
How to Start a Social Media Management Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Dreaming of turning your social media savvy into a thriving business? You’re not alone. With the digital world spinning at a breakneck pace, there’s never been a better time to dive into social media management. It’s an exciting journey, filled with opportunities to connect, engage, and grow brands in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago.

But where do you start? Launching a social media management business might seem daunting, but it’s absolutely achievable with the right approach. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a social media enthusiast looking to professionalize your passion, this guide is your first step towards building your empire. Let’s get the ball rolling and turn your dreams into reality.

Researching the Market

Before you dive headfirst into the world of social media management, it’s critical to understand the landscape you’re about to enter. Researching the market isn’t just a preliminary step; it’s your roadmap to carving out a successful niche for your business.

Identify Your Target Audience

The first step is to pinpoint who you’re aiming to serve. Different industries have varying needs, and your services must align with those demands. Whether it’s small local businesses, mid-sized tech firms, or large e-commerce platforms, understanding your target audience’s pain points will shape your offerings.

  • Small local businesses might need more engagement and community building.
  • Tech firms may prioritize brand awareness and lead generation.
  • E-commerce platforms could focus on conversions and sales-driven campaigns.

Analyze Your Competition

You’re not the only one eyeing the social media management space. There’s a good chance you’ll find competition, but that’s not necessarily bad news. Analyzing your competitors can reveal gaps in the market you can exploit. Look at their service offerings, pricing structures, and client reviews. Identify what they’re doing well and areas where you could offer something different or better.

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Stay Abreast of Social Media Trends

Social media is an ever-evolving platform. What worked yesterday might not work today. Stay updated with the latest trends, algorithms, and features across different platforms. This not only helps you in crafting effective strategies but also positions you as a forward-thinking business.

  • Platforms like Twitter and Instagram often update their algorithms and features.
  • New social media platforms can emerge, offering fresh avenues for marketing.

Understand the Legal and Financial Aspects

Running a social media management business isn’t just about creativity and strategy. You need to be well-versed in the legal requirements, including contracts, copyright laws, and privacy policies. Additionally, understanding the financial side, like setting up your pricing structure and managing invoices, is key to maintaining a healthy business.

Defining Your Niche

When diving into the social media management realm, pinpointing your niche is like discovering your secret sauce. It’s not just about choosing a field you’re passionate about; it’s about leveraging your unique skills and expertise to stand out in a crowded market. Remember, when you try to appeal to everyone, you often connect with no one. That’s why honing in on a specific niche can help you become the go-to expert for a particular audience or industry.

First off, let’s break down how you can identify your niche. Think about the intersection of your interests, skills, and market demand. Are you a wizard at creating engaging content for health and wellness brands? Or perhaps you have a knack for boosting the online presence of local restaurants. Whatever it might be, your niche should capitalize on your strengths and interests .

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Here’s a simple exercise to get you started:

  • List down your passions and areas of expertise
  • Research industries or sectors that resonate with your interests
  • Identify the common challenges or needs of these sectors in terms of social media marketing

This process might take some time, but it’s a crucial step in establishing a solid foundation for your business. Once you’ve identified your niche, you’ll find it easier to create targeted strategies that resonate with your audience. It also simplifies the process of marketing your services, since you’ll know exactly who you’re talking to and what problems you’re solving for them.

Moreover, specializing in a niche allows you to stay updated more effectively . Social media trends evolve at breakneck speed, and having a focused niche means you can keep your finger on the pulse of the trends and changes that matter most to your target audience. This level of insight positions you as a thought leader and gives your business a competitive edge.

Embracing a niche does not limit your business—it empowers it. It enables you to create more personalized, impactful social media strategies that truly resonate with your clients. This focus not only enhances your service quality but also builds your brand’s reputation as a specialized, knowledgeable entity in the social media landscape.

Creating a Business Plan

Starting a social media management business without a robust business plan is like navigating a dense forest without a map. You’ll want to outline your mission, understand your financials, and have a clear strategy for acquiring clients.

First off, define your mission statement . This should encapsulate why you’re starting this business and what you hope to achieve. It doesn’t have to be long, but it should be compelling enough to motivate you and resonate with your potential clients.

Next, dive into the market analysis . Here, you’re assessing the demand for social media management in your target niche. Use the insights gained from researching your market and analyzing your competition to refine your value proposition. Knowing who needs your services and why they can’t do without them is crucial.

One of the most critical components of your business plan will be the financial projections . Even if numbers aren’t your forte, it’s essential to get a handle on this. Estimate your startup costs, pricing strategy, and forecast your revenue for at least the first year. Consider using tools or software to help if you’re not confident in your accounting skills. Here’s a basic breakdown:

ProjectionYear 1
Startup Costs$5,000
Monthly Revenue$3,000
Net Profit$1,000

Finally, outline your marketing and sales strategy . How will you attract your first clients? Maybe you’ll leverage your social media expertise to create a compelling online presence or network at local business events. Whatever your approach, ensure it aligns with your strengths and the preferences of your target market.

Remember, a well-thought-out business plan is your roadmap to success. It’ll help you stay focused, make informed decisions, and, most importantly, turn your passion for social media into a thriving business.

Building Your Brand

When you dive into the realm of a social media management business, you’re not just offering a service; you’re crafting a brand that resonates with your target audience. Your brand is essentially your business’s personality, and it’s what sets you apart in a saturated market. It’s the story you tell and how you tell it.

Your journey into branding begins with defining your brand identity . This involves pinpointing what your business stands for, its core values, and the unique voice you’ll use to communicate with your audience. You’re creating an identity that your customers can relate to and trust. Ask yourself what emotions you want your brand to evoke, and let that guide your narrative.

Next step: Visual Branding . This is where the fun really starts. Your logo, color scheme, and design elements need to reflect your brand’s personality. These visuals become your uniform ; they’re what people will recognize and associate with your brand wherever they see it. Whether it’s bold and energetic or soft and soothing, ensure your visual branding tells your story at a glance.

Consistency is key . Once you’ve established your brand identity and visuals, it’s crucial to maintain consistency across all platforms. This consistency helps in building familiarity and trust with your audience. Whether it’s your website, social media profiles, or marketing materials, your brand’s essence should be unmistakable.

Engagement is the next frontier. Building a brand is more than just broadcasting messages; it’s about creating conversations and building relationships with your audience. Show genuine interest in their needs and preferences. Feedback is golden—it’s not just information; it’s a signal that your audience cares enough to share their thoughts.

Lastly, tell your story. Every brand has a story, and sharing yours creates a powerful connection with your audience. It’s your journey, your struggles, and your victories. Letting your audience in on your story not only humanizes your brand but also inspires loyalty and trust.

Remember, building a brand doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey of continuous refinement and engagement. As you evolve, so will your brand, but the core of your brand—its identity and values—should remain steadfast, guiding you towards creating a lasting impact in the world of social media management.

Setting Up Your Infrastructure

After you’ve carved out your niche and fleshed out a killer business plan, it’s time to get down to the brass tacks of setting up your infrastructure. This is where the rubber meets the road in launching your social media management business. Getting your infrastructure right sets you up for efficiency, scalability, and ultimately, success.

First things first, you’ll need reliable tech tools. Your arsenal should include a powerful laptop, reliable internet connection, and subscriptions to essential social media management tools. Consider platforms like Hootsuite or Buffer for scheduling posts, and analytics tools like Google Analytics to track your campaigns’ performance. Remember, the right tools can significantly streamline your workflow, allowing you to manage multiple clients effectively.

Next, build your digital presence starting with a professional website. Your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients, so make sure it reflects your brand’s personality and showcases your services clearly. Implement SEO best practices to ensure you’re easily found by those looking for your expertise. Also, don’t forget about setting up professional social media profiles. They’re not just platforms for your clients’ campaigns but also potent tools for marketing your business.

Lastly, consider the backend of your operation. Establishing a legal structure for your business, like an LLC or sole proprietorship, safeguards your personal assets and lends credibility to your venture. Additionally, setting up a separate business banking account streamlines finances, making it easier to manage cash flow and prepare for tax season.

Remember, while these steps might seem daunting at first, they’re crucial for laying a solid foundation for your social media management business. By investing the time and resources upfront to get your infrastructure in place, you’re positioning yourself for smoother operations and greater focus on what you do best: driving social media success for your clients.

Creating Service Packages

After you’ve laid down the foundation of your social media management business by identifying your niche, building your brand, and setting up your infrastructure, it’s time to think about the services you’ll offer. Crafting well-defined service packages is crucial . Not only do they make your life easier, but they also help your clients understand exactly what they’re getting for their investment.

Start by listing all the services you’re capable of and willing to provide. This could range from creating and scheduling posts, managing ad campaigns, analyzing performance metrics, to providing strategic consultations. Remember, diversity in your offerings can help appeal to a broader audience.

Next, group these services into packages that make sense together and cater to different needs and budgets. Typically, businesses benefit from offering three tiers – basic , standard , and premium . The basic package could cover the essentials of social media management, the standard package could include additional services like engagement strategies or influencer partnerships, and the premium package could offer comprehensive management plus detailed analytics reports and strategic planning sessions.

Let’s talk pricing . It’s a delicate balance between valuing your time and expertise and remaining competitive within the market. Research what others in your niche are charging but also consider the unique value you bring to the table. It’s often helpful to base your prices on a combination of your experience, the demand for your services, and the outcomes you deliver.

Here’s a simple example of how you might structure your packages:

PackageServices IncludedPrice
BasicContent creation, scheduling, basic analytics$500/mo
StandardBasic package + engagement strategies, SEO optimizat.$1,000/mo
PremiumStandard package + influencer partnerships, strategic planning, detailed reports$2,000/mo

Remember, these packages aren’t set in stone. You should regularly review and adjust your offerings based on feedback, market trends, and your own capacity. This way, you’ll continue to meet the evolving needs of your clients and stay ahead of the competition.

Pricing and Billing Structure

Deciding on your pricing and billing structure is like laying down the financial foundation of your social media management business. It’s not just about what you earn; it’s about setting a value for your expertise, time, and the results you deliver. Let’s dive in, shall we?

First off, it’s crucial to break down your services into Hourly, Project-Based, and Retainer models. This structure allows flexibility and caters to a wide range of client needs and budgets. Here’s a quick outline:

  • Hourly : Ideal for smaller tasks or consultations. You’ll charge based on the time you spend working on a client’s project.
  • Project-Based : Best for one-off projects with a clear start and end date. Think campaign launches or setting up social media profiles.
  • Retainer : Perfect for long-term relationships where clients need ongoing social media management. This guarantees you a steady income.

Next, let’s talk numbers. Setting your rates isn’t a one-size-fits-all; it’s a balancing act between what you need to earn and what the market will bear.

Service TypeMarket Average Rate
Hourly$50 – $100/hr
Project-Based$500 – $5,000/project
Retainer$1,000 – $3,000/month

Remember, these rates are ballpark figures to get you started. Dive into your specific niche and adjust accordingly. Knowing your unique value proposition and understanding your target audience’s budget constraints will guide you to a sweet spot in pricing.

Finally, don’t shy away from being upfront about your billing practices. Whether you choose net-30 payment terms or require a 50% upfront payment for projects, clear communication is key. Consider offering multiple payment methods to accommodate your clients, including credit cards, PayPal, or bank transfers. This flexibility can enhance client satisfaction and streamline your cash flow.

Incorporating these strategies into your pricing and billing structure not only sets the stage for your financial success but also builds trust and transparency with your clients. Keep in mind, as your business grows and evolves, so should your pricing strategies. Stay attuned to market changes, client feedback, and your own business growth to ensure your pricing remains competitive and fair.

Marketing and Promoting Your Business

Once you’ve got your social media management business up and running, it’s crucial to get the word out. Don’t underestimate the power of marketing and promoting your venture. This stage is as critical as setting up your infrastructure or crafting your service packages.

Firstly, leverage social media . It might sound obvious, but your business needs to be as active and engaged on social media as the services you’re offering to clients. Showcase your expertise by sharing insights, tips, and success stories. It’s your playground and portfolio all in one.

Networking is key. Attend industry conferences, webinars, and local business events. Connecting with other professionals can lead to referrals, partnerships, and valuable insights into what’s trending in the social media realm. Remember, every person you meet is a potential client or a link to one.

Content marketing is another powerful tool. Start a blog, create videos, or even a podcast to discuss trends, offer advice, and share your success stories in social media management. This not only helps in establishing you as a thought leader but also improves your SEO, making it easier for potential clients to find you online.

Don’t shy away from paid advertising . Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram offer targeted advertising options that can significantly increase your visibility to the exact clientele you’re trying to reach. A well-crafted ad campaign can bring you right in front of decision-makers looking for social media management services.

Email marketing can’t be overlooked. Collect emails from your website through free offerings like ebooks, checklists, or webinars, and nurture these contacts with regular updates about your services, success stories, and special offers. Personalized, valuable email content can turn a casual visitor into a paying client.

Remember, marketing is not a one-off task but a continuous effort. Keep experimenting, measuring your results, and tweaking your strategies. Your business needs to evolve as rapidly as the social media landscape does, and so should your marketing efforts.

Finding and Onboarding Clients

After you’ve nailed down your marketing strategy, it’s time to focus on finding and onboarding clients, a critical step to kickstart your social media management business. Remember, every successful entrepreneur was once at this step, figuring out how to translate their passion for social media into a thriving business.

First off, networking is your golden ticket. Start with your immediate circles. Let your friends, family, and acquaintances know about your new venture. You’d be surprised how word-of-mouth can work its magic. Attend industry meetups, conferences, and webinars. Not only do these events offer knowledge, but they’re also ripe with potential clients and collaborators.

Next, social proof plays a crucial role. Build a robust portfolio showcasing your personal success stories or any projects you’ve worked on. If you’re just starting out, consider offering your services at a discounted rate to local businesses or non-profits to get those initial testimonials.

When it comes to onboarding clients , clarity and organization are key. Ensure you have a straightforward process in place. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Initial Consultation: Offer a free consultation to discuss your client’s needs, goals, and assess how your services can align with their expectations.
  • Proposal: Following the consultation, send a customized proposal outlining your services, strategy, and pricing.
  • Agreement: Once the proposal is accepted, move forward with a clear contract that outlines the scope of work, timelines, and payment terms.

Remember, communication is paramount throughout this process. Keep your clients informed and involved, making them feel valued and part of the journey.

In this digital age, tools and software can significantly streamline your onboarding process. From CRM platforms to project management tools, leveraging technology not only saves time but also enhances your professional image.

By focusing on these key aspects of finding and onboarding clients, you’re setting the foundation for not just acquiring clients but building long-term relationships.

Managing Client Relationships

After setting up your social media management business, finding clients, and onboarding them, it’s crucial to focus on managing client relationships effectively. Strong relationships are the backbone of any service-based business. They determine client retention rates and open doors to referrals that can grow your business exponentially. Here are key strategies to ensure you’re building and maintaining these vital connections.

First, consistent communication is key. You need to establish clear lines of communication from the get-go. Decide how often you’ll update clients on the progress of their social media campaigns, whether it be weekly emails, bi-monthly reports, or monthly calls. Stick to this schedule religiously. By doing so, you reassure your clients that their business is in good hands.

Transparency is another critical element. Always be honest about what’s working and what isn’t. If a particular strategy isn’t yielding the expected results, let your client know, and suggest alternatives. This honesty builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to their success.

Remember, feedback is a two-way street. Encourage your clients to share their thoughts on your services regularly. This can be done through simple feedback forms or during your update calls. Listening to your clients’ concerns and suggestions not only helps you tailor your services to their needs but also shows that you value their input.

Lastly, personalization goes a long way. Treat each client as if they’re your only client. Customize your services to fit their unique needs and goals. Recognize important dates like the anniversary of your working relationship or their business milestones. Small gestures like these can make a client feel valued and foster a deeper, long-term partnership.

By focusing on these aspects of client relationship management, you’re not just working for your clients; you’re working with them. This collaboration is what will set your social media management business apart from the competition and fuel its growth.

Scaling and Growing Your Business

Once you’ve laid the groundwork for your social media management business, it’s time to think about scaling and growth. You’ve mastered client acquisition, honed your services, and built a brand people trust. Now, let’s turbocharge that momentum.

Automation and Outsourcing are your best friends for scaling. Automating repetitive tasks frees up your time for strategy and business development. Consider social media scheduling tools, analytics reporting, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. For tasks that require a human touch but not necessarily your expertise, outsourcing to freelancers or virtual assistants is a game-changer. This can include content creation, graphic design, or even administrative tasks.

Expanding your Service Offerings can attract a broader audience and encourage existing clients to invest more in your services. Stay abreast of the latest social media trends and tools. Could you offer training or consulting? What about diving into emerging platforms or specializing in video content? The digital landscape is your playground.

Networking is essential for growth. Attend industry conferences, join professional groups, and connect with peers and potential clients online. Each interaction is an opportunity to learn and share knowledge, but also to Build Strategic Partnerships . These partnerships could be with complementary businesses, such as web design agencies or marketing firms, where you can refer clients to each other.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of your Existing Client Base . Offering impeccable service can turn clients into advocates for your business. Encourage referrals by creating an incentive program. Happy clients are often your best salespeople.

As you scale, remember to maintain the personal touch and high service quality that got you here. Growth is exciting, but your reputation is everything. Keep evaluating your processes, seek feedback, and always look for ways to improve. The journey of scaling your business is continuous, filled with learning and adaptation. Keep pushing forward, armed with your passion and the strategies you’ve developed along the way.

Embarking on your journey to start a social media management business might seem daunting at first. But with the right steps, it’s entirely achievable. Remember, the key is not just understanding social media but also the intricacies of running a business. Stay true to your niche, keep abreast of the latest trends, and don’t shy away from leveraging technology to streamline your operations. As you grow, remember the importance of maintaining that personal touch—it’s what will set you apart in a sea of competitors. Here’s to your success in turning your social media savvy into a thriving business. Cheers to your future achievements and the exciting journey ahead!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first steps to turning social media savvy into a business.

The initial steps include researching the market, understanding your target audience’s needs, and analyzing competition. It’s also crucial to stay updated with social media trends and comprehend the legal and financial frameworks of running a business in this field.

How important is it to define your niche in the social media business?

Defining your niche is vital as it guides your marketing strategies, helps you understand your audience better, and sets you apart from the competition. It lays the foundation for building a focused and successful brand.

What role does creating a business plan play in starting a social media management business?

Creating a business plan is essential in mapping out the specifics of your business, including your value proposition, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plans. It acts as a roadmap for your business’s growth and helps attract potential investors or partners.

How can one effectively market and promote their social media management business?

Effective marketing and promotion can be achieved through leveraging social media platforms, engaging in content marketing to showcase your expertise, networking, and employing digital advertising strategies. It’s crucial to create a consistent and compelling brand message across all channels.

What strategies are important for scaling and growing a social media management business?

For scaling your business, consider automating repetitive tasks, outsourcing to specialists, expanding your service offerings, and building strategic partnerships. Networking and increasing customer retention by leveraging your existing client base can also fuel growth.

How can businesses maintain a personal touch while scaling?

Maintaining a personal touch involves continuing to engage with clients on a personal level, customizing services to meet individual client needs, and ensuring customer service remains a top priority. It’s about balancing growth with maintaining the quality of service that made your business successful.

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About the author.

Ryan Kingsley Seriosity Editor

Ryan Kingsley

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How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy in 9 Easy Steps [Free Template]

Creating your social media marketing strategy doesn’t need to be painful. Create an effective plan for your business in 9 simple steps.

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A social media marketing strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing.

The more specific your plan is, the more effective it will be. Keep it concise. Don’t make it so lofty and broad that it’s unattainable or impossible to measure.

In this post, we’ll walk you through a nine-step plan to create a winning social media strategy of your own. We’ve even got expert insights from Amanda Wood, Hootsuite’s Senior Manager of Social Marketing.

How to create a social media strategy:

Bonus: Get a free social media strategy template to quickly and easily plan your strategy, track results, and share with your boss, teammates, and clients.

What is a social media marketing strategy?

A social media strategy is a document outlining your social media goals, the tactics you will use to achieve them and the metrics you will track to measure your progress.

Your social media marketing strategy should also list all of your existing and planned social media accounts along with goals specific to each platform you’re active on. These goals should align with your business’s larger digital marketing strategy.

Finally, a good social media plan should define the roles and responsibilities within your team and outline your reporting cadence.

business plan for media management

Create. Schedule. Publish. Engage. Measure. Win.

Creating your own social media marketing strategy (video guide)

No time to read the whole article? Let Amanda, Hootsuite’s own Senior Manager of Social Media Marketing, guide you through our free social media marketing strategy template in less than 10 minutes:

How to create a social media marketing strategy: A step-by-step guide

Step 1. align goals with business objectives, set s.m.a.r.t. goals.

The first step to creating a winning social media strategy is to establish clear objectives and goals. Without goals, you have no way to measure success and return on investment (ROI) .

Each of your social media marketing goals should be SMART : s pecific, m easurable, a ttainable, r elevant and t ime-bound.

Psst: Need help getting started? We’ve got social strategy guides for small businesses , financial services , government , higher education , healthcare , real estate , law firms , and non-profits .

Oh, and if you need examples of smart social media goals , we’ve got you covered there too.

track your social media goals in a social media strategy doc, like this one.

Once you’ve decided on your goals, track them in a social media strategy doc — grab our free template if you don’t have one already.

Track meaningful metrics

Vanity metrics like number of followers and likes are easy to track, but it’s hard to prove their real value. Instead, focus on things like engagement, click-through, and conversion rates.

For inspiration, take a look at these 19 essential social media metrics .

You may want to track different goals for different social media networks, or even different uses for each network.

For example, if you use LinkedIn to drive traffic to your website, you would measure click-throughs. If Instagram is for brand awareness, you might track the number of Instagram Story views. And if you advertise on Facebook, cost-per-click (CPC) is a common success metric.

Social media goals should align with your overall marketing objectives. This makes it easier to show the value of your work and secure buy-in from your boss.

Screenshot of chart showing how social media goals should align to business objectives

Start developing a successful social media marketing plan by writing down at least three goals for social media.

“ It’s easy to get overwhelmed by deciding what to post and which metrics to track, but you need to focus on what you want to get out of social media to begin with,” says Amanda Wood, Hootsuite’s Senior Manager of Social Marketing. “Don’t just start posting and tracking everything: match your goals to your business, and your metrics to your goals.”

Step 2. Understand your audience inside and out

Get to know your fans, followers, and customers as real people with real wants and needs, and you will know how to target and engage them on social media.

When it comes to your ideal customer, you should know things like:

  • Average income
  • Typical job title or industry

Here’s a simple guide and template for creating audience/buyer personas .

Document important information about your target customers in your social media strategy doc

Don’t forget to document this information in your strategy doc!

Social media analytics can also provide a ton of valuable information about who your followers are, where they live, and how they interact with your brand on social media. These insights allow you to refine your strategy and better target your audience.

Jugnoo, an Uber-like service for auto-rickshaws in India, used Facebook Analytics to learn that 90% of their users who referred other customers were between 18- and 34-years-old, and 65% of that group was using Android. They used that information to target their ads, resulting in a 40% lower cost per referral.

Check out our guide to using social media analytics and the tools you need to track them .

Step 3. Analyze your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

Odds are your competitors are already using social media, and that means you can learn from what they’re doing.

Conduct a competitive analysis

A competitive analysis allows you to understand who the competition is and what they’re doing well (and not so well). You’ll get a good sense of what’s expected in your industry, which will help you set social media targets of your own.

It will also help you spot opportunities and weaknesses you can document in your social strategy doc.

track essential information about your competitors in your social strategy doc

Maybe one of your competitors is dominant on Facebook, for example, but has put little effort into X (Twitter) or Instagram. You might want to focus on the social media platforms where your audience is underserved, rather than trying to win fans away from a dominant player.

Use social media listening

Social listening is another way to keep an eye on your competitors.

Do searches of the competition’s company name, account handles, and other relevant keywords on social media. Find out what they’re sharing and what other people are saying about them. If they’re using influencer marketing, how much engagement do those campaigns earn them?

Pro tip : Use Hootsuite Streams to monitor relevant keywords, hashtags and accounts in real-time.

Try Hootsuite for free. You can cancel anytime.

As you track, you may notice shifts in how your competitors and industry leaders are using social media. You may come across new, exciting trends. You might even spot specific social content or a campaign that really hits the mark—or totally bombs.

Use this kind of intel to optimize and inform your own social media marketing strategy.

Just don’t go overboard on the spy tactics, Amanda advises. “ Make sure you aren’t ALWAYS comparing yourself to the competition — it can be a distraction. I’d say checking in on a monthly basis is healthy. Otherwise, focus on your own strategy and results.”

Step 4. Conduct a social media audit

If you’re already using social media, take stock of your efforts so far. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What’s working, and what’s not?
  • Who is engaging with you?
  • What are your most valuable partnerships?
  • Which networks does your target audience use?
  • How does your social media presence compare to the competition?

Once you collect that information, you’ll be ready to start thinking about ways to improve.

We’ve created an easy-to-follow social media audit guide and template to walk you through each step of this process.

Screenshot of a social media audit spreedsheet for building an effective social media strategy

Your audit should give you a clear picture of what purpose each of your social accounts serves. If the purpose of an account isn’t clear, think about whether it’s worth keeping.

To help you decide, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is my audience here?
  • If so, how are they using this platform?
  • Can I use this account to help achieve my goals?

Asking these tough questions will keep your social media strategy focused.

Look for impostor accounts

During the audit, you may discover fake accounts using your business name or the names of your products.

These imposters can be harmful to your brand—never mind that they’re capturing followers that should be yours.

You may want to get your accounts verified too to ensure your fans know they are dealing with the real you.

Here’s how to get verified on:

  • X (Twitter)

Step 5. Set up and optimize your accounts

Decide which networks to use.

As you decide which social networks to use, you will also need to define your strategy for each.

Benefit Cosmetics’ social media manager, Angela Purcaro, told eMarketer : “For our makeup tutorials … we’re all about Snapchat and Instagram Stories. [X], on the other hand, is designated for customer service.”

Hootsuite’s own social team even designates different purposes for formats within networks. On Instagram, for example, they use the feed to post high-quality educational infographics and product announcements and Stories to cover live events or quick social media updates.

Pro tip : Write out a mission statement for each network. A one-sentence declaration to keep you focused on a specific goal.

Example: “We will use X for customer support to keep email and call volumes down.”

Or: “We will use LinkedIn for promoting and sharing our company culture to help with recruitment and employee advocacy.”

One more: “We will use Instagram to highlight new products and repost quality content from influencers.”

If you can’t create a solid mission statement for a particular social media channel, you may want to ask yourself if it’s worth it.

Note : While larger businesses can and do tackle every platform, small businesses may not be able to — and that’s ok! Prioritize social platforms that will have the most impact on your business and make sure your marketing team has the resources to handle content for those networks. If you need help focusing your efforts, check out our 18-minute social media plan .

Set up your profiles

Once you’ve decided which networks to focus on, it’s time to create your profiles. Or improve existing ones so they align with your strategy.

  • Make sure you fill out all profile fields
  • Include keywords people would use to search for your business
  • Use consistent branding (logos, images, etc.) across networks so your profiles are easily recognizable

Pro tip : Use high-quality images that follow the recommended dimensions for each network. Check out our always-up-to-date social media image size cheat sheet for quick reference.

We’ve also got step-by-step guides for each network to walk you through the process:

  • Create a Facebook business page
  • Create an Instagram business account
  • Create a TikTok account
  • Create a X (Twitter) business account
  • Create a Snapchat account
  • Create a LinkedIn Company Page
  • Create a Pinterest business account
  • Create a YouTube channel

Don’t let this list overwhelm you. Remember, it’s better to use fewer channels well than to stretch yourself thin trying to maintain a presence on every network.

Optimize your profiles (and content) for search

Never heard of social SEO ? It’s time to learn.

44% of Gen Z consumers use social platforms to research their purchase decisions, which means it’s extra critical that your channels are optimized for social search.

That means making sure your profile names are clear and descriptive, you’re including relevant hashtags and keywords in your bio and on every post, and you’re using features like alt text and captions to include your target keywords as naturally as possible.

Step 6. Find inspiration for content creation

While it’s important that your brand be unique, you can still draw inspiration from other businesses that are great on social.

“ I consider it my job to stay active on social: to know what’s trending, which campaigns are winning, what’s new with the platforms, who’s going above and beyond,” says Amanda. “This might be the most fun step for you, or the hardest one, but it’s just as crucial as the rest of them.”

Social media success stories

You can usually find these on the business section of the social network’s website. ( Here’s Facebook’s , for example.)

Case studies can offer valuable insights that you can apply to your own social media plan.

Award-winning accounts and campaigns

You could also check out the winners of The Facebook Awards or The Shorty Awards for examples of brands that are at the top of their social media game.

For learning and a laugh, check out Fridge-Worthy, Hootsuite’s bi-weekly awards show highlighting brands doing smart and clever things on social media.

Your favorite brands on social media

Who do you enjoy following on social media? What do they do that compels people to engage and share their content?

National Geographic, for example, is one of the best on Instagram, combining stunning visuals with compelling captions.

Then there’s Shopify. The ecommerce brand uses Facebook to sell themselves by showcasing customer stories and case studies.

And Lush Cosmetics is a great example of superior customer service on X. They use their 280 characters to answer questions and solve problems in an extremely charming and on-brand way.

business plan for media management

Source: lushcosmetics on X

Notice that each of these accounts has a consistent voice, tone, and style. That’s key to letting people know what to expect from your feed. That is, why should they follow you? What’s in it for them?

Consistency also helps keep your content on-brand even if you have multiple people on your social media team.

For more on this, read our guide on establishing a compelling brand voice on social media .

Ask your followers

Consumers can also offer social media inspiration.

What are your target customers talking about online? What can you learn about their wants and needs?

If you have existing social channels, you could also ask your followers what they want from you. Just make sure that you follow through and deliver what they ask for.

Step 7. Create a strategic social media content calendar

Sharing great content is essential, of course, but it’s equally important to have a plan in place for when you’ll share content to get the maximum impact.

Your social media content calendar also needs to account for the time you spend interacting with the audience (although you need to allow for some spontaneous engagement as well).

Set your posting schedule

Your social media content calendar lists the dates and times at which you will publish types of content on each channel. It’s the perfect place to plan all of your social media activities—from images, link sharing, and re-shares of user-generated content to blog posts and videos. It includes both your day-to-day posting and content for social media campaigns.

Your calendar also ensures your posts are spaced out appropriately and published at the best times to post .

Pro tip: You can plan your whole content calendar and get recommended best times to post on every network based on your past engagement rate, impressions, or link click data in Hootsuite.

heatmap from hootsuite showing best time to post

Hootsuite’s Best Time to Publish feature

Determine the right content mix

Make sure your content strategy and calendar reflect the mission statement you’ve assigned to each social profile, so that everything you post is working to support your business goals.

(We know, it’s tempting to jump on every meme, but there should always be a strategy behind your social media marketing efforts!)

You might decide that:

  • 50% of content will drive traffic back to your website
  • 25% of content will be curated from other sources
  • 20% of content will support lead-generation goals (newsletter sign-ups, ebook downloads, etc.)
  • 5% of content will be about your company culture

Placing these different post types in your content calendar will ensure you maintain the right mix.

If you’re starting from scratch and you’re not sure what types of content to post, try the 80-20 rule :

  • 80% of your posts should inform, educate, or entertain your audience
  • 20% can directly promote your brand.

The 80-20 rule of social media publishing

You could also try the social media content marketing rule of thirds :

  • One-third of your content promotes your business, converts readers, and generates profit.
  • One-third of your content shares ideas and stories from thought leaders in your industry or like-minded businesses.
  • One-third of your content is personal interactions with your audience

The social media marketing rule of thirds

Whatever you decide on, be sure to document it in your strategy doc.

document your content pillars in your strategy doc

Don’t post too much or too little

If you’re starting a social media marketing strategy from scratch, you may not have figured out how often to post to each network for maximum engagement yet.

Post too frequently and you risk annoying your audience. But, if you post too little, you risk looking like you’re not worth following.

Start with these posting frequency recommendations:

  • Instagram (feed): 3-7 times per week
  • TikTok: 3-5 times per week
  • Facebook: 1-2 times per day
  • X (Twitter): 1-5 times per day
  • LinkedIn: 1-5 times per day

How often to publish on social media by each platform

Pro tip : Once you have your social media content calendar planned out, use a scheduling tool to prepare messages in advance rather than updating constantly throughout the day.

We might be biased, but we think Hootsuite is the best social media management tool. You can schedule social media posts to every network and the intuitive calendar view gives you a full picture of all your social activity each week.

hootsuite visual planner calendar

Try It Free

Step 8. Craft compelling and high-quality content

Remember those mission statements you created for each channel in Step 5? Well, it’s time to go a bit deeper, a.k.a. provide some examples of the type of content you’ll post to fulfill your mission on each network.

If you’re not sure what to post, here’s a long list of social media content ideas to get you started. Or (to make it even easier) you can use an AI tool like OwlyWriter to generate on-brand content in a flash.

The idea here is to:

  • Keep your content aligned with the purpose of each network;
  • Show other stakeholders (if applicable) what kind of content they can expect to see on each network.

This last point especially will help you avoid any tension when your colleagues want to know why you haven’t posted their case study/whitepaper/blog post to TikTok yet. It’s not in the strategy, Linda!

Ideally, you will generate content types that are both suited to the network and the purpose you’ve set out for that network.

For example, you wouldn’t want to waste time posting brand awareness tweets if you’ve designated X/Twitter for primarily customer support. And you wouldn’t want to post super polished corporate video ads to TikTok, as users expect to see short, unpolished videos on that platform.

It might take some testing over time to figure out which type of content works best on which type of network, so prepare to update this section frequently.

We won’t lie: content creation isn’t as easy as everyone not on the social team seems to think. But if you’re struggling, Amanda suggests going back to basics.

The first question to ask is: is there cohesion between your content types? Is your content providing value? Do you have a good mix of entertaining, or educational content? What does it offer that makes a person stop and spend time? Creating a few different content pillars or categories that encompass different aspects of storytelling for your brand, and what you can offer your audience is a good start.

This brings us to Step 9.

Step 9. Track performance and make adjustments

Your social media marketing strategy is a hugely important document for your business, and you can’t assume you’ll get it exactly right on the first try.

As you start to implement your plan and track your results, you may find that some strategies don’t work as well as you’d anticipated, while others are working even better than expected.

That’s why it’s important to document your progress along the way.

social media strategy progress update doc

Look at performance metrics

In addition to the analytics within each social network (see Step 2), you can use UTM parameters to track social visitors as they move through your website, so you can see exactly which social posts drive the most traffic to your website.

Benchmark your results

You’ve got your numbers, but how do they stack up to the competition in your industry? Industry benchmarks are a great way to evaluate your performance against other businesses in your category.

If you’ve got Hootsuite Analytics , you can use our built-in social media benchmarking tool to compare the performance of your social accounts against the average of brands in your industry with just a couple of clicks.

You can set up custom timeframes, switch between networks — Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and TikTok — and look up benchmarks for metrics like followers, audience growth rate, engagement rate, clicks, shares, and much more.

You’ll also find resources to improve your performance  right in the summary section:

Industry benchmarking in Hootsuite Analytics: Performance summary with dedicated resources for improvement

Re-evaluate, test, and do it all again

Once this data starts coming in, use it to re-evaluate your strategy regularly. You can also use this information to test different posts, social marketing campaigns, and strategies against one another. Constant testing allows you to understand what works and what doesn’t, so you can refine your social media marketing strategy in real time.

You’ll want to check the performance of all your channels at least once a week and get to know the basics of social media reporting so you can track your growth over time.

Pro tip: If you use Hootsuite, you can review the performance of all your posts on every network in one place. Once you get the hang of checking your analytics, you may even want to customize different reports to show specific metrics over a variety of different time periods.

Surveys can also be a great way to find out how well your social media strategy is working. Ask your followers, email list, and website visitors whether you’re meeting their needs and expectations, and what they’d like to see more of. Then make sure to deliver on what they tell you.

Finalizing your social media strategy

Spoiler alert: nothing is final.

Social media moves fast. New networks emerge, others go through demographic shifts.

Your business will go through periods of change as well.

All of this means that your social media marketing strategy should be a living document that you review and adjust as needed. Refer to it often to stay on track, but don’t be afraid to make changes so that it better reflects new goals, tools, or plans.

When you update your social strategy, make sure to watch our 5-step video on how to updating your social media strategy for 2024:

Social media strategy template

Ready to start documenting? Grab your free social media strategy template below!

the cover page of Hootsuite's social media strategy template

What’s next? When you’re ready to put your plan into action, we’re here to help…

Save time managing your social media marketing strategy with Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can easily:

  • Plan, create, and schedule posts to every network
  • Track relevant keywords, topics, and accounts
  • Stay on top of engagement with a universal inbox
  • Get easy-to-understand performance reports and improve your strategy as needed

Try Hootsuite for Free

With files from Shannon Tien .

Do it better with Hootsuite , the all-in-one social media tool. Stay on top of things, grow, and beat the competition.

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Christina Newberry is an award-winning writer and editor whose greatest passions include food, travel, urban gardening, and the Oxford comma—not necessarily in that order.

Amanda Wood is a senior social marketing professional who combines analytical and creative thinking to build brands.

As head of social at Hootsuite, Amanda oversees the global social strategy encompassing organic and paid social on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn, a social engagement and listening strategy, and an employee advocacy program.

As the leader of a high-performing social team, she has extensive experience collaborating with creatives to bring campaigns to life on social and drive business results.

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Updated: 03/13/24

Published: 03/11/24

Creating social media strategies can be overwhelming, especially when you're just launching your brand or just building your online presence for the first time. So many channels, features, tools, and products available – but so little time to fit them all into your marketing strategy.

If you don’t have a full-time team of social media experts at your disposal, it’s even harder. But the fact is that your online success depends on having a sensible and straightforward strategy that fits your resources and goals.

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I spoke with three top-tier social media experts, and dug into recent HubSpot research (including our 2024 State of Social Media Report), to show you how to develop a social media strategy that drives traffic and ROI to your brand.

What is a social media strategy?

Why you need a social media strategy, how to create a social media strategy.

A social media strategy is an outline of the content that your business will post, the responsibilities of your social media team, and the social media channels you will use to promote your business. A social media strategy includes social media goals that complement your business' overall digital marketing strategy.

Your social media strategy is your master plan for how you create, post, and engage with your social media content.

It encompasses your social content guidelines, posting cadence, social media marketing campaigns, target audience, and engagement strategy that promote your business and brand.

To track and analyze your social media marketing performance, HubSpot’s Marketing Analytics and Dashboard Software can help you get insights, including customer lifecycle.

Many companies use social media to connect with customers, provide support, advertise new products and features, and promote special offers.

business plan for media management

The State of Social Media in 2024

Explore the top trends in social media for brands to know and optimize your social strategy.

  • AI Content Creation
  • Community Building
  • Social Media Shopping
  • Social Vs. Search Engine

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According to our most recent The State of Social Media , social media marketers' top challenges include creating engaging content, generating leads, and reaching target audiences. While these are some of the trickiest challenges, they're also the items you'll want to think about most when making an effective plan.

Ultimately, well-thought-out social media strategies equip you to set goals and guardrails, track performance, and tweak your benchmarks over time.

“One of the biggest challenges I think social media marketers face is saturation and competition. There is so much content on social media that sometimes it makes it challenging to stand out from the crowd. Having a robust strategy that understands the target audience includes strong copy and unique content can help to cut through the noise,” says Ellie Nash , social community executive at Kurago .

Without a starting point, you can‘t measure what’s working and how to shift your activity to hit your goals.

A social media strategy also helps you set expectations for broader team involvement and get everyone aligned on what they should and shouldn't do on your social networks.

  • Define your target audience.
  • Incorporate ecommerce.
  • Optimize your social channels for search.
  • Focus on a few key channels.
  • Make a plan for customer service.
  • Develop a recipe card to guide you.
  • Measure your results.
  • Adjust your tactics.

1. Define your target audience.

If you haven’t already identified and documented your buyer personas , start by defining the key demographics of the audience you’re trying to reach — such as age, gender, occupation, income, hobbies, and interests.

To meet your audience where they are with marketing that won't annoy them, you first need to learn out what they want and why. 

Social Media Motivations

Are social media users visiting these apps to learn, explore, shop, or just have a good time?

In our most recent State of Consumer Trends Survey this summer, we asked over 500 general consumers to pick the three most common reasons they use social media. 

While 65% actually use it socially to keep up with friends, 53% just want to be entertained while 50% want to learn new things. Unfortunately, 28% say they prefer to go on social media to learn about new products or brands. 

The good news? Later in the survey, when we asked consumers how they prefer to research and learn about brands and products, a whopping 41% said they like to do this on social media channels (a slight increase from a similar survey we ran six months prior).

While Gen X and Boomers skew lower on this average, Gen Z and Millennial generations are using social for brand research more often – which is not surprising due to their hyper-connectedness to the web.

As you might be able to tell from our data above, your target audience plays a role in how successful the right strategy will be. And, better catering to them helps you create focused advertising that addresses your ideal consumer’s specific needs.

For instance, the below-sponsored post by , a project management platform, highlights the platform’s flexibility and workflow customization feature.

The post targets business owners and project managers who may feel limited by other project management software. post on X (Twitter); social media strategy examples

Image Source

Consider your ideal consumer’s challenges and what problems they're solving daily. Focus on no more than four types of people representing most of your buyers. Don’t get hung up on the exceptions or outliers, or you’ll never get started.

Once you start creating content for your audience, focus on engaging your audience at every level.

Pay close attention to any questions or comments your audience posts, and be quick to address them, as that engagement could make or break a conversion or purchase.

Consumers like feeling like they’re part of a community when they’re on your social media pages. More than 1 in 5 social media users joined or participated in an online community in the last year.

Speaking of communities, creating social media groups is a smart move to attract, keep, and engage the audience, with 90% of marketers agreeing.

Here's why:

  • Groups help people get involved.
  • Followers can learn from each other.
  • Your brand becomes a connector — something like a helpful friend.
  • Communities feel more friendlier to chat compared to pages. 

In 2020, HubSpot made a small Facebook Group called Marketer to Marketer with 4.9k followers. It's not as big as our Facebook page, but conversions prove its worth it.

Marketer to Marketer—HubSpot Facebook Group

Pro tip: To reach the right audience, use social listening tools . These tools check social media for keywords, assess if the talk is positive or negative, and give you reports. This helps in creating a buyer persona for better targeting.

2. Incorporate ecommerce.

As more and more people use social media to discover new products, they’re also finding convenience in shopping for those products directly in the social app they found them in.

While one-fourth of social media marketers are already seeing more effectiveness in social shopping tools than they are with ecommerce site strategies, 80% of social media marketers believe consumers will eventually buy products directly within social apps more often than on brand websites or through third-party resellers. 

What's more, 25% of users between the ages of 18 and 44 had already bought a product on social media by summer of 2023. We wouldn't be shocked if this number increased in 2024.

Lastly, if we look at how this trend is fairing across the globe, several other countries have already made social media shopping a norm.

UK social buyers, 2021-2025 

For example, check out this comparison of data from the UK, China, and the US:

  • In the UK, social shopping saw a rise from 2021 to 2023 , with 4.1% of the population engaging in this trend. Anticipated data suggests a further increase in 2024 and a growth of approximately 2% in 2025.
  • In 2022, around 84% of Chinese consumers have shopped on social media platforms. Despite some COVID-19 challenges, it reached 850 million users in 2021 , making the market worth more than 2.5 trillion.
  • In 2023, the US made $68.91 million from social commerce , which is 5.9% of all online sales. This is a sharp increase from $39.51 million in 2021.

US retail social commerce sales, 2019-2025

Translation? If you sell products, social media should be a key part of your ecommerce strategy in 2024. It doesn't matter where you are. Social selling is a big deal — so it’s time to take it seriously.

Most platforms offer built-in e-commerce features like shoppable posts, and 47% of social media marketers are already taking advantage of selling products directly within social media apps.

The most popular social selling tools for marketers are:

  • Instagram Shops and Instagram Live Shopping — high ROI.
  • Facebook Shops — average ROI.

Social selling tools with the highest ROI

(Psst: Need help building a Facebook page for your business? We have you covered.)

If you need inspiration for incorporating e-commerce into your social strategy, take a cue from Sephora .

Sephora’s shoppable page example 

Whenever the beauty brand shares an image of a product, it uses a product tag that links to its shoppable page above.

This makes it easy for its followers to instantly buy something they see on the page without ever having to leave the app.

One critical element of successfully selling on social media is establishing brand trust so users feel comfortable purchasing your products directly on the app.

While Sephora has built an established brand reputation over time, you can build trust in other ways, even if you’re building your social media strategy from scratch.

Focus on sharing customer reviews and testimonials, user-generated content (UGC), and product data to build social proof.

Pro tip: Go with image, video, and carousel ads for brand awareness to emphasize store visits, ad impressions, and engagement. For increased sales, select product, collection, or shopping ads to drive direct purchases and product page visits.

3. Optimize your social channels for search.

Social search is on the rise.

As more people turn to social with their queries instead of search engines, 89% of social media marketers agree that social search is important to their overall social media strategies in 2023.

Nearly 24% of consumers aged 18-54 use social media first to search for brands.

business plan for media management

Pro tip: You don’t need to film an hour-long video. Even short videos, aka YouTube Shorts, can help you rank higher in SERP. You can use UGC videos and testimonials for that purpose.

4. Focus on a few key social channels.

Most small businesses or social teams don’t have the bandwidth to establish and sustain a quality social media presence on every single channel.

It's also overwhelming to learn the rules of engagement on multiple networks simultaneously.

Focus on the channels that will bring in the highest ROI. For most brands, this will be Instagram.

Instagram has proven to be the best source of ROI, engagement, and quality leads. Additionally, 23% of marketers believe Instagram offers brands the most potential to grow their audiences in 2023.

Adding an Instagram feed to your website is also a smart move to keep your site looking fresh and even to nudge people towards buying, as social media content can increase conversions by up to 29%.

With a tool like Flockler, even if you’re not a tech expert, you can make your site more lively and exciting with your latest Instagram posts. See their easy guide on how to embed an Instagram feed on a website .

business plan for media management

Or as Annie-Mai Hodge says, “You don’t need to be on every single social media platform, full stop — for most businesses, it’s a waste of time and resources to be on platforms where your audience isn’t active.”

When creating your strategy, Hodge says, “You would’ve looked at where your audience is, what your competitors are doing, and what you’re aiming to achieve with social media — all of this will help inform you as to what social media channels you should be focusing on.”

Pro tip: Check where your competitors are most active and what kind of content they post. You’ll see what works or doesn't and how engaged their audience is. Don’t copy them — just use that info to make smart decisions for your strategy.

5. Repurpose your content.

Why stress over creating different content for each platform? 

Keep it simple: repurpose and use the same awesome content in different places – within reason of course.

According to our research, most marketers repurpose content in some way, shape, or form, while 19% consider it one of their key strategies. Meanwhile 40% plan to invest more in content repurposing in 2024.

This makes sense. By repurposing content, you can leanly and easily:

  • Get your message to more people on different platforms.
  • Save time by using what you already have instead of starting from scratch.
  • Stay visible on search engines by updating and reusing content.
  • Cater to your audience's preferences with different formats.
  • Make your content last longer by updating timeless pieces.
  • Improve your strategy by checking how your content performs on different channels.

HubSpot LinkedIn post

…to hilarious TikTok video:

@hubspot Always look for a desk with a view (of your manager's eyeline) #hybridwork #9to5 #officehumor #inoffice ♬ original sound - HubSpot

However, one word to the wise is to not lean on it for every single campaign. Although most marketers do it, only 7% told us it yields them substantial ROI compared to content that's more catered to platforms. 

So, if you're low on time or bandwidth, experimenting a new platform that's similar to one you already use, or can make light tweaks to optimize content for different channels – feel free. Just make sure you're giving your audience what they're looking for and not over-spamming them with content they've seen several times already.

Pro tip: Looking for a creative content idea that feels more personal than repurposed? Make catchy quote pictures from customer thoughts, share email insights on X or LinkedIn, and whip up quick videos from podcasts — people love that kind of stuff.

6. Make a plan for customer service.

When putting together your social media strategy, consider how you’ll use your channels for customer service.

Social media is so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that it’s no surprise that people turn to these platforms for everything from brand discovery to customer service.

According to our State of Social Media and Consumer Trends research, 1 in 5 social media users contact a brand through social DMs for customer service each quarter.

43% of marketers use customer service reps, 41% rely on platform managers, and 13% employ automated tools like chatbots.

Whether you create a separate account dedicated to customer service or have an auto-reply set up when people DM you on Instagram, have a plan for how you’ll handle customer support through social media.

business plan for media management

Now, let’s talk a little bit about the importance of good customer service on social media. According Khoros research :

  • 42% felt disappointed, 43% were unhappy, and 41% reported anger with poor customer care.
  • 67% shared bad experiences, and 65% switched to a different brand.
  • 43% are more likely to buy from a brand after a good customer service experience.
  • 83% feel more loyal to brands that resolve their complaints.
  • 73% of brands expect more inbound channels, and 53% anticipate more outbound channels in the next one to two years.
  • Pro tip: Apart from clearly stating working hours, let customers know the expected response time and inform them about quicker alternative resources if available.

7. Develop a recipe card to guide you.

Social media isn’t an exact science. It doesn't work the same for every business or industry.

To see results for your business, create a recipe card. A recipe card is a posting and engagement schedule that keeps your team on track and helps you post content consistently.

HubSpot has a list of social media tools and templates that you can use to plan your content and create a posting schedule and content calendar.

One of the best ways to manage an SM content calendar is the method Bazile shared with me.

Here’s how she categorizes it:

  • Evergreen engagement content.
  • Evergreen promotional content.
  • Specific campaign content.
  • Recurring communications content.

“Breaking down content into these buckets allows social teams to maintain regular presences online while also separating content data into easily trackable pieces,” she says.

Develop a reasonable recipe card and well-organized calendar. Stick to it and get your team to follow. Set goals for your posting and engagement frequency, and hold yourself accountable for following your recipe.

Pro tip: Choose platforms that allow easy editing and content management within your team. This ensures smooth collaboration and calendar updates.

8. Talk WITH, not AT, your followers.

In our latest Consumer Trends research, 41% of consumers pointed to relatability as the most memorable aspect of posts from brands or companies on social or the web. 

Friendly brands win more followers (and hearts). So, skip the self-promotion overload. Instead, get into conversations and respond to comments authentically.

People love it when you chat with them, not just throw information their way. It makes them feel special, creating a genuine affection for your brand.

You don't have to sound super professional. Casual talk works even better on social media. Just take a cue from McDonald’s:

McDonald’s interacting with follower 

And here’s something interesting to remember — very few people, less than one percent , interact with the brands’ posts. 

Here are the platform breakdowns:

  • Facebook: 0.09%.
  • Instagram: 1.22%.

So, once you get a comment, find the right way to interact and show that you care.

Don't just ghost and ignore. These comments boost your post higher in algorithms and make it more visible. 

Pro tip: Never delete negative comments unless they’re super offensive or totally inappropriate. Instead, use them as an opportunity for constructive engagement and improvement.

9. Measure your results.

“Without goals, a product roadmap, or even a full brand strategy, social media managers will struggle to know what to prioritize in the social space, what metrics to measure to convey progress, and what sort of content or social presence is ideal for the brand,” Bazile says. 

There are countless things to track on your social media channels. Start by looking at how much traffic your social accounts drive to your website or blog.

Social media platforms offer tools to help businesses track analytics.

For example, you can use Facebook’s Page Insights , Instagram’s Account Insights , and LinkedIn’s Visitor Analytics to see what people are responding to and look for trends related to topics or keywords that generate the most interest.

Once you get an idea of your average traffic and post-performance, set goals for key metrics and keep a scorecard to measure your progress.

Be sure to choose metrics that are easy to gather because if it’s too time-consuming to track, you won’t be motivated to do it.

Examples of simple metrics include the total number of interactions, traffic to your website, and sales or revenue that can be attributed to social.

“One of the most valuable indicators, in my opinion, is impressions,” Nash says, “Impressions measure the number of times a piece of content is displayed on users' screens and help to evaluate the effectiveness of your content strategy in terms of exposure and brand awareness.”

Pro tip: Don’t only focus on platform numbers. Track the social sentiment as well. See if people express positive or negative feelings about you in online conversations. It takes a bit of manual work, but it's worth it. Check regularly for better insights.

10. Adjust your tactics as needed.

Social media won't start working overnight.

Establishing a following, stabilizing your brand, and seeing the results of your efforts take time. So, experiment to find the right combination of channels, content, and messaging that works for your audience.

We can pick up some cool tricks from Victoria's Secret in this regard.

They’ve shifted from using only professional photos and videos to incorporating more casual content. Now, VS’s Insta feed also includes UGC and interviews with random people on the street and in their stores.

Victoria Secret’s Instagram feed

Victoria's Secret proves that even as a high-end brand, you don't lose anything by including everyday people. 

Actually, you gain. 

Interviewing people in the VS store

More followers, more engagement, more exposure.

Keep track of changes in your post views, audience demographics, and post interactions, and make changes as needed.

Over time, you’ll be able to adjust your recipe card, content, and personas based on the information you’re gathering, which will help you fine-tune your strategy and generate more consistent results.

Trying new stuff might seem a bit daring, but sometimes, it's just necessary to “survive.”

For instance, try to use funny content whenever possible.

In our 2023 survey of over a thousand global social media marketers, 66% said funny content works best, followed by relatable (63%) and trendy (59%) content. While 45% talk only about their brand values, the key is to use humor for the most impact. 

Don't believe that humor can pay the bills? One-third, or 34% of Consumer Trends respondents also told us funny content is most memorable to them. 

66% of social media marketers say funny content is the most effective 

I asked Hodge to tell me about a time when changing tactics improved social media results. She recalls that at the start of 2023, Girl Power Marketing stopped growing on social media and started losing engagement. 

“It wasn’t until I sat down and reassessed my strategy that I was missing something, and that was humanization,” Hodge recounts. “Why should people trust my thoughts, opinions, and guidance if they have no clue who was behind GPM or the mission behind it?”

Hodge shares that she started showing up more intentionally. She created content that showed more of herself, her personality, and GPM’s mission. 

“And a year later, GPM has grown to a community of 180k+ people - all because I switched up my tactics that no longer worked,” says Hodge.

social media strategy tips

Pro tip: Tailor your content to match seasonal trends and holidays. This helps keep your brand messaging timely and relatable. And most importantly — people love it.

Keeping Up With Social Media Strategies

While these tips will help you optimize your strategy for ROI in the present day, it's important to get your footing and keep up with the big shifts that are inevitable as new tools, channels, and trends arise.

To keep up with low stress, keep following research like our State of Social Media Report and check out our blog and resources for the coverage of social trends and tactics you actually need to keep on your radar.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Free Social Media Strategy Template

Create a comprehensive plan for leveraging social media platforms to achieve your marketing and growth goals with this free workbook, including sections for:

  • Content Strategy
  • Community Management

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How To Write a Digital Media Business Plan + Template


Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for digital media businesses that want to improve their strategy and/or raise funding.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines the vision for your company, but also documents a step-by-step roadmap of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article provides an overview of the key elements that every digital media business owner should include in their business plan.

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What is a Digital Media Business Plan?

A digital media business plan is a formal written document that describes your company’s business strategy and its feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and it includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you are positioned to become a successful venture.

Why Write a Digital Media Business Plan?

A digital media business plan is required for banks and investors. The document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Digital Media Business Plan

The following are the key components of a successful digital media business plan:

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a digital media business plan is a one to two page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your digital media business
  • Provide a short summary of the key points in each section of your business plan, which includes information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast among others.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how your company started, and provide a timeline of milestones your company has achieved.

If you are just starting your digital media business , you may not have a long company history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company before or have been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your digital media business, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen digital media business model and how, if applicable, it is different from other companies in your industry.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a digital media business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends and document the size of your market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the digital media industry are you targeting?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now (and if applicable, how do these trends support the success of your company)?

You should also include sources for the information you provide, such as published research reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, the customers of a digital media business may include businesses that need marketing help, as well as individuals who want to improve their personal brand.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or digital media services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you determine how your product or service will be different from competitors, and what your unique selling proposition (USP) might be that will set you apart in this industry.

For each competitor, list their strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine your areas of competitive differentiation and/or advantage; that is, in what ways are you different from and ideally better than your competitors.

Below are sample competitive advantages your digital media business may have:

  • Strong management team with a wealth of industry experience
  • Proven track record of success with similar businesses
  • Robust and innovative technology platform
  • Strong partnerships with complementary businesses
  • Access to a large and growing customer base
  • Ability to scale quickly to meet customer demand
  • Favorable pricing structure

Marketing Plan

This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. . Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits.
  • Price : Document your pricing strategy here. In addition to stating the prices for your products/services, mention how your pricing compares to your competition.
  • Place : Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution (e.g., partnerships) will you use to reach them if applicable?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target customers? For example, you may use social media, write blog posts, create an email marketing campaign, use pay-per-click advertising, launch a direct mail campaign. Or, you may promote your digital media business via a combination of these channels.

Operations Plan

This part of your digital media business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your product/service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is where you also need to include your company’s business policies. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Finally, and most importantly, in your Operations Plan, you will lay out the milestones your company hopes to achieve within the next five years. Create a chart that shows the key milestone(s) you hope to achieve each quarter for the next four quarters, and then each year for the following four years. Examples of milestones for a digital media business include reaching $X in sales. Other examples include adding new customers, launching new services, and expanding to new markets.

Management Team

List your team members here including their names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific digital media industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Particularly if you are seeking funding, the goal of this section is to convince investors and lenders that your team has the expertise and experience to execute on your plan. If you are missing key team members, document the roles and responsibilities you plan to hire for in the future.

Financial Plan

Here you will include a summary of your complete and detailed financial plan (your full financial projections go in the Appendix). 

This includes the following three financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how much revenue you generate.
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, this is the net income or loss.

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Digital Media Business

Revenues $ 336,090 $ 450,940 $ 605,000 $ 811,730 $ 1,089,100
$ 336,090 $ 450,940 $ 605,000 $ 811,730 $ 1,089,100
Direct Cost
Direct Costs $ 67,210 $ 90,190 $ 121,000 $ 162,340 $ 217,820
$ 67,210 $ 90,190 $ 121,000 $ 162,340 $ 217,820
$ 268,880 $ 360,750 $ 484,000 $ 649,390 $ 871,280
Salaries $ 96,000 $ 99,840 $ 105,371 $ 110,639 $ 116,171
Marketing Expenses $ 61,200 $ 64,400 $ 67,600 $ 71,000 $ 74,600
Rent/Utility Expenses $ 36,400 $ 37,500 $ 38,700 $ 39,800 $ 41,000
Other Expenses $ 9,200 $ 9,200 $ 9,200 $ 9,400 $ 9,500
$ 202,800 $ 210,940 $ 220,871 $ 230,839 $ 241,271
EBITDA $ 66,080 $ 149,810 $ 263,129 $ 418,551 $ 630,009
Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 4,200
EBIT $ 60,880 $ 144,610 $ 257,929 $ 413,351 $ 625,809
Interest Expense $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600
$ 53,280 $ 137,010 $ 250,329 $ 405,751 $ 618,209
Taxable Income $ 53,280 $ 137,010 $ 250,329 $ 405,751 $ 618,209
Income Tax Expense $ 18,700 $ 47,900 $ 87,600 $ 142,000 $ 216,400
$ 34,580 $ 89,110 $ 162,729 $ 263,751 $ 401,809
10% 20% 27% 32% 37%

Balance Sheet

Include a balance sheet that shows your assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Digital Media Business

Cash $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431 $ 869,278
Other Current Assets $ 41,600 $ 55,800 $ 74,800 $ 90,200 $ 121,000
Total Current Assets $ 146,942 $ 244,052 $ 415,681 $ 687,631 $ 990,278
Fixed Assets $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000
Accum Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 10,400 $ 15,600 $ 20,800 $ 25,000
Net fixed assets $ 19,800 $ 14,600 $ 9,400 $ 4,200 $ 0
$ 166,742 $ 258,652 $ 425,081 $ 691,831 $ 990,278
Current Liabilities $ 23,300 $ 26,100 $ 29,800 $ 32,800 $ 38,300
Debt outstanding $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 0
$ 132,162 $ 134,962 $ 138,662 $ 141,662 $ 38,300
Share Capital $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Retained earnings $ 34,580 $ 123,690 $ 286,419 $ 550,170 $ 951,978
$ 34,580 $ 123,690 $ 286,419 $ 550,170 $ 951,978
$ 166,742 $ 258,652 $ 425,081 $ 691,831 $ 990,278

Cash Flow Statement

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Cash Flow From Operations
  • Cash Flow From Investments
  • Cash Flow From Financing

Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup digital media business .

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Digital Media Business

Net Income (Loss) $ 34,580 $ 89,110 $ 162,729 $ 263,751 $ 401,809
Change in Working Capital $ (18,300) $ (11,400) $ (15,300) $ (12,400) $ (25,300)
Plus Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 4,200
Net Cash Flow from Operations $ 21,480 $ 82,910 $ 152,629 $ 256,551 $ 380,709
Fixed Assets $ (25,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Net Cash Flow from Investments $ (25,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Cash from Equity $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Cash from Debt financing $ 108,862 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (108,862)
Net Cash Flow from Financing $ 108,862 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (108,862)
Net Cash Flow $ 105,342 $ 82,910 $ 152,629 $ 256,551 $ 271,847
Cash at Beginning of Period $ 0 $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431
Cash at End of Period $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431 $ 869,278

You will also want to include an appendix section which will include:

  • Your complete financial projections
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.)
  • Any other documentation which supports what you included in the body of your business plan.

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and/or grow your digital media business . It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it.

If you are seeking funding from investors or lenders, it is especially important to have a well-written business plan that demonstrates the expertise and experience of your management team, as well as your company’s potential for financial success. By taking the time to write a detailed and comprehensive business plan, you will give your digital media business the best chance for success.  

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business plan for media management

How to Start a Social Media Management Business

business plan for media management

Businesses use social media tools to post updates, respond to customer inquiries, share relevant content, and advertise products or services. Social media platforms help companies stay top-of-mind with their audience and build a community around their brand.

Yet, many business owners lack the time or expertise to effectively manage their social media presence. That’s where a golden opportunity emerges for you. 

If you want to start a social media management business, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to know what steps to follow and what mistakes to avoid to ensure you build a thriving business.

1. Understand the Market

First, you need to do your homework. Identify possible entities that could benefit from increased social media presence. Small local businesses, e-commerce sites , and digital startups often require powerful social campaigns to interact with their target audiences. Then choose your final target market. Bear in mind that your target market will impact your social media marketing strategies, service offerings, and pricing structure. 

After zeroing in on your target audience, understand them. Look at their pain points, audience demographics, preferences, among others. Understanding your target market will help you personalize your services more efficiently, boosting your value proposition and client happiness.

You’ll also need to research your competitors in your selected niche. What social media services do they provide? What are their strengths and weaknesses? This analysis will help you identify market gaps and chances to stand out.

Don’t forget to also look at the latest social media trends so you can tailor your service offerings to meet existing demand. Say you find out that 74% of Gen Z social media users who visit TikTok weekly seek more details about products after seeing a Dynamic Showcase Ad. Naturally, businesses will want to look for companies that can craft TikTok Dynamic Showcase ads. So, to capture that market, you can offer just those visual content creation services.

By thoroughly understanding the market, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and attract ideal customers.

2. Plan your Social Media Business

Now it’s time to develop a plan. Your business plan should include what you’ve found out about the market, your business goals , and key performance indicators to measure success. You should also specify your strategies to meet these objectives. 

For instance, what will your marketing strategy be? So, to boost your business credibility and visibility on platforms like Instagram, you might specify in your business plan several social media strategies that help increase follower count and likes. You might say you’ll leverage services that offer free Instagram followers to kickstart your presence or seek help from a micro-influencer to boost likes. We’ll talk more about marketing strategies later.

In your plan, specify, too, how you’ll get funding and include a section on financial forecasts. Determine how you’ll hire your first employees as well. What will their roles be? You might need a social media manager and hires for customer service, for example.

Don’t forget to specify your business model in the plan, too. Will you work on a project basis or provide customized services? 

The more detailed your business plan is, the better. It doesn’t just help ensure you have a set direction to follow. It also instills confidence in potential partners and investors. 

3. Register your Business and Brand Name

Ensuring your business is legally recognized is crucial. Decide on the right legal structure for your business (perhaps it’s a sole proprietorship or LLC). You’ll need to determine your brand name as well. 

Once you have all those clear, it’s just a matter of completing the registration process, which typically depends on your location.

If you’re registering in the US, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Apply for an EIN or an employer identification number
  • Apply for business licenses: Although most states won’t require a special business permit to start your social media management business, you’ll need a general business license. Check out the other permits you may need here .

Check out the websites of relevant government agencies, like the US Small Business Administration, to get more detailed information about other requirements you may need to comply with for registration.

4. Set a Pricing Structure

Pricing decisions can have a big impact on your company’s market entry and profitability. Investigate existing pricing models in the social media management sector. What are your competitors’ prices, and what services are included in their social media packages?

When pricing your services, consider their value and originality. Are you offering anything that no one else is? Is your strategy more effective or innovative? Your prices should reflect the value and uniqueness of your services. 

Think about how pricing might highlight the potential return on investment (ROI) for your clients. Higher prices can be justified if your services significantly contribute to client success.

All that said, here are some pricing models you might want to consider:

  • One-time payments: This model is best for project-based services or targeted promotions. It’ll appeal to clients with specialized, short-term demands or those who want to try out your services before committing to a longer-term agreement.
  • Subscriptions: Offering subscription-based pricing generates constant revenue and fosters long-term client connections. This strategy is suitable for clients who want continuous social media management and can afford to pay for your services regularly.
  • Payment plans: These can render your services more accessible to small business owners or startups with limited resources. Payment plans can also encourage clients to choose more complete service packages than they would if they had to make a lump-sum payment.

Be flexible with your pricing models at first. This will ensure you appear as accessible as possible to a wider range of clients.

5. Set up the Core Team

Remember your business plan? Check the section where you specified your core team members. Then just create comprehensive job descriptions to attract qualified people who can run your business operations seamlessly. By qualified, I mean these should be candidates who don’t only have the skills you’re looking for. They should also be a good fit for your corporate culture. 

Once you have your descriptions, publish them on job boards and sites. You can implement other successful recruitment techniques at the same time. For instance, why not leverage social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn to target candidates with specific expertise in social media marketing?

You’ll need to implement a robust selection process once you have your applicants. Interview at least three candidates for each position. You may also opt to test their skills, depending on the job vacancy they’re looking to fill.

Assume you’ve made your final picks. Great! Now you just need to give full onboarding and training. This will help facilitate new employee integration into your digital agency. 

6. Focus on Marketing Your Brand

Digital marketing is essential for attracting an ideal audience and growing your client base. By now, you should have outlined a comprehensive marketing strategy in your business plan. All you need to do is follow the plan.

Your marketing efforts should focus on your unique selling points and demonstrate the value and results you can provide to clients. Also, the more platforms you leverage, the better brand visibility for your business. That’s why a robust marketing strategy combines SEO, social media, content marketing, and email campaigns, among others.

So, master search engine optimization (SEO) to boost your online presence and attract more organic visitors to your website. Don’t forget to claim your Google Business Profile.

Also, create social media accounts for your business. To satisfy social media algorithms, ensure regular and engaging content posting. Social algorithms favor consistency and engagement, so a constant stream of high-quality content can increase your visibility and reach on these platforms.

Creating effective landing pages is crucial for converting your audience into leads or customers. Leadpages is a well-known tool for this purpose. You may also consider Leadpages alternatives if you’re looking for more budget-friendly options tailored to your business’s specific needs.

Make sure you also leverage email marketing. Offer a lead magnet to get subscribers, and send them tailored emails to nurture relationships. These emails can complement your SEO and social media efforts.   

As a final tip, make sure to showcase your brand identity across all platforms and in all communications right from the start. If you regularly place the same face and style in front of your potential customers, they will begin to associate them with your brand. This recognition can lead to trust, and ultimately, when they need the services you offer, they are more likely to turn to you.

To maintain this consistency, create a brand book that specifies your important visual elements like your company name, logo, color scheme, among others.

7. Track Your Progress and Improvise

Use analytics tools to monitor the metrics of success you specified in your business plan. These may include:

  • Client acquisition rates
  • Engagement rates
  • Social media mentions
  • Client satisfaction/loyalty

You can use social listening tools and platforms like Google Analytics, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social for comprehensive insights. Regularly review your performance data to discover opportunities for improvement. 

Use these insights to improve your approach. Are there more effective social strategies? Better days for publishing your social media content? More effective ways to acquire clients and ensure customer loyalty?

Also, ask your current and loyal customers for feedback about your digital marketing agency to derive actionable insights. You can even use their testimonials as social proof on your website and social media channels. These will help enhance your credibility and attract even more potential clients.

If you want to start a social media management business, remember that extensive planning, strategic thought, and ongoing adaptation are required. 

You learned the steps to follow before you start offering social media management services. Identify your niche, craft a business plan, ensure legal registration, set a pricing structure, and set up your core team. Also, focus on marketing your business and track your progress. 

Now it’s time to take action.

About the author

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Nicholas Prins

I'm the founder of Launch Space. We work with global companies helping them scale lead generation through SEO and content marketing. Head over to the homepage to find out more.

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Social Media Marketing Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

social media marketing business plan template

Social Media Marketing Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their social media marketing businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a social media marketing business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What Is a Social Media Marketing Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your social media marketing agency as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Social Media Marketing Agency

If you’re looking to start a social media marketing business or grow your existing company, you need a business plan. A social media marketing business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your business in order to improve your chances of success. Your business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your social media marketing agency grows and changes.

Funding Sources for Social Media Marketing Agencies

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a social media marketing business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for social media marketing agencies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a social media marketing agency.

If you want to start a business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. Below we detail what should be included in each section of your own social media marketing business plan:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of social media marketing business you are operating and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a social media marketing business that you would like to grow, or are you operating social media marketing in multiple markets?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the social media marketing industry. Discuss the type of social media marketing business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of social media marketing business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of social media marketing businesses, or a full-service agency:

  • Paid Ads : this type of marketing business focuses on creating social media ads and optimizing social media ad campaigns. A social media marketing agency may specialize in ads for one platform in particular or across all platforms.
  • Content: this type of business focuses on creating content, either for specific platforms or across all platforms.
  • Strategy: this type of marketing is where campaigns are created around specific goals that help businesses or individuals tailor where and how to best achieve results that will help them succeed.

In addition to explaining the type of social media marketing business you will operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, number of positive reviews, total campaigns, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the social media marketing industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the social media marketing industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your social media marketing business plan:

  • How big is the social media marketing industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your social media marketing business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: corporations, small business owners, nonprofits and individuals. Customers may also be segmented by industry, such as healthcare, technology, beauty, restaurants, music, B2B, and more.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of marketing business you operate. Clearly, individuals in the music industry would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations in the healthcare industry, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Only select social media marketing agencies primarily serve customers living in their same city or town. However, if your niche is to provide social media services to local businesses, such demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.  

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other social media marketing agencies.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes digital freelance platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr. You need to mention such competition as well.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will have a similar niche audience.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What types of social media services do they provide?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide better social media strategy, content and ad services?
  • Will you provide services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a social media marketing business, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of social media marketing agency that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to social media marketing, will you provide web design services, copywriting or any other services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your agency. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your business located in a busy professional district (good if targeting local businesses), or is it fully remote (good if targeting clients that aren’t place-specific). Discuss how your location might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your business, including discovery calls, onboarding new clients, attending campaign meetings, managing employees and working on campaigns.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to take on your 10th client, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your social media marketing business into a new market.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your social media marketing business’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing social media marketing businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing social media marketing agencies or successfully running small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you gain one new client per month or per quarter? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your social media marketing business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a social media marketing business:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc. (if there will be a physical location)
  • Cost of equipment and supplies (including hardware and software)
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or outlines of campaigns you are currently working on.

Social Media Marketing Business Plan Template PDF

You can download our social media marketing business plan PDF to help you get started on your own business plan.

Putting together a business plan for your social media marketing business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the social media marketing industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful social media marketing business.  

  OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.

Click here to see how Growthink’s professional business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.   Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template

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How to Create a Social Media Management Plan That Produces Results

If you're like many business owners, you're currently using social media with no formal management plan in place.

You're most definitely not alone - most people have been winging it for years when it comes to using social media for business.

But winging it has never been a good strategy. It's simply not realistic to expect that random posting on social media will produce results, much less the results you want.

Having a defined social media management plan will enable you to:

  • Be more efficient with your time and efforts
  • Generate significantly better results (more traffic, leads and sales)
  • Be able to measure and quantify those results, helping you further improve your marketing efforts

But of course, if you're a small business, your resources - both time and money - are limited. That means you also don’t want a complicated strategy which takes forever to understand, let alone enact.

The great thing is, that's likely not necessary - while you do need to have a plan in order to maximize efficiency with your social media efforts, it doesn't need to be overly intricate.

In fact, the simpler and more concise the plan, the better.

To create an effective social media plan, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What business goals do you hope to achieve using social media?
  • Who are your ideal clients, and what social platforms do they use?
  • What metrics will you use to measure your success?
  • Are you creating content, curating content, or both?
  • How much time can you allot to your social activities every day/week?
  • What social media activities will give you the quickest wins?

By formulating a simple plan, which addresses each of these points, you'll be well on your way to building a social media community that'll foster your success, and help you achieve your goals.

Here's a more in-depth break down of each of these points, and what they might look like as part of a simple social media management plan.

1. How will you use social media to achieve your goals?

Before you begin developing a social media management plan, you need to know what you ultimately want to accomplish with social media.

Social media is no different than any other business or marketing tool. Before you acquire and begin using any tool for your business, you first need to be clear on what you want to achieve with it.

Start by determining what your overall business goals are.

If you have a business plan, go through your goals and objectives, determining which goals social media marketing can help you achieve.

If you don’t have a business plan, think about what goals you would like to achieve for your business. Goals that social media can help you achieve include:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Establishing your authority on your topic
  • Building a loyal community
  • Attracting more leads and prospects
  • Building relationships with new customers
  • Maintaining and improving relationships with existing customers
  • Improving customer service
  • Increasing revenue

If you're just starting out, pick three top line goals to start with. Also keep in mind if you don't have a large social media presence currently, you may want to start with the first three items listed above so that people begin to know, like  and trust you.

2. Who are your ideal clients, and where will you find them?

The second section of your plan should focus on understanding who your ideal clients are.

To start, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is your ideal client specifically?
  • What titles or positions do they hold?
  • What is the typical language of their business, industry or organization?
  • What kinds of problems/challenges do they face?

Once you've identified what goals you want to achieve with social media, and who you ideal clients are, you need to examine each of the available social media platforms to determine the following:

  • Which platforms your ideal clients are using?
  • Which business goals each platform can help you accomplish?
  • Which social media platforms will best reach your ideal clients?

If a platform isn't used by your ideal clients, and won't help you achieve your business goals, you should not invest time, effort or money into it.

For example, if you're a high-performance business coach who focuses on executives and business leaders, spending hours on Facebook might be a complete waste of your time and energy. LinkedIn, on the other hand, can be a fantastic place to locate and build relationships with executives and business leaders.

3. How are you measuring success on social media?

After you determine which social media platforms are the best to reach out and build relationships with your ideal clients on, you then need to list the goals you want to achieve for each platform.

For example, on LinkedIn, you might want to:

  • Generate three new leads per month
  • Build your authority on your subject matter

After you determine your specific goal(s) for each platform, you then also need to define how you'll measure your results for each.

If, for example, your goal is to generate three new leads a month on LinkedIn, you simply track the number of new leads you get each month.

A goal with a less obvious metric, however, takes a bit more work. For example, if you're aiming to build your authority on your subject matter on LinkedIn, you might look at metrics such as the number of likes, shares and comments your content is receiving, and the number of new connection requests you receive after posting thought leadership content.

Here are a few examples of the different types of sales-related social media metrics you can track:

  • Number of leads generated from social media activities
  • Number of appointments booked
  • Value of your sales pipeline generated from social media activities
  • Contract value of deals made from social media
  • Revenue generated from social media activities

Branding metrics, which are not revenue-focused but provide insights into your success with non-revenue related goals, include:

  • Number of views for posts or shared content
  • Engagement with shared content (likes, comments, shares, etc.)
  • Visits to your website coming from social media
  • Follower or network size (connections, followers, page likes)

4. What are you sharing on your social platforms?

If you use social media for business, you need to leverage content marketing - whether you are sharing content you created, content you curated (found), or a mix of both.

If you're just starting, or don’t feel confident creating your own content, content curation is the way to go.

Sharing others’ content can help you:

  • Build credibility and trust
  • Position yourself as an authority in your field
  • Maintain top-of-mind awareness with your network
  • Build and grow your sales pipeline

But there are right and wrong ways to curate others’ content. Keep these content curation best practices in mind in your process:

  • Add your own perspective -  Don’t just share existing content as it is, add your insights based on the curated content.
  • Engage with your audience -  Ask questions, respond to comments and engage with those who are engaging with you.
  • Have a CTA (call to action) -  Sharing curated content without a CTA is a missed opportunity to get your audience to take a particular action. Your CTA might be as simple as asking your readers to comment on, share or like a post.

5. How much time do you have for social media activities each week?

Every business is different, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to how often you should be posting on each social channel, or how much time, in general, you should devote to your social media activities.

What is important is that whatever frequency or amount of time you choose to devote to your social media plan, you need to do it consistently. Consistency produces results. Also keep in mind that the more aggressive your sales goals are, the more time you need to invest in your marketing and lead generation efforts to produce the results you want.

It's also really important to remember that, regardless of how much time you invest daily or weekly, it takes time to build your social community, and to see results from your efforts.

Building relationships online is no different from building relationships offline - it takes time, effort and consistency.

Save time by scheduling posts

You can pre-schedule your posts on most social platforms, and scheduling all your posts once a week is a great way to save time and increase efficiency.

This will provide you with extra time to focus on what matters: the engagement.

6. Where should you start?

Once you create a document outlining your social media management strategy, pick one goal to start working on first.

This should be one of your simplest goals, something you can see relatively quick results with.

This is important, as achieving quick wins early on can help you build momentum and develop the consistency, in order to be successful with your other goals.

Don’t delay creating and implementing your social media management plan

Today’s modern buyer is digitally connected, and expects the businesses they do business with to have an online presence.

If you want to thrive in this landscape, you need to have a social presence on the platforms your ideal clients use. Having a social media management plan in place, even a simple one, will help you maximize your results with social media, while minimizing the time and resources it takes to accomplish them.

A version of this post was first published on the Top Dog Social Media blog .

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How To Start Your Own Social Media Marketing Agency in 2024

Tamilore Oladipo

Starting a business is a significant and bold move, and for many social media marketers, it’s the logical next step after gaining experience in the industry.

So what does it take to start a social media marketing agency and grow it successfully? From understanding which platforms you want to work with to standing out and finding your first client, there are many things you need to understand before starting your own business.

This guide will take you through all the necessary steps to starting a successful agency – from building a solid foundation and packaging your services to winning clients. Combined with our research, we asked several people with experience or an extensive background with social media about starting a social media marketing agency, and this is what they had to say.

Choose a niche

The more focused your niche is, the more tailored your potential audience will be. A niche can be focused on a particular industry (entertainment, beauty, tech) or a specific platform like Instagram or TikTok. It just needs to bring in enough new clients to maintain or grow your revenue.

A big part of creating a successful social media marketing agency (i.e., having a steady roster of clients and inflow of revenue) is presenting yourself properly online.

Richard Barker is a former social media agency owner who now runs marketing at Clarion Security Systems. He asks you to consider, “Are you a LinkedIn specialist or TikTok? What type of audience do you want to speak to?"

This question is critical as you go through your clients' content ideation and creation process. Richard says, “Depending on if you want to specialize on one platform or across them all, you need to ensure that your channels are producing great content that gets engagement.”

You’ll also need to determine a niche to avoid multitasking, especially if you’re starting solo or with a small team. Doing too much for too many types of industries and platforms can be overwhelming and cause you to burn out as quickly as you begin.

Jason White , a social media industry expert and CEO of the gardening information platform All About Gardening , has some great advice about picking a niche. He advises, “Start by mastering one platform when building a social media marketing agency. Identify your niche and choose the best social media platform to reach them.”

Remember that each platform has its own rules and dynamics that you will need to master first. What works well on Instagram might not work so well on Facebook, so your marketing strategies will need to be tailor-made for each platform.

Picking a niche can be very beneficial – here are some reasons to consider yours extra-closely

  • Building expertise in a certain niche to the point where clients come to you for your knowledge.
  • Expertise also lends itself to better pricing – clients will pay for your knowledge and experience if you can show that you have it.
  • Lots of competition means that picking a niche can help you focus on standing out with a certain type of client at a certain level. For example, you may choose to serve influencers, small businesses, or big corporations. Of course, different clients will bring in different revenue levels, but you can find immense success if you focus on serving your audience well.

Determine the services (and pricing) you want to offer

Closely followed by picking a niche is choosing your services and pricing. Social media marketing is varied, and there are many services you will and won’t be able to offer.

Some of the things social media marketing agencies might offer include:

  • Social media strategy
  • Account creation, branding, and growth
  • Social media and community management
  • Content creation: Copywriting, Graphic design, Platform-specific content (IG Reels, TikToks, 140-character Tweets)
  • Content publishing
  • Research and analysis
  • Social media consulting

You might be able to offer graphic design and social media copy but not account creation and growth. Some clients might want detailed reporting, while others might handle that. You might publish content but not respond to comments. You can take a roster of services you’re qualified to handle clients and give them value for their money.

Two things cannot be understated – the value of a well-defined process and how to price. Anna Sullivan , founder of The Creative Exchange , a content creation agency, shared that not having them might harm your agency in the long run.

Don’t undersell yourself – if you are looking to build an agency charge accordingly for your expertise. - Richard Barker

You may not know what models you want to use immediately, but with time, you'll figure out whether your business thrives on an hourly rate, project-based pricing or if it works better to use a retainer model.

Determine your unique selling points and prepare a business plan

When starting a social media marketing agency, studying and understanding the market is important. Many agencies will offer different services similar to yours. So understanding the market is vital to determine what your audience wants and what your unique selling points will be.

Roy Morejon , the co-founder of Enventys Partners – a full-service product launch company – says, “I also highly recommend finding a differentiator that sets your business apart from the others.” You’re competing with not just the local social media marketing agencies but possibly worldwide too. He adds, “It's okay if you do not have a differentiator from the start, but it will be harder to succeed until you do find one.”

Once you’ve determined what your unique selling points will be (growing TikTok accounts like Kozen Creative or creating visual content for Instagram), you’ll need a business plan. While you may not be hunting down investors or convincing a top CMO to make a move to your company just yet, a business plan will be a good model to guide your decision-making as a business owner.

“An agency cannot be made possible without intensive financial planning . The most fundamental step requires computing the total set-up and base costs in running your agency. This advice may sound simple, but you have to look into many financial elements to ensure that you start your business the right way,” advises Allan Stolc , founder and CEO of Bankly , a loan finder platform.

Lilia Tovbin , founder and CEO of Big Mailer – an email marketing agency – adds, “Social media marketing entrepreneurs aren't quite a startup and might not have enough venture-backed capital at the initial stage of their careers. However, they can still be competitive by bootstrapping their businesses. This means they can use affordable and effective tools to maximize their resources without shelling out a large amount of money."

Start pitching clients

Once you’ve determined your niche, work on finding the clients that fit your requirements and build mutually beneficial relationships with them. Consider creating an ideal customer profile, which in tandem with your chosen niche, can help you figure out who you can and can’t work with.

For people just getting started, Eric Ridenour, marketing consultant at Strategus , a programmatic ad agency, recommends contacting a charity and volunteering to manage their social media. He says, “Volunteering for an organization you agree with has several benefits. First, if you are looking at setting up a culture and brand values behind your new business, supporting a nonprofit is a great way to do this. You gain experience and can list them as a client.”

Eric also adds that oftentimes, a nonprofit will have no problem with you using them for a case study and more, especially if the work you provide is high-quality. In addition, many organizations have teams and some policies in place, so you can learn how organizations work.

For those with experience, a good way to find clients is to go on freelancing sites and social media to look for clients, particularly those looking for long-term partnerships.

Johannes Larsson , a digital marketing expert shares, “Go above their expectations to produce the results they need, and express your desire to continue working together. The ideal outcome is to build a client base that you like working with, represents your skills well, and is happy to partner with you for the long term.”

business plan for media management

Remember that your previous work (along with its performance analytics) is the best way to grab a potential client’s attention. You’ll need to grow and gather your experience in a portfolio to get better responses from the clients you are pitching to.

Go above their expectations to produce the results they need, and express your desire to continue working together. The ideal outcome is to build a client base that you like working with, represents your skills well, and is happy to partner with you for the long term - Johannes Larsson

Track your progress in a portfolio and turn it into social proof

Building a strong portfolio that leverages your services as a marketing expert is a crucial starting point in establishing yourself as a social media marketing agency. Highlight your credentials (and those of your team members), relevant experiences, and past clients to show potential customers that you are an expert in what you do. Let your portfolio do the sales talk.

Why is a portfolio so important? As Brogan Renshaw, marketing expert and Director at Modelers Central , a model ship manufacturer, says, “Establishing a strong portfolio answers the question of why customers should pick you even if you are only starting out as a social media marketing expert.” To actively build a portfolio, you need to:

  • Add documenting your successful projects to your workflow so you never forget
  • Showcase high-performing marketing campaigns and accompanying testimonials on your website as you go
  • Quantify your actions and what results they had for your clients i.e., X campaign achieved Y percent of growth for my previous clients. Blake Smith , marketing consultant says, “Analytics that show the return of investment of your work are integral to client retention.”
  • Encourage satisfied clients to leave feedback on your page to bring authenticity to your brand.

A social media presence that reflects your brand and expertise is also important – this is easier than waiting for your first client to come knocking.

To quote Richard Barker again, “No potential client wants to look at your social channels and see that your last post was over a year ago. They come to gain help as they want someone who lives on social media, understands, and can get engagement and selling from it.”

For example, marketing agency Truffle Social ’s TikTok account is at nearly 28,000 followers, and their Instagram at over 14,000 followers. The agency’s social media content and accounts are a great way to showcase their skill sets to potential clients – and make it more likely for them to sign a retainer with you.

@trufflesocial The best decision I ever made #socialmediaagency #socialmedia #agencylife #officelife #socialmediamarketing #thejourney ♬ The Spins X The Other Side x Kids - darcy 🦦

Your clients can also act as social proof for you, especially if you refine everything from their onboarding to your workflow to impressive standards.

Tim Hill, CEO of Social Status , a social media analytics platform, says, “When business owners find great value and benefits in the social media marketing services you offer, they can become your first brand ambassadors. Encourage them to mention your brand on their social media, post comments, like your posts, and follow you on your social media page. By doing so, you’ll establish good long-term business relationships.”

Doing good work for your clients creates a cycle of return business that can sustain your agency and help it grow. Focus on creating and delivering quality work on your own and your clients' platforms as the ultimate proof of your expertise. This encourages people to share your work by word-of-mouth and make referrals, eventually slowing down your need to hunt down clients to sell your service to and creating an automatic funnel for your target audience.

Grow your agency at a slow and steady pace and find community

Building a social media marketing agency is one thing, and growing it is another entirely. From developing a deep understanding of how to run a company to operating different social media channels and accounts, you’ll need to keep an eye on many things past the initial development stages. That’s why slow, steady growth is essential.

Your work and delivery quality should be great enough to speak for itself so that you don’t have to run around pitching clients. Returning to Richard Barker’s advice, he says, “Make sure you deliver – lead generation and new business is essential for an agency, but don’t forget about your existing customers – always make sure you deliver what you said you would. Referrals are potentially the lifeblood of your business.”

Communities can be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs. Find and connect with a community of people doing the same thing as you. For example, marketing-focused communities like Online Geniuses and Demand Curve can be super valuable for connecting with other marketers on a similar journey.

In a final confirmation of the power of a community, The Creative Exchange ’s Anna Sullivan says, “Have the right people in your corner, as people to help do the work or be a mentor. There will be so much that will come your way that you won't know how to handle - everything feels like a unique situation, but having the right people to help will make it so much easier.”

👨‍💻The best part of building your own social media marketing agency is all the great social media management tools available to support your growth – and Buffer’s on top of that list.

More than 12,000 agencies use Buffer to manage social for their clients, handling everything from ideation to social media scheduling – join them on our Agency plan for easy account management.

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The Expert Guide to Creating a Social Media Plan [+Template]

The Expert Guide to Creating a Social Media Plan [+Template]

Written by: Raja Mandal

The Expert's Guide to Creating a Social Media Plan [+Template]

But with so many social media platforms available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. This is why having a solid social media plan is essential.

However, creating a social media plan from scratch can be time-consuming and frustrating. That’s why we’ve created a social media plan template to guide you through the process and make it easier for you to create an effective plan for your business.

Whether you’re a seasoned social media marketer or just starting, you’ll learn how to prioritize your efforts, create a content strategy and measure your success. We will also cover all the critical aspects of customizing your template.

Table of Contents

What is a social media plan template, why do you need a social media plan template, how to get the most out of your social media plan template, 3 tips to follow after launching your social media plan.

  • A social media plan is a detailed blueprint for building and managing your company’s social media presence and achieving set goals.
  • Using a social media plan template saves you hours of work and helps you stay consistent with your branding and other activities
  • To make the most of your social media plan, you’ll need to set SMART goals, figure out your target audience profile, select the right social media channels and content type. Using a content calendar helps you automate your social media activities and keep things on track
  • After launching your social media plan, measure key metrics and KPIs to see what’s working or not working.
  • Conduct a competitor analysis to see what social networks they use, content types they post most frequently, how they engage with their audience, the keywords they rank for and more.
  • Your social media plan should not be set in stone. Prioritize auditing and optimizing your own social media plan. Doing that will help you track your performance, identify areas for improvement and where to focus your efforts next.
  • Visme has everything you need to supercharge your social media plan. You can create an effective social media plan, content calendar, competitive analysis as well as graphics for all of your social media channels.

A social media plan template is a document that guides you through the process of creating your own social media plan. It helps you to focus on your goals, identify the right audiences and set clear objectives for your marketing campaign .

The template provides pre-made sections to fill in with your own information. It also includes instructions on how to create a successful social media campaign.

A social media plan template can be used by anyone who wants to boost their brand awareness online through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Social Media Plan vs Social Media Strategy

Though these two terms are often used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings. A social media plan is a detailed document that lays out all of the steps you need to take to implement your social media strategy. It includes tasks, timelines and budgets for each step of the process.

For example, a social media plan might include tasks like creating a brand strategy , researching your target audience and developing content. It will also include timelines for when each task should be completed.

But the social media strategy will include how you will reach these targets. For example, the strategy will consist of how to create content that engages your audience and how you plan to measure success. It will also explain what type of content should be posted and when it should be published.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

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Social media is a fast-moving environment, and getting caught up in the day-to-day tasks of posting content on your page is easy. But with a plan, you may get the most out of your efforts.

And a social media plan template will ensure you have all the information you need to create an effective plan. Let's discuss further why you need a social media plan template.

Save Hours of Work

Social media can be a fun and creative way to engage with your audience. But when you're just starting, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of posting content on your page. Without a plan, you may end up spending hours working on social media — but not seeing any results.

A template will ensure you have all the information needed to create an effective plan. So, you can spend more time creating content and engaging with your audience than just figuring out what to do.

Set Clear Social Media Goals

A social media plan template is one of the best tools for setting clear goals for your social media presence . When you know what you want to achieve by creating a social media plan, you can set realistic goals that will help you measure the success of your efforts. Whether it's increasing brand awareness or growing sales through social media, clear goals will help you create content with intent.

Read this article about creating SMART goals to set and accomplish your goals faster. Additionally, you can use the infographic template below.

Smart Goals Infographic

Stay Consistent with Your Activities

The best way to build your brand's social media presence is by staying consistent. If you post once a week, then do it every week. If you post twice per day, then stick with that schedule. Consistency will help establish trust with your followers and keep them coming back for more content from your business.

A social media plan template will help you stay on track by giving you a place to keep all your content ideas and the schedule for posting them. When you create a plan with your team, you'll know what to do and when to do it.

Keep Your Branding Consistent

Consistency is essential when it comes to branding. You should always use the same voice on social media, whether posting about products or services. When you create a social media plan, you'll have a place to keep all your brand guidelines and messaging so that your team can reference them whenever they need help staying consistent with your brand voice .

But creating content while keeping your branding assets in mind is not a skill everyone possesses—especially non-designers. Visme's brand design tool can help you deal with this.

Create and save all your branding materials, such as your logo , brand fonts , brand colors and everything else, in Visme. Whenever you or anyone from your team opens Visme to create anything, Visme's brand wizard will help you automatically apply these assets to your design.

Watch this video to learn how to set up your brand identity kit in Visme.

business plan for media management

The social media plan template is a powerful tool to help you create and execute a strategy to achieve your goals. But to be effective, you need to know how to customize the template to align with your brand.

We will provide tips to help you get the most out of your social media plan template.

Define Your Social Media Goals

Starting social media without knowing your goals is like going on a trip without knowing the destination. You may end up lost in the middle of nowhere, wondering if your efforts are even worth it. Before creating your social media plan, define your primary goals and how these goals will help you achieve your overall business objective.

Look how specifically the social media goals are defined in the template below.

Social Media Marketing Plan

There are many ways to set goals for your social media presence, but one of the best ways is by creating a SMART goal. This stands for specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound.

If you struggle to set and reach goals, use Visme's SMART goal-setting templates .

Here is an example template for you.

Printable SMART Goals Worksheet

Create Target Audience Profile

Social media is not just a tool to get your message out there and hope it sticks. You need to know who you are targeting, where they hang out and what they enjoy to ensure your content is relevant to them.

The next step is to include the target audience in your social media plan.

A target audience profile is a description of who your ideal customer is. It includes demographic information about age, gender, income level and location and psychographic information about interests and personality traits.

Look at the target audience section of this social media plan template. It's well-researched and perfectly explained.

Social Media Marketing Plan

To create your own, edit the data widgets in this template and replace them with your own findings. Visme's comes with 30+ data visualization tools such as progress bars, redial gauges, population arrays and more. If you need to visualize more extensive data sets than this, you can use Visme's charts and graphs templates .

You can also use Visme's customer persona templates to capture these details and create an ideal customer persona for your business.

Below is a video about creating a user persona that you can watch to learn more.

business plan for media management

Choose the Right Social Media Channels

Choosing the right social media channels for your business can make all the difference between success and failure. It's crucial to select the channels that are most relevant to your target audience. For example, if you're selling consumer goods, you will get little traction on LinkedIn or Twitter. But if you are in the B2B space, LinkedIn can be your ultimate game changer.

Here is an infographic template that you can use to compare each platform and decide which one works best for your business.

Social Media Comparison Infographic

You can now use this section of the template to plan your social media channels and tactics.

Social Media Marketing Plan

Decide on Your Social Media Content Type

Engaging your target audience is the primary goal that brought you this far. And you may already know what will help you do that—creating content that will make the audience stop scrolling and engage with your posts.

So, what are the most common types of social media content ? Here's a list you can use as a guide:

  • Social advertising (paid and organic)

However, creating content for social media can be challenging, especially if you're a small business owner or a busy marketer who only has a little time.

Keeping this in mind, Visme features hundreds of templates to create eye-catching social media content for every business type and size. With Visme, you can create infographics , Facebook posts , Instagram stories , LinkedIn posts and even videos like explainer videos , video testimonials , product videos and many more.

Create stunning social media graphics

  • Present social media graphic dimensions
  • Create and resize content quickly and easily
  • Engage your audience through visuals

business plan for media management

Below is a video guide that will provide tips for creating social media graphics.

business plan for media management

Create a Social Media Content Calendar

Creating a social media content calendar is essential for any business that wants to establish itself as an authority in its industry. A content calendar lays out the themes and topics you plan on sharing over a month or quarter so you don't have to scramble at the last minute.

And, what can be better when you can create content, post schedule and publish from one place? With the Visme social media content calendar , you can create a customized calendar with all your posts planned out in advance. Each post can be scheduled for any date in the future and sent directly to your social media accounts.

This will save you time because you won't have to log into each platform separately to publish your content—they'll all be done from one place!

This video will show you how to automate your social media activities right inside the Visme editor.

business plan for media management

Collaborate with Your Team to Optimize Your Social Media Plan

A social media plan template can be an excellent tool for keeping track of your goals, objectives and strategies for each channel. However, it's important to know that a template is different from a finished plan.

The key is to use the template as a starting point and then adjust it to meet your needs. So, if you have a social media team, it would be better to include everyone in the process of editing the template.

However, bringing everyone's thoughts and ideas together to create a social media plan is no easy feat. Visme's collaborative design features help you overcome these challenges and make collaboration easy and fun.

Invite your team members via email or by sharing a link generated from Visme. When one person makes a change on their end, it's automatically updated for everyone else as well.

Read this article to learn how to do collaborative design right in Visme, or watch the video below to see this in action.

business plan for media management

Creating a social media plan is only half the job. Once you've created your plan and are ready to launch it into action, there are a few more things you should do.

Here are three tips you should follow after launching your social media plan.

1. Measure Your Social Media Progress

Once you've launched your social media plan, it's time to start measuring how well it's working. You can track various KPIs, such as total followers, likes and shares over time. This will help you see which posts are performing well and which need more work.

Here is an infographic showing the 15 KPIs you should track to measure your social media performance.

15 Social Media KPIs You Should Track Infographic

You can conduct a social media audit to understand your current social media presence. This will help you see where your brand is currently standing and what changes need to be made.

If you have an existing social media presence and want to create a new plan, you should measure how well it works.

Use this social media audit report template to record your findings and present the information to your team.

business plan for media management

RELATED: How to Create a Social Media Report in 2023 (+ Templates)

2. Observe and Analyze Your Competitors

Social media is highly competitive. A recent study found that 91.9% of marketers in companies with more than 100 employees use social media. So paying attention to your competitors' actions is important. As you track and measure your own performance, keep an eye out for any changes in theirs.

You can also conduct competitor analysis by looking at their social media accounts and seeing what types of content they post most frequently. Here is a worksheet template that you can use to analyze multiple competitors.

Competitor Analysis Worksheet

3. Adjust the Social Media Plan Accordingly

Once you've audited your own social media and identified areas for improvement, it's time to make the necessary changes. For example, if your competitors post more frequently than you do, consider increasing the amount of content you publish on each channel.

You might also decide to change up the types of posts that get shared most often—this could be photos or videos, depending on what kind of content performs best for your brand.

Customize Your Next Social Media Plan Template with Visme

Creating a social media plan is a great way to stay on top of your brand's marketing efforts and see how they fit into your business goals. But if you're a business owner or a marketing professional, you may be pressed for time to create a detailed plan from scratch.

Instead of wasting hours researching and writing a plan that may not apply to your business, consider using Visme to create one in a few minutes. The drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to customize all of the elements of our social media plan template so that it fits your brand's unique needs—from goals and objectives to action steps and KPIs.

Sign-up for Visme to create your next social media plan and all the graphics you need to improve your brand's social media presence.

Put together effective social media plan and drive better engagement using Visme

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business plan for media management

About the Author

Raja Antony Mandal is a Content Writer at Visme. He can quickly adapt to different writing styles, possess strong research skills, and know SEO fundamentals. Raja wants to share valuable information with his audience by telling captivating stories in his articles. He wants to travel and party a lot on the weekends, but his guitar, drum set, and volleyball court don’t let him.

business plan for media management

Business growth

Marketing tips

How to create a social media strategy (with template)

Hero image with an icon of a person (profile)

I've been in the social media game for years now, and despite the vile cesspool of nonsense on social, there are plenty of decent people looking for what we marketers are offering. But you need to know what you're offering.

To make the process easier, I developed this downloadable social media strategy template. Read on for details on how to fill it out.

How to create a social media strategy:

What is a social media marketing strategy? 

A social media marketing strategy is a game plan for using social media platforms to promote your offerings and stand out in an oversaturated digital market. It's not just a five-minute whiteboard drawing; it's a comprehensive document detailing how you'll use social media to achieve your business objectives.

Here are three questions to ask yourself when you're getting started, which you'll want to comprehensively answer in your strategy:

What are your goals? Your social endeavors should tie back to your business objectives. Be it driving sales, boosting engagement, or elevating brand visibility—know what you want to get out of it.

Who's your audience? Understand who you're talking to. Tailor your content to resonate with the people you want to reach, ensuring your messages aren't just broadcasted but effectively land.

What's the competition up to? Take a look at your rivals. Learn from their hits and misses, then carve your unique path. Inspiration is good; plagiarism isn't.

Remember, the purpose of this strategy is to guide your online endeavors so that every post, every comment, and every share has a purpose behind it.

Benefits of a social media strategy

Having a strategy for your social media isn't about cramping creativity but rather channeling it effectively. Setting a clear direction ensures that your online efforts lead to tangible business benefits:

Increase sales: When done right, your social media content should funnel people to your website or store. Then, you can use more middle- and bottom-funnel content to turn those visitors into paying customers.

Boost engagement: Strategic content isn't just seen; it's interacted with. And that doesn't just mean more likes. We're talking real engagement, like shares, comments, and conversations. That's what really builds brand awareness and fosters trust within your audience.

Track preferences: Predetermined metrics like reach, engagement, conversion rates, and ROI provide awesome insights into what types of content are and aren't effective, so you can take that content and scale it beyond social media.

Build communities: Your brand isn't just about selling; it's about connecting. A well-honed strategy helps cultivate spaces where enthusiasts can rally around what you offer and get the word out to others.

Gather feedback: Your digital communities also become treasure troves of insights. They're your direct line to what customers adore, desire, or would change.

Support cross-functional efforts: A cohesive social media strategy amplifies other departments' efforts, whether announcing a product launch, amplifying a PR campaign, or driving attendance to a corporate event.

How to create a social media marketing strategy

I've run quite a few social media campaigns for my personal brand as well as different businesses I've worked for. Each one had different goals, which is to be expected. But regardless of your end goal, you can use the same big ideas to formulate your social media marketing strategy.

1. Establish a clear purpose

I can't tell you how many social media managers I've seen just throw as many things at the wall as possible and hope something sticks: giveaways that get short-term engagement, services that guarantee followers and likes, or jumping on whatever the most recent bandwagon is. What these lack is a clear purpose. 

Within three months, increase website traffic by 15% and online sales by 10% by implementing effective call-to-action (CTA) strategies and conversion tracking on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter).

Within 12 months, identify and hire at least 50 brand advocates who consistently share our content and refer new customers through the implementation of a brand advocacy program.

When you have an overarching purpose, the rest of the strategy planning is simple. It also makes it easy to adjust your social media strategy as you go without losing sight of your long-term goals. Each time you make a social media decision, ask yourself: does this align with the purpose? Yes? Keep it. If not, get rid of it.

2. Understand your target audience

From there, orient each part of your strategy—from which platform you post on and when to what metrics you're trying to hit—toward that target audience. 

Aim to create a strategy that answers all of these questions:

Is your strategy respectful of your audience's backgrounds and experiences, and what value does it add to their lives?

What are you hoping they take away from your content, and what are they hoping to take away from it?

What existing knowledge do you expect them to come with, and what can you teach them?

3. Research your competitors

As much as we all want to feel like unique, creative geniuses, everything is inspired by something. But don't just copy what your competitors are doing—ask yourself why they're doing it that way and what the thought process is behind it. 

Here are some questions you can consider when filling out the social media strategy template:

Who are your competitors trying to target?

Why is their strategy working?

What social media platforms are they using and why?

What social media platforms aren't they using and why?

How often do they post content to each platform?

Are they replying to comments?

What is the ratio of posts trying to sell something compared to fun, interesting, or educational content?

Look for gaps and opportunities that your competitors—whether they're crushing it on social or not—aren't taking advantage of. What are they missing that you think your target customers would enjoy?

Let's say you're a vegan restaurant and other vegan joints only post images of their food. They may have plenty of followers, likes, and sales, but you know you can do more. You can post behind-the-scenes videos, recipe tutorials, and images of your clientele with rich anecdotes as captions, Humans of New York style, to show your audience you're more than a menu.

4. Research your audience

Outlining a social media strategy without doing audience research first is like going out of your way to get your friend an iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso when they hate oat milk, brown sugar, and turns out they drink tea. But unlike your pal, your audience won't just smile and say thanks—they'll keep scrolling.

You need to know what type of content your audience likes, so you don't leave them scrolling for something better. Take these steps to get to know your audience:

Analyze engagement metrics: Look at posts from your account and your competitors' accounts that get the most engagement. What topics resonate the most? Do they prefer short, funny videos? Or educational deep dives?

Segment your audience: Not all of your followers are the same, so you'll want to divide them into groups based on their behaviors or preferences, like followers who engage more with your trending content rather than business updates. This can help you more precisely target your audience rather than trying to appease everyone with broad messaging.

5. Choose the right social media channels

A table showing the different social media platforms, their audience demographics, ideal content types, and what their audience is looking for content-wise

Make sure the social platforms you choose are right for your brand. Consider some of the following questions:

Does the platform host your target audience?

Is it working for your competition?

If it's not working for the competition, is it because your target audience isn't there or because competitors are doing something wrong?

Does it fit well with the content you plan on making?

Is it worth your time and effort to create content for it?

Once you've chosen the social media platforms you plan to use, check out these channel-specific guides for more detailed strategy tips:

6. Determine your KPIs

So, what exactly does social media "success" look like? Bringing in more business, sure, but that's a little vague. You want to see that your social media strategy is hitting smaller goals along the way. To gauge how your strategy is paying off, define some quantifiable key performance indicators, or KPIs. 

Here are some examples.

How many people saw your post

1,000 unique users per post

How many people liked your post

100 likes per post

How many people shared your post

20 shares per post

How many people left comments on your post

Get 15% more comments 

Total engagements (likes, shares, and comments) on your post

Boost engagement by 10% 

How many people click your link

Average 40% CTR per post

How much of your video people watched

Average view duration of 20% per video

How many people converted after engaging with your post

25% of website sales originate from social media

You need to please the social media algorithms in order to get your content promoted organically, and the algorithms care about engagement. Social media engagement, like shares, comments, and likes directly impact every other KPI due to how the algorithms work, so engagement should be your main focus.

7. Conduct a social media audit

As marketers, analytics are our bread and butter (if you're wondering why you're salivating right about now). A social media audit highlights the data behind your efforts. 

It's probably a good idea to audit your accounts before embarking on a campaign to get a sense of where you're starting off. But most importantly, perform an audit after each campaign to ensure your strategy is paying off. 

Other than your KPIs, here are some things to track when you audit yourself:

What types of content you're posting and on which platforms

How much engagement each post received

How many followers you have (or gained/lost)

Any positive or negative comments

Whether you're reaching your target audience or not

8. Perfect your publishing cadence

If you send me an email at 5 p.m. on a Friday, you can expect a response Monday morning at the earliest . And if you spam me with 11 messages that definitely could've been consolidated into one, there's a chance they're all going in the trash.

The same goes for your social media strategy. When and how often you post can make a big difference in how your content performs.

Here's how to figure out a publishing cadence that works best for your brand:

Analyze peak times: Use analytics tools within social platforms or external tools like HubSpot or Later to find the days and times your audience is most active. Remember, time zones and holidays can affect engagement.

Prioritize quality over quantity: It's better to post high-quality content a couple of times per week than bad content every five minutes.

Test and learn: Conduct A/B tests by posting at various times and days of the week, and monitor engagement to see which posting times perform the best.

Plan ahead with a content calendar: Use a social media scheduling tool to plan your content in advance. Look for a tool that lets you schedule posts and view and adjust how your feed will look.

Stay on top of trends: You have to be able to adjust to changes like trending topics or news that's relevant to your brand. Hold space in your content calendar to create trending content.

Bonus: Get inspired by these 6 examples

Here are some examples of how real-life social campaigns knocked it out of the park. Each one has a clear strategy behind it (which I've teased out based on the campaign itself).

1. Olivia Rodrigo #ShotoniPhone15Pro campaign

Apple wanted to flaunt the iPhone's camera capabilities and knew it had to resonate with the younger demographic obsessed with photography and music. Enter Olivia Rodrigo—a contemporary musical sensation. Through their collaboration, Apple seamlessly blended tech and pop culture, using platforms like YouTube, where both visuals and melodies reign supreme. This helped showcase Apple's camera and Olivia's music while also boosting brand recognition among younger demographics.

Audience: Tech-savvy and pop culture-conscious Gen Z users 

Goal: Increase awareness of the iPhone 15 and its advanced camera capabilities

Tactics: Celebrity partnerships; high-quality videography and photography

Twitter screenshot of Olivia Rodrigo's #ShotoniPhone15Pro campaign

2. Marcus Theatres

Audience: Gen Z and Millennial TikTok aficionados

Goal: Build brand loyalty and resonate with the TikTok community

Tactics: CEO-led TikTok videos; tapping into trending sounds

TikTok video screenshot of CEO Greg chatting with customers at Marcus Theatres

Audience: Tech and Zapier enthusiasts

Goal: Generate buzz for an upcoming product and reinforce brand community

Tactics: Interactive teasers; encouraging audience predictions

Screenshot of a Zapier Instagram post generating buzz for an upcoming product and reinforce brand community

4. Poppin Candy

In a sweet twist, Poppin Candy turned to its followers for new candy concoctions. Instead of guessing what their audience might want, they went straight to the source. By letting followers have a say, they're boosting engagement and making sure their treats hit the sweet spot every time.

Audience: Sweet-toothed fans and creative candy connoisseurs

Goal: Enhance engagement and customer connection to the brand

Tactics: Audience-driven candy mix challenges; crowdsourcing flavor ideas

business plan for media management

Audience: Kids, teens, and those with nostalgic connection to Barbie

Goal: Promote the Barbie movie and its doll catalog

Tactics: Brand collabs; capitalizing on viral TikTok trends

business plan for media management

6. Starbucks

Starbucks knows a thing or two about creating a buzz. Their September ThursYays BOGO on fall drinks was all over social media. And if the long lines post-noon on Thursdays are any indication, their cups—and registers—were overflowing.

Audience: Fall flavor fans and deal hunters

Goal: Drive up sales and increase word-of-mouth promotion of fall flavor release

Tactics: Limited-time deals; heavy promotion of seasonal specials

Screenshot of Starbucks September Thursyays

How to get the most out of our social media strategy template

A snippet of the social media strategy template that can be downloaded via the button below

This article was originally published in November 2020 by Tierney Mosier. The most recent update, with contributions from Michael Kern, was in October 2023.

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Chris Boutté   picture

Chris Boutté

Chris is a Las Vegas local and has years of experience in content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing. He is also an author, YouTube influencer, podcast host, and committed advocate for mental health.

  • Social media

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Social Media Marketing Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Social Media Marketing Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Social Media Marketing business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Social Media Marketing businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Social Media Marketing business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

The Blizzard Social Media Marketing business is a startup social media marketing company located in Stamford, Connecticut. The company is founded by Trace Parker, who has a history of a decade within the social media marketing industry Now, with the expertise of knowledge and business acumen, Trace has determined he can confidently start and effectively grow a successful social media marketing company. Trace believes his experience of strategic growth, marketing skills, financial capabilities, and wide and deep knowledge of social media marketing practices will provide everything needed for long-term growth and profitability.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will provide a comprehensive array of services for a wide variety of clients. Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be the premier social media marketing company, providing unique services to each client while supporting the strategic goals of the company. Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be the ultimate choice in social media marketing for clients by ensuring that every need of the customer is fully and completely met.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Blizzard Social Media Marketing will provide:

  • Creative social media marketing strategies, customized for each client
  • Content management and on-going management
  • Social media community engagement with daily/weekly management options
  • Paid social advertising opportunities
  • Performance reports and analytics: weekly reports to clients
  • Unique, digitally-designed program that scans 24-hours daily, monitoring positive and negative customer feedback.

Customer Focus

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will primarily target the small to medium-sized social media marketing companies in Stamford. The company will secondarily target the large-sized social media companies in the greater region around Stamford, including the outer areas of New York City. Blizzard Social Media Marketing will target marketing companies that are emerging into the social media category, as well.

Management Team

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be owned and operated by Trace Parker, who graduated from the University of Connecticut with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. He has been working at a local social media marketing company for over a decade as an account executive. As he considered starting his own company, Trace began successfully securing former clients who will follow him to Blizzard Social Media Marketing when the company fully launches. Trace believes his experience of strategic growth, marketing skills, financial capabilities, and wide and deep knowledge of social media marketing practices will provide everything needed for long-term growth and profitability.

Trace Parker recruited Angela Turner, a former business associate, to be the Administrative Manager in the new company. In this role, Angela Turner will oversee and direct staff members in the execution of the company vision, as well as run the operational portion of the technical department.

Trace Parker also recruited Anthony Collins to be the Financial Manager, overseeing the bookkeeping and accounting duties on a regular basis. Anthony Collins formerly served as the accountant for their former employer and was exemplary in handling complicated portions of this role.

Maryann Critcher has been recruited to manage the office clerks and serve as the Personnel Manager, overseeing all personnel with human resource responsibilities and management included in her role.

Success Factors

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly-qualified team of Blizzard Social Media Marketing
  • Comprehensive menu of services and an accurate and complete social media management report offered to the client every month.
  • Short and long-term growth forecasts via various social media programs best suited to the clients
  • Experienced understanding of client-positioning within social media markets
  • Unique, digitally-designed program that scans 24-hours daily, monitoring positive and negative client feedback.
  • Blizzard Social Media Marketing offers the best pricing in town. Their pricing structure is the most cost effective compared to the competition.

Financial Highlights

Blizzard Social Media Marketing is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its Blizzard Social Media Marketing. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the office space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the print ads and marketing costs. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office space build-out: $20,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $10,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph outlines the financial projections for Blizzard Social Media Marketing.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing Pro Forma Projections

Company Overview

Who is blizzard social media marketing.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing is a newly established, full-service social media marketing company in Stamford, Connecticut. Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be the most reliable, cost-effective, and efficient choice for social media clients in the city and the surrounding communities. Blizzard Social Media Marketing will provide a comprehensive menu of services backed by extensive experience for any client to fully utilize. Their full-service approach includes a comprehensive coverage package of social media advertising, platform management and new vision development.

  Trace Parker will be able to manage each of his team members, who are highly qualified and experienced in the most important aspects of social media marketing. Blizzard Social Media Marketing removes all headaches and issues of building a long-term growth perspective for social media companies and ensures all issues are taken care of expeditiously while delivering the best customer service.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing History

Blizzard Social Media Marketing is owned and operated by Trace Parker. As a former social media marketing executive for several years, he developed a unique capability to design and implement social media marketing successes that clearly reflect his skills and abilities. He has managed over one hundred successful projects for fifty nine clients and has now determined he is ready to take his professional skills and knowledge to venture out on his own by starting his own company. Trace Parker has gained the trust and commitment of several clients in advance of opening his business and will sign contracts with each when the company launches.

Since incorporation, Blizzard Social Media Marketing has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Blizzard Social Media Marketing, LLC to transact business in the state of Connecticut.
  • Has a contract in place for a 10,000 square foot office at one of the midtown buildings
  • Reached out to numerous contacts to include Blizzard Social Media Marketing in upcoming advertising and marketing programs.
  • Began recruiting a staff of five and six office personnel to work at Blizzard Social Media Marketing

Blizzard Social Media Marketing Services

The following will be the services Blizzard Social Media Marketing will provide:

  • Unique, digitally-designed program that scans 24-hours daily, monitoring positive and negative customer feedback
  • Superior day to day client management

Industry Analysis

The social media marketing industry is expected to grow over the next five years to over $14 billion.

The growth of the social marketing industry will be driven by very robust activity in acquisition and growth of companies that focus solely on social media marketing. As companies are formed in today’s marketplace, the demand has moved more and more toward the need for social media marketing versus traditional marketing forms, such as print advertising and radio spots. This increase in the use of social media marketing demands companies that specialize in formulating the brand identity and customer approach that brings the performance desired by the client base.

Costs will likely be reduced as more social media marketing companies enter the field of the profession. The positive result will be seen in a greater use of social media, indicating a continual evolution of how social media is utilized in marketing. It will also require new digital techniques, new methods of social media delivery and other yet-to-be-determined equipment to stay on top of the social media marketing curve.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will target companies that currently utilize social media marketing and those that have a need for social media marketing in Stamford, Connecticut and, in the greater region, New York City. They will target small-to-medium sized companies who have not yet acquired social media marketing and they will target large corporations without an effective social media marketing vision or presence.

    Total population1,680,988100%
        20 to 24 years114,8726.8%
        25 to 34 years273,58816.3%
        35 to 44 years235,94614.0%
        45 to 54 years210,25612.5%
        55 to 59 years105,0576.2%
        60 to 64 years87,4845.2%
        65 to 74 years116,8787.0%
        75 to 84 years52,5243.1%

Customer Segmentation

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Companies that currently use social media marketing
  • Companies that have a need for social media marketing in Stamford, Connecticut
  • Potential clients in the greater region of New York City
  • Small-to-medium sized companies who have not yet acquired social media marketing
  • Large corporations without an effective social media marketing presence

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Cutting Edge Social Media

The Cutting Edge Social Media Company was founded by Tina Lockland in 2020. Tina holds a master’s degree in social media design from the Parsons School of Design in New York City and has five years of experience as a social media manager. Cutting Edge Social Media concentrates on paid social advertising, with the creation and management of advertising campaigns. Clients include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The singular purpose of marketing paid social media advertising indicates that Cutting Edge Social Media has backburnered other forms of social media marketing, such as social media promotions and other advertising methods. The company currently has four management staff and five employees. Contract self-employed individuals are also hired to create content.

Marketing Bites

The Marketing Bites business was formed by Alicia Dunstreet in 2022 and currently has three employees. The concept of Marketing Bites is a simple one: social media marketing messages that are extremely brief are developed and sold to a variety of clients. Clients may include those who want a 30-second clip, a 1-minute promotion, or a cartoon caricature as a marketing message. The emphasis of Marketing Bites is on short-fire marketing that captures attention and builds customer loyalty. This is accomplished by humor, shock-and-awe value, or a clip that makes a definitive statement. The company has secured three major clients in the food and beverage industry, with more development in that sector promised in the future.

Executive Marketing, Inc.

Executive Marketing, Inc. has been in business since 1988 and was established by Floyd Wilson and his wife, Sherry Wilson. In its inception, it was a traditional marketing firm that focused on high-profile individuals who represented major manufacturers. The marketing tools used were print advertising, radio spots, news articles related to the clients, select marketing offers, and other personality-related marketing efforts.

As the decades have created the demand for new forms of sales and marketing, the Executive Marketing business has evolved under the leadership of Nan Wilson, the daughter of the founders. She took the company from traditional marketing to marketing that focused on the high-profile clients and the glamorous lives they led, which induced positional purchases by customers in response. In 2019, the granddaughter of the original owners, Mae Townsend, brought the company into social media marketing, where the emphasis remains on individual profiles and the marketing incentives those individuals represent to buyers.

Competitive Advantage

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will offer a unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Highly-qualified team of skilled employees who are able to provide a comprehensive social media marketing program that brings revenue and long-term profitability to their clients
  • Unbeatable pricing for its clients; they will offer the lowest pricing in the city.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Blizzard Social Media Marketing is as follows:

Word of Mouth/Referrals

The executive team at Blizzard Social Media Marketing have built up an extensive list of contacts over the years by providing exceptional service and expertise to their clients. The contacts and clients will follow them to their new company and help spread the word of Blizzard Social Media Marketing.

Professional Associations and Networking

Industry associations and local networking will become a top priority for the team at Blizzard Social Media Marketing. In addition to potentially becoming gold standard clients, the contacts and networking prospects invite the attention of those at Blizzard. Active leadership roles will be attained and the increase in industry contacts will help strengthen the marketing sector overall.

Social Media Marketing

Blizzard will focus primarily on marketing their services and relationship opportunities via social media efforts. There will be a concentrated effort on showcasing the skills, capabilities and creative force in the management team at Blizzard. Further, there will be a demonstrable survey of former and current clients indicating the superior results obtained by using Blizzard social media marketing techniques.

Website/SEO Marketing

Blizzard Social Media Marketing will fully utilize their website. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all the services that Blizzard Social Media Marketing provides. The website will also list their contact information. The website will engage in SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “social media marketing company” or “social media marketing company near me,” Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of Blizzard Social Media Marketing will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive excellent value when purchasing their services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Blizzard Social Media Marketing. Operation Functions:

  • Trace Parker will be the owner and President of the company. He will manage client relations. Trace Parker has spent the past year recruiting the following staff:
  • Angela Turner will be the Administrative Manager, who will oversee and direct staff members in the execution of the company vision, as well as run the operational portion of the technical department.
  • Anthony Collins will be the Financial Manager, overseeing the bookkeeping and accounting duties on a regular basis.
  • Maryann Critcher has been recruited to manage the office clerks and serve as the Personnel Manager, handling human resource responsibilities and management in her role.


Blizzard Social Media Marketing will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.

  • 5/1/202X – Finalize contract to lease office space
  • 5/15/202X – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for Blizzard Social Media Marketing
  • 6/1/202X – Finalize contracts for Blizzard Social Media Marketing clients
  • 6/15/202X – Begin networking at industry events
  • 6/22/202X – Begin moving into Blizzard Social Media Marketing office
  • 7/1/202X – Blizzard Social Media Marketing opens its doors for business

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Blizzard Social Media Marketing are the fees they will charge to clients for their services.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff Blizzard Social Media Marketing. The expenses will be the payroll cost, rent, utilities, office supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of clients Per Month: 20
  • Average revenue per Month: $200,000
  • Office Lease per Year: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Social Media Marketing Business Plan FAQs

What is a social media marketing business plan.

A social media marketing business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your social media marketing business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections. You can easily complete your Social Media Marketing business plan using our Social Media Marketing Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Social Media Marketing Businesses?

There are a number of different kinds of social media marketing businesses, some examples include: Paid Ads, Content, and Strategy.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Social Media Marketing Business Plan?

Social Media Marketing businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Social Media Marketing Business?

Starting a social media marketing business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster. 1. Develop A Social Media Marketing Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed social media marketing business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast. 2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your social media marketing business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your social media marketing business is in compliance with local laws. 3. Register Your Social Media Marketing Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your social media marketing business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your social media marketing business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 7. Acquire Necessary Social Media Marketing Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your social media marketing business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your social media marketing business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

  • Social Media Management
  • Review Management

Social Media Management: Your Ultimate Guide From Planning to Performance

Learn about social media management, its importance, and key activities to boost your brand’s online presence and engagement. This blog covers it all!

Mastering Social Media Management

Social media isn’t just about connecting with friends and staying updated on current events—it’s a powerful tool businesses use to reach wider audiences, build stronger relationships, and achieve their goals.

But without a proper plan of action, the desire to reach the masses remains a dream.

This is where social media management comes into play!

It is the practice of creating, curating, and monitoring a brand’s presence on various social media platforms to help build brand awareness, increase engagement, generate leads, and amplify social media marketing efforts.

In this guide, we will explain social media management, its perks, and how to do it properly to leave a lasting impression on your consumers.

What is Social Media Management?

Social media management is a process businesses, brands, and individuals use to maintain a strong online presence across multiple platforms to engage with their audience. It involves planning, creating, scheduling, analyzing, and interacting with content across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Reddit, and more.

The process also streamlines tasks such as team management, execution of paid social media campaigns, crisis management, and more.

To effectively manage your social media, you require a deep understanding of different social media platforms, your target audience, business priorities, and what type of content resonates with them.

What are the Benefits of Social Media Management?

Image showing benefits of social media management

Social media is transforming at an unprecedented rate, revealing new opportunities and challenges for businesses. With a proper social media management process in place, you can navigate through all challenges and realize every opportunity social media presents for your businesses.

Let’s break down some of the key benefits social media management offers you:

Increased Brand Awareness and Visibility

Brand awareness refers to the level of familiarity your target audience has with you and how well they recognize your brand and products through a name, logo, or distinctive qualities.

Social media management helps you build brand awareness and garner visibility. By regularly posting engaging content, you can reach a broader audience and ensure your brand remains top-of-mind.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty and Relationships

Social media isn’t a one-way road where you just post about your offerings. When you provide value to your audience, they reciprocate by engaging with your brand. This two-way interaction helps you build genuine relationships that last longer.

Social media management empowers you to connect more deeply with your audience by responding to comments and messages. This shows how much you care about your consumers, builds trust, fosters relationships, and creates a sense of belonging.

Lead Generation and Sales Growth

Social media plays a crucial role in lead generation and growing sales by creating content, targeting ads, and engaging with the community.

By consistently creating and sharing valuable content and special offers tailored to the needs of your target audience with captivating call-to-action, you can attract potential customers and nurture them into paying customers.

Improved Customer Service

Social media acts as a real-time communication channel between businesses and customers, making it easier and more convenient to resolve customer inquiries and issues, as well as provide support quickly.

The right social media management enables you to respond to messages and inquiries promptly within a few hours. This improved responsiveness enhances the overall customer experience, fosters loyalty, encourages positive word-of-mouth, and ultimately improves brand reputation and customer retention.

How to Do Social Media Management?

To thrive in social media management, one must be adept in various areas. It’s like orchestrating a symphony, ensuring each section plays in harmony.

From choosing the right platform to analyzing feedback, every aspect is crucial. Here’s a deeper dive into seven essential strategies for effective social media management:

Step 1: Develop a Winning Social Media Strategy

First thing first, you must have a plan of action for social media.

Establishing clear business objectives and planning your social media strategy based on those removes uncertainty and sets a well-defined aim for your team. It allows you to strategically allocate resources for upcoming tasks, ensuring timely completion and maximizing the effectiveness of your social media campaigns.

Here’s how you can get started with your social media strategy:

How to develop a social media strategy

  • Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with social media? Is it to improve awareness, lead generation, boost sales, or build a community? To create a robust strategy and set attainable social media goals , businesses use a S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) goal Framework.
  • Audience research: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your target demographics, interests, and preferred networks is crucial to crafting a tailored content strategy. Business and creator profiles on every social media network provide comprehensive insights. You can use native analytics, Facebook Insights, or Google Analytics or run surveys to collect data about the target audience.
  • Competitive analysis: It’s never a bad idea to analyze your competitors , understand what they’re doing, and use the learnings as a starting point. You can leverage tools like BuzzSumo or Semrush to see what content works for your competitors and how they engage with their followers. Apply these insights to differentiate your approach.

Step 2: Create Social Media Content

Now that you have created your strategy, the next step is to get started with the content strategy.

Creating high-quality content that informs, engages, and entertains your audience is essential to pique their interest and encourage interaction. This ultimately strengthens your brand presence. Here’s how you can create compelling content that resonates with your audience:

  • Develop a Content Calendar: A content calendar can help you organize your posting schedule and maintain consistency, which is the key to keeping your audience engaged.
  • Mix-up Formats: Experiment with various content types, such as text, images, videos, and podcasts, to see what resonates with them. Show your brand’s unique perspective. People connect with genuine voices, so don’t be afraid. You must also keep your brand voice consistent across platforms and content types. Whether it is professional, casual, creative, or friendly, it needs to be consistent across posts.
  • User-Generated Content: UGC, or user-generated content , encourages followers to share their own content or stories about your brand. This not only gives you additional content to share but also helps build community and trust among your audience.
  • Storytelling: A story is like the backbone of a movie; if it falls short, the movie flops. The same goes for marketing content. While creating content, use storytelling to make your posts more impactful and memorable than standard posts. You can share stories about your brand, customer testimonials, or BTS.
  • Visual Appeal: Ensure your content is visually appealing. Use high-quality, royalty-free images and maintain a consistent aesthetic style that aligns with your brand. Tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or Microsoft designer can help create professional-looking graphics without needing extensive design skills.

Step 3: Collaborate With Team

Whether you’re a small business or a large agency, managing social media is a team effort. The lack of alignment within the team impacts the outcome of a task or project.

From strategizing to analyzing outcomes, every step gains momentum with cohesive collaboration. But how do you ensure that every team member is in sync and the collaboration is seamless?

Here are some tips that you can follow:

Prepare a collaboration strategy

Fostering a culture of responsibility is key to successful social media collaboration. Allocating roles to individual team members while creating the strategy keeps everyone posted about their upcoming tasks.

Never assume your team knows their roles; relying on memory isn’t enough. Instead, draft a precise strategy that delineates each person’s responsibilities.

To reduce interdependencies, allocate tasks to team members based on their strengths and expertise. By limiting these dependencies, you boost each member’s efficiency, which naturally leads to heightened team productivity.

The major components of your collaboration plan will broadly include:

  • Assigning roles and delegating task
  • Preparing a crystal clear timeline for each task
  • etting clear expectations
  • Documenting the above three points

Assign roles

The section above leads us to one essential observation: You can’t establish a clear process for everyone unless you have precise roles for all your team members.

Usually, a marketing team that deals with social media has the following people:

  • Social Media Manager: The social media manager ensures everyone collaborates successfully with their team. They also do general research and assign tasks.
  • Content Creator: Content creators receive briefs and use their creative cogs to research and deliver the required content.
  • Community Manager: Community managers take care of the relationships with the community. They’re involved in communications and PR, including events and some customer service. They’re also the ears of your marketing team, using their top-notch interpersonal skills for social listening.
  • Analysts: Analysts will monitor the results of your marketing team’s activities, ensuring that their endeavors are effective. They will provide progress reports with practical insights to reorganize a faulty campaign and plan more successful ones in the future.

Leverage a social media calendar

Working in a team can increase the chances of overlaps and missed opportunities. A shared social media calendar is the glue that binds a team, ensuring everyone’s on the same page, working in harmony towards a unified goal.

Your social media management process requires a calendar that you can use to :

  • Plan for key dates: Be it holidays, product launches, or industry-specific events, planning ensures you’re not missing out on key engagement opportunities.
  • Review and adjust: A dynamic calendar allows for regular reviews. Analyze the performance of past posts and adjust future strategies accordingly.
  • Centralized feedback: Use the calendar as a feedback platform. Team members can leave comments or suggestions on scheduled posts, ensuring content is refined before going live.


If you’re new to using a social media calendar, start with a basic spreadsheet. As you become more accustomed, consider investing in specialized software that offers more features. Also, hold weekly or bi-weekly meetings to review the calendar. Discuss upcoming posts, assign tasks, and gather feedback.

Most importantly, ensure every team member understands the importance of the calendar and how to use it. Regular training sessions can be beneficial.

Step 4: Run Paid Ads

Running social media ads can significantly influence your marketing efforts and business outcomes. If you’re thinking about driving quick results, advertisements can be a good way to go. Start by:

Segmenting your audience: To tailor your ads, create audience segments based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer detailed targeting options.

Allocate budget: Use a tiered approach for budgeting. Start small with ads to test and scale up spending where you are getting good ROI.

A/B testing: Regularly perform A/B tests on your ads, comparing images, headlines, and CTAs to determine which campaigns are performing the best and optimizing accordingly.

Tip Use tools like Google Transparency Center to identify what ads your competitors are running and implement those changes in your ads.

Step 5: Monitor Analytics and Report Your Findings

Tracking the right social media metrics is essential for the success of your social media campaigns and making informed decisions to increase the impact. Here’s how to start:

Set KPIs: Start by establishing KPIs such as follower growth, engagement rate, CTR, conversion rate, and more. You can use tools like SocialPilot and native analytics to help get access to these metrics.

Monitor Monthly reports: Create detailed monthly reports to analyze the effectiveness of your organic content and ads. You can use SocialPilot to track the performance of each of your social media accounts and generate monthly reports to stay updated.


Use these insights to identify what type of content gets the most engagement and the best times to post, and implement these to fine-tune your social media strategy.

Step 6: Use a Social Media Management Tool

Using a social media management tool is not just a smart way, it’s the best way to manage your social media. It empowers you to be creative with your content, saves you time, enables team collaboration, and simplifies social media performance analysis.

The right social media management tool can solve all your social media woes and streamline your entire workflow. There are plenty of options in the market. However, the tool you should look for depends greatly on your business’s requirements, team size, and budget.


Suitable For

Standout Feature

Minimum Pricing

SMBs, Agencies, Multi-Location Brands Bulk scheduling, easy post-customization, and the AI assistant $30/Month
Agency, Small Business, Enterprise Social Media Inbox $69/Month
Professional Teams, Small business, Enterprises Hootsuite Streams for a better overview $149/Month
Freelancer, Small Business, Agency "Link in bio" feature to create landing Pages $60/Month
Small Business, Enterprise, Agencies Advanced Social Listening Tools $249/Month
Small & Medium Businesses, Agencies, Enterprises, Franchises Auto Post with Queues to recycle posts $65/Month
Freelancers, Startup Agencies, Growing Agencies Content curation and publishing $29/Month
Small & Medium Businesses, Agencies, Enterprises, Franchises Comprehensive marketing calendar $29/Month

SocialPilot is one such tool that helps you schedule content, plan campaigns, effortlessly collaborate with teams, and measure performance.

With SocialPilot you can respond to your customer messages from inside the tool. Also, create and schedule reports to regularly track how your content activities are doing.

Step 7: Plan Crisis Management

At last, you should always have a backup plan incase somethings go south.

Draft a crisis communication plan that includes steps for dealing with various types of crises, from product recalls to PR scandals. Identify which spokesperson will speak on behalf of the company and what channels will be used.

Also, track social mentions to see what’s being said about your brand in real-time. This can help you react quickly to mitigate any potential issues.

The Role of a Social Media Manager in Social Media Management

Growing big on social media requires significant effort, diverse skill sets, and the ability to navigate complex challenges. A social media manager has all of these responsibilities.

A social media manager is an essential pillar for successfully managing social media tasks due to their expertise in shaping a brand’s image and presence across various platforms.

Their responsibilities involve strategic planning, execution, and monitoring of all activities with the aim of increasing brand awareness, promoting products or services, and engaging with customers and potential clients.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of the responsibilities required for the role of a Social Media Manager:

Planning and Developing Campaigns

The task of a social media manager starts with conducting thorough market research to understand the target audience and competitors and spot the latest trends.

Based on these, they define clear objectives using the SMART framework, develop a comprehensive campaign strategy , and determine what type of content needs to be published. They also need to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of campaigns.

Overseeing Content Creation

Creating content is the key pillar of the entire structure. You have to brainstorm and generate creative content ideas that highlight your product’s value proposition, align with the content strategy, and resonate with the audience. You also have to oversee the production process to develop high-quality content, including copies and graphics, videos, and creating captivating posts.

Delegate the Tasks

SMM plans campaigns and activities and the path to execute them in a timely manner. They create a content calendar based on the team’s bandwidth, available resources, capabilities, and business goals.

Coordinating with other departments, they align social media activities with overall marketing efforts. Social media managers typically use SocialPilot to synchronize their team and activities, automating scheduling and posting .

Engaging With Customers

Customers are at the center of every business. That’s why every social media manager’s responsibilities include tracking brand mentions and replying to comments, reviews, and messages. Managers improve their products, services, and overall customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) by gathering and analyzing customer feedback and promptly responding to the customers.

Collaborating With the Team

Social media managers regularly collaborate with team members across different departments, such as copywriters, designers, clients, and even influencers, to ensure alignment and on-time delivery of work. Collaboration also allows you to generate new ideas and execute them while on the go.

Sending out Proposals

Sending out proposals is a big part of a social media manager’s role, especially when you’re aiming to onboard new clients, partnerships, or internal project approvals.

You identify the needs and objectives, do market analysis, craft a customized strategy, and send out the proposal document with clear objectives and solutions.

Drive Your Social Media Presence

Now that you know what encompasses social media management, it’s time to embrace the process. Take the first step and start creating and reaching your social media goals.

We have mapped out the process for you, highlighting the nuts and bolts of creating a robust social media management strategy to build a strong online presence and drive your brand’s success.

Remember, the foundation of a strong social media management process lies in understanding your audience and defining clear goals. Get this right, and it will guide the other steps.

As you embark on this journey, keep up with the latest trends, refine your approach, and explore the free trial of  SocialPilot, to stay ahead of the competition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is social media management?

Social media management refers to overseeing and handling a brand's presence across social media platforms. It encompasses content creation and scheduling, engagement with the audience, monitoring trends, and analysis of the performance of social media campaigns.

What are the key components of effective social media management?

Effective social media management involves strategic planning, consistent content creation, timely engagement with followers, trend monitoring, and regular analysis of campaign performance. Understanding the target audience and tailoring content and interactions to resonate with them is essential.

How is the cost of social media management determined?

Social media management costs depend on various factors, including the scope of work, the size and nature of the business, and the platforms covered. Pricing can be based on hourly rates, monthly retainers, or package deals tailored to specific needs.

How much to charge for social media management?

The charges for social media management can vary based on multiple factors like the scope of services, the client's business size, the number of platforms managed, and geographic location. The most used pricing models include:

  • Hourly Rate: Ranges from $15 to $100+ depending on experience and location.
  • Monthly Retainer: This typically ranges between $400 and $10,000, with most small—to medium-sized businesses paying $1,000 to $5,000.
  • Per Project: The cost varies greatly depending on the project's complexity, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
  • Package Deals: These can range from $500 to several thousand dollars per month and include a set number of posts and content types.

Your pricing model should reflect your experience, the value provided, and competitive rates in the market. Also, consider any additional costs, such as ad budgets or special software charges.

About the Author

Picture of Sparsh Sadhu

Sparsh Sadhu

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Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template

Published May.07, 2019

Updated Apr.24, 2024

By: Noor Muhammad

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Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template

Table of Content

Do you want to start social media marketing management business?

Are you planning to start a social media management business? It’s one of the businesses which require very little investment but still yield attractive returns. To make your venture a success, you must carefully plan each and every aspect of your social media marketing management business plan. Writing a social media business plan can help you a lot in this regard.

A social media marketing management business plan will guide you throughout every phase of your startup, making things as easier as possible for you. To help make one for yourself, we are providing a sample social media marketing management business plan startup, named Rexes Consultants.

Executive Summary

Before you think about how to start a social media management business, you must create a detailed social media marketing management business plan. It will not only guide you in the initial phases of your startup but will also help you later on. You can also consult this social media management company business plan so as to get an idea.

2.1 The Business

Rexes Consultants is a social media management company based in Austin, Texas. The company will provide wide-ranging services for all major platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.

2.2 Management

Rexes Consultants is owned by Natalie Gordon, a digital marketing guru. Natalie will hire an experienced social media team comprising of graphic designers, SEO specialists, and content writers. She will also work with freelance service providers located around the world.

2.3 Customers

Rexes Consultants will provide social media management services to businesses located around the world, ranging from small startups to multinational corporates.

2.4 Business Target

Our target is to become one of the top social media management group with the next 2-3 years. We also aim to achieve the net profit social media marketing management business plan margin of $10k per month by the end of the first year, $15k per month by the end of the second year, and so on every year.

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

Rexes Consultants is owned by Natalie Gordon, a digital marketing guru. After completing her Bachelors in Digital Advertising, Natalie worked with several marketing giants for more than 10 years. She served in a variety of positions ranging from technical to managerial.

3.2 Why the Business is being started

Natalie is a well-known figure in the world of marketing and is famous for designing innovative social media marketing business strategies. Her passion for digital marketing plan is what led her to start her own business. Being highly experienced in this field, she knows how to start a social media management company and make it a success.

3.3 How the Business will be started

Rexes Consultants will be located in Austin, Texas. A working space which was previously in use by a Web Hosting firm will be acquired on lease. It will serve as our company headquarter, though our team will also be working remotely. Natalie will hire an experienced social media team, and will also work with freelance service providers around the world.

In order to start a social media management business, the company will be procuring the best ISP in the city along with computers, servers, peripherals, and other necessary devices. The startup summary, as highlighted by our social media consulting business plan is as follows:

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Startup Cost

The detailed startup requirements are given below:

Start-up Expenses 
Legal$55 300
Insurance$32 750
Rent$32 500
Research and Development$32 750
Expensed Equipment$32 750
Signs$1 250
Start-up Assets$220 875
Cash Required$332 500
Start-up Inventory$32 625
Other Current Assets$232 500
Long-term Assets$235 000
Total Requirements$245 000
Start-up Expenses to Fund$151 875
Start-up Assets to Fund$123 000
Assets$23 125
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$18 750
Cash Requirements from Start-up$0
Additional Cash Raised$18 750
Cash Balance on Starting Date$21 875
Liabilities and Capital$0
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Capital$620 125
Planned Investment$620 125
Investor 1$0
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$313 125
Total Funding$255 000

Rexes Consultants will provide wide-ranging social media management services for all major platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. Our primary services, as highlighted by our social media consultant business plan, are as follows:

  • Advertising and branding services
  • Marketing consultation and advisory services
  • Blogging and specialty services
  • Social media profile management services

Marketing Analysis of Social Media Marketing Management Business

Marketing analysis of your startup is an important part of your social media marketing management business plan as it indicates who your future customers will be and how you can attract them toward you. Owing to its nature, analysis of the marketing should be done well before you think about how to start a SMM business.

If you need help with marketing analysis of your own startup, you can take help from various SMM social media marketing management business plan template samples available online or you can consult this business plan for a social media management company. In case you need more help, you can always seek marketing experts for the purpose.

5.1 Market Trends

According to IBISWorld, the US advertising industry generates revenue of more than $54.5 billion annually. A major part of this astronomical amount is contributed by the social media advertising industry. That’s why any business in this niche can prove extremely beneficial for you, provided that you plan and execute it effectively.

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

Rexes Consultants will provide social media management services to businesses located around the world. We will be serving companies ranging from small startups to multinational corporates. Our potential customers are divided into the following target groups.

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Marketing Segmentation

The detailed marketing segmentation of our target audience is as follows:

5.2.1 Businesses

The primary category of our customers will be the owners of both small and large businesses located across the globe. We will manage their social media profiles across all platforms such as their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube accounts. Our aim will be to provide excellent user interaction intended to boost sales and help these businesses grow.

5.2.2 Institutions & Organizations

Our second target group will comprise of various institutions and organizations located around the world. We will provide social media management services to both public and private sector organizations such as schools, colleges and universities, political parties, sports organizations, and non-profit organizations.

5.2.3 Media & Celebrities

Our third target group will be media groups such as magazines, newspapers, and digital media outlets. We will also manage the social media accounts of all kinds of celebrities including but not limited to actors, sportspersons, and politicians.

Our detailed marketing segmentation is as follows:

Market Analysis       
Potential CustomersGrowthYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5CAGR
Businesses48%22 33432 34443 66552 54466 43210,00%
Institutions & Organizations32%12 86714 43315 99917 56519 13115,32%
Media & Celebrities20%11 43313 34416 55318 74520 54513,43%
Total100%46 63460 12176 21788 854106 1089,54%

5.3 Business Target

We aim to become one of the top social media management group with the next 2-3 years. Our other business targets are as follows:

  • To balance the initial cost of the startup with earned profits by the end of the first year
  • To achieve the net profit margin of $10k per month by the end of the first year, $15k per month by the end of the second year, and so on increasing it every year

5.4 Product Pricing

After considering the market demands, we will be charging almost the same prices as charged by our leading competitors. But we will be offering several discounts to introduce our services.

After you have identified your target audience, the next step is to attract them towards you and convert them into your loyal customers. It can only be achieved using a brilliant sales strategy.

If you are looking to start your own venture, you can take help from this social media marketing management business plan or you can also consult any other social media management business plan pdf available online.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

Social media is undoubtedly the face of any business. No matter how good a business is, costumers judge it from its social media content as well as the number of its social media followers. Moreover, it is also very important for all business, irrespective of their size and nature, to properly respond to the queries and complaints of their customers on social media in a timely manner. It won’t be wrong to say that the success of any business now greatly depends on how it manages its social media profiles.

Considering the importance of social media management, businesses are now paying more and more attention to it. That’s why numerous social media management companies exist today, creating a severe competition for us. However, we will soon outpace them by providing exceptional services at affordable prices. Besides quality services, our seamless communication will also be another competitive advantage. We will be available 24/7 to facilitate our clients from different time zones.

6.2 Sales Strategy

Here is how we will be converting our target audience into our customers.

  • We will advertise our services through all platforms, especially by social media
  • We will offer a 20% discount on our services for the first three months of our launch
  • We will ensure our website traffic converts into our customers by making it appealing to them
  • We will introduce ourselves by sending brochures and introductory letters to businesses and organizations

6.3 Sales Monthly

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Sales Yearly

6.5 Sales Forecast

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Unit Sales

Sales Forecast   
Unit SalesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Advertising and branding services1 887 0302 680 3202 588 240
Marketing consultation and advisory services802 370815 430823 540
Blogging and specialty services539 3207702301 002 310
Social media profile management services265 450322 390393 320
TOTAL UNIT SALES3 494 1704 588 3704 807 410
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Advertising and branding services$140,00$150,00$160,00
Marketing consultation and advisory services$600,00$800,00$1 000,00
Blogging and specialty services$700,00$800,00$900,00
Social media profile management services$650,00$750,00$850,00
Advertising and branding services$2 149 800$2 784 000$3 383 200
Marketing consultation and advisory services$120 050$194 500$268 500
Blogging and specialty services$50 110$71 600$93 000
Social media profile management services$139 350$194 600$249 850
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Advertising and branding services$0,70$0,80$0,90
Marketing consultation and advisory services$0,40$0,45$0,50
Blogging and specialty services$0,30$0,35$0,40
Social media profile management services$3,00$3,50$4,00
Direct Cost of Sales   
Advertising and branding services$989 300$1 839 000$2 679 700
Marketing consultation and advisory services$66 600$119 900$173 200
Blogging and specialty services$17 900$35 000$52 100
Social media profile management services$19 400$67 600$115 800
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales$1 294 100$1 699 400$2 104 700

Personnel plan

You will need to hire a highly trained staff for starting a social media marketing management business plan due to the intensity of competition in this niche. It must be done before you think other aspects of how to set up a social media management business so that you can train them adequately.

7.1 Company Staff

Natalie will manage the business herself and will be hiring following people on a contract basis.

  • 1 Accountant to handle finances
  • 1 Receptionist to attend to customers in Austin’s main office
  • 4 Graphic Artists to handle all designing work
  • 2 SEO Specialists for search engine optimization
  • 2 Content writers to create engaging social media content
  • 2 Assistants to respond to users

The company will also acquire freelance services if need be.

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

 Personnel Plan   
 Year 1Year 2Year 3
Accountant$85 000$95 000$105 000
Receptionist$50 000$55 000$60 000
Graphic Artists$187 000$194 000$201 000
SEO Specialists$150 000$155 000$165 000
Content Writers$145 000$152 000$159 000
Assistants$85 000$95 000$105 000
Total Salaries$295 000$307 000$324 000

Financial Plan

The success plan of a business heavily depends on its financial plan because it helps you take all major decisions about your startup. A good financial plan must include all expenses of your startup as well as the forecasted profits so that you can know the growth rate of your business.

If you want to make a financial plan of your social media marketing strategies in business plan management, it is better for you to seek help from financial experts. They can make an accurate plan which will go a long way in guiding you through your major decisions.

8.1 Important Assumptions

 General Assumptions   
 Year 1Year 2Year 3
Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate10,00%11,00%12,00%
Long-term Interest Rate10,00%10,00%10,00%
Tax Rate26,42%27,76%28,12%

8.2 Brake-even Analysis

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Break-even Analysis

 Brake-Even Analysis 
Monthly Units Break-even5530
Monthly Revenue Break-even$159 740
Average Per-Unit Revenue$260,87
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0,89
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$196 410

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

 Pro Forma Profit And Loss   
 Year 1Year 2Year 3
Sales$309 069$385 934$462 799
Direct Cost of Sales$15 100$19 153$23 206
TOTAL COST OF SALES$15 100$19 153$23 206
Gross Margin$293 969$366 781$439 593
Gross Margin %94,98%94,72%94,46%
Payroll$138 036$162 898$187 760
Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$1 850$2 000$2 150
Depreciation$2 070$2 070$2 070
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Utilities$4 000$4 250$4 500
Insurance$1 800$1 800$1 800
Rent$6 500$7 000$7 500
Payroll Taxes$34 510$40 726$46 942
Total Operating Expenses$188 766$220 744$252 722
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$105 205$146 040$186 875
EBITDA$107 275$148 110$188 945
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$26 838$37 315$47 792
Net Profit$78 367$108 725$139 083
Net Profit/Sales30,00%39,32%48,64%

8.3.1 Profit Monthly

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Gross MArgin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Gross Margin Yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Social Media Marketing Management Business Plan Template - Projected Cash Flow

 Pro Forma Cash Flow   
Cash ReceivedYear 1Year 2Year 3
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$40 124$45 046$50 068
Cash from Receivables$7 023$8 610$9 297
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
SUBTOTAL CASH RECEIVED$47 143$53 651$55 359
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations   
Cash Spending$21 647$24 204$26 951
Bill Payments$13 539$15 385$170 631
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
SUBTOTAL CASH SPENT$35 296$35 489$43 882
Net Cash Flow$11 551$13 167$15 683
Cash Balance$21 823$22 381$28 239

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

 Pro Forma Balance Sheet   
AssetsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Current Assets   
Cash$184 666$218 525$252 384
Accounts Receivable$12 613$14 493$16 373
Inventory$2 980$3 450$3 920
Other Current Assets$1 000$1 000$1 000
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS$201 259$237 468$273 677
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$10 000$10 000$10 000
Accumulated Depreciation$12 420$14 490$16 560
TOTAL ASSETS$198 839$232 978$267 117
Liabilities and CapitalYear 1Year 2Year 3
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$9 482$10 792$12 102
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
TOTAL LIABILITIES$9 482$10 792$12 102
Paid-in Capital$30 000$30 000$30 000
Retained Earnings$48 651$72 636$96 621
Earnings$100 709$119 555$138 401
TOTAL CAPITAL$189 360$222 190$255 020
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL$198 839$232 978$267 117
Net Worth$182 060$226 240$270 420

8.6 Business Ratios

 Ratio Analysis    
Sales Growth4,35%30,82%63,29%4,00%
Percent of Total Assets    
Accounts Receivable5,61%4,71%3,81%9,70%
Other Current Assets1,75%2,02%2,29%27,40%
Total Current Assets138,53%150,99%163,45%54,60%
Long-term Assets-9,47%-21,01%-32,55%58,40%
TOTAL ASSETS100,00%100,00%100,00%100,00%
Current Liabilities4,68%3,04%2,76%27,30%
Long-term Liabilities0,00%0,00%0,00%25,80%
Total Liabilities4,68%3,04%2,76%54,10%
NET WORTH99,32%101,04%102,76%44,90%
Percent of Sales    
Gross Margin94,18%93,85%93,52%0,00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses74,29%71,83%69,37%65,20%
Advertising Expenses2,06%1,11%0,28%1,40%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes26,47%29,30%32,13%2,86%
Main Ratios    
Total Debt to Total Assets2,68%1,04%0,76%67,10%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth66,83%71,26%75,69%4,40%
Pre-tax Return on Assets64,88%69,75%74,62%9,00%
Additional RatiosYear 1Year 2Year 3 
Net Profit Margin19,20%21,16%23,12%N.A.
Return on Equity47,79%50,53%53,27%N.A.
Activity Ratios    
Accounts Receivable Turnover4,564,564,56N.A.
Collection Days9299106N.A.
Inventory Turnover19,722,5525,4N.A.
Accounts Payable Turnover14,1714,6715,17N.A.
Payment Days272727N.A.
Total Asset Turnover1,841,551,26N.A.
Debt Ratios    
Debt to Net Worth0-0,02-0,04N.A.
Current Liab. to Liab.111N.A.
Liquidity Ratios    
Net Working Capital$120 943$140 664$160 385N.A.
Interest Coverage000N.A.
Additional Ratios    
Assets to Sales0,450,480,51N.A.
Current Debt/Total Assets4%3%2%N.A.
Acid Test23,6627,0130,36N.A.
Sales/Net Worth1,681,290,9N.A.
Dividend Payout000N.A.

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Social Media Business Plan

business plan for media management

A comprehensive business plan contains strategies, tactics, and action plans for marketing and business promotions. It is essential for you to come up with activities that will allow your business to boost its brand’s visibility and widen its market share. One of the most used platforms for marketing nowadays is social media. Most businesses even have a separate  social media marketing proposal  to ensure the relevance of the social media action plans that will be used within a given time duration. If you want to benefit from using social media as a marketing platform, we suggest you come up with a detailed social media business plan.

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Social Media Business Plan Template

Social Media Business Plan Template

  • Google Docs

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Social Media Plan Template

Social Media Plan Template

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Social Media Sales Plan Template

We came up with a listing of downloadable social media business plan examples in PDF that are all available for you to browse through in this post. Try to download any of the examples and use them as your guides and references when formatting the content of your own social media business plan .

Social Media Plan for Small Businesses

Social Media Plan For Small Businesses Example 01

Size: 617 KB

Social Media Tactical Plan for Your Business

Social Media Tactical Plan For Your Business Example 01

Size: 668 KB

Business Planning with Social Media Strategies

Business Planning With Social Media Strategies and Action Plans Example 01

Size: 90 KB

What Is a Social Media Business Plan?

Creating a social media business plan is more than the development of  social media brochure designs and examples . There are more items and elements involved in the making of this document as it is important for work processes and call-to-actions to be planned accordingly so that the business can get the maximum benefits from its social media efforts.

Knowing how a social media business plan can help your business can make you more eager to create the specified document. Hence, you have to be knowledgeable of the nature of the document’s usage as well as the ways on how you can incorporate your resources and deliverable in the plan that you will be making. Understanding what a social media business plan truly is can help you focus on the minute details of your planning processes. Here are some of the ways on how a social media business plan can be defined:

1. A social media business plan serves as a guide when it comes to the implementation of particular call-to-actions. With the help of this document, you can make sure that the workforce will have a reference whenever their deliverable are already needed for your social media business action plans to become a success. You may also see  importance of business plans .

2. A social media business plan is one of the most recent documents that is used by businesses across different industries. With the rampant growth and development of digital processes and electronic transactions, it is only imperative for your business to also benefit from any technological advances. Using a social media business plan as a marketing document can help you plot all the requirements and specifications of your social media marketing activities. You may also see business plan guidelines examples .

3. A social media business plan contains all the marketing, advertising, and promotional activities that you will realize with the help of any social media platform. This document is used to outline and present the ways on how you can maximize the online pages and accounts of your business to boost sales and improve your market reach. You may also like business operational plan examples .

Business Development Social Media Planning

Business Technical Planning Document Social Media Strategy Development Example 01

Digital Marketing Plan with Social Media Strategic

Digital Marketing Plan With Social Media Strategic Usage For a B2B Company 01

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Social Media Strategic Plan Example

Social Media Strategic Plan Example 1

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How to Make a Social Media Business Plan

A  social media marketing plan  can be very beneficial to your business as it can yield results without too much financial allocation and physical marketing efforts. This is one of the reasons why most businesses resort to the usage of social media as a marketing tool rather than sticking with traditional marketing practices. A step-by-step process that you can follow if you want to begin the development of your own social media business plan include the following:

1. Know the purpose or the reason of the social media business plan’s creation so that you can identify all the goals that you will set for the plan and its execution. Make sure that the action plans and goals that you will come up with are aligned with the vision and objectives of the organization. You may also check out hotel business plan examples .

2. Your audience should be a vital part in your thought process once the development of the business plan is already on the works. You have to know your audience as well as their social media activities. This can be done through the usage of surveys and questionnaires. Ask relevant questions like the social media platform where your audience is mostly at or the kind of social media activities that they usually engage in. You might be interested in market analysis business plan examples .

3. If possible, try to evaluate the current practices and social media efforts of your competition. This can help you identify the things that have worked when it comes to the line of your business and the kinds of social media activities that you plan to have. More so, doing this can give you an idea of the social media trends that get the most views and audience participation that you can use to the advantage of your business. You may also like business plan outline with examples .

4. Once you are already aware of who your audience is and the activities of your competition that get the most engagement from clients and customers, the next thing to do is to plot your own social media action plans. Make sure that your action plans are based on the goals and objectives that you have thought of as well as that of the business’s. The proper alignment of your action plans with the things that the business would like to achieve can make it easier for you to execute your social media activities smoothly and accordingly. You may also check out implementation plan examples .

5. Set up actual social media accounts as this will be the start of your social media efforts as well as your evaluation on whether your social media business plan worked or not. It is recommended for you to come up with a content timeline and calendar that will present the things that you need to post, the kind of engagement that you would like to have, and the time frames in which particular marketing materials are expected to be uploaded in your social media accounts. You may also see advertising and marketing business plan examples .

6. Evaluate the document and review the content of your social media business plan once again. Continue the activities that worked for your business and make sure to have backup plans whenever some of your social media actions fail to gather the kind of response that you expect. You may also like company plan examples .

7. Update your social media business plan from time to time so that you can use it as a reference whenever you already need to make a new social media business plan for your next operational year. You may also check out advertising plan examples .

Social Media Marketing Planning Guide for Your Organization

Social Media Marketing Planning Guide For Your Organization Example 01

Social Media Strategy Template for Business Planning Example

Social Media Strategy Template For Business Planning Example 1

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Is Your Social Media Business Plan Effective and Efficient Enough?

A  social media marketing business plan  is a critical document that contains particular information about your marketing action plans and social media business strategies. This document is very important as it can dictate the direction in which your social media and marketing team must go so you can improve the online presence of your business. Listed below are some of the ways on how you can measure the effectiveness and efficiency of your social media business plan.

1. You have to identify the key metrics and baselines that can contribute with the objective evaluation of your social media business planning and marketing successes. Know the improvement of your market reach, the sentiments and insights of your audience, the realization of your social media mission, and the continuous engagement of your audience with particular kinds of social media activities. You might be interested in annual plan examples .

2. It will be great if you can use social media business tools that can track your visitors and the people who have participated in your marketing activities. This will enable you to document the specific customers that are engaged in your social media efforts which can result to the creation of social media action plans that can persuade these people to purchase your products or acquire your services. You may also like quality plan examples .

3. Your content must be aligned with the brand of your business. More so, it is important for you to come up with content that can engage your target audience in the best way possible. Optimize the usage of your marketing efforts in social media so that you can ensure that it can be an added value to your business plan.

4. Make sure that your planning processes will include the auditing of your current social media practices, activities, and efforts. You have to know the current condition of your business with regards this matter so that you can identify ways on how you can better your social media presence or visibility. You may also see  coffee catering business plan

 Social Media Strategy Workbook for Business, Operational

Social Media Strategy Workbook For Business Operational and Tactical Marketing Plan Example 01

Social Media Action Plan as a Part of Your Business Strategic Plan Example

Social Media Action Plan As a Part of Your Business Strategic Plan Example 01

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Social Media Business Plan Preparations

There are different kinds of  social media marketing examples  that can sometimes distract you when selecting the social media activities that you will incorporate in your business plan. Through the usage of a social media business plan, you can be more organized when choosing call-to-actions that are truly suitable with the marketing needs of your business. There are a few things that you always have to remember if you want to start preparing the content of your social media business plan. Some of the useful tips that you can follow when developing your own social media business plan include the following:

1. It is suggested for your social media business plan to be as specific as possible. This is for the reason that a more precise listing of your action plans can actually result to a more focused and directed execution. If you can develop a concise and precise social media business plan, you can ensure that there will be more organization when it comes to implementing your desired actions.

2. Ensure that you are aware of the purpose of your social media account. Keep in mind that all your digital footprints can be seen by your target audience. It will be best if you can develop specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goals so you can be well-guided when following the direction of your social media business plan’s execution. You might be interested in daily plan examples .

3. Keep in mind that a social media account that is owned by your business is considered as a touch point where you can connect and communicate with your target audience. Hence, you have to be careful when it comes to replying with your clients, liking photos or any other information, and commenting on issues especially those that involve your business. You may also check out sales plan examples .

4. Review the entirety of the social media business plan before submitting it to the decision-makers of the business. You have to make sure that you have presented the necessity of the document’s usage so that the organization will be more than willing to provide the requirements of your social media marketing action plans. You may also see  consulting business plan.

With the examples that you can download from this post and the useful discussions that we have added in our list, we hope that you already have enough references to use if you want to create a social media business plan for your organization. Make sure to not copy everything in our examples and only use these items as your formatting and content development guides. Create a social media business plan now and evaluate how its implementation can help add up to the value of the business as well as your ability to realize the corporate vision of your company. You may also see strategic plan examples .


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Small & medium sized businesses

Maximize your impact with Sprout

With the right tools and partners, any business—no matter the budget—can extract real business value out of social media and turn their brand into a household name.

A smiling Sprout user shown with snapshots of the Sprout platform representing the full scope of social management capabilities.

Achieve more goals in less time

Sprout empowers nearly 10,000 small and medium-sized businesses to move at the speed of social media. Our platform is designed to grow with your brand—making your daily work simpler, even when your goals become more challenging. While every organization is unique, these are the pain points we hear most often:

“I want to engage more and get creative with content, but I have too much on my plate and not enough time.”

“We have specific goals and objectives, but the native platforms don’t have all the features I need to deliver results.”

“I struggle to convince leadership of the full potential of social, so getting buy-in for tools has been tough.”

Simplify your workflow

Social can be time-consuming—especially when you have to manually publish, engage and analyze data separately on each native platform. Sprout brings all those actions into one, streamlined workflow, giving even the smallest teams the tools they need to do the work of a larger team, and in less time.

Optimize your engagement workflow with Sprout’s Inbox Views, which enable you to build and save your own custom filter sets in the Smart Inbox.

Maintain oversight

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Be efficient

Plan posts up to 13 months in advance with a calendar then publish to multiple networks and profiles simultaneously.

Stay organized

Label and sort messages to easily access communications related to specific business objectives and strategies.

Take control

Save time and stay a step ahead using automation features and customizable workflows.

Build relationships

Nothing will build your brand—and your business—better than genuine engagement. But it’s daunting to manually track and respond to every message. Sprout helps you cultivate loyal communities through proactive conversation management and customized customer care.

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increase in engagements across Facebook and Twitter over a two-month period.

“Not only does Sprout make it easier for me to track the mentions or hashtags we’re using, but tracking people who are sharing our content from web links is huge. That allows us to engage with people even if they’re not tagging us or mentioning us in their post.”

Kevin Juliano , Digital Director, Pennsylvania Association of Realtors

Sprout’s tools offer an end-to-end social solution from publishing a social post, to measuring its engagement and overall content performance via our customizable reports.

Elevate your strategy

Whether you’re looking for initial guidance, or you’re ready to start implementing new strategies, Sprout’s all-in-one platform and superior support team equips you with the insights and confidence you need to see tangible growth—and show leadership why social media is worth the investment.

Understand your audience

Explore and analyze conversations to better understand your audience, their preferences and sentiment around relevant industry topics.

Track real-time results

Customize your social data in an omni-channel view to pull business insights and performance from a single source of truth.

Get inspired

Generate new product, service and content ideas by observing trends and gaps in the industry, and among competitors.

Why Sprout for your business

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"Since using Sprout, we have better visibility into how we are doing and what works. We are able to be more efficient and understand how our audiences might react to different content at different times and plan accordingly."

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12 of the best social media analytics tools for marketers

Check out our list covering 12 of the best social media analytics tools marketers should consider in 2023—including Sprout Social, Buzzsumo and more.

Master the art of social media reporting [downloadable template]

Managing social media is complex. The largest challenge? Presenting social data in a way that makes sense to your colleagues. Upgrade your reporting with this social media analytics template.

business plan for media management

Sprout Helps Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® amplify its message

For Kevin Juliano, Digital Director at PAR, social represents the ideal way to build bonds between his organization and its members, as well as the homebuying public.

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Social media marketing in property management.

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Johan Hajji, Cofounder at UpperKey . Passionate about property management, real estate investments, proptech and driving business growth.

Posting and following social media accounts for personal pleasure isn’t for everyone, but for businesses, it’s a must.

Creating regular content can be challenging if you’re not a natural entertainer, out-of-the-box thinker or experienced marketing maestro. If you’re not, sharing those tasks with other team members can ease the effort.

If you have a marketing department, you should already be involved with designated content creators, SEO optimizers and schedulers.

If that sounds like a lot, there’s always the option of outsourcing your marketing to an outside agency or handing the whole operation over to dedicated property managers.

Why is social media marketing so important for property managers?

Feeding the socials with regular posts that are interesting, entertaining and valuable to your followers is a great opportunity to drive traffic to essential landing pages and convert them into new customers. Whether you lean on paid ads or build your following by piggybacking friends of friends, the goal is to boost traffic and generate leads. We do this by positioning ourselves as experts and showing our operation as professional, trustworthy and a leader in our field.

When done well, social media marketing helps:

• Build brand strength and reputation

• Present you as an authority in the industry

• Appeal to potential new customers

• Engage with possible leads and build relationships

• Enhance communication

The real value of social media is just that—its social element. A TV, press or other static ad delivers a campaign, leaving you to sit and wait, watch the figures and hope it does its job. Social media allows you to start a conversation, build relationships with possible new partners and customers and create open opportunities.

What are the essential areas of social media marketing campaigns?

To become a seasoned social media specialist, you need to experiment. However, following sensible guidelines can help keep novices on track, raising their game as they learn what followers want and how to incorporate their needs into the conversation.

Know your audience, target markets and appropriate social media channels.

With so many platforms, you need to know where your markets hang out. Are your customers looking for long-term, low-rent family properties; short-term, high-end business lets; contemporary holiday homes away from home; or something in between?

Depending on who they are and what they want plays a huge part in where you’ll focus your social media campaigns. Ideally, you’ll post on a selection of platforms, but you’ll have your best performers where you should focus your initial efforts.

LinkedIn is the recognized professional network for suppliers, network contacts and business associates. It’s a "grown-up" platform for grown-up thinkers and operators.

For the rest, the markets have organically self-categorized.

• X (formerly Twitter ), is often renowned as a home for a mud-flinging contest, yet is a good middle ground for businesses and a great place to start conversations.

• Instagram has a younger, more stylish audience, which often shows in highly polished, filter-heavy, fashionable posts.

• Facebook feels like the other socials’ older uncle, yet it is still the most popular, being the only platform to hit 3 billion monthly active users so far. It’s not as "cool" as Instagram, but it has billions of active users, and not all of them are as old as the statistics might suggest.

• TikTok and Snapchat target the youngest audiences, so they are probably the least likely to offer any real gains in our industry.

• YouTube is pretty popular with most generations. It's probably best used to back up the work on other platforms and your website content.

Monitor for current trends.

Staying current with what’s going on in the world and within your industry shows that you’re up to date and are an expert in the field.

Test different types of posts for performance, including targeted ads.

Given how much of our digital success depends on UX, when you start your social media journey, testing content and how, when and where you post it to maximize the return is essential.

Use feedback to improve your product, performance and customer service.

Social media is a transparent way to improve products and services. Responding to comments and starting conversations with both happy and unhappy users is a great way to show you care about more than your bottom line, and openly resolving problems can give possible new leads confidence that they’re in safe and caring hands.

Be consistent—but not too consistent.

Finding the best balance of how and when to post is quite an art. Post too often and you risk annoying your audience; don't post enough and you won’t achieve the consistency you need to optimize brand recognition.

Scheduling posts is a great idea, especially if you can research the ideal times for your preferred audience. However, you should mix the times up a little, as some algorithms will punish you for being too predictable.

Use your data.

This is the big one—the resulting data takes the guesswork and your biases out of the equation, giving you hard numbers to develop operations.

Create educational versus entertainment content.

Hammering sales gets old very quickly; your users expect to be entertained and wowed by your content. Mixing educational and entertaining content can satisfy that expectation and make an occasional deal or offer far more enticing.

Ensure landing pages are relevant.

Too many links drive interested traffic to pages that don’t follow the post’s theme. It’s a waste to have content that does its job only to lose those users by failing to give them what they want as they follow your links.

Utilize user-generated content.

Finally, posting and sharing quotes, pictures, reviews and great experiences are great ways to show how happy your existing followers are. User-generated posts are an easy-to-compile way to stay current and build brand quality.

Social media marketing is one of the biggest and best opportunities to leverage real communication with real people. When done well, the returns can be huge and should be a part of every business’s marketing plan.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Johan Hajji

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  5. Free Media Plan Template

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  6. Social Media Business Plan Template

    business plan for media management


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  2. How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy [Template]

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  11. Social Media Marketing Business Plan Template

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  12. PDF Social Media Marketing Business Plan Example

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    Keep it. If not, get rid of it. 2. Understand your target audience. Before sitting down to map out your social media strategy, figure out who you want to see your content (and whether they want to see it). If your company already has a good understanding of your target consumer, boom—you're off to a great start.

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  18. Social Media Marketing Business Plan Template

    Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000. Marketing costs: $10,000. Working capital: $10,000. Easily complete your Social Media Marketing business plan! Download the Social Media Marketing business plan template (including a customizable financial model) to your computer here <-.

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    Achieve more goals in less time. Sprout empowers nearly 10,000 small and medium-sized businesses to move at the speed of social media. Our platform is designed to grow with your brand—making your daily work simpler, even when your goals become more challenging. While every organization is unique, these are the pain points we hear most often:

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    Social media marketing is one of the biggest and best opportunities to leverage real communication with real people. When done well, the returns can be huge and should be a part of every business ...