• Corpus ID: 166288450

Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping

  • A. Hasslinger , Selma Hodzic , Claudio Opazo
  • Published 2008

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Predicting consumers' acceptance of online shopping on the internet: an empirical study, perceptions on the challenges of online purchasing: a study from baby boomers, generation x and generation y's point of views, the influence of culture on itrust aspects in b2c e-business, examining salient dimensions of online shopping and the moderating influence of gender: the case of students at a south african university, barriers and crucial factors affecting iranian consumer mind during online shopping, controllable factors impact on consumer online behaviour, individualistic-collectivistic impact on itrust towards purchase intention in b2c e-business, factors influencing consumer behavior towards online shopping in saudi arabia, analyzing the impact of security and website design on e shopping behavior of consumers: a case study of pakistan, socio cultural influences on online shopping behaviour, 28 references, the relationship between consumer characteristics and attitude toward online shopping, planning an effective internet retail store, strategic online customer decision making: leveraging the transformational power of the internet, identifying key factors affecting consumer purchase behavior in an online shopping context, influencing the online consumer's behavior: the web experience, what drives consumers to shop online a literature review.

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  • Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
  • Department of Business Administration
Researcher: Darbar Rekha
Keywords: E-commerce, Online Shopping, Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Services, Expected Services.
University: Mohan Lal Sukhadia University
Completed Date: 22/04/2017
Abstract: Abstract Available newline
Pagination: 242
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Applied Economics Theses

Impact of online shopping on shopping malls, department chair.

Frederick Floss, Ph.D.

Xaioxing Yan , State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College Follow

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Theodore Byrley, Ph.D., C.F.A.

The growth of e-retail has been a major discussion in the shopping characteristics of contemporary society. This has been a major concern as people strive to relate the exponential growth of online shopping to the recent decline in the growth of shopping malls. Various studies have significantly investigated the growth of online shopping and have always mentioned the impact of online shopping on shopping malls to be a negative one. This study focuses on testing that hypothesis. By exploring the possible relationship between certain factors such as the number of shopping malls and the percentage increase in online shopping retail, this study performs an analysis to prove this common assertion that online shopping negatively impacts shopping malls. The study uses Amazon online shopping company as a representation of the entire online shopping platform in the US. The analysis is carried via multiple linear regressions on the online shopping characteristics and those of the shopping malls.

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Yan, Xaioxing, "Impact of Online Shopping on Shopping Malls" (2018). Applied Economics Theses . 29. https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/economics_theses/29

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Online shopping is gaining popularity day by day in the current market scene. People of all age groups frequently visit a plethora of e-commerce websites to buy the necessaries and luxuries of life. In this context, the the present study endeavours to comprehend the awareness and priorities of consumers towards various products being offered by various e-commerce platforms, to understand the frequency of online shopping and the factors that affect online purchases and the method that consumers adopt to make the payments for the purchases they make online. The study is empirical in nature and cross-sectional research design was applied and the primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The study has taken a sample size of 200 respondents from Punjab residents mainly residing in Sangrur and Patiala Districts by applying judgemental and convenience sampling method. This study made use of Buyer Black Box Model in order to analyse the various factors that facilitate the online shopping behaviour of the consumers. Furthermore, Hierarchy of Effects Model was also used to study the inclination, habits and intentions shown by the consumers when they go for online shopping. Apart from this, a separate gender-wise differentiation was also made to know how Male and Female respond to a particular category of product consists of Apparels, Beauty products, Household items, Electronic Gadgets etc. A preference measurement check was made to know the perception of consumers regarding the most famous ecommerce websites i.e. AMAZON, FLIPKART, SNAPDEAL, MYNTRA and others. The study has a massive future scope as it can be done among different demographic profile & in other cities. The Internet has become an essential part of our daily life, and companies realise that the Internet can be a shopping channel to reach existing and potential consumers. The emergence and exponential growth of Internet and E-commerce has revolutionsed the way of today's living of not only consumers but also of companies, suppliers and middlemen.

online shopping dissertation

Dr. Vinay Kumar

This paper examines the key factors which affect buying motives of consumers for online buying or E-shopping. For this purpose different models from different research scholars have been studied. One online consumer buying behavior motive model, (FFF Model), has been designed and suggested on the basis of existing review of literatures. Future research could use our suggested factors (F), filtering elements (F) and then filtered buying behavior (F), (FFF Model) framework as a basis to empirically explore the factors affecting the online consumer purchasing process and to test the suggested model by the interested researchers in the relevant area of research. Introduction-The internet is being developed rapidly since last two decades, and with relevant digital economy that is driven by information technology also being developed worldwide. After a long term development of internet, which rapidly increased web users and highly speed internet connection, and some new technology also have been developed and used for web developing, those lead to firms can promote and enhance images of product and services through web site. Therefore, detailed product information and improved service attracts more and more people changed their consumer behaviour from the traditional mode to more rely on the internet shopping. On the other hand, more companies have realized that the consumer behaviour transformation is unavoidable trend, and thus change their marketing strategy. As the recent researches have indicated that, the internet shopping particularly in business to consumer (B2C) has risen and online shopping become more popular to many people. According to the report, The Emerging Digital Economy II, published by the US Department of Commerce, in some companies, the weight of e-commerce in total sales is quite high. For instance, the Dell computer company have reached 18 million dollars sales through the internet during the first quarter of 1999. As a result, about 30% of its 5.5 billion dollars total sales were achieved through the internet (Moon, 2004). Therefore, to understand t h e b u y i n g m o t i v e s f o r internet shopping is a must.

ebru onurlubas

Öz Globelleşme ve gelişen teknolojiyle birlikte tüketicilerin talep alışkanlıkları za-manla değişmiştir. İnternet başta olmak üzere, iletişim ve bilgi teknolojisindeki gelişim-ler tüketicilerin geleneksel satın alma alışkanlığını elektronik satın alma alışkanlığına dönüştürmüstür. Elektronik pazarlama sayesinde mesafe sorun olmadığından işletmeler ürünlerini pazara hızlı bir şekilde sunmakta dünya piyasalarına daha rahat bir şekilde girebilmektedir. Tüketiciler ise yorulmadan, masrafsız bir şekilde istediği ürünü en uy-gun fiyata istediği siteden internet aracılığı iletişimi ile anında kolay bir şekilde ala-bilmektedir. Bu bağlamda, elektronik pazarlamanın işletmelere ve tüketicilere sağladığı avantajların hızla yaygınlaştığı görülmektedir. Yapılan araştırmada, Tüketicilerin inter-netten alışveriş yapmasının demografik özelliklerine göre farklılık gösterip gösterme-diğini ve İnternetten Elektronik Pazarlama Yapan Alışveriş Siteleriyle ilgili tüketicilerin düşüncelerini ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, İstanbul'da 802 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır. Tüketicilerin, demografik özelliklere göre internetten alışveriş yapma du-rumu ile ilgili yapılan ki kare analizi sonuçlarına göre; yaş, medeni hal, meslek, eğitim durumu arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Bunun yanısıra, İnternetten Elektronik Pazarlama Yapan Alışveriş Siteleriyle ilgili tüketicilerin düşüncelerini ortaya koymak için faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Faktör analizi sonucu 3 alt boyut ortaya çıkmıştır. Faktör 1 Site tasarımı, faktör 2 Site Hizmeti, faktör 3 Site Avantajı olarak belirlenmiştir. İnternet-ten Elektronik Pazarlama Yapan Alışveriş Siteleriyle ilgili tüketicilerin düşüncelerini ölçeği alt boyutlarına, Güvenirlik analizi ve Kolmogorov Smirnov normal dağılım testi uygulanmıştır. Bunun sonucu olarak İnternetten Elektronik Pazarlama Yapan Alışveriş Siteleriyle ilgili tüketicilerin düşüncesi ölçeğinin alt boyutlarının normal dağılmadığı görülmüştür ve non parametric testlerden Mann-Whitney U testi uygulanmıştır. İnter-netten Elektronik Pazarlama Yapan Alışveriş Siteleriyle ilgili tüketicilerin düşüncesi ölçeğinin alt boyutları cinsiyete göre ve kökene göre incelenmiştir. Bunun sonucunda, 128 Ebru ONURLUBAŞ & Neslihan YILMAZ Cinsiyete göre; site tasarımı, site avantajı alt boyutlarına ilişkin yargılarda anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmazken site hizmeti alt boyutuna ilişkin yargılarda anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Erkeklerin kadınlara göre site hizmetine daha fazla önem verdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Kökene göre ise; site avantajı ve site hizmeti alt boyutlarına ilişkin yargılarda anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmazken site tasarımı alt boyutuna ilişkin yargılarda anlamlı farklılıklar bulunmuştur. Abstract Consumers' demand practices have changed in the course of time due to globalization and developing technology. The developments in internet and communication and information technologies have converted consumers' traditional purchasing practices into electronic purchasing practices. Due to the fact that distance is not a problem thanks to electronic marketing, organizations are able to release their products into market in a short time and get into the world market easily. Consumers are able to purchase the product they demand from a website they prefer at an affordable price, tirelessly and instantly through internet. Within this scope, it has been observed that the advantages that electronic marketing provides to organizations and consumers spread quickly. In the survey, the aim is to determine whether internet shopping differs according to de-mographical features or not and the thoughts of the consumers regarding the websites which do electronic marketing on internet. For this purpose, a survey has been conducted on 802 people in Istanbul. According to chi-square analysis on the online shopping state of the consumers according to the demographical features, a significant relation has been determined between online shopping and age, marital status, occupation and educational status. In addition to this, a factor analysis has been carried out in order to propound the consumers' thoughts about the websites that do electronic marketing through internet. 3 sub-dimensions have emerged as the result of factor analysis. Factor 1 has been determined as Website Design, Factor 2 has been determined as Website Service and Factor 3 has been determined as Website Advantage. Reliability analysis and Kol-mogorov Smirnov normal distribution test have been applied to the sub-dimensions of the scale of consumer thoughts about shopping websites which do electronic marketing through internet. As a result of this, it has been observed that the sub-dimensions of the scale of consumer thoughts about shopping websites which do electronic marketing through internet do not distribute normally and Mann Whitney U test from non-parametric tests has been carried out. The sub-dimensions of the scale of consumer thoughts about shopping websites which do electronic marketing through internet have been examined according to gender and origin and consequently, whereas there are no significant differences in the attitudes of the sub-dimensions of website design and web-site advantage according to gender, there are significant differences in the attitudes of the sub-dimension of website service. It has been determined that males attach more importance to website service than females. When it comes to origin, whereas there are no significant differences in the attitudes of the sub-dimensions of website advantage and website service, there are significant differences in the attitudes of the sub-dimension of website design.

Lorena Olaru

baziga farooq

It has been noticed that in the era of 20th century many political, social and economical changes have occurred. Globalization has played a very important role. As a result of globalization many technological development has happened and has deeply affected the current rules of the business world. According to Li Na and Zhang Ping, (2002) examined and concluded that online shopping has become the third most popular Internet activity. The other activities are E-mail, instant messaging and web browsing. According to Jush and Ling, (2012) online shopping is the process where customers purchase a service or product over the internet. In E-Commerce US has flourished with sales figure of $204 billion which is a decent hike of 17% from the previous year. Amazon has grown with an estimated turnover of US $ 2.5trillion. E-Bay has risen to US $ 1.89 billion in 2009. Most of the present literature research regarding convenience has focused on the brick-and-mortar traditional retail environment. There has been comparatively less exploration into convenience in online shopping. Tomar et al. (2017) carried a research on " Perceived Benefits of Online Shopping: Cognitive and Co native Influences ". The study identifies those perceived benefits of online shopping (PBOS), and categories them into meaningful factors. The study also examines the conative and cognitive influences of perceived benefits of online shopping on consumer's attitude. The following statistical tools where used for analysis namely: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion (Mean and Standard Deviation) and Correlation. The respondents purchase their requirements in online; the research analysis concludes that the benefits and the risk faced by the customers are in the same level. Even though the respondents purchase goods and products in online they face much uncertainty and it is causing a non motivational aspect to them for their future purchase.A service facility where payment can be made after Product verification straight in front of the delivery boy should be encouraged. When products delivered are not in good condition, buyer return's it back. Under such circumstances, buyer ends up paying one more time delivery charges. This levy should be extracted.

IJAR Indexing

Consumer behaviors are influenced by different factors such as culture, social class, relation, family, salary level and salary independency, age, gender etc. And so they show different customer behaviors. On-line shopping is a recent phenomenon in the field of E-Business. Most of the companies are selling their products/services on-line through online portals. Though online shopping is very common outside India, its growth in Indian Market, is still not in line with the global market. Companies are using the internet to put across and communicate the information. The main objective is to understand the behavior of consumers on online shopping in India. The results of study reveal that on-line shopping in India is affected by various factors like age, gender, marital status, family size and income. The results of the study could be further used by the researchers and practitioners for conducting future studies in the similar area.

International Journal of Scientific Management and Development

The main objective of the present study, model of consumer behavior in online shopping is. E-commerce is one of the most important IT-based businesses, and the main activities of Internet users. Its success requires the use of internet marketing methods is that only a correct understanding of consumer behavior is possible. Purposes of this study, using approaches and marketing theory Dobbins 3 Cutler, two minor target was set first, determine the components of effective and formulate the basic model of consumer behavior, and second, to evaluate the model. Collect the required data through questionnaires, and then the face and content validity, and are using email marketing, and online questionnaire was conducted.The statistical study of internet shoppers. The number of respondents to the questionnaire, 599 people for its validity, calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, 0.928 is. Based on the findings, component of consumer behavior in online shopping include: 1- social networks, Internet 2- the marketing mix, 3- Risk, 4 - perceived value, 5- System Electronic Commerce, 6-, and 7 compared with other methods of purchase- satisfaction. These components, together consumer behavior in online shopping, make up, and can eventually lead to the purchase of continuity. The proposed model is based on these components, and the relationships between them are presented, and after analyzing the data, the model obtained, confirmed its authenticity.

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From the last few years, the internet and e-commerce have become one of the fastest growing technologies that play a significant role in our life. Now a day’s e-marketing is one of the most emerging technology in IT and E-Commerce sector. Internet marketing is a new philosophy and interesting topic especially for researchers in the marketing field. In modern business practice which involved marketing of goods, services and information with using internet and other electronic means. It is a new way of marketing a product/service globally to the targeted market around the world. Internet marketing has become the commercial tool of marketing product and service. This paper introduces a new approach concerning Internet marketing in electronic commerce; showing how advertisers need this innovation to be successful. E-marketing does not consists only use to promote marketing over internet but also helps in marketing through e-mail and wireless media. This paper discussed about the top motivator factors of shopping online. The present development would be a valuable for researcher and academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and entrepreneurs. This paper is a secondary research regarding how E-commerce gradually forms part of our daily lives. It concerns different aspect of advertising in terms of electronic commerce.

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The Australian Professor Who Turned Breaking on Its Head

Rachael Gunn, known as B-girl Raygun, displayed some … unique moves as she competed in a field with breakers half her age. The judges and the internet were underwhelmed.

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A woman wearing green track pants, a green polo shirt and a cap poses with her hand up in front of a judges table.

By Dodai Stewart and Talya Minsberg

Reporting from Paris

Breaking made its debut as an Olympic sport Friday, and among the competitors was Dr. Rachael Gunn, also known as B-girl Raygun, a 36-year-old professor from Sydney, Australia, who stood out in just about every way.

By day, her research interests include “dance, gender politics, and the dynamics between theoretical and practical methodologies.” But on the world’s stage in Paris, wearing green track pants and a green polo shirt instead of the street-style outfits of her much younger fellow breakers, she competed against the 21-year-old Logan Edra of the United States, known as Logistx.

During the round robin, as Raygun and Logistx faced off, Raygun laid on her side, reached for her toes, spun around, and threw in a kangaroo hop — a nod to her homeland. She performed a move that looked something like swimming and another that could best be described as duckwalking. The high-speed back and head spins that other breakers would demonstrate were mostly absent.

The crowd cheered Raygun politely. The judges weren’t as kind. All nine voted for Logistx in both rounds of the competition; Logistx won, 18-0.

Online, Raygun’s performance quickly became a sensation, not necessarily in a flattering way.

“The more I watch the videos of Raygun, the Aussie breaker, the more I get annoyed,” one viewer posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “There’s 27.7 million Australians in the world and that’s who they send to the Olympics for this inaugural event??? C’mon now!”

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    The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. E-commerce, Online Shopping, Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Services, Expected Services. Items in Shodhganga are licensed under Creative Commons Licence Attribution ...

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