Modern Technologist

Building Data Lakes on AWS: An In-Depth Walkthrough


In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover how to set up a data lake on AWS using Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Athena and other ancillary AWS services.

We will start by providing an overview of what a data lake is and why it is important in modern data architectures. We also discuss the key components of a data lake architecture on AWS .

From there, we go into specifics and a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up a data lake on AWS:

  • Creating an Amazon S3 bucket to store raw and transformed data
  • Ingesting data into S3 from various sources
  • Using AWS Glue components like Crawlers, ETL jobs, and the Data Catalog
  • Transforming and preparing data for analysis with Glue
  • Querying data in S3 with Amazon Athena
  • Visualizing insights with Amazon QuickSight
  • Implementing security, access controls, monitoring, logging, and optimization best practices

By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of constructing a robust and effective data lake on AWS. The step-by-step instructions provide details to get you started while the overviews explain the broader concepts and architectures. With the knowledge gained here, you will be well on your way to building your own AWS data lake.

1. What is a Data Lake?

A data lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. Unlike traditional databases or data warehouses, which often require data to be structured and processed before ingestion, data lakes can store raw data in its native format. This flexibility means that data from web logs, social media, IoT devices, and traditional databases can all coexist within the same repository. The stored data can then be transformed, processed, and analyzed when needed, providing a more agile and scalable approach to data management.

Importance of Data Lakes in Modern Data Architecture

With the exponential growth of data, traditional data storage and processing systems often struggle to keep up. Data lakes, with their ability to store vast amounts of diverse data and scale with the growing data needs, have become a cornerstone of modern data architecture. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Agility : Data lakes support rapid experimentation and innovation. Data scientists and analysts can access raw data, build models, and derive insights without waiting for lengthy ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes.
  • Scalability : Built on distributed architectures, data lakes can handle petabytes of data, ensuring that organizations are future-proofed against increasing data volumes.
  • Cost-Effective : By decoupling storage from compute, data lakes allow organizations to store massive amounts of data at a relatively low cost. Moreover, the pay-as-you-go model of cloud-based data lakes like those on AWS ensures that you only pay for what you use.
  • Unified View : Data lakes provide a single view of all organizational data, breaking down data silos and promoting a holistic approach to data analytics.

Introduction to Amazon S3 and AWS Glue in Data Lakes

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a suite of tools that make setting up and managing a data lake simpler and more efficient.

  • Amazon S3 : Standing for Simple Storage Service, Amazon S3 is a highly scalable, durable, and secure object storage service. It serves as the backbone of many data lakes, providing a place to store raw data in its native format. Its durability, fine-tuned access controls, and integration with other AWS services make it a preferred choice for many organizations. Learn more about S3’s capabilities in our article on  AWS S3 Storage Classes and Data Transfer Costs .
  • AWS Glue : Glue is a fully managed ETL service that makes it easy to move data between data stores. It also provides a centralized metadata repository known as the Glue Data Catalog, which stores metadata and makes data discoverable and manageable. AWS Glue plays a pivotal role in automating time-consuming data preparation and loading tasks. For a deeper dive into AWS Glue, check out our beginner’s guide on  AWS Glue 101 .

In the subsequent sections of this article, we’ll delve deeper into the intricacies of setting up a data lake using these AWS services, ensuring that you have a solid foundation to build upon.

Remember, the journey to harnessing the power of your data begins with understanding the tools and architectures at your disposal. As we navigate through the world of data lakes, keep in mind the potential they hold for transforming your organization’s data strategy.

2. Data Lake Architecture Overview

In the realm of big data, the architecture you choose plays a pivotal role in how you store, process, and analyze vast amounts of information. One such architecture that has gained prominence in recent years is the  Data Lake Architecture . Let’s delve into its intricacies.

aws data lake presentation

What is a Data Lake Architecture?

A Data Lake Architecture is a modern approach to storing, processing, and analyzing massive amounts of data in a centralized repository. Unlike traditional systems, it doesn’t discriminate between the types or sources of data. Here’s a closer look:

  • Definition : At its core, a data lake is a vast pool of raw data, stored in its native format until it’s needed. This data can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, making it a versatile solution for diverse data sources.
  • Key Components : A typical data lake comprises storage, data ingestion mechanisms, data processing units, and analytical tools. Each component is designed to handle data at scale, ensuring that the system remains efficient as data volumes grow.
  • Schema-on-Read vs. Schema-on-Write : Traditional data warehouses use a schema-on-write approach, meaning data needs to fit into a predefined schema before ingestion. Data lakes, on the other hand, use schema-on-read, allowing data to be ingested in its raw form and only applying a schema when it’s read for analysis.
  • Flexibility : Data lakes can store any data, while data warehouses typically store structured data.
  • Cost : Data lakes, especially those on cloud platforms like AWS, often offer more cost-effective storage solutions compared to traditional data warehouses.
  • Performance : While data lakes can handle vast amounts of data, they might require more processing power for complex queries compared to optimized data warehouses. However, with the right tools and configurations, this gap is narrowing.

For a deeper dive into the differences, our article on  Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse  provides comprehensive insights.

Components of the Data Lake Architecture in AWS

AWS offers a suite of tools tailored for data lake architectures:

  • Amazon S3 : This is the heart of the data lake, providing scalable and secure storage. With  Amazon S3 , you can store petabytes of data, making it a perfect fit for raw data ingestion.
  • AWS Glue : Acting as the brain of the data lake,  AWS Glue  handles data discovery, cataloging, and ETL processes. Its crawlers can automatically discover and catalog data, while its ETL capabilities transform raw data into actionable insights.
  • Amazon Athena & Amazon Redshift Spectrum : These are the eyes of the data lake, allowing users to gaze into their data and derive insights. Both tools enable serverless querying directly on data stored in S3, with  Athena  being particularly adept at ad-hoc query needs.
  • Amazon QuickSight : The final touch,  QuickSight , provides visualization capabilities, turning analytical results into intuitive dashboards and reports.

Benefits of This Architecture

The Data Lake Architecture, especially on AWS, offers several compelling benefits:

  • Scalability : Handle everything from gigabytes to petabytes without breaking a sweat. As your data grows, so does your infrastructure, without any manual intervention.
  • Flexibility : Whether it’s structured data from relational databases or unstructured data from social media, a data lake can store it all. This flexibility extends to analytical tools, allowing you to use your preferred data processing frameworks and languages.
  • Cost-Effectiveness : With AWS’s pay-as-you-go model, you only pay for the storage and compute resources you use. Moreover, features like data lifecycle policies in S3 can further optimize costs.
  • Security : AWS offers robust security features, including data encryption at rest and in transit, fine-grained access controls, and comprehensive compliance certifications.

High-Level Flow

Here is a bird’s eye view of how data moves and is processed in a data lake:

  • Data Ingestion : Data from various sources, be it databases, logs, streams, or even flat files, is ingested into Amazon S3. Tools like AWS DataSync or Kinesis can aid in this process.
  • Data Discovery and Cataloging : Once in S3, AWS Glue crawlers spring into action, identifying data formats and structures. This metadata is then stored in the Glue Data Catalog, making data easily discoverable and queryable.
  • Data Transformation : Not all raw data is ready for analysis. AWS Glue’s ETL capabilities can transform this data, be it cleaning, aggregating, joining, or reshaping, into a more suitable format for analytics.
  • Data Analysis : With the data now prepared, analysts and data scientists can use Athena or Redshift Spectrum to run queries, build models, and derive insights.
  • Visualization : The insights derived can be visualized using QuickSight, turning raw data into actionable business intelligence.

As we delve deeper into each component in the subsequent sections, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of how to architect, implement, and optimize a data lake on AWS.

3. Setting Up Amazon S3 Bucket

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cornerstone of AWS’s storage services, offering scalable, durable, and secure storage for a wide range of data types. When setting up a data lake, the foundation begins with creating and configuring an S3 bucket. Let’s walk through the steps and best practices.

Creating the Bucket

Creating an S3 bucket is a straightforward process, but there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Navigate to the S3 Console : Log in to your AWS Management Console and select the S3 service.
  • Click on ‘Create Bucket’ : This will initiate the bucket creation wizard.
  • Name Your Bucket : Choose a unique, DNS-compliant name for your bucket. Remember, this name must be globally unique across all AWS accounts.
  • Select a Region : It’s crucial to select a region close to where your primary users or data sources are located. This minimizes latency and can also have implications for data residency and compliance. For instance, if your primary user base is in Europe, you might choose the  eu-west-1  (Ireland) region.
  • Configure Options : AWS offers various configurations like versioning, logging, and more. While these can be adjusted later, it’s a good practice to review and set them as per your requirements during creation.
  • Review and Create : Once satisfied with the configurations, review them and click ‘Create’.

Organizing Data in S3

Once your bucket is created, the next step is to organize your data effectively:

  • Folder/Prefix Structures : Think of S3 as a flat file system. While it doesn’t have traditional folders, it uses prefixes to simulate a folder-like structure. Organize your data using logical prefixes. For a data lake, you might use prefixes like  raw/ ,  processed/ , and  analytics/  to segregate data based on its processing stage.
  • Data Partitioning : For optimized queries, especially when using services like Amazon Athena, partitioning your data is essential. Common partitioning strategies include dividing data by date ( year=2023/month=09/day=12 ) or by data source ( source=mobile/ ,  source=web/ ). This approach speeds up queries and reduces costs as only relevant partitions are scanned.

Access Control and Security

Security is paramount, especially when dealing with vast amounts of potentially sensitive data:

  • Bucket Policies : These are JSON-based policies that define who can access the bucket and what actions they can perform. For instance, you might have a policy that allows only specific IAM roles to upload data to the  raw/  prefix.
  • IAM Policies : For more granular control, use IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies. These can be attached to IAM users, groups, or roles and can specify permissions for specific S3 actions.
  • Server-Side Encryption : Always enable server-side encryption for your data. S3 offers several encryption options, including S3-managed keys (SSE-S3) and AWS Key Management Service (KMS) managed keys (SSE-KMS). The latter allows for more granular control over encryption keys and is recommended for sensitive data.

For a deeper dive into S3 security, our guide on  AWS S3 Server-Side Encryption  provides comprehensive insights.

By following the above steps and best practices, you’ll have a well-organized and secure foundation for your data lake on AWS. As we progress through the subsequent sections, we’ll delve into data ingestion, processing, and analysis, building upon this foundation.

4. Data Ingestion into S3

Data ingestion is the process of importing, transferring, loading, and processing data for later use or storage in a database. In the context of a data lake, it’s about getting your data into the Amazon S3 bucket efficiently and in a format that’s conducive to analysis. Let’s delve into the sources of data and the tools AWS provides to facilitate this process.

Data Sources

When setting up a data lake, it’s essential to understand where your data is coming from. Data can originate from a myriad of sources:

  • Structured Data Sources : These are typically relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Oracle. The data is organized in tables, rows, and columns, making it relatively straightforward to ingest.
  • Unstructured Data Sources : This category includes data like logs, images, videos, and more. For instance, web server logs, social media content, or IoT device outputs.
  • Semi-Structured Data Sources : Examples include JSON, XML, and CSV files. They don’t fit neatly into tables but have some organizational properties that make them easier to parse than entirely unstructured data.
  • Streaming Data : Real-time data streams from applications, IoT devices, or web traffic. This data is continuous and requires tools that can handle real-time ingestion.

When planning data ingestion, consider the volume, velocity, and variety of your data. For instance, structured data from a CRM might be ingested nightly, while real-time streaming data from IoT devices requires a different approach.

Tools and Services for Ingestion

AWS offers a suite of tools designed to facilitate the ingestion of data into S3:

  • AWS DataSync : A data transfer service that makes it easy to move data between on-premises storage and Amazon S3. It’s optimized for high-speed, secure transfer over the internet.
  • Amazon Kinesis Firehose : Perfect for streaming data. It can capture, transform, and load streaming data into S3, allowing near real-time analytics with existing business intelligence tools.
  • AWS Transfer Family : Supports transferring files into and out of Amazon S3 using SFTP, FTPS, and FTP. It’s a seamless migration tool for file transfer workflows.
  • AWS Glue : While primarily an ETL service, AWS Glue can also help in data ingestion, especially when transformations are needed before storage.
  • Custom Scripts : Sometimes, the best approach is a custom one. Using AWS SDKs, you can write scripts in Python, Java, or other languages to push data into S3. This is especially useful for unique data sources or specific transformation needs.
  • Third-Party Tools : Numerous ETL tools integrate with Amazon S3, including Talend, Informatica, and others. These can be particularly useful if you’re migrating from another platform or have complex transformation needs.

Ingesting data into your S3-based data lake is a foundational step. Whether your data is streaming in real-time or being batch-loaded, AWS provides the tools to make the process efficient and scalable. As you move forward, remember that the quality and organization of your ingested data will significantly impact your analytics and insights. For a deeper dive into AWS data ingestion tools, our guide on  AWS DataSync  and  Kinesis Firehose  provides comprehensive insights.

5. Setting Up AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy for users to prepare and load their data for analytics. It plays a pivotal role in the data lake architecture, especially when working with Amazon S3. Let’s dive into the key components of AWS Glue and how to set them up.

Glue Crawlers

What are Glue Crawlers?

Glue Crawlers are programs that connect to a source, extract metadata, and create table definitions in the Glue Data Catalog. Essentially, they “crawl” through your data, infer schemas, and store these schemas in a centralized metadata repository.

Setting up a crawler to scan S3 data:

  • Navigate to the AWS Glue Console and select “Crawlers” from the left pane.
  • Click on “Add Crawler.”
  • Name your crawler and proceed to specify the data source. For a data lake, this would typically be an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Define the IAM role that gives AWS Glue permissions to access the data. This role should have permissions to read from the S3 bucket and write to the Glue Data Catalog.
  • Configure the crawler’s runtime properties, such as frequency (e.g., run on demand, daily, hourly).
  • Review the configuration and create the crawler.

Once the crawler runs, it will populate the Glue Data Catalog with table definitions. These tables can then be queried using tools like Amazon Athena.

Glue Data Catalog

Benefits of a centralized metadata repository:

The Glue Data Catalog serves as a centralized metadata repository for all your data assets, regardless of where they are stored. Some benefits include:

  • Unified Metadata Storage : Store metadata for datasets in S3, databases, and other data stores in one place.
  • Integrated with AWS Services : Easily use the cataloged data with services like Amazon Athena, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, and Amazon QuickSight.
  • Schema Versioning : Track changes to your schema over time, ensuring you understand the evolution of your data structures.

Integrating with other AWS services:

The Glue Data Catalog integrates seamlessly with various AWS services. For instance, when using Amazon Athena, you can directly query the tables defined in your Data Catalog. Similarly, ETL jobs in Glue can use the cataloged tables as sources or destinations.

Glue ETL Jobs

Basics of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load):

ETL is a process that involves:

  • Extracting  data from heterogeneous sources.
  • Transforming  it into a format suitable for analysis and reporting.
  • Loading  it into a data warehouse or data lake.

Writing ETL scripts in Python or Scala:

AWS Glue supports writing ETL scripts in both Python and Scala. Here’s a simple example in Python:

This script initializes a GlueContext, reads data from a table in the Data Catalog, applies a filter transformation, and writes the results back to an S3 bucket.

Remember, AWS Glue automates much of the undifferentiated heavy lifting involved in ETL, allowing you to focus on the transformations and analysis. For more insights on writing ETL scripts, you can refer to our  AWS Glue ETL Guide .

6. Data Transformation and Preparation

In the realm of big data and analytics, the quality and structure of your data can significantly influence the insights you derive. Raw data, as ingested from various sources, often requires a series of transformations to be suitable for analysis. This section delves into the importance of data transformation, how AWS Glue facilitates this process, and best practices to ensure optimal results.

Why Transform Data?

The importance of clean and structured data for analytics:

Raw data can be messy. It might contain duplicates, missing values, or inconsistencies that can skew analytical results. Clean and structured data ensures that your analytics are accurate, reliable, and meaningful. For instance, imagine analyzing sales data with duplicate entries; the insights derived would be inflated and misleading.

How AWS Glue aids in automating the transformation process:

AWS Glue, with its serverless ETL capabilities, simplifies the data preparation process. It allows you to design ETL jobs that can clean, normalize, and enrich your data without the need to manage any infrastructure. This means you can focus on defining your transformations while AWS Glue handles the underlying resources. For more on this, consider reading our guide on  AWS Glue ETL best practices .

AWS Glue’s Role in Data Transformation

Glue ETL Jobs: Leveraging Glue’s managed ETL capabilities to transform raw data.

  • Using Glue’s built-in functions for common transformations:  AWS Glue provides a rich library of built-in functions that can handle tasks like string manipulations, date conversions, and more. This reduces the need to write custom code for common transformation requirements.
  • The serverless nature of AWS Glue:  One of the standout features of AWS Glue is its serverless architecture. This means you don’t have to provision or manage servers. AWS Glue automatically scales resources to match the workload, ensuring efficient processing regardless of data volume.

Glue Data Catalog as a Schema Repository:

  • How the Data Catalog stores metadata and schema information:  The Glue Data Catalog is a persistent metadata store for all your data assets. It captures metadata from sources, tracks changes, and makes this metadata searchable and queryable.
  • Using the catalog to maintain a versioned history of datasets and their schemas:  As your data evolves, so does its schema. The Glue Data Catalog can track schema changes over time, allowing you to understand the evolution of your datasets. This is particularly useful when dealing with changing data sources or when integrating new data streams.

Common Transformation Tasks

Cleaning:  Raw data is seldom perfect. Using AWS Glue, you can automate tasks like:

  • Removing duplicates to ensure unique records.
  • Handling missing values by either imputing them or filtering them out.
  • Correcting data inconsistencies, such as standardizing date formats or string cases.

Joining:  Often, insights come from merging datasets. With Glue, you can combine datasets from different sources, ensuring that they align correctly on keys or other attributes.

Aggregating:  Summarizing data can provide valuable insights. For instance, you might want to aggregate sales data by region or month. AWS Glue’s ETL capabilities make such aggregations straightforward.

Format Conversion:  Different analytical tools prefer different data formats. AWS Glue can convert your data into analytics-optimized formats like Parquet or ORC, which are columnar formats known for their efficiency in analytics scenarios.

Best Practices with AWS Glue Transformations

Monitoring Glue job performance and handling failures:  Regularly monitor your Glue ETL jobs using Amazon CloudWatch. Set up alerts for failures or performance bottlenecks. When failures occur, AWS Glue provides detailed logs to help diagnose the issue.

Optimizing Glue ETL jobs for cost and speed:  AWS Glue pricing is based on Data Processing Unit (DPU) hours. By optimizing your ETL jobs, you can reduce the DPU hours consumed. Techniques include filtering data early in the ETL process, using pushdown predicates, and optimizing joins.

Ensuring data quality and consistency post-transformation:  After transforming data, validate its quality. This might involve checking for null values, ensuring data distributions haven’t changed unexpectedly, or verifying that data matches its expected schema. Regular audits can help maintain data integrity over time.

Incorporating these best practices ensures that your data is not only ready for analytics but is also reliable and cost-effective to process. As you delve deeper into the world of data lakes and AWS, continuously refining your ETL processes will be key to extracting the most value from your data.

7. Data Analysis and Visualization

Data transformation and preparation are crucial steps in the data pipeline, but the ultimate goal is to derive insights from the data. This is where data analysis and visualization come into play. AWS offers a suite of tools that make querying and visualizing data seamless, with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight being at the forefront. Let’s delve into how these tools can be leveraged for effective data analysis and visualization.

Querying with Amazon Athena

Introduction to Athena and its serverless nature:

Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that allows you to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. One of its standout features is its serverless nature, meaning there’s no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only for the queries you run. This makes it a cost-effective solution for ad-hoc querying or scenarios where you don’t want to set up a dedicated database.

Athena is built on top of the open-source Presto and supports a variety of data formats, including CSV, JSON, Parquet, and ORC. This flexibility ensures that regardless of how your data is stored in S3, Athena can query it.

Writing SQL queries to analyze data in S3:

Using Athena is as simple as navigating to the Athena console, selecting your database, and writing your SQL query. For instance, if you have sales data stored in S3 and you want to find out the total sales for a particular month, your query might look something like this:

The results are returned quickly, and you can even save frequent queries for future use. For those looking to dive deeper into Athena’s capabilities, our guide on  data lake access patterns  provides valuable insights.

Visualization with Amazon QuickSight

Setting up QuickSight dashboards:

While Athena is great for querying, visual representation of data often provides clearer insights. Amazon QuickSight is a cloud-powered business intelligence (BI) service that lets you create and publish interactive dashboards. These dashboards can be accessed from any device and can be embedded into applications, websites, or portals.

Setting up a dashboard in QuickSight involves selecting your data source (like Athena), choosing the fields you want to visualize, and then selecting the type of visualization (e.g., bar chart, pie chart, heatmap). QuickSight also offers ML-powered insights, anomaly detection, and forecasting, making it a powerful tool for data analysis.

Connecting QuickSight to Athena or Redshift:

QuickSight seamlessly integrates with AWS data sources. To connect it to Athena:

  • In the QuickSight console, choose “New dataset.”
  • Select Athena as the data source.
  • Provide a name for the data source and choose “Create data source.”
  • Select your database and table, and then choose “Select.”

From here, you can start creating your visualizations based on the data in Athena. Similarly, if you have data in Amazon Redshift, you can choose Redshift as your data source and follow a similar process.

To summarize, the combination of Athena for querying and QuickSight for visualization provides a comprehensive solution for data analysis in AWS. As data continues to grow in volume and variety, leveraging these tools effectively becomes key to deriving meaningful insights.

8. Security and Access Control in AWS Glue and S3

In the realm of data lakes, security is paramount because ensuring that your data is both accessible to those who need it and protected from unauthorized access is a delicate balance to strike. AWS provides a comprehensive suite of tools and best practices to ensure that your data lake remains secure. In this section, we’ll delve into the security measures you can implement using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and encryption techniques.

IAM Roles and Policies

Creating roles for Glue:

IAM roles are a secure way to delegate permissions that doesn’t involve sharing security credentials. When working with AWS Glue, you often need to grant the service permissions to access resources on your behalf. This is where IAM roles come into play.

To create a role for AWS Glue:

  • Navigate to the IAM console and choose “Roles” from the navigation pane.
  • Choose “Create role.”
  • In the AWS service role type, choose “Glue.”
  • Attach the necessary permissions policies. For instance,  AWSGlueServiceRole  is a managed policy that provides the necessary permissions for Glue.
  • Review and create the role.

Once created, you can specify this role when defining jobs or crawlers in AWS Glue.

Assigning permissions for data access:

IAM policies define permissions for actions on AWS resources. For instance, if you want a particular IAM user or group to access specific folders in an S3 bucket, you’d use an IAM policy to define that.

Here’s a simple example of a policy that grants read access to a specific S3 bucket:

This policy can be attached to an IAM user, group, or role. For more advanced IAM best practices, refer to our guide on  aws-iam-best-practices .

Encryption and Key Management

Using S3 server-side encryption:

Data at rest in an S3 bucket can be protected using server-side encryption. Amazon S3 provides several methods of server-side encryption:

  • S3 Managed Keys (SSE-S3):  Amazon handles the key management.
  • AWS Key Management Service (SSE-KMS):  Provides centralized control over the cryptographic keys.
  • Server-Side Encryption with Customer-Provided Keys (SSE-C):  You manage the encryption keys.

To enable server-side encryption for an S3 bucket:

  • Navigate to the S3 console.
  • Choose the desired bucket.
  • Navigate to the “Properties” tab.
  • Under “Default encryption,” choose “Edit.”
  • Select your desired encryption method and save.

For a deeper dive into S3 server-side encryption, check out our article on  aws-s3-server-side-encryption .

Managing keys with AWS Key Management Service (KMS):

AWS KMS is a managed service that makes it easy to create and control cryptographic keys used for data encryption. When using SSE-KMS for S3 encryption, you can either choose an AWS managed key or create a custom customer master key (CMK).

To create a CMK in KMS:

  • Navigate to the KMS console.
  • Choose “Create a key.”
  • Define the key administrative and usage permissions.
  • Complete the key creation process.

Once created, this key can be selected when setting up SSE-KMS encryption for your S3 bucket.

9. Monitoring, Logging, and Optimization

With data lakes, it’s not just about storing and analyzing data. Ensuring the smooth operation, tracking changes, and optimizing for performance are equally crucial. AWS offers a suite of tools that can help in monitoring, logging, and optimizing your data lake. Let’s dive into these aspects.

Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch

Setting up CloudWatch alarms:

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service. It provides data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, understand and respond to system-wide performance changes, optimize resource utilization, and get a unified view of operational health.

To set up CloudWatch alarms:

  • Navigate to the CloudWatch console.
  • In the navigation pane, click on “Alarms” and then “Create Alarm.”
  • In the “Create Alarm” wizard, select the metric related to your data lake, such as S3 bucket size or AWS Glue job run times.
  • Define the conditions for your alarm, such as if the metric goes above a certain threshold.
  • Set up actions for the alarm, like sending a notification.
  • Review and create the alarm.

Monitoring Glue job performance:

AWS Glue provides metrics and visualizations in CloudWatch. You can monitor ETL job run times, success rates, and other vital metrics. Setting up alarms on these metrics can help you get notified of any issues with your ETL processes. For a deeper understanding of Glue job monitoring, refer to our guide on  aws-glue-questions-answers .

Logging with S3 and CloudTrail

Enabling access logs:

Amazon S3 server access logging provides detailed records for the requests made to your S3 bucket. It’s an essential tool for monitoring and auditing data access.

To enable access logs:

  • Choose the bucket you want to monitor.
  • In the “Properties” tab, navigate to “Server access logging” and click “Edit.”
  • Choose a target bucket where the logs will be stored and specify a prefix if desired.
  • Save changes.

Tracking changes with CloudTrail:

AWS CloudTrail tracks user activity and API usage, providing a detailed audit trail of changes made to resources in your AWS account. For data lakes, CloudTrail can help you track who accessed which datasets and when.

To enable CloudTrail for your data lake:

  • Navigate to the CloudTrail console.
  • Click on “Create trail.”
  • Specify the trail name, S3 bucket for storing logs, and other configurations.
  • Ensure that the trail is applied to all regions if you have a multi-region setup.
  • Save and create the trail.

For more insights on CloudTrail, check out our article on  cloud-ids-introduction .

Data Lake Optimization

S3 Lifecycle policies:

As data accumulates in your data lake, not all of it remains frequently accessed. S3 Lifecycle policies can help you transition older data to cheaper storage classes or even delete it after a certain period.

To set up a lifecycle policy:

  • In the “Management” tab, click on “Lifecycle.”
  • Click “Create a lifecycle rule.”
  • Define the rule’s actions, such as transitioning objects to the  GLACIER  storage class after 30 days.
  • Save the rule.

Converting data to columnar formats for better performance:

Columnar storage formats like Parquet and ORC optimize the storage and query performance of datasets. AWS Glue can be used to transform data into these formats.

Here’s a simple example using AWS Glue’s Python SDK:

This script reads data from a source, and then writes it to an S3 bucket in Parquet format.

10. Conclusion

Setting up a data lake is a transformative step for organizations looking to harness the power of their data. With the vast array of services offered by AWS, creating a robust, scalable, and efficient data lake has never been more accessible.

Recap of the steps to set up a data lake with S3 and AWS Glue

  • Amazon S3  serves as the backbone, providing a scalable storage solution where raw and transformed data resides.
  • AWS Glue  plays a pivotal role in the ETL processes, from data discovery with Glue Crawlers to transformation with Glue ETL jobs. The Glue Data Catalog further enhances the data lake’s capabilities by offering a centralized metadata repository.
  • Tools like  Amazon Athena  and  Amazon Redshift Spectrum  empower users to query the data directly in S3, making the analysis phase seamless.
  • Visualization tools like  Amazon QuickSight  bring the insights to life, allowing stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.

Importance of continuous monitoring and optimization

A data lake’s journey doesn’t end once it’s set up. Continuous monitoring ensures that the data flows smoothly, and any issues are promptly addressed. Tools like Amazon CloudWatch and AWS CloudTrail provide invaluable insights into the data lake’s operations.

Optimization is another ongoing task. As data grows, so do the costs and complexities. Implementing S3 Lifecycle policies, converting data to columnar formats, and regularly reviewing access controls are just a few ways to ensure that the data lake remains cost-effective and secure.

Explore further and implement your own data lakes

The world of data lakes and big data is vast and ever-evolving. The tools and best practices mentioned in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. As you delve deeper into this domain, you’ll discover more advanced techniques, tools, and strategies to enhance your data lake’s capabilities.

For those looking to embark on this journey, our comprehensive guides on  data-lake-fundamentals-questions-answers  and  aws-glue-101  are excellent starting points. Remember, every organization’s data needs are unique, so take the time to understand your requirements and tailor your data lake accordingly.

In conclusion, a well-implemented data lake is a game-changer, unlocking insights that were previously hidden and enabling organizations to be truly data-driven. Embrace the journey, continuously learn, and harness the power of your data.

More data lake articles

Top 10 S3 Data Lake Best Practices

Collibra Data Catalog: A Comprehensive Review (2023)

Mastering Data Modeling and Design for Efficient Data Lakes

Data Lake Governance: Pillars and Strategies for Effective Management

Data Lake Access Patterns to Get the Most out of your Data Lake

Data Lake vs Data Warehouse

35+ Data Lake Interview Questions & Answers (2023 Update)

AWS Data Lake Foundation Architecture

The AWS Data Lake Foundation Architecture PowerPoint Template is a Diagram that describes the deployment of different AWS services integrated to provide a professional data lake solution.

The PowerPoint Diagram is 100% editable, using the Amazon AWS official icons in vector format and editable connectors built using PowerPoint Shapes. The user can adapt the diagram colors and fonts to it’s own needs in order to apply the template in any other presentation theme.

The PowerPoint Diagram includes icons for the following services : Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Redshift, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, Amazon Elasticsearch Service (Amazon ES), Amazon SageMaker, and Amazon QuickSight.

The diagram explains the deployment of an AWS solution to provide the following capabilities: data submission, ingest processing, dataset management, data transformation and analysis, building and deploying machine learning tools, search, publishing, and visualization.

This diagram is an instantiation of the architecture automated by AWS CloudFormation templates.

The diagram portraits the following infrastructure:

  • A VPS (virtual private cloud) with 2 availability zones with their subnets.
  • An internet gateway
  • Managed NAT gateways for outbound Internet access for resources subnets.
  • Linux bastion hosts for Secure Shell (SSH) access to EC2 instances
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Amazon Redshift for data aggregation, analysis, transformation, and creation of new curated and published datasets.
  • Amazon SageMaker instance.
  • Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, AWS Lambda, Amazon ES with Kibana, Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon QuickSight.

Modify the diagram to build your own data lake deployment.

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Top 10 Data Lake Architecture PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Data Lake Architecture  PPT Templates with Examples and Samples

DivyanshuKumar Rai


Do you remember the catastrophic data breach that happened to Equifax, one of the largest credit reporting agencies in the US, in 2017? The breach exposed sensitive information, including Social Security numbers, birth dates, and addresses, of over 143 million people. It was a nightmare for both the company and the affected individuals. What if I told you that having a data lake could have prevented this disaster?

According to a recent report, the average cost of a data breach is around $3.86 million. Furthermore, companies can take up to 280 days to identify and contain a breach. With the growing number of cyber threats and the increasing amount of data companies handle, a robust data management system has become an absolute necessity. This is where data lakes come in.

If you're looking to improve your company's data management, then our Data Lake Architecture PPT Templates are what you need. 

Our templates are designed to help you understand the concept of data lakes and their benefits. With visually appealing graphics and easy-to-understand content, you can use our templates to educate your team on the importance of data lakes and how to implement them effectively.

Template 1: Data Lake Formation Architecture of Centralized Repository Data Lake

A data lake is one of the most critical architectural concepts for making artificial intelligence a reality. Therefore, our PPT Template will assist you! With this design, you can hold large amounts of data in its raw format. This slide depicts the data lake's architecture by defining its three major components: sources, data processing layer, and targets. Today, onboard your data while optimizing the cost.

Architecture of Centralized Repository Data Lake

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Template 2: Key Concepts of Data Lake Architecture

Use our PPT Template to provide data scientists with an unvarnished view of data. This design allows you to be more agile in your business. The slide also highlights data ingestion, data exploration, data lineage, data storage, and other key concepts of data lakes. Now is the time to download and enjoy cost-effective scalability and flexibility.

Key Concepts of Data Lake Architecture

Template 3: Architecture of Centralized Repository Data Lake

Incorporate our PPT Design in which the data store is passive, and the data store's clients (software components or agents) are active, controlling the logic flow. The elements involved will also help you check the data store for changes. This slide depicts the data lake's architecture by defining its three major components: sources, data processing layer, and targets. You can increase audience engagement and knowledge by distributing information on our slide. The primary goal of this style is to achieve data integrality.

Architecture of centralized repository data lake.

Template 4: Key Concepts of Data Lake Architecture

Get this content ready PPT Template to store much raw, granular data in its native format. It is a single repository that contains structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. With our design, you can broaden and deepen your understanding of data lake architecture. Data lineage, storage, auditing, discovery, quality, and other related topics are covered.

Key Concepts of Data Lake Architecture

Template 5: How to Implement Data Lake in Hadoop Architecture PPT Template

This data management platform primarily processes and stores non-relational data. This slide lets you send modified data sets or summarized results to the established data warehouse for further analysis. Hadoop data lakes are a less expensive way to store analytics data. This design includes information about the sources, the ingestion tier, the unified operations tier, the insights tier, and the action tier. Download now to gain a better understanding of all your data.

How to Implement Data Lake in Hadoop Architecture

Download now!

Template 6: Architecture Layers of Centralized Repository Data

Our professional PPT template offers an in-depth exploration of the essential architectural layers of centralized repository data. The presentation provides valuable insights into the system's five layers: ingestion, distillation, processing, wisdom, and the unified operational layer. The ingestion layer involves collecting and storing raw data, while the distillation layer organizes and transforms this data into a more manageable format. Use can then use the processing layer to analyze the refined data, generating valuable insights for the organization. The insights layer then utilizes this information to provide actionable recommendations. At the same time, the unified operational layer integrates these insights into the company's day-to-day operations, driving growth and profitability.

Architecture Layers of Centralized Repository Data Lake

Template 7: Functional Architecture of Data Lake

This powerful PPT Slide unlocks the secrets of data lakes, explaining core concepts such as data processing, storage, retrieval, and consumption. Designed for both technical and non-technical audiences, this presentation provides valuable insights into the complex world of data management, helping users to navigate the challenges of building and maintaining a modern data infrastructure.

Functional Architecture of Data Lake

Template 8: How to Implement Data Lake in AWS Architecture

This comprehensive PPT Framework offers invaluable insights into implementing a data lake in AWS architecture. It presents step-by-step guidance on setting up and maintaining an efficient data lake in AWS, empowering users to handle large volumes of data easily. This template lets users explore various data ingestion solutions, such as Kinesis Streams, Firehouse, Snowball, and more. Additionally, it delves into data migration services, providing users with a deeper understanding of how to transfer data from one source to another seamlessly.

How to Implement Data Lake in AWS Architecture

Template 9: How to Implement Data Lake In Azure Architecture

Our PPT Framework is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to implement Data Lake in Azure Architecture. It provides step-by-step guidance on gathering data at scale, setting up the ingestion layer, storing and optimizing data, and exposing data for efficient analysis. This PPT Framework helps streamline your data management process and reduce costs while gaining valuable insights from your data. This template guides you through every aspect of implementing a Data Lake in Azure Architecture with clear and concise explanations, detailed diagrams, and practical examples. Start optimizing your data today with this comprehensive and user-friendly PPT Presentation!

How to Implement Data Lake in Azure Architecture

Template 10: Data Lake Future of Analytics How To Implement Data Lake in AWS Architecture

The PPT Framework provided offers a comprehensive guide to implementing a data lake in AWS architecture, offering valuable insights and step-by-step guidance on setting up and maintaining an efficient data lake in AWS. This resource enables users to easily handle large volumes of data and explore data ingestion solutions, including Kinesis Streams, Firehouse, Snowball, and more. Furthermore, it offers detailed information on data migration services, helping users understand how to transfer data from one source to another seamlessly. Download now to access this essential resource.

How to Implement Data Lake in AWS Architecture.

Take Control of Your Data

Data lakes are becoming an increasingly crucial aspect of modern business operations. With the amount of data generated each day growing exponentially, it's essential to have a centralized and scalable system for storing, processing, and analyzing this information. At SlideTeam, we understand the importance of a robust data management system, so we've created our Data Lake Architecture PPT Presentation. With a download of these, you will have access to a wealth of information and resources to help you keep pace in the ever-changing landscape of data management.

FAQs on Data Lake Architecture

What is the data lake concept.

The data lake concept is a modern data management architecture designed to store large volumes of raw and unstructured data in a centralized repository. The idea behind a data lake is to provide organizations with a scalable and cost-effective solution for storing and processing data without the need for complex data transformation and normalization processes up-front.

Unlike traditional data management systems that require data to be transformed and organized before being stored, data lakes allow for storing raw data, which can be processed and analyzed in various ways depending on the organization's needs. This approach provides a high degree of flexibility and agility, allowing businesses to extract value from their data quickly and efficiently.

Data lakes can be implemented on-premises or in the cloud, supporting varied data types, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. By implementing a data lake, organizations can gain a comprehensive view of their data and leverage advanced analytics tools to extract valuable insights that can drive business growth and profitability.

What are the three layers of a data lake?

A data lake has three layers, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Raw Data Layer: This layer is the bottom-most layer of the data lake, where all the raw and unprocessed data is stored. This layer typically includes data from various sources, such as social media, transactional databases, IoT devices, etc. This layer is often called the "landing zone," with the data stored in its native format without any transformation.
  • Data Processing Layer: The second layer of the data lake is the data processing layer. This layer is responsible for processing and transforming the raw data stored in the first layer into a more usable format. Data processing may involve data cleaning, normalization, integration, and enrichment. This layer typically uses technologies like Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Apache Pig to process and transform the data.
  • Analytics Layer: The topmost layer of the data lake is the analytics layer. This layer is responsible for analyzing the processed data and generating insights that you can use to drive business decisions. The analytics layer typically includes tools like business intelligence (BI) dashboards, machine learning models, and other advanced analytics tools. The insights generated from this layer can be used to improve business operations, enhance customer experience, and identify new business opportunities.

How do you build a data lake architecture?

Building a data lake architecture involves several key steps. Here is an overview of the main steps involved in building a data lake:

  • Define Business Objectives: The first step in building a data lake architecture is to define the business objectives the data lake will support. It involves identifying the data types that will be stored, the analytics that will be performed, and the project's expected outcomes.
  • Determine Data Sources: Once the business objectives are defined, the next step is identifying the data sources you can integrate into the data lake. These can include structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data from various sources, such as transactional databases, social media platforms, and IoT devices.
  • Choose a Data Lake Platform: The next step is to select a data lake platform that will be used to build the architecture. Popular data lake platforms include Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage, and Google Cloud Storage.
  • Define Data Storage and Management: After selecting the platform, the next step is to define how data will be stored and managed within the data lake. It includes defining the data schema, partitioning, data compression, access control, and other data storage and management aspects.
  • Determine Data Processing: The data lake architecture's data processing layer includes processing raw data into a format that can be easily queried and analyzed. This layer may use tools like Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, and Apache Hive to process and transform data.
  • Implement Data Security: Data security is critical in any data lake architecture. It involves implementing access controls, encryption, and other security measures to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability within the data lake.
  • Develop Analytics and Visualization: The final step in building a data lake architecture is to develop the analytics and visualization tools that will be used to analyze and visualize the data stored in the data lake. It may involve tools like Tableau, Power BI, and other analytics and visualization platforms.

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10 top data discovery tools for insights and visualizations

Data discovery can use sampling, profiling, visualizations or data mining to extract insights from data. choose from 10 of the top platforms in the market that best fit the user base..

Donald Farmer

  • Donald Farmer, TreeHive Strategy

Anyone trying to discern patterns and extract insights from their data must employ data discovery. Success depends on finding and using the right tool for the job.

The term data discovery tool can refer to tools that enable the discovery of valuable data through features such as sampling and profiling. It might also refer to tools that make useful discoveries within data sets, perhaps with visualizations or data mining. The most common use is to classify the more advanced self-service BI tools that enable users to explore data sets through query tools and visualizations to create dashboards and reports. In the current market, many data discovery tools include augmented analytics, which can automatically apply machine learning techniques that make additional discoveries.

Market research, customer reviews from reputable sources -- including Capterra, Gartner and G2 -- and author experience identified 10 of the top data discovery tools. Each tool selected has strong market presence and feature support for discovery and exploration, rather than merely presentation. An analyst or analytics department could adopt and use any of the highlighted tools as a standalone product. Some excellent enterprise-scale machine learning or embedded analytics platforms are not included.

In my career, I have worked on designing and developing several of these tools as a product team member or as a consultant and advisor. However, rather than having some hidden preferences, this experience has shown me that the use cases and best practices for data analysis tools vary widely with the working practices, thought processes and organizational habits of users and teams. Each vendor can find its niche within the ecosystem of users and organizations.

The unranked list is in alphabetical order.

Amazon QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight is a cloud BI service for simple data visualization and dashboards, which can integrate with machine learning to generate insights. QuickSight features limited customization and data connectivity. It works best with straightforward, structured data models, but it's a cost-effective option with serverless architecture and pay-per-use pricing.

QuickSight appeals to existing AWS users. It seamlessly integrates with other AWS services, such as the Redshift data warehouse , without requiring extensive setup or configuration. Being part of the AWS data and analytics stack is an advantage for QuickSight customers because many enterprise architects prioritize cloud integration over competitive differentiation of analytics features.

QuickSight's integration with Amazon SageMaker for machine learning enables users to access SageMaker models within their QuickSight analyses directly. The combination of tools enables advanced scenarios, such as anomaly detection and forecasting, without requiring extensive technical expertise.

QuickSight does have some constraints compared to its competitors. The peer user community is emerging slowly with limited user training. Regional third-party integrators and service providers are few and far between.

Despite the limitations, Amazon QuickSight remains a compelling choice for those looking for a cost-effective, scalable and cloud-native BI tool, especially for teams already invested in the AWS ecosystem.

Domo is a cloud-based BI platform that provides comprehensive data integration, visualization and collaboration tools. It offers low-code/no-code tools for creating business apps, making it particularly popular among executive users due to its mobile-friendly design.

The platform features a wide range of intelligent data connectors, enabling integration with numerous business data sources, including spreadsheets, databases, social media, and cloud-based and on-premises software applications.

Domo's Magic ETL tool is complete but simple and scalable for data exploration and extraction, even for nonspecialists. Business users can use the app framework to build apps for analysis and simple workflows.

The platform has a reputation for premium prices, but Domo customers generally feel they get value for the money, especially from the extract, transform and load (ETL); machine learning; and app building capabilities.

Google Cloud Looker Studio

Despite the names, Google Cloud Looker and Looker Studio are two different data analytics and visualization tools in the Google Cloud ecosystem. Although both tools assist in data discovery, they serve different user needs and skill levels.

Looker is an analytics platform much favored by developers for embedded analytics. It has strong modeling language and excellent APIs. Google acquired Looker in 2020. Looker Studio was internally developed and previously called Google Data Studio until the branding was consolidated in 2022.

Looker Studio is a free, web-based data visualization and reporting tool that can create interactive dashboards and reports from various data sources. It features a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface. The tool seamlessly integrates with various Google products and, unusually for simple tools, supports real-time data updates.

Another critical advantage of Looker Studio is its cost-effectiveness, offering a free tier for easier startup. The tool provides a surprisingly wide range of data source integrations, including Google Sheets, BigQuery and widespread marketing platforms. It primarily focuses on data visualization and needs advanced features for complex analysis.

Its ease of use, collaborative features and real-time capabilities make it a competitive option for users already invested in Google Cloud that need simple data visualization and reporting tasks.

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is currently the leading data discovery and BI application in the market, offering cloud and desktop versions. Its close integration with the Microsoft ecosystem, such as Microsoft 365, Teams and Fabric, underlies its success. Power BI supports ad hoc analysis for self-service users and a visualization marketplace for third-party add-ins.

The integration of Copilot in Power BI enables useful generative features, such as natural language queries, automated report generation and formula suggestions.

It is a mistake to think of Power BI on Azure as a simple, default tool for existing customers, such as Amazon QuickSight and Google Cloud Looker Studio. Power BI is a far more capable application for standalone BI use cases. Embedding and automation capabilities come from Power Apps for no-code business apps and Power Automate.

Despite its dominant role in the market, Power BI has potential downsides. Large data sets -- notably in the desktop version -- can have performance issues, and users commonly report crashes . Also, the platform can be complex for beginners, especially when working with the Data Analysis Expressions formula language.

Power BI's complete functionality and a supportive global network of enthusiasts, developers and consultants make it worth consideration for any data discovery operation.


MicroStrategy started as a reporting and dashboarding platform more than 30 years ago, but it is a leader in security and governance features, scalability and mobile apps. It remains a popular choice among the largest enterprises, often combined with Teradata on the back end. It is available in the cloud and on premises.

Its benefits come with a steeper learning curve, older UI and higher costs. It's working to develop its machine learning and generative AI features.

MicroStrategy is still a front-runner for many larger enterprises that value its key differentiators: scale, security and rock-solid performance.

Pyramid Analytics

Pyramid Analytics offers a sizable vertical stack of analytics capabilities for a relatively small vendor. The data engine excels at performance and scale. UX is helpful and productive for nontechnical users, with friendly terms such as "present" or "illustrate" to give a capable environment a familiar feel. It has two deployment options: self-hosted in the cloud or on premises.

The platform takes self-service from data sources to collaboration seriously. Pyramid offers management tools across the data stack , including data quality, security and governance. It's an attractive option for healthcare or financial services teams where regulatory demands might be challenging.

In March 2023, Pyramid introduced machine learning features and some AI integration . It remains most attractive to organizations that need secure, strong, high-performance and cost-effective analytics for smaller teams and departments.

Qlik Sense is the second generation of Qlik's original QlikView, an innovative self-service application for desktop analytics. It inherits from QlikView its associative engine, which is a highly flexible and insightful tool for data exploration and discovery. Not every user finds a need for the full power of the engine, but the ones who do often say they could not get their results with any other tool.

Following several acquisitions of data management, connectivity and ETL vendors, Qlik Sense offers excellent data integration and data quality capabilities. Qlik Sense is simple to deploy either on premises, in Qlik Cloud or in multi-cloud environments. It integrates well with other platforms and has good IT governance features.

Partly because the platform grew by acquisition, UX can be uneven, making the learning curve steep beyond the basics. It's no longer the simple desktop self-service tool it once was, but it offers unique capabilities.

Salesforce Tableau

Tableau is a longstanding thought leader in the data discovery market. Salesforce acquired Tableau in 2019. The platform is more of a visual analytics tool within the Salesforce ecosystem and less of a standalone application than before.

Tableau excels at creating interactive dashboards, reports and visualizations without being technical. It's still unequaled in the range and quality of its compelling visualizations.

As Tableau consolidated with Salesforce, some more intriguing capabilities, such as Tableau Pulse, its AI-powered insight engine, are less standalone and more integrated. It's an improvement for the everyday business user who needs insight , but it's less critical to data explorers digging in for their data discoveries.

For Salesforce users, Tableau is a natural first choice for analytics at all levels. It remains an essential tool for people who see data discovery as a primarily visual process. Long-term concerns focus on uncertainty around how long it will remain an authoritative standalone tool and, given Salesforce's own cloud-only focus, how long the desktop version remains available.

Tellius is the smallest and newest vendor on the list. It has excellent natural language query capabilities for business users who wish to make data discoveries using everyday language.

It has taken some exciting approaches for business users, such as Vizpads , a way to explore data using multiple visualizations on one page using various data sources and global filters. It's a valuable feature for business users analyzing data across their business but lacking the skills to define complex joins or apply advanced filters.

Although Tellius uses natural language and AI in its platform, it offers little integration with other platforms that a well-established business may already use.

As an emerging vendor, Tellius is worth watching. Its innovative and imaginative approach to analysis for business users can be productive. Tellius is available in the cloud with a microservices-based deployment for scaling up or down as needed.


ThoughtSpot entered the market a few years ago by offering a new paradigm: search-based analytics developed by former Google engineers. ThoughtSpot proliferated because few competitors had similar natural language or search features. ThoughtSpot's momentum visibly slowed down as generative AI, natural language queries and interfaces become generally more commonplace.

The tool still has much to offer users. It excels at integrating natural language, search, analytics, visualization and collaboration into a coherent analytics practice. Even if competitors offer similar core features, the tooling and administrative features ThoughtSpot developed over the years remain important for productive work.

It is challenging to deploy, requiring a well-resourced IT team. Initially, the most common deployment was an on-premises hardware appliance. Today, it is more common to deploy to ThoughtSpot Cloud, a SaaS offering available on AWS and Google Cloud.

The costs are somewhat higher than many users prefer. Although its paradigm is productive, it is still new, and business users have a learning curve to take full advantage of its capabilities.

Overall, ThoughtSpot is in a strong position to use generative AI features. Its end-to-end UX shows that it understands the workflow of natural language query, discovery and the associated needs for security, governance, compliance and oversight.

Making a choice

The data discovery market is diverse and dynamic, with each platform offering unique strengths, capabilities and weaknesses.

Organizations must consider several factors to select the best tool for their situation. Begin by assessing the tool's compatibility with existing infrastructure -- especially connectivity -- its scalability and performance capabilities to handle the required data volume and complexity.

If users lack technical expertise, evaluate the ease of use and learning curve. Consider the visualization and exploration capabilities and support for advanced analytics and AI. Match the tool experience to employees' working styles.

Prioritize tools that support collaboration and sharing of insights across teams and departments, while meeting security and governance needs, especially in a highly regulated business.

Price is important, too. It's essential to consider total cost of ownership, including training and support. Long-term costs can be surprising.

The integration of AI and machine learning plays a critical role in the future development of the data discovery market. It affects many vendors, providing users with automated insights and recommendations. The evolution of AI might usher in a new era of data discovery in which users of all skill levels can easily access, explore and derive value from data.

Selecting which data discovery tool to use depends on an organization's employees, their preferred ways of working, the budget and any existing technology stack already in use.

Donald Farmer is principal of TreeHive Strategy, who advises software vendors, enterprises and investors on data and advanced analytics strategy. He has worked on some of the leading data technologies in the market and in award-winning startups. He previously led design and innovation teams at Microsoft and Qlik.

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  5. PDF Building Data Lakes on AWS

    In this course, you will learn to: Apply data lake methodologies in planning and designing a data lake. Articulate the components and services required for building an AWS data lake. Secure a data lake with appropriate permission. Ingest, store, and transform data in a data lake. Query, analyze, and visualize data within a data lake.

  6. PDF Data Lake on AWS

    DBatau Lai kl e d on A WaS framework that automatically deploys a d Implementation Guideata. lake reference implementation and custom console using AWS managed services. This AWS Solution is now Guidance. For more information, refer to the Data Lake on AWS landing page. You can also find other AWS Solutions in the AWS Solutions Library. 1. Title.

  7. PDF AWS Prescriptive Guidance

    The following diagram shows this guide's reference architecture for growing and scaling a data lake on the AWS Cloud. The diagram shows the following components: A data producer layer in different AWS accounts. A data consumer layer in different AWS accounts. A centralized catalog in an AWS account.

  8. Building Data Lakes on AWS: An In-Depth Walkthrough

    Navigate to the AWS Glue Console and select "Crawlers" from the left pane. Click on "Add Crawler.". Name your crawler and proceed to specify the data source. For a data lake, this would typically be an Amazon S3 bucket. Define the IAM role that gives AWS Glue permissions to access the data.

  9. Building a Data Lake on AWS

    Join this introductory workshop to learn about how to build a Data Lake using AWS big data and analytics services. Get hands-on experience in batch data ingestion, cataloging, data quality and ETL on the Data Lake. We will introduce you to the Data Lake, explain ways of hydrating the Data Lake, and show how you can work within the Data Lake. This Immersion day helps to build a cloud-native and ...

  10. AWS Data Lake Foundation Architecture

    The AWS Data Lake Foundation Architecture PowerPoint Template is a Diagram that describes the deployment of different AWS services integrated to provide a professional data lake solution. ... The user can adapt the diagram colors and fonts to it's own needs in order to apply the template in any other presentation theme. The PowerPoint Diagram ...

  11. AWS Workshops

    schedule 2 hours. In this workshop you will learn best practices and relevant services that help you to build a flexible Data Lake architecture on AWS. Via hands-on exercises, you will learn how to use different services in order to inject, enrich, query and visualize data in your data lake. You will also combine different AWS services in order ...

  12. PDF Amazon Connect Data Lake Best Practices

    AWS delivers the breadth and depth of services to build a secure, scalable, comprehensive, and cost-effective data lake solution. You can use the AWS services to ingest, store, find, process, and analyze data from a wide variety of sources. This whitepaper provides architectural best practices to technology roles, such as chief technology ...

  13. Top 10 Data Lake Architecture PPT Templates with Examples ...

    Template 10: Data Lake Future of Analytics How To Implement Data Lake in AWS Architecture. The PPT Framework provided offers a comprehensive guide to implementing a data lake in AWS architecture, offering valuable insights and step-by-step guidance on setting up and maintaining an efficient data lake in AWS. This resource enables users to ...

  14. Build a framework that automatically deploys a data lake reference

    Build a framework that automatically deploys a data lake reference implementation and custom console using AWS managed services. This AWS Solution is now Guidance. For more information, refer to the Data Lake on AWS landing page. You can also find other AWS Solutions in the AWS Solutions Library.

  15. 10 top data discovery tools for insights and visualizations

    The term data discovery tool can refer to tools that enable the discovery of valuable data through features such as sampling and profiling. It might also refer to tools that make useful discoveries within data sets, perhaps with visualizations or data mining. The most common use is to classify the more advanced self-service BI tools that enable users to explore data sets through query tools ...