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Education Is Not the Key to Success

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Education Is Not the Key to Success. (2018, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/education-is-not-the-key-to-success-essay

"Education Is Not the Key to Success." StudyMoose , 19 Sep 2018, https://studymoose.com/education-is-not-the-key-to-success-essay

StudyMoose. (2018). Education Is Not the Key to Success . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/education-is-not-the-key-to-success-essay [Accessed: 15 Aug. 2024]

"Education Is Not the Key to Success." StudyMoose, Sep 19, 2018. Accessed August 15, 2024. https://studymoose.com/education-is-not-the-key-to-success-essay

"Education Is Not the Key to Success," StudyMoose , 19-Sep-2018. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/education-is-not-the-key-to-success-essay. [Accessed: 15-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2018). Education Is Not the Key to Success . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/education-is-not-the-key-to-success-essay [Accessed: 15-Aug-2024]

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Education Is Not the Key to Success essay

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College Reality Check

College Reality Check

Why College isn’t Necessary to be Successful

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As much as 94% of politicians, business leaders and stinking rich people in the US all went to college. But then there are also outstanding individuals without degrees.

Case in point: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Mark Zuckerberg. Because of this, you might be wondering if college is really key to reaping success.

In general, succeeding without going to college is possible. After all, not all employers require degrees, and not all college graduates are employed. However, in some instances, the absence of a college degree can hinder benefits such as more career opportunities and higher lifetime earnings.

Want to be rich someday but torn between earning a degree and chasing success right away?

By the time you get to the end of this article, you will learn some of the reasons why attending college isn’t necessary to be successful.

But since there are two sides of the same coin, you will also come across some of the perks that come with earning a college degree — just to make sure that you know what options are available for you.

7 Reasons Why College Is Not Required to Succeed

job search

Going to College Does Not Guarantee a Job

Many graduating high school students assume that spending four to six years in college to work on an undergraduate degree guarantees them a college diploma and a job.

Based on recent data , around 5.4% of recent college graduates had no jobs.

Other than a job, there is one more thing that finishing college can’t guarantee: a job in a field related to one’s degree. As a matter of fact, based on an online survey, 25.5% of college graduates say they were unable to find a job in their field.

Alaska governor dropped college degree requirements for most state jobs. College is not necessary for other states, e.g. Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Utah, because it’s getting harder to find qualified workers. THE HILL

On the other hand, 38.6% said they were not using their college degrees in their current job positions.

For most degree holders, it usually takes three to six months after college graduation before they get a job — it may be longer for those who are not persevering enough to get employed or whose majors are not that in demand.

Not All Careers Require a College Degree

As much as 36% of all available jobs do not require education beyond high school. So, in other words, a little more than one-third of job positions that need to be filled can be filled by those who have no college degrees.

But it doesn’t necessarily mean that degree holders will not attempt to get their hands on those available job positions — about 41% of recent college graduates are underemployed in that they are working in jobs that don’t require the titles they earned spending years in college after high school.

No worries, says US News!

According to the popular college ranking site, the following are some of the best jobs for high school graduates as well as the median annual salary for each one of them:

Patrol Officer$63,150
Sales Representative$59,930
Flight Attendant$56,640
Hearing Aid Specialist$53,420
Insurance Sales Agent$50,940
Maintenance and Repair Worker$39,080
Pharmacy Technician$33,950
Recreation and Fitness Worker$30,490
Landscaper and Groundskeeper$30,440
Security Guard$29,680
Residential Advisor$29,450
Restaurant Cook$27,790
Physical Therapist Aide$27,000
Home Health Aide$25,280
Personal Care Aide$25,280
Waiter and Waitress$22,890

Keep in mind, however, that some of the jobs mentioned above (and some of those that were not included, too) may require candidates to undergo training to get a certification.

skill gap

Some Employers Prefer Skills to Degrees

Did you know that, on average, employers take a look at resumes for six to seven seconds only?

However, the amount of time employers spend on checking out resumes can vary from one company to the other and depend on factors such as the number of applicants and the job title.

No matter the case, the point is that your resume should be able to impress the potential employer in front of you in no time. And it should also include all relevant skills. For most employers, college education and the skill set are of equal importance. But in the absence of a degree, having phenomenal skills may help you land that job.

Besides, many employers themselves agree that having a degree does not necessarily mean that an applicant will be any better at the job than someone who didn’t go to college.

There are Many Alternatives to Going to College

According to a survey , as many as 94% of participating parents said they expect their children to attend college right after graduating from high school.

Worry not if you are absolutely sure that college is not for you and don’t want to break the heart of your folks either. It’s for a fact that there are many other ways to acquire the knowledge and skills you will need to have a bright future other than spending the next four to six years of your life on a traditional campus.

The following are some of the most wonderful alternatives to college:

  • Vocational school. Also sometimes referred to as a career school or trade school, a vocational school is a place where students learn skills specific to certain jobs.
  • Technical school. Many believe that technical schools and community colleges are the same. However, a technical school is more on industry-specific courses, like business, engineering and construction.
  • Online professional certificates. Some professional certificates available online are free, while others come with a price tag. Most of them can help make you eligible for entry-level jobs.
  • Boot camps. In this digital age, coding boot camps are popular among job seekers who wish to work as computer programmers in no time — there are also boot camps available for various fields.
  • Job training program. There are jobs that require candidates to undergo a short training program that can be completed in just a few weeks or a couple of months before they could start working.
  • Fellowship or apprenticeship. Some careers available for people with a high school diploma require learning under the hands of an expert, such as electrical work or construction.
  • Military. Joining the military is a great way to learn real-life skills and travel, too. While enriching your skill set and life experience, it also gives you the opportunity to be noble and serve your country.
  • Volunteer. Like being in the military, volunteering also makes it possible for you to gain an assortment of skills. It also enables you to discover the things you are passionate about.


College Degree isn’t Mandatory to Start Business

There is one thing the majority of college graduates are busy with right after earning their degrees. And it’s none other than finding a boss who will employ and pay them.

But why look for a boss who will, well, boss you around when you can be the boss instead?

When starting a business, there are many different steps you will have to take before you are able to sell a product or offer a service.

Some of them include registering your money-making venture’s name, applying for a federal tax ID number, obtaining permits and licenses, opening a business bank account, and getting insurance.

Luckily for someone who prefers to not go to college, having a degree is not one of the must-haves. Needless to say, you can establish your own business even without a degree.

It’s just funny that college degree holders could be working for entrepreneurs who didn’t go to college!

However, it’s important to note that many business owners have a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA).

Also, some degrees or majors can give you the knowledge and skills vital for navigating the world of business and keeping your venture running like a well-oiled machine.

But then again, there are founders, CEOs and business tycoons that have no college degrees — just check out the next reason why college isn’t necessary to be successful!

Plenty of Successful People Have No Degrees

According to a Fortune article , as much as 30% of all billionaires on the planet did not finish college.

While the figure makes it obvious that a vast majority of mega-rich people have degrees, it also makes it clear that you can have all the money in the world even without going to college.

That device you are using, social media you are posting on, TV show you are watching, music you are singing to or hamburger you are eating could be a courtesy of someone who did not graduate from college.

Here are some of the most successful college degree-less people and their net worth:

Bill Gates$131.3 billion
Mark Zuckerberg$107.5 billion
Larry Ellison$61.1 billion
Michael Dell$23.5 billion
Paul Allen$20.7 billion
Steve Jobs$10.2 billion
David Geffen$8.2 billion
Richard Branson$3.7 billion
Ted Turner$2.2 billion
Ellen DeGeneres$400 million
Russell Simmons$340 million
Debbi Fields$200 million
Dave Thomas$99 million
John Mackey$75 million
Rachael Ray$60 million
Anna Wintour$35 million
Kevin Rose$8 million

However, please keep in mind that not going to college in order to be successful is not the rule — for many people, earning a degree is the way to go, and the highly successful individuals mentioned above are exceptions to the rule.

And to increase your chances of succeeding big time, too, even without a degree, it’s a must to possess the qualities that many self-made millionaires and billionaires share, which, luckily, you can acquire and master even without spending four to six years of your life at a college or university. Some of these must-have qualities include:

  • People skills
  • Determination
  • Self-confidence
  • Competitiveness
  • Big-picture thinking

Not All College Students Know What They Want

At most colleges and universities, students are expected or required to declare a major by the end of their sophomore year. This is usually for a couple of reasons.

First, to give first- and second-year students enough time to get some general education courses out of the way.

Second, to give students the opportunity to explore electives.

Needless to say, school administrators acknowledge the fact that it’s not unlikely for many fresh high school graduates to have no idea which career path they would like to take.

True enough, at least 80% of all college students change majors at least once before they graduate.

According to David Kirp, a public policy professor at the University of California at Berkeley and author of the 2019 book The College Dropout Scandal, some students drop out of college because of money problems, while others simply realize the fact that college isn’t right for them.

Some high school graduates are 100% certain that they don’t want to go to college. But then there are also those who are still in the process of mulling over as to whether or not they would get a degree.

If you are one of them and you want more time to decide, here’s a suggestion: take a gap year.

On The Other Hand, Here are 6 Reasons to Go To College

It’s no secret that college offers an assortment of professional, financial, and personal benefits.

college student

However, it can do more harm than good for those who can’t pay for a degree or have their hearts set on pursuing other things. Deciding whether or not to go to college is personal and circumstantial.

There are various reasons why attending college isn’t always the answer to having a successful life. However, many different reasons why a degree is vital to enjoying success exist, too:

  • Better employability. According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the employment rate for college degree holders aged 25 to 34 years old is 86%.
  • More job choices. Northeastern University, which is #49 in National Universities by US News, says that there are 57% more job opportunities available for college graduates than non-college graduates.
  • Higher lifetime earnings. People with a bachelor’s degree, says the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, have average lifetime earnings of $2.3 million — $1.3 million for high school graduates.
  • Better work performance. More educated employees tend to be better at their jobs than less-educated ones. It isn’t surprising since college helps introduce and hone various traits valuable in the workplace.
  • More satisfying lives. College degree holders tend to be happier. As a matter of fact, there are fewer cases of depression and suicide in communities whose residents are well-educated.
  • Longer life expectancy. Based on a CNBC article , degree holders could expect to live 48.2 years out of a possible 50. Meanwhile, those without degrees could expect to live 45.1 years.

Many base one’s level of success on the job title and salary level.

If your ultimate goal is to land the job of your dreams and you are on the fence as to whether or not earning a college degree could make it come true, consider the following factors before coming up with a decision:

  • Industry. Certain industries, because of the knowledge base as well as soft and hard skills warranted, prefer to employ individuals with undergraduate degrees. Some common examples include engineering, technology, business and healthcare. In some sectors, as a matter of fact, having a graduate degree is a requirement.
  • Skills and experience valued. There are some useful skills and life experiences you can acquire in college. But then there are also those that college can’t teach. Having an idea of the types of skills, soft and hard alike, and experience your target company deems important lets you determine which step to take after high school.
  • Workforce size. Based on a Harvard Business School study , in large organizations, such as those with over 10,000 employees, experience is more important than a degree 44% of the time. And if a job position is hard to fill, it’s not unlikely for employers to overlook the absence of a degree if the applicant has sufficient experience.
  • Long-term career plan. Most of those without a college degree get hired in an entry-level position. It’s true that loyalty and performance matter when it comes to getting a job promotion. However, in many instances, climbing the career ladder entails meeting certain qualifications, such as having a college degree.

Just Before You Try to Pursue Success

Different people define success differently. Depending on your perception of it, success can be anything from learning something new, overcoming a fear, helping others, having a high-paying job to being one’s own boss.

Graduating from high school and wondering if applying to colleges and universities will take you a step closer to being a successful person?

Yes, earning a college degree can help you reap success. However, it doesn’t mean that skipping college will make you a failure — you can have no college education and still be a smashing success!

Above, we talked about some of the reasons why college isn’t necessary to be successful.

It’s completely up to you to decide if chasing your dreams instead of earning a degree right after high school suits you more. But whether or not you have a college diploma, you need to exhibit the likes of determination, self-reliance, passion, flexibility, optimism and patience in order to attain success the way you define it.

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I graduated with BA in Nursing and $36,000 in student loan debt from the UCF. After a decade in the workforce, I went back to school to obtain my MBA from UMGC.

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education is not necessary for success essay

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Chuck Blakeman

Education Is Not Important For Success

Learning is not education..

Sitting in a hotel lobby in Martinborough, New Zealand after a bike ride, two professors from Vancouver asked me if I thought education was important for success. They hit my hot button. If, like the old saying goes, knowledge is power, then librarians would rule the world. They don’t. Something else is more correlated to success than education.

Millions of higher degree recipients make less during their careers than people who dropped out of high school. And millions who never finished high school make huge impacts and a lot of money.

We miss cause and effect all the time. As an example, people love to say, “College graduates make a million dollars more in their lifetime than non-college graduates.” Is it because they went to school, or because they are motivated to do anything that will make them successful? I think it’s the latter.

If they were told they needed to apprentice with a businessperson they would do that instead of getting an MBA (that would be my advice). They are motivated and committed, and will do whatever they have to in order to be successful.

There is some clear correlation between education in the hard sciences (pharmaceuticals, engineering, plumbing, etc.) and success. If you violate hydrology ($%@* flows downhill), you’ll make a lousy plumber. But there is little correlation in the soft sciences. People build committed communities all the time without ever taking a sociology course. Others help people get past their bad habits without ever taking a psychology course.

Business is one of the soft sciences where education is least correlated with success. Dropouts from college (or people who never went) start hugely successful companies all the time. “Is college necessary?” is becoming a mainstream question.

What makes business owners successful? According to research, education doesn’t show up in the top five. (Entrepreneurial Intuition, an Empirical Approach, La Pira, April 2010), but these do:

  • Seeing the big picture – being a visionary is most important. If you can’t see it, you won’t shoot for it.
  • Speed of Execution – taking action while others are researching.
  • Never giving up ; being the bull dog; finding a way to make it work.
  • Being a life-long learner .

Learning is massively different than being educated. Education fills our heads with information, while learning transforms our lives and the world around us with grounded and applied intelligence.

If you want to have your head filled with facts, get an education. It you want to learn, change lives and/or make money, you’re better off apprenticing with someone who’s done it. They won’t try to educate you, they’ll just make sure you are effective and becoming something you aren’t, yet.

The Greeks were wrong.

We don’t think our way to a new way of acting; we act our way to a new way of thinking .

Go do something with someone who’s already done it; and learn from their experience.

The Vancouver professor’s responses? “Check, please.”

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education is not necessary for success essay

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Essay on Importance of Education for Students

500 words essay on importance of education.

To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.

essay on importance of education

Importance of Education in Life

First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

education is not necessary for success essay

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology . Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.

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Importance of Education in Society

First of all, Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. There is a quick propagation of knowledge in an educated society. Furthermore, there is a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread. Important developments in war equipment, medicine , computers, take place due to Education.

Education is a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right of every Human on this Planet. To deny this right is evil. Uneducated youth is the worst thing for Humanity. Above all, the governments of all countries must ensure to spread Education.

FAQs on Essay on Importance of Education

Q.1 How Education helps in Employment?

A.1 Education helps in Employment by providing necessary skills. These skills are important for doing a high paying job.

Q.2 Mention one way in Education helps a society?

A.2 Education helps society by spreading knowledge. This certainly is one excellent contribution to Education.

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Persuasive Essay: Why is Education Important in Our Society?


Education is more than just learning from books, and it is a shame that a lot of schools do not see that it is more than just a curriculum and school score. A good education can teach a child how to learn so that the child may take up independent learning as an adult. Education may also teach a child how to reason so that a child does not grow up to be ignorant.

I will show you the two best reasons why education is important in our society.

Persuasive point 1

The biggest selling point for education in our society is the fact that it helps people learn “how” to learn. It is not about the knowledge they accumulate, it is the way a child is taught how to “learn” things. A child may come away from school not knowing a lot of the course, but if that child has been taught how to learn, then that child may become an adult that learns everything he or she needs in life. Otherwise, that child may grow up to be a person that cannot see the obvious because he or she cannot reason and consciously learn new things.

Persuasive point 2

Education teaches people how to reason, and if they are taught how to reason well, then they help subdue their own thoughts of ignorance. For example, there are lots of posts and websites on the Internet about childhood vaccinations and how dangerous they are. Ignorant people than never learned how to reason will look at them, believe them and support them. If a person is taught how to reason then he or she will know how to recognize empirical evidence.

That person would look at all the people in the US that have had childhood injections (most of them) and then look at all the people with autism. They would reason that if childhood vaccinations caused autism then most of the people in the US would have autism. If a person is taught how to reason then that person may see how people that smoke seem more likely to develop emphysema than people that do not smoke. They would then reason there is a link between smoking and emphysema. This sort of reasoning can be taught in schools, and if children are not taught it then they walk around risking their children’s lives by not vaccinating them, and walk around smoking because their daddy smoked for years and it never hurt him.

If education is not seen as important, then one day it will just be all about school scores and hitting the factors of a curriculum. There will be a day when children start to hate learning because school put them off it for life (this already happens in some cases). Plus, without education teaching people how to reason things out and teaching them how to separate what is fact from what is faulty evidence, then our society will become more and more ignorant until a smarter country simply marches over and takes our country from under out ignorant noses.

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Why Is Education Important? The Power Of An Educated Society

Looking for an answer to the question of why is education important? We address this query with a focus on how education can transform society through the way we interact with our environment. 

Whether you are a student, a parent, or someone who values educational attainment, you may be wondering how education can provide quality life to a society beyond the obvious answer of acquiring knowledge and economic growth. Continue reading as we discuss the importance of education not just for individuals but for society as a whole. 

a student graduating from university while showing the time and impact their education provides

Harness the power of education to build a more sustainable modern society with a degree from  Unity Environmental University .

How Education Is Power: The Importance Of Education In Society

Why is education so important? Nelson Mandela famously said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” An educated society is better equipped to tackle the challenges that face modern America, including:

  • Climate change
  • Social justice
  • Economic inequality

Education is not just about learning to read and do math operations. Of course, gaining knowledge and practical skills is part of it, but education is also about values and critical thinking. It’s about finding our place in society in a meaningful way. 

Environmental Stewardship

A  study from 2022 found that people who belong to an environmental stewardship organization, such as the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, are likely to have a higher education level than those who do not. This suggests that quality education can foster a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly alarming, this particular importance of education is vital to the health, safety, and longevity of our society. Higher learning institutions can further encourage environmental stewardship by adopting a  framework of sustainability science .

jars filled with money showing the economic growth after going to a university

The Economic Benefits Of Education

Higher education can lead to better job opportunities and higher income. On average, a  person with a bachelor’s degree will make $765,000 more  in their lifetime than someone with no degree. Even with the rising costs of tuition, investment in higher education pays off in the long run. In 2020, the return on investment (ROI) for a college degree was estimated to be  13.5% to 35.9% . 

Green jobs  like environmental science technicians and solar panel installers  have high demand projections for the next decade. Therefore, degrees that will prepare you for one of these careers will likely yield a high ROI. And, many of these jobs only require an  associate’s degree or certificate , which means lower overall education costs. 

Unity  helps students maximize their ROI with real-world experience in the field as an integral part of every degree program. 

10 Reasons Why School Is Important

Education is not just an individual pursuit but also a societal one.  In compiling these reasons, we focused on the question, “How does education benefit society?” Overall, higher education has the power to transform:

  • Individuals’ sense of self
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Social communities
  • Professional communities

Cognitive Development

Neuroscience research  has proven that the brain is a muscle that can retain its neuroplasticity throughout life. However, like other muscles, it must receive continual exercise to remain strong. Higher education allows people of any age to improve their higher-level cognitive abilities like problem-solving and decision-making. This can make many parts of life feel more manageable and help society run smoothly. 

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is key to workplace success.  Studies  show that people with emotional intelligence exhibit more:

  • Self-awareness
  • Willingness to try new things
  • Innovative thinking
  • Active listening
  • Collaboration skills
  • Problem-solving abilities

By attending higher education institutions that value these soft skills, students can improve their emotional intelligence as part of their career development in college.

Technological Literacy

Many careers in today’s job market use advanced technology. To prepare for these jobs, young people likely won’t have access to these technologies to practice on their own. That’s part of why so many STEM career paths require degrees. It’s essential to gain technical knowledge and skills through a certified program to safely use certain technologies. And, educated scientists are  more likely to make new technological discoveries .

Cultural Awareness

Education exposes individuals to different cultures and perspectives. Being around people who are different has the powerful ability to foster acceptance. Acceptance benefits society as a whole. It increases innovation and empathy. 

College also gives students an opportunity to practice feeling comfortable in situations where there are people of different races, genders, sexualities, and abilities. Students can gain an understanding of how to act respectfully among different types of people, which is an important skill for the workplace. This will only become more vital as our world continues to become more globalized.

Ethical and Moral Development

Another reason why school is important is that it promotes ethical and moral development. Many schools require students to take an ethics course in their general education curriculum. However, schools can also encourage character development throughout their programs by using effective pedagogical strategies including:

  • Class debates and discussions
  • Historical case studies
  • Group projects

Unity’s distance learning programs  include an ethical decision-making class in our core curriculum. 

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Communication Skills

Effective written and verbal communication skills are key for personal and professional success. Higher education programs usually include at least one communication course in their general education requirements. Often the focus in these classes is on writing skills, but students can also use college as an opportunity to hone their presentation and public speaking skills. Courses such as  Multimedia Communication for Environmental Professionals  provide many opportunities for this. 

Civic Engagement

According to a  Gallup survey , people with higher education degrees are:

  • More likely to participate in civic activities such as voting and volunteering
  • Less likely to commit crimes
  • More likely to get involved in their local communities

All these individual acts add up to make a big difference in society. An educated electorate is less likely to be swayed by unethical politicians and, instead, make choices that benefit themselves and their community. Because they are more involved, they are also more likely to hold elected officials accountable.

Financial Stability

The right degree can significantly expand your career opportunities and improve your long-term earning potential. Not all degrees provide the same level of financial stability, so it’s important to research expected salary offers after graduation and job demand outlook predictions for your desired field. Consider the return on investment for a degree from an affordable private school such as  Unity Environmental University .

Environmental Awareness

We have already discussed why education is important for environmental stewardship. Education can also lead to better environmental practices in the business world. By building empathy through character education and ethics courses, institutions can train future business leaders to emphasize human rights and sustainability over profits. All types and sizes of businesses can incorporate sustainable practices, but awareness of the issues and solutions is the first step.

Lifelong Learning

The reasons why education is important discussed so far focus on institutional education. However, education can happen anywhere. Attending a university that values all kinds of learning will set students up with the foundation to become lifelong learners.  Research  demonstrates that lifelong learners tend to be healthier and more fulfilled throughout their lives. When societies emphasize the importance of education, they can boost their overall prosperity.

Unity Environmental University Commencement diploma covers

The Role Of Unity Environmental University In Society

Environmentally conscious education is extremely valuable and should be accessible to all.   Unity Environmental University  offers tuition prices that are comparable to public universities, and financial aid is available to those who qualify. Courses last five weeks so that students can focus on only one class at a time. This ensures all learners are set up for academic success. 

Unity believes in supporting students holistically to maximize the power of education. This includes mental health services,  experiential learning opportunities , and  job placement assistance . Students in our  hybrid programs  can take classes at several field stations throughout Maine and enjoy the beautiful nature surrounding the campus for outdoor recreation.

Sustainable Initiatives

Some highlights from Unity Environmental University’s many sustainable initiatives:

  • All programs include at least one sustainability learning outcome
  • All research courses are focused on sustainability research
  • Reduced building energy use by 25% across campus
  • 100% of food waste is recycled into energy 
  • Campus features a  net-zero LEED Platinum-certified classroom/office building

While many schools value sustainability, Unity stands out because  everything  we do is about sustainability. We also recognize our responsibility to model how a sustainable business can operate in a manner that’s fiscally viable and socially responsible.

Make An Impact At Unity Environmental University

While the phrase ‘education is power’ may sound cliche, it is also resoundingly true. Higher education has the power to transform individuals and societies. Unity Environmental University understands its power to make a positive impact on the world. That’s why we were the first university to divest from fossil fuels. 

This year, we celebrated our  largest incoming class ever , showing that students want an education system that aligns with their values. In addition to our commitment to sustainability, we offer flexibility to students with start dates all year round for our  online degree programs .

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Is a University Degree Necessary to Success? Essay Example

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In the past decade or so, the United States has been transformed from a manufactured based economy to knowledge and technology based world. Today a college education is just as important as a high school education was fifty years ago. A college degree is the foundation of a stable future. There are many reasons why a college degree is so important and necessary today. People who obtain a college education have a higher lifetime wages earned than people who do not have a college degree. This fact alone ensures a better quality of life for the college graduate. In today’s world, most employers prefer to hire persons who have a college degree or some type of technical certification. People without college educations are limited to the manufacturing and construction industries because these two industries are still based upon “working your way to the top”.  It is very possible that a person with only a high school diploma may obtain a job that pays well and provides great benefits; it is more likely that a college graduate will. A college degree is difficult to obtain for most, but it is well worth the difficulty in the long run.

A college degree provides one with the essential tools to compete in the world market for employment. The most important part of obtaining a college degree is the fact that one has a diploma that certifies that he/she is qualified to perform a certain job. When employers are in the process of hiring a new employee, they go through many resumes. Most employees are looking at the education section of the resumes to help them narrow their search. Most resumes without a college degree added will be discarded. Employers are looking for potential candidates that will be an asset to the company, but will require minimum investment of company money and training.

A college degree is beneficial because college students gain a wealth of experience and they have an opportunity to network with professors and fellow students. College professors often relay their personal experiences and failures with their students. Networking is so important. The old cliché, “It’s not what you know, but who you know”, is still true today. Often college students make lasting friendship through sororities and fraternities, campus organizations, work study appointments, and various other connections. College students have the opportunity to attend job fairs, research programs, and mentorships. These connections can be used later to secure jobs. In some cases, college students have a job secured before they even graduate. For example:

College also helps to discipline students. People who are lazy or procrastinators usually don’t make good employees. Likewise, these types of people don’t usually make good students. Most students who cannot manage their time and prioritize never obtain a college degree. So, the fact that a potential employee has received a college degree tells employers that the person has a drive to complete tasks. The college world is structured; students who are success are able to adapt to this world and meet deadlines and stay on task with various things going on around them. So, when a student has obtained a college degree it demonstrates that he/she has the ability to meet deadlines, work under pressure, and produce quality work. These are three skills that a many employers are looking for.

In recent years, members of minority groups have expressed that a college degree is especially important to them. A survey conducted concluded that Asian, Latinos, and African Americans believe that a four year college degree is necessary for them to be successful in life. Some minorities even said that they believe they value a college degree more than non-minorities because they feel that they have to be twice as good to be chosen over non-minority candidates. Likewise, about 70 percent of Latinos agreed with the statement, while only about 47 percent of whites agreed that a college degree was necessary to their success ( Bower & Wolverton, 2009). One African American woman interviewed stated that she saw how hard her mother worked to take care of them, so she knew that she would have to find a better route. She knew that obtaining a college degree was imperative. Many of minorities agreed that they are treated differently when they interview for a job. They don’t feel that they are expected to be intelligent and are usually hired for only entry level jobs. Bower & Wolverton (2009) discuss how African American women view success and leadership. The book focuses on women who have reached great heights in their careers and how they credit a college degree with making their successful life possible. They discuss how difficult it is to be accepted as successful in a male oriented arena. For them, the measure of success is when they are able to acquire jobs that are usually dominated by men. For example, one woman interviewed said, “If it were not for my college degree, I know I would be doomed to a mediocre job that would not pay enough for me to provide for my family in a respectable way” (Bower & Wolverton, 2009 ).

Being a first generation college graduate is very important to students who have parents who did not have the opportunity to attend college. Minorities can especially relate to this because for African American, being able to read and write was punishable by death. As a result, parents and grandparents of African Americans stress the important of their children obtaining a college degree. Even within the African American communities, gaining a college degree is very important. When one has been a part of a community that was denied access to education, it becomes a community effort.  As the overall college graduation rates of minorities increase, groups that are typically underrepresented have a realistic goal to aspire to. So, when minorities receive college degrees, they are inspiring other minorities to do likewise. Cox (2009) discusses the fear that many college students have of failing because their communities and family members have invested so much in their success. Cox interviewed various students from universities and colleges across the United States that were enrolled in English courses. He noted that many of the students that he interviewed would be considered failures by society because they did not obtain a college degree or enrolled and dropped-out for various reasons. He discussed some of the self-undermining behaviors that college students have that hinders them from completing college. “I would never be able to graduate anyway, so I might as well drop out now”, ( Cox, 2009) is a common excuse that students tell themselves.  Many of them cannot commit to goals or miss too many class meetings. He feels they do this in order to down play how challenged they feel to complete college and obtain a degree. As a result, if they do fail they will be able to say that they just didn’t apply themselves. He also examined the views of people who about community colleges. He argues that colleges should address the fear factor that students face.

Although a college degree is necessary to success, there are some barriers that hinder or prolong the time needed to obtain a degree.  For example, poor high school academic success can become a major road block to students who want to obtain a college degree after graduation. Students who have not maintained a good grade point average may find that they have to attend a local community college before be accepted into a four year institution. This allows the student to work hard and strengthen their grade point averages. Nonetheless, this often wastes valuable time for the student because he/she is only taking basic courses in preparation for the four year college. So, it is wise if any student who intends to attend college maintain a solid grade point average in high school. On the other hand, some students are academically prepared for college, but are just financially unable. These students find themselves with a great dilemma. Many of them just decide to borrow the money; other students decide to work part-time and attend college. Some students may even work full-time and attend night classes. However, all of these produce other dilemmas. Some students find it difficult to manage their time between work and school. As a result, academics often go lacking. Some eventually give up and begin working full time and never finish obtaining a college degree. Also, there is the myth that some degrees are more apt for success than others. Dietz(2009) discusses the debate over whether or not certain major guarantees the success of a particular student. With the costs of college degrees gradually increasing nearly every year, parents, students, and counselors are trying to make sure that college graduates degrees are worthwhile in the future. Consequently, researchers are trying to determine if the choice of college major has any bearings on the success of the student or if any one major is more likely to be more successful than another. Finally, Dietz stated, Success truly depends upon the person, but having a college degree definitely decreases the odds of failure”( Dietz, 2009 ).

Non-traditional students face even more barriers when trying to obtain a college degree. Non-traditional students are those that don’t fit the ideal of what a college student is. These students are typically older and are carrying many family and personal responsibilities that ideal college students are not. However, it has been documented that non-traditional students have success just as traditional students. For example, “Nationally, non-traditional students have lower completion rates than traditional students. However, a longitudinal study proved that , five years after enrolling, only 26.7% of non-traditional students had achieved their objective of an associate degree compared with 53.4% of traditional students” (Dietz, 2009) Barrow & Rouse(2012), examine how financial incentives can motivate students to work more diligently in class. They noted that females tend to be more enticed by financial benefits; however, male students were less motivated by financial benefits. The authors insist that this rule is true for adult life and success too. They believe that students who equated money with success were more apt to do well if the reward was monetary. While for most males, success is equated with self-efficacy and personal satisfaction. Likewise, some students drop-out of school when they begin working because they feel the money they are making will be efficient for what they want at the time.

A college degree is the ultimate foundation for one’s future. A proper education helps one to reach goals and become an effective member of society. With a great education comes more choices and opportunities to live a successful and happy life. Earning adequate money to provide for one’s family is the number one reason why so many people choose to obtain a college degree. For minorities, obtaining a degree is very important because they have lived firsthand the barriers caused by being uneducated. Consequently, minority communities’ support and influence young people to obtain college degrees. People without college degrees are limited to the types of jobs and incomes they can obtain. While those with college degrees have many choices and earn much more money than those without college degrees. There are so many advantages to obtaining a college degree. College graduates have a better income and access to healthcare services, which ensure a healthier, more productive life. The 21 st century is called the knowledge economy. Jobs that pay great wages, especially those in the manufacturing field, require manual labor, long hours, and often dangerous circumstances. The jobs that people worked 50 years ago are constantly being phased out through the development of new technology. A college degree does not guarantee success, but it definitely makes success more possible. Consequently, anyone who can obtain a college degree should. It requires hard work, diligent study habits, time, and devotion, but it is worth all of that. Education ensures a great future is possible.

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  • Why Formal Education is not Synonymous to Success

education is not necessary for success essay

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education is not necessary for success essay

Have you ever heard someone say that if they could just go back to school and get their degree they would be successful? Or if they could only get their Master’s degree they would be better off?

I have heard several statements of the same effect and every time I hear such statements I always ask, ‘Why are you waiting for a piece of paper to determine your life’s story?’

‘Tomorrow is my exam, but I don’t care because a single sheet of paper can’t decide my future.’ – Thomas Edison

Sure, if you are looking for professional white-collar employment it may be necessary for you to have gone the whole nine yards in formal education and attained that degree or that Master’s degree.

But is this the only road to success? If you are anything like me, the answer is definite ‘No’.

Why Formal Education is not Synonymous to Success

Don’t get me wrong, I think education is very important and I’m currently pursuing my LLB degree but that’s only because I am passionate about social change and I feel that this avenue would better position me to effect the kind of change the world around me needs.

However, at the same time I refuse to believe that formal education and being an employee is the only way I can end up being a success in life. If you are anything like me, you believe in creating employment, being creative, being an entrepreneur…you appreciate freedom and you would simply make a bad employee.

The common perception that going all the way through college and getting a good payment package from a big company is getting old… This is why the unemployment level is on the rise even for graduates, everyone is just waiting around to be ‘employed’, and no one is willing to create employment. This might have worked out well for Baby Boomers but it is about time that we change our thinking.

What’s the point of studying for about 25 years of your life only to be confined behind a desk making someone who broke out of this cycle money for the next 30 years? Why don’t you break out of the cycle as well? Challenge yourself… stop shielding yourself on the safety-net of employment, stop limiting yourself, take the leap, you’ll never know what you could have been if you don’t at least try…

What you need is to first re-think your idea of success. Do you consider success to be a big bank balance, exotic cars, a huge house, and a prestigious job title? I think this is an illusion of success, but then again, everyone will have a different idea of what success is, and that’s okay. I personally feel that success is measured by how much impact (positive) you have on the world when your story is over.

How many lives did you touch? Did you change someone’s life for the better? Did you make sure that future generations lead a better more comfortable life than you did? Did you inspire someone to break out of their shell and reach their full potential?

Let’s look at the most revered success stories in history… writers, actors, activists, religious leaders, entrepreneurs, fathers… these people are remembered not for the size of their banks or mansions but for the number of hearts they touched and the impact they had on the world. Creating something valuable and lasting was their idea of success and I feel that we should all learn to view success in a similar light.

For me, success will be changing the social culture of my world, teaching them how to look at the world differently and to shun the negative practices as opposed to glorifying them. This can’t be done by going through college but by feeding my passion, educating myself on social thinking patterns and approaches that resonate with the masses, hence effectively positioning myself to influence change. For me, this is the most important kind of education, one driven by passion as opposed to the hopes of a stable life.

In the past, a lot of people have dropped out of school to follow an unconventional idea of success, to work on their passions, and they became hugely successful. These people chose to educate themselves informally to reach their goals and they eventually found success and happiness.

We have missed the real meaning of education. The real point of education is to make us aware of ourselves and the world around us. Once a person has realized what they want, they can educate themselves and acquire the necessary skills to reach the heights that they set for themselves. I mean look at a man like:

Case Study: Malcom X.

From being a regular street thug, he found his passion while in prison, converted to Islam, educated himself on the social injustices that were ongoing against his people at the time, reflected on possible solutions, and came out to become the spokesperson of one of the largest civil rights movements in the world’s history, the Nation of Islam. Today he is remembered not for a college degree, or a big house, or luxury cars, but for the significant role in the civil rights revolution.

This article will emphasize on the importance of education but at the end, it will explain to you why formal education isn’t necessarily synonymous to success, I hope you will have changed your idea of success and become inspired to truly educate yourself and follow your passion. If you do this, I guarantee you a happier and more fulfilled life ahead.


Undeniably, formal education has paved way for the modern era and is the basis of logical and rational thinking. However, it is inaccurate to say that without education people would not be able to read, write, or calculate… Think of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs .

Nonetheless this form of education has been extremely beneficial to people across the globe in both small and large measures. Education has contributed immensely to social development across the world and has provided different people with the skills necessary to navigate a world beyond their own.

There are other benefits that formal education has brought the world. What are the most significant and notable of these?

Global Citizenship/Equality

Formal education provides you with global citizenship . By this I mean that formal education opens your eyes to the fact that regardless of a person’s nationality, gender, language, or skin color, we are all human beings.

When you learn about the history of people from different corners of the world you realize that, as human beings, we have all faced the similar struggles, suffered the same pains, and enjoyed the same pleasures. This plucks any notion of racism/ethnicism that your mind might have conceived and you begin to treat the entire human race as one, you view everyone as an equal regardless of their origins.

Essentially formal education exposes us to knowledge and truths that change our outlook on the world, an outlook that we would perhaps never acquired without it. It produces men and women of moral integrity who are tolerant, wise, and inclined to public service.

Development in Developing Countries

I am against the idea that formal education came to save developing countries whose people were disorganized savages constantly at war with each other. However, I do believe that formal education has played a role in social integration and contributed to the blurring of ethnic lines in young nations.

Formal education gives you an understanding of yourself and others, enabling you to view others as brothers and sisters and as opposed to a threat. The cohesion that arises from this effectively drives economic and social development in a young nation because people focus on pooling their efforts for the greater good of the nation rather than constantly engaging in a tag of war in which no one really benefits.

A Stable Life

Granted, employment does not necessarily imply that you have to be formally educated but with education most people are able to get a stable job with consistent income, hence being they are able to meet the basic material needs of their lives.

Without formal education it is more than likely that you could end up holding an unstable minimum wage jobs, it’s not a guarantee, but it is highly likely. At the least, education assures you a more stable and secure life … But with the rising levels of unemployment, even this is starting to seem like a gamble.

Reduction in Crime Rate

Formal education instills in your mind the difference between right and wrong, lawful and illegal. You may argue that this is not enough to stop a person from committing a crime, that there are also white collar crimes such as fraud and tax evasion. It’s a good argument and I agree with it, but formal education gives you something that an uneducated person may not have… hope.

An educated person will have hope of getting stable employment that will ensure a stable life for him. On the other hand, an uneducated person may lack the same kind of hope for opportunity and as a result that person may often be driven to crimes such as theft and robbery in a desperate attempt to secure a better future.

With wide spread formal education , this hopelessness can be mitigated, leading to a reduction of crime rate, promote an entrepreneurship spirit, and encourage social peace and harmony.

Builds your Confidence

Although it is not an accurate assumption, it is a common perception that a college degree is proof of knowledgeability. When you’re educated, people around you are more willing to listen to you and take you seriously.

Due to this widely held perception, an uneducated man may feel inadequate and therefore find it difficult to voice his opinions even when he has a good point to make, and even when he really does have a good point, people may not put that much weight to his words. An educated person, on the other hand will generally feel more confident to express his opinions, which people will gladly consider, gradually building his confidence .

Shields you from Exploitation

When you’re uneducated it is easier for people to take advantage of your illiteracy and ignorance.

Due to a lack of exposure, most uneducated people may not even be aware of their constitutional rights which leaves them open to harassment by police officers, mistreatment by landlords, exploitation by sales men and conmen… it’s far much easier to take advantage of innocent and illiterate people than it is the educated.

Formal education gives you an awareness of your fundamental rights and as a result you are aware when any situation deprives you of those rights at which point you are able to fight against that mistreatment or exploitation.


I would be deceiving you and myself if I told you that education plays absolutely no role in a person’s success. I believe success is unlocking your true potential by applying the knowledge you have acquired in order to make a difference in the world around you as well as making your own life a beautiful master piece. I also believe that reaching a level where you no longer define yourself or your success with material possessions is itself an indication of success.

True education challenges you to creatively apply the knowledge you’ve acquired and think for yourself. Formal education that purely tests on your effectiveness to remember a bunch of facts is not true education. Anyone can cram a bunch of facts in their mind for a few days but once the tests are over a lot of people forget those facts… So what’s the point really?

Being educated is being able to make independent decisions and opinions about different subjects, enabling you to make an original contribution in the field you choose to delve in. A good education encourages the development of two facets, analytical intelligence and emotional intelligence.

Analytical intelligence enables you to solve technical problems while emotional intelligence enables you to communicate and make connections with others. An education focused on these two facets as opposed to simply memorizing a bunch of facts breeds characters who are capable of achieving success and leading a happy content life.

Here are two of the strongest arguments I have found to be in support of the opinion that education plays a significant role in your success.

Provides Skill Set/Experience to Succeed

The kind of education that inspires success is not just the formal kind. Education that promotes hands on skillset acquisition and experience that goes beyond the cramming of facts better prepares you for success.

A form of education that encourages one-on-one time between the teacher and the student is much more effective than conventional education were the teacher feels that his only obligation is to disseminate information without any consideration of whether the students are challenged or inspired to think independently on the subjects being covered.

This formal education rarely positions you for success unless you personally take a keen interest in the subject and educate and challenge yourself further, otherwise all you’ll be doing is keeping facts in your head, facts that you’re probably not even interested in.

However, true education leads you towards success by challenging you to apply the things you’ve learned to solve real issues and to make original contributions in whatever field you are involved in, hence paving the way for your success.

Access to Knowledge

At its most basic, formal education enables you to read and write, not in Egyptian Hieroglyphs, but in the most commonly used letters and languages. This gives you the access to a vast collection of human knowledge and wisdom that spans across numerous centuries and generations.

With access to such vast knowledge you can learn from the teachings of the masters of whatever field you have chosen to engage in and this will propel your own success. When you stand on the shoulders of your predecessors who made great contributions in your field you are able to see much further than they did, it’s better than starting from scratch.

Great achievers like Isaac Newton have acknowledged that the contribution of his predecessors immensely contributed to their success. Malcom X once said it’s important to study history because we get to learn from people who experienced the same predicaments, so we already have the solutions in place.


Winners have an edge over their competition despite the fact that they possibly have the same educational level because they think outside the box and push the limits rather than take comfort in things as they are. They choose to innovate and make their own unique contributions in their field.

‘Our actions, not our thoughts, define who we are.’ – Unknown

Our actions define who we are and in time the actions we consistently repeat come to us automatically and become second nature, they become impulsive, you could almost do them in your sleep.

Good habits like pushing through your tasks for the day even when you don’t really feel like it can propel you towards success while bad habits such as snoozing through your first alarm and allowing yourself to slack off can be detrimental for your success.

In this light, no matter what your level of education is, if you haven’t mastered discipline in your work and you are therefore never consistent in your efforts towards your goals you are almost guaranteed to miss your mark.

A less educated person who has cultivated positive habits , for example waking up before daybreak, never letting himself slack off, and who is willing to go that extra mile to achieve his goals will certainly achieve success. In this case your level of education has nothing to do with your level of success. The habits you cultivate, that inherently become you, are a greater determinant of whether you fail or succeed.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Doesn’t Discriminate/Thinking outside the Box

Formal education takes you out of the class right into a career, possibly for a big company. But who creates these companies?… Entrepreneurs… The entrepreneurial spirit does not consider your educational level, if it finds you it finds you. Entrepreneurship is not a career you have to qualify for. Entrepreneurship is a calling, a fire inside you that overwhelms you; it becomes a lifestyle, a way of life.

Formal education confines you in a predictable environment where the results are predetermined and controllable. The formula is… finish college, possibly do your Master’s and Phd, get a well-paying job in a big company/become a university professor… Formal education doesn’t encourage you to think outside of this box and most people never break out of this line of thinking.

They never feel prompted to do more or make an effort to leave their own mark in their field as long as they keep receiving that stable income at the end of each month.

Entrepreneurs are the people who create the jobs for the college graduates. They are the ones who dared to break out of the conventional reliance on formal education to achieve success.

Case Study: Bill Gates

Gates dropped out of Harvard to follow his passion and found Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen.

I am not in any way encouraging you to drop out of school but it is a noteworthy example… How a regular student who over the years had honed his skills in coding didn’t need a university degree to follow his passion and go on to build one of the most successful and wealthiest companies in the world today with an employee base of over 100, 000.

Belief in Yourself is the Key

The best lessons to be learned are actually learned from life itself. Besides formal education, the adoption of strong ethos’, our abilities to self-reflect and adapt, as well as our belief in or abilities and capabilities all play a key role in whether we become successful or fail.

The real key to success is our belief in ourselves , this is what enables us to tap deep into our cores and unleash our potential. Formal education does not encourage self-introspect but if you put yourself on a path of self-discovery that results in self-belief and self-confidence in your own abilities, you will have the tools necessary to achieve success in anything you choose to do.

Attaining a college education may be important, but the most important lessons are those that forge men of character who are willing to break away from conventional boundaries and are bold enough to take the bull by the horns to achieve their dreams.

Goals are also never determined by your level of education. Sure some courses will lead to better paying careers than others. Sure formal education may expose you to realities that may be hidden from a person who did not attain the same level of education but whether you are formally educated or not your dreams have no limit… there is no cap to dreaming.

You may be educated but set goals that are too easy and never make any significant progress, remaining stagnant in that well-paying job of yours, never reaching your full potential. On the other hand, you could skip formal education but set lofty goals that inspire you to work harder to attain them, so much so that you even create employment for the formally educated.

‘Impossible is Nothing.’ – Muhammed Ali

To attain true success, whether you are formally educated or not, you should establish broad but flexible long-term goals that detail your long-term success, while simultaneously having small day-to-day goals that you remain dedicated to in order to achieve the broad vision .

You cannot achieve true success if you have no vision regardless of whether you have a college degree or not, do not just assume that you can relax and success will come to you just because you have a formal education, you have to chase it.


Have you heard of the phrase ‘You are a product of your environment’?

I have personally found this to be true. If you create an environment that feeds your distractions you will never make significant progress and possibly miss the mark of success. For example, when you live in an untidy environment don’t you feel that your mind is clogged and unable to focus? It works the same way in life. For you to be successful you have to maintain a tidy environment.

Even when you are educated if you surround yourself with unmotivated, apathetic, and lazy people you will find yourself being equally reckless with your time, being unable to motivate yourself to reach for your goals.

‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’ – Unknown

If the kind of company you keep doesn’t acknowledge ambition and hard work they will slowly suck the ambition out of you and you will find yourself stagnating. On the other hand, an uneducated person who is surrounded by ambitious individuals who feed his passion will be greatly motivated to reach for his goals and is better positioned to achieve success, even surpassing individuals with a formal education.

Create an environment that feeds your ambitions, that propels you towards your goals. Structure your work environment and surround yourself with people who encourage your productivity and lead you to success. Whether you have a college degree or not, once you start creating this environment you will find yourself gravitating towards success. With a vision, a great attitude, and the perfect environment, nothing can stand in the way of you and your success.

Case Study: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was a firm believer in keeping good company, one of his most notable words we, ‘Surround yourself with the dreamers, the ones who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.’

As a closing remark, yes, I believe we need education to be successful, but not in the conventional sense of the word ‘education’. We need to redefine what true success is and educate ourselves in a manner that will enable us to achieve it.

More than anything, your attitude is the most important determinant for achieving success. Attitude affects how you cope with failure as well as the enthusiasm with which you approach your objectives as well as your challenges. Formal education cannot teach you attitude or enthusiasm and without these the drive to go for your dreams and to positively impact the world around you will be little or non-existent.

‘Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.’  – Ralph Waldo

Formal education has many benefits, but makes no mistake; it is not an automatic prerequisite for success. You are not going to become automatically successful because you have a college degree; it takes much more than that.

To be successful you must be ambitious, driven, disciplined, and passionate. You must educate yourself in your field of interest beyond what you learn in the classroom, study your predecessors and stand on their shoulders to be able to make an original/unique impact of your own, to influence (positively) the world around you, and leave a lasting legacy before passing over the baton to the next generation.

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Role of Education for Successful Careers Essay

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Over the years, there has been ongoing debate on the importance of education for a successful career. Even to those who agree that education is important, there is still the lingering question on the level of importance. Many learners and employment seekers have repeatedly been questioning the importance of education with respect to personal career in certain fields.

There are also questions touching on the role of education in determining the level of success in the business world and in improving the quality of life in general. Today, many people seeking certain job opportunities with some even possessing many years experience find themselves being rejected in favour of candidates possessing degrees in that field. (Santiago)

Depending on the height of achievement that one is seeking to accomplish, the echelon of education might be practical, but the most important thing to realize is that some level of education is vital to future success. In essence, completing high levels of education shows that one has an obligation and enthusiasm to study and apply the gotten information in their various areas of specialization.

Additionally, this also acts as proof that one is willing to use the acquired thoughts, theories, and principles to attain a variety of responsibilities and aspirations. Although there are obviously many reasons why people should advance their education, the most important is that education enables a person to acquire the subject substance and vital information needed in the day-to-day living. (Hartman & Stewart 283)

Today, many people are undoubtedly shunning formal employment in favour of starting up their own businesses. This has led many people to question the importance of academic excellence in the light of this new development. Contrary to this belief, attaining academic excellence especially in English and language skills helps people to communicate their ideas in a clearer manner.

This is gotten from the fact that communication skills are fundamental in any task, whether dealing with co-workers or even business associates. Indeed, one has to efficiently convey their plans, ideas, and goals if they are to become respected people in the society.

Currently, any formal learning incorporates communication skills thus articulating the importance of attaining academic excellence during the learning years. (Moxley & Dumbrigue 36)

Despite the revolution that computers and calculators have brought in the modern world, there is still the need to do basic adding up and calculations on paper or even using the mind. Regardless of the profession that one might be in, there will always arise moments when one has to employ basic math skills.

Lacking these skills can be a big impediment to attaining a fulfilling career or even for life. Indeed, nearly every chore in the life of a man requires some basic math skills. These are activities like preparing meals, shopping, driving among many other chores that people engage in on day-to-day basis.

Lacking the basic math skills can become a big source of frustration for the involved parties and can lead to huge losses in an organization or even in ones private life. (Hartman & Stewart 284)

Currently, nearly all the best paying jobs in the market require high level of learning. In fact, the world works on a basic principle that the more education that one has, then the higher level of earnings they are likely to attain.

This clearly shows that academic excellence is a prerequisite for attaining financial growth in any given career. In fact, trends show that people who attain great success in the business world were once successful in school. Currently, anyone thinking of landing a lucrative job in any major organization must be holding some noteworthy level of education. (Moxley & Dumbrigue 37)

Unlike in the past when certain positions within organizations did not necessarily require any college education, the situation has been reversed and these positions are currently only open to people possessing a certain level of academic qualification.

In any given organization, managers use educational requirements to reduce the number of applicants especially in situations where the number of those applying for the job is more than the available positions.

There are many explanations as to why managers prefer people with higher education but the most likely reason is that learned people are perceived to be ready to learn the procedures within the company since college education is all about learning new things.

Additionally, being in school allows one to interact with people from different backgrounds, which helps them to hone their communication skills thus making them to succeed in their respective careers and in the business world. (Santiago)

Over the years, there has been an ongoing debate on whether academic excellence is important for a successful career. There is no doubt that academic excellence leads to financial breakthroughs in whatever career that one might be pursuing. Even then, there is still the lingering question on the required level of education that one should have attained to make them qualify for certain positions in an organization.

Current trends however show that the range of salaries in organizations depends on the level of education that one has attained. Unlike in the past when some positions within organizations did not require any level of education, the situation has changed and academic excellence is needed to even allow one to set foot in these organizations.

Hartman, Kathleen and Stewart, Thomas. Investing in Your College Education: Learning Strategies with Readings, 2009. Cengage Learning, 283-284. Print.

Moxley, David and Dumbrigue, Cecille. Keeping Students in Higher Education: Successful Practices & Strategies for Retention, 2001. Routledge, 36-40. Print.

Santiago, Andrea. Why is Education so Important for Success? , 2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 3). Role of Education for Successful Careers. https://ivypanda.com/essays/role-of-education-for-successful-careers-essay/

"Role of Education for Successful Careers." IvyPanda , 3 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/role-of-education-for-successful-careers-essay/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Role of Education for Successful Careers'. 3 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Role of Education for Successful Careers." May 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/role-of-education-for-successful-careers-essay/.

1. IvyPanda . "Role of Education for Successful Careers." May 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/role-of-education-for-successful-careers-essay/.


IvyPanda . "Role of Education for Successful Careers." May 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/role-of-education-for-successful-careers-essay/.

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Success — Education is The Key to Success and Its Wide-Spread Impact


Education is The Key to Success and Its Wide-spread Impact

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Words: 454 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

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Importance of education, education and personal growth, education and economic growth, the role of education in society, the impact of education on health, education and technology.

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education is not necessary for success essay

"Education is the Key to Success"

I see education as the key to having a successful future. Many may say that what our teachers teach us in class may not be worth any of our time when really all they're trying to do is set us on the right path for the future.

                                                                 “My American Creed”

            What is my American Creed...my American Creed is that I believe that education is the key to success. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world..”(Nelson Mandela)           

          Why is education the key to success? “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students”(Solomon Ortiz). I say education is the key to success because even though many may say that it does not prepare us for what we need in real life or everyday life. It gives us good social skills, work ethic and time management. Many come to the conclusion that what teachers teach us won’t be useful for us in the future or won’t benefit us for the specific career path that we would like to go down but it shows us what we are strong and excel significantly at which can help us to see what we are truly fit best for. “Education is the key to unlock the Golden door of Freedom”(George Washington Carver). Having an education puts us in the best place to have a secured future for ourselves. We can think outside the box to come up with productive ideas which can do us good. Even better it’ll place us with a good paying job.

          From experience my mom didn’t finish high school neither did she attend college she is 34 years old and has been with her job for 10 years. Recently she has gotten an opportunity to work at a higher stance with her company with a better pay. It took her 10 years to be able to show her company that even though she didn’t attend college and didn’t complete high school that she can make a difference for them. Even though it turned out okay for her she still struggles for many things because she could be way higher but because of the past it may be awhile before she gets another opportunity to step up to another level. Then looking at my stepdad who finished high school and graduated college with a degree is the manager of his company just after a couple years of working with them.

       Looking at with what our teachers teach at school even though right now we can’t really say what will help us we could be surprised when we meet face to face again with it in the future. While comparing both my mom and step dad with the set of education that they have it really shows me how having an education really is the key to having a successful future. With it you can accomplish more than you think and it can have a great impact on your life. So when in class don’t see what your teacher is teaching you as a waste of time look at it as setting you on the right path to making your future a walk in the park because what their doing is making things easier for you. 

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Higher education is no longer necessary for success. Discuss.

For a majority of people, higher education undoubtedly remains key to achieving success. Not only are degrees badges of acquired skill, they are sometimes even status symbols. In addition, the experience of going through higher education often proves to be greatly important if one seeks a successful career. Higher education still plays a vital role in the pathway to success.

Higher education is important

It is easy to see why there has been increasing optimism of attaining success through means other than higher education. First, the rapid growth of online courses offered by Coursera and Phoenix University have led to the argument that the advent of the Internet has made it such that individuals no longer need higher education to obtain the skills they require for their jobs. Second, people often lament that despite obtaining degrees, they are unable to find work, and cannot pay off college debts they have accumulated. Third, mass media platforms have recently painted pictures of how individuals like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg reached the very peak of what it means to be “successful”, without ever needing the support of higher education. This leads to the claim that higher education has lost its ability to deliver some measures of success. These three arguments present the case that higher education is no longer necessary for success.

However, it is overly assertive to claim that the skills that people learn from university education are irrelevant, even with the aid of the Internet. Instead, it is more reasonable to believe that higher education provides greater opportunities for learning. Though it may be possible to obtain the same access to information, it is only at universities that individuals of similar interests are able to gather in a classroom, exchange thoughts and ideas with each other, and learn under the tutelage of professors at the forefronts of their fields. Comparatively, those who do not attend higher education do not have that same opportunity to ask peers or professors for help when they run into problems understanding the content taught. Especially for specialised fields like biotechnology and law, the skills and knowledge necessary for the future remain largely accessible only to those who have undergone higher education. From this, it is clear that university graduates have greater propensity to gain skills and knowledge than non-graduates.

In addition, the university degree itself is a badge of acquired skill, reassuring employers that these employees have learnt the content, and are able to handle the work assigned to them. This means that graduates are more likely to be hired than non-graduates, which often translates into higher salaries. Furthermore, the trust that employers have in graduates’ ability to perform better often translates into greater financial remuneration. Today, bachelor’s degree holders can expect median lifetime earnings of about US$2.3 million, as compared to US$1.3 million for workers with just a high school diploma. Ultimately, higher education does in fact bring about greater financial success for graduates.

It is also fallacious to argue that higher education has stopped being a necessary part to being successful just because there have been exceptions to it. Not only were Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates intellectual geniuses and visionaries who had foreseen and grasped business opportunities, they were born into circumstances which ultimately facilitated their success. Courses offered at universities could not offer advice to these entrepreneurs embarking as pioneers of a new field. On the other hand, an overwhelming proportion of individuals do not enjoy the same kind of privilege, be it financial or intellectual. Hence, for most, the likely route to success is higher education, which sets them apart from other job applicants.

In fact, for most occupations excluding degree-blind jobs such as entrepreneurship and advertising, higher education plays an integral role in assimilating graduates into their future workplaces. Upon entering the workplace, university graduates depend upon the ties they had developed to help them along, and this often stems from their higher education experience. For example, specialists often depend on the referrals of other doctors to obtain a base of patients. In such a situation, getting to know others who are in the field is incredibly important for one’s career advancement prospects. Thus, higher education is not just about the content and skills involved, but also the relationships graduates develop with each other. The social advantage that higher education offers hence allows graduates to get a leg up over non-graduate.

In essence, higher education remains necessary for success. This is not to say that all graduates are necessarily more successful than all non-graduates, because of the multitude of factors involved. However, university graduates do indeed benefit greatly from higher education, a crucial factor contributing to being successful.


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Education Is The Key To Success by Jasmeane

Jasmeaneof Eugene's entry into Varsity Tutor's April 2015 scholarship contest

Education Is The Key To Success by Jasmeane - April 2015 Scholarship Essay

I believe education is the most important tool you can receive, that can bring you most success in society today. Education lessens the challenges you will face in life. The more knowledge you gain the more opportunities will open up to allow individuals to achieve better possibilities in career and personal growth. Education has played an important role in the career world of the twenty-first century. A person with a higher education will be easily qualified compared to a person without an extended education; as one will be prepared to do various tasks that careers demand as well as meet job standards.

I also believe education is important because it helps us develop a unique perspective of looking at life. Education has played a major role for all individuals in the society. It has allowed the community to succeed both socially and economically by enabling it to develop common culture and values. Education is the reason our world is the way it is today, doctors have been close to finding cures for cancer because of a higher education; our technology has been enriched compared to the 19th century all because of education.

If the importance of education is not recognized, then someday education will become less relevant. Education serves to unite and strengthen our country. Without education people would not be able to distinguish right from wrong. If this should happen, then our society will find itself at a large disadvantage compared to other countries. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” once said by a wise man name Nelson Mandela, and that is why I strongly agree why education is important.



Essay on Education Is the Key to Success

Students are often asked to write an essay on Education Is the Key to Success in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Education Is the Key to Success


Education is a significant tool that guides us to a bright future. It helps us to develop our skills, learn new things, and achieve our dreams.

Importance of Education

Education is essential as it opens doors to opportunities. It gives us the knowledge to make informed decisions, solve problems, and contribute to society.

Education and Success

Success is often linked with education. It equips us with the tools needed to overcome challenges, reach our goals, and succeed in life.

In conclusion, education is the key to success. It empowers us to reach our full potential and lead a successful life.

250 Words Essay on Education Is the Key to Success

The power of education.

Education is a transformative tool that paves the way to success. It is a fundamental pillar of society, shaping the minds of the young and old alike. It imparts knowledge, develops critical thinking, and fosters creativity, thereby enabling individuals to navigate the world confidently and effectively.

Education and Personal Development

Education is instrumental in personal development. It equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. Furthermore, it inculcates values of empathy, respect, and social responsibility, which are essential for harmonious coexistence in a diverse society.

The Socio-Economic Impact of Education

Education has significant socio-economic impacts. It opens doors to better job opportunities, leading to improved living standards. It also promotes economic growth by fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Moreover, education empowers individuals and communities, reducing social inequalities and promoting social mobility.

Education and the Future

The importance of education will only increase in the future. With advancements in technology and the rise of the knowledge economy, education will be the key that unlocks the potentials of individuals and societies. It will prepare us for the challenges and opportunities of the future, ensuring our success in an increasingly interconnected and competitive world.

In conclusion, education is the key to success. It is not merely a process of learning, but a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth. It is the foundation on which we build our future, and hence, it deserves our utmost attention and investment.

500 Words Essay on Education Is the Key to Success

The role of education in personal development.

Education plays a pivotal role in the personal development of individuals, equipping them with the necessary skills to participate effectively in society. It fosters critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. These skills are essential in today’s world, where the ability to analyze information, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems is highly valued. Education also nurtures creativity and innovation, which are key drivers of success in the modern world.

Education and Economic Progress

Education is a powerful tool for economic development, both at an individual and societal level. It is a well-established fact that educated individuals generally have better job opportunities, earn higher wages, and are more likely to contribute to economic growth. On a broader scale, education is crucial for the economic advancement of a nation. It equips the workforce with the skills needed to compete in the global market, drive innovation, and sustain economic growth.

The Social Dimension of Education

Education as a catalyst for change.

Education is a powerful catalyst for change, driving progress in areas such as health, governance, and environmental sustainability. It empowers individuals to make informed choices about their health, participate actively in their communities, and contribute to sustainable development.

In conclusion, education is indeed the key to success. It is a powerful tool that empowers individuals, drives economic growth, promotes social equity, and catalyzes positive change. However, it is essential to remember that education is not just about formal schooling but also about lifelong learning. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to learn, adapt, and apply knowledge creatively is more important than ever before. Therefore, while education opens the door to success, it is the individual’s commitment to continuous learning and adaptation that ultimately unlocks it.

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Top 8 Reasons Why Education is the Key to Success

education is not necessary for success essay

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: April 19, 2019

Top 8 Reasons Why Education is the Key to Success copy (1)

You may have heard the saying that education is the key to success, but it’s really true. In fact, there are eight solid reasons to believe that pursuing education beyond your high school degree in the 21st century will make you more attractive to potential employers and ultimately become more successful.

education is not necessary for success essay

1. Education gives you the skills that companies are looking for

As you progress through a college degree, you’ll learn how to manage your time; how to juggle several tasks at the same time, how to interact with all kinds of people, and new skills that companies are looking for now. At the University of the People (UoPeople), for example, faculty come from all over the globe and are prepared to teach those cutting-edge skills that companies are seeking as they look for new hires who will carry their businesses forward through the 21st century. In short, a real education today means that the institution offering a program of study provides skills that can be applied immediately once the student graduates and becomes part of the workforce

2. You’ll form networks and meet new people

Attending college isn’t just about completing courses and meeting other students. A successful, viable institution of higher learning has partners, affiliates, alumni, and other entities that can become a part of your professional network once you join a university community. Nowadays, when you pursue your education, most universities will show you how to become part of an  online community where you have plenty of opportunities to engage with other students, thinkers, degree-seekers, and problem-solvers like yourself.

As you proceed, you’ll gain a clearer sense of your own ideas and values. And when you’re finished with school, you’ll find that businesses in today’s global society are looking for people who know how to be a part of an online community and can communicate the company brand to their clients.

education is not necessary for success essay

3. You’ll keep up with changing technologies

When you enroll in an academic program offered by University of the People or another accredited university, you engage in learning while using technologies that hiring companies are looking for. You gain valuable digital experience, allowing your education to provide you with the key to success.

4. You’ll define your career interests.

When you pursue an education in a particular degree, you’ll find that you’ll learn more about your professional interests, what you plan to do with your degree, and what the career options are. For instance, your choice of higher education provides you with resources, contacts, networks, and many other influences that allow you to explore the details of your career choice. You’ll have a much clearer notion of what you want to do, what you are capable of doing, and how to get a actually get a job in your field after completing your education.

5. You’ll develop time management skills.

Even if you are pursuing an education full-time, you may still need to work and manage the household budget, along with many other challenges. In short, because life requires that we wear many hats even under the best of circumstances, the process of getting an education automatically makes you focus on honing those coveted time management skills one of the sure-fire keys to success desired by top hiring companies all over the world.

6. You won’t be left out

Up until the first half of the 20th century, societies across the globe were vastly more rural and much less interconnected. Many people only received a minimal education without pursuing a high school degree. Today, times have changed. Digital technologies dominate virtually every aspect of our lives, making it essential to have the basic high school requirements for working with various technologies, communicating with written and verbal skills, and reaching out to others around the globe. However, a high school degree these days is just the minimum you need to consider entering the workforce in most instances. In fact, between 2019 and 2029, most of the jobs available will require a bachelor’s degree .

education is not necessary for success essay

For all these reasons, acquiring education beyond the high school level is the key to success. We live in an ever-connected society where opportunities and expectations for knowledge and performance increase every day. And that’s why you don’t want to be left behind when there are real resources available to help you succeed. University of the People understands these growing needs and opportunities, and that’s why it makes learning tuition-free and accessible.

To go back to school through a completely online program offered by a US-accredited institution, check out the University of the People’s academic programs ! University of the People offers associate, bachelor, and master’s programs, all of which are online and tuition-free. When it comes to receiving a quality education without the huge price tag, University of the People is for people like you!

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A University Education Is Not Essential for Success

A University Education Is Not Essential for Success

While parents today tend to prioritize a Bachelor’s degree as essential for success and urge their children to pursue higher education, I hold a different viewpoint. Although university education does play a vital role in attaining success, it is not the sole determinant. Success can be defined differently by various individuals; some may equate it with accumulating wealth and becoming millionaires or billionaires. However, in practice, these capitalists do not necessarily require any academic education.

Although having a higher level of education can lead to a job with a higher salary, it is not necessary for success as an entrepreneur. Examples like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Richard Li demonstrate this point. They chose to skip university and start their own businesses, yet they were able to effectively manage their enterprises and amass considerable wealth. Therefore, obtaining a university education is not crucial in becoming a millionaire.

Attaining a substantial income does not necessarily mandate holding a degree. Success is gauged by both financial prosperity and the realization of personal aspirations. Not all individuals prioritize money as their foremost objective, as many place significance on fulfilling their dreams. These ambitions can differ greatly, with certain occupations in Hong Kong, like being a doctor or lawyer, necessitating higher education. Individuals who aspire to these professions must diligently strive to excel in their A-Level examinations and complete university studies for obtaining the required certification.

While a university education may not be necessary for certain aspirations, like traveling or starting a family, it is essential to acknowledge that the significance of higher education differs based on personal objectives. Moreover, talents, intellect, communication abilities, and social skills are also vital elements in attaining professional success and must not be disregarded.

The diploma serves as a mere entry pass into our professional journey. The boss prioritizes our competence rather than our educational qualifications. This means that our capability to complete projects and contribute to the company’s profitability holds more significance. Even with a higher education degree, one can still be dismissed by the boss if they become a burden to the organization. Consequently, university education is not as crucial as commonly perceived. In summary, while university education is a contributing factor to success, it is not the sole determinant. Numerous other elements play a pivotal role in achieving success beyond the acquisition of a diploma.

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Essay on Success

List of essays on success in english, short essay on success – essay 1 (100 words), essay on success: definition and how to achieve success – essay 2 (250 words), essay on success: parameters, qualities for achieving success and conclusion – essay 3 (300 words), essay on success: what is real success – essay 4 (500 words), essay on success: success and hard work – essay 5 (500 words), essay on success: education is the road to success – essay 6 (650 words), long essay on success – essay 7 (1000 words), essay on success: intro, success in life and success for students  – essay 8 (2500 words).

The students should be able to distinguish between true success and success of ill deeds. The short essays for students shall enlighten them with the true meaning of success. The essays written in simple language are very informative and shall prove to be beneficial for students of all classes.

Success is much more than riches, power or fame. Success is simply the feeling of satisfaction and happiness one gets from leading a particular way of life or carrying out a particular activity. Success in any field or aspect of life can only be achieved through serious hard work and a little bit of opportunity. One of the most important recipes of success is determination and it might as well be the most important secret of success. To become successful, it is necessary to never give up until the aim of happiness and satisfaction in life is fully met. The happiness and satisfaction can be found in very different things in different people.

‘Success’ is a very powerful word. Many of us run behind it; most of us want to conquer it. So, what is success all about? Does this mean acquiring money or fame? Success means different things to different people.

Definition of Success

The Oxford dictionary defines success as “ The accomplishment of an aim or purpose ”.

This is the definition of success in theory, but in reality it differs according to people’s interests and goals.

It is very important for every individual to define their own concept of success rather than following someone else’s footsteps. We must analyze what makes us happy, what gives us contentment, and what motivates us . No one can list out our needs better than us.

True success means understanding our dreams and working joyfully to make those dreams come true.

How to Achieve Success

Many great people have suggested various ways to achieve success. But the real secret ingredient to nail success is to believe that we are already successful . With this strong affirmative thought, success can be easily achieved if we follow these three success factors:-

  • We should follow our passion because that is where our heart and soul is. When we follow our passion there is no need for us to put any extra effort.
  • The path to success is always challenging. We should build confidence to face any challenging situations.
  • The third and most important success factor is discipline . When we work in a disciplined manner, things will automatically fall in place.

If we stick to these three factors, nothing can stop us from tasting success. Success is a journey which continues even after the goal is achieved.

Success is perhaps the most desired feeling that all of us want to experience in the pursuit of our goals and also in day to day life. Apparently, every individual has his or her own definition of success.

Parameters of Success

None can deny that the world blindly respects and trusts wealthy people. Money is the prime dynamic force that drives this world. The sooner we acknowledge and appreciate this fact the better. Academic success is a prime concern for all in the initial part of life, especially in the school days. For those who continue perusing studies, academic success is the epitome of everything. It is mostly observed that success in personal life becomes a tough task for those who have all the riches. Here is where the common people feel successful to have a happy personal life.

Qualities for Achieving Success

One should not regret their decisions taken in the past and must refrain dwelling in the past. We must give deep thought before taking any decisions and uttering words from the mouth. For making a successful decision one must ask questions to oneself like: What Do I Need To Do? What Will Be The Outcome? Will It Be Worth Doing? One must keep the emotions for success and failures intact and should not showcase it to others. Successful people never wait for applause or acknowledgement of their work as they eventually get it. To become successful one must keep friends close and enemies closer. A successful person never demeans the weak and never underestimates anyone.

To become successful one has to understand what is important in that instant, recognize and work on the weaknesses, take criticism and hold on to the strengths. From a broader perspective Success defines the contentment, peace of mind and sheer happiness that is achieved. One should remember that only perseverance can lead the path to success.


Real success is something we should all strive to attain. Real success can simply be said to be achieving a higher position or very high position in our chosen field or area; it can be politics or business or even education. In the world we live in today, we have equated success to riches, prosperity, fortunes, cars, houses and so many mundane things. We believe that once a person has enough money to be able to afford what he or she wants, the person is successful. This is a total and complete misconception that will be discussed here.

Money isn’t a measure of success?

While it is important to note that having money is a part of being successful and you can classify as rich person as being successful, money is not all that success is about and we have a lot of people around us that are seemingly rich but still count themselves as not successful. In fact, sometimes we see wealthy people and conclude that they aren’t successful. If this is true then we can safely conclude that success is deeper that money or other superficial and physical things can we might acquire or own. Money is very important to success in life but it is not a necessity and neither is it the only key to success in life.

What is real success?

Real success is way beyond the physical things we can see, real success is all about the feeling of satisfaction we get when we accomplish a task or do something, it is the happiness we get just by remembering what we have achieved and how we did it, real success has to do with a lot of positive feelings about ourselves and pride in what we have been able to do. As we can see, real success can only be achieved within one’s self and that is why a lot of people who we think are successful still believe they aren’t just because they aren’t happy with what they are doing or they feel they can get so much more out of life. From this, we can see that it is very important to attain true success in life.

How one can attain real success

For one to be successful, the first and most important thing one needs to do is to set goals and objectives. Only through the setting of goals can one really have something to pursue and claim success when we got those things or meet the set goals and target. A very important ingredient in achieving real success is determination. If one is going to get real success, one has to be determined to never give up no matter what the situation might be. Another very important ingredient is hard work as we can’t expect to be successful if we don’t work hard and do all it takes to meet all of our set goals. It is important that we get all the skills that are required for us to be successful in our chosen field.

The yardstick of success varies from people to people. The success story of an individual begins from the moment of his/her birth. A human child begins the winning streak by challenging every obstacle from the moment of conception to delivery. So no human is ever a failure, and hence confidently we can say that the very existence of every human in this word bear an element of success.

At the primary level, success lies within the parameters of cracking competitive exams and identifying one’s aptitude as to which profession the individual can flourish. On broader terms, a successful life is indeed a happy life reflecting upon how far one has reached. Success is not just related to material success.

How to become successful in life?

Nobody has ever become successful within a split of a moment. It is not an arduous task either. Strong determination coupled with hard work is the key to success. The first step to any attempt is to set the goal. There can be short-term goals, and long-term goals and both play a significant role on your road to success. Once the target set, then you have to do strategic planning. It is advisable to set a time frame as well. It will enable you to evaluate yourself on a regular basis. Fixing a time frame can also check into our procrastinating nature.

The next most important factor to become successful in life is hard work. It is the key to success. The adage rightly says that ‘no pain, no gain.’ You need to keep in mind that nobody else is going to do what we ought to do. If we put little effort and saw the seeds of hard work and perseverance, then we are sure to reap success and bounty. If you have strong willpower and the fire to ignite your dreams, then nothing can pull you back.

Stay focused on your objectives rather than hoping:

You can inspire yourself by being a self-motivator and critic. It opens room for self-improvement and appreciation. As it is said that ‘well begun is half done,’ do not hesitate to sparkle a start. Once we get a push, the rest will fall right in place. Even if we stumble down a couple of times, do not let go of our dreams. Failures are part and parcel of any successful entity. Mistakes are quite common and what needs to do is that we acknowledge them, and bear them in our mind. It ensures that we learn from the mistakes and in turn do not repeat them.

Nobody has ever been successful overnight. Patience is yet another golden rule. Just convince your mind that you are strong enough to be successful, though not today, at least some day. Never be disappointed if you lose. Trust in yourself and believe that you will reach there and you deserve to reach there. Your strength and weakness define the person you are, and the realization of it is rather important. Selfless dedication and hard work will definitely get you there.

Once you achieve your goals, you can be a strong inspiration to others. There is a warrior in you and never shut it down. You are capable of climbing higher and boom into a fantastic personality. Whatsoever, live a humble life, spread positivity and bear the torch to others’ road to success.

Saying education is the road to success is just another way of saying education is very important for all of us in life, without education there would not be a lot of progression in both our individual and collective lives as human. It is very important that we get education in order to get success in life. Most times, people generally limit education to the four walls of a classroom or a school.

Education has roots in every area of our existence; education can be said to begin from the home, parents and family members educate and train the children on good characters that they should imbibe and teach them to remove some habits and characters. All of these good characters imbibed by the child through education at home can help the child become very successful in future.

We all know that without good characters and morals, it is extremely hard to become successful or make it in life as people would not want to be associated with such person. We are also educated on good communication and interpersonal skills that are very necessary for us to make it and become successful in life.

Importance of education to success

We need to know the true value and worth of education. Education helps to facilitate our skill, knowledge and learning; it gives us a different view of the world and refines our personality, helping us to build very positive attitudes. Education is a totally essential tool in ensuring a bright future.

Education can serve as a tool in achieving anything and everything good about life. When we get a high level and degree of education, we earn respect and recognition from our family and the society at large.

Education can go a very long way in changing our thoughts and level of reasoning; it broadens our worldview and provides us with the opportunity to get knowledge and technical skills that are highly needed in life. We can improve our knowledge level and skill by watching educational documentaries and programmes on the TV, reading the news and keeping up to date with all of the happenings all over the world, reading a lot of books that can educate us. Education can go a long way to make us into more rational and civilised people. Education guarantees our place among people in the society and can help us achieve all of our dreams and aspirations in life.

Education and success

Success is the goal of all of us and it is our mission. Life can sometimes be full of different opportunities and challenges. Success can only be attained if we have all of the required and needed tools.

The most important tool for success is education because without education, we wouldn’t be able to have a wide view of the world and be able to innovate and develop. A lot of youths and children today cite the examples of the successful people that didn’t graduate from school and still went ahead to be successful in life. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook famously did not graduate from Harvard university but still went ahead to become very successful. The truth is even though Mark didn’t graduate, he was well educated and wouldn’t have been able to start Facebook if he had no knowledge of coding and wasn’t enrolled in Harvard at all. From him, we can learn that education isn’t limited and can basically be any way of widening our knowledge and improving ourselves. We should never confuse education with getting a diploma or a degree. Only education in or out of school can make us be successful in life and give us the true career we want.

Without education, life would be totally meaningless without education. The only path to true success in life is education, every one that has been, is and would be successful in life needs education to do that.

The modern world has a way of doing things, that is, modern man has his own particular view on how things should look. That view is completely different from the perspectives upheld by those who came before us, so to say. Like the ancient Greeks were obsessed with performing heroic deeds, or medieval European Christians with martyrdom and upholding saintly principles, we can argue that modern man has an obsession with success. Or more precisely, one aspect of that new worldview is to compare people between each other through the notion of success.

In a way, the beginning of the 21 st century is preoccupied with the concept of success more than ever before, both individual and collective. That fact can is seen in many aspects of our daily lives, people are not just oppressed with celebrities and successful people they want to live that lifestyle or achieve some sort of greatness. Looking at the current state of things one is encouraged to analyze the situation further and to find the reason behind these phenomena, or at least to offer a new perspective on worldwide trend.

What Makes a Person Successful?

There are many ways a person can be successful. Most people will think of celebrities, politicians, artists, entrepreneurs, etc. They will think of someone who is known the world over because of the thing they do, the thing they are good at. That’s all fine, but there are successful people who do not like to be celebrities and there are, most definitely, celebrities who cannot count as successful people.

What then makes a successful person? Is it how they do things? Is it what they get in return? Is it in the number of things they can amass in their life? Most of those things can count as some part of our overall image of such a person. But, how can we define it? What is it actually?

What I like is simple answers, they are usually correct and the most practical at the same time. Even though not all answers can be simple, this one is. When you look up the word success in any dictionary you will find that it is considered an accomplishment of an aim or a purpose.

Surely people were able to accomplish an aim or a pulpous in their lifetimes, even several, before the 21 st century. Why is it that this noun has such relevance for the classification of people in this age?

History of Success

If we take a look at history, as I mentioned before, we can see that every age has a different occupation. When we talk about the ancient Egyptians, we do not talk about single individuals who made this country so great we talk about the collective in general. But also, we do not know the names of the people who actually accomplished the construction of the pyramid we remember the person who ordered it and did nothing to build it.

Sometimes when I think about all the great artists whose names I do not know, that built humanity in the name of kings, it seems as if it was forbidden for individuals to be famous if they were not born into some sort of noble family.

That drastically changed with the return of democracy to Europe and the liberation from the old-world view that separated people into casts, genders, and races. The new perspective born from revolutions gave every man the right to control their destiny and therefore the right to become successful, to achieve one’s dreams and ideals. Celebrating success can be seen as a collective celebration of the boundless human potential to do incredible things. Is it always so shiny? Or is there a dark side to the story?

Can Success Harm us?

We all know that being successful has its price and the people on the top can often be alone, because of the many sacrifices they had to make to get there. There are also countless examples of people who have achieved success professionally but their health and social lives fail because they cannot handle the strain that comes with maintaining that image of perfection that is expected of them.

Then there is also the psychological pressure any person can experience when they become obsessed with succeeding in the things they do. This emotion can cause such discomfort for people that they can freeze in key moments when they should be at the top of their game. Not to mention the depression some people experience when they come in contact with the images of people that exist on social media. There is a lot in being successful that we put under the carpet, or we just consider it as part of the game, something that we should bear. It does not have to be that way.

Sharing Success

People are made to be in a group and therefore everything they do they should do for each other; however, this fact of human existence has also been a breeding ground for nationalism and other group-oriented ideologies that made the 20 th century so dark. The striving to be successful, the best, the most dominant will make people perform incredible and inspiring things but it will also make them give legitimacy to the worst monstrosities. How do we draw the line between the good and bad aspect of wanting individual and collective success?

Maybe we should stop looking at success as part of domination and make it part of what makes us authentic as human beings. What do I mean? If we start celebrating everyday people when they express themselves or make something that is fulfilling for them and makes other people grow we will support others to develop this aspect of their humanity and not concentrate on domination and subordination. We should support the celebration of collective endeavors that strive to enhance the human race as a whole and not adore individual examples as if they were the meaning of life.

The secret to success is not in money and fame, but in reaching that feeling of fulfillment when you know you have accomplished something that truly matters to you and other people around you. Dreaming big and then having it, it’s not impossible.

If you’ve been feeling a little low lately, this essay on success is sure to boost your motivation levels and set the goals right for you! We hear about so many successful people from all the areas. Some of them may be our favorite singers, actors, scientists, writers, social workers, politicians, and what not. Their achievements inspire the hearts of many and urge them to do better.

While we tend to focus on the sensation of the final outcome, the journey toward the goal is what matters the most. Sadly, human nature forces us to look at everything through the eyes of instant gratification. But the stories of success are not created overnight. In real life, any small big achievement demands tons of efforts and sacrifices.

If success is a building, consider each effort to be a brick, that has to be put in day and night tirelessly. Dreaming about achieving a goal in life is a lovely idea. Nonetheless, working on it every day is more than just a fantasy. You have to make it happen.

Do you pray or meditate? What happens at that moment? You sit quietly and focus all your attention and energy into the prayer or in watching those thoughts. Prayer commands sincerity. True worshipping is when the heart is pure and honest.

In the same way, success is a conscientious phenomenon. It asks for dedication and ethical diligence. For a real success, there are no shortcuts and there is no quitting too! Yes, we all get tired and hopeless. That doesn’t mean we have to give in to those feelings and quit. Keep working no matter what!

At times, when you feel that you can’t go on anymore, take a break. Rejuvenate yourself, talk to your loved ones, rest a lot, create a fresh perspective. And come back again with a greater force and zeal. You never know when the efforts will turn into the sweet fruits of success. One thing common in all the great personalities was that they never quit!

Personal Definition of Success

There is no fixed definition of success. You see, success is quite a relative term and its meaning changes from one person to another. However, it is sure to say that being able to feel content with your life and achieve what you dreamed of, is what makes you a successful person!

A prosperous life is not strictly about having all the materialistic comforts around. To some extent, this may be true. But, all in all, it’s only a microscopic way to measure someone’s success.

Let us introduce you to some of the most powerful quotes on success given by the different eminent personalities.

Everybody’s favorite, the great feminist and poetess, Maya Angelou says, “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

Winston Churchill quotes it as, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Not to mention, America’s former first lady, Michelle Obama who expresses her own views on success. According to her, “Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”

In the words of Albert Einstein, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

Anne Sweeney, who remained the president of the Disney Channel from 1996 to 2014. In her words, “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.”

It is evident enough how these miraculous and charismatic visionaries have described success in various terms and that there is no particular way to define it. The only authentic parameter should be your own satisfaction and happiness.

What is Success

We have understood that success is an abstract notion. Now, it is time to get to the bottom and explore some basic questions about it. Have you ever tried to inquire into what success means to you? What are the things that would make you convinced that you are a successful person now? Does your heart yearn for fame, money, peace, joy, love, or something else?

These questions are crucial. They make your mind clear and set your priorities more effectively. Always remember that a virtue that appeals to you may not mean the same to another person. Everybody has their own preferences and goals in life.

The bottom line is regardless of what the goal is, we can each be successful in our lives as long as the achievement makes us happy and content. It could be your education, a well-paying job, having a loving family, social security, or freedom to live the way you want to.

Anything, no matter how small or big, that fills us with a sense of purpose and gratifies the heart leads to success. If you are a happy person and love your life, then success is yours! For a long time, our minds have been trained to believe that money is the greatest source of joy. However, it’s not true!

Undoubtedly, wealth is a strong means to create comfort and security for us. But if it was the only thing needed for success, why do the richest people still deal with depression, anxiety, fears, and failures? Have you ever thought about it?

Physical wealth does not guarantee an insusceptibility to dissatisfaction and failure. Thinking otherwise would only create a bottomless void within you. People madly run after money and career. And yet when they are well-established, they still may not feel the joy and peace within. What is the missing piece in their lives?

Success in Life

Life is a rollercoaster, isn’t it! We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Overcoming your flaws and frailty is a victory in itself. If you are thinking of coming out as a winner in life, don’t confine yourself to monetary values. With money, you may feel “technically” rich and yet have no access to the truest joy.

There are many dimensions to success. But everything depends upon our ability to recognize them. What are these dimensions, by the way! Let us explore a few of them.

You must have heard the famous quote, “Health is Wealth”. We need to understand the hidden value of this quote today more than ever. Ask yourself, if you would be able to enjoy anything in the same way if you were suffering from an acute or chronic illness? No, but such physical ailments are a bitter truth to many. To these people, achieving a partial or full recovery, having a long and respectful life is a success.

For the emotional souls, having their loved ones around, giving them a quality life, and taking care of them is what counts as the real victory. A person who cares about the whole society, for him/ her the true meaning of succeeding would be providing the basic amenities to the underprivileged, fighting for human rights, or creating awareness.

And yes, the biggest of the aims could be as simple and meaningful as leading a peaceful life. It could be about not having regrets and ill feelings toward others. They could also be as big as winning a gold medal in the Olympics, breaking the stereotypes, getting out of a toxic relationship and having a stable life.

The point is, success cannot be put into a singular category. And comparing one’s goal with the other person would be like comparing apple to an orange, or fruits to vegetables. Each person is unique. Their journey of life is different and so are their goals and parameters of success.

Success for Students

The keys to successful academic life are open secrets. As a student, your progress depends on the level of self-discipline, dedication, and hard work. If you are able to pull off these habits in long-term success would never leave you. Right? Nonetheless, the matter is not so simple.

In today’s time, students are looking for “success” more desperately than ever! Considering the cut-throat competitions, it is quite understandable also. The pressure of family’s expectations makes things even more complicated. The students have no option except to excel in their studies, but at what costs?

First of all, academic success is dependent on a limited number of subjects. The true potential of a child or a young one cannot be fairly measured based on such a narrow line. Moreover, somehow we have come to believe that excellent grades are a must for a student’s survival in this world. Fortunately, that’s not completely correct.

The practical life is much more than a few subjects. Most of the things we learn at school and colleges are plain theories. The bookish knowledge hardly proves to be of any help in the real world. What makes you rich is the experiences you gain on a daily basis.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that grades and books shouldn’t be taken seriously at all. You need to understand that these things play a partial role in forming the ladder of success. The better word to focus on would be ‘growth’.

If winning the race and grabbing a seat in some reputed college takes a toll on your mental, physical, and psychological health, then, we are seriously doing something wrong here. After all, these are the same factors leading to the rising number of suicides among the youths.

Not getting good marks doesn’t mean that you are not good enough for anything. It just means that you haven’t explored everything yet. There are many great personalities like Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, J.K. Rowling, who were a failure on the scales of conventional methods. But they proved everyone wrong.

All you need to remember is that never lose faith in yourself. If you really love what you do and consistently pour all of your energy into that task, then, definitely success is waiting for you! Make a routine of your choice and follow it religiously. Stay punctual. Fix your eyes on the goal and keep working.

Success and Hard Work

You can only work hard when you are fit overall. A good health is not just about having a strong body but also a strong mind and willpower. For all these things, you need energy. So, pay attention to things that you are feeding to your sensory organs. This includes from the proper diet to releasing stress, stay positive, working out, having those around who believe in you.

Don’t just work hard on your curriculum only. Take charge of other aspects too. As much as possible, include healthy foods in the diet. Staying positive induces good hormones in the body and the effect clearly shows in your performance. To strengthen your mental health, meditate every day.

Sitting around greenery, talking to your loved ones, reading positive books, are some of the other ways to replenish your energy levels. Make sure to work out every day, or at least go for a 30-minutes walk. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink plenty of water and other fluids.

Apart from focusing on the positive steps, be careful of the negative factors too. For instance, any negative conversation or toxic people in your life may suck away all your energy and charm. Try your best to avoid these triggers. Not only that, distractions like television, online chats, social media, parties, etc. should not be underestimated.

Keep your body and mind clean like a temple. It will help you work harder and with more effectiveness. There are no shortcuts to success. However, prefer to work smart rather than work hard. Never ever neglect the amount of sleep you get. There is no substitute for proper sleep.

Lack of sleep makes you cranky. Your concentration and memory become poorer. The learning becomes slower. So, a million dollar advice would be to get sufficient sleep, that means up to 8-10 hours. A few hours may be up and down depending on the person’s body requirements.

It is okay if the hard work makes you tired. However, the whole idea of hard work should not suffocate you. They say that if you love what you do, you don’t have to work a day in your life! If the set goals don’t well-align with your heart, explore something that does. Your goals should be set by you and not anyone else.

Success and Failure

Do you fear failure? What is the definition of failure according to you? How important is a failure for success? Let us find some answers to these amazing questions and doubts that we all face within us. To make things easier, here are a few great quotes for you!

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy

“Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” – Gena Showalter

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison

Must have changed your perspective a bit! Well, it won’t be wrong to say that failure is a part of success. It is an inevitable part of that process. Like two sides of a coin. You cannot expect to taste success until you have learned to embrace the failures.

There is an interesting story about it with a strong message. There used to live a guy who owned a grand and luxurious car. That car always stayed inside the house. The man never drove it. One day, one of his friends visited him and asked the reason for not taking the car out on the road.

Do you know what the man replied? He said that he would take the car out when all the traffic lights are green. He was waiting for an impossible thing to happen! Can you believe that? It’s ironic but yes, we all do the same metaphorically.

When we don’t take steps due to the fear of failure, subconsciously, we are waiting for everything to be perfect. So perfect that there would be no tiny scope for failing. That means there would be no red lights at all. How is that even possible!

Leave the fear of failure behind. The only thing you should be scared of is not making efforts. Because that kills even the slightest chance of success. Be humble and embrace failure. Learn from your mistakes. These lessons are valuable. No book would teach you the way your experiences will.

Success is a cumulative and relative term. Without peace and love, money and fame don’t count as success. True success would satiate your soul. It would fill your life with joy. Shrug off the idea of comparing your life with someone else’s. Every person follows a different path and journey. That is why the meaning of success also varies from one individual to another.

No matter how difficult or impossible seems the goal, never quit. Keep working and one day you would succeed. Don’t confine your ambitions to just making money. Listen to your heart and follow it. The voices within us are our guiding lights!

Try to be a good person before becoming a successful person. Only an individual who has earned the love and respect of all has achieved the truest success.

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Don't assume your school wants your child to succeed.

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Schools almost always work to maximize the success of their student portfolio rather than that of ... [+] individual students.

The best schools build their reputations on two things: the talent of their personnel and the success of their students. To the extent possible, they credit the talent for the success. Their value proposition is that if your child joins the school, they, too, will achieve success. What is not usually discussed is how the school balances the overall success of their portfolio of students with the success of particular students. This is an essential distinction for parents to keep in mind because, at the end of the day, many schools would gladly accept 10% attrition if it meant that the other 90% of their students were achieving Ivy League ambitions.

Success By What Measure And For Whom?

For any population of students, under any measure of success, there will be a distribution. When a school speaks of its results, is it talking about how well its leading students do? How well the average student does? Or how well the lowest performing students do? Unless you know the success measure and the school’s objectives and understand where your child fits into the distribution, you cannot know with certainty that the school’s approach will produce the best results for your child.

A common complaint of parents of gifted students, especially in elementary school, is that their kids are not learning anything in school. A school might set as a goal of all students entering Grade 3 to be ready to enter Grade 4 at the end of the year. If a student starts Grade 3 already performing at a Grade 4 level, the teacher may feel that her job is already done as far as that student is concerned, and can instead turn her attention to those with more significant needs. If the school instead has a goal of “at least one year of growth for every student” the teacher will need to devise a way for the student functioning at a Grade 4 level at the start of third grade to progress to the Grade 5 level by the end of the year. For some parents these two approaches are functionally the same, for others they are very different. Success for the school is not always what all parents would see as success.

The Source Of The Success

While schools may point to personnel talent and student success as indisputable evidence of excellence, the hidden variable, with the biggest impact, may be the talent of the admissions office. The best way to get good results is to start with students already achieving them, just as the best way to win a foot race is to start at the finish line. Much more valuable for parents, but much more challenging to measure, is value-added, namely, how much better were student outcomes than expected given their previous performance trajectories? While most schools will not have good answers to this question, it is still one that parents should ask.

Remain Skeptical And Ask Questions

If you have concerns about the potential divergence between your school’s success objectives and your child's, it may be time to bring in an outside expert. Such experts can provide personalized advice independent of the school’s broader goals. Private college counselors can be particularly useful in strategizing options as they will not have the same portfolio perspective as the school, but can be completely focused on achieving the best outcome for your child without worry about how that outcome might impact larger strategic objectives.

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Perhaps the most important thing for parents to remember is that education is fundamentally a consumer decision. Yet it has the curious feature that many consumers would rather conform their needs to the demands of the provider rather than demand that the provider meets their needs. To resist this pull, parents should remain skeptical and keep the focus on fit. Unless your school can explain what they are doing to support your child’s success, consider finding a different school that will. After all, you are paying for the privilege, whether directly out of pocket or through tax dollars. Take the time to find a school that shares your vision for what it means for your child to succeed.

Ray Ravaglia

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Academic Success Tip: Promoting Inclusivity With the Syllabus

A study from Worcester Polytechnic Institute found students believe their instructors are more inclusive if they include specific features, such as their pronouns and materials from diverse scholars.

By  Ashley Mowreader

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Close-up of university teacher reading a syllabus to a classroom of students.

A study from Worcester Polytechnic Institute finds when faculty members include their pronouns, an inclusivity statement and diverse course materials in their syllabi, students are more likely to believe they prioritize equity and inclusion.

Drazen Zigic/iStock/Getty Images Plus

A course syllabus is a necessary and important document in higher education classes, not just in outlining expectations, policies, curricula, required materials and resources, but also in fostering students’ feelings of belonging. More recently, professors have added “identity safety cues” into their syllabi that cultivate inclusive and equitable learning environments, including personalized statements, accessibility statements, land acknowledgments, content warnings and inclusivity statements.

To gauge the effectiveness of this work and how students perceive inclusion in syllabi, researchers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute evaluated over 150 syllabi from STEM ( science, technology, engineering and mathematics) courses, hoping to identify what elements stood out to students.

The study , published in Nature’s Humanities and Social Sciences Communications journal in June, found students value having a professor’s pronouns noted, inclusivity statements and readings and materials authored by women and gender minority scholars as inclusive practices.

Reimagining the Syllabus

To foster belonging and engagement in the classroom, some professors have changed their syllabus model entirely. Anna Marie LaChance, a lecturer at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, created a mini syllabus magazine with doodles, advice for how to succeed and her philosophy and pedagogies.

Read more here.

The study: The study’s authors—faculty members Francesca Bernardi, Crystal Brown, Lindsay Davis, Michelle Ephraim, Rebecca Moody and Raisa Trubko—sought to understand how syllabi signal inclusivity in the classroom, particularly for science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses, which have historically less representation among women , students of color and gender minorities (including nonbinary and transgender learners).

To do so, researchers conducted analysis of 163 introductory undergraduate course syllabi from various departments at WPI to identify how many syllabi included the instructor’s pronouns, an inclusivity statement or diverse learning materials. Then, the researchers surveyed 145 undergraduate students to gauge how much they use the syllabus and how important those three features are with multiple-choice and open-ended responses.

Syllabi represented six academic years, from 2016–17 up to 2021–22, and represented WPI’s four schools—arts and sciences, engineering, business and global.

The results: The survey highlighted that students primarily look for grading information, course expectations, information, academic schedule and policies within the syllabus. Over three-quarters of students said they believe the syllabus is important (77 percent), and many see it as providing structure and organization to their schedules.

Among respondents who do not think the syllabus is important, students shared they thought its information was redundant because it was available elsewhere (in the LMS, in-class instruction or email communication), or because information changed throughout the course, making the syllabus obsolete.

Three-quarters of students believe syllabi listing instructors’ pronouns are important and this number grows among gender minority and women (86 percent). However, only 10 percent of the syllabi analyzed included an instructor’s pronouns. All syllabi with pronouns were from the School of Arts and Sciences and some of these syllabi also included the pronouns of teaching assistants or peer learning assistants.

A greater number of syllabi featured inclusivity statements (33 percent), and similar numbers of students believe these statements are important to add (71 percent). When inclusivity statements are featured in a course syllabus, students want that professor to demonstrate those values in the classroom and not feature a statement as a performative action.

Around one in five syllabi had works authored by women and gender minorities, and around three in five students said including women and gender minority authors in courses is important for their learning experience.

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So what? In addition to highlighting how many students want these features in the classroom, students also shared why these practices are inclusive, noting that they:

  • Set norms. Including pronouns in the syllabi encourages students to share their pronouns, which in turn validates gender identities, building a more equitable classroom environment. Similarly, an inclusivity statement sets expectations for how a professor will treat students and holds them accountable for inclusive actions, which was important to survey respondents.
  • Demonstrate respect. Students indicated having pronouns in the syllabus makes them more comfortable in addressing the professor correctly, avoiding miscommunication and encouraging creating relationships with their instructor.
  • Show support for all students. When a professor has their pronouns on their syllabus or an inclusivity statement, students say that can signal a professor’s allyship or recognition of LGBTQ+ or BIPOC issues on campus, which helps learners feel safe and supported in their academics.
  • Foster diverse conversations. Students believe including works by diverse authors can expand their perspectives, ideas and experiences as well as challenge stereotypes in academia.

Across the student survey, few respondents indicated any of the three elements made them uncomfortable or affected their learning, making the practices mostly beneficial to learners.

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Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

As governor of Minnesota, he has enacted policies to secure abortion protections, provide free meals for schoolchildren, allow recreational marijuana and set renewable energy goals.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, center, during a news conference after meeting with President Biden at the White House in July.

By Maggie Astor

  • Aug. 6, 2024

Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, the newly announced running mate to Vice President Kamala Harris, has worked with his state’s Democratic-controlled Legislature to enact an ambitious agenda of liberal policies: free college tuition for low-income students, free meals for schoolchildren, legal recreational marijuana and protections for transgender people.

“You don’t win elections to bank political capital,” Mr. Walz wrote last year about his approach to governing. “You win elections to burn political capital and improve lives.”

Republicans have slammed these policies as big-government liberalism and accused Mr. Walz of taking a hard left turn since he represented a politically divided district in Congress years ago.

Here is an overview of where Mr. Walz stands on some key issues.

Mr. Walz signed a bill last year that guaranteed Minnesotans a “fundamental right to make autonomous decisions” about reproductive health care on issues such as abortion, contraception and fertility treatments.

Abortion was already protected by a Minnesota Supreme Court decision, but the new law guarded against a future court reversing that precedent as the U.S. Supreme Court did with Roe v. Wade, and Mr. Walz said this year that he was also open to an amendment to the state’s Constitution that would codify abortion rights.

Another bill he signed legally shields patients, and their medical providers, if they receive an abortion in Minnesota after traveling from a state where abortion is banned.

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    education is not necessary for success essay


  1. Education Is Not the Key to Success Free Essay Example

    Registration number: 16320965. [email protected]. +1 (855) 626 2755. THIS SERVICE WILL BE USEFUL FOR: Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here.

  2. Rethinking Success: Why Education is not The Sole Key

    In conclusion, the assertion that education is not the key to success challenges us to rethink our understanding of achievement and fulfillment. While education is undeniably important, it is just one piece of the puzzle. Success is a multidimensional concept that encompasses skills, qualities, and attributes beyond formal learning.

  3. Essay on Education Is Not the Key to Success

    People eventually started to believe that education was the single way to succeed, and the only thing needed for success. Despite the fact, many Americans believe a college degree will lead them to be successful, in reality, education is not the solitary way to succeed. Not everybody can receive an education, or even an excellent education from ...

  4. Why College isn't Necessary to be Successful

    College is not necessary for other states, e.g. Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Utah, because it's getting harder to find qualified workers. THE HILL. On the other hand, 38.6% said they were not using their college degrees in their current job positions. For most degree holders, it usually takes three to six months after college graduation before ...

  5. Education Is Not Important For Success

    According to research, education doesn't show up in the top five. (Entrepreneurial Intuition, an Empirical Approach, La Pira, April 2010), but these do: Seeing the big picture - being a visionary is most important. If you can't see it, you won't shoot for it. Speed of Execution - taking action while others are researching.

  6. Why A College Degree Isn't The Only Path To Success

    Why A College Degree Isn't The Only Path To Success. You've probably been told the importance of college a million times. Many family members, teachers and even friends likely extol going to ...

  7. Education: The Key to Success: [Essay Example], 552 words

    Conclusion. In conclusion, education is undeniably the key to success, both at the individual and societal levels. It empowers individuals to achieve their goals, fosters innovation and progress, and contributes to the betterment of society. As societies continue to evolve and face new challenges, the value of education as a transformative ...

  8. Is University Education Necessary for Success? Term Paper

    From the discussion above, it is clear that university education is not necessary for success in life. However, arguments that university education is worthless can be said to be groundless and false, since there are numerous benefits associated with university education. It is, in fact, suspected that the larger proportion of successful people ...

  9. Essay on Importance of Education in Life and Society (500+ Words)

    Education is a weapon to improve one's life. It is probably the most important tool to change one's life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual's life. Education improves one's knowledge, skills and develops the personality and ...

  10. Persuasive Essay: Why is Education Important in Our Society?

    Persuasive point 1. The biggest selling point for education in our society is the fact that it helps people learn "how" to learn. It is not about the knowledge they accumulate, it is the way a child is taught how to "learn" things. A child may come away from school not knowing a lot of the course, but if that child has been taught how ...

  11. Why Is Education Important? The Power Of An Educated Society

    Nelson Mandela famously said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.". An educated society is better equipped to tackle the challenges that face modern America, including: Climate change. Social justice. Economic inequality.

  12. Is a University Degree Necessary to Success? Essay Example

    A college degree does not guarantee success, but it definitely makes success more possible. Consequently, anyone who can obtain a college degree should. It requires hard work, diligent study habits, time, and devotion, but it is worth all of that. Education ensures a great future is possible.

  13. Why Formal Education is not Synonymous to Success

    Belief in Yourself is the Key. The best lessons to be learned are actually learned from life itself. Besides formal education, the adoption of strong ethos', our abilities to self-reflect and adapt, as well as our belief in or abilities and capabilities all play a key role in whether we become successful or fail.

  14. Role of Education for Successful Careers

    Get a custom essay on Role of Education for Successful Careers. There are also questions touching on the role of education in determining the level of success in the business world and in improving the quality of life in general. Today, many people seeking certain job opportunities with some even possessing many years experience find themselves ...

  15. Education is The Key to Success and Its Wide-spread Impact

    Education fosters personal growth by encouraging individuals to explore their interests and passions. It allows individuals to develop their sense of self and leads to self-discovery. Additionally, education develops life skills such as time management, communication, and teamwork, which are essential in personal and professional settings.

  16. "Education is the Key to Success"

    Why is education the key to success? "Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students" (Solomon Ortiz). I say education is the key to success because even though many may say that it does not prepare us for what we need in real life or everyday life. It gives us good social skills ...

  17. Higher education is no longer necessary for success. Discuss

    The social advantage that higher education offers hence allows graduates to get a leg up over non-graduate. In essence, higher education remains necessary for success. This is not to say that all graduates are necessarily more successful than all non-graduates, because of the multitude of factors involved.

  18. Education Is The Key To Success by Jasmeane

    Education has played a major role for all individuals in the society. It has allowed the community to succeed both socially and economically by enabling it to develop common culture and values. Education is the reason our world is the way it is today, doctors have been close to finding cures for cancer because of a higher education; our ...

  19. Essay on Education Is the Key to Success

    Conclusion. In conclusion, education is indeed the key to success. It is a powerful tool that empowers individuals, drives economic growth, promotes social equity, and catalyzes positive change. However, it is essential to remember that education is not just about formal schooling but also about lifelong learning.

  20. Top 8 Reasons Why Education is the Key to Success

    In short, because life requires that we wear many hats even under the best of circumstances, the process of getting an education automatically makes you focus on honing those coveted time management skills one of the sure-fire keys to success desired by top hiring companies all over the world. 6. You won't be left out.

  21. A University Education Is Not Essential for Success

    Although having a higher level of education can lead to a job with a higher salary, it is not necessary for success as an entrepreneur. Examples like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Richard Li demonstrate this point. They chose to skip university and start their own businesses, yet they were able to effectively manage their enterprises and amass ...

  22. Essay on Success: Top 8 Essays on Success

    Essay on Success: Education is the Road to Success - Essay 6 (650 Words) Introduction. Saying education is the road to success is just another way of saying education is very important for all of us in life, without education there would not be a lot of progression in both our individual and collective lives as human.

  23. Some people think a university education is important for success while

    'Complex' sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive. Examples: I really want to study but I'm too tired. I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold. If action is not taken soon on climate change, global warming ...

  24. Don't Assume Your School Wants Your Child To Succeed

    Schools prioritize success of a student portfolio over individual students. Parents are concerned about individuals. How to know if a school wants your child to succeed.

  25. How professors can foster inclusivity with their syllabus

    A course syllabus is a necessary and important document in higher education classes, not just in outlining expectations, policies, curricula, required materials and resources, but also in fostering students' feelings of belonging. More recently, professors have added "identity safety cues" into their syllabi that cultivate inclusive and equitable learning environments, including ...

  26. ‎TOEFL Practice

    Intelligent Essay Correction: Submit your English essays, and our system will critique them thoroughly, just like a teacher, providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. Comprehensive TOEFL Practice: Designed specifically for the TOEFL exam, covering listening, speaking, reading, and writing for a holistic training approach ...

  27. Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

    In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks, he condemned Hamas while saying he supported a deal to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, writing on social media: "The vast majority of ...