9 Creative Problem Solving Tools For Your Next Breakthrough Idea

This is a suite of 9 creative problem solving tools from Erik op ten Berg. He’s an expert in creative thinking or applying creativity from the Netherlands.

He’s been working in this field for 25 years and has a Master of Science from Buffalo State University in New York.

His creative problem solving process takes a challenge and finds ideas that are new, useful and meaningful. I guarantee you this process will help you mobilise your group’s creative thinking skills.

You and your group will find original ideas which are always there. This helps you get to the holy grail of breakthrough thinking and quite possibly the ‘next big thing’.

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Interview with Erik op ten Berg

Watch this video to see Erik describe in detail how each tool / activity works with examples.

Please note that the video and audio quality is a little shaky in places. Sorry about that! We had some technical issues with Skype that were difficult to overcome.

Four Stages of Creative Problem Solving

The first two stages help you and your group ‘explore ideas’. The third stage helps you select the best ideas and the fourth tests the feasibility of your best ideas.

These are the four stages you need to go through (no skipping a stage please):

  • Idea generation
  • Idea expansion
  • Idea selection
  • Idea feasibility

Always start with the ABC Avalanche and then use 1 or 2 of the next 5 tools to expand the list of possible solutions.

1. ABC Avalanche (3:55sec on video)

A very basic brainstorming technique but extremely powerful.

This tool asks people to generate at least 26 ideas for a specific challenge sorting them by their first letters. It takes about 10-15 minutes.

  • Write down the central question.
  • Write down the letters of the alphabet.
  • Generate many ideas sorting them by their first letters.
  • Complete the alphabet.

Because participants focus on generating a specific number of ideas they postpone their judgments.

These attitudes are core to creative problem solving:

  • Generating many alternative ideas.
  • Postponing judgments.
  • Moving past the first few (obvious) ideas.

Depending on the number of people in the session you can split into sub-groups. Feel free to build in a little competition between the groups if you like.

From this stage you have at least 26 starting ideas and people won’t have jumped into judging whether they are good ideas or not.

2. Breaking Assumptions (7:38min on video)

This is a second stage to an ABC Avalanche.

One of the very classical thinking techniques because to be truly creative you need to break patterns.

Once you’re aware of a pattern or an assumption in your idea generation so far you can deliberately break this assumption and new ideas will come forward and present themselves.

  • List 5 assumptions present in the question or in the list of ideas.
  • Take the opposite of each assumption.
  • Imagine new solutions that run opposite to the initial assumptions.
  • Add these to your list of ideas.

You ask the group to identify any patterns or assumptions that are built into either the challenge or list of ideas they’ve generated so far.

Then you ask them to take the opposite view (i.e. break that assumption) and come up with any new solutions and add them to your list of ideas.

3. Association Flower (11:13min on video)

Also a second stage technique after ABC Avalanche giving you and your group extra ‘access points’ from which to consider the challenge and generate more ideas.

This technique will generate a long list of associated keywords that can be used to generate even more ideas related to the original challenge.

  • Write down a keyword about the challenge in the centre of the flower and four words that are associated with the keyword around it (see template on next page).
  • Write around this keyword four associations.
  • Then follow each of the 4 words in turn up its branch writing associated keywords as you go.
  • Then use all these words to think in a new way about your challenge and generate even more ideas.
  • Make the list of ideas as large as possible.

4. Visual Connections (15:33min on video)

Another way to create new ‘access points’ from which to generate new ideas.

  • Focus on an interesting object, picture or an article in a newspaper.
  • Write down your thoughts, reactions, impressions and observations.
  • Make connections to the central topic and write these down as new ideas.
  • Repeat this several times and expand your list of ideas.

You could bring a deck of pictures with you, or a set of magazines, or even ask the participants to bring their own magazines so they’re an integral part of the process.

5. SCAMPER (18:31min on video)

Use the 8 words from the acronym to approach the challenge from a different angle and generate a larger list of creative ideas.

SCAMPER is the summary of 72 questions used by Alex Osborn who is the man that founded the concept of brainstorming in the early 40s.

  • SUBSTITUTE: parts, the whole, material…
  • COMBINE: functions, material, just different…
  • ADAPT: other color, place, use, form, timing…
  • MAXIMIZE: bigger, stronger, longer, more time, macro level, use more often…
  • MINIMIZE: smaller, lighter, shorter, micro level, less important…
  • PUT TO OTHER USES: other context…
  • ELIMINATE: parts, functions, material…
  • REVERSE: sequence, upside down, inside out…

There’s no need to do all these words. Let them go wherever they want to go to create more productive access points to tackle the original challenge.

6. Analogy with nature (22:32min on video)

Sometimes people are using this technique as biomimicry .

Your question to the group: what kind of animals are you thinking about when you use your imagination?

Get them to list lots of animals quickly and ask them to select one. What is it that makes this an extraordinary animal?

Once you have that list of characteristics about the animal use those words as access points to generate more ideas about the challenge. What you’re doing here is using the beauty of nature and bringing that connection back to the challenge.

  • List several names of animals.
  • Choose a special animal with no link to the problem.
  • List 10 characteristics about this animal.
  • Use each characteristic as a stimulus for new ideas.
  • Make a force-to-fit to the problem and boost your list of ideas.

Next step is to select ideas through a process of prioritization that you want to go deeper into and do further work on to develop them further.

7. Selecting ideas & COCD Box (24:37min on video)

Using a combination of dots (or hits as Erik calls them) and his COCD box you’re looking to boil down your grand list of ideas down to about 15 really good ones (5 in each color – blue, red and yellow).

  • 5-15 IDEAS: everybody selects his or her 1-3 favorite hits; make out of these a top 3.
  • 15-40 IDEAS: 5 sparkling ideas per person; focus on these and define an overall top 5 using dots or hits.
  • >40 IDEAS: select individually 5-8 blue-red-yellow ideas (COCD-box); define the BIG 5 in each color.

Once you have 5 good ideas in each of the coloured boxes look for themes across them to try and boil everything down to a Top 5 by making some smart combinations.

If you’re looking for breakthrough ideas (and most often you will be) the ideas in the red box will be the ones you want to focus on in the next stage.

8. Concepting (30:07min on video)

What you’re looking to do now is enrich your ideas into concepts. You do this by combining your headline ideas with other ideas that are closely related from your overall list.

Take each red idea in turn and see if you can bundle in other ideas from the grand list.

  • Focus on the selected ideas.
  • Take one idea and add on different ideas (with and without dots) from the idea list, to enrich the original idea.
  • Do this for all the selected ideas.
  • Give the enriched ideas an attractive title.
  • Go on with these results.

Then give the enriched ideas a more attractive title.

9. PPCO (33:38min on video)

This is one of Erik’s little gems he got out of his Master of Science in Buffalo.

At this stage you’re looking to expand and test your best ideas or concepts for feasibility.

  • Pluses : what is good, positive about the idea.
  • Potentials : what are the possibilities if the idea were pursued.
  • Concerns : phrase shortcomings or limitations of the idea as questions.
  • Overcomes : generate ideas to overcome the ‘burning’ concerns.

PPCO is like a SWOT analysis but in a more positive end. A moving towards approach instead of getting away approach. Facing truth and reality in a way of opportunities.

Pluses : Let’s see why we should do this idea. Potentials : What are the extra potentials of this idea that you haven’t considered before? These are extra or super pluses. Concerns : ‘how can I overcome (insert negative point here) …” Overcomes : your last stage of creative thinking where you’re generating answers of how to overcome your concerns.

You end with a triple positive state with very realistic backgrounds. That’s the kind of creativity you need when you have a good idea and you want to move it further whilst trying to taste a bit of the potential of it.

Creative problem solving is a process that, if you have the right tools and activities at hand, you can consistently achieve fantastic results from.

For your session to be a success you need to make sure you move past the first few obvious ideas, you generate tonnes of alternatives and that you postpone judgment on the quality of each idea until the appropriate moment.

How does your experience stack up? Do you have any secrets you’d like to share in the comments below?

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About the Author

Erik op ten Berg (1963) holds a Master of Science Degree in Creativity and Change Leadership, and is educated in Innovation Management at Delft Technical University in The Netherlands. He is a well-known trainer in Creative Problem Solving, and moderator of hundreds of change focused brainstorm workshops. Besides his own company Pioen consult he is also partner at the “Center for the Development of Creative Thinking” (COCD) in Belgium.

Thanks great would like to communicate with Erik Op Ten Berg

dear Rakesh! send me an email at [email protected] ; I will appologize for the delays in my answer because of some Summer holiday trips until August 22…

Thanks for sharing all these ideas. Very interesting and it generates a lots of ideas. One of them is the potential use of istock or getty image platform to search visuals using key words for Visual connections exercises. Wonder if you have try something like this in the past.

Great idea Dany. You need to be careful of potential copyright infringements obviously but there are loads of free stock image repositories out there too you can use in the way you suggest.

hi Dany! visual connections are an “easy way” to create access to thoughts that didn’t came up before; you can do this offline and also online; my experience with group thinking is better with offline pictures then online; bur for individual practice the online inspiration can be very productive and provocative; I wish you lots of creative detours in your own thinking; best wishes, Erik op ten Berg

Very educative, very informative, very useful for a trainer/coach. Thanks for great help to trainer community. World owes you a lot.

excellent approach

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Training Presentation/Powerpoint:

Design Thinking: Ideation Techniques

Ideation is at the heart of the Design Thinking process. Ideation sessions help you to challenge assumptions, think outside the box, and explore uncharted territory. In the ideation phase, you explore and come up with as many ideas as possible. 

The classic way of ideating is brainstorming. Brainstorming is applied in the "ideate" phase in a variety of way. It is primarily about generating as many ideas (ideation) as possible before they are sorted, combined or clustered. The selection of preferred ideas usually takes place within the framework of an evaluation and vote on the team. For this, tools such as dot voting and the decision matrix are used. The selection of ideas is one of the most difficult elements in the design cycle, since the earlier phases are characterized by a high level of uncertainty. 

In this Ideation Techniques PPT presentation, you will learn and develop skills in six types of ideation methods that can be used in the Design Thinking cycle. They include techniques for ideas generation as well as ideas selection:


2 x 2 Matrix

6-3-5 Method (Brainwriting)

Special Brainstorming (Negative Brainstorming, Figuring Storming, and Bodystorming)

NABC (Need, Approach, Benefit and Competition)

Each Ideation technique is described in the form of the following structure:

What is it?

Why use it?

How much time and what materials do we need?

How to apply the tool

Practical tips

Key learnings

This presentation guide provides a means to introduce ideation techniques to your workshop participants in addition to the traditional brainstorming method. It helps to make your ideation sessions fun and exciting.

Learning Objectives

Gain knowledge on the various ideation techniques that can be used in the design thinking cycle.

Develop skills in the application of ideation techniques.

Understand the expert tips and key learnings of ideation techniques.

​1. Brainstorming : A classic ideation technique that encourages participants to generate a multitude of ideas quickly and freely, fostering creativity and open collaboration. 2. 2 x 2 Matrix : An effective tool for organizing ideas by comparing two key criteria, facilitating structured decision-making and prioritization during the ideation process. 3. Dot Voting : A simple and efficient method for participants to anonymously vote on their favorite ideas, enabling quick consensus-building and idea selection. 4. 6-3-5 Method : A systematic approach involving six participants who each produce 3 ideas for a problem in the first round. Each of the ideas will then be further developed by the other participants in the next 5 rounds. 5. Special Brainstorming : An innovative ideation technique that encourages participants to think from unusual perspectives or roles, stimulating creativity and unique solutions. 6. NABC : A structured method that prompts participants to outline the Need, Approach, Benefit, and Competition for each idea, enhancing the clarity and viability of potential solutions.

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Design Thinking: Warm-Up Games

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Business Model Canvas

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Digital Transformation: Step-by-step Implementation Guide

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Strategic Planning: Eight Steps to Implementation

Hoshin Kanri

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Design Thinking PowerPoint Presentation

Free Design Thinking Process PowerPoint Template

Number of slides: 10

Design Thinking is a human-centered, iterative process for creative problem-solving. It focuses on understanding users and their problems to generate innovative solutions and experiment through prototyping and testing. Use this PowerPoint template to cover every stage of the Design Thinking process and present the best user-centric solutions for the business.

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Design Thinking PowerPoint Slides for Agile teams

Design thinking process ppt slide.

Start your presentation by explaining what Design Thinking is. You will find a circular diagram to display the five steps of the Design Thinking process: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. This section will give your audience an overview of how the whole process looks like. In the next slides, you will be able to explain more about the stages your team went through to come up with the solutions.

Design Thinking’s Empathize Stage

Empathize, the first step in the design thinking process, is all about research. For this stage, put yourself in the user’s shoes to deeply understand their feelings and thoughts around the issue you want to solve. In the Empathize PPT slide, you will be able to showcase all the information you’ve gathered about your user.

Design Thinking Prototype PowerPoint Slide

Prototype is another fun step of the Design Thinking process. Here, you’ll start to build a low-fidelity first version of your product. It should be simple and easy to operate for the users, this way you can obtain an idea of how your potential solution will work in the real world.

Creative Design Thinking slides for innovation

The Design Thinking PowerPoint presentation comes with creative individual slides to cover the five steps of the Design Thinking process.

Why is Design Thinking important in business?

Design Thinking encourages organizations to have a human centered focus across the entire designing process. This makes teams create better products and services that solve people real-life problems.

Design thinking Ideas

At the end of this template, there’s a slide where you can sum up the whole process and highlight the top three ideas with better chances to solve the initial challenge.


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problem solving and ideation ppt

What is Ideation – and How to Prepare for Ideation Sessions

Ideation is the process where you generate ideas and solutions through sessions such as Sketching , Prototyping , Brainstorming , Cheatstorming , Brainwriting, Worst Possible Idea, and a wealth of other ideation techniques. Ideation is also the third stage in the Design Thinking process. Although many people might have experienced a “brainstorming” session before, it is not easy to facilitate a truly fruitful ideation session. In this article, we’ll teach you some processes and guidelines which will help you facilitate and prepare for productive, effective, innovative and fun ideation sessions.

Ideation is often the most exciting stage in a Design Thinking project, because during Ideation, the aim is to generate a large quantity of ideas that the team can then filter and cut down into the best, most practical or most innovative ones in order to inspire new and better design solutions and products.

“Ideation is the mode of the design process in which you concentrate on idea generation. Mentally it represents a process of ‘going wide’ in terms of concepts and outcomes. Ideation provides both the fuel and also the source material for building prototypes and getting innovative solutions into the hands of your users.” – d.school, An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE

Ideation Will Help You:

Ask the right questions and innovate with a strong focus on your users, their needs, and your insights about them.

Step beyond the obvious solutions and therefore increase the innovation potential of your solution.

Bring together perspectives and strengths of your team members.

Uncover unexpected areas of innovation.

Create volume and variety in your innovation options.

Get obvious solutions out of your heads, and drive your team beyond them.

Why do We Need Ideation in Design Thinking?

We’ll let Grand Old Man of User Experience , Don Norman , answer this important question in a down-to-earth and very relevant way. Don Norman helps us take one step back and reflect upon why we need to challenge assumptions, ask stupid questions and provoke our current understanding, which is—in fact—what Ideation methods such as Challenge Assumptions, SCAMPER, and Provocations help us do:

“One of my concerns has been design education , where the focus has been centered too much upon craft skills and too little on gaining a deeper understanding of design principles , of human psychology, technology and society. As a result, designers often attempt to solve problems about which they know nothing. I have also come to believe that in such ignorance lies great power: The ability to ask stupid questions. What is a stupid question? It is one which questions the obvious. ‘Duh,’ thinks the audience, ‘this person is clueless.’ Well, guess what, the obvious is often not so obvious. Usually it refers to some common belief or practice that has been around for so long that it has not been questioned. Once questioned, people stammer to explain: sometimes they fail. It is by questioning the obvious that we make great progress. This is where breakthroughs come from. We need to question the obvious, to reformulate our beliefs, and to redefine existing solutions, approaches, and beliefs. That is design thinking. Ask the stupid question. People who know a lot about a field seldom think to question the fundamentals of their knowledge. People from outside the discipline do question it. Many times their questions simply reveal a lack of knowledge, but that is OK, that is how to acquire the knowledge. And every so often, the question sparks a basic and important reconsideration. Hurrah for Design Thinking.” – Don Norman, in Rethinking Design Thinking

According to Don Norman, asking stupid questions is not stupid at all. However, Ideation and Design Thinking is not only about challenging assumptions and asking so-called stupid questions. It’s also about going from researching and defining your users and their needs in the Empathise and Define phases and moving on into starting to come up with the right solutions for the users via Ideation methods:

“You ideate in order to transition from identifying problems to creating solutions for your users. Ideation is your chance to combine the understanding you have of the problem space and people you are designing for with your imagination to generate solution concepts. Particularly early in a design project, ideation is about pushing for a widest possible range of ideas from which you can select, not simply finding a single, best solution.” – d.school, An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE

The d.school celebrates Design Thinking, and d.school provides one of the most – if not the most – celebrated and recognised resources on Design Thinking and ideation techniques. D-school is a design school based at Stanford University in cooperation with the German Hasso Plattner Institute of the University of Potsdam. Here, we’ll introduce you to how you can prepare for Ideation Sessions based on d.school and the international design and consulting firm IDEO’s best practices.

Get Started in Applying Ideation Methods

Ideation facilitation is a challenging and complex task. It requires experience in understanding and managing teams, people dynamics, adaptability and flexibility and a range of other soft skills, which in reality are really hard to master. Having said that, there's nothing like experience to help you learn the ropes of any field. The best way to learn is to take the theory and techniques you learn from the experts, and then apply and test them in your own context and adapt them to your own needs.

Preparation before the Storm

When we're about to venture into stormy territory, we know we need to prepare for a bumpy ride and take extra provisions so that we come out on the other side and arrive at our destination unscathed. An ideation process such as Brainstorming or Challenging Assumptions is no different. Wandering into a Brainstorm without preparation is asking for trouble. You may inadvertently damage your team's perception of ideation and scar them for future creative activities. You could also damage team cohesion by going into a situation like this and causing team members to fall out with each other due to a brainstorming session gone wrong.

How to Prepare Before You Start Ideating

problem solving and ideation ppt

Even though Design Thinking is not a linear process, it is crucial to take into account the first two stages or modes in Design Thinking before you start ideating. If you neglect to take these two modes and their guidelines into account before an Ideation session, you risk becoming lost. The Empathise and Define guidelines will help you develop the sufficient background knowledge and set a clear goal for your ideation sessions.

1st Mode: Empathise

Design Thinking’s first two modes or stages – as presented by the d-school and us here at the Interaction Design Foundation – can help us prepare for the Ideation session. The first part of the preparation is the Empathise mode, which is all about researching and observing in field studies – and watching, engaging with and listening to your users:

“ Empathy is the centerpiece of a human-centered design process. The Empathize mode is the work you do to understand people, within the context of your design challenge. It is your effort to understand the way they do things and why, their physical and emotional needs, how they think about the world, and what is meaningful to them.” – d-school, An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE

The Empathy mode will help you conduct relevant research and become an instant-expert on the subject and gain invaluable empathy for the person you are designing for.

2nd Mode: Define

The next stage, which you should to take into account when preparing an ideation session, is the Define mode, which is all about making sense of the widespread information you have gathered in the first mode:

“The Define mode of the design process is all about bringing clarity and focus to the design space. It is your chance, and responsibility, as a design thinker to define the challenge you are taking on, based on what you have learned about your user and about the context.” – d-school, An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE

Defining involves synthesising and making sense of all the available information you gathered during the Empathise mode, by discovering connections and patterns. You will often want to use methods such as Affinity Diagrams , and Sharing Inspiring User Stories and Personas . By the end of the Define mode, your goal is to construct a meaningful and actionable problem statement, also known as a Point Of View (POV).

A good problem statement or POV will allow you to ideate in a goal-oriented manner. Your POV defines the RIGHT challenge to address in the ideation sessions. It may seem counterintuitive, but d-school recommends that you construct a more narrowly-focussed problem statement as this will result in both a greater quantity and higher quality solutions when you and your team start generating ideas. In the ideation process, POV should be your guiding statement that focusses on your insights about your users and their needs .

How do you define your Point Of View?

You define the type of person you are designing for – your user . For instance, you can develop one or more personas, use affinity diagrams, empathy maps and other methods, which help you understand and crystallise your research results – observations, interviews, fieldwork, etc.

You extract and synthesise your users’ most essential needs , which are the most important to fulfill. Remember that needs should be verbs.

You work to express insights you developed through the synthesis of information that you gathered during your initial Empathise mode. The insight should typically not simply be a reason for the need, but rather a synthesised statement that you can leverage in your design solution.

Write your definitions into a Point Of View template like this one:

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Your Point Of View template:

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Step 3 – POV Madlib

You can articulate a POV by combining these three elements – user, need, and insight – as an actionable problem statement that will drive the rest of your design work. It’s surprisingly easy when you insert your findings in the POV Madlib below. You can articulate your POV by inserting your information about your user, the needs and your insights in the following sentence:

[ User . . . (descriptive)] needs [ Need . . . (verb)] because [ Insight . . . (compelling)]

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Condense your Point Of View by using this POV Madlib.

Example: An adult person who lives in the city… needs access to a shared car 1-4 times for 10-60 minutes per week … because he would rather share a car with more people as this is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, however it should still be easy for more people to share.

Step 4 – Make Sure That Your Point Of View is One That:

Provides a narrow focus.

Frames the problem as a problem statement.

Inspires your team.

Guides your innovation efforts.

Informs criteria for evaluating competing ideas.

Is sexy and captures people’s attention.

Is valid, insightful, actionable, unique, narrow, meaningful, and exciting.

Yay! You’re now well-equipped to create a POV and it’s time to understand how to start using your POV in a way which crystallises all of your previous work from the Empathise and Define modes.

Do you want to learn how you can get started creating your own Point Of View/problem statement for your next design project and ideation session? Then you can download our Point Of View template :

Point of View - Problem Statement

3rd mode: Ideate

When you’ve developed your POV it’s time to start ideating. Begin with your Point Of View or problem statement. Break that larger challenge up into smaller actionable pieces. Look for aspects of the statement to complete the sentence, “How might we…?”

“How Might We?” Questions Frame and Open Up Your Design Challenge

You start using your POV by reframing the POV into a question: Instead of saying, we need to design X or Y, Design Thinking explores new ideas and solutions to a specific design challenge. It’s time to start using the Ideation method that involves asking, “How Might We…?”

problem solving and ideation ppt

Examples of How to Generate HMW Questions Which Fuel your Ideation Sessions

When you’ve defined your design challenge in a POV, you can start opening up for ideas to solve your design challenge. You can start using your POV by asking a specific question starting with, “How Might We?” or “in-what-ways-might-we?”. For example: How might we… design a driverless car, which is environmental friendly, cheap and easy for more people to share?

You then break the POV into smaller and actionable pieces as follows:

You might start coming up with too narrow questions, such as: “ HMW create a taxi which does not need a chauffeur”.

Or you questions might become too broad : “HMW redesign transportation”.

You should strive to ask an inspiring and specific question which can be the main question which you use as your guide in your ideation sessions: “HMW design a driverless car, which is environmental friendly, cheap and easy to share for more people.”

After you’ve asked the foundational question you start breaking the POV into several smaller and actionable sub-questions which you can center your different ideation sessions around: “HMW design an electric car?” and “HMW design a car which has a digital code as a key which is safe to share among a lot of varying users.”

These are simple examples, all with their own subtle nuances that may influence slightly different approaches in the ideation phases. Your HMW questions will ensure that your upcoming creative ideation and design activities are informed with one or more HMW questions, which spark your imagination and aligns well with the core insights and user needs that you’ve uncovered.

“We use the How Might We format because it suggests that a solution is possible and because they offer you the chance to answer them in a variety of ways. A properly framed How Might We doesn’t suggest a particular solution, but gives you the perfect frame for innovative thinking.” – Ideo.org

How Might We (HMW) questions are the best way to open up Brainstorm and other Ideation sessions. HMW opens up to Ideation sessions where you explore ideas that can help you solve your design challenge. By framing your challenge as a How Might We question, you’ll prepare yourself for an innovative solution in the third Design Thinking phase, the Ideation phase. The How Might We method is constructed in such a way that it opens up the field for new ideas, admits that we do not currently know the answer, and encourages a collaborative approach to solving it.

Best Practice Guide to Asking How Might We

Begin with your Point of View (POV) or problem statement. Start by rephrasing and framing your Point Of View as several questions by adding “How might we?” at the beginning.

Break that larger POV challenge up into smaller actionable and meaningful questions. Five to ten How Might We questions for one POV is a good starting point.

It is often helpful to brainstorm the HMW questions before the solutions brainstorm.

Look at your How Might We questions and ask yourself if they allow for a variety of solutions. If they don’t, broaden them. Your How Might We questions should generate a number of possible answers and will become a launch pad for your Ideation Sessions, such as Brainstorms.

If your How Might We questions are too broad, narrow them down. You should aim for a narrow enough frame to let you know where to start your Brainstorm, but at the same time you should also aim for enough breadth to give you room to explore wild ideas.

You can download and print out our How Might We template which you and your team can use as a guide:

How Might We Questions

Characteristics Required for Successful Ideation

Ideation requires purposefully adopting certain characteristics, whether they are natural or whether they need to be encouraged and learnt. Regardless of one's personality or way of thinking, we all fall into the trap of sticking to patterns and familiar ground, and tend to use the same recipes for solving problems, as this reduces the cognitive load required. Experts and novices alike need to be constantly self-aware and purposely intend to adopt some of the following characteristics, which create an open mind and fertile ground for sparking unconventional ideas.

Adapting: Be able to switch how you see, understand, and extend thinking as new input gets generated.

Connecting: Be able to connect seemingly unrelated concepts, attributes or themes in order to create new possibilities.

Disrupting: Be able to overturn commonly held beliefs, assumptions or norms in order to re-think conventional approaches.

Flipping: Turn dead-ends or deadlocks into opportunities by flipping them over or rapidly changing direction towards greater viability.

Dreaming and Imagining: Be able to visualise a new picture of reality by turning abstract needs into tangible pictures or stories, thereby allowing the space required for inventing bridges to that reality.

Experimental: Be open and curious enough to explore possibilities and take risks; be willing and eager to test out ideas and eager to venture into the unknown.

Recognise Patterns: Seek to spot common threads of meaning, and ways of seeing, doing and behaving; be able to recognise attributes or shared values across a spectrum of influence and input; and finally be able to utilize these commonalities to build solutions.

Curiosity: Be willing to ask uncomfortable, silly or even crazy questions. Be willing to explore and experience, in order to understand and learn something new and different.

Please always remember that:

“It’s not about coming up with the ‘right’ idea, it’s about generating the broadest range of possibilities.” – d.school, An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE

The Take Away – Design Thinking's Ideation Compass

Unlike the all too familiar designer's nightmare of staring at a blank page unable to conjure up ideas from the creative ether, Design Thinking’s first two modes, Empathise and Define, gives you a solid base to launch relevant and well-informed ideas, which hit the mark in surprising and delightful ways, no voodoo required. Sometimes it will make sense to visibly display personas, stories, scenarios and other maps from which you have derived insights and the Point Of View to keep the ship steering in the appropriate direction during your ideation session. Most of all, your Point Of View should be centre stage.

When you've got your Point Of View, you'll start asking “How Might We?” questions and you might feel as if you've already walked a long hard road to get there. Keep calm and ideate! Everything you've been doing up until this point is really about to come to life. Shake up the ranks and make some space for unleashing your ideas, all of them, however weird and wonderful they may be. Be prepared to throw it all out there.

Wait, did I hear you say you're shy? Are you worried others may poke fun at your ideas? Are you concerned your manager may shoot down your ideas? Have no fear; you can learn to create that happy place where you and your team members can really unleash that inner, clever child. The first point of comfort should be that the steps you have completed leads up to your Point Of View and “How Might We?” questions, have already sufficiently set the boundaries within which you can freely explore. True creativity really thrives within constraints, not on absolutely limitless possibilities. Your “How Might We?” questions provide a clear guide to keep the exploration in the ideation sessions meaningful and relevant.

References & Where to Learn More

d-school, Bootcamp Bootleg , 2010.

Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO, Change by Design, 2009

Don Norman. Rethinking Design Thinking , 2013.

Design Thinking: The Ultimate Guide

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Problem Solving Presentation Templates

Present the problem-solving processes effectively with our premade problem solving powerpoint templates and google slides themes. crafted to guide you from problem identification to resolution, these free templates breathe life into complex strategies. they feature creative, fully editable infographics, like puzzles and light bulb designs..

Problem solving

  • Analytical Thinking: Breaking down a problem into smaller parts to understand its nature.
  • Creative Thinking: Thinking outside the box to find unique and effective solutions.
  • Decision Making: Choosing the best course of action among different alternatives.
  • Team Collaboration: Working together to generate diverse perspectives and solutions.
  • Communicate the problem statement clearly to stakeholders.
  • Exhibit potential solutions and their implications.
  • Rally teams around a unified strategy.
  • Track progress and outcomes.

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How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

How To Build A Problem Solving PowerPoint

We're here to help you, what is problem solving presentation templates.

Problem Solving Presentation Templates is a set of pre-designed PowerPoint slides that you can use to present and explain problem-solving strategies. The templates provide visuals and text that you can use to describe the problem-solving process, from identifying the problem to finding a solution.

Where can we use these Problem Solving Slides?

You can use these Problem Solving Slides for corporate meetings, educational classes, team-building events, or workshops. You can also use them to help facilitate brainstorming sessions and critical thinking activities.

How can I make Problem Solving PPT Slides in a presentation?

Start by creating a slide that outlines the problem. This should include the problem statement and a brief description of the context. Including brainstorming, researching, listing potential solutions, analyzing the data, and finally arriving at a solution. Suppose you want to create slides by yourself. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Anyone can use Problem Solving PPT Templates to present a problem-solving strategy or process visually engagingly. These templates can be used by professionals, educators, students, business owners, and anyone looking to share a problem-solving approach with an audience.

Why do we need Problem Solving Presentation Slides?

Presenting a problem-solving Presentation slide helps illustrate complex concepts and issues. It can also engage an audience, provide visual context and simplify data. Problem-solving slides can convey ideas and solutions effectively and explore different solutions and alternatives.

Where can I find free Problem Solving Presentation Templates?

Many websites offer free Problem Solving Presentation Templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites have uniquely designed templates that allow you to share the problem and help to track progress towards a solution.

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11 Effective Ideation Techniques & Methods for Your Team (With Templates!)

Haillie Parker

June 13, 2023

Remember that episode of SpongeBob where he has to write 500 words on what not to do at a stoplight and ends up spending hours doing anything else because he can’t think of what to write?

TBH, the ideation techniques and the overall process can feel like that sometimes, especially when the pressure to keep producing fresh ideas is so real . To stay on top of industry trends—and ahead of the competition—companies aim to maintain a never-ending supply of new, innovative ideas. But it’s not as easy as it sounds…😅

Coming up with the next big thing is hard work, and it takes more than a three-hour block on your calendar and an open conference room to make it happen. Strategy and careful planning are behind every successful brainstorming session.

Because developing unique and marketable ideas requires a well-facilitated approach, properly designed exercises, and the right resources.

To your surprise (and delight), you don’t have to identify as a creative person to come up with creative ideas. There is more to idea development than meets the eye. Very little of it comes down to personal instinct or gut feelings. 

Successful ideation sessions are effective and enjoyable, and each session shares some distinct similarities. Follow along as we dive into everything you need to know to facilitate your own ideation sessions—in person, or from home—including what ideation is, its top 11 techniques, and our favorite helpful templates . 🤓 

What are ideation techniques?

1. ai for ideation, 2. mind mapping , 3. method 6-3-5 , 4. round robin , 5. storyboarding, 6. negative brainstorming, 7. crazy 8’s.

  • 8. Prototyping 

9. Brainstorming

10. sketching.

  • 11. Brainwriting 

Start using ideation techniques in ClickUp!

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Ideation is the process of forming ideas or concepts—it is the source of new ideas. There are a ton of advantages, ranging from quicker, more flexible problem-solving to fostering team togetherness . Plus, it keeps you from staying stagnant. 

Making ideation your mission increases productivity, stimulates and encourages the team, and helps you better understand where your company should go with its SMART goals . 💜

Ideation is key to company success and higher overall ideation rates are linked to increased revenue! It comes down to work culture: create a continuous improvement culture to ultimately come up with better solutions, and make it a top priority to manage them. 

One of the biggest obstacles to coming up with new ideas is simply creating a safe space to share them. Fear of negative feedback and unequal leadership hierarchies among other reasons lead members to feel uncomfortable or hesitant in these sessions. And pressure on the team from higher-ups to solve challenges will not magically make the right ideas come to light. 

What’s more, as a leader, you want to ensure that the team feels comfortable enough to share ideas at all times—not just when the calendar says so. The solution is to uphold a positive professional environment around sharing new ideas, encouraging feedback, listening, and support.

You’re not alone in pursuit of this goal. That’s why we have 10 proven ideation techniques to get your creative juices flowing on the road to ideation success!

11 ideation techniques & strategies for your team

Consider this scenario: you’re seated in a little chilly boardroom, taking notes, gazing at a whiteboard, and listening to concepts thrown around by your peers. Time passes, a few ideas are chosen to follow up on next week, and the meeting is closed. But what if there was a more practical approach to generate fresh, actionable ideas? 

When the brainstorming approach was first launched in 1953, it was founded on four fundamental principles: 

  • Generate a considerable number of ideas 
  • Avoid criticism 
  • Encourage wild ideas
  • Expand on each other’s concepts

But in recent decades, technological advancements prompted innovation and creativity specialists to advocate for a more systematic approach to idea generation, refinement, and execution—all while retaining these fundamental principles. 

As a result, we now have organized ideation, AKA: specialized activities, methods, and models to develop ideas and accelerate corporate growth . And it’s becoming increasingly popular.

From building a marketing approach to revamping a product, this systematic approach to ideation helps teams across industries tackle almost any problem. Here are a few team-based brainstorming techniques that make your ideation sessions more inclusive, engaging, and effective:

AI can be used as an ideation technique by generating new ideas based on large amounts of data and identifying patterns and associations that humans may not recognize.

ClickUp AI can help your ideation process by leveraging machine learning algorithms to analyze your data and provide insights that can inform your decision making . Here are some specific ways that ClickUp AI can assist with ideation:

  • Idea Generation: ClickUp AI can analyze your data to generate new ideas and concepts based on patterns and associations that humans may not recognize. By mining data from your team’s projects, tasks, and activities, ClickUp AI can suggest new approaches or solutions that may have been overlooked.
  • Trend Analysis: ClickUp AI can analyze your data to identify emerging trends and opportunities for innovation. This can help your team stay ahead of the curve and develop new products and services that meet evolving customer needs.
  • Personalization: ClickUp AI can personalize products and services based on individual preferences and behaviors. By analyzing data on customer preferences, ClickUp AI can suggest tailored products and services that meet specific needs and preferences.
  • Optimization: ClickUp AI can analyze your processes and systems to identify areas for improvement and suggest new approaches. This can help your team streamline operations, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.
  • Brainstorming Assistance: ClickUp AI can assist with brainstorming sessions by providing automatic suggestions based on the input provided by your team. This can help stimulate new ideas and encourage creative thinking.

A mind map is a diagram tool to help you record and link together ideas to recall and generate new concepts faster. Think of it almost as a web to help you track your train of thought and help you remember how one idea evolved or connected to another. 

ClickUp Mind Maps

You can draw your mind map by hand on a whiteboard, or use a template to make the process a little easier. What’s more, there are a ton of tools to help you make the most of your mind map by connecting it to your workflow in a free project management software like ClickUp ! 

ClickUp Mind Maps are highly visual tools for creating logical paths between tasks that can be arranged, edited, and deleted in a matter of a few clicks. You can make one from scratch in Blank Mode or lean on ClickUp’s Simple Mind Map Template as a resource to save time while creating your diagram, then turn nodes into tasks to start acting on your ideas, instantly. 

This is arguably the greatest advantage of creating your Mind Map in a designated project management software—eliminating the grey area between having a great idea and turning it into an actionable plan. 

Plus, they’re extremely versatile. Mind map use cases range from education management to SEO testing —even human resources and home renovation planning. Mind maps give you the freedom to customize how your plans flow from one phase to the next and are easily customizable, so there’s no pressure that anything is set in stone as you go. 

First things first: you need a team of six for this method. 

This is a fully collaborative effort and you may end up with a pretty significant number of ideas with this method if you’re looking for a fresh take on an issue or a list of possible solutions. Here’s the breakdown:

👉 Each participant comes up with three recommendations to share with the group

👉 The team works to expand on each recommendation over the course of five iterations

So it’s six people, three ideas each, five iterations: 6-3-5.

The goal is to generate as many concepts as possible for a single issue—not necessarily for each idea to be extremely detailed or well thought out. This method is more about quantity than quality, but the idea is that you’ll have so many ideas, you’ll be bound to find at least one good one. 

Bonus: Concept Mapping Software

This approach may sound like something you’ve done before, but with a little twist. This method starts by proposing the problem in the form of a question starting with “how might we ____ ?” This is also known as the HMW inquiry. 

Each team member will draw (or write) a solution to the HMW inquiry, then pass their idea to the left. The person to the left will essentially iterate that new idea and present its problems and solutions going forward.

Once each HMW inquiry is passed to the left, that person will then jot down one or more reasons why that solution might fail. Then they will present the concept and its challenges, and as a group, come up with ways to keep the solution from failing.

The idea is to improve team synergy by using each other’s ideas in a fast-paced environment. It’s also a great method to get feedback on something you’re already working on and a fresh perspective in case there are any gaps in logic or resources.

One possible obstacle here though is that round-robin is better executed in person. A way to remedy this solution though is with a powerful collaboration tool or a digital whiteboard . 

Rather than passing a piece of paper between the group, share the ideas on an infinite canvas with live cursors and real-time editing to work alongside each other without overlap. Plus, virtual whiteboards have plenty of media upload, formatting, free-hand drawing, and shape features to add clarity and context to your ideas.

And did we mention that ClickUp Whiteboards connect directly to your workflow and give you the power to turn any shape on your board into a task? Just some food for thought for you. 🧠

Bonus: Team charter templates!

Storyboarding is a brainstorming process to create a visual narrative around an issue. How would you tell the story about the problem you’re having?

Bringing the tale to life allows participants to dig deeper into the issue and come up with viable solutions. Not to mention, we all digest information differently.

Our brains are built to comprehend multiple images at once and by sharing your project’s story, the team can better understand and organize the sequence of events. This alone helps reveal the root of the problem and possible solutions. 

Also known as reverse brainstorming, this method is the combination of brainstorming and taking the negative approach. The goal of negative brainstorming is to discover ways of aggravating a problem in order to come up with new ways to solve it.

The idea is that by flipping your focus to the opposite side of the spectrum, you can get more creative with how you arrive at a solution. Might sound a little confusing—but also kind of cool! 😎

When it’s tough to come up with straightforward answers to an issue, negative brainstorming should be your go-to. It’s usually an entertaining procedure that might reveal flaws in a method or product. If your team has hit the proverbial wall, change your perspective. What would make this problem even worse?  

This forces you to give your brain a break, and you may be surprised with how far that momentary refresh will get you! It’s almost like answering that age-old question: what would you do if money was not an option? 

Still not sure what this looks like? No sweat, ClickUp Whiteboards comes with a reverse brainstorming template !

ClickUp Whiteboard Templates

One of the ideation techniques we love is Crazy 8’s. First, divide a blank piece of paper into eight sections. ‍Set an 8-minute stopwatch.

This activity aims for each person to draw one concept in each square—or one idea every minute—until the canvas is filled. ‍When each minute passes, you must move on to the next prompt regardless of how far you’ve progressed in your square. You only have a minute per square, so if you don’t move on to the next one when it’s time, you’ll miss the flow of ideas and fall behind. 

This strategy works best during the ideation stage when you already have a few basic ideas to expand on to help new, stronger takes emerge faster. The goal is to come up with a variety of new ideas in a short amount of time, so if you want to return to one after the eight minutes have passed, you will still get the chance! 

8. Prototyping  

Prototyping is, in fact, an ideation approach! Before proceeding to the next phase of your project process, prototypes help flesh out every final detail, issue, and concept.

Prototypes keep things visible, which is a fantastic benefit of using them in your brainstorming process. When your team can see your concept, it’s much easier to support it and offer constructive feedback.

Your prototype can be as straightforward or as detailed as you like. However, having at least a rough idea of what you’ll be working with can act as a springboard, and ultimately will help you nail-down specifications, design, and functionality.

Drawing freehand in ClickUp Whiteboards

You could make a fast, low-fidelity prototype with ink and paper if you’re just getting started, or use a digital whiteboard to draw, organize, and share your prototype with the team.

We use this term a lot, but what does it really mean?  

Brainstorming is one of the ideation techniques that combine unofficial problem-solving with lateral thinking. Basically, the goal is to provide a safe space with no rules for team members to come up with crazy ideas. Some of these ideas are transformed into unique and innovative solutions, while others catalyze new ideas.

To use the brainstorming technique , start by outlining the problem you’re trying to address and determining the goals of a potential solution. Then, before bringing the team together, come up with solutions on your own.

Participants should not be required, reprimanded, or rewarded for their contributions. This keeps the brainstorming space supportive and encourages the flow of every idea (without stifling others). 

Try ClickUp’s Brainstorming Template for your next ideation exercise!

Visual elements elicit more ideas and offer a wider perspective. The idea here is to develop engaging drawings that you can revisit and expand on by hanging them in your conference room or storing them on a collaborative digital whiteboard.

The sketches should be simple with just enough information to communicate your message and must be accessible for other team members to contribute to it if they wish! That’s the collaborative part. This also helps people avoid becoming emotionally connected to their small art pieces.

It reminds everyone that coming up with new ideas is truly a group effort. And you can think more freely and imaginatively about your concepts by sketching them out. Then you focus on getting the thought out of your head rather than worrying about the quality of the drawing.

It may be a stick figure or a few labeled shapes, but sketches will ultimately let you capture ideas and share them with others, faster. 

Mockup anything in ClickUp Whiteboards

11. Brainwriting  

Brainwriting is a slightly different take on brainstorming. Instead of yelling out concepts, the team jots them down. Each member’s ideas are then forwarded to another person, who reads them and adds their own thoughts or ideas (if they have one).

This technique aims to alleviate any stress and anxiety associated with sharing ideas among the group. TBH, not everyone feels comfortable enough to share new ideas right off the bat, others struggle with public speaking challenges.

Also, many simply arrive at their best ideas when they are placed under less stress. Another great advantage to brainwriting? It can be done asynchronously! That, my friend, is truly the future of work. 

Point blank: to have a successful ideation session, stay focused on your objective, avoid judgments, and establish ground rules for whatever strategy you choose. Even with an endless supply of ideation techniques, you risk losing them without a system in place to keep track of them.

And no pressure to settle on just one—try them all! Every team is different, it may take a few tries to find your sweet spot but trust the process and the ideas will come. Plus, with an idea management software like ClickUp with templates, features, and automations built to tackle these very techniques, you won’t waste any time in applying them to your next ideation session. 

Connect ideas in ClickUp Mind Maps

Draw Mind Maps from scratch, drag connections between nodes, and instantly turn them into tasks in ClickUp!

Focused ideation techniques help you improve the efficiency of your creative process and save your team expenses and time.

ClickUp’s mind mapping software transforms your ideas into a clear and customizable visual outline , while its collaborative digital Whiteboards give you the creative power to create virtually anything—and act on it immediately.

ClickUp is your all-in-one work management solution for all things ideation and brainstorming. Access unlimited tasks, ClickUp Mind Maps, Whiteboards, 100MB of storage, and much more for free, forever. Then streamline your remote and in-person team processes even further with over 1,000 integrations available across plans . So what are you waiting for? 

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Innovation Problem Solving

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

Innovative Approach Problem Solving powerpoint presentation and google slides ICP

This PowerPoint presentation provides an innovative approach to problem solving. It outlines the process of understanding the problem, brainstorming solutions, analyzing the solutions, and selecting the best solution. It also includes examples of successful problem solving techniques and strategies. The presentation provides an interactive learning experience to help participants understand and apply the problem solving process. It is ideal for individuals, teams, and organizations who want to develop their problem solving skills and become more effective problem solvers.

Listen understand the problem innovation process powerpoint slides and ppt templates db

These high quality, editable pre-designed powerpoint slides and powerpoint templates have been carefully created by our professional team to help you impress your audience. Each graphic in every powerpoint slide is vector based and is 100% editable in powerpoint.Each and every property of any slide - color, size, shading etc can be modified to build an effective powerpoint presentation. Use these slides to convey complex business concepts in a simplified manner. Any text can be entered at any point in the powerpoint slide. Simply DOWNLOAD, TYPE and PRESENT

Problem Statement Innovative Financial Technology Solutions Provider Investor Funding Elevator

This slide caters to details about several problems in the market faced by prospects. These pain points are consumers spend too much of their income and have insufficient savings and investments.Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Problem Statement Innovative Financial Technology Solutions Provider Investor Funding Elevator. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Manual Saving, Efficient Portfolios, Future Economic. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Problem solving puzzle computational enterprise innovation strategy business

If you require a professional template with great design, then this Problem Solving Puzzle Computational Enterprise Innovation Strategy Business is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using ten slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Analytic And Design Approach For Effective Problem Solution Playbook For Innovation Learning

This slide showcases two step process that can help organization to transform the existing situation into a preferred one and solve business problems. Its key elements are current state, transformation process and future state. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Analytic And Design Approach For Effective Problem Solution Playbook For Innovation Learning. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Analytical Approach, Traditional Approach, Analyzing The Problem using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Basic Process For Problem Solving And Transformation Playbook For Innovation Learning

The following slide outlines various best practices of experimental methods for planning and optimizing experiments. It highlights elements such as generating hypothesis, establishing hypothesis and validating hypothesis. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Basic Process For Problem Solving And Transformation Playbook For Innovation Learning. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Current State, Future State, Transformation Process. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Metaphoric Structure For Effective Problem Solving Playbook For Innovation Learning

Purpose of the following slide is to show the metaphoric structure and help in developing learning skills accordingly. It matrix displayed highlights essential elements such as uncommon, common metaphor and their base and target mapping. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Metaphoric Structure For Effective Problem Solving Playbook For Innovation Learning. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Target Concept, Base Concept, Metaphoric Structure, Effective Problem Solving using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Process To Discover Problems And Discover Potential Solutions Playbook For Innovation Learning

This slide showcases process that can help organization in identifying business problems and developing multiple solutions to tackle them. Its key steps are discover, define, develop and deliver the solutions Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Process To Discover Problems And Discover Potential Solutions Playbook For Innovation Learning. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Discover, Develop, Problem, Definition, Process To Discover using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Public Problem Solving Framework For Innovative Learning Playbook For Innovation Learning

This slide showcases problem solving framework that can help to resolve and manage the public issues. Its key elements are working together, accelerating learning and leading change. Introducing Public Problem Solving Framework For Innovative Learning Playbook For Innovation Learning to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Working Together, Leading Change, Accelerating Learning, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Innovative finding the right problem powerpoint guide

Presenting innovative finding the right problem powerpoint guide. This is a finding the right problem powerpoint guide. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are finding the right solution, finding the right problem, user stories, testing assessment, field discovery.

Innovative problems with performance reviews ppt slides

Presenting innovative problems with performance reviews ppt slides. This is a problems with performance reviews ppt slides. This is a one stage process. The stages in this process are unclear standards, central tendency, bias, first impression, fixed impression.

Solving business problem information management system innovation leadership cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name - Solving Business Problem Information Management System Innovation Leadership Cpb. This is an editable two stages graphic that deals with topics like Solving Business Problem, Information Management System, Innovation Leadership to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download, and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Analyzing And Providing Solutions For Customer Problem Set 1 Innovation Product Development

This slide covers the problem that effects customers with benefits and features involved with all assumptions made. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Analyzing And Providing Solutions For Customer Problem Set 1 Innovation Product Development. This template helps you present information on six stages. You can also present information on Discovery And Research, Determine Problem And Success Metrics, Identify The Affected Customers, Determine The Benefits Required By The Customers, Identify The Assumption That Involves High Risk using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Customer Problem List With Impact On Organization Set 1 Innovation Product Development

This slide convers the list of customer problem metrics with effects and impact on process activities. It further discuss about the people involved in the problem statement. Introducing Customer Problem List With Impact On Organization Set 1 Innovation Product Development to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with seven stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Pickers, Packers, Dispatch Team, Courier, Sales Order Fulfillment, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Customer Problem Statement With Required Information Set 1 Innovation Product Development

This slide covers the problem statement by customer based on decision taken by the organization while providing additional information required. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Customer Problem Statement With Required Information Set 1 Innovation Product Development. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Payment History, Credit Limit, Available Credit, Outstanding Balance, Payment Speed using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Design Thinking To Provide Solutions For Customers Problems Set 1 Innovation Product Development

This slide covers the process of design thinking that will solve the problems through agile and lean approach for customers. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Design Thinking To Provide Solutions For Customers Problems Set 1 Innovation Product Development. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Problem Solving Phase, Sprint Planning, Product Backlog, Sprint Execution, Shippable Increment. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Elaborative Chart To Analyze Customer Problem Statement Set 1 Innovation Product Development

This slide covers the customers problem statements with context and impact with alternatives available with shortcomings. Introducing Elaborative Chart To Analyze Customer Problem Statement Set 1 Innovation Product Development to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with seven stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Time Wastage Instead Of Doing More Valuable, Dissatisfaction From Work, Quantifiable Impact, Emotional Impact, Customers, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Empathy Map To Determine Customers Problems Set 1 Innovation Product Development

This slide covers the customers problem statements with context and impact with alternatives available with shortcomings. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Empathy Map To Determine Customers Problems Set 1 Innovation Product Development. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Bored And Overwhelmed With Product, Exploring Better Opportunities, Figuring Out Which Superannuation Fund Is Best, Relieved With Current Situation, Individual Dont Feel Guilty While Using using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Design Thinking Innovative Problem Solving In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting Design Thinking Innovative Problem Solving In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase four stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Design Thinking Innovative Problem Solving. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Lean Platform Innovation Tools Solving Chicken Egg Problem Business

This slide covers the phases of platform innovation which focuses on exploring, ideation, prototyping, and launch and ignition. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Lean Platform Innovation Tools Solving Chicken Egg Problem Business. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Stakeholder Person Canvas, Service Canvas, Stratagy Canvas. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Process Of An Innovative Business Model Solving Chicken Egg Problem Business

Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Process Of An Innovative Business Model Solving Chicken Egg Problem Business. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Implementation, Experimenting, Concept Design using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

The innovative problem for openfin pitch deck ppt slides structure

Purpose of the following slide is to show the key problems that have caused issues in the Industry, these problems have affected the wall street and silicon valley at a large scale. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this The Innovative Problem For Openfin Pitch Deck Ppt Slides Structure. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of The Innovative Problem For Openfin Pitch Deck using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Innovation Problem Solving Communication In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Innovation Problem Solving Communication In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Innovation Problem Solving This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Innovative Solution Problem In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Innovative Solution Problem In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Innovative Solution Problem This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Innovation Problem Solving In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our Innovation Problem Solving In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases four stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Innovation Problem Solving This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Open innovation covering problem definition and domain

Presenting this set of slides with name - Open Innovation Covering Problem Definition And Domain. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Open Innovation, Innovation Management, Crowdsourcing.

Problem statement description includes purpose definition solution and innovation

Presenting this set of slides with name - Problem Statement Description Includes Purpose Definition Solution And Innovation. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are Problem Statement, Challenges And Solutions, Problem And Solution.

Awareness technology creativity innovation problem finding fact finding

Presenting this set of slides with name - Awareness Technology Creativity Innovation Problem Finding Fact Finding. This is an editable three stages graphic that deals with topics like Awareness Technology, Creativity Innovation, Problem Finding, Fact Finding to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download, and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Technology insight customer segmentation market service innovation market problem

Presenting this set of slides with name - Technology Insight Customer Segmentation Market Service Innovation Market Problem. This is an editable five stages graphic that deals with topics like Technology Insight, Customer Segmentation, Market Service Innovation, Market Problem to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download, and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

0514 central problems in management of innovation powerpoint presentation

We are proud to present our 0514 central problems in management of innovation powerpoint presentation. A unique design graph is used in this Business Power Point diagram. This diagram is suitable for displaying problems in management and innovation.

Strategic management approach hr dynamics problem solutions innovation products cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name - Strategic Management Approach Hr Dynamics Problem Solutions Innovation Products Cpb. This is an editable five stages graphic that deals with topics like Strategic, Management, Approach, Hr, Dynamics, Problem, Solutions, Innovation, Products to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download,and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Innovative talent management approach problem solving customer services cpb

Presenting this set of slides with name - Innovative Talent Management Approach Problem Solving Customer Services Cpb. This is an editable five stages graphic that deals with topics like Innovative Talent Management, Approach Problem Solving, Customer Services to help convey your message better graphically. This product is a premium product available for immediate download, and is 100 percent editable in Powerpoint. Download this now and use it in your presentations to impress your audience.

Problem connecting to internet email message idea innovation find solution symbol ppt icons graphics

Presenting problem connecting to internet email message idea innovation find solution symbol ppt icons graphics. This Power Point template diagram has been crafted with graphic of internet and business icons. This PPT icon diagram contains the concept of idea innovation and solution finding representation. Use this PPT icon diagram for business and internet related presentations.

Innovation matrix for problem and solution

Presenting this set of slides with name Innovation Matrix For Problem And Solution. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Breakthrough Innovation, Sustaining Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, Basic Research. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Innovation matrix with problem definition

Presenting this set of slides with name Innovation Matrix With Problem Definition. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are Breakthrough Innovation, Sustaining Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, Basic Research. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Problem and domain centric innovation matrix

Presenting this set of slides with name Problem And Domain Centric Innovation Matrix. This is a four stage process. The stages in this process are Breakthrough Innovation, Sustaining Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, Frontier Research. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thinking critically making decisions solving problems innovation ppt slides

Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Innovation Ppt Slides. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are Effective Reasoning, Creativity And Innovation, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Schema Development And Activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thinking critically making decisions solving problems template creativity and innovation ppt slides

Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Creativity And Innovation Ppt Slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Effective Reasoning, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template, Creativity, Innovation, Schema Development, Activation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Thinking critically making decisions solving problems template innovation ppt samples

Presenting this set of slides with name Thinking Critically Making Decisions Solving Problems Template Innovation Ppt Samples. The topics discussed in these slides are Thinking Critically, Making Decisions, Solving Problems, Template Innovation. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Solution for the problem focus on innovation and creativity consumer electronics sales decline

The slide shows the companys problem Lack of Innovation and solution to mitigate the risk associated with the problem. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Solution For The Problem Focus On Innovation And Creativity Consumer Electronics Sales Decline. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Technology, Industry, Innovative, Advertising Expenses. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Solution for the problem focus on innovation and creativity electronic component demand weakens

The slide shows the companys problem Lack of Innovation and solution to mitigate the risk associated with the problem. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Solution For The Problem Focus On Innovation And Creativity Electronic Component Demand Weakens. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Solution For The Problem Focus On Innovation And Creativity. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Solution for the problem focus innovation revenue decline smartphone manufacturing company

The slide shows the companys problem Lack of Innovation and solution to mitigate the risk associated with the problem. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Solution For The Problem Focus Innovation Revenue Decline Smartphone Manufacturing Company. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Solution For The Problem Focus On Innovation And Creativity using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Problem solving innovation project ppt powerpoint presentation model designs download cpb

Presenting Problem Solving Innovation Project Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Model Designs Download Cpb slide which is completely adaptable. The graphics in this PowerPoint slide showcase three stages that will help you succinctly convey the information. In addition, you can alternate the color, font size, font type, and shapes of this PPT layout according to your content. This PPT presentation can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also a useful set to elucidate topics like Problem Solving Innovation Project. This well structured design can be downloaded in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, without any delay, click on the download button now.

Meeting problem solving innovation ppt powerpoint presentation icon influencers cpb

Presenting our Meeting Problem Solving Innovation Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Icon Influencers Cpb PowerPoint template design. This PowerPoint slide showcases seven stages. It is useful to share insightful information on Meeting Problem Solving Innovation This PPT slide can be easily accessed in standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. It is also available in various formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, the PowerPoint slideshow is completely editable and you can effortlessly modify the font size, font type, and shapes according to your wish. Our PPT layout is compatible with Google Slides as well, so download and edit it as per your knowledge.

Problem Statement Financial Innovation Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

This slide caters to details about several problems in the market faced by prospects. These pain points are consumers spend too much of their income and have insufficient savings and investments.Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Problem Statement Financial Innovation Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Portfolios Clients, Saving Options, Consumer Spending using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Problem Solution Innovative Startup Go To Market Strategy GTM SS

The following slide showcases various problems which innovative fintech startups can solve. It includes gaps such as responsiveness, near field communication NFC, cross border payments, etc. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Problem Solution Innovative Startup Go To Market Strategy GTM SS. This template helps you present information on two stages. You can also present information on International Payments, International Transactions, App Responsiveness, Problem, Solution using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

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Home Blog Business 5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

PPT Templates Problem Solving - 5 Problem Solving Strategies to Become a Better Problem Solver

A lot of people would agree on the fact that life is full of challenges. People become proficient enough when it comes to catering small problems or issues in hand. However, those who attain exceptional insights into problem-solving can gain success in the long run. Problem-solving can enable anybody to gain an edge over their peers and achieve more. The bigger the problem, the difference is the approach. We all are tasked with some form of problem-solving, whether it’s in our workplace or even homes.

It doesn’t really matter whether you’re solving a challenge for your client, discovering new problems to solve or even helping to solve one problem, having a dedicated problem-solving technique can flourish you as a whole. For instance, if we take an example of a manager’s role, he/she is liable to solve every business challenge in the way (with the appropriate resources). Confidence to solve a problem is required here. Now, the confidence can only be achieved when you have a good problem-solving approach up your sleeves.

Let’s move ahead and understand what is problem-solving and what it actually represents? In simpler terms, a problem-solving technique is a framework to cater challenges quickly and in a precise manner. If you’re looking forward to solving problems in hand without much difficulty, you can consider improving your problem-solving skills. As you gain experience with problem-solving, you might develop your own set of techniques as well as strategies. However, for now, let’s explore the components of a dedicated problem-solving endeavor.

  • Understanding The Challenge
  • Brainstorming
  • Picking The Best Strategy
  • Deploying The Solution
  • Listing The Obstacles
  • Finding The Golden Opportunities
  • Reverse Engineer The Problem
  • Staying Open-Minded
  • An Uninterested Observer
  • Misleading Information
  • Functional Fixedness

The 4 stages of Problem-Solving

PPT Template Problem Solving Stages

1. Understanding The Challenge

One of the first steps is to really define the problem. Unless and until you can identify what you’re dealing with, you can never gain an edge. Getting access to the detailed image is of great importance. When you define the problem, you simply get your hands on what’s actually wrong! You can begin by extracting the principal segments of the challenge. Also, take assumptions, data as well as hypothesis into consideration. Ask the right questions! If you’re having issues with the performance of your employees, one might think it’s the human error. Well, if you stress-upon carefully, you might find a lack of training or unbearable workload the real issues.

2. Brainstorming

It is of the most popular and proven problem-solving stage, brainstorming is one of the most effective ways leaders solve problems around the world. When you’re not able to manifest next steps in solving a problem, brainstorming comes into play. It can be an individual or group activity which is purposed to generate ‘N’ number of solutions and then identifying the best solution as per the challenge. Writing down the ways to solve complex problems increases the creativity and optimizes the thought process.

3. Picking The Best Strategy

Once you’re done scrutinizing the problem and end up with some considerable options to solve it, it’s time for decision making. It is of utmost importance to consider all the options and then pick the one which can offer a win-win. People who confine themselves to a single technique or option very quickly don’t become great problem solvers. Once you’re sure of a strategy, you can move to the next stage.

4. Deploying The Solution

Implementation and deploying a potential solution is a crucial step. At times, you might have to change the business model of your organization. One should draw the action plan in such a manner that the proposed solutions can be welcomed by associated personnel as well as the organization. Otherwise, there can be a negative shift as well. You must understand that implementing the right solution is the key to increase the productivity of any individual as well as an organization.

Five Well-Known Problem Solving Techniques

1. listing the obstacles.

Problem-solving starts when you start exploring each and every possibility of a problem. As a matter of fact, problems are rarely isolated. People with high problem-solving ability often take a detailed view of the involved issues. Further, they jot down all the possible potential factors which can further get in the way of a proposed solution. When you list every obstacle, you certainly decrease the possibility of backfiring due to the newly implemented solution. Hence, a higher degree of success can be attained when problems are managed in a more comprehensive manner.

2. Finding The Golden Opportunities

Most of the time the real gold opportunities are often wrapped up inside simpler challenges. The problem you’re dealing with might just look bigger to handle. If you shift your perspective, you might find it simple to crack. You should understand that people who are efficient problem solvers are also great opportunists. It is highly advised to assess all the external factors, you never know when you get your hands on something valuable. It is also possible that in your pursuit of finding opportunities, you may discover a whole new and exciting business model. Thus, problem fix should be in such a manner that the future doesn’t get blemished.

3. Reverse Engineer The Problem

It’s the technique which involves deconstructing the problem and carefully analysing how and why it developed in the first place. For instance, a finished product giving problems can be broken down into its silos and can be worked backwards all the way to the whiteboard. In a similar fashion, we can reverse engineer the problems we face every day. If you have a challenge in front of you, you can start deconstructing it! Find the right answers like who are the players? What is required for this problem to happen? What are the circumstances and how they all-together create this problem?

4. Staying Open-Minded

Always keep your eyes and ears open to the possibilities. There might be a case where the actual problem is pretty different to the problem you think you are having. There can be a considerable probability that the cause of the problem is something else than what you’re thinking. Also, it is possible that the best solution might not be able to overthrow your problem and takes your organization in a different direction. It is okay to accept that your beliefs can be wrong. Thus, staying open-minded, exploring different angles of the same problem and listening to others are highly advised sub-techniques.

5. An Uninterested Observer

It would be evident to mention that when we are stuck on a problem, our mind has a tendency to stick to the same. This can be cumbersome for you, you might end up missing the things that were obvious to the problem. In short, one can easily hung-up to a particular set of thinking while completely missing the alternative thought process. Now, it is advised to explain your problem to another person. Not only this will provide a fresh set of eyes to your problem, you might end-up exploring the unexplored. You might be personally attached to the problem, but someone who’s not attached to the same might give you an unbiased view. Respect different points of view and never feel shy to ask for help.

Obstacles You Might Encounter Solving a Problem

Of course, the art of problem-solving technique has flaws too. There can be a considerable number of obstacles that might hamper your ability to solve a problem quickly and more efficiently. Most of the obstacles are mental in nature and these can range from irrelevant information, wrong assumptions as well as functional fixedness.

1. Misleading Information

When you start solving a problem you should scrutinize on the fact that whether the information you’re receiving is trustworthy and accountable or not. The information can be relevant as well as irrelevant to the issue at hand. When you trust on irrelevant data, faulty solutions are produced. More complex the problem, the easier it is to drift away and be misled by the pool of information.

2. Mindset

This is another obstacle which involved people making use of solutions which have worked in the past. Your problem-solving endeavour might be an arrow in the dark, but don’t let the possibility of failure limit your creativity and potential. When you’re confined to an already proven set of a solution, you make your brain inflexible. Always remember that no two problems have the same solution.

3. Functional Fixedness

It is a state of mind which makes an individual see their problems in a customary manner. Functional fixedness can prevent you from exploring all the options in hand. The same can also restrict you from inputs provided by your peers. People often end-up making assumptions when they start dealing with a problem. Neither underestimates the constraints nor the possibility of any error.

From organizing your music collection to taking important business-oriented decisions, problem-solving plays a crucial role. It is important to understand the nature of a problem before jumping to solutions. Trial and error approach is always appreciated. Cognitive blocks are a common barrier to problem-solving and these further impede the ability to solve challenges efficiently.

1. Problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template

problem solving and ideation ppt

Do you want to describe each step of the problem solving process with your unique approach? Use SlideModel  Problem Solving Stages PowerPoint Template to create professional presentations that appeal to global audiences.

Use This Template

2. A3 Root Cause Analysis PowerPoint Template

problem solving and ideation ppt

The method of A3 reporting is based on PDCA – Plan, Do, Check, and Act. The reporting format of this problem-solving tool provides an effective communication medium with separate sets of information to be completed and presented by different stakeholders involved in the analysis. It is a very popular tool for professional problem solving processes.

3. Eisenhower Matrix PowerPoint Template

problem solving and ideation ppt

The  Eisenhower Matrix PowerPoint Template  is a powerful tool for deciding how to work out your actions in the Problem Solving Process. Mainly when you need to deploy a solution you can apply the Eisenhower Matrix to decide the way you treat each action.

4. 5 Why’s Analysis Target Diagram for PowerPoint

problem solving and ideation ppt

The 5 Why’s PowerPoint Template is an excellent tool for root cause analysis and Problem Solving processes. It works out 5 degrees of depth which can be considered a first analysis for every problem understanding in the business domain.

problem solving and ideation ppt

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20+ Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates for 2024

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Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

Decision making is a crucial part of any business or organization, and the ability to make effective decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Of course, making the right decision isn’t always easy, which is why it’s essential to have a strong problem-solving process in place. This blog post discusses the definition of problem solving and some of the recommended problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates .

What is Problem Solving?

Problem solving is the process of identifying and resolving issues or challenges. It can be done individually or as part of a team. Problem solving usually requires a systematic approach and often includes steps such as:  identifying the problem, generating potential solutions, evaluating the options, selecting the solution, and implementing the plan.  Of course, not every problem will require all of these steps. But in general, taking a systematic and structured approach to problem solving will increase the chances of finding a successful resolution. With practice, problem solving can become second nature – something that we do automatically and effortlessly. When faced with an issue or challenge, our first instinct will be to quickly find a solution that works.

The Problem Solving Process

The first step in the problem solving process is to identify the source of the problem. Once the source has been identified, it is important to gather information about the problem. This may include  conducting research, observing the situation, or speaking to those who are affected by the problem . Once enough information has been gathered, it is time to start brainstorming solutions. Possible solutions should be evaluated based on their feasibility and potential impact. After a solution has been chosen, it is important to implement it in a way that is efficient and effective. Finally, it is necessary to monitor the situation to ensure that the chosen solution is having the desired effect. If not, then the problem solving process will need to begin anew in order to find a different solution.

Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates from SlideSalad

If you are looking for some helpful PPT templates to Create Problem solving Model PowerPoint presentations, then look no further! Here are some of the best problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates that you can use to make your next presentation. This clean template come with easy-to-follow instructions and plenty of sample slides to get you started. With these multipurpose PowerPoint templates , you’ll be able to create a professional, engaging presentation that will help your audience understand the problem solving process and how to apply it in real-world situations. So check out these great problem solving models and techniques PowerPoint templates today and get started on your next presentation!

1. PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template – Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

PDCA Cycle Diagrams PowerPoint Template - Best PDCA Cycle Diagram Illustrations in PowerPoint

The PDCA cycle is also known as the  Deming Wheel , named after  Dr. William Edwards Deming who introduced the concept in the 1950s.  The PDCA cycle is a quality control method that can be used to continually improve processes and systems. The four steps of the cycle are: Plan, Do, Check (study), and Act.  The Plan step involves identifying the problem and developing a plan to address it. The Do step involves implementing the plan. The Check (study) step involves monitoring the results of the implementation and determining whether they are effective. The Act step involves taking action to make permanent changes based on the findings of the study. By following this cycle, organizations can improve their processes and systems on an ongoing basis.

2. 5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides – Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

5 whys PowerPoint Template PPT Slides - Effective Way to Uncover the Root of Problems in Problem Solving

Five Why’s is a simple and effective root cause analysis tool that can be used to identify the underlying cause of an issue. The Five Why’s Framework is based on the premise that for every problem, there are five whys that need to be asked in order to get to the root cause. Asking why five times gets to the heart of the matter and helps to ensure that all possible causes are considered. The Five Why’s tool can be used for both individual and team problem-solving exercises. It is a helpful tool for preventing issues from recurring because it gets everyone thinking about all the potential causes of a problem, not just the most obvious ones. Buy and download this best problem solving PowerPoint template and get started illustrating the 5 Whys in your presentation.

3. CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams – The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

CATWOE Analysis PowerPoint Template Diagrams - The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Your Customers

David Smyth first introduced the CATWOE Analysis in 1975 as a tool for business and systems analysis.

The acronym CATWOE stands for:

  • Transformation Process
  • Environmental Constraints

This framework can be used to identify and understand the key elements of a system under consideration. By taking into account the needs of customers, the people who will be affected by the system, the process that will be used to implement it, and the worldview that it represents, CATWOE Analysis provides a comprehensive way to understand complex systems. In addition, by considering environmental constraints and identifying who will be responsible for operating and maintaining the system, CATWOE Analysis can help to ensure that a proposed system is viable and sustainable.

4. Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs – Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa Diagrams PowerPoint Template Designs - Give a Compelling Presentation on How Fishbone Ishikawa Can Help You Solve Problems

Fishbone Ishikawa diagrams also called cause and effect diagrams or Fishikawa , are a graphical tool used to identify possible causes of a problem. The name “fishbone” comes from the fact that the diagram resembles the skeleton of a fish . The main purpose of the fishbone diagram is to help identify all of the possible causes of a problem so that it can be more effectively addressed. The diagram is often used in quality management and Six Sigma initiatives as a way to brainstorm about potential causes and identify root causes. It can also be used in other business settings as a tool for identifying problems and their causes. While the fishbone diagram is most commonly used in manufacturing and service industries, it can be applied to any type of problem-solving situation. You can also use this recommended template for decision making presentations. To test our template quality, download some of our free PowerPoint templates .

5. Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template – Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

Kepner-Tregoe Method PowerPoint Template - Creative PPT Template to Discover the Practical way to Make the Best Decisions Under Pressure

The Kepner-Tregoe method is a problem-solving and decision-making technique developed in the 1960s by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe.

The KT methodology is based on four fundamental elements:

  • Situation Analysis
  • Problem Analysis
  • Decision Analysis
  • Potential Problem (Opportunity) Analysis

These elements are designed to help individuals and organizations systematically identify, assess, and resolve problems in a rational and efficient manner. In each step, specific tools and techniques are used to help identify the cause of a problem or opportunity, generate possible solutions, select the best solution, and implement it effectively. The KT approach has been used successfully in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, government, and service. While the method is not without its critics, it continues to be one of the most popular problem-solving tools available today.

6. Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams – Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma and DMAIC Model PowerPoint Templates Diagrams - Rapidly Improve Your Business Performance with Six Sigma and DMAIC Model

Six Sigma is a quality refinement strategy that aims to reduce defects by minimizing variation in manufacturing and business processes. The DMAIC model, which stands for  Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control , is a framework for Six Sigma projects. The Define phase involves identifying the problem to be addressed and setting objectives. In the Measure phase, data is gathered to quantify the problem. In the Analyze phase, the data is analyzed to identify the root causes of variation. The Improve phase involves implementing solutions to address the root causes. Finally, in the Control phase, process control plans are put in place to ensure that the improvements are sustainable. By following the DMAIC model, Six Sigma projects can achieve substantial improvements in quality and productivity.

Features of SlideSalad’s Top Problem Solving PowerPoint Templates:

  • Fully editable unique slides
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  • Royalty-free stock photos
  • Editable data charts, graphs, shapes, smart art, and tables
  • Vector country map for representing locations
  • Attractive image backgrounds
  • Drag and drop ready elements
  • One-time purchase
  • Free lifetime updates
  • Free lifetime support

7. Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates – Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking PowerPoint Templates - Innovative PPT Template to Discover How Design Thinking Helps Companies Become Creative

Design Thinking is a method for approaching problems with empathy, creativity, and a focus on real-world solutions. The process begins with empathizing with those who will be using the product or solution. This step helps to ensure that the final product meets the needs of the end users. Once the problem has been clearly defined, the next step is to ideate or generate ideas for potential solutions. These ideas are then prototyped or put into a form that can be tested in the real world. Finally, the prototypes are tested with users to get feedback and refine the design. The Design Thinking process is an iterative one, meaning that each step is automatically followed by another round of refinement. This cycle continues until the problem is solved in a way that is both effective and efficient.

8. Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template – Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

Simplex Problem-Solving Process PowerPoint Template - Professional Presentation Examples of Simplifying Complex Problems with the Simplex Method

The Simplex Problem-Solving Process, developed by Min Basadur , is a systematic and comprehensive approach to problem solving that can be applied to both individual and organizational problems . The process begins with problem finding, followed by fact-finding and problem definition. Once the problem has been adequately defined, the focus shifts to idea/solution finding; this involves generating and evaluating potential solutions to the problem. Once a satisfactory solution has been found, it is then necessary to sell the idea/gain acceptance from those who will be affected by it. Finally, taking action to implement the solution and monitoring its effectiveness completes the process. Throughout the process, it is important to maintain open communication and keep all stakeholders involved and informed of progress. The Simplex Problem-Solving Process is an effective tool for addressing both simple and complex problems in an organized and efficient manner. Purchase this elegant presentation theme to professionally present the Simplex problem solving process.

9. SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs – Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

SCAMPER Technique PowerPoint Template Designs - Powerful Creative Tool to Create New Ideas Using This Proven Technique

The SCAMPER technique is a powerful tool for generating new ideas. It was developed by Bob Eberle in 1971 as a way to help people develop their imagination.

The technique involves seven different steps:

  • Put to another use

Each step provides a different way of looking at a problem or challenge and can help to spark new ideas. For example, the “substitute” step asks you to consider what you could use instead of the existing element. This can lead to new ways of solving problems or creating entirely new products or services. The “combine” step asks you to consider two or more elements and how they could be combined. This can lead to new combinations of products or services or new ways of using existing products or services. The other steps provide similarly powerful ways of generating new ideas, and all together, they can help you to overcome creative blocks and come up with fresh solutions.

10. Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates – Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation Management Models and Practices PowerPoint Templates - Minimalist PPT Theme That Illustrates Innovation Management Models to Help You Be More Productive

Innovation management is a combination of strategic and operational activities that are necessary for an organization to introduce and deliver new products, services, or processes. The goal of innovation management is to create value through the development and commercialization of new ideas. There are many different models and practices that can be used to achieve this goal, but they all share some common elements. First, innovation management must identify and assess opportunities for a new product or service development. Second, it must create a plan for how to develop and commercialize these new ideas. Finally, it must monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the goals are met. By following these steps, organizations can increase their chances of successful innovation. All our multipurpose presentation templates include fully customizable slides, beautiful slide designs , awesome vector icons, objects and image layouts, resizable shapes , color schemes, colorful infographics , 4:3 and 16:9 widescreen resolutions, and more.

11. Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template – The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Productive Thinking Model PowerPoint Template - The Best Problem Solving PPT Template to Discover the Best Way to Think for Maximum Output

Tim Hurson developed the Productive Thinking Model in his book, Think Better (2010) , and it is based on the premise that, in order to be successful, we need to understand what is going on, what success looks like, and what the question is. Once we have a clear understanding of these three things, we can then generate answers, forge the solution, and align resources. The model is designed to help individuals and organizations think more effectively so that they can achieve their desired outcomes. The Productive Thinking Model has been used by a variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. When applied correctly, it can help individuals and organizations to achieve success. Once you are done with the presentation, you can save it on OneDrive or Google Drive for remote access.

12. 8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template – Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D Problem Solving Report PowerPoint Template - Create a Stunning Presentation for Learning the 8D Problem Solving Report Process to Save Your Business

8D (Eight Disciplines) is a problem-solving methodology used in engineering primarily for corrective action and preventive action. It includes specific steps for identifying, analyzing, and correcting root causes of defects/issues. The method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the 1980s but has since been adopted by other companies across various industries.

The 8D methodology follows a logical sequence of 8 steps:

  • Define the problem.
  • Form a cross-functional team.
  • Describe the current situation.
  • Identify and implement short-term containment actions.
  • Identify root causes and verify their effects.
  • Develop and implement permanent corrective actions.
  • Prevent the recurrence of the problem by implementing systemic improvements.
  • Congratulate the team on a job well done.

Following these steps helps to ensure that problems are properly identified and addressed at the root cause level, preventing them from recurring in the future. Additionally, involving a cross-functional team in the problem-solving process ensures that all relevant stakeholders have a chance to provide input and improve the chances of success. Ultimately, 8D is an effective tool for improving quality and preventing them from happening again in the future.

13. PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

PPDAC Cycle PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Make a Complete PowerPoint Presentation on the Top Problem Solving Methodology for Solving the Real-World Problems With PPDAC Cycle

The PPDAC cycle is a five-step process for solving problems and making decisions introduced by R.J. McKay and R.W. Oldford . It is commonly used in business and government, as well as in personal decision-making.

The steps in the cycle are:

  • Conclusions
  • The first step in the cycle is to identify the problem. This involves understanding what the problem is and why it is important to solve.
  • The second step is to develop a plan for how to solve the problem. This plan should take into account the resources available and the potential risks and benefits of different courses of action.
  • The third step is to gather data. This data can come from research, surveys, interviews, or observation. Once the data has been gathered, it must be analyzed to identify trends and patterns.
  • The fourth step is to reach conclusions based on the data analysis. These conclusions should be supported by evidence and should be clear and concise.
  • The fifth and final step is to take action based on the conclusions. This action may involve implementing a plan or making a decision.

The PPDAC cycle is a useful tool for solving problems and making decisions. It helps to ensure that all relevant information is considered and that decisions are based on evidence.

14. Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

Straw Man Proposal PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Modern PPT Presentation for Showing McKinsey Method for Problem Solving

The Straw Man Proposal is a brainstorming-like method for problem solving developed by McKinsey. It involves rapidly generating a large number of potential solutions to a problem, then evaluating and selecting the best one. The goal is to come up with an innovative solution that is feasible and superior to existing solutions. The technique is named after the “straw man” used in legal arguments, which is a weak or easily refuted opponent that is used to make the argument look stronger . In the same way, the Straw Man Proposal allows ideas to be quickly evaluated and rejected if they are not viable, leaving only the strongest ones remaining. This makes it an effective tool for finding creative solutions to complex problems. While it is often used by businesses, the Straw Man Proposal can be adapted for use in any situation where problem solving is needed.

15. ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

ACHIEVE Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Clean Slide Designs to Show Best Results to Your Clients by Following a Measurable and Sustainable Methodology

The ACHIEVE coaching model is a framework that can be used by coaches to help their clients assess their current situation, identify their goals, and generate and implement a plan of action. The model was developed by the Coaching Centre (Dombkowski and Eldridge) in 2003 , a UK-based organization that provides training and resources for coaches. The acronym ACHIEVE stands for Assess, Creative brainstorming, Hone goals, Initiate option generation, Evaluate options, Valid Action Programme Design, and Encourage momentum . The seven steps of the model can be applied to any coaching situation, and each step can be further customized to meet the specific needs of the client. The ACHIEVE coaching model is a flexible and comprehensive approach that can be used to help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.

16. STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template – Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

STEPPA Coaching Model PowerPoint Template - Premium Presentation Examples to Present a Topic About the STEPPA Coaching Model

The STEPPA Coaching Model was developed by Dr. Angus McLeod as a way to help people identify and achieve their goals. The acronym STEPPA stands for Subject, Target Identification, Emotion, Perception, Plan, Pace, and Action . Each of these components is essential for successful goal-setting and achievement. The first step, Subject, involves identifying what area of your life you want to improve. The second step, Target Identification, helps you to zero in on specific goals that you would like to achieve. The third step, Emotion, involves exploring the feelings that are associated with your goals. The fourth step, Perception, is about how you see yourself achieving your goals. The fifth step, Plan, helps you to develop a specific plan of action for achieving your goals. And finally, the sixth and seventh steps, Pace and Action, involve taking concrete steps towards achieving your goals. By following the STEPPA Coaching Model, you can set and achieve any goal that you desire.

17. ESH Framework PowerPoint Template – Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

ESH Framework PowerPoint Template - Deliver a Presentation About How ESH Framework Aids Organizations in Reducing Costs and Meeting Deadlines

The ESH Framework is a systems approach to organizational management and change that was developed by Dutch organizational theorists Mathieu Weggeman and Geert Hofstede . The framework is based on the premise that organizations are composed of five interrelated subsystems: strategy, structure, personnel, culture, and management styles . Each of these subsystems exerts a unique influence on organizational behavior and performance. To be effective, organizations must maintain a balance between these subsystems ( evenwicht ), as well as a sense of cohesion ( samenhang ) and diversity ( heterogeneity ). The ESH Framework provides a comprehensive and systematic way of understanding how organizations function and how they can be managed effectively. It is a useful tool for both practitioners and researchers alike.

18. David Rock’s Focus Model PowerPoint Template – Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock’s ‘Choose Your Focus’ Model

David Rock's Focus Model PowerPoint Template - Most Popular Presentation PPT Template on Problem Solving: David Rock's 'Choose Your Focus' Model

In his book “ Quiet Leadership ,” David Rock discusses the importance of focusing on what is most important.

He divided this focus into six different areas:

Vision refers to having a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and planning refers to taking the time to develop a detailed plan of how you will achieve it. Detail refers to ensuring that all the small details are taken care of, and problem refers to solving any problems that arise along the way. Drama refers to managing any difficult situations that may arise, and finally, quiet leadership refers to maintaining your composure and keeping your head during times of stress. By focusing on these six areas, you can increase your chances of success and achieving your goals. Buy and download a business PPT presentation template for an instant presentation.

19. 5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs – A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

5E Learning Model PowerPoint Template Designs - A Forward-Thinking Way to Learn and Implement the 5E Model in Your Organization

The 5E learning model is a constructivist approach to teaching that emphasizes the learner’s experience and prior knowledge as the foundation for new learning. The model was developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in 1987  and has since been adopted by many school districts across the United States.

The 5E model is comprised of five stages:

The first stage, Engage, is designed to capture students’ attention and interest in the topic. The second stage, Explore, allows students to investigate the topic and form their own hypotheses. In the third stage, Explain, students share their hypotheses with the class and receive feedback from the teacher. The fourth stage, Elaborate, gives students an opportunity to practice what they have learned. Finally, in the fifth stage, Evaluate, students reflect on their learning and assess their understanding of the material. The 5E learning model is an effective way to engage students in active learning and promote a deep understanding of content.

20. The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams – Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique PowerPoint Template Diagrams - Well-Designed PowerPoint Slide Layouts to How to Use the Step Ladder Technique for an Effective Decision Making

The Stepladder Technique is a structured brainstorming method that can be used by groups of people to generate ideas and solve problems. The technique was first developed by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell, and Charles Lowe in 1992 . The process involves each member of the group working individually to generate ideas on a topic or problem. Once all members have generated their ideas, they then share their ideas with the person next to them and build on those ideas to create a “ladder” of solutions. This process is then repeated until all members of the group have had a chance to contribute. Once the ladder is complete, the group can then discuss the options and make a decision. The Stepladder Technique is an effective way to generate a large number of ideas and find creative solutions to problems. Try this corporate presentation template for your next successful problem solving PPT presentation. Also, consider purchasing some of our professional Google Slides and Keynote templates if needed.

21. Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template – Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual Positions PowerPoint Template - Well-Organized PPT Template for Showcasing a Compelling Presentation About the Reframing Exercise Perceptual Positions

Perceptual positions are a neuro-linguistic programming and psychology term that refers to the three different ways we can view a situation. The first position is the ‘I, self’ position, where we view the situation from our own perspective. The second position is the ‘the other’ position, where we view the situation from the perspective of another person. The third position is the ‘the observer’ position, where we view the situation from an objective, detached perspective. By understanding and utilizing all three positions, we can gain a complete understanding of a situation and make more effective decisions.

Conclusion: Buying the Best Problem Solving Models and Techniques PowerPoint Templates

No matter which problem solving model you choose, Modern Premium PowerPoint templates can be a valuable tool for communicating your findings to others. SlideSalad’s problem solving models and techniques PPT templates come in a variety of styles and can be customized to fit your needs . Choose a template that includes all of the elements you need to present your data clearly and effectively. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to create an engaging and professional presentation that will help your team solve problems more efficiently.

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problem solving and ideation ppt



Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop

Events | mhrd, 0 comment(s).

A One Day Webinar on “Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop”, was organized by MHRD’S Institution & Innovation Council (IIC) of VJIT on 23rd December 2020. The Programme aims to provide opportunities to Undergraduate Students, Postgraduate students and faculty members to augment Knowledge & skills in key areas involved in Problem Solving and Ideation process.

The Expert Speaker Mr. Madhu Parvathaneni, Managing Director, MadBlocks Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad shared his knowledge & experience on the multiple aspects and the many steps involved in problem solving and ideation process. He further elaborated on Good idea Vs Bad idea and Best Student Entrepreneurship Practices that can be adopted to enhance the student’s abilities in solving critical problems.

problem solving and ideation ppt

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𝐌𝐫. 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐚, 𝐚 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐕𝐘, shared invaluable insights on enhancing soft skills for a smooth transition from campus life to the corporate world. Our students gained a wealth of knowledge on the importance of communication, teamwork,...

Engineers Day 2023

Engineers Day 2023

Sep 14, 2023 | Events , VJIT | 0 Comments

On the occasion of Engineers Day celebration on 14 & 15  September  VJIT Organized Technical Presentation on Several Topics from Different Domains of Engineering for the students of VJIT and other colleges in Hyderabad. In Association with ICI Hyderabad Center...

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Problem Solving and Mathematical Reasoning

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Let's make math learning more fun, especially at early levels of education. This new template has some cute illustrations and lots of elements related to math, including backgrounds that look like blackboards. This is a great choice for teachers who want to turn their classes into a more entertaining experience for their students. Customize the slides to add your own activities or explanations!

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  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 36 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Programs 2024 TechSprint: Generative AI in Housing Finance

Generative AI in Housing Finance

Register to Livestream FHFA’s Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Housing Finance TechSprint

Register here  to livestream Opening Day and Demo Day of FHFA’s Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint.

  • Opening Day, beginning at 10:30 am EST on Monday, July 22, will feature remarks from FHFA leadership and keynote speakers.
  • Demo Day, beginning at 9:00 am EST on Thursday, July 25, will feature remarks from FHFA leadership and keynote speakers and presentation​s from the TechSprint teams.

About th​e FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint

The FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be an in-person, team-based problem-solving event hosted by the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) Office of Financial Technology (OFT). The TechSprint will bring together technology, regulatory, housing, and consumer finance experts to identify use cases and associated control measures to support the responsible use of generative AI in housing finance.​

Partici​pants are organized into TechSprint teams and work over a three-day period to solve for problem statements centered around the question:

“How might the responsible use of generative AI promote a transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive housing finance system, while fostering sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities?”

The TechSprint culminates in a Demo Day where each team will present its ideas to an independent panel of judges drawn from subject matter experts in government, industry, nonprofits, and academia.

The Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint will be held at FHFA’s Constitution Center headquarters in Washington, DC, and will run from July 22 to July 25, 2024. The application period to participate in-person at the TechSprint was open from March 20 through May 24, 2024.

FHFA Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint: Problem Statements

Umbrella Stateme​​nt​

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has captured the imagination and interest of a diverse set of stakeholders, including industry, government, and consumers. For the housing finance system, the transformative potential of generative AI extends beyond technological advancement. Generative AI presents an opportunity to promote a housing finance system that is transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive and fosters sustainable homeownership. Realizing this potential, however, is contingent on a commitment to responsible innovation and ensuring that the development and use of generative AI is supported by ethical considerations and safety and soundness.

FHFA’s Generative AI in Housing Finance TechSprint challenges participants to address the question,  “How might the responsible use of generative AI promote a transparent, fair, equitable, and inclusive housing finance system while fostering sustainable homeownership and rental opportunities?”​

TechSprint participants will demonstrate:

  • A key  use case  for generative AI in one of the four areas of focus provided below; and
  • Recommended  control measures , incorporating​ careful consideration of the associated risks.

Focused Statements ​

The four areas of focus are as follows:

  • Consumer Experience:  How might generative AI be used to further educate and empower prospective homebuyers in evaluating, comparing, and obtaining a mortgage loan and in sustaining their homeownership over time?
  • Assessing Creditworthiness:  How might generative AI be used to improve the evaluation of homebuyer credit, as well as the fairness of the credit decisions related to mortgage loans, particularly for homebuyers from underserved communities?
  • Operations:  How might generative AI be used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of operational processes within the housing finance system, from origination to servicing and secondary market activities?
  • Risk Management and Compliance:  How might generative AI be used to enhance the effectiveness of risk management and compliance processes within the housing finance system?

Have additional questions about the 2024 TechSprint?  Please contact OFT at  [email protected] . To learn more about OFT, please visit  the OFT home page . And to learn more about FHFA’s inaugural TechSprint held in 2023, please visit the  Velocity TechSprint webpage .​​

Page Last Updated: May 28​​, 2024​​​​​


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