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Nursing Interview Questions Guide

  • How to Answer Scenario-Based Nursing Interview Questions

Lisa Fields, contributing writer for Berxi

Feb 29, 2024

clinical scenario interview questions

You’ve put a lot of effort into your job search. You patiently sorted through hundreds of nursing job postings, found one that matches your skills and interests, and submitted an application. Now you find out your hard work has paid off: you got a job interview!

Think of this as your chance to bring your nursing resume to life and show the employer just how great a fit you are for the position — not to mention for their team. But if you really want to dazzle your interviewers, you’ll need to be able to answer any kinds of questions they ask you — the most common of which are clinical scenario-based questions.

What Are Clinical Scenario Interview Questions?

There are two types of clinical questions an interviewer could ask:

Type #1: Behavioral questions

Behavioral questions focus on things you’ve already done (i.e., “Can you give me an example of the way that you communicate with patients who have a hard time understanding what you want them to do?”).

Type #2: Situational questions

Situational questions expect you to imagine yourself in certain scenarios you may have never faced before (i.e., “What would you do if the patient you were caring for couldn’t understand what you were explaining about the type of care that she was about to receive?”).

Why would an interviewer ask these types of questions, specifically? Well, the team that hires you will likely want to know how you respond in certain high-pressure situations. They want to see your problem-solving style and get a sense of how you react and respond to the specific challenges nurses tend to face. Asking behavioral and situational questions is a great way for your interviewer to assess your response.

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STAR: The #1 Strategy for Answering Scenario-Based Nursing Interview Questions

When giving your responses in a job interview, it’s important to stay focused and on point. If you’ve had trouble with this in the past, you may want to consider trying the STAR interview technique . STAR stands for:

By following this response structure, you’ll be able to organize your thoughts in a more coherent way, whether you’re speaking from past experience or imagining yourself in a hypothetical situation. Here’s how to formulate a thorough response:

  • Situation : State the specific situation, as you understand it. This way, it’s clear what you’re responding to. If you’re speaking from past experience, connect it to the situation presented in the question.
  • Task : Explain the steps that would need to be done, in order, so you come across as organized.
  • Action : Describe how you’d implement the steps.
  • Result : Share the result you would expect to happen. If speaking from experience, also share what did happen.

If you’ve been asked a situational question but you’ve had experience with a similar scenario, you can answer it as a situational response and segue into the fact that you had something similar happen. Then, you can set up your behavioral scenario. This is a way to share your experience after answering the question to back up your point.

How to Answer Nursing Interview Questions About Your Clinical Care Experience

This is perhaps the most common type of scenario-based question that arises during nursing job interviews . Your interviewer will want to know how you’d care for patients under different circumstances, including worst-case scenarios. You may be asked questions or given hypothetical situations like:

  • “A supervisor has directed you to take a specific course of care, but you disagree that this is the best way to treat the patient. How would you approach the situation?”
  • “What would you do if a critically ill patient isn’t responding to the treatment they’re receiving while under your care?”

Your interviewer will get a sense of your clinical expertise, problem-solving skills, and critical-thinking skills when you explain what you would do and why. If you’ve treated patients in similar circumstances, it’s fine to bring your previous personal experience into the equation, although this isn’t necessary. Your responses will offer insight into your care philosophy and the way you think on your feet.

Examples of Nursing Interview Scenarios Questions & Answers

When your interviewer asks a scenario question, present your answer like a clinical case study. The goal is to show you can:

  • Understand the patient’s background and medical history
  • Clearly describe their symptoms
  • Assess the situation to identify potential causes and appropriate next steps
  • Anticipate possible complications and how to handle them
  • Provide the expected or desired outcome for evaluation

The STAR method gives you a good framework for this approach. To see what it looks like in practice, we asked Sarah K. Wells, MSN, RD, CEN, CNL, and Theresa Brown, PhD, RN, to give examples of how they’d answer questions about hypothetical scenarios:

Sample nursing scenario question 1:

“A patient who has been complaining of chest pain suddenly wants to leave the hospital, saying they feel better. What are your next steps?”

Sample nursing scenario answer in STAR format:

When a patient whose symptoms may suggest a heart attack wants to leave the hospital without treatment, it’s important to find out why and do everything possible to ensure they make the best decision for their health. I’d ask questions so I could understand what the patient is thinking and feeling and gently explain the potential complications of refusing treatment. If needed, I’d also adjust their environment so they feel more secure and comfortable enough to stay and receive care.

Sample nursing scenario question 2:

“A critically ill patient who has undergone recent abdominal surgery is striking a fever of 101, and it’s rising. What are your next steps?”

A fever in a patient fresh out of post-op indicates potential problems like an infection at the incision site or malignant hyperthermia. To determine the cause, I’d review the patient’s chart and talk with the outgoing nurse to get a thorough history that includes the patient’s age, physical condition, and any chronic conditions that could increase their risk of complications.

After assessing the patient, I’d call the provider and anticipate any necessary bloodwork and medications. I’d assess how the patient responded after each intervention, watch for adverse reactions, and update the provider about lab results that could affect the course of treatment.

How to Answer Nursing Interview Questions About Your Communication Style

Good nurses are excellent communicators. They need to be understood by patients and patients’ relatives as well as by doctors and other members of the care team. You may be given scenarios like these in your nursing interview and asked to explain how you would handle them in a clinical setting. We’re providing three examples since communication issues pop up in numerous ways:

Sample communication scenario question 1:

“If your patient’s relatives don’t understand what you’re telling them about their child’s illness and treatment plan, how would you change your communication style?”

Sample communication scenario answer:

I sometimes encounter family members who don’t understand the medical information I’m sharing, which can be due to challenges like language barriers and varying levels of health literacy. It’s important to meet them where they are and use language they understand, so I’d start by creating the best environment for the conversation, including calling in an interpreter if necessary. Then, I’d give the family time to ask questions so I could directly address their concerns. After we talked, I’d make sure they could repeat back what I just explained to show they have enough details to feel confident they are making the best treatment decisions for their child.

Sample communication scenario question 2:

“How would you care for a patient whose opinions and choices related to their medical care differ starkly from your own?”

When a patient wishes to pursue an alternative treatment path, it’s my job to provide factual, evidence-based information to guide them toward the choices that are best for their immediate goals and long-term health. After asking questions to clarify what they understand about available treatments, I’d explain the typical standard of care for their situation and lay out the potential risks of rejecting treatment. I’d gently discourage them from making choices that could worsen their condition and work with them to create a treatment plan that best addresses their needs while still respecting their point of view.

“What would you do in an emergency situation if the attending doctor misunderstood the patient history you just shared with them?”

A doctor is taking in and processing a lot of information in an emergency and may miss something important that could impact the patient’s health. To ensure the patient receives the best care, I’d take responsibility for not being clear and repeat or rephrase the critical details clearly and respectfully. If the doctor still doesn’t seem to understand, I’d be more insistent while maintaining a nonconfrontational tone. I’d continue to discuss the patient’s condition until I am sure the doctor understands and is equipped to offer the most appropriate treatment.

As you answer these types of questions, your interviewer will assess your ability to communicate clearly, get points across easily, and identify when alternate communication styles may be needed.

How to Answer Nursing Interview Questions About how you Handle Stressful Situations

Because stressful situations are commonplace for nurses, your interviewer will want to know how you would respond to different stress-inducing scenarios. You may be asked questions or given hypothetical situations like:

  • “What would you do if your patient suddenly and unexpectedly has difficulty breathing?”
  • “How would you manage patient care and complete your daily tasks if your unit is one nurse short and you have considerably more patients than usual?”

Here’s an example of how to answer a question about a particularly stressful situation involving a young patient:

Sample stressful scenario question:

“If a patient’s mother is sobbing over her son’s traumatic injury right in front of him and you can see that her outburst is upsetting him, what would you do?”

Sample stressful scenario answer:

It’s common for parents to be upset, confused, or overwhelmed when their child is sick or injured. The top priority is to ensure a safe, calm environment for the child, so I’d start by checking his physical and emotional state. Then I’d ask the mom if she’d like to get coffee, and I’d walk with her to give her time to talk and calm down. If appropriate, I’d offer to be there as a willing ear or call in someone from spiritual services to support her throughout her child’s treatment.

Sometimes, parents don’t want to leave the room, in which case I’d try to turn the mom’s attention to something else like a TV show or a conversation with her son. In either situation, the best outcome is for both the parent and child to feel calm and supported.

Your interviewer will want to know that you can identify priorities, adapt quickly to change, stay organized, and delegate tasks to other members of the care team as needed so you can provide patients with the best care possible.

How to Answer Nursing Interview Questions About Triage Scenarios

One common way for your interviewer to assess your problem-solving skills, experience, and confidence levels is by asking you to triage three or four hypothetical patients who have different health conditions. You may be asked questions or given scenarios like:

Sample triage scenario question:

“You have three patients in your care: someone who is being treated for heart palpitations, someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis, and someone who is bleeding from a deep wound. How would you triage these patients?”

Sample triage scenario answer:

When faced with triage decisions for patients with conditions at varying levels of urgency, it’s critical to determine who has the most serious medical needs. I’d start by assessing the bleeding patient to determine the location of the wound and how much it is bleeding. If the patient is bleeding a lot from a critical area, I’d apply a dressing or tourniquet right away.

Then I’d ask the mental health patient questions to determine whether they are considering self-harm or suicide, and I’d remove anything from the room that they might use to harm themselves. I’d finish by checking the patient with heart palpitations for signs of any serious symptoms. I would ensure that the most urgent case receives immediate care.

It’s important that you explain your reasons for triaging patients so your interviewer can better understand your thought processes. Your answer will reveal your clinical expertise and your values, which will help your interviewer determine whether you’d be a good fit for the position.

The Importance of Having the Right Malpractice Insurance on Your Side

Once you have the job, it’s important to think about nursing malpractice insurance . There’s no doubt that nursing is a high-stress, high-risk, and high-reward profession. So the job offer you accept should provide adequate medical malpractice insurance. While many nurses feel they are free from being named in lawsuits , the fact is that more malpractice claims are naming the entire medical care team — and many workplace policies do not cover licensing board cases . Plus, having your own policy from a top-rated insurer can cost as little as $87 a year.

Read real stories of professionals getting named in claims or board actions

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Final Thoughts

It’s not always possible to plan responses to clinical scenario interview questions, especially if your interviewer is very creative or asks complex hypothetical questions. But it can be helpful to go into your nursing interview with a few work-related stories in mind that you can share in your responses.

Consider specific moments when you’ve had to show your leadership, make quick decisions, overcome communication challenges, or work with a patient who had a special circumstance. Clearly think through the important details you would want to share.

Sharing details about a previous clinical experience can also be a good way to demonstrate your personality because it may be easier for you to relax and explain what you’ve already done than to imagine what you might do. But you can let your personality shine through when you answer any scenario-based questions, even without including personal anecdotes.

Always respond thoughtfully and honestly, and let your interviewer know that you carefully consider every decision you’ve make when it comes to patient care.

Looking for more help preparing for a nursing job interview? Set yourself up for success with these other resources from the Berxi blog:

  • How to Prepare For a Nursing Interview
  • 15 Questions to Ask During a Nursing Interview
  • 40+ Questions to Ask at the Job Offer Stage

Experts who helped with this guide include:

  • Sarah K. Wells, MSN, RN, CEN, CNL , nurse career strategist and founder of New Thing Nurse , a professional and academic coaching company for the nursing community
  • Theresa Brown, PhD, RN , nurse and writer, New York Times bestselling author of The Shift: One Nurse, Twelve Hours, Four Patients’ Lives and Healing: When a Nurse Becomes a Patient
  • Laurie G. Combe, MN, RN, NCSN , president-elect of the National Association of School Nurses
  • Nancy Freeland, MS, RN-BC, CCRN-K , a senior nurse educator for adult critical care nursing at the University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York, and a former member of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
  • Elizabeth Rochin, PhD, RN, NE-BC , president of the National Perinatal Information Center
  • Seun Ross, DNP, MSN, CRNP-F, NP-C, NEA-BC , Executive Director, Health Equity, Independence Blue Cross

Image courtesy of nortonrsx

Last updated on Feb 29, 2024. Originally published on Feb 14, 2019.

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Guide Contents

  • How Do I Prepare for a Nursing Interview?
  • "Tell Me About Yourself" — How to Respond & What to Avoid Saying
  • How to Talk About Your Strengths & Weaknesses
  • The Best Questions to Ask Employers During a Nursing Interview
  • Sample ER Nurse Interview Questions to Prepare For
  • Sample ICU Nurse Interview Questions to Prepare For
  • Sample Labor & Delivery Nurse Interview Questions to Prepare For
  • Sample Pediatric Nurse Interview Questions to Prepare For
  • Sample School Nurse Interview Questions to Prepare For
  • Aug 7, 2022

How to Answer ANY Clinical Scenario Question in a New Grad Nursing Interview

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Parts 2-4 of this video down below:

The key that helps a nurse give a good interview is understanding why the interviewer is asking the question, and what they need to hear from the candidate.

Let’s start with the scariest question first. The clinical scenario question! Most interviews have some version of the clinical scenario question.

These questions are super intimidating for new grads because what new nurses don’t realize is that when they walk into the room, what they see is the same information that an attending physician sees.

There are many versions of this question, but you answer them all the same, so don’t let this question intimidate you! This question may look like:

What would you do if you found your patient vomiting?

What would you do if you found your patient vomiting blood?

What would you do if you found your patient bleeding?

Why do we Ask this Question?

What we are assessing for is whether you freeze. If you look stunned and we can tell your mind is either blank or going in a thousand directions, but you can’t think of anything to say, that tells us you aren’t ready. As an interviewer, there are 3 questions I ask myself. Do I trust this person? Do I want to work with this person? Do I think it would be fair to this person to give them the job? By that last question, I mean if I choose this candidate, am I setting them up to fail because they are just not ready to handle this job? Retention is a huge issue for new nurses, and we need to know the we are picking the candidate we can set up for success.

No Lone Rangers!

Another thing we REALLY don’t want to hear from you is that you will try to handle the situation all by yourself. As a charge nurse, it worries us to have a floor nurse who doesn’t tell us when their patients are unstable. For example, when we find out a patient’s blood pressure has been unstable for an hour, and they never escalated it or got any help because they thought they could handle it. Nursing is a team effort, and things need to be escalated quickly, so that there aren’t delays in care and possibly death. We definitely want to see that you know that your role is to get the right people in the room when things go south.

The Formula

Are you ready for how to answer every single one of these questions while checking all of the boxes that your interviewer needs to hear? Write these steps down! I’ll list them out, and then we will go through each one and run through the scenarios listed above.

Call for help, stay at the bedside, assess the patient, perform an appropriate intervention, and call the MD and anticipate what they will order.

Call for help: The scariest new grads are the ones who don’t ask for help when they are in trouble. Your job as a new grad is not to handle everything by yourself and know what to do in every situation on day one. Your job is to know when your patient is in trouble and get help. If your charge finds out you’ve had a patient who has been unconscious, has unstable vital signs, is bleeding out, is seizing, or anything that requires immediate attention, and you have been trying to handle it alone without telling your charge, doctor, or rapid response, you are in trouble! This causes a delay in care and may lead to death. We can’t help you if we don’t know your patient is in trouble. Now this is where it gets tricky. How do you know who you need to notify and how? You have a few options and it’s better to er on the side of caution.

Rapid response: Typically one nurse and one respiratory therapist whose job is to help with emergency clinical situations. It’s almost always a good idea to loop them in these scenarios. If you think something could be going on with your patient that could turn south later, you should have this patient on rapid response’s radar.

Charge nurse: Your charge nurse is your resource once you graduate having a preceptor orient you. Whenever I am charge, and I notice one of my nurses has an unstable patient, I ask how I can help. If they left me out of it, it would be inappropriate. My job is to support the floor nurses in keeping their patients safe. They can press the call button and ask for someone to send me in, they can call me, they can ask the nursing assistant to come get me, or in emergencies they can press the staff assist button and all available nurses will come running to that room. Staff assist is alarming and a bit disruptive because everyone drops what they are doing with their own patients and comes to save your patient. The staff assist button usually saved for when you don’t have the luxury of pulling out your phone and calling your charge nurse. For example if a patient is trying to strangle you, if a patient is bleeding out and you need to hold pressure and your hands are too bloody to use a phone, if your patient is having a seizure and you are too busy protecting their head and airway to use your phone, your patient is choking and turning blue with a low spO2. Things like that. The staff assist button is usually next to the code blue button. If a patient has lost a pulse or has stopped breathing, call a code blue. Always loop in your charge when something unexpected and concerning is happening with your patient.

MD: It’s a good idea to let the doctor know about any changes in condition. This should happen quickly if it’s something concerning. You should follow an SBAR format letting the doctor know what is happening, what the patient is here for (they should already know), your assessment (what you see in the patient, what happened, vitals, labs, neuro check changes), and what you recommend (would you like EKG, CXR, labs).

Stay at the bedside: While it’s important to be aware of the patient’s latest labs and doctor’s notes, you don’t want to give the impression that you would see a patient that is unstable, and then in response go to the nurse’s station to do a chart dig at the computer while leaving that patient alone.

Assess the patient: Your assessment is going to vary depending on what the question is, but it’s always a good idea to start with vitals, to assess how oriented the patient is, and then go from there to decide if you might need to do a neuro check, a blood sugar, an EKG or any other assessment. Your assessment should be focused on what you see and we will go through examples with each scenario.

Perform an appropriate intervention: You have so many things you are allowed to do without a doctor’s order. Think about position changes. Are they having trouble breathing? Sit them up! Seizure? Turn them on their side. Mention these little things that you would do while waiting to hear from the doctor for extra points!

Call the MD and anticipate what they will order: If a patient is exhibiting anything unexpected, the doctor needs to know.

Now all of that may have seemed vague and overwhelming, but you’ll get the idea and see the pattern when we go through scenarios.

Ok, let’s follow the formula. Get help, stay, assess, intervene, and notify.

Get help: “I would quickly sit my patient up to protect their airway and grab a bucket. While I did that, I would press the call button and ask for the charge nurse to grab zofran. Once she’s at bedside I would loop her in on what I’d seen and possible causes. (New med, infection, no B.M. in a week, increased feeding tube rate). I’d also pause the tube feeding if the patient had been hooked up to it.”

Assess: “I’d like to grab vital signs, ask about pain, do a quick neuro assessment, and ask the patient what they think may have caused it. I’d make sure to take a look at the color and consistency of the emesis.”

Perform: “I’d make sure to keep the head of the bed at least 30 degrees to prevent aspiration.”

Call the M.D. and anticipate: “I’d let the doctor know the patient vomited, quantity, color, and consistency. I’d ask for an antiemetic if not previously ordered, and let the doc know zofran was given if that was the case. I would let them know of any usual assessment findings and ask if they would like any additional workup at this time. I’d keep in mind that depending on findings they may want an abdominal X-ray, an EKG, to discontinue a new medication that has nausea as a side effect, or a change in tube feeding rate.”

Get help: “I would sit my patient up and grab a bucket. While doing this I would call my charge nurse for extra help.”

Assess: “The first thing I would want to do is take vitals. Is the blood pressure low? Is the heart rate high? Are they dizzy? Does the pain have new abdominal pain? Is the patient oriented? Have they aspirated? Is the O2 sat ok?”

Perform: "I would position my patient in a way that they can protect their airway and they aren’t at risk for falling.”

Call the M.D. and anticipate: “I would loop in rapid response, and let them know background, hematemesis, and current assessment findings. I’d ask that they come to bedside to see the patient. I would also page the team saying ‘Re: pt. Anderson in 814-1. Large coffee ground emesis x1. BP 86/48 (61), HR 122, new 10/10 LUQ abd pain. Would you like a CBC? Blood? Fluids? Please come to bedside to assess. Thank you!’”

Get help: “I would press the call button and ask for the charge nurse while I try to figure out where the blood is coming from.”

Assess: “I’d take a look at how much blood had been lost and look until I find where exactly the blood is coming from. While doing this, I would talk to the patient to assess orientation and try to see what info they can give about what happened. I would apply just enough pressure with gauze at the site to stop the bleeding. I’d ask my charge to help me grab vital signs and I would ask about pain and dizziness. I would also think about what bleeding risks this patient might have (did they have a recent procedure, are they on a blood thinner, do they have any clotting disorders?).

Perform: “I would make sure the patient is in a position where they are not at risk for falling because they may because dizzy.”

Call the M.D. and anticipate: “I would ask rapid response to come to bedside to assist. I would also page the team alerting them to the situation and asking for help, “Pt. found with partially dehisced abd. wound. About 30 cc blood on sheets. Currently holding pressure at site. BP 170/96 (121). Complaining of new 10/10 abd. pain. Please come to bedside to assess. Would you like CBC? Coags? Blood? Fluids? Thank you!”

The more comfortable you get with the formula, the less anxious these questions will make you. As long as when you hear this question, you don’t let it intimidate you, and you just walk through the formula, you’ll show hiring managers what need to hear from you.

It’s not expected that you will go in the room and know exactly what is wrong with the patient and exactly what to do. It’s just expected that you get help, stay with the patient, assess and see what extra info and context you can gather, intervene how you can, and page the docs to let them advise you from there.

Post a comment if there are any other scenarios you’d like to see in another video!

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7 Common Nursing Scenario Interview Questions

Nursing scenario interview questions

Nursing is a field full of opportunities. If you have the right credentials, then you can find a job in this field that will suit your needs and interests .

However, before you can get hired, you will need to go through an interview process .

The nursing scenario interview questions are one of the most important steps in the hiring process.

The nursing scenario interview questions have become quite common in recent years. This type of interview question has the following objectives:

1. To assess the applicants’ clinical decision-making skills

The first objective is to assess the applicants’ clinical decision-making skills .

This type of question will test your ability to think on your feet and make quick decisions. Moreover, it will also test your knowledge of the nursing field.

2. To assess the applicants’ ability to handle difficult situations

Interviewers will also want to assess your ability to handle difficult situations.

This type of question will test your problem-solving skills and your ability to remain calm under pressure.

3. To assess the applicants’ bedside manner

Bedside manner is another important aspect of nursing.

Interviewers will want to assess your bedside manner to see if you are compassionate and caring.

See also: How Do Nurses Show Compassion?

They will also want to see if you have the ability to connect with patients.

4. To assess the applicants’ knowledge of the nursing field

No employer wants to hire a nurse who does not have a good understanding of the nursing field.

Therefore, interviewers will want to assess your knowledge of the nursing field.

They will ask you questions about your education, your experience, and your understanding of the nursing field.

5. To assess the applicants’ ability to communicate effectively

Communication is an important part of nursing.

You will need to be able to communicate effectively with your patients, their families, and your colleagues.

Interviewers will want to assess your ability to communicate effectively.

6. To get to know the applicants’ personality

Lastly, interviewers use nursing scenario questions to get to know the applicant’s personality.

This type of question will allow the interviewer to see how you react under pressure and how you handle difficult situations.

It will also allow the interviewer to see what kind of person you are.

Therefore, when the interviewer asks you a nursing scenario question, you must answer the question thoughtfully and carefully.

You should take your time to think about the best answer to the question.

To help you come up with thoughtful responses to nursing scenario interview questions, we will discuss some sample responses below.

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Nursing scenario interview questions and answers examples

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Nursing Scenario Interview Questions and Answers Examples

Nursing being a very broad field, there are so many real-life scenarios interviewers could base their questions on.

However, we have compiled a list of 7 nursing scenario interview questions and example answers to help you prepare for your interview.

1. What would you do if a patient was refusing to take their medication?

If a patient was refusing to take their medication, I would first try to find out the reason why they are refusing. If the patient has a valid reason, such as a fear of the side effects, then I would try to find an alternative medication that the patient is more comfortable with. See also: Can a Nurse Practitioner Prescribe Medication? If the patient does not have a valid reason, then I would explain the importance of taking the medication and try to convince the patient to take it.

As you can see, the above answer is thoughtful and well-reasoned.

The interviewee has considered the various reasons why a patient might refuse to take their medication and has come up with a plan to address each reason.

2. When headed to administer IV fluids to a patient, how do you make sure that you do not infect them with anything?

When headed to administer IV fluids to a patient, I would make sure that I clean my hands thoroughly and put on gloves. I would also make sure that the IV fluids are clean and sterile . I would then attach the IV fluids to the patient’s IV line and administer the fluids.

Infection control is a very important part of nursing.

The above answer shows that the interviewee is aware of the importance of infection control and has taken the necessary steps to ensure that the patient does not become infected.

See also: Infection Control Nurse Interview Questions

3. What would you do if you witnessed a colleague mistreating a patient?

Nurses are expected to provide quality care to their patients. If I witnessed a colleague mistreating a patient, I would first try to talk to the colleague and see if there was a reason for their behavior . If the colleague could not provide a valid reason, then I would report their behavior to their supervisor. I believe as a nurse I must ensure that all patients receive quality care.

The interviewee has shown that they are aware of the expected standards of behavior for nurses and have a plan to address their colleague’s behavior.

The interviewee has also shown that they are willing to stand up for their patients.

4. Supervisors can at times be impatient, how do you deal with such?

Supervisors are expected to be leaders and to set an example for their employees. However, I know that sometimes supervisors can be impatient . If I had an impatient supervisor, I would try to understand where they were coming from and see if there was anything I could do to help them. I would also try to stay calm and not let their behavior affect my own.

The interviewee has shown that they can keep their cool in difficult situations.

The interviewee has also demonstrated an understanding of the supervisor’s role and a willingness to help out.

See also: Office Nurse Interview Questions

5. There are instances when your patient’s family members can be very demanding. They may want you to do things that are not in the best interest of the patient or that are not possible. How do you deal with such situations?

I understand that family members want what is best for their loved ones. However, there are times when they can be very demanding. If I had a patient whose family member was being demanding, I would first try to explain the situation to them. If they still insisted on something that was not in the best interest of the patient or not possible, I would then talk to the supervisor . I would leave the decision up to the supervisor as to how to best deal with the situation.

The patient’s family is not always going to be reasonable.

The interviewee has shown that they are aware of this and have a plan to deal with such situations.

The interviewee has also shown that they are willing to involve their supervisor when necessary.

6. Colleagues can sometimes be uncooperative. They may be late to let you off your shift, or they may not want to help you with a patient. What would you do in such situations?

If I had an uncooperative colleague, I would first try to talk to them and see if there was a reason for their behavior. If there was a valid reason, I would discuss the issue with them and find a way to work around it. See also: Nursing Conflict Scenario Examples Interview However, if there was no valid reason, I would report their behavior to their supervisor.

The interviewee has shown that they are willing to work out a solution with their colleague if there is a reason for their behavior.

However, the interviewee has also shown that they are not afraid to involve their supervisor when necessary.

7. What would you do if a patient made racist comments to you?

Racism is never acceptable. Being a nurse, I am expected to provide quality care to all patients regardless of their race. If a patient made racist comments to me, I would first try to talk to them and explain why their comments were inappropriate . If they continued to make racist comments, I would involve my supervisor to help mediate the situation.

The interviewee has shown that they are willing to stand up to their patients.

The interviewee has also demonstrated an understanding of the supervisor’s role and a willingness to involve them when necessary.

How to Answer Nursing Interview Scenario Questions?

With the above-mentioned sample questions and answers, you should be able to get a better idea of how to go about your nursing scenario interview.

However, to make your answer more objective, we have prepared some expert tips.

1. Stay focused on the question

It is very easy to get sidetracked when answering nursing interview scenario questions.

However, you need to make sure that you stay focused on the question and do not wander off into other topics.

It would be wise to utilize the STAR technique when answering nursing interview scenario questions.

This technique will help you to focus on the question and provide a more detailed answer.

2. Honesty is key

When answering nursing interview scenario questions, it is important, to be honest.

Do not try to make yourself look good by answering what you think the interviewer wants to hear. Employers can see through this and it will only make you look bad.

3. Give specific examples

When asked any nursing scenario questions, always try to give specific examples.

Do not just say that you would do something, but explain how you would do it .

This will show the interviewer that you have thought about the question and have a plan of action.

4. Portray nursing principles

Some nursing scenario interview questions will ask you about how you would deal with a difficult situation.

This is an opportunity for you to show that you understand ethical nursing principles .

For example, if the interviewer asks you how you would deal with a rude patient, you could explain that you would try to talk to the patient and understand their needs.

However, if the patient continues to be rude, you would involve your supervisor.

Prove that you understand the importance of treating all patients with dignity and respect.

5. Practice, practice, practice

The best way to prepare for nursing scenario questions is to practice answering them.

You can do this by yourself or with a friend.

Practice will help you to become more comfortable with the questions and help you to think more quickly.

See also: Thank You Letter After Nursing Interview

Conclusion: Nursing Interview Questions Scenarios

Nursing scenario interview questions are a great way for employers to see how you would react in a real-life situation.

When answering these questions, it is important to stay focused, be honest, and give specific examples.

Remember to practice before your interview so that you are prepared for anything.

Good luck with your upcoming interview!

Related articles of ours:

  • How to Prep for Nursing Interview
  • Nursing Interview Questions and Answers
  • Behavioral Nursing Interview Questions
  • Registered Nurse Interview Questions
  • Interview Questions for New Grad Nurses

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30 Top Nursing Interview Questions & Answers | 2024

  • Types of Interview Questions
  • Question Themes
  • How to Answer
  • Common Interview Questions & Answers

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Nurse interview questions & answers

Wondering which nursing interview questions you might be asked at your next job interview? You've come to the right place. Read on for the top nursing interview questions and answers to help you nail that next interview. 

Types of Nursing Interview Questions

Healthcare employers tend to lean towards asking behavioral-based interview questions.

Behavioral-based questions are about how you acted in a specific situation. The goal is to gauge how you react under different circumstances. It is best to answer these questions with real-life stories and examples.

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Nursing Interview Question Themes

Most behavioral interview questions asked of nurses are based on the following themes: 

  • Patient-care
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Communication style
  • Motivation and core values

How to Answer Behavioral-Based Questions

When telling stories during interviews, we suggest using the S-T-A-R format - this will ensure your story is direct, concise and to the point. So, what does the acronym  S-T-A-R  stand for?

A ction-steps

You can learn more about answering interview questions by using the  S-T-A-R format  by reading our complete guide to nursing interviews. 

30 Common Nursing Interview Questions & Answers

  • Teamwork questions
  • Patient care questions
  • Adaptability questions
  • Time management questions
  • Communication style questions
  • Motivation and core values questions

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Teamwork

Interviewers want to envision how you will fit in with their team and how you work well with various personalities. We suggest telling a story about a time you dealt with a co-worker who had a conflicting personality, a disagreement within your healthcare team, or a challenging patient case involving your team. Always remember to talk about what you learned from the situation and if anything positive came from it. 

1. Describe a situation when you had to work closely with a difficult coworker. How did you handle the situation? Were you able to build a relationship with this person?

Never talk badly about anyone during an interview. Explain the situation and why the individual was difficult. Share how you handled the situation. Try to turn anything negative into a positive. What did you learn from the situation? What might you do differently now? What was the “silver lining”? Were you able to talk through your differences? Did you become friends? 

Sample answer:

Working closely with difficult coworkers can be challenging, but it is important to remember the patient, their care, and their family is most important. Putting aside differences is essential for all nurses because not everyone is the same. Sometimes this means not discussing specific topics such as religion or politics at work. With that being said, not everyone will become friends in the workplace but working together is key for the successful care of patients.

2. Talk about a conflict within your healthcare team. What was the conflict, and how did you handle it?

Explain the conflict surrounding the situation. Who was involved? What was your role? Did anything positive come from this? What did you learn? 

Conflict often occurs in the hospital setting, particularly between new nurses and more seasoned staff, as well as doctors and nurses. At one specific time, there was concern from a parent that a newer nurse was not monitoring a patient’s breathing postoperatively as closely as she would have liked.

I was covering the nurse for lunch and the mother brought her concerns to me. I discussed and validated her concerns. Once the nurse was back from lunch, I spoke with her regarding the mother’s concerns. The nurse was very upset and felt it was not my place to say anything to her regarding this. A parent or patient’s concerns should never be dismissed. I spoke to the nurse educator on the unit to use the opportunity as a teaching moment.

3. Describe a time when you were particularly proud of your healthcare team. What was your role in this situation? 

Describe the circumstances and actions step-by-step. What happened to make you feel proud? What was your role? Who was involved? What was the result? 

Working in the ICU setting, there are countless moments that make me proud to be a nurse and proud to be part of this amazing community. Watching a patient survive a code, take their first steps on prosthetic legs, or be in the room when a patient I tell is receiving a new heart is the moment we all want to be a part of. Even if I am not delivering the news or caring personally, the information my patient receives directly affects me.

4. Tell me about a time you stepped into a leadership role.

This doesn’t need to be anything official. Think about a time when you stepped up to the plate and took charge of a situation. What was the circumstance? What made you take the lead? Who was involved? Did any opportunities arise from this situation? 

I have acted as a charge nurse numerous times in my career. I have had to lead code teams, respond to rapid responses, and make difficult staffing decisions. As a charge nurse I have determined patient assignments to ensure that assignments are fair and equal. Furthermore, I have to ensure that the nurses’ skill set is sufficient for the assignment.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Patient Care 

Healthcare hiring professionals want to hire nurses who provide excellent patient care. Education is of utmost importance to healthcare employers. We suggest telling stories about times you provided top-notch patient care or went out of your way to educate patients and/or their families. 

1. Tell me about a time when a patient’s family was dissatisfied with your care. How did you handle that situation?

Make sure to explain the situation in detail, including both perspectives (the patient’s family and yours). Never talk badly about patients or their families. Take ownership if you indeed did something wrong. Share any positives that came from this - what did you learn? What would you do differently now? How did you turn this into a positive? 

I once was floated to a unit that I had never worked in and wasn’t sure where supplies were located. The patient's mother did not recognize me as a regular floor nurse on the unit, which already made the family leery of me from the start of the shift. I continually had to prove myself throughout the day because, as nurses, we all do things slightly differently.

There is not always a wrong way or a right way to do things but in this case, there was a policy to be followed. I followed it, and apparently, my dressing change was slightly different than the previous ones. I communicated regularly with the charge nurse, and she came to check in with the family to address any issues in real time.

2. What approach do you take in communicating with people who do not know medical jargon? Give an example of a time you explained medical terminology to someone who is not medically trained.

Explain step-by-step how you’ve performed in a similar situation. What specific words and terminology did you use? How did you know that the individual understood your explanation? 

It is imperative that we use simple words for our patients and families who are not medically trained and utilize a teach-back method to ensure they understand the information that is communicated to them. I once had to explain post-operative care to a family whose child had tonsil surgery. I had to use words such as poop instead of bowel movement. I used Tylenol instead of acetaminophen.

3. Describe a time you provided effective patient or family education.

Tell a story about a time when you knew your patient or family retained your teachings. How did you know that you effectively communicated the piece of education? 

After teaching families, I ask them to repeat the information in their own words. Using a teach-back method allows nurses to know if families truly understood the information that was given to them. It is also important to provide the family with written educational material and use other forms of education, such as videos or hands-on, when possible.

I taught a family post-operative spine care after a posterior spinal fusion. The parents were able to properly demonstrate how to transfer their child from the bed to the chair. In doing so, I was able to determine that they had retained the information.

4. Talk about a time a patient or their family was particularly pleased and appreciative of your care.

Tell a story about a family who was happy with your care. What did you do in particular that they were pleased with? How did you know they were happy? What were the results of this situation?

Working in pediatrics can be challenging but also very rewarding. There are times when parents are unable to stay at the bedside 24/7 because of work, other children, or previous commitments.

I was taking care of a 6-month-old twin during a specific shift. The family was unable to be at the bedside because the father had to work, and the mother was at home with the twin sister and the other children. I spent my shift playing with the infant with age-appropriate toys, and when the mother called to check in – I put the phone next to the infant. The mother was able to hear her baby laughing while singing to her. This brought them closer together and the mother to tears. She stated that no other nurse had done that during the hospitalization, and she was eternally grateful.

5. Give an example of a time you had to interact with a hostile patient. How did you handle the situation, and what was the outcome? 

Tell a story about a hostile patient and your step-by-step actions. What was the patient doing that was hostile? How did you react? How did you feel? What procedures did you follow to interact with the patient? What was the result of your actions? 

Unfortunately, hostile patients often are part of the job. It’s important to remember some of the patients are being hostile because they are in pain, away from family, and in the hospital setting.

T here was a time when a patient refused to take her medication. I tried everything, but she would spit them out at me when she tried to take them. Because of this behavior, I involved my charge nurse, the physician in charge of her care, and the social worker.

After many conversations and phone calls, it was determined the patient was spitting the medication out because she liked it mixed in chocolate pudding. The woman was elderly and suffered from dementia. It was only after speaking with the social worker that we learned of her medication preference. She was not able to communicate with us her wants and needs and this led to hostility.

6. Describe a time you were faced with a patient who chose not to communicate or disclose important information. How did you handle the situation, and what was the outcome? 

Tell a story about a patient you worked with in a similar situation. What step-by-step actions did you take to obtain the information from the patient? What were the results of your actions? 

A parent once didn’t disclose that the father of the child was not her current boyfriend. This was important as the patient was going to need consent forms signed, and legally, this boyfriend was not able to sign the consent forms. Additionally, there was a man calling the unit, claiming to be the father of the child. Social work and the nurse manager were notified.

Through an open conversation, the mother disclosed the correct identity of the father. While I personally did not discover the information, it is essential to know the resources that are available to you and utilize them to the best of your ability.

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Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Adaptability

The nursing profession is one of constant urgency, crisis, and uncertainty. Tell stories of challenges and follow up with key takeaways and learned lessons. 

1. Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it? 

Tell a story about a time you were stressed and under pressure to perform. Explain the situation and why you felt pressured. Describe step-by-step the actions you took to make it through the situation. What was the result? What did you learn? What might you do differently now? 

I was the most senior nurse in the unit by over a decade. I had to handle my patient assignments and act as a resource to the other newer nurses on the unit. I had to make sure my time management was great, as well as my ability to drop everything and help someone else. I had to stay organized; otherwise, I would not have been able to assist others.

2. Describe a time when your facility was undergoing some change. How did that impact you, and how did you adapt? 

Talk about a time your facility changed. Maybe they were acquired by another facility. Perhaps they transitioned to a new computer system. Describe the change and the steps you took to adapt to such change. 

One healthcare system I worked for switched from paper charting to electronic medical records and computerized charting. This transition was confusing and often overwhelming. I was able to adapt quickly, but unfortunately, some of my coworkers were not able to.

3. Tell me about a time when you didn’t know the answer to something at work. How did you go about finding the information? 

Tell a story about a time when you did not know the answer. Explain step-by-step the action you took to find the information. Talk about the result of your actions. 

As nurses, there is no way that we can possibly know everything. Knowing where to go for help is the first step. At the beginning of every shift, I identify a nurse that I can use as a resource, such as the charge nurse, nurse educator, or unit resource nurse. This individual is generally someone who is more senior with an advanced skill set.

If I am unable to get the answer from them or they are busy I look at the healthcare systems policy and procedure manager. If there is a concern regarding a medication dosage or interaction, I look to Lexi-Comp.

4. Give me an example of an awkward situation at work. How did you remove yourself from the situation?  

Tell a story about an uncomfortable situation. What was the situation, and why did it feel awkward? Explain the steps you took to leave the situation. What were the results of your actions? What did you learn? 

I once had a teenage male patient make very inappropriate sexual comments towards me. At first, I ignored them, thinking it was a one-time thing. The second time, I told him that the comments were inappropriate and I did not want him to say those things to me. The third time, I left the patient’s room and went directly to the charge nurse.

I explained the situation and how uncomfortable I was in caring for the patient. She gathered a team to speak to the patient. My assignment was switched for the remainder of the shift.

5. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with this situation?

Share a story about when you experience failure. Talk about your feelings and why you felt that you failed. Discuss anything positive that came from this failure. What did you learn from failing? What might you do differently now? 

Failing is one of the worst feelings in the world, either professionally or personally. Working in the ICU setting, patients die. We fail them when this happens. I fail them when this happens.

After every death, there is a debriefing to discuss what went well and what could have been done differently. I took that time to reflect on my participation in the event and if there was something I could have done differently. Failure doesn’t equal weakness. It simply is something that we must improve upon.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Time Management 

Nurses are masters at multitasking - for example, managing multiple patients and administering medication on time while maintaining detailed notes. Tell stories about your punctuality, ability to meet deadlines, and how you remain organized through it all. 

1. Talk about a time you worked in a fast-paced setting. How do you prioritize tasks while maintaining excellent patient care? 

Give an example of a time you had to prioritize your tasks quickly. Explain your thought process in detail and why you chose to complete the duties in such an order. 

Working in an ICU setting is extremely fast-paced, and it is essential to prioritize your tasks for the day. At the beginning of the shift, I make a to-do list with everything that needs to be accomplished. I put the must-do things at the top of the list and the things I would like to do at the bottom.

Administering medications is placed at the top of the list, and washing a patient’s hair is further down. While I would love to accomplish everything, it just isn’t possible.

2. Describe your experience with a very ill patient who required a lot of your time. How did you manage this patient’s care while ensuring your other patients were adequately cared for? 

Talk about the patient’s care and why they needed much of your time. What was the illness, trauma or injury? How did you ensure that this patient received quality care? How did you manage your other patients? 

Delegation is key here. Knowing when to ask for help is important. Without identifying resources and asking for help, success is impossible.

3. Talk about a time when you felt overwhelmed with your work or patient load. What did you do? 

Give a specific example of a time you were overwhelmed. Explain step-by-step the actions you took to overcome this feeling and to focus on the task at hand. 

I asked for help during these situations. Without identifying resources and asking for help, success is impossible.

4. Give an example of an important goal you set for yourself. Did you accomplish that goal? How did you ensure that you accomplished it? 

Make sure the goal you share is related to your career. Explain the steps you took to accomplish your goal. What challenges did you face? How did you feel once you accomplished your goal? 

I set the goal of earning my pediatric certification and made a list of things that I must do to achieve that. I signed up for the exam and paid the fee, so I had to take it. There was no backing out.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Communication Style

It is important to convey your particular communication style and techniques. Tell stories about specific times you either had difficulty communicating or times you communicated well. If you can, walk through your step-by-step thought process and give examples. 

1. Give an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade a patient to agree to something. How did you persuade this person? 

Tell a story about a specific time when you had a difficult time getting a patient to agree to something at work. What was the situation, and what did they need to agree to? What specific actions did you take to get them to agree? What was the result? 

Ideally, we never want to persuade a patient to do something. We would like the patient to agree to it freely. However, I did bargain with a child that if he ate his breakfast, I would play video games with him afterward. Using a bargaining system worked well to ensure the patient was well nourished.

2. Tell me about a time when you had to rely on written communication to explain yourself to your team or to a patient. 

Talk about a time when you successfully relied on written (or typed) communication. What were the circumstances? What was being discussed? How did you ensure success? 

Most hospitals utilize a text feature to communicate quickly with the medical team. It is important to be concise and provide all of the important information so that the medical team can determine the best course of action.

3. Talk about a time when you had not communicated well. How did you correct the situation? 

No one is perfect; we all have flaws. Discuss a time when you experienced miscommunication at work. What were the circumstances? How did you know you did not communicate well? What did you learn? What were the results? 

This often happens when there is a language barrier. I learned that it is always better to ask for an in-person interpreter or utilize computer translation software. This ensures there is no miscommunication of information. Unfortunately, hand gestures and speaking louder don’t always work.

4. Describe a time when you received negative feedback and turned it into something positive. 

Discuss a time at work when you received negative feedback. What was the feedback and circumstances surrounding the feedback? Who gave you the negative feedback? How did it make you feel? What did you do as a result of the feedback? 

I was once told that I needed to be more social at work and try and bond with my work colleagues. I disagreed with my manager because I felt that we were there to work and take care of our patients, not to make friends. Becoming close friends with coworkers is an added bonus.

While I didn’t become best friends with anyone from the unit, I was able to spend downtime reading and studying to earn additional certifications, which helped me secure better jobs and opportunities in nursing.

Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Motivation and Core Values

These questions are designed to help interviewers understand your motivation and personal values. When answering such questions, you should share motivational stories from your life that convey your core values. 

1. What is one professional accomplishment that you are most proud of and why? 

Tell a story about one of your most noteworthy accomplishments at work. What was the accomplishment? What steps did you take to achieve it? Who else was involved in this accomplishment? What happened as a result of the accomplishment? 

Earning my advanced pediatric certification is something I worked very hard for, and it validates the years I have spent at the bedside.

2. Have you ever felt dissatisfied with your work as a Nurse? What could have been done to make it better? 

Most nurses encounter difficulties while working. Talk about a time when you felt dissatisfied with your work. What were the circumstances, and what happened? What was your role? Why did you feel dissatisfied? What would you do differently now? What did you learn? 

I once became extremely dissatisfied because I was consistently being given easier assignments and not being given the ICU level of patients. It became frustrating, and while I understood that others needed to learn and gain experience, it quickly left me annoyed with my position, the unit, and the healthcare system.

I sat down and spoke to my nurse manager about my concerns and inquired why it was happening. The nurse manager was not aware of the situation and it was later determined that a few of the charge nurses were giving the sicker patients to their friends and not spreading them out amongst the nurses.  

3. Describe a time when you went over and above your job requirements. What motivated you to put forth the extra effort? 

Talk about a specific instance when you went out of your way for your job or for a patient. What were the circumstances? Why did you choose to take the action? What did you do? What were the results? 

I personally feel like I give 110% to all of my patients every shift, but there was one that I grew especially close with. For some reason, the patient had been dropped off by a family member, and no one had come to see the child for months. It was obvious the patient was missing key developmental milestones and was becoming increasingly lonely and depressed.

I asked to become the primary nurse for the patient, which meant every time I worked, he would be assigned to me. I worked with him over several months to get him potty trained and to improve his vocabulary. I don’t know exactly why I was extra motivated, but at that time in our lives, the patient and I needed each other.

4. Give an example of a mistake you’ve made. How did you handle it? 

It is important to admit that you make mistakes and to own up to them. Talk about the specific mistake and why it happened. What was your role in the mistake? How did you know that you made a mistake? Who was involved? What did you learn? What have you done to improve? What were the results? 

Mistakes are part of nursing, whether we like to admit to it or not. It’s important to learn from those mistakes and become a better nurse. One mistake that I will never forget is leaving the gastronomy tube unclamped with medication administration.

Because it was unclamped when I opened the port to give the next medication, the last medication, as well as formula, came out. I was unable to clamp it quickly enough, and the medications I had already given were leaking onto the bed. 

I had to speak with the medical team and pharmacy to discuss replacing them. I have never forgotten to clamp the gastronomy tube again.

5. What do you find most difficult about being a Nurse? How do you overcome this difficulty? 

Be honest and talk about the most difficult component of nursing. Maybe it’s working with a specific patient population. Or acting in a leadership role. Whatever it is to you, always make sure to talk about the steps and actions you’ve taken to cope with the difficulty.

The most difficult aspect of being a nurse is watching a patient die, especially one that I have cared for when they were healthy. Watching the family lose a loved one is heartbreaking. Sometimes I sit in the bathroom and take a moment for myself to cry, to reflect, and to pause to remember the patient. Death is part of our everyday world, and sometimes that is hard to remember.

Interviewing is a two-way street. Often, nurses are so excited and nervous about answering questions well during their interviews that they forget to ask questions to their potential future employers.

After all, how do you know if the job is an excellent fit unless you ask about the details that are important to you?

Most of the time, when you reach the end of your interview, employers will ask interviewees if they have any questions about the position. This is a great opportunity to show that you have done your research on their facility and expected job duties and demonstrate how excited you are about the position. 

Depending on time, you may want to consider limiting your questions to two or three questions. Most nursing administrators set aside an allotted amount of time to interview each potential new hire, and you don’t want to be disrespectful of their time. 

Many of these questions may also be great to ask after you have the job and work 1:1 with a preceptor or other helpful nurses. Experienced nurses are great resources for questions once you get the job!

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Onboarding

  • How long is the training period, and what does it entail?
  • How will my training success be measured?
  • Will I have orientation days, and what will they entail?
  • What advice would you give to a nurse who is just starting on the unit?
  • How quickly are you looking to hire someone?
  • Who will I be reporting to?
  • What shifts are you hiring for: night, day, mid-shift, or alternating?
  • Will I be required to work on-call shifts?

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Mentoring

  • Will I be assigned a preceptor?
  • How will my success as a new hire be measured?
  • What is your training process for new hires?
  • What advice do you have for a new hire who wants to succeed in this unit?
  • How frequently do you perform performance reviews?

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Culture

  • Can you explain what the nursing culture is like here?
  • Does the nursing staff face any ongoing challenges on the unit? What are the most critical challenges?
  • What is the management style of this unit?
  • What does an ideal candidate look like for this role?
  • How does this nursing environment facilitate collaboration and unity?

Sample Questions To Ask During an Interview: Professional Development

  • Are there any professional development opportunities?
  • How long do nurses work at the bedside before taking on a charge nurse role?
  • Do you offer tuition reimbursement for nurses advancing their education to take on higher-level nursing roles?
  • Are nurses encouraged to become certified in their specialties?
  • Will I be expected to float to other units? How often will that occur?

Sample Questions for New Nursing Graduates

  • Do you offer a new nursing graduate program, how long is it, and what does it entail?
  • How are new graduates measured on performance and competency?
  • Do new graduates have a mentor? How long do they provide supervision and nursing support?
  • What are the most common challenges new grads experience in this unit?
  • When will I be eligible to become involved on unit committees? 

Other Important Questions You May Want to Ask

You will not have enough time to ask all of these questions during your interview, but you may want to pick one or two to ask if there is any remaining time left. 

Otherwise, keep these questions handy for when you have an opportunity to ask them in the future. They may help provide essential information to help you exceed expectations in your new job!

  • What electronic medical record (EMR) system does this facility use?
  • Describe the patient population on the unit and how many patients will we have at capacity?
  • Do you have overtime policies for nurses who want to work extra shifts?
  • What are staffing ratios here?
  • How does the scheduling process work?
  • What are your protocols for dealing with challenging or difficult patients?

Remember to ask what the next steps in the interview process are and express your interest in the position. 

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For example, if the hiring manager says something like, “I am not sure that you have enough critical care experience to take on this position,” you can respond and assure them that you are perfect for the role.

You may want to say something like, “I have always wanted to work in a high-acuity environment. I am extremely dedicated and eager to learn new skills necessary to succeed in this role. I am like a sponge and ready to learn!”

Remember to close the interview on a high note before walking away.

How to Prepare for Your Nursing Interview 

1. dress for success.

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression! In fact, many hiring managers say they know if they are interested in hiring someone within the first five minutes. 

It is essential to look professional and air on the more conservative side of style versus wearing bright and flashy clothing. Keep jewelry simple and understated. If it is appropriate to wear a suit, stick to neutral colors such as black, navy, or dark brown shades.

Your goal is to look as professional as possible so the person you are speaking with can focus on the essential skills you will bring to their organization.

2. Practice answering as many interview questions as you can out loud

Many interviewees review interview questions by reading them alone. But that may not help prepare you as well as speaking your answers out loud. In fact, you may find that you aren’t as clear on many of your answers as you thought you were.

Consider enlisting a friend or family member to act as the interviewer and ask you sample questions. Practice answering your questions and focus on ways you can communicate more effectively. Be assertive and don’t ramble. You will know if you are ready if you can answer questions clearly and constantly.

3. Research the institution thoroughly

LinkedIn is a great resource for learning about healthcare facilities and the types of employees who work there. Employers usually appreciate it when candidates show they have basic knowledge about an organization's goals. 

The last thing you want is to be asked something about the organization and not have an answer for it. 

4. Arrive at least 20 minutes or more before your interview starts

Arrive early enough that you can use the restroom if needed, straighten yourself up, and not feel rushed walking into the interview.

5. Bring a great attitude

Make sure you get plenty of shut-eye the night before your interview and eat a good breakfast. Drink coffee if it helps you perform at your best, but avoid it as it can make you jittery.

But most importantly, smile and bring a positive vibe. You are going to do great!

Phone Interviews

Many employers do an initial phone interview before bringing candidates in to meet face-to-face. This often helps recruiters weed out candidates who aren’t serious about a position and offer additional information to candidates to make sure they really want the job. 

Bu phone interviews are just as important as in-person or online interviews. 

Here are a few tips to remember:

  • Prepare for a phone interview the same way you would for a face-to-face interview. You have no way of predicting what questions will be asked, and it's better to be overly prepared than under-prepared.
  • Stand up while you are talking. Standing during a phone interview may help you project your answers more clearly than if you are sitting down.
  • Keep your resume and cover letter within reach in case you are asked about them.
  • Don’t eat or drink during the phone interview, even though they can’t see you. 
  • Shower and get ready as if it were a face-to-face interview. You will feel more confident and professional, and it may help you perform better.

Zoom Interview Tips

Ever since the start of the pandemic, Zoom interviews have become exceedingly common. Employers continue to utilize online interviewing because it is often more accessible and convenient for everyone involved.

Preparing for a Zoom interview is similar to preparing for an in-person or phone interview. However, there are several tips you should keep in mind:

1. Dress professionally as if you were going to a face-to-face interview 

If you would have worn a suit to an in-person interview, consider wearing it for your Zoom interview. Remember that even though employers usually don’t see your lower half on Zoom, there is a slight chance you may have to stand up or grab something. So no pajama pants!

2. Make sure your background is set up nicely

The interviewer will see your surroundings, so make sure your background is clean and organized. Consider a blank wall so nothing distracts your interviewer from your amazing skills. Also, never have a window behind you because the light can drown you out. 

3. Keep it quiet

If you have roommates, let them know you will be on a Zoom interview, and they must stay quiet. If you have pets that have the potential to interrupt your interview, make arrangements for them beforehand. The last thing you want is for your cat to walk right in front of your screen!

4. Set up your Zoom space and practice the day before

If you are new to Zoom, don’t fret! It is a fairly simple platform to use. But it may be a good idea to set yourself up beforehand and practice so there are no surprises.

5. Ensure a good internet connection

No connection, no interview! Ensure that a quality connection is set up early so you don’t have to scramble when you should be starting your interview.

6. Practice with a friend

If you are new to Zoom, you may not be aware of your body language or how you present over video. Consider making a few Zoom calls with friends and family to get comfortable with it and ensure that you have an excellent video presence.

Nursing Behavioral Interview Flash Cards With Answers 

Healthcare employers are increasingly asking behavioral questions - this means they want to know exactly how you will perform during different circumstances. They will be asking for you to provide examples of specific scenarios. Sound overwhelming? Don’t fret; has over 50 behavioral interview questions to help you practice. We’ve even included sample answers! 

case study nursing interview questions

What questions are asked in a nursing interview?

  • Healthcare hiring managers usually ask behavioral-based interview questions. These questions help provide information about how you may handle specific situations in the workplace and allow you to show your critical thinking skills. 

How do I prepare for a nursing interview?

  • Preparing for your interview starts well in advance of your actual interview date. Here are a few essential tips to prepare for your nursing interview: Practice as many interview questions as you can, dress professionally, research the institution thoroughly, show up early, bring a great attitude, and relax. You will do great!

What are the four skills of a nursing interview? 

  • Listening actively and taking notes when appropriate. Asking important questions. Good non-verbal communication - ways to do this include leaning forward slightly, smiling, making good eye contact, and head nodding when appropriate. Answer behavioral questions with examples from your own work experience.

How do you introduce yourself in a nursing interview?

  • Start with your name and a brief history of your education and work history. You may want to explain why you chose this career and are so passionate about it. It is also important to talk about why you make a good fit for the position and what your career goals are in the future.

Kathleen Gaines

Kathleen Gaines (nee Colduvell) is a nationally published writer turned Pediatric ICU nurse from Philadelphia with over 13 years of ICU experience. She has an extensive ICU background having formerly worked in the CICU and NICU at several major hospitals in the Philadelphia region. After earning her MSN in Education from Loyola University of New Orleans, she currently also teaches for several prominent Universities making sure the next generation is ready for the bedside. As a certified breastfeeding counselor and trauma certified nurse, she is always ready for the next nursing challenge.

Nurses making heats with their hands

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22 Nursing Interview Questions, Answers and Tips To Prepare

  • March 22, 2024
  • In Interviewing

Nursing Interview Questions And Answers Image

Are you ready to take the next step in your nursing career? Whether you’re a new graduate or a seasoned professional, preparing for a nursing interview can be a daunting task. In this article, we’ll guide you through some of the most common nursing interview questions and provide expert tips on how to answer them effectively.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 6 percent from 2022 to 2032, which is faster than the average for all occupations.

Table of contents

General tips for nursing interviews

Common nursing interview questions and answers.

  • Nursing interview questions for new grads

Behavioral nursing interview questions

Ethical nursing interview questions, personal nursing interview questions, critical thinking nursing interview questions.

Tips To Ace Your Nursing Interviews

When preparing for a nursing interview, there are several key tips to keep in mind. Here are some important considerations:

  •   Research the organization : Before your interview, take the time to research the organization you are applying to. Familiarize yourself with their mission, values, and any recent news or developments. This will demonstrate your interest in the organization and help you tailor your answers to align with their goals.
  • Dress professionally : It’s important to make a good first impression by dressing professionally for your nursing interview. Choose appropriate attire that reflects the level of professionalism expected in the healthcare industry.
  • Review your resume and be prepared to discuss it : Be prepared to discuss your resume in detail during the interview. Review your past experiences, skills, and accomplishments , and be ready to provide specific examples that highlight your qualifications for the nursing position.
  • Prepare your own questions to ask the interviewer : At the end of the interview, the interviewer will likely ask if you have any questions. It’s important to come prepared with thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest in the role and organization. This is also an opportunity for you to gather more information about the position and the work environment.

Related:  20+ Essential Nursing Skills for Your Resume [2024]

During a nursing interview, you can expect to be asked a variety of questions to assess your qualifications, experience, and fit for the role. Below are some common nursing interview questions:

What are your nursing qualifications and experience?

The interviewer wants to understand your background and experience in nursing. Be prepared to discuss your education, certifications, previous work experience, and any specialized training or skills you have acquired.

How do you handle difficult or challenging patients?

Describe your approach to handling such situations, emphasizing the importance of compassion, patience, and effective communication. Provide examples of how you have successfully managed difficult patient interactions in the past.

How do you prioritize patient care?

Explain your approach to prioritization, emphasizing the importance of assessing patient needs, collaborating with the healthcare team, and managing time effectively.

How do you handle medical emergencies?

Describe your experience and training in emergency situations, highlighting your ability to remain calm under pressure, follow protocols, and provide prompt and appropriate care.

How do you ensure patient safety?

Discuss your commitment to patient safety, including your adherence to protocols, attention to detail, and proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential risks. Provide examples of how you have contributed to ensuring patient safety in your previous roles.

Nursing Interview questions for new grads

When preparing for a new grad nursing interview, anticipate questions about your passion for nursing, ability to learn quickly, and skills in communication and problem-solving. Here are common interview questions for new grads in nursing.

Tell me about yourself and why you chose nursing as your career.

What skills and training did you acquire in nursing school, how do you handle complex issues that involve good communication and problem-solving skills.

Behavioral nursing interview questions are designed to assess your skills, experiences, and behaviors in specific situations. Here are some common behavioral nursing interview questions and suggested answers:

Describe a time when you worked as part of a healthcare team to achieve a common goal.

Tell me about a situation where you had to handle conflict with a colleague or supervisor., describe a time when you had to adapt to a change in patient care or treatment plan., how do you communicate complex medical information to patients and their families, tell me about a time when you advocated for a patient’s needs or rights..

Related:  41+ Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers

Describe a situation where you had to make a difficult ethical decision in patient care.

In a challenging ethical situation, it’s crucial to prioritize the well-being and rights of the patient. You can discuss a specific scenario where you had to navigate conflicting ethical considerations, ensuring patient autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence.Emphasize the importance of upholding ethical principles and maintaining open communication with the patient and their family to ensure informed decision-making and respectful care 

How do you maintain patient confidentiality?

Maintaining patient confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of healthcare practice. You can highlight the significance of safeguarding patients’ healthcare data and the ethical duty not to disclose patient information without authorization.Emphasize the need to ensure the security, privacy, and protection of patients’ healthcare data, especially in the age of fast-evolving information technology. Discuss the importance of obtaining patient consent before disclosing medical information to other healthcare providers actively involved in patient care 

How do you handle situations involving patient consent?

When addressing patient consent, emphasize the importance of informed consent to medical treatment as fundamental in both ethics and law. Patients have the right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments to make well-considered decisions about their care. Discuss the significance of engaging patients in decisions involving their own care to the greatest extent possible, including when the patient has previously designated a surrogate to make decisions on their behalf. Highlight the ethical and legal aspects of obtaining consent and the exceptions to the requirement for informed consent in specific medical situations

Why did you choose nursing as a profession?

When addressing why you chose nursing as a profession, you can emphasize your passion for helping others and making a positive impact on people’s lives. You might also discuss any personal experiences or influential moments that inspired you to pursue a career in nursing. Highlight the rewarding nature of the job and the potential for stable work opportunities, demonstrating your genuine motivation for entering the field.

What are your long-term career goals in nursing?

In response to this question, you can discuss your long-term aspirations within the nursing profession. Consider mentioning specific professional development goals, such as acquiring skills in advancing technology, obtaining professional certifications, or taking on a management/leadership position. Emphasize the importance of continuous learning and self-development to stay current and relevant in the evolving field of nursing.

How do you handle stress and maintain work-life balance?

When addressing stress management and work-life balance, you can share strategies that demonstrate your ability to cope with the demands of the nursing profession. Discuss techniques such as practicing breathing exercises, meditation, regular exercise, and spending time in nature as effective stress-reducing activities. Additionally, emphasize the importance of self-care, maintaining personal time for friends and family, and effective time management to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Critical thinking questions assess problem-solving skills and clinical expertise, aiming to gauge how you handle high-pressure scenarios. Provide real-life examples and express willingness to find answers if unsure.

Related:  12 Hardest Interview Questions and Best Answers

These questions are designed to assess a nurse’s ability to think critically, make sound decisions, and effectively handle complex and high-pressure situations in a healthcare setting. When preparing for your interview, it’s essential to reflect on your experiences and be ready to provide specific examples that demonstrate your critical thinking skills and ability to navigate challenging clinical scenarios.

Remember , when answering nursing interview questions, use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses. Provide specific examples and focus on the actions you took, the skills you utilized, and the positive outcomes achieved.

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Interview Questions

Comprehensive Interview Guide: 60+ Professions Explored in Detail

22 Common Nursing Interview Questions and Answers

By Biron Clark

Published: December 5, 2023

If you’re going on a nursing job interview, there are some frequently asked questions that you need to be ready for. Employers ask these questions often and early, and the wrong answers can cost you the job.

So we’ll go through the most common nursing interview questions you can expect to hear, how to give the best possible answers, and mistakes to avoid if you want to get the job.

Let’s get started…

Frequently Asked Nursing Interview Questions

1. why did you choose a career in nursing.

Employers want to hire someone motivated and passionate to be in Nursing, not someone who is doing it only for the paycheck.

So be prepared to explain why you choose a career in Nursing, why you enjoy it, what motivates you , etc.

They may also ask, “What do you enjoy about this career?”

Try to share specific, tangible reasons when answering why you chose this career or why you enjoy it. It can be a personal reason, like a family member that you cared for at a younger age, and how that experience made you passionate about caregiving.

Or it can something else! That’s just one example answer. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s true. You’ll sound a lot more genuine/convincing if you’re telling true stories in your interview answers , so I do not recommend lying!

2. What interested you in this job?

Next, the interviewer is going to want to know why you want their particular position or why you chose to apply.

Employers want to hire somebody who is targeting specific things in their job search and knows what they want. This makes them less worried that you’ll dislike the job, quit soon after joining, etc.

To prepare for questions like this, make sure you’ve studied the job description. Then, talk about one or two things you saw that excite you. Explain how the work you’ll be doing in this position fits with your goals and interests.

For example, you could say:

“I’ve always enjoyed working in oncology. It’s what I’m most passionate about and most interested in. I saw your job description mentions that this role is focused entirely on oncology. In my past role, I split my time 50/50 between oncology and cardiovascular, and while I enjoy both, I’d be very excited to have that one single focus in this role, and I think it would allow me to continue learning and growing in my career as a Nurse.”

The answer above is detailed and directly answers their question. Better yet – it explains why you’re qualified and why you’ll succeed in this position. Employers ALWAYS want to know that you’re ready to step into their job and succeed. So by mentioning relevant experience, you’re convincing them that you will do well in their role.

Another example answer:

“After five years in Nursing, I’m looking for an opportunity to become a Nursing Supervisor, Manager, or Shift Leader. When I saw your job mentioned the chance to lead a small team in clinical areas that I already have experience with, like oncology, I thought it sounded like a great fit and I knew I should apply.”

3. Tell me about yourself

This isn’t just one of the most common nursing interview questions, it’s one of the most common questions in any interview. And it’s important to have an impressive answer because it’s asked VERY early usually, and sets the tone for the whole interview.

I recommend keeping your answer professional and just walking them through the highlights of your recent career.

For example, when they ask this question, you could say:

“I graduated three years ago with my degree in Nursing , and have been working at XYZ hospital since then. I’ve been promoted once and enjoy my work, but I’m now looking to gain exposure to new clinical areas to broaden my experience. Our hospital doesn’t have any openings outside of my current floor, so I’m beginning to look elsewhere to try to find a career-advancing position that will allow me to continue growing as a Nurse.”

More info and examples of answering “tell me about yourself.”

4. Tell me about your educational background

This is another one of the most common interview questions for nurses. Employers will typically want to know where and when you got your Nursing degree .

So be familiar with this before your job interview, and give a brief, concise answer. There’s no need to talk for long, but tell them your degree, where it’s from, and consider highlighting one or two key projects you completed during your academic work.

Here’s a sample answer:

“I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing two years ago from the University of New Hampshire. I did my clinicals at XYZ hospital and focused mainly on respiratory and cardiovascular care. Is there anything else you wanted to know?”

5. What type of work environment do you prefer?

There are many different types of Nursing jobs, from large hospitals doing surgeries and emergency care to small clinics specializing in skin care, cosmetic procedures, and more.

And in the interview, the employer is going to want to know that you will enjoy their particular environment.

They never want to hire someone who’s going to hate the job or lose motivation and leave soon after joining… because it costs a lot of time/money to hire and train someone.

So that’s why they ask what work environments you prefer.

When answering, try to show them that you’d succeed in an environment like theirs, but be honest, too. It’s okay to say you do well in a variety of workplaces. It’s best to give an example as well.

Keep your answer positive, too. Don’t say, “I hate large, fast-paced environments.”

Instead, say:

“I do well in a range of work environments, but I think the environments I’ve enjoyed most in my career are smaller organizations where I can focus on giving great care to each patient that comes in, without feeling rushed.”

The example answer above would be great for a small, high-end organization like a skin clinic. Their clients are paying a lot and expect great care.

If you’re applying to be an ER nurse in a high-volume trauma center, your answer should focus much more on being able to handle a fast environment, and enjoying being busy and helping many patients.

6. What clinical areas have you worked in?

Next, the hiring manager or interviewer will want to know which clinical areas you’ve worked in, and possibly how much time you’ve spent in each.

While you don’t need to have every piece of experience that their job description mentions, it does help to name the similarities between your background and the work you’d be doing in this next role.

So be confident, and just highlight the most relevant experience that you do have.

They clearly liked your resume and your background if they invited you to the interview, so don’t worry – just give a clear, concise answer explaining the areas you’ve worked previously.

And be clear about whether an area was academic research, patient care, etc.

7. What do you find most rewarding about being a Nurse?

This next nursing interview question isn’t about your technical expertise – it’s all about finding out more about your personality to make sure you’re a good cultural fit for the team.

Prepare an answer to this question ahead of time. Be ready to mention one or two specific things that you find rewarding. Think about what makes you smile at the end of the day, or what gets you excited to tell friends and family about after a shift.

It can be something about your patients. It can be handling tough situations and seeing a great outcome. Or it can be getting through challenges as part of a team. I recommend choosing something that focuses on your interaction with patients, though.

8. Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?

This is one of the trickier interviewing questions for nurses because it requires you to know what type of work you’ll be doing in this role.

Most likely, you’ll be working on a team, so it’s important to show you can work well with others.

If you’re unsure what type of work situation this job involves, you can give an answer that shows them you’re versatile.

Example interview answer:

“I enjoy working as part of a team. However, I’m also able to handle things independently. Sometimes you’re the only Nurse available to help a patient in the moment, and you need to deliver great patient care on your own. So I enjoy working as part of a team, but I feel capable of accomplishing tasks on my own, too. I suppose I prefer a mix of both.”

That example answer is a way to “cover your bases” if you’re unsure of their work environment.

Also, you can wrap up your answer by asking them a question. This is a great tactic to turn the interview into a more relaxed, back-and-forth conversation.

For example, at the end of your answer, you could say:

“…How would you describe the work environment here for the typical Nurse? Is it very team-oriented?”

9. How do you deal with stress at work?

Most Nursing jobs involve some stress (okay, a LOT of stress), so employers want to know you’re prepared to handle this type of situation.

Ideally, you want to show them that you’re “battle-tested” and have been through stressful situations and have a method for getting through it.

This can involve reminding yourself why you do this work and why you’re passionate about helping patients. Or it can be more of a tactic, like taking five minutes to do breathing exercises and gather your composure during your break.

Try to share something that’s true/honest in your answer. You’ll sound a lot more convincing this way.

10. What do you feel is the most difficult part of working as a Nurse?

This is one of the trickier nursing interview questions, because you want to share something genuine/true, but without sounding like it’s a major weakness. You don’t want to make it sound like you’ll struggle in their role!

So I recommend naming something that’s challenging about nursing, but then explaining how you’ve learned to handle it.

Example answer:

“When I took my first Nursing job, it was a challenge to learn to communicate with so many different personality types, both on my team, and with the wide range of patients I interacted with each day. However, I quickly learned how to communicate well with all sorts of people, and this has become one of my strengths now. I’ve become a better listener, I’ve become more patient and better at communicating. I enjoy making sure patients feel understood and comfortable. I also enjoy the teamwork aspect of my role with my fellow Nurses.”

Related interview question to be ready for: “What is your greatest weakness?”

11. Why are you looking to leave your current job?

If you’re currently employed, then you should expect an interview question about why you are looking to leave your current job.

Don’t ever badmouth your current employer, though. Instead, talk about what you’re hoping to gain by making a move.

This could be experience in new clinical areas, experience in a different type of work environment (e.g. large hospital vs. small clinic), or something else that your current job cannot offer you.

Or, you can simply say, “I’ve been in my current role for X years, and I’ve learned a lot, but I feel it’s time for a change to keep learning and developing as a Nurse.”

That example answer above is best if you’ve been in your current company for a few years, though. And if you do answer like that, it’s best to also explain what you’re looking for next and why their job caught your interest.

So you could end by saying:

“I was interested in applying for this job because I saw the job posting mentions an opportunity to work with ____.”

Also, if you’re not currently employed, they may ask why you left your most recent job. This article has 20 good reasons for leaving a job.

12. What are your greatest strengths as a Nurse?

When they ask interview questions about your strengths in Nursing, don’t be timid or say, “I’m not sure.”

This is your chance to brag about yourself and be confident/bold. So be ready to name a few things you excel at, and how those would help you succeed in this position.

Think about what sets you apart from other Nursing candidates they’re interviewing. What helps you deliver excellent care to patients? What will you do that will help them grow their business, strengthen their reputation, etc.?

This is a question to think about and practice before your interview, because you do not want to hesitate or say, “I don’t know,” here.

This is also true if they ask, “Why should I hire you?” as well. Be confident and be ready to explain why you deserve the position!

13. Why are you the best person for this position?

This is similar to the question above and involves the same answer strategy.

Try to think of something unique that you bring to the position, or a strength that other candidates might not have. What are you best at? What can you do better than other Nurses who they are interviewing? Now is your chance to brag and show that off!

And always explain how your strengths will help you in this particular job. Don’t just talk about your skills in general – make it about them. How will your skills allow you to be successful in their position?

The more you can show that you’re ready to step into their job and succeed right away, the better. That’s what they’re looking for in the interview.

That’s why it’s so important to study the job description and research the company before your interview , so you can make your answers about their needs.

For more info on this, we have a job interview preparation checklist here.

14. How did you hear about this job?

This is one of the least tricky nursing interview questions you’ll hear, and the worst thing you can do is overthink it! Just give an honest answer about how you first came across their position.

This can be a friend or colleague, an online job posting, their company website, an advertisement you saw, etc.

Then, to cap off your answer, name one thing that caught your interest in the position. Explain why you decided to apply.

This extra step will show them that you’re excited about their position and that you did some research and thinking before you applied. A lot of candidates will apply to many jobs without really looking or thinking much about them, and employers prefer to hire someone who’s being more careful/thoughtful in their job search. So this will impress them!

15. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you handle it?

Nobody’s perfect, and everyone fails. When they ask about a time you failed , talk about a specific situation where you failed to accomplish your goal, and most importantly – how you corrected it, learned from it, and used the experience to make sure it doesn’t happen again!

Never sound like you laid the blame on others or refused to take responsibility. It’s much better to sound humble and show you can admit a mistake.

However, you don’t want to name a catastrophic mistake that led to disaster. Try to name a real mistake, but nothing too critical. If you sound mistake-prone or careless in general, they’re not going to hire you.

16. Tell me about a time you had to communicate with a difficult patient. How did you handle it?

You’re unlikely to get through a nursing interview without hearing a question or two about handling difficult patients.

Every Nurse has dealt with them! And the interviewer wants to make sure you’re able to stay calm and handle the situation appropriately.

So share a story about how you handled a difficult patient by listening, communicating clearly, trying to understand their perspective, and addressing their concerns.

However, don’t be afraid to show that you were firm in explaining your organization’s policies and why they must be followed. Sometimes a patient wants something that’s not possible, and part of a Nurse’s job is to explain this.

A similar question you might hear: “How do you handle conflict?”

17. How would you deal with a patient who is not satisfied with the care they received?

This is another behavioral interview question that you can expect to hear as a Nurse. (Like the question above).

In this case, they’re not asking for a past example, but you can give one if you want.

To answer, start by explaining your overall approach. I recommend talking about how you’d stay calm and quiet.

Discuss how you focus on listening and asking questions to understand their point of view, and then respond.

Also, explain that you do everything possible to make sure the patient feels like they were given excellent care.

If you do want to share an example, you can say, “For example, in my last job, I…” and tell a real story of how you dealt with this situation. That’s a great way to end your response to this question.

18. Do you have ___ certification?

Along with asking about your educational background (mentioned earlier), the interviewer may also ask an interview question about a particular nursing certification.

So review your certifications before the interview, and review the job description to see if any certifications are mentioned there, too.

Be ready to answer clearly and directly when asked. This is NOT one of the interview questions for nurses where they’re looking for a long-winded answer. Try to keep it brief.

19. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Employers often ask questions about your long-term goals, for a few reasons. First, they want to see if you sound motivated/energetic in general… about your work, your career, and your life.

They’d rather hire someone who sounds positive and enthusiastic about their career.

(Tip: This article explains how to show enthusiasm in an interview ).

The second reason they ask is: They want to make sure their job fits your general goals and career direction. The last thing they want to do is hire and train someone who’s going to quit after six months because the job isn’t satisfying them.

So you need to demonstrate two things:

A) You’ve thought about where you want to be in a few years

B) Their job fits your goals and helps you get where you want to be

If you do that, they’ll be a lot more comfortable offering you the job. For more help and example answers to this question, read this article .

20. Nursing can be stressful. How do you handle stress in your life?

Earlier, we looked at the question, “How do you handle stress at work?” but they may also ask a more general question about how you handle it in your life overall.

Because Nursing exposes you to stressful situations often, it’s a topic that many employers want to talk about in the interview.

Try to show that you stay level-headed and maintain your composure and that you do relaxing, healthy activities outside of work to maintain a balance.

“Over the past couple of years, I’ve been practicing breathing exercises and meditation. Both have been very effective in reducing stress while on the job, and after a shift. I also like to exercise regularly by going to the gym and doing yoga. Finally, I spend time in nature when I’m not working. I’ve found that’s a great stress reducer.”

That’s how to effectively answer interview questions about how you cope with this stressful career, or how you take care of yourself personally.

Another variation of this question that you might hear is: “How do you practice self care?”

These are all frequently-asked nurse interview questions, because it’s a career that often comes with stress.

21. How do you make decisions?

Before offering you a Nursing job, employers want to know they can trust you to make calm, calculated decisions that are best for the patient and the organization.

They don’t want to hire someone who’s going to be reacting in the heat of the moment, making knee-jerk decisions without thinking things through, and committing errors along the way.

So try to show you have a logical, methodical approach and that you stay calm under pressure. Describe how you look at the pros and cons of each choice, the possible risks and likely outcomes, etc. You can also discuss how you speak with a supervisor if you’re unsure how to proceed.

And if they ask for an example, walk them through a recent situation where you had to make a decision under pressure and where you made the right choice and got a great outcome!

For answer examples and more tips on this question, read our full article on explaining how you make decisions.

22. Do you have any questions for me?

After going through the interview questions and answers above, you’ll likely have a chance to ask questions of your own.

You can ask questions throughout your Nursing interview, but if you haven’t, you should ask some at the end. Asking questions shows that you’re interested in their job and that you care about your job search and career.

Employers don’t want to hire a Nurse who will take the first job they can get. They want to hire someone who’s looking for the right fit and targeting certain things. (A type of work environment, an opportunity to learn something specific, etc.)

And you show them this by asking questions!

For ideas of what to ask, here are 26 creative questions to ask employers.

Conclusion (And What To Do Next):

If you study the nursing interview questions above, you’ll be better-prepared and make a better impression.

Make sure to practice your answers before the big moment, too, though.

Reading once through these common nurse interview questions is great, but you’re going to perform even better if you practice giving answers before your interview. You can do this by recording yourself on your phone or doing a mock interview with a friend.

You don’t need to memorize everything word-for-word, but you should know what general ideas you want to talk about for each question and topic! The point of doing a practice session is to make sure you’re able to communicate these ideas clearly.

I like to practice by recording myself talking on my smartphone (every modern phone has a sound recorder app). Then, I play back the recording to make sure I sound natural and am hitting the key points I wanted to mention.

If you prefer to do this with a real person, pull aside a friend or family member and ask them for help.

The more you get familiar with these interview questions for nursing jobs, the better you’ll perform and the more job offers you’ll get!

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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Very good guide indeed.

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Situational Nursing Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your nursing interview, here are 50 situational nursing interview questions and answer examples.

Situational Nursing was updated by Krista Wenz on May 30th, 2023. Learn more here.

Question 1 of 50

How do you handle being asked to do a nursing task you've never completed before?

How to Answer

1st answer example, 2nd answer example.

Most situational interview questions are best answered using the STAR method which involves thinking about the situation, task, action and result and providing solid and thorough answers. This is not the time to say that you would jump in with both feet. The interviewer is not looking for someone who just jumps when someone says jump, but someone willing to jump with confidence and competence. Your job is to provide an answer that illustrates this difference.

"I really want to be liked and be a contributing member of the team, but I always stop and do a check-in before enthusiastically saying I'll do something I'm not sure about! I know the basics of nursing skills, so if I can look it up in the policy and procedure manual, such as a simple but different dressing change, I am able to do that independently. If it's totally novel, I will ask for supervision when first performing it so that I always work within the scope of my nursing practice."

"If I'm asked to complete a nursing task I've never done before, I will use our hospital's intranet site to read about the procedure and/or watch a video about completing the procedure. If I feel comfortable doing the task after looking up the instructions, I will do so. If the task is complex or very different from something I've done before, and I don't feel competent to do it without supervision, I will ask for help. I would ask either another floor nurse or the charge nurse to review the steps with me and supervise me while I perform the task. That way, I can make sure that I'm learning about a task that I am responsible for completing while ensuring that my patient receives safe care."

Next Question

50 Situational Nursing Interview Questions & Answers

Below is a list of our Situational Nursing interview questions. Click on any interview question to view our answer advice and answer examples. You may view 15 answer examples before our paywall loads. Afterwards, you'll be asked to upgrade to view the rest of our answers.

Table of Contents

  • 1.   Adaptability Questions
  • 2.   Communication Questions
  • 3.   Competency Questions
  • 4.   Conflict Questions
  • 5.   Creative Thinking Questions
  • 6.   Critical Thinking Questions
  • 7.   Customer Service Questions
  • 8.   Diligence Questions
  • 9.   Discovery Questions
  • 10.   Leadership Questions
  • 11.   Management Questions
  • 12.   Operational Questions
  • 13.   Performance Based Questions
  • 14.   Problem Solving Questions
  • 15.   Role-Specific Questions
  • 16.   Scenario Based Questions
  • 17.   Situational Questions
  • 18.   Teamwork Questions
  • 19.   Tough Questions

Situational questions are asked so the interviewer can gain insight into your thought process, how you problem-solve, and how you communicate in the workplace. Situational nursing questions can include inquiries about drug dosages, procedures, or specific signs and symptoms of a patient and how you would proceed. Additionally, interviewers can ask how you would respond when faced with an ethical dilemma, a challenging colleague, or when abruptly put into a leadership role. While these questions can be challenging, there are a few ways to prepare before your interview. First, think about your interview as having a chat with a friend. They ask you what you would do in a particular situation, and you respond using your knowledge and experience. Additional tips include the following: 1. Make sure you understand the question. If you are unsure how to respond, ask the interviewer to clarify. 2. Use your critical-thinking skills if asked about a situation you have not encountered in your career. 3. Use real-life examples as often as possible. 4. Practice answering these types of questions with a friend or colleague. 5. Be honest with the interviewer. If you are unsure of the answer, let the interviewer know that while you do not know the answer, you will find it after the interview. If you would like more practice questions to review before your interview, we have many great resources at Mockquestions. Here are 50 General Nursing Interview Questions that will help you prepare for many different kinds of nursing interviews. We have specific Behavioral Nursing Interview Questions as well! For more modern virtual nursing interviews, we have HireVue Nursing Interview Questions . Additionally, we have interview questions for a Registered Nurse that will help you better prepare for your interview than just our general nursing questions. Remember to approach your interview as if you are having a professional discussion with a friend. If you have successfully completed nursing school, you can ace your interview! Best of luck!


1. How do you handle being asked to do a nursing task you've never completed before?

Written by Dianne Barnard on March 9th, 2021

Written by Kate Buckley on January 10th, 2023


2. You are talking with a patient during rounds, and the patient tells you she does not understand what the doctors tell her and she is unsure of what is going on with her health. Tell me how you respond to the patient.

Unfortunately, these types of situations are very common in the healthcare system, as patients are often confused or misinformed about their health. This is particularly true for elderly patients and/or patients without someone present to advocate for them. In this situation, the nurse should take time to help the patient understand what is going on with her health. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate would take initiative to help the patient; and to effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate they would explain the medical situation to the patient in layman's terms. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the nurse's career where they helped clarify a diagnosis, procedure, or other medical-related situation when a patient was confused.

Written by Kelly Burlison on June 3rd, 2019

"This type of situation has to be so frightening for a patient, and unfortunately, it happens so often. I would take time to explain the patient's medical condition to them at a level in which they could understand, and I would not leave until I was sure they understood. I have dealt with this many times in my nursing career, but one time in particular sticks out to me. I was caring for a patient who had been admitted after a car accident, and after she had a CT scan on her head, a mass was found on her pituitary gland. The doctors did not think the mass was cancerous, and the patient was told it was likely benign; but unfortunately, she didn't know the meaning of benign. Later, when I went to check on the patient, she was devastated and thought she had brain cancer. Luckily, I was able to help explain the situation to her, just like I would do in the situation with the patient you described to me."

"In the hospital, it can be common for patients to feel confused and scared about their medical condition. Patients may be dealing with pain or poor sleep, which can make it difficult to focus on information from doctors or others in the hospital. Also, regardless of patients' education or socioeconomic status, we can't assume that we know a patient's 'health literacy,' which is their ability to understand health and medical information. So, I have encountered scenarios a lot like this at the bedside. In this case, I would stay in the patient's room and pull up her most recent clinical notes from her primary team and consulting teams. I would explain what their assessments are in simple terms, avoiding healthcare jargon. I would ask the patient if she now feels that she understands her condition and plan. In most cases, just taking the time to explain things in clear terms relieves much of the patient's anxiety."

Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

Anonymous Answer

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Cindy's Feedback

3. How would you explain a complex task to someone using verbal instructions?

Teaching patients in a way they can understand is an integral part of nursing. Healthcare is increasingly complex, so it makes sense that the instructions can be, as well. This question provides a chance to showcase your talent to take a complicated idea and explain it without losing the integrity of dumbing it down.

"I read once that most newspapers are written at a 5th grade level so that most people can understand the message. I think that today we are inundated with verbal messages and written messages, so what we choose to say should be prime real estate. That means no filler or fluff words for me, and to speak in a way that the patient or family can understand. Nurses are so used to throwing big words and acronyms around, and personally I am mindful not to do that. I break the information down into bite sized pieces and frequently check in with the person to see if they are understanding. I ask them to repeat back what I explained to them. I also watch them closely for non-verbal signs of confusion. I always feel so good when the patient is able to understand my instructions right away!"

"Because we can't know always know a patient's health literacy level, it's important to try to explain concepts about a patient's care in a way that anyone can understand. When I have to explain a complex task, such as how to check your own blood glucose, verbally only, I make sure to use simple terms and avoid healthcare jargon. I 'chunk' the main points so that I'm not explaining too many concepts at once. I speak slowly. And I ask the patient to repeat back the instructions to me, so I can check for understanding."

4. You were recently transferred to another unit and notice a fellow nurse consistently displaying incompetency in their work. How would you proceed?

The interviewer wants to gauge your level of professionalism and ability to handle difficult situations in the workplace. It's essential to approach this question with tact and diplomacy, as you don't want to come across as overly critical or negative toward your colleagues. Instead, focus on how you would approach the situation in a constructive and positive manner, such as subtly offering to help the coworker improve their skills or suggesting additional training opportunities to a supervisor. Ultimately, the goal is to demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively and supportively with your team, even in challenging circumstances. However, while you want to display that you can work well with others, you also want the interviewer to understand that the patient's safety is of utmost importance. If your colleague is incompetent to the level that it compromises patient care, you want to quickly bring it to the attention of a charge nurse.

Written by Krista Wenz on May 29th, 2023

"If I encountered a fellow nurse who I believed was struggling with their duties, I would approach the situation with empathy and understanding. I would first try to understand the root cause of their incompetence - whether it be a lack of training, personal issues, or being overwhelmed. Once I understand the situation better, I would offer my support and assistance in any way I can. This could include providing additional training, offering to help with their workload, or simply being a listening ear if they need to talk. It is essential to prioritize patient safety above all else. If a fellow nurse cannot provide safe and effective care, action must be taken to address the issue. If, after offering my support, I still believe their incompetence is putting patients at risk, I would bring my concerns to a supervisor or manager. Ultimately, my goal would be to approach the situation with kindness and empathy while prioritizing our patients' safety and well-being."

"If I recently transferred to another unit and encountered a coworker exhibiting incompetence, I would first try to assess the situation and determine the extent of their shortcomings. Depending on the severity of the issue, I might consider discussing the matter with my supervisor or seeking guidance from a more experienced colleague. However, I would always approach the situation with tact and sensitivity, recognizing that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that we all have the potential to learn and improve. My goal would be to ensure the highest standards of patient care are being met and that my colleague is given the resources and support they need to succeed."

5. A coworker left her computer open with sensitive information on the screen. You are the only one in the nurses' station. How would you address this with her?

Patient confidentiality must be honored, and leaving a computer open even to run to the bathroom for a minute risks a serious breach of patient confidentiality. Even though you are the only person in the room, you should not have access to patient information that you have no need to know. Even if you wouldn't say a word to anyone and you are a professional nurse with integrity, you should not be able to see possible protected information on a patient that you are not personally taking care of. Leaving a computer wide open is a serious risk to confidentiality. If you see this, you could gently close the computer so that the screen is not visible and discuss the seriousness of this when your coworker returns. You must protect your license and you should report to supervision. It's uncomfortable to do so, but a nurse always takes the action that protects and advocates for the patient.

"I would immediately close or cover the computer. I would not look at the information, of course. If I wasn't sure where the coworker was or when he or she left, I would be compelled to report it to supervision because someone could have accessed the information. It's a tough call and may cause some coworker tension, but as a nurse, I must do what is best for my nursing license and the patient, and that is to protect the confidentiality of the patient."

"I would lock my coworker's computer without looking at anything on the screen and then let her know that I did so. If I knew for sure that no one looked at her computer screen while she was away, then I would remind her of the importance of locking her computer when she steps away. If I couldn't verify that no one had access to the sensitive information, I would have to let my supervisor know what happened. Potential violations of patient privacy are very serious."

6. Give an example of how you may connect and find common ground with a patient to gain understanding.

All patients are different and come from different backgrounds and life experiences. Sometimes, the patient will have biases and reject you as a competent individual. Learning how to connect and find common ground with a patient quickly can improve patient outcomes. There is always something that you can find in common with someone. It could be the weather, good or bad, a comment on a crossword they are completing, admiration for their turquoise necklace, anything that is authentic and sincere to start to build a bridge or connection. It doesn't have to be a colossal sharing of souls, but just looking quickly for similarities instead of differences can have real impact. Take the time to learn conversational techniques that can elicit conversation and build rapport.

"I try to establish conversational rapport with each patient and humanize our interaction a little bit. I want to be seen as a professional and competent nurse, but also as a warm and caring human being. I don't think idle chitchat is helpful overall, but I do believe an authentic comment about a picture of their dog or maybe a sweater they are wearing can leapfrog into more personalized conversations. I think that it makes people feel seen by the nurse and that helps."

"There are so many ways to connect with a patient during my shift. I think it always starts with identifying myself and my role. It sounds simple, but I always say a variation of 'Good morning, I'm Kate and I'll be your nurse until 7 p.m. today' when I first meet a patient. Over the years, many patients have told me that they feel frustrated or confused when people enter their rooms and just start talking without identifying themselves. Identifying myself to the patient in a friendly way helps to establish trust right away. After that, I may ask them about any drawings done by kids that I see in their room, the sports team they're watching on TV, the sodoku puzzle they're working on, or whatever type of Indiana weather we may be having. Talking about everyday things can help us develop a rapport that will be useful as we need to talk about medications and other aspects of treatment later."

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Stephanie's Feedback

7. How do you handle difficult family members who disagree with the care that the patient agreed to?

Patient families can be challenging, and they do not always agree with the patient's decision. Sometimes they will pull you aside and tell you their opinion. As long as the patient is competent to make their own decisions, the best way to deal with these situations is to tell the family that they really need to talk with the patient. You should not be talking about the patient's condition when they are not present, anyway. Remember your license and advocate for your patient's rights.

"I would acknowledge that I understand they want the best for their family member, but explain that I cannot discuss the patient's care with them and that the patient has the right to make their own decision. I would encourage them to discuss their concerns with the patient directly and perhaps ask for a shared meeting with the doctor so their concerns could be addressed. I would definitely report the interaction to my nursing supervisor."

"When a patient is a competent adult who can make their own healthcare decision, I will respectfully direct the patient's family member back to the patient. I will remind the family member that I must respect the patient's privacy. If the patient agrees, I can call the doctor and ask the doctor to come to the patient's room and answer the family member's questions with the patient present."

8. You are caring for a young patient who is being discharged with a prescription for an inhaler. Upon asking the patient if he knows how to use the inhaler, he says, "Yes, I do." Tell me how you proceed.

Although most medications are dispensed with administration instructions at the pharmacy, many patients do not understand how to administer to themselves which results in their misuse. For medications such as beta agonists or corticosteroids which are administered via inhaler, misusing the inhalant device could mean the patient is not getting enough medication to help manage their condition. This is common for all medications which is why it is important for nurses to ensure patients understand how to properly take their medications before discharge. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate would ensure the understands how to use the inhaler before discharging him, rather than simply taking the patient's word for it. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should describe, in detail, how they would verify that the patient understands how to use the inhaler. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the candidate's nursing career where they helped educate a patient on their medication regimen before discharge or how they developed patient education protocols or materials for their unit or organization.

"Even if the patient was adamant that he knew how to use the inhaler, I would get him to demonstrate how he uses an inhaler, either by using a teaching tool or by simply using an unrelated object to mock up the situation. Inhalers are more difficult to use than most people realize, and so many patients make mistakes when administering their inhaled medications to themselves. But this isn't only limited to inhaled medications, I always make sure my patients understand their medication regimen, and after I go over it with them, I have them demonstrate it to me or repeat it back to me, to ensure they understand. This is something I have always done in my nursing career and will continue to do so before I discharge my patients."

"Even if a patient assures me that he knows how to use his inhaler, I will ask him to demonstrate or explain its use to me. If we have a dose of his inhaler due soon, I will verbally review the steps of using his inhaler, and then I will ask him to show me using it. If he won't be due for a dose of his inhaler before discharge time, I will use the teach-back method, in which I will ask him to verbally 'teach me' to use his inhaler. It's important that patients can administer their medications to themselves upon discharge, and I always make sure to review patients' medications with them and check for understanding before discharge. I had a similar scenario with a patient who was being discharged with a new insulin pen. The patient told me he understood how to load the needle onto the pen, but when I asked him to demonstrate, he wasn't able to do it. We practiced a few times to make sure he understood the entire process, and he then was able to put the pen and needle together prior to discharge."

case study nursing interview questions

Chad's Feedback

9. How do you handle situations in which you disagree with a doctor's orders?

Nurses follow doctor's orders, but sometimes there are orders that a nurse feels are not in the patient's best interest. For example, if the doctor orders an antibiotic that the patient remembers she is allergic to, then it's easy for the nurse to tell the doctor that a different alternative is needed. But sometimes, the nurse disagrees with the validity of treatment that the doctor and patient agreed on. It's always helpful to say your dissension for the big stuff. You are more likely to be heard if you are known as a reasonable nurse who strives for excellence in their work ethic. If you have reasonable questions, ask the doctor if you could have several minutes of his time. Organize your thoughts, put your emotions in check, and outline your thoughts and rationales. The best outcome would be that the MD would do the same and it would be a learning moment. There is a chance that the doctor will not be as receptive as you would like and you will not impact the decision, but that should not stop you from advocating for your patient in a plain and reasonable manner.

"Dr. Welby, may I speak with you for a minute, privately? I see that you wrote an order to increase Mrs. Steinway's pain medication. I understand that she is rating her pain as a 10, and that's concerning to me, as well. However, when she takes her pain medication, she gets very tired and then refuses to get out of bed for PT and that has always helped her pain tremendously. Is there anything else we can do to help manage her pain, while still allowing her to have the energy to do the things she enjoys and that help her?"

"If I don't agree with a doctor's order, it's important to advocate for my patient in a respectful way. I once had an experience when taking care of a patient with an acute exacerbation of his heart failure. His doctor ordered a high dose of IV Lasix, and he said he was going to order a Foley catheter to make it easier to get a strict intake and output record for this patient. However, the patient was alert, oriented, and not a fall risk, and per our hospital guidelines, we shouldn't jump straight to using a urinary catheter in this case. The catheter could put the patient at risk of infection and skin breakdown. So, I asked the doctor if I could try using two urinals in the patient's room and providing the patient with education about why it was so important to record his urinary output. I also assured the doctor I would put a reminder sign above the toilet in the patient's room, reiterating the teaching to use the plastic urinal rather than the toilet. The doctor agreed to remove the catheter order, and we were able to accurately record the patient's urinary output without it."

10. How would you change your communication style if the patient's family was having trouble understanding what you were trying to tell them?

Nurses are teachers and instruct patients on difficult concepts and challenging instructions. The efficacy of their instructions is extremely important for optimal patient outcomes. For example, if a patient leaves the hospital or clinic setting without full comprehension of the plan of care then they may return to the hospital or have worsening symptoms or complications. Poor comprehension comes with a high burden of decreased patient outcomes, increased financial ramifications for patient and healthcare system, and decreased patient satisfaction. It is extremely important that the nurse learns to communicate with the patient and family in a way that they understand and can implement.

"I review the instructions before I give them to the patient, and I always make certain that I have written ones for them as well. When I review instructions, I decrease the stimulation in the room and make certain I have there attention, and they are not hungry or tired or something else. I look at their faces when I am talking and sometimes you can see the confusion even if they are saying that they understand. Even when they say they understand, I ask them to either show me or explain back to me what I need them to know. Watching them tells me what I missed, and then I keep instructing in different ways until they can explain it back to me."

"People learn in all sorts of different ways. If a patient's family was having a hard time understanding verbal information I'm giving them verbally, I can provide them with written information or with a picture guide. I can also use a hospital-approved patient education video if there is one relevant to the information I'm providing. Once I've switched to a different style or tool, I would request that the family 'teach back' to me the information I've provided them. Then I can assess their understanding and provide additional information as needed."

11. You are caring for a patient who is three-years-old and the physician has ordered a weight-based medication. When you look at the patient's records, you find the weight is documented in pounds. Explain how you proceed.

Many pediatric medications are weight-based, which means the dosage that the patient will receive depends on their weight. However, for most of these medications, the dosing guidance is listed in kilograms and not pounds, the common unit of weight in the United States. Because of this difference in weight units, medication dosing errors in pediatric patients is very common. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate is aware of the common issues regarding pediatric weight and medication dosing errors and to determine how they would respond in this situation. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would convert the patient's weight to kilograms in order to determine the correct dosage of the medication for the child. A more successful answer to this question would include an example of when the candidate successfully mitigated such a situation during their nursing career.

"If the child's weight was documented in pounds and I had to administer a weight-based medication, the first thing I would do is convert the weight to kilograms so I could determine the correct dosage of medication. While I have always been aware that pediatric medications were dosed based on kilograms, early in my nursing career, I was busy and distracted and nearly overdosed a child with medication because I had forgotten to convert their weight to kilograms. Luckily, one of my colleagues, who saw me draw up the dose, stopped me, or I would have committed the medical error. Ever since this day, I have always been very cognizant of weight documentation when administering pediatric medication."

"If the physician orders a weight-based medication for a 3-year-old, and the child's weight is documented in pounds, I would convert the weight to kilograms and document the weight in kilograms in the appropriate area of the patient's medical record. That way, the doctor, the pharmacist, myself, and anyone else using the patient's weight to ensure the correct medication dose would be working with the patient's weight in the correct format."

12. A patient on your unit you are caring for has had his peripheral venous catheter in place for approximately 100 hours. The catheter looks normal and the vein is open. Tell me how you proceed with administering more IV medications.

In order to help prevent nosocomial infection, which is an infection a patient acquires while receiving care in a hospital, peripheral catheters should be replaced every 72-96 hours. If not changed, the IV catheter may become infected and cause the patient's hospital length of stay to increase or could even cause death in extreme cases. Although a peripheral catheter may look normal and the vein may be open, it is imperative the catheter be changed. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate understands the importance of changing peripheral catheters on time in order to prevent infections. To successfully answer this question, the candidate should indicate they would change the catheter, specifically noting that the catheter should have been changed at a maximum of 96 hours.

"This patient's peripheral venous catheter needs to be changed, no matter how good it may look. Unfortunately, you can't see bacteria, and these types of catheters are prone to infection, so they must be changed often. In fact, this patient's IV catheter should have been changed prior, as they shouldn't be inserted more than 96 hours. I typically change my patients' IV catheters every 72 hours, which is at the low-end of the suggested range for changing, just as a precautionary measure. So in this case, I would change this patient's IV catheter before administering anymore medication and change it every 72 hours after that."

"Although I would be glad that the patient's peripheral venous catheter site does not show signs of infection, this site can't be used anymore. It's an infection risk to keep the same peripheral venous catheter in place for over 96 hours. Before administering IV medication to the patient, I would change the site, making sure to place the date and time both on the dressing and in the electronic medical record. Because I may or may not be the patient's nurse it's time to change the IV catheter, I could also write 'change by ___ date at ___ time' on the dressing, to better ensure that the IV catheter would be changed within 96 hours, or sooner if that is unit policy. Changing IV catheters per unit policy is one of the important ways that we as nurses can prevent infections and phlebitis in our patients."

13. You are conducting intake on a patient who was just seen at your facility earlier in the week. After you enter the patient's vital signs, you see their medication list, which was updated earlier in the week. Tell me how you proceed.

Because patient medications can change very quickly, even over a few days, it is important that nurses verify current medications for every patient at the beginning of every patient visit. If a patient's medication list is not verified and accurately updated, they are at risk of being prescribed a new medication that could interfere with one they are taking. If the nurse does not verify and update the patient medication list, the prescribing provider will not be aware of undocumented medications and will not be able to avoid prescribing errors. The interviewer is asking this question to assess whether or not the candidate understands that medication must be reviewed and verified with the patient or a caregiver during each encounter. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would review and verify the medications with the patient. A more successful answer to this question could include an example of how the candidate has dealt with a similar situation in the past, learned from a mistake that was made because they did not verify the medication, or spearheaded a policy change at their facility to ensure medications are verified during each patient visit.

"I would review and verify the patient's medication with them again, even though they were just seen in the facility a few days prior. It is too risky to assume that the patient's medications have not changed, as the provider may prescribe a medication that interferes with something the patient is taking that is not documented. Unfortunately, I had to learn this lesson the hard way early in my career. It was a similar situation, where a patient had just been seen a few days earlier, and I assumed their medication list was the same, so I did not ask about it. The next day, I learned that the patient had a bad reaction due to a medication interaction from something they were taking that wasn't documented and a new medication that was prescribed by the doctor during the appointment the previous day. Luckily, the patient was okay, but after this happened, failing to verify medications was a mistake I only had to make once."

"When when reviewing any kind of intake record with the patient, it's important to read to the patient what is already in our record, rather than just saying 'Has anything changed since your last visit?' We can't assume the patient knows what is written in their electronic medical record, or that everything was documented completely the last time. Therefore, after I entered the patient's vital signs, I say to the patient, 'Okay, now we're going to update your medication list.' I would read the list to the patient to have her confirm each medication/dose and make any changes as needed. Then I would ask if she is on any additional medication."

14. We are work with difficult and uncooperative coworkers, at times. How do you handle uncooperative coworkers?

Nursing is challenging and stressful sometimes. People get cranky, machines break, trays are late, and families are needy. Nurses are human beings and have off days. However, the goal for excellent patient outcomes must take precedence over bad days and bad moods, and the interviewer is looking for a candidate who can weather the storm, hold their own, and get the job done for the patient, without adding stress or chaos to the situation.

"I have learned to work out my emotions first, before I address issues. I take a minute to think things through. Sometimes you only have a minute, but I take it. I ask myself if I was reasonable. Was there anything else going on? Was I clear in my communication as to what I needed? Is this a pattern or is the coworker just having a busy or off day? I assume best intentions and own my part of the interaction before I address it, or do the best I can, but I don't let it wait. Patient care cannot wait, and if it's something clinical that needs done, I figure out how to get it done or get what I need from that worker right then and ask if there is a time when I could speak with them later in more detail. I don't think it benefits anyone to get angry or frustrated, but it doesn't help to not address problems either."

"I generally get along well with most coworkers because I have a calm attitude and I always offer to help my colleagues when I am able. However, everyone can have a bad day, including me. If a coworker seems to be grouchy or having a bad day, I would give them more space than usual while still offering my assistance whenever possible. If I noticed a pattern where a certain coworker always seems to be rude or curt to me, I would probably ask her if I could talk to her privately. Then, I would ask if I have done anything offensive or if there is anything I could do differently to be more helpful to her. I would attempt to take any input my coworker gives and implement it. It may not improve her attitude, but I think it's important to try."

15. How would you handle a coworker who is habitually late, which causes you to leave work late?

This is a management and leadership issue which impacts other staff members' lives and team morale. However, it's worth taking the opportunity to address it with the coworker individually before elevating it to leadership. There is something happening if leadership is not addressing it, as they would be alerted if they were chronically punching or signing in late. It may be that the time clock is a distance walk to the unit, or they stop at the cafeteria on the way for coffee and the result is they are late for their shift. It is not helpful to be passive-aggressive and complain to other staff members. Learn to have the uncomfortable conversation directly, kindly, and professionally with the person or people that need to hear it.

"Laine, can I speak to you privately for a minute? Is something going on? I am a little concerned. This is the third time this week you have been at least 10 minutes late, and it's really affecting me, as I have to leave to get my kids on the bus. I've not mentioned this to leadership. I wanted to talk to you first and ask you to be here on time to relieve me. Will you please do that? I would appreciate that very much."

"After a few instances, I would address this issue with my coworker directly. I would let her know that her coming in late is causing me to be late to take my daughter to school, and the situation can't continue. If it continues after this point, I would bring it up to the charge nurse on my shift."

16. Tell me about a time you were uncomfortable with a colleague. How did you handle the situation?

The interviewer asks about a time when you felt uncomfortable with a colleague to gauge your communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving/conflict-resolution skills. They want to know how you handle difficult situations and whether you can work effectively with others. It's important to be honest about the situation and explain how you approached it in a professional and respectful manner. This shows that you can resolve conflicts and maintain positive working relationships. There are, unfortunately, many ways that a colleague could make their coworkers feel uncomfortable. This can range from making inappropriate comments or jokes, invading personal space, or displaying aggressive or threatening behavior. It's essential to address any behavior that makes you uncomfortable and communicate your boundaries clearly with your colleagues. If that does not solve the problem, the interviewer wants to hear that you would report the situation to a supervisor or HR.

"When I first started at my current job, a colleague made inappropriate comments about my appearance. I found it uncomfortable and unprofessional. I decided to address the situation privately by calmly expressing my discomfort with their behavior and explaining that it was not acceptable. I also made it clear that I expected to be treated with respect and professionalism in the workplace. The colleague apologized and we were able to move forward with a more positive and respectful working relationship. It was important for me to address the issue in a mature and professional manner to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment for everyone involved."

"To be honest, there was only one time in my career when I felt uncomfortable with a colleague. During a team meeting, my colleague made inappropriate comments about my sexuality that made me feel uneasy. I didn't feel comfortable confronting my colleague in front of everyone, so I talked to them privately after the meeting. I approached my peer and calmly explained how their comments made me uncomfortable and why it was inappropriate. My colleague seemed surprised and apologized immediately. They also thanked me for bringing it to their attention and promised to be more mindful in the future. In fact, they apologized for their remarks at the next team meeting, which I appreciated. After that conversation, I felt much better and was able to continue working with my colleague without any further issues. It was definitely a difficult situation, but I'm glad I addressed it directly and respectfully."

case study nursing interview questions

Jaymie's Feedback

17. Describe how you handle and interact with hostile or aggressive patients.

No matter where you work as a nurse, you will encounter aggressive or hostile patients throughout your career. Patients may become aggressive or hostile due to a medical emergency, intoxication, head injury, or cognitive disorders, to name a few. The interviewer asks you to describe how you handle and interact with hostile or aggressive patients to gain insight into how you handle difficult situations. It's crucial to maintain a calm and professional demeanor when dealing with patients who may be upset or aggressive while still providing the necessary care and attention. This skill is essential in any healthcare setting, and the interviewer wants to ensure you have the necessary experience and qualities to handle the job effectively. Be sure to give specific examples of how you have handled similar situations in the past and demonstrate your ability to remain calm and collected under pressure. You also want to stress how you know when to call for security or outside assistance when needed to protect yourself and your patients.

"My top priority is always safety when dealing with hostile or aggressive patients. I remain calm and composed and try to defuse the situation by listening carefully to the patient's concerns and providing reassurance. I try to determine if the patient is sick or injured or if they are having a mental health crisis so I can call for the appropriate help. If necessary, I may need to involve other healthcare professionals or security personnel to ensure everyone's safety. Regardless of the situation, I treat the patient with respect and empathy and strive to find a solution that meets their needs while maintaining a safe and secure environment for everyone involved."

"Working in the emergency department most of my career, I deal with hostile and aggressive patients daily. First, I always prioritize safety for everyone involved. I remain calm and composed, using a reassuring tone of voice and body language to de-escalate the situation. I listen attentively to their concerns and validate their feelings while setting clear boundaries and expectations for respectful behavior. If needed, I involve other healthcare professionals or security personnel to ensure the safety of everyone involved. My ultimate goal is to provide all patients the best possible care and support, even in difficult situations."

Creative Thinking

18. What are some action steps you could take to alleviate stress in patients in an ER waiting room?

Emergency room waiting rooms are stressful places. After all, everyone in that waiting area is experiencing some kind of emergency and many of them feel their need is just important as anyone else's. Time slows down when someone is frightened, sick, or in pain, so even the shortest wait can get tempers flaring. People who are sick do not have an expansive world view but naturally are narrowly focused on their situation. They may have no ideas of the car crash victims arriving via ambulances through the back but only know that they are waiting. There are a limited number of things that you can do to shorten the wait, but you can humanize the experience by letting them know that they are seen and valued. When they come in, explain the wait time because knowledge is power. Check in with them every so often. Remind the individuals who accompany them where the cafeteria is. There really is nothing you can do to lessen their wait, but you can reduce their frustration by acknowledging their wait time and providing information in a friendly and respectful manner.

"Although it's difficult to face angry and frustrated people, I think it's important to lean in and acknowledge their frustration and give them updates. They are in the ER, so nurses should be checking on them; even just a little bit goes a long way. It is good nursing. I also think it's important to let them know where the comfort stations and cafeteria are located."

"The ER waiting room is usually a stressful place, especially if the ER is busy and the waits will be long. Although some patients and companions will still feel frustrated after I do so, I will make sure to provide as accurate an estimate of their wait time as possible. I will make sure to check in with patients and their companions when I can and update them if their wait time is going to be longer than we originally anticipated. I will allow them to vent their frustrations and let them know I understand that it's stressful. I will also remind the patient's companions where the cafeteria and closest restrooms are."

Critical Thinking

19. You are rounding on your patients on your inpatient unit, and as you enter an elderly woman's room, you find her sitting up and alert. Tell me what steps you take to prevent her from falling between now and the next time you round.

Falls are a common risk for patients who are receiving inpatient care, particularly among the elderly or patients with decreased mobility. Because of this, falls prevention is a common initiative at most hospitals and care facilities. Most nurses are expected to round on their patients hourly, at a minimum, and during these rounds, they are expected to ask their patients about the four P's - Pain, Potty, Positioning, and Possessions. By ensuring the four P's are covered, the nurse is ensuring the patient is comfortable and has everything they need, which will likely prevent them from attempting to get up on their own, hence preventing falls. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate has an understanding of falls prevention and the four P's of nursing. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should describe how they would check on the patient using the four P's. A more successful answer to this question can include a situation of how the candidate has used the four P's to prevent a patient from falling in their nursing career, how they trained a colleague on the four P's, or even how they implemented a falls prevention program at their facility using the four P's.

"In this situation, I would go through the four P's with the patient to prevent her from attempting to get up and falling between then and the next time I rounded on her. I would first assist her to the restroom then help her relieve any pain she was having. Then, before I left the room, I would ensure she was in a comfortable position and had everything she needed near her. This is something I do with all my patients, even if they seem well enough and able bodied, because failing to do so could mean they may attempt to get up on their own and fall. This is a part of my job as a nurse that I take very seriously because I know how serious patient falls are."

"Early in my nursing career, I had an alert and oriented patient fall when trying to get up himself to use the bathroom. Although the patient didn't sustain any injury, that incident really drove home to me how important it is to work to prevent falls for my patients. Before I leave this patient's room, I will assess to make sure all of her needs are met. Does she need to go to the bathroom? Is she sitting comfortably? Does she have her water, any other needed possessions, and her call light all within easy reach? Does she need any pain medication? Once I have addressed all of these concerns, I will reiterate to the patient to please call if she needs anything, rather than trying to get up herself."

20. You are currently in a patient's room during hourly rounds and although she is not due for another dose of pain medication for two more hours, she is complaining of increased pain. Tell me how you proceed.

The interviewer is asking this question for two reasons - first, to ensure the candidate will not give the patient a dose of pain medication before it is due; and second, to see if the candidate will attempt to lower the patient's pain using other comfort measures. While the administration of pain medication will relieve a patient's pain, it is important that pain medication is administered as directed by the physician, in order to avoid patient overdose or other negative side effects. Although patients may ask for pain medication in advance of their scheduled dose, nurses can help reduce their pain using other comfort measures, such as repositioning, offering heated blankets or warm compresses, helping them stretch, or getting them up for a walk. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would avoid giving the patient their pain medication early and instead use alternative comfort measures to help reduce the patient's pain. A more successful answer to this question would include an example from the candidate's nursing career where they helped a patient manage their pain using comfort measures rather than pain medication.

"Unfortunately, since the patient is not due for their medication for a couple of more hours, I would not be able to administer it to them. But, I would be able to help reduce their pain using other comfort measures. So, instead of simply telling the patient that they could not have any medication, I would work with them to see what I could do to make them comfortable in the meantime. Having many years of experience as a nurse in the emergency department, I have a lot of experience helping patients manage their pain when they do not get the desired relief from pain medications that were administered, and I would be able to draw from this experience to help this patient get relief until their next dose of medication."

"If a patient is not due for their pain medication for two more hours, I would explain to the patient when they can next have their pain medication. I would explore non-medication measures, such as heat, cold, repositioning, massage, or other options. Many patients that I've worked with over the years have found relief with non-medication interventions. During this time, I would also be reassessing the patient to see if any changes have occurred in the patient's condition--for example, if a surgical site looks reddened when it hadn't before, or if a patient was complaining of increased pain in their foot and their pedal pulse was weakened or absent when it had previously been palpable or audible by doppler. If any changes have occurred in the patient's condition, I would contact their doctor and report these changes."

Customer Service

21. Everyone on your unit is busy and you requested that your unit's nursing assistants bathe one of your patients earlier today. The patient has yet to be bathed and she is upset about it. Tell me how you proceed.

Inpatient nursing is very much a team effort, and while nursing assistants and care partners are typically available to assist with tasks such as bathing patients, they are sometimes at capacity and are unable to take on all the requests. In these situations, it is a requirement of all members of the care team, including nurses, to care for the patient, and this includes changing, bathing, or otherwise cleaning them. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would take initiative and bathe the patient rather than allowing the patient to wait even longer and become even more upset. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the candidate's nursing career where they provided similar care for a patient when nursing assistants were unavailable.

"In this situation, it sounds like the nursing assistants are very busy and are unable to get to the request put in for the patient. So, I would cancel the request I previously sent to the nursing assistants and bathe the patient myself. Not only would this help my patient feel more comfortable, it would help my nursing assistant team members out as well because it would be one less thing they would need to do. I know I am a nurse, but I do not feel I am above doing things like changing and bathing patients. To me, these tasks are part of providing adequate care to my patients, and I will always do what is needed."

"If the patient had not yet had her bath, I would apologize and let her know I would help her with her bath right away. Then I would set up the bath and assist my patient. Having the help of a nursing assistant is so useful, but sometimes a nursing assistant gets too busy with other tasks to complete every request. Helping my patient with her bath is a great time to assess her skin and any lines, wounds, or surgical sites. It's also a time I can get to know the patient better, reiterate any teaching we're working on, and find out if there are other needs she has."

22. Tell me a time when you went above and beyond for a patient.

The interviewer wants to gauge your commitment and passion for the nursing profession and learn more about your dedication to providing exceptional patient care. They want to know if you will go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure patients receive the best possible care. By asking this question, they hope to hear a specific example of a time when you went above and beyond for a patient and how it positively impacted their care and overall experience. One example of going above and beyond for a patient would be taking extra time to sit and talk with them, providing emotional support and reassurance during a difficult time. Another example could be staying late to ensure your patient receives the necessary treatment and care, even if it means sacrificing your own personal time. Overall, going above and beyond for patients involves showing empathy, compassion, and a willingness to go the extra mile to ensure their well-being and comfort.

"Last week, I had a patient who was feeling very anxious and nervous about their upcoming surgery. Despite my busy schedule, I took the time to sit with them and listen to their concerns. I reassured them that everything would be alright and answered all of their questions to the best of my ability. I even stayed with them after my shift ended until their family arrived to provide additional support. The patient later wrote a note to the hospital praising the care they received, and it was gratifying to know that I was able to make a positive impact on their experience. To me, it didn't seem like I went above and beyond, but the patient sure thought I did!"

"Recently, one of my patients was feeling very down and missing their dog they hadn't seen in weeks due to being hospitalized. I knew how much their dog meant to them and how it could help lift their spirits, so I went above and beyond my duties and sought permission to bring their dog into the hospital. After obtaining the necessary permissions, I arranged for the patient's dog to visit them in their room. The patient's face lit up with joy, and they were so grateful for the opportunity to see their longtime companion. It was a heartwarming moment, and I was glad to be able to bring some happiness into their day."

23. You are assisting a physician to perform a procedure when you are asked to retrieve a bottle of acetic acid that can be used on the patient. After retrieving the bottle from its normal location, what do you do before passing it to the physician?

The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate would verify that they retrieved the correct chemical before passing it to the physician. This confirmation is important, as the nurse may have accidentally retrieved the incorrect bottle or a bottle containing a different chemical may have been in the place where the requested chemical was typically kept. If either of these were the case, and the incorrect chemical was passed to the physician and used on the patient, significant consequences could occur. Simply verifying that the correct chemical is being passed to the physician could help avoid a serious medical error. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would verify that they have the correct chemical by checking the label on the bottle. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the candidate's nursing career where they avoided a medical error by verifying the name of a chemical or drug that was to be administered to a patient.

"I know exactly what I would do in this situation, as I have been in a situation almost identical to this. Before handing the bottle to the physician, I would read details on the label to verify that I am handing them what they requested. This is similar to a situation I was in a few years ago, while I was working in an oncology office and was assisting a physician with a colposcopy, which requires acetic acid. During the procedure, I went and grabbed the bottle, which I assumed was acetic acid, from where it was normally stored on the shelf; but when I checked the label, I found that it was sulfuric acid, which would have burned the patient if applied. Someone had placed the sulfuric acid in the incorrect location, but since I verified I had the correct chemical, I avoided a medical error."

"In this situation, before I hand the bottle of acetic acid to the physician, I would read the label to make sure that I was actually giving the physician the medication she requested. Although it has not happened to me directly, in my hospital there was a situation where a concentration of heparin was stocked in a location where a different concentration was normally placed, and a nurse administered the incorrect concentration to a patient. During my orientation, this incident was brought up to us as an example of why we always have to verify the name and dose of a medication, even if we take a bottle or bag from its 'usual' place, and it's always stuck with me."

24. You just finished preparing IV medications for a patient, and you thoroughly washed your hands before doing so. As you enter the patient's room with the medication, describe the first thing you do to prevent patient infection.

While hospitalized or receiving outpatient medical treatment, patients are at significant risk of picking up an infection as a consequence of the care they are receiving. Although infection prevention measures in the healthcare industry have greatly improved over the years, the risk still exists and healthcare professionals must be vigilant in order to prevent healthcare-acquired infections. Although it may seem obvious, the simple task of handwashing is the first step in infection prevention. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate understands the importance of handwashing and is in the habit of washing their hands upon entering a patient's room and/or before administering IV medication. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should explain that the first step they would take to prevent infection would be to wash their hands thoroughly. A more successful answer to this question would include an example of how the candidate has helped train colleagues on handwashing in such situations and/or assisted in the development and implementation of handwashing policies for their nursing unit.

"The first thing I would do to prevent the patient from getting an infection is to wash my hands. There are other actions I would need to take in preventing infection, but handwashing is primary. I have always been an advocate of handwashing, even when many of my colleagues were not. When I found out that my nursing and care partner colleagues on my unit were not following handwashing protocols last year, I worked with my supervisor to develop a training on the importance of proper handwashing, handwashing technique, and infection prevention. After this training, handwashing compliance on my unit improved greatly, and the infection control nurse attributed it to a reduction in secondary infections."

"Upon entering the patient's room, it's very important for me to practice hand hygiene again, either by washing my hands or using the alcohol-based hand sanitizer available outside of the patient's room. Although I washed my hands prior to preparing the patient's IV medication, I have potentially touched other items on my way to the patient's room, and I had to knock on the patient's door and touch the door handle to enter. Hand hygiene is the number one way to prevent patient infections, and I demonstrate good hand hygiene at all times. When our hospital did an audit of nurses' hand hygiene using 'undercover' staff members to score the nurses, I scored a 100%, because I know how important hand hygiene is."

25. Describe a situation where it may be appropriate to use humor in the workplace.

Being sick is not funny business, and someone coming in cracking jokes under dire circumstances may find their humor is rejected. There is a time for humor in healthcare, but it must be mindful. What people think is funny can vary wildly. If humor is used, it should be very mild and universal. It's a good policy to be kind, tolerant, professional, and compassionate with your patients. Certainly, laugh at a child's joke, if appropriate, and acknowledge a patient's attempt to be cheerful, but follow rather than lead with humor and only support, chuckle or smile at anything that would be universally accepted as OK. Some people poke fun at themselves, but sometimes, it's a self-esteem issue so it's best to avoid playing along.

"I am not opposed to a funny nursing meme posted in the office away from patient eyes, but I feel that we should represent the hospital as compassionate, caring and professional individuals. There's a lot of room for smiling, but I personally save the humor for the comedians."

"If it seems it would help a patient to go along with their light-hearted attempts at humor, I will smile or laugh along. I would never laugh at an offensive joke, political humor, or any type of racism or bigotry, but something light like chuckling at a joke a patient makes about the reputation of hospital food can help the patient feel at ease."

26. What kinds of review questions do you ask yourself after dealing with a difficult and challenging patient situation?

All nurses desire to have positive and impactful shifts every day, but this is not a reality. Things happen, situations go awry, and it's important to reflect as an individual or a team and extract the lesson to learn how to be better. It's human nature to rationalize or justify and not face the difficult feelings or emotions of a situation gone bad, but this reflection is extremely important so that it doesn't happen again.

"I really like to go back and review with myself and the team what happened and ways to be better. I think it's important to distance myself a little bit from the emotions and try to review it logically. I think that when emotions run high, intelligence can run low, and we need to talk about situations and responses for what they are without blaming. That isn't helpful and impedes learning."

"I was a part of an initiative at my hospital called 'Dealing With Difficult Patients.' In this initiative, we learned techniques to help us identify possible situations in which patients or visitors were becoming agitated, and how we could diffuse the situation. Then, we gave presentations to help teach this information to our colleagues. In a case where a patient's anger escalated, I would ask myself, 'What early clue did I miss?' In that way, I will be better able to catch and react to a similar early warning sign next time, and I can hopefully help my coworkers be prepared to identify such a warning sign in the future, too."

27. How would you handle someone asking you for medical advice or diagnosis validation outside the workplace?

This is a difficult challenge for nurses who know things and also have a compelling need to serve others. It's easy and ego-boosting to become the resident 'expert', but that can backfire. There is a reason why when people call the ER for advice, the standard answer is to present for an evaluation and advice isn't given over the phone. We live in a litigious society, and you worked hard for your license. Protect it just as hard. What may seem to be benign advice to your neighbor may result in catastrophic consequences. Also, it is best to give advice that points people in the direction of great care, such as writing down all symptoms.

"Mrs. Lokley...I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. Do you need me to help call and schedule the earliest appointment with your PCP? Do you have a little notebook where you can write down all your symptoms? Sometimes people get overwhelmed at the doctor's and forget to tell them important things. I could help you write out your medication list to take to the PCP. Come, let's make that call now and get you an appointment. You seem very worried, so it's wise to be seen."

"If someone in my life asks for medical advice when they are not working, I offer to help them call their doctor's office or their insurance's nurse triage line. I have not encountered someone in my life asking for this type of advice who does not have insurance or an established doctor. However, if someone who doesn't have an established doctor or insurance asked for medical advice, I would offer to help them get to an urgent care clinic or the emergency department."

28. Describe a time when you had to step into a leadership role.

As a nurse, you are used to working as part of a multidisciplinary team but also know how to take charge when necessary. This question assesses your leadership skills and how you handle challenges and tasks that require you to take control. The interviewer wants to hear about when you stepped into a leadership role to understand your ability to lead in a healthcare setting. You can use this opportunity to showcase your skills and demonstrate how you have successfully led a team in the past, highlighting the skills you utilized to accomplish the goals set forth. It is important to be honest and specific in your response, clearly showing your leadership qualities and how they have benefited your patients and colleagues.

"As a nurse, I have had the opportunity to step into a leadership position on a few occasions. One particular experience stands out in my mind. I was working on a busy medical-surgical floor, and the charge nurse had to leave for a family emergency. I was asked to step in and take on some of her responsibilities. At first, I was a bit nervous about taking on such a big role, but I quickly realized that I had the skills and knowledge necessary to be an effective leader. I worked closely with the other nurses on the floor, delegating tasks and ensuring everyone had the support they needed. I also communicated closely with the doctors and other healthcare professionals to ensure our patients received the best possible care. It was a challenging experience, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I learned a lot about myself as a nurse and a leader, and I felt proud to have been able to step up and help out when needed most."

"I vividly remember the first day I stepped into a leadership role as a nurse. A few years ago, my unit was short-staffed, and I was asked to take charge for the day. At first, I was nervous and unsure if I was up for the task, as I only had six months of experience. But as the day progressed, I found myself stepping up to the challenge and taking charge of the situation. I delegated tasks, made critical decisions, and ensured patient care was at the forefront of everything we did. By the end of the shift, I felt proud of myself for rising to the occasion and leading my team through a difficult day. From that day forward, I knew that I had the potential to be a great leader and continue to strive towards that goal."

29. How would you handle a situation in which nursing leadership were to reject an idea you pitched to streamline your job?

It's difficult to be rejected in any way, and it's really difficult when you excitedly share something that you feel will be helpful and it is not received well. If you pitch an idea to a supervisor or leadership team, ask for good feedback and learn their perspective. While it's easy to become defeated and not want to contribute, nursing needs you on the leading edge of thought. Review your idea and your presentation. Revise your pitch, if necessary, and ask for another opportunity to present your idea after further considerations. Consider the real possibility that you may have not presented your idea in a way that resonated with the recipient.

"I know I would feel disappointed, but I would definitely go back and ask for feedback on my idea and be grateful for the feedback. I would ask for feedback from others to see if I presented my idea in a reasonable way. If I still thought it was a great idea, I would review how I explained it, simplify and reorganize the information, and ask for another opportunity to present. I once heard that Walt Disney applied to 302 banks before he got the loan for Disney Land, so I try to remember that success doesn't always happen right away, but it does leave clues. I would want to know what I did right and what I could improve upon and then learn from the rejection."

"If nursing leadership rejected an idea that I thought would really help streamline my job and the job of my coworkers, I would feel disappointed. But, I would try to figure out if something in my pitch was off or missing. I would ask some of my most straightforward coworkers if I could run my presentation by them to see how I could tweak it. I've always worked with people with amazing ideas about how we can make things safer and more efficient, so I know I would get useful feedback from coworkers. Then I would ask leadership when there will be another opportunity to present my updated idea."


30. You are preparing medication in your unit's med room when you are paged to the nurse's station. You plan to immediately return to the med room, which you can see from the nurse's station. Do you lock the door upon leaving the med room?

While most medication rooms in hospitals and clinical facilities automatically lock when closed with current technology, some do not, and in these cases, it is important that nurses and other clinical professionals keep the medication room secured at all times. Not only does leaving medications unsecured place the facility at significant financial risk, it also places patients and the public at risk as well. If an unauthorized individual enters an unlocked medication room and takes medications, these drugs will not be available to patients who need them and may end up being misused by those who end up receiving them. The interviewer is asking this question to ensure the candidate understands the importance of securing the unit's medications. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would ensure the medication room was secured. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the candidate's nursing career where they were in a similar situation or when they helped develop or implement a new policy for securing medications for their unit.

"Even though I would only going to the nursing station and could see the medication room, I would lock the door behind me. You can't take chances with the medication room, and there is no guarantee that you are only being called away for only a moment. In my nursing career, I've learned that a quick page to the nursing station could mean I am away for a 15-minute period, or even longer. The environment on the nursing unit is too volatile to assume you can visually monitor an unlocked medication room, so it is best to ensure the room is secured at all times. Each time I leave the medication room on my unit, I ensure it is locked, and I will continue to do so no matter where I am working."

"In all of my previous inpatient nurse jobs, the medication room had an automatic lock so that every time the door closed, the med room door locked. I think this is an ideal setup, because the medication room always needs to be locked, even if a nurse thinks he or she will be away for 'just a minute.'. In this scenario, if the med room door doesn't automatically lock when shut, yes, I would lock the door upon leaving, no matter how short of a time I think I will be gone."

Performance Based

31. Your patient, who has just returned from surgery, now has multiple tubes and lines that you did not insert. You need to administer a drug into her central line, but are having a hard time finding this tube. As you are in a rush, tell me how you proceed.

When returning from the operating room, intensive care unit, or other units of the hospital, a patient may have many more tubes and lines inserted into their body than normal, and at times, it may be difficult for a nurse to differentiate the lines. This is especially the case if the nurse is in a rush. In this scenario, the nurse, in order to administer medication into the patient's central line, they should take time to ensure they have the correct tube. Administering the medication into the incorrect line or into a drain is a medical error that could have negative consequences for the patient. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate would take the time to confirm that they are using the correct tube to administer the medication in the patient's central line. To effectively answer this question, the patient should indicate that they would carefully ensure that they had the correct tube for the central line before administering the medication. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the candidate's nursing career where they were in a similar situation, and they took time to ensure they were administering a medication in the appropriate line.

"I was in a very similar situation a couple of weeks ago when one of our patients returned from the ICU with a number of new tubes and lines that were all scattered around. When I received an order to flush one of the patient's lines, I had to take time to ensure I had the correct tube, as I did not one to mistakenly flush a drain or flush the wrong line. So, in the case of the patient you just described, even though I am in a rush, I would take the time needed to ensure I was pushing the medication into the patient's central line and not a different tube."

"In this scenario, I would need to make sure to identify the central line before doing anything else. Being in a rush, it may make me feel stressed to take this time, but administering the medication through an incorrect line could have big consequences.."

32. You are caring for a patient on your inpatient unit, and after making a call to the physician hospitalist on staff for support, you learn that the patient's medication regimen needs to be changed. Tell me the first steps you take.

While many individuals may believe the first step a nurse should take in this situation would be to give the patient the new drugs that were verbally ordered by the physician, this is not the case. The first step the nurse should take after receiving the verbal order by the physician is to document the medication change in the patient's electronic medical record. Documentation errors are very common among nurses, and these errors include failing to document medications, procedures, and/or nursing actions. Because nurses are extremely busy and often distracted by multiple tasks and demands, it is important for this type of information to be immediately be documented in the patient record. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would document the changes in the patient's medication regimen before administering medications to the patient. A more successful answer to this question would include specific details from a similar situation from the candidate's nursing career where they ensured changes to the patient's care regimen were documented before administering care to the patient.

"I actually dealt with a similar situation last week. It wasn't medications in particular, but I had to call our hospitalist because one of my patient's pulse ox was getting very low, and I was beginning to worry about him. Once the hospitalist learned about the patient's condition, she ordered oxygen for the patient, and the first thing I did was document the verbal order in the patient's medical record. I knew if I didn't document the order immediately, there was a chance I would get busy and forget, which could have detrimental consequences for my patient."

"This is a scenario I encounter all of the time as an inpatient nurse. In my current hospital, we have physician order entry, so the physicians often enter their medication orders themselves. However, there are still times when a physician will need to give a medication order verbally. If the physician gives the order verbally to me over the phone, I will enter the order into the EMR under her name, repeat back the order out loud to verify all of the info is correct, and then sign the order. Then, once pharmacy has verified the order on their end, I will be able to pull the medication from the Pyxis machine in the medication room and take the appropriate steps to administer the medication to the patient."

case study nursing interview questions

Marcie's Feedback

Problem Solving

33. During your shift in the ER, a patient presents with bruising from a fall. Her male companion answers questions for her, and she barely gives eye contact. What do you do in this situation to get the patient to answer independently?

Sometimes a domestic abuse victim's only connection to help might be a trip to the ER or urgent care. All patients should be screened for abuse whether man, woman, or child. A nurse needs to know the warning signs and learn how to assess and ask effective questions. The nurse needs to learn how to optimize the interview and assessment so that the patient (man, woman, or child) can express themselves in a safe space. In the above scenario, the nurse needs to separate the woman safely from the man, so that she can ask if the woman feels safe and assess her for abuse. It may be difficult to separate the individual from the companion, but it's best they be separated, as the potential abuse victim may not speak openly in front of the abuser.

"I would need to separate the potential abuse victim from the abuser, though I understand that it may be difficult. I could ask him to leave the room for the assessment and if he balked, I would probably take her to the bathroom for a urine sample to ask her questions. I would be careful not to judge or prejudge the situation, but I would do what I needed to do to assess the potential abuse victim thoroughly. I definitely would seek guidance from my shift leadership."

"It's possible that this patient is the victim of abuse. In order to make sure the patient can give honest answers about what caused her injury, I would ask the companion to leave the room so I can complete my assessment. If the companion refuses, I can explain that I need to get a urine sample from the patient and escort the patient to the bathroom so that we can talk privately. If the patient or companion refuses this as well, I would talk to my charge nurse about what other actions I can take."

34. You are caring for a patient on your inpatient unit who is bedridden and unconscious. When the patient came to you, they already had a bedsore. How do you prevent this from happening again?

For patients who are bedridden, bedsores can be a common, but avoidable, problem. If these sores become infected, the consequences for the patients can be severe, especially if they are in a weakened medical state. To prevent bedsores for their patients who are bedridden, nurses should ensure their patients are repositioned at least once every two hours. This repositioning may be completed by a care partner or nursing assistant, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the nurse to ensure their patients are properly cared for. The interviewer is asking this question to ensure the candidate understands it is their responsibility to protect their patients from hazards such as bedsores. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would ensure the patient was repositioned at least every two hours. A more successful answer to this question could include examples of how the candidate has worked with physicians and the physical therapy department to ensure the patient was properly moved, trained care partners or nursing assistants on proper patient repositioning, or helped their colleagues prevent bedsores in similar situations with their patients.

"To prevent additional bedsores, I would ensure the patient was moved and repositioned every two hours, at a minimum. If I am fortunate enough to have the support of a nursing assistant while caring for this patient, I would as for their help, but I would still ensure my patient was being moved, rather than assuming it was being done. I know how serious bedsores can be, and I do everything I can to prevent them. If the patient is unconscious for a long period, I will usually ask the physician if the patient needs an intervention from physical therapy, not only to prevent bedsores but to also prevent muscle atrophy."

"To prevent the bedridden patient from developing additional bedsores, I would work with my team to make sure the patient is turned every two hours. I will document the patient's turning and what position we moved the patient to. If available, I will try to get the patient a specialized hospital bed that uses air to help prevent further pressure ulcers. I would use either pillows or waffle boots to prevent pressure ulcers from forming on heels. I would use a foam dressing or other appropriate material to pad any bony prominences that are in danger of contributing to skin breakdown."


35. Describe a time when you did not provide the type of patient care you normally would. What could you have done to improve care?

The interviewer is interested in your ability to recognize your shortcomings and that you learn from your mistakes. They want to see that you are self-aware and constantly strive to improve your patient care skills. Discussing a time when you fell short demonstrates your willingness to learn and grow as a healthcare professional. Ultimately, the goal is to provide the best possible care for all patients, and being able to reflect on past experiences is a valuable tool in achieving that goal. Describe a time when you did not provide the care you normally would, the reason why, and what you learned from that experience.

"When I first started working as a nurse, there was a time I didn't provide the type of patient care that I normally would. I felt overwhelmed by the number of patients I had to take care of, and my energy levels were low as I felt like I was getting a cold. As a result, I wasn't as attentive as I could have been. Looking back, I realize I should have taken a break and refueled my energy or called in sick before my shift started, as I was not feeling well. I also could have asked for help from my colleagues or supervisor to ensure that all patients received the care they needed. Being new at the job, I did not want to appear as if I could not handle the work, even if a little under the weather. However, I now realize that I cannot help others unless I take care of myself, and I pay close attention to how I am feeling before each shift."

"I have always strived to maintain a professional demeanor while on duty. However, one time, my personal issues almost got the better of me. I was going through a rough patch in my personal life and was finding it hard to focus on my work. One day, I was assigned to care for a particularly challenging patient. Despite my best efforts, I became increasingly short with them and less patient than I should have been. It was only after a colleague pulled me aside and reminded me of my duty to my patients that I was able to put aside my personal problems and focus on providing the best care possible. It was a valuable lesson that I will never forget and has made me a better nurse. Looking back, I realize I should have taken time to deal with my personal issues outside of work and not let them interfere with my responsibilities. It's important to remember that our patients rely on us to provide the best care possible, and we need to be fully present and focused on their needs."

36. You are caring for a patient on your unit who is now resting well but has tried to get up and fallen multiple times over the past couple of days. As you prepare to leave the patient's room, do you restrain her to prevent her from falling again?

While it may seem like the most rationale step to take in this situation would be to restrain the patient, only current behavior should determine whether a patient should be restrained. The use of restraints can have physical and psychological consequences for the patient, so it is important that nurses and other medical professionals be very careful with their use. In this situation, since the patient is resting well and not agitated, the nurse should avoid using restraints. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate understands that restraints should be used judiciously, and to effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate they would not restrain the patient in this situation. A more successful answer this question would include an example from the candidate's nursing career where they chose not to restrain a patient based on current behavior, despite previous history of falls, violence, and/or intentional or unintentional self-harm.

"Since I have been an inpatient nurse for many years, I have dealt with these types of situations many times, and in this situation, I would not restrain the patient. Even though the patient has fallen since she has been admitted, if she is currently resting well and isn't agitated, I would not restrain her. Restraints are very difficult for patients, and I will not use them unless it is absolutely necessary. This reminds me of a patient who I was caring for recently who had been violent and restrained while in the ICU, but when he was transferred to my unit, he was much calmer. The nurse who cared for him the shift prior to mine had kept him restrained, as she was fearful of him, but the patient was now much more lucid and the restraints were stressful to him. Once I took the handoff, I immediately removed the restraints from the patient, and from then on, he was able to relax."

"Restraints should be used as a last resort, as they can be upsetting to patients and their family members, and they may increase the risk of other types of injury, such as skin tears or pressure wounds. I would work with my patient care tech and other nurses to implement other measures, such as frequently rounding on the patient to make sure her elimination needs are met. We could also place a bed or chair alarm underneath the patient to make sure staff are alerted if she tried to get up, and we could place fall alert socks on her feet so that the color indicates to all staff that the patient should not get up by herself."

37. You are caring for a patient and the physician has ordered an IV medication for them. You have collected the medication and the supplies needed to administer the IV. Tell me how you will proceed from this point.

Before starting an IV and administering the medication, in this situation, the nurse should look in the patient's electronic health record and review the physician's medication order to verify they have the correct medication, dosage, and administration duration. This is a safety protocol that is standard in nursing practice to prevent medical errors, as administering the incorrect medication, incorrect dosage, and/or incorrect duration can have dire consequences to the patient. The interviewer is asking this question to assess the candidate's understanding and regular practice for such precautions. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would verify the medication, dosage, and administration duration by reviewing the order in the electronic health record. A more successful answer to this question could include examples of how the candidate prevented a colleague from committing a medical error by reminding them to review this information, helped develop training materials on the matter for their unit, or even helped change protocols to improve compliance and patient outcomes.

"Before I did anything to the patient, I would go to the patient's electronic record and verify the drug name, the dosage, and the administration duration. This is so important because so many times, nurses are busy or get distracted and accidentally grab the wrong medication, dosage, or set the incorrect administration duration. A couple of years ago, we had several new nursing graduates working on my unit, and we had several medical errors related to this issue take place. Because I am so passionate about this issue, I helped my supervisor develop training materials to help remind my colleagues to verify these medication elements before they administer IV drugs. While these materials did not eliminate medication errors, they helped reduce them."

"Before administering the IV medication, I would check the patient's wristband and/or verbally confirm the patient's name and date of birth with the patient. Then I would verify the medication order in the patient's electronic medical record, ensuring that the medication, dose, route, and duration all matched the information that I have."

38. In your inpatient unit, you are caring for a patient who is still weak from surgery. Upon reviewing physician orders, you see the patient is to get up and walk two laps in the hall. Tell me how you would proceed.

The interviewer is attempting to determine if the candidate would assess the patient's ability to participate in physical activity before getting her up to walk around the hall of the inpatient unit. Patient falls is one of the biggest patient safety concerns for hospitals, and it is the onus of the nursing staff to ensure they protect their patients from falls in all situations, even when there is a physician order stating otherwise. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would assess the patient's ability to participate in the physical activity, and if they, in fact, the patient was too weak, they would contact the physician for alternative orders. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the candidate's nursing career where they prevented a patient fall by assessing their ability to participate in physical activity.

"If the patient was still weak from their surgical procedure, I would assess their ability to get up and walk, to ensure they are not at risk for a fall. This is something I deal with often at my current job as an inpatient nurse. Just recently, I was caring for a patient who had been admitted for a serious infection. When the patient seemed to be getting better, the physician ordered that he get up and walk, and he did well the first couple of days. However, on the third day, he was feeling worse, and when it was time for his walk, instead of just getting him up, I assessed his condition and found that getting him up for a walk would put him at risk. Upon calling the physician and updating him on the patient's condition, he came to check on him, and found that the patient needed emergency surgery as the infection had returned. Not only did my diligence prevent the patient from becoming injured, it also helped alert the physician of an emergent issue."

"When I worked on the post-op cardiac unit, we were constantly assessing if patients could safely walk around the unit with just a nurse to support them. Ambulating after surgery is very important to increase strength and decrease the chance of pneumonia, blood clots, and other complications. However, if a patient isn't ready to walk, even with a gait belt or a walker, they could risk falling and sustaining serious injury. In this case, I would assess the patient and see if he can safely walk 2 laps in the hall. If his assessment shows that he can walk 2 laps in the hall, I would walk with him. If the assessment did not show that he could safely do this yet, I would contact the physician, explain the scenario, and request an order for a physical therapist to come to evaluate and work with the patient."

Scenario Based

39. How would you handle a patient that assumes a 'helpless' role, does not do what is necessary for their treatment, and asks you to do certain tasks that they could and should perform for themselves?

A nurse cares about patients, so it's difficult sometimes to recognize when we over function for patients and do not encourage them to be their best. Doing too much for patients is as damaging as doing too little. Nurses need to learn the subtle dance between empathy and advocacy for patients helping themselves. You want to encourage without being demeaning or too harsh, but also push them to do what they can for themselves in every situation possible. A weight lifter doesn't bench press 200 pounds over night but adds weight little by little. Each time a patient swings his own leg out of the bed, or shuffles to the bathroom with the assist of two, wonderful things are building incrementally in his or her body. Sometimes, nurses do things for patients because they are busy and don't have time for the slower patient to do it. Occasionally, on a booming floor this may be necessary, but should be the exception, not the rule.

"Sally, today is bath day and it's a great day to get up and stretch your legs today. No bed bath today. I'll help you up and you can dangle at the edge of the bed while I turn the shower on. It will do you good to get up, and I'll help you so you don't fall, but we are going to try to walk independently to the bathroom today. Does that sound good?"

"When I work with a patient who seems to be acting helpless, I try to use motivational interviewing techniques to help them find a reason for why they might want to participate in their treatment plan. So, we might talk about their trying to get back to their apartment or home, their desire to be able to sit up at their grandchild's wedding, or another goal they want to reach. Then I help them see how taking a walk in the hall or using their incentive spirometer will help them get stronger and more likely to achieve their goal."

40. You have a coworker with a large following on TikTok, who brags constantly about her followers. One day you notice a video of her with one of her patients in the background. What would you do in this situation?

The interviewer asks what you would do if you saw a coworker with a patient visible in a TikTok video because it is imperative to maintain patient privacy and confidentiality. Suppose you were to come across such a video. In that case, the interviewer wants to see if you would immediately bring it to your coworker's attention and advise them to remove it or if you would first inform your supervisor and follow appropriate protocols to protect the patient's privacy. It is crucial to prioritize patient safety and confidentiality in any healthcare setting, and you must be committed to upholding these values. How you respond will give the interviewer insight into your communication, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills.

Written by Krista Wenz on May 26th, 2023

"As a responsible nurse who takes my job very seriously, I would immediately report the situation to my immediate supervisor. Patient privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance in healthcare, and any breach of these principles must be taken seriously. It is important to ensure that all healthcare professionals understand the gravity of protecting patient information and upholding the profession's ethical standards."

"I would be very concerned if I saw a TikTok video featuring my coworker and a patient. It's crucial to prioritize the well-being and privacy of our patients above all else. Patient privacy and confidentiality are critical in this field, and violating them is a serious breach of ethics. I would first speak with my coworker privately to express my concerns and remind them of the importance of maintaining patient privacy. Depending on the severity of the situation, I may also need to report the incident to our supervisor or the hospital's compliance team. Of course, how I proceed also depends on the policies and procedures of my organization."

41. You are caring for a patient on your inpatient unit who is taking a turn for the worse. You decide you need to call the hospitalist physician. Tell me how you will proceed.

Before calling for the assistance of a physician, therapist, or nursing colleague, unless it is a dire emergency, nurses should gather as much pertinent information on the patient as they can so they can effectively and succinctly explain the situation and the needs of the patient. If the nurse does not collect this information in advance of making the call to the physician, the call will likely take additional time as they will have to look the information up and take more of the physician's time. While patients are not typically put at risk in these situations, having the information ready to report during the call assists nurses with building professional relationships with the many professionals the must consult with on a daily basis. The interviewer is asking this question to determine how important the candidate feels it is to collect information before calling the physician. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would collect all pertinent information on the patient, including diagnosis, condition, impression, test results, and vital signs. A more successful answer to this question can include experience from the candidate's nursing career, information the candidate typically relays during such a call, or how the candidate assisted a colleague with such a call.

"This is a very common situation that I find myself in, as I work in the inpatient environment, so I understand that it is important to gather as much information about the patient and the patient's current situation before making the call to the physician. Early in my nursing career, I sometimes would call before I had gathered the necessary information, and when I did so, it was very difficult to communicate the situation to the physician, and sometimes they would become frustrated. Now that I have more experience, I understand the importance of gathering information such as current impression, vital signs, test results, and other pertinent information, so the conversation can be efficient and brief."

"When I call the hospitalist to inform them of a downturn in my patient's condition, I make sure to go over my mental checklist first. Have I gathered all the needed information about the patient's history, current vitals/labs, and changes in condition? If so, I will call, and identify myself and the patient, and then make sure the physician is ready to hear the information I have. One of the first times I needed to call a physician about his patient's change in level of consciousness, I was so anxious that I started talking quickly and forgot to identify myself as the patient's nurse. In trying to get things moving quickly, I actually ended up taking more time than needed, because the physician wasn't clear on who I was. From that point on, I have always taken a breath and made sure to stay calm on calls to physicians."

42. You are alone in an elevator with two nurses from another floor who are talking about a patient. How would you respond?

Interviewers ask situational questions to test interviewees' people skills and their capacity to communicate and find optimal solutions. The answer here doesn't have to be work specific, unless it is apparent as in this question, but it's always a good idea to incorporate appropriate work behaviors in, when possible.

"My grandmother always taught me that when you are silent about questionable things, in a way you are agreeing with them, or people might think that you are. I feel strongly about protecting patient rights, and I would be very uncomfortable in that situation. I think that I would feel compelled to address it right on the spot and very pleasantly say that I don't feel comfortable with the conversation. If they were talking details and gossip, I would address it and definitely report it to supervisors. If it were a casual slip and vague in content, I would definitely report it to the supervisor if anyone else was on the elevator but if not, I would just address them directly."

"I encountered almost this same scenario, except it was two doctors that I recognized by sight but didn't know by name. I would handle this scenario in the same way I handled that situation. In that situation, I calmly said, 'Doctor, please don't discuss patient information in front of a person without a need to know this information.' The doctor nodded and said, 'Thank you,' and the conversation stopped. I think calmly and firmly reminding staff or physicians of a patient's right to privacy is the way to go, most of the time. If for some reason I saw a breach of confidentiality in front of a patient or visitor, I would report it to the unit manager in addition to my reminder to the staff."

43. You are working phone triage for your physician practice when a patient calls asking for advice as he is having chest pains. Tell me what you direct the patient to do.

In this situation there are multiple directions the nurse could give the patient, but in a situation when a patient is having chest pains, the patient should be directed to go to the emergency department. While care can be given at a physician office or urgent care center, a patient with chest pains could be in the midst of a medical crisis which requires the service of an emergency department. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate understands the clinical significance of chest pains and the fact that the patient needs to be evaluated in the emergency department. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate that they would direct the patient to hang up and immediately go to the emergency department. A more successful answer to this question would include a specific example from the nurse's career where they directed a patient with chest pains to the emergency department.

"If a patient called with complaints of chest pains, I would tell them to go to the emergency department immediately after hanging up. Even though the patient's chest pains may not be from a heart condition, there is a chance that they could be, and an evaluation in an emergency department is necessary. In these situations, it is easy to assume the patient's symptoms or conditions may be caused by an ancillary condition, such as anxiety, but until they are properly evaluated, it is too risky to assume."

"When working phone triage, if a patient calls with chest pain, I would instruct him to go to the emergency department immediately. I would request verbal confirmation that the patient understands my instruction and will go to the emergency department immediately. Chest pain can indicate myocardial infarction, and delay in treatment can lead to heart failure or death. This isn't a time to take a chance that the chest pain might be caused by something else."


44. How would you handle a patient who is trying to manipulate you in some way or talks about the other shift to you?

This answer appears easy ,but it's not. Being a new nurse sometimes makes people over eager to please and hearing great things about yourself rarely falls on unappreciative ears. You want to help and be sympathetic, but it's not helpful to engage in any conversation that downgrades your coworkers in any way. Sometimes these conversations are subtle and sometimes they are not. The easiest way to circumvent these situations is to enter each room prepared and with a plan for the visit or encounter and perform that task in a professional and kind manner. If the patient begins to complain about another individual, handle it by stating that you're sorry they had the experience and ask if they'd like for you to get the nursing manager to speak to.

"If a patient starts to tell me something, I listen briefly and ask if she would like for me to get my nursing leader. I don't want to shut the patient down if she really had a bad experience, but I don't want to feed into it either and damage their view of my coworker. The best thing I can think of is to hear them out briefly but not agree. I'd say that I'm sorry they had the experience and ask if they would like me to get nursing leadership. Now if it's something horrible, of course I would report it directly, if it was a medical concern. It depends on the situation, but I know not to simply be silent because silence implies consent sometimes, so I would feel the need to say that I hear them, but I'm not the person who has the power to take action on that concern."

"When a patient has a legitimate complaint, I will attempt to rectify their problem myself or bring up their complaint to the charge nurse, the nurse manager, or another person in leadership. However, if a patient seems to be manipulative or complaining to try to start conflict, I usually use reflective listening. So, I reflect their statement back to them neutrally, such as saying, 'I hear you saying you were frustrated that the night shift nurse's aid didn't get you up to the chair at the time you wanted. What are the top 2 priorities I can address during my shift today to make you comfortable?' I don't feed into any negativity about another shift, and I focus on what I can do during my shift If the patient persists in complaining about something that happened earlier, I would offer to bring in my nursing manager."

45. If you have too many things on your to-do list, how to you decide which to do first and which to postpone?

A nurse shift is usually a very busy one, with few unimportant tasks. Taking the time to organize and frontload your day by doing the most important patient tasks first helps free up time later. Sometimes, it is helpful to delegate to others when possible, but it's never an acceptable answer if anything patient-care related is not done because there wasn't time. Future pace your day and sketch out a timeline for each activity. When you follow your plan and you realize at 10 AM that you are still dealing with some problems with your 8 AM task, then the best time to ask for support or help is at 10 AM. At 2 PM, it's too late to gather support and finish the shift completely and correctly.

"At work, I take a couple minutes to sketch out my day and I frontload the more important and difficult tasks in the morning, so I can complete them well. That gives me time to work through the rest of my shift, and if I end up having to ask for help, then the tasks that still need to get done are not the most difficult or important ones. In my personal life, when my to-do list gets too large, I sit down, weed it out, and focus on what moves my life forward and brings meaning and value."

"At the beginning of my shift, I use my shift 'cheat sheet' to help me organize and prioritize my day. This helps me determine which tasks should be done first, based on both how important they are and how long they might take. If tasks take longer than I anticipated, or I run into a situation where a patient's condition takes a downturn, I will need to ask for help. I can delegate tasks like blood glucose tests or a patient bath to a patient care tech. I can also ask my coworkers or the charge nurse to take on a task that only a nurse can do. In an inpatient unit, we have to work as a team to make sure all patient care tasks are completed. I am comfortable asking my colleagues for help because they know I always offer to assist them with tasks when I can."

46. What tools or techniques do you use to remember difficult information or instructions given verbally only?

Situational interview questions are designed to assess candidate competencies in more depth and to avoid rote, standardized answers. The interviewer is looking to observe how you would triage a problem and figure out how to handle it in an optimal way. Situational questions allow the interviewer to showcase unique talents and competencies. Situational interview questions challenge the interviewee to think about situations that they may have never experienced before.

"While I prefer to listen to instructions and have written instructions as well, I have a formula for remembering things verbally. I believe this is a good skill to have as a nurse. First, I listen to understand, and I listen attentively. I give the individual my full attention, particularly if it's new information. After I listen to them, I ask questions for clarity, and then I repeat back what they want me to do. Sometimes, I use imagery or acronyms to remember things when I am getting complicated directions."

"When I am given instructions verbally only, I repeat the information back to the source to ensure I have all of the information correct. Once the physician or other person has confirmed that I have all of the information correct, I break the steps down into sections or 'chunks' in my head, and then I repeat them to myself 5-7 times to ensure they stick. If there's an opportunity, I will also write down the instructions later; however, if there's not an opportunity, my chunking and repeating method works for me."

47. You are nearing the end of your 12-hour shift on your inpatient unit and you are exhausted from caring for eight high-acuity patients. As your colleague arrives to relieve you, tell me how you proceed.

When inter-shift information is involved, nurses must ensure that they properly handover information to their colleagues properly, even if this means they stay late to complete handover paperwork on each of their patients. Failing to properly handover information to the next nurse could have dire consequences to patients, making handovers a vital element of a nurse's set of responsibilities. Many facilities have standardized handover templates for nurses to complete before the end of their shifts, and these templates include elements such as: background, assessments, vitals, and recommendations. While many electronic health record systems pre-populate much of this information, it is imperative the remaining information is completed. The interviewer is asking this question to determine if the candidate understands the importance of completing handovers. To effectively answer this question, the candidate should indicate they would ensure handover information for all patients was completed before departing for the day. A more successful answer to this question would include an example from the candidate's nursing career where they ensured their handovers were completed despite being exhausted or dealing with other confounding factors.

"In this situation, even though I am exhausted, I would complete handover templates for all my patients, if I haven't already. This is especially true because you said the eight patients are high-acuity, which means there is a lot the next nurse needs to know about them. I could never leave my patients without completing handovers, because not only could I not leave my coworker in a bad situation, but I also don't want to put my patients at risk. Last week, I was in a similar situation, where I had been so busy that I didn't have time to complete handovers until my coworker arrived to relieve me. So, I stayed late and completed the templates for all my patients, despite the fact that I was tired and ready to go home."

"At shift change, it's so important to give a concise but thorough report to the oncoming nurse who will be caring for the patients I had during my shift. If these patients were high-acuity, that's all the more reason to make sure no important details are missed. I want to ensure the oncoming nurse has all of the information needed to provide safe care to our patients. I have a brief 'cheat sheet' that I keep for all of my patients throughout the shift. It keeps me on track for all of my patients' orders, vital signs, conditions, and charting. Therefore, regardless of how tired I am at the end of my shift, I have the information necessary to complete a safe handoff to my oncoming colleague or colleagues."

Amanda's Feedback

48. Your coworker forgot to sign off that she gave Tylenol as a PRN before she punched out and calls you from the car. She asks you to initial that it was given so nobody gives it again. What do you do?

It sounds like the right thing to do. After all, you don't want the patient to be given extra Tylenol, but you should never do this. It's illegal and forging the medical record. It's unethical and risks your nursing license. The correct thing to do is to write down the information about the dose and attach a sticky note to the MAR so that there is a visual reminder for the person administering medications. This information should be reported to the shift nurse manager and guidance received. Under no circumstances should the nurse sign off a medication that he or she did not administer.

"Sally, I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable doing that. Thank you so much for calling and letting me know. I put a sticky note on the chart to remind myself of the time you gave the Tylenol and let Ruthann know, so we can follow her guidance. Call Ruthann tomorrow to figure out what you need to do about not signing that. Have a good night and drive safely!"

"Unfortunately, I can't sign off on a medication that you administered. That would put both of our licenses at risk. Do you have time to come back in and chart it yourself? If not, I will place a sticky note on my nurse cheat sheet to remind me what time you administered the Tylenol. Make sure you check with the manager tomorrow to see how you can chart a late entry. Good night!"

49. Have you ever caught a coworker stealing? If so, how did you handle it? If not, what would you do if you saw a colleague stealing?

Interviewers ask what you would do if you saw a colleague stealing for a few reasons. First, they want to gauge your sense of ethics and integrity. Nurses are held to high standards of moral and ethical conduct, and it is important to ensure the people working in this field meet these standards. Second, they want to see how you would handle a difficult workplace situation. It can be challenging to confront a colleague about unethical behavior, and interviewers want to know that you would handle the situation appropriately and professionally. Ultimately, it is essential to prioritize patient care and safety and to take action if you witness any behavior that could compromise these priorities.

"No, I have never caught a coworker stealing. However, if I witnessed such behavior, I would first approach my colleague privately and confront them about what I had seen. I would explain that stealing is unethical and illegal and that their actions could have serious consequences for both themselves and our workplace. Depending on their response and the hospital's policies, I would escalate the issue to our supervisor or HR department if necessary. As healthcare professionals, we are responsible for acting with integrity and honesty and holding our colleagues accountable when they fall short of these standards."

"Yes, unfortunately, I have witnessed a coworker stealing. When doing my rounds, I walked into a patient's room and saw a nurse's aide quickly put something from the patient's bedside table into their pocket. After checking on my patient, I asked the aide to speak privately with me outside the room. I asked what they put into their pocket, and they said they had not taken anything. I asked to look in their pocket, and they refused. Since I was sure the aide had taken something from the patient, I reported what I saw to the charge nurse. After an investigation, it was discovered the aide had a problem with prescription pills and had taken the patient's medications. Those who work with me understand my values and that I do not condone stealing of any kind."

50. How do you handle ethical or philosophical differences with a patient?

Nurses care for all patients, so they must have emotional mastery and cultural competence. It's difficult sometimes to separate our personal preferences and philosophies from our patients and not superimpose our cultural grid on their choices and feel disapproval. It is unprofessional and not optimal patient care to do so. Nurses must remind themselves when they enter the door to a patient's room that they do not need to know the whole story, and they can never know all the nuances that led to the belief or decision they disagree with. They must lead themselves to treat the individual in front of them as a human being who they are there to help, serve, and not to judge.

"When I feel judgement or disapproval welling up inside me, I do a quick mental inventory and check-in. It doesn't happen often, but I would not be human if I said it never has or will again. I don't know why the person made the choices they made, or what led up to it. I only know that my job is to help them, and I stay focused on that. I've worked with drug addicts and criminals, but my job is to be kind, provide excellent care, and maybe even learn something from them."

"In two of the hospitals I've worked out, I've taken care of prisoners that are recovering from heart surgery. I've never looked up or asked a patient what crime they are in jail for, but some have volunteered this information to me, and it can be momentarily disconcerting to learn that you're taking care of a person who has committed an assault. However, I know that all patients deserve safe and effective care. I can never know anyone's full story, so regardless of the circumstances, I provide my best care to all patients."

About the Author

I began my career in emergency medical services (EMS) over 30 years ago, working as a Firefighter-Paramedic, EMS Captain, Mental Health Technician, ER Technician, EMT and Paramedic Adjunct Instructor, and EMS Educator. During my career, I had the privilege of serving on over one thousand interview panels to help various organizations choose the right candidate for the job. I have created curricula and training materials to prepare candidates for interviews and held mock interview courses for all types of healthcare professionals. My interview experience includes hiring emergency medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, nurses, medical assistants, home health aides, and physician assistants. As a coach and contributor for MockQuestions, I am excited to help you navigate your upcoming nursing interview. While these situational questions assess your critical thinking and communication skills, interviewers also ask these questions to gain insight into your personality to determine if you will be a good fit with the company culture. Remember to be relaxed and be your authentic self. Best of luck in nailing your interview!

Learn more about Krista Wenz

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Most Common Nursing Job Interview Questions, Best Answers, and Tips

Discover everything you need to know to crush your nursing job interview, from the most common questions to what to wear to top tips for success. Resources

  • Job Interviews
  • Table of Contents:
  • Tips for Success
  • Common Interview Questions
  • Questions to Ask the Interviewer
  • How to Prepare for a Nursing Interview
  • What to Wear
  • Researching the Nursing Facility
  • After Your Interview

case study nursing interview questions

Nursing job interviews can be nerve-wracking. You might be nervous about your lack of experience in the specialty, answering questions on the fly, or dislike talking to people in an intense environment. No matter your anxieties about sitting across from a hiring manager and other interviewers, we have the information you need to make a great first impression.

New grads, LPNs, registered nurses (RNs) , and nurse practitioners (NPs) alike can use these nursing job interview questions and sample answers to prepare during the Job Search . Change the example answers to fit within your nursing experiences and scope of practice, and you've got the start of a great response to some of the most common nursing job interview questions.

Nursing Interview Success and 5 General Tips

Having a successful nursing interview takes practice and planning. While it's important to consider what types of questions the interviewer will ask and the sample answers you'll provide, preparation is critical.

Below are some nursing interview tips you can use so you'll be ready for the big day and can begin living your career goals now.

Tip 1: Practice Your Interview Answers

No two interviews are alike. Interviewers use different questions, making it a little challenging to practice. However, there are a few questions that most interviewers ask that you can practice your answer to so that you'll feel confident when asked. A few of these questions include:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Where do you see yourself in five/ten years?
  • Why are you interested in this role with this company?

Tip 2: Use the STAR Method

The STAR method is an excellent strategy you can use anytime you're asked to provide real-life examples of how you handled a specific situation. You can do this by remembering the acronym STAR and laying out each detail following the prompts below:

  • S - Situation Describe the situation.
  • T - Task Explain the task or challenge you faced.
  • A - Action Explain your action and why you chose it.
  • R - Result Talk about the outcome you achieved.

Tip 3: Review the Job Description

Read the job description just before you go to the interview. This will help you keep key responsibilities on your mind when answering questions.

Tip 4: Bring Your Best Attitude and Biggest Smile

How you treat others is the first sign of the type of team player you'll be on the new team. Always smile and speak respectfully to the receptionist and other staff you encounter. The nurse manager may return to anyone you interacted with and ask how they felt about you. So, treating others with respect and kindness is essential.

Tip 5: Be Yourself

Some of the best career advice anyone can give is to always be yourself. Acting with authenticity, genuineness, and positivity helps the interviewer to see the real you and imagine how you might fit into the team culture.

Most Common Interview Questions & Best Answers

Knowing the types of interview questions you might encounter and sample answers is essential. Common types of questions during nursing interviews include:

  • Skills-based interview questions seek to understand your proficiency in specific nursing skills, specialties, or practices.
  • Traditional interview questions help the interviewer get to know you better and learn basic information about why you're looking for a new job or how you might describe yourself to others.
  • Situational interview questions ask, "What would you do?” in a specific work-related scenario.
  • Behavioral interview questions are used to identify the "soft skills" you might use on the job. Soft skills are things like teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills.

You may also notice that interview questions have similar topics. We've rounded up some of the most common questions and answers below by subject. Remember to personalize the response to yourself and your nursing experiences and skill sets.

Teamwork Questions

The following questions focus on how you work within the nursing team.

Can you describe a time when you had to work closely with a difficult coworker? How did you handle the situation?

This question assesses your ability to navigate a challenging interpersonal situation. Highlight how you handled the situation while maintaining a productive working relationship with your coworker. Avoid discussing the coworker's lack of professionalism or specific negative traits because the interviewer may perceive this poorly.

Your answer might sound something like this:

I once worked with a coworker I never meshed well with. One night, we were the only RNs on shift and had a code, and it didn't go too well. Afterward, I asked our manager and the coworker if we could talk about the situation and how we might handle it better. The three of us spoke of the problem and our general strengths and weaknesses so we knew how to work better together in the future.

Tell us about a time when you contributed to a team achieving a specific goal.

This question concerns teamwork and how you work together to achieve team goals. Think of a time when you helped to improve a process, policy, or situation and share a specific example.

Try to tell about a situation when you used leadership qualities within the team and turned a challenging problem into a victory. This will help the interviewer see how you implement problem-solving skills and remain positive even during tough times.

How do you handle disagreements within your team, especially regarding patient care?

This question evaluates your conflict resolution skills and ability to advocate for patient care while maintaining a positive team dynamic. It also assesses your leadership skills and ability to resolve issues and remain a good team player.

Your answer might sound like this:

I feel that the best way to handle disagreements within the team is head-on. For example, suppose I disagree with a colleague about handling a difficult patient or family member. In that case, the first thing I do is have an open conversation about it and try to understand their point of view. I always keep the patient's care at the forefront of my mind because that almost always unites us as nurses, and we can quickly come to a resolution.

Can you provide an example of a time when you had to rely on your team to solve a problem or handle a difficult situation?

Nursing is all about collaboration. So, this question assesses your ability to trust and rely on your team members. It might also allow you to talk about how you depend on those in leadership roles, especially during challenging times or working with complex patients or families.

Always end this type of question by telling the interviewer about the outcome. If your story involves patient care, you might also try to discuss critical nursing topics such as patient safety or the importance of charting.

Patient Care Questions

If you're interviewing for a clinical role , you'll likely get asked about patient care. Here are a few of the most common questions.

Can you recall a time when a patient's family was unhappy with the care you provided? How did you respond to that situation?

This question assesses your ability to handle criticism, communicate effectively with patients' families, and take steps to improve the situation.

A sample answer might go something like this:

I made a medication error while caring for a pediatric patient. I took full responsibility for the mistake as soon as I realized I made it. I spoke to the family and let them know too. They asked that I no longer care for their child. I respected their wishes. However, we were able to chat about it later and move past the situation. I think about this error often and learned a lot from it. It has impacted how I conduct med passes and provide patient care even today.

Describe a time when you went above and beyond to provide exceptional care for a patient.

This question is all about your dedication to the job and patient care. It's also looking to see how you feel about exceeding the patient's, family members, and your leader's expectations to ensure patient satisfaction. You can use the STAR method to guide how you develop your answer. It might sound like the following:

I cared for a terminally ill patient who was very dear to me. He was actively dying at shift change, so I talked to the unit manager and asked if I could stay for a few hours so that the patient and family didn't have a different nurse. The manager agreed, and the family appreciated that I could sit with them and give my undivided attention to them during that challenging time.

How do you handle a situation where a patient is not following the care plan ?

This question can be a little tricky. It's evaluating your problem-solving skills, ability to motivate your patients, and strategies you use to ensure patients follow their care plans . However, you must also demonstrate your understanding and ability to advocate for your patient's rights, a crucial nursing responsibility.

You might say something like the following:

Education is key when it comes to patients not following care plans. I always make sure the patient is part of the care plan process and that they agree to the interventions. This helps ensure buy-in and increases the chances for compliance. However, if they don't follow the care plan, I educate them on the consequences while supporting their rights and ability to choose what's best for them.

Tell us about a time you had to advocate for a patient. What was the situation, and what was the outcome?

Here is another question where you can showcase your ability to advocate for your patient's needs and rights. You might share a story about a time you advocated for the patient's right to be in charge of their care or one about a conflict with a difficult patient or family member.

A sample answer might be something like this:

I cared for a 20-something quadriplegic patient after a car accident. He required around-the-clock care. His lifestyle didn't mesh well with the traditional long-term care facility schedules. So, I advocated changing his meal schedule because he didn't like to get up early and stayed awake late into the night. I worked with the food services department to create a meal schedule that worked for him that wasn't disruptive to their team or nursing. It worked very well for everyone and helped him maintain decision-making power over his schedule.

Personality and Background Questions

The interviewer wants to get to know you. So, they'll probably ask one to two questions like the following to better understand who you are as a person and a nurse.

How would you describe your communication style?

Communication is a critical skill every nurse must have. This question provides an opportunity to share how you interact and use communication skills with patients, their families, and your colleagues. Your answer should also reveal your strength in adapting your communication style to different situations or people.

A sample answer might sound like this:

I'm a direct communicator. However, I always try to change my communication style to meet the person and situation. For example, how I communicate with a 90-year-old versus a 20-year-old patient often looks different. And how I speak with patients versus colleagues is also different. Meeting the person where they are and how they learn, and process information is critical.

Can you describe a situation where you had to demonstrate empathy towards a patient or their family?

The interviewer wants to see how you use empathy on the job, handle emotionally charged situations, and your capacity to provide comfort and understanding.

To answer this question, think of a time you cared for a patient or family member by showing compassion and empathy for their situation. Your answer might include how you used communication, active listening, or specific actions to develop cultural competence or show genuine interest in the patient's care.

How do you handle stress and high-pressure situations at work?

This question aims to understand how you manage stress, maintain composure, and provide high-quality patient care during challenging circumstances. You might answer like this:

I handle stress well during the situation. However, I've found that times of high stress wear on me. So, I practice meditation and deep breathing daily. I also find much comfort in talking about things with my colleagues.

What motivates you in your nursing career?

Almost all nurses have a reason for becoming a nurse. You can show vulnerability by telling a bit of your "why" or the personal story that led you to a career in nursing . It might be a story about a personal healthcare situation with yourself or a family member. This story can showcase your passion for nursing and your ability to be vulnerable with others.

Adaptability Questions

Nurses must be agile and adaptable. Here are several questions you might encounter.

Can you share an example of a time when you had to adapt to a significant change at work?

Change is an inevitable occurrence in nursing. So, let the interviewer know how well you handle it and showcase your critical thinking skills and on-the-job resilience.

Use the STAR method to keep this answer short and specific. It might sound like this:

Our admission policies and procedures recently changed. I had to learn the new processes and be able to implement the policy in about seven days.

I reviewed the policies independently and attended an in-person training session. I took notes and made a cheat sheet that I kept in my pocket during each shift until I got comfortable with the new policies and procedures.

I had a few questions about the first admission I completed after the changes. However, once I got answers to my questions, I could complete admissions without problems. Those admissions have been through quality assurance checks, and I scored between 96 and 100% on each.

Describe a situation where you had to make a quick decision in a high-pressure environment.

If you've been a nurse for a while, you'll probably have several situations you can use here. However, if you're a new grad, you might need to consider your time as a nursing student.

Patient care scenarios make excellent answers to this question. Be sure to link your story to patient outcomes, safety, and quality of care.

Tell us about a time when you had to learn a new procedure or technology quickly. How did you ensure you became proficient?

This question provides an opportunity to talk about your agility and how you quickly learn new skills. Your answer might be something like the following:

How do you handle unexpected situations or emergencies? Can you provide an example?

This question assesses your ability to stay calm during emergencies and continue using practical critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You might talk about a code or other urgent patient care situation where you had to resolve an emergency quickly.

Questions To Ask the Interviewer

Interviews aren't only for the interviewers to learn more about you and your nursing abilities. It's also an excellent opportunity to learn about the facility, the role, and the people who may soon become your teammates.

Check out a few types of questions you can use to find out more about your new possible employer.

Company and Culture Questions

Understanding the company's culture before your first day on the job is vital. Here are a few questions you can ask.

Can you describe the company culture here and how it supports the work of nurses?

Reason: This question can help you understand the organization's values, mission, and vision and how they translate into the everyday work environment for nurses. Discovering how each person you come in contact with during the interview process describes the culture can help you understand what it might be like if you take this new job.

What is the patient-to-nurse ratio in this facility?

Reason: This question can give you an idea about the workload you can expect and how the organization prioritizes patient care.

How does the organization promote work-life balance for its nursing staff?

Reason: You'll learn much about how the organization supports its nurses' well-being and provides for work-life balance. You should be able to discover how the company puts its nurses in control of their schedule and any programs they offer that help you adjust to work.

Can you share some examples of how this organization has responded to the feedback of its nursing staff?

Reason: Listen for specific examples that can help you understand how the company values input from staff and if the administration acts proactively when making improvements based on feedback.

Training Questions

You should ask about new hire training, orientation, and what kinds of training and career advancement opportunities the company offers. A few sample questions are below.

What opportunities for professional development or continuing education do you offer?

Reason: Life-long learning is key for all nurses. This question will help you understand what to expect from the facility in terms of ongoing learning, continuing education, and other opportunities for growth.

Can you describe the orientation or onboarding process for new nurses?

Reason: Orientation shouldn't be a one-size fits all solution. Hopefully, the answer to this question will help you understand how they approach training and what happens if you need more or less of it. Ensure that the approach they take to orientation supports the transition into the new job.

Does the organization support specialty certifications for its nurses? If so, how?

Reason: Certifications are an excellent way to upskill, gain more knowledge in a specialty, and advance your career. Find out if they pay for training courses, any required exams, and ongoing certification fees.

How does the organization stay updated and implement the latest best practices in nursing care?

Reason: Best practices are imperative in nursing. Be sure the education or training department ensures that best practices are included in all policies and procedures so that you can always provide the best patient care.

Policy Questions

Here are a few critical policy-related questions you can ask.

Can you explain your policies on nurse scheduling and patient assignments?

Reason: Loving your schedule goes a long way toward overall happiness on the job. So, be sure to ask for as many details as possible about how work schedules and patient assignments are managed, and find out how tenure weighs into these processes since you'll be new to the team.

What is your policy on handling workplace conflicts or disagreements among the nursing staff?

Reason: Not only does this question provide insight into policies, but it also helps you understand how involved leadership is with any conflicts that arise. This question also gives you an idea about how positive or negative the work environment might be before you accept the job.

Can you describe your policies regarding safety and infection control?

Reason: Safety and infection control policies protect patients and workers alike. Be sure to ask for specifics about these policies to help you understand the facility's priorities.

What is your attendance policy, including holidays, weekends, and vacations?

Reason: Nurses must work weekends and holidays. However, it's crucial to understand the expectations to ensure you agree to the employer's requirements before you take the job.

Management Questions

You must always ask questions about how nursing leadership interacts with the staff. Below are a few questions that work well.

How does management support the nursing staff in their daily duties?

Reason: Supportive nursing leadership is crucial to a successful nursing team. This question should help you understand how much support, resources, and guidance you can expect from all levels of the nursing leadership team, from shift leads to unit managers to nursing directors and administrators.

Can you describe the leadership style of the nursing management team? 

Reason: Nursing leaders use various types of management styles. It's critical to learn how leadership approaches the team and if it aligns with the type of leader you need on the job.

How does management handle feedback and suggestions from the nursing staff?

Reason: It's imperative that nursing leadership is willing to give and receive feedback. This question should help you understand if leadership is open to input and what they do with it once received.

What is the process for performance reviews and promotions within the nursing team?

Reason: Knowing what to expect regarding your performance and any issues you might have is essential. Be sure to find out if the company offers career ladders or other programs that can help you advance in your nursing career.

Preparing for Your Nursing Interview

Preparation is key when looking for a new job. Below are some tips you can use to crush your next nursing interview.

In-Person Interviews

Preparing for in-person interviews is critical. A few ways to ensure you're ready include:

  • Map out your route the night before.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before the interview begins.
  • Bring a water bottle so you don't struggle with dry mouth.

Video Call Interviews

Interviewing from home can reduce worries about traffic and parking. However, they still come up with worries and the need to prepare. Here are a few things you should do to be ready for your next video interview:

  • Check the link the night before to ensure it works.
  • Let your family know when you'll be in the interview and that you can't be interrupted.
  • Schedule a family member or babysitter to care for babies and other young children.
  • Dress as if you're interviewing in person.
  • Find a location with adequate lighting and one that is clean and tidy.
  • Use a virtual background if you don't have a background you like.

Phone Interviews

Phone interviews are often more relaxed than remote or in-person interviews. However, it's still crucial to schedule it when you can focus on the interview. Be sure young children are tended by another adult. You must also make sure your phone is fully charged and that you can talk in a quiet environment.

What to Wear and Bring to a Nursing Interview

Your appearance is likely the first thing the interviewer will notice about you. So, be sure to follow these quick five tips to ensure you make a great first impression.

  • Be sure your clothes fit well, are wrinkle and stain free, and are professional.
  • Wear business attire and refrain from wearing scrubs.
  • Choose comfortable, stylish shoes that match your outfit.
  • Wear your hair away from your face and go light on make-up.
  • Keep jewelry to a minimum so it's not distracting during the interview.

Flex Your Research of the Facility

The more you know about the healthcare system, the better prepared you'll feel during your interview. Below are a few key areas you should research.

History of the Nursing Facility

Research the history of the nursing facility. This might include knowing who owns the facility and if they've recently acquired or merged with any other facilities. You should also know if the facility has any associations with other companies, organizations, or non-profit organizations.

Goal and Mission of the Facility

Knowing the facility's mission, vision, and values will help you answer questions during your interview. You can also discuss this during the interview if the mission or values align well with what you believe or how you act as a nurse.

Statistics of the Facility

Find out basic information such as how many beds it has, the types of professionals on the healthcare team, and what types of units the facility offers. Be sure to investigate if they have any specialty units you might want to advance to in the future so you can talk about future goals.

What to Do After Your Nursing Interview

You can take a nice deep breath once the interview is over. However, you're not finished.

It's critical to send an email within 24 hours of the interview to thank the interviewer for their time and hospitality. This also affords you an excellent opportunity to let them know how much you're truly interested in the job and that you'd love to join the team.

About Melissa Mills, BSN

Melissa Mills has 26 years experience as a BSN and specializes in Workforce Development, Education, Advancement.

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Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Sample Questions

One of the big changes on the Next Generation NCLEX exam is a shift toward case studies. Case studies often require a deeper level of critical thinking, and understanding diseases on a more in-depth level (especially the pathophysiology) will make these types of questions easier to answer.

In this article, you’ll be able to watch a free video to help you prepare for the new Next Generation NCLEX case study format. Nurse Sarah will walk you step-by-step through each scenario and help you understand how to use critical thinking and nursing knowledge to answer these types of questions.

Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Review Questions Video

NGN Case Study Sample Questions and Answers

First, let’s take a look at our case study summary below:

Case Study Summary:

A 68-year-old male is admitted with shortness of breath. He reports difficulty breathing with activity, lying down, or while sleeping. He states that in order to “breathe easier,” he has had to sleep in a recliner for the past week. The patient has a history of hypertension, myocardial infarction (2 years ago), and cholecystectomy (10 years ago). The patient is being transferred to a cardiac progressive care unit for further evaluation and treatment.

Question 1 of 6: The nurse receives the patient admitted with shortness of breath. What findings are significant and require follow-up? The options are listed below. Select all that apply.

To answer this first question in the NGN case study, let’s look at the information provided in the nursing notes and vital signs tabs provided:

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This question is asking us to identify findings that are significant and require the nurse to follow-up. In other words, what is presenting that we can’t ignore but need to investigate further.

Therefore, let’s comb through the nursing notes and vital signs to see what is abnormal and requires follow-up.

First, the patient arrived to the room via stretcher. That’s fine and doesn’t necessarily require follow-up.

Next, the patient is alert and oriented x 4 (person, place, time, event). This tells us that the patient’s neuro status is intact so far. Therefore, the shortness of breath isn’t affecting the patient’s mental function yet (we have enough oxygen on board right now for brain activity).

However, the nurse has noticed the shortness of breath with activity and talking, which should not normally happen. This tells us something is wrong and is significant enough to require follow-up. We want to know why is this happening, is it going to get worse, etc.

The patient’s weight and vital signs were collected (this is good). Weight is 155 lbs. and BMI is within a healthy range (doesn’t tell us too much but may be useful later). The patient is also connected to a bedside monitor, so they need to be monitored constantly like on a progressive care unit.

The monitor shows sinus tachycardia . This is significant because it seems the patient’s shortness of breath is causing the heart to compensate by increasing the heart rate to provide more oxygen (hence the lungs may be compromised).

Then we find out that the lungs are indeed compromised because crackles are heard in both lungs , and this may be why our patient is short of breath. This is significant (could the patient have pulmonary edema?)

Then we find out the nurse has noted an S3. This is an extra heart sound noted after S2. And what jumps out to me about this is that it is usually associated with volume overload in the heart like in cases of heart failure . However, S3 may be normal in some people under 40 or during pregnancy, but that’s not the case with our patient based on what we read in the case summary.

Therefore, based on everything I’m reading in this case study, I’m thinking this patient may have heart failure, but we need those test results back (especially the echo and chest x-ray, and hopefully a BNP will be in there too).

We are also told that the patient has an 18 gauge IV inserted (which is good thing to have so we can give medications if required), orders have been received, labs drawn, and testing results are pending.

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Now let’s look at the “Vital Signs” tab above, and ask yourself what is normal vs. abnormal for this patient (adult male).

  • The heart rate is high at 112 (tachycardia), and should normally be 60-100 bpm (see heart rhythms ).
  • Blood pressure is higher than normal (normal is 120/80), which indicates hypertension.
  • Oxygen saturation is 94% (this is on the low side as we’d normally want around 95% or higher, and the patient is on 4 L nasal cannula, which tells us the lungs are not okay).
  • Respiratory rate is increased (26 breaths per minute)…normal is 12-20 breaths per minute.

Based on the information we were provided, I’ve selected the answers below. These findings are significant and definitely require follow-up by the nurse.

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When answering these NGN case study questions, it’s helpful to think of the ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, etc.) as all of these fall into that category. If we don’t follow-up on the shortness of breath, crackles, respiratory rate, o2 saturation (94% on 4 L nasal cannula), the respiratory system can further decline.

In addition, the sinus tachycardia, S3 gallop, and hypertension could indicate fluid overload in the heart. This may cause the heart to tire out and lead the lethal rhythm. On the other hand, temperature, pain, weight, and BMI are not abnormal and do not require follow-up.

See the Complete Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Review

Each question in the case study builds on the previous question. To see how these questions evolve based on the patient’s condition and labs, watch the entire Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Review video on our YouTube Channel (RegisteredNurseRN).

NCLEX Practice Quizzes

We’ve developed many free NCLEX review quizzes to test your knowledge on nursing topics and to help you prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX exam.

Nurse Sarah’s Notes and Merch

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Just released is “ Fluid and Electrolytes Notes, Mnemonics, and Quizzes by Nurse Sarah “. These notes contain 84 pages of Nurse Sarah’s illustrated, fun notes with mnemonics, worksheets, and 130 test questions with rationales.

You can get an eBook version here or a physical copy of the book here.

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Top 20 Nursing Interview Questions And Answers

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

case study nursing interview questions

By Mike Simpson

UPDATED 5/20/2022

case study nursing interview questions

Being a nurse takes a special kind of person. Oftentimes, you see people in the middle of what can easily be the worst day of their lives.

You need patience , resilience , a sense of humor , attention to detail , and a thick skin .

But it can also be one of the most rewarding careers, full of excitement and drama and the kind of rush you can only get when you’re helping others.

For many, becoming a nurse is truly a calling. However, landing that dream nursing job can be tricky, even among the truly dedicated. That’s why reviewing the top nursing interview questions is essential.

Types of Interview Questions For Nurses

First off, let’s discuss the different types of interview questions for nurses.

Being a nurse is a unique position, and the questions you’ll be asked in your interview are just as unique. Yes, it’s true; you’re going to inevitably end up being asked some of the same questions you’d come across in any other job interview situation, like “ Tell me about yourself ” and “ What is your greatest strength/weakness ?” but you’re also going to get asked some very specific nursing questions, and knowing how to properly answer those is going to help set you apart.

Let’s start with what makes nursing so unique in the job world.

Unlike most other careers and industries where your interactions with the public would be more along the lines of a “client” or “customer,” your interaction with the public is as a caregiver to a patient. That requires a set of finely honed and carefully crafted interpersonal skills .

As a result, a lot of your interview questions will revolve around patient care and satisfaction and how you meet their unique needs in incredibly varied situations and circumstances. Those questions fall under the category of behavioral questions and are asked so that an interviewer can learn quickly and easily how you’d react to different situations based on your past experiences and behavior.

Be prepared to answer questions about why you chose nursing and what it is about the career that interests you. You’ll also be asked questions about how you work in a team as well as your ability to self-motivate and work alone . It’s also wise to prep for questions about how you handle a crisis or deal with stress.

Feeling a little feverish with all these potential nursing interview questions and answers? Don’t worry! All it takes is a little prep beforehand.

Pro Tips For Answering Nurse Interview Questions

The first thing you need to do when preparing for an interview is to go over the job description with a fine-toothed comb.

Make a list of everything the employer is looking for in their Perfect Candidate.

Now, sit down and look back over all your experiences and see exactly how you’ve met all those requirements before.

It doesn’t matter if the experiences you have aren’t 100% related to the job description you’re applying to. Basically, what you want to do is give your potential future employer tailored examples of how you’ve handled situations in the past so they can extrapolate how you’d most likely react in future situations…and in some cases, examples outside of work show how you’re adept at thinking on your feet and handling yourself beyond just your job. Just make sure that no matter what, you’re answering their questions with personal examples that highlight your skills and abilities.

While you’re doing your prep and looking over the job description, it’s a good idea to also do a little research into where you’re applying. Having specifics on their techniques or their way of doing things and relating that to how you do things will not only show them you’re already in tune with their style, but it will also help to reinforce the idea that you’re the Perfect Candidate!

In most situations, being a nurse means working on a team and as a result, your interview might consist of members of that potential future team. Be prepared to meet with the hiring manager , other nurses , doctors , technicians and members of the hospital administrative staff and try to know a little about each person before you go in (just don’t make it creepy.)

Now that we’ve covered some basic tips, let’s take a look at 20 of the most commonly asked nursing interview questions.

In fact we we wanted to let you know that we created an amazing free cheat sheet that will give you word-for-word answers for some of the toughest interview questions you are going to face in your upcoming interview. After all, hiring managers will often ask you more generalized interview questions!

Click below to get your free PDF now:

Get Our Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet!

FREE BONUS PDF CHEAT SHEET: Get our " Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet " that gives you " word-word sample answers to the most common job interview questions you'll face at your next interview .


Top 20 Commonly Asked Nursing Interview Questions

1. “why did you decide on a career as a nurse”.

This is one of the classic nurse interview questions. Because this is such a hands-on, specialized field, employers need to know what it is that makes you want to be a part of it.


“I come from a long line of nurses. Both my grandmother and my mother are nurses. Growing up in that environment and seeing how much they love what they do every day is both inspiring and motivating. I love the challenges, and thinking outside the box to come up with solutions keeps me excited and engaged. I’m proud to continue the tradition of nursing in my family. Above all, knowing that I’m truly making a difference in people’s lives is what truly makes it all worthwhile.”

2. “What do you find rewarding about this job?”

There are lots of rewards that come with a good job; the paycheck, proximity to where you live, the retirement benefits…but remember, when you’re in an interview, it’s not actually about you…it’s about them.

“I truly love helping people, and when those people are children, there’s no better feeling in the world. I remember having one little boy as a patient who had a long-term issue resulting in the loss of one of his legs. During the course of his treatments, we discovered we had a mutual love for robot movies. I stayed with him all through his amputation surgery, and when he was fitted with his prosthetic, I was there to cheer him on. We celebrated his first step with his new leg by throwing a robot movie marathon in the common room. His dad pulled me aside that afternoon and told me how grateful the whole family was for all our help and support. It wasn’t an easy time for that boy or for his family, but knowing that it was a little easier because I was there and had made a genuine personal connection with them all was humbling and inspiring.”

3. How do you deal with someone who isn’t satisfied with your patient care?

Here is a great example of one of the behavioral interview questions for nurses. As we discussed above, give your interviewer an example from your past, so they can get a feel for how you would behave in a similar situation in the future.

“While I constantly strive to do everything I can for a patient, I had a situation once with a patient who complained to my supervisor about me, telling them I was denying them specific care for an issue. The first thing I have to do in that situation is to step back and really assess what’s going on, specifically whether I had acted appropriately. Since I had followed the doctor’s orders, I spoke with my supervisor and the attending physician about the situation. It turns out that the patient had misunderstood something the doctor had told her, leading her to assume I was neglecting a step in her care process. Once the confusion was cleared up, we were able to work with the patient to come up with a satisfactory solution.”

4. “Tell me what you feel your greatest skill as a nurse is.”

This is your opportunity to really showcase what it is that makes you unique from all the other applicants! Really reflect on this ahead of time and come up with solid examples that highlight this skill.

“I’m very proud of my ability to really listen to what a patient is telling me. Nothing frustrates them more than feeling as though they’re not being heard. Having spent the past five years in the medical field working directly with patients has shown me just how far actively listening can go in helping make someone comfortable. During my time working in admissions in my last position, I learned that addressing patient concerns and making sure they felt we were genuinely listened to was just as important as receiving quality care. As a result, I helped to establish a patient advocacy program to help teach other nurses those same listening skills.

5. “How do you handle the stress of the job?”

Let’s be honest; nursing can be incredibly high stress. An employer needs to know how you handle that stress and whether or not you work well under pressure.

“I find the best way to handle the stress of the job is through meticulous organization and attention to detail. By making lists and prioritizing what needs to get done throughout my day, I find that tasks which might seem overwhelming all at once are much more manageable. This also makes it possible for me to stay calm and remain focused on what needs to get done when unexpected situations arise.”

6. “Are you comfortable working with other doctors and nurses?”

Nurses work with a wide variety of individuals in the medical field, including doctors, technicians, other nurses, and the friends and families of your patients, just to name a few. While you’re core answer is likely “yes,” you need to go the extra mile for a quality response.

“I find I work well under a variety of conditions and circumstances, and I take pride in my flexibility. I really enjoy working in a team because I often find that different viewpoints can help me find solutions to a problem I might not think of on my own. I also enjoy self-motivating and am equally comfortable working alone.”

7. “What do you find is the hardest part about being a nurse?”

This is a trick question. No, the hiring manager isn’t actually asking you to tell him how much you hate the early morning shifts because you’re just not a morning person, and you hate getting up before the sun does. Remember, they’re there to find a person to fill a job position.

“I think the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with is feeling helpless. While it’s my job to provide as much care and comfort as medically possible, there are times when you just can’t do more. Seeing someone in pain or feeling miserable and knowing there’s nothing you can do to help is the most difficult thing I deal with. I am a nurse because I genuinely care about people and want to help, and when I can’t, that’s hard.”

8. “Why are you the best nursing candidate for this position?”

This question is actually one of the best nurse interview questions you could hope to be asked. Why? Because this is your opportunity to really sell the hiring manager on why you’re the Perfect Candidate.

“I’ve been working as a Registered Nurse for the past eight years and loved every day of it. This is more than a job, it’s a passion, and I’ve used that passion to drive me forward. I make sure to stay abreast of all the current advancements in my field, am continuing to further my education, and am constantly striving to make sure that I stay on top of emerging trends and technology. I enjoy the challenges that come with this job and take every opportunity to learn and grow.”

9.“Tell me about yourself.”

This is one of those important questions to answer properly, regardless of your field. Remember that they’re not asking you for your life story. Instead, they’re asking you this question to find out from you what you think is important and how well that matches up with what they’re looking for.

“I’m a motivated self-starter who really enjoys the hands-on and human aspect of our industry. To me, there’s nothing more satisfying than helping people out when they need it the most. Having spent the past five years in the medical field working directly with patients has shown me just how far actively listening to a patient can go in helping make someone comfortable. My most recent position included working with patients directly in admissions which meant I was often the first face they’d see when they came in and the last on their way out, as well as everything in-between. During that time, I learned that addressing their concerns and making sure they felt their voices were being heard was just as important to them as receiving quality care. As a result, I helped to establish a patient advocacy program to help teach other nurses those same skills.”

10. “Why are you leaving your current position?”

This question is a potential land-mine. Do NOT use it as an opportunity to badmouth your current or former position. Future employers don’t need to know you hate where you worked or that your old boss was a tyrant. Rather, focus on the positive aspects and how you’re leveraging those in your new job.

“While my last job was an opportunity for me to learn and grow at a comfortable pace in a smaller clinical environment, I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to continue to expand my knowledge in a larger, hospital-based environment. I am eager to try new things and learn skill-sets that come from working in a faster-paced environment like this one here.”

11. “Why do you want to work here?”

Here, you need to be strategic. Don’t discuss salary opportunities. Instead, talk about your career goals and your vision for your future in your industry and how those directly relate to what you will be doing if hired.

“I’m fascinated by the new and emerging technology involved in ongoing patient care, especially in the field of pediatrics. Your hospital has been ranked in the top five hospitals in the nation for the past seven years running in new innovations, and I’m excited by the possibility of being a part of that and learning from your experts.”

12. “Would you say you’re a team player?”

As a member of the medical field, your first answer had better be yes. Of course, what you say after that is what is going to make or break you in your interview.

13. “Describe a time you had to deal with a difficult patient and how you handled that.”

Tough patients are going to be a regular part of your daily routine, and no employer wants to hire a nurse who is going to be unable to handle these types of characters.

“Working with elderly patients always presents unique challenges as you’re dealing with people who are used to being independent and who are now totally reliant on strangers. I remember one gentleman who had a reputation for being extremely difficult. He was angry and argumentative and would often fight with the other nurses over things as little as the temperature of his room. I admit, I wasn’t excited when I found out I was going to be working with him, so to prepare, I looked over his charts. I discovered that his wife had died a number of years ago and that he had no friends or family in the area and hadn’t had a visitor in ages. Rather than treating him just as a patient, I did my best to connect with him as a human. I would talk to him, not just at him. It took a little, but eventually, he came around and ended up being one of my favorite people to visit with every day.”

14. “Why should we hire you?”

Here’s another question that really gives you a chance to showcase the best of what you’ve got. Take advantage of it1

“For me, nursing it’s just a career; it’s a passion. As a result, I spend time seizing opportunities to learn and grow, prioritize patient care at every step, and embrace advances that can lead to higher quality outcomes. Additionally, I know the value of teamwork and agility and also enjoy the challenges that come with this job. Overall, I can’t imagine doing anything else and will always go the extra mile for both patients and my employers.”

15. If you disagree with a physician’s approach to treating a patient, how do you handle it?

In some cases, nurses and physicians don’t see eye to eye. That’s why hiring managers are going to ask how you handle situations of that nature.

“My typical approach is multifold. First, I consider what about the recommended course doesn’t seem like a fit to me. Second, I determine why I believe another option is a better match. Finally, I reflect on why the physician may have chosen that direction. That allows me to factor in their point of view, as well as present my perspective effectively to the physician. Once I’ve made my recommendation, I listen to the physician’s response and, ultimately, follow the approach they select. The only exception is situations where I believe a prescribed treatment puts the patient in legitimate danger, at which point I follow internal processes regarding who to inform and how to approach the matter.”

16. How do you explain complex medical terms and procedures to patients who don’t have a healthcare background?

Overall, the world of medicine is complicated, particularly for those who haven’t studied or worked in the field. Since ensuring patients understand conditions, test results, treatments, and procedures is essential, hiring managers ask this question to see how you approach the situation.

“Since patients have different levels of understanding regarding medical terminology, I use a combination approach when speaking to them. Usually, I’ll lead off with a formal term and couple it with an informal term or description, depending on the situation. For example, I may tell a patient that a medication is used to treat ‘hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.’ That introduces the phrases physicians may use when speaking with the patient while using terms that feel familiar to ensure understanding.”

17. How do you ensure you remain up to date on advances in nursing?

Advances in the healthcare field are a regular occurrence. While medical facilities often provide training opportunities, they typically favor candidates who go the extra mile on their own time to remain current.

“I use several approaches to remain up to date. Along with continuing education courses, I subscribe to several industry publications to learn more about what’s on the horizon. I also follow thought leaders on social media, giving me additional insights, and converse with my network regularly to find out about their discoveries.”

18. When you don’t have an answer to a patient’s question, what do you do?

Even the most experienced and educated nurses won’t have every answer. The hiring manager wants to know you’ll use an appropriate approach in situations where you aren’t certain about a topic.

“If I don’t know the answer, my first step is to let the patient know I need time to get the information they need. Then, I’ll use a combination approach, conducting research on my own while also conferring with colleagues with expertise in that arena. Along with ensuring I have a thorough understanding of the answer, this allows me to develop a sound way to relay it to the patient, increasing overall accuracy and understanding.”

19. Describe a time when you were in conflict with a fellow nurse. How did you handle the situation?

This is another question that showcases how you navigate the workplace, making it a favorite among hiring managers. Generally, you’ll want to outline a typical strategy, using an example along the way.

“My preferred approach always focuses on communication and empathy. For example, in one of my last positions, a fellow nurse was regularly late for their shift start. This harmed the transition, causing the team to fall behind. Instead of filing complaints or berating them, I took them aside and asked if they were having challenges getting to work on time. It turned out that there was a childcare challenge, one that would be solved with a different shift. I helped them arrange for a schedule change, and the problem was solved, something that wouldn’t have happened without communication and empathy.”

20. “Do you have any questions for us?”

Yes. Yes, you do. Having something to ask makes you seem engaged and passionate about the opportunity, so you need a few questions to toss out there. You could ask about the length of new hire orientation and what you’d be doing exactly if you were hired. You might ask about the nurse-to-patient ratio or how a typical day is structured. We have written a dedicated article on this: Questions To Ask In A Nursing Interview .

Regardless of what you ask, it’s important that you do ask. The point is that by not asking questions, you’ll appear uninterested and unmotivated, and we know that’s not possible!

Putting It All Together

Now that we’ve gone over the types of questions you might be asked, given you a few nursing interview tips, brushed up on some practice questions and some sample answers, and gotten you thinking about your own questions, I think it’s safe to say you’ve got the perfect prescription for nailing that interview. (Groan!)

P.S. Now that you’re an expert on the nursing interview questions you are going to be asked, don’t forget that there are hundreds of non-nursing interview questions that you could be asked in your interview! Thankfully we’ve outlined the most common questions AND given you word-for-word answers in our free PDF below:

FREE : Job Interview Questions & Answers PDF Cheat Sheet!

Here's what you're getting:

  • Word-for-word sample answers to the most common interview questions
  • Tell me about yourself, why should we hire you?, What's your greatest weakness and more!
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Click Here To Get The Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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  • Fundamentals of neurotransmission as it relates to prescribing psychotropic medications for clients with acute and chronic mental health conditions – Unit 8 Discussion – Reflection
  • Unit 7 Discussion- Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Mental Health Care – Solution
  • Ethical and Legal Foundations of PMHNP Care Across the Lifespan Assignment – Analyze salient ethical and legal issues in psychiatric-mental health practice | Solution
  • Pathways Mental Health Case Study – Review evaluation and management documentation for a patient and perform a crosswalk of codes – Solution
  • Analyze salient ethical and legal issues in psychiatric-mental health practice
  • SOAP notes for Mental Health Examples
  • compare and contrast two mental health theories
  •   Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants

Geriatric Nursing Case Studies

As the population ages, the demand for geriatric nursing expertise continues to rise. Our geriatric nursing case studies focus on the unique challenges faced by older adults, such as chronic illnesses, cognitive impairments, and end-of-life care. By exploring these case studies, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of geriatric nursing principles, evidence-based gerontological interventions, and strategies for promoting optimal health and well-being in older adults.

  • M5 Assignment: Elderly Driver
  • HE003: Delivery of Services – Emmanuel is 55-year-old man Case – With Solution The Extent of Evidence-Based Data for Proposed Interventions – Sample Assignment 1 Solution
  • Planning Model for Population Health Management Veterans Diagnosed with Non cancerous chronic pain – Part 1 & 2 Solutions
  • PHI 413 Case Study Fetal Abnormality Essay
  • Insomnia Response and Insomnia
  • Analysis of a Pertinent Healthcare Issue: Short Staffing
  • Paraphrenia as a Side of the Schizophrenia – Week 4 Solution
  • Module 6 Pharm Assignment: Special Populations
  • Public Health Nursing Roles and Responsibilities in Disaster Response – Assignment 2 Solution
  • Theory Guided Practice – Assignment 2 Solution
  • How can healthcare facilities establish a culture of safety – Solution
  • Discuss the types of consideration a nurse must be mindful of while performing a health assessment on a geriatric patient as compared to a middle-aged adult – Solution
  • Promoting And Protecting Vulnerable Populations – Describe what is meant by vulnerable populations and explain strategies you, as the public health nurse, could use to best facilitate the achievement of healthful outcomes in this population? 

Community Health Nursing Case Studies

Community health nursing plays a vital role in promoting health, preventing diseases, and advocating for underserved populations. Dive into our collection of community health nursing case studies, which explore diverse community settings, public health issues, and population-specific challenges. Through these case studies, you’ll gain insights into the role of community health nurses, interdisciplinary collaboration, health promotion strategies, and disease prevention initiatives.

  • Community and Target Aggregate: Residents of the community health center, particularly those aged 65 and above Topic: Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
  • Tools For Community Health Nursing Practice2
  • 5 Theories in Community Health Nursing: A Complete Guide
  • Role of community health nursing and community partnerships as they apply to the participating family’s community – Assignment 1 Solution
  • Community/Public Health Nursing DQ2
  • CSU-Community healthcare Presentation – Assignment 1 Solution
  • Community Healthcare Presentation – Domestic Violence And Level Of Prevention – Solution

Critical Care Nursing Case Study Examples 

Critical care nursing demands swift decision-making, advanced technical skills, and the ability to provide intensive care to acutely ill patients. Our critical care nursing case studies encompass a range of high-acuity scenarios, including trauma, cardiac emergencies, and respiratory distress. These case studies simulate the fast-paced critical care environment, enabling you to sharpen your critical thinking skills, enhance your clinical judgment, and deliver exceptional care to critically ill patients.

  • Nursing Case Study Parkinsons Disease
  • Nursing Case Study: Patient with Drug and Alcohol Induced Paranoid Schizophrenia
  • Neonatal Hypothermia and Neonatal Sepsis: Nursing Case Study
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Nursing Case Study

Maternal and Child Health Nursing Case Study Examples

The field of maternal and child health nursing requires specialized knowledge and skills to support the health and well-being of women and children throughout their lifespan. Explore our collection of maternal and child health nursing case studies, which encompass prenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care, and pediatric nursing. These case studies provide a comprehensive view of maternal and child health, allowing you to develop expertise in this essential area of nursing practice.

You can also check out Patient Safety in High-Tech Settings PICOT Questions Examples

Surgical Nursing Case Studies

Surgical nursing involves caring for patients before, during, and after surgical procedures. Our surgical nursing case studies cover a wide range of surgical specialties, including orthopedics, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal surgeries. Delve into these case studies to gain insights into preoperative assessment, perioperative management, and postoperative care. By examining real-life surgical scenarios, you’ll develop a comprehensive understanding of surgical nursing principles and refine your skills in providing exceptional care to surgical patients.

  • Discuss DI in relation to a postoperative neurosurgical patient – Week 2, 3, 4 Solution
  • Career Planning & Professional Identity Paper
  • N ursing Case Analysis
  • Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery and ACS Codes of Ethics – Post 2
  • NURS – 6521C Advanced Pharmacology
  • Essay on Alterations in Neurological and Endocrine Functions
  • Clinical Preparation Tool – Child and Adolescent Symptom Inventory – Unit
  • Initial Psychiatric Interview/SOAP Note – Assignment 1 Solution
  • Current Trends in Nursing Practice: Electronic Prescriptions for Opioids – Week 4 Solution
  • Nurse-Sensitive Indicators -Week 3 Solution
  • Theory–Practice Gap in Jean Watson Theory of Human Caring – Assignment 1 Solution
  • Bowel Obstruction Case Video Presentation – Week 4 Solution
  • Appendicitis SOAP Note – Sample SOAP Solution 1
  • Week 4: GERD SOAP Note Assignment Solution

Obstetric Nursing Case Study

Obstetric nursing focuses on providing care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Our obstetric nursing case studies explore various aspects of prenatal care, labor and delivery, and postpartum recovery. Gain valuable knowledge about common obstetric complications, evidence-based interventions, and strategies for promoting maternal and fetal well-being. These case studies will enhance your obstetric nursing skills and prepare you to deliver compassionate and competent care to expectant mothers.

  • Capstone Proposal: Postpartum Hemorrhage Education To Nursing Students
  • Progress Evaluation Telecommunication: Teleconference on Post-Partum Hemorrhage
  • Case Study 5.2 the Moral and Ethical Questions of Aborting an Anencephalic Baby
  • Holistic intervention plan design to improve the quality of outcomes – Problem Statement (PICOT)
  • ADV HEALTH ASSESSMENT: TJ a 32-year-old pregnant lesbian, is being seen for an annual physical exam and has been having vaginal discharge – Solution
  • Facilitative Communication and Helping Skills in Nursing & Decision Making Assignment Solution
  • Benchmark – Evidence-Based Practice Proposal Paper Example
  • Three nursing diagnoses for this client based on the health history and screening (one actual nursing diagnosis, one wellness nursing diagnosis, and one “risk for” nursing diagnosis)
  • Identify two or more issues with the existing system
  • Differences between inpatient and outpatient coding

Nursing Ethics Case Study

Ethical dilemmas are an inherent part of nursing practice. Our nursing ethics case studies shed light on complex ethical issues that nurses encounter in their daily work. Explore thought-provoking scenarios involving patient autonomy, confidentiality, end-of-life decisions, and resource allocation. By examining these case studies, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of ethical principles, ethical decision-making frameworks, and strategies for navigating ethical challenges in nursing practice.

  • Ethics in Complementary Therapies
  • Ethics Case Study Analysis
  • Ethics in Practice
  • Ethical Dilemma on Robotic Surgery and ACS Codes of Ethics – Post 1
  • Case Study on Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative
  • Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics
  • Week 9 Assignment 9.1: Mercy Killing Ethics – Using one theory that you have studied that you agree with and one theory that you disagree with, describe how Officer Jones would act in each case – Solution
  • Deliverable 4 – Code of Ethics Intake Packet
  • Ethics in the Workplace
  • code of ethics for nurses
  • Applying the ANA Code of Ethics

Health Promotion Case Study

Community health promotion plays a crucial role in improving the health and well-being of populations. Our community health promotion case studies highlight successful initiatives aimed at preventing diseases, promoting healthy lifestyles, and addressing social determinants of health. Explore strategies for community engagement, health education, and collaborative interventions that make a positive impact on the well-being of individuals and communities.

  • Health Promotion in Minority Populations
  • Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Presentation: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants
  • Health Education And Current Challenges For Family-Centered Health Promotion
  • Cultural Competence And Nutrition In Health Promotion
  • Why is the concept of family health important? Consider the various strategies for health promotion.
  • levels of health promotion
  • Integrate evidence from research and theory into discussions of practice competencies, health promotion and disease prevention strategies, quality improvement, and safety standards.
  • Discuss various theories of health promotion, including Pender’s Health Promotion Model, the Health Belief Model, the Transtheoretical Theory, and the Theory of Reasoned Action.
  • What strategies, besides the use of learning styles, can a nurse educator consider when developing tailored individual care plans, or for educational programs in health promotion?
  • Describe health promotion for Pregnant women
  • Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from a specific culture in your area. Choose one of the Leading Health Indicators (LHI) priorities from Healthy People 2020:
  •   A description of a borrowed theory (expectancy-value theory and social cognitive theory) that could be applied to improve health promotion patient education in primary care clinic. Is this borrowed theory appropriate?
  • How has health promotion changed over time
  • Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
  • Health Risk Assessment and Health Promotion Contract

Nursing Leadership Case Studies

Nursing leadership is essential for driving positive change and ensuring high-quality patient care. Our nursing leadership case studies examine effective leadership strategies, change management initiatives, and interprofessional collaboration in healthcare settings. Gain insights into the qualities of successful nurse leaders, explore innovative approaches to leadership, and learn how to inspire and motivate your team to achieve excellence in nursing practice.

  • Part 3: Nursing Leadership – Childbearing after menopause – Assignment Solution
  • Capstone Project Ideas for Nursing Leadership
  • The purpose of this assignment is to examine the impact of contemporary challenges in care delivery facing nursing leadership. Select and research a major issue in the delivery of care facing nurse leaders today and write a 1,250-1,500 word paper addressing the following:
  • One nursing theory will be presented as a framework to resolve a problem occurring within one of the professional areas of leadership, education, informatics, healthcare policy or advance clinical practice.  The same nursing theory selected in Assignment One may be used to resolve the identified problem. 
  • Module 6: Change and Leadership in Nursing Education – Professional Development
  • Module 6: Change and Leadership in Nursing Education – Critical Thinking
  • Module 6: Change and Leadership in Nursing Education – Discussion
  • Analyze one of the following concepts: “Advanced Practice Nursing,” “Leadership in Nursing Practice” or “Holistic Nursing Practice”
  • Nursing Administration Function: A Comprehensive Guide for Nursing Students
  • Theory and Leadership
  • NUR-514: Organizational Leadership and Informatics
  • Leadership: Workplace Environment Assessment
  • Professional Development in Nursing – Topic 3 Assignment Solution
  • Leadership Change Framework – Week 8 Assignment Solution

At, we strive to provide you with a comprehensive collection of nursing case study examples and solutions that align with the best practices recommended by YOAST and RankMath. By exploring these diverse case studies, you’ll enhance your clinical knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and overall understanding of nursing practice. Take advantage of this valuable resource and elevate your nursing skills to new heights.

Remember, success in nursing begins with knowledge and continues with lifelong learning. Explore our nursing case study examples and solutions today and embark on a journey of professional growth and excellence.

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23 Essential Nursing Interview Questions [w/ Sample Answers]

nursing interview questions and answers

By Isabelle Dupont

15 min read

Nursing interview questions are designed to examine the job seeker’s qualifications and determine whether they are the right person for the role . Hiring managers and employers ask these questions to evaluate candidates and ensure they’ll fit in their organization and contribute to their efforts.

In this article, we’ll examine the most common nurse interview questions. You’ll learn what these questions are, why hiring managers ask them, and how you should respond . We’ll also give you examples of good answers to use as inspiration. Let’s get started!

What Are Employers Looking For in a Nurse?

Employers typically look for relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications when hiring a nurse. Here are some of the key ones:

Qualities Employers Seek

Clinical competence . Having clinical skills is vital for nursing professionals. Employers will likely ask nursing interview questions to see whether you can provide evidence of sufficient knowledge, nursing skills , and practical experience.

Nursing credentials . Appropriate credentials, like degrees or certifications, validate your knowledge and competence.

Patient-centered mindset . In addition to technical qualifications, employers look for nurses who can provide compassionate care and treat patients with respect.

Teamwork and collaboration . Nurses primarily work in interdisciplinary teams, so employers ask teamwork interview questions to determine whether they collaborate well and can contribute to common goals.

Resilience and adaptability . The nursing job can be physically and emotionally demanding. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to navigate challenging situations, adapt to newfound circumstances, and handle stress.

How to Answer Nursing Interview Questions

What Are Employers Looking For in a Nurse

One of the best ways to answer nursing interview questions is by using the STAR method . This is a structured approach that leverages storytelling techniques to give a concise and information-packed answer.

The STAR method consists of the four following steps :

Answering Nursing Questions Effectively

Situation . To give the interviewer context, you should start by describing the situation. This can be a challenging patient you had or an emergency scenario.

Task . Explain your level of involvement by talking about your role in that scenario.

Action . Follow up by giving the interviewer the exact steps you took to address the issue and carry out the task that you’ve been given.

Result . Capitalize on everything you just said by sharing the positive results of your actions.

While the STAR method can’t be used to answer every question, it’s the best one for nursing behavioral interview questions .

13 Nursing Interview Questions w/ Sample Answers

Now, let’s examine the most common nurse interview questions and answers to discover why job interviewers ask them and how you should respond.

#1. Describe a time you went above and beyond for a patient.

Hiring managers ask this nursing interview question to evaluate your commitment to patient care . Your answer should highlight your willingness to go the extra mile and your empathy and initiative.

Here’s a good example:

Good Answer

“A severely ill patient was feeling isolated during the pandemic because their family and friends couldn’t visit. I needed to ensure their well-being and provide emotional support.

That’s why I arranged regular video calls with the patient’s relatives and took the extra time to talk to them in addition to mandatory care. Ultimately, their morale lifted, and the family expressed their appreciation for the effort.”

This answer uses the STAR method to highlight not just the nurse’s clinical skills but also their empathy, diligence, and problem-solving ability . It’s a comprehensive answer that shows how the nurse improved the patient’s well-being with more than typical clinical duties.

#2. Describe a time when you were dealing with a difficult coworker.

This question aims to determine how you handle conflict . Since the nursing job involves plenty of teamwork, employers want to know how you handle challenging interpersonal situations that are bound to occur.

Let’s see a solid example of an answer to this nurse interview question:

“My colleague and I once had a differing opinion on how to care for a patient. This led to tension, and I realized we had to resolve the conflict to ensure proper care and maintain a positive work environment.

That’s why I called the coworker for a conversation, expressed my point of view, and actively listened to their statement. We found a compromise, giving the patient the necessary care while strengthening our professional relationship.”

This answer works as it shows a proactive approach and demonstrates maturity and a professional, patient-oriented mindset.

#3. What do you do when the patient asks about something you do not know?

The purpose of this question is to determine whether patient trust is a priority to you . Your answer should showcase how you handle uncertain situations and what you do to ensure the accuracy of the information.

Here’s an example:

“If a patient asks about something I don’t know, I first acknowledge their concerns, tell them any details that I know, and assure them that I will find the correct answer as soon as possible.

I then contact coworkers who specialize in that field and have more experience than me or look for the answer using reliable resources. Once I am certain of my knowledge, I report back to the patient, ensuring a transparent and honest relationship.”

The main reason this answer works is because it shows integrity . You are not expected to know everything, but employers value nurses who are able to solve problems with an honest and proactive approach.

#4. How do you handle changes in your schedule or unit?

This is a common nursing job interview question that assesses your adaptability and flexibility in a highly volatile healthcare environment.

Here’s an excellent way to answer it:

“I understand that the nursing profession requires a lot of flexibility and adaptability. When I encounter a change in my schedule or unit, I remain calm and assess the situation while prioritizing quality care for my patients. I take the time to analyze these changes or review new protocols and determine how I can adapt to them as quickly and efficiently as possible.”

This answer shows that you’re familiar with the unpredictability connected to the nursing profession. It demonstrates your willingness to embrace change and tackle challenges with a calm demeanor and determination to succeed without compromising patients’ well-being.

#5. How do you explain medical terms to patients?

This nurse interview question indirectly examines your communication skills . Your answer shows employers whether you’re able to convey complex ideas and technical information in a simple way. This is essential to ensure that patients can understand you, helping you provide them with optimal care.

Let’s check out an example of a good answer:

“When explaining medical terms to patients, I start by considering their background. A quick analysis tells me what type of language I can use. Then, I use a combination of simplified terminology, analogies, and visual aids to clarify complex concepts. Once I finish explaining, I ask them whether they have any questions to verify if they fully understood what I was saying.”

An answer like this shows that your verbal communication skills are on point. It demonstrates that you can express yourself clearly and precisely , adapting your language to each individual patient to ensure they are adequately informed.

#6. How do you handle high stress/pressure?

Employers want to know how you handle stress and pressure because stress can significantly impact a nurse’s quality of life and caring behaviors . A good answer should highlight your ability to remain composed and perform well in situations of high pressure.

Let’s see that in an example:

“During one particularly busy shift, we had to admit multiple patients that required urgent attendance. I needed to remain calm and give everyone the necessary care.

After a quick reorganization and brief communication with the team, I took a moment to focus and reprioritize my tasks. We successfully managed the situation, and I ensured every patient received the care they needed.”

This answer demonstrates the candidate’s composure and the ability to maintain quality care in demanding situations.

#7. Why did you become a nurse?

The primary intent behind this nursing interview question is to explore your motivation and passion for the profession . Employers always look for driven candidates since they are likely to be committed to the craft and perform optimally.

Here’s an example of an answer to this nursing interview question:

“I became a nurse because I always had a passion for helping others. Growing up, I experienced several situations where healthcare professionals helped my family in difficult times.

These encounters resonated with me, and I decided to become a professional who can help and support others. Through nursing, I make a tangible difference in people’s lives, and I find that immensely fulfilling.”

This comprehensive answer shows the candidate’s deep connection to their profession and profound motivation to help and care for others .

#8. Describe a situation where you disagreed with the doctor and how you handled it.

This is one of the trickier interview questions designed to discover how you navigate conflicting situations . Sometimes, you must advocate for your patients while maintaining polite and professional relationships with doctors.

Check out this example of a good answer:

“I once noticed a doctor prescribing medication that conflicted with the one the patient was already taking. I needed to address the issue to ensure my patient’s well-being, so I approached the doctor privately and explained my case.

I backed my point of view with evidence and reviewed the patient’s chart with the doctor. They ended up agreeing to prescribe an alternative that would help avoid potential adverse reactions in the patient.”

This answer shows the candidate’s focus on prioritizing patient care while simultaneously demonstrating their ability to overcome disagreements professionally .

#9. How would you handle a crisis (such as an outbreak)?

Nurses offer essential support during crises . They are on the front lines, which is why employers want to know whether you can remain calm and effective during these times.

Here’s one way to answer this nursing interview question:

“During last year’s seasonal flu outbreak, our department was flooded with patients. My task was to ensure everyone followed infection control procedures while managing the increased patient load.

I coordinated with an interdisciplinary team, delegating tasks based on each member’s critical strengths while ensuring everyone followed mandatory PPE protocols. We managed to care for all patients while preventing further spread of the flu among healthcare staff and other patients.”

This is a strong answer as it highlights the candidate’s ability to stay composed and professional during a crisis , prioritize tasks, lead others, and handle challenging situations efficiently.

#10. Describe a situation where the patient's family was difficult.

Hiring managers ask this nursing interview question to examine your interpersonal skills . Nursing professionals often have to interact with patients’ families and must be ready for challenging situations. They need to remain calm during interactions that can be emotionally charged.

“I had a situation where a patient’s family was upset because they weren’t clear on the treatment plan. I needed to address their concerns to resolve the issue, maintain a positive relationship, and continue treating the patient.

I contacted the family for a meeting and took the time to listen to their worries. After explaining the treatment step-by-step and addressing any concerns they had, they ended up being comfortable with it and thanked me for clarification.”

This is a solid answer, as it shows the nurse’s ability to have difficult conversations and convey complex information with patience and empathy .

#11. How do you stay current with the latest nursing practices?

This nursing interview question examines whether you practice continuous learning and improvement . Your answer shows how engaged you are in your career and how committed you are to professional development.

Let’s see an example:

“I stay current with nursing practices by regularly attending professional improvement events, like workshops and conferences. I am also subscribed to several nursing journals, where I read about the latest research in the field.

Finally, I am a member of several social media groups and online boards where I regularly participate in peer discussions before applying evidence-based practices to my work.”

This response shows a proactive approach to professional development . It also highlights the candidate’s efforts to stay updated on the latest and best practices through multiple channels, ensuring an optimal learning experience.

#12. Describe a time when you had to make a quick decision.

The purpose of this question is to assess your decision-making skills . Hiring managers ask this to determine whether you can think quickly and act decisively in states of emergency. This is also one of the nursing leadership interview questions that allows you to display your initiative.

“During one of my shifts in the ER, a patient went into sudden cardiac arrest. I had to respond immediately to stabilize their condition, so I instantly started CPR while calling for additional support. I continued with CPR until the code team arrived with the crash cart, successfully resuscitating them. My quick response and their efforts saved the patient’s life.”

This is a great response, as it shows how the nurse behaves under pressure and makes a quick and correct decision, getting the best possible outcome .

#13. How do you handle a shortage of staff?

Staff shortages are common in healthcare settings, and the ability to overcome them is essential for experienced nurses. When hiring managers ask this nursing interview question, they want to find out whether you can continue working and maintain a high standard of patient care even when understaffed. 

Here’s how you can answer this question:

“One day, we encountered a sudden shortage of staff due to several coworkers calling in sick. My task was to manage the workload without compromising the quality of care.

I arranged a quick meeting and collaborated with the team to distribute the assignments evenly and efficiently, ensuring that no patient was overlooked or staff member was overburdened. Despite the shortage, we managed to provide sufficient care to everyone.”

On top of showcasing how they efficiently handled the staff shortage, this answer also demonstrates the candidate’s teamwork , organization , and delegation skills .

9+ Additional Questions for the Nursing Interview

Now, let’s explore some of the more common interview questions . These can be interview questions for nursing assistants and chief nursing officers alike, but also for any other role or even profession:

General Questions

Tell me about yourself .

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Why should we hire you?

What are your salary expectations?

What is your greatest strength?

What is your greatest weakness?

How do you handle criticism?

How do you handle failure?

Tell us about a time when you demonstrated leadership capabilities.

Why were you fired from your last job?

Job interviewers can ask these questions regardless of your profession or the position you’re after. That’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself with them and come up with good answers in advance.

4 Expert Tips for a Successful Nursing Interview

Before we finish this thorough guide on nursing interview questions, here are a couple of expert tips that will help you ace the interview:

Nursing Interview Tips

Research the company . By researching the hospital, clinic, or healthcare organization you want to join, you’ll discover what they are looking for in candidates. That will help you prepare better answers for your interview.

Ask meaningful questions . It’s not uncommon for hiring managers to ask if you have any questions for them toward the end of the interview. Asking something insightful you couldn’t find out during your research shows commitment and genuine interest in the job.

Wear an appropriate outfit . A professional outfit and punctuality convey seriousness and leave a strong first impression on the interviewer. This can also help you feel more comfortable, reducing any potential interview anxiety .

Be honest and authentic . While your answers can be improved to highlight your skills and qualifications better, you don’t want to oversell yourself or lie about your competence. Honesty is essential and will maximize your chances of a favorable outcome.

Final Thoughts

The faster-than-average job outlook of 6% for nurses means there will be more than 177,000 new openings between 2022 and 2032. One of the best ways to secure one of those spots is with a strong nurse resume , a well-written nursing cover letter , and proper preparation for a job interview.

The key concepts stay the same whether you’re a newly qualified nurse (NHS) or a nursing supervisor. Being mindful of the STAR method and aware of all the potential questions you can encounter during an interview will maximize your chances of success. Remember to showcase compassion and motivation on top of your technical skills, and you’ll ace the meeting!

Isabelle Dupont

Create your resume once, use it everywhere


20 Interview Questions Every ICU Nurse Must Be Able To Answer

Common ICU Nurse interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

case study nursing interview questions

You just got an interview for a job as an ICU nurse—congratulations! This is your chance to show the hiring manager why you’re the best candidate for the position, but first you have to get through the tough questions.

Preparing ahead of time can help ease any pre-interview jitters and give you a better shot at getting hired. To help you do just that, we’ve compiled a list of common ICU nurse interview questions, along with advice on how to answer them. Read on, and ace your next job interview!

  • What is your experience with providing critical care to patients in an ICU setting?
  • Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision while caring for a patient in the ICU.
  • How do you handle stressful situations and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment?
  • Explain your understanding of the different types of medical equipment used in an ICU.
  • Are you comfortable working with ventilators, dialysis machines, and other complex medical devices?
  • Describe your experience with administering medications and monitoring their effects on patients.
  • How do you ensure that all necessary documentation is completed accurately and efficiently?
  • What strategies do you use to stay up-to-date on the latest treatments and protocols for ICU patients?
  • How do you communicate effectively with family members who are worried about their loved one’s condition?
  • Describe a situation where you had to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide optimal care for a patient.
  • What would you do if a patient was not responding to treatment as expected?
  • How do you handle ethical dilemmas that arise in the ICU?
  • What steps do you take to prevent infection in the ICU?
  • Do you have any experience with end-of-life care for ICU patients?
  • How do you assess a patient’s pain levels and adjust their medication accordingly?
  • What strategies do you use to manage stress and maintain emotional balance while working in the ICU?
  • How do you approach teaching new nurses the basics of ICU nursing?
  • Describe a time when you had to intervene in a conflict between two or more staff members.
  • What do you think makes a successful ICU nurse?
  • How do you ensure that all safety protocols are followed in the ICU?

1. What is your experience with providing critical care to patients in an ICU setting?

ICU nurses provide intensive care and monitoring of patients with life-threatening conditions. An interviewer will want to know your experience with critical care, such as types of treatments and medications, as well as your experience with life-saving procedures and protocols. They will also want to know how well you can work with the medical team and other healthcare professionals in this environment.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to discuss your experience with providing critical care in an ICU setting. You can mention any relevant courses you took or certifications you have that relate to ICU nursing, as well as any hands-on experience you have had. It is also important to discuss the types of treatments and medications you are familiar with, as well as any protocols and procedures you have used when caring for critically ill patients. Finally, you should highlight your ability to work effectively with other healthcare professionals in a team environment.

Example: “I have over five years of experience providing critical care to patients in an ICU setting. I am well-versed in the latest treatments and medications, as well as life-saving protocols such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). Additionally, I have a strong understanding of how to work effectively with other healthcare professionals in order to provide the best possible care for my patients. My experience has also taught me how to remain calm and collected under pressure, which is essential when working in this type of environment.”

2. Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision while caring for a patient in the ICU.

Working in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a demanding job that requires nurses to assess and respond to a variety of conditions quickly and accurately. This question allows the interviewer to gauge your ability to think on your feet and make decisions quickly and confidently. It also shows the interviewer that you understand the gravity of the situation and can recognize when a patient’s condition is serious and requires immediate attention.

Be prepared to discuss your experience in detail. Talk about specific cases you’ve handled, any specialized training or certifications you have, and the types of treatments you’re comfortable administering. It can also be helpful to explain how you stay up to date on new developments in ICU care and how you work with other healthcare providers to ensure the best possible outcome for each patient.

Example: “I recently had a case in which I was caring for a patient who had suffered severe burns. The patient’s condition was deteriorating rapidly, and I had to make the difficult decision to intubate them. It was a delicate situation because I knew that the patient would need to be on a ventilator for an extended period of time. After consulting with the other members of the healthcare team, we decided that intubation was the best course of action. We monitored the patient closely and were able to stabilize their condition over the next few days. This experience reinforced my commitment to providing quality care in critical situations.”

3. How do you handle stressful situations and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment?

Working in an ICU is one of the most demanding jobs out there. It requires you to think and act quickly, often in life-or-death situations. The interviewer wants to know you can handle the stress of the job and that you can prioritize tasks so that you don’t miss anything. They also want to make sure you can effectively communicate with other members of the medical team in order to provide the best care for your patients.

To answer this question, talk about a time when you had to make quick decisions in a stressful situation. Describe how you kept your cool and handled the situation calmly and efficiently. Talk about how you prioritize tasks by breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks and then tackling them one at a time. Show that you can work well with other members of the medical team by talking about how you collaborate and communicate effectively with colleagues. Finally, emphasize your commitment to providing the best care for your patients by discussing how you take their needs and safety into consideration first.

Example: “I’m used to working in fast-paced environments and dealing with stressful situations. I stay calm by focusing on the task at hand and breaking it down into smaller, manageable chunks. I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance and make sure that I don’t miss any critical details. I also collaborate closely with my colleagues to ensure that everyone is on the same page when providing care for our patients. Above all, I always keep their safety and well-being as my top priority.”

4. Explain your understanding of the different types of medical equipment used in an ICU.

ICU nurses are expected to have a good working knowledge of the medical equipment used in the ICU. This includes ventilators, monitors, infusion pumps, and other medical equipment. The interviewer wants to know that you understand how to use this equipment and that you can troubleshoot any potential issues that may arise. This question also gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the latest medical technologies.

Start by explaining the basic functions of each type of equipment and how they are used in the ICU. Then, explain any experience you have with using this equipment either through your education or previous work experience. If possible, provide a specific example of when you successfully troubleshot an issue with medical equipment. Finally, discuss any additional training you may have received that has prepared you to use medical equipment safely and efficiently.

Example: “My understanding of the various types of medical equipment used in an ICU is quite extensive. I am familiar with all the standard devices such as ventilators, monitors, and infusion pumps. Additionally, I have received specialized training on advanced technologies like telemetry systems and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) machines. In my previous job, I was able to successfully troubleshoot a malfunctioning monitor by identifying the root cause and replacing the necessary parts. This experience has given me the confidence to handle any issues that may arise with medical equipment in the future.”

5. Are you comfortable working with ventilators, dialysis machines, and other complex medical devices?

In the ICU, nurses have to manage complex medical devices and be comfortable with rapidly changing patient conditions. This question tests your technical knowledge and comfort level with the machines and equipment used to provide critical care. It also allows the interviewer to gauge your understanding of the job, as well as your ability to think on your feet in emergency situations.

This question requires you to demonstrate your technical knowledge and experience with the machines used in ICU care. Talk about any previous experiences you have working with medical devices, such as ventilators or dialysis machines. If you don’t have direct experience, explain how you would go about learning to use the equipment. Show that you are confident in your ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations. Emphasize your commitment to providing excellent patient care and safety.

Example: “I have experience working with ventilators, dialysis machines, and other complex medical devices in an ICU setting. I’m confident that I can quickly learn any new equipment necessary to provide the best care for my patients. In addition, I understand the importance of safety protocols and am always vigilant about double checking all settings before adjusting or administering treatments.”

6. Describe your experience with administering medications and monitoring their effects on patients.

ICU nurses are responsible for the safe and effective administration of medications to critically ill patients. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the medications, their effects on the body, and how to properly monitor the patient’s response to them. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking to get a sense of your experience and competency in this area.

When answering this question, you should focus on the types of medications you have administered in the past and any special techniques or protocols that you are familiar with. Talk about how you monitor a patient’s response to medications and what kind of assessments you perform to determine if the medication is having its desired effect. It may also be helpful to discuss any specific cases where you had to administer medications to a critically ill patient and how you handled it.

Example: “I have a great deal of experience administering medications and monitoring their effects in critically ill patients. I am familiar with the common protocols for administering medications, as well as how to properly monitor a patient’s response. For example, I recently had to administer a powerful anticoagulant to a patient who was at risk of developing blood clots. I monitored his vital signs regularly and performed tests to ensure that the medication was having its desired effect. I’m confident that my experience administering medications and monitoring their effects on critically ill patients make me an ideal candidate for this role.”

7. How do you ensure that all necessary documentation is completed accurately and efficiently?

In the ICU, accuracy and efficiency are both absolutely critical. Interviewers will want to know that you understand the importance of properly documenting all patient care, so they’ll ask this question to assess your understanding of the importance of documentation. Additionally, they’ll want to understand how you go about making sure that all necessary paperwork is completed correctly and in a timely manner.

You should demonstrate that you understand the importance of accurate and complete documentation. Talk about how you prioritize patient care by making sure to document all necessary information in a timely manner. Additionally, you can mention any strategies or processes you have for ensuring accuracy, such as double-checking your work or having another nurse review it before submitting. Finally, if you’ve ever implemented any new systems or procedures for improving documentation accuracy and efficiency, be sure to highlight those here.

Example: “I understand that accurate and complete documentation is essential for patient care in the ICU. I prioritize this task by making sure to document all necessary information as soon as possible, while also double-checking my work for accuracy. Additionally, I have implemented a system where another nurse reviews each chart before submitting it, ensuring that all details are correct. This has been an effective way of maintaining accuracy while also improving efficiency.”

8. What strategies do you use to stay up-to-date on the latest treatments and protocols for ICU patients?

ICU nursing is a quickly evolving field. New treatments, protocols, and medications are developed all the time. The interviewer wants to know that you are able to stay current with the latest developments in ICU nursing and can adjust your approach to patient care accordingly. They want to make sure you have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide the best care possible to ICU patients.

Talk about the strategies you use to stay informed of new developments in ICU nursing. For example, you can mention that you read medical journals and attend conferences related to ICU nursing. You might also talk about how you collaborate with other nurses and physicians to discuss best practices or ask questions regarding patient care. Finally, you could highlight any continuing education courses you have taken on topics related to ICU nursing.

Example: “I understand how important it is to stay up-to-date on the latest treatments and protocols for ICU patients. That’s why I make sure to read medical journals and attend conferences related to ICU nursing. I also collaborate with other nurses and physicians to discuss best practices and ask questions regarding patient care. Additionally, I have taken several continuing education courses related to ICU nursing. I believe these strategies allow me to provide the best care possible to my patients.”

9. How do you communicate effectively with family members who are worried about their loved one’s condition?

Communication is key in the ICU, especially when it comes to family members of patients who are in critical condition. It’s essential that nurses be able to communicate effectively with families in order to help them understand the medical situation and to provide them with the support they need during this difficult time. The interviewer is looking for evidence that you can provide such support in a compassionate way.

First, emphasize your experience with communicating with family members in difficult situations. Talk about how you have been able to provide them with the information they need while being sensitive and understanding of their emotions. You can also talk about any special techniques that you use to help families cope with a loved one’s illness or injury. Finally, focus on how you strive to make sure each family member is heard and respected throughout the process.

Example: “I understand how difficult it can be for family members to cope with a loved one’s serious medical condition. That’s why I take the time to listen to their concerns and answer any questions they have in an honest and compassionate way. I also make sure to provide them with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their loved one’s care. Additionally, I always strive to be respectful of their wishes while also providing them with the support they need to get through this difficult time.”

10. Describe a situation where you had to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide optimal care for a patient.

Working in the ICU requires nurses to have a high level of clinical knowledge and the ability to work with multiple medical professionals including physicians, respiratory therapists, and other healthcare staff. Interviewers want to know that you are able to collaborate effectively with other healthcare professionals and that you understand the importance of working as a team to provide the best possible care for a patient.

This question is designed to assess your ability to work as part of a team and how you handle difficult situations. Talk about a situation in which you had to collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, or physical therapists, to provide the best care for a patient. Explain what challenges you faced, how you communicated with the other healthcare professionals, and what steps you took to ensure that the patient received optimal care. Be sure to emphasize any positive outcomes from this collaboration.

Example: “I recently had a situation where I had to collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide optimal care for a patient. The patient had a complex medical history and was in critical condition. I worked closely with the patient’s doctor and physical therapist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. We discussed the patient’s medical history and the best course of action. We also came up with an effective communication plan for sharing information with the rest of the healthcare team. By working together, we were able to provide the patient with the best possible care and ultimately had a positive outcome.”

11. What would you do if a patient was not responding to treatment as expected?

ICU nurses are responsible for providing high-level care to critically ill patients. This can include monitoring vital signs, administering medication, and providing support to family and other healthcare professionals. An interviewer will ask this question to understand how you would respond in an unexpected or challenging situation. They want to know that you are able to think quickly on your feet and make decisions that are in the best interest of the patient.

To answer this question, you should explain how you would assess the situation and determine what needs to be done. You can start by talking about how you would review the patient’s chart and medical history to identify any potential causes for the unexpected response. Then, discuss how you would work with the healthcare team to adjust the treatment plan as needed. Finally, explain that you would monitor the patient closely and communicate any changes in condition to the doctor or other appropriate personnel.

Example: “If a patient was not responding to treatment as expected, I would first review their chart and medical history to identify any potential causes for the unexpected response. Next, I would consult with the healthcare team and adjust the treatment plan as needed. I would also monitor the patient closely and communicate any changes in condition to the doctor or other appropriate personnel. Finally, I would provide support to the patient and their family, and update them on the treatment plan and expected outcomes.”

12. How do you handle ethical dilemmas that arise in the ICU?

Ethical dilemmas arise often in the ICU. Questions about end-of-life care, medical necessity, and medical errors can all be difficult to answer. Interviewers want to know that you understand the gravity of these situations and can make decisions in a timely and ethical manner. This question also gives you a chance to demonstrate your critical thinking skills, which are essential in the ICU.

Before you answer this question, think about the ethical dilemmas that you have faced in your nursing career. You should be prepared to explain how you handled them and why you made the decisions you did. It’s also important to demonstrate that you understand the importance of considering all sides of an issue before making a decision. For example, you can talk about how you weigh the patient’s wishes with the medical team’s recommendations or how you balance the need for immediate care with long-term health outcomes.

Example: “When faced with ethical dilemmas in the ICU, I take a patient-centered approach. I always consider the patient’s wishes first and foremost and weigh them against any medical recommendations from the team. I also take into account the long-term health outcomes of any decisions that I make. I strive to make decisions that are in the best interest of the patient and their family, while also taking into consideration the needs of the medical team and the facility. I understand the gravity of these situations, and I always take the time to consider all sides of the issue before making a decision.”

13. What steps do you take to prevent infection in the ICU?

ICUs are high-risk areas, and preventing the spread of infection is a crucial part of the job. By asking this question, the interviewer is looking for evidence that you understand the importance of infection control, and that you have the skills and knowledge to put prevention protocols into practice.

Start by talking about the specific protocols you follow to prevent infection. This could include hand hygiene, wearing protective equipment such as masks and gloves, and adhering to isolation procedures for patients with contagious illnesses. You can also talk about how you educate other healthcare workers on best practices for infection control, and how you monitor your own practice to ensure that all protocols are being followed. Finally, discuss any additional steps you take to protect ICU patients from infection, such as using disinfectants or following special cleaning protocols.

Example: “In my role as an ICU nurse, I take every possible step to prevent the spread of infection. I always practice strict hand hygiene, and I make sure to wear the appropriate protective equipment when caring for patients. I also adhere to isolation procedures for patients with contagious illnesses, and I educate other healthcare workers on best practices for infection control. Additionally, I use disinfectants to clean the ICU environment, and I follow special cleaning protocols to ensure that all surfaces are free of bacteria and other pathogens. I’m committed to keeping the ICU a safe and healthy environment for all patients.”

14. Do you have any experience with end-of-life care for ICU patients?

End-of-life care is an important part of the ICU nurse’s role. It can be a difficult and emotionally taxing job, so it’s important for the interviewer to understand how you’d handle these situations. They want to know if you have the compassion and emotional intelligence to provide the best possible care for the patient and their family in these moments.

Talk about any experience you have with end-of-life care for ICU patients. If you don’t have direct experience, go into detail about how you handle difficult situations and what measures you take to ensure the patient is comfortable and their family is supported. Show that you understand the emotional weight of these moments and that you can provide comfort in a way that respects the patient’s wishes.

Example: “I have extensive experience providing end-of-life care for ICU patients. I understand the importance of creating a supportive environment for the patient and their family, and I always strive to ensure that their wishes are respected. I make sure to take the time to listen to the patient and their family so that I can understand their preferences and provide the best possible care. I also take steps to ensure that the patient is comfortable and that their family is supported throughout the process. I am well-versed in the emotional and spiritual aspects of end-of-life care, and I have the compassion and emotional intelligence needed to provide the best care possible in these difficult moments.”

15. How do you assess a patient’s pain levels and adjust their medication accordingly?

Pain management is a key component of ICU nursing. It’s important for ICU nurses to be able to recognize a patient’s pain levels, adjust their medication accordingly, and monitor the patient’s response to the medication. This question helps the interviewer understand how you assess a patient’s pain and how you adjust their medication to ensure the best possible outcomes.

The best way to answer this question is to provide a step-by-step explanation of your process for assessing and managing pain. You might start by mentioning that you assess the patient’s pain levels through observation, communication with the patient, and review of vital signs. Then explain how you adjust their medication accordingly: what type of medication do you use? How often do you administer it? What other methods do you use to manage their pain (e.g., physical therapy)? Finally, describe how you monitor the patient’s response to the medication—what signs do you look for to determine if the medication is effective or not?

Example: “When assessing a patient’s pain levels, I start by observing their behavior, communicating with them directly, and reviewing their vital signs. Depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the pain, I may administer a range of medications—from over-the-counter medications to opioids—as well as other methods of pain management such as physical therapy. Once I’ve administered the medication, I monitor the patient’s response to the medication, looking for signs of pain relief, increased mobility, and improved vital signs. I also adjust the dosage and type of medication as needed to ensure the best possible outcomes for the patient.”

16. What strategies do you use to manage stress and maintain emotional balance while working in the ICU?

Working in the ICU is a high-pressure job, and it’s important to make sure the nurse you hire is able to handle the stress and maintain emotional balance while on the job. This question is meant to gauge the applicant’s awareness of the challenges of the job and how they cope with them. It’s also an opportunity to hear about strategies the applicant has used in the past and how they’ve been successful.

The best way to answer this question is to provide specific examples of strategies you’ve used in the past. This could include taking breaks throughout the day, talking with colleagues or mentors about your experiences, participating in physical activities such as yoga or running after work, and engaging in hobbies outside of work. You should also emphasize that you have a good support system at home and are able to talk things through with family and friends when needed.

Example: “I’ve found that the best way to manage stress and maintain emotional balance while working in the ICU is to have a good support system both at work and at home. I make it a point to take short breaks throughout the day to clear my head and take a few deep breaths. After work, I like to go for a run, practice yoga, or spend time with family and friends. I also have a few mentors at work who I can talk to about difficult cases or experiences. Overall, I’ve found that having a healthy balance of work and leisure helps me stay emotionally balanced and better able to handle the pressures of working in the ICU.”

17. How do you approach teaching new nurses the basics of ICU nursing?

ICU nursing is a specialized field that requires specialized knowledge, skills, and experience. It’s important to know that a potential hire can effectively train new nurses on the basics of ICU nursing by providing them with the necessary information and support. The interviewer wants to be sure that the candidate has the experience and knowledge to provide a comprehensive and effective training program for new ICU nurses.

To answer this question, you should emphasize your teaching experience and ability to provide comprehensive instruction. You can explain the steps you take when training new ICU nurses, such as providing hands-on demonstrations, offering one-on-one guidance, and utilizing visual aids like diagrams or videos. Additionally, you can talk about how you utilize resources like textbooks, online courses, and simulations to ensure that the new nurses are well equipped with the knowledge they need to succeed in their role.

Example: “When I teach new ICU nurses, I like to start by providing them with a comprehensive overview of the basics of ICU nursing. I like to use visual aids and hands-on demonstrations to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the concepts. I also make sure that I’m available for one-on-one guidance, so that they can ask questions and get clarification on any topics. I also make sure to provide them with resources such as textbooks, online courses, and simulations to help them understand the material better. Overall, my goal is to ensure that they’re well equipped with the knowledge they need to be successful in their role.”

18. Describe a time when you had to intervene in a conflict between two or more staff members.

Working in a healthcare environment, especially one as intense as the ICU, can be stressful. It’s important to demonstrate that you can handle yourself in difficult situations, including those involving other staff members. Interviewers want to know that you can take control and resolve conflicts without creating a tense atmosphere.

Start by describing the situation and how you noticed it was escalating. Talk about your thought process in assessing the conflict and what steps you took to intervene. Then explain what action you took to resolve the issue, such as having a conversation with all of the parties involved or bringing in a supervisor to mediate. Finally, talk about the outcome of the situation and any lessons learned from the experience.

Example: “I had to intervene in a conflict between two ICU nurses while I was working in the trauma unit. I noticed that the tension between them was escalating, so I stepped in and asked them both to take a break and talk it out. I then had a conversation with them, listening to both sides and offering suggestions for how to resolve the issue. After some back and forth, they were able to come to an agreement and the situation was diffused. I learned from this experience that it’s important to be proactive in addressing conflicts before they become too heated. It’s also important to be impartial and listen to all sides before offering solutions.”

19. What do you think makes a successful ICU nurse?

ICU nurses have a difficult job; they must be highly organized and able to think on their feet in order to provide the best care for their patients. This question helps interviewers gauge your understanding of the job and how you think about patient care. They want to see that you have the skills and qualities needed to excel in this role, such as empathy, technical proficiency, and the ability to remain calm under pressure.

To answer this question, you should focus on the qualities that make a successful ICU nurse. These include being organized and detail-oriented, having excellent communication skills to work with other healthcare professionals, staying up-to-date on new treatments and technologies, remaining calm under pressure, and having empathy for your patients and their families. You can also mention any relevant experience or training you have in the field of ICU nursing, such as specialized certifications or courses.

Example: “I believe that the qualities that make a successful ICU nurse are the same qualities that make a successful nurse in any field: organization, communication, technical proficiency, and empathy. I have a deep passion for providing care to my patients and their families, and I strive to stay up-to-date on the latest treatments and technologies. I am also very organized and detail-oriented, which helps me stay on top of my patients’ needs. I have several years of experience in the ICU setting and I am certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). I am confident that my skills and experience make me an ideal candidate for this position.”

20. How do you ensure that all safety protocols are followed in the ICU?

This question is designed to assess your understanding of the importance of safety in the ICU. ICU nurses are responsible for the well-being of their patients and must ensure that all safety protocols are followed to ensure the highest level of care is provided. The interviewer wants to know that you are aware of the importance of safety protocols and that you have the experience and knowledge to ensure they are followed.

Begin by discussing the safety protocols that you are familiar with and have implemented in your previous roles. Talk about how you ensure that all staff members are aware of the safety protocols and how you monitor compliance. Additionally, discuss any additional steps you take to ensure that safety is a priority, such as conducting regular drills or attending continuing education courses on safety protocols. Finally, emphasize that patient safety is always at the forefront of your mind when providing care.

Example: “In my role as an ICU nurse, patient safety is my number one priority. I ensure that all safety protocols are followed by staying up-to-date on the latest safety guidelines and regulations. I also regularly review safety protocols with my team and conduct drills to ensure that everyone is familiar with the protocols. Additionally, I attend continuing education courses on safety protocols to ensure that I am providing the highest level of care. I always strive to provide the best care possible and patient safety is always at the forefront of my mind.”

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  • Open access
  • Published: 04 September 2024

Experiences of patients with advanced chronic diseases and their associates with a structured palliative care nurse visit followed by an interprofessional case conference in primary care – a deductive-inductive content analysis based on qualitative interviews (KOPAL-Study)

  • Nadine Janis Pohontsch   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Jan Weber   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Stephanie Stiel   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Franziska Schade   ORCID: 2 , 3 ,
  • Friedemann Nauck   ORCID: 3 ,
  • Janina Timm 1 ,
  • Martin Scherer 1 &
  • Gabriella Marx   ORCID: 1  

BMC Primary Care volume  25 , Article number:  323 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

Chronic, non-malignant diseases (CNMD) like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF) and dementia in advanced stages are very burdensome for patients. Timely palliative care with strong collaboration between general practitioners (GPs) and specialist palliative home care (SPHC) teams can reduce symptom burden, hospitalization rates, hospitalization costs and overall healthcare costs. The KOPAL-study on strengthening interprofessional collaboration for patients with palliative care needs tested the effect of an intervention comprising of a SPHC nurse assessment and an interprofessional case conference. This qualitative evaluative study explores patients’, proxies’ and their associates’ motivation to participate in the KOPAL-study and views on the (benefits of the) intervention.

We interviewed 13 male and 10 female patients as well as 14 proxies of patients with dementia and six associates of study participants using a semi-structured interview guide. All interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed with deductive-inductive qualitative content analysis.

Motivation for participation was driven by curiosity, the aim to please the GP or to support research, respectively to help other patients. Few interviewees pointed out to have expected positive effects for themselves. The nurse visit was evaluated very positively. Positive changes concerning health care or quality of life were reported sparsely. Most study participants did not prepare for the SPHC nurse assessment. They had no expectations concerning potential benefits of such an assessment, the interdisciplinary case conference and an early integration of palliative care. The majority of interviewees reported that they did not talk about the nurse visit and the interprofessional case conference with their GPs.

Our results lead to the conclusion that SPHC nurses can serve as an advocate for the patient and thereby support the patients’ autonomy. GPs should actively discuss the results of the interdisciplinary case conference with patients and collaboratively decide on further actions. Patient participation in the interdisciplinary case conference could be another way to increase the effects of the intervention by empowering patients to not just passively receive the intervention.

Trial registration

DRKS00017795 German Clinical Trials Register, 17Nov2021, version 05.

Peer Review reports

Chronic, non-malignant diseases (CNMD) like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF) and dementia are very burdensome in advanced stages. CNMD are among the most frequent causes of death in Europe and worldwide [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]. Their numbers will increase in the near future. CNMD are often characterized by high medical complexity and prognostic uncertainty of their course. Timely palliative care can reduce symptom burden, hospitalization rates, hospitalization costs and overall healthcare costs [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]. Either way, it is provided predominantly to patients with oncological diseases (e.g., [ 11 ]), but not to patients with CNMD. Unsurprisingly, research indicates unmet palliative care needs in patients with CNMD [ 12 , 13 ].

In Germany, palliative home care is divided in general (GPHC) and specialist palliative home care (SPHC). GPHC is provided by general practitioners (GPs), medical specialists and nursing services. SPHC is provided by high qualified health care professionals’ in multiprofessional SPHC teams. Intensive collaboration between GPs and SPHC teams supports the appropriate provision of care for patients with CNMD [ 12 ]. Case conferences are one option to intensify collaboration. Mitchell et al. [ 14 ] showed in a pilot study in Australia that a case conference between GPs and a SPHC team, preceded by a patient-caregiver-nurse conversation on issues of importance, can reduce the number of emergency department visits, hospital admissions and length of stay in hospitals. A strong desire for more intensive collaboration between GPs and specialist palliative care providers exists [ 15 , 16 , 17 ]. Either way, different barriers, e.g. insufficient communication and fragmentation [ 18 ], lack of clarity of prognosis and the hegemony of the curative approach [ 19 ], prevent a timely collaboration. Collaboration between these groups of health care providers needs to be facilitated. Well-prepared case conferences could be part of the solution [ 14 , 20 ]. The (potentially positive) role of palliative care nurses or nurse practitioners in timely delivery of palliative care is widely discussed (e.g., [ 21 , 22 ]). There are some indications from the field of residential aged care and palliative care that health professionals, patients and family caregivers support the idea of interdisciplinary case conferences (e.g. [ 14 , 23 , 24 ]). For instance, Mitchell et al. [ 14 ] report health care professionals’ enthusiasm about an interdisciplinary case conference with a preceding patient-caregiver-nurse conversation.

The KOPAL-study on strengthening interprofessional collaboration for patients with palliative care needs is a multicentre, two-arm, cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT, [ 25 ]). It tested the effect of an intervention comprising of a SPHC nurse assessment, a brief consultation between this SPHC nurse and a SPHC physician and an interprofessional case conference of SPHC nurse, SPHC physician and GP. It aimed at reducing hospitalizations, symptom burden, medication use, and increasing patients’ quality of life and medical providers’ collaboration within 48 weeks after intervention [ 25 ]. A multiperspectival quantitative and qualitative evaluation including all participating actors was part of the KOPAL-study [ 26 , 27 ]. In this paper the qualitative evaluation of the patients’ perspective will be addressed.

We aimed to answer the following research questions: What motivated patients and their proxies to take part in the study? How did the patients experience the individual components of the intervention? From the patients’ and proxies’ point of view, what has changed in patients’ health and healthcare as a result of study participation?

We conducted qualitative interviews with patients, proxies (for persons with dementia) and their associates, and analyzed them using a deductive-inductive approach of content analysis [ 28 ] to assess feasibility and acceptance of the KOPAL-intervention.

The KOPAL-study and intervention

The KOPAL-study [ 25 ] comprises a RCT and its quantitative and qualitative evaluation from different perspectives (GPs, SPHC nurse and physicians, and patients, their proxies and associates). Patients with COPD [ 29 ], CHF [ 30 ] and dementia [ 31 ] and dementia patients’ associates (as proxies) took part in the study. For further description of the patient population see [ 26 ]. The control arm provided patients with usual care (i.e. intervention was not offered at a later point in time) while the intervention comprises of a home-visit or (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) telephone call of a SPHC nurse, followed by a consultation between this nurse and a SPHC physician, and an interprofessional case conference (via telephone) of the GP, the SPHC nurse and the SPHC physician.

The SPHC nurses used the ´KOPAL conversation guide´ [ 32 ] to assess patients’ current life and health situation. Participants were neither instructed to prepare for the conversation with the nurse nor to discuss it with the GP afterwards. Correspondingly GPs were not instructed to explicitly discuss the case conference and its results with the patients. The SPHC nurse home visit (respectively phone call) lasted approx. 60 min. Case conferences lasted 5–60 min (on average 18 min) per patient and followed no prescribed structure. The qualitative evaluation interviews took place after the last follow-up-interview (48 weeks after baseline assessment/intervention) to avoid influencing the intervention.

Recruitment and participants

Following a purposive sampling approach [ 33 ] we aimed at recruiting participating patients or proxies respectively and close relatives or acquainted persons of the patients (hereafter called associates). At the end of the last standardized follow up-interview all 65 study participants remaining in the intervention group (patients or proxies) were invited to participate in a qualitative interview to share their experiences with and thoughts about the KOPAL-study/intervention. Patients willing to take part in the qualitative interview were invited to name an associate to be interviewed, too. Usually these associates did not participate in any component of the KOPAL-study, but nevertheless had (some) knowledge about the patients’ participation in the study. Proxies of people with dementia were not asked to name another potential interviewee as they already fill the associate role.

Potential interviewees received verbal and written study information, a response sheet and a prepaid envelope. Interview participation was voluntary, reasons for non-participation were not collected. Persons willing to participate gave their written informed consent before the interview conduction. Interviewees did not receive an allowance.

Of those invited, 37 participants (42%) [patients ( n  = 23), proxies ( n  = 14)] were willing to take part in an interview. All 23 patients willing to participate were asked to name an associate. Seven patients did so. Subsequently seven associates were invited of which 6 (86%) participated. We interviewed 13 male patients ( n  = 8 with COPD, n  = 5 with CHF) and 10 female patients with COPD ( n  = 2), CHF ( n  = 5) or both ( n  = 2). 14 proxies of patients with dementia ( n  = 7 wives, n  = 3 daughters and one sister, son, husband and partner respectively) and six associates ( n  = 4 wives, n  = 2 husbands; living together) of study participants were also interviewd. Patient interviews lasted 14–45 min (mean 26 min), interviews with proxies 18–54 min (mean 27 min) and interviews with associates 8–50 min (mean 25 min).

Interview conduction

JW and NP conducted all the interviews using a semi-structured topic guide [ 34 ] via telephone between 02/2021 and 03/2022. Telephone interviews were favored to face-to-face-interviews due to the ongoing COVID-19-pandemic. All interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. NP and JW were known to some, but not all study participants from the recruiting and standardized interviewing procedures of the KOPAL-study. No further relationship/dependency existed between researchers and interviewees.

Interview guide

The interview guide was based on the research questions. The guide was available in three different versions (for patients, proxies of a person with dementia or associates). Topics were: the overall evaluation of the KOPAL-intervention, changes in health care and state triggered by the intervention, as well as the GP-patient-/-proxy/-associate-interaction following the case conference. See Table  1 for a translated version of the interview guide for patients who talked to the SPHC nurse on the phone (majority of interviewees). Corresponding guides for the interviews with the proxies and associates can be found in additional file 1 and 2.

Data analysis

We (NP, JT and JW) analyzed the data using structuring qualitative content analysis as described by Kuckartz [ 28 ]. This kind of qualitative analysis is used to systematically extract, structure, describe and condense interviewees’ answers to open questions following designated rules. We chose a deductive-inductive approach to category-building using the same coding system for all interviews. NP, JT and JW familiarized themselves with the interview transcripts before coding. As starting point for the analysis deductive categories were derived from the interview guide and research questions by NP (in discussion with JW). Additional inductive categories were created either when existing deductive categories did not capture the content of the transcripts (e.g. new topics emerged from the material) or deductive categories needed subcategories to refine the coding system. If a relevant fragment was first identified, a category name was derived from this fragment and a description of the category was drafted, supplemented by a supporting quote. Codes could be assigned to text fragments adopting different sizes (ranging from part of a sentence to one or more paragraphs) in relation to the segment length needed to understand the content and context of the relevant accounts.

NP started the coding process with two transcripts and discussed coding with JW. JW coded two more manuscripts using and refining the coding system created by NP. When necessary additional inductive categories were created throughout the further coding process by JT, JW and NP. All changes to the coding system were discussed between NP, JW, JT and GM. Coding and category development were constantly discussed throughout the research process until the data relevant to the research questions were completely coded. To ensure intersubjective comprehensibility and credibility [ 35 ] of the analysis the results were discussed with GM on regular basis and presented and discussed at the DEGAM congress 2022. Data were managed and analysis was carried out using MAXQDA 12. Illustrating quotes in the results section were translated from German by NP and double checked by JW. “/” indicates an abrupt ending of a word or sentence.

Researcher characteristics

Researchers’ characteristics, beliefs and assumptions can influence qualitative research and data interpretation [ 36 ]. NP: female, psychologist, experiences in qualitative research (QR) in the field of health services/care research; JT: female, student of Public Health (M.A.), experiences in QR; JW: male, public health researcher, experiences in QR, GM: female, sociologist, experiences in QR in the field of medical sociology and health services/care research.

The study was reviewed and approved by the local ethics committee of the Medical Association Hamburg, Germany (no. PV7090) as well as the ethics committees of the University Medical Centre Goettingen, Germany (no. 34/1/20Ü), the Hannover Medical School (no. 8815 BO K 2019), and the University of Oldenburg (no. 2019 − 145). The trial is registered in the German clinical trial register (registration number DRKS00017795; first registration 09/01/2020).

Interviewees talked positively about study participation and the nurse visit. They described themselves as being motivated to participate by curiosity, wanting to do the GP a favor and support research to help other patients. Positive effects concerning health care or quality of life were meagerly reported. Most interviewees reported no communication about the KOPAL study or intervention with their treating and participating GPs.

All in all, 43 interviews were analyzed and coded. The results section is structured according to the research questions: (a) motivation to take part in the study, (b) evaluation of the intervention components and (c) changes in health and healthcare. Table  2 shows an overview over the main and subcategories described in the following section.

A) Motivation to take part in the study

Interviewees stated different motivations to take part in the study, most of them not related to their potential personal benefit, but to overarching goals like satisfying their own curiosity and being helpful to GPs, researchers and other patients.

Participants stated that they were curious to take part in the study or flattered that the university was interested in them. Some saw a chance to learn something new or get insights into research studies by taking part in the study, like this patients’ with dementia wife (taking part as a proxy): “Y es , I said I’d do it , why not? I mean , you can only learn from it.” (R1). Nearly no interviewee seemed to be motivated by specific hopes or expectations in relation to their own health or care burden.

Pleasing the GP

Potential participants received the invitation to take part in the study from their treating GPs. Study participants stated that they took part in the study because their GP proposed or ‘recommended’ the study to them, implying that it would be good for them to take part.

Patient: Well participation , because and my GP Dr. [name] somehow recommended me , recommended me or I don’t know how that/ , that’s how it came about and I didn’t want to say no , because I like Dr. [name] very much and he actually is a , I would say , very open-minded doctor. (R2, COPD)

Other just participated in order to please or help their GPs (being study participants on cluster level). This impetus was mostly based on a stable positive relationship between the patients (or their proxies) and the GPs.

Proxy: […] So because she is , she is very engaged and puts out her feelers in many areas , I will say , is very curious and I have already benefited from that. I just thought , if Ms. [name] wants to take part in such a study , then it is also important to her , and that’s why I said , okay , she looks after my mother so well , so we really feel in good hands there , […] , but I thought so , if Ms. [name] takes part there , then I would also like to support her there. (R3, daughter)

In both cases it seemed as if interviewees did not want to refuse their family doctor’s request to participate.

Make a contribution to research and helping other patients

Interviewees described that in their opinion doing research has a value in itself and should therefore be supported.

Associate: […] well there is little stuff with regard to studies […] on COPD , […] from a scientific point of view that’s a relatively new disease. […] you have to be thankful and support everything there is , […] that there are people , who try to do something against it or search for or find help. Well/ And that’s why this was for us , well , if I may speak for us , this was self-evident , that we would take part. […] (R4, husband)

Participants described themselves as motivated by the prospect of helping others, future patients or patients that are worse off than themselves.

Patient: Well , I think it is very important to conduct studies , […] from which everybody can learn […] , however , that you are open to it for a start and help even more. That’s why I’m always willing to take part in studies. (R5, heart failure)

Asked globally, many of the interviewed patients did not remember or state to have expected immediate specific positive effects for themselves from taking part in this research study.

Specific care-related expectations

Many interviewees were unable to name specific expectations that motivated their study participation or stated that they had none except the abovementioned (e.g. doing the GP a favor or one’s stint for research). Some interviewees mentioned specific care-related expectations such as reduction or change of medication. For example one patient with heart failure and a long medication list stated: “ Well , I hoped that I would have to take less tablets. And also , that I would maybe a little bit less worn-out. […]” (R6). Others expected to get better treatment in general, get recommendations with regard to physicians to consult or improvement of their health (behavior).

Patient: Well , in fact , that what I said at the end , with a background of “Maybe they can help me.” , no? With my bronchia , for example , no? That you really say “Gosh , Mr. [name] , […] , maybe you could go there and there , to this or that physician. Or to this or that clinic. And then you let yourself get examined thoroughly.” […] . (R7, COPD)

Another care-related expectation was to receive support and recommendations for associates or informal caregivers.

Proxy: […] and I had expected that you would have one or the other hint , what to do better or how my mother’s care could get more extensive […] . (R3, daughter)

Some interviewees reported rather unspecific expectations like getting some (unspecified) kind of help or impulses for caring for their relatives (interviewed proxies) and having another contact person. Some had misguided expectations like taking part in a trial to test a new medication.

B) Evaluation of the KOPAL intervention

Even though recall was often limited due to the long period of time since the intervention, interviewees reported some assessments of the intervention components. The overall evaluation of the KOPAL-intervention was positive. Little communication between patients and professionals was reported.

Evaluation of the SPHC nurse home-visit

Positive evaluation.

The guided conversation left room for questions not only to be asked by the nurse, but also by the interviewees. Sometimes welcome advice was given by the SPHC nurse, although that was not intended. Interviewees reported that there was enough time to discuss all topics of importance.

Proxy: Well , I thought it to be very good and intimate , no? To some extend she counseled us on what you could do and it was very intimate somehow. In contrary to being pegged , queried and then we will see what we can do , no? […] She had also taken a lot of time to do it. Not working under time pressure. (R8, life partner)

Interviewees described the palliative care nurse as friendly, attentive and competent. All in all, interviewees evaluated the SPHC nurse home-visit positively. Some interviewees stated that they had not benefited from the nurse visit, but they did not evaluate that negatively.

Topics discussed

According to the interviewees the content of the conversations with the SPHC nurse covered a wide spectrum from more general discussions of the overall situation to counselling on targeted support measures.

Patient: Yes , it was a lot about my degree of care and […] how I can get other support besides my husband , who is my carer , can get other support. And I found that very good. (R5, heart failure)

Other topics were dying and palliative care, provision of medical aids, pain and nursing services.

Patient: Yes , […] that one then also possibly has such , an example , if one now has it [COPD/CHF] really extremely […] that one can then also go to such a ward , that one is cared for palliative , to die. […] Or that you might want to die at home , but what I have often explained in our conversations is that […] I don’t want that. That I would die here at home somehow. (R9, COPD)

General topics included for example health, household chores, self-care or mobility. More specific topics like getting support from volunteers, application for services of the public care insurance (‘care degree’) or preparation of mandates.

Communication between the GP and the patient

All in all the interviewees reported little communication between themselves and the GPs concerning the KOPAL study and intervention.

Communication on study participation

Most of the interviewees reported that there was no conversation about the KOPAL-study between them and their treating GPs. It seems, from the interviewees’ perspective, that GPs might have had too little time to discuss the subject in a consultation: “No , she didn’t have time for that (laughs). […] (R5 , heart failure). Some GPs inquired whether the patients decided to take part in the study but never mentioned the study again as far as the interviewees remembered.

Proxy: […] The doctor , Ms. [name] , had not commented on it at all. She had only asked at the beginning whether we had participated and whether we had received a visit from Cobra [mispronounced name of the KOPAL-study] , and I had said “Yes , that’s so and the first talks have already been held , also by telephone” and she agreed to that. That was enough for her. (R8, life partner)

Other interviewees mentioned that they seldom consulted the GP during the time of the study indicating that that might have been a reason for not having discussed aspects of the KOPAL study or intervention during consultations.

Communication on the palliative care nurse visit and case conference

The study design did not specify whether the GPs should communicate the results of the case conference. It has been shown, that apparently only few of them have sought a conversation with their patients (or patients’ proxies). Most interviewees reported that neither the visit of the SPHC nurse nor the case conference were addressed between them and the treating GPs.

Patient: Yes , I was surprised , but he didn’t talk to me about it , and I said I didn’t really have to talk to him about it. Because he has always found out everything I need in terms of my health and I have discussed it with him. But I didn’t talk it through with him. (R10, heart failure)

In most cases neither the patients or proxies nor the GPs seem to have taken initiative to talk about the component of the KOPAL-intervention with each other.

C) Changes in health and healthcare

Interviewees did not associate many positive effects, benefits or changes to the KOPAL-intervention. They did not mention any negative consequences due to their study participation either.

Subjective benefit from the intervention and specific changes

Some specific changes due to the KOPAL-intervention were mentioned. The interviewees sometimes also mentioned other positive aspects or benefits from the KOPAL-study. Some patients reported changes or reduction in medications.

Patient: […] I had announced all my tablets , there was a woman here with me once and she wrote down everything with my tablets , and the professor [incorrect reference to the SPHC physician] immediately called my doctor […]. And then he immediately said , “She should leave that tablet out and he’ll prescribe another one instead.“. And that really helped , it was very good. […] (R11, heart failure)

Other interviewees mentioned additional household help respectively nursing service, the grant of a new care degree and associated eligibility for services by the public care insurance, more home visits of the GP, and the expansion of care to a SPHC service.

Patient: […] since they were here and I get care allowance , if that’s what you mean. […] Yes , that’s it for the moment , at the moment the tablets for the whole week , they come on Monday from community (A) from the deaconry […] and bring them to us for the whole week , and we need household help […] I can’t manage that either , because I can’t bend down so well […] Anyway , now we have the money for the help we need. (R12, heart failure)

All in all, patients, proxies and associates reported only little or often no subjective benefits that they trace back to the KOPAL-intervention throughout the interviews. “ Well , nothing at all in terms of medical care. Everything has remained the same.” (R4, husband) therefore was a common statement. Most interviewees do not seem to have noticed any major changes.

Main results

The KOPAL-study [ 25 ] tests the effect of a novel compact intervention (SPHC nurse home-visit and an interprofessional case conference) on reduction of hospital admissions, symptom burden, health costs, and improvement of quality of life. We evaluated the patients’, proxies’, and associates’ perception of the intervention, specifically the SPHC nurse visit, by conducting and analyzing qualitative interviews. Motivation for participation was driven by curiosity, the aim to please the GP or to support research, respectively to help other patients. Only few interviewees pointed out to have expected positive effects for themselves. The nurse visit was evaluated very positively. Positive changes concerning health care or quality of life were reported sparsely. Most interviewees reported that they did not talk about the nurse visit and the interprofessional case conference with their GPs.

Discussion of results and comparison with existing literature

Our results show that the nurses’ home visit/phone call using the KOPAL conversation guide [ 32 ] to assess the patients’ current life and health situation and identify patients’ specific palliative care needs was very well accepted by patients, proxies and associates. Similar assessments of palliative care needs were shown to be well accepted in other studies, too, e.g. [ 37 ]. In some cases our interviewees reported to have received some advice during the structured assessment by the SPHC nurse and some patients reported changes due to having had this conversation. Therefore it can be assumed that the SPHC home visit might have a positive effect itself and can be considered a reasonable addition to conducting case conferences just as it was the case in Mitchell et al.’s pilot study [ 14 ].

We found that participants did not prepare for the conversations with the SPHC nurse. Maybe this was partly because they did not expect an individual benefit for themselves (or the associated patient) from the intervention, but were motivated by positive attitudes towards research and altruistic motives to help other as it was shown by Carandang et al. [ 38 ] for elderly patients. Interviewees reported a rather passive role in the intervention. This might also have been the case due to participants’ confusion over the role of the SPHC nurse visit and the role of the interdisciplinary case conference for their own or the associated patients’ future care. Not all interviewees seemed to have made the connection between the SPHC nurse visit and the interdisciplinary case conference. This confusion is already known from other studies (e.g., [ 23 ]). Other studies show that being asked to identify questions before such an exchange with professionals might be beneficial and that it is important explicitly explain the purpose of the intervention to increase acceptability and benefit for patients [ 39 ].

Interviewees reported lack of communication between patients and GPs about the results of the interdisciplinary case conferences. This could have hindered resolved changes in care to be implemented. Integrating a mandatory discussion of case conference results and refinement of the plan between the GP and the patient or proxy (as it was the case in Mitchell et al.’s study [ 14 ]) could have helped to realize potential changes/actions decided on in the case conference. This could increase the impact of the intervention.

Strengths and limitations

We interviewed patients in an advanced stage of their disease, proxies of patients with dementia, and patients’ associates. We were able to obtain a comprehensive view on and a subjective evaluation of the KOPAL-intervention. Due to the randomized controlled design of the KOPAL-study we decided to schedule qualitative interviews after the last quantitative follow-up interview to prevent contamination of intervention effects and to maintain the comparability with the control group. Therefore no qualitative interview data is available from participants deceased during the follow-up period. Furthermore, the rather long time period between study enrollment, intervention and evaluation interview might have induced a reduced memory of the SPHC nurse home-visit/phone call.

The results give some indication what to consider in a future implementation of the KOPAL-intervention in regular care. Most study participants did not prepare for the SPHC nurse assessment and had no expectations concerning the potential benefits of such an assessment, the interdisciplinary case conference and an early integration of palliative care. This points to the conclusion that the SPHC nurse can act as an advocate for the patient and thereby support the patients’ (and their proxies’/caregivers’) autonomy. Another way to increase the effects of the intervention could be letting the patients (and/or their proxies/caregivers) take part in the interdisciplinary case conference. This could empower patients (and/or their proxies/caregivers) to not just passively receive the intervention but to actively take part in deciding on further actions. Besides this measure to activate the patients (and/or their proxies/caregivers), GPs should actively discuss the results of the interdisciplinary case conference with the patients and collaboratively decide on further actions to be realized. Further research is needed to evaluate the effects of the proposed changes.

Data availability

No data are available. The data generated and analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to the study’s assurances to participants that the full raw interview data would not be shared publicly, and that all attempts would be made to maintain confidentiality.


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We would like to thank all interviewees for their time and willingness to participate in the study and its evaluation and all scientific experts and representatives (physicians, nurses, researchers, and patient representatives) in the advisory board for their helpful input and support.

Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. The KOPAL study was supported by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), grant number 01VSF18024. Funding period: 06/2019–11/2022. This funding source had no role in the design of this study and will not have any role during its execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision to submit results. ( ). We acknowledge financial support from the Open Access Publication Fund of UKE - Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf.

Author information

Authors and affiliations.

Department of General Practice and Primary Care, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistr. 52, 20246, Hamburg, Germany

Nadine Janis Pohontsch, Janina Timm, Martin Scherer & Gabriella Marx

Institute for General Practice and Palliative Care, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany

Jan Weber, Stephanie Stiel & Franziska Schade

Department of Palliative Medicine, University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany

Franziska Schade & Friedemann Nauck

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GM, NP, SSt, FN and MS contributed substantially to the conception of the study. MS (principal investigator), GM (coprincipal investigator), FN and SSt are applicants of the trial. GM coordinates the trial. NP, JW, FS and GM scripted the interview guide. NP and JW conducted the interviews. NP, JW and JT analyzed the interviews. NP wrote the first draft of the manuscript and coordinated co-authors feedbacks and revisions. All authors revised the draft critically and gave approval of the final version of the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Nadine Janis Pohontsch .

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KOPAL has been approved by the local ethics committee of the Medical Association Hamburg, Germany (number PV7090) as well as the ethics committees of the University Medical Centre Goettingen, Germany (number 34/1/20Ü), the Hannover Medical School (number 8815 BO K 2019) and the University of Oldenburg (number 2019–145). The study has been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Participants gave written informed consent to be interviewed, for the interviews to be recorded and transcribed and the data being published anonymously.

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Pohontsch, N.J., Weber, J., Stiel, S. et al. Experiences of patients with advanced chronic diseases and their associates with a structured palliative care nurse visit followed by an interprofessional case conference in primary care – a deductive-inductive content analysis based on qualitative interviews (KOPAL-Study). BMC Prim. Care 25 , 323 (2024).

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Received : 13 October 2023

Accepted : 16 August 2024

Published : 04 September 2024


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  • Palliative care
  • Heart failure
  • Primary care

BMC Primary Care

ISSN: 2731-4553

case study nursing interview questions


  1. Top 10 Nursing Interview Questions, Answers and Tips

    case study nursing interview questions

  2. Nursing Job Interview Questions and Answers

    case study nursing interview questions

  3. Common Nursing Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

    case study nursing interview questions

  4. Nursing Interview Questions & How to Answer them ·

    case study nursing interview questions

  5. 32 Nursing Interview Questions With Tips and Example Responses

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  6. 4 Common Nursing Interview Questions and Answers

    case study nursing interview questions


  1. Nursing Interview Questions for New and Experienced NURSES /INTERVIEW TIPS STAFF NURSE VACANCY 2023


  3. 10 Common Nursing Interview Questions + Answers [2024]

  4. 5 Nursing Interview Questions & Answers for Clinical & Technical Positions in India

  5. #case study & Nursing care plan on pulmonary tuberculosis #ANM // GNM // Nursing Students//

  6. Current Affairs Questions in Nursing Interview, Answers and Tips


  1. Scenario-Based Nursing Interview Questions

    STAR: The #1 Strategy for Answering Scenario-Based Nursing Interview Questions. When giving your responses in a job interview, it's important to stay focused and on point. If you've had trouble with this in the past, you may want to consider trying the STAR interview technique. STAR stands for: S ituation. T ask.

  2. How to Answer ANY Clinical Scenario Question in a New Grad Nursing

    Parts 2-4 of this video down below: The key that helps a nurse give a good interview is understanding why the interviewer is asking the question, and what they need to hear from the candidate. Let's start with the scariest question first. The clinical scenario question! Most interviews have some version of the clinical scenario question. These questions are super intimidating for new grads ...

  3. 5 nursing scenario interview questions (With example answers)

    5 scenario nursing interview questions. Reviewing frequently asked nursing questions helps you know what to expect during a job interview and how to structure your answers. Here are five scenario-based questions recruiters may ask you during a nursing interview with explanations and example answers: 1. Have you ever disagreed with a doctor's ...

  4. 10 Common Nursing Interview Questions to Help You Practice ...

    9. Tell me about a time when you had to handle a difficult patient. You could mention a case where you reconciled conflicting priorities with the patient or their family, or you needed to take extra time with an anxious or worried patient. The answer must show you empathize with patients and can think on your feet.

  5. Top 20 Nursing Interview Questions & Best Answers

    1. Tell me about yourself. How to answer: Because this is one of the first nursing interview questions you may be asked, focus on your professional background, emphasizing your education, relevant experience, and key skills. Highlight your passion for nursing and mention any specialties or areas of interest.

  6. 7 Common Nursing Scenario Interview Questions

    1. To assess the applicants' clinical decision-making skills. The first objective is to assess the applicants' clinical decision-making skills. This type of question will test your ability to think on your feet and make quick decisions. Moreover, it will also test your knowledge of the nursing field. 2.

  7. 30 Top Nursing Interview Questions & Answers

    Sample Nurse Interview Questions: Time Management. Nurses are masters at multitasking - for example, managing multiple patients and administering medication on time while maintaining detailed notes. Tell stories about your punctuality, ability to meet deadlines, and how you remain organized through it all. 1.

  8. 25 Common New Grad Nurse Interview Questions & Answers

    2. Compassionate personality: At the heart of every good nurse is a personality that demonstrates empathy and compassion. Some of the new grad nurse interview questions the interviewer asks will likely be used to determine your ability to show compassion toward others. 3. Someone who is willing to be a team player:

  9. 22 Nursing Interview Questions, Answers and Tips To Prepare

    When preparing for a nursing interview, there are several key tips to keep in mind. Here are some important considerations: Research the organization: Before your interview, take the time to research the organization you are applying to. Familiarize yourself with their mission, values, and any recent news or developments.

  10. 22 Common Nursing Interview Questions and Answers

    4. Tell me about your educational background. This is another one of the most common interview questions for nurses. Employers will typically want to know where and when you got your Nursing degree. So be familiar with this before your job interview, and give a brief, concise answer.

  11. 50 Situational Nursing Interview Questions & Answers

    17. Situational Questions. 18. Teamwork Questions. 19. Tough Questions. Situational questions are asked so the interviewer can gain insight into your thought process, how you problem-solve, and how you communicate in the workplace. Situational nursing questions can include inquiries about drug dosages, procedures, or specific signs and symptoms ...

  12. Most Common Nursing Job Interview Questions, Best Answers, and Tips

    Tip 1: Practice Your Interview Answers. No two interviews are alike. Interviewers use different questions, making it a little challenging to practice. However, there are a few questions that most interviewers ask that you can practice your answer to so that you'll feel confident when asked.

  13. Next Generation NCLEX Case Study Sample Questions

    NGN Case Study Sample Questions and Answers. First, let's take a look at our case study summary below: Case Study Summary: A 68-year-old male is admitted with shortness of breath. He reports difficulty breathing with activity, lying down, or while sleeping. He states that in order to "breathe easier," he has had to sleep in a recliner for ...

  14. Top 20 Nursing Interview Questions And Answers

    4. "Tell me what you feel your greatest skill as a nurse is.". This is your opportunity to really showcase what it is that makes you unique from all the other applicants! Really reflect on this ahead of time and come up with solid examples that highlight this skill.

  15. Top 10 Nursing Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

    In this article, we list 10 nursing interview questions and we provide sample answers to help you prepare your own responses. Image description. A banner shows a blue background, on the left, and a photo of a healthcare professional in scrubs using a stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat of a person lying in a hospital bed, on the right ...

  16. Nursing Case Study Examples and Solutions

    HE003: Delivery of Services - Emmanuel is 55-year-old man Case - With Solution The Extent of Evidence-Based Data for Proposed Interventions - Sample Assignment 1 Solution. Planning Model for Population Health Management Veterans Diagnosed with Non cancerous chronic pain - Part 1 & 2 Solutions.

  17. 23 Essential Nursing Interview Questions [w/ Sample Answers]

    13 Nursing Interview Questions w/ Sample Answers. Now, let's examine the most common nurse interview questions and answers to discover why job interviewers ask them and how you should respond. #1. Describe a time you went above and beyond for a patient. Hiring managers ask this nursing interview question to evaluate your commitment to patient ...

  18. 10 Common Nursing Interview Questions to Help You Practice ...

    This guide starts with a list of common interview questions for nurses and the kinds of answers the interviewer is looking for from you. 1. Tell me about yourself. To answer this question, focus on something about yourself that relates to the nursing role you're interviewing for. For instance, if the position requires meticulous attention to ...

  19. 10 nursing interview questions (With sample answers)

    Related: How to answer 'tell me about yourself' in nursing interviews. 2. Describe how you manage your shift. Being a nurse will challenge you to balance several patients at a time. With this question, recruiters want to test your ability to use time management skills to prioritise your work.

  20. Free Nursing Case Studies & Examples

    Click on a case study below to view in our Nursing Case Study Examples course which holds all of our 40+ nursing case studies with answers. Acute Kidney Injury Nursing Case Study. Continue Case Study. Cardiogenic Shock Nursing Case Study. Continue Case Study. Breast Cancer Nursing Case Study. Continue Case Study. Respiratory Nursing Case Study.

  21. 30 Common Nursing Interview Questions And Answers

    If you are a current or future nurse and applying for work in the medical profession, then this guide will help you prepare. We have gathered the MOST common nursing interview questions and answers.The interviewer will typically ask two types of questions during your interview: General, for example, your work history, key strengths, relationships with co-workers, etc.

  22. 20 Interview Questions Every ICU Nurse Must Be Able To Answer

    Above all, I always keep their safety and well-being as my top priority.". 4. Explain your understanding of the different types of medical equipment used in an ICU. ICU nurses are expected to have a good working knowledge of the medical equipment used in the ICU.

  23. Experiences of patients with advanced chronic diseases and their

    As starting point for the analysis deductive categories were derived from the interview guide and research questions by NP (in discussion with JW). ... Communication on the palliative care nurse visit and case conference. The study design did not specify whether the GPs should communicate the results of the case conference. It has been shown ...

  24. 10 Common Nursing Interview Questions to Help You Practice ...

    This guide gets you started with a list of common interview questions for nurses, along with the answers the interviewer is looking for from you. 1. Tell me about yourself. To succinctly answer this question, focus on something about yourself that relates to the nursing role you're interviewing. For instance, if the position requires ...