Stanford University

Stanford engineering, s tanford e ngineering e verywhere, cs223a - introduction to robotics, course details, course description.

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. In essence, the material treated in this course is a brief survey of relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, and control. The course is presented in a standard format of lectures, readings and problem sets. There will be an in-class midterm and final examination. These examinations will be open book. Lectures will be based mainly, but not exclusively, on material in the Lecture Notes book. Lectures will follow roughly the same sequence as the material presented in the book, so it can be read in anticipation of the lectures Topics: robotics foundations in kinematics, dynamics, control, motion planning, trajectory generation, programming and design. Prerequisites: matrix algebra.

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Khatib, Oussama

Prof. Khatib was the Program Chair of ICRA2000 (San Francisco) and Editor of ``The Robotics Review'' (MIT Press). He has served as the Director of the Stanford Computer Forum, an industry affiliate program. He is currently the President of the International Foundation of Robotics Research, IFRR, and Editor of STAR, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Prof. Khatib is IEEE fellow, Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE, and recipient of the JARA Award.

Lecture 1
Lecture 1-3
Lectures 4-5
Lectures 6-8
Lecture 9
Lecture 10
Lectures 11-12
Lectures 13-15


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Lecture 3
Lectures 4-5
Lectures 6-8
Lectures 8-10
Lectures 11-13
Lectures 14-15

Course Sessions (16):

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Watch Now Download 58 min*
Course Overview, History of Robotics Video, Robotics Applications, Related Stanford Robotics Courses, Lecture and Reading Schedule, Manipulator Kinematics, Manipulator Dynamics, Manipulator Control, Manipulator Force Control, Advanced Topics


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Spatial Descriptions, Generalized Coordinates, Operational Coordinates, Rotation Matrix, Example - Rotation Matrix, Translations, Example - Homogeneous Transform, Operators, General Operators

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Watch Now Download 1 hr 17 min
Homogeneous Transform Interpretations, Compound Transformations, Spatial Descriptions, Rotation Representations, Euler Angles, Fixed Angles, Example - Singularities, Euler Parameters, Example - Rotations

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Watch Now Download 1 hr 12 min
Manipulator Kinematics, Link Description, Link Connections, Denavit-Hartenberg Parameteres, Summary - DH Parameters, Example - DH Table, Forward Kinematics

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Watch Now Download 1 hr 7 min
Summary - Frame Attachment, Example - RPRR Manipulator, Stanford Scheinman Arm, Stanford Scheinman Arm - DH Table, Forward Kinematics, Stanford Scheinman Arm - T-Matrices, Stanford Scheinman Arm - Final Results

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Watch Now Download 1 hr 11 min
Instantaneous Kinematics, Jacobian, Jacobians - Direct Differentiation, Example 1, Scheinman Arm, Basic Jacobian, Position Representations, Cross Product Operator, Velocity Propagation, Example 2

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Watch Now Download 1 hr 9 min
Jacobian - Explicit Form, Jacobian Jv / Jw, Jacobian in a Frame, Jacobian in Frame {0}, Scheinman Arm, Scheinman Arm - Jacobian, Kinematic Singularity

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Watch Now Download 1 hr 15 min
Scheinman Arm - Demo, Kinematic Singularity, Example - Kinematic Singularity, Puma Simulation, Resolved Rate Motion Control, Angular/Linear - Velocities/Forces, Velocity/Force Duality, Virtual Work, Example

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Intro - Guest Lecturer: Gregory Hager, Overview - Computer Vision, Computational Stereo, Stereo-Based Reconstruction, Disparity Maps, SIFT Feature Selection, Tracking Cycle, Face Stabilization Video, Future Challenges
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Watch Now Download 1 hr 2 min*
Guest Lecturer: Krasimir Kolarov, Trajectory Generation - Basic Problem, Cartesian Planning, Cubic Polynomial, Finding Via Point Velocities, Linear Interpolation, Higher Order Polynomials, Trajectory Planning with Obstacles
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Joint Space Dynamics, Newton-Euler Algorithm, Inertia Tensor, Example, Newton-Euler Equations, Lagrange Equations, Equations of Motion

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Lagrange Equations, Equations of Motion, Kinetic Energy, Equations of Motion - Explicit Form, Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces, Christoffel Symbols, Mass Matrix, V Matrix, Final Equation of Motion

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Control - Overview, Joint Space Control, Resolved Motion Rate Control, Natural Systems, Dissipative Systems, Example, Passive System Stability

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PD Control, Control Partitioning, Motion Control, Disturbance Rejection, Steady-State Error, PID Control, Effective Inertia

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Manipulator Control, PD Control Stability, Task Oriented Control, Task Oriented Equations of Motion, Operational Space Dynamics, Example, Nonlinear Dynamic Decoupling, Trajectory Tracking

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Compliance, Force Control, Dynamics, Task Description, Historical Robotics, Stanford Human-Safe Robot, Task Posture and Control, Multi-Contact Whole-Body Control

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Robotics: What Are Robots? Robotics Definition & Uses.

assignment on robotics

Robotics Technology

Robotics is an interdisciplinary sector of science and engineering dedicated to the design, construction and use of mechanical robots. Our guide will give you a concrete grasp of robotics, including different types of robots and how they’re being applied across industries.

industrial robots on assembly line

What Is Robotics?

Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots, that replicate or substitute for human actions. Robots perform basic and repetitive tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy than humans, making them ideal for industries like manufacturing. However, the introduction of artificial intelligence in robotics has given robots the ability to handle increasingly complex situations in various industries.

What Is a Robot?

A robot is a programmable machine that can complete a task, while the term robotics describes the field of study focused on developing robots and automation. Each robot has a different level of autonomy. These levels range from human-controlled bots that carry out tasks to fully-autonomous bots that perform tasks without any external influences.

In terms of etymology, the word ‘robot’ is derived from the Czech word robota , which means “forced labor.” The word first appeared in the 1920 play R.U.R. , in reference to the play’s characters who were mass-produced workers incapable of creative thinking.

Robotics Aspects

Mechanical construction.

The mechanical aspect of a robot helps it complete tasks in the environment for which it’s designed. For example, the Mars 2020 Rover’s wheels are individually motorized and made of titanium tubing that help it firmly grip the harsh terrain of the red planet.

Electrical Components

Robots need electrical components that control and power the machinery. Essentially, an electric current — a battery, for example — is needed to power a large majority of robots.

Software Program

Robots contain at least some level of computer programming. Without a set of code telling it what to do, a robot would just be another piece of simple machinery. Inserting a program into a robot gives it the ability to know when and how to carry out a task.

What Are the Main Components of a Robot?

Control system.

Computation includes all of the components that make up a robot’s central processing unit, often referred to as its control system. Control systems are programmed to tell a robot how to utilize its specific components, similar in some ways to how the human brain sends signals throughout the body, in order to complete a specific task. These robotic tasks could comprise anything from minimally invasive surgery to assembly line packing.

Sensors provide a robot with stimuli in the form of electrical signals that are processed by the controller and allow the robot to interact with the outside world. Common sensors found within robots include video cameras that function as eyes, photoresistors that react to light and microphones that operate like ears. These sensors allow the robot to capture its surroundings and process the most logical conclusion based on the current moment and allows the controller to relay commands to the additional components.

A device can only be considered to be a robot if it has a movable frame or body. Actuators are the components that are responsible for this movement. These components are made up of motors that receive signals from the control system and move in tandem to carry out the movement necessary to complete the assigned task. Actuators can be made of a variety of materials, such as metal or elastic, and are commonly operated by use of compressed air (pneumatic actuators) or oil (hydraulic actuators) but come in a variety of formats to best fulfill their specialized roles.

Power Supply

Like the human body requires food in order to function, robots require power. Stationary robots, such as those found in a factory, may run on AC power through a wall outlet but more commonly, robots operate via an internal battery. Most robots utilize lead-acid batteries for their safe qualities and long shelf life while others may utilize the more compact but also more expensive silver-cadmium variety. Safety, weight, replaceability and lifecycle are all important factors to consider when designing a robot’s power supply. 

Some potential power sources for future robotic development also include pneumatic power from compressed gasses, solar power, hydraulic power, flywheel energy storage organic garbage through anaerobic digestion and nuclear power.

End Effectors

End effectors are the physical, typically external components that allow robots to finish carrying out their tasks. Robots in factories often have interchangeable tools like paint sprayers and drills, surgical robots may be equipped with scalpels and other kinds of robots can be built with gripping claws or even hands for tasks like deliveries, packing, bomb diffusion and much more.

How Do Robots Work?

Some robots are pre-programmed to perform specific functions, meaning they operate in a controlled environment where they do simple, monotonous tasks — like a mechanical arm on an automotive assembly line.

Other robots are autonomous, operating independently of human operators to carry out tasks in open environments. In order to work, they use sensors to perceive the world around them, and then employ decision-making structures (usually a computer) to take the optimal next step based on their data and mission.

Robots may also work by using wireless networks to enable human control from a safe distance. These teleoperated robots usually work in extreme geographical conditions, weather and circumstances. Examples of teleoperated robots are the human-controlled submarines used to fix underwater pipe leaks during the BP oil spill or drones used to detect landmines on a battlefield.

Types of Robotics

Humanoid robots.

Humanoid robots are robots that look like or mimic human behavior. These robots usually perform human-like activities (like running, jumping and carrying objects), and are sometimes designed to look like us, even having human faces and expressions. Two of the most prominent examples of humanoid robots are Hanson Robotics’ Sophia and Boston Dynamics’ Atlas .

Cobots , or collaborative robots, are robots designed to work alongside humans. These robots prioritize safety by using sensors to remain aware of their surroundings, executing slow movements and ceasing actions when their movements are obstructed. Cobots typically perform simple tasks, freeing up humans to address more complex work.

Industrial Robots

Industrial robots automate processes in manufacturing environments like factories and warehouses. Possessing at least one robotic arm, these robots are made to handle heavy objects while moving with speed and precision. As a result, industrial robots often work in assembly lines to boost productivity.

Medical Robots

Medical robots assist healthcare professionals in various scenarios and support the physical and mental health of humans. These robots rely on AI and sensors to navigate healthcare facilities, interact with humans and execute precise movements. Some medical robots can even converse with humans, encouraging people’s social and emotional growth.

Agricultural Robots

Agricultural robots handle repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, allowing farmers to use their time and energy more efficiently. These robots also operate in greenhouses, where they monitor crops and help with harvests. Agricultural robots come in many forms, ranging from autonomous tractors to drones that collect data for farmers to analyze.


Microrobotics is the study and development of robots on a miniature scale. Often no bigger than a millimeter, microrobots can vary in size, depending on the situation. Biotech researchers typically use microrobotics to monitor and treat diseases, with the goal of improving diagnostic tools and creating more targeted solutions.

Augmenting Robots

Augmenting robots, also known as VR robots , either enhance current human capabilities or replace the capabilities a human may have lost. The field of robotics for human augmentation is a field where science fiction could become reality very soon, with bots that have the ability to redefine the definition of humanity by making humans faster and stronger. Some examples of current augmenting robots are robotic prosthetic limbs or exoskeletons used to lift hefty weights.

Software Bots

Software bots, or simply ‘bots,’ are computer programs which carry out tasks autonomously. They are not technically considered robots. One common use case of software robots is a chatbot , which is a computer program that simulates conversation both online and over the phone and is often used in customer service scenarios. Chatbots can either be simple services that answer questions with an automated response or more complex digital assistants that learn from user information.

Robotics Applications

Beginning as a major boon for manufacturers, robotics has become a mainstay technology for a growing number of industries.


Industrial robots can assemble products, sort items, perform welds and paint objects. They may even be used to fix and maintain other machines in a factory or warehouse. 

Medical robots transport medical supplies, perform surgical procedures and offer emotional support to those going through rehabilitation.  


Social robots can support children with learning disabilities and act as a therapeutic tool for people with dementia. They also have business applications like providing in-person customer service in hotels and moving products around warehouses. 

Consumers may be most familiar with the Roomba and other robot vacuum cleaners. However, other home robots include lawn-mowing robots and personal robot assistants that can play music, engage with children and help with household chores.

Search and Rescue

Search and rescue robots can save those stuck in flood waters, deliver supplies to those stranded in remote areas and put out fires when conditions become too extreme for firefighters.

Pros and Cons of Robotics

Robotics comes with a number of benefits and drawbacks.

Pros of Robotics

  • Increased accuracy. Robots can perform movements and actions with greater precision and accuracy than humans.
  • Enhanced productivity. Robots can work at a faster pace than humans and don’t get tired, leading to more consistent and higher-volume production. 
  • Improved safety. Robots can take on tasks and operate in environments unsafe for humans, protecting workers from injuries. 
  • Rapid innovation. Many robots are equipped with sensors and cameras that collect data, so teams can quickly refine processes. 
  • Greater cost-efficiency. Gains in productivity may make robots a more cost-efficient option for businesses compared to hiring more human workers.

Cons of Robotics

  • Job losses. Robotic process automation may put human employees out of work, especially those who don’t have the skills to adapt to a changing workplace.  
  • Limited creativity. Robots may not react well to unexpected situations since they don’t have the same problem-solving skills as humans. 
  • Data security risks. Robots can be hit with cyber attacks, potentially exposing large amounts of data if they’re connected to the Internet of Things.  
  • Maintenance costs. Robots can be expensive to repair and maintain, and faulty equipment can lead to disruptions in production and revenue losses.  
  • Environmental waste. Extracting raw materials to build robots and having to discard disposable parts can lead to more environmental waste and pollution.

humanoid robot

Future of Robotics

The evolution of AI has major implications for the future of robotics. In factories, AI can be combined with robotics to produce digital twins and design simulations to help companies improve their workflows. Advanced AI also gives robots increased autonomy. For example, drones could deliver packages to customers without any human intervention. In addition, robots could be outfitted with generative AI tools like ChatGPT, resulting in more complex human-robot conversations.

As robots’ intelligence has shifted, so too have their appearances. Humanoid robots are designed to visually appeal to humans in various settings while understanding and responding to emotions, carrying objects and navigating environments. With these forms and abilities, robots can become major contributors in customer service, manufacturing, logistics and healthcare, among other industries.

While the spread of robotics has stoked fears over job losses due to automation, robots could simply change the nature of human jobs. Humans may find themselves collaborating with robots, letting their robotic counterparts handle repetitive tasks while they focus on more difficult problems. Either way, humans will need to adapt to the presence of robots as robotics continues to progress alongside other technologies like AI and deep learning.  

old robot

History of Robotics

Robotics as a concept goes back to ancient times. The ancient Greeks combined automation and engineering to create the Antikythera, a handheld device that predicted eclipses. Centuries later, Leonardo Da Vinci designed a mechanical knight now known as “Leonardo’s Robot.” But it was the rise of manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution that highlighted the need for widespread automation.

Following William Grey Walter’s development of the first autonomous robots in 1948, George Devol created the first industrial robotic arm known as Unimate. It began operating at a GM facility in 1959. In 1972, the Stanford Research Institute designed Shakey — the first AI-powered robot. Shakey used cameras and sensors to collect data from its surroundings and inform its next moves.

The ability of robots to perceive their surroundings led researchers to explore whether they could also perceive human emotions. In the late 1990s, MIT’s Dr. Cynthia Breazeal built Kismet, a robotic head that used facial features to express and respond to human emotions. This predecessor to social robots opened the door for future robots like Roomba and consumer-centric inventions like Alexa and other voice assistants.

Robots took another leap forward in 2012 due to a breakthrough in deep learning. Armed with volumes of digital images, British AI expert Geoffrey Hinton and his team successfully trained a system of neural networks to sort over one million images while making few errors. Since then, companies have incorporated deep learning into their technologies, promising more possibilities for robotics.

1700s (1737) Jacques de Vaucanson builds the first biomechanical automaton on record. Called the Flute Player, the mechanical device plays 12 songs.

1920s (1920) The word “robot” makes its first appearance in Karel Capek’s play R.U.R. Robot is derived from the Czech word “robota,” which means “forced labor.”

1930s (1936) Alan Turing publishes “On Computable Numbers,” a paper that introduces the concept of a theoretical computer called the Turing Machine.

1940s (1948) Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal is published by MIT professor Norbert Wiener. The book speaks on the concept of communications and control in electronic, mechanical and biological systems.

(1949) William Grey Walter, a neurophysiologist and inventor, introduces Elmer and Elsie, a pair of battery-operated robots that look like tortoises. The robots move objects, find a source of light and find their way back to a charging station.

1950s (1950) Isaac Asimov publishes the Three Laws of Robotics .

(1950) Alan Turing publishes the paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” proposing what is now known as the Turing Test, a method for determining if a machine is intelligent.

1960s (1961) The first robotic arm works in a General Motors facility. The arm lifts and stacks metal parts and follows a program for approximately 200 movements. The arm was created by George Devol and his partner Joseph Engelberger.

(1969) Victor Scheinman invents the Stanford Arm, a robotic arm with six joints that can mimic the movements of a human arm. It is one of the first robots designed to be controlled by a computer.

1970s (1972) A group of engineers at the Stanford Research Institute create Shakey, the first robot to use artificial intelligence.

(1978) Hiroshi Makino, an automation researcher, designs a four-axis SCARA robotic arm.

1980s (1985) The first documented use of a robot-assisted surgical procedure uses the PUMA 560 robotic surgical arm.

(1985) William Whittaker builds two remotely-operated robots that are sent to the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant.

(1989) MIT researchers Rodney Brooks and A. M. Flynn publish  Fast, Cheap and Out of Control: A Robot Invasion of the Solar System .

(1997) Sojourner lands on Mars. The free-ranging rover sends 2.3 billion bits of data back to Earth.

(1998) Furby, a robotic toy pet developed by Tiger Electronics, is released and eventually sells tens of millions of units. Furbys are preprogrammed to speak gibberish and learn other languages over time. 

(1999) Aibo, a robotic puppy powered by AI hits the commercial market. Developed by Sony, the robotic dog reacts to sounds and has some pre-programmed behavior.

2000s (2000) Cynthia Breazeal creates a robotic head, called Kismet, programmed to provoke emotions as well as react to them.

(2002) iRobot creates Roomba. The vacuum robot is the first robot to become popular in the commercial sector amongst the public. 

(2003) Mick Mountz and the cofounders of Amazon Robotics (formerly Kiva Systems) invent the Kiva robot. The robot maneuvers around warehouses and moves goods.

(2004) Boston Dynamics unveils BigDog, a quadruped robot controlled by humans.

(2004) The Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency establishes the DARPA Grand Challenge. A self-driving car race that aims to inspire innovation in military autonomous vehicle tech.

2010s (2011) NASA and General Motors collaborate to send Robonaut 2, a humanesque robotic assistant, into space on space shuttle Discovery. The robot becomes a permanent resident of the International Space Station.

(2013) Boston Dynamics releases Atlas, a humanoid biped robot that uses 28 hydraulic joints to mimic human movements — including performing a backflip.

(2012) The first license for a self-driven car is issued in Nevada. The car is a Toyota Prius modified with technology developed by Google. 

(2016) Sophia, a humanoid robot dubbed the first robot citizen, is created by Hanson Robotics. The robot is capable of facial recognition, verbal communication and facial expression.

2020s (2020) Robots are used to distribute Covid-19 tests and vaccinations. 

(2020) 384,000 industrial robots are shipped across the globe to perform various manufacturing and warehouse jobs.  

(2021) Cruise, an autonomous car company, conducts its first two robotaxi test rides in San Francisco.

26 Robotics Companies and Startups on the Forefront of Innovation

At robotics companies across America, the co-mingling of engineering and science is producing some truly innovative products.

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A hand holding a lit light bulb against a blue and yellow background

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Robotics | Introduction

Robotics is a branch of engineering and science that includes electronics engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science and so on. This branch deals with the design, construction, use to control robots, sensory feedback and information processing. These are some technologies which will replace humans and human activities in coming years. These robots are designed to be used for any purpose but these are using in sensitive environments like bomb detection, deactivation of various bombs etc. Robots can take any form but many of them have given the human appearance. The robots which have taken the form of human appearance may likely to have the walk like humans, speech, cognition and most importantly all the things a human can do. Most of the robots of today are inspired by nature and are known as bio-inspired robots. Robotics is that branch of engineering that deals with conception, design, operation, and manufacturing of robots. There was an author named Issac Asimov, he said that he was the first person to give robotics name in a short story composed in 1940’s. In that story, Issac suggested three principles about how to guide these types of robotic machines. Later on, these three principles were given the name of Issac’s three laws of Robotics. These three laws state that:

  • Robots will never harm human beings.
  • Robots will follow instructions given by humans with breaking law one.
  • Robots will protect themselves without breaking other rules.


There are some characteristics of robots given below:

  • Appearance: Robots have a physical body. They are held by the structure of their body and are moved by their mechanical parts. Without appearance, robots will be just a software program.
  • Brain: Another name of brain in robots is On-board control unit. Using this robot receive information and sends commands as output. With this control unit robot knows what to do else it’ll be just a remote-controlled machine.
  • Sensors: The use of these sensors in robots is to gather info from the outside world and send it to Brain. Basically, these sensors have circuits in them that produces the voltage in them.
  • Actuators: The robots move and the parts with the help of these robots move is called Actuators. Some examples of actuators are motors, pumps, and compressor etc. The brain tells these actuators when and how to respond or move.
  • Program: Robots only works or responds to the instructions which are provided to them in the form of a program. These programs only tell the brain when to perform which operation like when to move, produce sounds etc. These programs only tell the robot how to use sensors data to make decisions.
  • Behaviour: Robots behavior is decided by the program which has been built for it. Once the robot starts making the movement, one can easily tell which kind of program is being installed inside the robot.

Types of Robots

These are the some types of robots given below:

  • Articulated: The feature of this robot is its rotary joints and range of these are from 2 to 10 or more joints. The arm is connected to the rotary joint and each joint is known as the axis which provides a range of movements.
  • Cartesian: These are also known as gantry robots. These have three joints which use the Cartesian coordinate system i.e x, y, z. These robots are provided with attached wrists to provide rotatory motion.
  • Cylindrical: These types of robots have at least one rotatory joints and one prismatic joint which are used to connect the links. The use of rotatory joints is to rotate along the axis and prismatic joint used to provide linear motion.
  • Polar: These are also known as spherical robots. The arm is connected to base with a twisting joint and have a combination of 2 rotatory joint and one linear joint.
  • Scara: These robots are mainly used in assembly applications. Its arm is in cylindrical in design. It has two parallel joints which are used to provide compliance in one selected plane.
  • Delta: The structure of these robots are like spider-shaped. They are built by joint parallelograms that are connected to the common base. The parallelogram moves in a dome-shaped work area. These are mainly used in food and electrical industries.

Scope and limitations of robots: The advance version of machines are robots which are used to do advanced tasks and are programmed to make decisions on their own. When a robot is designed the most important thing to be kept in mind is that What the function is to be performed and what are the limitations of the robot. Each robot has a basic level of complexity and each of the levels has the scope which limits the functions that are to be performed. For general basic robots, their complexity is decided by the number of limbs, actuators and the sensors that are used while for advanced robots the complexity is decided by the number of microprocessors and microcontroller used. As increasing any component in the robot, it is increasing the scope of the robot and with every joint added, the degree of the robot is enhanced. Advantages: The advantages of using robots are given below:

  • They can get information that a human can’t get.
  • They can perform tasks without any mistakes and very efficiently and fast.
  • Maximum robots are automatic, so they can perform different tasks without needing human interaction.
  • Robots are used in different factories to produce items like plane, car parts etc.
  • They can be used for mining purposes and can be sent to earth’s madrid.

Disadvantages: The disadvantages of using robots are given below:

  • They need the power supply to keep going. People working in factories may lose their jobs as robots can replace them.
  • They need high maintenance to keep them working all day long. And the cost of maintaining the robots can be expensive.
  • They can store huge amount of data but they are not as efficient as our human brains.
  • As we know that robots work on the program that has been installed in them. So other than the program installed, robots can’t do anything different.
  • The most important disadvantage is that if the program of robots comes in wrong hands they can cause the huge amount of destruction.

Applications: Different types of robots can performs different types of tasks. For example, many of the robots are made for assembly work which means that they are not relevant for any other work and these types of robots are called Assembly Robots. Similarly, for seam welding many suppliers provide robots with their welding materials and these types of robots are known as Welding Robots. While on the other hand many robots are designed for heavy-duty work and are known as Heavy Duty Robots. There are some applications given below:

  • Caterpillar plans which is aiming to develop remote-controlled machines and are expecting to develop heavy robots by 2021.
  • A robot can also do Herding task.
  • Robots are increasingly been used more than humans in manufacturing while in auto-industry there are more than half of the labors are “Robots”.
  • Many of the robots are used as Military Robots.
  • Robots have been used in cleaning up of areas like toxic waste or industrial wastes etc.
  • Agricultural robots.
  • Household robots.
  • Domestic robots.
  • Nano robots.
  • Swarm robots.


  • Increased Efficiency: Robots can work 24/7 without getting tired, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Improved Accuracy: Robots are capable of performing tasks with high precision and accuracy, reducing errors and improving quality.
  • Increased Safety: Robots can perform tasks that are dangerous for humans, improving overall safety in the workplace.
  • Reduced Labor Costs: The use of robots can lead to reduced labor costs, as robots can perform tasks more cheaply than human workers.


  • Initial Cost: Implementing and maintaining a robotics system can be expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Job Losses: The increased use of robots may result in job losses for human workers, particularly in industries where manual labor is prevalent.
  • Limited Capabilities: Robots are still limited in their capabilities compared to human workers and may not be able to perform tasks requiring dexterity or creativity.
  • Maintenance Costs: Robots require regular maintenance and repair, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

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  • Serial Manipulator Jacobian Matrix
  • Parallel Manipulator Jacobian Matrix
  • Singularities in Serial and Parallel Manipulators
  • Statics of Serial and Parallel Manipulators
  • Hyper-redundant robots
  • Redundancy resolution in human arm
  • Flexible robots
  • Introduction, Lagrangian formulation
  • Examples of Equations of Motion
  • Inverse Dynamics & Simulation of Equations of Motion
  • Recursive Formulations of Dynamics of Manipulators
  • Motion planning
  • Control of a single link
  • Control of a multi-link serial manipulator
  • Control of a multi-link manipulator
  • Control of constrained and parallel manipulator, Cartesian control of serial manipulators
  • Force control of manipulators, Hybrid position/force control of manipulators
  • Advanced topics in non-linear control of manipulators
  • Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) on Flat Terrain
  • Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) on Uneven Terrain
  • Kinematics and Dynamics of WMR on Uneven Terrain
  • Over-Constrained Mechanism and Deployable Structures
  • Kinematic and Static Analysis
  • Live Session 23-03-2021
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Assignments
  • Download Videos
  • Transcripts
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 2
Start Date : 26 Jul 2021
End Date : 17 Sep 2021
Enrollment Ends : 09 Aug 2021
Exam Date : 26 Sep 2021 IST
Sl.No Chapter Name MP4 Download
1Introduction, Types and Classification of Robots
2Main Elements of a Robot
3Modelling and Analysis of Robots
4Mathematical Preliminaries, Homogeneous Transformations
5Elements of robot – Joints, Elements of robots -- Links
6Examples of D-H parameters and Link transformation matrices
7Introduction, Direct Kinematics of Serial Robots
8Inverse Kinematics of Serial Robots
9"Inverse Kinematics of Serial Robots with n
10"Elimination Theory & Solution of Non-linear Equations, Inverse Kinematics of a General 6R Robot"
11Introduction, Loop-closure Equations
12Direct Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators
13Mobility of Parallel Manipulators
14Inverse Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators
15Direct Kinematics of Stewart Platform Manipulators
16Sun tracking using 3-DOF parallel manipulator
17Stewart-Gough platform-based force-torque sensor
18Vibration isolation using a Stewart-Gough platform
19Introduction, Linear and Angular Velocity of Links
20Serial Manipulator Jacobian Matrix
21Parallel Manipulator Jacobian Matrix
22Singularities in Serial and Parallel Manipulators
23Statics of Serial and Parallel Manipulators
24Hyper-redundant robots
25Redundancy resolution in human arm
26Flexible robots
27Introduction, Lagrangian formulation
28Examples of Equations of Motion
29Inverse Dynamics & Simulation of Equations of Motion
30Recursive Formulations of Dynamics of Manipulators
31Motion planning
32Control of a single link
33Control of a multi-link serial manipulator
34Control of a multi-link manipulator
35Control of constrained and parallel manipulator, Cartesian control of serial manipulators
36Force control of manipulators, Hybrid position/force control of manipulators
37Advanced topics in non-linear control of manipulators
38Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) on Flat Terrain
39Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) on Uneven Terrain
40Kinematics and Dynamics of WMR on Uneven Terrain
41Over-Constrained Mechanism and Deployable Structures
42Kinematic and Static Analysis
Sl.No Chapter Name English
1Introduction, Types and Classification of Robots
2Main Elements of a Robot
3Modelling and Analysis of Robots
4Mathematical Preliminaries, Homogeneous Transformations
5Elements of robot – Joints, Elements of robots -- Links
6Examples of D-H parameters and Link transformation matrices
7Introduction, Direct Kinematics of Serial Robots
8Inverse Kinematics of Serial Robots
9"Inverse Kinematics of Serial Robots with n
10"Elimination Theory & Solution of Non-linear Equations, Inverse Kinematics of a General 6R Robot"
11Introduction, Loop-closure Equations
12Direct Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators
13Mobility of Parallel Manipulators
14Inverse Kinematics of Parallel Manipulators
15Direct Kinematics of Stewart Platform Manipulators
16Sun tracking using 3-DOF parallel manipulator
17Stewart-Gough platform-based force-torque sensor
18Vibration isolation using a Stewart-Gough platform
19Introduction, Linear and Angular Velocity of Links
20Serial Manipulator Jacobian Matrix
21Parallel Manipulator Jacobian Matrix
22Singularities in Serial and Parallel Manipulators
23Statics of Serial and Parallel Manipulators
24Hyper-redundant robots
25Redundancy resolution in human arm
26Flexible robots
27Introduction, Lagrangian formulation
28Examples of Equations of Motion
29Inverse Dynamics & Simulation of Equations of Motion
30Recursive Formulations of Dynamics of Manipulators
31Motion planning
32Control of a single link
33Control of a multi-link serial manipulator
34Control of a multi-link manipulator
35Control of constrained and parallel manipulator, Cartesian control of serial manipulators
36Force control of manipulators, Hybrid position/force control of manipulators
37Advanced topics in non-linear control of manipulators
38Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) on Flat Terrain
39Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMR) on Uneven Terrain
40Kinematics and Dynamics of WMR on Uneven Terrain
41Over-Constrained Mechanism and Deployable Structures
42Kinematic and Static Analysis
Sl.No Language Book link
2BengaliNot Available
3GujaratiNot Available
4HindiNot Available
5KannadaNot Available
6MalayalamNot Available
7MarathiNot Available
8TamilNot Available
9TeluguNot Available


101+ Simple Robotics Research Topics For Students

Robotics Research Topics

Imagine a world where machines come to life, performing tasks on their own or assisting humans with precision and efficiency. This captivating realm is the heart of robotics—a fusion of engineering, computer science, and technology. If you’re a student eager to dive into this mesmerizing field, you’re in for an electrifying journey. 

In this blog, we’ll unravel the secrets of robotics research, highlight its significance, and unveil an array of interesting robotics research topics. These topics are perfect for middle and high school students, making the exciting world of robotics accessible to all. Let’s embark on this adventure into the future of technology and innovation!

In your quest to explore robotics, don’t forget the valuable support of services like Engineering Assignment Help . Dive into these fascinating research topics and let us assist you on your educational journey

What is Robotics Research Topic?

Table of Contents

A robotics research topic is a specific area of study within the field of robotics that students can investigate to gain a deeper understanding of how robots work and how they can be applied to various real-world problems. These topics can range from designing and building robots to exploring the algorithms and software that control them.

Research topics in robotics can be categorized into various subfields, including:

  • Mechanical Design: Studying how to design and build the physical structure of robots, including their components and materials.
  • Sensors and Perception: Investigating how robots can sense and understand their environment through sensors like cameras, infrared sensors, and ultrasonic sensors.
  • Control Systems: Exploring the algorithms and software that enable robots to move, make decisions, and interact with their surroundings.
  • Human-Robot Interaction: Researching how robots can collaborate with humans, including topics like natural language processing and gesture recognition.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Studying how AI techniques can be applied to robotics, such as machine learning for object recognition and path planning.
  • Applications: Focusing on specific applications of robotics, such as medical robotics, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation.

Why is Robotics Research Important?

Before knowing robotics research topics, you need to know the reasons for the importance of robotics research. Robotics research is crucial for several reasons:

Advancing Technology

Research in robotics leads to the development of cutting-edge technologies that can improve our daily lives, enhance productivity, and solve complex problems.

Solving Real-World Problems

Robotics can be applied to address various challenges, such as environmental monitoring, disaster response, and healthcare assistance.

Inspiring Innovation

Engaging in robotics research encourages creativity and innovation among students, fostering a passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

Educational Benefits

Researching robotics topics equips students with valuable skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork.

Career Opportunities

A strong foundation in robotics can open doors to exciting career opportunities in fields like robotics engineering, AI, and automation.

Also Read: Quantitative Research Topics for STEM Students

Easy Robotics Research Topics For Middle School Students

Let’s explore some simple robotics research topics for middle school students:

Robot Design and Building

1. How to build a simple robot using household materials.

2. Designing a robot that can pick up and sort objects.

3. Building a robot that can follow a line autonomously.

4. Creating a robot that can draw pictures.

5. Designing a robot that can mimic animal movements.

6. Building a robot that can clean and organize a messy room.

7. Designing a robot that can water plants and monitor their health.

8. Creating a robot that can navigate through a maze of obstacles.

9. Building a robot that can imitate human gestures and movements.

10. Designing a robot that can assemble a simple puzzle.

11. Developing a robot that can assist in food preparation and cooking.

Robotics in Everyday Life

1. Exploring the use of robots in home automation.

2. Designing a robot that can assist people with disabilities.

3. How can robots help with chores and housekeeping?

4. Creating a robot pet for companionship.

5. Investigating the use of robots in education.

6. Exploring the use of robots for food delivery in restaurants.

7. Designing a robot that can help with grocery shopping.

8. Creating a robot for home security and surveillance.

9. Investigating the use of robots for waste recycling.

10. Designing a robot that can assist in organizing a bookshelf.

Robot Programming

1. Learning the basics of programming a robot.

2. How to program a robot to navigate a maze.

3. Teaching a robot to respond to voice commands.

4. Creating a robot that can dance to music.

5. Programming a robot to play simple games.

6. Teaching a robot to recognize and sort recyclable materials.

7. Programming a robot to create art and paintings.

8. Developing a robot that can give weather forecasts.

9. Creating a robot that can simulate weather conditions.

10. Designing a robot that can write and print messages or drawings.

Robotics and Nature

1. Studying how robots can mimic animal behavior.

2. Designing a robot that can pollinate flowers.

3. Investigating the use of robots in wildlife conservation.

4. Creating a robot that can mimic bird flight.

5. Exploring underwater robots for marine research.

6. Investigating the use of robots in studying insect behavior.

7. Designing a robot that can monitor and report air quality.

8. Creating a robot that can mimic the sound of various birds.

9. Studying how robots can help in reforestation efforts.

10. Investigating the use of robots in studying coral reefs and marine life.

Robotics and Space

1. How do robots assist astronauts in space exploration?

2. Designing a robot for exploring other planets.

3. Investigating the use of robots in space mining.

4. Creating a robot to assist in space station maintenance.

5. Studying the challenges of robot communication in space.

6. Designing a robot for collecting samples on other planets.

7. Creating a robot that can assist in assembling space telescopes.

8. Investigating the use of robots in space agriculture.

9. Designing a robot for space debris cleanup.

10. Studying the role of robots in exploring and mapping asteroids.

These robotics research topics offer even more exciting opportunities for middle school students to explore the world of robotics and develop their research skills.

Latest Robotics Research Topics For High School Students

Let’s get started with some robotics research topics for high school students:

Advanced Robot Design

1. Developing a robot with human-like facial expressions.

2. Designing a robot with advanced mobility for rough terrains.

3. Creating a robot with a soft, flexible body.

4. Investigating the use of drones in agriculture.

5. Developing a bio-inspired robot with insect-like capabilities.

6. Designing a robot with the ability to self-repair and adapt to damage.

7. Developing a robot with advanced tactile sensing for delicate tasks.

8. Creating a robot that can navigate both underwater and on land seamlessly.

9. Investigating the use of drones in disaster response and relief efforts.

10. Designing a robot inspired by cheetahs for high-speed locomotion.

11. Developing a robot that can assist in search and rescue missions in extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or wildfires.

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

1. How can artificial intelligence enhance robot decision-making?

2. Creating a robot that can recognize and respond to emotions.

3. Investigating ethical concerns in AI-driven robotics.

4. Developing a robot that can learn from its mistakes.

5. Exploring the use of machine learning in robotic vision.

6. Exploring the role of AI-driven robots in space exploration and colonization.

7. Creating a robot that can understand and respond to human emotions in healthcare.

8. Investigating the ethical implications of autonomous vehicles in urban transportation.

9. Developing a robot that can analyze and predict weather patterns using AI.

10. Exploring the use of machine learning to enhance robotic prosthetics.

Human-Robot Interaction

1. Studying the impact of robots on human mental health.

2. Designing a robot that can assist in therapy sessions.

3. Investigating the use of robots in elderly care facilities.

4. Creating a robot that can act as a language tutor.

5. Developing a robot that can provide emotional support.

6. Studying the psychological impact of humanoid robots in educational settings.

7. Designing a robot that can assist individuals with neurodegenerative diseases.

8. Investigating the use of robots for mental health therapy and counseling.

9. Creating a robot that can help children with autism improve social skills.

10. Developing a robot companion for the elderly to combat loneliness.

Robotics and Industry

1. How are robots transforming the manufacturing industry?

2. Investigating the use of robots in 3D printing.

3. Designing robots for warehouse automation.

4. Developing robots for precision agriculture.

5. Studying the role of robotics in supply chain management.

6. Exploring the integration of robots in the construction and architecture industry.

7. Investigating the use of robots for recycling and waste management in cities.

8. Designing robots for autonomous maintenance and repair of industrial equipment.

9. Developing robotic solutions for monitoring and managing urban traffic.

10. Studying the role of robotics in the development of smart factories and Industry 4.0.

Cutting-Edge Robotics Applications

1. Exploring the use of swarm robotics for search and rescue missions.

2. Investigating the potential of exoskeletons for enhancing human capabilities.

3. Designing robots for autonomous underwater exploration.

4. Developing robots for minimally invasive surgery.

5. Studying the ethical implications of autonomous military robots.

6. Exploring the use of robotics in sustainable energy production.

7. Investigating the use of swarming robots for ecological conservation and monitoring.

8. Designing exoskeletons for individuals with mobility impairments for daily life.

9. Developing robots for autonomous planetary exploration beyond our solar system.

10. Studying the ethical and legal aspects of AI-powered military robots in warfare.

These robotics research topics offer high school students the opportunity to delve deeper into advanced robotics concepts and address some of the most challenging and impactful issues in the field.

Robotics research is a captivating field with a wide range of robotics research topics suitable for students of all ages. Whether you’re in middle school or high school, you can explore robot design, programming, AI integration , and cutting-edge applications. Robotics research not only fosters innovation but also prepares you for a future where robots will play an increasingly important role in various aspects of our lives. So, pick a topic that excites you, and embark on your journey into the fascinating world of robotics!

I hope you enjoyed this blog about robotics research topics for middle and high school students.

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  • Recent Trends in Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing ( Download )
  • Smart Phone-Based Robot for Domestic purpose using Bluetooth ( Download )
  • Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing of Key Areas Using Cloud Computing ( Download )
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  • Agricultural Robotics ( Download PDF )
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  • Blockchain Technology with Applications to Distributed Control and Cooperative Robotics ( Download )
  • Research Advance in Swarm Robotics ( Download )

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assignment on robotics

Robotics Question & Answers

July 26, 2022 By WatElectronics

This article lists 100 Robotics  MCQs for Engineering Students . The Robotics   Questions & Answers below include solutions and links to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams and interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of Robotics.

The robots are classified based on configuration, depending on the control system, and generation. The first-generation robots are remote-controlled, second-generation robots are autonomous example cleaning bots, and the third-generation robots are comes under network technology whereas the teleoperated and autonomous are two subclasses of networked robots, and the fourth-generation robots are starship delivery robots, nimbo security robots, etc come under artificial intelligence robots.  

The cartesian robots are commonly used for assembly operations, arc welding, and handling machine tools. The advantages of cartesian robots are easy computation & programming, and the most rigid structure for a given length the disadvantages are they require large operating volume, and axes are hard to seal.  

The cylindrical robots are commonly used for handling die casting machines, assembly operations, and spot welding. The articulated robots are commonly used for welding, spray painting, weld sealing, assembly operations, etc.  

The advantages of articulated robots are all rotary joints allow for maximum flexibility, any point in total volume can be reached, and all joints can be sealed from the environment. The disadvantages are they are extremely difficult to visualize, control, and program, and have low accuracy.  

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  • Prof. Harry Asada
  • Prof. John Leonard


  • Mechanical Engineering

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  • Robotics and Control Systems
  • Dynamics and Control
  • Mechanical Design
  • Classical Mechanics

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  2. Introduction to Robotics

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  5. Lecture Notes

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  8. Robotics: What Are Robots? Robotics Definition & Uses.

    Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots, that replicate or substitute for human actions. Robots perform basic and repetitive tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy than humans, making them ideal for industries like manufacturing. However, the introduction of artificial ...

  9. Robotics

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  10. Robotics

    The course will start with a brief introduction to robots and robotics. The motivation behind keeping robots in modern industries will be discussed. After providing a brief history of robotics, different components of a robotic system will be identified. ... Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 ...

  11. Robotics Projects to Build Your Skills [2024]

    Learn from top instructors with graded assignments, videos, and discussion forums. Projects (2) Learn a new tool or skill in an interactive, hands-on environment. Specializations (81) ... Robotics Projects offers hands-on learning to build your Robotics skills. Designed with job-related tasks in mind, each project provides a unique opportunity ...

  12. NPTEL :: Mechanical Engineering

    Lecture 02: Introduction to Robots and Robotics(Contd.) Download Verified; 3: Lecture 03: Introduction to Robots and Robotics(Contd.) Download Verified; 4: Lecture 04: Introduction to Robots and Robotics(Contd.) Download Verified; 5: Lecture 05: Introduction to Robots and Robotics(Contd.) Download Verified; 6: Lecture 06: Introduction to Robots ...

  13. chapter1.pdf

    Resource Type: Lecture Notes. pdf. 199 kB. chapter1.pdf. Download File. DOWNLOAD. This file contains topics: era of industrial robots, creation of robotics, manipulation and dexterity and locomotion and navigation.

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    The lesson is designed so students can program a robot to move. It's also intended to make students more articulate about robots and how they work. The lesson plan is based on the short story "My Friend" about a robot. In this team-building exercise, students will work in pairs to discuss ideas and act out dialogue from the book before ...

  15. Assignments

    Introduction to Robotics. Menu. More Info Syllabus Lecture Notes Assignments Exams Projects Assignments. Problem Set 1 . Problem Set 2 simple_sim program for ... assignment Programming Assignments. Download Course. Over 2,500 courses & materials Freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world.

  16. Robotics

    Robotics is that branch of engineering that deals with conception, design, operation, and manufacturing of robots. There was an author named Issac Asimov, he said that he was the first person to give robotics name in a short story composed in 1940's. In that story, Issac suggested three principles about how to guide these types of robotic ...

  17. Intro

    Introduction, Types and Classification of Robots: Download: 2: Main Elements of a Robot: Download: 3: Modelling and Analysis of Robots: Download: 4: Mathematical Preliminaries, Homogeneous Transformations: Download: 5: Elements of robot â€" Joints, Elements of robots -- Links: Download: 6: Examples of D-H parameters and Link transformation ...

  18. Robotics online assignment

    Robotics online assignment. This document provides an introduction to robotics, including its history, components, and applications. It discusses the three main aspects of robots: mechanical, electrical, and programming. It describes key robot components like power sources, actuation, sensing, manipulation, and locomotion.

  19. 101+ Simple Robotics Research Topics For Students

    Robot Design and Building. 1. How to build a simple robot using household materials. 2. Designing a robot that can pick up and sort objects. 3. Building a robot that can follow a line autonomously. 4. Creating a robot that can draw pictures.

  20. Robotics Assignments

    robotics assignments - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the interdisciplinary nature of robotics and mechatronics. It notes that robotics involves the design, construction, and operation of robots, drawing on fields like mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science.

  21. 17 Best Seminar Topics on Robotics with Report (Download)

    Robotics will become vital components in a number of applications and robots paired with AI will be able to perform complex actions that are capable of learning from humans, driving the intelligent automation phenomenon. Topics For Seminar. Discover the best seminar topics, speech topics, and debate topics with downloadable presentations ...

  22. 100+ Robotics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers

    The Robotics Questions & Answers below include solutions and links to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams and interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of Robotics. The robots are classified based on configuration, depending on the control system, and generation.

  23. PDF CSE 571

    CSE 571 - Robotics Homework 3 - Reinforcement Learning Due Monday June 3rd @ 11:59pm The key goal of this homework is to get an understanding of imitation learning and reinforcement learning ... Please submit the written assignment answers as a PDF. For the code, submit a zip file of the entire working directory. ...

  24. The Daily Show Fan Page

    The source for The Daily Show fans, with episodes hosted by Jon Stewart, Ronny Chieng, Jordan Klepper, Dulcé Sloan and more, plus interviews, highlights and The Weekly Show podcast.

  25. ps1.pdf

    Introduction to Robotics. Menu. More Info Syllabus Lecture Notes Assignments Exams Projects Assignments. ps1.pdf. Description: This section contains problem assignment set number 1. ... assignment Programming Assignments. Download Course. Over 2,500 courses & materials Freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world.