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How to Avoid AI Detection in Writing: Essential Tips (2023)

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It sounded too good to be true right – writing done for you with artificial intelligence without you having to do any extra work. Unfortunately this is not the case and you will always need to review and edit the output from AI. 

However, don;t worry, this is not as bad as it sounds and you can still use AI to help you write and create content so much more efficiently that before but you need to treat it as your super effective assistant that needs proper instruction and review of their work.

Learning how to avoid AI detection in writing can feel like navigating a labyrinth but fear not, here I will discuss how ai detection software how you can best protect yourself to avoid detection and how there is AI software out there to make this even easier.

Understand AI Detection Algorithms

  In the world of digital writing, understanding how artificial intelligence (AI) detection algorithms work is a must. These systems utilize machine learning techniques and an advanced algorithm based system to identify patterns and anomalies in text, making it more probable to not be a human copywriter .

They are trained to weed out repetitive language and sentence structures that AI writing tools typically use from their Large Language Model databases.

Pattern Recognition: The Key Ingredient

The primary mechanism behind these sophisticated AI detectors involves ai tool of pattern recognition for repetitive or formulaic language. In this process, an algorithm learns from vast amounts of data to detect specific patterns within it.

If you’re generating content that borrows heavily from other sources but needs to appear original, beware. A well-trained AI could recognize such behavior based on previously seen formulaic language examples.

Anomaly Detection Techniques: Spotting Outliers

Beyond recognizing established patterns, anomaly detection plays a crucial role as well.

It identifies outliers or unusual instances within datasets which can help spot sudden changes in style or vocabulary usage – signs that something might be amiss with your document. This is normally a sign to the ai content detection program that this is not a human conversation type of language.

Leverage Natural Language Processing For Undetectable Writing

NLP is a form of AI that works to understand how computers and people interact through natural language and based on how LLM’s work can detect ai content .

By connecting words and analyze if it is more or less likely to be from a well known AI model.

When AI detectors give results they give based on a percentage of how likely they have determined a sample of content is either human-written or is ai-generated text.

Natural Language Generation: Creating Unique Content

The subset area within NLP known as Natural Language Generation (NLG) focuses on generating coherent sentences from structured data.

By leveraging NLG tools like OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, one can create unique textual content not easily detected by standard plagiarism checkers because it generates new sequences own words, rather than copying existing ones directly.

Contextual models are capable enough today to understand nuances like sarcasm or sentiment behind words used.

For instance, ‘Apple’ may refer to either fruit or a tech company depending on its usage in sentence structure.

Utilize Natural Language Processing

In the domain of AI, NLP stands as a captivating and practical area of research that focuses on how computers can comprehend and interpret human language with the aim to achieve desired outcomes for computer-generated content.

It’s about how computers can understand and interpret human language. The end goal? To translate human generated content with this understanding into valuable insights or actions. Therefore the way ai content detectors use to pick up AI generated text is the way to avoid ai content detection tools.

The real magic happens when we use NLP to create unique content that dodges detection by AI systems designed to spot patterns and recurrent phrases in text data.

Natural Language Processing: A Tool for Unique Content Creation

Understanding core techniques such as named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech tagging (POS), and sentiment analysis, among others is crucial if you want to utilize NLP effectively.

Named Entity Recognition (NER) identifies entities within texts – people’s names, locations, etc. This could help generate more personalized content which would appear less generic, thus making it harder for AI detectors to detect.

Sentiment Analysis: Adding Emotion Into Your Texts

Sentiment analysis uses machine learning algorithms to classify text based on its sentiments: positive, negative, or neutral. Incorporating emotions into your writing adds another layer of complexity, making it difficult for these systems to identify patterns.

Parsing And Chunking Techniques For Uniqueness In Writing Style

Imagine writing is like programming a friendly robot named “AI Writer.” Some commands are short, some are long, and they all tell the robot what to write. “Parsing” and “chunking” are like special codes to help AI Writer create the best stories!

It’s like giving AI Writer glasses to read better.

It helps the robot understand how sentences work.

It’s like teaching AI Writer to group words together to make parts of a story.

For example, putting a few words together to talk about a cat or a rainbow.

Why is this cool? :

Your robot’s stories will be super unique and fun!

It’s harder for other robots to copy your special style.

Use Synonyms and Variations

Synonyms and variations are powerful tools to avoid AI detection in your writing. They add a layer of uniqueness that makes it difficult for even the most advanced algorithms to detect similarities.

The Role of Synonyms

Synonymous words, with their similar meanings, offer an effective way to alter sentence structure without changing its core message. “Instead, opt for a balanced approach and select synonyms that best convey the intended meaning without overusing them.”

Also crucial is ensuring the synonym used retains the original meaning intended. A helpful resource for finding suitable synonyms while maintaining context is Merriam-Webster Dictionary .

Variation: Your Secret Weapon

Beyond using synonymous terms, you need variation to avoid recurrent phrases and formulaic language which is why this plays such a pivotal role in dodging AI detection systems too.

Variation refers to altering sentence structures or presenting machine generated text information differently while preserving its essence. This might involve switching from active voice usage into passive voice forms, reworking written material, reordering clauses within a sentence, expressing numerical data through words rather than digits, etc but you do need to vary your content when considering your content marketing strategy .

All these minor changes contribute towards making your text distinct from others to show what a human writer brings that makes it different from ai-generated human written content , which further helps you avoid AI detection.

Tips on Effectively Utilizing Synonyms and Variations

Maintain Context: When replacing words with their synonyms, ensure they fit appropriately into context and when connecting words.

Diversify Your Vocabulary: Regularly enriching your vocabulary will give you more choices when looking for suitable replacements for your computer-generated content.

Leverage Technology: You may also consider ai tools such as online paraphrasing platforms that leverage artificial intelligence technology themselves, offering appropriate alternatives without losing the original intent. You can also utilize ai checkers that will assess content to determine their assessment if it is human-written text or it might detect ai-generated content and give you a score. The ai detection tool will highlight where in the content it has determined it is from an artificial intelligence source so that you can do your best, learning what you have here for reworking written material and making it more likely to be determined as human-written text.

Rewrite Sentences Completely: If dealing with complex concepts, sometimes rewriting entire sentences proves more beneficial than simply swapping out individual terms, especially if aiming to avoid repetitive language patterns often picked up by reliable AI detection tools.

Key Takeaway: 

Evading AI detection in writing involves strategic use of synonyms and variations, while preserving context. Synonyms alter sentence structure without changing the message, but must be used judiciously to maintain natural flow. Variations can include switching voices or reordering clauses. Regular vocabulary enrichment, leveraging online paraphrasing platforms, and sometimes rewriting entire sentences are effective strategies.

Avoid Duplicate Content

When it comes to avoiding AI detection, one of the most critical aspects to bypass ai detection is steering clear of duplicate content.

This is especially true if you do not vary your prompts or write you content in sections, the generated text will never avoid detection as the ai program will start to repeat itself after som many words of generated text. This refers to text that is the same or almost indistinguishable which appears in multiple places on the web.

Not only does this practice infringe upon plagiarism laws, but it also impacts your credibility and search engine rankings.

The Consequences of Duplication

Duplicating material can have a major influence if you’re attempting to set up an online presence or better your website’s SEO positioning.

Search engines like Google are known for penalizing websites with duplicated material by lowering their visibility on result pages.

This penalty isn’t just limited to deliberate attempts at deception either; even accidental duplication due to technical issues such as URL variations could cause problems with search engine algorithms.

Tactics To Evade Duplicating Material

To avoid falling into unintentional duplication traps, there are several strategies that you can employ:

Create Original Work: Strive always for originality in all pieces produced by you as a human writer brings their own voice and originality. Researching from multiple sources instead of relying solely on a single source will aid immensely in achieving unique work. CopyBlogger

Rework Information: If crucial information needs to be borrowed from another source for your piece, ensure thorough rewriting using different words and phrases while retaining its meaning happens before publishing your generated text.

Cite Sources Properly: Citing sources properly doesn’t just help avoid plagiarism—it enhances credibility among readers who appreciate well-researched work. Purdue OWL

Leveraging Tools And Technology For Assistance

Besides these manual checks, various tools exist that allow writers to check their work against billions of webpages across the internet automatically. SmallSEOTools Plagiarism Checker . These tools use sophisticated algorithms akin to those used by

Proofread Your Work

The process of proofreading is more than just a final check for typos. It’s an essential step in ensuring your content remains undetected by AI detection tools, like Turnitin , and retains its originality to show it is human-written text.

In essence, meticulous attention to detail can make all the difference when it comes to avoiding AI detection systems.

Meticulous Attention to Detail: More Than Just Grammar Checkers

You’ve written your piece with care, using natural language processing techniques and variations in sentence structure. Now you need to ensure that no error has slipped through unnoticed – spelling mistakes or awkward sentences could be red flags for AI detectors.

A good strategy? Read out loud what you have penned down. This practice will help identify any inconsistencies or repetitive phrases which might trigger reliable AI detection tool algorithms.

However, remember this isn’t about fixing grammatical issues alone – it’s about making sure everything fits together seamlessly without raising suspicion from plagiarism checkers.

Consistency Is Key: Maintaining Uniformity Across The Document

Your document should maintain consistency across various aspects such as tone of voice, use of tenses, etc., since inconsistency may confuse readers (be they human or machine), thus increasing chances of being flagged by artificial intelligence source programs.

If possible, get another pair of eyes on your work before finalizing it – they may spot something missed during initial reviews.

Taking Breaks And Multiple Proofreads: A Winning Strategy?

Rushing won’t do much good; instead, multiple rounds with breaks between them are advised so each time you revisit your work, you gain fresh perspectives.

With every round, try looking at different aspects, e.g., first focus on grammar then move onto punctuation followed by checking flow among others.

This way, even if one aspect gets overlooked initially, it would most likely be caught later, thereby enhancing overall quality while reducing chances of getting detected via AI models.

Proofreading is not just a typo hunt, but a crucial step to dodge AI detection tools. Reading aloud helps spot inconsistencies and repetitive phrases that might trigger these tools. Consistency in tone and tense throughout the document can also prevent raising flags. Don’t rush; multiple proofreads with breaks offer fresh perspectives, improving quality while lowering detection risks.

FAQs in Relation to How to Avoid Ai Detection in Writing

How do you avoid ai detection in an essay.

To evade AI detection, write original content, use synonyms and variations of words, and proofread your work to eliminate errors that could trigger the system.

How to bypass AI written content detection?

Bypassing AI detection requires understanding its algorithms. Use natural language processing techniques and avoid duplicate content for a more unique writing style.

How do I make my writing not look like AI?

Add personal anecdotes or emotions into your writing. AIs lack human experiences, which makes it hard for human writing for them to mimic this aspect of human communication.

How do you paraphrase to avoid AI detection?

Rewrite sentences entirely rather than just replacing words with synonyms. Change sentence structure and order while maintaining the original meaning.

Conclusion, Do AI Detection Tools Really Work?

Unraveling the mystery of avoiding AI detection in writing is no small feat.

You’ve taken a deep dive into understanding how these algorithms work and how to properly ask your AI questions .

Natural language processing techniques have become your new best friend, helping you craft unique content that flies under the radar.

You’ve discovered the power of synonyms and variations to keep your prose fresh and undetectable by prying AI eyes.

Duplicate content? Not on your watch!

Your proofreading skills are now sharper than ever, ensuring no errors slip through to alert those pesky digital detectives.

But remember, this journey doesn’t end here. Always more to uncover when it comes to utilizing AI for prosperity in the digital age. Ready for what’s next?

AI Writer is here with ai writing tool and resources designed specifically for people like you – ready to increase their income or start a side hustle using technology and AI. Let us guide you further down this path towards becoming an even savvier wordsmith!

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How to Avoid AI Detection in 2024 (6 Proven Techniques!)


  • Tags: Artificial Intelligence

AI writing tools have dramatically changed the way we create content, making it faster and more efficient. But with these advances come worries about authenticity and plagiarism.

As AI-generated text gets more advanced, detecting it becomes more important. This article offers 6 practical tips to help you avoid AI detection, so your content stays genuine and humanised!

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How AI detection tools work

AI detection tools work by analyzing the patterns and characteristics of text and comparing them to a vast database of AI-generated content. They look for telltale signs like:

  • Repetitive sentence structures : AI often produces repetitive sentence structures and phrasing, lacking the natural variation found in human writing.
  • Lack of nuance and emotion : AI struggles to convey complex emotions or nuanced perspectives, often resulting in bland and generic AI-generated text .
  • Unnatural word choices: AI might use uncommon or awkward word choices, lacking the natural flow and vocabulary of human writers.
  • Predictable content: AI-generated content can be predictable and formulaic, lacking the originality and creativity of human thought.

So then how to avoid AI detection? Don’t worry! Using our practical tips will give you the best way to avoid AI detection.

6 Tips to avoid AI detection

Here are some tips to help you avoid AI detection in your writing:

1. Humanize your content

  • Embrace variation: Use a mix of sentence lengths, structures, and phrasing to avoid repetitive patterns. 

For example, instead of writing “The dog ran. The dog barked. The dog chased the ball,” try “The dog, a blur of brown fur, sprinted across the lawn, a joyful bark escaping its throat as it chased after the bouncing ball.”

  • Incorporate personal experiences: Bring your writing to life by sharing your own stories and experiences. This adds authenticity and makes your message more relatable.

For example, instead of just stating a fact, tell a personal story to illustrate it.

  • Show emotion and passion: Let your feelings and opinions shine through in your writing. Use expressive adjectives and adverbs like eager, strongly, etc. They will convey your emotions and add a personal touch. Don’t hold back from showing how you feel about the topic.

2. Enhance your writing style

  • Use different sentence structures: Vary your sentences to show a good grasp of grammar and syntax.

For example, rather than writing, “The cat sat on the mat. The cat was fluffy,” try something more descriptive like, “The fluffy cat, with its emerald eyes, settled contentedly on the worn, striped mat.”

  • Employ a wide vocabulary: Use a diverse range of words, including synonyms, to avoid repetitive phrasing.

For example, instead of saying, “The man was happy,” you might say, “The man beamed with joy.”

  • Add figurative language: Use metaphors, similes, and other literary devices to make your writing more vivid and engaging.

For instance, rather than stating, “The sunset was beautiful,” you could write, “The sky blazed with fiery hues, painting the horizon with a breathtaking masterpiece.”

3. Focus on originality and creativity

  • Develop your own ideas: Don’t rely solely on AI for inspiration. Brainstorm your own ideas, research thoroughly, and develop unique perspectives.
  • Be original: Avoid copying or paraphrasing existing content, even if it’s AI-generated. Focus on creating something fresh and original.

4. Use AI only as a tool

  • Start with a human draft: Use AI to generate ideas and outlines, but always start with a human-written draft as the foundation.
  • Refine and edit: Don’t rely solely on AI-generated text . Refine and edit the content to reflect your voice and writing style . You can use AI writers , content editors , etc. to polish your text.
  • Focus on quality: Prioritize quality over quantity. Create well-written, engaging, and properly edited content that demonstrates your expertise and creativity.

5. Rewrite to avoid AI detection

  • Rephrase to avoid AI detection: AI detection tools often flag repetitive phrases and structures. 
  • Use synonyms: Replace common words with synonyms to avoid predictable patterns.

For example, instead of writing “The dog was big,” try “The dog was massive.”

  • Add transitions: Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas and create a more natural flow.

For example, instead of writing “The cat was hungry. The cat ate the food,” try “The cat was feeling hungry, so it devoured the food with gusto.”

Understanding how to avoid AI detection is an ongoing process. As AI technology continues to evolve, so will the methods used to detect it. You can ensure your content remains original by staying informed about the latest advancements in AI and continuously refining your writing practices.

After writing your content, consider enlisting the help of expert editing and proofreading services like those at PaperTrue. Our team can help polish your work and ensure it passes any AI detection test with flying colors!

Keep reading for more useful content:

  • 100+ Useful ChatGPT Prompts for Thesis Writing in 2024
  • 10 Best Free Online Grammar Checkers: Features and Ratings
  • Best ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing (100+ Prompts!)
  • 10 Best PDF Editors of 2024 (Free + Paid) | Pros & Cons
  • What Is Plagiarism? Meaning, Types & Examples

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Remove AI Detection and Write Authentic Content

April 9, 2024

How to Remove AI Detection?


The currency of trust and credibility cannot be overstated in the content creation world. Engaging an audience and establishing a rapport hinges on the authenticity of the message conveyed. As digital landscapes evolve, so too does the interplay between human creativity and artificial intelligence in crafting compelling narratives.

Yet, as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, readers are increasingly seeking the human touch—a sense of connection that only personal experiences and insights can provide. Striking the right balance is not only an art but also essential for maintaining brand integrity and authority.

For instance, consider a company blog that not only shares industry news but also employee stories and customer successes. Such content resonates because it's authentic and offers a peek behind the corporate curtain into the lives of real people.

Building trust with your audience is like laying a foundation for a house; without it, any structure you erect will be unstable. Trust is built through consistent, genuine interactions and by providing value through content. Audiences gravitate towards brands that showcase not just expertise, but also humanity and relatability.

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Impact of AI-generated content on Audience Perception and Brand Authority

The emergence of AI-generated content has introduced efficiencies in volume and speed of production, but it also raises questions about originality and personal connection. When content feels too formulaic or detached, it risks undermining the audience's trust, which is pivotal for a brand's authority.

An overreliance on AI without a human filter can result in content that feels impersonal or homogenized. This may lead to disengagement and a perception that the brand lacks depth. Adding in human elements to the worfflow—be it through editorial oversight or personal anecdotes—can significantly reduce AI detection .

Blending Human and AI Content

In this approach, AI tools serve as aids in the creative process, enhancing human efforts rather than replacing them. They can assist with data analysis, language translation, and even suggest content structures, but they lack the ability to replicate the nuanced understanding and emotional intelligence of a human writer.

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Integrating AI-generated insights with human oversight leads to richer, more authentic content. For example, AI can provide data-driven suggestions that a human editor can then shape into a story that aligns with the brand's voice and resonates with its audience.

Benefits of Adding Personal touch to our Content

A personal touch in content can transform it from mundane to memorable. It's the unique perspectives, stories, and experiences that signal to readers—and AI detection tools—that the content has a human origin.

Personalized content can take many forms, from sharing anecdotes to using a conversational tone that reflects the writer's voice.

Humanizing content not only engages readers but also naturally eliminates AI-generated patterns, making it harder for detection tools to flag the content as machine-produced. This is crucial for those who wish to maintain a sense of authenticity in their writing while leveraging AI tools discreetly.

Create to Provide Value

Providing Value is the cornerstone of impactful content. It's not enough to simply inform; one must enlighten and empower the reader. Offering insights based on experience or expert knowledge can significantly enhance the value of content. It's these pearls of wisdom that audiences seek and remember.

For example, a how-to guide gains credibility when the author includes their personal journey of trial and error. It demonstrates not only expertise but also empathy, showing that the writer understands the reader's potential challenges and concerns.

10 Actionable Tips to Avoid AI Detection in Writing

1) diversifying language and phrasing.

Variety is the spice of life—and of language. Diversifying language and phrasing is fundamental to avoiding AI detection. Using a mix of sentence structures, lengths, and rhythms makes the text feel more natural and less predictable, characteristics of human-written prose.

For example, alternating complex sentences with simple ones, interspersing questions with declarative statements, or weaving in occasional fragments can give your writing a dynamic quality that defies the uniformity often seen in AI-generated text.

2) Include Visual Elements

Incorporating visual elements such as images, videos, charts, graphs, and infographics into your content enriches the reader's experience, clarifies complex ideas, and significantly boosts engagement. Beyond enhancing comprehension, these visuals play a crucial role in distinguishing your content from AI-generated material, adding a layer of authenticity and creativity that AI has yet to replicate effectively.

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3) Keeping the Language Simple and Conversational

Simplicity and a conversational tone go a long way in making content relatable and engaging. By writing as one speaks—using contractions, colloquial terms, and direct addresses to the reader—one can create a friendly and inviting narrative voice.

This approach not only fosters a connection with the reader but also steers the content away from the more formal and detached tone that can be indicative of AI-generated material.

4) Using Active Voice and Varying Writing Style

The active voice is direct and vigorous, qualities that give writing a sense of immediacy and clarity. Coupled with a varied writing style, it can greatly obscure the mechanical nature of AI-generated text.

Different types of content writing styles may involve switching between expository, descriptive, persuasive, and narrative modes within the same piece, depending on the context and purpose. This stylistic flexibility is a hallmark of human authorship and can effectively mask AI involvement.

5) Leverage Data for Depth

Incorporating data and factually accurate content not only bolsters the credibility of your content but also provides tangible evidence that supports your insights. Presenting statistics, trends, and case studies can turn abstract concepts into actionable advice, enabling readers to make informed decisions.

For example, imagine you’re writing an article on the growing importance of cybersecurity. Simply stating that "cybersecurity is crucial for businesses today" is a vague assertion. However, presenting a statistic like "According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is projected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025," instantly makes your claim more compelling.

6) Incorporating Storytelling Elements

Storytelling is at the heart of human experience. A story can illuminate truths and connect with emotions in ways that facts alone cannot. By weaving case studies into content, writers engage readers with a sense of journey and discovery. It's these elements—plot, character development, and emotive language—that AI has yet to master in its full complexity.

For instance, if your article advocates for the use of AI in enhancing customer service, citing a case study like "How a Retail Company 'X' Reduced Customer Service Calls by 40% Using AI Chatbots" provides a concrete example of AI’s benefits in action.

This not only makes your argument more relatable but also demonstrates the practical application and impact of the technology, transforming abstract concepts into tangible results.

7) Crafting AI-Generated Content Carefully

When using AI to generate content, it's important to exercise careful review. The output should be carefully verified and edited to ensure it aligns with the author's intent and voice. Human intervention can transform generic AI-produced text into engaging, personalized content.

One method involves treating AI-generated drafts as starting points for further development. Editors can add unique insights, adjust tone, and ensure the content reflects the brand's identity and values, thus greatly reducing the likelihood of detection by AI tools.

8) Paraphrase Effectively

Paraphrasing is not only a skill useful for avoiding plagiarism but also for evading AI detection. Effective paraphrasing involves more than finding synonyms; it's about reimagining how to present an idea while maintaining its original meaning.

It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to communicate it from a new angle. This level of rephrasing signals to both readers and AI detectors that the content is the result of human cognition and creativity.

9) Provide Future Trends and Predictions

Offering forward-looking insights by analyzing future trends and making industry predictions not only provides your audience a strategic advantage but also significantly elevates your content's authenticity, setting it apart from AI-generated material.

This practice of integrating future data and predictions, especially when paired with actionable strategies, not only positions your content as an invaluable, forward-thinking resource but also underscores its human touch in an ever-evolving landscape.

Such foresight demonstrates deep industry understanding and commitment to innovation, crucial for navigating the challenges ahead and avoiding AI detection through the unique, insightful analysis it provides.

10) Use Descriptive Prompts

Descriptive prompts are powerful tools in bringing out rich, detailed responses from AI content generators.

By providing detailed scenarios and asking for particular details, these prompts encourage AI systems to delve into a more creative and less predictable space.

The resulting content often surpasses the limitations of basic AI outputs, acquiring a layer of sophistication that mirrors human thought processes. For instance, prompts that evoke sensory experiences or emotional reactions can lead to content that feels more alive and genuine—a key factor in avoiding AI detection.

Important Note:  Google emphasises content quality over its origin, confirming that AI-generated content is acceptable as long as it delivers value. The key criterion for Google is whether the content is valuable, not whether it's created by humans or AI. Content that fails to provide value is consistently downplayed

Examples of effective prompts

Effective prompts are both clear and evocative. They might ask the AI to describe a bustling city market through the eyes of a traveler, or to recount an elderly person's most cherished memory. These prompts draw on senses, emotions, and imagination to produce text that feels distinctly human.

Another example could be a prompt that instructs the AI to write a persuasive piece on the importance of community in personal growth, including anecdotes to illustrate key points. Such prompts pave the way for content that resonates on a personal level and is less prone to AI detection.

In conclusion, the art of creating content that escapes AI detection and resonates with authenticity lies in the seamless blend of technology and humanity. By employing a diverse array of techniques—from storytelling and varied phrasing to the strategic use of descriptive prompts—writers can craft content that not only engages but also maintains the warmth and relatability that only a human touch can provide.

The future of content creation is one where AI serves as a tool in the hands of creative individuals, empowering them to produce work that is both efficient and genuinely human. As we continue to explore this synergistic relationship, the value of authentic human connection in our digital narratives becomes increasingly evident.

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How to Bypass an AI Content Detector

How to Bypass an AI Content Detector

5-minute read

  • 14th October 2023

Are you interested in using AI-generated content for your website but worried it will negatively impact your brand and damage your SEO strategy ? You’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll discuss how to improve your AI-generated text and bypass an AI content detector so you can make the most of your content.

Keep reading for more!

How Does an AI Content Detector Work?

AI content detectors are designed to scan a text, analyze it, and detect whether it was generated by an AI writing tool, such as ChatGPT or Jasper . Basically, AI content detectors break down a text and look for patterns in it. The easier a pattern is to identify and the more frequently a pattern occurs, the more likely it is that the text was generated by AI. Detectors are trained on the same machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques used to train AI writing tools. Unlike a plagiarism detector, an AI detector doesn’t compare the text to a large database to see whether it matches a different source; it evaluates a text and determines the likelihood that the content was produced by AI.

Do AI content detectors work? Sometimes . The technology is still fairly new and experimental, and it’s not always reliable. However, search engines, such as Google, can detect AI-generated content and may “penalize” it by ranking it lower on search engine results pages. Google prioritizes unique content that addresses common user queries, not content mass-produced to manipulate Google’s search algorithm. So it’s always best (and most responsible ) to view the content that AI writing tools produce with a critical eye. And humanize AI-generated text as much as possible if you want engaging content that appeals to your readers!

If you know the general types of issues AI content detectors look for, it’s easier for you to spot and fix them! Detectors look for certain patterns in AI-generated text, such as:

●  Overly formal language

●  An inconsistent tone of voice (or awkward tone shifts)

●  Repetitive phrases and sentences

●  Overuse of the passive voice and “hedging” language (e.g., phrases such as considered to be )

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●  A lack of sentence length variation

To avoid detection and make your AI-generated content read more naturally, you need to give it a human touch. Take the following steps when editing your content.

Add a Dash of Originality

AI generates content by synthesizing a vast amount of information and data already available on the internet. That means it’s not capable of adding a fresh perspective or a new spin on a topic. To bypass an AI content detector, use the responses generated by AI as a foundation or outline and build upon it by adding your own unique viewpoints and opinions wherever possible (e.g., including relevant anecdotes). You can even introduce witty observations (if they embody the right tone for your audience) or some references to current events!

Edit the Flow

Since AI-generated text can sound monotonous, try reading it out loud to get a sense of where it would benefit from varying the sentence length. If you see several brief sentences in a row, try combining them using a semicolon or coordinating conjunction . If you notice a particularly long, complex sentence, try breaking it up to improve readability.

Use an Authoritative and Active Voice

AI-generated content tends to overuse hedging language to avoid giving misinformation or incorrect data (e.g., using is widely regarded as instead of is ). Use bold, authoritative statements whenever possible. AI content also tends to rely on the passive rather than the active voice, so be on the lookout for that and convert instances of the passive voice to the active voice when appropriate. That is, if the AI-generated content has provided a response in the passive voice that is missing a clear “doer” of an action, you can add your own. For example:

Keep a Consistent Tone

AI writing tools sometimes use multiple tones in a single piece of content, a tendency that an AI content detector may pick up on. So to avoid detection, make sure you use a single tone consistently throughout the text. The AI content may start in an overly formal, serious tone and then transition to a more lighthearted tone. Depending on your target audience, edit the sentence structure, phrasing, and vocabulary to reflect one preferred tone of voice (funny, serious, humorous, engaging, etc.).

Cut Repetition

AI content detectors typically look for repetitive text, which is a common issue with AI-generated writing. If the content seems to be repeating the same or similar ideas throughout, make cuts where necessary or even paraphrase entire paragraphs. For example, read a paragraph of AI text to get a general sense of the overall theme or idea and then rephrase it concisely. You can also use synonyms for words that are frequently repeated. The more the text is in your own words, the less likely it is to be flagged by AI content detection.

AI Editing Services

The best way to bypass AI content detection is to have a human editor edit your text to improve the readability and overall quality. Contact Proofed’s editing services to get the most out of your AI-generated content!

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10 Actionable Tips To Avoid AI Detection In Writing

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Rephrasing sentences using different words while maintaining their original meaning can avoid AI content detection. By using an easy to understand writing style that reflects personal anecdotes and experiences, you can help evade AI detection in your content.

The humble beginnings of AI writing were once limited to simple tasks like auto-completing sentences and detecting incorrect grammar.

Today, due to advanced algorithmic improvements, AI writing has exploded on the content marketing scene, making it almost impossible not to use an AI writer yourself just to keep up. 

The key to bypassing AI content detectors is ensuring that your AI-generated writing appears to have been written by a human rather than a computer, both for your reader and search engines. 

In this article, we'll reveal all the techniques to make your AI content undetectable.

What you will learn

  • How Google uses its machine learning algorithms to detect AI usage through writing patterns, language structures, and other advanced means. 
  • How to avoid AI detection in 10 effective ways
  • The best available AI detectors to verify your AI usage before search engines do. 
  • The two genres you need to avoid when generating AI content. 

What is AI detection? 

AI detection is the practice of distinguishing between content generated by artificial intelligence software and human-written content. AI content detection typically involves analyzing writing patterns and the use of sentence structures and redundant words to look for characteristic signs of AI content generators.

The detection of AI in content has become increasingly essential for digital publishers in SEO and content marketing, as also in image and video generation.

Detecting AI in content is important because the use of AI-generated content can impact the perceived quality and authenticity of a piece of content. Human writing is often mistakenly perceived to have more value than AI-generated text.

This could be due to the fact that a human writer will spend more time and effort writing. A common fallacy is to equate more time with higher value.

Detecting the use of AI writers can also be useful in other scenarios, such as when you're outsourcing content writing or creating original academic research.

However, AI detection isn't necessary if you're creating articles to rank higher in search engines. Google has repeatedly announced that its focus is not on how content is created but on the value it delivers.

Here's Google's search liaison reiterating the same message.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

What are AI detection tools? 

AI detection tools are specialized software designed to check for AI-generated text in content. By using them, you can verify to a reasonable degree whether your content was written by a human or generated using an AI tool.

AI detectors use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze writing style and tone to audit content.

There are several AI detection tools available, ranging from simple online checkers to more sophisticated software integrated into your content workflow.

Here are 5 AI detection tools: 

  • Surfer AI detector : Surfer offers a free AI detection tool that you can use to identify content that has been generated using any type of AI generator. Unlike new detectors, Surfer has been trained on a huge collection of articles before the AI era became mainstream, and is hence a reliable AI checker.
  • Grammarly : While primarily known as a grammar and spell-check tool, Grammarly also offers features that can help detect AI-generated content. It assesses writing style, tone, and clarity to identify inconsistencies or anomalies that might suggest AI authorship.
  • Copyscape : This tool is widely used for checking plagiarism but can also be effective in identifying AI-generated content. If AI-generated content closely mimics existing online material, Copyscape can detect these similarities.
  • Turnitin : Often used in academic settings, Turnitin is adept at detecting plagiarism and can also be useful in identifying AI-generated content. It analyzes writing style and compares submissions against a vast database of academic papers, web pages, and other sources.
  • Originality. AI : This tool hails itself as the most accurate AI content detector and is specifically designed to identify content that has been generated by advanced language models.

Can AI detectors identify AI-generated content? 

AI content detectors are not always shown to be 100% accurate and can often lead to false positives. Since AI detection tools rely on writing patterns and language structures that are characteristic of AI-generated content, they can incorrectly flag human-written articles that mimic a similar style.

As our analysis shows, AI content detectors are not always shown to be 100% accurate .

These tools are not perfect and often mistakenly classify human-written content as AI-generated due to certain factors:

  • Writing style : You may inadvertently use language patterns or phrases similar to those generated by AI models.
  • Repetitive phrases or ideas : You might be using similar phrases multiple times in your writing. This is one of the most common reasons for false AI content detection.
  • Unusual grammar or syntax : If your writing uses unconventional grammar or sentence structures, AI detection tools might misinterpret this as a sign of AI-generated content.
  • Limited training data : AI detection tools rely on training data to learn how to distinguish between human and AI-generated content . If the training data of the AI detector is limited or biased, it can affect the tool's accuracy and lead to false readings.
  • Evolving AI algorithms : As AI writing models become more advanced and capable of mimicking human-like language patterns, it's becoming more difficult for detection tools to differentiate between human and AI-generated content accurately.

AI detection tools are constantly having to improve and adapt to new developments in AI-generated content. However, false detections of human-written content as AI-generated may still occur due to the factors above.

At this moment, I don't recommend relying solely on AI content detectors to distinguish between human and AI-generated text.

However, AI tools like ChatGPT have pledged to watermark their generated text in a bid to authenticate AI-generated content versus human writers.

This could potentially make AI detectors more accurate in the future.

If you would like to generate content that avoids detection by search engines and AI content detectors, you can use Surfer's AI Humanizer . So even though you're using AI to create content, your article will be recognized as human-written text.

10 ways to avoid ai content detection .

With the widespread adoption of AI in the writing and research communities, it's easy to see how AI writing tools can improve scale and efficiency while decreasing effort and time.

Yes, AI content generators make things easier, but they can also free up time so you can focus on elevating your article with research, stats and examples instead of fighting writer's block.

We've discussed the use of AI content detectors and why you shouldn't rely too heavily on them to audit your content. However, there may be times when you want to bypass AI content detection.

Instead of just using one evasion technique, I'd suggest combining them for the most effective pass rate.

Follow these 10 tips to avoid AI content detection in your writing.  

1. Rephrase sentence structure and format

The quickest way to elude AI content detection is by rewriting and shuffling your sentences.

This involves modifying the sequence of words and phrases within a sentence, which can throw off detection algorithms that depend on grammatical patterns and combinations of words.

AI content detectors can find recurring patterns in your sentence phrasing.

ChatGPT has a fondness for overusing terms that are now characteristic of its writing.

Here's an example.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Combining sentences can create a more complex sentence structure that becomes harder for AI to detect.

For instance, "The sun rose. It was a beautiful morning." can be combined to form "As the sun rose, it revealed a beautiful morning."

On the reverse side, breaking long sentences into shorter ones can make your content appear more human-like.

Let's take a look at an example of word substitution for ChatGPT content.

Here's a paragraph of ChatGPT's answer to "how to become a good marketer?"

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Here's how we could rephrase it while maintaining its original meaning.

To become a good marketer for SaaS companies or marketing agencies, you need to do a few things. First, invest in ongoing learning to keep up with industry trends, SEO algorithms, and new marketing technologies. Second, you should really know your target audience, including their wants and needs.

Adopt decisions based on data by using analytics to track and improve campaigns. Encourage creativity and new ideas to make material that people want to read.

This is a simple way to keep the original meaning of your content while making sure AI systems do not detect AI-generated text.

Surfer’s free paraphrasing tool can enhance your writing by improving readability and flow.

It allows you to rephrase paragraphs and sentences, ensuring they are clear, engaging, and professional without changing the original message.

2. Use synonyms and similar words

Substituting certain words with their equivalents can still convey the same message without being detected.

You will find that AI writing tools often use the most common or formal version of a word. So, for example, using an AI writer for this article would generate phrases such as, "avoid AI detection" or "evade AI detection."

These are fairly common words that are easy to understand.

However, I could substitute these for "sidestep AI content" or "circumvent AI content" and so on.

Let's use the same example we gave above.

Here's how we could rewrite it using synonyms.

Becoming a competent marketer for SaaS companies or marketing agencies requires a varied approach. Start by continuously learning and staying updated with industry trends, SEO algorithms, and emerging marketing technologies. Identify your target market's needs and preferences well.

Adopt data-driven decisions, using analytics to optimize marketing campaigns. Embrace creativity and innovation to create compelling content.

Of course, you want to keep your reader's sensibilities in mind when using different words. Online content is recommended to be written for a Flesch Reading Ease score of 60.

And you don't want to show off your vocabulary or confuse readers.

Overusing synonyms and antonyms can make your text appear awkward, which can be off-putting for your readers. So, use them judiciously to prevent your text from sounding unnatural or forced.

3. Use an anti-AI detector aka text humanizer

An anti-AI detector, or "text humanizer," tweaks AI-generated content to mimic human writing, obscuring its artificial origins.  

A text humanizer works by adjusting patterns typical of AI, so the content resonates more authentically with the audience.

An AI humanizer scans for commonly used AI phrases, eliminates the passive voice, and restructures sentences to give your content a more natural, human-like quality.

Surfer’s free AI Humanizer tool can help you rewrite AI-generated content into humanized text.

This means you can use any AI writer, including ChatGPT to create humanized AI content

Using it is pretty simple. 

  • Head to Surfer’s AI content humanizer tool
  • Enter your content

Surfer will check your content to detect if it was written by an AI content generator and tell you the probability that it is AI-written. 

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

For example, 93% human means that there is a 93% likelihood that your content was written by a human writer.

Similarly, 7% human means there is only a 7% chance of your content being written by a real person. 

You can then choose to humanize AI content into natural sounding text that appears to be written by a human.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

So yes, rewriting AI content with Surfer’s Humanizer can help you pass AI content detection tools and search engines.

However, its use also sparks ethical debates regarding transparency in the use of artificially generated text—that is, if it's used to mislead audiences by presenting AI-generated content as human-written.

That shouldn't be your end-goal.

Ensure that you’re writing useful content for readers and not just using AI tools to publish humanized content at scale.

Consumers nowadays support brands using generative AI , as long as they are transparent about the use of it.

An anti-AI detector can be a powerful tool when used to provide value to users and make your content sound better, which is what your end goal should be.

4. Avoid repetitive keywords and phrases

AI detection algorithms use machine learning and natural language to identify repetitive or formulaic language that may indicate AI authorship.

ChatGPT, for example, is notorious for using repetitive phrases. It's so bad that there's a whole thread dedicated to it on Reddit.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Eliminating repetitive phrases and words from your AI content can impact how AI-detecting tools see your content.

Identifying repetitive language can sometimes be difficult so I recommend reading out your content aloud. You'll be immediately able to tell when something doesn't read well.

To avoid this problem, eliminate as many repetitive keywords and phrases as possible and ensure you write in a more natural tone.

You can write in a natural tone by: 

Writing like you speak

When editing AI-generated text, make sure it sounds like you’re having a conversation with your reader.

Use everyday language, including contractions such as “it’s” rather than “it is.” This will make your writing feel more approachable.

Avoid jargon and complex terms

Use plain language and familiar vocabulary to convey your message.

If you must use technical terms, ensure that you explain them clearly to readers who may not be familiar with the subject matter.

Use active voice

Writing in an active voice can make your sentences more direct and engaging.

You could also alter sentences that are in the passive voice to the active voice.

"I was in awe of the Eiffel Tower" can be rearranged to say, "The Eiffel Tower left me in awe."

By doing this, you have kept the main idea of your message and avoided likely detection algorithms that might be looking for certain patterns or word combinations.

Vary sentence length and structure

Mix short and long sentences to create a natural rhythm in your writing. This can make your content more enjoyable to read, help maintain the reader's interest, and avoid detection by AI checkers.

Ask questions

Posing questions throughout your content encourages readers to reflect on the topic and engage with your writing.

Your writing will appear more natural because asking questions is normal in everyday speech. 

5. Share personal anecdotes and perspectives

Using real-life examples, stories, or analogies can help readers understand your message and make your content more engaging.

Sharing personal anecdotes and first-hand experiences in your content can add a special touch that AI often struggles to replicate.

For brands and content creators, building trust and credibility with their audience is crucial.

Readers prefer content that they can trust, written by real people with expertise or experience.

If your audience suspects that your content is AI-generated, it might impact their trust in your brand or the authority of your content.

This doesn't mean that you have to write all your content by yourself.

Think of it as before the Industrial Revolution, when most goods were hand-made. The introduction of machinery automated most of the work, but the best goods still required careful intervention by humans.

Using only AI-written content may sometimes lead to a more robotic feel to your final article.

The robotic-sounding nature of using only AI-generated content may bore your end user in addition to getting your work flagged by an AI checker.

Instead of choosing between human and AI content, it’s always a good idea to blend them both by adding some content that you wrote yourself to break up any possibility of AI content detection. 

One of your main goals should be to provide helpful advice to your audience.

Adding human-written content to your project makes detecting computer-generated content harder for AI recognition tools.

6. Use descriptive prompts 

It’s important to remember not just to ask an AI generator to create content and then call it a day.

To improve the quality of your AI content, you need to write more descriptive prompts that can bypass search engine detectors.

Writing a descriptive prompt is more likely to produce emotional and sentimental text with a conversational tone to it.  

For example, you may end up with bland, low-quality content by using a prompt such as: 

“Write a story about a forest.”

You’ll receive higher-quality text by being more descriptive.

“Describe a serene and peaceful forest, focusing on the sights, sounds, and smells that surround you as you walk through it in the early morning.”

To help you write better descriptive prompts, take the basic idea of your original prompt and then ask the AI to describe the situation using different senses. 

For example, a prompt like this: 

“Write a story about a day at the beach.”

It can be written descriptively by imagining what the situation would look, sound, and feel like: 

“Craft a scene in which a character experiences the exhilaration and freedom of a coastal beach during a warm summer day, emphasizing the sensations of sand, surf, and sun on their skin.”

Alternatively, you can produce high-quality AI content by using the “in the style of” technique. You can do this by adding this simple phrase to your base prompt.  

For example, instead of using a prompt like: 

“Write an ad for AI software.” 

You can add a style of tone or creative person you want to emulate to the prompt: 

“Write an ad for AI software in the style of Quentin Tarantino.” 

With a prompt like this, you’ll end up with content that should easily pass by any AI detection tool:

  “In a world where every mundane task feels like a never-ending grind, one revolutionary piece of software dares to challenge the status quo. Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-pumping, mind-blowing, no-holds-barred adventure into the future of artificial intelligence.”

Just make sure to choose a tone or style that works for the product you’re selling, and let the AI do the rest. 

You can use Surfer’s AI editing assistant, Surfy , to edit parts of your content with better prompts. 

Here’s an example of content under a subheader titled “Brainstorming Techniques.”

I want the advice to be more personable and in a conversational tone. 

In my prompt, I asked Surfy to adopt such a tone and to speak on behalf of a professional screenplay writer. 

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Here’s a snapshot of the content Surfy generated for me. 

As you can see, the content reads better and is more effective at communicating my point.

There is no way to tell that a human did not write the content.

7. Use paraphrasing tools

If you’re dealing with AI-written content that feels too robotic or spammy, you can also use a paraphrasing tool to help you effectively replicate human writing styles.

Using paraphrasing tools can help you create content faster while passing AI-checking software.

They can improve the tone of your AI content and work well with AI detection software.

Here are 4 paraphrasing tools to consider.

Surfy is Surfer AI’s built-in editing assistant and can help rephrase your sentences or entire paragraphs easily. 

Select the paragraph or sentence you want to edit and click the Rephrase option.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Of course, you can also type a more detailed prompt if you want specific paraphrasing of your content. 

You can then accept the newly written content or start over.  

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

While primarily known as a grammar and spell-checking tool, Grammarly can also serve as an effective paraphrasing aid.

Grammarly will help you write with clarity and brevity, which is essential for paraphrasing. This program will also correct any punctuation or grammar problems your text may have and detect any plagiarism or AI content issues. 

Quilbot is a dedicated paraphrasing tool designed to help users rewrite and rephrase text effectively.

This tool uses state-of-the-art AI algorithms to produce text that understands context, meaning, and the structure of human speech.

Quillbot's AI-powered paraphrasing capabilities enable users to rewrite large amounts of text quickly, saving time and effort while producing high-quality, unique content.

Wordtune is a powerful AI-powered writing tool that excels at paraphrasing by implementing context-aware AI technology to restructure your text into something more human-sounding.

Wordtune also gives you multiple rewriting options, allowing you to choose the version that best aligns with your desired writing style and tone. 

8. Use competent AI writing tools

As good as some free AI generators like ChatGPT are, these types of AI programs are easy for AI detectors to find.

One of the best ways to avoid AI detection is by using content focussed AI writing software designed to produce AI content that feels like a human writer. 

Instead of just spinning content from other sites, these tools are designed to create content that offers value to readers.

Using a highly-rated AI writer for your articles means that you won't have to spend hours rephrasing or editing your AI content to pass AI detection.

Surfer AI , for example is an AI writing tool that allows you to write complete articles that are optimized for search engines while bypassing AI content detectors.

Surfer's AI tool generates high-quality content capable of surpassing AI detectors by allowing you to choose your tone of voice and organic competitors, so you don't end up with a wall of text that reads like a robot wrote it. 

Just toggle on the anti-AI detection switch to create content that will be recognized as if written by a human writer.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Review the AI-written outline for your article and let Surfer AI write a complete article for you in a couple of minutes.

Here's an example of two articles on the same topic, "essential tools for gardening" written by Surfer AI.

We'll enable the anti-AI detector for one of the articles to demonstrate its efficacy and compare it to an article written without using the anti-AI boost.

We didn't use the anti-AI detection option to create the first article.

It's a well written article that covers the topic well and will rank well on search engines.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

But the content may not pass an AI text detector if you're really strict about AI content.

In the second article, we switched on the anti-AI feature and generated a new piece of content.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

We then used Originality. AI, one of the most popular AI content detection platforms, to detect AI content in our article.

Doing so resulted in an article that was identified as 99% human-written and only 1% AI-created!

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Not only will you receive high-quality content that can surpass Google’s detectors with Surfer AI, but you’ll also be able to do this with minimal prompts, with the final result being SEO-ready. 

Other AI generators don't create content specifically for search engine algorithms.

9. Use human moderators

Having human editors review the content generated by AI tools can help identify areas that need improvement and ensure that the content is easy to understand and engaging for human readers.

When reviewing AI-generated content, instruct your editors to look out for repetitive or formulaic language, unnatural sentences, and any apparent signs that AI tools generated the content.

Ensuring that all claims made in the content are accurate is especially important. While you can get away with bad grammar with a slap on the wrist, making false claims will land you in content jail.

Can Google detect AI content? 

It isn't perfectly clear, but it is very likely that yes, Google can identify Al-generated text using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms.

The search engine giant has vast access to data and is developing its own AI tools, so must be able to pinpoint AI-generated text.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if Google detects your work as AI-generated according to Google’s search guidelines, which state that their main goal is to reward original, high-quality content however it is produced. 

Here's a snippet from their documentation on AI content.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Google’s goal is to reward quality content that is helpful for people, not just search engines.

So AI-generated is perfectly fine as long as it’s written with people in mind first.

Should you hide AI content? 

You shouldn't worry too much about hiding AI content because as we've just discussed, how you generate content doesn't matter to search engines.

Google and other search engines' objective is to reward quality content that helps the end user, irrespective of whether the content is generated by AI or a human.  

Some of the biggest companies in the world use AI content to launch their success to new heights. Some of these companies include: 

Google employs AI technologies to write ads by automating ad creation , understanding the context of ad copy, generating ad suggestions, optimizing bidding strategies, targeting audiences more effectively,

Buzzfeed leverages AI-driven technologies to optimize content, personalize user experiences, and write both entertaining quizzes and entire articles using AI .

BankRate uses AI to power its chatbots, assist with fraud detection, and create AI-written content for human review.

When should you avoid using AI content?

Avoid using AI-generated content when you are writing for YMYL niches or need to demonstrate expertise stemming from personal experience in your profession.

One of the main considerations when using AI content is making sure that you remain compliant with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines.

E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, and it’s the set of guidelines that Google uses to determine the legitimacy and quality of the content it delivers to its users. 

The health and finance genres are commonly considered YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) niches and should blend human oversight with AI content.

Here are a couple of instances when you should avoid relying on AI content.

Complexity and personalization

Health and finance are highly complex fields that often require personalized advice based on individual preferences and risk tolerance. AI algorithms are unlikely to be sophisticated enough to consider all these factors and provide tailored recommendations.

Liability and accountability

In cases where AI-generated advice leads to negative outcomes, assigning liability and accountability can be challenging.

Legally, it's difficult to determine if the AI, the developer, or the end user should be held responsible for any consequences resulting from the advice.

Inaccurate or outdated information

AI algorithms rely on data to make predictions and provide advice.

If the data is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, AI-generated advice may lead to a potentially dangerous outcome.

Ethical considerations

There are serious ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI in health and finance, such as potential biases in the algorithms or the impact of AI-generated advice on job displacement for human professionals in these fields.

To remain compliant with Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines, you should review and edit any content generated using AI content tools.

Key takeaways 

  • Combine AI-generated and human-written text to improve the content’s quality and make it more challenging for AI detectors to spot AI usage. 
  • Eliminate as many repetitive keywords and phrases as possible and write in a natural tone to help bypass Google’s AI-detecting algorithms. 
  • Using descriptive prompts when crafting AI content will produce higher-quality text that will feel emotional, sentimental, and conversational. 
  • Paraphrasing tools can help your text feel less robotic or spammy and help create text that better replicates human writing styles. 
  • The role of including human-written text to ensure the authenticity and uniqueness of the content to pass AI content detectors cannot be overstated.


As search engines continue to evolve and refine their algorithms, their ability to detect AI-generated content will become increasingly more sophisticated.

But it's essential to remember that search engines prioritize providing users with high-quality, relevant, and valuable information and are not concerned with how content is written.

The key to success in content is striking a balance between human and AI-generated content. By including human intervention and sharing personal insights, you can harness the power of AI while delivering meaningful content that resonates with your target audience.

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Screenshot of Surfer SEO Content Editor interface, displaying the 'Essential Content Marketing Metrics' article with a content score of 82/100. The editor highlights sections like 'Key Takeaways' and offers SEO suggestions for terms such as 'content marketing metrics

How To Avoid AI Detection As A Writer

The chatgpt hype is real, and people are wondering how to avoid detection by ai software. schools and universities have even attempted to ban students from using the tool for their essays. but there are ways to prevent plagiarism or detection of ai-generated content. seo agencies use detection platforms such as to ensure that ..

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

The ChatGPT hype is real , and people are wondering how to avoid detection by AI software. Schools and universities have even attempted to ban students from using the tool for their essays. But there are ways to prevent plagiarism or detection of AI-generated content.

SEO agencies use AI detection platforms such as's AI Detector to ensure that the texts they create don’t get flagged as being written with an AI tool – if they fail to do so, they risk getting penalized, losing all their hard work in vain.

This is where the dilemma comes in. If you use an AI content generator as a substitute for a “real human writer” without further editing or styling, you are at risk of detection.

AI should be used as a tool, not a replacement for a human writer.

You should use the AI-generated content as a starting point and then take the time to refine it so that it reads naturally.

This way, you can have the best of both worlds: a unique piece of content in a fraction of the time that looks written by a human.

In this post, we will look at five best practices to avoid AI detection as a writer. Whether you’re writing a blog post or an essay, these tips will help keep your content safe from detection.

Looking for a Paraphrase Plagiarism Checker?

Whether content is Human Generated or AI-Generated once it has been run through a paraphrasing tool it is undetectable to all AI Detectors and Plagiarism Checkers EXCEPT!

  • Read the complete study on Paraphrase Plagiarism Checking

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

What are AI-Detection Tools?

Simply put, AI content identification systems examine textual elements to identify whether a person or an AI wrote it. The language employed, the syntax and grammar, the degree of complexity, and the general coherence and readability of the text are a few characteristics that these technologies may consider.

By examining the language used and the degree of text complexity, the tool, for instance, may determine whether an AI like ChatGPT or Jasper wrote a text. Text produced by AI could be more formulaic and repetitious than writing created by humans, and it also requires more human language complexity and subtlety .

Additionally, AI-generated text may sometimes contain errors or inconsistencies less likely to occur in the human-written text.

On the other hand, if a text was written by a human, the AI content detection tool may be able to detect this by analyzing various linguistic and stylistic features of the text.

For example, human-written text may be more varied and nuanced than AI-generated text and may also contain more colloquial language and cultural references specific to human experience.

You can read about their accuracy here -

The Workaround

Now let’s look at how to avoid AI detection of your content.

Tip #1: Don’t let it write everything

To avoid detection when using ChatGPT, it is recommended to break down content into smaller segments and generate each section separately. This will give the content a more natural feel and reduce the chances of being flagged as machine-generated.

Taking the time to review and edit each segment can further improve the quality of the text, making it less likely for detection tools to spot that an AI system has created it.

Finally, creating sections individually allow you to add nuances and variations typical in human conversation but not usually found in one long piece generated by an AI program.

Tip #2: Avoid repetition

The next tip is to make sure you don’t use any recurrent phrases or structures when talking with ChatGPT.

Artificial intelligence-driven conversation can often be detected due to its reliance on patterns and templates that lead to formulaic language. Such robotic-sounding dialogue can simplify AI detection, so keep your conversations as organic as possible to avoid discovery.

To avoid monotonous or customary language, try to increase your word and sentence structure diversity. The following are samples of repeated or formulaic expressions and methods on how to shun them:

Using the same sentence structure repeatedly:

Example of repetitive language: “I think that [statement]. I also think that [related statement].”

Alternative: Vary the sentence structure by using different connecting words or phrases such as “Furthermore,” “Moreover,” or “In addition,” or rephrase the sentence structure entirely.

Repeating the same words or phrases excessively:

Example of repetitive language: “This is a great product. I really like this product. This product is amazing.”

Alternative: Use synonyms, antonyms, or related words to express the same idea without repeating the same words or phrases.

Overusing cliches or common phrases:

Example of formulaic language: “Actions speak louder than words.”

Alternative: Avoid using cliches or common phrases, and try to express the same idea in your own words.

By avoiding repetitive or formulaic language, you can make your generated text sound more natural and less like it was generated by a machine. This can make it more difficult for AI detection tools to identify it as AI-generated.

Tip #3: Add some personal touch

The third tip for avoiding AI detection when using ChatGPT is incorporating personal anecdotes or experiences into your generated text. This technique aligns with Google’s E-E-A-T principle , which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.

The search giant has suggested that content demonstrating expertise, authority, and dependability should have a better chance of appearing higher in search engine results. Including stories or experiences in your content proves your knowledge of the subject and makes it more believable and genuine.

It also makes the text you generate more intriguing and captivating for readers. It can give it a personal touch, making it easier to connect with and remember. Furthermore, these anecdotes or experiences can provide illustrations that back up your primary points or arguments.

Tip #4: Re-write your content

The fourth step to avoiding AI recognition when using ChatGPT is utilizing a tool such as QuillBot to revise the text without changing its fundamental meaning. QuillBot is an Artificial Intelligence-based writing tool that can be used for paraphrasing or reworking written material.

QuillBot can help make AI-generated text sound more natural and less robotic. By rewriting the text, you can reduce the chances of it being identified as computer-generated content.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

When using QuillBot, enter the generated text into the tool and choose the level of rewriting you want. The tool will then generate a new version of the text that retains the meaning of the original but is phrased differently. You can repeat this process multiple times to create a completely new version.

Tip #5: Check it yourself

The last step in avoiding AI detection when using ChatGPT is to use a reliable AI detection tool like This advanced algorithm-based system can accurately recognize AI-generated content and plagiarism . By applying this tool, you can be sure that the generated text will not be identified as coming from an artificial intelligence source.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

To utilize , simply copy and paste the generated text into its platform for analysis. The report given by the system will indicate any areas of plagiarism or machine-produced material that need to be corrected before using it for its intended purpose.

This way, you can guarantee that your content is authentic and not just a copy of something else.

Bottom Line

ChatGPT and other AI-powered content generators can be helpful resources for creating unique content. But, to keep your work from sounding robotic, formulaic, and flagged by an AI-detection software, putting your own spin on things is important.

That means jazzing up your writing with fun anecdotes, avoiding boring and repetitive language, and breaking things down into bite-sized chunks.

Just remember: while AI can be a great tool in your arsenal, nothing beats the creativity and soul that a human writer brings to the table. So, let those creative juices flow and get to writing!

Jonathan Gillham

More from the blog, detector review.

2023 is poised to be an exciting year for AI technology. As language models continue to advance, more AI-based products emerge. One of these products recently creating a buzz is ChatGPT. Unlike the language models preceding it, ChatGPT is specifically trained to mimic human conversations. This has led people to question whether the content they

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AI-generated content is everywhere, thanks to the growing sophistication of generative models and large language models (LLM). You will now find many online platforms that claim to generate entire articles ten times faster than the speed of a human writer. As the race for scaling your content production increases, so too does the ability of

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How to Bypass AI Writing Detection Tools to Humanize Your AI

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

AI writing tools have left a tsunami of an impact across the academic and professional worlds over the last few months.

Tools like ChatGPT are mindblowing. You can ask a computer a question and have it make your essays, tables, or even code for you.

With this came a really important question – how do you check for AI writing?

To be completely transparent: You cannot officially prove something was written with AI. It's not like plagiarism. There's no actual watermark, you're really just looking at words on a page.

When you try to detect writing from ChatGPT , you'll essentially get a prediction score that tells you how well a robot would write the exact paragraph you're trying to scan. AI writing detection is fairly complex, but this explains it pretty well.

These machine learning algorithms & AI tools aren't capable of generating extremely high-level, creative writing yet. These detectors take advantage of that. If you submit writing that lacks creativity, has a complex vocabulary, and is full of patterns, there's a higher chance it was written with AI than not.

Of course, bad writing is still horrible. I've tested some of my own articles (and I promise I did not use ChatGPT), and they came back as AI-written. It's really murky water – and in a few months, it won't even be possible to predict anymore.

Anyone who tells you they can accurately detect AI-written content 100% of the time is lying. You can never be sure, it's not provable, as these are only predictions.

But sometimes, writing will get flagged as AI regardless of who wrote it. I've tried to outsmart these already-janky AI detectors and came up with a few tips to help humanize AI text to bypass AI detectors.

How to Bypass AI Writing Detectors

There are a bunch of things you can do, but the easiest is probably just to start with a word rewriter like Undetectable AI or HideMyAI (more words for free). Combine these with other syntactical changes, and you should be good to go. Here's a list of our best tips:

Use an AI Word Scrambler

Since AI models work on predictive text, you have to make text.... uhhh... unpredictable! I've had good success using tools like Undetectable AI to automatically reword my ChatGPT-generated writing into more human-looking content. Sometimes these tools actually just talk like a robot, no matter what you prompt it. Here's an example:

AI-produced text written with ChatGPT

So I asked ChatGPT to write me some human-looking stuff, and it kinda looks good. I threw the output into two AI detectors ( Originality and Content at Scale ) and both came back positive. I even used GPT-4 (which can write better than anything I've seen AI attempt before).

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Came back 100% as AI. I threw this into Undetectable with the default settings and it came out with a result that was marked as human-written after my first attempt. Pretty awesome.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Definitely make sure to actually read your new paragraphs though. Depending on the complexity of the original content, you might notice some weird syntax in your new result.

I've put in some pretty scientific writing about a medical condition and the new response had some words in it (probably attempting to be synonyms) that made absolutely no sense!

If you aren't having luck with Undetectable , you could check out a few alternatives. I've also used QuillBot and they are really great for helping paraphrase content. QuillBot actually lets you rearrange the words in your paragraph (to swap out things like synonyms).

You can change the synonym level, language, and tone of voice with QuillBot as well. It's really a unique paraphrasing tool.

QuillBot AI Paraphrasing tool

Minimize Your Word Repetition

Another way of bypassing AI detection is to reduce the times you use the same word in an article. AI-generated content frequently repeats itself. Get rid of these words manually by proofreading and adjusting. This is basically part of what I mentioned above, but it's the human way of doing so!

Not all AI-generated content will repeat its words over and over, but the older models that have been trained on less parameters tend to write at lower levels. Lower levels = more predictable.

Attribute Your Sources and Verify Facts

AI often gathers content from the internet without discernment. Even worse, if it doesn't know what to talk about, it will just make things up.

Go ahead. Try to ask ChatGPT to write you a paragraph on the results of the 2026 Olympics. If it's in the mood, you'll see some crazy believable statistics. It's not true of course, but that's just how these tools are designed. It makes predictions based on what it knows. It'll look real, but it won't be.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

So if you really want to differentiate your writing, cite your sources! And if you're using AI that has access to the internet (like the ChatGPT with browsing mode), you'll have references you can link within your articles to further humanize your writing.

Most of what AI is trained on isn't going to have the latest citations in its training data. This is some manual work you'll have to do but it makes you writing quality better & increases credibility. In-text citations are definitely the way to go

Make It Personal

By adding a few analogies or idioms in a piece of writing can almost certainly make it bypass any type of AI detection.

These detectors aren't THAT creative. They're wonderful and I won't discredit their potential generations, but again, they're still not real. Add a few sentences relating the topic at hand to a personal anecdote to increase your credibility and further help yourself bypass these detectors. Not to mention, it makes your writing a lot more relatable (isn't that the goal though!?)

Get Assistance from Another Human

So let's say you've done everything and your content is long.

You don't really want to rewrite everything, right?

Sometimes a great way of bypassing the AI writing detector traps is to have a friend take a look at your article. You don't need to tell them it was (or wasn't) written with AI, rather just asking for tips to make it more readable.

Another person can see discrepancies that you won't, especially if they don't have an ulterior motive because you just asked them to help make your content more readable.

Rewrite It Entirely By Hand

Ok, this might sound funky but hear me out – rewrite the content completely!

This might not make sense at first but we're still in a grey zone of what AI writing tools can actually do. Sometimes it's worth it to use for outlining our content, but not actually writing the complete thing.

If this sounds like the best use of your time (and you truly want to bypass AI detection) then have AI write your essay or report, then rewrite it as if you were speaking to a crowd (tailor this to the audience you'll have read your submissions).

Final Thoughts

It's an unfortunate situation that we even have to bring up bypassing AI detection tools. In a year, we won't have this issue ever again. It's just not going to make sense. Good writing is good writing.

Instead of trying to police the way people produce content, we should be focused on teaching ethical decision making. If you should be creating original content, do it. If your life efficiency can be improved with the help of a few AI writing tools, do it.

There's even been recent concern from parents as TurnItIn has released an AI detector without even informing teachers how it works. Is it even accurate? How do you claim something that's unprovable?

I'm almost sure we'll see the public perspective on AI writing shift from policing to embracing and promoting responsible usage.

These tools can not only save time but also foster creativity and innovation, and we're only at the start of the AI journey. Trust me.

In the future months, lets aim for a more collaborative environment, where human creativity and AI-powered assistance work hand in hand to produce outstanding content while adhering to ethical guidelines and maintaining the integrity of the creative process.

You can't replace human expertise, but you can totally optimize it!

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

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How to Make AI Writing Undetectable: The 5 Best Ways


If you want to learn how to make AI writing undetectable, you’re in the right place. We will show you 5 foolproof methods that will help you bypass AI detection and create human-like content.

If you’ve ever tried using AI to write for you, you know it can sometimes sound a bit off, making it easy to spot that a machine, not a person, did the work.

This recognition can be a real struggle, especially when you want the writing to feel natural, just like a human wrote it.

But don’t worry; there’s good news. I’m here to guide you through the top ways to make AI writing completely undetectable.

With these strategies, you can avoid those awkward phrases that scream “a robot wrote this” and seamlessly blend in with the content crafted by human hands.

Ready to make your AI writing pass as human-created?

Let’s dive into these tips and elevate your content game.

How Is AI Writing Detected?

Understanding how AI-generated writing is detected can help you refine your content creation strategies and implement technologies that assist in the process.

In order to learn how to avoid AI detection, you must first understand how to create content using AI tools in a strategic way in order to deliver a positive user experience and avoid being flagged by detection tools that are becoming ever more prevalent in the market.

What Mistakes Make Your AI Writing Detectable?

Many mistakes are made when new strategies and technologies emerge.

It’s almost unavoidable at first as people try to quickly implement new tools focusing too much on the possible benefits and skipping the part that’s overlooked and necessary in the beginning: truly understanding the new technology or strategy one wishes to implement from the start.

In order to find success with any business practice, whether it’s something that’s been around for ages like advertising or something new like the implementation of AI-generated content tools, knowing what not to do is far more important than simply learning how to use the tool and executing without truly understanding what you’re doing.

When creating content with AI-generating tools, avoiding the following common mistakes will ensure a better user experience and a much better chance of creating AI text that is undetectable by checker tools and algorithms.

1. Repetition & Redundancy : AI-generating content tools like ChatGPT often tend to repeat phrases or reword the same idea in a robotic and redundant fashion.

Creating content that sounds repetitive disrupts the flow of the content and gives readers an unnatural reading experience, making it more likely they will not engage and much easier for the content itself to be flagged by AI detection tools.

2. Lack of Context or Nuance : AI-content platforms access an extraordinary amount of data, but they might miss certain nuances of the data, such as the cultural context of the information.

A human writer already possesses this kind of ability in ways AI is unable to and can better articulate subject matter that has heart, not just data behind its creation.

3. Inconsistency in Tone or Voice : More often than not, AI-generated content is inconsistent in the overall tone of writing.

This makes the content choppy or incohesive and leads to red flags in the eyes of detection tool algorithms. It also makes the reading unbearable to the reader, so even if it does get past the checkers, it will likely deliver a negative experience to the reader and not engage them in a way that actually benefits you or your business.

4. Over-Complexity : AI content tools often over-complicate sentences by adding too much information or trying to be too elevated in sentence structure rather than being concise and effective. The most common text generators available on the market are good, but they aren’t that good.

5. Generic Responses : AI content ends up being too generic a lot of the time, which comes across as robotic and unengaging.

In order to create content that delivers value, content that provides solutions to pain points and problems, generic content will always lose to in-depth articles that are created to educate and solve problems.

It’s essential to keep these mistakes in mind when executing a content strategy that utilizes AI-content tools in order to create exceptional content and avoid AI detection.

How to Test If Your AI Writing Is Detectable?

Now that you have the mistakes to avoid in mind, you’re ready to create content using AI that will be better than most of the competition.

That’s a great first step. But now you may be wondering how to bypass AI detection tools and algorithms now that you have your articles created and ready to go.

The following three tests will help you ensure that these articles will avoid detection.

1. Peer Reviews : Ask colleagues to review the articles without telling them it’s AI-generated. Any discrepancies or feedback should help you decipher if the writing sounds human or if there are still changes that need to be made in the revision process before publication.

2. AI Detectors : Several online tools can analyze your text to determine if it is AI-generated. helps you check the detectability of certain AI detector tools while humanizing the content to provide a much better experience for the reader and a much higher chance of avoiding detection.

3. Self-Analysis : The more often you use AI-content tools and edit the results to provide a more human experience, the more likely you will be able to distinguish what sounds natural and what sounds robotic.

Being aware of these common pitfalls and rookie mistakes while actively testing and revising your content, you will learn how to make AI writing undetectable and avoid detection.

How to Make AI Writing Undetectable

As AI writing tools become more and more advanced, they still occasionally produce articles and texts that are not easily readable or sound robotic in nature.

If your goal is to produce AI-generated content that reads as if it were written by you and not a bot, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make AI text undetectable so you can avoid AI detection and deliver valuable content to your target audience:

#1 – Use Tools to Make Your AI Text Not Detectable

Utilizing tools is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to make AI text undetectable.

Before you revise your content manually, utilize additional tools designed to humanize AI-produced content in order to provide a better experience to your readers. is one of the best tools you can use for this. It makes your AI writing undetectable and helps humanize your content in ways that pass through the detection tool of several algorithms.

To do that, first, select what type of ‘Readability’ and ‘Purpose’ your writing is trying to convey. Then, input your writing into the text box, such as the introduction paragraphs generated by ChatGPT in the image below.

Next, select the goal you would like the generator to produce from “More Readable,” “Balanced,” or “More Human.” These settings help you avoid AI detection and revise your content in a way that will provide a more natural and engaging experience to the readers you’re hoping to reach.

Next, you can prompt to either “Humanize” your content or “Check for AI.”

By selecting “Humanize,” the tool will rewrite your text to sound less robotic and more natural so it passes detection tools and reads like it was actually written by you and not a bot—a win-win on your quest to avoid detection and deliver value to the reader. also assesses the text in order to rank its likelihood of being recognized and flagged by AI detectors.

Once you input your writing into the text box, select the “Check for AI” option and results will populate with predictions of the potential your writing has to be flagged by common AI detectors.

The tool also allows you to assess whether or not your content needs to be further edited in order to avoid AI detection and even helps you rewrite the text if necessary.

You can try Undetectable AI easily with the widget below (English only). Enhance your content seamlessly and ensure it meets E-A-T principles while maintaining authenticity. Give it a try now!

Now, let’s go to the second tip.

#2 – Change Sentence Syntax

One of the most common signs of AI-generated content is the repetitive nature of the sentence structure. To humanize the content to avoid red flags, avoiding the following three mistakes is essential:

  • Vary Sentence Lengths : Mix the length of sentences throughout the text with long, complex sentences and short, concise ones. Robots are generally very repetitive with their process, humans aren’t.
  • Rearrange Words : Switching the order of words or flipping a sentence can make it sound more natural. Doing this will also throw off detection tools that are programmed to track patterns and habits of the common AI-writing tools.
  • Use Conjunctions : Using conjunctions like “and,” “but,” “so,” and “because” can make sentences sound less formal and help the writing flow more colloquially.

Changing your sentence syntax will make your text more human and undetectable by AI-checking tools.

#3 – Use Different Vocabulary

AI platforms have extensive vocabulary but can sometimes overuse specific terms or phrases. This is already very obvious to AI detectors and readers this early on in the widespread use of the technology, imagine in the future.

To fix this, you need to focus on the following areas when revising AI-generated text:

  • Synonyms : Use synonyms for repeated words. For instance, if the AI uses “fix” multiple times, you could switch it to “rectify” or “change.”
  • Idioms and Phrases : Utilize commonly used idioms or informal phrases. If they don’t fit the flow of the article, avoid using them, as they can throw off the tone.
  • Avoid Jargon : Limit the use of industry jargon unless the writing is aimed toward an audience that will commonly understand it. Replace advanced terminology with simpler terms wherever possible.

#4 – Remove Excessive Commas and Use Shorter Sentences

While not inherently wrong, the overuse of commas can cause sentence flow to read in an unnatural way. This is easily avoidable if you know what to look for. Make sure you:

  • Limit Commas : Avoid using more than two or three commas in a sentence. Rephrase the sentence or split the sentence into multiple sentences to help the readability and make the flow more human.
  • Opt for Simplicity : Don’t include unnecessary information or overly descriptive information. Be concise when possible.

#5 – Ask the AI Itself to Rewrite Your Text

Use the AI platform that generated your content to rewrite the text if it does not sound readable. This won’t solve every problem but it is a great next step to get you more close to and undetectable text. Here’s some tips for it:

  • Set Parameters : The more specific instructions you provide the AI tool, the better. For example, ask it to “Write this from the perspective of an attorney” or “Avoid using commas.”
  • Iterative Writing : Do not prompt AI to write a whole piece of content at once. Separate it into sections or paragraphs. After each section, review and prompt the AI to change parts that need improvement.
  • Feedback Loops : When you spot errors or problematic patterns, provide feedback to the AI. The AI can learn from these mistakes and produce content after the feedback is learned.

That’s how to make AI writing undetectable.

Like any tool, the effectiveness of AI depends on how it’s used. By setting parameters, separating your prompts, and providing feedback, you help improve AI’s overall production quality.

The Benefits of Making Your AI Text Undetectable

Learning how to make AI generated text undetectable offers several advantages to both you and your readers. First, in order for your content to be more easily recognized in search engines and avoid AI detection, it’s essential that you adhere to SEO best practices .

Second, your content will be more appealing when it feels personalized, genuine, and less robotic. Readers are more likely to engage with, share, and act on content that speaks to them personally and creates an actual connection.

Lastly, refining AI text improves its readability and coherence. Adjusting sentence structures, diversifying vocabulary, and avoiding redundancies helps the content flow better and be more easily comprehended.

Making AI content undetectable ensures its quality, effectiveness, and resonance with readers.

The Best Tool to Detect AI Content and Then Make it Undetectable

While all of these tips are helpful when it comes to avoiding AI detection and rewriting your AI-generated content, manually attempting this can be time-consuming and could end up making your content more confusing and your process less efficient. eliminates any room for error and refines your workflow as it knows how to make AI writing undetectable and predicts its likelihood of avoiding red flags by AI detectors. offers three subscription plans to help you optimize your AI usage and make your AI content undetectable.

Using greatly enhances your ability to create more balanced content that avoids AI detection and helps improve your readability and overall content success.

Try out the tool now for free and start detecting and humanizing your content.

We’ve explored lots of smart ways on how to make ai generated writing undetectable.

Changing how sentences are built, picking different words, and adjusting punctuation are all clever methods.

But there’s a shortcut: using tools that makes this process go faster. is one of these tools, and it’s a game-changer because it does the hard work for you, making all your writing sound human and natural.

Want to make things easier for yourself? Try and watch your ai-written text transform.

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Non-Traceable AI: How to Bypass AI Detectors Quickly & Easily!

non-traceable AI

The buzz surrounding ChatGPT is undeniable, with people actively seeking ways to evade AI detection in their writing. Schools and Universities have gone so far as to prohibit students from using AI for their essays. That being said, new technologies and tools are emerging that can help you create non-traceable AI content.

TLDR; We recommend Originality.AI to avoid AI detection as a writer!

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of non-traceable AI and introduce you to a tool that can help you get past those pesky AI detectors .

What is non-traceable AI?

Non-traceable AI refers to artificial intelligence systems or algorithms that are designed in a way that makes it difficult or nearly impossible to trace their origin or determine their authorship.

These systems are specifically engineered to avoid leaving any distinctive patterns, markers, or identifiable characteristics that could be used to trace back the generated content to a particular AI model or individual.

The goal of non-traceable AI is to maintain anonymity and prevent the attribution or detection of AI-generated outputs.

This concept is often discussed in the context of content generation, such as text, images, or audio, where the AI generated content can be challenging to differentiate from human-created content.

What are AI detectors?

AI detectors , also known as AI content checkers or AI plagiarism detectors, are software applications designed to identify and detect instances of AI-generated or machine-generated content.

These AI tools are developed to analyze various types of digital content, predominantly text, to determine if they exhibit characteristics consistent with AI generation.

AI detectors employ different techniques and methods to identify AI-generated content. For example, they may analyze patterns, linguistic features, statistical irregularities, or other indicators that are commonly associated with machine-generated outputs.

These tools can compare the content against known AI models, reference databases, or patterns derived from extensive training data to detect AI-generated content.

AI detector tools are commonly utilized in various domains, including academia, journalism, content moderation, and intellectual property protection. They help identify instances of plagiarism, distinguish between human-generated and AI-generated content, and ensure content authenticity and integrity.

Introducing Originality.AI – Our recommended non-traceable AI tool

non-traceable ai tool

Originality.AI stands head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to accurate AI detection. In fact, it’s not even a close competition!

Among all AI detection tools available, Originality.AI is unrivaled in terms of precision, particularly in detecting AI-generated content.

During extensive testing with a dataset comprising 1200 samples, Originality.AI achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 96%. In stark contrast, its closest competitor managed only 35%. This remarkable performance sets Originality.AI apart.

How to bypass AI detectors using Originality.AI

Let’s explore some strategies to avoid detection of AI-generated content using

Tip #1: Diversify your writing process

When using ChatGPT or similar AI tools, it is advisable to break down your content into smaller segments and generate each section separately. This approach creates a more natural flow and reduces the likelihood of being flagged as machine-generated.

Taking the time to review and edit each segment further enhances the quality and reduces the chances of detection. Moreover, creating sections individually allows you to add nuances and variations commonly found in human conversation but not typically present in a single piece generated by an AI program.

Tip #2: Steer clear of repetition

To avoid detection, it’s important to avoid using recurrent phrases or structures when engaging with ChatGPT. AI-driven conversation often exhibits patterns and templates that lead to formulaic language, making it easier for detection tools to identify.

To counter this, strive for language diversity by varying your word choice and sentence structures. For instance, instead of repeatedly using the same sentence structure, use different connecting words or phrases.

Also, make an effort to avoid excessive repetition of words or phrases by using synonyms, antonyms, or related terms to convey the same idea without repeating yourself.

Lastly, don’t rely on clichés or common phrases and express ideas in your own words to avoid sounding formulaic.

Tip #3: Infuse personal experiences

Incorporating personal anecdotes or experiences into your AI-generated text can help avoid detection. This aligns with Google’s E-E-A-T principle (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness), which emphasizes the importance of demonstrating expertise and credibility in content.

Sharing stories or experiences related to the subject matter establishes your knowledge and enhances the authenticity of the generated text.

Adding personal touches make the text more engaging, easier to connect with, and memorable. Such anecdotes can also serve as illustrative examples that support your main points or arguments.

Tip #4: Revise and rephrase

Utilizing tools like QuillBot can aid in rephrasing and revising AI-generated content without altering its core meaning. QuillBot is an AI-based writing tool specifically designed for paraphrasing and reworking written material.

By rewriting the text with tools like QuillBot, you can make it sound more natural and less robotic, thereby reducing the chances of it being identified as computer-generated content.

Simply input the generated text into the tool, select the desired level of rewriting, and QuillBot will produce a new version of the text that retains the original meaning but is expressed differently. This process can be repeated multiple times to generate completely new versions.

Tip #5: Verify with an AI detection tool

To ensure your content remains undetected, use a reliable AI detection tool such as .

This advanced algorithm-based system accurately identifies AI-generated content and plagiarism. By subjecting your generated text to analysis using, you can be confident that it will not be flagged as originating from an artificial intelligence source.

Simply copy and paste the text into the platform, and the system will generate a report highlighting any areas of plagiarism or machine-generated material that need to be addressed before using the content for its intended purpose.

This step guarantees the authenticity of your content and ensures it is not a mere copy of existing material.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of AI detection and create content that is both original and indistinguishable from human-generated content.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

FAQs about non-traceable AI

Is ai content detectable.

AI-generated content can be challenging to detect, especially as AI models become more advanced. However, there are methods and techniques being developed to detect AI-generated content, commonly referred to AI checkers or AI detectors .

Is there an AI platform that will automatically bypass AI detectors?

AI technology is constantly evolving, and there may be ongoing efforts to improve the effectiveness of AI-generated content and potentially bypass detection systems. This creates a cat-and-mouse game between developers of AI detection systems and those who seek to evade them.

Are there any ethical concerns associated with non-traceable AI?

Yes, there are ethical concerns associated with non-traceable AI, particularly when it comes to privacy, accountability, and the potential for misuse.

What are the benefits of non-traceable AI?

Non-traceable AI, despite its ethical concerns, can offer certain benefits in specific contexts. Here are a few potential advantages:

  • Privacy protection
  • Secure data processing
  • Anonymity in sensitive tasks
  • Enhanced cybersecurity
  • Intellectual property protection

Final thoughts on non-traceable AI

ChatGPT, AI text generators and other AI essay writers offer valuable assistance in producing original content. However, to ensure your work doesn’t come across as robotic, formulaic, or trigger AI-detection software, it’s crucial to infuse it with your unique touch.

This involves injecting your writing with captivating anecdotes, steering clear of monotonous and repetitive language, and breaking down complex ideas into digestible portions.

Always remember that while AI is a powerful tool, it cannot replicate the creativity and genuine essence that a human writer brings to the table. So, let your imagination run wild and unleash your writing prowess to create content that truly stands out!

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AI-Proof Your Writing: 10 Strategies to Avoid AI Detection as a Writer

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One of the challenges of writing in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) is to avoid sounding too robotic or formulaic . You want your work to have a natural flow and a distinctive voice that reflects your personality and style.

This article offers smart strategies and practical tips to help you write in a way that keeps AI detection tools guessing.

Keep reading; we’ve got some clever tricks just ahead.

Table of Contents

How to Avoid AI Detection in Writing [Key Takeaways]

  • Use AI content creation tools that have undetectable features, employ paraphrasing for content variation, and let AI humanizers change your AI-generated content in a couple of minutes.
  • Write with a conversational tone, avoid repetitive keywords or phrases , implement literary devices, insert interactive elements , and vary sentence structures and lengths.
  • Make use of the advanced features of AI writing tools , give them detailed prompts, or rewrite AI content, relying on your own creativity and research.
  • Utilize generative AI with caution to avoid legal consequences and misleading your audience.

10 Best Strategies to Avoid AI Content Detection

10 Best Strategies to Avoid AI Content Detection

AI content detectors are designed to identify if a text was written by a human or a machine. These tools are becoming more popular and sophisticated as AI writing becomes more accessible and widespread. But you can still outsmart them if you know how.

Here are our top 10 strategies to avoid AI content detection and help you write with confidence and flair:

#1 Use AI writing tools with built-in undetectable features

AI tools with built-in undetectable features are essential for content creators and businesses to ensure that their AI-generated text goes unnoticed by detection algorithms. Surfer AI and Agility Writer, for example, offer undetectable features that generate human-like text to pass AI detection software successfully.

By using bypass AI detection technology, content writers can secure better rankings for their authentic and engaging articles without compromising quality . The tools allow them to optimize their online presence while maintaining a human touch when writing.

#2 Employ paraphrasing tools for content variation

For AI detectors not to flag your content as artificial and fake, it’s important to use paraphrasing tools for content variation. They can rewrite your text in a new way while keeping the meaning and message intact.

Paraphrasing tools are easy to use and are often free. You just need to paste your original text, choose a paraphrasing option, and get your new text in seconds. You can also compare the original and the paraphrased texts to see how they differ and check for any errors or inconsistencies.

“Makers and detectors play a longer game. When AI-generated material is everywhere, using AI paraphrase tools is important. They allow writers to subtly change syntax, word choice, and organization. This sophisticated reshaping adds human-like diversity and functions as camouflage, making it harder for detectors to identify AI-generated information.” Michael Wall, Founder, Codefixer

#3 Utilize AI-to-human converters

The so-called “humanizer tools” can transform AI-generated text into a more natural and human-like one by adding personality, emotion, style, and context. These tools can help you with various purposes, such as writing blogs, stories, reviews, emails, and more.

A great example of an AI rewriter to avoid AI detection is Undetectable AI . It can change your texts into different tones and voices, such as friendly, professional, humorous, or sarcastic.

It’s important to remember that AI-to-human converters are not perfect either; the final result they produce might need additional editing from you .

What is more, you must adhere to best practices to ensure that your content is of the highest quality. Use plagiarism checkers to prevent yourself from unintentionally plagiarising someone else’s words and ideas.

#4 Avoid repetitive keywords and phrases

Otherwise, your writing will appear monotonous and less engaging to readers. Use synonyms and alternative expressions to convey your message freshly and interestingly.

Incorporate examples and anecdotes to break up the monotony of your text, making it more relatable and interesting. Avoid using cliché phrases, as nobody wants to read them.

To ensure that you’re not being repetitive, ask someone else to proofread your text and give you their suggestions about its improvement. Having someone else look at your work with fresh eyes is highly advantageous.

“Writers need to keep their brand’s voice in mind when creating content. Ensure its tone is consistent with the organization’s values and style guide. Utilizing keywords related to the brand or topic will also help ensure continuity between different pieces of content and increase the odds of successful AI detection avoidance.” Tristan Harris, Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Agency

#5 Use a variety of sentence structures and lengths

To create captivating content, it’s crucial to employ a range of sentence structures and lengths. This variation in sentence construction keeps the writing dynamic and appealing for readers.

It helps maintain their interest while also conveying information effectively. By using short, snappy sentences alongside longer, more descriptive ones, you can capture attention and convey complex ideas with simplicity.

#6 Implement a conversational style and use literary devices

Literary devices , such as metaphor and figurative language, help bring depth and emotion to the writing. This approach not only adds meaning but also ensures that the content remains undetected by AI algorithms.

Furthermore, you can implement a conversational tone as you use informal language and contractions, if applicable. This will make your writing feel more personal and genuine.

Incorporating these elements enables writers to bypass AI detection tools effectively without losing quality. By implementing this approach, creators can maintain a compelling writing style while ensuring their content meets search engine standards.

“To effectively bypass detection algorithms and maintain a human touch and authenticity while using generative AI content, it is essential to ensure a combination of AI efficiency and human nuance. An example was an article I posted about the best SEO tools to enhance local SEO for small businesses. I included human-written analogies and illustrations to improve the article’s informativeness and make it more relatable to a diverse audience.” Daniel Bunn, Founder and Director, Innovate Agency

#7 Insert interactive elements into your content

To enhance your content and keep your audience engaged, it’s essential to insert interactive elements. You can do this by using different types of media, such as images, videos, quizzes, polls, etc.

Another tip is to avoid long blocks of text that can be hard to read. Ideally, a paragraph should consist of 3–5 sentences. Consider breaking up the text and reformatting it for better readability. Include bullet lists and tables, where appropriate.

Don’t forget that the inclusion of catchy and clear headings and subheadings is important as well.

#8 Utilize advanced settings on AI platforms

To improve the performance of AI platforms, explore the various advanced settings available. These settings afford greater customization and precision in generating high-quality content. By fine-tuning intricate details, such as language style, tone, formatting preferences, or specific vocabulary usage, users have the ability to mold their AI-generated text into its most effective form.

If you are working with OpenAI Playground, for example, pay attention to additional factors, such as the temperature, frequency, and penalty of the text. They are all represented by numbers in the 0–1 range. Here is what you should know about these essentials:

  • A higher temperature means more randomness and diversity, but also more risk of errors or nonsense. When the temperature is lower, the text is more predictable and coherent, but it is also more boring and repetitive.
  • The frequency affects how often the text uses rare or uncommon words. There is more variety and richness in vocabulary with a higher frequency, but it might make your content more difficult to understand. A lower frequency means the use of more simple and common words, but also more clarity and ease of reading.
  • The penalty indicates how much the text avoids repeating itself or using the same words. A higher penalty score means more originality and novelty, but also more complexity and inconsistency. A lower penalty implies more consistency and simplicity, but also more redundancy and dullness.

Your job here is to experiment and find the best combination for yourself.

#9 Give detailed prompts to your AI writing assistant

When you write prompts for ChatGPT and other AI writers , you want them to understand your intention and produce a good response. That’s why it’s important to be explanatory and conversational in your prompts.

Being explicit means giving enough details and context for the AI to know what you are asking for and what you expect from it. You should provide enough details and information about what you want the AI to do, such as the topic, format, length, tone, keywords, rules, and examples.

Be conversational by using natural language and engaging the AI as if you were talking to a human. This way, you can make the AI more responsive and creative, and you can also get a response that suits your purpose and audience.

#10 Rewrite AI-generated text in your own words

Rewriting and editing with a human touch means ensuring that AI-generated content sounds natural and real. This process involves using language that resonates with real people while meeting the criteria set by search engines.

Let’s assume you generate a whole article with the assistance of AI. Usually, that’s not the recommended use of AI writers. However, you can use this content as the foundation for your future human-written text. Here are the optional steps to take:

  • Scan through what AI has included in the outline.
  • Mark the main talking points and do your research on them.
  • Read the AI’s output once again to check for important information you might have missed.

Then, writing an article from scratch should be easier.

Of course, you can also generate the text, paragraph-by-paragraph, while paraphrasing the AI content and adding your own opinion and expertise to it. The aim is to strike a balance where the content is optimized for search engine rankings but still maintains originality and value for human readers .

“You can use AI for idea generation and create your own sentences. It saves a great amount of time that you can use for creative writing. Using a tool can enhance your writing skills. You can detect and rephrase the content and improve it. Make sure you don’t use the tool to copy the content as it is; try to tailor it according to your business and services.” Yogesh Kumar, Digital Marketing Manager, Technource

Common Pitfalls and Outdated Methods

Common Pitfalls and Outdated Methods

As technology advances, it’s crucial to steer clear of dated techniques. Those not only won’t bring you positives but might also harm your online reputation.

In brief, don’t rely on content spinners and emojis to diversify your writing, and never use AI-written content for all purposes.

Why content spinners no longer work

Content spinners are tools that can quickly rewrite existing text to create new unique copies. Their use, however, is no longer effective because AI technology has advanced, making it easier for detectors to identify spun content. Google can detect the structure and patterns used in this type of content with its sophisticated algorithms, which prioritize high-quality and original content. These tools rephrase texts word for word, and this often results in a low-quality result either way.

Using emojis and misspelled words

Emojis and misspelled words alone are no longer effective at avoiding AI detection when writing content. Evolving algorithms and advanced AI detection platforms can now recognize human writing patterns and language structures, rendering emojis and misspelled words ineffective at bypassing detection. Not to mention that such a strategy will certainly lead to your content being identified as low-quality or unauthentic.

Avoiding AI detection at all costs

This is a big no-no. Actually, there are cases when AI writing is not recommended .

Although AI might have been trained on large datasets, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. AI writing tools should be used carefully and ethically. There is a high chance that it produces irrelevant or inaccurate output, depending on its knowledge as well as the quality of your prompt.

What is more, AI could have hidden biases or give advice that doesn’t fit well with people’s important choices, especially in health and money matters . Thorough research and fact-checking are still on the table, whatever topic you write about. Be sure to include links to reliable sources, such as recent statistics, reports, and studies. This makes people more inclined to trust your written words.

Content creators and SEO professionals need to find the balance between leveraging AI technology and maintaining the authenticity of their content. By employing strategies to avoid AI detection while still delivering valuable and personalized texts, writers can continue to thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

What is AI content detection?

AI content detection uses artificial intelligence to find whether a piece of content was made by an AI writer or a human one.

How to avoid AI detection in writing?

The best way to avoid detection is to rely on your original style and ideas in your writing. Avoid the patterns that AI writers often use.

Can using technical terms and jargon help me evade AI detection?

Yes, including specific details such as technical terms, jargon, or personal stories can make your writing seem more human-sounding and harder for AI detection tools to detect.

Will adding my feelings and experiences to my articles stop AI from thinking they’re machine-written?

Yes. When you talk about your own feelings or what you have lived through, it makes the article unique and better. This means AI detectors will be less likely to flag your content as written by AI.

Is it better for SEO if I create all my website’s content myself instead of using AI writers?

You can use AI writers and still produce quality content that ranks well. This happens if you don’t let AI replace your human element and knowledge completely. Google and other search engines appreciate it when a piece of content is original and offers value not found elsewhere online.

Will asking questions in my articles make them seem less like they were created by AI?

Asking questions in your writing can show curiosity and thoughtfulness, which are hard for AI to copy well. This might help you keep away from AI content detectors.

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Nikola Baldikov is an SEO magician with a passion for helping companies succeed in their online efforts. He is a founder of Inbound Blogging, where he specializes in SaaS marketing, SEO, and outreach strategies. In addition to his work, he is an avid football fan and loves to dance.

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How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

make ai content undetectable

AI tools. AI content. Detection on the rise. What’s happening to our world? Not long ago, we read books and didn’t question their authors. We trusted they were human. Teachers never suspected essays being crafted by robots. But times change, and we adapt or get left behind. This is for everyone who creates content in any form.

So, here I am – a blogger named Alex Kosh. Let’s cut to the chase: I use AI for content creation . Why? It saves time and effort. But remember, AI is my sidekick, not my replacement . No robot can steal my identity! Now let’s dive into the real issue: if you create content online (blogs, YouTube, businesses) using AI, make sure it passes as human-made! That’s where Originality comes in.

Read my in-depth review of Originality.AI

My quest to find the best way to dodge AI detection: 

I’ve got six tricks up my sleeve — some paid, some free, all worth exploring. For each tool, I’ll request an article about… Oh hey! Let’s use “The best way to avoid AI content detection and humanize your posts.” Then I’ll test their originality with Originality AI (the top dog for sniffing out robot writers). By the way, the tool is the best AI content detector so far. Ready? Let’s go!

Free Tools: can they make AI content undetectable?

In our quest to humanize content and avoid AI detection, let’s explore some free tools that claim they can help. Buckle up, dear reader; it’s time to put these tools to the test!

1. Google Bard

Google Bard is an AI experiment by Google that lets you chat with a large language model and generate creative text. You can sign in with your Google account and try it out at But will the tool help us create undetectable AI content? 

Welcome aboard the waitlist! Once you’re in, you’ll discover that Bard’s only perk is its web access . Writing-wise, ChatGPT wins hands down, but hey, Bard is free.

Bard Test: Asking it to write “The best ways to avoid AI content detection and humanize your posts” yields… drum roll… 

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Let’s check it out using

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

0% written by a human and 100% AI-generated content . Oops.

Let’s try some prompt engineering magic. Same topic, new writing style:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result? Mediocre — a solid 3 out of 5. Not terrible but no fireworks either.

Here is the output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Human or AI? Originality will tell:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

The result: 0% original content, 100% AI text. Sad.

Bottom line: Great for quick info bites but not your go-to for dodging AI detectors . It might have GPT-4 under its hood, but it lags behind ChatGPT.

2. Bing Chat

Bing chat. A fresh addition enabling interactions with a chatbot on the Microsoft Edge browser . Inquire, receive responses, and spawn content using this chatbot marvel. Delve into insights tied to the web page you’re browsing. Seamlessly woven into Microsoft Edge, Bing chat awaits your click on the Bing (discovery) button in the browser’s top-right corner. Be advised Bing chat remains in preview—enlist your Microsoft account for access.

So, can Bing Chat create AI written content that will pass our AI detection tool?

Following the more creative chat style,

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

let’s see if Bing Chat fares any better. The output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

I bet it will be detected as AI-generated, but let’s make sure:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

AI detection result: 0% originality, 100% AI-generated content. Ouch.

Time for the trusty prompt tweak (the prompt is the same as before — I’ll use it as a creative prompt throughout the article):

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Let’s check it:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Guess what? 0% originality, 100% AI-generated content again! At least we’re consistent…

However, Bing Chat does shine in creating content with quotes and adapting to our writing style. Its Achilles’ heel? Failing miserably in avoiding AI detection .

The search for free tools to sidestep AI detection ends with mixed results. Google Bard offers quick info but falters in crafting undetectable content. Bing Chat delivers better writing but still gets caught by the AI police.

We may need to lean on creativity and human insights when trying to bypass AI detection. At the end of the day, nothing beats genuine human touch, right?

Freemium Tools: will they help make AI content undetectable?

Freemium tools, folks! Here we are, exploring AI’s playground to dodge detection. No breaking banks, no empty wallets. Just clever tweaks to keep our content human-like. Ready? Let’s dive into ChatGPT and OpenAI’s Playground. Will they be able to bypass AI detection and seem as if they are being written by a human? Let’s see.

1. ChatGPT:

ChatGPT (one of the best GPT-4 AI writing Tools ) is an AI chatbot conceived from the neural network labs of OpenAI. It converses, engaging users with relevant details across a spectrum of subjects. Poems, songs, code, and more— ChatGPT crafts diverse content with ease . Venture to to experience ChatGPT’s prowess. Do remember access to the GPT-4 requires a subscription to a monthly paid plan .

Twenty bucks for a subscription? You decide if it’s pricey or not. To me, it’s worth every penny! But can the tool replace a human writer ? Let’s put it to the test with our first prompt:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Time to test:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Well, Originality says 100% AI-generated. No surprises there. Now let’s try our custom prompt in an attempt to replicate human writing style:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Originality’s verdict:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Still, the piece of content is 100% AI-generated text . Bummer! But look closely: not all red highlights anymore! A bit of engineering can help you craft better texts. Don’t rely solely on AI; think like a human! But even with prompt engineering, you’ll have to try hard to bypass AI content detectors like Originality.AI .

2. OpenAI’s Playground

OpenAI’s Playground . A web platform. It’s the gateway to all things AI. You can tinker with models. GPT-4, GPT-3.5, DALL·E, Whisper, and more . All yours to play with. It’s like the ultimate toy box for AI enthusiasts.

Want to tweak the models? Go for it. You can also add your evaluations. It’s like giving the AI a report card. But don’t be too harsh; they’re still learning.

You need an OpenAI API key and a paid subscription to join the fun. It’s like the secret handshake of this club. It’s waiting for you.

And here’s a pro tip for our mission to dodge AI content detection: we’ll use the Chat Function with GPT-4 . It’s our secret weapon. Keep it under your hat.

Time to play with settings. Temperature (originally 0.7) controls creativity; Frequency penalty (initially zero) tackles word repetition; Presence penalty (also initially zero) increases new topic probability (whatever that means!). Careful not to overdo it — too high might lead to unnatural results or poor readability.

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Here is the raw output (settings applied, no prompting):

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

I must say, I prefer this output over others so far — readability and flow-wise. Still, my trained eye detects AI-generated text. Let’s check:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Yep, still 100% AI-generated. Let’s clean up and use our prompt without changing settings (maybe this will help to make AI writing content undetectable):

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Sounds more natural now; it’s really high-quality content . But will it bypass the AI detector? One last check:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

No luck yet! But hey, my prompt isn’t perfect . If you create loads of content, dive into prompt engineering — it might just work wonders for you. You can generate content that passes AI detection tools using wise prompts.

Freemium options have potential, but they need some human touch . Don’t forget to play with settings and prompts. Now, let’s move on to premium tools.

Premium Tools: will they help us bypass AI detection?

Premium tools, my friends! Time to dig deeper into AI’s treasure chest. We’re hunting for the best ways to dodge AI detection and keep our content human-like. Buckle up; it’s time to explore QuillBot,, and WordAI!

1. QuillBot

QuillBot , a freemium AI paraphraser with some tricks up its sleeve to bypass Ai detectors. The free version limits input data to 125 words, but that’s enough for our test. Standard mode and Fluency mode — let the showdown begin!

Standard mode output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Originality check:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

No luck! Let’s try Fluency mode (we still hope it can make AI writing undetectable).

Fluency mode output:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Still no luck! Originality recently updated their tool, so QuillBot doesn’t work anymore. But hey, it was fun while it lasted!


A newcomer in the AI arena! If you use AI-generated content, it can help you make it undetectable. Simple interface, multiple settings for readability and purpose of writing. Instant content checks – what more could you want? It claims to be the best humanizing AI tool .

“AI Content Creation: A Glimpse into the Future!” — Intrigued by AI’s role in content creation? My all-in-one review of Undetectable.AI might just be your next read. AI-generated text with a human touch? It’s possible. Start flipping the pages!

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Sadly, no integration with Originality (it’s a paid tool). Let’s test an article generated by GPT-4 in ChatGPT with three different combinations of readability and purpose.

a. High School readability + General Writing purpose:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 92% original and 8% AI text.

b. High School readability + Article purpose:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 100% original! Impressive stuff!

c. Journalist readability + Article purpose:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 98% original and 2% AI. Can anyone beat them? Time will tell.

Two features in one tool — rewrite content and make it indistinguishable from human-written content. We’ll focus on “ Avoid AI Detection ” for our research.

“Tapping Into the AI Content Future: WordAI Leads the Way!” — Got your sights set on staying one step ahead in the AI content race? WordAI’s ‘Avoid AI Detection’ has got the insider info you need. Humanize your AI content, ace AI detection tests. No more waiting, get reading!

Two settings: “Change Less” and “Change More”:

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Test time! Same output from ChatGPT, starting with “Change Less”.

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 89% original, 11% AI. Not too shabby!

Now let’s test “Change More”.

How to make AI content undetectable (7 methods tested)

Result: 66% original, 34% AI. A bit worse, but still a decent result.

Premium tools deliver! They offer more options to dodge AI detection. Experiment with different settings and find what works best for you. Keep your content human-like and stay ahead of the game.

Google’s Take on AI Content – Do They Give a Hoot?

Let’s dive into Google’s thoughts on AI-generated content, shall we? Are they sweating bullets over it, or just sipping tea and enjoying the show? Time to find out!

Big G (yep, that’s Google) has made it crystal clear: they’re all about rewarding top-notch content, no matter who or what creates it . They’ve got this thing called E-A-T (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, trustworthiness), and as long as your content hits those marks, Google won’t bat an eyelid.

So, bottom line? Google isn’t losing sleep over AI-generated content. They just want to make sure that whatever pops up in their search results is genuinely helpful for users. But hey, they do warn against using automation (including AI) to game the system or churn out spammy stuff. We’re the good guys here; we’d never do that!

Why Is it Important to Humanize AI-Generated Content?

AI content. Everywhere. Marketing, journalism, education, entertainment. But let’s face it. Sometimes it’s as robotic as a vending machine. That’s where human touch comes in.

Make it appealing. Make it credible. Make it responsible. How? Add humor. Add emotion. Add personal stories . A chatbot cracking jokes? More memorable than one just spitting out facts.

Trust and authority. We need it. Transparent, accurate, unbiased content . That’s the goal. AI content with sources, references, opinions? It’s like the wise old owl of the internet. An AI news article with reputable sources? More balanced than a seesaw on a calm day.

Ethics. Social responsibility. We demand it. Respectful, inclusive, beneficial content . That’s the expectation. AI content that’s fair and diverse? It’s like a well-mixed salad bowl of ideas. A marketing campaign promoting positive social change? More influential than a billboard on a busy highway.

In short, humanizing AI content is the key . It’s like adding the secret ingredient to a recipe. It makes it engaging. It makes it credible. It makes it responsible. So, let’s add some human touch to our AI. It’ll thank us for it.

FAQ on how to make AI content undetectable

Think of undetectable AI content as a master of disguise. This is AI-created text that’s so convincing, so darn human-like, it can slip right past AI detectors. It’s a game of cat and mouse between AI content and the AI detectors on the lookout for non-human scribes.

It’s a blend of craft, strategy, and a sprinkle of wizardry. Use AI content writing tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard, or Bing Chat. It’s all about the right prompts and fine-tuning. If you’re in a rush, premium tools like Undetectable.Ai or Word AI will have your AI content disappearing into thin air.

Yes, they do. But rare AI writing tools can make your AI content undetectable.

Don’t cry, my fellow writer (or, should I say, ‘ai writer’?) — Agility Writer or Content at Scale are at your service.

Use Originality.AI . In 96% of cases, it will detect a piece of content generated by AI.

Content At Scale has a free AI detection tool, but Originality AI is your top choice if you want to make sure your content was written by a human and not AI.

Well, yes and no. Yes, you can use tools like Agility Writer to let the AI write for you, and no, as AI generated content always needs a human touch.

Hm. I tried (who will not?) It takes a lot of time and prompt engineering. And, ChatGPT’s memory is limited to one chat. Whenever you create a new chat, it will forget everything you said before.

Well, if your Ai writer uses tools like ContentAtScale and humanizes articles by themselves, why not?

You start with a prompt or command. The AI takes it from there, spinning out text. You can tweak the AI’s output by fiddling with various settings in the AI writing software.

Humanizing AI content is about adding your unique style, your real-world insights. It’s like teaching your AI to dance to the rhythm of human writing.

Content creators are like the heart in the AI era. AI can streamline the content creation process, but it takes a human touch for crafting compelling narratives, understanding complex ideas, and really connecting with audiences.

Not quite. AI’s got a lot of tricks up its sleeve, but it can’t understand context or replicate human emotions like we do. It’s a tool in the content creation process, not the mastermind.

Use AI-generated content as a starting point. Review and edit the AI’s output, add your unique voice, and ensure the content provides value. It’s not about fooling your audience but enhancing your content and smoothing the creation process.

Tying It All Together – Riding the Wave of AI Content Detection

Alrighty then! Time to tie up our little adventure through the land of undetectable AI content. We’ve peeked into Google’s thoughts on AI-generated stuff and discovered they don’t really care who writes the content – as long as it meets their high standards.

Now let’s recap some gems from our journey:

Let’s pause for a minute. You’re wondering, should we fret over creating content? Going solo or teaming up with AI? Opinions vary. Some folks are staunchly anti-AI, some are cheerleaders, and some sit comfortably in the middle. Me? I’ve pitched my tent in the middle. I believe in AI as a useful tool, not a mindless crutch. AI should be your sidekick, not your stand-in. It can’t mimic your thoughts — and that’s a given.

So tread carefully, friend. The online world is a battleground, especially for newcomers. You’ve got content writing, SEO optimization, and crafting emails for backlinks — a one-person show can be a tough act. Just giving you the plain truth, no small print.

And Google? Their stance can flip overnight. So, nurture your online baby, be it a blog or business site. In my next post, I’ll put Undetectable.AI, WordAI, and a few other tools under the microscope to find the top dog. Swing by for a visit!

This post aimed to find a way to dodge AI. And guess what? We found not just one but two methods. So, stick around.

I promised, I did it — read on: Best Tools to Make AI content Undetectable .

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

About the Author

Meet Alex Kosch, your go-to buddy for all things AI! Join our friendly chats on discovering and mastering AI tools, while we navigate this fascinating tech world with laughter, relatable stories, and genuine insights. Welcome aboard!


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Smodin’s AI Content Detection Remover

Smodin’s AI content detection remover uses a sophisticated rewriting technology that intelligently analyzes AI-generated content and restructures it while preserving its original meaning and coherence. We use advanced natural language processing algorithms, that paraphrase and rephrase your AI-generated content, making it more human-like and less recognizable by AI detection systems.

Recommended Usage and Tips for AI Content Detection Remover

Quality Input : Start with well-structured, grammatically correct, and accurate prompts. This ensures that the rewriting process maintains the integrity of your original message.

Review and Edit : While our tool is highly effective, you get the best results when you review the rewritten content for accuracy, tone, and consistency. Make necessary adjustments as you see fit.

Iterative Rewriting : In some cases, it might be beneficial to rewrite the content multiple times to reduce the chances of AI detection further. Experiment with different iterations to find the best version.

Why you should use AI content detection remover?

Smodin’s AI Content Detection Remover provides users with a powerful solution for maintaining the creative essence of AI-generated content while bypassing AI detection software and tools. Our tool expertly restructures and rewrites your content, making it less recognizable as AI-generated while preserving its unique insights and ideas. Moreover, manually rewriting AI-generated content can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. This tool streamlines this task, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of writing, including feeding better prompts, checking for accuracy, finding the right references, etc.

How to Avoid AI Plagiarism Detection

We have the solution to avoid AI detection: the recreate method. In the world of ChatGPT and large language models, AI writing is a must-have tool in your tool belt. However, there are ways to successfully detect AI generated content, and the only way to automatically prevent it is with a model trained on thousands of samples of human written data... and that is exactly what Smodin's recreate method is. Smodin's recreate method eliminates all AI detection methods in a single click, allowing you to efficiently create any content you need. There are situations, however, when text written by AI is too generic to be written by a human; for these situations it is recommended to generate a new text or make more than one attempt to produce a human-sounding text.

Check Text for Plagiarism

After you rewrite your text, you should make sure that the text passes plagiarism detection. Use our multi-lingual plagiarism detection application to quickly check the text for plagiarism!

What is AI Content Detection?

AI content detection is determining if a text is written by AI based on the randomness of the words. AI writing models tend to have a specific way of producing text based on the most frequent word orders. Is your text produced by an AI? Find out below!

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How to Bypass AI Detection: 9 Ways to Humanize AI Content

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Julia McCoy

how to bypass AI detection

Stepping into the world of content creation, you might hit a wall when your work keeps getting flagged by AI detectors. This can be frustrating, especially when you’ve poured hours into crafting what you believe is insightful and engaging content. The key to unlocking this dilemma lies in understanding how to bypass AI detection .

In this guide, we’ll unlock the secrets of why AI sometimes struggles with your work, and show you some slick tricks to bypass those electronic roadblocks. We’ll cover everything from teaching AI to speak your language (think human-like writing!) to sneaky rephrasing techniques that’ll have your text flying past unnoticed.

Let your creative spark shine bright by learning how to bypass AI detection.

Table Of Contents:

What is ai detection, diversify language, keep it simple, write “copy” instead of “content”, write in the active voice, mix up your writing style, tell your story, craft your ai-generated content, learn to paraphrase, train your ai model in your voice, how do you evade ai detection, how do you outsmart an ai detector, how do i get rid of ai content detection, is there a way to make ai undetectable.

AI detection is the process of identifying whether a piece of writing was created by a human or by a clever robot. It’s like a detective trying to solve a mystery, but instead of fingerprints, they’re looking for clues in the way the words are used and put together.

AI detectors are trained on massive amounts of text, both written by humans and by AI, and they learn to recognize patterns in the writing that give away their origin. They’re not perfect, but they can be good at spotting things like:

  • Repetitive sentence structures: If the writing sounds a bit robotic and uses the same sentence formula over and over, that might raise a red flag for the detector.
  • Unusual word choices: Humans use language in a messy, creative way, so if the words seem a bit too perfect or out of place, they might catch the detector’s eye.
  • Lack of natural flow: AI-generated text can sometimes sound smooth but miss the subtle quirks and flow that human writing has.

It’s important to remember that AI detection is still an evolving field, and it’s not foolproof, but understanding how it works can be helpful if you want to avoid AI content detection.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

How do AI detectors work?

AI detectors act like language detectives, scrutinizing text for clues that reveal its origin: human or AI. Here’s how they crack the case:

Training: Imagine the detective shadowing both human writers and AI programs, learning their “styles.” The detector is trained on massive amounts of text from both sources, identifying patterns and characteristics unique to each.

Looking for clues: Once trained, the detector analyzes new text, searching for the telltale signs it picked up during training. Some key areas of focus include:

  • Perplexity: This refers to how predictable the text is. Human writing often surprises with unexpected turns of phrases and ideas, making it less predictable (high perplexity) compared to AI-generated text, which tends to be more formulaic (low perplexity).
  • Burstiness: This examines the variation in sentence length and structure. Human writing naturally flows with a mix of short and long sentences, while AI-generated text might exhibit a more uniform, “flat” pattern in sentence length.
  • Vocabulary choices: Humans tend to use creative and diverse language, sometimes writing words that might not be the most common choice. AI, on the other hand, might stick to safer, more predictable vocabulary choices, raising suspicion for the detector.

Making a judgment: Based on the accumulated clues, an AI detector assigns a score or probability indicating the likelihood of the text being human-written or AI-generated. It’s important to remember that these scores aren’t definitive and AI detectors can sometimes be fooled.

Learn more about how AI detectors work in our comprehensive guide.

How to Bypass AI Detection

Bypassing AI content detectors is like playing a chess game where you’re constantly adapting to outsmart your opponent. Here, our ‘opponent’ happens to be algorithms designed to sniff out AI-generated text.

Let me share with you my top 9 tips on how to remove AI detection from your AI-written content.

Avoid AI detection by mixing up how you phrase things and the words you choose. Think about replacing overused phrases with synonyms that might not come first to mind but still convey the same meaning. It’s also crucial not just for avoiding duplication but for enriching the reader’s experience too.

Rewriting certain sentences can make content less detectable while ensuring it remains engaging and informative —a balance that makes all the difference in bypassing AI detection.

Ditch those long words if there’s a shorter one. This approach not only helps you avoid AI content detectors but also enhances readability.

AI detectors are programmed to identify complex patterns, unusual word choices, and sophisticated sentence structures that might indicate artificial generation. By adopting a straightforward style — utilizing basic words and short sentences — you can make your content more relatable and human-like.

  • Avoid jargon: Technical terms or industry-specific language can trigger flags. Stick to universally understood vocabulary whenever possible.
  • Short sentences: They’re easier to read and less likely to be marked by AI as artificially generated.
  • Short paragraphs: Breaking up text into digestible chunks improves user engagement while reducing the complexity score evaluated by some AIs.

When AI writes stuff, it’s usually to inform and not to persuade. That’s why it sounds robotic and soulless.

The heart of effective copywriting lies in its ability to tell a story that connects on an emotional level. Unlike standard informative articles focusing solely on facts and figures, stories wrapped around real-life experiences or hypothetical scenarios engage readers more profoundly.

By using copywriting styles, you grab people’s attention and make them feel something — qualities that make your content top-notch and practically invisible to AI content detectors.

To add an element of persuasion to your content, use techniques like asking rhetorical questions, directly addressing the reader (“you”), or adding a call-to-action (CTA) that prompts desired actions from your audience.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Writing in the active voice not only enhances readability but also plays a crucial role in bypassing AI detection mechanisms.

Active voice makes your sentences straightforward and dynamic. Unlike passive constructions that often obscure who is doing what, active voice clarifies the subject’s actions, making your content more engaging and easier to understand.

AI algorithms are increasingly sophisticated at identifying automated content but they still struggle with nuances that come naturally to human writers which are amplified when using active voice. By prioritizing this style of writing, you can make your content appear more original and human-like to AI detectors.

Switching up how you arrange your words and the words themselves is a clever strategy to make what you write feel more like it’s coming from a person. This not only adds flavor but also throws off detection tools that are on the lookout for patterns typical of AI-generated text.

  • Instead of sticking to a predictable pattern, mix up sentence lengths and structures. Use short, punchy sentences alongside longer, more descriptive ones.
  • Experiment with different tones and voices in your writing. Switch between formal and informal language, or adjust the narrative perspective from first-person to third-person.
  • Incorporate a range of punctuation marks to add rhythm and emphasis to your writing. Use dashes, ellipses, and colons to break up sentences and create intrigue.
  • Employ literary devices such as metaphors, similes, and personification to add depth and creativity to your writing. These techniques can help distinguish your style from standard AI output.
  • Experiment with formatting elements like bullet points, lists, and subheadings to break up the text and make it more visually engaging. This can also disrupt patterns that AI detectors may recognize.
  • Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and take creative risks in your writing. Incorporate unexpected elements, humor, or wordplay to surprise and engage your audience.

One way to bypass AI detection is to incorporate anecdotes and stories into your content.

Here’s why personal touches might help avoid AI content detection:

1. Humanizes AI content: Personal stories are inherently unique and often involve specific details, emotions, and experiences that are difficult for AI to replicate. This injects a sense of “humanness” into the writing, which can be a challenge for AI to mimic perfectly.

2. Boosts engagement: Personal anecdotes can make your writing more engaging and relatable, which can be a subtle sign of human authorship. AI-generated content often lacks this element of personal connection.

3. Provides context and depth: Stories and anecdotes can add context and depth to your writing, making it less formulaic and predictable. This unpredictability, which is characteristic of human writing, can be a challenge for AI detectors to capture fully.

While some personal touches are beneficial, going overboard with irrelevant anecdotes can raise red flags for AI detectors. It’s crucial to ensure these elements are relevant and organically integrated within your writing.

Sophisticated AI detectors are also constantly evolving to identify new patterns and adapt to different writing styles. They can still potentially detect AI-generated content even with personal stories included.

Ultimately, the best way to ensure your writing passes muster is to focus on its overall quality, clarity, and originality. Engaging writing with a clear purpose and well-developed arguments will go a long way, regardless of whether you integrate personal stories or not.

The best way to bypass AI content detectors is to manually edit and fine-tune any material written by AI.

We have developed a 5-step process for specifically optimizing AI-generated content:

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

By cutting unnecessary words, adding visuals, verifying facts, and infusing content with your personal touch, you blur the lines between human and machine authorship.

To learn more about AIO and our CRAFT framework, read our guides for each step:

  • C –  a full guide on cutting the fluff
  • R –  a full guide on optimizing your content for SEO
  • A –  a full guide on adding blog images and visuals
  • F –  a full guide on how to fact-check
  • T –  a full guide on how to trust-build in your content

Paraphrasing helps your content sneak past AI detectors unnoticed. By tweaking sentence structures and injecting a diverse vocabulary, you’re essentially teaching the AI that this isn’t just another piece churned out by its cousins.

Avoiding AI content detectors through paraphrasing is more than just swapping synonyms. Here’s a more comprehensive approach:

  • Understand the Original Text: Before paraphrasing, fully grasp the meaning and intent of the original text. This ensures that your paraphrase accurately conveys the same message.
  • Change Sentence Structure: Avoid simply replacing words with synonyms. Instead, rewrite sentences using different structures and phrasing. Altering sentence length and complexity helps disguise the paraphrased content.
  • Rewrite in Your Own Voice: Infuse your personal style and voice into the paraphrased content. This adds authenticity and reduces the likelihood of detection.
  • Add Value: Where possible, enhance the paraphrased content by adding insights, examples, or additional information. This not only reduces the likelihood of AI detection but also improves the quality of the content.
  • Review for Plagiarism: Finally, use plagiarism detection tools to compare your paraphrased content with the original text. This helps ensure that your paraphrase is sufficiently different to avoid plagiarism.

By following these steps, you can effectively bypass AI detection through paraphrasing while maintaining the integrity and quality of the content.

If manually paraphrasing AI content is too time-consuming, why not use AI to do it?

Content at Scale ‘s AIMEE chatbot can help you rewrite detectable phrases in just one click!

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Training your AI writer can be your secret weapon in making AI-generated content undetectable. It’s about tailoring AI models to match your unique writing style closely.

Content at Scale is one of the few AI writing tools that allow you to do this.

You have three options:

  • Choose a pre-defined tone of voice
  • Choose an influencer voice
  • Train the AI on your custom voice

When you create a project inside Content at Scale, you can choose from the following pre-defined tones of voice:

  • Authoritative
  • Informative
  • Professional

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

You can also tell the AI to write in the style of your favorite influencers, including Brian Dean, Joe Pulizzi, Adam Enfroy, Stefan Georgi, and yours truly Julia McCoy.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Finally, you can train the AI to write in your own voice! Just feed your writing samples into the AI and it will start generating every article in your writing style.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Want undetectable AI content? The Content at Scale AI Detector now has a Pro version that automatically rewrites those sections that have been flagged as AI-generated — so you don’t have to do it manually.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

AI detection tools are getting better every day so it’s becoming more difficult to get around them. But fear not! There are still some tricks up our sleeves to slip past them. It’s all about staying one step ahead, mixing up your writing style, throwing in some personal flair, and maybe even adding a touch of creativity.

Keep ’em guessing, and you might just sneak by yet again!

FAQs – How to Bypass AI Detection

Mix up your sentence lengths and use uncommon phrases. Keep it quirky; detectors struggle with creative chaos.

Incorporate personal anecdotes or localized slang. Detectors often miss the human touch in narratives.

Edit manually after generating text. A few human tweaks make the content slip past most detectors.

Absolutely, but it’s about finesse: blend styles, inject personality, and always throw in a curveball phrase or two.

Mastering how to bypass AI detection is crucial in today’s content creation game. You’ve learned the ins and outs, from understanding AI mechanisms to tailoring your unique writing style.

The best way to humanize AI content is to capture those distinctive human idiosyncrasies. Mix up your sentence structures and enrich your vocabulary. Keep it diverse; keep it lively.

And don’t forget, creativity beats algorithms every time. Whether you’re tweaking models or rephrasing text, always inject a dose of innovation.

Trick the AI by being more human than ever before. Use smart tools but lean on your innate creativity even more.

Start crafting stories that subtly catch the eye, yet shine brightly with genuine originality and style.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Written by Julia McCoy

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection


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Free AI Content Detector

Detect AI-generated content like ChatGPT3.5, GPT4 and Gemini in seconds

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  • Avoid accidental plagiarism
  • Easy and free to use
  • Works with all English dialects

Why use Scribbr’s AI Detector

Authority on ai and plagiarism.

Our plagiarism and AI detection tools and helpful content are used by millions of users every month.

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Our AI checker tool is built using advanced algorithms for detecting AI-generated content.

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Perform an unlimited number of AI content checks for free, ensuring all of your work is authentic.

User-Friendly Interface

Our AI Detector tool is easy to use, with a simple interface that makes AI content detection quick and efficient.

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Start detecting AI-generated content instantly, without having to create an account.

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Rest easy knowing your submissions remain private; we do not store or share your data.

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AI Detector for ChatGPT, GPT4, Gemini, and more

Scribbr’s AI and ChatGPT Detector confidently detects texts generated by the most popular tools, like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot.

Our advanced AI checker tool can detect GPT2, GPT3, and GPT3.5 with high accuracy, while the detection of GPT4 is supported on an experimental basis.

Note that no AI Detector can provide complete accuracy ( see our research ). As language models continue to develop, detection tools will always have to race to keep up with them.

The AI Detector is perfect for...

University applicant

Confidently submit your papers

Scribbr’s AI Detector helps ensure that your essays and papers adhere to your university guidelines.

  • Verify the authenticity of your sources ensuring that you only present trustworthy information.
  • Identify any AI-generated content, like ChatGPT, that might need proper attribution.


Check the authenticity of your students’ work

More and more students are using AI tools, like ChatGPT in their writing process. Our AI checker helps educators detect AI content in the text.

  • Analyze the content submitted by your students, ensuring that their work is actually written by them.
  • Promote a culture of honesty and originality among your students.


Prevent search algorithm penalties

Using our AI text detector ensures ensure that your content is indexed by publishing high-quality and original content.

  • Analyze the authenticity of articles written by external contributors or agencies before publishing them.
  • Deliver unique content that engages your audience and drives traffic to your website.

AI Detectors vs. Plagiarism Checkers

AI detectors and plagiarism checkers are both used to verify the originality and authenticity of a text, but they differ in terms of how they work and what they’re looking for.

AI detector

AI Detector or ChatGPT Detector

AI detectors try to find text that looks like it was generated by an AI writing tool, like ChatGPT. They do this by measuring specific characteristics of the text like sentence structure and length, word choice, and predictability — not by comparing it to a database of content.

Plagiarism report

Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism checkers try to find text that is copied from a different source. They do this by comparing the text to a large database of web pages, news articles, journals, and so on, and detecting similarities — not by measuring specific characteristics of the text.

Scribbr & academic integrity

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our tools, like the AI Detector , Plagiarism Checker , and Citation Generator are designed to help students produce quality academic papers and prevent academic misconduct.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Your questions, answered

Scribbr’s AI Detectors can confidently detect most English texts generated by popular tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot.

Our free AI detector can detect GPT2, GPT3, and GPT3.5 with average accuracy, while the Premium AI Detector has high accuracy and the ability to detect GPT4.

Our AI Detector can detect most texts generated by popular tools like ChatGPT and Bard. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. The software works especially well with longer texts but can make mistakes if the AI output was prompted to be less predictable or was edited or paraphrased after being generated.

Our research into the best AI detectors indicates that no tool can provide complete accuracy; the highest accuracy we found was 84% in a premium tool or 68% in the best free tool.

The AI score is a percentage between 0% and 100%, indicating the likelihood that a text has been generated by AI.

No, Scribbr’s AI Detector will only give you a percentage between 0% and 100% that shows how much AI-generated content is in your text.

No. Our AI content checker can only inform you of AI-generated content. Our Plagiarism Checker can help prevent unintentional plagiarism in your writing.

Detect ChatGPT3.5, GPT4 and Gemini in seconds

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MIT Technology Review

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How to spot AI-generated text

The internet is increasingly awash with text written by AI software. We need new tools to detect it.

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This sentence was written by an AI—or was it? OpenAI’s new chatbot, ChatGPT, presents us with a problem: How will we know whether what we read online is written by a human or a machine?

Since it was released in late November, ChatGPT has been used by over a million people. It has the AI community enthralled, and it is clear the internet is increasingly being flooded with AI-generated text. People are using it to come up with jokes, write children’s stories, and craft better emails. 

ChatGPT is OpenAI’s spin-off of its large language model GPT-3 , which generates remarkably human-sounding answers to questions that it’s asked. The magic—and danger—of these large language models lies in the illusion of correctness. The sentences they produce look right—they use the right kinds of words in the correct order. But the AI doesn’t know what any of it means. These models work by predicting the most likely next word in a sentence. They haven’t a clue whether something is correct or false, and they confidently present information as true even when it is not. 

In an already polarized, politically fraught online world, these AI tools could further distort the information we consume. If they are rolled out into the real world in real products, the consequences could be devastating. 

We’re in desperate need of ways to differentiate between human- and AI-written text in order to counter potential misuses of the technology, says Irene Solaiman, policy director at AI startup Hugging Face, who used to be an AI researcher at OpenAI and studied AI output detection for the release of GPT-3’s predecessor GPT-2. 

New tools will also be crucial to enforcing bans on AI-generated text and code, like the one recently announced by Stack Overflow, a website where coders can ask for help. ChatGPT can confidently regurgitate answers to software problems, but it’s not foolproof. Getting code wrong can lead to buggy and broken software, which is expensive and potentially chaotic to fix. 

A spokesperson for Stack Overflow says that the company’s moderators are “examining thousands of submitted community member reports via a number of tools including heuristics and detection models” but would not go into more detail. 

In reality, it is incredibly difficult, and the ban is likely almost impossible to enforce.

Today’s detection tool kit

There are various ways researchers have tried to detect AI-generated text. One common method is to use software to analyze different features of the text—for example, how fluently it reads, how frequently certain words appear, or whether there are patterns in punctuation or sentence length. 

“If you have enough text, a really easy cue is the word ‘the’ occurs too many times,” says Daphne Ippolito, a senior research scientist at Google Brain, the company’s research unit for deep learning. 

Because large language models work by predicting the next word in a sentence, they are more likely to use common words like “the,” “it,” or “is” instead of wonky, rare words. This is exactly the kind of text that automated detector systems are good at picking up, Ippolito and a team of researchers at Google found in research they published in 2019.

But Ippolito’s study also showed something interesting: the human participants tended to think this kind of “clean” text looked better and contained fewer mistakes, and thus that it must have been written by a person. 

In reality, human-written text is riddled with typos and is incredibly variable, incorporating different styles and slang, while “language models very, very rarely make typos. They’re much better at generating perfect texts,” Ippolito says. 

“A typo in the text is actually a really good indicator that it was human written,” she adds. 

Large language models themselves can also be used to detect AI-generated text. One of the most successful ways to do this is to retrain the model on some texts written by humans, and others created by machines, so it learns to differentiate between the two, says Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, who is the Canada research chair in natural-language processing and machine learning at the University of British Columbia and has studied detection . 

Scott Aaronson, a computer scientist at the University of Texas on secondment as a researcher at OpenAI for a year, meanwhile, has been developing watermarks for longer pieces of text generated by models such as GPT-3—“an otherwise unnoticeable secret signal in its choices of words, which you can use to prove later that, yes, this came from GPT,” he writes in his blog. 

A spokesperson for OpenAI confirmed that the company is working on watermarks, and said its policies state that users should clearly indicate text generated by AI “in a way no one could reasonably miss or misunderstand.” 

But these technical fixes come with big caveats. Most of them don’t stand a chance against the latest generation of AI language models, as they are built on GPT-2 or other earlier models. Many of these detection tools work best when there is a lot of text available; they will be less efficient in some concrete use cases, like chatbots or email assistants, which rely on shorter conversations and provide less data to analyze. And using large language models for detection also requires powerful computers, and access to the AI model itself, which tech companies don’t allow, Abdul-Mageed says. 

The bigger and more powerful the model, the harder it is to build AI models to detect what text is written by a human and what isn’t, says Solaiman. 

“What’s so concerning now is that [ChatGPT has] really impressive outputs. Detection models just can’t keep up. You’re playing catch-up this whole time,” she says. 

Training the human eye

There is no silver bullet for detecting AI-written text, says Solaiman. “A detection model is not going to be your answer for detecting synthetic text in the same way that a safety filter is not going to be your answer for mitigating biases,” she says. 

To have a chance of solving the problem, we’ll need improved technical fixes and more transparency around when humans are interacting with an AI, and people will need to learn to spot the signs of AI-written sentences. 

“What would be really nice to have is a plug-in to Chrome or to whatever web browser you’re using that will let you know if any text on your web page is machine generated,” Ippolito says.

Some help is already out there. Researchers at Harvard and IBM developed a tool called Giant Language Model Test Room (GLTR), which supports humans by highlighting passages that might have been generated by a computer program. 

But AI is already fooling us. Researchers at Cornell University found that people found fake news articles generated by GPT-2 credible about 66% of the time. 

Another study found that untrained humans were able to correctly spot text generated by GPT-3 only at a level consistent with random chance.  

The good news is that people can be trained to be better at spotting AI-generated text, Ippolito says. She built a game to test how many sentences a computer can generate before a player catches on that it’s not human, and found that people got gradually better over time. 

“If you look at lots of generative texts and you try to figure out what doesn’t make sense about it, you can get better at this task,” she says. One way is to pick up on implausible statements, like the AI saying it takes 60 minutes to make a cup of coffee.

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AI-Powered Content Detection Remover

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AI Content Detection Remover

In today's digital world, we're seeing more and more content that's created by AI. It's getting harder to tell the difference between what's written by a human and what's generated by a machine. And that's where AI Content Detection comes in.

AI Content Detection tools are used to analyze text and figure out if it was written by a person or by an AI program. This can have a big impact on how widely the content is shared and accepted.

For creators who use AI to make their content, this can be a problem. Their work might not get seen as much because the detection systems flag it as being produced by a machine.

That's why Junia AI has developed the AI Content Detection Remover . It's a tool that's designed to help AI-generated text blend in better with everything else online. Not only does it make the content sound more natural, but it also makes sure that it won't get flagged by AI detection systems.

With Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover , you'll be able to:

  • Get past even the most advanced AI detection algorithms
  • Keep your AI-created content intact and share it without any issues

This new way of doing things lets creators stay ahead in a competitive market where being real and unique is really important. It makes sure that their AI-generated content stays hidden and has the impact they want it to have.

Understanding AI Content Detection

AI Content Detection is an advanced technology-driven process that examines written content to determine if it has been created by an artificial intelligence system. This process uses AI detection systems that use complex algorithms to analyze text and identify patterns or characteristics commonly found in AI-generated content.

These AI detection systems have a deep understanding of language nuances and can easily differentiate between human-written and AI-generated text. They are programmed with sophisticated algorithms that enable them to identify the specific features of AI writing, such as unique sentence structures, word choices, or the level of randomness in word arrangement.

The randomness of words plays a crucial role in this detection process. AI algorithms often select words based on probabilities and patterns learned from large datasets, resulting in a certain level of unpredictability in word usage. This randomness is one of the key factors that detection systems look for when determining if content is AI-generated.

To illustrate this point, let's consider an example of a book review:

  • A human writer might describe a book as "riveting" or "captivating".
  • An AI writer might use less commonly associated terms like "absorbing" or "gripping".

This unpredictability in word choice is one of the clear indicators that can trigger AI detectors.

It is important to understand this process for anyone who wants to bypass these systems without compromising their content's quality. This understanding forms the foundation for developing effective strategies to evade detection, which we will explore in the next sections.

Challenges Faced by AI-Generated Content in Avoiding Detection

Using AI-generated content comes with its fair share of challenges when it comes to bypassing content detectors. Despite the advanced features of current AI writing tools , detection systems are getting better at identifying content that isn't written by humans. Here are some of the main obstacles:

  • Pattern Recognition : AI detectors are designed to spot the recurring patterns and subtle differences that often give away non-human writers. These patterns can include repetitive sentence structures, excessive use of certain phrases, or a lack of typical human mistakes.
  • Linguistic Signatures : Every AI has its own unique way of forming sentences and using grammar, leaving behind distinct linguistic markers. These individual traits can raise suspicions for content detectors.
  • Content Complexity and Context : AI-generated articles may struggle to offer the same level of depth or contextual understanding as those written by humans, making them more prone to detection.
  • Adaptability : As detection techniques improve, they often surpass the ability of AI writing tools to keep up. This means that even highly advanced AI-generated content can quickly become detectable as new detection algorithms are created.

Given these challenges, users require advanced solutions like Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover to stay ahead in the game. By rephrasing and restructuring content to closely resemble human-like qualities, these tools aim to decrease the chances of detection. However, it's essential for creators to recognize these limitations and implement strategies accordingly to ensure their content remains undetected.

Key Features of Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover

Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover is a powerful tool that can help you overcome AI content detection systems. It comes with a range of advanced features designed to ensure that your AI-generated content remains undetected, allowing it to reach its intended audience and have the desired impact.

1. Advanced Natural Language Processing

At the heart of Junia AI’s solution are state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) techniques. These advanced algorithms analyze text and use clever methods to rephrase and rewrite sentences, making it harder for detection systems to identify them.

2. Human-Like Text Generation

One of the key strengths of Junia AI's tool is its ability to mimic human writing styles . By incorporating the nuances and quirks commonly found in human-authored content, it can transform machine-generated text into versions that appear more authentic. This helps bypass filters that are specifically designed to flag automated content.

3. Intelligent Paraphrasing

Junia AI utilizes NLP to perform intelligent paraphrasing. This process involves not only changing the structure of sentences but also replacing words with synonyms and reorganizing ideas while keeping the original meaning intact. Such thorough rewording is crucial in evading content detectors that rely on identifying patterns.

4. Rephrasing for Undetectability

Rephrasing takes things a step further than simple word substitution; it requires a deep understanding of context and intention. Junia AI’s algorithms excel in this aspect, generating text that captures the natural flow of language without triggering any suspicion as being written by an AI.

The combination of these features empowers users to confidently create content that can outsmart even the most advanced detection systems. By doing so, content creators can maintain their credibility in environments where authenticity is highly valued, all while leveraging the speed and efficiency offered by artificial intelligence.

Using the AI Content Detection Remover: Best Practices

When you begin using Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover, consider these best practices to ensure maximum effectiveness:

  • Quality Source Material : Start with high-quality AI-generated content. The better the input quality, the more convincing and undetectable the output will be.
  • Diverse Vocabulary : Use a broad vocabulary range in your initial content. This reduces repetition and increases the variation that is characteristic of human writing.
  • Contextual Awareness : Ensure that rephrased content maintains the original context and meaning. Pay attention to nuances and subtleties within your text.
  • Review Recommendations : Take advantage of Junia AI's recommendations for specific changes that can improve undetectability.
  • Manual Review : After processing, manually review the content. Look for any inconsistencies or areas that might still signal AI authorship.
  • Iterative Process : Treat rewriting as an iterative process. Run your content through the Remover multiple times if necessary, refining it with each pass.
  • Avoid Overuse : While tempting to rely heavily on automated tools, balance their use with creative input to preserve authenticity.

By adhering to these guidelines and leveraging Junia AI's tips, you can navigate around common pitfalls associated with AI content detection. The result is robustly humanized text poised to pass as naturally authored while retaining its intended message and style.

The Ethical Implications of Bypassing AI Content Detection

When we think about using Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover, it's important to talk about the ethical implications. Manipulating content to trick AI systems can start a complicated discussion on ethics, focusing on finding a balance between being seen and being genuine.

1. Manipulating AI Systems

Using an AI Content Detection Remover brings up questions about honesty and openness. When we change content to get past detection, it might go against the rules of certain platforms that want to provide real, human-made stuff.

  • The intention behind using an AI Content Detection Remover raises questions about honesty and transparency. When content is altered to bypass detection, it may conflict with certain platforms' terms of service that aim to provide authentic, human-created material.
  • We can't ignore the possibility of it being misused. People might use these tools unethically to spread fake news or copied content while pretending it's original.

2. Authenticity vs. Visibility

In a digital world run by algorithms, there's a big struggle between staying visible and staying true to ourselves.

  • The struggle between remaining visible in an algorithm-driven digital world while upholding the value of authenticity is a significant concern.
  • Creators feel pressured to change their content to match what the algorithms like, which often leads to a tough choice: should you try to reach more people or stick with what you believe in?

3. Moral Responsibility

People who use these tools need to think about their moral responsibility. That means looking at why they're making content and how it might affect the people watching or the platforms hosting it.

  • Users must consider their moral responsibility when deciding to use such tools. It involves reflecting on the purpose of their content and the impact it may have on audiences and platforms.

It's really important for creators to think hard about these things and make smart choices about how they use AI-generated content. By understanding these different sides, we can find our way through the tricky space where technology and ethics meet.

"The future trajectory of AI content detection and evasion techniques will undoubtedly continue to evolve, with new challenges and implications emerging as technology advances."

The Future of AI Content Detection and Evasion Techniques

As technology continues to advance, the future of AI content detection will bring about more complex improvements. Here are some potential developments we can expect:

1. Deeper Analysis with AI Detection Technology

Emerging trends in AI detection technology hint at a future where systems will be capable of deeper analysis, looking beyond mere word randomness to discern the hidden patterns unique to AI-generated content.

2. Better Understanding of Language Use and Syntax

AI detectors are likely to become more adept at discerning subtleties in language use and syntax. They may also employ complex models to understand the context and coherency of the text, making it increasingly challenging for AI-written content to bypass detection.

3. Continuous Improvement of Evasion Techniques

On the other hand, evasion techniques are also evolving. As countermeasures improve, tools like Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover are becoming more sophisticated. Developers aim to stay ahead of detection technologies by continuously refining their algorithms.

4. Enhancing Natural Language Processing Capabilities

This includes enhancing natural language processing capabilities to create output that mirrors human writing more closely, making it indistinguishable from human-authored text.

Adapting to these advancements requires content creators to stay informed about these technological developments and update their strategies accordingly:

"The only way to deal with this new era is by developing an understanding of it." - Clay Shirky

Here's what they can do:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly keep up with the latest updates on AI content detection and evasion techniques.
  • Update Tools: If using existing tools or software, check for updates or newer versions that may have better detection capabilities.
  • Refine Content Generation Techniques: Adjust methods used for creating AI-generated content to make it less detectable.
  • Seek Human Feedback: Have real people review and provide feedback on the content to ensure its quality and authenticity.

Using tools like Junia AI's Remover is crucial for the visibility and impact of AI-generated content. As AI detection technologies improve, these tools become even more important. The AI Content Detection Remover is essential in creating undetectable AI content, so that your work can continue to reach and influence your audience.

When using tools designed to bypass detection systems, it is important to be responsible:

  • Find a balance between increasing visibility and maintaining authenticity.
  • Follow Junia AI's suggestions on how to use the AI Content Detection Remover effectively and ethically.
  • Always prioritize originality and respect for intellectual property, even when using advanced evasion methods.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is AI Content Detection? AI Content Detection is an advanced technology-driven process that uses artificial intelligence to identify and analyze digital content, such as text, images, and videos, for various purposes including moderation, filtering, and censorship.
  • What are the challenges faced by AI-generated content in avoiding detection? Using AI-generated content comes with its fair share of challenges in avoiding detection, as the technology used for content detection continues to advance and become more sophisticated. This includes issues related to authenticity, visibility, and ethical implications.
  • What are the key features of Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover? Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover is a powerful tool that offers advanced natural language processing, human-like text generation, intelligent paraphrasing, and rephrasing for undetectability. These features enable users to manipulate and enhance their content to bypass AI detection systems effectively.
  • What are the best practices for using the AI Content Detection Remover? When using Junia AI's AI Content Detection Remover, it is important to follow best practices such as understanding the ethical implications of bypassing AI content detection, considering moral responsibility when manipulating AI systems, and staying informed about the future of AI content detection and evasion techniques.
  • What are the ethical implications of bypassing AI Content Detection? The ethical implications of bypassing AI content detection raise questions about manipulating AI systems, balancing authenticity with visibility in a digital world, and acknowledging moral responsibility when using tools like Junia AI's Remover. It is crucial for users to consider these implications when utilizing such technology.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

We pitted ChatGPT against tools for detecting AI-written text, and the results are troubling

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Lecturer, University of Wollongong

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Associate Professor, UNSW Sydney

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The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Wollongong and UNSW Sydney provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.

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As the “ chatbot wars ” rage in Silicon Valley, the growing proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools specifically designed to generate human-like text has left many baffled .

Educators in particular are scrambling to adjust to the availability of software that can produce a moderately competent essay on any topic at a moment’s notice. Should we go back to pen-and-paper assessments? Increasing exam supervision? Ban the use of AI entirely?

All these and more have been proposed. However, none of these less-than-ideal measures would be needed if educators could reliably distinguish AI-generated and human-written text.

We dug into several proposed methods and tools for recognising AI-generated text. None of them are foolproof, all of them are vulnerable to workarounds, and it’s unlikely they will ever be as reliable as we’d like.

Perhaps you’re wondering why the world’s leading AI companies can’t reliably distinguish the products of their own machines from the work of humans. The reason is ridiculously simple: the corporate mission in today’s high-stakes AI arms is to train ‘natural language processor’ (NLP) AIs to produce outputs that are as similar to human writing as possible. Indeed, public demands for an easy means to spot such AIs in the wild might seem paradoxical, like we’re missing the whole point of the program.

A mediocre effort

OpenAI – the creator of ChatGPT – launched a “ classifier for indicating AI-written text ” in late January.

The classifier was trained on external AIs as well as the company’s own text-generating engines. In theory, this means it should be able to flag essays generated by BLOOM AI or similar, not just those created by ChatGPT.

We give this classifier a C– grade at best. OpenAI admits it accurately identifies only 26% of AI-generated text (true positive) while incorrectly labelling human prose as AI-generated 9% of the time (false positive).

OpenAI has not shared its research on the rate at which AI-generated text is incorrectly labelled as human-generated text (false negative).

A promising contender

A more promising contender is a classifier created by a Princeton University student during his Christmas break.

Edward Tian , a computer science major minoring in journalism, released the first version of GPTZero in January.

This app identifies AI authorship based on two factors: perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity measures how complex a text is, while burstiness compares the variation between sentences. The lower the values for these two factors, the more likely it is that a text was produced by an AI.

We pitted this modest David against the goliath of ChatGPT.

First, we prompted ChatGPT to generate a short essay about justice. Next, we copied the article – unchanged – into GPTZero. Tian’s tool correctly determined that the text was likely to have been written entirely by an AI because its average perplexity and burstiness scores were very low.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Fooling the classifiers

An easy way to mislead AI classifiers is simply to replace a few words with synonyms. Websites offering tools that paraphrase AI-generated text for this purpose are already cropping up all over the internet.

Many of these tools display their own set of AI giveaways, such as peppering human prose with “ tortured phrases ” (for example, using “counterfeit consciousness” instead of “AI”).

To test GPTZero further, we copied ChatGPT’s justice essay into GPT-Minus1 — a website offering to “scramble” ChatGPT text with synonyms. The image on the left depicts the original essay. The image on the right shows GPT-Minus1’s changes. It altered about 14% of the text.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

We then copied the GPT-Minus1 version of the justice essay back into GPTZero. Its verdict?

Your text is most likely human written but there are some sentences with low perplexities.

It highlighted just one sentence it thought had a high chance of having been written by an AI (see image below on left) along with a report on the essay’s overall perplexity and burstiness scores which were much higher (see image below on the right).

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Tools such as Tian’s show great promise, but they aren’t perfect and are also vulnerable to workarounds. For instance, a recently released YouTube tutorial explains how to prompt ChatGPT to produce text with high degrees of – you guessed it – perplexity and burstiness.


Another proposal is for AI-written text to contain a “watermark” that is invisible to human readers but can be picked up by software.

Natural language models work on a word-by-word basis. They select which word to generate based on statistical probability.

However, they do not always choose words with the highest probability of appearing together. Instead, from a list of probable words, they select one randomly (though words with higher probability scores are more likely to be selected).

This explains why users get a different output each time they generate text using the same prompt.

how to change an essay to avoid ai detection

Put simply, watermarking involves “blacklisting” some of the probable words and permitting the AI to only select words from a “whitelist”. Given that a human-written text will likely include words from the “blacklist”, this could make it possible to differentiate it from an AI-generated text.

However, watermarking also has limitations. The quality of AI-generated text might be reduced if its vocabulary was constrained. Further, each text generator would likely have a different watermarking system – so text would next to checked against all of them.

Watermarking could also be circumvented by paraphrasing tools, which might insert blacklisted words or rephrase essay questions.

An ongoing arms race

AI-generated text detectors will become increasingly sophisticated. Anti-plagiarism service TurnItIn recently announced a forthcoming AI writing detector with a claimed 97% accuracy.

However, text generators too will grow more sophisticated. Google’s ChatGPT competitor, Bard, is in early public testing . OpenAI itself is expected to launch a major update, GPT-4, later this year.

It will never be possible to make AI text identifiers perfect, as even OpenAI acknowledges , and there will always be new ways to mislead them.

As this arms race continues, we may see the rise of “contract paraphrasing”: rather than paying someone to write your assignment, you pay someone to rework your AI-generated assignment to get it past the detectors.

There are no easy answers here for educators. Technical fixes may be part of the solution, but so will new ways of teaching and assessment (which may including harnessing the power of AI).

We don’t know exactly what this will look like. However, we have spent the past year building prototypes of open-source AI tools for education and research in an effort to help navigate a path between the old and the new – and you can access beta versions at Safe-To-Fail AI .

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine learning
  • Neural networks
  • Large language models

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Bypass AI Detection with the Humanization Rewriter

Category: AI Tools

August 8, 2024 2 mins read

There are so many free AI detection tools on the Internet. Some even provide advanced functions to increase the accuracy of AI content detection. However, sometimes we have to use AI to improve our working efficiency. However, with the boycott of AI appliances, more and more AI content detection tools appear. How can we make full use of AI tools to improve working efficiency and get the AI content to bypass AI detection? The following will give you solutions in different aspects as well as some rewrite strategies.

Bypass AI content detection

In this article:

Part 1: Anti-AI Detector Tool - Humanization Rewriter

Part 2: how to humanize ai text to bypass ai detection with chatart, part 3: strategies to help us bypass the ai detection.

There are so many AI detectors on the Internet to help everyone identify AI-generated content like CopyLeaks and AI Undetect. Sometimes it is annoying for us to rephrase the AI-generated content in order to bypass the AI detection. Is there any tool or method that can help us get the content through such AI detectors?

Now you can humanize the AI text with the powerful rephrasing tool - ChatArt . The AI Trace Detection & Rewriting tool in ChatArt not only finds and lists the content that is possibly created by AI but also provides the one-click rewrite function to humanize the content, which can be a great assistant in SEO, marketing, blog, essay, etc.

Aside from the free AI Trace Detection & Rewriting function, ChatArt also provides the Plagiarism Detection which can help you improve your content to an originated one.


  • Embedded GPT-4, GPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 Pro and Claude 3.5 Sonnet in all tools.
  • SEO Analysis and Optimization toolsets improve SEO content quality in all aspects.
  • The new-released Article Writer generates 100% original text in 3 steps.
  • Bypass AI detection via ChatArt AI Detector and Humanization Rewriter.
  • Powered by Dall-e-3, AI Image generates fascinating pictures based on your needs.

Step 1: Go to Bypasss AI Detection function in ChatArt .

Turn on AI detection function

Step 2: Paste the text in the related area and click lick the Check for AI to acquire how the percentage of AI-generated content in this text.

Turn on AI detection function

Step 3: Click Huamnize button and ChatArt will rewrite the AI-generated content like it is gernerated from human.

Humanize AI text

Step 4: Detect the content after revising. Save your passage after check.

When dealing with the AI detector, we have to be a writer and an artist. Rewriting the content to bypass AI detection could be a boring and repeated process. Mastering some strategies can help us get through AI detection effectively. Here we go.

Strategy 1: Rephrase content style and sentence structure

If you want to make your text bypass the AI detector, rephrasing the sentences , paragraphs, and even whole passage into another writing style could be a good way because:

You are getting your content out of the way that these AI models write in. As a result, AI content detectors could not identify which content originated from AI tools like ChatGPT.

Changing the structure of the sentences even the article structure can avoid such content getting flagged.

You do not need to modify every sentence to lower or get through the AI detection manually. The tool here can help us humanize the AI text in seconds.

Strategy 2: Shorten or longer the sentence

Another effective strategy is simplifying or combining related content generated by AI writers. For example, you can try to shorten the long sentences into net and simple. Or combine the sentences with related content into one.

AI content generators prefer to generate content in the same sentence even a whole passage structure. Such modification can reorganize the structure of sentences, paragraphs, and passages, making it more like human writing.

Strategy 3: Change Voice

Usually, the content generated by AI will be written in a passive voice. Changing a sentence in a passive voice into an active one would be a good and practical action. It can help your content lower the chance of being flagged as AI-generated content.

Strategy 4: Use Synonyms

Replacing words with their synonyms is another useful strategy to help the AI-generated content bypass AI detection. Most AI tools, tend to use the same words repeatedly even when users give writing assignments with different topics. Using synonyms in the same passage to express the same meaning could make your content more like human masterpieces. As a result, it lowers the rate of AI content in AI detection.

Although we can improve the content manually to bypass the AI detection, it could be time-consuming. Why not get ChatArt to have the AI text humanized? Save your precious time and energy. Try the free humanize tool ChatArt now!

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Home > AI Tools > Bypass AI Detection with the Humanization Rewriter

I tested 7 AI content detectors - they're getting dramatically better at identifying plagiarism


When I first looked at whether it's possible to fight back against AI-generated plagiarism, and how that might work, it was January 2023, just a few months into the world's exploding awareness of generative AI . More than a year later, it feels like we've been exploring generative AI for years, but we've only looked at the issue for about 18 months.

In any case, this is an updated version of that original January 2023 article. When I first tested GPT detectors, I used three: the GPT-2 Output Detector  (this is a different URL than we published before), AI Content Detector , and Content at Scale AI Content Detection . 

Also:  How to use ChatGPT: Everything you need to know

The best result was 66% correct, from the GPT-2 Output Detector. I did another test in October 2023 and added three more: GPTZero , ZeroGPT (yes, they're different), and Writefull's GPT Detector . Now, in the summer of 2024, I'm adding QuillBot and a commercial service, , to the mix.

In October 2023, I removed the AI Content Detector from our test suite because it failed back in January 2023, it failed again in October, and it failed now. See below for a comment from the company, which their team sent me after the original article was published in January.

Before I go on, though, we should discuss plagiarism and how it relates to our problem. Merriam-Webster defines " plagiarize " as "to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own; use (another's production) without crediting the source."

This definition fits AI-created content well. While someone using an AI tool like Notion AI or ChatGPT isn't stealing content, if that person doesn't credit the words as coming from an AI and claims them as their own, it still meets the dictionary definition of plagiarism.

Also:  The best AI image generators to try

In this experimental article, I've asked ChatGPT to help out. My words are in normal and bold text. The AI's words are italicized. After each AI-generated section, I'll show the results of the detectors. At the end of the article, we'll look at how well the detectors performed overall.

Here are the test results for the above text, which I wrote myself:

  • GPT-2 Output Detector:  99.98% real 
  • Content at Scale AI Content Detection:  100% highly likely to be human!
  • GPTZero:  Your text is likely to be written entirely by a human
  • ZeroGPT:  22% AI GPT Your Text is Most Likely Human written
  • Writefull GPT Detector:  1% likely this comes from GPT-3, GPT-4 or ChatGPT
  •  84% Original 16% AI
  • QuillBot: 45% of text is likely AI-generated

Human-written content: 5-of-7 correct

Before we move on, let's discuss what I'll consider a "correct" analysis. If the score is numeric, anything above 80% will be counted as a correct analysis, and that's being generous. If the score has a summary, I'll look at the summary and make a judgment. 

With that, let's dig in some more.

Explain why ChatGPT can be a real problem for teachers and editors when it comes to plagiarism

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like text by predicting the next word or phrase in a given input sequence. While ChatGPT can be a useful tool for generating text and responding to prompts, it can also be a problem for teachers and editors when it comes to plagiarism.

Also:  4 ways to overcome your biggest worries about generative AI

One of the main reasons why ChatGPT can be a problem for teachers and editors is that it can generate text that is very similar to that of real human writers. This means that students or other individuals could potentially use ChatGPT to generate text that they could then submit as their own work, thereby committing plagiarism.

For teachers and editors, detecting whether a given piece of text was generated by ChatGPT or written by a human can be very difficult, as the generated text may not contain any obvious errors or discrepancies that would reveal its artificial origin. This can make it difficult for teachers and editors to identify and prevent plagiarism, as they may not be able to tell whether a given piece of text is original or copied from another source.

Overall, ChatGPT and other similar language models can be a problem for teachers and editors when it comes to plagiarism because they can generate text that is difficult to distinguish from that written by humans, making it easier for students and other individuals to commit plagiarism without being detected.

  • GPT-2 Output Detector:  99.69% real
  • Content at Scale AI Content Detection:  Hard to tell
  • GPTZero:  100% AI
  • ZeroGPT:  100% AI
  • Writefull GPT Detector:  12% likely this comes from GPT-3, GPT-4 or ChatGPT
  • 100% AI
  • QuillBot:  83% of text is likely AI-generated

AI-written content: 4-of-7 correct

Remember, text shown in italics was generated by the AI.

Show me at least three ways that I can detect ChatGPT was used to produce a piece of text

There are several ways that you can potentially detect whether ChatGPT or another language model was used to produce a piece of text. Here are three potential approaches you could use:

  • Look for repetitive or unusual patterns in the text: One way to detect whether a language model was used to generate a piece of text is to look for repetitive or unusual patterns in the writing. For example, language models may repeat certain phrases or word combinations, or use unusual or inconsistent sentence structures.
  • Check for lack of originality: Another way to detect whether a language model was used to generate a piece of text is to check for a lack of originality in the writing. If a piece of text appears to be copied from another source, or if it contains information that is widely available on the internet or in other sources, it could be a sign that it was generated by a language model.
  • Use a plagiarism checker: Finally, you can use a plagiarism checker to check whether a piece of text appears to be copied from another source. While a plagiarism checker may not be able to definitively determine whether a language model was used to generate a piece of text, it can help you identify instances of copying or paraphrasing from other sources.
  • Note when the answer is obviously wrong: I talked about this in my Notion AI review , where I spotlighted some text the AI wrote with seeming authority, but which was blatantly wrong. If a student or writer doesn't have full command of the topic being discussed, they may not spot the inaccuracies and leave them in the AI-generated response. Of course, incorrect statements aren't just the purview of an AI writing tool. Many bloggers and commenters, for example, repeat statements made by other bloggers, creating an echo chamber of completely "false facts", showing that while intelligence may be artificial, stupidity is a universal trait.

Keep in mind that it can be difficult to definitively determine whether a language model was used to generate a piece of text, and these methods may not always be effective. However, they can be useful tools to help you identify potential instances of language model-generated text.

In this set of tests, only the italicized content above was run through the checker suite.

  • GPT-2 Output Detector:  99.98% fake
  • Content at Scale AI Content Detection:  Passes as human
  • GPTZero: 100% AI
  • ZeroGPT:  99.69% AI GPT Your Text is AI/GPT Generated
  • Writefull GPT Detector: 79% likely this comes from GPT-3, GPT-4 or ChatGPT
  • QuillBot:  100% of text is likely AI-generated

AI-written content: 5-of-7 correct

List three plagiarism checkers that can detect ChatGPT text

It is worth noting that there is currently no plagiarism checker that is specifically designed to detect text generated by ChatGPT or other language models. While some plagiarism checkers may be able to identify certain characteristics of language model-generated text that could indicate its artificial origin, there is no guarantee that they will be able to definitively determine whether a piece of text was generated by a language model.

With that said, here are three plagiarism checkers that you might consider using to help identify potential instances of language model-generated text:

  • Turnitin: Turnitin is a popular plagiarism checker that is widely used by schools and universities. It compares a piece of text to a database of other texts to identify instances of copying or paraphrasing. While it may not be able to definitively determine whether a piece of text was generated by a language model, it could potentially identify certain characteristics of language model-generated text that could indicate its artificial origin.
  • PlagScan: PlagScan is another plagiarism checker that compares a piece of text to a database of other texts to identify instances of copying or paraphrasing. Like Turnitin, it may be able to identify certain characteristics of language model-generated text that could indicate its artificial origin, but it is not specifically designed to detect language model-generated text.
  • Copyleaks: Copyleaks is a plagiarism checker that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to scan a piece of text and compare it to a database of other texts to identify instances of copying or paraphrasing. While it may be able to identify certain characteristics of language model-generated text, it is not specifically designed to detect language model-generated text.

It is worth noting that no plagiarism checker is completely foolproof, and there is always the possibility that a piece of language model-generated text could escape detection. Therefore, it is important to use plagiarism checkers as just one part of a larger strategy to detect and prevent plagiarism.

  • GPT-2 Output Detector:  99.58% real
  • ZeroGPT:  100% AI GPT
  • Writefull GPT Detector: 86% likely this comes from GPT-3, GPT-4 or ChatGPT

Online AI plagiarism checkers

Most plagiarism detectors are used to compare writing against a corpus of other writing. For example, when a student turns in an essay, a product like Turnitin scans the submitted essay against a huge library of essays in its database, and other documents and text on the internet to determine if the submitted essay contains already-written content.

However, the AI-writing tools generate original content, at least in theory. Yes, they build their content from whatever they've been trained on, but the words they construct are somewhat unique for each composition.

Also:  OpenAI pulls its own AI detection tool because it was performing so poorly

As such, the plagiarism checkers mentioned above probably won't work because the AI-generated content probably didn't exist in, say, another student's paper.

In this article, we're just looking at GPT detectors. But plagiarism is a big problem, and as we've seen, some choose to define plagiarism as something you claim as yours that you didn't write, while others choose to define plagiarism as something written by someone else that you claim is yours.

That distinction was never a problem until now. Now that we have non-human writers, the plagiarism distinction is more nuanced. It's up to every teacher, school, editor, and institution to decide exactly where that line is drawn.

  • GPT-2 Output Detector: 99.56% real
  • GPTZero: 98% human
  • ZeroGPT: 16.82 AI Your text is human written
  • Writefull GPT Detector: 7% likely this comes from GPT-3, GPT-4 or ChatGPT
  • 84% Original 16% AI
  • QuillBot:  0% of text is likely AI-generated

Human-written content: 7-of-7 correct

Overall results

Overall, test results this time are dramatically better than they have been with previous tests. 

In our previous runs, none of the tests got everything right. This time, three of the seven services tested got the results correct 100% of the time.

GPT-2 Output Detector60%CorrectFailCorrectFailCorrect
Content at Scale Al Content Detection40%CorrectFailFailFailCorrect
Writefull GPT Detector80%CorrectFailCorrectCorrectCorrect

While the overall results have improved dramatically, I would not be comfortable relying solely on these tools to validate a student's content. As has been shown, writing from non-native speakers often gets rated as generated by an AI , and even though my hand-crafted content has no longer been rated as AI, there were a few paragraphs flagged by the testers as possibly being AI-based. So, I would advocate caution before relying on the results of any (or all) of these tools.

Also: Could someone falsely accuse you of using AI-generated text? This could be why

Let's look at the individual testers and see how each performed.

GPT-2 Output Detector (Accuracy 60%)

This first tool was built using a machine-learning hub managed by New York-based AI company Hugging Face . While the company has received $40 million in funding to develop its natural language library, the GPT-2 detector appears to be a user-created tool using the Hugging Face Transformers library. Of the six tests I ran, it was accurate for four of them. AI Content Detector (Accuracy N/A) is a service that generates AI writing, oriented towards corporate teams. Its AI Content Detector tool can scan for generated content. Unfortunately, I found this tool unreliable, and it failed to generate results -- exactly the same way it did in January 2023.

After this article was originally published in January, the folks at reached out to ZDNET. CEO May Habib had this comment to share:

Demand for the AI detector has skyrocketed. Traffic has grown 2-3x per week since we launched it a couple months ago. We've now got the necessary scaling behind it to make sure it doesn't go down, and our goal is to keep it free - and up to date to catch the latest models' outputs, including ours. If AI output is going to be used verbatim, it absolutely should be attributed.

Content at Scale AI Content Detection (Accuracy 40%)

The third tool I found was also produced by an AI content generation firm. Content at Scale pitches itself as "We Help SEO-Focused Content Marketers by Automating Content Creation." Its marketing call to action is, "Upload a list of keywords and get 2,600+ word blog posts that bypass AI content detection -- all with no human intervention!" Disturbingly, the results got worse from January -- back then, it was 50% accurate. It has not improved since.

GPTZero (Accuracy 100%)

It's not entirely clear what drives GPTZero . The company is hiring engineers and sales folks, and it runs on AWS, so there are expenses and sales involved. However, all I could find about a service offering was a place where you could register for a free account to scan more than the 5,000 words offered without login. If you're interested in this service for GPT detection, you'll have to see if they'll respond to you with more details. Accuracy has increased since the last time I ran these tests.

ZeroGPT (Accuracy 100%)

ZeroGPT seems to have matured as a service since we last looked at it. When we last looked, no company name was listed, and the site was peppered with Google ads with no apparent strategy for monetization. The service worked fairly well but seemed sketchy as heck.

That sketchy-as-heck feeling is now gone. ZeroGPT presents as any other SaaS service, complete with pricing, company name, contact information, and all the rest. It still performs quite well, so perhaps the developers decided to turn their working code into more of a working business. Accuracy increased as well. Good for them.

Writefull GPT Detector (Accuracy 80%)

Writefull sells writing support services, as well as a free taste of its tools. The GPT detector is fairly new and worked fairly well. Although not fully accurate, it did improve from 60% accurate to 80% accurate with my tests. (Accuracy 100%, sort of) is a commercial service that bills itself as both an AI checker and a plagiarism checker. The company sells its services based on usage credits. To give you an idea, all the scans I did for this article used a total of 30 usage credits. The company sells 2,000 credits a month for $12.95 per month. I pumped about 1,400 words through the system and used only 1.5% of the monthly allocation.

Results were great for the AI checker, but they failed 3 out of 5 times when it came to using the service as a plagiarism checker. The following screenshot claims that the text pasted in was 0% plagiarised:

That's wrong since all the text pasted into it was from this article, which has been published online for 18 months. I thought, perhaps, that the plagiarism scanner couldn't read ZDNET content, but that's not the case, as this screenshot shows:

To be fair, I didn't set out to check plagiarism checkers in this article. But since I'm using source material I know I pulled from my existing article, I figured the plagiarism checker would have slammed all of them as 100% plagiarized. In any case, did well on the part we set out to test, the AI checker. They get points for that.  

QuillBot (Accuracy 80%-ish)

Nothing is ever easy. The first time I ran my first test through QuillBot , it said that 45% of the text was likely generated by an AI. It wasn't. I wrote it. But then, after completing all the other tests, I returned to QuillBot to grab a screenshot for this section, fed it the same text that generated the 45% score, and, as you can see, it now reports 0% AI.

So, what are we to make of this result? Sadly, I didn't grab a screenshot of the first time I tested this text, but it highlights the concern with relying too much on AI detectors because they are also quite capable of hallucination. 

What about OpenAI's own ChatGPT detector?

Well,  OpenAI pulled it last year because the detector wasn't particularly accurate. Now, it's supposed to be 99% accurate . That's a little tough to believe because ChatGPT itself is far from 100% accurate. 

Also:  Will OpenAI's new AI detection tool put an end to student cheating?

But, in any case, as my ZDNET buddy Steven Vaughan-Nichols writes, it's not available yet. We'll give it a spin when it's released for public use. Stay tuned.

Final thoughts

First, I'll let ChatGPT have its say:  AI-driven plagiarism is a growing problem, as AI tools like Notion AI and ChatGPT can generate text that is difficult to distinguish from that written by humans. There are several ways to detect whether a piece of text was generated by an AI, such as looking for repetitive or unusual patterns, checking for a lack of originality, or using a plagiarism checker. Plagiarism checkers like Turnitin, PlagScan, and Copyleaks may be able to identify certain characteristics of language model-generated text, but they are not foolproof.

Even the specialty tools I found were woefully unsuited to the task. There was some limited improvement over my tests in January. However, I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable threatening a student's academic standing or accusing them of cheating based on the results of these tools.

Also: Surprise! AI chatbots don't increase student cheating after all, research finds

At this point, I don't think we're ready to let AI fight AI. Instead, we'll have to rely on human perception (which means folks have to pay attention) to identify works generated by an AI.

Don't immediately assume that something is machine-generated. Just because something is stupid, or wildly inaccurate, doesn't mean it was not written by a human. As we all know, humans can write some bad stuff on their own.

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So, what do you think? Can you tell if a piece is AI-generated? Have you used these AI writing tools in the months since they suddenly became available? Do you think they're a help or hindrance to education and journalism? Let us know in the comments below. Here's how ChatGPT answered this:

As a language model, I can't see or interact with physical pieces of writing, so I can't tell if a piece is AI-generated or not. However, I can tell you that there are several AI writing tools that are available, and they can be used to generate a wide range of written content, including news articles, fiction, poetry, and more.

I don't have personal experience using these tools since I am just a computer program and don't have the ability to browse the internet or use physical tools. However, I can tell you that some people have found AI writing tools to be helpful in education and journalism, as they can save time and effort by automating certain tasks. Others have expressed concerns about the potential for these tools to be used to produce misleading or biased content or to replace human writers. Ultimately, whether AI writing tools are a help or hindrance depends on how they are used and the context in which they are used.

So, yeah, there's that.

You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to subscribe to my weekly update newsletter , and follow me on Twitter/X at @DavidGewirtz , on Facebook at , on Instagram at , and on YouTube at .

Artificial Intelligence

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AI-Generated Essays On The Rise In College Applications: Educators Debate Impact and Ethics

More and more applicants for higher ed are using AI. How best to respond to these applications is causing debate.

A screenshot of a chat between the author and ChatGPT

Valerio Capraro, a psychology professor at the University of Milan, has recently seen an uptick in research statements from PhD applicants that appear to be at least partially AI-generated.

“I would say that almost all applications show traces of AI-generated content, and about half seem entirely AI-generated,” says Capraro, who studies social behavior and AI. “This trend is very concerning.”

Capraro recently posted on social media about one such submission he received. After the post unexpectedly went viral, Capraro was surprised to learn that many educators were angry at him for assuming the piece had been AI-generated, and even accused him of discrimination—with one angry educator contacting his department to complain.

“[They] were claiming that I was discriminating against non-native English speakers,” he says, adding that the accusation doesn’t make sense in his context. “All our applicants are, in fact, non-native English speakers.”

In the end, Capraro did not accept this specific application, not because he suspected it was AI-generated, but because it was not compelling, as is the case with much AI-generated text currently.

Ultimately, the incident highlights both the increase in AI-generated college submissions from undergraduate applicants to graduate and PhD programs, and the challenges those reading these submissions face. Existing AI detection tools are flawed and there as is as yet no consensus on how best to respond to AI-generated content.

Using AI For College Admissions 

As AI becomes more available, some educators are even questioning why preventing students from using AI-generated application materials is a problem.

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Jeffrey Hancock, a communications professor at Stanford University, recently told the publication CalMatters that students might have stronger applications using AI-generated essays . Hancock suggests doing this by custom training a tool such as ChatGPT on a mix of good and bad college essays. The AI can be told to emulate the good essays and avoid patterns in the bad ones. This strategy might be particularly appealing because many colleges have been slow to implement specific policies regarding AI use in application materials. However, getting caught using AI is still likely to hurt applications to most institutions.

The Common App, used by more than 1 million students annually, has a policy against AI use, said Jackson Sternberg, a PR specialist with the company, via email. Students using the system must agree to the app's terms of service, which prohibit the transmission of fraudulent information, and then sign an affirmation that what they are submitting is their own work. The app’s fraud policy explicitly prohibits submitting "substantive" AI-generated content.

“We investigate all fraud allegations, and if they are substantiated, we take appropriate disciplinary steps," Sternberg said.

Even so, much of the vetting process is left to the higher ed institutions themselves. “Individual member colleges process and review applicant data based on their own policies and procedures,” Sternberg added.

What Educators and Students Can Do  

Capraro believes the best course of action is to engage with AI-generated submission materials the same way he would any other material. “It is the content that counts,” he says. “AI-generated text tends to be just average. It might look good for a high-school essay, but if you are an evaluator for an advanced position, like a PhD fellowship, then AI-generated text tend to get very low grades, not because it is generated by AI, but because it is superficial and often incorrect. As an evaluator, I focus on the content rather than the form.”

Students completing various applications should be encouraged to use AI to help, not replace, their writing, Capraro says. As a non-native English speaker, he’s used AI to help his English writing improve immensely over the past year. For this reason, he doesn’t think applicants should necessarily be prohibited from using AI. “They should be discouraged from over-relying on it as a shortcut for avoiding working,” he says. “Applicants need to understand that there are no real shortcuts in professional settings. Especially for competitive positions, the personal input is fundamental.”

Capraro adds that ultimately AI won’t be good enough for the most ambitious applicants, and that this could be the most effective message to students. “I think that people who will over-rely on AI in the next years will just regress to the average and get the average jobs,” he says.

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Erik Ofgang is a Tech & Learning contributor. A journalist,  author  and educator, his work has appeared in The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Smithsonian, The Atlantic, and Associated Press. He currently teaches at Western Connecticut State University’s MFA program. While a staff writer at Connecticut Magazine he won a Society of Professional Journalism Award for his education reporting. He is interested in how humans learn and how technology can make that more effective. 

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Chasing a career in AI may not be the best idea. Here's what you should do instead.

  • Interest in AI careers is rising as AI-related roles grow in demand.
  • NYU Stern's chief AI architect warns against chasing AI jobs because of tech's cyclical nature.
  • Instead, Conor Grennan suggests going after what you're good at and enhancing it with AI.

Insider Today

The AI job market is hot , and it seems like everyone wants to get in on it.

Universities are developing curricula as these roles grow in demand, while people are signing up for boot camps and creating solo projects to skill up for the AI race.

But hopping on the AI job train may not be the smartest idea , Conor Grennan, the chief AI architect at New York University's Stern School of Business, told Business Insider. Grennan emphasized the tech industry's cyclical nature and questioned the long-term stability of AI jobs.

"The tech sector implodes from time," Grennan said, adding: "All of a sudden, there's no jobs in tech."

Grennan added that there's no "magic elixir" for stability in tech because the industry goes through hiring booms and layoffs, like everywhere else.

The tech industry has seen massive job cuts over the past two years , with over 550,000 layoffs since 2022, according to the online tracker . Companies including Google, Meta, Amazon, and Tesla have slashed their workforces in multiple rounds of cuts.

At the same time, companies have been cashing in on AI, going on hiring sprees as they restructure for the artificial-intelligence boom. But with companies like Microsoft and Amazon presenting lower-than-expected earnings last week, tech shares have dipped, and investors are concerned that the  hype may be at a reckoning .

Grennan warns against chasing industries in general and advises people to go with what they're good at. He strongly encourages MBAs to discover "their gift and passion," he said, and then get trained on AI "so they can elevate the quality and efficiency of their work," regardless of the role or industry they choose.

While he recommends using tech , he doesn't believe people should drop their interests to work in tech just because it's having a moment.

"I really encourage people to think, 'What do you mean when you say you want a job in AI?' Because that's not what you're passionate about," Grennan said. "You're not passionate about coding and trying to figure out how these models work."

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In fact, Grennan said "the beauty of this revelation" is not needing to know how the models work to use it to your advantage.

Grennan stressed the importance of jobs in marketing, operations, and other services that are still needed in the labor market. The tech sector also relies on these jobs to support their companies, Grennan said.

"People are thinking, 'Oh, chase the hot, new thing,'" Grennan said. "No, the hot, new thing is going to enhance everything that you're passionate about."

He added: "And that's what you want to be on the cutting edge of."

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OpenAI won’t watermark ChatGPT text because its users could get caught

Some chatgpt users said they’d use chatgpt less if it included watermarks..

By Wes Davis , a weekend editor who covers the latest in tech and entertainment. He has written news, reviews, and more as a tech journalist since 2020.

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Vector illustration of the ChatGPT logo.

OpenAI has had a system for watermarking ChatGPT-created text and a tool to detect the watermark ready for about a year, reports The Wall Street Journal . But the company is divided internally over whether to release it. On one hand, it seems like the responsible thing to do; on the other, it could hurt its bottom line.

OpenAI’s watermarking is described as adjusting how the model predicts the most likely words and phrases that will follow previous ones, creating a detectable pattern. (That’s a simplification, but you can check out Google’s more in-depth explanation for Gemini’s text watermarking for more).

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Offering any way to detect AI-written material is a potential boon for teachers trying to deter students from turning over writing assignments to AI. The Journal reports that the company found watermarking didn’t affect the quality of its chatbot’s text output. In a survey the company commissioned, “people worldwide supported the idea of an AI detection tool by a margin of four to one,” the Journal writes.

After the Journal published its story, OpenAI confirmed it’s worked on watermarking text in a blog post update today that was spotted by TechCrunch . In it, the company says its method is very accurate (“99.9% effective,” according to documents the Journal saw) and resistant to “tampering, such as paraphrasing.” But it says techniques like rewording with another model make it “trivial to circumvention by bad actors.” The company also says it’s concerned about the stigmatization AI tools’ usefulness for non-native speakers.

But it seems OpenAI is also worried that using watermarking could turn off surveyed ChatGPT users, almost 30 percent of whom evidently told the company that they’d use the software less if watermarking was implemented.

Despite that, some employees still reportedly feel that watermarking is effective. In light of nagging user sentiments, though, the Journal says some suggested trying methods that are “potentially less controversial among users but unproven.” In its blog post update today, the company said it’s “in the early stages” of exploring embedding metadata. It says it’s still “too early” to know how well it will work, but that because it’s cryptographically signed, there would be no false positives.

Update August 4th: Added details from an updated OpenAI blog post .

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Real time vessel detection model using deep learning algorithms for controlling a barrier system.

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1. Introduction

  • Camera Calibration: We need to calibrate the camera to obtain the intrinsic parameters (focal length and principal point) and distortion coefficients. This step is crucial for accurate measurements in real-world units.
  • Object Detection: This is the focus of this paper. We detect and track the ship in each frame. The model provides us with bounding box coordinates for the ship.
  • Distance Measurement: We determine the real-world distance between the camera and a reference point on the ship. This information comes from a lidar sensor.
  • Speed Calculation: We calculate the speed of the ship using the change in position of the ship over time. The speed ( v ) can be calculated using the formula v = ∆ d ∆ t , where Δ d is the change in distance, and Δ t is the change in time between consecutive frames.
  • Frame Rate: We consider the frame rate of the camera ( f frame ) when calculating the time difference between frames. The time difference ( Δt ) can be calculated as ∆ t = 1 f f r a m e .

2. Literature Review

  • Architecture search: YOLO-NAS uses neural architecture search to find the most effective architecture for the task of object detection.
  • Efficiency: YOLO-NAS aims to find a network architecture that is both accurate and computationally efficient.

3. Implementation of YOLOv5 and YOLOv8

3.1. tools and environment used, 3.2. dataset labeling, 3.3. data training, validation, and testing split.

  • Flip—horizontal ( Figure 7 );
  • Grayscale—applied to 15% of images ( Figure 7 ).
  • Blur—up to 1.25 px ( Figure 8 );
  • Noise—up to 3% pixels ( Figure 8 );
  • Shear—±10° horizontal, ±10° vertical ( Figure 9 );
  • Brightness—between −25% and +25% ( Figure 9 );

3.4. Model Training

4. results and discussion.

  • Architectural Changes: YOLOv8 introduced architectural changes, such as using CSPDarknet53 as the backbone. This architecture impacts the model’s ability to capture features and representations, leading to improved performance. In this work, we are interested in capturing features of the ship’s superstructure that help identify the type of ship. However, a lightweight improved YOLOv5 is proposed in [ 34 ] for real-time localization of fruits, using the bneck module of MobileNetV3 instead of CSPDarknet53. In this study, the modified YOLOv5 reached the mAP of 0.969.
  • Training Techniques: YOLOv8 incorporated training techniques, such as the use of CIOU (complete intersection over union) loss and focal loss. These techniques are aimed at improving the accuracy of object detection during the training process.
  • Scales for Flexibility: YOLOv8 provides different scales (S, M, L, and X). This allows us to choose the scale that best fits our requirements. This adaptability was beneficial for customizing the models to the specific task of detecting ship profiles.
  • Task Adaptability: YOLOv8 is designed to be adaptable to various object detection tasks, including custom applications. The architecture allows us to train models on our specific datasets.

5. Conclusions

Author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

F1 score (accuracy)%0.9160.876
Weight decay-0.00050.0005
Mini-batch size-1616
Training timehours0.370.533
Inference speed per imagems11.411.8
Frames per secondfps87.71984.745
GPU memory usageGb7.481.99
MethodPrecision (%)Recall (%)mAP (%)
Faster R-CNN (Yu and Shin)78.4981.4279.33
RetinaNet (Yu and Shin)82.1683.3581.14
YOLOv5 (Yu and Shin)83.0284.9782.26
YOLOv5 (ours)
YOLOv8 (ours)93.789.598.9
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Share and Cite

Folarin, A.; Munin-Doce, A.; Ferreno-Gonzalez, S.; Ciriano-Palacios, J.M.; Diaz-Casas, V. Real Time Vessel Detection Model Using Deep Learning Algorithms for Controlling a Barrier System. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024 , 12 , 1363.

Folarin A, Munin-Doce A, Ferreno-Gonzalez S, Ciriano-Palacios JM, Diaz-Casas V. Real Time Vessel Detection Model Using Deep Learning Algorithms for Controlling a Barrier System. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering . 2024; 12(8):1363.

Folarin, Abisade, Alicia Munin-Doce, Sara Ferreno-Gonzalez, Jose Manuel Ciriano-Palacios, and Vicente Diaz-Casas. 2024. "Real Time Vessel Detection Model Using Deep Learning Algorithms for Controlling a Barrier System" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12, no. 8: 1363.

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