Job applicant writing virtual assistant cover letter for virtual assistant job application

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter: Tips, Template & Example

By Kimberli Lowe-MacAuley

The boundaries of work have expanded beyond the traditional office space, and the role of a virtual assistant has become increasingly vital for businesses and entrepreneurs. When you’re stepping into this flexible and exciting virtual admin career path, crafting a standout virtual assistant cover letter can be your golden ticket.

Whether you’re a seasoned virtual assistant or new to the field and eager to launch a new career , this guide will help you create a cover letter that captures the attention of employers and sets your application for virtual assistant jobs apart from your competition.

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Template

Use this template as a guide when creating your virtual assistant cover letter. Ensure that you tailor it to blend unique keywords from each job description and your previous experience.

[Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Job Title] [Company’s Name] [Recipient’s Phone Number] [Recipient’s Email]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

[Your first paragraph is your introduction. Hook the reader with an impactful detail directly related to the role.]

[The second paragraph is where you’ll provide one or two specific examples of support or soft skills you’ve gained in your previous roles. Look at the job description and company research to determine which ones will be the most impactful.]

[In your third paragraph, express your interest in the company and the virtual assistant position. Highlight what attracts you to the company and why you’re excited about the opportunity. Showcase relevant personal or professional values that make you a perfect fit for the organization as a whole.]

[In your final paragraph, you’ll reiterate your enthusiasm for learning more about the role and provide a call to action that mentions your eagerness to interview.]


[Your Name] [Your Job Title]

Example Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

We’ve created a cover letter sample for virtual assistant jobs to help you see what the template will look like when it’s filled out.

With over five years of experience providing top-notch executive-level support remotely, I am eager to offer my expertise as a virtual assistant at ABC Virtual Services. I am familiar with your reputation for championing work-life balance and innovation. As a fervent supporter of both, I am thrilled at the chance to contribute to your organization.

Your job description mentions that you seek a virtual assistant to support the executive calendars and arrange travel. One of my proudest achievements was revamping the travel planning workflow for the team in my previous role. By implementing new tools and processes, I saved the executives an average of a week of travel time annually. My attention to detail, efficiency, and strategic thinking closely match the qualities you seek.

ABC Virtual Services’ commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions to your clients resonates with my personal and professional values. With over 10 years working remotely, I’ve received multiple commendations for my time management and organizational skills. I am excited about the opportunity to help your team surpass its goals and objectives, and my background has prepared me to do just that.

How to Write a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Once you’ve found a virtual assistant role you want to apply for, use the following tips to help make the cover letter template your own.

1. Offer a Formal Greeting

Address your cover letter to a specific person, if possible . If you’re unable to find the hiring manager’s name , use a greeting such as, “Dear [Company] Hiring Manager.” Avoid “To Whom It May Concern,” as it sounds too generic.

2. Introduce Yourself

Utilize the first paragraph to introduce yourself , but do so in a memorable way. That might mean your rough draft states, “I’m a highly organized virtual assistant with 10 years of experience.” Your edited version will likely sound more like this: “I’m an efficiency-obsessed virtual assistant with a decade of experience streamlining administrative tasks.”

The revised introduction not only catches the reader’s attention but also highlights your main selling point—your experience and skills as a virtual assistant.

3. Highlight Your Skills, Experience, and Accomplishments

Rather than regurgitate the information on your resume , pick one or two key skills and experiences to highlight in your virtual assistant cover letter . Discuss specific accomplishments and how they directly relate to the job you’re applying for. Make sure to include any technology or software programs you are proficient in.

On that note, don’t include any basic computer skills that are assumed. For example, you wouldn’t highlight basic computer knowledge, such as knowing how to use Microsoft Word. If, on the other hand, you’ve taught advanced Microsoft Office classes or have other advanced techniques, those might be applicable. Use the job description to help you decide which skills are worth spotlighting.

4. Explain Why You Want the Job

During a job search , it’s essential to help the hiring manager understand that you’re not simply applying for every job you come across. Instead, you need to help them understand what it is about this role that attracts you. The key here is not to make it about the benefits for you but to tie your desire for the job to the company’s needs or values.

You might share how your career goals mesh with the organization’s objectives or share specific details about what drew you to the company. Any nonprofits the company supports, its main product, or its company culture are great starting points.

5. Sign Off

Make a final positive statement, reiterate your interest, and thank the reader for their time and consideration. Provide a clear call to action that expresses your enthusiasm for interviewing or learning more. Your cover letter should include a header with your contact information so the hiring manager can follow up with you.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Tips

A great cover letter for virtual assistants isn’t just about selling yourself. It should also display genuine interest in the company and the role you are applying for. Use the following tips to write an effective cover letter .

1. Learn About the Company

The foundation of an excellent virtual assistant cover letter is research . To ensure you have an efficient and productive job search, create a research routine. Set a time limit and start looking for answers to a few common questions you need answered to tailor your cover letter effectively, such as:

  • What is the company’s mission and values?
  • What are the company’s products or services?
  • Who are the company’s target customers?
  • What sets the company apart from its competitors?
  • What does the company culture look like at first glance?
  • How would this role fit into the team or organization?

2. Personalize Every Cover Letter

It wouldn’t be efficient to start each cover letter from scratch, but you don’t want to use a generic one for multiple roles either. Instead, create a foundational cover letter that you can personalize for every role . Ensure that you use the hiring manager’s name whenever possible, and weave in a few of the keywords from the job description .

Keywords might be things like the specific software that’s mentioned repeatedly, a soft skill , or previous experience. If none stand out, look back at your research to find some nuances in their culture that might make you the ideal fit.

3. Showcase Yourself

Tying into that tip, go beyond simply listing your accomplishments. Your cover letter is a chance to show some personality . Ideally, the hiring manager will read your cover letter and understand why you’re excited to work for their company.

It’s tricky to bring that enthusiasm to every job you apply for, which is why fewer, more tailored applications will increase your chances of landing interviews. Think of unique and memorable ways to bring your experience to life.

For example, if the hiring manager has frequently posted on LinkedIn about their interests in the local humane society and balancing parenting and work , you could weave in anything you have in common with those sentiments. Rather than state that you’re excellent with time management , you could say something along the lines of:

My experience volunteering for a German Shepard rescue, working remotely as a virtual assistant for the last three years, and balancing life as a parent of twins has helped me fine-tune my time management skills.

4. End in an Actionable Way

Finally, don’t end your cover letter abruptly or without a call to action. Let the hiring manager know you’re excited about the role, and mention that you’re looking forward to hearing back from them. You can also mention that you’re open to discussing the role more through an interview and suggest a call or meeting.

5. Edit and Review

Before submitting, make sure to reread your cover letter and edit any grammar or spelling errors . It’s also a good idea to have someone else read it over for feedback and suggestions. A fresh pair of eyes can catch mistakes that you might have missed.

At a minimum, ensure you step away from your computer for a few minutes so you can reread your letter before pushing send. It’s easier to catch errors with a break between writing and editing. Try reading your cover letter out loud to ensure it flows well, but avoid getting trapped by perfectionism.

Answers to Common Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Questions

Navigating the specifics of a virtual assistant cover letter can raise some questions. Read through some quick tips for common questions about cover letters for virtual assistants .

1. How should I format my virtual assistant cover letter?

Your cover letter needs to be organized to be easily readable. A suggested format includes:

  • A header with your contact information
  • A formal greeting
  • An introduction where you hook your reader with a skill or quality that makes you an excellent fit
  • A body that expands on one or two relevant experiences or skills
  • A closing where you express gratitude and mention your enclosed resume
  • A sign-off with your name

2. How long should a virtual assistant cover letter be?

A virtual assistant cover letter needs to be long enough to convey your message effectively but short enough to maintain the hiring manager’s interest. Try to keep it to one page and three or four short paragraphs, including the introduction paragraph.

3. How do you write a cover letter for an entry-level virtual assistant?

Your cover letter is likely going to be easier to write than your resume. Cover letters feature a bit more personality and don’t adhere to the formal language of a resume .

Focus on any related coursework, transferable skills , or volunteer work that prepared you for virtual assistant jobs . Be sure to highlight skills or advanced technology relevant to the administrative role you’re applying to.

4. How do you stand out in your virtual assistant cover letter?

Effective cover letters help you stand out in a competitive job market . Research your target employer sufficiently so you can get a feel for how the role fits in with the organization and how you understand the company culture . Then, you want to be specific in your descriptions. Align your qualifications and connect your potential with the overall goals of the company.

5. How do I introduce myself as a virtual assistant in my cover letter?

Your introduction should be professional, personable, and engaging. Highlight what sets you apart as a virtual assistant , such as your excellent time management skills , ability to work independently, and history of effective remote communication . Rather than state a list of adjectives, though, pick one or two and share a statistic or story that the hiring manager can relate to.

Finding a Virtual Assistant Job

Crafting an impactful cover letter as a virtual assistant involves blending professionalism with personality and detailing experience relevant to the role while showcasing your unique capabilities. Remember to keep it concise, target it to the role and company, and detail how you’re the ideal candidate.

Once you have your virtual assistant resume updated, your cover letter formatted, and you’ve practiced answers to common virtual assistant interview questions , you’re ready to launch your job search . Partner with FlexJobs for a scam-free job search . We have an entire team of job researchers vetting each company and posting to ensure our members can safely explore remote and flexible roles.

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

14 virtual assistant cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Virtual Assistant cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Virtual Assistant Roles

Table of contents

  • Virtual Assistant
  • Executive Virtual Assistant
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Remote Administrative Assistant
  • Administrative Virtual Assistant
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Virtual Assistant resume examples

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, quantifiable achievement.

This cover letter highlights a specific accomplishment that demonstrates the candidate's ability to manage teams and improve processes. Including quantifiable results helps to show the value they can bring to the company.

Relevant Skills

By mentioning their background in social media marketing and providing a concrete example of success, the candidate showcases relevant skills that can be applied to the Virtual Assistant role.

Enthusiasm for the Role

Expressing excitement about the opportunity to work with diverse teams shows that the candidate cares about this position and understands the collaborative nature of the role.

Personal Connection

Sharing their passion for technology and thriving in fast-paced environments helps to create a personal connection with the company and demonstrates a genuine interest in the industry.

Gracious Conclusion

Ending the cover letter with a thank you shows appreciation for the reader's time and leaves a positive impression.

Highlighting Impact Through Metrics

It's impressive to see how you've improved response times in your previous role. And the fact that you've quantified it - by 35% - gives me a clear picture of your impact. By using metrics, you're not just telling me you did great work, you're showing me. And that speaks volumes.

Connecting Skills to Tangible Results

Improving communication within a company is no small feat, and you've managed to do it by a whopping 40%. This tells me you understand how important effective communication is in a Virtual Assistant role. You're showing that your skills aren't abstract, they lead to real, measurable improvements in efficiency and productivity.

Highlighting tangible achievements

When you share specific achievements, like leading a project that resulted in a 30% increase in efficiency, you're not merely talking the talk. You're giving concrete evidence of your abilities in action. This gives the hiring team something solid to visualize your potential contributions.

Emphasizing relevant experience

By pointing out how your past experience in managing a remote team aligns with the Virtual Assistant role, you are subtly connecting the dots for the hiring team. You're showing them how you've already walked the walk, and that you can do it for them too.

Enthusiasm for the company culture

This part of your cover letter is a gem. It shows that you not only understand and appreciate the company's culture and mission, but you're also excited to contribute to it. This indicates you'd be a team player and a great cultural fit.

Closing with forward-looking optimism

Wrapping up your cover letter by expressing anticipation for potential discussions paints a positive picture. It keeps the conversation going and shows your willingness to participate in the company's future success.

Show your executive virtual assistant experience

I was impressed to see you've been supporting busy executives for 5 years. This tells me you have a strong foundation in the tasks and challenges an executive virtual assistant might face.

Highlight your efficiency improvements

Developing a new system that cut down expense reporting time by 25% is a clear example of your ability to improve processes, a vital skill for an executive virtual assistant.

Demonstrate your capability under pressure

Coordinating a 10-city international trip on such short notice shows your exceptional organizational skills and ability to handle stress, qualities that are crucial for a successful executive virtual assistant.

Emphasize adaptability across industries

Your experience supporting executives in tech, finance, and healthcare illustrates your versatility and ability to meet diverse needs, making you a valuable asset to any team.

Express eagerness to contribute

Concluding with a strong desire to discuss how you can contribute to the team's success shows your enthusiasm and proactive approach, which are appealing traits in a candidate.

Does writing cover letters feel pointless? Use our AI

Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Express enthusiasm for the virtual assistant position

Starting your cover letter by showing excitement for the role and the company can immediately catch my attention. It suggests you have a genuine interest in what we do and that you're likely to be passionate about your work here.

Show your administrative skills

Detailing the specific administrative skills you've developed and how you've applied them gives me concrete evidence of your capability. It's exactly what I need to know to consider you seriously for the virtual assistant position.

Highlight versatility and willingness to learn

Taking on additional responsibilities and learning new skills is crucial in a virtual assistant role. Your ability to adapt shows me you're a proactive and valuable team member who can grow with the company.

Express excitement for diverse opportunities

Your enthusiasm for working with a variety of clients and industries tells me you're someone who enjoys challenges and diversity in your work. This adaptability is key for a virtual assistant, who might deal with different tasks daily.

Show your appreciation and readiness to discuss further

Closing with a thank you and an expression of eagerness to discuss how you can contribute further demonstrates good manners and professionalism. It leaves a positive final impression on me.

Show your passion for the virtual assistant role

Explaining your personal connection with the company and its services makes your interest genuine. It shows you're not just looking for any job, but you're eager to be part of their specific team.

Detail your experience as a virtual assistant

By mentioning specific tasks you've managed and the results achieved, you provide a clear picture of your capabilities and how they apply to the needs of the prospective employer. It's about proving you have the right skills through past actions.

Highlight your proactive approach

A proactive attitude is crucial for a virtual assistant. Demonstrating that you can anticipate needs and act on them without being told is a valuable trait, showcasing your initiative and foresight.

Your excitement about bringing your skills to a new team communicates confidence and a readiness to make a positive impact. It's about showing how you can help the company grow and succeed.

Invite further discussion

Ending your cover letter by looking forward to a conversation is a polite and effective way to suggest the next step. It shows you're open and keen on discussing how you can support their vision.

Executive Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

Understanding the executive's needs.

The goal of an executive assistant is to take on administrative tasks so that the executive can focus on strategy and business growth. You've managed to reduce these tasks by half for your previous CEO, which shows me you know exactly what's required in your role. You're not just doing tasks, you're providing time - a precious resource for any executive.

Driving Improvement Through Innovation

Implementing a new project management tool and leading to a 60% improvement in project completion time? Now that's what I call a game changer. As an Executive Virtual Assistant, you're expected to constantly find ways to improve efficiency and productivity. This example shows you're not just open to innovation, you're actively seeking it out.

Showing prowess in efficiency

Here, you're showcasing your capacity for efficiency and strategic thinking which are key for an Executive Virtual Assistant. You've demonstrated how you improved a CEO's schedule and how this added value to the company. It gives the hiring team a sneak peek into what you can offer.

Appreciation for the company's values

Expressing admiration for the company's commitment to inclusivity and dynamism shows that you're not just looking for any job, but a job with Google. It shows you've done your homework and that you align with their values.

Emphasizing the allure of the team

When you speak about your enthusiasm to work with passionate leaders, you're showing the hiring team that you understand the caliber of people at Google and are excited about this. This can be seen as a sign of your own ambition and commitment.

Manifesting belief in one's potential impact

By stating that your background can help Google achieve greater efficiencies, you're projecting confidence in your potential impact. This displays a level of ambition and forward-thinking that companies value.

Expressing readiness for the next step

By wrapping up your letter expressing eagerness to discuss your potential fit, you're communicating that you're ready for the next step of the process. It shows your readiness to take action and your motivation to progress in the application process.

Convey your passion for the executive virtual assistant role

Stating that you were thrilled to find the job opening signals your genuine interest and excitement about the opportunity, making you stand out as a passionate candidate.

Showcase your impact on email management

Implementing systems that drastically reduced email response times demonstrates your ability to streamline communication, a key aspect of being an effective executive virtual assistant.

Illustrate your strategic scheduling skills

Creating a complex schedule that balanced various demands showcases your strategic thinking and planning abilities, underlining your competency in managing an executive's time efficiently.

Highlight your enthusiasm for supporting impactful executives

Your excitement about supporting executives making a real difference suggests you're motivated by contributing to meaningful work, an attractive quality in a candidate.

Show your proactiveness in learning about client needs

Eager to understand the specific needs of clients and discuss how you can help achieve their goals indicates your proactive and client-focused mindset, essential for success in this role.

Connect with the company's values

By showing you know and admire the company's mission, you're telling us you're already a part of our culture. That's a big plus.

Highlight your executive virtual assistant achievements

Talking about specific results like increasing client retention demonstrates that you can deliver real value and solve problems.

Go beyond the basics

When you mention going "above and beyond," it shows you're not just about ticking boxes but genuinely enhancing your clients' success.

Show enthusiasm for the role

Your excitement about working with a diverse clientele and contributing to our mission makes you stand out as a passionate candidate.

Asking for a chance to discuss your potential contribution further is a strong closing move that signals your readiness to be a team player.

Connect with the company’s mission

Sharing your admiration for the company's values and goals creates a personal connection. It shows that you're not just interested in the role but also aligned with what the company stands for.

Showcase your event coordination skills

Describing a successful project you've managed, especially one that required detailed planning and execution, highlights your capability to handle responsibility and your attention to detail.

Emphasize your forward-thinking mindset

A proactive and anticipatory approach is especially valued in an executive virtual assistant. Illustrating that you're always thinking ahead demonstrates your capability to manage high-level tasks efficiently.

Convey your enthusiasm for the role

Expressing excitement about the opportunity to join the team and contribute to its success communicates a positive attitude and a willingness to be a part of the company's future.

Request an opportunity to discuss your fit

Closing your cover letter by inviting a conversation signifies that you're not only interested but also eager to explore how you can add value to the team.

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Show enthusiasm for the administrative assistant role.

Expressing excitement for the job shows me you have a real interest in the work, not just looking for any job. This makes me think you will enjoy and thus stay longer in the role.

Demonstrate problem-solving skills

When you share a specific challenge you faced and how you overcame it, it tells me you're someone who doesn't just identify problems but actively finds solutions. This is a vital skill for administrative assistants who often need to manage unexpected issues.

Highlight the importance of relationship building

Developing good relationships with vendors or clients is essential. Your ability to do this well suggests you'll manage our external partnerships effectively, which is a key part of being a successful administrative assistant.

Connect your experience with the company's needs

By relating how your background with remote teams can benefit my company, you're helping me see how you fit into our specific context. This makes it easier for me to imagine you in the role.

Your closing statement should always reiterate your interest in the role and the company. It shows professionalism and wraps up your cover letter on a strong, positive note.

Remote Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Show interest in the company's innovation.

Starting your cover letter by acknowledging our innovative approach shows that you're aligned with our vision and eager to be part of our journey.

Demonstrate impact as a remote administrative assistant

By quantifying your achievements, like boosting productivity by 25%, you make a compelling case that you can bring tangible benefits to our team.

Highlight remote communication skills

Emphasizing your expertise in remote communication and problem-solving tells us you're well-equipped to handle the challenges of a remote administrative assistant role.

Align with the company's values

Expressing your draw to our commitment to excellence and a supportive team environment shows that you're not just looking for any job, but the right fit.

Confirm your interest in contributing

Closing with a statement of your eagerness to discuss how you can support our clients and team reinforces your proactive and collaborative mindset.

Administrative Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

Show your enthusiasm for the administrative virtual assistant role.

Start by expressing genuine interest in the company and the job. It makes a strong first impression if you share why the role excites you.

Quantify your achievements in previous roles

Sharing specific results, like increasing a team's conversion rate by 20%, proves your ability to make a real impact. This is very appealing to hiring managers.

Demonstrate your initiative as an administrative professional

Initiative is key. Showing that you took steps to improve a system on your own reveals a proactive mindset, which is highly valued in any support role.

Highlight your eagerness to contribute and grow

Mentioning your excitement to use your skills to help the company and learn new things suggests that you're not just looking for any job, but a place where you can make a difference and develop professionally.

End with a polite and open invitation for further discussion

Closing your cover letter by thanking the employer for their consideration and expressing your desire to discuss your application further is a respectful and effective way to end your letter.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Virtual Assistant Roles

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  • Freelance Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Sales and Marketing Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Virtual Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Guide

Other Administrative Cover Letters

  • Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Administrative Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Inventory Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Loan Processor Cover Letter Guide
  • Office Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Project Administrator Cover Letter Guide
  • Research Assistant Cover Letter Guide
  • Warehouse Manager Cover Letter Guide

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

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sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

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sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

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3 Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples Made for 2024 

Stephen Greet

  • Virtual Assistant Cover Letter
  • Virtual Assistant No Experience Cover Letter
  • Upwork Virtual Assistant Cover Letter
  • Write Your Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

You take care of all the little things that become big when the moment strikes, like phone calls, office supply inventory, follow-up emails, appointment calendars, and travel arrangements.

But how do you write a cover letter to complement your virtual assistant resume and cover all those tasks, abilities, and your amazing growth potential?

Before you start fretting, check out our three virtual assistant cover letter examples that are bound to help. And while you’re at it, try our AI cover letter generator .

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Virtual assistant cover letter example

Why this cover letter works

  • The more you align your skills with the job ad, the sparkier your virtual assistant cover letter becomes. But don’t highlight these proficiencies casually. Weave them into compelling narratives of you overcoming challenges, spurring efficiency, and achieving positive results (cue increase in LinkedIn and Instagram followers)

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Virtual Assistant No Experience Cover Letter Example

Virtual assistant no experience cover letter example

  • Talk about coursework, a school project, or even a hobby that reflects your eye for detail. An example would be how Theo applied his expertise in data verification to enhance data accuracy for his college’s health club membership records.

Upwork Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

Upwork virtual assistant cover letter example

  • Notice how this Upwork virtual assistant cover letter spotlights adventures using Canva, Adobe Spark, Microsoft Outlook, and Content Management Systems, going further to include tangible results from the applications.

Related cover letter examples

  • Virtual assistant resume
  • Administrative assistant
  • Executive assistant
  • Office assistant
  • Personal assistant

How to Refine Your Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Salesperson pops out of computer screen to depict outselling the competition with sales cover letter

Virtual assistants work in various fields—you might be helping an executive in a medical clinic or assisting leading social workers. Either way, your niche should be absolutely clear in your cover letter!

Re-read the job description for hints on what that particular job role centers around and choose qualifying points based on the requirements. It’s usually helpful to keep a selection of body paragraphs and skills handy so you can switch them out for each job application.

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

Writing an appealing greeting and intro

“Dear Sir/Madam” nope! Talk about dated and generic. Instead, you’ll need a name for an effective cover letter greeting. Look at the job ad again, and research the company until you find who you’re writing to and address them by name.

After a formal greeting with a name, hook your reader with relevant qualifications. Make these traits unique and specifically express how you can take the virtual assistant role to a new level.

Connect with the company, too. Return to the company website and check the job description for obstacles you can help overcome. Find a mission statement and align yourself with the organization’s vision.

Impress the reader with a fast overview of your current (excellent!) fit for the job and leave them wanting to read more!

Don’t write something incomplete, vague, and informal, like this opener that’s downright painful:

I’m so good at calendars you wouldn’t believe it, and I’m gonna make sure your company does great. I’m an awesome virtual assistant:

Instead, stay formal and follow this opener’s example. Make the reader interested in how your abilities will improve the company.

This one’s way better!

Dear Mr. Lopez:

With a growing interest in the digital freelance ecosystem and an undeniable knack for administrative support, I’m enthusiastically seeking to catapult my career as a virtual assistant with Upwork. Leveraging my strengths in Microsoft Outlook, word processing, basic graphic design, and more, I’m ready to enhance your operations by making a strong, positive impact within your work environment.

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

Writing top-tier body paragraphs

As a virtual assistant, you pride yourself on documenting and conveying essential information quickly. You’ll want to do the same in your cover letter’s body paragraphs. Use each paragraph to highlight one major accomplishment and how it will benefit your next employer.

Each success story you share should highlight your technical abilities, interpersonal prowess, and ability to anticipate someone’s needs. Relating these paragraphs to each job description is essential for peak relevance and desirability.

Don’t detail your work experiences arranging seasonal displays. You’re applying for a virtual role, and it probably revolves more around arranging appointment calendars! Mention digital tools you use to get the job done and pull in soft skills that exemplify your efficiency.

Metrics are another critical component of your cover letter. Use quantifiable data like personal ratings, satisfaction percentages, and budget savings to show that you can significantly impact your role.

Now here’s a good body paragraph:

A fundraising event I organized for Our Next Generation, a local non-profit, familiarized me with text encoding. I was tasked with managing digital campaign data and ensuring undistorted transmission of information across various communication channels. Thorough data handling facilitated a 23% increase in campaign effectiveness and brought in an impressive 18% more donations than previous campaigns.

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

Closing and signing off your lovely cover letter

Now that you’ve gotten all your data in order within those body paragraphs, it’s time to wrap everything up with finesse. You’ll want to summarize once more why you want the job and why you’re qualified for it.

Ask yourself again: What skills and impactful experiences make me a great virtual assistant? How do those qualifications stand to benefit my potential employer?

And don’t forget to invite further communication with a solid call to action! You want the opportunity to discuss your abilities and personal connection to the company in greater depth.

Finally, make sure you sign off professionally and politely. Thank the reader for their time. Your thank-you can go in your final paragraph or serve as your signoff. If you use a different signoff, stay professional and use your real, full name.

Don’t write a weak closer without examples of connection, skills, or gratitude. And don’t sign with a nickname:

There you go. As you can see I’d be great at your company here and I wouldn’t miss any appointments. Let me know when I can start so I can let my old boss know.

Instead, check out how effective it is to professionally present skills and personal traits as being pre-aligned with company values:

Talk about an effective closer!

With Aurora Health Care, I visualize my role as a critical part of the healthcare and sustainability mission. I’m eager to utilize my data entry skills to support your administrative teams, collaborate to streamline data-related operations, and contribute towards improving healthcare services. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to discussing further how my background could add value to your dynamic team.

Theo Christopoulos

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid

  • You manage all kinds of little details and essential tasks each day, so make sure you don’t sabotage your chances by overlooking errors in your virtual assistant cover letter (especially if you’ve used ChatGPT )! A simple error like an incorrect date makes a huge difference on the job, so don’t lose the opportunity to demonstrate a sharp eye for key details throughout your virtual assistant cover letter! One great method here is to think of a time when you actually caught an error and prevented an inconvenient or costly mishap.
  • As a virtual assistant, you’ll naturally want to highlight skills that demonstrate your desire to help people get things done. And don’t get us wrong—your ability to coordinate and communicate effectively with others is essential! But recruiters and potential employers want to know exactly which tools you use to accomplish each goal, too, especially since so much of your role is digital. Working specifics in is easier than it might sound: If you used MS Teams to help coordinate a virtual event, specify that, and if you worked hard to coordinate a group project, mention that you used Asana to achieve success.
  • Numbers are important, and not just because they catch the reader’s eye on the page: Recruiters love to see measurable results that align with the organization’s needs. You’ll need metrics to quantify your accomplishments and show the impact you’ve made as a virtual assistant, and you can use some brief context to set off each paragraph of how your professional story has made you into the perfect candidate.
  • Don’t make the recruiter wonder if your cover letter is a copy-paste! Read back over the job description as many times as it takes to find unique and frequently used keywords to work into your examples. Research the business and emphasize current, pressing issues you can help them solve.

Keep it short and sweet at one page! Your reader has little time, and you want to hook them quickly. If they see a two-page cover letter, it’s more likely to wind up in the discard pile instead of the “Awesome new virtual assistant” pile.

We know this part can sometimes be tricky, but you can make tons of progress by reviewing the job description details and any “About” or “Our Team” pages on the company site. If you’re still coming up empty-handed, try stuff like professional Facebook pages and LinkedIn accounts.

Some still do, but it’s become largely unnecessary. As you know from your virtual assistant experience, most information is exchanged digitally these days! Even if you’re going with snail mail, the usual address information on the envelope is enough and doesn’t need repeating on the cover letter.

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Paul Drury

Virtual Assistant cover letter example

Virtual Assistant cover letter example

A virtual assistant can be a savior for a busy professional in so many industries. Once the preserve of the high-flying entrepreneur, a (virtual) personal assistant is now popular for a wide range of professionals. If they organize work streams and lines of communication in the right way, they can be the glue that holds everything together.

While many of the activities may be the same as a normal personal assistant such as booking travel (yes, that is a thing again), managing customer communications, booking accommodation, arranging meetings, and managing social media, virtual assistants can also easily and unobtrusively take part in virtual meetings (taking notes) and be present in all sorts of virtual events to represent their boss.

The flexible nature of the work is unsurprisingly attractive, and many young professionals are seeing this as a way into the work of work. Building relationships in this way is a fantastic entry-level opportunity into their dream industry and they don’t even need to risk a move away from their home city to achieve it.

While a virtual assistant resume should cover the practical matters of their career experience, the cover letter is much more concerned with their personality and approach to work. Telling a couple of stories about the biggest achievements in your career will go a long way to persuading a potential hiring manager to have a chat with you.

In this virtual assistant cover letter example and writing guide, we look at:

  • Selecting the best cover letter format for the role in question
  • Making the most of each cover letter paragraph (header, greeting, intro, body and conclusion)
  • Which content to include in your cover letter
  • Mistakes to avoid with your virtual assistant cover letter

Check out’s library of hundreds of free cover letter samples for even more writing advice and adaptable examples.

Top 5 cases where you need a cover letter

Best format for a virtual assistant cover letter

The format of a virtual assistant cover letter should follow the traditional norms. Virtual assistants should be experts in the etiquette of correspondence, so getting this wrong would not look good. Structure the cover letter with the following sections:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

Every section can carry various career stories, but there should be a flow to the cover letter that conveys consistency, reliability, and efficiency. If these threads run through the cover letter, your potential future boss will know that a potential future interview will be similar.

The virtual assistant cover letter should be customized to the precise requirements of the role. Have a look at the job description and consider the likely activity of your future hiring manager. This requires a fair bit of research, but you really need to put yourself in their position. What will they need from you and how can your past shine a light on your potential to deliver the best possible service? Do not send the same cover letter to everyone – you only get one chance. Make the most of it.

The comprehensive cover letter guide shares more about the general intricacies of writing a cover letter – from font sizes to format options. You might also find that our virtual assistant cover letter example below gives you some ideas:

Virtual assistant role

Dear Ms. Pannock,

I can promise you that there will be nothing virtual about my assistance. I am currently looking for a third client to fill my schedule and my other two clients can attest to how I make a very real difference. We might not sit at the same desk, but I will seek to make your working process smoother and ensure that your clients are blissfully happy. 

As a former customer service representative and administration manager, I understand the importance of timely communication and faultless organization. I am used to working with marketing professionals and enclose a portfolio of graphic design work that I created. I enjoy giving my clients space to channel their creativity, but I also revel in being an outlet whenever I can. Sometimes you just need someone to listen without judgment.

I appreciate the thought that went into your role description and can say that I already do 95 percent of the tasks for my other clients including scheduling, social media management, competitor research, and customer support. There are certain synergies to be enjoyed when you work for an industry-specific client base, so I will hit the ground running. My involvement can flex with your needs, but for me it is vital to get to know each other well first. The first couple of weeks will follow a structured introductory path that will set us up for success.

I am proficient in all forms of marketing software, am constantly updating my knowledge with virtual training sessions and seek to use technology to transform how I do things.

Having visited your social media platforms, I am excited about the possibility of a (virtual) meeting and look forward to getting to know you a little better.

Heather Clearwater

Have a look at some other administrative cover letter examples and get inspired:

  • Customer Service Representative cover letter sample
  • Administrative Assistant cover letter sample
  • Receptionist cover letter sample
  • Office Administrator cover letter sample
  • Office Assistant cover letter sample
  • Office Manager cover letter sample
  • Personal Assistant cover letter sample
  • Administrative Officer cover letter sample
  • Call Center cover letter sample
  • Administrative cover letter sample
  • Front Desk Receptionist cover letter sample
  • Secretary cover letter sample

Cover letter header

The cover letter header can be likened to a presentation that you have prepared for a management meeting or a social media post to impress some sales prospects. It has to look the part to persuade someone to read the words that follow.

There are many different designs that you can choose, but in terms of the information required it is relatively simple. Include your full name, email address and mobile number at the top of the cover letter. This information will be repeated from your resume, but you never quite know when a hiring manager may decide to send that interview invite.

Candidates should not include their full postal address as there are privacy and data protection issues – the town and state will be fine, but even that is not required. In terms of the employer “inside address” – this is an outdated convention that only the most formal of employers will expect. In the age of remote working and multiple it is also hard to ascertain exactly where the hiring manager is based. Our advice would be to omit it.

Cover letter greeting

Respecting the formality of communication is crucial for a professional virtual assistant, so keep the style of greeting on your cover letter formal. You might wish to strike up a friendly connection with your future boss at an interview, but refrain from using their first name at this early stage. A “Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname” cannot be faulted.

As the role is such a personal one, you should really try everything to find out the name of your future boss and address the letter to them. You can look at the job description or even call the company to find out. An impersonal “to whom it may concern” will almost certainly find your resume in the trash folder. You need to take the time to investigate certain things.

Cover letter introduction

The cover letter introduction allows a virtual assistant to get into the detail of their most impressive stories. Start with only the most relevant tales and make sure that you show how your participation makes a difference to the situation rather than simply being a participant.

Share the context of each situation and quantify your contribution. How much was the sale worth when you prepared the winning presentation? What was the value of negotiations that you assisted? How many times have you led a work team meeting? Let your future employer know the scale of your experience.

The introduction should also shine a light onto how you like to go about your daily work. You will undoubtedly have a close relationship with your boss, so be honest in terms of how you approach your work. Sharing your personality upfront in this way will ensure the best possible chance of a fit. If you open up in your cover letter, they will open up at the interview.

View the introduction from our adaptable virtual assistant cover letter sample:

Cover letter middle part (body)

The middle part (or body) of a virtual assistant cover letter should offer reassurance that you are a safe pair of hands, details about your mastery of all the required technology and details of how you handle difficult situations, manage complex processes, and communicate with a vast array of stakeholders. This is nothing groundbreaking, but it is essential to the role, and it should make an appearance in the middle of the cover letter.

Detail your hard and soft skills in equal measure and share them in the context of the situations you have come up against. A list of skills in your cover letter will convince no one. You would be better served to pick 2-3 top skills and expand on how they helped you to make your difference to your previous bosses. Influence through evidence.

One great way of packaging a career story is the STAR method. Let the hiring manager know about the Situation that you were presented with and what the Task comprised. Explain your Actions and the ensuing Results. This needn’t take up much space and can easily be expanded upon when you get to the interview stages.

How to close a virtual assistant cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

The conclusion of a virtual assistant cover letter should end on one last confident note that you can do everything that will be expected of you - and much more.

It is then customary (and even expected) to mention that you are looking forward to the possibility of finding out more during an interview. Come across as enthusiastic rather than expectant. If you have given the hiring manager enough reasons to be interested in your candidature, they should be hovering over the send button on your interview invite as they finish the last sentence. Create the impression that you are in demand.

The conclusion of our virtual assistant cover letter sample below offers a great example:

Basic mistakes in a virtual assistant cover letter (and how to avoid them)

There are few jobs where mistakes are less welcome than a virtual assistant. So much of your work reflects the professionalism of your boss, so your attention to detail will need to be on point – every minute of every day. Here are three simple mistakes to rectify – don’t let them slip past your radar in the rush to send the cover letter out:

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes: Impeccable writing skills are a must for any virtual assistant, so make sure that you use an online grammar checker and maybe also ask a friend to proofread the letter to make sure that it sounds like you.
  • Formatting errors: Every piece of communication should be well formatted. Happily, you can use a cover letter template from our selection and avoid any unseen issues.
  • Too conversational: You might want to write to your future boss as if you are starting off a conversation with them. While this will give your cover letter a warm and friendly tone, you should err on the side of professionalism for these early exchanges. You can warm up a little once you have got to know them a bit better.

Key takeaways

  • Research your future boss well – what sort of assistance will they need?
  • Share your career story with a mix of accomplishments, skills and personality
  • Show enthusiasm for the role and be keen to find out more about it
  • Check out our virtual assistant cover letter sample and other guides

Free professionally designed templates

  • Old Coverler

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Virtual assistant cover letter with no experience.

The job market for virtual assistants is highly competitive, and a compelling cover letter can be the key to securing your desired position. To help you stand out from other candidates, we have prepared an example cover letter for a virtual assistant position.

This example illustrates how you can effectively showcase your skills, experience, and professional achievements to capture the employer’s attention and demonstrate your readiness to become a valuable team member. Carefully review this sample and use it as a guide to create your own unique and impactful cover letter.


Virtual Assistant (On-Site)

Dear [Hiring Manager Name],

I am eager to apply for the Virtual Assistant (On-Site) position at Citizens, bringing over three years of experience in administrative support across various industries.

As a Freelance Virtual Assistant, I have excelled in managing communications, scheduling, document organization, and social media content management—enhancing client engagement by up to 20%. My role at Tech Solutions Inc. involved supporting a tech startup team, coordinating complex calendars, and organizing company events and webinars.

With an Associate of Science in Business Administration, certifications in Administrative Professional (CAP) and QuickBooks ProAdvisor, and proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Google Workspace, Salesforce, and Asana, I am well-prepared to contribute effectively to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

[Your Name]

This text is generated by Coverler

The job market for virtual assistants is competitive, and crafting a compelling cover letter can be challenging, especially if you have no prior experience. To help you navigate this, we have prepared an example cover letter for a virtual assistant position tailored for those with no experience.

This example demonstrates how to highlight your transferable skills, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn, making a strong case for your potential as a valuable team member. Carefully review this sample and use it as a guide to create your own unique and impactful cover letter, even without prior experience.

Eudora Schools 

Virtual Enrollment Assistant

I am excited to apply for the Virtual Enrollment Assistant position at Eudora Schools. With a Bachelor’s degree in Education and robust organizational and technical skills, I am prepared to effectively contribute to your team.

As a recent graduate from the University of Eduville, I specialized in Educational Technology and Instructional Design, enhancing my project management and digital tool proficiency. My volunteer tutoring experience has honed my communication skills and administrative abilities, including schedule coordination and digital record-keeping.

Certified in Microsoft Office and Digital Literacy, I am adept with tech platforms essential for modern educational environments, such as Google Workspace and various LMS systems like PowerSchool. My interpersonal skills make me effective in virtual settings, ensuring thorough and precise enrollment processes.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background aligns with the needs of Eudora Schools.

In Conclusion

Writing an effective cover letter for a virtual assistant position requires attention to detail, confidence in your abilities, and a clear understanding of how your skills can benefit the employer. We hope the provided examples help you create a unique letter that captures attention and highlights your strengths.

A few tips for writing a cover letter:

  • Personalize the Letter : Address it to a specific person whenever possible, and mention the company name and the position you’re applying for. This shows that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the role.
  • Highlight Relevant Skills : Even if you don’t have direct experience as a virtual assistant, focus on transferable skills that are valuable for the role, such as organization, time management, communication skills, and proficiency with modern software tools.
  • Provide Specific Examples : Describe your achievements and experience with concrete examples and numbers. This helps the employer understand how you can contribute to their company.

By following these tips and drawing inspiration from our examples, you can create a strong cover letter that increases your chances of landing the desired virtual assistant position. Good luck with your job search!

Related Administrative Cover Letter Examples:

  • Executive Assistant Cover Letter
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Focus on your goals!

Stop wasting time on cover letters! Let us do the writing, while you prepare for the interviews and offers

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Dasha Shigaeva, Founder at Coverler AI

Hey there! For over a year now, I’ve been diving into the world of AI and using it to craft awesome cover letters. I’ve had a chance to explore a heap of them, so you can bet I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. Whether it’s your dream job or just the next step in your career, I’m here to help you nail that letter and make a real splash. Trust me, together, we’ll make your cover letter stand out!

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How to Write a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter [Examples + Free Templates!]

How to Write a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Are cover letters necessary to apply as a virtual assistant ? Contrary to popular belief that this practice is outdated, you will be surprised at how many employers prefer having it on top of your resume and application letter. The process of applying for a position at an organization takes several steps, and while it is open for every one qualified, taking the time to submit a well-written cover letter will help you stand out from the rest.

What is a virtual assistant cover letter?

A cover letter is usually a one-page document that allows you to introduce yourself and elaborate on your job qualifications in a more personal way. While most traditional workplaces accept it, individuals who work online or virtual assistants also write cover letters to be considered for a position. A well-written cover letter is concise and briefly touches on information from your resume, especially including career experience and achievements.

When writing a cover letter, it is always best to personalize its contents depending on the job requirements and of the company. That is to say that it is advised to customize cover letters as best as you can when applying for multiple organizations.

what should a VA cover letter include

What should the contents of the VA cover letter include?

Assuming that you have the contents of your resume updated with all relevant work experience and other information in there, you can now get started on writing your virtual assistant cover letter. If you have never written one before, it can be overwhelming, or you might go ahead and write a three-page cover letter to highlight all your skills in the most detailed way possible. However, always remember to keep your cover letter a one-pager only.

So, what should you write in your cover letter? While it is tempting to put your whole career and life into a single page, it is best to curate and highlight the best stories from it. It gives the reader a more concise and clear idea of who you are as a future employee, what you can do, and the value you can bring to the organization.

To get a better idea of what to put, read the job description and note the needed qualifications. Include any application instructions and review all that is needed and take the steps needed to follow the instructions.

Start the letter with an introduction, complete with your name and intention. Briefly mention specific relevant job experience and the solutions you came up with for past job challenges. And most of all, include the reasons why you want to work for the organization.

Then, conclude it with a call to action, such as including your contact information like an email or a cellphone number where you can be reached. Your cover letter should convince the reader that you are a qualified candidate and, ultimately, the right person for the job.

how to write a polished virtual assistant cover letter

Tips for writing a polished virtual assistant cover letter

How do you make one sheet of paper stand out from the rest? This is a crucial turning point as a cover letter may be the only thing hindering hiring managers and employers from reading your well-crafted resume. It can be frustrating to work so hard on making a masterpiece out of your resume and have it end up in a pile or leave on unread because the cover letter was not interesting enough. Here are some tips to help you out:

Follow instructions.

Many job descriptions have instructions on how to apply for the job. Read the instructions carefully and follow them. Sometimes, following the instructions to the letter is a test to see how you handle little details. Although not following all the detailed instructions may not fully disqualify a candidate, the hiring manager or employer may take note that the ability to follow directions may not be your strongest suit.

Save your resume and cover letter in PDF.

Using this file format will preserve the format of your resume and cover letter. You don’t want your hard work to go to waste when it looks untidy and misarranged because the reader is not using the same program as you. And the worst thing that could happen is that they might not be able to open the file at all. PDF is a universal file format, and exporting your application materials in a PDF document will save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Check the file names.

Even if you have the best virtual assistant cover letter or resume, there is a chance that your application may be lost in the shuffle if you name it simple as “Resume” or “Cover Letter.” You may only have one of those files on your computer, but hiring managers and employers who are screening hundreds of applicants may have the same files over and over again. To distinguish yours from the rest, properly label the file names of your resume or cover letter with your first and last name.

Don’t reuse resume details.

An impressive cover letter should do more than state what is already written in your resume. First off, draw more attention to the specific skills and experience to highlight yourself as an ideal candidate. Mention relevant skills to support them. Explain briefly but clearly why you would be the right person for the job. Impress the reader that you have done your research on the organization by mentioning its mission, vision, and values by relating it to your own.

All about keywords.

For big organizations that hire several to hundreds of people, they may be using resume software that looks for keywords that match skills, qualifications, and experiences. Use the same keywords and phrases from the job description to help the software qualify you.

Be transparent.

Study your resume and look for things that may prompt hiring managers to do a double-take. Take action by preemptively explaining the cause and outcome of the issues. If, for example, you have two years where you were unemployed, explain the gap as briefly and honestly as you can and reiterate how you have managed to keep up with the skills needed in your career.

Review and proofread.

Once you have crafted your resume and cover letter, always take the time to review and proofread everything more than once. You might have missed a word or a typo in there. If writing is not your best skill, have a friend review it for you or use a grammar check tool or app to help you out.

When is a portfolio needed?

All the time. Even if the job post did not mention it. A professional portfolio showcases a collection of your best work from past employers. It is proof of your competence and skills. If you have relevant certifications that will be helpful for the virtual assistant job post that you want, you may want to include them. Some job positions require a portfolio, while others do not, but since you want to work online as a virtual assistant, it is a necessity. Hiring managers or employers themselves will want something that they can see, and from there, they can decide if you have the right qualifications and skills needed for the job.

how to create a professional work portfolio

How to create a professional work portfolio

If you have experience but have never created a professional portfolio before, here are some tips to help you build one. Gather the most important information and examples that are relevant to the job you want to apply for. It may contain proof of licenses, certifications, degrees, letters of recommendation, references, testimonials, and reviews.

You can also include work samples to show your skills.

If you only have minor experience, buff up your portfolio with an about me section, a written list of skills, biographical information, and awards and accomplishments from school, if any.

Make your portfolio visually appealing by adding relevant pictures and infographics.

This is important for visual roles such as web designer, graphic designer, and creative director positions. It is best to stick to a uniform design aesthetic that goes well with your career. Take note of your portfolio’s colors and patterns, which should aim to make the most important information stand out.

Create a digital master copy of your work portfolio and create a copy so you can customize it for specific job applications. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools and software you can utilize to create an online work portfolio. You should be able to easily change the contents according to the requirements in the job description.

For virtual assistant careers involving working online such as digital marketing or SEO, consider making an online portfolio. It is beneficial for these careers to have an established online presence. Having the ability to network and link to others is the most convenient way to show that you are what you say you are in your resume. Furthermore, this online portfolio could open opportunities down the road as future potential employers may be looking for new hires, and your online portfolio would pop up and interest them.

What if I have little to no work experience?

Everyone starts at some point in their careers. Others are fresh from school and recently graduated, some are looking for a career change, and others may not have the required number of years of experience. Whatever the case is, it should not hinder you from applying for a job knowing that you have what it takes. It should not stop you from writing your application materials as well.

Approach this mindset within justifiable reasons.

For example, if an organization is looking for a candidate with eight to ten years of experience and you only have two, it is best to move on and find other job positions to apply for. However, if a job listing only cites two to three years of experience, and you have one to one and a half, you have a chance to qualify.

Make up for the experience by providing proof of any applicable experience in the past, no matter how minute.

For example, if you have encountered this type of work as an intern, you can include it in your resume and cover letter. Another thing you should do is make a case for why you are valuable and what you can do with your skill sets. However, that means you will be answering specific questions regarding the job, so be prepared for that.

If you know someone already working in the company, it will help your lack of experience if they vouch for you. Employee referral helps prove your case.

how to write a virtual assistant cover letter

Sample virtual assistant cover letters

There is no need to be nervous about writing a virtual assistant cover letter, especially if you have never written one before. Below are samples and templates that you can reference for your own.

Sample virtual assistant cover letter template (You can customize this!)

Date Hiring Manager’s Name 123 Company Address Pony Island Lane, Maryland 443-123-4567 [email protected] Dear [Mr./Mrs./Ms. Hiring Manager’s Name], My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my interest in [Job Position] that I saw listed on [Name of Website]. I have more than 2 years of experience in [Insert Skills Here] and I am confident that my expertise is in line with the responsibilities listed in your job advertisement. [ Discuss accomplishments, stories, and other characteristics or traits that made you stand out in your previous workplace. Attach certifications and other proof along with the resume to further prove your point. Consider using a bulleted list for important information. ] Please find my resume, portfolio, and other credentials attached to this email for more information. Please feel free to contact me at 122-334-567 anytime during the day. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Virtual assistant cover letter example: Digital Marketer VA

Date Hiring Manager’s Name 123 Company Address Pony Island Lane, Maryland 443-123-4567 [email protected] Dear [ Mr./Mrs./Ms. Hiring Manager’s Name ], As a long-time admirer of your company, I was excited to see an opening for the Digital Marketing position on [name of website]. This is an excellent opportunity for me to showcase my skills and all the things I have learned in all my years of experience. I have worked in digital marketing and business advertising for over five years. Together with my team, I spearheaded a project that challenged my creativity which led me to come up with innovative solutions. With the limited budget of only $5,000, we were able to create campaigns that received over a million impressions and thousands of conversions that made our clients happy. Highlights of my qualification include: 1st qualification 2nd qualification 3rd qualification 4th qualification With my eagerness for continuous learning, I am confident that I am the right fit for your organization. With my enthusiasm for the dynamic field of digital marketing, I do my best to keep updated with the latest trends and best practices. I would be delighted to have the opportunity to work with talented professionals at [Name of Company]. If you are interested to know more about my skills and qualifications, you can contact me by email or through Skype. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much. Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample virtual assistant cover letter (VA with no experience)

Date Hiring Manager’s Name 123 Company Address Pony Island Lane, Maryland 443-123-4567 [email protected] Dear [ Mr./Mrs./Ms. Hiring Manager’s Name ], My name is [ Your Name ] and I am a recent graduate from [ Name of School ]. I learned about your company’s job opening for [Name of Job Position] from [Name of Website]. I am interested to apply, and I have attached a copy of my resume alongside this letter. Although your job posting says you need someone with two years of experience in [name of skill], I believe I have applicable job experience to be qualified. In my former role as an intern at [ Name of Internship Place ], I was responsible for [insert relevant job skills]. While employed there, I assisted in [insert supporting skills here] which helped support the team which earned me some compliments from my intern manager. With a degree in [ Name of Degree ], I have a comprehensive understanding of [Name of Relevant Skills] which will make me a great asset for your company. What draws me most to [Name of Company] is because [Insert reasons]. I believe your core values align with mine and I would be honored to work for a prestigious company. I can be reached anytime via email at [ [email protected] ] or by phone, 895-678-9989 . Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, [ Your Name ]  

Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all virtual assistant cover letter for jobs out there. The purpose of adding a cover letter is to demonstrate your eagerness to be a part of the organization. While a well-written resume and cover letter will open doors, it is up to you to make use of the opportunities that have been presented to you.


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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples

Virtual Assistants provide operational and clerical support to clients over the Internet or other communication means. They are often required by busy entrepreneurs who need to delegate their daily tasks and concentrate on strategic actions. Examples of duties that a Virtual Assistant can perform include: managing emails, scheduling appointments, ensuring customer service, taking phone calls, updating databases, doing errands, updating websites, creating presentations, writing content, assisting with recruitment, and making travel arrangements. Many Virtual Assistants work on a freelance basis.


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Use these Virtual Assistant samples as a guideline, or visit our extensive library of customizable cover letter templates .

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Free Virtual Assistant cover letter example

Dear Mr. Wills:

When I learned of your need for a Virtual Assistant, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration. As a reliable, self-motivated, and efficient assistant with experience providing remote administrative and personal support to busy professionals across the globe, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to you.

From organizing travel arrangements and managing schedules to performing market research and identifying new business opportunities, my skills allow me to thrive in fast-paced independent environments that let me put my time management and organizational skills to use. Backed by my superior communication and multitasking capabilities, I excel at providing exceptional off-site support and generating optimal productivity and success for businesses.

Highlights of my experience include…

Performing extensive support functions—including managing web content, communicating with teams, sending newsletters, and coordinating general operations—while maintaining a consistent level of professionalism and accuracy.

Communicating consistently via phone, email, and Skype, ensuring reliable ongoing contact throughout the day.

Demonstrating proficiency in a wide array of software programs, including social media channels.

Balancing multiple tasks within time-sensitive environments while providing top-level organization and interpersonal skills.

With my proven commitment to delivering the highest level of virtual assistance, I am well prepared to extend my record of exceptional service to your business. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this position and my qualifications with you further. Thank you for your consideration.

Brittany A. Thomas

Include These Virtual Assistant Skills

  • Computer proficiency
  • Organizational skills
  • Effective communication
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Self-motivation
  • Creativity and resourcefulness
  • Problem-solving orientation
  • Diplomacy and tact
  • Time management and deadline orientation
  • Customer focus

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A professional cover letter is the first step toward your new job!

  • Career Advice
  • Cover Letters

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

A virtual assistant cover letter should summarize your experience and skills as well as explain your motivation for wanting to work for the company.

A virtual assistant typically works remotely to provide administrative services like scheduling meetings, preparing documents, and researching requested information.

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter – Template

Download our free Virtual Assistant Cover Letter in MS Word format.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Sample:

[Full Name]

[Email Address]

[Contact Number]

[LinkedIn Profile/Website Link]

Dear [hiring manager’s title and last name, or their first name],

I found your advertisement for the Virtual Assistant vacancy and am very interested in the position. My experience in [administration or personal assistance] and ability to [#1 skill] and [#2 skill] make me the perfect candidate for the job. I know my skill set and industry knowledge will be invaluable to [name of the company] .

I am most impressed by [notable milestones or characteristics you appreciate about the company] and have some great ideas of my own to contribute. When I worked on [mention a successful project/initiative you were involved in] , we managed to [describe the result(s) of the project] . I believe your [project or company initiative you are especially interested in] will make waves in the industry and I would feel privileged to be a part of such an innovative team.

In my role as [current or former position] , I achieved [mention accomplishment(s) and strengthen it with a statistic, if possible] , which improved [mention the effect this accomplishment had on the company in question] . Most recently I attended [relevant training you’ve completed] that helped me sharpen my [list key skills or valuable attributes] .

I have attached my resume and [mention any other documents that were requested, if applicable] . If you like my ideas, I have many more I would like to discuss with you.

[Full name]

How to Write a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter:

Read our step-by-step instructions for writing the perfect virtual assistant cover letter.

Address your cover letter.

Provide your personal details..

List your name, physical address, telephone number, and any links to your website or LinkedIn profile at the top of your cover letter.

Address the hiring manager directly.

Research who the hiring manager is and address your cover letter to them personally. This shows your interest in the role and ability to perform research.

Outline your skills and experience.

Summarize your skills..

Mention your experience in administration or personal assistance, and list any skills that will help you in your role as a virtual assistant. This could include excellent communication, interpersonal skills, time management, and/or planning skills.

Mention any training you have completed.

Completing courses in your free time not only shows dedication to improving your skills, but also makes you a more qualified candidate. Try to explain how these courses have enriched your skills. For example, a course on new software to manage schedules and plan meetings.

Celebrate the organization and describe your accomplishments.

Talk about the company..

Mention a few projects that the company is involved in that you find interesting. This shows your research abilities and that you are genuinely interested in the work that the company does. As a virtual assistant, you may be inspired by the CEO's approach to social work or their interest in going green.

Describe your accomplishments.

Showing that you are capable and able to improve the company can be justified with previous accomplishments, such as increasing productivity, saving money on office supplies, and/or introducing energy-saving measures. Try to mention statistics to illustrate your success.

Attach your resume and close your letter.

Attach relevant documents..

Mention documents that may have been requested, like your resume or CV, and include any references that support your performance at your current or previous company.

Sign off your letter with a call to action to encourage the hiring manager to get in touch with you, and end with "Sincerely" and your full name.

How to Write a Cover Letter

How do I write a cover letter for a virtual assistant?

Your virtual assistant cover letter should include a few personal details, a description of your skills and experience, and your motivation for wanting to work at the company.

Try to mention specific accomplishments from your previous roles that show your qualification, and talk about projects that the company is involved in that you would like to contribute to.

How do you format a virtual assistant cover letter?

  • Provide your personal details .
  • Address the hiring manager directly .
  • Summarize your skills .
  • Talk about the company .
  • Describe your accomplishments .
  • Mention any training you have completed .
  • Attach relevant documents .

What is the best format for a virtual assistant cover letter?

The best format for a virtual assistant cover letter is to keep it brief but provide enough evidence of your qualifications. For example, mention that you are proficient with specific planning software and use a statistic to prove how this skill improved your previous company.

Try to mention specific projects that the company is involved in that you are inspired by or excited to be a part of. This may be a corporate project or social work that the company does.

Related Articles:

The 12 best cover letter tips for 2024, how to address a cover letter, best cover letter generators, common cover letter mistakes, personal assistant cover letter.

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter with Example [Cover Letter Writing Guideline]

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In this age of technology, finding a job across the world has never been easier! All of a sudden, working from home has become a norm for many, and the range of job opportunities is virtually limitless! A career that has been rising in popularity, in particular, is that of a virtual assistant. 

As the name implies, a virtual assistant provides administrative and clerical assistance remotely. Still, to pursue a career as a virtual assistant, you will need to write a cover letter as a part of your job application package. 

A virtual assistant’s cover letter has never been more important in a day and age where talent can be sourced (quite literally) from anywhere on Earth. A virtual assistant’s cover letter, done well, will elevate your job application package by providing a more personal touch in the description of your work experience, education, and other qualifications. Moreover, a virtual assistant's cover letter should demonstrate your skill set and prove your candidacy for the position you are applying for!

This article will investigate the make-up of a powerful virtual assistant cover letter and drop some tricks to take your virtual assistant cover letter to the next level!

Table of Contents

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples

How to write a cover letter for a virtual assistant job.

  • Tips on How to Write the Best Cover Letter for Virtual Assistant Position


Let’s begin! This section demonstrates a couple of examples of cover letters for virtual assistant positions. 

Sample Cover Letter for a Virtual Assistant

Allen Nguyen Administrative Assistant 123 Bradley Lane Dallas, TX 75241 817-502-8539  [email protected]

21 September 2022

Peter Liu Hiring Manager ABS Company 981 Skips Lane Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Dear Mr. Liu, 

I am writing this letter to express my interest in taking on the Virtual Assistant role at ABS Company. I was drawn to apply because the position aligns with my personal and professional goals. As an established professional working as an Administrative Assistant for 4 years, I believe that my skills and qualifications will help to support and drive your company’s continued success.

Throughout my career, I have maintained the highest level of professional integrity and discretion. My adaptability, resourcefulness, and independent motivation are evidenced by my top accomplishments:

  • Led a team of 24 to revamp the company financial records system, reducing overhead costs by $5000 annually
  • Launched a program to train upcoming Administrative Assistants, reducing onboarding time by 40%
  • Provided essential clerical and administrative duties for 6 top-level executives in the company, with a 100% satisfaction rate over 4 years

Please take a moment to review my attached resume and recommendations. I look forward to sitting down with you to discuss in full how my qualifications and technical expertise can help drive the efficiency of ABS Company to the next level. Thank you for your time and evaluation, and I anticipate your forthcoming response. 


Allen Nguyen

Sample Cover Letter for a Virtual Assistant With No Experience

Conan Edwards Graduate Student 2865 East Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85040 480-228-9218

10 September 2022

Josephine Tardon Hiring Manager 123 Marketing 1242 Clark Street New York City, NY 10040

Dear Mr. Tardon, 

I am writing to express my interest in undertaking the Virtual Assitant Role at your marketing company, 123 Marketing. I have always been a quick learner and, as I prepare to enter the job market, I wish to apply all that I have learned throughout my graduate and undergraduate studies in a practical environment. I believe that this opportunity perfectly aligns with these goals and that my skills and technical background make me an ideal candidate for this position.

I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Human Resources. Throughout my studies, I have consistently been active in administrative positions, including acting as the Secretary for the International Student Association and working part-time in my university’s accounting department. These experiences have taught me many skills that can be directly applied to the Virtual Assistant position. These include a high degree of computer literacy focused on clerical and administrative software, exceptional time management and organizational skills, and keen attention to detail. I believe that these technical and transferable skills make me a competitive candidate for this position and will aid me in effectively carrying out the duties that the position requires. 

Please take a moment to review my attached recommendations and resume. I hope to meet with you soon to discuss how my skills and knowledge can be best applied to the Virtual Assistant position at your company. Thank you for your time and evaluation.

Conan Edwards

Now that we have seen some examples of virtual assistant cover letters, let’s take a closer look at the specific details. This section breaks down a virtual assistant’s cover letter and identifies key features that all successful virtual assistant cover letters have!

Address the hiring manager directly.

Before anything, your virtual assistant’s cover letter should be personalized and tailored to the company/hiring manager you are writing to. Addressing the hiring manager in your cover letter not only leaves a good impression but demonstrates your attention to detail (which is a highly desirable trait to have as an assistant). 

On the letterhead of your virtual assistant cover letter, include the name and specific contact information of the hiring manager and company. 

If you do not know where to find the contact information of the hiring manager, a good place to look is the job listing. If it is not there, a quick perusal of the company website or a short phone call ought to do the trick! It may seem like a lot of work, but your virtual assistant cover letter will be greatly benefitted from it!

Start with a professional salutation.

Apply the contact information you’ve just collected about the hiring manager to create a suitable salutation for your virtual assistant’s cover letter. Your virtual assistant cover letter should be formal in tone, and its salutation should follow suit. In addition, where possible, the salutation should also be personally addressed to the hiring manager! Here are some examples of professional salutations that you can include in your cover letter for a virtual assistant position:

  • Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.] [Hiring Manager’s last name]
  • Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs.] [Hiring Manager’s full name]

If you absolutely cannot find the personal information of the hiring manager, you can also use these formal non-specific salutations:

  • Dear [Addressee’s job title]
  • To Whom It May Concern (use this as a last resort!)

Introduce yourself & why you are writing.

Down to business. Begin your virtual assistant’s cover letter on the right foot by briefly introducing yourself and your motivation for writing. The introductory paragraph of your virtual assistant’s cover letter can also be used to briefly mention your experience level and how it can be applied to your success in the position!

To illustrate this point, here is an example paragraph from a virtual assistant application letter:

I am writing to express my interest in the Virtual Assistant position at AZ Digital Solutions. As a seasoned assistant with 7 years of administrative assistance experience, this position appears perfectly aligned with my current professional developmental objectives. I believe that my skills and qualifications make me an ideal candidate that will bring immediate value to your company. 

Summarize your skills, qualifications, and experience.

This section is the meat and bones of your virtual assistant’s cover letter. The body section of your virtual assistant’s cover letter aims to sell your skills, qualifications, and experience as hallmarks of your ability to excel in the position you are applying for. Here is a more detailed account of what each part should include:

  • Skills : The skills you mention in your virtual assistant cover letter should directly relate to the job you are applying for. You should aim to balance between technical skills, which demonstrate your area-specific knowledge, and soft skills, which highlight your interpersonal and “people” skills and are essential to Assistants in particular!
  • Qualifications : The qualifications in your virtual assistant’s cover letter should be both relevant to the position and field you are applying to. For example, someone writing a cover letter to be a virtual assistant for a finance company may need to include qualifications demonstrating knowledge of financial jargon and standards. 
  • Experience : Experience is gold for your virtual assistant cover letter! However, remember to only include relevant experience that contributes towards proving you are the right person for the job! Otherwise, you are simply wasting valuable space in your cover letter!

While having experience can never hurt, the lack of experience is still not the end of the world! If you are writing a virtual assistant’s cover letter as a beginner with no experience, shift the focus to other qualifications, education, or training to justify your candidacy for the position. There is a plethora of online certifications that you can take to acquire the skills necessary to become a successful virtual assistant!

Close with a CTA and mention your attachments.

It’s the home stretch now! Close off your virtual assistant’s cover letter with an equally strong call to action. In the closing paragraph of your virtual assistant’s cover letter, thank the hiring manager for reading through your cover letter and indicate your interest in the position by including a call to action! A call to action is an indication of how you would like to proceed in the interview process. 

In addition to the aforementioned, it is generally also a good idea to remind the hiring manager about the attachments you have enclosed alongside your virtual assistant’s cover letter. While the specific documents vary depending on the job listing, the generally required documents include your resume and a recommendation or two!

Sign off politely.

It’s finally time to sign off on your virtual assistant cover letter! This section should remain as formal as the others. Here are some examples of appropriate complimentary closes for a virtual assistant’s cover letter:

  • Yours sincerely
  • Best regards
  • Respectfully

💡 Tip: The sign-off when sending an emailed version of a virtual assistant cover letter requires a slightly different style. In addition to your complimentary close and signature, it is standard to include your contact information (email and phone number) directly underneath. This is because emailed cover letters do not have the standard cover letterhead, thus not providing the space to include your contact information there!

Tips on How to Write the Best Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Let’s kick it up a notch. Here are some neat tips and tricks that you can use when writing your virtual assistant cover letter.

💡 Highlight virtual assistant skills.

The skill set you bring to the table is one of the most important and defining parts of your virtual assistant cover letter. Remember to be honest and only include skills that you actually have. Here is a list of hard and soft skills that you can use to ramp up the effectiveness of your virtual assistant cover letter!

Hard skills to include in a virtual assistant cover letter:

  • Field-specific knowledge
  • Excellent clerical skills
  • Accounting knowledge
  • Personable telephone mannerism
  • Budgeting/Financial skills
  • Computer literacy
  • Knowledge of administrative, financial, and clerical computer software
  • High typing speed
  • Linguistic fluency (bilingualism is a plus!)
  • Exceptional writing skills

Soft skills to include in a virtual assistant cover letter:

  • High attention to detail
  • Critical thinking
  • Time management
  • Highly organized
  • Independent and resourceful
  • Strong interpersonal communication
  • Ability to multitask
  • Ability to work under pressure/time constraints
  • Integrity and enthusiasm
  • A high degree of professionalism and discreteness

💡 Touch on any relevant training you’ve completed.

Earlier, we touched on the fact that qualifications matter when writing a virtual assistant’s cover letter. That said, getting the opportunity to gain experience is sometimes challenging. Here are some training courses that you can undergo as an aspiring virtual assistant that you can include in your cover letter:

  • SavvySystem
  • The In Demand VA Course

💡 Describe past achievements with quantifiable metrics.

A great way to add credibility to your virtual assistant’s cover letter is to quantify your accomplishments with measurable metrics. Physical data and statistics that testify to your competency paint a clear mental picture in the mind of the hiring manager that you are a suitable candidate for the job! Here are some examples of how you can include measurable metrics in your virtual assistant’s cover letter:

  • Synthesized over 500 formal letters to be sent to company clients, maintaining the highest standard of professionalism and integrity.
  • Compiled quarterly financial statements over 4 years and drafted and presented PowerPoint presentations on budget-related matters
  • Spearheaded a company-wide documentation filing system overhaul, reducing data retrieval time by 60%.

💡 Express your ability to learn quickly on the job.

Everyone starts somewhere, and the same holds for virtual assistants. If you are writing a virtual assistant’s cover letter with no experience, you need to find a way to replace the trust built from experience. A good way to do this in a virtual assistant’s cover letter is to demonstrate your ability to adapt and learn in a new environment. For example, in your cover letter, you could detail a scenario where you had to learn on the job in a situation similar to the position you are applying for. 

💡 Redirect focus to your education and skills.

If you are writing a virtual assistant’s cover letter with no experience, you need to gain credibility and trust from another source. A good substitute for experience is your education! School and university teach us a great deal, and you pick up on many skills along the way. In your virtual assistant cover letter with no experience, mention how your time in university aided you in learning not only technical knowledge but provided opportunities to pick up on and refine skills that will assist you in carrying out the duties of the position you are applying for!

In conclusion, virtual assistant cover letters are an essential part of your job application package for a virtual assistant position. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an entry-level graduate, a strong and convincing virtual assistant cover letter will boost your application and give you a competitive edge over other applicants! To close off, let's review some of the key takeaways of this article:

  • Stick to the truth when writing your virtual assistant cover letter. Avoid embellishing your cover letter with skills that you do not possess as the truth will come out sooner or later!
  • Stick to the virtual assistant cover letter format! Maintain a professional tone and personalize your letter for the hiring manager that will read it.
  • Experience is your best friend, but is not the only way to impress the hiring manager! In the place of experience, use your virtual assistant cover letter to demonstrate how you have developed the skills and attitude to take on the position and succeed!

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— Originally written by Alexander Coye —

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sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

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Virtual Assistant Cover Letter with No Experience Sample

In this article, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to write a compelling virtual assistant cover letter, including customizable templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways: Understand the Role: Get a clear picture of what a virtual assistant does and the skills required. Showcase Transferable Skills: Highlight relevant skills from other experiences. Personalize Your Letter: Tailor your cover letter to the company and position. Use a Clear Structure: Follow a simple and effective format. Provide Examples: Share instances where you’ve demonstrated key skills. Close Strongly: End with a call to action and express enthusiasm for the opportunity. Review and Edit: Ensure your cover letter is error-free and polished.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Cover Letter

Step 1: research and understand the role.

Before you start writing, it’s crucial to understand what being a virtual assistant entails. Research the company and the specific role to tailor your cover letter effectively.

Step 2: Start with a Strong Introduction

Begin with a greeting and introduce yourself. Mention how you learned about the position and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Step 3: Highlight Transferable Skills

Even without direct experience, you likely have skills that are applicable to the role of a virtual assistant. Detail how your background has equipped you with valuable skills like organization, communication, and time management.

  • Organization: Managed a busy college schedule, balancing academics and part-time work.
  • Communication: Excelled in customer service roles, addressing client concerns with empathy and efficiency.
  • Time Management: Completed projects efficiently while meeting deadlines in previous positions.

Step 4: Personalize Your Letter

Show that you’ve done your homework. Mention something about the company that excites you and aligns with your values or career goals.

Step 5: Provide Real-Life Examples

Share a brief story or example where you demonstrated a key skill relevant to being a virtual assistant. This helps the employer visualize you in the role.

Step 6: Close with Confidence

End your cover letter by reiterating your interest in the position and stating your eagerness to discuss your application further. Include a polite call to action, inviting the employer to contact you.

Step 7: Review and Edit

Ensure your cover letter is free from grammatical errors and typos. Have someone else review it if possible.

Personal Tips from My Experience

  • Be Genuine: Authenticity resonates with readers. Share your genuine interest in the role and the company.
  • Stay Positive: Focus on what you can offer, not on the experience you lack.
  • Follow Up: Don’t hesitate to send a polite follow-up email if you haven’t heard back after a week or two.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Your Email] [Today’s Date]

[Employer’s Name] [Company’s Name] [Company’s Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant position at [Company’s Name] that I found [where you found the job listing]. With a strong background in [relevant background], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team, despite lacking direct experience in virtual assistance.

In my previous role as [Your Previous Role], I honed skills that align well with the responsibilities of a virtual assistant. For instance, [share a specific example]. This experience taught me valuable lessons in [related skill or lesson], which I am eager to apply in the Virtual Assistant role at [Company’s Name].

What particularly attracts me to [Company’s Name] is [mention a specific company attribute or value]. I admire [specific detail about the company] and am excited about the opportunity to support your team in achieving its goals.

I am enthusiastic about the chance to bring my unique skills to the Virtual Assistant position at [Company’s Name]. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in more detail and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute to [Company’s Name] and am excited about the potential to grow within your esteemed company.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A professional office setting with a young woman sitting at a desk, working on a computer

Q: How Do I Write a Cover Letter for a Virtual Assistant Position with No Prior Experience?

Answer: In my cover letter, I focused on highlighting my transferable skills. I emphasized my organizational abilities, proficiency with technology, and strong communication skills. 

I also mentioned any relevant volunteer work or projects that demonstrated my ability to manage tasks remotely. By showcasing my eagerness to learn and adapt, I made a strong case for my potential as a virtual assistant, despite lacking direct experience.

Q: What Makes a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Stand Out?

Answer: To make my virtual assistant cover letter stand out, I personalized it for each job application. I researched the company and addressed the specific needs mentioned in the job description. 

I included examples of how I successfully managed similar tasks in the past. Adding a touch of creativity, like a unique format or a professional yet personable tone, also helped my cover letter stand out.

Q: Should I Mention Technical Skills in My Virtual Assistant Cover Letter?

Answer: Absolutely! In my cover letter, I made sure to list key technical skills that are crucial for a virtual assistant, such as proficiency in Microsoft Office, knowledge of CRM software, and experience with social media management tools. I also mentioned my fast typing speed and ability to quickly learn new software, which are valuable skills in this role.

Q: How Can I Show My Remote Work Experience in My Cover Letter?

Answer: In my cover letter, I highlighted my previous remote work experiences. I detailed how I efficiently managed my time, communicated effectively with team members, and maintained productivity in a home office setting. 

I also mentioned specific tools and software I used for remote collaboration, showing that I’m well-equipped for a virtual work environment.

Q: Is It Important to Tailor My Virtual Assistant Cover Letter to Each Job?

Answer: Yes, it’s very important. For each job application, I tailored my cover letter to address the specific requirements and expectations listed in the job posting. 

I made connections between my skills and experiences and the needs of the potential employer. This approach showed that I was not only a fit for the role but also genuinely interested in working for their company.

sample cover letter for newbie virtual assistant

Letter Templates & Example

10 Best Cover Letter Examples for Virtual Assistants: How to Get Hired Faster

Letter sample 025

Are you on the hunt for a job as a virtual assistant? If so, crafting a top-notch cover letter is an essential part of the process. A cover letter is your introduction to a potential employer, and it provides a chance to highlight your skills and experience. But how do you write a cover letter that stands out from the crowd? We’ve got you covered with some examples that can help!

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned virtual assistant, our cover letter examples show how to highlight your relevant skills and customize your letter to each job posting. Our examples are fully editable, so you can make them your own and show off your unique personality. So, if you want to land your next job as a virtual assistant, check out our examples and get started on crafting the perfect cover letter.

The Perfect Structure for a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

If you’re applying for a virtual assistant position, your cover letter is an essential tool to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. It should be well-structured and concise, highlighting your qualifications and why you’re the best fit for the job.

The ideal structure for a virtual assistant cover letter should include:

1. Introduction: Start with a formal introduction, indicating your interest in the role and the company you’re applying for. This section should include your name, contact information, and a brief description of yourself.

2. Opening Paragraph: In this paragraph, you should highlight your experience as a virtual assistant and explain why you’re interested in the role. You can also mention any relevant skills and achievements that make you an ideal candidate.

3. Skills and Experience: This section should contain a more detailed account of your experience as a virtual assistant. Mention tasks you have successfully completed, software programs you know how to use, and any other relevant experience. Be specific and focus on the skills that are most important to the position you are applying for.

4. Personal Qualities: It’s not enough to highlight your technical skills – employers are also looking for someone who is reliable, professional, and easy to work with. Describe your personal traits that make you ideal for the position, such as attention to detail, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work under pressure.

5. Closing Remarks: In this section, thank the employer for considering your application and express your enthusiasm for the role. Provide your contact information and encourage the hiring manager to reach out to you if they have any further questions.

In summary, a virtual assistant cover letter should be well-structured, highlighting your experience, skills, and personal qualities. By following this format, you’ll increase your chances of landing a virtual assistant position and impressing any potential employers.

Cover Letter Examples for Virtual Assistant

Applying for virtual assistant position in a startup.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to submit my application for the Virtual Assistant position in your startup. As an experienced virtual assistant, I am confident that I can assist you in various tasks that will help improve business efficiency.

As a previous virtual assistant, I have a proven track record in providing administrative support, managing emails, scheduling meetings and conferences, and data entry. I am also proficient in using different software and tools such as Microsoft Office, G-Suite, and Asana.

I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, enabling me to work closely with team members and clients. I am also highly organized and can manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications in more detail.

[Your Name] Virtual Assistant

Recommendation for Virtual Assistant in a Law Firm

I am writing to recommend [Name], who has worked as my virtual assistant for the past year. [Name] has been an essential part of our team, providing excellent support to our firm.

[Name] has excellent organizational skills and can efficiently manage schedules, emails, and phone inquiries. [Name] is also experienced in research and data analysis and can provide valuable insights and reports.

[Name] communicates professionally and promptly, both with me and with our clients. [Name] is also a quick learner and can adapt to new tasks with ease.

I highly recommend [Name] for any Virtual Assistant role. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

[Your Name] [Your Position]

Applying for Virtual Assistant Position in an E-commerce Store

I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant position in your E-commerce store. As an experienced virtual assistant, I can assist you with various administrative tasks and provide support to your customers.

As a previous virtual assistant, I have experience in handling emails, managing customer inquiries, product listings, and order processing. I am proficient in using tools like Shopify, Zendesk, and Google Analytics.

I have excellent communication and customer service skills and can provide prompt and friendly responses to customers. I am also highly organized and can manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Recommendation for Virtual Assistant in a Marketing Agency

I am writing to recommend [Name], who has worked as my virtual assistant for the past two years. [Name] has been an essential part of our marketing team, providing excellent support to our agency.

[Name] has excellent project management skills and can efficiently manage tasks and deadlines. [Name] can also assist in research, data analysis, and social media management.

[Name] communicates professionally and promptly, both with me and with our clients. [Name] is also proactive in suggesting improvements and implementing them.

I highly recommend [Name] for any Virtual Assistant role in a marketing agency. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

Applying for Virtual Assistant Position in a Nonprofit Organization

I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant position in your nonprofit organization. As an experienced virtual assistant, I can assist you in various administrative tasks and support your organization’s mission.

As a previous virtual assistant, I have experience in handling emails, managing donor inquiries, fundraising initiatives, and event planning. I am proficient in using tools like Mailchimp, Eventbrite, and Salesforce.

I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and can work closely with team members and volunteers. I am also highly organized and can manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Recommendation for Virtual Assistant in a Technology Company

I am writing to recommend [Name], who has worked as my virtual assistant for the past year. [Name] has been an essential part of our technology team, providing excellent support to our employees.

[Name] has excellent technical skills and can assist in project management, software troubleshooting, and database management. [Name] is also experienced in organizing and managing training sessions.

[Name] communicates professionally and promptly, both with me and with our employees. [Name] is also a quick learner and can adapt to new software and tools with ease.

I highly recommend [Name] for any Virtual Assistant role in a technology company. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

Applying for Virtual Assistant Position in a Consulting Firm

I am excited to apply for the Virtual Assistant position in your consulting firm. As an experienced virtual assistant, I can assist you in various administrative tasks and support your clients’ needs.

As a previous virtual assistant, I have experience in handling emails, managing appointments, market research, and invoicing. I am proficient in using tools like Quickbooks, Trello, and Slack.

I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and can provide prompt and professional responses to clients. I am also highly organized and can manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for Virtual Assistant Positions

As a virtual assistant, your cover letter will be your first chance to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers. Here are some expert tips to help you write a winning cover letter:

  • Start with a strong opening sentence : Your cover letter should begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence that immediately sets you apart from other candidates. Avoid generic openings like “Dear Hiring Manager” and instead, try to address the letter to the person who will be reading it.
  • Showcase your skills : It’s important to show the employer that you have the skills they are looking for. Use specific examples from your experience that demonstrate your proficiency in areas like time management, organization, communication, and problem-solving. Be sure to match your skills to the requirements of the job listing.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the company : To show the employer that you’re truly interested in the position, it’s important to demonstrate your knowledge of the company. Do some research on the company and mention specific details in your cover letter that show you understand their industry, mission, and values.
  • Be concise and to the point : Virtual assistants need to be excellent communicators who can convey information quickly and concisely. Your cover letter should be no longer than one page and should clearly and succinctly summarize your qualifications and experience.
  • Show your personality : Virtual assistants often work remotely, which means they need to be self-starters who can take initiative and work independently. Use your cover letter to show your enthusiasm, personality, and work style. Highlight any hobbies or interests that make you a good fit for the position.
  • Close with a call-to-action : Finally, make sure to close your cover letter with a strong call-to-action that invites the employer to contact you for an interview or to learn more about your qualifications. Provide your contact information and thank the employer for considering your application.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to write a standout cover letter that will help you land the virtual assistant job of your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cover Letter Examples for Virtual Assistants

What is a cover letter example for virtual assistant?

A cover letter example for virtual assistant is a sample cover letter that virtual assistants can use as a guide or inspiration when creating their own cover letter. This type of cover letter will highlight the skills, experiences, and achievements that make the candidate stand out from others.

Why is it important to have a cover letter example for virtual assistant?

A cover letter example for virtual assistant is important because it helps candidates in creating a cover letter that will capture the attention of potential employers. With a well-written and properly formatted cover letter, candidates increase their chances of being invited for an interview, which could lead to a job offer.

How can I find a cover letter example for virtual assistant?

You can find a cover letter example for virtual assistant online, by searching for samples and templates. Websites like Indeed, Canva, and Resume genius offer free samples and templates for virtual assistant cover letters.

What should a cover letter example for virtual assistant include?

A cover letter example for virtual assistant should include a brief introduction about the candidate, their skills and experiences, their accomplishments, and how they can meet the needs of the employer. It should also have a call to action for the employer to schedule an interview or contact the candidate for further information.

What are some tips for writing a cover letter example for virtual assistant?

Some tips for writing a cover letter example for virtual assistant include customizing the cover letter for each employer, showing enthusiasm for the job, highlighting your relevant skills and experiences, and ending with a call to action for the employer to take action.

Can I use a cover letter example for virtual assistant as is?

No, you should not use a cover letter example for virtual assistant as is. You should customize the cover letter to fit your skills, experiences, and qualifications. You should also adjust it to fit the requirements and needs of the employer.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using a cover letter example for virtual assistant?

Some common mistakes to avoid when using a cover letter example for virtual assistant include failing to customize the letter to fit the employer’s needs, grammatical and spelling errors, and making it too lengthy. You should also avoid making false claims and exaggerating your skills and experiences.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you found these cover letter examples for virtual assistant helpful in crafting your own cover letter. Remember to tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company you are applying to, highlighting your relevant skills and experience. Don’t forget to proofread and edit your cover letter before submitting it. Good luck with your job search! Be sure to visit again later for more helpful tips and advice.

Top Cover Letter Template for Virtual Assistant to Land Your Dream Job 5 Impressive Cover Letter Examples for Medical Assistant Positions Top Cover Letter Examples for Personal Assistant Positions Top 10 Cover Letter Examples for Certified Medical Assistant 10 Effective Cover Letter Examples for Healthcare Assistant Positions The Ultimate Cover Letter Template for Research Assistant Positions

Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Sample

How to write a professional cover letter for a virtual assistant position.

Writing a compelling cover letter for a virtual assistant resume requires a little more effort.

While your resume is a list of your experiences, your cover letter is a place to tell your story and why you are so perfect for the job.

In order to write an effective cover letter for a virtual assistant position:

  • Think short and sweet.
  • Avoid long phrases and complicated words.
  • Read the virtual assistant job description provided by the employer.
  • Relate your qualifications and talents to the needs of the employer.

Here is an example for you to get ideas from:

Sample Cover Letter for Virtual Assistant Position

Jennifer Stark 54 East 5th Street Middlesboro, KY 70101 (000) 888-5211 [email protected]

January 3, 2023

Mr. Mathew Carter Hiring Manager ABC Company 634 Polly Hollow Road Middlesboro, KY 78541

Dear Mr. Carter:

While looking through your job advertisement for a virtual assistant position, I found the job description closely matches my qualifications and work experience. For 5 years, I have been building my online presence for different companies and am eager to outperform at ABC Company now. 

Here is the crux of my skills and qualifications:

  • Track record of providing effective and efficient administrative support to customers while based in a remote location.
  • Demonstrated ability to handle support ticketing systems by ensuring prompt replies and early resolutions of customers’ problems.
  • Proficient in managing several projects simultaneously by ensuring the maintenance of quality for each one.

Besides that, I am a top-notch writer who can create well-crafted emails, reports, and pitches. I can articulate important information succinctly verbally and in written formats. Moreover, I have first-hand experience in eliminating, automating, and delegating tasks so I can focus on my highest-leverage activities. Additionally, you will find me proactive to meet critical deadlines and work on rotating shifts.

I know what I need to create in my home, work, and virtual environment to set myself up to feel connected, vibrant, and in proper flow. I believe a telephone interview between us will provide you with further information regarding my suitability. However, I’d welcome the opportunity to meet in person as well. Please contact me at (000) 888-5211.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Jennifer Stark (000) 888-5211

See also: Virtual Assistant Cover Letter No Experience

  • Entry-Level Virtual Assistant Cover Letter No Experience Sample
  • 30 Virtual Assistant Resume Objective Examples
  • Virtual Assistant Resume Sample [+Job Description, Skills]
  • 20 Virtual Assistant Interview Questions and Answers

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

Virtual Assistants are the main reason for handling administrative tasks. If you feel that this is the right job for this role, it is time that you draft a powerful cover letter to apply for the job. If you are a newbie to this work, your cover letter should be loaded with informative skills. Typically, the cover letter for this position should highlight the individual’s ability to handle work in a virtual environment.

To see how to write a cover letter for your Virtual Assistant position, take a look at the following Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Sample. We have provided cover letter samples for both experienced and entry-level (no-experience) professionals.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Office & Administrative

Virtual Assistants provide operational and clerical support to customers over the internet or other communication means. These workers often are hired by busy entrepreneurs who are in need to delegate their daily tasks. The job description includes ensuring customer service, managing emails, scheduling appointments, doing errands, updating websites, and creating presentations.

What to Include in a Virtual Assistant Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Responding to emails and phone calls.
  • Scheduling meetings and making travel arrangements .
  • Performing various administrative tasks.
  • Booking travel and accommodations.
  • Managing contact lists.
  • Performing market research.
  • Creating presentations, as assigned.
  • Addressing employees’ administrative queries.
  • Providing customer service.

Education & Skills

Virtual assistant skills:.

  • Familiarity with current technologies, such as cloud services, and VoIP.
  • Knowledge of online calendars and scheduling.
  • Excellent phone, email, and IM communication skills.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Superior time management skills.
  • Expertise with word-processing software and spreadsheets – MS Office.

Virtual Assistant Education Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED.
  • Executive Assistant or Administrator qualification.
  • MS Office training or certification.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Hiring Manager,

As a motivated, self-driven, dedicated, and enthusiastic professional, I strongly want to join as a Virtual Assistant in a company like yours wherein my dedication will significantly contribute to the growth and advancement of your mission.

My immense background in the field complemented by my passion for operation and clerical support will bring about a positive impact on your organization as your new Virtual Assistant.

During my tenure previously at ****, I gained a unique combination of abilities that will suit me to take up the next step in my profession. Throughout my professional history, I have consistently exhibited skills like managing emails, ensuring customer service, scheduling appointments, etc. That said, I had been in this field for 7 years and have given my best always.

Consider the following highlights from my qualifications:

  • Accomplished substantial support functions, such as managing web content, sending newsletters, communicating with teams, and organizing general operations.
  • Maintained a constant level of professionalism and accuracy in all tasks.
  • Conveyed information invariably via phone, mail, Skype, etc to ensure valid lasting connection throughout the day.
  • Demonstrated knowledge in a large array of software programs, even social media channels.
  • Balanced numerous assignments within time-sensitive settings while giving top-level management and interpersonal skills.

These qualifications, supplemented with my experience and educational credentials, put me in a place wherein I trust that I can surpass the expectations that you are looking for from your new Virtual Assistant.

I look forward to an opportunity to learn more about *** and to discuss how I can contribute my assets at your place.

Thank you for taking the time to review my credentials.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example with No Experience(Text Version)

As a highly motivated and dedicated student pursuing my degree in ***** and graduating next month, I am elated to see the advertisement for a job opening at your firm for the role of Virtual Assistant. I have been an ardent follower of your organization on social media and have been looking for an opportunity to start my professional career at your company.

I have been extensively involved in several co-curricular activities as a student, and it has helped me hone some of my key abilities, like communication, interpersonal, time-management, and multitasking skills among others. Furthermore, I have also organized various conferences and events in my college as the college secretary, which has helped me associate with major corporations and get to understand the corporate culture better.

Here are some of the highlights of my skills, which I believe might be helpful for me to be selected for the role of Virtual Assistant at your firm.

  • Knowledge and proficiency in sending newsletters, coordinating via email, and other clerical skills needed to be a virtual assistant.
  • Internship in the leading firm **** where I was an intern as a Virtual assistant.
  • Urge and interested in learning and being upgraded in various skills in the field so I can be a better professional.

I am confident that if positioned I would greatly exceed your expectations, and substantially benefit the organization.

If my skills match your requirements, please contact me at ( ) or mail me at ( ) to schedule a meeting. I look forward to discussing the position and my qualifications in further detail.

Thank you for your time, and consideration.

Your Virtual Assistant Cover Letter should include your details, a description of your skills, and experience, and your passion to work at the company. Try to mention specific accomplishments if you have experience in this field, and talk about the projects that you have completed.

If you are a fresher, speak about your academic credentials, your skills, interest in the field, and tech-savvy traits. Also, have a look at our Virtual Assistant Resume Samples that gets you a job interview.


Customize Virtual Assistant Cover Letter

Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

Related Office & Administrative Cover Letters

Virtual Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Example

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples

A great virtual assistant cover letter can help you stand out from the competition when applying for a job. Be sure to tailor your letter to the specific requirements listed in the job description, and highlight your most relevant or exceptional qualifications. The following virtual assistant cover letter example can give you some ideas on how to write your own letter.

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example

or download as PDF

Cover Letter Example (Text)

Scott Cruce

(990) 730-5087

[email protected]

Dear Adeline Missimer,

I am reaching out to express my strong interest in the Virtual Assistant position at Time Etc. With a robust five-year background at Zirtual, where I honed my skills in administrative support, client communication, and task management, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise to your esteemed team.

During my tenure at Zirtual, I was responsible for a diverse range of duties that required a high degree of organization, discretion, and technical proficiency. I managed calendars for multiple executives, organized travel arrangements, handled customer inquiries, and performed various data entry and reporting tasks with a keen eye for detail. My commitment to efficiency, coupled with my ability to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the virtual workspace, allowed me to consistently deliver top-notch support to both my team and clients.

What excites me about the opportunity at Time Etc is the company's reputation for excellence and the diverse client base it serves. I am particularly drawn to the prospect of working with a variety of businesses, which I believe will allow me to further expand my skill set and contribute to the growth and success of your clients. My experience has taught me the importance of clear communication and the ability to anticipate the needs of busy professionals. I am confident that these skills, along with my proactive approach, will make me a valuable addition to your team.

I am eager to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasms align with the goals of Time Etc. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team's success and am ready to hit the ground running to support your clients in the most effective way possible.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how I can be a part of the Time Etc family.

Warm regards,

Related Cover Letter Examples

  • Virtualization Engineer
  • Virtual Teacher
  • Assistant Nurse Manager
  • Assistant Executive Housekeeper
  • Assistant Hotel Manager
  • Assistant Housekeeping Manager


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    January 3, 2023. Mr. Mathew Carter. Hiring Manager. ABC Company. 634 Polly Hollow Road. Middlesboro, KY 78541. Dear Mr. Carter: While looking through your job advertisement for a virtual assistant position, I found the job description closely matches my qualifications and work experience. For 5 years, I have been building my online presence for ...

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    City, State, Zip Code. Home : 000-000-0000 Cell: 000-000-0000. [email protected]. Dear Ms. Henson, I am writing to apply for the position of Virtual Assistant with Synergy Systems. I possess seven years of experience as a virtual assistant and enjoy the variety of work the job brings each day. As a freelance virtual assistant, I currently provide ...

  21. Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples

    Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Example. Virtual Assistants are the main reason for handling administrative tasks. If you feel that this is the right job for this role, it is time that you draft a powerful cover letter to apply for the job. If you are a newbie to this work, your cover letter should be loaded with informative skills.

  22. Virtual Assistant Cover Letter Examples and Templates

    The following virtual assistant cover letter example can give you some ideas on how to write your own letter. Cover Letter Example (Text) Scott Cruce. (990) 730-5087. [email protected]. Dear Adeline Missimer, I am reaching out to express my strong interest in the Virtual Assistant position at Time Etc. With a robust five-year background at ...