Geometry Worksheets

Welcome to the geometry worksheets page at where we believe that there is nothing wrong with being square! This page includes Geometry Worksheets on angles, coordinate geometry, triangles, quadrilaterals, transformations and three-dimensional geometry worksheets.

Get out those rulers, protractors and compasses because we've got some great worksheets for geometry! The quadrilaterals are meant to be cut out, measured, folded, compared, and even written upon. They can be quite useful in teaching all sorts of concepts related to quadrilaterals. Just below them, you'll find worksheets meant for angle geometry. Also see the measurement page for more angle worksheets. The bulk of this page is devoted to transformations. Transformational geometry is one of those topics that can be really interesting for students and we've got enough worksheets for that geometry topic to keep your students busy for hours.

Don't miss the challenging, but interesting world of connecting cubes at the bottom of this page. You might encounter a few future artists when you use these worksheets with students.

Most Popular Geometry Worksheets this Week

Plotting Coordinate Points

Lines and Angles

geometry homework worksheet

In this section, there are worksheets for two of the basic concepts of geometry: lines and angles.

Lines (or straight lines to be precise) in geometry are continuous and extend in both directions to infinity. They have no width, depth or curvature. In math activities, they are often represented by a drawn straight path with some width. To show that they are lines, arrows are drawn on each end to show they extend to infinity. A line segment is a finite section of a line. Line segments are often represented with points at each end of a drawn straight path. Rays start at a point and extend in a straight line to infinity. This is shown with a point at one end of a drawn straight path and an arrow at the other end.

  • Identifying Lines, Line Segments and Rays Identify Lines, Segments and Rays

Angles can be classified into six different types. Acute angles are greater than 0 degrees but less than 90 degrees. Right angles are exactly 90 degrees. Obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. Straight angles are exactly 180 degrees. Reflex angles are greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees. Complete/Full angles are exactly 360 degrees.

  • Identifying Angle Types Worksheets Identifying Acute and Obtuse Angles Identifying Acute and Obtuse Angles (No Angle Marks) Identifying Acute, Obtuse and Right Angles Identifying Acute, Obtuse and Right Angles (No Angle Marks) Identifying Acute, Obtuse, Right and Straight Angles Identifying Acute, Obtuse, Right and Straight Angles (No Angle Marks) Identifying Acute, Obtuse, Right, Straight and Reflex Angles Identifying Acute, Obtuse, Right, Straight, Reflex and Complete/Full Angles

There are several angle relationships of which students should be aware. Complementary angles are two angles that together form a 90 degree angle; supplementary angles are two angles that together form a 180 degree angle; and explementary angles are two angles that together form a 360 degree angle. Vertical angles are found at line intersections; angles opposite each other are equal. Students can practice determining and/or calculating the unknown angle(s) in the following angle relationships worksheets.

  • Angle Relationships Worksheets Complementary Angles Complementary Angles (Diagrams Rotated) Supplementary Angles Supplementary Angles (Diagrams Rotated) Mixed Complementary and Supplementary Angles Questions (Diagrams Rotated) Explementary Angles Explementary Angles (Diagrams Rotated) Mixed Adjacent Angles Questions (Diagrams Rotated) Vertical/Opposite Angles Vertical/Opposite Angles (Diagrams Rotated) Mixed Angle Relationships Questions(Diagrams Rotated)
  • Angles of Transversals Intersecting Parallel Lines Interior Alternate Angles Exterior Alternate Angles Alternate Angles Corresponding Angles Co-Interior Angles Transversals

Measuring angles worksheets, can be found on the Measurement Page

Triangles, Quadrilaterals and Other Shapes

geometry homework worksheet

The quadrilaterals set can be used for a number of activities that involve classifying and recognizing quadrilaterals or for finding the properties of quadrilaterals (e.g. that the interior angles add up to 360 degrees). The tangram printables are useful in tangram activities. There are several options available for the tangram printables depending on your printer, and each option includes a large version and smaller versions. If you know someone with a suitable saw, you can use the tangram printable as a template on material such as quarter inch plywood; then simply sand and paint the pieces.

  • Shape Sets Quadrilaterals Set Tangrams
  • Identifying Regular Polygons Identifying Regular Shapes from Triangles to Octagons

Worksheets for classifying triangles by side and angle properties and for working with Pythagorean theorem.

If you are interested in students measuring angles and sides for themselves, it is best to use the versions with no marks. The marked versions will indicate the right and obtuse angles and the equal sides.

  • Classifying Triangles Worksheets Classifying Triangles by Side Properties Classifying Triangles by Angle Properties Classifying Triangles by Side and Angle Properties Classifying Triangles by Side Properties (No Marks) Classifying Triangles by Angle Properties (No Marks) Classifying Triangles by Side and Angle Properties (No Marks)

A cathetus (plural catheti) refers to a side of a right-angle triangle other than the hypotenuse.

  • Calculating Triangle Dimensions Using Pythagorean Theorem Calculate the Hypotenuse Using Pythagorean Theorem (No Rotation) Calculate the Hypotenuse Using Pythagorean Theorem Calculate a Cathetus Using Pythagorean Theorem (No Rotation) Calculate a Cathetus Using Pythagorean Theorem Calculate any Side Using Pythagorean Theorem (No Rotation) Calculate any Side Using Pythagorean Theorem

Trigonometric ratios are useful in determining the dimensions of right-angled triangles. The three basic ratios are summarized by the acronym SOHCAHTOA. The SOH part refers to the ratio: sin(α) = O/H where α is an angle measurement; O refers the length of the side (O)pposite the angle measurement and H refers to the length of the (H)ypotenuse of the right-angled triangle. The CAH part refers to the ratio: cos(α) = A/H where A refers to the length of the (A)djacent side to the angle. The TOA refers to the ratio: tan(α) = O/A.

  • Calculating Angles and Sides Using Trigonometric Ratios Calculating Angles Using the Sine Ratio Calculating Sides Using the Sine Ratio Calculating Angles and Sides Using the Sine Ratio Calculating Angles Using the Cosine Ratio Calculating Sides Using the Cosine Ratio Calculating Angles and Sides Using the Cosine Ratio Calculating Angles Using the Tangent Ratio Calculating Sides Using the Tangent Ratio Calculating Angles and Sides Using the Tangent Ratio Calculating Angles Using Trigonometric Ratios Calculating Sides Using Trigonometric Ratios Calculating Angles and Sides Using Trigonometric Ratios

Quadrilaterals are interesting shapes to classify. Their classification relies on a few attributes and most quadrilaterals can be classified as more than one shape. A square, for example, is also a parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle and kite. A quick summary of all quadrilaterals is as follows: quadrilaterals have four sides. A square has 90 degree corners and equal length sides. A rectangle has 90 degree corners, but the side lengths don't have to be equal. A rhombus has equal length sides, but the angles don't have to be 90 degrees. A parallelogram has both pairs of opposite sides equal and parallel and both pairs of opposite angles are equal. A trapezoid only needs to have one pair of opposite sides parallel. A kite has two pairs of equal length sides where each pair is joined/adjacent rather than opposite to one other. A bowtie is sometimes included which is a complex quadrilateral with two sides that crossover one another, but they are readily recognizable. Any other four-sided polygon can safely be called a quadrilateral if it doesn't meet any of the criteria for a more specific classification.

  • Classifying Quadrilaterals Classifying Simple Quadrilaterals Classifying All Quadrilaterals Classifying All Quadrilaterals (+ Rotation)

Coordinate Plane Worksheets

geometry homework worksheet

Coordinate point geometry worksheets to help students learn about the Cartesian plane.

  • Plotting Random Coordinate Points Plotting Coordinate Points in All Quadrants Plotting Coordinate Points in Positive x Quadrants Plotting Coordinate Points in Positive y Quadrants

There are many other Cartesian Art plots scattered around the Math-Drills website as many of them are associated with a holiday. To find them quickly, use the search box.

  • Cartesian Art Cartesian Art Maple Leaf
  • Coordinate Plane Distance and Area Calculating Pythagorean Distances of Coordinate Points Calculating Perimeter and Area of Triangles on Coordinate Planes Calculating Perimeter and Area of Quadrilaterals on Coordinate Planes Calculating Perimeter and Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals on Coordinate Planes

Transformations Worksheets

geometry homework worksheet

Transformations worksheets for translations, reflections, rotations and dilations practice.

Here are two quick and easy ways to check students' answers on the transformational geometry worksheets below. First, you can line up the student's page and the answer page and hold it up to the light. Moving/sliding the pages slightly will show you if the student's answers are correct. Keep the student's page on top and mark it or give feedback as necessary. The second way is to photocopy the answer page onto an overhead transparency. Overlay the transparency on the student's page and flip it up as necessary to mark or give feedback.

Also known as sliding, translations are a way to mathematically describe how something moves on a Cartesian plane. In translations, every vertex and line segment moves the same, so the resulting shape is congruent to the original.

  • Translations Worksheets Translation of 3 vertices by up to 3 units. Translation of 3 vertices by up to 6 units. Translation of 3 vertices by up to 25 units. Translation of 4 vertices by up to 6 units. Translation of 5 vertices by up to 6 units.
  • Translations Worksheets (Multi-Step) Two-Step Translation of 3 vertices by up to 6 units. Two-Step Translation of 4 vertices by up to 6 units. Three-Step Translation of 3 vertices by up to 6 units. Three-Step Translation of 4 vertices by up to 6 units.

Reflect on this: reflecting shapes over horizontal or vertical lines is actually quite straight-forward, especially if there is a grid involved. Start at one of the original points/vertices and measure the distance to the reflecting line. Note that you should measure perpendicularly or 90 degrees toward the line which is why it is easier with vertical or horizontal reflecting lines than with diagonal lines. Measure out 90 degrees on the other side of the reflecting line, the same distance of course, and make a point to represent the reflected vertex. Once you've done this for all of the vertices, you simply draw in the line segments and your reflected shape will be finished.

Reflecting can also be as simple as paper-folding. Fold the paper on the reflecting line and hold the paper up to the light. On a window is best because you will also have a surface on which to write. Only mark the vertices, don't try to draw the entire shape. Unfold the paper and use a pencil and ruler to draw the line segments between the vertices.

  • Reflections Worksheets Reflection of 3 Vertices Over x = 0 and y = 0 Reflection of 4 Vertices Over x = 0 and y = 0 Reflection of 5 Vertices Over x = 0 and y = 0 Reflection of 3 Vertices Over Various Lines Reflection of 4 Vertices Over Various Lines Reflection of 5 Vertices Over Various Lines
  • Reflections Worksheets (Multi-Step) Two-Step Reflection of 3 Vertices Over Various Lines Two-Step Reflection of 4 Vertices Over Various Lines Three-Step Reflection of 3 Vertices Over Various Lines Three-Step Reflection of 4 Vertices Over Various Lines

Here's an idea on how to complete rotations without measuring. It works best on a grid and with 90 or 180 degree rotations. You will need a blank overhead projector sheet or other suitable clear plastic sheet and a pen that will work on the page. Non-permanent pens are best because the plastic sheet can be washed and reused. Place the sheet over top of the coordinate axes with the figure to be rotated. With the pen, make a small cross to show the x and y axes being as precise as possible. Also mark the vertices of the shape to be rotated. Using the plastic sheet, perform the rotation, lining up the cross again with the axes. Choose one vertex and mark it on the paper by holding the plastic sheet in place, but flipping it up enough to get a mark on the paper. Do this for the other vertices, then remove the plastic sheet and join the vertices with line segments using a ruler.

  • Rotations Worksheets Rotation of 3 Vertices around the Origin Starting in Quadrant I Rotation of 4 Vertices around the Origin Starting in Quadrant I Rotation of 5 Vertices around the Origin Starting in Quadrant I Rotation of 3 Vertices around the Origin Rotation of 4 Vertices around the Origin Rotation of 5 Vertices around the Origin Rotation of 3 Vertices around Any Point Rotation of 4 Vertices around Any Point Rotation of 5 Vertices around Any Point
  • Rotations Worksheets (Multi-Step) Two-Step Rotations of 3 Vertices around Any Point Two-Step Rotations of 4 Vertices around Any Point Two-Step Rotations of 5 Vertices around Any Point Three-Step Rotations of 3 Vertices around Any Point Three-Step Rotations of 4 Vertices around Any Point Three-Step Rotations of 5 Vertices around Any Point
  • Dilations Worksheets Dilations Using Center (0, 0) Dilations Using Various Centers
  • Determining Scale Factors Worksheets Determine Scale Factors of Rectangles (Whole Numbers) Determine Scale Factors of Rectangles (0.5 Intervals) Determine Scale Factors of Rectangles (0.1 Intervals) Determine Scale Factors of Triangles (Whole Numbers) Determine Scale Factors of Triangles (0.5 Intervals) Determine Scale Factors of Triangles (0.1 Intervals) Determine Scale Factors of Rectangles and Triangles (Whole Numbers) Determine Scale Factors of Rectangles and Triangles (0.5 Intervals) Determine Scale Factors of Rectangles Triangles (0.1 Intervals)
  • Mixed Transformations Worksheets (Multi-Step) Two-Step Transformations Three-Step Transformations

Constructions Worksheets

geometry homework worksheet

Constructions worksheets for constructing bisectors, perpendicular lines and triangle centers.

It is amazing what one can accomplish with a compass, a straight-edge and a pencil. In this section, students will do math like Euclid did over 2000 years ago. Not only will this be a lesson in history, but students will gain valuable skills that they can use in later math studies.

  • Constructing Midpoints And Bisectors On Line Segments And Angles Midpoints on Horizontal Line Segments Perpendicular Bisectors on Horizontal Line Segments Perpendicular Bisectors on Rotated Line Segments Angle Bisectors (Angles not Rotated) Angle Bisectors (Angles Randomly Rotated)
  • Constructing Perpendicular Lines Construct Perpendicular Lines Through Points on a Line Segment Construct Perpendicular Lines Through Points Not on Line Segment Construct Perpendicular Lines Through Points on Line Segment (Segments are randomly rotated) Construct Perpendicular Lines Through Points Not on Line Segment (Segments are randomly rotated)
  • Constructing Triangle Centers Centroids for Acute Triangles Centroids for Mixed Acute and Obtuse Triangles Orthocenters for Acute Triangles Orthocenters for Mixed Acute and Obtuse Triangles Incenters for Acute Triangles Incenters for Mixed Acute and Obtuse Triangles Circumcenters for Acute Triangles Circumcenters for Mixed Acute and Obtuse Triangles All Centers for Acute Triangles All Centers for Mixed Acute and Obtuse Triangles

Three-Dimensional Geometry

geometry homework worksheet

Three-dimensional geometry worksheets that are based on connecting cubes and worksheets for classifying three-dimensional figures.

Connecting cubes can be a powerful tool for developing spatial sense in students. The first two worksheets below are difficult to do even for adults, but with a little practice, students will be creating structures much more complex than the ones below. Use isometric grid paper and square graph paper or dot paper to help students create three-dimensional sketches of connecting cubes and side views of structures.

  • Connecting Cube Structures Side Views of Connecting Cube Structures Build Connecting Cube Structures
  • Classifying Three-Dimensional Figures Classify Prisms Classify Pyramids Classify Prisms and Pyramids

This section includes a number of nets that students can use to build the associated 3D solids. All of the Platonic solids and many of the Archimedean solids are included. A pair of scissors, a little tape and some dexterity are all that are needed. For something a little more substantial, copy or print the nets onto cardstock first. You may also want to check your print settings to make sure you print in "actual size" rather than fitting to the page, so there is no distortion.

  • Nets of Three-Dimensional Figures Nets of Platonic and Archimedean Solids Nets of All Platonic Solids Nets of Some Archimedean Solids Net of a Tetrahedron Net of a Cube Net of an Octahedron Net of a Dodecahedron (Version 1) Net of a Dodecahedron (Version 2) Net of an Icosahedron Net of a Truncated Tetrahedron Net of a Cuboctahedron Net of a Truncated Cube Net of a Truncated Octahedron Net of a Rhombicuboctahedron Net of a Truncated Cuboctahedron Net of a Snub Cube Net of an Icosidodecahedron

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  • Review of equations
  • Simplifying square roots
  • Adding and subtracting square roots
  • Multiplying square roots
  • Dividing square roots
  • Line segments and their measures inches
  • Line segments and their measures cm
  • Segment Addition Postulate
  • Angles and their measures
  • Classifying angles
  • Naming angles
  • The Angle Addition Postulate
  • Angle pair relationships
  • Understanding geometric diagrams and notation
  • Parallel lines and transversals
  • Proving lines parallel
  • Points in the coordinate plane
  • The Midpoint Formula
  • The Distance Formula
  • Parallel lines in the coordinate plane
  • Classifying triangles
  • Triangle angle sum
  • The Exterior Angle Theorem
  • Triangles and congruence
  • SSS and SAS congruence
  • ASA and AAS congruence
  • SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS congruences combined
  • Right triangle congruence
  • Isosceles and equilateral triangles
  • Midsegment of a triangle
  • Angle bisectors
  • The Triangle Inequality Theorem
  • Inequalities in one triangle
  • Classifying quadrilaterals
  • Angles in quadrilaterals
  • Properties of parallelograms
  • Properties of trapezoids
  • Properties of rhombuses
  • Properties of kites
  • Areas of triangles and quadrilaterals
  • Introduction to polygons
  • Polygons and angles
  • Areas of regular polygons
  • Solving proportions
  • Similar polygons
  • Using similar polygons
  • Similar triangles
  • Similar right triangles
  • Proportional parts in triangles and parallel lines
  • The Pythagorean Theorem and its Converse
  • Multi-step Pythagorean Theorem problems
  • Special right triangles
  • Multi-step special right triangle problems
  • Trig. ratios
  • Inverse trig. ratios
  • Solving right triangles
  • Multi-step trig. problems
  • Rhombuses and kites with right triangles
  • Trigonometry and area
  • Identifying solid figures
  • Volume of prisms and cylinders
  • Surface area of prisms and cylinders
  • Volume of pyramids and cones
  • Surface area of pyramids and cones
  • More on nets of solids
  • Similar solids
  • Arcs and central angles
  • Arcs and chords
  • Circumference and area
  • Inscribed angles
  • Tangents to circles
  • Secant angles
  • Secant-tangent and tangent-tangent angles
  • Segment measures
  • Equations of circles
  • Translations
  • Reflections
  • All transformations combined
  • Sample spaces and The Counting Principle
  • Independent and dependent events
  • Mutualy exclusive events
  • Permutations
  • Combinations
  • Permutations vs combinations
  • Probability using permutations and combinations
  • Line segments
  • Perpendicular segments
  • Medians of triangles
  • Altitudes of triangles
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Geometry Worksheets Hub Page

Welcome to the Math Salamanders Geometry Worksheets hub page.

Here you will find a wide range of 2d and 3d shape clipart, symmetry sheets, geometry formula sheets and shape worksheets which will help your child learn their geometry facts.

We also have a selection of coodinate and tessellation sheets, and some worksheets for creating your own nets.

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  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Geometry Worksheets

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All Geometry Worksheets

  • 2d & 3d Shape Clipart
  • Geometry Formula Sheets
  • Nets Printables & Worksheets

Geometry Calculators

In this section you will find our range of geometry worksheets, printable net sheets, list of geometric shapes and printable geometry formulas.

Geometry Worksheets by Grade

Geometry worksheets by type, kindergarten shape worksheets.

  • First Grade Geometry
  • Second Grade Geometry
  • 3rd Grade Geometry
  • 4th Grade Geometry
  • 5th Grade Geometry

This webpage is all about identifying 2d shapes.

The sheets explore squares, rectangles, circles and triangles, and also matching identical shapes.

There are also some shape tracing worksheets to help your child learn to name 2d shapes and practice tracing them to improved their fine motor skills.

There is a section of preschool shape worksheets which are at a very basic level, and a kindergarten shape worksheet section with a wider range of shapes in different orientations.

  • Free Shape Worksheets Kindergarten
  • Shape Tracing Worksheets

First Grade Geometry Worksheets

Here is a range of free geometry worksheets for 1st graders.

The following worksheets will help your child to:

  • Identify and name a range of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • Draw 2d shapes;
  • Know some of the properties of 2d shapes.

All the free printable Geometry worksheets in this section support the Elementary Math Benchmarks for First Grade.

Second Grade Geometry Worksheets

Here is a range of free geometry worksheets for second graders.

  • recognize a range of triangles - equilateral, isosceles, obtuse, and right triangles;
  • know that a quadrilateral is a 4 sided shape;
  • know that a polygon is a joined up shape with straight sides;
  • recognize and name a range of 3d shapes - spheres, cones, cubes, cuboids and pyramids;

All the second grade geometry sheets in this section support Elementary math benchmarks.

  • Second Grade Geometry Identify Shapes

Third Grade Geometry Worksheets

Here is a range of free geometry worksheets for 3rd graders.

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • recognize and identify a range of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • recognise and identify right angles and lines of symmetry;
  • recognise and identify parallel lines;
  • identify the faces, edges and vertices of 3d shapes;

All the third grade geometry sheets in this section support Elementary math benchmarks.

  • 3rd Grade Geometry Worksheets
  • 4th Grade Geometry Worksheets

Here is our selection of 4th grade Geometry worksheets.

Using these sheets will help you to:

  • classify angles - acute, obtuse, right, reflex, straight;
  • classify triangles - acute, obtuse, right;
  • measure angles using a protractor;
  • know that angles in a triangle add up to 180° .

All the sheets in this section support Elementary math benchmarks.

5th Grade Geometry Worksheets

Here is our selection of 5th grade Geometry worksheets about angles.

  • learn how to find a missing angle;
  • know that angles inside a right angle must add up to 90°
  • know that angles on a straight line must add up to 180°
  • know that angles around a point must add up to 360°
  • know that angles in a triangle must add up to 180°

We also have a series of worksheets to help students in 5th grade understand volume.

  • 5th Grade Geometry Missing Angles
  • 5th Grade Volume Worksheets
  • 2D Shapes Worksheets
  • 3D Shapes Worksheets

Geometry Riddles

Symmetry worksheets, area & perimeter worksheets, surface area & volume worksheets.

  • Coordinates Worksheets
  • Tessellation Worksheets
  • Looking for some printable 2d shape worksheets?
  • Need some symmetry worksheets?
  • Looking for sheets about the properties of 2d shapes?

We have a huge selection of printable 2d shape worksheets for a range of abilities.

Using the link below will take you to our 2d shapes worksheet page where you will find a selection of our worksheets on 2d shapes for a variety of grades from kindergarten upwards.

  • Identify 2D Shapes Online Quiz
  • Explore 2d Shapes Worksheets

Looking for some geometry worksheets to get children thinking and reasoning about 2d shapes?

The shapes on this page are all about children really understanding what 2d shapes are all about, and using their reasoning skills to justify their thinking.

  • know the properties of a range of 2d shapes;
  • recognise that some shapes can also be described as being other shapes; e.g. a square is also a rhombus;
  • recognise and understand right angles, parallel lines, lines of symmetry;
  • develop their geometric reasoning skills.

If you are looking for 3d shape worksheets then you have found the right place.

All of our printable 3d shape worksheets from the website have been put onto the webpage below.

We have a wide selection of 3d shape sheets to cater for a range of grades and abilities.

There are sheets suitable from children age from kindergarten and up.

At Kindergarten level, the focus is on recognising 3d shapes and 2d shapes.

At 1st grade, we start identifying specific types of 3d shapes such as cones or prisms.

At 2nd grade we are beginning to name the shapes and count some of their faces.

At 3rd grade the focus turns to identifying properties such as faces, edges and vertices. We also start investigating the links between 3d shapes and their nets.

  • Identify 3D Shapes Online Quiz

Here you will find our free printable geometry riddles from 1st to 5th grade.

These riddles are all about problem solving with 2d shapes.

Using these riddles will help your child to:

  • develop their geometry skills;
  • develop their understanding of geometric language;
  • apply their geometric knowledge to solve problems.

All the geometry riddles in this section support elementary math benchmarks.

  • Geometry Worksheets (Riddles)

Here is our selection of free printable symmetry worksheets for 2nd and 3rd grade.

The sheets are all graded in order from easiest to hardest.

  • learn how to reflect simple shapes in a horizontal or vertical mirror line;
  • learn how to reflect simple shapes in 2 mirror lines.

All the sheets in this section support Elementary Math Benchmarks.

  • Symmetry Worksheets - Block Symmetry
  • Symmetry Worksheets - Line Symmetry
  • Symmetry Activities

Here is our range of area and perimeter worksheets hub pages.

We have a huge selection of area and perimeter worksheets and activities.

Our worksheets include area and perimeter of rectangles, triangles, rectilinear shapes, quadrilaterals and circles.

  • Area Worksheets
  • Perimeter Worksheets

Top of Page

Our 6th grade surface area worksheets cover nets of 3d shapes: cubes, cuboids, square pyramids and triangular prisms.

Out 5th grade volume worksheets cover the volume of cuboids.

  • Surface Area Worksheet 6th Grade

Coordinate Sheets

Here is our collection of printable coordinate plane grids and coordinate worksheets.

Using these fun coordinate sheets is a great way to learn math in an enjoyable way.

  • plot and write coordinates.
  • Coordinate Plane Grid templates
  • Coordinate Worksheets (1st Quadrant)
  • Coordinate Plane Worksheets (All 4 Quadrants)

Tessellations in Geometry

Here you will find a selection of sheets about tessellating shapes, and you will be able to see which 2d shapes tessellate and which do not.

  • know what it means for a shape to tessellate;
  • know some common 2d shapes which tessellate,
  • create their own tessellating patterns.

All the printable Geometry worksheets in this section support the Elementary Math Benchmarks.

tessellations in geometry image

  • Tessellations in Geometry 1
  • Tessellations in Geometry 2

2D & 3D Shape Clipart

2d shape clipart.

Here you will find a selection of 2D shape sheets designed to help your child learn their names and properties of 2d shapes.

  • recognise a range of 2D shapes;
  • recognise that a square is also a member of the rectangle family;
  • recognise shapes in different orientations and sizes.

All the free printable shape sheets in this section support Elementary Math benchmarks.

  • Shapes Clipart - Basic 2D Shapes
  • Shapes Clip art - Triangle and Quadrilateral Families
  • Shapes for Kids - Regular Polygons (individual)
  • Regular Shapes (groups)

Printable Shape Sheets - 2D & 3D Shape Sheets

Here you will find a selection of printable 2d and 3d shape sheets.

Each sheet is available in color or black and white, and labelled or unlabelled.

  • recognise and name a range of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • recognise regular and irregular shapes.
  • Printable Shapes - 2D and 3D Shape Sheets

3D Shape Clipart

Here you will find a selection of 3D shape sheets designed to help your child learn their names and properties of 3d shapes.

  • recognise a range of 3D shapes;
  • know some of the properties of different 3D shapes;
  • recognise 3d shapes in different orientations and sizes.
  • 3 d Shapes - Cubes Cuboids Spheres Cones
  • Printable 3d Shapes - Cylinders Prisms Pyramids

Nets for 3d Shapes

Here you will find our range of Free Nets for 3D Shapes.

The following printables contain nets of common 3D shapes that your child should know. Each net sheet is available both with and without tabs to aid sticking together.

  • know the properties of different 3d shapes;
  • recognise different 2d shapes inside the 3d shapes;
  • construct a 3d shape from a net;
  • recognise 3d shapes in different orientations and sizes;
  • experience the fun and wonder of creating a 3d shape from a net.

All the free Printable Geometry Workheets in this section support the Elementary Math Benchmarks.

  • Geometry Nets Information and Worksheets
  • 3d Geometric Shapes - Nets for Prisms and Pyramids
  • Paper Models for Download - Nets for Polyhedra and others
  • List of Geometric Shapes

Here you will find a List of different Geometric Shapes.

Included with each shape is a small picture and a description of the properties the shape has and how it relates to other shapes.

Included in this page are the following shapes:

  • quadrilaterals
  • regular polygons
  • irregular polygons
  • a range of 3d shapes

Geometry Formulas

  • Geometry Formula Sheet

Here you will find a support page packed with a range of geometric formula.

Included in this page are formula for:

  • areas and volumes of 2d and 3d shapes
  • interior angles of polygons
  • angles of 2d shapes
  • triangle formulas and theorems

This page will provide a useful reference for anyone needing a geometric formula.

Triangle Formulas

Here you will find a support page to help you understand some of the special features that triangles have, particularly right triangles.

Using this support page will help you to:

  • understand the different types and properties of triangles;
  • understand how to find the area of a triangle;
  • know and use and apply Pythagoras' Theorem.

All the free printable geometry worksheets in this section support the Elementary Math Benchmarks.

  • Geometry Formulas Triangles
  • Pythagoras Theorem Questions

Here you will find a range of geometry cheat sheets to help you answer a range of geometry questions.

The sheets contain information about angles, types and properties of 2d and 3d shapes, and also common formulas associated with 2d and 3d shapes.

Included in this page are:

  • images of common 2d and 3d shapes;
  • properties of 2d and 3d shapes;
  • formulas involving 2d shapes, such as area and perimeter, pythagoras' theorem, trigonometry laws, etc;
  • formulas involving 3d shapes about volume and surface area.

Using the sheets in this section will help you understand and answer a range of geometry questions.

We have a range of calculators for finding the area, surface area and perimeter of a range of 2d and 3d shapes.

We also have a calculator for converting between angles in degrees and radians.

Area and Volume Calculators

  • Area and Volume Calculators

convert from radians to degrees calculator image

  • Convert from Radians to Degrees Calculator

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Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

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Geometry Worksheets and Printables

Quick geometry links :.

example interactive worksheet

Geometry by Ages and Grades

  • Young children and students in early elementary school grades learn about shapes by sight and name only. Kids up to first grade will be able to name the shape, but not explain what makes it a circle. Kids at this level will benefit from basic geometry worksheets that ask them to identify a pictured shape.
  • Students in second grade through the end of elementary school are able to talk about what characteristics make a geometric shape. They'll be able to tell you that a square has four equal sides and angles. Children in these grades will learn best with geometry worksheets in which kids rotate shapes, identify more complex polygons such as hexagons, and use tangrams.
  • Middle schoolers are able to see the relationship between shapes using angle measurements and more. Print out geometry worksheets with measurement and graphing exercises for kids in sixth through eighth grade.
  • High schoolers will begin working on creating geometric proofs to define different shapes, figures, and angles. Try geometry proofs worksheets with your high schooler.


Free Geometry Worksheets

Geometry Worksheets

We have a great collection of 100%  Free Geometry Worksheets  with answer keys for use by teachers, students, and homeschool parents. Most worksheets contain an answer key and are formatted for fast and easy printing.

All of our Geometry Worksheets and printables are free for classroom and educational use. They are perfect for students needing some extra geometry practice, teachers for classwork or homework assignments, and homeschool parents for a source of free geometry resources.

Feel free to browse our collection of geometry printables below and print out the ones corresponding to the section or topic you are working on. We have worksheets covering geometry topics from proofs and inductive reasoning to area and circumference, so you are sure to find a suitable worksheet.

You can also browse  Geometry Worksheets by Topic . 

PDF: Geometry, Middle School Math, 6th Grade Math, 7th Grade Math, 8th Grade Math - volume

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Free Math Printable Worksheets with Answer Keys and Activities

Other free resources.

Feel free to download and enjoy these free worksheets on functions and relations. Each one has model problems worked out step by step, practice problems, as well as challenge questions at the sheets end. Plus each one comes with an answer key.

  • Long Division with Remainders
  • Long Division with Remainders #2 (Zeros in the Quotient)
  • Long Division with 2 Digit Divisors
  • Whole Number by Unit Fraction
  • Equation of Circle
  • Simplify Imaginary Numbers
  • Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers
  • Multiplying Complex Numbers
  • Dividing Complex Numbers
  • Dividing Complex Number (Advanced)
  • End of Unit, Review Sheet
  • Distance Formula
  • Simplify Rational Exponents (Algebra 2)
  • Solve Equations with Rational Exponents (Algebra 2)
  • Solve Equations with variables in Exponents (Algebra 2)
  • Exponential Growth (no answer key on this one, sorry)
  • Compound Interest Worksheet #1 (No logs)
  • Compound Interest Worksheet (Logarithms required)
  • Factor Trinomials Worksheet
  • Factor by Grouping
  • Domain and Range (Algebra 1)
  • Functions vs Relations (Distinguish function from relation, state domain etc..) (Algebra 2)
  • Evaluating Functions (Algebra 2)
  • 1 to 1 Functions (Algebra 2)
  • Composition of Functions (Algebra 2)
  • Inverse Functions Worksheet (Algebra 2)
  • Operations with Functions (Algebra 2)
  • Functions Review Worksheet (Algebra 2)
  • Logarithmic Equations
  • Properties of Logarithms Worksheet
  • Product Rule of Logarithms
  • Power Rule of Logarithms
  • Quotient Rule of Logarithms
  • Solve Quadratic Equations by Factoring
  • Quadratic Formula Worksheets (3 different sheets)
  • Quadratic Formula Worksheet (Real solutions)
  • Quadratic Formula (Complex solutions)
  • Quadratic Formula (Both real and complex solutions)
  • Discriminant and Nature of the Roots
  • Solve Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
  • Sum and Product of Roots
  • Radical Equations
  • Mixed Problems on Writing Equations of Lines
  • Slope Intercept Form Worksheet
  • Standard Form Worksheet
  • Point Slope Worksheet
  • Write Equation of Line from the Slope and 1 Point
  • Write Equation of Line From Two Points
  • Equation of Line Parallel to Another Line and Through a Point
  • Equation of Line Perpendicular to Another Line and Through a Point
  • Slope of a Line
  • Perpendicular Bisector of Segment
  • Write Equation of Line Mixed Review
  • Word Problems
  • Multiplying Monomials Worksheet
  • Multiplying and Dividing Monomials Sheet
  • Adding and Subtracting Polynomials worksheet
  • Multiplying Monomials with Polynomials Worksheet
  • Multiplying Binomials Worksheet
  • Multiplying Polynomials
  • Simplifying Polynomials
  • Factoring Trinomials
  • Operations with Polynomials Worksheet
  • Dividing Radicals
  • Simplify Radicals Worksheet
  • Adding Radicals
  • Multiplying Radicals Worksheet
  • Radicals Review (Mixed review worksheet on radicals and square roots)
  • Rationalizing the Denominator (Algebra 2)
  • Radical Equations (Algebra 2)
  • Solve Systems of Equations Graphically
  • Solve Systems of Equations by Elimination
  • Solve by Substitution
  • Solve Systems of Equations (Mixed Review)
  • Activity on Systems of Equations (Create an advertisement for your favorite method to Solve Systems of Equations )
  • Real World Connections (Compare cell phone plans)
  • Identifying Fractions


  • Law of Sines and Cosines Worksheet (This sheet is a summative worksheet that focuses on deciding when to use the law of sines or cosines as well as on using both formulas to solve for a single triangle's side or angle)
  • Law of Sines
  • Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines
  • Law of Cosines
  • Vector Worksheet
  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent, to Find Side Length
  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent Chart
  • Inverse Trig Functions
  • Real World Applications of SOHCATOA
  • Mixed Review
  • Unit Circle Worksheet
  • Graphing Sine and Cosine Worksheet
  • Sine Cosine Graphs with Vertical Translations
  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent Graphs with Phase Shifts
  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent Graphs with Change in Period, Amplitude and Phase Shifts (All Translations)
  • Tangent Equation, Graph Worksheet
  • Graphing Sine, Cosine, Tangent with Change in Period
  • Cumulative, Summative Worksheet on Periodic Trig Functions - period, amplitude, phase shift, radians, degrees,unit circle
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Similar Polygons
  • Area of Triangle
  • Interior Angles of Polygons
  • Exterior Angles of Polygons

geometry homework worksheet

  • Identifying Fractions Worksheet
  • Associated Powerpoint
  • Simplify Fractions Worksheet (Regular Difficulty)
  • Associated PowerPoint
  • Simplify Fractions Worksheet (Challenging Difficulty level for advanced learners)
  • System of Linear Equations Worksheet
  • System of Linear Equations - Real World Application
  • Compositions of Reflections. Reflections Over Intersecting Lines as Rotations

All of these worksheets and activities are available for free so long as they are used solely for educational, noncommercial purposes and are not distributed outside of a specific teacher's classroom.

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Surface area of a Cylinder - Thousands of printable math worksheets for teachers, home schooling or general study!

Core Math Worksheets

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The geometry worksheets on this page cover topics introductory topics introduced in 5th grade as part of typical math curricula including identifying shapes, math for angles and other assignments. More advanced topics including area, perimeter and volume introduce problem solving skills appropriate for 9th and 10th grade geometry practice, or practice for visual problems on standardized tests. All worksheets include answers keys, and many topics include geometry reference charts for concept help.

Shapes and Solids Worksheets

52 shapes and solids worksheets.

This page has dozens of printable shapes worksheets for identifying and naming 2D and 3D shapes. Activities for kindergarten and preschool age students include identifying counts of faces, edges and vertices. Students also learn to identify the shapes of real world objects, and practice worksheets include shape spelling and shape crossword puzzles.

This page has dozens of printable shapes worksheets for identifying and naming 2D and 3D shapes. Activities for kindergarten and preschool age students include identifying counts of faces, edges and vertices. Students also learn to identify the shapes of real world objects, and practice worksheets include shape spelling and shape crossword puzzles.

Transformation Worksheets

32 transformation worksheets.

These transformation math worksheets practice rotation, reflection and translation transformations of geometric shapes on a coordinate plane. These worksheets are perfect practice exercises for 5th, 6th and 7th grade geometry students.

These transformation math worksheets practice rotation, reflection and translation transformations of geometric shapes on a coordinate plane. These worksheets are perfect practice exercises for 5th, 6th and 7th grade geometry students.  Transformation Multiple Choice Questions V3

Pythagorean Theorem

28 pythagorean theorem worksheets.

These Pythagorean Theorem worksheets require students to find the different sides of triangles using Pythagoras's theory establishing a relationship between the triangles proportions. Pythagorean Theorem Modeling V2

These Pythagorean Theorem worksheets require students to find the different sides of triangles using Pythagoras's theory establishing a relationship between the triangles proportions.  Pythagorean Theorem Modeling V2

Area And Perimeter

20 area and perimeter geometry worksheets.

The area and perimeter worksheets on this page start with requiring students to calculate area and perimeter of basic shapes such as triangles, squares, circles and ellipses. Additional worksheets with compound shapes require students to calculate missing dimensions and use problem solving skills and strategies to calculate area and perimeter.

The area and perimeter worksheets on this page start with requiring students to calculate area and perimeter of basic shapes such as triangles, squares, circles and ellipses. Additional worksheets with compound shapes require students to calculate missing dimensions and use problem solving skills and strategies to calculate area and perimeter.

Angles of Triangles

20 angles in triangles worksheets.

Angles of triangles worksheets, including finding missing angles by summing the interior angles, exterior angles of triangles and angle bisectors. Angles Of Triangles Missing Exterior Angle V1

Angles in triangles worksheets, including finding missing angles by summing the interior angles, exterior angles of triangles and angle bisectors.  Angles Of Triangles Missing Exterior Angle V1

Centers of Triangles

24 centers of triangles worksheets.

Center of triangle worksheets for practice finding the centroid of a triangle, orthocenter of a triangle, and circumcenter of triangles. Also includes concept and vocabulary worksheets.

Center of triangle worksheets for practice finding the centroid of a triangle, orthocenter of a triangle, and circumcenter of a triangle.  Center Of Triangle Fill In The Blanks V4

Volume and Surface Area

32 volume and surface area geometry worksheets.

The volume and surface area worksheets on this page start with requiring students to calculate area and perimeter of basic solids such as cubes, prisms, cones and spheres. Additional worksheets with compound shapes require students to calculate missing dimensions and use problem solving skills and strategies to calculate volume and surface area.

The volume and surface area worksheets on this page start with requiring students to calculate area and perimeter of basic solids such as cubes, prisms, cones and spheres. Additional worksheets with compound shapes require students to calculate missing dimensions and use problem solving skills and strategies to calculate volume and surface area.

Measuring Angles with Protractors

40 protractor worksheets.

Measuring angles with a protractor worksheets, including blank printable protractor PDFs and detailed instructions on how to use a protractor to measure different types of angles.

Measuring angles with a protractor worksheets, including blank printable protractor PDFs and detailed instructions on how to use a protractor to measure different types of angles.

Complementary Angle Geometry Worksheets

12 basic geometry worksheets.

Geometry worksheets with subtraction problems for finding complementary angles (Angles whose sum is 90 degrees).

Complementary Angle Subtraction Worksheet Basic Geometry

Supplementary Angle Geometry Worksheets

Geometry worksheets with subtraction roblems for finding supplementary angles (Angles whose sum is 180 degrees).

Supplementary Angle Subtraction Worksheet Basic Geometry

Parallel, Perpendicular, Intersecting

20 basic geometry worksheets.

Labelling lines as parallel, perpendicular or intersecting. Includes line shapes that imply intersection.

Parallel, Perpendicular, Intersecting Basic Geometry Worksheet

Identifying Angles Geometry Worksheets

24 basic geometry worksheets.

Label angles as right, obtuse or acute. Optionally estimate or use a protractor to measure the actual angles.

Angles, Right, Obtuse, Acute Basic Geometry Worksheet

Identifying Shapes Geometry Worksheets

These geometry worksheets require students to identify and name basic quadrilaterals, triangles and polygons.

Basic Geometry Shapes Worksheet

Area and Perimeter of Rectangles

The problems on these geometry worksheets require students to calculate the area and perimeter of rectangles given their dimensions. The worksheets also work great for multiplication practice!

Area and Perimeter of Rectangles Basic Geometry Worksheet

Circles - Diameter and Radius

16 basic geometry worksheets.

Worksheets to calculate radius from diameter, diameter from radius, or radius and diameter from area or circumference.

CirclesDiameter and Radius Basic Geometry Worksheet

Circles - Area and Circumference

Geometry worksheets with problems calculating a circle's area and circumference.

CirclesArea and Circumference Basic Geometry Worksheet

Circles - Relationhips

8 basic geometry worksheets.

Calculate the radius, diameter, area and circumference given one circle fact.

CirclesRelationhips Basic Geometry Worksheet

The basic geometry worksheets in this section cover a number of basic areas of knowledge in this deep section of mathematics. Geometry is one of the first topics where basic arithmetic is applied to more advanced mathematical concepts. The concepts of angular measurement, complementary and suplementary angles, measurement of angles within triangles, the calculator of area of shapes (including circles) are all a promising playground for applying the math skills learned at early stops on a students mathematical journey

Angles Geometry Worksheets Topics

The geometry worksheets in this section start out with applying basic addition and subtraction skills to determine supplementary and complementary angles. Additional worksheets here also deal with idenfifying parallel or intersecting lines, and identification of right angles. While these worksheets a suitable for estimating common angle dimensions, some of these worksheets can also be used as practice for measuring angles with a protractor (the correct angle measurement is given in the answer key for each geometry worksheet).

Shapes Geometry Worksheets Topics

One area of knowledge in geometry is simple identification of shapes, and learning the names for shapes with a certain number of sides is a rote activity. For quadrilaterals, being able to differentiate between a parallelogram (including the special case of the square), rhombus and a trapezoid are important skills. For triangles, there are geometry worksheets that help memorize the types of triangles (equilateral, right, isosceles, as well as acute versus obtuse.) .Additional worksheets in this section deal with finding the perimeter and area of rectangles.

Circle Geometry Worksheets Topics

Circles are a unique species of geometric shape, and the geometry worksheets in this section introduce the basic equations for calculating area and circumference of a circle. Problems that explore the relationships between the diameter and the radius are also provided, giving plenty of opportunity to explore the relationships between these values and pi and the area and circumference of a circle.

Geometry Worksheets

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MATH Worksheets 4 Kids

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  • Kindergarten
  • Number charts
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  • Place Value
  • Number Lines
  • Subtraction
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  • Word Problems
  • Comparing Numbers
  • Ordering Numbers
  • Odd and Even
  • Prime and Composite
  • Roman Numerals
  • Ordinal Numbers
  • In and Out Boxes
  • Number System Conversions
  • More Number Sense Worksheets
  • Size Comparison
  • Measuring Length
  • Metric Unit Conversion
  • Customary Unit Conversion
  • Temperature
  • More Measurement Worksheets
  • Writing Checks
  • Profit and Loss
  • Simple Interest
  • Compound Interest
  • Tally Marks
  • Mean, Median, Mode, Range
  • Mean Absolute Deviation
  • Stem-and-leaf Plot
  • Box-and-whisker Plot
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Probability
  • Venn Diagram
  • More Statistics Worksheets
  • Shapes - 2D
  • Shapes - 3D
  • Lines, Rays and Line Segments
  • Points, Lines and Planes
  • Transformation
  • Quadrilateral
  • Ordered Pairs
  • Midpoint Formula
  • Distance Formula
  • Parallel, Perpendicular and Intersecting Lines
  • Scale Factor
  • Surface Area
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • More Geometry Worksheets
  • Converting between Fractions and Decimals
  • Significant Figures
  • Convert between Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
  • Proportions
  • Direct and Inverse Variation
  • Order of Operations
  • Squaring Numbers
  • Square Roots
  • Scientific Notations
  • Speed, Distance, and Time
  • Absolute Value
  • More Pre-Algebra Worksheets
  • Translating Algebraic Phrases
  • Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
  • Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
  • Algebraic Identities
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Systems of Equations
  • Polynomials
  • Inequalities
  • Sequence and Series
  • Complex Numbers
  • More Algebra Worksheets


Math Workbooks

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Printable Math Worksheets

Build foundational skills and conceptual knowledge with this enormous collection of printable math worksheets drafted for students of elementary school, middle school and high school. Aligned with the CCSS, the practice worksheets cover all the key math topics like number sense, measurement, statistics, geometry, pre-algebra and algebra. Packed here are workbooks for grades k-8, teaching resources and high school worksheets with accurate answer keys and free sample printables.

Select the Grade

Number Sense

The number sense worksheets familiarize kids with basic math operations and help them comprehend place values and types of numbers like odd, even, prime, composite and more.

Number Sense Worksheets


Equip kids with this set of measurement worksheets to help them identify the attributes of length, time, weight and capacity. Learn to compare sizes, read clocks, and calculate money as well.

Measurement Worksheets

The statistics worksheets help organize data into meaningful graphs like bar, pie, line and pictographs. Find the mean, median, mode, range and MAD and learn permutation and combination.

Statistics Worksheets

Geometry worksheets help identify 2D and 3D shapes, rays, lines and line segments. Determine the area and perimeter of rectangles and polygons. Find surface area, volume, angles and more.

Geometry Worksheets


Prep-up with pre-algebra worksheets on fractions, decimals, integers, ratio, proportion, GCF and LCM, exponents and radicals. Comprehend speed, absolute values and more.

Pre-Algebra Worksheets

The algebra worksheets provide practice in translating, evaluating and simplifying algebraic expressions. Learn polynomials and solve linear and quadratic equations, to mention a few.

Algebra Worksheets

Get the know-how of trigonometry with charts and hands-on practice exercises on quadrants and angles, the 6 trigonometric ratios, unit circles, trigonometric identities and more!

Trigonometry Worksheets

Get a vivid picture of differentiation and integration with the calculus worksheets. Know more about derivatives based on power, product and quotient rules, exponents, definite integrals and more.

Calculus Worksheets

Navigate through these math workbook compilations classified grade-wise based on the Common Core State Standards, featuring all key topics for children of preschool through grade 8.

Recently Added Math Worksheets

Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers

How good are your skills at subtracting two-digit numbers? It's time you upshifted! Get into the high gear with our all-new subtraction within 100 worksheets that present abundant practice problems, real-life word problems, enthralling riddles, and more!

Evaluating Expressions with Parentheses

The key to evaluating expressions with parentheses is to first perform operations inside parentheses and brackets. What you do next is multiply and divide from left to right. Up next, you add and subtract from left to right. That’s the order of operations.

Types of Fractions

Wonder what the types of fractions are? Well, a proper fraction is where the numerator is less than the denominator, and an improper is where the converse applies. A unit fraction is one part of a whole. And there are a few more! Delve in and explore the various types of fractions.

Surface Area of Triangular Prisms

A prism is called a triangular prism if it has 3 rectangular faces and 2 parallel triangular bases. The surface area of a triangular prism is not as big of a deal as it sounds to be or you’re afraid it is — it’s nothing but the amount of space on the outside.

Most Popular Elementary School Worksheets

Place Value Activities

Kindle a love for math with engaging place value activities like color the caterpillar, cut and glue activities involving blocks, jigsaw puzzles, railroad cars and much more!

Addition Word Problems Worksheets

Connect math concepts to real-life scenarios with this bundle of addition word problems that involve single-digit, two-digit, three-digit addition, and the addition of large numbers.

Subtraction Across Zeros Worksheets

Master the tricky technique of regrouping with 2, 3, 4 and 5-digit numbers featured in this package of practice worksheets on subtraction across zeros.

Perimeter of Quadrilaterals Worksheets

Calculate the perimeter of quadrilaterals, comprehend the congruent properties of quadrilaterals, and solve algebraic expressions with this batch of perimeter worksheets.

Most Popular Middle School Worksheets

Area of Trapezoids Worksheets

The area of a trapezoid printables comprise adequate exercises with dimensions involving decimals, fractions and integers, learn unit conversions as well.

Constant of Proportionality Worksheets

The constant of proportionality worksheets comprise ample exercises involving graphs, tables and equations to find the constant of proportionality.

Significant Figures Worksheets

Record your answers to the correct number of significant digits with this astounding variety of significant figures worksheets using the significant figure rules.

Mean Absolute Deviation Worksheets

The MAD worksheets here essentially deal with finding the mean absolute deviation of data sets up to 6 and up to 10, compare data sets and solve word problems too.

Most Popular High School Worksheets

Scale Factor - Area and Perimeter Worksheets

This unit of scale factor of similar figures worksheets helps comprehend how scale factor impacts side lengths, perimeters and areas of similar shapes.

Quadratic Functions Worksheets

The learning objectives here are to evaluate quadratic functions, write the quadratic function in different forms, complete function tables to mention a few.

Arithmetic Sequence Worksheets

Gain immense practice in finding the arithmetic sequence, identify the first term, common difference and number of terms; learn the recursive formula and much more!

Degrees and Radians Worksheets

This multitude of degrees and radians printable worksheets provide ample skills in the conversion of degrees to radians and vice-versa.

Sample Worksheets

Multiplication Models

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  • Number Charts
  • Multiplication
  • Long division
  • Basic operations
  • Telling time
  • Place value
  • Roman numerals
  • Fractions & related
  • Add, subtract, multiply,   and divide fractions
  • Mixed numbers vs. fractions
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Prime factorization & factors
  • Fraction Calculator
  • Decimals & Percent
  • Add, subtract, multiply,   and divide decimals
  • Fractions to decimals
  • Percents to decimals
  • Percentage of a number
  • Percent word problems
  • Classify triangles
  • Classify quadrilaterals
  • Circle worksheets
  • Area & perimeter of rectangles
  • Area of triangles & polygons
  • Coordinate grid, including   moves & reflections
  • Volume & surface area
  • Pre-algebra
  • Square Roots
  • Order of operations
  • Scientific notation
  • Proportions
  • Ratio word problems
  • Write expressions
  • Evaluate expressions
  • Simplify expressions
  • Linear equations
  • Linear inequalities
  • Graphing & slope
  • Equation calculator
  • Equation editor
  • Elementary Math Games
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Math facts practice
  • The four operations
  • Factoring and number theory
  • Geometry topics
  • Middle/High School
  • Statistics & Graphs
  • Probability
  • Trigonometry
  • Logic and proof
  • For all levels
  • Favorite math puzzles
  • Favorite challenging puzzles
  • Math in real world
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  • For gifted children
  • Math history
  • Math games and fun websites
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  • Assessment, review & test prep
  • Online math curricula
→ → Geometry

I have gathered many lists of online resources for geometry. The games and activities are grouped topics—please see the following menu.


General geometry websites

Geometry - Math Warehouse Detailed lessons about angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, similar triangles, parallelograms, polygons, and trapezoids.

Geometry course from Learning Math This online geometry course includes readings, problems, videos, interactive activities, homework problems and solutions. It is meant for K-8 teachers but will work well for middle school students as well.

BBC Bitesize Shape and space Short revision (review) "bites" with some activities and short tests for middle/high school level. Topics include shapes, angles, transformations, lines, polygons, symmetry, circles, Pythagorean Theorem, and constructions.

Geometry Homework Help from Basic tutorials and quizzes on common geometry topics found in middle and high school.

Geometry Reference Sheet Both online and printable versions; includes area and volume formulas for common shapes plus Pythagorean Theorem.

Geometry Tutorials Simple tutorials on triangles and their properties, polygons, symmetry, angles and much more. Also includes lots of solved geometry questions and some interactive applets.

Dynamic Geometry® Explorations A bunch of interactive geometry activities, along with instructions and questions to guide your exploration. Need a Java-enabled browser.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Mathematics: Geometry Collection of interactive geometry activities: Congruent triangles, fractals, geoboard activities, Golden rectangle, Ladybug leaf, Ladybug mazes, platonic solids, tangrams, tessellations, transformations and more.

Great Pyramid Clear instructions on how to make a scale model of the Great Pyramid at Giza out of paper.

Key to Geometry workbook series

Key to Geometry Workbooks

Here is a non-intimidating way to prepare students for formal geometry. Key to Geometry workbooks introduce students to a wide range of geometric discoveries as they do step-by-step constructions. Using only a pencil, compass, and straightedge, students begin by drawing lines, bisecting angles, and reproducing segments. Later they do sophisticated constructions involving over a dozen steps-and are prompted to form their own generalizations. When they finish, students will have been introduced to 134 geometric terms and will be ready to tackle formal proofs.

Geometry worksheets & quizzes Worksheets about complementary and supplementary angles, parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines, types of angles, basic shapes, area & perimeter of rectangles, and parts of a circle. Worksheets/Basic Geometry.html

Geometry worksheets & quizzes A bunch of PDF worksheets on geometry topics for elementary level, plus online quizzes.

Maisonet Math Worksheets and online quizzes on a variety of geometry (and other) topics. Look for the links in the left sidebar for Angles, Area, Circumference, Geometry, Transformations, and Volume.

High School Measurement Worksheets and Geometry Worksheets From website, written by teachers from all over the world. and

Let's Practice Geometry - Free Worksheets Lots of free worksheets for high school geometry, including topics such as the Pythagorean Theorem, perimeter, area, volume, angle relationships, triangle theorems, similarity and congruence, logic, proofs, trig, polygons, and circles.

Geometry worksheets at Hundreds of free PDF worksheets for high school geometry topics, including geometric constructions, triangle congruence, circle, area, the Pythagorean Theorem, solid geometry, and similarity. The worksheets are loosely based on the "Discovering Geometry" textbook by Michael Serra. Compiled by math teacher Jason Batterson.

Math Mammoth Geometry 1 A textbook/workbook together for grades 3-5. You will learn geometry by drawing. Topics covered include angles, rectangles, parallelograms, polygons, circles, area, perimeter, and volume. Price: $6.90 download, $12.70 printed.

Math Mammoth Geometry 2 A textbook/workbook together for grades 6-7. It continues the study of geometry after Math Mammoth Geometry 1, continually emphasizing conceptual understanding, besides calculation-type exercises. Price: $5.70 download, $10.40 printed.

Geometry: A Guided Inquiry An excellent choice for high school geometry. I've written an in-depth review of this book and of its supplement Home Study Companion - Geometry , latter by David Chandler.

geometry homework worksheet

Dr. Math Presents More Geometry An inexpensive companion to any high school geometry course with excellent explanations. Read my review .

Kiselev's Geometry / Book I. Planimetry A famous Russian geometry book translated. Acclaimed for the clarity of exposition which makes the book accessible for 7th graders.

A High School First Course in Euclidean Plane Geometry This is a high school geometry course by Charles Aboughantous. It is based on Euclid's five postulates and his most common theorems. It promotes the art and the skills of developing logical proofs. Practice problems are included at the end of each chapter in three groups: geometric construction problems, computational problems, and theorematical problems. The answers to the computational problems are included at the end of the book. The solutions manual of the book contains detailed solutions to all the problems in the book. It is free to home schooled students upon proof of purchase of the book. Samples are found at

Advanced topics

Tim's Triangular Page Lists all the basic facts about triangles followed by some problems.

How to Write a Solution An article exploring aspects of how to write a clear solution - or proof. Meant for college students but helpful for anyone who wants to learn to write mathematical proofs. articles.php?page=howtowrite&

Euclid's Elements A set of Java applets that bring to life the theorems in Euclid's Elements .

NonEuclid Interactive Java software for creating ruler and compass constructions in both the Poincaré disk and the upper half-plane models of hyperbolic geometry. See also, Why is it Important for Students to Study Hyperbolic Geometry?


Helping with Math

Note: this page contains legacy resources that are no longer supported. You are free to continue using these materials but we can only support our current worksheets , available as part of our membership offering .

Printable Geometry Math Resources

The worksheets below can be used as part of extra math homework. These geometry worksheets are free and easily printable. They cover typical school work from 4th through 8th grade. They include questions on polygons, 3D objects, angles , and calculations of area , volume , coordinate geometry etc.

List of Geometry worksheets

The printable worksheets are listed below by subject area. Each listing includes a brief description of the questions included in the worksheets.

Lines, Shapes , and Objects

  • Lines and Line Segments  e.g. Identifying and naming
  • Shapes  e.g. Squares, rectangles and triangles
  • Shapes  e.g. Pentagons, Octagons, etc
  • 3-D Objects (1 of 2)  e.g. Identifying shapes and faces, edges, and vertices.
  • 3-D Objects (2 of 2)  e.g. Identifying prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, etc.
  • Quadrilaterals (1 of 2)
  • Quadrilaterals (2 of 2)
  • Calculating Areas – Rectangles and Squares
  • Calculating Areas – Rectangles
  • Calculating Areas – Rectangular Shapes
  • Calculating Compound Areas  e.g. with rectangles, triangles, and circles
  • Calculating Areas  e.g. of Triangles
  • Area of a Circle
  • Calculating Surface Areas  e.g. of Rectangular Prisms
  • Measuring Angles: Foundation  – Identifying fractions of a circle
  • Classifying Angles  – acute, right, obtuse, etc.
  • Estimating Angles
  • Estimating Angle Measurements
  • Measuring Angles Using a Protractor  – inc. drawing angles
  • Adding Angles  – with adjacent angles
  • Finding Unknown Angles  – with adjacent angles
  • Angles  e.g. Identifying right angles
  • Angles  e.g. Naming and measuring
  • Right, Acute, or Obtuse?  Naming types of angle
  • Angles: Supplementary
  • Angles: Supplementary, Corresponding & Alternate  (1 of 2)
  • Angles: Supplementary, Corresponding & Alternate  (2 of 2)
  • Angle Relationships
  • Missing Angles  (3-Page)
  • Finding Missing Angles
  • 180° In a Triangle Experiment  (2-Page Activity)
  • 360° In a Quadrilateral Experiment
  • Types of Triangle  e.g. scalene, isosceles, equilateral
  • Similar Triangles (1 of 2)  e.g. calculating scale factors and dimensions
  • Similar Triangles (2 of 2)
  • Pythagoras’ Theorem
  • Pythagorean Theorem (1 of 2)  e.g. calculate the hypotenuse
  • Pythagorean Theorem (2 of 2)  e.g. calculate the opposite or adjacent
  • Circles  e.g. Identifying radii, diameter and center
  • Circumference of a Circle
  • Symmetry (1 of 2)
  • Symmetry (2 of 2)
  • Reflection Symmetry #1
  • Reflection Symmetry #2
  • Reflection Symmetry #3  (Completing Symmetrical Figures)
  • Perimeter – Rectangles and Squares
  • Perimeter – Rectangular Shapes
  • Perimeter  e.g. various polygons
  • Finding Volume in Cubic Units  – rectangular prisms and composites
  • Volumes of Rectangular Prisms
  • Volumes of “Real-world” objects  e.g. of cereal boxes
  • Calculating Volumes  e.g. of triangular prisms and cylinders

Coordinate Geometry

  • The Coordinate Graphing System  – foundation questions about x and y-axes etc.
  • Navigating a Number Line  – foundation/ pre-assessment questions
  • Identifying X-Y Coordinates – based on coordinates shown on 0 to +10 grid ( 1 of 10)
  • Identifying X-Y Coordinates – based on coordinates shown on 0 to +10 grid ( 2 of 10)
  • Plotting X-Y Coordinates – for coordinates shown on a 0 to +10 grid ( 3 of 10)
  • Plotting X-Y Coordinates – for coordinates shown on a 0 to +10 grid ( 4 of 10)
  • Identifying X-Y Coordinates – from coordinates shown on -10 to +10 grid ( 5 of 10)
  • Identifying X-Y Coordinates – from coordinates shown on -10 to +10 grid ( 6 of 10)
  • Plotting X-Y Coordinates – for coordinates shown on a -10 to +10 grid ( 7 of 10)
  • Plotting X-Y Coordinates – for coordinates shown on a -10 to +10 grid ( 8 of 10)
  • Calculating & Plotting Coordinates – from linear equations e.g. y = 2x – 6 ( 9 of 10)
  • Calculating & Plotting Coordinates – from linear equations e.g. y = 2x – 6 ( 10 of 10)
  • Coordinate Graphing – 1  :creating and plotting ordered pairs
  • Coordinate Graphing – 2  :creating and plotting ordered pairs
  • Plotting Polygons & Finding Lengths  :3-page with triangles and quadrilaterals
  • Finding the Distance Between 2 Points  :4-pages with x-y coordinates

Blank Grids

  • X-Y Coordinates – blank grid from 0 to 10 on x and y axes
  • X-Y Coordinates – blank grid from -5 to 5 on x and y axes
  • X-Y Coordinates – blank grid from -10 to 10 on x and y axes

Congruence and Similarity

  • Similar Figures
  • Similar Triangles
  • Dilations (Size Transformations)

Congruent Triangles

  • Congruent Worksheet (1 of 3)
  • Congruent Worksheet (2 of 3)
  • Congruent Worksheet (3 of 3)  – Congruence in Everyday Life!

Transformations (Translations, Rotations, Reflections)

  • Transformations: Vector Translations
  • Transformations: Rotations and Reflections
  • Transformations: Calculating Coordinates
  • Transformations  (3-Page)

Printing the worksheets

The geometry worksheets are free so you just need to click on the links above to open the required documents. Use the  Print Worksheet  option at the top of each worksheet to send as many copies as you require to your printer.Note: Each worksheet includes a check box option to  Show Answers  before printing an answer sheet.

Additional Theory:

Latest worksheets.

The worksheets below are the mostly recently added to the site.

Estimating Quotient (National Comic Book Day Themed) Math Worksheets

Estimating Quotient (National Comic Book Day Themed) Math Worksheets

August Free Bundle of Worksheets

August Free Bundle of Worksheets

Multiplying Mixed Numbers by Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheets

Multiplying Mixed Numbers by Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheets

Dividing Mixed Numbers by Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheets

Dividing Mixed Numbers by Fractions 5th Grade Math Worksheets

July Free Bundle of Worksheets

July Free Bundle of Worksheets

Grade 1 Geometry Free Bundle

Grade 1 Geometry Free Bundle

Grade 1 Measurement and Data Free Bundle

Grade 1 Measurement and Data Free Bundle

Grade 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Free Bundle

Grade 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Free Bundle

Grade 1 Number and Operations in Base Ten Free Bundle

Grade 1 Number and Operations in Base Ten Free Bundle

June Free Bundle of Worksheets

June Free Bundle of Worksheets

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Free Math Worksheets — Over 100k free practice problems on Khan Academy

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High school statistics, ap®︎/college statistics, precalculus, differential calculus, integral calculus, ap®︎/college calculus ab, ap®︎/college calculus bc, multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra.

  • Addition and subtraction
  • Place value (tens and hundreds)
  • Addition and subtraction within 20
  • Addition and subtraction within 100
  • Addition and subtraction within 1000
  • Measurement and data
  • Counting and place value
  • Measurement and geometry
  • Place value
  • Measurement, data, and geometry
  • Add and subtract within 20
  • Add and subtract within 100
  • Add and subtract within 1,000
  • Money and time
  • Measurement
  • Intro to multiplication
  • 1-digit multiplication
  • Addition, subtraction, and estimation
  • Intro to division
  • Understand fractions
  • Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
  • More with multiplication and division
  • Arithmetic patterns and problem solving
  • Quadrilaterals
  • Represent and interpret data
  • Multiply by 1-digit numbers
  • Multiply by 2-digit numbers
  • Factors, multiples and patterns
  • Add and subtract fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Understand decimals
  • Plane figures
  • Measuring angles
  • Area and perimeter
  • Units of measurement
  • Decimal place value
  • Add decimals
  • Subtract decimals
  • Multi-digit multiplication and division
  • Divide fractions
  • Multiply decimals
  • Divide decimals
  • Powers of ten
  • Coordinate plane
  • Algebraic thinking
  • Converting units of measure
  • Properties of shapes
  • Ratios, rates, & percentages
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Negative numbers
  • Properties of numbers
  • Variables & expressions
  • Equations & inequalities introduction
  • Data and statistics
  • Negative numbers: addition and subtraction
  • Negative numbers: multiplication and division
  • Fractions, decimals, & percentages
  • Rates & proportional relationships
  • Expressions, equations, & inequalities
  • Numbers and operations
  • Solving equations with one unknown
  • Linear equations and functions
  • Systems of equations
  • Geometric transformations
  • Data and modeling
  • Volume and surface area
  • Pythagorean theorem
  • Transformations, congruence, and similarity
  • Arithmetic properties
  • Factors and multiples
  • Reading and interpreting data
  • Negative numbers and coordinate plane
  • Ratios, rates, proportions
  • Equations, expressions, and inequalities
  • Exponents, radicals, and scientific notation
  • Foundations
  • Algebraic expressions
  • Linear equations and inequalities
  • Graphing lines and slope
  • Expressions with exponents
  • Quadratics and polynomials
  • Equations and geometry
  • Algebra foundations
  • Solving equations & inequalities
  • Working with units
  • Linear equations & graphs
  • Forms of linear equations
  • Inequalities (systems & graphs)
  • Absolute value & piecewise functions
  • Exponents & radicals
  • Exponential growth & decay
  • Quadratics: Multiplying & factoring
  • Quadratic functions & equations
  • Irrational numbers
  • Performing transformations
  • Transformation properties and proofs
  • Right triangles & trigonometry
  • Non-right triangles & trigonometry (Advanced)
  • Analytic geometry
  • Conic sections
  • Solid geometry
  • Polynomial arithmetic
  • Complex numbers
  • Polynomial factorization
  • Polynomial division
  • Polynomial graphs
  • Rational exponents and radicals
  • Exponential models
  • Transformations of functions
  • Rational functions
  • Trigonometric functions
  • Non-right triangles & trigonometry
  • Trigonometric equations and identities
  • Analyzing categorical data
  • Displaying and comparing quantitative data
  • Summarizing quantitative data
  • Modeling data distributions
  • Exploring bivariate numerical data
  • Study design
  • Probability
  • Counting, permutations, and combinations
  • Random variables
  • Sampling distributions
  • Confidence intervals
  • Significance tests (hypothesis testing)
  • Two-sample inference for the difference between groups
  • Inference for categorical data (chi-square tests)
  • Advanced regression (inference and transforming)
  • Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • Scatterplots
  • Data distributions
  • Two-way tables
  • Binomial probability
  • Normal distributions
  • Displaying and describing quantitative data
  • Inference comparing two groups or populations
  • Chi-square tests for categorical data
  • More on regression
  • Prepare for the 2020 AP®︎ Statistics Exam
  • AP®︎ Statistics Standards mappings
  • Polynomials
  • Composite functions
  • Probability and combinatorics
  • Limits and continuity
  • Derivatives: definition and basic rules
  • Derivatives: chain rule and other advanced topics
  • Applications of derivatives
  • Analyzing functions
  • Parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions
  • Applications of integrals
  • Differentiation: definition and basic derivative rules
  • Differentiation: composite, implicit, and inverse functions
  • Contextual applications of differentiation
  • Applying derivatives to analyze functions
  • Integration and accumulation of change
  • Applications of integration
  • AP Calculus AB solved free response questions from past exams
  • AP®︎ Calculus AB Standards mappings
  • Infinite sequences and series
  • AP Calculus BC solved exams
  • AP®︎ Calculus BC Standards mappings
  • Integrals review
  • Integration techniques
  • Thinking about multivariable functions
  • Derivatives of multivariable functions
  • Applications of multivariable derivatives
  • Integrating multivariable functions
  • Green’s, Stokes’, and the divergence theorems
  • First order differential equations
  • Second order linear equations
  • Laplace transform
  • Vectors and spaces
  • Matrix transformations
  • Alternate coordinate systems (bases)

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Math Worksheets

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÷ (includes the correct spaces to help you get it right)
123 My Daughter loves these!
0.1 + − × ÷, and conversion from fractions
/ , / + − × ÷, and conversion
/ , / + − × ÷, and conversion
  Example: 12 + 8 × (5 − 4)
  Example: 2x + 8 = 16
3:30 "Tell the time" and "Draw the hands"

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Also! Our forum members have put together a collection of Math Exercises .


Reading & Math for K-5

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Math Workbooks

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  1. geometry-homework-worksheet-8

    geometry homework worksheet

  2. Geometry Worksheet 1.1 Points Lines And Planes Answers

    geometry homework worksheet

  3. SOLUTION: Angle Addition Postulate Geometry Basics Worksheet

    geometry homework worksheet

  4. Basics of Geometry

    geometry homework worksheet

  5. Geometry Homework or Revision Sheets

    geometry homework worksheet

  6. Geometry Worksheets

    geometry homework worksheet


  1. 6.7 Dilation Homework Help

  2. Geometry Homework Section 4.2 Proving Triangles Congruent using SSS and SAS

  3. HGEO 9 3 Homework Solutions

  4. Geometry Homework 3/18/24

  5. Geometry Homework 4/11/24

  6. Honors Geometry 8-3 Worksheet Key Video


  1. Geometry Worksheets (pdf) with answer keys

    Enjoy these free sheets. Each one has model problems worked out step by step, practice problems, as well as challenge questions at the sheets end. Plus each one comes with an answer key. Circles. Graphic Organizer on All Formulas. Midpoint. Polygon Worksheets. Interior Angles of Polygons.

  2. Free Geometry Worksheets—Printable w/ Answers

    Below you will find practice worksheets for skills including using formulas, working with 2D shapes, working with 3D shapes, the coordinate plane, finding volume and surface area, lines and angles, transformations, the Pythagorean Theorem, word problems, and much more. Each geometry worksheet was created by a math educator with the goal of ...

  3. Geometry Worksheets

    Geometry Worksheets

  4. Free Printable Math Worksheets for Geometry

    Free Geometry worksheets created with Infinite Geometry. Printable in convenient PDF format. Kuta Software. Open main menu. Products Free Worksheets Infinite Pre-Algebra Infinite Algebra 1. Infinite Geometry. Infinite Algebra 2. Infinite Precalculus. Infinite Calculus ...

  5. Geometry Worksheets

    The Geometry Worksheets are randomly created and will never repeat so you have an endless supply of quality Geometry Worksheets to use in the classroom or at home. These Geometry Worksheets consist of Angle Worksheets, Circles Worksheets, Coordinate Geometry Worksheets, Quadrilaterals and Polygons Worksheets, Perimeter and Area Worksheets ...

  6. Geometry Worksheets

    Shapes, angles, grids and more. Our geometry worksheets start with introducing the basic shapes through drawing and coloring exercises and progress through the classification and properties of 2D shapes including quadrilaterals, triangles, circles, and polygons. Area and perimeters, classification of angles, and plotting on coordinate grids are ...

  7. Printable Geometry Worksheets

    This compilation has tailor-made geometry worksheets to recognize the type of triangles based on sides and angles, finding angles both interior and exterior, length of the sides, the perimeter with congruent properties, the area of a triangle, isosceles, scalene, equilateral; inequality theorem and much more. Circle Worksheets.

  8. Geometry Worksheets

    Here is a range of free geometry worksheets for 3rd graders. Using these sheets will help your child to: recognize and identify a range of 2d and 3d shapes; recognise and identify right angles and lines of symmetry; recognise and identify parallel lines; identify the faces, edges and vertices of 3d shapes; All the third grade geometry sheets in ...

  9. 50+ Geometry worksheets on Quizizz

    Geometry worksheets are an essential tool for teachers looking to help their students grasp the fundamental concepts of math. These worksheets provide a structured and engaging way for students to practice and apply their knowledge of shapes, angles, and measurements. Teachers can find a wide variety of grade-specific geometry worksheets that ...

  10. Grade 5 Geometry Worksheets

    Grade 5 Geometry Worksheets - free & printable

  11. Geometry Worksheets & Free Printables

    Area of a Triangle #1. Worksheet. Give students practice finding the area of triangles using the area formula with this sixth- and seventh-grade geometry worksheet! Basic Geometry: Anatomy of an Angle. Worksheet. Learn some basic geometry with this worksheet all about the angle. Measuring Angles.

  12. Free Geometry Worksheets & Printables with Answers

    Great for homework, classwork, and extra practice. Print directly or download. Tons of Geometry topics covered. We have a great collection of 100% Free Geometry Worksheets with answer keys for use by teachers, students, and homeschool parents. Most worksheets contain an answer key and are formatted for fast

  13. Grade 4 Geometry Worksheets

    What is K5? K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Geometry worksheets for grade 4. Classifying angles, triangles and quadrilaterals, circles, areas and perimeters and coordinate grids. Worksheets | Free | Printable.

  14. Free Math Worksheets (pdfs) with answer keys on Algebra I, Geometry

    Law of Sines and Cosines Worksheets Law of Sines and Cosines Worksheet (This sheet is a summative worksheet that focuses on deciding when to use the law of sines or cosines as well as on using both formulas to solve for a single triangle's side or angle) ; Law of Sines; Ambiguous Case of the Law of Sines; Law of Cosines

  15. Geometry Worksheets

    The geometry worksheets on this page cover topics introductory topics introduced in 5th grade as part of typical math curricula including identifying shapes, math for angles and other assignments. More advanced topics including area, perimeter and volume introduce problem solving skills appropriate for 9th and 10th grade geometry practice, or ...

  16. Math Worksheets

    Math Worksheets | Free and Printable

  17. Online resources for geometry: games, activities, worksheets, tutorials

    Math Mammoth Geometry Worksheets Collection. A collection of quality worksheets with variable problems for grades 3-8. Topics include angle relationships, triangles, quadrilaterals, congruency, similar figures, constructions, area, volume, and the Pythagorean Theorem. Price: $9.00 download.


    Skills Review Worksheet For numbers 1 - 3, solve each equation. ... Honors Geometry Pages 8 - 11: Numbers 15, 18, 36, 44, 46, 58, 59 1.1 Textbook Homework . Common Core State Standards G.CO.1 Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on ...

  19. Printable Geometry Math Resources

    Printable Geometry Math Resources. The worksheets below can be used as part of extra math homework. These geometry worksheets are free and easily printable. They cover typical school work from 4th through 8th grade. They include questions on polygons, 3D objects, angles, and calculations of area, volume, coordinate geometry etc.

  20. PDF Practice

    under the given angle of rotation and the given direction. Label the vertices of the rotation image. COORDINATE GEOMETRY Draw the rotation image of each figure 90° in the given direction about the center point and label the coordinates. 3. RST with vertices R( 3, 3), S(2, 4), and T(1, 2) clockwise about the.

  21. Free Math Worksheets

    Khan Academy's 100,000+ free practice questions give instant feedback, don't need to be graded, and don't require a printer. Math Worksheets. Khan Academy. Math worksheets take forever to hunt down across the internet. Khan Academy is your one-stop-shop for practice from arithmetic to calculus. Math worksheets can vary in quality from ...

  22. Math Worksheets

    Math Worksheets - Free and Printable

  23. 2nd Grade Math Spiral Review Worksheets for Morning Work or Homework

    Students master the 2nd grade math standards through ongoing spiral review practice. These spiral review pages are perfect for morning work, homework, or as a quick warm up to your math workshop as students keep their skills fresh with the standards. Each page has 5 sections, each working on a diffe...

  24. Free Math Worksheets

    K5 Learning offers free worksheets, flashcards and inexpensive workbooks for kids in kindergarten to grade 5. Become a member to access additional content and skip ads. Free kindergarten to grade 6 math worksheets, organized by grade and topic. Skip counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rounding, fractions and much more.