• Social Sciences

Henry David Thoreau on the True Definition of Patriotism

  • Author: Kim Langford

Portrait taken by Benjamin D. Maxham, June 1856

Portrait taken by Benjamin D. Maxham, June 1856

Henry David Thoreau on Patriotism

What is the true meaning of patriotism? Many Americans have been debating this topic since the Revolutionary War. In today’s political climate, this question is often disputed with heated discourse. Some believe that fighting for your country’s freedom makes you a true patriot. Others feel that being a proud American is the definition of patriotism. Which one of them is right? Is either one of these opinions right? Could this concept be something more than all those ideas put together?

Well, lucky for all of us, one American author dared to answer all these questions many years ago as he passionately discussed his belief in the definition of an active American patriot. This author was Henry David Thoreau. In his essay " Civil Disobedience ," Thoreau teaches Americans what the " virtue of patriotism " really means (Thoreau). It wasn’t about who fought the hardest and the longest or who carried the biggest American flag; Thoreau knew that patriotism, real patriotism, meant so much more.

Patriotism and True Sacrifice

For Henry David Thoreau, it was very important to both educate and empower the American public on the topic of patriotism. Thoreau lived during a time when both Presidents and other politicians regularly did things that were less than ethical. It was imperative, in his opinion, to let all of the public know that they had inalienable rights that allowed them to speak up when they did not agree with the actions of politicians. Thoreau even went a step further to let Americans know that just because they didn’t agree with a politician or a winning party, this did not mean they were forced to remain silent. He felt they had a civic duty to speak up against politicians. To be specific, in his essay, Thoreau very eloquently stated:

“ The slight reproach to which the virtue of patriotism is commonly liable, the noble are most likely to incur. Those who, while they disapprove of the character and measures of a government, yield to it their allegiance and support are undoubtedly its most conscientious supporters, and so frequently the most serious obstacles to reform ” (Thoreau).

What Thoreau is saying in this excerpt is that Americans who object to their government but chose to stay silent are worse offenders than the very government that stands in the way of civil reform. Thoreau even points out in the beginning that true patriotism is often unwelcomed because it requires true sacrifice.

I chose this picture because it reminds us all that soldiers don't join the military for shiny medals or praise...they do so because they believe in patriotism.

I chose this picture because it reminds us all that soldiers don't join the military for shiny medals or praise...they do so because they believe in patriotism.

The Few ...

However, this isn’t the only comment Thoreau made about patriotism. He had very strong opinions about the way the government and the public treated true “ heroes [and] patriots ” Thoreau. Thoreau stated:

“ A very few-as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men-serve the state with their conscience also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it ” (Thoreau).

A lot of irony can be found in this statement. When a soldier gives up his/her life and freedom for America, there is often no “thank you” issued. And if some individual fights for civil rights (or rights that are already inalienable to them under the Constitution), they are considered an enemy of the state. In Thoreau’s opinion, these were the true patriots of America. They fight for people’s rights when no one else does, and, most importantly, they do so despite adversity.

What Is True Virtue in the Eyes of a Patriot?

But, to fully discuss Thoreau’s view on this topic, one needs to talk about the most significant statement of all: his definition of patriotism. Towards the beginning of “Civil Disobedience,” Thoreau poses this question:

“ What is the price-current of an honest man and patriot today? ” (Thoreau). He very interestingly goes on and answers his own question: “ They hesitate, and they regret, and sometimes they petition; but they do nothing in earnest and with effect. They will wait, well disposed for other to remedy the evil, that they may no longer have it to regret. At most they give up only a cheap vote, and a feeble countenance and Godspeed, to the right, as it goes by them. There are nine hundred and ninety-nine patrons of virtue to one virtuous man. But it is easier to deal with the real possessor of a thing than with the temporary guardian of it ” (Thoreau).



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At a quick glance, a reader might think that Thoreau did not define patriotism at all, but this reader would be greatly mistaken. In this passage, he was using sarcasm to make a point: a patriot has no price tag on them. It isn’t about who they vote for, who they follow, or even making the right political choice. A true patriot is a person that serves only moral and ethical guidelines, without regard for the consideration of what it may cost them. Thoreau wanted his readers to understand that patriotism is not this shiny medal that can be carried around as you follow the flock of sheep into a den of wolves. Instead, he was proving to everyone just the opposite: patriotism is thankless, it’s unwelcoming, and it’s hurtful…but it is all that makes up a man’s and woman’s virtue.

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

What true patriots really fear.

In conclusion, it’s indisputable that Henry David Thoreau felt very strongly about patriotism. In his essay " Civil Disobedience ," Thoreau teaches all Americans what the " virtue of patriotism " really means (Thoreau). He proves to his readers that this concept is about self-sacrifice. It’s not about who you vote for or what political party you belong to. He proves this to us by clearly stating that a true patriot isn’t a part of the majority: “ There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men ” (Thoreau). He tells his readers that patriots are individuals such as “ martyrs ” and “ soldiers;" patriots are people who have given up something, in one way or another, for their country (Thoreau). Thoreau was showing everyone there was a distinct difference between being “ virtuous ” and having “ virtue ” (Thoreau). It should be noted though that there is a bit of a paradox in all of Thoreau’s passionate statements. What if a patriot can no longer be a patriot? “ I believe that the State will soon be able to take all my work of this sort out of my hands, and then I shall be no better patriot than my fellow-countrymen ” (Thoreau). Perhaps it is that fear of being unable to sacrifice that truly makes up the definition of patriotism.

Suggested Reading

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  • Sgt. William Carney: The First African American to Receive the Medal of Honor Sergeant William Carney was a Civil War soldier and the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor. At the Battle of Fort Wagner, he showed great courage in protecting the U.S. flag.
  • Early Patriot Leader Samuel Adams: The American Revolution and Beyond Samuel Adams was an early patriot leader who led the British colonists into the American Revolutionary War and was key in setting up the new government of the United States. Born in Boston, Samuel was the second cousin of President John Adams.

Works Cited

Thoreau, Henry David. “ On the Duty of Civil Disobedience .” New York: The New American Library, 1963. Print.

Brad on September 11, 2018:

In Thoreau’s opinion, these were the true patriots of America. They fight for people’s rights when no one else does, and, most importantly, they do so despite adversity.

What example could you reference from today?

What are the people's rights?

And who are the ones that don't fight for these rights.

What is the adversity today?

Why should we vote, when Thoreau says it is not important.

The elected officials are the ones we elect to care for our rights, and if they don't do it, then don't reelect them.


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Essay on Patriotism for Students and Children

500+ words essay on patriotism.

Essay on Patriotism: Patriotism refers to the passionate love one has for their country. This virtue pushes to citizens of a country to work for their country selflessly and make it better. A truly developed country is made up of true patriots. In other words, patriotism means keeping the country’s interest first and then thinking about oneself. Patriotism can be specifically seen during times of war. Moreover, it helps in building the nation stronger. There are other significances of patriotism as well.

Essay on Patriotism

Significance of Patriotism

Usually, we refer to our country as our motherland. This further proves that we must have the same love for our country as we have for our mother. After all, our country is no less than a mother; it nurtures us and helps us grow. Everyone must possess the virtue of patriotism as it makes it better.

In addition, it also enhances the life quality of the citizens . It does that by making people work for the collective interest of the country. When everyone works for the betterment of the country, there would be no conflict of interest. Thus, a happier environment will prevail.

After that, peace and harmony will be maintained through patriotism. When the citizens have the spirit of brotherhood, they will support one another. Hence, it will make the country more harmonious.

In short, patriotism does have great importance in developing the country. It eliminates any selfish and harmful motives which in turn lessens corruption. Similarly, when the government becomes free of corruption , the country will develop faster.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Great Patriots of India

India has had a fair share of patriots from the very beginning. The struggle for independence gave birth to various patriots. These patriots have made a lot of sacrifices for the county to flourish and prosper. Their names have gone down in history and are still taken with respect and admiration. Some of the greatest patriots of India were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad.

a true patriot essay

Rani Lakshmi Bai was one of the most famous patriots of the country. Her courage and bravery are still talked about. Her name always comes up in the revolt of 1857. She revolted against the British rule and to fight for independence. She gave her life fighting on the battlefield for our country.

Shaheed Bhagat Singh is another name that is synonymous with patriotism. He was determined to free India from the clutches of the British rule. He was a part of several freedom struggles. Similarly, he also started a revolution for the same. He dedicated his life to this mission and died as a martyr for the love of his country.

Maulana Azad was a true patriot. The first education minister of India played a great role in the freedom struggle. He traveled through cities and created awareness of the injustices by the British. He united people through his activism and led India to freedom.

In conclusion, these are just a few who were patriots of the country. They lived for their country and did not hesitate before devoting their lives to it. These names are shining examples for the generations to come. We must possess patriotism and work for our motherland to see it succeed.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is patriotism important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Patriotism is important for the development of a country. It helps in nation-building and driving people to work for the betterment of the country. Furthermore, it fights corruption as well.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name some of the patriots of India.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”India has had a lot of true patriots, especially during the British reign. Some of the renowned ones were Rani Lakshmi Bai, Shaheed Bhagat Singh, and Maulana Azad.”} }] }

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The Complex Truth About American Patriotism

Who gets to be called a patriot in america.


Today, on “The Argument,” what does it actually mean to love your country?

I’m Jane Coaston. And this week, I’m jerry-rigging a makeshift recording studio at one of my favorite places on Earth. Greetings from the University of Michigan. I am using as a laptop stand selected works of Marx and Engels and Marx’s “Kapital,” so.

We’ve got Márkus. We’ve got some Kantian imperative. I feel very informed.

Oh, yeah, very university.

And the setting is actually pretty fitting for the topic this week, which is kind of heady. See, I’ve been thinking about what patriotism means in 2022. Maybe you think it’s embodied by taking a knee during the national anthem or teaching your kids about slavery in school or “Make America Great Again” or none of those things. We all have an idea about what’s patriotic and what’s not. And in cases like the January 6 attack, our visions can be completely at odds.

I know this sounds like a conversation about feelings or semantics or vibes, but what you think patriotism means matters at the ballot box. Patriotism or performative patriotism, as I would argue— you know, flag pins— can determine how invested or alienated we feel about the direction of our country. So today I’m diving into this idea with two political thinkers.

Jamelle, Ben, thank you both so much for being here and for scrambling your schedules to talk about something kind of mystical. Ben Rhodes, you were a deputy national security advisor to President Obama and a senior speechwriter in his campaign. You’ve written about being kind of an idealist patriot in your book, “After the Fall.” And you’ve written this great piece recently for The Atlantic called “This is No Time for Passive Patriotism,” which we will get into. Thank you so much for being here.

No, happy to be here.

And Jamelle Bouie, you’re a Times Opinion columnist, a political writer with a historian’s perspective. You have a lot of views on cereal as well. And you’ve been writing really smartly on the formations of our country and what that means for the future of our country. And so thank you so much for joining me as always.

My pleasure.

And with that, I think it’s important to start out with definitions because patriotism means something very different to everyone, which I think is part of the problem here. And personally, I think about my family. I think about how each progressive generation, despite unending and unceasing challenges, whether on the white side of my family, who was emigrating from Croatia to the United States or growing up in poverty in West Virginia. I think about the Black side of my family enduring slavery and then growing up in the Jim Crow South and then serving in a segregated unit in the Second World War.

Each progressive generation was able to aspire to something greater. And I think, in some ways, that my patriotism comes from that like, the story of my family makes sense here, that it doesn’t make sense in other places where I’ve been. And I think that that’s something that makes me value this country. I recognize that America has a lot of work to do. And I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else— also because other countries don’t have football. So I’m curious, Jamelle, what does patriotism mean to you?

So just on kind of a strict level of definition, I see patriotism as sort of love of one’s country. My own personal view of patriotism is, I think, similarly shaped by the circumstances of my family. Both my parents were born in the Jim Crow South. Their parents, in turn, were born in the Jim Crow South. Their parents, in turn, were sharecroppers, and their parents, grandparents were sharecroppers or enslaved people.

And so I think like many Black American families, our sense of patriotism is a little less tied to the particular institutions of the country for I think what should be obvious reasons, although both my parents served in the military for more than 20 years. My grandfather served in the military. Much of my extended family has some military service.

And so there’s a belief in service and obligation to serve one’s country, but that also has always been tempered by a real kind of critical eye towards the institutions of this country. My own sense of patriotism, sort of, intellectualized as it is, is much more about the country’s ideals and democratic aspirations and the particular story of Black Americans in this country much more than it is kind of a rigid devotion to the country’s institutions or uncritical embrace of the nation itself.

Ben, what about you? What does patriotism mean to you?

I mean, to me, obviously, the concept is rooted in love of country, but what does that mean? And to me, you know, it means what is the story that America is supposed to represent? And this has always been about the story we tell about ourselves and that we don’t live up to. And I’ll come back to that because, to me, I think patriotism is basically about the effort to live up to the better version of the story that America tells about itself.

But I’m glad you rooted this in family. You know, I obviously come from a white background. But from these very different places, my father grew up in the segregated South in Texas, kind of a refinery town outside of Houston, not a lot of money. And kind of, it’s a classic story of upward mobility. My mother comes from a New York Jewish family that emigrated from Europe and that some of them emigrated and some of them didn’t, tragically.

And obviously, that’s an entirely different experience, and yet, the one kind of place where people from that different of background could quite normally meet in the course of their lives and start a kind of blended family. My father grew up Methodist in Texas. My mother grew up kind of secular Jew in New York. It’s a very American thing that that’s totally normal.

And I think to my parents, there was kind of a secular religion in the home of American patriotism not around the like Super Bowl and just the flag, but around a canon of American heroes and progress and that that was something to try to live up to and emulate. And so, to me, that’s the kind of active form of patriotism of the generational effort embodied by certain people to make this place what it says it is, and to allow people from such different places to kind of coexist peacefully and, in my parents’ case, in a loving relationship.

Ben, you’ve talked about how the different stories we have about America affect elections. And so I want to talk about patriotism in politics. And Ben, I already mentioned your piece in The Atlantic about why the left should reclaim patriotism. Why did you decide to write this piece now?

You know, I guess, like a lot of people of my political persuasion, I spent four years kind of repelled by what I was seeing from the government and kind of dealing with the reality that Donald Trump, in many ways, confirmed all my worst fears about America. And so I had kind of a reactionary experience for four years of dealing with that. So I was in a kind of negative headspace about America. Something had been bothering me about myself and not just the Democratic Party.

But there was a joylesness to the whole political endeavor. And some of this is because of social media, obviously, too, but that the anger had been a useful kind of mobilizing force, to some extent, in the Trump years. But at some point, we lost the story. We lost the thread on what is the positive story we are telling about America to the public.

And if those of us who are in opposition to the forces that I think are a true danger to democracy are constantly pointing out what is wrong with America and what is corrupted about America, then, of course, that’s going to, just from a pure political standpoint, if you think about who you need to win elections as Democrats, well, you need to persuade some people in the middle. And it’s a hard conversation if the starting point to that is, in some ways, repudiating aspects of their identity. And because I was trying to answer this question of, why are more people not trying to save democracy? And I think one of the reasons why is that some people are like, well, why is it even worth trying to save this democracy when it’s so fundamentally broken? So it was that basic trap of how can we tell a more constructive story about not American perfection, but about American progress that can mobilize people, and they can be resilient enough to stand up to a fundamentally anti-democratic nationalist movement that wraps itself in the symbols of patriotism.

We’ll get into Republican patriotism, which I would argue is a performative patriotism because it seems to rely on a version of patriotism that’s like, we like the country like this, but if it’s not like this, we hate it. To quote former President Trump in May 2015, “America is a hellhole.” But it is a performance of patriotism, and that matters, I think. And I think that, Ben, that’s something you got out a little bit, but Jamelle, do you think that the left has a problem with patriotism or the performance of patriotism? I’m curious as to your thoughts.

I think in electoral politics, both Republicans and Democrats have historically and currently deployed a form of patriotism, national sentiment, that both offers a critique and then also some sort of like aspirational idea rooted in the past. So for Democrats lately for the past few years, it’s been a critique of the hypernationalism of Donald Trump. It’s been a critique of systemic racism. This was the tact that Biden took. This was the primary message of the Clinton campaign, stronger together.

And Republicans likewise, Donald Trump, as you mentioned, it’s both Make America Great Again and American carnage. And so it’s like, politicians in both parties do this. They do it all the time. It’s sort of a standard part of political rhetoric. And so for me, I’m just not entirely sure what it even means to say or ask if there’s sort of a problem with patriotism of the center left, the Democratic left.

But as far as the Republican Party, something it leans heavily into, especially under Trump, is what is called producerist ideology, this idea that the country belongs to people who make things and build things and produce wealth, your job creators, that kind of thing. And so much of the Trump campaign’s imagery was about valorizing the productive, business-owning citizen or the person who aspires to those things, versus a Democratic party that wants to encourage dependency, right, wants to get everyone addicted to the welfare state.

And that can track with certain visions of what the country is. That can track with certain kinds of patriotic rhetoric, but it’s not quite about patriotism, even as it gets mixed up in people’s ideas of what the country is. And so it’s like, does the left have a problem with producerist rhetoric? Yes, it does because producerist or producerism as an ideology really cuts against the egalitarian ethos of liberal and left-wing politics.

And so to the extent that lots of Americans are attracted to some forms of producerism, and it makes sense to them, it makes the country in their lives legible, there’s been a rhetorical problem that liberals on the left have to bridge. But that’s not quite a problem of patriotism, right? That’s sort of a problem of these other ideologies that are part of the American political landscape that have real currency among large numbers of Americans and can be made incredibly salient in a variety of ways, many of them tied to class and gender and race and all these other identities and isms.

There is, in my sense, this growing cynicism. And I would say it’s a form of doomerism, this kind of like, this place sucks. It will always suck. There’s nothing we can do. Everything is bad, which, one, I don’t think is true, but also, I think that that kind of cynicism discourages the same kinds of political activities that I do think are most patriotic. We are, actually, in some ways, talking about messaging.

Why is it do you think that the idea of the post-liberal conservatives where patriotism is contingent on America being the way it arguably never was or that it once was a very long time ago, why do you think that this kind of right-wing anti-American attitude has gained more salience as being some sort of a more accurate patriotism than a left-wing version of what I would say to be a patriotism that’s, “we’re in a bad place right now, but we could be better“?

Look, as someone who lived in the center of American politics for basically a decade, the left exists because it’s usually people who want to address the gap between reality and the political stories we tell ourselves. And so in this country, the stories that we constantly tell ourselves about America’s founding values and equality, the left kind of exists to address that economically, socially in every space. And so you’re starting from a premise where you’re trying to put forward more corrective policies to combat injustice. I mean, that, at its core, I think is what the left exists to do.

I also can’t ignore the reality that I kind of lived by extension the extent to which there was a deep, racialized backlash to a Black president. And I think having a Black man in the center of all the patriotic symbols in the White House, you know, in Air Force One, at the State of the Union was clearly intensely triggering to some people. Part of what happened was a very intense feeling like we needed to take back America. We needed to Make America Great Again.

And that’s not just about Obama. It’s obviously about a broader demographic shift in the United States where if we’re moving in the direction of becoming a majority non-white country, that, in many ways, should be the ultimate validation of the story we tell about anybody can be American. And you know obviously, that’s going to be profoundly threatening to people.

So that takes me back to this question of what is the purpose of political action? I think that on the left, because some of our worst fears about the country are being confirmed around us every day, it can feel like the purpose of politics is to convince people that America is bad, you know? And I don’t think that’s what people want to do, but you kind of get into this trap of, no, it is a racist country. Or don’t you understand that this country is always going to be unequal? Don’t you understand how it’s set up?

And for good reasons, I think people want to make arguments about what is wrong with America because they’re seeing so much of what’s wrong with America around them. And I do think that is kind of a trap. And I’ve seen it in other countries, right? Autocrats want their opponents to be seen to be attacking that kind of, you know, patriotic feeling that they tap into among their supporters so that they can set themselves up as the defender of the real America, Sarah Palin would say. And everybody else just looks like a critic of America.

I actually think this is a really important distinction that permeates political messaging. Are you making the argument that there’s something so great about this country that it requires us to continue to change it for the better? That’s a different way of framing the conversation than saying, you have to accept that this country has all these problems before we get into the discussion about how to change it.

Last week, I asked you to call in and tell me how you feel about the word “patriot.” And some of you are really feeling it right now.

I do consider myself a patriot.

I have a pretty deep love for my country steeped in its history. I think I’m kind of rare in that I’m a young liberal who can honestly say I love the United States of America. I love our country. I love our society.

I am the descendant of Armenians who fled to the United States to escape the genocide. So I’ve always looked at this country as a beacon of hope.

But I’ve got to say, a lot of you are feeling pretty down on the whole idea of patriotism.

I believe that patriotism is one of the great evils in the world.

Patriotism, to me, right now, is something that has just gone completely off the rails.

I’ve never felt comfortable doing the Pledge of Allegiance.

The flag and patriotism has now been associated with the far-right nationalists. And it makes me feel as if I can’t represent it the way that I’d like to.

And I think it’s very sad.

The good news is for a lot of you who are fed up with flag flying and saying the Pledge of Allegiance, you’re coming up with some new definitions about what’s patriotic.

Voting and protesting and things that uphold our democracy. It’s the willingness to become vaccinated and the willingness to wear a mask.

What about teachers? What about community rec center organizers? All these people do not make the money that they could in the private sector to better their community. I see that as patriotic. But yeah, I just think if you love a person, you’re going to want to make them better. And so that’s kind of the way I feel about America, like a friend who’s going through a tough time, but she’s all I got, so I’m going to help make her better.

Thank you for completely filling our inbox. If you want to join in on this conversation about patriotism, leave a comment on the page for this episode at nytimes.com. I’m really curious to hear about what you think. And you can always leave me a voicemail at 347-915-4324.

Jamelle, you contributed to The New York Times 1619 Project and saw firsthand the conservative backlash that it received. And I’m curious for you as someone who thinks a lot about the history of this country and just how big it is, but how totalizing its national stories can be, how do you think about what Ben was saying about creating a national story that ties all of this in that is both true and effective?

So this question of forging an American story, I think it’s important to say that there have been different kinds of American stories over time. There’s a great book by a George Washington political scientist named Sam Goldman. The book is called “After Nationalism.” And the conceit of the book is that over American history, there have been primarily three forms of national narratives— covenantal nationalism, crucible nationalism, and credal nationalism.

Covenantal nationalism is the city on the hill, right? It’s the United States as this exemplar for the country, the last best hope for the world, that will lead the rest of the world to some kind of promised land. It’s heavily tied up with Puritan New England and was a very important and formidable narrative for the first chunk of the nation’s history, the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

It was supplanted during the age of mass immigration in the 19th century by crucible nationalism, the melting pot in which all these different kinds of Americans are all thrown into this sort of chaotic and busy and opportunity-filled country. And through hard work and striving, they forge themselves into a single, unified people. But as Goldman kind of details, the fact of the matter is that didn’t happen, right? That we didn’t become a single, unified people.

And so it’s during the Second World War specifically that we get what Goldman calls a credal nationalism, which is this very familiar idea that the basis of American identity are the ideals as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and during the Revolution. And part of being a patriot is helping the country live up to those ideals. And that kind of falls apart in the ‘60s.

And so, you know, Americans have always tried to forge some unified idea of what the country is, some sort of a unifying patriotism. And I just, I agree with Goldman. I don’t think it’s really possible. I think the country is too big and too diverse and too fractitious and always has been for that really to be sustainable. Now national elites may have some common narrative of a country that they hold on to. But that’s the very different thing than the public at large.

And to get to, I think, the second part of your question, I’m not actually sure that it’s possible to forge some sort of narrative of the country that’s both substantively true, but also makes people feel good. I don’t think they’re two things you can do at the same time. You can certainly forge a narrative that downplays what’s bad in the past, but then this runs into this question of whether or not this is actually true or accurate or really faithful to the nation’s history as we understand it.

And any narrative that has too much truth I don’t think is going to really appeal to lots of people. I think the 1619 Project is sort of emblematic of this. There’s a way to read at least some of the more, you know, aspirational essays as not necessarily representing an America is bad narrative, but kind of inverting a kind of providential narrative, right? In this case, the holders of American ideals are not the Puritans, are not the WASPs, but are Black Americans sort of substituting one group out for another. And in this case, the 1619 narrative becomes very nationalist, just kind of nationalist from a different perspective than you might expect.

I want to interrupt you there because I think that you made a point a moment ago that I was very curious about, which is to Ben, Jamelle’s saying that you can’t do both, and that attempting to do both a positive narrative and a corrective narrative at the same time seems kind of impossible. But in your work and as someone who’s worked in politics, you kind of had to.

Yeah, no, I fully appreciate if you’re an historian, you have one kind of role here to identify the truth in all of its ugliness and/or beauty. I do think, though, that the question of how we understand who we are as Americans and what the kind of prevailing story is in our political life clearly matters. I agree we’re this kind of impossibly big, diverse country. Therefore, the things that we choose to hold us together really matter.

And I think part of why people feel so unsettled right now is we have no sense of agreement on what are the things that hold us together, beyond the fact that we have a government, but we don’t even usually agree about the legitimacy of the person who’s elected. Take it as a given that I believe that a lot of that is because of the cynicism of the Republican Party in recent years. But the question is, what do we do about that?

And it’s interesting to me to reflect on the degree to which my sense of patriotism and American identity was kind of shaped by the fact that I grew up at the end of the Cold War. And so there was this kind of one thing that was this controlling force in our politics that we were for these things, and the Soviets are for these things. And obviously, we were for those things imperfectly— freedom and open societies. But it was this kind of organizing principle for understanding who we were measured against who we weren’t, which is the Soviet Union, which led to a bunch of policy outcomes and political outcomes.

And so I think part of what’s happened is we’ve lost that unifying force. And so the question is, how do you tie together an understanding of history with a sense of mobilizing patriotism? And to me, I remember later in the Obama years, I think his best speech was the one he gave at Selma at the anniversary of the March. And the triggering point for him to the core idea of that speech was Rudy Giuliani, of all people, had said that he didn’t think Obama grew up loving America.

And this gets to your point, Jane, about like, well, how does Rudy Giuliani get to decide what it means to love America, and why is Hawaii less American than Iowa and the rest of it? And what Obama did is he turned that inside out. And the whole speech basically becomes about the fact that there’s this gap between what America says it is and what the reality is. And at Selma, the people on one side of the bridge were defending the worst aspect of what America has been.

And the people who are preparing to march across the bridge were part of a continuum of people who’ve just tried to make America what those founding values say. And yes, Obama is putting his thumb on the scale and saying that the founding values, the founding words matter. All men are created equal matters. We the people matters.

And it was a very joyful speech. It wasn’t an angry speech. It was like, no, this is America. We’re American. Americans are the people who changed these places. Americans are the people who protested to make the place better. Americans are the people who got beat up by authority. And I do think that that’s kind of missing in the current political moment. We don’t assert our pride in our identity.

And this gets back to the idea of, I see the impulse for it. I myself have done that a lot these last five years. But I think it’s a dead end trap politically. And if you sacrifice identity in the political space and patriotism in the political space, I think you’re going to lose it in other places, too.

Jamelle, the idea of we need to make saving a multiracial, multiethnic democracy, it should be a defiant and joyful enterprise, which is something Ben wrote, do you think that’s possible?

I think these are kind of two separate questions, in a way. Like I said, I don’t necessarily think it’s possible to forge some sort of hopeful, but also fundamentally truthful narrative about the country. I think a narrative can’t do both of those things, right? I don’t think there’s anything wrong, right, morally or ethically about fudging things to create a usable pass for a political narrative. I think that’s fine. That’s just what politics is. But I don’t think you can ask it to be necessarily truthful.

And I think you have to open up space for the fact that people like myself are going to be like, ah, well, that’s not really the case, because that’s the job of someone like me, right? Like if I were running for office, would I, you know, spin a narrative of Charlottesville that’s much more flattering than what Charlottesville actually is? Probably. That’s just sort of— that’s what politics is.

But when it comes to looking for narratives or whatever that assists in solving problems, my view is that I don’t think you need necessarily some sort of overarching narrative as fuel for that. I think all you have to do is identify what are the things that are valuable to you. What are the things that are important to you? And you pursue them, and you craft an explanation for why they’re important. And maybe that can appeal to some sort of national narrative. Maybe it doesn’t necessarily have to.

For example, one thing that I value very strongly is the ideal of political equality, that all of us count equally in the eyes of the political system and that all of our votes ought to count equally. It would be untruthful to say that this has been one of the great ideals of American history. I don’t necessarily think it has been. It’s been a very contested thing throughout the country. And so the goal for me, right, as a writer, is to make the case that political equality is an important value, that political equality is something that will help you realize the kind of society that you want to live in.

And yes, there are sources in American history, there are admirable people who have believed this as well. And it’s useful to excavate them and talk about them and talk about their ideas. But I think that these sorts of things really ought to be forward-thinking fundamentally. Like, look forward and say to yourself, regardless of what the country has been, what do we want the country to be? It’s enough, right, that this is where we live. This is where our home is. Most of us are not going to go anywhere else. And so what do we do with that?

There is a line in the philosopher, William James’s essay, which I’m going to mangle in this paraphrase, but essentially, it’s something like an ethical world exists as long as there are two people just on a rock, right? That the fact of being together, of being in proximity with other people, creates ethical obligations. And in the same way, the fact that we just live in this country demands that we look for ways to make it better, irrespective of what the country has been in the past.

Especially in a country in which we are all so different, we’re not going to have the same homogeneity of belief or family system or ideology. Do you think that we’re here, we’re together— as you were saying, we are two people on this rock. Do you think that’s enough, or should it be?

I mean, I think that’s enough. If you look at in the immediate wake of emancipation in the Civil War, there are four million formerly enslaved people immediately jump into politics. Within five years, right, you have a number. You have many hundreds of elected officers. You have people engaging in political clubs, all sorts of things. Those people didn’t have some sort of glorious narrative to rely on, right? They were formerly enslaved, right? They had a shared narrative. It was a narrative of surviving adversity and hardship.

Their rationale for engaging in the work of politics and trying to make things better and for free-born Black Americans, for activists, their view is that they were here, right? There’s nowhere else they could be. They are here. And so you must make the best of the place that you find yourself in. And I do think that’s enough. And I think there are other bases for solidarity among persons beyond a commitment to a shared national narrative.

And I think, I don’t know, part of me thinks— this is not a fully formed opinion or anything, but part of me thinks that the search for some kind of unifying national narrative, it’s detrimental to the search for something with which you can build solidarity among persons. Because national narratives are hard to forge. Solidarity is hard to forge, but I think solidarity can be grounded in something a bit more concrete, something a bit more real, than a singular national narrative can be.

I definitely understand Jamelle’s argument. And I think it’s, you know, analytically correct for certain.

Analytically correct.

Damning with faint praise.

No, no, and I don’t mean that to sound as— no, I mean, but I guess, I keep coming back to this point, right, which is most of the time, I think that’s true. We are who we are. We live here. We’re all different. That’s part of what’s great about being American, so why do I have to think about a national narrative? I guess, to me, it depends on how extreme and alarming you think the current moment is, right?

Because in a way, I’d like to think that I could just be left to my own devices and live out the rest of my life and not have to worry about politics. And I think, frankly, that’s probably what a lot of younger Americans think. I believe in the worst case scenarios here of the steady erosion and dismantling of democratic norms in this country that can lead to things that are far beyond even anything we’ve seen Trump do yet.

And so to me, this is about a question of activating people around, whether they care about what’s happening in the wider country. And the clearest manifestation of this is elections and the message in your elections. But it’s also about whether or not you feel like whatever you’re doing in your community is your little piece of trying to preserve or defend or extend multiracial, multiethnic democracy, whether that adds up to a larger whole.

So there’s both the narrative in the story that needs to be told by politicians and people who want to lead, but there’s also the question of whether our actions are affirmative, whether our actions are about the fact that we believe that this is a country in a multiracial, multiethnic democracy worth having and saving. Look, I didn’t like when Trump hugged the flag. Suddenly of the flag looks differently.

And so, to me, I still think that because of the alarming nature of the moment we’re in, we have to figure out how to marry our activism to a more successful politics and how to make the different ways in which we express our beliefs not necessarily add up into one neat narrative, but add up into a defense of this country and what this country is supposed to be.

Well, you know what can all bring us together? Absolutely nothing. I was really trying to go somewhere there, and then I was like, wait, there are lots of people out there who listen to this podcast who don’t like sports, who email me angrily that I talk too much about sports. And that’s anti-American. Anyway, Ben Rhodes, the author of “After the Fall,” and Jamelle Bouie, New York Times Opinion columnist, thank you both so much for joining me.

Thank you for having us.

Thanks, Jane. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Ben Rhodes is former deputy national security advisor to Obama and senior speechwriter on Obama’s campaign. He’s also author of “After the Fall.” Jamelle Bouie is a Times Opinion columnist. For other deep thoughts on patriotism, I recommend Ben’s piece in The Atlantic, “This is No Time for Passive Patriotism,” and Jamelle’s interview on the podcast, “Know Your Enemy,” which covers his work on the 1619 Project, as well as his thoughts on what progressive patriotism looks like. You can find links to all of these in our episode notes.

Finally, I think patriotism matters. I love my country. I really love living here. When I’m not in the United States, I miss it. I don’t miss it for the flag or the mountains’ majesty. I miss it for the people and the spaces and the Americanosity of the things I love. I’ve been a lot of places in this country. And I know that this country has a lot of problems.

But it’s kind of like a family member. I love them, even though they’re always late or send my Christmas gifts too early or too late or have really annoying views on movies. Again, I know this debate is complicated because there’s patriotism, and then there’s how we perform patriotism. And it all gets mixed together. But again, I think it really matters.

“The Argument” is the production of New York Times Opinion. It’s produced by Phoebe Lett, Elisa Gutierrez, and Vishakha Darbha; edited by Alison Bruzek and Anabel Bacon, with original music by Isaac Jones; mixing by Pat McCusker; fact-checking by Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker; audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks this week to Kristina Samulewski, the University of Michigan, and Mika LaVaque-Manty.

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a true patriot essay

Produced by ‘The Argument’

An American flag, football, the national anthem, “Make America Great Again” — all of these can be symbols of American patriotism, but to whom? In 2022 the notion of being a patriot is complex, to say the least, and in a divided nation one might ask: Who gets to be called a patriot, and what does patriotism really mean in America?

This week, Jane and her guests dig into how they feel about patriotism and how our two dominant political parties use the idea to their ends.

Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser from 2009 to 2017, posits that a fundamental sense of patriotism still holds in America. “This has always been about the story we tell about ourselves and that we don’t live up to,” Rhodes says. “I think patriotism is basically about the effort to live up to the better version of the story that America tells us about itself.”

[You can listen to this episode of “The Argument” on Apple , Spotify or Google or wherever you get your podcasts .]

Jamelle Bouie is a columnist with Times Opinion and resists the idea that it’s possible to forge a unifying sense of patriotism across the country. America is simply too large and too diverse to unite on a baseline of meaning. Patriotism, he argues, rests at the individual level: “I think all you have to do is identify ‘What are the things that are valuable to you? What are the things that are important to you?’ And you pursue them,” he says.

What does patriotism mean to you? Would you call yourself a patriot? We want to hear from you. Share your thoughts in the comments on this page once you’ve listened to the debate.

Mentioned in this episode:

“After the Fall: Being American in the World We’ve Made” by Ben Rhodes.

“This Is No Time for Passive Patriotism” by Ben Rhodes in The Atlantic.

“After Nationalism: Being American in an Age of Division” by Samuel Goldman.

“The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life” by William James in the International Journal of Ethics.

“Know Your Enemy” episode with Jamelle Bouie: “Not Even Past.”

(A full transcript of the episode will be available midday on the Times website.)

a true patriot essay

Thoughts? Email us at [email protected] or leave us a voice mail message at (347) 915-4324. We want to hear what you’re arguing about with your family, your friends and your frenemies. (We may use excerpts from your message in a future episode.)

By leaving us a message, you are agreeing to be governed by our reader submission terms and agreeing that we may use and allow others to use your name, voice and message.

“The Argument” is produced by Phoebe Lett, Elisa Gutierrez and Vishakha Darbha, and edited by Anabel Bacon and Alison Bruzek; fact-checking by Mary Marge Locker and Kate Sinclair; music and sound design by Isaac Jones; engineering by Carole Sabouraud; and audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks to Kristin Lin and Kristina Samulewski.

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Help Patriotism Prevail essay winners revealed, Utah student wins the Lee Warren award

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IVINS — The winners of Help Patriotism Prevail’s third annual  Saving Dr. Warren…..A True Patriot essay contest were revealed at a ceremony held on April 19 at the Southern Utah Veterans Home located in Ivins.   Residents, honorees and guests were in attendance.  The ceremony date, April 19, was chosen because of it’s historical national significance…..the day the American colonists went to war against the British in 1775.  Dr. Joseph Warren, a Revolutionary War patriot, played an integral part that historic day, and the days that followed, until losing his life on the battlefield at Bunker Hill.  Warren, a true American hero since forgotten, plays a pivotal role in the novel written by Jeffery J. McKenna, which is the primary reference source for the essay contest.

a true patriot essay

Help Patriotism Prevail (HPP) is a non-profit organization founded by Mr. McKenna, a local estate planning attorney and resident of Washington County.  The mission of his foundation is to help teachers and other youth education groups, foster patriotism among their students in an exciting and engaging way.

One way this mission is fulfilled is by sponsoring this annual essay contest offered to all teachers and their students who use McKenna’s novel as a teaching tool. To further support that effort, classroom sets of McKenna’s novel, and downloadable lesson plans, are provided to teachers free of charge through the HPP Foundation.  This is topped of with another incentive, cash awards to the students who write the winning essays AND their teachers who mentor them during their writing journey.

Once again, U.S. Navy Commander (ret) Tony Moore, Veterans of Military Affairs State Officer at the veterans home, was the Master of Ceremonies.  Other ceremony participants included Air Force Junior ROTC cadets from Dixie High School, and students from Lava Ridge Honors Choir who performed two musical numbers directed by Caroline Harris.  David Fox, a WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War veteran, led the Pledge of Allegiance along with cadet Christopher Ames.

The 2022-23 essay winners were revealed by Jeffery J. McKenna with presentation assistance provided by members of the Red Cliffs of Zion Sons of the American Revolution and Color Country Daughters of the American Revolution, lineage descendants of American Revolutionary War patriots.

a true patriot essay

This year, eighty-five youngsters ranging in ages 11-15 from various states participated in Help Patriotism Prevail’s third annual essay writing contest.   Ten finalist essays were chosen by Help Patriotism Prevail and scored by ten impartial judges.  Some of the judges were local while others reside in other states.  Scores from the judges were tallied and the names of the winners were officially announced at the ceremony.   There are three award categories.

  • Lee Warren Award  – Essay titled  Land of the Free Because of the Brave  written by Christopher Ames from Utah.  He and his teacher, USAF Lt. Col. (ret.) Robert Munson were present at the ceremony, both receiving a cash award of $100 each.
  • Grace Levy Award  – Essay titled  Land of Liberty Marking Patriotism  written by Anthony Sciara from Alabama. He and his teacher, Andrew Cotten, will be receiving a cash award of $250 each.
  • Steve O’Dell Award  – Essay titled  We Are America  written by Lorelai Wei from Alabama.  She and her teacher, Andrew Cotten, will be receiving a cash award of $500 each.  A videotape of Wei reciting her winning essay was shared at the ceremony for all to hear and enjoy.

Cash awards for the top three winning essays are annually provided by the Avalon Health Care Group, administrators of the Southern Utah Veterans Home. Once again, the remaining seven finalists will each receive a $50 cash award provided by local Army veteran, Terry Dunne. He has personally funded these cash awards since the essay contest started three years ago.

An additional award was given out his year by a local Washington County veteran, USAF General (ret.) Bill Gorton, who read all ten essays and selected his favorite.  General Gorton spoke briefly at the ceremony, explaining the reasoning behind his essay choice, and participated in this first time award presentation.

  • General Gorton Award  – Essay titled  Patriotism in Everyday Life  written by Mary Evelyn Kimbrough from Alabama. She will receive a cash award of $75.00 each.

The ceremony concluded with a closing prayer by Korean War veteran Anton Kuhlmann, also a director for the Help Patriotism Prevail Foundation.  The entire ceremony was videotaped by Avalon Health Care Group and can be viewed online using this link:   Patriot Day-Essay Awards2023 .

All the winning essays can be viewed on Help Patriotism Prevail’s website:     Help Patriotism Prevail | Nonprofit .  This website can also provide additional information to teachers interested in learning more about the annual essay contest and to request a free classroom set of the novel  Saving Dr. Warren….A True Patriot . This historical fiction novel with a 4.8 star rating was written for younger readers but being enjoyed by all ages. It is being offered on  amazon.com in paperback, audio and Kindle.  Use this link to view more about this wonderful novel about patriotism and the many testimonials it has garnered.

Photo Gallery

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Jeffery McKenna with Dixie High School Air Force JROTC cadets Cruz Cottam, Lee Warren essay winner Christopher Ames, and Kayla Lee Whited. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19, 2023. Photo courtesy of Brian Gibson, Avalon Health Care Group.

a true patriot essay

Jeffery McKenna presenting the Lee Warren award to essay winner Christopher Ames and his teacher, USAF Lt. Col. (ret.) Robert Munson, the award being held by SAR member Jay Chapman and DAR member Karen Mangano. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19, 2023. Photo courtesy of Brian Gibson, Avalon Health Care Group.

a true patriot essay

Jeffery J. McKenna and USAF General (ret.) Bill Gorton awarding the General Gorton Award with assistance from SAR member Jim Harper and DAR member Valerie King. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19, 2023. Photo courtesy of Brian Gibson, Avalon Health Care Group.

a true patriot essay

Veteran David Fox and Dixie High School Air Force JROTC cadet Christopher Ames leading the Pledge of Allegiance supported by Red Cliffs of Zion chapter members Jay Chapman and Jim Harper. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19, 2023. Photo courtesy of Brian Gibson, Avalon Health Care Group.

a true patriot essay

Master of Ceremonies U.S. Navy Commander (ret) Tony Moore, Veterans of Military Affairs State Officer welcoming residents, honorees and guests at Southern Utah Veterans. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19, 2023. Photo courtesy of Brian Gibson, Avalon Health Care Group.

a true patriot essay

Steve O'Dell essay winner Lorelai Wei from Alabama reading her essay by way of a recorded videotape shown to ceremony attendees. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19. Photo courtesy of Brian Gibson, Avalan Health Care Group.

a true patriot essay

Red Cliffs of Zion SAR chapter members Jim Harper, Jay Chapman, Ken Sapp and Jeffery McKenna with Color Country Chapter DAR members Laura Miller, Karen Mangano and Valerie King. Southern Utah Veterans Home, April 19. Photo courtesy of Valerie King, Color Country Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.


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104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples

Welcome to our list of patriotism essay ideas! Choose among positive and negative topics on patriotism and make sure to check out our patriotism essay examples.

🔝 Top 10 Patriotism Essay Ideas to Write about

🏆 best patriotism topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 most interesting patriotism topics to write about, 👍 good research topics about patriotism, ❓ questions related to patriotism.

  • Patriotism and Global Citizenship
  • Traditional and Popular Patriotic Songs
  • Patriotism, Diversity, and Multiculturalism
  • Social Media’s Effect on National Sentiment
  • What Happens to Patriotism in Times of Crisis?
  • Does Patriotism Foster Civic Engagement?
  • The Line Between Patriotism and Nationalism
  • The Role of Literature, Music, and Art in Nation-Building
  • What’s the Connection Between Patriotism and Identity?
  • National Flags and Anthems as Expressions of Patriotism
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  • Philosophy: Is Patriotism a Virtue? Hence, in the above context, patriotism is the feeling that arises from the concerns of the safety of the people of a nation.
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  • The American Revolution: Treason or Patriotism
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  • The Subtle Use of Patriotism in the Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Gandhi’s Views On Patriotism and One’s Love for Their Country
  • The European Charter – Between deep Diversity and Constitutional Patriotism
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  • U.S. Definition of Patriot and Patriotism
  • Japanese Culture vs. Chinese Culture: the Loss of Patriotism
  • Patriotism: American Identity Defined Through Opportunity, Hard Work, And Loyalty
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  • American Patriotism: The Love for the Country
  • The Patriotism Of Despair By Serguei Alex Oushakine
  • The Influence of The Miracle on Ice Game in Changing the Public Attitude and Feelings of Patriotism in America
  • Preserving the American Idea of Patriotism
  • Economic Patriotism, the Clash of Capitalisms, and State Aid in the European Union
  • False Patriotism in America
  • Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism, Consumer Ethnocentrism and Purchase Behavior
  • The Consequences Of Patriotism As Moral Justification
  • Comparing Patriotism and Nationalism
  • The Representation of Patriotism and Militarism in the Drinking Fountain
  • The Different Versions of Our True Patriotism
  • Red White and Beer: a Rhetorical Analysis of America’s Retail Patriotism
  • The Relation Between Seppuku and Patriotism Within the Japanese Society
  • Is American Patriotism Also Blind Patriotism
  • The Birthplace of American Patriotism
  • Patriotism in United States After September 11th Incident
  • The Use of Media to Promote Unity and Patriotism in America
  • Is Patriotism a Byproduct of Fascism
  • The Idea of Freedom and Patriotism in America
  • Wanda Coleman, Colin Kaepernick, and The Refusal to Prioritize Patriotism Over Blackness
  • Patriotism, Preferences and Serendipity: Understanding the Adoption of the Defence Transfers Directive
  • The Policy Of Economic Nationalism: From Origins To New Variations Of Economic Patriotism
  • U.S. Patriotism: A Link to American Hatred. Politics in the Media
  • A Deeper Look at Patriotism, Conscience and the Mexican War
  • How Does Economic Patriotism Differ from Nationalism?
  • What Acts Promote Patriotism?
  • How Can a Teacher Show Patriotism in Education?
  • What Values Lead to Patriotism?
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/

"104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "104 Patriotism Essay Ideas & Examples." October 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/patriotism-essay-examples/.

The True Meaning of Patriotism

a true patriot essay

(This essay is adapted from an earlier version published in September 2002 on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington)

Patriotism these days is like Christmas — lots of people caught up in a festive atmosphere replete with lights and spectacles. We hear reminders about “the true meaning” of the occasion — and we may even mutter a few guilt-ridden words to that effect ourselves — but like most people, each of us spends more time and thought in parties, gift-giving, and the other paraphernalia of a secularized holiday than we do deepening our devotion to the “true meaning.” The attention we pay the fictional Santa Claus rivals that which we pay the One whose name the holiday is meant to hallow.

So it is with patriotism. Walk down Main Street America and ask one citizen after another what it means and with few exceptions, you’ll get a passel of the most self-righteous but superficial and often dead-wrong answers. America’s Founders, the men and women who gave us reason to be patriotic in the first place, would think we’ve lost our way if they could see us now.

Especially since the attacks of 9/11, Americans are feeling “patriotic.” For most, that mere feeling suffices to make one a solid patriot. But if I’m right, it’s time for Americans to take a refresher course to appreciate what being a patriot should really mean.

Patriotism is not love of country, if by “country” you mean scenery — amber waves of grain, purple mountains’ majesty and the like. Almost every country has pretty collections of rocks, water, and stuff that people grow and eat. If that’s what patriotism is all about, then Americans have precious little for which we can claim any special or unique love. And surely, patriotism cannot mean giving one’s life for a river or a mountain range.

Emma Goldman, in a 1911 essay, rightly disparaged this parochial, location-based concept. That kind of patriotism, she said, “assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more intelligent than the living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all the others.” Like Emma Goldman, I’d like to think there’s something about being a patriotic American that’s far removed from the young Nazi soldier who marched into battle for “the Fatherland.” After all, he thought he was patriotic too.

Patriotism is not blind trust in anything our leaders tell us or do. That’s just stupidity, and it replaces some very lofty concepts about the true meaning of the word with the mindless goose-stepping of cowardly sycophants.

Patriotism is not picnics, fireworks, or a day off work. At best, those are outward manifestations of something that could be patriotism, but it might also for some be nothing more than a desire to have a little fun.

Patriotism is not simply showing up to vote. You need to know a lot more about what motivates a voter before you judge his patriotism. He might be casting a ballot because he just wants something at someone else’s expense. Maybe he doesn't much care where the politician he's hiring gets it. Remember Dr. Johnson’s wisdom: "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels." Others have wisely counseled that an ill-informed people can easily vote a democratic republic into bankruptcy and oblivion.

Waving the flag can be an outward sign of patriotism, but let’s not cheapen the term by ever suggesting that it’s anything more than a sign. And while it’s always fitting to mourn those who lost their lives in its defense, that too does not fully define patriotism.

People in every country and in all times have expressed feelings of something we flippantly call "patriotism" but that just begs the question. What is this thing, anyway? Can it be so cheap and meaningless that a few gestures make you patriotic?

Not in my book.

I subscribe to a patriotism rooted in ideas that in turn gave birth to a country, but it’s those ideas that I think of when I’m feeling patriotic. I think a patriotic American is one who reveres the ideas that motivated the Founders and compelled them, in many instances, to put their lives, fortunes and sacred honor on the line.

What ideas? Read the Declaration of Independence again. Or, if you’re like most Americans these days, read it for the very first time. It’s all there. All men are created equal. They are endowed not by government but by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Premier among those rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Government must be limited to protecting the peace and preserving our liberties, and doing so through the consent of the governed. It’s the right of a free people to rid themselves of a government that becomes destructive of those ends, as our Founders did in a supreme act of courage and defiance more than 200 years ago.

Call it freedom. Call it liberty. Call it whatever you want, but it’s the bedrock on which this nation was founded and from which we stray at our peril. It’s what has defined us as Americans. It’s what almost everyone who has ever lived on this planet has yearned for, though only a few have ever risen above selfishness, ignorance, or barbarism to attain it. It makes life worth living, which means it’s worth fighting and dying for.

I know that this concept of patriotism puts an “American” spin on the term. But I don’t know how to be patriotic for Uganda or Paraguay. I hope the Ugandans and Paraguayans have lofty ideals they celebrate when they feel patriotic, but whether or not they do is a question you’ll have to ask them. I can only tell you what patriotism means to me as an American.

I understand that America has often fallen short of the superlative ideas expressed in the Declaration. That hasn’t diminished my reverence for them, nor has it dimmed my hope that future generations of Americans will be re-inspired by them. Whatever our shortcomings, the fact remains that our Founders bequeathed us a marvelous mechanism whereby we can fix those flaws and perhaps someday shepherd our form of government to as close to perfection as may be humanly possible. This brand of patriotism, in fact, gets me through the roughest and most cynical of times.

My patriotism did not flag when one president debased the Oval Office with a young intern, or when another one covered up an illegal break-in. My patriotism is never affected by any politician’s failures, or any shortcoming of some government policy, or any slump in the economy or stock market. I’ve never felt my patriotism to be for sale or up for a vote. I never cease to get that rush that comes from watching Old Glory flapping in the breeze, no matter how far today’s generations have departed from the original meaning of those stars and stripes. No outcome of any election, no matter how adverse, makes me feel any less devoted to the ideals our Founders put to pen in 1776.

Indeed, as life’s experiences mount, the wisdom of what giants like Jefferson and Madison bestowed upon us becomes ever more apparent to me. I get more fired up than ever to help others come to appreciate the same things.

During a recent visit to the land of my ancestors, Scotland, I came across a few very old words that gave me pause. Though they preceded our Declaration of Independence by 456 years, and come from 3,000 miles away, I can hardly think of anything ever written here that more powerfully stirs in me the patriotism I’ve defined above.

In 1320, in an effort to explain why they had spent the previous 30 years in bloody battle to expel the invading English, Scottish leaders ended their Declaration of Arbroath with this line: “It is not for honor or glory or wealth that we fight, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life.”

Freedom — understanding it, living it, and teaching it to posterity. That, my fellow Americans, is what patriotism should mean to each of us today.

(Lawrence W. Reed is president emeritus of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a research and educational institute headquartered in Midland, Michigan.)

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Essay on Patriotism | Patriotism Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Patriotism in English: What is Patriotism Essay ?  Patriotism is best defined by stating that it refers to the quality of a person supporting his country and ready to defend his country. A patriot never thinks twice before devoting his life to the liberation of the country. Patriotism is the secret behind a flourishing country. The sacrifices that a man makes for Patriotism are commendable, and that makes a patriot immortal .  We have compiled some long and short essay about patriotism for the use of the readers.

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Long and Short Essays on Patriotism in English for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an extended essay on Patriotism 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Patriotism in English 500 Words

The immense passionate love and affection one has for his country are known as patriotism. It is a virtue that pushes the citizens of the country to work for their country devotedly and selflessly. A country cannot be called a developed nation only if it succeeds in the field of economy and literacy; true patriots are the backbone of the country. True patriotism is only when one thinks about his country before he thinks about himself. It is tested in crucial times like war, pandemic, natural disasters and national emergencies.

The citizens of the country claim their country as their motherland and therefore have the same love and affection for their countries as they have for their mother.

Moreover, with the real sense of patriotism, comes the sense of responsibility. It helps one work for the country to build a better future for the country and the countrymen. It promotes fraternity and helps the citizens to stay in harmony with one another. Patriotism even helps in removing corruption and selfishness amongst the countrymen.

India had glorious patriots that helped in bringing independence to the country. The Patriots made a lot of sacrifices for their motherland and helped the country prosper and flourish. Some of the greatest Indian patriots are Maulana Azad, Bhagat Singh, Rani Lakshmi Bai and many other notable personalities.

The patriots have no fear of losing their lives on the battlefield for their country for doing some good to the country. Also, patriotism does not necessarily mean fighting for the country and shedding blood. True love for the country and thinking about the progress of the country is patriotism.

Not all who show or try to explain are patriots. Many pseudo-patriots like to take undue advantage of the situation. They neither do have any discipline or character nor do they have any sense of morality and sacrifice. They live in their fictitious world created by them. They are instead the enemies of the country.

A true patriot is respected even after his death. The soul of the patriot is immortal and deserves immense respect. A famous quote by Shakespeare is very relatable to this context, it says, “Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death once.”

Patriots like Shivaji, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, and Jawaharlal Nehru are even remembered for their deeds today. They were the face of the fearless, and they fought for their motherland and contributed to her independence.

Essay for Patriotism

Short Essay on Patriotism in 150 Words English

Patriotism is a beautiful feeling and is a virtue. It is the act of loving and defending one’s country. A true patriot will never think about his life before acting any action that will do his country some good.

Being a patriot does not mean that one has to be violent in his actions, one can protest silently, and that protest is more effective.

The future of the country depends on the young. If young citizens are enthusiastic about their country and are real patriots, the progress of the country is guaranteed.

Not everyone who tries to claim themselves is a patriot; some false patriots like to take advantage of the situations and be selfish enough to look for the profit they will derive by speaking for or against the case.

We must keep in mind that because of true patriotic leaders like Netaji, Nehru, Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Bhagat Singh and many other eminent personalities, our country is free today.

10 Lines on Patriotism Essay in Engish

  • An act of being courageous and being ready to sacrifice for one’s own country is called Patriotism.
  • Patriotism does not necessarily mean being violent or outrageous, and protests can be done silently.
  • Showcasing love for the country on occasions like Republic Day, Independence Day, etc. is not true Patriotism.
  • Being proud of the country and thinking about the country’s welfare is what a true patriot does.
  • Patriotism can neither be spoon-fed nor can be taught, and it is one of the purest feelings that a man develops on his own.
  • Patriotism helps to build up bonds with fellow countrymen and also helps in promoting the idea of fraternity.
  • The slightest sense of responsibility and love for the country amongst the kids must be respected and guided by the teachers and the elders to make them a dependable and admirable patriot of the nation.
  • The pride that one takes while expressing love about their motherland is also an essay sign of Patriotism.
  • We should always keep notice of false patriots who live in their shell and only know how to take undue advantage of the situation.
  • The citizens must imbibe in them the virtue of Patriotism to help the country prosper.

FAQ’s on Patriotism Essay

Question 1. How to define Patriotism?

Answer: One’s love for the country without blindly following all the cultural and ceremonial believes is called Patriotism.

Question 2. Why is Patriotism important?

Answer: Patriotism helps in the development of the country and helps the country prosper. It also helps in preserving the country’s image and make it a better place to live in.

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  • Patriotism Essay


Essay on Patriotism

Patriotism is more than just a word; it's a feeling that resides deep within the hearts of individuals who share a common bond with their country. In simple terms, patriotism is the love and devotion one has for their homeland. This essay explores the essence of patriotism, its significance in our daily lives, and how it contributes to the overall growth and prosperity of a nation.

Defining Patriotism

At its core, patriotism is about love and loyalty to one's country. It's the recognition of the values, culture, and shared history that bind people together. This sentiment is not limited to grand gestures or extraordinary acts; it often finds expression in simple, everyday actions that collectively contribute to the betterment of society.

Love for the Land

Patriotism begins with a genuine love for the land one calls home. It's about appreciating the natural beauty, diverse landscapes, and resources that make a country unique. Whether it's the rolling hills, expansive plains, or the sparkling waters that surround us, patriotism involves recognizing and cherishing the inherent beauty of our homeland.

Cultural Identity

A strong sense of patriotism is closely tied to cultural identity. It's the pride in the traditions, languages, and customs that have been passed down through generations. Embracing and celebrating cultural diversity fosters a sense of unity, enriching the fabric of the nation with a tapestry of different backgrounds and experiences.

Shared History

Patriotism is also rooted in a shared history that forms the foundation of a nation. Understanding the struggles, triumphs, and challenges faced by previous generations fosters a sense of continuity and responsibility. By acknowledging the sacrifices made by those who came before us, we honor their legacy and contribute to the ongoing narrative of our country.

Individual Responsibility and Civic Duty

One of the essential aspects of patriotism is the recognition of individual responsibility and civic duty. It's not just about enjoying the benefits of living in a particular country; it's about actively participating in its growth and development. This can range from voting in elections to volunteering in local communities, each act contributing to the collective well-being of the nation.

Patriotism in Daily Life

While grand displays of patriotism, such as national celebrations and parades, are noteworthy, it is in the small, everyday actions that the true essence of patriotism is often found. Acts of kindness, respect for fellow citizens, and a commitment to upholding shared values are all expressions of patriotism in daily life.

Respecting Differences

A patriotic individual understands the importance of unity in diversity. Respecting the differences among fellow citizens, whether they be cultural, religious, or ideological, is a testament to a mature and inclusive patriotism. It involves fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and accepted, contributing to a stronger and more harmonious society.

Environmental Stewardship

Caring for the environment is another manifestation of patriotism. Recognizing that the health of the land directly impacts the well-being of its inhabitants, a patriotic person takes measures to protect and preserve natural resources. This can involve sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and a commitment to reducing one's ecological footprint.

Education and Knowledge

Promoting education and knowledge is a patriotic act that invests in the future of a nation. By valuing learning, supporting educational initiatives, and encouraging intellectual curiosity, individuals contribute to the development of a knowledgeable and skilled population. A well-educated society is better equipped to face challenges and drive innovation, ensuring the continued progress of the nation.

Economic Contribution

Contributing to the economic prosperity of the country is an integral part of patriotism. This involves not only being a responsible consumer but also actively participating in the workforce. Whether through entrepreneurship, hard work, or innovation, individuals play a crucial role in building a robust and thriving economy that benefits everyone.

National Pride and Unity

Patriotism fosters a sense of national pride and unity. This pride extends beyond individual accomplishments to a collective celebration of the achievements of the entire nation. It's about recognizing and highlighting what makes the country unique and exceptional, fostering a shared sense of identity that transcends individual differences.

Challenges and Criticisms

While patriotism is generally seen as a positive force, it is essential to acknowledge that blind nationalism and exclusionary practices can emerge if taken to extremes. A healthy patriotism embraces diversity and encourages open dialogue, recognizing that different perspectives contribute to the strength and resilience of a nation.

Patriotism: A Historical Perspective

An essay on patriotism seems incomplete without delving into the historical context, particularly the role of freedom fighters. They are the heroes of times when the quest for freedom ignited the spirits of individuals who sought independence in economic, social, political, and cultural aspects.

India's Patriots

The history of India’s freedom struggle shines through the immortal courage of heroic personalities like Veer Damodar Savarkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and many more. These great patriots fought for the country and against the atrocities perpetrated on the countrymen.

Singing slogans of ‘Vande Mataram’, ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’, ‘Jay Hind’, these patriots went to the cross for the country with a smile on their faces and pride in their hearts. A very inspiring quote by Swami Vivekanand, says, “Do you love the country? Then, come, let us struggle for higher and better things; look not back, no, not even if you see the dearest and nearest cry. Look no back, but forward!”

The gist of Swami Vivekanand’s thought is that when you have started your journey on the path of the country’s welfare, then there must not be any looking back. All you need is to create a list of the priority things that you want to do for your country. Once you accomplish one thing just move ahead with the next one. The slogans like Jai Hind or Bharat Mata ki Jai work as your motivation on the path of doing something for the country. So, are you prepared to do something special for the nation?

Patriotism in Different Roles

People express their patriotism in different ways and in different roles. Soldiers, scientists, doctors, politicians, and other citizens express their patriotism through their hard work in their profession.

Indian soldiers are role models for the youth of India. Highly scrupulous, positively secular, completely apolitical, with an ethos of working hard, simple needs and frugal habits, a soldier is the epitome of courage and unflinching devotion to the country.

Mangalyaan or Mars Orbiter Mission is one of the best examples of scientists' devotion toward the country. In the pandemic situation, the hardship of doctors and nurses proves their devotion towards their country.

Patriotism does not always mean that you have to sacrifice your life for your country; contributing good service towards the country and its people is also equivalent to your sacrifice.

Mathunny Mathews has set a great example of patriotism. Mathews was an Indian, a resident in Kuwait, and was one of the people credited with the safe airlift evacuation of about 1, 70,000 Indians from Kuwait during the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Only celebrating the flag hoisting ceremony on 15th August and 26th January, posing for photos with the flag, and posting on social media doesn’t imply that you are a true patriot. A real patriot is a person who has a true love for his country. He fights against the atrocities upon his countrymen by insiders or outsiders of the country.

Patriotism by Freedom Fighters

An essay on patriotism seems incomplete without the mention of freedom fighters. They are the heroes of the times when we all wanted to get freedom. We all need freedom in economic, social, political, and cultural aspects. These were the people who did not give a second thought before offering complete sacrifice to stay in a free country.

Patriotism is a simple yet profound celebration of love for our country. It encompasses a range of sentiments, from appreciation of the land and culture to a commitment to individual responsibility and civic duty. Patriotism is not a static concept; it evolves as societies grow and change. By embodying the principles of patriotism in our daily lives, we contribute to the collective well-being of our nation, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. In the end, patriotism is about recognizing the beauty in our shared journey and working together to build a stronger, more united society. Explore the meaning of patriotism, its significance, and the diverse ways in which people express their love for their country. Learn about the role of patriotism in the lives of individuals, from freedom fighters to modern-day citizens, and understand how it contributes to the development of a nation.


FAQs on Patriotism Essay

1. How is patriotism important for a country?

Patriotism helps in promoting brotherhood and belongingness among the citizens of a country. Corruption takes a back seat when the feeling of fraternity exists among the citizens. Also, the love for one’s country creates a feeling of responsibility towards the countrymen and brings forth the best of their services, in various fields.

For example, when an IAS officer is a true patriot at heart, he will ensure that there is no corruption in his immediate system and best efforts are being delivered by his team. Similarly, doctors, soldiers, scientists, and people from every walk of life put their best efforts into serving their countrymen, when they have patriotism deep down in their hearts.

2. What are the important points to be written in an essay on patriotism?

The following outlines will help you write an essay on patriotism in your own words.

What is the meaning of patriotism in simple words?

How is patriotism different from nationalism?

Who were the great patriots of India?

Role of patriotic personalities in India’s freedom struggle.

Showcasing patriotism on Independence Day and Republic Day through social media posts is not always a sign of true patriotism.

How does patriotism play a role in the development of a nation?

These are the basic points for this essay topic, and you may add more examples of patriotic personalities and emphasize the role of patriotism in safeguarding the interests of a nation, in your essay, depending upon the required word count.

3. How can I express my patriotism?

There are many ways to express your patriotism. Some common examples include:

Participating in civic duties, such as voting and volunteering.

Obeying the law and respecting the national symbols.

Educating yourself about your country's history and culture.

Supporting your country's athletes and teams in international competitions.

Contributing to social causes and community development efforts.

4. Is patriotism the same as nationalism?

No, patriotism and nationalism are not the same. Patriotism is a positive feeling of love and pride for one's country, while nationalism can be a more extreme and exclusionary ideology that emphasizes the superiority of one's own nation over others.

5. Can patriotism be dangerous?

Yes, patriotism can be dangerous if it is used to justify harmful actions, such as discrimination against other countries or groups of people. It is important to remember that patriotism should be combined with other values, such as tolerance, respect for human rights, and a commitment to international cooperation.

6. What are some good examples of patriotism in history?

There are many examples of people who have expressed patriotism in positive ways throughout history. Some famous examples include:

Martin Luther King Jr.'s fight for civil rights in the United States.

Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolent resistance to British rule in India.

Nelson Mandela's fight against apartheid in South Africa.

The volunteers who helped rebuild communities after natural disasters.

7. What are some common arguments against patriotism?

Some people argue that patriotism is outdated, irrelevant, or even harmful. Some common arguments against patriotism include:

It can be used to justify war and violence.

It can lead to blind obedience and a lack of critical thinking.

It can be used to exclude and discriminate against minority groups.

It can be a form of tribalism that creates divisions between people.

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Essay on Patriotism for Students in 1000 Words

In this post, you will read an Essay on Patriotism for students in 1000 Words. It includes ideology behind patriotism, its importance, history, and about how it works?

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Patriotism)

Ideology behind patriotism.

A Patriotic person is always on his own country’s side or supports his leaders when they deserve it. They are committed to their nation, care about their security, hold their country’s interest at their goal, and will always want their stability, development, and growth. People have an emotional relationship with their country and so this attachment is often referred to as national sentiment and national pride.

Importance of patriotism

Today they have suffered great hardships for their country and even sometimes have sacrificed a lot of everything for freedom. By self-sacrifice, they receive an immortalized name. Thus many patriots win the hearts and minds of their countrymen after potentially losing many things, including their lives.

History of patriotism in India

How does patriotism work.

Both the parents and teachers need to make efforts to instill the spirit for patriotism throughout the generations to come. We must encourage patriotism sentiment, as when the country’s youths must love the country, feel connected to it, and make an effort or work to make it a stronger nation.

Our flag was not only a piece of cloth with colors on it, although it is a symbol of pride, liberty, devotion, and is colored by the blood of those that have died in protection. And so when a person realizes they can become a true patriot, they encourage those behind him to work to create a powerful, better, and prosperous country.

A true patriot

A fake patriot, patriot’s rewards.

The true patriot works for his mother country and dies. Throughout life and again after the death, he’s respected and loved. That kind of nationalist is everlasting. Among these people are modern-day Rajendra Prasad, Jawaharlal Nehru , Subhash Chandra Bose , and many others. Maharana Pratap, Shivaji, and others have been among many of the Ancients.

The bottom line

“My patriotism requires the public good of mankind.”

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What Is Patriotism Essay? – Definitions, Topics, Examples

patriotism essay topics ideas and tips

Do you want to write a patriotism essay and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry about it too much! We are here to help you write the best patriotism essay possible in the shortest amount of time. We will explain the concept of patriotism and clarify why it is essential, discuss patriotism essay examples, and then provide you with some topics. Some tips and tricks are included and the end of the blog post. They should make it much easier to write a patriotic essay.

What Is Patriotism Essay?

Why is patriotism important is it the same as nationalism, good patriotism examples make for good essays, patriotism essay list of 68 topics, get our patriotism essay examples, the importance of patriotic essay examples, tips for the best essay on patriotism.

The first thing we want to discuss is the definition of the patriotism essay. What is patriotism essay? Defining patriotism is a very difficult thing to do. Some would tell you that it is the love and devotion one feels for their country. Others would tell you that it is just a set of principles. And then there are others who consider patriotism to be just a special feeling. You will need to know all these definitions if you want to write a patriotism definition essay. However, in most cases, you will be required to write an essay on patriotism, not on its definition. That means you will have to decide what patriotism means specifically to you. It will influence the way you write the academic paper, of course. However, no approach is wrong, simply because patriotism has different meanings to different people. That applies to everything from a speech on patriotism to patriotism in a sentence prompt.

In some cases, you may be required to write a ”what does patriotism mean to me essay.” That is a bit more complicated because you need to understand why patriotism is important. It also means you have to know the differences between it and nationalism. Be aware that nationalism is not simply the love for the people who live in a country. And patriotism is not the love for the country. The reality is that patriotism is a moral principle, a feeling, or a level of loyalty to the country. On the other hand, nationalism is a political ideology that protects the interests of everything a nation stands for: people, language, traditions, industry, etc.

When writing an article on patriotism, it is important to realize that the patriotism essay ideas you come up with are very important. You want a topic that is both interesting and original. You want something you can write about, so make sure the topic you choose has plenty of information about it online. However, make sure to narrow down the topic – unless you want to write a short novel on it. You can find plenty of examples of American patriotism all over the Internet, so you have a lot of topics to choose from. Ensure the topic is something your classmates didn’t think about. You can read some patriotism essay examples to get an idea of how experienced writers organize their writing and their ideas. Don’t hesitate to look at the winners of a patriotism essay contest. You’ll find a lot of neat ideas. And you also learn how a proper patriotism essay is written.

We have answered the “why is patriotism important” question and helped you pick the right topic. But we are prepared to do much more. We have asked our experienced patriotism essay writers to compile a list of topics for our readers. Patriotism is a broad concept, and there are many standpoints that you can perceive it. If you want to write a patriotism essay or you need patriotism ideas, here are some topics that you can write about:

  • What is true patriotism?
  • Do Americans still practice true patriotism?
  • Can patriotism be related to extremism?
  • American heroes and their patriotic acts.
  • The uniqueness of American patriotism
  • How is American patriotism different from that of other countries?
  • Does patriotism change the way we treat foreigners?
  • How did American patriotism start?
  • How to reach patriotism to children and teenagers
  • Movies that portray patriotism
  • How music has helped to explain the concept of patriotism.
  • Is dissent the highest form of patriotism?
  • Dying for your country: patriotism or suicide?
  • What does patriotism mean to you?
  • How does patriotism affect our relationship with people from other countries?
  • Difference between patriotism and nationalism
  • President John F. Kennedy’s We Choose To Go To The Moon speech and how it portrays patriotism.
  • The true definition of patriotism
  • How the entertainment industry teaches true patriotism.
  • What is blind patriotism?
  • Are patriots racists?
  • Is the patriotism level in the country declining or increasing?
  • Patriotism 100 years ago and now: what has changed?
  • What role does patriotism play in genocide?
  • How is patriotism reflected in our day-to-day lives?
  • How did patriotism help to galvanize World War I?
  • Xenophobia is an act of patriotism, true or false?
  • The difference between patriotism and cosmopolitanism
  • How does patriotism influence the kind of products we use?
  • Do people consider patriotism when choosing the kind of car to buy?
  • Rock n Roll and patriotism
  • Patriotic acts that people need to emulate
  • Breaking the law in the name of patriotism: can that be regarded as patriotism?
  • Misconceptions about patriotism
  • How the government and other people have exploited patriotism for their selfish use
  • Is patriotism taught in school?
  • Why patriotism should or should not be taught in schools
  • Is American patriotism the same as blind patriotism?
  • Is terrorism also a form of patriotism?
  • How to encourage people to be more patriotic
  • Is patriotism important? Why?
  • What are the benefits of patriotism?
  • How is patriotism portrayed in literary works?
  • What is/are the correlation(s) between patriotism and colonialism?
  • What is/are the correlation(s) between patriotism and nationalism?
  • Patriotism and realism: How to connect one with another
  • Are there limits to what you should do as a true patriot?
  • What is the meaning of overwhelming patriotism?
  • How to pursue your American dream as a patriot
  • The national anthem and the national pledge and how it helps you to be more patriotic
  • Examples of patriotism during the American Revolution.
  • Compare and contrast patriotism and xenophobia.
  • Are conscientious objectors traitors?
  • What patriotism means to me?
  • The worst case of ethnic chauvinism.
  • What does true patriotism mean?
  • Patriotism still matters in the modern world. (excellent pride in one’s country essay topic)
  • The difference between patriotism and nationalism.
  • Teens and patriotism today.
  • The importance of Independence Day.
  • Why are we proud of our patriots?
  • Veterans and their tales of patriotism.
  • Is patriotism a good thing?
  • What is national chauvinism?
  • Discussing the pledge of allegiance in schools.
  • Patriotism is an excuse for war.
  • Is patriotism stronger than the love for family?
  • Avoiding western chauvinism and learning from our mistakes.

These topics are excellent starting points for any high school or college student. Remember that finding amazing patriotism examples is important — the more interesting the tale, the better the essay. There are many ways to state your ideas and express your views about patriotism in essays by presenting facts and deducing a conclusion.

A group of people can pick a topic from different patriotism essay ideas and write entirely different essays. There are different ways patriotic essays can be written. It all depends on how the writer views the topic.

If the essay is a narrative essay like the President John F. Kennedy’s ‘We Choose To go To the Moon speech;’

  • Narrate every bit of the event. Paint a mental picture of the event so that the reader can understand the history of the essay.
  • After narrating the event, draw out parts of the story that relate to patriotism.
  • One after the other, explain how these parts that you have drawn relate to patriotism.

When you are writing a patriotic essay that expresses your viewpoint on an issue, the writing style will be different. In essays like “Is American patriotism the same as blind patriotism?” you are expected to present the essay in a detailed and logical manner. You can do that by using the guide below:

  • Introduce the essay by explaining the topic. In the example above, you will explain American patriotism and blind patriotism.
  • After the introduction, you will present facts to explain both American and blind patriotism.
  • Provide correlation(s) between the facts that you have presented.
  • End the essay by stating your viewpoint about the subject matter.

There are patriotism essays ideas that require you to take sides on an issue. “Does patriotism change the way we treat foreigners?” is an example of a patriotic essay that needs you to pick aside. To write a similar or more convincing patriotic essay;

  • State facts and do not come from an emotional place.
  • Be clear on where you stand from the beginning.
  • Present your facts that support your stand on the argument.

If you want to write a patriotic essay to persuade people to do something, this is where you apply your emotions. Applying your emotions helps others to relate better and get interested in the message you’re trying to pass.

  • Give reasons why you are writing the essay.
  • Explain the personal and collective benefits of the essay topic.

Did you know that the best way to learn how to write an amazing patriotism essay is to read the best patriotic essay examples you can find? The truth is that you can learn most of the things simply by carefully reading works written by seasoned writers. You will quickly understand the concepts of patriotism and will also get the chance to see how a good patriotism essay is structured. Don’t miss the chance to write down all the ideas you deem important. Bottom line, you can read an excellent essay on what makes America great, and then replicate its structure and ideas in your own writing. However, make sure you avoid plagiarism.

  • The first tip , we can give you is to choose the best topic possible. For example, why not write a ‘dissent is the highest form of patriotism’ essay?
  • Second , don’t forget to list the values of patriotism in the intro. Each paragraph of the essay body should discuss and support a single idea. The conclusion is used to sum everything up, and further support your position.
  • Third , don’t forget to make effective use of the five-paragraph essay structure (intro, three body paragraphs, conclusion).
  • The last tip , and perhaps the most important one is to get help when you need it.

There are many seasoned academic writers who know exactly how to write an amazing patriotic essay, master’s thesis , or any other paper you might possibly need. Don’t hesitate to get help, especially if you are running out of time!

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Essay on Patriotism

Patriotism can be defined as love and loyalty towards our country.

Many people dedicate their lives to serve their country, these people are called patriots, and the spirit of patriotism brings people closer.

It should be promoted for the upright of the country as well as the people living there.

Essay on Patriotism 200 words:

Patriotism is first in the interest of one’s country, to work for its development and to sacrifice for it when needed.

Many people think that patriotism is to die for their country, but that is not what it means.

It means living for the good of the country, dedicating it in every possible way and sacrificing the life of a person whenever needed.

In the past, many people have served their countries and even laid down their lives for it. Many people still serve their country with equal reverence.

Indian freedom fighters were full of patriotic spirit, did not care for themselves and worked selflessly for the nation.

Even today, many people are dedicated to serving the nation in whatever way they can, however, the spirit of patriotism is slowly fading.

The youth of today do not feel as strongly for their country as those of previous generations.

Elderly people should try to impart a sense of patriotism in their children, Institutions like schools and colleges should also promote the same spirit.

The youth of the country should love and respect the country and work towards strengthening it.

Patriotism Essay 300 words:

Patriotism is a feeling of love and respect for a country, patriots love their country unconditionally and are proud of it.

There is a group of patriots in every country of the world – people who are willing to do anything for their country.

However, due to the increasing competition in every field and the changing lifestyle of the people, the spirit of patriotism is disappearing these days.

In the past, especially during the British reign, many people came forward to instill a sense of patriotism among their fellow countrymen.

Patriots held meetings, gave lectures and used various other means to inspire those around them.

Similarly, patriotism should be instilled in today’s younger generation, and this should be done while they are still young.

Schools and colleges should take the initiative to invite children with a sense of love and respect for their country.

Many institutes organize ceremonies and programs on 15 August and 26 January.

Patriotic songs are sung and the spirit of patriotism surrounds the entire country at that time.

But is it real patriotism?

No! Such an environment should be created in general and not around these particular dates, then that such a feeling will be born in the heart of every citizen forever.

A nation where the youth loves the country and is motivated to improve their position socially and economically.

Conclusion for Patriotism Essay:

A true patriot is one who works hard for the good of his country contribute to improving the condition of their country.

A true patriot not only works towards building his nation but also inspires those around him to do so.

Essay on patriotism

Essay on Patriotism 400 words:

The spirit of patriotism means a feeling of boundless love for our country. Our country has had many patriots in the past and many still exist today.

However, the spirit of patriotism was particularly visible among the people of India during British rule.

Famous Indian Patriots:

Look at some of the true patriots during British rule:

Shaheed Bhagat Singh:

Bhagat Singh is known as a true patriot, he was certainly to free our country from the clutches of the British government.

He participated in various freedom struggles and started a revolution and he was so dedicated to his mission that he did not think twice before sacrificing his life for his motherland.

He proved to be an inspiration to many citizens.

Subhash Chandra Bose:

Subhash Chandra Bose, popularly known as Netaji, took an active part in India’s freedom struggle, he was known for his strong ideologies.

Apart from being part of various independence movements to drive the British out of the country, Bose also promoted Hindu-Muslim unity.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi:

His contribution to India’s freedom struggle is well known, he led the maximum independence movements against the British.

He was a perfect example of “simple living, high thinking”. He dreamed of India’s independence and worked hard to achieve it in his own unique way.

Sarojini Naidu:

Famous singer Sarojini Naidu of her time was also a patriot of heart, he participated in the freedom struggle and contributed to liberate the country from British rule.

He played an important role in the Civil Disobedience Movement, which led to his arrest along with other prominent freedom fighters.

He was also arrested during the Quit India movement but his patriotic feelings were not suppressed.


Citizens of India should be motivated to serve the country.

The government, schools and other institutions should take initiative to develop the spirit of patriotism among the citizens.

Patriotism Essay 500 words:

Mark Twain said, “Patriotism is supporting your country and your government all the time.” Patriotism is about giving love and respect to all and working for its betterment.

People have to join hands with the government and other institutions to work in this direction.

Patriotism fades over time:

Patriotism is fading with the passage of time, this is rarely seen in the younger generation these days.

This is because these days’ people have become very engrossed in their own lives, they are also becoming selfish.

A selfish person is one who always thinks of himself and puts his interests above all and on the other hand, patriotism is all about loving a country selflessly.

A person who is very engrossed in himself and gives great importance to himself and his needs, can never be a patriot.

These days increased competition has also contributed a lot to it.

Everyone is busy earning money to make their lives more comfortable and better than those around them.

There is hardly area to think of anything else in such a scenario. Love for the country and serving the country is almost forgotten these days.

Instead of working towards the betterment of one country and contributing to its development, the youth of today are moving to other countries in search of a better lifestyle.

If such a mentality exists in the minds of those who were around 100 years ago, they would never have unitedly fought for the freedom of the country.

They only looked for their own selfish motifs in that situation.

True Patriots vs. False Patriots:

While many claimed that the British were patriots during his reign, some of them were false patriots who took advantage of the situation to pursue their selfish motives.

Even today, there are many people who truly love and respect their country, while some pretend to do so.

A true patriot is one who is dedicated to serving his nation, he puts the interests of his country and countrymen first and is willing to sacrifice everything for the good of his country.

On the other hand, a false patriot is one who claims to love his country and shows that he is publicly patriotic.

However, he does so for his own benefit and does not really possess these feelings.

Patriotism vs. Nationalism:

The terms nationalism and patriotism are often used interchangeably.

Patriotism means working towards your positive points and your betterment.

On the other hand, nationalism means being proud of one’s nation regardless of its positive and negative points.

While patriotism is good, nationalism is considered irrational and fickle.

Patriotism is natural in some people while in others it can developed. A sense of patriotism is required for the well-being and development of a country.

It also brings people of a country closer and helps them to experience the love and joy of sharing and caring.

Essay on Patriotism 600 words:

Patriotism is one of the purest feelings in the world, patriot feels selfless for his country.

He puts the interests and welfare of his country above his own. He is willing to sacrifice twice for his country without thinking twice.

Patriotism is a quality that everyone should consider, our country is also known as our motherland and we should love our mother as we love her.

Those who feel as much love and dedication for their country as they feel for their mother and family are true patriots.

Patriotism is a quality that every person should possess.

A country full of patriots definitely makes a place better than one where people are fighting each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues.

In a place where people have collective interests and the mission will definitely be less conflicting.

All should have Patriotic Qualities:

Nation-building: When everyone is dedicated to making the nation strong in every aspect, there is no way that the country will not develop.

The patriots kept the interest of the country above themselves and worked for its good.

Maintaining peace and harmony: A good nation is one where peace and harmony is maintained at all times.

People have a sense of brotherhood and help and support each other, the spirit of patriotism is known to promote a sense of brotherhood among a countryman.

Working for a common goal: Patriots work for a common goal and this is for the betterment of their country.

When everyone is motivated to a common goal or mission, there is no way that cannot be achieved.

Selfless: Patriots work selflessly for their country without any personal interest.

If everyone has a sense of patriotism and does not think about their personal interest, the country will definitely benefit.

There should not be corruption: If political leaders have a sense of patriotism, they will work contrary to the current scenario for the country, where those in power are busy making money for themselves instead of working for the upliftment of the country.

Similarly, if government officials and other citizens of the country are determined to serve the nation instead of making quick money or receiving quick services for themselves, the level of corruption will be erased.

Patriotism should not be develop in a college: being a patriot is a great quality, we should love our country and respect it.

The positive points of the above patriotic spirit show how it can help the country to prosper and develop.

However, some people take this love for their country to the next level, true love for a country and believing that your country is superior and important is called truism.

Various beliefs in the ideologies of our country and irrational beliefs in the superiority of its people create feelings of hatred towards others.

It often promotes conflict and war between countries thereby disrupting peace and harmony.

There have been many instances in the past where disorder has turned unnecessary conflicts into riots.

There is a very reedy line between patriotism and anarchism. While patriotism is healthy, conservatism is stingy and irrational.



Love is the purest form of love for one’s birthplace.

A person who is willing to sacrifice his interests for his country is entitled to a salute, every country in the world needs more and more people who possess this spirit.

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Essay on Patriotism

Patriotism can be defined as one’s love and loyalty for his country. Many people dedicate their lives to serve their nation. These people are referred to as patriots. The feeling of patriotism brings people closer. It must be promoted for the betterment of the country as well as the people residing there. Patriotism means having love and devotion for one’s country. Those who are true patriots work towards building their nation in whichever way they can. Here are essays on Patriotism of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Patriotism essay as per your interest:

Long and Short Essay on Patriotism in English

Patriotism essay 1 (200 words).

Patriotism is putting the interest of one’s country first, working for its development and sacrificing for it if need. Many people think that patriotism is all about laying one’s life for his/ her country but it does not necessarily mean that. It means living for the betterment of the country, serving it in every possible way and willing to sacrifice one’s life whenever there is a need.

Many people in the past have served their countries and even laid their lives for it. Many people still continue to serve their country with as much devotion. Indian freedom fighters were filled with the feeling of patriotism. They did not care about themselves and worked selflessly for the nation. Even today, many people are dedicated towards serving the nation in whatever way they can. However, the feeling of patriotism is slowly fading. The youth today does not feel as strongly for his country as people of the earlier generations felt.

The elderly people must make an effort to instil the feeling of patriotism in their children. Institutions such as schools and colleges must also promote the same. The youth of the country must love and respect the country and work towards building it strong.

Patriotism Essay 2 (300 words)


Patriotism is the feeling of love and respect for one’s country. Patriots are known to love their country unconditionally and are proud of it. Every country in the world has its set of patriots – people who are ready to do anything for their country. However, the spirit of patriotism seems to be fading these days owing to the growing competition in every field as well as the changing lifestyle of people.

The Feeling of Patriotism must be Instilled

In the past, particularly during the British reign, many people came forward to instil the feeling of patriotism among their fellow countrymen. Patriots held meetings, gave lectures and used various other means to inspire the people around them. In the same way, a feeling of patriotism must be instilled in the young generation today too. This must be done when they are still young. Schools and colleges must take initiative to instil children with a feeling of love and respect for their country. Many institutions host functions and organize events on 15 th August and 26 th January. Patriotic songs are sung and a feeling of patriotism seems to engulf the entire nation around that time. But is this real patriotism? No! Such an atmosphere must be created in general and not just around these special dates. It is then that such a feeling will be instilled in the heart of every citizen forever.

A nation where the youth loves the country and is driven towards improving its condition socially and economically would certainly grow better.

A true patriot is the one who works hard for the betterment of his country. He contributes his bit towards improving the condition of his country in whatever way he can. A true patriot does not only work towards building his nation but also inspires those around him to do so.

Patriotism Essay 3 (400 words)

The feeling of patriotism means having the feeling of immense love for ones country. There have been a number of patriots in our country in the past and there are many present today. However, the feeling of patriotism among the people of India could especially be seen during the British reign.

Famous Indian Patriots

Here is a look at some of the true patriots during the British reign:

  • Shaheed Bhagat Singh

Bhagat Singh is known to be a true patriot. He was driven towards freeing our country from the clutches of the British government. He participated in various freedom struggles and began a revolution. He was so dedicated towards his mission that he did not think twice before sacrificing his life for his motherland. He proved to be an inspiration for numerous citizens.

  • Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bose, better known as Netaji, took active part in India’s freedom struggle. He was known for his strong ideologies. Besides being a part of various freedom movements to drive the British out of the country, Bose also promoted Hindu-Muslim unity.

  • Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak

Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak was infused with the feeling of patriotism. His saying, “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it” showed how determined he was in freeing the country from the tyranny of the British rulers. He condemned the British government for its brutal treatment. He demanded right to self government for the people of India.

  • Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi

His contribution towards India’s freedom struggle is known to all. He led the maximum number of freedom movements against the British. He was a perfect example of “simple living high thinking”. He dreamt of India’s freedom and worked hard towards achieving the same in his own unique way.

  • Sarojni Naidu

Sarojini Naidu, a famous singer of her times, was also a patriot at heart. She participated in the freedom struggle and contributed her bit towards freeing the country from the British rule. She played a vital role in the Civil Disobedience Movement because of which she even got arrested along with other prominent freedom fighters. She was also arrested during the Quit India movement but this did not dither her feeling of patriotism for her country.

The citizens of India must be inspired to serve the country in whatever way they can. The government, schools and other institutions must take initiative to enlighten the spirit of patriotism among the citizens.

Patriotism Essay 4 (500 words)

“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it” said Mark Twain. Patriotism is all about loving and respecting ones country and working towards its betterment. People must join hands with the government and other institutions to work in this direction.

Patriotism is Fading with Time

Patriotism is fading with the passage of time. It is hardly seen in the younger generation these days. This is because people these days have become too engrossed in their own lives. They are also becoming more and more selfish. A selfish person is one who always thinks about himself and keeps his interests above everything and everyone around him. On the other hand, patriotism is all about loving one’s own country selflessly. A person who is too engrossed in himself and gives immense importance to himself and his needs can never be a patriot. The growing competition these days has also contributed a lot to it.

Each individual is busy making money to make his life more and more comfortable and better than those around him. There is hardly any room to think about anything else in such a scenario. Love for the country and serving the country is almost a forgotten concept these days. Instead of working towards the betterment of one’s country and contributing in its development the youth today is migrating to other countries in search of better lifestyle. If the mindset of people had been same around 100 years back, they would have never united and fought for the freedom of the country. They would have only looked for their own selfish motifs in that situation.

True Patriot Vs False Patriot

While many people claimed to be patriots during the British reign few among them were false patriots who took advantage of the situation to further their own selfish motives. Even today there are many people who truly love and respect their country while some only pretend to do so. A true patriot is one who is dedicated towards serving his nation. He puts the interest of his country and countrymen first and is willing to sacrifice everything for the betterment of his country. On the other hand, false patriot is one who claims to love his country and shows that he is a patriot while in public. However, he does so for his own gain and does not actually possess these feelings.

Patriotism Vs Nationalism

The terms nationalism and patriotism are often used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between the two. Patriotism means being proud of one’s nation for its positive points and working towards its betterment. On the other hand, nationalism means being proud of one’s nation regardless of its positive and negative points. While patriotism is good, nationalism is considered irrational and spiteful.

Patriotism is inborn in some while it can be instilled in the others. The feeling of patriotism is required for the betterment and development of a country. It also brings people of a country closer and helps them experience the love and joy of sharing and caring.

Patriotism Essay 5 (600 words)

Patriotism is one of the purest feelings in the world. A patriot feels selflessly for his country. He keeps his country’s interests and well-being above his own. He is ready to sacrifice for his country without thinking twice.

Patriotism is a Virtue Everyone Must Possess

Our country is also referred to as our motherland and we must love it the way we love our mother. Those who feel the same love and devotion for their country as they feel for their mother and family are known to be true patriots. Patriotism is a virtue that every individual must possess. A country full of patriots certainly makes a better place to live compared to the one where people are fighting with each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues. A place where people have collective interests and mission would certainly have lesser conflicts. Here is why everyone must possess the virtue of patriotism:

  • Nation Building

When everyone is dedicated towards building the nation strong in every aspect, there is no way that country wouldn’t grow and develop. Patriots put the nation’s interest above their own and work with devotion for its betterment.

  • Maintaining Peace and Harmony

A good nation is one where peace and harmony is maintained at all times. People have a feeling of brotherhood and help and support each other. The feeling of patriotism is known to promote the feeling of brotherhood among one’s countrymen.

  • Working for a Common Goal

Patriots work for a common goal and that is for the betterment of their country. When everyone is driven towards a common goal or mission there is no way it cannot be achieved.

  • No Selfish Motives

Patriots work selflessly for their country without any individual interest. If everyone possesses the feeling of patriotism and does not think about gratifying his/ her individual interest, there will be benefits certainly to the country.

  • No corruption

If political leaders have a feeling of patriotism, they will work for the country unlike the present scenario where in those in power are busy making money for themselves rather than working for the upliftment of the country. Similarly, if the government officials and other citizens of the country are determined towards serving the nation rather than making quick money or getting quick services for themselves, the level of corruption will fall.

Patriotism Must Not Turn Into Chauvinism

Being patriotic is a great virtue. We must love and respect our country and serve it in whatever way we can. The positive points of possessing feeling of patriotism shared above show how it can help the country prosper and grow. However, some people take this love for their country to the next level. Excess love for one’s country and believing that your country is superior and important is termed as chauvinism. As excess of everything is bad so is excess love for one’s country. Chauvinists’ strong belief in their country’s ideologies and irrational belief of superiority of its own people creates a feeling of hatred for others. This often instigates conflicts and war amid countries thereby disrupting peace and harmony.

There have been several instances in the past wherein chauvinism has resulted in unnecessary conflicts turning into riots. There is a very thin line between patriotism and chauvinism. While patriotism is healthy, chauvinism is fanatic and irrational. People must ensure that their devotion and love towards their country does not turn into chauvinism over the time.

Love for one’s native land is the purest form of love. A person who is ready to sacrifice his own interests for his/ her country deserves a salute. Each country in the world needs more and more people who possess this feeling.

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Paragraph, Essay and Speech on “Characteristics of a True Patriot” Paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

Characteristics of a True Patriot

It is not only on the field of battle, in defending his country, that a true patriot finds work for his hands. The well-being of his fellow citizens, their happiness, their material, and moral progress, their spiritual salvation – these are dearer to him than his own personal comforts and advantages.

At home, therefore, he labors day and night to lighten the load of poverty of those around him, to lessen their pain of weakness and suffering.

A patriot does not seek to make his fellow citizens in every way like himself. He does not quarrel with his neighbor over petty differences. It is enough that the other is a fellow citizen of his to entitle that other to his regard and goodwill.

A true patriot, therefore, regards every fellow citizen of his as his brother or sister. Jesus Christ, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’, for only such love can make us truly happy.

A true patriot is loyal to the core. His gratitude to the sovereign is great and real. However, loyalty is something more than gratitude. It is love to the person and throne of the sovereign.

It is an expansion of that love, reverence, and obedience, which we cherish and render to the head of our family. ‘The king is the father of his people’ is a very old and beautiful saying.

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Mukesh NotesEra

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What are the Characteristics of a True Patriot?

a true patriot essay

It is not only on the field of battle, in defending his country, that a true patriot finds work for his hands. The well-being of his fellow citizens, their happiness, their material, and moral progress, their spiritual salvation – these are dearer to him than his own personal comforts and advantages.

At home, therefore, he labors day and night to lighten the load of poverty of those around him, to lessen their pain of weakness and suffering.

A patriot does not seek to make his fellow citizens in every way like himself. He does not quarrel with his neighbor over petty differences. It is enough that the other is a fellow citizen of his to entitle that other to his regard and goodwill.

A true patriot, therefore, regards every fellow citizen of his as his brother or sister. Jesus Christ, ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’, for only such love can make us truly happy.

A true patriot is loyal to the core. His gratitude to the sovereign is great and real. However, loyalty is something more than gratitude. It is love to the person and throne of the sovereign.

a true patriot essay

It is an expansion of that love, reverence, and obedience, which we cherish and render to the head of our family. ‘The king is the father of his people’ is a very old and beautiful saying.

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