
How to Start a Bible School – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Do you want to start a bible school from scratch? Or you need a sample bible school business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. It is no longer news that school business have continued to soar over the years in nearly all parts of the world. This is because of the fact that a lot of folks are beginning to come to terms with the fact that education is the best legacy. This is whether it is the formal education, the vocational education or any other form of education at all.

In recent times one other area which Christian entrepreneurs are beginning to cash in on is the bible school business. However, this is not to say that there hasn’t been the existence of bible schools before now. In fact the emergence of bible schools dates back to centuries ago.

As the thirst and zeal to know a lot more about the bible and Christianity religion came to fore, people saw the reason and need to create bible schools where biblical knowledge are taught. It is for this reason that this article proposes to look into the ways that you can start your own bible school. Here are top notch tips on how you too can start a bible school that is if you have decided to make this a business, as there are free bible schools all around.

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Starting a Bible School – Sample Business Plan Template

1. be determined.

It isn’t okay for you to nurse the feeling to own a bible school merely because you are a Christian. It is however expedient that much more than having the wish that you are determined this is the kind of venture you want to go into. Why is this so you might ask? This is simply because with determination you might then be willing to go all the way to pursue your dream to a fruitful end.

2. Undertake a Market Survey

This is one of the important factors that you must really hold dearly. This is because no man embarks on the journey of starting a business without first undertaking some research. This research and the findings you get would to a large extent determine a whole lot of things.

Things like; how those who have already started the bible school pulled through, the steps they took that helped them, the mistakes they made. The possible amount of being that might be needed for start up, the kind of location needed and what have you.

3. Run a Course

It isn’t enough that you carry out a market research. You may also want to consider running a crash course in a bible school, so that you can have firsthand experience on how things are run. Whilst, some of the courses being offered in these schools vary from country to country, you may still want to opt for courses that are short in duration.

During these periods you may want to find out the types of courses offered, the day to day operations and activities and how they are run, and a host of other things that you can physically find out for yourself. There also might be the need for you to take someone into confidence by letting them know the sole purpose why you have enrolled. When you do this, you may be able to get better information.

4. Find the Purpose Why You Want One

After you have taken the steps mentioned earlier, then you can now find the purpose why you want to start a bible school. Deciphering why you really want one means that you can easily come to grasp with what the students who attend your school stand to gain as well as the kind of graduates you would be churning out.

This is because it isn’t enough that you just want to start one for profit. There has to be an underlying factor why you want one to be set up. For some it might be the thirst to educate people biblically, whilst to some it might be because they have seen another person thrive at it and they want to achieve the same kind of success.

5. Draw a Business Plan

This is also a veritable step you may want to consider dealing with seriously. This means that you must be ready to draw up an immediate, short term, as well as long term plan about your intended business. The information here would include how the business would be run, the amount needed to get started, how many faculties you plan to have, the number of lecturers you plan to have, as well as other very indispensable information.

6. Incorporate Your Company and Get a License

This is in no way a type of business that you can start from home. This is because you would have to meet some very vital requirements by the government authorities. This is why it is very important that you first get a Business Name for your school, get the right documentation for your business from the appropriate quarters in your country, and then get the required license. For some the requirement would be that you get a befitting space.

7. Get a Space

Here you would need your realtor to help in getting a good space. This means that you would need to determine how big you want your school to be so that you know what the realtor is targeting at. You may consider a large space if you are looking to start really big or a moderate apartment if you want to start moderately. However, be sure that either way you would still need to furnish and make things look okay before you commence operation.

8. Draw up a Curriculum and Hire Workers

If you have a background in this field or if you have been to a school of theology yourself then you may consider drawing up the course curriculum yourself. On the other hand if you haven’t then you may want to consider hiring an expert, who might be one of the lecturers who would eventually work with you.

9. Market Your School

You may consider starting with your local church by announcing or printing flyers about your bible school. This is so that so that you start from the known to the unknown. Thereafter, you may consider outsiders and non church members. The internet is also a good area through which to market your school.

There you have it. With these steps taken seriously, you can be sure to start your own bible school on a right footing. This is because these are tested steps that have helped those who have succeeded.

how to write a business plan for a bible school

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How to establish a Bible College We are ready to help! Welcome!

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The Bible teaches and encourages believers to study to show yourself approved to God … (2 Timothy 2:15). This requires the example of pastors and church leaders who are systematically studying the word of God, encouraging their congregations to do the same.

How to start a Bible school? What is needed for pastors and church leaders to implement the establishment of a Bible college, seminary, or Institute?

First and foremost, a calling from the Holy Spirit is needed. Often, He will lead church leaders to engage themselves in a structured and systematic study of God’s word through a Bible college or seminary before establishing one in their church.

Beyond experience in the study of the word of God, church leaders should seek and use the experience of an already established Bible Institute.

Christian Union Theological Seminary, Inc. has had the honor of attending churches and other religious organizations in the establishment and maintenance of viable Bible schools throughout the United States and Canada.

9 reasons to open a Bible School in your church

  • 1. To fulfill Christ’s Great Commission given to us in Matthew 28: 18-20.
  • 2. To provide a complete education of the Bible to your congregation and community.
  • 3. To disciple students for ministry in the church.
  • 4. To disciple students for ministry outside the church.
  • 5. To train ministerial supporters from a biblical perspective.
  • 6. To mentor those with a call for the ministry.
  • 7. To bring renewed vision and the spiritual hunger to the local church.
  • 8. Biblical Education for new believers, and for the serious student of the Bible.
  • 9. To meet the mandate of the Holy Spirit in 2 Timothy 2: 2 “What you heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”

Christian Union Theological Seminary offers the latest, most innovative enclosure extension program available today. CUTS will meet all your expectations for the best of teaching and Bible training ministry.

Our outreach program makes a difference, you will receive:.

  • Dynamic classes with qualified teachers anointed, and experienced.
  • The naming of your own school.
  • All management is fully based on the Internet.
  • Programs for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year. Associates degree.
  • Students can go online to obtain a Bachelor, Master and Doctorate.
  • Affordable tuition
  • Classes that meet once a week, 3 hours, for 4 weeks.
  • Generous compensation plan to the local school.
  • Training and full support staff from CUTSI.

Get Started Now!

Complete the Application and start developing your own Bible school at your church today. Contact CUTS at (413) 883-4893 .

Our experience and assistance will help you explore the following …

  • Defining the purpose of a Bible school, college or seminary.
  • Facilitating legal requirements and rights in your state.
  • Choice materials for the course, such as books, homework, etc.
  • Determine who qualifies to teach, mentor and proctor?
  • How to promote a Biblical Institute in and out of the church.
  • Anticipating financial obligations , including tuition .
  • Know the differences between degrees and diplomas.
  • How to determine the skills and academic requirements of students
  • Establish and maintain records and files of students.
  • How to provide practical online study, correspondence study, and in place study.
  • The financial obligation for assistance and the establishment of a Bible Institute.
  • We will provide curriculum accredited by our theological seminary
  • Accreditation for grades ministry.
  • Complete training and technical support.
  • Acceptance of transfer credits.
  • Publish and promote your Bible Institute in the Christian Union Theological Seminary website
  • Assist in the creation, design , and launch your own website for your Bible institute or college
  • We’ll give you a beautiful certificate of affiliation for your office, as evidence of your affiliation with us.
  • For further questions go to the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .

how to write a business plan for a bible school

Extension Institute of the Christian Union Theological Seminary in your church call : (413) 883-4893 or email; [email protected]

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Business Dream Hub

How to Create a Simple Christian Business Plan

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A simple business plan template for Christian entrepreneurs

If you are a Christian entrepreneur who’s feeling overwhelmed at the thought of creating or writing a business plan, I have some good news for you.

A business plan doesn’t have to be a massive or scary document. Also, it doesn’t have to contain every single detail about your business. There are one-page business plans that are as effective as those massive ones, so there’s no need to avoid creating a business plan because you think you’re incapable.

I know some of you may be wondering why you need a business plan. Let me tell you some important reasons why a business plan is a good idea for your business.

Reasons Why You Need a Christian Business Plan

  • To serve as a road map or guide for your business
  • A business plan will keep you focused, and provide clarity on the most important aspects of your business
  • Helps you avoid mistakes when starting a business
  • Allows you to set out your goals for your business, and to keep you accountable

While it’s possible to run a business without a plan, in my experience, it’s easier to stay focused and accomplish your goals when you have a business plan to guide your decisions. A business plan is also a useful tool to refer to when you need to assess how well your business is doing.

Check out this post for some more reasons why a business plan is aggod idea: 10 reasons why you need a business plan.

Now, here is how to create a simple business plan for your business, Christian school or Christian ministry.



1. choose your foundational scriptures.

As a Christian, the Bible should be the foundation for everything you do. This also applies to your business.

If you’re just starting a business or still trying to create a business plan, I want you to think of some Bible verses you want to anchor your business on. These verses will serve as your foundational scriptures, and you can refer to them every time you need to remind yourself why you’re in business, or whenever you are going through hard times.

Your foundational scriptures can be some of your favorite Bible verses, promises from the Bible or anything that you choose. There are no rules.

Here are some of mine:

“In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.” (Proverbs 14:23)

“Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” (Proverbs 22:29)

“ For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.” (Psalm 50:10)

“You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” (Deuteronomy 8:18)


As a business owner, you’re faced with all sorts of temptaion, and it’s easy to stray if you’re not very discerning.

Very often, it starts with little things, like justifying business practices you know are not ethical. Soon you completely forget you’re a Christian and start doing what everyone does. But, there’s a biblical way of doing business , and that’s what you should embrace as a Christian entrepreneur.

So what godly business principles are you going to apply to your business?

Take some time to make a list of some Christian business values you’ll use to operate your business. You can always change them or add to them as your business grows, but it’s important to know what values will shape your business, so they can serve as a reminder when you’re faced with temptation.

Some examples of Christian business values include:

  • Accountability
  • Treating your customers with love
  • A commitment to being a faithful steward

There are lots of Christian business values you can apply to your business, so pick a few that you can use to run your business for the glory of God.

Would you like some more business planning tips? Grab a copy of my Business Planning Cheat Sheet below.

how to write a business plan for a bible school


Remember how excited you were when you first got the idea to become an entrepreneur? You probably had some big dreams and goals and wanted to change lives or solve a specific problem.

Your mission statement is the place where you basically articulate your reason for becoming an entrepreneur. Your mission statement should be short and to the point. All you need to do is answer these two questions: what does your business do, and whom do you serve?

If you can answer these two questions clearly, it means you know why your business exists, and you know who your customers are.

Many entrepreneurs waste so much time trying to come up with a powerful or compelling mission statement they forget to address these two basic questions. Please, don’t make that mistake!

Now, spend some time thinking about the answers to these questions, write your answers down, then keep your mission statement somewhere visible.


A vision statement is an important part of a Christian business plan, so make sure you spend some time thinking this through.

While your mission statement focuses on the present and the reason for your business’s existence (aka your why), your vision statement focuses on the future. Your vision statement answers questions like: where do you want to be in five years? What are the long-term goals for your business? How do you plan to achieve those goals?

Just like your mission statement, your vision statement should be short and inspiring. It should answer the “what” of your business. For example, what do you want to be known for in the future?

Your vision statement will give you direction, and also motivate you to keep going when you encounter some business hurdles. So take the time to write a vision statement. Keep it somewhere visible so you can revisit it whenever you need some motivation.

Below is a post with examples of inspiring vision and mission statements. Please do check it out!

17 Truly Inspiring Company Vision and Mission Statement Examples


This section basically deals with all the practical, legal and regulatory aspect of your Christian business plan.

In this section, you can state your business name, and describe your business structure (sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, etc)? You can also include things like your business address, business bank account, website address, social media accounts, and stuff like that.

If you need some business licenses or permits for your business, this is where you make a note of them. Include information like where you can obtain the licenses and how much they cost. If you need insurance for your business, this is where you state what kind of insurance you need and other details about the insurance.

This section covers all the practical, legal and regulatory things you need to do to start, and run your business legally and professionally.


Yes, you need a financial plan if you want to succeed in business.

Every Christian business plan template I have seen has a section for this because your financial plan is one of the most important criteria to determine the viability of your business.

So what should you include in your financial plan?

Your financial plan should include at a minimum the following things :

  • The amount of capital you need and the amount you have.
  • How your business will make money.
  • How much you need to run your business for the first six months, and how much revenue you expect your business to generate. It’s sometimes difficult to predict business cash flow, so just come up with the best estimate that you can.

It’s very important for your financial plan to include the cost of operating your business for at least the first six months, and how you will fund your business operations if you don’t bring in any revenue during this period.

This is important because you don’t want to start a business, then run out of money to keep operating your business.

Finally, your financial plan should include a marketing budget since you are going to spend most of your time marketing your business if you are a new business owner. Your marketing budget depends on your marketing strategy, so make sure it’s realistic.

Related: 7 Christian Business Advice to Boost Your Sales and Profit


Your business systems and strategies are an important part of your business plan since you need them to operate your business effectively.

Taking the time to create systems and strategies for your business will save you a lot of time and headache in future.

Some of the most common and useful systems and strategies you can create for your business include:


Since no business can survive without customers or clients, you need a way to attract customers to your business, and a strategy to convert potential customers into sales.

There are lots of marketing strategies you can use to attract and retain customers. Some methods are free, while others are paid (like advertisements).

Your marketing strategy is simply the methods you will utilize to attract the attention of potential customers. You can use content marketing, cold calling, social media marketing, paid ads, or direct mail marketing. These are all legitimate and effective ways to attract customers if you know how to use these strategies.

You don’t have to use all the strategies. What you need will depend on your type of business, your customers, where they hang out, and your marketing budget. However, generally, it’s always better to start with free marketing strategies especially if you are working with a low budget.

Your sales strategy on the other hand is the steps you will use to convert a potential customer into a paying one. It’s not enough to attract people to your business. Brand awareness is the first step, but the ultimate goal is to make sales and generate revenue/profit for your business.

Below is a very helpful post on proven sales strategies you can use in your business. Please check it out!

25 proven sales strategies from top entrepreneurs and startups


If you are a business owner committed to providing a great experience for your customers, you should have a system in place for meeting their expectations.

Start by creating a customer service policy which should include things like how your customers can communicate with you, your response time, how you’ll deal with customer queries or complaints, shipping, refund and return policies (if applicable). Finally, make sure your customers know what they can expect from you, and where they can find all the information they need.

Creating a system for dealing with your customers is a great way to keep your customers happy, and a great strategy for retaining customers.

Depending on your business, some other systems you may need to create include:

  • Product development system. This is the system for planning and developing and testing new products
  • Employee management system. This is your system for hiring, managing, and firing employees.
  • A system for working with suppliers for your business
  • Operations management system. This is the system that ensures your business runs smoothly from day-to-day. Your operations management system is how you keep track of everything that’s going on in your business so you can easily assess how your business is doing at all times.

As you can see, there’s a lot that you can include in a Christian business plan, but the idea is to keep it as simple as possible. You don’t have to include every single thing in your business especially if you’re a small business owner or a sole proprietor.

With that said, having a business plan and creating some simple systems and strategies for your business will help you to stay organized, and be more productive.

You can create a simple business plan in one or two hours, so don’t make it a big deal or ignore it.

Let me close with these words of Jesus.

“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. …” (Luke 14:28-33)

Final Thoughts on How to Create a Simple Christian Business Plan

Creating a business plan can seem overwhelming but it really isn’t. If you have been putting off writing a business plan for your business, I hope the tips in this post can help you create a simple Christian business plan for your business.

Did you find this Christian business plan template helpful?

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Hi, I'm Favor! I think of myself as a business strategist and coach for new business owners. When I am not engaged in business stuff, I enjoy spending time with my kids, reading, traveling, and just being chill.

7 Christian Business Advice to Boost Your Sales and Profit

Trusting god with your business: 6 practical ways to do it, 13 thoughts on “how to create a simple christian business plan”.

All these things are true I appreciate you posting this. It inspired me, helped me, and gave me spiritual direction. May God Bless You and continue to use you!! Thanks again now I can go and be great in Christ!!

Blessings to you and thanks very much for your nice comment.

I was so unsettled writing my business plan and I got irritated. I asked God to guide me and He told me to type in “Christian Business Plan” and here I am. The weight I had is gone. Thank You So Much!!

Hey Jalisha,

I am so glad you found the help you needed. Blessings to you and your business!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!! This is amazing!!

You are welcome. Blessings to you!

Thanks a lot. This is really helpful.

You are welcome. Best of luck to you!

I am going to establish one.

So happy I stumbled upon your site when I typed in Christian business planner. I appreciate your summary above! Thanks.

I am happy to hear you got some inspiration from this post. Best wishes to you.

What’s so amazing about this Christian plan is the simplicity. I have attempted to write business plans with culture’s way and every time I got overwhelmed and discouraged. Everything about Jesus was simplistic and easy to follow just like this guide!

Thank you so much!!

Thank you! I am very happy to hear you found the post useful. Writing business plans can feel overwhelming. The key is to keep it as simple as possible. Start with a one-page plan and build it up from there. Blessings to you.

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How to Start a Bible College

How to Start an Accredited Online College

How to Start an Accredited Online College

Bible colleges offer certificate, undergraduate and graduate programs. Typically, the programs focus on Scripture, theology and evangelism. Ministers, Sunday school teachers and pastors attend bible colleges in order to gain structured training that may help them lead, teach and minister to others.

Get your Employee Identification Number (EIN). Apply for an EIN at the Internal Revenue Service official website (see "Resources"). Keep in mind that you can also apply for your EIN over the telephone by calling the Business and Specialty Tax Line at (800) 829-4933. Fax your form to your state IRS office. Reference the "Apply for an EIN" link in the "Resources" section of this article. Click "Apply by Fax". Find your state's fax-in number, and submit your completed application.

Visit your state's Department of Revenue website (see "Resources"). Register to collect sales and use tax. Note that many states allow users to file forms and pay taxes directly through their websites.

Create a business plan. Write an executive summary for your bible college. Provide targeted spiritual and religious education you have received, including degrees, certifications and seminar training. Write a mission statement for your school. For example, your statement could read, "To prepare 30 percent of Montgomery County, Ohio, missionary and religious students for effective ministry and evangelism." Supply the location for your college and the level of degrees you will offer.

Include researched items on other bible and religious schools in your area as well as online ministry schools. Build a solid marketing plan including online and offline resources such as targeted press releases and direct mail letters to local churches that you will use to get the word out to potential students about your school's offerings. Highlight your existing financial records. Identify additional capital you may need. Refer to the Small Business Administration's "Writing a Business Plan" document in the resources section of this article to review sample business plans.

Raise capital. Apply for grants through the Department of Education. Review the available grants by due date, subject and funding amounts. Contact your bank manager. Fill out loan applications to raise additional capital for your bible college. Reach out to local churches. Share your school's mission and course offerings with pastors. Highlight how your college will train and educate students in the neighborhoods where the churches are located. Ask the church to make a donation to your school to help you raise funds. Reach out to Christian Foundations (see "Resources"). Complete applications and request grants from applicable foundations.

Get insurance. Meet with your insurance agent. Review prices, coverage amounts and types of available insurance. Check with Christian companies such as Guide One that specialize in meeting the insurance needs of churches and bible colleges. Purchase plenty of property and liability coverage. Inquire about employee-related insurance, such as worker's compensation, disability and unemployment, to cover your school's administrators and professors.

Design your course catalog. Include course name, credit hours and costs per credit hour. For example, you could include courses such as Biblical Counseling, Community Worship, Christian Ministry, Theology, and Sound and Recording in your catalog. Note whether the course is mostly instruction and curriculum, or interactive and hands-on. Include your bible college's website URL in the catalog. Upload course descriptions and requirements to the website.

Gain accreditation. Contact the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Apply for an institutional or programmatic accreditation. Pay applicable fees, and work with the commission to meet eligibility standards. Consider getting additional regional accreditation by contacting your regional accrediting agency. Keep in mind that each regional agency has different requirements and some regional accreditation agencies, such as the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, do not accredit schools that offer only postsecondary certificates, diplomas or licenses. Complete the regional accreditation by meeting with regional evaluators to conduct your school's quality assurance review.

Hire qualified instructors. Contact human resources administrators at existing bible colleges and universities. Ask if you can post job descriptions for available teaching positions at your school. Mail job descriptions to local churches, and ask them to announce available teaching positions at your bible college. Post job openings for experienced instructors with degrees at job boards such as Career Builder, Monster and Simply Hired. Offer graduate students the opportunity to intern with your school in administrative offices.

Research tuition costs for nearby bible colleges and universities. Review course offerings at the schools. For example, some postsecondary Christian schools offer computer, business management and medical degree programs in addition to theology and ministry classes. Set competitive tuition rates and fees.

Help students obtain financial aid. Contact the U.S. Department of Education. Apply for Title IV school code. Attend the financial aid administrators training. Gain your certification so that your school will get a Title IV school code and be eligible to receive federal financial aid.

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Rhonda Campbell is an entrepreneur, radio host and author. She has more than 17 years of business, human resources and project management experience and decades of book, newspaper, magazine, radio and business writing experience. Her works have appeared in leading periodicals like "Madame Noire," "Halogen TV," "The Network Journal," "Essence," "Your Church Magazine," "The Trenton Times," "Pittsburgh Quarterly" and "New Citizens Press."

how to write a business plan for a bible school

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Run With Vision: How to Create a Christian Business Plan

by Billy Epperhart | Jul 3, 2023 | Business Blogs , Entrepreneurship & The Business Model Canvas | 3 comments

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Good planning is an essential component of any successful endeavor. From family vacations to your investment portfolio, the old adage reigns true– if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

One of the #1 mistakes aspiring entrepreneurs make is confusing a good idea for a business plan. To prosper for the long-haul, there are essential components your business must include.

Scripture emphasizes the importance of planning as well. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” 

Habakkuk 2:2 instructs, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” 

The message is clear: without a vision, we can’t run to the places, people, and purposes that God has for our lives. We can get lost, stagnant, and stray from the mission. 

Though these Bible verses refer to prophecy, they also provide a lot of wisdom for how to catalyze business, nonprofit, and/or ministry ideas. Without a business plan, you’re going to have a hard time running toward your mission! A business plan clears the path so that you can run without hindrance and have a clear understanding of what success looks like for you and your organization.

This blog will show you how to create a Christian business plan by explaining the 9 main components of the Business Model Generation Canvas.

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Thank you for the Christian Business Plan. It was informative

Shemison Banda

Powerful thanks

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FREE 3+ Bible School Business Plan Samples in MS Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages | PDF

Bible School Business Plan featured

A Bible school is a great opportunity to educate your community with the Word of God, and let them apply their learnings in their lives to live a fulfilled life and to avoid doing things that could harm them and their families. Furthermore, a Bible school can bring the community closer and establish solid friendships and support each other’s endeavors. If you feel like it’s your calling to form a Bible school, you need to keep in mind that it is similar to creating a business and you just need a solid plan to help you create it. While it’s possible to run a business without a plan, it’s also more likely your business is going to fail without one. This article will show you how to write a business plan for your Bible school and the importance of having one.

Bible School Business Plan

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2. Bible College School Business Plan

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3. Bible School Charity Business Plan

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4. Bible School Committee Business Plan

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Importance of a Business Plan

A business plan is essential for every type of business that exists out there. It serves as a road map for your business from flopping because it will keep you focused on the important aspects of your business to help you keep accountable, it will help you from doing fatal errors that will cost your business, especially if you’re still starting, and it allows you to set goals for the improvement of your business.

How to Write a Business Plan for Bible School

1. choose the values that you will apply in your business.

Since you are starting a Bible school, it is just appropriate that the foundation of your business will be based around the Bible. Think of any Bible verses that you want to center your business around and you can also use as your motivation to keep going on your business, even when times are tough. Once you’ve chosen the Bible verses for your business, it’s time to choose some values that you want to use as your guide in shaping and operating your business.

2. Write Your Mission and Vision Statements

The next section is where you write your mission and vision statement. The mission statement is where you state what does your business does and to whom do you serve. Make sure your statement is straight to the point.

For your vision statement , you need to state where do you want your business to be in the coming years. This is where you state your long-term goals and your plans on achieving them. Make sure your vision statement is brief.

3. Business Background

This section is where you provide more details about your Bible school. State the name of your business, your business structure,  business address, business bank account, website address, social media accounts, etc. List also the licenses and permits you obtained that make your business operations legitimate. State what kind of insurance you need and other details regarding it.

List also all the operations that will be going on in your school. Mention the courses you will offer to your students, the number of students who may enroll, the class schedules, the grading system, programs and training you do for your student’s overall wellbeing in learning their courses, and any other operations that you do that are not mentioned here.  Present also your organization’s structure through an organization chart and the list of the faculty staff that will be working in your school.

4. Financial Plan

Every business needs a financial plan to succeed. It determines the viability of your business and helps keep you in check on your current finances and the budget you’re going to need to keep your business going. Below are some details to include in your plan:

  • The amount of capital you need to start your business
  • The current amount of  your capital
  • Your projected cash flow
  • Your strategies on how you will make money
  • Profit loss statement
  • Cost of operations for the first six months of the business
  • Break-even analysis
  • Projected balance sheet

5. Marketing and Sales Strategies

To attract customers who will be your potential students, you need to have marketing strategies to invite them on enrolling in your school. You can do paid advertisements, content marketing, cold calling, social media marketing, paid ads, or direct mail marketing to market your school. It’s up to you on what strategies you will use, after all, your strategies will depend on your type of business, your customers, and your marketing budget.

Don’t forget to work on your brand awareness to make sure people will recognize your school. Having recognition to a wider audience means more potential for generating revenue.

How long does it take to complete Bible school?

For anyone interested to major in Bible studies, it takes four years to complete the degree.

What are the benefits of Bible school?

The main benefit of studying in Bible School is that you just not only fulfilled your academic studies but you also solidify your foundational beliefs and nourish your spiritual life. You will also discover and understand more about God and His will to the people.

How do I start a Bible school?

Here is a summarized list of what you can do to start a Bible school:

  • Fill out loan applications to raise capital if you don’t have enough capital
  • Reach out to local churches for support
  • Share your mission statement and course offerings with pastors and parishioners
  • Explain how your school will train and educate students.

When you’re writing your business plan, set aside a lot of time to brainstorm, draft, review and revise your proposal. Even though the whole process can be tedious and mind-boggling, and even frustrating sometimes,  don’t pressure yourself to finish it in a short time; instead, take your time on writing and revising it to assure that your proposal is free from errors and inaccurate information and it’s written concisely. To help you get started on writing a business plan for your Bible school, download our free sample templates provided above!

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Christian Educators Academy

How to Start a Private Christian School: A Comprehensive Guide

Starting a private Christian school can be a challenging yet fulfilling journey. It requires a great deal of research, planning, and organization to create an institution that can provide quality education while upholding Christian values. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to start your own private Christian school.

First, we will discuss the benefits of starting a private Christian school. Second, we will provide information on the research and planning phase, including finding your niche and creating a business plan. Third, we will explore the importance of creating a vision and mission for your school, and how to develop a curriculum and classroom design.

If you are looking to start a private Christian school, then this guide is for you. Keep reading to learn more about the legal considerations, recruiting and retaining top-quality teachers and staff, and how to make your school stand out in the community.

Table of Contents

The Benefits of Starting a Private Christian School

Starting a private Christian school is a significant undertaking, but the rewards can be immense. Not only can you provide your community with an excellent educational option, but you can also create a learning environment that is grounded in Christian principles and values. Here are five benefits of starting a private Christian school:

Faith-Based Education: Private Christian schools allow you to provide a faith-based education that focuses on spiritual growth, moral development, and character building. Students can learn about God’s love and grace while also receiving a high-quality academic education.

Community Engagement: Private Christian schools provide opportunities for community involvement and engagement. You can create a school that is focused on building relationships with parents, students, and local businesses, creating a sense of belonging and support.

Flexibility: Private Christian schools provide greater flexibility in curriculum and teaching methods. You can customize your curriculum to fit your students’ needs and interests while incorporating Christian values into every subject.

Stronger Sense of Purpose: Private Christian schools provide students with a stronger sense of purpose and meaning. Students can see how their faith and education are intertwined, giving them a greater understanding of their place in the world.

Excellent Academic Standards: Private Christian schools often have higher academic standards and expectations than public schools. By providing a rigorous academic curriculum and a nurturing environment, you can prepare students for college and beyond.

Building a Faith-Based Community

Establishing a Supportive Network: One of the main benefits of starting a private Christian school is the opportunity to create a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This community can provide emotional, spiritual, and financial support to help the school thrive.

Fostering Spiritual Growth: Private Christian schools are uniquely positioned to foster spiritual growth in their students. By incorporating prayer , Bible study, and worship into the curriculum, students can develop a deeper understanding and connection to their faith.

Encouraging Service and Outreach: Private Christian schools often emphasize the importance of serving others and reaching out to the community. This emphasis can help instill a sense of compassion and social responsibility in students.

By building a strong faith-based community within your school, you can create a supportive environment where students can grow both academically and spiritually. This community can also provide a strong foundation for the long-term success of your school.

Providing a Strong Academic Foundation

A private Christian school is not just about teaching faith, but also about providing a top-notch academic education. One of the primary benefits of a private school education is smaller class sizes, which allows for more personalized attention to students. In addition to individualized attention, private schools often have more rigorous academic standards and offer advanced courses in various subjects.

At a private Christian school, students can expect to learn in an environment that values critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. These skills are essential for success in college and beyond. Christian schools also emphasize moral and ethical values, which provide a foundation for character development and social responsibility.

Another benefit of a private Christian school education is the opportunity for students to engage in extracurricular activities that support academic growth, such as academic clubs, debate teams, and science fairs. These programs provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and passions while developing valuable skills.

Research and Planning: The First Steps

Starting a private Christian school requires careful planning and research. Before getting started, it’s important to determine the need for a school in your area and to assess your own capabilities and resources. You’ll need to develop a business plan, create a budget, and determine the legal structure of your school.

Conducting market research will help you identify potential competitors and determine the unique features that will set your school apart. You’ll also need to decide on a location and consider the availability of resources such as teachers, textbooks, and technology.

Creating a mission statement will help you define the purpose and goals of your school. It should reflect your Christian values and vision for the school, and guide your decisions as you move forward with the planning process.

Developing a curriculum is another crucial aspect of planning. You’ll need to research state and local requirements, determine what subjects to offer, and decide on the teaching methods and materials that will be used.

Assembling a team of experienced educators, administrators, and other professionals is essential for the success of your school. You’ll need to create job descriptions, conduct interviews, and establish a system for evaluating the performance of your staff.

Before starting a private Christian school, conducting a market analysis is crucial to determine the feasibility of the school. Market research will help you identify the existing demand for a Christian school in your area and the competition you will face. It will also assist in determining the potential student enrollment and tuition fees.

Several factors should be taken into account when conducting a market analysis, such as the local demographics, the level of education, and the religious beliefs of the population. Networking with local church leaders, pastors, and other community members can also provide valuable insight into the demand for a Christian school in your area.

Furthermore, analyzing the financial requirements to start and maintain a private Christian school is crucial. Budgeting is essential to ensure that the school can operate efficiently, pay its teachers and staff, and provide adequate resources and facilities to its students.

Developing a Business Plan

A business plan is a crucial tool for any entrepreneur starting a new venture, and it’s no different when it comes to starting a private Christian school. A well-crafted business plan can help you identify your goals and objectives, as well as the resources you’ll need to achieve them.

When developing your business plan, you’ll need to consider a number of factors, including your target market , your competition, and your financial projections. Your business plan should also outline your organizational structure and the roles and responsibilities of your staff.

Another important element of your business plan is your marketing strategy. You’ll need to consider how you’ll promote your school to potential students and their families, as well as how you’ll build partnerships with other organizations in your community.

Establishing a Budget

Determine the start-up costs: Creating a detailed list of initial expenses such as facility leasing, renovation, insurance, and supplies will help you determine how much you need to raise before opening.

Determine the ongoing costs: Ongoing costs will include salaries, benefits, utilities, and maintenance expenses. Be sure to consider any additional costs that may be incurred throughout the year, such as field trips, classroom materials, or additional staff training.

Develop a revenue plan: Revenue plans will be unique to each private Christian school. Some schools may rely solely on tuition and donations, while others may include fundraising events, grants, or partnerships with local businesses.

Create a budget spreadsheet: After identifying start-up and ongoing costs and developing a revenue plan, create a detailed budget spreadsheet that will help you manage and track your finances throughout the school year.

Consult with a financial advisor: Consider consulting with a financial advisor to ensure that your budget is realistic and sustainable. They can also help you identify potential areas for growth and improvement.

Creating a Vision and Mission for Your School

Defining your school’s vision is the first step in creating a successful private Christian school. Your vision should be a concise statement of your school’s purpose and values that will guide decision-making and strategic planning.

Your school’s mission statement should outline the specific actions you will take to achieve your vision. It should communicate the goals and objectives of your school, and how it will fulfill its purpose. Your mission statement should be clear, concise, and memorable.

Developing a set of core values is also an important aspect of creating a vision and mission for your school. These values will serve as guiding principles for your school’s culture and community, and help ensure that your school stays true to its mission and purpose.

Communicating your vision and mission to parents, students, and the community is crucial for the success of your school. You should have a clear and concise message that outlines your school’s values, purpose, and goals. This can be done through various marketing channels, including your school’s website, social media, and other promotional materials.

By creating a strong vision and mission for your school, you can establish a clear direction for your school’s future and ensure that you stay focused on your goals and values. It can also help you attract and retain students and staff who share your school’s vision and values.

Articulating Your School’s Values

Defining your school’s values is crucial for creating a strong and authentic identity. Your values should align with your school’s mission and vision and guide decision-making.

Three key values for a private Christian school may include a commitment to faith , excellence , and service . Faith-based values are central to the school’s identity and may include fostering a love of God, encouraging spiritual growth, and promoting Christian values. Excellence values may include a commitment to academic rigor, innovative teaching, and continuous improvement. Service values may focus on developing a heart for others and encouraging students to serve their communities.

It is essential to articulate your values in a clear and concise way that resonates with your community. You may consider creating a values statement or integrating your values into your school’s marketing materials and curriculum.

By clearly articulating your school’s values, you can create a shared sense of purpose and help guide decision-making in a way that aligns with your mission and vision.

Defining Your School’s Educational Philosophy

Philosophy: Your school’s philosophy should reflect the values and principles that guide your educational approach. Determine your philosophy by considering the needs and goals of your students, staff, and community.

Curriculum: Develop a curriculum that aligns with your school’s philosophy and goals. Ensure that it meets the requirements of the relevant educational authorities and provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Teaching Strategies: Select teaching strategies that support your educational philosophy and curriculum. Use a variety of approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Evaluation: Develop an evaluation system that aligns with your school’s philosophy and goals. Regularly assess student progress and use the results to adjust your curriculum and teaching strategies as needed.

Legal Considerations for Starting a Private Christian School

Registration: The first step to starting a private Christian school is to register the school with the appropriate government agency. Depending on the country or state, this may include obtaining a business license, tax ID number, and meeting specific education standards.

Legal Structure: Choose the legal structure for your school that best meets your needs. This may include setting up a non-profit corporation or limited liability company (LLC).

Employee Laws: There are specific laws regarding the hiring and management of employees. It’s essential to understand these laws to ensure that your school complies with labor standards, anti-discrimination laws, and other regulations.

Obtaining the Necessary Permits and Licenses

Starting a private Christian school requires obtaining several permits and licenses from different government agencies. Local zoning ordinances may require a specific location for the school, and the school must comply with fire and safety codes .

The school must also obtain the necessary state-level education permits and licenses . This may include obtaining a license to operate as an educational institution, as well as meeting state standards for curriculum and teacher qualifications.

Additionally, the school must comply with federal and state non-discrimination laws , such as Title IX, and obtain any necessary permits related to student transportation and food service. It is important to research and comply with all necessary legal requirements to avoid any legal complications in the future.

Understanding the Regulatory Landscape

Starting a private Christian school involves complying with various regulations and standards set by government bodies. Accreditation is one of the key areas to consider. Accreditation can provide a seal of approval and increase the school’s reputation. The school must also follow the Department of Education rules and guidelines, such as meeting curriculum requirements and hiring certified teachers. Additionally, the school must adhere to state and federal tax laws and maintain accurate financial records. Noncompliance with these regulations can lead to severe consequences such as penalties, fines, and even closure.

Complying with State and Federal Laws

Licensing requirements: Private schools are not required to be licensed by the federal government, but states have varying licensing requirements. It is important to check with your state’s department of education to ensure that your school complies with state laws and regulations.

Anti-discrimination laws: Private schools are allowed to have a religious affiliation, but they must still comply with federal and state anti-discrimination laws. This means that the school cannot discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, or disability.

Special education requirements: Private schools are not required to provide special education services, but they must comply with federal laws regarding the provision of these services. This includes the requirement to provide a free and appropriate public education to students with disabilities.

Curriculum Development and Classroom Design

Developing a curriculum that meets the needs of your students is essential. Determine your educational philosophy and define your learning objectives before selecting textbooks and other resources. Incorporating technology into the classroom can enhance student learning and engagement.

Classroom design is also important to consider. Providing a comfortable and stimulating learning environment can positively impact student motivation and learning outcomes. Consider factors such as lighting, seating arrangements, and classroom decorations when designing your learning space.

It’s also important to provide a variety of teaching strategies to engage students with different learning styles. This includes hands-on activities, group work, and independent study. A well-designed curriculum and learning environment can make all the difference in the success of your students.

Designing a Curriculum that Aligns with Your School’s Values

When designing a curriculum for your private Christian school, it’s important to ensure that it aligns with your school’s values . This means taking into account the principles and beliefs that are central to your school’s mission and vision.

One approach is to incorporate a biblical worldview into every subject area. This means integrating the Bible and biblical principles into all aspects of the curriculum, from science and history to math and English.

Another important consideration is providing opportunities for spiritual growth and development. This can include offering classes on biblical studies, theology, and Christian apologetics , as well as providing regular chapel services and opportunities for community service and outreach.

Creating a Classroom Environment that Fosters Learning

To create a classroom environment that fosters learning, it is essential to focus on several key factors. First and foremost, it is critical to establish a positive and welcoming atmosphere that encourages students to engage in active learning. This can be achieved by designing a classroom layout that is conducive to collaborative learning and provides opportunities for individualized attention. Second, it is essential to develop a curriculum that is relevant, challenging, and aligned with the school’s educational philosophy and values. Finally, it is vital to create a classroom culture that promotes student empowerment, cultivates creativity and critical thinking, and fosters a sense of community and mutual respect among students.

Recruiting and Retaining Top-Quality Teachers and Staff

Competitive Salaries: One of the most important factors in attracting and retaining top-quality teachers and staff is offering competitive salaries. It’s important to do market research to ensure that you are offering a salary that is in line with other schools in your area.

Professional Development: Offering opportunities for professional development can help attract and retain talented staff. This could include offering workshops, conferences, and ongoing training programs to help your staff grow professionally.

Positive Work Environment: Creating a positive work environment is essential for attracting and retaining top-quality teachers and staff. This includes providing opportunities for collaboration, recognizing and rewarding staff, and promoting a culture of respect and inclusion.

Clear Communication: Clear communication is key to ensuring that teachers and staff feel supported and valued. This includes setting clear expectations, providing regular feedback, and offering opportunities for open communication and dialogue.

Attracting and Hiring Talented Educators

Define your ideal candidate: Determine the specific qualifications and characteristics you are looking for in a teacher, such as education level, experience, and personality traits.

Network with local universities: Reach out to nearby colleges and universities with education programs to connect with potential candidates. Attend career fairs and post job openings on their websites.

Offer competitive compensation: Compensation is a key factor in attracting and retaining quality teachers. Research the salaries offered by other schools in your area and offer a competitive salary and benefits package.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first steps to starting a private christian school.

The initial steps to starting a private Christian school may vary depending on your location and the specific requirements of your state or country. However, some common first steps include conducting research on the demand for such a school in your area, developing a business plan, and seeking legal and financial advice.

What qualifications do I need to start a private Christian school?

The qualifications needed to start a private Christian school can also vary depending on your location. However, some common qualifications may include having a degree in education, experience in teaching or school administration, and a strong understanding of the principles and values of Christianity.

What are the legal requirements for starting a private Christian school?

The legal requirements for starting a private Christian school can also vary depending on your location. Some common legal requirements may include obtaining necessary permits and licenses, complying with state and federal laws, and ensuring that the school meets all safety and health regulations.

How do I develop a curriculum for my private Christian school?

Developing a curriculum for a private Christian school involves integrating Christian principles and values into the various subjects and activities offered. It may also involve working with educators and experts to ensure that the curriculum aligns with national and state standards and meets the needs and goals of the students.

How can I attract and retain top-quality teachers and staff for my private Christian school?

Attracting and retaining top-quality teachers and staff for a private Christian school involves offering competitive salaries and benefits, providing opportunities for professional development, creating a positive and supportive work environment, and fostering a strong sense of community and mission among the staff.

How can I ensure the success of my private Christian school?

Ensuring the success of a private Christian school involves setting clear goals and objectives, developing a strong and effective leadership team, establishing strong partnerships with parents and the local community, and continually evaluating and improving the school’s programs and operations.

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  • Resources for Entrepreneurs > Business Ideas > Becoming an Entrepreneur

Starting a Christian School

resources for entrepreneurs

Becoming an Entrepreneur

Here's some helpful information that is perfect for those of you who are thinking about starting a Christian school. Read these tips before you start!

Thinking about opening a Christian school? We tell you what you need to know to get started.

Best Practices: Business Plans for Christian Schools

Struggling to get the attention of lenders and investors? Maybe it's because you're lacking a high quality business plan.

The most effective Christian school business plans include a comprehensive chapter on finances. Not surprisingly, lenders immediately turn to the financial section and use the accuracy of your forecasts to gauge the value of other parts of the plan.

Subsequently, a thorough understanding of business plan financial basics is a prerequisite to effective business plan writing for Christian schools.

Check Out the Competition

Well in advance of opening a Christian school within your community, it's worthwhile to find out how you will fit in the competitive landscape. Use the link below to find competitors near you. After following the link, enter your city, state and zip code to get a list of Christian schools in your area.

  • Get a List of Nearby Christian Schools

Gain a knowledge of how existing firms have positioned themselves in the marketplace, and then design your business in a way that sets you apart from the others.

Getting Advice from Experienced Entrepreneurs

If you want to open a Christian school be sure to learn from folks who are already in business. It's very unlikely that the local competition will talk to you. Why would they want to educate a future competitor?

On the other hand, an individual who has a Christian school in a different city may be more than happy to give you a few tips, as long as they don't view you as a competitive threat. Indeed, many experienced entrepreneurs enjoy offering advice to startup entrepreneurs. It can take a while to find an entrepreneur who is willing to talk, but it's well worth the effort.

Where do you find an owner of a Christian school in another city who you can speak with?

Simple. Let your fingers do the walking by using the link below.

  • Research Christian School Owners In Other Cities

Christian School Acquisitions: Financial Considerations

Startup Christian schools carry a host of financial risks and concerns. Without an operational history, it's hard to predict how your startup will actually perform in the marketplace.

Financial risk management requires you to at least consider the possibility of setting your startup plans aside to explore acquisition opportunities. At a minimum, it's worth exploring the financial benefits of buying a business to get an established customer base .

Based on the acquisition target's financial records, you should be able to piece together a realistic forecast of your new company's financial picture for the first year and beyond. If you need assistance, we suggest talking to an accountant or professional business planning consultant.

Is Franchising the Right Option?

The chances of doing well with your venture greatly improve when you opt to franchise and benefit from the prior work of others and their lessons learned.

Before starting a Christian school, it's worthwhile to determine whether franchise opportunities in your space might make your life much easier.

The link below gives you access to our franchise directory so you can see if there's a franchise opportunity for you. You might even find something that points you in a completely different direction.

  • Franchise Info at Your Fingertips

Related Articles on Starting a Company

These additional resources regarding starting a business may be of interest to you.

Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

Coming Up With Good Business Ideas

How to Get a DUNS Number

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Bible School Business Plan Template

Bible School Business Plan Template in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages

Download this Bible School Business Plan Template Design in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

Whether you like it or not, most people born in this era are not interested anymore in attending a Bible study or bible school. In order to make it more interesting, you have to develop a plan that will convince people why they need to attend a bible school. Take advantage of our Bible School Business Plan template and spread God’s word in an interesting and exciting way. Don’t hesitate to use its pre-made content and be more efficient with your time. Utilize your various devices to edit and customize its content. Be determined and inspired by downloading this Bible School Business Plan template instantly.

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5+ Education Business Plan Template Bundle

Supercharged Sunday School

The Scripture Scout's SUPERCHARGED SUNDAY SCHOOL with Print & Teach "Sleuth for the Truth!" Curriculum for Bible School & Home School Teachers


7 Steps to Writing Your Bible School's Plan & Program

by Anne-Geri' Fann

ideas created by Anne Gray

7 Steps to Writing Your

Bible School's Plan & Program

Have you found yourself in need of some Sunday school material, but you want it to be GOOD. SOLID. Truly FOLLOWS the Word of God? Are you part of a missionary family who doesn't consistently have the same resources you did in your home country?

You want your kids to know Jesus, but you don't want a glorified babysitter to throw a chincy lesson at them that may or may not teach them about Him but gives them treats. YOU want to teach them, but you need help from a solid foundation.

Preparing your curriculum for Sunday School-like Bible study with kids is EASY, I promise. And your possible substitute Sunday school teachers (well, even the regular ones sometimes), will not be snagging something off the internet the morning before they come to church. Hey, you know it happens! ;-) There are indeed necessary times for quick-snap-internet-lessons (and hopefully when it happens a real treasure is found!). However, I think you'll agree that it is much more useful to be presented with something that is originally from YOU.

There are also many missionary and military families who could genuinely benefit from having this kind of reliable resource for Bible school, one that genuinely feeds their kids when they don't feel there is a more significant resource available.

Also, through using this system, built-in Sunday school subs or visiting Christians will feel empowered, and there will be a general feeling of, "OH YAY! I get to do the crafts today!" or, "Cool, no problem, I can go over the ten minute lesson," or, "Sure, I'll just go by an office and print off some of the game sheets for this," Or, "It is going to be so fun to watch my kids do that related activity today!"

Each part of The Scripture Scout's Sleuth for the Truth core lessons, be they taught in Sunday school or home school, can actually take about 10-15 minutes long at minimum. And they are cushioned with motivating goals and reinforcement activities. It certainly takes out any stress some may have of thinking they, as one individual, have to somehow cover one lesson for an entire hour.

7 Steps to Writing Your  Bible School's Plan & Program

But let's talk about how to build and manage an actual church-based or home-based curriculum. You, yes you (and your church/team/family/whatever), are going to put it together. If you are reading this by yourself, call someone to read through it with you! Print it out and chat with a few friends. But don't forget to talk with GOD first! :-) Here we go ...

1. First, set your goals!

  • Don't forget that "the main goal here is to present to kids how all the beautiful stories in the Bible have a purpose. But especially that there is a GOLDEN THREAD running through the Bible to tie them all together. Make sure that not a lesson is told without that golden thread, Jesus Christ, mentioned.
  • Stories, accounts, and narratives are progressive by nature. The longer you learn, read or listen, the more you will increasingly understand until you have a real grip of all of the information therein. This learning is accurate of God’s Word too. The Bible is a story, a testimony of how God deals with humanity and of His plan to redeem them. The Scripture Scout curriculum is designed to be read or presented in a specific order, even if they've already learned their Bible books in the order listed in their Bibles.
  • God’s Plan for Man is the main emphasis!

2. Write up a quarter’s worth first (about 13 lessons).

  • Have in mind what you want to accomplish by the end of the year, two years, and/or 6 years …
  • Text covered.
  • Topics covered.
  • A specific aim inspired (& how you want the students to apply it to their lives).
  • Do this until you’ve almost completed the first quarter and can reevaluate it. This way, you can make the necessary changes before you plunge into the next quarter.

3. Your first team meetings: Let everyone have a copy of the curriculum in hand. Then, together, write the dates in the margin and who will be teaching both Sunday and mid-week so that everyone will know.

Biblical Timeline Banner

4. Each Sunday and following mid-week lesson will teach and/or reinforce the same Bible lesson or truth.

  • Previous weeks DBR’s will cover what will be taught Sunday A.M. in a structured situation.
  • Wednesday night will reinforce Sunday A.M.’s class in a fun, non-structured, active hearing, set-up.
  • Helps the team’s communication between Sunday and Wednesday.
  • Timelines (The Scripture Scout's Sleuth for the Truth has an amazing Biblical History banner!)
  • Children's books to reinforce that lesson
  • 30 Days to Understanding the Bible ( this is only a sample but it's amazing; you're welcome! )
  • Bible Arc (from Anders' 30 Days) -- you can also go HERE for that!

5. Sunday Packets

  • Notebooks (if it helps, it is useful to have each class colour-coded)
  • Prayer list
  • DBR’s for next week and questions
  • Sermon notes
  • Memory Work for each quarter
  • Record-keeping Chart

6. Time Management!

  • Team-Teaching Job Descriptions *  I guess it goes without saying that it helps to have an idea of what each teacher is doing at the beginning! Here is a sample:

Pre-Session: Anne

Learning Time: Barbara

Wrap-up Activity: Carol

Pre-session & quick review of Sunday lesson: Linda

Praise & prayer: Gail

Activity: Josey

*How easy! And remember, each person is really only responsible for about 15 minutes of class, if that. 😊

  • Home-school bible studies * If you are using the Sleuth for the Truth ideas in home-school, you can break it up into learning sections as this sample suggests:

Read and start to memorize the focus verse: 10-15 minutes

Go over the lesson topic: 10-15 minutes

Activity to reinforce the lesson: 10-15 minutes

*You can find activities to download for Sleuth for the Truth at The Supercharged Sunday School Resource Store or find freebies and cheap reinforcement lessons for pocket change at The Scripture Scout's TeachersPayTeachers space.

7. And finally, rewards are essential! The intangible rewards are legion. But we have seen that every time a student knows a tangible reward is coming too, he or she is powered-up and motivated to learn. This aids to develop their self-confidence in their ability to grasp the Word of God.

Need ideas for this? A point system kept weekly is a huge boon to your students' motivation. Everybody likes parties. And it is an incredible motivator to know that a class party is around the corner every time points achieved!

To conclude, let's take a moment to look at the remarkable rewards here. What gives this plan credibility is the number of successes in so many church congregations, including the one where it was inspired, while on the mission field in a small congregation of believers in Papatoetoe, New Zealand and then coming to fruition stateside at a church in Littleton, Colorado and used in many other churches across the United States. There have been tremendous face-lifts in both teachers and students . The children's outlook is improved 100%, and it has motivated the adults as well. Overall, this do-it-yourself-but-teach-me-how curriculum was created because when I was a little missionary's toddler my mother saw that there weren't great resources to TRULY engage in learning about Jesus.

Knowledge of scripture and commitment level becomes a top priority item as this knowledge is inspired and increased. So too is a thriving love for the Lord and an inspiration to serve others excitedly . Parents have become actively involved, and many students have won their friends to Christ after inviting them to a thriving environment. And man, the teachers' attitude has improved tremendously!

No longer is it tough to get someone to help with the kids. It is fantastic and fun. These are just some intangible rewards of preparing your curriculum through The Scripture Scout method and how your children's outlook will be exponentially improved. Joy Bryant, from Teach Me Joy , says, "I want my children to be independent in our home-school, they need me, and each other, as part of their learning process ." Truth, Joy. Absolute truth.

Again, maybe you are a missionary family who feels like they have to scramble for resources. Or possibly you are a homeschooling parent who wants to teach your kids, but also helps them form a solid foundation. Or perhaps you are a Sunday school teacher/volunteer, or leader who wants to MAKE SURE you have found a method that GOOD. It is SOLID. It truly FOLLOWS the Word of God ...

...these resources are for YOU. Can you dig it? Or better said, can YOU dig INTO it?

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How to Prepare a Sunday School Curriculum

how to write a business plan for a bible school

Whether you’re choosing a new Sunday school curriculum or writing one from scratch, consider following these four steps as a guide to get you started.

  • Choose a curriculum
  • Find supporting resources
  • Share with teachers

If you truly want to write a brand-new Sunday school curriculum, you might start by first adapting preexisting curriculum to get your feet wet. After doing that a few times, you’ll have a better sense of what works and what doesn’t, and you’ll be in a good place to write your own.

1. Pray for guidance

The true power of Sunday school and small groups isn’t in the amount of study we do, the books we rely on, the quality or quantity of volunteers, or our personal charisma. If we want to see lives changed, then we must rely on the Holy Spirit. By beginning the process of building a Sunday school curriculum in prayer, you express your utter dependence on God to be the true source of guidance in your planning.

  • Logos Blog:  Sermon Preparation Is 20 Hours of Prayer
  • Logos Blog:  Are We Trying to ‘Cast Out Demons without Prayer’?
  • Logos Blog:  4 Easy Ways to Breathe New Life into Bible Study

2. Choose a Sunday school curriculum

Here are three questions to ask as you select a Sunday school curriculum:

  • Who are you teaching? Every church and every audience within the Church is different. What spiritual challenge is your congregation facing? If you are preaching to a specific demographic within the Church, such as teenagers, consider the unique challenges they may be facing, and select your topic accordingly.
  • When are you teaching? Often the Church calendar will provide a direction for your preaching. A study on “New Life” may be appropriate in the spring. If Halloween is just around the corner, you might consider teaching what the Bible really says about the supernatural.
  • Why are you teaching? If you find yourself drawn to a specific topic, such as prayer, ask yourself why. Why has this topic piqued your interest? By digging in a bit more, you may identify multiple facets of the issue and choose a curriculum based on that single idea.

how to write a business plan for a bible school

Baker Bible Study Collection (11 vols.)

Want to dig in on what Scripture really says about any topic? This collection guides your group through the Bible’s teaching on parenting, heaven, and angels—and it even has a study on the most misused verses in the Bible.

how to write a business plan for a bible school

Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods

Take your group through a Bible study without an accompanying study guide using pastor Rick Warren’s instructions on studying the Bible. The methods in the book walk you through how to study the Bible in depth so you can more effectively teach it in a small group setting.

3. Find supporting resources

Unlike preachers developing a sermon, people who teach Sunday school are often self-taught theologians. Sunday school teachers and volunteers may not need to know all the deep theology behind what they’re teaching, but it’s important to know basic Bible study skills and resources available to easily find answers.

Biblical Surveys

how to write a business plan for a bible school

Living by the Book

If you’re like many people, you’ve probably felt at one time or another a twinge of guilt about not getting full enjoyment out of personal Bible study time. You may wonder how some people can percolate with enthusiasm over the same passages you’ve read time and time again—unmoved. What’s their secret? Howard Hendricks knows that the “secret” is really no secret at all. It is simply a case of practicing effective Bible study methods.

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Lexham Geographic Commentary

The Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels delivers fresh insight by paying attention to an often overlooked component of the Gospel stories—their geographical setting. Written by a team of scholars with on-the-ground experience in Israel, the Geographic Commentary lets you see the land through the eyes of the disciples as Jesus uses the surrounding landscape as the backdrop for his teaching.

Faithlife Study Bible

The Faithlife Study Bible (FSB) helps you explore Scripture in depth with your Christian community. The study notes, maps, and media in the FSB work with several popular Bible translations. And with apps for your mobile devices, you can take deep Bible study anywhere you go.

4. Share with your teachers

If you’re leading other Sunday school leaders, it’s important to take time to share your spiritual and leadership insights with them. Leaders who know how to study the Bible for themselves will be able to effectively teach new curriculum.

A few quick tips:

  • Set clear expectations. Whether you want teachers to stick to the curriculum or to embellish from their own personal study, make sure teachers know what you expect.
  • Share each lesson early. Few things can make teachers more unappreciated than sending them Sunday’s lesson on Saturday night. Give them plenty of time to prepare—send as early as you can.
  • Logos Blog:  Bad Bible Interpretation Really Can Hurt People
  • Faithlife blog:  Get a Deeper Bench: How to Raise Up New Ministry Leaders

how to write a business plan for a bible school

Mobile Ed: LD101 Introducing Ministry Leadership

In addition to providing surveys of contemporary leadership theories and obstacles to effective leadership, Dr. Irving explains the uniquely Christian approach to leadership, offering biblical examples from both the Old Testament and the New Testament. This course also demonstrates how the radical nature of servant leadership can transform your ministry.

Ultimately, the Holy Spirit is the one who changes lives and hearts. But he chooses to use our efforts as we share his Word. As you dig into Scripture and begin building Sunday school curriculum, you may feel ill-prepared and under-equipped. Take heart, knowing that God delights in showing himself strong through those who feel weak. As the apostle Paul said of his own ministry, “When I am weak, then I am strong” ( 2 Cor 12:10 ).

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Mission Bible Class

Step By Step Instructions for Teaching


Preparation before class begins:

1. trust in god.

Take a deep breath and remind yourself that each of these children is on a journey of faith toward God. Something special and eternal is going on between God and them. God is doing the work in their heart, and you are His tool to help the child listen to His words.

Teach the best you can, but keep the focus on God. If you focus on yourself and strive to be some sort of “perfect teacher,” you can lose focus on both God and the children. Your stress over this can make the classroom environment tense or rigid.

Get to know the children and try to view them like God does. This will lead you to share God’s Word in ways that are intentional, stimulating and joyful.

2. Obey God

Children will listen to your words, but they will also watch your life and model after it. What kind of view of God will a child have if he or she hears you talk about God but sees you live a life that is immoral, insensitive, judgemental or apathetic?

Open your heart to God and ask Him to use you for His glory. Pray for the children in your group by name.

4. Stay True to Scripture

Select the Bible Story you will be teaching. Click here for a List of Bible Stories and Suggested Themes .

Read the Scripture and Background Information. Do any further study as needed.  Outline the story and become very familiar with it. If you don’t believe what you are teaching, then the children won’t either. Check yourself- don’t get so excited about games, crafts or themes that you stray away from what God is saying in His Word.

Don’t try to teach everything you know in one lesson. You will have to be selective about the amount of information that you share, or you will overwhelm your students.

When choosing what to focus on, consider what point(s) are most important to the faith development of the children in your group.  In this lesson, what is your goal for them to know, believe and be able to do?  Your lesson plan should not just be a random collection of “busy activities,” but should help the children reach the goals you have for them in this specific period of time.

6. Plan Ahead

Use the suggested lesson plan outline below ( or click here for a printable blank lesson planner ) to prepare your lesson. I change the order and adapt things to the setting and ages of the children I am teaching, but I almost always have all of the elements listed in the planner.

As you plan what will happen in your lesson, you can use these Teaching Ideas or your own.

Consider what the learning experience will be like from the children’s perspective. Sometimes, I even sit on the floor and look at the classroom from the height of my students so I can see things from their perspective. As a result, I sometimes change the way I use visual aids or display bulletin boards or posters.

Gather all the supplies you need and do any necessary preparation, like photocopying or pre-cutting parts of the craft. When you gather supplies, consider the abilities and safety of the children (scissors that fit little hands, scissors specifically for left-handed children, glue that is not dried out, etc.). If possible, set up the space you’ll be teaching in before the day of your lesson.

7. Create a Learning Environment

The most important factor in teaching children is that their learning space is safe, pleasant, and free from distractions as much as possible. Consider the children’s age level and learning needs as you create or arrange a space.

If you have a room for teaching, ensure it is clean and tidy. Room decorations should help the children focus on what is being taught and not be distracting. If you want the children to move around for a game or activity, arrange furniture accordingly.

  • Boundaries: Children are less anxious if they clearly understand what the teacher expects. Simply defining a “story area” and a “free play area” immediately implies how children should behave in each.  A blanket spread on the floor or ground invites children to gather and sit in one place as the teacher speaks.
  • Temporary Spaces: If teaching in a space such as a home, library, rented hall, or garage, try to minimise distractions. Seating should face away from doorways or windows where children can see people walking by. Perhaps you could create a temporary “wall” between areas by placing a blanket over some chairs. Encourage the children to take ownership of the room by inviting them to help you problem-solve.  How would THEY arrange the space to minimise distractions?
  • Large Spaces: Teaching in a large space like a gym or outside a park can also be challenging. The open space can be great for games or activities, but most of your meeting time will probably be spent gathering together in one space. The teaching space can be defined by laying out a rope or even a garden hose to create a large circle where everyone gathers.  If possible, plan to gather the children near a fence or wall, so you have at least one clear boundary.

8. Really Be There

The time you have with children is precious, so focus your thoughts and energies on sharing God’s Word with them in this moment. Leave your burdens and problems with God (outside the classroom and class time) so you can be open to the needs of the children in your group.

Arrive at least 15 minutes before the lesson begins so you can pray again and make any last-minute preparations. If you are calm and collected when the children arrive, this sets the tone for the entire lesson. Greet each child with a warm smile and help them feel welcomed.

9. Step Out in Faith

Even after many years as a teacher, I still get nervous sometimes. It might be a slip in confidence or perhaps I’m worried I might not relate to the children. I can say to you what I say to myself: “Jesus loves these children and I love these children. Their souls are more important than my inadequacies. I can do anything if God is with me.”

10. Expect to Improve

Every time you teach, you will also learn. Sometimes, you will learn through making mistakes. That is okay. When they know you care about them, children are very forgiving and patient.

The Parts of a Lesson Plan

One way that helps teachers prepare for a lesson is to create a lesson plan. This document helps you think through and write down information about each activity or component of your class. Breaking a lesson into these different components helps you plan effectively and feel less overwhelmed. We have created a blank lesson plan template you can print and fill out as you plan your lesson. Below is a description of each part of a typical lesson in order. You will also find each of these parts on the lesson plan template.

1. Lesson Title:

Choose a Bible story and create a title. A title gives focus and reminds you, as the teacher, that this lesson is unique and has a purpose. The title may be for your use as the teacher, or you may share it with the children. You can make up your own title or use one of the ones listed in Bible Stories and Suggested Themes .

2. Scripture References:

Once you have chosen the Bible story you want to teach, write down the scripture reference for that story. You may also want to write down the memory verse or other related scriptures. You can find the verses on your own or check any lessons at Bible Stories and Suggested Themes.

3. Emphasis/Theme:

Rather than try to cover everything in one lesson, try to narrow the focus down to one basic theme. There are often many themes or subjects you could emphasise, so you will have to choose the best one for your lesson and the children you teach. To choose, first think about the important truths those hearing the story for the first time will learn. What does the story reveal about God? Then think about what the children in your class would find relevant. How can you help them learn who God is and what it means for their lives? If you need help choosing a theme, you will find suggested ones for each lesson in Bible Stories and Suggested Themes .

4. Welcome:

For children to learn, it is important that they feel safe, wanted, and welcomed in their environment. Just as Jesus welcomed the little children, it is important we help each child feel welcomed too! Make sure that you arrive earlier than the children and are prepared for the lesson to begin. This will allow you to welcome each child with intentionality and genuineness.

As the children arrive to the session, use the time to discover together what you have in common. Whether you have one or many children present, you can use what you have in common to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Children also feel welcomed when they are valued. Some ways to show children that they are valued and welcomed in class include:

  • letting them help you prepare materials or set up a table
  • chatting while you colour pictures together that will be used as a visual during the story
  • looking through a book or pictures that relate to the day’s story or emphasis
  • making something out of play-dough that relates to the story or emphasis
  • finding a verse in the Bible, singing songs
  • or any other activity that helps them feel welcomed.

5. Introducing the Story:

After the children have arrived, you will gather them to one space and help them get settled before telling the main story of the day. This can be done by asking a leading question, describing a current-day (and age appropriate) situation that relates to what is happening in the story, showing an object that relates to something in the story, etc. As you get to know the children in your group, you will learn what really grabs their attention.

6. Telling the Story:

You will choose a method to present a lesson from the Bible. No matter how you decide to present the story, remember that the most important step is that you first read and understand the scripture yourself. Then when you share the scripture, your presentation will be natural and from the heart.

Some teachers are excellent storytellers and use a combination of this and reading directly from the Bible as their main method. Others are artistic and draw pictures as they tell the story. Many of us find good pictures to use at some point while telling the story. Using a variety of methods helps the children understand and remember the story the best. I suggest challenging yourself to try something different so that your teaching does not become stale. Visual Aids and Ways to Tell the Story

7. Application:

A powerful part of your time together will be in the activities you choose to help relate the story to the children’s lives. This can be done through interactive games, singing, prayer , discussion, memorising or reading verses from the Bible, projects, crafts or any other method that you and the children enjoy. This is not a time for “busy work” but a time to plant God’s word in their hearts. Ideas for application activities 

Re-emphasising the important points of the day’s story will help the children remember it. Again, this can be done through games, crafts, songs, memory verse activities, letting a student retell the story by reusing your visual aids, etc. Ideas for review activities 

9. Closing:

Making it clear when your time together is over helps the children have closure, process what they learned, and transition to what they will be doing after the session. You can close with prayer , a quiet game, a particular song you sing each week, handing out homework or any activity that you and your students find helpful.

10. Teacher’s Preparation List:

List the supplies you need to gather for the session. List any other preparation you need to take care of before the day of your session.

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11 thoughts on “ Step By Step Instructions for Teaching ”

i am searching and i found this website .., and it helps me for childrens ministry in the philippines … May God bless you more.

Thank you for letting me know, Rose. May God bless your work there in the Philippines.

Your website is awesome! You have some really good suggestions. I would love to see you in action; is it possible for you to post a video of you using some of these methods?

Hi Zelda Thanks for the emcouragement. I’ve made a few videos in the section You make me want to get back to making more. Mary

I praise The Lord for these teachings! Everyone of them has been so helpfu! I will be teaching my first Sunday School class of 8-10 year olds. Now I feel so much more confident.Thank you and may many blessings come your way…and land in your lap! Patricia

Great to hear that, Patricia. I’m so proud of you.

Hi Patricia, same what you said thank for this Right Sites To Guide me As a first time Teaching for this coming Sunday, True that God Make A Way In Times of difficulties and Challenging Specially To how we lead the Lord kids, God Bless This Author and To There Teams/Parrtner I don’t not yet read about this sites , But God Bless those God Make instrumented to help Other people ✨

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New School Business Plan

New School Business Plan

Step 1: school overview, step 2: executive summary, step 3: school services.

  • Literacy services
  • Numeracy services
  • Meeting accreditation standards
  • Foundations in science and mathematics
  • Foundations in geography and history
  • Giving extracurricular activities
  • Giving books and school materials

Step 4: Mission Statement and Vision Statement

Step 5: job description, step 6: swot analysis.

  • Strengths – What is the ace of your school against your competitors?
  • Weaknesses – On what aspects are your school lacking?
  • Opportunities – Where does your school excel in teaching?
  • Threats – What can make a student leave your school?

Step 7: Market Research

Step 8: sales plan, step 9: publicity plan, step 10: school budget, share this post on your network, you may also like these articles.

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9 Steps For Planning Vacation Bible School

It’s that time of year and everyone is working on planning VBS. In this article, I’ll give you a simple 9 step process for organizing vacation Bible school. Then I’ll share some of my best practical tips about vacation Bible school. As always, you can leave a comment and help me make this resource better.

Update : This article was first posted last year, but I wanted to bring it back out for the VBS season. Let me know what you think – leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Don’t miss our coverage of the 2020 VBS Themes & Curriculum.

happy kid

Practical Tips For Planning Vacation Bible School

  • Begin early . Some people work best under pressure, but this is not true for team efforts such as vacation Bible school. Don’t wait until the last minute! If possible, have your volunteer roster filled several weeks early. Starting things late will cause stress and distract your focus from ministering to the children.
  • Talk about it . Start talking to people as soon as you can. Be vocal about the progress of your VBS plan all through the process. This will help people share your excitement and provide redundant channels of communication. I’ve discovered that talking about Bible school with our church volunteers is a great way get feedback and to refine my ideas.
  • Learn from last year . Even if this is your first year as VBS director, you can still get some great information by asking about what worked in the past. So, talk to volunteers from last year and see what they liked and what needs improvement.
  • Have fun . Doing God’s work should bring joy into your life. Don’t let all the details and worries rob you of that. Besides, if the leaders aren’t having fun, then the kids will suffer.
  • Find ideas online . Most major VBS publishers have forums on their website for churches to share ideas about the curriculum. This can be a great source of inspiration. Here are a few that I’ve checked out: LifeWay, Group, Gospel Light
  • Keep it simple . This was the biggest lesson I learned after my first year leading Bible school. All those bells and whistles were distracting our people from the real ministry with the children. So, whenever possible go simple. Spend your time and energy on what will make a lasting difference, like relationships, prayer and teaching.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article. You can get all my practical tips for children’s ministry by signing up for my free email newsletter. If you have something to add, please leave a comment and share your thoughts.

  • My VBS Follow Up Letter To The Children
  • Save Money on VBS and Sunday School Curriculum
  • Three Laws of Vacation Bible School (VBS According to Twitter)
  • High Energy Game Idea for Children's Ministry or VBS
  • Rice Bowls: Mission Project Ideas for VBS
  • Pledge to the Bible
  • Planning a VBS on a Budget


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    The most effective Christian school business plans include a comprehensive chapter on finances. Not surprisingly, lenders immediately turn to the financial section and use the accuracy of your forecasts to gauge the value of other parts of the plan. Subsequently, a thorough understanding of business plan financial basics is a prerequisite to ...

  12. How to Prepare a Business Plan for Your Ministry

    Listed below are some of the standard elements you will find in almost any nonprofit business plan: 1. Executive Summary. This section contains the mission statement, goals and objectives of the ministry, and the primary keys to its success. 2. Description of the Ministry. This section includes the corporate structure, location, and a ...

  13. PDF Business Plan

    te a seating capacity of three hundred and fifty (350) persons or more. All events held at the Faith, Hope & Victory Christian Church Community Worship & Conference Ce. ter will be in alignment with the mission and objectives of the church. Six (6) classrooms/conference rooms w.

  14. Bible School Business Plan Template

    In order to make it more interesting, you have to develop a plan that will convince people why they need to attend a bible school. Take advantage of our Bible School Business Plan template and spread God's word in an interesting and exciting way. Don't hesitate to use its pre-made content and be more efficient with your time.

  15. 7 Steps to Writing Your Bible School's Plan & Program

    3. Your first team meetings: Let everyone have a copy of the curriculum in hand. Then, together, write the dates in the margin and who will be teaching both Sunday and mid-week so that everyone will know. 4. Each Sunday and following mid-week lesson will teach and/or reinforce the same Bible lesson or truth.

  16. How to Prepare a Sunday School Curriculum

    1. Pray for guidance. The true power of Sunday school and small groups isn't in the amount of study we do, the books we rely on, the quality or quantity of volunteers, or our personal charisma. If we want to see lives changed, then we must rely on the Holy Spirit. By beginning the process of building a Sunday school curriculum in prayer, you ...

  17. How To Do Vacation Bible School On A Tiny Budget

    Even in small churches, the people will recognize VBS as the flagship program for children's outreach. As soon as Bible school is over, draft a budget for the next year and take it to the pastor and finance people. The timing is important because VBS is often just a memory by the Fall when the budget committee crunches their numbers.

  18. Step By Step Instructions for Teaching

    Preparation before class begins: 1. Trust in God. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that each of these children is on a journey of faith toward God. Something special and eternal is going on between God and them. God is doing the work in their heart, and you are His tool to help the child listen to His words.

  19. 34+ SAMPLE School Business Plan in PDF

    Handle Changes: A business plan is a plan for the future of your business. It is an adjustable plan that can make you do things according to whatever will happen. Through this, you may be able to manage changes that can happen in your school business. You can handle everything that may happen.

  20. Biblical Integration: Writing Lesson Plans

    There are three areas on the lesson plan worksheet than may be difficult as one begins to learn how to plan a lesson from a biblical perspective: the biblical principle, combining the objective with the biblical principle, and coming up with. integration ideas/question/verses. 1. The Biblical Principle. Figuring out the biblical principle that ...

  21. How to Plan VBS (Easy Daily Schedule) Tips & Recruting Ideas

    Set the dates and schedule. Them post them far and wide (SAVE THE DATE) Establish the budget, overall and for each rotation. Read our guide for doing VBS on a small budget. Most curriculum programs come with a planning guide and even resources for director training. If you need a checklist, start with our basic 9 steps on how to plan a VBS.

  22. 9 Steps For Planning Vacation Bible School

    You'll need God's help at every point to make this year's vacation Bible school an eternal success. 1. Determine your support level. It takes more than money to put together a great Bible school week. You'll also need volunteers, donations, pastoral backing, facilities, and prayer partners.

  23. PDF How to Write a Business Plan for A Self-sufficient School

    Manual 8 - How to write a Business Plan for a Self-Sufficient School - 8 - considering both the learning and economic opportunities to form the size that will allow the generation of resources in an efficient way. This implies that we must know the physical space available, the investment or necessary structures and most importantly, the volume

  24. How to Write a Business Plan

    You will learn the purpose, structure, and requirements of a business plan. Each crucial section of the business plan will be reviewed and key elements will be discussed. It will be my goal to provide attendees with a 'blueprint' on how to write a winning business plan.