essay writing in tagalog

Let’s Learn the Basics of Tagalog Sentence Structure!


Any Filipino who grew up in the 80s would be familiar with Barok, one of the most popular Pinoy comic book characters at that time. His character was similar to those in America’s The Flintstones , but instead of speaking like Fred or Barney, he spoke like Tarzan. And you know what that’s like —words jumbled and all.

In the Philippines, a person who can’t speak straight Tagalog or English is labeled as someone who is Barok magsalita (one who speaks like Barok ).

That is why it’s crucial to learn the proper Tagalog sentence structure. For one, it helps your readers or listeners understand the simplest sentences you’re trying to convey (not to mention it will keep you from being nicknamed Barok ) .

But don’t you worry, because if there’s one thing about Filipino grammar that’s not too difficult to learn, it’s Tagalog word order. What most learners of the Filipino language love is its flexibility when it comes to word order. You’ll find out what I mean later on when we get to the lesson proper.

For now, let’s get to the basics of Filipino sentence structure first.

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  • An Overview of Tagalog Word Order
  • Basic Word Order with Subject, Verb, and Object
  • Filipino Word Order with Prepositional Phrases
  • Word Order with Modifiers
  • Transforming a Regular Sentence into a Question
  • Translation Exercises
  • FilipinoPod101 Will Help Ease the Confusion

1. An Overview of Tagalog Word Order

Improve Listening

The most common sentence structure used in the English language is S-V-O (Subject-Verb-Object). It’s acceptable to use the same word order in Filipino, which is what many beginners do. However, when it comes to spoken Filipino, using S-V-O will result in the speaker sounding awkward. Let’s take this sentence for example: 

 S       V     O

“I am studying Filipino.”

If you translate this into Tagalog, you will get: Ako ay nag-aaral ng Filipino . 

Now, this one is grammatically correct, but when spoken, it should be structured as:

V                S            O

“Studying     I     Filipino.”  →  Direct Translation

  • Nag-aaral ako ng Filipino.

That said, word order in Tagalog is primarily V-S-O, and S-V-O is considered an inverted form ( Kabalikang Anyo in Tagalog). But then, it also follows the V-O-S structure . 

One very important thing you need to understand about Tagalog, though, is that it doesn’t always follow the subject-predicate structure. In the English language, the object within a sentence is always different from the subject. In Filipino, however, a word that follows a direct marker, like si or ang , is the subject. This means that the object can also function as the subject. Here’s an example:

 S          V         O

“Julia is studying Filipino.”

Si Julia ay nag-aaral ng Filipino .

Let’s translate this into Filipino using the V-S-O pattern.

V                      S            O

“Studying        Julia      Filipino.”  →  Direct Translation

Nag-aaral si Julia ng Filipino.

Now, let’s try using the V-O-S pattern instead.

V                      O            S

“Studying        Filipino     Julia.”

Nag-aaral ng Filipino si Julia.

Notice that in the S-V-O example, the sentence uses the word ay between the subject (Julia) and the verb ( nag-aaral ). It’s long been thought (and taught) that ay is the copula “to be.” More recent sources, however, say that ay is more of a replacement for a comma or a slight pause. The same sources say that it can’t be a verb since it can appear in a sentence along with other verbs, although in most cases, it seems that it’s the direct translation of the verb “is.” 

Keep in mind, too, that ay only appears in the S-V-O form of the sentence (which, by the way, is viewed as formal or literary). Here are a few examples:

  • “The child is playing.”

Ang bata AY naglalaro.

  • “Butch is drinking.”

Si Butch AY umiinom.

  • “Kobe is sleeping.”

Si Kobe AY natutulog.

  • “The lady is sewing.”

Ang ale AY nananahi.

2. Basic Word Order with Subject, Verb, and Object

Compared to the English language, word order in Filipino is more flexible. In fact, you can construct certain sentences in up to six different ways. Don’t believe me? Let’s take a look at the following sentence:

“The man gave the woman some money.”

There are six different ways you can write or say this sentence in Filipino. Each of these sentences conveys the same meaning, and they all include the same grammatical components. And yet, as you can see, the words are ordered differently.

  • Nagbigay ng pera sa babae ang lalaki. 
  • Nagbigay ng pera ang lalaki sa babae.
  • Nagbigay sa babae ng pera ang lalaki.
  • Nagbigay sa babae ang lalaki ng pera.
  • Nagbigay ang lalaki sa babae ng pera.
  • Nagbigay ang lalaki ng pera sa babae.

Here, you can see that the verb ( nagbigay ) is always in the initial position, but the order of the rest of the words is adjustable. This shows how flexible Tagalog can be!

Woman Balancing a Ball in the Curve of Her Back

Did you say flexible?

Let’s try a simpler sentence this time. 

“I study Filipino.” 

This can be translated in a couple of ways:

S                V O

  • Ako ay nag-aaral ng Filipino.

V                 S         O

Both of these translations are correct, but in normal conversations, you would usually use the second example: Nag-aaral ako ng Filipino.

Example: Nag-aaral ako ng Filipino ngayon sa FilipinoPod101. (“I am currently studying Filipino via FilipinoPod101.”)

3. Filipino Word Order with Prepositional Phrases

When it comes to sentences with prepositional phrases, the order of the words is similar to that in English. Let’s take the sentence below for example:

  • Place Preposition. “He studies at home .” ( Nag-aaral siya ng Filipino sa bahay . )
  • Time Preposition. “He studies in the evening .” ( Nag-aaral siya ng Filipino sa gabi . )
  • Preposition of Manner. “He studies with his friend .” ( Nag-aaral siya ng Filipino kasama ang kaibigan niya . )

Based on the examples, you can see that the preposition is placed AFTER the object. This is how the words are ordered in conversations. But in writing, the preposition can be placed BEFORE the object as shown in the following examples:

  • Place Preposition. “He studies Filipino at home .” ( Nag-aaral siya sa bahay ng Filipino. )
  • Time Preposition. “He studies Filipino in the evening .” ( Nag-aaral siya sa gabi ng Filipino. )
  • Preposition of Manner. “He studies Filipino with his friend .” ( Nag-aaral siya kasama ang kaibigan niya ng Filipino. )

Question: Can the preposition/prepositional phrase be placed at the BEGINNING of the sentence? Let’s see.

  • Place Preposition. “He studies Filipino at home.” ( Sa bahay siya nag-aaral ng Filipino. )
  • Time Preposition. “He studies Filipino in the evening.” ( Sa gabi siya n ag-aaral ng Filipino. )
  • Preposition of Manner. “He studies Filipino with his friend.” ( Kasama niya ang kaibigan niyang nag-aaral ng Filipino. )

Answer : ABSOLUTELY ! In fact, the most natural way to say the given example sentences in Tagalog is by placing the preposition/prepositional phrase at the beginning of the sentence. 

4. Word Order with Modifiers

Modifiers have many functions, including clarifying, qualifying, or limiting a particular word in a sentence to add emphasis or detail. These grammatical elements are often in the form of adjectives and adverbs. 

In Tagalog grammar, a modifier can either be an adjective or an adverb depending on the word it’s modifying. For instance, if the word being modified in a sentence is a noun, then the modifier used is an adjective. If, on the other hand, the word being modified is a verb, the modifier is an adverb.

Take the word mabuti , for instance, which means “good.”

It can be used to describe a noun, like estudyante (“student”): estudyanteng mabuti (“good student”). 

In this sentence, mabuti functioned as an adjective.

It can be used to describe verbs, too. You can say: nag-aral nang mabuti (“studied well”). 

Here, mabuti now functions as an adverb.

In Tagalog, modifiers can appear either before or after the subject, but what plays a huge part here are the linkers na and – ng. Whenever you see these enclitics in a sentence, it means modification has taken place.

In these examples, the modifier appears before the subject:

  • mabait na estudyante (“kind/good student”)
  • matalinong estudyante (“bright student”)
  • masunuring estudyante (“obedient student”)

We can also place the modifier after the subject:

  • estudyanteng mabait (“kind/good student”)
  • estudyanteng matalino (“bright student”)
  • estudyanteng masunurin (“obedient student”)

As you’ve noticed, the meaning of the phrases didn’t change even if the position of the modifiers did.

A Man Holding an A+ Assignment

Matalinong estudyante. (“Bright student.”)

Oh, and before anything else, let’s talk about the markers na and – ng for a second. Actually, -ng is simply a modified form of na . It’s used to replace na if the word that comes before it ends in a vowel. But what if na follows a word ending in the letter n ? If that’s the case, we drop the n from ng so that it now becomes g . We use na if the word it follows ends in a consonant. 

We can see some of these rules applied in the recent examples, but let’s check out some more:

“chosen land”
“small dog”
“paper boat”
“deep well”
“new umbrella”

Now, let’s try it with some verbs:

“crying child”
“flying bird”
“singing lady”
“striking snake”
“running soldier”

Clear? Good. Now, let’s see how a regular sentence can be transformed into a question.

5. Transforming a Regular Sentence into a Question

Improve Pronunciation

In the Tagalog language, there is one go-to word for forming interrogative sentences . That word is ba . This marker is actually one of the several untranslatable Tagalog words. If you want to change a sentence from the simple or imperative forms to the interrogative form, you simply add the word ba . Let’s try it with some sentences.

  • Simple Form: Nag-aaral si Arlene ng Filipino. (“Arlene is studying Filipino.”)
  • Interrogative Form: Nag-aaral ba si Arlene ng Filipino? (“Is Arlene studying Filipino?”)
  • Imperative Form: Mag-aral ka ng Filipino. (“Go and study Filipino.”)
  • Interrogative Form: Mag-aaral ka ba ng Filipino? (“Are you going to study Filipino?”)

Ba is added either at the end of the sentence, or after the verb or the noun.

In the following examples, ba is positioned at the end of the sentence.

  • Simple Form: Nag-aaral ka. (“You are studying.”)
  • Interrogative Form: Nag-aaral ka ba? (“Are you studying?”)
  • Imperative Form: Mag-aral ka. (“Go and study.”)
  • Interrogative Form: Mag-aaral ka ba ? (“Are you going to study?”)

What’s unique about the way Filipinos communicate is that they can do so even with just a single word (sometimes even with no words at all !). Let’s take this scenario, for example. 

A man just got home and asked his wife if their dog (who wasn’t feeling well) finally decided to eat.

Husband: Kumain ba ? (“Did she eat?”) 

Wife: Oo. (“Yes.”)

If the husband only said Kumain? It would still be a valid sentence and would be understood as Kumain ba?

It gets crazier with this typical exchange by the elevator.

Man 1: Bababa ba ? (“Is it going down?”)

Man 2: Bababa. (“It is going down.”)

Golly! That’s seven successive instances of a single syllable!

A Little Girl Counting on Her Fingers

Seven syllables. Did I count that right?

It’s not all the time, though, that ba is necessary. Just like in most languages, you can just add a question mark at the end of a declarative sentence to turn it into a question, particularly if the question has a tone of surprise to it.

  • Interrogative Form: Nag-aaral si Arlene ng Filipino? (“Arlene is studying Filipino?”)
  • Interrogative Form: Mag-aaral ka ng Filipino? (“You’re going to study Filipino?”)

A Man Looking Surprised at a Paper He’s Reading

Pumasa ako sa Filipino? (“I passed Filipino?”)

6. Translation Exercises

In this section, we’re going to apply what we’ve learned about Tagalog sentence structure so far. Again, there are several ways to arrange words in a Filipino sentence, but let’s just use the one that’s often used in casual conversations.

1. I study. ____________________

2. I study Tagalog. ____________________

3. I study Tagalog every day .____________________

4. I study Tagalog every day using FilipinoPod101. ____________________

5. I study Tagalog every day at home using FilipinoPod101. ____________________

6. I study Tagalog with my friend every day at home using FilipinoPod101. ____________________

Woman Using a Translation App on Her Phone

Okay, Siri, please translate…Oh, wait, you’re not Siri.

1. I study. Nag-aaral ako.

2. I study Tagalog. Nag-aaral ako ng Tagalog.

3. I study Tagalog every day. Araw-araw akong nag-aaral ng Tagalog. (Remember how prepositional phrases should go at the beginning of the sentence?)

4. I study Tagalog every day with FilipinoPod101. Araw-araw akong nag-aaral ng Tagalog gamit ang FilipinoPod101.

5. I study Tagalog every day at home with FilipinoPod101. Araw-araw akong nag-aaral sa bahay ng Tagalog gamit ang FilipinoPod101.

6.  I study Tagalog with my friend every day at home with FilipinoPod101. Araw-araw akong nag-aaral sa bahay ng Tagalog gamit ang FilipinoPod101 kasama ang kaibigan ko.

7. FilipinoPod101 Will Help Ease the Confusion

We did our best to make this guide as simple and easy as possible for you. However, we also believe that one short post about Tagalog sentence structure can only do so much. But that’s why FilipinoPod101 is here, isn’t it? 

With FilipinoPod101, you can learn more than just how to arrange words in sentences . If you sign up today, you’ll gain exclusive access to a number of learning resources you won’t find elsewhere. This includes an introduction to the Filipino language , a few key Filipino phrases , and unique articles designed to help you learn Tagalog in a fun and interesting way.

And then there’s the Premium PLUS program that’s designed especially for students who want to develop their Filipino writing and speaking skills in just a short period of  time. What are you waiting for? If you want to learn more about Filipino sentence structure or polish your Tagalog conversation skills, don’t think twice about signing up at FilipinoPod101 today!

What are your first impressions about Tagalog word order and sentence structure? Let us know in the comments!

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The Secrets To Tagalog Writing: #1 Helpful Guide

Picture of Genine Torres

  • , May 2, 2024

tagalog writing system

When you are trying to learn a new language, it is not enough that you know the basic words, phrases, and expressions by heart. In order to create a more authentic experience, you must also know the history behind it and how it is actually written.

To help you get started on your journey, we will be discussing the Tagalog writing system used in the Philippines.

Table of Contents

What Is The Tagalog Writing System?

Have you ever just stopped to admire the distinct writing systems that you can usually find scripted in other international brands? Contrary to common belief, the Philippines also has its own indigenous writing system that is constantly being revived in some places in Manila.

Filipino, the national language of the Philippines, is heavily reliant on the Tagalog language. Unfortunately, very little is known about its history since the country has massively suffered under different rulers and governments. Each conqueror has its own version of the “standard” language that must be spoken in the country, which is why even modern Tagalog has been consistently modified to accommodate all those historical influences.

At present, the Philippines is using the Latin alphabet in order to have a smoother transition between Tagalog and English, the official languages of the country. But hey, allow me to just share with you a brief introduction to another writing system that is also purely Filipino.

baybayin museum tagalog writing

What Is The Baybayin Alphabet?

In the past, Tagalog is written in an alpha syllabary known as the Baybayin script, which has been developed by the natives based on the old Kawi script of Java, Sumatra, and Bali. Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, Filipinos used this to write poetry and announcements.

If Japan has Hiragana and Katakana, the Philippines have the very special Baybayin. This system of writing is based on sounds, so whenever you want to translate a word, you simply just need to look at the chart ad write it down based on the syllable.

Unlike other languages, the Baybayin has 14 consonants and three vowels. Basically, each letter is already a syllable, and to signify a change in the sound of the vowel, you can use a special character known as kudlit.

The kudlit is like a punctuation mark that looks like a small cut or incision placed above the letter to know whether the sound should be an I, E, O, or U. It can take any form may it be a dot, a tick, or even an apostrophe. When the Spanish knew of this writing system, they invented a new type of kudlit which is shaped like a cross and is now supposed to be added at the lower part of the letter.

Today, this alphabet is only used for decorative purposes, but a huge number of young Filipinos are starting to rekindle a love for this due to its distinct ethnic look. Just last year, millennials started a movement to bring back this script and be used once again in order to create a more unified identity for the country.

How Do You Say Tagalog Writing In Tagalog?

essay writing in tagalog

Try These Vocabulary Words When Talking About Tagalog Writing

After knowing a bit more about the background of Tagalog writing, let’s take a look at some Tagalog phrases as examples that you could practice. If you want to know more about Tagalog vocabulary, then use the Ling app to continue your daily lessons.

She went to the market to buy fishSiya ay pumunta ng palengke para bumili ng isda. Play
I like fruitsMahilig ako sa mga prutas. Play
He/She is a teacherSiya ay isang guro. Play
Do you want to learn how to speak Tagalog?Gusto mo ba matuto mag salita ng Tagalog? Play
When are you going back to the company?Kailan ka babalik sa kumpanya? Play

We’ve written the best guide on how to follow the correct Tagalog sentence structure. If you’re planning to write to a loved one or a Filipino friend, it’s best to check that article first!

Frequently Asked Questions About Tagalog Writing

Why is baybayin not used anymore.

The Baybayin script fell out of importance during the time that the Spaniards conquered the Philippines. Once they abolished all native script and culture related to the Philippines, the Spaniards started teaching Spanish and their culture, it died down. As years went by, the Philippine writing system has evolved from different regional scripts. Today, we have Filipino which was derived from the Tagalog writing system.

On the other hand, many Filipinos are advocating the use of Baybayin again to revive the identity and ancient culture of the once revered Philippine script.

Why Was Tagalog Changed To Filipino?

The history of Tagalog language tells us that Filipino has replaced Tagalog to unify the once diverse and “mutually intelligible” Tagalog and other Philippine languages and dialects. The Filipino language aims to incorporate these words in one vocabulary database.

To recall, Filipino became the official language of the Philippines after replacing Abakada in 1987.

What Does Written Tagalog Look Like?

Tagalog follows the Phonetic alphabet (A,B,C,D, etc.) with additional letters NG and Ñ. In total, there are 20 letters making up the whole Tagalog alphabet .

What Is The Tagalog Language?

Have you ever wondered why Filipinos are good at English? It is because English is considered as one of the neutral languages that you can use and still be understood by whoever you are speaking with. In truth, not everyone in the Philippines can even speak Tagalog. To compensate, people usually use English or a combination of it in the form of Taglish.

Officially, Tagalog is used by over a quarter of the population of the Philippines- more so in major cities like Manila and the provinces bordering it. The term Tagalog is derived from the endonym taga-ilog which directly translates to “river dweller.” According to linguists, there is a big possibility that the first Tagalog-speaking people were from Northern Mindanao or Eastern Visayas, where there are huge bodies of water.

Learn More About The Philippines

The Philippines is definitely one country that you should never miss out on in your life. Aside from being ranked as the 45 th best country in the world in 2019, the scenic spots in Tagalog , amazing Filipino cuisine , and cultural influence are totally magnetizing. This archipelagic state in Southeast Asia consists of about 7,641 islands, and almost every region there has a native language of its own!

In fact, if we base it under the official curriculum of the DepEd (the executive department in the Philippines responsible for high-quality education), there are over 19 regional languages that are consistently taught under the Mother-Tongue Based Multi-Lingual Education strategy. In this sense, Filipinos can become more confident about the grasp of their mother language while also learning about Tagalog and English.

And you know what is even more interesting about that? The number of regional languages being taught officially in schools just keeps on growing! This is because aside from Tagalog, there are some 120 to 180 languages spread out and used in the country. However, if you intend to visit the Philippines and spend some time traversing some of the top tourist destinations and cultural attractions, we highly recommend that you arm yourself with some Tagalog!

Practice Your Tagalog Writing Daily

Are you enjoying learning about the history behind the Tagalog writing system and its vocabulary? Then I bet it is time that I introduce to you why you should learn Tagalog , a unique Asian language. The Tagalog language is Easy to learn and is fascinating enough in the sense that it prides itself on an ever-growing set of words and phrases day by day!

And you know what is even more special? These Tagalog words and slang are slowly being embedded into international English dictionaries too!

Unlike other foreign languages, Tagalog is definitely viewed in a positive light since it is easier to remember (because of the Latin alphabet) and does not have complicated grammar rules.

With thousands of Filipinos stationed all over the world, we bet that finding someone to converse with in using this as the target language will be easy. Check out native expressions like how to ask how are you in Tagalog or express  goodbye in Tagalog right now!

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Filipino (Tagalog) Writing Examples

The following shows writing examples at various proficiency levels. These were produced by real language learners and may contain errors. See Writing Section Tips at the bottom of this page.

Filipino (Tagalog) Proficiency Tests and Resources

Writing Examples

At this level, I am able to create individual words that have no extended meaning.

I can share some simple vocabulary, which deals with the prompt/task/situation, but I tend to struggle to connect those words to create meaning.

matulog Maglaro Basahin ang

At this level, I am beginning to develop the ability to create meaning by grammatically connecting words.

Specifically, I can connect some basic subjects and verbs or verbs and objects, but I may be inconsistent at doing this.

I am often limited in my vocabulary to Novice level topics that I experience in my every-day life or that I have recently learned.

kumain ng tsokolate kumain saging

At this level, I can create simple sentences with very basic grammatical control and accuracy.

There are often errors in my responses, while at the same time I might have good control with some very simple structures and functions of the language that I have just learned or studied.

At the Novice levels, errors are expected as I try to create simple sentences. Generally, the sentences that I am able to create are very basic and simple with few, if any, added details.

Ayaw niya mag-aral. Gusto niya maglaro.

At this level, I can create simple sentences with some added detail; such sentences help create VARIETY.

At the Intermediate Low level, simple sentences are enhanced by use of prepositional phrases, helping verb usage, as well as some adverbs and a variety of adjectives.

I generally create independent sentences (ideas) that can be moved around without affecting the overall meaning of the response. There are still a number of errors in my response, but I have fairly good control of more basic sentences. I am feeling more confident in using different structures and expanding vocabulary and taking more risks with my responses.

Ang masayang experience ko - maglaro ng soccer. Nag-lalaro ako ng soccer araw-araw kasama kaibigan ko. Naglalaro kami sa kasama mga kaibigan ko sa school team. Sa championship, naglaro ako lahat ng laro at nag-goal. Masaya ako kasama kaibigan at pamilya. Kumain kami ng pizza pagkatapos ng game. Gusto ko ang soccer.

At this level, I can now create enough language to show groupings of ideas.

My thoughts are loosely connected and cannot be moved around without affecting meaning.

I can also create a few sentences with complexity and am able to use some transition words.  I am also able to use more than just simple present tense, but often make mistakes when I try to use other tenses.

My vocabulary use is expanding and I am able to use more than the usual, high frequency or most common vocabulary. I feel that I am able to create new language on my own and communicate my everyday needs without too much difficulty.

Marami na masayang bagay sa buhay ko. Marami akong masayang memories. Isa na pinakamasaya ay ang paglaro ng golf. Naglalaro ako ng golf noong limang taon ako. Gusto ng nanay at tatayo ko mag-golf noon bata pa sila. Tinuruan nila ako ng marami sa golf. Noong nasa highschool ako, naglaro ako sa school team. Magaling kami. Tinuruan ako ng coach ko. Natuto ako ng maraming bagay na importante ngayon. Natutunan kong huwag magalit. Minsan, hindi maganda ang pag-tama sa bola kaya nagagalit ako. Hindi na maganda ang paglaro ko. Magaling ang coach ko mag-turo.

At this level, I have good control of the language and feel quite confident about an increasing range of topics.

There are still some occasional errors in my language production, but that does not hinder my ability to communicate what I need to share.

I can use circumlocution to explain or describe things for which I do not know specific vocabulary or structures. I can understand and use different time frames and am just beginning to develop the ability to switch most time frames with accuracy. I can use transition words and concepts with some ease. My language has a more natural flow, but I still may have some unnatural pauses or hesitations.

Isa sa pinakamasayang karanasan ko ay ang bakasyon ko sa France para sa student exchange. Hindi ko malimutan ang mga estudyante na may ibang buhay kaysa sa mga American. Sa aking bakasyon, bumisita kami sa mga historical sites at mueseums at restaurant at mga shops. Pinakamagandang karanasan ang maging isang exchange student at tumira sa bahay at gayahin ang kanilang buhay. Malaking parte ang pagkain sa France pero marami pa. Palagi kong naiisip na ang ating bansa ay walang pareho. Pero, ang pagpunta ko sa Europe na lahat ay iba ang nagpaiba ng isip ko. Alam ko na ang karanasan na ito ay maaalala ko habang buhay.

At this level my response contains a number of complexities with higher degree of accuracy.

Such language allows me to address each aspect of the prompt more completely and with more depth of meaning.

I am able to use Advanced vocabulary or Advanced terms, conjugations etc. with confidence. I feel that I can create natural flow using as much detail and descriptive language as possible to create a clear picture. Errors with more complex structures may still occur. My ability to switch time frames begins to increase in accuracy.

Sa palagay ko isa sa pinakapangit at masayang bagay na nangyari ay noong nagkaroon ako ng concussion. Ang petsa at ika-apat ng Enero 2016. Unang araw ng pasok pagkatapos ng bakasyon at ayokong bumangon. Dahan-dahan akong bumaba at ginawan ko ang sarili ko ng peanut butter toast sa dilim, tamad akong buksan ang ilaw. Kailangan kong kunin ang mga gamit ko para sa klase para malagay ko sa bag ko. Dahan-dahan akong umakyat papasok sa kuwarto ko. Kinuha ko ang school supplies ko at napuno ang aking my kamay at braso at bumaba. Lumakad ako sa dilim habang iniisop ko ang mga assignment na kailangan kong tapusin. Hindi ko pa rin binuksan ang ilaw at iyon ang naging maling desisyon ko noong araw na iyon. Nadulas ako dahil sa walis na nakahilata sa sahig. Hindi ko magamit ang mga braso ko dahil puno ito ng mga gamit para sa school. Natumba ako at nauntog sa sahig. Naramdaman ko ang sahig sa likod ng ulo ko na may samang kirot sa ulo. Wala akong naalala kung ano ang nangyari pagkatapos pero nakarating ako sa opisina ng doctor. Nagresulta ang concussion na ito ng depresyon at lungkot. Hindi ako makagamit ng teknolohiya. Masakit gumalaw. Tuloy-tuloy ang sakit ng ulo ko. Tulog lang ako ng tulog, mga 22 oras sa isang araw. Pero, magaling na ako, hindi ako sumuko. Pero, naapektuhan ang aking pag-iisip kaya’t mahina na ako sa math at language hindi kagaya noon. Kahit na mabuti na ako, nakakaranas pa rin ako ng mabigat na depresyon. Pero mabuting naranasan ko ito. Sa tingin ko, ito ay masamang bagay at pinakamalungkot na trahedya. Pero, naisip ko rin na matapang ako dahil kinaya kong manatili sa kama na malungkot sa mahabang panahon at nakatayo ako muli.

At this level my response demonstrates my ease with the language.

I am able to create a response which not only addresses each aspect of the prompt, but delves into each point with clarity and concise language.

I am able to incorporate a number of more complex structures as well as Advanced vocabulary and Advanced phrases with a higher degree of accuracy throughout the majority of the response.

The language I create has a natural flow due to the way I incorporate a variety of patterns and complexities into my response. My response shows my ability to create language that has sophistication of language skills and syntactical density. My ability to switch time frames accurately is evident, if called for in the prompt.

Isa sa pinakamasayang karanasan ko sa buhay ay nangyari noong walong taong gulang ako. Isa akong tagalinis sa conference center bilang summer job ko. Sa sumunod na taon pagkatapos ng unang taon ko sa kolehiyo, naghahanap ako ng trabaho at hindi ako sigurado kung makakahanap ako. Sinabihan ako ng aking kapatid na lalake tungkol sa dati niyang trinabahuhan, at naghahanap daw sila ng trabahador para sa tag-init. Nagpasya akong mag-apply at umasang matatanggap ako. Ngunit, hindi ko nakuha ang posisyon na una kong ginusto. Sa halip, natanggap ako bilang isang tagalinis. Ako ay naging isang housekeeper sa isang conference para sa tag-init. Ang tag-init ay puno ng mga kaganapan. Marami akong mga problemang nakaharap na hindi ko naisip bilang isang bisita sa isang hotel. Nag-ayos ako ng kama, naglinis ng kubeta, naghugas ng bintana, nag-vaccum, at marami pang iba’t ibang mga gawain. Sa ganitong paraan ko lang natuklasan ang aking kakayahan. Hindi karaniwan ang magtrabaho ng anim na beses sa isang linggo embes na lima o kaya’y magka-extra shift sa umpisa o katapusan ng araw. Patuloy-tuloy lang akong nagtrabaho pero natuwa naman ako sa sarili ko. Sineryoso ko ang aking trabaho bilang isang tagalinis. Tinutulak ko ang sarili kong maglinis nang mabuti at pati na rin maglinis ng mabilisan. Sa madaling panahon nakakapaglinis ako ng kuwarto kalahati ng oras kumpara sa iba. Nasorpresa ako noong nakatanggap ako ng employee of the month award sa pangalawang buwan kong pagtatrabaho. Napaisip ako na ang aking trabaho ay napapahalagahan at sa uulitin alam ko ang aking kakayahan. Kahit na hindi ito isang grandeng karanasan, sapat na ito sa akin. Natutunan ko ang halaga ng pagtatrabaho at naisip ko kung ano ang mga kaya kong gawin. Sa kabuuan, ito ang karanasan na nagbukas ng mundo no posibilidad at sa ganoong rason, ito ang pinakamasayang karanasan sa buhay ko.

Writing Section Tips

Additional resources can be found in the Power-Up Guide and on our Video Tutorials page.

  • Be a ‘show-off’ – this is the time to show what you can do!
  • Be organized in your writing.
  • Challenge yourself to go above and beyond what you normally write.
  • Be creative and don’t stress out over possible errors. Perfection is not the goal!

Simply do your best and enjoy creating and communicating in the language that you are learning.

How do I type in Filipino (Tagalog)?

Read our Writing Input Guide to learn how to type in Filipino (Tagalog).

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#1 AI Article Writer Write Ready-to-Rank Content Fast

Agility Writer

AI Writer Tagalog: Essay Generator For Seamless AI Article Writing

AI writing tool to generate high quality Tagalog articles for blog posts, product, and roundup reviews within a few clicks.

Agility Writer Dashboard Overview

See   Real   Results   with   Agility   Writer

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Agility Writer delivers SEO-optimized, high-quality content that ranks well on search engines.

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Our AI combines real-time data, in-depth research, and unique writing styles to create factual content that resonates with your audience.

Write in Tagalog (Manunulat ng Artikulo ng AI)

Agility Writer tools and features make writing in Tagalog easy and fun. You get everything from a simple text maker to advanced options for creating long articles. This tool helps turn your ideas into polished content quickly. Explore Agility Writer now for a smooth writing journey!

Create unique and high-quality long-form content

Generate long-form content, including informational blog posts, roundup reviews, product reviews, and local service pages.

Use real-time data, in-depth research and search result

Scrape the SERP or any website to generate up-to-date and factual content.

SEO-Optimized content that is ready to rank

Create SEO-optimized content fast; no SEO optimization tools are needed.

Premium AI images

Generate compelling & high-quality AI images for your articles.

Smart Outline builder

Choose your headings from multiple top-ranking competitors, and let us generate the perfect article outlines

EEAT & Authorship

Incorporate personal experiences and unique writing styles, and leverage the E-E-A-T Bio Generator to enhance authorship credibility.

Best AI Writing Templates for Tagalog Content

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1-Click Mode

Write an article fast based on the top-ranking search results with a single click. This feature is best for writing generic topics and typically generates 1500++ words.

Advanced Mode

Lets you control the outline based on the top-ranking search results and generate longer, high-quality articles that are ready to rank #1 on Google. This feature enables you to write 3000++ words.

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Optimize Mode

Optimize Mode helps you write SEO Optimized articles without needing other SEO tools in just a few clicks.

Roundup Review

Lets you write an in-depth roundup review of any products, including non-Amazon products, with a comparison table, compelling description, pros/cons, and CTA.

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Single Product Review

Let you use the smart scraping feature to write a single product review based on multiple competitors’ web pages within a few clicks.

YouTube to Article

Lets you write high-quality articles with detail facts from YouTube videos.

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Rewrite Article

Lets you rewrite articles from any page URLs with full customization and SEO optimization.

Lets you write up to 50 articles in one click. All articles will go through the same writing and optimization process as 1-Click Mode or Advanced Mode (including adding silo links).

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Website/Service Page

Write content for business website pages with ease. This feature writes personalized content (service or product page) according to your business background.

The Future of AI Writing in Filipino Language

create quality content quickly

The future of AI writing in Filipino is bright and full of possibilities. Tools like Agility Writer are changing how you create content. They help you write faster, with more accuracy.

Imagine making essays or articles without worrying about mistakes in grammar or style. This tool uses advanced algorithms and natural language processing to understand your needs. It then creates text that sounds just right.

You will find it easier to meet the demands for high-quality, plagiarism-free essays and articles. Whether for school, work, or online advertising, this tech makes sure your message hits home with readers.

And as AI gets smarter, expect even better personalization and fluency in writing. The days of spending hours crafting a single piece are fading away. Now, you can produce powerful content quickly, giving you more time for other tasks.

Expert   in   Writing   Long-Form   Tagalog   Articles

Not   the   everything   ai   writing   tools.

Agility Writer changes how we create Tagalog content. With this AI tool, crafting articles becomes quicker and easier. We specialize in creating well-written, highly relevant articles that pass AI tool detectors. You get SEO-friendly articles in minutes. This service isn’t just about saving time; it improves your writing quality too.

From blogs to product reviews, Agility Writer handles it all with ease. Join us, and see your content improve significantly.

Price   Charge   per   Article,   Not   Limited   by   Words

Monthly   plans.

  • 40 Credits per Month
  • Up to 40 Articles
  • Full Features
  • Power-Up Guide
  • In-Depth Research + Citations
  • SEO Optimized
  • Authorship & EEAT
  • 80 Credits per Month
  • Up to 80 Articles
  • 150 Credits per Month
  • Up to 150 Articles
  • 380 Credits per Month
  • Up to 380 Articles
  • 960 Credits per Month
  • Up to 960 Articles
  • 1800 Credits per Month
  • Up to 1800 Articles

Full   Flexibility   With   Yearly   Plans

Use   Coupon   Code   AWOFF   for   10%   Off   -   Lifetime   Discount!  

(Unused   Credits   will   Roll   Over)

Use   Coupon   Code   BLACK   for   25%   Off   -   Limited   Time! (Lowest   Price   Ever) Time   Left...

Yearly   Plans

  • 300 Credits per Year
  • Up to 300 Articles
  • 1400 Credits per Year
  • Up to 1400 Articles
  • 3700 Credits per Year
  • Up to 3700 Articles

Supported   Languages

We support up to 20+ languages!

  • Write in American English
  • Write in Australian English
  • Write in British English
  • Write in Chinese (Simplified)
  • Write in Chinese (Traditional)
  • Write in Malay
  • Write in Brazilian Portuguese
  • Write in Croatian
  • Write in Danish
  • Write in Dutch
  • Write in German
  • Write in French
  • Write in Hungarian
  • Write in Indonesian
  • Write in Italian
  • Write in Japanese
  • Write in Korean
  • Write in Norwegian
  • Write in Polish
  • Write in Portuguese
  • Write in Romanian
  • Write in Serbian
  • Write in Spanish
  • Write in Swedish
  • Write in Tagalog
  • Write in Vietnamese

How to Use the Tagalog AI Writer Effectively

Use AI Writer Effectively

You start with a clear goal for your content. Decide if you want blog posts, local website copy, rewritten articles, or conversions from YouTube to articles. Then, choose the right template on Agility Writer that fits your needs.

The next step is to set the main keywords, such as "Kasangkapang AI sa Pagsusulat ng Tagalog", "Manunulat ng AI", "Manunulat ng Artikulo ng AI", "Manunulat ng AI Tagalog" in the settings. This ensures the AI focuses on what’s important to you. Click the apply smart setting button to let the system auto-default all the best practices.

Then, click the Create Outline button to let Agility Writer crawl the top competitors and generate the best article outline. Choose and review the outline, then hit the generate button and let Agility Writer do its magic. It creates drafts quickly, saving you time.

Lastly, reviewing and editing are key steps. No draft is perfect at first, so tweak sentences, check facts, and maybe add personal touches to make it ready for readers. With these methods, using an AI writer becomes effective and straightforward.

Frequently   Asked   Questions

What is the best ai writer for tagalog content.

The best AI writer for Tagalog content is Agility Writer, which can generate text in multiple languages, including Tagalog. It simplifies the writing process, generates original and plagiarism-free content, and helps improve your writing.

Can I use the AI Writer Tagalog for professional writing tasks?

Absolutely! The power of this intelligent writing assistant extends beyond academic publishing into internal communications, product descriptions, or even SEO-friendly content that resonates with market segmentation strategies.

Are there any benefits of using an Ai Writer over traditional methods?

Absolutely! With features such as real-time computing and feedback mechanisms; it allows you to say goodbye to writer’s block while ensuring fact-checking is done accurately - enhancing workflow efficiency.

How many words will be generated for each article?

The One-Click Mode usually generates around 2,000 words depending on the article topic. The Advanced mode allows you to generate up to 4000++ words with the proper outlines.

How are Agility Writer's features compared to other AI writing tools?

Most other AI writing tools require a lot of guidance, manual generation and review to create a 2000 or 3000 words article. And you may spend 6000 words of credits to generate a final 2000 words article. On the other hand, Agility Writer can generate a similar article with one button click within a few minutes – without manual intervention and requiring additional credits.

How are Agility Writer's features compared to other one-click/long-form writing tools?

We can guide you to generate ready-to-rank article outlines based on the top-ranking websites that google like. And not the typical AI generation outline, which might not match the search intent. Our advanced mode will help to write unfluff , pass ai detection , better-quality content & paragraphs that connect as a complete article. Most other tools "make up" the outlines, create parts of the content, and combine it into a full article which requires a lot of editing.

Can I publish the articles right away after the generation?

Technically, you can do that, as the quality is way better than an entry-level writer. However, we strongly recommend to do fact-checking and use grammar-checking tools to fine-tune it further.

Can I keep the unused article credits and roll them over to next month?

Yes. Unused article credits will roll over to next month. However, you must have an active subscription in order to keep and use the credits.

What are the taxes and overages applicable to the subscription plan?

What are the payment methods supported by agility writer.

We support credit cards and PayPal as payment methods via It will show as "ADE MKT" in your billing statement.

Start Writing in Tagalog

Try it with full features with 3+10 credits. (You will receive 3 credits upon signup. Join our FB group and get another 10 Credits)

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Learn Tagalog online!


The English word can be transliterated into Tagalog as ráyting .

pagsusulat writing ✍🏼

tulong sa pagsulat help in writing = writing help ✍🏼

Kailangan ko ng tulong sa pagsulat nito. I need help in writing this. = I need writing help. ✍🏼

Maganda ang pagkakasulat. The writing’s nice.

Mahusay ang pagkakasulat. The writing’s good.


1. akto o halimbawa ng pagsusulat

2. kalagayan ng pagkakasulat

3. anumang nakasulat

4. pampanitikan o pangmusikang anyo, estilo, kalidad, teknik, at katulad


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Paraphrasing Tool Tagalog

Paraphrase tagalog - Isang advanced na kasangkapan sa muling pagsulat gamit ang AI para sa mga estudyante, guro, at propesyonal upang lumikha ng nilalaman na walang plagiarism online.

Mga salita : 0

Ano ang paraphrasing tool Tagalog?

Isipin na mayroon kang isang pangungusap na nais mong sabihin sa ibang paraan. Ang paraphrasing tool Tagalog ay parang isang mahiwagang thesaurus na isinusulat muli ito para sa iyo gamit ang ibang mga salita, ngunit pinapanatili ang parehong kahulugan.

Ano ang paraphrase Tagalog?

Ang paraphrase Tagalog ay ang akto ng muling pagpapahayag ng mga ideya o impormasyon ng ibang tao sa iyong sariling mga salita. Para itong pagpapaliwanag ng isang bagay na narinig mo sa iba, gamit ang iyong sariling pag-unawa at bokabularyo.

Narito ang isang buod ng mga pangunahing punto tungkol sa paraphrase:

  • Pinapanatili ang orihinal na kahulugan: Kahit na nagbabago ang pagkakasulat, nananatili ang pangunahing ideya.
  • Iwasan ang plagiarism: Ang paraphrase ay isang lehitimong paraan upang gamitin ang mga ideya ng ibang tao nang hindi kinokopya ang kanilang eksaktong mga salita.
  • Ipinapakita ang pag-unawa: Ang epektibong paraphrase ay nangangailangan ng sapat na pag-unawa sa orihinal na nilalaman upang muling maisulat ito nang tumpak.

Narito ang isang halimbawa:

Orihinal: “Ang pagpapakilala ng isang minimum na sahod ay maaaring magdulot ng pagkawala ng trabaho para sa ilang mababang-kasanayang manggagawa.”

Paraphrased: “Ang mga patakaran sa minimum na sahod ay maaaring magpabawas ng mga oportunidad sa trabaho para sa mga manggagawang mababa ang kasanayan.”

Parehong ipinapahayag ng dalawang pangungusap ang parehong katotohanan ngunit gumagamit ng iba’t ibang mga salita at istruktura ng pangungusap.

Ang paraphrase ay isang mahalagang kasanayan para sa maraming dahilan, kabilang ang:

  • Pinapabuti ang pagsusulat: Sa pamamagitan ng paraphrase, maaari mong isama nang maayos ang impormasyon mula sa mga mapagkukunan sa iyong sariling pagsusulat.
  • Pinapataas ang kalinawan: Minsan, maaari mong muling isulat ang mga komplikadong ideya sa mas simpleng mga termino para sa mas mahusay na pag-unawa.
  • Iwasan ang labis na paggamit ng mga sipi: Ang paraphrase ay nagbibigay-daan sa iyo upang gamitin ang impormasyon mula sa mga mapagkukunan nang hindi labis na umaasa sa mga direktang sipi.

Bakit gamitin ang AI paraphrasing tool Tagalog ng WriterBuddy?

Ang AI paraphrasing tool Tagalog ng WriterBuddy ay nagpapadali sa paglikha ng mataas na kalidad na mga paraphrase na walang kamalian. Kung muling isinusulat mo ang nilalaman ng isang sanaysay, artikulo, post sa blog, o anumang ibang uri ng pagsusulat, tinitiyak ng aming tool ang katumpakan at pagiging mabasa.

Paraphrase Batay sa AI

Gumagamit ng mga advanced na AI algorithm upang magbigay ng parang tao na muling pagpapahayag, na tinitiyak ang isang mataas na kalidad at magkakaugnay na teksto.

Nilalaman na Walang Plagiarism

Kasama ang isang integrated na plagiarism checker upang matiyak ang orihinal na nilalaman, na iniiwasan ang anumang pag-duplicate.

Madaling Gamiting Interface

Nagpapakita ng isang simpleng disenyo na hindi nangangailangan ng pag-sign up, na nagpapahintulot sa agarang paggamit.

Maramihang Mga Mode ng Paraphrase

Nag-aalok ng iba’t ibang mga mode tulad ng Standard, Creative, Fluency, at Shorten upang matugunan ang iba’t ibang pangangailangan at kagustuhan.

Suporta sa Maraming Wika

Sinusuportahan ang maraming wika, ginagawa itong naa-access sa isang pandaigdigang audience.

Siguraduhin ang Katumpakan

Pinapanatili ang orihinal na kahulugan at konteksto ng teksto habang tumpak na muling isinusulat ito.

Pabilisin ang Iyong Trabaho

Nagpapahintulot ng mabilis na paraphrase sa isang pag-click, na nagtitipid ng oras kumpara sa manu-manong muling pagsulat.

Bigyang Prayoridad ang Pagiging Mabasa

Nagbabago ng kumplikadong teksto sa malinaw at madaling maintindihan na wika.

Maramihang Paggamit

Mainam para sa iba’t ibang uri ng nilalaman, kabilang ang mga akademikong papel, propesyonal na dokumento, mga post sa blog, at higit pa.

Libreng Pag-access

Lahat ng mga tampok ay magagamit nang libre, walang nakatagong mga gastos o pagkaantala dahil sa mga ad.

Paano gamitin ang online na paraphrasing tool Tagalog ng WriterBuddy

  • Ipasok ang Iyong Teksto: 

I-paste ang iyong teksto o mag-upload ng isang file sa input box.

  • Piliin ang Mode ng Paraphrase: 

Pumili mula sa maraming mga mode tulad ng Standard, Creative, Fluency, o Shorten.

  • Kumuha ng Instant na Resulta: 

I-click ang pindutan ng submit at matanggap ang iyong muling naisulat na teksto sa loob ng ilang segundo.

  • I-download o Kopyahin ang Iyong Teksto: 

Madaling i-download ang teksto sa iba’t ibang mga format o kopyahin ito para gamitin sa ibang lugar.

Sino ang maaaring gumamit ng paraphrasing tool Tagalog ng WriterBuddy?

Mga estudyante: .

Ang mga paraphrasing tool ay tumutulong sa mga estudyante na maunawaan ang mga kumplikadong teksto at mapabuti ang kanilang kasanayan sa pagsusulat sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng mga alternatibong paraan upang ipahayag ang mga ideya nang malinaw at epektibo.

Mga Guro: 

Maaaring gamitin ng mga guro ang mga paraphrasing tool upang lumikha ng natatanging mga plano ng aralin, nakaka-engganyong mga presentasyon, at iba pang mga materyal na pang-edukasyon na nakakaakit at nagtuturo sa kanilang mga estudyante.

Mga Mananaliksik: 

Nakikinabang ang mga mananaliksik sa parafrase sa pamamagitan ng pagpapasimple ng mga komplikadong konsepto at paggawa ng kanilang pananaliksik na naa-access sa mas malawak na audience, na tinitiyak ang kalinawan at pag-unawa.

Mga Mamamahayag: 

Maaaring mabilis at madaling muling isulat ng mga mamamahayag ang kanilang teksto upang maiwasan ang paulit-ulit na wika at mapahusay ang pagiging mabasa at orihinalidad ng kanilang mga artikulo.

Mga Manunulat ng Kopya: 

Sa paggamit ng paraphrasing tool, maaaring epektibong muling isulat ng mga manunulat ng kopya ang umiiral na nilalaman upang lumikha ng bago, nakakahikayat, at orihinal na materyal para sa iba’t ibang mga kampanya at proyekto.

Mga Blogger: 

Maaaring gamitin ng mga blogger ang mga paraphrasing tool upang muling isulat ang umiiral na nilalaman, na ginagawa itong natatangi at nakaka-engganyo habang pinapanatili ang orihinal na mensahe at layunin.

Mga Manunulat: 

Maaaring iangkop ng mga manunulat ang kanilang trabaho para sa iba’t ibang konteksto o audience, na tinitiyak na ang kanilang nilalaman ay maraming gamit at angkop sa mga tiyak na pangangailangan nang hindi nawawala ang esensya nito.

Mga Marketer: 

Maaaring mabilis na muling isulat ng mga marketer ang kanilang orihinal na nilalaman para sa maraming platform, na tinitiyak na umaalingawngaw ito sa iba’t ibang target na audience at pinapanatili ang pagkakapareho sa iba’t ibang media channel.

Mga Madalas Itanong

Ano ang mga pagkakaiba sa pagitan ng parafrase, muling pagsulat, at muling pagpapahayag.

Ang parafrase ay ang paglalagay ng mga ideya ng ibang tao sa iyong sariling mga salita habang pinapanatili ang orihinal na kahulugan. Ang muling pagsulat ay pumapalit sa mga partikular na salita ng mga kasingkahulugan, at ang muling pagpapahayag ay muling binubuo ang orihinal na teksto. Ang tatlo ay maaaring gamitin upang lumikha ng isang paraphrase.

Paano ako makakalikha ng paraphrase?

Upang lumikha ng isang paraphrase, gamitin ang parafrasing generator ng WriterBuddy sa pamamagitan ng pag-paste ng iyong teksto at pag-click sa “Parafrase”, o manu-manong muling isulat ang teksto sa pamamagitan ng pagbabago ng mga salita, istruktura ng pangungusap at pagtiyak na ang orihinal na kahulugan ay pinapanatili. Laging banggitin ang orihinal na pinagmulan.

Ano ang plagiarism at paano ko ito maiiwasan?

Ang plagiarism ay ang paggamit ng mga ideya ng ibang tao nang hindi binibigyan ng kredito ang mga ito. Upang maiwasan ang plagiarism, laging banggitin ang orihinal na pinagmulan ng iyong paraphrased na teksto. Kasama sa WriterBuddy ang isang plagiarism checker upang matiyak na ang iyong nilalaman ay orihinal.

Ang paggamit ng parafrase ay itinuturing na pandaraya?

Ang paggamit ng isang paraphrasing generator ay hindi pandaraya kung ito ay wastong binanggit. Ito ay isang kapaki-pakinabang na tool para sa mabilis na muling pagsusulat ng nilalaman at pagkuha ng inspirasyon. Laging suriin ang mga patakaran ng iyong institusyon at bigyan ng kredito ang iyong mga pinagmulan upang maiwasan ang plagiarism.

Bakit mahalaga ang mga sipi sa parafrase?

Ang mga sipi ay nagbibigay ng kredito sa orihinal na pinagmulan, na tumutulong na maiwasan ang plagiarism. Sa tuwing gagamit ka ng mga ideya ng ibang tao, maging ito ay sa pamamagitan ng pag-sipi o pag-parafrase, kailangan mong gumamit ng isang estilo ng pag-sipi tulad ng APA, MLA o Chicago.

Paano ko babanggitin ang isang paraphrase sa mga istilo ng APA, MLA at Chicago?

Gamitin ang isang citation tool tulad ng Citation Generator ng WriterBuddy. Ipasok ang impormasyon ng pinagmulan at ito ay lilikha ng mga in-text at buong sipi para sa iyong bibliograpiya, mga sinipi na akda o pahina ng mga sanggunian.

Maaari bang humawak ng maramihang mga wika ang WriterBuddy?

Oo, sinusuportahan ng WriterBuddy ang maramihang mga wika, ginagawa itong naa-access sa mga gumagamit sa buong mundo.

Paano tinitiyak ng WriterBuddy ang katumpakan ng muling naisulat na teksto?

Gumagamit ang WriterBuddy ng mga advanced na algorithm ng AI upang tumpak na muling isulat ang teksto habang pinapanatili ang orihinal na kahulugan at konteksto.

Available in other languages:

  • English – Paraphrasing tool
  • Español –  Parafraseo online
  • French –  Outil de paraphrase
  • Indonesian – Parafrase online
  • Filipino – Tagalog paraphrase
  • Italian – Parafrasi online
  • Portugues – Parafrasear online
  • German – Text umschreiben

Ang advanced na tool sa pagsulat ng AI ay sinanay upang magsulat ng mas mahusay na nilalaman nang mas mabilis.

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  • Tool sa Paraphrasing
  • Text Summarizer
  • Manunulat ng Sanaysay
  • Essay Rewriter
  • Rephraser ng Pangungusap
  • Tool sa Rewriter ng Pangungusap
  • Muling Isulat ang Talata
  • Paragraph Generator

Mga Mapagkukunan ng Mag-aaral

  • Tagasuri ng Plagiarism
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  • Grammar Checker
  • Punctuation Checker
  • Spell Checker
  • Thesis Generator
  • Essay Checker
  • Word Counter
  • Tagabilang ng Character

Mga Kasangkapan sa Pagbanggit

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  • APA Citation
  • MLA Citation
  • Citation Checker

Mga mapagkukunan

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  • Gabay sa Estilo ng Brand
  • Makipag-ugnayan
  • Affiliate Program

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Paraphrase Tool

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About paraphrase tool, getting your wording just right.

Paraphrasing is a natural part of the writing process as it helps you clarify your thinking and suit your words to your audience. Using a Paraphrase Tool helps structure and streamline this work, and our paraphrase tool offers 20 modes, many of them free, for accomplishing just this. The 20 modes we offer are diverse, including a summarize tool, a free grammar checker, a mode to simplify text, and a sentence shortener. There are sentence rephrasers and paraphrase rephrase tools, and we pride ourselves on having both, since our reword generator accounts for context at both the sentence and paragraph levels.

When you google paraphrase you will get a variety of results, from a free Paraphrase Tool , to an article spinner, to a general phrase tool, and it can be hard to determine which of these rephrase tools will best help you complete your work. If you simply need to get a word rephrase, that is, reword only small elements within the sentence, many tools will suffice, but there is the risk that you end up with a tool that does not consider context and produces very awkward and ungrammatical sentences. Rephrasing is very much an art, and we’ve built our paraphrase bot to produce the most correct results in 20 modes in over 100 languages, making it the best paraphrasing tool at an exceptionally low cost. So whether you need to paraphrase deutsch, paraphrase greek, or paraphrase bahasa melayu, the next time you think, I need something to paraphrase this for me, you’ll know where to turn.

From keywords to paragraphs

Generating paragraphs with unique ideas can be challenging, and too often writers get stuck at this stage of the writing process. With our paragraph tool, you can enter keywords and let our AI generate paragraphs for you, so that you can have something to work with, refine the output, and become more engaged in your writing.

A paragraph generator creates links between your ideas, such that the output is sensible, unique, and stimulating, very close to what you would expect a thoughtful human paragraph writer to produce.

Paragraph makers are nice, but what about a short story generator? Because our AI is generalized, it serves a story generator, an essay generator, a poem generator, and much more. To generate compelling stories, you should provide the story generator with useful keywords from which it can develop plot elements, including characters, setting details, and any situational information. To generate reasonably good essays, you should likewise provide the essay maker with details around argumentative positions and any other pertinent ideas. If you more specifically want an introduction paragraph generator or conclusion paragraph generator, you can provide starter text and keywords that will best enable our essay creator to produce them.

You may well ask, “is this essay generator free?” Everything on this site is free within a 3-day trial, so you can test and develop confidence in our products. You may also be wondering where this is an essay automatic writer or if it will take a while to get results. All results appear within a matter of seconds, so you can move through your work as quickly as possible.

You may have professional needs for creating paragraphs as well, such as those needed for cover letter. Most of the time a cover letter template includes information that is not relevant to you; by using your own keywords, we can produce cover letter examples that are relevant to your use case and often require very little editing. By using this service, you can also learn how to write a cover letter and achieve the cover letter format you need.

Plagiarism checker free

Like everything else on our site, you can check plagiarism free within a trial, which is a great opportunity for those who want to check a paper for plagiarism without committing to paying before they see results. This free plagiarism checker is great for students and clearly indicates how to check for plagiarism by highlighting areas of similarity between the two texts. Just to be sure you are not accidentally plagiarizing, be sure to check all of your paraphrases as well.

World's #1 AI Essay Generator

20,000 Sanaysay na nabuo araw-araw

Ipasulat sa isang robot ang iyong sanaysay sa 5 salita lamang

Agad na bumuo ng anumang uri ng sanaysay.

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Kunin ang iyong nilalaman pagkatapos lamang ng ilang salita , o hakbang-hakbang.

Buong kontrol sa bawat hakbang

Suriin ang mga sanggunian

I-edit ang iyong mga sanggunian gamit ang mga sikat na uri ng sanggunian tulad ng APA o MLA

How Smodin makes Essay Writing Easy

Uri ng ai generated essays, agad na maghanap ng mga pinagmumulan para sa anumang pangungusap.

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Pinapadali ng aming tool sa pagsasaliksik ng AI sa interface ng editor ng sanaysay na makahanap ng source o fact check ng anumang piraso ng text sa web. Hahanapin ka nito ang pinakanauugnay o nauugnay na piraso ng impormasyon at ang pinagmulan nito. Mabilis mong maidaragdag ang reference na iyon sa iyong mga reference sa dokumento sa isang pag-click lamang ng isang button. Nagbibigay din kami ng iba pang mga mode para sa pagsasaliksik tulad ng "hanapin ang mga istatistika ng suporta", "hanapin ang mga sumusuportang argumento", "hanapin ang kapaki-pakinabang na impormasyon", at iba pang mga paraan ng pananaliksik upang gawing madali ang paghahanap ng impormasyong kailangan mo. Gawing madali ang pagsulat at pagsasaliksik ng sanaysay sa aming AI research assistant.

Madaling Sumipi ng Mga Sanggunian

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Ginagawa ng aming generator ng sanaysay ang pagbanggit ng mga sanggunian sa mga istilo ng MLA at APA para sa mga mapagkukunan ng web at mga sanggunian na isang madaling gawain. Gumagana ang manunulat ng sanaysay sa pamamagitan ng pagtukoy muna sa mga pangunahing elemento sa bawat pinagmulan, tulad ng may-akda, pamagat, petsa ng publikasyon, at URL, at pagkatapos ay ayusin ang mga ito sa tamang format na kinakailangan ng piniling istilo ng pagsipi. Tinitiyak nito na ang mga sanggunian ay tumpak, kumpleto, at pare-pareho. Nagbibigay ang produkto ng mga kapaki-pakinabang na tool upang makabuo ng mga pagsipi at bibliograpiya sa naaangkop na istilo, na ginagawang mas madali para sa iyo na idokumento ang iyong mga mapagkukunan at maiwasan ang plagiarism. Mag-aaral ka man o propesyonal na manunulat, ang aming essay generator ay nakakatipid sa iyo ng oras at pagsisikap sa proseso ng pagsipi, na nagbibigay-daan sa iyong tumuon sa nilalaman ng iyong gawa.

Gumawa ng Mas Mahusay na Sanaysay kaysa ChatGPT

Ang aming generator ng sanaysay ay idinisenyo upang makagawa ng pinakamahusay na posibleng mga sanaysay, na may ilang mga tool na magagamit upang tumulong sa pagpapabuti ng sanaysay, tulad ng pag-edit ng mga balangkas, pagpapahusay ng pamagat, mga tip at trick, kontrol sa haba, at pananaliksik na tinulungan ng AI. Hindi tulad ng ChatGPT, ang aming AI na manunulat ay makakahanap ng mga mapagkukunan at makakatulong sa pagsasaliksik para sa sanaysay, na nagsisiguro na ang sanaysay ay sinusuportahan ng mapagkakatiwalaan at nauugnay na impormasyon. Ang aming essay generator ay nag-aalok ng tulong sa pag-edit at mga balangkas upang mapabuti ang istraktura at daloy ng sanaysay. Ang tampok na ito ay lalong kapaki-pakinabang para sa mga mag-aaral na maaaring nahihirapan sa organisasyon ng sanaysay at nangangailangan ng gabay sa kung paano ipakita ang kanilang mga ideya nang magkakaugnay. Ang isa pang bentahe ng aming AI essay writer sa ChatGPT ay na ito ay tahasang idinisenyo para sa pagsulat ng sanaysay, na tinitiyak na ang output ay may mataas na kalidad at nakakatugon sa mga inaasahan ng instruktor o propesor. Habang ang ChatGPT ay maaaring makabuo ng mga sanaysay, walang garantiya na ang nilalaman ay magiging may-katuturan, tumpak o matugunan ang mga kinakailangan ng takdang-aralin.

Madaling Iwasan ang Plagiarism

Ang aming mga sanaysay na nabuo ng AI ay 100% na natatangi at walang plagiarism. Nag-aalala tungkol sa AI detection? Huwag nang mag-alala, gamitin ang aming AI Detection Remover para alisin ang anumang AI Plagiarism na ginawa mula sa essay generator.

Mga testimonial

Milyun-milyong user ang gustong-gusto ang AI Writing Features ni Smodin is an exceptional app that offers a range of outstanding features designed to help users with their research and content creation needs. One of the app's most impressive features is the Article 2.0, which generates high-quality articles and provides references for further study. The app's ChatIn feature and Research Paper generator are also incredibly unique, allowing users to conduct thorough research on the internet and find genuine paraphrased papers. One of the most impressive aspects of is its customer service team. The team is highly responsive, always available to help, and goes the extra mile to understand users' issues and offer solutions. This level of commitment to customer satisfaction is commendable and sets apart from its competitors. Another notable feature of is its continuous improvement. Every time you use the app, you'll notice new features that have been added based on feedback and recommendations. This level of attention to user feedback is remarkable, and it shows the app's developers' commitment to ensuring that remains the best in the market. I highly recommend to anyone looking for a reliable and efficient research and content creation tool.

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Nice product

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  2. #1 Best Guide On How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

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  4. Example Of Narrative Essay Tagalog

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  5. Essay Examples Tagalog

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  6. #1 Best Guide On How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

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  1. Essay Writing: 12 Tips paano gumawa ng maayos na Essay (Write essay the

    Learn how to write a good essay in Tagalog with 12 tips from this video. Discover the secrets of essay writing and impress your teachers.

  2. #1 Best Guide On How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

    Keep all your notes in the same place when you're writing an essay! 3. Start Writing. After conducting research ( pananaliksik) and drafting your essay ( pagbabalangkas ), it's time to start writing! Remember that when you write an essay, you should divide it into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.

  3. #1 Best Guide On How To Write An Essay In Tagalog

    The introduction ( panimula) is where you will answer basic questions and tell your readers what the essay is going to be about. Make sure that you hook your readers in your introduction, otherwise, they won't keep reading. Next is the body ( katawan) of the essay. This is where you'll talk in-depth about the topic.

  4. Essay Writing

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  6. The Basics of Filipino Sentence Structure & Word Order

    1. An Overview of Tagalog Word Order. The most common sentence structure used in the English language is S-V-O (Subject-Verb-Object). It's acceptable to use the same word order in Filipino, which is what many beginners do. However, when it comes to spoken Filipino, using S-V-O will result in the speaker sounding awkward.

  7. The Secrets To Tagalog Writing: #1 Helpful Guide

    The Secrets To Tagalog Writing: #1 Helpful Guide. When you are trying to learn a new language, it is not enough that you know the basic words, phrases, and expressions by heart. In order to create a more authentic experience, you must also know the history behind it and how it is actually written. To help you get started on your journey, we ...

  8. How to improve essay-writing in Filipino/Tagalog? : r/Tagalog

    Write with certainty. Make points that are objectively true. "Ang mansanas ay masarap na prutas", I think not. "Ang mansanas ay matamis at malutong na prutas" is much more descriptive and factual. Speak straight Filipino. Try to keep your English use down to like 1 every 200 Tagalog words. When you can, opt for Austronesian Filipino over ...

  9. ESSAY (Tagalog)

    An essay is a piece of writing that aims to inform, persuade, or analyze a particular topic or issue. It is typically a concise, nonfiction piece that presents the author's perspective or argument in a structured and logical manner. Essays can vary in length, style, and purpose, but they usually include an introduction, body, and conclusion ...

  10. Filipino (Tagalog) Writing Examples

    The following shows writing examples at various proficiency levels. These were produced by real language learners and may contain errors. See Writing Section Tips at the bottom of this page. Filipino (Tagalog) Proficiency Tests and Resources.

  11. AI Writer Tagalog: Essay Generator For Seamless AI Article Writing

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  13. WRITING (Tagalog)

    MGA KAHULUGAN SA TAGALOG. 1. akto o halimbawa ng pagsusulat. 2. kalagayan ng pagkakasulat. 3. anumang nakasulat. 4. pampanitikan o pangmusikang anyo, estilo, kalidad, teknik, at katulad. WRITING... kahulugan sa wikang Filipino... mga kasingkahulugang salita... English translation of Tagalog words... usage examples... writing help...

  14. PDF Improving the Basic Writing Skills of Grade 7 Learners in Filipino: An

    gap of Grade 7 learners in their writing performance in Filipino subjects. To attain the main objective, the researcher: (1) assessed learners' writing competency through pre and post-tests; (2) prepared/developed writing exercises; (3) conducted learning activities emphasizing the conduct of writing activities in and

  15. English to Tagalog

    Lingvanex introduces a FREE Online translator that instantly translates from English to Tagalog or from Tagalog to English! Our Lingvanex translator works using machine translation technology, which is the automatic translation of text using artificial intelligence, without human intervention. This technology guarantees complete confidentiality ...

  16. CNF


  17. Paraphrasing Tool Tagalog Filipino

    Paano gamitin ang online na paraphrasing tool Tagalog ng WriterBuddy. Ipasok ang Iyong Teksto: I-paste ang iyong teksto o mag-upload ng isang file sa input box. Piliin ang Mode ng Paraphrase: Pumili mula sa maraming mga mode tulad ng Standard, Creative, Fluency, o Shorten. Kumuha ng Instant na Resulta: I-click ang pindutan ng submit at ...

  18. Libreng AI Writer At Text Generator

    Ang aming AI Writer ay gagawa ng nilalaman na maaari mong suriin, i-edit sa mga bahagi o gamitin lamang ang mga bahaging nagustuhan mo, patuloy na i-tweak ang orihinal na teksto, o patuloy na bumuo mula sa orihinal na binhi. Ang madaling gamitin na AI text generator na ito ay maaaring gamitin ng lahat ng antas ng edukasyon upang makagawa ng mga ...

  19. FREE Tagalog Paraphraser

    This free plagiarism checker is great for students and clearly indicates how to check for plagiarism by highlighting areas of similarity between the two texts. Just to be sure you are not accidentally plagiarizing, be sure to check all of your paraphrases as well. Tagalog Paraphraser with 12 FREE Modes for 100+ Languages - Rephrases Sentences ...

  20. TOPIC Outline and SENTENCE Outline

    Topic outline and Sentence outline explained in TagalogCheck my channel for more educational and entertainment videos.Don't forget to like, share, and subscr...

  21. Essay Writer for All Languages

    Paraphrasing is a natural part of the writing process as it helps you clarify your thinking and suit your words to your audience. Using a Paraphrase Tool helps structure and streamline this work, and our paraphrase tool offers 20 modes, many of them free, for accomplishing just this. The 20 modes we offer are diverse, including a summarize tool ...

  22. Libreng AI Essay Generator

    How Smodin makes Essay Writing Easy. AI Powered Research Assistant. Gamitin ang aming mga advanced na algorithm ng AI upang makahanap ng mga nauugnay na mapagkukunan para sa anumang pangungusap o teksto gamit ang aming built-in na tool sa pananaliksik. Ito ay isang mahalagang asset para sa mga research paper at akademikong pagsulat.