Achieving Academic Excellence Essay

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Studying at college is much like studying at high school, except for the fact that most college students leave on campus and have to search for a part time job to pay for the tuition. This begs the question what makes college education so important to suffer the lack of free time and the pressure of academic life, mainly grades. Despite the intense and often challenging academic life, college education is priceless in terms of the skills in self directed learning that it helps develop and train.

The ability to learn on one’s own and evolve as a professional starts not with learning a set of particular rules, but with changes in personality, and college education will help shape my personality greatly. In other words, studying at college will teach me how to be independent in my learning process and rather be wisely guided by my academic advisors than follow the instructions blindly. Education at college will teach me the reasons for boundaries, whether of academic or of any other type, to exist, and how to be creative within these boundaries.

More to the point, college education will help me develop and shape the qualities that are required for the so-called “lifelong education” (Barros 119). Understanding the algorithms of the learning process after conducting researches at college will help me explore new areas and remember new information easier.

Speaking of boundaries and the means to cross them, information seems to have become the major tool for achieving success in the XXI century. The people, who are capable of searching for data efficiently, acquiring and processing it fast, and use it for business purposes, have everything what is needed for economic and financial success in the information society that we live in nowadays.

For example, noticing a certain niche in a specific market and taking it before everyone else does is what may bring a leader of a third-rate company to the top of the world’s most influential entrepreneurships. Seeing how a college provides ample opportunities for learning the basics of information location, acquisition, processing and use by providing students with academic assignments, college education is unbelievably valuable for people who care about their future, me being one of these people.

The last, but definitely not the least, college education will teach me the art of communicating my ideas in a coherent and convincing manner. True, communication skills can be acquired not only in college, but also in daily conversations; however, the latter will not provide me with the skills that I strive for attaining, i.e., the ability to convey my ideas to a vis-à-vis flawlessly, convince the opponent about a particular issue, be a good listener by not simply keeping silence when someone else is talking, but also by showing that the speaker’s point of view has been understood and accepted as a viable and reasonable one, etc. (Prashini 46).

Though these qualities can also be developed and trained by interacting with peers, I assume that college lectures, presentations and other activities involving direct communication between a student and a teacher will help me acquire important communication skills faster and train them in a much more efficient manner.

College education is not the only path to one’s professional, academic and personal evolution. However, it doubtlessly provides the opportunities for acquiring the skills that will be used for becoming a successful leader and a lifelong learner. Thus, college education is an integral and essential part of my social life and future career.

Works Cited

Barros, Rosanna. “From Lifelong Education to Lifelong Learning: Discussion of Some Effects of Today’s Neoliberal Policies.” European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 3.2 (2012): 119–134. Web.

Prashini, Naidoo. “Education: Communication Skills – Giving Effective Feedback.” GP 1.2 (2013): 46. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 13). Achieving Academic Excellence.

"Achieving Academic Excellence." IvyPanda , 13 May 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Achieving Academic Excellence'. 13 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Achieving Academic Excellence." May 13, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Achieving Academic Excellence." May 13, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Achieving Academic Excellence." May 13, 2020.

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35 Excellence Examples

35 Excellence Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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excellence examples and definition, explained below

Excellence is the relentless pursuit of surpassing ordinary standards to achieve superior quality. It’s a journey marked by continuous improvement, passion, and resilience.

To demonstrate excellence, you need to both show that you have the traits required to achieve excellence, and the track record of achievements above and beyond in your field – be it sport, the workplace, academia, or elsewhere.

Below, we’ll explore examples of the traits of people with excellence, ways you can demonstrate excellence in the workplace (great for a performance review of job interview), and finally, 10 people who are real-life exemplars of excellence in their respective fields.

Excellence Examples

Examples of traits of excellence.

1. Integrity : Integrity is defined as a deep adherence to ethical and moral principles. It shapes a person’s actions, ensuring their behaviors match their beliefs and values, resulting in a consistent character. In a path to excellence, integrity builds trust, reliability and respect, key contributors that set a strong foundation for lasting success in any field.

2. Determination : Determination is a relentless pursuit towards one’s goals despite obstacles. It is characterized by sustained effort and a single-minded focus on the desired outcome, refusing to allow setbacks to derail ambition. This trait cultivates resilience and ensures steady progress towards excellence, even in the face of adversity.

3. Resilience : Resilience refers to the ability to bounce back from setbacks and to continue moving forward. It involves a mental toughness that can adapt to changes and cope with difficulties without losing momentum. In pursuit of excellence, resilience cultivates a never-give-up mentality, allowing individuals to overcome challenges and adversity they may encounter on their journey.

4. Consistency : Consistency involves reliably repeating desirable actions and behaviors. It characterizes a steady dedication towards execution, ensuring continued progress over time. Leveraging consistency on the path to excellence guarantees continual improvement and forms the bedrock of mastery.

5. Patience : Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. It involves maintaining calmness, self-control, and the ability to wait without frustration. Embodying patience in the quest for excellence allows for thoughtful decision-making, meticulous learning, and the endurance necessary to attain long-term goals.

6. Curiosity: Curiosity is an eager desire to know or learn something. It involves the willingness to explore, investigate and seek out new ideas or experiences. Curiosity paves the way for excellence by fostering creativity, innovation, and a deeper understanding of the world.

7. Creativity : Creativity is the ability to generate novel and useful ideas. This trait encompasses thinking outside the box and challenging established norms. Creativity drives excellence by encouraging innovation and the development of unique solutions that set individuals apart in their field.

8. Focus: Focus is the centering of attention or interest on a particular subject or task. This trait manifests as a singular dedication that filters out distractions and ensures unwavering attention to the task at hand. Focus elevates excellence by heightening efficiency, improving performance and enabling deeper insight into work.

9. Initiative : Initiative is the ability to assess and act on situations independently. This trait involves taking action proactively rather than waiting for direction. Initiative accelerates the pursuit of excellence by ensuring responsiveness to opportunities and fostering a sense of responsibility and achievement.

10. Leadership : Leadership is the art of motivating others towards achieving shared goals. It embodies traits such as decisiveness, empathy, and the ability to inspire and guide others. Leadership enhances the journey to excellence by building team success, encouraging collaboration, and shaping impactful change.

11. Passion : Passion is an intense, driving feeling or conviction towards a subject or activity. This trait fuels enthusiasm, dedication, and a deep desire to invest time and effort. Passion aids the quest for excellence by ignifying perseverance and fostering profound engagement and satisfaction in the pursuit of goals.

12. Self-Discipline : Discipline involves self-control, rigidity, and a high level of coordination. It requires adherence to rules, standards, and plans consistently. Discipline shapes the path to excellence by ensuring structure, regulation, and the diligence required to master any task before reaching the apex of achievement.

13. Courage : Courage is the willingness to face fear, danger, or adversity. This trait drives individuals to undertake challenging tasks, take risks, and stand for their beliefs. In achieving excellence, courage enables boundary-pushing, fostering growth outside of comfort zones and leading to transformative changes.

14. Ambition : Ambition is a strong desire to do or achieve something typically requiring determination and hard work. It fuels the drive to exceed expectations and attain success beyond the ordinary. Ambition steers the course towards excellence by setting high standards, stimulating progress, and inspiring a dedication to exceeding goals.

15. Proactiveness : Proactiveness is characterized by the initiation of ideas and actions rather than responding to events after they occur. This trait encourages anticipation, taking charge, and preempting future changes and challenges. On the journey towards excellence, proactiveness fosters preparedness and agility, ensuring individuals are always ready to embrace opportunities and address challenges promptly.

How to Demonstrate Excellence in the Workplace

1. Recognition or Awards: Earning accolades, like ‘Employee of the Year’, signifies one’s excellence within a professional setting. This not only indicates one’s outstanding commitment but also reflects exceptional proficiency in one’s job duties. Recognitions validate the high standard of work and show that the person consistently works above average levels.

2. Demonstrated Leadership Skills: Leadership is a key element of excellence. Guiding a team to successful project completion, for instance, demonstrates efficient management, decision-making skills, and the capacity to inspire others—all markers of excellence in a professional role. Showing this trait reflects the ability to consistently rise to challenges and lead others to do the same. To learn how to demonstrate your leadership skills, read this article .

3. History of High Customer Satisfaction: Keeping customer satisfaction consistently high shows exceptional customer service skills and a deep understanding of a client’s needs—an indicator of excellence in many sectors. This implies a superior proficiency in problem-solving , communication, and empathizing with the client’s perspective.

4. Implemented an Innovation: The ability to innovate and implement new systems or processes showcases several qualities of excellence. It indicates a high level of expertise, the ability to think creatively, and the initiative to improve existing methodologies—all hallmarks of a professional striving towards excellence. For inspiration, read my list of famous innovators .

5. Consistent Top-Tier Performance Metrics: Maintaining top-tier performance metrics is a solid demonstration of professional excellence. Reliable high performance shows a detailed understanding of the job role and an ability to maintain top-quality work, even under pressure.

6. Specific Expertise: Possessing unique expertise or specialization exemplifies an individual’s commitment to mastery and growth in a specific area. Showcase of specific expertise indicates an in-depth understanding of a sector or field, a willingness to learn, and adaptability—all traits of excellence.

7. Guided a Complex Project to Completion: Steering a complex project towards successful completion signifies excellent leadership, resilience, and problem-solving skills. This displays a sense of responsibility, the ability to organize and manage an array of tasks, and a flair for overcoming difficulties—elements intrinsic to achieving excellence.

8. Proven Ability to Exceed KPIs: The ability to consistently surpass Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) displays a high degree of competence in one’s role and the drive to exceed ordinary standards. This reflects an aspiration for continuous self-improvement and achievement that aligns perfectly with the quest for professional excellence.

9. Excellence in Mentorship: Excelling in the role of a mentor signifies exceptional knowledge in a particular field, excellent interpersonal skills, and the ability to guide and inspire others. This trait can indicate a sense of compassion, patience, and the drive to aid in the development of others—qualities vital for attaining excellence in one’s professional journey.

10. Contributions to Team Building: Implementing initiatives to promote team cohesion , such as organizing team-building activities or creating collaborative workflow systems highlights one’s ability to foster a well-functioning, harmonious team. This indicates strong interpersonal and leadership skills, understanding of group dynamics , and commitment to creating a positive work environment, which contribute to achieving excellence within a leadership role.

Real-Life People of Excellence

1. cristiano ronaldo.

Date of Birth: February 5, 1985 Traits of Excellence: Unbelievable athleticism, Razor-sharp focus, Work ethic

Achievements: Ronaldo’s excellence in football is unquestionable. He showed his prowess on the field at the young age of 8, and his career took off from there. With noticeable variations in sentence length, we take an in-depth exploration of Ronaldo’s achievements: he’s been a part of five UEFA Champions League-winning squads (for example, Manchester United in 2008 and Real Madrid in 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018) and has earned the Best FIFA Men’s Player award five times (respectively, in 2008, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2017).

2. Albert Einstein

Date of Birth: March 14, 1879 Traits of Excellence: Brilliant intellect, Creativity, Perseverance

Achievements: Einstein is a name synonymous with genius. He started by pushing the boundaries of classical physics with his theory of relativity. Highlighting significant achievements, Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Furthermore, his equation E=mcÂČ (which states that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared) revolutionized how we perceive energy and mass. These contributions have deeply influenced nearly every scientific discipline, from physics to cosmology to quantum mechanics.

3. Marie Curie

Date of Birth: November 7, 1867 Traits of Excellence: Tireless dedication, Persistence, Courage

Achievements: Curie broke through gender barriers. Not only did she excel in a predominantly male field, but she also accomplished what no one had done before her. Stressing her key milestones, she and her husband Pierre Curie discovered the elements polonium and radium, leading to a revolution in the field of radioactivity. Marie Curie’s exploration in the field of radioactivity earned her two Nobel prizes (one in Physics in 1903, shared with her husband, and another in Chemistry in 1911). Her pioneering research has paved the way for important developments in the field of medicine and energy production.

4. Leonardo da Vinci

Date of Birth: April 15, 1452 Traits of Excellence: Extraordinary creativity, Diverse talents, Intellectual curiosity

Achievements: Leonardo da Vinci was a genius ahead of his time. His achievements cross disciplines, reflecting his diversity of talent. The highlights include his creation of “The Last Supper” (1495) and the “Mona Lisa” (1503), two of the most recognized and significant works in Western Art. His meticulous designs for various machines—like the helicopter or the parachute (even though they couldn’t be created during his lifetime)—showcased a visionary spirit, and these designs proved to be similarly prescient when technological progress advanced enough to allow their construction centuries later.

5. Martin Luther King Jr.

Date of Birth: January 15, 1929 Traits of Excellence: Courageous leadership, Powerful oratory, Moral vision

Achievements: Martin Luther King Jr. brought about groundbreaking changes. His non-violent protests and stirring speeches were pivotal in the American Civil Rights Movement. Memorable moments include his iconic “I Have a Dream” address during the 1963 March on Washington, which became a beacon for racial equality. Dr. King became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his tireless efforts against racial segregation and discrimination.

6. Serena Williams

Date of Birth: September 26, 1981 Traits of Excellence: Supreme athleticism, Determination, Adaptability

Achievements: Serena Williams has redefined the sport of tennis. She has dominated women’s tennis like no one else, with remarkable achievements including 23 Grand Slam singles titles, which includes the ‘Serena Slam’ (2002-2003) when she held all four Grand Slam singles titles simultaneously. Her competitive spirit and exceptional skill have made her an icon in the sports world.

7. Ludwig van Beethoven

Date of Birth: December 17, 1770 Traits of Excellence: Artistic Genius, Determination, Resilience

Achievements: Beethoven was a transformative figure in classical music. His compositions, characterized by innovative structures and emotional depth, pushed music into the Romantic era. Key compositions include nine symphonies (his Ninth Symphony includes the widely-recited “Ode to Joy”), thirty-two piano sonatas, and sixteen string quartets. Notably, he continued creating music even as he progressively lost his hearing, a testament to his indomitable spirit.

8. Nelson Mandela

Date of Birth: July 18, 1918 Traits of Excellence: Visionary leadership, Principled character, Resilience

Achievements: Nelson Mandela transformed South Africa. His resistance against apartheid and his unwavering dedication to racial equality led to substantial progress. Mandela became South Africa’s first black president in 1994 after spending 27 years in prison for his revolutionary activities. As an emblem of reconciliation and justice, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

9. Steve Jobs

Date of Birth: February 24, 1955 Traits of Excellence: Visionary innovation, Perseverance, Passion

Achievements: Steve Jobs changed the way we interact with technology. A dynamic and visionary innovator, he co-founded Apple Inc. and played a pivotal role in the development of breakthrough products like the Apple Macintosh (1984), iPhone (2007), and iPad (2010). His conceptualization and marketing of user-friendly digital products have significantly influenced the evolution of the global digital economy.

10. Amelia Earhart

Date of Birth: July 24, 1897 Traits of Excellence: Courage, Determination, Trailblazing spirit

Achievements: Amelia Earhart made her mark in aviation. She was a pioneering female aviator, and her landmark achievements include becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic in 1932. Her intrepid spirit and aviation accomplishments made her an icon amongst the pioneers of early flight, and she continues to inspire countless men and women across the globe, advocating for gender equality within all sectors.

Excellence manifests in numerous ways. From awards and consistent high performance to specific expertise and successful project management, these instances underscore the underlying traits of commitment, resilience, inspiration, and leadership that define excellence. Understanding and integrating these characteristics into your professional journey could indeed steer you towards achieving your own measure of excellence. Remember, excellence isn’t a singular accomplishment but a continuous journey of growth, learning, and improvement.


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The Competitive Edge: The Significance of Excellence in the Workplace

Posted in Emotional Intelligence , Insights , Motivational , News

Excellence is a way of life that requires strong emotional intelligence , focus, passion, and energy. The journey toward excellence can be challenging, but you’ll quickly progress when you try to develop habits that allow you to thrive.

Raising the Bar: The Role of Excellence in Professional Achievement

Marshall Connects article, The Competitive Edge: The Significance of Excellence in the Workplace

Aristotle once wrote, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.” In other words, we can achieve excellence, thus becoming a habit. To succeed, we must focus on the most important things in life. These things may require us to make tough decisions.

The Pursuit of Excellence

How many of us take on more than we should? It’s problematic when we spread ourselves too thin because it prevents us from performing at our best. When this occurs, excellence gets moved down the priority list, reducing our momentum. Undeniably, the pursuit of excellence can be a rocky road, especially if you’re living what I refer to as a “drive-by life” .  I’m guilty of cramming too much into my day, often driven by my passion; however, this can derail my journey to excellence. 

Realizing We Are a Work in Progress

Our lives are a work in progress; we make lists and choices that directly impact us. Living a life of excellence requires the practice of emotional intelligence competencies such as self-awareness and self-reflection. We must examine our priorities. You will find this topic covered in-depth in my book,  The Power of Emotion . 

Excellence Does Not Mean Perfection

It is vital to recognize the benefits of focusing on self-improvement rather than perfection and the importance of making errors and learning from them. We all make mistakes and take the odd wrong turn on our life’s journey. But if we pause long enough each day to prioritize what’s important to us, we’ve cleared the path ahead for progress and the next steps toward excellence.

Five Strategies to Get You Back on Track:

  • Visit your values - what really matters to you?
  • Listen more than you speak.
  • Get in tune with your emotions;  they send important messages .
  • Get to know what makes you tick .
  • Strengthen your focus to be more productive.

It’s never too late to up your game and create your journey to excellence. If you’re interested in developing these skills, I’d recommend you consider my consulting services  and  emotional intelligence training .  Make your professional life a priority and your personal life will reap the benefits.

This article was originally published on april 13, 2019, and has been updated (june 2023)..

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Academic Excellence, Essay Example

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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.

My academic performance for the past four years has been awe-inspiring. I have been scoring A’s in most of my subjects, with Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and English being excellent. Since I joined high school, I developed a significant interest in gaining practical skills, especially in the sciences. Surprisingly, I have been the best performing student in Chemistry and Biology practices all four years, with a few awards from contests I have participated in. Being a top performer in my class has motivated my desire to pursue medicine in College.

In my second year of high school, I attended a Biology symposium in a neighboring school. At the seminar, I was recognized as the most creative student for suggesting students’ importance of being taught first aid as an introductory course in all high schools. My academic records prove my potential for pursuing medicine and my great desire to help and be a problem solver in society. However, schooling has helped me attain advocacy skills of being a problem solver and a helper.

I believe that my academic background is excellent to motivate me to pursue medicine. I intend to be a better and faster student compared to when I was in high school. From my academic records, never have I ever missed any of my exam papers. I have arrived on time, completed the papers even before time, and been a top performer. I know how much dedication and commitment are needed in pursuing medicine. I feel I can become one of the best medical students, and later best Doctor professionally. Consistency in performing well in my previous years is an excellent assurance of excellence in pursuing medicine.

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Writing a memorable Professional Experience Essay

W hile your MBA application resume will provide a summary of your education, jobs, and community leadership, you will likely have an opportunity to expand on your career in your MBA essays.

However, an essay about your work experience is not merely a list of roles and responsibilities. A Professional Experience Essay is a narrative essay that should bring the accomplishments summarized on your resume to life.

An effective Professional Experience Essay will give the Admissions Committee a sense of the career decisions you’ve made, your most significant achievements in each chapter of your career, and the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired on your career journey. This “walk through your resume” in essay form is your opportunity to provide admissions officers with evidence that you’ve made exceptional career progress and that you have clear potential for future advancement.

This article provides you with the insights and tools you need to build a powerful Professional Experience Essay.

First, we’ll talk about why some MBA application forms ask you to write about your career history, and we’ll share the characteristics of a great answer to this type of essay question.

Second, we’ll provide you with a set of building blocks for crafting a unique and robust essay that summarizes your career history.

Finally, we analyze a sample Professional Experience Essay to illustrate the principles we have taught you throughout this article.

How to Score Top Marks on Professional Experience Essays

You can think of this essay as an executive summary of your career thus far. You are providing the readers in the MBA admissions office with a holistic overview of your work experience, the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired, and how you’ve progressed in your career thus far. So what is the Admissions Committee looking for in an effective Professional Experience Essay?

To score top marks with your essay, you’ll need to provide evidence of distinguished academic and career performance in the top 10% of your peer group and demonstrate your potential for future advancement.

A well-designed essay recounting your professional history accomplishes multiple aims in a minimal amount of space. Your career story must be coherent, concise, and cohesive – it’s not unusual to have to discuss your professional history in 200 words or less as part of a multi-part essay question. If you have a limited number of words to work with, what should you focus on and what should you leave out?

To solve that riddle, we recommend that before trying to draft this essay, you should first define your career goals . Clarity about where you want to go in your career will help you select which elements of your past work experience to showcase in this essay.

That is because a successful Professional Experience Essay will connect the dots between your professional history and your career aspirations. You want your essay to present evidence that you are well-prepared for the post-MBA job you plan to pursue. Demonstrate to the admissions committee you have momentum in the direction of your ultimate career goals.

Of course, you also want to highlight the work experiences and qualities that business schools value , such as leadership, teamwork, and creativity.

Additionally, you want to give the reader a sense that your value to your employers has grown over time. Your overarching goal is to convince the Admissions Committee that you are well-prepared for an MBA and that you have interesting experiences and lessons to contribute to an MBA community.

Finally, let’s not forget that admissions officers will be assessing your “employability” and how well your career story might play with future recruiters.

How can you accomplish all of those goals in a compact and engaging essay? Follow the steps in the next section to construct an effective Professional Experience Essay. To illustrate our guidance, we’ll show you how “Adam,” a private equity analyst applying for an MBA, constructed the content building blocks for his Professional Experience Essay.

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Telling the Story of Your Career

Like a book, your career story should be organized into chapters. Typically a chapter will begin with your decision to take a new job, proceed to the most significant challenges and achievements in that role, and end with a brief recounting of your learning and growth. The bridge to the next chapter summarizes the reasons you decided to take the next step in your career journey.

Your first step in crafting your Professional Experience Essay is to identify the “chapters” of your career.

1. Identify and Outline the Chapters of Your Career Story

Building Block Question: What are the major milestones in your career so far?

Start by asking yourself, “What are the major milestones in my career so far?”. Answering this question will help you to decide how to divide your career into phases. Changing companies is an obvious chapter break, but a step forward inside the same company, such as a promotion, a major increase in responsibility, or a high-profile project, might also mark a new phase in your career. Keep in mind that you won’t have time to detail each stage of your career in an essay – even if a chapter of your career lasted two or three years, you’ll need to summarize the most crucial information in that chapter in a few sentences.

Example: Our fictional applicant, Adam, has two significant chapters to highlight in his Professional Experience Essay.

Chapter 1 was graduating from college and accepting a 2-year analyst position at Deutsche Bank.

In Chapter 2, he took a job as an analyst at a Private Equity shop called Astrix Partners, where he worked for 18 months.

For the rest of this example, we’ll focus only on Chapter 2 of Adam’s Career Story, although Adam would need to write both chapters for his essay.

Once the chapters of your career are clear to you, you should outline each chapter’s contents. Each chapter in your career story should have a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning of one chapter (and possibly the end of the last) is usually denoted by your decision to take or leave a role. This leads us to the next step in building your Professional Experience Essay: explaining the professional decisions you have made in your career.

2. Explain the Reason(s) for Your Career Decision

Building Block Question: Why did you take the job or accept the new assignment?

For outlining purposes, each chapter begins with your career decision: “Why did you leave your old job and take the new one?” Admissions Officers can see what jobs you have had by reviewing your resume. In your Professional Experience Essay, you will explain why you decided to take the job or volunteer for a big assignment.

Ideally, each new chapter in your career was initiated by you and signified a step forward in your career action plan. Even if the career change was unplanned and outside of your control, that’s okay. For example, if you were laid off, focus on the positives instead of hiding the reality of what happened – it’s a chance to show resilience and that you can land on your feet after a setback.

Example: Adam plans to explain that he decided to leave Deutsche Bank and join Astrix because the move fit in with his long-term career plan to become a private equity investor.

3. Discuss Significant Challenges and Accomplishments

Building Block Question: What was the most significant challenge you faced? What did you achieve that you are most proud of?

The next building blocks are the significant challenges and accomplishments during this chapter of your career. Admissions officers enjoy hearing about the difficulties you overcame in this chapter in your career and about some standout moments where you made a real impact on your organization.

Identify the most significant challenge you faced and ask yourself, “What did I achieve that I am most proud of?”. In your outline, jot down quick examples of any standout moments and exceptional achievements at each juncture of your career.

Example: In terms of significant achievements, Adam plans to highlight sourcing a private equity deal, which is quite rare for a young PE analyst.

4. Share Major Areas of Growth

Building Block Question: How did you grow, and what did you learn in this phase of your career? How did you progress?

The fourth building block is your personal and professional growth. You might share knowledge acquired, lessons learned, or skills developed. Often, the most important and interesting things from an Admissions Officer’s point of view are what you’ve learned about yourself in your career so far: a new talent discovered, the emergence of new career interests, or clarity on an existing one.

Your objective is to highlight the skills, knowledge, and experiences from each chapter of your career that will contribute to your future success. By doing so, you ensure that your Professional Experience Essay will provide convincing evidence that you have already made significant progress on your future career path.

Example: Adam’s growth is relatively straightforward. He advanced beyond the transactional activities he performed as an investment banker and is now developing the strategic point of view required of a private equity investor.

After you’ve generated content for all of your career story chapters, take a step back and create a Lead for your story. A Lead is the story’s central message, the executive summary that communicates what your Professional Experience Story is about. If you had to sum up your career in a sentence or two, how would you do it? Some people call the central message of the career story your “elevator speech” – imagine that you had to convey the essence of your career story to an admissions officer during a short elevator ride.

Example: The lead for Adam’s career story is that he’s progressed from a green analyst to experienced private equity professional.

Below you will find an excerpt from the essay that resulted when Adam assembled his content building blocks.

Professional Experience Essay Sample

I was a quantitative economics major at Michigan. Although my education provided me with an excellent analytical foundation, I barely knew an income statement from a balance sheet the day I graduated from college.

(CAREER DECISION) I pursued a position in Deutsche Bank’s leveraged finance group, which provided an excellent foundation for a career in finance.

(CAREER GROWTH) Those two years with Deutsche Bank are where I learned the language of finance and the mechanics of investment banking.

(ACHIEVEMENT) Even amidst lay-offs in other areas of the firm, I was fortunate to be the only one in my start group offered a 3rd-year analyst job

(CAREER DECISION) The 3rd-year offer was tempting. I loved the firm and my team, but I also had an attractive offer with Astrix Partners, a private equity firm with $2.0 billion in assets. I have a real passion for investing. Since junior high, I’ve been trading stocks, and I started my subscription to the Wall Street Journal on my 13th birthday. What’s wild is that I’m now working on the kinds of deals that I used to read about in the Journal.

(ACHIEVEMENT) I really enjoy working on Astrix deals because we have unbelievable access to information and expertise — I talk to industry experts and read phenomenal research reports. I’ve found that I’m good at asking and answering questions like, “What do we have to believe about this company’s position in the marketplace before we would be willing to invest?”

(ACHIEVEMENT) Six months ago, through a family friend, I even helped us source a deal with an optical drive manufacturer in Boston and presented the idea to our investment committee
 (example continues)

Final Thoughts

There’s nothing particularly exotic about Adam’s career journey. He has followed a more or less typical path from tier-one investment banking into a private equity shop. Nevertheless, by carefully outlining his professional history, he created a robust Professional Experience Essay for his MBA application.

Although his career path is relatively traditional, he’s managed to connect the dots between his professional experiences and the capabilities he’ll need in the future. By doing so, he’s able to represent his “employability” in the private-equity field post-MBA. Adam’s Professional Experience Story is compelling precisely because it will provide admissions officers with evidence that he’s made significant progress towards his future career goals.

If your Professional Experience Essay indicates professional growth and charts your progress toward your future career goals, then you will instill admissions officers with confidence that you have the skills, knowledge, and relationships necessary to succeed in your career post-MBA.

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How to Write the Perfect Essay

06 Feb, 2024 | Blog Articles , English Language Articles , Get the Edge , Humanities Articles , Writing Articles

Student sitting at a desk writing in a notebook

You can keep adding to this plan, crossing bits out and linking the different bubbles when you spot connections between them. Even though you won’t have time to make a detailed plan under exam conditions, it can be helpful to draft a brief one, including a few key words, so that you don’t panic and go off topic when writing your essay.

If you don’t like the mind map format, there are plenty of others to choose from: you could make a table, a flowchart, or simply a list of bullet points.

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Thanks for signing up, step 2: have a clear structure.

Think about this while you’re planning: your essay is like an argument or a speech. It needs to have a logical structure, with all your points coming together to answer the question.

Start with the basics! It’s best to choose a few major points which will become your main paragraphs. Three main paragraphs is a good number for an exam essay, since you’ll be under time pressure. 

If you agree with the question overall, it can be helpful to organise your points in the following pattern:

  • YES (agreement with the question)
  • AND (another YES point)
  • BUT (disagreement or complication)

If you disagree with the question overall, try:

  • AND (another BUT point)

For example, you could structure the Of Mice and Men sample question, “To what extent is Curley’s wife portrayed as a victim in Of Mice and Men ?”, as follows:

  • YES (descriptions of her appearance)
  • AND (other people’s attitudes towards her)
  • BUT (her position as the only woman on the ranch gives her power as she uses her femininity to her advantage)

If you wanted to write a longer essay, you could include additional paragraphs under the YES/AND categories, perhaps discussing the ways in which Curley’s wife reveals her vulnerability and insecurities, and shares her dreams with the other characters. Alternatively, you could also lengthen your essay by including another BUT paragraph about her cruel and manipulative streak.

Of course, this is not necessarily the only right way to answer this essay question – as long as you back up your points with evidence from the text, you can take any standpoint that makes sense.

Smiling student typing on laptop

Step 3: Back up your points with well-analysed quotations

You wouldn’t write a scientific report without including evidence to support your findings, so why should it be any different with an essay? Even though you aren’t strictly required to substantiate every single point you make with a quotation, there’s no harm in trying.

A close reading of your quotations can enrich your appreciation of the question and will be sure to impress examiners. When selecting the best quotations to use in your essay, keep an eye out for specific literary techniques. For example, you could highlight Curley’s wife’s use of a rhetorical question when she says, a”n’ what am I doin’? Standin’ here talking to a bunch of bindle stiffs.” This might look like:

The rhetorical question “an’ what am I doin’?” signifies that Curley’s wife is very insecure; she seems to be questioning her own life choices. Moreover, she does not expect anyone to respond to her question, highlighting her loneliness and isolation on the ranch.

Other literary techniques to look out for include:

  • Tricolon – a group of three words or phrases placed close together for emphasis
  • Tautology – using different words that mean the same thing: e.g. “frightening” and “terrifying”
  • Parallelism – ABAB structure, often signifying movement from one concept to another
  • Chiasmus – ABBA structure, drawing attention to a phrase
  • Polysyndeton – many conjunctions in a sentence
  • Asyndeton – lack of conjunctions, which can speed up the pace of a sentence
  • Polyptoton – using the same word in different forms for emphasis: e.g. “done” and “doing”
  • Alliteration – repetition of the same sound, including assonance (similar vowel sounds), plosive alliteration (“b”, “d” and “p” sounds) and sibilance (“s” sounds)
  • Anaphora – repetition of words, often used to emphasise a particular point

Don’t worry if you can’t locate all of these literary devices in the work you’re analysing. You can also discuss more obvious techniques, like metaphor, simile and onomatopoeia. It’s not a problem if you can’t remember all the long names; it’s far more important to be able to confidently explain the effects of each technique and highlight its relevance to the question.

Person reading a book outside

Step 4: Be creative and original throughout

Anyone can write an essay using the tips above, but the thing that really makes it “perfect” is your own unique take on the topic. If you’ve noticed something intriguing or unusual in your reading, point it out – if you find it interesting, chances are the examiner will too!

Creative writing and essay writing are more closely linked than you might imagine. Keep the idea that you’re writing a speech or argument in mind, and you’re guaranteed to grab your reader’s attention.

It’s important to set out your line of argument in your introduction, introducing your main points and the general direction your essay will take, but don’t forget to keep something back for the conclusion, too. Yes, you need to summarise your main points, but if you’re just repeating the things you said in your introduction, the body of the essay is rendered pointless.

Think of your conclusion as the climax of your speech, the bit everything else has been leading up to, rather than the boring plenary at the end of the interesting stuff.

To return to Of Mice and Men once more, here’s an example of the ideal difference between an introduction and a conclusion:


In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men , Curley’s wife is portrayed as an ambiguous character. She could be viewed either as a cruel, seductive temptress or a lonely woman who is a victim of her society’s attitudes. Though she does seem to wield a form of sexual power, it is clear that Curley’s wife is largely a victim. This interpretation is supported by Steinbeck’s description of her appearance, other people’s attitudes, her dreams, and her evident loneliness and insecurity.
Overall, it is clear that Curley’s wife is a victim and is portrayed as such throughout the novel in the descriptions of her appearance, her dreams, other people’s judgemental attitudes, and her loneliness and insecurities. However, a character who was a victim and nothing else would be one-dimensional and Curley’s wife is not. Although she suffers in many ways, she is shown to assert herself through the manipulation of her femininity – a small rebellion against the victimisation she experiences.

Both refer back consistently to the question and summarise the essay’s main points. However, the conclusion adds something new which has been established in the main body of the essay and complicates the simple summary which is found in the introduction.


Hannah is an undergraduate English student at Somerville College, University of Oxford, and has a particular interest in postcolonial literature and the Gothic. She thinks literature is a crucial way of developing empathy and learning about the wider world. When she isn’t writing about 17th-century court masques, she enjoys acting, travelling and creative writing. 

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6 Ways to Use the Characteristics of Professional Excellence

Source Newsletter for School Heads Header Image

School Heads //

November 2, 2017

We often refer to the Characteristics of Professional Excellence—a list of specific behaviors, values, and attitudes that every school must create to illustrate how its faculty acts to meet the school’s mission and helps mold its intended graduates.

ISM has developed a broad list of Characteristics of Professional Excellence that includes 35 items to guide private-independent school educators’ actions and behaviors. The majority of these are primarily centered around creating a culture of predictability and supportiveness for students. Some examples of these characteristics are:

  • knowledge of “cutting edge” content/process;
  • high—but not uniform—standards for/expectations of all students;
  • active support for colleagues; and
  • responsiveness to parent needs.

However, one school cannot expect its educators to keep 35 items in mind in their day-to-day activities. And, more important, your school’s characteristics should be central to your unique mission, culture, and values. In this way, each school has unique attributes for its faculty to strive toward.

Therefore, we often suggest that each school choose 5–8 characteristics by focusing on the question: What does a great teacher look like at our school? Each individual characteristic should be a difference-maker—a trait that sets your faculty apart from the competition.

As the School Head, create a committee of exemplary teachers who can be dedicated to defining characteristics for your entire faculty. It can often take several months and revisions to decide on your school’s characteristics. Once they’re decided, include a one- or two-sentence descriptor that adds clarity to the characteristic so everyone is on the same page.

With your school’s chosen characteristics for great faculty members in hand, there are many different uses for them.

  • Build your interview questions for new teachers around your characteristics, ensuring mission-appropriate additions to your team.
  • Create your new teacher orientation with the characteristics in mind for an aligned culture.
  • Communicate these expectations regularly to your educators throughout the year.
  • Use the list of characteristics as a guide through the formal and informal faculty evaluation process.
  • Ensure teachers keep them in mind when developing their personalized professional development plans.
  • Refer to them as a coaching tool for underperforming teachers to help them rise to meet your standards and mission.

Additional ISM Resources: The Source for Academic Leadership Vol. 10 No. 4 A Story of Teaching Excellence The Source for School Heads Vol. 16 No. 1 Are Your Faculty Evaluations Effective?

Additional Resources for ISM Members: I&P Vol. 31 No. 8 Purpose and Outcome Statements: Characteristics of Professional Excellence I&P Vol. 33 No. 10 Characteristics of Professional Excellence: Faculty Interviews I&P Vol. 37 No. 9 The Characteristics of Professional Excellence II

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6 Ways to Achieve Excellence in the Workplace

  • Blog , Corporate Culture , Culture Change , Culture of Excellence

As a leader, you don’t head to work every day intending to achieve mediocre results. Nonetheless, you may be inadvertently setting mediocre expectations through your actions or focus. Unfortunately, this is a trap that snags many executives.

Every executive and business owner wants immediate results for accelerated performance and lasting change. However, many leadership, corporate culture and training and development programs produce only short-term gains that fade away as teams go back to their old habits.

The key to moving your organization from the status quo to an expectation and achievement of excellence is your corporate culture. When you build a corporate culture of excellence, you create organizational capacity and a structure that empowers, focuses and engages employees.

You stop wasting a tremendous amount of time and money nurturing an outmoded culture focused on problem solving. Instead, you equip your teams with the right mindset and skills necessary to focus on creating the desired results.

Six ways to achieve a culture of excellence in the workplace

1. communicate and understand the organization’s vision..

It’s not enough to simply have a stated organizational vision. To achieve a Culture of  Excellence, every employee must understand not only the company’s vision, but also  know their own roles, responsibilities and the specific actions they need to take in order to help achieve this vision.

2. Be clear on your organization’s purpose and meaning.

In a culture of excellence, employees feel that what they are working on is meaningful, significant, and purpose-based. Everyone concerned is highly inspired by the common purpose, which becomes the driving force behind everything that they do.

3. Focus on high performers and developing a mastery of roles.

Companies with a culture of excellence set an expectation of high performance organization-wide. Every employee is supported and encouraged to become a master in their role and area of expertise. High performers are nurtured, rewarded, mentored and recognized, and average performers are coached to move into the high performance category. In these cultures, there is no place for low performers, and they either move up or leave the organization.

4. Practice resilience to changes and challenges.

In most organizations, when change or challenges occur, employees become distracted and lose focus on the organization’s vision and goals. In a culture of excellence, employees develop the flexibility and resilience to deal with change, challenge and uncertainty. Even when there are obstacles and challenges that may seem impossible to overcome, the motivation to achieve the organization’s vision is higher than the urge to avoid the discomfort.

With that clarity of purpose and a strong desire to succeed, employees push through the barriers and move forward toward their vision. Managers support their teams in staying focused and on track, despite difficulties and challenges.

5. Create highly collaborative teams.

Most of us have worked at companies where the silo mentality reigns. Teams and individuals closely guard their expertise, projects and knowledge. Collaboration across teams is nearly non-existent unless forced. A key characteristic of a culture of excellence is highly collaborative teams— both internal and external. Because every employee and all teams are working together toward a common vision, they feel they are on the same side. And because this collaboration is encouraged and rewarded from the top down, there is no reason to protect individual roles, projects or expertise.

6. Instill a pioneer mentality.

Most companies that achieve a culture of excellence do not settle for the mediocre. They are focused on creating something that has never been created before, breaking records and achieving unprecedented results. From the outside, it may seem as if they are achieving the impossible. The resulting energy, excitement and drive, creates a certain positive tension that reverberates throughout the company. Employees and teams are encouraged to explore, nurture and co-create to achieve common goals.

How to make it happen, and create lasting change

After 18 years of experience and research in corporate development, culture and leadership, I have discovered the answer to creating a culture of excellence that both creates an immediate impact, and is sustainable over the long term.

The answer is a unique three-phrase approach:

Phase 1: Create a mindset of excellence.

The first step in building a corporate culture that will drive a high performance organization is to create a mindset that will engage and align every employee with your vision, mission and values, and leave them speaking a common language of excellence. You will build a new capacity for growth. Your employees will think in more creative and innovate ways, and will develop the tolerance to continue to move forward despite challenges, change and potential distractions.

Phase 2: Develop strategies for excellence.

With the new mindset of excellence in place, your teams will be ready to focus on achieving their specific goals and plans for performance excellence. This phase is all about growth—building the skills and competencies required to grow the business.

Phase 3: Sustain excellence.

When you reach phase 3, you should have a strong collective mindset in place, alignment around performance goals, and the skills and competencies required to deliver excellence. It’s then time to focus on developing strong leadership to ensure that the new mindset and performance skills learned are sustainable, and simply, become the way things are done. This is a critical step often missed in organizations — but is required to ensure that employees don’t revert back to old habits.

Are you interested in becoming or creating excellent leaders in your organization?

Learn about our Co-Creation Leadership Program Here. T he program covers developing the correct mindset for leadership excellence, building the skills to deliver, sustaining leadership, and much more, in live and virtual sessions with your organization!

Build a culture of excellence today, download the free eBook

To learn more about how you can build a Culture of Excellence in your workplace, download the eBook,  Culture of Excellence: The Secret to Creating a High Performance Organization .   You’ll gain insights on how to move away from a culture focused on problem solving and rewarding mediocrity, and build a culture that will give you the organizational and bottom line results you want.

Contact us  to learn more.

6 Ways to Achieve Excellence in the Workplace

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Why is Professional Development Important?

Learn the role of professional development in advancing your career.

Lian Parsons

Professional development is an important aspect of continuing your career growth and striving to reach your goals.

This blog post will explain what professional development is, its benefits to both employers and their employees, and how to seek different opportunities out to reach your full potential.

What is Professional Development?

Professional development is gaining new skills through continuing education and career training after entering the workforce. It can include taking classes or workshops, attending professional or industry conferences, or earning a certificate to expand your knowledge in your chosen field.

Some companies offer in-house opportunities for professional development, such as training sessions or mentoring programs, but many professional development programs are done independently. 

Professional development is important because it has the potential to open opportunities for career advancement, such as promotions. It can assist you in honing existing skills and in learning new ones. 

It can also help you stand out in a pool of applicants; showing that you have completed professional development programs or additional industry certifications on your resume can go a long way in showing your expertise in your field.

Employees who show initiative in independent learning can signal to employers that you are open to new experiences and are enthusiastic about continuing to grow. 

Benefits of Professional Development for Employers

Professional development can be instrumental in growing a stronger team.

Employers who encourage their employees to seek out professional development opportunities are in turn encouraging higher productivity and job satisfaction. 

Higher Retention Rates

According to a Business News Daily article, businesses should offer professional development opportunities to their employees to improve potential turnover.

Professional development can help to bolster employees’ confidence in their work. Greater confidence can, in turn, translate into higher overall job satisfaction, employee performance, productivity, and overall morale. 

Investing in professional development training programs also shows employees that their company is invested in their success and interested in cultivating their advancement.

Attract Better Talent

It can be challenging to find — and retain — talented employees. Offering professional development opportunities can help employers fill open positions by attracting and retaining skilled employees.

According to talent management platform Clear Company, 74 percent of employees say that a lack of professional development opportunities are preventing them from reaching their full potential. Additionally, 94 percent of employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in staff development.

Employers offering these benefits are more likely to attract potential employees who are interested in striving for excellence and pursuing advancement. 

Investing in professional development for employees can grow an existing team’s skills and entice new talent to join with the incentive of a clear learning and development plan. 

Help Employees Stay Up to Date With Industry Trends to Keep Skills Sharp

Industry trends move rapidly, and it’s important for companies to keep pace with the times. Ongoing professional development can prevent potential stagnation by maintaining — and improving — employee skills. 

Look for programs that will help you stay up to date, such as those for agile leadership for hybrid work, or for innovation strategy .

Employees engaged in professional development are also more likely to stay engaged in their work and to be enthusiastic about pursuing their goals. 

Get started on your professional development journey today.

Benefits of Professional Development for Employees

From gaining confidence in your abilities to building potential for advancement, professional development offers employees many benefits for not only your career, but your personal goals as well. 

Learn new skills

Through professional development, you may hone both hard and soft skills in your work. Hard skills pertain to job-specific knowledge you can obtain through formal training or education. Soft skills are personal competencies, such as effective communication or the skills that contribute to emotional intelligence . 

Developing both types of skills is important to reaching your professional goals — and even some of your personal ones.

Boost Confidence and Credibility

Adding additional skills or certification from a professional development program to your resume is one way to boost your confidence in your skills and show your credibility to employers.

Professional development opportunities can expose both new and experienced professionals to new ideas and expertise. Seeking out these opportunities shows ambition and the space to practice those new competencies. 

Develop Leadership Skills

A confident employee is also likely an enthusiastic employee. If you take the step to grow and develop your skills, the incentive to seek out additional opportunities can continue to expand along with it. 

If you are an employee who wants to advance your career but isn’t sure how to do so, professional development can encourage you to put your hand up for leadership opportunities you may not have sought out otherwise. 

This blog post offers helpful tips on how to choose a leadership development program.

Build Your Network

Professional development can provide many opportunities for networking. Workshops, conferences, classes, and webinars are all spaces in which professionals can meet new people within their industry and make new connections.

These connections can lead to new opportunities, mentorship, and support which may provide the next stepping stone in your career. 

Advance in your career

A well-qualified employee attracts employer attention. Employees who are invested in professional development display commitment to their work and an interest in continuing to improve.

Professional development can also boost your earning potential by increasing your value through obtaining credentials, certifications, and designations. 

Where to Take Professional Development Courses

There are a broad range of professional development opportunities. 

Harvard Division of Continuing Education’s Professional & Executive Development offers dozens of courses spanning multiple industries. Your employer may even help you pay for these opportunities if you effectively show their worth.  

There are both in-person and online options available, so choose what works best for your goals and lifestyle.

Seek out programs, workshops, seminars, mentorship programs, and more within your industry. Investing in yourself is just the first step.

Take the next step to advance your career. Find the program that’s right for you.

Browse all Professional & Executive Development programs.

About the Author

Lian Parsons is a Boston-based writer and journalist. She is currently a digital content producer at Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education. Her bylines can be found at the Harvard Gazette, Boston Art Review, Radcliffe Magazine, Experience Magazine, and iPondr.

Strategic Leadership

Senior level managers must tackle complex problems using creative problem-solving and a portfolio of skills and styles. Here’s a look at how being a strategic leader can move an organization—and your career—forward.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

The Division of Continuing Education (DCE) at Harvard University is dedicated to bringing rigorous academics and innovative teaching capabilities to those seeking to improve their lives through education. We make Harvard education accessible to lifelong learners from high school to retirement.

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Achieving Excellence: the Impact of Performance in OCPS Schools

This essay about the pursuit of excellence within Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) highlights the multifaceted approach to education that includes academic rigor, holistic development, and community involvement. It emphasizes how OCPS’s commitment to high standards, innovation, and inclusivity impacts students, educators, families, and the broader community, shaping individuals who are well-prepared for the future and contributing to societal advancement and prosperity.

How it works

In the realm of educational prowess, reaching the pinnacle isn’t just an ambition; it’s the cornerstone of progression, societal advancement, and individual growth. Within the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) system, the pursuit of excellence isn’t a mere goal; it’s an unyielding odyssey towards providing unparalleled education for each student. The impact of stellar performance within OCPS establishments resonates far beyond the classroom walls, sculpting the paths of individuals, communities, and the future at large.

Excellence in education is a multifaceted gem, embracing academic triumph, holistic nurturing, and the fostering of a culture brimming with innovation and inclusivity.

OCPS acknowledges that excellence isn’t stagnant but rather a dynamic journey necessitating constant adaptation, enhancement, and dedication from all involved parties—students, educators, administrators, parents, and the wider community.

At the core of OCPS’s quest for excellence lies a commitment to academic rigor and student triumph. The focus on elevated standards, robust curriculum, and tailored learning experiences equips students with the indispensable knowledge, skills, and proficiencies vital for navigating an increasingly intricate and interconnected world. Whether excelling in STEM disciplines, mastering creative arts, or exhibiting proficiency in languages, OCPS empowers students to delve into their passions, realize their potential, and pursue paths aligned with their aspirations.

Furthermore, the impact of performance in OCPS institutions transcends beyond academic laurels to encompass holistic enrichment. Acknowledging that education isn’t solely about what students grasp but also about who they evolve into, OCPS places a premium on fostering character, resilience, and leadership attributes. Through an array of extracurricular pursuits, community service ventures, and leadership platforms, students are encouraged to blossom into well-rounded individuals primed to flourish in diverse milieus and contribute meaningfully to society.

At the heart of OCPS’s pursuit of excellence lies the unwavering commitment of educators who serve as catalysts for transformative change. Teachers, administrators, and support staff play pivotal roles in nurturing a culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous advancement within schools. Through their expertise, fervor, and tireless endeavors, educators inspire students to dream big, think critically, and persevere in the face of obstacles. Their dedication to excellence extends beyond the classroom boundaries, shaping the educational landscape and leaving an indelible imprint on future generations.

Moreover, the impact of performance in OCPS schools is magnified by the active engagement of parents, families, and the broader community. Acknowledging that education is a collective responsibility, OCPS fosters robust partnerships with parents and families, empowering them to actively participate in their children’s educational odyssey. Whether through volunteering, advocacy, or collaborative efforts with educators, parents and families significantly contribute to cultivating a supportive environment conducive to learning, growth, and achievement.

Beyond the immediate stakeholders, the ripple effect of performance in OCPS schools reverberates throughout the broader community, shaping its social, economic, and cultural tapestry. A robust and flourishing education system not only enriches individual opportunities but also propels economic prosperity, social cohesion, and cultural vibrancy. By preparing students to be informed, engaged, and compassionate citizens, OCPS schools nurture a culture of civic responsibility and collective endeavor, laying the groundwork for a brighter and more equitable future for all.

In summary, attaining excellence in OCPS schools isn’t merely an endpoint but a metamorphic voyage that transcends academic prowess to encompass holistic development, innovation, and community involvement. The impact of stellar performance within OCPS establishments resonates far beyond the classroom confines, shaping the trajectories of individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Through steadfast commitment to academic rigor, holistic nurturing, and community collaboration, OCPS continues to redefine the boundaries of excellence and inspire future generations to soar to new heights of achievement and prosperity.


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"Achieving Excellence: The Impact of Performance in OCPS Schools." , 17 Jun 2024, (2024). Achieving Excellence: The Impact of Performance in OCPS Schools . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Jun. 2024]

"Achieving Excellence: The Impact of Performance in OCPS Schools.", Jun 17, 2024. Accessed June 18, 2024.

"Achieving Excellence: The Impact of Performance in OCPS Schools," , 17-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Jun-2024] (2024). Achieving Excellence: The Impact of Performance in OCPS Schools . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Jun-2024]

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StudyMoose. (2017). Essential Skills for Successful Management: A Holistic Approach . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Jun. 2024]

"Essential Skills for Successful Management: A Holistic Approach." StudyMoose, Aug 31, 2017. Accessed June 18, 2024.

"Essential Skills for Successful Management: A Holistic Approach," StudyMoose , 31-Aug-2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2017). Essential Skills for Successful Management: A Holistic Approach . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Jun-2024]

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Essential Skills for Successful Management: A Holistic Approach essay

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The Annual International Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence 2020

“The greatest works of architecture stand as living witnesses of the past in modern life” - Hans-Georg Gadamer. Are you in need of assistance? Please email .

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Professional Excellence Award

SCPD Scholarship-Professional Excellence Award_2024_Flyer.png This award recognizes the student who has demonstrated excellent professional behavior and growth throughout the academic year through activities on and off campus, and how the knowledge and skills gained from SCPD programs enabled that professional behavior. Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Deadline: Feb. 26, 2024 @ 11:55 PM Application Link in Bio!

This award recognizes the student who has demonstrated excellent professional behavior and growth throughout the academic year.

Applicants must document their activities on and off campus, and how the knowledge and skills gained from SCPD programs enabled that professional behavior. Factors that are considered in this award would include active participation in professional organizations, a willingness to dress, act and speak in a professional manner, and a demonstrated effort to improve professional skills and attributes through workshops, reading and other professional development activities.

Testimonials validating professional behavior from mentors, bosses, trainers, business professionals and others may be included on the essay.

The winner will be recognized on our website and social media platforms.

Written essays should be no more than three pages long, double spaced and document how, over the course of the academic year, the student has benefitted from specific SCPD learning experiences, and what the outcome may have been had it not been for these learning experiences.


This application becomes available in Spring :

  • Online application in Spring.
  • The application link is posted on SCPD homepage.
  • Essay must be uploaded onto the Online Application Form.
  • Testimonials (optional) must be uploaded or brought to the SCPD Office (COB 366) prior to the application deadline.
  • Applying for the Professional Excellence Award  does not disqualify a student from applying for any other SCPD award.

Questions? Contact the SCPD Office via email at  [email protected]  

California State University, Long Beach

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To request edits, you only need to contact the author who completed your paper and explain your concerns. Then, along with our expert QA team, the author will make all the necessary edits to ensure everything meets your requirements from our essay writing service online.

If it turns out that you are completely dissatisfied with the work, which is rare, refunds are possible according to our Refund Policy. If you pay for an essay and are not happy with its quality, you can request a refund within 14 or 30 days upon the completion of your order, depending on your order type.

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Here is how you can make the most of our essay writing service.

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Get your tailored paper

When your order is done, you will find a notification in your mailbox. You will be able to download the final draft and ensure that the author has followed all your instructions. If you are happy with the result, pay for your order. And if there is anything that needs to be fixed or changed, feel free to ask for amendments.

That’s how easily you can get help from us!

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  • Abstracts: How Students Can Improve Their Argument Essay Writing skils

Session Information

31 SES 05.5 , General Poster Session NW 31

General Poster Session


The purpose of the study: to develop the skills to argue a point of view using literary material to compose a detailed essay for 11th grade students.

The problem of research:

How to develop the skill of writing a detailed written answer for 11th grade students

How to learn to extract the necessary information from various sources of 11th grade students

What techniques and strategies will be most effective for the development of this skill.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that students do not know how to give high-quality arguments when making both oral and written answers.

To study the work of researchers dealing with similar problems;

To study methodological literature, Internet resources on this problem;

Select techniques and strategies through which students can collect the necessary information;

Use selected forms of work in the lessons.

Expected results:

- use various sources to select the necessary arguments;

- freely compose oral and written detailed answers to problematic questions;

- they can give the necessary number of convincing arguments.

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools conduct an external summative assessment of students' knowledge in accordance with the norms and requirements of international standards A-level, AS-level and IGCSE.

The assessment of the subject "Russian as a second language" in the 11th grade corresponds to the international IGCSE level. External summative assessment is aimed at the systematic evaluation of student learning outcomes. When conducting any form of assessment, it is determined what students know, are able to do and what difficulties they may face. Summative work evaluates students' academic achievements at the end of the study period.

Students often cite an insufficient number of arguments that do not fully correspond to the task.

Therefore, I decided to conduct a study on the topic "How to improve the ability of 11th grade students to write an argumentative essay." Before starting the study, I analyzed the students' work on various written papers, conducted a survey among students who find it difficult to find arguments for a detailed answer.

The Russian language curriculum identifies groups of goals for the development of writing skills. Among the goals of teaching writing, one can single out those whose achievement caused difficulties among 11th grade students. For example, P6. write detailed essays on a given topic, revealing it deeply and convincingly; observe semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation.

The role of reasoned thought was first discussed at the University of Edinburgh in the XVIII century . By Scottish scientists (98; 109), who called for considering rhetoric as the study of one's own thought.

The study was conducted according to the following plan:

- identification of the problem, formulation of the research topic;

- study of literature, search for material on this research topic; -selection of methods, forms of research;

- registration of interim results;

- continuation of the study;

- registration of the results of the study.

The tasks for the development of a reasoned essay were aimed at understanding continuous and discontinuous texts, the formation of skills and abilities in constructing a detailed essay based on various texts.

In this research paper I want to show three forms of work of writing an essay with my comments. The first essay on the topic "Inequality in modern society is the engine of progress. How much do you agree with this opinion?" When writing the essay, she gave the students speech cliches that are used in each part: Introduction: This problem is very relevant in our current reality, in the modern world, for our country and the entire world community, for our family
 The main part: The author sees the problem this way
 Scientists are of the opinion
 Conclusion: In conclusion, we can conclude that
 She also advised using a sentence construction scheme: "I believe that ... since. I think this situation can be assessed as... In my opinion... " Comments: The student reveals simple ideas; gives only a quote as an example; the work contains false information. The structure of the essay can be traced, but the arguments are poorly developed, the student does not explain his point of view. It is recommended to give coherent and consistent arguments, use concrete examples from life, books, broadcasts, statistics to reveal the chosen topic. The second essay on the topic "How, in your opinion, has the international image of Kazakhstan changed in recent years and why?" At this stage of the work, I invited students to read texts on this topic and extract arguments. The students carefully read the text and chose the sentences containing the answers to the question. We used the knowledge obtained from the text as our own arguments. They also expressed personal opinions. Comments: The answer contains a sufficient number of relevant examples; the essay is well organized; the student clearly expresses his point of view. In his work, he demonstrates the ability to argue, but the ideas are not sufficiently developed The third essay on the topic "In the modern world, cinema is replacing the book. Do you agree with this statement?" the students wrote without any help. When the students wrote, I asked them to check: Is everything written clearly? Do you have the main argument? Are all the words used correctly? Do you have facts and examples supporting the main argument? Are your ideas presented clearly and consistently? Comments: The paper reveals both simple and complex ideas, for example; the arguments are logically coherent and consistent, illustrated with examples. The essay is clearly structured.

Expected Outcomes

Feedback analysis shows that students are interested in developing written literacy, understand the importance of having the skills of a reasoned essay. The most important evidence was the data of formative and summative assessment of students' achievements in the development of writing skills. According to the students' scores, we can tell about the success and effectiveness of the work done. In the course of the research, ways to solve the problem were outlined: - A comprehensive approach to solving the problem of improving the ability of students to write argumentative essays in all subjects. - Consistent development of writing skills, the ability to distinguish the main and secondary, to differentiate the known and unknown in the text. Using approaches in lessons skill of extracting information as arguments. Students are invited, depending on the topic, on a specific task, to extract information from the following sources: - from internet sources - from incomplete texts - use of "talking" walls Thus, the stage of collection, analysis and systematization of research data was carried out. As practice shows, students simply need a strict algorithm of actions when solving tasks: 1. Formulation of the problem of the source text. 2. Comment on the formulated problem of the source text. 3. Reflection of the position of the author of the source text. 4. The student's own opinion, arguments. The analysis of the trial exam paper shows that most of the students still need to develop this skill. Using the same techniques and techniques works differently in different lessons. Therefore, it is necessary to use various sources to extract information. The work done is only the beginning of a long journey, research in this direction continues, methods and techniques for developing the skill of extracting the necessary information as arguments for a detailed answer will expand.

1. Fedotova N.L. Methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. / N.L. Fedotova. - St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2013. - 192 p. 2. Antonyuk A. How to write a reasoned essay in French. Moscow 2017. 3. Teacher's Guide. The second (main) level, the second edition. - Center of Pedagogical Excellence. AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools", 2016. 4. AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools". Collection of external summative assessment. Russian as a second language. Astana 2017. 5. Isenova F.K. Argumentative essay as an effective way of developing critical thinking through writing. 6. Korotkina I.B. Models of teaching academic writing. Textbook for universities. Moscow 2018 (p.74-75). 7. Slutsky V. Composition without flour. 2018. 8. Curriculum on the subject "Russian language and literature" for Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (high school). Nur-Sultan 2019. 9. Truntseva T.N. We teach you to write an essay. Moscow 2018. 10. Amelina E. V. Final essay. Rostov-on-Don 2019.

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Legacy — Katherine Johnson: Mathematical Excellence


Katherine Johnson: Mathematical Excellence

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Introduction, early life and education, role at nasa and major contributions, long-term impact and recognition.

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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Morningside Campus Access Updates

School - June 4, 2024

Summer Special Events in New York City

Looking for fun and enriching events in New York City this summer? Columbia Summer Session has you covered!

This year’s summer public events at Columbia include dynamic conversations featuring Columbia’s senior faculty and notable leaders discussing their work in areas from sustainability and public policy to arts, culture, and finance. Drawing on the summer “Focus Areas,” the series launches June 5 on World Environment Day with a conversation led by Sustainability Management program director and SPS vice dean Steve Cohen with leaders in sustainability from across NYC’s public and private sectors. Columbia’s School of the Arts professor and award-winning playwright David Henry Hwang will discuss his adaptation of the book  Billion Dollar Whale with journalism professor Winnie O’Kelley, who helped break the story of one of the biggest financial frauds in history.

“The public event series is an opportunity for our students and community members to hear directly about the work our faculty does and the impact it has outside of the classroom,” says Troy Eggers, dean of the Columbia University School of Professional Studies. “These events provide a fantastic venue to learn more about Columbia’s diverse faculty, what inspires them, and how they engage with the world beyond our campus.” 

The Sounds of Summer Fest is a live music program showcasing up-and-coming New York City artists. All events are free and open for registration. Please see below for more event details.

Check out a few of our Columbia Summer Session events below.

SPS Summer Public Event: Public Affairs and Sustainable Futures

June 5, 2024 5:30–6:30 p.m. Reception to follow Venue: Pulitzer Hall, Lecture Hall

Explore how sustainable futures are being shaped through public policy, sustainable infrastructure design, and finance for renewable energy. Moderated by Senior Vice Dean Steve Cohen, director of the M.S. in Sustainability Management program. Learn more  here .

SPS Summer Public Event: The Whale of Wall St. 

June 18, 2024 5:30–6:30 p.m. Reception to follow Venue: Low Library, Faculty Room

How do you tell a story of unprecedented global financial fraud committed by an elusive international fugitive?

In this conversation, Columbia Professors Winnie O’Kelley and David Henry Hwang will discuss the challenges of chronicling one of the generation's greatest financial frauds, perpetrated over the course of a decade by a mild-mannered Wharton School graduate and captured in the international bestseller Billion Dollar Whale . O’Kelley will speak on how she reported on the scandal for The New York Times , and Hwang will share his experience adapting the book for television. RSVP  here .

Sounds of Summer Fest Concert: The Rakiem Walker Project, featuring GLRYA

June 12, 2024 12:30–2:00 p.m. Venue: Lerner Hall, Wang Pavilion

For the first concert in this year’s Sounds of Summer series, join us on June 12 for live music by the Rakiem Walker Project. From jazz to R&B to soul, the Rakiem Walker Project delivers authentic New York City sounds. DJ Kenny Parker will open the event with a 30-minute set. RSVP  here .

The next concert in the series will be on July 24.

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Pickard Chilton Associate Deep Chaniara Recognized With AIA Connecticut’s 2024 Emerging Professional Excellence Award

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Pickard Chilton , an award-winning architecture studio, announces that  Deep Chaniara  AIA, NCARB, NOMA , an associate at the firm, has been recognized as an  AIA Connecticut’s 2024 Emerging Professional Excellence  awardee.

The AIA CT Emerging Professional award recognizes and supports emerging architects who have made outstanding, innovative contributions to the profession, and have rendered exemplary service in the public realm.

“As a highly respected member of our studio, Deep has worn many hats, including co-founding of our mentorship program and coordinating of our AXP/Licensure efforts, in addition to supporting recruitment,” said Pickard Chilton Principal Jon Pickard FAIA , who nominated Chaniara for the award. “Deep is a dynamic and caring presence within our studio, our profession, and our community. We are proud that he has been recognized by AIA Connecticut for his activism and thoughtful leadership.”

Chaniara joined Pickard Chilton in 2019 as an architectural designer and was promoted to Associate in 2022. He has made meaningful contributions to many of the studio’s projects including  CoStar’s  750,000 GSF corporate campus in Richmond, Virginia; the  Le Coeur  redevelopment in DĂŒsseldorf, Germany, and  600 5th Street NW  in Washington, DC. He is currently a project architect for two confidential large scale mixed-use developments. Chaniara infuses his work with passion, intellect, a keen focus on sustainability, and user experience.

As a member of Pickard Chilton’s JEDI Committee, the NOMAct Board of Directors, and NCARB, he is diligent in his efforts to support meaningful growth and development across the profession.

An active NOMA member since 2018, Chaniara was an inaugural NOMAct Board Member, past Membership Chair, and is currently a Director-at-Large. He has twice served as a juror for NOMA National’s Phil Freelon Professional Design Awards and has contributed articles to NOMAct’s  Intersections  magazine. He is currently an NCARB Licensing Advisor for the State of Connecticut and a participant in the 2024 Connecticut Professionals’ Leadership Academy.

Chaniara holds a Master of Architecture from Iowa State University and a Bachelor of Architecture from Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology in India. He is a registered architect in India and Connecticut.

Past Pickard Chilton Emerging Professional awardees include Andrew Barnett Assoc. AIA, LEED GA (2022), Andrew Gorzkowski AIA (2019), and Adrienne Nelson AIA (2016).

Pickard Chilton is the design architect for more than 64 million GSF (5.9 million m 2 ) of mixed-use, multi-family, life science and office developments across the U.S. and around the world, including work for Hines, Boston Properties, and Skanska. The studio is noted for its placemaking which extends beyond the enclosure to connect and energize communities with exciting, sustainable, next-generation design.


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Photo essay: Philadelphia’s Juneteenth Parade and Festival highlights ‘Black excellence’ and ‘a celebration of our freedom’

Sunday’s Juneteenth Parade and Festival in Philadelphia served as a “celebration and homage to our ancestors.”

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  • Cory Sharber

Malcolm X Park hosted the Juneteenth Festival, the landing spot for the parade performers and onlookers swinging through West Philadelphia. (Cory Sharber/WHYY)

Philly Girls Jump lit up the crowd outside of the Mann Center with their double dutch performance.

“It’s a celebration of culture and Black excellence, and double dutch is intertwined in the cultural fabric of Philadelphia,” said performer Tanisha Rinehardt.

Rinehardt said double dutch is “that nostalgic thing that draws people together.”

“Our mission is to not only empower the spirit of fun and joy, but to also build community,” Rinehardt said. “It’s a culmination of Black excellence. It’s a celebration of our freedom and celebration and homage to our ancestors, and we’re here just participating in the best way we know how — with our ropes.”

Philly Girls Jump showed off their double dutch during the Juneteenth Parade to draw people together and

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People celebrated their Black heritage on foot, and some on bikes, during Sunday's Juneteenth Parade and Festival

Juneteenth Parade and Festival celebrates Black unity, fatherhood in West Philadelphia

West Philadelphia served as a backdrop for the love and connections made at the Juneteenth Parade and Festival on Sunday.

The Philadelphia Juneteenth Parade is the largest in the nation, with more than 25,000 people expected to attend every year. The first parade organized by the Pennsylvania Juneteenth Initiative took place in 2016.

Juneteenth was granted federal holiday status by President Joe Biden in 2021. The date commemorates the fall of slavery in Galveston, Texas , two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863 to free enslaved Black people held in the Confederacy.

Thousands watched hundreds of people and floats make their way down 52nd Street on Sunday for Philadelphia's Juneteenth Parade and Festival. (Cory Sharber/WHYY)

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