
100 PhD Project Topics In Commerce [2024]

PhD Project Topics In Commerce

Are you considering pursuing a PhD in Commerce? One of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is choosing the right research topic. Your topic sets the stage for your entire doctoral journey, shaping your studies, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field. In this blog, we’ll delve into various intriguing PhD project topics in commerce across different areas, exploring their significance and potential impact.

Identifying Key Areas in Commerce

Table of Contents

Commerce encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines, ranging from traditional areas like Accounting and Finance to emerging trends like E-commerce and Sustainable Commerce. Understanding these key areas can help you narrow down your focus.

Traditional Commerce

In traditional commerce, you have pillars like Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Management. These areas have been the cornerstone of commerce studies for decades, offering a rich tapestry of research opportunities.

Emerging Trends

The world of commerce is constantly evolving, with new trends reshaping the landscape. E-commerce, Sustainable Commerce, and International Trade are some of the emerging areas that present exciting avenues for research.

How Do I Choose A PhD Project Topic In Commerce?

Choosing a PhD project topic in Commerce requires careful consideration and alignment with your interests, expertise, and the current trends in the field. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by reflecting on your academic and professional interests within the broad field of Commerce. What topics fascinate you the most? What issues or challenges do you want to address through your research?
  • Review Existing Literature: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature in your areas of interest. Identify gaps, controversies, or emerging trends that you could explore further in your research.
  • Consult with Advisors and Experts: Seek guidance from your academic advisors, professors, or industry experts. They can offer helpful advice, propose research topics you might like, and assist you in improving your thoughts.
  • Consider Feasibility and Resources: Assess the feasibility of potential research topics based on available resources, data availability, and your own capabilities. Consider factors such as access to data, research facilities, and funding opportunities.
  • Define Research Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of your research project. What specific questions do you want to address? What hypotheses do you want to test? Ensure that your research objectives are well-defined and achievable within the scope of your PhD program.
  • Stay Updated with Current Trends: Keep yourself updated with the latest developments and trends in the field of Commerce. Pay attention to emerging topics, technological advancements, and industry innovations that could inspire potential research ideas.
  • Consider Practical Applications: Think about the practical implications of your research. How can your findings contribute to solving real-world problems or advancing knowledge in the field? Consider the potential impact of your research on academia, industry, policy, or society.
  • Balance Originality and Significance: Strive to find a balance between originality and significance in your research topic. Aim to choose a topic that is both novel and relevant, offering new insights or perspectives that can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in Commerce.
  • Be Flexible and Open-Minded: Remain open to exploring different research avenues and adapting your ideas based on feedback and new information. Be willing to pivot if necessary and consider alternative research topics that align better with your interests and objectives.
  • Seek Feedback and Validation: Once you’ve identified potential research topics, seek feedback from peers, colleagues, or mentors. Present your ideas to others and solicit their input and perspectives. This can help you validate your ideas and refine your research proposal before moving forward.

100 PhD Project Topics In Commerce

Accounting and finance.

  • The impact of financial reporting standards on corporate governance.
  • Behavioral finance: Understanding investor decision-making processes.
  • Corporate social responsibility and financial performance.
  • Fraud detection and prevention in financial reporting.
  • The role of accounting information systems in enhancing business performance.
  • Corporate governance mechanisms and firm performance.
  • Financial literacy and its impact on personal finance management.
  • Financial risk management strategies in multinational corporations.
  • Sustainable finance: Evaluating the role of green investments.
  • Islamic finance and its implications for global financial markets.
  • Financial inclusion initiatives and their impact on economic development.
  • Corporate restructuring and its effect on shareholder value.
  • Impact of taxation policies on business decisions and economic growth.
  • Big data analytics in finance: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Behavioral biases in investment decision-making.
  • Consumer behavior in the digital age: A cross-cultural perspective.
  • Brand equity measurement and management strategies.
  • How Influencers Affect What People Buy: Studying how famous people online influence what we choose to buy.
  • How Brain Science Helps Ads Work Better: Looking at how understanding how our brains work can make ads more effective.
  • Making Friends Online to Sell Stuff: Exploring how businesses use social media to keep customers happy and buying.
  • Sustainable marketing practices and consumer perceptions.
  • Adoption and diffusion of innovations in marketing strategies.
  • Online reviews and their influence on consumer decision-making.
  • Pricing strategies in dynamic markets: A game-theoretic approach.
  • Cross-cultural marketing strategies and their implementation challenges.
  • Brand loyalty and its determinants in competitive markets.
  • Marketing strategies for emerging markets: Case studies from developing countries.
  • Relationship marketing in B2B markets: Building long-term partnerships.
  • Green marketing: Consumer attitudes and purchase behavior.
  • Digital marketing trends: Insights from social media analytics.
  • Leadership styles and how they affect the way a company works.
  • Managing changes when a company is going through digital upgrades.
  • Knowledge management practices in multinational corporations.
  • Strategic human resource management in dynamic environments.
  • Organizational learning and its role in fostering innovation.
  • Corporate social responsibility and employee engagement.
  • Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance.
  • Talent management strategies for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Diversity management in global organizations: Best practices and challenges.
  • Organizational resilience: Building adaptive capacities in turbulent times.
  • Strategic alliances and their impact on firm competitiveness.
  • Crisis management strategies: Lessons from successful and failed cases.
  • Workplace well-being initiatives and their effects on employee productivity.
  • Corporate governance mechanisms and their influence on managerial decision-making.
  • Technological innovation and organizational change: Managing resistance to change.

E-commerce and Digital Marketing

  • Personalization strategies in online retail: A data-driven approach.
  • Cybersecurity challenges in e-commerce platforms: Mitigation strategies.
  • Omnichannel marketing strategies for seamless customer experiences.
  • Artificial intelligence applications in digital marketing: Opportunities and ethical considerations.
  • Mobile commerce adoption and consumer behavior.
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality in enhancing online shopping experiences.
  • Blockchain technology and its potential applications in e-commerce.
  • Digital advertising effectiveness: Measurement and optimization.
  • Social commerce: Integrating social media platforms with e-commerce.
  • E-commerce logistics and supply chain management: Optimization models.
  • Online reputation management strategies for businesses.
  • Digital transformation in traditional retail: Case studies and success factors.
  • Voice commerce: Trends and implications for retailers.
  • Cross-border e-commerce: Legal and regulatory challenges.
  • Subscription-based business models: Customer retention strategies.

Sustainable Commerce

  • Green supply chain management practices and their impact on environmental sustainability.
  • Circular economy models and their adoption by businesses.
  • Sustainable product design and development: Life Cycle assessment approaches.
  • Carbon footprint measurement and reduction strategies in supply chains.
  • Corporate sustainability reporting: Trends and implications for stakeholders.
  • Environmental management systems implementation in organizations.
  • Socially responsible investing: Performance and ethical considerations.
  • Sustainable tourism practices: Balancing economic growth and environmental conservation.
  • Corporate environmental responsibility and stakeholder perceptions.
  • Green marketing strategies and consumer perceptions.
  • Renewable energy adoption in businesses: Barriers and drivers.
  • Sustainable packaging innovations and their adoption by industries.
  • Fair trade certification and its impact on producers and consumers.
  • Water stewardship strategies in agriculture and manufacturing sectors.
  • Sustainable urban development: Smart city initiatives and sustainability goals.

International Trade and Globalization

  • Trade liberalization and economic growth: Evidence from developing countries.
  • Foreign direct investment inflows and their impact on host economies.
  • Regional trade agreements: Implications for global trade patterns.
  • Exchange rate volatility and its effects on international trade.
  • International trade finance mechanisms: Risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Global value chains: Dynamics and implications for trade policy.
  • Trade facilitation measures and their impact on trade flows.
  • Export competitiveness and firm-level strategies.
  • Trade disputes and their resolution mechanisms: Case studies.
  • Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements: Comparative analysis.
  • Economic integration and regional development: Lessons from regional blocs.
  • Trade and environment nexus: Assessing environmental implications of trade policies.
  • Trade promotion strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • Trade finance innovations: Blockchain and digital platforms.
  • International labor mobility and its impact on global trade dynamics.

Cross-disciplinary Topics

  • The role of digital currencies in reshaping global finance and trade.
  • Artificial intelligence applications in supply chain management and marketing.
  • Social entrepreneurship and sustainable business models.
  • Data privacy regulations and their implications for e-commerce.
  • Corporate governance practices in family-owned businesses.
  • Impact investing and its role in addressing social and environmental challenges.
  • Sustainable tourism development in emerging economies.
  • Fintech innovations and their impact on traditional banking services.
  • Digital transformation in healthcare services: Opportunities and challenges.
  • Sustainable development goals (SDGs) and corporate sustainability strategies.

Selecting the PhD project topics in commerce is a pivotal moment in your academic journey. It’s an opportunity to explore your interests, contribute to the body of knowledge, and make a meaningful impact in the world of commerce.

Whether you’re passionate about traditional disciplines like Accounting and Finance or intrigued by emerging trends like Sustainable Commerce, there’s a wealth of opportunities awaiting your exploration.

So, dive in, explore, and embark on your journey to becoming a thought leader in the field of commerce.

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PhDs in Business & Management: Five Hot Research Topics

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Laura Bridgestock

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Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Managing technology & innovation
  • 2. Resources management & sustainable development

3. Social entrepreneurship

  • 4. Corporate responsibility, ethics & accountability
  • 5. Accounting & finance

Looking for a DBA or PhD in business and management ? Find out which fields of business research present most opportunities, according to course leaders.

In the words of Dr Valérie Sabatier, deputy director of the Doctoral School at Grenoble Ecole de Management in France, “What we knew several years ago doesn’t work anymore. We need new research and new models.”

Globalization, technological change, environmental concerns, social and political upheaval, the financial crisis of the end of last decade, and rising business school enrolments are all driving demand for business PhDs and DBAs across a spectrum of diverse, though interconnected topics. Here, course leaders identify five of the most in-demand areas of business research.

1. Managing technology & innovation

“Management of innovation and technology is of particular importance right now,” says Sabatier. “Questions about R&D, strategy and business models, and innovation are very important both from a theoretical and managerial point of view.”

What’s driving demand? Rapid and continuing change. “The world has changed so much and is evolving so quickly with new questions emerging all the time,” Sabatier says. Gillian Symon, director of PhD programs at the School of Management, Royal Holloway, University of London , adds: “The continuing rapid developments in social technologies that have revolutionized marketing, communications and organizational relationships make these topics vital.”

2. Resources management & sustainable development

Energy management, water management, and sustainable development are all identified among “the great ‘macro’ themes of the century” by Alessandro Binachi, DBA program thesis and research coordinator at European University’s Business School in Spain.

What’s driving demand? Quite simply, as Binachi says, “without solving [these issues] in the short term, life on Earth may become seriously jeopardized, or at least unpredictably complex.” 

Recent years have seen a growth in the number of MBAs in social entrepreneurship – and there are also opportunities in this field for PhD and DBA candidates. “Social entrepreneurship, business models for developing countries, but also frugal innovations are hot topics,” Sabatier says.

What’s driving demand? Social, economic and attitudinal change. Research in this field focuses on “how to create value for society, as well as value for profits and returns,” says Sabatier.

4. Corporate responsibility, ethics & accountability

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has similarly been a ‘hot’ topic for some time now, but the course leaders say it remains a key priority for research. Binachi identifies ethical issues among the most pressing topics for business research today, while Symon says ‘Sustainability, responsibility and ethics’ is one of the six areas of research excellence being prioritized at Royal Holloway.

What’s driving demand? The impact of the financial crisis of 2008 onwards is still very much being felt, Symon says, meaning corporate responsibility, accountability and “assessing fair value accounting” remain very much at the top of the research agenda.

5. Accounting & finance

Finally, accounting and finance remain high-demand areas. As well as highlighting the link between accounting and accountability, Symon also predicts growing demand for models of accounting for intangible assets.

What’s driving demand? In addition to the broader pressures of social and economic change, increased enrolments in higher level business school programs. “With the boom in professional education, there are not enough professors at PhD level to teach in business schools,” Sabatier says. As a result, academics in the fields of accounting and finance - particularly corporate finance and markets - are in high demand, for both research and teaching positions. 

Of course these are by no means the only areas of opportunity. Symon also mentions war and global security and global labor standards as fields of business research likely to see growth, while Sabatier mentions healthcare in addition to the fields already covered.

Meanwhile Binachi emphasizes that beyond these overriding themes, each region and industry presents its own specific priorities and challenges. Finally, he points out that many of the concerns that kept business leaders awake a century or more ago remain just as pertinent and pressing today – including productivity, labor problems, cost containment and new products development.

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The former editor of, Laura oversaw the site's editorial content and student forums . She also edited the QS Top Grad School Guide and contributed to market research reports, including ' How Do Students Use Rankings? '

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Everything you need to know about studying a PhD in Commerce

Part of business & management, what is commerce.

At its heart, Commerce is the activity of buying, selling, and trading goods and services. As a degree, Commerce explores the economic, financial, technological, and organisational aspects that drive the global marketplace, offering a comprehensive insight into the business world.

Commerce Specialisations

Commerce is a vast field with numerous specialisations, including:

  • Accounting: Recording and analysing financial transactions.
  • Finance: Management of money and investments.
  • Marketing: Promoting products and understanding consumer behaviour.
  • E-Commerce: Online business activities and digital marketing.
  • International Business: Business operations that occur across national borders.

Whether you're considering a Bachelor's or a Master's in Commerce, you'll find that the most common specialisation in Commerce is often Accounting or Finance, though E-commerce has been rapidly gaining traction.

What will you learn during a Commerce programme?

Choosing Commerce as your academic path will expose you to the intricacies of the business world. During your studies, you will:

  • Learn the principles of financial management and accounting.
  • Explore the dynamics of the global market and international trade.
  • Gain skills in statistical analysis and business forecasting.

Typical courses in a Commerce degree might include:

  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics: Understand market behaviour and broader economic trends.
  • Business Statistics: Analysing business data for decision-making.
  • Corporate Finance: Funding sources and capital structure decisions.
  • Business Law: Legalities of running and establishing businesses.
  • Management Information Systems: Using IT in business decision-making.

Commerce is a good degree for anyone aiming to understand the underpinnings of the business world. The skills you get from Commerce courses are versatile and are valued in numerous industries beyond just the corporate sector.

Skills required for a degree in Commerce

To excel in Commerce, analytical thinking is paramount, coupled with effective communication and an aptitude for numbers. Interpersonal skills are also essential, given the collaborative nature of many business environments. Meeting the Commerce degree requirements typically also involves understanding global market dynamics and trends.

What can you do with a Commerce degree?

Some of the most popular careers you can pursue upon graduating:

  • Financial Analyst: Assessing investment opportunities for firms.
  • Accountant: Ensuring financial records are accurate and taxes are paid.
  • Marketing Specialist: Crafting strategies to reach target customers.
  • E-Commerce Manager: Overseeing online sales strategies and operations.
  • Export/Import Manager: Managing international trade processes.

Whether working for multinational corporations, local businesses, or embarking on entrepreneurial ventures, your career path in Commerce can be a rewarding and fulfilling one.

View all PhDs in Commerce . Keep in mind you can also study an online PhDs in Commerce .

Interesting programmes for you

Specialisations within the field of business & management.

  • Project Management
  • Business Administration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management Studies
  • Public Administration
  • Human Resource Management
  • Supply Chain Management & Logistics
  • Agribusiness
  • Business Intelligence
  • Corporate Communication
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Executive MBA
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Innovation Management
  • International Business
  • Master in Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master in Management (MIM)
  • Retail Management
  • Risk Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Engineering Management
  • Transport Management
  • Digital Media
  • Digital Marketing
  • Actuarial Science
  • Construction Management
  • Management of Creative Industries
  • IT Management
  • Operations and Quality Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Financial Technology
  • Fashion Management
  • Financial Management
  • Advertising

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The School of Business encourages and fosters a rich research-oriented environment for faculty and doctoral candidates. Students can choose from a variety of topics reflecting the varied research interests of our faculty. The Ph.D. Program is intended to prepare students to conduct original research; i.e., to explain phenomena previously not well understood and then to test proposed explanations empirically.

  • Accounting standards-setting
  • Analyst forecasts
  • Corporate financial reporting issues
  • Initial Public offerings
  • Internal control
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Securities regulation in international capital markets
  • Taxes and business decisions
  • Asset pricing models
  • Corporate management behavior
  • Risk management
  • Corporate governance
  • Financial distress and default
  • Credit risk
  • International finance
  • Macro finance
  • Real options
  • Institutional investors
  • Mutual funds
  • Hedge funds
  • Market efficiency
  • Cost of capital
  • Bank competition
  • Culture and finance
  • Environmental impacts on real estate value
  • Capital structure
  • Dividend policy
  • Insurance markets
  • Healthcare finance
  • Teams in organizations
  • Empowerment and empowering leadership
  • Social networks
  • Multi-level theory
  • Strategic entrepreneurship
  • Corporate alliance and networks
  • Learning process
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Strategic human resource management
  • International expansion
  • Long-term decision making
  • Big data anlytics, Branding in developed and emerging markets
  • Cross-cultural research
  • Cognitive computing applications
  • Consumer search and decision  making
  • Consumer social networks and social media
  • Creativity, identity and emotions
  • Digital marketing and analytics
  • Digital strategies for customer relationship management
  • E-commerce and online retailing
  • Global citizenship and consumer behavior
  • International marketing
  • Interpersonal social networks and social capital
  • Marketing-finance interface
  • Mobile and digital marketing
  • Sales management and innovation
  • Product design
  • Social interaction and peer effects
  • Quality and innovation

Operations & Information Management

  • Auction theory and applications
  • Database design and security
  • Database management
  • Distributed computing and client/server technology
  • Electronic commerce
  • Economics of information and information systems
  • Healthcare information systems
  • Management of technology
  • Manufacturing systems, planning and strategy
  • Supply chain management
  • Telecommunication and network modeling and analysis
  • Applications of operations research and other optimization techniques to areas such as product design, production scheduling, and facility location

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The Ultimate Guide to a PhD In Commerce 

  • November 26, 2022
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PhD in commerce

For aspirants who have a strong passion for studying, the PhD in Commerce is a good option. There are many universities offering this course, and our team of experts has compiled all the details to help you get started on your journey to becoming an expert in your field. 

What is Commerce?  

The subject of Commerce is the study of the exchange and distribution of goods, services, and ideas. It includes both the wholesale and retail trade of goods, as well as service industries such as banking, insurance and hotels. 

The main purpose of commerce is to help people meet their wants and needs by providing them with products or services that can be used for their purposes. In this way, commerce helps people to better understand their wants and needs. Commerce also plays an important role in helping to establish economic growth. 

The subject is made up of three components: 

  • Income Generation – the process by which individuals produce goods or services for sale to others 
  • Income Distribution – the distribution of income between individuals within an economy 
  • Productivity Growth – improvements in productivity over time 

PhD in Commerce – Overview  

A PhD in Commerce is a higher education qualification that can be earned through research. It is usually awarded after completion of a postgraduate coursework program of at least three years, followed by thesis or dissertation research. 

A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is different from other types of doctorate degrees because it requires more rigorous requirements than those associated with MSc or DBA programs. The process takes longer and involves more work than those offered by universities; however, it also offers greater opportunities for career advancement and leadership positions within organizations such as banks or consulting firms where you will be working directly with clients on projects related to your field of study 

Eligibility Criteria  

  • You must have a bachelor’s degree in commerce . If you have your Bachelor’s degree but have not yet completed all the requirements for your PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) , then you can apply to take up full-time research at this time. 
  • You must have minimum 55% aggregate marks (60% for SC/ST/PWD) out of 100 marks (or equivalent) in each subject with at least 3 years work experience as an assistant professor or lecturer at any Indian university or college. Where he/she taught at least two subjects during that period and had passed with at least 60%. 
  • If he/she has some other qualification or training program during his career, it may be considered as qualifying steps towards his PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) eligibility criteria but does not qualify him as such 

PhD in Commerce: Admission Process  

  • PhD in Commerce is a research-based degree. 
  • It is also a postgraduate program, which means that it can be pursued at the University or College level. 
  • A PhD in Commerce can be pursued at either an Australian or New Zealand university, depending on your country of origin. 
  • The duration of study for this degree is 3 -5 years (6-9 semesters). 

Top Universities in India for a PhD in Commerce  

  • IIM Ahmedabad 
  • IIM Bangalore 
  • IIM Calcutta 
  • IIM Lucknow 
  • IIM Kozhikode 
  • International Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (IIME), Kozhikode. The college offers four-year programs leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce with specialization in Marketing or Finance and Banking. MBA (Master of Business Administration) with specialization in International Trade & Purchasing Management, Master’s Programs related to any one of the following disciplines: 
  • Economics/Business Studies; 
  • Statistics/Mathematics; 
  • Computer Science & Information Technology; 


Specializations under a PhD in Commerce  

A PhD in Commerce is a postgraduate course that provides students with training in business administration, economics, and management. Aspirants can choose from a wide range of specializations under PhD in Commerce such as: 

  • Business Administration (CEMS) 
  • Economics 
  • Management 
  • Marketing 
  • Finance 

The most popular specialization among students is CEMS, which focuses on the study of finance & accounting and banking subjects like insurance, e-commerce & hospitality management etc.. Some other popular specializations include Operations Research (OR), Human Resource Management (HRM) or Information Technology (IT) . 

Career Options after a PhD in Commerce  

After a PhD in Commerce , you can work as a professor in a reputed college or university. You can also choose to work in a research institute. If you want to start your own business, then it is better that you don’t get a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) because there are not many opportunities for entrepreneurs after this degree. However, if that’s what you really want then go ahead and do it! 

If all these options sound exciting but still scary at the same time, then don’t worry because there are many other careers available too! For example: 

  • Students with degrees from different universities often end up working together on projects or even start their own businesses together (e-commerce). This is called “cooperation.” 
  • Some students become entrepreneurs themselves after finishing their studies (e-commerce). They make their own products which they sell online through social media platforms like Facebook etc.

PhD in Commerce is an advanced level degree program for commerce students with a passion for in-depth research on a topic related to commerce, economics, or business studies.  

When you graduate with a PhD in Commerce , you will be able to work as an academic at a university. You can also work in research and development for companies such as large corporations or small businesses. 

A PhD in Commerce with a specialization can be a great career opportunity for you. It is an advanced-level degree program for commerce students with a passion for in-depth research on a topic related to commerce, economics or business studies. You may choose from several different specializations such as: International Trade, Financial Accounting, and Reporting, Taxation or Business Economics.

These specializations will help you gain a strong foundation in your field of study so that you can go on to achieve success in any field of work within this discipline (whether it is corporate work at consulting firms such as KPMG India or McKinsey). So if your want to pursue your degree in PhD in commerce then Aimlay will support you to complete your degree at UGC recognized University.

Frequently Asked Questions

A PhD in Commerce in India offers lots of recruitment and employment opportunities, the scope is very high with subjects of commerce.

Commerce is a vast subject, it has numerous kinds of topics to research and for developing new conclusions. Some main topics associated with Commerce are: Strategic Cost Management; Business Forensics; Accounting Information Systems; Audit Technology; Revenue Management and Business Intelligence and many more.

Aspirants pursuing a PhD in Commerce & Management will assist you in gaining a broad understanding of the field’s fundamentals. These courses are extremely beneficial because you will be able to study various aspects of business and commerce through research and assessment.

No, you are not eligible to pursue a PhD right after your graduation. You require a master’s degree (post graduation) in the similar field, you are choosing a PhD.

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phd topics commerce

PhD Topics in Commerce

A Ph.D. topic in commerce needs to be specific and well-researched.

A doctorate in commerce brings together elements of business, economics and finance studies. Given a wide breadth of scope, a Ph.D. in commerce needs to have a specific, relevant subject for a successful thesis. The topic should be exhaustively researched with primary and secondary sources and the resulting paper must offer new and original insight. The possibilities are endless; you just need to figure out the topic that best suits your interests.

Explore this article

  • Development of Nations
  • Governmental Policy
  • Staple Goods

1 Historical

Franklin Roosevelt

One possible topic begins with an historical perspective on commerce. Influential leaders, political strife or wars, and momentous economic decisions can have lingering effects on an economy for decades or centuries. Dissertations of this nature can delineate and assess aspects of history thoroughly and propose a framework for viewing modern-day effects on commerce. Possible topics could examine the residual effects of Mohandas Gandhi or Franklin Roosevelt, or the lasting effects of World War II on one of the countries involved.

2 Development of Nations

Development of nations

Using a geographic region or a set of countries from around the world at similar levels of economic development, you can evaluate the factors that affect growth or stasis in a market. A thesis could examine how one particular factor, perhaps education or financial backing from foreign countries, tends to affect a developing nation's economy.

3 Governmental Policy

The White House

Market trading can be greatly impacted by alliances, sanctions, tariffs and other political decisions. A dissertation could examine how an agreement or disagreement between two countries results in positive or negative consequences for a third country that is indirectly affected. Another tack would be to assess different approaches such as embargoes or tariffs and how they have differed in addressing a problem in the market under otherwise similar circumstances.

4 Technology

Commerce research can include the effects of transportation, communications and computer technology.

Technology always changes, but the mechanics of how an innovation affects an economy often work in a similar fashion. Research topics could be how a particular invention affected trading in various markets or how a certain market tends to implement new technology. Other areas to explore include the effects of a shifting job market due to technology or how a market handles the changes in its trading partners during such times.

5 Staple Goods

Grocery shopping

Everyone has to eat, and besides food there are inelastic goods like energy or basic clothing. These items can predict market conditions in some ways and the price of certain things can have wide ramifications on a small or growing economy's ability to change or grow. Possible topics in this arena include the function of international subsidies to the food market to help a potential trading partner mature, or the potential for increase in the price of inelastic goods to cause damage to an economy at large.

About the Author

John Bland has been a freelance writer since 2009, with his essays, fiction and poetry appearing in "Shine Magazine," "North Texas Review" and many online journals. He received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from the University of North Texas in 2008.

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PhD in Commerce: Requirements, Salary, and More


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 20, 2024

PhD in Commerce: Colleges, Requirements, and More

Diving into the intricate technicalities of the fields of Commerce and Business, Management and Finance, Actuarial Science and Taxation, and everything in between, a PhD in Commerce is one of the highest academic qualifications. The duration of a PhD in Commerce is 3 years and the basic eligibility is a master’s degree in a closely related discipline and some university might also ask for scores of certain entrance exams like UGC-NET. The major universities and colleges for PhD in Commerce in India include the University of Delhi, IGNOU, Jamia Milia Islamia, etc. while you can explore top universities abroad as well. Read this blog to know all about a doctorate in Commerce, its eligibility, specialisations and topics, subjects, top universities, salary, jobs and more.

DegreeDoctorate Level
Duration3 years
Basic EligibilityA master’s degree
Entrance ExamUGC-NET, SLET, GATE, GRE, etc.
Average Fees
(India & Abroad)
INR 20,000 to upto 50 Lakhs
Salary₹979,592 (Payscale)
JobsBusiness Analyst
Operations and Research Analyst
Chief Financial Officer
Technical Writing

This Blog Includes:

About phd in commerce, phd in commerce specializations, phd in commerce colleges in india, phd in commerce abroad, phd in commerce career and salary.

Counted amongst the popular courses for commerce students , as a candidate for PhD in Commerce, you can choose a subfield including, but not limited to Accounting, Marketing, Taxation, Human Resources, Strategy, IT Management, Consulting, and Finance. Furthermore, since these commerce subjects are quite vast in themselves, you are required to pick a deep-lying and relevant topic of research that accentuates their strong points. While the duration of a PhD varies according to the country of an institution, most have an average length of 3-8 years . Important components in this respect include:

  • Research Projects
  • Relevant Coursework
  • Teaching Practicum
  • Examinations
  • Surveys, which together contribute towards the preparation of a long and comprehensive dissertation.

Must Read: PhD After MCA

While the topics chosen by a PhD in Commerce student may differ as per his inclinations, here are a few broad topics/specialisation choices you can expect to explore during your course:

  • International Financial Reporting
  • Strategic Cost Management
  • Business Forensics
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Audit Technology
  • Capital Markets-based Accounting Approach
  • Revenue Management
  • Business Intelligence
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Market Volatility

PhD in Commerce is a popular course in India and is offered by many top colleges and universities such as the University of Delhi, IGNOU, Rama University, and more. Let’s first take a look at the popular universities and colleges for PhD in Commerce in India:

  • University of Delhi
  • Indira Gandhi University of Open Learning (IGNOU)
  • Delhi School of Economics
  • Amity University, Jaipur
  • SRM University, Delhi
  • Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
  • St.Xavier’s College, Kolkata
  • Loyola College
  • Christ University, Bangalore

Owing to widespread interest in commerce and its related subfields of accounting, management, business, marketing, etc the specializations or tracks, if offered, may vary drastically. Here we list down a few of the top universities offering a PhD in Commerce apart from the seven Ivy League institutions, the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford , which have been recurrently recognised for their quality of education, expert faculty, bright career prospects and more.

Top Universities for PhD in Commerce Abroad

Here are the top universities for PhD in Commerce abroad:

AustraliaPhD in Accounting
PhD in Actuarial Studies
PhD in Management
PhD in Marketing
CanadaPhD in Business Administration in Accounting
PhD in Business Administration in Finance
PhD in Business Administration in Management Information Systems
Hong KongPhD {Faculty of Business & Economics}
UKPhD Management Research
USAPhD in Management
UKPhD in Business & Management
PhD in Developmental Policy & Management
PhD Fashion Marketing & Management
NetherlandsPhD in Management
AustraliaPhD in Management
PhD in Accounting
PhD in Banking & Finance
PhD in Marketing
PhD in Risk & Actuarial Studies
PhD in Taxation & Business Law

PhD in Commerce Abroad Requirements

Here are the major requirements for PhD in Commerce in India:

  • The student must have completed a master’s degree in Commerce or an MPhil with a minimum of 55% marks from a recognised university.
  • Many universities in India also require applicants to qualify for the UGC-NET exam for admission into a PhD in the specialisation of Commerce.
  • Work experience of 2-4 years is also preferred thought not mandatory.

In order to study abroad in a PhD in Commerce program, one is required to follow a few steps.

  • If the university requires, you may have to get in touch with the prospective supervisor or professor beforehand whom you intend to work with.
  • In addition to that, preparing a strong research proposal that underlines your future research inclinations is also important.
  • Official GRE or GMAT and IELTS or TOEFL scores along with copies of official transcripts, CV, SOP, and LOR may also be required.
  • If you are planning to pursue a dual degree, then you can read our blog on Integrated Ph.D . to know more.

From Academia to Private companies, the employment opportunities after obtaining a PhD in Commerce largely depends on the specialisation you choose. Some of the popular work areas and profiles have been given a rundown below:

Areas of Employment

  • Commercial Banks
  • Insurance Companies
  • Financial Institutions like SIDBI, EXIM Banks, etc.
  • Brokerage Firms
  • Stock Exchanges
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Insurance Corporations
  • International Organisations like World Bank, IMF, Asian Development Bank, etc.
  • Business Analyst
  • Lecturer/Professor/Academician
  • Operations and Research Analyst
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Technical Writing
  • Big Data Analyst
  • Investment Banker
  • Portfolio Management Specialist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Statistician
  • Risk Analyst
  • Equity Research Analyst

The average salary of a PhD in Commerce graduate is ₹979,592, i.e. around 9.8 Lakhs approx. per annum in India. While the average stipend for PhD abroad is INR 35-45 Lakh per annum.

Related Articles:

Yes, you can do a PhD in commerce which is a 3-8 years long course. It gives you a deeper knowledge of commerce and accounting.

You can select any specialization offered by the university/organization. Some of the popular ones are as follows: Project Management Business Administration Entrepreneurship Finance Marketing Management, Organization & Leadership Accounting Public Administration

Yes, you can do PhD in Commerce after MCom, provided your academic qualifications match the criteria set by the university you plan to join.

Yes, if you want to pursue a PhD course in India, then UGC NET is mandatory. However, no such requirement is there if you want to pursue this course from abroad.

If you intend to pursue a PhD in Commerce but feel hesitant as to how to go about the whole process, consult our team of experts. Many Indian students dream of pursuing education in foreign nations due to the exposure and career growth they offer. Consider joining a free counselling session with Leverage Edu if you plan to study abroad . 

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Ph. D. in Commerce and Management 

Ph. D. in Commerce and Management

  • Learning Steps

program overview

Ph. D. in Commerce and Management is offered by Amrita School of Arts ans Sciences at Kochi campus.

PhD. Commerce and Management is the application of commerce and management to a specific area of research and development activities. The seven components of research management include theory and methodology; Planning, implementation and evaluation of research programs; Communications; Utilization; And special applications. Research areas PhD. Commerce and Management are International Financial Reporting, Strategic Sot Management, Business Forensics, Accounting Information Systems, Audit Technology, Capital Markets based Accounting Approach, Revenue Management , Entrepreneurship Development, and Business Intelligence. The department organize various seminar, conference, workshop at national and international level. The faculties of the department are actively involved in research related to the domain by publishing various research papers and have presented various papers at national and international conferences. They have scopus indexed publications and numerous publications in UGC accredited journals. They also bring into the classroom energetic and fun contemporary knowledge trends that can make learning an effortless process. . Faculties are structured individuals who can predict and strategize for the overall growth of the organization.

Ph. D. in Commerce and Management 

Attention Please!

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has not appointed any Agent or Third-Party Client for securing admission in any programme. Students are hereby requested to contact only the toll-free number on our website for any admission related queries.

– Issued In Public Interest By Directorate Of Admissions And Academic Outreach


Doctoral programs at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham are designed to develop outstanding educational researchers with a wide range of research skills as well as in-depth knowledge and practical understanding and expertise in their chosen field of educational research.

Learning Steps for Ph.D.

The number of course-work credits that a doctoral student undertakes is decided by the Doctoral Committee and depends upon the student’s background and intended Ph.D. research area. Research Methodology and Foundation Course are compulsory courses for all streams.

In addition:

Students entering with an M.A., M.Com., M.F.A., and M.S.W. degree must complete a minimum of 12 credits. All students have to complete a 3-credit Minor course, i.e., one that falls outside the student’s research area. This course could be from the same school as that of the student (but different department) or it could be from a different school. The credits for the Minor course are included in the above-mentioned course-work credits. When necessary, the Doctoral Committee may prescribe more course-work credits than the minimum number of credits stated above.

In addition to course-work, the doctoral student is expected to carry out creative and scholarly research leading up to the completion of a written Ph.D. Thesis. Doctoral research must result in original and substantial contributions to the chosen specialized field of study. This requires mastery of the literature in the specialized field, and critical thinking and judgment. The student should also relate the field of study to the broader discipline within which the research falls. In recognition of the substantial nature of Ph.D. thesis work, it will carry 60 credits. Full-time doctoral students shall register for 10-15 credits per semester. Satisfactory progress in thesis work will result in an ‘O’ grade (for ongoing) and unsatisfactory progress will result in an ‘I’ grade (for incomplete), which is to be made up within one semester.

Satisfactory progress will be judged by the Doctoral Committee on the basis of semester wise progress reports submitted by the doctoral student and/or the completion of publishable papers.

All doctoral students must take a Comprehensive Examination after completion of all course-work. The Comprehensive Examination is an oral (in some Schools, a written-cum-oral) examination administered by the Doctoral Committee and examines the course work undergone by the candidate.

After completion of the Comprehensive Examination, every doctoral student is expected to publish one refereed paper a year. These papers should be in a Scopus indexed journal or conference proceedings.

All doctoral students must take a Qualifying Examination. The Qualifying Examination is an oral examination administered by a Qualifying Examination Committee consisting of the Doctoral Committee together with an external expert from a reputed academic or R&D institution in India. The Convener of the Doctoral Committee will be the Convener of the Qualifying Examination Committee.

After advancement to candidacy, all doctoral candidates are required to present two research seminars. The two seminars should be at least six months apart, with the second seminar being held immediately before the submission of the Synopsis

Once the Thesis Advisor and Doctoral Committee are satisfied that the doctoral candidate has completed the required research for the award of the Ph.D. degree and the candidate has published (or has an acceptance of) a refereed Scopus indexed journal paper and has also given the second Open Seminar the candidate is required to submit a written Synopsis to the Doctoral Committee for approval. The Synopsis should include the motivation, significance and main objectives of the research, along with a brief literature survey and a detailed report on the thesis research.

The doctoral candidate should submit the Ph.D. Thesis to the Doctoral Committee normally within six weeks from the date of submission of the Synopsis.

On getting reports from examiners regarding the acceptance of thesis.

Recommendation reports of the doctoral committee and open defense panel.

Important Note

2024 phase 1 admissions open.

Dr. P. Balasubramanian

Dr. P. Balasubramanian

Dr. N. Ajithkumar

Dr. N. Ajithkumar

Dr. N. V. Sreedharan

Dr. N. V. Sreedharan

Dr. Prasanth A. P.

Dr. Prasanth A. P.

Dr. Indu Maneesh Kumar

Dr. Indu Maneesh Kumar

Dr. T. G. Manoharan

Dr. T. G. Manoharan

Dr. Vidhya Vinayachandran

Dr. Vidhya Vinayachandran

Dr. Suresh K.

Dr. Suresh K.

Dr. P. Ravindranath

Dr. P. Ravindranath

Faculty at Commerce and Management conducts research in the fields of individual expertise, frequently working alongside research assistants and doctorate students.

Some of the researches being undertaken in the areas of:

Corporate Finance and Strategy, Financial Markets and Institutions, Market Microstructure, Behavioral Finance, Agricultural credit societies and Commodity Derivatives.

Green Marketing mix on consumer behavior, Contract Farming in medicinal plant farmers, Organic Products, Buying Behavior, Economic Efficiency of milk production among dairy farmers, Traditional Bamboo handcrafts marketing practices, general marketing behavior, Personality issues in workplace, and branding.

Human Resources:

Work-Life Balance and Work-Family Enrichment, Workplace Diversity and Inclusiveness, Spiritual intelligence in Employee Job Stress, Employee Well-Being Issues, CSR Practices in Indian Organizations, Employee Relations, Employer Branding, Employee Engagement, Technology and Human Interface, Positive organizational behavior.

General Management:

Waste Management, Start-Up policy initiatives in Kerala, Green Banking Practices, Servant Leadership in Teaching, corporate Governance, Supply Chain Management, Technology Management, Back water Tourism and Sustainability.

Placement Details

Students are guided toward placements with highly regarded companies like Deloitte, KPMG, Federal Bank, Cognizant, and other comparable firms after successfully completing the programme. Students are given access to the Vidyamritam Extra Mural Lecture series, an expert lecture series on industrial and societally relevant themes, in order to continuously establish rapport with top management of reputable firms. Additionally, the students receive specific instruction to help them prepare for several competitive tests.

Career Prospectus

Additionally, specialized training is offered to increase students’ aptitude, communicative, and logical skills in order to enhance their professional possibilities. The curriculum and syllabus are created so that students will have a direction for taking competitive exams and aspiring to further education. There is provided specialised training for the UGC NET/JRF qualifying exam.

Department Activities

Every year, the Department of Commerce engages in a number of activities :

  • Workshops are held on structural equation modelling using AMOS, hands-on sessions on data analysis using SPSS, research report writing, how to write good articles, financial analysis – balance sheet, GST, etc.
  • Guest lectures from prominent industry figures are occasionally given on campus.
  • The AVYUKTA Annual Commerce and Management Fest is held.
  • Seminars on topics including digital marketing, goods and sales tax, and logistics management are organised.
  • Recently, the Business Development Club launched an awareness event on several entrepreneurship routes through a Panel Discussion on “Successful Entrepreneurship” in collaboration with DIC, Kochi.
  • Visits to businesses such as FACT, CUMI, CICFS, HIL, and BPCL are made.
  • Human Resource Management,
  • Entrepreneurship Development,
  • Strategic Management,
  • Organizational Behavior,
  • Capital Market,
  • Banking and Insurance,
  • Financial Accounting,
  • Direct Tax and Indirect Tax,
  • Travel and Tourism.
  • 26 scopus publication

Facilities & Infrastructure

  • Data Science Computer lab
  • R-Programme

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Ph.D in Commerce Subjects and Syllabus

Roumik Roy

The PhD in Commerce syllabus is three to five years long spread across six to ten semesters. The PhD in Commerce subjects aim to introduce students to all the important aspects of commerce, finance, business and entrepreneurship. PhD in Commerce course subjects include Introduction to Research Methodology, Data Analysis for the Research Methods, and Data Collection and Sampling. They also develop business-based intellectual and interpersonal skills. 

Semester Wise PhD Commerce Syllabus

The subjects in PhD Commerce are taught in a time span of three to five years. The syllabus of PhD in Commerce is designed to help students learn about commerce in great detail and depth. The PhD Commerce course gives the students a very in-depth and clear understanding of the course and the subject.

The core subjects are subjects considered important and foundational for the education of the students. The elective subjects make the coursework flexible and diverse. Listed below are the subjects of PhD in Commerce according to the semesters:

PhD in Commerce First Year Syllabus

Introduction to Research Methodology

Writing Research Proposal

Data Analysis for the Research Methods


Data Collection and Sampling

Literature Review

Research Report Writing

PhD in Commerce Second Year Syllabus

Semester III

Semester IV

Contemporary Research in Accounting

Contemporary Management Theory

Capital Market Theories Classical Management Theory
Basic Economic Concepts Theory of Entrepreneurship I
Accounting Theory Theory of Entrepreneurship II

Corporate Finance Theories


PhD in Commerce Third Year Syllabus

Semester V

Semester VI

Research Project Research Project
Research Project Research Project

PhD Commerce Subjects

The PhD in Commerce subjects are aimed to introduce the students to all the important aspects of the world of commerce, business, finance, and economics. The doctorate course is a three to five-year-long course, divided into six to ten semesters.

There are both core and elective subjects part of the curriculum. The core subjects are subjects that are considered essential for the learning of the students. The elective subjects are subjects that make the coursework flexible and diverse. Listed below are the core subjects that the students get a chance to study:

  • Contemporary Research in Accounting
  • Capital Market Theories
  • Basic Economic Concepts
  • Accounting Theory
  • Corporate Finance Theories
  • Contemporary Management Theory

PhD Commerce Course Structure

The PhD in Commerce is divided into six semesters spread across a time period of three years. The PhD Commerce course structure consists of both core and elective subjects as part of the curriculum.

Since the PhD Commerce course is a doctorate program that has a research-based study, at the end of the education, students are expected to work on a research project. The course structure is given below:

  • VI Semesters
  • Core Subjects
  • Elective Subjects
  • Research Project

PhD Commerce Teaching Methodology and Techniques

PhD Commerce teaching methodology is predominately traditional classroom teaching methods. The course is a primary research-based course, due to which the traditional classroom teaching helps the students to learn about concepts in greater depth and detail. Listed below are the teaching methodology and strategies in general:

  • Theory Papers
  • Group Discussions

PhD Commerce Projects

When pursuing the PhD in Commerce, the students are expected to work on a research project in their final semester. The PhD project topics in Commerce are decided by the students based on their specialization. Listed below are the list of PhD topics in Commerce previously researched by the students:

PhD Commerce Reference Books

There are many PhD in Commerce books available for the students to purchase or rent in the market. These books can be a useful resource for the students, as they can help students with their studies and research. Additionally, these books help the students ace the course and exam well. Listed below are some of the popular PhD Commerce books:

PhD in Commerce Books

Name of Book


Value-Based Fees

Allan Weiss

Spin Selling

Neil Rackham

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  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →
  • PhD Programs
  • Accounting & Management
  • Business Economics
  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management
  • Program Requirements

Curriculum & Coursework

Our programs are full-time degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another three years on dissertation research and writing.

The Marketing program draws on computer science, economics, behavioral science, and psychological methods to focus on marketing problems faced by the firm and its management. Through a combination of discipline- and field-based methods, the curriculum enables students to master concepts and research skills directly relevant to business problems. Candidates must come to understand the point of view of practicing managers and be able to bring theory and careful research to bear in illuminating important business problems.

The program requires a minimum of 13 semester-long doctoral courses. Students in the Marketing program are required to complete a year-long discipline sequence typically in microeconomics or psychology. They also complete courses in the areas of machine learning, computer science, statistics, research methods, academic field seminars, and two MBA elective curriculum courses. In addition to HBS courses, students often take courses at other Harvard Schools and MIT.

Research & Dissertation

Students in Marketing begin research in their first year typically by working with a faculty member. By their third and fourth years, most students are launched on a solid research and publication stream. The dissertation may take the form of three publishable papers or one longer dissertation.

Recent examples of doctoral thesis research include: The effects of brand extensions on the value of parent brands; Multi-method examination of the consumption of “knockoffs” of high status brands, and the counter-intuitive positive outcomes for consumer-brand relationships; Competitive analysis of pricing and quality decisions in industries with strictly complimentary products; The psychological effects of pricing, and how these affect consumers and firms; and "Choice amnesia," the motivated forgetting of difficult decisions.

phd topics commerce

Mengjie "Magie" Cheng

phd topics commerce

Ta-Wei "David" Huang

“ Finding an advisor who you really click with and who is willing to support your research interests is absolutely key. ”

phd topics commerce

Current HBS Faculty

  • Tomomichi Amano
  • Eva Ascarza
  • Max H. Bazerman
  • David E. Bell
  • Alison Wood Brooks
  • Julian De Freitas
  • Rohit Deshpande
  • Anita Elberse
  • Sunil Gupta
  • Ayelet Israeli
  • Leslie K. John
  • Elizabeth A. Keenan
  • Edward McFowland III
  • Navid Mojir
  • Das Narayandas
  • Michael I. Norton
  • V. Kasturi Rangan
  • Isamar Troncoso
  • Jeremy Yang
  • Shunyuan Zhang

Current Marketing Students

  • Stuti Agarwal
  • Mengjie (Magie) Cheng
  • Jingpeng Hong
  • Ta-Wei (David) Huang
  • Sihan Zhai

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, jimin nam, 2024, byungyeon kim, 2022, emily prinsloo, 2023, ximena garcia-rada, 2021, serena hagerty, 2022, dafna goor, 2020.

EDHEC Business School

EDHEC PhD in Finance- 2024/2025 elective courses revealed

phd topics commerce

New topics for elective courses have been consistently added to the EDHEC PhD in Finance programme curriculum since its inception. The programme management balances methodological electives with conceptual ones to help students stay informed about ongoing research debates and cutting edge research methodologies. 

Participants are required to take a minimum of five elective seminars during their second and third years. PhD in Finance candidates will have the privilege of learning from world’s leading specialists in these areas from top research institutions such as Chicago GSB, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Duke University, Imperial College, Princeton University or Yale University.

In 2022-2023, the following topics were covered: Private Equity, Asset Pricing and Monetary Policy, Production-based Asset Pricing, Spectral Asset Pricing, and Models and Methods in Macro-Finance.

The next topics are unveiled below: 

Fixed Income

Pietro Veronesi, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business

September 2024 

Household Finance

Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London

September 2024

Alternative Risk Premia and Replication of Financial Anomalies

Robert Kosowski, Imperial College London

February 2025

Market Microstructure

Albert Menkveld, University of Amsterdam

February 2025

Sustainable Finance (Impact investing)

Ayako Yasuda, University of California, Davis - Graduate School of Management

April 2025 

Climate Finance

Marcin Kacperczyk, Imperial College London

September 2025

Machine Learning in Asset Pricing

Semyon Malamud, EPFL, Swiss Finance Institute

September 2025  

Access the programme curriculum, and the list of past and upcoming research seminars here . 

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Cybersecurity Guide

From scholar to expert: Cybersecurity PhD options

In this guide

  • Industry demand
  • 2024 rankings
  • Preparation
  • Considerations
  • School listings

The cybersecurity landscape is not just growing—it’s evolving at a breakneck pace. And what better way to stay ahead of the curve than by pursuing a PhD in cybersecurity?

This advanced degree is no longer confined to the realm of computer science. Today, it branches into diverse fields like law, policy, management, and strategy, reflecting the multifaceted nature of modern cyber threats.

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School NameProgram More Info
Capella University
UC Berkeley School of Information
Southern New Hampshire University
Northwestern University
Syracuse University
University of Pennsylvania

If you’re looking to become a thought leader in this dynamic industry, a PhD in cybersecurity offers an unparalleled opportunity to deepen your expertise and broaden your horizons.

This guide is designed to give prospective cybersecurity PhD students a general overview of available cybersecurity PhD programs. It will also outline some of the factors to consider when trying to find the right PhD program fit, such as course requirements and tuition costs. 

Industry demand for PhDs in cybersecurity

Like other cutting-edge technology fields, until recently, cybersecurity PhD programs were often training grounds for niche positions and specialized research, often for government agencies (like the CIA, NSA, and FBI),  or closely adjacent research organizations or institutions. 

Today, however, as the cybersecurity field grows to become more pervasive and consumer-oriented, there are opportunities for cybersecurity PhDs to work at public-facing companies like startups and name-brand financial, software, infrastructure, and digital service firms.

One trend that is emerging in the cybersecurity field is that cybersecurity experts need to be well-versed in a variety of growing threats. If recent headlines about cybersecurity breaches are any indication, there are a number of new attack vectors and opportunities for cybercrime and related issues. Historically, committing cybercrime took resources and a level of sophistication that required specialized training or skill.

But now, because of the pervasiveness of the internet, committing cybercrime is becoming more commonplace. So training in a cybersecurity PhD program allows students to become an experts in one part of a growing and multi-layered field.

In fact, this trend of needing well-trained, but adaptable cybersecurity professionals is reflected by the move by cybersecurity graduate schools to offer specialized master’s degrees , and many companies and professional organizations offer certifications in cybersecurity that focus on particular issues related to cybersecurity technology, cybersecurity law , digital forensics , policy, or related topics.

That said, traditional research-oriented cybersecurity positions continue to be in demand in academia and elsewhere — a trend that will likely continue. 

One interesting facet of the cybersecurity field is trying to predict what future cybersecurity threats might look like and then develop tools and systems to protect against those threats.

As new technologies and services are developed and as more of the global population begins using Internet services for everything from healthcare to banking — new ways of protecting those services will be required. Often, it’s up to academic researchers to think ahead and examine various threats and opportunities to insulate against those threats.

Another key trend coming out of academic circles is that cybersecurity students are becoming increasingly multidisciplinary.

As cybersecurity hacks impact more parts of people’s everyday lives, so too do the academic programs that are designed to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. This emerging trend creates an enormous amount of opportunity for students who have a variety of interests and who are looking to create a non-traditional career path.

The best cybersecurity PhD programs for 2024

Capella university, georgia institute of technology, northeastern university, marymount university, school of technology and innovation, nova southeastern university, college of computing & engineering, purdue university, stevens institute of technology, worcester polytechnic institute, university of illinois at urbana-champaign, mississippi state university, new york institute of technology.

These rankings were compiled from data accessed in November 2023 from the Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and College Navigator (both services National Center for Education Statistics). Tuition data was pulled from individual university websites and is current as of November 2023.

What is required to get a PhD in cybersecurity?

Good news first: Obtaining a PhD in a field related to cybersecurity will likely create tremendous employment opportunities and lead to interesting and dynamic career options.

Bad news: Getting a PhD requires a lot of investment of time and energy, and comes with a big opportunity cost (meaning you have to invest four to five years, or longer, or pursue other opportunities to obtain a doctoral degree. 

Here’s a quick breakdown of what is required to get a PhD in cybersecurity. Of course, specific degree requirements will vary by program. One growing trend in the field is that students can now obtain degrees in a variety of formats, including traditional on-campus programs, online degree programs , and hybrid graduate degree programs that combine both on-campus learning with online learning. 

Related resources

  • Online PhD in cybersecurity – A guide to finding the right program
  • Cybersecurity degree programs
  • Podcast episodes and expert interviews

Preparing for a cybersecurity doctorate program

Cybersecurity is a relatively new formalized technology field, nonetheless, there are several ways that students or prospective PhD candidates can get involved or explore the field before and during a graduate school program. A few examples of ways to start networking and finding opportunities include: 

Join cybersecurity organizations with professional networks

Specialized professional organizations are a good place to find the latest in career advice and guidance. Often they publish newsletters or other kinds of information that provide insights into the emerging trends and issues facing cybersecurity professionals. A couple of examples include:

The Center for Internet Security  (CIS) is a non-profit dedicated to training cybersecurity professionals and fostering a sense of collaboration. The organization also publishes information and analysis of the latest cybersecurity threats and issues facing the professional community.

The SANS Institute runs several different kinds of courses for students (including certification programs) as well as ongoing professional cybersecurity education and training for people working in the field. The organization has several options including webinars, online training, and live in-person seminars. Additionally, SANS also publishes newsletters and maintains forums for cybersecurity professionals to interact and share information.

Leverage your social network

Places like LinkedIn and Twitter are good places to start to find news and information about what is happening in the field, who the main leaders and influencers are, and what kinds of jobs and opportunities are available.

Starting a professional network early is also a great opportunity. Often professionals and members of the industry are willing to provide guidance and help to students who are genuinely interested in the field and looking for career opportunities. 

Cybersecurity competitions 

Cybersecurity competitions are a great way to get hands-on experience working on real cybersecurity problems and issues. As a PhD student or prospective student, cybersecurity competitions that are sponsored by industry groups are a great way to meet other cybersecurity professionals while getting working on projects that will help flesh out a resume or become talking points in later job interviews.

The US Cyber Challenge , for example, is a series of competitions and hackathon-style events hosted by the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and the Center for Internet Security to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.


Internships also continue to be a tried and true way to gain professional experience. Internships in technical fields like cybersecurity can also pay well. Like the industry itself, cybersecurity internships are available across a wide range of industries and can range from academic research-oriented to more corporate kinds of work. 

Things to consider when choosing a cybersecurity PhD program

There are many considerations to evaluate when considering any kind of graduate degree, but proper planning is essential to be able to obtain a doctoral degree. It’s also important to note that these are just guidelines and that each graduate program will have specific requirements, so be sure to double-check.

What you will need before applying to a cybersecurity PhD program:

  • All undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • A statement of intent, which is like a cover letter outlining interest
  • Letters of reference
  • Application fee
  • Online application
  • A resume or CV outlining professional and academic accomplishments

What does a cybersecurity PhD program cost?

Obtaining a PhD is a massive investment, both in terms of time and money. Cybersecurity PhD students are weighing the cost of becoming an expert in the field with the payoff of having interesting and potentially lucrative career opportunities on the other side.

Degree requirements are usually satisfied in 60-75 hours, so the cost of a doctoral degree can be well into the six-figure range. Here’s a more specific breakdown:

Tuition rates

The Cybersecurity Guide research team looked at 26 programs that offer a cybersecurity-related PhD degree. Here’s a breakdown of tuition rates (all figures are based on out-of-state tuition).

$17,580 is the most affordable PhD program option and it is available at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

$86,833 is the average cost of a cybersecurity PhD and is based on tuition rates from all 26 schools.

$197,820 is the most expensive cybersecurity PhD program and is available at Indiana University Bloomington.

The good news is that by the time students get to the PhD level there are a lot of funding options — including some graduate programs that are completely funded by the university or academic departments themselves.

Additionally, funding in the form of research grants and other kinds of scholarships is available for students interested in pursuing cybersecurity studies. 

One example is the CyberCorps: Scholarships for Service program. Administered by the National Science Foundation, PhD students studying cybersecurity are eligible for a $34,000 a year scholarship, along with a professional stipend of $6,000 to attend conferences in exchange for agreeing to work for a government agency in the cybersecurity space after the PhD program. 

Frequently asked questions about cybersecurity PhD programs

Most traditional and online cybersecurity graduate programs require a minimum number of credits that need to be completed to obtain a degree. On average, it takes 71 credits to graduate with a PhD in cybersecurity — far longer (almost double) than traditional master’s degree programs. In addition to coursework, most PhD students also have research and teaching responsibilities that can be simultaneously demanding and great career preparation.

At the core of a cybersecurity doctoral program is a data science doctoral program, you’ll be expected to learn many skills and also how to apply them across domains and disciplines. Core curriculums will vary from program to program, but almost all will have a core foundation of statistics.  

All PhD candidates will have to take a series of exams that act as checkpoints during the lengthy PhD process. The actual exam process and timing can vary depending on the university and the program, but the basic idea is that cybersecurity PhD candidates generally have to sit for a qualifying exam, which comes earlier in the program (usually the winter or spring of the second year of study), a preliminary exam, which a candidate takes to show they are ready to start the dissertation or research portion of the PhD program, and a final exam where PhD students present and defend their research and complete their degree requirements. 

A cybersecurity PhD dissertation is the capstone of a doctoral program. The dissertation is the name of a formal paper that presents the findings of original research that the PhD candidate conducted during the program under the guidance of faculty advisors. Some example cybersecurity research topics that could potentially be turned into dissertation ideas include: * Policies and best practices around passwords * Ways to defend against the rise of bots * Policies around encryption and privacy * Corporate responsibility for employee security * Internet advertising targeting and privacy * The new frontier of social engineering attacks * Operation security (OpSec) strategy and policy * Network infrastructure and defense * Cybersecurity law and policy * The vulnerabilities of biometrics * The role of ethical hacking * Cybersecurity forensics and enforcement

A complete listing of cybersecurity PhD programs

The following is a list of cybersecurity PhD programs. The listing is intended to work as a high-level index that provides enough basic information to make quick side-by-side comparisons easy. 

You should find basic data about what each school requires (such as a GRE score or prior academic work) as well as the number of credits required, estimated costs, and a link to the program.

Arizona State University

  • Aim: Equip students with in-depth expertise in cybersecurity.
  • Study Modules: Delve into advanced computer science subjects and specific cybersecurity courses.
  • Research Component: Students undertake groundbreaking research in the cybersecurity domain.

Carnegie Mellon University

  • CNBC Collaboration: A joint effort between Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh to train students in understanding the brain's role in cognition.
  • Training Program: Students take four main neuroscience courses and participate in seminars and ethics training.
  • Course Integration: Whether students have a B.S. or M.S. degree, they can combine the CNBC and ECE Ph.D. courses without extra workload.

Colorado School of Mines

  • Research Focus: Cybersecurity: Studying online security and privacy.
  • Cost and Financial Aid: Provides details on program costs and available financial support.
  • Current Mines Community: Offers specific information for those already affiliated with Mines.

Indiana University Bloomington

  • Focus Areas: Options include Animal Informatics, Bioinformatics, Computer Design, and more.
  • Information Sessions: The university holds events to guide potential students about admissions and study options.
  • Minor Requirement: All Ph.D. students must complete a minor, which can be from within the Luddy School of Informatics or from another approved school at IU Bloomington.

Iowa State University

  • Details: The program is open to both domestic and international students.
  • Time to Complete: Ph.D.: About 5.2 years
  • Goals: Students should gain deep knowledge, follow ethics, share their findings, and do advanced research if they're writing a thesis.
  • Learning Goals: Master core areas of Computer Science, achieve in-depth knowledge in a chosen subfield, obtain expertise to perform original research, and demonstrate the ability to communicate technical concepts and research results.
  • Duration: Median time to earn the doctorate is 5.8 years.
  • Application Information: The program is open to both domestic and international students.
  • Program's Aim: The Ph.D. program is tailored to produce scholars proficient in leading research initiatives, undertaking rigorous industrial research, or imparting high-level computer science education.
  • Entry Routes: The program welcomes both students holding a B.S. degree for direct admission and those with an M.S. degree.
  • Dissertation's Role: It stands as the pivotal component of the Ph.D. journey. Collaboration between the student, their dissertation director, and the guiding committee is essential.

Naval Postgraduate School

  • Program Essence: The Computer Science Ph.D. is a top-tier academic program in the U.S.
  • Admission Criteria: Open to military officers from the U.S. and abroad, U.S. governmental employees, and staff of foreign governments.
  • Curriculum: Designed to deepen knowledge in computing, with a focus on the needs of the U.S. Department of Defense.
  • Emphasis on Research: The college showcases its strength in research through sections dedicated to Research Areas, affiliated Institutes & Centers, ongoing Research Projects, and specialized Labs & Groups.
  • Holistic Student Growth: The college promotes a comprehensive student experience, spotlighting Clubs & Organizations, campus Facilities, and tech Systems.
  • Guidance for Future Students: Provides tailored insights for students considering joining at various academic levels, from Undergraduate to PhD.
  • Broad Learning: The program covers many areas, from software and policy to psychology and ethics, reflecting the wide scope of cybersecurity.
  • Course Design: Students learn foundational security topics first and then dive into specialized areas, like cyber forensics.
  • Successful Alumni: Past students now work in places like NASA, Amazon, and Google.
  • Feature: Students can apply to up to three different campuses and/or majors using a single application and fee payment.
  • Preparing for a Globalized World: Courses such as Global Supply Chain Management equip students for international careers.
  • Tech-Forward Curriculum: Purdue's commitment to advanced technology is evident.

Rochester Institute of Technology

  • Cyberinfrastructure Focus: The program dives deep into how hardware, data, and networks work together to create secure and efficient digital tools.
  • Broad Applications: The program uses computing to solve problems in fields like science, arts, and business.
  • Success Rate: All RIT graduates from this program have found relevant roles, especially in the Internet and Software sectors.

Sam Houston State University

  • Program's Objective: The course aims to nurture students to be technically adept and also to take on leadership roles in the digital and cyber forensic domain across various industries.
  • Assessments: Students undergo comprehensive tests to evaluate their understanding.
  • Research Paper (Dissertation): Once students reach the doctoral candidacy phase, they must produce and defend a significant research paper or dissertation.
  • Funding: All Ph.D. students get financial help, so they can start their research right away.
  • Teachers: The program has top experts, including those who've made big discoveries in computer science.
  • Research Areas: Students can study the latest topics like AI, computer vision, and online security.

The University of Tennessee

  • Study Areas: Options include Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Computer Vision, and more.
  • Tests: You'll have to pass a few exams, including one when you start, one before your final project, and then present your final project.
  • Courses: Some specific courses are needed, and your main professor will help decide which ones.
  • Big Exam: Before moving forward, you'll take a detailed exam about your research topic.
  • Final Step: You'll present and defend your research project to experts.
  • Overview: This program is for those with a degree in Computer Science or similar fields. It has special focus areas like Cybersecurity and Machine Learning.

University of Arizona

  • Study Plan: Students start with learning research basics and then dive into modern tech topics.
  • Support for Students: All PhD students get funding that covers their studies, a stipend, and health insurance. Money for travel to conferences is also available.
  • After Graduation: Alumni work at top universities and big companies like Google and Microsoft.

University of California-Davis

  • About the Program: Students engage in deep research, ending with a dissertation.
  • Jobs After Graduation: Roles in companies or academic positions.
  • Vibrant Community: Beyond academics, students join a supportive community, enriching their Ph.D. experience.

University of Colorado - Colorado Springs

  • Recognition: UCCS is recognized by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security for excellence in Information Assurance Education.
  • Course Approval: The NSA has approved UCCS's courses as meeting national security training standards.
  • Overview: This program focuses on vital areas like cyber security, physical security, and homeland security.

University of Idaho

  • Partnership with NSA and DHS: The university is part of a program to boost cyber defense education.
  • Recognition: The University of Idaho is among the institutions recognized as Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense.
  • Objective: To minimize vulnerabilities in the national information infrastructure.
  • Overview: This program is meticulously crafted to deliver premier legal education to its students.
  • Courses: Encompasses a balanced mix of traditional legal doctrines, theoretical viewpoints, and hands-on practical experiences.
  • Aim: The primary objective is to equip students with top-notch legal education.

University of Missouri-Columbia

  • Seminars: PhD students should attend 20 seminars. If they were previously Master's students, their past attendance counts.
  • Timeline Requirements: Comprehensive Exam must be completed within five years of starting the program.
  • Dissertation and Publication: At least one journal paper must be submitted, accepted, or published.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

  • Faculty: The faculty members are renowned for their impactful research contributions on a global scale.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum is versatile, catering to individuals aiming for academia as well as those targeting roles in the corporate, commerce, or public sectors.
  • Program: A blend of theoretical and hands-on research is emphasized, offering a well-rounded educational experience.

Virginia Tech

  • Seminars and Ethics: Students attend special seminars and complete training on scholarly ethics and diversity.
  • Guidance: Each student gets a faculty advisor. A group of faculty members, called a committee, also guides them.
  • Major Exams: Students go through four main stages: a qualifying process, a preliminary proposal, a research presentation, and a final defense.
  • Strong Research: WPI's PhD program is recognized for its excellent research contributions.
  • Practical Focus: The program teaches students to tackle real tech challenges.
  • Modern Labs: Students use the latest labs like the Human-Robot Interaction Lab.

Dakota State University

  • Program Goal: Train students to handle and prevent cyber threats.
  • Awards: The university has received top cybersecurity awards.
  • What You'll Learn: Research skills, cyber defense techniques, and ethical decision-making.

New Jersey City University, College of Professional Studies

  • About: Focuses on best practices in areas like national security, cyber defense, and crisis communication.
  • Recognitions: The program has been honored by the National Security Agency since 2009 and was recognized for excellence in intelligence studies.
  • Jobs: Graduates are prepared for top roles in sectors like government and education.
  • Program Content: The course dives deep into modern cybersecurity topics, from new tech and artificial intelligence to specialized research areas.
  • Location Benefits: The university is near many cybersecurity companies and government agencies, giving students unique opportunities.
  • For Working People: It's crafted for professionals, allowing them to experience various cybersecurity roles, from tech firms to government.
  • Completion Time: Students have up to ten years from starting to finish their dissertation.
  • Program: Trains students for roles in academia, government, and business.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: The program combines both technical and managerial aspects of cybersecurity, offering a comprehensive understanding of the field.

The University of Rhode Island

  • Research Focus: The Ph.D. program is centered around a big research project in Computer Science.
  • Qualifying Exams: Students take exams on core topics, but some might get exemptions if they're already skilled in certain areas.
  • Equal Opportunity: The University of Rhode Island is committed to the principles of affirmative action and is an equal opportunity employer.

University of North Texas

  • Team Effort: The program is a collaboration between various UNT departments for a well-rounded view of cybersecurity.
  • Goals: The course aims to develop critical thinkers who are passionate about the role of information in our lives and can work across different fields.
  • Skills Gained: Students will learn about research, teaching methods, decision-making, leadership, and analyzing data.

New York University Tandon School of Engineering

  • Scholarships: Many students get scholarships that pay for tuition and give a monthly allowance.
  • Research Interest: Research areas include cybersecurity, computer games, web search, graphics, and more.
  • Experience: Students can also research in NYU's campuses in Shanghai or Abu Dhabi.
  • One Degree for All: Every student gets the same Ph.D., regardless of their specific area of study.
  • Research Focus: The program emphasizes deep research and prepares students for advanced roles.
  • Major Project: Students work on a big research project, adding new knowledge to the computing world.
  • Program: Prepares students for leadership roles in different sectors.
  • Opportunities: Qualified students might get opportunities as Research or Teaching Assistants.
  • Overview: Focuses on advanced research and modern technologies.

Augusta University

  • Goal: The program prepares students for research roles and to make new discoveries in tech.
  • Benefits: A Ph.D. opens up leadership opportunities in tech sectors.
  • Overview: It focuses on new discoveries in areas like security, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality.

University of Texas at San Antonio

  • Financial Support: Full-time students can get funding, which covers tuition and offers roles like teaching assistants.
  • Job Prospects: UTSA trains students for jobs that are in high demand, using data from official sources.
  • Overview: The program focuses on in-depth research and teaching.

University of Central Florida

  • Mix of Subjects: Students can take courses from different areas, giving them a broad view of security topics.
  • Many Job Options: Graduates can work in government, big companies, or teach in universities.
  • Hands-on Learning: The program offers research, study projects, and internships for real-world experience.

English News

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  • Science and Tech
  • Education Today

Bellampalli govt polytechnic college HoD gets PhD degree

Devender successfully carried out a search on a topic titled, "Investigation into the effect of stemming on blast Performance in underground excavations.” He defended the thesis on May 9 and qualified to be awarded the degree of PhD by the RGCERT on May 30.

Bellampalli govt polytechnic college HoD gets PhD degree

Mancherial : Maram Devendar Reddy, the head of the department of mining engineering at government Polytechnic College- Bellampalli was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in mining engineering by Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology (RGCERT)-in Chandrapur, an affiliate to Gondwana University in Maharashtra recently.

Devender successfully carried out a search on a topic titled, “Investigation into the effect of stemming on blast Performance in underground excavations.” He defended the thesis on May 9 and qualified to be awarded the degree of PhD by the RGCERT on May 30.

He conducted the research under the supervision of Prof Manish D Uttarwar, RGCERT.

He thanked his supervisor Prof Manish and teachers. He was congratulated by his colleagues at the polytechnic college.

He hails from the remote Jaggaiahpally hamlet under Jonnala Malyala village in Kalvasrirampur mandal of Peddapallii district.

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UW School of Law

  • School of Law
  • Liability Research

Center for Advanced Study and Research on Innovation Policy The Online Intermediary Liability Research Project

The Online Intermediary Liability Research Project generates research papers from multiple countries on intermediary liability issues for online service providers in the following topic areas: defamation, child protection, hate speech and privacy.

The UW Center for Advanced Studies and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP), with generous funding from Google, is coordinating and leading several research teams. We are focusing initially on the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and Thailand—all newly advanced economies where UW maintains close ties—because of their strategic importance to the unfolding intermediary liability landscape.

Country Reports

  • Child Protection (Russia)
  • Defamation (Russia)
  • Hate Speech (Russia)
  • Privacy (Russia)
  • Child Protection (India)
  • Defamation (India)
  • Hate Speech (India)
  • Privacy (India)
  • Child Protection (Brazil)
  • Defamation (Brazil
  • Hate Speech (Brazil
  • Privacy (Brazil
  • Child Protection (Thailand)
  • Defamation (Thailand)
  • Hate Speech (Thailand)
  • Privacy (Thailand)
  • Child Protection (China)
  • Defamation (China)
  • Hate Speech (China)
  • Privacy (China)
  • Ryan Calo , Lane Powell & D. Wayne Gittinger Endowed Professorship; Professor of Law
  • Anna Bakhmetyeva , Assistant Director, IP LL.M.; Affiliate Instructor
  • Mario Augusto Soerensen Garcia, Soerensen Garcia Advogados Associados
  • Paula Bezerra de Menezes, Soerensen Garcia Advogados Associados
  • Renata Corrêa Cardozo Pereira Carneiro, Soerensen Garcia Advogados Associados
  • Otávio Saraiva Padilha Velasco, Soerensen Garcia Advogados Associados
  • Natalia Dobryakova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Law, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Igor Stroganov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economic Science, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Andrey Popov, MS, LL.B., PhD candidate, Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow, Russia, Database Developer, DRW Trading Group, Chicago, USA
  • Maria Jeffery, B.A., Economic analyst, Translator
  • Elena Danilina, Ph.D., Patent Attorney of Russian Federation, Member of the Qualification Commission of the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Arbitration court judge of The Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce, Moscow, Russia
  • Gargi Chakrabarti, Assistant Professor of Law, National Law University, Jodhpur, India
  • Saahil Dama, Student Researcher, Fourth Year LL.B., National Law University, Jodhpur, India
  • Aashna Jain, Student Researcher, Third Year LL.B., National Law University, Jodhpur, India
  • Sonali Khatri, Student Researcher, Third Year LL.B., National Law University, Jodhpur, India
  • Sunita Tripathy, Assistant Dean, Assistant Professor, OP Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat Haryana, India
  • Vasudev Devadasan, BA LL.B. 2013, OP Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat Haryana, India
  • Bani Brar, BA LL.B. 2011, OP Jindal Global Law School, Sonipat Haryana, India
  • Yogesh Pai, Assistant Professor of Law, National Law University, Delhi
  • Nitesh Daryanani, B.B.A., LL.B., Attorney
  • Yong Wan, Assistant Dean, Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Jie Wang, PhD Researcher at Maastricht University, Netherlands
  • Yaojin Peng, PhD Researcher at Maastricht University, Netherlands
  • Tianxiang He, PhD Researcher at Maastricht University, Netherlands
  • Huaiwen He, Associate Professor, Law School of Zhejiang University, China
  • Yongfan Zhang, Assistant Professor, Renmin University of China
  • Jun Xu, Doctor of Law Candidate at the School of Law, Peking University, China
  • Sam Cai, Chief Researcher of Tencent Cyberlaw Research Center, Tencent Research Institute, Master’s Supervisor of Communication University of China , China
  • Suphasit Taweejamsup, Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Aua-Aree Engchanil, Assistant Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Khemthong Tonsakulrungruang, Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Kanaphon Chanhom, Assistant Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Bhumindr Butr-Indr, Assistant Professor, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Wassamon Kun-amornpong, Lecturer, Thammasat University, Thailand
  • Taenrat Kunngern, Lecturer, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Center for Advanced Study and Research on Innovation Policy

  • Distinguished Roger L. Shidler Lecture
  • Global Innovation Law Summit
  • Washington Pro Bono Patent Network
  • Online Intermediary Liability Research Project
  • Center for Advanced Study and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP) William H. Gates Hall 442 Box 353020 Seattle, WA 98195-3020
  • casrip@ uw .edu (206) 221-7110


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  23. Bellampalli govt polytechnic college HoD gets PhD degree

    Mancherial: Maram Devendar Reddy, the head of the department of mining engineering at government Polytechnic College- Bellampalli was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in mining engineering by Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology (RGCERT)-in Chandrapur, an affiliate to Gondwana University in Maharashtra recently.. Devender successfully carried out a search on a topic ...

  24. The Online Intermediary Liability Research Project

    The Online Intermediary Liability Research Project generates research papers from multiple countries on intermediary liability issues for online service providers in the following topic areas: defamation, child protection, hate speech and privacy. The UW Center for Advanced Studies and Research on Innovation Policy (CASRIP), with generous ...

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    Prof. M. Paltsev is known as a Consultant to many professional societies and asso-ciations, research institutions, healthcare providers, government agencies, and medical biotechnology companies as well. He is responsible for the national poli-cies and programs of health promotion and disease prevention and prophylaxis. Prof. M.