The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits. discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Title IX in 1972. protects from discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive. federal assistance (U.S. Department of Labor Report, 2011). Women's attendance at the.

  2. PDF CHAPTER 2: Literature Review

    CHAPTER 2: Literature Review. This chapter will explore the literature that is relevant to understanding the development of, and interpreting the results of this convergent study. The first two parts of this review of the literature will describe two types of research: research on teaching and research on teachers' conceptions.

  3. Chapter II

    CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE INTRODUCTION. A review of literature is a classification and evaluation of what accredited scholars and researchers have written on a topic, organized according to a guiding concept such as a research objective, thesis or the problem / issue to be addressed. It is the scholarly core of the dissertation.

  4. PDF Chapter 2: The Literature Review Preparing to Write

    Preparing to WriteChapter 2: The Literature ReviewA literature review is a section of your thesis or dissertation in. hich you discuss previous research on your subject. Following your Chapter 1, your literature review begins as you try to answer your larger research question: Wh.

  5. PDF Chapter 2 Review of the Literature

    In a mixed methods study, the researcher uses either a qualitative or a quantitative approach to the literature, depending on the type of strategy being used. In a sequential approach, the literature is presented in each phase in a way consistent with the method being used. For example, if the study begins with a quantitative phase, then the ...

  6. The Dissertation: Chapter Breakdown

    The traditional dissertation is organized into 5 chapters and includes the following elements and pages: Chapter Breakdown: The following outline is designed to give you an idea of what might be included in various dissertation chapters. It is offered as suggested elements gleaned from AU dissertation handbooks.


    CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF RELA TED LITERA TURE. ... thesis or the problem / issue to be addressed. It is the scholarly core of the dissertation. ... outline a 7-part process, as well as a set of tools ...

  8. How to Write a Literature Review for a Dissertation

    Chapter 2 of your dissertation, your literature review, may be the longest chapter. It is not uncommon to see lit reviews in the 40- to 60-page range. That may seem daunting, but I contend that the literature review could be the easiest part of your dissertation. It is also foundational. To be able to select an appropriate research topic and ...

  9. How To Write Chapter 2 Of A PhD Thesis Proposal (A Beginner's Guide)

    Chapter summary; Final thoughts on how to write chapter 2 of a PhD thesis proposal ; The format for the literature review chapter is discussed below: Introduction to the chapter. This section is about a paragraph-long and informs the readers on what the chapter will cover. Theoretical review. The theoretical review follows immediately after the ...

  10. Chapter 2: Home

    Chapter 2: Home - Chapter 2 - LibGuides at National University. Chapter 2 covers the literature review. It provides a detailed analysis of the theory/conceptual framework used in the study. In addition, chapter 2 offers a thorough synthesis of the available, current, scholarly literature on all aspects of the topic, including all points of view.