The Product Backlog: A Step-by-Step Guide

Product backlog management is the most impactful work area for any product manager. Learn how to create a healthy backlog and apply a data-driven approach to prioritization.

The Product Backlog: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Omer Shechter

Omer is an innovative product manager with the ability to listen to customers and drive product strategy.


A product backlog is one of the essential parts of the product development chain, a prioritized list of product features that leads from the company’s and product’s vision through execution to a full release. It is a powerful tool, as it converts a high-level vision into the working details of creating a product. Product backlog management falls to the product manager, who has the key responsibility to create, prioritize, and maintain it. Let’s dive deeper into the step-by-step process and core elements of healthy product backlog creation.

A product backlog is list of product features that leads from vision through execution to a full release

Split the Backlog Into Two Lists

Before creating a backlog, define its scope, whether it should apply to a product line, a group of products, or all of the company’s products—this will help you to manage the features.

I have learned across multiple projects that it is a healthy practice to split the backlog into two lists: long-term master backlog and short-term executable backlog (also called a sprint backlog as it can include one or more sprints). The idea is to focus on the most urgent items in order to develop them promptly while at the same time maintaining a big picture of all the features in the master backlog.

In the beginning, both backlogs start as a high-level list of features. However, a sprint backlog usually is split into epics and user stories for easy execution, while the long-term backlog remains as it is. As a product manager, you decide which items should be moved from one list to the other, and when.

How to Create a Product Backlog

The next step is to identify sources that can suggest potential features for a backlog. The source can be user research , a specific customer request, a survey, or detailed marketing research . If you have relevant findings from another product you work with, they can also contribute as a great source. While these are the most common sources, there are a few others:

  • The QA team is an excellent source for backlog items, as they use the product extensively and may have valuable feedback for improvements.
  • Customer support feedback. In the case of hardware products, a decent source can be a manufacturing problem or issues reported from the field.
  • Reviews of the product’s problems, issues, or bugs can also yield ideas of how to improve it.
  • Requests from sales
  • R&D initiatives or ideas

Backlog sources can vary, the most common are product vision, user research, sales and support, and feedback from the QA team

Abstain from Blocking Features

A good product manager should own the backlog and act as the gatekeeper who controls what features appear on it and are executed. A backlog is constructed so that the high-priority items appear at the top of the list, and the least important ones are at the bottom. Product managers are supposed to promote the inclusion of items in the backlog rather than blocking them. Blocking should occur only in extreme cases, when a product manager is fully confident that a feature is worthless. Instead of blocking the items, let the prioritizing process do the filtering. It may sound irrational, but you can even go as far as including a feature that possibly won’t be developed for five years—having all potential features in one place is a valuable source.

Handling the Items

A backlog consists of high-level features that have to be developed into epics, or user stories, or simply entered with descriptions so they will appear in the backlog. When including them, make sure you have enough information, but do not overwork the details. Look at this product backlog example if you’re unsure. Be agile: Invest time in composing descriptions only when items approach the development stage. A product manager has to keep a balance between seeing the big picture and not going too deep into the details in order to save time and stay efficient.

How is the Product Backlog Arranged?

Sorting the backlog is the core process of prioritization. It is a highly strategic step that focuses on data rather than a gut feeling. Although prioritization is typically the responsibility of a product manager, it usually needs to be confirmed and approved by senior management. Having a structure in place helps you to defend your prioritization decisions. You need to be able to present the structure, communicate it, and get approval for it.

One key requirement for maintaining a healthy prioritization process is to create well-defined weights and evaluation criteria for the backlog features. Different products require different solutions depending on their nature. In the next section, I introduce practical components that can be used as a toolbox to create different formulas for effective prioritization.

Define Criteria for Prioritization

Define criteria that are significant to your product and use them to grade each backlog feature. These criteria should be included for any product:

  • Revenues. This criterion is about how much revenue the feature can potentially bring and is based on feedback from the customer or the sales team. Unless there is already an agreed upon deal, the potential revenue will only be a guesstimate. Despite that, it is still a useful metric for prioritization as it helps the product manager avoid features with potentially low return on investment (ROI).
  • Market fit and market uniqueness. Market fit shows whether a given feature is solving an existing problem for the users. Market uniqueness is a measure of how unique this new feature is with respect to your competitors. These two items combined will highlight the most relevant features that have not yet been developed by the competition and thus pose a great opportunity.
  • Complexity. This criterion combines estimated launch time and the overall complexity of execution. How many functions is this going to impact? What are the direct and potential hidden costs for each? Aim for the shortest possible delivery time with the maximum value that the feature can bring.

A product backlog funnel: features should be sorted according to the priority

Other criteria for consideration depending on the product:

  • Confidence. How confident are you that this is going to be used? This is an important criterion for startups, and also when a company is entering a new market.
  • Risk. The higher the risk, the lower the score for this criterion. This criterion is closely related to the Confidence criterion.
  • Cost. A high implementation cost gets a low score. It is similar to the Complexity criterion, however, there are cases when high cost implies a short development time.

Grading Method

Before giving grades to each backlog feature, set three to five options (very low, low, medium, high) and briefly describe them. For example, with respect to feature development length, the Complexity criterion would have the following grades:

  • Very low. It takes only a few days to implement a feature . (This feature gets the highest grade .)
  • Low. Implementation takes less than a full sprint or one to two weeks.
  • Medium. Implementation takes one sprint or two weeks.
  • High. Implementation takes more than one sprint. (This feature gets the lowest grade .)

Do not give the levels sequential numbers (that is, do not use 0, 1, 2, 3). Instead, use this system:

0 points for Very low grade 1 point for Low grade 3 points for Medium grade 9 points for High grade

When employing this grading method, you will get a clear separation of the features’ sum. This makes a substantial difference when you employ it with 30 or 50 features and don’t want to end up with 15 features having the same score—what you want is a clearly sorted priority list.

Define the Weights

The next important step is to define the weights or factors for the chosen criteria. By default, all criteria contribute equally to the feature grades. However, sometimes, criteria have a significantly different impact, thus a more solid contribution. For simplicity, let’s take a numerical example with two criteria: A and B. If you sum points as described above, each criterion will contribute half of the grade. However, when criterion A is twice as important as criterion B, you should come up with a formula like this:

Overall feature’s score = 0.66 * A + 0.33 * B

There could be many different versions of this formula, depending on the factors’ weight that is converted into the number. The weights always have to add up to one.

The weighting method provides flexibility for prioritization and aligns backlog items with the company’s strategy. For example, if a company is focused on short-term revenues, factors related to revenues will have a higher grade in the weighting scheme than others. This way, the features that are expected to gain revenue will appear at the top of a backlog.

Refinement: Toward User Stories

After the prioritization process is completed, the next step with the sprint backlog is to create user stories. A product manager inserts initial feature descriptions and includes the raw versions of the user stories into the backlog. Now is the time to engage a scrum team to create new user stories to respond to users’ needs. Backlog refinement (or grooming) is certainly a result of teamwork. I enjoy brainstorming with a team by turning user stores into features, as this is when an abstract vision shifts toward actual implementation. As a product leader, you might seek to develop a precise user story —keep this in mind, but stay open to the team’s ideas: In my experience, the user story can be significantly improved by the scrum team’s contributions.

The short-term backlog consists of three types of user stories:

  • Raw. These are freshly crystallized stories that are being processed at the refinement stage. A product manager has to be proactive and drive the team in order to push the best stories into the development stage.
  • Ready. These are stories that are ready for development. At this stage, a product manager has to be hands-on and support execution by answering questions and removing bottlenecks.
  • Done. These are completed stories that are ready for deployment and release.

The short-term product backlog consists of three types of user stories: raw, ready, and done user stories

Maintaining the Backlog

Periodically, both backlogs—the master and the sprint—should be revised. When the long-term list becomes overloaded with tasks, review items at the bottom and decide whether they need to be removed or not. Also, make sure to revise the backlog after composing a release plan. With a refreshed prioritization, items should be moved to the short-term backlog if their priority changes. After features are implemented and released, label them as “done” and archive under the master backlog. You might need them for sprint retrospective and KPI measurement .

The sprint backlog is an executable list that includes one or more sprints

How to Communicate a Backlog

Since the backlog is a major product building plan, it is crucial for a product manager to effectively communicate it to the team, CEO, or other stakeholders. Do not present the list as it is—there are too many details, and you will lose the audience’s attention. Instead, focus on two aspects:

  • Priority mechanism. Give the high-level presentation of backlog items criteria and weights and justify them with supporting data. This way, you will convince the audience that the backlog you built met all the requirements and is aligned with a company’s vision.
  • Features. Present the backlog’s features from top to bottom. The detailed level should be audience dependent, and you might need to explain both the features and their grades.

Powerful Tool

A product backlog is a powerful tool for the product manager, as it represents a move from strategic thinking to day-to-day tactics. The skills you develop as a product leader—to manage, prioritize, update, and maintain the backlog—will serve you well in building great products and improving your company’s overall performance.

Further Reading on the Toptal Blog:

  • Product Backlog Prioritization With Multiple Key Stakeholders: A Case Study
  • Agile, Scrum, and Kanban: What the Heck Do These Words Really Mean?
  • Today’s Project Management Blueprint: A Comparison of Lean, Agile, Scrum, and Kanban
  • What Is a Product Owner? A Project Manager’s Guide
  • You’ve Landed Your Next Scrum Master Job. Now What?
  • How to Build AI Product Strategies and Teams

Understanding the basics

What is a product backlog in agile.

The product backlog is a well-prioritized major product building plan of features that could potentially be moved into the development stage for implementation. It is a healthy practice to split the backlog into two lists: long-term master backlog and short-term executable backlog (also called a sprint backlog as it can include one or more sprints).

How is the product backlog arranged?

The product backlog is arranged according to the progress toward the implementation: There are features, tasks, tasks in progress, and executed tasks. A backlog is constructed so that the high-priority items appear at the top of the list, and the least important features are at the bottom.

What is the difference between product backlog and sprint backlog?

The difference between product backlog and sprint backlog is the scope. Product backlog refers to the long-term backlog while sprint backlog is a short-term executable backlog for one or several sprints. The idea is to focus on the most urgent items in order to develop them promptly while at the same time maintaining a big picture of all the features in the master backlog.

Who owns the product backlog?

The product manager owns a backlog. They are responsible for managing, prioritizing, updating, and maintaining the backlog. However, backlog refinement (or grooming) is a result of product teamwork.

What is the purpose of a product backlog?

The purpose of the product backlog is to have a well-prioritized list of actionable items that keeps teams in the loop about the progress being made. The backlog is aligned with the company’s overall strategy and translates it into the working details of creating the product.

  • Prioritization

Omer Shechter

Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, Israel

Member since January 1, 2020

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Product Backlog

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Product details

A product backlog is a list of the new features, changes to existing features, bug fixes, infrastructure changes or other activities that a team may deliver in order to achieve a specific outcome.

The product backlog is the single authoritative source for things that a team works on. That means that nothing gets done that isn’t on the product backlog. Conversely, the presence of a product backlog item on a product backlog does not guarantee that it will be delivered. It represents an option the team has for delivering a specific outcome rather than a commitment.

It should be cheap and fast to add a product backlog item to the product backlog, and it should be equally as easy to remove a product backlog item that does not result in direct progress to achieving the desired outcome or enable progress toward the outcome.

Product backlog items take a variety of formats, with user stories being the most common. The team using the product backlog determines the format they chose to use and look to the backlog items as reminders of the aspects of a solution they may work on.

Product backlog items vary in size and extent of detail based in large part in how soon a team will work on them. Those that a team will work on soon should be small in size and contain sufficient detail for the team to start work. The team may establish a definition of ready to indicate their agreement on the information they’d like to have available in order to start working on a product backlog item. Product backlog items that are not slated for work may be fairly broad and have little detail.

The sequence of product backlog items on a product backlog changes as a team gains a better understanding of the outcome and the identified solution. This reordering of existing product backlog items, the ongoing addition and removal of product backlog items, and the continuous refinement of product backlog items gives a product backlog its dynamic characteristic.

Lead your team and communicate what they need to be working on and what plan they ought to work on next with a product log presentation template. A product backlog is a list of new features,  changes to existing features, bug fixes, infrastructure changes or other activities that a team works on. A well-prioritized product backlog makes releases faster and iteration planning easier.

The product backlog template comprises of 4 slides with stunning and visually engaging layout. The first slide in the product backlog allows the user to present a list of to-do items,  product names, and product completion status. The product title, type code, label, estimation, and column is shown in a tabular format in the second graph. Subsequent slides allow the users to show product prioritization, estimate size and give an overview of the product backlog.

This template will be useful for IT companies when developing applications for clients. Team leaders can use the slides from this template in preparation for their weekly team meeting, scrum master, and product owner.

The product backlog template is 100% customizable and editable. Color and text can be modified to suit user requirements. Used in product management and project planning. Ideal for team leads, project manager, etc… Impress your audiences and point them in the right direction to go when it comes to product management on an agile-run project. This template will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.

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Incremental Evolution of Product Backlog - Slide 1

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Grab our Product Backlog presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides to present a prioritized list of features, tasks, and work derived from the development team’s requirements. The pre-designed deck will help reduce the time and effort you need to create slides from scratch and enable you to present effortlessly on all screens.

Product managers and developers can showcase the incremental evolution of the product backlog. Leverage these striking visuals to depict the product backlog classification based on their priority level. You can also explain to the intended audience how the product and sprint backlog differ. You can further demonstrate a comprehensive breakdown of Product Backlog Items (PBIs) into categories, such as features, defects, technical tasks, and knowledge acquisition.

Sizing Charts

Size XS S S M M L
EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
Hip 86.5cm / 34" 89cm / 35" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42"
UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3"

Product Backlog - What is it & How to create one

A healthy product backlog is much like a healthy human: groomed, organized, and living in the open.

Dan Radigan

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A well-prioritized agile backlog not only makes release and iteration planning easier, it broadcasts all the things your team intends to spend time on—including internal work that the customer will never notice. This helps set expectations with stakeholders and other teams, especially when they bring additional work to you, and makes engineering time a fixed asset.

What is a product backlog?

A product backlog is a prioritized list of work for the development team that is derived from the product roadmap and its requirements. The most important items are shown at the top of the product backlog so the team knows what to deliver first. The development team doesn't work through the backlog at the  product owner's  pace and the product owner isn't pushing work to the development team. Instead, the development team pulls work from the product backlog as there is capacity for it, either continually ( kanban ) or by iteration ( scrum ).  

Keep everything in one issue tracker–don’t use multiple systems to track bugs, requirements, and engineering work items. If it's work for the development team, keep it in a single backlog.

Start with the two "R"s

A team's  roadmap  and  requirements  provide the foundation for the product backlog. Roadmap initiatives break down into several epics, and each epic will have several requirements and user stories. Let's take a look at the roadmap for a ficticious product called Teams in Space.

Since the Teams in Space website is the first initiative in the roadmap, we'll want to break down that initiative into  epics  (shown here in green, blue, and teal) and user stories for each of those epics. 

The product owner then organizes each of the user stories into a single list for the development team. The product owner may choose to deliver a complete epic first (left). Or, it may be more important to the program to test booking a discounted flight which requires stories from several epics (right). See both examples below. 

What may influence a product owner's prioritization?

  • Customer priority
  • Urgency of getting feedback
  • Relative implementation difficulty
  • Symbiotic relationships between work items (e.g. B is easier if we do A first)

While the product owner is tasked with prioritizing the backlog, it's not done in a vacuum. Effective product owners seek input and feedback from customers, designers, and the development team to optimize everyone's workload and the product delivery. 

How to effectively manage a product backlog

Once the product backlog is built, it's important to regularly maintain it to keep pace with the  program . Product owners should review the backlog before each iteration planning meeting to ensure prioritization is correct and feedback from the last iteration has been incorporated. Regular review of the backlog is often called "backlog grooming" in agile circles (some use the term backlog refinement ).

Once the backlog gets larger, product owners need to group the backlog into near-term and long-term items. Near-term items need to be fully fleshed out before they are labeled as such. This means complete user stories have been drawn up, collaboration with design and development has been sorted out, and estimates from development have been made. Longer term items can remain a bit vague, though it's a good idea to get a rough estimate from the development team to help prioritize them. The key word here is "rough": estimates will change once the team fully understands and begins work on those longer term items.

The backlog serves as the connection between the product owner and the development team. The product owner is free to re-prioritize work in the backlog at any time due to customer feedback, refining estimates, and new requirements. Once work is in progress, though, keep changes to a minimum as they disrupt the development team and affect focus, flow, and morale. 

Once the backlog grows beyond the team's long term capacity, it's okay to close issues the team will never get to. Flag those issues with a specific resolution like “out of scope” in the team's issue tracker to use for research later. 

Anti-patterns to watch for

  • The product owner prioritizes the backlog at the start of the project, but doesn't adjust it as feedback rolls in from developers and stakeholders.
  • The team limits items on the backlog to those that are customer-facing.
  • The backlog is kept as a document stored locally and shared infrequently, preventing interested parties from getting updates.

Product backlogs keep teams agile

Savvy product owners rigorously groom their program's product backlog, making it a reliable and sharable outline of the work items for a project.

Backlogs prompt debates and choices that keep a program healthy–not everything can be top priority.

Stakeholders will challenge priorities, and that's good. Fostering discussion around what's important gets everyone's priorities in sync. These discussions foster a culture of group prioritization ensuring everyone shares the same mindset on the program.

The product backlog also serves as the foundation for iteration planning. All work items should be included in the backlog: user stories, bugs, design changes,  technical debt , customer requests, action items from the retrospective, etc. This ensures everyone's work items are included in the overall discussion for each iteration. Team members can then make trade-offs with the product owner before starting an iteration with complete knowledge of everything that needs to be done.

Product owners dictate the priority of work items in the backlog, while the development team dictates the velocity through the backlog. This can be a tenuous relationship for new product owners who want to "push" work to the team. Learn more in our article about work-in-progress limits and flow. 

Are you ready to start?  Learn how to create your backlog in Jira . 

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Product Backlog Template

Use our Product Backlog Template to list action items and store and prioritize product development tasks to keep teams more focused.

Trusted by 65M+ users and leading companies

About the Product Backlog Template

The Product Backlog Template is a tool that allows you to store everyone's ideas, plan epics, and prioritize tasks. You can put all ideas and tasks in the product backlog from any device and be assured that they are all in one place. Many product and project managers use the Product Backlog Template to plan, prioritize, and manage tasks, moving them to the starting line and staying focused on the issues and results.

What is a Product Backlog?

An example of a product backlog is an action item list related to product development that is used by product teams to plan, prioritize, and manage tasks.

Development teams are often juggling many products at once. A product backlog is a project management tool that helps teams keep track of projects in flight as they build and iterate. The highest-priority tasks are at the top of the product backlog so the teams know what to work on first.

Product backlogs make it easier for teams to plan and allocate resources, but they also provide a single source of truth for everyone to know what development teams are working on. In doing so, backlog templates help developers manage stakeholders’ expectations and keep everyone aligned.

What is a Product Backlog Template used for?

Teams often use this template for agile and sprint planning. It’s a great way to manage everyone’s tasks and prioritize them. Add all ideas and tasks to the Miro Board from any device, and share it with your team. As you work, move tasks to the starting line, stay focused on the most critical issues, and track results.

Benefits of using a Product Backlog Template

There are many reasons why the backlog template is one of the most popular Agile tools. Teams can use it with the Product Roadmap to define what they need to work on, giving managers the big picture. Here are other benefits when using the Product Backlog Template:

The ready-made Product Backlog Template makes it easy to save time and create a product backlog quickly and efficiently.

You can import your spreadsheets as sticky notes and reduce future effort if you already have a backlog.

If your backlog is intricate and seems to take up endless space on the board, use the helpful Text Search feature to find items by keyword.

Use digital sticky notes and separate them by size and color or by tags and clusters. When your product backlog is filled, you can work on grooming and prioritizing specific features.

You can also import Jira cards to visually organize Jira issues directly on your Product Backlog Template.

How do you create a Product Backlog?

Here is an example of how to fill in your backlog template to set your team up for success:

Step 1: Roadmaps and requirements

Start with the two Rs: roadmap and requirements. These two elements are the foundation of every product backlog. The roadmap is the scaffolding for how a project will take shape. The requirements are the list of backlog items that development teams need to accomplish in order to complete a project. Make note of your roadmap and requirements so you can start building around them.

Let's say your development team is building an app that shows runners how safe a given road is. Since this app is the highest priority for the company, it is the first and most important item on the roadmap. The team must first collect data on road safety. You would list data collection as a requirement.

Step 2: List tasks

List the tasks you must accomplish in order to finish the first item on your roadmap. Draw those tasks under each action item on the map. Some teams choose to have one task in progress at a time, while others will only ship a product once everything is complete.

Put these tasks in order according to their urgency. Usually, tasks with the highest impact on your customers are assigned the highest priority. Oftentimes, teams use user stories to get an understanding of what features will be most noticeable and useful for customers. Teams also choose to assign priority based on how urgently they need feedback, the difficulty of implementation, and the relationship between work teams.

Step 3: Team review

Once you've built the product backlog, it’s time to review it. Product owners should periodically conduct backlog grooming before each planning meeting. Specifically, it helps to double-check prioritization and to make sure developers are implementing feedback.

Step 4: Sort

To scale the backlog, group tasks into near-term and long-term items. Flesh out near-term items before sorting them: make sure product teams and design teams are on the same page, and clarify development estimates. While longer-term items can remain vague, they should have a rough description and timeline.

How do you use the Product Backlog template?

Start with our pre-made template, making any changes you’d like to suit your particular needs. Invite team members to join your board and collaborate. Use the @mention or video chat if you need to get input from others. You can upload other file types such as documents, photos, videos, and PDFs to store all the relevant information in one place. 

Why should you have a Product Backlog?

A product backlog is an important tool for any company that builds and iterates at scale. It serves as a bridge between product owners and development teams. Product backlogs empower teams to collect feedback, assign priorities, decide on timelines, and maintain flow.

What is the difference between sprint backlog and product backlog?

The difference between a sprint and product backlog is that a product backlog is a log of all action items and subtasks necessary to complete a project, while a sprint backlog is only those tasks that can be completed in a single sprint.

How is the product backlog prioritized?

This will depend on the project and the team, but typically the tasks in a product backlog are prioritized by their overall importance to the goals and deliverables of the project, with the most essential tasks at the top of the backlog.

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The Agile Manifesto - Pocket Sized Principles template distills the core principles of agile methodology into a concise and actionable format. By providing a visual reference, this template reinforces agile values and principles, guiding teams towards collaborative, adaptive, and customer-centric practices. This template serves as a reminder of agile principles and encourages teams to embody these principles in their daily work.


Plus Delta Template

Software Development, Meetings, Retrospectives

The Plus Delta template is a simple but powerful tool for collecting constructive criticism from a group. The format encourages you and your team to focus on what went well, what you should repeat in the future, and what you should aim to change. To complete a Plus Delta template, simply make note of things that are working and things you would like to improve. You can then file these elements into two separate columns. Use Plus Delta to showcase wins and learnings for your team, stakeholders, employees, and bosses.


SIPOC Template

Agile Methodology, Strategic Planning, Mapping

A SIPOC diagram maps a process at a high level by identifying the potential gaps between suppliers and input specifications and between customers and output specifications. SIPOC identifies feedback and feed-forward loops between customers, suppliers, and the processes and jump-starts the team to think in terms of cause and effect.

Lean Inception Workshop

Lean Inception Workshop

Agile, Lean Methodology

The Lean Inception Workshop streamlines project kickoff by aligning teams on goals, scope, and priorities. It leverages Lean principles to eliminate waste and maximize value, guiding exercises to define user personas, map user journeys, and prioritize features. By fostering cross-functional collaboration and customer-centric thinking, this template accelerates project initiation and ensures alignment between stakeholders, empowering teams to deliver customer value faster.

Value Chain Analysis Thumbnail

Value Chain Analysis Template

Leadership, Strategic Planning, Workflows

First coined by Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, the value chain analysis helps your team evaluate your business activities so you can find ways to improve your competitive advantage. A value chain is a set of activities that a company performs in order to deliver a valuable product from start to finish. The analysis itself allows your team to visualize all the business activities involved in creating the product—and helps you identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and miscommunication within the process.

Product Evolution Canvas template thumb

Product Evolution Canvas

Product Management, Planning

The Product Evolution Canvas template aids product managers in planning and executing product evolution strategies. By mapping out current product features, identifying areas for improvement, and setting evolution goals, this template guides product evolution efforts. With sections for analyzing user feedback, prioritizing enhancements, and tracking progress, it facilitates iterative product development and enhancement cycles. This template serves as a roadmap for evolving products to meet evolving customer needs and market demands.

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7 Ways to Prioritize Your Product Backlog

Let’s talk tactics. How do you prioritize your product backlog today?

If you’re like most product managers (read: busy!), you probably don’t have much choice. You treat it like a dumping ground for every idea, story, feature request, bug fix, and task related to your product. These items are coming at you constantly, after all, and you have to capture them someplace, right?

product backlog presentation

You probably also don’t have much time to organize all of these product-related to-do items before adding them to the backlog—to weigh the strategic value of each against the resources it’ll take to complete, for example. So, if you’re like many of the product managers we at ProductPlan talk to, you probably find that your product backlog has become a black hole .

Read the Product Manager's Guide to Prioritization  ➜

What Your Backlog Is (or Is Supposed to be)—and Why You Need to Prioritize It

But let’s step back: Why are you maintaining a product backlog in the first place?

Ideally, your product backlog should be a list of every product-related task your team needs to complete next, and everything they can and should focus on (within a defined time-frame) after that.

Beyond that point, however—once you get below, say, the second level of priority—the items on your backlog can quickly become a problem because they bloat and clutter the list, making it more difficult to review and organize.

This is why it’s so important to prioritize your product backlog—to make sure it doesn’t become an open-ended list of every random thought anyone has about your product. Your backlog needs to be structured, organized and arranged to favor the most strategically important things for your team to work on.

Hint: If someone in your organization (including you) can say, “Let’s just throw it on the backlog,” and that sounds like a viable idea, you have a problem.

We at ProductPlan are passionate about helping product managers stay organized and able to focus on their strategic vision. And other than poorly executed product roadmaps , we’ve found that ineffective backlogs are often the biggest hindrance to a product manager’s ability to successfully drive a product forward. We even hosted a webinar offering tips to connect your strategic roadmap to your backlog , with our friends and integration partners at Atlassian Jira.

We encourage you to watch that webinar. For now, though, let’s discuss some practical tips for prioritizing your backlog.

7 Tips to Prioritize Your Product Backlog

1. determine a bucketing system for organizing items on your backlog..

When organizing your backlog items, it’s helpful to set categories that each item will fall under. What you choose to name these categories matters less than the purpose—to give you a clear view of what needs to be prioritized. The backlog feeds what teams will work on during each sprint, so you need a system that empowers you to quickly find exactly what you’re looking for.

Some example categories:

backlog categories

Once you determine the categories your team will use, you can neatly organize and slot in items. Let’s take a look at how this would look in practice:

Step 1: Organize backlog items by category

product backlog presentation

Now, when you’re planning for your next sprint, you can easily look at the items in the backlog. You’ll understand what you need to accomplish and estimate what your team can handle. This enables us to say:

“Our goal is to deliver _________. To do so, we must deliver these _________ items. We have capacity for _________ amount of work. So we are going to do __________ in order to get there.”

From there, you can cherry-pick from your categorized items and pull them into the next sprint. We’ll go into further detail on how exactly to score these items and pull them into the sprint backlog below.

Step 2: Pull backlog items into sprint workload

product backlog presentation

Ultimately, your sprint backlog might look something like this:

This system provides the structure that your team needs to feel empowered. The more organized your backlog is, the better everyone feels; they know what’s coming and can actually move forward.

2. Arrange the top items on your product backlog to represent your next sprint.

One helpful step to organize your product backlog is to arrange the top portion of the list as the contents of your next sprint.

This way you aren’t constantly looking at the backlog and asking, “When will we get to this?” and “When can we start tackling that?”

Using this strategy, the top items on your backlog aren’t just “top priority” tasks with no internal dates associated with them—they also have a built-in timeline: your next sprint.

Of course, you’ll need a mechanism for determining what items should be included in your team’s next sprint, and we’ll discuss ideas for that below.

3. Don’t include any task lower than second-level priority on the backlog.

This is another simple, clean way of determining what makes it onto your backlog and what needs to go somewhere else (like a “Longer-term Tasks” file). Priority level two is a logical cutoff point for what makes it onto your backlog, and here’s why.

You’ve been in brainstorming meetings where the team jots down 20 viable product ideas on the whiteboard. Maybe you’ve even hosted these meetings. Obviously, you can’t execute on all 20 of those ideas, at least not in any near-term timeframe. So what do you do? You prioritize: Maybe you select the best two or four of those ideas and break them into stories, tasks, and plans your team can start working on.

Download the Backlog Refinement: How to Prioritize What Matters Book➜

4. Create a separate list for all of those lower-priority (or longer-term) ideas and requests.

What’s great about creating a separate list for less-urgent product-related items is that it helps you keep your product backlog limited to those tasks that are truly urgent or of high strategic value. This means it keeps your product backlog itself more strategically valuable.

Product managers who simply toss every request, idea, and task onto the bottom of their product backlog—because they have no other trusted place to capture and store those items—make every future review and reassessment of their backlog more difficult. They also make it more likely that they will miss something important when they look over their backlog.\

Tweet This: “Product managers who simply toss every request onto the bottom of their product backlog make every future review and reassessment of their backlog more difficult.”

So create other lists to capture your product-related ideas that don’t earn a spot on the backlog. This can be a “Great Ideas” file, and maybe a “Longer-Term Tasks” list.

5. Assign scores (or use some other quantifiable system) for determining each item’s overall value.

At ProductPlan, we’ve included a weighted scoring tool in our product roadmap app. We’ve found that when dealing with a finite amount of time, budget, and development resources, product managers need a mechanism to quantify (or “score”) the overall strategic value of each proposed feature or task against all of the others—to determine which will give their product the biggest strategic advantage.

But you can, and should, take a similar system to score the benefits and costs of items on your product backlog.

We recommend using a scoring model—whether based on ProductPlan’s suggested metrics including “Customer Value,” Increased Revenue” and “Implementation Costs,” or using some other system—to score each item competing for a slot on your backlog.

Some items will earn a spot in your short priority one list (planned for work in the next sprint). Others will make it to priority level two (planned for development in, say, the next three months). Everything else will find itself in your “Longer-Term Tasks” file. But when you’ve organized your list this way, you’ll know exactly why every item is where it is on your list. You’ll also be able to explain and defend your strategic thinking to your stakeholders and other teams.

6. Figure out a point system for assigning time and development resources to each item.

When prioritizing your backlog, one important factor to keep in mind for every task is how long it will take to complete. That means not only how many total developer hours but also which specific developers will need to work on the task, and for how long.

Then you might want to convert these hours (or days, or half-days) into points. Hammering out the code for a certain story, for example, might take a full day, which you might want to quantify as one point. This will make it easier to review items on your backlog against each other and calculate needed resources more uniformly across the list (as opposed to saying, “This item should take one developer a half-day, and this one will probably take two developers an hour each.”)

A word of warning: Remember to keep a task’s “big picture” in mind when trying to estimate how many hours (and whose hours) it will take to complete. For example, you might assume a bug fix is a half-point task—because, as you’ve set up your point system, one point equals one developer day of work. But while it’s true that identifying and correcting the bad code that created the bug might take just a half-day, completing that task will also require writing an automated test for the fix, and actually testing it. So you should be conservative in your time estimates—better to overestimate than underestimate the resources a task will take.

One more warning: Not all points will be interchangeable. It’s important to remember that your team is unique and has a unique set of skills, strengths, and weaknesses. This is why the backlog can play such an important role in your product and development teams’ planning sessions. Let’s say you have only one or two developers with the skill-set or experience to handle a story or feature. You need to budget the time (the “points”) of those developers carefully as you assign tasks for your upcoming sprint.

7. Re-evaluate the level one and two items on your backlog regularly.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that your product backlog is a living document—changing in priority often. After all, if you’re following the advice in this post, the top portion of your backlog should be disappearing after every sprint, as your team completes them. This means that some portion of the second-level items on the backlog will move up after every sprint as well, to the on-deck spot.

Read Jim Semick’s blog on Declaring Backlog Bankruptcy.

When you’ve followed all our suggestions, every item on your backlog now has a strategic reason for being exactly where it is on the list. You’ll find it much easier to review that list regularly. You’ll be able to determine if any new information—competitive intelligence, customer requests, or just a screaming-hot urgent fix—demands you reprioritize things.

Download IMPACT ➜

Any other tips for successfully managing your team’s backlog? Share them in the comments below!

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DEEP in Product Backlog

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Product Backlog PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

Educate your audience on the product backlog concept while highlighting the most common challenges faced by the product owners/managers during handling the long product backlogs using our all-new DEEP in Product Backlog PPT. It comprises four rectangular-shaped textual boxes with self-explanatory icons. Using it, you can illustrate the solution for managing long product backlogs, i.e., DEEP – Detailed Appropriately, Estimated, Emergent, and Prioritized. You can also use the graphic to exhibit other details of the concept in a meaningful and easy-to-understand manner while giving your presentations a creative makeover.

This aesthetically pleasing slide will help you give a clean and structured look to the information and make your presentations more memorable and effective. So, make it yours now without giving a second thought!

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Get your innovative ideas across with this PPT. Download it now!

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5 Easy Steps to Create a Product Backlog

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The Scrum Guide has a lot to say about the Product Backlog, and rightly so. It's pivotal to everything a Scrum Team does. But one thing the Scrum Guide doesn't tell you, is how you create a Product Backlog. So, here's one way you can do exactly that.

A Product Backlog (made easy)

The Product Backlog and the Scrum Guide

As you may know, the Product Backlog is:

  • An ordered list of everything needed to create a product
  • The single source of requirements for the product
  • Consists of Product Backlog items, each of which contains a Size , Order and Description attribute.

But the Scrum Guide makes no mention of when, or how, to create the Product Backlog. It's up to you to decide what technique you'd like to use.

My Technique for Creating a Product Backlog

There are a number of techniques that you can use to create a Product Backlog. I'm going to share one that works well for me and is in common use.

Creating a Product Backlog - Task 1 - Call a meeting

Schedule a one-day meeting. Invite the Scrum Team(s) involved and some stakeholders. It may be a good idea to split the meeting over two days so people don't become fatigued.

Creating a Product Backlog - Task 2 - Functionality

The task here is for attendees to think of functionality needed for the Product. We all know that you cannot think of everything up-front but there comes a time where further pondering is of little value. So, ask the attendees for a time-box. One hour often works well and can easily elicit 300 ideas.

With the time-box started, ask the attendees to think about the functionality for the Product. Once they have an idea, write it on a single Index Card and stick it up on a work area, such as a wall.

One Idea. One card. Simple. We don't want any detail at this stage.

Creating a Product Backlog - Task 3 - Remove Duplicates

The next task is to remove duplicate ideas. As before, set a time-box. Twenty minutes is a good starting point. What I like about this part of the technique is that, if any cliques had formed in the first part of the meeting, they were all brought together in the search for duplicate ideas.

Creating a Product Backlog - Task 4 - The Top Twenty

Agree another time-box and ask the attendees to select the top twenty ideas. This may prove difficult. Stakeholders in particular can get quite passionate at this stage. What's important here are the discussions. If you end up with more or less than the top twenty, it's ok to let it go. Because you'll end up with the most important items.

Creating a Product Backlog - Task 5 - SOD It

The next task is to add a Size , Order and Description to the top twenty items. There are different techniques for doing all of these and I'll cover that in a separate article. If it's important to you, you might also consider adding a reference for Value and / or Risk as well.

The End Result

I've consistently found that six hours to a day is long enough to draft a decent Product Backlog. We should also have enough detailed items for the first three Sprints so we're in good shape to start sprinting.

I've seen this technique work for one Scrum Team and I've seen it work for ten Scrum Teams. The skill is in keeping it simple and focused.

If you'd like to learn more about Product Management techniques, why not join one of my Product Owner classes? You'll discover additional techniques such as User Story Mapping, ROI calculations, Business Canvases, Estimation and Valuing to name a few.

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Effective Prioritization Techniques for Product Backlogs

Simplifying backlog prioritization by exploring different techniques that help product managers make better decisions....

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Without a systematic approach, teams can get stuck on low-value tasks while important features are delayed.

1. Understanding Product Backlogs

A product backlog is a dynamic list of:


for the development team. It prioritizes work based on:

customer needs

business goals

technical dependencies

In agile development, it is the main guide for what the team should work on next, ensuring they focus on the most valuable tasks aligned with the product strategy.

product backlog presentation

Managing a product backlog is challenging. One issue is an overstuffed backlog, where the volume of tasks makes it unmanageable, causing important tasks to be overlooked. Another problem is unclear prioritization, leading teams to work on less critical tasks and delaying important features. Additionally, shifting priorities due to changing market conditions or new demands can create confusion and disrupt focus, making it hard for teams to maintain momentum and deliver consistent value.

2. Criteria for Prioritization

Value to Customer : The most important criterion is the value delivered to the customer. Prioritize features and tasks that significantly benefit users, as this enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. Understand customer pain points, desires, and usage patterns to determine which backlog items will have the most impact.

Business Goals Alignment : Ensure the backlog aligns with the organization's strategic business goals. Prioritize features that drive revenue, expand market share, or support important business initiatives. This ensures product development efforts contribute to the business's long-term success.

Feasibility and Dependencies : Consider technical feasibility, team capacity, and dependencies. Some high-value features may require significant effort or depend on other tasks being completed first. Balancing these factors helps create a realistic backlog, avoiding bottlenecks and ensuring steady progress.

3. Popular Prioritization Techniques

product backlog presentation

MoSCoW Method :

Explanation : Categorizes backlog items into Must-Have (critical), Should-Have (important but not vital), Could-Have (desirable but not necessary), and Won’t-Have (not a priority for now).

Pros and Cons : Simple and quick, but can be subjective and may not consider value and effort nuances.

Example : For a mobile app, "Must-Have" might include user authentication, "Should-Have" advanced search filters, "Could-Have" social media integration, and "Won’t-Have" optional themes.

Kano Model :

Explanation : Categorizes features into Basic Needs (expected), Performance Needs (improve satisfaction), and Excitement Needs (delight customers).

Pros and Cons : Helps understand customer satisfaction but can be complex and requires good customer insights.

Example : For a fitness app, Basic Needs might be activity tracking, Performance Needs detailed analytics, and Excitement Needs gamification elements like badges and leaderboards.

RICE Scoring :

Explanation : RICE stands for Reach (number affected), Impact (effect on users), Confidence (certainty of success), and Effort (resources required).

Pros and Cons : Quantifiable and systematic, but relies on accurate estimations, which can be challenging.

Example : A feature with high Reach and Impact, moderate Confidence, and low Effort will score high, making it a top priority.

product backlog presentation

Weighted Scoring :

Explanation : Assigns weights to different criteria (value, cost, risk) based on importance. Each item is scored against these criteria to calculate a total score for prioritization.

Pros and Cons : Flexible and thorough but time-consuming and complex to set up.

Example : A weighted scoring matrix for a new feature might assign 50% to customer value, 30% to business goals, and 20% to feasibility, with scores determining overall priority.

ICE Scoring :

Explanation : ICE stands for Impact, Confidence, and Ease. Features are scored on these criteria to determine priority.

Pros and Cons : Simple and quick, but might miss deeper strategic alignment.

Example : A feature with high Impact, high Confidence, and moderate Ease will be prioritized over a feature with lower scores.

4. Advanced Techniques

Cost of Delay :

Explanation : Cost of Delay (CoD) measures the impact of delaying a task or feature. It calculates the economic impact of not having the feature available over time, including revenue lost, additional costs, or customer dissatisfaction.

Pros and Cons : CoD gives a clear financial reason for prioritizing features and helps make data-driven decisions. However, it can be difficult to calculate accurately and needs good data on the financial impact of delays.

Example : If delaying a new payment feature by six months results in $100,000 in lost revenue, the CoD is $100,000. This helps prioritize the feature over others with less financial impact.

product backlog presentation

Story Mapping :

Explanation : Story mapping is a visual technique to understand the user's journey and prioritize features based on this journey. It involves mapping user activities, breaking them down into user stories, and organizing them to show flow and dependencies.

Pros and Cons : Story mapping gives a clear view of the product and user experience, ensuring high-priority features enhance key user journey parts. It's great for team and stakeholder alignment but can be time-consuming and complex for larger projects.

Example : For an e-commerce site, a story map might include browsing products, adding to cart, and checking out. Each activity is broken down into user stories like "filter products by category" or "apply discount codes," helping the team prioritize development based on the user journey.

5. Implementing Prioritization in Practice

Combining Techniques : Use multiple techniques for comprehensive prioritization. For instance, use RICE scoring to identify high-impact tasks and then apply MoSCoW for detailed prioritization within those tasks. This provides both strategic and detailed planning.

Tools and Software : Tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana can help with backlog prioritization. Jira supports various techniques with advanced filtering and custom fields. Trello’s visual boards are great for story mapping. Asana offers flexibility with custom fields and integrations, making it useful for weighted scoring or RICE.

Regular Review and Adaptation : Regularly review and adapt the backlog. Frequent grooming sessions help reassess priorities based on new information, changing business goals, and evolving customer needs. This ensures the team stays focused on valuable tasks and can respond to changes quickly.

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Agile Project Playbook Presentation Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Inspiration PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Presenting agile project playbook presentation determine iteration planning to manage product backlog items inspiration pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on three stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like prerequisites related to planning meeting, determine team capacity, steps for iteration planning. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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Playbook For Lean Agile Project Administration Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Topics PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Presenting Playbook For Lean Agile Project Administration Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Topics PDF to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on three stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like Determine Team Capacity, Steps Iteration Planning, Planning Meeting. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

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This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. This is a Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Playbook For Agile Demonstration PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on three stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Prerequisites Related, Planning Meeting, Determine Team Capacity. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

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Agile Playbook For New Product Improvement Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Infographics PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. This is a Agile Playbook For New Product Improvement Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Infographics PDF template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on three stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like Determine Team Capacity, Iteration Planning, Measure Product. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Agile Launch Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Demonstration PDF

Agile Launch Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Demonstration PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Presenting Agile Launch Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Demonstration PDF to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on three stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like Determine Team Capacity, Planning Meeting, Product Owner . In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Agile Product Development Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Designs PDF

Agile Product Development Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Designs PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Formulating a presentation can take up a lot of effort and time, so the content and message should always be the primary focus. The visuals of the PowerPoint can enhance the presenters message, so our Agile Product Development Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Designs PDF was created to help save time. Instead of worrying about the design, the presenter can concentrate on the message while our designers work on creating the ideal templates for whatever situation is needed. Slidegeeks has experts for everything from amazing designs to valuable content, we have put everything intoAgile Product Development Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Designs PDF.

Agile Approaches For IT Team Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Background PDF

Agile Approaches For IT Team Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Background PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Want to ace your presentation in front of a live audience Our Agile Approaches For IT Team Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Background PDF can help you do that by engaging all the users towards you. Slidegeeks experts have put their efforts and expertise into creating these impeccable powerpoint presentations so that you can communicate your ideas clearly. Moreover, all the templates are customizable, and easy to edit and downloadable. Use these for both personal and commercial use.

Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Themes PDF

Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Themes PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Create an editable Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Themes PDF that communicates your idea and engages your audience. Whether you are presenting a business or an educational presentation, pre designed presentation templates help save time. Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Themes PDF is highly customizable and very easy to edit, covering many different styles from creative to business presentations. Slidegeeks has creative team members who have crafted amazing templates. So, go and get them without any delay.

Playbook For Sprint Agile Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Rules PDF

Playbook For Sprint Agile Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Rules PDF

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Coming up with a presentation necessitates that the majority of the effort goes into the content and the message you intend to convey. The visuals of a PowerPoint presentation can only be effective if it supplements and supports the story that is being told. Keeping this in mind our experts created Playbook For Sprint Agile Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items Rules PDF to reduce the time that goes into designing the presentation. This way, you can concentrate on the message while our designers take care of providing you with the right template for the situation.

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presentation on product backlog

Presentation on Product Backlog

Jul 29, 2014

150 likes | 492 Views

Presentation on Product Backlog. Information Systems Project Management Present By: MD.Shojib Mahabub Student ID : 107228 Tallinn University of Technology. Product Backlog. Product backlog is a high level list maintained in a project .

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  • relative weighting
  • md shojibmahabub student id
  • selection criteria
  • high level list


Presentation Transcript

Presentation on Product Backlog Information Systems Project Management Present By: MD.ShojibMahabub Student ID: 107228 Tallinn University of Technology

Product Backlog Product backlog is a high level list maintained in a project . This can be used for the management of the software development project . This can also be used by software maintenance teams.

Four Techniques that combine in a backlog: Non financial Theme screening Theme scoring Relative weighting

Non financial: Survey-(mandatory and linear items). Mandatory items (compulsory), linear items (optional)

Theme screening: Identifying selection criteria. Selecting a baseline theme.

Theme scoring: Selection criteria are weighted. Need to select a baseline theme for each criterion.

Relative weighting: Measuring the priority of the products by different necessity.

Limitations of Product Backlog: Not applicable in low level sorting

Advantages of Product Backlog: Time saving Revelation in high level sorting Making correct decision

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Backlog

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

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Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Backlog Priority Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twenty slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This Backlog Priority Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Sprint Backlog Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Sprint Backlog Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using thirteen slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Backlog List Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Backlog List Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using twelve slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Product Backlog Management Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Product Backlog Management Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This Product Backlog Management Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Backlog Refinement Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Backlog Refinement Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using eleven slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Agile backlog powerpoint ppt template bundles

Engage buyer personas and boost brand awareness by pitching yourself using this prefabricated set. This Agile Backlog Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is a great tool to connect with your audience as it contains high-quality content and graphics. This helps in conveying your thoughts in a well-structured manner. It also helps you attain a competitive advantage because of its unique design and aesthetics. In addition to this, you can use this PPT design to portray information and educate your audience on various topics. With twelve slides, this is a great design to use for your upcoming presentations. Not only is it cost-effective but also easily pliable depending on your needs and requirements. As such color, font, or any other design component can be altered. It is also available for immediate download in different formats such as PNG, JPG, etc. So, without any further ado, download it now.

Competency Center Business Skills Analytic Skills Technical Backlog Cyclic Deployment

This PPT deck displays ten slides with in depth research. Our topic oriented Competency Center Business Skills Analytic Skills Technical Backlog Cyclic Deployment presentation deck is a helpful tool to plan, prepare, document and analyse the topic with a clear approach. We provide a ready to use deck with all sorts of relevant topics subtopics templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. Outline all the important aspects without any hassle. It showcases of all kind of editable templates infographs for an inclusive and comprehensive Competency Center Business Skills Analytic Skills Technical Backlog Cyclic Deployment presentation. Professionals, managers, individual and team involved in any company organization from any field can use them as per requirement.

Four Backlog Report In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Four Backlog Report In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Four Backlog Report. This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Product Backlog Refinement Icon In Scrum Event

Presenting our set of slides with Product Backlog Refinement Icon In Scrum Event. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Product Backlog Refinement, In Scrum Event.

Agile Product Owner Training Plan For Backlog Management

This slide represents training plan for agile product owners for effective backlog management including sessions on product backlogs, agile meetings, etc. Presenting our set of slides with Agile Product Owner Training Plan For Backlog Management This exhibits information on one stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Product Backlogs, Introduction, Agile Meetings

Challenges Faced In Product Backlog Management Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS

The purpose of the following slide is to analyze challenges related to product backlog management. It includes challenges such as incomplete or unclear user-stories, prioritization issues, etc. Introducing Challenges Faced In Product Backlog Management Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Prioritization Issues, Incomplete Or Unclear User-Stories, Managing Dependencies, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Plan For Training Employees On Product Backlog Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS

The purpose of this slide is to showcase training plan for product backlog to ensure proper training. It includes training objective, topic, trainer, duration and training mode. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Plan For Training Employees On Product Backlog Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Training Objective, Training Topic, Training Mode using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Product Backlog Questionnaire To Assess Employee Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS

The purpose of the following slide is to represent quiz related to product backlog training. It includes questions related to user story writing, prioritization techniques, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Product Backlog Questionnaire To Assess Employee Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Gantt Chart, Pie Chart, Burndown Chart. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Solutions To Overcome Product Backlog Challenges Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS

The following slide represents solutions to overcome product backlog challenges and improve efficiency in workflows. It includes acceptance criteria, prioritization techniques, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Solutions To Overcome Product Backlog Challenges Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Mapping And Visualizing Dependencies, Prioritization Issues, Prioritization Techniques using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Timeline For Training Employees On Product Backlog Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS

The purpose of the following slide is to represent timeline for effective execution of product backlog training plan. It includes a training timeline for 2 days. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Timeline For Training Employees On Product Backlog Agile Product Owner Training Manual DTE SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Continuous Improvement Practices, Mapping Techniques, Prioritization Skills using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Product Backlog Process Components Planning Prioritization Organisation Framework

This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Product Backlog Process Components Planning Prioritization Organisation Framework and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of nine slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

Initial product backlog powerpoint slide presentation tips

Presenting initial product backlog powerpoint slide presentation tips. This is a initial product backlog powerpoint slide presentation tips. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are sprint backlog burndown, initial release plan, assemble team, initial product backlog, product owner.

Product backlog delta report powerpoint slide clipart

Presenting product backlog delta report powerpoint slide clipart. This is a product backlog delta report powerpoint slide clipart. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are product increment, scrum artefacts, impediment list, product backlog delta report, product burndown.

Backlog Management Dashboard With List Of Projects And Issues

This slide showcases project backlog management dashboard highlighting major problems. It provides information about story, task, bug, engaged users, design backlog, activity, additions, sprints, etc Presenting our well structuredBacklog Management Dashboard With List Of Projects And Issues. The topics discussed in this slide areBacklog Management Dashboard With List Of Projects And Issues. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Capacity Allocation For Program Backlog Management

This slide illustrates capacity allocation which can be helpful for agile teams for reducing program backlogs. It contains information about team context, stakeholders, team backlog, user stories, refactors, maintenance, next program increment, etc. Presenting our well-structured Capacity Allocation For Program Backlog Management. The topics discussed in this slide are Management, Capacity, Allocation. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Enterprise Backlog Management Model With Capacity Allocation

This slide shows enterprise backlog management model with capacity allocation which can be beneficial for developers to increase IT operations efficiency. It includes information about basic role and detailing. It also includes information about investment portfolio, roadmaps, visions, etc. Presenting our well-structured Enterprise Backlog Management Model With Capacity Allocation. The topics discussed in this slide are Enterprise, Management, Allocation. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Inventory kpis dashboard with sales order and shipping backlog

Introducing our Inventory KPIS Dashboard With Sales Order And Shipping Backlog set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Sales, Customer, Product. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Plan Optimizing After Sales Services

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Plan Optimizing After Sales Services. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Ticket Backlog, Support Cost, Automating Processes. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Plan Optimizing After Sales Services

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Plan Optimizing After Sales Services. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Agents Performance, Untrained Staff, Lack Of Right Tools using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Performance Improvement Plan For Efficient Customer

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Performance Improvement Plan For Efficient Customer. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Automating, Processes, Performance using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Performance Improvement Plan For Efficient Customer

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Performance Improvement Plan For Efficient Customer. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Performance, Streamline, Process using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Sprint Metrics And Backlog Summary Report

This slide illustrates summary of Jira project management sprint testing. It includes sprint highlights, overall issues and risks, retrospective points, sprint spillover, etc. Introducing our Sprint Metrics And Backlog Summary Report set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Sprint Metrics, Summary Report. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Analyzing Metrics To Improve Customer Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Analyzing Metrics To Improve Customer Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Declining Ticket, Backlogs, Support Cost, Performance Of Support Team. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Analyzing Metrics To Improve Customer Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Analyzing Metrics To Improve Customer Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Ticket Backlog, Support Cost, Streamline Process, Agents Performance using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Enhancing Customer Experience

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Enhancing Customer Experience. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Support Team, Ticket Backlog, Automating Responses. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Enhancing Customer Experience

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Enhancing Customer Experience. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Ticket Backlogs, Support Cost, Streamline Process, Tools And Channels using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Improvement Strategies For Support

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Improvement Strategies For Support. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Ticket Backlog, Support Cost, Agents Performance. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Improvement Strategies For Support

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are customer satisfaction and retention. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost Improvement Strategies For Support. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Ticket Backlog, Support Cost, Declining. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Agile Project Management Dashboard With Backlog Status

This template covers backlog description and status for agile project management with risk and issues mitigation. Further, it includes scope showing activities completion. Presenting our well structured Agile Project Management Dashboard With Backlog Status. The topics discussed in this slide are Website And Application Design, Design Account Page, Application Website Homepage Design. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Customer Service Improvement Plan Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Customer Service Improvement Plan Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Declining Ticket, Backlogs, Support Cost using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Customer Service Improvement Plan Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Customer Service Improvement Plan Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Agents Performance, Backlog, Ticket Backlogs, Support Cost. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Techniques To Enhance Support Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost

This slide showcases the impact of good support service on the company. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Techniques To Enhance Support Impact 2 Declining Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Ticket Backlog, Support Cost, Declining using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Techniques To Enhance Support Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost

This slide provides an overview of major KPIs of customer service team that impact the organization. The metrics covered are ticket backlog and support cost. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Techniques To Enhance Support Issue 2 Increase In Ticket Backlogs And Support Cost. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Ticket Backlog, Support Cost, Increase. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Kpi for escalated backlog staff trained compliance issues presentation slide

Presenting kpi for escalated backlog staff trained compliance issues presentation slide. This presentation slide shows three Key Performance Indicators or KPIs in a Dashboard style design. The first KPI that can be shown is percentage of Escalated Compliance Issues. The second KPI is Backlog of Compliance Issues and the third is percentage of Staff Trained on Compliance Issues. These KPI Powerpoint graphics are all data driven,and the shape automatically adjusts according to your data. Just right click on the KPI graphic,enter the right value and the shape will adjust automatically. Make a visual impact with our KPI slides.

Order cycle kpi for overdue backlog error free orders ppt slide

Presenting order cycle kpi for overdue backlog error free orders ppt slide. This presentation slide shows three Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. The first KPI that can be show is percentage of Overdue Orders. The second KPI is Backlog of Orders and the third is Orders, Receipts Error Free. These KPI Powerpoint graphics are all data driven, and the shape automatically adjusts according to your data. Just right click on the KPI graphic, enter the right value and the shape will adjust automatically. Make a visual impact with our KPI slides.

Agile Project Management Backlog List

This slide shows backlog list management for agile project. It includes information about release plan, developer environment, reviews, test plan, approval, user acceptance testing, status, estimated effort, task owner, planned effort, etc. Introducing our Agile Project Management Backlog List set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Evaluate Development Environment, Planned Effort, Product Priority Status. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Developer Managing Agile Project Backlog List Icon

Presenting our set of slides withDeveloper Managing Agile Project Backlog List Icon. This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Developer Managing Agile Project Backlog List Icon.

List Of Top Backlog Management Tools

This slide shows list of best backlog management tools. It provides information such as ideal users, backlog visualization, customer feedback, task automation, task automation, data insights, etc. Introducing our List of Top Backlog Management Tools set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Task Completion Status, Interdepartmental Collaboration, Product Backlog Visualization. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Product Backlog List Management Process

This slide shows process of managing product backlogs list. It provides information such as storage of epics and sprints, organization of backlogs, classification, detailing and updating. Introducing our premium set of slides withProduct Backlog List Management Process. Ellicudate the five stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics likeStoring, Organizing, Classifying, Detailing, Updating. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Product Backlog List With Agile Methodology

This slide shows management of product backlog list using agile methodology. It provides information about tasks, sprint, development status, priority status, approval criteria, etc. Introducing ourProduct Backlog List with Agile Methodology set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides areAcceptance Criteria, Development Ready, Analyze Payment Gateway Section. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Scrum Product Backlog List With Priority Status

This slide shows scrum product backlog and priority status list. It provides information such as color pallet coding, software coding, backlog priority, timelines, approval status, etc. Presenting our well structuredScrum Product Backlog List with Priority Status. The topics discussed in this slide are Backlog Priority, Develop Mobile App, Product Data. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Scrum Product Icon With Backlog List

Presenting our set of slides with Scrum Product Icon With Backlog List. This exhibits information on four stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Scrum Product Icon With Backlog List.

Sprint Backlog Management With Tasks List

This slide shows sprint backlog with task management list. It provides information about user story, tasks, owner, status, estimated effort, sprints, web plugins, changes in plugin, widgets, etc. Introducing our Sprint Backlog Management With Tasks List set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Product Priority Status, Estimated Effort, Contact Record. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Web Application Management With Backlog List

This slide shows backlog list management for web applications. It provides information such as preparing scripts, perform scanning, bug fixes, assignee, status, priority, estimated time, timeline, etc. Introducing our Web Application Management with Backlog List set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides areBacklog Priority, Estimated Time, Timeline. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Determine Initial Phase For Successful Software Development Agile Backlogs In Product Discovery

This slide provides information regarding addressing various agile backlogs existing in product discovery process. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Determine Initial Phase For Successful Software Development Agile Backlogs In Product Discovery. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Portfolio Management, Discovery, Development. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Scrum Project Meeting Agenda With Backlog Refinement

The following slide illustrates the scrum project meeting agenda with sprint planning, sprint review, sprint retrospective, and backlog refinement. Presenting our well structured Scrum Project Meeting Agenda With Backlog Refinement. The topics discussed in this slide are Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospective, Identify Ways Of Improving. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Agile Scrum Methodology Sprint Planning And Backlog Creation

This slide provides the glimpse about the scrum sprint planning and backlog creation which focuses on tasks in progress, completed and closed. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Agile Scrum Methodology Sprint Planning And Backlog Creation. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Scrum Sprint Planning And Backlog Creation. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Product Backlog Creation Agile Scrum Methodology

This slide provides the glimpse about the scrum product backlog creation which focuses on daily scrum, sprint review, retrospective, planning, backlog, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Product Backlog Creation Agile Scrum Methodology. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Planning, Implementation, Product using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Agile Digitization For Product Addressing Prioritization In Product Backlog

This slide provides information regarding prioritization of most valuable features in product backlog. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Agile Digitization For Product Addressing Prioritization In Product Backlog. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Proposal Backlog, Prioritized, Proposal Backlog, Level Priority using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Agile Digitization For Product Addressing Sprint Backlog For Tasks Management

This slide provides information regarding sprint backlog as agile tool for managing different tasks by agile team. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Agile Digitization For Product Addressing Sprint Backlog For Tasks Management. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Update Billing Information, Requirement, Team Identify Product Backlog using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Agile Digitization For Product Determine Agile Backlogs In Product Development Process

This slide provides information regarding addressing various agile backlogs existing in product development process. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Agile Digitization For Product Determine Agile Backlogs In Product Development Process. This template helps you present information on one stages. You can also present information on Business Focused, Team Focused, Development, Portfolio Management, Discovery using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Agile Digitization For Product Determine Sprint Product Backlog

This slide provides information regarding sprint product backlog as agile tool for prioritizing feature list. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Agile Digitization For Product Determine Sprint Product Backlog. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Administrator, Estimation, Priority, Sprint using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Scrum Project Plan With Product Backlog Management

In this slide we have showcased scrum project management plan. It includes following tasks- analyse key stakeholders, story estimation, sprint planning and sprint management Introducing our premium set of slides with Scrum Project Plan With Product Backlog Management. Elucidate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like User Story, Product Backlog, Sprint Planning, Management. So download instantly and tailor it with your information.

Agile Initiation Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items

This slide provides information regarding iteration planning to manage product backlog items including perquisites related to planning meeting, addressing team capacity and steps for iteration planning. Introducing Agile Initiation Playbook Determine Iteration Planning To Manage Product Backlog Items to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Prerequisites Related, Planning Meeting, Determine Team Capacity, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Agile Employee Engagement Model With Backlog Planning And Sprints

The following slide showcases scrum model with three concepts that can be adopted for employee engagement. Key components covered are backlog, sprint planning and sprints. Presenting our set of slides with Agile Employee Engagement Model With Backlog Planning And Sprints. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Backlog, Sprint Planning, Sprints, Potential Areas Improvement.

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  1. Product Backlog PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    product backlog presentation

  2. Product Backlog Template

    product backlog presentation

  3. Product Backlog Work Scrum Process Framework Ppt Inspiration

    product backlog presentation

  4. Product Backlog PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    product backlog presentation

  5. Product Backlog Template & Examples for Teams

    product backlog presentation

  6. Product Backlog PowerPoint Slide

    product backlog presentation


  1. Release Planning: Creating the Product Backlog || Rgpv Notes || unit 2 lecture 8 || agile

  2. Scrum Methodology And Project Management Powerpoint Templates


  4. Sprint Planning Product Backlog And Increment Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Portfolio Microsoft

  5. (Backlog, Test Engineer, Serviced Based) to Software Engineers

  6. What is Product Backlog?-Urdu/Hindi


  1. Top 7 Product Backlog Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 3: Agile Release Plan showing Product Backlog PPT. Use this PPT Template to integrate agile release planning into the way you build projects. This template is an excellent tool for project owners, managers, and development teams, to work on project release plans. This infographic depicts project activity organized into teams with short ...

  2. Product Backlog

    Product Backlog found in: Product Backlog Management Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles, Product Backlog Process Components Planning Prioritization Organisation Framework, Backlog Refinement Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles, Sprint..

  3. The Product Backlog: How to Build and Prioritize It

    PREVIOUSLY AT. A product backlog is one of the essential parts of the product development chain, a prioritized list of product features that leads from the company's and product's vision through execution to a full release. It is a powerful tool, as it converts a high-level vision into the working details of creating a product.

  4. Product Backlog Template

    The product backlog template comprises of 4 slides with stunning and visually engaging layout. The first slide in the product backlog allows the user to present a list of to-do items, product names, and product completion status. The product title, type code, label, estimation, and column is shown in a tabular format in the second graph.

  5. Top 7 Agile Backlog Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 6: Agile Testing Product Backlog Sprint Circle PPT Layout. This PPT template offers a clear and streamlined view of the essential aspects of managing your testing backlog within the agile framework. Use this presentation template to break down the agile testing process into manageable steps, ensuring your team can grasp the core concepts.

  6. Product backlog PowerPoint templates, Slides and Graphics

    This complete presentation has PPT slides on wide range of topics highlighting the core areas of your business needs. It has professionally designed templates with relevant visuals and subject driven content. This presentation deck has total of sixty seven slides. Get access to the customizable templates.

  7. Product Backlog Guide, with Free Template and Applied Examples

    Product backlogs help product leaders refine ideas, eliminate those which don't stack up to scrutiny, and understand which ideas to do when. A product backlog is a living list where concepts are iterated until they evolve from ideas to fully developed projects. Good backlogs prioritize opportunities based on ROI. Bad backlogs are everything ...

  8. Product Backlog PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Create compelling presentations in less time. Exclusive access to over 200,000 completely editable slides. Download our 100% editable Product Backlog PowerPoint and Google Slides template for your next presentation and amaze your audience! High resolution and superb quality are assured.

  9. Product Backlog PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Download our presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides to explain the importance of Product Backlog in outlining what needs to be developed in a product. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. ... Grab our Product Backlog presentation template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides to present a prioritized ...

  10. Product Backlog Explained [+ Examples]

    The backlog serves as the connection between the product owner and the development team. The product owner is free to re-prioritize work in the backlog at any time due to customer feedback, refining estimates, and new requirements. Once work is in progress, though, keep changes to a minimum as they disrupt the development team and affect focus ...

  11. Product Backlog

    Presenting this set of slides with name product backlog ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration example file cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint eight stages graphic that deals with topics like product backlog to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent ...

  12. Backlog PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

    Presenting this set of slides with name product backlog ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration example file cpb. This is an editable Powerpoint eight stages graphic that deals with topics like product backlog to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download and is 100 percent ...

  13. Top 10 Scrum Sprint Backlog Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 9: Scrum Product Backlog Creation. This functional template PPT shares its DNA with template 7, but it's more detailed. You get a punchier color scheme with the addition of more infographics. The template lets you create the daily scrum and sprint review.

  14. Backlog PowerPoint Templates

    Home PowerPoint Templates Backlog. Backlog. Product Focus Funnel Template for PowerPoint. Diagrams. ... Save hours of manual work and use awesome slide designs in your next presentation. Subscribe Now #1 provider of premium presentation templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides. COMPANY.

  15. Product Backlog Template & Examples for Teams

    Step 1: Roadmaps and requirements. Start with the two Rs: roadmap and requirements. These two elements are the foundation of every product backlog. The roadmap is the scaffolding for how a project will take shape. The requirements are the list of backlog items that development teams need to accomplish in order to complete a project.

  16. 7 Practical Ways to Prioritize Your Product Backlog

    Step 2: Pull backlog items into sprint workload. Ultimately, your sprint backlog might look something like this: This system provides the structure that your team needs to feel empowered. The more organized your backlog is, the better everyone feels; they know what's coming and can actually move forward. 2.

  17. Product Backlog Presentation Powerpoint Templates

    Features of these PowerPoint presentation slides: This is a product backlog presentation powerpoint templates. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are lightweight project management process, sprint increment delivered, product backlog, product vision, sprint backlog.

  18. DEEP in Product Backlog PowerPoint Template

    Animation: Yes. Slide Formats. 16:9. 4:3. Educate your audience on the product backlog concept while highlighting the most common challenges faced by the product owners/managers during handling the long product backlogs using our all-new DEEP in Product Backlog PPT. It comprises four rectangular-shaped textual boxes with self-explanatory icons.

  19. Product Backlog PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Elucidate the four stages and present information using this PPT slide. This is a completely adaptable PowerPoint template design that can be used to interpret topics like User Story, Product Backlog, Sprint Planning, Management. So download instantly and tailor it with your information. Slide 1 of 6.

  20. 5 Easy Steps to Create a Product Backlog

    Creating a Product Backlog - Task 1 - Call a meeting. Schedule a one-day meeting. Invite the Scrum Team (s) involved and some stakeholders. It may be a good idea to split the meeting over two days so people don't become fatigued.

  21. Effective Prioritization Techniques for Product Backlogs

    Combining Techniques: Use multiple techniques for comprehensive prioritization. For instance, use RICE scoring to identify high-impact tasks and then apply MoSCoW for detailed prioritization within those tasks. This provides both strategic and detailed planning. Tools and Software: Tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana can help with backlog ...

  22. Product backlog items PowerPoint templates, Slides and Graphics

    Persuade your audience using this Types Of Product Backlog Administration Items Ppt Infographic Template Tips PDF. This PPT design covers four stages, thus making it a great tool to use. It also caters to a variety of topics including User Story, Research Activity, Technical Improvement. Download this PPT design now to present a convincing ...

  23. Presentation on Product Backlog

    Presentation on Product Backlog Information Systems Project Management Present By: MD.ShojibMahabub Student ID: 107228 Tallinn University of Technology. Product Backlog Product backlog is a high level list maintained in a project . This can be used for the management of the software development project . This can also be used by software maintenance teams.

  24. Backlog PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Product Backlog Management Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration.