• DOI: 10.17487/RFC7426
  • Corpus ID: 16031066

Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Layers and Architecture Terminology

  • E. Haleplidis , K. Pentikousis , +3 authors O. Koufopavlou
  • Published in Request for Comments 2015
  • Computer Science, Engineering

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figure 1

299 Citations

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Software-Defined Networking: The New Norm for Networks

Executive summary.

Traditional network architectures are ill-suited to meet the requirements of today’s enterprises, carriers, and end users. Thanks to a broad industry effort spearheaded by the Open Networking Foundation (ONF), Software- Defined Networking (SDN) is transforming networking architecture.

In the SDN architecture, the control and data planes are decoupled, network intelligence and state are logically centralized, and the underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the applications. As a result, enterprises and carriers gain unprecedented programmability, automation, and network control, enabling them to build highly scalable, flexible networks that readily adapt to changing business needs.

The ONF is a non-profit industry consortium that is leading the advancement of SDN and standardizing critical elements of the SDN architecture such as the OpenFlow® protocol, which structures communication between the control and data planes of supported network devices. OpenFlow® is the first standard interface designed specifically for SDN, providing high-performance, granular traffic control across multiple vendors’ network devices.

OpenFlow-based SDN is currently being rolled out in a variety of networking devices and software, delivering substantial benefits to both enterprises and carriers, including:

  • Centralized management and control of networking devices from multiple vendors;
  • Improved automation and management by using common APIs to abstract the underlying networking details from the orchestration and provisioning systems and applications;
  • Rapid innovation through the ability to deliver new network capabilities and services without the need to configure individual devices or wait for vendor releases;
  • Programmability by operators, enterprises, independent software vendors, and users (not just equipment manufacturers) using common programming environments, which gives all parties new opportunities to drive revenue and differentiation;
  • Increased network reliability and security as a result of centralized and automated management of network devices, uniform policy enforcement, and fewer configuration errors;
  • More granular network control with the ability to apply comprehensive and wide-ranging policies at the session, user, device, and application levels; and
  • Better end-user experience as applications exploit centralized network state information to seamlessly adapt network behavior to user needs.

SDN is a dynamic and flexible network architecture that protects existing investments while future-proofing the network. With SDN, today’s static network can evolve into an extensible service delivery platform capable of responding rapidly to changing business, end-user, and market needs.

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The Need for a New Network Architecture

The explosion of mobile devices and content, server virtualization, and advent of cloud services are among the trends driving the networking industry to reexamine traditional network architectures. Many conventional networks are hierarchical, built with tiers of Ethernet switches arranged in a tree structure. This design made sense when client-server computing was dominant, but such a static architecture is ill-suited to the dynamic computing and storage needs of today’s enterprise data centers, campuses, and carrier environments. Some of the key computing trends driving the need for a new network paradigm include:

  • Changing traffic patterns: Within the enterprise data center, traffic patterns have changed significantly. In contrast to client-server applications where the bulk of the communication occurs between one client and one server, today’s applications access different databases and servers, creating a flurry of “east-west” machine-to-machine traffic before returning data to the end user device in the classic “north-south” traffic pattern. At the same time, users are changing network traffic patterns as they push for access to corporate content and applications from any type of device (including their own), connecting from anywhere, at any time. Finally, many enterprise data centers managers are contemplating a utility computing model, which might include a private cloud, public cloud, or some mix of both, resulting in additional traffic across the wide area network.
  • The “consumerization of IT”: Users are increasingly employing mobile personal devices such as smartphones, tablets, and notebooks to access the corporate network. IT is under pressure to accommodate these personal devices in a fine-grained manner while protecting corporate data and intellectual property and meeting compliance mandates.
  • The rise of cloud services: Enterprises have enthusiastically embraced both public and private cloud services, resulting in unprecedented growth of these services. Enterprise business units now want the agility to access applications, infrastructure, and other IT resources on demand and à la carte. To add to the complexity, IT’s planning for cloud services must be done in an environment of increased security, compliance, and auditing requirements, along with business reorganizations, consolidations, and mergers that can change assumptions overnight. Providing self-service provisioning, whether in a private or public cloud, requires elastic scaling of computing, storage, and network resources, ideally from a common viewpoint and with a common suite of tools.
  • “Big data” means more bandwidth: Handling today’s “big data” or mega datasets requires massive parallel processing on thousands of servers, all of which need direct connections to each other. The rise of mega datasets is fueling a constant demand for additional network capacity in the data center. Operators of hyperscale data center networks face the daunting task of scaling the network to previously unimaginable size, maintaining any-to-any connectivity without going broke.

Limitations of Current Networking Technologies

Meeting current market requirements is virtually impossible with traditional network architectures. Faced with flat or reduced budgets, enterprise IT departments are trying to squeeze the most from their networks using device-level management tools and manual processes. Carriers face similar challenges as demand for mobility and bandwidth explodes; profits are being eroded by escalating capital equipment costs and flat or declining revenue. Existing network architectures were not designed to meet the requirements of today’s users, enterprises, and carriers; rather network designers are constrained by the limitations of current networks, which include:

• Complexity that leads to stasis:

Networking technology to date has consisted largely of discrete sets of protocols designed to connect hosts reliably over arbitrary distances, link speeds, and topologies. To meet business and technical needs over the last few decades, the industry has evolved networking protocols to deliver higher performance and reliability, broader connectivity, and more stringent security.

Protocols tend to be defined in isolation, however, with each solving a specific problem and without the benefit of any fundamental abstractions. This has resulted in one of the primary limitations of today’s networks: complexity. For example, to add or move any device, IT must touch multiple switches, routers, firewalls, Web authentication portals, etc. and update ACLs, VLANs, quality of services (QoS), and other protocol-based mechanisms using device-level management tools. In addition, network topology, vendor switch model, and software version all must be taken into account. Due to this complexity, today’s networks are relatively static as IT seeks to minimize the risk of service disruption.

The static nature of networks is in stark contrast to the dynamic nature of today’s server environment, where server virtualization has greatly increased the number of hosts requiring network connectivity and fundamentally altered assumptions about the physical location of hosts. Prior to virtualization, applications resided on a single server and primarily exchanged traffic with select clients. Today, applications are distributed across multiple virtual machines (VMs), which exchange traffic flows with each other. VMs migrate to optimize and rebalance server workloads, causing the physical end points of existing flows to change (sometimes rapidly) over time. VM migration challenges many aspects of traditional networking, from addressing schemes and namespaces to the basic notion of a segmented, routing-based design.

In addition to adopting virtualization technologies, many enterprises today operate an IP converged network for voice, data, and video traffic. While existing networks can provide differentiated QoS levels for different applications, the provisioning of those resources is highly manual. IT must configure each vendor’s equipment separately, and adjust parameters such as network bandwidth and QoS on a per-session, per-application basis. Because of its static nature, the network cannot dynamically adapt to changing traffic, application, and user demands.

•  Inconsistent policies:

To implement a network-wide policy, IT may have to configure thousands of devices and mechanisms. For example, every time a new virtual machine is brought up, it can take hours, in some cases days, for IT to reconfigure ACLs across the entire network. The complexity of today’s networks makes it very difficult for IT to apply a consistent set of access, security, QoS, and other policies to increasingly mobile users, which leaves the enterprise vulnerable to security breaches, non-compliance with regulations, and other negative consequences.

• Inability to scale:

As demands on the data center rapidly grow, so too must the network grow. However, the network becomes vastly more complex with the addition of hundreds or thousands of network devices that must be configured and managed. IT has also relied on link oversubscription to scale the network, based on predictable traffic patterns; however, in today’s virtualized data centers, traffic patterns are incredibly dynamic and therefore unpredictable.

Mega-operators, such as Google, Yahoo!, and Facebook, face even more daunting scalability challenges. These service providers employ large-scale parallel processing algorithms and associated datasets across their entire computing pool. As the scope of end-user applications increases (for example, crawling and indexing the entire world wide web to instantly return search results to users), the number of computing elements explodes and data-set exchanges among compute nodes can reach petabytes. These companies need so-called hyperscale networks that can provide high-performance, low-cost connectivity among hundreds of thousands—potentially millions—of physical servers. Such scaling cannot be done with manual configuration.

To stay competitive, carriers must deliver ever-higher value, better-differentiated services to customers. Multi-tenancy further complicates their task, as the network must serve groups of users with different applications and different performance needs. Key operations that appear relatively straightforward, such as steering a customer’s traffic flows to provide customized performance control or on-demand delivery, are very complex to implement with existing networks, especially at carrier scale. They require specialized devices at the network edge, thus increasing capital and operational expenditure as well as time-to-market to introduce new services.

• Vendor dependence:

Carriers and enterprises seek to deploy new capabilities and services in rapid response to changing business needs or user demands. However, their ability to respond is hindered by vendors’ equipment product cycles, which can range to three years or more. Lack of standard, open interfaces limits the ability of network operators to tailor the network to their individual environments.

This mismatch between market requirements and network capabilities has brought the industry to a tipping point. In response, the industry has created the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) architecture and is developing associated standards.

Introducing Software-Defined Networking

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging network architecture where network control is decoupled from forwarding and is directly programmable. This migration of control, formerly tightly bound in individual network devices, into accessible computing devices enables the underlying infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services, which can treat the network as a logical or virtual entity.

Figure 1 depicts a logical view of the SDN architecture. Network intelligence is (logically) centralized in software-based SDN controllers, which maintain a global view of the network. As a result, the network appears to the applications and policy engines as a single, logical switch. With SDN, enterprises and carriers gain vendor-independent control over the entire network from a single logical point, which greatly simplifies the network design and operation. SDN also greatly simplifies the network devices themselves, since they no longer need to understand and process thousands of protocol standards but merely accept instructions from the SDN controllers.

FIGURE 1 . Software-Defined Network Architecture

Perhaps most importantly, network operators and administrators can programmatically configure this simplified network abstraction rather than having to hand-code tens of thousands of lines of configuration scattered among thousands of devices. In addition, leveraging the SDN controller’s centralized intelligence, IT can alter network behavior in real-time and deploy new applications and network services in a matter of hours or days, rather than the weeks or months needed today. By centralizing network state in the control layer, SDN gives network managers the flexibility to configure, manage, secure, and optimize network resources via dynamic, automated SDN programs. Moreover, they can write these programs themselves and not wait for features to be embedded in vendors’ proprietary and closed software environments in the middle of the network.

In addition to abstracting the network, SDN architectures support a set of APIs that make it possible to implement common network services, including routing, multicast, security, access control, bandwidth management, traffic engineering, quality of service, processor and storage optimization, energy usage, and all forms of policy management, custom tailored to meet business objectives. For example, an SDN architecture makes it easy to define and enforce consistent policies across both wired and wireless connections on a campus.

Likewise, SDN makes it possible to manage the entire network through intelligent orchestration and provisioning systems. The Open Networking Foundation is studying open APIs to promote multi-vendor management, which opens the door for on-demand resource allocation, self-service provisioning, truly virtualized networking, and secure cloud services.

Thus, with open APIs between the SDN control and applications layers, business applications can operate on an abstraction of the network, leveraging network services and capabilities without being tied to the details of their implementation. SDN makes the network not so much “application-aware” as “application-customized” and applications not so much “network-aware” as “network-capability-aware”. As a result, computing, storage, and network resources can be optimized.


The ONF is guided by prominent enterprises and service providers, systems and applications developers, software and computer companies, and semiconductor and networking vendors. This diverse cross-section of the communications and computing industries is helping to ensure that SDN and associated standards effectively address the needs of network operators in each segment of the marketplace, including:


  • Campus – SDN’s centralized, automated control and provisioning model supports the convergence of data, voice, and video as well as anytime, anywhere access by enabling IT to enforce policies consistently across both the wired and wireless infrastructures. Likewise, SDN supports automated provisioning and management of network resources, determined by individual user profiles and application requirements, to ensure an optimal user experience within the enterprise’s constraints.
  • Data center – The SDN architectures facilitates network virtualization, which enables hyper-scalability in the data center, automated VM migration, tighter integration with storage, better server utilization, lower energy use, and bandwidth optimization.
  • Cloud – Whether used to support a private or hybrid cloud environment, SDN allows network resources to be allocated in a highly elastic way, enabling rapid provisioning of cloud services and more flexible hand-off to the external cloud provider. With tools to safely manage their virtual networks, enterprises and business units will trust cloud services more and more.


SDN offers carriers, public cloud operators, and other service providers the scalability and automation necessary to implement a utility computing model for IT-as-a-Service, by simplifying the roll-out of custom and on-demand services, along with migration to a self-service paradigm. SDN’s centralized, automated control and provisioning model makes it much easier to support multi-tenancy; to ensure network resources are optimally deployed; to reduce both CapEx and OpEx; and to increase service velocity and value.

Inside OpenFlow

OpenFlow® is the first standard communications interface defined between the control and forwarding layers of an SDN architecture. OpenFlow® allows direct access to and manipulation of the forwarding plane of network devices such as switches and routers, both physical and virtual (hypervisor-based). It is the absence of an open interface to the forwarding plane that has led to the characterization of today’s networking devices as monolithic, closed, and mainframe-like. No other standard protocol does what OpenFlow® does, and a protocol like OpenFlow® is needed to move network control out of the networking switches to logically centralized control software.

OpenFlow® can be compared to the instruction set of a CPU. As shown in Figure 2, the protocol specifies basic primitives that can be used by an external software application to program the forwarding plane of network devices, just like the instruction set of a CPU would program a computer system.

FIGURE 2 . Example of OpenFlow® Instruction Set

The OpenFlow® protocol is implemented on both sides of the interface between network infrastructure devices and the SDN control software. OpenFlow® uses the concept of flows to identify network traffic based on pre-defined match rules that can be statically or dynamically programmed by the SDN control software. It also allows IT to define how traffic should flow through network devices based on parameters such as usage patterns, applications, and cloud resources. Since OpenFlow® allows the network to be programmed on a per-flow basis, an OpenFlow-based SDN architecture provides extremely granular control, enabling the network to respond to real-time changes at the application, user, and session levels. Current IP-based routing does not provide this level of control, as all flows between two endpoints must follow the same path through the network, regardless of their different requirements.

The OpenFlow® protocol is a key enabler for software-defined networks and currently is the only standardized SDN protocol that allows direct manipulation of the forwarding plane of network devices. While initially applied to Ethernet-based networks, OpenFlow® switching can extend to a much broader set of use cases. OpenFlow-based SDNs can be deployed on existing networks, both physical and virtual. Network devices can support OpenFlow-based forwarding as well as traditional forwarding, which makes it very easy for enterprises and carriers to progressively introduce OpenFlow-based SDN technologies, even in multi-vendor network environments.

The Open Networking Foundation is chartered to standardize OpenFlow® and does so through technical working groups responsible for the protocol, configuration, interoperability testing, and other activities, helping to ensure interoperability between network devices and control software from different vendors. OpenFlow® is being widely adopted by infrastructure vendors, who typically have implemented it via a simple firmware or software upgrade. OpenFlow-based SDN architecture can integrate seamlessly with an enterprise or carrier’s existing infrastructure and provide a simple migration path for those segments of the network that need SDN functionality the most.

Benefits of OpenFlow-Based Software-Defined Networks

For enterprises and carriers alike, SDN makes it possible for the network to be a competitive differentiator, not just an unavoidable cost center. OpenFlow-based SDN technologies enable IT to address the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today’s applications, adapt the network to ever-changing business needs, and significantly reduce operations and management complexity.

The benefits that enterprises and carriers can achieve through an OpenFlow-based SDN architecture include:

  • Centralized control of multi-vendor environments: SDN control software can control any OpenFlow-enabled network device from any vendor, including switches, routers, and virtual switches. Rather than having to manage groups of devices from individual vendors, IT can use SDN-based orchestration and management tools to quickly deploy, configure, and update devices across the entire network.
  • Reduced complexity through automation: OpenFlow-based SDN offers a flexible network automation and management framework, which makes it possible to develop tools that automate many management tasks that are done manually today. These automation tools will reduce operational overhead, decrease network instability introduced by operator error, and support emerging IT-as-a-Service and self-service provisioning models. In addition, with SDN, cloud-based applications can be managed through intelligent orchestration and provisioning systems, further reducing operational overhead while increasing business agility.
  • Higher rate of innovation: SDN adoption accelerates business innovation by allowing IT network operators to literally program—and reprogram—the network in real time to meet specific business needs and user requirements as they arise. By virtualizing the network infrastructure and abstracting it from individual network services, for example, SDN and OpenFlow® give IT—and potentially even users—the ability to tailor the behavior of the network and introduce new services and network capabilities in a matter of hours.
  • Increased network reliability and security: SDN makes it possible for IT to define high-level configuration and policy statements, which are then translated down to the infrastructure via OpenFlow. An OpenFlow-based SDN architecture eliminates the need to individually configure network devices each time an end point, service, or application is added or moved, or a policy changes, which reduces the likelihood of network failures due to configuration or policy inconsistencies.

Because SDN controllers provide complete visibility and control over the network, they can ensure that access control, traffic engineering, quality of service, security, and other policies are enforced consistently across the wired and wireless network infrastructures, including branch offices, campuses, and data centers. Enterprises and carriers benefit from reduced operational expenses, more dynamic configuration capabilities, fewer errors, and consistent configuration and policy enforcement.

  • More granular network control: OpenFlow’s flow-based control model allows IT to apply policies at a very granular level, including the session, user, device, and application levels, in a highly abstracted, automated fashion. This control enables cloud operators to support multi-tenancy while maintaining traffic isolation, security, and elastic resource management when customers share the same infrastructure.
  • Better user experience: By centralizing network control and making state information available to higher-level applications, an SDN infrastructure can better adapt to dynamic user needs. For instance, a carrier could introduce a video service that offers premium subscribers the highest possible resolution in an automated and transparent manner. Today, users must explicitly select a resolution setting, which the network may or may not be able to support, resulting in delays and interruptions that degrade the user experience. With OpenFlow-based SDN, the video application would be able to detect the bandwidth available in the network in real time and automatically adjust the video resolution accordingly.

Trends such as user mobility, server virtualization, IT-as-a-Service, and the need rapidly to respond to changing business conditions place significant demands on the network—demands that today’s conventional network architectures can’t handle. Software-Defined Networking provides a new, dynamic network architecture that transforms traditional network backbones into rich service-delivery platforms.

By decoupling the network control and data planes, OpenFlow-based SDN architecture abstracts the underlying infrastructure from the applications that use it, allowing the network to become as programmable and manageable at scale as the computer infrastructure that it increasingly resembles. An SDN approach fosters network virtualization, enabling IT staff to manage their servers, applications, storage, and networks with a common approach and tool set. Whether in a carrier environment or enterprise data center and campus, SDN adoption can improve network manageability, scalability, and agility.

The Open Networking Foundation has fostered a vibrant ecosystem around SDN that spans infrastructure vendors large and small, including application developers, software companies, systems and semiconductor manufacturers, and computer companies, plus various kinds of end users. OpenFlow® switching is already being incorporated into a number of infrastructure designs, both physical and virtual, as well as SDN controller software. Network services and business applications already interface with SDN controllers, providing better integration and coordination between them.

The future of networking will rely more and more on software, which will accelerate the pace of innovation for networks as it has in the computing and storage domains. SDN promises to transform today’s static networks into flexible, programmable platforms with the intelligence to allocate resources dynamically, the scale to support enormous data centers and the virtualization needed to support dynamic, highly automated, and secure cloud environments. With its many advantages and astonishing industry momentum, SDN is on the way to becoming the new norm for networks.

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  • P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Software Defined Networking: Research Issues, Challenges and Opportunities

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DOI : 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i29/112447

Year : 2017, Volume : 10, Issue : 29, Pages : 1-9

Original Article

Software Defined Networking: Research Issues, Challenges and Opportunities

Shailendra Mishra 1* and Mohammed Abdul Rahman AlShehri 2

1 Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computer & Information, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia; [email protected]                                                                 2 Department of Information Technology, College of Computer & Information Sciences, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia

*Author For Correspondence Shailendra Mishra                                                                                                                      Department of Computer Engineering, College of Computer & Information, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia;                                                                                                    [email protected]  

Creative Commons License

Objectives: This paper focuses on challenges, opportunities and research issues of software defined networking (SDN), as well as how to select the best possible SDN controller, which in result will help to reduce the complexity of a network, price of implementation and maintenance of the network in any big organization. Methods/Statistical Analysis: In order to meet the objective, the review of literature has been carried out in the following contexts; Software defined networking, SDN protocol (Open Flow) and SDN research challenges. Software defined networking is one of the most discussed topic these days. This technology is being considered one of the favorable technologies for isolation of control plane and data plane and logical placement of centralized control from SDN controller. This research focuses on major issues, challenges and current requirements of network implemented in any big organization where traditional network is being implemented. Findings: To solve the issues of multiple located branch networks, cost, technical resources at each location, expertise, separate control plane for configurations, decentralized visibility of network devices, separate VLANs for each branch, complex traffic engineering, limited physical access of branches w.r.t working hours, bandwidth bottleneck at each branch, we surveyed literatures and web resources for the existing SDN controllers like NOX, POX, Ryu, Floodlight, and Open Daylight etc. All these controllers are based on Open Flow protocol. The primary concern is that a conventional system develops gradually, it has a generally abnormal state of operational expenditure and moderately static in nature. SDN holds the guarantee of overcoming those confinements. Major issues which are being faced are increasing requirements from user side, bandwidth availability, hardware (switches requirement at every place), technical resources are required at remote site for configurations, scalability issues, cost, high level processing power at each device, traffic engineering, resiliency against failures, decentralized visibility of hardware devices etc. SDN will helps to improve centralized visibility as all the underlying open flow switches are connected to controller, all switches can be configured from SDN controller without accessing individual switches. Research papers referred in this paper provide a bird eye view of what may cause hurdles further in development and technology integration of technology. Application/Improvements: This research will help how to select the best possible SDN controller which in result will help scalability, less hardware and software requirements, less technical resources requirements, centralized visibility, hassle free traffic engineering and high availability of network.

Keywords: AHP, MCDM, Openflow, SDN, SDN Controller

  • 22 April 2020

software defined networking research papers

How to cite this paper

Mishra and AlShehri, Software Defined Networking: Research Issues, Challenges and Opportunities . Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 2017: 10(29);1-9

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What is Software Defined Networking (SDN)?

Software-defined networking (SDN) is a modern approach to managing computer networks. Traditionally, networks are controlled by hardware devices like routers and switches, which can be complex and hard to configure. SDN changes this by separating the control of the network (the decisions about where data goes) from the actual movement of data.

SDN stands for Software Defined Network which is a networking architecture approach. It enables the control and management of the network using software applications. Through Software Defined Network (SDN), the networking behavior of the entire network and its devices are programmed in a centrally controlled manner through software applications using open APIs.

What is Software-Defined Networking?

Software-defined networking (SDN) is an approach to network management that enables dynamic, programmatically efficient network configuration to improve network performance and monitoring. This is done by separating the control plane (which decides where traffic is sent) from the data plane (which actually moves packets to the selected destination).

What is a Data Plane?

Data Plane: All the activities involving as well as resulting from data packets sent by the end-user belong to this plane. This includes:

  • Forwarding of packets.
  • Segmentation and reassembly of data.
  • Replication of packets for multicasting.

What is a Control Plane?

Control Plane: All activities necessary to perform data plane activities but do not involve end-user data packets belong to this plane. In other words, this is the brain of the network. The activities of the control plane include:

  • Making routing tables.
  • Setting packet handling policies.

Software Defined Networking

Software Defined Networking

Why SDN is Important?

  • Better Network Connectivity: SDN provides very better network connectivity for sales, services, and internal communications. SDN also helps in faster data sharing.
  • Better Deployment of Applications: Deployment of new applications, services, and many business models can be speed up using Software Defined Networking.
  • Better Security: Software-defined network provides better visibility throughout the network. Operators can create separate zones for devices that require different levels of security. SDN networks give more freedom to operators.
  • Better Control With High Speed: Software-defined networking provides better speed than other networking types by applying an open standard software-based controller. 

In short, it can be said that- SDN acts as a “Bigger Umbrella or a HUB” where the rest of other networking technologies come and sit under that umbrella and get merged with another platform to bring out the best of the best outcome by decreasing the traffic rate and by increasing the efficiency of data flow.

Where is SDN Used?

  • Enterprises use SDN, the most widely used method for application deployment, to deploy applications faster while lowering overall deployment and operating costs. SDN allows IT administrators to manage and provision network services from a single location.
  • Cloud networking software-defined uses white-box systems. Cloud providers often use generic hardware so that the Cloud data center can be changed and the cost of CAPEX and OPEX saved.

How Does Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Works?

In Software-Defined Networking (SDN), the software that controls the network is separated from the hardware. SDN moves the part that decides where to send data (control plane) to software, while the part that actually forwards the data (data plane) stays in the hardware.

This setup allows network administrators to manage and control the entire network using a single, unified interface. Instead of configuring each device individually, they can program and adjust the network from one central place. This makes managing the network much easier and more efficient.

In a network, physical or virtual devices move data from one place to another. Sometimes, virtual switches, which can be part of either software or hardware, take over the jobs of physical switches. These virtual switches combine multiple functions into one smart switch. They check the data packets and their destinations to make sure everything is correct, then move the packets to where they need to go.

Components of Software Defining Networking (SDN)

The three main components that make the SDN are:

  • SDN Applications: SDN Applications relay requests or networks through SDN Controller using API.
  • SDN Controller: SDN Controller collects network information from hardware and sends this information to applications. 
  • SDN Networking Devices: SDN Network devices help in forwarding and data processing tasks.

SDN Architecture

In a traditional network, each switch has its own data plane as well as the control plane. The control plane of various switches exchange topology information and hence construct a forwarding table that decides where an incoming data packet has to be forwarded via the data plane. Software-defined networking (SDN) is an approach via which we take the control plane away from the switch and assign it to a centralized unit called the SDN controller. Hence, a network administrator can shape traffic via a centralized console without having to touch the individual switches. The data plane still resides in the switch and when a packet enters a switch, its forwarding activity is decided based on the entries of flow tables, which are pre-assigned by the controller. A flow table consists of match fields (like input port number and packet header) and instructions. The packet is first matched against the match fields of the flow table entries. Then the instructions of the corresponding flow entry are executed. The instructions can be forwarding the packet via one or multiple ports, dropping the packet, or adding headers to the packet. If a packet doesn’t find a corresponding match in the flow table, the switch queries the controller which sends a new flow entry to the switch. The switch forwards or drops the packet based on this flow entry. 

A typical SDN architecture consists of three layers.

  • Application Layer: It contains the typical network applications like intrusion detection , firewall , and load balancing
  • Control Layer: It consists of the SDN controller which acts as the brain of the network. It also allows hardware abstraction to the applications written on top of it.
  • Infrastructure Layer: This consists of physical switches which form the data plane and carries out the actual movement of data packets.

The layers communicate via a set of interfaces called the north-bound APIs(between the application and control layer) and southbound APIs(between the control and infrastructure layer).   

SDN Architecture

Different Models of SDN

There are several models, which are used in SDN:

  • SDN via APIs

SDN via Hypervisor-based Overlay Network

1. Open SDN: Open SDN is implemented using the OpenFlow switch. It is a straight forward implementation of SDN. In Open SDN, the controller communicates with the switches using south-bound API with the help of OpenFlow protocol.

Open SDN

2. SDN via APIs: In SDN via API, the functions in remote devices like switches are invoked using conventional methods like SNMP or CLI or through newer methods like Rest API. Here, the devices are provided with control points enabling the controller to manipulate the remote devices using APIs. 

3. SDN via Hypervisor-based Overlay Network: In SDN via the hypervisor, the configuration of physical devices is unchanged. Instead, Hypervisor based overlay networks are created over the physical network. Only the devices at the edge of the physical network are connected to the virtualized networks, thereby concealing the information of other devices in the physical network.

SDN via Hypervisor-based Overlay Network

4. Hybrid SDN: Hybrid Networking is a combination of Traditional Networking with software-defined networking in one network to support different types of functions on a network.

Difference Between SDN and Traditional Networking

Software Defined Network is a virtual networking approach. A traditional network is the old conventional networking approach.
Software Defined Network is centralized control. Traditional Network is distributed control.
This network is programmable. This network is nonprogrammable.
Software Defined Network is the open interface. A traditional network is a closed interface.
In Software Defined Network data plane and control, the plane is decoupled by software. In a traditional network data plane and control plane are mounted on the same plane.

For more details you can refer to the article differences between SDN and Traditional Networking .

Difference between SDN and Traditional Networking

Difference between SDN and Traditional Networking

Advantages of SDN

  • The network is programmable and hence can easily be modified via the controller rather than individual switches.
  • Switch hardware becomes cheaper since each switch only needs a data plane.
  • Hardware is abstracted, hence applications can be written on top of the controller independent of the switch vendor.
  • Provides better security since the controller can monitor traffic and deploy security policies. For example, if the controller detects suspicious activity in network traffic, it can reroute or drop the packets.

Disadvantages of SDN

  •  The central dependency of the network means a single point of failure, i.e. if the controller gets corrupted, the entire network will be affected.
  • The use of SDN on large scale is not properly defined and explored.

In conclusion, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) simplifies network management by separating the software control from the hardware that moves data. This allows for easier and more flexible network management through a central controller, making networks more efficient, adaptable, and easier to control. SDN helps streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve network performance, making it a valuable approach for modern network management.

Frequently Asked Questions on SDN – FAQs

What is the control plane in sdn.

The control plane is the part of the network that makes decisions about where data should be sent.

What is the data plane in SDN?

The data plane is the part of the network that actually moves data from one place to another.

What is an SDN controller?

An SDN controller is the software that manages the control plane. It provides a centralized view of the network and allows administrators to program and manage the network through software.

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    Software-Defined Networking. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) [3, 4] has. emerged as the network architecture where the control. plane logic is decoupled from the forwarding plane. SDN. is a ...

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is extensively used in all types of networks, especially in future network technologies (IoT, IoV, 6G, AI, etc.) to tackle such types of concerns and issues. However, as with any new phrase or paradigm, no clear description of this technology has emerged yet, which will give a complete understanding of SDN ...

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    On addressing the capacity of overpowered network programming ability which exhibits a completely different face of a network domain, the other deviant is also equally placed amongst the interest of an infinite research community, which is software-defined networking. The history of software-defined networking leaves traces and tracks of ...

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    Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. Software defined networking: State of the art and research challenges ... even more difficult, current networks are also vertically integrated: the control and data planes are bundled together. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm that promises to change ...

  17. A Research Survey on Software Defined Networking (SDN)

    So high availability and real time data processing paved ways of introducing new concept in network management that is Software Defined Networks (SDN). ... SDN are designed to curb down the challenge of traditional network. In this paper, we have discussed the advantages of software-defined networks and the challenges plus how they are ...

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    Software-defined networking (SDN) has received a lot of attention lately as one of the most promising options for the Internet of the future. Decoupling the control plane from the data plane and allowing for the development of network applications are the two distinctive qualities that define SDN. Because of this, SDN is well-positioned to ...

  20. Software defined networking Research Papers

    Software Defined Networking that performs the separation about a network data , control planes, joint together to centralized running. be a significant characteristic from the cloud computing settings, schemes or planning data centers, communication service suppliers, which make running the software defined data centers .Here, will introduce a ...

  21. A Review Paper on Software Defined Networking

    Abstract: The comprehensive concept of SDN (Software Defined Networking) has introduced the extensive change to the traditional networks. with the integration of the network by decoupling the ...

  22. What is Software Defined Networking (SDN)?

    Software-defined networking (SDN) is a modern approach to managing computer networks. Traditionally, networks are controlled by hardware devices like routers and switches, which can be complex and hard to configure. SDN changes this by separating the control of the network (the decisions about where data goes) from the actual movement of data.

  23. Software Defined Networking

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  24. SEI Digital Library

    The SEI Digital Library provides access to more than 6,000 documents from three decades of research into best practices in software engineering. These documents include technical reports, presentations, webcasts, podcasts and other materials searchable by user-supplied keywords and organized by topic, publication type, publication year, and author.

  25. Campus LAN Compact Switches

    Boost your network with small but mighty switches Supply your users—wherever they are—with enterprise-class services that are secure, flexible, and cost-effective. ... Get set for whatever the future brings, with flexible solutions from silicon to software. And enjoy model-driven programmability across the full stack.