Two Minute English

Did vs. Done: Difference Explained (With Examples)

Marcus Froland

March 28, 2024

Many folks think that mastering English is all about big words and complex grammar rules. But let me tell you, sometimes it’s the little words that trip you up, like did and done . They seem straightforward until you have to use them in a sentence.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “It can’t be that hard, right?” Well, it’s not rocket science, but there’s more to these two words than meets the eye. And by the end of this article, you’ll see exactly why they’re not as interchangeable as some might think. So stick around because we’re about to clear up some confusion.

Understanding the difference between did and done is key to speaking English correctly. Did is the simple past tense of “do”. Use it when talking about an action that happened at a specific time in the past. For example, “I did my homework yesterday.” On the other hand, done is the past participle form of “do” and needs a helper verb like “have” or “has”. It’s used when referring to actions that are completed, often without specifying when. An example would be, “I have done my homework.” So, remember: use did for actions in the past at a known time and done , with a helper verb, for completed actions.

Understanding the Functions of “Did” and “Done”

As you strive to improve your English language skills, it’s crucial to understand the roles that “did” and “done” play in sentence structures. In this section, we’ll clarify how these terms function in different contexts, such as past activities and present perfect tense constructions.

Defining “Did” in Past Activities

Simple past tense did is used to describe actions or tasks that were completed at a specific point in the past. Let’s consider some examples to illustrate the concept:

We did what the teacher asked us to do. Melinda did the research in this project.

In these sentences, “did” appears after a subject or pronoun and can stand alone without auxiliary verbs, as seen in “He did all the hard work.” Understanding using did in past tense constructions is vital for forming accurate statements, questions, and negations relating to past events.

Clarifying “Done” in the Present Perfect Context

Conversely, the past participle done pertains to activities completed in the past but still relevant in the present. It’s typically accompanied by auxiliary verbs like ‘have’ or ‘has,’ as demonstrated in the following examples:

I have done my maths homework. He has not done his homework.

The term “done” cannot occur alone and always follows other verbs, often signaling a perfect tense or passive construction. The difference between did versus done lies in the context and usage in sentences, with “did” being a stand-alone verb for past actions while “done” requires auxiliary verbs and plays a role in perfect tense sentences.

To summarize, both “did” and “done” are essential aspects of English grammar, with their unique functions in past tense and present perfect tense constructions. By clearly understanding the definition of did and usage of done , you’ll become more proficient in the language and avoid confusion when employing these terms in conversation and writing.

The Grammatical Rules of “Did” and “Done”

Understanding the correct grammar of “did” and “done” is crucial for effective English communication. These two terms follow specific grammatical rules that ensure their proper usage in sentences.

  • Did can occur independently in a sentence to denote past actions
  • Done is always used with auxiliary verbs like ‘has,’ ‘have,’ or ‘had.’

Let’s examine these rules in more detail to grasp the past tense grammar and past participle rules fully.

Using “Did” in a Sentence

In a sentence, “did” can directly follow a subject without any accompanying auxiliary verbs. As the simple past tense form of ‘do,’ it is used to indicate completed actions or events in the past. For example:

Did you knock on the door?

This sentence exemplifies the correct usage of “did” directly following the subject ‘you.’

Implementing “Done” with Auxiliary Verbs

Following the past participle rules , “done” never stands alone and must be used with auxiliary verbs like ‘has,’ ‘have,’ or ‘had.’ It is often used in the passive voice or perfect tense constructions. For instance:

She has done her homework.

Here, “done” is used with the auxiliary verb ‘has’ to convey an action that was completed in the past but holds relevance to the present moment.

Usage Example
Did in a sentence What did you think of the movie?
Done with an auxiliary verb He has done his part of the project.

By comprehending and applying these grammatical rules, you can master the correct usage of “did” and “done” in your everyday communication. This understanding will help you avoid common mistakes and convey your thoughts effectively.

Common Mistakes When Using “Did” vs. “Done”

Misusing “did” and “done” is a common error in English grammar, often stemming from confusion about their roles as past tense and past participle forms of the verb ‘do’. To avoid these grammar mistakes and improve both speaking and writing skills, it is important to learn from these did vs done mistakes and understand their correct usage context.

Examples Highlighting Typical Errors

Let’s analyze some examples to understand the common mistakes when using “did” and “done” and ways to correct them:

  • Incorrect: I done my homework. Correct: I did my homework.
  • Incorrect: He did not finished yet. Correct: He has not finished yet.
  • Incorrect: Did you have done your assignment? Correct: Have you done your assignment?
  • Incorrect: They did gone to the movies last night. Correct: They went to the movies last night.

These examples demonstrate the importance of choosing the right form of the verb ‘do’ when constructing sentences in the past tense or present perfect tense. By paying attention to the auxiliary verbs and the context of the sentence, you can avoid the common errors of misusing “did” and “done”.

Understanding the correct usage of “did” and “done” plays a crucial role in mastering English grammar and avoiding common mistakes.

To further strengthen your learning, familiarize yourself with these additional tips and recommendations:

  • Always use “did” as a standalone verb in the simple past tense, without an auxiliary verb.
  • Use “done’ only when accompanied by auxiliary verbs such as ‘has,’ ‘have,’ or ‘had’ in present perfect or past perfect tense constructions.
  • Remember that “did” does not change the base form of the main verb that follows it.
  • When using “done” with auxiliary verbs, keep in mind that it cannot directly follow the subject of the sentence.

By addressing these common mistakes and applying the right grammar rules, you will greatly enhance your spoken and written language skills, boost your confidence, and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas in English.

Perfecting Your Language Skills with Correct Usage

Improving language skills often involves mastering the correct usage of did and done in various contexts. Becoming proficient in English grammar and speaking and writing correctly requires a comprehensive understanding of their applications in everyday communication.

For instance, replacing verbs with ‘do’ in informal speech contributes to a more natural English flow. This can be exemplified in the following scenario:

Friend A: “Did you wash the dishes?” Friend B: “No, but I’ll do it now.”

Using did and done adeptly involves incorporating them for emphasis in positive sentences:

  • “I do want to go to the party.”
  • “I did study for the test.”

Such correct usage ultimately leads to better communication and stronger command of the language. Furthermore, it is essential to keep practicing and refining your skills to sustain your proficiency. The table below highlights different situations for using did and done, helping you build confidence in their correct use.

Context Did Done
Simple past tense actions Jessica her homework.
Present perfect tense actions Jessica her homework.
Emphasizing positive statements I try my best in the race. —-
Auxiliary verb in informal speech Did you forget to call me?
Combining with auxiliary verbs for perfect tenses I the task before you arrived.

Perfecting your language skills with the correct usage of did and done is a vital aspect of mastering English grammar. Constantly practicing, analyzing real-life examples, and understanding their different functions will help you become a more proficient and confident communicator in the long run.

Verbs and Auxiliary Usage in Sentence Structure

In mastering the English language, it is crucial to understand the different roles of verbs and auxiliary verbs in sentence structure. Two essential forms, “did” and “done,” belong to the verb “do” and play a significant part in constructing past tense narratives. Let’s take a closer look at their roles in sentences.

“Did” as a Main Verb and Auxiliary

Did serves as a main verb for past actions, describing a state or action that was completed at a specific point in the past. For example:

“Jake did the dishes after dinner.”

Did also functions as an auxiliary verb for questions and negations in the past tense, as it helps form interrogative and negative sentences. When used as an auxiliary, “did” precedes the main verb in its base form:

  • Did you live in Spain?
  • She did not know the right answer to the question.

“Done” Within Perfect Tenses and Passive Voice

The past participle done is used within perfect tenses and passive voice constructions. This form usually follows auxiliary verbs like ‘has,’ ‘have,’ ‘had,’ or forms of the verb ‘to be.’ For example, the present perfect tense is represented in sentences like:

“I have done my homework.”

Meanwhile, the passive voice is illustrated in:

“The report was done on time.”

Understanding the usage of “did” and “done” in sentence structure is essential for conveying precise meaning and achieving proper grammar in your writing and speaking. Practice using these forms in different contexts to enhance your language skills and become more proficient in English.

Practical Examples: “Did” in Everyday Conversation

Mastering the use of did in daily speech is crucial for proficient English communication, especially when referring to past events or asking questions about them. This section offers some common instances to demonstrate the practical application of did in everyday conversations.

  • Discussing Past Activities: Imagine talking with your friend about your weekend. You can use did to inquire about their activities: “What did you do over the weekend?” or “Did you go to the new art exhibition?”
  • Movies, Books, and TV Shows: When discussing movies, books, or TV series, did can be employed to ask if someone has experienced it: “Did you read Michelle Obama’s memoir, Becoming ? ” or “Did you watch the latest episode of Stranger Things ?”
  • Food and Dining: Discussing memorable meals or sharing food recommendations often involves the use of did : “Did you try the new Thai restaurant downtown?” or “How did you like the chocolate lava cake we had last night?”

Using did as an auxiliary verb is similarly essential for asking questions about past events in daily interactions. Some scenarios include:

  • Yes/No Questions: “Did Sara join the gym last month?”
  • Choice-based Questions: “Did you walk or bike to work today?”
  • Wh-Questions: “Where did you spend your vacation?” or “Why did James leave the party early?”
Remember, practice makes perfect. Apply the use of did in your conversations to enhance your English speaking skills and communicate your thoughts with clarity and correctness.
Type of Question Example
Yes/No Did Mark attend the conference?
Choice-based Did you order the pizza or the burger?
Wh-Questions When did Julie move to San Francisco?

By incorporating did in your everyday language, you effectively express yourself in past tense contexts. As you continue practicing, the correct usage of did in conversation will become second nature, giving you a better command of the English language.

Breaking Down “Done” With Examples from Real Situations

Understanding the practical use of done in real-life examples aids in mastering its application and appreciating its relevance in the present perfect tense. “Done” signifies the completion of an action in the past that holds significance in the present moment.

Here are some present perfect examples illustrating the proper usage of “done” in various real-life situations:

  • Marian has done the artwork : In this sentence, “done” indicates that Marian completed the artwork in the past, and it remains relevant to the present discussion or context.
  • Have you done the math project? : This inquiry uses “done” to ask if the math project was completed in the past while still holding significance at the present time.
  • They have already done their room cleaning : In this scenario, “done” emphasizes that the action of cleaning the room has been completed earlier and has an impact on the present situation.

In the context of real-life situations , “done” is frequently employed in both professional and informal scenarios to convey the completion of an action in the past with continued relevance to the present:

At work, you might hear a colleague say, “I have done the presentation, and it’s ready for tomorrow’s meeting.” This sentence implies that the presentation was finished earlier, but its completion is still significant at the present moment as it will be utilized in the upcoming meeting.

In casual conversations, “done” is also commonly used to express events and accomplishments that connect the past and present:

While catching up with a friend, they may mention, “I have done all my errands for today.” In this statement, “done” is used to convey that all errands were completed earlier in the day, with the effects persisting into the current conversation or moment.

Ultimately, grasping the usage of “done” in real-life examples contributes to a deeper understanding of the present perfect tense and enables clearer, more effective communication in various contexts.

Mastering Questions and Negations in Past Tense

Questions in past tense often begin with the auxiliary “did” and are followed by the subject, and then the base form of the verb. Learning to correctly craft questions using “did” will provide you with the skills to communicate clearly and grammatically. For example, consider the question, “Did he speak Italian?” Here, “did” initiates the interrogative form, and the verb “speak” is in the base form.

To become proficient in using “did” for questions, it’s essential to understand past tense question formation . Ensure that the auxiliary “did” comes before the subject and verb. This not only maintains a proper sentence structure but also avoids confusion when speaking and writing in English. Understanding how to use “did” in questions will enable you to enhance your language skills and ensure effective communication in various situations.

Similarly, mastering the use of “done” in affirmative and negative statements is crucial in expressing perfect tenses. When used correctly, “done” emphasizes the completion of an action and its ongoing relevance to the present moment. Examples of such statements include “I have done my homework” and “He has not done a good job.” Recognizing the importance of incorporating “done” in present perfect statements will enable you to convey your thoughts more accurately and effectively, boosting your English language proficiency.

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do in English – auxiliary and main verb

Is do an auxiliary or a main verb.

The verb do can be an auxiliary verb or a main verb in English.

1. do as a main verb

1.1. do as a main verb in simple present (do, does, don't, doesn't).

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I I do my homework. I do not do my homework.* Do I do my homework?*
you You do your homework. You do not do your homework.* Do you do your homework?*
he, she, it He does his homework. He does not do his homework.* Does he do his homework?*
we, you, they They do their homework. They do not do their homework.* Do they do their homework?*

1.2. do as a main verb in Simple Past (did, didn't)

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I, he, she, it, we, you, they She did her homework. She did not do her homework.** Did she do her homework?**

1.3. do as a main verb – past participle (done)

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative senteces Questions
I, you, we, you, they We have done the shopping. We have not done the shopping. Have we done the shopping?
he, she, it He has done the shopping. He has not done the shopping. Has he done the shopping?

1.4. do as a main verb (Present Progressive, Gerund, present participle) – (doing)

affirmative negative
I am doing my homework. I am not doing my homework.
Doing my homework is not always fun. Not doing my homework is not clever.
I saw Jane doing her homework. I didn't see Jane doing her homework.

2. do as an auxiliary

2.1. do as an auxiliary in negations in the simple present.

I do n't do my homework in the evenings.*

2.2. do as an auxiliary in negations in the Simple Past

I did n't do my homework yesterday evening.**

2.3. do as an auxiliary in quesions in the Simple Present

Do you like rugby? – Does he like rugby?

2.4. do as an auxiliary in quesions in the Simple Past

Did you see Peggy yesterday? When did you get up this morning?

2.5. do with the negative imparative

Do n't sing under the shower.

* Here we use do in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and do as a main verb .

** Here we use did in the negative sentence as an auxiliary and do as a main verb .

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Does do his homework or does do homework?

  • Thread starter lola77777
  • Start date Oct 7, 2010


  • Oct 7, 2010

Hola... Quisiera saber como se diría correctamente a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Gracias  


Senior Member

Both are correct. They could be interpreted differently, though: a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? Does he do all of his homework? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Does he do homework (or something else)? Context is everything, though.  


horsewishr said: Both are correct. They could be interpreted differently, though: a) Does Peter do his homework in the evenings? Does he do all of his homework? b) Does Peter do homework in the evenings? Does he do homework (or something else)? Context is everything, though. Click to expand...
aztlaniano said: Welcome, lola77777! Se pueden usar las dos versiones. Tratándose de una pregunta, también podría ser: Does Peter do any home work ...? ( Does Peter do any of his homework in the evenings? Does Peter often/always/usually do (his) homework in the evenings? Hay matices, los significados son algo diferentes. Si pregunto, por ejemplo, "Does Peter do any of his homework in the evening" podría implicar (¿O es que hace las tareas sólo a la hora de comer?) (He traspado esta entrada desde el foro de vocabulario y he pedido que el hilo allí se quite, ya que tenemos este.) Click to expand...

Sentence examples similar to He do his homework from inspiring English sources

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" He did his homework ," he said.

" He did his homework ," Mr. Vaidya said.

He does his homework , and he talks to people.

He did his homework with no trouble.

He did his homework on time.

" He did his homework ," Rees said approvingly.

He does his homework in a conference room.

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T086 - Past Tense Simple or Progressive

Gap-fill exercise.

Fill in the correct form of the PAST TENSE : Simple or Progressive !

  • My brother ( DRINK ) while he ( DO ) his homework.
  • He ( WALK ) into the classroom, then he (SAT) down.
  • Harry ( SING ) a song when Jane ( COME ) in.
  • Nothing ( HAPPEN ) when I turned on the radio.
  • It ( START ) to rain while I ( WALK ) through the park.
  • Jackie ( LISTEN ) to the radio when the doorbell  ( RING ).
  • He ( FIND ) some money when he ( CLEAN ) the cupboards.
  • He ( SEE ) the accident when he (DRIVE) home from work.
  • While Jimmy ( TELL ) a joke his teacher ( WALK ) in.
  • The Smiths ( FLY ) to Italy yesterday.
  • It ( BEGIN ) to snow while we ( PLAY ) football.
  • They ( LIVE ) in Portugal when the earthquake ( HAPPEN )

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he do homework vs he does homework

Last updated: March 16, 2017

he do homework

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31,800 results on the web

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  • I was on my way to sit with Timothy while he does his homework .
  • If he obeys me completely, he does his homework as I tell him to and stays at home, it's perfect.
  • Seems like he does his homework .
  • I'm working a double at the hospital tonight, so you have to make sure that you pick up your brother and he does his homework , all right?
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  • OK, Freddie, physics homework .

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"Was he not doing his homework" vs " Wasn't he doing his homework"

What is the difference between them.It is in a test so I have no context.

Was he not doing his homework Wasn't he doing his homework

Amanda21's user avatar

6 Answers 6

To me it sounds that the question

Was he not doing his homework?

is asking whether "he" was slacking off , ignoring his responsibility to do his homework. When spoken, the " not " would be emphasized.

The question

Wasn't he doing his homework?

is intended to express doubt or request a confirmation. The speaker supposes the " he " (the subject of the question) was in fact " doing his homework ", but something in the conversation prior to this question presented a contrary view.

Victor Bazarov's user avatar

Most often, the two sentences can be used interchangeably. They mean the same thing essentially, except the first sentence has no contraction and so is more formal.

The only reason the word order is different is due to the contraction "wasn't" (was not). It's a common and handy word that is used frequently, even in places where its un-contracted meaning "was not" would sound strange.

Nobody ever says "Was not he doing his homework?" but because of custom and habit, English speakers freely say "Wasn't he doing his homework?". It's a quirk of the language.

This is not to say that the other answers are wrong, only that in everyday usage the speaker or writer is most likely not being that precise.

Tim McCarthy's user avatar

I'll go out on a limb and take a different stance from other answers (that were posted before mine).

The only two differences between Was he not doing his homework? and Wasn't he doing his homework? are: a) the former is an uncontracted negative question (and the latter is a contracted negative question); and thus b) the former ( Was he not ...? ) would sound more formal.

Both alternatives can have either of these two meanings:

[i] Is it true that he wasn't doing his homework ? [ii] It's true that he was doing his homework , isn't it?

The ambiguity is normally not a problem because it'd be clear in context.

In my humble opinion, there isn't any difference in meaning between the two written sentences out of context. We simply cannot assign a specific meaning to each alternative out of context.

Damkerng T.'s user avatar

The first sentence is asking if he was not doing his homework.

The second one refers to if he was doing his homework at the time.

Quite opposite to each other!

Nihilist_Frost's user avatar

  • I am not sure I got it, can you explain it in some scenarios please if possible –  Amanda21 Commented Oct 8, 2015 at 18:00

What Nihilist_frost says is true to an extent, but depending on the context the first first version could be a somewhat stuffy version of the second IMO.

Was he not doing his homework at the time?

This sentence sounds grammatically fine to me and leaves me in little doubt whoever is asking believe "he" was doing his homework at the time.

DRF's user avatar

I agree with most of the answers posted by the users.

"Was he not doing his homework?" and "Wasn't he doing his homework?" are syntactically similar, as "wasn't" (from the second sentence) is merely a contraction of "was not" (from the first sentence).

However, if we decipher the similarities and/or differences in the light of Semantics, the two statements have varying meanings.

First, the statement "Was he not doing his homework?" stresses on the "not doing" verb phrase of the sentence. Thus, this would mean that a person is asking another if "he" is "not doing" "his homework". We could paraphrase this as (although there is a difference in form) "He is not doing his homework, is he?"

Second, the statement "Wasn't he doing his homework?" emphasizes on "doing" or (could be) on "doing his homework". Therefore, this could mean that a person is asking another if "he" is currently working or not on "his homework". Another interpretation would be asking if "he" is (currently) working on his own homework. Since it is in the past tense, we could say that he was currently working on the homework mentioned.

I know that my explanation is somewhat confusing, but I hope this could give you more ideas regarding this topic.

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he done his homework

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He ______ his homework every day.

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English notes latest questions, he said, “he has done his homework.” change into indirect speech.

Zainab Shaikh

Indirect Speech:  He said that he had done his homework.

Explanation : When the reporting verb is in the past (said) and the direct speech is in the present perfect tense, then the indirect (reported) speech will change into the past perfect tense.

Present Perfect tense > Past Perfect tense.

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Syed Badshah

He told me that he had done his homework honestly

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he done his homework

he is done his homework. と he has done his homowork はどう違いますか?説明が難しい場合は、例文を教えて下さい。

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@tomm : He is done his homework doesn't make sense because "is" is present tense while the rest of the sentence is past tense. Past tense = He has done his homework Present tense = he is doing his homework. Hope this helps !


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he done his homework

@tomm He is done his homework is wrong. He has done his homework is right.

he done his homework

You can also say, "he is done with his homework"

@tomm no problem, @tomm : if you add 'with' to make it "he was done with his homework" it will make more sense, the word "with" is called a preposition that is placed before a noun or pronoun to make a sentence complete. sentences that are not complete sound un-natural., if you are using it as a question, say "can i watch television when you are done" if you are making a statement, say "i will watch television when you are done." "i can" is used to imply you are capable of doing something. ex: "i can cook" & "i can drive".

he done his homework

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  • he said he did his homework. と he said he had done his homework. はどう違いますか?
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  • He done his homework と he did his homework はどう違いますか?
  • I made him do his homework と I let him do his homework と I had him do his homework はどう違いますか?
  • I have just finished my homework と I just finished my homework はどう違いますか?
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  • he is done his homework...

My wife isn't 'just' a stepmom to my son. He sees her as his other mom.

  • My wife has been in my son's life since he was 6 years old.
  • She has taken on a parental role, stepping in whenever I need extra help.
  • Even though she's his stepmom, my son considers her his other mom.

Insider Today

After Vice President Kamala Harris announced she was running for president, one criticism lobbed against her was that she is not a parent because she has never given birth to children. But she is the stepmother to her husband Doug Emhoff's two children.

Like Harris, my wife is a stepmother to my son.

I am no longer in a relationship with his father and have been in a new relationship for four years. My wife came into my son's life when he was 6 years old and quickly stepped into a parental role. It was a role she enthusiastically took on.

Although she didn't give birth to my son, my wife is absolutely his second mother.

My son and wife's relationship started friendly

My wife didn't immediately take an authoritative role or force him to treat her like a parent. At first, she was more like a grown-up friend — someone he knew he needed to respect, but someone who would take him on drives to get ice cream or let him pretend to drive her car while I was inside the grocery store.

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I was worried about parenting with another person all the time. As the primary parent, I wasn't used to dividing parenting duties . My wife was aware of that and always deferred to me as the primary parent.

But the bond between my son and my wife was instant. He had never met someone I was dating before, but he liked her immediately.

My wife has taken on more responsibility as a stepmom

Over the last four years, she's taken on more parental responsibility but never tried to act like she was more of a parent than myself or my son's father. She is a bonus mom, someone there to kiss him goodnight , help him with his homework, and love him unconditionally.

During the pandemic, my wife volunteered to take the lead in helping my son with virtual school so I could focus on work. She created a schedule for him, made him lunch, and ensured he kept up with assignments. When the playgrounds opened, she would take him to play, armed with a backpack full of whatever was needed.

I have gone on several overnight trips , leaving the two of them alone together. My son doesn't even call or text me when I'm gone because he's having so much fun hanging out with my wife. I never have to worry about him; I know my wife will make sure he takes a bath and goes to bed on time.

There are days when I will ask her to tag in and do the bedtime routine because I'm working or want a break, and she does it without question. My son knows that if he needs something, he doesn't have to come to me all the time.

Seeing my wife willingly step into a parental role with my son has strengthened our relationship. I knew I loved her almost immediately after we met, but seeing how my son responded to her made me more secure in my decision.

Sometimes, she still refers to him as mine, and I always remind her that she's his mom, too. We do everything as a team: school meetings, performances, birthday parties . Everyone knows us as his two moms, and there's no one else I could imagine doing this with.

My son now sees my wife as the missing piece to our family puzzle. He proudly claims her as his other mom.

"You're my mom too," my son will say when my wife calls herself his stepmom. He made that decision. My wife never wanted to force a close relationship on him, but he pushed for it.

Media has warped the perception of stepmoms

Popular media depictions of stepmoms are largely negative. The common trope is that they're evil.

For example, you have characters like Meredith Blake in the Lindsay Lohan version of "The Parent Trap," the Baroness von Schraeder in " The Sound of Music ," and, of course, the prototype: Cinderella's Evil Stepmother.

These women are always seen as temptresses who come in and seduce the father into marrying them before revealing they intend to get rid of his daughter so that she will be the only woman in his life.

Maybe there are stepmoms out there who fit this description, but by and large, stepmoms are there to be whoever their step kids want them to be.

I know that's exactly the role my wife plays, and my son and I are all the more lucky for it.

Watch: Why one mother fled Texas to keep her child safe

he done his homework

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  1. tense

    We have done our homework. present perfect tense. Completed in the very recent past. We had done our homework, so we were allowed to go to the movies. past perfect tense. Completed in the past, prior to the simple past "act" of being allowed. Note that the simple present of "to have," third person singular, is "has." He has done his homework.

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    He has done his homework. 10. The Guardian - Lifestyle. He never insinuated that women were inferior to men".He has done his homework. 11. The Economist. Show more... High quality example sentences with "has done his homework" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English.

  3. What is the difference between "he is done his homework.

    Synonym for he is done his homework. @tomm: He is done his homework doesn't make sense because "is" is present tense while the rest of the sentence is past tense. Past tense = He has done his homework Present tense = he is doing his homework. Hope this helps !|You can also say, "he is done with his homework"|The word "With" is called a preposition that is placed before a noun or pronoun to ...

  4. Done his homework

    Definition of done his homework in the Idioms Dictionary. done his homework phrase. What does done his homework expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  5. he had done his homework

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  13. He said, "I have done my homework." Change into Indirect Speech

    Added an answer on August 27, 2021 at 12:19 pm. Indirect Speech: He said that he had done his homework. Explanation: When the reporting verb is in the past (said) and the direct speech is in the present perfect tense, then the indirect (reported) speech will change into the past perfect tense. Present Perfect Tense > Past Perfect Tense.

  14. he do homework or he does homework?

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    Translate He has done his homework. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  16. He______ (do) his homework at the moment.

    D. yourself. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. About GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. He______ (do) his homework at the moment. A. is doing B. does C. has done - Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect Quiz.

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    To me it sounds that the question. Was he not doing his homework?. is asking whether "he" was slacking off, ignoring his responsibility to do his homework. When spoken, the "not" would be emphasized.The question. Wasn't he doing his homework?. is intended to express doubt or request a confirmation.

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    will. How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button. About GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time. He ______ his homework every day. A. does B. is doing - Present Simple and Continuous Quiz.

  19. He said, "He has done his homework." Change into Indirect Speech

    Added an answer on August 12, 2021 at 10:16 pm. Indirect Speech: He said that he had done his homework. Explanation: When the reporting verb is in the past (said) and the direct speech is in the present perfect tense, then the indirect (reported) speech will change into the past perfect tense. Present Perfect tense > Past Perfect tense.

  20. 【he is done his homework. 】 と 【he has done his ...

    94. @tomm: He is done his homework doesn't make sense because "is" is present tense while the rest of the sentence is past tense. Past tense = He has done his homework. Present tense = he is doing his homework. Hope this helps ! この回答は役に立ちましたか?. うーん (4) 役に立った (13) withlovekris.

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  22. My Wife Isn't 'Just' a Stepmom to My Son; She's His Other Mom

    My wife has been in my son's life since he was 6 years old. She has taken on a parental role, stepping in whenever I need extra help. Even though she's his stepmom, my son considers her his other mom.