If I Could Change the World Essay: Examples & Writing Guide

To write an engaging “If I Could Change the World” essay, you have to get a few crucial elements:

  • What? How? Whom? When? Where?
  • The essay structure that determines where each answer should be;
  • Some tips that can make your writing unique and original.

Let us help you a bit and give recommendations for “If I Could Change the World” essays with examples. And bookmark our writing company website for excellent academic assistance and study advice.

  • 🗯 What Would You Change?
  • 💁‍♂️ How Would You Do It?

👉 Whom Would Your Changes Affect?

⏱️ when would you change the world, 🌎 where would you make changes, 📦 out-of-the-box thinking, 🤔 deep understanding, 🧠 an intelligible structure, 🗣️ excellent language.

  • 📝 Essay Example

✏️ Change the World Essay FAQ

🔗 references, 💡 if i could change the world essay: essential questions.

What do you think about the world we are all living in? The vast majority of people love their lives, being human, and living on the Earth. They may have no time to think about the world around them or notice that this world requires changes.

And do you have time to notice this? Do you believe that our world is no longer the best and safest place to live in? If you do and have some suggestions on how our world can be changed, you can write a good “If I Could Change the World” essay.

Start crafting your paper by considering these questions:

If I could change the world essay questions.

Answering them will boost your imagination and help with outlining your essay. Besides, you may find something new about yourself and your mind.

🗯 If You Could Change the World, What Would You Change?

What do I want to change in the world? Start this essay with those particular things that you believe require fixing. We are sure you will not have difficulties with this point because the problems we face these days seem endless.

We’ve gotten used to having such problems, and many people are sure that nothing can ever change. But what if millions of people became more conscious and decided to make even a minor effort to solve just one problem? In that case, we would already live in a better place.

For example:

Why not mention global warming or air pollution? There are plenty of problems common to humanity that require our intervention, so essay writing about global issues is also a great opportunity to narrow down your topic.

Use your imagination and describe your great ideas in your essay about changing the world for better. You could build up a fantastic paper—or maybe even change the world.

💁‍♂️ How Would You Change the World?

What ways do you think would be the most effective to make necessary changes? Whose help might you need? You have to speculate, “How can I change the world?” for the essay.

You’ll have to use your imagination here again:

  • Delve deeper into the topic. List the ways, methods, or strategies you’d utilize to help the world we live in.
  • Make a list of these people or organizations.
  • Explain how they could contribute to achieving your aim.

For instance, you could consider involving global charities or celebrities to assist you on your path to a better world.

Would your changes influence society in the world? Or some particular groups of people would need them more than all the others?

This is another exciting idea that you could develop in your essay. Give insight into whose lives your actions would change. For example, you could think of improving the lives of poor, hungry children in Africa or helping animals suffering from global warming.

Do you think that the problems you are talking about require immediate solutions? There are issues worldwide that can’t wait any longer and need to be changed urgently.

Why not discuss them?

Here’s an idea: Bring up a topic related to a pressing global health issue. For example, focus your main point on incurable diseases or infectious diseases that annually kill more than 17 million people .

In what part of the world would you change something?

It’s essential to touch on the location of your global changes. Are you audacious enough to implement your great ideas worldwide? Or would you be better off starting in a small area and eventually growing it into something on a larger scale?

Consider these ideas as well, and don’t forget to mention the location in your paper.

You can also read our article on world peace to learn more about current problems and issues that require changes.

✒️ If I Could Change the World Essay: Writing Guide

What are the criteria that guide your professor when evaluating your “If I Could Change the World” essay? Are there any one-size-fits-all characteristics you can safely incorporate to end up with a breathtaking paper?

There are! And knowing them will help you write more convincing essays that earn better grades.

If I could change the world essay tips.

Representing your original thinking as an author doesn’t mean that you have to invent something new or discover some unknown theory. Not to discourage you, but chances of doing that are pretty small.

Try writing a “changing the world” essay different from other students’ papers because of its original approach . You could look at things from an unusual angle or come up with a new hypothesis. Even the purpose of your writing can differ if you add creativity.

Your “If I Could Change the World” essay topic is a platform for unlimited imagination and original thinking. Go ahead and make the most of it!

A perfect essay about the world’s problems—just like any other essay—shows in-depth knowledge. Demonstrate the comprehension of all the facts, concepts, and issues you’re talking about. You also need to clearly understand why these ideas matter, both to you and your reader.

To end up with a fantastic “changing the world” essay, you should do the following:

  • Craft and polish a persuasive thesis, stating your position clearly.
  • Find credible sources to add quotes and value to your writing.
  • Use engaging, relevant facts for your arguments and central hypothesis.
  • Consider and analyze different viewpoints.
  • Summarize and synthesize data from various sources.
  • Double-check information that you’re uncertain about.
  • Write a reference list at the bottom of your essay.

Don’t forget to analyze and consider all points of view and include quotations from reputable sources.

The first and foremost thing to bear in mind when outlining your essay is that it should answer the following three questions:

Also, a high-quality essay contains all of the necessary parts of an academic paper:

  • Introduction : Starts with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Directs the reader, identifies the focus, and provides the context of the issue. Most importantly, it includes a thesis statement. If you struggle with this part, try to make use of a thesis statement generator .
  • Main body : Provides the argumentation for your thesis and supporting details. Includes quotes and other data that you’ve gathered. Every paragraph starts with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding one, tying the text together.
  • Conclusion : Restates and develops the thesis and summarizes the arguments. Gives the last impression on the reader, leaving the final thoughts in the concluding sentences. May include a call for action.

Your “If I Could Change the World” essay should have a consistent discussion and a balanced argument. Relevant facts and data should support all the points. The conclusion weighs your evidence and provides your final opinion about the paper’s central idea.

Your discussion should be smooth and effortless so that your readers feel like they are in safe hands. The sentences should be flowing naturally and logically from one to the other. The reader should understand everything from the first read. Do not deviate from your topic, or else the focus of your essay will be lost.

You should strive for flawless grammar, spelling, and punctuation, without mistakes or typos. To ensure its flawlessness, proofread your paper or ask someone to do it for you.

If I Could Change the World: Essay Topics

  • Can one person change the world?
  • What can we do to eliminate the global violence?
  • How I would change animal rights and welfare laws .
  • Helping homeless people is a critical task for humanity.
  • Becoming a social service assistant is the best way to change the world.
  • Creativity can change the world and make it a better place to live in.  
  • If I could change the world, I would destroy nuclear weapons.
  • Can courage change the world when the cost is so great?
  • We need to stop climate change to save the world.
  • What I can do to save the world from global warming.
  • The things I would do to eliminate gaming addiction from the world.
  • I would save the Earth from destruction by making hanges in an energy crisis.
  • Why we should pay more attention to the overpopulation problem .
  • Fighting inflation and unemployment is a way to change the world.
  • What I can do today to help integration of children with special needs.
  • Elimination of smoking will change the population’s health for the better.
  • If we want to save the Earth, we should reduce air polution.
  • The best career choice to change the world.
  • If I could change the world, I would improve the humanity and nature relationship.
  • The most important thing I would change about this world is the disease prevention level.
  • Combat the growing trend of obesity to improve health in the community.
  • Should we ban consumable plastics to save oceans wildlife?
  • Using electric vehicles instead of gas cars will improve people’s life quality.
  • Removing domestic violence and abuse is the thing I would do to change the world.
  • What I would change to create an ideal society.  
  • Becoming a teacher is my way of improving schooling for young learners.  
  • How I would change the economic situation in modern Latin America.
  • My plans on banning experiments on animals.  
  • Preparing effective tools to change the children’s world.
  • We need to change the system to remove health disparities.  
  • What I would do to change the situation with alcohol abuse in the world.
  • Racism is the global issue that requires an immediate change.
  • The things that can be done to change the level of substance abuse among adolescents.
  • If I could change the world, I would remove gender inequality from it.
  • The solution to social problems within educational institutions is the change we should make in this world.
  • What changes can we make to overcome the world poverty?
  • Why it’s important to resolve the global water crisis.  
  • The solution of immigrant problems is a step towards a better society.
  • How eliminating corruption will make this world better.
  • What can I do to help resolve the problems of older adults ?
  • Lowering crime rates will change the world.
  • How I would change the situation with indigenous Australians.
  • Preventing and curing breast cancer is one of the greatest concerns in modern society.
  • What can we do to prevent disease outbreaks?
  • Why the problem of school violence requires our immediate attention.
  • How I would change the food distribution to combat the issue of world hunger.  
  • Why we should promote renewable energy sources.
  • Terrorism is the most urgent problem in modern society.
  • What would I do to change the situation with school bullying?  
  • What should we change in the world to resolve the problems of LGBT people?

📝 If I Could Change the World: Essay Example

In this section, you’ll find an essay example on the topic. The downloadable PDF version is under the preview. Hope it will inspire you to write your own If I Could Change the World essay!

If I Could Change the World: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)

The idea of having a tremendous influence on the course of the world history is rather tempting since it implies huge power and the availability of any resource possible. Thus, the possibility of changing the world might be perceived solely as a positive concept at first. However, without the ability to encompass and understand the global implications of the changes that I would make, I would take the actions that would most likely result in the suffering of multiple people, which is why the described scenario is highly undesirable.

Now that you know a little more, it’s easy to come up with even more “If I Could Change the World” essay topics. Just think about them carefully or surf the web for some inspiration.

Thank you for reading till the end! Leave your comment in the section below. Share the article with friends who also have to write an “If I Could Change the World” essay.

Further reading:

  • World Peace Essay in Simple English: How-to + Topic Ideas

It is a paper that deals with a controversial question “Can we change the world” (or similar). There are many ways to develop this topic: from telling about a person, invention, or idea of speaking about skills for changing the world.

To be concise within such a broad topic might be a challenge. One strategy might be to think about who or what in human history has changed something in society a lot. It might be an invention, a politician, a scientist, etc. Then, focus just on that subject.

There many ways to change something, both negatively and positively. If we do not care about ecology, we ruin the world’s biosphere. If we do our best to stay eco-friendly, we make it a better place. We can also change the world with the help of education, science, medicine, etc.

If you do not like the topic you are given, there are always ways to divert from it. Meanwhile, you will formally keep it the same. You can, for example, start by introducing a correlated idea. Then, write about that idea and its connection to the topic.

  • One Person Can Change The World
  • Essay about Three Things I Would Change in the World
  • The Power of Music to Help Change the World (and Me!)
  • If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  • To Change the World, Change Yourself
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Essay “if you could change the world”: what would you do and why?

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How to Change the World: One Person Can Make a Lasting Impact

By andy minshew.

  • April 9, 2019

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Most of us have heard this quote by Mahatma Gandhi and perhaps even been inspired by it. It’s a beautiful sentiment and one that reminds us how everyone has the power to make an impact. Whether it’s by volunteering at a food bank, starting a nonprofit, or caring for your kids, what you do today can lead to lasting change.

But sometimes when we hear about so many global issues on the news, it can be difficult to believe that just one person can make a difference. Luckily, social change doesn’t have to happen instantly or on your own. By working together with your community to change lives one day at a time, your actions can have a meaningful impact.

If you’re interested in making the world a better place, read on to discover how one person can change the world and what makes a social change project successful. Then, discover a few tips on how you can change lives for the better.

How Much Can We Really Make an Impact in Our World?

how i plan to change the world essay

For as long as humans have been around, we’ve been asking ourselves questions about our purpose in life and how we can best fulfill it. These existential questions seem to be a part of human nature and often drive people to start social innovation projects so they can leave a meaningful mark on the world.[2] But sometimes, it’s hard to see what difference one person can make and how we can help our local and global communities.

Even if you’re not trying to solve world hunger or global warming, brainstorming ways to help your community can make a big difference. When we help others, it doesn’t stop with us. Studies have found that when we help others, those around us are more likely to help, too.[3] This means that the more we give our time or resources to the issues we care about, the more others will give in return. In that way, one person’s actions really can change the world for good.

Altruism is contagious and if you’re figuring out how you can make a difference, take it one day at a time. You may not always see how you impact the people you’re serving, but everything you do to promote change can add up over time. If every person committed to just one act of kindness a day, think how much better our world would become.

Want to Know How to Change the World? Start with One Person

At some point in our lives, most people find themselves declaring, “I want to change the world.” We are all hardwired to help others, and altruism is a part of what it means to be human.[5] This is what causes people to volunteer or dedicate their lives to something greater than themselves.

But meaningful or effective change isn’t always instant nor is it large-scale. Real impact can take months or years, and making the world a better place often means bettering it for a few people at a time. Every time you change just one person’s world, you’re starting a butterfly effect with the potential to improve lives for generations to come.

Asking yourself, “How can I make a difference? I’m just a single person.” Keep this poem by Edwin Osgood Grover in mind:[4]

“I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”

If you’re not sure what you can do to help others, consider what “the something that you can do” is. Maybe you’re a teacher and have noticed a child in your class is struggling to learn math . Or maybe you’re a parent and want to teach your family how to help others through the power of community service. Because everyone’s life is different, the opportunities you have to serve others are unique but essential for bettering the world around us.

Health Benefits of Giving Back to the Community

When we think about the benefits of helping others, our motivations are usually altruistic. But the benefits of volunteering, doing community service, and finding ways to help those around us also extend to ourselves. Our physical, mental, and social-emotional health all flourish the more we serve our local and global communities.

how i plan to change the world essay

What are the Benefits of Trying to Change the World?

In terms of physical benefits, making a difference in your community can increase your lifespan. Researchers found that seniors who regularly served others lived longer, on average, than those who didn’t.[3] The reasons are complex, but in part because people who volunteer often report lower levels of stress and depression. And what’s more, helping others can lower your blood pressure–people who volunteer for at least 200 hours a year can decrease their risk of hypertension by as much as 40 percent.[3]

And overall, giving back can help you find purpose and a sense of belonging. People who volunteer are more likely to feel like their lives have a purpose and are full of meaningful relationships.[3] Rates of loneliness and isolation plummet the more we serve those around us. When we’re helping others, we’re helping the whole community–including, as it turns out, ourselves.

In short, why is compassion so important for personal well-being? Consider the benefits:

  • Happier mood
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decreased risk of chronic stress, loneliness, and depression
  • Longer average lifespan
  • Greater sense of purpose and belonging

What Made People Who Changed the World Successful?

So you’ve decided that you want to make a positive impact: this is the beginning step to changing your community for the better. But how can you make sure that you have an effective and lasting impact? Knowing the right strategies can help you or your group help as many people as possible.[8] Keep these four tactics in mind, along with examples of social change achieved by people who made a difference.

First, do your research.[7] Once you’ve picked a problem in your community, find out what’s already been done to try to solve it. Where did previous efforts succeed, and where did they fail? What were they missing that you could provide? Knowing the answers to these questions will arm you with the insight you need to make a solution while avoiding common mistakes.

Once you’ve immersed yourself in research, make a plan of action and write it down.[7] Studies show that written goals are significantly more likely to be achieved than non-written ones.[9]

Set goals and ways to measure progress for yourself, such as:

  • Why is this goal important to you?
  • How often will you volunteer your time or resources towards this goal?
  • What are your next steps?
  • How much do you hope to achieve in a month? A year? Five years?
  • What is your ultimate goal and how will you know when you’ve achieved it?

How Jaime Escalante Made an Impact in His Community

Take Jaime Escalante, for example. Escalante taught math in Los Angeles and discovered a way to teach his struggling students. He put together a strategy that helped poorly-performing students not only grasp basic math skills but pass the AP Calculus test. Through crafting his program and researching the best ways to help his students, he was able to change thousands of lives.[10]

how i plan to change the world essay

But never underestimate the power of changing one person’s life. Twenty-year-old Anne Sullivan graduated from Perkins School for the Blind and moved across the country to teach a deaf-and-blind girl named Helen how to communicate with the world around her. Helen Keller grew up to be an advocate for those with disabilities and remained close friends with Sullivan for her entire life.[12] Don’t think that because you’re only helping a few people that your contribution doesn’t matter.

How to Change the World: Make the World a Better Place, One Life At a Time

If you’re figuring out how to make a difference in the world, you don’t always have to think globally. Every act of service you do adds up and can lead to lasting change.

Keep these tips on how to help the world around you in mind while exploring ways that you can make a difference:

  • Try giving back to your community. Research charities and nonprofit organizations in your area and volunteer a few times a month [1]
  • Stand up for causes that you care about. If you want to protect the environment, for example, attend a protest to save an endangered species or organize an Earth Day celebration
  • Do random acts of kindness for loved ones or people you meet throughout the day. Even little things like calling a friend or buying a stranger’s lunch can turn their day around
  • Find like-minded people who are committed to the same cause as you and can help you make an impact. [8]
  • Don’t work yourself to exhaustion. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t have the energy to take care of others [3]

Mawson, J. 10 Ways You Can Change the World Today . Amnesty International Australia, November 2018.[1]

Stonge, E. How to Change the World . Retrieved from rivendellvillage.org: https://www.rivendellvillage.org/How-To-Change-The-World.pdf.[2]

McCullough, A. Doing Good Does You Good . The Mental Health Foundation, May 2016, pp. 1-20.[3]

Grover, E.G. The book of good cheer; a little bundle of cheery thoughts . Chicago: P.F. Volland, 1909.[4]

Batson, C.D. Empathy-Induced Altruistic Motivation . University of Kansas Department of Psychology, March 2008, pp. 2-32.[5]

Piliavin, J. A., & Charng, H.-W. (1990). Altruism: A review of recent theory and research . American Sociological Review, 16, 27-65. [6]

Mittenthal, R.A. Ten Keys to Successful Strategic Planning for Nonprofit and Foundation Leaders . The Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, 2002, pp. 1-12.[7]

Hanleybrown, F., Kania, J., and Kramer, M. Channeling Change: Making Collective Impact Work . Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2012, pp. 1-8.[8]

Utah State University. Getting What You Want: How to Make Goals . Retrieved from usu.edu: https://www.usu.edu/asc/assistance/pdf/goal_setting.pdf.[9]

Escalante, J. The Jaime Escalante Math Program . Retrieved from: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED345942.pdf.[10]

Röhrs, H. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) . PROSPECTS: the quarterly review of comparative education, 1994, 14(1), pp. 169-183.[11]

Biography.com Editors. Helen Keller: Educator, Activist, Journalist (1880-1968) . Retrieved from biography.com: https://www.biography.com/people/helen-keller-9361967.[12]

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How Can I Make a Difference in The World

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Words: 838 |

Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 838 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Introduction, personal choices and actions, community involvement, global initiatives and advocacy.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Essays About Change: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

If you are writing essays about change, see below our best essay examples and writing prompts to help expand your horizon on this topic.

The only thing constant is change. It could be good or bad. It could be short-term or have a lasting impact. The best we can do is to ride on this inevitable and never-ending cycle of change and try coming out of it still standing, thriving, and smiling. This ability to cope with change is called resilience. 

However, some changes – such as the loss of a loved one or a livelihood — are too overwhelming to deal with that some fall into trauma and depression, in which case psychological support is highly encouraged. Read on to see our round-up of rich, well-written essays about change, and a list of helpful prompts follows to help you start your essay. 


1. “The Psychology Of Dealing With Change: How To Become Resilient” by Kathleen Smith

2. how prison changes people by christian jarrett, 3. six ways the workplace will change in the next 10 years by jordan turner, 4. “social movements for good: what they are and how to lead them” by derrick feldman, 5. “the right way to make a big career transition” by utkarsh amitabh, 1. changing your lifestyle for the better, 2. be the change the world needs, 3. adapting to life-changing events, 4. addressing climate change, 5. how did technology change our daily lives, 6. people who changed the world, 7. if you could change the world, 8. dealing with resistance to change, 9. coming-of-age novels, 10. changing your eating habits.

“If you can learn to cope with change, you’ll lower your risk for anxiety and depression. Your relationships will flourish, and your body will feel healthier. But if you can’t cope with change, only a minor amount of stress can make you feel overwhelmed by life. You might also struggle to set and meet the goals you have for yourself.”

Instead of fixating on events and people over which we do not have the power to control, we should focus on ourselves and how we can embrace change without fear. Some tips in this essay include practicing self-care, being in the present, and focusing on your priorities, such as health and well-being. 

Check out these essays about being grateful and essays about heroes .

“Ultimately, society may be confronted with a choice. We can punish offenders more severely and risk changing them for the worse, or we can design sentencing rules and prisons in a way that helps offenders rehabilitate and change for the better.”

In an environment where you are forced to follow the rules to the letter and worry about your safety and privacy daily, prisoners could develop a kind of “perpetual paranoia” or “emotional numbing” and deteriorate cognitive abilities. The essay suggests a rethink in how we deal with law-breakers to encourage reform rather than punish and risk repeat offenses.

Check out these essays about police brutality and essays about assessment .

“As technology closes the divide between geographically separate people, it introduces cracks in relationships and cultures. The remote distribution of work means that many employees will not build the same social relationships in the workplace, leading to issues of disengagement and loneliness.”

The COVID-19 pandemic has already disrupted our way of work in our new normal, but more changes are yet to unfold. This essay looks into the future of work where responsibilities and demands will see a sea change; machines will be co-workers; and the best employee is defined by digital skills, not years of experience.

You might also like these essays about cinema and essays about jealousy .

“Social movements for good establish a mass platform of action for a population, which helps inform and cultivate the awareness necessary to help prevent an issue from affecting more people. True social movements for good have the power to generate awareness that produces tangible results, helping the general population live longer, more productive, happier lives.”

A social movement for good aims to bring social justice to an aggrieved community by calling for tangible support and resources. To accelerate a movement’s momentum, an effective leader must possess certain qualities in this essay.

“There were so many questions running through my head during this time. Why should I quit to make this my full-time job? Is this what I really want? When should I quit? Poet Mary Oliver’s words kept ringing in my head: ‘What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’”

Deciding on a career change is more complex than deciding whether you want to do something different. A career shift entails lifestyle, mindset, and motivation changes, each of which has to be carefully reassessed and prepared for. This essay guides you in deciding when or why it is right to leave your job.

10 Interesting Writing Prompts on Essays About Change

Below are thought-stimulating prompts to help with your essay: 

Committing to regular exercise or getting to bed earlier may be easier said than done. Moreover, the determination that was burning at the start of your lifestyle change journey may wane in the latter part when things get tough. So, for your essay, provide practical tips from wellness experts and your own experience on how to sustain a routine toward a better lifestyle. You can split your essay into sections for each health and wellness tip you recommend.

This is the gist of the famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi: “be the change you wish to see in the world.” Unfortunately, many of us get frustrated over people refusing to change but fail to see how this change should start with our perception and action. In this essay, write about what an individual can do to focus more on self-improvement and development. 

Have you ever faced a situation where you had to adapt to a drastic change? It could be moving to a different city or school or dealing with losing a loved one. Share your experience and list the traits and practices that helped you through this challenging phase. You may also research what psychologists recommend people to do to keep from falling into depression or developing anxiety. 

To offer a unique highlight in your essay, tackle what your school or community is doing to fight global warming. Interview city councilors and mayors and learn about ongoing initiatives to keep the city clean and green. So this essay could help entice others in your community to work together and volunteer in initiatives to slow climate change.

Essays About Technology

List down the advantages and disadvantages technology has presented in your life. For example, seeking clarification from teachers about an assignment has been made easier with the many communication channels available. However, technology has also enabled a work-at-home or distance learning arrangement that is causing burnout in many households. 

Feature a person who has revolutionized the world. It could be a scientist, artist, activist, writer, economist, athlete, etc. Preferably, it is someone you idolize, so you do not have to start from scratch in your research. So first, provide a short profile of this person to show his life and career background. Then, write about their ultimate contribution to society and how this continues to benefit or inspire many. 

If there’s one thing you could change in this world, what would it be? This sounds like a question you’d hear in pageants, but it could be a creative way to lay down your life advocacy. So, explain why this is where you want to see change and how this change can improve others’ lives.

Resistance to change is most common when companies modernize, and the dinosaurs in the office refuse to learn new digital platforms or systems. Write about what you think leaders and human resource units should do to help employees cope with changes in the new normal.

A coming-of-age novel tells stories of protagonists who grow up and undergo character transformation. From being eaten up by their fears, the main heroes become braver and better at confronting a world that once intimidated them. For this prompt, share your favorite coming-of-age novel and narrate the changes in the hero’s qualities and beliefs. 

Delivering fast food has become so easy that, for many, it has become a way of life, making it an enormous challenge to replace this practice with healthy eating habits. So, research and write about nutritionists’ tips on creating a lifestyle and environment conducive to healthy eating habits.

If you’re still stuck picking an essay topic, check out our guide on how to write essays about depression . For more ideas, you can check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

how i plan to change the world essay


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If I Could Change the World: Essay Outline & Guideline

There are a few crucial elements involved in this essay writing. The How? What? When? Whom? and Where? These are the questions that define this essay. The structure of the paper determines the perfect place for the answers to each of the above. If you have good tips provided by IBuyEssay professionals, you can write an original and unique essay.

Argumentative essay outline: important questions

What are your thoughts on the world we live in? Many people cherish their lives, earthly living things, and being human. A good number of the world population may lack time to think and focus on the world surrounding them. They may not notice that the world needs changes.

Does time allow you to realize this? Do you have a feeling or a belief that the world around you aren’t safe as before? When you have a couple of suggestions on how to change the earth, then you can write the essay “If I could change the world.”

If I Could Change the World: essay ideas

Begin writing your essay by addressing specific things that you believe require changes. You won’t encounter problems on these points since they are the problems that we face every day.

These problems have been here with us for a long until some people assume they can’t change anymore. What if all the people in the world gained consciousness and agreed to address one problem? In such a case, the world will be an excellent place to live.

An excellent of a problem to address is air pollution or global warming. Many issues exist that affect humanity and need your intervention. Writing an essay on change the world is an excellent chance to narrow down your essay topic. Imagine and describe the significant points in the paper on making the world a better place. You will build a perfect essay on change the world.

What will you do to change the world?

What is the most appropriate way to bring the changes? Whom will you seek for help? In this section, imagination is vital. Go deep into your topic and list the methods, ways, and strategies you will use to assist the world. To change the world, you need good resources. Think of the perfect person that will be of importance. Have a list of organizations and people and explain how they will boost your goal. You can involve some global celebrities and charities that will offer support.

Who will feel the impact of the changes?

Will your changes influence the whole society? Will some people need the changes more than others? It’s a good idea to include in your essay. Give clear indications of who will enjoy your actions. You can think of improving the lives of hungry African children. You can aim at helping animals facing global warming or improving the conditions of the poor.

When will you bring the changes?

Do your problems need immediate action? Discuss the worldwide issues that need urgent changes and can’t wait any longer. You can build a topic that relates to pressing global health problems. Then focus on incurable diseases.

Where will you make the changes?

Which area of the world will you change anything? It’s essential to have a specific location for global change. Will you target the whole world? Or will you begin from a particular area and expand later? When considering these ideas, don’t fail to mention your location in the paper.

Things to remember in your essay writing

  • Think outside the box

Representing original content doesn’t mean inventing or discovering something new. Instead, you can use other students’ essays to get points to develop your hypothesis.

  • Deep understanding

Have an in-depth understanding of the world’s problems. Prove your ability in concepts, issues, and facts you are addressing. Understand why they matter to you and the reader.

  • Develop an intelligible structure

Your essay should address issues like What? How? And Why? Also, have an introduction, main body, and a conclusion in your work. Finally, your summary should have a balanced argument.

  • Excellent language

Develop an effortless and smooth discussion for your readers to feel safe in your hands. Use natural flowing sentences, and the reader should grasp everything discussed. Check grammar, punctuation, typos, and spelling.

These are the significant facts to consider when writing how can I change the world essay. Derive the world problems and use this guideline to develop a perfect paper.

how i plan to change the world essay

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How to Change the World (45 Things You Can Actually Do)

We might not be able to change the whole world all by ourselves, but by making small improvements in our own lives and inspiring other people to do the same, a snowball effect may occur that can positively affect our planet in time.

So, what are the things we can do to bring positive change to the world?

Table of Contents

Change your attitude

Thinking process for developing an idea to change the world, true change happens at the center, changing the world is about changing yourself, change the way we think about the world, it starts by effecting a single person, setup a mission-based organization, improving the world will take effort on many fronts, choose quality goods, no act is too small to create change, take a vacation that saves the planet, everyone can play a part in changing the world one step at a time, change happens when we shift a behavior, be kind and spread non-judgmental love, helping someone else through their pain, changing the world isn’t easy, start by doing the right thing, personal demonstration and a lifetime commitment are the keys – no skills required, supporting and empowering others, making a big impact can start with just small actions, education and reflection are key, know yourself, volunteer at your local animal shelter, frequently asked questions.

Phil La Duke


CEO and Global Business Principal Safety Consultant

You are part of the world so if you change, the world changes, albeit a tiny bit. But sometimes a seemingly insignificant change that you make in your life can have sweeping consequences.

For example, about 10 years ago I came to the realization that I didn’t like what I had become. I traveled a lot for work and was always grumping about delayed flights, bad service at hotels and restaurants, and being ripped off by the policies of rental cars. I was miserable both while traveling and at home.

One day, I got sick of listening to myself and made a commitment that every time I complained about something I would find three things to compliment with the same vehemence. It was tough at first but I pushed through it. I found myself so desperate to find 3 people/things to compliment that I started heading off problems.

I greeted hotel clerks with a cheerful smile and asked how their day was going where before I would snarl at them. After someone did a particularly good job, I would ask to see the manager. The manager would always come out expecting a big complaint, and it would freak him or her out when I would praise an employee for the service provided.

It made them feel so good that I felt good. I imagine it made them feel so good that they were treating people better. Then it became a habit with me. I have had airlines upgrade me because I offered my seat to a wheelchair-bound passenger. Hotels upgrade me because I made their day. People smile at me when I meet them on the street. And most importantly I am happy.

Be more optimistic

Optimism is a skill and needs to be developed. Humans tend to default to pessimism because it prepares one for the worst. But the worst case scenario is seldom the most likely scenario and pessimism makes you see the world as a bleak and predatory landscape.

Developing positive thinking helps you to become more resilient and strengthens your immune system. Optimism is contagious and the change it brings can be tremendous.

Think before you speak

Do you have a family member, friend or coworker that has made a real mess of their lives? Are you tempted to tell them that it is their own darned fault? Don’t. Before you speak (especially when giving advice) ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it true? Too often we see a situation through a lens that may not be all that clear, in other cases we make assumptions with no evidence as to their efficacy.
  • Is it kind? “The truth hurts” goes the old adage, but this needn’t be the case. When we are sharing our opinions on the actions or situation of another we can be honest without being insulting or unkind.
  • Is it necessary? Do you have a friend who is fat? Do they know they need to lose weight (or quit smoking, or whatever)? If they know they need to change something in their life then you telling them that they need to change it isn’t necessary, it’s rude and intrusive and you should keep your opinion to yourself; in these cases, it’s usually about you being aggressive and wanting to feel better than trying to be helpful.
  • Is it invited? If a person doesn’t ask your advice don’t offer it. If a person wants to know what you think they will ask you to tell them. Just because a person is going through a difficult time is not an invitation for you to run your mouth.

Smiling makes other people happy and puts them at ease. Happy people treat other people better and the world gets better.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. Whether it is to forgive your own self or someone else, learn to do so. If someone cuts you off in traffic forgive him or her.

You have probably cut someone off without meaning to, or maybe you did mean to because you were rushing to the deathbed of a loved one. Don’t let a random stranger control your mood.

Make the day, don’t let the day make you

You are a human being and how you react to the things that happen to you is completely within your control. Choose to be kind to strangers, charitable to the needy, and nice to people whether they deserve it or not.

If you make these changes you send ripples through the whole universe and who knows what great things will come from the positive energy you exude.

Bryan Mattimore

Bryan Mattimore

Co-founder & Chief Idea Guy, Growth Engine Innovation Agency

Here’s a simple thinking process for discovering and developing an idea to change the world:

Create an original idea that you are passionate about – and that you think has the potential to change the world. How? Use one of the following five, idea-thinking strategies:

  • Continually ask yourself, “What’s the problem?”
  • Adapt or leverage a new technology to address/solve a problem.
  • Find ways to help people self-actualize.
  • Save people or institutions money.
  • Save time or increase the speed or efficiency of something.

To help you discover an initiative you are passionate about, start by creating a long list – of at least 10 – but preferably 25 areas or areas in which you would like to change the world.

Do you want to change the world with:

  • A new app that makes commuting easier.
  • A national restaurant concept that helps improve communication between family members when eating out.
  • A new hydroponic, agricultural process that helps feed the world more economically.
  • A service that helps older people or retirees get jobs.
  • A non-profit that enables aspiring artists to get their notice around the world.
  • A new type of adventure service (real or virtual) to aid former drug addicts in their recovery.

Once you have your arena in which you would like to change the world, use a variety of creative thinking/brainstorming techniques to develop your idea further.

One technique you could try is the wish technique where you wish for the “impossible,” and then try to figure out how to make your impossible wish real.

Another technique is the silly idea technique. Come up with not good ideas but silly ideas in your area of interest/passion and use that “silly idea” to inspire an original, practical idea.

A third is to use a whiteboard in your office – and every day – post preliminary ideas, areas for further research, questions, etc. that could ultimately trigger your “big idea” to change the world.

With a specific idea you are passionate about bringing to the world, do some inexpensive research to further vet and develop your idea. Talk with friends, family, business associates, even cocktail party acquaintances about the following:

  • What they think of the idea.
  • If they have any contacts that could help you either finance or help you learn more about the need for.
  • The potential impact of your idea on the world.

To further crystallize the idea – and make it easier to communicate with others who might want to help you bring your idea to the world – create a billboard for your idea. Your billboard should have a benefit headline, visual, and reason-to-believe or call to action.

Example: A service that promotes mindfulness in classrooms.

Headline: Mindfulness training in classrooms… it’s time!

Visual: Kids in a classroom with their eyes closed and thought bubbles of different course material.

Reason to Believe: Teachers report a 30% increase in test scores among heir students taking mindfulness training. 

Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski

Mary Jo Podgurski

Author | Sexuality Counselor | President & Founder, Academy for Adolescent Health, Inc.

Each person is unique and worthy; each person is born with the capacity to create, to learn, and to make positive change. How to change the world?

As a child, I hungered to change the world. I dreamt of traveling to foreign lands and establishing equity. I was caught up in a hero journey script, where one person took on evil and injustice and the world turned into a loving, safe place.

I was a teen in the sixties, so Martin Luther King and the Kennedy brothers inspired me – until their deaths when I realized standing for change in the world can be dangerous. Undeterred, I jumped headfirst into work for social justice.

It was my papa, a man without formal education, yet blessed with outstanding wisdom, who set me on the right path. First, he told me, you change or improve yourself .

Create an identity that welcomes all to you. Work to respect all, even those people who disagree with you. Live your message, because just saying it means little if your life doesn’t reflect your words. After you get yourself right, spread your message from your core – to your family, to your friends, to your co-workers, to your community.

For the last 50 plus years, I’ve focused on making change where I am. I bloom where I am planted. Young people are my focus, my mission, and my reason for teaching. In them, I see hope for real change. I envision a future based on respect and acceptance, not judgment and hate. Our kids are all right.

My motto is #EachPersonIsAPersonofWorth . Between 1988 and 2013, my staff and I taught over230,000 teens quality sexuality education focused on respect, consent, and sexual health.

We’re still teaching. We made a real change in our small community by lowering teen pregnancy rates, but more importantly, we created a culture of respect that transformed teens into ambassadors for respect.

One changes the world one person at a time. Create internal change and spread the message. Create and maintain leadership succession and sustainability.

No mission is about one person – do not seek fame or fortune, but dedicate your life to change that goes on in a legacy after your death.

As I tell my team, it’s not about us. It’s about change that makes the world a better place, One Kid at time TM. If one young person’s world is changed for the better, and that one young person passes on a change to one more person, we have a ripple that makes lasting change become reality.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Margaret Paul

Psychologist | Author | Relationship Expert | Co-Creator, Inner Bonding®

It’s about moving out of fear, anger, anxiety, and depression and into the peace, love, and joy that results from learning to love yourself.

Loving yourself isn’t about taking a warm bath or getting your nails done. It’s about learning to take responsibility for your feelings – for learning to stop abandoning yourself with your self-judgments, addictions and blaming others – and learning to treat yourself like someone you love.

Related: How to Love and Accept Yourself as You Are

When you abandon yourself, you then project your anger outward, which is what is causing the problems on our planet. When you judge yourself, you judge others. When you think you are not good enough within, you then project that out, which causes racism, sexism, the need for power over others, and greed.

People who are emotionally abandoning themselves try to fill up externally instead of realizing that it’s only love that fills and brings joy.

Each of us has the choice each moment regarding our intention, and there are only two intentions to choose from:

  • The intent to control.
  • The intent to love.

It’s choosing the intent to control that is destroying relationships and destroying our planet. It’s time to choose the intent to learn to love yourself and share your love with others.

When you learn to truly value who you are as a unique expression of the Divine which is Love, and you know yourself to be love in your soul, then you can see the love that is in each of us. As we each learn to love ourselves and fill ourselves with love, that love overflows and we want to share it with others.

Our world would heal if each person was focused on learning to love themselves and then extend their love to others and to the planet.

Erica Hornthal , LCPC, BC-DMT

Erica Hornthal

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Move! When we move our bodies, we change the way we think about and relate to our own world.

Becoming more aware of our own bodies, our kinesphere, and the people in it can lead to greater empathy which can reduce violence and enhance compassion. When we know how our words and actions truly impact others we think twice before “pulling the trigger”.

Being mindful and bodyful is within everyone and with awareness and practice, we can make the world a better place.

Steven I. Azizi, Esq.

 Steven I. Azizi

Lawyer | Founder, Miracle Mile Law Group

I truly believe that everyday people can change the world by understanding that it starts by effecting a single person as opposed to a large aggregate of individuals.

A good way to begin is by approaching your colleagues, family, or friends, and ask yourself how can I provide some value to these people? It could be as simple as sending them an article that relates to a conversation you previously had or congratulating that person on a recent success.

Related: Building Strong Work Relationships

By building this momentum of good deeds and thoughtfulness, more and more people will be attracted to you. You’ll soon realize that as this number grows, your ability to make a change on a greater scale will easily be accomplished.

As a personal anecdote, I remember starting out as a new attorney with a solo practice. As time progressed, word spread of my firm’s quality work and soon I was making a change within the legal realm. I’m confident this is because I provided value to my clients and colleagues.

Sean Sessel

Sean Sessel

Founder & Director, The Oculus Institute

The single most powerful thing you can do to change the world is to build a company, a nonprofit, a movement, or some other organization. One person can only do so much alone, but by rallying others to your cause you can magnify that change dramatically.

Setting up this mission-based organization requires a lot of thought. History is littered with well-meaning attempts to change the world that went off the rails. Here are some things to consider:

  • Sustainability (especially financial sustainability, which is an advantage for creating a purpose-based company).
  • Culture of the organization (especially getting the right key people involved early and making sure that culture flows from the top).
  • Implementation (a clear actionable path to achieve specific, measurable results is far more powerful than a fluffy vision without an operationalized plan).
  • Long-term vision, including growth plans.
  • Structure to ensure that the sustainability, culture, implementation, and growth endure beyond you.

Donna Cameron

Donna Cameron

Author, A Year of Living Kindly: Choices That Will Change Your Life and the World Around You

Right now, I think most of us would agree that the world is not in good shape and that we seem to be heading in the wrong direction—perhaps irreversibly. There are numerous reasons, ranging from climate to resources, to politics, to economics, to prejudice.

One big problem—and the one I’m focused on—is that we’re in the midst of an epidemic of incivility.

Literally an epidemic. It’s been shown that rudeness and unkindness are contagious. Just like the measles. According to researchers at the University of Florida, rudeness spreads like a cold or the flu—it’s passed from one person to the next until masses of people have it.

Not only do people who are subjected to rude treatment themselves subsequently behave rudely, even those who only witness rudeness succumb to rude behaviors. This explains so much about the state of our world these days. We are experiencing a fast-growing epidemic.

But there’s good news from science, too: kindness is equally contagious.

It begets more kindness. When we’re kind, we inspire kind behavior in others, and they, in turn, inspire others. The effect ripples out beyond our awareness. Whether we extend kindness, receive kindness, or merely witness kindness, the result is the same: it acts as a catalyst for more kindness. Pretty soon, the world is changed.

So, we have a choice of which contagion we want to spread. We are more likely to choose wisely if we recognize this and start asking at every interaction: Do I want to expand rudeness, disrespect, and incivility, or do I want to replace it with compassion, respect, and cooperation?

If we pay attention and consider both who we want to be and what sort of world we want to live in, we will start changing the dynamic and restoring civil discourse. It sounds easy, but it’s not. It takes practice and it takes paying attention.

We can further counter the epidemic of incivility and start changing the world by learning to absorb an insult without retaliating and to hear harsh words and not hurl them back. These small acts will slow the reverberation of unkindness. It’s hard to do, but it gets easier with practice.

Improving the world will take effort on many fronts. This is just one of them. But it’s a big one!

Dave Munson

Dave Munson

President, Saddleback Leather Co.

I say that by buying quality goods for the rest of your life, you will change the world. It may not be noticeable, but you will be doing your part. And not just with leather bags, but with shoes and toasters and couches and fishing poles, etc.

Quality is good for the environment. Buy nice or buy twice. If everyone bought bags that lasted twice as long, then we would have half as many bags in landfills. If everyone bought shoes that lasted twice as long, then we would have half as many shoes in landfills. Half as much mining for the metals and half as much oil used to make the synthetics.

Quality is good for the poor. They spend far more money on buying low-quality goods over and over again. A general rule of thumb, if you pay twice as much, it will last ten times as long and you’ll save a ton of money.

Quality is good for the makers. Factories who produce low-quality goods are often abusers of their people. India has an estimated 18.5 million slaves. China has 3.5 million and most of them are making low-quality goods. And if they’re not slaves, they are desperate people with no options but to work in horrible conditions for peanuts.

High-quality companies care about where their goods are made and who makes them. Low quality low priced companies generally don’t want to or care to know. It’s not a good deal unless it’s a good deal for everybody.

When people ask me why my leather bags are so expensive, I tell them that they’re asking the wrong question. They should ask why theirs are so cheap. Buy quality and change the world.

Pratibha Vuppuluri

Pratibha Vuppuluri

CEO, She Started It!

Anyone can do something to help change the world. No act is too small to create change. With that said, here are a few ways we can do to help make change a better place to live in.

  • Be kind. Kindness is contagious. Once you do an act of kindness, the person you showed kindness will mostly do the same to other people. It’s like a domino effect. Being kind is as simple as helping someone in need.
  • Spread happiness. You don’t need to do so much to make other people happy. By way of greeting the saleslady in your favorite shop or praising your subordinate at work for a job well done is enough to make someone happy.
  • Be a law-abiding citizen. The laws are there for a reason. They help keep any community or country to stay organized and orderly. Follow the rules, follow the laws and you will help a lot in creating a better world.
  • Be respectful. Respect the elders, respect every single person around you.
  • Keep it clean. With the emerging problems in the world today, particularly the environment, you are helping a lot by simply keeping your surroundings clean. Put your trash on the right places and go green.

These are just five of the many simple things you can do to help make a change. Do your part. By doing your part, you are not only changing the world for yourself but for generations to come as well.

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Roberta Kravette

Roberta Kravette

Co-Owner, Destination: Wildlife

The way we vacation matters. Some travel budgets go right into the pockets of big business – but some help save the world. We can have a fabulous travel vacation and help climate change and change lives for the better all at the same time – simply by how we chose.

We are not necessarily talking “home shares,” those are fast becoming big business, too with investors buying multiple homes for the purpose of short-term renting to tourists – and destroying once peaceful neighborhoods. And we are not talking about the minimum wage for the hotel maid.

Where do you want to go? The islands? Mountains? Interested in culture? Beautiful nature? 

Here’s one example:

Puerto Rico: Have authentic experience instead of the same-old of a corporate-owned look-alike resort. Enjoy the peace and serenity of a fully outfitted treehouse in a lush rainforest garden. Listen to coquis sing and a waterfall’s gurgle, watch rainbow-colored birds and butterflies from your deck.

Eat delicious meals made from garden ingredients. Be close to the beaches, a national forest, and the fabulous art and culture scene of old San Juan.

The treehouses were hand built in the traditional way by a local artisan family who continues to manage and tend the regenerated rainforest garden (a failed agriculture scheme had rendered it clear cut and barren for 100 years).

After hurricane Maria destroyed the gardens, they rebuilt without government help. Your vacation allows those families and their extended families and the community to continue the recovery. And the regenerated rainforest adds life to the planet’s “lungs” absorbing carbon and helping to balance the causes of climate change.

When you chose with care, your week of relaxation helps save a little section of the world.

Anywhere you go, from Bali to Brazil or from Namibia to New York, there are vacation opportunities that economically benefit the community and the environment.

Look for experience providers that follow “responsible travel” practices – you will be helping to save the planet, and having a great vacation, too.  

Paige Arnof-Fenn

Paige Arnof-Fenn

CEO, Mavens & Moguls

Examples abound from picking up litter in your neighborhood to volunteering at a local food bank or women’s shelter to reading to children at the library to visiting with the elderly on a regular basis.

It does not take any special skills or training just a desire to pitch in and time commitment to make it a priority. Every community has nonprofit organizations doing great work on the ground and all of them are under-resourced so giving them your time and/or money is a huge help.

Whether you want to help children, animals, the environment or people with special needs, just ask around your local community and you will find many ways to change the world. It starts with you.

Susan Petang

Susan Petang

Certified Mindful Lifestyle & Stress Management Coach, The Quiet Zone | Author, The Quiet Zone – Mindful Stress Management for Everyday People

There are things we can actually do to change the world:

  • Stay mindful. Worrying about the past or the future isn’t going to change either.
  • Be solution oriented. Instead of complaining about what should be, think about what is, and ask yourself, “ What is something positive I can do about this? “
  • Be empathetic. Walk a mile in someone else’s moccasins. Think about what their experience must be like and how they are feeling before reacting.
  • Find gratitude. There is always something in every situation for which we can be grateful – even if it’s only that we have the strength to get through it. Related:  18 Things to Be Thankful for (The Ultimate List)
  • “Think globally, act locally.” No matter how big an issue is, if many individuals play their part, significant change can be accomplished.

Leslie Ng

Mindset and Business Coach

If you’re feeling really stuck on what you can do, the first thing to know is that change happens when we shift a behavior, structure or belief in the system.

And that everyone’s sweet spot is that intersect of your unique mix of talent, skills and interest and that little part of the system you can nudge. For example, if you are a photographer, maybe it’s taking images of a subject that shifts a belief we have. Or maybe it’s taking your design skills and creating better signage or equipment that shifts a behavior.

Change can happen through these small shifts, so it’s not about trying to take on a huge problem but to collaborate on these small shifts through the intersection of your unique skills and talents.

Much more simplified, whether you care about climate change, poverty, equity, inclusivity or another global issue, you can introduce the conversation of things you really care about to your circle of family and friends so you start to create the awareness.

Find your tribe and collectively raise your voices and demand changes to policies and regulations that may be keeping systems in place. And finally, choose to live more sustainably, eat less meat, make your home more energy efficient and choose an electric vehicle.

Andrea Travillian

Andrea Travillian

Lifestyle Transformation Coach | Aspirify

Changing the world is easy, most would laugh at this. However, there is one simple thing you can do, and it costs nothing and very little time.

Be kind and spread non-judgmental love. Especially in our modern world people feel alone. By being nice and loving, you can change someone’s day. It does not have to be major. Smile, say hello, talk to the cashier without your phone out. Listen to your kids and spouse. Just be there for people. If we all did this the world would be dramatically different.

Author | Educator | Strategist | Owner, Financial Black Belt Academy

On a personal level, I have developed the M.E.N.S. Network. M.E.N.S. stands for Mentoring, Encouraging, Nurturing, and Strengthening. I have also published a book titled The Plan , which takes the concept to a whole new level.

How I change the world is through this process: setting aside my priorities, entering into someone else’s struggle, and walking alongside him or her on a path of restoration through mentoring, encouraging, nurturing, and strengthening that person.

I find thinking about helping someone else through their pain is the best way to take my eyes off of myself and change the world… at least the world that I live in.

Aaron Iara

Founder, Effective Nerd

There are a lot of people with competing viewpoints and a limited amount of time, energy and resources. It may feel hopeless to attempt to do anything.

I have noticed that most people use the government as their way to donate to charity. They think that their taxes are enough to change the world (or at least their country). People will vote for the government to open charity programs. If the law does not pass, they stop trying to help.

I believe that this is a flawed approach to changing the world. I don’t believe that doing the bare minimum civic duties is going to change anything. We need to get out there, get our hands dirty, and do it ourselves.

For example, say there is a bill proposed that would help disabled people. The law would increase everyone’s taxes by $1 and use the money to open a charity. The vote is lost by 40% to 60%.

Typically, the next years of bills and elections would be spent fighting for this cause. However, let’s say the 40% in favor of the law all donated the $1 to charity and pitched in a little. They would make a far bigger impact on the world than their failed voting efforts.

Voting and political action are not enough. Changing the world does not require the permission of our leaders. It can be accomplished by regular people working together. Let’s get out there and make a difference!

If you want to change the world, don’t wait for your leaders and society to come around to your cause. Get out there, help people, and donate your time and resources.

Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown

Founder, Raising Kane

Everyone thinks that to change the world you have to have superpowers. You have to be unique. You have to have something everyone else doesn’t have. The truth is we can all change the world!

We can all make where we live a better place by doing the right thing- whether it’s picking up garbage, helping out our neighbor, holding the door open for a total stranger. Going the extra mile helps everyone. It gives you a sense of pride and for others, that there are still good people out there in the world. You will influence them to do better themselves.

The people you see changing the world or who you look up to, they do the right thing daily, overtime with consistency which adds up to great things, movement.

People like us want to change the world, not just talk about it! Be your own superhero! Start doing the right thing!

Lori Ramas

Workflow & Systems Specialist, Relezant

You don’t need a degree or very much practice to change the world. Whatever really matters to you whether it’s cleaning the ocean, making people laugh , saving animals, or recycling if you don’t embody what you believe in, it won’t make a difference. No matter if you’re doing business or just taking a personal stand for something, ultimately, people will look at you not just your work.

So I invite you to check in with yourself and see if you are demonstrating a lifestyle that aligns with what matters most to you. This is a critical part of changing the world that not everyone touches on.

It’s not just about the actions you take, although integral, it’s also about who you are, what you demonstrate to the world, and that you do it again and again over time.

If you think of the most famous people or your heroes you can see that they clearly showed the world by example and stuck with it. So get involved with something that lights you up and makes your heart swell, I guarantee you even if you do need a certification or to study something, it won’t be hard and it won’t take long.

Elizabeth Adan

Elizabeth Adan

Poet | Entrepreneur

I used to think that one person couldn’t change the world, the way I saw the size and quantity of what can be considered a “ problem ” in today’s modern societies. However, after some deep exploration, I have found that one strategy has changed my life (and hopefully others around me as well!)

I believe all we have in the world is the love we share with one another. That’s the only thing that matters, to me, and I would imagine to most. Deep respect and treasure of the traits and personalities that make people unique are what gives me life and hope for the future.

Related: Why Is Hope so Important in Life?

Every small act of support, understanding, and kindness is a drop in the puddle of life, and the more love you drop, the stronger the waves of the ripple effect. I try to listen, appreciate, enjoy and help other people every single day.

If anything, it’s changed my life. I feel happier, more grateful, more connected and in tune with the environment and the humans around me, more capable of love and appreciation. My world has opened through supporting and empowering others to find their own happiness and truth, and I hope theirs has too.

Kyndall Bennett

Kyndall Bennett

Personal Development Blogger, Kyrabe Stories

I know this sounds like a quote to put on a cute kitty poster, but really it’s that simple and can also be fun! In fact, I offer you a challenge to get started.

Have you heard of the #TrashTag Challenge? In short, we find an area that’s covered in trash, take a before picture, clean the area, take an after picture, then challenge our friends to outdo our contributions.

We did a small area at the Sanford Riverwalk in Florida for some adorable ducks! When I say “small area”, I mean it took us less than thirty minutes to clean! To push the challenge further, we even made a video to show how simple it was to do some good!

Now here’s the bigger impact of it: let’s say three friends decide to take on your challenge then three of their friends take on their challenge. Because of your small contribution, you would have started a cleaning chain full of motivated challengers, and I can vouch that this is one challenge that I don’t mind losing to others!

David Garcia

David Garcia

Journalist | Communications Professional, Find Courses

Changing the world is not as difficult an endeavor as it may seem. When we think about old social conventions with clear examples such as gender equality, we realize that what was normalized in the past now appears outrageous over time for modern society.

This doesn’t happen magically. It is up to us as citizens who influence progress. We rely on values that drive our lives, behaviors, decisions, and everything we do. If we are aware of these values, we can stick to those that will benefit us and others.

Values will drive all kind of actions, both voluntary and involuntary, helping to foster change.

For this to happen, education and reflection are key. We can engage in both activities in many different ways. When watching movies, playing games, reading books, living experiences, or interacting with people we expose ourselves to situations where education and reflection take place whether consciously or unconsciously. If we act according to our positive values everyone can influence this process and have an impact on others and the world we live in.

Alexandra Nima

Alexandra Nima

Artist and Business Owner, The sophisticatedgeek.com

I started craving change at 9, inspired by the trauma and depth psychology books that were readily available in our home. As was knowledge, my environment lacked empathy and human qualities. I saw very early that a lot was wrong with this planet so I wanted to use my intelligence and strength to heal it.

Over the years, I have studied psychology, fashion, social sciences, business, tech, qigong and everything else I could get my hands on to source a solution. I dug deeper and deeper to find a way to eradicate what I consider the basic problem we have, the one root cause of all problems: the lack of true self-knowledge, a lack of individuation.

Know yourself, and all darkness fades. All wars and separation become unnecessary, as do their side effects, like poverty. My approach to solving the problem of stimulating mass individuation was first aimed at a unique band concept devised at age 19, which, after many trials and tribulations failed.

I had trained my body and mind, helped many people, networked and studied business to prepare myself, but could not find people who shared in my vision. Eventually, I developed autoimmune because the stress and adversity I faced in music, in business and generally from others was unbearable, and was knocked out for a few years.

Two years ago, I had to reorient completely. Now I am trying to bring the same values and strategy into a tech project, an empathy app that connects people at a very deep level.  Its hard and complex work, but I feel I am going somewhere.

These are things you can actually do:

  • Accumulate as much useful knowledge as you can.
  • Get as healthy and fit as can be, and train your mind to deal with adversity even of the unimaginable kind.
  • Don’t expect anything but hard work. If you really want to change things, you will have to fight much adversity, and will probably make enemies- even if that is the last thing on your mind. Change usually requires a change of the status quo, which rarely comes about without friction.
  • Train your inside, train your outside, and draw circles. Find your crowd, and use marketing to speak to them.
  • Prepare for emergencies, have a database with emergency contacts, and save up if you can.
  • Learn to run a business, learn to build an app, learn to sing like a pro. Whatever it is, use it as a platform to communicate change.
  • If you feel insecure, do something small. Pick up litter, paint a wall, adopt a rescue animal. No matter what.. just do it. Every little thing counts, and together, we can move a mountain.

Deirdre McKay

Deirdre McKay

Artist | Wellness Advocate | Author, “ Gifts of the Animals and Gifts of the Seas “

After many hours, days and years of being preachy and trying to push my ideas onto people, I’ve now resigned myself to a more “ sit-back and do my own life” attitude to change the world, it seems, actions often do speak louder than words.

Friends sometimes say they admire my path of trying new life and work opportunities or making travel part of my life and learning, and of making my art, wellness, writing and experiences a priority. Or they say, “ you are so lucky that you can travel .”

But the truth is, I’ve had to make my own “luck”, and endure stress and skimping, living on a budget, going without things like new wardrobe pieces, eating out, and more so that I can travel.

I’ve even ventured into the unknown and seemingly unstable territory of living without a home so that I can live on the road. I did the latter by renting out my condo to finance my travel so I can experience more of the world!

To me, changing the world means touching individuals and creating lasting and meaningful things that keep on giving – in my case art and children’s books with messages. My messages are of appreciating the beauty and the paradise we live in – and appreciating the gifts of animals, oceans, flowers, family, culture.

I’m an educator, mom, friend, artist and book author. I teach yoga indoors and outdoors, and the beach yoga I guide my students through is another way of appreciating our landscapes and natural resources and also “earthing” and “grounding” – which has been scientifically proven to heal our bodies and reduce inflammation.

When I see my son experiencing and taking risks – whether it is living a farm life, studying software engineering, traveling to Africa – I support him. He is tasting the flavors of the world.

Struggles are for learning, and my struggles and career redirections inspired personal growth.

I hope to inspire others to take risks. To try things that help them grow and integrate all their loves into their lives – arts, movement, scientific or mathematical interests, family experiences or whatever makes them glow and smile.

Allison Hester

Allison Hester

Volunteer and Publisher of eClean Magazine

Mahatma Gandhi said , “ The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. ”

Three years ago, my daughter and I started volunteering at our local animal shelter, mostly because my daughter was having health issues and loves animals so we would go spend time with the shelter animals.

I’ve always loved animals but always thought that I would rather spend my charitable donations on programs that help people. That is until my shelter experience helped me realize how much animal charities actually do help people.

Since I started volunteering at the shelter, I’ve become super sensitive to the amazing impact that animals have on our emotional health and well being. Our shelter experience helped my daughter’s physical and emotional health improve more than any medical treatment she received. They make the world a better place.

So when it comes to changing the world, a simple thing to do is a volunteer at your local animal shelter, or foster pets (which we’ve since done), or adopt.

Going to the shelter for even a few minutes to love on the animals makes a huge difference for those animals, and it is a wonderful mental health booster for the volunteers as well, in turn, making the world a brighter place.

Abe Navas

General Manager, Emily’s Maids

In this era, there is only one thought that stands out and it is “ think globally, act locally ”.

Recycle. The single most important thing you need to start doing. Then comes the saving of water. You waste a lot of water, no matter when you read this. Don’t load your dishwasher with less than half of a load.

Don’t let the water run when you are brushing your teeth. Use public transportation. This way you save money and help the planet. This is the most basic things you can start doing!

What is the most important thing to consider when trying to change the world?

The most important thing to remember when trying to change the world is that even small actions can make a big difference. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of our problems, but every positive action, no matter how small, contributes to the greater good.

By focusing on our goals, working with others, and staying true to our values, we can positively impact the world around us. We must be patient and persistent in our efforts, recognizing that real change takes time and requires sustained effort.

Above all, we should never forget why we are working for positive change – to create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

Do I need a lot of money or influence to make a difference?

No! While financial resources or relationships can help accelerate progress toward certain goals, they are not necessary for creating meaningful change. Many successful movements in history were started by people who were passionate about their cause and willing to work hard for it.

How can I ensure that my actions have a positive impact?

Research and educate yourself about the problem you want to address.

Collaborate with others to create a more effective solution.

Measure the impact of your actions and adjust as necessary.

Listen to feedback from those you are trying to help.

Be patient and persistent in your efforts.

What are some examples of people who have changed the world?

Mahatma Gandhi  led India to independence through nonviolent civil disobedience.

Rosa Parks  sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped advance the civil rights movement in the United States.

Malala Yousafzai  advocated for education for girls and survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban.

Greta Thunberg  brought global attention to the urgent need for action on climate change

Bill and Melinda Gates  have dedicated their fortune to improving global health and fighting poverty.

How can I measure my impact when trying to create change?

Measuring results can be challenging, but it is essential for evaluating progress toward goals and making informed decisions about where to focus efforts. Depending on your objectives, you can use different metrics to track progress.

For example, if you are working on environmental issues, you could track changes in carbon emissions or ecosystem health over time. If you are working on social justice, you could track changes in policy outcomes or public opinion polls related to your cause.

How can I work with others to effect change?

Look for like-minded individuals or organizations that share your goals and explore ways to work toward common goals. This could mean teaming up for specific projects, sharing resources or expertise, or simply supporting and encouraging each other.

What are some examples of successful efforts to create positive change?

Countless examples of successful movements and initiatives have brought about positive change throughout history. Some notable examples include:

The civil rights movement in the United States helped ensure that black Americans were legally protected.

The women’s suffrage movement, which won the right for women to vote in many countries around the world.

The global effort to combat HIV/AIDS by increasing awareness, research funding, and access to treatment.

The movement for renewable energy sources as a means to combat climate change.

These successes demonstrate the power of collective action and sustained efforts toward a common goal.

What potential challenges can I face when trying to effect change?

Creating meaningful change is rarely easy—there will likely be obstacles and setbacks along the way. Potential challenges include:

Resistance from those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.

Lack of funding or resources needed to achieve goals.

Burnout and fatigue from sustained effort over time.

Difficulty in building consensus among various stakeholders.

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how i plan to change the world essay

Make a Difference: Change the World, Change Yourself

The relationship between society and individuals is closely connected, and what we do as individuals can have an impact on society as a whole. This means that the choices we make, both for ourselves and for others, can make a real difference in the world. However, many people who want to make a positive impact on the environment and society don’t know where to begin.

To help out, this article provides a guide for readers. It explains how acts of kindness can make us feel happier, and it offers seven practical ways that people can make a positive difference in the world.


According to Jane Goodall, we cannot get through one day without making a difference. The question is, what kind of a difference do we want to make?

We now have scientific proof that, the more we care about the happiness and wellbeing of our fellow humans, the happier we get . One pleasant side effect of making that kind of a difference is that, by changing the world around us, we change ourselves. And vice-versa. It is a “virtuous cycle.” So let’s get down to business and talk about three ways we can make a difference.

Top 7 Ways to make a  difference

Here are the top 7 ways to make a difference for your life and the world you live in:

Image shows top 7 ways to make a difference.

1. Volunteer your time

Giving back to your community can be a fulfilling way to contribute to the world around you. Volunteering also provides an opportunity to connect with others and build strong relationships .

2. Donate to charity

If you have financial resources to spare, consider donating to a cause that you care about. This could be a local charity or a larger organization that is working to make a difference in the world.

These are some of the most well known websites that provide opportunities to volunteer:

  • Volunteermatch
  • Pointsoflight

how i plan to change the world essay

3. Practice gratitude 

Taking time to appreciate the good things in your life can help cultivate a positive mindset and increase happiness. Consider keeping a gratitude journal or simply taking a few moments each day to reflect on what you are thankful for.

4. Reduce your environmental harm  

Taking steps to reduce your environmental impact can help to create a healthier planet for future generations. Also, proactive behavior for protecting the planet can improve your happiness since it helps you to engage with Earth in a meaningful way . 

According to United Nations , simple changes like: 

  • Using public transportation
  • Consuming less water
  • Being a well informed consumer and so on can all make a difference.

5. Be kind to others 

Spreading positive vibes and emotions can make the world a happier place. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact on those around you. Whether it is: 

  • Complimenting a stranger
  • Helping a neighbor
  • Or simply smiling at someone who looks like they could use it. 

6. Learn about science of happiness

One of the most enjoyable ways of making a meaningful difference is to learn more about the new science of happiness (the focus of this website) and sharing insights with your loved ones . You will discover, or perhaps you have discovered, that depression and unhappiness are not only generated by the “wrong” DNA. Many people are digging their own “unhappiness hole” out of pure ignorance. They have no idea how much of an impact their actions, or life skills, have on their mood.

  • Practice self-care : Taking care of yourself is essential for your own happiness and well-being. This might include exercise, meditation, or simply taking time to do activities that you enjoy.

student taking science of happiness course

  • Speak up for what you believe in : Whether it’s writing to your elected officials, participating in a peaceful protest, or simply having a conversation with someone who holds different beliefs than you, speaking up for what you believe in can help to create positive change in the world.
  • Spread joy : Finally, don’t underestimate the power of spreading joy and positivity. Whether it’s through sharing a funny meme, sending a heartfelt message to a loved one, or simply expressing your enthusiasm for something you’re passionate about, spreading joy can help to make the world a happier place.

7. Learn about other cultures

Expanding your understanding of different cultures and perspectives can help to foster empathy and reduce prejudice. Consider reading books or watching films from other countries, or engaging in conversation with people from diverse backgrounds.

Act of Kindness

If you are too busy to volunteer, or you are looking for easier ways to make a difference, small acts of kindness can go a long way..and they are infectious! Acts of kindness not only bring happiness to those you assist, science shows that they can provide a big lift to your mood as well.  Randomactofkindness website is a treasure.

Finally, if you would like to make a difference with a few taps on your keyboard, please support our cause . We teach about depression prevention (a leading cause of opioid abuse) in schools .

happy girl asking for donations

Further Readings

We offer several articles that introduce habits practiced by happy individuals. Here, we have selected three of them for you.

  • Relationships and Happiness
  • Unique Strengths & Happiness
  • The Philosophical Basis of Caring, Compassion, and Interdependence

Start Your Journey to Happiness. Register Now!

Intro to Science of Happiness

Pursuit-of-Happiness.org  ©2024

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how i plan to change the world essay

How to change the world (and five sources of inspiration)

Warning message.

As COVID-19 has expanded around the globe, many of our worlds have seemed to shrink.  We see too little of nature, receive too much bad news, and settle for virtual companionship in place of actual community. 

A post-COVID-19 world will not be the same one we knew before, but it can be a better one. “When we get past this crisis, which we will, we will face a choice,” says United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres. “We can go back to the world as it was before or deal decisively with those issues that make us all unnecessarily vulnerable to the crises.”

As the Earth Day is observed again this April and as plans are being put in plan to move forward, you’re invited to draw inspiration from people and projects already working to make the world a better place.


Recognize your strengths

“I was planning to be an astrophysicist,” admits Katharine Hayhoe. Instead, Hayhoe is a climate scientist, university professor and the host of the digital broadcast series, Global Weirding . “I realized I had the exact skills that we need to address this urgent problem.”

The urgent problem she refers to is climate change; and her exact skills include the ability to bring wide-ranging technical information down to a local scale, so that people can apply it in their lives and use it to inform their decision-making. “Because,” she explains, “hardly anybody ever talks about this issue.  And if we don’t talk about it, why would we care? And if we don’t care, then why would we act and why would we demand that others act too?”

When she isn’t writing papers or teaching graduate classes, Hayhoe continues to use her voice. An advocate of remote communication even before the COVID-19 pandemic, she can be found on social media, creating webinars, giving lectures and participating in online discussions. She contributed to Seasons 1 and 2 of Years of Living Dangerously , which aired on the National Geographic channel in 2016; and her latest episode of Global Weirding discusses climate change in the context of the COVID-19 virus , a theme she also tweets about regularly. 

In 2019, UNEP recognized Katharine Hayhoe as a Champion of the Earth for Science and Innovation .

Be part of the solution

“We’re in business to save our home planet.” This is the battle cry at Patagonia, the outdoor clothing brand founded by avid sportsman and rock climber, Yvon Chouinard, almost 50 years ago. Having observed the extent to which nature had already been destroyed, Chouinard was determined that his own company must adhere to a principle of no harm.

Fundamentally, this has meant creating high-quality products, designed to last. Because, explains Lisa Pike Sheehy, Patagonia’s Vice-President of Environmental Activism, “one of the most effective things you can do for the climate is to keep your clothing for longer.”

Beyond its commitment to impact-neutrality, however, the company is proactive in finding solutions to environmental challenges. In the 1980s, it adopted a self-imposed tax to generate funds for grassroots organizations working on environmental issues. It works with its customers to repair and reuse or recycle their old clothing items; and allows employees to leave work for up to two months–with full pay–to work for non-profit organizations on an environmental issue that they care about. The company continues to set aside one per cent of every sale and, to date, has donated more than US$100 million to non-government organizations. Sheehy is emphatic: “The climate crisis is real. It is here, and it needs solutions that match the urgency of the situation.”

In 2019, UNEP recognized Patagonia as a Champion of the Earth for Entrepreneurial Vision . 

Create communities

“I think everybody has a dream to become a hero and change the world,” says Di Xu. “But they cannot achieve this dream in daily life.” Xu is the Head of the Aliplay Ant Forest project, a project that turns regular people into a community of green heroes.

Users of the app are encouraged to adopt low-carbon activities in their daily lives–like walking, riding bicycles or using public transportation instead of driving. When they do, they earn virtual credits that are then used to engage non-governmental organizations and fund the planting of trees.

Xu explains that the name of the app, Ant Forest, is a precise reflection of its value: ants are very small in comparison to forests. And the power of an individual is limited, but when individuals collaborate, they can do great things. They can create forests! To date, Ant Forest has brought together 500 million people, planted more than 120 million trees and mitigated the impact of over 7 million tonnes of carbon.

In 2019, UNEP recognized Ant Forest as a Champion of the Earth for Inspiration and Action .

Become the leader you wish existed

“Nowhere have I found anyone in power who dares to tell it like it is,” says Greta Thunberg. Thunberg is now 17 years old, but she drew global attention when she was just 15. Frustrated by the lack of action on climate change, she sat in front of the Swedish parliament, every school day for three weeks, sharing her personal protest on social media.

In September 2018, she announced that she would continue striking every Friday until Swedish policies provided a plan for keeping the global temperatures within 2°C of pre-industrial levels . In doing so, Thunberg has inspired young people all over the world, who continue to strike as part of the Fridays for Future movement.

Explains one supporter, “It is our future at risk and the politicians who will probably not be alive when we will be adults are the same politicians who aren’t doing anything.” Fridays for Future is believed to have inspired some of the largest climate strikes in world history and continues to motivate activists of all ages: “People ask me what I am going to be when I grow up. And I ask them, why do I have to grow up to be somebody?”

In 2019, UNEP recognized Fridays for Future as a Champion of the Earth for Inspiration and Action .

“You could say that Costa Rica is so small that no matter what they do, it won’t have an impact on global emissions… But what is done in Costa Rica proves that it is possible.”  President of the Republic of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado Qesada speaks on behalf of a country with remarkable ambition.

Costa Rica is moving toward carbon neutrality faster than many other countries and has pledged to achieve zero net emissions by 2050.  If this seems unlikely, one might consider its track record. Fifty years ago, it had identified conservation as a priority and today, more than half of the country’s territories are under some degree of protection.

Since the 1980s, Costa Rica has effectively reversed the effects of deforestation, achieving forest coverage of over 52 per cent. Eco-tourism has provided a source of economic growth and 99.5 per cent of the energy it uses is from clean and renewable sources.

Noting that many of these initiatives began decades ago, the President acknowledges that, “It is a great responsibility to be consistent with this legacy and keep moving forward–and not by doing more of the same… We must do more.”

In 2019, UNEP recognized Costa Rica as a Champion of the Earth for Policy Leadership .

Champions of the Earth is the United Nation’s flagship global environmental award. It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme in 2005 to celebrate outstanding figures from the public and private sectors and from civil society whose actions have had a transformative positive impact on the environment.

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Bill Gates: Here's My Plan to Improve Our World -- And How You Can Help

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But like anyone with a mild obsession, I think mine is entirely justified. Two out of every five people on Earth today owe their lives to the higher crop outputs that fertilizer has made possible. It helped fuel the Green Revolution, an explosion of agricultural productivity that lifted hundreds of millions of people around the world out of poverty.

These days I get to spend a lot of time trying to advance innovation that improves people's lives in the same way that fertilizer did. Let me reiterate this: A full 40 percent of Earth's population is alive today because, in 1909, a German chemist named Fritz Haber figured out how to make synthetic ammonia. Another example: Polio cases are down more than 99 percent in the past 25 years, not because the disease is going away on its own but because Albert Sabin and Jonas Salk invented polio vaccines and the world rolled out a massive effort to deliver them.

Thanks to inventions like these, life has steadily gotten better. It can be easy to conclude otherwise—as I write this essay, more than 100,000 people have died in a civil war in Syria, and big problems like climate change are bearing down on us with no simple solution in sight. But if you take the long view, by almost any measure of progress we are living in history's greatest era. Wars are becoming less frequent. Life expectancy has more than doubled in the past century. More children than ever are going to primary school. The world is better than it has ever been.

how i plan to change the world essay

But it is still not as good as we wish. If we want to accelerate progress, we need to actively pursue the same kind of breakthroughs achieved by Haber, Sabin, and Salk. It's a simple fact: Innovation makes the world better—and more innovation equals faster progress. That belief drives the work my wife, Melinda, and I are doing through our foundation.

We went on a Safari to see wild animals but ended up getting our first sustained look at extreme poverty. We were shocked.

Of course, not all innovation is the same. We want to give our wealth back to society in a way that has the most impact, and so we look for opportunities to invest for the largest returns. That means tackling the world's biggest problems and funding the most likely solutions. That's an even greater challenge than it sounds. I don't have a magic formula for prioritizing the world's problems. You could make a good case for poverty, disease, hunger, war, poor education, bad governance, political instability, weak trade, or mistreatment of women. Melinda and I have focused on poverty and disease globally, and on education in the US. We picked those issues by starting with an idea we learned from our parents: Everyone's life has equal value. If you begin with that premise, you quickly see where the world acts as though some lives aren't worth as much as others. That's where you can make the greatest difference, where every dollar you spend is liable to have the greatest impact.

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I have known since my early thirties that I was going to give my wealth back to society. The success of Microsoft provided me with an enormous fortune, and I felt responsible for using it in a thoughtful way. I had read a lot about how governments underinvest in basic scientific research. I thought, that's a big mistake. If we don't give scientists the room to deepen our fundamental understanding of the world, we won't provide a basis for the next generation of innovations. I figured, therefore, that I could help the most by creating an institute where the best minds would come to do research.

how i plan to change the world essay

There's no single lightbulb moment when I changed my mind about that, but I tend to trace it back to a trip Melinda and I took to Africa in 1993. We went on a safari to see wild animals but ended up getting our first sustained look at extreme poverty. I remember peering out a car window at a long line of women walking down the road with big jerricans of water on their heads. How far away do these women live? we wondered. Who's watching their children while they're away?

That was the beginning of our education in the problems of the world's poorest people. In 1996 my father sent us a New York Times article about the million children who were dying every year from rotavirus, a disease that doesn't kill kids in rich countries. A friend gave me a copy of a World Development Report from the World Bank that spelled out in detail the problems with childhood diseases.

Melinda and I were shocked that more wasn't being done. Although rich-world governments were quietly giving aid, few foundations were doing much. Corporations weren't working on vaccines or drugs for diseases that affected primarily the poor. Newspapers didn't write a lot about these children's deaths.

This realization led me to rethink some of my assumptions about how the world improves. I am a devout fan of capitalism. It is the best system ever devised for making self-interest serve the wider interest. This system is responsible for many of the great advances that have improved the lives of billions—from airplanes to air-conditioning to computers.

But capitalism alone can't address the needs of the very poor. This means market-driven innovation can actually widen the gap between rich and poor. I saw firsthand just how wide that gap was when I visited a slum in Durban, South Africa, in 2009. Seeing the open-pit latrine there was a humbling reminder of just how much I take modern plumbing for granted. Meanwhile, 2.5 billion people worldwide don't have access to proper sanitation, a problem that contributes to the deaths of 1.5 million children a year.

Governments don't do enough to drive innovation either. Although aid from the rich world saves a lot of lives, governments habitually underinvest in research and development, especially for the poor. For one thing, they're averse to risk, given the eagerness of political opponents to exploit failures, so they have a hard time giving money to a bunch of innovators with the knowledge that many of them will fail.

By the late 1990s, I had dropped the idea of starting an institute for basic research. Instead I began seeking out other areas where business and government underinvest. Together Melinda and I found a few areas that cried out for philanthropy—in particular for what I have called catalytic philanthropy.

I have been sharing my idea of catalytic philanthropy for a while now. It works a lot like the private markets: You invest for big returns. But there's a big difference. In philanthropy, the investor doesn't need to get any of the benefit. We take a double-pronged approach: (1) Narrow the gap so that advances for the rich world reach the poor world faster, and (2) turn more of the world's IQ toward devising solutions to problems that only people in the poor world face. Of course, this comes with its own challenges. You're working in a global economy worth tens of trillions of dollars, so any philanthropic effort is relatively small. If you want to have a big impact, you need a leverage point—a way to put in a dollar of funding or an hour of effort and benefit society by a hundred or a thousand times as much.

One way you can find that leverage point is to look for a problem that markets and governments aren't paying much attention to. That's what Melinda and I did when we saw how little notice global health got in the mid-1990s. Children were dying of measles for lack of a vaccine that cost less than 25 cents, which meant there was a big opportunity to save a lot of lives relatively cheaply. The same was true of malaria. When we made our first big grant for malaria research, it nearly doubled the amount of money spent on the disease worldwide—not because our grant was so big, but because malaria research was so underfunded.

But you don't necessarily need to find a problem that's been missed. You can also discover a strategy that has been overlooked. Take our foundation's work in education. Government spends huge sums on schools. The state of California alone budgets roughly $68 billion annually for K-12, more than 100 times what our foundation spends in the entire United States. How could we have an impact on an area where the government spends so much?

We looked for a new approach. To me one of the great tragedies of our education system is that teachers get so little help identifying and learning from those who are most effective. As we talked with instructors about what they needed, it became clear that a smart application of technology could make a big difference. Teachers should be able to watch videos of the best educators in action. And if they want, they should be able to record themselves in the classroom and then review the video with a coach. This was an approach that others had missed. So now we're working with teachers and several school districts around the country to set up systems that give teachers the feedback and support they deserve.

The goal in much of what we do is to provide seed funding for various ideas. Some will fail. We fill a function that government cannot—making a lot of risky bets with the expectation that at least a few of them will succeed. At that point, governments and other backers can help scale up the successful ones, a much more comfortable role for them.

We work to draw in not just governments but also businesses, because that's where most innovation comes from. I've heard some people describe the economy of the future as "post-corporatist and post-capitalist"—one in which large corporations crumble and all innovation happens from the bottom up. What nonsense. People who say things like that never have a convincing explanation for who will make drugs or low-cost carbon-free energy. Catalytic philanthropy doesn't replace businesses. It helps more of their innovations benefit the poor.

Look at what happened to agriculture in the 20th century. For decades, scientists worked to develop hardier crops. But those advances mostly benefited the rich world, leaving the poor behind. Then in the middle of the century, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations stepped in. They funded Norman Borlaug's research on new strains of high-yielding wheat, which sparked the Green Revolution. (As Borlaug said, fertilizer was the fuel that powered the forward thrust of the Green Revolution, but these new crops were the catalysts that sparked it.) No private company had any interest in funding Borlaug. There was no profit in it. But today all the people who have escaped poverty represent a huge market opportunity—and now companies are flocking to serve them.

Or take a more recent example: the advent of Big Data. It's indisputable that the availability of massive amounts of information will revolutionize US health care, manufac­turing, retail, and more. But it can also benefit the poorest 2 billion. Right now researchers are using satellite images to study soil health and help poor farmers plan their harvests more efficiently. We need a lot more of this kind of innovation. Otherwise, Big Data will be a big wasted opportunity to reduce inequity.

People often ask me, "What can I do? How can I help?"

Rich-world governments need to maintain or even increase foreign aid, which has saved millions of lives and helped many more people lift themselves out of poverty. It helps when policymakers hear from voters, especially in tough economic times, when they're looking for ways to cut budgets. I hope people let their representatives know that aid works and that they care about saving lives. Bono's group ONE.org is a great channel for getting your voice heard.

Companies—especially those in the technology sector—can dedicate a percentage of their top innovators' time to issues that could help people who've been left out of the global economy or deprived of opportunity here in the US. If you write great code or are an expert in genomics or know how to develop new seeds, I'd encourage you to learn more about the problems of the poorest and see how you can help.

At heart I'm an optimist. Technology is helping us overcome our biggest challenges. Just as important, it's also bringing the world closer together. Today we can sit at our desks and see people thousands of miles away in real time. I think this helps explain the growing interest young people today have in global health and poverty. It's getting harder and harder for those of us in the rich world to ignore poverty and suffering, even if it's happening half a planet away.

Technology is unlocking the innate compassion we have for our fellow human beings. In the end, that combination—the advances of science together with our emerging global conscience—may be the most powerful tool we have for improving the world.

Think Globally, Act Massively

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation focuses on catalytic philanthropy—invest­ments that can yield massive returns. That means finding areas where governments and private businesses aren’t innovating. Here are some of the founda­tion’s major activities over the past 15 years.

Pledged $750 million to help set up the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immuniza­tion (now the GAVI Alliance), supported by leading members of the world health community and experts in international childhood diseases.

Gave $50 million to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

how i plan to change the world essay

Launched the Gates Millennium Scholars program to provide 1,000 low-income and minority students a year with scholarships and support for select advanced degrees at any college or university.

Officially established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, with a focus on health, education, and libraries.

Pledged $100 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculo­sis, and Malaria—the first of $1.4 billion in commitments to an organization that has helped save more than 9 million lives.

Announced the Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative to fund research that promises to greatly advance work against diseases that disproportionately affect people in the developing world.

how i plan to change the world essay

Created Agricultural Development, beginning with a $150 million joint investment with the Rockefeller Foundation, to establish the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, which helps lift poor farmers out of poverty.

how i plan to change the world essay

Launched the Measures of Effective Teaching Project with 3,000 participating teachers to create better feedback and development systems for educators.

how i plan to change the world essay

Called on the global health community to declare this the Decade of Vaccines, with the goal of saving more than 20 million lives by 2020; pledged $10 billion to help develop and deliver vaccines.

Launched the Next Generation Learning Challenges to push innovation that promotes personalized student learning.

how i plan to change the world essay

Hosted the GAVI Alliance pledging conference, which raised $4.3 billion from governments, philan­thropists, and the private sector to help immunize nearly 250 million of the world’s poorest children by 2015.

how i plan to change the world essay

Offered a $42 million reward for the invention of a toilet that can provide safe, affordable sanitation to the developing world while processing the waste into reusable energy, fertilizer, and fresh water.

Joined 13 pharmaceutical companies, the US, UK, and UAE governments, the World Bank, and various global health organizations in a coordinated push to eliminate or control 10 neglected tropical diseases by the end of 2020.

how i plan to change the world essay

Melinda Gates chaired the Landmark London Summit on Family Planning, which united global leaders to provide 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries with access to contraceptives by 2020.

Supported a six-year, $5.5 billion effort to eradicate polio by 2018.

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To Change the World, Change Yourself

You can't change the world if you don't change yourself first..

how i plan to change the world essay

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” — Leo Tolstoy

It was the American author and speaker John C. Maxwell who wrote:   “Most people want to change the world to improve their lives, but the world they need to change first is the one inside themselves.”

Everyone has an opinion on what is wrong with the world, yet few will do the work to improve their own lives. It is easy to draw attention to what is wrong in the world because on one level it is frustrating to observe these conditions and stand back while they take place.

I often remind myself and others, the world has existed for 4.54 billion years and is much older and wiser than us. We have existed for a minor part in that timeline and conditions weren’t always ideal. In fact, history shows conditions were less than idyllic. So, a Utopian paradise needn’t exist for us to be happy. We can still thrive despite the unrest in the world because outside conditions aren’t as bad as you think they are.

If you want to change reality, start with yourself first and attend to your own personal development. In doing so, problems give way to solutions and no longer affect you.

Author Larry Weidel writes in   Serial Winner: 5 Actions to Create Your Cycle of Success : “If we all live the richest life possible, it’s personally fulfilling, but it also changes the world.”

Raise Your Level Of Consciousness

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” — Mother Teresa

Most people are frustrated or angry with circumstances beyond their control. They believe that, if they can control these situations, they will be happy. Sometimes it is not possible since there are too many things to control. It requires redesigning your life to suit you or playing God, neither of which is possible.

Undertaking personal development will not only help you but influence those around you. It is simpler to attend to your own personal development. So when you feel frustrated, angry, or any other disempowering state, become curious and work on that part of you that is at war with reality.

It is futile trying to change conditions out there because life is constantly changing. It is like trying to keep plates spinning on a stick while more plates are added. You cannot keep up, and they will eventually come crashing down.   It makes sense to work on yourself so that outside conditions no longer affect you as they once did. This is the key to enlightenment: raising your level of consciousness so you transcend problems with a higher awareness. Albert Einstein recognized this principle when he said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Consider the following example, highlighting why you must attend to your own personal growth if you want to change the world. Imagine 100 people who constantly complain about the state of the world. One day they collectively decide they’ve had enough and undertake personal development to change their lives. Within months, they have stopped whining and are now open to embracing life instead of being mired in their problems. They act from a place of love, peace, and joy.

You’ve heard it said, you are the sum of the five people you most associate with. Therefore, if 100 people can influence five others, we have 500 people who are now more self-aware than before. If that cycle continues, a tipping point will occur so that anger and fear no longer prevail.

It’s an inside-out job. Now, I am not naïve and know this Utopian reality will not miraculously emerge overnight, if at all, within the coming decade. Yet, undertaking personal development will not only help you but influence those around you.

I have seen evidence of this with my family and friends and those I’ve coached. You change the world not by pointing out what is wrong with it, but by   upgrading your model of reality   to coincide with what you wish to see in the world.

It’s an inside-out job.

“You don’t have to change the world. You just have to change what you pay attention to in the world. And that, it turns out, is hugely powerful,” affirms Vishen Lakhiani in   The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms .

Upgrade Your Model Of Reality

“You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world.”  ― Woodrow Wilson

It was the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, a well-known self-help author who said: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” He knew change must first take place from within and has a ripple effect on the lives of others. If that change is powerful enough, it will gather momentum to affect the whole of humanity.

Be aware of when you are pointing the finger outside of yourself. I admit it is difficult to focus on what is right in the world when we are governed by our internal state, which gets the better of us. The media adds to the negativity by reporting bad news to promote fear, and it becomes challenging to break the spell.

I often succumb to these disempowering states at times, so it is remiss of me to offer the advice and claim not to feel this way. Yet, through my own personal development, I’ve come to appreciate that these are fleeting states, and I don’t remain stuck in this condition for long. Awareness has taught me that what I focus on builds momentum and becomes integrated into my reality.

So the advice is clear and simple: be aware of when you are pointing the finger outside of yourself. Go within and attend to that part of you that is inclined to judge outside circumstances as bad.

Heal yourself first by integrating your shadow self and be mindful of your thoughts leading you down a path of negativity. If you do this often, you will break the cycle of incessant thinking that dictates there is something wrong with the world. It is worth the effort to your personal growth.

Eventually, problems that once consumed you will no longer affect you because you have upgraded your model of reality to coincide with a new awareness.

Reprinted from The Mission

Tony Fahkry

Tony Fahkry is a s elf-empowerment author and expert speaker. Your journey towards greatness starts here:  www.tonyfahkry.com

More By Tony Fahkry

If I Could Change The World Essay Examples

If I could change the world, I would start by making sure that everyone had access to basic life necessities. This includes food, shelter, and clean water. I would also work to end abuse in all forms. No one deserves to be treated poorly, and no one should have to live in fear.

Lastly, I would want to give everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential. Everyone deserves a chance to succeed in life. These are just a few of the things I would change if I had the power to do so. We can all make a difference in the world, no matter how big or small our actions may be. Let’s strive to make it a better place for everyone.

There would be super heroes if this were a film. But this is reality, and it’s up to me to make a change. There are a lot of things going on throughout the world. But do you pay attention to what’s happening TO OUR WORLD? Our world is quickly falling apart as we destroy each other with violence and spread hatred toward others. THE EARTH IS HERE TO STAY, AND IT IS UNMOVING. The only thing that influences the world is us, the individuals. We are responsible for violence by murdering one another and generating hatred among ourselves.

If we could only figure out a way to love one another, life would be so much easier. We have to change the way we think in order to change the world. If I could change the world, I would start with me. I would try to be more understanding and less judgmental.

I would also spread love and peace everywhere I go. So it starts with me and then maybe, just maybe, it will spread like wildfire and change the world for good. Abuse is something that needs to stop as well. Too many people are getting hurt because of it. We need to stand up and say enough is enough! Let’s make a change and show everyone that we can do this!

Every day, our loved ones perish without reason. I can provide you with a list of circumstances. Children are presently dying of hunger all around the world. People throughout the globe are waking up to a day of misery. Innocent youngsters are being raped and murdered on a daily basis. Wives are unable to focus on their responsibilities since to the agony they feel from their husbands’ abuse. Last night at least one household was subjected to violence by an inebriated individual.

All of these atrocities can be stopped. If I could change the world, I would start with life. I would make it so that everyone had enough to eat. I would see to it that children were never again used as sex slaves or soldiers. I would put an end to abusive relationships by teaching people about respect and communication. And finally, I would get rid of all the guns and drugs that lead to death and destruction.

But alas, I cannot change the world. Only you can do that. So please, take my words to heart and make the changes that are so desperately needed in our world today. Together, we can make a difference.

Intoxicated individuals may cause car accidents, hurt people, and rip their bodies apart. Not only humans are affected by these circumstances, but also animals. Dogs are being murdered in gambled fights for money and pleasure all across the world. Animals are consuming one another all over the world. Male dogs are being murdered and robbed for their earnings because they work hard. Hardworking men and women are being killed and plundered for the money they generate.

It would be life-changing if we could put a stop to these activities. We could create more jobs and opportunities for people, so they wouldn’t have to resort to criminal activity to make a living. We could also invest in rehabilitation programs for those who are struggling with addiction, so they can get the help they need and turn their lives around. Finally, we could educate people on the importance of animal welfare, so that more people would be aware of the suffering that animals endure every day.

Teenagers are attempting suicide in record numbers due to the hatred and bullying they suffer. Lovers are splitting up, inflicting physical harm on themselves so that they may forget about their heartbreak. Children are sneaking out and fleeing as their parents laugh about the abuse they inflict on their children. People in other countries are involved in conflict, seeing loved ones perish from all the missiles and explosions.

If only I could change the world, life would be so perfect. No one would have to worry about being hurt or abused. Everyone would get along and life would be one big adventure. Just think, if I could change the world there would be no more suicide, split lovers, bullies, children running away & wars. So much hate in the world could be turned into so much love. life would be one big party that no one would ever want to leave.

So many people are hurting and they don’t deserve it. It’s not right that they have to go through all that pain. If I could change the world, I would make sure that everyone was happy and they never had to worry about being hurt again. Life is too short to spend it being unhappy. Everyone deserves to be loved and life should be a fun adventure. So let’s all make a change and start making the world a better place!

Everywhere there is someone who is experiencing some sort of suffering at the hands of another person. What are these people and creatures doing to deserve this? Is there anything, right? Nobody pays attention to all of the terrible things that are going on in our world. That no one should have to live life like this is unacceptable. People are supposed to learn to get along with each other and assist one another.

No one should have to go through life and feel like they’re not worth anything.If I could change the world, I would start by making sure that everyone is treated equally, no matter what their race, religion, or sexuality is. I would also work on stopping all the abuse that goes on in the world. Animals are being abused every day, and it’s something that needs to stop.

People are also being abused, whether it’s emotionally, mentally, or physically. Nobody deserves to be a victim of abuse. Lastly, I would work on getting rid of all the negativity in the world. There’s too much anger and hatred, and it needs to be replaced with love and positivity. If we all work together, I believe that we can make the world a better place for everyone.

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How to Write the UT Austin Essays 2023-2024

how i plan to change the world essay

The University of Texas, Austin is a large public research university with an enrollment of over 51,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. UT Austin is the flagship institution of the University of Texas system, and is the home to some of the best engineering, architecture, and business programs in the nation.

Since UT Austin is a selective school, writing strong essays is essential for making your application stand out. UT Austin’s application involves one long essay and four short essay questions (one of which is optional), with additional writing requirements for students applying to these programs: Art/Art History, Architecture, Nursing, and Social Work.

Read these UT Austin essay examples from real students to inspire your own writing.

UT Austin Essay Prompts

Tell us your story. what unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today (500-700 words), short answer.

Prompt 1 : Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major? (250-300 words)

Prompt 2 : Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT. (250-300 words)

Prompt 3 : The core purpose of The University of Texas at Austin is, “To Transform Lives for the Benefit of Society.” Please share how you believe your experience at UT-Austin will prepare you to “Change the World” after you graduate. (250-300 words)

Prompt 4 (Optional): Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance. If your response to this question is similar to one of the Common App Personal Essays, feel free to simply copy and paste the important parts of your essay here. (250-300 words)

Art/Art History Applicants

Prompt 1 : In 500 words or less, please tell us about a time when an artwork, artist or art teacher impacted your life. How did this inspire you to pursue an education in the arts?

Architecture Applicants

Prompt 1 : Inherent in the design disciplines the capacity to impact the world around us. What does the opportunity to develop such capacity mean to you and you approach to your college education? Please limit your response to 250-300 words.

Prompt 2 : Please provide and upload three images total that demonstrate your creativity. The three images may all be of one option type, or varied amongst the two following options:

Option 1 – Either an original photograph or photographs from a camera, smart phone/mobile device, OR

Option 2 – images of an original art or design project that you have produced and authored yourself., for all, describe how the three images are representative of how you see creativity as a way to describe, reflect on, or change the world. please limit your response to 50-75 words..

Discuss the factors that have influenced your motivation and deep desire to pursue a career in Nursing. Please include any activities and/or life experiences that are related. (250-300 words).

Social Work

Discuss the reasons you chose Social Work as your first—choice major and how a Social Work degree from UT will prepare you for the future. (450-500 words)

Long Essay—All Applicants

This is Topic A of the ApplyTexas Essays . The long essay is the space to tell your story and let the admissions office know something about you that does not appear on your high school resume or transcript. The long word limit gives you time to develop and reflect on an important experience. It’s not enough to just tell a story of an opportunity or challenge; you need to dive into what aspects of your experience influenced you to be the person you are currently.

This prompt is very open-ended, so it is important to take time before you start writing to think about what subject matter you want to talk about. Make sure all elements in your essay tie together and don’t overwhelm the reader with too much information. Focus on only a few, or even just one, experiences within your essay, and dive into good detail on how your experience has shaped you as a person.

The prompt asks you to describe “unique opportunities or challenges” that you have experienced. While brainstorming ideas for your essay, don’t get too caught up in thinking that you must find something that is an obvious opportunity or challenge; think about hobbies, extracurriculars, or personal experiences that have influenced you to this day.

Here are some examples:

  • A chance job opportunity that allowed you to push yourself — Maybe you grew up in a rural area and you spent part of your time in high school tending to cows and goats. You’d wake up early before school to tend to the animals, and through that you learned to be reliable and developed a passion for caring for animals. Or maybe an acquaintance runs a small business and you were given the opportunity to run their social media to promote the business. This opportunity taught you the difficulties of running a small business, and also helped you find a creative outlet through advertising design. Either of those examples, or more unique job opportunities that you may have stumbled upon in high school, requires time and dedication, and teaches responsibility.
  • Creative hobbies — You like to design and sew clothing for yourself. While designing your prom dress, you came across an intricate bodice design that you wanted to emulate. Figuring out how the pattern came together was like solving a complex puzzle, and because of all of the challenges you have come across while attempting to translate a 2D idea into real life, you have become better at visualizing how different things around you come together, and it’s a skill you’ve carried through all parts of your life. It’s helped you visualize difficult math concepts, or organize your desk and closet space to optimize your productivity.

Short Answers—All Applicants

For your UT Austin application, you are required to respond to the first three prompts. There is also an additional prompt to let the committee know about any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your high school performance.

Short Answer 1—All Applicants

Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major (250-300 words).

Ah, the common “Why This Major” college application essay. This essay is important to demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are passionate about the area of study you are interested in. Whatever major is your first choice, you need to take time to reflect and think about what drew you to pursue this field of study.

As detailed in CollegeVine’s article about writing the “Why This Major” essay, a couple key topics to cover are how you developed this interest, and your goals in studying this major. 

Show how you’ve looked into research or career opportunities that appeal to you, and the steps you have taken to pursue your interest, whether it be through hobbies, jobs, research opportunities, readings, etc. Do you have personal reasons for choosing this major? Detail those reasons, and explain how either a personal experience, inspirational character, or more have impacted your life and decision to study your major.

  • Biology — You have been a passionate bird-watcher for most of your life. Your father would take you around to various parks and teach you how to identify various bird calls, differentiate between males and females within a species, and more. This has developed into an interest in the evolutionary and migratory behavior of birds, and you wish to pursue biology as the stepping stone to further graduate studies specializing in birds.
  • Radio-Television-Film — Growing up, you’ve always had a fascination with movies and have become a huge movie buff. You’ve been especially interested in how the creative team creates and rig up the physical special effects and props. In your spare time, you and your friends make your own home films, and you are often the one who researches and creates any special effects and props with your available budget and resources. Though your home productions are not the most well-refined, you have had fun, and you want to pursue Film to get a better understanding of how to professionally create crazy shots and break into the film industry.
  • Linguistics — Your family moved around a lot throughout your childhood, and in every new town or city you lived in, you were fascinated by the different slang and accents of the people around you. You’ve lived everywhere — Louisiana, Vancouver, Long Island, South Dakota, Southern California, and more, and you want to further understand how these regional quirks developed and how they affect the culture of an area today.

how i plan to change the world essay

Short Answer 2—All Applicants

Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at ut. (250-300 words).

This is the classic Diversity Essay , which allows colleges to get to know you better and how you’ll impact their campus community.

Reflect on the things that make you truly unique. If you choose to go down the talent route, keep in mind that “talent” is a broad term that can apply to anything. It’s not just about whether or not you can juggle; perhaps your talent is your ability to lead vocal warmups before the school musical – you can write about how you’ve learned to build a sense of community using your talent.

And speaking on leadership, leadership isn’t just becoming an officer in a school organization or a captain of an athletic team. Leadership can also be demonstrated by taking charge and caring for your siblings while your parents are busy, organizing your friend group’s yearly Secret Santa, or coaching your neighborhood swim team. Even if something you did isn’t explicitly a “leadership role,” you can demonstrate guidance and management skills in other ways. 

Avoid just listing off all leadership positions you have held. This information is most likely already elsewhere in your application, and doesn’t give the admissions committee a more in-depth view of why you are passionate about the areas you have shown leadership in and what you did to better the group/environment/area around you. Pick 1-3 related experiences, and tie together how you took initiative to shape things around you. The admissions committee wants to make sure they are accepting students with initiative and determination to impact their environment. 

  • Family Responsibility — Your parents had to work late hours a lot to earn enough for your family when you were younger. Though you and your siblings have always been responsible, you’ve noticed that it’s been difficult for your younger brother with special needs when your parents were away in the evenings, so you took the time to create different activities for him. You had your brother explore various hobbies that were accessible to you, such as drawing or tree climbing around your neighborhood, to keep him busy, mentally stimulated, and help your parents. This has taught you a lot of responsibility and you would love to continue to work with children who have special needs through some of UT Austin’s organizations like the Student Council for Exceptional Children.
  • Friend Group Activities — You have a small group of friends who enjoy spending time with each other, but are terrible at planning larger, more ambitious activities. You decided that you were sick of just doing the same old thing, hanging out in the park or a parent’s basement. You started organizing day trips to the city nearby, Secret Santa gift exchanges, a day kayaking trip, and more to help you and your friends explore different activities. You coordinated everyone’s schedule and made sure to accommodate all your friends’ likes and dislikes, and have become the unofficial “leader” of your friend group. You now hope to take these experiences and work as an orientation advisor to help incoming freshmen find their group as well.
  • School/Extracurricular Events – You stepped up to the plate this year to plan the school’s Homecoming dance, and you wanted to make sure your senior dance could be as fun, inclusive, and well-planned as possible. As such, you organized a committee, delegated responsibilities, and implemented strategies to increase attendance, emphasize safety, and organize different activities that appealed to the wider school community. You gained event planning experience and hope to bring that same passion to UT Austin and assist UT Austin’s Events + Entertainment organization with bringing student-focused events to campus.

The common thread between these three examples is that they all write about a personal experience that eventually ties to how you’ll bring your gained knowledge to UT Austin. You won’t just want to name drop organizations that you hope to join at UT Austin, rather you’ll want to explain why—particularly with a personal connection. 

Short Answer 3—All Applicants

The core purpose of the university of texas at austin is, “to transform lives for the benefit of society.” please share how you believe your experience at ut-austin will prepare you to “change the world” after you graduate. (250-300 words).

UT Austin wants its students to work for the betterment of the world. This prompt requires students to reflect on their personal goals and think about their impact on society. Your response should explain how UT Austin will help you reach those goals using the “Why This College?” essay format. 

First, consider the field of study you want to pursue and what sort of impact you want to make. Maybe you want to go into public health to improve the health outcomes of underrepresented communities. Or perhaps you want to study English and Environmental Science to become an environmental lawyer. 

Keep in mind that its impact doesn’t have to be directly related to community service or altruism. For example, computer science majors can change the world by making processes more efficient. Economics majors can become financial advisors and improve the lives of others. 

If you’re not sure how your work can impact others, see if you can find alumni stories on the website of your department. Here’s the Public Health one , for example. These real-life stories can give you some inspiration on your wide range of options after graduation.

Your goals can be both big and small, but they need to be personal. The “what” doesn’t matter if you don’t write about the “why.” 

Finally, be sure to mention specific UT Austin resources that will help you change the world. Using the public health example, that student may mention how UT Austin offers a student internship program that allows students to conduct their own semester-long research projects and how that will prepare them to conduct independent public health research on minority health outcomes in the future.

It’s also important to mention relevant extracurriculars. Continuing that example, the public health student may want to join Texas Public Health, an on-campus organization, to volunteer in the Austin community and get hands-on experience in public health initiatives. 

Short Answer 4—All Applicants (optional)

Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance. if your response to this question is similar to one of the common app personal essays, feel free to simply copy and paste the important parts of your essay here. (250-300 words).

This essay is optional and provides you the opportunity to explain extenuating circumstances that have affected your education during high school. This is not necessarily a space where you would include a creative essay about your passion for math or make a political statement. Rather this is room for you to let the UT Austin admissions committee know about any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your academic performance. 

Although in the near-past, the COVID-19 pandemic has and is still affecting many students across the world in various ways. This could be a situation that you may want to explain to the admissions committees.

Other non-COVID-related experiences may have also impacted you. If there is a circumstance, such as a loss of job, sickness of a close relative, mental health, or more that has affected your school performance, let UT Austin know here so the admissions committee may take it into consideration while reading your application. 

If any of these extenuating circumstances are written in your Common App personal statement, more likely from prompt 1 or prompt 2 , then you can include an excerpt here.

However, do not use this space as a way to excuse poor performances. Be direct, and let the circumstances speak for themselves. Also keep in mind that many students were disrupted by COVID-19 in similar ways, so you should only write about circumstances that went beyond those common experiences. 

There’s no need to take up the full allotted space or even really write a whole essay; just use as much space as needed to explain your situation.

Major-Specific Short Answer Questions

Certain majors at UT Austin require submitting 1-2 additional short responses. These prompts are brief and dive deeper into showing your passion for your intended area of study.

Art/Art History

In 500 words or less, please tell us about a meaningful way in which an artwork, or artist, has changed your life. how has this prompted your ambitions for a life in the arts.

For the art/art history major at UT Austin, the admissions committee wants to see a commitment to the arts in your everyday life. Dive deep and think about what artists inspired you, or what specific art pieces you find yourself going back to. 

Think across various mediums of art. Painters, sculptors, cinematographers, poets, or more can serve as inspiration to you. Maybe a piece of art inspired you to create your own art and got you interested in different painting techniques across different cultures, inspired you to change habits within your life, or start a band. Whatever inspired you, make sure to relate how your inspiration directly impacted you. Don’t get caught up in just describing your favorite artist or work; tie it into your own life experiences and goals.


Inherent in the design disciplines the capacity to impact the world around us. what does the opportunity to develop such capacity mean to you and your approach to your college education please limit your response to 250-300 words..

The admissions committee is hoping to get a sense of your goals and reasons for applying to the Architecture program at UT Austin.

While impacting the world sounds like a weighty topic, UT Austin isn’t looking for you to embellish. The admissions committee wants to hear how you would apply an education in architecture to help the world in any capacity, and that goes for anything from your local community to the globe. 

First define your reasons for pursuing architecture. This is important since the prompt asks what the capacity to impact the world means to you , so you need to reflect on how you’ll impact the world and why you want to do it in that way.

Do you want to design houses in low-income neighborhoods since you grew up in low-income housing that wasn’t efficient or livable? Or do you want to design apartments with sustainability in mind since you’re from Hawaii and have seen how construction can disrupt the environment? 

When possible, mention specific UT Austin resources that will help you achieve your goals, as the prompt asks how your goals shape your approach to your college education. For the student who wants to create sustainable architecture, they may mention courses like Modern History of Sustainable Architecture or wanting to be in one of the fastest-growing cities in the US (Austin), offering many opportunities for hands-on experience in sustainable development.

Please provide and upload three images total that demonstrate your creativity. The three images may all be of one option type, or varied amongst the two following options:

This is a short prompt! The admissions committee wants to see through your eyes and get an idea of your vision of the world. Be concise in your statement, and make sure your photos have a common thread, even if it’s not initially obvious. For example, you could submit photos of the skyline at important locations or times to you, or you could submit photos of various objects that inspire you. This is a very open-ended prompt, and you can spin it to really show the admissions committee your unique outlook on life and the environment around you.

This is also a chance to showcase your creativity and artistic skill. While the program doesn’t require you to submit a portfolio, submitting some of your artwork would give you more of an opportunity to stand out, particularly because UT Austin allows you to mix and match the format of your submissions.

Another way to make your response more cohesive and concise is to submit work with an overarching theme, whether that’s various pictures of your neighborhood at sunset, or artwork you made in response to a specific topic. Tying the three submissions together with a bow will give the admissions committee a stronger sense of how you think about the big picture.

While neither of these prompts have a defined word limit, make sure to answer the question thoroughly while also keeping it brief — remember, the admissions committee is reading many applications and you want to keep them engaged! We recommend no more than 500 words.

Discuss the factors that have influenced your desire to pursue a career in Nursing. Please include any activities and/or life experiences that are related (250-300 words)

This question allows you to discuss why you chose Nursing as your first choice program. Although you have already answered why you want to pursue your first choice major in the short answers section of the application, this extra space really allows you to dive deeper into why you decided to pursue nursing as a career and allows you to show off your work towards your goal. You can add additional anecdotes about why you chose nursing that you might not have had space to include in your short answer prompt.

Before beginning this essay, write down the qualities you feel a good nurse would have. Are they compassionate, culturally aware, patient, knowledgeable, etc.?

Then, write down the activities you did that correspond with those qualities. Did you volunteer for your local Red Cross, or organize a fundraiser for your local care facilities? Did you work in a nursing home, or at a daycare to gain experience working with people with varying needs? What academic classes did you take in high school to prepare yourself for a college nursing program? 

Maybe instead, your motivations to pursue a career in nursing are more related to your own life experiences. Is someone close to you in that occupation? Have you previously worked in a healthcare-related role? Or have you had your own medical issue where a nurse meaningfully changed your perspective on medicine?

Be specific, and dive into details on how your activities or life experiences relate to developing an interest in nursing and a nursing career. Chances are, you have already listed your activities out in another section of your application. Using anecdotes about specific instances or events is crucial in offering new information that will keep admissions officers engaged, and teach them about your passion for nursing.

Discuss the reasons you chose Social Work as your first-choice major and how a Social Work degree from UT will prepare you for the future.

Similar to the nursing prompt, the UT Austin admissions committee is looking for additional information that may not have fit into previous essay answers. How do you want to give back to your community by doing social work? What specific area of social work do you want to work in? Do you want to work with mental health, child protection, human rights, or other aspects of social work? For example, if you grew up in the foster care system and you want to help children who grew up in a similar situation to you, elaborate on that.

The second part of this question asks you how specifically an UT Austin degree can help you with your future goals and career. Make sure to show that you have researched the program itself. Name specific research institutes you may want to work in, such as the Addiction Research Institute, and elaborate what issues you want to study. Relate these to the work you want to do in your future.

If you’re unsure of the specific specialization of social work you want to do, narrow it down to 2-3 interests, and talk about how you can explore various subjects through courses or clubs at UT Austin. Show the admissions committee that you have done your research on the school and truly believe that it is the best place for you to achieve your goals. For instance, someone interested in working with seniors might want to join the research team for the project Telehealth treatments for depression with low-income homebound seniors .

Where to Get Your University of Texas at Austin Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your UT Austin essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school.

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  • American Battlefield Trust. (2018). 10 Facts: The Emancipation Proclamation. [online] Available at: https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/10-facts-emancipation-proclamation [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • Biography.com Editors (2014). Martin Luther King Jr. Biography. [online] Biography. Available at: https://www.biography.com/people/martin-luther-king-jr-9365086 [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • Gokadze, I. (2013). YouTube. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vDWWy4CMh [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • History.com Editors (2009). Martin Luther King, Jr. [online] HISTORY. Available at: https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/martin-luther-king-jr [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • PublishersWeekly.com. (n.d.). Nonfiction Book Review: GROWING UP KING: An Intimate Memoir by Ralph Wiley, Author, Dexter Scott King, Author with Ralph Wiley. Warner $24.95 (320p) ISBN 978-0-446-52942-6. [online] Available at: https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-446-52942-6 [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute. (1961). King, Dexter Scott. [online] Available at: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/king-dexter-scott [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • Whitaker, M. (2017). Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech: Full Text. [online] AOL.com. Available at: https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/01/16/dr-martin-luther-kings-i-have-a-dream-speech-full-text/21655947/ [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].
  • White, D. (n.d.). Martin Luther King’s Most Famous Speech. [online] Socialstudiesforkids.com. Available at: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/mlkihaveadreamspeech.htm [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].

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Essay on Change The World

Students are often asked to write an essay on Change The World in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Change The World

What it means to change the world.

To change the world means to make it better for everyone. It can be big, like stopping climate change, or small, like helping a friend. It’s about making a positive difference.

Starting Small

Big changes start with small steps. Picking up litter, being kind, and learning new things can all add to a better world. Everyone can do something good every day.

Working Together

No one can change the world alone. When people join hands for a good cause, they can do great things. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Using Creativity

Thinking of new ways to solve problems is important. Being creative can lead to amazing changes and a brighter future for all.

250 Words Essay on Change The World

What does it mean to change the world, starting with yourself.

The first step is to start with yourself. Be kind, learn new things, and help others. When you become the best version of yourself, you inspire others to do the same. It’s like a chain reaction. Your good actions can encourage your friends and family to spread kindness too.

Helping Others

Helping others is a powerful way to change the world. This can be as simple as sharing your lunch with a friend who forgot theirs or helping an elderly neighbor with their groceries. When you help someone, you make their day better, and they might help someone else in return.

Protecting Our Planet

Our planet needs us to take care of it. You can help by recycling, turning off lights when you leave a room, and using less water. If everyone does their part, we can keep our Earth clean and healthy.

Changing the world might seem like a huge task, but it starts with each one of us. By being kind, helping others, and taking care of our planet, we can make a big impact. Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can change someone’s world. So, let’s all try to do our part and make the world a better place for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Change The World

When we talk about changing the world, it means making it a better place for everyone. It’s like when you clean your room so it looks nicer and feels better to be in. Changing the world can be big things, like making sure everyone has food and a home, or small things, like being kind to a friend.

Starting with Small Steps

Learning and sharing knowledge.

Going to school and learning new things is a big part of making the world better. When you learn, you can share what you know with others. If you learn about plants, you can teach your family how to grow a garden. This helps the air stay clean because plants make oxygen.

Being Kind to Others

Kindness is a superpower. When you are nice to other people, it makes them happy. They might then be kind to someone else. It’s like a chain of happiness that keeps growing. So, always try to share, help others, and use kind words.

Using Technology Wisely

Our planet is our home, and we need to take care of it. You can save water by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth. You can also remind adults to use less plastic. Every little bit helps our Earth.

Change is easier when we all work together. If you and your friends pick up trash at the park, you can make it clean for everyone. If everyone does a little bit, it adds up to a lot.

Believing in Yourself

Changing the world might sound like a huge job, but it’s made of many small acts. Remember, whether it’s being kind, learning, or taking care of our planet, every little thing you do can help. So start with one small step, and you might be surprised at how far it goes.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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How can a person change the world


We all want the world to become better, but how can a person change the world? I believe that the answer to this big question might be quite simple. If you want to change the world, you need to change yourself.

How is it going to work? You are a part of the world, so when you become better, the world becomes better as well. You contribute to changing the world by improving yourself and working hard to achieve your dreams. When you succeed, you provide other people with an example they can live by.

It is very important to identify your strengths and weaknesses, so you have a better understanding of what is going to help you in your journey and what you will need to fix. I think of myself as a hard worker, and I believe it will help in my education. I can acquire more knowledge and skills that I can apply to solve various problems and share with others to help them. Most real-world tasks require the cooperation of many people, so I will use my good leadership skills to organize a team to work on my projects.

I believe that the quality that will help me most is dedication. It is crucial to be devoted to your work to achieve success because if you want to make a difference in the world, you need to be ready to invest a lot of your time and energy. I need to improve every day to change myself and the world for the better, and my dedication and aim for high achievement are the tools I will use for it.

When we improve ourselves, we improve the world. We need to use our strengths to serve us in our strive to become better people. Setting high goals and putting in work to achieve them is the way to live a happy and meaningful life and it leads to a better world for everybody.

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StudyCorgi . "How can a person change the world." December 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/how-can-a-person-change-the-world/.

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Tesla’s Rivals Still Can’t Use Its Superchargers

Elon Musk’s plan to open Tesla’s charging network is proceeding slowly. Nobody is entirely sure why, or when that might change.

Tesla chargers under a parking canopy. Mountains are visible in the distance.

By Jack Ewing

Scarce and finicky public chargers are among the biggest reasons people hesitate to buy electric cars. So when Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, agreed last year to open the company’s well-regarded Supercharger network to vehicles from other carmakers, many drivers and industry experts celebrated the decision.

But more than 12 months later, Tesla’s network, with nearly 30,000 fast-charging plugs in the United States and Canada, remains largely inaccessible to most people who don’t drive Teslas because of software delays and hardware shortages.

The delays have fueled speculation that Mr. Musk was having second thoughts about opening up Tesla’s network, possibly because he was worried that access would help other automakers sell battery-powered models and lure customers from Tesla, which has suffered from declining sales .

Tesla eased those fears a bit on Friday when the company’s charging unit posted on X that it had stepped up production of a crucial piece of hardware: adapters that drivers of Ford, Rivian and other car brands need to connect to Tesla chargers.

A Tesla factory in Buffalo is producing 8,000 of the adapters per week, the company said, noting that outside suppliers are also producing the part. Still, it is unclear how fast those adapters would reach electric vehicle owners.

Tesla did not respond to a request for comment, and the other automakers have been reluctant to speak in detail, apparently because they do not want to antagonize Tesla and Mr. Musk.

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2 people killed, 1 injured in reported tire explosion at Delta facility in Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport

Two people were killed and one was injured when a tire reportedly exploded at a Delta Air Lines facility adjacent to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport on Tuesday morning, officials said.

The Clayton County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the dead Tuesday evening as Mirko F. Marweg, 58, of Stone Mountain; and Luis Aldarondo, 37, of Newnan.

In response to an inquiry about the workers' length of employment, titles and job duties, Delta spokesperson Anthony L. Black said, "We are not releasing any details on our Delta employees at this time."

In an earlier statement, the airline confirmed the deaths and the injury of members of its staff.

"The Delta family is heartbroken at the loss of two team members and the injury of another following an incident this morning at the Atlanta Technical Operations Maintenance facility (TOC 3),” the statement said. “We have extended our full support to family members and colleagues during this incredibly difficult time." 

A Delta spokesperson said there was an incident in Delta's TechOps facility in Atlanta involving “a wheel component” just after 5 a.m. The TechOps division is North America's largest provider of maintenance, repair and aircraft overhauling, according to Delta's website .

Delta said it is investigating the incident and working with local authorities. It did not specify what kind of incident led to the deaths and the injury; a union representing workers at the airport cited reports of a tire explosion.

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, a union that represents airline industry workers across North America, extended condolences to the victims’ families in a statement on the reported tire explosion.

“As a union dedicated to the well-being and safety of our members and the broader community, we will offer our resources to all those impacted by this tragic event,” the union said. “We stand in unity with Delta workers during this difficult time and we call on Delta and the relevant authorities to quickly launch a thorough investigation into how this happened.”

Earlier Tuesday morning, Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens said Atlanta Fire & Rescue, Atlanta police and airport teams were "working diligently to address the situation."

"I offer my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased Delta employees," Dickens wrote on X . "My thoughts are also with those who were injured, and I hope for their swift and full recovery."

The airport s aid in a s tatement that its "prayers are with the families affected by the tragic incident."

how i plan to change the world essay

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Protesters against judiciary overhaul plan urge Mexican president to ‘respect democracy’

Thousands of people demonstrated in Mexico’s capital Sunday in the latest opposition to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposed judicial overhaul. Following electoral victories in June by the president’s Morena party and its allies, the government has pushed for sweeping changes to Mexico’s judicial system, long at odds with López Obrador, a populist who has openly attacked judges and ignored court orders. (AP video by Amaranta Marentes)

Federal court workers gather as they strike over reforms that would make all judges stand for election in Mexico City, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Ginnette Riquelme)

Federal court workers gather outside the Monument to the Revolution as they strike over reforms that would make all judges stand for election in Mexico City, Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Ginnette Riquelme)

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MEXICO CITY (AP) — Protestors took to the streets across Mexico on Sunday in the latest opposition to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s proposed judicial overhaul and other moves by the governing party that critics say will weaken democratic checks and balances.

Demonstrators rallied in Mexico City as well as in Michoacan, Puebla, Leon, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Veracruz and other states to voice worries about changing the judiciary, particularly making judgeships subject to election. Many protesters are also upset by a proposal to do away with independent regulatory agencies.

In the capital, throngs of people, many of them federal court workers and judges on strike, ended their march outside the Supreme Court building in the heart of the city, waving flags reading “Judicial independence” and “Respect democracy.”

“Right now, we’re protesting the reforms, but it’s not just the reforms,” said lawyer Mauricio Espinosa. “It’s all of these attacks against the judicial branch and other autonomous bodies. What it does is end up strengthening the executive, the next president.”

Following big electoral victories in June by the president’s Morena party and its allies, the government has pushed for sweeping changes to Mexico’s judicial system, long at odds with López Obrador, a populist who has openly attacked judges and ignored court orders.


His proposal includes having judges elected to office, something analysts, judges and international observers fear would stack courts with politically biased judges with little experience.

That was the concern for Espinosa, who said judges “will have to raise money to campaign, find someone to have their backs. So their sentences will no longer be 100% independent.”

The proposed changes would require approval by Mexico’s Congress, where the governing coalition has the majority.

And electoral authorities on Friday allocated Morena and allied parties 73% of the seats in the lower house of Congress, though they won a significantly smaller 60% of the vote . That would give the governing bloc the two-thirds majority in Chamber of Deputies needed to push through constitutional changes with little or no compromise.

The coalition will be a few seats short of a two-thirds majority in the Senate, but it could feasibly win the needed votes from a smaller party.

While the new legislators don’t take office until Sept. 1, a congressional committee on Friday already began pushing forward another contentious initiative — the elimination of seven autonomous bodies, including the National Institute of Transparency.

Morena argues Mexico’s independent oversight and regulatory bodies are a waste of money. It says oversight responsibilities should be given to government departments instead, essentially allowing them to police themselves.

The collective moves by the president and his party have fueled concerns about undermining democratic institutions. But for many in the crowds, the overhaul of the judiciary represents the greatest threat.

Federal court employees and judges are on strike, the value of the peso has slumped and international financial firms have voiced concerns . At midweek, U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar warned that electing judges is a “risk” for Mexico’s democracy and “threatens the historic commercial relationship” between the two countries.

López Obrador, who leaves office Sept. 30, and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, a Morema member, rejected Salazar’s comments . López Obrador called the comments “disrespectful of our national sovereignty,” and Sheinbaum said Saturday that while there will always be dialogue between the U.S. and Mexico, “there are things that only correspond to Mexicans.”

how i plan to change the world essay


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