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Health Mon­i­tor­ing

In­fec­tious dis­eases, publications.

The headquater of the institute in Berlin (Wedding). Source: Ossenbrink/RKI

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI): main building in Berlin. more

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Health Monitoring. Source: stockwerk23 / PHOTOCASE

Germany’s Public Health institute RKI monitors the population’s health and wellbeing. more

Health Monitoring

  • Journal of Health Monitoring
  • Main Topics
  • Health Reporting
  • Cancer Registry Data
  • Health Surveys
  • Scientific Use Files
  • Diabetes Surveillance at RKI
  • National Mental Health Surveillance
  • Status Report on Climate Change and Health

Electron microscopy of the Measles virus. Source: Hans Gelderblom/RKI

The Robert Koch Institute is the German government's central institution for the identification, surveillance and prevention of infectious diseases in the Portfolio of the German Ministry of Health. more

Infectious Diseases

  • Infectious Disease Epidemiology
  • Diagnostics
  • Immunisation
  • Standing Committee on Vaccination
  • Antibiotic Resistance and Hospital Infections
  • Biological Threats
  • Integrated Genomic Surveillance (IGS)
  • SurvStat - Database of notifiable diseases
  • Infectious Diseases in Germany
  • Electron Microscopy images of viruses and bacteria

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New PhD Programme Global Health in Berlin

  • In­ter­na­tion­al Ac­tiv­i­ties
  • RKI’s Cen­tre for In­ter­na­tion­al Health Pro­tec­tion (ZIG)
  • Glob­al Health Pro­tec­tion Programme (GH­PP) of the Ger­man Fed­er­al Min­istry of Health
  • Ger­man Biose­cu­ri­ty Programme
  • WHO Col­lab­o­rat­ing Cen­tres
  • RKI as Na­tion­al Fo­cal Point for WHO Emer­gen­cy Med­i­cal Teams
  • WHO Ref­er­ence Lab­o­ra­to­ries
  • SEEG: The Ger­man Epi­dem­ic Pre­pared­ness Team (SEEG)
  • Eu­ro­pean Med­i­cal Corps
  • Non­com­mu­ni­ca­ble Dis­eases (NCD)
  • Fur­ther In­ter­na­tion­al Re­search Projects and Co­op­er­a­tions
  • In­ter­na­tion­al Com­mi­tees, Net­works, Part­ners
  • Train­ing Pro­grammes at RKI

Global Health is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field. As a national public health institute, the Robert Koch Institute is an international network hub for health protection, with its own international department – the Centre for International Health Protection.

The RKI is a cooperation partner of the new interdisciplinary PhD programme Global Health in Berlin, which starts in October 2024. Applications are possible from 20 June to 20 August 2024. The structured, English-language PhD programme is aimed at candidates from all disciplines relevant to global health, and 15 people are accepted each year.

The aims of the programme are to provide excellent scientific training, a cross-border view of health in the Global South and North, reflected intercultural competence, the development of an interdisciplinary perspective and networking in Berlin's global health community. In addition to a doctorate in Berlin, students from low- and middle-income countries can also conduct research in their home country in the so-called sandwich model under the joint supervision of researchers from the cooperation partners, e.g. at the Robert Koch Institute, and their home institution.

The PhD programme is a cooperation of seven scientific institutions in Berlin and Potsdam that conduct research on global health. In addition to the RKI, these are the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Technische Universität Berlin, the University of Potsdam and the Social Science Research Centre Berlin.

RKI staff are involved in various international research projects and programmes. They help, amongst other things, with the surveillance of pathogens, to fight disease outbreaks and provide diagnostics capacities in partner countries. Thus, the RKI helps to tackle urgent public health problems and improve people’s health worldwide. RKI also plays a central role in the implementation of the Global Health Protection Programme (GHPP). Since 2017, RKI's central role in international health protection has also been fixed by law ("Gesetz zur Modernisierung der epidemiologischen Überwachung übertragbarer Krankheiten"). Since 2019, RKI has its own international department – the Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG).

Further Information

  • PhD-Programme with online application form at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • The Robert Koch Institute as international network hub for health protection
  • Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG):

Date: 18.06.2024

Additional Information

The in­sti­tute.

The Robert Koch Institute is a Federal Institute within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health

© Robert Koch Institute

All rights reserved unless explicitly granted.

  • RKI’s Centre for International Health Protection (ZIG)
  • Global Health Protection Programme (GHPP) of the German Federal Ministry of Health
  • German Biosecurity Programme
  • RKI as National Focal Point for WHO Emergency Medical Teams
  • WHO Reference Laboratories
  • SEEG: The German Epidemic Preparedness Team (SEEG)
  • European Medical Corps
  • Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD)
  • Further International Research Projects and Cooperations
  • International Commitees, Networks, Partners
  • Training Programmes at RKI

public health phd berlin

Health Data Sciences

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be awarded the academic degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" (PhD).

For more information about the eligibility criteria and admission procedure of the HDS PhD Program as well as the DAAD GSSP scholarships, please visit the program website.  

Contact Information
Chair: Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Kurth
Prof. Dr. Frank Konietschke
PD Dr. Ulf Tölch
Coordinator: Meghan Forrest
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Institute of Public Health
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
Deadlines: 29 February 2024
Places: 10
Scholarships: Two full scholarships offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for each of the 2023 and 2024 enrollments

Search Programs

public health phd berlin

public health phd berlin

Doctoral programs at the department

The Department of Health Care Management can potentially award different degrees, including the PhD in economics (Dr. rer. Oec) and a Dr in Public Health (Dr. P.H.). In principle, it is also possible to obtain a Dr. med. from the Charité. Please see the following important documents on how our particular doctoral program works:    

PhD regulations of 2014 (e. g. Dr.-Ing./ Dr. rer. oec.)

Promotionsordnung Dr. P.H.

Promotionsordnung Charité (Dr. med./ Dr. med. dent.)

Options for pursuing PhD studies

There are two main options for pursuing a PhD at the department. On the one hand, almost all research staff will sooner or later aim to obtain a PhD on the basis of research conducted as part of the different research projects carried out by the department. On the other hand, a small number of selected external candidates who bring their own funding, e.g. who have their own scholarships, may be accepted as PhD candidates at the department. Information on different scholarship opportunities is available here .


All PhD candidates at the department must demonstrate as part of their PhD studies their ability to carry out independent scientific work. In addition to the writing of a dissertation, the candidate must be able to do the following:

  • Recognize scientifically challenging questions that are also politically relevant
  • Correctly apply complex, contemporary scientific methods, including meaningful evaluations and interpretations of results
  • Work in a team and in an international environment
  • Present (ongoing) results to a seminar of fellow PhD candidates on a regular basis
  • Publish the research results in scientific journals

Application as an external PhD candidate

If you are interested in pursuing PhD studies at the department, please send an email to the secretary of the department: [email protected]

Current calls for open researcher positions are published here .

Due to a high number of requests, we can accept external PhD candidates only in exceptional cases. Interested candidates should be aware that undertaking a PhD project requires a considerable amount of time (at least three years). According to our experience, candidates are unable to satisfy the requirements outlined above while working on another permanent full-time contract. External PhD candidates should plan to spend several months at our department, or possibly at another university.

Applications for admission as a PhD student should include the following:

  • A letter of motivation (including a description about how you will sponsor yourself during the time of your research)
  • A full CV with details of achieved academic degrees and final grades
  • A brief synopsis of the planned dissertation (approx. 5 pages, outlining background, objectives, research questions, methods, expected results, and including a time frame)

Please understand that we can only reply to applicants who submit all of the required documents.

Fachgebiet Management im Gesundheitswesen

Administrative Office, Ute Scharpe

[email protected]

+49 30 314 28420

+49 30 314 28433

Office H 80

homepage of the instituion

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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Phd studies, enrollment office for phd students.

  • Office location:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Referat Studierendenservice Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin

  • Contact person:

Ms. Olga Vorobyeva

Consultation hour by phone Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 a.m. Phone: (+49) 30 2093-70330

*If you are already enrolled or registered at HU Berlin, please submit your full name, your enrollment or registration number, your date and place of birth.

If you are not aiming for a degree at HU and only want to complete a few semesters as part of your guest/research stay at HU , you cannot apply for enrollment at the enrollment office. Please contact the International Office with your questions regarding the enrollment process: [email protected]

I. Beginning your doctoral studies: Admission, enrollment and registration

Please find general information for doctoral candidates at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin) on our Doctoral Candidates Portal .

Please contact the PhD office of the faculty at which you would like to do your doctorate. Notice that there are no fixed deadlines for applying as a doctoral candidate. You get all necessary information on the application procedure directly there. Please find corresponding contact details on the websites of the faculties .

Please submit your application for admission exclusively to the PhD office at the faculty of your choice. Your application must contain all specified documents. Please note, if you have a non German university degree, your documents will be checked for equivalence with the German education system before the application procedure. Any coordination that may be necessary for this process is carried out between the faculty’s PhD office and the department for student services internally. We kindly ask you, do not send any documents to the enrollment office for doctoral studies before you received your admission by the faculty of your choice.

Please submit the enrollment form for PhD studies [ PDF ] and all the required documents as soon as possible, but no later than four weeks after you received the letter of admission from your faculty. If you are employed at HU and prefer to be only registered, please choose the registration-form for a doctorate [ PDF ]. Please send the filled out and signed form with all required documents to the following address

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Referat Studierendenservice Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin

or drop them into the mailbox at the Student Service Center (SSC) in the main building of  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin (Opening hours: Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.).

To keep the four-week deadline for enrollment/registration it is sufficient to submit the documents during this period to the enrollment office for PhD students.

Enrollment forms submitted digitally (e.g. as e-mail attachments) cannot be accepted for your enrollment.

You can only enroll for PhD studies after you have received your formal admission in a doctoral-study-program from the PhD office/PhD board of your faculty.

Enrolled doctoral candidates do have a student status and receive a student card (Campus-Card) but cannot receive the semester ticket for public transport. Enrolled PhD students have to pay the semester fees. Enrollment as a doctoral candidate is not contingent upon employment as a staff member at the HU Berlin.

However, if you are employed at HU, you have two options:

Either you enroll or you register for PhD studies. Registration is only possible as long as you are an employee/staff member at the HU Berlin. In case of registration, no fees or contributions have to be paid. But you do not have a status of a student at HU Berlin and cannot receive a Campus Card.

Differences between enrollment and registration for PhD studies


(possible with or without
employment contract at
the HU Berlin)

(possible only during the
employment at the HU Berlin)




not possible/excluded


not possible/excluded


not possible/excluded

Please enroll for PhD studies within four weeks after receiving the letter of admission from your faculty and submit the following documents:

- the completed and signed enrollment form [ PDF ] incl. details on your educational biography,

- a simple copy of your admission letter from the PhD board,

- the payment confirmation of the semester fee (e.g. a simple copy of the bank transfer). You will find detailed information about the amount of semester fee which has to be paid for your enrollment below under "How much semester fee do I have to pay to be enrolled for PhD studies?".

- a simple copy of the de-registration certificate from your last German university (does not apply if you have never been enrolled at a university in Germany),

- a simple copy of your university entrance qualification (in most cases the secondary school certificate and/or university entrance examination),

- simple copies of your previous university degree certificates (German and/or foreign certificates),

- proof of a scholarship (if applicable).

How much semester fee do I have to pay to be enrolled for PhD studies?

Enrollment for the summer semester 2024 (01.04.2024 – 30.09.2024)

In the summer semester 2024, PhD students are not entitled to use the Deutschlandsemesterticket.

When enrolling from the beginning of the re-registration period for the winter semester 2024/25 (in the months of June, July, August and September 2024), we ask you to transfer the semester fee for the winter semester 2024/25.

Enrollment for the winter semester 2024/25 (01.10.2024 - 31.03.2025)

With the new Deutschlandsemesterticket contract, which was negotiated between the student body of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, represented by the Referent_innenrat (legally AStA), and the transport companies and comes into force on October 1st, 2024, the purchase of the Deutschlandsemesterticket is mandatory for PhD students.

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.06.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.07.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.08.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.09.2024


(semester fee for the SoSe2024 of 114,59 € semester ticket + semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)

Enrollment with the beginning date on 01.10.2024


(semester fee for the WiSe 2024/25 of 299,90 € Deutschlandemesterticket from October 2024)


Exemption from the enrollment fee (currently €50)

PhD students who receive a scholarship (e.g. from the DAAD) as part of funding programs that are financed exclusively or predominantly from public funds from the federal or state governments and who submit a proof of this for enrollment can be exempted from the fee for enrollment and re-registration, currently 50 € per semester, in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 7 of the BerlHG ( § 2 Abs. 7 BerlHG ).

Please find detailed information about the composition of semester fees and contributions here:

Recipient: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
IBAN: DE64 1001 0010 0651 8231 04
Bank: Postbank Berlin
Reference: [surname], [given name], Promotion

Please note that only this bank account can be used for enrollment and re-registration.

Please note that additional fees may apply for transfers outside of Germany. You should ask your bank about these and include them in the transfer.

If you are employed at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and have chosen to register as a PhD student, please submit the following documents within four weeks after receiving the letter of admission from your faculty:

- the completed and signed application registration-form for PhD studies incl. details on your educational biography [ PDF ],

- a proof of employment at HU which contains the begin-date and the end-date of your employment (e.g. a copy of your employment contract),

- simple copies of your previous university degree certificates (either German and/or foreign certificates).

Please note that the enrollment office will not send you a confirmation that your documents have been received . The application deadline is met if your documents for enrollment or registration have reached the enrollment office within one month after your admission for PhD studies.

After we have received your documents, we will check them carefully. If any documents are missing, you will be informed by email or via mail and we will give you a deadline for submitting the missing evidence.

If you submitted all the required documents in full, you will receive a confirmation of completed enrollment/registration by e-mail. In addition, we will provide you with further information (in case of enrollment: e.g. how to create the Campus Card (student ID) or to activate the student HU account).

Please note that the processing of your application for enrollment or registration for PhD studies usually takes at least two weeks after the enrollment office has received all the required documents. Before the start of the semester or shortly after the semester start, there may be longer processing times.

II. During PhD studies: Re-registration, semester fees and semester ticket

Yes, re-registration for the next semester is mandatory. In order to retain your status as a doctoral student and to be able to complete your PhD studies, you must re-register within the re-registration period. Please note the information on the main deadlines for re-registration in your AGNES account and on our website for re-registration .

If you have appropriate reasons, you can apply for a leave of absence as a PhD student by using our application form [ PDF ]. For further information please visit our website .

However, the leave of absence has no influence on the standard processing time of your doctoral studies and your processing time will not be automatically extended for the duration of your leave of absence.

Please complete the extension form ("Bescheinigung über die Verlängerung der Regelbearbeitungszeit der Promotion" [ PDF ]) and have it signed by your PhD supervisor. Then send the signed form to the PhD office of your faculty. Please note that the PhD office may need additional documents from you. Contact the office for more information and procedure details.

If your request has been approved by the faculty’s PhD board, the PhD office will forward the signed form to the enrollment office for doctoral studies.

As a registration for PhD studies is only possible for the duration of your employment at the HU Berlin, you have to enroll as a PhD student after your employment relationship has expired. Please submit the application form for enrollment for PhD studies to the enrollment office. In addition, please submit a proof of payment of the semester fee and an informal letter in which you inform us that you are currently registered for doctoral studies.

The amount of the semester fee depends on the date on which you apply to enroll for your doctorate.

If you apply for enrollment after the first month of the semester, the semester ticket fee only has to be paid pro rata from the month of enrollment.

If you enroll in the last three months of the semester (July - September and January - March), we ask you to transfer the semester fee for the enrollment semester as well as the re-registration fee for the following semester.

Please try to re-activate your HU account for students via our Computer and Media Service (CMS) to solve this issue. If this is not possible, please contact the enrollment office for generating a new PIN letter for re-activating your HU account for students.

Please note that a new PIN can only provided via a PIN letter send to you by mail.

III. Finishing your doctoral studies, de-registration

If you do not re-register for the upcoming semester, .e.g. not paying the required semester fee, you will be automatically de-registered (“Exmatrikulation”). If you would like to be de-registered before the end of the semester, please submit the application for de-registration [ PDF ] to the enrollment office for doctoral studies.

Please contact the PhD office of your faculty and clarify whether the enrollment is necessary to defend your thesis and proceed accordingly. If the regular processing time for your doctorate has expired, and you have submitted your thesis and you need to be enrolled in the upcoming semester, ask the PhD office to inform the enrollment office about this. After the enrollment office has received the confirmation from the PhD office and your payment of the semester fee has been received, we will re-register you.

IV. Legal bases

Fächerübergreifende Satzung zur Regelung von Zulassung, Studium und Prüfung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (ZSP-HU)

Sections 59 and 60 regulate form, procedure and conditions of enrollment and registration as a doctoral student at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

V. Additional information

Doctoral regulations of the faculties

Humboldt Graduate School

International Scholar Services

Financing the PhD studies

HU on the internet

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Language requirements, program features.

  • List of Universities

3136 Study programs


Study Public Health in Germany: 14 Universities with 16 English Degree Programs

All important info for international students in germany (2024/2025).

Public Health is the guardian of community well-being, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion on a population level. This dynamic field explores areas like epidemiology, health education, and environmental health risks. Blending elements of medicine, sociology, and policy, students in Public Health gain a holistic understanding of how societal factors influence health outcomes. Those venturing into Public Health will learn strategies to combat epidemics, design health campaigns, and formulate policies. Upon graduation, students can thrive as health educators, epidemiologists, or policy advisors, playing crucial roles in shaping healthier communities and navigating health challenges globally.

Study Programs in English


Universities in International Rankings

€ 0 (9 programs for EU citizens, 7 programs for Non-EU citizens)

€ 5,469 per semester (1 program for EU citizens, 2 programs for Non-EU citizens)

Winter Semester

between September 01 and August 15

Summer Semester

between September 01 and March 31

Top-ranked German Universities in Public Health


private (state-approved) University of Applied Sciences

No. of Students: approx. 105,000 students

Program Fees: € 3,336 (per semester)


public Technical University

No. of Students: approx. 53,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 - € 4,000 (per semester)


public University

No. of Students: approx. 8,900 students

Program Fees: € 5,100 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 27,000 students

Program Fees: € 0 - € 1,500 (per semester)

Tuition Fees

3 english degree programs for public health in germany.


Munich University of Applied Sciences Munich

Paper technology (continuing education).

program image

Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena

Ehealth and communication.

program image

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management Hamburg University of Technology · Hamburg

Technology management - double master's program [english].

program image

Application Deadlines

Winter Semester 2024/2025

Summer Semester 2025

Winter Semester 2025/2026

Open Programs

11 programs

Application Modes

Application process, technology management.

program image

Technology Management - Double Master's Program [German]


Medical Photonics

program image

TOEFL Scores

Cambridge Levels

5 (1 program )

72 (3 programs )

B2 First (FCE) (3 programs )

7 (2 programs )

110 (1 program )

C2 Proficiency (CPE) (2 programs )


University of Bayreuth Kulmbach / Bayreuth

Environment, climate change and health.

program image

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Kleve


program image

Food Quality & Safety

program image

2-7 semesters

→ View all programs with online courses

Master of Arts

Master of Science

Master of Public Health

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science

Winter intake

Summer intake

Winter & Summer intake

List of all German Universities offering English-taught Study Programs in Public Health


Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Program Fees: € 5,100

M.Sc. (Master of Science)


Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Program Fees: € 0

B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)


Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Program Fees: € 4,300


Fulda University of Applied Sciences

B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)


Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Program Fees: € 2,400 - € 2,567

MPH (Master of Public Health)

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News & Articles


Tuition-free Universities in Germany in English


Master's Requirements in Germany


Scholarships for international students 2024/25


Uni-assist: A guide for international students (2024)


How Much Does it Cost to Live in Germany?


Germany in University Rankings


DAAD Scholarships: Guide


Engineering Universities in Germany: A Guide 2024/25

Friday Letter


public health phd berlin


public health phd berlin

NBC News: Geneticist Marlena Fejzo, PhD, Among Forbes’ 2024 50 Over 50 List

public health phd berlin

Trending Searches

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MPH Students Named Public Health Ambassadors

public health phd berlin

Master of Public Health (MPH) students Busayo Akinloye and Mayah Clayton have been named This Is Public Health (TIPH) Ambassadors for 2024-2025 by the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH). They will serve in their roles through June 2025.

Nominated by their institutions, students who participate as ambassadors play a crucial role in raising awareness about the field of public health through a number of activities. These include hosting virtual events, managing TIPH’s social media accounts, and creating projects and presentations to bolster interest in public health education and careers.

Akinloye and Clayton join a cohort of 97 graduate students representing 61 ASPPH member schools and program, making this the largest ambassador cohort in size and member representation since the TIPH ambassador program was established in 2017.

Akinloye said she’s “beyond excited” for the opportunity to be part of the TIPH program. Her interests include substance use disorders in the criminal justice system and health communications. Clayon is focused on environmental justice, the school-to-prison pipeline, and promoting mental health awareness in Black communities.

Angela Hobson , Associate Dean for Public Health, lauded Akinloye and Clayton’s selection. “We are so proud and grateful for Busayo and Mayah, and their commitment to public health!  We know that they will represent Washington University in an incredibly meaningful way.” The Official Website of Berlin


How accessible is this website, who can you contact if you have questions, comments or feedback regarding digital accessibility, where can i find additional information about accessibility in berlin, 33 mpox cases in berlin since the beginning of the year.

33 Mpox-Fälle in Berlin

Coloured microscope image of Mpox particles.

Since the beginning of the year, 33 people in Berlin have been confirmed to have contracted Mpox.

Only men are affected, as the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) explains in its weekly epidemiological report. Mpox used to be called monkeypox.

86 Mpox cases reported across Germany

So far, Berlin has reported the most Mpox cases of all German states, according to a database of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Nationwide, 86 Mpox cases have been reported to the RKI so far this year (as of 15 August). Compared to 2022, however, the number of cases in Germany is at a low level. The disease spread particularly strongly in that year. At that time, there were more than 1,500 laboratory-confirmed Mpox cases in Berlin alone by mid-August.

Health Senator: No special vaccination campaign necessary thanks to early preparation

Berlin's health administration is monitoring the situation very closely and preparing appropriate measures, explained Health Senator Ina Czyborra (SPD). Berlin has been sensitised by the outbreak in 2022 and can build on the experience. "We reacted well to the situation back then and quickly made vaccinations possible. Fortunately, these are now available through the regular system, so there is no need for a special vaccination campaign," said the senator.

Worrying situation in Africa

The situation in Africa is currently worrying. The World Health Organisation (WHO) activated its highest alert level on Wednesday due to new Mpox outbreaks on the continent and a new variant of the virus. It declared a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" (PHEIC). More than 14,000 suspected cases of Mpox and more than 500 deaths have already been reported this year from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries - more than in the whole of last year.

No immediate danger in Germany so far

According to infectiologist Leif Erik Sander, there is currently no immediate danger for people in Germany. "I don't believe that an entry into Europe is imminent, but it is of course totally realistic that this could happen if the infection spreads further," said Sander.

Mpox can cause skin rash, fever and muscle pain

Mpox is transmitted through close physical contact, especially during sex. The virus mainly causes a skin rash, but also fever and muscle pain. There have been no deaths in Germany to date. Vaccination against Mpox is recommended for certain groups of people in Germany. These include men who have sex with men and frequently change partners.

Klärwerk Ruhleben

Ruhleben sewage treatment plant to be expanded with new cleaning technology

The Ruhleben sewage treatment plant is upgrading its technology - and this benefits the nearby bathing areas.  more

Gedenkveranstaltung zum 63. Jahrestag des Mauerbaus

Berlin commemorates the building of the Wall 63 years ago

The Wall divided Berlin for 28 years. This time, the central commemorative event will focus on those who overcame it. Sometimes through a tunnel.  more


Heat warning for Berlin and Brandenburg on Wednesday

The German Weather Service (DWD) is expecting a strong heat load in Berlin and Brandenburg on Wednesday and has issued an official heat warning.  more

Badegast sitzt am Ufer des Strandbads Müggelsee

Algae and bacteria: Bathing warning for several bathing areas

In the middle of the summer vacations, there are problems with the water quality in Berlin due to bacteria and algae. In addition to the Müggelsee lido, other bathing waters are also affected.  more

Schiffstour in Berlin

Berlin tourism increased slightly in first half of year

Tourism in the capital continues to pick up. 6.1 million people visited Berlin in the first six months of the year, according to the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office.  more

Stand der Grabungen am Molkenmarkt Berlin

Excavations at Molkenmarkt: 600,000 finds already

Excavations continue at Molkenmarkt. Archaeologists have been searching for traces of Berlin's history there for five years now - and they keep making finds.  more

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  • An abiding love for Yale turns into a lasting gift – in 15 minutes
  • Endowed Professorship Created at Critical Time for Yale School of Public Health
  • Brotherly encouragement spurs gift to support students
  • Prestipino creates opportunities for YSPH students, now and later
  • Alumna gives back to the school that “opened doors” in male-dominated field
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  • Podiatric Medicine and Orthopedics as Public Health Prevention
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  • A Personal Inspiration for Support of Cancer Research
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Dr. Sten Vermund Named Dean of USF Health College of Public Health

After seven and half years of dedicated service to the Yale School of Public Health, Dr. Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD, will be joining the University of South Florida as dean of the USF Health College of Public Health effective January 1, 2025. The relocation also allows Dr. Vermund to be on-site as the newly elected president of the Global Virus Network, which recently moved its international headquarters to USF.

A former dean of YSPH (2017-2022) and the current Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health. Dr. Vermund also serves as a professor of pediatrics and a clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive services at the Yale School of Medicine, and is an internationally recognized infectious disease epidemiologist focused on diseases in resource-limited settings, especially HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (HPV), and parasitic diseases.

Dr. Vermund's tenure as YSPH dean was marked by several historic gains. Under his leadership, YSPH experienced its largest jump in the U.S. News & World Report rankings in more than a decade. Dr. Vermund established the school’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, expanded the Office of Public Health Practice, was instrumental in developing the Yale Institute for Global Health in collaboration with the schools of nursing and medicine, and introduced YSPH’s widely popular Executive MPH degree program. His deanship was further notable for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, both within and outside of Yale. And it was under Dr. Vermund's stewardship that former Yale University President Peter Salovey, Provost Scott Strobel, and YSM Dean Nancy Brown announced our historic transition towards being a fully independent school at Yale – a transition that was fully realized on July 1 of this year.

At USF, Dr. Vermund will be dean of the USF College of Public Health, a senior associate vice president of USF Health, and a distinguished university health professor. In his role as president of the Global Virus Network (GVH), Dr. Vermund oversees a nonprofit coalition of human and animal virologists from more than 80 centers of excellence in 40 countries. The GVH works to advance knowledge about future pandemic threats, mitigate the spread of potential viruses, and develop drugs, vaccines, and treatments to combat them.

Featured in this article

  • Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health

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Charité Campus Mitte Bonhoefferweg 3a 10117 Berlin

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public health phd berlin

  • Tuition and Funding

The PhD Global Health is a tuition-free program. However, PhD students must support themselves financially throughout the course of the three year program.

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Supporting yourself financially

The PhD Global Health is a tuition-free program. 

However, students must secure funding to cover the cost of living (housing, food, clothing, entertainment, travel, etc.) in order to apply and enroll in the program. For more information on the cost of living in Berlin, see here .

The PhD Global Health currently does not provide scholarships, stipends or financial support to students admitted into the program. The application requires you to describe how you plan to support yourself financially during the 3-year full-time program. Some options are:

  • research position (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit, minimum 0,65 VK) 
  • external scholarship
  • student loans

Research positions are available through an employer, ideally, working with someone in your supervisory team. They require you to apply for a job opening. Scholarships and loans require PhD students to apply for grants individually . Some funding opportunities may only cover components of your PhD, such as travel grants to cover participation in a conference or fieldwork.

Most PhD students are employed in part-time research positions (e.g., 65% VK). Ideally, your PhD project work should count as work time for your employment. Your employer should support your participation in the required Global Health courses and help you adhere to your three-year project timeline. For full-time research positions, this support and flexibility are particularly important.

Grants and Scholarships

Below is a list of potential funding sources for PhD students to consider

  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): 
  • Private foundations/organisations:
  • Heinrich Böll Stiftung:
  • Friedrich Herbert Stiftung:
  • Other platforms that provide funding:
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Biostatistics
  • Environmental Health and Engineering
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  • CAHMI - Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative
  • COVID-19 Policies and Childhood Obesity Study
  • Childcare Wellness Practices & Policies Project
  • Evaluation of COVID-19 School Meals Response
  • Maryland Wellness Policies and Practices Project (MWPPP)
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Flo Awde

Read Flo's Student Spotlight 

Maclaine Barre-Quick

Maclaine Barré-Quick

Nicole Brennick

Nicole Brennick

Annaliese Collins

Annaliese Collins

Elena Garcia Farina

Elena García Fariña

Zeyu Li

Yi-Hsuan Lin

Kayla Lin

Rachel Milkovich

Mairead Minihane

Mairead Minihane

Shae Nicolaisen

Shae Nicolaisen

Amy Ozinsky

Amy Ozinsky

Read Amy's Student Spotlight

Yang Pei

Caitlin Rempson

Shelby Rohlff

Shelby Rohlff

Daniela Schrider

Daniela Schrider

Sahana Shekhar

Sahana Shekhar

Mackenzie Simon-Collins

Mackenzie Simon-Collins

Hailey Spaeth

Hailey Spaeth

Aris Stovall

Aris Stovall

Sachi Takeuchi

Sachi Takeuchi

Yordanos Tesfai

Yordanos Tesfai

Malique Webb

Malique Webb

Daisy Zapata

Daisy Zapata

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Campus Charité Mitte Luisenstr. 57 10117 Berlin

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public health phd berlin

The Institute of Public Health in Berlin

The Institute of Public Health is committed to improving public health at local, national and global levels through research and teaching in public health. The Institute is part of the Center for Human and Health Sciences of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and is headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Tobias Kurth.

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  • About the Institute

About the Institute of Public Health

Research and teaching in Public Health and Epidemiology are the main pillars of the institute. Researchers at the Institute of Public Health (IPH) transfer scientific findings into evidence-based and sustainable approaches to improve population health. The main research areas of the institute are

  • Renal, neurological and cardiovascular epidemiology
  • Health Services research
  • Methods and Meta Research

The Institute of Public Health offers various teaching modules for master and doctoral students as well as for professionals. Master programs in public health and epidemiology are offered by the Berlin School of Public Health, which is closely linked to the Institute of Public Health. Please visit the webpages of the Berlin School of Public Health for more information.

The Institute of Public Health is partner in a large network. German-French projects are carried out by the Center Virchow-Villermé for Public Health Paris-Berlin, which is located at the institute.

International Network of the Institute

The network includes among others:

  • Robert Koch-Institut
  • Andrija Štampar School of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia
  • British Medical Journal, London, UK
  • Centre Virchow-Villermé for Public Health Paris-Berlin, Campus Paris, France
  • Department of Clinical Research in Neurology of the University of Bari at “Pia Fondazione Card G. Panico“ Hospital, Tricase, Italy
  • Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
  • Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment, University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Hall i.T., Austria
  • Department of Anesthesiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
  • Division of Preventive Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
  • Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA
  • Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
  • Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France
  • University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • University of California, San Francisco, CA

Meet Our New PhD Students!

We’ll be featuring mini-profiles of our new PhD students over the next few weeks. We look forward to welcoming them into our community!

Ahmad Abdel-Azim

Hello! My name is Ahmad AbdelAzim, and I grew up in Appleton, WI. I just graduated from Harvard College on the other side of the Charles River with a joint AB degree in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Statistics, and a concurrent AM degree in Statistics. I am thrilled to be back in Boston for a few more years as a part of the Biostatistics PhD program at HSPH.

My research journey gradually led me to biostatistics, but applying quantitative strategies to improve human health has always been a central theme of my work.

In high school, I conducted wet-lab microbiology research on combatting antibiotic resistance. After a summer research program at MIT introduced me to the world of genomics and big data, I was eager to delve deeper into this burgeoning field. Entering college, I found great interest in the field of cancer genomics, and for two years, I worked with Dr. David Kwiatkowski at Brigham and Women’s Hospital on several exciting projects. I led a broad scientific mission to unravel the genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic landscape of a rare, aggressive tumor type. Seeking a deeper theoretical understanding of the statistical methodology behind the analytic tools I routinely used in cancer genomics, I was first drawn to biostatistics. A summer spent working in the Regeneron Genetics Center further drew me to the field, as I developed efficient methods for computing polygenic overlap at biobank scale.

My statistical background and various research endeavors have ultimately equipped me with both a rigorous theoretical foundation and a practical understanding of applications. For the past two years, I have been working with Dr. Xihong Lin at HSPH developing statistical frameworks to predict disease risk and progression, while accounting for related subjects and longitudinal measures. Developing and efficiently implementing statistical tools for applications in health and precision medicine is a broad area of research I hope to further explore during my PhD. In particular, I am eager to develop statistical methods and tools to facilitate an increased understanding of the genetic basis underlying various human diseases. In my free time, I enjoy going on long runs, hiking in the Northeast, and playing basketball. I also enjoy baking and cooking; exploring new recipes is my favorite way to decompress. I loved exploring all the cafes around Boston during my college weekends, and I look forward to continuing to explore new cafes in the coming few years.

Suhwan Bong

Hello! My name is Suhwan Bong, and I am excited to join Harvard’s Biostatistics PhD program this fall. I grew up in Seoul, Korea, and completed my undergraduate studies in statistics and mathematics at Seoul National University, where I also pursued a master’s degree in statistics with an emphasis on causal inference. During my master’s program, I participated in several projects developing causal inference methodologies. Also, I had the opportunity to work on projects analyzing public health data with clinical researchers. These experiences solidified my decision to pursue a PhD in biostatistics.

Prior to my master’s, I double majored in statistics and mathematics, which sparked my interest in the mathematical foundations of statistics. My undergraduate research spanned nonparametric statistics and spatial statistics. I studied statistical methodologies in infinite-dimensional parametric spaces and asymptotic theory, applying them to real data. Additionally, I engaged in methodological and application-driven projects involving spatial and spatio-temporal data, including developing a statistical model to explain COVID-19 transmission in Korea. These experiences, where I applied rigorous statistical methodologies to practical situations, fueled my fascination with applied statistics and inspired me to pursue further graduate studies. At HSPH, I look forward to exploring various subfields within statistics and biostatistics.

Beyond academics, I enjoy staying active through exercise, particularly working out and playing tennis. I also love traveling and hope to explore different parts of the world. I am thrilled to be part of the biostatistics PhD program at Harvard and look forward to meeting everyone.

News from the School

Red meat and diabetes

Red meat and diabetes

How for-profit medicine is harming health care

How for-profit medicine is harming health care

A tradition of mentoring

A tradition of mentoring

Promising HIV treatment

Promising HIV treatment


  1. Public Health: Berlin School of Public Health

    public health phd berlin

  2. Prof. Dr. med. Frank Tacke (MD, PhD, MHBA)

    public health phd berlin

  3. Master of Public Health (auslaufend): Berlin School of Public Health

    public health phd berlin

  4. TU Berlin, Health Care Management: Berlin School of Public Health

    public health phd berlin

  5. Prof. Dr. med. Frank Tacke (MD, PhD, MHBA)

    public health phd berlin

  6. Public Health PhD In Germany

    public health phd berlin


  1. PhD Programs: Berlin School of Public Health

    The PhD in Health Data Sciences at Charité offers biostatistics, epidemiology, meta-research and population health science as well as special synergies with innovative developments in public health such as eHealth, digital medicine and medical informatics. PhD in Global Health.

  2. Doctorates and PhD: Institute of Public Health

    Doctorates and PhD Programs. The newly established PhD program Health Data Sciences is designed for qualified young scientists who would like to deepen their methodological knowledge in the fields of biostatistics, epidemiology, meta-research, population health science, or public health and further expand their competence in research and teaching.

  3. PhD Global Health: Berlin School of Public Health

    PhD Global Health. The structured PhD program Global Health at the Charité is a collaboration between seven partnering institutions. It aims to train excellent scientists for leadership positions in global health. The program imparts an interdisciplinary perspective on health and a sensitivity to inter-cultural factors affecting health.

  4. Berlin School of Public Health

    At the Berlin School of Public Health (BSPH) you can study Public Health and Epidemiology. The BSPH offers Master's degree programs and Intensive Short Courses:

  5. Structured PhD Program in Health Data Sciences

    The PhD Program in Health Data Sciences at the Charité is hosted in English and aimed at qualified young scientists interested in: deepening their methodological knowledge in the fields of biostatistics, epidemiology, public health, meta-research, population health science and medical informatics.

  6. About the Program: Institute of Public Health

    The Health Data Sciences PhD (HDS PhD) Program is one of several structured PhD programs at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité) / Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and is considered an "Advanced Track" program. The HDS PhD program is run by three main departments within the Charité/BIH: the Institute of Public Health (IPH ...

  7. New PhD Programme Global Health in Berlin

    New PhD Programme Global Health in Berlin Global Health is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field. As a national public health institute, the Robert Koch Institute is an international network hub for health protection, with its own international department - the Centre for International Health Protection.

  8. Health Data Sciences, Ph.D.

    The PhD Program in Health Data Sciences at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin is aimed at qualified young scientists interested in: deepening their methodological knowledge in the fields of biostatistics, epidemiology, public health, meta-research, population health science and medical informatics. The TOEFL iBT® is given online ...

  9. Berlin Doctoral Programs: Welcome

    Berlin Doctoral Programs: Welcome. „Berlin offers an excellent environment for my doctoral studies in the history of ancient Israel, providing access to renowned experts in the field and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration for a comprehensive exploration of the subject.". /// Jonathan Böhm, Germany, Berlin Graduate School of Ancient ...

  10. Berlin Doctoral Programs: Health Data Sciences

    The newly established PhD Program in Health Data Sciences at the Charité is aimed at qualified young scientists interested in deepening their methodological knowledge in the fields of biostatistics, epidemiology, meta-research, population health science, public health and/or medical informatics.

  11. Doctoral programs

    Doctoral programs at the department. The Department of Health Care Management can potentially award different degrees, including the PhD in economics (Dr. rer. Oec) and a Dr in Public Health (Dr. P.H.). In principle, it is also possible to obtain a Dr. med. from the Charité. Please see the following important documents on how our particular ...

  12. PhD Studies

    10117 Berlin. Contact person: Ms. Olga Vorobyeva. E-mail: [email protected] *. Consultation hour by phone. Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 a.m. Phone: (+49) 30 2093-70330. *If you are already enrolled or registered at HU Berlin, please submit your full name, your enrollment or registration number, your date and place of birth.

  13. Application and Admission: Berlin School of Public Health

    The PhD Global Health program requires candidates to apply with a feasible research proposal that has been co-developed with the proposed supervisor (s). This can take 6 - 12 months of preparation time.

  14. Public Health in Germany: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Everything about PhD's in Public Health in Germany: Explore top universities, costs, scholarships, and admission requirements for all study formats.

  15. Admissions: Institute of Public Health

    In order to be accepted as a student in the HDS PhD Program, you have to provide proof that you've had previous methodological knowledge related to any of the main domains of health data sciences (Biostatistics, Public Health, Epidemiology, Meta-research, Population Health Sciences or Medical Informatics) in your previous studies.

  16. List of 14 Public Health Universities in Germany ️

    Public Health is the guardian of community well-being, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion on a population level. This dynamic field explores areas like epidemiology, health education, and environmental health risks. Blending elements of medicine, sociology, and policy, students in Public Health gain a holistic understanding of how societal factors influence health outcomes ...

  17. Alumni Spotlight: Asari Offiong, PhD '21

    Degree Program: PhD; Area of Interest: Adolescent Health; Graduation Year: 2021; Hometown: Detroit, MI; Previous Degree(s) Earned: BS in Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science from University of Michigan Ann Arbor; MPH from Boston University School of Public Health

  18. NBC News: Geneticist Marlena Fejzo, PhD, Among Forbes' 2024 50 Over 50

    ASPPH is the voice of academic public health, representing schools and programs accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). NBC News: Geneticist Marlena Fejzo, PhD, Among Forbes' 2024 50 Over 50 List - Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)

  19. MPH Students Named Public Health Ambassadors

    Master of Public Health (MPH) students Busayo Akinloye and Mayah Clayton have been named This Is Public Health (TIPH) Ambassadors for 2024-2025 by the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH). They will serve in their roles through June 2025. Nominated by their institutions, students who participate as ambassadors play a crucial role

  20. Public Health: Berlin School of Public Health

    The Master's program in Public Health (MScPH) at the Berlin School of Public Health, a joint institution of the Alice Salomon University, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Technical University of Berlin, was classified as a BUA-Joint Degree in September 2021. This classification is given to research-oriented cooperative programs at ...

  21. Prospective Students: Institute of Public Health

    Admission to the HDS PhD program is competitive and students must meet the following requirements to be considered for acceptance: Proof of eligibility for a doctoral degree per the requirements outlined by the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Promotionsberechtigung). Evidence of prior course work with professional relevance to Health ...

  22. 33 Mpox cases in Berlin since the beginning of the year

    Berlin's health administration is monitoring the situation very closely and preparing appropriate measures, explained Health Senator Ina Czyborra (SPD). Berlin has been sensitised by the outbreak in 2022 and can build on the experience. "We reacted well to the situation back then and quickly made vaccinations possible. ... It declared a "Public ...

  23. Dr. Sten Vermund Named Dean of USF Health College of Public Health

    After seven and half years of dedicated service to the Yale School of Public Health, Dr. Sten H. Vermund, MD, PhD, will be joining the University of South Florida as dean of the USF Health College of Public Health effective January 1, 2025. The relocation also allows Dr. Vermund to be on-site as the newly elected president of the Global Virus Network, which recently moved its international ...

  24. Ariel Beccia, PhD

    She received her PhD in epidemiology from the Clinical and Population Health Research program at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in Worcester, MA, and completed a postdoctoral research fellowship with STRIPED that was funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). ... Our Eating Disorder ...

  25. Institut für Public Health

    The application and further development of modern epidemiological methods is promoted in the various academic programs of and event series at the Institute, such as the Master's programs in Public Health and Epidemiology, the PhD program Health Data Sciences or the Berlin Epidemiologic Methods Colloquium ( BEMC ).

  26. Tuition and Funding: Berlin School of Public Health

    Supporting yourself financially. The PhD Global Health is a tuition-free program. However, students must secure funding to cover the cost of living (housing, food, clothing, entertainment, travel, etc.) in order to apply and enroll in the program. For more information on the cost of living in Berlin, see here.

  27. Master's Students

    Ali Crandall, PhD '14; Alyssa Crawford, MSPH '11; Alyssa Sharkey, PhD '08; Emily Gregory, MD, MHS '15; Funmilola OlaOlorun, PhD '13, MBBS, MPH; ... Previous Degree(s) Earned: BA in Public Health Studies and Behavioral Biology, Johns Hopkins University . Hailey Spaeth. Degree Program: MSPH Area of Interest: Womens, Sexual and Reproductive Health

  28. The Institute of Public Health in Berlin

    The Institute of Public Health offers various teaching modules for master and doctoral students as well as for professionals. Master programs in public health and epidemiology are offered by the Berlin School of Public Health, which is closely linked to the Institute of Public Health.

  29. Meet Our New PhD Students!

    Developing and efficiently implementing statistical tools for applications in health and precision medicine is a broad area of research I hope to further explore during my PhD. In particular, I am eager to develop statistical methods and tools to facilitate an increased understanding of the genetic basis underlying various human diseases.