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What Is Wage Assignment?

Definition and example of wage assignment, how wage assignment works, wage assignment vs. wage garnishment.

10’000 Hours / Getty Images

A wage assignment is when creditors can take money directly from an employee’s paycheck to repay a debt.

Key Takeaways

  • A wage assignment happens when money is taken from your paycheck by a creditor to repay a debt.
  • Unlike a wage garnishment, a wage assignment can take place without a court order, and you have the right to cancel it at any time.
  • Creditors can only take a portion of your earnings. The laws in your state will dictate how much of your take-home pay your lender can take.

A wage assignment is a voluntary agreement to let a lender take a portion of your paycheck each month to repay a debt. This process allows lenders to take a portion of your wages without taking you to court first.

Borrowers may agree to allow a lender to use wage assignments, for example, when they take out payday loans . The wage assignment can begin without a court order, although the laws about how much they can take from your paycheck vary by state.

For example, in West Virginia, wage assignments are only valid for one year and must be renewed annually. Creditors can only deduct up to 25% of an employee’s take-home pay, and the remaining 75% is exempt, including for an employee’s final paycheck.

If you agree to a wage assignment, that means you voluntarily agree to have money taken out of your paycheck each month to repay a debt.

State laws govern how soon a wage assignment can take place and how much of your paycheck a lender can take. For example, in Illinois, you must be at least 40 days behind on your loan payments before your lender can start a wage assignment. Under Illinois law, your creditor can only take up to 15% of your paycheck. The wage assignment is valid for up to three years after you signed the agreement.

Your creditor typically will send a Notice of Intent to Assign Wages by certified mail to you and your employer. From there, the creditor will send a demand letter to your employer with the total amount that’s in default.

You have the right to stop a wage assignment at any time, and you aren’t required to provide a reason why. If you don’t want the deduction, you can send your employer and creditor a written notice that you want to stop the wage assignment. You will still owe the money, but your lender must use other methods to collect the funds.

Research the laws in your state to see what percentage of your income your lender can take and for how long the agreement is valid.

Wage assignment and wage garnishment are often used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same thing. The main difference between the two is that wage assignments are voluntary while wage garnishments are involuntary. Here are some key differences:

Money is taken from your paycheck voluntarily to repay debt A legal procedure where a portion of an employee’s earnings is withheld to repay debt
No court order required A court order usually precedes wage garnishments
You have the right to stop the wage assignment at any time You need to go through a legal process to stop a wage garnishment

Once you agree to a wage assignment, your lender can automatically take money from your paycheck. No court order is required first, but since the wage assignment is voluntary, you have the right to cancel it at any point.

Wage garnishments are the results of court orders, no matter whether you agree to them or not. If you want to reverse a wage garnishment, you typically have to go through a legal process to reverse the court judgment.

You can also stop many wage garnishments by filing for bankruptcy. And creditors aren’t usually allowed to garnish income from Social Security, disability, child support , or alimony. Ultimately, the laws in your state will dictate how much of your income you’re able to keep under a wage garnishment.

Creditors can’t garnish all of the money in your paycheck. Federal law limits the amount that can be garnished to 25% of the debtor’s disposable income. State laws may further limit how much of your income lenders can seize.

Illinois Legal Aid Online. “ Understanding Wage Assignment .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

West Virginia Division of Labor. “ Wage Assignments / Authorized Payroll Deductions .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

U.S. Department of Labor. “ Fact Sheet #30: The Federal Wage Garnishment Law, Consumer Credit Protection Act's Title III (CCPA) .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

Sacramento County Public Law Library. “ Exemptions from Enforcement of Judgments in California .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

District Court of Maryland. “ Wage Garnishment .” Accessed Feb. 8, 2022.

Tex. Labor Code Section 63.001 Assignment of Unearned Wages; Notice Required

Source: Section 63.001 — Assignment of Unearned Wages; Notice Required , https://statutes.­capitol.­texas.­gov/Docs/LA/htm/LA.­63.­htm#63.­001 (accessed Jun. 5, 2024).

Accessed: Jun. 5, 2024

§ 63.001’s source at texas​.gov

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Wage Assignment: Understanding Types and Real-life Scenarios

Last updated 04/16/2024 by

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Understanding wage assignment

How wage assignment operates, voluntary wage assignment, involuntary wage assignment, legal implications and considerations, regulations and protections, pros and cons of wage assignments.

  • Facilitates debt repayment
  • May prevent further legal actions
  • Structured repayment process
  • Reduction in take-home pay
  • Potential negative impact on credit
  • Legal constraints and limitations

Wage assignment in loan repayment

Wage assignment in child support cases, effects of wage assignment on credit, state-specific wage assignment regulations, florida wage assignment regulations, texas wage assignment limitations, frequently asked questions, is wage assignment the same as wage garnishment, can an employer refuse a wage assignment request from an employee, what legal protections exist for employees regarding wage assignments, can wage assignments be stopped or modified once initiated, do all types of debts qualify for wage assignment, key takeaways.

  • Wage assignment involves deducting money from an employee’s paycheck to repay debts.
  • It can be voluntary or involuntary, with distinct legal implications.
  • State laws govern wage assignments, setting limits on garnishments and durations.
  • Employees and employers should understand their rights and obligations regarding wage assignments.

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Wage Garnishment

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Wage Assignment: What It Means, How It Works

texas wage assignment

Wage assignment is the act of taking money directly from an employee's paycheck in order to pay back a debt obligation. Such an automatic withholding plan may be used to pay back a variety of debt obligations, including back taxes, defaulted student loan debt, and both child and spousal support payments.

Key Takeaways

  • A wage assignment takes funds directly from an employee's paycheck to pay back a debt.
  • How wage assignments are regulated varies by state, with some states even allowing for voluntary child support agreements.
  • A wage garnishment is an involuntary deduction and requires a court order.

Wage assignments are typically incurred for debts that have gone unpaid for a prolonged period of time. Employees may sometimes opt for a voluntary wage assignment to pay for things like union dues or to contribute to a retirement fund.

A wage assignment is processed as part of an employer's payroll procedure. The employee's paycheck is decreased by the amount of the assignment and noted on their pay stub.

A wage assignment is often a lender's last resort to receive repayment from a borrower who has previously failed to pay a debt obligation.

Wage assignments are a valuable tool for collecting unpaid debts, but unfortunately, they may be associated with abusive lending practices . If you're struggling with your debt, one of the best debt relief companies or credit counseling agencies may be able to help you get back on track before a wage assignment is incurred.

What Makes Wage Assignments Voluntary?

In a voluntary wage assignment, a worker essentially asks their employer to withhold a portion of their paycheck and send it to a creditor to pay off a debt. Loan agreements may sometimes include a voluntary wage assignment clause in their terms should the borrower default on their loan.

Payday lenders often include voluntary wage assignments into their loan agreements to better their chances of being repaid. Laws regarding wage assignments vary by state.

For example, in West Virginia, wage assignments are capped at 25% of a worker's take-home earnings, the employee and the employer must sign the agreement, and agreements must be renewed annually. Under Illinois law, a lender cannot resort to wage assignment until a debt is 40 days in default. The wage assignment cannot continue for more than three years, and the worker can stop the wage assignment at any time.

Involuntary wage deductions, known as wage garnishments , require a court order and are most likely to be employed to collect spousal and child support payments that have been ordered by a court. Wage garnishments may also be used to collect unpaid court fines or student loans that have been defaulted on.

Several states allow individuals to sign up for voluntary child support agreements. In such a case, both parents must agree to a plan. Once that happens, a voluntary wage assignment may begin. If a child support or welfare agency is involved, they would have to approve any plan.

How Long Can I Have a Wage Assignment?

Since wage assignments are voluntary, the length of time that you use one can vary. Some loans include a wage assignment agreement, so you'll have to check the language of your loan to determine your obligation. Each state also has its own regulations regarding wage assignments.

How Much of My Income Can Go to Wage Assignments?

Every state has its own regulations, but typically 15–25% of your disposable income can be designated for wage assignments.

Is Wage Garnishment the Same as Wage Assignment?

While they are similar, wage garnishment and assignment are not the same. Wage garnishment is an involuntary paycheck deduction, typically ordered to repay child support, student loans, tax debt, or bankruptcy. A wage assignment is voluntary and may be used to repay a consumer debt.

Wage assignments may be a useful tool to help you pay down a debt. Wage assignments are voluntary but they may be hidden in the fine print of some loan products, so read everything carefully before signing. Check the regulations in your state to determine if your wage assignment is revocable.

West Virginia Division of Labor. " Wage Payment and Collection (WPC) Act: Payroll Deductions and Wage Assignments ," Page 3.

Illinois General Assembly. " (740 ILCS 170/) Illinois Wage Assignment Act ."

U.S. Department of Labor. " Fact Sheet #30: The Federal Wage Garnishment Law, Consumer Credit Protection Act's Title III (CCPA) ."

Illinois Legal Aid. " Understanding Wage Assignment ."

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Wage Assignment

Wage assignment refers to a legal process where child support payments are automatically deducted from the paying parent’s wages or income and forwarded to the receiving parent or the state child support enforcement agency. It is a mechanism designed to ensure timely and consistent payment of child support obligations, reducing the risk of delinquency and providing financial support for the child’s needs.

Wage Assignment

What Is Wage Assignment?

In Texas, wage assignment, also known as income withholding, is a common method used to enforce child support orders. Child support payments are automatically deducted from the paying parent’s wages or income. This helps streamline the payment process and reduce the risk of non-payment or delinquency.

Wage Assignment in Texas Child Support

Here’s how income withholding works in Texas.

Court Order for Wage Assignment

When a child support order is established or modified, the court may include provisions for wage assignment as part of the order. The court orders the paying parent’s employer to deduct a specified amount of child support from the parent’s wages or income and send it directly to the state child support enforcement agency or the receiving parent.

Notification to the Employer

Once the court orders income withholding, the paying parent’s employer is notified of the obligation to withhold child support from the employee’s wages. The employer is required by law to comply with the court order and withhold the specified amount of child support from the employee’s paycheck.

Calculation of Child Support Amount

The amount of child support subject to wage assignment is determined based on the child support guidelines established by Texas law. The guidelines take into account factors such as the parents’ income, the number of children, and any special needs of the child.

The court calculates the amount of child support owed by the paying parent, and this amount is then deducted from the parent’s wages through income withholding.

Relevant Law: Texas Family Code Chapter 154 .

Frequency of Payments

Child support payments deducted through wage assignment are typically made on a regular schedule, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on the paying parent’s pay schedule. The employer is responsible for deducting the child support amount from the employee’s paycheck and forwarding it to the appropriate recipient, usually the state child support agency or the receiving parent.

Enforcement of Wage Assignment

Employers in Texas are legally obligated to comply with income withholding orders issued by the court. Failure to comply with a wage assignment order can result in penalties, fines, and other legal consequences for the employer. Additionally, the state child support enforcement agency has the authority to enforce income withholding orders and take action against non-compliant employers.

Modification and Termination

Wage assignment orders can be modified or terminated under certain circumstances. If there is a change in the paying parent’s income, employment status, or other relevant factors, either parent can petition the court to modify the income withholding order. Likewise, if the child support obligation is fulfilled or if the child support order is terminated, the income withholding order may be terminated accordingly.

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Cheryl Orr and Heather Sager discuss wage deductions in a BLR webinar entitled ‘Wage Payments: What You Can and Can’t Legally Deduct from Employees’ Pay’. They provide the following information about wage deductions and wage assignments.

  • Wage deductions can be voluntary or involuntary
  • There is also a distinction between a wage assignment and a wage garnishment
  • An wage assignment is typically something that is voluntary. It does not occur frequently
  • A wage garnishment implies that a portion of the employee’s wages is going to someone else. Usually, wage garnishments are not voluntary.
  • A garnishment is a court order. However, an assignment is usually something that an employee proactively seeks out or proactively negotiates with their employer. In the case of a garnishment, the employee really has no choice but the comply with the court order or the employee can choose to see an exemption
  • An assignment can be treated similarly to a garnishment, but is more voluntary rather than the creditor needing to obtain a court document forces the garnishment of wages
  • The employer should obtain proper documentation that shows that the employee agrees to the assignment of wages

Cheryl D. Orr, Esq. is a partner and co-chair of the national Labor and Employment Practice Group at Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP ( www.drinkerbiddle.com ). She concentrates her practice on defending employers against FLSA collective actions and state and federal wage and hour class actions, and she regularly litigates discrimination, harassment, and unfair competition claims, conducts high-level workplace investigations, develops plans for reductions in force, and offers employer advice and counseling. Orr frequently lectures on employment law topics.

Heather M. Sager, Esq. is also a partner in the Labor and Employment Practice Group at Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. Sager focuses her practice on management-side representation in collective and class actions, with particular experience in wage and hour litigation under state and federal law, including representative claims brought under California Business & Professions Code Section 17200. She also regularly handles single and multi-plaintiff employment litigation in the areas of unfair competition, wrongful discharge, harassment and discrimination before state and federal courts and administrative agencies. In addition, Sager regularly provides management training seminars and advice and counsel on reductions in force, employee relations, and workplace policies and procedures for the firm’s clients.

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Voluntary Wage Assignments and Why You Should Avoid Them At All Costs

You would never hand over your paycheck to a creditor, would you?  Of course if you were under threat or order by a court you may hand over your paycheck; but never voluntarily. Right? Well, surprisingly many debtors do just that when they agree to “voluntary wage assignments.” A voluntary wage assignment is an agreement between a creditor and debtor that says the lender can deduct a certain amount of money from the debtor’s paycheck to repay a loan.

Voluntary wage assignments are commonly used by payday lenders. Surprised? You shouldn’t be.  Payday lenders understand that the reason debtors use their “services” is because they are financially strapped and desperate for cash.  But because their interest rates and fees are astronomically high, most debtors experience “payment shock” and may try to avoid paying them when the bill is due. So to protect their interests in the loan, payday lenders are now using voluntary wage assignments to increase their chances of getting paid.

How Voluntary Wage Assignment  Works

A voluntary wage assignment works just like a wage garnishment , except that the debtor has agreed to it. If a debtor defaults on the payday loan, the lender can then garnish the debtor’s wages without going to court. Once a debtor defaults on their payday loan, the lender will send the debtor a notice informing them that they plan to implement the voluntary wage assignment (i.e. wage garnishment).  This usually happens 20 days before the wage assignment notice is sent to the employer.   A wage assignment is valid for up to 3 years . In other words, the payday lender could technically garnish your wages for 3 years or until the loan is repaid.

For obvious reasons, agreeing to a wage assignment isn’t smart. You give the payday lender access to your wages and make it easier for them when you are not legally required to do so.  Signing a voluntary wage assignment can place you and your family in dire straits, if the lender garnishes wages that you need for your mortgage/rent, food and medical care. If you have signed a voluntary wage garnishment, you can revoke the agreement by sending the lender a letter.  Remember, Payday Loans are Dischargeable in Bankruptcy

Have Any Questions About Bankruptcy?

If you have a question or would like to see if bankruptcy is right for you, feel free to call us or fill out are  contact form  and we would be more than happy to help you.

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Rangers Recall RHP Cole Winn From Round Rock, Option RHP Jesus Tinoco to Round Rock

3b josh jung and rhp josh sborz scheduled to begin injury rehabilitation assignments with round rock today.

Seattle, Wash. — The Texas Rangers today announced the following roster moves prior to Sunday’s road trip finale against the Seattle Mariners at T-Mobile Park:

  • Right-handed pitcher Cole Winn (#60) recalled from Triple-A Round Rock.
  • Right-handed pitcher Jesus Tinoco designated for assignment.
  • Third baseman Josh Jung sent to Triple-A Round Rock on injury rehabilitation assignment.
  • Right-handed pitcher Josh Sborz sent to Triple-A Round Rock on injury rehabilitation assignment.

Winn went 0-1 with a 6.91 ERA (11 ER/14.1 IP) over 11 relief appearances with Texas during his first Major League stint with the Rangers from April 14-May 21. His last outing with the Rangers was on May 21 at Philadelphia. He opened his MLB career with 7.0 scoreless innings over his first 5 appearances, as opponents went 0-for-their-first-21 against Winn.

He has spent the balance of the year with Round Rock, going 0-1 with 2 saves and a 3.45 ERA (6 ER/15.2 IP) over 10 relief appearances, posting 4 walks and 20 strikeouts. Over his last 5 outings at Triple-A, Winn has posted 8.0 shutout innings, allowing just a .192 opponent batting average with 2 walks and 8 strikeouts. He last pitched on Wednesday vs. Tacoma, earning a save (1.0 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 0 BB, 1 SO, 11 pitches/7 strikes).

The Rangers have seven days to trade, release, or outright Tinoco to the minor leagues. He posted no record and an 8.10 ERA (9 ER/10.0 IP) over 9 relief appearances for Texas after his contract was selected from Round Rock on May 23.

Jung and Sborz are both scheduled to appear for the Express in tonight’s 6:35pm CT contest vs. Tacoma at Dell Diamond.

Jung was placed on the 10-day Injured List with a right wrist fracture on April 2 and he was transferred to the 60-day Injured List on April 8. He participated in live batting practice sessions last week ahead of this rehab assignment. He was injured on April 1 at Tampa Bay when he was struck on his right wrist by a pitch from Phil Maton in the top of the 9th inning. Jung has gone 7-for-17 (.412) with 2 home runs, one triple, one double, and 6 RBI in 4 games for Texas this season.

Sborz was placed on the 15-day Injured List on May 9 with a right rotator cuff strain. In his last appearance with Texas on May 8 at Oakland-G2, he exited in the middle of an at-bat against Oakland’s Abraham Toro (3-1 count) in the 6th inning. This is the second stint on the 15-day Injured List for the right-hander this season, as he also missed 17 games from April 7-25 with a right rotator cuff strain. Sborz has posted a 1-0 record, 1.69 ERA (1 ER/5.1 IP) and 5 strikeouts across 7 relief appearances for the Rangers this season.

With today’s transactions, Texas now has 39 players on the Major League roster, along with eight players on the 60-day Injured List: Cody Bradford, Carson Coleman, Jacob deGrom, Justin Foscue, Josh Jung, Tyler Mahle, Austin Pruitt, Max Scherzer.


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    Wage assignment involves the deduction of money from an employee's paycheck to repay a debt. It can be voluntary or involuntary and is ofte ... Under Texas law, wage assignments are restricted for certain types of debts, and creditors may not enforce wage assignments for most consumer debts. However, exceptions exist for obligations like child ...

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    However, a wage assignment may be stopped. To do so, you need to send written notice to your creditor and employer stating that you wish to revoke the assignment. In doing so, unless you make other arrangmenets with your creditor to resolve the debt, you should anticipate that your payday loan provider will file a lawsuit against you to collect ...

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  25. Rangers Recall RHP Cole Winn From Round Rock, Option RHP Jesus Tinoco

    Seattle, Wash. — The Texas Rangers today announced the following roster moves prior to Sunday's road trip finale against the Seattle Mariners at T-Mobile Park: - Right-handed pitcher Cole Winn (#60) recalled from Triple-A Round Rock. - Right-handed pitcher Jesus Tinoco designated for assignment. - Third baseman Josh Jung sent