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Benedict’s Test- Principle, Composition, Preparation, Procedure and Result Interpretation

Benedict’s Test is used to test for simple carbohydrates. The Benedict’s test identifies reducing sugars (monosaccharide’s and some disaccharides), which have free ketone or aldehyde functional groups. Benedict’s solution can be used to test for the presence of glucose in urine. 

Some sugars such as glucose are called reducing sugars because they are capable of transferring hydrogens (electrons) to other compounds, a process called reduction. When reducing sugars are mixed with Benedicts reagent and heated, a reduction reaction causes the Benedicts reagent to change color. The color varies from green to dark red (brick) or rusty-brown, depending on the amount of and type of sugar.

Benedict’s quantitative reagent contains potassium thiocyanate and is used to determine how much reducing sugar is present. This solution forms a copper thiocyanate precipitate which is white and can be used in a titration. The titration should be repeated with 1% glucose solution instead of the sample for calibration

Principle of Benedict’s Test

When Benedict’s solution and simple carbohydrates are heated, the solution changes to orange red/ brick red. This reaction is caused by the reducing property of simple carbohydrates. The copper (II) ions in the Benedict’s solution are reduced to Copper (I) ions, which causes the color change.

The red copper(I) oxide formed is insoluble in water and is precipitated out of solution. This accounts for the precipitate formed. As the concentration of reducing sugar increases, the nearer the final color is to brick-red and the greater the precipitate formed. Sometimes a brick red solid, copper oxide, precipitates out of the solution and collects at the bottom of the test tube.

Sodium carbonate provides the alkaline conditions which are required for the redox reaction.  Sodium citrate complexes with the copper (II) ions so that they do not deteriorate to copper(I) ions during storage.

Complex carbohydrates such as starches DO NOT react positive with the Benedict’s test unless they are broken down through heating or digestion (try chewing crackers and then doing the test). Table sugar (disaccharide) is a non-reducing sugar and does also not react with the iodine or with the Benedict Reagent. Sugar needs to be decomposed into its components glucose and fructose then the glucose test would be positive but the starch test would still be negative.

Composition and Preparation of Benedict’s Solution

Benedict’s solution is a deep-blue alkaline solution used to test for the presence of the aldehyde functional group, – CHO.

Anhydrous sodium carbonate = 100 gm Sodium citrate – 173 gm Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate = 17.3 gm

One litre of Benedict’s solution can be prepared from 100 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, 173 g of sodium citrate and 17.3 g of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate.

Procedure of Benedict’s Test

  • Approximately 1 ml of sample is placed into a clean test tube.
  • 2 ml (10 drops) of Benedict’s reagent (CuSO4) is placed in the test tube.
  • The solution is then heated in a boiling water bath for 3-5 minutes.
  • Observe for color change in the solution of test tubes or precipitate formation.

Result Interpretation of Benedict’s Test

If the color upon boiling is changed into green, then there would be 0.1 to 0.5 percent sugar in solution. If it changes color to yellow, then 0.5 to 1 percent sugar is present. If it changes to orange, then it means that 1 to 1.5 percent sugar is present. If color changes to red,then 1.5 to 2.0 percent sugar is present. And if color changes to brick red,it means that more than 2 percent sugar is present in solution.

Result Interpretation of Benedict's Test

Positive Benedict’s Test: Formation of a reddish precipitate within three minutes. Reducing sugars present. Example: Glucose Negative Benedict’s Test: No color change (Remains Blue). Reducing sugars absent. Example: Sucrose.

  • National Institutes of Health, Testing for Lipids, Proteins and Carbohydrates- Benedict’s solution.
  • Fayetteville State University- Biological Molecules: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins.
  • Harper College- Benedict’s Test.
  • National Biochemicals Corp.- BENEDICT’S SOLUTION (MB4755).
  • Science Olympiad- Use of Benedict’s Solution.
  • Brilliant Biology Student 2015- Food Tests- Benedict’s Test for Reducing Sugars.
  • BBC Bitesize- Chemistry- Carbohydrates.
  • University of Manitoba- The Molecules of Life: Biochemistry- Carbohydrates.
  • Northern Kentucky University- Benedict’s Reagent: A Test for Reducing Sugars.
  • KNUST Open Educational Resources, Benedict’s Test – Qualitative Test in Carbohydrates.
  • Mark Rothery’s Biology Web Site- Biochemical Tests.
  • All Medical Stuff- Benedict’s test for reducing sugar.
  • Hendrix College- Benedicts Test for Glucose.
  • Info Please- Benedict’s solution.
  • Mystrica- Benedict’s Test.
  • Amrita Virtual Lab Collaborative Platform- Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates.

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29 thoughts on “Benedict’s Test- Principle, Composition, Preparation, Procedure and Result Interpretation”

What can I use to remove the orange copper stains left over in the test tube? Simple scrubbing with soap is hard to get rid of it. Thanks!

it is possible to get the same results if sucrose was used instead of glucose?

No, because sucrose is a table sugar and as this article states, table sugar is not reductive.

How do lipids react with ethanol

I want to test how freezing and thawing of food can affect its carbohydrate content. when pasta is frozen and thawed the starch turns into resistant starches so will the benedicts test be able to detect that?

the benedict test is not fantastic at testing starches in general due to their complexity. resistant starches, even less so. i’d recommend using an iodine test instead. the iodine test is designed to detect complex carbohydrates so it would detect your starches much better than benedict’s solution would.

I performed this particular experiment according to the outlined steps. The result l had was a dark brown color. What might be the cause of this result?

High concentration of reducing sugar

Which will be the colour of protiens if we add benedict’s solutoin 2 to 3 drops and caustic soda

If you add Benedict’s solution to caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), which is a strong base, without any reducing sugars present, you are likely to observe little to no color change. Benedict’s solution requires the presence of reducing sugars to undergo a chemical reaction that leads to the formation of a colored precipitate.

What is the differences between Benedict solution and Fehling’s solution

What are the precautions to take during the experiment

Use clean test tubes

Fehling’s reagent contains sodium potassium tartrate (Rochelle’s salt) in place of sodium citrate.

Hmm….Benedict’s Solution consists of copper sulfate, sodium citrate, and sodium carbonate. The copper ions in Benedict’s solution are reduced by the reducing sugars present in the test sample, leading to the formation of a colored precipitate.

Fehling’s Solution comes in two separate solutions, Fehling’s A and Fehling’s B. Fehling’s A contains copper(II) sulfate, while Fehling’s B contains sodium potassium tartrate and sodium hydroxide. The two solutions are mixed in equal proportions before use.

What is the different between Benedict’ and barfoe’d test

1 ml is approximately 20 drops. So 2 ml would be 40 drops. 10 drops would be 0.5 (1/2) ml. What should the protocol say?

There is one major problem in this writing….you’ve said Hydrogens are electrons. Hydrogens are protons…often, having given away an electron, they acquire a positive charge.

Id say this… reduction as we know it can also be the gain of hydrogen since it reduces non metals which would otherwise not lose electrons. N₂+2H₂->2NH₃

We can heat directly so what’s effect on solution

Will it detect the presence of lactobionic acid?

What happens if you keep on heating the solution in boiling water bath for more than 5 minutes?

I made this mistake while working with Benedict’s Reagent, it burns the reagent and the substance you are testing creating an odd off colour that should not be used as sound results in a report. It is also quite difficult to clean any glassware after that mistake.

Do it is also known as fehling’s test for reducing sugars????

Hello Akash, the Benedict’s test is much more sensitive than the Fehling’s Test but they’re both tests for reducing sugars. 🙂

– fellow pre-med student trying to pass pharmacy

Does Formica acid give benedict test??

ohh no worries at all, hope you are enjoying your results XDXDXD

Hydrogens are not electrons, they are protons and often have a positive charge. Is it possible that the sugars are reducing sugars because they accept hydrogens instead of give them up?

I would like to know the precautions while using the solution.

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reducing sugar and non reducing sugar experiment

The Benedict's Test for Reducing and Non-Reducing sugars

In this A-Level Biology Lesson "The Benedict's Test for Reducing and Non-Reducing sugars” you'll learn what makes a Reducing sugar a Reducing sugar.

Next Non-Reducing sugars will be discussed before moving on to the Benedict's Test and How Benedict's Reagent works.

You'll have to be able to "Describe how to carry out the Benedict's test for Reducing sugars and explain the expected results - so that's covered before moving on to describe how to carry out the Benedict's Test for Non-Reducing Sugars.

When you’re confident you know how to describe the Benedict's test procedure for both Reducing and Non-Reducing sugars and explain the expected results it's time for you to complete the accompanying “Benedict's Test for Reducing and Non-Reducing sugars” knowledge check and exam style questions in your lesson workbooklet. 

Don't worry, you’ll be able to check your answers with my properly written answers in the back of the workbook. (No vague mark schemes here either, you’ll see exactly how you need write your answers so that you gain maximum marks in the exams!)

A Level Biology: - The Benedict's Test for Reducing and Non-Reducing sugars

​ Here's a summary of the lesson: -

​Sugars can be classified as either Reducing or Non-Reducing. Monosaccharides and some disaccharides are reducing sugars – A sugar with a “free” Aldehyde [CO] or Ketone group [CHO]. These functional groups allow the sugar to donate electrons – making that sugar the “reductant” i.e. the “Reducing Sugar”. Thus, it is the reduction of Copper II Sulphate that gives the colour change when testing for the presence of reducing sugars in a test sample.

The reducing sugars you must know are: - 

 The only non-reducing sugar you must know is Sucrose .

You could be asked to Describe, Explain, Analyse and Evaluate the procedure testing for Reducing and / or Non-Reducing Sugars.

The Benedict’s test for reducing sugars: -

Heat the test sample with Benedict’s Reagent.

Observe the colour change.

A brick red precipitate indicates the presence of a reducing sugar.

The Benedict’s test for non-reducing sugars: -

Heat the test sample with dilute hydrochloric acid.

Neutralise the test sample by adding sodium hydrocarbonate.

Science Info

Reducing vs Non-Reducing Sugar- Definition, 9 Key Differences, Examples

Table of Contents

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Reducing Sugar Definition

Reducing sugar is a type of sugar that consists of a free aldehyde group or a free ketone group, allowing the molecule to act as a reducing agent.

  • All monosaccharides are reducing sugars, and so are some disaccharides and oligosaccharides.
  • Reducing monosaccharides can further be classified into two groups; aldoses and ketose. Aldoses are sugars consisting of an aldehyde group as the reducing component, whereas ketoses are sugars consisting of a ketone group as the reducing component.
  • Ketoses can only reduce other components after they tautomerize into aldoses.
  • All disaccharides are not reducing sugars as the aldehyde or ketone group of the molecule might be involved in the cyclic form of the molecule.
  • In the case of reducing disaccharides, only one of the two anomeric carbons is involved in the glycosidic bond formation, allowing the other to be free that can convert into an open-chain structure.
  • Reducing the property of sugars is important in the case of food as it determines the flavor of the food. The reducing sugar reacts with amino acids in the Maillard reaction when cooked at high temperatures, which are responsible for the flavor of the food.
  • The detection of reducing sugars in a sample can be done by one of the two methods; Fehling’s reaction and Benedict’s test.
  • The reducing sugar reduces the copper (III) ions in these tests into copper (I) ions resulting in the formation of a brick-red copper oxide precipitate.
  • Some commonly encountered examples of reducing sugars are glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, etc.

Reducing Sugar vs Non-Reducing Sugar

Non-Reducing Sugar Definition

Non-reducing sugar is a type of sugar that doesn’t have a free aldehyde or ketone group, as a result of which the sugar cannot act as a reducing agent.

  • All polysaccharides are non-reducing sugars, and so are most disaccharides and oligosaccharides.
  • Non-reducing sugars are either dimers, trimers, or polymers, which are formed of many reducing monomeric units by the formation of a glycosidic bond.
  • The aldehyde and ketone present on the monomers are involved in the formation of the glycosidic bond in the case of most disaccharides and all polysaccharides.
  • One of the most prominent properties of non-reducing sugars is that they do not generate any compounds with an aldehyde group in a basic aqueous solution.
  • Non-reducing sugar can be differentiated from reducing sugars through tests like Benedict’s test and Fehling’s test.
  • The test is based on the principle of reduction of copper sulfate into copper oxide, which results in the formation of a red brick precipitate.
  • In the case of polymeric sugars, the anomeric carbons of all the sugar units are involved in the formation of a glycosidic bond. Thus, these molecules cannot convert into an open-chain form with an aldehyde group.
  • Some of the examples of non-reducing sugars include sucrose, trehalose, starch, etc.

9 Major Differences (Reducing Sugar vs Non-Reducing Sugar)

Reducing sugar is a type of sugar that consists of a free aldehyde group or a free ketone group, allowing the molecule to act as a reducing agent. Non-reducing sugar is a type of sugar that doesn’t have a free aldehyde or ketone group, as a result of which the sugar cannot act as a reducing agent.
Reducing sugar are a good reducing agent. Non-reducing sugars are poor, reducing agents.
Reducing sugars have a free aldehyde or ketone group. Non-reducing sugar does not have a free aldehyde or ketone group.
Reducing sugars give a positive Fehling’s test. Non-reducing sugars give a negative Fehling’s test.
Reducing sugars give a positive Benedict’s test. Non-reducing sugars give a negative Benedict’s test.
Reducing sugars include all monosaccharides and some disaccharides. Non-reducing sugars include most disaccharides and all polysaccharides.
Reducing sugars generally have a sweet taste. Non-reducing sugar generally has a less sweet taste.
Reducing sugars have a lower molecular weight as these are usually of a smaller size. Non-reducing sugars have a higher molecular weight as they are usually of a larger size.
Some commonly encountered examples of reducing sugars are glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, etc. Some of the examples of non-reducing sugars include sucrose, trehalose, starch, etc.

Examples of Reducing Sugar

  • Glucose is the most abundant monosaccharide on the plant, which is primarily produced by green algae and plants. 
  • Glucose is a hexose with six carbon atoms and the molecular formula of C 6 H 12 O 6 .
  • It is an aldose consisting of a free aldehyde group at one of the ends, making it a reducing sugar. 
  • In the solid form, glucose exists in a ring or cyclic form, which converts into an open-chain structure in the aqueous solution. 
  • The cyclic form of glucose is formed when the hydroxyl group on carbon 5 binds to the aldehyde group on carbon 1. 
  • Glucose gives a positive Fehling’s, Benedict’s, and Tollen test, which is often used to differentiate glucose from other carbohydrates. 

Examples of Non-Reducing Sugar

  • Starch is a polysaccharide composed of multiple monomeric units of glucose linked together by α-1,4 linkages. 
  • Starch is a non-reducing sugar as it doesn’t have a free aldehyde or ketone group present in the structure. 
  • The aldehyde or ketone groups on the monosaccharides are involved in the formation of glycosidic bonds that keeps the structure of the molecule. 
  • Starch gives a negative Tollen’s, Fehling’s, and Benedict’s test as it is a non-reducing sugar. 
  • Starch is an essential polysaccharide that is used in different industries as well as a source of nutrients in plants. Plants often store starch as a form of glucose storage.
  • Gautum SD, Pant M and Adhikari NR (2016). Comprehensive Chemistry, Part 2. Sixth Edition. Heritage Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
  • https://pediaa.com/difference-between-reducing-and-nonreducing-sugar/
  • https://vivadifferences.com/difference-between-reducing-sugar-and-non-reducing-sugar-with-examples/

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Anupama Sapkota

1 thought on “Reducing vs Non-Reducing Sugar- Definition, 9 Key Differences, Examples”

Very helpful 👍👍

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Demonstration: Benedict’s Test for Reducing Sugars

We often hear about the exorbitant amount of sugar in food and drink these days, and the health risks that are associated with a high sugar intake. But how do scientists quantify the concentration of sugar in various substances? Before the relatively recent invention of sensitive and expensive electronic devices, well, there was beautiful and colorful chemistry!

A History of Sugar Detection Techniques

Sugar is one of the most common ingredients in food. Used in cooking, baking , drinks, and even eaten on its own. Although artificial sweeteners are widely consumed today, there is just no substitute for sugar in many instances! For a variety of reasons, sugar detection is as important today as it was 100 years ago.

Simple as it may sound, detecting and quantifying the amount of sugar in food is no ‘low-calorie’ feat; over the centuries many different detection methods have been developed and improved upon. One of the first tests for sugars was for glucose—the main sugar used by our bodies for energy—proposed in 1841 by German chemist Karl August Trommer 1 .

Trommer’s Copper (II) Sulfate

His discovery took advantage of the effect glucose has on copper (II) sulfate. This lovely blue compound is known for growing beautiful crystals, which makes it the author’s favorite chemical. Copper sulfate also reacts in basic conditions with glucose, converting it to red copper (I) oxide.

Trommer mixed solutions of copper sulfate and potassium hydroxide (base) and added them to the sugar solution, heating the entire mixture for a few minutes. Trommer’s special reagent was found to either stay blue if no sugar was present or cycle through a rich rainbow to a final red if sugar was present.

However, the preparation of his reagent was time-consuming, and could sometimes react with other substances to give a false positive for sugar!

Fehling’s Reagent

It wasn’t long before another German chemist named Hermann Von Fehling improved further on the cumbersome preparation of Trommer’s reagent, adding sodium potassium tartrate to stabilize the copper sulfate 2 . This allowed for quicker preparation of the now Fehling’s reagent, and greater selectivity towards sugars rather than other substances that could be present.

Selectivity was always a key aspect of this test, as back then the motivation for their development was to test for glucose in the urine of diabetes patients. Urine contains many other reactive chemicals that gave false positives, which made it difficult to differentiate to diagnose mild diabetes when no diabetes gave similar results!

While Fehling’s reagent worked pretty well in this regard, it was still a hassle to make though as the solutions needed to be freshly mixed. But it wasn’t until 50 years later—in 1907—that Stanley Rossiter Benedict entered the scene.

Benedict’s Test

Still taught in schools across the world to this day, Benedict’s test is the method of choice for quick chemical detection of sugars. Still based off copper sulfate, the recipe for Benedict’s reagent calls upon the help of the atypical reagents sodium citrate and sodium carbonate 3 .

These two helpers substantially increase the stability of the copper sulfate, allowing the whole solution to have a shelf life ranging from several months to years. All this while improving specificity to sugars, a huge improvement over the previous reagents!

Great as Benedict’s test may seem, it is still not entirely reliable; the results can sometimes be quite open for interpretation. The chemicals do work a treat though, the byproduct of their ‘hard work’ being all the lovely colors present—amounts of red mixed in with the blue.

Though these reagents may seem unreliable and inconvenient to test for just sugar, remember that the original method of testing for sugars in diabetic patients was for the doctor to taste their urine themselves… and you thought your job was bad 4 !

Laboratory Preparation

Now, let’s head into the demonstration to see how we can actually do this at home! As always, safety first. The team recommends reading the risk assessment below if you plan on repeating the demonstration yourself.

Risk Assessment

(Known as soda ash, used as washing soda/ approved food additive, E500)
Causes serious eye irritation. Anhydrous solid presents a bigger risk because it is finely powdered, whereas the hydrate is crystalline (usually large crystals) .
Solids and solutions: skin irritant; causes serious eye damage; harmful if swallowed. Solid is very toxic to aquatic life .

(Approved food additive, E331)
Contains slightly-alkaline 0.07M copper sulfate solution. Irritant to skin and eyes. Some risk of spitting when heating test tubes .

The Author’s Personal Safety Notes

  • Gloves and goggles should always be worn when handling chemicals to protect your sensitive eyes and skin.
  • Copper(II) sulfate (including Benedict’s reagent) is harmful to swallow and is irritating to the eyes. If in contact with eyes, immediately wash them for at least 10 minutes. Prolonged contact is certainly not good, but from experience, if you get this on your skin it is hardly dangerous if washed off immediately with water. Water usually solves the issue unless it gets on your hair or nails which will stain it blue, only being removed by cutting the offending nail or hair (it clings to protein).

Making Benedict’s Reagent

Benedict’s reagent is very simple to make. It is a mixture of three chemicals dissolved in water. For 100ml of Benedict’s reagent, weigh: – 1.73g of Copper(II) Sulfate (Pentahydrate) – 17.30g of Sodium Citrate (Pentahydrate) – 10.00g of Sodium Carbonate (Anhydrous) 3

We recommend a glass stirring rod to agitate the solution to get everything dissolved to the best of your ability. If you happen to have one though, a hotplate that has a magnetic stirring function built-in can be used for automated stirring. Handy! Try not to use a metal spatula, as the copper sulfate will react with the metal, etching the surface and leaving it copper plated.

Don’t worry if the solution does not completely go clear though as copper sulfate tends to come with many insoluble impurities. A quick gravity filtration through some filter paper should clear it right up no problem!

blue solutions compared

And there you go, 100ml of beautiful crystal clear blue Benedict’s reagent.

Demonstration: Using Benedict’s Solution to Test Household Foods for the Presence of Sugar

Now that we actually have Benedict’s reagent, let’s prepare four glass test tubes of various foods we want to test for sugar. Any solid foods must be ground with a mortar and pestle with added water to form a ‘soup’ first. For variation, we will use: – 4ml of Milk – 4ml of Chicken solution – 4ml of Bread solution – 4ml of Orange juice

test tubes labeled yellow rack

Next, an equal volume (4ml) of Benedict’s solution should be measured out in an appropriate glass measuring cylinder and transferred into each test tube.

milk chicken bread orange juice benedict's reagent

The four test tubes were placed in a 100ml glass beaker water bath along with a fifth test tube acting as a control containing just distilled water. The beaker was heated on the hotplate until the water bath was boiling and was left for 5 minutes 9 .

Over this time period, the photos below were taken, showing the progression of the color changes of the control, orange juice and bread over the 5 minute period.

Notice how the colors have linked up to what one would probably predict. The control stayed blue of course, but so did the chicken, showing how meat such as chicken is lacking in sugar completely, having high protein levels instead.

Bread does contain small quantities of sugar, either added or naturally from the flour and so we see a green color conveying a small amount of sugar.

The orange juice converted the starting green color to bright orange at the end, showing a high presence of sugar (fruits contain high levels of fructose).

The milk ends up snatching victory for the highest sugar level, converting from a starting dark blue to a finishing bright orange (milk contains high levels of lactose).

Reducing Sugars and Jargon Busting

So far, we have avoided the term ‘reducing sugars’ by replacing it with ‘sugars’, but technically Benedict’s test only responds to reducing sugars. Reducing sugars are, well, sugars that act as reducing agents. They donate electrons to another compound, causing that compound to be reduced. Due to it having lost electrons, the sugar ends up being oxidized.

β-D-Glucose and Monosaccharides

β-D-Glucose (more commonly known as dextrose) is a reducing sugar. It is a naturally occurring sugar that wins the prize for your body’s main energy source with your brain particularly loving the stuff, using 50% of the body’s total sugar energy in the form of dextrose 10 .

The more technical term for sugars is saccharides. The above dextrose molecule consists of one carbon ring, therefore is a mono-saccharide 11 . All monosaccharides act as reducing sugars as the carbon ring can be easily opened up to reveal a reactive group called an aldehyde.


Following this logic, sugars that consist of two carbon rings are known as di-saccharides. Only certain disaccharides act as reducing sugars as these squished together carbon rings form stronger bonds that may remove its ability to ‘open up’ to reveal its aldehyde group. Bummer.

The two carbon rings fused together in sucrose are actually β-D-Glucose (that we’re familiar with) and fructose. You get a cookie if you noticed that the left ring looked familiar!

Since it is a non-reducing sugar, it won’t react with Benedict’s reagent. The solution, therefore, stays blue showing a negative result. Therefore when testing for the presence of sugars, it is important to have an idea of whether it is a reducing sugar or a non-reducing sugar. Benedict’s test will show no sugar present even if non-reducing sugars are present; pesky molecules!

Other disaccharides such as lactose are reducing sugars where the chemical bonds don’t interrupt the ability of the carbon rings to open up to form aldehyde groups. Lactose is the main sugar in milk hence why it turned orange in the previous demonstration.

If you haven’t caught on, if a chemical name ends in -ose, it’s probably a sugar.

Correlating Color with Sugar Concentration

Benedict’s reagent is actually semi-qualitative as it has the ability to form different colors based on the concentration of reducing sugars. Green indicates about 0.5% reducing sugar concentration; yellow indicates 1%; orange 1.5% and red 2% or higher.

To demonstrate this, four such standard solutions were prepared. These standard solutions had exact concentrations of dextrose at 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%. 4ml of each standard solution was added to their respective labeled test tubes.

test tubes 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 per cent sugar solution

Repeating the earlier demonstration setup, the four test tubes were added to a 100ml glass beaker water bath along with a fifth test tube acting as a control (distilled water). The beaker was heated on a hotplate until the water was boiling, at which point it was left for 5 minutes. But! The demonstration failed as they all went red (apart from the control obviously).

Well, it’s not chemistry without a few failures, right? This is why if your experiments go wrong at school you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it; atoms are temperamental things!

In the end, I cheated a little and replaced the 4ml of each standard solution with 2ml of each standard solution topped up with 2ml of distilled water. Sneaky. This seemed to yield the expected color change:

colorful blue green orange solution in test tube

While both demonstrations were quite crude, by being more meticulous and with a little luck, the colors of the foods tested can be compared to standard solutions like these.

For instance, the bread went green, but this was after mashing a small piece up in lots of water which probably diluted the 3% sugar concentration nearer to 0.5%, which can be matched with the ‘0.5%’ standard solution just above that turned a similar shade of green. This is just a proof of concept, but a colorful one!

The idea of Benedict’s test being semi-qualitative can actually be pushed further into being quantitative, that is, a test that provides numerical data. A piece of equipment known as a colorimeter can be deployed that can measure the absorbance of light in a solution which can then be linked to the sugar concentration 12 .

Saying something is blue for a negative result and red for a positive result, which we did at the beginning, is qualitative. Saying something is ‘green = ~0.5% sugar’ or ‘red = ~2% sugar’, which we just did, is semi-qualitative. The colorimeter can relate colors to exact concentrations after being calibrated, so is quantitative.

Many High Schools and Colleges have a colorimeter in use, so if you are a chemistry or biology student you will probably get the chance to test it out yourself!

What About Non-Reducing Sugars?

Yes, sucrose is a non-reducing sugar and will not react to Benedict’s reagent due to its lack of any reactive aldehyde groups to reduce blue copper (II) sulfate into red copper (I) oxide. Although if anybody knows how to ‘cheat’, it’s going to be a sneaky chemist!

Due to the strong chemical bonds between sucrose’s two carbon rings preventing the formation of aldehyde groups, dilute hydrochloric acid can be added to the sugar solution and heated. Hydrochloric acid catalyzes the breakdown of sucrose, causing it to react with a water molecule and breaking the bonds between the rings to form separate dextrose and fructose molecules 9 .

reaction scheme hydrochloric acid sucrose fructose dextrose

These dextrose and fructose molecules are monosaccharides, and therefore reducing sugars as we discussed earlier; they will respond to Benedict’s Reagent. Due to a water molecule reactant and the splitting nature of the reaction, the sucrose is said to undergo hydrolysis. Add that to the list of scientific gibberish that you’ve learned today!

Using Benedict’s Test for Non-Reducing Sugars

For our last demonstration, 4ml of a standard solution of 2% sucrose was added to two test tubes. In one of the test tubes, a single drop of concentrated 32% hydrochloric acid was added.

sucrose hydrochloric acid test tube

The two test tubes were then added to our famous beaker water bath along with the distilled water control. As with the other demonstrations, the water was brought to a boil and left for 5 minutes.

test tube three water bath beaker boiling

They were then taken out and 4ml of Benedict’s reagent was added to each. Slight fizzing might be witnessed in the sucrose + hydrochloric acid test tube as the acid can react with the sodium carbonate in Benedict’s reagent, producing carbon dioxide gas. This is nothing to worry about.

blue test tube sucrose control yellow rack

The test tubes were subsequently added back to the beaker water bath which was still hot, and the color change unexpectedly began almost immediately:

benedicts reagent blue

The sucrose solution without hydrochloric acid stayed the exact same color as the control solution, as expected; the negative result shows no reducing sugars were present. The sucrose solution which was boiled with hydrochloric acid turned a bright red, the positive result indicating the presence of reducing sugars.

Using the information provided we can conclude that a non-reducing sugar was present in high concentrations at 2% or higher. Nothing like a good bit of chemist detective work!

Although now largely replaced with electronic equipment boasting better accuracy and speed, Benedict’s test and its predecessors provided powerful tools for scoping the biochemical world of sugars, initially used to diagnose diabetes mellitus and therefore saving many lives. The history is as fascinating as the colors are vibrant.

Still today Benedict’s test for reducing sugars can be appreciated as an excellent chemical qualitative—and even semi-quantitative—test for sugars, acting as a fantastic induction to the universal carbohydrate chemistry it encompasses.

This article was written by Samuel Hutchins-Daff .

Author’s Note: I hope you learned something interesting today and gained a little appreciation for this tried and tested chemistry demonstration, it would make my day if you did! If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to drop us an email here !

  • Robert Tattersall (2009). “Diabetes: The Biography” . Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.19.
  •  H. Fehling (1849). “Die quantitative Bestimmung von Zucker und St ä rkmehl mittelst Kupfervitriol” [The quantitative determination of sugar and starch by means of copper sulfate]. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie . pp.106-113.
  • Benedict, S. R.7 (1 January 1909). “A Reagent For the Detection of Reducing Sugars” (PDF). J. Biol. Chem . 5 (6): 485-487.
  • Jackie Rosenhek (September 2005). Doctor’s Review: Liquid Gold . [ONLINE] [Accessed 19 September 2018].
  • “Student Safety Sheets, 2nd Edition, 2018”. CLEAPSS. p.25.
  • Ibid. p.32.
  • F.Spaeth (24 September 2008). Colonial Chemical Solutions, Inc.: Material Safety Data Sheet – Sodium Citrate . [ONLINE] [Accessed 19 September 2018].
  • “Student Safety Sheets, 2nd Edition, 2018”. CLEAPSS. p.6.
  • Locke, J., Bircher, P. and Fullick, A. (2015). “ A Level Biology A for OCR Year 1 and AS Student Book” . 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.51.
  • Scott Edwards (2016). Harvard Medical School, Department of Neurobiology: Sugar and the Brain . [ONLINE] [Accessed 19 September 2018].
  • Locke, J., Bircher, P. and Fullick, A. (2015). “ A Level Biology A for OCR Year 1 and AS Student Book” . 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.46.
  • Ibid. p.52.

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Reducing Sugars- Definition, Characteristics, Examples, Uses

Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in the body, according to the American Diabetes Association. Since they have carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen as chemical constituents, roughly (C.H₂O)n where n≥3, they are known as carbohydrates. Sugars, fibers, and starches, found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and milk products, are examples of carbohydrates.

  • Monosaccharides are the building blocks of carbohydrates. Many of these substances are formed through a process known as glyconeogenesis from simpler molecules. Others are byproducts of photosynthesis. These are classified according to the number of carbon atoms, such as triose for 3 C-atoms in the carbohydrate, tetrose for 4 C-atoms, pentose for 5 C-atoms, and so on. Some examples include glucose, fructose, galactose, etc.
  • Maltose (Glucose+Glucose)
  • Sucrose (Glucose+ Fructose)
  • Lactose (Glucose+Galactose)
  • Raffinose (Glucose+Fructose+Galactose)
  • Glucans (Polymer of glucose)
  • Galactans (Polymer of galactose)
  • Heparin (Polymer of D-glucuronic acid, L-iduronic acid, N-sulfo-D-glucosamine)
  • Hyaluronic acid (Polymer of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-glycosamine)

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What are Reducing Sugars?

Reducing sugars are carbohydrates that act as a reducing agent with a free aldehydic (-CHO) or ketonic (-CO-) group in its structure and get oxidized by weak oxidizing agents like salts of metals.

The presence of free carbon at the end of these reducing sugars is known as reducing ends. All categories of carbohydrates: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides include reducing sugars, whereas all monosaccharides, some disaccharides, some oligosaccharides, and some polysaccharides are reducing sugars.

  • Two forms of sugars found in the monosaccharides, aldose, and ketose, are reducing sugars, as ketone groups are present in ketoses while aldehyde groups are present in aldoses. Examples of ketoses are fructose, and aldoses are glucose and galactose.
  • Tautomerization is the process by which a compound’s isomers are changed into tautomers. Ketoses undergo tautomerization to form aldoses and then act as reducing sugars.
  • Disaccharides can either be reducing or non-reducing. For example, Sucrose and trehalose are non-reducing sugars since glycosidic bonds between their anomeric carbons do not permit them to transform into an open-chain form with an aldehyde group. Instead, they remain in the cyclic form. However, lactose and maltose are reducing disaccharides.

Characteristics of Reducing Sugars

They can transfer electrons to other compounds and can cause the reduction of other compounds, themselves being oxidized. They serve as a reducing agent. The following points summarize some of the most essential qualities of reducing sugar.

  • A free aldehyde group and a ketone, respectively, are present in the structures of reducing sugars such as glucose and fructose.
  • Reducing sugar can be oxidized with weak oxidizing substances, such as metal salts, which can be used to oxidize them.
  • When carbon is joined to a few oxygen molecules to generate alcohol or ether, a hemiacetal structure develops. Any sugar that contains a hemiacetal is a reducing sugar.
  • Osazones are generated when mutarotation is produced in reducing sugars.
  • The reducing agents in an aqueous solution often produce one or more compounds with an aldehyde group.
  • Maillard’s reaction causes the browning of food items such as cakes, slices of bread, chocolates, coffee, and processed and baked meals due to the interaction between reducing sugars and amines. This reaction is evident when the food is heated for extended periods or remains at room temperature.
  • Reducing sugars reduces cupric ions of Fehling’s solution and Tollen’s reagent into cuprous ions to form brick-red precipitates.

Examples of Reducing Sugars

All monosaccharides are reducing sugars. These contain free aldehyde (aldoses) and ketone (ketoses) groups. Ketone tautomerizes in solution to produce an aldehyde. Examples are glucose, galactose, fructose, ribose, glyceraldehyde, xylose , etc. The Aldehydic group readily undergoes oxidation to form carboxylic acid and reduce the other reactive agent in the process simultaneously.

Examples of Reducing Sugars

  • Reducing disaccharides have a free hemiacetal unit as an aldehydic group in one of its monosaccharides. For example, Lactose, cellobiose, and maltose are reducing disaccharides whose one hemiacetal unit is free. At the same time, the other is occupied by the glycosidic bond, and the free hemiacetal unit facilitates it to act as a reducing agent.
  • The nonreducing disaccharides and polysaccharides are acetals. Usually, complex polysaccharides have a single hemiacetal unit which is not enough for such a huge molecule to give a positive test for reducing sugars. That molecule which does not have any hemiacetal groups is reducing in nature.

Identifying Tests for Reducing Sugar

Commonly performed tests to identify whether there is the presence of reduced sugar or not in the sample are Benedict’s test and Fehling’s test.

Benedict’s Test

The test procedure begins with dissolving the food samples in water to determine whether reduced sugar is present.  A very limited amount of Benedict’s reagent is added, and at this point, the solution starts to cool, followed by the onset of cooling of the solution. The solution begins to change its color after about 10 minutes. The presence of reducing sugar is indicated if the hue turns blue. However, if the hue shifts progress to green, yellow, orange, red, and finally to dark red or brown, that indicates that the food contains reducing sugar.

[ Benedict’s solution is the aqueous solution of anhydrous sodium carbonate, sodium citrate, and copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate.]

Fehling Test

The sample in which the presence of reducing sugar is to be detected is uniformly mixed in water, and then the warm Fehling’s solution is added. The presence of reducing sugar is confirmed by the change of the color of the solution into a red-brown rusty color.

[Fehling’s solution is prepared from an aqueous solution of potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate and copper II sulfate pentahydrate combined in equal parts.] 

Applications of Reducing Sugars 

Some of the utilization of reducing sugars are listed below:

  • Reducing sugar consumption specifically lowers the chance of being overweight and obese, lowering the risk of getting diabetes .
  • Additionally, it significantly lowers dental cavities.
  • The quality of beverages is indicated by the level of reducing sugars.
  • https://chem.libretexts.org/Ancillary_Materials/Reference/Organic_Chemistry_Glossary/Reducing_Sugar
  • https://www.biologyonline.com/dictionary/reducing-sugar
  • https://study.com/academy/lesson/reducing-vs-non-reducing-sugars-definition-comparison.html
  • https://www.chem.ucalgary.ca/courses/351/Carey5th/Ch25/ch25-2-5.html
  • https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-8146-8_6
  • https://sciencing.com/sucrose-nonreducing-sugar-5882980.html
  • https://www.masterorganicchemistry.com/2017/09/12/reducing-sugars/
  • https://www.livestrong.com/article/386795-the-definition-of-reducing-sugars/
  • https://researchtweet.com/reducing-sugar-definition-characteristic-examples/
  • https://www.biologyexams4u.com/2012/10/differences-between-reducing-and-non.html?m=1
  • Zoecklein, B.W., Fugelsang, K.C., Gump, B.H., Nury, F.S. (1990). Carbohydrates: Reducing Sugars. In: Production Wine Analysis. Springer, Boston, MA.

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Prakriti Karki

2 thoughts on “Reducing Sugars- Definition, Characteristics, Examples, Uses”

Greetings, thank you for providing this article. I believe you have the definition of reducing sugar slightly off and correcting would prevent confusion of the reader. The sentence I find problematic is “Reducing sugars are carbohydrates that can oxidize other substances by contributing electrons while being reduced.” A reducing sugar can reduce other substances via contributing an electron. This results in oxidation of the sugar, not reduction. Also correct the section “Characteristics of Reducing Sugars”.

Hi Andrew, Thank you so much for the correction. I have re-written as follows: Reducing sugars are carbohydrates that act as a reducing agent with a free aldehydic (-CHO) or ketonic (-CO-) group in its structure and get oxidized by weak oxidizing agents like salts of metals. They can transfer electrons to other compounds and can cause the reduction of other compounds, themselves being oxidized.

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Why is neutralizing important when carrying out the Benedict test?

When testing for non-reducing sugars, acid is added, then the solution is boiled, then it is neutralized, benedict solution is added and then it is boiled again. Why is neutralizing the solution important?

Galen's user avatar

Benedict's reagent is used mainly to test the presence of reducing sugars.

However, it can also be used to test non-reducing sugars indirectly. For that to happen, non-reducing sugars are first converted to reducing sugars by breaking glycosidic bonds in the presence of acid (ex: HCl).

Now, the next step is to check for the presence of reducing sugars using Benedict's reagent. Before adding our reagent, neutralization is done because the benedict's reagent requires an alkaline environment to work properly .

After neutralization only, the benedict's test proceeds further.

Note -> Since, Benedict's reagent is an alkaline solution, so the test solution is only neutralized and not made alkaline in nature.

For more info -- https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-steps-testing-non-reducing-sugar-704998

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reducing sugar and non reducing sugar experiment

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Investigating and testing for reducing and non-reducing sugars

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Ross Robertson

An adequate report of an investigation into the identities of three food samples. The writer has correctly described the appropriate sugar tests and draws relevant conclusions. However, to fully satisfy 'A' level requirements, the report needs to describe the methods used in more detail with special attention to volumes, times and temperatures. It would have been helpful if the writer had given details of the chemistry behind the Benedict's test (donation of electrons, etc.) and exactly why glucose is - and sucrose is not - a reducing sugar. 3 stars

Investigating and testing for reducing and non-reducing sugars

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  • Word Count 855
  • Page Count 3
  • Level AS and A Level
  • Subject Science

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Biology 11-A level (SBR)

Tuesday, october 14, 2014, experiment for reducing and non reducing sugar for 4 different samples.

doesn't change then it is non-reducing.
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Difference between Reducing and Non-reducing sugars | Biochemistry

Difference between Reducing and Non-reducing sugars (Reducing vs Non-reducing sugars)

Maltose, Lactose, Melibiose, Cellobiose, Gentiobiose

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How to Lower Fasting Blood Sugar Naturally

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes That Lower Morning Blood Sugar

  • Why It Occurs

Change Your Exercise Routine

Take apple cider vinegar.

  • Limit Your Carbs
  • Avoid "Bad" Fat
  • Prevent Hypoglycemia

Get Quality Sleep

Follow your diabetes plan.

Your fasting blood sugar, sometimes called your morning blood sugar, is the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood after not eating for eight to 10 hours. It offers a more accurate picture of how well you are managing your blood sugar in the absence of food.

There are several ways to naturally control your fasting blood sugar If you have diabetes . These can be especially useful if you find that your morning blood sugar levels are suddenly high and don't know why.

With the right dietary and lifestyle changes, your fasting blood sugar should be well within the optimal range when you test in the morning. These include exercising regularly, managing your carb and fat intake, getting plenty of sleep, and keeping to your treatment plan.

The article explains why morning blood sugar levels may be high and natural ways to lower them if you have diabetes.

Verywell / Julie Bang

Why Blood Sugar Is High in the Morning

Ideally, when testing your blood glucose (sugar) in the morning, it should be between 70 and 99 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) if your diabetes is well-controlled.

But oftentimes, a person will test themselves and find that their blood sugar is high despite doing everything their healthcare provider told them to do. This may be due to a relatively common event called the dawn phenomenon that affects roughly 50% people of living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes .

The dawn phenomenon is caused by a chain of events that occurs while you are sleeping:

  • In people with diabetes, the body will often produce less insulin at night. Insulin is the hormone that tells the liver when to stop producing glucose.
  • As the morning nears, hormones like cortisol and glucagon are released as part of the body's sleep-wake cycle to "fuel" cells with glucose in preparation for the day ahead.
  • The combination of low insulin and high hormones contributes to a spike in blood sugar (known as hyperglycemia ) first thing in the morning.

As common as the dawn phenomenon is, there are seven things you can do to better avoid these early-morning blood sugar spikes.

Exercise lowers blood sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity. This means that your body uses insulin and glucose more effectively.

Studies have shown that exercising in the afternoon or just after dinner helps stabilize insulin levels at night. By keeping your insulin levels at a steadier state, the body can counter the natural surge in glucose in the morning.

You don't need a hardcore workout to achieve this. Instead, aim for low-intensity exercises like:

If morning levels are still high, doing moderate-intensity exercise before breakfast can help bring down your blood sugar levels fast while improving glucose control throughout the day.

Some alternative practitioners endorse the use of apple cider vinegar to counter the effects of morning blood sugar spikes. Apple cider vinegar does not "treat" diabetes but may provide short-term blood sugar control.

According to a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine , taking 2 tablespoons (1,400 milligrams) of apple cider vinegar can significantly lower fasting blood sugar levels 30 minutes after consumption. After 60 minutes, no benefit is seen.

Side effects include stomach upset and sore throat. Over time, the risks may outweigh the benefits as the long-term use of apple cider vinegar can lead to tooth enamel loss, throat burns, and bone mineral loss. Drug interactions are also common.

Limit Evening Carbs

Diet plays a major role in managing diabetes and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. This is particularly true when it comes to eating carbohydrates .

While carbs are a critical part of any diet, they need to be consumed in moderation if you have diabetes. This is because the body converts 100% of carbs into glucose. So, if you eat carbs late at night, the level of glucose in your blood will rise as insulin levels start to decrease.

If you are hungry before bedtime, opt for a high-fiber or high-protein, low-fat snack that can satisfy your hunger without significantly affecting your blood sugar.

Examples include:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Fat-free or low-fat yogurt
  • Fat-free popcorn
  • Low-fat granola
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Small apple and reduced-fat cheese

Limiting your evening carb intake is one way to avoid morning spikes. But you also need to be mindful of how many carbs you eat at dinner, counting carbs so that you don't exceed the recommended per-meal intake.

The American Diabetes Association recommends between 45 and 60 grams (g) of carbs per meal and between 15 and 20 g of carbs per snack.

Watch Dinnertime Fat

Healthy fats are an essential part of a balanced diet. However, fat slows down digestion. By doing so, high-fat dinners can delay the normal post-meal rise in glucose until the following morning.

Fatty foods also contribute to obesity , a leading risk factor for diabetes as well as a leading risk factor for poor blood sugar control.

Rather than eating "bad" saturated fats derived from animals that are hard to digest, opt for "good" monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are derived from plants and are easier to digest. This is one measure that can help naturally lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Tree nuts, including almonds, cashews, pecans, and walnuts

Olives and olive oil

Oily fish (salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, tuna)

Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil

Peanuts and peanut butter

Nut butters

Fatty red meat, including ground beef

Processed meats, like bologna, hot dogs, sausage, bacon

High-fat dairy, including milk, cream, cheese, and ice cream

Butter, margarine, or shortening

Cream and gravy sauces

Fried foods

Baked goods, like muffins, cookies, and cakes

Prevent Nighttime Hypoglycemia

Nighttime low blood sugar ( hypoglycemia ) can cause a rebound in blood sugar levels in the morning. This is referred to as the Somogyi effect .

In people without diabetes, glucose and insulin levels tend to stay flat and constant throughout the night, with a slight increase in insulin just before dawn. In people with diabetes, insulin levels typically decrease at night.

So, if blood sugar levels are low, the body will sense this and release excess cortisone and glucagon in the early morning hours to compensate. Without enough insulin to "put the brakes" on glucose production, hyperglycemia will occur.

Unlike the dawn phenomenon that can affect people with otherwise well-controlled diabetes, the Somogyi effect often occurs in people whose diabetes is poorly controlled.

To avoid nighttime hypoglycemia:

  • Never skip dinners.
  • Recognize the early signs of hypoglycemia so that you can act accordingly.
  • Check your blood sugar before bedtime, adjusting your medications as needed.
  • Avoid heavy exercise before bedtime which can contribute to hypoglycemia.
  • Limit alcohol which is a leading risk factor for hypoglycemia.

If you have diabetes, getting too little sleep can reduce your ability to control your blood sugar by disrupting your normal sleep-wake cycle.

When you are sleep-deprived, hormones aren't released during the early morning hours as they should and blood sugar levels tend to rise precipitously. At the same time, for reasons that are not entirely understood, cells don't respond as well to insulin as well as they are meant to (a condition known as insulin resistance) . This almost invariably leads to high blood sugar.

Studies have shown that poor sleepers with diabetes have 23% higher glucose levels in the morning and 48% higher insulin levels than good sleepers with diabetes. High blood sugar and high insulin are characteristic of insulin resistance.

By contrast, getting a solid seven hours of sleep per night is associated with a decrease in insulin resistance.

There are several key ways to improve your sleep:

  • Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and relaxing.
  • Keep the bedroom temperature cool, ideally around 65 degrees.
  • Remove electronic devices from the bedroom.
  • Take time to mentally unwind and relax before bedtime.
  • Have a nightly bedtime routine, like taking a shower or reading.
  • Get into bed only when you are tired.

The best way to control your diabetes at nighttime or daytime is to work with your healthcare provider and follow the prescribed treatment plan.

This includes:

  • Taking your medication every day as prescribed
  • Monitoring your blood sugar as directed
  • Eating regularly and with the correct balance of carbs, proteins, and healthy fat
  • Exercising routinely, combining resistance training to build lean muscle with aerobics to improve cardiovascular health
  • Achieving and maintaining your ideal weight
  • Keeping your regular healthcare appointments
  • Refilling your drugs on time so you don't miss a dose
  • Advising your healthcare provider about any problems you may be experiencing, including high blood sugar in the morning

High fasting blood sugar in the morning is not uncommon, even among people with well-controlled diabetes. You can better avoid this by making some healthy lifestyle changes, like exercising routinely, limiting your nighttime carbs, avoiding saturated fats, getting plenty of sleep, and keeping to your treatment plan.

Apple cider vinegar has also been proposed as a complementary way to control blood sugar.

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Zheng X, Qi Y, Bi L, et al. Effects of Exercise on blood glucose and glycemic variability in type 2 diabetic patients with dawn phenomenon . Biomed Res Int . 2020;2020:6408724. doi:10.1155/2020/6408724

Sampath Kumar A, Maiya AG, Shastry BA, et al. Exercise and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis . Ann Phys Rehabil Med . 2019;62(2):98-103. doi:10.1016/j.rehab.2018.11.001

Siddiqui FJ, Assam PN, de Souza NN, Sultana R, Dalan R, Chan ES. Diabetes control: is vinegar a promising candidate to help achieve targets? . J Evid Based Integr Med . 2018;23:2156587217753004. doi:10.1177/2156587217753004

American Diabetes Association. What can I eat? The diabetes guide to healthy food choices .

American Diabetes Association. What can I eat? Smart snacks .

Wolpert HA, Atakov-Castillo A, Smith SA, Steil GM. Dietary fat acutely increases glucose concentrations and insulin requirements in patients with type 1 diabetes: implications for carbohydrate-based bolus dose calculation and intensive diabetes management . Diabetes Care . 2013;36(4):810-6. doi:10.2337/dc12-0092

American Diabetes Association. Fats .

Grandner MA, Seixas A, Shetty S, Shenoy S. Sleep duration and diabetes risk: population trends and potential mechanisms . Curr Diab Rep. 2016;16(11):106. doi:10.1007/s11892-016-0805-8

Singh T, Ahmed TH, Mohamed N, et al. Does insufficient sleep increase the risk of developing insulin resistance: a systematic review . Cureus . 2022;14(3):e23501. doi:10.7759/cureus.23501

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    You can find all my A Level Biology videos fully indexed at https://www.freesciencelessons.co.uk/a-level-revision-videos/a-level-biology/In this video, we lo...

  8. Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugar

    Use the decanted liquid as the test solution. Add 2 cm3 of the sample solution to a test tube. Add 1 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid and boil for one minute. Allow the tube to cool and then neutralize the acid with sodium hydrogen carbonate. Exercise caution due to 'fizzing' or effervescence. Check with blue litmus paper or pH paper.

  9. Food Tests

    For a solid sample prepare a test solution by crushing the food and adding a moderate amount of distilled water. Decant the suspension to remove large particles. Use the decanted liquid as the test solution. Add 2 cm3 of the sample solution to a test tube. Add an equal volume of Benedict's solution to the test tube and swirl or vortex the mixture.

  10. Reducing vs Non-Reducing Sugar- Definition, 9 Key Differences, Examples

    Molecular weight. Reducing sugars have a lower molecular weight as these are usually of a smaller size. Non-reducing sugars have a higher molecular weight as they are usually of a larger size. Examples. Some commonly encountered examples of reducing sugars are glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, etc.

  11. 22.15: Reducing and Nonreducing Sugars

    The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by NICE CXone Expert and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739.

  12. Reducing vs. Non-Reducing Sugar

    A reducing sugar is a carbohydrate with a free aldehyde or free ketone functional group in its molecular structure. To elaborate, the anomeric carbon of a sugar can be used to identify it. The ...

  13. Reducing and Non Reducing Sugars

    Reducing and Non-reducing SugarsIn this module, you will:⚫ learn how to classify carbohydrates as reducing and non-reducing sugars.• The carbohydrates that a...

  14. Demonstration: Benedict's Test for Reducing Sugars

    Benedict's reagent is actually semi-qualitative as it has the ability to form different colors based on the concentration of reducing sugars. Green indicates about 0.5% reducing sugar concentration; yellow indicates 1%; orange 1.5% and red 2% or higher. To demonstrate this, four such standard solutions were prepared.

  15. Test for Reducing Sugars

    Benedict's Test. To test for the presence of reducing sugars, a food sample is dissolved in boiling water. Next, a small amount of Benedict's reagent is added and the solution begins to cool. During the next four to 10 minutes, the solution should begin to change colors. If the color changes to blue, then no glucose is present.

  16. Reducing Sugars- Definition, Characteristics, Examples, Uses

    Examples of ketoses are fructose, and aldoses are glucose and galactose. Tautomerization is the process by which a compound's isomers are changed into tautomers. Ketoses undergo tautomerization to form aldoses and then act as reducing sugars. Disaccharides can either be reducing or non-reducing.

  17. Biochemical Tests: Sugars & Starch

    Benedict's test for reducing sugars. Benedict's reagent is a blue solution that contains copper (II) sulfate ions (CuSO 4 ); in the presence of a reducing sugar copper (I) oxide forms. Copper (I) oxide is not soluble in water, so it forms a precipitate. Method. Add Benedict's reagent (which is blue as it contains copper (II) sulfate ions ...

  18. experiment

    However, it can also be used to test non-reducing sugars indirectly. For that to happen, non-reducing sugars are first converted to reducing sugars by breaking glycosidic bonds in the presence of acid (ex: HCl). Now, the next step is to check for the presence of reducing sugars using Benedict's reagent.

  19. Investigating and testing for reducing and non-reducing sugars

    Aim: To use techniques to test a selection of known and unknown substances, to determine whether or not they are a reducing, non-reducing sugar or neither. Prediction: In the first part of the experiment (simple Benedict's test), I predict that out of the three solution samples; glucose, sucrose and sample X, only glucose will change from the ...

  20. Reducing sugar

    Reducing form of glucose (the aldehyde group is on the far right). A reducing sugar is any sugar that is capable of acting as a reducing agent. [1] In an alkaline solution, a reducing sugar forms some aldehyde or ketone, which allows it to act as a reducing agent, for example in Benedict's reagent.In such a reaction, the sugar becomes a carboxylic acid.. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars ...

  21. PDF OCR (A) Biology A-level

    Benedict's Test Reducing Sugars 1. Add Benedict's reagent to a sample and heart in a water bath that's brought to a boil. Sample goes from blue (to green to yellow to orange) to brick red precipitate, depending on the concentration. Benedict's Test Non-Reducing Sugars 1. Add dilute HCl. 2. Put in a water bath brought to a boil. 3.

  22. Reducing and non reducing sugars Flashcards

    The glycosidic bond is hydrolysed by heating the non-reducing sugar with acid. Benedicts test for non-reducing sugars experiment. 1. Check that there is no reducing sugar present by heating part of the sample with Benedicts reagent. 2. Using a separate sample, heat with dilute hydrochloric acid. 3. Neutralise by adding sodium hydrogen carbonate.

  23. Understanding Reducing and Non-Reducing Sugars: Experiment and

    This test was named after an American chemist from the early 20 th century named Stanley Benedict. When performing the Benedict's reagent, t he blue reagent contains an oxidizing reagent (Cu+2) capable of reacting with reducing sugars. The aldehyde is oxidized to acid, and the Cu2+ is reduced to Cu+1. As a reminder, the term "reducing sugar ...

  24. Experiment For reducing and Non reducing sugar for 4 different Samples

    Starch test is also tested because we will be using substance with carbohydrates. Reducing sugar is carbohydrate that is oxidized by weak oxidant agent and if it is not then it is non-reducing. Testing 4 samples whether the sample reduces or does not reduces sugar. The four substances are Starch, Distilled water, glucose, Hydrolyzed sucrose and ...

  25. Difference between Reducing and Non-reducing sugars

    1. Such sugar bear a free aldehyde. (-CHO) or ketonic (-CO) group. These sugars do not have such groups. 2. Reducing sugars have the capacity to reduce cupric ions of Benedict's or Fehling solution to cuprous ions. Non reducing sugar fail to reduce the cupric ions of Benedict's solution to cuprous ions. 3.

  26. How to Lower Fasting Blood Sugar Without Medication

    Nighttime low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can cause a rebound in blood sugar levels in the morning. This is referred to as the Somogyi effect . In people without diabetes, glucose and insulin levels tend to stay flat and constant throughout the night, with a slight increase in insulin just before dawn.


    Experiment 10: Reducing and Non-Reducing Sugars 28 November 2021 Jenna Lou Ronquillo CHEM 1020-02 Professor Dong Zhang Abstract: Reducing sugars are carbohydrates that have an aldehyde group in their open-chain form. To check for the presence of reducing sugars, Benedict's reagent is utilized (presence of aldehydes). Benedict's reagent was used to test the presence of aldehydes in an unknown ...