1. Master List for Describing Weather

    enveloped by fog. smothered by fog. made mysterious by fog. the fog rolled in. the fog was burning off. the fog was lifting. the fog was clearing. the fog was dissipating . I have many lists like this in my book Master Lists for Writers: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More. Check it out! Do you describe weather conditions in ...

  2. Weather Thesaurus Entry: Mist or Fog

    SENSORY DESCRIPTORS: Sight: Hazy whiteness & curls of smoky air currents that obscure surroundings and make distances difficult to fathom. Fog is denser than mist, and visibility is reduced…. Smell: Damp, picks up the scent of brine and algae near water sources, earthy scents (soil, pine, greenery) in natural areas and urban scents in cities….

  3. Power Your Fiction: Using Weather To Create Mood, Not Clichés

    Weather is a tool to evoke mood, guiding the character toward the emotions we want them to feel, and by extension, the reader as well. By tuning into specific weather conditions, a character may feel safe, or off balance. Weather can work for or against the character, creating conflict, tension, and be used to foreshadow, hinting that something ...

  4. Fog

    In the fog the city is blurred like an old painting; it could be a great work drawn by expert hand. The buildings and the Japanese cherry trees are silhouetted black, two-dimensional. The streets yawn in every direction with only the old newspaper dispensers and street-lamps to break the view between buildings so high that the tops disappear in ...

  5. Top 30 Adjectives for Fog (Negative & Positive Words)

    How to Describe Fog in Writing? Fog, as a subject in writing, is multifaceted and can be used to set a mood, create tension, or provide relief. When writing about fog, the first thing to consider is the emotion you want to evoke. The gentle touch of morning fog, with its softness and serenity, can bring a sense of calm and freshness.

  6. 101 Words To Describe Weather

    Words To Describe Wet & Cloudy Weather. bank - a large mass of cloud or fog. billow - a cloud that rises and moves in a large mass. blizzard - a snowstorm with very strong winds. cirrocumulus - small round clouds that form lines high in the sky. cirrostratus - a thin layer of cloud found very high in the sky.

  7. Words to describe foggy weather

    Here are a couple of adjectives that collocate with the noun 'fog': patchy - uneven, appearing only in some parts. swirling - moving around. persistent - fog that doesn't go away. thick / dense / heavy. impenetrable - extremely thick. Some of the verbs you can use with 'fog' are:

  8. Describing Fog: Synonyms & Examples

    By incorporating these synonyms and antonyms into your writing, you can effectively describe the captivating qualities of fog or contrast it with clear conditions. Conclusion. In this article, we have explored the enchanting world of fog and discovered a plethora of adjectives that can be used to describe its ethereal beauty.

  9. 160+ Ways to Describe Weather

    Fog/Mist. cinder dust and gloom; The haze floated over the crowd like smoke from a doused fire. Sun hanging in a pink haze of clouds and smog. Fog yellowed by agricultural burning. Fog began to billow across the road in a great grey mass like the effluent of a thousand smokestacks. The building was only a shadowy form, almost entirely lost to view.

  10. How To Describe Clouds In Writing (100+ Examples & Words)

    Here are some of the most common types of clouds to describe in your writing: Cirrus: High-altitude, thin clouds, often wispy and light, suggesting fair weather but sometimes indicating a change. Cumulus: Fluffy, cotton-like clouds, generally white and often seen during sunny days, symbolizing cheer and tranquility.

  11. Weather Writing Prompts: Explore Atmospheric Narratives

    Discover the power of atmospheric narratives with these weather writing prompts. From stormy clouds to sunny skies, learn how to use weather to set the mood, create tension, and bring your stories to life. Let the elements inspire your imagination and take your readers on a captivating journey. Get ready to explore the weather's storytelling ...

  12. Using Weather to Convey Mood in Fiction

    This is all about caring. Caring that every sentence uses the best words in a concise and specific way. You don't need a lot of words to describe setting in a powerful way. Remember: mood has to reflect and inform the character in that moment of time. Don't discount the power of weather in your settings.

  13. 26 Metaphors for Weather: Exploring the Vivid Language of Nature

    Rain symbolizing sadness. "The sky's tears fell as she grieved.". A Blanket of Snow. Snowfall as a cozy covering. "The town was covered in a blanket of snow.". The Roar of Thunder. Thunderstorms as nature's orchestra. "The roar of thunder shook the entire house.". The Whispering Wind.

  14. 22 Words to Describe the Movement of Clouds

    "The heavy fog and clouds rolled in from the sea, enveloping the coastline in a mysterious mist." "The storm clouds rolled across the plains, casting an eerie shadow over the land below." 3. Gathered Definition. Came together to form a larger mass or concentration. Examples

  15. 20+ Best Words to Describe Fog, Adjectives for Fog

    To describe this captivating natural occurrence, we delve into an array of evocative words: ethereal, hazy, elusive, mysterious, and serene. Each word paints a unique picture of fog's beauty and intrigue, enticing us to explore its magical charm." Adjectives for Fog. Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for fog: Ethereal; Misty ...


    rain is both life giving and life threatening. The metaphors should be more creative and the turn of phrase made more enriching. LEVEL 4 'The sun enables life. The rain grants it safe passage'. The winter sky is a widow's sky, bedarkened and weeping. The clouds are churlish and kraken-cruel.

  17. 106 Ways To Describe Sounds

    listenable - easy to listen to. mellow - a soft, smooth, pleasant sound. melodic - beautiful sound. musical - sounds like music. pure - a clear, beautiful sound. rich - a sound that is strong in a pleasant way. soft - quiet and peaceful. sonorous - a sound that is deep and strong in a pleasant way.

  18. Master List of Ways to Describe Fear

    A quill still wet with thick black ink rested next to a sheet of parchment filled with writing in a language he couldn't read. Crude drawings made with heavy strokes were set within the words. Some of them were disturbing — a bleeding hand cut open with a knife and a person floating lifeless below a ghoul with black eyes poised to attack.

  19. Describing a scene

    Creative Writing. Describing a scene ... Ask your pupils about what atmosphere is created in this passage and to make a note of how many times the word 'fog' appears in the passage. What is the effect of this repetition? Ask pupils to make a list of the verbs used to describe the movement of the fog and explain the effect of 3 of these ...

  20. MASTER LIST of Gestures and Body Language!

    he swayed on his feet. she dragged her feet. she pumped a fist. he thrust his fists in the air. she punched the air. *. A slightly expanded version of this list of body language and gestures appears in my book Master Lists for Writers: Thesauruses, Plots, Character Traits, Names, and More.

  21. Foggy forest VS Misty woods, which is better?

    I'm currently trying to describe a place which is both foggy and has lots of trees. I have not decided on which one to use yet since I'm trying to come up with other alternative terms to describe the place.

  22. Fog Descriptive Writing

    Fog Descriptive Writing. The first thing that I noticed was the fog. The bleak mist surrounded my bare feet and obscured my vision. From what I could see, a stone church flanked by two columns stood before me. The once white and pure surface was blemished by dark streaks that were a sign of the worn caused by the excess moisture in the air.

  23. Writing with Color: Words for Skin Tone

    Like TVTropes, Springhole, and Wikipedia, an author could spend hours following one link (Black Panther Fanfic Writing) to the next (Bad to have a Disabled Love Interest?) and the next (Baby Banks in an Infertile World, Eugenics and Racism) into the wee hours of the morning, only this one is tailored specifically to people who want their fiction to have as much positive impact as possible on ...

  24. New nature writing genre brings wild and tricky aspects of climate

    Students are encouraged to find their own path—creative and critical—into the ways we as humans engage with the natural world, the places we inhabit and the creatures we share the Earth with ...