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How to Use Notion as a Student: A Full Guide

Looking to create a custom student hub in Notion? Or want to save some time by installing a pre-built, all-in-one Notion student template ? You’re in the right place! I’m Mel Lee-Smith, freelance writer, Notion nerd, and English grad. Although I primarily create Notion templates for bloggers , today, I’ll walk you through how to create a Notion student hub that will keep you on track from orientation to graduation.

Note: This walkthrough is for people who are familiar with Notion’s key features, like databases, properties, filters, and relations. If you’re brand new to Notion, check out this video walkthrough .

If you’re not quite ready to make your own template, check out our full round-up on the best Notion templates for students !

Looking for more productivity tips and tools? Subscribe to The Flow — our quick, snappy, value-packed focus and recharge newsletter. Also, don’t miss our several other  Notion template round-ups and guides !

  • First Name First

Table of Contents

  • First Steps

Schedule & Syllabus Planning

Assignments & deliverables.

  • Grade Tracking
  • Goals & Habits
  • Cover Photos

assignment database notion

Creating Your Own Functional Notion Student Template: First Steps

Prefer to make your own Notion student dashboard from scratch? We’ve got you covered with a super detailed, easy-to-follow walkthrough!

Before you dive in to creating databases for your classes, assignments, and notes, we recommend setting up a student “hub” where all these pages will live.

Think of this hub as your dashboard . To stay organized and make the most use of your time when creating your Notion templates for students, keep these tips in mind.

Make a list of the templates you’ll need

A bullet point list is fine — you can always turn them into pages after using Notion’s “Turn into subpage” feature.

Aesthetic Notion Student Dashboard

Build it first, make it pretty later!

If you’re new to Notion, don’t be intimidated by all the aesthetic Notion student templates you see online. Explore Notion on your own, read tutorials (like this one!), and watch video walkthroughs to learn your way around Notion. Don’t give in to the temptation to add a bunch of GIFs, widgets, and pretty headers before laying the functional foundation of your student dashboard.

Use integrations to get organized once you’ve built your student dashboard

Notion’s API is in beta. You can use free apps like Automate.io , Zapier, and IFTTT to connect Notion to Gmail, Google Calendar, and dozens of other apps.

Relate all your main databases

Video Tutorial

Our setup relies on 3 main databases: Classes, Assignments, and Notes. (We recommend setting up these databases as inline tables within a page so you can customize the content around it. You can’t add other blocks to full-page databases.)

Use Notion’s “Relation” property to link these databases together. Here’s how this will work in practice. Let’s say you need a select set of notes to complete an assignment. You can use the “Relation” property between the Assignments and Notes databases for easy access to those notes right from the assignment page.

The “Linked database” command is your best friend

Notion’s “linked database” command lets you display your databases anywhere you want in Notion. Here’s what this looks like in practice, assuming you’ve created the 3 databases we listed above and related those databases to each other.

Let’s say you want to see all your assignments and notes for one of your classes right in the page in your Class database. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Navigate to your Class database.
  • Open the page for the class (for example, ENG 101).
  • Click into the body of the page, then type “/” followed by “linked” and select the “linked database” option.
  • Select your Assignments database.
  • In the top right-hand corner of the newly linked database, Select Filter ➤ Add a Filter ➤ Add a Filter again.
  • Set the filter to these parameters: “Where [Relation to Assignments database] contains [class you want to see]”
  • Repeat steps 2-5 for your Notes database.

Note that any changes you make in the linked database will appear in the main page and vice versa.

Notion Student Templates: Step-by-Step Walkthroughs

Now that you know some first steps, read on to learn how to set up each page in your student dashboard!

If you’re a Type A person who likes to get the ball rolling as soon as possible, start setting up your Notion student dashboard before you even choose your classes. But don’t worry if you’ve already chosen your classes, or even if you’re halfway through college. You can start using Notion to organize your academic life at any point!

Once you’ve chosen your classes or received your schedule, create a database to store them using this step-by-step walkthrough.

Notion Student Schedule & Syllabus Planning

Setting Up Your Class Schedule Database

Here are a few properties you might want to include in your class schedule template:

  • Semester (Select property) — Indicates which semester you’ll take each class. You might want to add a year to each entry — for example, Fall 2021 or Spring 2022.
  • Days (Multi-select) — Notion doesn’t currently allow for recurring tasks. If you set up a multi-select property with entries for each day of the week, you can easily see your class schedule in a Board view without having to duplicate a year’s worth of classes. (We’ll cover Notion views in the next section!)
  • Dates (Date) — We recommend adding an end date, starting with your first day of class and ending with your last. This will come in handy for your Calendar and Timeline views.
  • Class type (Select) — American universities split classes up into 3 main types: electives, core classes, and general education classes.
  • Credits (Number) — If your classes count for a certain number of credit hours, add them here. At the bottom of the table, you can automatically add the number of credit hours you’ve earned or are working toward.
  • Notes (Text) — Store quick notes and reminders in a Text property.
  • Grade (Number) — Quickly see your current grade for the semester.

Adding Relevant Materials to Each Class Page

Now that you’ve set up your class schedule database, it’s time to start organizing your materials.

In your database, create a new page for each class. Then, open that page and start customizing it. Here are a few things you might like to add:

  • Your class syllabus (either as a file or embedded PDF)
  • Exam schedule
  • Links to resources, books, or assignment submission platforms like Blackboard, Canvas, or Google Classroom
  • Embedded PDFs of reading materials
  • Backups of your assignments

💡 Pro tip: You can also add a list of your assignments for that class using Notion’s “linked database” command. We’ll show you how to set up an Assignments database below .

Notion Template for Students Aesthetic

Customizing Your Class Schedule Database With Filtered Views

Cool, so you’ve created your class schedule database and uploaded your materials. But how do you filter this database to show only classes you’re taking this semester, or only core classes within your major?

That’s where Notion filtered views come in.

Here’s a text walkthrough on how to set up your own filtered views:

  • In the top left-hand corner, next to the title of your database, click “Add view”.
  • Select the view you want (I recommend Table).
  • Give your view a title — something like “This Semester” or “Core Classes”.
  • In the top right-hand corner of the database, click Filter, then “Add a filter” and “Add a filter” again.
  • Set your parameters. For example, if you want to see classes this semester, select “Where [Semester] is [Current semester]”

💡 Pro tip: To save yourself a few clicks, duplicate your views and reset the parameters. To do this, click the dropdown next to your database title to see all your views. Open up the menu (the 3 dots on the right-hand side), then select “Duplicate” at the bottom.

Here are a few views you might want to set up:

  • Classes this semester
  • Classes next semester
  • All classes this year
  • Core classes
  • General education classes

By now, your class schedule is looking nice and tidy. Now it’s time to set up your Assignment hub. Follow this step-by-step walkthrough to simplify this process and stay ultra organized all semester!

Setting Up Your Assignments Database

When you create your assignments database, the first thing you need to do is create a Relation to your Class schedule database. This will link all your assignments to each class. This means, whenever you’re looking at your class schedule, you can see all your assignments at a glance. Here’s how to relate your Class and Assignments databases:

  • Create a new database and title it “Assignments” (or whatever you want).
  • Add a Relation property to your new database.
  • In the pop-up window, choose your Class database.
  • Rename the Relation property (“Class” works fine).

Notion Student Template Assignments

Now that’s done, it’s time to start adding properties to your assignments database:

  • Assignment (Title property) — A quick description of the assignment.
  • Type (Select or Multi-select) — Essay, lab report, presentation, portfolio, exam (you get the idea).
  • Due (Date) — Due date of the assignment. Include end dates and times, and set reminders if needed.
  • Status (Select) — What stage the assignment is in (not started, in progress, completed, etc.).
  • Priority (Select) — Keep it simple with “high/medium/low”, or get granular with priority systems like the ABCDE Method or the Eisenhower Matrix. (We’ve covered both methods in the section on Goals & Habits below.)
  • Notes (Text) — Lets you add quick notes about the assignment that you can see in the database view.
  • Files (File) — Upload a file version of the assignment or the instructions.
  • Link (URL) — Link to resources, instructions, or a cloud version of the assignment.
  • Final grade (Number) — Makes it easy to calculate your average.

💡 Pro tip: Create filtered views to see assignments in context. Maybe you want a view of assignments due this week, or you’d like to see a timeline view of assignments due for each class. We covered how to create filtered views in the Schedule & Syllabus section above.

Writing Your Assignments in Notion

If you really want to keep everything in one place, you can even write your assignments right in Notion. Simply open the page for the assignment you’re working on and write it in the body. Although Notion doesn’t allow for page margins or other formatting elements required by APA and Chicago style, the block format makes it easy to copy and paste your content into other apps, like Google Docs and Microsoft Word.

If you don’t want to create your assignments in Notion, you can use each page as you see fit — brainstorming, note-taking, or anything else you need to stay on track. You don’t have to open the pages at all if you don’t want to. That’s the beauty of Notion!

Notion Student Note-taking

Notion’s clean and minimalist yet versatile interface makes it the ultimate solution for note-taking. We recommend setting up a separate database for your notes, just like you did for your classes and assignments. All 3 databases should be related to each other.

Related Post: Notion Note-Taking Templates

Here are a few of our top tips for taking good notes in Notion:

Embed articles and webpages for convenience

If you’re taking notes from an article or web page, use the “Embed” command to display the article right in Notion. (This won’t work for every page, but it will work for most.) This way, you can take notes right alongside your reading material!

Customize your notes for your preferred note-taking system

If you use the Cornell note-taking system , create a column on the left-hand side of your notes where you can reflect on what you learned, test your knowledge, and jot down questions.

Set reminders to review your notes later

You’re more likely to retain information from your notes if you review them 3 times — first within 24 hours, then the next day, and again later in the week. Once you’re done taking notes, set reminders for these times so you don’t forget.

Think about what you’re learning as you take notes

What’s difficult or tripping you up? Have your views about the topic changed, and if so, why? Leave yourself space to “think” about your notes in your Notion pages.

Notion for Studying

If you’re storing your notes and assignments in Notion, it makes sense to use Notion as a study hub too. Here are some pro tips for making your Notion study hub an inviting, productive place to study:

  • Use highlights  and text colors to draw your attention to important topics. Colors and highlights make it easy to pick out important info or things to review as you’re skimming your notes.
  • Leave yourself comments and reminders. Type “@” in a Notion page followed by a date to set a reminder. On the day, you’ll receive a notification reminding you to revisit those notes. Alternatively, use the “Comment” Notion slash command to leave yourself a comment.
  • Embed a Spotify playlist. Channel your inner lofi girl and embed your favorite study playlist right in Notion. Need some inspo? Check out our favorite study playlists .
  • Create a study schedule. You may want to create a separate database for your study schedule. Link this database to your Classes, Assignments, and Notes databases to stay on track. Or, just set reminders in your assignments and notes entries.
  • Add motivational quotes. Later in this article, you’ll learn how to create your own quote widgets. But if you prefer a minimalist setup, use Notion’s “Quote” block and paste in your favorite study mantra.

Notion Grade Tracking

You’ve tackled the easy part. Now comes the nerve-racking part — tracking your grades in Notion.

The easiest way to track your grades in Notion is to add some new properties to your Assignments database. (To give credit where credit is due, we watched this video to bring you this tutorial.)

Add these properties to your Assignments database:

  • Weight (Number) — Edit the number so it’s a percentage.
  • Weighted Grade (Formula) — Use this formula to calculate the weighted grade: “prop(“Grade”) * prop(“Weight”)”

Once you’ve added those properties and set up the formula, scroll to the bottom of the table and select “Sum” underneath the “Weighted Grade” column. And presto! You can see your final grade for the semester. Don’t forget to set up filtered views for each class to see accurate numbers.

💡 Pro tip: In your student dashboard, add a link to this handy final grade calculator to figure out what you need to make on your exams to get the final grade you want.

Goals & Habits Using Notion

Your Notion student hub is nearly complete! Just one more template left to go: goals and habit tracking. Whether you want to set up a robust goal tracking database with fancy formulas and filters, or you just need a simple checklist, the possibilities are endless. If you need some inspiration, check out our favorite Notion habit tracking dashboards .

Tips for setting and reviewing your academic goals in Notion

Keep these 2 tips in mind when setting up your goal tracking system in Notion.

Add reminders, affirmations, and motivational quotes to stay on track

It’s so easy to procrastinate on studying for that big exam and binge your favorite Netflix show. Add some affirmations and reminders in your student goal tracker to motivate yourself when energy is low.

Review your goals every week

Assessing your progress every week keeps your goals fresh in your mind, making you more likely to meet them and less likely to procrastinate. Consider creating a template with review questions like:

  • How do I feel about my productivity and progress this week?
  • Did I take adequate time for self-care this week?
  • Am I getting enough sleep?
  • Am I exercising enough and eating healthy foods?
  • How can I improve next week?

💡 Pro tip: You can easily create a Notion progress bar to help you keep track of your goals. Read the full guide here !

How to Make Your Student Setup Aesthetic

If you’ve followed this walkthrough in sequence, your Notion student templates are solid, functional, and ready to be beautified! Here are a few tips for turning your Notion student dashboard into an inspiring, visually pleasing space.

Aesthetic Notion Student Template Ideas

Need some ideas for sprucing up your setup? Check out our curated aesthetic Notion templates and setups !

Aesthetic Notion Student Template Ideas

Notion Student Cover Photos

When it comes to adding covers to your Notion student templates, the only limit is your imagination. You’ll find tons of gorgeous images to pick from in our Notion cover photos roundup . Or, if you’re so inclined, you can make your very own in Snappa . Snappa has tons of graphics, stock photos, and unique fonts so you can truly make a one-of-a-kind cover.

Aesthetic Notion Cover Image

Notion Student Icons

Icons not only make things easier to find and organize in your Notion setup, but are a cherry on top for making your student setup look and feel perfectly yours. Check out some of our favorite Notion icons to get started !

Notion Icons for Students

Emojis are super useful for replacing bland bullet points or adding a visual element to database properties. To add an emoji to your Notion pages, type “/” on your keyboard, followed by “emoji”, then select “Emoji” and choose the one you want. If you know exactly which emoji you’d like, simply type “:” followed by your search query!

Aesthetic Notion Emojis

Notion Widgets for Students

Indify has tons of widgets built for Notion. Here are a few of our faves that are especially useful for students:

  • Countdown — for counting down the days ’til the end of the semester
  • Buttons — for making external links more visible and colorful
  • Counters — for tracking assignments completed/remaining
  • Images — for ✨aesthetic✨ reasons
  • Quotes — for staying motivated and energized

You’ll need to make an Indify account, but once you do, you can create as many custom widgets as you like. Check out our full roundup on the best Notion widgets for more – including calculator widgets, Pomodoro timers, and more!

Notion Widgets for Students

Using Notion as a Student: Wrapping Up

Phew! We know that was a lot to take in, so feel free to bookmark this post (or save it to Notion) and revisit it later. Whether you’re using this tutorial to build your own Notion student dashboard, or you’ve duplicated some of our favorite templates, we’d love to hear from you!

How are you using Notion to organize your academic life? Got any suggestions for this tutorial? Hit us up in the comments.

Author – Mel Lee-Smith

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6 Of The Best Notion Templates For Students

Notion logo on phone next to laptop

Having multiple classes a semester can turn into a real juggling act, especially when you're bouncing between different digital tools. You've got a task management app for your to-dos, a separate notes app for your study materials, and then a web-based calendar for checking whether you have exams and assignments due soon. Jumping from one tool to another just adds layers of complexity to your already busy student life.

But, there's a solution: Notion. You might know it as a notes app, but it's a lot more versatile than that. On top of note-taking, you can use the platform to create flashcards, to-do lists, exam trackers, and note databases, among many other things all in one place. The downside, however, is that Notion does come with a learning curve. But while you can't master it overnight, there are some nifty Notion templates for student use to help you get started.

Studio Ghibli University Dashboard

University Dashboard template homepage

If you need a hub to organize everything you need for your academic life, check out the Studio Ghibli University Dashboard . It's a practical space made up of five distinct sections:

  • Courses database: A gallery view database of all your courses. This is your go-to for all course details. Each course in the database includes professor contact, grade pointers, room IDs, and even grade goals to keep you motivated. There are also properties for the total and completed chapters or lessons to track your progress in each course.
  • Reminder points: A numbered list of those crucial bits of information you need to remember. This can include things like "The programming final is a group project" or "Each chemistry assignment is worth 5%."
  • Class schedule: A simple table that lays out your entire week's classes.
  • Exams: A database to track your upcoming and past exams. It has columns for subject tags, exam dates, total and obtained marks, and the status of each exam.
  • Notes & References: A database for all your study material and notes. This also features a status column to help you easily see if you've read, are reading, or haven't started on a material. You can add PDFs, eBooks, or EPUBs here.

Following the Studio Ghibli theme, the rest of the dashboard is filled with anime-inspired photos. So while you're getting organized, you also have some nice visuals to keep the vibe interesting.

Stardew Valley Theme Student Planner

Stardew Valley Student Planner template homepage

Another dashboard for all your student needs, this Stardew Valley Theme Student Planner is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The dashboard is set up such that all your essentials are on the front page to give you quick access without the hassle of navigating through multiple pages. Right at the top, you have your to-do list, a neatly organized table of your class schedule, and a view of your upcoming assignments. This way, you can easily see your commitments at a glance.

Below that, there's a section for your courses, displayed in a gallery view database. Each course entry is comprehensive and includes important details like learning objectives, professor's information, and links to separate pages for your notes. Then, at the bottom of the dashboard sits the assignments database. Here, you can list all your school-related tasks, set due dates, and categorize them by type (exam, homework, coursework, quiz, or presentation). There's also a feature to track the grade and weight of each assignment.

The dashboard also includes some extra useful links like the Study Session, Book Tracker, and Grade Calculator pages. The Study Session is a convenient page that records the minutes you spend studying each course. It has start and stop buttons for each study session and a Pomodoro timer widget. The Book Tracker is a database for all the books you've read or are reading, with spaces to note down key themes, quotes, and summaries. And the Grade Calculator is a handy tool that computes your grade based on the inputs from your Assignments database.

Tomato template homepage

You open your laptop to tackle your math homework or start studying for that upcoming history exam, but the next thing you know, you've watched a hundred YouTube videos and are nowhere near finishing the thing you set to do. If this scenario happens more often than you'd like, then consider using the Tomato Notion template to boost your productivity . This Notion student template is inspired by the popular Pomodoro time-management technique that involves working for 25 uninterrupted minutes before taking a five-minute break.

The Tomato template is very simple to use. All you need to do is write all your tasks in the database, assign a start and end time for each one, and decide on the number of Pomodoro sessions (or 'tomatoes') you aim to complete for each task. When it's time to begin a task, just hit play on the Pomodoro timer widget embedded on the page. Then, start working. You can set the timer to play a bell after the 25-minute mark. After completing a task, record the actual number of 'tomatoes' it took. The template then assesses your productivity level for that task: super productive (finished in less time than planned), productive (on target), less productive (took more time than planned), or missed (wasn't done as scheduled). 

At the end of the day, you'll see a daily summary at the top of the page showing your overall productivity level, the number of 'tomatoes' used, total hours worked, the number of tasks completed, and your completion percentage.

Assignment Tracker

Assignment Tracker template homepage

Tracking assignments can be a real headache. Sure, you can always write them down in a to-do list, but it's easy to miss an assignment when your list isn't organized. In this case, you can use the Assignment Tracker Notion template instead.

The template is cleverly set up with three databases, each serving a specific purpose. At the top, you have the Current Grades database. Here, you'll see an overview of all your courses along with the overall assignment-related grades for each. The second part of the template is the assignments database. This is automatically categorized by course to keep your tasks neatly organized. When adding a new assignment, you can set its status — whether it's not started, in progress, submitted, or overdue. You can also add a due date and priority (i.e., high, medium, or low) and note the percentage weight of each assignment. Once you receive your marks, simply input them in the corresponding column, and the grade displayed in the first database will automatically update. The final section is the courses database. This space is for other details about your courses like your instructor's name and the portal link for each course. You can also add assignments to each course, and they will be reflected in the second database.

All three databases used in this Assignment Tracker template are related to each other and adjust automatically when one is edited. That said, you may find it challenging to customize the template if you're new to Notion.

Flashcards template homepage

As kids, one of the most effective ways to recall information and study for an exam is by using flashcards. This method's premise is simple: you get the question on one side and the answer on the other. If you like studying with flashcards but don't want the hassle of making physical ones, you can switch to a digital approach with the Flashcards Notion template.

The template is built around two main databases. First is the Categories database, which already comes with ten pre-made categories. Think of these as your different classes or subjects. Within each category, you can create sets of flashcards — the question sets for whatever topic or lesson you're tackling. Each flashcard you add to the set needs to have a question and an answer, but all the answers are hidden by default. To reveal the answer, you just need to check the Hide/Show box. After making the flashcards, you can then tag each one as Not started, Learning, or Done. This way, you know exactly which flashcards you still need to work on and which ones you've already mastered. If you need to add more flashcards, there's a convenient action button named 10 More Flashcards that you can simply click to add ten new cards to your set.

The second database, on the other hand, is the Flashcard Sets. This is like your central hub where you can see and access all the sets you've created.

Student Planner

Student Planner template homepage

So you want to keep your student life organized but find the typical full-fledged Notion student dashboards too overwhelming or complex? Then, the basic Student Planner might just be what you're looking for. It's designed specifically for students who prefer to focus on the week ahead rather than planning for the entire school year.

The layout of this template is minimalist, but it covers all the essentials. You have a section for your class schedule, presented in a clean, easy-to-read format using plain text and quotes instead of complicated databases or tables. Next to your class schedule, there's a space for listing down your goals for the week to help you keep your weekly targets clear and on your radar. Then, there's the to-do list, neatly categorized into Assignments and Personal tasks, so you can keep your academic responsibilities and personal errands separate yet equally accessible. The to-do list features an Add New button in each category for quick task creation. If you need other categories on top of Assignments and Personal, you can simply press the New Category button under the To-Do list section. At the bottom of the template, you'll find a Reflection database, where you can record your daily thoughts and notes. The great thing about this database is that your entries are automatically organized by month, which can come in handy when you need to reference them later.

The Student Planner template uses mostly beginner-friendly elements (no third-party widgets or embeds either), so you can readily use it with little to no knowledge of Notion.


Notionland logo that links to the homepage of the website.

The 10 Best Notion Templates for Students in 2024

Staying organized is vital for college students, and in today's fast-paced world, it can make a world of difference in our academic success. With the multitude of tasks, assignments, and extracurricular activities that demand our attention, maintaining order can be challenging. Thankfully, Notion offers many solutions that can transform the way we manage our academic and personal lives.

Let's explore the importance of having an organized workspace and the incredible potential of Notion templates for college students . Notion's customizable templates empower us to create efficient systems for scheduling, note-taking, project management, and more. Join us as we delve into the world of Notion templates and discover how they can revolutionize your college experience, bringing clarity, productivity, and success within reach.

assignment database notion

1. Student OS: All-in-One Notion Student Template

The ultimate all-in-one workspace for everything you need for your academic career – both in and out of the classroom, bringing 15+ templates into a centralized dashboard. With this Notion template you can easily manage your schedule, syllabus, assignments, and more. If you want to do more than just check off your semester deliverables, this is an excellent option that offers a wide variety of tools.

  • Class database
  • Semester planner
  • Assignment tracker
  • Digital notebook
  • School reading tracker
  • Weekly timetable

Get the template

assignment database notion

2. Notion Student Pack

All the tools, templates and dashboards you need as a student. The Notion Student Pack keeps everything organized and integrated into one comprehensive student dashboard. This all-in-one student system can be used throughout your entire college or university journey to help you keep track of the most important details.

  • 10+ templates
  • Student hub
  • Space retention cards
  • Citation formatter
  • Daily planner
  • Project planner
  • Study planner

assignment database notion

3. Notion Student Dashboard

A simple all-in-one dashboard for high school, college or university students. If you need a Notion template for studying that is easy-to-use and not overly complex, this dashboard is a perfect option. In addition to being able to manage your courses, schedule, assignments and notes, it also includes a Notion widget to help you visualize your progress by year, month and week.

  • Course schedule
  • Notes database
  • Collaboration
  • Progress tracker

assignment database notion

4. College Student Dashboard

When you start college it can be very overwhelming. You have new classes, a daily schedule, and a list of assignments. This Notion college student dashboard helps make sense of everything with a clean and minimal approach to managing your journey. Use it to simplify your study routine, notes, and stay on top of your academic tasks.

  • Couse manager
  • Task tracker
  • Calendar integration
  • Minimalist design

assignment database notion

5. Lectures & Class Notes Aesthetic Template

When you're balancing multiple classes it's important to be able to keep track of all of the important information. Make studying a breeze with this simple Notion lecture template that act as a notebook that you will never lose. All the details you need to manage can be stored in one convenient dashboard that is easy to pick up and start using immediately. Check out the Notionland Template Gallery to find more templates for college and university .

  • Lectures database
  • Homework tracker
  • Assignment manager

assignment database notion

6. SPARK Student Planner OS

With Spark Student OS, you'll have access to all the tools you need to stay on top of your grades and assignments. The grade tracker and homework log make it easy to keep track of all your academic responsibilities in one convenient place. Plus, with the mindfulness resources, you can take a breather and focus on your mental health whenever you need it. Additionally, this Notion template helps you build healthy habits, so you can stay motivated and productive throughout the school year. And with the studying features, you'll be able to ace your exams and reach your academic goals in no time.

  • Grades tracker
  • Goal tracker
  • Contacts database
  • Calendar view

assignment database notion

7. Notion All-in-One Student Dashboard

Manage and organize everything school-related in Notion. This all-in-one digital system is built to to manage your student life, allowing you to track all the important and relevant information you need to stay on top of your studies such as tasks, assignments, upcoming exams, grades and more. Capture and organize everything, from notes to resources with this system.

  • Class overview
  • Task manager
  • Exam tracker
  • Study session tracker
  • Grades calculator

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8. Aesthetic Ghibli Life Planner

For those who want to be able to manage more aspects of their life than just school, this Notion life planner is an excellent option. In addition to having everything you need to manage your college or university journey, this template is packed with even more helpful sections for the rest of your life. Track your school, wellness, general productivity, finance, nutrition and more with this all-in-one dashboard.

  • Course planner
  • Class notes
  • Resume builder
  • Pomodoro timer
  • Reading list
  • Daily journal
  • Recipes gallery

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9. Notion's Student Index

Optimize your note-making with scientific methods. This Notion template is great for students who want to improve their note-taking ability. Take notes effectively with the pomodoro technique and revise with active recall. This template will help ensure that you are recording the most important information relevant to your classes.

  • Revising system
  • Note-making template
  • GCal viewer

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10. Notion Flashcards for Students

Unlock your studying potential and utilize one of the best tools to memorize and interiorize information with the ultimate Flashcard Tool. Use this template to study for upcoming exams so you can focus on remembering the most important information. This is a great way to track your mastery of knowledge in any category.

  • Flash card builder
  • Performance tracker

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A free cross-browser extension to load Canvas assignments into Notion, with 8200+ unique users.


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Notion Assignment Import

Chrome Web Store stars

A fully-configurable Chromium , Firefox , and Safari extension to load Canvas assignments into a Notion database, at just the click of a button—unlock your full time-management and productivity potential!

Extension Popup

Notion database examples, extension options, discord server, safari instructions, advanced options.

  • Unlock Date , Due Date , and Date Span

Course Code Overrides

Page emojis, wrong timezone, migration instructions, building for local development, assignment fetching, notion import, contributors, privacy policy.

  • 💄 Simple, user-friendly interface
  • 📄 Provided Notion database template
  • 🔧 Configurable options, with input validation
  • 🗄️ Category database property for seamless integration into an existing tasks database
  • 🔍 No duplication of assignments already in the database
  • 📝 Updating previously imported assignments with new Canvas changes
  • ⚙️ Fine-tuning of database property names & values
  • ✏️ Overriding of Canvas course names
  • 😀 Emojis for Notion page icons
  • 🧑‍💻 Open source
  • 🔒 Private and secure—all data is stored locally. I do not log or save any user data.


Extension popup

To be notified with updates and changelogs, to get in touch, or just to lurk, join the Discord server !

Discord Banner

Setup Instructions

Install the Chromium extension , Firefox add-on , or Safari extension .

Duplicate this Notion database template (or create/modify your own!).

Click on the options icon to configure the extension.

Click Authorise with Notion to add the integration to your Notion workspace, and share your relevant database(s).

There is a known issue when trying to sign in to Notion using the Continue with Google option. This is an issue with the browser and cannot be fixed by this extension. If you encounter this issue, please try logging in directly with your email and password.

for Safari Due to browser API limitations , OAuth2 is not currently supported. As a temporary stop-gap, support for a Notion Internal Integration has been retained.

  • Follow steps 1 and 2 on this page to create a new Internal Integration.
  • Paste the Notion Internal Integration Token into the input field.
  • Select the desired target database in the Database dropdown.

Databases that have not been directly shared with the integration (ie those which are a child of a shared page) might not immediately appear. Use the Refresh button until the desired database appears.

  • Configure the Property Names and Property Values if necessary.

If you have duplicated my database template, you do not need to change the applied defaults.

  • Configure the Timezone , Course Code Overrides , and Page Emojis options if necessary.

Course Code Overrides can be found under Advanced Options .

  • Open the Canvas page for the course you wish to import.

You should be on a URL that looks something like https://<canvas.auckland.ac.nz>/courses/72763/**/* .

  • <canvas.auckland.ac.nz> should be your own institution's Canvas URL.
  • /**/* means that you can be on the course home page, or any subpage—the important part is /courses/...../ .

Click Copy from Canvas .

You should see the course appear in the Saved Assignments list. 1. Click Expand to view a list of individual saved assignments. 2. Click Clear to remove the saved assignments from storage.

Repeat steps 8 and 9 as desired.

Once you have finished saving assignments, click the Export to Notion button to export to your Notion database.

This is an unsigned extension that is not installed through the Apple App Store. This means that you will not receive automatic updates , and you must repeat the below installation steps if you wish to update your extension. This may change in a future update. To be notified of new releases, join the Discord server .

Download the latest notion-assignment-import-safari_latest.zip archive from releases/safari .

Unzip the .zip archive.

Navigate to the file Notion Canvas Assignment Import in Notion Canvas Assignment Import/Content/MacOS .

Open up the terminal app. Paste in this command:

  • Drag and drop the Notion Canvas Assignment Import file into your terminal window. You should now have something that looks like this:

Hit Enter . You may now close the terminal.

Rename the folder Notion Canvas Assignment Import to Notion Canvas Assignment Import.app .

This turns the folder into an app.

Now drag and drop the app into the applications folder.

Open the app.

  • If you have successfully opened the app, skip to Step 11 .
  • If you have issues opening the app with an error message saying the app is unsafe, continue below.

Open System Preferences and go to Security and Privacy -> General . There should be a prompt about applications from unidentified developers. Click Open Anyway . Click allow for any further prompts.

Reopen the app.

Go to Safari Preferences -> Advanced and enable Show Develop menu in menu bar .

Go to the Develop menu in the menu bar, and click Allow unsigned extensions .

Go back to Safari Preferences and now go to the Extensions pane. Enable the extension.

Configurable Options

Option Purpose/Remarks
Whether to use / mode, or use the browser's default ( )
Whether to / the
The timezone in which to parse and set all dates
Whether to , or Canvas assignments without a set due date
( ) The of your Notion integration
The target Notion database
The name of the database property, used to set the assignment name
The name of a database Category property, used to allow grouping of all Canvas assignments together if using a single tasks database
The name of a database Course property, used to set the assignment course code
The name of a database URL property, used to set the assignment URL
The name of a database Points property, used to set the assignment's points
The name of a database Reminder property, used to set the assignment unlock date
The name of a database Due property, used to set the assignment due date
The name of a database Date Span property, used to set the date span of the assignment as –
The value of a database Category property to categorise all Canvas assignments as
Whether to , or assignments due in the past
Whether to (ie update the existing page) or Canvas changes to previously imported assignment names
Whether to (ie update the existing page) or Canvas changes to previously imported assignment points
Whether to (ie update the existing page) or Canvas changes to previously imported assignment unlock dates
Whether to (ie update the existing page) or Canvas changes to previously imported assignment due dates
Whether to (ie update the existing page) or Canvas changes to previously imported assignment date spans
Any Notion page emojis to apply
Option Purpose/Remarks
Whether to / the button in the extension popup
Any course code overrides to apply

What is the difference between Unlock Date , Due Date , and Date Span ?

Good question—this was ultimately a design decision I made for maximum flexibility.

Property Purpose
Used for the date that an assignment unlocks/becomes available.
Used for the date that an assignment is due.
Used for the date – .

This enables many possible use-cases, such as:

  • Timelines to be created by Date Span ;
  • Date Span , or
  • Due Date only.
  • Reminders to be set independent to the due date;
  • Manipulation of the start/end dates on a timeline independent to the unlock/due date; and
Notion doesn't let you sort Date (span) properties by their end date—only their start date.

Of course, you are welcome to configure any of these property names to be ❌ Exclude —these properties are ignored on import.

Example: The course title in the page breadcrumb on Canvas is Course Title , but you want it to be saved in your database as COURSE 121 .

Configure Course Code Overrides to the following:

Example: You want all COURSE 121 pages to have the 👨‍💻 emoji, and all COURSE 101 pages to have the 👀 emoji.

Configure Page Emojis to the following:


If your assignments are being imported into Notion in the wrong timezone, please first ensure that you have configured the Timezone option correctly.

After configuring a Timezone , you must then Clear and re-copy your Saved Assignments in the extension popup. Timezone offsets are applied when assignments are initially copied from Canvas, and not when assignments are exported to Notion.

To prevent erroneous clears, the extension will automatically restore cleared assignments if the extension popup is closed before the Cleared! success status is displayed.

Release Notes

For a full changelog of notable changes, see CHANGELOG.md . Also see Releases .


If you are an existing user, you may be affected by these breaking changes following an update.

  • Support has been added to update existing pages with changed assignment details (eg name, due date, points, etc.). This requires an additional integration capability, so existing users must reauthorise with Notion.
Read more here .
  • Assignments already imported to Notion can now be updated when details are changed on Canvas. See ( #385 ).
  • Past assignments can now be imported to Notion ( #386 ).
  • Assignments without due dates are now correctly imported ( #251 ).
  • Timezone validation now works as expected ( #252 ).
  • ⌘ + s can now be used to save changes on the Options page on macOS.
  • Existing users must reauthorise with Notion, as a new Update Content permission is required.
  • Notion pages now include the assignment's Canvas description ( #59 ).
  • Added support for a new 'Points' number database property ( #61 ) to tag the assignment's points value.
  • Changed the colour of Advanced Options headings to ease identification.
  • Renamed Available Date to Unlock Date .
  • To leverage the new support for a Points property, you must create a new Notion number database property, and configure it on the Options Page.

This project uses gulp and esbuild under the bonnet to bundle the compiled JavaScript files to be browser-ready.

Fork/clone this repository.

Run npm ci --include=dev to install the required dependencies.

Run the appropriate build script:

  • npm run watch to build in watch mode.
  • npm run debug to build source-mapped, non-minified dist files that are easier to debug.
  • npm run build for minified dist files.

A dist/ directory will be created containing a separate extension root folder for each supported vendor.

How It Works

The fetch.ts content script is injected into the active Canvas tab.

window.location is used to extract the institution's Canvas origin , as well as the specific pathname of the active tab.

The pathname is matched against a regular expression to extract the Canvas :course_id , such as 72763 .

A same-host fetch() request is made from the active Canvas tab to the following Canvas REST API endpoints, with the logged-in user's cookies:

  • GET /api/v1/courses/:id , to get the course code.
  • GET /api/v1/courses/:course_id/assignment_groups , to get a list of assignments.

Relevant information is extracted from each Assignment object, and the following configurations applied:

  • Course Code Overrides , and
  • Page Emojis .

Assignments without an unlock_at date (ie are already unlocked) are set to be unlocked from the top of the next hour, relative to the current time.

  • Fetched assignments are saved by course in browser local storage (see IFetchedAssignment and SavedAssignment in fetch.ts ).

The OAuth2 token is used to authorise with the Notion API .

The saved assignment data is retrieved from local storage.

The configured Database is queried to avoid import of duplicate assignments (by matching assignment URLs).

The configured Database Properties are used to create a new database page for each assignment with the Notion API.

  • Thank you to @PolarWolf314 for doing the conversion work to add Safari support!
  • Thank you to @MatthewLamperski for #89 !

In a nutshell, I store only what data is absolutely necessary. This data is stored locally, and is never transmitted back to me.

Refer to the Privacy Policy for my full privacy policy.

notion-assignment-import is licensed under MIT modified with a Commons Clause .

Basically, don't try to re-badge and monetise this extension.

This extension began as a free, open-source hobby project to help University students save time—no adverts, no data mining, no other asterisks.

I am firm on it remaining as such.

Releases 29

Contributors 5.


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How to Use Notion for Students: The Ultimate Guide for Organized Note-Taking

Last Updated: June 22, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD . Megaera Lorenz is an Egyptologist and Writer with over 20 years of experience in public education. In 2017, she graduated with her PhD in Egyptology from The University of Chicago, where she served for several years as a content advisor and program facilitator for the Oriental Institute Museum’s Public Education office. She has also developed and taught Egyptology courses at The University of Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 51,786 times. Learn more...

Notion is a powerful online workspace and organizational tool. If you’re a student, it can be a great way to track your classes and assignments, keep your course materials together, and collaborate with classmates. The best part is that Notion is free to use—and, if you have a student email address, you can get access to additional pro features without having to pay. In this article, we’ll talk you through how to set up a Notion account for students, and also touch on some of its most helpful features.

Sign up on the Notion website.

The Notion website allows you to sign up for free.

  • Select For myself under the How are you planning to use Notion? prompt to get a free individual account. Then, click Take Me to Notion . From there, you can start experimenting with Notion’s features right away.
  • If you have a student email address provided by your school, use that to sign up so you can easily upgrade to a free Pro account. [1] X Research source
  • Once you’re signed up, you can either use Notion in your web browser or download it as an app for desktop or mobile devices.

Open the Getting Started tab to start learning the basics.

Notion is set up to let you start editing immediately.

  • Click anywhere on the page and begin typing to add text content.
  • Highlight the text and use the ribbon menu that appears to format the text in a variety of styles.
  • Use the / key to open a dropdown menu of “blocks” that you can embed on any Notion page. [2] X Research source These include basic text blocks, sub-pages, to-do lists, tables, toggle lists (content that you can easily display or hide by hitting a triangular toggle button), internal and external links, databases, and media, such as images or videos.
  • Click the menu button next to each block to perform actions such as deleting, moving, or copying the block.

Get started quickly with a premade template.

Check out the student templates in Notion’s Template Gallery.

  • Once you find a template you like, click on it to open it up. If you want to use the template, select your Notion workspace from the dropdown menu on the right side of the page and click the Duplicate template button. This will create a new page in your workspace.
  • Alternatively, click the Templates link in the menu on the left side of your workspace. Open the Student tab to select from a variety of basic templates, such as Reading List , Syllabus , or Course Schedule .
  • Once you download a template, you can modify it however you like to make it totally yours.

Build pages from scratch for a totally custom experience.

To create your own page, select Add a page from the sidebar.

  • To help your page stand out in the navigation menu on the Notion sidebar, select an icon using the Add icon button at the top of the page. From there, you can pick an emoji, upload an image, or link to an image online to create a unique icon associated with that page.
  • Use the Add description or Add comment button at the top of the page to create a brief summary or explanation of the contents.
  • You can also give your page a unique cover image with the Add cover button. Use one of Notion’s preset covers or upload your own.

Track your academic goals with a to-do list.

To-do lists let you check off completed items as you go.

  • As you complete tasks on the list and check them off, the checked item will appear greyed out and faint a strike-through line will appear through it.
  • Just like any other text on Notion, you can select items on your list and edit them. For instance, add a link, a comment, or a mention of another page or person associated with your Notion account.

Stay on top of your schedule with the calendar feature.

Add a new page and select Calendar from the list of options.

  • The title of an event associated with that day
  • Tags, such as “Assignment Due” or “Final Exam”
  • Links to relevant pages or materials, such as an assigned reading for that day
  • Simple text comments (such as “Meet with Lilah to review for quiz”)

Simplify note-taking with the Cornell Notes System template.

The Cornell method improves memory and understanding.

  • The Cornell Notes System page includes instructions for taking Cornell-style notes as well as a blank template for taking notes, already organized in the Cornell format. Click the New Notes button whenever you want to start a new page of notes.
  • The Class Notes template, which you can also access from the Templates menu in the Notion sidebar, allows you to conveniently organize all your class notes in one place using the database and sub-page features.

Keep track of class materials and assignments with databases.

Notion’s databases make it easy to sort, filter, and track information.

  • Once you’ve set up your database the way you like it, use the Properties feature at the top of the page to take advantage of features such as tags. For instance, label assignments with tags such as “Not Started,” “Started,” or “Completed” to keep track of their status. [9] X Research source
  • Click the tabs at the top of each column of the database to sort the data, add filters, or make edits.

Share your workspace with guests.

This option allows you to collaborate with others.

  • Open the page and click Share at the top right. Then, select Invite.
  • Type the email addresses of anyone you want to invite to the page.
  • Select the level of access you want each person to have (such as Can edit , Can comment , or Can view ).
  • Hit the Invite button again.
  • Each guest will receive an invite by email with a link to the page. If they don’t already use Notion, they’ll need to sign up for an account to make edits or comments.

Publish your pages to share your content with the world.

Notion pages work just like any other website.

  • Under the Share menu, you’ll also see a variety of other sharing options. For instance, you can allow other Notion users to comment on your page, make edits, or duplicate the page as a template for their own use.
  • You can also turn on Search engine indexing if you want your page to show up in search results.

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  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/help/notion-for-education
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/help/guides/using-slash-commands
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/help/create-your-first-page
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/use-case/to-do-list
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/help/calendars
  • ↑ https://www2.naz.edu/files/3014/2368/0875/Cornell_Note_Taking_Method_Updated.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/templates/cornell-notes-system
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/templates/course-schedule
  • ↑ https://mitadmissions.org/blogs/entry/meet-my-true-love-notion/
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/help/add-members-admins-guests-and-groups
  • ↑ https://www.notion.so/help/public-pages-and-web-publishing

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Megaera Lorenz, PhD

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Business , Productivity

3 ways to create a to-do list in notion (managing tasks with linked databases).

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If you know me, you know I organize my entire life in Notion. It’s my go-to tool for creating to-do lists, both business and personal. And with so much room for customization, there are endless ways to set up your daily, weekly, and monthly schedules whether you’re a newbie or you’ve been using Notion for ages.

For more Notion resources, check out  how to create a content calendar in Notion .

3 Ways to Make Your Notion To-Do List

Whether you’re brand new to the platform or you’re a Notion pro, you have total control over the look and feel of your Notion to-do list. Here are three simple tutorials for Notion beginners and pros.

❤️ Love Notion, but don’t love setting it all up for the first time? Purchase my super simple Notion to-do list templates (and if you want all my dashboard templates you can add them after checkout). Grab 50% with the code BLOG for a limited time by clicking here.

Want more videos like this one? Click here to subscribe on YouTube.

Welcome back to another video today. I want to talk to you all about my favorite productivity tool, Notion. Now, I’ve used a lot of different productivity tools, everything from Trello to Asana, to just a pen and paper, and while I still do love a pen and paper every once in a while, I rely solely on an app called Notion to run my business life and my personal life. Today, I’m specifically going to be talking about to-do lists in Notion and how you can create three different types of to-do lists or three different styles of to-do lists, depending on how tech savvy you are, how advanced you are of a Notion user.

We’re going to start from something really, really basic, and then move up to something a little more advanced as we go.

Before we dive into today’s video. I wanted to tell you about a recent video, I made all about my Notion content calendar set up. If you’re an advanced user, it’s definitely something you can create yourself. It’s pretty cool how I have everything set up and interconnected. And if you’re just starting out and you want to just take all my templates and use them for yourself, you can join my membership, the Creator Club.

I’ll add a link around this video, and to that other video. So, you can go check it out and to the Creator Club membership. If you want to learn more about it.

I think one of my favorite things about Notion is that when you open a new page in Notion, it’s completely blank and you can do whatever you want with it. You can write on it just like you would a Google Doc, or you can fill it in with tables and make it more of a complex system.

The first type of to-do list we’re going to set up, it’s just a really basic Monday through Friday checklist where you can move different tasks around, add them really easily to your schedule and check them off as you complete them.

I’m going to start first by just typing out Monday through Friday. Next, I’m dragging them all side by side so I can create this really nice Monday through Friday view. And actually, what I’m going to do here is I’m going to create this as a full width page. So that way I have a much wider space to work with. Then, just because I like color I’m going to go ahead and turn all of these a different color. So, it’s kind of more fun to look at. You can customize any text in Notion by highlighting it and then clicking on these little dots next to it. And then for these ones, I’m going to turn them into an H 3. So, they’re just a little bit bigger and they stand out on the page.

Now, we get to add our checklist items. So, I’m going to go ahead and add in a checklist, and I’ll show you how easy it is to add new items to your to-do list and to drag them between different days. I’ll use the forward slash to open up the command’s menu, and then I’m going to start typing to-do, to get those checkboxes, to pop up.

Now you can start adding in your to-do list items and I’ll show you how easy it is to drag them from one day to the next. Another cool thing you could do is break these down into business and personal tasks if you want it to. You can create a header for business, a header for personal, and then just drag the checklist items under each one.

Now, if I like this layout, I’m going to select it, copy it and paste it under each day so that I have them all looking the same. There you have it as super simple Notion to-do list. The only downside to this type of to-do list is that it doesn’t let you take advantage of Notion databases, which allow you to check items off your list and move them to a different list or filter them by certain properties. I’m going to show you that type of to-do list in just a second.

To create a to-do list, using a database inside of Notion. I’m going to enter down a few lines below my earlier one, hit that forward slash and start typing table. Then, I’m going to choose inline at table as my option. And I’m going to name this table To-Do List.

Now, you can see that each item in this to-do list is actually its own page inside of Notion that you can open separately. You can type in your to-do list items, just like we did the first time around.

As I opened one of these items, I can see that I have the option to add properties.

The first thing I’m going to do is create a property for personal and business tasks. So, I can separate them out if I want to. I’m going to create a new property, call it, type that I’m going to have it be a select property. And then for my options, I’m going to add personal and I’m going to add business. And then I’m going to select which one fits for each one of these tasks. So, email Kim is going to be a business task. This is personal, this is personal.

And this one is business. You can also add a ton of different properties. If you had a team, you could create a, person property and assign it to somebody on your team and create a date property if there’s a specific to do list item that has a deadline. You can add files and media. If you wanted to upload a photo.

You could create a checkbox property. So, I’m going to do a checkbox property here and call this one Done. And that way I can check off the item on my to-do list when it’s done. And I’m also able to rearrange these just by simply clicking and dragging them around. I’m going to remove this default tags property. Cause I just don’t need it right now. And maybe I’ll go ahead and add the deadline like we talked about. So, I’m going to have a date property, call this deadline, and then I could come in here and select a due date. And I can also create a reminder if I want to. Okay. Now let’s add a deadline for some of these items.

Another thing I want to add is a priority. So, I’m going to create a new property and call it priority. And then I’m going to have this also be a select property and I’m going to have a high, medium and then a low. And I’m going to drag this up here. I want that to be the first one I see. And then I am going to sort these by priority. This to-do list could be done as is, but I want to show you a few ways to make it even more custom and to create different views based on the data that you want to look at.

Come up here to the top and choose, add a view, and I’m going to create a Kanban board, sort of like a Trello board. Right now, it’s sorting by personal and business tasks. I actually want to change this to group by priority and that way I can now see my high priority, then medium and my low priority tasks all in one place. And then if I want to, I can drag these around as they become more or less important.

As your to do the list gets longer it’s going to be kind of frustrating. If all of the items that you’ve done are still hanging around on your to-do list. So, what I’m going to show you next is how to filter out all of your completed items. So, you no longer have to see them cluttering your view.

We’re going to click on filter over here on the right under those three dots. We’re going to add a filter. And I am going to say when done is unchecked and that way it’s only showing me items that I have, unchecked and it’s ignoring everything else, But say, I want to still see some of those items that I’ve recently completed. I don’t want them to disappear altogether. In case I accidentally checked one off. This is where linked databases come in. I’m going to hit that forward slash button and type in linked database. And then I am going to pull in my to-do list.

As you can see, that’s basically just made a copy of the first database. The only difference is it’s back to the original view that we had set up. I can even turn this one back to the original default view as well, just by clicking this button over here.

What I want to do with this second to-do list here is show recently completed items. But first I have to know which items have been edited recently. So, I’m going to click into any one of these items and I’m going to add a new property and this property is going to be one of their advanced properties.

I’m going to say last edited time. And I’m going to call that here. Last edit. Come back to my to-do list. Now I’m going to come over here and filter and select where done is checked off and where last edited. That is let’s see here is with then that’s. What I want to do is within the past week. Now, what I’m going to do is create headers for both of these databases. So, I know which one is which. So, I’m going to go over here and hit H2 and call this to-do list. And I am going to color this in blue. Then, I’m going to create a, another one. And I actually want this to go all the way across for now.

I’m going to create another one H2 and call this recently completed. And we’re going to color this one blue as well. And then what am I doing? I’m going to drag this so that it falls right next to the other one. And I want recently completed to be a, to be a little bit smaller than my main to-do list.

This top one is my main to-do list. So, I’m going to drag this under that first header. And the second one is my recently completed to-do list. And then I have to go back for this and go back to that view we created where I filtered out. So now I can see these are my these are all my to-do list items that have yet to be completed.

These are my recently completed. I’ve got my little done check box here. I’ve got all the items that I need. I’m actually going, pull this done one over to the beginning and move this over. See how flexible this is? And then say I accidentally, I checked that by accident. All I do is uncheck these and they’re going to disappear from this one and pop back over to this database here.

And then if I check items off, they’re going to fall under the recently completed items on the right. But this is just a nice way to have a quick list to show you, know, what are those recently completed tasks in case you accidentally, checked one off or in case you want to click into any these tasks to learn more about them.

Because filtering in Notion is so, so powerful. I highly recommend you create one Notion database for all of your task items. And then you use filters and linked databases to show different versions of that based on what you want to look at.

If you’re interested in learning more about Notion and you want to see more videos like this one, let me know in the comments. I would love to hear from you. Also, don’t forget to subscribe, so you don’t miss any more videos from this channel.

Thanks so much for watching and I’ll see you in the next one.

Using Notion Checklists (Beginner)

This is by far the easiest way to create a to-do list in Notion. A checklist to-do list functions like a Google Doc, but there’s room to grow into more advanced setups as you learn about the platform.

To make a checklist to-do list…

  • Open a new blank page and give it a title.
  • In the body of the page, type the days of the week and arrange them however you like. I prefer my days side-by-side and color-coded. I also add headers for my “personal” and “business” tasks.
  • Below each day of the week, type “/” and choose the “checklist” function.
  • Type each of your tasks on a new line, and check them off as you complete them. Easy!

This setup is perfect for recurring tasks, like grocery shopping or sending weekly check-in emails. At the start of each week, you can uncheck all the tasks and start fresh.


Creating a Notion Database To Do List (Intermediate)

If you have lots of one-off tasks or bigger projects, I suggest branching out into databases. These allow you to more easily organize your tasks based on type, date, and level of importance.

To make a database to-do list.. .

  • In the body of your new blank page, type “/” and select the “Table – In-Line” database.
  • Within this table, type your to-do list items.
  • Open an item and edit the properties. I like to add a date, status, and priority level property. I also include a checkbox to show whether or not the task is complete.
  • Sort your database by due date, priority level, or type.

This setup allows for a little more customization than a checklist to-do list. You can sort by due date, filter out completed tasks, and even create more complex views like the one in the following section.


Filtering Linked Databases in Notion (Advanced)

Because Notion has so many options for filtering and sorting your tasks, I always suggest keeping all your to-do list items (business and personal) in a single database. If you want to see different subsets of your list or sort it in different ways, you can create multiple views for the same database.

To create multiple views with linked databases…

  • Create your master to-do list database following the steps in the previous section.
  • In another spot on your page, type “/” and select the “Create linked database” function.
  • Change the view type. Here, I have a Board View and Table View. (Optional)
  • Create filters. My Board View shows all my incomplete tasks (Filter: checkbox is not checked.). My Table View shows my recently completed tasks (Filter: checkbox is checked. Date: within the past week.)
  • Arrange the two database views however you like, and you’re done!

This is the system I use for  all  of my Notion to-do lists. It keeps me super organized and helps me prioritize my business and personal tasks. Plus, it looks great!


Save time by grabbing our super simple Notion to-do list template. Purchase my Notion to-do list templates (and if you want all my dashboard templates you can add them after checkout). Grab 50% with the code BLOG for a limited time by clicking here.

Organize Your Life and Business Using Notion

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Hey, thanks for the helpful content. For newer users, the “arrange however you want” is a stumper in certain cases. For example, to even just put the two linked databases side by side I had to do this workaround: https://www.notion.vip/arrange-databases-into-columns/#:~:text=However%2C%20Notion%20prevents%20you%20from%20arranging%20them%20into,Turn%20into%20Inline.%20Your%20databases%20remain%20in%20columns .

Still not finding how to do the separate titles above the database names. Do you have any pointers on that ( to show “To Do List” on the left and “Recently Completed” on the right).

Nevermind, in the video transcription that I was using it did not mention it, but I see in the video it did. Any thoughts on how to not have the scrollbar show up automatically?

Glad you got it figured out! I have another tutorial coming out soon about how I am reorganizing my main dashboard pages (using some of Notion’s recently released features) and that will help to explain how to create the side by side look with custom headings.

Hi! I was wondering if you could help me solve a problem I have with Notion. I tend to come up with To Do’s as I’m in meetings or gathering research, but want to aggregate them later. So while I’m taking my meeting notes (or my research notes), I’ll come up with follow-up action items. I like to see the context for these items (the notes before the To Do) and I also don’t want to open up a separate note/database to log the To Do – I want to log it in the meeting note. I can’t figure out how to do this in Notion as I organically take notes – while I can use the “/To Do” to create a checkbox, I can’t automatically aggregate my To Do’s across all my notes.

In Workflowy, I could just tag a bullet in my notes with #todo, and then search by the hashtag and all my To Do’s across all my notes would pop up in one view. Is there an easy way to do this in Notion?

Yes! The cool thing about Notion is you can take notes using any blank page and keep track of everything with headings, bullet points, and checklists (like any blank page of notes). Then after the meeting, you can drag over important items into a tasks database so that you can keep them organized in your main task list. This makes taking notes on the fly easier and then you organize them into specific tasks afterwards and it only takes an extra minute or so. Hope that helps!

Thank you for these tips, these were quite helpful. I have one question – is there a good way to automatically strikethrough the text of the task description once a checkbox is checked?

Hi Gavin – You’re not able to do this with databases at the moment but this does work with the checklist/to do list option in Notion. Hope that helps!

Just the best breakdown and the video was all I needed to get even more than I hoped for. Thanks so much!

Thanks, very useful! I had not noticed the last edit property before.

Too bad the filter options in table columns are more limited. I have a list of features that have tasks linked to them. I’d like to filter the Tasks column so that is only shows the recently completed tasks but I’m not sure it can be done.

Thank you so much for this! Working out how Notion functions in incremental steps like this, has finally unlocked something in my brain and I can finally organise Notion the way I want 🙂

Thanks again

Hi, I am looking if there is a way that I can have different projects A, B, C (all containing tasks lists). I also have separate tasks lists (without any project like House Chores etc.)

How can I generate a View reflecting only the Tasks which are overdue, due today or have high priority.

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Notion Tutorials and Templates – NotionDemy

20 Aesthetic & Free Notion Templates for Students (2024)

It’s overwhelming at times to become a student, right? With the free Notion templates for students, there’s no need to feel overwhelmed anymore. 

Whether you’re plowing through assignments or study sessions, streamline your academic life with these templates. Beat the chaos with Notion and find the template for you.

Table of Contents

The 10 useful & free notion templates for students, 1. student spaced repetition.

Student Spaced Repetition Free Notion Template

Studying effectively before the big exams is one of the problems students face. Hence, it’s best to space out your studying with timed intervals through the Spaced Repetition template. 

This helps you remember more from your lessons and flatten the forgetting curve even with lesser time studying. 

  • Functional and aesthetic design
  • Comes with an “Instructions Here” section that fully explains how spaced repetition works and how to use this student template
  • Today’s Actions table lists the lessons per subject with the reps (repetition) properties
  • You can evaluate your level of comfort after each rep so you’ll know which topics to focus studying on
  • The to-do formula automatically updates the next review date based on the timetable 
  • The interval between each repetition date can be customized by clicking “Next Rep” and selecting “Edit Formula” to change the values

Get the Student Spaced Repetition template here

2. Bachelor of Arts in Organization

Bachelor of Arts in Organization Free Notion Template for Students

Having lots of subjects to deal with in a semester is challenging for every student. Your notebook might be loaded with sticky note markers, but you still fumble around for your class notes.

This Bachelor of Arts in Organization template helps students bring back the organization to their student life. Not only will you be able to organize course notes and study materials, but also your weekly schedule and academic due dates.

  • Straightforward and clean design
  • Brain Dump section allows you to type all the things that you have in your mind so you can go back to them and organize them later
  • Assignment/Exam Schedule lists all the exams and assignments with their respective dates and corresponding notes
  • List of Courses lists all your current subjects for the semester and opens to a note containing the course details and lecture notes
  • To-Dos & Reminders lists all your urgent tasks in a checklist format
  • Weekly Course Schedule database shows your weekly course schedule
  • Upcoming Due Dates table shows the most current assignment or exam schedules for the week
  • Full Calendar of Due Dates shows your monthly exam and assignment schedules

Get the Bachelor of Arts in Organization template here

3. Aesthetics Student Planner

Aesthetics Student Planner Free Notion Templates for Students

This Notion template for students is aesthetically designed to motivate high school students to study. It makes the student’s semestral schedule highly visual so he can organize his academic life in a single dashboard.

  • Aesthetic and easy-to-use design for high schoolers
  • Reading List section shows all the readings your teacher has assigned you
  • Course Overview page shows all courses for the year and the tools and resources that you’ll need to ease your studying
  • Assignment Task board shows the progress of your homework
  • Revision Tracker page shows what lessons or assignments you’ll have to review 
  • Review gallery shows flashcards for each subject you have to review on
  • Study Session plan allows for all academic deadlines and quizzes to be shown on a monthly calendar
  • Notebook is where students can jot down notes for that subject
  • Timetable is a database showing your schedule for the week
  • Quick Notes lists all notes that you need to review later in checklist form
  • Resources is a section where you can copy and paste the website URLs you’ve found for your study

Get the Aesthetics Student Planner template here

4. Janice Studies’ Student Dashboard

Janice Studies’ Student Dashboard Free Notion Templates for Students

Another aesthetic planner for students is the one made by Janice Studies. Her Student Dashboard is a centralized dashboard that helps anyone using it to keep track of her academic duties. 

  • Aesthetic and easy-to-use dashboard
  • Today’s To-Dos lists all upcoming tasks for the day or week and easily tick them off after doing them
  • Weather widget shows the weather forecast for the next few days
  • Daily Check-In comes with toggle menus so you can prioritize your tasks and how you want to relax while 
  • About Me section lists all the personal information you have 
  • Navigation makes it easier to access “School,” “Works,” and “My Expenses” for easier tracking of any student-life-related task.
  • Due within the week table shows the deadline for each subject for the week
  • Due within the next month shows subject deadlines for the following month
  • Study Playlist is where you can paste YouTube videos and watch them in Notion.
  • Comes with a Pomodoro timer to help keep stay organized

Get Janice Studies’ Student tracker template here

5. Student Starter Pack

Student Starter Pack Free Notion Templates for Students

Do you want to use a Notion template for students that is not only customizable but also simple to use? The Students Starter Pack is the one template for you.

This free Notion template for students is comprehensive despite being a single-page template. It contains all the databases you’ll need for an organized student life.

Plus, a video tutorial is also available if you’re confused about how to get the most out of this template.

  • Single-page template with various databases
  • Available in light and dark mode
  • Comes with a video tutorial to help you learn how to maximize the usage of this template 
  • What to Do Today section shows upcoming class schedules for the day
  • Recent Notes section shows your most recent class notes for easy review
  • My Class Directory database shows all your classes for the semester, complete with class schedule details, professors, classroom locations, term, and grades
  • My Class Calendar shows your class schedules in a month
  • My Class Notebook organizes your class notes by subject
  • Guide note shows the formula for adding scheduled dates and times for each class, complete with a video tutorial

Get the Student Starter Pack template here

6. School Dashboard Template

School Dashboard Template Free Notion Templates for Students

Feeling unmotivated and overwhelmed with coursework? The School Dashboard template might help. With its aesthetic and easy-to-navigate design, it organizes your school-related stuff. 

Aside from the Academic Planner section for long-term planning, courses can be organized in Kanban view for sorting the subjects. Plus, you get to organize all your assignments and track their progress.

  • Aesthetic and easy-to-navigate design
  • Academic Plan page for tracking all the courses (prerequisite, present and future), including meeting times for long-term planning
  • Course Schedule page (optional) in Kanban view for easy organization of courses according to the academic schedule
  • Assignments database for tracking assignments, including due dates, completion status, and even course details
  • To-Do section to list all academic tasks in checklist format
  • Courses section shows all the subjects, their schedules, assignments, class notes, and class resources in a separate note
  • Study Tunes allows you to listen to your favorite songs through an embedded Spotify widget
  • Links section for easy access to class resources and research materials
  • Assignments calendar shows the due dates for your class assignments in the calendar view

Get the School Dashboard template here

7. Modern & Aesthetic Student Template

Modern & Aesthetic Student Template

Nick Lafferty’s Modern & Aesthetic Student template aims to help each student have an organized start to their semester. With the Notion widgets added there, you can organize assignments, notes, and classes without missing anything.

You can even check all your upcoming assignments and classes at a glance.

  • Aesthetic yet modern all-in-one workspace for easy organization
  • Has a PDF guide for a detailed explanation of how to use the template
  • Semester Tracker database for easy adding of the current semester and its classes 
  • Class Tracker database allows easy monitoring of your classes throughout the semester 
  • Tasks section connects you to your notes, assignments, and to-do lists pages 
  • Other section leads you to the Clubs & Activities and Job Applications pages
  • Assignments show all your assignment deadlines in calendar view as well as a “Tasks” section for an easy listing of tasks
  • Clubs and Events section shows the clubs you’re joining in the gallery view and all your events in calendar view

Get the Modern & Aesthetic Student template by Nick Lafferty here

8. University Hub

University Hub Free Notion Templates for Students

University Hub by Fre is another free template for organizing your college stuff in one location. Aside from the various sections with different views and filters, it also comes with pre-made templates for easier tracking.

Even after graduation, you can still rely on this template as it comes with a resume template from Canva. A “Jobs” page also tracks all the applications you made.

  • Straightforward design
  • Main page of the template shows you the information you need to see at a glance
  • Each page on this template comes with a Notice board to update you on upcoming school-related activities
  • University page shows lectures, active courses, and a section for information about professors
  • Courses show all the active courses you’re taking, the chapters and modules you’re studying, and the exam schedules for each subject
  • Professors page shows the emails of each of your professors and the subjects they’re teaching
  • Job Search gallery shows all the job positions and companies you’re applying to, the application status, and a resume template from Canva
  • Today’s View shows databases of lectures and to-do lists for the day and what lectures you’re to review for the week

Get the University Hub template here

9. University Class Management by Janice

University Class Management by Janice Free Notion Templates for Students

University Class Management aims to help students easily prepare for the upcoming semester. This free template even comes with a YouTube video tutorial to easily guide the students in using it.

  • Well-thought-out and aesthetic design
  • Brain Dump page stores all your thoughts and scribbles
  • Assignment/Exam Scheduler database lists all your assignments and exam schedules for the semester
  • List of Courses opens to separate pages for each course you have for the semester
  • To-Dos & Reminders lists all your pending tasks
  • Weekly Course Schedule shows your weekly class schedule
  • Upcoming Due Dates database shows all the exams or assignments you’ll have for the week
  • Full Calendar of Due Dates shows the 1-month view of the upcoming exams and assignments for your subjects

Get the University Class Management by Janice template here

10. Notion High School Template

Notion High School Template

Izzybee, a Reddit user, creates this Notion High School template to help high school students keep track of their studies. 

Aside from being aesthetic, this free Notion template for students also sparks your motivation through its blue hue, quotes, and pictures of KPop stars. You may, of course, switch out these photos to whatever you like.

  • Aesthetic and functional design
  • Time tracker widget to inform you of the current time
  • Weather widget from Accra shows the 7-day weather forecast
  • Daily To-Do lists to easily prioritize school tasks for each day
  • Subjects gallery shows all the subjects for the year; opens to a separate page to add notes to each subject
  • Pages section allows for easy retrieval of data about class schedule, college preparation, journal notes, and learning style notes 
  • To Do database shows all the school tasks you’ll do for the coming days
  • Teacher Contact database lists the names of your teachers for each subject and their email addresses

Get the Notion High School template here

10 Paid Notion Templates for Students

1. student planner by brooke.

Student Planner by Brooke Paid Notion Templates for Students

This Notion template is the best buy for students who love to plan their academic year as much as possible. You get to track your classes, assignments, goals, and even events without leaving it.

Whether you are in college or high school, you’ll experience better organization while avoiding feeling overwhelmed by it. 

  • Straightforward template design
  • “My Space” section for quick access to the different sections of the template
  • The “Current Tasks” section shows daily to-do lists by urgency; and has checkboxes to tick off tasks you’ve finished doing
  • Holiday countdown widget to track the days left until the holiday season
  • “Weekly Schedule” section for planning and tracking of weekly activities
  •  “Quick Notes” section to easily write school-related reminders
  • “Courses” in gallery view shows all the courses you’re taking and their corresponding grades per task
  • “Student Playlist” for playing music while studying
  • “Life Progress Bar” shows the remaining time for the current year
  • “Assignment Tracker” categorizes subject assignments by due date
  • “Group Project Tracker” to keep track of group projects 
  • “Goal Tracker” for setting and tracking of your school-related tasks and goals
  • “Study Notebook” organizes each subject’s notes in separate gallery cards
  • The “To-Do Lists” page shows daily and weekly to-do lists; comes with a “ Mood Tracker ” section below it
  • Comes with a built-in Pomodoro timer widget

Get Brooke’s Student Planner template here

2. All-in-One Dashboard Student OS for Notion

All-in-One Dashboard Student OS for Notion Paid Notion Templates for Students

If you’re looking for a Notion template to track your academic and extra-curriculars, use this Student OS for Notion template.

Its centralized dashboard makes it easier to stay updated with relevant data without skimping on its aesthetics.

  • Aesthetic yet minimalistic template design
  • Comes with more than 15 templates to track exams, assignments, to-do lists (daily and weekly), semester grades, readings, etc.
  • Easily add the current subjects to the “Full Classes database and planner” page
  • Each subject has a dedicated page to check on its syllabus, files, assignments, notes, and details about professors and classmates
  • “Assignments and Deliverables” database to stay updated on exams, assignments, essays, and group work; task priority can be set using Notion tags and viewed in board and calendar views
  • Has a built-in grade calculator to calculate your grades per subject based on your course outline
  • Never miss an assigned reading with the “School Readings” tracker
  • Comes with a digital notebook (Cornell Note-Taking System is used) and a study hub with flashcard templates
  • Track your classmates and professors with its “Student CRM”
  • “Extracurricular Activity Tracker” for staying up-to-date with outside school activities
  • Comes with a tracker for internships and job applications, and resume template layouts
  • College and university application tracker for high school and graduate school students
  • Other features include a spending tracker, packing checklist, journal with mood tracker, and a filing cabinet for brain-dumping

Get the Student OS for Notion template here

3. Geo – Notioncrossing’s Student Productivity Hub

Geo - Notioncrossing’s Student Productivity Hub Paid Notion Templates for Students

Combine your preferred aesthetic with efficiency when tracking assignments, class notes, exams, and grades with this Notion template for students. 

This workspace comes with rollups, relations, and formulae for seamless tracking. This way, you can focus on organizing your study time instead of creating a tracking template yourself.

  • Aesthetic template design
  • Has 4 template designs to choose from: “Anime,” “Red,” “Snow,” and “Purple”
  • Comes with a “Getting Started” page to guide you on using the template
  • Has dedicated pages for tracking lectures, assignments, and tasks
  • Easily contact your professors and classmates with its built-in “Contact Directory”
  • Track your grades per subject with its “Grade/GPA Calculator”

Get the Student Productivity Hub template here

4. Acadashboard 2024

Acadashboard 2024 Paid Notion Templates for Students

This Notion template’s unique name stems from its all-in-one dashboard for students. Aside from the usual trackers for lessons, tasks, assignments, exams, and courses, it also comes with mood and habit trackers .

If you’re into job hunting already, you’ll also find a dedicated internship and job applications page. And if you already hold a part-time job, you can also track it with the “Part Time” page.

  • Aesthetic and functional template design
  • Offers a 60% running New Year Sale Discount
  • Comes with 5 themes: “Classic,” “Main Pixel,” “Dark Knight,” “Kawaii,” and “Minimalist”
  • Can be set to dark mode
  • Has a video walkthrough for easier understanding of how to use the template
  • Each page in the template is tailored for every semester and year in university
  • Academic-related sections include: “Courses/Subjects,” “Assignment,” “Exam,” “Notes,” “Contacts,” “Extracurriculars,” “Habit,” “Mood,” and “Part-Time” pages
  • Track non-academic related activities with these pages: “Living Away from Home/Dorm,” “College Admissions,” “Internships/Job Applications,” and “Yearly Thesis” dashboard
  • Easily add and track your schedules with its “Clickable Schedule” feature
  • Focus on your work with the “Deepwork Timer”
  • Track your budget with its built-in “ Budget Tracker ”
  • Go through your notes during study sessions in a spaced repetition

Get the Acadashboard 2024 template here

5. The Maine Notion’s Student Planner

The Maine Notion’s Student Planner Paid Notion Templates for Students

If you prefer a no-frills planner to organize your school life, then the Student Planner template is the one you should use.

It’s easy to stay productive while tracking progress with its design. This way, you don’t have to leave the template to check the different facets of your academic life.

  • Straightforward and minimalistic template design
  • Comes with a calendar widget to check dates and a “Quotes” section to keep you motivated
  • “Goals” section to list your academic goals for that semester or year
  • “Brain Dump” for writing random thoughts and tasks 
  • The “Subjects” section shows all the courses you’re taking for the year
  • “Class Schedule” and “Stay on Target: Homework & Assessments” sections can be opened by clicking their toggles

Get the Notion Student Planner template by Maine Notion here

6. School Hub Notion Template by PastelDigitalStudio

School Hub Notion Template by PastelDigitalStudio Paid Notion Templates for Students

Boost your productivity while staying updated with school-related activities with this Notion template. 

With its minimalist design, you can lay out your weekly schedule and add your classes for every semester. You can even organize your assignments per course and focus on urgent ones if needed.

  • Minimalistic template design
  • Created by a consistent “Star Seller” on Etsy
  • Template is compatible with any device
  • “Weekly Schedule” database for inputting class schedules; includes weekends but they can be removed
  • “Classes” gallery for adding class details for all your subjects; comes with multiple views
  • Subject gallery cards for adding assignments, syllabus, topic list, and monitoring of grades
  • Comes with a grade calculator for easy computation of course grades

Get PastelDigitalStudio’s School Hub Notion Template here

7. Aesthetic Student Notion Template

Aesthetic Student Notion Template Paid Notion Templates for Students

Appearances aside, this Notion template for students makes organizing schoolwork seamless. Though the databases are already pre-filled, you can still customize them to your style with the Canva templates included.

It even comes with a “Course Template” for adding detailed information on all your academic activities.

  • Aesthetic template design that is easy to navigate
  • Comes with a video walkthrough showing the different sections of the template
  • Created by a “Star Seller” on Etsy
  • The “Daily Planner” page features databases for daily schedules, tasks, goals, notes, meal planners , habit trackers, and workout
  • “Weekly Planner” allows you to set your top 3 priority tasks, recurring weekly tasks, and notes
  • “Monthly Planner” page for viewing all your school-related tasks at a glance
  • “Course Template” features detailed information about your subjects
  • The “Motivation” page features affirmations, goals, and vision boards to stay motivated
  • Built-in Spotify playlist to listen to your favorite music while studying
  • Comes with Canva templates for customization

Get the Aesthetic Student Notion Template here

8. Studio Ghibli Student Notion Template

Studio Ghibli Student Notion Template Paid Notion Templates for Students

If you’re a fan of Studio Ghibli anime, you’re going to love using this particular Notion template for students. Aside from tracking assignments, to-do lists, and class schedules, it comes with animated banners.

It also has the new Notion Calendar feature, allowing you to create Zoom meetings without leaving the template, even on a smartphone.

  • Aesthetic Studio Ghibli-themed template; comes with 10 animated banner designs
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Have access to template updates after buying it
  • The Notion Calendar feature is integrated — can be synced with your Google Calendar
  • Zoom meetings can be created without leaving the template
  • Courses are organized in gallery view
  • “Assignment Tracker” is shown in calendar and chart views to avoid missing due dates
  • Comes with a “Daily Task To-Do” section
  • Pomodoro and Spotify widgets to maintain productivity while listening to your favorite tunes 
  • Has a “Quicklinks” section for easy access to frequently used links
  • Can be switched between “Light” and “Dark” modes

Get the Studio Ghibli Student Notion Template here

9. ADHD-Friendly Language Learning Hub

ADHD-Friendly Language Learning Hub Paid Notion Templates for Students

Learning a new language is tough enough, let alone learning one with ADHD. But, you don’t have to lose your focus again with the help of this Language Learning Hub. 

Its ADHD-friendly design helps you update your learning progress without sacrificing aesthetics. Plus, you get to learn about different country cultures to make your language learning well-rounded.

  • Aesthetic template design made especially for people with ADHD
  • Comes with a comprehensive “Dashboard” for checking your language goals and tasks every day; has an inspiring quote to motivate you
  • Do language exercises, take notes on the new words or phrases you learn, and writing prompts in “Language Practice with Notebook”
  • Comes with a personal language diary for reflecting on your language learning journey
  • The “Bookmarks” section stores all your language-learning resources
  • “Movies and Books” for further immersion into the country’s language and culture
  • “Country Cultures” for a deeper learning of the country’s culture and history
  • “Flashcards” help master the vocabulary of the language you’re learning
  • The “Courses” section shows your learning path; has language courses you can take, whether certified or not

Get the Language Learning Hub template here

10. Kryptic Jade’s Student Planner 2.0

Kryptic Jade’s Student Planner 2.0 Paid Notion Templates for Students

If you prefer simplicity over aesthetics, this particular Notion template for students is the one you should buy. It offers a holistic approach to organizing your schoolwork so you won’t miss out on any activity or event.

  • Simple yet dynamic template design
  • “Subjects Overview” categorizes subjects while tracking notes, assignments, topics, and exams
  • Can create a personalized academic schedule that shows an overview of your class days
  • Has a “To-Do List” to track your school tasks; comes with a “Button” feature for easy ticking off of completed tasks
  • Comes with an “Assignments and Exam Tracker” calendar view for managing exam schedules, due dates, and tracking the submission status of each schoolwork
  • Centralized storage of study materials in “Notes Repository”
  • Subjects can be broken down into different modules
  • Study sessions can be organized by module or course with spaced repetitions; progress is tracked with the “Next Review” date feature
  • A Pomodoro widget is added to increase focus while studying

Get the Student Planner 2.0 template here

Are you now ready to unlock your student life’s full potential? With the free Notion templates above, you can simplify your academic journey. 

Customize these Notion student templates to fit your needs so you can stay productive and motivated. Don’t wait and start your academic success story with Notion school templates.

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10 Free & Aesthetic Notion Daily Planner Templates 2024

10 best & free notion travel templates (2024).

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Write, plan, collaborate, and get organized. Notion is all you need — in one tool. This community-run subreddit is all about Notion, the future of productivity apps.

How do you organize college assignment in notion?

I want to create the ultimate college organizer, but its difficult because all of the features in notion. Times have changed and today college is much more than class notes and homework. there are many courses in a degree, each has its own homework, assignments, tests. each one of these also has many properties, like due date, group members (for group assignments), subtasks, status of task (started, in progress, finished)....

So basically its a project involving many properties that needs to serve as the infrastructure for the degree. The fact that it involves so many aspects and properties means that only notion can handle such a big project, but its also the Achilles heel, because its hard to create such a large scale organizer.

So, if anyone have any suggestions for that would be lovely. or maybe share a youtube guide that you think is useful.

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Time to send in Goldin

Collage of book covers.

Why would a busy professor take time to reread a book?

Headshots of Kayla Reifel (left), Puyuan Ye, Shruti Gautam, Abel Rodríguez, and Emily Peck.

Kayla Reifel (left), Puyuan Ye, Shruti Gautam, Abel Rodríguez, and Emily Peck.

Photos by Niles Singer/Harvard Staff Photographer; photo courtesy of Shruti Gautam

How they spent their summer vacations

Nikki Rojas

Harvard Staff Writer

A look at five projects, including a hunt for stolen coins, tracing history of long closed, Jim Crow-era beach in New Orleans

Summer isn’t only for lazing on the beach. For some College undergraduates, it’s also the time for diving into crucial research. Here are five who are participating in the Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village Program or received the Ethnicity, Migration, Rights Summer Thesis Research Grant. 

Puyuan “Alvin” Ye showing a coin on his laptop.

Puyuan “Alvin” Ye ’27

Ye, a prospective computer science concentrator, is working with the Coins Recovery Project to create a crawler bot that searches online auction databases with the goal of tracking down hundreds of  coins stolen from Harvard Art Museums in 1973 . 

“You’re basically cosplaying the FBI,” Ye joked.

The collection, which included ancient Greek and Roman coins, was on loan to the Fogg Art Museum at the time of the theft. Nearly 6,000 were stolen by a group of armed gunmen who overpowered a lone night watchman, according to news reports. Most have since been recovered by FBI agents, museum staff, Harvard students, and consultants. 

The Coins Recovery Project kicked off last fall with archival work on the hundreds that remain missing. The initiative continued into the spring with the creation of a database on the stolen treasures. Now, Ye is using his tech skills to pitch in. 

The Summer Humanities and Arts Research Program fellow is working under Laure Marest, Damarete Associate Curator of Ancient Coins, and Jeff Steward, director of digital infrastructure and emerging technology, to comb through descriptions of auction entries. Ye is working on creating an image- and description-matching bot to flag coins of interest, which will then be passed to the curator to confirm any potential match.

“This is the first time I’ve ever used my computer science skills for a real-life application,” Ye shared. “I’m learning while I’m working on this project, and I’m also preparing myself better for what I might do in the future.” 

Emily Peck reading outside.

Emily Peck ’25

Peck has spent time tutoring English language learners in Boston Public Schools during her time at Harvard. The experience illuminated many of the challenges immigrant children face in the U.S. education system. 

 “A lot of these students were being asked to do work at an English level that was much higher than the level they spoke,” said the social studies concentrator. “It seemed like there was this huge gap that wasn’t being bridged by their education.” 

Peck was inspired to research the history of bilingual education in Boston, learning about two laws that had a significant impact across the state. It turns out the city had several thriving bilingual programs in the early 2000s. But a 2002 referendum replaced multiyear transitional English education with a single year of intensive language training, effectively ending bilingual programs in Massachusetts. Fifteen years later, a coalition of advocacy groups worked to reverse the ban with passage of the 2017 LOOK Act. 

This summer, Peck — a recipient of the EMR Summer Thesis Research Grant — is investigating how support for bills such as the LOOK Act emerges in the first place. The quest brought her to the State House, where she spoke to staffers about representatives’ support of the bill and how their constituencies affect decisions to endorse particular causes. 

Her research is helping her learn more about the democratic process, but it’s also informing her views on best practices for improving bilingual education for immigrant students. 

“Public schools should assess the needs and wants of their students and parents and the achievements of their students,” she said. “From there they should decide what program would be best.”

Abel Rodríguez in a science lab.

Abel Rodríguez ’27

What began as a first-year seminar turned into a summer research opportunity for Rodríguez. The rising sophomore is participating in the Foundational Undergraduate Experience in a Laboratory (FUEL) program, which exposes students to the world of lab research. 

One of 10 students participating in FUEL, Rodríguez is studying porphyrins — a group of macrocyclic compounds that are aromatic and absorb light — and how to synthesize them for cancer treatment.

Along the way, Rodríguez, who hopes to concentrate in chemistry, is also picking up lab techniques, safety, and social norms for those working in a lab. 

“Coming to a place like Harvard, I had this notion that everything that people will do will be immaculate,” Rodríguez said. “But being in the lab surrounded by so many bright people and seeing their mistakes … It’s changed my perspective in the sense that when I make a mistake in the lab, this is where I’m really learning and growing.” 

The experience also clarified plans for his academic career. “The program was the last step I took toward figuring out what I really want to do,” he said. “It has established for me that I want to go into the sciences. I want to engage in research.”

Shruti Gautam standing in front of the ocean.

Shruti Gautam ’25 

Interning with public defenders in New Orleans last summer led Gautam to discover a local gem known as Lincoln Beach, a former Jim Crow-era amusement park and recreation area for Black residents that was closed after the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act but is still used by locals.

A year later, Gautam, a history concentrator with a secondary in neuroscience, is back in The Big Easy, this time as an EMR summer thesis-research grant recipient. Now she spends her days combing through city archives and land documents or analyzing old maps to learn about the beach’s history. 

She also is working with community members organizing to make Lincoln Beach safer, cleaner, and more accessible. 

“Histories of small properties are the best way to explain a much larger, complicated history,” the Mather House resident said. “For New Orleans, it’s incredibly important because the histories that are written about the city are often mythologized and make this city live in its past. Everything is focused on its French colonial history, or jazz … and not an actual true history of the people who are still there.” 

Before settling on Lincoln Beach as her thesis topic, Gautam learned more about its history last fall during a Harvard Law School class on labor history and the law. While researching a course assignment, Gautam learned that the privately leased and run beach under public jurisdiction had been managed for part of the 20th century by local Black community members, many of whom were also unionized.

The beach sits on Coushatta tribal land and was previously owned by United Fruit Company President Samuel Zemurray and the public-private Orleans Levee Board. 

On July 10, the beach was designated as part of the National Registry of Historic Sites, an important development in its preservation and planned redevelopment. 

Gautam was particularly interested in the site’s identity as it transitioned from tribal land to an important gathering space for Black and Latinx communities. “I came to the conclusion that it never really transforms how people associate themselves with the land,” she said. “What it does transform is who companies decide they want to be able to access the land.” 

Kayla Reifel examining a historical scientific instrument.

Kayla Reifel ’26

The History of Science concentrator is spending the season processing a new series   of Polaroids of historical scientific instruments and creating a mini exhibition for display in the foyer of her department at the Science Center. 

The department is home to the collection. “It’s a pretty small museum and small staff, so we get to really be deeply involved with all different facets,” Reifel said.

The opportunity is part of the Summer Humanities and Arts Research Program (SHARP) and includes research on the instruments themselves. 

“One of the most interesting things I’m learning about is the ethics of museum collecting and displaying,” Reifel said. “It’s been really interesting to hear about what’s acceptable and what’s not when it comes to accepting donations and displaying things in a certain way.” 

Reifel has even learned how to handle the historical instruments. “My work this summer has made me think a lot harder about education and what considerations we need to have to think about when it comes to teaching science and the history of science,” she noted. “It’s also allowed me to develop this ability to really find joy in whatever I’m researching.”

Reifel feels she is now better equipped to advocate for the importance of historical research. “This experience really made me realize how important it is to tell the stories of the history of pretty much anything,” she said. “If you don’t know the history behind something, then you don’t know what you’re doing.”

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Intro to databases

Intro to databases

Databases in Notion are collections of pages. Here, we'll introduce you to the general structure of a database, walk you through the different menus and options, and deep dive into how to open and edit pages within a database. 🗃

There are three things that distinguish Notion databases from spreadsheets and databases you can build with other software:

Every item is its own page: Every item you enter into your database is a Notion page. Open a database item to add more information in the form of text, images, and more, as you would with any other Notion page!

Customizable properties: Add properties to contextualize, label, and augment any database item with things like dates, status, and links. Learn more about database properties here →

Multiple layouts you can toggle between: Your data isn't stuck in a table. View the exact same database as a board, list, calendar, gallery, or timeline — whatever makes the information most useful. Learn more about views, filters, and sorts here →

A tour of databases

Every full-page database has the same menus and sets of options. Here's a quick walkthrough.

Database tour

Views : Edit and switch between all the different views of your database. Depending on your screen size, you may have to open the dropdown next to your current view to see your other views.

Add a new view : Add a new view to your database, with its own layout, filters and sorts. Depending on your screen size, you may have to open the dropdown next to your current view and select Add view .

Filter menu: Apply filters based on property values. When you apply a filter to a database, only you can see it to start, but you can save them to the view for your entire shared team if you prefer!

Sort menu: Sort your data by a property. Like filters, sorts are only visible to you by default, but you can make them visible to your whole team as well.

Database search: Type in any word, whether it's in the name of a database item or in a property, and your database will only show items that fit that search query.

••• menu: Located at the top right of your database, this allows you to edit your view layout, grouping, properties, and more.

Create a new database page: Click this to add a new page to your database. Depending on your screen size, this may appear as + or New . Open the dropdown next to this button to access and edit any database templates you've configured.

Create a database

assignment database notion

There are several ways to create a database inside Notion:

Create a new page in your workspace, then build a table, board, list, timeline, calendar, or gallery in it.

Create a database page inside an existing page by typing / followed by the database layout you want (table, board, etc.).

Create new database

When you create a database, you can start from scratch or pull in data from another part of your workspace.

If you want to use the same properties or an existing view of a database, we suggest selecting an existing data source. Search for an existing database and then choose the one you'd like to use.

If the information you're adding to the database doesn’t exist anywhere else in your workspace, we suggest creating a new data source.

Full page vs. in-line databases

assignment database notion

Full-page databases

Full-page databases appear just like any other page in your sidebar.

You can lock a full-page database so that other people can't change properties and value options by selecting ••• at the top of your database → Lock database .

To turn a full-page database into an inline database, drag the database into another page in the sidebar, which will turn it into a subpage. Then navigate into the page, and select ⋮⋮ → Turn into inline .

Inline databases

Controls and menus for your inline database are hidden until you hover over it.

You can expand an inline database to a full-page database by selecting ⤡ at the top.

You can turn an inline database into a full-page database by clicking ⋮⋮ and dragging it into the sidebar as a top-level page.

You can Delete , Duplicate , move, or copy the link to your inline database by selecting ⋮⋮ , which will appear on hover to the side.

In your sidebar, your inline database will appear as a subpage of the page it's in.

Duplicate a database

You can make a copy of a database.

For inline databases:

Hover over the database, then select ⋮⋮ .

Select Duplicate . You can choose to Duplicate with content or, if you want to use the same database setup to organize other pages, Duplicate without content .

For full pages:

Click the ••• button in the top right.

Add and open database pages

Every item in your database, whether it's a row in a table or a card on a board or calendar, is its own Notion page that you can build, format, and nest content in like any other page.

To add database items:

For all databases: Click the blue New button at the top right.

For a table , list or board : Click + New at the bottom to add a new item.

For a calendar : Click the + icon that appears when you hover over any day. This creates a new event on that day.

For a gallery : Click the + New button in the empty card at the bottom of your gallery to add a new image frame right there.

To open database items as pages:

In tables , hover over your first column and click the  OPEN  button that appears.

In lists , just click on the title of the item.

In boards , calendars , and galleries , click anywhere on the card.

Pages will always open in a peek preview. Click  ⤡  at the top left to view in full-page mode.

Open database page

In this page, you'll see all your database properties at the top. Each row is one property, with a name, type, and a value. Click on the value to edit.

Click the  ⋮⋮ that appears to the left of each property on hover in order to: drag it up or down, change the  Property type , rename it,  Duplicate  or  Delete  it.

Underneath your properties is free page space, where you can add any type of content block, including sub-pages or an in-line database.

Because database items are pages, any other type of content you drag into a database (like bullets or to-do items), will automatically turn into pages.

Item options

Right click on an item to reveal a list of actions. Those actions include:

Delete : Deletes the item from your database.

Duplicate : Creates an exact copy of the item.

Copy link : Copies an anchor link to that specific item to your clipboard.

Rename : Lets you rename the page in your row without opening it.

Move to : Lets you move the row to another workspace or page (where it will show up as a subpage).

Edit property : Brings up a menu with all your table's properties. Click the one you want and then click the new value for it.

Customize database pages

The top section of any page in a Notion database can include several things:

Database subpage breakdown

Properties  provide data about the page you're looking at, like project owner, due date, tags, and more.

Comments  capture conversation between you and your teammates. You can use them to tag each other, ask questions, provide feedback and more. 

Backlinks  indicate all the pages that link to the current page so you can easily navigate between them.

As with everything in Notion, you can customize the look and feel of these components. To access these options:

Click the  •••  at the top right of any Notion page in a database and select  Customize page .

Customize database page

For  properties , you can use this menu to choose which property fields you want to show at the top of the page, and how. For each one, select from:

Always show:  Nothing changes, you continue to see the property field.

Hide when empty:  The property field will disappear from the top of your page if it has no value in it.

Always hide:  The property field will not show up at the top of your page.

You can also access the  Customize page  menu by clicking the  ⋮⋮ icon next to any property in the list at the top of your database page. This  ⋮⋮ icon can also be clicked and dragged up or down to reorder how properties are displayed on your page.

Customize database properties

Tip:  If you have a database with dozens of properties, hiding some properties is a great way to keep your pages clear.

assignment database notion

Note:  When you hide properties, they get aggregated in a single menu item at the bottom of the list. You can click this to easily show any hidden properties.

For  backlinks , you can choose:

Expanded: See all the pages that link to the current page listed in full.

Show in popover: In case you don't want to see all the pages, you can choose to see just the number of backlinks. Click to open a popup displaying all the pages.

Off:   Just hide all backlinks entirely.

Customize backlinks

For  comments , you can choose to show them:

Expanded:   Show the full conversation at the top of the page.

Off: Hide comments on the page for a minimalist view.

Customize database comments

Collaborating in a database

When using a database in a shared workspace, Notion has features in place to prevent accidental edits that could impact other teammates.

"Can edit content" permission level

Click Share at the top of a database to see and manage all users' permission levels. Learn more about sharing and permissions here →

The Can edit content permission level is only found on database pages, and allows users to:

Create, edit, and delete pages within the database.

Edit property values for those pages.

Users with Can edit content permissions in a database will not be able to:

Add, edit, or remove database properties or views.

Change filters or sorts.

Lock or unlock the database.

Can edit content screenshot

Note: Users with Can edit content access will still be able to create linked databases and edit views, sorts, and filters in that linked database. Learn more about linked databases →

Find this option in the  ••• menu at the very top right of the Notion window. Switch it on to prevent anyone from changing properties and views in your database. They'll still be able to edit the data it contains.

Note that anyone with editing access can toggle this lock on or off at any time. This is helpful as a quick safeguard against accidental edits in a database that you'd like many people to be able to change structurally.

Database lock

Learn more about how to optimize your databases' performance and load times here →

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Views, filters & sorts

You can view the same database in multiple ways, and switch back and forth between them depending on your needs. Within a view, you can add filters and sorts to easily categorize your content 📁


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    Here I go over how to create one, add fields, hook up a relational database, and then embed that task database in another page. ⚡️Go deeper with my online course, Notion Mastery: https ...

  13. Notion Assignment Import

    Notion Assignment Import A fully-configurable Chromium, Firefox, and Safari extension to load Canvas assignments into a Notion database, at just the click of a button—unlock your full time-management and productivity potential!

  14. How to Use Notion for Students: The Ultimate Guide for ...

    Notion is a powerful online workspace and organizational tool. If you're a student, it can be a great way to track your classes and assignments, keep your course materials together, and collaborate with classmates. The best part is that Notion is free to use—and, if you have a student email address, you can get access to additional pro features without having to pay. In this article, we ...

  15. 3 Ways to Create a To-Do List in Notion (Managing Tasks with Linked

    Filtering Linked Databases in Notion (Advanced) Because Notion has so many options for filtering and sorting your tasks, I always suggest keeping all your to-do list items (business and personal) in a single database. If you want to see different subsets of your list or sort it in different ways, you can create multiple views for the same database.

  16. 8 essential database templates

    7 Notion's people directory We call our employee directory a "people directory" — because it's all about the people. Instead of using a separate HR tool, we use a database in Notion with custom properties (birthday, office pets, etc.) to give every teammate space to show off their personalities.

  17. 20 Aesthetic & Free Notion Templates for Students (2024)

    10. Notion High School Template. Izzybee, a Reddit user, creates this Notion High School template to help high school students keep track of their studies. Aside from being aesthetic, this free Notion template for students also sparks your motivation through its blue hue, quotes, and pictures of KPop stars.

  18. How do you organize college assignment in notion?

    I want to create the ultimate college organizer, but its difficult because all of the features in notion. Times have changed and today college is much more than class notes and homework. there are many courses in a degree, each has its own homework, assignments, tests. each one of these also has many properties, like due date, group members (for group assignments), subtasks, status of task ...

  19. Getting started with projects and tasks

    Projects and tasks live side by side with your notes and docs for a seamless project management experience. Learn more about how to get started.

  20. Getting to know databases in Notion

    Notion 101 (part 7 of 12). Get started with databases, one of Notion's most powerful features for organization, by creating a content calendar for a marketin...

  21. Nvd

    NOTICE UPDATED - May, 29th 2024. The NVD has a new announcement page with status updates, news, and how to stay connected!

  22. How they spent their summer vacation

    A look at five projects, including a hunt for stolen coins, tracing history of long closed, Jim Crow-era beach in New Orleans.

  23. Creating a database

    In Notion, a database is an advanced type of page used for structuring information. To create a database, click on the New page button, and select the database you'd like. Every item in a Notion database is its own page, where more information can be edited and organized. Add database properties such as text, numbers, dates, and people.

  24. Intro to databases

    Databases in Notion are collections of pages. Here, we'll introduce you to the general structure of a database, walk you through the different menus and options, and deep dive into how to open and edit pages within a database. 🗃