Autism Activities for Children: 15 Engaging Ideas Parents Can Try

Bursting with color, movement, and endless possibilities, the world of an autistic child unfolds like a vibrant tapestry waiting to be explored through thoughtfully crafted activities. As parents and caregivers, understanding the unique needs and potential of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is crucial in fostering their growth and development. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a wealth of engaging activities tailored specifically for children with autism, helping them thrive in various aspects of their lives.

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Each child with autism is unique, with their own set of strengths and challenges. Recognizing this diversity is essential when designing activities that cater to their individual needs and interests.

Structured activities play a pivotal role in the development of children with autism. They provide a sense of predictability and routine, which can be comforting and reassuring for many autistic children. These activities also offer opportunities for learning, skill-building, and social interaction in a controlled and supportive environment.

One of the primary benefits of tailored activities for autistic children is the improvement of social skills and sensory processing. Many children with autism struggle with sensory sensitivities or seek sensory input, making it crucial to incorporate activities that address these needs. Additionally, carefully designed activities can help children practice social skills, such as turn-taking, sharing, and communication, in a safe and structured setting.

Sensory-Friendly Activities

Sensory experiences are often at the forefront of an autistic child’s world. Creating activities that cater to their sensory needs can be both enjoyable and therapeutic. Here are some sensory-friendly activities to consider:

1. Creating a sensory bin: Fill a large container with materials of various textures, such as rice, beans, or sand. Hide small toys or objects for the child to find, encouraging tactile exploration and fine motor skills development.

2. Exploring texture through art projects: Introduce different art materials like finger paints, play dough, or textured papers. These activities not only stimulate sensory exploration but also foster creativity and self-expression.

3. Introducing calming sensory toys: Provide items such as stress balls, fidget spinners, or textured objects that can help with self-regulation and focus. Autism Blocks: Unlocking Communication and Development in Children with ASD can also serve as excellent sensory tools, offering both tactile and visual stimulation.

4. Setting up a sensory room or corner at home: Designate a space with soft lighting, comfortable seating, and various sensory items like bubble tubes, weighted blankets, or noise-canceling headphones. This area can serve as a safe retreat for children when they feel overwhelmed.

Physical Activities and Outdoor Play

Physical activities and outdoor play are essential for the overall development of children with autism. They promote gross motor skills, coordination, and provide opportunities for social interaction. Consider the following activities:

1. Structured playground visits: Plan regular trips to a playground, focusing on specific equipment or activities each time. This approach helps children with autism feel more comfortable and confident in outdoor settings.

2. Adapted sports and games: Modify popular sports or games to suit the child’s abilities and interests. For example, use larger balls, simplified rules, or shorter playing times. Adapted PE Activities for Autism: Enhancing Physical Education for Students on the Spectrum offers valuable insights into creating inclusive physical activities.

3. Nature walks and scavenger hunts: Organize outdoor explorations that engage multiple senses. Create a list of items for the child to find, such as specific leaves, rocks, or flowers, encouraging observation and categorization skills.

4. Swimming and water play: Many children with autism find water activities calming and enjoyable. Swimming can improve motor skills, body awareness, and provide sensory input. Always ensure proper supervision and safety measures are in place.

Social Skills Development Activities

Developing social skills is often a primary focus for children with autism. Engaging in activities that promote social interaction can help build confidence and improve communication abilities. Here are some effective social skills development activities:

1. Role-playing games: Create scenarios that allow children to practice social situations in a safe environment. This can include greeting others, asking for help, or resolving conflicts.

2. Turn-taking board games: Introduce games that require players to take turns, fostering patience and social awareness. Start with simple games and gradually increase complexity as the child’s skills improve.

3. Cooperative play activities: Engage in activities that require teamwork, such as building a puzzle together or creating a group art project. This encourages collaboration and shared attention.

4. Structured playdates with neurotypical peers: Arrange supervised playdates with children who can model appropriate social behaviors. The Power of Structured Play: Enhancing Development for Children with Autism provides valuable insights into creating successful play experiences.

Communication and Language Activities

Many children with autism face challenges in communication and language development. Incorporating activities that target these areas can significantly improve their ability to express themselves and understand others. Consider the following activities:

1. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): Implement this visual communication system to help non-verbal or minimally verbal children express their needs and wants using picture cards.

2. Storytelling with visual aids: Use picture books, social stories, or visual schedules to enhance comprehension and encourage language development. This approach can also help children understand and prepare for new experiences or routines.

3. Music and singing activities: Incorporate songs, rhymes, and musical instruments into daily routines. Music can be a powerful tool for language development and emotional expression.

4. Interactive apps and software for language development: Utilize technology-based tools designed specifically for children with autism to practice language skills in an engaging and structured manner.

Cognitive and Problem-Solving Activities

Enhancing cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities is crucial for children with autism. These activities can help improve attention, memory, and logical thinking. Here are some effective cognitive and problem-solving activities:

1. Puzzle solving: Offer a variety of puzzles, from simple shape sorters to more complex jigsaw puzzles, to challenge the child’s problem-solving skills and spatial awareness.

2. Building with blocks or LEGO: Construction activities promote spatial reasoning, fine motor skills, and creativity. Comprehensive Guide: How to Improve Cognitive Skills in Autistic Children provides additional insights into using building activities for cognitive development.

3. Sorting and categorizing games: Create activities that involve sorting objects by color, shape, or size. This helps develop classification skills and enhances cognitive flexibility.

4. Memory and matching activities: Introduce games that require remembering and matching items, such as memory card games or Matching Activities for Autism: Enhancing Learning and Development . These activities improve visual memory and attention to detail.

As we explore these various activities, it’s important to remember that each child with autism is unique. What works for one child may not be as effective for another. Parents and caregivers should be prepared to experiment with different activities and adapt them based on the child’s interests, abilities, and sensory needs.

Consulting with therapists, educators, and other professionals who work with your child can provide valuable insights and personalized recommendations. These experts can help tailor activities to address specific developmental goals and challenges.

Personal Space Activities: Fostering Understanding and Respect for Individuals with Autism can be incorporated into many of these activities to help children develop a better understanding of boundaries and social norms.

For seasonal engagement, consider Autism-Friendly Pumpkin Activities: Creative Ideas for Sensory Fun and Skill Development , which offers unique ways to incorporate autism-friendly activities into fall celebrations.

To enhance language skills while having fun, try an Autism Word Search: A Fun and Educational Tool for Enhancing Skills . This activity can be adapted to various skill levels and interests.

For physical education, Inclusive PE Activities for Autistic Students: Promoting Physical Fitness and Social Engagement provides valuable ideas for incorporating movement and exercise into daily routines.

Engaging in these thoughtfully designed activities can have a profound positive impact on an autistic child’s development. They not only support skill-building in various areas but also provide opportunities for meaningful interactions and family bonding. As parents and caregivers, your patience, creativity, and dedication in implementing these activities can make a world of difference in your child’s life.

Remember that progress may be gradual, and it’s essential to celebrate small victories along the way. Each new skill mastered, each moment of connection, and each step towards independence is a testament to your child’s unique abilities and potential.

By providing a rich, varied, and supportive environment through these engaging activities, you’re helping your child with autism build the skills they need to navigate the world around them. You’re also creating lasting memories and strengthening the bond between you and your child. Embrace the journey, stay open to new possibilities, and watch as your child’s world expands with each new experience and accomplishment.


1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

2. Autism Speaks. (2021). Autism and Your Family.

3. Case-Smith, J., & Arbesman, M. (2008). Evidence-based review of interventions for autism used in or of relevance to occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62(4), 416-429.

4. Greenspan, S. I., & Wieder, S. (2006). Engaging autism: Using the floortime approach to help children relate, communicate, and think. Da Capo Press.

5. Kasari, C., & Patterson, S. (2012). Interventions addressing social impairment in autism. Current Psychiatry Reports, 14(6), 713-725.

6. National Research Council. (2001). Educating children with autism. National Academies Press.

7. Odom, S. L., Boyd, B. A., Hall, L. J., & Hume, K. (2010). Evaluation of comprehensive treatment models for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40(4), 425-436.

8. Prizant, B. M., Wetherby, A. M., Rubin, E., Laurent, A. C., & Rydell, P. J. (2006). The SCERTS Model: A comprehensive educational approach for children with autism spectrum disorders. Brookes Publishing Company.

9. Schreibman, L., Dawson, G., Stahmer, A. C., Landa, R., Rogers, S. J., McGee, G. G., … & Halladay, A. (2015). Naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions: Empirically validated treatments for autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(8), 2411-2428.

10. Wong, C., Odom, S. L., Hume, K. A., Cox, A. W., Fettig, A., Kucharczyk, S., … & Schultz, T. R. (2015). Evidence-based practices for children, youth, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder: A comprehensive review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(7), 1951-1966.

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Social Skills Activities that Teach Kids Problem-Solving

September 22 , 2021.

​​ Social skills activities are important for children of all abilities. With this in mind, We Rock the Spectrum’s Social Skills Blog Series aims to provide insight into activities and practical tips that help instill social skills in children. In this article, we focus on the importance of problem-solving skills in children and introduce five fun and educational activities that can enhance their problem-solving skill set. 

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability in which children find it difficult to socialize and interact with others. Although autism comes in a variety of forms, many 

kids have difficulty developing problem-solving skills. The combination of diminished communication, emotional, and self-regulation skills, all contribute to the child’s reduced skills. To be able to become well-rounded individuals, children of all abilities need to be given the opportunity and resources to learn proper problem-solving skills so that they can face challenges head-on later in life. With this in mind, we have put together a guide on the importance of problem-solving skills for both neurotypical children and children with autism.

Why is Problem-Solving Important?

Problem-solving deals with the ability to make decisions in tough or challenging situations. Children of all abilities need to learn how to properly handle each situation with problem-solving in order to become more independent and resilient. Having good problem-solving skills allow children to gain the patience and self-confidence they need to develop into capable individuals.

problem solving activities for autistic students

Problem-solving activities help children develop the skills they need to efficiently and effectively deal with complex issues and situations. In life, children will run into a variety of situations with differing contexts. Having the proper problem-solving skill set will allow children to learn how to handle every situation with ease. Once a child is able to effectively problem-solve, they will be able to better navigate their own personal problems and those of others as well. Additionally, a child will be able to identify a problem, develop different solutions, test different solutions, and analyze the results.

It is essential for parents or guardians to help boost problem-solving skills through a variety of sensory strategies. Here is a list of 5 fun activities that will teach children of all abilities how to build their problem-solving skills.

5 Activities that Teach Problem Solving

1. problems in a jar.

Problems in a Jar is a fun and creative way for children to explore different situations that can occur in the real world. This activity is designed to help kids generate solutions from one problem or circumstance. To begin, an adult will write one situation on a small sheet of paper, fold it, and place it in a jar. This continues until the jar is full. The child then picks a paper and reads off the problem. He/she must then come up with the best solution that solves the challenging scenario. This helps children think thoroughly about each possible solution independently.

2. Scavenger Hunt

Everyone loves a game of scavenger hunt! This group activity prompts children’s deduction skills based on clues and hints, which in turn, enhances their problem-solving skills. To start, divide children into groups of 2-3 and have them come up with a plan on which members look for which items. Children can also brainstorm together on where each item is located. This helps kids work together towards one goal while also nourishing their communication. Parents can also reward kids with small treats for every item they find on the scavenger hunt.

problem solving activities for autistic students

3. Impromptu Skits

Impromptu skits are a fun and engaging way for kids to think independently and with quick reactions. In this activity, children are given one situation wherein they have to reenact how the situation unfolds and how to solve the issue. This allows children to think about how to deal with each situation and see how it can be solved efficiently. After the skit, ask the children to explain their thought processes and correct them if there were any actions that were unnecessary. Children watching the skit will also be able to learn and understand how to best act in certain circumstances. 

Puzzles are one of the best ways a child can stimulate their mind. Puzzles have multiple pieces that are all jumbled together. To solve a puzzle, children need to sort the pieces out and place them in their proper areas to be able to put the puzzle back together. This helps children develop memory recall and thought organization. To start off easy, children can work on puzzles with fewer pieces. Once they get the hang of it, they can move on to more difficult and complex puzzles to build their skill set. 

5. Play With A Purpose TM

Having a space where your children will feel safe experimenting is vital to developing problem-solving skills quickly. We Rock the Spectrum’s Play With A Purpose™ stimulates and exercises a child’s sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch, vestibular system, and proprioception through positive physical, emotional, and social development. At We Rock the Spectrum, kids are able to play and interact together through arts and crafts, classes, our sensory equipment , and more to strengthen their problem-solving skills in an inclusive, sensory-safe environment.

Key Takeaways

Equipping all children with the proper problem-solving tools and resources at an early age will ensure they develop the skills they need to become versatile individuals. Children who are able to hone their problem-solving skills at their most important phase of development will be able to become more independent and know how to acclimate best to a multitude of situations in the long run. We Rock the Spectrum is a kids gym franchise that offers a wide range of fun and inclusive problem-solving activities through its specialized sensory equipment and Play With A Purpose™ program. Discover more about our mission by getting in touch with us today !

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problem solving activities for autistic students

Social Problem Solving: Best Practices for Youth with ASD

  • By: Michael Selbst, PhD, BCBA-D Steven B. Gordon, PhD, ABPP Behavior Therapy Associates
  • July 1st, 2014
  • assessment , problem solving , social information processing , social skills
  • 8972    0

Joey, age 9, has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and due to his high functioning has been mainstreamed into a fourth grade classroom with a shadow. His […]

Joey, age 9, has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and due to his high functioning has been mainstreamed into a fourth grade classroom with a shadow. His challenging behaviors typically center on his peer interactions in spite of adequate academic performance. When in a group situation he becomes very argumentative when his ideas are not used, becomes very bossy on the playground, and has run out of the classroom when things do not go his way. Megan, age 14, has also been diagnosed with ASD. She isolates herself from her peers and rarely initiates or responds to greetings. Conversations are almost nonexistent unless they are focused on her favorite topics of anime or fashion.

Children with ASD described as above typically have significant social skills impairments and often require direct instruction in order to address these deficits. They often have difficulty in many of the following areas: sharing, handling frustration, controlling their temper, ending arguments calmly, responding to teasing, making/keeping friends, complying with requests. Strong social skills contribute to the initiation and maintenance of positive relationships with others and as a result contribute to peer acceptance. Social skills impairments, on the other hand, contribute to peer rejection. The ability to get along with peers, therefore, is as important to self-esteem as the ability to meet with academic success in the classroom. This article will review the domain of social skills, the assessment of social skills, the importance of social problem-solving and a social skills curriculum which incorporates evidence-based practices to address this very important area.

Social information processing (SIP) is a widely-studied framework for understanding why some children have difficulty getting along with peers. A particularly well-known SIP model developed by Crick and Dodge (1994) describes six stages of information processing that children cycle through when evaluating a particular social situation: encoding (attending to and encoding the relevant cues), interpreting (making a judgment about what is going on), clarifying goals (deciding what their goal is in the particular situation), generating responses (identifying different behavioral strategies for attaining the decided upon goal), deciding on the response (evaluating the likelihood that each potential strategy will help reach their goal and choosing which strategy to implement), and performing the response (doing the chosen response). It is assumed that the steps outlined above operate in real time and frequently outside of conscious awareness. Numerous studies have shown that unpopular children have deficits at multiple stages of the SIP model. For example, they frequently attend to fewer social cues before deciding on peers’ intent, are more likely to assume that peers have acted towards them with hostile intent, are less likely to adopt pro-social goals, are more likely to access aggressive strategies for handling potential conflicts, evaluate aggressive responses more favorably, and are less skillful at enacting assertive and prosocial strategies.

Deficits in social skills are one of the defining characteristics of children with ASD. These impairments manifest in making and keeping friends, communicating feelings appropriately, demonstrating self-control, controlling emotions, solving social problems, managing anger, and generalizing learned social skills across settings. Elliott and Gresham (1991) indicated that social skills are primarily acquired through learning (observation, modeling, rehearsal, & feedback); comprise specific, discrete verbal and nonverbal behaviors; entail both effective and appropriate initiations and responses; maximize social reinforcement; are influenced by characteristics of environment; and that deficits/excesses in social performance can be specified and targeted for intervention. Social skills can be conceptualized as a narrow, discrete response (i.e., initiating a greeting) or as a broader set of skills associated with social problem solving. The former approach results in the generation of an endless list of discrete skills that are assessed for their presence/absence and are then targeted for instruction. Although this approach has an intuitive appeal and is easily understood, the child can easily become dependent on the teacher/parent in order to learn each skill.

An alternative approach focuses on teaching a problem solving model that the child is able to apply independently. Rather than focusing on teaching a specific behavioral skill, the focus is on teaching a social problem solving model that the learner would be able to use as a “tool box.” The well-used saying “give a person a fish and she eats for a day but teach her to fish and she eats for a lifetime” is particularly relevant. The social problem solving approach offers the promise of helping the child with ASD to become a better problem solver, thereby promoting greater independence in social situations and throughout life.

After many years of conducting social skills training using the specific skill approach, the authors have developed a model of social problem solving that uses the easily learned acronym of POWER. The steps of POWER-Solving® include:

P ut problem into words

O bserve feelings

W ork out your goal

E xplore solutions

R eview plan

Each of the five steps of POWER-Solving® has been previously identified as reliably distinguishing between children with emotional/behavioral disorders and psychologically well-adjusted individuals. The ability to “Put problem into words” is critical in order to start the problem solving process. Children with ASD often have difficulties finding the words to identify a problem. Thus, the first step in this approach involves direct training in the use of the rubric “I was… and then…” Upon entering the classroom and finding a peer in his seat Joey immediately pushed the peer in an attempt to get him out of his seat. Through the use of POWER-Solving® Joey was taught to articulate “I was walking into the classroom and then I saw that Billy was in my seat.”

The second step of “Observe feelings” was addressed by helping Joey develop a feelings vocabulary (e.g., angry, frustrated, scared, sad) as well as measuring the intensity of these emotions using a scale from one to ten, with a one being “very weak” and a ten being “very strong.” Photographs and drawings were used extensively to capitalize on his strong visual skills.

The third step of POWER-Solving®, “Work out your goal?” involves identifying the goal and the motivation to reach the chosen goal. This critical step sets the stage for what follows. The goal must be specific and measurable, consistent with Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles. Joey was able to identify that his goal consisted of two parts. First, he wanted to get Billy out of his seat and second, he wanted him to still be his friend. He reported that his desire to reach this goal was a nine on the ten-point scale.

The fourth step of POWER-Solving® involves “Explore solutions.” Socially skilled individuals are able to generate a range of effective solutions but those with impairments are more limited and often apply the same rigid solution over and over again in spite of repeated ineffectiveness. Joey was taught to “brainstorm,” which involves generating as many solutions as possible that might reach the stated goal, provided the solution is safe, fair, and effective. Joey was able to identify that approaching Billy and saying “Excuse me but I need to sit in my seat now” would help him to accomplish his goal(s). Behavioral rehearsal, combined with coaching and feedback, helped Joey to become fluent in applying this solution.

The final step of POWER-Solving®, “Review plan,” involved Joey reviewing his plan to use this skill the next time the situation presented and to reward himself by saying “I am proud of myself for figuring this out.”

POWER-Solving® has been applied successfully in multiple settings such as the classroom, a summer treatment program, clinical settings and home environments. The curriculum is systematic and relies heavily on visual cues and supports. Children are taught how to problem-solve first using their “toolbox” (i.e., the five steps of POWER-Solving®). The children are presented with specific unit lessons on each of the five steps of POWER-Solving®. All children have an opportunity to practice each step of POWER-Solving®. After learning each step of POWER, the children have acquired a “toolbox” which they can begin to apply to social situations.

When teaching social skills, it is important to coach the children through behavioral rehearsal activities to promote skill acquisition, performance, generalization and fluency. Additionally, daily activities reinforce these skills, some of which include designing their own feelings thermometer, developing novel products via group collaboration, and developing a skit to teach a specific skill.

To increase students’ performance of the desired skills, use of a token economy may be helpful, whereby points are earned during the day for displaying appropriate behavior, demonstrating a predetermined individualized social behavioral objective and for using the POWER-Solving® steps. At the end of every day, points could be exchanged for a reward. In addition to the direct instructional format, incidental teaching should be used in anticipation of a challenging situation as well as a consequence for failure to use the steps when confronted with a specific problem. An experienced social skills coach, generalization strategies, and a systematic plan to teach and reinforce skills are critical for success.

Please feel free to contact us at Behavior Therapy Associates for more information about best practices for social skills training, as well as information regarding the POWER-Solving curriculum. We can be reached at 732-873-1212, via email [email protected] or on website at .

Crick, N.R., & Dodge, K.A. (1994). A review and reformulation of social information-processing mechanisms in children’s social adjustment.  Psychological Bulletin , 115, 74–101.

Elliott, S.T. & Gresham, F. M. (1991).  Social skills intervention guide: Practical strategies for social skills training . Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service.

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Sundaee Sprouts

9 Activities to Encourage Problem-Solving in Autistic Kids

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Building up our kiddo’s confidence and skills are so important when looking at short-term and long-term goals. One important skill to work on is problem-solving.

I know I’m guilty of not giving my little guy enough time to solve something on his own if I’m not actively thinking about it. Can’t get something to work? Momma’s got it. Can’t reach something? Momma’s got it. It can be so automatic to help.

But problem-solving for yourself is extremely important, and that is no different for our sprouts. We have to let them try on their own, then seek help after trying.

So let’s dive into the 9 activities to encourage problem-solving in autistic kids!

I think it’s important to note that depending on your child’s skill level and interests that not all of these will be winners. But I believe with some imagination and thinking you can adapt things to suit your child’s needs (in most situations).

#1 Scavenger Hunts

A picture of a scavenger hunt map with kids in a group ready to do a scavenger hunt.

How many free scavenger hunts do we come across on Pinterest when scrolling for activities for our kids? Whether it’s looking for a list of items or deciphering clues, they’re encouraged to problem solve. Plus, It’s a great activity to do inside or outside and do together to get moving around.

Here’s a few I found on Pinterest to get you started:

  • Indoor Scavenger Hunt for Kids Free Printable – Thrifty NW Mom (
  • Outdoor Scavenger Hunt and S’mores Printables – Clean and Scentsible
  • 30 Best Scavenger Hunt Ideas {Free Printables} – Play Party Plan

Two picture on one page showing puzzles being put together. The top picture is a tangram shape puzzle and the bottom picture is a jigsaw puzzle

Puzzles are obviously great for problem-solving because they’re trying to put pieces together that usually only fit one way. Having to turn pieces, focus, and think all encourage problem-solving in our kiddos.

  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Rubik’s Cube
  • Tangrams 
  • Shape Sorters
  • Some Ideas on Amazon I Found:

#3 Board Games/Games

A collage of three pictures about playing board games. There’s a bunch of game pieces at the bottom, Jenna I’m the top right corner, and kids playing a game in the top left corner

There are so many board games that can help with problem-solving because they encourage strategic thinking and planning. Obviously chess, checkers, and Monopoly are the first few to come to mind.

Here are a few more ideas:

  • Jenga – this is fun for everyone, but having your sprout have to stop and think before pulling out a piece and figure out how to not be the one to make the tower topple is fun problem-solving. Plus the tower toppling is fun for the kiddos too!
  • Don’t Rock the Boat – My son likes the little penguins and likes the ship falling over. It’s fun to do hand-over-hand or if you kiddo can place the pieces on the boat on their own.
  • Connect 4 – This is a nostalgic game for me to play, but the fine motor skills involved and problem-solving to get 4 and block your opponent is perfect for sprouts.
  • Don’t Break the Ice
  • Yeti in my Spaghetti
  • Pancake Pile-Up – The instructions say it “helps children develop important gross motor skills, like balance and coordination.” Also, that this helps “children practice following a sequence, a beginning math skill.”

#4 Building Blocks and Structures

Picture of a block train with a description of what it is. It is blocks put together to resemble a train. Uses a single row of blocks then stack a couple of blocks on the front block to make the train pipe.

Another way to encourage problem-solving is using building materials and either giving your child instructions to follow or let them imagine and build their own. Full disclosure: my son is a destroyer! So I build things and he’ll figure out ways to tear it apart. Still problem-solving if you ask me.

Some ideas for you!

  • Classic Blocks – make a block train, pile them up way high without tipping over, make a fort!
  • Magnetic building tiles – there are so many designs to come up with these or just make boxes out of the tiles; whatever you kiddo can do and enjoys
  • LEGO – they have so many sets and designs that the options are endless
  • Bristle Block Stackadoos – we found these at Target and my son loves the texture and this is one he loves for me to build things and he tears them apart.

#5 Obstacle Courses

Obstacle Course collage. Bottom picture is a boy and a therapist helping in a sensory room to get over an obstacle. The top right is an outside obstacle course with kids bouncing on balls. The top left is a girl coming out of a tunnel

I love obstacle courses because they’re fun, but they’re working problem-solving skills and gross motor skills. You can find sets on Amazon, but it can get pricey. If your kid is like mine, there’s tons of toys and random things in the house to make obstacle courses from.

You can use Pringles cans as cones, have them hop over toys, step on sturdy boxes.

Some Set-up Ideas:

  • 20 Amazing Backyard Obstacle Courses – Happy Toddler Playtime
  • 10 Obstacle Courses You Can Set Up at Home – Tiny Beans
  • 15 Amazing Indoor and Outdoor Toddler Obstacle Course Ideas – Mom Junction

My son’s physical therapist used Jumping Stepping Stones and he loves hopping and walking on those as an obstacle course. So my friend bought it for him as a birthday present and he has a blast on them:

#6 Escape Rooms

A collage of three pictures representing escape rooms. A secret code lock, a magnifying glass looking at a clue, and kids in an escape room looking for clues.

This is all problem-solving with clues and riddles to figure out. This is not for everyone, but if your kid has a knack for things like this, it could be a really fun outing together.

Or, Pinterest has some neat ideas for Escape Rooms at home. I tried to find a few to get you started:

  • Make Your Own Escape Room Challenge for Kids ( with a FREE Printable) – The Activity Mom
  • 40 DIY Escape Room Ideas at Home – Hands On Teaching Ideas
  • How to Build Escape Room Challenges – Pathway 2 Success

Two pictures in one showing kids cooking with their parents.

Cooking can involve following a recipe or letting your child go nuts and create their own recipe. If following a recipe, they have to identify and find ingredients, figure out what cutting something in quarters looks like, measuring, cooking times, portions.

If they’re making their own recipe then they’re using their imaginations while trying to make something edible. It can even be fun to try to problem-solve why something wasn’t edible!

I just let my son shake the season salt on some green beans I was cooking the other day. He was unimpressed to say the least lol. His diet is basically snacks, Kroger chocolate chip waffles, and chicken fries, so we’ll be working on pouring his own snacks, toaster use, and microwave use.

Some ideas to get you going:

  • Chocolate Chip PB Banana Sandwiches – Taste of Home
  • Easy Apple Bites – Chop Chop Family
  • Recipes Kids Can Make (Broken down into Age Groups!) – Momables

Three pictures of kids practicing coding on a computer as part of learning a skill and problem-solving

I love this suggestion because it’s challenging, but it’s also teaching a skill that could turn into a career later on in life. And if your kid finds it fun and engaging, then that’s a real win!

Some suggestions I found:

  • The First 3 Coding Lessons You Need to Teach Kids – Carly & Adam Osmo Coding Starter Kit 5-10+
  • Learning Resources Code & Go Robot Mouse 4+

#9 Experimenting

Boy refusing to touch fun gooey goo made in Stem class. The same boy touching a cockroach in stem class with no problem

Finding fun experiments to do and helping your child explore the world is another form of problem-solving. Not everything is going to be a winner; for instance, my son refused to touch the Oobleck his class made for Dr. Seuss week. But he did enjoy petting the STEM teacher’s Madagascar cockroach.


  • Classic Diet Coke and Mentos Explosion – Scholastic
  • Engaging STEM Activities with Pipe Cleaners – Stemtropolis (He’s a teacher!)
  • Science Activities with Apples – Stemtropolis
  • STEM Activities Using the Scientific Method for Kids – Stemtropolis

This is just a range of suggestions that your child may or may not enjoy; or they may or may not be at the level to understand. All our kiddos are different ages, stages, skill levels, so having more options to choose from is better.

I know my sprout would not be interested in cooking, and I wouldn’t be able to hold his attention long enough to even get him to show him how to mix ingredients in a bowl. Don’t force these things and make you both miserable. This should be fun and engaging first because we’re not really learning if we’re too upset to comprehend what we’re doing.

Did you try any of these suggestions? I’d especially love to know if you have your own suggestions or even modified one to suit your little sprout! Let me know in the comments or hit me up with an email. I’d love to hear from you no matter what it is!

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Hi, I love these suggestions! It’s so nice to have new ideas since I seem to get stuck on doing the same things and need to remember to allow the kiddos to experience a range of things, even if it’s not their very favorite things all the time!

I’m the same way with my son! He’s stubborn lol. I wrote this as some ideas for myself as well because it’s easy to get stuck on the same thing. And you know the kids will let you know if it’s not their thing haha.

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20 Activities for Kids with Autism: Play, Learn, Grow!

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Play is a fundamental part of your child’s growth. Through play, your child learns to communicate, share ideas, express feelings, and understand others — not just with words, but through their actions and expressions. It also allows children to develop an interest in future careers or hobbies, but the best part? You can do it together.

We’ve created a list of 20 fun activities for kids with autism , all of which are meant to support your child’s development. 

Let’s play!

Great Activities for Autistic Kids & Families to Enjoy at Home

From quiet, introspective tasks to lively physical games, there’s something here to light up every child’s day. Our selection of free autism activities guarantees your child finds joy, comfort, and challenge in their everyday play.

1. Balancing Beam

Set up a balancing beam using planks of wood or simply tape on your floor. Guiding your child across this beam improves their balance and coordination, and turns a fun challenge into a developmental win. It’s a fantastic way to introduce a bit of playful physical activity into your day.

2. Shadow Puppet Theater

Create cardstock shadow puppets to bring stories to life in your own shadow puppet theater. This activity combines art and storytelling to spark your child’s imagination. It turns storytime into an interactive adventure, perfect for winding down during indoor evenings.

3. Water Play Stations

Set up a water play station filled with various containers, funnels, and toys for those warm, sunny days. This setup is ideal for refreshing summer activities for children with autism , as it encourages endless sensory exploration and provides a sense of calm amidst splashes and laughter.

4. Music Jam Session

Grab some household items and start a music jam session. Discovering sounds, rhythms and dancing together not only fills the room with laughter but also enriches your child’s sensory experiences. Kids living with any type of autism can benefit from music, even those who are nonverbal. It’s a fun way to express their musical creativity, whether solo or with a family band.

5. Garden Together

Simple gardening, such as planting seeds or caring for a small plant, provides a relaxing way to reconnect with nature. This activity also teaches your child about life cycles and responsibility.

6. Create a Sensory Box

Abacus Therapy - Activities for Kids with Autism - Sensory Box Game

Fill a box with various household items with different textures, such as fabric scraps, rice, or foam pieces. This activity allows your child to explore tactile sensations in the comfort and safety of home. 

Sensory activities for kids with low functioning autism are especially beneficial because they provide them with a gentle yet engaging way to interact with their surroundings.

7. Homemade Puzzles

Turn family photos or beloved illustrations from your child’s favorite books into puzzles. Laminate these images, then cut them into pieces. Working on these personalized puzzles together not only sharpens problem-solving skills but also strengthens your child’s connection to familiar images and cherished memories.

Just as visual cues in puzzles help in understanding, they can also make explaining autism to kids clearer by creating a connection to familiar and positive images.

8. DIY Light Box 

Make a DIY light box to give transparent and translucent objects a soft, captivating glow. This creative project is an ideal component of indoor activities for an autistic child , as it improves visual focus and discrimination while also turning simple objects into a source of wonder.

9. Themed Treasure Hunts

Set off on an adventure right at home with themed treasure hunts, whether inside or outside. These hunts can infuse your day with excitement and a bit of mystery. Use everyday items as hidden gems and visual cues for guidance, and make sure the themes are appropriate for your child’s interests.

10. Balloon Tennis

Play a lively game of balloon tennis with simple paddles. This game promotes active play, coordination, and healthy turn-taking. It’s a flexible and inclusive group activity that works well for kids with autism.

11. Build with Recyclables

Encourage your child to see the potential in everyday items by crafting with recyclables, such as tubes, cardboard boxes, and containers. This is one of the best activities for kids with autism who enjoy hands-on projects because cardboard creations can range from simple structures to massive forts — a practical and fun lesson in sustainability.

12. Bubble Wrap Path

Transform your floor into a sensory adventure with a path of bubble wrap. Every step and hop results in satisfying pops, which makes this a hit for children who love tactile and auditory feedback. It’s an easy way to turn movement into a game of discovery.

13. Nature Collage Making

On your next walk, collect natural treasures like twigs, leaves, and flowers for a collage. This peaceful activity encourages your child to connect with the natural world and allows for artistic expression. 

Making collages can be a serene solo task during a quiet afternoon or a shared group activity, ideal for fostering teamwork and appreciation for nature’s beauty.

14. Interactive Reading Nooks

Activities for Kids with Autism - Interactive Reading Nook

Set up a special corner filled with picture books and objects that bring stories to life through touch and sight. This cozy spot can be a great addition to existing daily activities for your autistic child because it becomes a sanctuary for stories, with each book read together taking them on a sensory-rich journey.

15. Story Cubes

Transform cardboard cubes into engines of imagination by decorating each side with images of characters, scenes, and actions. Tossing these cubes to make up new stories strengthens creativity, language skills, and family bonds. It’s an interactive way to create stories of adventure and mystery together.

16. Sensory Walks

Take your child on sensory walks in the garden, the park, or through different rooms at home, paying attention to the various textures, colors, and smells that surround you. This activity is a practical application of sensory play activities that deepen their connection to the environment and encourage your child to explore and interact with their surroundings in a thoughtful manner.

17. Miniature Worlds

Invite your child to create detailed miniature worlds within shoeboxes or small garden spaces. This activity, whether set in a fairy tale land or a natural setting, fosters storytelling and imagination while developing fine motor skills. It is beneficial for both individual and group activities for children with autism , as it allows for shared stories and creations.

18. Cook Together

Abacus Therapies - Activities for Kids with Autism - Cooking Together

Share the joy of cooking by involving your child in preparing simple meals, like no-bake treats or creative sandwiches. This shared activity teaches valuable life skills while also providing a sensory playground of textures and flavors. When they successfully prepare something tasty, it can boost their confidence and provide them with a sense of accomplishment.

19. DIY Obstacle Courses

Boost your child’s love for movement by creating obstacle courses that match their abilities and spark their curiosity. Guide them to crawl under ropes, leap over cushions, and zigzag around cones. This fun challenge promotes physical growth and encourages problem-solving.

20. Role-Play Scenarios

Role-play scenarios with costumes or puppets can help your child learn about different social situations and emotions. In order to practice and understand complex social dynamics and emotional expressions in a relatable manner, this type of creative play is an essential component of social skills activities for autism .

Selecting the Right Activities for Your Child

Autistic children exhibit different learning styles , so it’s important to adapt play to each child’s specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when selecting activities that will appeal to your child:

  • Start with what inspires them . Whether it’s dinosaurs, space, or music, adapting activities to kids’ interests increases their engagement and joy.
  • Incorporate visual aids . Visual cues can simplify understanding and execution of tasks, especially if your kid is a visual learner.
  • Choose activities that play to their strengths . If they excel at puzzles, consider complex building sets or coloring books. Also, pay attention to their sensory preferences. 
  • Keep instructions simple and direct . Break down tasks into manageable steps to avoid overwhelm and encourage independence.

There you have it — the best (and simplest!) activities you can do at home to help your child better understand their surroundings and strengthen your bond. If certain activities don’t resonate as hoped, remember, Abacus Therapies is here to offer additional support .   

Have fun exploring these playful moments together!

What activities are good for children with autism?

Children with autism find joy and calm in structured activities that blend routine with exploration and creativity. Puzzles, for example, captivate with their complex elements, sensory bins filled with rice or water beads soothe with their textures, and arts and crafts provide them with freedom to express themselves.

What keeps a autistic child busy?

Aligning activities with their passions and strengths keeps autistic children deeply engaged. For instance, mechanically inclined kids can immerse themselves in assembling LEGOs or other building toys. Educational games that make learning interactive spark both fun and development, especially in areas like language and problem-solving.

What things are good for autistic child?

A predictable routine, as well as sensory-friendly toys and items like weighted blankets and noise-canceling headphones, can help children with autism meet their needs for consistency and balance. Also, visual aids such as picture schedules make daily tasks easier.

What are ADL activities for autism?

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) for children with autism are practical tasks aimed at building independence in personal care and daily chores. These might include dressing oneself using Velcro-fastened clothing, brushing teeth with a step-by-step visual guide, or participating in meal preparation with simple tasks like washing vegetables.

Natalie Schad

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12 Popular Games Adapted for Children with Autism

Topics: Early Childhood Education , Inclusive Education , Advice for Parents and Caregivers , Autism and Physical Spaces , Infant/Toddler (0-3) , Elementary (4-12) , Teen (13-17) , Articles

12 Popular Games Adapted for Children with Autism

This resource was created as a supplement for the Language Builder: Academic Readiness Intervention System (ARIS) complete early autism curriculum, Lesson #73, Playing Games with an Adult. Download a free copy of lesson 73 and learn more about the ARIS curriculum .

Play is often described as the “work” of childhood, where children can make friendships, learn social skills, come to understand expected group behavior, consequences, turn taking, and cooperation, not to mention have some fun! Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can reap these same benefits by playing games with other kids, though many do not naturally gain the aforementioned skills simply by being exposed to games or other play objects, as might their non-disabled peers. As with many concepts, games and their component skills may need to be explicitly taught, supported, and adaptations made in order for a child with autism to experience success with the activity.

General Guidelines for Adapting Games for Children with Autism

While the type of adaptations used for a game will depend on the child’s individual needs and the game being played, some general guidelines may be applied to ensure a successful outcome with any social play situation.

  • It is wise to prepare the child as much as possible for what they will experience in a game.
  • The child should have a clear understanding of what they are being asked to do before beginning the game.
  • The child needs to have an opportunity to express any anxieties or ask questions (to the best of their ability) ahead of time.
  • The child should have opportunities for skill practice and understand the objective of the game before beginning game play with peers.

Sensory challenge book on amazon ad

The following is a list of popular children’s games and adaptations that can be made to support children with autism to successfully play them. It should be noted that due to the wide range of traits with which children with ASD may present, these adaptations would not be appropriate for every child. Rather, these ideas may be used as starting points or ideas for parents and teachers alike that can be used to support children with ASD based on their individual needs and abilities.

Games and Adaptations for Children with Autism  



Adaptations for Tag:

  • Playing tag inside a gymnasium or other enclosed space may be wise for children with autism who are known to run away.
  • If playing outside, preview the physical area in which the game will be played with the child ahead of time so they understand where the boundaries are.
  • Create a social story or visual aid to teach the rules of tag, including the idea of being “it”, and how the person who is “it” can change (for example, “There is one person who is it, that is the tagger”; “The person who is it wants to tag, or lightly touch, another player to make them it”; “If someone else tags you, you are it”).
  • Have the person who is “it” wear a special hat or some other visual marker so that everyone is clear on who is “it” at any given time as this can change often and quickly.
  • If necessary, provide scripted language or a communication board for the child to use to ask to join a game of tag or let someone know that they would rather not play.
  • Hide and Seek

This timeless children’s game may be difficult for children with autism who like to run or hide as it can appear to encourage those potentially dangerous activities. However, because of the limited social interactions and gross motor skills used, it can be a good choice for kids with ASD. The following adaptations may be helpful for playing hide and seek:

Adaptations for Hide and Seek:

  • If the child is apt to run away, play the game in an enclosed area such as inside a house or in a fenced-in area. Care should be taken to ensure all children are aware of any boundaries that they need to stay within, both for safety and so all players know where they can and cannot hide.
  • Similarly, previewing the area for potential hiding places may also be beneficial. Pointing out places that are not safe to hide, such as a refrigerator, freezer, washer, dryer, oven, up a tree, in a drainage ditch, etc., might also be important for some children.
  • Provide the child with a social story or other visual support so they know what the sequence of events is throughout the game. For example, “You count to 15, I hide quietly, you look for me, and you find me. Then we switch.”
  • Waiting to be found may be difficult, so giving the child something to do while they wait, such as putty to squeeze, a favorite book to look at, or quiet toy to play with, may help.
  • Create a communication board or visual support to provide language models throughout the game. This may include numbers for counting and phrases such as, “You found me!” “I found you!” or “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
  • Depending on the child, these skills may be best practiced in therapy sessions or 1:1 with an adult before having the child play with peers to ensure their safety.


Adaptations for Basketball:

  • Use headphones or other noise-reducing device. This can filter out much of the extraneous sound that accompanies a basketball game while still allowing the child to hear others who are talking to him/her, or sounds such as a whistle or timer that would indicate a change in action on the court.
  • Discuss ahead of time, that is, well in advance of a game, practice, gym class, or recess, when a particularly loud noise may be expected. For example, talking about how people will likely cheer or yell if a basket is made can potentially help the child to better regulate his/her response when this happens during a game. Explicitly teaching that the ball going through the hoop will result in loud noises can give the child a concrete cue to look for (ball in hoop) that may help them to anticipate when some loud noises may occur.              

Hopscotch is a surprisingly complex game that supports children’s physical coordination, balance, and cognitive development. From working on midline development (hopping on one foot), body control (not stepping on the lines), muscle strength (leaping over the marker), to hand eye coordination (tossing the marker), and fine motor control (picking up the marker), this seemingly simple game can have a lot of benefits! However, these very skills can be challenging, and thus potentially frustrating, for some children with autism, and may dissuade them from playing. Adapting the game can help the frustration level and provide opportunities for social interactions and turn taking with peers.

Adaptations for Hopscotch:

  • Instead of just numbering the spaces on the board, use colors to differentiate them as well. This can act as another visual cue for discriminating between the different squares on the board and helping children know where to place their feet.
  • Focus on one skill at a time. For example, a child might practice tossing the marker in a square and picking it up again, walking to the appropriate square rather than hopping. Or if the child is practicing hopping, perhaps they don’t need to worry about hopping over the marker or staying in the lines; rather they just hop down and back. Still other children may simply be working on taking turns and will focus on waiting until their peers are done before they begin to play on the board.
  • The board can be used to reinforce other skills, such as number, color, or letter recognition by asking children to jump to the appropriate box as called out by a teacher or parent.

Many children with ASD thrive with predictability and knowing what to expect. In this way Simon Says, in which one player is designated “Simon” and stands in front of the group, directing the others to perform various actions, may be challenging because no one except Simon knows what activity will be called out next. The apprehension a child may feel about not knowing what is coming next may prohibit him/her from paying attention to the language being used, (“Simon says jump” versus “Jump”,) and cause the child to be “out” before they truly have a chance to be successful.

Adaptations for Simon Says:

  • Limit the activities Simon can select, such as by giving Simon a list of actions from which to choose, and providing a visual aid to the child with autism listing these same actions. The actions could be provided in the order in which they will be used in the game, allowing the child with ASD to know exactly which movement will be coming next, or as a small list from which Simon can choose, narrowing down the options and giving the child with ASD (who has the same list) a better idea of what’s to come, even if they don’t know exactly what Simon will say.
  • Don’t use the “Simon says” rule (i.e., if Simon doesn’t say “Simon Says” and you do the action, you’re out) at all, and focus only the actions being performed. This removes the pressure of getting “out” and could be used as a means to practice desired behaviors such as sitting down, putting on a coat, waving, saying good morning, etc.


As with many children’s board games, Candy Land is a fairly simple game to play, but there are sub-skills that may prohibit children with disabilities such as autism from being successful at playing it without explicit instruction. For example, it may be difficult for a child to remember his/her color game piece, how to follow the path from beginning to end, how to take turns, or how to understand when to move forward or backward on the board. Without these skills in place, game play with peers is likely to be frustrating for all involved. While these sub-skills are found in many games, some adaptations specific to how they might pertain to Candy Land are listed below:  

Candyland Ad

Candy Land Adaptations

  • To minimize confusion as to which game marker each child is using, attach a small photo of each student to his/her marker. Similarly, the child could also wear a paper wristband of the same color as his/her game piece to remind him/her which marker is his/hers.
  • To familiarize the child with the path of the game, practice driving a toy car around the “maze” or put arrow stickers or post-it notes with arrows around the board to indicate directionality. Care should be taken to explain the “Shortcuts” (Mountain Pass and Rainbow Trail) so children understand when these paths would be taken and where they lead.
  • Keep track of whose turn it is by passing something physical around the table each time it is the next player’s turn. For example, a hat or necklace could be passed around and worn during each player’s turn, or a cup placed in front of each player and passed on.
  • After basic skills have been mastered, address “free move forward” and “penalty moves backwards” concepts.
  • Chutes and Ladders

 Chutes and Ladders is played on a very busy game board that can be confusing to look at. Keeping track of the direction in which to move game pieces, as well as understanding when to move “up” a ladder or go “down” a chute on the two-dimensional board can make for a frustrating game-play experience. Children in general may also struggle with the fact that this game is won and lost by chance, depending on the use of a spinner and the chutes and ladders that are landed on throughout the game. Children with autism in particular may struggle with knowing what to say to deal with feelings of frustration or anger throughout the game if they are not winning or in the lead. In order to make it easier to understand the visual stimuli within the game and focus on appropriate language to use with peers, the following adaptations may be helpful:

  Chutes and Ladders Adaptations:

  • Define the word “chute”! This is probably not a familiar word to young children and using the word “slide” may make more sense to them.
  • Before the game begins, look at the board with the child with autism, pointing out where the chutes and ladders begin and end. Tracing the path of each with a finger may help make this more concrete. Putting arrow stickers or sticky notes on the board, such as green arrows going “up” a ladder or red arrows going “down”, a slide may also help keep things straight during game play.
  • Provide a script for language to be used during the game. Phrases such as, “I hope I get a ladder!” or, “Oh no, I landed on a slide!” may help the child process their own path through the game. Phrases such as, “That’s a long ladder, good job”, or “Oops, you got a slide”, may help the child know what to say to peers.

Hi Ho Cherry-O small AD-1

Hi-Ho Cherry-O encourages players to work on their counting skills, including basic addition and subtraction, in order to fill their buckets with 10 cherries from their cherry tree. The game is played with a spinner and taking cherries off or putting them back on the tree as specified by the spinner. To aid children with autism in keeping track of the rules and encouraging language use, the following adaptations can be made:

Adaptations for Hi-Ho Cherry-O

  • Utilize a script that can provide the child with language to use during the game as well as a reminder of the rules. For example, “I got _____ (1, 2, 3, 4) so I can pick _____ (1, 2, 3, 4) cherry(ies).”
  • “I got the _____ (dog/bird). Put back 2 cherries”.
  • To encourage addition and subtraction skills, provide a number line from 1-10.


This classic childhood game can be very abstract and confusing for children with autism. Not only does this game require that children be familiar with the concept of fishing, but also that they utilize language (“Do you have any 5s?”), memory (I need a 5 to make a match, I remember Jane asked for a 5 so Jane might be a good person to ask), and perspective-taking skills (Jane asked Anthony for a 5 so Jane probably has a 5), that can be difficult for a child with autism. In order to make this game more concrete, some adaptations can be made:

Go Fish Adaptations:

  • Begin by explaining the concept of fishing and how it applies to the card game being played. An explanation that may work could be that the cards in the pile are like fish in a pond, and the cards in the players’ hands are like fish on a fishing pole. The idea is to get all of the fish from the pond onto the players’ poles, and the winner is the person with the most matches.
  • If playing with a 52-card pack, or even if playing with a Go Fish-specific deck , limit the number of cards being used so there aren’t as many cards to handle.
  • Play with cards facing up so that everyone can see the cards the other players have, allowing the child with autism to focus less on perspective taking and more on using the appropriate language for the game and understanding how the game is played. (This strategy can be phased out as the child becomes more familiar with the game).
  • If cards are hidden from all players, give the child with autism (and the other players if desired), a pencil and paper so they can write down notes (e.g. Jane has a 5) throughout game play to aid with memory. Again, this allows for more focus on game play and having fun, rather than remembering which player has which cards.

Old Maid does not require the same language, memory, or perspective-taking skills as other card games, so it can be a good game for children for whom these skills are a challenge. As the objective of the game is fairly simple: don’t end up with the Old Maid, this game can provide children with autism a good opportunity to practice their social skills with peers throughout game play.

Adaptations for Old Maid:

  • If playing with a 52-card pack, or even if playing with an Old Maid-specific deck, limit the number of cards being used so there aren’t as many cards to physically handle.
  • Use a cardholder so that children can focus on playing the game and not trying to keep all the cards in their hands at once.  
  • Provide a script to help children know what to say throughout game play, with phrases such as, “Would you like to play/can I play?” “Your turn!” “I got a match!” “Good game!” “Oh darn, I have the Old Maid!” etc.

As the name suggests, the game of Memory relies heavily on visual memory, which for some children with autism is a great strength. Other children will struggle, as spatial awareness and understanding the location of items as they relate to each other can be particularly challenging, let alone remembering an item’s location when it can’t directly be seen. In order to support children for whom visual memory is difficult, the following adaptations can be made:

Adaptations for Memory:

  • When first introducing the game, use only four cards (two matches), and gradually increasing the numbers of pairs as the child becomes familiar with the game.
  • Start with cards facing up in order for the child to practice making pairs and seeing cards in relation to one another. As they become more adept at this, turn some cards over so they can begin to focus on remembering where the pictures are, even when they can’t be seen.
  • Use a specialized deck of cards to play the game using a favorite subject, such as animals, pets, bugs and insects, etc.

To play this classic card game, players need an understanding of the number concepts greater than and less than. To aid children with autism or others who might not have these concepts solidified, some adaptations can be made:

War Adaptations:

  • If using a 52-card deck, take out the face value cards (Jack, Queen, King, Ace) so that the players don’t have to remember the values of these cards and how they compare to the number cards.
  • Provide a number line with numbers from 2 – 10 to assist in determining which number is bigger.
  • When the child is ready, add the face value cards back to the deck and add them to the number line in appropriate sequence.

Related Links:

15 Language Games and Activities for Family Fun at Home

This resource was created as a supplement for the Language Builder: Academic Readiness Intervention System (ARIS) complete early autism curriculum, Lesson #73, Playing Games with an Adult. Download a free copy of lesson 73  and learn more about the ARIS curriculum .

Jenna Wharff, Ed.M.

Written by Jenna Wharff, Ed.M.

Jenna Wharff is a special education teacher at HOPEhouse at Cotting School, a transitional boarding school for students age 17-22 with special needs, in Lexington, MA. She specializes in helping her students prepare for life after high school by teaching independent living, vocational, and social skills as well as practical academics and providing opportunities for her students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to their everyday lives. She aims to help students and their families make the transition from special education to adult services as smooth as possible, while providing her students with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead productive and meaningful lives after leaving HOPEhouse. Jenna received her Master's degree in Mind, Brain, and Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2007.

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Promoting Social Skills Through Games and Activities: Kids With Autism

May 09, 2024.

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  • Activities to improve social interaction in autism , 
  • Autism communication games , 
  • Autism social skills development , 
  • Fun social activities for kids with autism , 
  • Social skills games for autistic children

Promoting social skills among children with autism is crucial for their overall development and integration into society. Games and activities tailored to their needs can play a significant role in enhancing these skills in a fun and engaging way. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various games and activities specifically designed to foster social interaction, communication, and emotional regulation in children with autism.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Before delving into specific strategies, it’s essential to understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and its impact on social skills development. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Children with autism often struggle to interpret social cues, maintain eye contact, and engage in reciprocal conversations. When seeking support and intervention for individuals with ASD, families usually turn to specialized services provided by ABA providers Bethesda.

The Importance of Social Skills Development

Developing social skills is crucial for children with autism as it enables them to build meaningful relationships, navigate social situations, and thrive in various settings. Research suggests that early intervention and targeted interventions can significantly improve social functioning and overall quality of life for individuals with autism.

Games and Activities for Promoting Social Skills

Role-playing games.

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Role-playing games provide children with autism a safe space to practice social interactions and communication skills. By assuming different roles and scenarios, they learn how to express emotions, take turns, and cooperate with others. Popular role-playing games include “Pretend Play,” where children act out real-life situations, and “Dramatic Play,” which involves imaginative storytelling and character role-playing.

Social Story Games

Social story games use visual narratives to teach social skills and appropriate behaviors. These games typically depict common social scenarios and guide children through the steps of proper responses. Incorporating themes relevant to children’s interests can enhance engagement and make learning more enjoyable. Examples of social story games include “What Would You Do?” and “Let’s Talk About Feelings.”

Cooperative Board Games

Cooperative board games encourage teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills. Unlike traditional competitive games, cooperative games focus on collective success rather than individual victory, making them ideal for promoting social interaction and collaboration. Games like “The Magic Labyrinth” and “Robot Turtles” foster cooperation and strategic thinking while minimizing stress and competition.

Autism-friendly Play Activities

Autism-friendly play activities engage children’s senses and promote exploration and social interaction. For children with autism, some experiences can help regulate emotions, improve attention span, and enhance social engagement. Activities such as “Messy Play,” and “Texture Exploration” provide opportunities for peer interaction in a controlled environment.

Implementing Strategies at Home and in School

Implementing strategies for promoting social skills in children with autism requires collaboration between parents, educators, and therapists. Consistency and individualization are critical factors in tailoring interventions to meet each child’s unique needs. Here are some tips for implementing strategies at home and in school, especially when seeking support from ABA providers Bethesda.

Create a Structured Environment

Establishing a structured environment with clear routines and expectations can help children with autism feel safe and secure. Consistent schedules and visual supports, such as visual schedules and picture cues, can reduce anxiety and promote independence in daily activities.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for encouraging desired behaviors and social skills. Praising and rewarding children for demonstrating appropriate social behaviors can increase motivation and reinforce learning. Use specific and immediate feedback to reinforce positive interactions and communication.

Foster Peer Relationships

Facilitating opportunities for socialization with peers is essential for developing social skills. Encourage participation in group activities, clubs, and community events where children can interact with peers who share similar interests. Structured playdates and social skills groups can also provide valuable opportunities for practicing social skills in a supportive environment.

Teach Social Skills Explicitly

Explicit instruction is necessary for teaching social skills to children with autism. Break down social skills into concrete steps and provide clear explanations and demonstrations. Role-playing and social scripts can help children understand social expectations and practice appropriate responses in different situations.

Collaborate with Professionals

Collaboration with professionals, including teachers, therapists, and behavior analysts, is essential for developing and implementing effective interventions. Work together to set goals, track progress, and adjust strategies based on individual needs and progress. Regular communication and collaboration ensure a coordinated approach to supporting the social development of children with autism.

The Role of Technology in Social Skills Development

In today’s digital age, technology offers innovative solutions for promoting social skills development in children with autism. From interactive apps to virtual reality programs, technology-based interventions can provide personalized and engaging experiences tailored to each child’s unique needs. Here are some ways technology can support social skills development:

Social Skills Apps

There are numerous apps available specifically designed to teach social skills to children with autism. These apps often incorporate visual support, interactive games, and social stories to help children learn and practice social skills in a fun and engaging way. Some popular social skills apps include “Social Skills Builder,” “Model Me Kids,” and “Choiceworks.”

Virtual Reality (VR) Programs

Virtual reality programs offer immersive experiences that simulate real-life social situations. Children can practice social interactions, such as initiating conversations, making eye contact, and interpreting facial expressions, in a safe and controlled environment. VR programs can be particularly effective for teaching social skills in a realistic context and improving generalization to real-world settings.

Teletherapy Services

Teletherapy services provide remote access to specialized therapies, including social skills training, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. Through video conferencing platforms, children can receive individualized support from qualified professionals without the need for in-person sessions. Teletherapy services offer convenience, flexibility, and access to experts regardless of geographical location.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms can also be valuable tools for promoting social skills development in children with autism. Supervised use of social media allows children to practice communication skills, share interests, and connect with peers in virtual communities. Parents and educators can monitor and facilitate positive social interactions while teaching appropriate online etiquette and safety.

Incorporating Technology into Interventions

When incorporating technology into interventions for promoting social skills, it’s essential to consider individual preferences, strengths, and challenges. Here are some tips for effectively integrating technology into social skills development:

Assess Individual Needs

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Conduct assessments to identify each child’s specific social skill deficits and preferences for technology-based interventions. When selecting appropriate tools and programs, consider factors such as special needs, attention span, and technological proficiency.

Provide Structured Support

Offer structured support and guidance to help children navigate technology-based interventions effectively. Provide clear instructions, modeling, and scaffolding to facilitate engagement and understanding. Monitor progress and provide feedback to reinforce learning and encourage continued participation.

Balance Screen Time

Balance technology use with other activities to support overall well-being and development. Set limits on screen time and encourage alternative forms of play and social interaction, such as outdoor activities, creative arts, and hands-on experiences.

Collaborate with professionals, including therapists, educators, and technology specialists, to develop individualized intervention plans that effectively incorporate technology. Share information and resources to ensure a coordinated approach to supporting social skills development across settings.

Technology offers exciting opportunities for promoting social skills development in children with autism. From social skills apps to virtual reality programs, technology-based interventions can provide personalized and engaging experiences tailored to each child’s unique needs. Integrating technology into interventions and collaborating with professionals, parents, and educators can support the social development of children with autism and help them thrive in a digital world.

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What is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and why is it important to focus on social skills development for children with autism? 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. Focusing on social skills development is crucial for children with autism as it helps them build meaningful relationships, navigate social situations, and thrive in various settings. Research suggests that early intervention and targeted interventions can significantly improve social functioning and overall quality of life for individuals with autism.

What are some examples of games and activities that can help promote social skills in children with autism? 

Some examples of games and activities include role-playing games like “Pretend Play” and “Dramatic Play,” which provide opportunities for practicing social interactions and communication skills. Social story games such as “What Would You Do?” and “Let’s Talk About Feelings” use visual narratives to teach appropriate behaviors in different social scenarios. Cooperative board games like “The Magic Labyrinth” and “Robot Turtles” encourage teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills. 

How can parents and educators implement strategies for promoting social skills at home and in school? 

Implementing strategies for promoting social skills in children with autism requires collaboration between parents, educators, and therapists. Creating a structured environment with clear routines and expectations, providing positive reinforcement for desired behaviors, fostering peer relationships through group activities and playdates, teaching social skills explicitly through role-playing and social scripts, and collaborating with professionals for individualized interventions are some effective strategies.

What role does technology play in promoting social skills development for children with autism? 

Technology offers innovative solutions for promoting social skills development in children with autism. Social skills apps, virtual reality (VR) programs, teletherapy services, and supervised use of social media platforms can provide personalized and engaging experiences tailored to each child’s unique needs. These tools can help children practice social interactions, communication skills, and online etiquette in a safe and controlled environment.

How can technology be effectively integrated into interventions for promoting social skills in children with autism? 

When incorporating technology into interventions, it’s essential to assess each child’s individual needs and preferences, provide structured support and guidance, balance screen time with other activities, and collaborate with professionals to develop individualized intervention plans. Monitoring progress, giving feedback, and ensuring a coordinated approach across settings are also important considerations.

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problem solving activities for autistic students

Social Skills Activities for Children with Autism

problem solving activities for autistic students


problem solving activities for autistic students

* Cooperation & engagement with a partner

Draw a Pizza Two-Person Activity

Draw a Cookie Two-Person Activity

Paper Fortune Teller for Playing & Hanging Out Skills

*Cooperation & engagement with multiple individuals

Friendship Growing Cards for Friendship Social Skills

Puzzle Piece Drawing Shapes to Explore Peer Connections

Learning about Others with Google Street View

Groupworld Group Story-Creating Project

* Connection & Appreciation for Others with Autism

Amazing & Helpful YouTube Videos by People with Autism

* Reciprocity in relationships

Using a Toy Balance to Teach Relationship Reciprocity

* Awareness of negative behaviors, social cause & effect

What I should Have Done Different Worksheet

Customizable Meters for Awareness of Negative Behaviors

Comic Book Conversations / Social Story PowerPoint Template

Self-control Channel Changers for Target Behavior Awareness

Pencil & Pen Memories Worksheets, What Others Remember

problem solving activities for autistic students

Annoy-o-meter, Nice-o-meter

Sticky Notes Kit – Explore Social Hierarchy & Who Is In Charge

Personal Space illustrated eBook

Silly to Serious Kit, Formal & Informal Conduct

Dealing with Losing & Disappointment Illustrated Panels

Missing Object Game – To Practice Sportsmanship

Words Hurt/Words Help Worksheets

Pencil / Pen Memories Worksheets, Explore What Others Remember about us

Question Cards for Rigidity / Flexibility

Question Cards to Explore Tattling & Correcting

* Showing concern/empathy

Empathy Showing Concern Picture Guide

Empathy Showing Concern Photos for Role Play Practice

* Social Isolation

Worksheets for Exploring Social Isolation

Card Game Activity to Explore Social Isolation

4 Resources for Helping Children with ASD Who Are Obsessed with Fantasy

The Screen Lovers Help Book – Free Download for Screen Addiction

Corona Cards – For Children who are Isolated During the Pandemic

* Teasing/bullying

Teasing & Bullying Teaching Panels & Question Cards

* Romantic attraction and Boy – Girl Relations

Relating to Girls Teaching Panels & Question Cards

Using Girls’ Magazines to Promote Learning about Girls

* Maturity and young adult skills

Young Adult Future Cards for Exploring Young Adult Maturity

Workplace Preparation Q & A Cards

Workplace Preparation Teaching Materials

Workplace Preparation Guide to Job Interviewing

* Creative / Game-Like Social Interaction Problem Solving

Easy Template for Making Your Own Board Game on Social Skills Themes

Holiday /Christmas – Theme On-Screen Social Skills Board Games

Create, Draw, Describe Your Own “Dark Force” & “Light Force”

Fix The Problem Game for Working On Interaction Problems


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Mental Health Professionals

School-based professionals, speech professionals.

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25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

problem solving activities for autistic students

Social Skill Training Exercises for Children With Autism are a game-changer for families navigating the complexities of autism spectrum disorder.

These exercises are designed to enhance communication, improve social interactions, and build meaningful relationships.

They offer practical ways to teach essential social skills that can significantly impact a child’s quality of life.

Keep reading to find out more about the Social Skill Training Exercises for Children With Autism.

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What Are Social Skills?

Social skills are the abilities that enable individuals to interact effectively with others and navigate various social situations.

They encompass a range of competencies, from understanding social cues to effective communication and problem-solving.

For people with autism, these skills are often a focus of therapeutic interventions.

What are Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism?

Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism are structured activities and interventions aimed at teaching essential social skills to children on the autism spectrum.

These exercises focus on various aspects of social interaction, such as understanding social cues, improving communication, and building relationships.

They often incorporate evidence-based methods like Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), role-playing, and social stories to provide targeted instruction.

The ultimate goal is to enhance the child’s ability to navigate social situations, thereby improving their overall well-being and quality of life.

List of Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Exercise TypeObjectiveMethodologyMaterials NeededAdditional Notes
Social StoriesImprove understanding of social situationsNarratives tailored to the child's needsStorybook or digital formatOften personalized to the child
Role-PlayingEnhance social interaction skillsSimulated social scenariosNoneCan be done with peers or adults
Turn-Taking GamesTeach the concept of sharing and waitingBoard games or card gamesBoard games like "Candy Land"Helps with patience and impulse control
Eye Contact DrillsImprove eye contact during conversationsTimed staring exercises or gamesTimerGradually increase time to build comfort
Emotion RecognitionTeach the identification of emotionsFlashcards with facial expressionsEmotion flashcardsImportant for understanding social cues
Conversation StartersImprove initiating and maintaining conversationsGuided discussionsCue cards with conversation topicsCan be practiced with family members
Listening SkillsEnhance active listeningStorytelling and summarizingShort stories or audio clipsEncourages focus and attention to detail
Non-Verbal CuesUnderstand body languageVideos or live demonstrationsVideo clips or live modelsHelps in reading unspoken communication
Group ActivitiesBuild teamwork and social participationTeam sports or group projectsSports equipment or craft suppliesEncourages collaboration and social interaction
Problem-SolvingDevelop skills to resolve conflictsGuided scenarios and solutionsNoneTeaches diplomacy and negotiation

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The Basics of Autism Social Skills

Social skills are the abilities that enable individuals to interact effectively with others and adapt to various social situations.

For children on the autism spectrum, these skills are particularly crucial.

They often find it challenging to understand and interpret social cues, making social skills training a vital part of their development.

Why Social Skills Matter?

Social skills are not just about being polite or making friends; they’re about understanding the world around you.

For a child with autism, social skills activities can be a lifeline to a more fulfilling life.

They can help children learn how to communicate better, understand social expectations, and form meaningful relationships.

The Consequences of Poor Social Skills

  • Lack of social skills can lead to difficulties in making friends, maintaining relationships, and participating in everyday social activities.
  • This can have a long-term impact on the child’s emotional well-being and overall quality of life.

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Navigating social situations can be challenging for children with autism.

However, if you encourage your child with the right training exercises, they can learn to interact more effectively with their peers and adults.

Here are 25 social skill training exercises designed to help children with autism spectrum disorder develop essential social skills.

These exercises are not only effective but also engaging, ensuring that your child will be motivated to learn and grow.

1. Role-Playing for Social Scenarios

Role-playing social skills activity is a fantastic way to help children with autism understand social situations and how to react appropriately.

  • How it works : Create a social scenario and act it out with your child. For example, you can pretend to be a friend at school, and your child can practice greeting you and asking how you are.
  • Why it’s effective : This exercise allows children to practice social interactions in a safe and controlled environment.
  • Keywords : social situations, autism spectrum disorder, role-playing, social skills activities for children

2. Turn-Taking Games

Games that require turn-taking can teach children the importance of patience and waiting for their turn.

  • How it works : Simple board games or card games work well for this exercise.
  • Why it’s effective : These games naturally require turn-taking, teaching children the social rules associated with sharing and patience.
  • Keywords : turn-taking, board game, social rules, children with autism

3. Emotion Flashcards

Understanding emotions is crucial for social interactions. Emotion flashcards can help children recognize different feelings.

  • How it works : Show your child flashcards with different facial expressions and ask them to identify the emotion.
  • Why it’s effective : This exercise helps children with autism spectrum disorder become more aware of emotional cues, which is essential for social interactions.
  • Keywords : emotion, flashcards, autism spectrum disorder, social cues

4. Social Stories for Scenario Understanding

Social stories are short narratives that describe a social situation, what happens, and why it happens.

  • How it works : Read a social story that is relevant to a situation your child might encounter, like going to a birthday party or sharing toys.
  • Why it’s effective : Social stories break down complex social situations into understandable parts, helping children with autism make sense of social norms.
  • Keywords : social stories, social norms, autism, complex social situations

5. Praise and Reward System

Positive reinforcement can go a long way in teaching social skills.

  • How it works : Whenever your child exhibits good social behavior, praise them or give them a small reward.
  • Why it’s effective : Positive reinforcement encourages the repetition of good behavior, making it more likely that the child will act appropriately in social situations in the future.
  • Keywords : positive reinforcement, social behavior, praise, reward system

6. Eye Contact Practice

Eye contact is a fundamental social skill that many children with autism find challenging.

  • How it works : Sit across from your child and encourage them to maintain eye contact with you for a few seconds at a time. Gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable.
  • Why it’s effective : Practicing eye contact in a safe and familiar setting can help children become more comfortable with this form of nonverbal communication.

7. Conversation Starters

Initiating a conversation can be daunting for children with autism.

  • How it works : Teach your child simple conversation starters like, “How are you?” or “What’s your favorite game?”
  • Why it’s effective : Learning these basic phrases can give children the confidence to initiate conversations, making social interactions less intimidating.

8. Listening Skills

Active listening is crucial for meaningful social interactions.

  • How it works : Read a short story or statement and ask your child to repeat it back to you. This helps them focus on what is being said.
  • Why it’s effective : This exercise helps children develop the ability to focus on a conversation, which is essential for understanding social cues and responding appropriately.

9. Group Activities

Participating in group activities can teach children valuable teamwork skills.

  • How it works : Engage your child in group activities like team sports or group art projects.
  • Why it’s effective : Group activities require children to cooperate and communicate with others, helping them understand the dynamics of social interactions.

10. Understanding Personal Space

Respecting personal space is a crucial social skill.

  • How it works : Use a hula hoop or draw a circle around your child to visually represent personal space. Teach them to respect others’ personal space by staying outside of their “circle.”
  • Why it’s effective : This visual representation makes the concept of personal space more tangible, helping children understand and respect boundaries.

11. Practicing Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it’s a vital social skill.

  • How it works : Discuss different scenarios where someone might be feeling happy, sad, or angry. Ask your child how they think that person is feeling and why.
  • Why it’s effective : This exercise helps children develop the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, which is crucial for meaningful social interactions.

12. Learning to Share

Sharing is a basic yet essential social skill.

  • How it works : Use toys or snacks to practice sharing with your child. Take turns giving and receiving the item.
  • Why it’s effective : This simple exercise teaches the importance of sharing and turn-taking, fundamental aspects of social interactions.

13. Identifying Nonverbal Cues

Nonverbal cues like facial expressions and body language often convey more than words.

  • How it works : Show videos or pictures of people displaying different emotions through body language and ask your child to identify them.
  • Why it’s effective : Understanding nonverbal cues is essential for interpreting social situations correctly.

14. Asking for Help

Being able to ask for help is an important social skill that promotes independence.

  • How it works : Create scenarios where your child needs assistance, like reaching an item on a high shelf, and encourage them to ask for help.
  • Why it’s effective : This exercise teaches children that it’s okay to ask for help and shows them how to do it appropriately.

15. Saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’

Basic manners like saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ go a long way in social interactions.

  • How it works : Remind your child to use these phrases when asking for something or receiving something.
  • Why it’s effective : Teaching basic manners helps children understand social expectations and behave appropriately in various settings.

16. Role-Playing Social Scenarios

Role-playing is a fantastic way to practice social interactions in a controlled environment.

  • How it works : Create different social scenarios that your child might encounter, like meeting a new friend or going to a doctor’s appointment. Act out these scenarios with your child.
  • Why it’s effective : Role-playing allows children to practice social interactions in a safe space, helping them feel more prepared for real-life situations.

17. Learning to Apologize

Understanding when and how to apologize is a crucial social skill.

  • How it works : Discuss scenarios where an apology might be necessary, and practice saying “I’m sorry” with your child.
  • Why it’s effective : Learning to apologize helps children understand the importance of taking responsibility for their actions and mending social relationships.

18. Understanding Sarcasm and Jokes

Grasping humor and sarcasm can be challenging for children with autism.

  • How it works : Use children’s books or shows that incorporate humor and sarcasm and discuss them with your child.
  • Why it’s effective : This helps children understand different tones and nuances in language, which is essential for social interactions.

19. Learning to Wait

Patience is a virtue, especially in social settings.

  • How it works : Practice waiting in line at the grocery store or waiting for a turn on the swing.
  • Why it’s effective : Learning to wait teaches children the importance of patience and self-control in social interactions.

20. Identifying Feelings

Being able to identify and express feelings is crucial for emotional intelligence.

  • How it works : Use emotion flashcards or apps that help children identify different feelings.
  • Why it’s effective : Understanding emotions is the first step in managing them effectively, which is essential for healthy social interactions.

21. Learning to Compliment

Giving and receiving compliments is a lovely way to build positive social interactions.

  • How it works : Teach your child simple compliments like “You look nice today” or “Great job!”
  • Why it’s effective : Compliments help build self-esteem and foster positive relationships.

22. Practicing Greetings and Farewells

Basic greetings and farewells set the tone for social interactions.

  • How it works : Practice saying “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Please,” and “Thank you” in various social settings.
  • Why it’s effective : These basic phrases are the building blocks of polite and positive social interactions.

23. Learning to Follow Instructions

Following instructions is crucial in both educational and social settings.

  • How it works : Give your child a series of simple instructions to follow, like “Pick up the toy and put it in the box.”
  • Why it’s effective : Being able to follow instructions is essential for participating in group activities and succeeding in educational settings.

24. Understanding Personal Boundaries

Respecting personal boundaries is crucial for healthy social interactions.

  • How it works : Discuss the importance of not touching people without permission and respecting personal space.
  • Why it’s effective : Understanding boundaries helps children navigate social settings more comfortably and respectfully.

25. Learning to Ask Questions

Asking questions is a great way to engage in conversations and show interest in others.

  • How it works : Practice asking questions like “How was your day?” or “What’s your favorite color?”
  • Why it’s effective : Asking questions not only keeps the conversation going but also shows that the child is interested in what the other person has to say.

These 25 social skill training exercises are designed to help children with autism navigate the complexities of social interactions.

Each exercise targets a specific skill, making it easier to focus on areas that need improvement.

With consistent practice, these activities can make a significant difference in a child’s social life.

How To Create a Social Story for Your Child with Autism

How To Create a Social Story for Your Child with Autism

Creating a social story for your child with autism can be a transformative experience.

Social stories are short, personalized narratives that break down a situation, skill, or concept into understandable and relatable terms for children on the autism spectrum.

They can help your child navigate social situations, understand expectations, and improve their communication skills.

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an effective social story for your child.

  • A computer or paper and pen for writing the story
  • Pictures or illustrations (optional)
  • Laminating machine or plastic sleeves (optional for durability)
  • Your child's favorite book or story as a model (optional)


Step 1: identify the purpose.

  • Determine what social skill or situation you want to address. 
  • It could be anything from sharing toys to understanding the steps of a daily routine.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

  • Understand your child's level of comprehension, interests, and what resonates with them. 
  • This will help you tailor the story to their needs.

Step 3: Choose the Format

  • Decide whether you'll write it down on paper, create a digital version, or even make it into a small book. 
  • Some parents find it useful to include pictures or illustrations to make it more engaging.

Step 4: Write in First Person

  • Write the story from your child's perspective, using simple language. 
  • Use the word "I" to make it relatable.
  • For example, "I go to the park. I see a swing. I wait my turn."

Step 5: Be Specific but Not Overwhelming

  • Detail the situation or skill you're addressing, but don't overload the story with information. 
  • Stick to what's essential for understanding the social context.

Step 6: Include the Desired Outcome

  • Clearly state what the appropriate social behavior or reaction should be.
  • For example, "I wait my turn, then I can swing."

Step 7: Review the Story

  • Go through the story to ensure it's clear, concise, and free of any ambiguities. 
  • Make sure it aligns with your child's level of understanding.

Step 8: Involve Your Child

  • Read the story to your child or have them read it with you. 
  • Ask for their input and make any necessary adjustments.

Step 9: Practice

  • Use the story as a guide for role-playing the situation with your child.
  • This will help them internalize the lessons in the story.

Step 10: Implement and Revise

  • Use the story in real-life situations and observe how your child responds. 
  • Make revisions as needed to ensure it remains effective.

Creating a social story is not just about crafting a narrative; it's about opening a channel of understanding between you and your child. 

It's a tool that can significantly improve your child's social interactions and overall well-being. So, why not give it a try?

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25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Effective Social Skills Activities for Autistic Children

Unlock the world of social interaction for your autistic child! Dive into proven activities that not only educate but also entertain.

Using Social Stories to Teach Social Skills for Kids

Social stories are personalized teaching stories designed to make social situations more predictable for children with autism.

They can be tailored to a child’s specific needs and are an effective way to teach appropriate social responses and behaviors.

Play Board Games: More Than Just Fun and Games

Board games are not just a way to pass the time; they’re a fantastic tool to develop social skills.

They teach children how to take turns, share, and follow rules, enriching their social behavior and problem-solving skills.

Turn-Taking Activities: Learning the Art of Patience

Activities that encourage turn-taking can be a great way to teach children the importance of waiting for their turn and listening to others.

Simple games or role-playing activities can be both fun and educational.

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Sensory Issues and Their Impact on Social Skills

Is your child overwhelmed in social settings? Discover how sensory issues can be the hidden roadblock to social success and what you can do about it.

The Connection Between Sensory Issues and Social Behavior

Sensory issues are common in people with autism and can significantly affect their social skills.

For instance, a child who is hypersensitive to certain sounds may find crowded environments overwhelming, affecting their ability to engage in social activities.

Addressing Sensory Challenges

Addressing sensory issues is crucial for creating an environment conducive to social skills development.

Simple accommodations like noise-canceling headphones or sensory breaks can make a world of difference.

Sensory-Friendly Activities for Social Skill Development

Incorporating sensory-friendly activities, such as sensory exploration or outdoor play, can help children with autism develop social skills while also catering to their sensory needs.

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Effective Teaching Strategies for Social Skills Development

Stop guessing and start knowing! Learn the teaching strategies that experts swear by for enhancing social skills in children with autism.

Visual Aids and Structured Routines

  • Visual aids like social stories and visual schedules can provide clear explanations of social expectations and routines.
  • They help children with autism understand and navigate different social situations more effectively.

Social Skills Training Programs

  • Structured social skills training programs can offer targeted instruction and practice in specific social skills.
  • These programs often use role-playing, video modeling, and direct feedback to enhance social understanding and abilities.

Play-Based Learning: Making Social Skills Fun

  • Play-based learning can be an effective way to teach social skills.
  • Activities like pretend play and cooperative games create a natural environment for children to learn and practice social interactions.

How do you teach social skills to children with autism?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Teaching social skills to children with autism often involves a multi-faceted approach that includes behavioral therapies, social stories, and real-world practice.

Techniques such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and structured social skills training programs are commonly used.

What is the social skills training program for autism?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

A social skills training program for autism is a structured intervention that aims to improve the social abilities of individuals on the autism spectrum.

These programs often use methods like role-playing, video modeling, and direct feedback to teach social norms and behaviors.

What is the social game for autism?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Social games for autism are designed to improve social interaction, communication, and understanding of social cues.

These games often involve activities that require turn-taking, sharing, and cooperation, making them effective tools for teaching social skills.

What is social skills training in ABA?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), social skills training involves breaking down complex social interactions into smaller, teachable units.

Strategies like reinforcement, modeling, and role-playing are used to teach and generalize social behaviors.

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Fun and Engaging Activities for Social Skill Development

Who says learning can’t be fun? Explore activities that will have your child laughing and learning essential social skills at the same time.

Social Skills-Themed Scavenger Hunt

  • A scavenger hunt with a social skills twist can be a fun and interactive way to teach social skills.
  • Each clue or task involves a social interaction that the child needs to complete successfully,
  • Promoting problem-solving and communication skills.

Group Activities for Social Interaction

  • Group activities like team sports or collaborative art projects can encourage social interaction and cooperation.
  • These activities not only build social connections but also promote empathy and teamwork.

Arts and Crafts for Social Skills

  • Arts and crafts activities offer a creative outlet for children with autism.
  • Working on collaborative projects can promote sharing, communication, and cooperation,
  • Making them excellent activities for social skill development.

How effective are social stories in helping kids with autism understand social behavior?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Social stories are highly effective tools designed to help children on the autism spectrum disorder understand the nuances of interpersonal interactions.

These stories present everyday situations in a structured manner, helping the child grasp social rules and expectations.

They are a great way to help children learn social skills and understand what appropriate socialization looks like.

What board games are recommended for activities for children with autism to develop social skills?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Board games like “The Social Skills Game” or “Let’s Talk” are excellent fun activities to help children with autism learn turn-taking, sharing, and communication.

These games are designed to help children on the spectrum practice skills like fine motor skills and nonverbal communication in a relaxed setting.

They can be a fantastic way to help children develop great social skills with practice.

Can activities for autism like role-playing help children take turns and develop better social interaction?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Absolutely, role-playing activities are a hands-on way to teach children with autism the importance of taking turns and engaging in reciprocal conversations.

These activities can be tailored to fit the child’s interests and can help them learn social skills like understanding social cues and sensory information.

Role-playing can be a fun and effective way to help children on the spectrum understand everyday situations they may encounter.

What are some fun social skills activities for kids with autism that can help autistic children improve their social behavior?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Activities like scavenger hunts, arts and crafts, or sensory-friendly sports can be both fun and educational.

These activities are designed to help children with autism spectrum disorder engage with their peers and learn important social rules.

They can also help a child develop fine motor skills and language skills, enriching their relational skills in the process.

How can parents use social skills activities for autism to help their child develop better understanding of children social skills?

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Parents can use a variety of social skills activities for children, such as social stories, board games, and role-playing, to teach their child important social norms.

These activities can help your child learn how to interact in social situations, understand sensory processing, and even develop a desire to interact with others.

It’s a comprehensive program for the education and enrichment of relational skills, helping them understand that social skills are important for their overall well-being.

25 Best Social Skill Training Exercises for Children with Autism

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Social Skill Training Exercises for Children With Autism. Get some quick answers to everything you need to know.

What are the social skills training techniques?

Social skills training techniques can vary but often include role-playing, video modeling, and social stories.

These methods are designed to provide practical, hands-on ways for individuals to learn and practice social interactions.

How do you teach social skills to special needs students?

Teaching social skills to special needs students often involves individualized plans that take into account the child’s unique challenges and strengths.

Methods can include visual aids, social stories, and structured social skills training programs.

Does ABA help with social skills?

Yes, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is often effective in teaching social skills.

It uses evidence-based techniques to break down social interactions into smaller, more manageable components, allowing for targeted teaching and practice.

How do you teach social skills step by step?

Teaching social skills step by step involves breaking down a social interaction into its component parts.

Each step is taught individually, often using methods like role-playing or video modeling, before combining them for more complex social interactions.

How can I help someone with autism socially?

Helping someone with autism socially often involves a combination of structured training programs, real-world practice, and ongoing support.

Understanding the individual’s specific challenges and strengths is crucial for effective intervention.

Can you teach an autistic person social cues?

While teaching social cues to an autistic person can be challenging, it is possible through consistent training and practice.

Techniques like social stories and video modeling can be particularly effective in this regard.

Wrapping Up Social Skill Training Exercises for Children With Autism

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of social skill training exercises for children with autism.

From understanding the basics to diving into effective activities and teaching strategies, the goal is to offer practical ways to help your child navigate the social world.

I hope you find immense value in this guide to social skill training exercises for children with autism.

If you enjoyed this article about Social Skill Training Exercises for Children With Autism and would like to learn more, please leave a comment below.

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Resources for More Information on Social Skill Training Exercises for Children With Autism:

  • Top 10 Social Skill Activities for Autism to Help with Sensory Issues in Children – Special Strong
  • FREE SOCIAL SKILLS DOWNLOADS – Autism Teaching Strategies
  • Social skills for autistic children | Raising Children Network

These resources offer a wealth of information on social skill training exercises tailored for children with autism.

From activities that help with sensory issues to free downloadable resources and strategies for social skills development, these sites are a treasure trove for parents, caregivers, and educators alike.

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10 Fun And Educational Activities For Children With Autism

Engaging and educational activities for autistic kids.

At Rise Up for Autism we are passionate about providing children with autism engaging and educational activities that support their development. Play and learning can go hand in hand, fostering social skills, communication, cognitive abilities, and sensory integration. In this blog, we will share ten fun and educational activities that can benefit children with autism, promoting their growth and enjoyment. Contact us at (630) 300-3400 or visit our locations and learn more about our services !

Ten Educational And Fun Activities For Kids With Autism

Sensory bins:.

Sensory bins are wonderful for children with autism as they provide tactile exploration and sensory stimulation. Create a sensory bin by filling a container with materials such as rice, beans, sand, or water beads. Add different objects or toys for children to discover and manipulate, encouraging sensory exploration, fine motor skills, and imaginative play.

Arts And Crafts:

Engaging in arts and crafts activities can be both enjoyable and beneficial for children with autism. Provide a variety of art materials such as crayons, markers, paints, clay, or collage materials. Encourage creativity and self-expression through drawing, painting, sculpting, or collage-making. These activities promote fine motor skills, visual-spatial awareness, and self-esteem.

Puzzles And Sorting Games:

Puzzles and sorting games are excellent for developing cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities. Choose puzzles that match your child’s developmental level, focusing on their interests and strengths. Start with simpler puzzles and gradually increase the difficulty as their skills progress. Sorting activities using objects or pictures can also enhance categorization skills and visual discrimination.

Pretend Play:

Engaging in pretend play allows children with autism to explore social interactions, develop language skills, and practice problem-solving. Provide props and encourage imaginative play scenarios such as playing house, pretending to be a doctor, or setting up a pretend grocery store. Join in the play and model social interactions, taking turns, and using language in context.

an autistic child engaging in an activity

Interactive Games And Apps:

Many interactive games and apps are specifically designed to support children with autism. These games can target various skills, such as language development, social interactions, and cognitive abilities. Look for apps or online platforms that provide engaging and age-appropriate activities that align with your child’s goals and interests.

Sensory Play:

Sensory play activities can be calming and enjoyable for children with autism. Consider activities like water play, playing with textured materials like slime or kinetic sand, or engaging in calming activities like bubble play or aromatherapy. Sensory play allows children to regulate their sensory experiences and explore different textures and sensations.

Gross Motor Activities:

Engaging in gross motor activities helps children with autism develop coordination, balance, and body awareness. Encourage activities such as dancing, jumping on a trampoline, playing catch, or engaging in yoga poses. These activities not only promote physical health but also help regulate sensory input and improve focus and attention.

Nature Walks And Outdoor Exploration:

Exploring nature can be a stimulating and educational experience for children with autism. Take your child on nature walks, visit local parks, or create a sensory garden at home. Encourage them to observe and interact with different elements of nature, such as plants, insects, and natural textures. Nature exploration supports sensory integration, curiosity, and appreciation for the natural world.

Story Time And Reading:

Reading and storytelling are valuable activities for language development and expanding imagination. Choose books that align with your child’s interests, using visual supports if necessary. Read together, pause to discuss the story, ask questions, and encourage your child to retell or act out the story using props or puppets.

Cooking And Baking:

Engaging children with autism in cooking and baking activities can be both educational and enjoyable. Choose simple recipes and involve your child in measuring ingredients, stirring

We understand not all activities are for everyone, but we hope you find some of these ideas useful to engage, socialize and have fun with your child!

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Problem solving lesson plan – Help autistic children tackle problem-solving tasks

Lynn McCann

Health & Wellbeing , SEND

Help your autistic pupils tackle problem solving tasks in maths and science more effectively with these suggestions from Lynn McCann…

It’s a myth that autistic people do not have imagination. The children we work with are just as interested and curious about the world as anyone, but this may be in seen in very specific areas and topics.

The challenge to them is when there’s a problem that needs solving in a topic they’re neither interested in, nor have any experience of.

We can, however, differentiate problem-solving tasks in maths and science by understanding how the autistic child in your class learns best.

What they’ll learn

  • How to recognise key words in the language of maths problems
  • The process of breaking more complex questions down into manageable chunks
  • The purpose and principles of scientific experimentation

Lynn McCann is an ASC specialist teacher and author. Discover more resources for Autism Acceptance Week .

Problem solving lesson plan

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50 Best Activities For Children With Autism

July 17, 2024

Engaging in hobbies and activities with your autistic child is an excellent way to bond and improve their social, emotional, and cognitive skills. With these hobbies and activities, you can find new and exciting ways to engage your child and encourage their development.

50 Best Activities For Children With Autism

As a parent of an autistic child, you may sometimes find it challenging to come up with engaging activities to do with your child. Engaging in hobbies and activities is not only a way to bond with your child, but it can also improve their social, emotional, and cognitive skills. In this article, we'll explore 30 hobbies and activities that you can do with your autistic child.

  • Art and Crafts: Art is a great way to encourage self-expression and creativity. You can make finger paintings, create collages, or try your hand at pottery.
  • Cooking and Baking: Cooking and baking are excellent activities to help your child learn basic skills, such as measuring, pouring, and mixing.
  • Gardening: Gardening is a great way to teach your child about plant life and the environment.
  • Music: Music is an excellent way to engage your child's senses. You can play music, sing songs, or even try playing musical instruments.
  • Reading: Reading is a fantastic way to encourage language development and communication skills. You can read books together, or even make up your own stories.
  • Swimming: Swimming is an excellent way to improve motor skills and sensory processing. You can even make it more fun by playing games in the pool.
  • Puzzle-solving: Puzzles are an excellent way to improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills. You can start with simple jigsaw puzzles and work your way up to more complex ones.
  • Board Games: Board games are an excellent way to improve social skills, such as turn-taking, following rules, and sportsmanship.
  • Video Games: Video games can be an excellent way to improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. You can even play multiplayer games with your child to encourage social interaction.
  • Lego Building: Building with Legos is an excellent way to improve fine motor skills and creativity. You can start with simple designs and work your way up to more complex ones.
  • Role-playing: Role-playing is an excellent way to improve social skills, such as empathy and perspective-taking. You can even act out your own stories together.
  • Dance: Dancing is an excellent way to engage your child's senses and improve motor skills. You can dance to music or even try out different dance styles.
  • Yoga: Yoga is an excellent way to improve body awareness and sensory processing. You can even try doing yoga poses together.
  • Martial Arts: Martial arts are an excellent way to improve physical fitness and discipline. You can even enroll your child in classes and participate together.
  • Hiking: Hiking is an excellent way to improve physical fitness and sensory processing. You can even try hiking in different environments to expose your child to new experiences.
  • Photography: Photography is an excellent way to encourage creativity and self-expression. You can even try taking photos of nature or people together.
  • Painting: Painting is an excellent way to encourage self-expression and creativity. You can even try painting with different materials, such as watercolors or acrylics.
  • Science Experiments: Science experiments are an excellent way to improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills. You can even try making your own experiments at home.
  • Building Models: Building models is an excellent way to improve fine motor skills and attention to detail. You can even try building different types of models, such as cars or airplanes.
  • Writing: Writing is an excellent way to improve language skills and self-expression. You can even try writing stories or poems together.
  • Horseback Riding: Horseback riding is an excellent way to improve physical fitness and sensory processing. You can even try taking riding lessons together.
  • Fishing: Fishing is an excellent way to improve patience and attention to detail. You can even try fishing in different locations to expose your child to new experiences.
  • Birdwatching: Birdwatching is an excellent way to improve attention to detail and sensory processing. You can even try identifying different types of birds together.
  • Camping: Camping is an excellent way to improve social skills and sensory processing. You can even try camping in different locations to expose your child to new experiences.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering is an excellent way to improve social skills and empathy. You can even try volunteering at different organizations to expose your child to new experiences.
  • Geocaching: Geocaching is an excellent way to improve problem-solving and critical thinking skills. You can even try finding different geocaches together.
  • Collecting: Collecting is an excellent way to improve attention to detail and organization skills. You can even try collecting different types of items, such as stamps or coins.
  • Knitting or Crocheting: Knitting or crocheting is an excellent way to improve fine motor skills and attention to detail. You can even try making different types of items, such as scarves or hats.
  • Building Forts: Building forts is an excellent way to improve creativity and problem-solving skills. You can even try building different types of forts, such as tree forts or blanket forts.
  • Stargazing: Stargazing is an excellent way to improve attention to detail and sensory processing. You can even try identifying different constellations together.

Best Activities For High-Functioning Children

problem solving activities for autistic students

  • Coding: Coding is an excellent activity for high-functioning children on the autism spectrum. It can help improve their problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and attention to detail. You can start with simple coding games or apps and work your way up to more complex programming languages.
  • Chess: Chess is a great game to improve critical thinking, planning, and strategy-building skills in autistic children. It can also help them develop patience and focus.
  • Debate Club: Joining a debate club can be an excellent way for high-functioning autistic children to improve their communication skills, learn how to express their opinions effectively, and engage in social interactions with peers who share similar interests.
  • Drama Classes: Drama classes are an excellent way for high-functioning autistic children to improve their social skills, develop empathy, and practice perspective-taking while engaging in creative activities such as role-playing and improvisation.
  • Robotics: Robotics is an excellent activity that combines engineering, technology, and creativity for high-functioning autistic children. It can help them develop problem-solving skills while learning about mechanics and electronics.
  • Science Fiction Writing: Science fiction writing is another creative outlet that high-functioning autistic children may enjoy exploring. It can help them develop their imagination while improving language skills such as vocabulary building and grammar.
  • Photography Club: Joining a photography club or taking photography classes can be a fun way for high-functioning autistic children to express themselves creatively while developing technical skills such as lighting, composition, and editing.
  • Debate Team: For older high-functioning autistic children who are interested in public speaking or politics, joining a debate team can be an excellent opportunity to learn about current events while improving communication skills such as persuasion and argumentation.
  • Entrepreneurship: Encouraging high-functioning autistic children to explore entrepreneurship by starting small businesses or selling crafts online can help them develop valuable life skills such as financial literacy, marketing, and customer service.
  • Creative Writing: Finally, creative writing is an excellent activity for high-functioning autistic children to express themselves in a safe and supportive environment while improving their language skills and developing their imagination.

Best Activities For Low-Functioning Children

problem solving activities for autistic students

Engaging in activities can be especially beneficial for low-functioning children on the autism spectrum. However, it can be challenging to come up with suitable activities that cater to their unique needs. Here are some of the best activities for low-functioning children:

  • Sensory Activities: Sensory activities such as playing with sensory bins or exploring different textures can help improve sensory processing skills and provide a calming effect.
  • Music Therapy: Music therapy has been shown to improve communication and social skills in low-functioning autistic children. Listening to music, singing, or playing simple instruments can be an enjoyable way to engage with your child.
  • Therapeutic Horseback Riding: Therapeutic horseback riding is a structured activity that involves riding horses under the supervision of trained professionals. It has been shown to improve balance, coordination, and social skills in low-functioning autistic children.
  • Water Play: Playing with water can be an enjoyable activity for low-functioning autistic children while improving motor skills and sensory processing abilities.
  • Tactile Activities: Tactile activities such as finger painting or playing with playdough can help improve fine motor skills and sensory processing abilities.
  • Visual Arts: Creating art using visual mediums like crayons or markers is another excellent way to develop fine motor skills while providing a calming effect.
  • Storytelling: Reading books together or creating stories using picture cards is an effective way to improve language development and communication skills in low-functioning autistic children.
  • Dance Therapy: Dance therapy uses movement and music as a means of expression and communication for individuals on the autism spectrum. It has been shown to improve socialization, self-expression, and emotional regulation in low-functioning autistic children.
  • Swimming Lessons: Swimming lessons not only provide physical benefits but also help improve sensory processing abilities while providing a calming effect.
  • Animal-Assisted Therapy: Animal-assisted therapy involves interacting with animals under the supervision of trained professionals. It has been shown to improve social skills, communication, and emotional regulation in low-functioning autistic children.

By engaging in these activities with your low-functioning autistic child, you can provide them with a fun, safe, and supportive environment that encourages growth and development.

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Home » Autism Parenting Advice » Teaching Autistic Children Critical Thinking Skills

Teaching Autistic Children Critical Thinking Skills

problem solving activities for autistic students

By   Donnesa McPherson, AAS

October 21, 2022

What is so important about teaching autistic children critical thinking skills? These skills are important to everyday decisions and obstacles an individual may face, there are many neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals that have a hard time with these skills.

This article is going to outline abstract and conceptual thinking skills development, practice, and use in the school setting and at home. I plan on including ways that both parents and teachers will best be able to encourage and build these skills in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

It may take some creativity and thinking outside the box when interacting and teaching these skills. It is important to remember and take note of the differences and potential difficulties that your child may have when taking these ideas into consideration.

As always, these are merely the tip of the iceberg and may not work for everybody. That is why the ability of parents and educators to think outside the box and use their own critical thinking skills when figuring out what will work best for the child.

Neurodivergence, autism, and critical thinking skills

It has been thought that neurodivergent children, particularly autistic children, have a harder time with an abstract idea. In the article, Associations Between Conceptual Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Adaptive Ability in High-functioning Autism, they state that this thought is not entirely correct and cannot cover the spectrum that autism covers.

For instance, the article states that there are children that have learned some conceptual reasoning skills, along with abstract thinking in a therapy or school setting and do well. Then when they go about their everyday lives they tend to forget or have a hard time applying these skills to everyday occurrences.

There are also autistic children who have no need to further their problem solving and conceptual skills. As I stated, with the spectrum that autism falls under, it can be challenging to address all the differing areas of development in these areas.

Ways to promote and enhance abstract and conceptual thinking skills

In this section I will mainly focus on ways of developing these skills in the classroom environment. Also, what alterations and support can be put in place to help the individuals develop these skills.

Problem solving and critical thinking development in the classroom

The presentation, Understanding Autism Professional Development Curriculum: Strategies for Classroom Success and Effective Use of Teacher Supports, starts with explaining what autism is and moves into what affects the autistic students and ways to help and support these students.

What can affect the student with autism?

  • Unpredictability this can be daunting and even a little scary for a student that may rely on knowing what they should expect next when school events, like an unexpected pep rally in the loud gym, can be met with extreme difficulty and be more of a stressful event than something fun
  • Transitions knowing what is coming up next and have the time to prepare for these transitions can be key with some students keeping transitions and how they are handled in mind can help decrease difficult behaviors before they begin by making it easier for the student to transition smoothly
  • Environmental changes these changes can be anything from seating changes to adding a new plant to the classroom and can stimulate certain sensory sensitive individuals or be an unwelcome surprise they were not ready for
  • Sensory overload if a student is exhibiting unusual or difficult behaviors, it can occur from all the sounds in the hallway to the buzzing from the lights and can affect the individual that may have a sensitive sensory response
  • Sensory seeking these students need some type of sensory stimulating activity, or could be the individuals that need to move around during discussion because that is how their brain best functions
  • Navigation it can be confusing, especially if the student has any of the various communication difficulties and may lack the social skills needed to ask when navigating from classroom to classroom or learning center to learning center and can be further irritated by loud and unexpected sounds of voices and chairs scraping the floor
  • Expectations not knowing what is expected of them, if the student is still developing social skills they may not do what is asked because they are unsure of what the expectations were before the activity and/or task and are unaware of how to ask appropriately
  • Decision making if given too many possibilities for decisions, the student may become confused and irritated because they don’t know what to do and there are too many choices that have been presented to them

Ways to help and support these students

  • Provide structure and consistency organizational skills are so important when it comes to this step because it can require a posted classroom schedule and one that the students also have in their notebooks that they can refer to, if needed try to stay clear of visual clutter, as that can cause more confusion
  • Make information and supplies readily accessible label where items, homework, lessons, etc. go for the day don’t forget to verbally explain and show the students where they can find these areas and labels, if they haven’t been introduced
  • Predictability this is where having a schedule and following it helps and is a nice starting point also having different tools and visual supports that are easily accessible to the student makes it easier for them to use and understand
  • Consider potential distractions try to remember that open windows, fluorescent lighting, strong smells, and loud noises can be extremely distracting and are a few of the things that can affect a sensory sensitive student keeping these distractions down or altering them in a friendlier way can help the individual with paying attention to the task at hand
  • Provide plenty of visual supports visual supports are your friend and ones that are interactive, more so for younger students but can benefit older students who like the sensory stimulation when the student physically removes a piece to the complete side or has a visual schedule in front of them and knows to expect gym class after recess

What are five ways that teachers can support critical thinking in the classroom?

Whether the student is in a general education classroom or special education program, there are five ways that teachers and teaching aids can help support students:

  • Expose and prepare this a way that the teacher or aid could show and talk about the assignment before the assignment is taught and helps expose the student to the material and prepare them for what is going to be expected of them and what the assignment will entail
  • Provide and plan for necessary adaptations for the student if the student already has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) there could be modifications and adaptations already outlined
  • Visual supports these could be token charts that allow the student to interact and add tokens when they have accomplished something all the way to an interactive visual board that the student carries around, to a visual schedule that changes as the tasks change throughout the say letting the students know what to expect next
  • Reinforcement the reinforcement discussed here is a way of rewarding the child for following school rules, finishing assignments, interacting with other students, or whatever they are working on for the moment
  • Offer a safe space this is an area where the student can decompress and can either be a place where they go by themselves when they become overwhelmed

Free your mind

As a parent, it can be difficult changing around your thought patterns and expectations when it comes to different aspects of your child and what is being expected of them. It is an important thing to remember, though, that as your child is learning all kinds of things like new ways to interact in a more socially acceptable way to keep all your interactions as light and fun as possible.

As a parent you can look at things in a creative way. This can be fun and add a sense of adventure to how you and your child continue to learn and respond, especially when it comes to critical thinking, abstract skills, conceptual skills, and problem solving skills.

For instance, if you know your child doesn’t like doing their school work at the table, you can ask them where they would like to do their school work, be careful and avoid verbal overload by talking too long. It is best to keep to shorter sentences and questions and offer two to three potential answers.

If they say they would prefer to practice spelling on the couch, just make sure to minimize distractions and voila they have a new place to do work and where able to practice some abstract concepts to where homework can be done.

In her article, 3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking, Helen Lee Bouygues states three ways of improving critical thinking, and they are things parents can do at home to practice with their children!

What are the three things that parents can do at home to help these skills?

  • Ask questions this can seem super simple, but the act of asking and answering repetitive verbal questions can help build problem solving skills because the child has to use their thinking skills and reason with the question to come up with potential answers
  • Be logical if your child is very logical, this exercise could help them expand beyond their logic, although they would start with logic, and expand as you both come up with more questions and concepts to talk about
  • See things differently you and your child have had a discussion about homework and they have figured out that they can do spelling practice on the couch, maybe come up with what other subjects may be done on the couch? Or where else could be a good place to practice spelling words and find out that they love spelling while swinging on their sensory swing.

Key takeaways

There are many ways that teachers and parents can both support and help develop critical thinking and other skills that will help the student in their future. Some of these ideas include ways that the classroom can help or hinder development and education.

Also, challenging parents to think outside the box when helping develop thinking skills and those needed for problem and organizational solving on a daily basis. Although there are children that may be able to express these skills during some times and forget about them during daily tasks, practice can help further the skill set.

As with anything else in life, practice can make perfect. Or, it can at least help by making steps toward the ultimate goals of using these skills as a student and beyond.

Bouygues, H. (2019). 3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking.

Goldstein, G., Mazefsky, C., Minshew, N., Walker, J., Williams, D. (2018). Associations Between Conceptual Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Adaptive Ability in High-functioning Autism.

The Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders & Organization for Autism Research. Understanding Autism Professional Development Curriculum: Strategies for Classroom Success and Effective Use of Teacher Supports.

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The Best Classroom Activities for Nonverbal (Nonspeaking) Autistic Students

The Best Classroom Activities for Nonverbal (Nonspeaking) Autistic Students

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Are you looking for activities to help teach nonverbal or nonspeaking autistic students in your classroom? If so, you are in the right place!

Let me tell you a little secret:

As a special educator I ALWAYS presumed competence in my students and I hope you do the same.

Want to know something interesting?

If you as the teacher think that a student cannot do something, then they most likely will not be able to.

However, when I approached all learning opportunities as just that-an opportunity for growth and learning, then that is what typically happened. It was pretty cool and eye opening.

Basically what I’m trying to say is don’t treat students who can’t verbally speak any differently than your other students. You may have to use some different types of resources to communicate but that is okay.

Understanding Nonverbal vs. Nonspeaking Autism

According to Autism Speaks , About 30% of the autism population is born not being able to use oral language to speak.

The term “nonverbal” can mean something different for each and every person. We actually used to use this term a lot when I was still teaching.

According to Merriam Webster , Nonverbal actually means “not involving or using words and lacking or appearing to lack the ability to engage in speech.

Nonspeaking is defined as not involving spoken lines and not speaking or being able to speak.

You must remember that students who we refer to as nonverbal can still understand and respond to language . This is why the term nonspeaking can be somewhat preferred because these children can still understand language and communicate in different ways.

Just because someone does not communicate language through speech doesn’t mean they cannot understand or cannot communicate ideas through words.

Many people still use these words interchangeably, I am simply just giving some facts that I have learned recently.

problem solving activities for autistic students

The Best Classroom Activities for Nonverbal or Nonspeaking Autistic Students:

As a former autism classroom teacher who had many nonverbal students, I absolutely get the struggle of figuring out what to teach. I had no district curriculum available for any part of my classroom, so I had to search or create it myself.

Want to know a little trick that I learned as an autism classroom teacher?

Make things the same for students Every. Single. Time.

Once I realized that when I created resources that followed the same pattern while teaching different skills, my students always knew what to do. This way, it didn’t matter if my student was completing an ELA or math work task, they knew EXACTLY what to do every time I put it in front of them because the directions did not change.

This was a HUGE game changer for my students in learning how to work independently on tasks.

Below, I want to leave you with some of my favorite resources that I used in my autism classroom that worked really well with students who were not able to speak but could communicate in other ways.

It’s all about creating an inclusive space where every kid can shine, right? So, let’s dive into some awesome classroom activities that I’ve found super effective.

The Power of Visual Supports

If you work with students with autism, you know the huge power of using visual supports.

For students that cannot communicate through oral language, visual supports are absolutely necessary.

Here are some of my favorite visual supports to use with nonverbal or nonspeaking learners:

Visual Schedules

Visual supports for art class, visual supports for music class, visual supports for pe.

art visuals for nonverbal autism

“Visuals are the bridge that connects imagination to understanding, making complex ideas simple and turning dreams into reality.”

Reading Activities for Nonverbal or Nonspeaking Students:

⭐️ picture exchange system (pecs) :.

PECS is a fantastic tool that uses picture cards to help students communicate their desires and feelings. It’s also one of the best professional trainings I ever took.

But guess what?

It’s also incredible for teaching reading!

You can create PECS cards with simple words like “cat” or “dog” and gradually introduce more complex words to build the student’s vocabulary/ reading skills.

⭐️ Interactive Storytelling:

Pick a storybook and make it interactive! Use props, gestures and visual cues to help students engage with the story. Encourage them to point to pictures in the book or use AAC devices to express their thoughts about the story.

You can also use adapted books when reading. I liked to use CORE words to help teach about important subjects. These adapted books for teaching students about the community are some of my favorites.

⭐️ Sensory Reading :

Make reading a multisensory experience. Provide textured books or incorporate sensory elements into storytelling. Sensory reading can enhance comprehension by providing additional sensory input.

For instance, if you’re reading a story about the beach, bring in some sand to touch or seashells to explore while you read to help students better understand the story.

⭐️ Picture to Word Matching Activities:

Like I said above, using visuals is HUGE for working with students with autism, especially nonspeaking students. To access reading skills, I found that using lots of visuals and matching activities were extremely helpful to see if students were able to decode words. For this activity, they would have to decode the word and find the corresponding picture that matches the word at the bottom of the file folder.

reading activities for nonverbal nonspeaking autism

Math Activities for Nonverbal or Nonspeaking Students:

⭐️ counting with visuals:.

Numbers can be tricky, but visuals make math friendlier.

Use colorful counters, number lines, or even their favorite toys to help them understand counting and basic math concepts.

Use colorful building blocks or LEGO bricks. Ask the students to build towers or structures with a specific number of blocks, like “Build a tower with 5 blocks” or “Make a bridge using 3 blocks.”

This hands-on activity reinforces counting and basic math concepts such as addition and subtraction.

⭐️ Matching File Folders :

If you have students who can’t orally tell you the answer and maybe struggle with fine motor skills, completing some matching file folder activities like these counting file folders can be a great idea. I would use these an assessment tool to see where students were with their counting at the beginning of the year and throughout the year to collect data.

The only downfall to matching activities is that students can guess the answer and still get it correct. The big positive to using file folder activities like this is their ability to complete the work independently.

math activities for nonverbal students

Writing Activities for Nonverbal or Nonspeaking Students:

⭐️ aac writing apps:.

There are some fantastic apps designed to support AAC users in developing writing skills. They can type or select words and sentences to create stories or communicate their thoughts in writing. AAC stands for augmentative and alternative communication. Basically it just means another form of communicating besides verbally speaking.

When choosing an AAC app for writing, it’s essential to consider the individual needs and preferences of the user, as well as the level of support required. Many of these apps offer free trials or lite versions, allowing you to explore their features and determine which one best meets the specific needs of your students.

Here are some AAC Writing Apps you could try:

➡️ Proloquo2Go :

This comprehensive AAC app offers a text-based communication system with a wide range of customizable features. It allows users to construct sentences and paragraphs using symbols or text. Proloquo2Go also includes a robust vocabulary and grammar support.

➡️ TouchChat :

TouchChat is a versatile AAC app that includes both symbol-based and text-based communication options. It provides word prediction and abbreviation-expansion features, making it easier for users to write sentences and messages efficiently.

➡️ Snap + Core First:

Created by Tobii Dynavox, this AAC app offers a versatile platform for communication, including text-based messages and writing support. It has a user-friendly interface and a wide range of vocabulary and symbol options.

➡️ LAMP Words for Life:

LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning) is an AAC app that emphasizes motor planning and language development. It can be adapted for writing by creating custom grids or using the built-in text-based communication feature.

➡️ SpeakBook:

While primarily designed for storytelling and social interaction, SpeakBook can also be used for writing activities. It enables users to create stories, captions, and sentences using text and symbols.

problem solving activities for autistic students

⭐️ Cut and Paste Writing Activities :

Cut and paste worksheets are particularly helpful for teaching the sequencing part of writing. I like to use these cut and sequence worksheets . Then, if students are able to-they can use the sequencing steps to create a short sentence or paragraph using the picture prompts, depending on their writing goals.

Social Skills Activities for Nonverbal or Nonspeaking Students:

⭐️ visual social stories:.

Use visual social stories that depict various social situations and appropriate responses. These stories can serve as a valuable resource for teaching social cues and expected behaviors.

A social story is usually written in first person (as if it’s from the student’s perspective). It is a simple narrative that answers questions about a problem that the student may encounter and how to deal with them. It helps autistic students understand social norms and learn how to communicate with others effectively.

For example, if a student hates loud noises and a fire drill is coming up that week-you may read them a social story about what will happen during the fire drill and what to do when the alarm goes off to ease their mind a bit.

Adapted 4 Special Ed has some great choices for social stories that you can find HERE.

⭐️ Group Games:

Engage students in group games or activities that require cooperation and interaction. Games like “Simon Says,” or board games such as Candy Land can be incredibly effective in promoting social skills and engagement such as following directions or turn-taking for students who are nonverbal.

⭐️ I Feel I Need Visual Choice Board :

While this visual was designed for students with autism, it can be beneficial for any struggling students. Even verbal students can have trouble retrieving the words or articulating what they need can benefit from using this.

Providing students with this simple file folder visual support can allow them to express their needs in a simple way by using pictures to help show what they need or how they are feeling in certain situations.

social skills activities for nonverbal autism

Best Activities for Nonverbal or Nonspeaking Autism

Remember, every nonverbal or nonspeaking student is unique, so it’s essential to tailor these activities to their specific needs and preferences. Stay flexible, be patient and celebrate every small step of progress along the way! I hope you found some of these ideas helpful! Please let me know below which ones you will try!

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Teaching Individuals with Autism Problem-Solving Skills for Resolving Social Conflicts

  • Research Article
  • Published: 30 August 2021
  • Volume 15 , pages 768–781, ( 2022 )

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problem solving activities for autistic students

  • Victoria D. Suarez 1 ,
  • Adel C. Najdowski   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Jonathan Tarbox 3 ,
  • Emma Moon 2 , 4 ,
  • Megan St. Clair 4 &
  • Peter Farag 4  

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Resolving social conflicts is a complex skill that involves consideration of the group when selecting conflict solutions. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have difficulty resolving social conflicts, yet this skill is important for successful social interaction, maintenance of relationships, and functional integration into society. This study used a nonconcurrent multiple baseline across participants design to assess the efficacy of a problem-solving training and generalization of problem solving to naturally occurring untrained social conflicts. Three male participants with ASD were taught to use a worksheet as a problem-solving tool using multiple exemplar training, error correction, rules, and reinforcement. The results showed that using the worksheet was successful in bringing about a solution to social conflicts occurring in the natural environment. In addition, the results showed that participants resolved untrained social conflicts in the absence of the worksheet during natural environment probe sessions.

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Problem solving is traditionally defined as the ability to identify the problem and then create solutions for the problem (Agran et al., 2002 ). From a behavioral perspective, a person is faced with a problem when they experience a state of deprivation or aversive stimulation (Skinner, 1953, p. 246), and reinforcement is contingent upon a response that is in the person’s repertoire, but cannot be evoked under current conditions (Palmer, 1991 , 2009 ). According to Skinner ( 1953 ), “problem-solving may be defined as any behavior which, through the manipulation of variables, makes the appearance of a solution more probable” (p. 247). Therefore, problem solving involves mediating or precurrent behaviors that function to manipulate or generate discriminative stimuli needed to evoke a resolution response (Palmer, 1991 ; Skinner, 1984 ). See Szabo ( 2020 ) for a conceptual analysis of problem solving.

Behavioral researchers have taught specific problem-solving strategies to individuals for learning specific skills (see Axe et al., 2019 for a review), such as categorizing items (Kisamore et al., 2011 ; Sautter et al., 2011 ), explaining how to complete tasks (Frampton & Shillingsburg, 2018 ), and completing vocational tasks (Lora et al., 2019 ). Such problem-solving strategies functioned to teach participants to engage in mediating or precurrent behaviors that brought about a resolution. For example, Sautter et al. ( 2011 ) taught participants to use rules as a precurrent behavior to evoke the resolution of sorting stimuli. Kisamore et al. ( 2011 ) taught participants a visual imagining strategy as a precurrent behavior to evoke the resolution of categorizing. Frampton and Shillingsburg ( 2018 ) taught participants to sort and sequence visual stimuli of each step of a multistep task as a precurrent behavior to evoke explaining how to complete the multistep task.

Another type of scenario that requires one to engage in problem solving is when dealing with social conflict. Resolving social conflicts likely involves similar precurrent behaviors addressed in previous behavioral literature, such as behavior chains, rules, self-questioning, sequencing, and potentially visual imagining (See Axe et al., 2019 , for a review). However, because social conflicts by definition involve interacting with other people, successfully resolving social conflicts also likely involves engaging in perspective taking, including tacting others’ perspectives, engaging in deictic relating behavior by switching perspectives (Luciano et al., 2020 ), and likely arranging for others involved in the conflict to also obtain reinforcement.

According to traditional psychology, problem solving begins to develop as early as the preschool years (e.g., Best et al., 2009 ; Garon et al., 2008 ). Yet, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often display deficits in social skills (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013 ) and have been found to demonstrate difficulties resolving social conflicts (Bernard-Optiz et al., 2001 ).

Given that a defining feature of ASD is to present with deficits in social communication and interaction (APA, 2013 ) and that resolving social conflicts across a wide range of situations is essential for functional integration into society and the maintenance of relationships (Bonete et al., 2015 ), it appears necessary to identify effective methods for teaching individuals with ASD to engage in problem-solving skills that will aid social conflict resolution. However, behavioral research has not evaluated methods to teach problem-solving skills in this context specifically to individuals diagnosed with ASD.

Although the population of ASD has not been studied in previous behavioral research on using problem-solving strategies to deal with social conflicts, a study conducted by Park and Gaylord-Ross ( 1989 ) used behavioral procedures to teach individuals with intellectual disabilities precurrent behaviors including rules, self-questioning, and self-prompting to solve problems they encountered at work, including social initiations, mumbling, and conversation expansions and terminations. During training, the researchers provided participants with a picture of themselves in a social situation (e.g., passing by a familiar customer at their workplace) and asked them how they would behave in the presented situation. Participants were provided with seven rules or questions to ask themselves: (1) What is happening? (2) What are three behaviors I could emit? (3) What will be the outcome of each behavior? (4) Which is better? (5) Pick one (6) Emit the behavior and (7) How did I feel? Prompting, modeling, and praise were used to teach participants to use the seven rules/questions. Pictures of novel social situations (other than the target situation) were presented at the end of training sessions to assess generalization to untrained stimuli and only one of three participants demonstrated stimulus generalization. During follow-up, an audiocassette recorder was placed in the participants' shirt pockets to record their interactions during their work and evaluate generalization of responding to trained stimuli in the natural environment. The results of the study indicated that participants’ target behaviors improved during training, and follow-up performance in the natural environment improved compared to baseline.

In addition to the paucity of research on this topic within behavior analysis, there is limited research outside of the behavioral literature that has evaluated methods for teaching individuals with ASD to use problem-solving strategies for dealing with social conflicts. One notable exception is a study conducted by Bernard-Optiz et al. ( 2001 ), who used a web-based problem-solving program to teach typically developing children and children with ASD to select and develop appropriate solutions. In particular, social conflicts were presented to participants on a computer screen with choices of possible solutions and an option to insert an individualized solution. For example, participants were shown a scenario in which two children wanted a turn to go down a slide. An audio cue asking, “What would you do?” was presented, and icons offering problem-solving solutions, such as requesting to go first, were provided. A second audio cue asking, “Do you have any good ideas?” was subsequently presented, and the option to insert a unique solution was presented. Novel solutions identified by participants resulted in social praise, and the option to continue inputting novel solutions continued to appear until participants no longer produced additional responses. All participants demonstrated an increase in the number of appropriate novel solutions generated. The results of Bernard-Optiz et al. ( 2001 ) demonstrated that social praise and a web-based problem-solving program functioned to increase generativity of problem solutions. Moreover, the results demonstrated that participants with ASD were taught to generate novel solutions to social conflicts using prompts and reinforcement. However, as the authors point out, a limited selection of social conflict scenarios were presented during intervention. Perhaps the most substantial limitation to the study is the use of an analogue computer task, without assessing whether problem-solving skills improved during real-life social interactions. In addition, maintenance was not measured.

Although behavioral research has found that teaching precurrent behaviors led participants to solve problems (e.g., Frampton & Shillingsburg, 2018 ; Kisamore et al., 2011 ; Lora et al., 2019 ; Park & Gaylord-Ross, 1989; Sautter et al., 2011 ), no research of which we are aware has evaluated the effects of teaching precurrent behaviors for resolving social conflicts to individuals with ASD. Further, although nonbehavioral research demonstrates prompts and social praise may function to increase resolving social conflicts in children with ASD (Bernard-Optiz et al., 2001 ), it is unknown if prompts and reinforcement would be successful in teaching individuals with ASD to use precurrent behaviors to resolve social conflicts. In addition, although research by Park and Gaylord-Ross (1989) measured generalization to trained problems in the natural environment, there is a dearth of research measuring generalization to untrained social conflicts occurring in the natural environment. Furthermore, research that has evaluated generalization to untrained problems found positive results with only one of three participants (Park & Gaylord-Ross, 1989).

The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of a problem-solving training package conducted in the natural environment on the use of problem-solving skills (i.e., precurrent behaviors) to resolve untrained social conflicts by individuals with ASD. The problem-solving training package consisted of a problem-solving worksheet, multiple exemplar training, error correction, rules, and reinforcement. Generalization of problem solving to untrained conflicts was programmed for by using multiple exemplar training and was assessed throughout the course of the study.

Participants and Setting

Three male individuals, with primary language being English, participated. Patrick was an 11-year-old Indigenous, Latinx, and white male with diagnoses of ASD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder. Oliver was a 22-year-old Israeli male with a diagnosis of ASD. Russell was a 10-year-old Indigenous, Latinx, and white male with diagnoses of ASD and ADHD.

All participants received applied behavior analytic (ABA) services from a community-based agency for 10–12 hr per week. They demonstrated a listener behavior repertoire by engaging in auditory–visual conditional discriminations and following multistep instructions, used vocal–verbal communication in full sentences, and read and wrote basic paragraphs (i.e., three to five sentences). In addition, they demonstrated well-developed language skills by engaging in echoics, mands, tacts, and intraverbals. All participants labeled emotions in others (e.g., answered “How does she feel?”), identified cause-and-effect (e.g., answered “Why?” and “What will happen if . . . ?” For example, “Why did the egg break?” [“Because you dropped it.”], or “What will happen if I drop this egg?” [“It will break.”]), identified emotional cause-and-effect (e.g., answered “Why is she sad?” or “What will happen if someone takes her toy?”), and followed rules (e.g., “If you’re wearing pink, then raise your hand.”). In addition, participants used pronouns in speech and demonstrated listener behavior according to pronouns. All participants had a history of learning via role play and engaged in up to four intraverbal exchanges with others. At the time of recruitment, Patrick’s overall score on the Basic Living Skills Assessment Protocol from the Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS) was 469 and Russell’s overall score was 475. No standardized assessment scores are available for Oliver, because his most recent assessment conducted prior to participation in this study was conducted using a commercially available web-based platform that does not provide raw scores. Participants were included because they did not independently and appropriately resolve social conflicts, and deficiency in resolving social conflicts was affecting their maintenance of positive relationships with siblings or parents. Individuals who demonstrated significant challenging behavior severe enough to interfere with instruction (e.g., self-injurious behavior [SIB], moderate to severe aggression) were ineligible to participate.

Participants were recruited because they were determined to benefit from learning to resolve social conflicts by their supervising clinician. Moreover, participants were recruited by asking them (for Oliver) or their parents (for Patrick and Russell) if they would like to participate in a research study evaluating a lesson for teaching problem-solving skills to resolve social conflicts. Consent was obtained by providing a consent form outlining the study’s purpose, methods, and potential benefits/risks to Oliver and the parents of Patrick and Russell. In addition, assent forms were provided to Patrick and Russell.

Research sessions were conducted during regularly scheduled ABA-based teaching sessions in home-based and clinic-based settings for the duration of the study with the exception of Oliver who made a transition from home- and clinic-based sessions to solely telehealth sessions (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) beginning with session 21. Research sessions were conducted in various rooms throughout the session environment (e.g., bedroom, living room, lobby, conference room). Research sessions were 5–30 min in length and consisted of the presentation of one problem. One to two research sessions (conducted at least 30 min apart) were conducted 1–3 days per week.

Response Measurement and Data Collection

A problem-solving task analysis (TA; Table 1 ) was used to calculate the percentage of correct, independent problem-solving steps completed by each participant. Each step of the TA was scored as correct or incorrect based on the specified criteria (Table 1 ). A correct response included independently and accurately completing a step within the task analysis by either writing a response or vocally stating a response within 10 s of: (1) the problem occurring (step 1) and (2) the previous step being completed (steps 2–13). An incorrect response included responses irrelevant to the current step, prompted responses, and nonresponses (i.e., failure to respond within 10 s of the problem [step 1] or previous step occurring [steps 2–14]). During baseline and posttraining, if the participant was not progressing through the conflict (e.g., not doing anything to resolve the conflict) after 1 min of the problem occurring, the conflict was ended by the interventionist resolving the conflict (e.g., if the conflict was that brother left Legos on the table where the participant was going to eat, the interventionist resolved the conflict by removing the Legos) and all remaining steps of the TA were scored as incorrect.

Natural environment probes (explained below) were scored as all or nothing. If the participant successfully resolved the social conflict by engaging in a viable solution (i.e., any solution that would function to resolve the conflict and could be readily carried out) within 10 s of the conflict occurring, the natural environment probe was scored as 100% correct. On the other hand, if the participant failed to resolve the social conflict (i.e., proposed and/or engaged in an impracticable solution or was nonresponsive as defined earlier), the natural environment probe was scored as 0% correct.

Interobserver agreement (IOA) was collected by two independent observers who recorded data during 33% of baseline sessions for all participants. IOA data were collected during 50%, 62%, and 57% of training sessions for Patrick, Oliver, and Russell, respectively. Moreover, IOA data were collected during 67% of posttraining sessions for Patrick and Oliver and 50% for Russell. IOA data were collected during 75% of follow-up sessions for Patrick and 100% for Oliver and Russell. Finally, IOA data were collected during 50%, 40%, and 50% of natural environment probes for Patrick, Oliver, and Russell, respectively. Point-by-point agreement was used to identify observers’ agreement on whether each step was performed correctly versus incorrectly by dividing the number of steps for which there was agreement by the total number of steps and multiplying the resulting quotient by 100%.. Mean IOA was 100%, 98.8% (range; 90%–100%), and 98.7% (range: 90%–100%) for Patrick, Oliver, and Russell, respectively.

Experimental Design and Procedure

A nonconcurrent multiple baseline across participants design was used to assess the effects of the problem-solving training package.

General Procedures

At the beginning of each ABA-based teaching session, participants were provided with a variation of the following instruction: “Today during your session, a social problem with someone will happen at some point. Here is a worksheet [see Fig. 1 ] you can use to help solve the problem when it happens.” The worksheet was written using language that was previously observed to be used by the participants and that they were familiar with.

figure 1

Problem-solving worksheet

Then, ABA-based teaching activities began, and at some point between teaching activities, up to 15 min after delivering the instruction, a social conflict was contrived or captured with people in the natural environment. For example, when the participant and his brother both wanted to go first at a game, data were collected on how the participant responded to the problem-solving steps outlined on the TA. If the participant engaged in any negative emotional responding, such as whining or crying during the presentation of the social conflict, a second conflict was not presented again that day.

Social conflicts to be used were determined by interviewing the participants and their parents and asking them what situations usually led to arguments with others. In addition, we observed naturally occurring social interactions between the participants and others and identified situations in which a social conflict arose and the participant failed to resolve the conflict. We then set up these scenarios to occur during the research session. For example, Russell stated he argued with his brother when his brother wanted to play a video game that he was already playing. So, we arranged for Russell’s brother to request playing a video game that Russell was actively playing during the research session. Other times, the scenarios were genuinely captured, so we ran the research session upon capturing the naturally occurring conflict. For example, we observed that Patrick walked into his room to find that his brother had left dirty dishes on his desk and was notably upset as evidenced by his tone of voice, prosody, heavy breathing, and crying. The social conflicts contrived or captured are provided in Table 2 .

During baseline, in addition to the general procedures, problems occurred with at least two different people (e.g., parent, sibling; see Table 3 ). We did not provide any prompting or feedback in order to assess the extent to which participants resolved social conflicts independently. If the participant was not progressing through the conflict after 1 min of the conflict occurring, the conflict was ended by the interventionist resolving the problem. It was planned that if any distressed behavior (e.g., crying, screaming, negative statements, SIB, aggression) was observed for a duration of at least 10 s, the conflict was to be ended by the interventionist resolving the problem; however, distressed behavior never occurred during baseline. Participants qualified to continue to the training phase if they scored 60% or less on the problem-solving TA. Two participants were excluded for not meeting this criterion.

Pretraining Phase

In this phase, the participant was taught how to use the problem-solving worksheet. In particular, the purpose of this phase was to evaluate whether simply providing the worksheet would result in improved problem-solving performance, that is, to ensure that the repertoires were not already present but just not under the stimulus control of the worksheet. The interventionist began by providing the participant with the following instruction: “This is a worksheet you can use to help you solve problems you have with other people. To use it, you will read each of the questions on it and answer them while the problem is happening to help you solve it.” Then, the interventionist walked the participant through each question on the worksheet by pointing to each step and instructing the participant on what they should do for each worksheet question. For example, the interventionist pointed to the first question on the worksheet and said, “In this box you will ask yourself, ‘What is the problem?’ and you will write down or say out loud the problem that is happening between you and another person. After this, the interventionist pointed to the second question on the worksheet and said, “In this box you will ask yourself, ‘What do I think happened?’ and you will write down what happened from your perspective.” After going through each question on the worksheet with the participant in a similar fashion, the interventionist presented the following instruction: “At some point today I am going to have a social problem with you; when it happens, you can use the worksheet to help you solve it.” The participant was handed the blank worksheet alongside a pen/pencil. Participants were also told that they could call out their responses aloud if they did not want to write on the worksheet. At some point later in the session (between 5–15 min after reviewing how to use the worksheet), a social conflict was contrived between the interventionist and the participant. If the participant asked for help, they were told to do their best. Similar to baseline, no prompting, feedback, praise, or reinforcement was delivered. In addition, if any distressed behavior was observed for a duration of at least 10 s, the problem was ended by the interventionist resolving the social conflict. If the participant was not progressing through solving the problem after 1 min of the conflict occurring, the conflict was likewise ended by the interventionist resolving it. Participants qualified to continue to the training phase if they scored 60% or less on the problem-solving TA in pretraining. No participants were excluded from continued participation during this phase.

Training Phase

In addition to the general procedures, during training, the participant was taught to engage in precurrent behavior (i.e., use the worksheet) to resolve social conflicts using multiple exemplar training, error correction, and reinforcement. At the beginning of each session, an informal preference assessment was conducted by asking participants what they would like to earn after resolving a conflict. Then, the participant was told that they would be able to access the predetermined reinforcer for more or less time depending on how many questions of the worksheet they completed correctly. The amount of time that was granted with the reinforcer was determined using a grading scale in which higher percentages of independent correct responding on the worksheet resulted in more time with the reinforcer (see Fig. 2 ). For example, if the participant scored 20% correct on the problem-solving worksheet, they received 2 min of access to their reinforcer (e.g., video game, free time), and if they scored 90% correct they received 13 min of access. A social conflict was then contrived and each independently performed step of the TA was praised. Access to the predetermined reinforcer was granted for a prespecified amount of time depending on the participant’s percentage of correct responding.

figure 2

Reinforcement grading scale

Incorrect responses resulted in re-presentation of the step followed by an immediate prompt using a least-to-most prompting hierarchy. The first prompt used was a gestural prompt, which consisted of the interventionist pointing to (in-person sessions) or highlighting with a cursor (telehealth sessions) the current step of the worksheet. If the gestural prompt did not result in a correct response, the step was re-presented with an immediate directive prompt. The directive prompt consisted of the interventionist saying, “Ask yourself [ step-related question ]” (e.g. “Ask yourself, ‘What is the problem?’”; “Ask yourself, ‘What do I think happened?’”) while pointing to the current step on the worksheet. If the directive prompt did not result in a correct response, the step was re-presented with an immediate leading-question prompt. Leading-question prompts were individualized for each conflict and each step of the TA. For example, “What is going on right now?” was used as a leading question for the first step of the worksheet (i.e., identifying the problem). If the leading question prompt did not result in a correct response, a choice prompt was presented. Choice prompts were also individualized for each conflict and each step of the TA using the following script: “Is the problem [ correct/irrelevant possibility ], or is the problem [ correct/irrelevant possibility ]?” (e.g., “Is the problem that we both want to go first [the problem], or is the problem that you need a place to sit?” [irrelevant to the problem]). A coin flip was used to randomize the order of correct/irrelevant choices provided. Finally, the most intrusive prompt provided was a full vocal model of the correct answer (e.g., “The problem is that we both want to go first.”). It was planned that if the participants came up with three nonviable solutions, the aforementioned prompting hierarchy would be used to prompt them to think of at least one solution that would work to solve the problem; however, all participants proposed at least one viable solution during training, so this was not needed. The criterion for ending the training phase was for the participant to respond with at least 80% accuracy for three consecutive sessions with the interventionist. After this, the posttraining phase was introduced.

Posttraining Phase

At the beginning of each posttraining session, a variation of the following instruction was presented, “Even if you can solve the problem by yourself without the worksheet, I need you to use the worksheet so that I know what you are thinking.” If participants began to resolve the conflict without using the worksheet, the instruction was re-presented. Other than the presence of that instruction, this phase was identical to baseline conditions, in that no feedback or reinforcement was provided at any point. Exemplars from baseline were re-presented during this phase (Table 3 ) to evaluate whether participants resolved social conflicts that they were unsuccessful in resolving prior to receiving the problem-solving training package.

Natural Environment Probes

Natural environment probes were used to evaluate problem solving in the absence of the worksheet. The first natural environment probe was conducted during baseline to evaluate participants’ problem-solving skills in the absence of the worksheet. During training, natural environment probes were contrived after participants scored at or above 80% correct on the problem-solving worksheet, with the exception of Oliver, who had a natural environment probe captured after the sixth training session. During posttraining, natural environment probes were graphed whenever captured. For example, if a naturally occurring social conflict arose at any time, it was captured as a natural environment probe. In addition, three consecutive natural environments probes were presented after completing posttraining sessions for all participants.

Follow-up natural environment probes were conducted at 2 (Patrick, Russell, and Oliver), 4 (Patrick and Russell), 6 (Patrick and Russell), and 10 (Patrick only) weeks posttraining to evaluate maintenance.

Social Validity

A social validity questionnaire (Table 4 ) was administered to each participant upon the completion of training. Participants were instructed to complete the questionnaire to the best of their ability and no additional feedback on their responses was provided. The questionnaire consisted of six questions (two each for goals, procedures, and outcomes; see Table 4 ) scored on a 5-point Likert scale: (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) neutral, (4) agree, and (5) strongly agree. There were also two open-ended questions that asked participants to identify what they liked the most and least about the problem-solving training package.

Figure 3 contains the results for Patrick (top panel), Oliver (middle panel), and Russell (bottom panel); these are described below, respectively. Patrick responded during baseline with 0%–8% accuracy in the presence of the worksheet and did not resolve the social conflict presented during the natural environment probe. During pretraining, Patrick performed with 0% accuracy in the presence of the worksheet. During training in the presence of novel problems, there was an immediate increase in correct responding, and he met the mastery criterion on the sixth training session. After training, during a natural environment probe (no worksheet), Patrick successfully resolved a contrived social conflict. During posttraining when untrained social conflict exemplars from baseline were repeated, Patrick consistently scored 100% using the problem-solving worksheet and also successfully resolved social conflicts during the natural environment probes (no worksheet). Maintenance was measured 2, 4, 6, and 10 weeks following training, and Patrick successfully resolved novel, naturally occurring social conflicts in the absence of a worksheet.

figure 3

Percentage of correct problem-solving steps emitted by participants

Oliver responded with 0%–21% accuracy during baseline in the presence of the worksheet and did not resolve the social conflict presented during the natural environment probe. During pretraining, Oliver scored 7% correct in the presence of the worksheet. During training in the presence of novel problems, there was an immediate increase in correct responding, and he met the mastery criterion on the ninth training sessions. During session 15, we captured a naturally occurring social conflict, and Oliver successfully resolved it in the absence of the worksheet. During posttraining when untrained social conflict exemplars from baseline were repeated, Oliver scored 92%–100% correct and successfully resolved a social conflict during session 20 during a captured natural environment probe. After session 21, a 2-month period elapsed wherein Oliver did not receive services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon returning to sessions using telehealth technology, Oliver scored 62% correct on the problem-solving worksheet under posttraining conditions. Because Oliver’s performance notably decreased, a novel exemplar probe under baseline conditions was conducted to determine if Oliver should receive a booster training session, and he scored 77% correct. The novel exemplar probe consisted of the presentation of a social conflict that had not been contrived at any other time in the study. Given that Oliver scored below 80% on the novel exemplar probe, Oliver was provided with booster training until he re-met the mastery criterion of 80%–100% correct across three consecutive sessions. The booster training conditions were identical to the training conditions. Then, another novel exemplar probe under baseline conditions was presented, and Oliver scored 100% correct. After this, a natural environment probe was captured in which Oliver successfully resolved a conflict in the absence of the problem-solving worksheet. Oliver scored 100% correct in the following session when he was presented with an untrained exemplar from baseline under posttraining conditions. Then, three natural environment probes were conducted and Oliver successfully resolved social conflicts in the absence of the worksheet. Maintenance was measured 2 weeks following posttraining in which Oliver successfully resolved a novel, naturally occurring social conflict in the absence of a worksheet.

Russell responded with 0%–8% accuracy during baseline in the presence of the worksheet and did not resolve the social conflict presented during the natural environment probe. During pretraining, Russell scored 8% correct in the presence of the worksheet. During training in the presence of novel problems, there was an immediate increase in correct responding, and he met the mastery criterion on the seventh training session. Moreover, Russell successfully resolved a contrived social conflict in the absence of the worksheet. During posttraining when untrained social conflict exemplars from baseline were repeated, Russell scored 70%–100% correct using the problem-solving worksheet and successfully resolved social conflicts in the absence of the worksheet. Maintenance was measured 2, 4, and 6 weeks following posttraining, and Russell successfully resolved novel, naturally occurring social conflicts in the absence of the worksheet.

Patrick and Russell scored the problem-solving training package as being highly acceptable with mean scores of 5 and 4.82, respectively. Oliver’s mean social validity score was 3.83. He scored “strongly agree” for one question and “agree” for three questions. The questions he scored as neutral included: (1) “I believe that I am better at solving social problems after participating in the social problem-solving lesson”; and (2) “I think that completing the social problem-solving lesson helped me solve social problems I have with my family/friends.” Patrick identified what he liked most about the training package was that it was helpful to him, and Oliver identified what he liked most was feeling like he was right. The only reported dislike about the training package was that it was tedious (Oliver).

The data from the current study suggest that multiple exemplar training, combined with a worksheet, was effective in teaching three individuals with ASD to resolve novel social conflicts occurring in the natural environment. In addition, generalization across untrained conflicts and people was observed from baseline to posttraining for all participants. These results are consistent with behavioral research conducted by Frampton and Shillingsburg ( 2018 ), Kisamore et al. ( 2011 ), Lora et al. ( 2019 ), Park and Gaylord-Ross (1989), and Sautter et al. ( 2011 ) in demonstrating that problem-solving strategies can be taught using behavioral strategies.

A noteworthy finding was that pretraining was insufficient to occasion the use of the worksheet during social conflicts. This finding is consistent with the behavioral skills training (BST) literature, which has shown instructions alone are generally ineffective compared to behavioral packages, such as BST (e.g., Feldman et al., 1989 ; Hudson, 1982 ; Ward-Horner & Sturmey, 2012 ). This finding is also consistent with previous problem-solving research that found modeling and prompting resulted in superior responding as compared to other strategies, such as teaching rules (Kisamore et al., 2011 ).

The results of this study are also consistent with previous research conducted by Bernard-Optiz et al. ( 2001 ) in demonstrating an increase in the use of novel solutions by individuals with ASD. In particular, the results showed that precurrent behaviors were successful in bringing a variety of solutions (not just one type of solution) under the control of the conflict context. For example, types of solutions used by participants included many different repertoires, some of which have not been addressed in previous research such as apologizing, providing information, advocating for individual needs/wants, compromising, and removing oneself from the situation, along with others that have been targeted in previous research, such as requesting information (e.g., Shillingsburg et al., 2011 ), requesting tangibles (e.g., Bourret et al., 2004 ), and requesting help/removal (e.g., Rodriguez et al., 2017 ; see Table 5 ). A potential limitation of this study is that we did not preplan the types of solutions we would teach, so exposure to types of solutions was not controlled for or counterbalanced. Therefore, it is possible that variation in the types of solutions used affected the results. However, consistent results were obtained across the three participants, so there is no direct evidence that inconsistency affected the results. In addition, training a variety of strategies, all of which have the same function, to solve the problem, may be considered a form of multiple exemplar training in itself, and therefore may have contributed to the favorable generalization that was observed. Still, uncontrolled variables are often frowned upon in research, so future researchers may want to consider controlling the number of each type of solution taught to participants.

This study expanded upon past research by capturing and contriving social conflicts within each participants’ natural environment. By conducting training with naturally occurring stimuli and “training loosely” (Stokes & Baer, 1977 ), generalization was promoted to ensure that participants acquired a repertoire for resolving social conflicts, rather than generating solutions only for specifically targeted conflicts. A compelling finding was that participants successfully resolved social conflicts in the absence of the worksheet during natural environment probes. Thus, the current study contributes to the literature by demonstrating that problem-solving strategies (i.e., worksheet use) can result in participants with ASD demonstrating successful generalization to untrained social conflicts occurring in the natural environment in the absence of a worksheet. The worksheet may be conceptualized as a prompt, that may have facilitated acquisition at first and was then no longer necessary to occasion the problem-solving chain of behaviors. Future research could consider teaching social conflict resolution in the absence of a worksheet, possibly by teaching each step of the problem-solving worksheet. Future research could also evaluate whether teaching a shorter problem-solving chain would be efficacious. For example, the last two steps of the worksheet could be omitted.

Continued successful problem-solving during natural environment probes also has implications for the possibility that some of the mediating behaviors previously cued by the worksheet were completed by participants on a covert level when the worksheet was no longer present. However, it is not possible to identify with any certainty whether participants were engaging in covert behavior. Given that participants were unsuccessful with resolving social conflicts during baseline, but were successful with resolving naturally occurring social conflicts after being trained to follow the problem-solving steps, and continued to resolve social conflicts effectively during posttraining, it seems possible that participants completed some of the steps on a covert level. In addition, after completing training, anecdotal observations found that participants engaged in overt behavior that suggested the possibility that they were engaging in covert completion of the steps, such as overtly saying, “You might think I am just not wanting to share the computer, but really I have been doing schoolwork all morning and just started my turn” (Step 3: What does the other person think happened?). It is also possible that participants engaged in visual imagining of the worksheet during natural environment probes. Skinner ( 1969 ) described precurrent behaviors of visual imagining in mathematical problem-solving and Kisamore et al. ( 2011 ) attempted to directly train visual imagining problem-solving behavior, so it is possible that the participants in this study engaged in covert imagining behavior. As with any covert behavior, it is not possible for researchers to directly measure it, but future research could attempt to train participants to observe and record their own covert verbal behavior, in order to provide an approximate measurement of the generalization of problem-solving repertoires to the covert level. For example, researchers might ask the participant, “How did you figure out how to solve that problem?,” to which a participant might respond with something like, “I imagined the worksheet in my head until I thought of the solution.” To the extent that participants are not directly trained to give specific verbal reports of this kind, such verbal reports might provide interesting supplementary data on the possibility of covert problem solving behavior.

It is interesting that all participants were observed to attempt to solve problems without using the worksheet in posttraining, although they were presented with the worksheet. In these instances, participants were reminded to use the worksheet. This indicated that participants had acquired problem-solving skills and no longer needed the worksheet; however, it was necessary to have participants use the worksheet in order to compare their posttraining performance to their baseline performance (because we could not measure their covert behavior to identify if they were implementing the problem-solving steps). Future research should evaluate methods to measure problem-solving skills in ways that allow participants to demonstrate their newly acquired skills without being limited by the apparatus/materials of the experiment. A possible solution could be to consider problem resolution as the primary dependent variable and evaluate pre- and posttraining data for conflict resolution following training in a problem-solving strategy.

We also found that emotional responding occasionally occurred upon presentation of social conflicts and possibly interfered with participants’ performance with resolving social conflicts. For example, Patrick was occasionally observed crying in response to a social conflict, which was followed by engaging in additional emotional self-regulation behaviors (e.g., take deep breaths, drink some water) and then successfully resolving the conflict. However, given that participants were successful in resolving social conflicts albeit experiencing emotional responding, the likelihood that emotional responses hindered learning problem-solving skills is low. Data were not collected on emotional responding; however, the team anecdotally observed that emotional responding decreased as participants learned to use the problem-solving worksheet. Future research should consider measuring emotional responding when teaching individuals to resolve social conflicts and may also investigate the role of emotion-regulation repertoires on problem-solving skills of individuals with ASD.

One potential limitation of the study is that we did not assess whether the trained problem-solving repertoires specifically came under the stimulus control of problems. Put another way, although the training procedure trained participants to identify problems and to discriminate which social situations were problems, we did not formally collect data on whether such discrimination was occurring. Although formal data were not collected on unnecessary or inappropriate application of problem-solving skills, the research team anecdotally reported that they never observed this to occur.

Another limitation of the study is that procedural fidelity data were not collected, so the degree to which procedures were implemented with fidelity is unknown. In addition, social validity information was not collected from family members. Given that social conflicts often occurred between the participants and their family members, future research could assess the family members’ impressions of the intervention by collecting social validity information from family members with whom conflicts typically occurred

Probably the most notable limitation of the study was that all solutions effectively resolved the current social conflict, because we primed the people who had social conflicts with the participants to make sure the participants’ solutions were successful. This was done by vocally instructing individuals present within the session that if a social conflict arose between them and the participant, they should allow whatever solution is presented by the participant to resolve the social conflict. In other words, whatever solution the participant proposed received functional reinforcement by the conflict being resolved. This was done to ensure the problem-solving sequence resulted in reinforcement; however, the schedule of reinforcement for problem solving in the natural environment is certainly not fixed. Future research should make a transition to a variable schedule of reinforcement when teaching problem-solving skills. In addition, when a strategy to resolve a conflict fails, one must engage in a subsequent behavior chain of problem solving. Therefore, future research should investigate the additional problem-solving steps required when an initial solution is unsuccessful.

Overall, the current study was successful in teaching three individuals with ASD to resolve social conflicts occurring in their every-day lives using a problem-solving worksheet, multiple exemplar training, error correction, rules, and reinforcement. In addition, the results of this study indicate that acquired skills for problem resolution successfully generalized to untrained social conflicts and maintained after training. The most notable aspect of the study was that the findings of this study indicate that overt precurrent behaviors, such as completing a worksheet, were not needed by participants to successfully resolve social conflicts after receiving training in engaging in such precurrent behaviors. As noted by Frampton and Shillingsburg ( 2018 ), it is important to identify efficacious methods for teaching complex skills, such as resolving social conflicts, that often occur at the covert level. Finally, it should be noted that according to traditional psychology, problem solving is associated with executive function (EF; Zelazo et al., 1997 ). In our clinical practice, skills associated with EF have become a requested repertoire to be targeted during behavioral intervention. For example, individualized educational planning (IEP) team members and parents have requested goals related to EF skills. The findings of this study demonstrate that behavioral procedures can be used to address a skill that is traditionally categorized as being an EF skill.

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Victoria D. Suarez is Latina, Adel C. Najdowski is bi-racial: Latina and White, Jonathan Tarbox is White, Emma I. Moon is White, Megan St. Clair is White, and Peter Farag is Egyptian. We thank Jasmyn Pacheco, Lauri Simchoni, and Bryan Acuña for their assistance with this project.

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Endicott College, Beverly, MA, USA

Victoria D. Suarez

Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, USA

Adel C. Najdowski & Emma Moon

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Jonathan Tarbox

Halo Behavioral Health, Valley Village, California, USA

Emma Moon, Megan St. Clair & Peter Farag

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Suarez, V.D., Najdowski, A.C., Tarbox, J. et al. Teaching Individuals with Autism Problem-Solving Skills for Resolving Social Conflicts. Behav Analysis Practice 15 , 768–781 (2022).

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Accepted : 05 August 2021

Published : 30 August 2021

Issue Date : September 2022


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A Heart For All Students

20 Super Fun Games for a Nonverbal Autistic Child

Using games with a nonverbal autistic child is a great way to support them to thrive. Pairing fun and interest with learning is an effective teaching strategy. Additionally, non-speaking children benefit when parents and support people encourage connection and emotional safety over compliance. One way to do this is through games and other fun activities. So, today, let’s dive into different activities and games for the nonverbal autistic child in your life.

problem solving activities for autistic students

Table of Contents

20 activities and games for a nonverbal autistic child, 3. build puzzles, 4. build with blocks, 6. hide and seek, 7. physical play and motor skills, 10. trampoline time, 11. painting, 13. pretend play, 14. play house, 15. sorting games, 16. board games for nonverbal autistic child, 18. educational apps, 19. minecraft, 20. drawing, recap: games for nonverbal autistic child, nonspeaking not nonverbal.

While many people say “nonverbal children” when referring to kids who don’t speak, this is not accurate.

The term nonverbal indicates a child is without language. However, most young children who don’t speak do understand and can use language. (This is why we must give them the tools to do so such as AAC Alternative and Augmentative Communication.)

By understanding that communication skills are multi-faceted, we can better support and connect with young children who don’t speak, have communication disorders, or live with selective mutism . Let’s presume competence.

The following list contains 20 fun activities and games for nonverbal children.

Spot It ADHD Brain Game Version. five spot-it game cards on a table top.

A game of Spot It is easy to play with a child who doesn’t speak aloud. Simply take turns pointing to the matching picture on the Spot It cards.

Encourage receptive language by repeating a carrier phrase for each play of the cards. For example, pointing to a red bird on a Spot-It card.

There is a red bird.

Expand language while creating connection and safety in your relationship. Creating these emotionally calm moments with your autistic child helps you both develop stronger pathways of regulation between the two of you. Your autistic child must feel safe with you if they’re ever going to be able to take direction from you.

Why Safety is Essential for the Brain

For more on the brain and its impact on emotional regulation, learning, and behavior, watch this quick video tutorial.

2. Matching Games

Using card games, especially those designed as matching games are a fun way to increase any number of different skills.

For example, you can work on Math Skills (Using Shapes as an Example).

  • Use flashcards of a number of different shapes.
  • Lay them face down on the table.
  • Take turns turning over a card and finding its matching shape.

Again, use a carrier phrase to reinforce receptive language skills.

  • “I turned over a _____. Now I turn over a _______. I got a match/I didn’t get a match.”

Use any area of your child’s interest to encourage learning in any area. For example, if your student likes Peppa Pig, use a Peppa Pig memory game.

Losing is Hard for Neurodivergent Kids for a Reason

Autistic and other neurodivergent children live in a world designed in opposition to who they are.

This means that they’re constantly set up for failure which can make “losing” even harder for them.

Provide them with an internal narrative that tells them that losing is okay and to be expected. Do this by modeling an emotionally affirming internal dialogue.

For example, if you don’t turn over a matching pair, say something like,

  • “Oh well. I didn’t get a match this time. I’ll try again next time.”

And then repeat, repeat, repeat.

4 letter words learn to read puzzle

Autistic kids, like neurotypical children, often love putting together puzzles . In fact, in our homeschool, we use puzzles for just about all of my son’s special interests.

Using puzzles is a great way to reinforce any areas of learning while working on visual-spatial skills, problem-solving skills, team-building, and turn-taking. (Hint… do the puzzle with your child if they’d like your company.)

Gestalt Language Processing: Natural Language Acquisition in Autism

games for nonverbal autistic child close-up of little girl playing on floor with multiple rainbow-colored blacks

Building with blocks is a great way to increase hand-eye coordination in kids who struggle with coordination. Use blocks to model verbal language specific to:

  • prepositions (in, on, above, below, etc.)
  • colors, and more.

For example, “I put a block on top of the tower.” These solar-system-themed blocks are stunning and great for visual learners.

30+ Best Gifts for Kids Who Love Space & Astronomy (2023)

Any activity that involves building and creating is a winner for so many reasons. Legos are a perfect side-by-side activity for non-speaking and neurotypical children. Build up fine motor and problem-solving skills, visual-spatial awareness, and more.

Hide and seek is such a fun way to have fun without the need to speak using oral language. From the first time we play peek-a-boo with a child, we engage in this silly game of hide and seek.

One of the best things about the hide-and-seek game is the laughter and relationship building through connection. There’s nothing more important than to be sought after and found. Just like neurotypical children, nonspeaking children enjoy the social interaction of hide-and-seek.

Speech Delay and Autism: What’s the Connection?

Physical play is essential to any child’s development . From infancy, movement matters. Tummy time alone supports core and neck strength that are foundational to all later motor skill development .

Surprisingly, tummy time doesn’t just set the stage for sitting, crawling, and walking. It is critical to later develop fine motor skills such as speaking and handwriting. Additionally, it’s well-known that to get an autism diagnosis, a child will struggle with some areas of difficulty with motor skill development .

Caucasian woman with long brown curly hair wearing a green shirt and jeans. She's holding hands with a little girl who is looking up at her. They're dancing together in a family room. In the background there is a large window with blue curtains.

Some autistic kids may appear clumsy, have a heavy gait, or have challenges throwing a ball, for example.

Fortunately, a private occupational therapist can support your non-speaking autistic child in all things motor skills. However, you don’t have to rely on one hour a week of occupational therapy. There are so many fun activities that can help autistic kids develop their motor skills through play.

Motor Skills in Autism: Why Your Child’s Cerebellum Matters

8. Obstacle Courses

Set up an obstacle course in your living room. Here are some ideas for an obstacle course.

  • Cushions to jump over,
  • Chairs to climb over,
  • Aline of painter’s tape to balance across as a “tight rope”,
  • Lay a hula hoop on the ground and have your child jump inside 10 times
  • Have them return by crawling under the kitchen table
  • Slide across the room using a tummy scooter
  • Then spin them in the opposite direction 5 times ( Vestibular Input )
  • Jump into a crash pad at the end

Whether your child or student has higher support needs or not, this type of activity is so much fun. As always, be sure to modify it to meet your child’s needs.

Model and Make It Fun

Model using the obstacle course, offer visual cues with large hand gestures, and narrate what you’re doing.

Remember, nonverbal autistic people very often understand ( receptive language) well. Give your child every opportunity to hear spoken language while they’re happily engaged.

When you use language in a playful and fun activity, kids are better able to make sense of new concepts and directions. Be sure to engage your child in the process and participate with them. Make it fun and low-pressure. Read your child’s nonverbal cues and follow their lead.

9. Sensory Play

games for nonverbal autistic child close up of child playing with green, red, and blue clay

Most young kids (and many adults) love to make Play-Doh creations. Play-Doh, clay , and kinetic sand are excellent sensory tools to support your child’s fine motor skills .

At the same time, it provides needed sensory information to the brain. Specifically, sensory activities like these provide proprioceptive input to the small joints and muscles of the fingers, wrists, and arms.

Further, nonverbal kids (nonspeaking) can use play-doh to learn:

  • (For example, check out this ocean playdough )

Proprioception is Calming

Proprioceptive sensory input is calming to the brain and body by releasing calming neurotransmitters like serotonin. Allowing your child to play freely with Play-Doh or clay (without directing them) is a great activity to support emotional regulation skills for later use.

A wonderful benefit of sensory experiences such as this is that most children enjoy sensory play. That means sensory play is a great way to teach non-autistic children to learn Autistic social skills and how to be inclusive in social situations.

Try the best no-cook playdough recipe you can make with (or without!) a stand mixer!

31 Sensory Toys for Autism and Why They Work (2024)

Trampolines are versatile tools to provide autistic children of all ages with physical exercise opportunities that support sensory integration. Jumping on a trampoline provides both proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input to help calm the brain and body while at the same time increasing attention span .

The more autistic children jump, the more they develop greater spatial awareness of where their body is in space. Further, the benefits of jumping on a trampoline are numerous.

Benefits of Jumping on a Trampoline

  • cardiovascular health,
  • increased overall muscle tone,
  • core strength
  • elevated mood,
  • increased attention span

Learning to Read While on a Trampoline

If you’re homeschooling your non-verbal autistic child, try this:

  • This supports your child in learning to read.
  • While your child is jumping, sing nursery rhymes
  • Or read them their favorite rhyming storybooks

Nonverbal autism does not mean nonliterate. As long as teachers and parents allow kids to learn based on who they are, autistic kids can thrive as readers.

Autism Trampoline Therapy: Is It a Real Thing?

Painting is a great way to allow any child to express themselves without the spoken word. Non-verbal children, like many minority groups of people, have a unique perspective to share with the world.

Spread the buffet of different types of creativity tools for your child and them an opportunity to express themselves through art.

When working with nonverbal individuals who are older, consider more sophisticated tools such as acrylic paints. For younger children, be sure to choose some form of washable paint.

Kick up the sensory profile of the art by allowing your sensory-seeking student to dip their hands in finger paint and use those handprints to create how they see fit. Be sure to have smocks, baby wipes, and a large trashcan nearby for easy clean-up.

12. Make a Sensory Bottle

Autistic children, like non-autistic children, all have different sensory needs. Again, living in a world designed in opposition to how you’ve been designed is incredibly stressful for autistic and other neurodivergent children.

They’re often pressured to act like non-autistic people when they are wired to think and process the world differently. As such, autistic children, teens, and adults often suffer from severe mental health distress.

One of the greatest gifts we can give our non-speaking autistic children is as many emotional regulation tools as possible from as young an age as possible. If your autistic child enjoys calming visual input, try creating a sensory jar or bottle with them.

Directions for Basic Sensory Jar

Pink, orange, green, and yellow sensory beads.

Here’s a simple sensory bottle to get you and your nonverbal autistic student started.

  • Clear empty plastic water bottle
  • Vegetable oil
  • Food Coloring
  • Sensory beads


  • Pour water into the bottle to the halfway point
  • Then fill the rest of the bottle with vegetable oil
  • Add a few drops of your child’s favorite color
  • Have them put the top on and flip it over
  • Add more colors to their preference
  • Shake and watch it settle

For more emotional regulation activities for kids , check out 47 ideas here.

47 Emotional Regulation Activities for Kids Every Mom Needs!

Use pretend for everything, but especially for language development. Despite rumors to the contrary, autistic kids, whether non-speaking or not, are just as capable of pretend play as neurotypical kids.

In fact, some of the most imaginative people out there are autistic (think Hollywood, the theater, writers, etc). Participate in activities led by your nonverbal students.

Don’t try to control everything. Instead, let your kids take the lead and allow them to tell you who they are.

Parents, speech therapists, and teachers (even those with special education degrees) often make learning hard on students when we try to control everything. Discovery-based play is powerful.

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Use small toys and dolls (that your student chooses) in imaginative play. Use a kind and gentle voice modeling compassion and acceptance among the dolls.

Because people without autism struggle to understand autistic social rules, as a parent or educator it’s important to learn autistic social skills. For example, autistic social skills do not rely on eye contact.

Follow the child’s cues and do not try to control the situation. You’ll learn much about your nonspeaking autistic student when you slow down and “listen” to their forms of communication.

Yellow, blue, green, red, and purple miniature dinosaurs in a bowl with childrens tweezers next to it. There are multiple colored dishes surrounding the main dinosaur bowl each filled with its respective colored dinosaurs. Blue dinosaurs in the blue bowl, green dinosaurs in a green bowl, yellow dinosaurs in a yellow bowl, and orange dinosaurs in an orange bowl.

Sorting games are a great way to support nonverbal autistic children in developing organizational skills. When I say organization skills, I’m not referring to organizing Marie Kondo style.

Specifically, sorting and organizing toys by shapes, colors, and functions supports growing executive function skills . Additionally, it lays the foundation for later problem-solving skills that will be necessary for life.

As an added bonus, positional play is related to visual-spatial development. Further, autistic kids, are often subjected to stressful situations creating lots of anxiety. Sorting games can be a calming and regulating activity for many neurodivergent children (and adults).

Anger Management for Autistic Children (Not ABA)

activities for nonverbal autistic child showing a collection of board games

Every speech therapist knows the value of incorporating board games into their speech therapy time. Using a child’s favorite board game is a great option to support fun, play, relationship, language, and cognitive skills.

Of course, every child will have their own needs, but here are a few board game ideas.

  • fine motor skills
  • color identification
  • turn-taking
  • “I picked up the blue acorn.”
  • “You chose the green acorn.”
  • Gross motor skill development
  • Following directions
  • Auditory processing
  • Adding animal noises in a fun way can lead to vocalization (if they so choose)
  • Problem-solving
  • Overall brain-building skills
  • Depending on your child’s age and ability, you can choose challenges based on difficulty level.

Check out this list of 59 Best Educational Board Games for Kids. (I discovered many of these through Speech Therapist friends and colleagues.)

59 Best Fun & Educational Board Games for Kids 2024

17. Sign Language Games

American Sign Language is a wonderful language for anyone, but especially non-speaking autistic students. In fact, where many parents and educators mistakenly believe teaching a child sign language will slow their language development, the opposite is true.

Learn some basic signs with your child and if they enjoy it, make learning sign language a fun game. Additionally, tools that use signs and picture cards can further support the acquisition of language.

As always, follow your student’s lead and make signing fun and engaging. Alternative ways to teach this amazing communication skill are by using music and movement to reinforce learning.

Sign Language Video Through Music & Movement

Fortunately, there are many interactive educational apps available for kids of all different needs. Some of the best apps for my 9-year-old son have been those recommended by his past speech-language pathologist. Some recommended apps include:

  • CodeSpark Academy Ki d s
  • FlipAClip for animation

Another recommended AAC app for those with unique communication styles including selective mutism is Type . (I can see this being an excellent tool to support teaching reading .)

Is Lining Up Toys Autism Related?  Does it Matter?

Minecraft is a great video game to support your child’s problem-solving, visual-spatial awareness, as well as language, and reading skills .

Drawing is an excellent activity for autistic children for so many reasons. The benefits include:

  • Fine motor skill development
  • Emotional and self-regulation support
  • Inexpensive

If your child needs extra drawing ideas, check out these guided winter drawing prompts .

The term nonverbal indicates a child is without language. However, most young children who don’t speak do understand and can use language. (This is why we must give them the tools to do so such as AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication.)

Language Skills are Multi-faceted

By understanding that communication skills are multi-faceted, we can better support and connect with young children who don’t speak, have communication disorders, or live with selective mutism . Fortunately, there are many different ways to communicate.

  • body language
  • facial expressions
  • hand gestures

Nonverbal communication is a valid form of communication. As such, it’s important to encourage nonspeaking young children to grow their communication skills in a safe, encouraging environment. When you support a child’s ability to communicate, you provide them with one of the most empowering life skills.

In the end, autistic children, whether speaking or nonspeaking, enjoy many of the same games and activities as non-autistic kids. I hope this list of games for a nonverbal autistic child has inspired you to follow your child’s lead and have fun together.

So, Friend. Am I missing any of your autistic child’s favorite games and activities? I’m always looking for recommendations to share with other neurodivergent families.

caucasian woman wearing black v-neck long-sleeved shirt sitting crossed legged with a black and white havanese dog in her lap

About the Author:

Lindsay is a trauma-informed educator with a Master’s Degree in Teaching. Her mission is to support moms to equip neurodivergent kids (ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Anxiety) to thrive as exactly who they’ve been created to be. Wait until you hear the story that led to it all…

59 Best Educational Board Games for Kids 2023

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19 Super Fun Activites and Games for Nonverbal autistic kid with two cartoon illustrated children smiling and jumping below

1 thought on “20 Super Fun Games for a Nonverbal Autistic Child”

Hi there I am working with non verbal autistic children I’m not a special needs teacher but I need some ideas of what activities I can do to engage them in doing so how do I get their interest I need your help thanks

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caucasian woman wearing black v-neck long-sleeved shirt sitting crossed legged with a black and white havanese dog in her lap

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problem solving activities for autistic students

18 Social Skills Activities for Kids with Autism and Sensory Issues

If you’re looking for social skills activities for kids with autism, as well as practical tips to help you teach social skills to a child on the autism spectrum, you’ve come to the right place!

Autism and Social Skills

While no two children with autism are the same, and the range and intensity of symptoms varies from person to person, social dysfunction tends to stand out the most when interacting with a child on the autism spectrum. Some kids find back-and-forth dialogue difficult, preferring to talk only about a topic he or she is interested in, while others prefer to avoid social interactions completely.

To an outsider, it often seems as though these children prefer to play independently, and while that may be the case for some, many kids with autism genuinely want to form friendships with their peers.

They just don’t know how to do it!

In the face of communication challenges, sensory processing sensitivities, an inability to express their own emotions and understand the emotions of others, and problems with impulse control and self-regulation, the world is an overwhelming and confusing place for people with autism, and despite their best intentions, they often fall short when it comes to reading social cues and responding appropriately.

The good news is that it IS possible to teach social skills to kids with autism, and we have 25 tips and social skills activities to help.

Teaching Social Skills for Autism: 7 Tips for Parents

Be a good role model. One of the foundations of teaching social skills for autism is to model what appropriate socialization looks like for your child, and explain what you’re doing and why. This can be uncomfortable for parents and caregivers who are introverted, but when you model consistent and positive social behavior for your child, it will be easier for her to mimic these behaviors over time. Make it a point to greet those you encounter together on a daily basis, and engage in small talk wherever possible.

Role play. Another great way to teach social skills to kids with autism is to role play. You can come up with fictional situations to act out together, or you can re-enact scenes that already happened and discuss more appropriate ways to handle such interactions in the future. Remember to practice often and to be consistent to ensure the principals and ideas you are trying to teach your child resonate with her.

Use social stories and scripts. Social stories are written descriptions of everyday situations and events told from a child’s perspective. They are aimed at providing children with something to rehearse so they feel prepared once the situation described actually takes place, and can be an excellent strategy for teaching social skills to kids with autism. Social scripts are a little more generic in that they provide kids with a pre-defined list of things to say in certain situations, and while they are certainly useful in teaching kids how to start conversations and how to respond to small talk, they should be used with caution as they won’t work in every situation and can make kids sound too scripted.

Develop a list of social rules. If your child struggles to understand some of the nuances of socialization, like the importance of saying ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’, taking turns while talking, respecting personal space, etc., consider developing a list of ‘Social Rules’ for your child to abide by. Write them down on a white board and keep them somewhere visible so your child can refer to the list often, and if your child struggles to maintain the rules you’ve set forth, consider turning this into a reward system whereby your child earns a small treat for following a certain number of the rules you’ve set forth for her each day.

Enroll your child in social groups. Many major cities offer social groups for kids with autism, which are aimed at pairing children with similar abilities together in an effort to provide opportunities for them to practice important social skills like starting conversations and taking turns talking. This is often done through play, and while social groups can be highly beneficial, the uniqueness of autism can make it difficult to find other kids with similar social skills to your child.

Organize supervised playdates. If you’re interested in providing your child opportunities to socialize with her peers, but struggle to find kids with similar social abilities, consider hosting playdates with some of her school mates at your home and find ways to get involved so as to teach your child how to interact appropriately. Organize games and activities for the kids to enjoy during the playdate so your involvement seems natural, and find subtle ways to prompt your child. Alternatively, if the other parents are open to it, you might consider having one of your child’s therapists participate in the playdate so he/she can more appropriately teach your child what is expected of her.

Read books. There are heaps of great books filled with social learning tips and social skills activities for kids with autism, many of which are geared towards providing ideas to parents and caregivers. Here are of 6 my favorites!

  • The Zones of Regulation . The Zones of Regulation is a cognitive behavior based curriculum designed to help children learn how to regulate their emotions independently by teaching them how to identify their feelings and how their behavior impacts those around them. Developed by Leah M. Kuypers, the program teaches children how to recognize when they are in different emotional states called ‘zones’, which are represented by different colors. The Zones of Regulation uses activities to equip children with the tools they need to regulate their actions and stay in one zone (or move from one zone to another), allowing them increased control and problem-solving abilities, which will in turn help them understand how to interact in social settings, and how their actions may be perceived by and impact others. If your child struggles with self-control and lacks the ability to understand her emotions as well as the feelings of others, I highly recommend the program, and this book is a great starting point.
  • You Are a Social Detective . This is an introductory book to the Social Thinking curriculum, and kids love it! Through fun cartoons, kids learn to distinguish between ‘expected’ and ‘unexpected’ social behaviors, and as they work through the book with a parent, therapist, or teacher, they will learn other ‘social smarts’, which will help them understand how they should and shouldn’t behave in social settings.
  • The New Social Story Book . If you’re interested in using social stories to teach your children social skills and/or need inspiration on how to create your own social stories, this book is a great place to start. With over 150 social stores to choose from, these stories will help you teach your child how to recognize and respond to social cues, and how to make and maintain friendships.
  • Social Skills Handbook for Autism: Activities to Help Kids Learn Social Skills and Make Friends . With more than 50 meaningful social skills activities to choose from, this book is packed with ideas to help parents, therapists, and teachers teach social skills to kids with autism.
  • How to Make & Keep Friends: Tips for Kids to Overcome 50 Common Social Challenges . This book comes highly recommended from parents with older kids on the autism spectrum who struggle to make and maintain friendships.
  • The Autism Activities Handbook: Activities to Help Kids Communicate, Make Friends, and Learn Life Skills . With more than 30 games and activities to help children on the spectrum learn different developmental skills like following directions, interacting with peers, developing social skills, and improving their communication and language skills, I highly recommend this book!

Social Skills Activities for Kids with Autism

And now for the fun part! If you’re looking for social skills activities for kids with autism and other developmental delays, this collection of 18 ideas is perfect for home, school, therapy, and social group settings, and double as fabulous one-on-one activities you can enjoy with your child when you want to spend some good ‘ole quality time together.

Kids Activities that Teach Emotions

Emotions Match Up | Teachers Pay Teachers Teachers Pay Teachers offers all kinds of helpful activities and games to help kids work on specific skills, and this Uno-inspired match-up game presents thought-probing questions about emotions, situations, and strategies which not only serve as an excellent teaching tool, but also helps foster conversation skills!

Emotions Sorting Game | Mom Endeavors If your child struggles with emotional regulation, this is a great activity to explore. It’s based on the movie Inside Out , and these Inside Out figures provide so many opportunities to teach kids about anger, sadness, fear, disgust, and joy!

Zones of Regulation Twister | Unknown If your kids enjoy the classic game Twister , this is a great Zones of Regulation activity, and you can set this up so many different ways. For example, when your child puts a hand on a certain color, he must tell you about a time he was in that colored zone, and when he puts his foot on a certain color, he must tell you about a strategy he used while in that colored zone to help him get back to the green zone.

Kids Activities that Teach Self-Regulation

Self-Control Bubbles | Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep! If you want an excuse to get outside and enjoy some sunshine with your little ones, grab a couple of bottles of bubbles and give this self-control activity a try!

Musical Statues I remember this being a favorite birthday party game when I was growing up, and recently learned it’s a fabulous game to teach kids the art of self-control. All you have to do is pump some good tunes, let your child dance off some energy, and periodically stop the music and yell ‘FREEZE!’ The idea is for your child to go from dancing to standing completely still in an instant, which isn’t an easy task for kids who struggle with self-control.

Distraction This game is equal parts hilarious and educational, and can be enjoyed in the classroom or as a family. Players take turns drawing number cards and must remember the growing sequence of numbers until a player pulls a ‘distraction card’. This person must then answer a silly question before reciting the sequence of numbers in the exact order they were drawn. It’s so much fun and a great therapy toy to help kids with challenges develop their cognitive skills in a non-threatening way.

Blurt! Geared towards older kids, Blurt! is a fun game the whole family can participate in, but it’s also a great way to teach kids self-control. The premise behind the game is simple – one person reads a definition, and the person to blurt out the corresponding word first wins – and when you organize the game such that only 2 people are playing against one another at a time, it forces the rest of the family to exercise self-control as they refrain from yelling out the answer.

Kids Activities that Teach Communication Skills

Social Skills Board Games This set contains six unique board games in one box, which are focused on helping kids learn about morals, manners, empathy, friendship, and emotions. It’s a great bundle to consider and the games are perfect for family game night!

Size of the Problem Activity Pack | Teachers Pay Teachers The activities in this set help kids identify the size of their problems and the feelings they create, identify which reactions are/are not appropriate, and strategize possible solutions, making it a great way to engage in meaningful back-and-forth communication with your child while simultaneously teaching appropriate communication skills and responses.

Learning Resources Conversation Cubes With 36 conversation starters to choose from, these Conversation Cubes offer a fun way for older kids to practice starting and maintaining conversations with others. You can practice at home, or set-up conversation groups within a classroom setting, allowing children the opportunity to practice how to initiate a conversation, and how to listen when others are speaking.

All About You Thumball Whether you’re practicing social skills at home, or hosting a social group for your child, the All About You ball offers a great way to break the ice, teach kids appropriate social conversation starters, and get them talking.

Social Skills Challenge | Teachers Pay Teachers This is a fun classroom activity, but you can easily use it at home or in a therapy setting as well. The idea is to provide your child(ren) with a social challenge each day, and then have them reflect on how they felt while completing each activity. It’s an innovative way to get kids thinking about appropriate socialization throughout the day, and by offering your child a way to reflect on their feelings afterward, you will gain a greater understanding of how she perceives certain social settings and interactions.

Kids Activities that Teach Problem Solving Skills

Describing and Solving Problems | Teachers Pay Teachers This is a great activity for kids who struggle to distinguish between big and small problems as well as appropriate reactions.

Scrabble Scrabble is a great game for kids who struggle with planning and organization. As the game progresses, they must strategize and anticipate how they can build their own words off of those already played by others. This is also a great game for kids who struggle with spelling and/or vocabulary, and it gets them talking!

Memory Also known as ‘Concentration’, there are many versions of the classic game Memory available for purchase to help develop a child’s focus and concentration skills. The idea is pretty easy and can be enjoyed with 2 or more players. Simply lie all of the tiles from the game facing downwards, and then take turns turning over 2 tiles at a time until you find a match. Children naturally build their working memory as they try to remember where specific cards are. We love our Despicable Me Memory Game , and I highly recommend Melissa & Doug’s Flip to Win Travel Memory Game as it can be played independently (or as a family) for on-the-go fun.

Problems in a Jar Mosswood Connections is one of my favorite resources for ideas to help kids with developmental delays like autism and sensory processing disorder, and I recently found this Problems in a Jar activity on their site. It’s designed to help kids with executive function disorder learn how to define a problem, generate possible solutions, evaluate and select the best solution, and then implement the solution independently. It’s a great social skills activity to work through with your child at home.

Team Sports Another great way to help a child develop her social skills is to sign her up for team sports she enjoys, like soccer or basketball. Organized activities such as these require kids to practice a whole range of social and problem-solving skills, like following directions, planning, strategizing, and even controlling their emotions in the event that they lose a game.

Swish I’m new to this game, but so far I really like it. To play, you lay out your cards and then try to find as many matches as possible. The cards are transparent and have different colored hoops on them in different positions. Players must look for matches (aka ‘swishes’), and the player to find the most wins. Swishes are created when a player can line up 2 cards such that the hoops are identical when they are stacked one on top of another. Cards can be rotated in order to make a swish, requiring players to use a variety of executive functions. In addition to exercising their visual-spatial abilities, they must focus and concentrate, and work quickly to beat their opponent, making it a great interactive game for kids who struggle with socialization.

I hope this collection of teaching tips and social skills activities for kids with autism proves helpful to you. Remember to be a good role model, to practice patience and consistency, and to keep things FUN!


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20 Must Have Games For Children With Autism

Photo of two autistic kids playing games

  • January 4, 2022
  • , Articles , Lifestyle , Product Reviews

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Our curated list of friendly games to play with children with autism are aimed to tackle and improve on some of the many deficits they encounter and positively build on the challenges parents and caregivers face. Most of these games are both fun and educational. They are designed to improve on negative behaviors and most importantly develop better social skills through therapeutic play. These autism friendly games are extremely affordable and come available in various formats. They’ll help you engage your child and build on essential skills in a methodical manner at a comfortable pace. 

Sensory Busy Board By HAN-MM

Sensory Busy Board By HAN-MM

My Feelings Board Game

My Feelings Board Game: Exploring Emotions Through Fun Active Play

Fun Social Skills and Therapy Game for Adults and Teenagers

Fun Social Skills and Therapy Game for Adults and Teenagers: CBT Therapeutic Family Game for Meaningful Conversations and Open Communication, Leading to Better Relationships. Great Counseling Tool.

Educational Insights Teachable Touchables Textures and Shapes Game

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Emotional Rollercoaster: Anger Management Board Game for Ages 4 and up!

Emotional Rollercoaster Social Emotional Anger Management Board Game

Never Forget A Face: Memory and Matching Board Game For Kids

Never Forget A Face Memory and Matching Game For Kids by eeBoo

Photo Conversation Card Game For Children With Autism

Key Education Photo Conversation Cards— Grades K-5 Social, Emotional, Behavioral, Communication Skills Flashcards For Children With Autism and Asperger's

Feelings in a Flash – Emotional Intelligence Flashcard Game

Feelings in a Flash - Emotional Intelligence Flashcard Game For Toddlers & Special Needs Children

Push Game Sensory Fidget Game For Kids

Hasbro connect 4 classic board game.

Hasbro Gaming CONNECT 4 - Classic four in a row game - Board Games and Toys for Kids, boys, girls - Ages 6+

The Game Plan Game: Life Skills for Kids Board Game

The Game Plan Game: Life Skills for Kids, Board Game, Kids Card Games Ages 4-10, Family Board Games, Problem-Solving, Feelings Management, Social Skills 2-8 Players

Happy or Not: Emotion and Feelings Card Game For Children With Autism

Emotions and Feelings Cards Game, Social Skills Activities, Educational Game for Kids Ages 4-8, Speech Therapy Game, SkillEase Happy or Not Board Game, ADHD Tool, Autism Toy, Award Winning Game

Feelings and Dealings: An Emotions and Empathy Card Game

Feelings and Dealings: An Emotions and Empathy Card Game | Award-Winning | Therapy Games for Kids | Social and Emotional Skills Development | Feelings Flash Cards

Everyday Games for Sensory Processing Disorder: An Emotions and Empathy Card Game

Everyday Games for Sensory Processing Disorder: 100 Playful Activities to Empower Children with Sensory Differences

Fidget Dodecagon –12-Side Fidget Cube 

Fidget Dodecagon –12-Side Fidget Cube Relieves Stress and Anxiety Anti Depression Cube for Children and Adults with Autism

Sensory Fidget Game Set: 35 Pieces For Autistic Children and Adults.

Scientoy Fidget Toy Set, 35 Pcs Sensory Toy for ADD, OCD, Autistic Children, Adults, Anxiety Autism to Stress Relief and Anti Anxiety with Motion Timer, Perfect for Classroom Reward with Gift Box

Calming Autism Sensory LED Light Projector Toy Relax Blue Night Music Projection

Calming Autism Sensory LED Light Projector Toy For Kids and Adults

SchKIDules Visual Magnetic Schedule For Kids 

SchKIDules Visual Schedule For Kids 153 Pc Deluxe Magnet Collection Box Set 132 Magnetic Activity Icons & 21 Headings For Home, School, Preschool, Special Needs (Great for Toddlers, Children & Autism)

Wooden Expressions Matching Block Puzzles Building Block Game

Wooden Expressions Matching Block Puzzles Building Cubes Toy Board Games Educational for Kids Ages 3 Years and Up

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