on your document.

Here’s what your contact information should look like when it’s polished up and ready to go:

resume contact information on resume

Pro Tip: When you write your cover letter, you can use the same header with all the same details at the top of your cover letter. That way, your career documents match and look like a branded package. Plus, it’s helpful if your resume and cover letter become separated. If you need some inspiration, check out these short cover letter examples . 

Common mistakes to avoid when listing contact information on a resume

This section is pretty self-explanatory. However, there are a few common mistakes you should watch out for as you pull together your contact info. Here are a few contact information “don’ts” to keep in mind:

  • Don’t list unprofessional or inactive email addresses
  • Don’t include unnecessary information like your mailing address or fax numbers
  • Don’t list your contact details in hard-to-find spots, like at the bottom of your resume
  • Don’t forget to clean up your social media profiles before including them on your resume
  • Don’t neglect to double-check all of your contact information to fix any typos or errors

Make your resume contact information clear with Teal

Adding your contact information to your resume is probably the easiest and fastest part of the entire resume process. But it’s still important to do it right and make sure your details are displayed clearly and prominently at the top of your document (where most recruiters will look for them).

Teal's resume maker can help. Just input your contact information, choose your favorite resume format, and you’re well on your way to creating a resume that impresses the hiring manager and gets you one step closer to landing the job. 

Ready to build a better resume? Get started with Teal's Resume Builder for free today.

Hailey Hudson also contributed to this piece.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should i put my social media handles on my resume.

It’s smart to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, as that’s the one most commonly used in the job search. However, if you’re in a field that’s relevant to social media (like marketing), you can include your handles or other social media accounts as well. Just remember to make sure they’re cleaned up and work-appropriate before including them with a job application.

Should I put my address on my resume?

Your resume should list your city and state. Beyond that, there’s no reason to include your full mailing address on your resume. 

Employers don’t typically need to send anything through physical mail during the application process. Therefore, companies only need your full address at the end of the hiring process when they’re getting close to making an offer. Don’t worry—they’ll ask for it if and when they need it.

How do I include my preferred name or nickname on my resume?

Perhaps you have a nickname that’s different from your legal name. It’s completely okay to list your preferred name on your resume. The only time it’s crucial to use your legal name is for procedures like background checks or when you’re completing your insurance paperwork. 

That said, if you’re worried, you can include both of your names at the top of your resume by listing it in parentheses or quotation marks.

Should I include professional acronyms?

If you’ve obtained professional credentials that are relevant to your career goals—whether you’re a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a designated Project Management Professional (PMP), or something else—it’s worth including those with your name at the top of the document. 

However, make sure to also spell out the acronyms elsewhere on your resume, like in your “education” section or a specific “certifications” section. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) might be set up to only pick up on the full name and not the abbreviation, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Should I include a middle name or middle initial on my resume?

You don’t have to! In fact, including that can add confusion. It’s only worth including if you typically go by your full name (for example, you’re always called “Mary Ann” and not “Mary”).

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Kat Boogaard

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Contact Information on a Resume: What You Need to Know

The contact information section is essential for your resume. And we are not even exaggerating.

If an employer doesn’t have a clear and simple way to get in touch with you, it doesn’t really matter how good your resume is and how much of a professional you are. According to The Ladders, hiring managers only take 5 seconds to scan through your resume. If your contact information is hard to find, the chances are they will simply get in touch with someone else.

True, adding contact information may be the simplest part of writing your resume. But there are some effective strategies that you can use even here to make your resume stand out.

Whether you’re just starting out or updating your existing resume, this guide will help you ensure that your contact information is up-to-date and accurately reflects your professional identity.

Contact Information on a Resume: What You Need to Know

Table of Contents

What to Include in Your Contact Information Section: at a Glance

Your contact information section on a resume should include the following information:

Full name: “John Johnson” Current professional email address: “[email protected]” Phone number: “002 657 894” Location (city and state or city and country, if applying for jobs internationally): London, United Kingdom.

  • Professional credentials: “copywriter”, “Ph.D”, “CFO”, etc.
  • LinkedIn profile URL:
  • Social media: GitHub, Twitter, Medium, etc.

What NOT to Include in Your Contact Information Section: at a Glance

Date of birth: Including your date of birth can raise concerns about potential age discrimination, as it may reveal your age to an employer.

Unprofessional email address: your email address should look like this: [email protected] and not like this: [email protected]

Detailed address: as your exact address is personal information and is not directly relevant to your qualifications or experience for a job, it’s best to avoid adding it to your resume. Including your full address can also raise concerns about privacy and security.

Your Name on a Resume

Adding a name to a resume seems like a no-brainer. But let’s take a few minutes to review some of the best practices, even if it’s just for clarity.

To maintain consistency, use your full name, which is the same name used on all your social media accounts.

Add your professional title below it.

John Johnson Marketing Manager

​​Note that it’s always best if your title aligns with the position you are applying for. For instance, if the job post is looking for “marketing manager” , your resume should say “marketing manager” and not “marketing specialist” or “marketologist”.

Should I Put Address on My Resume?

Including your location on your resume can help determine your proximity to the job location for employers. Most recruiters look for candidates in the local area and may not be willing to sponsor a relocation. To avoid confusion, it is sufficient to include your city and country on your resume.

John Johnson Marketing Manager “[email protected]” “002 657 894” London, United Kingdom

Is it Safe to Put Address on a Resume?

It is generally safe to include your address on a resume , but there may be some privacy concerns. If you’re uncomfortable providing your full address, you can opt to only include your city and state. This can still provide a general idea of your location to potential employers while keeping your personal information somewhat private. However, it’s important to consider the potential risks and weigh them against the benefits before deciding whether to include your address on your resume.

Phone Number and Email on a Resume

The main contact information that hiring managers will look for on your resume are your phone number and email address.

Important: Always double check that you’ve entered the correct email address and phone number.

Make sure to use a professional looking email address in your resume. If your current email address is not up to par, consider getting a new one that you can use specifically for job applications.

Avoid using your current work email or phone number to maintain a professional image and not appear disloyal.

Should I Include Linkedin on My Resume?

Yes, including your LinkedIn profile on your resume can be a great way to provide additional information and insights about your professional background and experience. It can also help recruiters and hiring managers find and connect with you more easily.

Just make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and presents a professional image that aligns with the information on your resume. Adding a LinkedIn link can also show that you are tech-savvy and well-versed in using social media for professional networking.

What Other Social Profiles Should I Include?

It depends on the type of job you’re applying for and the nature of your Instagram account. If your Instagram account showcases professional skills and talents that are relevant to the job, it could be a valuable addition to your resume.

However, if your account primarily includes personal content that is not related to your professional life, it is best not to include it on your resume. Ultimately, you want to present yourself in the best light possible and include only information that supports your job application.

In some industries, such as marketing or social media, having a Twitter account that showcases your personal brand can be beneficial and adding the link to your resume could add value. However, in more traditional industries, including a Twitter link may not be necessary or relevant.

When deciding whether to include your Twitter link, consider the content of your account and whether it aligns with the image you want to present to potential employers. If it does, go ahead and add the link. If not, it’s probably best to leave it out.

Quora encompasses a wide range of business subjects and attracts many subject experts. If you’re a recognized authority on a job-related topic on Quora, it may be beneficial to include a link to your profile on your resume.

Including a link to your active GitHub profile can enhance your resume and demonstrate your projects, such as websites, mobile apps, and more.

An active profile can showcase your writing abilities and personality to potential employers prior to an interview, making it beneficial for freelancers, writers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.

Website or personal blog

Including a link to your personal website on your resume can be a valuable addition. Your personal website can provide employers with additional information about your skills, experiences, and personality.

However, it is important to make sure that your personal website is professional, up-to-date, and relevant to the job you’re applying for. Also, make sure to double check all content, spelling and grammar before including the link on your resume.

If you want to add some personal information to your resume, consider adding your hobbies. Having a few relevant hobbies and interests on your resume can play in favor of your application. You can find some ideas in our Hobbies and interests on resume.

What to Keep off Your Resume Contact Section (And Why)

Current job email address.

Keeping your job search confidential is important, especially when using your work email. Utilizing your work email for job searching can also reflect poorly on your professionalism and may make a potential employer hesitate to contact you through that same email.

Current job phone number

It’s best to avoid using your current work phone number in your contact information. Using your work phone number may give the impression that you are being secretive or going behind your current employer’s back, even if they are aware of your job search. It is better to use your personal phone number in your resume.

Date of Birth

It’s not necessary to include your date of birth on your resume. This information is considered personal and is not relevant to your qualifications for the job. In some countries, it is also illegal to include information such as date of birth, age, or other personal details that could be used for discrimination. It is best to focus on highlighting your skills, experience, and education, rather than personal information, on your resume.

Unprofessional Email Address

Using an unprofessional email address in a resume can give a negative impression to potential employers and detract from the professional image you are trying to project. A simple, professional email address that includes your full name is a better choice for a resume.

Your Exact Address

It is not necessary to include your full home address on a resume. Providing only the city and state is sufficient for most job applications. Including your full address can put your privacy and safety at risk, as personal information can be used for identity theft or unwanted solicitations.

Additionally, in today’s digital age, employers can easily determine your location based on the information provided in your resume and other online profiles. Including your full address may also reveal information about your current place of residence, which could potentially limit your job search if you are seeking employment in a different location.

By omitting your full address, you can protect your personal information and maintain control over the details that are shared with potential employers.

How to Format Your Contact Information on a Resume

When formatting your contact information on a resume, it’s important to make it easy for an employer to reach you. Here are some tips to format your contact information effectively:

  • Use a clear, legible font and font size: Choose a font and size that is easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman in 10-12 point size.
  • Include the essentials: Your name, email address, and phone number should be prominent and easily visible. You can also include your physical address, if desired.
  • Be consistent: Use the same font, font size, and format for all your contact information.
  • Use a professional email address: Avoid using personal email addresses or ones with unprofessional addresses.
  • Make sure it’s up-to-date: Ensure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Keep it brief: Your contact information should take up minimal space on your resume and be limited to one line for your name, one line for your email, and one line for your phone number.

By following these tips, you can format your contact information on your resume in a professional and effective manner.

Where Should Contact Information Be on a Resume

Your contact information should be placed prominently on your resume, typically at the top of the page. Here’s a typical format for placement:

  • Name: Place your full name in a larger font size, making it the first item an employer sees when they look at your resume.
  • Email address: Place your professional email address below your name, ensuring that it is easy to read and accessible.
  • Phone number: Your phone number should be listed below your email address, along with the best times to reach you.
  • Physical address (optional): If you choose to include your physical address, place it below your phone number.

It is important to make sure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date, so that an employer can easily reach you. Additionally, be consistent in your formatting, using the same font and font size for all items to create a professional appearance.

  • The contact information section is essential for any resume.
  • Make sure the contact information on your resume is correct, complete, and up-to-date.
  • Here’s what you should include in your resume contact information: full name, current email address, phone number, and location.
  • You can also add professional credentials, a link to your Linkedin profile, and other relevant social media profiles.
  • Here’s what you shouldn’t include in your resume contact information: date of birth, exact address, links to personal social media accounts, work email, and phone number

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Adding Your Contact Information to Your Resume

Maybe it seems a bit obvious, standard, and unimportant to add your contact information on your resume.

But, stick with us…

The presentation of your contact details on your resume is vital to your job-hunting success.

The first rule to live by is to add your resume contact details at the very top of your opening page. Rule two: since it’s the first thing that gets read, the details matter.

There are plenty of resume formats for you to choose from, and whichever one you opt to use, you still need to have perfect resume contact info, so you look like a pro to hiring managers. So…

What’s the purpose of your resume contact information section?

Put simply…

Your contact information is there to tell recruiters how they can get in touch with you. No matter the field you work in, you’ve got to include your:

  • Email address
  • Phone number

It’s pretty normal to also note your home address and a link for your LinkedIn profile. If you need some of the resume contact information examples, here’s a reference for what it should look like:

It looks pretty standard, right? Easy as it seems, you do need to know some rules about how to add contact information to your resume…

Adding Resume Contact Information: The Rules

Now we’ve gone through the nuts and bolts of what your contact information is, we’re going to cover in-depth how to complete each part of your contact information section:

  • Use your full name , not your locker room name or what your kid cousins call you;
  • Use your full address , unless you’ve got legitimate privacy concerns, in which case give a shorter but still accurate version. City / State / Zip should work as an alternative, and you can leave it off completely if you’re going for a remote role;
  • Have a professional email address if you want the recruiter to get past the first couple of inches of the page. You’re not a kid anymore; your first-ever Gmail probably doesn’t make the right impression - would you employ [email protected]? Create a simple and clear address for job applications, [email protected] makes a lot more sense;
  • Include a working phone number and make sure it’s turned on a ready to be answered;
  • Put links for your relevant social media profiles if they’re relevant and you want to, LinkedIn is a great idea. You know the industry you work in, so include standard profiles for your sector, for example, Github, Dribble, Behance, Medium, etc. Avoid irrelevant links, a photographer will want to add an Instagram account, an engineer not so much;
  • Provide an alternative contact option such as a Skype ID if you might have availability issues, but it’s not mandatory.
Pro-Tip If you’ve got more than one base, like a college dorm or military posting as well as a home address, give them both and note them as your current and permanent addresses. Including dates you’re at either can help, but keep on top of these dates and delete them once they pass.

What Not to Include in Your Contact Information

Getting your resume filled with the right information is vital, and leaving out the irrelevant details is just as important. This applies to your resume contact information as much as anywhere else. Here’s what to avoid:

  • An address you don’t use is pointless on your resume if your post goes somewhere else, like a PO box;
  • The phone number for your current workplace , no matter how long you spend tied to your desk. It’s not going to sit well with your current employer if you keep getting calls from prospective new employers, even if they know you’re looking to leave. Include your cell phone number and turn on voicemails;
  • A picture is a standard across European, and some other countries. However, most English-speaking countries, like the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, will find a headshot unusual unless you’re applying for acting or entertainment roles. Check if the country you’re applying in is going to want a photo on your resume ;
  • Your date of birth isn’t a great idea because it can lead to age discrimination. Know your industry though, jobs like bartending have age requirements so you’ll want to confirm you’re old enough to take on.
Pro-Tip If you wonder where to put contact information on your resume, it’s your choice if you want to go for left-justified or centered contact information. What’s important is that you leave a line break between your contact information and the following section. Check out the layout of our modern resume templates - you’ll have a resume with a perfect design and structure in a few minutes!

When Not to Include Your Private Information

For example your address. There are a few valid reasons for you keeping your full address off your resume. It’s sensitive information so it’s up to you to choose if you’re happy to disclose it on your resume or not. Here are some things you might want to consider when deciding whether to exclude your address:

  • Security reasons - if you’re worried about your safety, still make sure your email and phone number are on your resume so potential employers know how to ask for more information from you;
  • Personal privacy - it’s ok to feel uncomfortable with sharing such a sensitive piece of information. If you’re not entirely comfortable with adding your address to your resume, leave it off;
  • Using a third-party jobs site - if you’re not certain about the legitimacy of an advert on a third-party website, track down the posting on a site you trust or direct with the company.
Pro-Tip Avoid adding your full address if you’re applying for a role that’s in a different city or state from where you live. Particularly if they’re looking for a local candidate, you could get rejected pretty quickly. The alternative is to add a quick sentence explaining your intentions to relocate.

Writing a Resume Headline

Next to your contact section, we recommend you include a resume headline , too.

Easy; your headline puts your resume into context immediately for the reader. Hiring managers can use it to accurately filter through a pile on their desks, so a headline is going to help you get on the pile to get a callback.

An effective and simple resume headline is simply the name of the position you want to land , like “Senior Software Developer” , “Sales Executive with Experience in Insurance Management” , “Detail-Oriented QA with Selenium Automation Experience” , etc.

Pro-Tip Double and triple-check your contact information, just like every other detail on your resume. Get one character wrong in your phone number or email and you’re could miss out on the job of your dreams, and typos aren’t that uncommon.

It might seem that contact information takes a minor role in writing a resume. However, the way you put contact information is crucial for your resume. First of all, it must be placed at the top of the document. Nobody wants to spend their time reading a resume if it’s impossible to contact the owner. Second, since it goes at the very beginning of the resume, you should pay attention to even the smallest details here.

Final Thoughts

It’s not too tough to get your resume contact information looking professional.

Stick to relevant and professional information and don’t forget a resume headline.

It’s sad but true that many candidates do not pay enough attention to the contacts in their resumes and therefore get a slight chance to win the job. By just following these straightforward rules you’ll make sure you are not one of them.

Read our full guide on how to write the perfect resume objective and check out another handy guide for more details on what to include in your CV .

To get you started and filled with inspiration, check out our free resume samples that work for a whole host of job situations. Checking out these templates will help you know what to aim for in pretty much any employment circumstance. Browse templates 🔎

Need ideas for what to include in a resume? Go through our full guide, packed with pro-tips and insider tricks to get you into that job you’ve been dreaming about!

Been told your resume headline makes or breaks your CV? What is a catchy resume title? Get to the truth and learn how to craft the perfect resume profile title.

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It may seem simple, but what all details to add to your resume contact information is a controversial topic.

Some recruiters prefer to see the address on their resume. Some recruiters are fine with the current location on their resumes.

If you want to get out of this confusion, experts at Hiration have figured out a way to resolve all your queries.

In this article, you will learn:

  • What contact information should be on a resume?
  • Examples of contact details on resume?
  • How to include address on resume?
  • What things to avoid when writing contact information on resume?

We'll end this with an email address example along with a few samples on how to include address on resume and contact information on resume in general.

What is the most important section on a resume?

Some would say the Professional Summary. Others would side with the actual Professional Experience section.

It’s the resume contact information section!

Think about it: You got all the required key skills. You have the most detailed work section. But you miss-spelled your name. What will happen? The recruiters would not be able to reach you. And you will lose the opportunity.

Do not worry! We have got you covered.

Resume contact information is the data you provide to help the recruiters get in touch with you . That includes the address on resume, your name, email address, and phone number.

In this blog, we will show you how to write contact information on resume . Read on to know how to write an address on a resume.

What Contact Information Should be on a Resume?

On your resume contact information section, you should definitely include:

  • Your full name
  • Location in City, State format
  • Zipcode (if asked by the recruiter)
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Full Name on Resume

Firstly, do not write “Resume” or “CV” as the heading of your resume. Use your full name.

And ensure your name is consistent across all job application documents.

For example, if you are writing your middle name on your resume, ensure it’s the same everywhere. Similarly, if you are not using a middle name, make sure to omit it from every document related to your job application.

If you mention your middle name, don’t write it in full; instead, use the initials—Seldon L. Cooper, instead of Sheldon Lee Cooper.

Address on Resume

We don’t recommend writing your address on resume unless the recruiter asks explicitly.

There are some solid reasons for doing so.

On a one-page resume, space is the most valuable asset. And if you add your entire address, it eats up unnecessary space. A mailing address is not necessary these days, Everything happens online.

Sometimes, if your mailing address is far from the company location, recruiters may hire a candidate near the company location.

It cuts both ways; Company doesn’t want to hire someone who has to travel a lot to come to the office every day, get burned out, and leave the job.

However, there are some serious reasons for which you should not add your mailing address in resume:

Email Address on Resume

You should use a professional-looking email address. However, don’t use your email address given by your current employer.

Use your first and last name in the email address. Avoid unprofessional email addresses, like coolamanda@gmail[dot]com . Check the email account frequently so that you do not miss out on employer inquiries. Respond promptly.

Phone Number on Resume

A critical rule of phones would be: It is essential to have voice mail. Using voice mail on your phone is helpful. It enables hiring managers to leave a message when you are not available. It helps you not to miss any important calls.

But, be sure that your voice mail message sounds professional. A professional voicemail would be: Hey, it's Alice here. Please leave a message.

Before we move on to the next section on how to include address on resume contact information , we would like to tell you some hacks :

If you have a LinkedIn page or a personal website, include these links in your contact section as well.

For an increased impact, you should try to include your online portfolio. It shows your creativity and dedication towards proving yourself.

Resume Contact Information Examples

Contact Information Resume: 2-Column Resume

Experience Section in a Resume

Contact Information Resume: 1-Column Resume

Resume Head Section

Also Read : How to create resume sections?

How to Include Resume Contact Information?

What you choose to display on your resume makes or breaks your entire job prospect. So what should you include to improve your chances? What are the odds?

It begins with your name and other contact information.

We have already discussed what information should be included in your resume contact information. Your name, address, phone number, and email address should always appear at the top of your resume. It does not matter which resume format you are using.

Before we begin, we would like to ask you something.

Did you know that some employers use the contact information section to filter candidates?

They are most likely to give you a pass if you live in another part of the country. This is done to avoid paying relocation costs.

They may form a negative opinion of you if your contact information is inappropriate in some way.

Many recruiters use this information to search for your popular opinion on popular social networking sites. They like to see what is posted about you.

This makes the resume contact information section even more important. What should you include to make sure your resume gets forwarded?

Your First & Last Name

  • Your middle name is optional. Include it if you want to distinguish yourself from other job candidates.
  • You can use your given first name or your shortened first name. However, it is not advisable to use a nickname. It leads to the formation of opinions.
  • Your name should be at the top. It should be able to stand out. You can make your name larger than the rest of the fonts. Or bold your name. Or both. You can center your contact details or align them to the right.
  • Leave a space or horizontal line between the end of your contact information and the next section of your resume.

Your Contact Number

  • Your home and cell phone numbers can be listed. You can include more than one number.
  • Make sure that the numbers you include are active to take calls on.
  • Your work phone number is not a good choice. Your employer may/may not allow personal calls. Also, you may not want your current company to know about your job switching.
  • Make sure you have a decent voice mail message in case you are prone to miss calls.
  • Check your messages regularly. We can recall countless clients who missed a job opportunity just because they were not available on call or couldn't reply to a message/mail.

Your Mailing address or Current/Preferred Location

We recommend candidates not include their mailing addresses on resumes. However, if the recruiters ask for it, then here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Include your full mailing address (street address, city, state, and zip code) instead of just the city and the state.
  • In case you have privacy concerns, it's perfectly alright if you do not include address on resume; instead, just write the city/state.
  • Use the complete state name if the abbreviations are easily confused with another.

Your Email Address

  • Use a conventional email address like: firstname_lastname@email[dot]com.
  • Do not use inappropriate emails like pinkpanther@email[dot]com.
  • You will need to check your email regularly. Do not miss an opportunity. Make sure your email settings don't automatically send promising emails to the spam folder.
  • If you don't have an email account...well, have you been living under a rock this whole time? Make one now!

External Links

You can provide links to a professional online profile or personal webpage only if you think it'll bolster your overall profile. Providing a link to a LinkedIn profile that was updated many months ago will not benefit anyone.

Whatever you include, do remember that it's going to count. You can skip this if you think there's the slightest chance that it might backfire.

You can include links to articles or papers that have been published or other such distinctions.

Also Read: How to choose the correct resume format?

What to Avoid When Adding Contact Information on Resume?

Avoid Typos : A typo is more common than you think. It could prevent you from getting contacted for the job.

Avoid Different Names : Consistency is the key. Avoid using different names in different documents.

Avoid Using Unprofessional Email ID : Do not use a current work email address. Do not use a casual or silly email address. Use a provider that makes you look savvy and professional.

Don’t Use Someone Else’s Phone Number : Avoid providing someone else's phone number. Make sure the phone number you are providing is active. Add a country and area code. Check your voicemail message. Do not personalize your caller tone.

Social Media Handles : Make your social media profiles professional before including social media URLs. However, it’s always a good idea to have an updated LinkedIn profile URL.

Date of Birth : It is not mandatory to include the date of birth in the resume. But it is a quick way to show the employer you are legal for specific jobs.

HIRATION PROTIP: In the US, for instance, it's forbidden to add personal details like age, sex, date of birth, etc., to avoid bias in the shortlisting process. On the flip side, countries in the Mideast, for instance, also ask for passport details. Check the norms for your country or industry before you include these details.

Resume Sample

  • Identified web-based user interactions and developed highly-responsive user interface components via React concepts
  • Translated designs & wireframes into high-quality code and wrote application interface code via JavaScript following React.js workflows
  • Troubleshot interface software and debugged application codes to improve functionality and performance by 50%
  • Developed and implemented front-end architecture to support user interface concepts with 100% accuracy
  • Monitored and improved front-end performance by 15% and documented application changes & worked on updates
  • Developed the latest user-facing features using React.js and built reusable components & front-end libraries for future use
  • Optimized components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers
  • Coordinated with the development team of 35 to discuss user interface ideas and applications
  • Reviewed application requirements and interface designs to ensure compatibility with existing applications
  • Determined the structure and design of web pages based on user requirements and balanced functional & aesthetic designs
  • Created features to enhance the user experience while ensuring that the web design is optimized for smartphones
  • Employed a variety of languages such as HTML and CSS to write & create user-friendly web pages
  • Built reusable code for future use and optimized web pages for 5 applications for maximum speed and scalability
  • Managed brand consistency throughout the design and maintained & improved the company's website by adding more features and functionality
  • Liaised with cross-functional teams to ensure that the client projects were completed on time and within a stipulated budget
  • Produced high-quality mockups & designed different prototypes and provided high-quality graphics & visual elements
  • React Certification (Full Stack Web Development) | Coursera | Dec '17
  • Top 20 percentile of the class
  • UI Designing
  • Application Designing
  • Wireframe & Design
  • Translation
  • Front-end Architecture
  • Performance Improvement
  • Feature Designing
  • Webpage Designing
  • Webpage Optimization
  • Project Delivery
  • Client Surviving
  • Graphic Designing

Key Takeaways

With that, we have come to the end of this blog. Now, let us revisit some of the key takeaways from this blog:

  • You don't need to include your full address in your resume. Only add, if it can influence the decision-making process
  • Be consistent with your name throughout all of your job application documents
  • Use a professional email id in your resume
  • If you have a portfolio website, include it in the resume. Also, include a link to your updated LinkedIn profile on your resume.

Go to Hiration career platform which has 24/7 chat support and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries. You can also write to us at [email protected] and we will make sure to reach out to you as soon as possible.

make my resume contact number

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make my resume contact number

Resume Contact Information: What to Include and Skip

No contact information on your resume? Well we got ourselves a problem then. It doesn’t matter how jaw-droppingly well your resume is written is if there’s no way for employers to reach you. While simply putting down your email address and phone number may seem like by-far the easiest thing to do for your resume, things can get trickier than you may think

Resume Contact Information: What to Include and Skip

Just as important as your skill set and employment history, your contact information should be written clearly on your resume and easy for hiring managers to locate.

Without properly written contact information or details that are outdated or otherwise inaccurate, you can risk missing out on a great job opportunity. After all, recruiters and hiring managers are almost always swamped with applications to review – so you’ll want to be sure you’re doing everything you can to both lighten their workload and make your resume a breeze to read.

Writing your contact information on a resume is a crucial step in helping you land interviews. Make sure you’re listing your information in the best way possible with the following tips.

Contact Information Must-Haves for Your Resume

Before you begin piecing together your contact information section on your resume, it’s important to define exactly which details you should include, which ones you can leave out, and how you can modify them to your preferences.

In general, your resume should always list your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Other extra details you might consider including are any relevant links to other professional information such as your LinkedIn profile or even a personal website.

Let’s break each of these down further.

First and foremost, your full name should be prominently listed on your resume. If you go by a nickname or a shortened version of your legal name, feel free to use that name on your resume instead.

As an alternative to listing either your legal name or your nickname, you can also list both so long as you format your name correctly.

For example, if your legal name is Jennifer Smith and you prefer to be called Jenny, you could write your name as: Jennifer (Jenny) Smith.

Whichever way you’d like to format your name, make sure you’re consistent across all of your professional resources including your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, website, and more if applicable.

When listing your address on your resume , make sure you’re using your current, permanent mailing address. Keep in mind to list your complete address including your apartment number as well.

For college students living on campus, you might consider listing your campus address in addition to your mailing address back home if you consider your home address more permanent than your student one.

Typically, your address should include all the details of a complete address – your house number, apartment number, street name, city, state, and zip code. However, if you’re concerned with keeping that information private, listing your current city and state is also acceptable.

If you’d rather list a more private version of your mailing address, you could simply write your address in the following format: San Diego, CA.

Phone Number

Provide your personal phone number including the area code on your resume. If you’re currently employed, do not list your work phone number on your resume unless you’re applying for another role within the same company.

In addition to listing your phone number, you’ll need to make sure your voicemail is configured and the inbox isn’t full before you begin applying for jobs.

To help recruiters know they’ve reached the correct person if they call you, consider setting up your voicemail greeting to include a brief, professional message and your full name. If you receive any voicemail messages from potential employers, be sure to return their call as soon as possible.

Email Address

Include your personal email address on your resume and be sure it’s suitable to list on a resume.

If your current email address is something inappropriate or otherwise unprofessional, create a new email address that is both appropriate and includes your name if possible.

For example, if your current email address is something similar to, “ [email protected] ,” a recommended alternative email address could be, “ [email protected] .”

Once you begin submitting your application to open positions, check your inbox regularly so you don’t miss an important email about a job opportunity.

Formatting Contact Information on Your Resume

Once you’ve determined what details to include on your resume, you’ll need to make sure the information is formatted correctly.

Along with being organized, your contact information section should also be the first thing a recruiter sees on your resume. Your name and subsequent contact details should be typed in a legible font and stand out from the other information on your resume in bold or larger print.

Depending on the overall design of your resume, you may consider centering your contact information or using the alignment tool to justify the text to the left or right side of the page or simply use a resume builder like Enhancv. Once it’s formatted, insert a couple of lines of blank space before the rest of your resume content.

A basic contact section on a resume would contain the following:

Michael Green 123 Main Street Chicago, IL 60007 123-456-7890 [email protected]

Editing Contact Information on Your Resume

Before you submit your resume to potential employers, make sure you’ve looked your resume over more than once to catch any typos, grammar mistakes, or other formatting issues.

Proofreading the contact information on your resume is crucial to your job search and a silly mistake such as an outdated email address or miswritten phone number can keep you from landing the job if hiring managers don’t have the right contact details.

Once you’ve looked over your resume, consider asking a friend or family member to review it as well so you can be certain it’s in tip-top shape.

Consult Other Resume Writing Resources

Nailing your contact information is a basic requirement for writing a great resume, but there’s lots of other content that needs to be spot-on as well to help you land your next gig.

As you navigate the job-hunting process, consider referencing other resume writing tips to help make sure you’re putting your best foot forward. If you really can’t find a way to get your resume in the shape it needs to be, consider using our resume writing services to take your resume up a notch. With a knockout resume in hand, you’ll be one step closer to the job of your dreams!

Our most recommended resume resources

  • 5 Best Resume Writing Services in 2021
  • Free Resume Checker to Optimize Your Resume
  • Resume Research And Surveys

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How to Include Your Contact Information on Your Resume

make my resume contact number

What to Include in Your Contact Information Section

How to format your contact information section, resume contact section examples, tips for formatting your resume contact information.

When you're writing a  resume , it's important to include all of your contact information at the top of the page. This allows employers to see how they can contact you.

Without detailed contact information, or with incorrect contact information, employers will not be able to get in touch with you. You want to make it as easy as possible for an employer or hiring manager to contact you about the job you're applying for.

Learn more about what to include in your contact section and where to put the information. Plus, see a sample contact section for a resume.

  • All relevant information:  Include your full name, street address, city, state, and zip code. Also, include your phone number and email address. If you have a LinkedIn profile or personal website, include these URLs in your contact section as well.
  • Name:  If you go by a name other than your given name, you can use this in your resume. However, whatever name you choose,  be consistent . It should be the name on all of your job application documents, including any cover letters, business cards, professional websites, etc. You might also use your full name, but if using a nickname, put it in parenthesis. For example, your name on your resume might read: James (Jim) Santinello.
  • Mailing address:  Use a permanent mailing  address on your resume . If you're a student, you might include both your permanent address and your school address. Be sure to include any important details to your address, such as an apartment number.

If you're concerned about privacy, consider listing just the city and state. For example, your address might read: Tampa, Florida. If you are relocating to the area, you can include that information in your resume in the address line, e.g., “Relocating to Tampa, Florida.”

  • Phone number:  It's important to have voicemail on your phone so that hiring managers can leave a message when you're not available. You don't want to miss any important calls. Be sure that your voicemail message sounds professional; also make sure it includes your name, so the employer knows they have called the right person.
  • Email address:  Use a personal email address, not your work email address. You don’t want to mix your current job emails with your job search emails. If you don't have a personal email account, sign up for a free email account to use for job searching. However, also make sure that your personal address is professional. Use your first and last name in the address.

Avoid unprofessional email addresses, such as Check the email account frequently, so that you can respond to employer inquiries promptly.

Place your contact information at the top of your resume; it should be the first thing the employer sees. Your name should be at the very top and should stand out. You might make your name larger in font and bolder than the rest of your resume.

You can center your contact information on the page, or make it left justified.

Leave a space or horizontal line between the end of your contact information and the next section of your resume.

Here are examples of resume contact sections with a full address, city and state, and relocation information.

With Full Address

First Name Last Name Your Address Your City, State Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Address LinkedIn or Personal Website URL (if you have one)

With City and State

First Name Last Name Your City, State Your Phone Number Your Email Address LinkedIn or Personal Website URL (if you have one)

With Relocation Information

First Name Last Name Relocating to City, State Your Phone Number Your Email Address LinkedIn or Personal Website URL (if you have one)

To ensure that your resume is easy to read and makes a good impression on the hiring manager, follow these tips:

1. Format Consistently

Choose a basic bookprint font like Arial, Verdana, or Times New Roman and be consistent throughout your resume. Do not change fonts from section to section. Also, use bold and italics sparingly. For example, in your resume contact information, you might bold your name at the top of the section.

2. Edit and Proofread

Be sure to proofread your contact information, along with the rest of the information on your resume. A typo in your phone number or email address is more common than you might think. It could prevent you from getting contacted for a job interview.

3. Review Resume Examples

Before you start work on your resume,  review free resume samples  that fit a variety of employment situations. These resume examples and templates provide job seekers with examples of resume formats that will work for almost every job.

Federal Trade Commission. “ Data Privacy: Taking It Seriously .” Accessed July 5, 2021.

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How to make a resume in Microsoft Word

Word resume on a MacBook on a table.

Whether you’re just entering the workforce or need a resume refresh, you’re probably considering Microsoft Word for the task. We’ll walk you through options for making a resume in Word, from using helpful templates to creating a resume from scratch.

Use a built-in Word resume template

Use a word resume template on the web, use a third-party word resume template, create a word resume from scratch.

The quickest and easiest way to make a resume in Word is using one of Microsoft’s templates . You can look for one directly in Word and choose from a large collection of options.

Open Word, select File > New , and pop “resume” into the Search box. You can then browse the templates with resumes for specific jobs and industries along with those for any type of position.

Choose a template to see a description and pick Create to use the resume.

The Microsoft resume templates come with placeholders that you can simply swap out for your own details. This is handy if you like the appearance of all elements in the template. Of course, if you’re not fond of the color scheme or font styles, you can change those types of items.

Remember to go to File > Save As to save a copy of your resume.

Maybe you don’t have Microsoft Word on your computer yet but need your resume in that format. You can use Word on the web for free with a Microsoft account and take advantage of resume templates.

Visit the Microsoft Create website and explore the resume templates . If you see one you like, select it to open it directly in Word for the web.

Alternatively, select Create from scratch and choose Resumes, flyers, brochures . When Word opens, use the Designer sidebar on the right to browse through and choose a resume template.

Then, swap out the placeholders for your own details and customize the resume as you like.

If you like the template idea but don’t care for any of the Microsoft options, you can check out third-party templates for your resume. Here are just a few of the top options and samples of resume templates they offer for free.

Resume Genius

With Resume Genius , you can pick from over a dozen custom Word templates to download. From simple to professional to aesthetically pleasing to visually appealing, you’re sure to find at least one resume template you like.

Hloom offers over 15 resume and CV templates for free and even more if you don’t mind paying. Be sure to select Free on the left below License if you want to narrow down the no-charge options. As a bonus, you’ll also see a tab for cover letters if you’re in the market for one of those too.

One more place to check out for Word resume templates is . You’ll find a large variety of attractive options specific to position or resume style. Like with Hloom, select Free beneath License on the left, and be sure to take a look at the cover letter collection too.

After you download a resume template from one of the above sites, simply customize it with your own details.

Maybe you’d prefer to simply create your resume from scratch; this is always an option if you have the time. Consider reviewing the above templates and samples for the information you should include and ideas for formatting.

To get started, add the following details to your resume:

Full name and current position : Place your name and position at the top. If you don’t have a current position, you can certainly omit it.

Objective (optional) : Provide a brief description of your goal to potential employers beneath your name and position. This is an optional inclusion — if you add one, try to keep it short and sweet with one to two meaningful sentences.

Contact details : Include at least your email address and phone number. If you have an up-to-date website or LinkedIn profile, you can add these as well. Make sure these details are kept together in a specific location so they’re simple to find.

Work experience : List your work experience in chronological order with the most recent first. Start with your position, then move onto the employer, month, and year you worked there, and your duties. You should include your duties and responsibilities in a list format making them easy to review.

Education : List your educational history in chronological order with the most recent first. Start with the degree, then add the school with the month and year you attended.

Skills, awards, and more : Use a list format to add your skills, awards, certifications, volunteer work, and any other details you feel important to the position or company.

Here are several tips when formatting your resume in Word:

  • Use a heading or larger font for your full name at the top.
  • Add headings for the Experience, Educations, and Skills sections.
  • If you decide to use color, keep it to just one or two complementary colors.
  • Try to use the same font style throughout, taking advantage of font sizes, headings, or bold formatting for more prominent details.
  • Use a font that’s easy to read like a 12-point Arial, Calibri, Georgia, or Times New Roman for the main body text. You might also consider which font style works better for reading on the web versus on a printed piece.
  • If you include a headshot, make sure it’s a professional one.
  • Consider using a table to structure your resume, as shown above.

Finally, be sure to keep the appearance and content of your resume consistent.

Is it OK to make a resume in Word?

Absolutely! This is exactly the type of document you should create in a word processing application like Microsoft Word. If you prefer, you can also use a web application like Google Docs to make a resume or downloadable software like LibreOffice Writer.

Once your resume is complete, you can save it as a PDF or other requested format in most word processing applications for submission to the potential employer or hiring manager.

How far back should a resume go?

Most experts recommend 10 to 15 years is appropriate for a resume. Keep in mind that you should include relevant work experience for that time period . For example, if you’re a nurse who worked at a fast-food chain for two months 12 years ago, you can likely exclude that job.

How many pages should a resume be?

The standard for a resume is one to two pages. However, this can depend on the length of your experience and education in relation to the position for which you’re applying. For instance, someone who’s been in the workforce for 20 years might require two pages, but a recent college graduate would probably only need one page.

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How To Write a Resume for Your First Job

make my resume contact number

Imagine yourself stumbling across your dream job listing. You’re reading through the responsibilities and job tasks and you find yourself getting more and more excited as the list goes on. Then, it’s time to apply. But you have no real-world job experience. You’re just a student! How will you ever write a resume for your first job when you haven’t had one yet?

Knowing how to write a resume for your first job does not come naturally. In fact, it feels like a daunting task. If you have little applicable experience yet, or you’re just entering the workforce, how can you prove you’re the right fit for the position? 

Resumes are an excellent way to tout your knowledge, training and (if applicable) skills in the field. You can create an attractive resume highlighting your candidacy without any direct experience or prior work history.

We’ll show you how to write a resume for your first job so you can kick off your work experience with preparedness and confidence.

  • Do you need a resume?
  • What should you put on a resume?

Crafting a resume with no experience

Finalizing your first job resume, quick guide: write your first resume in 6 steps, do you need a resume for your first job.

While a resume may not be required to apply for your first job, it is highly recommended that you do so, and it will undoubtedly set you apart from the other applicants. A resume reflects your professionalism and commitment to the job application process. It showcases your knowledge, skills, training and prior experience in an easy-to-digest and relatively standard format, making it easy for potential employers to decipher between candidates to choose the best person for the job.

Even for entry-level positions, when many applicants don’t have a prior work history, sharing a resume will give you a competitive edge when written persuasively.

The role of a resume in job applications

A resume plays an important role when applying for jobs. It serves as an introduction to potential employers and those in the company who will decide whether or not to move forward with your application. It also provides a summary of what you bring to the table for those who will be interviewing you during the application process.

The resume is essential for showcasing your skills. A well-crafted and persuasive resume can highlight your achievements and knowledge, even if you have limited work experience in the field you’re applying to. Because your resume is the first contact point between you and a potential employer, it’s crucial to understand how to write a resume for your first job – and how to write it well.

What should you put on a resume for your first job?

There are a few things every resume must include – and those are some of the most essential details.

Contact information

We’d be remiss if we didn’t include the most important part of your resume – sharing your contact information. Start by listing your full name, phone number, email address and a link to your LinkedIn profile. Without your contact information, potential employers will have a hard time contacting you, which can prevent you from getting an interview.

Why share a link to your LinkedIn profile ? LinkedIn is now an essential part of the job search market. It serves as a shareable resume in addition to showcasing your network. Employers can see if you have any professionals in common from work or personal life, which may help build your credibility as a candidate.

Be sure to act professionally on LinkedIn. Share relevant news and insights to highlight your interest and knowledge of an industry, but be wary of getting too personal or engaging in inappropriate dialogue. Behave on LinkedIn as you would in an office setting with colleagues.

Educational background and achievements

Start by listing your educational information, such as schools attended, graduation dates and relevant academic achievements or awards. Include your major and minor, field of study and GPA. If you were enrolled in courses, projects or study abroad programs relevant to the job, include details to show your knowledge and interests.

Skills section

While you likely have some combination of hard and soft skills, a skills section will showcase the hard skills you’ve learned to prepare you for the job. Soft skills are best to be included in the bullet points to describe your accomplishments in your experience section.

  • Hard skills include specific technical skills you’ve learned along the way. For example, computer proficiency, language skills, lab skills or specific training or certifications.
  • Soft skills , or human skills, include job aspects that apply to many (if not all) job roles. These include communication, teamwork and problem-solving. If you’re particularly adept in any of these, showcase them and be prepared to share real examples of these skills in action.

Extracurricular activities and volunteer work

Employers look for candidates who go the extra mile to be involved in extracurricular activities. This demonstrates your commitment to becoming a well-rounded human being. Highlight clubs, sports or volunteer activities that you were involved in, especially emphasizing leadership roles or particular responsibilities you had in these activities. This extracurricular activity showcases your ability to multi-task, prioritize time and develop skills and interests.

Example Resume & Writing Guide

See a real-life example of a strong resume, including tips for gathering your own persuasive experience and skills using our Resume Writing Guide !

As a young adult or new graduate, you may wonder how to write a resume for your first job with no real-world experience. Don’t fear – there have been many in your shoes before you!

What does a resume look like for a first job?

Your resume should be straightforward with a clean and concise design. It should be easy to read with a simple flow highlighting information from most important to nice-to-have details. Do not go overboard with design details, fonts or graphics. 

Furman recommends that you use Microsoft Word to build your resume as it can be easier to make changes to a Word document than it is to change a template. However, you can use free resume builder tools online to build your resume in standard formats.


Using strong action words and job-specific keywords in your resume for your first job will significantly impact you. Describe experiences and achievements using strong action verbs, such as:

  • Collaborated
  • Volunteered

What to put on a resume with no experience?

You can learn how to write a resume for your first job that impresses potential employers, even without relevant work experience, by emphasizing relevant coursework. Doing this demonstrates skills learned in a classroom or group project setting. Highlight personal or academic projects showcasing your abilities, such as experiences where you took the lead as a group or team leader.

Before submitting your first job resume, review and edit the document for mistakes or improvements.

Proofreading and editing

Attention to detail is critical to potential employers. Check your resume for typos and grammatical errors. Mistakes on your resume may eliminate you as a candidate, especially if grammatical adeptness or attention to detail is essential to the job.

Similarly, ensure a consistent design throughout your resume. Stick to one format, using one legible font and minimal design details. A professional resume appearance can set you apart from other applicants’ resumes that may appear messy or disorganized.

Seeking feedback

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from friends, mentors or even career services at schools or community centers. A peer review from your fellow students, teachers or mentors can provide invaluable input on skills you may be forgetting, plus the extra set of eyes can help detect errors and typos.

Career services at your school or library also serve as an excellent third-party validation and review resource. Furman’s Malone Center for Career Engagement offers in-depth career preparation services for students, such as resume and cover letter assistance , career fairs and networking , personalized advice from advisors and interview prep – just to name a few.

Webinar: Polishing Your Resume & Preparing Your Pitch

Watch the free Polishing Your Resume & Preparing Your Pitch webinar for an in-depth look at creating your resume and preparing a pitch to potential employers straight from a Furman career advisor.

Now, do you feel ready and excited to write a resume for your first job? We hope you jotted down notes specific to your experience as you read through the post, but in case you didn’t, writing your resume can be simplified to these simple steps.

  • Start with your contact information , including full name, phone number and email address. Consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • List your education experience , including relevant projects, courses and extracurricular activities.
  • List both hard skills and soft skills relevant to the job.
  • Explain your roles and responsibilities in your projects and extracurricular activities, especially those where you acted in a leadership capacity, using strong action verbs.
  • Proofread and gather feedback.

If this is your first time writing a resume for your first job, approach the process with confidence and positivity. Your attitude will shine through the resume, so stay positive!

The perspectives and thoughts shared in the Furman Blog belong solely to the author and may not align with the official stance or policies of Furman University. All referenced sources were accurate as of the date of publication.

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